1 value
20 values
20 values
class label
74 classes
Question about taking lamisil and drinking. Hi everyone! I am currently taking oral lamisil right now for some toe nail fungus. I was instructed not to drink, but as a senior in college it is hard lol. My friend wants to have a night together and drink; would it be a bad idea to stop taking it for a week before I drink and maybe a week after?
{ "index": 50821283 }
how old is bran from game of thrones?
{ "index": 2187733 }
I have an orientational question that i'm not quite sure how to approach, so this is a request for advice. For a project i'm working on i would like to assemble 'custom' variable names. For example, lets say i have this html page: ``` <div id="content"> <div id="variable"></div> <div id="name"></div> <div id="custom"></div> </div> ``` Now i know i can get the id's in jQuery with `$('div').attr('id')`. This is where my problem comes in: I would like to create something like this line: ``` var variable_name_custom = 'Hello world'; ``` where the var-name is generated by getting the div id's. (string div 1 + string div 2 + string div 3). If i were to put the 3 names together right now, i would get the string 'variable\_name\_custom', but it would be a string-value of a variable, rather than the name of one. Is this possible?
{ "qid": 23423670 }
How tier 1 carries farm faster compared to their opponenets? For example VP vs Na'Vi. Ramzes was always ahead of Crystalize who has low net worth even if Na'Vi is winning. Also FN is great example,his pub gpm and exp are really high.
{ "index": 20988945 }
I wonder how is generated the grammar of the Python language and how it is understood by the interpreter. In python, the file `graminit.c` seems to implement the grammar, but i don't clearly understand it. More broadly, what are the different ways to generate a grammar and are there differences between how the grammar is implemented in languages such as Perl, Python or Lua.
{ "qid": 3890321 }
I've been trying to get a PHP script to SFTP upload a file, but failed. I tried asking my question on but haven't received a working solution: <> So now I want to try a different approach. Is there a way to write a shell script that can issue several commands to sftp upload a file to another server? If I were to issue commands one by one from terminal, it would look like: ``` >sftp [email protected] >password: mypassword >put file.csv ``` I tried putting these three lines into a ./automaticupload file. When I executed the file, but the terminal shows me: ``` [email protected]'s password: ``` even though I typed in the password line in automaticupload. I am unable to create a passwordless ssh/scp/sftp account. The remote does not give me ssh or scp access. What should I do?
{ "qid": 86507 }
**The questions first:** What is the proof of resolution of singularities that you know? **Why am I asking?:** There are a number of proofs of resolution of singularities of varieties over a field of characteristic zero, all with more or less similar flavor but different in technical details and in choices that the resolution algorithm allows us to make. When writing a proof that uses specific features of some of those details I can't stop being uneasy about assuming the reader read about the specific constructions elsewhere. I would like to know from MOers what proof you have seen and if you have a reason for the choice, if it was a choice, I would like to hear it too. Maybe asking about what you know is too invasive. I am just asking for the proof that you happened to find in your way, even you have only read a few lines of it. **The purpose of the question:** The conspicuous one. To get a sense, by a rough approximation and a small sample, of what proofs are more culturally known. Have a concrete feeling when sending a reader to find the details in other paper, either of feeling OK with it or of guilt. It is a question about fashion, which also has its role in mathematics... and knowing what the fashion is is useful. **What details?:** Although I had in mind a specific detail of the proofs I didn't mention it because it is not the only one that changes from proof to proof and because the result of the poll gives information about all of them. Examples are: the resolution invariant, the ways of making the local descriptions of the centers of blowings-up match to form a globally defined smooth subvariety, the ways of getting functoriality and the different meanings that functoriality can have... (edit) **Forgot the "request for advise":** If you have would like to give advise about how you have dealt with similar situations and describe your example that is welcomed. It is a *community wiki* question, so feel free to change what is said here if needed or if you want the poll to also give information about other questions that you would like to be answered. (or for correcting the English!)
{ "qid": 33461 }
(For example) [AA batteries]( are available as rechargeable and non-rechargeable variants. As they are of identical construction, you have to read the tiny text on the battery to find out if they are rechargeable or not. Many producers do a great job in making it hard to find this information. What would be good ways to make it easy for users to differentiate these two types of batteries? Color? Haptics (like corrugated facing)? Symbol? What else? Bonus points for accessibility (for illiterate and visually impaired users) and internationalization (tourists buying/using batteries with unknown language labels). User’s main intent would be the question "May I put these batteries into the recharger?". One time I observed a user having problems with his cableless telephone. He complained that the battery was dead although the phone was on the charging station for the whole day. He opened the phone, checked right positioning of the batteries, he even [blew]( into it. But he didn’t recognize that he was mistakenly using non-rechargeable batteries.
{ "qid": 42301 }
For someone interested in learning both Japanese and Mandarin, how much overlap is there? How many more characters would you have to learn to know the 2000 most common hanzi?
{ "qid": 57752 }
I even don't know how to title my problem or what to search to solve it so please don't mind me if I don't describe it properly. I have 3 tables: Patient(**id**, name, ....) Examination(**id**, date, patient\_id\*, notes) Diagnoses(**id**, diagnose) ExaminationDijagnose(**id**, diagnose\_id\*, examination\_id\*) So I want to make a query where is only one input parameter and that is ExaminationID (Primary Key). The result will be one row with columns (examination\_id, date, name, diagnoses(array), notes). The diagnoses column will be an array based on a examination\_id foreign key. So like this if examination id is 10 Diagnose: 1 - Flu 2 - High temperature ExaminationDijagnose will be 1 , 1 , 10 1 , 2 , 10 I need output to look like this 1(ExaminationID), date, patient\_name(patient\_id\*), Array(Flu, High Temperature), notes) That array is concatination, so diagnose period diagnose. "Flu, High Temperature, Fracture etc... Sorry again if I described it badly. Thanks
{ "qid": 44035768 }
I have create functionality on event "**sales\_order\_place\_after**". I have to Send "**COUPON CODE**" for an order placed with this event "**sales\_order\_place\_after**". If someone does fail credit card transaction then also this "**COUPON CODE**" was sent. This is wrong. And also order created with "Canceled" on > > admin->sales->orders > > > . Can you suggest me any event for success order only?
{ "qid": 183440 }
I have two list instances like this: ``` List<NameAndAge> nameAndAgeList = new ArrayList<>(); nameAndAgeList.add(new NameAndAge("John", "28")); nameAndAgeList.add(new NameAndAge("Paul", "30")); nameAndAgeList.add(new NameAndAge("Adam", "31")); List<NameAndSalary> nameAndSalaryList = new ArrayList<>(); nameAndSalaryList.add(new NameAndSalary("John", 1000)); nameAndSalaryList.add(new NameAndSalary("Paul", 1100)); nameAndSalaryList.add(new NameAndSalary("Adam", 1200)); ``` where `NameAndAge` is ``` class NameAndAge { public String name; public String age; public NameAndAge(String name, String age) { = name; this.age = age; } @Override public String toString() { return name + ": " + age; } } ``` and `NameAndSalary` is ``` private class NameAndSalary { private String name; private double salary; public NameAndSalary(String name, double salary) { = name; this.salary = salary; } @Override public String toString() { return name + ": " + salary; } } ``` Now, I want to create a map with key as `NameAndAge` object from the first list and value as `NameAndSalary` from the second list where the name is equal in both the objects. So, when I print the map, it should look like this: ``` {John: 28=John: 1000.0} {Paul: 30=Paul: 1100.0} {Adam: 31=Adam: 1200.0} ``` I have tried doing this, but the end return type is 'void' so I'm stuck clueless as I am new to Streams. ``` nameAndAgeList .forEach(n -> nameAndSalaryList .stream() .filter(ns -> .collect(Collectors.toList())); ``` Can someone please advise how can this be achieved with Java Streams API?
