10 values
Counterfactual Predictions under Runtime Confounding
Algorithms are commonly used to predict outcomes under a particular decision or intervention, such as predicting whether an offender will succeed on parole if placed under minimal supervision. Generally, to learn such counterfactual prediction models from observational data on historical decisions and corresponding outcomes, one must measure all factors that jointly affect the outcomes and the decision taken. Motivated by decision support applications, we study the counterfactual prediction task in the setting where all relevant factors are captured in the historical data, but it is either undesirable or impermissible to use some such factors in the prediction model. We refer to this setting as runtime confounding. We propose a doubly-robust procedure for learning counterfactual prediction models in this setting. Our theoretical analysis and experimental results suggest that our method often outperforms competing approaches. We also present a validation procedure for evaluating the performance of counterfactual prediction methods.
A Bayesian hierarchical model for bridging across patient subgroups in phase I clinical trials with animal data
Incorporating preclinical animal data, which can be regarded as a special kind of historical data, into phase I clinical trials can improve decision making when very little about human toxicity is known. In this paper, we develop a robust hierarchical modelling approach to leverage animal data into new phase I clinical trials, where we bridge across non-overlapping, potentially heterogeneous patient subgroups. Translation parameters are used to bring both historical and contemporary data onto a common dosing scale. This leads to feasible exchangeability assumptions that the parameter vectors, which underpin the dose-toxicity relationship per study, are assumed to be drawn from a common distribution. Moreover, human dose-toxicity parameter vectors are assumed to be exchangeable either with the standardised, animal study-specific parameter vectors, or between themselves. Possibility of non-exchangeability for each parameter vector is considered to avoid inferences for extreme subgroups being overly influenced by the other. We illustrate the proposed approach with several trial data examples, and evaluate the operating characteristics of our model compared with several alternatives in a simulation study. Numerical results show that our approach yields robust inferences in circumstances, where data from multiple sources are inconsistent and/or the bridging assumptions are incorrect.
Federated Learning in Distributed Medical Databases: Meta-Analysis of Large-Scale Subcortical Brain Data
At this moment, databanks worldwide contain brain images of previously unimaginable numbers. Combined with developments in data science, these massive data provide the potential to better understand the genetic underpinnings of brain diseases. However, different datasets, which are stored at different institutions, cannot always be shared directly due to privacy and legal concerns, thus limiting the full exploitation of big data in the study of brain disorders. Here we propose a federated learning framework for securely accessing and meta-analyzing any biomedical data without sharing individual information. We illustrate our framework by investigating brain structural relationships across diseases and clinical cohorts. The framework is first tested on synthetic data and then applied to multi-centric, multi-database studies including ADNI, PPMI, MIRIAD and UK Biobank, showing the potential of the approach for further applications in distributed analysis of multi-centric cohorts
Artificial Neural Networks to Impute Rounded Zeros in Compositional Data
Methods of deep learning have become increasingly popular in recent years, but they have not arrived in compositional data analysis. Imputation methods for compositional data are typically applied on additive, centered or isometric log-ratio representations of the data. Generally, methods for compositional data analysis can only be applied to observed positive entries in a data matrix. Therefore one tries to impute missing values or measurements that were below a detection limit. In this paper, a new method for imputing rounded zeros based on artificial neural networks is shown and compared with conventional methods. We are also interested in the question whether for ANNs, a representation of the data in log-ratios for imputation purposes, is relevant. It can be shown, that ANNs are competitive or even performing better when imputing rounded zeros of data sets with moderate size. They deliver better results when data sets are big. Also, we can see that log-ratio transformations within the artificial neural network imputation procedure nevertheless help to improve the results. This proves that the theory of compositional data analysis and the fulfillment of all properties of compositional data analysis is still very important in the age of deep learning.
Undirected Graphical Models as Approximate Posteriors
The representation of the approximate posterior is a critical aspect of effective variational autoencoders (VAEs). Poor choices for the approximate posterior have a detrimental impact on the generative performance of VAEs due to the mismatch with the true posterior. We extend the class of posterior models that may be learned by using undirected graphical models. We develop an efficient method to train undirected approximate posteriors by showing that the gradient of the training objective with respect to the parameters of the undirected posterior can be computed by backpropagation through Markov chain Monte Carlo updates. We apply these gradient estimators for training discrete VAEs with Boltzmann machines as approximate posteriors and demonstrate that undirected models outperform previous results obtained using directed graphical models. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/QuadrantAI/dvaess .
A few statistical principles for data science
In any other circumstance, it might make sense to define the extent of the terrain (Data Science) first, and then locate and describe the landmarks (Principles). But this data revolution we are experiencing defies a cadastral survey. Areas are continually being annexed into Data Science. For example, biometrics was traditionally statistics for agriculture in all its forms but now, in Data Science, it means the study of characteristics that can be used to identify an individual. Examples of non-intrusive measurements include height, weight, fingerprints, retina scan, voice, photograph/video (facial landmarks and facial expressions), and gait. A multivariate analysis of such data would be a complex project for a statistician, but a software engineer might appear to have no trouble with it at all. In any applied-statistics project, the statistician worries about uncertainty and quantifies it by modelling data as realisations generated from a probability space. Another approach to uncertainty quantification is to find similar data sets, and then use the variability of results between these data sets to capture the uncertainty. Both approaches allow 'error bars' to be put on estimates obtained from the original data set, although the interpretations are different. A third approach, that concentrates on giving a single answer and gives up on uncertainty quantification, could be considered as Data Engineering, although it has staked a claim in the Data Science terrain. This article presents a few (actually nine) statistical principles for data scientists that have helped me, and continue to help me, when I work on complex interdisciplinary projects.
On Adversarial Mixup Resynthesis
In this paper, we explore new approaches to combining information encoded within the learned representations of auto-encoders. We explore models that are capable of combining the attributes of multiple inputs such that a resynthesised output is trained to fool an adversarial discriminator for real versus synthesised data. Furthermore, we explore the use of such an architecture in the context of semi-supervised learning, where we learn a mixing function whose objective is to produce interpolations of hidden states, or masked combinations of latent representations that are consistent with a conditioned class label. We show quantitative and qualitative evidence that such a formulation is an interesting avenue of research.
Bayesian Workflow
The Bayesian approach to data analysis provides a powerful way to handle uncertainty in all observations, model parameters, and model structure using probability theory. Probabilistic programming languages make it easier to specify and fit Bayesian models, but this still leaves us with many options regarding constructing, evaluating, and using these models, along with many remaining challenges in computation. Using Bayesian inference to solve real-world problems requires not only statistical skills, subject matter knowledge, and programming, but also awareness of the decisions made in the process of data analysis. All of these aspects can be understood as part of a tangled workflow of applied Bayesian statistics. Beyond inference, the workflow also includes iterative model building, model checking, validation and troubleshooting of computational problems, model understanding, and model comparison. We review all these aspects of workflow in the context of several examples, keeping in mind that in practice we will be fitting many models for any given problem, even if only a subset of them will ultimately be relevant for our conclusions.
Bayesian spatio-temporal model for high-resolution short-term forecasting of precipitation fields
With extreme weather events becoming more common, the risk posed by surface water flooding is ever increasing. In this work we propose a model, and associated Bayesian inference scheme, for generating probabilistic (high-resolution short-term) forecasts of localised precipitation. The parametrisation of our underlying hierarchical dynamic spatio-temporal model is motivated by a forward-time, centred-space finite difference solution to a collection of stochastic partial differential equations, where the main driving forces are advection and diffusion. Observations from both weather radar and ground based rain gauges provide information from which we can learn about the likely values of the (latent) precipitation field in addition to other unknown model parameters. Working in the Bayesian paradigm provides a coherent framework for capturing uncertainty both in the underlying model parameters and also in our forecasts. Further, appealing to simulation based (MCMC) sampling yields a straightforward solution to handling zeros, treated as censored observations, via data augmentation. Both the underlying state and the observations are of moderately large dimension ($\mathcal{O}(10^4)$ and $\mathcal{O}(10^3)$ respectively) and this renders standard inference approaches computationally infeasible. Our solution is to embed the ensemble Kalman smoother within a Gibbs sampling scheme to facilitate approximate Bayesian inference in reasonable time. Both the methodology and the effectiveness of our posterior sampling scheme are demonstrated via simulation studies and also by a case study of real data from the Urban Observatory project based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
Aggregating Knockoffs for False Discovery Rate Control with an Application to Gut Microbiome Data
Recent discoveries suggest that our gut microbiome plays an important role in our health and wellbeing. However, the gut microbiome data are intricate; for example, the microbial diversity in the gut makes the data high-dimensional. While there are dedicated high-dimensional methods, such as the lasso estimator, they always come with the risk of false discoveries. Knockoffs are a recent approach to control the number of false discoveries. In this paper, we show that knockoffs can be aggregated to increase power while retaining sharp control over the false discoveries. We support our method both in theory and simulations, and we show that it can lead to new discoveries on microbiome data from the American Gut Project. In particular, our results indicate that several phyla that have been overlooked so far are associated with obesity.
Joint Fairness Model with Applications to Risk Predictions for Under-represented Populations
Under-representation of certain populations, based on gender, race/ethnicity, and age, in data collection for predictive modeling may yield less-accurate predictions for the under-represented groups. Recently, this issue of fairness in predictions has attracted significant attention, as data-driven models are increasingly utilized to perform crucial decision-making tasks. Methods to achieve fairness in the machine learning literature typically build a single prediction model subject to some fairness criteria in a manner that encourages fair prediction performances for all groups. These approaches have two major limitations: i) fairness is often achieved by compromising accuracy for some groups; ii) the underlying relationship between dependent and independent variables may not be the same across groups. We propose a Joint Fairness Model (JFM) approach for binary outcomes that estimates group-specific classifiers using a joint modeling objective function that incorporates fairness criteria for prediction. We introduce an Accelerated Smoothing Proximal Gradient Algorithm to solve the convex objective function, and demonstrate the properties of the proposed JFM estimates. Next, we presented the key asymptotic properties for the JFM parameter estimates. We examined the efficacy of the JFM approach in achieving prediction performances and parities, in comparison with the Single Fairness Model, group-separate model, and group-ignorant model through extensive simulations. Finally, we demonstrated the utility of the JFM method in the motivating example to obtain fair risk predictions for under-represented older patients diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
A copula-based bivariate integer-valued autoregressive process with application
A bivariate integer-valued autoregressive process of order 1 (BINAR(1)) with copula-joint innovations is studied. Different parameter estimation methods are analyzed and compared via Monte Carlo simulations with emphasis on estimation of the copula dependence parameter. An empirical application on defaulted and non-defaulted loan data is carried out using different combinations of copula functions and marginal distribution functions covering the cases where both marginal distributions are from the same family, as well as the case where they are from different distribution families.
A general approach to the assessment of uncertainty in volumes by using the multi-Gaussian model
The goal of this research is to derive an approach to assess uncertainty in an arbitrary volume conditioned by sampling data, without using geostatistical simulation. We have accomplished this goal by deriving an numerical tool suitable for any probabilistic distribution of the sample data. For this, we have worked with an extension of the traditional multi-Gaussian model, allowing us to obtain a formulation that makes explicit the dependence of the uncertainty in the arbitrary volume from the grades within the volume, the spatial correlation of the data and the conditioning values. A Kriging of the Gaussian values is the only requirement to obtain not only conditional local means and variances but also the complete local distributions at any support, in an easy and straightforward way.
