stringlengths 4
| eng
stringlengths 4
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float64 0.6
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int64 1
die landwye inperking in reaksie op die koronavirus het 'n jarelange probleem aansienlik vererger.
| the nationwide lockdown in response to the coronavirus has gravely exarcerbated a longstanding problem.
| 0.827209 | 383 |
die deelnemers aan die dialoog het die feit verwelkom dat die kwessie van jeugindiensneming op die hoogste regerings vlakke aandag geniet.
| the participants in the dialogue welcomed the fact that the issue of youth employment was receiving attention at the highest levels of government.
| 0.830018 | 150 |
die voorbeeld word dikwels genoem van die massiewe openbarewerkeprogram wat deur die verenigde state onderneem is ná die groot depressie in die 1930's.
| the example is often cited of the massive public works programme undertaken by the united states after the great depression in the 1930s.
| 0.894836 | 1,317 |
vbp behels die gereelde gebruik van antiretrovirale middels deur mivnegatiewe mense om infeksie te verhoed, anders as antiretrovirale behandeling wat aan mivpositiewe mense gegee word.
| unlike antiretroviral treatment that is given to people who are hiv positive, prep involves the regular use of antiretroviral drugs by hiv negative people to prevention infection.
| 0.800105 | 1,451 |
dit is dringend nodig sodat besighede in bedryf kan bly en poste behou word.
| this is needed as a matter of urgency to ensure that businesses can stay afloat and that jobs can be sustained.
| 0.824416 | 3,131 |
hulle aktiwiteite is in ooreenstemming in gebring om duplisering en vermorsing te voorkom en leer uit ander se ervaring te bevorder.
| their activities were aligned to avoid duplication and wastage and enhance learning from the experience of others.
| 0.858285 | 2,474 |
za gestuur word.
| za.
| 0.677341 | 426 |
gesigmaskers behoort nie afgehaal te word wanneer daar gepraat, gehoes of genies word nie.
| facemasks should not be lowered when speaking, coughing or sneezing.
| 0.83757 | 494 |
die media is terselfdertyd n unieke entiteit in enige same lewing omdat sy praktisyns n rol vervul wat noodsaaklik vir ons demokratiese orde is.
| at the same time, the media is a unique entity in any society because its practitioners fulfil a role that is so essential to our democratic order.
| 0.864965 | 1,207 |
die nuwe wet verskerp ook ons borgstelsel aansien lik.
| the new law also significantly tightens up our bail regime.
| 0.748029 | 2,730 |
n hersiening van ons bricslidmaatskap in 2018 deur die professionele diens temaatskappy, deloitte, het uitgewys dat bricsvennote "drie keer meer kapitaal in die land belê het as in die sewe jaar voor 2011".
| a 2018 review of our brics membership by professional services firm deloitte noted that brics partners "invested three times more capital in the country compared to the seven years prior to 2011".
| 0.888646 | 2,350 |
hulle werk om die publiek in te lig en die mag in toom te hou.
| they work to keep the public informed and to keep power in check.
| 0.780588 | 1,208 |
die vvh’s ontvang elkeen n toelaag vir die voorberei ding van die voedsel.
| they vfhs each receive a stipend for preparing the food.
| 0.842586 | 2,887 |
die weskaapse gesond heidsdepartement sê dat plaaslike en internasionale data bewys dat inenting teen kovid19 steeds die beste verdediging teen die virus is, soveel te meer vir mense wat n verswakte immuunstelsel het.
| the western cape department of health says local and international data prove that vaccination against covid19 remains the best defence against the virus.
| 0.830716 | 3,061 |
hy sal ten laaste teen 30 junie n aksieplan na aanleiding van die kommissie se aanbevelings voorlê.
| by no later than 30 june 2022, he will present a plan of action in response to the commission’s recommendations.
| 0.772902 | 2,775 |
ons is nou in ’n tyd waar voorsorg belangriker as ooit is.
| we are now at a time where precaution is needed above all.
