### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Appreciate everyone’s advice. Ended up taking him in. He’s got acid reflux! Got some meds to help his stomach settle. ## dogbot: ## What meds did your dog’s vet prescribe? I hope he’s feeling better soon. My dog does this from time to time but I never thought there was anything wrong and figured dogs just like to lick. ## Speaker_0: ## Famotidine. And I should add it’s a little more than normal licking. He licked nonstop and kind of aggressively for like 4 hours last night and then a few more hours in the morning. He also seemed restless and uncomfortable, and when taken out would eat grass like a madman. This isn’t the first time he’s done this but it was definitely the most extreme case, so glad we know what is causing it. ## dogbot: ## Oh your poor baby. That’s a lot more licking than my dog does, although lately he does get into “licking spells” where he’ll be licking on and on for a while as if I spread peanut butter on the couch. When my dog eats grass a lot the vet said that it usually means they’re nauseous. I really hope your dog seems to get relief from the medication. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## This is the prime location for flea allergy dermatitis. I would take a careful look through the coat with a fine tooth comb and make sure you're using an adequate flea prevention. ## Speaker_1: ## I thought it could be fleas too but I’ve checked several times now and I haven’t found any sign of movement in her fur. She also hasn’t been acting itchy or weird at all. She hasn’t even tried to touch the spot ## dogbot: ## The way you know for sure is if you run a flea comb through their fur once or twice, from the base. Anything that looks like dirt granules, put on a damp paper towel. The flea dirt had blood in it so it will start to make the paper towel around it a little orange-red. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Is it painful? ## dogbot: ## I don’t think so. I’ve examined it a few times and he’s never bothered by it ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I rolled it in cream cheese and she just swallowed it ## dogbot: ## Cream cheese, liverwurst, pub cheese, sour cream, ice cream, jarred baby food have all worked for me! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Nah man if a dog breaks my trust like that, especially more then once it's done. If I accidentally provoke a dog that's on me, getting them too riled up and they snap at me that one thing, but there going to randomly come at my face? That's a no from me. I'm sorry for your loss and most of all the trauma this has probably left with you, I know ever since a dog bite me in the hand, I've always been weary of dogs i cant imagine what this was like. ## dogbot: ## I love dogs and im always for keeping them alive and doing training, health checks etc. I'd get a health check on this dog but I also agree, its one thing to bite your body but your face is a while other story. Face or neck is the dog trying to cause serious harm or worse case death. Sorry to sound grim but someone has to point this out. This isn't but a warning bite. I use to work in a animal shelter and this would be instant euthanasia. You can get all the training you want but the dog has already shown signs of serious aggression especially without warning. The likely hood of this happening after training is still high, especially as the dog ages and gets less patient (if it learns any). The dog has shown is unpredictable. It should never be allowed near children, other animals, elderly or someone without training with aggressive dogs. My mum kept her dog who luckily was small but super aggressive and unpredictable. No training would change that. One minute she was fine next minute she would bite us ( hands only). ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I am currently in the process of searching for a fur angel to adopt and some of the dogs at the shelter had “tattoo” listed on their paperwork. ## dogbot: ## In Australia, this is usually just to indicate that they have been desexed. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## He needs to go to the vet and he also needs groomed. He looks matted all over. Poor guy.. ## Speaker_1: ## Thought the same poor pup ## dogbot: ## I third this ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## The only answer is take the dog to the vet. Sorry, it’s the truth. You can induce vomiting, but that can only do so much, especially if it’s been an hour plus since being consumed. This dog **absolutely needs to be rehomed** if it could be getting into things that put it’s life in danger! There is no shame in rehoming in the right situation! Eating some chocolate is a “shit happens” thing. Eating street drugs is not. I mean this with no judgement, truly. Life is fucking hard and rough, but the dog is a living being and you need to have empathy for this dog, too. I hope the doggy and it’s person end up ok. ## dogbot: ## Sometimes living with a loving person on the streets is better than life in a cage and/or euthanasia. You can't take people's pets away because they have addiction issues, that solves nothing. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I wouldn’t shave your Pomeranian. You can have a groomer deshed her fur for you. ## Speaker_1: ## Thank you! I was looking into it but didn’t know if I should do it. She’s a mix so she doesn’t have the thick coat with dense undercoat, but she does have a lot of fur and seems really hot. I don’t want to damage her undercoat and have it grow back funny like the poms that get little teddy bear cuts. ## Speaker_2: ## Shaving the fur to keep a dog cool is a myth The thick coat works as insulation. Both against cold, but also against heat. Shaving the dog prohibits their natural method of cooling off and will cause more overheating. Humans cool off by sweating through our skin. Dogs don’t do that. The thick fur is not the same as humans wearing a fluffy coat. So please, please PLEASE don’t ever shave your dog in the hopes of keeping them cool. No matter what breed it is. You can take her to a groomer to have them deshedded, that will help a bunch. If she’s having trouble with heat you can cool her off by cooling her paws and belly (perhaps a kiddy pool to have her wade in after a walk, that’s what we do), getting a gel cooling mat for her and you could look into cooling vests if she is at risk of overheating during walks. ## dogbot: ## I think it’s important to refrain from generalizing. It may be true that double coated dogs overheat from shorter hair. I certainly am not aware of any scientific data indicating that single coated dogs can experience difficultly regulating temperature if shaved down. Additionally, many dogs cannot be “deshedded.” And I wish we’d just stop regurgitating the same unproven information as absolute fact. The only facts here are that dogs regulate their bodies differently than humans, and that dogs don’t sweat like humans. But they *do* sweat from their paws, and they also cool themselves by panting. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Your dog is grieving. Most grieving dogs won't eat for a few days & that's okay. Like humans, they need time to process loss. Be there for her, comfort her & if she doesn't want to eat, don't force her. She has to process in her own way. Just make sure she has food & water at all times. After a week, if she doesn't eat then I would be concerned. When my first dog died, my second dog didn't eat right for a few days. She knew what happened. After then she was mostly back to normal; she would take me to see all the other dogs in the neighborhood. ## Speaker_1: ## I had a similar experience when the older of my two beagles passed away. ## Speaker_2: ## Ofc all dogs are loyal but especially beagles/hounds. My first dog was a beagle named hank, such a good boy ## dogbot: ## my first dog was a beagle named Scout🥺 he survived cancer three times and the little guy lived to be almost 17 years old. they’re wonderfully sweet little babies ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## You need to seek out a professional dog trainer, he is made of two fairly stubborn breeds and he may be beyond your knowledge and skill level. They will work with you on his reactive behavior. Because he is made up of two very active breeds he definitely needs to get a lot of physical activity, and absolutely needs to go on walks. Try to take a squeaky toy or high reward treats out on your walks, when he gets reactive you should stop, try to redirect his attention and try to get him to sit. Once he sits and redirects his attention reward him and continue with your walk. He is probably anxious due to low confidence, but a professional trainer will definitely know. ## dogbot: ## Thank you, we went to the vet today and got a number for a good trainer in our area. We’re gonna try it out and hopefully will get some results. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## My pupper does too. I dont think it's a big deal. I did some research and sometimes they eat it because the actually like that taste ## Speaker_1: ## My dog eats grass as well. I give her bokchoy or green beans with her meals. ## Speaker_2: ## My dog also loves to eat her greens. If I'm ever making something with green beans, spinach, etc. she always gets a little piece. She also grazes on grass when it's really nice outside. She actually got me into trouble a few days ago. While she was munching on grass I was encouraging her to keep moving and ended up yelling at her "Stop being a cow!" A lady jogging by heard me and confronted me about calling *her* a cow. Had to explain that "I meant the dog, I swear!" ## Speaker_3: ## My dogs LOVE kale! We give the stems to them and they go absolutely bananas over them. ## Speaker_4: ## My pups have always gone crazy for the kale stems and green beans are so good they will do tricks for them. I grow lots of beans for us and summertime is all about doing cute things for beans. And they will nibble some grass - they just like greens. I add a little moringa to their meals - AFAI know that's fine. ## dogbot: ## Had a pup i used to babysit sometimes that loved frozen grean beans. But only when frozen. I thought her mom was nuts when she told me at first bf I saw it in person. Blew my mind! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I just want to know if I can name him. ## dogbot: ## Dogs are very adaptable and can learn new names quickly, so it doesn't matter if you name him or not. I've seen a service dog have his name changed right before graduating from his program and he picked up the new name within a few days. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Larry! haha I always wanted to name a dog a human name. I met a golden retriever named Patrick. ## dogbot: ## My goldens name is Truman Burbank Capote Hughes ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Give it time. These things take awhile. Just let her get comfortable and go slow. ## dogbot: ## it’s what i do with my rescue boy, i always say “oh it’s our friend!” and that eases his anxiety a TON ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## IMO your dog looks perfect or actually a bit thin. The dip from the chest into the stomach is what I notice. They would be solid like a log or a potato if they were overweight. ## Speaker_1: ## It's a sighthound - they have a different build and you can't judge them by other dog standards. It's not obese, but def a little chunky for a sighthound. ## Speaker_2: ## Can you explain how this dog is overweight? Genuinely asking because to me, the dog looks just fine but there's obviously something about sighthounds I'm missing. ## dogbot: ## On a sighthound, it is absolutely normal and healthy to be able to see the outlines of all the muscles and many bones. Seeing the ribs on a sighthound is a good thing. They are meant to have almost no fat at all. Google images of sighthounds or greyhounds and you will see the difference. This dog has a thick layer of fat around her chest and abdomen. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## If you’re on a budget I highly recommend pet insurance for whatever dog you adopt. It’ll run higher for frenchies because of the breeds health problems. I’d also only adopt a flat-nosed breed from a shelter or rescue. There’s no way to breed these pups ethically. ## Speaker_1: ## yes there is ## Speaker_0: ## No, there isn’t. They’re literally bred in a way that makes it difficult to breathe. No way around that. ## Speaker_1: ## french bulldogs have a breed standard. if you breed to the standard you are ethically breeding them. there are also breeders breeding out of standard to make them have longer snouts and be overall healthier. ## Speaker_0: ## The breed standard is unethical. Many dogs bred for show and to standard are unethically bred because it’s more about looks than the well-being of the dog. Same as you’ll see docked tails, cropped ears, etc in show dogs despite unnecessary cosmetic surgery on a dog also being highly unethical. Breeding for longer snouts is a step in the right direction. But it takes time to get there and in the meantime you’re still breeding dogs who will suffer. I have mixed feelings on it tbh. ## Speaker_1: ## you lost me at the docking and cropping hatred. its breed standard and preservation. ## Speaker_0: ## We aren’t going to agree on anything here. I don’t condone cruelty to animals; there’s simply no justifying it. ## Speaker_1: ## but it isn’t cruelty 😭 docking and cropping a dog isn’t cruel unless you do it yourself. it getting done by a vet is the least cruel thing ever. breeding frenchies and other squashed nosed breeds isnt cruel either if you’re doing it ethically. ## dogbot: ## Hi there, just wanted to drop some links in case you’re open to the newer research around the physical and social impact of tail cropping, even done by trained vets in a medically supported environment. Thanks in advance if you take a look through! “The present re-examination of these matters led to the following conclusions: first, the contribution the tail makes to canine communication has been seriously underestimated; second, the capacity of puppies to consciously experience any pain at the early ages docking is usually conducted has been markedly overestimated; third, the probability that docking causes significant chronic pain and an ongoing heightened pain sensitivity is reaffirmed as high; and fourth, other harmful effects are apparent, but their prevalence is not well documented.” “In addition to welfare concerns associated with docking and cropping, the surgeries could affect dog social communication. Numerous studies find that tails are (gasp) useful and meaningful in dog-dog communication (more formally known as intraspecific communication, or communication between members of the same species).” “In many countries including Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, the practice is banned under prevention of cruelty to animals’ legislation.”,and%20distress%20to%20the%20dog. “Scotland-based researchers have found tail docking is a cause of long-term pain – a discovery that challenges the Scottish Government’s decision last year to partially reverse its ban on the practice.”,with%20inflammation%20and%20neuropathic%20pain. ## Speaker_1: ## it doesn’t stop any communication. thats been debunked. its also not painful if done correctly. its also not banned in Australia, it just needs to be for medical reasons, and i’m sure its the same for all the other countries listed. (and medical reasons include cropping and docking for safety) all your links wont stop be from thinking what i think 🤷🏻‍♀️ ## dogbot: ## Can you share your studies/sources? Always open to new info! Edit for clarity, I definitely wasn’t trying to go into the realm of medically necessary amputation, amputation and docking are quite different in most peoples eyes. Medical procedures for the well-being of an animal should never be banned! But cosmetic surgery on an animal for breed standard is a different wheelhouse Last edit: they’re not…my links? They’re links from several studies, vet publications, and generally well reputed sources in the world of animal husbandry. ## Speaker_1: ## 1, i’m not saying you made the links. people on this app take things too literally. 2, my information is from people who have owned cropped and docked dogs for years on years on years. not people who have seen one cropped dog and decided to make up a bunch of bull crap. talk to one person whose owned cropped and docked dogs for 10+ years and your whole outlook will be changed (and you’ll feel like a wanker for believing it stops communication 🤦🏻‍♀️) i used to be very against cropping and docking too until i educated myself a little bit and spoke to people with actual real life experience. ## dogbot: ## I would read the links if you think any of these research studies or articles were written by people who “saw one cropped dog and decided to make up a bunch of bullcrap.” Most of these studies have data collected from several hundred if not thousand case studies? I imagine maybe a few more animals were observed than your friends who….checks notes…own dogs (don’t even do, assist, manage, or conduct research on the procedure? Lol) ## Speaker_1: ## people who have owned cropped and docked dogs for over 10 years** ive spoken to dozens upon dozens of them. i will take real life experience over, as i said, a few people who looked at a cropped and/or docked dog and decided its cruel. i don’t care what they are or what they do. i trust the people with experience owning dogs that are cropped and docked. ## dogbot: ## And I trust veterinary professionals, who go to school and study all of this intensely for 4-6+ years, conduct clinical peer reviewed research on animal procedures, and prioritize animal wellbeing. I DO care what they do, because one of these groups are trained specialists, and the other are amateur hobbyists at best. Rather like I trust my dentist not the guy with pliers who’s been hanging out behind the gas station for 10 whole years ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Honestly, looks like fungal infection from digging in dirt, hut from a photo, noone can 100% tell ## dogbot: ## Except a vet and lab test. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Teach the drop-it command. What would have happened if that was a rat poison block? The drop-it command is very important to teach. ## dogbot: ## Thanks will definitely look into. We are between training classes right now as we transition from puppy to adult. The trainer mentioned he would be covering bite-related training in the next training series. Edit: my question was more specific to an emergency situation…and how best to force a bite release. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Weekend outings without your roommate and having fun with her. Like road trips, or camping, or taking her to visit people for a weekend. ## dogbot: ## i’m going out of town this weekend, sadly can’t take her as my parents have a dog aggressive australian shepherd, and was thinking of having my cousin watch her for me instead of roommate so hopefully i’m heading in the right direction! cousin has a pool so i know she’ll have a blast there :) ## Speaker_0: ## Does your roommate usually watch her when you’re out and about? ## dogbot: ## yes she does, as it’s easier, but i’ve considered other options for the future ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Sometimes dogs just have irrational fears. Mine is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, even if he never had any bad experience with it. ## Speaker_1: ## It may not be so irrational, you have to remember that dogs can hear a thousand times better than we can, what might be an acceptable level of noise for humans is probably ear piercing, maybe even damaging to dogs. ## dogbot: ## to the dog, op’s farts are like the tunguska event ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## dogbot: ## Who feeds him normally ? ## Speaker_0: ## She usually feeds him breakfast and I usually feed him dinner. My work schedule moves a bit through out the week so there are typically 2 days where she has to give him dinner too. ## dogbot: ## Is he food motivated ? ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## He may be blind. I had a puppy that would growl every time anyone (human) touched him. I was able to break him of it by petting/holding him until he quit growling and immediately stop petting/holding. Try again growl, stop growling, stop touching. He eventually stopped growling when I would pet/hold him. It took me a while longer to realize he was actually blind. He needs to learn humans won’t hurt him or he will always lash out in fear. Do not let him near children. ## Speaker_1: ## Makes sense. How can I find out if he's blind? ## Speaker_2: ## I mean... you could take the poor thing to a vet... ## dogbot: ## Its unlikely that he is blind. But yeah. OP whereabouts in the world are you located? Is there a reason the pup has not ben vetted? A vet would be able to tell you pretty easily if the pup was blind ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## 100% get a spay abort ## Speaker_1: ## the puppies will be born in 5 days i don’t want to abort them. i’m giving one to the sires owner and i’m keeping the remaining 2. ## dogbot: ## Good on you. Spay abort isn’t the only option and it bothers me when people push it. Full term puppies can come out of this spay abort viable and have to be euthanized individually if that’s the case. The pups have a right to live just like any other dog. Also, I’ve known of somebody who did a late term spay on a cat and it died due to complications. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## You really just need to go to a neurologist as it's been stated in all of your posts. That's the only way to get treatment advice. If this is something like a pinched nerve then the dog is going to need strict cage rest and maybe surgery. If it's distemper then you need to know so you can quarantine and treat and understand that neurological issues won't go away with distemper. If it's some other congenital issue you need to know so you can determine what the best course of action is for this dog and if treatments are even worth while. ## dogbot: ## You need to get help Like right now . Don’t wait , if you are worried about the cost they may have suggestions but you need to go. It could be many things but what I’m seeing is definitely serious . I’m so sorry . ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I'm guessing that this is a very intelligent dog who appreciates the novelty of an anti-gravity toy. You should try other interesting toys. ## Speaker_1: ## Hoberman sphere on her head lol ## dogbot: ## she might get a crack out of seeing that actually …she’s also a fan of those blowup exercise balls. Thanks for this random blast from the past of my childhood toys ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## How long has this been going on?? ER vet NOW please. Hope it’s nothing serious but get the little buddy seen by vet. ## dogbot: ## He’s seeing the vet tomorrow, he’s always had idiopathic tremors but this is the first time he’s sat up and moved around while it’s happened. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Not to scare you but my late pup had a similar spot. It ended up being skin cancer. Definitely get it checked. My girl was 13 when I found it. And had extremely bad hips. My vet said due to her age and hip dysplasia there wasn't much we could do. It eventually spread to her lungs. She made it about 3 mths after diagnosis. Please get it checked as soon as possible. ## dogbot: ## Ok will do, thanks for telling me. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Your pups hips are really high for a german shepherd. To me it is such a healthy look for the breed. I just wanted to compliment you, honestly. ## dogbot: ## There was something about this dog that I couldn't put my finger on! That's it! I love that my dog is a shepherd mix for this very reason. Her hips are nice and high too. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## That's a tick for sure. It's just not engorged or dead. ## Speaker_1: ## Thank you! Hmm do you think at this stage it’s ok to take it off? Although, it’s so tiny I can’t see the body of the tick. She has a tick collar on so do you think it’s possibly dead but still embedded in her? ## dogbot: ## Whenever you see a tick immediately remove it no matter the size. Disease can set in within 24 hours. If you can't get the head, go to the vet! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Tell her to eat a bowl of butt hair and then ignore her. ## Speaker_1: ## I am so friggin stealing this 😂 *random stranger looks at me shitty* GO EAT A BOWL OF BUTT HAIR, BUDDY! ## dogbot: ## I think I would just laugh if someone said that to me in a heated confrontation ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Mine was doing the same thing. I was told it was empty tummy syndrome. Started feeding him his second meal as late as possible and the vomiting stopped. ## dogbot: ## This was the case with my dog, having a short meal at the end of the day fixed it. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Your dog will get depressed if you take her friend away. Dogs care. Your husband is an ass. Rehome him? 😃 ## Speaker_1: ## I thought about it hahaha 🤣 my dogs my baby and If it makes her happy to have her own pet. So be it. My husband just can’t wrap his head around the dog caring that much, so I figured why not see what the internet has to say? Iv changed his mind with redit before ## dogbot: ## Yep, let him know it’s not unique. If it was, would it matter? They’re developing a relationship that is healthy for both of their well-being’s. My parents’ dog would lick and bathe our new kittens so much their fur looked like they just got plucked out of a full bath tub. They didn’t seem to mind either! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I’m sorry for the diagnosis. Dogs and cats do great with amputation. They adjust very well. If there is no sign of metastasis and your dog is feeling well otherwise, it’s a good option that will give your pup more quality time. ## Speaker_1: ## Larger/heavy/older dogs do much less well w amputation. How old and how much does this dog weigh? ## Speaker_2: ## She’s 6 years old and I think around 80lbs. She’s been through a lot in the past 6 years and is definitely a fighter…I just don’t want her to suffer to the end. ## Speaker_3: ## I personally think 6 years isn’t old. I wouldn’t consider that “late” years. I’ve had dog live till 18-20. So 6 seems going in my opinion. ## dogbot: ## For some larger dogs, that’s considered senior. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## He’s likely allergic to one of the proteins you’re feeding him. ## Speaker_1: ## Anywhere I can do an allergy test you suggest? ## Speaker_2: ## Ive read in this subreddit that there is no real allergy test, you just need to try which food works and which food doesn’t ## Speaker_0: ## That’s the course most vets take as far as I understand. Elimination diet basically. ## dogbot: ## Same for human animals too in a lot of cases. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Yup. This should be reported to animal control. Obviously law varies from place to place. But in almost every place dogs need to have access to clean food, water, and shelter. In this case the dog would need to have plenty of clean water and shade. Sanitary loving conditions are also almost always required. So having feces everywhere would not be ok. This situation is extremely bad for that dog. Please call animal control and keep calling as long as that dog is in that situation. Good luck! I hope the pup gets some help. ## Speaker_1: ## Unfortunately we had a very similar situation (Virginia,USA) and animal control informed me that even with my pictures as evidence that the dog is left out for 8+ hrs a day with no food or water or shelter and walking around a small patio in his own pee and poop, that they can’t do anything if the owners are home since it’s assumed that they are offering them food and water etc every few hrs. Now he did say if the dog was alone, no one home they could issue a citation and after 2/3 of them the dog gets removed. I have called them so many times as it’s a pitt and he’s not built for the freezing or the super hot temps we can have. He was outside all day when it was literally 5°F on a concrete pad with nothing to lay on or anything and the officer said the laws are the laws and he doesn’t agree with them but legally he can’t do anything. :(( hopefully they’re more helpful where you are ## dogbot: ## I would post the pictures on social media and ask for help. Even if you do it anonymously, the rush of complaints from the public to your local law enforcement often gets them to act. I have an animal advocacy Instagram and I see this type of thing ("the police say it's not animal abuse but this dog is left in the cold or heat without proper care") getting a public response all the time. It's sad we have to resort to this but it works. The public won't stop until it does. Those who love animals are unrelenting. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Well, if it's ringworm you have to be treated for it too lol. Ringworm isn't a worm but a fungal skin infection. Easy enough to treat but kind of gross ## dogbot: ## Agreed, it looks like it could be fungal to me. The owner doesn't necessarily need to be treated though, just wear gloves when applying the cream and wash well. Keep an eye out for any redness and then treat it. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Did the vet check for worms? Be careful with peanut butter and other high fat foods on quantity , you don’t want to trigger pancreatitis. When some dogs get old, they lose a lot of muscle mass. ## Speaker_1: ## Also make sure peanut butter doesn’t have aspartame as it’s toxic to dogs. Edit: Oops, I meant xylitol! ## dogbot: ## Thanks. That stuff is trash. I only get natural peanut butter. I stopped giving it to her because i am allergic and smelling it was making me sick. I think i may try again, if i can’t take it, i will do sunbutter. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## dogbot: ## The golden wasn’t playing nicely and respecting boundaries. It was constantly trying to jump up and over to dominate the other one. When animals play fight, they usually take turns in the “submissive” role: rolling onto their back and “allowing” the other to “attack” them. The golden was just straight up continually attempting to take the dominant position and force the other one down. So the other dog responded, interpreting it as an attack. ## Speaker_0: ## What are the signs we need to look for to intervene for when play is getting inappropriate? ## dogbot: ## Watch them closely — you need to see the golden taking its turn as the “prey.” It can’t be just jumping up and over the other one all the time. That can get frustrating for a dog, and it feels like they’re being attacked. It also needs to *run* from the other dog more often, rather than constantly pushing forward on attack mode, as you see in the video. The golden just simply *does not play fair*. You may need to start training the golden by playing with it yourself, and teaching it to take the submissive role. I’m betting that it’s also not being gentle with its bites — usually when playing, dogs will simply “mouth” each other and not actually bite down. It’s like an open-mouth bite that’s gentler. So you may need to work on that with the golden as well. ## Speaker_1: ## What would a training session regarding this look like? How would you reprimand the dog if it plays too rough with you? Stop play altogether? Scold him? Pin him to the ground? ## dogbot: ## Well, it really depends on the dog and how it responds to things. Positive behavioral reinforcement works very well with dogs, generally speaking. What I would do: 1. Teach the dog a baseline trick to regulate its behavior. In this case, I would teach it to “sit” on command. That way, if you’re working with it and it gets too rowdy or active, you can use the “sit” command to kind of *reset* the situation and bring it back to a baseline where it’s paying attention to you. Do this until the dog sits reliably on command. 2. Teach the dog to gently take a treat from your hand. You can google how, but basically — you curl your palm around a treat and slowly hold it out to the dog. If it snaps at it or is too aggressive, close your palm and refuse to give the treat. Say, “Gentle!” to start reinforcing this as a command word. If the dog is slow and takes it gently, give them the treat and praise them. If the dog is refusing to pay attention, use the “sit!” command to reset the scenario. Do this until the dog takes the treat gently every time, and follows the gentle command. 3. Start introducing play elements into the routine. Like maybe a simple tug of war with a rope or something. You’ll build an association between gentle play and the treats (positive reward). Continue to use the “Gentle!” command while you do so. Over time, the treats won’t be necessary every time, and the dog will obey the “gentle” command. You’ll just need to reinforce that command again with treats every once in a while to maintain it. 4. Once you’ve done the above, you can let the dogs play together and observe. Say “gentle!” As a command to ensure that gentle play occurs. If it’s too rough, intervene and separate them while continuing to say the command. The whole process might take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a number of months, depending on the dog and how much experience you have with training. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## To add: So I first got my pup when she was about 3 months old from someone who got her from a breeder and it didn’t work out. Found out she had a chicken sensitivity (itching)and had to switch her food. Ever since, we’ve been playing food roulette. She will “like” food for about a week and then turn up her nose at it (refuse to eat it for over 24 hours) and then we go onto a different food that she’ll like for several days and then won’t eat it again. This is not only getting expensive. It’s getting ridiculous. Now she’ll only eat the food if it’s in my hand and I’m feeding it to her (it’s like the movie Overboard where the maid is feeding the dog)…folks my dog just needs to eat. I feel like she’s playing me. Any suggestions here? And no, just starving her out really doesn’t work because she’s a Boston terrier and stubborn as they come. ## dogbot: ## A few tricks that may (or may not) work: 1. Soaking the food (if it’s kibble) in water for 10-15 min before feeding. 2. Adding some kind of fish oil. 3. Adding a topper and mixing it in throughly. 