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3 | I think the reason we are so sensitive to criticism is that we already criticize ourselves so much, hearing someone else tell us what we already hate ourselves for pushes us over the edge. Also,... |
11 | when there is a low brick fence or something similar i have walk through it an play master equilibrist. Doesn't matter if i am in a hurry to get somewhere. |
7 | I held a small leadership position at my old school of putting together the clarinet ensemble. I found music, distributed parts, led rehearsals, and scheduled performances. I found it quite enjoyable... |
6 | I've seen a front door close on its own when there was barely any wind. Someone on the outside tried to open it and it was locked. Sounds a lot like Paranormal Activity 2 now that I think about... |
6 | He's much older than me, our friendship is much like he is the controller of our interactions. He approaches me, he brings up topics, he sets up times and dates, I cannot gauge the areas where I have... |
7 | I remembered this one Oh Carol(can be used for trolling).Btw there is a Wendy song which can be used for trolling people. |
7 | Aye, if it's faithful to the truth, but persuasive in the style of lies. Like human relationships and its fallen comrades, there's poetry in them hills. There is personality in a cat... ... |
2 | And here I thought this would be about what makes INFJ high spiritually |
11 | I think an ENTP would say about lies of omission as one famous quote reveals: “Lies of omission do not exist. The concept is a very human one. It is the product of your story writing again. You... |
7 | hey man no homo 99098 :tongue: |
6 | nope happy as an infp, nothing wrong with infj's i've spoken with several many times and have been speaking with more fairly recently and they all seem to be very nice people, but thats not who i... |
6 | I think ISFPs are more likely to take big risks and do thrilling things that would make an INFP cringe at the thought of, like climbing a huge mountain or skydiving (^-^)! In my experience ISFPs... |
6 | As does yours. Especially the part about the partner not knowing how to handle emotional rants or outbursts. She feels deeply and I love that about her. But she doesn't have Si egging on Ne to find... |
6 | Ermm I tried flirting with this guy yesterday and it was not exactly conventional: Get round to sexy/kinky topic. Said how my sister thought I'd love to dominate. He said he'd be the bitch but I... |
6 | any help here? my post was getting buried and I forgot to add that the way I normally describe my daily life is not in what happened but how I was thinking and feeling and what about. I'm almost... |
14 | The Se that you're describing is the kind used by NJs: makes them action-oriented and adventurous. Indy's detachment and quick problem-solving is Ni. He has an obsessive goal (always Fe-based),... |
4 | According to the, ....ENTJ's natural partner is the INTP, or the ISTP. AN ENTJ's dominant function of Extraverted Thinking is best-matched with a personality type that is... |
2 | I was thinking more along the lines of them being washed with cold water and allowed to air dry, but your answer has a sort of logic to it. I am persuaded. You have the floor, set your trap. J |
10 | Most S types tend to see me as this goofy delightful loose frivolous and somewhat scatter-brained person. I say delightful because I've yet to meet anyone who didn't enjoy my company, but I know that... |
7 | No, I know ENTJs; ESTPs are usually the ones that need leading. Having someone push what they think is best, when what you want is the exact opposite, on you is beyond irritating. I have an ENTJ... |
7 | Wow, that seems weird because most INTPs have strong principles and normally value fairness. I can't really relate to this guy because I hated when people took things from me, especially if they... |
3 | Why do zombies always eat brains? I'd rather have them eat my brains anyway, because I'd be dead and not have to suffer through them eating my arms or legs. I think it'd be cool to be a zombie... |
6 | A recent magical rainy day I experienced was in the wilderness with some mountain goats on a ridge top on my hike into an alpine lake. They were coming down the ridge top because of an impending... |
14 | I was totally in love with an INFP I dated last year... We love you guys. You just are so hard for us to get to. ENFJ's like what you have to offer they just get caught up in the expectations society... |
7 | I feel myself like that usually when I'm walking alone and there are people around, and when I'm in the middle of a social activity. I feel like that people is looking at me and laughing or talking... |
6 | Iam curious about some people and how they can sleep at night after treating me like dogshit. While i gave them the emotional value i thinked they deserved. |
3 | That's really interesting. By access are you referring to consciousness? And offset means the physical world? How did you figure all this out? Is your avatar photoshopped or is that how you... |
7 | Video talks about Fi strengths in general and some specific INFP strengths. Feedback welcome! :) |
9 | There are four things about my name that fit me: 1. My first name's popularity peaked in the United States during the 40's and WWII is one of my big interests, not to mention I like to project... |
3 | Scientia potentia est - For also knowledge itself is power. |
2 | People are not like ice cream; each person is quite unique. People of the same mbti type can have a wide diversity of behaviours, interests, outlooks... Being an ISFJ just means that (apparently)... |