| 0.740393 | 1,783 |
ons bewerkbare grond word, soos in baie ander lande, bedreig deur grondverswakking, waterskaarste en stedelike indringing.
| like many other countries, our arable land is under threat from land degradation, water scarcity and urban encroachment.
| 0.818824 | 1,239 |
geregtigheid vir die gemeenskapdie president het gesê dat die gemeenskap oor die jare baie teëspoed ervaar het and dat die "titelaktes geregtigheid vir n onteiende gemeenskap bring".
| justice for the communitythe president said the com munity had endured many hardships over the years and the "title deeds bring justice to a dispossessed community".
| 0.85398 | 2,016 |
hulle is die jong mense wat vrywilligerwerk in ons gemeenskappe doen en ons land opbou deur die presidensiële werkskeppingstimulus, wat hulle eie besighede bedryf en studeer om hulleself beter te bekwaam.
| they are the young people volunteering in our communities, building our country through the presidential employment stimulus, running their own businesses and studying to better themselves.
| 0.866154 | 2,069 |
mosamaria onderneem maan delikse deurtotdeur siftings veldtogte om nuwe tbpasiënte op te spoor en hulle dadelik te begin behandel.
| mosamaria conducts monthly doortodoor screening campaigns to find new tb patients and get them on treatment immediately.
| 0.85288 | 275 |
pendelaars wat taxi's en ander vorme van openbare vervoer gebruik, asook mense wat tyd op plekke deurbring waar dit moeilik is om jou fisies van ander mense te distansieer, word veral aangemoedig om gesigmaskers te dra.
| commuters travelling in taxis and other forms of public transport, as well as people spending time in spaces where physical distancing is difficult to practice, are mustwear cloth facemasks.
| 0.869625 | 489 |
net soos die geskil in die sheik jarrahbuurt, was die gruweldaad by bulhoek nie net weens n plaaslike geskil nie; dit was fundamenteel oor die geforseerde onteien ing van grond, oor koloniale okkupasie, oor rassediskrimi nasie en oor gewelddadige onderdrukking van onenig heid.
| just like the dispute in the sheik jarrah neighbourhood, the atrocity at bulhoek was not just about a local dispute; it was fundamentally about the forced dispossession of land, about colonial occupa tion, about racial discrimi nation and about the violent suppression of dissent.
| 0.914468 | 1,947 |
die kommissie ondersoek ook sleutelkwessies, soos onsensitiewe gedrag deur voorsittende beamptes, sekondêre viktimisasie van oorlewendes en onsensi tiewe kruisondervragings prosesse," verduidelik teleki.
| when victims struggle to gain access to justice in domestic violence courts, the commission can act on their behalf, providing legal representation.
| 0.608375 | 1,229 |
die pandemie bied n geleentheid om n wêreld wat deur erge materialisme, selfsugtigheid en selfbeheptheid van individue en hele samelewings gekenmerk is, te 'herstel' .
| the pandemic presents an opportunity to ‘reset’ a world that is characterised by crass materialism, selfishness and selfabsorption not just on the part of individuals but whole societies.
| 0.846774 | 690 |
die adviesraad is gestig om die saak van ekonomiese transformasie voor te staan.
| it was established to champion the cause of economic transformation.
| 0.770566 | 3,141 |
terwyl die suidafrikaanse polisiediens die verdagtes in dié misdaad vervolg, moet hulle ook aandag skenk aan die besorgdhede van die gemeenskap in west village, waar die voorval plaasgevind het, wat stel dat hulle deur bendes in die omgewing beleër word.
| while they pursue the suspects in this crime, the south african police service must also pay immediate attention to the concerns of the community of west village, where the incident occurred, who say they are under siege from armed gangs in the area.
| 0.888127 | 3,377 |
dit sal nie net kostes verlaag en die mededingendheid van ons uitvoere verbeter nie, maar ook in die proses duisende werksgeleenthede skep.
| this will not only lower costs and improve the competitiveness of our exports, but will create thousands of new jobs in the process.
