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Observability of Forming Planets and their Circumplanetary Disks II. --
SEDs and Near-Infrared Fluxes | Detection of forming planets means detection of the circumplanetary disk
(CPD) in reality, since the planet is still surrounded by a disk at this
evolutionary stage. Yet, no comprehensive CPD modeling was done in
near-infrared wavelengths, where high contrast imaging is a powerful tool to
detect these objects. We combined 3D radiative hydrodynamic simulations of
various embedded planets with RADMC-3D radiative transfer post-processing that
includes scattering of photons on dust particles. We made synthetic images for
VLT NaCo/ERIS in the Ks, L', M' bands as well as examined the spectral energy
distributions (SEDs) of disks between 1 $\mu m$ and 10 cm. We found that the
observed magnitudes from the planet's vicinity will mostly depend on the CPD
parameters, not on the planet's. The CPD is 20-100x brighter than the embedded
planet in near-IR. We also show how the CPD parameters, e.g. the dust-to-gas
ratio will affect the resulting CPD magnitudes. According to the SEDs, the best
contrast ratio between the CPD and circumstellar disks is in sub-mm/radio
wavelengths and between 8-33 microns in case if the planet opened a resolvable,
deep gap ($\ge 5 \rm{M_{Jup}}$), while the contrast is particularly poor in the
near-IR. Hence, to detect the forming planet and its CPD, the best chance today
is targeting the sub-mm/radio wavelengths and the 10-micron silicate feature
vicinity. In order to estimate the forming planet's mass from the observed
brightness, it is necessary to run system specific disk modeling.
| astro-ph |
Uncovering the orbital dynamics of stars hidden inside their powerful
winds: application to $\eta$ Carinae and RMC 140 | Determining accurate orbits of binary stars with powerful winds is
challenging. The dense outflows increase the effective photospheric radius,
precluding direct observation of the Keplerian motion; instead the observables
are broad lines emitted over large radii in the stellar wind. Our analysis
reveals strong, systematic discrepancies between the radial velocities
extracted from different spectral lines: the more extended a line's emission
region, the greater the departure from the true orbital motion. To overcome
these challenges, we formulate a novel semi-analytical model which encapsulates
both the star's orbital motion and the propagation of the wind. The model
encodes the integrated velocity field of the out-flowing gas in terms of a
convolution of past motion due to the finite flow speed of the wind. We test
this model on two binary systems. (1), for the extreme case $\eta$ Carinae, in
which the effects are most prominent, we are able to fit the model to 10 Balmer
lines from H-alpha to H-kappa concurrently with a single set of orbital
parameters: time of periastron $T_{0}=2454848$ (JD), eccentricity $e=0.91$,
semi-amplitude $k=69$ km/s and longitude of periastron $\omega=241^\circ$. (2)
for a more typical case, the Wolf-Rayet star in RMC 140, we demonstrate that
for commonly used lines, such as He II and N III/IV/V, we expect deviations
between the Keplerian orbit and the predicted radial velocities. Our study
indicates that corrective modelling, such as presented here, is necessary in
order to identify a consistent set of orbital parameters, independent of the
emission line used, especially for future high accuracy work.
| astro-ph |
Survey of planetesimal belts with ALMA: gas detected around the Sun-like
star HD 129590 | Gas detection around main sequence stars is becoming more common with around
20 systems showing the presence of CO. However, more detections are needed,
especially around later spectral type stars to better understand the origin of
this gas and refine our models. To do so, we carried out a survey of 10 stars
with predicted high likelihoods of secondary CO detection using ALMA in band 6.
We looked for continuum emission of mm-dust as well as gas emission (CO and CN
transitions). The continuum emission was detected in 9/10 systems for which we
derived the discs' dust masses and geometrical properties, providing the first
mm-wave detection of the disc around HD 106906, the first mm-wave radius for HD
114082, 117214, HD 15745, HD 191089 and the first radius at all for HD 121191.
A crucial finding of our paper is that we detect CO for the first time around
the young 10-16 Myr old G1V star HD 129590, similar to our early Sun. The gas
seems colocated with its planetesimal belt and its total mass is likely between
$2-10 \times 10^{-5}$ M$_\oplus$. This first gas detection around a G-type
main-sequence star raises questions as to whether gas may have been released in
the Solar System as well in its youth, which could potentially have affected
planet formation. We also detected CO gas around HD 121191 at a higher S/N than
previously and find that the CO lies much closer-in than the planetesimals in
the system, which could be evidence for the previously suspected CO viscous
spreading owing to shielding preventing its photodissociation. Finally, we make
estimates for the CO content in planetesimals and the HCN/CO outgassing rate
(from CN upper limits), which we find are below the level seen in Solar System
comets in some systems.
| astro-ph |
Optimising growth of structure constraints on modified gravity | We use growth of structure data to constrain the effective field theory of
dark energy. Considering as case study Horndeski theories with the speed of
gravitational waves equal to that of light, we show how constraints on the free
parameters and the large-scale structure phenomenological functions can be
improved by two ingredients: firstly by complementing the set of redshift-space
distortions data with the three recent measurements of the growth rate $f$ and
the amplitude of matter fluctuations $\sigma_8$ from the VIPERS and SDSS
collaborations; secondly by applying a local Solar System bound on the
variation of the Newton constant. This analysis allows us to conclude that:
$i)$ despite firmly restricting the predictions of weaker gravity, the
inclusion of the Solar System bound does not prevent suppressed growth relative
to the standard model $\Lambda$CDM at low redshifts; $ii)$ the same bound in
conjunction with the growth of structure data strongly restricts the redshift
evolution of the gravitational slip parameter to be close to unity and the
present value is constrained to one at the $10^{-3}$ level; $iii)$ the growth
of structure data favours a fifth force contribution to the effective
gravitational coupling at low redshifts and at more than one sigma at present
| astro-ph |
Multi-epoch X-ray spectral analysis of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy
Mrk 478 | A multi-epoch X-ray spectral and variability analysis is conducted for the
narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) active galactic nucleus (AGN) Mrk 478. All
available X-ray data from XMM-Newton and Suzaku satellites, spanning from 2001
to 2017, are modelled with a variety of physical models including partial
covering, soft-Comptonisation, and blurred reflection, to explain the observed
spectral shape and variability over the 16 years. All models are a similar
statistical fit to the data sets, though the analysis of the variability
between data sets favours the blurred reflection model. In particular, the
variability can be attributed to changes in flux of the primary coronal
emission. Different reflection models fit the data equally well, but differ in
interpretation. The use of reflionx predicts a low disc ionisation and power
law dominated spectrum, while relxill predicts a highly ionised and blurred
reflection dominated spectrum. A power law dominated spectrum might be more
consistent with the normal X-ray-to-UV spectral shape (aox). Both blurred
reflection models suggest a rapidly spinning black hole seen at a low
inclination angle, and both require a sub-solar (~0.5) abundance of iron. All
physical models require a narrow emission feature at 6.7 keV likely
attributable to Fe xxv emission, while no evidence for a narrow 6.4 keV line
from neutral iron is detected.
| astro-ph |
Testing the chemical homogeneity of chemically-tagged dissolved birth
clusters | Chemically tagging stars back to common formation sites in the Milky Way and
establishing a high level of chemical homogeneity in these chemically-tagged
birth clusters is important for understanding the chemical and dynamical
history of the Galactic disc. We constrain the intrinsic abundance scatter in
17 newly chemically-tagged dissolved birth clusters found in the APOGEE survey
by modeling APOGEE spectra as a one-dimensional function of initial stellar
mass, performing forward modeling of the observed stellar spectra, and
comparing the data and simulations using Approximate Bayesian Computation. We
test this method on the well-known open clusters M67, NGC 6819, NGC 7789, and
NGC 6791. We study 15 elements in APOGEE and find that, in general, we are able
to obtain very strong constraints on the intrinsic abundance scatter of most
elements in the chemically-tagged birth clusters, with upper limits of <~ 0.02
dex for C, <~ 0.03 dex for O, Mn, and Fe, <~ 0.04 dex for Si and Ni, and <~
0.05 dex for N, Mg, and Ca. While we find some evidence for a small amount of
chemical inhomogeneity in the remaining elements (i.e. Na, Al, S, K, Ti, and
V), we are still able to obtain stronger limits compared to those found for
open clusters, consistent with previous findings. By strongly constraining the
level of chemical homogeneity within reconstructed birth clusters, we can
strengthen the statement that these groups of stars represent birth clusters,
with promising implications for future chemical tagging studies.
| astro-ph |
New Constraints on Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter from $NuSTAR$ M31
Observations | We use a combined 1.2 Ms of $NuSTAR$ observations of M31 to search for X-ray
lines from sterile neutrino dark matter decay. For the first time in a $NuSTAR$
analysis, we consistently take into account the signal contribution from both
the focused and unfocused fields of view. We also reduce the modeling
systematic uncertainty by performing spectral fits to each observation
individually and statistically combining the results, instead of stacking the
spectra. We find no evidence of unknown lines, and thus derive limits on the
sterile neutrino parameters. Our results place stringent constraints for dark
matter masses $\gtrsim 12$ keV, which reduces the available parameter space for
sterile neutrino dark matter produced via neutrino mixing ($e.g.$, in the
$\nu$MSM) by approximately one-third. Additional $NuSTAR$ observations,
together with improved low-energy background modeling, could probe the
remaining parameter space in the future. Lastly, we also report
model-independent limits on generic dark matter decay rates and annihilation
cross sections.
| astro-ph |
A Multiple Power Law Distribution for Initial Mass Functions | We introduce a new multi-power-law distribution for the Initial Mass Function
(IMF) to explore its potential properties. It follows on prior work that
introduced mechanisms accounting for mass accretion in star formation,
developed within the framework of general evolution equations for the mass
distribution of accreting and non-accreting (proto)stars. This paper uses the
same fundamental framework to demonstrate that the interplay between a
mass-dependent and a time-dependent step-like dropout rate from accretion leads
to IMFs that exhibit multiple power laws for an exponential mass growth. While
the mass-dependent accretion and its dropout is intrinsic to each star, the
time-dependent dropout might be tied to a specific history such as the rapid
consumption of nebular material by nearby stars or the sweeping away of some
material by shock waves. The time-dependent dropout folded into the
mass-dependent process of star formation is shown to have a significant
influence on the IMFs.
| astro-ph |
Discovery statistics and the 1/a-distribution of long-period comets
detected over the 1801-2017 period | For the last two decades we have been observing a huge increase in
discoveries of long-period comets (LPCs), especially those with
large-perihelion distances. We collected data for a full sample of LPCs
discovered over the 1801-2017 period including their osculating orbits,
discovery moments (to study the discovery distances), and original semimajor
axes (to study the number ratio of large-perihelion to small-perihelion LPCs in
function of 1/a-original, and to construct the precise distribution of an
1/a-original). To minimize the influence of parabolic comets on these
distributions we determined definitive orbits (which include eccentricities)
for more than 20 LPCs previously classified as parabolic comets. We show that
the percentage of large-perihelion comets is significantly higher within Oort
spike comets than in a group of LPCs with a<10000 au, and this ratio of
large-perihelion to small-perihelion comets for both groups has grown
systematically since 1970. The different shape of the Oort spike for
small-perihelion and large-perihelion LPCs is also discussed. A spectacular
decrease of the ratio of large-perihelion to small-perihelion LPCs with the
shortening of semimajor axis within the range of 5000-100 au is also noticed.
Analysing discovery circumstances, we found that Oort spike comets are
discovered statistically at larger geocentric and heliocentric distances than
the remaining LPCs. This difference in the percentage of large-perihelion
comets in both groups of LPCs can probably be a direct consequence of a
well-known comets fading process due to ageing of their surface during the
consecutive perihelion passages and/or reflects the different actual
| astro-ph |
Discovery of a Lya emitting dark-cloud within z ~ 2.8 SMMJ02399-0136
system | We present Keck/KCWI integral field spectrograph observations of the complex
system surrounding SMM J02399$-$0136 (a lensed $z=2.8$ sub-mm galaxy),
including an associated Ly$\rm \alpha$ nebula, a dust-obscured,
broad-absorption-line quasar, and neighboring galaxies. At a 3$\sigma$ surface
brightness contour of 1.6$\times$ 10$^{-17}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$
arcsec$^{-2}$, the Ly$\rm \alpha$ nebula extends over 17 arcsec ($\gtrsim 140$
physical kpc) and has a total Ly$\rm \alpha$ luminosity of $2.5 \times 10^{44}
\, \rm erg \, s^{-1}$ (uncorrected for lensing). The nebula exhibits a
kinematic shear of $\sim$ 1000 km s$^{-1}$ over 100 pkpc with lowest velocities
east of SMM J02399$-$0136 and increasing to the southwest. We also discover a
bright, Ly$\rm \alpha$ emitter, separated spatially and kinematically from the
nebula, at a projected separation of $\approx$60 kpc from the quasar. This
source has no clear central counterpart in deep $Hubble \, Space \, Telescope$
imaging, giving an intrinsic Ly$\rm \alpha$ rest-frame equivalent width greater
than 312 $ \rm \mathring{A}$ (5-$\sigma$). We argue that this 'dark cloud' is
illuminated by the quasar with a UV flux that is orders of magnitude brighter
than the emission along our sightline. This result confirms statistical
inferences that luminous quasars at $z>2$ emit UV radiation anisotropically.
Future KCWI observations of other lines, e.g. Ly$\rm \beta$, He$\rm _{II}$,
C$\rm _{IV}$, etc, and with polarimetry will further reveal the origin of the
Ly$\rm \alpha$ nebula and nature of the dark cloud.
| astro-ph |
Member stars of the GD1 tidal stream from the SDSS, LAMOST and Gaia
surveys | With the photometric data from the SDSS survey, the spectroscopic data from
the SDSS/SEGUE and the LAMOST surveys, and the astrometric data from the Gaia
DR2, we have identified 71 highly-probable member stars of the GD-1 cold
stellar stream spread along almost its entire length (i.e. from 126 to 203
degree in Right Ascension). With the accurate spectroscopic (i.e. metallicity
and line-of-sight velocity) and astrometric (i.e. proper motions) information,
the position-velocity diagrams, i.e. $\phi_{1}$-$\mu_{\alpha}$,
$\phi_{1}$-$\mu_{\delta}$ and $\phi_{1}$-${v_{\rm gsr}}$, of the GD-1 stream
are well mapped. The stream has an average metallicity [Fe/H] $= -1.95 \pm
0.23$. The rich information of member stars of the stream now available allow
one not only to model its origin, but also to place strong constraints on the
mass distribution and the gravitational potential of the Milky Way.
| astro-ph |
High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Hot Molecular Gas in AFGL 2591
and AFGL 2136: Accretion in the Inner Regions of Disks Around Massive Young
Stellar Objects | We have performed a high resolution 4-13 ${\mu}m$ spectral survey of the hot
molecular gas associated with the massive protostars AFGL 2591 and AFGL 2136,
utilising the Echelon-Cross-Echelle-Spectrograph (EXES) on-board the
Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), and the iSHELL
instrument and Texas Echelon Cross Echelle Spectrograph (TEXES) on the NASA
Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). Here we present results of this survey with
analysis of CO, HCN, C$_2$H$_2$, NH$_3$ and CS, deriving the physical
conditions for each species. Also from the IRTF, iSHELL data at 3 ${\mu}m$ for
AFGL 2591 are presented that show HCN and C$_2$H$_2$ in emission. In the EXES
and TEXES data, all species are detected in absorption, and temperatures and
abundances are found to be high (600 K and 10$^{-6}$, respectively).
