stringlengths 6
| idiom
stringlengths 11
| sentence_id
stringlengths 15
| sentence_has_idiom
stringclasses 2
values | en
stringlengths 37
| es
stringlengths 33
idi032 | off the top of my head | idi032-sen01-id | True | I can't remember what the scientific name for that flower is off the top of my head, I'll need to look it up. | No recuerdo de memoria el nombre científico de esa flor, tengo que mirarlo. |
idi093 | to ring a bell | idi093-sen01-id | True | His face rings a bell. I'm sure I've met him before somewhere but I can't quite remember. | Su cara me suena. Estoy seguro de que le he visto antes en algún sitio, pero no me acuerdo bien. |
idi103 | to throw somebody under the bus | idi103-sen02-di | False | In the last scene of the film, the old man throws his dog under the bus and walks away, leaving the driver speechless. | En la última escena de la película el viejo tira a su perro debajo del autobús y se marcha, dejando sin palabras al conductor. |
idi078 | to kill two birds with one stone | idi078-sen02-id | True | I'll get my dad to visit my grandma, and while he's visiting her, I'll kill two birds with one stone and visit them both at the same time. | Le diré a mi padre que vaya a visitar a mi abuela y cuando esté allí mataré dos pájaros de un tiro y los visitaré a los dos a la vez. |
idi065 | to get cold feet | idi065-sen01-di | False | I got cold feet from standing in line all morning at 3 degrees. Now they hurt and I can't walk. | Se me han congelado los pies de estar haciendo cola toda la mañana a 3 grados. Ahora me duelen y no puedo andar. |
idi087 | to not be the sharpest tool in the shed | idi087-sen02-id | True | She's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but she's a nice person and she's quite good looking. | No es la tía más lista del mundo, pero es buena persona y es bastante guapa. |
idi083 | to make ends meet | idi083-sen03-di | False | Will we meet to make dinner at the end? | Al final vamos a quedar para hacer la cena? |
idi080 | to let your hair down | idi080-sen02-id | True | This afternoon I will finish proofreading the paper and submit it. Tomorrow we finally get to let our hair down! | Esta tarde acabaré de revisar el paper y lo entregaré. Mañana por fin podremos soltarnos la melena! |
idi080 | to let your hair down | idi080-sen01-id | True | This week was so stressful, I can't wait until we go away on the weekend and I can let my hair down and relax. | Esta semana ha sido tan estresante! No veo el momento de que nos marchemos el fin de semana para soltarme la melena y relajarme. |
idi063 | to drive someone nuts | idi063-sen01-id | True | He is so irritating he drives me absolutely nuts. | Es tan irritante que me vuelve completamente loca! |
idi096 | to sit on the fence | idi096-sen02-di | False | That creepy kid was sitting on the fence of my neighbor's house and staring at my window. | Ese niño inquietante estaba sentado en la valla de la casa de mis vecinos mirando fijamente hacia mi ventana. |
idi053 | to beat around the bush | idi053-sen02-id | True | I'm not going to beat around the bush - I came here to tell you that I am in love you with you. | No voy a andarme con rodeos: he venido para decirte que me he enamorado de ti. |
idi037 | the more the merrier | idi037-sen02-di | False | In the past, more people used to get married than today. | Antes la gente se casaba más que ahora. |
idi015 | easier said than done | idi015-sen01-id | True | Lots of people say that losing weight is simply doing more exercise and eating less, but it's easier said than done. | Mucha gente dice que para perder peso sólo hay que hacer más ejercicio y comer menos, pero es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo. |
idi081 | to look on the bright side | idi081-sen02-di | False | Our house is bright because it faces the south side. | Nuestra casa es luminosa porque está orientada hacia el sur. |
idi052 | to be up your street | idi052-sen02-di | False | There is a good Indian restaurant just up your street on the left. | Hay un restaurante indio muy bueno subiendo por tu calle a mano izquierda. |