| 0.811452 | 1,847 |
wenke om op te hou rookdie kankervereniging van suidafrika (kansa) gee die volgende wenke as jy wil ophou rook: besluit op ‘n datum om op te hou rook en doen dit dan.
| tips to stop smokingthe cancer association of south africa (cansa) offers the following tips if you are trying to stop smoking: decide on a date to stop smoking and then do it.
| 0.909463 | 1,918 |
die kritiese kwessie van steenkoolvoorsiening word aangespreek, insluitend nouer samewerking met transnet met betrekking tot die vervoer van steenkool en die monitering van die konsekwentheid van die lewering van steenkool myne aan kragstasies.
| it is addressing the critical issue of coal supply, including working with transnet on the transportation of coal and monitoring the consistency of the supply from collieries to stations.
| 0.867904 | 3,545 |
suidafrikaanse mans moet n groter rol speel in die voorkoming van ggg.
| south african men need to play a greater role in preventing gbv.
| 0.89864 | 2,624 |
die 'tweede golf' van in feksies wat verskeie ander lande ervaar het, is vir ons ook 'n moontlikheid.
| the ‘second wave’ of infections that several other countries have experienced is an everpresent possibility for us too.
| 0.807891 | 1,058 |
the centre accommodates children who live with a variety of conditions, including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy and foetal alcohol syndrome.
| the centre accommodates children who live with a variety of conditions, including autism, down syndrome, cerebral palsy and foetal alcohol syndrome.
| 1 | 118 |
arnoldus was eers huiwerig om na die isolasiefasiliteit te gaan weens die wanopvatting dat ’n mens daar sieker sal word en doodgaan.
| arnoldus was initially hesitant to go to the isolation facility because of the wrong perception that if you go to a facility like this you will get sicker and die.
| 0.835719 | 1,024 |
die herkonstruksieen herboufase sal die oprigting van huise in geskikte gebiede insluit.
| the reconstruction and building phase will include the construction of houses in suitable areas.
| 0.737957 | 2,962 |
die portaal is twee jaar gelede deur die nasionale tesourie, in samewerking met verskeie burgerlike samelewingsorgani sasies, geskep.
| the portal was established two years ago by national treasury in collaboration with a number of civil society organisations.
| 0.832961 | 281 |
"dit is belangrik, veral vir vakke wat hulle uitdagend vind," voeg sy by.
| "this is important, especially for subjects that learners find challenging," she adds.
| 0.807305 | 2,227 |
openbare betrokkenheid is n instrument wat dit alles kan doen: werkskepping op skaal op kort termyn terwyl markte herstel, met die skepping van maatskaplike waarde in die proses.
| public employment is an instrument that can do all of the above: creating jobs at scale in the short term while markets recover, and creating social value in the process.
| 0.887463 | 1,316 |
said is besig om die wind uit die seile van belastingontduikers, begunstigdes van inkomste uit misdaad en diegene wat by korrupte aktiwiteite betrokke is, te neem.
| it is wellestablished that ‘the taxman’ is one of the most efficient tools to combat corruption.
| 0.628385 | 2,941 |
die nasionale instituut vir oordraagbare siek tes het die nodige antwoorde.
| the national institute for communicable diseases has the answers you need.
| 0.843415 | 968 |
'n mens hoef net te kyk na die onstabiliteit in staatsdepartemente wan neer seniorbestuur verskuif of vervang word elke keer as ’n nuwe minister aangestel word.
| one need only to look at the instability in government departments when senior managers are swopped or replaced each time a new minister is appointed.
| 0.870633 | 1,665 |
dit is n belangrike herinnering dat ons demokratiese instellings nie gedefinieer word deur die geboue wat hulle huisves nie, maar deur die werk wat hulle doen en deur die vertroue wat die mense in hulle het.
| this is an important reminder that our democratic institutions are not defined by the buildings that house them, but by the work they do and by the confidence that the people have in them.