4. Mixing in wet food thoroughly. Maybe you’ve tried these but if not they’re worth a try, I’ve had a good amount of luck with them. If they don’t, maybe try wearing her out before meals or at least before dinner - dog park, long walk, a run, even doggy daycare. It might force her to be hungry. Hope some of this helps, best of luck! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## **IMPORTANT INFORMATION** She is a Female American staffy and has never had allergies before. No new environmental changes or diet changes have occurred. She has been to the vet the first time this happened, got a shot of antihistamine and was told to just give her Zyrtec at home if it happens again, but the pills are no longer helping with this and we can’t find the cause anywhere* ## Speaker_1: ## Dogs are allowed to have benadryl. You should ask your vet if the dog can have both. If this keeps up you might need to see a specialist. ## dogbot: ## Most dogs can take it. Our mini Fox Terrier went nuts on it, no sedation what so ever. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I adopted a malinois mutt last March and she has been a wonderful breed to discover. Full malinois are used as police dogs, but Ive found her mix with other breeds (we think lab and collie) to give her a gentler, less amped personality. She LOVES to work, was easy to train with a routine training program and I am working on making an emotional support and protection dog. And she seems wicked smart, but I could be bias. She does need to run around, but with toys like tease poles, laser pointers, chuck its, etc, I think another dog like her could get the exercise she needed. Hope this helps! ## dogbot: ## A Belgian Malinois is about the last dog one should recommend for a physically disabled person. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I know a lot of people see tricolor and want to say Greater Swiss, but I really, really doubt your baby is. Aside for some similarity in pattern (its still pretty off based on this pic) there's not a lot of physical similarities. Swissies are a much larger, heavier boned, drafty, thick double coated breed. The coat pattern is rich and striking, and not diluted or as mismatched as your baby. The Swissies I owned looked waaaaaay ganglier and like Gumby at 6 months, as a giant breed they can take a while to grow into themselves. They don't usually look this lithe, even in adulthood. The rounded cheeks and head, tight lips and shallow eyes are not at all Swissy-like. It is much more like a Pit or Am Staff, both of which can produce Tri-Colors. Based on your pups size for a 6 month old, its more akin to that of a bully breed than a Swissy. That being said there's definitely more than just bully in there! In the event it is Swissy, I'd say its maybe 2nd or 3rd generation, I'd be really surprised if mom or dad was Swissy. The agouti coat is throwing me off, makes me want to say collie or shepherd of some sort. It doesn't look like a true double coat, but not like a tight single coat on a pit either! Maybe some boxer or American Bulldog? Could be hound to throw the color pattern/coat type, but the head is so NOT houndy! I'd get an Embark DNA test though! In all likelihood he's probably a mix of two mixes, rather than two 'purebred' breeds crossed. Cute baby! ## Speaker_1: ## Entlebucher Swiss Mountain Dogs are a lot smaller than Greater Swiss so he could potentially have some of that in him. They also have slightly shorter coat as well. Regardless though, its SO hard to tell what breeds dog have in them just from looking at them. DNA test is the way to go! ## Speaker_0: ## True but SO much more rare, and a Swissy mix is already pretty unusual as it is. Partially why I doubt he could be part GSMD. When I did rescue for the GSMD Club of America, and currently for the Affenpinscher Club of America (I love my rare breeds,) I learned it’s a common rescue tactic to tag an intake as a mix of a rare breed so that rare breed rescue will work to get them out of the shelter and into a breed specific rescue. It’s actually common to label pits in areas with a lot of breed restrictions as terrier mixes or rare breed x, so their paperwork doesn’t label them as Pit Bull. After doing this dance for years with shelters, I carry a lot of skepticism when I see mixes labeled a rare breed. Albeit, Swissys are not rare like they used to be when I had them, but they aren’t as common as, say a pit or a beagle in a shelter. This guy doesn’t really have the build of an Entlie either though, or any of the mountain dogs. He’s so much lighter built than them, the Entlebuchers is shorter legged, but thick boned and cobby in the body. And this cuties head really seems pit like to me! I bet he’s got something surprising in there though! I hope OP posts DNA results! ## dogbot: ## You are definitely right about the rescues labeling them as something other than pit. The shelter I got him from had him labeled as a lab mix. He was found as a stray in Louisiana and the shelter he was dropped off at there said he is a lab/border collie mix. I plan on getting him DNA tested and will for sure post the results! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Thanks for all the advice. I can confirm it was a tick and after some time I was able to remove it with the head still attached and applied some antiseptic cream to help his skin. I’ve booked an appointment at the vets tomorrow to make sure he’s doing okay. ## Speaker_1: ## You don’t need to go to the vet for a tick. But you do need tick/flea and maybe heartworm prevention meds if you don’t have it. ## Speaker_0: ## The skin around the bite is all red and swollen so I just wanted to get it checked in case it’s infected ## Speaker_2: ## Absolutely go get it checked. Dogs can also get Lyme disease. ## Speaker_3: ## Uhhh you don’t need a vet check for a tick bite. I’ve ran hunting dogs for decades and you simply remove the tick. And move on ## dogbot: ## Yea that’s what I thought too and then my coon dog got a tick disease that went untreated and it went into her nervous system and took her out in three days, she died from it. They think it was erlichiosis, ticks can have all kinds of diseases. It was awful. It’s probably not that common but it happens. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## It’s normal. I recommend getting a regular leash and just letting her wear it and drag it around (supervised of course) for a bit before trying to “walk” her. And when you do try to walk her, have lots of treats handy to try to get her to focus on that instead of the fact that she’s restrained. Lots of praise and treats just for wearing it ## dogbot: ## Underrated comment! My pup's leash training went so well after I let him play with his nylon leash. Any damage that puppy teeth might do to the nylon can be zapped with a lighter to seal the fibres again. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Hmmm….what kind of dog was it….? ## dogbot: ## Lol, dont even have to ask. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Seems just like a dog that hasn’t filled in yet; my vet said so many people are so used to seeing overweight dogs that when they see one on the leaner side they worry. ## Speaker_1: ## Oh okay makes sense. Yeah he’s 2, maybe there’s more room to grow? Or maybe this is just his healthy weight ## Speaker_2: ## A 2 year old dog is fully grown/close to fully grown usually. That dog is most definitely underweight. ## Speaker_3: ## It is not "most definitely" underweight. Its impossible to say from the photo, but with a coat such as this, if you can't see some rib profiling then the dog is overweight. People are used to seeing fat dogs everywhere but that doesn't mean it's what a dog should look like. [this link has a simplified diagram. ]( ## Speaker_2: ## I know what healthy dogs looks like, this is not it. You can clearly see the hip bones. I have a short haired dog myself, and she does NOT ever get this skinny. ## dogbot: ## You can see Greyhounds hipbones and ribs even when they’re massively overweight.. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## His collar looks really tight. Maybe he's pissed about that. ## Speaker_1: ## Came here to say that. Try a harness when walking so the collar doesn’t need to be so tight. ## Speaker_2: ## Right, but don't squeeze the life force out him with the harness either. Encourage the walk by walking when he walks, keeping the leash loose (see? no part of this needs to be as tight as that collar). Once he's comfortable (because of lacking tightness), encourage him to follow you by using treats and a ton of praise. Key word: comfortable. ## dogbot: ## Piggybacking on this comment because of the attention it received. A commonly accepted standard is that you should be able to fit your first and middle fingers between the collar and his neck. That way it's not too tight but probably not loose enough to come off over his head ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Stick your finger up the dog’s butt. ## Speaker_1: ## Does this actually work to break up a fight ## dogbot: ## []( ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Dogs, like children, change all the time; they go through phases. I put some toys away for a week and rotate in other ones. Try things to engage his brain. Sprinkle dry kibble in an old towel and roll it up and loosely tie the ends. Let him work out how to get the kibble out. A little peanut butter inside a king is good for a break. Spread out and cover his toys on the ground with a blanket and he’ll try to find them. Hide kibble around the room so that he uses his nose to hunt them down. A good run around outside will also help; more frequent but intense run abouts will help. There’s a lot of other ideas online on how to help your dog’s brain stay active. ## dogbot: ## Great tricks here! We also put holes into small Tupperware lids and play some basic scent games with our dogs after dinner (lots on YouTube) . They also have snuffle mats (many at Amazon, get washable ones)- these things all help get that extra energy out…as does chewing. Our chewer is fond of heavy rubber balls, but we have to change them often to keep her interested. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## You could get one of those ‘lift em up’ harnesses/slings. They usually are used for back ends but if you get one that’s a sling you can put it under his chest. It’s not ideal and will take some getting used to (for both of you) but it could work. Long shot, but where are you located? I have a front end wheelchair my German shepherd isn’t using, if you coincidentally happen to be near me you could try it. ## dogbot: ## I’m in California ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Why get a dog to keep it outside? ## Speaker_1: ## Because i want to?? Because he is a bigger breed that will want more space with time? Because of health reason of my parents? Im really trying to be polite and i wrote as many details as i could to be clear but thats all you got and if youd search for information youd find that a lot of dogs are kept outside and theres nothing wrong with that if its given enough attention and good care ## dogbot: ## He's whining to come inside and be with his family. Probably because he's lonely. That's the answer. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Your dog is still relatively young. He may continue to mellow gradually. If you can afford to hire a dog walker a few days a week to really tire him out that may be a good option for you to have some peaceful moments. ## dogbot: ## I take him for 4 to 5 walks a day. I guess I have to find ways to help him burn off energy. ## Speaker_0: ## Have you tried puzzle toys or puzzle feeders yet? They work for a friend of mine with a crazy high energy lab mix. ## dogbot: ## No but I’ll look into them, thanks! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Your dog should be getting some decent form of exercise daily, I would probably do at least 30 minutes a day of exercise to help keep the weight down and to keep your dog happy. As for the food how much your dog needs to maintain is somewhat individual so the package suggested serving should be a suggestion, if your dog is gaining you need to cut back. Getting the appropriate amount will be a bit of trial and error but your vet can help you find a good weekly weight loss goal and you need to just try to feed based on what she is loosing on average. You should also cut out any extras, the only treats should be kibble included in the daily allotment or veggies/fruit and nothing else, dont even buy treats or bones. If your dog seems starved on the kibble you can bulk out the food with water or a bit of broth. Another good low cal filler is veggies, look up dog safe veggies and add them to her meals to keep her full and happy, I usually use the microwave ones as they are cheap and easy. As for the medical aspect it could be something else but unless she has any other symptoms your vet is probably right, it is extremely easy to overfeed dogs (I think every dog owner is guilty of this at some point) and beagles are especially prone to being obese so they can require a bit less food than many dogs of a similar size. You can definitely get another vet to run more tests but unless something else seems off I would try a much more strict diet and exercise regime first. Last I would be absolutely sure that she can't steal her brothers food, some dogs are really freaking sneaky. ## Speaker_1: ## Step One: Daily exercise, as opposed to “at least 4 times a week.” ## dogbot: ## Yeah seriously. I mean I’ll be the first to admit, I should be doing more for my doggo, tho he’s low maintenue as hell for his breed and doesn’t seem to give a crap. But I take him outside probably 8-9x a day for about 15 mins at a time. We don’t do much, but we walk up and down the yard a few times, play a bit of fetch when he’s down with it, do the zoomies, and walk the parking lot a bit. All those things don’t always happen in one time outside, but all those things are done at least once throughout the day but closer to like 5x out of the 8-9x. But four walks a week just isn’t enough unless those 4 walks are like 4 hours at time which is unlikely. ## Speaker_1: ## An obese dog can’t handle a 4-hour walk anyway. Maybe talk to your vet for appropriate daily exercise requirements. ## dogbot: ## Lmao my dog isn’t obese and I wasn’t even suggesting her to walk the dog for four hours. What I literally said was “four walks a week is not sufficient enough unless it’s like four hours” I figured the heavy sarcasm was implied. Literally no one walks their dog for four hours straight. My point is that four 30min walks A WEEK is terrible for any dog, but especially an obese dog. I don’t need exercise recs for my dog. He’s an extremely healthy weight for his breed, doesn’t over eat, is walked, plays, and runs around like a nut more than enough. The OP however desperately needs to educate themself on how to take care of smaller dogs considering the smaller the breed in some ways, the more exercise they need SO they don’t end up overweight. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## This might sound stupid but did they check his mouth to make sure nothing is wrong with his teeth or gums? ## Speaker_1: ## His teeth and gums are okay, he definitely has really smelly breath and always has, so I was thinking maybe kidneys or something but he's not overdrinking or underdrinking. Peeing normally as well, no blood in the urine or anything. But yes, vet checked his mouth and wasn't concerned. ## dogbot: ## BUN and creatinine would show abnormal with kidney issues. Had a dog we went through that with and he wouldn't drink or eat and his BUN and creatinine were way elevated. Is he a rope chewer? Ropes can be very bad for dogs if they chew and swallow the strands. That stuff can build up and doesn't digest. It really sounds like a blockage of some kind to me. MRI's are pretty expensive but it has caught a couple things on my dogs that wouldn't have otherwise been caught. At this point I would consider having an MRI done. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Have you tried washing it? Maybe there's something on it she doesn't like. Especially if she doesn't want to sleep on it. ## Speaker_1: ## It’s not all the time she leaves it, She does sleep on it but I think the kitchen floor is cooler. Yes I wash it 2 times a month ## dogbot: ## That's not it. It's completely normal behaviour she's making her bed. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## It is common knowledge that vets make commission on selling (key words here are COMMISION and SELLING) you food that is actually not good for your dog. Read the ingredients list of vet "prescribed" food for yourself. Feed your dog grains once a week (balance *over time* is key) if you are concerned but don't feed them the garbage food that a veterinarian is trying to sell you.... ## dogbot: ## I just buy Purina at PetSmart like my vet recommended. They didn't make the suggestion to make money, but as a warning for my big guy who already has a genetic disposition to this disease. They never once tried to sell me any products themselves. ## Speaker_0: ## Please do some research on your own because Purina is the LAST thing your dog should eat. I plead of you, for your dogs sake. ## dogbot: ## I have done my research... The Purina pro plan seems to be good quality and is one of the few brands that actually employ vets and food scientist in part of the creation process with in-depth studies how the food affects the dogs. They're a large company that has the funding to actually do these studies. For my dog's purposes it has worked very well! But to each their own with how you should handle your dog's diet. There's no right answer since each dog has its own unique taste, allergies, and needs. ## Speaker_0: ## Oh how long have you been drinking the Kool-Aid.... Purina interests are not in your dogs favour... Owned by Nestle? And you think they have your dogs best interests? :( ## dogbot: ## Could you please tell me specifically what is bad about Purina except that they're a large company? ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## It might be a small tattoo indicating he’s neutered (sterilized). ## Speaker_1: ## I understand why they do this for females, but it seems like it should be obvious to tell if a male is fixed. ## dogbot: ## It’s more common when a shelter does the neuter. It’s because it might not be obvious if he’s neutered of if his testes just haven’t fully “developed.” Shelters spay/neuter super young, because often they’re required to sterilize the animal before it’s adoptable. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Why on earth would you let your child hit the dog with objects? The dog is terrified and yea could bite your child. Rehome that poor dog and please don't get another. ## Speaker_1: ## I’m surprised by this response. It’s my dog and I committed to life, I hope everybody does the same when they get a furry friend and don’t give up their dog(s) at the first occasion. Toddlers can have unpredictable behaviors. We had no problem until recently. We have to learn to live together. If I need to separate them until my toddlers are older that’s fine but I hope we can try to find a positive reinforcement solution, so we don’t wait months or years. ## dogbot: ## Committing to a dog for life isn’t commendable if you are going to let it be around children who abuse it, **which is what you’re allowing to happen.** Your dog doesn’t seem to be the one needing training or positive reinforcement - it’s the toddler that needs guidance. Shame on you, op. You’re doing wrong by your dog and your child. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## poor little guy. Is it possible you can keep him your garage or somewhere warm and sheltered for now? (it kinda looks like it's staying in your yard but I'm not sure). Maybe make a run to the grocery store and pick up a brand of cheap soft food in the dog section. Also give it some water. If you want to know whether it's a female or male you can look at it's underbelly.. Wishing the best 🙏 ## Speaker_1: ## He/she is inside with some blankets, a full belly, and hopefully is gonna get some sleep tonight. ## dogbot: ## He/she? I mean.. they either have a tiny weiner or not lol ## Speaker_1: ## You kinda gotta see this dog. I don't wanna man handle it to check. It's super fragile, can't stand up, and really fat underneath. So I'm just gonna let it slide. ## dogbot: ## Ohh I see now. Poor thing :( ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Offer to buy the puppy from them. They are probably not happy about listening to the crying as well and might be willing to let it go for some cash. ## dogbot: ## But if op goes to them and they say no then if they call animal control the owners will know. I suggest skipping this and calling AC. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## dogbot: ## I mean, how big are your criminals? Ovcharkas were bred to protect livestock from wolves and bears, if im not mistaken? A neighbour farm has one of these and she is fucking nuts (had no socialisation whatsoever). Noone goes near that place. ## Speaker_0: ## Does it matter how big a criminal is when guns exist? ## dogbot: ## OP said that one dog couldnt deter a "large enough criminal". Thats why i chose those words ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Please stop taking your dog to dog parks or out in public within reach of others until you get it figured out. You said the dog “runs out of sight when on walks” - where is the leash? How is your dog getting the chance to bite people and attack other dogs? YOU need to be more responsible first and foremost. The fact you even continue leaving the opportunity for your dog to take these actions tells me there may be bigger issues with training and behavioral triggers from the owner. Go to a professional and until then keep your dog leashed and close to you. ## dogbot: ## I have a small child who’s FACE is the same height as a lot of dogs…. Scares the crap out of me to see a dog off leash running towards him! When I was little a dog came out of nowhere and bit me on my face, almost took out my right eye. It happens so fast and the owner is never near enough to do anything if they’re not on a leash. Very few things bother me as much as this. Old dogs that obviously have no interest except to enjoy the walk beside their owner is a different story though as you can tell they are well trained and just enjoying themselves. ## Speaker_1: ## This is partly why my old dog is now leash walked. She loves kids, adores them, as my youngest sibling is still a kid and her friends are always fussing her. But she's gone deaf and just wanders up to people now. Very calmly, her back legs are wobbly so she doesn't go fast at all lmao, but I just worry someone might be allergic or scared, etc. She would absolutely never touch a child except to lick them but I don't care to cause anyone undue concern. ## dogbot: ## Thank you so much for being aware of that. Sounds like you have one of the ones who just genuinely like people and want to say hello. Pure love ❤️ and priceless ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Could possibly be a Chalazion, something similar to a pimple. They aren’t dangerous and can pop on