Bias detection of $PM_{2.5}$ monitor readings using hidden dynamic geostatistical calibration model
Accurate and reliable data stream plays an important role in air quality assessment. Air pollution data collected from monitoring networks, however, could be biased due to instrumental error or other interventions, which covers up the real pollution status and misleads policy making. In this study, motivated by the needs for objective bias detection, we propose a hidden dynamic geostatistical calibration (HDGC) model to automatically identify monitoring stations with constantly biased readings. The HDGC model is a two-level hierarchical model whose parameters are estimated through an efficient Expectation-Maximization algorithm. Effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated by a simple numerical study. Our method is applied to hourly $PM_{2.5}$ data from 36 stations in Hebei province, China, over the period from March 2014 to February 2017. Significantly abnormal readings are detected from stations in two cities.
Know your population and know your model: Using model-based regression and poststratification to generalize findings beyond the observed sample
Psychology research focuses on interactions, and this has deep implications for inference from non-representative samples. For the goal of estimating average treatment effects, we propose to fit a model allowing treatment to interact with background variables and then average over the distribution of these variables in the population. This can be seen as an extension of multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP), a method used in political science and other areas of survey research, where researchers wish to generalize from a sparse and possibly non-representative sample to the general population. In this paper, we discuss areas where this method can be used in the psychological sciences. We use our method to estimate the norming distribution for the Big Five Personality Scale using open source data. We argue that large open data sources like this and other collaborative data sources can be combined with MRP to help resolve current challenges of generalizability and replication in psychology.
Modeling failures times with dependent renewal type models via exchangeability
Failure times of a machinery cannot always be assumed independent and identically distributed, e.g. if after reparations the machinery is not restored to a same-as-new condition. Framed within the renewal processes approach, a generalization that considers exchangeable inter-arrival times is presented. The resulting model provides a more realistic approach to capture the dependence among events occurring at random times, while retaining much of the tractability of the classical renewal process. Extensions of some classical results and special cases of renewal functions are analyzed, in particular the one corresponding to an exchangeable sequence driven by a Dirichlet process. The proposal is tested through an estimation procedure using simulated data sets and with an application to the reliability of hydraulic subsystems in load-haul-dump machines.
Algebraic statistics, tables, and networks: The Fienberg advantage
Stephen Fienberg's affinity for contingency table problems and reinterpreting models with a fresh look gave rise to a new approach for hypothesis testing of network models that are linear exponential families. We outline his vision and influence in this fundamental problem, as well as generalizations to multigraphs and hypergraphs.
Surrogate assisted active subspace and active subspace assisted surrogate -- A new paradigm for high dimensional structural reliability analysis
Performing reliability analysis on complex systems is often computationally expensive. In particular, when dealing with systems having high input dimensionality, reliability estimation becomes a daunting task. A popular approach to overcome the problem associated with time-consuming and expensive evaluations is building a surrogate model. However, these computationally efficient models often suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Hence, training a surrogate model for high-dimensional problems is not straightforward. Henceforth, this paper presents a framework for solving high-dimensional reliability analysis problems. The basic premise is to train the surrogate model on a low-dimensional manifold, discovered using the active subspace algorithm. However, learning the low-dimensional manifold using active subspace is non-trivial as it requires information on the gradient of the response variable. To address this issue, we propose using sparse learning algorithms in conjunction with the active subspace algorithm; the resulting algorithm is referred to as the sparse active subspace (SAS) algorithm. We project the high-dimensional inputs onto the identified low-dimensional manifold identified using SAS. A high-fidelity surrogate model is used to map the inputs on the low-dimensional manifolds to the output response. We illustrate the efficacy of the proposed framework by using three benchmark reliability analysis problems from the literature. The results obtained indicate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed approach compared to already established reliability analysis methods in the literature.
Value of Information Analysis via Active Learning and Knowledge Sharing in Error-Controlled Adaptive Kriging
Large uncertainties in many phenomena have challenged decision making. Collecting additional information to better characterize reducible uncertainties is among decision alternatives. Value of information (VoI) analysis is a mathematical decision framework that quantifies expected potential benefits of new data and assists with optimal allocation of resources for information collection. However, analysis of VoI is computational very costly because of the underlying Bayesian inference especially for equality-type information. This paper proposes the first surrogate-based framework for VoI analysis. Instead of modeling the limit state functions describing events of interest for decision making, which is commonly pursued in surrogate model-based reliability methods, the proposed framework models system responses. This approach affords sharing equality-type information from observations among surrogate models to update likelihoods of multiple events of interest. Moreover, two knowledge sharing schemes called model and training points sharing are proposed to most effectively take advantage of the knowledge offered by costly model evaluations. Both schemes are integrated with an error rate-based adaptive training approach to efficiently generate accurate Kriging surrogate models. The proposed VoI analysis framework is applied for an optimal decision-making problem involving load testing of a truss bridge. While state-of-the-art methods based on importance sampling and adaptive Kriging Monte Carlo simulation are unable to solve this problem, the proposed method is shown to offer accurate and robust estimates of VoI with a limited number of model evaluations. Therefore, the proposed method facilitates the application of VoI for complex decision problems.
Gradient Descent can Learn Less Over-parameterized Two-layer Neural Networks on Classification Problems
Recently, several studies have proven the global convergence and generalization abilities of the gradient descent method for two-layer ReLU networks. Most studies especially focused on the regression problems with the squared loss function, except for a few, and the importance of the positivity of the neural tangent kernel has been pointed out. On the other hand, the performance of gradient descent on classification problems using the logistic loss function has not been well studied, and further investigation of this problem structure is possible. In this work, we demonstrate that the separability assumption using a neural tangent model is more reasonable than the positivity condition of the neural tangent kernel and provide a refined convergence analysis of the gradient descent for two-layer networks with smooth activations. A remarkable point of our result is that our convergence and generalization bounds have much better dependence on the network width in comparison to related studies. Consequently, our theory provides a generalization guarantee for less over-parameterized two-layer networks, while most studies require much higher over-parameterization.
Modeling space-time trends and dependence in extreme precipitations of Burkina Faso by the approach of the Peaks-Over-Threshold
Modeling extremes of climate variables in the framework of climate change is a particularly difficult task, since it implies taking into account spatio-temporal nonstationarities. In this paper, we propose a new method for estimating extreme precipitation at the points where we have not observations using information from marginal distributions and dependence structure. To reach this goal we combine two statistical approaches of extreme values theory allowing on the one hand to control temporal and spatial non-stationarities via a tail trend function with a spatio-temporal structure in the marginal distributions and by modeling on the other hand the dependence structure by a latent spatial process using generalized `-Pareto processes. This new methodology for trend analysis of extreme events is applied to rainfall data from Burkina Faso. We show that extreme precipitation is spatially and temporally correlated for distances of approximately 200 km. Locally, extreme rainfall has more of an upward than downward trend.
Doubly-Robust Lasso Bandit
Contextual multi-armed bandit algorithms are widely used in sequential decision tasks such as news article recommendation systems, web page ad placement algorithms, and mobile health. Most of the existing algorithms have regret proportional to a polynomial function of the context dimension, $d$. In many applications however, it is often the case that contexts are high-dimensional with only a sparse subset of size $s_0 (\ll d)$ being correlated with the reward. We consider the stochastic linear contextual bandit problem and propose a novel algorithm, namely the Doubly-Robust Lasso Bandit algorithm, which exploits the sparse structure of the regression parameter as in Lasso, while blending the doubly-robust technique used in missing data literature. The high-probability upper bound of the regret incurred by the proposed algorithm does not depend on the number of arms and scales with $\mathrm{log}(d)$ instead of a polynomial function of $d$. The proposed algorithm shows good performance when contexts of different arms are correlated and requires less tuning parameters than existing methods.
A meta-inference framework to integrate multiple external models into a current study
It is becoming increasingly common for researchers to consider incorporating external information from large studies to improve the accuracy of statistical inference instead of relying on a modestly sized dataset collected internally. With some new predictors only available internally, we aim to build improved regression models based on individual-level data from an "internal" study while incorporating summary-level information from "external" models. We propose a meta-analysis framework along with two weighted estimators as the composite of empirical Bayes estimators, which combines the estimates from the different external models. The proposed framework is flexible and robust in the ways that (i) it is capable of incorporating external models that use a slightly different set of covariates; (ii) it can identify the most relevant external information and diminish the influence of information that is less compatible with the internal data; and (iii) it nicely balances the bias-variance trade-off while preserving the most efficiency gain. The proposed estimators are more efficient than the naive analysis of the internal data and other naive combinations of external estimators.
An AI model for Rapid and Accurate Identification of Chemical Agents in Mass Casualty Incidents
In this report we examine the effectiveness of WISER in identification of a chemical culprit during a chemical based Mass Casualty Incident (MCI). We also evaluate and compare Binary Decision Tree (BDT) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) using the same experimental conditions as WISER. The reverse engineered set of Signs/Symptoms from the WISER application was used as the training set and 31,100 simulated patient records were used as the testing set. Three sets of simulated patient records were generated by 5%, 10% and 15% perturbation of the Signs/Symptoms of each chemical record. While all three methods achieved a 100% training accuracy, WISER, BDT and ANN produced performances in the range of: 1.8%-0%, 65%-26%, 67%-21% respectively. A preliminary investigation of dimensional reduction using ANN illustrated a dimensional collapse from 79 variables to 40 with little loss of classification performance.
Finite Sample Hypothesis Tests for Stacked Estimating Equations
Suppose there are two unknown parameters, each parameter is the solution to an estimating equation, and the estimating equation of one parameter depends on the other parameter. The parameters can be jointly estimated by "stacking" their estimating equations and solving for both parameters simultaneously. Asymptotic confidence intervals are readily available for stacked estimating equations. We introduce a bootstrap-based hypothesis test for stacked estimating equations which does not rely on asymptotic approximations. Test statistics are constructed by splitting the sample in two, estimating the first parameter on a portion of the sample then plugging the result into the second estimating equation to solve for the next parameter using the remaining sample. To reduce simulation variability from a single split, we repeatedly split the sample and take the sample mean of all the estimates. For parametric models, we derive the limiting distribution of sample splitting estimator and show they are equivalent to stacked estimating equations.
Explained Variation under the Additive Hazards Model
We study explained variation under the additive hazards regression model for right-censored data. We consider different approaches for developing such a measure, and focus on one that estimates the proportion of variation in the failure time explained by the covariates. We study the properties of the measure both analytically, and through extensive simulations. We apply the measure to a well-known survival data set as well as the linked Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER)-Medicare database for prediction of mortality in early-stage prostate cancer patients using high dimensional claims codes.
A new paradox in random-effects meta-analysis
Meta-analysis is an important tool for combining results from multiple studies and has been widely used in evidence-based medicine for several decades. This paper reports, for the first time, an interesting and valuable paradox in random-effects meta-analysis that is likely to occur when the number of studies is small and/or the heterogeneity is large. With the incredible paradox, we hence advocate meta-analysts to be extremely cautious when interpreting the final results from the random-effects meta-analysis. And more importantly, with the unexpected dilemma in making decisions, the new paradox has raised an open question whether the current random-effects model is reasonable and tenable for meta-analysis, or it needs to be abandoned or further improved to some extent.
