int64 0
| description
stringlengths 5
| readme
stringlengths 6
⌀ |
200 | Maven plugin for running and creating Docker images | # docker-maven-plugin
This is a Maven plugin for building Docker images and managing containers for integration tests.
It works with Maven 3.0.5 and Docker 1.6.0 or later.
#### Goals
| Goal | Description | Default Lifecycle Phase |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------- |
| [`docker:start`]( | Create and start containers | pre-integration-test |
| [`docker:stop`]( | Stop and destroy containers | post-integration-test |
| [`docker:build`]( | Build images | install |
| [`docker:watch`]( | Watch for doing rebuilds and restarts | |
| [`docker:push`]( | Push images to a registry | deploy |
| [`docker:remove`]( | Remove images from local docker host | post-integration-test |
| [`docker:logs`]( | Show container logs | |
| [`docker:source`]( | Attach docker build archive to Maven project | package |
| [`docker:save`]( | Save image to a file | |
| [`docker:volume-create`]( | Create a volume to share data between containers | pre-integration-test |
| [`docker:volume-remove`]( | Remove a created volume | post-integration-test |
| [`docker:copy`]( | Copy files and directories from a container | post-integration-test |
#### Documentation
* The **[User Manual](** [[PDF](] has a detailed reference for all and everything.
* The [Introduction](doc/ is a high level
overview of this plugin's features and provides an usage example.
provided goals and possible configuration parameters.
* [Examples](doc/ are below `samples/` and contain example
setups which you can use as blueprints for your own projects.
* [ChangeLog](doc/ has the release history of this plugin.
* [Contributing]( explains how you can contribute to this project. Pull requests are highly appreciated!
#### Docker API Support
* Docker 1.6 (**v1.18**) is the minimal required version
* Docker 1.8.1 (**v1.20**) is required for `docker:watch`
* Docker 1.9 (**v1.21**) is required for using custom networks and build args.
201 | :star: Codebase for various tutorials about Java, Spring Boot, AWS, Kotlin, and Testing | # Hands-On Code Examples for Tutorials on [](
If you find an issue or bug within the provided code examples, feel free to open an [issue](, and I will take a look.
## Cheat Sheets
* [Testing Java Applications Cheat Sheet](
* [Java EE & Jakarta EE Application Server Cheat Sheet]( ([Sources](
* [Spring Web MVC Cheat Sheet]( ([Sources](
## Articles about Testing
* [Parallelizing Only Java Unit Tests with JUnit 5 and Maven]( ([Sources](
* [Test Thymeleaf Controller Endpoints with Spring Boot and MockMvc]( ([Sources](
* [Spring Boot Testing: MockMvc vs. WebTestClient vs. TestRestTemplate]( ([Sources](
* [Amazon SQS Listener Testing with @SqsTest (Spring Cloud AWS)]( ([Sources](
* [Spring Boot Test Spring Web MVC HandlerInterceptor]( ([Sources](
* [LaunchDarkly Java Testing and Local Development Hints]( ([Sources](
* [What the Heck Is the SpringExtension Used For?]( ([Sources](
* [Maven Setup For Testing Java Applications]( ([Sources](
* [Creating Deep Stubs With Mockito to Chain Method Stubbing]( ([Sources](
* [Spring Boot Unit and Integration Testing Overview]( ([Sources](
* [Initialization Strategies With Testcontainers For Integration Tests]( ([Sources](
* [Record Spring Events When Testing Spring Boot Applications]( ([Sources](
* [Testing Spring Boot Applications With REST Assured]( ([Sources](
* [How to Test Java HTTP Client Usages (e.g OkHttp, Apache HttpClient)]( ([Sources](
* [Spring Boot Test Slices Overview and Usage]( ([Sources](
* [Guide to Testing Spring Boot applications with MockMvc]( ([Sources](
* [MongoDB Testcontainers Setup for @DataMongoTest]( ([Sources](
* [Mocking Statics Methods with Mockito (Kotlin & Java)]( ([Sources](
* [Mock Java Constructors And Their Object Creation With Mockito]( ([Sources](
* [Write Concise Web Tests With Selenide for Java Projects]( ([Sources](
* [Test Your Spring MVC Controller with the WebTestClient and MockMvc]( ([Sources](
* [Test Your Spring Boot JPA Persistence Layer With @DataJpaTest]( ([Sources](
* [Override Spring Boot Configuration Properties For Tests]( ([Sources](
* [Use GreenMail For Spring Mail (JavaMailSender) JUnit 5 Integration Tests]( ([Sources](
* [Write Spring Boot integration tests with Testcontainers (JUnit 4 and 5)]( ([Sources](
* [Reuse containers with Testcontainers for fast integration tests]( ([Sources](
* [Test Spring WebClient with MockWebServer from OkHttp]( ([Sources](
* [Test Spring applications using AWS with Testcontainers and LocalStack]( ([Sources](
* [Write integration tests for your Spring WebSocket endpoints]( ([Sources](
* [Improve build times with Context Caching from Spring Test]( ([Sources](
* [Testing Spring Boot Applications with Kotlin and Testcontainers]( ([Sources](
* [Write JPA integration tests with Java EE]( ([Sources](
* [Simple load-testing with Apache Benchmark]( ([Sources](
* [Java Benchmarking with JMH (Java Microbenchmark Harness)]( ([Sources](
* [Consumer-Driven Contracts with Spring Cloud Contract]( ([Sources](
* [Jakarta EE integration tests with MicroShed Testing]( ([Sources](
* [Spring Boot Integration Tests with WireMock and JUnit 5]( ([Sources](
* [Spring WebTestClient for efficient testing of your REST API]( ([Sources](
* [Spring Boot Functional Tests with Selenium and Testcontainers]( ([Sources](
* [Testing your Spring RestTemplate with @RestClientTest]( ([Sources](
* [Five JUnit 5 features you might not know yet]( ([Sources](
* [Testing your JSON serialization with @JsonTest]( ([Sources](
## Articles about Spring Boot
* [Lock @Scheduled Tasks With ShedLock And Spring Boot]( ([Sources](
* [Best Practices Flyway and Hibernate with Spring Boot]( ([Sources](
* [Up- and download files with React and Spring Boot]( ([Sources](
* [Expose git information with Spring Boot’s Actuator]( ([Sources](
* [Lazy Loading of JPA attributes with Hibernate]( ([Sources](
* [Send E-Mails with SendGrid and Spring Boot]( ([Sources](
* [Dynamic SQL Querying & Pagination with Querydsl and Spring Data JPA]( ([Sources](
* [Remote Debug Spring Boot applications (IntelliJ IDEA + Eclipse)]( ([Sources](
* [Use Spring’s WebClient for RESTful communication]( ([Sources](
* [Generate random data in Java using Java Faker]( ([Sources](
* [Feature Toggles for Spring Boot applications with Togglz]( ([Sources](
* [Spring WebClient OAuth2 Integration for Spring WebFlux]( ([Sources](
* [Spring WebClient OAuth2 Integration for Spring Web (Servlet)]( ([Sources](
* [Expose Metrics of Spring WebClient using Spring Boot Actuator]( ([Sources](
* [Spring WebClient exchange vs. retireve a comparison]( ([Sources](
* [Customize Spring WebClient with WebClientCustomizer]( ([Sources](
## Articles about AWS
* [AWS Lambda with Kotlin and Spring Cloud Function]( ([Sources](
* [OIDC Logout With AWS Cognito and Spring Security]( ([Sources](
* [Java AWS Lambda Container Image Support (Complete Guide)]( ([Sources](
* [Resolving Spring Boot properties using the AWS Parameter Store (SSM)]( ([Sources](
* [Java AWS Lambda with Serverless and Maven - Thumbnail Generator]( ([Sources](
* [Java AWS Lambda with Spring Cloud Function]( ([Sources](
* [Thymeleaf OAuth2 Login with Spring Security and AWS Cognito]( ([Sources](
## Articles about Kotlin
* [Create Spring Boot applications with Maven and Kotlin]( ([Sources](
* [Write Java EE applications with Kotlin]( ([Sources](
* [Writing JavaScript code with Kotlin using Gradle]( ([Sources](
## Articles about Java EE/Jakarta EE/MicroProfile
* [Avoid repeating attributes in JPA entities]( ([Sources](
* [Deploy a Spring Boot Uber-Jar application within Open Liberty]( ([Sources](
* [Simple CRUD table with JSF and PrimeFaces]( ([Sources](
* [Simple JSF 2.3 Login with Java EE 8 Security API]( ([Sources](
* [Simple JMS application with the embedded messaging engine in Open Liberty]( ([Sources](
* [JAX-RS user-based API rate-limiting with JSR-375]( ([Sources](
* [Generate documents from Word templates with Docx4j on Wildfly 14]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile JWT Authentication with Keycloak and React]( ([Sources](
* [Generate PDFs (Apache PDFBox) including Charts (XChart) with Java EE]( ([Sources](
* [Up- and downloading files with Java EE and Web Components]( ([Sources](
* [RESTEasy (WildFly) file up- and downloading]( ([Sources](
* [Messaging with JMS using Payara with embedded OpenMQ broker]( ([Sources](
* [Nice-looking JSF 2.3 apps with PrimeFaces 7.0]( ([Sources](
* [Send emails with Java EE using Payara]( ([Sources](
* [Deploy Java EE applications to Kubernetes]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile Rest Client for RESTful communication]( ([Sources](
* [Intercept method calls using CDI interceptors]( ([Sources](
* [Bootstrap your first Jakarta EE 8 application]( ([Sources](
* [Jakarta EE and MicroProfile applications with React and PostgreSQL]( ([Sources](
* [Create real-time applications with Jakarta EE WebSocket]( ([Sources](
* [Jakarta EE & React file up- and download using Java 11 and TypeScript]( ([Sources](
## Miscellaneous
* [Automatic Java Code Migration with OpenRewrite (Mockito Example)]( ([Sources](
* [Simple database documentation with SchemaSpy]( ([Sources](
* [Preview PDF files with React]( ([Sources](
* [Writing PostgreSQL functions with Java using PL/Java]( ([Sources](
* [Deploy a React application to Kuberntes]( ([Sources](
* [Create your own Maven Archetype in 5 simple steps]( ([Sources](
* [GitHub Actions for Java - automate your Maven workflows]( ([Sources](
## WHATIS? Articles
* [JavaServer Faces. An introduction to JSF 2.3]( ([Sources](
* [GraalVM - an introduction to the next level JVM]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile Config]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile Fault Tolerance]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile Metrics]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile JWT Auth]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile Rest Client]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile OpenAPI]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile OpenTracing]( ([Sources](
* [MicroProfile Health]( ([Sources](
* [Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI)]( ([Sources](
* [Jakarta RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)]( ([Sources](
* [JSON Binding (JSON-B)]( ([Sources](
* [JSON Processing (JSON-P)]( ([Sources](
## REVIEW Articles
* [What’s new in Spring Boot 2.1]( ([Sources](
* [What's new in Spring Boot 2.2]( ([Sources](
* [What's new in Spring Boot 2.3]( ([Sources](
* [What's new in MicroProfile 3.1]( ([Sources](
* [Improved Java/Jakarta EE productivity with Adam Bien’s WAD (Watch and Deploy)]( ([Sources](
* [5 Java 9 Features you might not know yet]( ([Sources](
* [Top 3 Maven Plugins to ensure Quality and Security for your project]( ([Sources](
* [Joyful Open Liberty Developer Experience with Liberty Maven Plugin]( ([Sources](
202 | Apache Maven Daemon | null |
203 | Java interface to OpenCV, FFmpeg, and more | JavaCV
[]( []( []( []( <sup>Commercial support:</sup> [](
JavaCV uses wrappers from the [JavaCPP Presets]( of commonly used libraries by researchers in the field of computer vision ([OpenCV](, [FFmpeg](, [libdc1394](, [FlyCapture](, [Spinnaker](, [OpenKinect](, [librealsense](, [CL PS3 Eye Driver](, [videoInput](, [ARToolKitPlus](, [flandmark](, [Leptonica](, and [Tesseract]( and provides utility classes to make their functionality easier to use on the Java platform, including Android.
JavaCV also comes with hardware accelerated full-screen image display (`CanvasFrame` and `GLCanvasFrame`), easy-to-use methods to execute code in parallel on multiple cores (`Parallel`), user-friendly geometric and color calibration of cameras and projectors (`GeometricCalibrator`, `ProCamGeometricCalibrator`, `ProCamColorCalibrator`), detection and matching of feature points (`ObjectFinder`), a set of classes that implement direct image alignment of projector-camera systems (mainly `GNImageAligner`, `ProjectiveTransformer`, `ProjectiveColorTransformer`, `ProCamTransformer`, and `ReflectanceInitializer`), a blob analysis package (`Blobs`), as well as miscellaneous functionality in the `JavaCV` class. Some of these classes also have an OpenCL and OpenGL counterpart, their names ending with `CL` or starting with `GL`, i.e.: `JavaCVCL`, `GLCanvasFrame`, etc.
To learn how to use the API, since documentation currently lacks, please refer to the [Sample Usage](#sample-usage) section below as well as the [sample programs](, including two for Android (`` and ``), also found in the `samples` directory. You may also find it useful to refer to the source code of [ProCamCalib]( and [ProCamTracker]( as well as [examples ported from OpenCV2 Cookbook]( and the associated [wiki pages](
Please keep me informed of any updates or fixes you make to the code so that I may integrate them into the next release. Thank you! And feel free to ask questions on [the mailing list]( or [the discussion forum]( if you encounter any problems with the software! I am sure it is far from perfect...
Archives containing JAR files are available as [releases]( The binary archive contains builds for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. The JAR files for specific child modules or platforms can also be obtained individually from the [Maven Central Repository](|ga|1|bytedeco).
To install manually the JAR files, follow the instructions in the [Manual Installation](#manual-installation) section below.
We can also have everything downloaded and installed automatically with:
* Maven (inside the `pom.xml` file)
* Gradle (inside the `build.gradle` file)
dependencies {
implementation group: 'org.bytedeco', name: 'javacv-platform', version: '1.5.8'
* Leiningen (inside the `project.clj` file)
:dependencies [
[org.bytedeco/javacv-platform "1.5.8"]
* sbt (inside the `build.sbt` file)
libraryDependencies += "org.bytedeco" % "javacv-platform" % "1.5.8"
This downloads binaries for all platforms, but to get binaries for only one platform we can set the `javacpp.platform` system property (via the `-D` command line option) to something like `android-arm`, `linux-x86_64`, `macosx-x86_64`, `windows-x86_64`, etc. Please refer to the [ file of the JavaCPP Presets]( for details. Another option available to Gradle users is [Gradle JavaCPP](, and similarly for Scala users there is [SBT-JavaCV](
Required Software
To use JavaCV, you will first need to download and install the following software:
* An implementation of Java SE 7 or newer:
* OpenJDK or
* Oracle JDK or
Further, although not always required, some functionality of JavaCV also relies on:
* CL Eye Platform SDK (Windows only)
* Android SDK API 21 or newer
* JOCL and JOGL from JogAmp
Finally, please make sure everything has the same bitness: **32-bit and 64-bit modules do not mix under any circumstances**.
Manual Installation
Simply put all the desired JAR files (`opencv*.jar`, `ffmpeg*.jar`, etc.), in addition to `javacpp.jar` and `javacv.jar`, somewhere in your class path. Here are some more specific instructions for common cases:
NetBeans (Java SE 7 or newer):
1. In the Projects window, right-click the Libraries node of your project, and select "Add JAR/Folder...".
2. Locate the JAR files, select them, and click OK.
Eclipse (Java SE 7 or newer):
1. Navigate to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries and click "Add External JARs...".
2. Locate the JAR files, select them, and click OK.
Visual Studio Code (Java SE 7 or newer):
1. Navigate to Java Projects > Referenced Libraries, and click `+`.
2. Locate the JAR files, select them, and click OK.
IntelliJ IDEA (Android 7.0 or newer):
1. Follow the instructions on this page:
2. Copy all the JAR files into the `app/libs` subdirectory.
3. Navigate to File > Project Structure > app > Dependencies, click `+`, and select "2 File dependency".
4. Select all the JAR files from the `libs` subdirectory.
After that, the wrapper classes for OpenCV and FFmpeg, for example, can automatically access all of their C/C++ APIs:
* [OpenCV documentation](
* [FFmpeg documentation](
Sample Usage
The class definitions are basically ports to Java of the original header files in C/C++, and I deliberately decided to keep as much of the original syntax as possible. For example, here is a method that tries to load an image file, smooth it, and save it back to disk:
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_imgproc.*;
import static*;
import static*;
import static*;
public class Smoother {
public static void smooth(String filename) {
Mat image = imread(filename);
if (image != null) {
GaussianBlur(image, image, new Size(3, 3), 0);
imwrite(filename, image);
JavaCV also comes with helper classes and methods on top of OpenCV and FFmpeg to facilitate their integration to the Java platform. Here is a small demo program demonstrating the most frequently useful parts:
import org.bytedeco.javacv.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.javacpp.indexer.*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_imgproc.*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_calib3d.*;
import org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_objdetect.*;
import static*;
import static*;
import static*;
import static*;
public class Demo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String classifierName = null;
if (args.length > 0) {
classifierName = args[0];
} else {
URL url = new URL("");
File file = Loader.cacheResource(url);
classifierName = file.getAbsolutePath();
// We can "cast" Pointer objects by instantiating a new object of the desired class.
CascadeClassifier classifier = new CascadeClassifier(classifierName);
if (classifier == null) {
System.err.println("Error loading classifier file \"" + classifierName + "\".");
// The available FrameGrabber classes include OpenCVFrameGrabber (opencv_videoio),
// DC1394FrameGrabber, FlyCapture2FrameGrabber, OpenKinectFrameGrabber, OpenKinect2FrameGrabber,
// RealSenseFrameGrabber, RealSense2FrameGrabber, PS3EyeFrameGrabber, VideoInputFrameGrabber, and FFmpegFrameGrabber.
FrameGrabber grabber = FrameGrabber.createDefault(0);
// CanvasFrame, FrameGrabber, and FrameRecorder use Frame objects to communicate image data.
// We need a FrameConverter to interface with other APIs (Android, Java 2D, JavaFX, Tesseract, OpenCV, etc).
OpenCVFrameConverter.ToMat converter = new OpenCVFrameConverter.ToMat();
// FAQ about IplImage and Mat objects from OpenCV:
// - For custom raw processing of data, createBuffer() returns an NIO direct
// buffer wrapped around the memory pointed by imageData, and under Android we can
// also use that Buffer with Bitmap.copyPixelsFromBuffer() and copyPixelsToBuffer().
// - To get a BufferedImage from an IplImage, or vice versa, we can chain calls to
// Java2DFrameConverter and OpenCVFrameConverter, one after the other.
// - Java2DFrameConverter also has static copy() methods that we can use to transfer
// data more directly between BufferedImage and IplImage or Mat via Frame objects.
Mat grabbedImage = converter.convert(grabber.grab());
int height = grabbedImage.rows();
int width = grabbedImage.cols();
// Objects allocated with `new`, clone(), or a create*() factory method are automatically released
// by the garbage collector, but may still be explicitly released by calling deallocate().
// You shall NOT call cvReleaseImage(), cvReleaseMemStorage(), etc. on objects allocated this way.
Mat grayImage = new Mat(height, width, CV_8UC1);
Mat rotatedImage = grabbedImage.clone();
// The OpenCVFrameRecorder class simply uses the VideoWriter of opencv_videoio,
// but FFmpegFrameRecorder also exists as a more versatile alternative.
FrameRecorder recorder = FrameRecorder.createDefault("output.avi", width, height);
// CanvasFrame is a JFrame containing a Canvas component, which is hardware accelerated.
// It can also switch into full-screen mode when called with a screenNumber.
// We should also specify the relative monitor/camera response for proper gamma correction.
CanvasFrame frame = new CanvasFrame("Some Title", CanvasFrame.getDefaultGamma()/grabber.getGamma());
// Let's create some random 3D rotation...
Mat randomR = new Mat(3, 3, CV_64FC1),
randomAxis = new Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1);
// We can easily and efficiently access the elements of matrices and images
// through an Indexer object with the set of get() and put() methods.
DoubleIndexer Ridx = randomR.createIndexer(),
axisIdx = randomAxis.createIndexer();
axisIdx.put(0, (Math.random() - 0.5) / 4,
(Math.random() - 0.5) / 4,
(Math.random() - 0.5) / 4);
Rodrigues(randomAxis, randomR);
double f = (width + height) / 2.0; Ridx.put(0, 2, Ridx.get(0, 2) * f);
Ridx.put(1, 2, Ridx.get(1, 2) * f);
Ridx.put(2, 0, Ridx.get(2, 0) / f); Ridx.put(2, 1, Ridx.get(2, 1) / f);
// We can allocate native arrays using constructors taking an integer as argument.
Point hatPoints = new Point(3);
while (frame.isVisible() && (grabbedImage = converter.convert(grabber.grab())) != null) {
// Let's try to detect some faces! but we need a grayscale image...
cvtColor(grabbedImage, grayImage, CV_BGR2GRAY);
RectVector faces = new RectVector();
classifier.detectMultiScale(grayImage, faces);
long total = faces.size();
for (long i = 0; i < total; i++) {
Rect r = faces.get(i);
int x = r.x(), y = r.y(), w = r.width(), h = r.height();
rectangle(grabbedImage, new Point(x, y), new Point(x + w, y + h), Scalar.RED, 1, CV_AA, 0);
// To access or pass as argument the elements of a native array, call position() before.
hatPoints.position(0).x(x - w / 10 ).y(y - h / 10);
hatPoints.position(1).x(x + w * 11 / 10).y(y - h / 10);
hatPoints.position(2).x(x + w / 2 ).y(y - h / 2 );
fillConvexPoly(grabbedImage, hatPoints.position(0), 3, Scalar.GREEN, CV_AA, 0);
// Let's find some contours! but first some thresholding...
threshold(grayImage, grayImage, 64, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
// To check if an output argument is null we may call either isNull() or equals(null).
MatVector contours = new MatVector();
findContours(grayImage, contours, CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
long n = contours.size();
for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Mat contour = contours.get(i);
Mat points = new Mat();
approxPolyDP(contour, points, arcLength(contour, true) * 0.02, true);
drawContours(grabbedImage, new MatVector(points), -1, Scalar.BLUE);
warpPerspective(grabbedImage, rotatedImage, randomR, rotatedImage.size());
Frame rotatedFrame = converter.convert(rotatedImage);
Furthermore, after creating a `pom.xml` file with the following content:
<!-- Additional dependencies required to use CUDA and cuDNN -->
<!-- Optional GPL builds with (almost) everything enabled -->
And by placing the source code above in ``, or similarly for other classes found in the [`samples`](samples), we can use the following command to have everything first installed automatically and then executed by Maven:
$ mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=Demo
**Note**: In case of errors, please make sure that the `artifactId` in the `pom.xml` file reads `javacv-platform`, not `javacv` only, for example. The artifact `javacv-platform` adds all the necessary binary dependencies.
Build Instructions
If the binary files available above are not enough for your needs, you might need to rebuild them from the source code. To this end, the project files were created for:
* Maven 3.x
* JavaCPP 1.5.8
* JavaCPP Presets 1.5.8
Once installed, simply call the usual `mvn install` command for JavaCPP, its Presets, and JavaCV. By default, no other dependencies than a C++ compiler for JavaCPP are required. Please refer to the comments inside the `pom.xml` files for further details.
Instead of building the native libraries manually, we can run `mvn install` for JavaCV only and rely on the snapshot artifacts from the CI builds:
Project lead: Samuel Audet [samuel.audet `at`](mailto:samuel.audet at
Developer site:
Discussion group:
204 | Local and offline-first npm mirror | <img alt="local-npm" width="500px" src="" />
[]( [](
`local-npm` is a Node server that acts as a local npm registry. It serves modules, caches them, and updates them whenever they change. Basically it's a local mirror, but without having to replicate the entire npm registry.
This allows your `npm install` commands to (mostly) work offline. Also, they get faster and faster over time, as commonly-installed modules are aggressively cached.
<!-- TOC depthFrom:1 depthTo:6 withLinks:1 updateOnSave:1 orderedList:0 -->
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Listening for events](#listening-for-events)
- [Command line options](#command-line-options)
- [Browser UI](#browser-ui)
- [Switching with npmrc](#switching-with-npmrc)
- [Speed test](#speed-test)
- [How it works](#how-it-works)
- [Using with Docker](#using-with-docker)
<!-- /TOC -->
# Introduction
`local-npm` acts as a proxy between you and the main npm registry. You run `npm install` commands like normal, but under the hood, all requests are sent through the local server.
When you first `npm install` a module, it'll be fetched from the main npm registry. After that, the module and all its dependencies (at that version) are stored in a local database, so you can expect subsequent installs to be much faster.
The server will also listen for changes from the remote registry, so you can expect updates to a module's metadata to be replicated within seconds of being published. (I.e. you won't get stuck with old versions.)
If you're organizing a conference/meetup/whatever, you can also share this local server with multiple people. So if your teammates are constantly installing the same modules over and over again, this can save a lot of time in the long run.
`local-npm` is also a good way to make `npm install` work offline. Assuming new versions of a package haven't been published since you last installed, subsequent `npm install`s will all serve from the cache, without ever hitting a remote server.
Addy Osmani has [a nice post]( comparing `local-npm` to other options.
# Usage
If you're using OS X, take a look at [local-npm-launch-agent](, a one-liner that sets everything up automatically. Otherwise:
$ npm install -g local-npm
$ local-npm
to start the server. (Note that it will write files in whatever directory you run it from.)
Then set `npm` to point to the local server:
$ npm set registry
To switch back, you can do:
$ npm set registry
The same rules as for the [npm Australia mirror]( apply here.
## Listening for events
> to listen to process level events to collecting metrics use the global event emitter to introspect on these - _events can be one of the following_ (info, warn, missed, cached, request)
port: 5080,
pouchPort: 6789,
remote: '',
remoteSkim: '',
url: '',
directory: './'
process.on('request', (msg) => {
# Command line options
Usage: local-npm [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --port [port] The port to run local-npm on
-pp, --pouch-port [port] The port to run the pouch db server on
-l, --log-level [level] The level to log information to the console from local-npm
-r, --remote [url] The registry to fallback information gathering and tars on
-rs, --remote-skim [url] The remote skimdb to sync couchdb information from
-u, --url [url] The default access url that local-npm will be hosted on
-d, --directory [directory] directory to store data
**Protip**: You can replicate from your friend's `local-npm` to your own `local-npm` by simply pointing at it:
$ local-npm \
--remote http://<friends_hostname>:5080 \
--remote-skim http://<friends_hostname>:16984/skimdb
While your friend does:
$ local-npm \
--url http://<friends_hostname>:5080
In this way, you can create a daisy chain of awesome.
**Protip 2**: If you want to set up a single `local-npm` for multiple people to use, such as for conferences or workplaces, then just daemonize it (e.g. using [forever](, and then when you run it, specify the URL that clients will use to access the server, e.g.:
$ local-npm \
--url http://192.168.x.x:5080
This will ensure that clients fetch tarballs from `192.168.x.x` instead of ``.
If you want a GUI or don't want to run it from the command-line is an electron app for that! [](

