Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am doing sex almost every night.My query is that my semen thickness looks almost same everyday,it looks like a water based gel.Whenever I do sex after 7 or 8 days semen take lesser time to come and it looks very thick(like a white cream) and more in volume.Why it is so?Will it affect my fertility?please help. ### REPLY: Welcome to .1. Do not worry its quite common in your case, with daily activity generally its sen in that consistency.2. I came across patients with similar problems, and they had a good sperm counts, and with thick and good volume with lesser viable sperms.3. If you still have that thing disturbing, then get a semen analysis done to be tension free.4. Why is it so? - It's because you are in regular sex as you said, and it's common in some individuals. Anything to ask ? Do not hesitate. Thank you. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I m a male @ 80 years and I have neuropathy in my feet. My right foot is especially painful in that the ball burns and there is an occasional sharp pain radiating from the right side of my ball into the little toe. Throughout the day. I m on Lyrica. ### REPLY: Hello, Thanks for writing to us, I have read your query and I would advise the following Change your diet and remove inflammatory foods such as citrus fruits, dairy products and wheat that may aggravate the condition. Simultaneously increase your intake of potassium and calcium-rich foods such as bananas and avocados and green leafy vegetables Vitamin B12 is important in the maintenance of health and normal functioning of the nerve tissue and deficiency of it can lead to numbness. You can increase B12 level by taking meat and fish, or you can take In methylcobalamine 1500 mcg alternate day. [6 doses]You need to consult your treating doctor to check your parameters like BP, ECG changes and detailed heart auscultation. Some useful suggestionApply a warm or cold compress to reduce burning or tinglingRemedies such as breathing exercises and meditation may also help reduce stress-related symptoms such as numbness and tingling. I hope that I have answered your query. Let me know if I can help you further. Take care ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Am 20 yrs old.i have been on the minigynon pill for couple months now onn n off so i was off for a week before my period n after my period i decided not to take it again i have had unprotected sex three times for the week n now experiencing tender nipples/sore tired n having sickness in the middle of the night could i be pregnant?? ### REPLY: Hi, I understand your concern. Tender & sore nipples, sickness are suggestive of pregnancy. Specially after having unprotected sex after normal period. If it was around ovulation. . Day. (Ovulation day is 14 days before the expected date of menses)But Such symptoms are seen in hormonal imbalance too. So though your symptoms suggest pregnancy but needs to be confirmed by urine pregnancy test after 8 days delay in periods. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have a cyst on my left epididymis that is around 3cm. I have a dull ache there most of the time and cannot do things like riding a bike without extreme pain that radiates to my abdomen. However, every 6-12 months after having lots of sex (wife, no STD) the pain gets worse and i feel nauseous all the time. Is this caused by an infection in the cyst? ### REPLY: Hi welcome to forum. Thanks for asking a question to . F. You had a cyst on the epididymis of around 3 cm size. It has continuous dull pain, especially in movement. Pain is horrible and vomiting feeling after sex. The cyst appears to be attached to the epididymis, and the pull is felt up to the abdomen through the cord. Sex is expected to be vigorous, so it shows more pull and nausea. As it appears to be fixed, better consult a surgeon for diagnosis and treatment. You may need to have surgery for pain relief. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, I have PCOD problem.I took Menogaun injection 150 mg from day 3 to 6 and again after follicle study on 13th day again 2 injections. On 16th day i had 18mm follicle in my left ovary.i took ChatDoctor on 17th day and IUI on 18th day. And was told to have intercourse on 19th and 20th day. today is my 19th day.I had intercourse yesterday. Will i have my egg still active should i have intercourse today? ### REPLY: Hallow dear, I have understood your concern. Usually the follicle is mature to release healthy egg at 18 mm size. In. was given to you when the follicle was 18 mm size. So it was well the timed. The egg is released usually within 24 hours of injection. Hence, immediately on the next day, very rightly GUI was performed. Now daily intercourse for two days after that is advised for additional coverage, in case the egg is released late. After the ovulation life of an egg is 24 hours. So any intercourse after that may not be of use from fertility angle. Continuation of ultrasonography for confirmation of ovulation might have been useful to decide how long daily or alternate days' intercourse is to be continued. However, there is no harm in continuing daily intercourse even otherwise also. I hope I have clarified your doubts. This information may be useful to you if needed (which I wish should not be required) for future cycles. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my father is suffering from metastatic cancer,poorly differentiated(4th stage).can you plaese elaborate about this cancer type? is it curable? If yes what should be his best treatments.If not then what is his survival rate?His age is 57 and his weight is 62kg. ### REPLY: With this information it is impossible to answer your questions. Where is the metastatic cancer and where did it start from. These are the 2 main factors that will determine his outcome. Yes, it is the last stage technically, but in certain cancers, the patient can survive for years with proper treatment. e.g. prostate cancer patients can live as long as 5 years in the last stage. The treatment also depends on the primary site but is mostly based on chemotherapy. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi. First it will be good for you to know I am not sexually active. I have been in the doctor for the past three days off and on. I started having severe pain near my right ovary . She did a physical exam and she thought I might have a cyst . The ultrasound showed no cyst so they took my blood to check for white blood cell count in case I may have appendicitis . I m not ovulating and I am not on my period. Do you have any ideas? Let me know. Very concerned. ### REPLY: Hi!thanks for posting a question on health care. Well, as far as pain near right ovary is concerned, it is the pain in right inguinal area. There are multiple possibilities for the pain in right lower abdomen. These could be:1.-a ureter calculus,2-appendicitis, 3-a ovarian cyst,4- nephritis (swelling in the fallopian tube.). A thorough ultrasound scan and blood cell count will help you out to decide about the further action plan. Hope this answer will help you in deciding about treatment. You are most welcome any time for any question. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi Doctor My Son is 3 years old. Somtimes he complains about pain in his leg (left leg currently) and he can t straigten his leg and can t walk properly. It happened twice in last six months and we went to doctors including sepcialists but after all the tests they didn t find anything. This morning he complained again and we also noticed little swelling around his kee. It goes by it self sometimes in few hours and sometimes in couple of days. We are very worried and want to know how should we go about it. ### REPLY: Hi, Is the overlying skin hot/red? A sudden onset of pain and swelling over knees along with limping and difficulty in straightening indicates acute arthritis. Kindly take him to doctor, as this need immediate evaluation to rule out septic arthritis (bacterial infection of the joint cavity) which needs rapid treatment with antibiotics. If the same features are recurring, we need to evaluate for causes of recurrent arthritis. Since I am not aware of previous investigations done, your pediatrician will guide you. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have had heartburn since 2011 it is not heartburn because it burns every single day of the week even.when I don t eat anything I can.just walk or bend over and get bad burning in my chest plus the chest pain and it apears that underbmy left arm pit is a burninh and it feels as if blood.vessels are swollen to.touch I can feel.them moving when I put my hand there and.rub it up and down also when I touch it my chest starts to hurt very badly I have been.sweating none.stop all day and feel very hot when I have the air on and tired.. I have no clue what this could be ### REPLY: Hello. Thank you for asking on . I read your query and understand your concern. Now, the description of the heartburn you provided, is with the highest probability from the stomach, as the origin. This symptom is called paresis, and is produced when the highly acid content of the stomach is returned to esophagus or, sometimes, throat and mouth. This can happen from various reasons, mostly from a disbalance between acid-producing and acid-inhibiting factors in the stomach and from the lower esophageal sphincter insufficiency. Without digging further more into theoretical details, I would suggest you to refrain from certain food and beverages that favor acid production and/or inhibit acid-inhibiting factors and/or lower the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter:- alcohol and tobacco-chocolate- tea, coffee (Anthony derivatives)- spicy and grilled food, and pickles would also recommend you to start a course with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI): omeprazole 20 mg x 2 tb/d for the first two weeks, then 20 mg x 1 tb/d for four other weeks, and accompanied by risperidone x 3 tb/d. Also, you should not lie down, but sit up or stand, for at least 90 minutes after you have had your last meal. If the symptom persists after all these measures are undertaken, I would recommend an upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy, for further investigation. I hope I was helpful with my answer. Best regards. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Back of gum is swollen around mature wisdom tooth, face swollen, bottom of jaw bone hurting badly and sensitive, hurts to swallow, to chew, so much pain I cannot sleep. Not tooth pain, but seems a pain of inflammation/throbbing. What could it be and should I see a doctor or dentist? ### REPLY: Hello and welcome. Thanks for sharing your concern. Every symptom that you have mentioned here are due to single cause, the infected last molars or wisdom teeth. Please see your dentist soon. Get the x-rays done and starts with antibiotics upon consultation. Next step is to take antibiotics and get the extraction done. This will solve all your worries and present symptoms. For now please take tablet Coquitlam every eight hourly, for immediate relief until you see your dentist. Follow good oral hygiene measures and do take good care of yourself. Let me know for further doubts. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My son is six year old and having cough since last week. He usually gets cough during the start of rainy season. i have tried the cough syrups/expectorants like Bricarex, Axalin, but still the cough is there. iT recurs in the mornings after he gets up from sleep. He has been given antibiotic like Clamp Kid amoxicillin and also Topcef for infections if any. the infection is gone but the cough is there. i gave him asthalin inhaler puffs as precribed by the doctor. What cough syrup should i give him. He is doing all his daily activities well with no intereference due to his cough. ### REPLY: Hi, Mujumdar, Thanks for query, It seems that your child is having allergic bronchitis so may remain for long time. You can continue any good cough syrup. I would suggest you to go for blood report for Eosinophilic as this condition can prolong cough and cold for long time. If there is high eosinophilic count then go for simple course of Di ethyl carbamide medicine after consulting your doctor. Avoid giving cold . Ok and bye. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, I am having problems with a upper tooth that I had removed 4 weeks ago. It all started when my tooth was damaged through a basic root canal treatment. I was referred to a specialist and 9 months later I was told it would have to be extracted, meanwhile I had faced a number of infections and 2 courses of antibiotics. At the time of the extraction the root was infected. After the extraction, dissolvable stitches were put in place as I was flying overseas and the sinus was exposed. Now, 4 weeks later, my dossolvable stitches are still in place and seem to be surrounded by a white gooey substance. When I touch with a Q tip the white substance moves about, attached to the stitches and is adding to some slight irritation of that area. Is this normal? Thanks! ### REPLY: Hellooo...read through your query....I must say that as far as u don't have any pain or problem with that area its healing normally....if any pain is there then u should suspect something abnormal...the stitch will resort in few weeks along with the socket.so don't worry .yellowish thing will be the clot and other cells working for healing....and I must say that don't touch that area with anything(brush, finger,pin, toothpick etc.).your hampering the healing process...don't bite that with that area... . .don't spit hard...it can dislodge clot and hamper healing...do salt water gargle as many times as possible.....follow all this and be happy...stress-free and cool that can heal anything...hope your benefitted something with this reply.have a healthy day!!! ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hello, i am currently pregnant and was told i had tricamonis a very common std. Both my husband and i were treated with the 4 pill dose of antibiotics to kill this std. i was instructed to not have sex for 10 days however on the morning of the 8th day we had sex. Do you think there was enough time in that seven days for the treatment to have fully worked? or should i be worried about reinfection? ### REPLY: Hi, I understand your concern. You were advised to follow abstinence for 10 days following treatment for trichomoniasis. This was to ensure complete irradiation of the Richmond from both partners systems. Incomplete recovery in either of parents leads to reinfection. Many a times second course is needed for full recovery. You're having a short period of abstinence, there remains a possibility of reinfection. You can use a course Vaginal pessaries to avoid it. In case you still have the symptoms visit your doctor for further management. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: M 26 year old..unmarried... having dizziness..shoulder neck pain and imbalance problem for 4 years..now its getting worse... ctscan is done ..everything is normal in that...i cant rotate my eyes and even neck..everything seems floating... dr recommended me..dizitac andclonax ...nothing is improved Plzzz help me out ...plz help me feeling nobody is understanding my problem ### REPLY: Hithank-you for providing the brief history of you.a thorough clinical neuromuscular assessment is advised. As you mentioned of facing issue with shoulder pain, neck pain, balance issues etc. I will recommend first to take the detailed clinical assessment. Based on this we can understand as what MRI needs to be performed. But on a safer side taking and MRI of the cervical spine and brain in contrast will make some insight. The pain in the neck and shoulder - this looks more of the Neuromuscular issue. Like if there is any pinch of the nerve root in the cervical spine then there is a possibility of the radiating symptoms and pain. For which physical therapy is a choice to get solution for. Evidence of research has a good support. For the balance issue - it should be assessed in detail as this can occur due to two issues. One any vestibular related issue or any cerebellar related issue. Understanding the proper clinical examination and the MRI should help assist further by which the help can be initiated. For anything more you can surely ask me I will be happy to assist you. Regards. Jay In . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Dear Dr. Kindly note I had unprotected Sex 29/06/2015 1:30 am. last period was 17/06/2015 average cycle length 26 days .. their is no emergency pill in UAE .. can I take Yasmin Or Marvelon 4 pills now and 4 pills after 12 hrs. ??if its possible . plz note that we are in Ramadan .. so am fasting from 4:00 am to 7:15 PM every day so how can I keep 12 interval between to doses ??if I ll take the 4 pills 7:15 Pm 29/06/2015 can I take the next 4 pills at 4:00 am ?? will be effective ?? ### REPLY: Hi there, After going through your query, I am of the opinion that:1) There are high chances of pregnancy as it is day 12 of your periods.2) If no post-coital pills are available, the best option is the Yule method, i.e. taking 4 tablets of low dose oral contraceptives like Yasmin or oral and repeating after 12 hours.3) However, there are still chances of pregnancy as this method has a high failure rate.4) My suggestion is you take these pills at 4 am and then 7 pm. Hope this was helpful ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: i have a wisdom tooth underneath my gum on the lower left side . I went years ago , to an oral surgeon who said it was very close to a facial nerve and i should put hot packs on my jaw. the pain went away but now its back, I have been putting hot packs, on my jaw, i see the dentist this week. im very nervous i dont want my face or jaw, or mouth to be numb what should i do? ### REPLY: Hi Dear, Welcome to . Understanding your concern. Thanks for your query. This is very common condition when impacted tooth presses a nerve. This is the reason for pain. You should continue giving hot packs. Such impacted tooth should be removed otherwise they keep troubling you with on and off pain episodes. It requires very skillful and experienced oral surgeon as there is involvement of nerve. I would suggest you to consult oral surgeon (as there is already an appointment) for proper evaluation of condition. Doctor may take X-ray or CT scan to access the position of the tooth and may perform surgery under local anesthesia to remove the impacted tooth. For pain ibuprofen(if not allergic) or acetaminophen and do warm saline rinses. Hope your concern has been resolved. Best Wishes, ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My daughter started developing intermittent swollen glands in her neck in middle school. She s had them off and on since (she is now 20), but now she finds that she also has intermittent swelling and tenderness in her armpit areas. What should be done? ### REPLY: Hi, Thanks for your query. Lump in this location can be enlarged lymph node, infected sebaceous cyst or ganglion cyst. Lymph node is usually movable and rounded. It is not quite soft, rather hard. Can be painful. Infected sebaceous cyst is a kind of benign soft tissues lesion. It tends to get infected. In such situation it becomes reddish, swollen and painful. Fever can be present as well. Ganglion cyst is connected with a joint (shoulder in this case) and filled with joint fluid. Pain is characteristic for this lesion especially when moving the limb. I suggest you to consult general surgeon with these issues. Soft tissues' ultrasound should be done to diagnose it. Cyst or ganglion can be removed. If it's a lymph node, biopsy should be done. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello, I just got my results from an ulstra sound I had on my lower abdmonin the findings were as follows: 1) My right Kidney is 11.1 c.m is that normal size? 2) There is prominence of the left pelvocalyceal system, what does this mean? and what is it? 3)There is a post void residual of 9mls in the distended bladder measures 168mls, what is this? and what is a CT KUB to exclude ureteric calcus? please can you help me understand any of the above? thank you :) Kind Regards SOnja ### REPLY: Hi. The mean dimensions of the kidneys upon maturation are: length-about 12 cm, breadth-about 6 cm and thickness-about 3 cm. The weight of one kidney averages about 120-150 g. Any decrease in size is abnormal. Prominence of the pelvocalyceal system means that maybe because of distal blocking (probably due to a stone)there is collection in the pelvocalyceal system and hence the CT scan of the kidney, ureters and bladder is suggested. This is a more precise form of investigation. The urine forms in the kidneys and flows into the bladder through the ureters. Any blockage in the ureters will cause accumulation of urine in the kidneys. Hope this helps you. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi, i am 28 yrs and trying to conceive since 2 years. i have premature ovulation problem. I am taking Ubiphene 50 (2 - 7 day of my period) and Ovacare forte and Obimet Sr also. i did thyroid tests and its normal tsh is 3.36. but Dr has prescribed Thyronorm 12.5 mg.. since 3 months am taking the tablets but still i dont know whats wrong. why am not conceiving? Pl help ### REPLY: Hi Jimmy, I hope that your Doctor has ruled out male infertility. Whileyou are taking these Medicines, you must be doing test for ovulation to see the effects of these Medicines on your Ovulation. There are certain ways to confirm ovulation like trans-vaginal Follicular study, Home Ovulation test, and hormonal levels in your blood, besides some simple method like BBT, Cervical Mucus test. If you are ovulating with these medicines, and still not able to become pregnant in 3-4 months time, then you should go for further tests for tubal patency test, uterine factors, immunological factors, and so on. For infertility, you must go step wise approach and proper follow up. You should be knowledgeable about the management you are going through, and talk to the Doctor frankly. One positive point, i would like to tell you is that, it is easy to treat infertility if it is due to ovulation dysfunction. Best of luck. Best of luck. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi, i have a nephew of 12yrs who has typhoid and was seen through blood test and was given antibiotics and other medicines to use ,now its 8 days since under treatment. pls help if there is any homeremedies for nausea, vomiting and severe headache coz cant concentrate with studies. ### REPLY: Hi... I understand your concern. For headache and fever - Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For nausea - Tablet Ondansetron 4 mg thrice a day 30 minutes before food. But Ondansetron is a prescription medicine, and you will need one for it. Regards - ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my son is 11 and we looked at his scalp tonight and the entire bottom part of it from the bottom of hairline to above his ears all the way across is covered in what looks like perfectly round redish orangish spots all in it like 100 or morelooks like i dont like at it often but did because of the ticks getting bad so dont know how long theyve been there or anything im really scared and worried can u help me please. He says they dont itch and he didnt know they were there ### REPLY: Howell come to ChatDoctorAllergic reaction may be likely atomic dermatitis may be possible this can be managed with following medicines 1) Beclomethasone with Aureomycin for local application, if this does not respond then clinical examination would be necessary, as matter of fact all the skin lesions demands clinical examination for diagnosis without this difficult to say anything it is kind of art of looking that gives all information about disease, have a nice day. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi. I am 30 weeks, 4 days pregnant with my first child. A little girl we are naming Reese. I had an ultrasound done last Tuesday, and followed up on Friday. The doctor told me that the sonographer found a predominant left ventricle. She then said its not larger or protruding, it is only assymetrical, so she is referring us to a specialist. That appointment is not until November 3rd. She said everything was probably fine and not to worry. But naturally. as a first time mother and a pediatric occuoational therapist by trade, I am worried. ### REPLY: Hello In fetus right ventricle is the prominent ventricle. An experienced fetal monologist or echocardiography can detect the defect. If left ventricle is enlarged it is an abnormal finding. Many a times' sonographer assessment is not accurate. Conditions like single ventricle or persistent trucks can cause dilated left ventricle. So I would suggest you to consult an expert for the proper evaluation. Regards ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have what i describe a swollen nodule on the left side of my neck on top of muscle. It moves as nd is painful, the pain burns and radiates to my shoulder. My doctor checked my lymph nodes and said they were normal, thinks i strained my neck and shoulder. Sending me to chiropractor. Is that the right course of action? ### REPLY: Hello, It could be soft tissue swelling. You should not go to a chiropractor before making a diagnosis. You can go for an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. A fine needle biopsy may be required in case of diagnostic confusion. As of now you can use analgesics/anti-inflammatory combination like diclofenac/serratiopeptidase for symptomatic relief. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I Kusum 38 Indian -> Its being almost 2 years after marriage; due to doctor negligence i lost my left fallopian tube, the case was treated as ectopic pregnancy. Now its almost 10years I am not pregnant. IUI, polycystic, harmones level is being checked. But still no positive. Request to help/guide me. ### REPLY: Hi Museum, From you history I gather that all your investigations are normal. Except for removal of left fallopian tube. Your other risk factor is age of 38 yrs. Tubal pregnancy is due to some sort of damage to inside of tube, may be infection or surgery etc. Usually if one tube is damaged by infection, other one also s at risk of damage, you never get cold in one nostril !! So no matter what you do, GUI or injections Sperm & egg may not be meeting at all. Keeping history of failed treatments, History of tubal damage & most important age of 38 yrs, I would advise you to try IVF. Once you reach 40 yrs, your ovaries will not have healthy eggs enough to have pregnancy. In IVF tube is not needed & pregnancy chances are high. It is costlier than other methods but has definitely higher pregnancy chances. Hope I have clarified your overall the best . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello,I had renal cell carcinoma and had a partial nephrectomy om 05/29/2013. After 4 weeks I noticed a swelling which has subsequently got to the size of my hand and gets bigger by night. It throbs intermittently a few times an hour. My incision itself looks good. I have a lot of pressure (new) on my bladder. It feels like when I was pregnant and the babys head was going down into the birth canal. I have backache like pyelonephritis on and off, and I have heat running through my body, sweating on the back of my neck yest cold and clammy on my forehead. Yet no high temp on the thermometer. I am so uncomfortable that I can only manage to be out and about for a couple of hours at a time. Im normally a workaholic but cant bear the thought of going to work as a nurse. I have had 5 previous abdominal surgeries prior to this. What can all this mean? ### REPLY: Hello, Thanks for the query to . Forum. Swelling is there about the size of hand, but where it is ? 