Differences of up to an order of magnitude in the abundances of transitions
that trace the same ground state level are measured for HCN and C$_2$H$_2$. The
mid-infrared continuum is known to originate in a disk, hence we attribute the
infrared absorption to arise in the photosphere of the disk. As absorption
lines require an outwardly decreasing temperature gradient, we conclude that
the disk is heated in the mid-plane by viscous heating due to accretion. We
attribute the near-IR emission lines to scattering by molecules in the upper
layers of the disk photosphere. The absorption lines trace the disk properties
at 50 AU where a high temperature gas-phase chemistry is taking place.
Abundances are consistent with chemical models of the inner disk of Herbig
| astro-ph |
Gravity and the Nonlinear Growth of Structure in the
Carnegie-Spitzer-IMACS Redshift Survey | A key obstacle to developing a satisfying theory of galaxy evolution is the
difficulty in extending analytic descriptions of early structure formation into
full nonlinearity, the regime in which galaxy growth occurs. Extant techniques,
though powerful, are based on approximate numerical methods whose Monte
Carlo-like nature hinders intuition building. Here, we develop a new solution
to this problem and its empirical validation. We first derive closed-form
analytic expectations for the evolution of fixed percentiles in the real-space
cosmic density distribution, {\it averaged over representative volumes
observers can track cross-sectionally\}. Using the Lagrangian forms of the
fluid equations, we show that percentiles in $\delta$---the density relative to
the median---should grow as $\delta(t)\propto\delta_{0}^{\alpha}\,t^{\beta}$,
where $\alpha\equiv2$ and $\beta\equiv2$ for Newtonian gravity at epochs after
the overdensities transitioned to nonlinear growth. We then use 9.5 sq. deg. of
Carnegie-Spitzer-IMACS Redshift Survey data to map {\it galaxy\} environmental
densities over $0.2<z<1.5$ ($\sim$7 Gyr) and infer $\alpha=1.98\pm0.04$ and
$\beta=2.01\pm0.11$---consistent with our analytic prediction. These
findings---enabled by swapping the Eulerian domain of most work on density
growth for a Lagrangian approach to real-space volumetric averages---provide
some of the strongest evidence that a lognormal distribution of early density
fluctuations indeed decoupled from cosmic expansion to grow through
gravitational accretion. They also comprise the first exact, analytic
description of the nonlinear growth of structure extensible to (arbitrarily)
low redshift. We hope these results open the door to new modeling of, and
insight-building into, the galaxy growth and its diversity in cosmological
| astro-ph |
ASKAP observations of multiple rapid scintillators reveal a degrees-long
plasma filament | We present the results from an Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
search for radio variables on timescales of hours. We conducted an untargeted
search over a 30 deg$^2$ field, with multiple 10-hour observations separated by
days to months, at a central frequency of 945 MHz. We discovered six rapid
scintillators from 15-minute model-subtracted images with sensitivity of $\sim
200\,\mu$Jy/beam; two of them are extreme intra-hour variables with modulation
indices up to $\sim 40\%$ and timescales as short as tens of minutes. Five of
the variables are in a linear arrangement on the sky with angular width $\sim
1$ arcmin and length $\sim 2$ degrees, revealing the existence of a huge plasma
filament in front of them. We derived kinematic models of this plasma from the
annual modulation of the scintillation rate of our sources, and we estimated
its likely physical properties: a distance of $\sim 4$ pc and length of $\sim
0.1$ pc. The characteristics we observe for the scattering screen are
incompatible with published suggestions for the origin of intra-hour
variability leading us to propose a new picture in which the underlying
phenomenon is a cold tidal stream. This is the first time that multiple
scintillators have been detected behind the same plasma screen, giving direct
insight into the geometry of the scattering medium responsible for enhanced
| astro-ph |
K2-295 b and K2-237 b: two transiting hot Jupiters | We report the discovery from K2 of two transiting hot Jupiter systems. K2-295
(observed in Campaign 8) is a K5 dwarf which hosts a planet slightly smaller
than Jupiter, orbiting with a period of 4.0 d. We have made an independent
discovery of K2-237 b (Campaign 11), which orbits an F6 dwarf every 2.2 d and
has an inflated radius 50 - 60 per cent larger than that of Jupiter. We use
high-precision radial velocity measurements, obtained using the HARPS and FIES
spectrographs, to measure the planetary masses. We find that K2-295 b has a
similar mass to Saturn, while K2-237 b is a little more massive than Jupiter.
| astro-ph |
Fourier-series expansion of the dark-energy equation of state | The dark energy component of the universe still remains as a mystery,
however, several papers based on observational data have shown that its
equation of state may have an oscillatory behaviour. In this paper, we provide
a general description for the dark-energy equation-of-state $w(z)$ in the form
of Fourier series. This description generalises some previous dynamical dark
energy models and is in agreement with the $w(z)$ reconstructions. We make use
of a modified version of a simple and fast Markov Chain Monte Carlo code to
constraint the model parameters. For the analysis we use data from supernovae
type-Ia , baryon acoustic oscillations, $H(z)$ measurements and cosmic
microwave background. We provide a comparison of the proposed model with
$\Lambda$CDM, $w$CDM and the standard Taylor approximation. The Fourier series
expansion of $w(z)$ is preferred from $\Lambda$CDM at more than $3\sigma$
significance level based on the improvement in the fit alone. We use the Akaike
criteria to perform the model comparison and found that, even though there are
extra parameters, there is a slight preference of the Fourier series compared
with the $\Lambda$CDM model. The preferred shape of $w(z)$ found here puts in
jeopardy the single scalar field models, as they as they cannot reproduce the
crossing the phantom divide line $w=-1$.
| astro-ph |
Lyman-$\alpha$ Observations of High Radial Velocity Low-Mass Stars Ross
1044 and Ross 825 | The discovery of habitable zone (HZ) planets around low-mass stars has
highlighted the need for a comprehensive understanding of the radiation
environments in which such planets reside. Of particular importance is
knowledge of the far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation, as low-mass stars are
typically much more active than solar-type stars and the proximity of their HZs
can be one tenth the distance. The vast majority of the flux emitted by
low-mass stars at FUV wavelengths occurs in the Lyman-$\alpha$ line at 1216
Angstroms. However, measuring a low-mass star's Lyman-$\alpha$ emission
directly is almost always impossible because of the contaminating effects of
interstellar hydrogen and geocoronal airglow. We observed Ross 825 (K3) and
Ross 1044 (M0), two stars with exceptional radial velocities, with the STIS
spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Their radial velocities
resulted in significant line shifts, allowing for a more complete view of their
Lyman-$\alpha$ line profiles. We provide an updated relation between effective
temperature and Lyman-$\alpha$ flux using Gaia DR2 astrometry as well as
updated, model-independent relationships between Lyman-$\alpha$ flux and UV
flux measurements from the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) for low-mass
stars. These new relations, in combination with GALEX's considerable spatial
coverage, provide substantial predictive power for the Lyman-$\alpha$
environments for thousands of nearby, low-mass stars.
| astro-ph |
Position-dependent Voronoi probability distribution functions for matter
and halos | We measure the Voronoi density probability distribution function (PDF) for
both dark matter and halos in N-body simulations. For the dark matter, Voronoi
densities represent the matter density field smoothed on a uniform mass scale,
which approximates the Lagrangian density field. For halos, the Voronoi
densities contain information about the local environment of each halo. We
measure the halo virial masses, the total amount of dark matter within each
halo Voronoi cell, and the halo Voronoi cell volumes, and we show how halo
abundances depend on these three quantities. We then study the
position-dependent Voronoi density PDF, measured within finite subregions of
the Universe, using separate universe simulations. We demonstrate that the
spatial variation of the position-dependent PDF is due to large-scale density
fluctuations, indicating that the position-dependent PDF is a biased tracer of
large-scale structure. We measure this bias for the dark matter, and interpret
it as the bias of regions of the Lagrangian density field that are selected
based on density. For the halos, this bias can be interpreted as a form of
assembly bias. We present the mapping from late-time to early-time Voronoi
density for each simulation dark matter particle, which is highly stochastic.
We compare the median of this stochastic map with spherical collapse
calculations and discuss challenges involved in modeling the evolution of the
density field on these scales.
| astro-ph |
Integrating Undergraduate Research and Faculty Development in a Legacy
Astronomy Research Project | The NSF-sponsored Undergraduate ALFALFA Team (UAT) promotes long-term
collaborative research opportunities for faculty and students from 23 U.S.
public and private primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs) within the
context of the extragalactic ALFALFA HI blind legacy survey project. Over
twelve project years of partnering with Arecibo and Green Bank Observatories,
the UAT has had a demonstrable impact on the health of a legacy astronomy
project, science education, and equity/inclusion in astronomy, with successful
outcomes for 373 UAT students (39% women; ~30% members of underrepresented
groups) and 34 faculty (44% women). The UAT model is adaptable to many large
scientific projects and can be supported by relatively modest funding. We
recommend that granting agencies identify funding resources to support the
model, either as an add-on to legacy grant support or as a stand-alone funding
source. This could include encouragement of UAT-like components in large scale
projects currently being developed, such as the LSST and TMT. By doing this, we
will recognize the high numbers of astronomy research-trained
heavy-teaching-load faculty at PUIs as an under-utilized resource of the
astronomy community (see also White Paper by Ribaudo et al.). These members of
our community have the skills and the strong desire to contribute meaningfully
to their field, as well as the ability to encourage and interact closely with
many talented and motivated undergraduate students from all backgrounds.
| astro-ph |
Rapid Deceleration of Blast Waves Witnessed in Tycho's Supernova Remnant | In spite of their importance as standard candles in cosmology and as major
major sites of nucleosynthesis in the Universe, what kinds of progenitor
systems lead to type Ia supernovae (SN) remains a subject of considerable
debate in the literature. This is true even for the case of Tycho's SN exploded
in 1572 although it has been deeply studied both observationally and
theoretically. Analyzing X-ray data of Tycho's supernova remnant (SNR) obtained
with Chandra in 2003, 2007, 2009, and 2015, we discover that the expansion
before 2007 was substantially faster than radio measurements reported in the
past decades and then rapidly decelerated during the last ~ 15 years. The
result is well explained if the shock waves recently hit a wall of dense gas
surrounding the SNR. Such a gas structure is in fact expected in the so-called
single-degenerate scenario, in which the progenitor is a binary system
consisting of a white dwarf and a stellar companion, whereas it is not
generally predicted by a competing scenario, the double-degenerate scenario,
which has a binary of two white dwarfs as the progenitor. Our result thus
favors the former scenario. This work also demonstrates a novel technique to
probe gas environments surrounding SNRs and thus disentangle the two progenitor
scenarios for Type Ia SNe.
| astro-ph |
The Rapid Build-up of Massive Early-type Galaxies. Supersolar
Metallicity, High Velocity Dispersion and Young Age for an ETG at z=3.35 | Thanks to very deep spectroscopic observations carried out at the Large
Binocular Telescope, we measured simultaneously stellar age, metallicity and
velocity dispersion for C1-23152, an ETG at redshift $z$=3.352, corresponding
to an epoch when the Universe was $\sim$1.8 Gyr old. The analysis of its
spectrum shows that this galaxy, hosting an AGN, formed and assembled
$\sim$2$\times$10$^{11}$ M$_\odot$ shaping its morphology within the $\sim$600
Myr preceding the observations, since $z$$\sim$4.6. The stellar population has
a mean mass-weighted age 400$^{+30}_{-70}$ Myr and it is formed between
$\sim$600 Myr and $\sim$150 Myr before the observed epoch, this latter being
the time since quenching. Its high stellar velocity dispersion,
$\sigma_e$=409$\pm$60 km s$^{-1}$, confirms the high mass
(M$_{dyn}$=$2.2(\pm0.4)$$\times$10$^{11}$ M$_\odot$) and the high mass density
($\Sigma_e^{M^*}$=$\Sigma_{1kpc}=3.2(\pm0.7)\times10^{10}$ M$_\odot$
kpc$^{-2}$), suggesting a fast dissipative process at its origin. The analysis
points toward a supersolar metallicity, [Z/H]=0.25$^{+0.006}_{-0.10}$, in
agreement with the above picture, suggesting a star formation efficiency much
higher than the replenishment time. However, sub-solar metallicity values
cannot be firmly ruled out by our analysis. Quenching must have been extremely
efficient to reduce the star formation to SFR$<$6.5 M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ in less
than 150 Myr. This could be explained by the presence of the AGN, even if a
causal relation cannot be established from the data. C1-23152 has the same
stellar and physical properties of the densest ETGs in the local Universe of
comparable mass, suggesting that they are C1-23152-like galaxies which evolved
to $z=0$ unperturbed.
| astro-ph |
Hints about the multiplicity of WR 133 based on multiepoch radio
observations | Several tens of massive binary systems display indirect, or even strong
evidence for non-thermal radio emission, hence their particle accelerator
status. These objects are referred to as particle-accelerating colliding-wind
binaries (PACWBs). WR 133 is one of the shortest period Wolf-Rayet + O systems
in this category, and is therefore critical to characterize the boundaries of
the parameter space adequate for particle acceleration in massive binaries. Our
methodology consists in analyzing JVLA observations of WR 133 at different
epochs to search for compelling evidence for a phase-locked variation
attributable to synchrotron emission produced in the colliding-wind region. New
data obtained during two orbits reveal a steady and thermal emission spectrum,
in apparent contradiction with the previous detection of non-thermal emission.
The thermal nature of the radio spectrum along the 112.4-d orbit is supported
by the strong free-free absorption by the dense stellar winds, and shows that
the simple binary scenario cannot explain the non-thermal emission reported
previously. Alternatively, a triple system scenario with a wide, outer orbit
would fit with the observational facts reported previously and in this paper,
albeit no hint for the existence of a third component exists to date. The
epoch-dependent nature of the identification of synchrotron radio emission in
WR 133 emphasizes the issue of observational biases in the identification of
PACWBs, that undoubtedly affect the present census of PACWB among
colliding-wind binaries.
| astro-ph |
Optical identification of active galactic nucleus candidates detected by
the Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC telescope aboard the SRG observatory during the
all-sky X-ray survey | We present the results of our identification of eight objects from a
preliminary catalogue of X-ray sources detected in the 4-12 keV energy band by
the Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC telescope aboard the SRG observatory during its
first all-sky survey. Three of them (SRGAJ005751.0+210846,SRGAJ014157.0-032915,
SRGAJ232446.8+440756) have been discovered by ART-XC, while five were already
known previously as X-ray sources, but their nature remained unknown. The last
five sources have also been detected in soft X-rays by the eROSITA telescope of
the SRG observatory. Our optical observations were carried out at the 1.6-m
AZT-33IK telescope of the Sayan Observatory and the 1.5-m Russian-Turkish
telescope (RTT-150). All of the investigated objects have turned out to be
active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at redshifts from 0.019 to 0.283. Six of them are
Seyfert 2 galaxies(including one Seyfert 1.9 galaxy), one
(SRGAJ005751.0+210846) is a "hidden" AGN (in an edge-on galaxy), and one
(SRGAJ224125.9+760343) is a narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy. The latter object is
characterized by a high X-ray luminosity (~(2-13)*10^44 erg/s in the 4-12 keV
band) and,according to our black hole mass estimate (~2*10^7 M_sun), an
accretion rate close to the Eddington limit. All three AGNs discovered by the
ART-XC telescope (which are not detected by the eROSITA telescope) are
characterized by a high absorption column density (N_H > 3*10^23 cm^-2). The
results obtained confirm the expectations that the ART-XC telescope is an
efficient instrument for searches of heavily obscured and other interesting
AGNs in the nearby (z<0.3) Universe. The SRG all-sky survey will last for more
than 3 years more, which will allow many such objects to be discovered.
| astro-ph |
Probing supermassive stars and massive black hole seeds through
gravitational wave inspirals | We propose a novel source of gravitational wave emission: the inspirals of
compact fragments inside primordial supermassive stars (SMSs). Such systems are
thought to be an essential channel in the as-yet little understood formation of
supermassive black holes (SMBHs). One model suggests that high accretion rates
of $0.1$-1 M$_\odot$/yr attainable in atomically-cooled primordial halos can
lead to the formation of a nuclear-burning SMS. This will ultimately undergo
collapse through a relativistic instability, leaving a massive BH remnant.