idi078 | to kill two birds with one stone | idi078-sen03-di | False | The other day, my friend was watching her daughter play in the backyard when she suddenly realised that the child had killed two birds with a stone. She was horrified! | El otro día mi amiga estaba mirando a su hija jugar en el jardín y de repente se dio cuenta que la niña había matado dos pájaros con una piedra. Estaba horrorizada! |
idi091 | to put a sock in it | idi091-sen01-id | True | Just put a sock in it! I'm sick of listening to you now! | Cierra el pico! Estoy harta de escucharte! |
idi077 | to kick the bucket | idi077-sen01-di | False | The horse got nervous, kicked the bucket and dumped all the water we had left for the rest of the day. | El caballo se puso nervioso, le dió una patada al cubo y tiró toda el agua que nos quedaba para el resto del día. |
idi087 | to not be the sharpest tool in the shed | idi087-sen01-id | True | I mean, he's pretty enough, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. | Vamos a ver, es bastante atractivo, pero no es exactamente un lumbreras. |
idi010 | cold turkey | idi010-sen01-id | True | She left cold turkey on Monday morning without saying a word. | Se fué de repente el lunes por la mañana sin decir ni una palabra. |
idi105 | to turn a blind eye | idi105-sen01-id | True | My kid loves my cooking so much that sometimes when he starts licking his fingers then his plate, i just turn a blind eye and let him enjoy it. | A mi hijo le gusta tanto lo que le cocino que a veces, cuando empieza a chuparse los dedos y luego a lamer el plato, hago la vista gorda y le dejo disfrutar! |
idi011 | dog eat dog | idi011-sen01-id | True | Keep your wits about you - it's a dog eat dog world out there. | Mantente firme: es la jungla ahí fuera. |
idi034 | out of the blue | idi034-sen01-id | True | Weeks and weeks went passed and I heard nothing from her, then one day - out of the blue - she messaged to ask how I was doing… I obviously blocked her though ahaha. | Pasaron semanas y semanas sin que supiera nada de ella y un día de repente me mandó un mensaje preguntándome qué tal estaba... Desde luego la bloquee jajaja |
idi106 | to twist someone's arm | idi106-sen01-id | True | How to twist my parent's arm to let me go to the party on Saturday? | ¿Cómo convencer a mis padres para que me dejen ir a la fiesta el sábado? |
idi088 | to play it by ear | idi088-sen02-di | False | She didn't know the chords of that song, she was playing it by ear. | No se sabía los acordes de esa canción, la tocaba de oído. |
idi046 | to be on the ball | idi046-sen03-di | False | Put your foot on the ball and stretch your leg. | Pon el pie sobre la pelota y estira la pierna. |
idi007 | Bob's your uncle | idi007-sen01-id | True | Look, you fold the corner over that way and - bob's your uncle - you've folder yourself a paper plane. | Mira, doblas la esquina de esta manera y ahí lo tienes: has hecho un avión de papel! |
idi054 | to bite off more than you can chew | idi054-sen01-id | True | She loves taking on new projects but she's always biting off more than she can chew. | Le encanta empezar nuevos proyectos, pero siempre acaba queriendo abarcar demasiado. |
idi093 | to ring a bell | idi093-sen03-di | False | In speed climbing competitions, you have to ring a bell to stop the chrono when you reach the top. | En las competiciones de escalada de velocidad tienes que tocar una campana para parar el cronómetro cuando llegas al top. |
idi010 | cold turkey | idi010-sen03-di | False | We arrived home so hungry that we ate cold turkey straight from the fridge for dinner. | Llegamos a casa tan hambrientos que para cenar nos comimos pavo frío sacado directamente de la nevera. |
idi074 | to hit the nail on the head | idi074-sen02-di | False | You have to hit the nail on the head to hammer it deep into the wood. | Hay que golpear el clavo en la cabeza para clavarlo profundamente en la madera. |