Explaining Visual Models by Causal Attribution
Model explanations based on pure observational data cannot compute the effects of features reliably, due to their inability to estimate how each factor alteration could affect the rest. We argue that explanations should be based on the causal model of the data and the derived intervened causal models, that represent the data distribution subject to interventions. With these models, we can compute counterfactuals, new samples that will inform us how the model reacts to feature changes on our input. We propose a novel explanation methodology based on Causal Counterfactuals and identify the limitations of current Image Generative Models in their application to counterfactual creation.
Modelling excess zeros in count data: A new perspective on modelling approaches
We consider models underlying regression analysis of count data in which the observed frequency of zero counts is unusually large, typically with respect to the Poisson distribution. We focus on two alternative modelling approaches: Over-Dispersion (OD) models, and Zero-Inflation (ZI) models, both of which can be seen as generalisations of the Poisson distribution; we refer to these as Implicit and Explicit ZI models, respectively. Although sometimes seen as competing approaches, they can be complementary; OD is a consequence of ZI modelling, and ZI is a by-product of OD modelling. The central objective in such analyses is often concerned with inference on the effect of covariates on the mean, in light of the excess of zeros in the counts. The contribution of our paper is to focus on models for different types of ZI, some of which can only be generated by explicit ZI modelling; and on their characterisation by considering the induced probability of a zero as a function of the zero probability of a base distribution (usually Poisson). We develop the underlying theory for univariate counts. The perspective highlights some of the difficulties encountered in distinguishing the alternative modelling options.
The Inverse G-Wishart Distribution and Variational Message Passing
Message passing on a factor graph is a powerful paradigm for the coding of approximate inference algorithms for arbitrarily graphical large models. The notion of a factor graph fragment allows for compartmentalization of algebra and computer code. We show that the Inverse G-Wishart family of distributions enables fundamental variational message passing factor graph fragments to be expressed elegantly and succinctly. Such fragments arise in models for which approximate inference concerning covariance matrix or variance parameters is made, and are ubiquitous in contemporary statistics and machine learning.
Flexible signal denoising via flexible empirical Bayes shrinkage
Signal denoising---also known as non-parametric regression---is often performed through shrinkage estimation in a transformed (e.g., wavelet) domain; shrinkage in the transformed domain corresponds to smoothing in the original domain. A key question in such applications is how much to shrink, or, equivalently, how much to smooth. Empirical Bayes shrinkage methods provide an attractive solution to this problem; they use the data to estimate a distribution of underlying "effects", hence automatically select an appropriate amount of shrinkage. However, most existing implementations of Empirical Bayes shrinkage are less flexible than they could be--both in their assumptions on the underlying distribution of effects, and in their ability to handle heterskedasticity---which limits their signal denoising applications. Here we address this by taking a particularly flexible, stable and computationally convenient Empirical Bayes shrinkage method, and we apply it to several signal denoising problems. These applications include smoothing of Poisson data and heteroskedastic Gaussian data. We show through empirical comparisons that the results are competitive with other methods, including both simple thresholding rules and purpose-built Empirical Bayes procedures. Our methods are implemented in the R package smashr, "SMoothing by Adaptive SHrinkage in R," available at https://www.github.com/stephenslab/smashr
DeepKriging: Spatially Dependent Deep Neural Networks for Spatial Prediction
In spatial statistics, a common objective is to predict the values of a spatial process at unobserved locations by exploiting spatial dependence. In geostatistics, Kriging provides the best linear unbiased predictor using covariance functions and is often associated with Gaussian processes. However, when considering non-linear prediction for non-Gaussian and categorical data, the Kriging prediction is not necessarily optimal, and the associated variance is often overly optimistic. We propose to use deep neural networks (DNNs) for spatial prediction. Although DNNs are widely used for general classification and prediction, they have not been studied thoroughly for data with spatial dependence. In this work, we propose a novel neural network structure for spatial prediction by adding an embedding layer of spatial coordinates with basis functions. We show in theory that the proposed DeepKriging method has multiple advantages over Kriging and classical DNNs only with spatial coordinates as features. We also provide density prediction for uncertainty quantification without any distributional assumption and apply the method to PM$_{2.5}$ concentrations across the continental United States.
A Generalized Neyman-Pearson Criterion for Optimal Domain Adaptation
In the problem of domain adaptation for binary classification, the learner is presented with labeled examples from a source domain, and must correctly classify unlabeled examples from a target domain, which may differ from the source. Previous work on this problem has assumed that the performance measure of interest is the expected value of some loss function. We introduce a new Neyman-Pearson-like criterion and argue that, for this optimality criterion, stronger domain adaptation results are possible than what has previously been established. In particular, we study a class of domain adaptation problems that generalizes both the covariate shift assumption and a model for feature-dependent label noise, and establish optimal classification on the target domain despite not having access to labelled data from this domain.
Heterogeneous Treatment and Spillover Effects under Clustered Network Interference
The bulk of causal inference studies rules out the presence of interference between units. However, in many real-world settings units are interconnected by social, physical or virtual ties and the effect of a treatment can spill from one unit to other connected individuals in the network. In these settings, interference should be taken into account to avoid biased estimates of the treatment effect, but it can also be leveraged to save resources and provide the intervention to a lower percentage of the population where the treatment is more effective and where the effect can spill over to other susceptible individuals. In fact, different people might respond differently not only to the treatment received but also to the treatment received by their network contacts. Understanding the heterogeneity of treatment and spillover effects can help policy-makers in the scale-up phase of the intervention, it can guide the design of targeting strategies with the ultimate goal of making the interventions more cost-effective, and it might even allow generalizing the level of treatment spillover effects in other populations. In this paper, we develop a machine learning method that makes use of tree-based algorithms and an Horvitz-Thompson estimator to assess the heterogeneity of treatment and spillover effects with respect to individual, neighborhood and network characteristics in the context of clustered network interference. We illustrate how the proposed binary tree methodology performs in a Monte Carlo simulation study. Additionally, we provide an application on a randomized experiment aimed at assessing the heterogeneous effects of information sessions on the uptake of a new weather insurance policy in rural China.
Adjusted Measures for Feature Selection Stability for Data Sets with Similar Features
For data sets with similar features, for example highly correlated features, most existing stability measures behave in an undesired way: They consider features that are almost identical but have different identifiers as different features. Existing adjusted stability measures, that is, stability measures that take into account the similarities between features, have major theoretical drawbacks. We introduce new adjusted stability measures that overcome these drawbacks. We compare them to each other and to existing stability measures based on both artificial and real sets of selected features. Based on the results, we suggest using one new stability measure that considers highly similar features as exchangeable.
Bayesian bandwidth estimation and semi-metric selection for a functional partial linear model with unknown error density
This study examines the optimal selections of bandwidth and semi-metric for a functional partial linear model. Our proposed method begins by estimating the unknown error density using a kernel density estimator of residuals, where the regression function, consisting of parametric and nonparametric components, can be estimated by functional principal component and functional Nadayara-Watson estimators. The estimation accuracy of the regression function and error density crucially depends on the optimal estimations of bandwidth and semi-metric. A Bayesian method is utilized to simultaneously estimate the bandwidths in the regression function and kernel error density by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence. For estimating the regression function and error density, a series of simulation studies demonstrate that the functional partial linear model gives improved estimation and forecast accuracies compared with the functional principal component regression and functional nonparametric regression. Using a spectroscopy dataset, the functional partial linear model yields better forecast accuracy than some commonly used functional regression models. As a by-product of the Bayesian method, a pointwise prediction interval can be obtained, and marginal likelihood can be used to select the optimal semi-metric.
Provably robust estimation of modulo 1 samples of a smooth function with applications to phase unwrapping
Consider an unknown smooth function $f: [0,1]^d \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$, and say we are given $n$ noisy mod 1 samples of $f$, i.e., $y_i = (f(x_i) + \eta_i)\mod 1$, for $x_i \in [0,1]^d$, where $\eta_i$ denotes the noise. Given the samples $(x_i,y_i)_{i=1}^{n}$, our goal is to recover smooth, robust estimates of the clean samples $f(x_i) \bmod 1$. We formulate a natural approach for solving this problem, which works with angular embeddings of the noisy mod 1 samples over the unit circle, inspired by the angular synchronization framework. This amounts to solving a smoothness regularized least-squares problem -- a quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) -- where the variables are constrained to lie on the unit circle. Our approach is based on solving its relaxation, which is a trust-region sub-problem and hence solvable efficiently. We provide theoretical guarantees demonstrating its robustness to noise for adversarial, and random Gaussian and Bernoulli noise models. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first such theoretical results for this problem. We demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our approach via extensive numerical simulations on synthetic data, along with a simple least-squares solution for the unwrapping stage, that recovers the original samples of $f$ (up to a global shift). It is shown to perform well at high levels of noise, when taking as input the denoised modulo $1$ samples. Finally, we also consider two other approaches for denoising the modulo 1 samples that leverage tools from Riemannian optimization on manifolds, including a Burer-Monteiro approach for a semidefinite programming relaxation of our formulation. For the two-dimensional version of the problem, which has applications in radar interferometry, we are able to solve instances of real-world data with a million sample points in under 10 seconds, on a personal laptop.
Imagining The Road Ahead: Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction via Differentiable Simulation
We develop a deep generative model built on a fully differentiable simulator for multi-agent trajectory prediction. Agents are modeled with conditional recurrent variational neural networks (CVRNNs), which take as input an ego-centric birdview image representing the current state of the world and output an action, consisting of steering and acceleration, which is used to derive the subsequent agent state using a kinematic bicycle model. The full simulation state is then differentiably rendered for each agent, initiating the next time step. We achieve state-of-the-art results on the INTERACTION dataset, using standard neural architectures and a standard variational training objective, producing realistic multi-modal predictions without any ad-hoc diversity-inducing losses. We conduct ablation studies to examine individual components of the simulator, finding that both the kinematic bicycle model and the continuous feedback from the birdview image are crucial for achieving this level of performance. We name our model ITRA, for "Imagining the Road Ahead".
Duality in RKHSs with Infinite Dimensional Outputs: Application to Robust Losses
Operator-Valued Kernels (OVKs) and associated vector-valued Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces provide an elegant way to extend scalar kernel methods when the output space is a Hilbert space. Although primarily used in finite dimension for problems like multi-task regression, the ability of this framework to deal with infinite dimensional output spaces unlocks many more applications, such as functional regression, structured output prediction, and structured data representation. However, these sophisticated schemes crucially rely on the kernel trick in the output space, so that most of previous works have focused on the square norm loss function, completely neglecting robustness issues that may arise in such surrogate problems. To overcome this limitation, this paper develops a duality approach that allows to solve OVK machines for a wide range of loss functions. The infinite dimensional Lagrange multipliers are handled through a Double Representer Theorem, and algorithms for $\epsilon$-insensitive losses and the Huber loss are thoroughly detailed. Robustness benefits are emphasized by a theoretical stability analysis, as well as empirical improvements on structured data applications.