# Browser UI
A rudimentary npm-like UI that allows you to search modules and see their descriptions can be found at [http://localhost:5080/_browse](http://localhost:5080/_browse).
| main | package |
|  |  |
If you haven't finished replicating the remote skimdb, then not all the modules will be visible yet.
# Switching with npmrc
Features like `npm search` are currently unsupported. So to avoid having to remember URLs when switching back and forth, you can use `npmrc` like so (based on the instructions for [the Australian mirror of npm](
$ npm install -g npmrc
$ npmrc -c local
$ npm set registry
then to search:
$ npmrc default
and to switch back:
$ npmrc local
Incidentally, though, `local-npm` does allow you to do `npm login` and `npm publish`. These commands will just be proxied to the main npm registry.
# Speed test
For a speed test of `local-npm` versus regular npm, [see these results](
# How it works
npm is built on top of CouchDB, so `local-npm` works by replicating the full "skimdb" database to a local [PouchDB Server]( You can inspect the running database at []( (Don't write to it!)
The entire "skimdb" (metadata) is replicated locally, but for the "fullfatdb" (metadata plus tarballs), only what you `npm install` is stored. To start from scratch, just delete whatever directory you started the server in.
CouchDB has a changes feed, so `local-npm` just listens to the `skimdb` changes to know when it needs to refresh an outdated module. Changes should replicate within a few seconds of being published. (You can watch this happen in realtime by reading the logs, which is kind of fun! An update comes in whenever someone publishes a module.)
Note that new tarballs aren't downloaded until you explicitly `npm install` them, though. So e.g. if you install `v1.0.0` of a package, then `v1.0.1` is published, and your range says `^1.0.0`, then the next `npm install` will fail unless you're online and can fetch the new tarball.
# Using with Docker
Using local-npm with Docker can help speed up build times during development.
The awkward way to use this would be something like:
RUN local-npm && \
npm set registry http://... && \
npm set proxy .... && \
npm install some packages etc ...
Running services inside of a Docker build command isn't really Docker's business. The friendly scenario works better in this case, i.e. you run local-npm on the host machine:
local-npm --url=http://<network host or ip>:5080
And adding the npm registry/proxy commands to your Dockerfile:
RUN npm config set proxy http://<network host or ip>:5080
RUN npm config set proxy http://<network host or ip>:5080
RUN npm config set registry http://<network host or ip>:5080
RUN npm config set strict-ssl false
RUN npm install project dependencies ...
205 | Awesome npm resources and tips | null |
206 | ⚡️ Super-powered JavaScript project management | # Bolt
> Super-powered JavaScript project management
### Introduction
Are you sharing components, libraries or services between different projects and
find it difficult to manage? Juggling lots of Node packages in lots of different
repositories? What if there was a better way?