idi074 | to hit the nail on the head | idi074-sen01-id | True | I think you hit the nail on the head with that explanation - that's exactly what Pythagoras' Theorem is used for. | Creo que diste en el clavo con esa explicación: es exactamente para eso que se utiliza el Teorema de Pitágoras. |
idi056 | to blow your own trumpet | idi056-sen02-di | False | To start playing the trumpet, you have to blow into it until a sound comes out... it's not easy! | Para empezar a tocar la trompeta tienes que soplar en ella hasta que salga un sonido... no es tan fácil! |
idi038 | the shit's gonna hit the fan | idi038-sen01-id | True | When they finally realise what he's done - shit's gonna hit the fan! | Cuando se den cuenta de lo que ha hecho se va a liar parda! |
idi002 | a stone's throw away | idi002-sen01-id | True | The Cathedral is only a stone's throw away from my flat, you can see it from my living room window. | La catedral está a tiro de piedra de mi piso, puedes verla desde la ventana del comedor. |
idi069 | to go out on a limb | idi069-sen03-di | False | The main character takes a long time to decide to go out again after having her limbs amputated. | La protagonista tarda mucho en decidirse a volver a salir después de que le amputaran las extremidades. |
idi082 | to make a living | idi082-sen03-di | False | I bought a new lamp and lots of plants to make our living room warmer and more cozy. | He comprado una lámpara nueva y muchas plantas para hacer nuestro salón más cálido y acogedor. |
idi094 | to sell like hotcakes | idi094-sen01-id | True | These magazines are selling like hotcakes - we won't have any left soon. | Estas revistas se están vendiendo como churros, en breve ya no nos quedarán. |
idi092 | to put someone on the spot | idi092-sen02-di | False | During the interview, I realised that I had spilt coffee on my shirt and I put my hand on the spot to cover it up. | Durante la entrevista me di cuenta que me había manchado la camiseta de café y puse una mano sobre la mancha para esconderla. |
idi055 | to bite the bullet | idi055-sen02-di | False | It is said that in ancient times, soldiers would bite a bullet to withstand the pain when undergoing emergency surgery on the battlefield. | Se narra que, en la antigüedad, los soldados mordían una bala para aguantar el dolor cuando se sometían a una cirugía de urgencia en el campo de batalla. |
idi088 | to play it by ear | idi088-sen01-id | True | We don't need to plan a detailed itinerary, let's just play it by ear. | No tenemos que planificar un itinerario detallado, vamos a ir sobre la marcha. |
idi008 | break a leg | idi008-sen02-di | False | In the laboratory the teacher told me to break a leg off the dead frog and dissect it. That's when I realised I'd never be able to work as a biologist! | En el laboratorio el profesor me dijo que arrancara una pata de la rana muerta y que la diseccionara. Fue entonces cuando me di cuenta de que nunca podría ser biólogo! |
idi040 | to bark up the wrong tree | idi040-sen02-id | True | Look mate, whatever you think you know, I'm telling you, you're barking up the wrong tree. | Mira tío, sea lo que sea que piensas, te digo que te estás equivocando. |
idi023 | to serve someone right | idi023-sen02-di | False | This restaurant serves you the dishes with the right amount of seasoning to make them truly memorable. | Este restaurante te sirve los platos con la justa cantidad de condimentos para hacerlos realmente memorables. |
idi085 | to miss the boat | idi085-sen01-di | False | That day started all wrong and even though I rushed to the dock, I missed the boat across the lake and had to run for thee kilometers around the lake to arrive to the starting point of the race on time. | Ese día empezó fatal y aunque me diera prisa no llegué a tiempo al muelle y perdí el barco que cruzaba el lago. Así tuve que correr tres kilómetros para rodearlo y llegar a tiempo al punto de partida de la carrera. |
idi071 | to go with the flow | idi071-sen01-id | True | I'm not going to plan my trip to India - I'm just going to go with the flow when I get there. | No voy a planificar mi viaje a la India, iré viendo sobre la marcha una vez esté ahí. |