| 0.923775 | 2,653 |
tabakverslawing: jou gesondheid kan in rook opgaan deur kgaogelo letsebe om wêreldgeen tabakdag op 31 mei te vier, gesels vuk’uzenzele met ’n herstellende tabakslaaf oor sy oorwinning oor verslawing.
| tobacco addiction: your health could go up in smoke kgaogelo letsebe to commemorate world no tobacco day on 31 may, vuk’uzenzelechats to a recovering tobacco addict about overcoming his addiction.
| 0.898783 | 1,902 |
dit is nie die enigste deel van die land wat voor sulke uitdagings staan nie.
| this is not the only part of the country that is confronted with such challenges.
| 0.806991 | 2,195 |
die verkoop van tabakprodukte bly verbode op waarskuwingsvlak 3, weens die gesondheidsgevare wat met rook gepaardgaan.
| the sale of tobacco products will remain prohibited in alert level 3, due to the health risks associated with smoking.
| 0.884109 | 619 |
help om lewens te red allison cooper die sonneblom fonds doen n beroep op alle suidafrikaners om die etniese diversiviteit van die organisasie se bloedstamselskenkers databasis n hupstoot te gee en só kinderlewens te red.
| help save lives allison cooper the sunflower fund is calling on south africans to boost the ethnic diversity of its blood stem cell donor database to save children’s lives.
| 0.891776 | 1,742 |
niks keer jou om met 20 braaihoenders te begin as jy 3 000 wil teël nie.
| if you need to produce 3 000 broilers, nothing stops you from starting with 20. approach local supermarkets to get their specifications on the quality they want and work in groups so that you can meet their quality and quantity demands," she adds.
| 0.682334 | 3,335 |
dit was dus gepas dat ek hierdie platform kon gebruik om die presidensiële intervensie vir jeugindiensneming te loods, wat 'n strategiese nasionale visie en plan is waarin prioriteitsoptredes uiteengesit word om jeugwerkloosheid die hoof te bied.
| it was therefore fitting that i could use this platform to launch the presidential youth employment intervention, which is a strategic national vision and plan which sets out priority actions to address youth unemployment.
| 0.944132 | 155 |
moenie die toilet onnodig spoel nie.
| avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily.
| 0.84089 | 3,702 |
slegs ’n bekwame, doeltref fende, etiese en ontwikke lingsgeoriënteerde regering kan die verbintenis tot die verbetering van die lewens van die mense van hierdie land nakom.
| only a capable, efficient, ethical and developmentoriented state can deliver on the commitment to improve the lives of the people of this country.
| 0.848866 | 1,655 |
in hoëinkomste lande kan die oorlewingskoers tussen 85% en 90% wees.
| in highincome countries, the survival rate can be between 85% to 90%.
| 0.857097 | 2,339 |
die kabinet finaliseer tans 'n omvattende pakket van ingrypings om die verwagte impak van covid19 op ons ekonomie te verminder.
| cabinet is in the process of finalising a comprehensive package of interventions to mitigate the expected impact of covid19 on our economy.
| 0.888892 | 304 |
enige persoon van 14 jaar of ouer kan as getuie dien.
| any person 14 years and above can be a witness.
| 0.836793 | 2,460 |
aangesien die opheffing van die brandstofheffing n beduiende koste vir die staatskas inhou, wat weer ander regeringsprogramme beïnvloed, sal dit moeilik wees om onbepaald daarmee voort te gaan.
| since the suspension of the levy comes at a significant cost to public finances, which affects other programmes of government, it will be difficult to continue this indefinitely.
| 0.859561 | 3,221 |
"ek het gegaan om aansoek te doen vir n korttermyn lening omdat ek gesukkel het om kop bo water te hou nadat ek in junie 2020 afgelê is.
| "i went to apply for a shortterm loan as i needed to make ends meet after being retrenched in june 2020. to my surprise, i was told i did not qualify.
| 0.793839 | 2,119 |
ons, as die regering, het sedert die nasionale ener gieplan vanjaar in julie aangekondig is, in vennootskap met verskeie belanghebbendes gewerk aan die implementering daarvan asook aan beleids hervorming.