their own after a couple of days, but by putting a warm compressor on it for a short while a day can help speed up the process. Once popped you should clean it at least twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. No need to worry unless he has any other symptoms of infection like fever or something. Double checking with the vet is still best choice tho, better safe than sorry! Hope he gets better soon! Would love a full pic of the pupper :) Edit: My dog recently had it and it never bothered him except when i was cleaning it after it scabbed as it obviously stings. ## dogbot: ## Thank you for sharing! We’re still going to take him to see the vet but this helps us not worry as much. We appreciate you sharing your experience 😀 ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Maybe one of the other Nina Ottosson ones that require different types of movement (even if it's labeled as less advanced), in different sequences? Our doggo did one with sliders and flips really easily, but took a *while* to understand the spinning tornado (with sections that can only spin (to reveal treats) if its level isn't blocked by removeable pieces), but they were both classified as the same level. The Dog Casino one looks fairly interesting, too, since the treat is a little delayed from the action (need to spin bone to the right orientation, and *then* try to pull open the correct treat drawer corresponding to said bone switch). I think there's a circular purple puzzle (Dog Twister?) where there's a locking mechanism they have to figure out before getting to slide tiles around for the treats. The locks/switches for both aren't right next to where the treats are hidden, so that might make things more challenging? Either way, good luck!! ## dogbot: ## I spent 15 mins with my 1YO GSP this morning trying to show him the dog casino! It was like his 15th time using it but he isn't grasping the "move nearby bone -> makes slot open-able". Maybe if the slots popped out upon moving the bone he'd get it, but he finds it tricky enough to open the slots when they're unlocked so doesn't make the connection or see any immediate difference between locked/unlocked. It's very cute though LOL. He is really good at the tornado and the brick one now though and didn't take him too long to understand those. Totally recommend OP try the casino! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Ticks! I would also take them to a vet just in case to run a blood test. Dog might have Lyme disease, deer tick fever, or any other tick carrying disease. ## Speaker_1: ## Yep any tick that’s attached should have two tick panels done. One when it’s removed and then one 3-4 months later. ## dogbot: ## In a vacuum that sounds ideal, but I would be doing that twice a week during a northeast summer. It’s a never ending battle. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Lol, the very first picture I was like... sharpei! Bad skin is just part of having one, especially with a bad breeder . Typically, you don't want to pass on those genes . They need special diets , medicated baths, and sometimes allergy medications if it's out of control . ## dogbot: ## My instant thought as well! Just want to add stress can be a factor for them shedding (and this is how they shed, in patches, their skin in hair is not the same as other dogs). We had a sharpei mix covered in patches, and once she was in a stable home (had been a stray) and gotten comfortable, we rarely had issues with it. Another fun fact, I had a vet that had formerly bred them and she told me that their skin intentionally tears in the event of being attacked (it's my understanding they really aren't pack dogs) and supposedly heals faster than dogs skin typically does. Point is really I agree with this comment, Sharpei's skin is not like a typical dog and there are so many factors that go into it. It's good to be educated on their skin if you have one! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Make sure your dog is on a monthly preventive medication! Also do thorough checks after every walk. They sell tick removers that look like bottle openers - they are a life saver ## dogbot: ## Are they noticeable easily? My dog is all black and I check her everyday but I’m not sure if I’m looking thorough enough ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Help me...but I know what I should do, but I can't so don't tell me to do it. The best thing for a dog that is suspected to have eaten drugs is to have veterinary care. I'm sorry that's not what you want to hear, but it is definitely the best choice. ## dogbot: ## Its not an option for them so its actually the worst advice for their given situation ## Speaker_1: ## False. OP should take the dog to the vet and pay for it or her ass should be on the phone until she finds someone who will help her cover the bill. The owner may have made choices that put them in the position they’re in, maybe they didn’t, but 1,000 the dog did nothing to deserve this ABUSE. ## dogbot: ## The op covered why they cant. Read the post I know its upsetting when innocent creatures are hurt. And lashing out in anger is easier than sitting with your sadness and discomfort. This post upset me a lot too. Being a relentless asshole isnt helping OP, the owner, or the dog. Life is hard, people make mistakes, and shit happens. Lending someone a bit of compassion in an already hard time is harder than just kicking them while theyre down, but its worth it. It could be you one day, that needs help and kindness from a stranger. I hope they dont treat you with the same revulsion and antagonism you have shown here. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Indiana is a big state for puppy mills, Indianapolis even tried to ban the sales to curb puppy mills but the state legislature blocked it Also $150 is very suspicious, especially from a stranger on craigslist. My first guess is total scam, definitely don't send them any money. Second guess is stolen. Even puppy mills will usually charge more than $150 for a puppy, so something is up. Would be wary of major health problems Be ESPECIALLY wary if they're insisting on "meeting you somewhere in between". If they're trying to keep you from seeing where they live/raise the dogs, there's probably a reason. If you don't know their address they can sell you a dog that has a serious heart condition or something, and you'll never be able to find them again ## Speaker_1: ## Midwest in general for puppy mills. Indiana resident and it’s mostly Amish breeders. ## Speaker_2: ## The Amish treat their animals horribly!!! ## Speaker_3: ## I just learned this when we adopted a dog from a shelter in Ohio last month. Made me view the Amish in a different way. Animals to them provide a service and that’s about it. Horrible. ## Speaker_4: ## My husband drove to Ohio to get a puppy for me for our anniversary in 2019. We didn’t know at the time that she was from the Amish. It was so hard on her and us. She was terrified of everything. She stayed under our couch for 3 months. We were so hesitant to push her or try to coax her out because she had severe trust issues. The day she finally sat near me ON the couch instead of hiding underneath it was the best day! I cried. I was so happy she was warming up to us and trusting us enough to not hide anymore. ## Speaker_5: ## We answered a new paper ad to get our puggle. No mention of the Amish either just that the person who answered the phone said he would talk to guy for a time etc. There were 3 puggle pups and the mom in the barn in a pen with the pigs. 2 of the puppies had an infected eye. It was so horrible poop everywhere. They wouldn't speak to even look at me as I am a woman So I had to communicate with them through my husband. It was so frustrating I just grabbed one we paid and left. I felt sick to my stomach. So did the pup and threw up massive amounts of hay all over me on the way home. Surprisingly she checked out good at the vet but she was the strangest puppy. She would just sit and stare and not move for hours unless you moved her, she would not play, she is 14 this august and she came a long way but still never played like other dogs and her anxiety issues are crazy. She turned out to be a very stubborn but great dog. She's deaf and loosing her eye sight now at her age but she is still lively and no major health issues throughout her life thankfully. I feel like our experience isn't the usual though as I hear of a lot of inbreeding with the Amish who sell pups. I never would have thought before this experience that the Amish would treat animals so poorly. I'm sure not all do but it does seem like the majority hearing different experiences. ## dogbot: ## My friend yelled at an Amish family this past winter because we had a cold freeze and it was so freaking cold and the dude had his horse pulling the carriage. They’re neglectful at best of these poor animals. They don’t treat them well at all. ## Speaker_6: ## Just an FYI most horses are fine in the cold, some breeds are fine even well below zero. ## dogbot: ## That’s good to know- but my question is, does that stand when they’re neglected and it’s record cold temperatures? I wasn’t the one who interacted with the Amish- I’m a lady and they don’t care for my tattoos and tits so 🤷‍♀️ I also wasn’t there but I think yelling at them is the least offensive thing here lol ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## My dog has similar problem and the vet said it was a hyper immune response to an insect bite- put a cone on it. Sounds like the right response from your cet ## Speaker_1: ## insect bite? sounds terrible for me. its not only nose its also her both ears too. I feel bad Thanks for a advice ## Speaker_2: ## Did it start on the nose and spread to ears, or did it show up in both spots at the same time? ## Speaker_1: ## at the same time to be more clear its 2 days ago and getting worse so quickly cuz of i didnt put collar immediately which is my bad ## Speaker_3: ## **GO TO THE VET!** It doesn't matter if they aren't very good, get your dog treated for that before it spreads more. ## dogbot: ## OP said they went to the vet right in their post🤦🏼‍♀️ ## Speaker_3: ## I read that, thank you very much. OP needs to go to a different vet OR the dog needs to be seen by the vet because a cone isn't going to solve that problem. That needs medication. ## dogbot: ## The dog was seen by the vet. That’s what it says. Vet said to cone the dog. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## So long as she is not scraping / rubbing her bottom on the ground she is probably fine. ## Speaker_1: ## My friends dog used to do this. Is there a reason behind it? ## Speaker_0: ## Apparently that is due to a blocked anal gland ... or worms. Needs a vet check either way. Not super urgent life threatening etc., but needs attention. Poor dog hey! ## dogbot: ## You can do the anal glands yourself, it's easy and my vet recommended I do that. It ain't pleasant, but it saves money. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## If you primary veterinarian “can’t figure it out”, you need to request referral to someone who can, specifically a veterinary dermatologist. ## dogbot: ## I do agree but some skin issues are complicated and do not resolve or respond easily. Allergy tests are not 100 percent accurate and some dogs have environmental allergies that are impossible to remove (for example, grass). There are a lot of meds that can be tried that can suppress responses like this that help a lot of dogs with skin issues, however. I would definitely pursue a food trial, allergy test and treat symptomatically if the owner hasn’t already done so. -Vet tech ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## staffing shortage? no one to put out the delivery? just a guess. walmart has always understaffed and blamed any lack of coverage on staff laziness. ## dogbot: ## To be fair, my walmart is fully staffed and I once encountered two employees trading pokemon on PoGo while they were stocking the shelves. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Maybe just carry her inside? ## Speaker_1: ## Soon as I get to the door she struggles out of my arms. Like she’s scared of doorways or something. She does the same if I open the door. Just stands at the entrance but won’t come in. She has all these weird triggers. Like she doesn’t know what things are. She might be a year old and was already pregnant at some point maybe recently cause of her nipples being saggy. Idk if someone bred her and tossed her out and maybe yanked her on a leash or what. But when it’s just me she puts all her weight on me and like… burrows herself into me. Like she wants me to keep her safe. I don’t wanna force her when she’s struggling cause I want her to trust me. ## dogbot: ## We had a dog who was terrified being inside. I moved and took her with me and left her in the backyard as she wouldn’t come in the house. A dog door was there but I didn’t think anything of it. It looked too small and she refused to be in the house. Like flipped out inside. I come home after a long shift and open the door and who is on the couch. The dog who couldn’t stand being inside. Her ability to come in when she felt like it, and leave when she didn’t, made her feel like coming inside. Pretty quickly she was a house dog who liked to be outside when the weather was nice. Maybe she needs the same thing. Do you have a fenced area you can keep her in and maybe leave a garage door open if you don’t have a dog door? ## Speaker_1: ## Fenced in back yard with a porch area. But no way for her to come inside willingly. This also doesn’t work because that’s where I let my other dogs out and she has some skin problems and a tuft of hair missing I don’t want to mingle much without getting her her shots and flea and tick treatment. ## dogbot: ## Do you have a vet that would be willing to come to the house? Once she’s got the all clear she will bond with the others and want o follow them in the house ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Can this get marked NSFW? ## dogbot: ## Why? How is this considered nudity or inappropriateness or even gore? Its just the dog’s balls, man! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## My dog ran away for 6 months (at 6 months old) and my ex MIL was walking through the middle of nowhere and saw him on a farm. Farmer gave him right back. Apparently he lived in the "cow pit" for 4 months before they noticed him. The dog WILL NOT leave my side. Will not go outside without a lead, scared of raw beef, and has to be in the same room as me when I'm home. He's 7 now. ## dogbot: ## Scared of raw beef! Lmao ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I'm afraid that only a vet exam can answer your questions. ## dogbot: ## Okies we are going to the vet tomorrow ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Declawing is unethical. It doesn't just consist of removing the animals claw, it's removing would be the equivalent of the tip of your finger, altering the way they walk ## dogbot: ## I personally wouldn’t get it done to my dogs unless necessary but to each their own. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## My buddy took in a stray dog. I forget how it happened, but he found out it was lost. He kept it. I thought it was a dick move. He and his wife were awesome owners, though. My cousin took in a pit bull from a friend who was going to do prison time. Guy got out, and my cousin wouldn’t call him back. Go back to living with a drug user living in his car or live comfortably in beautiful home and lovely family? In your case, FB sounds fishy. Why would someone steal a dog and bring it to a shelter? The shelter checks for chips and would have contacted the owner, right? Stalk them and follow their posts. If the dog had aggressive tendencies and skittish, it was likely abused. Do you. ## dogbot: ## It’s a tough call. A stray would have likely been different for me. Depends on the dogs condition right was it obviously abused? Do they have proof of ownership? But it all depends. He wasn’t in good shape for a surrender, so I was like he was definitely not taken care of properly by the owner not by being outside for a while. Not gonna lie I did look up what I could and I’d say we’re just in different states of our life’s. No hard feelings. It took a long time to earn the dogs trust and get him comfortable with things like taking a bath, being groomed, car rides, other dogs and nature… man it’s been a ride but never did I think of returning him to a shelter. It’s all worth it in the end. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## To be honest with you I have a super hyper pit/pointer mix. After getting neutered he honestly didn’t want to do anything but sleep. I also found cbd drops helped also to keep him more on the calm side once he was getting back to himself! ## Speaker_1: ## CBD drops; were these specifically for dogs? ## Speaker_2: ## Cbd is not proven effective in any way shape or form for dogs afaik and it CAN cause your dog to pee themselves, have seizures, etc. Ask your vet for extra trazadone, don't give them any kind of weed be it thc or cbd ## dogbot: ## Ellevet is the only company that has fda backing and proven studies for use in dogs, it is very limited tho and not proven for pain. Only for anxiety. Last clinic I worked for used to carry it but it wasn't popular enough to keep carrying. But it worked well for anxiety ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Also consider that given his age it may be comfort related. My senior dog has only ever acted this way a couple of times and that has been when his arthritis is giving him some discomfort. At all other times he a cheerful sweetpea. But if his legs are sore he will resent being asked to move/get out of bed. ## dogbot: ## Maybe some medication for arthritis/pain is worth trying. Consult the organization you are fostering for. They should have access to a veterinarian and/or medicine. My older dog took Carprofen for his arthritis, and I also gave him Metacam injections. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## That looks like osteosarcoma to me. If this was my dog I would take full body rads to check for any mets (spread of cancer), if none were found I would amputate that leg! Full disclosure, I’m just a RVT, not a DVM. Just re-read and saw that BOTH her back legs are paralyzed? That makes the situation a little different than what I initially read. Does she also have a spinal injury? Can you tell me a little bit more about this? ## Speaker_1: ## There's no injury; the paralysis set in about a month after she started limping. The limp started 2 months ago. Neither the first x-ray (1 month ago, where we first saw the lesion) nor the second (2 days ago) show any lesions or signs of cancer around the spine. I'm taking her to Mexico for an MRI (because it's $550 there as opposed to $3500) in hopes of getting more insight on the paralysis. If her mobility could be recovered through surgery, I would consider amputating the front leg. Biopsy is also on the table but I'm hesitating because of the risk of fracturing the bone, as her two front legs are her only means of any movement at all right now... Valley fever is extremely common here in Tucson. It has the potential of destroying bones like osteocarcoma, and paralyzing dogs. She tested negative, but negative tests are common for months into the illness. This diagnosis possibility was where I rested all my hope, til the second x-ray showed that a month of fluconazole didn't work. On the 1% chance (says Vet 1) that it is VF, I switched her to itraconazole 2 days ago. Vet 2 said it's surprising if it is cancer that she isn't in excruciating pain-- she's on gabapentin (for pain) and carprofen (for inflammation), never whines or cries out, and puts some weight on the leg still when I lift up her backside so she can hobble around for a few seconds every couple of hours. Her appetite is strong and she's completely alert, too. Oh-- this last weekend I gained some hope because she started to weakly stretch her back legs and has a little every day since. But I'm very hesitant to get my hopes up high at all, at this point. ## dogbot: ## Yeah unfortunately this does look a lot like an osteosarcoma. There is also a small chance that it could be an osteoblastoma which are often benign but I am a Vet Tech not a DVM so I can’t say for sure which it is. I work at an ER in Tucson and have very rarely seen valley fever affect bones to such a degree, that combined with no improvement in symptoms after use of antifungals and negative IMMY tests leads me to believe it may not be VF, but again I am not a doctor and can not definitely say it is or isn’t. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## dogbot: ## No. Labradors are very high energy dogs. They need a lot of mental and physical stimulation and leaving the dog alone for 13 hours a day is cruel. ## Speaker_0: ## Damn ok. Do you recommend any other dogs? I am gone on the weekends but home for 4 days. ## dogbot: ## In your current work situation I would not recommend a dog at all. It’s not fair to the dog. I completely understand the want for a dog (trust me, I’m a college student and this is the first time I’ve ever NOT had a dog) but you have to consider the animal. If you want an animal, maybe consider a lower maintenance animal like a cat or a fish? ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## dogbot: ## Did she eat the chunk of plastic bowl? ## Speaker_0: ## Yeah ## dogbot: ## Feed her some bread. You should call the vet and ask about inducing vomiting but it looks like the piece might be sharp. Not sure what they’ll advise. Either way bread will cushion the plastic and hopefully she’ll pass it normally. If she starts to vomit/ have diarrhea/ strain to use bathroom contact vet asap. How large is she? Full grown? ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## maybe a stye?? my dog has a bump near his eye, he’s had it forever. i think his is a birth mark/mole. for your dog, maybe if it is calm enough you could try to put a warm wash cloth and hold it for a little bit? ## Speaker_1: ## It’s worth trying! Thanks! ## dogbot: ## Warm compresses on styes can actually spread infections. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Herder/ healer asserting dominance. Our Cattle blue did this too ## dogbot: ## Ah okay. That trashcan is hers now. She will show it what for 😂 ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## dogbot: ## Yo that's definitely not a tick and 100% a beetle. You can also use the camera feature on your Google search bar. ## Speaker_0: ## Amazing tip. Thank you! Will use this next time ## dogbot: ## It works for plants too!! 😁 ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## My dog always sits on my foot. Probably so I can’t leave because she follows me like a shadow ## dogbot: ## Our dog does this, he sits and lies on my foot. He does it at home, outside, while waiting for our to go order... He doesn't do it to my partner. I am merely his #2 person (my partner is his everything), so I just suspect he thinks my foot is good neck & lumbar support. He thinks I am furniture..that gives him belly rubs. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Thanks for taking him in, and for also not wanting to give up on him. I’ve fostered over 20 dogs, so I have a little bit of experience. The one common thing with all the dogs is that there definitely is an adjustment for everyone involved - yourself, your family, your current dogs, and of course, the foster pup. Especially if the dog was a stray, he likely isn’t used to structure and knowing how to act inside a home. It’ll take a little time for everyone to get used to the situation, but the one thing I’d recommend is to try and keep a schedule with him (food, treats, potty breaks). And to get the energy out, definitely walks! It’s a good idea to spend one on one time with him, and also your current dogs. The foster dog should feel safe in your house, but also you don’t want your current dogs to feel neglected. It can get tough, but the one thing that’ll greatly help is to help get his energy out - things that are stimulating, like dog puzzles and walks. Also, deer antlers are awesome. If he takes to it, it’ll keep him busy while you can take care of other things. Hope that helps. Good luck and dm me if you have any other questions! ## dogbot: ## Thank you so much! Thats great advice that I'll definitely use. I really appreciate your help and you most likely will be getting a few questions from me here and there. Thank you again for your help. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Our lab mix female does something similar when she has decided it is time for bed and we don’t appear to be progressing in that direction. ## Speaker_1: ## Ours is another lab mix female who often does this if we stay up later than usual. We’re usually in bed by 8pm (we’re old boring married people who get up early), so if we’re still in the living room by 9pm, she stares at me, puts her chin on my knee, and/or cries until I walk with her into the bedroom, pat the bed, and then pet her a few minutes while she settles in. She likes her routine! ## dogbot: ## Aww, Hi old boring married couple, sending you love! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Can you bring whichever dog at any day? You can observe both and understand how much you can bring which one. I don’t think day care 5 times a week is good for any dog anyways. It’s too overwhelming and even stressful for most, though for some it’s the best thing ever. I’d say 3 times a week for the younger one and twice a week for the pom would be best. But better get to training them to stay alone at home, and I mean alone, without the dog companion. I would even suggest crate training if you are ok with it. ## dogbot: ## Thanks for the advice; that actually all makes great sense to me! I’ll have to ask if I can alternate dogs…. there might not be any wiggle-room at all on the “1 dog per employee” rule just bc I could see them being concerned that employees would start abusing it by letting their friends/ family’s dogs’ start coming every day under the guise of being “theirs”… but def worth checking either way; bc the idea of taking the Lab 3x a week & the Pom 2x def sounds like the best course of action! And as far as leaving them home alone; they are both crate trained already! The Pom actually loves his crate & has never needed any prompting to go into it (he’s a very shy boy- like I said; I suspect there was some trauma in his past- and while lots of progress has been made in the few months I’ve had him; he still loves his little hidey-holes). And the Lab (while she doesn’t exactly love her crate) will go into it w/ hardly any prompting & chill out for decently large chunks of time. So it’s not as tho leaving them at home is super problematic in any way- just not ideal. But hey, that’s just life when you have dogs! ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## maybe part [keeshound?]( ## dogbot: ## Definitely second the Keeshond. The tail curles slightly, those ears are more keeshond, and the size seems accurate. 100% Spitz mix but I'd have to guess Keeshond if I had to. Edit: He also has the iconic keeshond spectacles!! Yup. Definetly keeshond ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Looking at your prior posts, that’s the same side as that broken canine tooth, correct? How does that area look? That discharge looks like there’s an infection in the nose. Definitely needs to get worked up. You can see if he’s running a fever with a thermometer and take a rectal temp. ## Speaker_1: ## That broken tooth ended up falling out the morning of the day we were scheduled for the vet over it. Vet still took a look and said it seemed to be all out and okay, to to just make sure no abnormal swelling occurred while the adult tooth finished coming in. I just checked again and all of his teeth seem fine, that site included. I’ve been trying to brush his teeth consistently so I’m in his mouth quite a bit. He is doing much better right now. Drinking plenty on his own again and much more alert, though not 100%. But since the consensus is that the discharge isn’t normal, I’ll definitely still be at least calling the vet tomorrow to talk about it. Thanks! ## Speaker_2: ## Hey, not sure where you live but there is a dog illness that has been identified with symptoms of nasal discharge, lethargy and cold-like symptoms on the US West/Central-West. The email and post I've seen about it mention it not being treatable outside of general home care, and to watch for it evolving into phenomena as the major warning from both articles. ## Speaker_1: ## We are in NH but it’s over here too. Every news site lists different states but vets in NH and by my parents in ME have confirmed experiencing cases. A couple places even say it quietly originated in southern NH and then sprung up harshly in Oregon at the public start of the outbreak… so confusing! I’m not ruling it out but everything I’ve seen on it says the mucus is green/yellow and includes a wet cough that often turns into pneumonia or acute pneumonia or bronchitis. The cough seems to be one of the first symptoms, typically speaking. My pup has no cough or raspiness so fingers tightly crossed that it’s not that! Thank you for the cake day wishes! ## dogbot: ## San Diego county believes this “mystery” disease is strep zoo. Take him to the nearest emergency vet immediately, if it is strep zoo it will likely progress to pneumonia rapidly. ## Speaker_3: ## I’d not heard this yet, but thank you. I’m an Oregonian and it’s in my area. The local news is really covering it and my sweet dog will 100% be home only. ## dogbot: ## I unfortunately know an owner who lost their dog 2 weeks ago because of this and San Diego Humane has lost 4 dogs. I believe the lead vet in San Diego also mentioned a bacterial infection that can also be found with Strep Zoo and it starts with the letter “M” but can’t remember for the life of me. Of course this is not confirmed nation wide, but the lead Vet says dogs are responding to strep zoo treatment so hopefully nothing new comes up. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## I'm seeing significant gingivitis of the premolars and recession of some premolars and incisors (top and bottom). Usually the back teeth are worse than the front. Your dog probably has significant periodontal disease that may require removal of some diseased teeth to reduce your dog's oral pain. I would not brush his teeth (which can cause pain and probably won't be helpful at this stage) until he's been assessed by a vet under general anesthesia for a comprehensive oral examination. ## dogbot: ## How often should you brush your dogs teeth? ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## Go to your vet and get a rabies test done. It's better to be safe than sorry, while in the early stages, it's easy to prevent. though after so long it is irreversible and untreatable. ## dogbot: ## No test for rabies on a living dog. Dog needs a booster of its vaccine. Call your vet ASAP. Rabies isn’t a disease you want to fool around with. It is fatal. Also zoonotic. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## dogbot: ## Get them a puppy to teach. It involves their brain, is physical but not too demanding, makes them happy, gives them a job, and passes along many traits you love. Nurture is as important as nature. ## Speaker_0: ## Agh I totally wish I could but he is generally annoyed by puppies :( I do want to get him a kitten though, he absolutely fucking loves those lol ## dogbot: ## Great call! I understand. We had an older dog and we got her a puppy and it took years off her life. Now we have the younger dog (getting old, ten now) if we got her a puppy it would take years off the puppy’s life. Cat seems like a good idea. Having owned cats and dogs, my guess is the cat will teach the dog. But the dog will enjoy the job of learning as much as teaching. You can’t do it all yourself. Lovely post and made us think about our now old dog that played the role of pupper in our last transition. ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## Speaker_0: ## That is obviously blood ## Speaker_1: ## It was two rounds. And she’s acting completely normal. I’m still really concerned, but they said (and I quote) “it’s not even that big of a deal if a human vomits blood. They could have torn something” as if they wouldn’t be terrified if a human in their life vomits blood ## Speaker_0: ## Well, tbh that is a lot of blood. If that doesn’t concern you, idk. It even has some clottings. ## Speaker_1: ## I’m super concerned, but my family seems entirely unconcerned about it. I can’t bring her to a vet without their financial support, so I don’t know what to do. ## Speaker_2: ## This is incredibly sad. It could be very serious. You don’t have $60-$100 for a vet visit? ## Speaker_3: ## OP could possibly be a minor and is talking about the family dog ## Speaker_2: ## Good point, and even more sad if a kid cares more than the adults in the home. 😭 ## dogbot: ## Not to be grim butican almost guarantee this is a Lot more common than you think like probably the majority of households out and about 😭 ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## dogbot: ## You’ll miss it when they get old ## Speaker_0: ## Yeah, I’m not understanding wanting a puppy to act like a old dog. Let the puppies be puppies! They’ll get in a schedule, OP, and you’ll know when it’s chill time and when it’s go time. ## Speaker_1: ## Oh it’s not stopping them playing at all. They can play all day long as far as I’m concerned. I’ve worded it badly I think. It’s more for them to recognise it’s okay to relax together as well rather than wrestling for 5 hours ## dogbot: ## I think a bully stick or other long chew would work! It usually does with my two little monsters ### END CONVERSATION ###
### BEGIN CONVERSATION ### ## dogbot: ## Ok, OP if you're comfortable giving the county you're in I can 100% get these dogs some help. And I don't give a damn about my name being on the paperwork. ## Speaker_0: ## Same here! My older senior dog who we brought home a couple years ago is fighting some health issues that are clear from years of abuse like this. Don’t let his story become these puppies or the mama! ## dogbot: ## Nah. As soon as I get an answer I'm on jump. I have a couple that came from this shit and I can't even. ## Speaker_1: ## Honestly one could just pull exif. data from the picture for a location, if one were so inclined ## dogbot: ## If I knew a someone like that, my life would be exponentially better. ## Speaker_2: ## Google how to pull exif data- it’s easy just follow some instructions from YouTube or elsewhere. Would do it but I’m not on PC. Also people on 4chan will hunt the guy down if you repost there with a link to this thread ## dogbot: ## Thank you, hero of my day. ### END CONVERSATION ###