{ "qid": 50474450 }
I need to allow a user to add articles to a wishlist that they can then e-mail or print. The data doesn't need to be saved or last longer than their session. Is there a native EE way of doing this without writing a plugin myself? Or can anyone recommend a plugin that they know does this and that they have experience with please?
{ "qid": 489 }
I have one location using at&t dsl that connects to the office vpn correctly but the speed is unacceptable. The internet speed is 2.5 mbps & when connected to the vpn the internet speed is unaffected. When I move the laptop to other wifi points - house, hotel cigar shop - everything works fine. What do I need to change on the dsl modem to improve the vpn speed?
{ "qid": 260843 }
Remember when we really wanted Mario Williams? I know the situation would have played out differently with him here, but based off what we've seen this year, I'm kind of glad we dodged that bullet.
{ "index": 1975247 }
ELI5: Why emotions from suppressed sources feel much stronger than regular emotions When something pisses me off, I shake it off a few minutes later, but when my sister, whom I have built up a lot of resentment towards over the years, pisses me off, I want to choke the life out of her. I've never laid a hand on her but the urge is intense, I feel the anger down to my very core and it almost seems to resonate through my whole body. Even the very thought of her makes me mad and I can feel my heart rate rising just typing this.
{ "index": 11913047 }
Since Kibito and Shin Were Able to Unfuse Thanks to the Dragon Balls Why Doesn't Old Kai Unfuse From That Witch? I'm not the only one that's wondering this right? What about the Grand Supreme Kai that was absorbed by Majin Buu? Surely the Super Dragon Balls could bring him back right?
{ "index": 18264728 }
what is the difference between suspended ceiling and false ceiling?
{ "index": 889552 }
(I'm a beginner). If I wanted to set up a system for asking questions and returning user-inputted answers using if statements and variables, there will be a large amount of potential combinations of answers and I feel like I would be forced to write out a variable for every name in the world for example, and then do that again but with every potential age/name combination, etc. Obviously there is an easier solution. How do most people tackle this? I've tried this: ``` var yourName = prompt("What's your name?"); if (yourName == prompt.value) { console.log("It worked!"); } ``` It doesn't work, nothing shows up in console. important: Can this be done with only if statements, variables, functions and arrays? Or will I have to use objects and switch statements? edit: (this is just an example about shopping): ``` function selectPants () { var jeans = "jeans"; var khakis = "khakis"; var yourPants = prompt("What kind of pants do you want?"); if (yourPants == jeans) { console.log("Okay, that will cost $10."), selectShirt (); } } function selectShirt () { var plaid = "plaid"; var v-neck = "v-neck"; var yourShirt = prompt("What shirt do you want?"); if (yourShirt == plaid) { console.log("Okay, that will cost $5, your total so far is: ??"), selectShoes (); } } selectPants (); ``` As you can see I would also need some addition system to add up the costs. Thanks a lot for any help!
{ "qid": 26074925 }
It's an example sentence under the entry word "shock". > > verb > 1 [with object] cause (someone) to feel surprised and upset: > [no object] experience outrage: > he shocked so easily > > > What does "so easily" mean here?
{ "qid": 11976 }
how to tell how much time is left on instant pot?
{ "index": 916365 }
I have this SQL statement, but i have error Must declare the scalar variable "@InputPath" ``` IF OBJECT_ID('DBO.SP_INSERT_REQUESTS') IS NULL BEGIN EXEC('CREATE PROCEDURE DBO.SP_INSERT_REQUESTS AS RETURN') GRANT EXECUTE ON DBO.SP_INSERT_REQUESTS TO PUBLIC END GO ALTER PROCEDURE DBO.SP_INSERT_REQUESTS @Name NVARCHAR(512), @Code NVARCHAR(50), @InputPath NVARCHAR(2000), @OutputPath NVARCHAR(2000) AS GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF --DECLARE @InputPath varchar(2000) = "c:\MyDoc1.xsd" DECLARE @InputValue XML --DECLARE @OutputPath varchar(2000) = "c:\MyDoc2.xsd" DECLARE @OutputValue XML DECLARE @QUERY NVARCHAR(4000) SET @QUERY = " SELECT @InputValue = InputExample.BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET (BULK '"+@InputPath+"', SINGLE_BLOB) AS InputExample; SELECT @OutputValue = InputExample.BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET (BULK '"+@OutputPath+"', SINGLE_BLOB) AS InputExample; " EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @QUERY, N'@InputValue XML out, @OutputValue XML out', @InputValue out, @OutputValue out INSERT INTO MyTable(Name, Code, Input, Output) VALUES('value1', 'value2' , @InputValue, @OutputValue) ``` I have declared the parameters, so I don't understand why I am getting the error.
{ "qid": 14960777 }
Convalescent leave is Advance leave? I've been on con leave since Oct 1st and I am suppose to return on Oct 20th. I was diagnosed with 3 stress fractures in BCT. I was granted 20 days of con leave which has been very helpful in my recovery however I am worried about the time being taking out of my accrued days. I know that its non chargeable but on my DA form 31, it appears that I am using 17 advanced days. I only earned 3 days so far (since I'm only in bct). Is this accurate? If it's not, how would I go about fixing this?
{ "index": 28179688 }
How does Heisig/memorizing Kanji help when I still can’t use it to make sense of anything? For example I learn 明 means bright? But if I didnt already know what 明日、明るい、明らか meant, I can’t imagine I would find out solely by knowing that kanji? Heisig doesn’t even teach the pronunciations. Maybe the first one I might make a stupid guess and think “bright day?” “bright sun?” but its still far from the true meaning. I’m kind of lost. Maybe i’m going about this wrong? I didn’t start the 6000 more most common words Anki because I was thinking that if I memorized kanji first, then I can be able to read them before knowing what it means.
{ "index": 48894891 }
If Samuels is an Android, why can’t he get medical supplies after Ripley gets there? I get that it wouldn’t be as fun but if the alien ignores androids then wouldn’t it be easier for Samuels to go get it?
{ "index": 25041060 }
I guess this is me, just found out today! I've always been an oral guy. I love kissing and making out, licking all over, most over all blowing a guy. It's my number one thing. I've done anal but I've never felt like I was missing out if I didn't. I started out messing around with guys by frot and mutual JO, then oral. Anal was later. So I think my first love has always been the "sides" who knew? 47 here. I'd love to talk about this new found friend I've always had 😁
{ "index": 42052634 }
I'm trying to get all rows duplicated (title) by max initID. Here is my table : ``` ID | title | revision | initID 1 | Mytitle 1 | 0 | 10 2 | Mytitle 1 | 1 | 10 3 | Mytitle 1 | 2 | 10 4 | Mytitle 1 | 0 | 20 5 | Mytitle 1 | 1 | 20 6 | Mytitle 2 | 0 | 30 7 | Mytitle 2 | 1 | 30 8 | Mytitle 3 | 0 | 40 9 | Mytitle 3 | 1 | 40 10 | Mytitle 3 | 0 | 50 11 | Mytitle 3 | 1 | 50 12 | Mytitle 3 | 2 | 50 13 | Mytitle 4 | 0 | 60 ``` My goal is to check if there is multiple `initID` with the same title and get the duplicate lines with the MAX(initid). For the example, I want to get this return from my request: ``` 4 | Mytitle 1 | 0 | 20 5 | Mytitle 1 | 1 | 20 10 | Mytitle 3 | 0 | 50 11 | Mytitle 3 | 1 | 50 12 | Mytitle 3 | 2 | 50 ``` If there is just one initID for a title I don't want to get the lines back.