idi063 | to drive someone nuts | idi063-sen02-id | True | Stop singing! You're driving me nuts! | Deja de cantar ya, me estás volviendo loco! |
idi064 | to get a move on | idi064-sen01-id | True | We're late to the gig, so, get a move on or we'll miss it completely. | Llegamos tarde al concierto, date prisa o nos lo perderemos del todo. |
idi084 | to make up your mind | idi084-sen01-id | True | Someone find me my cowboy boots because I've made up my mind - I will party tonight! | Que alguien encuentre mis botas vaqueras porque ya lo tengo decidido: esta noche voy a salir de fiesta! |
idi059 | to cut someone some slack | idi059-sen02-di | False | We need to cut and tighten this rope: it is too slack! | Tenemos que cortar y tensar esta cuerda: está demasiado floja! |
idi039 | to add fuel to the fire | idi039-sen01-di | False | When the building was already burning, the hooligans added fuel to the fire causing it to become an unstoppable and devastating event. | Cuando el edificio ya estaba en llamas, los vándalos le echaron más combustible al fuego, convirtiéndolo en un evento inarrestable y devastador. |
idi103 | to throw somebody under the bus | idi103-sen01-id | True | She threw me under the bus when the teacher was asking us about why we didn't turn up to school, and that's why I'm in detention and she isn't. | Cuando el profesor nos preguntó por qué no habíamos ido a clase ella me echó la culpa a mí. Por eso ahora yo estoy castigada y ella no. |
idi017 | hold your horses | idi017-sen01-id | True | Hold your horses! There's no need to rush into it right now, just take a day or two to think it through. | Para el carro! No hace falta precipitarse ahora, tómate uno o dos días para pensártelo bien. |
idi008 | break a leg | idi008-sen01-id | True | You're going to do great at that speaking event, so don't worry and break a leg! | Lo vas a hacer muy bien en la conferencia, así que no te preocupes y mucha suerte! |
idi009 | by the skin of your teeth | idi009-sen03-di | False | Do you know what gums are? Yesterday my mom's dentist explained to me that they are like the skin of my teeth and that I should take care of them by not eating too many sweets. | Sabes qué son las encías? Ayer el dentista de mi mamá me explicó que son como la piel de mis dientes y que para cuidarlas no tengo que comer demasiados dulces. |
idi098 | to spice things up | idi098-sen01-id | True | To spice things up a bit, we invited both of his ex-girlfriends to the party. | Para hacer las cosas un poco más interesantes invitamos a sus dos ex novias a la fiesta. |
idi031 | off the beaten track | idi031-sen01-id | True | When I travel, I like to go off the beaten track in order to have an authentic experience instead of getting caught in a tourist trap. | Cuando viajo me gusta alejarme de las zonas más concurridas para vivir una experiencia más auténtica y no caer en trampas para turistas. |
idi047 | to be over the moon | idi047-sen03-di | False | You are building your solar system model incorrectly: look, Mars cannot be over the Moon, you must move it further to the side in order to reproduce the real positions of the planets. | Estás construyendo mal tu maqueta del sistema solar: mira, Marte no puede estar encima de la Luna, lo tienes que mover un poco hacia un lado para reproducir el orden real de los planetas. |
idi002 | a stone's throw away | idi002-sen03-di | False | You can throw a stone into the lake and watch the ripples dance on the surface until your melancholy goes away. | Puedes tirar una piedra en el lago y observar las ondas bailar sobre la superficie hasta que se te pase la melancolía. |
idi001 | a different kettle of fish | idi001-sen02-di | False | Mum wanted to cook something different that day, but ended up putting a salmon in the fish kettle as usual. | Mamá quería cocinar algo distinto ese día, pero acabó metiendo un salmón en la olla como de costumbre. |
idi063 | to drive someone nuts | idi063-sen03-di | False | Please drive me to the corner shop, I want to buy some nuts. | Por favor, llévame a la tienda de la esquina, quiero comprar unos frutos secos. |
