Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi there I have a sore toe and has been sore for 2 -3 days now I thought it might be a chilblain but have just looked at toe and noticed two white dots just smaller than a pin head and the don t look filled like a blister or have any holes in in but are tender to touch ### REPLY: Hello. Thanks for writing to . I read and understand your question very well. I try my best to help you. As you have white spot on toenail which is tender to touch. This may be due to local trauma, due to excessive cold, may be local infection. I suggest taking Tab Dan P and antibiotic for this. If symptom not resolve than consult a good dermatologist for this. I hope my advice will help you a lot. Thanks and Regards. . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello doc,I m suffering frm epilepsy.At start, doctor advised me to take levera 500 2per a day.day by day it became 4 per a day.sevior seizures are controlled bt still its thr as absence seizure.now my doc prescribed me epilex chrono 300.If once i ll take this medicine then would i have to continue this for the life time???? I am of 30,female,Ht- 5ft 2inch wt. 65. ### REPLY: Hi, First, the patient with epilepsy can stop taking the medications after two-year normal EEG and there is no symptom during this period. If the EEG findings still occur, or you have the symptoms you cannot stop the medications. If you cannot tolerate the side effect s of the medications, you can ask your doctor about other methods such as vagus nerve stimulation, ketogenic diet and a surgical operation. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hello,in April I was at home, just about to walk downstairs when it felt like my heart started jumping all over the place.not pounding/thumping. Having had flutters and pounding before, i didnt panic because i knew that it would pass. i did notice it was different,jumping fast all over my chest area, also i felt like i was going to pass out.then the feeling went into my neck and in my stomach,like pumping then i had slight pain under my jaw and under cheekbone area.Started to feel bit heavy on my chest but no chest pain. fainting feeling went away and i carried on as normal. A week later was sitting down,my heart felt little bit the same and like i was going to pass out.Only mild and not as long as before.About a week later went to see nurse about something else,didnt mention it, she took blood pressure, said it was fine.left, walked to shops, was there looking about 10minutes and my heart started jumping all over again but i was more concentrating on not passing out,just trying to get my breath back.somebody came to help me.Since then, i can constantly feel my heart doing something different.Im not sure if its stopping or jumping? Even my husband can feel it in my pulse in my neck,he said its like a pause. it also seems to make me cough and when it does a double jump it seems to jolt me? ### REPLY: Kind of description you're giving, its look like you are having tachycardia episodes (high pulse rate) most probably the condition called as PSV. Best treatment is electrophysiologist studies which will confirm the diagnosis and can be treated with ablation simultaneously and mostly permanently. If not try to get ECG done if possible during the episodes or try measure pulse rate or heart rate and treatment try cough multiple time which will stop this tachycardia. You can also pour cold water over your face or try to blow out air through closed nostril and mouth, which will make high pulse rate subside. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my 13 year old daughter ha milia on her face and more bigger bumps under and over her eyelids for three years now, i took her to the dermatoloist here and she says they will go away on her own, my question is is there a quick treatment for her milia, my daughter is getting sad and self conscious about her looks and she thinks she looks ugly, i keep assuring her that she is the pretiest girl on this earth. ### REPLY: Hi...Emilia is a self limiting disorder and doesn't require any specific treatment. Only problem is that it can be recurrent. Only reassurance is needed. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi..my 1 year old baby has fever for 4 days, after given paracetamol, she had recovered...while fever she has sore throat as well, as she didnt want to drink water...and now her gum is red and her mouth is very smelly...what should i do?now i give her a lot of barley drink.. ### REPLY: Thanks for your query. I have gone through your query. The soreness in the gums and throat associated with fever can be because of the herpes simplex virus infection. Nothing to be panic, consult an oral physician and get it evaluated. Meanwhile you can take symptomatic treatment like topical analgesic like lidocaine, topical analgesic like choline salicylate. Do saline gargling, it is a self limiting condition. Nothing to worry. I hope I have answered your query. Take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Dear Sir/ Madam, I have been suffering from Jaundice since last one month.My Bilirubin count is now 0.9mg/dl however there is not much improvement in my SGPT /SGOT/Alkaline Phospatase count.Please find below my last 15 days Report. Dt-17/6/2017-SGPT-132/SGOT-121/Alkaline Phospatase-152 Dt-8//6/2017-SGPT-146/SGOT-112/Alkaline Phospatase-319 Please advise as how long it will take to come to a normal level or if i have to take some additional steps as i am strictly having home boiled food without any spices and also having only boiled water. ### REPLY: You are improving subject yourself to clinical examination look for enlarged liver citrus and appetite level they are signs of progress exclude hepatitis b and c since you have to take specific treatment and confirm improvement are you immunized against hepatitis b. otherwise you are improving. Have you got nausea and vomiting? Take bland diet. Less oil and spices keep watch on your improvement. Repeat liver function test. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Dear Sir, I am Nilkanth Pancholi (Male) age 39yrs. from Ahmedabad, Gujarat and doing job in purchase dept. of a pvt. ltd. co. I am suffering from PAH (Pulmonary Artrial Hypertension)since last 6 yrs. First my family doctor once checking me while fever, told that there is some murmur noice in your heart and advise me for check up. At that time before around 6 yrs I was been informed about PAH. I was given Sildenafil (Penegra) drug and I took it for 5 months. Then after I did not took any drug for 4 yrs. Thenafter I visited again doctor and it measured near 100. I was given Bosentan (Lupibose) drug and I took it for 10 to 12 months. Thenafter I m not taking any drug since now. These days if i walks fast or goes up even on first floor I breaths faster. I feel tired and feels to seat for a while. Even I lift some weight my breathing starts faster.Sir, please advise me what should I do, what is the available treatment for this or what should I take care of. Pl. advise me. Thanking you,Best RegardsNilkanth Pancholi ### REPLY: Hello Ninth, First the cause of pulmonary hypertension should Evaluate and specific treatment for the same would be most effective. If it's found to be idiopathic or primary (without any cause), a High heart catheterization (Talk to your Cardiologist) for the same would help determine vasodilator reactivity. Lastly it's not wise to stop medication, rather the pulmonary pressure described by you, a combination of both sildenafila and Bosnian should be considered. Fine titration by your doctor is the best way forward. Regards . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am due or delivery in 11 days and has been diagnosed with high alkaline phosphate, sgot and sgpt levels. I also had nausea, vomiting and severe heartburn all throughout, though worsened since past 1 month. Please suggest, also what impact does this have on the child? ### REPLY: Hello, I have gone through your query and understood the concern. In the current scenario, your liver function should be assessed further by a physician or a gastroenterologist and further management planned. Your investigation reports suggest, though not specific, of some hepatic malfunction. Raised alkaline phosphatase can be seen during the third trimester of pregnancy due to elevated isoenzyme levels. Clinical correlation is more important in the diagnosis. There may not be any significant impact on the baby as your pregnancy has reached term; the coagulation profile should be assessed and any abnormal values taken care of prior to delivery. Wish you good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: This is for my father in law Mr. B. K. Majumdar aged 83 yrs old diabetic patient now blood creatinine 4.7 and urea 86 mg /dl has been asked for dialysis by local Mysore doc. Wanted to have an opinion if any alternative is available at your hopital? Whom should we consult? looking for an appointment through phone but not getting through to this dept. A line of advise would be highly appreciatedThanks sourav YYYY@YYYY ### REPLY: Hello, Dialysis is also Known as renal Replacement Therapy. For calculation purpose I am assuming the patients weight to be 60 Kg as it is the reference weight for Male. The formula used in his case is Weight In Kg X (140-Age in Years) divided by Serum Creatinine X 72 which is about 10.11 mL/min in our patient. Now as per the 2005 European Guidelines-1. Dialysis should be initiated when GFR is 2. Before GFR has fallen to 6 mL/min irrespective of symptoms. Diabetic patients may get the benefit from an earlier start, hence your doctor has advised Dialysis. Alternate Options to Hemodialysis (HD) would be Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) and Kidney Transplant. Considering the age Dialysis would be the only available option. Choosing between HD and PD-Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CARD) is preferred in young child . If the patient has some residual kidney functions then you can start him on CARD, and later he can be shifted to Hemodialysis once he becomes an uric (means urine output is less than 100ml/24 hours)Hope this make things easy for you to come to a conclusion. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am having very serious stomach pain in my upper abdomen (in teh middle just after the rib cage)..that feels liek my intestine are twisting . Also when this starts it causes me to fill nauseuous and i start spitting very watery saliva out conatantly for at least 5min .tehn it stops and starts again. What might be the problem ..it happen before and even after eating ### REPLY: Hi thanks for your question. Commonest cause of pain in the middle of abdomen above rib cage with nausea is gastritis that is inflammation of stomach. Gastritis is caused by excessive acid production secondary to a variety of factors like cigarette smoking, alcohol,spicy food and infection of stomach by a bacterium called as H Pylori. Gastitis is also associated with excessive salivation. You can take antacid, and proton pump blockers like pantoprazole. Consultation with a physician is advisable who may perform upper G I endoscopy on you to determine the cause of your symptoms. Hope this answers your question. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here..Hi doctor my 2.5 years old daughter complains of little stomach pain and have water stool (2 or 3) occasionally (like 2 week interval). I will appreciate if you can provide me your advise ### REPLY: Hi, It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting. You need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic-associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, i have recently been getting what seem to be man boobs /gyno over the past 3 months or so and i thought hey i just dropped some weight. Ive now dropped down to 15% body fat and my chest is firm but i still have puffiness/extra skin type of thing around my nipples. Today i squeezed one nipple and from my areola i could see small specs of liquid coming out from the little bumps. The same happened with my other nipple. The liquid would glisten in the light. I think it was somewhat white. What could this be? ### REPLY: You didn't mention your age, if you are adolescent then there is nothing to worry about but if you are really much anxious and many queries are coming into your mind then go for laboratory tests such as thyroid profile, testosterone estimation and some other essential tests under guidance of your local physician. Thia is just to assure you if there are any abnormalities then it would be treated accordingly. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi I m Nena plese if you could let me know if I have pneumonia. I m coughing for 3 weeks very dry cough,mostly when I m walking then it make worse my dr I don t have a fiver or any pain only for one day!my dr listen my lungs only hi send nothing too wory obviously I m work . Wory bicouse I was for the beginning coding some pinkish a blood with mucus, bat not anymore! My litly kidc was sick and I gat from them!! I m on Biaxin and I know it is not helping viruses but I ask dr got pr. Plese what do you think my dr didn t give me any diagnosis,Thanks Nena ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. You are having hemoptysis (blood in sputum). This is mostly seen with lung infection, tuberculosis, bronchitis and lung cancer. Possibility of lung infection related hemoptysis is more likely. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and chest x-ray. You may need higher antibiotic (higher than Brain) and other supportive . Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi my name is Alicia and the back of my left side hurts and Burns I also got to an accident at the end of July it has been a month that it has been hurting and burning I am scared of it being brain cancer and I am only 27years old or is it because the accident I already got a nerve tention test done and it came out positive ### REPLY: Hello have not mentioned in which part of body on left back hurts and burn, but I suppose you are referring to head as your question is about brain cancer so my advice is dependent on this presumptions symptoms do not occur VIN brain cancer so does not seem to be a Brian cancers there is history of accident BRAIN MRI is required to rule out Bain injury and then consult neurosurgeonLocal ice pack treatment is tried if no cut or wound It may help even notate care . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My husband has had a laminectomy then a discectomy and a spinal fusion 5 weeks ago. All 3 of theses ops in 18 months. Now has elevated liver function tests. After 1st two ops doctor said there was lots of scar tissue. Is it possible it may have travelled and rested on liver. ### REPLY: Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Your laminectomy, discectomy and spinal fusion has no relation with elevated liver function test. It can be due to some viral infection, . Scar tissue has no relation with it. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any doubts then feel free to ask me. I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using . Wish you a very good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: i am having kidny stone 16mm can you suggest me it can be desolve by homio medicin previously it is 17 cm after one month it has become 14 while i am taking cystone tab 3 daily and kidny stone powder suggest me what to do mai go above medicine continue or for operation i dint have sever pai but pain is berable ### REPLY: HelloThanks for query. Based on the facts that you have kidney stone of a size of 16 mm and taking ayurvedic medication. At the outset I would like to state that there are no medications in any path of medical science that can dissolve the stone or reduce the size of the stone that you have can be fragmented by non-invasive procedure called Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Lithography (E.S.W.L.) The fragments of the stones (Gravel) passes out through urine. It is an out patient procedure and does not require anesthesia or Hospitalization. . . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi i am feeling dizzy frequently during the day. it started 4 days ago and is getting worse. i have started to feel sick as well as getting faint pins and needles in my right hand thatlast for a couple of seconds. i do not black out and am not off balance although really worried. it happens when i sit, stand, drive etc. the dizziness only lasts about 3-5 seconds and i feel as though i am high on drugs although have never touched drugs in my life. i am not on any medication . ### REPLY: Hi, Thank you for posting your query. The most likely cause for your intermittent dizziness is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This is not a serious illness, and improves well with medical treatment. You can take medications such as betahistine tablets. Then, doing vestibular adaptation exercises would also help. If you do not improve, an ENT consultation would help. Best wishes, . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My 82 year old father called me Sunday night at around 11 pm... He said he had fallen and couldnt get up, His words were slurred.. I got to his apartment and the paramedics were getting ready to take him to the hospital.. The ER doctor told me and also showed me his CT scan and said he had a mass on the left side middle part of brain.. They took him to a larger city and the doctors there have repeated the CT and did an MRI and they say there is no mass... What could it be and how did this mass disappear so quickly ?? Any help is greatly appreciated. ### REPLY: I am not able to understand how paramedics could've shown you a CT scan of his head after he had fallen. Was that a CT scan that had already been done which your father just happened to show the paramedics because they certainly couldn gotten one on site. I would say that the hospital and doctors there who repeated the studies and got even an MRI which is highly sensitive for mass lesions are correct when they say there is no mass. I would have to say that the paramedics' interpretation was wrong. That's why paramedics should refrain from doing things they are not trained to do. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi I went doc about a week ago because of swelling in my jaw and neck. I was advised to have an ultrasound and it was clear and doc said the cause of swelling was likely due to an infection of throat or some dental problem and had prescribed me with antibiotics for 5 days. So I went to dentist too see if everything was ok and I did my normal routine cleaning and I had 3 fillings. Dentist had taken an x ray and mentioned that my upper wisdom tooth had erupted and I would have remove it since it was overlapping with my other tooth and also since the bottom wisodom tooth had not erupted yet the top two was actually touching my gums which causes infections and bacteria. The next morning after I had gone to the dentist I had a terrible headache followed by fever and a bad cough . So I had 3 days of temp and bad cough and felt week so had gone to another doc and mentioned that I have bronchitis and need to take a course of antibiotics. My concern is how long I have to wait to remove my wisdom tooth and if there would be any complications? ### REPLY: Hello, I understand your concerns and am glad to assist you. Am I correct to assume that you have started the antibiotics for the Bronchitis? You should be getting relief and symptoms decreasing. Where you diagnosed with a viral and bacterial condition aside from tootChatDoctorplications? Is the swelling no longer spreading? Any pus, swelling at tooth location? Keep your mouth clean and rinsing daily. Your medical history is a factor to determine when the tooth can be extracted. You can not consider many types of sedation if your lungs are not clear. Are you going to an oral surgeon for the extraction since the dentist did not take the wisdom tooth out? Since you had a dental exam, what was the treatment plan to remove the wisdom tooth? Being on antibiotics does not mean you have to wait to have the tooth out, but other medications promote bleeding and should not be taken when planning an extraction. A common pain, fever reducing medicine, aspirin, must be stopped before extractions, or you can risk excessive bleeding. Please follow your medication directions, update your dentist and physician on your condition and proceed as doctors advise. Consulting now with an oral surgeon is to be considered. The surgeon needs to determine how complex an extraction will be especially since one wisdom tooth seems to be impacted under bone. Providing more answers may allow me to provide more direction for you. I am here to help and hope you are feeling better. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Ive been on implanon for around 2 years, and I was taking some antibiotics called sulfameth/trimethoprim last month, and for the past few days Ive been feeling nauseous, tired and having pains in my stomach, though they dont lest very long,. but I took a pregnancy test and it had came up negative. and I was just wondering if it would affect the test. and if that antibiotics would affect the birth control.? ### REPLY: Hi, Trimethoprim can affect contraception to some extent. I suggest getting a pregnancy test. Please repeat a urine pregnancy test if you see your cycles and have missed them or go for the serum beta-ChatDoctor estimation which is more sensitive and specific. You should also get a trans-vaginal sonogram to review the pelvic organs. Please also remember that the antibiotic itself can cause some amount of gastric distress. Please see your doctor for further suggestions. Hope you find this information useful. Take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello I have a daughter of age 7 months. 2 months ago we found few white dots on her back and one bead size white spot on her thiegh. Please suggest is there any cure for that. I have consulted few doctors (dermatologists) who prove it to be vitiligo. so now please suggest any 100% cure for her ### REPLY: Thanks for the query. Please upload the picture for better diagnosis. But if you are sure that it is vitiligo then you can apply local steroid containing creams after consulting a doctor. Calcipotriol has been trad in some patients with variable results. Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus have emerged as the two major modalities for treatment of childhood epilepsy and has fewer side effects. For further details and treatment you can see a doctor(dermatologist). Hope I helped you. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my child is 5 yrs old.But his growth is so bad. he has no interest in feeding. recently he was suffering in typhoid.As pathological report,some time he suffered in dengu fever. Day by day he is going to be weak & tired. Pl.give me a suggession what can i do for my child ### REPLY: Brief answer:Do a complete blood count, stool routine microscopy and start multivitamin syrup. Detailed answer:Hi, welcome to . I know that you are very much concerned about your child. If your child has recurrent infections and is very thin, then you should do complete blood count and stool routine microscopy. Also, a multivitamin syrup should be started for 2 months. Further treatment will depend on above reports. I hope this will help you. Wishing your child good health. Take care. Regards: . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi, after marriage i concieve but my baby is not growing.and doctr did dnc after that 1 year i didnt concieve and my husbnd reports of siemen analysis was worst.now his reports is fine and doctr advised me to take proflien.my mensus are regular .and iam 24 yr old ### REPLY: Hello...thanks for trusting the doctors for your health related queries. I guess your concern is about.chances of getting pregnant when results are normal.right.well.there is HIGH CHANCES of getting when all reports are normal. For getting pregnant following things are required-in women-regular menses reproductive age group(15-45years)normal reproductive organs(uterus, tubes,ovaries etc.). In man-normal semen analysis(normal sperm count, motility etc.) as u told that u both have all reports normal then DON'T WORRY.RELAX.there is high chances of getting pregnancy in your case.u also told that u had abortion, but DON'T WORRY, it happens with most of the women. It doesn't mean that u can't be pregnant in the future. it's normal.nothing is wrong in this. With the above discussion u can try out my suggestions-1. Try to do coitus during fertile period(it is from 10th to 16th day of menses during this period chances of getting pregnancy is high).2. KEEP PATIENCE...there is high chances in your case. Just RELAX.3. If u r in hurry then visit nearby infertility specialist. He/she can help u. I hope the above information is useful, informative and helpful for u.regards- . . I can understand your tense-full situation, DON'T WORRY, I pray the God that u will be blessed with a cute n healthy baby.hopefully TWINS) ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Sir, I am just 34 yrs and and my face is also too young but due to the frontal baldness my personality is effected and i am also taking Hairbless tablet and taking nizoral shampoo for hairs. i have some hairs on my frontal upper portion but they are too thick kindly suggest me how to strong those hairs and come out of this baldness. ### REPLY: Hello, Thank you for posting on . I appreciate your concern regarding hair fall. Hair fall is usually ascribed to multiple factors like diet and nutrition, hormones, stress, cosmetic products etc. From your description, it seems you might be having Male pattern hair loss or An . If I were your dermatologist/trichologist, I would like to take through history including family history, history of recent major trauma/illness/stress/medications etc., and recommend some basic investigations like CBC, blood sugar, Thyroid function test. I would suggest you a course of oral tablets containing biotin and other essential vitamins and minerals for minimum 3-6 months. Also, would put you on solution containing 10% minoxidil once a day and a hair serum containing peptides for hair growth at night.(Q era etc.). I would advise you use of gentle shampoo and conditioner on regular basis and use of coconut oil twice a week. Avoid combing in wet hair and let them ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am a 56 year old woman and a few weeks ago had a pimple under my left nipple. When it popped, a white pastie discharge came out. I had no more problems. Yesterday I noticed my nipple is flat and there is a lump behind it. It is somewhat tender and the area is soft but feel itchy all the time. ### REPLY: Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some fibrotic disease of breast. Or you may have breast cancer. Chances of cancer is very low, but we should investigate for that. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology. It will give perfect idea about diagnosis. Then you should take treatment according to your diagnosis. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using . Wish you a very good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My husband has been having pains in his right side and lower back where his kidneys are. The pain in his kidneys feels like they have badly bruised. The pains are getting worse and lasting longer. He has had a ultrasound, Hida Scan to check gallbladder , liver , pancreas . All came out fine but he is still have pains. I suggested a Nephrologist . What tests would a Nephrologist possibly order? ### REPLY: Based on your description I am uncertain as to the extent of work up that has been done other than a HIDE scan and an ultrasound. To evaluate for and exclude kidney causes of his pain, I would suggest a CAT scan of the abdomen and pelvis as well as an urinalysis. If these are reviewed by a physician and are deemed to be normal, it is unlikely that his pain is due to kidney related issues. If there are no other internal organ abnormalities noted on CAT scan, I would suggest speaking with your primary care ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...hi im a 21 year old women trying to conceive for almost 2 years my 21 day blood test came back perfect my doc says i have no problems, my husband is 23 and his seman analasis has came back that his motility is low count and morpholagy are fine what are our chances of becoming parents pls go easy on us were so deppressed and worried ### REPLY: Hi welcome to . I have gone through your question. As you said that your husband has low motility, but you didn't mention % of active sperms. If at least 30% sperms are active motile then no need to worry. Less than 30% motility is inversely related with chance of conceiving. For that I would suggest doing color Doppler ultrasound of scrotum to rule out any testes' pathology like varicocele. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello, I discovered a hard lump on my left collarbone a month ago. It is now big enough that you can visually see it. I also feel like my throat is swelling or getting smaller. I was diagnosed with Rhumatoid Arthritis 5 years ago and have been in Enbrel ever since. Im obviously worried about lymphoma. I dont have any other strange symptoms..Im a 50 year old female. ### REPLY: Hi, In most cases this is just a swollen lymph node which doesn't require any specific treatment. Also, considering your description this may be some other benign subcutaneous lesion such as lipoma, fibrous or atheroma and if there are no skin changes such as redness, pus discharge or pain and fever then you should not be worried since it can be easily surgically removed under local anesthesia. Then it there is doubts it can be sent to the patohistologic analysis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have a sharp (like a needle going in) stabbing pain in the back of the foot near the heal. It just happens suddenly and it goes up the leg and ends around back of knee. It started 2 nights ago and is getting worse. It happens when I am walking, sitting or lying down. ### REPLY: Hello, Thanks for writing to us, I have studied your case. There is possibility of plantar fasciitis. Shoe/footwear should be with soft sole. You can use silicon pad insoles. You should not walk bare foot at home also. Avoid exposure of cold to foot. Start plantar exercises consulting physiotherapist also Physiotherapy like TENS and ultrasound will help. Sometimes tapping to foot may also help to relieve pain. Take calcium supplement with it D. If no relief with this line of treatment then local injection shot can give pain relief for longer duration. Last modality is minimally invasive surgery to release inflamed tissue. You can do plantar fascia release arthroscopic ally. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I had my tooth extracted out last Wednesday but to the disappointment it snapped of and the dentist then had to give up after spend on 1 hour trying to remove it. just the root Is now left , went back the next day for a clove paste appiled as in a lot of pain , have to wait 4 weeks to be referred to hospital but its there anyway of getting this disgusting smell and taste away in the mean time. ### REPLY: Hello, As per your query you have symptoms of bad mouth odor post tooth extraction which occurs because of the persistence of tooth infection leading to facial space infection. Need not worry. I would suggest you visit an oral surgeon once and get a complete examination done. You should take the proper course of antibiotics and get the dental procedure done. Do warm saline gargles and chew on sugar-free candies to stimulate salivary flow. Maintain complete oral hygiene by use of an antimicrobial agent. Keep applying ice packs on jawline on a daily basis. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My wife is suspecting every body thinking that they are talking about her. She is very much disturbed mentally. The psychiatrist has diagnosed as late onset of schizophrenic and given T-Sizodon 4 0-0-1 and T-Parkin 2mg. I kindly request you to inform me the side effects of both the tablets and for how long it has to be taken. ### REPLY: Hi, Of the two medicines she is taking, Soon is the one that will help reduce her symptoms. It has a side effect of causing tremors, muscle spasms and excessive salivation in some people and Parking is given to prevent this side effect. Parking can cause constipation. She will need to continue treatment for schizophrenia for at least a year, maybe more. The duration of treatment depends on many factors and some people may need to be on medicines for their lifetime. Best wishes. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am a 54 year old female and had a severe nephritis infection when I was 6. Since then I have had 3 more serious bouts of nephritis. 3 other members of my family also have blood in the urine, but I occasionally get protein in the urine too. My kidney function has decreased in the last three years and my doctor is now concerned. Having seen a specialist it has been suggested I have a kidney biopsy. However, I am extremely weary of such an invasive procedure, especially in the light of the fact that I am actually very healthy in general. In the end it is my decision, but I am finding this a very difficult one to make. Any help will be gratefully accepted. ### REPLY: Hi, Thanks for writing in. The kidneys are organs which filter out harmful and toxic substances from the blood In this way the urine is formed. This happens through a complicated process in the kidneys and involve stages like glomerular filtration. This is a micro system that causes blood components to flow through small and the main filtration occurs at basement membrane in the glomerulus. When there is proteins seen in the urine in higher quantities than normal then a problem in the basement membrane must be suspected. This also might happen in those who have had nephritis earlier in their life. Your kidney functions might be above normal, and it is important to evaluate the excretion of proteins by doing a biopsy. It is done using ultrasound guidance and considered safe and less painful and done under local anesthesia. The biopsy will show any problems in the kidney glomerulus and basement membrane and guide your treatment. Please do not worry. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: [URL=http://s1280.photobucket.com/user/nonames4/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsf07d9ae4.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1280.photobucket.com/albums/a484/nonames4/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsf07d9ae4.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I have been having issues with my tonsils for the past 2 month now. I got these clear fluid like bumps on my tonsils they make me feel like there s something constantly stuck in my throat. Last time I had this it last a month, went away but now it s back. Each time they showed up was after I got sick I noticed. I also cough and a little bit of thick phlem comes up each time. I went to the dr last time and he said it wasn t anything to worry about but I am worried. ### REPLY: Hello dear, thanks for your question on . I can understand your situation and problem. You are having recurrent tonsillitis. The most common cause for this is viral Infection (influenza). So I advise you to take adult influenza vaccination annually to prevent recurrent viral tonsillitis. Surgery is also an option. Recurrent tonsillitis is an indication for surgery. Tonsillectomy is the surgery needed for this. So better to consult ENT doctor and discuss all these options. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am wondering if I should be real concerned my chest gets really tight feeling for awhile and then just comes & goes but it doesnt seem right! I have bad circulation could that be apart of the problem? I am 35 year old woman with 4 kids and have had my galblader removed and now overweight. ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. In my opinion, we should first rule out heart diseases for your chest tightness. So get done blood pressure monitoring, ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). If all these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Sometimes undiagnosed stress and anxiety can also cause chest tightness. So consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic . Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I got married 1 and half year back But last month I contacted gynpcologist who advised me to undergo tbbpcr test..which outcome was positive..but to confirm Tb infection I undergo tbplatina igra test which was negative.but doctor still recomending for akt4 for 2 mo n th.my menses also not proper.shold I start akt4 for anti Tb drug.cann I conceive after full course of akt4. Little bit blockage is also there in my falopion tube inn hsg.can it be cured fully...i m very depressed after came to know Tb infection. Nisha 27 years ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your situation and problem. Tuberculosis of Fallopian tunes is common cause for blockage of tuberculosis and infertility, especially in India. And your TB PCR is also positive, this also favor possibility of tuberculosis more. So better to start anti tb treatment. It is having two phases. 1. Intensive phase consists of four . 2. Continuation phase consists of two ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi .. i have been having mild to severe dizziness from past few days , I have consulted a doctor and I have been prescribed betahistine drug. We that I have some relief but it recurs if I dont take or delay the medicine for even a few hours. Please advice if this is bppv related or what sort of specialist is need to consult ### REPLY: Hi, Thanks for using the . I am happy to ad . The inner ear has fluid-filled tubes called semicircular canals. The canals are very sensitive to movement of the fluid, which occurs as you change position. The fluid movement allows your brain to interpret your bodies position and maintain your balance. The spinning sensation and dizziness is usually triggered by moving the head, often starts suddenly, lasts a few seconds to minutes. The most effective treatment are exercises (as advised by your clinician) that can readjust your response to head movements. Medications like antihistamines (betahistine) may be prescribed to relieve the spinning sensations. To prevent your symptoms from getting worse during episodes of vertigo, avoid the positions that trigger it. Benign positional vertigo is uncomfortable, but usually improves with time. Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help. Thanks ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Ive been short of breath, coughing, slight wheezing for the past month. I had a short course of prednisone about 2 and a half weeks ago. I keep feeling like im improving then start coughing and wheezing the next day. I have had a long history with asthma with only one exaherbation a year. They are usually cold induced. I had a slight head cold just about a month ago. I also have severe sleep apnea and use a cpap set at 9. I have back pain located between my shoulder blades. It always hurts but is worse when taking a deep breath. My oxygen saturation has been mostly 97%- 98% (im usually 99-100%.)i have been dipping down as low as 94%. I m afraid to go back to the doctor for fear they will think im a hypochondriac. Night time and first thing in the morning are worst. What are our thoughts. ### REPLY: Hi welcome to ChatDoctori have read your question and concerned about your problems you are saying that you are an asthmatic and sleep Anna pt on CPAP therapy and as you are having your asthmatic attack now it is normal to have a dip in o2 saturation(when you are wheezing) now you have to optimize your treatment for asthma with use of inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators and if necessary oral steroids. Other possibility for dip in saturation is inadequate CPAP therapy so consult your pulmonologist and first optimize your therapy for asthma and if the problem persists you have to optimize your CPAP therapy thank u ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My 3 year old was stung by a bee on the foot yesterday. The whole foot swelled overnight. He vomited once, woke with a fever and hives. The fever is controlled with Tylenol, the swelling reduces with benadryl and cold compress but the hives continue to appear. He has not had any difficulty breathing. Should we be worried? ### REPLY: Hi, By what you quote it should be an urticaria or a simple skin allergy. You can use HY . Most important thing to be remembered is that it has a propensity to recur (called as second crop) within 10-14 days. If this happens, you can start using the same medicine, but I suggest you get the kid evaluated with your pediatrician. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am thinking of taking microgynon again. I have a packet that was prescribed in 2012 and still has the expiry date of 05/2016. One of the pills has slightly been exposed to air but not fallen out as they have been in a cool, dry, dark place. Are they still ok and effective to take? My first day of my period begins tomorrow/Tuesday. Also, is it safe to drink herbal teas such as peppermint, lemon and ginger, lemon and honey, chamomile, fennel? What impact does taking any laxative medicine have on the pill? Kind regards ### REPLY: Hallow Dear, If the pills have not crossed expiration date, they are safe for consumption. However, please do not consume the pill that was exposed to air. Discard the pill. Take only the pills whose pack is not tampered. If more than 3 pills are in such tampered packet, please discard the whole packet and take a fresh pack. You can take herbal tea with the pills without any untoward effect. I hope this clarifies your doubts. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: goodmorning doctor, this past few days, i have the inability to burp, i have this feeling of pounding heart and then hyperactive sounds heard all over my abdomen when im rested.what seems to be the problem?is there any relief or medications that would help me to burp completely? ### REPLY: Hello, It appears to an acidity and gastritis. Do you also have upper abdominal pain, nausea, increase in pain on food, sour water feeling in throat or chest burning, these are the other symptoms and may be associated? You should avoid fatty, oily and spicy diet. Have some walk after having food instead of taking rest. Have multiple small meals instead of heavy meals. Have regular sleep habits and avoid stress. Lots of green leafy vegetables, fruits. Avoid smoking and alcohol if any. You can get prescribed tab Pan DSR 40 mg or omeprazole risperidone combination before breakfast once a day for 2 weeks. If not adequately relieved, then you should add SYR sacral O or genus two teaspoon three times a day for a week. Hope this helps you. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Two year old has low grade fever, has not urinated but once today, matted eyes, runny nose, and is complaining that her leg hurts. Has not eaten anything in two days but two French fries. Has drank a lot. ### REPLY: Hi... Thank you for consulting in . Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child . For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25 mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have a small area of sore gums inside my mouth . It s on the bottom left side, on the inside side of the jawbone where my wisdom tooth would be if I had not had it removed years ago. It hurts to push on it, feels slightly bumpy underneath the skin, and may be slightly swollen. I haven t had any injuries or anything. What could it be? ### REPLY: Hello, the swollen sore gums behind your second molar after removal of wisdom tooth, is indicative of distal periodontal pocket(gum infection) in relation to second molar. It is very common after extraction of wisdom tooth. Treatment of it involves-small periodontal surgery (cleaning of region). And irrigation of area regularly. Cleaning of the swollen gum region via interdental aids. And finger gum massage. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I banged my left heel some time ago and I believe I damaged a bursa sac(?) it periodically flares up but generally after a couple of days and anti inflammatories the swelling and pain are gone. Not so now but I have been walking/limping about and after an hour or so I can walk with a bit of a limp but the next day it is worse again. What can I do? ### REPLY: Hi. Your burial injury flares up every time you walk because of your tight tend chili... So I recommend you to do. Lot of icing frequently in the painful area. Lot of gentle stretches to calf muscles... Gentle message to calf musclesWork on ankle range of motion. Strengthening of calf muscle eccentrically will help you to get rid of your problem... Hope this is helpful for you. Kindly revert in case you need any further help in this regard. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I ve been having anxiety for the past 7 months and recently I ve been getting mild headaches and weird sensations all over my head. I also get these weird feelings like numb-like waves that happen only for like 2 seconds. I also have tension around my neck and back/chest on the left side of my body. I really hope it s nothing really serious... ### REPLY: Earle understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely opine that these could be signs of anxiety and apprehension. These could arise out of obsession also. You had that disturbing sensation once. You expected it to happen again and tried. Then you started experiencing it as you were expecting it. Then your body brought the familiar symptom because you are expecting it. Then you started worrying that the symptom is coming again and again and expect it. Body brings it again as you are expecting it. You become worried and so on. That is obsession in simple terms. Ignore it and the problem vanishes. I sincerely think, you need expert medical / psychological advise. Please consult a psychologist. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: i was just diagnosed with folliculitis on my genital area. But i also noticed 2 small red bumps near the glans where there is no hair follicle, and now i have a slight discomfort when urinating. I am in a monogamous relationship and do not suspect an STD. Can this be something else? ### REPLY: HelloThanks for query. Lumps around the glans penis a coronal Julius are due to infection of glans (Atlantis) and are usually due to allergic reaction to vaginal secretion of a female partner which is acidic in nature. You need to take broad spectrum antibiotic like Čeferin along with anti-inflammatory . Along with topical antibiotic ointment like Newsprint twice daily. Ask your female partner to take same antibiotics for a week. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Im 62 in good health. I take Verapamil SR 120mg. My BP is usually 130/82. I rarely check it. It seems to have spiked o 160/95, Pulse 85. I feel my usual good self. No other medications and a few supplements. Vegetarian diet - high fiber. Biggest vice is coffee with half and half. What could cause sucha spike? 95 year old mother has lifetime hx of high BP. ### REPLY: Hi, thanks for posting a question on our site. In this kind of situation from my clinical experience can be caused by coffee intake, smoking or salt consumption etc. I usually advise my patients in this type of situation to continue taking medications as prescribed and make sure to check blood pressure medications first thing in the morning for 3-4 days, if it continues to be high then I review prescribed medications. I suggest you consult your physician if you continue to get high measurements. Furthermore, I hope this helps. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi , I had a Copper-T put on DEC 2011, its almost an year now. Since then I am facing heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle, changing almost 6 to 7 pads a day for 8 days in a row. This kind of bleeding is causing problem in my daily routine. Is it ok ? or should I seek medication. ### REPLY: Hello, Heavy bleeding is known side effect of Cut. You can take tranexamic acid 500 three times a day during menses. This tablet is to be taken after food. You should take any antacid before food. Tranexamic acid causes acidity in many patients. If this doesn't relieve get your thyroid profile done. If this also doesn't relieve you can go for another method of contraception. Hope this helps. . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Lump under left side of neck under ear,always feeling pressure in that part,Grey or yellowish sputum is produced in throat esp,. after having food. What should be done? Hello Doctor, I have a lump on the left side of my neck, just under the jawbone and my ear.Though its not visible outside, I can feel it when I touch.It is firm and not painful unless I keep pressing on it. I have a pressure feeling in that ear, and quite a lot of sputum(Grey or yellow) is produced in the throat esp, after having food(Sometimes I see blood strains in that).Most of the time I feel feverish and tired.But if I am involved in physical acitivity I feel quite normal. I have consulted lot of doctors with tests like blood,sputum,x-ray,USG. They said the results are normal.But their medication doesn t solve my problem.It s been there for me more than a year now but not getting any better.These is causing lot of mental stress for me so that I can t concentrate on my work.can you please tell me what to do? ### REPLY: Hi ! Good evening. I am answering your query. As your history is of a chronic long duration, and all the routine investigations are normal, if I were your doctor, I would go for a FNAC (fine needle aspiration biopsy) under the guidance of a surgeon/ENT specialist after a full physical examination. Further management would depend on the report of biopsy. Till then, you can go for some anti-inflammatory . There is no need to be in stress at present and be patient. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing to clear doubts on your health problems. Wishing you an early recovery. . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am mrs.felix, aged 47. My uterus and overies are removed around 12yrs back. so far i was good in health except leg pain.But i noticed after some years a small line like thing protruding under my left breast,just on the last rib.it was there as it is.but suddenly i noticed it growing.before 6yrs i had a scan report saying that infiltration of fatty liver. now that i can see it is growing, now the present size is like a half cut bun.no pain, its not hard.i can press it slowly. i have severe indigestion problem when i take a masala items and spicy food. and i cannot eat fully. now i myself stopped all kinds of food and i take only oats , broken wheat porridge and all vegetables and fruits. i am afraid. pls give me an answer. ### REPLY: Hi. Thanks for your query. Read the whole history carefully. This looks to be NOT related to the fatty liver at all. This can be a lipoma or a mass on the rib from the muscles or so. The best way is to undergo an ultrasonography and FNAC to get an idea what it is ; confirm by CT scan only if required. Consult a General Surgeon to get an idea whether it is lipoma or something else. You may need a small surgery to get this removed and get a confirmed diagnosis and a planned further management. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, sir, i m from new delhi a heart patient. I was using metolar exr from last five years but unfortunately this capsue/tablet doesnt effect my after regularly 5 year. Now from last 2 years i was taking betacad 50 mg & i was to control my bp within parameter but now a days it also doesnt suited. plz suggest what to do now ### REPLY: Hello, Metaolar or beta card are not first line antihypertensive nowadays. Instead, you should get prescribed tab Selma H 40/12.5 or 20 mg once a day, according to your BP. However, you me know your BP readings in a last few days including maximum one in order to start with appropriate dose. Dose can be modified and if needed another medicine could be tried according to your BP response. Hope this helps you and get back if you have any doubts. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: i was being bitten by a dog seven years ago, and ii was just vaccinated by anti tetanus. and last 2011 i was being injected rabipur coz im so afraid because i was being scratched by the cat. am i safety about the dog being bitten me last 7 years ago, due to the rabi pur being injected to me? ### REPLY: Hello, Welcome to , The incubation period on case of rabies varies from few weeks to 2 years after that it cannot produce the symptoms. As the dog was bitten 7 years back, and you are not having any symptoms of rabies, you will not develop rabies in the future. But you shouldn't take risk with these diseases, because it is 100% fatal, but it is 100% preventable with proper management. As you have taken antirabies vaccine for the current cat scratch, complete the course of vaccination. Thank you. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have numbnes in face, fingers, and feet and am fatigued. I had severe pneumonia 14 years ago, and in ICU for 15 days and almost didnt make it. I was diagnosed with mild bronciectasis, asthma, and have some abnormal pft numbers. My pulmonologist told me, I would suffer with sinusitis and I have. Could this numbness be caused by sinusitis/lung problem? ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. No, your numbness is not due to sinusitis. In my opinion, your numbness I'd mostly due to nutrition deficiency like deficiency of vitamins, minerals etc. You recently come out of an acute illness. You stayed in hospital for 2 weeks. In acute illness, body s nutritional requirement increases. And since we are not eating properly during those days of admission, our body remains deprived of vital nutrients like vitamin B 12, folic acid, zinc, calcium etc. And deficiency of this cause numbness. So better to start multivitamin tablets containing folic acid, vitamin B 12 level, vitamin D, riboflavin and zinc. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi Im 37 yr old female and having underdeveloped overies because of that I cant bear a child also having APS & DVT since 2004. At present no DVT but under the medication of Acitrom 4mg and maintaining INR (1.5 to 2). In 2005 from sep to 2007 dec took defcort 6 mg (steroid), and stopped. Could you please suggest further more ### REPLY: Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. In APS, increased risk of DVT is present. Regular intake of anti-coagulants and maintaining an INR between 1.5-2 is necessary.2. Additionally, in long journeys or during major surgeries, movement should be done at the earliest to avoid risk of deep vein thrombosis.3. Any breathing difficulty should be evaluated immediately to rule out pulmonary embolism, which can be life-threatening.4. Infertility is usually present in anti-phospholipid syn . Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi im denis joy from kerala.im suffering severe low back pain.im not able to sit without chair and i cant bend or do any activities depend on back pain.doctor said its disc problem but im not sure.im only 17 years old.im so desp now.what should i do.please help.please..... ### REPLY: HiT hank you for asking ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. Your problem is most likely due to lumbar disc herniation. A physical examination with an Orthopedic will give clue for that and an X-ray followed by MRI if needed should be done to confirm that. For my patients with such condition I advise muscle relaxants like Thiocolchicoside NSAIDs like Diclofenac and neurotrophic . I send them to physiotherapy along with this. Wearing a supporting belt is also helpful. If no improvement after this then a surgical correction can be considered. Hope this may help you. Let me know if you have any further query. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have half broken second molar upper right side.Now I have pain,I am taking antibiotic.Doctor advised me to get root canal done or extraction.I want to know root canal would be helpful in half broken tooth or extraction is the better option.ThanksAge is 44,Ht-5ft 1/2 inches.Absolutely fit and fine. ### REPLY: Hello! Thank you for posting here. Root canal is the best option in your case. Extraction compromises chewing ability, and you need to replace an artificial tooth after extraction site heals. Always preserving the natural tooth is the better than extracting and replacing with another. Root canal will include cleaning the infection and filling the tooth with a sterile material. A cap on the tooth is necessary after the root canal. However, the root canal along with the crown will cost a little more than extraction. Pain will subside once you take the first sitting of root canal. I suggest you to take the treatment as early as possible. This will prevent any further fracture of the tooth, as it already seems to be weak after you broke. Take Novato 500 mg twice daily for 5 days. Also take idol plus to control pain. Avoid chewing on this tooth till you get the treatment done. Hope this helps. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi how are you? My baby girl who is 4 months old is having rashes all over her body esp. folds. Her neck and underarms are terribly red, swallen and oozing (her armpits bleed a bit and smelly) I ve tried sudocrem, dermaid 0.5%, baby powder and calamine lotion however none of them helped her rash. It s been almost 3 weeks now and the rashes getting worse. I put mittens on her hands since she scraches her arms and neck. What can i use to stop oozing and dry her skin folds? ### REPLY: His PJ, as per history, your baby is suffering from atomic dermatitis, which is disease common in child and persist throughout life. Characterized by rashes on folds, recurrent infections and associated with other allergic diseases like asthma and rhinitis. Currently, your baby needs low to mid potent steroids in combination with topical antibiotics. Certain investigations like serum IGE level need to confirm the diagnosis hope this will help youths ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have had shingles for about 5 days. Was doing very well with pain medication, sleeping mostly. A couple of days ago, felt I should stop being a slug. Just lifting jugs of milk and water out of refrigerator started pain in right chest and around side that has not stopped. Pain meds have been upped. Question: Do I go back to being a slug or just try to ignore pain? ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of musculoskeletal pain is more. Your pain is associated with activities, so musculoskeletal pain is more likely. So no need to worry much. Do following things for better symptomatic relief. 1. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. 2. Avoid movements causing pain. 3. Avoid bad postures in sleep. 4. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. 5. Continue painkiller. You will mostly improve in 1 week. If not improving even after 1 week then consult doctor told rule out internal cause for pain. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: sir my recent 2d echo report shows that there is mild concetric LVH am suffering from bp and troubling with breath less ness in 2009 angiogram was done .it reveals that no blocks mild cad with ectic coronaries am a heavy smoker .sir how to get rid of brethlessness ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. Since you are a active smoker, we should search for lung causes (bronchitis) for your breathlessness. So consult pulmonologist and get done 1. Clinical examination of respiratory system 2. PUT (pulmonary function test). PFT will not only diagnose bronchitis, but it will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment is based on severity only. You should quit smoking as soon as possible. You will need inhaled bronchodilator (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone). Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Strict control of hypertension is also needed. So take your antihypertensive . Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am 25 ears old and I had a cut behind my penis tip last night while having sex with my girl friend and i didn t notice the bleeding immediately and my penis was hard with the cut and loss of blood. Then, I cleaned the wound and treated it with bentadine to arrest the bleeding. I also checked for blood in the urine and there appears to be none. I want to know if i have severed an artery or something cause i am not able to get an erection since last night! How long shud i wait? and how serious is my condition?? Very Scared ### REPLY: Hi, Thanks for writing in. The tear in your penis may get better without treatment. Avoid sexual activity until the tear has healed. Once it has healed, you can try using a lubricant during sex to prevent the problem from happening again. It is not a serious issue and might take 2 weeks to heal. Right now you are required to keep your genital clean and . Please wash with warm water twice a day to avoid any infection. You may apply newsprint ointment over the torn frenulum. Since the bleeding seems to have stopped, you do not need surgical suturing. It may happen that a scar might form in the area, if this happens then there is shortening of frenulum and might be released by minor surgery. This cannot be known now and will be obvious only after one month. Please wear loose inner clothes and maintain genital hygiene. Avoid masturbation or sex for two weeks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have a lump on my jawline in between my ear and chin. its not hard and it will move under the skin but it wont leak. Except once, it spat out minimal blood when my brother accidentally hit me in the jaw. What should I do? Everyone says its just a epidermal cyst.Im eighteen ### REPLY: Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have epidermal cyst, enlarged lymph node or salivary gland enlargement due to siledenitis or other cause. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using . Wish you a very good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: i am 26 years old.i have been married since 6 months.i gt my last period before two months.earlier it started lyke spotting for 4 or 5 days.then the flow was normal as we are getting during menstrul time.after 7 days the it was less about to stop.but again it started.nt like regular normal flow.it was looking like deep red in colour.since that time it has not stopped.its been 2 months nw.i m getting a little pain in my belly from two days.i am doing jogging also occasinally. ### REPLY: Hi. Thanks for your query. And an elucidated history. Te history of continuous bleeding per magnum for 2 months is suggestive of either retained products of missed abortion or this is hemorrhagic, which is not common in your age group. I Would advise you to get an opinion, direct per-vaginal examination to see for the size, consistency of the cervix and uterus. Ultrasonography will tell us whether there is thickened endometrium or retained products. The treatment may be medical to start with, or you may need curettage as a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi,I am 29 yr old male with height 5ft10inch and weight 210 pound. I have just started doing cardio exercise, basically elliptical, 30 min per day. But while doing workout I have noticed that my pulse rate remain constant @ 168-170 throughout this period.Is it healthy to continue exercise even at this high pulse rate? is it -ve for my heart? ### REPLY: Hello and thank you for using . I carefully read your question and I understand your concern, but you should not worry. I will try to explain you something. When a person exercises we expect his heart rate to rise up to 220 minus his age. So, you are 29 years old. We expect that your maximal heart rate might go up to 220-29, so 191 beats for minute. This is you maximal heart rate, according to your age. Having high frequencies when your exercise is quite normal. Doing regular exercises will help your heart to slowly adapt and after some times you will have slower heart rates. So, I must tell that you have nothing to worry about. I encourage you to keep doing regular exercising because it improves your general health. Wish I was helpful. Best regards. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My stomach has been very painfull for about 2 1/2 years.About 2 years ago i got in a car accadent and my back got hurt. Recently my neck sholders and arms have been hurting, it hurts most in my left shoulder .Even my jaw hurts. I have been to a lot of doctors and they have done a lot of test and cant find an answer.The only answer is that i have a bad stomach acid problem. Iam now taking a acid med twice a day i dont know the name of it right off hand but she said it helps with ulsers and acid in my chest. The med has been helping with my sour stomach problem but my neck, shoulder,arms,back and jaw still hurt. What do you think it is? can this be very bad? ### REPLY: Hallo dear friend I have studied your case for acidity take sucralfate, Lauro 10 mg, spy degenerating habits are imp for controlling acid peptic disease stop tea, coffee, alcohol, junk food, eat fresh foodeventhough pain persist, consult orthopedic surgeon for clinical examination you may need X RAY cervical spine physio - and exercises for muscle strengthener further query contact . Com ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My four bottom front teeth do not hurt, a weird sensation is occuring. By that, I mean its like something is stuck between them and I feel tickling combined with pressure. Its not hurtful, and I cant say that it disturbs me while I eat, drink, or in any of my everyday activities Any advice? ### REPLY: Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your query weird sensation in bottom side teeth is because of generalized sensitivity in lower qua . Poor oral hygiene is one of the contributing factor for this along with decreased immunity of oral cavity. You must have habit of teeth grinding. Need not worry about it. Maintain proper oral hygiene. Brush and floss daily. Do antimicrobial rinses. Brush with sensory toothpaste. Use night guard at nighttime to prevent grinding. Use sealants to prevent fluid leakage inside identical tubules. Visit dentist once and get OPG(full mouth radiograph) done to check oral cavity bone density once and start treatment as per that. Scaling and root planning is treatment option as of now. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes, ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My granddaughter was at WIC and my daughterinlaw said they checked her hemoglobin and she she needed to go the ER immediatly that her count was extremly low. She isn t sick so I am curious as to what can cause this. She is 9 months and about 22 pounds. ### REPLY: Hi, thank you for choosing . Sorry to learn about your granddaughter. She must be having very low hemoglobin count for which they must have called her for emergency admission. A series of tests need to be done to look for the cause whether its due to poor diet, iron deficiency, infection or much rarer bone marrow suppression. Hope this has helped you. Wish your grandchild a speedy recovery. Your vote of thanks is appreciated, Good luck, . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi. I am 26 years old and recently, not constantly, but often break out in the sweats. I have ran a low grade fever for a few days and of course my mind automatically goes to cancer with those symptoms. However, I do have allergies and a possible sinus infection right now And a lot of stress/ anxiety as I am starting a new job and just moved. Thoughts? ### REPLY: Welcome to You have been diagnosed with Sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). All of these symptoms can be easy attributed to sinusitis. Sinusitis at times can be difficult to treat at times. Although your worry is genuine in the sense that a malignancy can have the symptoms of low grade fever and sweating however it should also have other symptoms such as weight loss, decrease in appetite and excessive fatigue etc. Still one should not go to that extent since there has been a diagnosis that is easily explaining your symptoms. If on the other hand there was no obvious cause for these symptoms only then one should think of investigating your symptoms on the lines for a malignancy. So it would be best at present to stay calm and follow your treating doctors advice and ultimately get better. Getting anxious at this place in time would only disturb your life (both professional and social) and that of others (your loved ones) and would also not serve any purpose. Hope This was Helpful Best wishes . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am 34 weeks pregnant. Taking Makenna injections for a hydroxyprogesterone. This is my second pregnancy. With my first indelivered at a little over 34 weeks for a bit of background it was due to preeclampsia. My blood pressure at my last appointment was 132/80 and I have minor ankle swelling. Would it be safe to go to a local event that would involve a lot of walking in 80 degree weather? ### REPLY: Hi, It is the history of preeclampsia and pregnancy right now so great care need to be taken, slight ankle swelling is okay, and it is the part of pregnancy, even blood pressure reading seems to be within normal limit only thing is it has to be read or measured by doctor or gynecologist. It is better and advisable to avoid such event which may not be compatible like going for long walks in 80 degree weather. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I had my pre-molar root canal procedure and the temporary filling fell out in small pieces even the food was chewed in the unaffected site. Ive had no pain and felt a hole of my root canal tooth exposed. Could you please tell me why the filling came out? ### REPLY: Hello, thank you for asking your query with ChatDoctorAs you are mentioning that a root canal treatment was done in premolar tooth and the filling fell now, it can be possible. Actually when a root canal treatment is done the tooth becomes brittle and the crown of the tooth is also grossly decayed so very less support is there for the filling that is why it has fallen.In my opinion you should go for crown placement on the tooth which will support the filling and protect the tooth from further infection. So you should visit your dentist for the crown. Regards ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My cellulitis has existed for about 4 months. The warmth and redness have disappeared but the swelling is still here, though has diminished quite a bit. Tightness still in my ankle and sometimes some pain. I do put my leg up often and use a compression stocking. Antibiotics have not been effective. Used a topical homeopathic ointment which seemed to help. Doesn t seem to be caused by an infection;most probably an autoimmune condition as I had my thyroid removed 5 yrs. ago with resultant fatigue. I m 87, 5 5 . I read recently that I should stay in bed most of the time with my leg up. Is that really necessary? Will this condition go away eventually? How can I improve my autoimmune condition? ### REPLY: Hello Their have gone through your question, I had a same case with swelling in ankle area because of the cellulitis, I have found electro-therapy effective in the treating the swelling caused by cellulitis. We call this machine IT [inter-ferential therapy]. An experienced Physiotherapy will give you IT treatment at a frequency of 70-100 and if pain is there 20-30 frequency current would be used.in the meantime you can start calf stretching to activate "pumping mechanism" of your calf muscles as Calf muscle is called as HEART of lower body. So once these muscles get activated swelling would not e a problem anymore. Also try Isometric exercises of calf muscle. I am hoping a speedy recovery for you. Regards ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, Last night I noticed a softish painless lump on my 4 year old daughters right shin, just off to the right side of the bone about half way down her lower leg. It is not a bruise and is quite large when looking at it from the side. I m stressing bc I m a nurse and nurses always think the worst! I have a doctors appt this afternoon. Any ideas?? ### REPLY: Hi.it is best if you consult with a doctor, preferably a general or an orthopedic surgeon, in regard to your daughters condition. It may be a benign lesion but other tumor types, such as malignancy, must also be reuled-out. Clinical evaluation and physical examination is best. Imaging modality (i.e. x-ray, MRI) will also be of great help. A tissue biopsy may also be warranted. Management (medical and/or surgical) will be directed accordingly. Hope this helps. Good day!!~ . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I fell down some stairs a few years ago, and I hit the back of my head and neck. Sometimes my neck gets stiff and it hurts to try to turn my head. Sometimes I feel pain in my neck and I can t turn my head and I feel this pain from my neck thru my eat and to the front of my head above my eye. This is all on my right side. I did go to the E.R. X-rays didn t show anything. Sometimes the pain does scare me. I m sure this is from the fall I took. Could I have some damage to my nerve or something that goes from my neck thru my head? ### REPLY: Hi, thanks for helping by letting know the mechanism of injury. Well all injuries can't be harmful but it's better to get assessed properly. Since you said you took an x-ray which turned out to be normal I recommend you to undergo an MRI of head and neck. If any changes found there will guide us to plan the next step. Also to mention, that you told you have pain and stiff neck which indicates that the muscles around the neck are weak and easily getting pain in your neck and head. Try doing hot water fermentation to the neck region and later on you can try performing simple neck exercises which will help the muscles to become stronger. Also to mention that you can visit a physical therapist who can assess you personally and use the therapeutic modalities like therapeutic ultrasound and TENS to get relief of pain.a physical therapist will help you in all prospects of your illness. For symptomatic pain which becomes higher at times will be taken care by medicine part. I wish you a speedy recovery and the grace of God on your health ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi I fell onto my left knee one year after a TKR, one year on still painful, hurts to walk downstairs and up. Had x rays and bone scans. Doctors have so far said they can find nothing wrong, Upon requesting my x ray results and bone scan results, the diagnosis was mild synovitis. This was not discussed with me at all, is there any cure, will it get better. I have been unable to play tennis now for 2 years and think that I will never get back to playing. What do you think. ### REPLY: Hi, as mentioned by you the brief history, and the synovitis. The synovitis is the inflammation of the synovial membrane and it's just a small issue which can be controlled. Since you are having a pain in the knee which is replaced, I will advise you to strengthen the hip muscles and core muscles. As by doing this, the stress on the knee joint will be less and the synovitis may not trouble you again. You can take a guidance from a physical therapist on how to perform exercises for the core and hip muscles. This has helped many of my patient post TKR and I expect the same from you.regards Jay In . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My 16 years old breathed in her spit by accident and has since (over the last three days) developed a chesty cough (no cold) which is getting progressively worse. My elderly father once did this and it turned to pneumonia. Should I be concerned about it turning to an infection in her lung/bronchial tubes in my daughter or is the cough coincidental? Thank you. ### REPLY: Hi welcome to .... Here chest pain, fever, dyspnea like symptom not present.... So chance of pneumonia less. . But it could be upper respiratory tract infection or mild bronchitis... Investigate her with .....1.CBC with absolute differential count 2. Auscultation 3. Chest x-ray only if needed Here decongestant like phenylephrine given for relieving congestion and cough ... Water . . If cough worsen than sputum cytology and throat swab along with as title done Advise ; pulmonologist consultation... ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: i had sudden gall bladder removal surgery 2 years back after suffering from it for a month and having jaundice . I had to go for surgery with good faith and thought trouble might be over. But i think unusual real troubles started afterwards . i suddenly developed hyper tension , higher sugar , thyroid and higher cholesterol . I am 29 years old and i did not have these troubles and i was completely healthy before gall bladder removal. i have asked numerous doctors and no one have any clue. they said you need to be treated for metabolic syndrome . Any Doctor in forum can comment that would be great. I think if i get on thyroid treatment all these other symptoms might go away. I was on statin and i had terrible side effects. After having bad experience i had started natural remedies like no sugar diet/less salt , omega 3 acids, olive oil, oats , flex seeds, an hour of gym . after doing all these although my blood pressure is 130/86 and not coming down. I am going for further checkup and i dont have any hopes after not having any results. Any one know how i can improve on this I am taking all steps but no results so really hart broken. ### REPLY: Hello & welcome to , I had gone through the case, I want to know your family history of diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problem. Do you have any symptoms and sign of this problem right now like headache, obesity, rising of blood sugar etc? I will advise you to do Panama(ANULOM-BELOM) exercise for 15 minute daily for 1 week and then major your blood pressure, definitely your problem will resolve. If not then you have to consult the doctor for hypertension, who can advise you medicine, correct diet pattern and more exercise for it. Hope so your problem will resolve. Thanks & Regards . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Antidepressent treatment (Fluextine 10 mg - 20 mg for 6 months, then Fluvoxamine 25mg - 50 mg for 3 months, then again Fluextine 20 mg - 40 mg for 2 months) resulted in very little improvement to my 13 year old daughter who is suffering from major depression for the last 1 year. Should we continue the antidepressent treatment or go for TMS, DBS, VNS or other therapies, if possible right now ? ### REPLY: Hello, you need to wait for at least 6 months before jumping into major procedures like deep brain stimulation etc. as these carry a major morbidity risk.....I would advise you to get her treated with another . And allow at least 3 months for it to bring about maximum action. Also, environmental rehabilitation is mandatory, so she can have a better response. If still there is no improvement then the alternative procedures can be south. I hope I have answered your query. Take care and wishing your daughter a faster improvement ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: u/s abd everything normal but:RIF:A long tubular structure visualized with thickened walls measuring 10.3mm size. No peristaltic movement is present and it is tender on comression. no free fluid is seen around it no freee fluid in the leural cavities, in morrisons pouch or in pelvis. So the pain is going in upper abdomen and lower too at centre, the doctors are not sure whether its appendix or swelling in intestine.....the report marks as FOCAL ENTERITIS ? APPENDICITIS? I am feeling bit relieved from these medicenes:ofloaxin with orindazole 1X2buscopan 1X3pantoprazole with domiperidone 1X2inj. getamycin 80mg 1X2syp bestozyme 1X2 the tlc dlc has been done three times this week all showed a slight rise in neutrophils 79%- there is not even sensation of vomiting no feverno drinking just pain in upper abd at centre ..... a constant pain Pls do advise me if any further tests or any other scans or any other medicens to be taken with these ones. HELP ### REPLY: Hello Your findings is most likely suggestive of acute appendicitis. Described appearance of lesion like tubular appearance,non-compressible, aperistaltic, tender indicate towards this. Acute appendicitis can also be very well evaluated by clinical examination. If there is doubt then contrast CT scan of abdomen can be done. It can clear the doubt. Proper treatment depend upon findings. You are getting right medicines, you should continue these medicines. Get well soon. Take Care . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Please write your question here Hi doc i have misscarried twice before now am pregnant again n my guns has prescribed susten 200 mg. sent my hubby to buy from a pharmacy they changed it to Duphastone. should I take it or return it n insist on susten? pliz help ### REPLY: Hello,First, do not panic. Sorry to hear about your previous pregnancy losses. The hormone progesterone is a pregnancy-supporting hormone. Austen contains natural micronized progesterone hormone. Your treating doctor has rightly suggested you to use it to support the early pregnancy. Tablet Duphastone contains Dy . It is also effective in supporting early pregnancy. You can use any of the preparation. Both are safe and effective in supporting the early pregnancy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am a male, 68 yoa, no heart conditions, quit smoking. I have hypertension for which i take meds for. I have Type II diabetes for which I take glipizide 10 mg tabs 2 x daily and Metformin 500 mg twice a day. For the first time since I quit smoking (July 1, 2015) I have noticed my blood pressure drops significantly between meals. Just within the last half-hour I was feeling a bit dizzy and my lips and tongue was feeling numb. My blood sugar was 57. I have not experienced this YYYY@YYYY ### REPLY: Evidently you have to many medical conditions you have not adored me if you have COPD this can cause respiratory insufficiency and hence your symptoms you may have neuropathy due to diabetes which may cause low blood pressure, but it could also be to deep blood pressure medications that you are taking you make consult your regular physician to adjust the dose of your medications if your blood sugar control is not a very good then this level of blood sugar can also cause numbness and dizziness that you're complaining are you should check regularly with your physician once a month and go over to your medications ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My mother has osteonecrosis of the jaw due to a bone strengthening drug used in the course of her chemo treatment. She lived with it for about a year and then it broke and she had a terrible infection. 2 months a go they did major surgery and gave her a titanium partial jaw plate. Unfortunately left a terrible scar and some deformity. Which has me and my family blown away is that the titanium plate broke just 5 weeks after the surgery. She had to have the same surgery over!!!! Terrible! Doctors said they had never seen it happen before. What is your opinion of this happening and what can be done for the scarring. ### REPLY: Hello, Well, it is really strange as the titanium plates are strong enough and do not get broken so easily. But an exception has to be always ad . If the plate is now changed, I do not think that there will be a problem again or the plate will get broken, so you need not worry about it. Also, if the scar is unaesthetic, you can consult a plastic surgeon and get her examined and can discuss scar revision surgery. She should also prefer softer meals and avoid stress. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, I am 29 year old and recently I was on some medication. I knew that it could damage my liver so I was protecting it by Milk Thistle . However I just did sgpt and i got a result of 164. Now I have stopped taking those medication and now I have limited my protein intake and oil (little of olive oil) and I do not drink alcohol or smoke . I wanted to know should I take Milk Thistle? Any other medication? Its a holiday here for 3 days so I cant go and see a doctor. Any help would be extremely appreciated. ### REPLY: Hi, Thanks for posting your query. Your SGPT is quite high. Milk thistle is liver protective. So you take milk thistle. But you need to get tested to find the cause of raised SGPT. You have not mentioned what medications you were taking which you think probably could have caused this. Other causes like viral hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis and metabolic diseases should also be ruled out. I hope that answers your question. Regards. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello my name is britini I m a 29 year old female I have back pain that shots down my legs my legs go num.. I have tingling sometimes burning in my feet an hands. I have lost vision I have headaches so bad I have to be in a dark room I lose control of my bladder. This all started bout 6 to 7 months ago. The back surgeon said I have arthritis in my back but he don t know what s cause rest of my problems ### REPLY: Hello, Lower back pain with lower limb tingling and numbness at your young age most likely reason is disc prolapse with nerve root compression. Diagnosis can be confirmed by MRI of the lumbosacral spine with screening of whole spine which is highly sensitive and specific for back pathology. Please get it done from radiology center nearby you. Meanwhile, start tablet Regain once at bedtime. Your headache and other symptoms cannot be explained by back pathology. You can consult physician for them. I would advise visit to orthopedic spine specialist with report. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: have a friend diagnosed with IPF. He is 87 yrs old in fairly good health with exception of diagnosis 3 yrs ago with IPF. He does have GERD, has been taking medication daily for that for 10 yrs. we live in small town Enterprise, AL, with limited access to pulmonary center. I remember watching a medical channel/;program diagnose me, or similar program on 23, 24 or 25 Jul 2017....a Japanese doctor had a patient he cured over course of 6 months with specific antibiotics....the patient underwent lung biopsy, revealing she had 3 or 4 types of mold types growing in her lung...called it Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis...I have not been able to locate that medical documentary or special, if you will help me with this, a life could be prolonged. thank you, Jane Ammon YYYY@YYYY ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis) are different lung diseases with different etiology and prognosis. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is caused by chronic exposure to allergen or organism. So if we prevent exposure or give antibiotics to kill organism, we can cure hypersensitivity pneumonitis. On the other side, IPF is chronic, progressive lung disease. In the, lung parenchymal (tissue) is fibrosis and becomes inactive. Till date, there is no cure to the revert this fibrosis. So IPF is incurable and hence prognosis is very poor in IPF. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your friend. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi Doctor, Me and my husband have been trying to conceive since last 6 months. Last month we saw an Infertility Specialist for this. We got all our tests done and everything seems fine. My menstrual cycle is also regular and follows a 29 day cycle. Last month I got my period on the 7 September. We saw a doctor then, got our tests, also got Folicular monitoring and regular sonography/ultrasound done. The doctor told me I was ovulating fine. After the ovulation period, the doctor prescribed Duphaston to me (once a day for 13 days). The treatment got over on the 9th October. Today is October 12 and am 5 days late on my period. I did a urine pregnancy test today and it came back negative. My questions are: 1. Is it too early to take the urine test at home? 2. Does Duphaston generally delay the period? 3. Will going to see a doctor help? Will she be able to tell me if I have conceived or not today? I plan to see my doctor today. Is it worth it? Please help. Am desperate to be a mom! ### REPLY: Hallow Dear, Let me answer your queries one by one.1. Yes, you have done the pregnancy test on urine too early. Usually these tests are reliable 8-10 days after missed period; earlier the chances of false negative results are more. You have got another option to go for Beta test which is very specific and sensitive and gives reliable results even few days before the missed period. Else you may wait for one more week and perform urine pregnancy test on overnight first morning urine sample. 2. Duphastrone is a progesterone preparation which can delay the periods. I prefer to give progesterone preparations after missing a period; after ovulation, I prefer injections to support the pregnancy. 3. You may see your Gynecologist after confirming the status of your pregnancy by one of the tests mentioned above. If the tests reveal that you are not pregnant, please discontinue Duphastrone and you will get menses within 4-7 days. I am sure this is useful to you, and you will vote to this answer as "Helpful". ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I got a small cold a week ago but I have asthma so it worsens and I wasn t able to cough up the stuff I was suppose to be. I had no stuffy nose. I went to the doctors and they put me on prednisone to help open up my airways along with an inhaler. I flew out to TX from Oregon last Friday and I fell asleep on the plane. I woke up after we landed and I had began to get a stuffy nose and I could not hear a thing. My ears unpopped a couple days later but I am still in great pain. My nose has also began plugged. I went to the doc again in Texas on Monday and I was told I have 2ear infections and bronchitis. I am schedueled to fly again on Friday back home. Was wondering if it will worsen ? ### REPLY: Cellophane You for contacting . If you have completed the antibiotic dose then there is no need to start again at the moment. I would suggest you to do following things:> take cetirizine one at night for 5 days.> take one puff of Xylometazoline HCl 0.1% in each nostril thrice a day for first 2 days, then twice a day for 2 days. Then stop.> acetaminophen for pain (if occurs)>> take hot water in a cup add 1 tablespoon salt. Perform gargles (mouth wash) with it thrice a day for at least 2-3 days. It will give soothing effect to your throat> take boiling water in a pot, sit in front of it and cover your face and pot with a sheet. Inhale hot steam (do not get very close else it might cause burns). It will also give soothing effect to your airway. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. Wishing you good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: i have a biting and chewing problem and i have had it for along time. is there a term for what i have? i bite and chew on pens, cans, bottles, straws, plastic spoons, my fingers and nails, my gum, and even grind my teeth together in my sleep. i am 19, i am 57, 202 pounds. i have adhd and GERD. ### REPLY: Thanks for using . Read your query. The biting on pens, bottles, straws, gums suggests the psychological conditions of yours. The stress in life and or anger is being tried to be overcome with these measures. I would suggest you to reduce your stress levels and lead a carefree life, which would reduce the risk of biting these things. If you are under any depression, i would advise you to visit a psychiatrist and get it treated and check up. Hope this was useful. Thanks and regards for a very happy life. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have discomfort in chest. Not constant. I dont feel out of breath or anything. Its like sinus pain in chest. Esp after cold drinks. Eating food does not give me discomfort. I do have more difficulty swallowing liquid though. Esp through a straw as well. Seems to be behind sternum inside. I tend to drink co!d or icy drinks, as its easier to swallow liquid. Hot or cold. Lukewarm is much harder ti drink. ### REPLY: Hello, By your history and description, you are having difficulty in swallowing liquids. You don't have any problems in eating food. You also have central chest discomfort. All these are seen with Andalusia cardiac. It is spastic narrowing of lower esophageal sphincter. So better to consult gastroenterologist and get done upper GI (gastrointestinal) copy for the diagnosis of Andalusia cardiac. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi have noticed my 80 year old mother has started leaning to the right when she is sitting down. It has become very noticable recently, other people have mentioned it to me though she herself is unaware of it. any ideas?She suffers from arthritus and has had some falls a year or so ago. She is around 5ft tall and weighs nearly 9 stone. She is on medication for high blood pressure. Joanna . ### REPLY: Leaning to the one side that is to the right while sitting without her knowledge indicates cerebellar infarcts/hemorrhage on right side. May be because of high blood pressure and history of falls and old age where we notice brain atrophy causing laxity of brain in the calcium. There may be chances of collection of old clotted blood also. I advice her to undergo a CT Scan brain with thin posterior fossa cuts(5 mm cuts) ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my 11 year old son was diagnosed with lichen planus for almost a year now. The symptoms appeared on the arms and legs and have covered a wide area. he is about 1.7 metres tall and weighs about 48kg. His has always had a clean bill of health, with the exception of sensitive skin that he would often break by scratching. the use of dermovate has helped but left stretch marks on the skin. Someone just brought me calamine lotion and dermarest psoriasis. Can i use them on the skin? ### REPLY: If your son has had lichen plans for a year, it's better to do a biopsy and confirm it because it can be diagnosed specifically by biopsy of the lesion, a simple procedure. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, It's simple to manage with antihistamines to stop the itchiness and if large lesions derogate will surely help .as long as it is limited to skin and not involved oral mucosa, flagyl is not needed. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My 12 year old son has some dark spots right on his neckline. He is very light complected and I had noticed these when he was younger as a reddish strawberry patch right at his neck bone. Is there cause for concern? They are very noticeable when he has a haircut ### REPLY: Hi... Thank you for consulting in . Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am 42, 5 ft 6 , 123 lbs and in very good health. Recently I noticed a bump/lump on the inside of my left leg about 2 inches above the ankle. At first it felt like a bruise, then it did bruise. The coloring is gone but the lump is still there. Should I be concerned? ### REPLY: Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. If you have any history of trauma then it can be hematoma. It will absorb by itself no need to worry about that. If you don't have trauma then you need to investigate. Go for biopsy of that lump. It will give exact idea regarding lump. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/ . Thanks for using . Wish you a very good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: HiI was tested positive for jaundice,hepatitis A virus infection last two months back. I went to homeopath doctor for treatment. Now, jaundice (bilirubin contents came to 0.4), and hepatitis A virus tested negative. But, my problem now is, I am feeling like sometimes i am having little pain in chest, back and gas is coming out from mouth, guess it is a gastric problem. I am having food regularly for three times and in the evening, i am taking fruits. I am under strict food restriction, which doctor prescribed. I am feeling so tired. I was a person who use to walk for long time and still will not get tired. Now, if i walk for 15mts, i am getting tired. I am feeling like a weak person now. I am a tax consultant, so, ll go out to the client office. ### REPLY: Hi, Thanks for posting your Query, 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder mixed in a glass of hot water taken 2-3 times a day. Make a paste of tender papaya leaves. Take 1/2 tsp of this paste with 1 tsp honey. Boil 1 cup of water, when it boils add 8-10 lemon leaves. Cover and leave for 4-5 minutes. . Lots of lime juice should be consumed1/2 tsp ginger juice, 1 tsp mint juice and 1tsp lime juice to be taken as often as possible 1 cup of juice made with radish leaves taken 2 times. First thing in the morning, ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: can an ulcer in the mouth turn into a keloid? this is my first time having an ulcer. i do not know how it appeared or how it should look like and it has been there for about two weeks. there is no pain. the upper body of my skin is pretty sensitive. i have two keloids. ### REPLY: Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The ulcers in the oral mucosa won't form scar or keloid because of the fast healing rate of the mucosa. The oral mucosa will not allow the wound to get infected because of the presence of salivary immunoglobulins. There will be fast movement of the neutrophils at the site of injury compare to skin and removes the infection. The other reason could be reduced number of type 1 procollagen in oral mucosa unlike skin which promotes scar formation. Consult an oral physician to rule out what ulcer is that. If it is a major authors ulcer there are chances of scarring, this is the only exception for ulcers. You can take topical steroids like escort ointment. I hope my answer will help you, take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello! My mother who is 44 has some troubles with breathing. She is suffocating every night and coughs during the day. She went to the doctor and after he consulted her he said that he has no problem with her lungs or heart. He said that it s caused by a flu that passed and gave her some meds. It s been more than a week since she went to the doc but the problem persists. She doesn t have pain or other problems ,just the choke and coughs.What should she do? Any possible diagnosis? Please ,help! ### REPLY: Hello dear, thanks for your question on . I can understand your mothers situation and problem. In my opinion you should consult pulmonologist for her and get done1. Clinical examination of respiratory system. 2. Chest x-ray. 3. PUT (pulmonary function test). She might be having bronchitis due to poor control of flu. Upper respiratory tract infection (URI) can complicate as bronchitis. And cough, choking, suffocation and breathlessness can be seen in bronchitis. So better to consult pulmonologist and first diagnose her and then start appropriate treatment. She may need inhaled bronchodilators and antihistamine . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I was bitten by something on my ankle about a month ago. The day I discovered I was extremely weak and I could see what looked like a bite, my leg swelled up and became very sensitive to touch. It eventually got better but I am still very weak. Could it be Lyme disease? ### REPLY: Hi, Welcome to . Lymes disease is caused by tick bite which is infected with Cordelia burgdorferi. These bacterium are a spirochete and gets deposited at the site of bite when the tick bites and cause round lesions around the bite site with swelling. This is usually the first stage. After 7-10 days, second stage with fever, rash and generalized weakness may occur. Associated joint pains and palpitation is characteristic. I suggest you get a doctors' opinion as soon as possible and get a prescription for antibiotics as if it is Lyme sit can progress to chronic stage which may cause further weakness and debilitation. Thanks ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I was puched in the chest real hard and now having trouble breathing what may be wrong 26 year old female 180pounds i have lupus and sarcoidosis as well as asthma but i was hit hard in the chest and i cannot breath in deep or exhale without pain what could be wrong ### REPLY: Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to . Dear I read your query and reviewed it with context to your query facts. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query, you seem to suffer from-? Fracture Ribs after chest punch.? Costo-chon . Hope this would help you to solve your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard. Good Day!! ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my granddaughter is 6 she has a fever 102 , her puplis are diailated and eyes are glossy and she is complaining her head hurts is there a need to go to the hospital or just kind of wait it out for a bit , she only ate this morning and all she wants right now is oranges ### REPLY: Hello. I just read through your question. The symptoms you describe sounds like a typical pediatric viral illness. Fever typically last two to three days, and associated symptoms involving eyes and headaches are very common. I recommend doing your best to control the fever and maintain HY . If the fever lasts beyond 3 to 4 days or if the symptoms don't completely resolve after 7 days, I recommend consulting with your doctor. No need to run to an emergency room or urgent care ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi .......... i am facing an acne problem ....... it comes after 2 weeks and leave a mark ........... i have a healthy diet plan but have an oily skin........... I m 25 yrs old ........... My dermatologist has prescribed me VB 7 Forte ....... whenever I take d entire course I dont have acne problem , but aftr few period it emerges again .............. So now what should i do? Do continuous intake of VB 7 FORTE has a side effect too? please gv me an altrnate soltn ? ### REPLY: Hi Ankit, Acne is a common problem caused by excessive activity of the oil producing glands of skin called sebaceous glands. VB7 forte is a biotin and multivitamin tab, generally prescribed for hair loss and is not the treatment for acne. You can stop it Depending on the grade of your acne we prescribe topical creams/gels like clindamycin, benzyl peroxide, retinoid etc. If your acne is of severe grade, you will be prescribed Isotretinoin or oral antibiotics. U need to consult a good dermatologist and u will require a maintenance skin care regimen later to prevent recurrence. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Gud Evening Doc, I am taking eptoin since last 10 years. But somehow i always misses a dose. As a result i was never able to complete my 3 yr course and have seizures in between. Few days back also i had a seizure. I am on a medication of 4 eptoin 100mg tablets every night. Few days back i gone through phenytoin test and the resulting was 38. Doctor found no symptoms of this excess level in me as i can walk normally my vision is clear. So to verify the report again i went through the same test from different lab but the result was same i.e. 38 . What could be the reason and what can happen to me at this level ### REPLY: Can you please let me know what test was done: Was it been Phenytoin therapeutic level or toxic level? When was the blood sample taken in respect to your dose of medicine? If the level of 38 is a therapeutic level, it means that the . It is good that you have been checked for side effects of high blood levels of Phenytoin. What this means is that the dose of Option can be brought down. If you continue to have Seizure activity inspire of adequate Phenytoin, then your doctor needs to consider whether another medicine needs to be added. Which medicine this is depends on the type of epilepsy that you suffer from. Hope this helps? ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My son has downs syndrome. He is 45 years old. He also has a servere heart murmur and medication controlled (fairly well) panic attacks. This medication has been taken about 20 years. In the beginning, he also had one grad mal seizure. However, what I am concerned very much about now is this: 4 months ago his white blood count was 3.30, and the blood test just taken was 3.5. His internist wanted to send him to a hematologist for a bone marrow biopsy. I asked if it hurt a lot, and he said "yes". I said I am not willing to put him through that. Now I understand that there is local and general anesthesia available. My son would not cooperate with such a test if he were awake. His IQ is about that of one who is 3 or 4. I am sick with grief over this. ### REPLY: Hi, Yes, it's a painful procedure, but it's possible that he may not feel pain. If local anesthesia and mild sedation is given. And post procedure adequate painkillers. I guess he must have been undergone other non-invasive tests like it b12, peripheral smear. If yes then he should undergo it because downs patient are at a risk of multiple hematological problems. So subject him to test by requesting a doctor for adequate anesthesia. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi my name is Danish n my father is 61yrs old and he is admitted in d hospital for a chest pain, the report states a mild heart attack, yesterday we got his angiography done and the report shows 3 blockages the doctor is suggesting a bypass but is there any other better alternative than bypass to remove his blockages? ### REPLY: Hello and thanks you for using . I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. I will try to explain you something. There are tree different ways to treat artery stenosis or blockage. These are what we call angioplasty with balloon, angioplasty with stents and surgery or coronary artery by pass. Angioplasty with balloon and stent means that we open the blockage using a balloon or a "metallic" structure that we call stents that is putted into the blocked artery to maintain it open. The selection of each of them depends on the number of stenosis, the position of the stenosis, the heart function and a lot of other factors and organ function. In general, in our daily practice a tree vessel disease is treated with surgery as your doctors already has told you. We use coronary stenting in people that does not support or want surgery if this is anatomically possible and this of course depend on the doctors experience. It is mandatory to see the anatomy of coronary artery and evaluate the patient to give a good opinion. Hope I was helpful. Wish to your father a good health. Best regards. ### END