Recent simulations suggest that supermassive stars rarely form in isolation,
and that companion stars and even black holes formed may be captured/accreted
and inspiral to the SMS core due to gas dynamical friction. Here, we explore
the GW emission produced from such inspirals, which could probe the formation
and evolution of SMS and seeds of the first supermassive black holes. We use a
semi-analytic gas-dynamical friction model of the inspirals in the SMS to
characterize their properties. We find such sources could potentially be
observable by upcoming space-born GW-detectors at their formation redshifts
with the benefit of gravitational lensing. Mergers within closely-related
quasi-stars may produce a much stronger signal, though disambiguating such
events from other high-z events may prove challenging.
| astro-ph |
Equation-of-State Constraints on the Neutron-Star Binding Energy and
Tests of Binary Formation Scenarios | The second supernova that forms double-neutron-star systems is expected to
occur in a progenitor that is ultra-stripped due to binary interactions. Thus,
the secondary neutron star's mass as well as the post-supernova binary's
orbital parameters will depend on the nature of the collapsing progenitor core.
Since neutron stars are in the strong-gravity regime, their binding energy
makes up a significant fraction of their total mass-energy budget. The second
neutron star's binding energy may thus provide a unique insight as to whether
its progenitor was a low-mass iron core or an oxygen-neon-magnesium core. I
obtain relations for the baryonic mass and binding energy incorporating both a
hadronic equation-of-state catalog as well as recent multi-messenger
neutron-star observations. With these relations, I obtain the first tight
constraints on the baryonic mass and binding energy of three neutron stars that
are thought to have formed from an ultra-stripped progenitor. With these
constraints, I test if each neutron star is consistent with forming from an
ONeMg core that undergoes an electron-capture supernova. From these tests, I
find that this scenario can be ruled out for one of three neutron stars.
Neutron-star properties and the dense-matter equation of state can thus help
distinguish binary formation scenarios.
| astro-ph |
Hubble Space Telescope Imaging of Isolated Local Volume Dwarfs GALFA-Dw3
and Dw4 | We present observations of the dwarf galaxies GALFA Dw3 and GALFA Dw4 with
the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
These galaxies were initially discovered as optical counterparts to compact HI
clouds in the GALFA survey. Both objects resolve into stellar populations which
display an old red giant branch, younger helium burning, and massive main
sequence stars. We use the tip of the red giant branch method to determine the
distance to each galaxy, finding distances of 7.61$_{-0.29}^{+0.28}$ Mpc and
3.10$_{-0.17}^{+0.16}$ Mpc, respectively. With these distances we show that
both galaxies are extremely isolated, with no other confirmed objects within
~1.5 Mpc of either dwarf. GALFA Dw4 is also found to be unusually compact for a
galaxy of its luminosity. GALFA Dw3 and Dw4 contain HII regions with young star
clusters and an overall irregular morphology; they show evidence of ongoing
star formation through both ultraviolet and H$\alpha$ observations and are
therefore classified as dwarf irregulars (dIrrs). The star formation histories
of these two dwarfs show distinct differences: Dw3 shows signs of a recently
ceased episode of active star formation across the entire dwarf, while Dw4
shows some evidence for current star formation in spatially limited HII
regions. Compact HI sources offer a promising method for identifying isolated
field dwarfs in the Local Volume, including GALFA Dw3 & Dw4, with the potential
to shed light on the driving mechanisms of dwarf galaxy formation and
| astro-ph |
Testing Emergent Gravity with Optical, X-ray, and Weak Lensing
Measurements in Massive, Relaxed Galaxy Clusters | We test the predictions of Emergent Gravity using matter densities of
relaxed, massive clusters of galaxies using observations from optical and X-ray
wavebands. We improve upon previous work in this area by including the baryon
mass contribution of the brightest cluster galaxy in each system, in addition
to total mass profiles from gravitational lensing and mass profiles of the
X-ray emitting gas from Chandra. We use this data in the context of Emergent
Gravity to predict the "apparent" dark matter distribution from the observed
baryon distribution, and vice-versa. We find that although the inclusion of the
brightest cluster galaxy in the analysis improves the agreement with
observations in the inner regions of the clusters ($r \lesssim 10-30$ kpc), at
larger radii ($r \sim 100-200$ kpc) the Emergent Gravity predictions for mass
profiles and baryon mass fractions are discrepant with observations by a factor
of up to $\sim2-6$, though the agreement improves at radii near $r_{500}$. At
least in its current form, Emergent Gravity does not appear to reproduce the
observed characteristics of relaxed galaxy clusters as well as cold dark matter
| astro-ph |
Magnetic field of the eclipsing binary UV Piscium | The goal of this work is to study magnetic fields of the cool, eclipsing
binary star UV Piscium (UV Psc). This system contains two active late-type
stars, UV Psc A (G5V) and B (K3V). To obtain a complete picture, the properties
of both global and local magnetic field structures are studied for both
components. High-resolution intensity and circular polarisation spectra,
collected in 2016 with the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter at the CFHT, were used
to analyse the magnetic field of UV Psc. To increase the signal-to-noise ratio,
the multi-line technique of least-squares deconvolution (LSD) was used to
obtain average Stokes IV profiles. Then, a Zeeman-Doppler imaging (ZDI) code
was employed to obtain the large-scale magnetic field topology and brightness
distribution for both components of UV Psc. In addition, the small-scale
magnetic fields, not visible to ZDI, were studied using the Zeeman
intensification of Fe I lines. Maps of the surface magnetic field for both
components of UV Psc were obtained, the large-scale magnetic fields feature
strong toroidal and non-axisymetric components. UV Psc A and B have average
global field strengths of 137 G and 88 G, respectively. The small-scale fields
are notably stronger, with average strengths of 2.5 and 2.2 kG, respectively.
Our results are in agreement with previous studies of partly-convective stars.
Overall, UV Psc A has a stronger magnetic field compared to UV Psc B. Due to
the eclipsing binary geometry, certain magnetic field features are not
detectable using circular polarisation only. An investigation into theoretical
linear polarisation profiles shows that they could be used to reveal
antisymmetric components of the magnetic field. This result also has
implications for the study of exoplanetary transit hosts.
| astro-ph |
Dark matter and no dark matter: On the halo mass of NGC 1052 | The NGC 1052 group, and in particular the discovery of two ultra diffuse
galaxies with very low internal velocity dispersions, has been the subject of
much attention recently. Here we present radial velocities for a sample of 77
globular clusters associated with NGC 1052 obtained on the Keck telescope.
Their mean velocity and velocity dispersion are consistent with that of the
host galaxy. Using a simple tracer mass estimator, we infer the enclosed
dynamical mass and dark matter fraction of NGC 1052. Extrapolating our
measurements with an NFW mass profile we infer a total halo mass of 6.2
($\pm$0.2) $\times$ 10$^{12}$ M$_{\odot}$. This mass is fully consistent with
that expected from the stellar mass--halo mass relation, suggesting that NGC
1052 has a normal dark matter halo mass (i.e. it is not deficient in dark
matter in contrast to two ultra diffuse galaxies in the group). We present a
phase space diagram showing the galaxies that lie within the projected virial
radius (390 kpc) of NGC 1052. Finally, we briefly discuss the two dark matter
deficient galaxies (NGC 1052--DF and DF4) and consider whether MOND can account
for their low observed internal velocity dispersions.
| astro-ph |
A New Automatic Tool for CME Detection and Tracking with Machine
Learning Techniques | With the accumulation of big data of CME observations by coronagraphs,
automatic detection and tracking of CMEs has proven to be crucial. The
excellent performance of convolutional neural network in image classification,
object detection and other computer vision tasks motivates us to apply it to
CME detection and tracking as well. We have developed a new tool for CME
Automatic detection and tracking with MachinE Learning (CAMEL) techniques. The
system is a three-module pipeline. It is first a supervised image
classification problem. We solve it by training a neural network LeNet with
training labels obtained from an existing CME catalog. Those images containing
CME structures are flagged as CME images. Next, to identify the CME region in
each CME-flagged image, we use deep descriptor transforming to localize the
common object in an image set. A following step is to apply the graph cut
technique to finely tune the detected CME region. To track the CME in an image
sequence, the binary images with detected CME pixels are converted from
cartesian to polar coordinate. A CME event is labeled if it can move in at
least two frames and reach the edge of coronagraph field of view. For each
event, a few fundamental parameters are derived. The results of four
representative CMEs with various characteristics are presented and compared
with those from four existing automatic and manual catalogs. We find that CAMEL
can detect more complete and weaker structures, and has better performance to
catch a CME as early as possible.
| astro-ph |
A Solar Magnetic-fan Flaring Arch Heated by Non-thermal Particles and
Hot Plasma from an X-ray Jet Eruption | We have investigated an M1.3 limb flare, which develops as a magnetic
loop/arch that fans out from an X-ray jet. Using Hinode/EIS, we found that the
temperature increases with height to a value of over 10$^{7}$ K at the loop-top
during the flare. The measured Doppler velocity (redshifts of 100$-$500 km
s$^{-1}$) and the non-thermal velocity ($\geq$100 km s$^{-1}$) from Fe XXIV
also increase with loop height. The electron density increases from
$0.3\times10^{9}$ cm$^{-3}$ early in the flare rise to $1.3\times10^{9}$
cm$^{-3}$ after the flare peak. The 3-D structure of the loop derived with
STEREO/EUVI indicates that the strong redshift in the loop-top region is due to
upflowing plasma originating from the jet. Both hard X-ray and soft X-ray
emission from RHESSI were only seen as footpoint brightenings during the
impulsive phase of the flare, then, soft X-ray emission moves to the loop-top
in the decay phase. Based on the temperature and density measurements and
theoretical cooling models, the temperature evolution of the flare arch is
consistent with impulsive heating during the jet eruption followed by
conductive cooling via evaporation and minor prolonged heating in the top of
the fan loop. Investigating the magnetic field topology and squashing factor
map from SDO/HMI, we conclude that the observed magnetic-fan flaring arch is
mostly heated from low atmospheric reconnection accompanying the jet ejection,
instead of from reconnection above the arch as expected in the standard flare
| astro-ph |
Systematics and Consequences of Comet Nucleus Outgassing Torques | Anisotropic outgassing from comets exerts a torque sufficient to rapidly
change the angular momentum of the nucleus, potentially leading to rotational
instability. Here, we use empirical measures of spin changes in a sample of
comets to characterize the torques and to compare them with expectations from a
simple model. Both the data and the model show that the characteristic spin-up
timescale, $\tau_s$, is a strong function of nucleus radius, $r_n$.
Empirically, we find that the timescale for comets (most with perihelion 1 to 2
AU and eccentricity $\sim$0.5) varies as $\tau_s \sim 100 r_n^{2}$, where $r_n$
is expressed in kilometers and $\tau_s$ is in years. The fraction of the
nucleus surface that is active varies as $f_A \sim 0.1 r_n^{-2}$. We find that
the median value of the dimensionless moment arm of the torque is $k_T$ = 0.007
(i.e. $\sim$0.7\% of the escaping momentum torques the nucleus), with weak
($<$3$\sigma$) evidence for a size dependence $k_T \sim 10^{-3} r_n^2$.
Sub-kilometer nuclei have spin-up timescales comparable to their orbital
periods, confirming that outgassing torques are quickly capable of driving
small nuclei towards rotational disruption. Torque-induced rotational
instability likely accounts for the paucity of sub-kilometer short-period
cometary nuclei, and for the pre-perihelion destruction of sungrazing comets.
Torques from sustained outgassing on small active asteroids can rival YORP
torques, even for very small ($\lesssim$1 g s$^{-1}$) mass loss rates. Finally,
we highlight the important role played by observational biases in the measured
distributions of $\tau_s$, $f_A$ and $k_T$.
| astro-ph |
A proposal for relative in-flight flux self-calibrations for
spectro-photometric surveys | We present a method for the in-flight relative flux self-calibration of a
spectro-photometer instrument, general enough to be applied to any upcoming
galaxy survey on satellite. The instrument response function, that accounts for
a smooth continuous variation due to telescope optics, on top of a
discontinuous effect due to the segmentation of the detector, is inferred with
a $\chi^2$ statistics. The method provides unbiased inference of the sources
count rates and of the reconstructed relative response function, in the limit
of high count rates. We simulate a simplified sequence of observations with
realistic distributions of sources and count rates, with the purpose of
quantifying the relative importance of the number of sources and exposures for
the correct reconstruction of the instrument response. We present a validation
of the method, with the definition of figures of merit to quantify the expected
performance, in plausible scenarios.
| astro-ph |
Upgraded GMRT observations of the Coma cluster of galaxies: The
observations | We have used the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope to map the Coma
cluster of galaxies at 250-500 MHz and 1050-1450 MHz bands. These 6.26 arcsec
and 2.18 arcsec resolutions observations allow detailed radio structures to be
determined of all detected radio sources that show both discrete pointlike and
extended morphologies. We present images of a subset of 32 brightest (flux
density >= 30 mJy) and dominant sources, and several sources show discrete
pointlike radio morphologies. We find the steepening of the spectra consistent
with synchrotron cooling in the majority of sources and the median for spectral
indices is -0.78, suggesting that ~59% sources have steep spectra. The nature
and the statistical properties of the radio sources in the Coma cluster will be
discussed in subsequent papers.
| astro-ph |
Intra-cluster GC-LMXB in the Fornax galaxy cluster | The formation of Low mass X-ray binaries (LMXB) is favored within dense
stellar systems such as Globular Clusters (GCs). The connection between LMXB
and Globular Clusters has been extensively studied in the literature, but these
studies have always been restricted to the innermost regions of galaxies. We
present a study of LMXB in GCs within the central 1.5 deg^2 of the Fornax
cluster with the aim of confirming the existence of a population of LMXB in
intra-cluster GCs and understand if their properties are related to the host
GCs, to the environment or/and to different formation channels.
| astro-ph |
Analysis of the unconcentrated background of the EPIC-pn camera on board
XMM-Newton | Our understanding of the background of the EPIC/pn camera onboard XMM-Newton
is incomplete. This affects the study of extended sources and can influence the
predictions of the background of future X-ray missions. We provide new results
based on the analysis of the largest data set ever used. We focus on the
unconcentrated component of the EPIC/pn background - supposedly related to
cosmic rays interacting with the telescope. We find that the out-field of view
region of the pn detector is actually exposed to the sky. After cleaning from
the sky contamination, the unconcentrated background does not show significant
spatial variations and its time behaviour is anti-correlated with the solar
cycle. We find a very tight, linear correlation between unconcentrated
backgrounds detected in the EPIC/pn and MOS2 cameras: this permits the correct
evaluation of the pn unconcentrated background of each exposure on the basis of
MOS2 data, avoiding the use (as usual) of the contaminated pn regions. We find
a tight, linear correlation between the pn unconcentrated background and the
proton flux in the 630-970 MeV energy band measured by SOHO/EPHIN. Through this
relationship we quantify the contribution of cosmic ray interactions to the pn
unconcentrated background and we find a second source which contributes to the
pn unconcentrated background for a significant fraction (30%-70%), that does
not vary with time and is roughly isotropic. Hard X-ray photons of the CXB
satisfy all the known properties of this new component. Our findings provide an
important observational confirmation of simulation results on ATHENA.
| astro-ph |
The effect of circumstellar matter on the double-peaked type Ic
supernovae and implications for LSQ14efd, iPTF15dtg and SN 2020bvc | Double peaked light curves are observed for some Type Ic supernovae (SNe Ic)
including LSQ14efd, iPTF15dtg and SN 2020bvc. One possible explanation of the
first peak would be shock-cooling emission from massive extended material
around the progenitor, which is produced by mass eruption or rapid expansion of
the outermost layers of the progenitor shortly before the supernova explosion.