idi054 | to bite off more than you can chew | idi054-sen02-di | False | Stop biting off more than you can chew when you eat a hamburger! Seeing food leaking out of your mouth is disgusting! | Deja de morder más de lo que puedes masticar cuando comes una hamburguesa! Ver como se te escurre la comida de la boca es asqueroso! |
idi073 | to have bigger fish to fry | idi073-sen01-id | True | I can't help you right now: I have bigger fish to fry. | No te puedo ayudar en este momento, tengo cosas más importantes que hacer! |
idi043 | to be crystal clear | idi043-sen02-di | False | The wine was served in clear crystal glasses. | El vino se sirvió en copas de cristal transparente. |
idi042 | to be a star | idi042-sen01-id | True | Erika has done all the reports for this week - she's a star! | Erika ha hecho todos los informes de esta semana: es un sol! |
idi097 | to sit tight | idi097-sen01-id | True | I'm going to sit tight and wait until it's my turn to be served. | Esperaré aquí hasta que llegue mi turno y me sirvan. |
idi002 | a stone's throw away | idi002-sen02-id | True | I live just a stone's throw away from this beautiful woodland area. | Vivo a tiro de piedra de esta bonita zona boscosa |
idi050 | to be snowed under | idi050-sen01-id | True | We didn't have time for that nonsense, we were snowed under with work last month. | No teníamos tiempo para esas estupideces, estábamos hasta arriba de trabajo el mes pasado. |
idi070 | to go pear-shaped | idi070-sen03-di | False | The internet is full of sophisticated suggestions on what to wear if you have a pear-shaped body, but I think I'll go for a simple outfit. | Internet está lleno de sofisticados consejos sobre qué ponerte si tienes un cuerpo en forma de pera, pero creo que optaré por un atuendo sencillo. |
idi082 | to make a living | idi082-sen01-id | True | I make a living as a teacher however I'm starting a new side hustle to earn extra money. | Me gano la vida como profesor aunque estoy empezando un segundo trabajo para ganar dinero extra. |
idi096 | to sit on the fence | idi096-sen01-id | True | I'm sitting on the fence about how much AI is going to revolutionize society. | Me estoy preguntando en qué medida la IA va a revolucionar la sociedad. |
idi095 | to show someone the ropes | idi095-sen02-di | False | When we started the climbing course, the first thing I did was to show the ropes and all other equipment to my students. | Al empezar el curso de escalada lo primero que hice fue enseñarles a mis alumnos las cuerdas y todo el resto de material. |
idi100 | to spit it out | idi100-sen01-id | True | What are you blathering on about? Spit it out already! | De qué estás hablando? Dilo de una vez! |
idi106 | to twist someone's arm | idi106-sen02-di | False | In the second half of the fight she twisted my arm so hard that I fell to the ground and gave up. | En la segunda mitad del combate me torció el brazo tan fuerte que me caí al suelo y me rendí. |
idi046 | to be on the ball | idi046-sen02-id | True | Wow, you're really on the ball today! | Wow! Estás super concentrado hoy! |
idi061 | to cut the mustard | idi061-sen02-di | False | The lemon juice cut the mustard and the salad went sour. We had to throw it away. | El zumo de limón ha cortado la mostaza y la ensalada se ha vuelto agria. La hemos tenido que tirar. |
idi017 | hold your horses | idi017-sen02-id | True | Woahhhhh, hold your horses - we're not ready to go yet, we're still waiting for your mum. | Uooooooo, para el carro! Todavía no estamos listos para salir, tenemos que esperar a tu madre. |
idi052 | to be up your street | idi052-sen01-id | True | This music is so good - it's totally up my street! | Esta música es buenísima, es totalmente de mi rollo! |
idi062 | to cut to the chase | idi062-sen01-id | True | Just cut to the chase! What did she say about us using her ironing board? | Ve al grano ya! Qué te ha dicho de que usáramos su tabla de planchar? |