5 | That's how I am! Not good with the sales aspect of the job when I'm supposed to be doing it. I really enjoy helping people, and realize that most of the time people are pissed at the situation and... |
14 | Ne is getting excited by plurimous sources, an extreme curiosity from what is different. For more, you watch old things, but only for fun. Higher Si would still do it, but more compulsively. For... |
10 | I give lots of attention to detail... |
3 | *spoilers* I'm thinking she is more of an F than a T. She is very sensitive and really doesn't do much planning. She just follows orders, and follows her feelings. I am also leaning more into J... |
6 | I couldn't read through all of this either, but I'm eager to share. :D I like it getting rough. I like biting, and getting bitten. Pulling hair and having my pulled. I like being thrown around,... |
11 | Bleed the Freak live by Alice in Chains. |
7 | Oh man. They even put a warning. |
4 | Better that than someone who stonewalls any possible conversation by not accepting alternate opinions, huh? Really though, manipulating and provocative statements are not as bad as you make them... |
7 | Found some more. I really hate photos of my self :laughing: 179970 179978 179986 |
0 | My best friend is an INTP. There is no group, it's just the two of us. She lives in another country so in school I have a different group of friends. They are INFJ, ENFP and ESFP. Sometimes it's... |
15 | Well, yea.. I've had the general sense of what I wanted to do since I was very young. It has deteriorated to a darker variation of itself over the years but it still is the same concept. |
4 | Maybe you should also post this in a part of PerC that gets more traffic? You'd get a lot more answers, as I don't think this is a concern that only ISTPs have. If you don't really care for... |
3 | If by 'theoretically possible' you are saying that something 'might be possible' but science has not yet proved it, then sure that's possible. However anyone can then make any claim and say that... |
11 | By the way Hokahey - I just read some of your stuff and you seem pretty awesome. I'm sure there are a lot of people intrigued by you. |
3 | Reposting this bit because it is so incredibly vital if you're actually interested in resolving things with him. Boiled down to basics: He expressed a bad feeling, and you are reacting negatively... |
2 | How can there be such a vast amount of assholes in this world? How can they still exist when they can't even have a decent conversation with someone while remaining fair? Why is this world... |
8 | Thank you for reading. I'm sorry it's really long. I really don't know what to do. I'm 15 and I've had bad chronic headaches for 3 years, neck muscle spasm pain/shoulder pain for almost a year, my... |
6 | Yep. I feel like Toby McGuire in the movie Spiderman, before he actually became Spiderman. |
11 | Irritated ischias nerve like receiving electroshocks every 20secs during 1hr.or ruptured cyste on my ovaries. Oh and giving birth |
2 | The title of the thread is intended to invite deflating... But I'm just sayin'. Just went through a round with someone I was interested that didn't work out... This merry-go-round is tiring and... |
4 | For those that read the post when I first made it, I have since done some revisions (particularly to the type by type development path), fine tuning, and polishing. The admin Stephen kindly edited... |
0 | Yes, but less now than when I was younger. The length of my attention span and my ability to focus on something without being distracted has definitely been one of my strongest gifts as well--that... |
7 | I'm most attracted to NT's. |
7 | Sounds like a fortune cookie/horoscope quote to me. :tongue: I too find this question deceptively difficult, Silhouetree. I would also have to argue that the sincerity of the remark means much... |
7 | Who's happier? EXFXs or IXFXs? Discuss. Note: I'm not talking about the cognitive functions Fe and Fi. |
7 | I'm seriously considering marriage to my longtime ENFP girlfriend. But do you think she'll be able to give me a little more space when we are settled down in marriage? My two biggest problems with... |
3 | *yawn* So Michael-Bay-ish and generic. What about a flight simulator where you control the working end of a rope, and try to tie some target type of knot/ freestyle. A simulation will follow, to... |
4 | I agree with J-Hope's and Taehyung's too, but I'm very much certain that Namjoon is an INFJ and he's probably the one person in the industry whose personality I've studied the most along with... |
2 | I don't know that I would tie this to a function so much as the way someone had been socialized and adapted. On some level the person thinks that this is an okay thing to do, so we'd have to figure... |
0 | Rave: I finally went out for a bike ride since it's been hot out lately and today it was cool. Did my usual tour of the city. After a while I had noticed a particular car that looks familiar so I get... |
11 | I tend to imitate whoever happens to be talking to me, subconsciously. It has led to some interesting conversations, that I usually have fun coming up with an excuse for it :) |
6 | I think I was becoming a bit too emotionally dependent on my ex-girlfriend, which I think was the ultimate rookie mistake. For the first time in my life I was in a position where it was OK to be... |
0 | Sounds like you're already on your way man. ^___^ May more roads open up to you. |
2 | in my opinion, what you just described was selfish love due to the fact that he only loves his own personalised version of Paul. however, if he does love Paul for Paul, in every single version of... |