| since the national energy plan was announced in july this year, we have been working as government in partnership with various stakeholders on implementation and policy reform.
| 0.793211 | 3,796 |
wat is prep?
| what is prep?
| 0.98865 | 3,729 |
meer as 74 000 kleinboere sal ook produksieinsettoelae ontvang.
| over 74,000 small farmers will also receive production input grants.
| 0.864283 | 1,307 |
die skuld was altesaam nagenoeg r100 000.
| the debt was close to r100 000.
| 0.839114 | 2,123 |
wanneer 'n persoon rook, sal hy of sy nie daardie higiënepraktyk kan nakom nie," sê dr egbe.
| when a person is smoking, he or she will not be able to keep to that hygiene practice," says dr egbe.
| 0.948231 | 575 |
ongeveer 80% van werkende mense word deur die privaatsektor in diens geneem.
| around 80% of employed people work in the private sector.
| 0.841839 | 2,759 |
daar word van die oorspronklike versorger verwag om aan sassa te rapporteer dat die kind nie meer in sy/ haar sorg is nie, en die nuwe primêre versorger moet dan inkom om vir die toelaag aansoek te doen," sê letsatsi.
| the original caregiver is expected to report to sassa that the child is no longer in his/her care, and the new primary caregiver must then come in to apply for the grant," adds letsatsi.
| 0.899521 | 3,250 |
sy is geesdriftig oor landbou en haar droom is om soveel moontlik vrouens by boerdery te betrek, n sektor wat volgens haar die potensiaal het om te bemagtig en werk te skep.
| she is passionate about agriculture and her vision is to get as many women as possible into farming, a field she believes has the potential to empower and create jobs.
| 0.863282 | 3,315 |
danksy gevorderde mediese sorg het mense wat met downsindroom gebore is vandag ’n lewensverwagting van ongeveer 55 jaar.
| due to advanced medical care, most people born with ds today have a life expectancy of approximately 55 years.
| 0.813553 | 1,706 |
aching: pyn in beendere, gewrigte en rug; breek maklik bene.
| neurological signs: change or deterioration in walk, balance or speech, regression of milestones, headache for more than a week with or without vomiting and an enlarged head.
| 0.715527 | 2,334 |
dié werk dek n wye verskeidenheid temas, insluitend voedselsekerheid, die beëindiging van geslagsgebaseerde geweld, opgradering van informele nedersettings en baie meer.
| this work cuts across a range of themes, including food security, ending genderbased violence, informal settlement upgrading and much more.
| 0.883203 | 1,299 |
sy verduidelik dat aahv en aav neuroontwikkelingsversteurings is met gedragspro bleme, soos onoplettendheid.
| this shows in the form of: making careless mistakes not completing tasks losing things being easily distracted and forgetful examples of hyperactivity or impulsiveness include: fidgeting tapping hands or feet squirming in their seat blurting out answers and getting up when expected to remain seated.
| 0.661505 | 132 |
dit is waarom n kritiese deel van ons program dit behels om ondernemings in staatsbesit te versterk, tot finansiële welstand te herstel, bedryfsprestasie te verbeter en hier die ondernemings in staat te stel om n meer prominente en voordelige rol in die ekonomie te speel.
| that is why a critical part of our programme is to strengthen stateowned enterprises, restoring them to financial health, improving their operational performance and enabling them to play a more prominent and beneficial role in the economy.
| 0.899434 | 2,815 |
ons was ook deur middel van operasie vulindlela in staat om n meer gefokusde en holistiese benadering tot hervorming te volg, wat beter koördinering waar veelvoudige departemente en entiteite betrokke is, tot gevolg het.
| through operation vulindlela, we have also been able to take a more focused and holistic approach to reforms, ensuring better coordination where multiple departments and entities are involved.
| 0.940212 | 3,038 |
hy het weens groepsdruk begin rook toe hy 18 jaar oud was.
| he started smoking when he was 18 as a result of peer pressure.