We investigate the effects of such circumstellar matter (CSM) on the multi-band
optical light curves of SNe Ic using the radiation hydrodynamics code STELLA.
Two different SNe Ic progenitor masses at the pre-SN stage (3.93$M_\odot$ and
8.26$M_\odot$) are considered in the SN models. The adopted parameter space
consists of the CSM mass of $M_\mathrm{CSM} = 0.05 - 0.3 M_\odot$, the CSM
radius of $R_\mathrm{CSM} = 10^{13} - 10^{15}$cm and the explosion energy of
$E_\mathrm{burst} = (1.0 - 12.0)\times10^{51}$erg. We also investigate the
effects of the radioactive nickel distribution on the overall shape of the
light curve and the color evolution. Comparison of our SN models with the
double peaked SNe Ic LSQ14efd, iPTF15dtg and SN 2020bvc indicate that these
three SNe Ic had a similar CSM structure (i.e., $M_\mathrm{CSM} \approx 0.1 -
0.2 M_\odot$ and $R_\mathrm{CSM} = 10^{13} - 10^{14}~\mathrm{cm}$), which might
imply a common mechanism for the CSM formation. The implied mass loss rate of
$\dot{M} \gtrsim 1.0~M_\odot~\mathrm{yr^{-1}}$ is too high to be explained by
the previously suggested scenarios for pre-SN eruption, which calls for a novel
| astro-ph |
SN 2016hil-- a Type II supernova in the remote outskirts of an
elliptical host and its origin | Type II supernovae (SNe) stem from the core collapse of massive ($>8\
M_{\odot}$) stars. Owing to their short lifespan, we expect a very low rate of
such events in elliptical host galaxies, where the star-formation rate is low,
and which mostly consist of an old stellar population. SN 2016hil (iPTF16hil)
is a Type II supernova located in the extreme outskirts of an elliptical galaxy
at redshift $z=0.0608$ (projected distance $27.2$ kpc). It was detected near
peak brightness ($M_{r} \approx -17$ mag) 9 days after the last nondetection.
SN 2016hil has some potentially peculiar properties: while presenting a
characteristic spectrum, the event was unusually short lived and declined by
$\sim 1.5$ mag in $< 40$ days, following an apparently double-peaked light
curve. Its spectra suggest a low metallicity ($Z<0.4\ Z_{\odot}$). We place a
tentative upper limit on the mass of a potential faint host at
$\log(M/M_{\odot}) =7.27^{+0.43}_{-0.24}$ using deep Keck optical imaging. In
light of this, we discuss the possibility of the progenitor forming locally,
and other more exotic formation scenarios such as a merger or common-envelope
evolution causing a time-delayed explosion. Further observations of the
explosion site in the ultraviolet are needed in order to distinguish between
the cases. Regardless of the origin of the transient, observing a population of
such seemingly hostless Type II SNe could have many uses, including an estimate
the number of faint galaxies in a given volume, and tests of the prediction of
a time-delayed population of core-collapse SNe in locations otherwise
unfavorable for the detection of such events.
| astro-ph |
Searching for the possible signal of the photon-axionlike particle
oscillation in the combined GeV and TeV spectra of supernova remnants | The conversion between photons and axionlike particles (ALPs) in the Milky
Way magnetic field could result in the detectable oscillation phenomena in
$\gamma$-ray spectra of Galactic sources. In this work, the GeV (Fermi-LAT) and
TeV (MAGIC/VERITAS/H.E.S.S.) data of three bright supernova remnants (SNRs, ie.
IC443, W51C and W49B) have been adopted together to search such the oscillation
effect. Different from our previous analysis of the sole Fermi-LAT data of
IC443, we do not find any reliable signal for the photon-ALP oscillation in the
joint broadband spectrum of each SNR. The reason for the inconsistence is that
in this work we use the latest revision (P8R3) of Fermi-LAT data, updated
diffuse emission templates and the new version of the source catalog (4FGL),
which lead to some modification of the GeV spectrum of IC443. Then we set
constraints on ALP parameters based on the combined analysis of all the three
sources. Though these constraints are somewhat weaker than limits from the CAST
experiment and globular clusters, they are supportive of and complementary to
these other results.
| astro-ph |
A massive blow for $\Lambda$CDM $-$ the high redshift, mass, and
collision velocity of the interacting galaxy cluster El Gordo contradicts
concordance cosmology | El Gordo (ACT-CL J0102-4915) is an extremely massive galaxy cluster ($M_{200}
\approx 3 \times 10^{15}$ $M_{\odot}$) at redshift $z = 0.87 $ composed of two
subclusters with mass ratio 3.6 merging at speed $V_{infall} \approx 2500$
km/s. Such a fast collision between individually rare massive clusters is
unexpected in Lambda cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) cosmology at such high
$z$. However, this is required for non-cosmological hydrodynamical simulations
of the merger to match its observed properties (Zhang et al. 2015). Here, we
determine the probability of finding a similar object in a $\Lambda$CDM context
using the Jubilee simulation box with side length $6 \, h^{-1}$ Gpc. We search
for galaxy cluster pairs that have turned around from the cosmic expansion with
properties similar to El Gordo in terms of total mass, mass ratio, redshift,
and collision velocity relative to virial velocity. We fit the distribution of
pair total mass quite accurately, with the fits used in two methods to infer
the probability of observing El Gordo in the surveyed region. The more
conservative (and detailed) method involves considering the expected
distribution of pairwise mass and redshift for analogue pairs with similar
dimensionless parameters to El Gordo in the past lightcone of a $z = 0$
observer. Detecting one pair with its mass and redshift rules out $\Lambda$CDM
cosmology at $6.16\sigma$. We also use the results of Kraljic & Sarkar (2015)
to show that the Bullet Cluster is in $2.78\sigma$ tension once the sky
coverage of its discovery survey is accounted for. Using a $\chi^2$ approach,
the combined tension can be estimated as $6.43 \sigma$. Both collisions arise
naturally in a Milgromian dynamics (MOND) cosmology with light sterile
| astro-ph |
Upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope timing of NGC 1851A: a possible
millisecond pulsar-neutron star system | (abridged) In this work we present the results of one year of upgraded Giant
Metrewave Radio Telescope timing measurements of PSR~J0514$-$4002A, a 4.99-ms
pulsar in a 18.8-day, eccentric ($e \, =\, 0.89$) orbit with a massive
companion located in the globular cluster NGC~1851. Combining these data with
earlier Green Bank Telescope data, we greatly improve the precision of the rate
of advance of periastron, $\dot{\omega} \, = \, 0.0129592(16)\, \deg \, \rm
yr^{-1}$ which, assuming the validity of general relativity, results in a much
refined measurement of the total mass of the binary, $M_{\rm tot} \, = \,
2.4730(6) \, M_{\odot}$. Additionally, we measure the Einstein delay parameter,
$\gamma\,, = \, 0.0216(9) \, \rm s$. Furthermore, we measure the proper motion
of the system ($\mu_{\alpha} \, = \, 5.19(22)$ and $\mu_{\delta} =
-0.56(25)\rm~mas ~ yr^{-1}$), which is not only important for analyzing its
motion in the cluster, but is also essential for a proper interpretation of
$\gamma$, given the latter parameter's correlation with the variation of the
projected semi-major axis. The measurements of $\gamma$ and the proper motion
enable a separation of the system component masses: we obtain a pulsar mass of
$M_{p} \, = \, 1.25^{+0.05}_{-0.06} \, M_{\odot}$ and a companion mass of
$M_{c} \, = \, 1.22^{+0.06}_{-0.05} \, M_{\odot}$. This raises the possibility
that the companion is also a neutron star. Searches for radio pulsations from
the companion have thus far been unsuccessful, hence we cannot confirm the
latter hypothesis. The low mass of this millisecond pulsar - one of the lowest
ever measured for such objects - clearly indicates that the recycling process
can be achieved with a relatively small amount of mass transfer.
| astro-ph |
Comparing Short Gamma-Ray Burst Jet Structure Models | A structured gamma-ray burst jet could explain the dimness of the prompt
emission observed from GRB$\,170817$A but the exact form of this structure is
still ambiguous. However, with the promise of future joint gravitational wave
and gamma-ray burst observations, we shall be able to examine populations of
binary neutron star mergers rather than a case-by-case basis. We present an
analysis that considers gravitational wave triggered binary neutron star events
both with and without short gamma-ray burst counterparts assuming that events
without a counterpart were observed off-axis. This allows for Bayes factors to
be calculated to compare different jet structure models. We perform model
comparison between a Gaussian and power-law apparent jet structure on simulated
data to demonstrate that the correct model can be distinguished with a log
Bayes factor of $>5$ after less than 100 events. Constraints on the apparent
structure jet model parameters are also made. After 25(100) events the angular
width of the core of a power-law jet structure can be constrained within a
$90\%$ credible interval of width $ \sim9.1(4.4)^{\circ} $, and the outer
beaming angle to be within $\sim19.9(8.5)^{\circ}$. Similarly we show the width
of a Gaussian jet structure to be constrained to $\sim2.8(1.6)^{\circ}$.
| astro-ph |
Planck constraints on the tensor-to-scalar ratio | We present constraints on the tensor-to-scalar ratio r using Planck data. We
use the latest release of Planck maps (PR4), processed with the NPIPE code,
which produces calibrated frequency maps in temperature and polarization for
all Planck channels from 30 GHz to 857 GHz using the same pipeline. We computed
constraints on r using the BB angular power spectrum, and we also discuss
constraints coming from the TT spectrum. Given Planck's noise level, the TT
spectrum gives constraints on r that are cosmic-variance limited (with
$\sigma$(r)=0.093), but we show that the marginalized posterior peaks towards
negative values of r at about the 1.2$\sigma$ level. We derived Planck
constraints using the BB power spectrum at both large angular scales (the
'reionization bump') and intermediate angular scales (the 'recombination bump')
from $\ell$=2 to 150, and find a stronger constraint than that from TT, with
$\sigma$(r)=0.069. The Planck BB spectrum shows no systematic bias, and is
compatible with zero, given both the statistical noise and the systematic
uncertainties. The likelihood analysis using B modes yields the constraint
r<0.158 at 95% confidence using more than 50% of the sky. This upper limit
tightens to r<0.069 when Planck EE, BB, and EB power spectra are combined
consistently, and it tightens further to r<0.056 when the Planck TT power
spectrum is included in the combination. Finally, combining Planck with
BICEP2/Keck 2015 data yields an upper limit of r<0.044.
| astro-ph |
The 21 cm Power Spectrum from the Cosmic Dawn: First Results from the
OVRO-LWA | The 21\,cm transition of neutral hydrogen is opening an observational window
into the cosmic dawn of the universe---the epoch of first star formation. We
use 28\,hr of data from the Owens Valley Radio Observatory Long Wavelength
Array (OVRO-LWA) to place upper limits on the spatial power spectrum of 21\,cm
emission at $z \approx 18.4$ ($\Delta_{21} \lesssim 10^4\,\text{mK}$), and
within the absorption feature reported by the EDGES experiment (Bowman et al.
2018). In the process we demonstrate the first application of the double
Karhunen-Lo\`{e}ve transform for foreground filtering, and diagnose the
systematic errors that are currently limiting the measurement. We also provide
an updated model for the angular power spectrum of low-frequency foreground
emission measured from the northern hemisphere, which can be used to refine
sensitivity forecasts for next-generation experiments.
| astro-ph |
The frequency drift and fine structures of Solar S-bursts in the high
frequency band of LOFAR | Solar S-bursts are short duration ($<1$ s at decameter wavelengths) radio
bursts that have been observed during periods of moderate solar activity, where
S stands for short. The frequency drift of S-bursts can reflect the density
variation and the motion state of the electron beams. In this work, we
investigate the frequency drift and the fine structure of the S-bursts with the
LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR). We find that the average frequency drift rate of
the S-bursts within 110-180MHz could be described by $df/dt=-0.0077f^{1.59}$.
With the high time and frequency resolution of LOFAR, we can resolve the fine
structures of the observed solar S-bursts. A fine drift variation pattern was
found in the structure of S-bursts (referred to as solar Sb-bursts in this
paper) during the type-III storm on 2019 April 13, in the frequency band of
120-240 MHz. The Sb-bursts have a quasi-periodic segmented pattern, and the
relative flux intensity tends to be large when the frequency drift rate is
relatively large. This kind of structure exists in about 20\% of the solar
S-burst events within the observed frequency range. We propose that the fine
structure is due to the density fluctuations of the background coronal density.
We performed a simulation based on this theory which can reproduce the shape
and relative flux intensity of the Sb-bursts. This work shows that the fine
structure of solar radio bursts can be used to diagnose the coronal plasma.
| astro-ph |
Iron abundance distribution in the hot gas of merging galaxy clusters | We present XMM-Newton/EPIC observations of six merging galaxy clusters and
study the distributions of their temperature, iron (Fe) abundance and
pseudo-entropy along the merging axis. For the first time, we focus
simultaneously, and in a comprehensive way, on the chemical and thermodynamic
properties of the freshly collided intracluster medium (ICM). The Fe
distribution of these clusters along the merging axis is found to be in good
agreement with the azimuthally-averaged Fe abundance profile in typical
non-cool-core clusters out to $r_{500}$. In addition to showing a moderate
central abundance peak, though less pronounced than in relaxed systems, the Fe
abundance flattens at large radii towards $\sim$0.2-0.3 $Z_\odot$. Although
this shallow metal distribution is in line with the idea that disturbed,
non-cool-core clusters originate from the merging of relaxed, cool-core
clusters, we find that in some cases, remnants of metal-rich and low entropy
cool cores can persist after major mergers. While we obtain a mild
anti-correlation between the Fe abundance and the pseudo-entropy in the (lower
entropy, $K$ = 200-500 keV cm$^2$) inner regions, no clear correlation is found
at (higher entropy, $K$ = 500-2300 keV cm$^2$) outer radii. The apparent
spatial abundance uniformity that we find at large radii is difficult to
explain through an efficient mixing of freshly injected metals, particularly in
systems for which the time since the merger is short. Instead, our results
provide important additional evidence in favour of the early enrichment
scenario - in which the bulk of the metals are released outside galaxies at $z$
> 2-3 - and extend it from cool-core and (moderate) non-cool-core clusters to a
few of the most disturbed merging clusters as well. These results constitute a
first step towards a deeper understanding of the chemical history of merging
| astro-ph |
The HI Structure of the Local Volume Dwarf Galaxy Pisces A | Dedicated HI surveys have recently led to a growing category of low-mass
galaxies found in the Local Volume. We present synthesis imaging of one such
galaxy, Pisces A, a low-mass dwarf originally confirmed via optical imaging and
spectroscopy of neutral hydrogen (HI) sources in the Galactic Arecibo L-band
Feed Array HI (GALFA-HI) survey. Using HI observations taken with the Karl G.
Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA), we characterize the kinematic structure of the
gas and connect it to the galaxy's environment and evolutionary history. While
the galaxy shows overall ordered rotation, a number of kinematic features
indicate a disturbed gas morphology. These features are suggestive of a
tumultuous recent history, and represent $\sim 3.5$% of the total baryonic
mass. We find a total baryon fraction $f_{\rm bary} = 0.13$ if we include these
features. We also quantify the cosmic environment of Pisces A, finding an
apparent alignment of the disturbed gas with nearby, large scale filamentary
structure at the edge of the Local Void. We consider several scenarios for the
origin of the disturbed gas, including gas stripping via ram pressure or
galaxy-galaxy interactions, as well as accretion and ram pressure compression.