{ "qid": 55242304 }
Became better looking? So I met up with a classmate of mine yesterday to study (she’s a girl and she’s pretty attractive) and I haven’t met her in quite awhile so this was like the first time she’s seen me in weeks. While we were walking she suddenly blurts out that she feels I’ve become better looking and she can’t explain why she thinks that way, she says it’s just a feeling. So in my mind the only explanation was nofap and also me becoming highly motivated to do things. I felt really great cos this was the first time she complemented my looks. Thanks nofap!
{ "index": 29530068 }
``` SELECT f.flight_id, COUNT(b.Booking_ID) As "Total SeatPurchased", COUNT(b.Booking_ID)*flight_price FROM booking b , flight f WHERE b.flight_id=f.flight_id GROUP BY f.flight_id,f.flight_price ORDER BY COUNT(b.booking_id) desc; ``` How do I compute the grand total for this sql? I want to calculate all the flightPrice and at the end of the whole thing. I want to sum up all as the grand total. Sample Output: ``` FLIGHT_ID Total Seat Purchased COUNT(B.BOOKING_ID)*FLIGHT_PRICE ----------------------------------------------------------------- F0006 149 11771 F0011 148 38332 F0012 131 11528 F0003 130 33670 F0010 115 10120 F0004 113 8362 F0005 108 7992 F0007 101 7373 F0015 80 11200 F0002 50 5700 F0008 41 8774 F0013 36 8316 F0001 35 6265 F0014 35 7490 F0009 35 4690 Grandtotal:xxxxxx ```
{ "qid": 25111379 }
I'm done - I don't get ProFTPd to start... I tried everything. If I start proftpd with > > /etc/init.d/proftpd start > > > I get the following: > > [....] Starting proftpd (via systemctl): proftpd.serviceJob for > proftpd.service failed. See 'systemctl status proftpd.service' and > 'journalctl -xn' for details. failed! > > > Output of "systemctl status proftpd.service": > > ● proftpd.service - LSB: Starts ProFTPD daemon Loaded: loaded > (/etc/init.d/proftpd) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri > 2016-09-09 17:54:42 CEST; 18s ago Process: 2781 > ExecStart=/etc/init.d/proftpd start (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE) > > > Sep 09 17:54:42 proftpd[2781]: Starting ftp server: > proftpd2016-09-09 17:54:42,110 proftpd[2787]: > warning: handling possibly truncated confi...roftpd.conf' Sep 09 > 17:54:42 proftpd[2781]: 2016-09-09 17:54:42,113 > proftpd[2787]: warning: unable to determine IP > address of '' Sep 09 17:54:42 > proftpd[2781]: 2016-09-09 17:54:42,114 proftpd[2787]: > error: no valid servers configured Sep 09 17:54:42 > proftpd[2781]: 2016-09-09 17:54:42,114 proftpd[2787]: > fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf' > Sep 09 17:54:42 proftpd[2781]: failed! Sep 09 > 17:54:42 systemd[1]: proftpd.service: control process > exited, code=exited status=1 Sep 09 17:54:42 > systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Starts ProFTPD daemon. Sep 09 > 17:54:42 systemd[1]: Unit proftpd.service entered > failed state. Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in > full. > > > journal output: > > -- Logs begin at Thu 2016-09-08 14:58:07 CEST, end at Fri 2016-09-09 17:58:10 CEST. -- Sep 09 17:58:01 CRON[2892]: (root) > CMD (/home/ts/ >/dev/null 2>&1) Sep 09 17:58:01 > CRON[2891]: pam\_unix(cron:session): session closed > for user root Sep 09 17:58:10 proftpd[2912]: Starting > ftp server: proftpd2016-09-09 17:58:10,195 > proftpd[2918]: warning: handling possibly truncated configuration data > a t line 188 of '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf' Sep 09 17:58:10 > proftpd[2912]: 2016-09-09 17:58:10,201 > proftpd[2918]: warning: unable to determine IP > address of '' Sep 09 17:58:10 > proftpd[2912]: 2016-09-09 17:58:10,202 proftpd[2918]: > error: no valid servers configured Sep 09 17:58:10 > proftpd[2912]: 2016-09-09 17:58:10,202 proftpd[2918]: > fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf' > Sep 09 17:58:10 proftpd[2912]: failed! Sep 09 > 17:58:10 systemd[1]: proftpd.service: control process > exited, code=exited status=1 Sep 09 17:58:10 > systemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Starts ProFTPD daemon. > -- Subject: Unit proftpd.service has failed > -- Defined-By: systemd > > > -- Support: <> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > -- Unit proftpd.service has failed. > ----------------------------------- > > > -- The result is failed. Sep 09 17:58:10 systemd[1]: Unit proftpd.service entered failed state. > > > Two thing I don't understand: 1. "unable to determine IP address of ''" what does this mean? Have I to set a subdomain with "root"? 2. "error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'" config broken? I checked my config with another config from another server - it's the same... If you need the proftpd.conf tell me - post would be to long for that. Pls help me :( thanks.
{ "qid": 802146 }
what is the formula of percentage purity?
{ "index": 774246 }
I have tested with GMail, ( if i get all message from pop server, for a certain time interval or till i receive new mail, i can't get all mails again (i mean form the same client, if i try to get mails more than once i get this issue). I have tried to configure my GMail box but there are no change, is that behaviour an aspect of POP3's protocol or is a GMail's policy? I have the same issue to my customer's mailbox and would like to solve it, is there a way to configure his mail box so that i can get all mails every time i looking for them? If no is the answer, i haven't choice and i need to change my businsess logic, but if possibile i would like to avoid it. PS : the command i use to check if there are mail to download (this command didn't work the second time i invoke it) is the command STAT
{ "qid": 29627926 }
I wonder which form(s) are correct amongst the following: * We denote scalars with lowercase. * We denote scalars with lowercase**s**. [Example]( (let's ignore the space between *lower* and *cases*): [![UCLA definition of lowercases](]( [*Lowercase*]( can be a noun: [![Google definition of lowercase](](
{ "qid": 77860 }
Tri Campus Relations Hi! So my friends and I are apart of the 2023 College Class. One of my friends is going to Notre Dame, another one is going to Holy Cross, and I’m going to Saint Mary’s. The three of us were just wondering what the relations between the 3 campuses are truly like! Is everyone pretty chill with one another? We’ve all heard rumors and at this point we just want to set the record straight!! Thanks ( :
{ "index": 30897228 }
how to check data balance on airtel via sms?
{ "index": 2200642 }
I have a fluid container of 96% width. I have a box inside this container which also has percentage width. I can't get the box to center horizontally inside the wrapper. The usual `margin:0 auto;` isn't working - I guess because it has a percentage width. ``` <div id="wrapper"> <div class="box"> <img class="scales"... /> </div> </div> ``` Here's the css: ``` #wrapper { width:98%; } .box { width:40%; } .scales { width:100%; } ```
{ "qid": 24508870 }
Where should my final base be? Hi everyone, so i want to make a permanent base somewhere on the map (water near so i dont miss fishing) and from there start looting every house in every city and bringing it all in. Any suggestion on where is that hot spot on the map? Thanks
{ "index": 38227654 }
Pan frying Tofu with corn starch Having a bit of trouble with this - if I just rub the tofu on corn starch its patchy and uneven and if I powder it with corn starch theres way too much. Whats the best way to apply an even coating of corn starch to a cube of tofu? Dipping it in an egg mixture?