idi028 | jump in the deep end | idi028-sen01-id | True | It's great to see you've jumped into the deep end with this new job. | Es genial que te hayas lanzado a la piscina con este nuevo trabajo. |
idi079 | to knock someone's socks off | idi079-sen01-id | True | I'm going to write the best report that's ever been written - it'll knock your socks off! | Voy a escribir el mejor informe que se haya escrito jamás. Os va a dejar sin palabras! |
idi093 | to ring a bell | idi093-sen02-id | True | The name rings a bell but I can't remember exactly what they're famous for. | El nombre me suena, pero no recuerdo exactamente por qué es famoso. |
idi051 | to be the last straw | idi051-sen04-di | False | I have served that cocktail with the last straw we had and I don't have any left for the mojitos... Can you call the provider and order a box? | He servido ese cocktail con la última pajita que teníamos y ya no me quedan para los mojitos... Puedes llamar al proveedor y pedir una caja? |
idi040 | to bark up the wrong tree | idi040-sen01-id | True | You are barking up the wrong tree! I don't have anything to do with that. It's not my decision. | Estás buscando en el sitio equivocado! No tengo nada que ver con eso. No es mi decisión. |
idi087 | to not be the sharpest tool in the shed | idi087-sen03-di | False | The sharpest tool I have in the shed is this Swiss knife. | La herramienta más afilada que tengo en el cobertizo es esta navaja suiza. |
idi042 | to be a star | idi042-sen02-di | False | My friend Laura is a star! Since she started her acting career two years ago, she's already starred in more than five films! | Mi amiga Laura es una estrella! Desde que empezó su carrera de actriz hace dos años ya ha participado en más de cinco películas! |
idi021 | to give someone the creeps | idi021-sen02-di | False | Please give me a magnifying glass to watch how the spider creeps on the leaf. | Por favor, dame una lupa para mirar cómo se mueve la araña sobre la hoja. |
idi008 | break a leg | idi008-sen03-di | False | Leaving the office building after the biggest job interview of my life, I stumbled down the stairs and broke my leg. So I lost the chance to start my dream job. | Al salir del edificio de oficinas después de la entrevista de trabajo más importante de mi vida, tropecé por la escalera y me rompí una pierna. Fue así que perdí la oportunidad de empezar el trabajo de mis sueños. |
idi078 | to kill two birds with one stone | idi078-sen01-id | True | I usually kill two birds with one stone and listen to my French class on youtube while I wash the dishes. | Normalmente mato dos pájaros de un tiro y escucho mi clase de francés mientras friego los platos. |
idi041 | to be a night owl | idi041-sen02-di | False | The owl is a night creature and a symbol of wisdom in many cultures. | El búho es una criatura nocturna y un símbolo de sabiduría en muchas culturas. |
idi104 | to tie the knot | idi104-sen01-id | True | They finally decided not to listen to their parents and tied the knot last Saturday. | Al final decidieron no hacerles caso a sus padres y se casaron el sábado pasado. |
idi009 | by the skin of your teeth | idi009-sen04-di | False | It's important to take care of your skin and teeth by visiting your dermatologist and dentist regularly. | Es importante cuidar de nuestra piel y dientes acudiendo con regularidad al dermatólogo y al dentista. |
idi091 | to put a sock in it | idi091-sen02-di | False | There is a hole in the water tank and all the water is running out! I don't know what to do! Put a sock in it and let's hope it slows down the spillage until the on-call plumber arrives! | Hay un agujero en el depósito y se está saliendo toda el agua! No sé qué hacer! Tapónalo con un calcetín y esperemos que frene un poco la fuga hasta que llegue el fontanero de guardia! |
idi009 | by the skin of your teeth | idi009-sen01-id | True | I managed to catch the last train by the skin of my teeth; one minute later and I would have missed it. | Conseguí coger el último tren por los pelos; un minuto más tarde y lo habría perdido. |