Sparse Partial Least Squares for Coarse Noisy Graph Alignment
Graph signal processing (GSP) provides a powerful framework for analyzing signals arising in a variety of domains. In many applications of GSP, multiple network structures are available, each of which captures different aspects of the same underlying phenomenon. To integrate these different data sources, graph alignment techniques attempt to find the best correspondence between vertices of two graphs. We consider a generalization of this problem, where there is no natural one-to-one mapping between vertices, but where there is correspondence between the community structures of each graph. Because we seek to learn structure at this higher community level, we refer to this problem as "coarse" graph alignment. To this end, we propose a novel regularized partial least squares method which both incorporates the observed graph structures and imposes sparsity in order to reflect the underlying block community structure. We provide efficient algorithms for our method and demonstrate its effectiveness in simulations.
A Class of Multilevel Nonregular Designs for Studying Quantitative Factors
Fractional factorial designs are widely used for designing screening experiments. Nonregular fractional factorial designs can have better properties than regular designs, but their construction is challenging. Current research on the construction of nonregular designs focuses on two-level designs. We provide a novel class of multilevel nonregular designs by permuting levels of regular designs. We develop a theory illustrating how levels can be permuted without computer search and accordingly propose a sequential method for constructing nonregular designs. Compared to regular designs, these nonregular designs can provide more accurate estimations on factorial effects and more efficient screening for experiments with quantitative factors. We further explore the space-filling property of the obtained designs and demonstrate their superiority.
New approach for stochastic downscaling and bias correction of daily mean temperatures to a high-resolution grid
In applications of climate information, coarse-resolution climate projections commonly need to be downscaled to a finer grid. One challenge of this requirement is the modeling of sub-grid variability and the spatial and temporal dependence at the finer scale. Here, a post-processing procedure is proposed for temperature projections that addresses this challenge. The procedure employs statistical bias correction and stochastic downscaling in two steps. In a first step, errors that are related to spatial and temporal features of the first two moments of the temperature distribution at model scale are identified and corrected. Secondly, residual space-time dependence at the finer scale is analyzed using a statistical model, from which realizations are generated and then combined with appropriate climate change signal to form the downscaled projection fields. Using a high-resolution observational gridded data product, the proposed approach is applied in a case study where projections of two regional climate models from the EURO-CORDEX ensemble are bias-corrected and downscaled to a 1x1 km grid in the Trondelag area of Norway. A cross-validation study shows that the proposed procedure generates results that better reflect the marginal distributional properties of the data product and have better consistency in space and time than empirical quantile mapping.
Metrics for Multi-Class Classification: an Overview
Classification tasks in machine learning involving more than two classes are known by the name of "multi-class classification". Performance indicators are very useful when the aim is to evaluate and compare different classification models or machine learning techniques. Many metrics come in handy to test the ability of a multi-class classifier. Those metrics turn out to be useful at different stage of the development process, e.g. comparing the performance of two different models or analysing the behaviour of the same model by tuning different parameters. In this white paper we review a list of the most promising multi-class metrics, we highlight their advantages and disadvantages and show their possible usages during the development of a classification model.
A Note on Exploratory Item Factor Analysis by Singular Value Decomposition
We revisit a singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithm given in Chen et al. (2019b) for exploratory Item Factor Analysis (IFA). This algorithm estimates a multidimensional IFA model by SVD and was used to obtain a starting point for joint maximum likelihood estimation in Chen et al. (2019b). Thanks to the analytic and computational properties of SVD, this algorithm guarantees a unique solution and has computational advantage over other exploratory IFA methods. Its computational advantage becomes significant when the numbers of respondents, items, and factors are all large. This algorithm can be viewed as a generalization of principal component analysis (PCA) to binary data. In this note, we provide the statistical underpinning of the algorithm. In particular, we show its statistical consistency under the same double asymptotic setting as in Chen et al. (2019b). We also demonstrate how this algorithm provides a scree plot for investigating the number of factors and provide its asymptotic theory. Further extensions of the algorithm are discussed. Finally, simulation studies suggest that the algorithm has good finite sample performance.
Data-driven Optimal Cost Selection for Distributionally Robust Optimization
Recently, (Blanchet, Kang, and Murhy 2016, and Blanchet, and Kang 2017) showed that several machine learning algorithms, such as square-root Lasso, Support Vector Machines, and regularized logistic regression, among many others, can be represented exactly as distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problems. The distributional uncertainty is defined as a neighborhood centered at the empirical distribution. We propose a methodology which learns such neighborhood in a natural data-driven way. We show rigorously that our framework encompasses adaptive regularization as a particular case. Moreover, we demonstrate empirically that our proposed methodology is able to improve upon a wide range of popular machine learning estimators.
Variational Characterizations of Local Entropy and Heat Regularization in Deep Learning
The aim of this paper is to provide new theoretical and computational understanding on two loss regularizations employed in deep learning, known as local entropy and heat regularization. For both regularized losses we introduce variational characterizations that naturally suggest a two-step scheme for their optimization, based on the iterative shift of a probability density and the calculation of a best Gaussian approximation in Kullback-Leibler divergence. Under this unified light, the optimization schemes for local entropy and heat regularized loss differ only over which argument of the Kullback-Leibler divergence is used to find the best Gaussian approximation. Local entropy corresponds to minimizing over the second argument, and the solution is given by moment matching. This allows to replace traditional back-propagation calculation of gradients by sampling algorithms, opening an avenue for gradient-free, parallelizable training of neural networks.
Strata-based Quantification of Distributional Uncertainty in Socio-Economic Indicators: A Comparative Study of Indian States
This paper reports a comprehensive study of distributional uncertainty in a few socio-economic indicators across the various states of India over the years 2001-2011. We show that the DGB distribution, a typical rank order distribution, provide excellent fits to the district-wise empirical data for the population size, literacy rate (LR) and work participation rate (WPR) within every states in India, through its two distributional parameters. Moreover, taking resort to the entropy formulation of the DGB distribution, a proposed uncertainty percentage (UP) unveils the dynamics of the uncertainty of LR and WPR in all states of India. We have also commented on the changes in the estimated parameters and the UP values from the years 2001 to 2011. Additionally, a gender based analysis of the distribution of these important socio-economic variables within different states of India has also been discussed. Interestingly, it has been observed that, although the distributions of the numbers of literate and working people has a direct (linear) correspondence with that of the population size, the literacy and work-participation rates are distributed independently of the population distributions.
Quantized Variational Inference
We present Quantized Variational Inference, a new algorithm for Evidence Lower Bound maximization. We show how Optimal Voronoi Tesselation produces variance free gradients for ELBO optimization at the cost of introducing asymptotically decaying bias. Subsequently, we propose a Richardson extrapolation type method to improve the asymptotic bound. We show that using the Quantized Variational Inference framework leads to fast convergence for both score function and the reparametrized gradient estimator at a comparable computational cost. Finally, we propose several experiments to assess the performance of our method and its limitations.
Spatial Statistical Models: an overview under the Bayesian Approach
Spatial documentation is exponentially increasing given the availability of Big IoT Data, enabled by the devices miniaturization and data storage capacity. Bayesian spatial statistics is a useful statistical tool to determine the dependence structure and hidden patterns over space through prior knowledge and data likelihood. Nevertheless, this modeling class is not well explored as the classification and regression machine learning models given their simplicity and often weak (data) independence supposition. In this manner, this systematic review aimed to unravel the main models presented in the literature in the past 20 years, identify gaps, and research opportunities. Elements such as random fields, spatial domains, prior specification, covariance function, and numerical approximations were discussed. This work explored the two subclasses of spatial smoothing global and local.
Inference of Dynamic Graph Changes for Functional Connectome
Dynamic functional connectivity is an effective measure for the brain's responses to continuous stimuli. We propose an inferential method to detect the dynamic changes of brain networks based on time-varying graphical models. Whereas most existing methods focus on testing the existence of change points, the dynamics in the brain network offer more signals in many neuroscience studies. We propose a novel method to conduct hypothesis testing on changes in dynamic brain networks. We introduce a bootstrap statistic to approximate the supreme of the high-dimensional empirical processes over dynamically changing edges. Our simulations show that this framework can capture the change points with changed connectivity. Finally, we apply our method to a brain imaging dataset under a natural audio-video stimulus and illustrate that we are able to detect temporal changes in brain networks. The functions of the identified regions are consistent with specific emotional annotations, which are closely associated with changes inferred by our method.
Combining data assimilation and machine learning to emulate a dynamical model from sparse and noisy observations: a case study with the Lorenz 96 model
A novel method, based on the combination of data assimilation and machine learning is introduced. The new hybrid approach is designed for a two-fold scope: (i) emulating hidden, possibly chaotic, dynamics and (ii) predicting their future states. The method consists in applying iteratively a data assimilation step, here an ensemble Kalman filter, and a neural network. Data assimilation is used to optimally combine a surrogate model with sparse noisy data. The output analysis is spatially complete and is used as a training set by the neural network to update the surrogate model. The two steps are then repeated iteratively. Numerical experiments have been carried out using the chaotic 40-variables Lorenz 96 model, proving both convergence and statistical skill of the proposed hybrid approach. The surrogate model shows short-term forecast skill up to two Lyapunov times, the retrieval of positive Lyapunov exponents as well as the more energetic frequencies of the power density spectrum. The sensitivity of the method to critical setup parameters is also presented: the forecast skill decreases smoothly with increased observational noise but drops abruptly if less than half of the model domain is observed. The successful synergy between data assimilation and machine learning, proven here with a low-dimensional system, encourages further investigation of such hybrids with more sophisticated dynamics.
The Hierarchy of Block Models
There exist various types of network block models such as the Stochastic Block Model (SBM), the Degree Corrected Block Model (DCBM), and the Popularity Adjusted Block Model (PABM). While this leads to a variety of choices, the block models do not have a nested structure. In addition, there is a substantial jump in the number of parameters from the DCBM to the PABM. The objective of this paper is formulation of a hierarchy of block model which does not rely on arbitrary identifiability conditions. We propose a Nested Block Model (NBM) that treats the SBM, the DCBM and the PABM as its particular cases with specific parameter values, and, in addition, allows a multitude of versions that are more complicated than DCBM but have fewer unknown parameters than the PABM. The latter allows one to carry out clustering and estimation without preliminary testing, to see which block model is really true.
Bootstrap independence test for functional linear models
Functional data have been the subject of many research works over the last years. Functional regression is one of the most discussed issues. Specifically, significant advances have been made for functional linear regression models with scalar response. Let $(\mathcal{H},<\cdot,\cdot>)$ be a separable Hilbert space. We focus on the model $Y=<\Theta,X>+b+\varepsilon$, where $Y$ and $\varepsilon$ are real random variables, $X$ is an $\mathcal{H}$-valued random element, and the model parameters $b$ and $\Theta$ are in $\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathcal{H}$, respectively. Furthermore, the error satisfies that $E(\varepsilon|X)=0$ and $E(\varepsilon^2|X)=\sigma^2<\infty$. A consistent bootstrap method to calibrate the distribution of statistics for testing $H_0: \Theta=0$ versus $H_1: \Theta\neq 0$ is developed. The asymptotic theory, as well as a simulation study and a real data application illustrating the usefulness of our proposed bootstrap in practice, is presented.