{ "index": 42502772 }
``` <body> <center> <div id="app"> <h1> News Aggregator </h1> <div id="selector"> <select v-model="selected"> <option v-for="select in selection" :value="select">{{select}}</option> </select> <button @click="getNews(selected)"> Get news </button> </div> </center> <div id = "news-container" v-for="result in res"> <h1> result.title </h1> <p> result.description </p> </div> </div> <script> const API_KEY = "e58c5c8781a44b8e94a4725a4606655c"; const url = ""; const SELECTION = "BBC News,The Times of India,BBC Sport"; const app = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { res : [], selection : SELECTION.split(','), selected : 'bbc-news', response: [] }, mounted(){ this.getNews(this.selected); }, methods: { getNews(selected){ selected = selected.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); axios.get(url+"source="+selected+"&sortBy=top&apiKey="+API_KEY).then((response)=>{ console.log(response); this.res =; }).catch(function(error){ console.log(error); }); } } }); </script> ``` Whenever I try to display res or response in the console, it displays that the element is not defined. It's getting the data for the server, but not displaying it. Whenever I type res or response in the console,I get: Uncaught ReferenceError: res is not defined at :1:1 The console.log(response) statement works, though.
{ "qid": 44492440 }
I have the following html: ``` <div class="media"> <img src="/img/sample.jpg"> <div class="caption"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip. </div> </div> ``` The size of the image will shrink/grow with the size change of the browser. The caption should be positioned over the image and within the boundary of the image. The width of the caption must change when the image size changes. The image is large enough to hold the text. The image size is not known in advance. The image must retain original width when the browser's viewport width is larger than the image's actual width. I hope the caption is positioned at the bottom of the image. If there is any css solution, that will be fantastic. Thanks for any input!
{ "qid": 21055105 }
i have a table of 100 columns. For each mouse hover on the cells i want to call a single function. ``` $('.cellNumber1').hover(function(){ $.ajax({ type: "GET" , url: "js/images/excel2XML.xml" , dataType: "xml" , success: function(xml) { $title=$(xml).find('property').attr('name'); $('.context-menu-one11').attr('title',$title); jQuery('.cellNumber1').jBox('Tooltip', { }); incr++; } } }); }); ``` Similarly cellNumber2 to cellNumber100 i want to call the same function. But have to change the class name from the function called inside the hover function. *What i want is to replace the classname wherever it comes in the function for each cells*. In the straight forward way and as a beginner, what i find is writing 100 functions with replacing the class name and i find it as too much part-2 ------ I have the cell content as numbers from 1 to 100. similarly i have the xml with one of the attributes named **rowpos** with the matching values ie from 1 to 100. When cell 2 is hovered i want to retrieve the xml attribute **rowpos** having value 2 and get the values XML ``` <parent> <property rowpos="2" data="Cell Value2"> <values id='02'/> <property rowpos="3" data="Cell Value3"> <values id='04'/> ................. ```
{ "qid": 34469318 }
I have a list of objects that need to check if its empty or not, but I all the followings returns nullpointer exception. ``` List <MyClass> mylist; mylist.isEmpty mylist.equal(null) ```
{ "qid": 17562909 }
I have a question regarding to using method in main class, here is my code for a Race class: ``` import java.util.ArrayList; public class Race { private ArrayList<Car>cars; public Race(){ cars = new ArrayList<Car>(); } public void addCars(Car car){ cars.add(car); } } ``` The above is what I have done to make an arraylist for the cars that I am ready to put in by using a main method in another class: ``` public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Car toyota = new Car("Toyota",1.0,1.0,2.0,2.0); cars.addCars(toyota); } } ``` However, it has error in the last line, it shows "cars cannot be resolved",I am not sure how should I fix it, maybe writing a getter method in the Race class?
{ "qid": 19209430 }
I have the following method that loads in a blank template image, draws the relevant information on it and saves it to another file. I want to change this slightly to achieve the following: * load in the template image * draw the relevant information on it * print it I don't want to save it, just print it out. Here's my existing method: ``` public static void GenerateCard(string recipient, string nominee, string reason, out string filename) { // Get a bitmap. Bitmap bmp1 = new Bitmap("template.jpg"); Graphics graphicImage; // Wrapped in a using statement to automatically take care of IDisposable and cleanup using (graphicImage = Graphics.FromImage(bmp1)) { ImageCodecInfo jgpEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg); // Create an Encoder object based on the GUID // for the Quality parameter category. Encoder myEncoder = Encoder.Quality; graphicImage.DrawString(recipient, new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular), SystemBrushes.WindowText, new Point(480, 33)); graphicImage.DrawString(WordWrap(reason, 35), new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular), SystemBrushes.WindowText, new Point(566, 53)); graphicImage.DrawString(nominee, new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular), SystemBrushes.WindowText, new Point(492, 405)); graphicImage.DrawString(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular), SystemBrushes.WindowText, new Point(490, 425)); EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1); EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, 100L); myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter; filename = recipient + " - " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "-") + ".jpg"; bmp1.Save(filename, jgpEncoder, myEncoderParameters); } } ``` Hope you can help, Brett
{ "qid": 4803449 }
I am trying to save the selected options of my select box in state. I get an error when selecting something in my the box... It looks like "event" is not defined, which I don't see a reason why this should be the case. ``` import React, { Component } from 'react' import Select from 'react-select' class SwitchList extends React.Component{ constructor(){ super() this.state = { switches: [], selectedOption: [] } } handleChange(event){ this.setState({selectedOption: }) } render() { return( <Select value={this.state.selectedOption} options={this.state.switches} onChange={this.handleChange} /> ) } } > Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined ```
{ "qid": 57677400 }
I'm getting the `Navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a Navigator.` error log for my Flutter app. All the examples I see are for "Stateless" widgets so I think this may be the issue or my code? How can I route to my `LoginPage`? Here is my code without any Navigator or route... ``` void main() { runApp(new MyApp()); } final googleSignIn = new GoogleSignIn(); final fb = FirebaseDatabase.instance.reference(); final auth = FirebaseAuth.instance; class MyApp extends StatefulWidget { @override _MyAppState createState() => new _MyAppState(); } class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> { String _platformVersion = 'Unknown'; @override initState() { super.initState(); initPlatformState(); } // Platform messages are asynchronous, so we initialize in an async method. initPlatformState() async { String platformVersion; // Platform messages may fail, so we use a try/catch PlatformException. try { platformVersion = await Myfavkpopflutter.platformVersion; } on PlatformException { platformVersion = 'Failed to get platform version.'; } // If the widget was removed from the tree while the asynchronous platform // message was in flight, we want to discard the reply rather than calling // setState to update our non-existent appearance. if (!mounted) return; setState(() { _platformVersion = platformVersion; }); } void MyFavAction() { setState(() { print("MYFAV"); // fb.child("messages").orderByValue().onChildAdded.listen((Event event) { // print('Child added: ${event.snapshot.value}'); // }); }); } void SearchAction() { setState(() { print("Search"); }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if (auth.currentUser == null) { return new MaterialApp( routes: <String, WidgetBuilder>{ '/settings': (BuildContext context) => new LoginPage(), }, home: new Scaffold( backgroundColor: Colors.white70, appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text( "MyFavKPop", style: new TextStyle( color:, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 25.00), ), backgroundColor: Colors.amber, ), body: new Container( child: new Center( child: new Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ new RaisedButton( onPressed: MyFavAction, color: Colors.lightBlue, elevation: 20.00, splashColor: Colors.amber, child: new Text( "MyFav