Most JavaScript projects have 1 package per project (repo). So when you have
lots of packages, you have to do a lot of work to manage them all:
- You need to install every single package one by one.
- If you make changes to one package and want to test them in another, you need
to manually link them together and run tests separately.
- Managing dependencies and keeping everything up to date can be overwhelming,
and you can easily fall really far behind.
Instead of all that, what if you put all of your packages together?

This is the idea behind "workspaces".
#### What are workspaces?
A _workspace_ is like any other node package: It's just a directory with its
own `package.json`.
Workspaces are grouped into a single "project". A _project_ is also just a
node package at the root of your repository. This is sometimes referred to
as a "monorepo", but we prefer the term "multi-package repo".
├── package.json
├── workspace-one
│ ├── package.json
│ └── index.js
└── workspace-two
├── package.json
└── index.js
Put another way, workspaces are just like any other package, except they are
nested within a larger project/repo. Each workspace can have its own dependencies
with its own code and scripts. Workspaces can also be grouped into
sub-directories for further organization.
Using Bolt, you can install the dependencies for all of these packages at once
(and you can do it really really fast).
But here's where it gets really cool: When you specify a dependency from one
workspace to another. It will get linked to the actual source. This way, when
you go to test your code. All your changes get tested together.
> **Note:** This idea is not new, other tools like [Lerna](
> have existed for awhile and are used by many projects. Bolt is a fresh take
> on the idea.
#### What is Bolt?
Bolt implements the idea of workspaces on top of [Yarn](
In fact, the Bolt CLI is largely a drop-in replacement of the Yarn CLI. You can
use it on any project already using Yarn.
But Bolt (will soon) do lots of other stuff. Instead of wasting tons of time
setting up a whole bunch of build tools for running your tests, or compiling
your code, what if your package manager just did all that for you? Then when
you want to do something differently, all you need to do is override a script.
Well that's what Bolt will do for you (once we get around to implementing it).
Long term, many of the features in Bolt will hopefully prove to be useful and
other package managers like [Yarn]( and
[npm]( will adopt them.
## Installation
First be sure that you have [Node/npm]( and
[Yarn]( installed. Then run the following
yarn global add bolt
> Thanks to Cam Pedersen ([@ecto]( for the "bolt"
> package name on npm
## Commands
> **Note:** Bolt is under active development and some of these commands have
> not yet been implemented.
| Command | Description | Status |
| --------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |--------|
| `bolt` | (Defaults to `bolt install`) |✅|
| `bolt [unknown command]` | (Defaults to `bolt run [unknown command]`) |✅|
| `bolt help` | View Bolt's help content |❌|
| `bolt help [command]` | View Bolt's help content for a single command |❌|
| `bolt init` | Create a new Bolt package in the current directory |✅|
| └ `bolt init --yes` | Skip the prompts and use defaults |✅|
| `bolt install` | Install all the dependencies for a project |✅|
| `bolt add [dependency]` | Add a dependency |✅|
| `bolt upgrade [dependency]` | Upgrade a dependency |✅|
| `bolt remove [dependency]` | remove a dependency |✅|
| `bolt version` | Updates the version of your package(s) |❌|
| `bolt publish` | Publish new version(s) of your package(s) to npm |✅|
| └ `bolt publish-lock` | Lock your package(s) on the npm registry |✅|
| └ `bolt publish-unlock` | Unlock your package(s) on the npm registry |✅|
| `bolt run [script]` | Run a script in a package |✅|
| `bolt build` | Build your package(s) (Default: Babel) |🖌|
| `bolt test` | Test your package(s) (Default: Jest) |🖌|
| `bolt format/fmt` | Format the files in your package(s) (Default: Prettier) |🖌|
| `bolt lint` | Lint your package(s) (Default: ESLint) |🖌|
| `bolt doc` | Generate docs (Default: Documentation.js) |🖌|
| `bolt check` | Type check your package(s) (Default: Flow) |🖌|
| `bolt bin` | Print the folder where executable files for the package will be installed |✅|
| `bolt workspaces/ws` | **Run the following commands across all workspaces:** ||
| └ `bolt ws run [script]` | Run a script in every package |✅|
| └ `bolt ws exec -- [cmd]` | Run a shell cmd in every package |✅|
| └ `bolt ws upgrade [dependency]` | Upgrade a dependency from every package that depends on it |✅|
| └ `bolt ws remove [dependency]` | Remove a dependency from every package that depends on it |✅|
| └ `bolt ws ... --only [name glob]` | Filter workspaces by name |✅|
| └ `bolt ws ... --ignore [name glob]` | Filter out workspaces by name |✅|
| └ `bolt ws ... --only-fs [file glob]` | Filter workspaces by file path |✅|
| └ `bolt ws ... --ignore-fs [file glob]` | Filter out workspaces by file path |✅|
| `bolt workspace/w [name]` | **Run the following commands on a single workspace:** ||
| └ `bolt w [name] run [script]` | Run a script in a single workspace |✅|
| └ `bolt w [name] add [dependency]` | Add a dependency to a single workspace |✅|
| └ `bolt w [name] upgrade [dependency]` | Upgrade a dependency in a single workspace |✅|
| `bolt project/p` | **Run the following commands on your project package:** ||
| └ `bolt p run [script]` | Run a script on the project package |✅|
| └ `bolt p add [dependency]` | Add a dependency to the project package |✅|
| └ `bolt p remove [dependency]` | Remove a dependency from the project package |✅|
| └ `bolt p upgrade [dependency]` | Upgrade a dependency on the project package |✅|
| `bolt generate/g [generator]` | **Create files in your package using a generator:** ||
| └ `bolt g license [license]` | Create a LICENSE file in your package (Default: MIT) |❌|
## Configuration
Bolt config is in the root `package.json`.
For examples, for declaring workspaces in sub-directories:
"name": "my-project",
"bolt": {
"workspaces": [
## Passing flags to run commands
Depending on your needs you might run a script in one of many ways.
bolt script
bolt run script
bolt p run script
bolt w package run script
bolt ws --only="my-package" run script
bolt ws exec --only="my-package" -- yarn script
Similar to later versions of yarn, you can also call a script with extra flags:
bolt script --flag1 --flag2
bolt run script --flag1 --flag2
bolt p run script --flag1 --flag2
bolt w my-package run script --flag1 --flag2
bolt ws --only="my-package" run script -- --flag1 --flag2
bolt ws exec --only="my-package" -- yarn script --flag1 --flag2
The only slightly surprising one might be the `ws run` command where you'll notice you need to add in the extra `--` flag to pass in flags. This is to avoid ambiguity in which flags are meant for bolt and which are meant for your script.
> Please note that this project is released with a [Contributor Code of Conduct]( By participating in this project you agree to its terms.
207 | 📦🔐 A lightweight Node.js private proxy registry | [](
> Verdaccio stands for **peace**, stop the war, we will be yellow / blue 🇺🇦 until that happens.

