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Zvakanaka Zvakadaro came in 2001, Zvido Zvenyu Kunyanya in 2003 and was followed by Vapupuri Pupurai some two years later. |
Zvakanakira advice, you take it or leave it. |
Zvakangofanana ne Miracle gold, miracle baby izvi-magaro ehuku. |
Zvakanzi ask your friend Mandela. |
Zvakwana-Sokwanele contends that the strict laws governing public assembly and free speech mean that it must use unorthodox methods to get its pro-democracy message across. |
ZVA members will pay $350 registration fees while non-members will be required to pay $500. |
Zvana Robertson of thinking that companies from Europe must come and invest and employ us as miners as minimum wage is finished…. |
Zvangendaba captured and killed one of the Mambos at a place they (Zvangendaba people) later called Ntabazikamambo (Gomoramambo). |
Zvanzi na Mukoma Farai (above) “Extra Lessons Generation” may I add “Earphone generation!” |
Zvarivadza said so ruthless was his wife that she once scalded him with boiling cooking oil after they had an argument. |
Zvasiya’s centreback partner Justice Jangano did not travel to Mhondoro, and the Caps medical team yesterday said the defender would have to pass a late fitness test to participate. |
“Zvawaiona zvese zviya zvichiitika sandi kuti ndaida, it’s just that no one really knows what one goes through after taking it,” he said. |
Zvayi indicated that the law was not justifiable considering that there were many other laws regulating the media. |
“Zvayi told me to my face that Moyo ordered him to sue Mnangagwa in order to remove criminal defamation. |
Zve future izvo…out of the window! |
Zvegukurahundi it’s become tribalistic thatn a concern, zvakaitika nguwa yehondo Siyanai nazvo, tingamutse vakafa vose here? |
“Zvekutochigarira pachuru, zvekutochipirwa kana menduru, zvekutochibatidzira kana kenduru,” added one of his fans. |
Zvekuzotiwudza nezve Dubai ne F1 zvinei… some people are just too proud for nothing. |
Zvema Policy hazvisi zvekuita announce prematurely. |
“Zvemusic zvinoda kuunganidza mari yakawanda as people want original things, so we have to raise money to buy original CDs which won’t easily get crushed or scratches saka ndanga ndichimbounganidza mari,” said Zaka-Zaka. |
Zveshuwa some of you are willing to be workers rather than be owners of land and companies under the glorius zanu pf. |
Zvichanakakira both sides zvakatotanga vurai meso muone. |
Zvichauya went on to say Hukasha was irresponsible and did not maintain her and the children. |
Zvidhakwa makajaidzwa you think you have the liberty to abuse christians because christians are always supposed to turn the other cheek. |
Zvidhara zvikuvhiringa zvinhu izvi toyi toyi haina chainoiitira, i am so sad to say i resent war vets now they are not exemplary there is nothing to emulate yangove jambanja. |
Zvidzai said the Giri initiative was blind to politics and meant at improving the livelihoods of the people of Gweru. |
Zvidzai, who has turned State witness, told the court that Kanyama assisted in the digging of the pit and later prayed before he jumped inside, lay himself face down and ordered the family members to cover him with soil. |
Zvidz Mat: Mr president with due respect when you came to power I was told that the military was targeting criminals around His excellence RG Mugabe. |
Zviito zvako, your deeds and actions must do the talking. |
Zvikomborero was positively identified by the farmers and from places where he bought the goods. |
Zvikumbawire joined the coal miners in 2011 from Zifa Bulawayo Province Division Two side Zim Leopards. |
‘’Zvima party izvi zvaana(NPP leader Dr Joice) Mai Mujuru, ana(PDP leader Mr Tendai) Biti, neMDC-T zviri kuda kuuya kuzoti kuvanhu vedu rovai bhora musango. |
Zvimba,(New Ziana) – Late former President, Robert Mugabe (95) was on Saturday finally laid to rest at his rural family home, three weeks after his death. |
Zvimba Rural District Council is on the hunt for health personnel to cover critical posts at its health centres which have been hit by staff shortages. |
Zvimba Rural District Council (ZRDC) is located in Natural Region 2a with rainfall pattern ranging between 750mm to 1000mm. |
Zvimwe tichibvunzawo, asi ma stands ekutengesa ma domasi because they can be a square metre. |
Zvimwe zvacho will work against them because zvaunotya ndizvo zvinokuwira. |
Zvinavakobvu, while welcoming the decision to clear his client, hinted at the possibility of Zhokinyi suing Zifa for loss of income during the two years he has been sidelined. |
Zvinavashe said not everybody should venture into farming. |
Zvinavashe will be the first national hero to be buried at the shrine after ZANU-PF and the two factions of the MDC agreed to form an inclusive government. |
Zvinavashe won the day. |
Zvine meaning here izvi? |
“Zvinhu zvangu zviri kufamba (Things are going well for me) and it’s my time to shine. |
Zvinondiramba said they identified villagers from seven districts namely Binga, Lupane, Hwange, Nkayi, Tsholotsho, Bubi and Umguza and are teaching them how to make school shoes. |
Zvinopera and its necessary to make us a better people. |
Zvino tafadzwa ndazokunyararidza sure,,,,i offered you 1250 per month ukati ndoenda ku court,,,zvino court yabva yatobvisa imwe mari zvee……wasara uri mu thaza. |
Zviratidzo Zvavapositori and Chegutu women queue for cervical cancer screening, courtesy of First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa's Angel of Hope organisation in Chegutu yesterday. |
Zvirekwi only needed three minutes to get on to the score sheet and that was the goal that would settle the encounter to ensure the Green Machine’s unbeaten start to the second-half of the season remains intact. |
Zvirekwi said CAPS United were not expecting an easy outing against the Sunshine Boys who are now being led by their former coach Taurai Mangwiro. |
Zvirekwi says he was so moved that he had to master all his emotional stamina to avoid breaking down. |
Zvirekwi sent in a hard and low grounder that Chungwa just pushed into the net. |
Zvirekwi with a number of senior players were notified by the club that their contracts would not be renewed via a club WhatsApp group chat. |