KPOP", style: new TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 20.00), ), ), new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(30.00)), new RaisedButton( onPressed: SearchAction, color: Colors.lightBlue, elevation: 20.00, splashColor: Colors.amber, child: new Text( "MyFav SEARCH", style: new TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 20.00), ), ), new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(30.00), ), new RaisedButton( onPressed: SearchAction, elevation: 20.00, splashColor: Colors.amber, color: Colors.lightBlue, child: new Text( "MyFav FRIENDS", style: new TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 20.00), ), ), new Padding( padding: new EdgeInsets.all(30.00), ), new RaisedButton( onPressed: SearchAction, elevation: 20.00, splashColor: Colors.amber, color: Colors.lightBlue, child: new Text( "MyFav CHAT", style: new TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 20.00), ), ), new Padding( padding: new EdgeInsets.all(30.00), ), new RaisedButton( onPressed: SearchAction, elevation: 20.00, splashColor: Colors.amber, color: Colors.lightBlue, child: new Text( "MyFav #1'S", style: new TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 20.00), ), ) ], ))), floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton( child: new Text( "Log Out", style: new TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 12.00), ), onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pushNamed('/settings'),, ), )); } } } class LoginPage extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text("Login / Signup"), ), body: new Container( child: new Center( child: new Column( mainAxisAlignment:, children: <Widget>[ new TextField( decoration: new InputDecoration( hintText: "E M A I L A D D R E S S"), ), new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00)), new TextField( obscureText: true, decoration: new InputDecoration(hintText: "P A S S W O R D"), ), new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00)), new TextField( decoration: new InputDecoration(hintText: "U S E R N A M E"), ), new RaisedButton( onPressed: null, child: new Text("SIGNUP"), ), new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00)), new RaisedButton( onPressed: null, child: new Text("LOGIN"), ), new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00)), new RaisedButton( onPressed: null, child: new Text("Facebook"), ), new Padding(padding: new EdgeInsets.all(5.00)), new RaisedButton( onPressed: null, child: new Text("Google"), ) ], ), ), margin: new EdgeInsets.all(15.00), ), ); } } ``` \*\*\*\* EDIT Here is the error log I'm getting... ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY GESTURE ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ The following assertion was thrown while handling a gesture: Navigator operation requested with a context that does not include a Navigator. The context used to push or pop routes from the Navigator must be that of a widget that is a descendant of a Navigator widget. ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
{ "qid": 45778191 }
Need help on how to best allocate money to pay down three loans I have $9,000 that I want to use to pay down some student loans. My goal is to minimize the overall interest incurred. For the sake of the exercise, let’s assume that I’m going to be paying the minimum monthly payment on each going forward. How do I best allocate the money? Loan 1 Balance: $1,897.26 Periods: 120 Rate 7.9% Payment $247.53 Loan 2 Balance: $5,441 Periods: 120 Rate 7.9% Payment $172.62 Loan 3 Balance: $8,444.51 Periods: 120 Rate 6.8% Payment $157.21
{ "index": 13672640 }
how much power is from coal?
{ "index": 1966876 }
It seems that, by default, NS lets you choose any address as either a shipping address or a billing address. In the dropdown where I choose either address it's showing all addresses I've ever created. Is there a way to classify an address as only, say, a billing address so that address is never an option shipping address in the dropdown?
{ "qid": 32512847 }
Sliver queen with "sharpied" sides So i have had this near mint sliver queen since 10 years back, and today while re sleeving it i noticed that all the sides are black and not white! And we are now talking about the cards ”thickness” edge. So my question is what the cards value could be now with all the edges ”sharpied” in or whatever?
{ "index": 37561812 }
Which bag brands under $300 make the most durable highest quality bags? Under $300 factoring in sales so including all the common perpetrators (michael kors, coach, kate spade, tory burch). Ive also heard of some smaller brands like cuyana and doony and burke? I just dont wanna bang up my luxury bags wearing them every day.
{ "index": 38875775 }
I need to mass produce bubble charts for a large set of peer groups, where each chart shows anonymized peer group data but highlights the group of interest with their team logo. I'd like to automate this with VBA but am wondering if it's even possible to conditionally add a picture to the bubble of interest in each chart? Right now it's a manual process and takes quite a lot of time. For example, in chart 1, Team A is the team of interest and has their logo on their bubble while the remaining bubbles are the same solid color. In chart 2, Team B is the team of interest, etc.
{ "qid": 1115516 }
3 Nintendo Directs in the space of a month! It's just dawned on me that with the Mario Maker 2 direct on May 15th, Pokemon Sword &amp; Shield direct on June 5th and then finally the E3 2019 direct on June 11th, we're going to have had 3 directs in the space of one month. With how much this sub in particular has been craving a direct (due to Nintendo being pretty quiet about some of their big games this year) it's nice that we're getting so much info in such a short time!
{ "index": 33184107 }
Switch version: do I need to start a new game for the dlc to activate? I bought the two "story" dlcs and now I am not sure if I need to restart to have them in my actual playthrough? Any help?
{ "index": 45598615 }
What does "What's his deal" mean? I couldn't find it in any dictionary, I thought it was an idiom, but it's not. It seems like a slang that's not widely used, or at least it isn't recognized by any dictionary as of now. What's his deal mean "What is his problem?" I am guessing, but I am not sure.
{ "qid": 321807 }
I'm trying to sync a OneNote notebook with my Sharepoint site. I create a new notebook, choose to store it on the network and give the location of a document library I have created on Sharepoint, but it won't sync. The error message I get is... > > OneNote cannot sync this notebook. An error occurred while communicating with the Web Server where the notebook is stored. (Error code: 0xE000076C) > > > When I create the notebook it creates a folder on Sharepoint in the location where I chose to create it, but it doesn't create any files within that folder. I am able to upload documents into the Sharepoint document library, so am fairly sure the permissions are ok.
{ "qid": 245515 }
If I make a new Java class as follows: ``` class A { public void run() { // do something } } ``` And then I do this: ``` new Thread(new A()).start() ``` Then I expect it to run the run() method. But it does not. Why can't we pass any object having the run method as an argument to new Thread()? Why can't java just allow any class with a run() method to run? Would there be a problem to have java implement threads in this way?
{ "qid": 7715441 }
how many centimeters do you dilate per hour?
{ "index": 2485852 }
Advice for procedure I really need to have the inside of both big toes done. My right one has had a bad infection for nearly a year now. I’m not worried about the procedure itself but the numbing process. I have a horrible irrational fear of needles. And I’ve heard these needles hurt extremely bad. Any advice on how to handle the pain or prepare myself better? I’ve avoided the procedure for 10+ years now. Just because of the needles...
{ "index": 52931089 }
I am running a Minecraft server hosted at TCP 25565 which I can access via LAN, but cannot be reached externally. I am not using any router and it is connected to an RG-Box Allied Telesis AT-iMG1525RF (my modem, which doesn't support port forwarding, all ports are opened) directly. I'm running vanilla 13w07a. Windows Firewall is disabled as well as Avast! I did a `netstat -a` search, and yes, I do have a connection listening at this port TCP. Still, I get this "Connection timed out: Connect" error when trying to reach my server from anywhere outside of my network. I called [my ISP]( (who are fine with me having a server running and is mentioned in their terms of service) regarding this problem and they told me that they were only blocking port 24 and 25, all other ports is free to use. They also told me that I don't need to port-forward or anything, just plug my computer directly into the RG-Box, and I should be good to go. But I'm not. It was working until three months ago. I can't change ISP as I live in an apartment where they decide my provider.