idi025 | it's like talking to a brick wall | idi025-sen01-id | True | You're so boring to have a conversation with - it's like talking to a brick wall! | Tener una conversación contigo es tan aburrido! Es como hablarle a la pared! |
idi071 | to go with the flow | idi071-sen02-di | False | The leaves go down the river with the flow until they reach the calm lake. | Las hojas bajan el río con la corriente hasta alcanzar las apacibles aguas del lago. |
idi070 | to go pear-shaped | idi070-sen01-id | True | One minute everything was ok and the next it had all gone pear-shaped. | Todo estaba bien y de un momento para el otro se fue todo al garete. |
idi030 | nothing to write home about | idi030-sen01-id | True | I'm having a good time here and the landscape is beautiful, but the food is nothing to write home about. | Aquí me lo estoy pasando bien y el paisaje es hermoso, pero la comida no es nada especial. |
idi105 | to turn a blind eye | idi105-sen03-id | True | I'm going to turn a blind eye to this incident if you help me carry these books to the library. | Voy a desentenderme de este incidente si me ayudas a llevar estos libros a la biblioteca. |
Dataset Card for IdioTS - Idiomatic Language Test Suite
This repository includes the dataset for idiom detection and translation proposed in our paper.
The first version of this evaluation dataset was created as part of a Master's thesis in NLP under the title "Idiom detection and translation with conversational LLMs". The dataset has been further curated and improved and is constantly revised by the author.
Dataset Details
Dataset Description
More detailed information about the dataset can be found in our paper.
- Curated by: Francesca De Luca Fornaciari
- License: cc-by-nc-sa-4.0
Dataset Sources [optional]
- Repository:
- Paper:
This dataset is designed for the assessment of conversational LLMs' capabilities to process figurative language, specifically idiomatic expressions at sentence level.
Direct Use
This dataset can be used for the assessment of conversational LLMs on two tasks related with idiomatic language:
Task 1 (monolingual task): idiom detection in an English sentence.
Task 2 (cross-lingual task): sentence translation from English to Spanish.
Out-of-Scope Use
This dataset is not meant to be used for tasks that differ from the ones specified in "Direct Use".
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
"idiom_id": "idi028",
"idiom": "jump in the deep end",
"sentence_id": "idi028-sen01-id",
"sentence_has_idiom": "True",
"en": "It's great to see you've jumped into the deep end with this new job.",
"es": "Es genial que te hayas lanzado a la piscina con este nuevo trabajo."
"idiom_id": "idi028",
"idiom": "jump in the deep end",
"sentence_id": "idi028-sen02-di",
"sentence_has_idiom": "False",
"en": "After a month of swimming lessons, the children were confident enough to jump into the deep end of the pool.",
"es": "Después de un mes de clases de natación los niños tenían la confianza suficiente para tirarse a la parte más profunda de la piscina."
Data Fields
(str): Unique ID assigned to the idiomatic expression.idiom
(str): Idiomatic expression.sentence_id
(str): Unique ID assigned to the sentence. Is composed by the idiom_id + a specific id for the sentence + a suffix indicating whether the sentence is idiomatic ("id") or distractor ("di").sentence_has_idiom
(bool): True/False field indicating wether the original English sentence contains an idiom or not.en
(str): Original English
(str): Spanish sentence (translation).
Data Splits
The dataset contains a single split: test
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
This evaluation dataset was designed and curated by human experts with advanced linguistic knowledge, specifically to assess the ability of LLMs to process figurative language at sentence level. With the release of this dataset, we aim to provide a resource for evaluating the capabilities of conversational LLMs to handle the semantic meanings of multi-word expressions and to distinguish between literal and idiomatic meanings of a potentially idiomatic expression (PIE).