# Version 6 (Development branch)
> Looking for Verdaccio 5 version? Check the branch `5.x`
> The plugins for the `v5.x` that are hosted within this organization are located
> at the [`verdaccio/monorepo`]( repository, while for the v6.x
> are hosted on this project `./packages/plugins`, keep on mind `v6.x` plugins will eventually would be
> incompatible with `v5.x` versions.
> Note that contributing guidelines might be different based on the branch.
[Verdaccio]( is a simple, **zero-config-required local private npm registry**.
No need for an entire database just to get started! Verdaccio comes out of the box with
**its own tiny database**, and the ability to proxy other registries (eg.,
caching the downloaded modules along the way.
For those looking to extend their storage capabilities, Verdaccio
**supports various community-made plugins to hook into services such as Amazon's s3,
Google Cloud Storage** or create your own plugin.
## Install
> Latest Node.js v16 required
Install with npm:
npm install --location=global verdaccio@6-next
With `yarn`
yarn global add verdaccio@6-next
With `pnpm`
pnpm i -g verdaccio@6-next
docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:nightly-master
or with _helm_ [official chart](
helm repo add verdaccio
helm repo update
helm install verdaccio/verdaccio
Furthermore, you can read the [**Debugging Guidelines**]( and the [**Docker Examples**]( for more advanced development.
## Plugins
You can develop your own [plugins]( with the [verdaccio generator]( Installing [Yeoman]( is required.
npm install --location=global yo
npm install --location=global generator-verdaccio-plugin
Learn more [here]( how to develop plugins. Share your plugins with the community.
## Donations
Verdaccio is run by **volunteers**; nobody is working full-time on it. If you find this project to be useful and would like to support its development, consider do a long support donation - **and your logo will be on this section of the readme.**
**[Donate](** 💵👍🏻 starting from _$1/month_ or just one single contribution.
## What does Verdaccio do for me?
### Use private packages
If you want to use all benefits of npm package system in your company without sending all code to the public, and use your private packages just as easy as public ones.
### Cache registry
If you have more than one server you want to install packages on, you might want to use this to decrease latency
(presumably "slow" will be connected to only once per package/version) and provide limited failover (if is down, we might still find something useful in the cache) or avoid issues like _[How one developer just broke Node, Babel and thousands of projects in 11 lines of JavaScript](, _[Many packages suddenly disappeared]( or _[Registry returns 404 for a package I have installed before](
### Link multiple registries
If you use multiples registries in your organization and need to fetch packages from multiple sources in one single project you might take advance of the uplinks feature with Verdaccio, chaining multiple registries and fetching from one single endpoint.
### Override public packages
If you want to use a modified version of some 3rd-party package (for example, you found a bug, but maintainer didn't accept pull request yet), you can publish your version locally under the same name. See in detail [here](
### E2E Testing
Verdaccio has proved to be a lightweight registry that can be
booted in a couple of seconds, fast enough for any CI. Many open source projects use verdaccio for end to end testing, to mention some examples, **create-react-app**, **mozilla neutrino**, **pnpm**, **storybook**, **babel.js**, **angular-cli** or **docusaurus**. You can read more in [here](
Furthermore, here few examples how to start:
- [e2e-ci-example-gh-actions](
- [verdaccio-end-to-end-tests](
- [verdaccio-fork](
## Watch our Videos
**Node Congress 2022, February 2022, Online Free**
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="nodejs" width="200"/>
You might want to check out as well our previous talks:
- [Using Docker and Verdaccio to make Integration Testing Easy - **Docker All Hands #4 December - 2021**](
- [**Juan Picado** – Testing the integrity of React components by publishing in a private registry - React Finland - 2021](
- [BeerJS Cba Meetup No. 53 May 2021 - **Juan Picado**](
- [Node.js Dependency Confusion Attacks - April 2021 - **Juan Picado**](
- [**OpenJS World 2020** about \*Cover your Projects with a Multi purpose Lightweight Node.js Registry - **Juan Picado**](
- [ViennaJS Meetup - Introduction to Verdaccio by **Priscila Olivera** and **Juan Picado**](
- [Open Source? trivago - Verdaccio (**Ayush** and **Juan Picado**) January 2020](
- [GitNation Open Source Stage - How we have built a Node.js Registry with React - **Juan Picado** December 2019](
- [Verdaccio - A lightweight Private Proxy Registry built in Node.js | **Juan Picado** at The Destro Dev Show](
## Get Started
Run in your terminal
You would need set some npm configuration, this is optional.
npm set registry http://localhost:4873/
For one-off commands or to avoid setting the registry globally:
NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY=http://localhost:4873 npm i
Now you can navigate to [http://localhost:4873/](http://localhost:4873/) where your local packages will be listed and can be searched.
> Warning: Verdaccio [does not currently support PM2's cluster mode](, running it with cluster mode may cause unknown behavior.
## Publishing
#### 1. create a user and log in
npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
> if you use HTTPS, add an appropriate CA information ("null" means get CA list from OS)
npm set ca null
#### 2. publish your package
npm publish --registry http://localhost:4873
This will prompt you for user credentials which will be saved on the `verdaccio` server.
## Docker
Below are the most commonly needed information,
every aspect of Docker and verdaccio is [documented separately](
docker pull verdaccio/verdaccio:nightly-master
Available as [tags](
### Running verdaccio using Docker
To run the docker container:
docker run -it --rm --name verdaccio -p 4873:4873 verdaccio/verdaccio
Docker examples are available [in this repository](
## Compatibility
Verdaccio aims to support all features of a standard npm client that make sense to support in private repository. Unfortunately, it isn't always possible.
### Basic features
- Installing packages (npm install, npm upgrade, etc.) - **supported**
- Publishing packages (npm publish) - **supported**
### Advanced package control
- Unpublishing packages (npm unpublish) - **supported**
- Tagging (npm tag) - **supported**
- Deprecation (npm deprecate) - **supported**
### User management
- Registering new users (npm adduser {newuser}) - **supported**
- Change password (npm profile set password) - **supported**
- Transferring ownership (npm owner add {user} {pkg}) - not supported, _PR-welcome_
- Token (npm token) - **supported**
### Miscellany
- Searching (npm search) - **supported** (cli / browser)
- Ping (npm ping) - **supported**
- Starring (npm star, npm unstar, npm stars) - **supported**
### Security
- npm/yarn audit - **supported**
## Report a vulnerability
If you want to report a security vulnerability, please follow the steps which we have defined for you in our [security policy](
## Special Thanks
Thanks to the following companies to help us to achieve our goals providing free open source licenses. Every company provides enough resources to move this project forward.
| Company | Logo | License |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| JetBrains | []( | JetBrains provides licenses for products for active maintainers, renewable yearly |
| Crowdin | []( | Crowdin provides platform for translations |
| BrowserStack | []( | BrowserStack provides plan to run End to End testing for the UI |
| Netlify | []( | Netlify provides pro plan for website deployment |
| Algolia | []( | Algolia provides search services for the website |
| Docker | []( | Docker offers unlimited pulls and unlimited egress to any and all users |
## Maintainers
| [Juan Picado]( | [Ayush Sharma]( | [Sergio Hg]( |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
|  |  |  |
| [@jotadeveloper]( | [@ayusharma\_]( | [@sergiohgz]( |
| [Priscila Oliveria]( | [Daniel Ruf]( |
|  |  |
| [@priscilawebdev]( | [@DanielRufde]( |
You can find and chat with then over Discord, click [here]( or follow them at _Twitter_.
## Who is using Verdaccio?
- [create-react-app]( _(+86.2k ⭐️)_
- [Gatsby]( _(+49.2k ⭐️)_
- [Babel.js]( _(+38.5k ⭐️)_
- [Docusaurus]( _(+34k ⭐️)_
- [Vue CLI]( _(+27.4k ⭐️)_
- [Angular CLI]( _(+24.3k ⭐️)_
- [Uppy]( _(+23.8k ⭐️)_
- [bit]( _(+13k ⭐️)_
- [Aurelia Framework]( _(+11.6k ⭐️)_
- [pnpm]( _(+10.1k ⭐️)_
- [ethereum/web3.js]( _(+9.8k ⭐️)_
- [NX]( _(+6.1k ⭐️)_
- [webiny-js]( _(+4.3k ⭐️)_
- [Mozilla Neutrino]( _(+3.7k ⭐️)_
- [workshopper how to npm]( _(+1k ⭐️)_
- [Amazon SDK v3](
- [Amazon Encryption SDK for Javascript](
🤓 Don't be shy, add yourself to this readme.
## Open Collective Sponsors
Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]
## Open Collective Backers
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](]
## Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](].
### FAQ / Contact / Troubleshoot
If you have any issue you can try the following options, do no desist to ask or check our issues database, perhaps someone has asked already what you are looking for.
- [Blog](
- [Donations](
- [Reporting an issue](
- [Running discussions](
- [Chat](
- [Logos](
- [Docker Examples](
- [FAQ](
### License
Verdaccio is [MIT licensed](
The Verdaccio documentation and logos (excluding /thanks, e.g., .md, .png, .sketch) files within the /assets folder) is
[Creative Commons licensed](
208 | Curriculum for learning front-end development during #100DaysOfCode. | **Note:** this resource is old! I will be archiving this repository by the end of July 2021 as I feel that many of the recommendations here are outdated for learning front-end web development in 2021.
<p align="center">
<img alt="#100DaysOfCode Front-End Development" src="" />
**Please support this repo by giving it a star ⭐️ at the top of the page and [follow me]( for more resources!**
Want to learn more about frontend development? Consider:
- signing up for my [free newsletter]( where I periodically send out digestible bits of frontend knowledge!
- subscribing to my [YouTube channel]( where I teach JavaScript, Typescript, and React.
This is a somewhat opinionated curriculum for learning front-end development during #100DaysOfCode. As it covers a wide range of front-end development topics, it can be thought of as more of a "survey" style course rather than a deep dive into any one area. Ideally, your takeaway from completing this curriculum will be some familiarity with each topic and the ability to easily dive deeper in any area in the future when necessary.
This curriculum was influenced significantly by Kamran Ahmed's [Modern Frontend Developer]( roadmap. Please check it out--it is excellent.
**Note**: I know front-end development means a lot of different things to a lot of people! If you're a front-end developer and you think this guide could be improved, please let me know by raising an issue as described in the [Contributing](#contributing) section. Thank you!
# Translations
Thanks to some incredible contributors, this curriculum has been translated into the following languages!
- [Russian русский](/ru) (translation by [@Ibochkarev]( and [@JonikUl](
- [Chinese 中文](/chinese) (translation by [@simplefeel](
- [Portuguese Português](/portuguese) (translation by [@Zardosh](
- [Polish polski](/polish) (translation by [@mbiesiad](
- [Malay/Indonesia](/Malay) (translation by [@asyraf-labs](
- [Vietnamese Tiếng Việt](/Vietnam) (translation by [@duca7](
- [Japanese 日本語](/japanese) (translation by [miily8310s](
- [Bangla বাংলা](/bangla) (translation by [mirajus-salehin](
# :calendar: Curriculum
The underlying principle of this repository is [timeboxing]( If you have spent any amount of time in the past trying to learn web development or a similar skill, you have likely experienced going down a rabbit hole on any one particular topic. This repository aims to assign a certain number of days to each technology and encourages you to move to the next once that number of days is up.
It is anticipated that everyone is at a different level of proficiency when starting this challenge, and that's okay. Beginner and expert front-end developers alike can benefit from timeboxed practice in each of these areas.
The recommended day-by-day activities are as follows:
- Days 1-8: [HTML](#html)
- Days 9-16: [CSS](#css)
- Days 17-24: [JavaScript Basics](#javascript)
- Days 25-27: [jQuery](#jquery)
- Days 28-33: [Responsive Web Design](#rwd)
- Days 34-36: [Accessibility](#accessibility)
- Days 37-39: [Git](#git)
- Days 40-44: [Node and NPM](#node)
- Days 45-50: [Sass](#sass)
- Days 51-54: [Bootstrap](#bootstrap)
- Day 55: [BEM](#bem)
- Days 57-61: [Gulp](#gulp)
- Days 62-65: [Webpack](#webpack)
- Day 66: [ESLint](#eslint)
- Days 68-83: [React](#react)
- Days 84-89: [Redux](#redux)
- Days 90-94: [Jest](#jest)
- Days 95-97: [TypeScript](#typescript)
- Days 98-100: [NextJS](#nextjs)
# :mag_right: The Details
Below you can find a little information about each topic in the curriculum as well as some ideas/guidance on what to do for each. For inspiration on projects to do alongside this curriculum, see the [Project Ideas section](#project-ideas).
As part of the timeboxing principle, it's okay if you don't get through all of the items in the "Learning Areas and Ideas" sections. You should instead focus on getting the most you can out of the number of days assigned to each area and then move on.
<a name="html"></a>