{ "qid": 556289 }
I am creating a globe and have a height map image as well as a satellite image for the displacement and textures respectively. I have created an SCNSphere and can apply the texture without issue, however I am unable to use the height map. SCNMaterial supports normal maps via its normal property (not what I'm after though), and appears to support displacement maps via its displacement property. However, the displacement property has a blank documentation page, and appears to do nothing. While it is possible to "convert" a height map to a normal map, this results in a normal map and therefore does not create new geometry and so is not a solution. That is, viewing a subset of the globe and turning the camera would not show the side of the mountain but instead a smooth sphere. Currently, I can create an object using the height map in Cinema 4D, which adds a step and while it works, I'm hoping to use SceneKit directly. Update: This video from WWDC 2017 indicates the feature should in fact work (24:00 into the video): <>
{ "qid": 49563542 }
how to drive an automatic car?
{ "index": 1883396 }
I decided recently that I want to start learning to code. I chose python as my first language because of it's versatility and Open Source connections. Now, of course to learn any programming language, first you have to be able to practice with it by writing code and running it. I have Python beginner tutorials I am using but as soon as I got to the point where I wanted to run a simple Hello World message, I couldn't figure out how to get my document to actually RUN. I downloaded LiClipse with the hopes of using PyDev. I read that you can run a code directly from PyDev. Wow, what a confusing mess! I downloaded the instant install version of LiClipse and I had to manually update the pip because it was out of date and that took an hour of research all on it's own to figure out how to do it. Now that I have the interpreter set up correctly with the most recent pip...(I THINK), when I try to run any code I write, it doesn't let me. It wants me to save it first, which of course is quite logical. But when I try to save it, it says there is no folders to save to. How can there be no folders? I have been reading the install help, but it doesn't say anything about this issue. Or maybe it did explain how to fix this issue and I simply didn't understand all the jargon included in the configuration documentation. It kept instructing me to do technical things I couldn't understand. Can anyone tell me what is going on? Shouldn't this all be ready to go when I used the "instant install" ?? I am just a beginner here, I don't know all this technical installation jargon. If anyone can help me get this setup, please let me know. I really want to start learning. But I can't if I don't have the right tools.
{ "qid": 70855888 }
Is there any concern with PoS technology phasing out PoW? How do we know Bitcoin will be the coin to prevail? I don’t mean to fear monger, I’m very bullish on the concept, but I want to fully understand this market. It seems to me part of Bitcoins’ hype is simply because it was the first crypto currency people saw with potential. Now that there is so much attention to the sector, what’s preventing people developing new coins with better technology that will surpass Bitcoin in relevancy? For example, Proof of Stake seems to be much more efficient than Proof of Work, but as far as I can tell that is a fundamental part of Bitcoin that cannot be changed? And I imagine there are other components that are similar? In my head, I’m kind of making comparisons wondering if Bitcoin will be to crypto like how MySpace was to the social media world, or how Skype was to the world of virtual meetings. Is that a valid concern? If not, what makes people so confident in BTC?
{ "index": 45764317 }
are the dodgers under the luxury tax?
{ "index": 605374 }
Assuming that SAP is a company producing enterprise softwares, is it true that QuantPi produces ERP systems?
{ "conversation_id": "66a327c79c9246bab0f3dfaf8178e435" }
I have example data as follows: ``` library(data.table) datA <- fread("ID somevar NA 4 NA 3 2 5") datB <- fread("ID somevar 7 4 NA 3 NA 5") dat_list <- list(datA, datB) ``` In dat\_list I would like to replace all `NA`'s in the `ID` column with a new `ID`-number. I would like this number to be unique and start at `100`. I thought of something like this: ``` for (i in seq_along(dat_list)){ temp <- dat_list[[i]] count_of_seq <- sum($ID)) sequence_dat <- seq(100, 100+count_of_seq) temp <- setDT(temp)[, ID:=sequence_dat[i]] } ``` But this does not work because, it uses only one number of the sequence for each list: [![enter image description here](]( How should I do this properly? Desired output: ``` library(data.table) datA <- fread("ID somevar 100 4 101 3 2 5") datB <- fread("ID somevar 7 4 102 3 103 5") dat_list <- list(datA, datB) ```
{ "qid": 74674141 }
I have a JavaScript variable defined as a new array in the following manner: ``` var myDaysComparisonData = new Array(['Mondays', 0], ['Tuesdays', 0], ['Wednesdays', 0], ['Thursdays', 0], ['Fridays', 0], ['Saturdays', 0], ['Sundays', 0]); ``` and also I have 7 globally defined variables called `myMondaysTotal`,`myTuesdaysTotal` and so on which holds the values that I want to replace the zeros in the upper array in the corresponding day of the week. What is the approach in this cases?
{ "qid": 16059005 }
I need to make a deep copy of a reactive form. I have tried with ES6 spread syntax for cloning a form. I have used Typescript generics to typecast the return value of the spread syntax to `FormGroup`. Also, the type of clone form variable is set to `FormGroup`. But when the form is cloned by this way, the type is lost on the cloned form variable, that is, it is no longer of type of `FormGroup`. So, the cloned form is not usable. Here is the stackblitz for the same: [form cloning]( What is going wrong in above way of cloning? Why the type `FormGroup` is lost on the cloned form?
{ "qid": 57387998 }
do tectonic plates float on the mantle?
{ "index": 2789888 }
What airplane should I buy? Hi, im new to DCS tho did flying with free airplanes and familiarized myself. &amp;#x200B; Now I dont want spend a lot of money for addons and that, so what should I get. &amp;#x200B; I want some cool fighter jet with all the rings and bells. Then learn to fly it. &amp;#x200B; If theres any other addons I should look in to fel free to recommend. &amp;#x200B; Thanks
{ "index": 32707247 }
I am new to quantum mechanics and this is probably a dumb question. What experiments can we do to produce a quantum harmonic oscillator? For example, for a classical harmonic oscillator, we can attach a ball to a spring, make it vibrate, and observe how its position change as time goes on. For quantum harmonic oscillator, how do we set up such an experiment, and what can we measure in the experiment? **EDIT**: I searched around and found another post asking about one-dimensional infinite-well model. But I didn't found one for harmonic oscillator. [References on experimental realization of quantum one-dimensional infinite-well model](
{ "qid": 540897 }
Let's say there are two objects going nearly the speed of light, in opposite directions. [![Object 1 and 2 moving in opposite directions](]( Obviously from the vantage point of #1, #2 would be moving at about the speed of light, c. But assuming #1 thought it was stationary, what would be the perceived energy of #2 from the perspective of #1? In my mind it seems like this would make sense since the remaining energy wouldn't go into making it move faster $E^{2} = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2$ $E^{2} = (mc^2)^2 + (mc\*c)^2$ $E = \sqrt{2}mc^2$ But I could also see the answer just being this: $E = 2mc^2$ And I could also see myself being completely wrong on both fronts. Thanks for your time. I apologize if this has already been asked before, but all I could find were questions like [this](, which, while the question sounds similar it is fundamentally a different question.