2nd swelling is there at the hand ? So please exact the site where swelling developed. Also write down the type of cancer (benign or malignant) in kidney (squamous or columnar or other type). Pain behind neck and in pelvic region may be due to metastasis ( from renal carcinoma). Also mention the type of surgery performed five times for evaluation of diagnosis. Cold, clammy forehead is not due to any particular disease, but due to tension (stress) through which going. Still I will advise you please consult an Oncologist and C T scan as well M R I are very important for you. Good luck. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My ex-boyfriend went from hot to cold. he used to have a heart, but now he doesn t even care about his 4 year old son. he said that God told him that we are no good for him. just last week he said I love you to his son and he misses him. and yesterday he said his son and i are bad for him and to not call him anymore. i haven t spoken to him for a couple of days cause he told me not to call him. but i called yesterday because i needed someone to watch out son so i can take my daughter to the emergency due to chest pain. he said to not call him and no he was not going to come over to watch his own son. its like he has split personality. he went from a very sweet person to someone who is just plain rude within a week. oh yes, i think he is paranoid and schizophrenia. i know he smokes and does marijuana. ### REPLY: Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. The details are not enough. I think your version of the details are not enough to have a proper diagnosis. He uses marijuana in itself is enough to create euphoria and mood swings and depression. There may not be any paranoid ideation or dual personality or schizophrenia. Talk to him over dinner about these happenings and you might get a clear answers. Maybe he is also troubled as you are and searching for answers about your behavior? Talk to him in peace. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi. My mother is suffering from sever neck pain for a long time. As prescribed by doctor she has undergone an MRI cervical spine where the findings are as under: Mild posterior protrusion of C4-C5, C5-C6, & C6-C7 discs causing mild thecal cmpression but no remarkable spinal or neural foraminal stenosis As prescribed by docttor she is undergoing traction for the last week but still the pain does not seem to reduce.. She gets relief when she is sleeping or applyting hot pad . Request you to please suggest ### REPLY: Hi Amiga, Thanks for writing your query. After reading your post, I would suggest that you should continue physiotherapy and traction as advice by your doctor. You can take painkiller like Ibuprofen twice a day after meals along with muscle relaxant chloraxazone along with an antacid. Doing hot fomentation and application of pain relieving gel on the neck will give some relief to the symptoms. Also, donor use a very thick pillow. I hope this is helpful to you. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have 3 painless moveable lumps beside my left knee cap. Started out as one but over the last two years it became three and now two are marble sized and one is oblong and about the size of a walnut. I also noticed that now below my Left knee there is a larger oblong area that protrudes noticeably...even more than on the Right leg. Very noticeable. No pain or tenderness. Is this a cause for concern or should I just keep an eye on it. ### REPLY: Hi, Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns. Painless movable lump around your left knee could be either Meniscal cyst or Sebaceous cyst or Bakers cyst. Meniscal cyst may result from trauma, hemorrhage, chronic infection, and mucoid degeneration. The most widely accepted theory describes meniscal cysts resulting from extrusion of synovial fluid through a peripherally extended horizontal meniscal tear, accumulating outside the joint capsule. They arise more commonly from the lateral joint margin, and occur most often in 20 to 40-year-old males. Sebaceous cysts originate from sebaceous glands in skin and contain sebum. Bakers cyst: A swelling or cyst at the back of the knee which is usually associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Regards ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Sometimes when I hear a certain noise, (its mostly the beep sound my toaster makes) I start feeling scared, paranoid or just like something bads gonna happen, sometimes the noise brings back the memory of when I had my first seizure and I feel like I do after a seizure. I have ADD, ADHD and epilepsy in case that has anything to do with it ### REPLY: Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I think this is a new development for you. With anxiety disorders, such fear is common. Anxiety disorder patients slowly develop irritation towards noises and in due course the irritation makes them obsessive towards noises. Some specific noise irritation takes up center stage of the obsession, and they feel such noises. There is nothing to worry. This will be there for some months and slowly disappear. You will need Cognitive Therapy. Consult a psychologist. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I need to know what to do to help my husband he was gaven a Date rape drug by his Ex-girl friend and it has missed his mind up he now has a mental illness. and is now on Depakote Sprinkles and Respdial 3mg. here lately he has been getting very Anger screaming out at me and saying things that dont make any since. like talking about people that he has not seen in years and things that he thinks has happen which have not really happen. I dont know how to handle him anymore and need to know what to do to help. ### REPLY: Thank you for writing to ! From your question it looks that your husband has a psychotic illness, he is on separate sprinkles and risperidone 3 mg but still has auspiciousness and talks out of context. Dosage of separate is not mentioned. From my clinical experience I can say that either the dosage of the medicine is low or maybe he is not taking it regularly. So, if you are sure of compliance, it will be very helpful to increase TH dose of risperidone to 4 mg - 6 mg in a day. Along with it, I have seen clonazepam 0.5-1 mg effective in case when patient is difficult to manage /gets very angry/unable to sleep, on as and when required basis. It is advisable to get sodium valproate levels done, to ensure that the sprinkles are providing adequate among of . Please donor loose hope, it is not at all difficult to manage such cases, what is needed is dose adjustment and make sure he takes the medicine daily, and he will start behaving normally once again. You have said that your husband developed this illness after he was given date rape ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi my 10 month baby has has a heavy cold for roughly 5 weeks with loose cough and a lot of green discharge from his nose continuously, so much so he has a red sore patch under his nose from wiping. Recently however he has had lots of blood in the discharge and it keeps blocking his nostril up? Can you give me any advice please? ### REPLY: Hello, Your child is suffering from severe bacterial infection. He needs antibiotic, start syrup Augmenting thrice a day 5 days with syrup Hardin D half teaspoonful (SF) thrice a day 5 days plus Cal pol syrup half SF thrice a day. Give him steam inhalation, syrup Phylicia for cough and go to see a Doctor, his chest must be listened and throat must be examined. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am a 37 year old female. This morning I started with a chest pain on the upper left side. It is a constant hurt but more intense when I move, talk till give out of breath, bending over, turning head to left or right. This has been going on for several hours now. What could it be? ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion, your upper left sided chest pain is mostly due to muscular cause but better to rule out cardiac cause first. So get done 1. ECG 2. 2d echo. If both are normal then no need to worry about cardiac cause. Muscular pain appears more in your case. So try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief. 1. Avoid heavyweight lifting. 2. Avoid strenuous exercise. 3. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Also avoid movements causing pain. 4. Start painkiller and muscle relaxant. 5. Apply warm water pad on affected site. Don't worry, you will be alright. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello, my daughter was diognosed with frontal lobe shrinkage which affects the memory and behavior. I heard that this condition is unreversable. Is there a medication or treatment that can help to regulate her condition ? , and can this cause her to have dementia in the future ? ### REPLY: Hello. I have been through your question and understand your concern. Frontal lobe atrophic or shrinkage is quite common after the sixth decade while less common before. It is generally a benign situation, but unfortunately it is progressive and there is no treatment to prevent or treat this condition. Generally this is associated with cognitive impairment but not always. You should have radiologic follow up to monitor this condition. Hope this helps. Best regards ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, My dad just foung out that he has brain tumour and suffering from cancerous malignant Glioblastoma , grade IV as per biopsy. Presently he is in Hyderabad with my family and medicated on radiation and chemotheraphy...we also started Ayurvedic Sarvapishti. plz advice. ### REPLY: Hello and welcome to , any type of cancer depends on the spread of it to the body parts, age of a person, how much metastasis or spread it has and on which organs, how healthy is your dad now, what is his vitals -blood pressure pulse etc. and what is the progress of the disease would let you know the exact status of the patient, treatment is symptomatically and radiotherapy regularly, consult also radiologist for advice, take care ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello, im a male 32 years of the age . Im facing some problem since 2009 after the death of my father . The problem is related to my sleep . Whenever i M falling asleep some weird things happens in my body .. Like choking and waking up , feeling of heat attack or vibrations starts in my body and then when i wake up and sit down it vanishes.. These things really doesn t allow me to go off to sleep but once i go off to sleep nothing bothers.. These episodes doesn t happen every time it happens mostly when im tensed or worried the entire day .. In 2012 i had some severe vibrations starting from my back and then every where including my head whenevr i try to fall asleep .. It lasted for 4 days..thn I visited a neurologist he gave me. Etizolam and revotril .. Asked me to take those med for 3 months but made me very slow and Sleepy that after a week i left them and fortunately i didnt experience any kind of trouble for a year .. On and off the episode happened after a year but not that often.. But now for past few months im constantly worrying about something and these things hs started again from last 8-10 days Whenever im falling asleep vibrations and twitching in my body starts and doesn t allow me to sleep .. I started etizolam .25 mg again for 3-4 days i didnt experience any thing but last nite i had the med around 1 and slept aroun 3 but couldn t sleep as i had some thoughts n my mind and then the vibrations started .. Please let me know the cure and is this any kind of disease im suffering from? Thank u ### REPLY: Holloway you are describing seem to be panic attacks that feel like bouts of anxiety, palpitation, breathlessness and a fear that something bad is going to happen. The anticipation of these attacks causes further anxiety. If these attacks are very distressing I would advise you to start a SSRI preferably Paroxetine (Part CR 12.5 mg) at bedtime and continue it for at least 6 months. It can be increased further with a psychiatrist advice. You should not take Mizoram unsupervised for so long. Also get one ECG and TSH done to rule out any other physical cause of anxiety. Hope your query is satisfied. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I had fever from 2nd feb,2014 then I examined with doctor and found typhoid.now I am fine and no fever came for 5 days still I am using azithromycin(500) daily anf cefixime(400) twice a day.1)how long should I take this medicine.2) can I take Ato Z tablet as nutrient tablet.3)can I eat fish/chicken etc. ### REPLY: Hello, Welcome to , I have gone through your history and understand your concern.1. Usually antibiotics is advised for a minimum of 7 days2. You can take this Vitamin B complex, as it will replenish your nutrition3. You need to avoid high protein diet, as the metabolism of the protein occurs in the liver. The liver should not be over burden for at least 20 days. Even though fish has PUFF and MFA, the fried items should be avoided. Thank you. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...my daughter amputated the tip of her finger last night and I want to advise her how to care for it. It bled pretty heavily at first but that has not been a continued problem. I want to advise her how to care for it so she will not get an infection. ### REPLY: HI, thanks for using She should initially keep the area covered to reduce contact with contaminants that would cause infection. The area should be cleaned with an antiseptic solution and topical antibiotics applied. She may need to have it reviewed by her doctor at intervals to make sure that it is healing well. If there is any evidence of infection-redness, swelling, tenderness, increased warmth or pain, then she may need oral antibiotics. I hope this helps ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Areas of skin on arms, shoulders, abdomen are intensely itchy before a bump appears. The bump appears to have a tiny hole in the center. The bump is symmetrical and round. When it is healing it appears to have an indention in the skin (like a little skin is missing). It may start to dry up and appear to heal, but then the itching starts again and the whole cycle repeats. Topical steroids are less effective for itch than triple antibiotic oint. I am desperate and have even switched from goats milk soap to pine tar soap. I have allergies/ asthma . I take allergy shots, but these areas are not hives . The only secretions that come from these bumps are blood (or clear fluid). If they ever do manage to heal, my skin is left scarred. ### REPLY: Hello, It does appear that you may have eczema, although they are not intensely itchy. I hope these have not happened after the allergy shots in which case you need to get the concentration and content of the shots (subcutaneous immunotherapy, I suppose) reviewed by your Allergist. Long-acting antihistamines are recommended as a trial in the first instance. If you wish to exclude a fungal infection, a skin scraping needs to be taken and KOH preparation under Woods lamp will reveal this. However, this is unlikely. I was not sure what you meant with the soap, but soaps are not recommended in . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My husband is 57 years old, he suffers from hypertension but is on meds, I just took his bp and it shows 164/96, he got dizzy out of the blue about 2 hours ago and has been vomiting.... he will not go to the ER so now I m wondering what could be wrong. ### REPLY: Hai, sudden rise of Blood Pressure can be due to any stressful event whether emotional or medical. However you are on Hypertension medication no need to worry. Kindly recheck Blood pressure after 20 to 30 mins in a rest with relaxed condition dizziness and vomiting can be also associated with anxiety or stress condition if there is no history of Heart attack and gastritis. After a rest for one to 2 hours if the symptoms persist kindly go to the emergency department. Regards . S. Senthilnathan ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: HiDue to a sressful few months i have been masterbating 2 or 3 times a night. Over the past couple of nights i have felt a sensation of extra pressure in the glans and painful ejaculation. I am 32 and have not had sex, protected, for nearly three weeks. Is this something to be worried about? ### REPLY: Good Day, and thank you for being with ! I believe you may have strained your penis and testicles from over masturbation. This condition usually resolves in a few days to weeks with abstinence and rest. Just take it easy and there will be no permanent side effect due to over straining. I hope I have succeeded in providing the information you were looking for. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications at: http://www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ . Best wishes. Manuel C. See IV, M.D. DBU FPGA ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: HI dr. my belly button peircing is really infected. Its been infected for about 3 weeks, ive tried like every treatment and nothing has helped.amoung with the infection im feeling tired, and sick all the time, i also have lost a good deal of weight, and i have had pain in my chest for a couple of months and some other symptoms.what does this mean? what should i do? ### REPLY: Welcome at I have gone through your query and being your physician I completely understand your health concerns. For how long you are suffering from it? Any other associated problem? Like diabetes or hypertension? Which antibiotics you have used? If it is not healing then there is need to check your blood sugar levels. There is need to get the cultures of the swabs taken from the wound so that appropriate antibiotics can be prescribed. There is need to get the chest x-ray to rule out any infection of the lungs. Stay calm and meet your surgeon for proper clinical examination Meanwhile stay calm and use acetaminophen to relieve pain Get well soon Hope your query is adequately ad . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi went to my drs today as suspected I had high blood pressure and have being having palpatations. She gave me an echo which seemed ok, however is sending me for a chest xray, lots of blood tests and also have to wear a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours. Is this really necessary ? Wouldnt the echo have shown something if there really was a problem. I really hate doing these things unnecessarily. ### REPLY: Hi, If you there are a suspicion of high blood pressure, then we perform ECG, echocardiography, some obligatory blood tests to rule out other organ problems which could cause high blood pressure. We measure blood pressure at the hospital, but in the majority of cases it is not enough, and we need to know how the patients blood pressure behaves during the day, to decide out strategy of patient management. So, in my opinion your doctor does everything correctly. Take fearsome back if you have any further questions ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my wife is suffering with 102.3 F fever. having pain ,nausia and didnt take meal since 7 pm tonight. Is it viral fever or dengue? i ve given her paracetamole 500 two times but now also her temp is 102. should i give her 650 mg paracetamole bcoz last dose i vegiven her at 9 pm ### REPLY: Dear Friend. Welcome to . I am . I understand your concern. This is difficult to comment without clinical and laboratory testing. However, dengue presents with fever, malaise, eye pains, bleeding manifestations. If you are having any bleeding from anywhere, then simply get tested. These days viral is on high, so if your fever doesn't subside on taking these medications, get following tests done:1. Hemogram2. Malaria antigen3. Dengue serology.Don't take any painkillers except Paracetamol for fever. This is my personal opinion for you based on available details. If you have any further query please ask me. Stay HealthyChatDoctor, MD ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My 57 year old cousin was admitted to the hospital last week with congestive heart failure and was told only 20 percent of his heart was functioning. Turns out he has all kinds of blockages all over his body. They had to put in four stents including one in the coronary artery before they could do bypass surgery today. He needs three bypasses but they were only able to do two. Before surgery, he was told that they wanted to do more stents this week as soon as he recovered from the bypass surgery. What kind of prognosis do you think my cousin has? ### REPLY: Hello, After going through your medical query I understand your concern and I would like to tell you that 20% ejection fraction is very low to survive and patient admits with heart failure again and again. ICD device can help a bit if your cousin can make out for that surgery kindly consult with your cardiologist regarding this. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello. Ive had a cold with a lot of congestion and, having asthma, Ive had a LOT of coughing. Now the back of my neck hurts on both the left and right side when I turn my head. Im assuming this is from the cough and congestion but as the cold is getting better, the neck soreness is not going away. Hot shower helps, as does massage, but Id like a bit of reassurance :) THANKS! ### REPLY: Hi, Dear,Thanks for your query to . Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your health issues submitted in your query. I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them. Based on the facts of your query the reply of your query is-Your current health issues seem to be due to -the Cold aggravating your asthma with accompanied bronchitis. This would create more problems like the one -straining of neck muscles and chest muscles from repeated coughing and asthma causing dyspnea. The neck soreness is thus from strained neck and with accompanied? Viral Myalgic, which would recover with time and treatment of Asthma by -Antibiotics/ Bronchodilators/ Plenty of fluids and proper bronchial . This is therefore more alarming condition and situation needs to be dealt by urgent Consultation with Chest Physician for ruling out TB / and other causes for this. The fact that hot showers and massage helps in relieving is more rewarding as this Myositis from Strain would resolve with Pain killers and NSAIDs supplements for few days timeTherefore Cause of these complaints in your case needs to be investigated by Chest X-ray and by blood tests and if need be by CT Chest. Other causes need to be verified, as discussed above. For this you need to consult Chest Physician. Dos in your case-Check With Doctors as suggested above-Rest and Fluids in plenty with Bronchial Care. You need to Urgently plan Corrective Antibiotics and other care, as your case is a bit complicated and seems to be neglected. Get physical check with Chest Physician who would do needful Chest X-ray and other investigations. There are many causes which need to be verified amongst the causes discussed above before planning specific investigations and remedies. High protein / high Calories diet to built up body. Vit B12 and Folic Acid- to stabilize the body and bronchial stress.Thus, You should consult Chest Physician. This would resolve the complaints of yours. Constant follow-up with local family or specialist Chest Physician for long term would give you long remissions of sucChatDoctorplaints in time to come, which would depend on meticulous follow-up treatment of your health concerns. Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors, till you verify with your attending doctors. For early recovery-please follow above dos which would resolve your complex health issues. Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible. Welcome for any further query in this regard to following link-http://doctor. .com/Funnel?page=askDoctorDirectly&docId=70229Wishing Good Healthy Life!! ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hellow doctorMy baby is 3 months old n past few days she has been vomoting and loose motioning after every feedI took her to my pedtrcn he has given me medcation for loose motion and stop vomit that has actually worked but fot the loose motion it still doesnt stop ### REPLY: As you have said your baby has diarrhea and vomiting, first the number of episodes of loose motions is very, very important factor in case of child . You can give him syrup nor-metrogyl or syrup O2 2.5 ml twice daily for diarrhea along with syrup vomiting or syrup ondansetron 2.5 ml twice daily for vomiting with some probiotic like sporadic sachet one at least twice daily. Last but not the least, don't stop to breastfed her continue it as many times as your baby wants. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello I keep getting lower backache an cramps have started in my stomach about belly button level an they shoot down to my pelvis area I feel extreme pressure on the arch of my back which feels like it spreads upwards an just lately when I urinate they become more painful allso I cant pass wind as it puts toi much pressure on tge front of my stomach do you know what could be causing this please thankyou for your time. ### REPLY: Hello, thanks for posting your query to . C. During urination if pain is there, it might due to urinary tract infection (UTI). Stomach pain is also, but it may happen a rifer pain from U T I. Desire of defecation usually associated with U T I. So consult a doctor and get in U/S of whole abdomen to rule out any disease in effected area. Urine and blood examination will also highlight the disease. Good luck ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my mother in law aged 67 has been diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer. Both kidneys are affected alongside uterus and cervix. Drs are saying she is not fit for chemo due to other health probs. most of her children live abroad. How much time does she have left? ### REPLY: Hello and welcome to , Stage 4 cancer is an advanced stage of cancer wherein there is involvement of surrounding as well as distant sites. Treatment in stage 4 is only symptomatic and there is no definitive treatment. The survival time in stage 4 bladder cancer is dismal, however, no exact time period can be determined. It may vary from few weeks to few months. Thanks and take care . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi my wife was pregnant (2-1/2 month ) and gone through missed abortion ,In the test mayobacterium TB cells are found in the endometris? Dr advise her to take ATK-4 , LIV 52 DS, Bendom 40mg? Is this diesease is infectious and we are getting the right treatement ? ### REPLY: Hi I did review your concern,AKT-4 is a treatment for tuberculosis, and it is a multi . The most important thing is to remain compliant with treatment for 6-9 months whatever is the stipulated time by doctor. Also, she might experience red urine which should not worry as it is due to vitamin metabolite. Also, whenever she experiences jaundice or skin rash consult a doctor. Bendom is a good cotreatment as vitamin B6 is deficient in these patients due to isoniazid. LiV52 is optional. I hope this helped me know if you have any more questions or concerns and I will try to help you with best of my abilities. Wish you all the best sincerely, ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Have been trying to fall pregnant for the past 10 months with no success. We have a 2 year old. My Dr prescribed Fertodim-50 and said I should take it on day 2 of my cycle for 5 days. My cycle is 25-28 days. I took it this month and started intercourse on the 9th day according to my Dr and fertility calculator. We had sex for 3 consecutive days. Should we have proceeded after the 3rd day and how exactly should I be taking the pill if I m not pregnant ? ### REPLY: Hallow Dear, Fatimid pills are the tablets of Camphene citrate. I would have appreciated had you taken some more scientific steps as described below:1. From day 9 onwards, subject yourself for the ovulation monitoring by ultrasonography. Usually the egg is released when the follicle attains the size of 18 mm to 21 mm. So you can plan your sexual relations accordingly. Ultrasonography also will provide an evidence of egg release. 