Optimal experimental design via Bayesian optimization: active causal structure learning for Gaussian process networks
We study the problem of causal discovery through targeted interventions. Starting from few observational measurements, we follow a Bayesian active learning approach to perform those experiments which, in expectation with respect to the current model, are maximally informative about the underlying causal structure. Unlike previous work, we consider the setting of continuous random variables with non-linear functional relationships, modelled with Gaussian process priors. To address the arising problem of choosing from an uncountable set of possible interventions, we propose to use Bayesian optimisation to efficiently maximise a Monte Carlo estimate of the expected information gain.
Convergence Analysis of Riemannian Stochastic Approximation Schemes
This paper analyzes the convergence for a large class of Riemannian stochastic approximation (SA) schemes, which aim at tackling stochastic optimization problems. In particular, the recursions we study use either the exponential map of the considered manifold (geodesic schemes) or more general retraction functions (retraction schemes) used as a proxy for the exponential map. Such approximations are of great interest since they are low complexity alternatives to geodesic schemes. Under the assumption that the mean field of the SA is correlated with the gradient of a smooth Lyapunov function (possibly non-convex), we show that the above Riemannian SA schemes find an ${\mathcal{O}}(b_\infty + \log n / \sqrt{n})$-stationary point (in expectation) within ${\mathcal{O}}(n)$ iterations, where $b_\infty \geq 0$ is the asymptotic bias. Compared to previous works, the conditions we derive are considerably milder. First, all our analysis are global as we do not assume iterates to be a-priori bounded. Second, we study biased SA schemes. To be more specific, we consider the case where the mean-field function can only be estimated up to a small bias, and/or the case in which the samples are drawn from a controlled Markov chain. Third, the conditions on retractions required to ensure convergence of the related SA schemes are weak and hold for well-known examples. We illustrate our results on three machine learning problems.
Efficient Variational Bayesian Structure Learning of Dynamic Graphical Models
Estimating time-varying graphical models are of paramount importance in various social, financial, biological, and engineering systems, since the evolution of such networks can be utilized for example to spot trends, detect anomalies, predict vulnerability, and evaluate the impact of interventions. Existing methods require extensive tuning of parameters that control the graph sparsity and temporal smoothness. Furthermore, these methods are computationally burdensome with time complexity O(NP^3) for P variables and N time points. As a remedy, we propose a low-complexity tuning-free Bayesian approach, named BADGE. Specifically, we impose temporally-dependent spike-and-slab priors on the graphs such that they are sparse and varying smoothly across time. A variational inference algorithm is then derived to learn the graph structures from the data automatically. Owning to the pseudo-likelihood and the mean-field approximation, the time complexity of BADGE is only O(NP^2). Additionally, by identifying the frequency-domain resemblance to the time-varying graphical models, we show that BADGE can be extended to learning frequency-varying inverse spectral density matrices, and yields graphical models for multivariate stationary time series. Numerical results on both synthetic and real data show that that BADGE can better recover the underlying true graphs, while being more efficient than the existing methods, especially for high-dimensional cases.
Bayesian Combinatorial Multi-Study Factor Analysis
Analyzing multiple studies allows leveraging data from a range of sources and populations, but until recently, there have been limited methodologies to approach the joint unsupervised analysis of multiple high-dimensional studies. A recent method, Bayesian Multi-Study Factor Analysis (BMSFA), identifies latent factors common to all studies, as well as latent factors specific to individual studies. However, BMSFA does not allow for partially shared factors, i.e. latent factors shared by more than one but less than all studies. We extend BMSFA by introducing a new method, Tetris, for Bayesian combinatorial multi-study factor analysis, which identifies latent factors that can be shared by any combination of studies. We model the subsets of studies that share latent factors with an Indian Buffet Process. We test our method with an extensive range of simulations, and showcase its utility not only in dimension reduction but also in covariance estimation. Finally, we apply Tetris to high-dimensional gene expression datasets to identify patterns in breast cancer gene expression, both within and across known classes defined by germline mutations.
Modeling high-dimensional dependence among astronomical data
Fixing the relationship of a set of experimental quantities is a fundamental issue in many scientific disciplines. In the 2D case, the classical approach is to compute the linear correlation coefficient from a scatterplot. This method, however, implicitly assumes a linear relationship between the variables. Such an assumption is not always correct. With the use of the partial correlation coefficients, an extension to the multidimensional case is possible. However, the problem of the assumed mutual linear relationship of the variables remains. A relatively recent approach that makes it possible to avoid this problem is the modeling of the joint probability density function (PDF) of the data with copulas. These are functions that contain all the information on the relationship between two random variables. Although in principle this approach also can work with multidimensional data, theoretical as well computational difficulties often limit its use to the 2D case. In this paper, we consider an approach based on so-called vine copulas, which overcomes this limitation and at the same time is amenable to a theoretical treatment and feasible from the computational point of view. We applied this method to published data on the near-IR and far-IR luminosities and atomic and molecular masses of the Herschel reference sample, a volume-limited sample in the nearby Universe. We determined the relationship of the luminosities and gas masses and show that the far-IR luminosity can be considered as the key parameter relating the other three quantities. Once removed from the 4D relation, the residual relation among the latter is negligible. This may be interpreted as the correlation between the gas masses and near-IR luminosity being driven by the far-IR luminosity, likely by the star formation activity of the galaxy.
Volterra bootstrap: Resampling higher-order statistics for strictly stationary univariate time series
We are concerned with nonparametric hypothesis testing of time series functionals. It is known that the popular autoregressive sieve bootstrap is, in general, not valid for statistics whose (asymptotic) distribution depends on moments of order higher than two, irrespective of whether the data come from a linear time series or a nonlinear one. Inspired by nonlinear system theory we circumvent this non-validity by introducing a higher-order bootstrap scheme based on the Volterra series representation of the process. In order to estimate coefficients of such a representation efficiently, we rely on the alternative formulation of Volterra operators in reproducing kernel Hilbert space. We perform polynomial kernel regression which scales linearly with the input dimensionality and is independent of the degree of nonlinearity. We illustrate the applicability of the suggested Volterra-representation-based bootstrap procedure in a simulation study where we consider strictly stationary linear and nonlinear processes.
Nonconvex Rectangular Matrix Completion via Gradient Descent without $\ell_{2,\infty}$ Regularization
The analysis of nonconvex matrix completion has recently attracted much attention in the community of machine learning thanks to its computational convenience. Existing analysis on this problem, however, usually relies on $\ell_{2,\infty}$ projection or regularization that involves unknown model parameters, although they are observed to be unnecessary in numerical simulations, see, e.g., Zheng and Lafferty [2016]. In this paper, we extend the analysis of the vanilla gradient descent for positive semidefinite matrix completion proposed in Ma et al. [2017] to the rectangular case, and more significantly, improve the required sampling rate from $O(\operatorname{poly}(\kappa)\mu^3 r^3 \log^3 n/n )$ to $O(\mu^2 r^2 \kappa^{14} \log n/n )$. Our technical ideas and contributions are potentially useful in improving the leave-one-out analysis in other related problems.
Reference and Probability-Matching Priors for the Parameters of a Univariate Student $t$-Distribution
In this paper reference and probability-matching priors are derived for the univariate Student $t$-distribution. These priors generally lead to procedures with properties frequentists can relate to while still retaining Bayes validity. The priors are tested by performing simulation studies. The focus is on the relative mean squared error from the posterior median ($MSE(\nu)/\nu$) and on the frequentist coverage of the 95\% credibility intervals for a sample size of $n=30$. Average interval lengths of the credibility intervals as well as the modes of the interval lengths based on 2000 simulations are also considered. The performance of the priors are also tested on real data, namely daily logarithmic returns of IBM stocks.
Offline Recommender Learning Meets Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
We study the offline recommender learning problem in the presence of selection bias in rating feedback. A current promising solution to address the bias is to use the propensity score. However, the performance of the existing propensity-based methods can significantly suffer from propensity estimation bias. To solve the problem, we formulate the recommendation with selection bias as unsupervised domain adaptation and derive a propensity-independent generalization error bound. We further propose a novel algorithm that minimizes the bound via adversarial learning. Our theory and algorithm do not depend on propensity scores, and thus can result in a well-performing rating predictor without requiring the true propensity information. Empirical evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness and real-world applicability of the proposed approach.
Estimate of the Neural Network Dimension using Algebraic Topology and Lie Theory
In this paper we present an approach to determine the smallest possible number of neurons in a layer of a neural network in such a way that the topology of the input space can be learned sufficiently well. We introduce a general procedure based on persistent homology to investigate topological invariants of the manifold on which we suspect the data set. We specify the required dimensions precisely, assuming that there is a smooth manifold on or near which the data are located. Furthermore, we require that this space is connected and has a commutative group structure in the mathematical sense. These assumptions allow us to derive a decomposition of the underlying space whose topology is well known. We use the representatives of the $k$-dimensional homology groups from the persistence landscape to determine an integer dimension for this decomposition. This number is the dimension of the embedding that is capable of capturing the topology of the data manifold. We derive the theory and validate it experimentally on toy data sets.
Data-driven regularization of Wasserstein barycenters with an application to multivariate density registration
We present a framework to simultaneously align and smooth data in the form of multiple point clouds sampled from unknown densities with support in a d-dimensional Euclidean space. This work is motivated by applications in bioinformatics where researchers aim to automatically homogenize large datasets to compare and analyze characteristics within a same cell population. Inconveniently, the information acquired is most certainly noisy due to mis-alignment caused by technical variations of the environment. To overcome this problem, we propose to register multiple point clouds by using the notion of regularized barycenters (or Fr\'{e}chet mean) of a set of probability measures with respect to the Wasserstein metric. A first approach consists in penalizing a Wasserstein barycenter with a convex functional as recently proposed in Bigot and al. (2018). A second strategy is to transform the Wasserstein metric itself into an entropy regularized transportation cost between probability measures as introduced in Cuturi (2013). The main contribution of this work is to propose data-driven choices for the regularization parameters involved in each approach using the Goldenshluger-Lepski's principle. Simulated data sampled from Gaussian mixtures are used to illustrate each method, and an application to the analysis of flow cytometry data is finally proposed. This way of choosing of the regularization parameter for the Sinkhorn barycenter is also analyzed through the prism of an oracle inequality that relates the error made by such data-driven estimators to the one of an ideal estimator.
The Role of Governmental Weapons Procurements in Forecasting Monthly Fatalities in Intrastate Conflicts: A Semiparametric Hierarchical Hurdle Model
Accurate and interpretable forecasting models predicting spatially and temporally fine-grained changes in the numbers of intrastate conflict casualties are of crucial importance for policymakers and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Using a count data approach, we propose a hierarchical hurdle regression model to address the corresponding prediction challenge at the monthly PRIO-grid level. More precisely, we model the intensity of local armed conflict at a specific point in time as a three-stage process. Stages one and two of our approach estimate whether we will observe any casualties at the country- and grid-cell-level, respectively, while stage three applies a regression model for truncated data to predict the number of such fatalities conditional upon the previous two stages. Within this modelling framework, we focus on the role of governmental arms imports as a processual factor allowing governments to intensify or deter from fighting. We further argue that a grid cell's geographic remoteness is bound to moderate the effects of these military buildups. Out-of-sample predictions corroborate the effectiveness of our parsimonious and theory-driven model, which enables full transparency combined with accuracy in the forecasting process.