{ "qid": 522407 }
My kids and the neighbor's kid are all in the same kindergarten group. Despite having plenty of interaction there, they seek even more contact. That's not bad in itself, of course, but it's annoying that they climb onto the top of the swing set in order to see each other over the hedge and across the street - and then they yell really loud. It annoys us parents that: 1. they climb so high just to see each other. (The hedge is dying and we're forced to put up a fence this year; we're contemplating making it *really high.*) 2. they yell so loud that the whole neighborhood can hear them. I suspect several neighbors might be annoyed by that, and personally we don't feel that's an appropriate way to communicate. 3. their yelling is senseless bragging or teasing, or promising to come over despite not having asked the parents first. 4. they continue to disregard our commands to get down from there and stop yelling and they're upset when we lift them down onto the lawn and send them indoors. How would you handle this? Obviously the fence height isn't going to be a practical solution - we want to deal with this properly and personally. ***Update:*** * The problem is compounded because the kids don't understand that the parents often have other plans; either family would have guests over soon, or would be leaving soon; lunchtime or dinnertime soon; etc. * Most importantly we feel that the **neighbor kid has a bad influence** on our kids: spoiled single child who only plays with toy weapons, and visits also always includes mobbing of our youngest. If the interaction would be more balanced, we'd be more inclined to let them play together (in either home and either yard, location doesn't matter). * We have a nice relationship with the adult neighbors, but evidently our opinions differ regarding good toys and acceptable play. We do let our kids visit occasionally, and vice versa, but usually we have to deal with the aftermath of the bad influence and the destructive abuse of their toys as weapons.
{ "qid": 26251 }
what does it mean if you keep getting cramps?
{ "index": 2558986 }
how long does it take to conceive after jadelle removal?
{ "index": 1823137 }
aquarius does it in the water?
{ "index": 205111 }
I feel absolutely terrible for selling at $6 I had to confess my sins, I've been mining this coin for a while and sold my whole stack at $6... I so badly want to buy back in, should I? I believe in this coin long term but was I just was blown away by these price jumps. sigh. I kinda want to cry lol
{ "index": 22170058 }
Fruiting conditions: ~75°, 80% humidity. Less than ideal but would it work? Ran an experiment over the weekend to test my setup to see if I could achieve proper fruiting conditions before spawning my UB bag to substrate and this is as good as I could get it. I was trying to go for a kind of tub inside of a tub (tubception) with water in the bottom, a DiY incubator I guess, temps fluctuated around 75° and humidity never got above 80%. Will this setup work?
{ "index": 39995448 }
I am new to IT field. I am learning Ruby cucumber for testing. Can anyone explain what is framework means? Why cucumber is called a frame work? What exactly the framework will do? Please expalin me in layman terms...
{ "qid": 24832828 }
As a prompt generator for a generative AI called "Midjourney", you will create image prompts for the AI to visualize. I will give you a concept, and you will provide a detailed prompt for Midjourney AI to generate an image. Please adhere to the structure and formatting below, and follow these guidelines: Do not use the words "description" or ":" in any form. Do not place a comma between [ar] and [v]. Write each prompt in one line without using return. Structure: [1] = 皮革表面 凸起的凸点 凸点构成纹理 纹理占皮革表面面积的20%左右 [2] = a detailed description of [1] with specific imagery details. [3] = a detailed description of the scene's environment. [4] = a detailed description of the compositions. [5] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [6] = A style (e.g. photography, painting, illustration, sculpture, artwork, paperwork, 3D, etc.) for [1]. [7] = a detailed description of the scene's mood, feelings, and atmosphere. [ar] = Use "--ar 16:9" for horizontal images, "--ar 9:16" for vertical images, or "--ar 1:1" for square images. [v] = Use "--niji" for Japanese art style, or "--v 5" for other styles. Formatting: Follow this prompt structure: "/imagine prompt: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [ar] [v]". Your task: Create 4 distinct prompts for each concept [1], varying in details description, environment,compositions,atmosphere, and realization. Write your prompts in english. Do not describe unreal concepts as "real" or "photographic". Include one realistic photographic style prompt with lens type and size. Separate different prompts with two new lines. Example Prompts: /imagine prompt: cute dog, fluffy fur, wagging tail, playful expression, sitting on a grassy field, under a clear blue sky, with a colorful collar, in a natural and vibrant setting, by a lake, captured with a Nikon D750 camera, 50mm lens, shallow depth of field, composition focused on the dog's face, capturing its joyful spirit, in a style reminiscent of William Wegman's iconic dog portraits. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: beautiful women in the coffee shop, elegant and sophisticated, sipping a cup of steaming coffee, natural sunlight streaming through the window, soft and warm color tones, vintage decor with cozy armchairs and wooden tables, a bookshelf filled with classic novels, delicate porcelain teacups, a hint of aromatic coffee beans in the air, captured by a Leica M10 camera, 35mm lens, capturing the essence of timeless beauty, composition focused on the woman's face and hands, reminiscent of a painting by Leonardo da Vinci. --ar 1:1 --v 5.2 /imagine prompt: A captivating Halo Reach landscape with a Spartan amidst a battlefield, fallen enemies around, smoke and fire in the background, emphasizing the Spartan's determination and bravery, detailed environment blending chaos and beauty, Illustration, digital art, --ar 16:9 --v 5
{ "conversation_hash": "7c4d46d45eb207ae3cfc94701984f030" }
are live oak trees protected in louisiana?
{ "index": 2785371 }
Seems like almost no one talks about Tim Burton's film, "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children." Stumbled across it on TV and watched a few mins. The visual style seemed...good?? I mean, a lot of nice and striking shots, strong compositions, moody and atmospheric vibes, etc. Is there a particular reason it's not frequently recalled? I know the easy/snarky answer will be "it was bad," but perhaps it was just overlooked by many? It occurred to me, while watching a bit of the film, that what's been deterring me from Tim Burton's work isn't so much him as it is his tendency to cast Depp. I don't know why, but if I see Depp and Burton are working together, I quickly lose interest. This is a film without Depp and suddenly, I'm intrigued by Burton again...
{ "index": 25341596 }
I want to slice number of rows into two per group. So for example if I have 10 rows and I want to slice it into 2 per group then both record should have same id. Input: ``` Name adc abc Cdd Dee Eaa ``` Output should be two columns: ``` COUPLEID | NAME 1 adc 1 abc 2 Cdd 2 Dee 3 Eaa ```
{ "qid": 28492010 }
Cheapest way to get a VapCap in Toronto? I don't smoke up all that often but when I do I'm horrible at making joints and I feel like I waste more than I should. But because I don't smoke all that often, I feel like spending $100+ on a vaporizer to be kind of a waste, too. The other day I discovered the VapCap and that seems perfect economic fit for me. Just wondering where the cheapest place to get one would be? If I have to order directly from them (forgot the name of the manufacturer), how much is shipping and will it get taxed at the border? Thanks, appreciate it!
{ "index": 16265147 }
Essay on Grateful Dead I'm writing a paper for English class about the cultural impact of the Dead any suggestions on things I should read
{ "index": 17987208 }
What state or states would it be easiest to start a legal indoor grow? What state or states would it be easiest to start a legal indoor grow? I imagine 50 or less plants. Is there somewhere I could grow and also have a store front in the same building? My pipe dream is to grow and tend to my own plants then sell the product right there is house, it's that possible anywhere?
{ "index": 36311632 }
Repeat the following sentences: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
{ "conversation_id": "dd818a7fa6f5437fb14054170f5761dd" }
whom en ingles que significa?