2. Some prefer to give In. when the follicle is matured to have guaranteed and planned egg release. So from a couple of days before that to few days after injection, sexual contacts are advisable. 3. Camphene citrate should not be taken for more than 6 cycles. If it does not result into pregnancy, you may have to change over to HMG/ combination for induction of ovulation. If all these fail, you may have to go for Artificial Reproduction Technique. I hope this provides you brief and still apt guidelines. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My father is suffering from chest pain for last 1 week, he went to cardioligst in my home down and he done x-ray, ecg and all necessary tests. he said the heart function is normal and it is normal pain. He has given medicines for 1 month. but still my father is finding pain in his left chest ### REPLY: Hi thanks for asking question. Usually with chest pain we think about ischemic heart disease, and we do ECG for it. Your ECG is normal so HD chance are less. Second this could be because of musculoskeletal pain. Heavy exercise, heavyweight lift or improper bed posture can be the cause. Simple analgesic and hot compress helpful for that. Prolong acid reflux also lead to such pain. Omeprazole taken for it. Here you have symptoms since 1 month so better to rule out respiratory cause by doing chest x-ray if coughed, fever also present. Take enough rest. I hope my suggestion will help you ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: A few days ago I noticed a small red bump on the top of my left foot that itched a little. It grew in size and a few days later I had a few more bumps on my left foot and on my fingers. Also a few on my right calf. The ones that I scratched weep a clear fluid when I rub them with an alcohol wipe. Those I don t scratch are a hard looking people that only itch if I rub them. I recently started using Cortizone Cream.Is this poison ivy or what? ### REPLY: Hello, Thank you for your contact to . I understand your health concern, if I am your doctor I suggest you that hard bump without fluids are not related to ivy poison and those coming out with clear fluid is related to poison ivy. For hard bump cortisone is not right cream. You should consult doctor and take appropriate treatment for it. Because visual examinations will only help in proper treatment. I will be happy to answer all your future concern. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious disease specialist. Wish you the best health at . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my mom had 2 stints put in main artery in her heart in nov,2010, she just had her stress test and it stated she has coranary artery disease that i am figuring is the 2 stints that put in... dysenea, shortess of breath definition , and hyperlipidemia .. she is also a diabetic that is a bit high around 180 - 200 which she takes meds for..... she is 78 years old, bright , alert, but nervous.... ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. Her symptoms and stress test are suggestive of coronary artery disease (CAD). She is also diabetic. So get done coronary angiography. There is always possibility of restenosis. If Angiography is showing blockage then bypass surgery is the treatment of choice for her. Strict control of diabetes is needed. So consult cardiologist and discuss all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your mother. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello, I m 27yrs old,m using zotreem extra capsule for slimming...there Hello, I m 27yrs old,m using zotreem extra capsule for slimming...there is a medical name for it i wanna know? And i heard it has side effects on body specially on brain! But m not sure that y m confused! ### REPLY: Hi, Zotreem-extra capsule is a nutraceutical which means a health promoting product which is claimed to enhance physical and mental activities of the body. Zotreem-extra although promoted as a weight losing pill is reported to be adulterated with harmful ingredients which may cause diarrhea, hypertension and depression. In view of it is not advisable to use it for slimming purpose. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I had a clicking in my left part of my head while walking sometimes, about 3 years ago. I had a MRI and itwas not a tumor. It might of been just something with my jaw or tmj because when I held my jaw shut together, the clicking sounds would stop. I recently just realized that when I cough I feel a slight pain for about a second in my left side of my head or near forehead. Ive read some stuff online saying that it can be a tumor is this true. It only hurts for a second that I cough and Im not sure how long its been going on. I just noticed it today. I have no other symptoms. ### REPLY: Hi there ~I understand your concerns. Having something unusual happen to you can be quite discomforting. I am glad you got an MRI brain done, and no tumor was detected. The clicking in the left part of your head might be due to a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) misalignment. A lot of people have this kind of issue. If you have not other symptoms other than this clicking and some pain which may be related to the TMJ issue, I advise you to not be too concerned about it. However, if the pain gets worse, please consult a doctor. I hope this helps. Take care and have a lovely day! ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Recently I have been clenching my teeth at night, and the other day I had crunched down on something hard (may be a loose filling) and after that my back tooth and gum has been causing throbbing pain and every time I rub my tongue against the gum underneath the tooth it causes a lot of pain. ### REPLY: Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting , I have gone through your query, as you have habit of clenching this causes trauma to periodontal ligaments. I will suggest you that you consult dentist and go for oral examination if pain is due to dislodge filling then go for restoration if it is due to periodontal problem then go for Scaling and Curettage. Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day. Hope this will help you. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello, im experiencing lower back pains somewhat tender . I got an xray from a radiology they reported i had an extra spine arising to my c7 but when i went to see my orthopedic doctor after I did an xray and she concluded she saw signs of arthritis. Keep in Mind im on 19 yrs . Im confused on what to do because I got two different reports ### REPLY: Hi, thank you for posting! I have gone through your query and I understand your concerns. According to your symptoms, I think that you suffer from arthritis. Even though you have two different reports, they are basically the same thing, because the extra spine is an indicator of arthritis. Even though you have taken an X-ray, you should take some more, such as:- Fibrinogen test-ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)- neck CT-scanner (computed tomography)The therapy consists of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and chiropractic procedure. Contact your neurologist to discuss more about the diagnosis and treatment. Feel free to ask for anything unclear. All the best, ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, as I heard and read through net copper t seems to be the best option for birth control. My wife is a mother of 4 months baby. Is this a good time to take it. I am afraid whether there will be any side effects because of it. Is there any different types of copper t. Can you please suggest which one if any and let me know approx price of it. Kindly clarify my doubt. ### REPLY: Hello, Thanks for your query. As you have already got a baby so Copper T can be safe and most effective contraceptive method, make sure your wife did not have Postpartum infection or PID in last three to four months. Copper T is effective for about 10 years. Other IUD is IRENA which unlikely to Copper T contain harmony and is effective for 5 years. Only 1% of failure has been reported with these IUD's. Usually IUD's like copper T are safe, but copper may trigger allergies in some women and may cause unusual heavy vaginal bleeding and cramps. Rarely it may perforate uterus. Cost is reasonable but can vary depending on product company. Hope it helps. Take Care! ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Dear Doctor, My name is Mr Aron, i am indian passport holder presently residing in China. I was affected by bad allery from last 2 years, we never find right solution to cure this allergy from my body. I took so many medicine and spent lots money to get tablets. As per instructed by a doctor and doctor said me "allergy cannot be cured, he is always patient. Some things i use to do in this allergy. - Use to get red dots when the allerg starts- I use Scratch around the body by hand- Suppose if not scratching also i use to get bubles in my body. When i have oily & non veg food, i use to get more allergy. kindly find me some suggestion and pls reply with your good answers to find a right medicine to follow me. ### REPLY: Hello Mr Aron, Thank you for asking at . I went through your query and would like to know more details about you like - a. Which parts of body are commonly involved? b. Any particular season when you have more problems? c. Do you sweat a lot? d. Do you have a ? Do you have any other allergies - nose allergies, asthma, etc.? f. Do you have any other medical conditions or do you have to take any medicine frequently/regularly? At present, I would suggest you as follows:1. I usually suggest such patients regular antihistamines like levocetirizine or fexofenadine in morning and HY ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi doctor, i m a married female 27 yrs, my husband was having extra marital affair , which i came to knw last week , rit now i m very tense and thinking of the same again and again, i m mentally very disturb, can u suggest me something (medicine) to control my stress . ### REPLY: HiT hanks for using I think, you are in adjustment disorder. In that case, you need supportive therapy rather than antidepressant. You should consult a psychologist that would help you. If you feel some depressive symptoms, then you can try some antidepressant like paroxetine or Escitalopram. Better to consult a psychiatrist for proper treatment plan and in case, you need further help, you can ask us. Thanks ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am 36 next month and had an ectopic in feb of this year ( surgery , but tube saved). I also miscarried at 5 weeks ( just a couple of days ago). I have a ten year old daughter from previous relationship. Is my body trying to tell me that I m too old for another pregnancy. Should I try ivf ? ### REPLY: Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion the problem in your case is maintained of pregnancy but not formation of embryo. Usually IVF is suggested to those who are not able to conceive naturally. But in your case the pregnancy occurred naturally both of the times, but first one got terminated due to ectopic and 2nd one due to miscarriage. The cause for ectopic cannot be pinpointed, but the miscarriage might be due to genetic anomalies or hormonal insufficiency like thyroid abnormalities or progesterone insufficiency, diabetes etc. So I suggest you to rule out thyroid abnormalities, diabetes etc. Also give a gap of 3 months for next conception. And start taking folic acid tablet starting one month before planning the pregnancy. And as you are 36 years get screened for Down syn . Nothing to worry. Untoward effects might not repeat in further pregnancy. Relax. Avoid stress. As stress also might hamper the normal hormonal balance in body leading to untoward effects. Hope this helps. Best regards... ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: my son has been to the er three times in the last month and a halffirst with hives and chest painssecond with going numb and disorientedthird with stomach pains and chest painsevery time he eats he gets sever pain in his stomach--cant breath--sometimes his face will swell--and numbness in toes and fingershe already had his appendix removed thinking it was thathe has ever test imaginable --chest xrays--stomach scans--blood work--brain scan and mri to name a fewhe has been to an allergist and a neurologist both saying it is a virus.the sever pain in his stomach at times has caused him to drop out of college this semester because he can not even stand with the painnobody knows what is going ondoes anybody have a clue? ### REPLY: Hi, The very first thing is to determine the type of virus that is causing such problems to your son. So, I suggest discussing with his doctor if your son is suffering from gastritis or HERD in order to start appropriate treatment. You are also saying that your son is a college boy. Being stressed out/anxious of exams and other college-related stuff would also affect him negatively leading to such problems. I suggest being close to him and support him, letting him know that you are proud of him whatever results he gets in the exams. If you cannot be close to him, you can ask to get helped by his friends or by medical team (psychotherapy). At the end, I also suggest going to his college, ask his teachers and classmates about his behavior to understand more his current situation. I also suggest getting blood/urine sample for . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Sir, Iam using encorate chrona for my daughter since 5months as prescribed by nuerologist she is putting on weight is ti the side effect of the medicine this has been prescribed for 2 years for absent seizures she is 8 yrs old now?------ YYYY@YYYY ### REPLY: Hi, Thank you for posting your query. I have noted your daughters symptoms. She has absence seizures, which seem to be well controlled with sodium valproate. However, she is also putting on weight. Most probably, weight gain in your daughter is related to the use of sodium valproate. We should not stop valproate, as her seizures may worsen. Instead, we can control her diet and make her play outdoor games. These measures would keep her weight in check. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, . Ly/ ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My tongue is very weird, I woke up this morning and noticed that my tongue had this patch at the left rear, the patch has not got the pale pinkish tongue body colour like the rest of my tongue but has a brighter pink and very big taste buds I m quite worried because it feels uncomfortable and I have an odd taste in my mouth I m not sure if its just paranoia. I brushed my teeth and tongue (with my toothbrush) and that didnt solve the problem. ### REPLY: Hello, Thanks for consulting , Read your query patches on tongue can be geographic tongue, median rhomboid glossies, or decapitation of papillae these patches are seen in some patients with nutritional deficiency, vitamin B 12 deficiencies also. Don't be worried so much I will advise you to take nutritional diet, vitamin B supplements and consult oral surgeon for oral examination of tongue to rule out the cause. Hope this will help you. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, I recently had an attack that lasted about 2 hours. It was uncontrollable shaking stemming from pelvic area. Down the legs, cold chills with extreme abdominal & pelvic pains. And also my penis felt painful as well. No joking here. This type of attack happened one other time, but I was pretty sure that was triggered by a prescription nasal spray with some steroid ### REPLY: Hi welcome to forum. Thanks for choosing . Forum. You had uncontrolled shaking from pelvic area, down the legs, cold chills with extreme abdominal and pelvic pains. It appears to be a urinary tract infection, with or without stone in the urinary tract. It may be malaria also where these pains may be secondary to the chills. I advise you to consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. Best regards. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have had posterior knee pain since April, it s pretty uncomfortable. I can squat or bring in my leg with it all the way flexed if that makes sense. I was working out when it started to hurt. So far MRI has come up clear for my knee and x-Rays are fine. Two orthopedist and still have no idea??? ### REPLY: Welcome to I have gone through your query and understand your concern. You are likely to be having osteoarthritis of knee joint. You are likely to get benefitted by Diapering and glucosamine. Qua . You can take analgesic such as ibuprofen for pain relief. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I have a dime size lump that came out of nowhere at the top of my calf 3 days ago. It is located on the outside edge of my calf (think of my calf as a tall rectangle and this would be in the far NorthWest part of that rectangle). It is sore only when I touch it; otherwise I tend to forget its there. Are there lymph nodes on ### REPLY: Hi, Dear,Thanks for the query to . I studied your problem in depth and I understood your concerns. Cause and plan of Treatment-In my opinion on the given data, you seem to have bug bite or may be a boil / or may be a lymph node from wound in the leg. To fix the diagnosis you need to consult ER Surgeon. So don't build up wrong concepts and self-medicate your self which would increase risks and costs to you.Instead, just ask a query to and be comfortable to resolve your health issues. Welcome for any more query in this regard to . Write good reviews and Click thanks if you feel satisfied with my advice. Have a Good Day. . N. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I just had sex recently, and I got sperm on my boob. I didnt notice it till the next day when I stood in front of my mirror. when I peeled the small amount of sperm off the tip off my boob I realized it looks like a ringworm. could it be a ringworm? ### REPLY: Hello, I had gone through your question and understand your concern. Short answer: NO, it's not a ring worm. Detailed answer: Thank you for your question on . Semen when ejaculated gets coagulated immediately. After sometimes it gets liquified and sticks to the skin when ejaculated on skin. When this gets . This is completely normal. Normally, semen does contains any ring worm. So don't worry. Ringworm infection will cause itchy patches, discharge. Ringworm infection spreads from infected person througChatDoctorb, shower, clothes etc. I hope I answered your question. You can con contact me at any time, if you have any further questions. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: does wearing diaper have any effect on baby penis growth my baby is 9 months old he wears diaper for whole day and at night for 5 to 6 hours i keep him without diaper when he is sleeping in the morning i pack him again does it have any effect on baby penis growth i m really conserned and would be very thankful to you for answering me ### REPLY: No it does not affect the growth of penis. However the diaper should be of proper size so that your baby feels it comfortable. The only thing you have to worry about is rashes. The baby might get rashes and secondary infection due to constant moistness and the ammonia present in babies urine. There has not been any proper mass research on this issue and in my career i haven't seen anything like that or guard about that. As far as theory is concern you don't have to worry about it. Just enjoy the childhood and motherhood. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi. I went to see a doctor about 4 days ago because I was on amoxicillin treatment due to tonsil infections and after I forgot to finish my dosage I went in for another one because the symptoms and signs were starting to show again. the doctor gave me an injection on my buttocks and now I feel numb around the hips and when I try to press the area I was injected I feel like some stringy thing around the numb area. what can be the cause of this numbness? ### REPLY: Hi. Welcome to . I have gone through your query and can understand your concern. As per your complaint it seems that you have got a nerve injury with the pricking needle that is used in the injection and due to nerve injury there is numbness in the injection site along with the adjoining area supplied by the nerve leading to numbness. The stringy substance that you are feeling can be due to infection leading to pus formation. Mostly nerve injuries caused by needle prick are transient and the sensation almost completely recovers. As of now you can take vitamin B complex daily as it helps in nerve regeneration and healing. Do warm compresses over the numb area. If there is any stringy discharge you should consult a Physician and get evaluated so that he can give you oral and topical antibiotics for resolution of infection. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My five year old daughter comes to me quite frequently complaining of rapid heartbeat, her legs are shaking uncontrollably and she has a lot of leg pain....I m not an over reacting mom as my 8 year old was born with Pierre Robin Sequence and we have been through everything you can imagine with him...she has always seemed quite healthy. Any suggestion ### REPLY: Hi...rapid heart beat and that too from a 5-year-old who cannot just like that lie about it should not be ignored. It could be a supraventricular tachycardia or any other rhythm abnormality. I suggest you take her to the nearest emergency at the earliest. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: i want to donate my kidney to my friend who last night was sent to the hospital for kidney failure they said he needs a transplant as soon as possible, i have the same blood type but it hasnt been a month since i have smoked. i smoked three nights ago. im 19 years old 5 foot 7 and im healthy. so is it ok to be a smoking kidney donor ### REPLY: Hi & Welcome to . I appreciate your generosity and gesture towards your friend. You will not be considered as an eligible donor unless you stop smoking for at least 8 weeks prior to donating the kidney. This is because there are many known health risks from smoking1. It can cause potentially life-threatening respiratory complications during or immediately after anesthesia. 2. It may also increase the risk of developing blood clots in the leg veins which can break loose, travel to the lungs and potentially cause death. 3. Furthermore, it causes increased mucus production and a decreased ability to clear the lungs which can lead to pneumonia. 4. Furthermore, it causes decreased wound healing. To be eligible you must quit smoking first and after 8 weeks you can donate the kidney to your friend after getting the pre-operative medical fitness. Since smoking is associate with a number of diseases of the heart and the lungs and various cancers so, it's better to quit smoking ASAP. Hope I could answer your query. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am male 24 years of age and currently working for a bpo in Bangarole. I have been suffering from memory problems since I was 19 years of age. With difficulty to remember new stuff, recent events and had issue to recall recent learned facts, names, concepts ideas. People make fun of me and my friends noticed this change. My reasoning is extremely poor, very slow in thinking. These days always keep quite during a discussion and cannot think on my own and when I try to say something it sounds boring not make any sense. I often stop in the middle of conversation and can only think few words and cannot join ideas. Very difficult time to finish easy tasks and make decisions. one year back I visited Apollo hospital in orissa was advised to take depression medicines but it didn t work. I was reviewing information on websites about mild cognitive impairment symptoms and may be I fall under this category. I am unable prepare for higher studies, rejected in job interviews and feeling very hopeless in my life when I see my friends who are doing well. My social life is almost screwed up. so I want to consult with you or a doctor you may refer me. Please advise me how should I go about this? Thank you for your time and patience for understanding my problem. Your response is highly awaited and thank you in advance for replying. ### REPLY: Hello dear Memory impairment in such a young age needs to be evaluated properly. You must undergo a screening brain MRI. Blood investigations include it B 12 and folic acid levels, Thyroid profile, serum urea, creatinine, blood sugar levels. You should also consult a neurologist for proper examination and evaluation. You may visit a psychiatrist to evaluate for depression. Hope you recover early God bless you ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hiiiiii aim Micky from India.iam having lot of problem in nights .1.my sperm is leaking out weekly 4 to 5 times ..iam about 30 years.2.)having habit of hand-pump to get enjoy the sex feeling .weekly 4 times.3)my sperm coming out thin not thick.and when it was happened my penis looks small size 2 inches with near closed like .4.)when iam doing romance my sperm outs in 2mins .5.) i tried for sex but it failed because when my penis putting in to hole with in few seconds my sperm leaked out...6)when iam with my G.F talking or going on bike hugs or sitting closed to her my sperm leaking thinly slowly with out coming big of my cock and sex feel .7)while doing romance my penis raising slowly and dropping quickly while doing sex.there is no stand by. i was sacred about my sex life ,kindly help me. the above problems iam facing kindly give me suggestions and reasons and what to do. ### REPLY: Degree understand your concerns went through your details. You are experiencing premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, impotency etc. and All the given problems are due to lack of general knowledge about sexual procedures and undue anxiety about sex and related things. You should consult a sexologist to gt treatment for these. Do not hesitate. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: j have a left leg retaining fluid with a very painful heel..burning and sharp pains. what can be the cause and what can I do? I had non hodgkins lymphoma three years ago and I am still having booster treatments evert three months. the swelling first started after I had a biopsy on on the lympb node in the liower back can dr Mathew Mintz reply ### REPLY: Dear, There must be the recurrence of the disease or must be residual disease after the initial treatment for non Hodgkin lymphoma. The swelling of the leg is because of the pressure on the lymphatic vessels by the tumor. If the chemotherapy has not relieved it, did your doctors advise local radiotherapy in the inguinal area. You can discuss it with your doctor, and he will be the right person to tell you whether you could be benefited with it. Residual disease after chemotherapy is most of the time taken care with Radiotherapy. Truly, ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: 50 yr old female diabetic in late perimenopause. 