| 0.779989 | 1,905 |
die wnnr het aan die cpap begin werk nadat daar wêreldwyd 'n ernstige tekort aan ventilators ontstaan het.
| the csir started working on the cpap after the world began experiencing an extreme shortage in ventilators.
| 0.884471 | 843 |
mhlabane, wat voorheen ’n ingenieur was, het altyd beplan om die korporatiewe wêreld te verlaat en haar eie eiendomsagentskap te begin.
| mhlabane, a former engineer, always had plans to leave the corporate world to start her own property business.
| 0.913177 | 1,801 |
die spesiale kovidtoelae is met drie maande verleng.
| the special covid grant has been extended for another three months.
| 0.795931 | 1,628 |
"grondhervorming is nie net in die belang van reg stelling, geregtigheid and maatskaplike samehang nie.
| "land reform isn’t just in the interests of redress, justice and social cohesion.
| 0.827454 | 2,025 |
die projek voorsien befondsing aan 21 nro's, wat meer as 3 500 pasiënte, meest al vanuit landelike gebiede, ondersteun.
| the project provides funding to 21 ngos who have supported more than 3 500 patients, the majority based in rural areas.
| 0.881168 | 269 |
»was jou hande deeglik met seep.
| »wash your hands with soap thoroughly.
| 0.792816 | 629 |
van die deelnemers aan die debat het ekonomiese planne voorgelê wat reeds in gevorderde stadiums van ontwikkeling is.
| a number of participants outlined economic plans that are already in advanced stages of development.
| 0.813759 | 1,730 |
dit is ook 'n baie belangrike ontwikkeling vir ons ekonomie, omdat ons daarna streef om ekonomies weer op dreef te kom.
| it is also a very important development as we strive to restart our economy.
| 0.837388 | 1,033 |
as deel van die ekonomiese heropbouen herstelplan het die regering die toerismesektor geïdentifiseer as een van die kritiese ingrypingsareas en n sleutelaandrywer van ekonomiese herstel.
| as part of the economic reconstruction and recovery plan, the government has identified the tourism sector as one of the critical intervention areas and a key driver of economic recovery.
| 0.885252 | 3,433 |
volgens best, ondersteun vulekamali die burgerlike samelewing en die publiek se betrokkenheid in begrotings prosesse en stel burgers in staat om ingeligte besprekings oor regeringsbeleide te hou.
| according to best, vulekamali supports involvement by civil society and the public in budget processes and enables citizens to have informed discussions about government policies.
| 0.908114 | 286 |
dit is n belegging in die toekoms, omdat dit die breër ekonomie se herstelagenda ondersteun deur dringend ons mense aan die werk te kry om ons nasionale en munisipale infrastruktuur te verbeter.
| it is an investment in the future, in that it supports the broader economic recovery agenda by urgently getting our people to work on improving our national and municipal infrastructure.
| 0.868916 | 1,326 |
die president het die tyd geneem om suidafrikaners aan te moedig om die lewensreddende inspuiting te kry, steeds basiese gesondheidsmaatreëls te volg en waaksaam te bly.
| the president took the time to urge south africans to take the lifesaving jab and continue to observe basic health measures and remain vigilant.
| 0.847723 | 2,791 |
dit sal ons in staat stel om 'n geïntegreerde en gekoördineerde rampbestuursprogram te bedryf en om vinnige en doeltreffende noodreaksiestelsels in plek te stel.
| this will enable us to have an integrated and coordinated disaster management mechanism and to set up emergency, rapid and effective response systems.
| 0.870754 | 300 |
onwettige migrasie beïnvloed dienslewering en plaas bykomende druk op noodsaaklike dienste soos gesondheidsorg en onder wys.
| illegal migration affects service delivery and places additional burdens on essential services such as health care and education.
| 0.875608 | 3,012 |
die beurs wissel van r45 000 tot r70 000 per jaar, gebaseer op die studieveld en tersiêre inrigting.
| the bursary ranges from r45 000 to r70 000 per annum, based on the field of study and institution.