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript, it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide Web. Web browsers receive HTML documents from a web server or from local storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages. HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the appearance of the document. (Source: [Wikipedia](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
HTML is really the foundation of web development. Even in the javascript-based frameworks, you end up writing HTML in one form or another.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Take the [Basic HTML and HTML5 section]( on freeCodeCamp.
- HTML page structure
- HTML elements
- Nesting HTML elements
- Semantic markup
- Links / multiple pages
- Images
- Audio/video media
- Forms and form elements
- Create a multi-page website! (See [Project Ideas](#project-ideas) if you need some inspiration).
<a name="css"></a>

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript. CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate .css file, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content. (Source: [Wikipedia](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
CSS is another essential component of web development. While it is mainly used to style and position HTML elements, it has become increasingly capable of more dynamic tasks (e.g., animations) that would once be handled by javascript.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Take the [Basic CSS, CSS flexbox, and CSS grid sections]( on freeCodeCamp.
- In-line CSS
- `<style>` tags
- External CSS with `<link>`
- Styling elements
- Selectors
- Floats, clearing floats
- Layouts (grid, flexbox)
- Fonts, custom fonts
- Style the HTML page(s) you made when learning HTML!
<a name="javascript"></a>

JavaScript , often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is a language that is also characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of the World Wide Web. JavaScript enables interactive web pages and thus is an essential part of web applications. The vast majority of websites use it, and all major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to execute it. (Source: [Wikipedia](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
JavaScript has become increasingly important in the front-end world. While it was once used mainly to make pages dynamic, it is now the foundation of many front-end frameworks. These frameworks handle a lot of the tasks that were formerly handled by the back-end (e.g., routing and displaying different views).
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Take the [Basic JavaScript and ES6 sections]( on freeCodeCamp.
- Too many language fundamentals to list here!
- `<script>` tag and placement
- Accessing HTML elements
- The event loop, call stack, and event queue
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Reference vs. value
- Add some dynamic elements or logic to your HTML/CSS page(s) developed earlier!
<a name="jquery"></a>

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript. (Source: [](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
After you have spent some time with plain (also called "vanilla") javascript, you may find some tasks a bit cumbersome, especially those related to accessing and manipulating HTML elements. For quite a while, jQuery was the go-to library for making these kinds of tasks easier and consistent across different browsers. Nowadays, jQuery isn't necessarily "mandatory" learning because of advancements in vanilla javascript, CSS, and newer javascript frameworks (we'll look at frameworks later). Still, it would be beneficial to take a little time to learn some jQuery and apply it to a small project.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Take the [jQuery section]( on freeCodeCamp.
- Document ready
- Selectors
- Toggle classes
- Animation
- Add or move HTML elements
- Add jQuery to your site!
<a name="rwd"></a>

Responsive web design (RWD) is an approach to web design that makes web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. Recent work also considers the viewer proximity as part of the viewing context as an extension for RWD. Content, design and performance are necessary across all devices to ensure usability and satisfaction. A site designed with RWD adapts the layout to the viewing environment by using fluid, proportion-based grids, flexible images, and CSS3 media queries, an extension of the @media rule. (Source: [Wikipedia](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
Responsive web design is all about making web applications look and function properly on all types of device. A quick-and-dirty example would be that a website should look and function properly both in a desktop web browser and on a mobile phone browser. An understanding of responsive design is crucial for any front-end developer!
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Take the [Responsive Web Design Principles section]( on freeCodeCamp.
- Media queries, breakpoints
- Responsive images
- Make your website responsive!
- Use Chrome DevTools to view your site on different devices/viewports.
<a name="accessibility"></a>

Web accessibility is the inclusive practice of ensuring there are no barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites on the World Wide Web by people with disabilities. When sites are correctly designed, developed and edited, generally all users have equal access to information and functionality. (Source: [Wikipedia](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
Accessibility, often written as a11y, is one of the most important topics in front-end web development, yet it seems to often get short shrift. Creating accessible web applications is not only ethically sound, but also makes a lot of business sense considering the additional audience that will be able to view your applications when they are accessible.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Take the [Applied Accessibility section]( on freeCodeCamp.
- Read some content on [The A11Y Project](
- Review their [checklist](
- Update your site(s) for accessibility based on this checklist
<a name="git"></a>

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. (Source: [](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
Version/code control is an essential part of any web developer's toolkit. There are a number of different version control systems, but Git is by far the most prevalent at the moment. You can (and should!) use it to track your projects as you learn!
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- [Git Tutorial for Beginners (Video)](
- Install git
- Set up a [github]( account
- Learn the most-used git commands:
- init
- clone
- add
- commit
- push
- pull
- merge
- rebase
- Add your existing projects to github!
<a name="node"></a>

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser. JavaScript is used primarily for client-side scripting, in which scripts written in JavaScript are embedded in a webpage's HTML and run client-side by a JavaScript engine in the user's web browser. Node.js lets developers use JavaScript to write command line tools and for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user's web browser. Consequently, Node.js represents a "JavaScript everywhere" paradigm, unifying web application development around a single programming language, rather than different languages for server side and client side scripts. (Source: [Wikipedia](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
While Node.js is typically known as a back-end solution, it is used quite frequently to support front-end development. It does this in a number of ways, including things like running build tools, testing, and linting (all to be covered soon!). Node Package Manager (npm) is another great feature of Node and can be used to manage dependencies of your project (i.e., code libraries your project might rely on -- jQuery is an example!).
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Research node and how it is different than the browser
- Install node (npm comes with it)
- Create a simple javascript file and run it with node
- Use NPM to manage any dependencies in your existing project(s) (e.g., jQuery!)
<a name="sass"></a>

Sass is an extension of CSS that adds power and elegance to the basic language. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, inline imports, and more, all with a fully CSS-compatible syntax. Sass helps keep large stylesheets well-organized, and get small stylesheets up and running quickly, particularly with the help of the Compass style library. (Source: [](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
Sass allows you to write CSS in a more programmatic way. If you've done some CSS, you might have noticed that you end up repeating a lot of information--for example, specifying the same color code. In Sass, you can use things like variables, loops, and nesting to reduce redundancy and increase readability. After writing your code in Sass, you can quickly and easily compile it to regular CSS.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- [Install Sass]( globally with npm!
- [Sass Crash Course Video](
- Follow the [Learn Sass]( tutorial and/or [freeCodeCamp]( Sass tutorial.
- Update your existing site to generate your CSS using Sass!
<a name="bootstrap"></a>