4 | I genuinely love this song. My adoration is further fueled by all the tears that metal purists fell. |
14 | Hey guys =) So I've recently been told that I may be stuck in an Fe-Ne Loop. I've looked for information about an ENFJ being stuck in said loop, but haven't found much. I thought to myself, Why... |
11 | Hey everyone! I am Octopus1 and I am an ENTP-A. Like any extrovert, I like talking and prefer to answer questions, than to make them! And... Like any MBTI with a tendeny to Narcissistic... |
6 | When I respond to my SX instinct, I feel energized. When I respond to my SO instinct, I feel soothed. When I respond to my SP instinct, I feel annoyed. I see a lot of myself in username123. I... |
3 | Haha...totally. Never underestimate a spine crunch. If your opponent can't move, he can't attack OR defend. I saw some of the other comments about how shields equate to defense, and I was quite... |
2 | Pizza |
2 | I think I do test others, but only in cases where I feel like the friend/partner seems to be taking advantage of me. Basing off that, I guess I test for their loyalty/dedication? to whatever it is we... |
6 | nichya, it's Madagascar, in the central highlands near Betafo. That country is the most ethereal place on earth, seriously. |
10 | You know, if you think that you'll always wonder what if..? then maybe you should figure out a way to be on that career path you feel you should be on. I'm learning I'm happiest when I am living up... |
3 | I was on the swim team in high school. It was great because I enjoy the water and the fact that I only did individual events and my practice largely didn't involve anyone other than my coaches (the... |
3 | I haven't met many other INTJs, knowingly at least. The ones I did meet weren't really ringing my bells. I think my type is a challenging type for a lot of folks even I find my type a bit odd when I... |
15 | everybody, this is a permanently standing invitation to all and every to speak if you feel I'm mistyped. On anything. MBTI/Sociotype, instincts, Enneatype and tritype, whatever. Go for it. |
11 | May I please be named 吉祥天 in that exact font? If that cannot be done, can my name please be changed to Kisshoten? |
6 | i still feel like this and i'm 28. I've never had a proper relationship at least in part because of this. i've had 'friends with benefits' situations but having someone find you attractive enough to... |
0 | I don't know if ntp's are neurotic or not, but if they are, then compared to the ntp's, then I guess ntj's are more chill. I agree with tj's being aggressive beca use they have to deal with stupid... |
2 | Wow, that's so intense. I don't think I have ever had to deal with the death of someone I knew, I mean im only 19, but I haven't experienced the loss of life so I can't even fathom what it feels... |
10 | LOL. Yeah enfps are perky people. From what I've read from this one I think I'm pretty much an ENFP. Haha guess i was just hesitant all along. I guess It'd be better to If I was an E, so I don't... |
6 | Maybe INFJ. I feel like he's very big-picture Ni and warm and fuzzy Fe. I tried reading leaves of grass, but it started sounding like a religious text because it is very directive (as the above... |
7 | That does sound really interesting and fun! Visiting a stable in general would be something I'd love. Getting to pet and feed horses would be awesome. |
6 | When you listen to your own ego. It will justify whatever you wanna justify for your own selfish benefits. |
2 | It's alright; I probably don't understand what I'm saying either. :P (It seems the summer heat is making me a little loopy and incoherent these days) I should probably clarify that I meant... |
2 | Ola90 Hello, I have read through your post. Would offer a few guidance on what is happening as you have described. You definitely have a strong desire to work in a work/career that you desire,... |
10 | go here, and try this one. Keys 2 Cognition - Cognitive Processes |
15 | yes. i am. but i need to keep a healthy relationship with both people as we work in a small city and will work together for the rest of our careers. and yes, i think she's stepping over the line. my... |
6 | Always challenge your fears, and in that way you push yourself to grow. Once in a while say yes to doing something you might not think you'd be interested in. Define your own happiness. Don't... |
14 | After reading a lot of these, I got to say, you guys sound so nice and interesting! Too bad I don't know any INFPs in real life, I wouldn't mind being friends :) |
3 | I really appreciate you writing this bit of advice. You know I could argue I feel all this fear about people rejecting me, because I used to be bullied or people used to reject my behavior. I could... |
2 | You're gorgeous! Do you like tarantulas, too? I'm really into avicularia versicolor and avicularia metallica. (The pink toes, they get to me!) |
6 | I haven't watched very much anime, but Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood takes the top place for me. |
3 | Yes, you really can do that. |
7 | @khys are you in the pacific northwest? we received about eight inches so far. |
15 | Depends on where & who i'm with. |
2 | The test told me I was a type 4 the first time around a type 8 the second... Finally got a fitting answer on the third try. :rolleyes: It sort of does... You said you become sort of desperate, and... |
7 | First off... INFP's = Emotionally Charged People The thought of Fi, along with it being connected to an INFP makes me cringe. I know a few INFP's, one of which I no longer speak to, because she... |
6 | EII-0 FiNe (INFj) |
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