Though we cannot rule out a past interaction with a companion, our observations
best support the suggestion that the neutral gas morphology and recent star
formation in Pisces A is a direct result of its interactions with the IGM.
| astro-ph |
A D-term Modeling Code (DMC) for simultaneous calibration and
full-Stokes imaging of very long baseline interferometric data | In this paper we present DMC, a model and associated tool for polarimetric
imaging of very long baseline interferometry datasets that simultaneously
reconstructs the full-Stokes emission structure along with the station-based
gain and leakage calibration terms. DMC formulates the imaging problem in terms
of posterior exploration, which is achieved using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
sampling. The resulting posterior distribution provides a natural
quantification of uncertainty in both the image structure and in the data
calibration. We run DMC on both synthetic and real datasets, the results of
which demonstrate its ability to accurately recover both the image structure
and calibration quantities as well as to assess their corresponding
uncertainties. The framework underpinning DMC is flexible, and its specific
implementation is under continued development.
| astro-ph |
Liger for Next Generation Keck AO: Filter Wheel and Pupil Design | Liger is a next-generation near-infrared imager and integral field
spectrograph (IFS) for the W.M. Keck Observatory designed to take advantage of
the Keck All-Sky Precision Adaptive Optics (KAPA) upgrade. Liger will operate
at spectral resolving powers between R$\sim$4,000 - 10,000 over a wavelength
range of 0.8-2.4$\mu$m. Liger takes advantage of a sequential imager and
spectrograph design that allows for simultaneous observations between the two
channels using the same filter wheel and cold pupil stop. We present the design
for the filter wheels and pupil mask and their location and tolerances in the
optical design. The filter mechanism is a multi-wheel design drawing from the
heritage of the current Keck/OSIRIS imager single wheel design. The Liger
multi-wheel configuration is designed to allow future upgrades to the number
and range of filters throughout the life of the instrument. The pupil mechanism
is designed to be similarly upgradeable with the option to add multiple pupil
mask options. A smaller wheel mechanism allows the user to select the desired
pupil mask with open slots being designed in for future upgrade capabilities.
An ideal pupil would match the shape of the image formed of the primary and
would track its rotation. For different pupil shapes without tracking we model
the additional exposure time needed to achieve the same signal to noise of an
ideal pupil and determine that a set of fixed masks of different shapes
provides a mechanically simpler system with little compromise in performance.
| astro-ph |
Observational Signatures of Sub-Relativistic Meteors | It is currently unknown whether solid particles larger than dust from
supernova ejecta rain down on Earth at high speeds. We develop a hydrodynamic
and radiative model to explore the detectability of $\gtrsim 1 \mathrm{\; mm}$
sub-relativistic meteors. We find that a large fraction of the meteor energy
during its passage through the Earth's upper atmosphere powers the adiabatic
expansion of a hot plasma cylinder, giving rise to acoustic shocks detectable
by infrasound microphones. Additionally, a global network of several hundred
all-sky optical cameras with a time resolution of $\lesssim 10^{-4}
\mathrm{\;s}$ would be capable of detecting $\gtrsim 1 \mathrm{\; mm}$
sub-relativistic meteors.
| astro-ph |
Dark-ages Reionization and Galaxy Formation Simulation -- XIX:
Predictions of infrared excess and cosmic star formation rate density from UV
observations | We present a new analysis of high-redshift UV observations using a
semi-analytic galaxy formation model, and provide self-consistent predictions
of the infrared excess (IRX) -- $\beta$ relations and cosmic star formation
rate density. We combine the Charlot & Fall dust attenuation model with the
Meraxes semi-analytic model, and explore three different parametrisations for
the dust optical depths, linked to star formation rate, dust-to-gas ratio and
gas column density respectively. A Bayesian approach is employed to
statistically calibrate model free parameters including star formation
efficiency, mass loading factor, dust optical depths and reddening slope
directly against UV luminosity functions and colour-magnitude relations at z ~
4-7. The best-fit models show excellent agreement with the observations. We
calculate IRX using energy balance arguments, and find that the large intrinsic
scatter in the IRX -$\beta$ plane is driven by the specific star formation
rate. Additionally, the difference among the three dust models suggests a
factor of two systematic uncertainty in the dust-corrected star formation rate
when using the Meurer IRX - $\beta$ relation at z > 4.
| astro-ph |
Effective sound speed in relativistic accretion discs around rotating
black holes | For axially symmetric accretion maintained in the hydrostatic equilibrium
along the vertical direction in the Kerr metric, the radial Mach number does
not become unity at the critical point. The sonic points are, thus, formed at a
radial distance different from that where the critical points are formed. We
propose that a modified dynamical sound speed can be defined through the linear
perturbation of the full space-time dependent equations describing the
aforementioned accretion flow structure. The linear stability analysis of such
fluid equations leads to the formation of an wave equation which describes the
propagation of linear acoustic perturbation. The speed of propagation of such
perturbation can be used as the effective sound speed which makes the value of
the Mach number to be unity when evaluated at the critical points. This allows
the critical points to coalesce with the sonic points. We study how the spin
angular momentum of the black hole (the Kerr parameter) influences the value of
the effective sound speed.
| astro-ph |
The Virtual Observatory Ecosystem Facing the European Open Science Cloud | The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) has developed and
built, in the last two decades, an ecosystem of distributed resources,
interoperable and based upon open shared technological standards. In doing so
the IVOA has anticipated, putting into practice for the astrophysical domain,
the ideas of FAIR-ness of data and service resources and the Open-ness of
sharing scientific results, leveraging on the underlying open standards
required to fill the above. In Europe, efforts in supporting and developing the
ecosystem proposed by the IVOA specifications has been provided by a continuous
set of EU funded projects up to current H2020 ESCAPE ESFRI cluster. In the
meantime, in the last years, Europe has realised the importance of promoting
the Open Science approach for the research communities and started the European
Open Science Cloud (EOSC) project to create a distributed environment for
research data, services and communities. In this framework the European VO
community, had to face the move from the interoperability scenario in the
astrophysics domain into a larger audience perspective that includes a
cross-domain FAIR approach. Within the ESCAPE project the CEVO Work Package
(Connecting ESFRI to EOSC through the VO) has one task to deal with this
integration challenge: a challenge where an existing, mature, distributed
e-infrastructure has to be matched to a forming, more general architecture.
CEVO started its works in the first months of 2019 and has already worked on
the integration of the VO Registry into the EOSC e-infrastructure. This
contribution reports on the first year and a half of integration activities,
that involve applications, services and resources being aware of the VO
scenario and compatible with the EOSC architecture.
| astro-ph |
Interacting dark matter and cosmic acceleration | We study the effect of an explicit interaction between two scalar fields
components describing dark matter in the context of a recent proposal framework
for interaction. We find that, even assuming a very small coupling, it is
sufficient to explain the observational effects of a cosmological constant, and
also overcome the problems of the $\Lambda$CDM model without assuming an exotic
dark energy.
| astro-ph |
Cosmology dependence of galaxy cluster scaling relations | The abundance of galaxy clusters as a function of mass and redshift is a well
known powerful cosmological probe, which relies on underlying modelling
assumptions on the mass-observable relations (MOR). Some of the MOR parameters
can be constrained directly from multi-wavelength observations, as the
normalization at some reference cosmology, the mass-slope, the redshift
evolution and the intrinsic scatter. However, the cosmology dependence of MORs
cannot be tested with multi-wavelength observations alone. We use {\tt
Magneticum} simulations to explore the cosmology dependence of galaxy cluster
scaling relations. We run fifteen hydro-dynamical cosmological simulations
varying $\Omega_m$, $\Omega_b$, $h_0$ and $\sigma_8$ (around a reference
cosmological model). The MORs considered are gas mass, baryonic mass, gas
temperature, $Y$ and velocity dispersion as a function of virial mass. We
verify that the mass and redshift slopes and the intrinsic scatter of the MORs
are nearly independent of cosmology with variations significantly smaller than
current observational uncertainties. We show that the gas mass and baryonic
mass sensitively depends only on the baryon fraction, velocity dispersion and
gas temperature on $h_0$, and $Y$ on both baryon fraction and $h_0$. We
investigate the cosmological implications of our MOR parameterization on a mock
catalog created for an idealized eROSITA-like experiment. We show that our
parametrization introduces a strong degeneracy between the cosmological
parameters and the normalization of the MOR. Finally, the parameter constraints
derived at different overdensity ($\Delta_{500c}$), for X-ray bolometric gas
luminosity, and for different subgrid physics prescriptions are shown in the
| astro-ph |
Measurements of the Hubble constant and cosmic curvature with quasars:
ultra-compact radio structure and strong gravitational lensing | Although the Hubble constant $H_0$ and spatial curvature $\Omega_{K}$ have
been measured with very high precision, they still suffer from some tensions.
In this paper, we propose an improved method to combine the observations of
ultra-compact structure in radio quasars and strong gravitational lensing with
quasars acting as background sources to determine $H_0$ and $\Omega_{K}$
simultaneously. By applying the distance sum rule to the time-delay
measurements of 7 strong lensing systems and 120 intermediate-luminosity
quasars calibrated as standard rulers, we obtain stringent constraints on the
Hubble constant ($H_0=78.3\pm2.9 \mathrm{~km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}$) and the cosmic
curvature ($\Omega_K=0.49\pm0.24$). On the one hand, in the framework of a flat
universe, the measured Hubble constant ($H_0=73.6^{+1.8}_{-1.6}
\mathrm{~km~s^{-1}~Mpc^{-1}}$) is strongly consistent with that derived from
the local distance ladder, with a precision of 2\%. On the other hand, if we
use the local $H_0$ measurement as a prior, our results are marginally
compatible with zero spatial curvature ($\Omega_K=0.23^{+0.15}_{-0.17}$) and
there is no significant deviation from a flat universe. Finally, we also
evaluate whether strongly lensed quasars would produce robust constraints on
$H_0$ and $\Omega_{K}$ in the non-flat and flat $\Lambda$CDM model if the
compact radio structure measurements are available from VLBI observations.
| astro-ph |
Milliarcsecond compact structure in radio quasars and the geometry of
the universe | In this paper, by using the recently compiled set of 120
intermediate-luminosity quasars (ILQSO) observed in a single-frequency VLBI
survey, we propose an improved model-independent method to probe cosmic
curvature parameter $\Omega_k$ and make the first measurement of the cosmic
curvature referring to a distant past, with redshifts up to $z\sim 3.0$.
Compared with other methods, the proposed one involving the quasar data
achieves constraints with higher precision in this redshift range. More
importantly, our results indicate that the measured $\Omega_k$ is in good
agreement with zero cosmic curvature, implying that there is no significant
deviation from a flat Universe. Finally, we investigate the possibility of
testing $\Omega_k$ with a much higher accuracy using quasars observed in the
future VLBI surveys. It is shown that our method could provide a reliable and
tight constraint on the prior $\Omega_k$ and one can expect the zero cosmic
curvature to be established at the precision of $\Delta\Omega_k\sim 10^{-2}$
with 250 well-observed radio quasars.
| astro-ph |
Membership of Stars in Open Clusters using Random Forest with Gaia Data | Membership of stars in open clusters is one of the most crucial parameters in
studies of star clusters. Gaia opened a new window in the estimation of
membership because of its unprecedented 6-D data. In the present study, we used
published membership data of nine open star clusters as a training set to find
new members from Gaia DR2 data using a supervised random forest model with a
precision of around 90\%. The number of new members found is often double the
published number. Membership probability of a larger sample of stars in
clusters is a major benefit in determination of cluster parameters like
distance, extinction and mass functions. We also found members in the outer
regions of the cluster and found sub-structures in the clusters studied. The
color magnitude diagrams are more populated and enriched by the addition of new
members making their study more promising.
| astro-ph |
Hypercompact stellar clusters: morphological renditions and
spectro-photometric models | Numerical relativity predicts that the coalescence of a black hole-binary
causes the newly formed black hole to recoil, and evidence for such recoils has
been found in the gravitational waves observed during the merger of
stellar-mass black holes. Recoiling (super)massive black holes are expected to
reside in hypercompact stellar clusters (HCSCs). Simulations of galaxy assembly
predict that hundreds of HCSCs should be present in the halo of a Milky
Way-type galaxy, and a fraction of those around the Milky Way should have
magnitudes within the sensitivity limit of existing surveys. However, recoiling
black holes and their HCSCs are still waiting to be securely identified. With
the goal of enabling searches through recent and forthcoming databases, we
improve over existing literature to produce realistic renditions of HCSCs bound
to black holes with a mass of 10$^{5}$ M$_{\odot}$. Including the effects of a
population of blue stragglers, we simulate their appearance in Pan-STARRS and
in forthcoming $Euclid$ images. We also derive broad-band spectra and the
corresponding multi-wavelength colours, finding that the great majority of the
simulated HCSCs fall on the colour-colour loci defined by stars and galaxies,
with their spectra resembling those of giant K-type stars. We discuss the
clusters properties, search strategies, and possible interlopers.
| astro-ph |
Current and Next Generation Survey Filter Conversions with ProSpect | In this work we compute a reasonably comprehensive set of tables for current
and next generation survey facility filter conversions. Almost all useful
transforms are included with the ProSpect software package described in
Robotham et al (2020). Users are free to provide their own filters and compute
their own transforms, where the included package examples outline the approach.
This arXiv document will be relatively frequently updated, so people are
encouraged to get in touch with their suggestions for additional utility (i.e.
new filter sets).
| astro-ph |
Improved deep learning techniques in gravitational-wave data analysis | In recent years, convolutional neural network (CNN) and other deep learning
models have been gradually introduced into the area of gravitational-wave (GW)
data processing. Compared with the traditional matched-filtering techniques,
CNN has significant advantages in efficiency in GW signal detection tasks. In
addition, matched-filtering techniques are based on the template bank of the
existing theoretical waveform, which makes it difficult to find GW signals
beyond theoretical expectation. In this paper, based on the task of GW
detection of binary black holes, we introduce the optimization techniques of
deep learning, such as batch normalization and dropout, to CNN models. Detailed
studies of model performance are carried out. Through this study, we recommend
to use batch normalization and dropout techniques in CNN models in GW signal
detection tasks. Furthermore, we investigate the generalization ability of CNN
models on different parameter ranges of GW signals. We point out that CNN
models are robust to the variation of the parameter range of the GW waveform.
This is a major advantage of deep learning models over matched-filtering
| astro-ph |
Halpha Nuclear Geyser (Bipolar Outflow) from the Barred Galaxy NGC 1415
(ESO 482-G033) | A long slit spectrum from the barred galaxy NGC 1415 has been obtained with
the 2.1m Guillermo Haro telescope in Cananea, Mexico at position angle 155d
(EofN) and shows the kinematics of Na I D lines (in absorption) and Halpha,
6562.8 A, [NII] 6548 A, [NII] 6584 A, [SII] 6716 A, and [SII] 6731 A lines in
emission from the central regions and the disk. Our previous Halpha
continuum-free imaging of the central region showed mainly two central bright
Halpha knots straddling the nucleus, and Halpha emission regions along the
south-east and north-west inner spiral arms. Velocities of the Na I D
absorption lines are taken as representative of the rotation curve of NGC 1415.