\* Some alternatives: Foundation, Bulma, Materialize
Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end framework for developing websites and web applications. It contains HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions. (Source: [Wikipedia](<>))
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
There are many options for laying out, styling, and making your web application dynamic, but you'll find that starting with a framework helps you tremendously in getting a head start. Bootstrap is one such framework, but it is definitely far from the only option! I recommend getting familiar with one framework like this, but it's far more important to grasp HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals than it is to get caught up in any one framework.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Learn what Bootstrap is and why you would want to use it
- [Bootstrap 4 Crash Course (Video)](
- Complete the Bootstrap section on [freeCodeCamp](
- Refactor your site using bootstrap!
<a name="bem"></a>

The Block, Element, Modifier methodology (commonly referred to as BEM) is a popular naming convention for classes in HTML and CSS. Developed by the team at Yandex, its goal is to help developers better understand the relationship between the HTML and CSS in a given project. (Source: [](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
It's important to know naming and organization systems like BEM exist and why they are used. Do some research here, but at a beginner level I wouldn't recommend devoting too much time to the subject.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Read the [BEM introduction](
- [Why I Use BEM (Video)](
- Create a simple webpage using BEM conventions.
<a name="gulp"></a>

Gulp is a toolkit for automating painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow, so you can stop messing around and build something. (Source: [](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
In modern front-end development, you'll often find yourself needing to automate tasks like bundling, moving files, and injecting references into HTML files. Gulp is one tool that can help you do these things!
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Install gulp with npm
- Follow the [gulp for beginners tutorial]( on CSS-Tricks
- In your website, set up gulp to:
- Compile Sass for you
- Put the generated CSS file in `build` subdirectory
- Move your web pages to the build directory
- Inject a reference to your generated CSS file into your web pages
<a name="webpack"></a>

At its core, webpack is a static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications. When webpack processes your application, it internally builds a dependency graph which maps every module your project needs and generates one or more bundles. (Source: [](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
Imagine that you have a large web development project with a number of different developers working on a lot of different tasks. Rather than all working in the same files, you might want to modularize them as much as possible. Webpack helps enable this by letting your team work modularly and then, come time to build the application, Webpack will stick it all together: HTML, CSS/Sass, JavasScript, images, etc. Webpack isn't the only module bundler, but it seems to be the front-runner at the moment.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Read [webpack concepts](
- [What is Webpack, How does it work? (Video)](
- [This webpack tutorial](
<a name="eslint"></a>

ESLint is an open source JavaScript linting utility originally created by Nicholas C. Zakas in June 2013. Code linting is a type of static analysis that is frequently used to find problematic patterns or code that doesn’t adhere to certain style guidelines. There are code linters for most programming languages, and compilers sometimes incorporate linting into the compilation process. (Source: [](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
Linting is a fantastic tool for code quality, readability, and consistency. Using a linter will help you catch syntax and formatting mistakes before they go to production. You can run linters manually or include them in your build/deployment process.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Install eslint using npm
- [How to Setup VS Code + Prettier + ESLint (Video)](
- Lint your JavaScript
<a name="react"></a>

\* Some alternatives: Vue, Angular, Ember
React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications. Complex React applications usually require the use of additional libraries for state management, routing, and interaction with an API. (source: [Wikipedia](<>))
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
Front-end JavaScript frameworks are at the forefront of modern front-end development. One important takeaway here is that React, despite being incredibly popular, is only a library for building user interfaces whereas frameworks like Vue and Angular aim to be more full-featured. For example, if you build an application with in React that needs to route to different views, you'll need to bring in something like `react-router`.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Take the [React tutorial](
- [Learn React with Mosh](
- Refactor your website as a React app!
- Note: `create-react-app` is a convenient tool to scaffold new React projects.
<a name="redux"></a>

Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of that, it provides a great developer experience, such as live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger. (Source: [](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
As you build bigger and bigger front-end applications, you start realizing that it's hard to maintain application state: things like the if the user is logged in, who the user is, and generally what's going on in the application. Redux is a great library that helps you maintain a single source of state on which your application can base its logic.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- This [Redux video tutorial](
- This [Redux video series]( by Dan Abramov, creator of Redux
- Take note of the [Redux three principles](
- Single source of truth
- State is read-only
- Changes are made with pure functions
- Add Redux state management to your app!
<a name="jest"></a>

Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It works with projects using: Babel, TypeScript, Node, React, Angular, Vue and more! (Source: [](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
It is very important to set up automated testing for your front-end projects. Setting up automated testing will allow you to make future changes with confidence--if you make changes and your tests still pass, you will be fairly comfortable you didn't break any existing functionality. There are too many testing frameworks to list; Jest is simply one of my favorties.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Learn [Jest basics](
- If you used `create-react-app`, [Jest is already configured](
- Add tests to your application!
<a name="typescript"></a>

\* Alternative: Flow
TypeScript is an open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a strict syntactical superset of JavaScript, and adds optional static typing to the language. TypeScript is designed for development of large applications and transcompiles to JavaScript. As TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, existing JavaScript programs are also valid TypeScript programs. TypeScript may be used to develop JavaScript applications for both client-side and server-side (Node.js) execution. (Source: [Wikipedia](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
JavaScript is dynamically typed. However, it is a common belief that static typing (i.e., specifying variable types, classes, interfaces ahead of time) is both clearer and reduces the likelihood of defects/bugs. Regardless of how you feel on the topic, it's important to at least get a feel for a statically-typed version of JavaScript like TypeScript. Note that TypeScript compiles down to JavaScript so it can be interpreted by browsers (i.e., browsers don't natively interpret TypeScript).
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- [Learn TypeScript in 5 minutes](
- [Learn TypeScript in 50 minutes (Video)](
- Optionally [create a React app with TypeScript](
<a name="nextjs"></a>

Next.js is a minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications. (Source: [Next.js — React Server Side Rendering Done Right](
### :bulb: Quick Takeaway
Now we're getting advanced! By now you've built a React (or Vue or Angular) application that does quite a bit of work in the browser. For various reasons (e.g., SEO, concerns over client performance), you might actually want your front-end application to be rendered on the server rather than the client. That's where a framework like next.js comes in.
### :book: Learning Areas and Ideas
- Next.js [Getting Started](
- [Next.js Crash Course (Video)](
- Create a Next.js app or migrate your existing app to Next.js
# But What About X?
This list is supposed to give you broad exposure to the front-end ecosystem, but it's simply impossible to hit on every single topic, not to mention the myriad tools within each area! If you do think I missed something very important, please see the [Contributing](#contributing) section to see how you can help make this guide better.
# Project Ideas
As you progress through #100DaysOfCode, you'll want one or multiple projects to which you can apply your new knowledge. In this section, I attempt to provide a few project ideas that you can use. Alternatively, you're encouraged to come up with your own project ideas as those ideas may interest and motivate you more.
- Beginner ideas:
- Build a portfolio website
- Intermediate/Advanced ideas:
- Build a tweet analysis app (If you know back-end and API integration already)
# Need Help?
Generally, I have found the following resources invaluable to learning software development:
- Googling the issue
- [StackOverflow]( (There's a good chance your question has already been asked and will be a high-ranking result when googling).
- [Mozilla MDN Web Docs](
- [freeCodeCamp](
- Local software development Meetups! Most are very friendly to all experience levels.
If you'd like my input on anything, feel free to [connect with me on Twitter]( and I'll do my best to try to offer some assistance. If you think there's an issue with the curriculum or have a recommendation, see the [contributing section](#contributing) below.
# Contributing
## Spread the Word
If you appreciate the work done here, you can contribute significantly by spreading the word about this repository, including things like:
- Starring and forking this repository
- Sharing this repository on social media
## Contribute to this Repository
This is a work in progress and I very much appreciate any help in maintaining this knowledge base!
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue before making a change. Otherwise, it will be very hard to understand your proposal and could potentially result in you putting in a lot of work to a change that won't get merged.
Please note that everyone involved in this project is either trying to learn or trying to help--Please be nice!
## Pull Request Process
1. Create an issue outlining the proposed pull request.
2. Obtain approval from a project owner to make the proposed change.
3. Create the pull request.
209 | Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal. | []( [](

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Rich is a Python library for _rich_ text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
The [Rich API]( makes it easy to add color and style to terminal output. Rich can also render pretty tables, progress bars, markdown, syntax highlighted source code, tracebacks, and more — out of the box.

For a video introduction to Rich see []( by [@fishnets88](
See what [people are saying about Rich](
## Compatibility
Rich works with Linux, OSX, and Windows. True color / emoji works with new Windows Terminal, classic terminal is limited to 16 colors. Rich requires Python 3.7 or later.
Rich works with [Jupyter notebooks]( with no additional configuration required.
## Installing
Install with `pip` or your favorite PyPI package manager.
python -m pip install rich
Run the following to test Rich output on your terminal:
python -m rich
## Rich Print
To effortlessly add rich output to your application, you can import the [rich print]( method, which has the same signature as the builtin Python function. Try this:
from rich import print
print("Hello, [bold magenta]World[/bold magenta]!", ":vampire:", locals())

## Rich REPL
Rich can be installed in the Python REPL, so that any data structures will be pretty printed and highlighted.
>>> from rich import pretty
>>> pretty.install()

## Using the Console
For more control over rich terminal content, import and construct a [Console]( object.
from rich.console import Console
console = Console()
The Console object has a `print` method which has an intentionally similar interface to the builtin `print` function. Here's an example of use:
console.print("Hello", "World!")
As you might expect, this will print `"Hello World!"` to the terminal. Note that unlike the builtin `print` function, Rich will word-wrap your text to fit within the terminal width.
There are a few ways of adding color and style to your output. You can set a style for the entire output by adding a `style` keyword argument. Here's an example:
console.print("Hello", "World!", style="bold red")
The output will be something like the following:

That's fine for styling a line of text at a time. For more finely grained styling, Rich renders a special markup which is similar in syntax to [bbcode]( Here's an example:
console.print("Where there is a [bold cyan]Will[/bold cyan] there [u]is[/u] a [i]way[/i].")

You can use a Console object to generate sophisticated output with minimal effort. See the [Console API]( docs for details.
## Rich Inspect
Rich has an [inspect]( function which can produce a report on any Python object, such as class, instance, or builtin.
>>> my_list = ["foo", "bar"]
>>> from rich import inspect
>>> inspect(my_list, methods=True)

See the [inspect docs]( for details.
# Rich Library
Rich contains a number of builtin _renderables_ you can use to create elegant output in your CLI and help you debug your code.
Click the following headings for details:
The Console object has a `log()` method which has a similar interface to `print()`, but also renders a column for the current time and the file and line which made the call. By default Rich will do syntax highlighting for Python structures and for repr strings. If you log a collection (i.e. a dict or a list) Rich will pretty print it so that it fits in the available space. Here's an example of some of these features.
from rich.console import Console
console = Console()
test_data = [
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "sum", "params": [None, 1, 2, 4, False, True], "id": "1",},
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "notify_hello", "params": [7]},
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subtract", "params": [42, 23], "id": "2"},
def test_log():
enabled = False
context = {
"foo": "bar",
movies = ["Deadpool", "Rise of the Skywalker"]
console.log("Hello from", console, "!")
console.log(test_data, log_locals=True)
The above produces the following output:

Note the `log_locals` argument, which outputs a table containing the local variables where the log method was called.
The log method could be used for logging to the terminal for long running applications such as servers, but is also a very nice debugging aid.
<summary>Logging Handler</summary>
You can also use the builtin [Handler class]( to format and colorize output from Python's logging module. Here's an example of the output:

To insert an emoji in to console output place the name between two colons. Here's an example:
>>> console.print(":smiley: :vampire: :pile_of_poo: :thumbs_up: :raccoon:")
😃 🧛 💩 👍 🦝
Please use this feature wisely.
Rich can render flexible [tables]( with unicode box characters. There is a large variety of formatting options for borders, styles, cell alignment etc.