Source Data
The sentence dataset is based on an original list of English idioms. This list was curated by the same author as the dataset. The original English idioms are partly derived from real interactions of the author with native English speakers and partly extracted from the following websites: Amigos Ingleses, The idioms, EF English idioms.
Data Collection and Processing
The dataset contains two types of sentences:
- Idiomatic sentences.
- Distractor sentences, i.e. plausible, grammatically and syntactically correct sentences containing a set of words that might belong to an idiomatic expression, but in fact are employed in a less common, literal way.
Who are the source data producers?
The idiomatic sentences in the dataset were crafted by a group of native English speakers in the frame of a small-scale crowdsourcing on voluntary basis.
In order to ensure the quality of the generated sentences, the selected collaborators had to fulfil the following requirements:
- Native English speakers, predominantly of British origins.
- Demonstrated high linguistic proficiency attaining at least a C1 level.
- Language professional profile with a linguistic background (English teachers, linguists, translators, and NLP experts).
The task definition was kept as simple as possible. The collaborators were provided with a spreadsheet extracted from the previously compiled list of idioms (containing just the idiom and an empty cell for the sentence, without any additional context) and were simply instructed to select a few of them of their choice and to craft a sentences per chosen idiom. They were asked to produce sentences representative of natural, spontaneous language use by native English speakers, allowing for humorous, personal, or improvised content, provided it resonated authentically with their native speaker experience. An example idiom with its corresponding sentence was included as a model in the email body:
Idiom: "to have bigger fish to fry". Sentence: "I don't have time for your silly stories, I have bigger fish to fry: I have a job interview to prepare for tomorrow!".
The complex task of generating the distractor sentences was undertaken by the authors to ensure both their quality and correctness, while also providing a subtle suggestion of idiomaticity.
Annotations [optional]
Annotation process
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Who are the annotators?
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Personal and Sensitive Information
The dataset does not contain any kind of personal or sensitive information.
Bias, Risks, and Limitations
A concerted effort was made to mitigate gender bias within our newly developed resource. Whenever possible, gender-specific terms were either eliminated or neutralised, a large number of sentences were reformulated adopting a gender neutral first person plural ("we"/"us"), second person singular or plural ("you"), or third person plural ("they"). Since the gender neutralisation is not always possible due to grammatical or syntactical constraints, meticulous attention was devoted to ensuring a representation of feminine and masculine gender terms as balanced as possible throughout the dataset.
No specific measures were taken to mitigate other types of bias that may be present in the data.
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Citation [optional]
title = "A Hard Nut to Crack: Idiom Detection with Conversational Large Language Models",
author = "De Luca Fornaciari, Francesca and
Altuna, Bego{\~n}a and
Gonzalez-Dios, Itziar and
Melero, Maite",
editor = "Ghosh, Debanjan and
Muresan, Smaranda and
Feldman, Anna and
Chakrabarty, Tuhin and
Liu, Emmy",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FigLang 2024)",
month = jun,
year = "2024",
address = "Mexico City, Mexico (Hybrid)",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
doi = "10.18653/v1/2024.figlang-1.5",
pages = "35--44",
abstract = "In this work, we explore idiomatic language processing with Large Language Models (LLMs). We introduce the Idiomatic language Test Suite IdioTS, a dataset of difficult examples specifically designed by language experts to assess the capabilities of LLMs to process figurative language at sentence level. We propose a comprehensive evaluation methodology based on an idiom detection task, where LLMs are prompted with detecting an idiomatic expression in a given English sentence. We present a thorough automatic and manual evaluation of the results and a comprehensive error analysis.",
Francesca De Luca Fornaciari, Begoña Altuna, Itziar Gonzalez-Dios, and Maite Melero. 2024. A Hard Nut to Crack: Idiom Detection with Conversational Large Language Models. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Figurative Language Processing (FigLang 2024), pages 35–44, Mexico City, Mexico (Hybrid). Association for Computational Linguistics.
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Dataset Card Authors [optional]
Francesca De Luca Fornaciari
Dataset Card Contact
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