Statistical characterization and time-series modeling of seismic noise
Developing statistical models for seismic noise is an exercise of high value in seismic data analysis since these models play a critical role in detecting the onset of seismic events. A majority of these models are usually built on certain critical assumptions, namely, stationarity, linearity, and Gaussianity. Despite their criticality, very little reported literature exists on validating these assumptions on real seismic data. The objectives of this work are (i) to critically study these long-held assumptions and (ii) to propose a systematic procedure for developing appropriate time-series models. A rigorous statistical analysis reveals that these standard assumptions do not hold for most of the data sets under study; rather they exhibit additional special features such as heteroskedasticity and integrating effects. Resting on these novel discoveries, ARIMA-GARCH models are developed for seismic noise. Studies are carried out on $185$ real-time data sets over different time intervals to study the daily and seasonal variations in noise characteristics and model structure. Nearly all datasets tested positive for first-order non-stationarity, heteroskedasticity, and Gaussianity, while $19\%$ tested negative for linearity. Analysis of the structural uniformity of the developed models with respect to daily and seasonal variations is also presented.
Randomized spectral co-clustering for large-scale directed networks
Directed networks are generally used to represent asymmetric relationships among units. Co-clustering aims to cluster the senders and receivers of directed networks simultaneously. In particular, the well-known spectral clustering algorithm could be modified as the spectral co-clustering to co-cluster directed networks. However, large-scale networks pose computational challenge to it. In this paper, we leverage randomized sketching techniques to accelerate the spectral co-clustering algorithms in order to co-cluster large-scale directed networks more efficiently. Specifically, we derive two series of randomized spectral co-clustering algorithms, one is random-projection-based and the other is random-sampling-based. Theoretically, we analyze the resulting algorithms under two generative models\textendash the \emph{stochastic co-block model} and the \emph{degree corrected stochastic co-block model}. The approximation error rates and misclustering error rates of proposed two randomized spectral co-clustering algorithms are established, which indicate better bounds than the state-of-the-art results of co-clustering literature. Numerically, we conduct simulations to support our theoretical results and test the efficiency of the algorithms on real networks with up to tens of millions of nodes.
Semiparametric Inference For Causal Effects In Graphical Models With Hidden Variables
The last decade witnessed the development of algorithms that completely solve the identifiability problem for causal effects in hidden variable causal models associated with directed acyclic graphs. However, much of this machinery remains underutilized in practice owing to the complexity of estimating identifying functionals yielded by these algorithms. In this paper, we provide simple graphical criteria and semiparametric estimators that bridge the gap between identification and estimation for causal effects involving a single treatment and a single outcome. First, we provide influence function based doubly robust estimators that cover a significant subset of hidden variable causal models where the effect is identifiable. We further characterize an important subset of this class for which we demonstrate how to derive the estimator with the lowest asymptotic variance, i.e., one that achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound. Finally, we provide semiparametric estimators for any single treatment causal effect parameter identified via the aforementioned algorithms. The resulting estimators resemble influence function based estimators that are sequentially reweighted, and exhibit a partial double robustness property, provided the parts of the likelihood corresponding to a set of weight models are correctly specified. Our methods are easy to implement and we demonstrate their utility through simulations.
More robust estimation of sample average treatment effects using Kernel Optimal Matching in an observational study of spine surgical interventions
Inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW), which has been used to estimate sample average treatment effects (SATE) using observational data, tenuously relies on the positivity assumption and the correct specification of the treatment assignment model, both of which are problematic assumptions in many observational studies. Various methods have been proposed to overcome these challenges, including truncation, covariate-balancing propensity scores, and stable balancing weights. Motivated by an observational study in spine surgery, in which positivity is violated and the true treatment assignment model is unknown, we present the use of optimal balancing by Kernel Optimal Matching (KOM) to estimate SATE. By uniformly controlling the conditional mean squared error of a weighted estimator over a class of models, KOM simultaneously mitigates issues of possible misspecification of the treatment assignment model and is able to handle practical violations of the positivity assumption, as shown in our simulation study. Using data from a clinical registry, we apply KOM to compare two spine surgical interventions and demonstrate how the result matches the conclusions of clinical trials that IPTW estimates spuriously refute.
A Sketch of Some Stochastic Models and Analysis Methods for Fiber Bundle Failure under Increasing Tensile Load
Fiber bundle models (FBM's) have been used to model the failure of fibrous composites as load-sharing systems since the 1960's when Rosen (1964 and 1965) conducted some remarkable experiments on unidirectional fibrous composites. These experiments gave seminal insights into their failure under increasing tensile load. However, over the last thirty years FBM's have been used to model catastrophic failure in other situations by the physical science community and others. The purpose of this paper is to sketch some research on load-sharing models and statistical analysis methods that have been overlooked by this community. These are illustrated by summarizing the findings regarding Rosen's Specimen A experiments and presenting the necessary results needed for this. Related research about the bundle breaking strength distribution and the joint distribution (the Gibbs measure) regarding the state (failed or unfailed) of the bundle components at a given load per component, $s$, is also given.
Permutation inference methods for multivariate meta-analysis
Multivariate meta-analysis is gaining prominence in evidence synthesis research because it enables simultaneous synthesis of multiple correlated outcome data, and random-effects models have generally been used for addressing between-studies heterogeneities. However, coverage probabilities of confidence regions or intervals for standard inference methods for random-effects models (e.g., restricted maximum likelihood estimation) cannot retain their nominal confidence levels in general, especially when the number of synthesized studies is small because their validities depend on large sample approximations. In this article, we provide permutation-based inference methods that enable exact joint inferences for average outcome measures without large sample approximations. We also provide accurate marginal inference methods under general settings of multivariate meta-analyses. We propose effective approaches for permutation inferences using optimal weighting based on the efficient score statistic. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is illustrated via applications to bivariate meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy studies for airway eosinophilia in asthma and a network meta-analysis for antihypertensive drugs on incident diabetes, as well as through simulation experiments. In numerical evaluations performed via simulations, our methods generally provided accurate confidence regions or intervals under a broad range of settings, whereas the current standard inference methods exhibited serious undercoverage properties.
Toward a principled Bayesian workflow in cognitive science
Experiments in research on memory, language, and in other areas of cognitive science are increasingly being analyzed using Bayesian methods. This has been facilitated by the development of probabilistic programming languages such as Stan, and easily accessible front-end packages such as brms. The utility of Bayesian methods, however, ultimately depends on the relevance of the Bayesian model, in particular whether or not it accurately captures the structure of the data and the data analyst's domain expertise. Even with powerful software, the analyst is responsible for verifying the utility of their model. To demonstrate this point, we introduce a principled Bayesian workflow (Betancourt, 2018) to cognitive science. Using a concrete working example, we describe basic questions one should ask about the model: prior predictive checks, computational faithfulness, model sensitivity, and posterior predictive checks. The running example for demonstrating the workflow is data on reading times with a linguistic manipulation of object versus subject relative clause sentences. This principled Bayesian workflow also demonstrates how to use domain knowledge to inform prior distributions. It provides guidelines and checks for valid data analysis, avoiding overfitting complex models to noise, and capturing relevant data structure in a probabilistic model. Given the increasing use of Bayesian methods, we aim to discuss how these methods can be properly employed to obtain robust answers to scientific questions. All data and code accompanying this paper are available from https://osf.io/b2vx9/.
Scalable Structure Learning of Continuous-Time Bayesian Networks from Incomplete Data
Continuous-time Bayesian Networks (CTBNs) represent a compact yet powerful framework for understanding multivariate time-series data. Given complete data, parameters and structure can be estimated efficiently in closed-form. However, if data is incomplete, the latent states of the CTBN have to be estimated by laboriously simulating the intractable dynamics of the assumed CTBN. This is a problem, especially for structure learning tasks, where this has to be done for each element of a super-exponentially growing set of possible structures. In order to circumvent this notorious bottleneck, we develop a novel gradient-based approach to structure learning. Instead of sampling and scoring all possible structures individually, we assume the generator of the CTBN to be composed as a mixture of generators stemming from different structures. In this framework, structure learning can be performed via a gradient-based optimization of mixture weights. We combine this approach with a new variational method that allows for a closed-form calculation of this mixture marginal likelihood. We show the scalability of our method by learning structures of previously inaccessible sizes from synthetic and real-world data.
A User Study of Perceived Carbon Footprint
We propose a statistical model to understand people's perception of their carbon footprint. Driven by the observation that few people think of CO2 impact in absolute terms, we design a system to probe people's perception from simple pairwise comparisons of the relative carbon footprint of their actions. The formulation of the model enables us to take an active-learning approach to selecting the pairs of actions that are maximally informative about the model parameters. We define a set of 18 actions and collect a dataset of 2183 comparisons from 176 users on a university campus. The early results reveal promising directions to improve climate communication and enhance climate mitigation.
Implicitly Adaptive Importance Sampling
Adaptive importance sampling is a class of techniques for finding good proposal distributions for importance sampling. Often the proposal distributions are standard probability distributions whose parameters are adapted based on the mismatch between the current proposal and a target distribution. In this work, we present an implicit adaptive importance sampling method that applies to complicated distributions which are not available in closed form. The method iteratively matches the moments of a set of Monte Carlo draws to weighted moments based on importance weights. We apply the method to Bayesian leave-one-out cross-validation and show that it performs better than many existing parametric adaptive importance sampling methods while being computationally inexpensive.
A single-index model with a surface-link for optimizing individualized dose rules
This paper focuses on the problem of modeling and estimating interaction effects between covariates and a continuous treatment variable on an outcome, using a single-index regression approach. The primary motivation is to estimate an optimal individualized dose rule in an observational study. To model possibly nonlinear interaction effects between patients' covariates and a continuous treatment variable, we employ a two-dimensional penalized spline regression on an index-treatment domain, where the index is defined as a linear projection of the covariates. The method is illustrated using two applications as well as simulation experiments. A unique contribution of this work is in the parsimonious (single-index) parametrization specifically defined for the interaction effect term.
Intervention in undirected Ising graphs and the partition function
Undirected graphical models have many applications in such areas as machine learning, image processing, and, recently, psychology. Psychopathology in particular has received a lot of attention, where symptoms of disorders are assumed to influence each other. One of the most relevant questions practically is on which symptom (node) to intervene to have the most impact. Interventions in undirected graphical models is equal to conditioning, and so we have available the machinery with the Ising model to determine the best strategy to intervene. In order to perform such calculations the partition function is required, which is computationally difficult. Here we use a Curie-Weiss approach to approximate the partition function in applications of interventions. We show that when the connection weights in the graph are equal within each clique then we obtain exactly the correct partition function. And if the weights vary according to a sub-Gaussian distribution, then the approximation is exponentially close to the correct one. We confirm these results with simulations.
