About 10 o'clock, Mendoza came apart the bus by force.
About 10% of the people in Scotland are members of this church, but when asked in a census, 47% of people said this was their religion.
About 10 percent of the known stones tell about the travels and deaths of persons abroad.
About 12,000 Spitfires were made there from 1940 to 1945.
About 1,200 of all the asteroids in space are amor asteroids, with about 200 of them numbered, or given a number.
About 12 million people play baseball in the United States.
About 12 years after Southey's story was published, writer Joseph Cundall changed the old woman into a little girl in his book Treasury of Pleasure Books for Young Children.
About 1.3 million people live in this county.
About 150000 people live in the drainage area of this river.
About 160,000 people still live in temporary housing.
About 16,000 members of the Polish resistance were killed and about 6,000 were badly wounded.
About 160 BC part of the stoa was destroyed to build the Odeon of Herodes.
About 1650, Masons' guilds started to let people who were not masons into their guilds.
About 1,700,000 people live in the district of Haiphong.
About 17,880,000 people make trips on the Blue Line every year - about 76% less than the number of people who use the Red Line each year.
About 18-20% of the world’s fish catch comes from the Humboldt Current.
About 189 Texans held off the Mexican army for 13 days.
About 18 B-17s were shot down and about 10 Messerschmitts were shot down.
About 1,900 people lived there in 2010.
About 1,975 people are living there (2018).
About 1 in 1000 people who get chikungunya die from the disease.
About 2,000 guns are stolen per month from licensed owners making it the largest source of illegal guns.
About 21,000 people were living there in 2016.
About 21% of the Israeli people are Arab Israelis.
About 22,000 people live there, but between 4000-5000 reportedly visit the commercial district daily.
About 2,200 people lived there in 2010.
About 220 million others use it as their second language.
About 2.25 million copies are sold on a weekday.
About 232,500 people were living in Ploieşti as of the year 2002.
About 24,000 people were living in the municipality in 2017.
About 2,485 people lived there in 2013.
About 24 hours later, runway 10L/28R was opened again.
About 2,500 people were living in Saulieu in 2015.
About 25 million tons of produce is handled by the port of Rouen each year.
About 25% of Pakistan's total land area is under cultivation and is watered by one of the largest irrigation systems in the world.
About 277 people lived there in 2006.
About $2 million will be spent to refurbish the old terminal, which was built in 1941 and declared a historic landmark by the city decades later.
About 300,000 tourists take rooms on Kos every year and a lot of tourists take a one-day trip to Kos from neighboring islands or the Turkish coast.
About 300 men worked the second vein while about 200 worked the third and deepest vein.
About 30 more were located in the southwest of the Northern Territory, ranging in size from 15 to 100 people.
About 3,250 people lived there in 2010.
About 33.000 people lived in Feldkirch, in 2019.
About 3,319 people lived there as of 31 May 2013.
About 3,800 companies trade on it.
About 38 °C (100.4 F) degrees is called a low-grade fever, and above 39.5 °C (103 F) degrees is a high-grade fever.
About 3 million Russian citizens consider themselves to be Ukrainians.
About 4,000 people live in 10 communities on the nearly circular convert island.
About 40-50% of this is usable in real-life situations.
About 40% of suicides in the United States used one of these methods.
About 40% of the people of Guatemala identify as Native American.
About 40 studies in priority subjects are conducted at the university.
About 45,000 Iroquois lived in Canada in 1995. citation In the 2000 census, 80,822 people in the United States said they were Iroquois, with 45,217 of them claiming only an Iroquois background.
About 450 American ships were near Iwo Jima.
About 4.5 million people in the US get bit by dogs each year.
About 46% are Buddhist by faith.
About 49% of the population were men, and 51% were women.
About 4 million of these live in Khartoum or in towns that are joined to it.
About 500,000 people traveled on these trails and about 50,000 people died.
About 50,000 tons of arsenic trioxide are made each year.
About 500 years after chess first reached Europe, after some smaller experiments, there were big changes in the way the pieces moved.
About 51,000 people were living in Emden in 2016.
About 51.53% of the people are Sikhs.
About 5,690 people lived there in 2010.
About 56% of the people did not want that.
About 57 fishermen died off the shore; citation some washed up on shore.
About 58,200 people were living in Flagstaff in 2006.
About 5% of people who have alcohol withdrawal symptoms get the DTs.
About 600 milion years ago, they formed Pannotia.
About 60% of natural products are terpenoids.
About 60% of Union students engage in some form of international study or study abroad.
About 634 Oswiu married Rhiainmelt, daughter of Rhoeth of Rheged, a marriage alliance arranged by his brother King Oswald.
About 6.5% of people who do not get treated for syphilis get late neurosyphilis.
About 6 million people are Freemasons.
About 6 million people watched the show for season one.
About 6 percent of Earth's surface is covered by swamps.
About 700 million people, in more than 70 countries, live where the disease is common.
About 700 of these prisoners arrived at Auschwitz in June 1940; the Nazi guards told them they would not survive more than 3 months.
About 70% of all known shark species give birth to live young, with the gestation period lasting from 6 to 22 months.
About 75,000 convicts were sent to Van Diemen's Land, approximately 40% of all convicts sent to Australia.
About 75% of the girls that complete Showa Elementary School enter Showa Junior & Senior High School.
About 765 people lived there in February 2014.
About 7.68% of total migraine cases are chronic migraines and about 1% of people in the United States have CM, with a higher rate among females, middle-aged people, and in those households that had the lowest annual income.
About 770,000 of these strokes had symptoms which could be seen and 11 million were first-ever silent strokes.
About 803 Allied troops did not return.
About 80% of people in Lithuania are Lithuanians.
About 80 signed works by him have been catalogued, and nearly all of them follow the same pattern; small arrangements of fruits, vegetables, or shells on a stone slab, lit from above, with the dark background typical of still lifes earlier in the century.
About 8,300 people were living in Channahon Township as of 2000.
About 869,067 people (as of January 1, 2010) live on Mallorca, making it the second most populated island of Spain.
About 89,000 people lived in Târgovişte as of the year 2003.
About 8 percent of meteorites show signs of melting and recrystallizing.
About 90% of an iceberg is below the water line and ten percent above.
About 90% of the reef still needs to be researched.
About 90 percent of the people in Luxembourg live here (about 540,000 people).
About 95% of the houses in Narbethong were destroyed.
About 95 percent of the drugs and substances on the list are not covered by patents, which means that generic drugs using the substance indicated can be produced easily.
About 9.66 million people watched the episode when it was first broadcast.
About 9.7 million people saw the episode when it was first shown on television.
About 9% of all gasoline sold in the US in May 2009 was premium grade, according to the Energy Information Administration.
About a hundred years later, the King of Adal was deposed by an influential warlord by the name of Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi, who had lots of influence with Somali clans across the north.
About a mile later it hits Fremont Avenue which leads to Sunnyvale and downtown Los Altos, and then continues down for another half a mile, passing by some churches, before hitting Foothill Expressway and Saint Joseph Avenue.