5ft 4, 14 stone. Occasional past sharp crippling pain in right groin. Gallbladder removed feb 2012. Twisted awkwardly a week ago and now have crippling pain in right groin when getting up, sitting down, walking up an incline and stairs. Occasional pain walking on flat ground. Any suggestions what is happening please? ### REPLY: As per your explanation looks like nothing related to previous medical history it may be because of the fall or twist, soft tissues have got overstretched and due to that you are having pain I recommend you to use hot pack and cold pack frequently in day time to have effect of healing as well as relaxing on your soft tissues I also suggest do not do any activity which aggravate your pain and if possible take rest for 2 to 3 days. Anytime if you feel the pain is increasing in intensity and there is no relief then consult or tho or physiotherapy doctor and take the necessary steps for evaluation like x-ray. As well follow the treatment as per the report suggested by or tho. In physiotherapy there is a treatment called ultrasound which can also be helpful for soft tissue healing. Consult your physio for this. I hope this will be useful for you. Thank you. Take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, i have regular cycle which is 24-28 days. Now, its day 38 but i still dont have my period. I went to the OB today and the urine test says its negative. She prescribed duphaston to be taken twice a day for 7 days. She says the reason that i still dont have my period yet is due to hormonal imbalance. I am still confused because ever since I got my period at the age of 12 and now im 32, i have a regular period. This is the first time that my period was delayed. My husband and I are trying to conceive for the a year already. please help clarify things for me. I am also scheduled to take an xray as required by my new job. My OB said its safe to get an xray as Im not pregnant. Should i wait for 1 more week and take a preg test before taking the xray? ### REPLY: helloThanks for your query. Once in a while, it happens that periods get delayed for no reason (mild hormonal imbalance).stress, anxiety, travelling and change of place, weight loss, thyroid hormone problems, polycystic ovaries etc. also can cause menstrual delay. Yes, I would ask you to wait for your periods in fact, before taking the x-ray, as sometimes, delayed conception might occur. Finish the course of phaeton, and if you do not have with . All the best. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My brother is in end stage of lung cancer. The end of his big toe has turned black. Our hospice nurse told us it was dry gangrene from possible blood clots. Is there anything that can be done and is it likely to move further up the foot. He is totally bedridden. ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your brothers situation and problem. Yes, possibility of . This is common complication of terminal lung cancer. And for this you can give him blood thinner medicines like heparin, warfarin, Coumadin etc. If not treated properly than this gangrene can go upside and involve foot, leg, thigh etc. So ask his doctor about starting blood thinner medicines. Nutritional supplements and pain management are the only options for his end stage lung cancer. Hope I have solved your query. Wishing good health to your brother. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My 6 year old daughter has been sick with cold, but getting better. She now is using bathroom a lot #2. Right when she goes she says her stomach hurts bad. I noticed a little blood yesterday. She is complaining that inside her butt hurts. I didnt see anything, but wasnt able to get a good look. Wondering if hemorroid or something else. What should I do? ### REPLY: Thanks for asking gone through your question, your 6-year-old daughter having cold and stomach pain, and frequent stools. And some blood in stool. I was your treating pediatrician I would diagnose, that your daughter is suffering for dysentery. As she's having blood in stool, with frequency of stool. In hemorrhoid there is no stomach pain and frequency of stool. I would prescribe antibiotic Lifetime (8 mg per kg per day in two divided dose) for 5 days. So contact your doctor for prescription. hope to answer your query wish healthy family ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I had double by pass surgery 7 weeks ago, physical therapy and OT are moving along fine, but I still cry, and cry and cry. Oh that egg was so good, cry. I am so alone today, cry. Look I was able to do something new today, yup cry some more. Why am I crying so much, I very rarely cried before surgery. ### REPLY: Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. You could possibly be affected by clinical depression which is quite common after some surgeries. The problem is the perception. The way with which we see the surgery and its consequences. Normally such depression lasts one or two months. In your case, it has crossed seven months. Please appraise the present situation to your doctor, and he should advise the needful. Don't worry. Practice of psychotherapy techniques to streamline your lifestyle and meditation and yoga techniques to calm your mind, body, streamline your metabolism and thinking style, should be useful to you. Please consult a psychologist. If you still need my help, please describe the whole problem in detail and post a direct question to me. I shall definitely help you with psychotherapy techniques to overcome your problems. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi i have been to the doctors as have not been feeling well, the doc said i had a fast pulse rate so was sent for an ecg and then asked to return today for blood and urine tests. my urine showed that there was protein in it. have got to wait now for results of the tests is there a link between the two? cant stop worring about what it could be. thanks ### REPLY: Hello... A fast pulse rate can have many causes. To name a few common ones: anxiety, emotional stress, panic attacks, exercise, fever. You mentioned that you were not feeling well. Based on the tests you were advised it seems that the doctor was suspecting an infection. Were you down with fever since that could elevate the heart as I have mentioned? Fever can also cause the appearance of protein in the urine, which would disappear once the fever settles. In my opinion fever seems to be the most probable cause for you having both a fast heart rate and protein in the urine. Please do not get worked up. I think you will be fine. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello Dr Keerthi. Just felt like I had a mini stroke. My right chest right up to my jaw bone went numb fo abt 10 secs. I have chronic high blood pressure and a bimbo of 50. What are some of the signs of a stroke? What could have happens to me? I still feel my right chest quite heavy. Many thanks ### REPLY: Howell come to ChatDoctorThis is may not be the stroke (What the symptoms being given here) if you do have a history of hypertension, and it is well under control then stroke is very unlikely, then main symptoms of stroke would be sudden onset of syncope with the severe headache just before the syncope, or some time TIA (Transient ischemic attack) you can clear the doubt and for this the best option would be CT brain, hope this information helps, take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My husband went to doctor because of fever and swollen lymph node and the doc said that it was post nasal drip and gave him amoxicillin. My husband was also concerned about his sore gums but the doc that he had never seen said it was gingivitis. We called out dentist and he confirmed that my husband has never had gingivitis. Should we be concerned about any possible problem with this? ### REPLY: Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query, as your husband had history of fever, swollen lymph node soreness in gums can be due to viral fever related it can be Viral dermatitis causing inflammation of gingival or desquamative gingivitis. Don't worry I will suggest you to consult dentist and go for visual examination of gingival in Meantime you can apply ointment Civil for soreness, and you can take medicine like Civil tablet by consulting with your dentist, do warm saline rinses, you can take vitamin B supplements with medication. Hope this will help you. Wishing you good health ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Im a 39 year old male whos quite healthy overall. I jog, ride my bike, and workout at the gym. I dont smoke. For the last week or so Ive had a mild, dull feeling in my upper-left chest, and its scaring me a little. Theres no other symptoms. I can still go and workout, etc. It started the day after I had a few alcoholic drinks, but hasnt gone away. I drink socially about twice a week. I dont think its a strain from the gym since it had been about four days since my last workout. I have recently been using a lot of hot sauce on my foods, but it really doesnt seem like its a digestive system problem. Also, there are no significant hereditary health issues in the family. Your thoughts? ### REPLY: Respected user, HiT hanks for using .come have gone through your concern in depth.* There seems issue of Costco . * Primary relief with Ibuprofen (400) mg morning and evening after meals for 2 days, later should consult doctor if pain persist to rule out any other issue from EKG or x-ray according to the clinician concern. Always feel free to ask further doubts. Regards dear take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, 10 years ago I developed at allergy to the sun after my daughter was born The allergy lasted 2 years. After that I was able to go in the sun without no itchy rash of any sort. This summer, I decided to go into the tanning bed because I thought I was ok and it made my allergy come back. Now I instantly breakout in what resembles a sunburn and an itchy rash. This lasts about 30-40 min before it goes away completely. Even if I put 110 neutragena sunblock on I still have a reaction but not as severe. I was diagnosed with PMLE back then but I think I have solar uticaria now. Do you know of any medications or creams that would enable me to go outside and walk around during the day?? ### REPLY: Allergy can occur anytime at any age with anything if you are prone it can be due to soaps shampoo oils cooking oils creams ointment clothes body application materials foods or pollen sit can be due to medicines used for other ailments need to find the cause by going through allergy tests after consulting allergeologistand treat accordingly for control can use antiallergic basting and local antiallergic ointment on affected part ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Good evening, I just received test results for CBC with diff and everything is in normal range except my ALT (SGPT) is 79. I went to the doctor with swollen salivary gland and lymph node on the right side of my neck, bad fatigue, recent ocular migraines, recent fast weight gain, and just overall not feeling well. Current medications are Vyvanse (30 mg/day) and daily vitamins. Any idea of what I could be looking at? ### REPLY: Thanks for your query at ! The SGPT in your case is on higher end but not abnormal, it must be three times more than normal value to say it is high. You can start some liver tonics. It does not appear to be the cause of your problems. I feel your problem is infection of sub-mandibular glands. I would like to know if you have fever? It is some viral/sub-bacterial infection. You may require some prescriptions . You can visit a local physician and get examined. Some investigations might be needed. Take care! ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, doctor i`m shalini 24 Fe 5.5 h, 74 kg, i have under gone 3 cycle of follicle study 1st cycle was not clear it got ruptured in 13 mm now my follicle size is 20 mm and got ruptured my gynecologist advised to have sex and susten tab from 18th day,we kept relations as advised by doctor , but on 30th day of my cycle i got periods, i m worried whether i will get conceive or not.. Also my husbands semen count is 110, . please help me out. ### REPLY: Hi welcome to . I have gone through your question. As your follicles are developing, but it is not fertilized by sperms so I would advise going for histosalpingography HSG to rule out tubal blockage. If report of SG is clear then try naturally in fertile period for at least 4/5 cycles. Then consult gynecologist for further treatment GUI Intrauterine insemination or IVF invited fertilization. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello!I have what I believe is an impacted wisdom tooth. The actual tooth part doesnt start until almost my gumline. The other day, I bit too hard into the gum that is still on the impacted wisdom tooth and created a sore lump. Now I cannot chew on the left side of my mouth or close my mouth all the way. ### REPLY: With your query, as you mentioned that you have impacted tooth that means the tooth hasn't reached to its causal level and still covered by gum that is technically called as periodontal flap. Coming to your swelling I mean the lump could be a periodontal abscess which may be due to forceful food impaction in to gingival called as pseudo pocket. Treatment for this are by two means initially it has to get irrigated by an antiseptic solution then either you should go for a procedure called operculectomy which means removal of gingival or gum that is present over the tooth. This decision will be made by examining the tooth eruption status by radiograph and your age. In some instances if they decide tooth development is complete and chances of recurrence is more than you may have to undergo extraction for the impacted tooth. I would suggest you to go and visit oral surgeon for time being you can start using antibiotics along with painkillers and visit dentist as early as possible for complete treatment. It is unethical to prescribe antibiotics without knowing your . Hope this is informative ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi last night i went to emerg i heard the nurse tell my doctor i might have pnemonia he didnt even bother coming to see me and when i left upset and walked to his office he prescribed me meds that may react somehow with the meds im taking should i be concerned should find a new doctor is this common way to treat your patients? he was the doctor on call last night ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. Yes, you should definitely consult another doctor. Pneumonia is lung infection, and it should be treated promptly and correctly. And chest x-ray is must for the diagnosis of pneumonia. So better to consult another doctor and get done chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Tingling feeling in left arm like it is asleep, but not quite. Can feel heart beat. Tensed up feeling in left side of chest, occasional small pains mostly going from shoulder towards center of chest. In previous cases, heart beat very fast and/or hard. ### REPLY: Thanks for your question on . I can understand your concern. Left sided chest pain, radiating pain in the left arm and fast heart beats are more suggestive of heart diseases like Coronary artery disease (CAD). So immediately consult cardiologist and get done 1. ECG 2. 