Our kinematical data indicates that the central bright Halpha straddling the
nucleus have velocities in excess of the Na I D velocities. We interpret these
velocity excesses of the central bright Halpha knots as due to a geyser
(nuclear bipolar outflow) with V_outflow 140 km/s at a P.A.+165d (EofN). The
axis of this outflow, is not along the rotation axis of the disk of NGC 1415
(if it were, it would be at P.A.+238d (EofN)). Additionally we have determined
Omega_{gas}, (radial resonances) kappa(R) and estimated the value of the
pattern angular speed of an inner boxy stellar bar in NGC 1415, Omega_{bar},
from the Na I D rotation curve assuming Ratio of CR/a_{bar} = 1, Omega_{bar} =
134 km/s.
| astro-ph |
Errata on the Calculation of Hot Gas Properties in a Few Li Jiang-Tao's
Papers | This is a combination of the errata of seven papers published between 2008
and 2016 with Jiang-Tao Li (JTL) as the first author. All the problems are
caused by two mistakes in the original scripts written by JTL used to calculate
the physical parameters of the hot gas from X-ray spectral analysis with a
thermal plasma code. The mistakes will result in an overestimate of some
parameters, such as the electron number density and hot gas mass by a factor of
$\sqrt{10}\approx3.162$, and an overestimate of the thermal pressure by a
factor of $\approx2.725$. JTL apologizes to the community for the inconvenience
caused by these mistakes. We present an update on the text, numbers, figures,
and tables of all the seven papers affected by these mistakes. Other papers led
by JTL or co-authored papers are not affected.
| astro-ph |
Probing clumpy wind accretion in IGR J18027-2016 with XMM-Newton | Supergiant X-ray binaries usually comprise a neutron star accreting from the
wind of a OB supergiant companion. They are classified as classical systems and
the supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs). The different behavior of these
sub-classes of sources in X-rays, with SFXTs displaying much more pronounced
variability, is usually (at least) partly ascribed to different physical
properties of the massive star clumpy stellar wind. In case of SFXTs, a
systematic investigation of the effects of clumps on flares/outbursts of these
sources has been reported by Bozzo et al. (2017) exploiting the capabilities of
the instruments on-board XMM-Newton to perform a hardness-resolved spectral
analysis on timescales as short as a few hundreds of seconds. In this paper, we
use six XMM-Newton observations of IGR J18027-2016 to extend the above study to
a classical supergiant X-ray binary and compare the findings with those derived
in the case of SFXTs. As these observations of IGR J18027-2016 span different
orbital phases, we also study its X-ray spectral variability on longer
timescales and compare our results with previous publications. Although
obtaining measurements of the clump physical properties from X-ray observations
of accreting supergiant X-ray binaries was already proven to be challenging,
our study shows that similar imprints of clumps are found in the X-ray
observations of the supergiant fast X-ray transients and at least one classical
system, i.e. IGR J18027-2016. This provides interesting perspectives to further
extend this study to many XMM-Newton observations already performed in the
direction of other classical supergiant X-ray binaries.
| astro-ph |
Transiting exocomets detected in broadband light by TESS in the $\beta$
Pictoris system | We search for signs of falling evaporating bodies (FEBs, also known as
exocomets) in photometric time series obtained for $\beta$ Pictoris after
fitting and removing its $\delta$ Scuti type pulsation frequencies. Using
photometric data obtained by the TESS satellite we determine the pulsational
properties of the exoplanet host star $\beta$ Pictoris through frequency
analysis. We then prewhiten the 54 identified $\delta$ Scuti p-modes and
investigate the residual photometric time series for the presence of FEBs. We
identify three distinct dipping events in the light curve of $\beta$ Pictoris
over a 105-day period. These dips have depths from 0.5 to 2 millimagnitudes and
durations of up to 2 days for the largest dip. These dips are asymmetric in
nature and are consistent with a model of an evaporating comet with an extended
tail crossing the disk of the star. We present the first broadband detections
of exocomets crossing the disk of $\beta$ Pictoris, consistent with the
predictions made 20 years earlier by Lecavelier Des Etangs et al. (1999). No
periodic transits are seen in this time series. These observations confirm the
spectroscopic detection of exocomets in Calcium H and K lines that have been
seen in high resolution spectroscopy.
| astro-ph |
Optical and X-ray discovery of the changing-look AGN IRAS23226-3843
showing extremely broad and double-peaked Balmer profiles | We detected a very strong X-ray decline in the galaxy IRAS23226-3843 within
the XMM-Newton slew survey in 2017. Subsequently, we carried out multi-band
follow-up studies to investigate this fading galaxy in more detail. We took
deep follow-up Swift, XMM-Newton, and NuSTAR observations in combination with
optical SALT spectra of IRAS23226-3843 in 2017. In addition, we reinspected
optical, UV, and X-ray data that were taken in the past. IRAS23226-3843
decreased in X-rays by a factor of more than 30 with respect to ROSAT and Swift
data taken 10 to 27 years before. The broadband XMM-Newton/NuSTAR spectrum is
power-law dominated, with a contribution from photoionized emission from cold
gas, likely the outer accretion disk or torus. The optical continuum decreased
by 60 percent and the Balmer line intensities decreased by 50 percent between
1999 and 2017. The optical Seyfert spectral type changed simultaneously with
the X-ray flux from a clear broad-line Seyfert 1 type in 1999 to a Seyfert 1.9
type in 2017. The Balmer line profiles in IRAS23226-3843 are extremely broad.
The profiles during the minimum state indicate that they originate in an
accretion disk. The unusual flat Balmer decrement Ha/Hb with a value of 2
indicates a very high hydrogen density of n_(H) > 10 exp(11) cm^(-3) at the
center of the accretion disk. IRAS23226-3843 shows unusually strong FeII blends
with respect to the broad line widths, in contrast to what is known from
Eigenvector 1 studies.
| astro-ph |
OPTICAM: A triple-camera optical system designed to explore the fastest
timescales in Astronomy | We report the development of a high-time resolution, 3-colour, simultaneous
optical imaging system for the 2.1 m telescope in San Pedro M\'artir
Observatory, M\'exico. OPTICAM will be equipped with three Andor Zyla 4.2-Plus
sCMOS cameras and a set of SDSS filters allowing optical coverage in the
320-1,100 nm range. OPTICAM will nominally allow sub-second exposures. Given
its instrumental design, a wide range of fast-variability astrophysical sources
can be targeted with OPTICAM including X-ray binaries, pulsating white dwarfs,
accreting compact objects, eclipsing binaries and exoplanets. OPTICAM
observations will be proprietary for only six months and will then be made
publicly available for the astronomical community.
| astro-ph |
A theoretical scenario for Galactic RR Lyrae in the Gaia database:
constraints on the parallax offset | On the basis of an extended set of nonlinear convective RR Lyrae pulsation
models we derive the first theoretical light curves in the Gaia bands and the
corresponding intensity-weighted mean magnitudes and pulsation amplitudes. The
effects of chemical com-position on the derived Bailey diagrams in the Gaia
filters are discussed for both Fundamental and First Overtone mode pulsators.
The inferred mean magnitudes and colors are used to derive the first
theoretical Period-Wesenheit relations for RR Lyrae in the Gaia filters. The
application of the theoretical Period-Wesenheit relations for both the
Fundamental and FirstOvertone mode to Galactic RR Lyrae in the Gaia Data
Release 2 database and complementary information on individual metal
abundances, allows us to derive theoretical estimates of their individual
parallaxes. These results are compared with the astrometric solutions to
conclude that a very small offset, consistent with zero, is required in order
to reconcile the predicted distances with Gaia results.
| astro-ph |
Nature and Origins of Rich Complexes of C IV Associated Absorption Lines | Rich complexes of associated absorption lines (AALs) in quasar spectra
provide unique information about gaseous infall, outflows, and feedback
processes in quasar environments. We study five quasars at redshifts 3.1 to 4.4
with AAL complexes containing from 7 to 18 CIV 1548, 1551 systems in
high-resolution spectra. These complexes span velocity ranges $\lesssim$3600
km/s within $\lesssim$8200 km/s of the quasar redshifts. All are highly ionised
with no measurable low-ionisation ions like SiII or CII, and all appear to form
in the quasar/host galaxy environments based on evidence for line locking,
partial covering of the background light source, strong NV absorption, and/or
roughly solar metallicities, and on the implausibility of such complexes
forming in unrelated intervening galaxies. Most of the lines in all five
complexes identify high-speed quasar-driven outflows at velocity shifts
$v\lesssim -1000$ km/s. Four of the complexes also have lines at smaller
blueshifted velocities that might form in ambient interstellar clouds,
low-speed outflows or at feedback interfaces in the host galaxies where
high-speed winds impact and shred interstellar clouds. The partial covering we
measure in some of the high-speed outflow lines require small absorbing clouds
with characteristic sizes $\lesssim$1 pc or $\lesssim$0.01 pc. The short
survival times of these clouds require locations very close to the quasars, or
cloud creation in situ at larger distances perhaps via feedback/cloud-shredding
processes. The AAL complex in one quasar, J1008+3623, includes unusually narrow
CIV systems at redshifted velocities $350\lesssim v\lesssim640$ km/s that are
excellent candidates for gaseous infall towards the quasar, e.g., ''cold-mode"
accretion or a gravitationally-bound galactic fountain.
| astro-ph |
X-ray Observations of a [C II]-bright, z=6.59 Quasar/Companion System | We present deep Chandra observations of PSO J231.6576$-$20.8335, a quasar at
redshift z=6.59 with a nearby (${\sim}8$ proper kpc) companion galaxy. ALMA
observed both the quasar and companion to be bright in [C II], and the system
has significant extended Ly$\alpha$ emission around the quasar, suggesting that
a galaxy merger is ongoing. Unlike previous studies of two similar systems, and
despite observing the system with Chandra for 140 ks, we do not detect the
companion in X-rays. The quasar itself is detected, but only
$13.3^{+4.8}_{-3.7}$ net counts are observed. From a basic spectral analysis,
the X-ray spectrum of the quasar is soft (hardness ratio of $\mathcal{HR} =
-0.60_{-0.27}^{+0.17}$, power-law index of $\Gamma=2.6^{+1.0}_{-0.9}$), which
results in a rest-frame X-ray luminosity comparable to other bright quasars
($L_{2-10} = 1.09^{+2.20}_{-0.70}\times 10^{45}\ \textrm{erg}\
\textrm{s}^{-1}$) despite the faint observed X-ray flux. We highlight two
possible interpretations of this result: the quasar has a steep value of
$\Gamma$ -- potentially related to observed ongoing Eddington accretion --
thereby pushing much of the emission out of our observed band, or the quasar
has a more normal spectrum ($\Gamma{\sim}2$) but is therefore less X-ray
luminous ($L_{2-10} \sim 0.6 \times 10^{45}\ \textrm{ erg}\ \textrm{ s}^{-1}$).
| astro-ph |
Signatures of sunspot oscillations and the case for chromospheric
resonances | Sunspots host a large variety of oscillatory phenomena, whose properties
depend on the nature of the wave modes and the magnetic and thermodynamic
structure of the spot. Umbral chromospheric oscillations exhibit significant
differences compared to their photospheric counterparts. They show an enhanced
power and a shorter dominant period, from waves with an amplitude of a few
hundred meters per second in the five-minute band at the photosphere, to
amplitudes of several kilometers per second in the three-minute band at the
chromosphere. Various models have been proposed to explain this behaviour,
including the presence of a chromospheric resonance cavity between the
photosphere and the transition region. Jess et al. (2020, Nature Astronomy, 4,
220) claimed the detection of observational evidence supporting this model,
obtained from the comparison of spectropolarimetric observations and numerical
simulations. Here, it is shown that the observational insight reported by Jess
et al. is not a common property of sunspots. More importantly, numerical
modelling also shows that it is not an unequivocal signature of an acoustic
| astro-ph |
Probing the physical conditions and star formation processes in the
Galactic HII region S305 | We present multi-scale and multi-wavelength observations of the Galactic HII
region S305, which is excited by massive O8.5V and O9.5V stars. Infrared images
reveal an extended sphere-like shell (extension ~7.5 pc; at T_d = 17.5-27 K)
enclosing the S305 HII region (size ~5.5 pc; age ~1.7 Myr). The extended
structure observed in the Herschel temperature map indicates that the molecular
environment of S305 is heated by the massive O-type stars. Regularly spaced
molecular condensations and dust clumps are investigated toward the edges of
the infrared shell, where the PAH and H_2 emission is also observed. The
molecular line data show a signature of an expanding shell of molecular gas in
S305. GMRT 610 and 1280 MHz continuum maps reveal overdensities of the ionized
emission distributed around two O-type stars, which are surrounded by the
horseshoe envelope (extension ~2.3 pc). A molecular gas deficient region/cavity
is identified toward the center of the horseshoe envelope, which is well traced
with PAH, H_2, molecular, and dust emission. The edges of the infrared shell
are found to be located in the front of the horseshoe envelope. All these
outcomes provide the observational evidence of the feedback of O-type stars in
S305. Moreover, non-thermal radio emission is detected in S305 with an average
spectral index alpha ~-0.45. The variations in alpha, ranging from -1.1 to 1.3,
are explained due to soft synchrotron emission and either optically-thicker
thermal emission at high frequencies or a suppression of the low-frequency
emission by the Razin-Tsytovich effect.
| astro-ph |
The Origin of Elements from Carbon to Uranium | To reach a deeper understanding of the origin of elements in the periodic
table, we construct Galactic chemical evolution (GCE) models for all stable
elements from C (A=12) to U (A=238) from first principles, i.e., using
theoretical nucleosynthesis yields and event rates of all chemical enrichment
sources. This enables us to predict the origin of elements as a function of
time and environment. In the solar neighborhood, we find that stars with
initial masses of M>30M_\odot can become failed supernovae if there is a
significant contribution from hypernovae (HNe) at M~20-50M_\odot. The
contribution to GCE from super asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars (with
M~8-10M_\odot at solar metallicity) is negligible, unless hybrid white dwarfs
from low-mass super-AGB stars explode as so-called Type Iax supernovae, or
high-mass super-AGB stars explode as electron-capture supernovae (ECSNe). Among
neutron-capture elements, the observed abundances of the second (Ba) and third
(Pb) peak elements are well reproduced with our updated yields of the slow
neutron-capture process (s-process) from AGB stars. The first peak elements,
Sr, Y, and Zr, are sufficiently produced by ECSNe together with AGB stars.
Neutron star mergers can produce rapid neutron-capture process (r-process)
elements up to Th and U, but the timescales are too long to explain
observations at low metallicities. The observed evolutionary trends, such as
for Eu, can well be explained if ~3% of 25-50 M_\odot hypernovae are
magneto-rotational supernovae producing r-process elements. Along with the
solar neighborhood, we also predict the evolutionary trends in the halo, bulge,
and thick disk for future comparison with galactic archaeology surveys.
| astro-ph |
The CGEM Lorentz Force Data from HMI Vector Magnetograms | We describe a new data product from the CGEM (Coronal Global Evolutionary
Model) collaboration that estimates the Lorentz force in active regions (ARs)
based on HMI vector magnetogram patches. Following Fisher et al. (2012), we
compute three components of the integrated Lorentz force over the outer solar
atmosphere every 12 minutes throughout an AR's disk passage. These estimates,
differenced during solar eruptive events, can provide valuable diagnostics on
dynamic processes. We describe the pipeline modules, provide data retrieval
examples, and document some systematic uncertainties that users should be aware
of. Finally we document the formal uncertainty propagation procedures.
| astro-ph |
Probing the gravitational wave background from cosmic strings with LISA | Cosmic string networks offer one of the best prospects for detection of
cosmological gravitational waves (GWs). The combined incoherent GW emission of
a large number of string loops leads to a stochastic GW background (SGWB),
which encodes the properties of the string network. In this paper we analyze
the ability of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) to measure this
background, considering leading models of the string networks. We find that
LISA will be able to probe cosmic strings with tensions $G\mu \gtrsim
\mathcal{O}(10^{-17})$, improving by about $6$ orders of magnitude current
pulsar timing arrays (PTA) constraints, and potentially $3$ orders of magnitude
with respect to expected constraints from next generation PTA observatories. We
include in our analysis possible modifications of the SGWB spectrum due to
different hypotheses regarding cosmic history and the underlying physics of the
string network. These include possible modifications in the SGWB spectrum due
to changes in the number of relativistic degrees of freedom in the early
Universe, the presence of a non-standard equation of state before the onset of
radiation domination, or changes to the network dynamics due to a string
inter-commutation probability less than unity. In the event of a detection,
LISA's frequency band is well-positioned to probe such cosmic events. Our
results constitute a thorough exploration of the cosmic string science that
will be accessible to LISA.
| astro-ph |
An analysis pipeline for CHIME/FRB full-array baseband data | The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) has become a
leading facility for detecting fast radio bursts (FRBs) through the CHIME/FRB
backend. CHIME/FRB searches for fast transients in polarization-summed
intensity data streams that have 24-kHz spectral and 1-ms temporal resolution.