The animation above was generated with []( in the examples directory.
Here's a simpler table example:
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table
console = Console()
table = Table(show_header=True, header_style="bold magenta")
table.add_column("Date", style="dim", width=12)
table.add_column("Production Budget", justify="right")
table.add_column("Box Office", justify="right")
"Dec 20, 2019", "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker", "$275,000,000", "$375,126,118"
"May 25, 2018",
"[red]Solo[/red]: A Star Wars Story",
"Dec 15, 2017",
"Star Wars Ep. VIII: The Last Jedi",
This produces the following output:

Note that console markup is rendered in the same way as `print()` and `log()`. In fact, anything that is renderable by Rich may be included in the headers / rows (even other tables).
The `Table` class is smart enough to resize columns to fit the available width of the terminal, wrapping text as required. Here's the same example, with the terminal made smaller than the table above:

<summary>Progress Bars</summary>
Rich can render multiple flicker-free [progress]( bars to track long-running tasks.
For basic usage, wrap any sequence in the `track` function and iterate over the result. Here's an example:
from rich.progress import track
for step in track(range(100)):
It's not much harder to add multiple progress bars. Here's an example taken from the docs:

The columns may be configured to show any details you want. Built-in columns include percentage complete, file size, file speed, and time remaining. Here's another example showing a download in progress:

To try this out yourself, see [examples/]( which can download multiple URLs simultaneously while displaying progress.
For situations where it is hard to calculate progress, you can use the [status]( method which will display a 'spinner' animation and message. The animation won't prevent you from using the console as normal. Here's an example:
from time import sleep
from rich.console import Console
console = Console()
tasks = [f"task {n}" for n in range(1, 11)]
with console.status("[bold green]Working on tasks...") as status:
while tasks:
task = tasks.pop(0)
console.log(f"{task} complete")
This generates the following output in the terminal.

The spinner animations were borrowed from [cli-spinners]( You can select a spinner by specifying the `spinner` parameter. Run the following command to see the available values:
python -m rich.spinner
The above command generates the following output in the terminal:

Rich can render a [tree]( with guide lines. A tree is ideal for displaying a file structure, or any other hierarchical data.
The labels of the tree can be simple text or anything else Rich can render. Run the following for a demonstration:
python -m rich.tree
This generates the following output:

See the []( example for a script that displays a tree view of any directory, similar to the linux `tree` command.
Rich can render content in neat [columns]( with equal or optimal width. Here's a very basic clone of the (MacOS / Linux) `ls` command which displays a directory listing in columns:
import os
import sys
from rich import print
from rich.columns import Columns
directory = os.listdir(sys.argv[1])
The following screenshot is the output from the [columns example]( which displays data pulled from an API in columns:

Rich can render [markdown]( and does a reasonable job of translating the formatting to the terminal.
To render markdown import the `Markdown` class and construct it with a string containing markdown code. Then print it to the console. Here's an example:
from rich.console import Console
from rich.markdown import Markdown
console = Console()
with open("") as readme:
markdown = Markdown(
This will produce output something like the following:

<summary>Syntax Highlighting</summary>
Rich uses the [pygments]( library to implement [syntax highlighting]( Usage is similar to rendering markdown; construct a `Syntax` object and print it to the console. Here's an example:
from rich.console import Console
from rich.syntax import Syntax
my_code = '''
def iter_first_last(values: Iterable[T]) -> Iterable[Tuple[bool, bool, T]]:
"""Iterate and generate a tuple with a flag for first and last value."""
iter_values = iter(values)
previous_value = next(iter_values)
except StopIteration:
first = True
for value in iter_values:
yield first, False, previous_value
first = False
previous_value = value
yield first, True, previous_value
syntax = Syntax(my_code, "python", theme="monokai", line_numbers=True)
console = Console()
This will produce the following output:

Rich can render [beautiful tracebacks]( which are easier to read and show more code than standard Python tracebacks. You can set Rich as the default traceback handler so all uncaught exceptions will be rendered by Rich.
Here's what it looks like on OSX (similar on Linux):

All Rich renderables make use of the [Console Protocol](, which you can also use to implement your own Rich content.
# Rich CLI
See also [Rich CLI]( for a command line application powered by Rich. Syntax highlight code, render markdown, display CSVs in tables, and more, directly from the command prompt.

# Textual
See also Rich's sister project, [Textual](, which you can use to build sophisticated User Interfaces in the terminal.