Modelling arterial travel time distribution using copulas
The estimation of travel time distribution (TTD) is critical for reliable route guidance and provides theoretical bases and technical support for advanced traffic management and control. The state-of-the art procedure for estimating arterial TTD commonly assumes that the path travel time follows a certain distribution without considering segment correlation. However, this approach is usually unrealistic as travel times on successive segments may be dependent. In this study, copula functions are used to model arterial TTD as copulas are able to incorporate for segment correlation. First, segment correlation is empirically investigated using day-to-day GPS data provided by BMW Group for one major urban arterial in Munich, Germany. Segment TTDs are estimated using a finite Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). Next, several copula models are introduced, namely Gaussian, Student-t, Clayton, and Gumbel, to model the dependent structure between segment TTDs. The parameters of each copula model are obtained by Maximum Log Likelihood Estimation. Then, path TTDs comprised of consecutive segment TTDs are estimated based on the copula models. The scalability of the model is evaluated by investigating the performance for an increasing number of aggregated links. The best fitting copula is determined in terms of goodness-of-fit test. The results demonstrate the advantage of the proposed copula model for an increasing number of aggregated segments, compared to the convolution without incorporating segment correlations.
SAFFRON: an adaptive algorithm for online control of the false discovery rate
In the online false discovery rate (FDR) problem, one observes a possibly infinite sequence of $p$-values $P_1,P_2,\dots$, each testing a different null hypothesis, and an algorithm must pick a sequence of rejection thresholds $\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\dots$ in an online fashion, effectively rejecting the $k$-th null hypothesis whenever $P_k \leq \alpha_k$. Importantly, $\alpha_k$ must be a function of the past, and cannot depend on $P_k$ or any of the later unseen $p$-values, and must be chosen to guarantee that for any time $t$, the FDR up to time $t$ is less than some pre-determined quantity $\alpha \in (0,1)$. In this work, we present a powerful new framework for online FDR control that we refer to as SAFFRON. Like older alpha-investing (AI) algorithms, SAFFRON starts off with an error budget, called alpha-wealth, that it intelligently allocates to different tests over time, earning back some wealth on making a new discovery. However, unlike older methods, SAFFRON's threshold sequence is based on a novel estimate of the alpha fraction that it allocates to true null hypotheses. In the offline setting, algorithms that employ an estimate of the proportion of true nulls are called adaptive methods, and SAFFRON can be seen as an online analogue of the famous offline Storey-BH adaptive procedure. Just as Storey-BH is typically more powerful than the Benjamini-Hochberg (BH) procedure under independence, we demonstrate that SAFFRON is also more powerful than its non-adaptive counterparts, such as LORD and other generalized alpha-investing algorithms. Further, a monotone version of the original AI algorithm is recovered as a special case of SAFFRON, that is often more stable and powerful than the original. Lastly, the derivation of SAFFRON provides a novel template for deriving new online FDR rules.
A discriminative approach for finding and characterizing positivity violations using decision trees
The assumption of positivity in causal inference (also known as common support and co-variate overlap) is necessary to obtain valid causal estimates. Therefore, confirming it holds in a given dataset is an important first step of any causal analysis. Most common methods to date are insufficient for discovering non-positivity, as they do not scale for modern high-dimensional covariate spaces, or they cannot pinpoint the subpopulation violating positivity. To overcome these issues, we suggest to harness decision trees for detecting violations. By dividing the covariate space into mutually exclusive regions, each with maximized homogeneity of treatment groups, decision trees can be used to automatically detect subspaces violating positivity. By augmenting the method with an additional random forest model, we can quantify the robustness of the violation within each subspace. This solution is scalable and provides an interpretable characterization of the subspaces in which violations occur. We provide a visualization of the stratification rules that define each subpopulation, combined with the severity of positivity violation within it. We also provide an interactive version of the visualization that allows a deeper dive into the properties of each subspace.
Comparison of Multi-response Estimation Methods
Prediction performance does not always reflect the estimation behaviour of a method. High error in estimation may necessarily not result in high prediction error, but can lead to an unreliable prediction if test data lie in a slightly different subspace than the training data. In addition, high estimation error often leads to unstable estimates, and consequently, the estimated effect of predictors on the response can not have a valid interpretation. Many research fields show more interest in the effect of predictor variables than actual prediction performance. This study compares some newly-developed (envelope) and well-established (PCR, PLS) estimation methods using simulated data with specifically designed properties such as Multicollinearity in the predictor variables, the correlation between multiple responses and the position of principal components corresponding to predictors that are relevant for the response. This study aims to give some insights into these methods and help the researchers to understand and use them for further study. Here we have, not surprisingly, found that no single method is superior to others, but each has its strength for some specific nature of data. In addition, the newly developed envelope method has shown impressive results in finding relevant information from data using significantly fewer components than the other methods.
Semi-supervised voice conversion with amortized variational inference
In this work we introduce a semi-supervised approach to the voice conversion problem, in which speech from a source speaker is converted into speech of a target speaker. The proposed method makes use of both parallel and non-parallel utterances from the source and target simultaneously during training. This approach can be used to extend existing parallel data voice conversion systems such that they can be trained with semi-supervision. We show that incorporating semi-supervision improves the voice conversion performance compared to fully supervised training when the number of parallel utterances is limited as in many practical applications. Additionally, we find that increasing the number non-parallel utterances used in training continues to improve performance when the amount of parallel training data is held constant.
Predicting Depressive Symptom Severity through Individuals' Nearby Bluetooth Devices Count Data Collected by Mobile Phones: A Preliminary Longitudinal Study
The Bluetooth sensor embedded in mobile phones provides an unobtrusive, continuous, and cost-efficient means to capture individuals' proximity information, such as the nearby Bluetooth devices count (NBDC). The continuous NBDC data can partially reflect individuals' behaviors and status, such as social connections and interactions, working status, mobility, and social isolation and loneliness, which were found to be significantly associated with depression by previous survey-based studies. This paper aims to explore the NBDC data's value in predicting depressive symptom severity as measured via the 8-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8). The data used in this paper included 2,886 bi-weekly PHQ-8 records collected from 316 participants recruited from three study sites in the Netherlands, Spain, and the UK as part of the EU RADAR-CNS study. From the NBDC data two weeks prior to each PHQ-8 score, we extracted 49 Bluetooth features, including statistical features and nonlinear features for measuring periodicity and regularity of individuals' life rhythms. Linear mixed-effect models were used to explore associations between Bluetooth features and the PHQ-8 score. We then applied hierarchical Bayesian linear regression models to predict the PHQ-8 score from the extracted Bluetooth features. A number of significant associations were found between Bluetooth features and depressive symptom severity. Compared with commonly used machine learning models, the proposed hierarchical Bayesian linear regression model achieved the best prediction metrics, R2= 0.526, and root mean squared error (RMSE) of 3.891. Bluetooth features can explain an extra 18.8% of the variance in the PHQ-8 score relative to the baseline model without Bluetooth features (R2=0.338, RMSE = 4.547).
The More Data, the Better? Demystifying Deletion-Based Methods in Linear Regression with Missing Data
We compare two deletion-based methods for dealing with the problem of missing observations in linear regression analysis. One is the complete-case analysis (CC, or listwise deletion) that discards all incomplete observations and only uses common samples for ordinary least-squares estimation. The other is the available-case analysis (AC, or pairwise deletion) that utilizes all available data to estimate the covariance matrices and applies these matrices to construct the normal equation. We show that the estimates from both methods are asymptotically unbiased and further compare their asymptotic variances in some typical situations. Surprisingly, using more data (i.e., AC) does not necessarily lead to better asymptotic efficiency in many scenarios. Missing patterns, covariance structure and true regression coefficient values all play a role in determining which is better. We further conduct simulation studies to corroborate the findings and demystify what has been missed or misinterpreted in the literature. Some detailed proofs and simulation results are available in the online supplemental materials.
Mapping forest age using National Forest Inventory, airborne laser scanning, and Sentinel-2 data
The age of forest stands is critical information for many aspects of forest management and conservation but area-wide information about forest stand age often does not exist. In this study, we developed regression models for large-scale area-wide prediction of age in Norwegian forests. For model development we used more than 4800 plots of the Norwegian National Forest Inventory (NFI) distributed over Norway between 58{\deg} and 65{\deg} northern latitude in a 181,773 km2 study area. Predictor variables were based on airborne laser scanning (ALS), Sentinel-2, and existing public map data. We performed model validation on an independent data set consisting of 63 spruce stands with known age. The best modelling strategy was to fit independent linear regression models to each observed site index (SI) level and using a SI prediction map in the application of the models. The most important predictor variable was an upper percentile of the ALS heights, and root-mean-squared-errors (RMSE) ranged between 3 and 31 years (6% to 26%) for SI-specific models, and 21 years (25%) on average. Mean deviance (MD) ranged between -1 and 3 years. The models improved with increasing SI and the RMSE were largest for low SI stands older than 100 years. Using a mapped SI, which is required for practical applications, RMSE and MD on plot-level ranged from 19 to 56 years (29% to 53%), and 5 to 37 years (5% to 31%), respectively. For the validation stands, the RMSE and MD were 12 (22%) and 2 years (3%). Tree height estimated from airborne laser scanning and predicted site index were the most important variables in the models describing age. Overall, we obtained good results, especially for stands with high SI, that could be considered for practical applications but see considerable potential for improvements, if better SI maps were available.
Learning Optimal Classification Trees: Strong Max-Flow Formulations
We consider the problem of learning optimal binary classification trees. Literature on the topic has burgeoned in recent years, motivated both by the empirical suboptimality of heuristic approaches and the tremendous improvements in mixed-integer programming (MIP) technology. Yet, existing approaches from the literature do not leverage the power of MIP to its full extent. Indeed, they rely on weak formulations, resulting in slow convergence and large optimality gaps. To fill this gap in the literature, we propose a flow-based MIP formulation for optimal binary classification trees that has a stronger linear programming relaxation. Our formulation presents an attractive decomposable structure. We exploit this structure and max-flow/min-cut duality to derive a Benders' decomposition method, which scales to larger instances. We conduct extensive computational experiments on standard benchmark datasets on which we show that our proposed approaches are 50 times faster than state-of-the art MIP-based techniques and improve out of sample performance up to 13.8%.
On the estimation of average treatment effects with right-censored time to event outcome and competing risks
We are interested in the estimation of average treatment effects based on right-censored data of an observational study. We focus on causal inference of differences between t-year absolute event risks in a situation with competing risks. We derive doubly robust estimation equations and implement estimators for the nuisance parameters based on working regression models for the outcome, the censoring and the treatment distribution conditional on auxiliary baseline covariates. We use the functional delta method to show that our estimators are regular asymptotically linear estimators and estimate their variances based on estimates of their influence functions. In empirical studies we assess the robustness of the estimators and the coverage of confidence intervals. The methods are further illustrated using data from a Danish registry study.
On proportional volume sampling for experimental design in general spaces
Optimal design for linear regression is a fundamental task in statistics. For finite design spaces, recent progress has shown that random designs drawn using proportional volume sampling (PVS) lead to approximation guarantees for A-optimal design. PVS strikes the balance between design nodes that jointly fill the design space, while marginally staying in regions of high mass under the solution of a relaxed convex version of the original problem. In this paper, we examine some of the statistical implications of a new variant of PVS for (possibly Bayesian) optimal design. Using point process machinery, we treat the case of a generic Polish design space. We show that not only are the A-optimality approximation guarantees preserved, but we obtain similar guarantees for D-optimal design that tighten recent results. Moreover, we show that PVS can be sampled in polynomial time. Unfortunately, in spite of its elegance and tractability, we demonstrate on a simple example that the practical implications of general PVS are likely limited. In the second part of the paper, we focus on applications and investigate the use of PVS as a subroutine for stochastic search heuristics. We demonstrate that PVS is a robust addition to the practitioner's toolbox, especially when the regression functions are nonstandard and the design space, while low-dimensional, has a complicated shape (e.g., nonlinear boundaries, several connected components).