Zvishavane-based sungura musician Gift Amuli is back in the studio after a two-year sabbatical. |
Zvishavane Bulls are yet to get off the mark in their league campaign as they were handed their seventh straight defeat, losing 67-8 to Old Hararians at McAdams Fields. |
Zvishavane district medical officer Dr Timothy Muvurayi told journalists during a Global Fund Midlands tour that they have about 12 drug-resistant TB patients on treatment. |
Zvishavane-Mberengwa Miners Association chairperson Mr Themba Sibanda said the facility has resulted in miners ramping up production as they now have equipment to mine. |
Zvishavane Ngezi MP Cde John Holder (Zanu-PF) had asked Deputy Minister Moyo to update the House on progress regarding the re-opening of SMM that was placed under reconstruction 10 years ago after Government felt it was heavily exposed. |
Zvishavane police managed to arrest 10 soccer fans at Maglas stadium who commited different misconducts before and during the match. |
Zvishavane Town Council has shelved their plans to install smart water meters due to the current water crisis that pose as a health risk to local residents. |
Zvitambo is a multidisciplinary public health research institute with the mission of improving maternal and child health in Zimbabwe, and to apply its findings to improve health gl. |
Zvitambo is registered as a non-profit company with the Ministry of Justice, and operates from a head office in Harare, and a field site in Shurugwi. |
Zviyambe councillor, Godfrey Chitsaka, lamented the destruction of the Mopane tree, which takes several years to mature. |
Zvobgo was born Eddison Jonas Mudadirwa in on 2 October 1935 to a father who was a Minister in the Dutch Reformed Church. |
Zvokusekwa allegedly published a false Press statement purporting to have been issued and signed by the President, about two weeks ago. |
Zvoma claimed that, ‘when a minister transfers, there is what is called a handover, takeover. |
Zvomuya also reflected on his first chef de mission experience. |
Zvorwadza had been summoned to appear before the court on charges of public disturbances. |
Zvorwadza is being accused of threatening to burn down a local hotel during a demonstration against then vice president Phelekezela Mphoko’s prolonged stay there. |
Zvorwadza is trying to align to ZANU using vendors. |
Zvorwadza led a group of citizens who held a demonstration at Rainbow Towers Hotel in in June 2016 against Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko's continued to stay in the hotel. |
Zvorwadza said Masiyiwa could help block introduction into circulation of the bond notes which government argues are aimed at improving liquidity issues. |
Zvorwadza said the informal traders had made representations on how they could be allowed to conduct their business in an organised manner without exposing their clients to coronavirus infection. |
Zvorwadza said the markets were run by individuals that were known to keep cash in their homes. |
ZW$102 000 being special damages for future medical expenses. |
Zwambila made a very wise decision.why leave a proper country to comeback to a country were nothing is working. |
Zwana said church leaders have been telling government officials they want accountability to the populace, a desire to fight corruption, efficiency in the civil service and halting of all forms of discrimination. |
Zwelibi Matibulawa of Old Lobengula denied the fraud charge, but was convicted and sentenced to five years. |
Zwesta clarified his relationship with Joubert, saying that everything had been fine between them before everything went sour with the latest incident. |
Z: W has collaborated with 27 local NGOs and private sector partners in 12 districts to equip young people, most of whom are young women with essential technical, vocational, financial, entrepreneurship, work readiness and life skills training. |
Zwide said Chief Mathema, through the Royal Crown Trust instituted proceedings outside King Lobengula House and purported to have identified Bulelani as heir apparent to the Ndebele throne. |
Zwide was defeated on Christmas of 1818 at the battle of Mlatuze River. |
Zwizwai claimed they had made two applications in the morning. |
ZWL$14,72; 2kg salt ZWL$4,80 and 2kg value white rice ZWL$13,98. |
“ZWL$15 million dollars was allocated for the infrastructure at the Corner of Seke and Dieppe Roads. |
ZWL$162.6m during the same period prior year. |
ZWL$9,5 billion as at December 31, 2018,” Ncube said. |
ZWM has continued to create real financial returns that are above current inflation rates, for both its shareholders and clients making it one off the most sought after fund managers in Zimbabwe. |
ZW or any other user as confidential. |
ZWRCN is in partnership with the Parliament of Zimbabwe to support gender mainstreaming efforts in the administration of Parliament, as well as build the capacity of elected officials to discharge their mandate effectively. |
ZWRCN welcomes and congratulates the new board and wishes it all the best in leading the women’s movement in Zimbabwe. |
ZWRCN works with Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development to implement its programmes, including the National Gender Budgeting and Economic Empowerment Project. |
ZWRCN would like to rope in civil society organisations, particularly those that work with men so that these lessons can also be cascaded to men in the two districts that ZWRCN is working in right now. |
ZZ: Polad feeds into the President, the President has legislative authority and it comes to Parliament. |
ZZ: Since November (2017), we have had demonstrations that have not been disrupted and fundamental human rights have been upheld more than any other period in our history. |
Αw, thiѕ was an extremely good poѕt. |
Ι mean, I don’t wіsh tо tell yyou hоw to run your website, һowever what if you addеd somеthing that mɑkes people desire mօге? |
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РђюMatobo is such a nice place, itРђЎs a really spiritual place and historic, very important and amazing, Yolanda said. |
ЪњЦMATOBO is not only one of the worldРђЎs geological oddities- it is a birders paradise too. |
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