{ "index": 1120624 }
is it just me or are 99% of weapons dropping with hidden hand? every clever dragon and LMG i've gotten has been hidden hand and i just got out of a game that had 4 hidden hand weapons drop sad face ):
{ "index": 15898575 }
I must write some scripts for automatic tests to check load-time a web application built in flex/amf technology. The test will consist in opening the IE browser, going through several tabs and measuring the time from clicking on the last tab to load the page content and then closing the browser. I wrote in java a small script with Selenium Web Driver and Junit. Script opening the IE-window, enter login and password. I have problem with 'click on' login-button. Firstly I have try to find and click button by findingElement and By.partiallinktext, but selenium informed me: "Unable to find element with partial link text" (ctrl+f works fine on that site). I tried clicking using moveByOffset mouse and by pressing buttons (class Robot - 'tab' and 'enter' after fill string with password). All of them doesn't work. Next I found JavascriptExecutor - I thing, that it could be answer for my problem, but how I should use this class? Button on that site: ``` <button style="width: 120px;" onclick="javascript:logIn();"> Login </button> ``` My java code: ``` WebElement button = driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText("Login")); JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver; js.executeScript ("document.getElementByText(\"Login\")).click();", button); ``` I haven't a lot of experience with tests, so I will be grateful for your help.
{ "qid": 52405456 }
Let's be specific and use a simpler example than what I actually need to solve. $$ \begin{split} x(t) &= t + A\sin(wt) \\ y(t) &= B \cos(wt) \end{split} $$ How would I obtain the derivative of x in y? My maths are pretty rusty :( I'd like to be able to derive Gerstner wave normal equations by myself, and that would help. Any good book I could find the answer in (the theory) would also be welcome!
{ "qid": 1353918 }
I want to see if the program is being run in EC2 or not. One way is to run `hostname -d` in EC2 to get the `DNS domain name`. How do I get this DNS domain name in Go. I looked at the `net` package using <> But I need to pass an argument. How do I check if it's in EC2 or not? Thanks
{ "qid": 26683158 }
what happens if you don't renew your tv licence?
{ "index": 2349525 }
Claim: Prove that the set of all increasing sequences $n\_1<n\_2<...<n\_n<...$ is uncountable. Here's my attempt: Let $X=\{(x\_n)\_{n\in N};(x\_n)\_{n\in N}$ is increasing$\}$. Consider $f:N\rightarrow X$. We claim that no $f$ can be surjective. Denote $(u\_n)\_{n\in N}$ the image of $f$ at the point $u\in N$, ie, $f(u) =(u\_n)\_{n\in N}$ . We construct a sequence $(s\_n)\_{n\in N}$ such that $(s\_n)\_{n\in N}$$\neq f(s)$ for all $s\in N$. For, construct $(s\_n)\_{n\in N}$ taking $s\_1=\prod\_{k=1}^{\infty} f(k)\_1$, $s\_2=\prod\_{k=1}^{\infty} f(k)\_2$, ... , $s\_n = \prod\_{k=1}^{\infty} f(k)\_n$, ... By the monoticity of multiplication, we guarantee that $(s\_n)\_{n\in N} \in X$. But by the way we built it, it is such that $(s\_n)\_{n\in N} \neq f(s)$ for all s natural. Hence, $f$ cannot be surjective and therefore X is not countable. Is it correct? And if yes, i find pretty intuitive that $(s\_n)\_{n\in N} \neq f(s)$ for all s natural. But can someone turn it out more rigorous and clear? EDIT: I came up with a new solution and better notation. Here it is: Let $X=\{(x\_n)\_{n\in N};(x\_n)\_{n\in N}$ is increasing$\}$. Consider $f:N\rightarrow X$. Denote $(u\_n)\_{n\in N}$ the image of $f$ at the point $u\in N$, ie, $f(u) =(u\_n)\_{n\in N}$ . We may write this sequence as $f(u)= (f(u)\_1,...,f(u)\_n,...)$. Also define $A\_u=\{f(u)\_1,...,f(u)\_n,...\}$ as the set of all elements of the sequence $f(u)$. We define this set for every $u \in N$. Now we construct a new sequence $(s\_n)\_{n\in N}$ inductively given by: Define $f(s)\_1 $= the smallest element of $A\_1$. Supposing defined $f(s)\_1,...,f(s)\_n$, let $S\_{n+1} = \{x \in A\_{n+1}; x>y$, where $y$ is the smallest element of $A\_{n}\}$. Then take $f(s)\_{n+1}$= smallest element of $S\_{n+1}$. Therefore the sequence $(s\_n)\_{n\in N}$ is now defined inductively, and by construction $(s\_n)\_{n\in N}$ is increasing. Therefore, $(s\_n)\_{n\in N} \in X$ and $(s\_n)\_{n\in N}$ is such that $(s\_n)\_{n\in N} \neq f(s)$, for all $s \in N$. Therefore $f$ is not surjective and hence X is not countable.
{ "qid": 2093673 }
when a guy has stretch marks?
{ "index": 1270684 }
How to get over anxiety in situations? (23m) I have no friends because I have social anxiety and being in any social situation just gives me a gut wrenching feeling i hate so I’d rather just isolate myself and be alone. I’m afraid that when I graduate college at the graduation I’m gonna be the one guy even at my age that will have no friends and it will be a terrible experience and I don’t want to experience it. Any tips on what I can do?
{ "index": 53308663 }
My snippet is as follows, ```html <div class="row"> <h3 class="news_title"> Latest Events </h3> <marquee behavior="scroll" loop="infinite" direction="up" scrollamount="2" onmouseover="this.stop();" style="height:200px" onmouseout="this.start();"> <ul> <li><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i><a href="…t-day-15-07-2015/">CHELLAMMAL MATRIC. H.S.S, THIRUVERUMBUR – EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT DAY 15.07.2015</a></li> <li><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i><a href="…ation-03-07-2015/">CHELLAMMAL MATRIC. H.S.S, THIRUVERUMBUR – CLUB INAUGURATION – 03.07.2015</a></li> <li><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i><a href="…ation-18-06-2015/">CHELLAMMAL MATRIC. H.S.S, THIRUVERUMBUR – FATHER’S DAY CELEBRATION – 18.06.2015</a></li> <li><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i><a href="…ation-16-07-2015/">CHELLAMMAL MATRIC. H.S.S, THIRUVERUMBUR – RAMZAN CELEBRATION – 16.07.2015</a></li> <li><i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin"></i><a href="…ition-20-07-2015/">CHELLAMMAL MATRIC. H.S.S, THIRUVERUMBUR – ENVIRONMENT DAY COMPETITION – 20.07.2</a></li> </ul> </marquee> </div> ``` Here i have used the marquee to loop a set of events one by one, if the first set of events ends, then there is a lot of time duration for the second one to run. My requirement is that, i need the next set of events to continue after the first one with only a little interval of time.. How to do it?
{ "qid": 44519029 }
how to recover photos from icloud on android without computer?
{ "index": 1543699 }
If the US and UK had gone to war in the mid-1850s, which country would have likely come out as victorious? In the mid-1850s the US and Great Britain nearly went to war. The UK was unhappy with US supplying the Russians with weapons and goods in the Crimean war despite their supposed neutrality. Meanwhile the US were unhappy with Britain's imperialism, with southerners in particular very unhappy with Britain policing the slave trade in Africa and pressuring Spain to end slavery in Cuba. In a potential war scenario, Lord Palmerston apparently favoured a strategy of crushing the Americans at sea, burning cities on the East coast, and landing black battalions in the south to foment slave rebellions. Meanwhile, newspaper columnists writing in the US argued the US could raise an army of 300,000 men to invade England with ease. Which of these strategies was more likely to succeed? Which country would have likely come out on top if this war had gone ahead?
{ "index": 46624464 }