Randomization and Fair Judgment in Law and Science
Randomization procedures are used in legal and statistical applications, aiming to shield important decisions from spurious influences. This article gives an intuitive introduction to randomization and examines some intended consequences of its use related to truthful statistical inference and fair legal judgment. This article also presents an open-code Java implementation for a cryptographically secure, statistically reliable, transparent, traceable, and fully auditable randomization tool.
Center-Outward Distribution Functions, Quantiles, Ranks, and Signs in $\mathbb{R}^d$
Univariate concepts as quantile and distribution functions involving ranks and signs, do not canonically extend to $\mathbb{R}^d, d\geq 2$. Palliating that has generated an abundant literature. Chapter 1 shows that, unlike the many definitions that have been proposed so far, the measure transportation-based ones introduced in Chernozhukov et al. (2017) enjoy all the properties that make univariate quantiles and ranks successful tools for semiparametric statistical inference. We therefore propose a new center-outward definition of multivariate distribution and quantile functions, along with their empirical counterparts, for which we obtain a Glivenko-Cantelli result. Our approach is geometric and, contrary to the Monge-Kantorovich one in Chernozhukov et al. (2017), does not require any moment assumptions. The resulting ranks and signs are strictly distribution-free, and maximal invariant under the action of a data-driven class of (order-preserving) transformations generating the family of absolutely continuous distributions; that property is the theoretical foundation of the semiparametric efficiency preservation property of ranks. The corresponding quantiles are equivariant under the same transformations. The empirical proposed distribution functions are defined at observed values only. A continuous extension to the entire $\mathbb{R}^d$, yielding continuous empirical quantile contours while preserving the monotonicity and Glivenko-Cantelli features is desirable. Such extension requires solving a nontrivial problem of smooth interpolation under cyclical monotonicity constraints. A complete solution of that problem is given in Chapter 2; we show that the resulting distribution and quantile functions are Lipschitz, and provide a sharp lower bound for the Lipschitz constants. A numerical study of empirical center-outward quantile contours and their consistency is conducted.
ABM: an automatic supervised feature engineering method for loss based models based on group and fused lasso
A vital problem in solving classification or regression problem is to apply feature engineering and variable selection on data before fed into models.One of a most popular feature engineering method is to discretisize continous variable with some cutting points,which is refered to as bining processing.Good cutting points are important for improving model's ability, because wonderful bining may ignore some noisy variance in continous variable range and keep useful leveled information with good ordered encodings.However, to our best knowledge a majority of cutting point selection is done via researchers domain knownledge or some naive methods like equal-width cutting or equal-frequency cutting.In this paper we propose an end-to-end supervised cutting point selection method based on group and fused lasso along with the automatically variable selection effect.We name our method \textbf{ABM}(automatic bining machine). We firstly cut each variable range into fine grid bins and train model with our group and group fused lasso regularization on each successive bins.It is a method that integrates feature engineering,variable selection and model training simultanously.And one more inspiring thing is that the method is flexible such that it can be taken into a bunch of loss function based model including deep neural networks.We have also implemented the method in R and open the source code to other researchers.A Python version will also meet the community in days.
Error Bounds for Generalized Group Sparsity
In high-dimensional statistical inference, sparsity regularizations have shown advantages in consistency and convergence rates for coefficient estimation. We consider a generalized version of Sparse-Group Lasso which captures both element-wise sparsity and group-wise sparsity simultaneously. We state one universal theorem which is proved to obtain results on consistency and convergence rates for different forms of double sparsity regularization. The universality of the results lies in an generalization of various convergence rates for single regularization cases such as LASSO and group LASSO and also double regularization cases such as sparse-group LASSO. Our analysis identifies a generalized norm of $\epsilon$-norm, which provides a dual formulation for our double sparsity regularization.
Adaptive Path Sampling in Metastable Posterior Distributions
The normalizing constant plays an important role in Bayesian computation, and there is a large literature on methods for computing or approximating normalizing constants that cannot be evaluated in closed form. When the normalizing constant varies by orders of magnitude, methods based on importance sampling can require many rounds of tuning. We present an improved approach using adaptive path sampling, iteratively reducing gaps between the base and target. Using this adaptive strategy, we develop two metastable sampling schemes. They are automated in Stan and require little tuning. For a multimodal posterior density, we equip simulated tempering with a continuous temperature. For a funnel-shaped entropic barrier, we adaptively increase mass in bottleneck regions to form an implicit divide-and-conquer. Both approaches empirically perform better than existing methods for sampling from metastable distributions, including higher accuracy and computation efficiency.
Bayesian kernel machine regression-causal mediation analysis
Greater understanding of the pathways through which an environmental mixture operates is important to design effective interventions. We present new methodology to estimate the natural direct effect (NDE), natural indirect effect (NIE), and controlled direct effects (CDEs) of a complex mixture exposure on an outcome through a mediator variable. We implement Bayesian Kernel Machine Regression (BKMR) to allow for all possible interactions and nonlinear effects of 1) the co-exposures on the mediator, 2) the co-exposures and mediator on the outcome, and 3) selected covariates on the mediator and/or outcome. From the posterior predictive distributions of the mediator and outcome, we simulate counterfactuals to obtain posterior samples, estimates, and credible intervals of the mediation effects. Our simulation study demonstrates that when the exposure-mediator and exposure-mediator-outcome relationships are complex, BKMR-Causal Mediation Analysis performs better than current mediation methods. We applied our methodology to quantify the contribution of birth length as a mediator between in utero co-exposure to arsenic, manganese and lead, and children's neurodevelopmental scores, in a prospective birth cohort in Bangladesh. Among younger children, we found a negative association between the metal mixture and neurodevelopment. We also found evidence that birth length mediates the effect of exposure to the metal mixture on neurodevelopment for younger children. If birth length were fixed to its $75^{th}$ percentile value, the effect of the metal mixture on neurodevelopment decreases, suggesting that nutritional interventions to help increase birth length could potentially block the harmful effects of the metal mixture on neurodevelopment.
How to train your neural ODE: the world of Jacobian and kinetic regularization
Training neural ODEs on large datasets has not been tractable due to the necessity of allowing the adaptive numerical ODE solver to refine its step size to very small values. In practice this leads to dynamics equivalent to many hundreds or even thousands of layers. In this paper, we overcome this apparent difficulty by introducing a theoretically-grounded combination of both optimal transport and stability regularizations which encourage neural ODEs to prefer simpler dynamics out of all the dynamics that solve a problem well. Simpler dynamics lead to faster convergence and to fewer discretizations of the solver, considerably decreasing wall-clock time without loss in performance. Our approach allows us to train neural ODE-based generative models to the same performance as the unregularized dynamics, with significant reductions in training time. This brings neural ODEs closer to practical relevance in large-scale applications.
A threshold-free summary index for quantifying the capacity of covariates to yield efficient treatment rules
The focus of this paper is on quantifying the capacity of covariates in devising efficient treatment rules when data from a randomized trial are available. Conventional one-variable-at-a-time subgroup analysis based on statistical hypothesis testing of covariate-by-treatment interaction is ill-suited for this purpose. The application of decision theory results in treatment rules that compare the expected benefit of treatment given the patient's covariates against a treatment threshold. However, determining treatment threshold is often context-specific, and any given threshold might seem arbitrary at the reporting stages of a clinical trial. We propose a threshold-free metric that quantifies the capacity of a set of covariates towards finding individuals who will benefit the most from treatment. The construct of the proposed metric is comparing the expected outcomes with and without knowledge of covariates when one of a two randomly selected patients are to be treated. We show that the resulting index can also be expressed in terms of integrated treatment benefit as a function of covariates over the entire range of treatment thresholds. We also propose a semi-parametric estimation method suitable for out-of-sample validation and adjustment for optimism. We use data from a clinical trial of preventive antibiotic therapy for reducing exacerbation rate in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease to demonstrate the calculations in a step-by-step fashion. The proposed index has intuitive and theoretically sound interpretation and can be estimated with relative ease for a wide class of regression models. Beyond the conceptual developments presented in this work, various aspects of estimation and inference for such metrics need to be pursued in future research.
Comment on Glenn Shafer's "Testing by betting"
This note is my comment on Glenn Shafer's discussion paper "Testing by betting", together with two online appendices comparing p-values and betting scores.
Review of Mathematical frameworks for Fairness in Machine Learning
A review of the main fairness definitions and fair learning methodologies proposed in the literature over the last years is presented from a mathematical point of view. Following our independence-based approach, we consider how to build fair algorithms and the consequences on the degradation of their performance compared to the possibly unfair case. This corresponds to the price for fairness given by the criteria $\textit{statistical parity}$ or $\textit{equality of odds}$. Novel results giving the expressions of the optimal fair classifier and the optimal fair predictor (under a linear regression gaussian model) in the sense of $\textit{equality of odds}$ are presented.
Bayesian mitigation of spatial coarsening for a fairly flexible spatiotemporal Hawkes model
Self-exciting spatiotemporal Hawkes processes have found increasing use in the study of large-scale public health threats ranging from gun violence and earthquakes to wildfires and viral contagion. Whereas many such applications feature locational uncertainty, i.e., the exact spatial positions of individual events are unknown, most Hawkes model analyses to date have ignored spatial coarsening present in the data. Three particular 21st century public health crises---urban gun violence, rural wildfires and global viral spread---present qualitatively and quantitatively varying uncertainty regimes that exhibit (a) different collective magnitudes of spatial coarsening, (b) uniform and mixed magnitude coarsening, (c) differently shaped uncertainty regions and---less orthodox---(d) locational data distributed within the `wrong' effective space. We explicitly model such uncertainties in a Bayesian manner and jointly infer unknown locations together with all parameters of a reasonably flexible Hawkes model, obtaining results that are practically and statistically distinct from those obtained while ignoring spatial coarsening. This work also features two different secondary contributions: first, to facilitate Bayesian inference of locations and background rate parameters, we make a subtle yet crucial change to an established kernel-based rate model; and second, to facilitate the same Bayesian inference at scale, we develop a massively parallel implementation of the model's log-likelihood gradient with respect to locations and thus avoid its quadratic computational cost in the context of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Our examples involve thousands of observations and allow us to demonstrate practicality at moderate scales.
The temporal overfitting problem with applications in wind power curve modeling
This paper is concerned with a nonparametric regression problem in which the independence assumption of the input variables and the residuals is no longer valid. Using existing model selection methods, like cross validation, the presence of temporal autocorrelation in the input variables and the error terms leads to model overfitting. This phenomenon is referred to as temporal overfitting, which causes loss of performance while predicting responses for a time domain different from the training time domain. We propose a new method to tackle the temporal overfitting problem. Our nonparametric model is partitioned into two parts -- a time-invariant component and a time-varying component, each of which is modeled through a Gaussian process regression. The key in our inference is a thinning-based strategy, an idea borrowed from Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling, to estimate the two components, respectively. Our specific application in this paper targets the power curve modeling in wind energy. In our numerical studies, we compare extensively our proposed method with both existing power curve models and available ideas for handling temporal overfitting. Our approach yields significant improvement in prediction both in and outside the time domain covered by the training data.