2d echo 3. Stress test (trade mill test) 4. If required Coronary Angiography. If all these are normal than no need to worry about CAD or other heart diseases. Sometimes stress and anxiety can cause similar symptoms. So avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Don't worry, you will be alright, but first rule out cardiac diseases. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hello doc, i am 33 year old male , nowadays i am going through vertigo,whenever i change my head position in bed , or situp in bed ,or walk i feel vertigo,pls advice me what to do and thus is cause of concern ,let me brief u liitle more ,i used to have prolonged siiting in fron of my laptop in very awkward position u can say not comfortable ,also max times i used to have stiff neck and pain in nech while waking up. ### REPLY: Hello, Your symptoms look like to be due to cervical spondylosis. Please get an X-ray Neck, Sr. It. D levels, Sr. calcium and phosphorous levels. If there are even early cervical changes then you should ideally see an orthopedic and get the needed . He would also teach you neck exercises which are to be done every day. Donot bend neck or make sudden neck movements for some time. Sleep using a normal small cotton stuffed mild cushioned pillow and avoid soft big mattresses. Pease get the above tests and proceed further. Don't worry, you will surely get better. Good luck. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, i had severe pain below the liver last week and was hospitalized for 3 days . later on sonography, doctor says that i have multiple gall stones in my gall bladder largest measuring is 7.8mm, they are advicing me for an immidiate laproscopic surgery and they say that my gall bladder will be removed. is there any other way to remove gall stones without removing my complete gall bladder. Ill be curiously waiting for your reply sir, Thanks ### REPLY: Hi, Welcome to , You are having gall stone with colic that is severe pain due to stones and treatment of choice is surgery if there is pain and nowadays laparoscopic surgery is safe and successful. Other forms of therapy is available but may not be suitable in acute stage, and you have to discuss with your treating doctor. Lithotripsy. This procedure uses ultrasound waves to break up gallstonesContact dissolution therapy. This treatment uses a thin, flexible tube called a catheter to place a chemical in the gallbladder to dissolve gallstones. If pain settles and medical therapy with OBT oral bile acid therapy may be useful in some. Hope this helps Take care Good Luck . D. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi.. i ve been taking pills since july 2012, i was using azul, but last month, february , i changed my pill to althea, and i took the first tablet even if i was done with my menstruation . it was stated on the instructions that it s ok to start the pill at any day as long as you follow the days indicated on the pill pack. but on the first week that i was taking the pill i was also taking antibiotics/antibacterial named amoxicillin . and i had made out with my boyfriend on the 5th day that i was taking pills. i finished my 21st tablet last march 2 and it s already march 6 today and i still don t have my period. the last day of my period was jan. 30.. i did some research and it says that antibiotics don t interfere with the pill except the one named rifampin. so i m confused, am i pregnant? pls help me. -AAAAAAA. stressed out- ### REPLY: Hello, Thanks for posting, Well I do not think you are pregnant if you have been taking the pills as indicated even though it will be wise to conduct a pregnancy test in about a weeks time just to be sure that pregnancy is not the cause of your amenorrhea. Pills are hormone based and can alter the concentrations of your natural hormones there by leading to menstrual irregularities. Since you changed abruptly your initial birth control and introduced a new one, it is possible that it is the change that lead to this. Menstrual irregularities e.g., spotting, breakthrough bleeding or amenorrhea can occur during its use. Most of these side effects are mild and usually disappear after a few months of contraceptive use. So I suggest you worry less than stress on its own can lead to menstrual irregularity. Hope this helps ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hello I just noticed I have a bump in my pubic area. It s about the size of a kidney bean. I haven t shaved lately. My boyfriend and I just started having sex again after months of no sex because we had a miscarriage and D&C. Do you know what this might be? ### REPLY: Hello, Welcome to ChatDoctorThanks for posting your query in . Bumps in pubic area are very common because of increased hair present in this region. It might be just a folliculitis that is infection of hair follicle. It may also be an enlarged lymph node or blocked sebaceous gland present enormously in this area. I would advise you to keep the area clean and give hot fomentation to the affected area as frequently as possible. Pain and swelling will come down. If it doesn't get relieved, you need to see your treating doctor for physical examination. Hope you are happy with the answer. Thank you. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am having alot of jaw pain and throbbing with headache 24/7 after having 2 crowns worked on last week. any ideas are welcome, I am seeing my dentist tomorrow, but would like to have appropriate feedback / questions for him. I dont think this should hurt so much. ### REPLY: Hi. Can understand your concern. As per your complaint you have got two crowns placed and pain after this can be due to either of the following reasons. One reason can be in case if the crowns were placed without root canal treatment of tooth (it is a treatment in which the nerves and blood vessels present in the tooth are cut off either to relieve pain due to infection or as an intentional procedure to avoid complications like pain and sensitivity after crown placement) the preparation of the tooth for seating the crown if done in excess can lead to opening of nerves and when the crown is placed over opened nerves it can cause inflammation of nerve and hence severe pain. In case if the crowns are placed after root canal treatment for an infected tooth pain can be due to persistent infection leading to pus formation and pressure which is not subsided or there is some vital nerve tissue left out in any missed root canal can cause severe pain on crown placement. I would suggest you to consult an ENDODONTIST and get evaluated clinically as well as by getting x-ray done to rule out the cause of pain. In case if root canal is not done and pain is due to irritated nerves the crown needs to be removed followed by Root canal treatment and medicines and once pain is completely subsided crown can be placed again. In case of root canal treated tooth also re treatment will have to be done. You can take painkiller like Eugenic plus or Retool DT (one tablet dissolved in half a glass of water) to provide relief. Hope your query is solved. If you find the answer helpful please write a positive review and click on find this answer helpful as a token of appreciation. Thanks and regards. . ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: My grandfather is taking dutas t for BPH. He was taking CCB for BP.but he has vertigo for last 3 days.BP was checked and it was 100/60.BP medicine was discounted.he has been prescribed vertizac tablet for 1 month twice daily before food.but myself as a medico told him to take it for 15 days.give suggestions. ### REPLY: Hello, Vertical is for symptomatic relief of vertigo, so as soon as the symptoms resolve your father can surely atop the . Two weeks shower more than enough, rather if it is persistent post 2 weeks, again a review visit to the diagnosis should be done to make sure we are not missing anything. Also, the cause of giddiness might be the blood pressure and so stopping (though I would prefer gradual down titration) of the meds, should be enough. Lastly do keep a follow-up of his blood pressure reading. Hoping I could help For further assistance you may contact me on . @ Http://doctor. ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: Hi, Im 35 white female , I feel like 100 y old, too tired to go out of bed, too tired to walk, etc., Ive noticed a sore and enlarged tongue, my RBC count was 3.9 few months ago, so Ive been asked to take iron , folic acid and B plex,after a month, the RBC count was 4.1 , then another month 4.2 , and the last month 4.2, those tablets are not helping, Im loosing my job, few years ago I was full of energy, now Im almost retarded ! ### REPLY: Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some chronic anemia. You should go for complete blood count and peripherals smear examination. It all give you causes of anemia. If needed go for complete anemia profile or bone marrow examination. Search the cause first and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using . Wish you a very good health. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: hi im girl 35 yrs old..gave birth last 12.2010..while giving birth my albumin is positive 4 so no choice to give birth asap..n i have a prob with my kidney n liver so then my doctors saved my life.sothey have 2 give me 2bags of blood after that im experiencing a high blood is that the cause of my new 2bags blood? last 11yrs i v been in ectopic so they gave me 2bags of blood but then there no problem about the 2bags of blood..but this time i have a high my bp is the blood las 2009 they gave me?last 4months im taking althea pills for my pimples that s my porpose only last wiks im experiecing high blood 15/120 so my dok tel me to stop my pills..im wondering why my bp is high? is it because im taking althea pills?? ### REPLY: Hello, I understand your concern and would explain that high blood pressure could be related to the Althea pills. Anyway, I recommend performing some other tests to exclude other possible causes (complete blood count, PCR, ESR, kidney and liver function tests, blood electrolytes, thyroid hormone levels). Starting antihypertensive therapy may be needed as long as your blood pressure values remain above the normal ranges. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I fell down in office and got a minor external injury on my head. I was unconscious for couple of hours and got to know that I suffered partial seizures after I fell down. I was taken CT & MRI scans and was assured that there was no seizures defect in my brain or nerves. I have been using Levipil 500mg in the morning and Levipil 1g at night. When there is no Seizures defect should I continue using medicine? If yes, how long? ### REPLY: Hi, Thank you for using . I can understand your concern about course of anti-epileptic medicine. Most of the Doctor prefer 3 to 4 year of anti-epileptic course after last seizure episode if no causative factor had been found for seizure. As you said, after fall and injury you had seizure but no defect seen in brain imaging you will be also considered in above said situation. It is also important to with . Your treating physician will be in the best position to guide you in this course of anti-epileptic medicine. Hope you will find this helpful. ### END
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with a human input that provides further context. The task is to simulate a doctor-patient consultation. The human input will be a description of symptoms or health concerns from the patient's perspective. Write a response (reply) that appropriately completes the request, providing an accurate, thoughtful, and empathetic response that a real doctor might give based on the information provided. Never use the words 'Chat Doctor' in your response ### HUMAN: I am the mother of a 2 month old baby , I do a lot of lifting the baby , rocking movements with the baby in my arms , it began as an uncomfortable pain in my left shoulder, now kind of gives me electric numbness kind if feeling at the area between my base of mech and both shoulders , a hot bath or hot water bag gives me temporary relief , but the pain or numbness returns back when I hold the baby etc .. I reckon this has happened after prolonged carrying / lifting baby in the same arm , please advice remedies.what could this condition be? ### REPLY: Hello, I have studied your case. It can be shoulder rotator cuff injury which may need MRI for confirmation. Medication like methylcobalamine with muscle relaxant and analgesic will reduce pain, you can take them consulting your treating doctor. You may consult physiotherapist for further guidance. He may start TENS, or ultrasound which is helpful in your case. You may need to take rest for early healing. Also check your it B12 and it D3 in your blood. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take disregards . ### END