The intensity beams are pointed to pre-determined locations in the sky. A
triggered baseband system records the coherent electric field measured by each
antenna in the CHIME array at the time of FRB detections. Here we describe the
analysis techniques and automated pipeline developed to process these
full-array baseband data recordings. Whereas the real-time FRB detection
pipeline has a localization limit of several arcminutes, offline analysis of
baseband data yields source localizations with sub-arcminute precision, as
characterized by using a sample of pulsars and one repeating FRB with known
positions. The baseband pipeline also enables resolving temporal substructure
on a micro-second scale and the study of polarization including detections of
Faraday rotation.
| astro-ph |
Characterizing X-ray properties of the gamma-ray pulsar PSR J1418$-$6058
in the Rabbit pulsar wind nebula | We report on X-ray studies of the gamma-ray pulsar PSR J1418$-$6058 in the
Rabbit pulsar wind nebula (PWN) carried out using archival Chandra and
XMM-Newton observations. A refined timing analysis performed with the 120-ks
XMM-Newton data finds significant ($p\approx10^{-7}$) pulsation at
$P\approx110$ ms which is consistent with that measured with the Fermi large
area telescope (LAT). In the Chandra image, we find extended emission around
the pulsar similar to those seen around other pulsars in young PWNe, which
further argues for association between PSR J1418$-$6058 and the Rabbit PWN. The
X-ray spectrum of the pulsar is hard and similar to those of soft-gamma
pulsars. Hence PSR J1418$-$6058 may add to the list of soft-gamma pulsars.
| astro-ph |
Electromagnetic Signatures from the Tidal Tail of a Black Hole - Neutron
Star Merger | Black hole - neutron star (BH-NS) mergers are a major target for ground-based
gravitational wave (GW) observatories. A merger can also produce an
electromagnetic counterpart (a kilonova) if it ejects neutron-rich matter that
assembles into heavy elements through r-process nucleosynthesis. We study the
kilonova signatures of the unbound dynamical ejecta of a BH-NS merger. We take
as our initial state the results from a numerical relativity simulation, and
then use a general relativistic hydrodynamics code to study the evolution of
the ejecta with parameterized r-process heating models. The unbound dynamical
ejecta is initially a flattened, directed tidal tail largely confined to a
plane. Heating from the r-process inflates the ejecta into a more spherical
shape and smooths its small-scale structure, though the ejecta retains its bulk
directed motion. We calculate the electromagnetic signatures using a 3D
radiative transfer code and a parameterized opacity model for lanthanide-rich
matter. The light curve varies with viewing angle due to two effects:
asphericity results in brighter emission for orientations with larger projected
areas, while Doppler boosting results in brighter emission for viewing angles
more aligned with the direction of bulk motion. For typical r-process heating
rates, the peak bolometric luminosity varies by a factor of $\sim 3$ with
orientation while the peak in the optical bands varies by $\sim 3$ magnitudes.
The spectrum is blue-shifted at viewing angles along the bulk motion, which
increases the $V$-band peak magnitude to $\sim -14$ despite the lanthanide-rich
| astro-ph |
What the sudden death of solar cycles can tell us about the nature of
the solar interior | We observe the abrupt end of solar activity cycles at the Sun's equator by
combining almost 140 years of observations from ground and space. These
"terminator" events appear to be very closely related to the onset of magnetic
activity belonging to the next sunspot cycle at mid-latitudes and the
polar-reversal process at high-latitudes. Using multi-scale tracers of solar
activity we examine the timing of these events in relation to the excitation of
new activity and find that the time taken for the solar plasma to communicate
this transition is of the order of one solar rotation, but could be shorter.
Utilizing uniquely comprehensive solar observations from the Solar Terrestrial
Relations Observatory (STEREO), and Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) we see
that this transitional event is strongly longitudinal in nature. Combined,
these characteristics imply that magnetic information is communicated through
the solar interior rapidly. A range of possibilities exist to explain such
behavior: the presence of magnetic reconnection in the deep interior, internal
gravity waves on the solar tachocline, or that the magnetic fields present in
the Sun's convection zone could be very large, with a poloidal field strengths
reaching 50k - considerably larger than conventional explorations of solar and
stellar dynamos estimate. Regardless of mechanism responsible, the rapid
timescales demonstrated by the Sun's global magnetic field reconfiguration
present strong constraints on first-principles numerical simulations of the
solar interior and, by extension, other stars.
| astro-ph |
The Chandra Deep Wide-Field Survey: A New Chandra Legacy Survey in the
Bo\"otes Field I. X-ray Point Source Catalog, Number Counts and
Multi-Wavelength Counterparts | We present a new, ambitious survey performed with the Chandra X-ray
Observatory of the 9.3 deg$^2$ Bo\"otes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field
Survey. The wide field probes a statistically representative volume of the
Universe at high redshift. The Chandra Deep Wide-Field Survey exploits the
excellent sensitivity and angular resolution of Chandra over a wide area,
combining 281 observations spanning 15 years, for a total exposure time of 3.4
Ms, and detects 6891 X-ray point sources down to limiting fluxes of
$4.7\times10^{-16}$, $1.5\times10^{-16}$, and $9\times10^{-16}$ erg cm$^{-2}$
s$^{-1}$, in the $0.5-7$ keV, $0.5-2$ keV, and $2-7$ keV bands, respectively.
The robustness and reliability of the detection strategy is validated through
extensive, state-of-the-art simulations of the whole field. Accurate number
counts, in good agreement with previous X-ray surveys, are derived thanks to
the uniquely large number of point sources detected, which resolve $65.0 \pm
12.8\%$ of the cosmic X-ray background between $0.5-2$ keV and $81.0 \pm
11.5\%$ between $2-7$ keV. Exploiting the wealth of multi-wavelength data
available on the field, we assign redshifts to $\sim 94\%$ of the X-ray
sources, estimate their obscuration and derive absorption-corrected
luminosities. We provide an electronic catalog containing all the relevant
quantities needed for future investigations.
| astro-ph |
A Census of Star Formation in the Outer Galaxy: the SMOG field | In this paper we undertake a study of the 21 square degree SMOG field, a
Spitzer cryogenic mission Legacy program to map a region of the outer Milky Way
towards the Perseus and Outer spiral arms with the IRAC and MIPS instruments.
We identify 4648 YSOs across the field. Using the DBSCAN method we identify 68
clusters or aggregations of YSOs in the region, having 8 or more members. We
identify 1197 class Is, 2632 class IIs, 819 class IIIs, of which 45 are
candidate transition disk objects, utilizing the MIPS 24 photometry. The ratio
of YSOs identified as members of clusters was 2872/4648, or 62%. The ratios of
class I to class II YSOs in the clusters are broadly consistent with those
found in the inner galactic and nearby Gould's Belt young star formation
regions. The clustering properties indicate that the protostars may be more
tightly bound to their natal sites than the class IIs, and the class IIIs are
generally widely distributed. We further perform an analysis of the WISE data
of the SMOG field to determine how the lower resolution and sensitivity of WISE
affects the identification of YSOs as compared to Spitzer: we identify 931 YSOs
using combined WISE and 2MASS photometry, 931/4648 or 20% of the total number
identified with Spitzer. Performing the same clustering analysis finds 31
clusters which reliably trace the larger associations identified with the
Spitzer data. Twelve of the clusters identified have previously measured
distances from the WISE HII survey. SEDFitter modeling of these YSOs is
reported, leading to an estimation of the IMF in the aggregate of these
clusters which approximates that found in the inner galaxy, implying that the
processes behind stellar mass distribution during star formation are not widely
affected by the lower density and metallicity of the outer galaxy.
| astro-ph |
A novel approach for deducing the mass composition of cosmic rays from
lateral densities of EAS particles | A Monte Carlo (MC) simulation study of cosmic ray (CR) extensive air showers
(EAS) has been carried out in the energy regime of the KASCADE experiment. From
the characteristics of lateral distributions of electrons and muons of
simulated EAS, some important EAS observables are extracted by a novel
approach, and their CR mass-sensitivity is demonstrated. The study takes into
account the issue of the experimental lateral density profiles of EAS electrons
and muons after introducing the notion of the local age and segmented slope
parameters, aimed to extract information on CR mass composition from observed
data. The estimated lateral shower age and slope from the analysis of the
KASCADE data (KCDC) agrees with the idea of a gradual change of CR mass
composition from light to heavy around the knee.
| astro-ph |
Long-term temperature evolution of neutron stars undergoing episodic
accretion outbursts | Transient neutron star (NS) LMXBs undergo episodes of accretion, alternated
with quiescent periods. During an accretion outburst, the NS heats up due to
exothermic accretion-induced processes taking place in the crust. Besides the
long-known deep crustal heating of nuclear origin, a likely non-nuclear source
of heat, dubbed 'shallow heating', is present at lower densities. Most of the
accretion-induced heat slowly diffuses into the core on a timescale of years.
Over many outburst cycles, a state of equilibrium is reached when the core
temperature is high enough that the heating and cooling (photon and neutrino
emission) processes are in balance. We investigate how stellar characteristics
and outburst properties affect the long-term temperature evolution of a
transiently accreting NS. For the first time the effects of crustal properties
are considered, particularly that of shallow heating. Using our code NSCool, we
tracked the thermal evolution of a NS undergoing outbursts over a period of
$10^5$ yr. The outburst sequence is based on the regular outbursts observed
from Aql X-1. For each model, we calculated the timescale over which
equilibrium was reached and we present these timescales along with the
temperature and luminosity parameters of the equilibrium state. We find that
shallow heating significantly contributes to the equilibrium state. Increasing
its strength raises the equilibrium core temperature. We find that if deep
crustal heating is replaced by shallow heating alone, the core would still heat
up, reaching only a 2% lower equilibrium core temperature. Deep crustal heating
may therefore not be vital to the heating of the core. Additionally, shallow
heating can increase the quiescent luminosity to values higher than previously
| astro-ph |
ALMA chemical survey of disk-outflow sources in Taurus (ALMA-DOT) II:
Vertical stratification of CO, CS, CN, H$_2$CO, and CH$_3$OH in a Class I
disk | The chemical composition of planets is inherited from that of the
protoplanetary disk at the time of planet formation. Increasing observational
evidence suggests that planet formation occurs in less than 1 Myr. This
motivates the need for spatially resolved spectral observations of Class I
disks, as carried out by the ALMA chemical survey of Disk-Outflow sources in
Taurus (ALMA-DOT). In the context of ALMA-DOT, we observe the edge-on disk
around the Class I source IRAS 04302+2247 (the butterfly star) in the 1.3mm
continuum and five molecular lines. We report the first tentative detection of
methanol (CH$_3$OH) in a Class I disk and resolve, for the first time, the
vertical structure of a disk with multiple molecular tracers. The bulk of the
emission in the CO 2-1, CS 5-4, and o-H$_2$CO 3(1,2)-2(1,1) lines originates
from the warm molecular layer, with the line intensity peaking at increasing
disk heights, $z$, for increasing radial distances, $r$. Molecular emission is
vertically stratified, with CO observed at larger disk heights (aperture
$z/r\sim0.41-0.45$) compared to both CS and H$_2$CO, which are nearly cospatial
($z/r\sim0.21-0.28$). In the outer midplane, the line emission decreases due to
molecular freeze-out onto dust grains (freeze-out layer) by a factor of >100
(CO) and 15 (CS). The H$_2$CO emission decreases by a factor of only about 2,
which is possibly due to H$_2$CO formation on icy grains, followed by a
nonthermal release into the gas phase. The inferred [CH$_3$OH]/[H$_2$CO]
abundance ratio is 0.5-0.6, which is 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than for
Class 0 hot corinos, and a factor ~2.5 lower than the only other value inferred
for a protoplanetary disk (in TW Hya, 1.3-1.7). Additionally, it is at the
lower edge but still consistent with the values in comets. This may indicate
that some chemical reprocessing occurs in disks before the formation of planets
and comets.
| astro-ph |
Differential rotation of the chromosphere in the He I absorption line | Differential rotation is the basis of the solar dynamo theory. Synoptic maps
of He I intensity from Carrington rotations 2032 to 2135 are utilized to
investigate the differential rotation of the solar chromosphere in the He I
absorption line. The chromosphere is surprisingly found to rotate faster than
the photosphere below it. The anomalous heating of the chromosphere and corona
has been a big problem in modern astronomy. It is speculated that the
small-scale magnetic elements with magnetic flux in the range of $(2.9 -
32.0)\times 10^{18}$ Mx which are anchored in the leptocline, heat the quiet
chromosphere to present the anomalous temperature increase, causing it to
rotate at the same rate as the leptocline. The differential of rotation rate in
the chromosphere is found to be strengthened by strong magnetic fields, but in
stark contrast, at the photosphere strong magnetic fields repress the
differential of rotation rate. A plausible explanation is given for these
| astro-ph |
Is there enough star formation in simulated protoclusters? | As progenitors of the most massive objects, protoclusters are key to tracing
the evolution and star-formation history of the Universe, and are responsible
for ${\gtrsim}\,20$ per cent of the cosmic star formation at $z\,{>}\,2$. Using
a combination of state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations and empirical
models, we show that current galaxy-formation models do not produce enough star
formation in protoclusters to match observations. We find that the
star-formation rates (SFRs) predicted from the models are an order of magnitude
lower than what is seen in observations, despite the relatively good agreement
found for their mass-accretion histories, specifically that they lie on an
evolutionary path to become Coma-like clusters at $z\,{\simeq}\, 0$. Using a
well-studied protocluster core at $z\,{=}\,4.3$ as a test case, we find that
star-formation efficiency of protocluster galaxies is higher than predicted by
the models. We show that a large part of the discrepancy can be attributed to a
dependence of SFR on the numerical resolution of the simulations, with a
roughly factor of 3 drop in SFR when the spatial resolution decreases by a
factor of 4. We also present predictions up to $z\,{\simeq}\,7$. Compared to
lower redshifts, we find that centrals (the most massive member galaxies) are
more distinct from the other galaxies, while protocluster galaxies are less
distinct from field galaxies. All these results suggest that, as a rare and
extreme population at high-$z$, protoclusters can help constrain galaxy
formation models tuned to match the average population at $z\,{\simeq}\,0$.
| astro-ph |
Constraints on the Coupling between Axionlike Dark Matter and Photons
Using an Antiproton Superconducting Tuned Detection Circuit in a Cryogenic
Penning Trap | We constrain the coupling between axionlike particles (ALPs) and photons,
measured with the superconducting resonant detection circuit of a cryogenic
Penning trap. By searching the noise spectrum of our fixed-frequency resonant
circuit for peaks caused by dark matter ALPs converting into photons in the
strong magnetic field of the Penning-trap magnet, we are able to constrain the
coupling of ALPs with masses around $2.7906-2.7914\,\textrm{neV/c}^2$ to
$g_{a\gamma}< 1 \times 10^{-11}\,\textrm{GeV}^{-1}$. This is more than one
order of magnitude lower than the best laboratory haloscope and approximately 5
times lower than the CERN axion solar telescope (CAST), setting limits in a
mass and coupling range which is not constrained by astrophysical observations.
