faces-through-time / README.md
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  - faces
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The Faces Through Time Dataset

Paper: Arxiv

A dataset of 26,247 faces from 1880 - 2020.


Terms and Conditions

By requesting access to the Faces Through Time dataset, I confirm that I will adhere to the following terms of use if approved. I will also respect the relevant licenses (see website) pertaining to this dataset.

  1. I will only use Faces Through Time for non-commercial academic purposes. Namely, I will either use this dataset for the task of transforming faces across time (as intended) or for another purpose which I have specified in this request.

  2. If I later wish to use Faces Through Time for additional purposes (not listed in this form), I will first request a continuance with the authors detailing my next intended usage.

  3. If I receive any updates for Faces Through Time from the authors, I will apply such updates before continuing additional experiments. In this case, I will specify the version used in any relevant publications.

  4. I will only share my copy and derivatives of Faces Through Time with my direct collaborators whom I have specified in this request. I will do so only after they also submit this form and are approved for access. I will set file permissions for Faces Through Time data accordingly on any shared servers.

  5. I will not redistribute Faces Through Time or its derivatives under any other circumstances, unless given specific and prior approval from the authors.