| 0.906017 | 3,408 |
suidafrika moet sy pogings om jong mans medies te besny uitbrei, om hul risiko om miv op te doen, te verminder.
| south africa needs to increase efforts to medically circumcise young men to reduce their risk of acquiring hiv .
| 0.855227 | 1,447 |
| gov.
| 1 | 1,472 |
"die ct hanteer verskeie aansoeke.
| "the ct deals with various applications.
| 0.690246 | 2,685 |
bilaterale handel het gegroei, veral met china en indië, met kommoditeits uitvoere en die invoer van vervaardigde goedere hoog op die lys.
| bilateral trade has grown, particularly with china and india, with commodity exports and manufactured goods imports featuring strongly.
| 0.876393 | 2,348 |
ons kon die verspreiding van die siekte, hoofsaaklik danksy al ons landsburgers se same werking en waaksaamheid, in bedwang hou.
| we have managed to contain the spread of the disease primarily because of the cooperation and vigilance of all citizens.
| 0.763617 | 1,186 |
dié idee — dat die breër gemeen skap vir die ontwikkeling, welstand en veiligheid van elke kind verantwoordelik is — gaan deur my gedagtes wanneer ek aan die onlangse tragiese en hoogs ontstellende dood, op n skoolkamp, van 13jarige enock mpianzi, dink.
| this idea – that the broader community has a responsibility for the development, wellbeing and safety of each child – comes to mind when i think about the tragic and deeply upsetting death of 13yearold enock mpianzi on a school camp recently.
| 0.927509 | 65 |
die werklikheid is dat ons beide benodig.
| the reality is that we need both.
| 0.781091 | 2,802 |
ons het derhalwe besluit om die verbod op die verkoop en verspreiding van alkohol weer in te stel om die druk op hospitaalkapasiteit te verlig.
| we have therefore decided that in order to conserve hospital capacity, the sale, dispensing and distribution of alcohol will be suspended with immediate effect.
| 0.765365 | 890 |
dit behels die oplei ding van staatsaanklaers en landdrosse, voorskrifte aan sapdamptenare met betrekking tot borgstel ling en die hersiening van klagstate om die nuwe oortredings in te sluit.
| these include training of prosecutors and magistrates, issuing directives on bail to all saps officials, and revising charge sheets to include the newly created offences.
| 0.78919 | 3,391 |
die huidige uitbraak word oorheers deur hoë syfers in europa, met die verenigde koninkryk wat lei met meer as 700 gevalle, spanje met net meer as 500, gevolg deur duitsland, portugal en frankryk.
| the current outbreak is dominated by high numbers in europe with the uk leading with over 700 cases, spain with just over 500, followed by germany, portugal and france.
| 0.929978 | 3,295 |
vir die tweede agtereen volgende jaar word hierdie geleenthede gevier te midde van ’n vernietigende wêreld wye pandemie wat reeds die lewens van 2.5 miljoen mense regoor die wêreld geëis het.
| for the second year, these occasions have been marked in the midst of a devastating global pandemic that has cost the lives of more than 2.5 million people across the world.
| 0.819402 | 1,766 |
v: moet ek ingeënt word as ek herstel het van kovid19?
| q: do i need to be vaccinated if i have recovered from covid19?
| 0.877507 | 2,389 |
"die platform sal outoma ties kuberafknouery in geselsgroepe identifiseer en gebruikers wat aanhou om haatspraak te stuur, blokkeer.
| "the platform will automatically detect cyberbullying on chat groups and block users who continue to send hate speech.
| 0.83801 | 1,964 |
ons het 'n doelbewuste besluit geneem om nie die pad van besnoeiingsmaatreëls te volg nie.
| we have made a deliberate decision not to pursue a path of austerity.
| 0.847177 | 230 |
maak seker dat dit goed pas.
| make sure it fits well.
| 0.822712 | 503 |
die skool het onlangs die toekenning as beste skool in die nsvp ontvang.
| the school recently won the nsnp best school award.
| 0.826167 | 2,881 |