Our approach can be extended to many other Penning-trap experiments and has the
potential to provide broad limits in the low ALP mass range.
| astro-ph |
Colors of an Earth-like exoplanet -- Temporal flux and polarization
signals of the Earth | Understanding the total flux and polarization signals of Earth-like planets
and their spectral and temporal variability is essential for the future
characterization of such exoplanets. We provide computed total (F) and linearly
(Q and U) and circularly (V) polarized fluxes, and the degree of polarization P
of sunlight that is reflected by a model Earth, to be used for instrument
designs, optimizing observational strategies, and/or developing retrieval
algorithms. We modeled a realistic Earth-like planet using one year of daily
Earth-observation data: cloud parameters (distribution, optical thickness, top
pressure, and particle effective radius), and surface parameters (distribution,
surface type, and albedo). The Stokes vector of the disk-averaged reflected
sunlight was computed for phase angles alpha from 0 to 180 degrees, and for
wavelengths lambda from 350 to 865 nm. The total flux F is one order of
magnitude higher than the polarized flux Q, and Q is two and four orders of
magnitude higher than U and V, respectively. Without clouds, the peak-to-peak
daily variations due to the planetary rotation increase with increasing lambda
for F, Q, and P, while they decrease for U and V. Clouds modify but do not
completely suppress the variations that are due to rotating surface features.
With clouds, the variation in F increases with increasing lambda, while in Q,
it decreases with increasing lambda, except at the largest phase angles. In
earlier work, it was shown that with oceans, Q changes color from blue through
white to red. The alpha where the color changes increases with increasing cloud
coverage. Here, we show that this unique color change in Q also occurs when the
oceans are partly replaced by continents, with or without clouds. The degree of
polarization P shows a similar color change. Our computed fluxes and degree of
polarization will be made publicly available.
| astro-ph |
Asteroseismic analysis of 15 solar-like oscillating evolved stars | Asteroseismology using space-based telescopes is vital to our understanding
of stellar structure and evolution. {\textit{CoRoT}}, {\textit{Kepler}}, and
{\textit{TESS}} space telescopes have detected large numbers of solar-like
oscillating evolved stars. %(kaynaklar, Kallinger, vb ). Solar-like oscillation
frequencies have an important role in the determination of fundamental stellar
parameters; in the literature, the relations between the two is established by
the so-called scaling relations. % These scaling relations are in better
agreement with mass and radius of main-sequence stars with large separation
($\Delta\nu$) and frequency of maximum amplitude (${\nu_{\rm max}}$). In this
study, we analyse data obtained from the observation of 15 evolved solar-like
oscillating stars using the {\textit{Kepler}} and ground-based %\textit{CoRoT}
The main purpose of the study is to determine very precisely the fundamental
parameters of evolved stars by constructing interior models using asteroseismic
parameters. We also fit the reference frequencies of models to the
observational reference frequencies caused by the He {\scriptsize II}
ionization zone.
The 15 evolved stars are found to have masses and radii within ranges of
$0.79$-$1.47$ $M_{\rm sun}$ and $1.60$-$3.15$ $R_{\rm sun}$, respectively.
Their model ages range from $2.19$ to $12.75$ Gyr. %Using a number of methods
based on conventional and modified scaling relations and evolutionary models
constructed with using the {\small {MESA}} code, we determine stellar radii,
masses and ages. It is revealed that fitting reference frequencies typically
increase the accuracy of asteroseismic radius, mass, and age. The typical
uncertainties of mass and radius are $\sim$ 3-6 and $\sim$ 1-2 per cent,
respectively. Accordingly, the differences between the model and literature
ages are generally only a few Gyr.
| astro-ph |
Exomoon Candidates from Transit Timing Variations: Eight Kepler systems
with TTVs explainable by photometrically unseen exomoons | If a transiting exoplanet has a moon, that moon could be detected directly
from the transit it produces itself, or indirectly via the transit timing
variations it produces in its parent planet. There is a range of parameter
space where the Kepler Space Telescope is sensitive to the TTVs exomoons might
produce, though the moons themselves would be too small to detect
photometrically via their own transits. The Earth's Moon, for example, produces
TTVs of 2.6 minutes amplitude by causing our planet to move around their mutual
centre of mass. This is more than Kepler's short-cadence interval of 1 minute
and so nominally detectable (if transit timings can be measured with comparable
accuracy), even though the Moon's transit signature is only 7% that of Earth's,
well below Kepler's nominal photometric threshold. Here we examine several
Kepler systems, exploring the hypothesis that an exomoon could be detected
solely from the TTVs it induces on its host planet. We compare this with the
alternate hypothesis that the TTVs are caused by an non-transiting planet in
the system. We examine 13 Kepler systems and find 8 where both hypotheses
explain the observed TTVs equally well. Though no definitive exomoon detection
can be claimed on this basis, the observations are nevertheless completely
consistent with a dynamically stable moon small enough to fall below Kepler's
photometric threshold for transit detection, and these systems warrant further
observation and analysis.
| astro-ph |
Magnetic stability of massive star forming clumps in RCW 106 | The RCW 106 molecular cloud complex is an active massive star-forming region
where a ministarburst is taking place. We examined its magnetic structure by
near-IR polarimetric observations with the imaging polarimeter SIRPOL on the
IRSF 1.4 m telescope. The global magnetic field is nearly parallel to the
direction of the Galactic plane and the cloud elongation. We derived the
magnetic field strength of $\sim100$-$1600~\mu$G for 71 clumps with the
Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method. We also evaluated the magnetic stability of
these clumps and found massive star-forming clumps tend to be magnetically
unstable and gravitationally unstable. Therefore, we propose a new criterion to
search for massive star-forming clumps. These details suggest that the process
enhancing the clump density without an increase of the magnetic flux is
essential for the formation of massive stars and the necessity for accreting
mass along the magnetic field lines.
| astro-ph |
Interpretation of the resonant drag instability of dust settling in
protoplanetary disc | The recently discovered resonant drag instability of dust settling in
protoplanetary disc is considered as the mode coupling of subsonic gas-dust
mixture perturbations. This mode coupling is coalescence of two modes with
nearly equal phase velocities: the first mode is inertial wave having positive
energy, while the second mode is a settling dust wave (SDW) having negative
energy as measured in the frame of gas environment being at rest in vertical
hydrostatic equilibrium. SDW is a trivial mode produced by the bulk settling of
dust, which transports perturbations of dust density. The phase velocity of SDW
is equal to the bulk settling velocity times the cosine of the angle formed by
the wave vector and the rotation axis. In this way, the bulk settling of dust
makes possible the coupling of SDW with the inertial wave and the onset of the
instability. In accordance with the concept of the mode coupling, the
instability growth rate is proportional to the square root of the dispersion
equation coupling term, which itself contains the small mass fraction of dust
in gas-dust mixture, the squared radial wavenumber of the modes, and the
squared bulk settling velocity. Thus, the higher is the bulk settling velocity,
the heavier clumps of dust can be aggregated by the instability of the same
| astro-ph |
Generalized anisotropic $\kappa$-cookbook: 2D fitting of Ulysses
electron data | Observations in space plasmas reveal particle velocity distributions out of
thermal equilibrium, with anisotropies (e.g., parallel drifts or/and different
temperatures, $T_\parallel$ - parallel and $T_\perp$ - perpendicular, with
respect to the background magnetic field), and multiple quasithermal and
suprathermal populations with different properties. The recently introduced
(isotropic) $\kappa$-cookbook is generalized in the present paper to cover all
these cases of anisotropic and multi-component distributions reported by the
observations. We derive general analytical expressions for the velocity moments
and show that the common (bi-)Maxwellian and (bi-)$\kappa-$distributions are
obtained as limiting cases of the generalized anisotropic $\kappa$-cookbook (or
recipes). Based on this generalization, a new 2D fitting procedure is
introduced, with an improved level of confidence compared to the 1D fitting
methods widely used to quantify the main properties of the observed
distributions. The nonlinear least-squares fit is \led{applied to electron data
sets} measured by the Ulysses spacecraft confirming the existence of three
different populations, a quasithermal core and two suprathermal (halo and
strahl) components. In general, the best overall fit is given by the sum of a
Maxwellian and two generalized $\kappa$-distributions.
| astro-ph |
Time dependent signatures of core-collapse supernova neutrinos at HALO | We calculate the response of a lead-based detector, such as the Helium and
Lead Observatory (HALO) or its planned upgrade HALO-1kt to a galactic
core-collapse supernova. We pay particular attention to the time dependence of
the reaction rates. All reaction rates decrease as the neutrino luminosity
exponentially drops during the cooling period but the ratio of one-neutron (1n)
to two-neutron (2n) event rates in HALO is independent of this overall
decrease. Nevertheless, we find that this ratio still changes with time due to
the changing character of neutrino flavor transformations with the evolving
conditions in the supernova. In the case of inverted hierarchy, this is caused
by the fact that the spectral splits become less and less sharp with the
decreasing luminosity. In the case of normal hierarchy, it is caused by the
passage of the shock wave through the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein resonance
region. However, in both cases, we find that the change in the ratio of 1n to
2n event rates is limited to a few percent.
| astro-ph |
Spiral-wave wind for the blue kilonova | The AT2017gfo kilonova counterpart of the binary neutron star merger event
GW170817 was characterized by an early-time bright peak in optical and UV
bands. Such blue kilonova is commonly interpreted as a signature of weak
$r$-process nucleosynthesis in a fast expanding wind whose origin is currently
debated. Numerical-relativity simulations with microphysical equations of
state, approximate neutrino transport, and turbulent viscosity reveal a new
mechanism that can power the blue kilonova. Spiral density waves in the remnant
generate a characteristic wind of mass ${\sim}10^{-2}~M_{\odot}$ and velocity
${\sim}0.2$c. The ejected material has electron fraction mostly distributed
above $0.25$ being partially reprocessed by hydrodynamic shocks in the
expanding arms. The combination of dynamical ejecta and spiral-wave wind can
account for solar system abundances of $r$-process elements and early-time
observed light curves.
| astro-ph |
Physical conditions and chemical abundances in photoionized nebulae from
optical spectra | This chapter presents a review on the latest advances in the computation of
physical conditions and chemical abundances of elements present in photoionized
gas H II regions and planetary nebulae). The arrival of highly sensitive
spectrographs attached to large telescopes and the development of more
sophisticated and detailed atomic data calculations and ionization correction
factors have helped to raise the number of ionic species studied in
photoionized nebulae in the last years, as well as to reduce the uncertainties
in the computed abundances. Special attention will be given to the detection of
very faint lines such as heavy-element recombination lines of C, N and O in H
II regions and planetary nebulae, and collisionally excited lines of
neutron-capture elements (Z >30) in planetary nebulae.
| astro-ph |
Infrared detection of aliphatic organics on a cometary nucleus | The ESA Rosetta mission has acquired unprecedented measurements of comet
67/P-Churyumov-Gerasimenko (hereafter 67P) nucleus surface, whose composition,
as determined by in situ and remote sensing instruments including VIRTIS
(Visible, InfraRed and Thermal Imaging Spectrometer) appears to be made by an
assemblage of ices, minerals, and organic material. We performed a refined
analysis of infrared observations of the nucleus of comet 67P carried out by
the VIRTIS-M hyperspectral imager. We found that the overall shape of the 67P
infrared spectrum is similar to that of other carbon-rich outer solar system
objects suggesting a possible genetic link with them. More importantly, we are
also able to confirm the complex spectral structure of the wide 2.8-3.6 micron
absorption feature populated by fainter bands. Among these, we unambiguously
identified the presence of aliphatic organics by their ubiquitous 3.38, 3.42
and 3.47 micron bands. This novel infrared detection of aliphatic species on a
cometary surface has strong implications for the evolutionary history of the
primordial solar system and give evidence that comets provide an evolutionary
link between interstellar material and solar system bodies.
| astro-ph |
Primordial Radius Gap and Potentially Broad Core Mass Distributions of
Super-Earths and Sub-Neptunes | The observed radii distribution of {\it Kepler} exoplanets reveals two
distinct populations: those that are more likely to be terrestrials
($\lesssim1.7R_\oplus$) and those that are more likely to be gas-enveloped
($\gtrsim2R_\oplus$). There exists a clear gap in the distribution of radii
that separates these two kinds of planets. Mass loss processes like
photoevaporation by high energy photons from the host star have been proposed
as natural mechanisms to carve out this radius valley. These models favor
underlying core mass function of sub-Neptunes that is sharply peaked at
$\sim$4--8$M_\oplus$ but the radial-velocity follow-up of these small planets
hint at a more bottom-heavy mass function. By taking into account the initial
gas accretion in gas-poor (but not gas-empty) nebula, we demonstrate that 1)
the observed radius valley is a robust feature that is initially carved out at
formation during late-time gas accretion; and 2) that it can be reconciled with
core mass functions that are broad extending well into sub-Earth regime. The
maximally cooled isothermal limit prohibits cores lighter than
$\sim$1--2$M_\oplus$ from accreting enough mass to appear gas-enveloped. The
rocky-to-enveloped transition established at formation produces a gap in the
radius distribution that shifts to smaller radii farther from the star, similar
to that observed. For the best agreement with the data, our late-time gas
accretion model favors dust-free accretion in hotter disks with cores slightly
less dense than the Earth ($\sim$0.8$\rho_\oplus$) drawn from a mass function
that is as broad as $dN/dM_{\rm core} \propto M_{\rm core}^{-0.7}$.
| astro-ph |
The Fundamental Vibrational Frequencies and Spectroscopic Constants of
the Dicyanoamine Anion, NCNCN$^-$ (C$_2$N$_3^-$): Quantum Chemical Analysis
for Astrophysical and Planetary Environments | Detecting anions in space has relied on a strong collaboration between
theoretical and laboratory analyses to measure rotational spectra and
spectroscopic constants to high accuracy. The advent of improved quantum
chemical tools operating at higher accuracy and reduced computational cost is a
crucial solution for the fundamental characterization of
astrophysically-relevant anions and their detection in the interstellar medium
and planetary atmospheres. In this context, we have turned towards the quantum
chemical analysis of the penta-atomic dicyanoamine anion NCNCN$^-$
(C$_2$N$_3^-$), a structurally bent and polar compound. We have performed
high-level coupled cluster theory quartic force field (QFF) computations of
C$_2$N$_3^-$ satisfying both computational cost and accuracy conditions. We
provide for the first time accurate spectroscopic constants and vibrational
frequencies for this ion. In addition to exhibiting various Fermi resonances,
C$_2$N$_3^-$ displays a bright $\nu$2 (2130.9 cm$^{-1}$) and a less intense
$\nu$1 (2190.7 cm$^{-1}$) fundamental vibrational frequency, making for strong
markers for future infrared observations < 5$\mu$m. We have also determined
near-IR overtone and combination bands of the bright fundamentals for which the
2$\nu$2 at 4312.1 cm$^{-1}$ (2.319 $\mu$m) is the best candidate. C$_2$N$_3^-$
could potentially exist and be detected in nitrogen-rich environments of the
ISM such as IRC +10216 and other carbon-rich circumstellar envelopes, or in the
atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan, where advanced N-based reactions may lead to
its formation.
| astro-ph |
Cosmological Fluctuations in Delta Gravity | About 70\% of the Universe is Dark Energy, but the physics community still
does not know what it is. Delta Gravity (DG) is an alternative theory of
gravitation that could solve this cosmological problem. Previously, we studied
the Universe's accelerated expansion, where DG was able to explain the SNe-Ia
data successfully. In this work, we explore the cosmological fluctuations that
give rise to the CMB through a hydrodynamic approximation. We calculate the
gauge transformations for the metric and the perfect fluid to present the
equations of the evolution of cosmological fluctuations, providing the
necessary equations to solve in a semi-analytical way the scalar TT Power
Spectrum. These equations will be useful for comparing the DG theory with
astronomical observations and thus being able to constraint the DG cosmology,
testing, in the future, the compatibility with the CMB Planck data, which are
currently in controversy with SNe-Ia.
| astro-ph |
Subsets and Splits