# Projects using Rich
For some examples of projects using Rich, see the [Rich Gallery]( on [](
Would you like to add your own project to the gallery? You can! Follow [these instructions](
<!-- This is a test, no need to translate -->
210 | ✏︎ Curated list about digital typography 🔥 | # Awesome Typography [](
Curated list about digital typography.
## Contents
- [Specifications](#specifications)
- [OpenType](#opentype)
- [JavaScript](#javascript)
- [Python](#python)
- [C](#c)
- [C++](#c-1)
- [C#](#c-2)
- [Java](#java)
- [Ruby](#ruby)
- [Go](#go)
- [Rust](#rust)
- [PHP](#php)
- [Perl](#perl)
- [Processing](#processing)
- [Clojure](#clojure)
- [UFO](#ufo)
- [Tools with GUI](#tools-with-gui)
- [Font Validator](#font-validator)
- [Font Testing Websites](#font-testing-websites)
- [Miscellaneous](#miscellaneous)
- [Fonts](#fonts)
- [TrueType](#truetype)
- [Books](#books)
- [Videos](#videos)
## Specifications
- [Microsoft's Documentation](
- [Apple's Documentation](
- [The Compact Font Format
Specification]( - Technical Note #5176.
- [the-cff-table]( - Markdown conversion of the Adobe Tech notes 5176 and 5177 about CFF.
- [Adobe's Documentation](
## OpenType
- [OpenType: let's learn how modern fonts actually work](
- [The OpenType Cookbook]( - Introduction to OpenType features for type designers. [(Source)](
- [A bit of font generation]( - Brief excursion into OpenType.
## JavaScript
- [OpenType.js]( - Read and write OpenType fonts.
- [opentype-layout]( - Experimental word-wrapping and layout for OpenType.js.
- [canvas-text-opentypejs-shim]( - Consistent text rendering for <canvas> (backed by OpenType.js).
- [CharacterMap]( - Online Character Map / Glyph / Icon / Font Viewer.
- [font]( - Parse OTF/TTF file format directory from buffers for metadata.
- [fontkit]( - Advanced font engine for Node and the browser.
- [Minimal-font-generator]( - Font's Hello world.
- [simple-cff-builder]( - Simple CFF builder for testing fonts with different Type2 charstrings.
- [ttf2woff2]( - Convert TTF files to WOFF2.
- [ttf2woff]( - Convert TTF to WOFF, for Node.js.
- [sfnt2woff]( - Convert TTF or OTF to WOFF, support Node.js and Browsers.
- [ttf2eot]( - Convert TTF to EOT for Node.js.
- [cubic2quad]( - Aproximates cubic bezier curves with quadratic ones.
- [SVG font creator]( - Create SVG font from separate images.
- [node-sfnt]( - SFNT parser and generator for Node.js.
- [node-unicode-data]( - JavaScript-compatible Unicode data generator.
- [fontwr]( - Font manager for web projects.
- [Open Type playground]( - Playground for Open Type experiments with CSS.
- [ChromaCheck]( - Feature test for color font support in browsers.
- [Font Face Observer]( - Font load events, simple, small and efficient [](
- [Web Font Loader]( - Web Font Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face.
- [localFont]( - Implement localStorage web font caching in seconds.
- [Fontello]( - This tool lets you combine icon webfonts for your own project.
- [GitHub Font Preview]( - Adds a preview for fonts & glyphs on GitHub with OpenType.js.
- [unidata]( - Unicode Character Database for JavaScript.
- [UCD]( - Unicode Character Database for JavaScript.
- [Character Set Inspector]( - Unicode Character Database for JavaScript.
- [OpenType]( - OpenType font parser in JavaScript.
- [opentype-geometry]( - Convert Text from OpenType font to three.js 3D.
- [Plumin.js]( - Create and manipulate fonts in the browser.
- [Typr.js]( - Process fonts in JavaScript.
- [fonteditor-core]( - Read, write, transform fonts in JavaScript.
- [fontmin]( - Minify font seamlessly.
- [fontfacegen]( - Browser font-face generator for creating browser usable fonts from TTF's or OTF's.
- [NType]( - 4D Type Extruder.
- [node-emoji]( - 😏 simple emoji support for Node.js projects.
- [custom-fonts-in-emails]( - Extremely easy way to use custom fonts in emails without having to use art software.
- [Google Fonts Infos]( - Extract info out of the Google Fonts archive.
- [Hyphenopoly.js]( - JavaScript polyfill for client-side hyphenation.
- [Hyphenator.js]( - JavaScript that implements client-side hyphenation of HTML-Documents.
- [Hypher]( - Fast and small JavaScript hyphenation engine.
- [Typeset.js]( - HTML pre-processor for web typography (hanging punctuation, soft hyphen insertion, optical margin outdents, small-caps conversion and punctuation substitution).
- [Typeset]( - TeX line breaking algorithm in JavaScript.
- [otfcc-cubic2quad]( - Losslessly turn CFF OTF to TTF using otfcc.
- [caryll / shapeops]( - Boolean operations and overlap removal for curves.
- [OpenType-SVG Workshop]( - OpenType-SVG Workshop Web application.
- [A-binary-parser-generator]( - This project aims to create a tool that can turn a spec file into a parser skeleton for binary data files such as OpenType fonts, PNG images, etc.
- [font-spider]( - Smart webfont compression and format conversion tool.
- [Brotli.js]( A JavaScript port of the Brotli compression algorithm, as used in WOFF2.
- [ideohint]( - Optimized hinter for Ideographs.
- [subfont]( - Command line tool to inject Google font subsets used glyphs into your page.
- [webfont]( - Awesome generator of webfont, WOFF2, WOFF, EOT, TTF and SVG.
- [grapheme-splitter]( - JavaScipt library that breaks strings into their individual user-perceived characters.
- [unicode-properties]( - Provides fast access to unicode character properties.
- [unicode-tr51-emoji]( - Emoji data extracted from Unicode Technical Report #51 v1.0 – v5.0.
- [fontblast]( - Give me an icon-font, and I'll create individual SVG/PNG files for all icons in it.
- [fontplop]( - Fast, Simple, & Free Open Source Webfont Converter.
- [svgfont2svgicons]( - Extract SVG icons from an SVG font.
- [glyphhanger]( - Your web font utility belt. It shows what unicode-ranges are used on a web site (optionally for a font-family or for each font-family). It can also subset web fonts.
- [Punycode.js]( - Robust Punycode converter that fully complies to RFC 3492 and RFC 5891.
- [code-point-at]( - ES2015 String#codePointAt() ponyfill.
- [Typefont]( - First open-source library that detects the font of a text in a image.
- [node-fonttools]( - Native bindings to fonttools to decompile and compile fonts.
- [font-toolkit]( - Font file manipulating in TypeScript.
- [variableFont.js]( - Handles variable fonts through OpenType.js
## Python
- [fontTools]( - Library for manipulating fonts, written in Python.
- [fontmake]( - Compile fonts from sources (UFO, Glyphs) to binary (OpenType, TrueType).
- [FontReport]( - Tool to create PDF files containing glyph images and information about a font.
- [fontdiff]( - Tool for finding visual differences between two font versions.
- [kern-dump]( - Scripts for working with and analyzing kerning information (ATypI 2013).
- [cu2qu]( - Cubic-to-quadratic bezier curve conversion.
- [Font Bakery]( - Tools to prepare font families for inclusion in
- [glyphNameFormatter]( - Generate list of glyphnames from unicode names.
- [woffTools]( - Library for working with WOFF files.
- [pyftfeatfreeze]( - With pyftfeatfreeze, you can “freeze” some OpenType features into a font.
- [RoboFab]( - Library with objects that deal with data usually associated with fonts and type design.
- [pyfontaine]( - Python tool to check font files for language/character set support.
- [Glyph Nanny]( - Live report about potential drawing issues in your glyph.
- [Kernagic]( - Semi-automatic font spacing tool.
- [Huerta Tipográfica Letterspacer]( - HT Letterspacer is a tool for spacing fonts.
- [OpenType-SVG Tools]( - Tools and sample files for making OpenType-SVG fonts.
- []( - Python script to draw all the box drawing characters and block elements based on parameters.
- [scfbuild]( - Create OpenType-SVG color fonts from a set of SVG source files.
- [color-emoji]( - Tool to build color fonts using Google color-font format (CBDT/CBLC).
- []( - Convert variable-pitch fonts to monospace (useful for unicode and indentation-friendly programming).
- [edf825/SVG-OpenType-Utils]( - SVG in OpenType Utils (!Old: 2013).
- [Icon Font to PNG]( - Python script (and library) for exporting icons from icon fonts (e.g. Font Awesome, Octicons) as PNG images.
- [Compositor]( - Basic OpenType GSUB and GPOS layout engine.
- [UFO Extractor]( - Tools for extracting data from font binaries into UFO objects.
- [Noto Tools]( - Noto fonts support tools and scripts.
- [compreffor]( - CFF table subroutinizer for FontTools.
- [font-line]( - OpenType vertical metrics reporting and font line spacing adjustment tool.
- [Flat]( - Library for creating and manipulating digital forms of fine arts.
- [PageBot]( - Scripted page layout program, as application inside Drawbot generating high quality typographic documents that support high quality fonts.
## C
- [otfcc]( - Parses & writes SFNT structures.
- [AFDKO]( - Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType. See [AFDKO Overview](
- [stb_truetype]( - Parse, decode, and rasterize characters for TrueType fonts. Single header file.
- [FreeType]( - Freely available software library to render fonts.
- [Raqm]( - Library for complex text layout.
- [SheenFigure]( - Implementation of advanced typographic tables of OpenType specification.
- [SheenBidi]( - SheenBidi is the world's most sophisticated implementation of latest unicode bidirectional algorithm.
- [freetype-gl]( - OpenGL text using one vertex buffer, one texture and FreeType.
- [WOFF]( - WOFF conversion reference code.
## C++
- [font to svg]( - Render characters from font files into an SVG path.
- [LCDF Typetools]( - Utilities for manipulating OpenType, PostScript Type 1, and Multiple Master fonts.
- [HarfBuzz]( - HarfBuzz OpenType text shaping engine.
- [FontView]( - Demo app that displays fonts with a free/libre/open-source text rendering stack: FreeType, HarfBuzz and Raqm.
- [Text rendering tests]( - Test suite for text rendering.
- [FTGLES]( - TrueType font rendering library for OpenGL ES on iOS devices (iPad and iPhone).
- [TTFPatch]( - Mirror of TTFPATCH by Wolfram Esser, modified to support fonts conforming to newer OTF specifications, built for modern versions of Windows.
- [stb-truetype-opengl-examples]( - Examples of TrueType font rendering in C++11 using stb_truetype library and OpenGL 3+.
- [WOFF2](
## C#
- [NRasterizer]( - Simple and clean TrueType font renderer written purely in c#.
- [Typography]( - C# Font Reader (TrueType / OpenType / OpenFont), Glyphs Layout and Rendering.
- [SixLabors.Fonts]( - Font loading and drawing library.
- [SharpFont]( - Pure managed TTF / OTF reader and renderer.
## Java
- [sfntly]( - Library for Using, Editing, and Creating SFNT-based Fonts.
- [Emoji-Tools]( - Multiple useful tools to help Android and iOS/OSX developers with creating and modifying Emoji Font files.
- [Tehreer-Android]( - Library that gives full control over text related technologies such as bidirectional algorithm, open type shaping engine, text typesetting and text rendering.
## Ruby
- [emoji-extractor]( - Extracts high-resolution emoji pngs from Apple Color Emoji.ttf.
- [font]( - Command-line font manager.
## Go
- [font]( - Parsing OpenType fonts in Golang.
- [freetype]( - Freetype font rasterizer in Go.
## Rust
- [font-rs]( - The fastest font renderer in the world.
- [font-kit]( - A cross-platform font loading library.
- [RustType]( - Pure Rust alternative to libraries like FreeType.
- [Pathfinder]( - Fast, practical GPU rasterizer for OpenType fonts.
- [Font toolbox](
- [Parser for OpenType fonts](
- [Parser for PostScript fonts](
- [Parser for TrueType fonts](
- [freetype-rs]( - Rust bindings for FreeType library.
- [freetype-sys]( - Low level bindings for the FreeType font library.
- [truetype]( - Library for reading fonts from the TrueType format.
## PHP
- [PHP Font Lib]( - Library to read, parse, export and make subsets of different types of font files.
- [JoliTypo]( - Microtypography fixer for the web.
- [PHP SmartyPants]( - SmartyPants is a free web typography prettifyier tool for web writers. It easily translates plain ASCII punctuation characters into "smart" typographic punctuation HTML entities.
## Perl
- [Font::TTFMetrics]( - Fast & easy-to-use parser for true-type font (TTF) file.
## Processing
- [Fontastic]( - Processing library to create TrueType font files.
## Clojure
- [opentype.clj]( - A simple API over OpenType.js for Clojure. Runs on the JVM.
## UFO
- [ufo-spec]( - The official Unified Font Object specification source files.
- [ufoLib]( - Low-level UFO reader and writer.
- [ufoNormalizer]( - Tool that will normalize the XML and other data inside of a UFO.
- [ufo2ft]( - UFO to FontTools.
- [ufoJS]( - JavaScript API for the Unified Font Object.
## Tools with GUI
### Non-Free
- [Fontself]( Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop extensions for creating vector and bitmap fonts by Drag&Drop. Make fonts the easy way!
- [Robofont]( - UFO based (Mac only).
- [Glyphs]( - Font editor (Mac only).
- [Prototypo]( - Web based font generator with a parametric approach.
- [FontLab Studio]( - Font editor for font professionals. Version 5 for Mac and Windows.
- [DTL OTMaster]( - Highly sophisticated application for reviewing, editing and altering tables and contours of fonts with a snft file structure, as there are CFF and TTF flavored OpenType fonts, TrueType fonts and TrueType Collection fonts.
- [010 Editor]( - Professional text and hex editing with Binary Templates technology. [OpenType template](
- [Synalyze It!]( - Reverse Engineering and Binary File Analysis made easy. [OpenType template](
- [TransType 4]( - Universal font converter.
### Free
- [FontForge]( - Free (libre) font editor for Windows, Mac OS X and GNU+Linux.
- [TruFont]( - UFO3 font editor. À l’ancienne.
- [Metapolator]( - Web-based GUI for creating UFO and Metafont fonts.
- [Birdfont]( - Font editor which can generate fonts in TTF, EOT, SVG and BF format.
- [Glyphr Studio]( - Free, web-based font editor, focusing on font design hobbyists.
- [DTL OTMaster Light]( - In the Light editions of dtl OTMaster only the saving of files is disabled. Checking fonts and exporting OpenType Layout features files, be and ik formats, and Character Layout (.cha) files is possible though.
- [fonteditor]( - Web-based TTF font editor, live at [](
- [FontArk]( FontArk is an innovative browser-based font editor, font creator (BETA), featuring the most versatile real-time multiple glyph editing system.
- [TTFEdit]( - TrueType fonts editor. Allows for editing vector-based glyphs.
- [OpenType-SVG-Font-Editor](
- [SdfFontDesigner]( - A generator of bitmap font, based on ttf & otf, rendered with custom shaders in glsl
## Font Validator
- [Font Validator]( - Font Validator is a tool for testing fonts prior to release. See [Install post for Mac](
- [OpenType Sanitiser]( - The OpenType Sanitiser (OTS) parses and serialises OpenType files (OTF, TTF) and WOFF and WOFF2 font files, validating them and sanitising them as it goes.
- [WOFF Validator]( - Online WOFF Validator.
## Font Testing Websites
- [Axis-Praxis]( - Axis-Praxis is a website for playing with OpenType variable fonts in modern browsers.
- [Bulletproof Font Tester]( - Test your local or remote fonts with the proofing tool developed by a type designer, for type designers. Check out kerning, OpenType features, and language coverage. Explore and animate variation axes in variable fonts.
- [ Font Testing Page]( - The Font Testing Page is a tool primarily intended for type designers to 'Drag and Drop' and quickly test their fonts into a browser (active fork of Impallari's testing page).
- [Font Gauntlet]( - The Dinamo Font Gauntlet is a tool for proofing, generating and animating fonts.
- [Wakamai Fondue]( - The tool that answers the question “what can my font do?”
- [TypeNetwork TypeTools]( - Layout tools for exerimenting with variable fonts in various ways.
## Miscellaneous
- [TypeDrawers]( - Discussion forum for professionals and enthusiasts in the fields of typeface design, lettering, and typography.
- [Font Squirrel Webfont Generator]( - Upload OTF or TTF fonts, receive webfonts.
- [The State of Web Type]( - "Can I Use" for typography.
- [UseModify]( - Open Source typefaces.
- [ofont]( - Web interface for font collections (used by
- [Git for Type Designers](
- []( - Book about how to design new typefaces with FontForge. See [](
- [FontTesting Page]( - Webpage for testing typefaces.
- [CSS Utility OpenType]( - Simple, CSS utility classes for advanced typographic features. See it [here](
- [Alfred Special Characters]( - Typefacts Special Characters Workflow for Alfred 3.
- [ Ressources](
- [Drawing good paths Tutorial]( - Badly drawn outlines can cause headache. Your letters may look mangled or not appear at all. You can avoid these difficulties if you keep a few basic rules in mind.
- [Deep Into OpenType Features]( - What are OpenType features?
- [The A-Z of typographic terms]( - Typography terms in images.
- [Emoj]( - Find relevant emoji from text on the command-line 😮 ✨ 🙌 🐴 💥 🙈.
- [Emoji Wrap Monthly Newsletter]( - Bite-sized summary of what's happening in the world of emoji and Unicode.
- [Crypto Puzzles]( - Functions for encryption and stegonagraphy as puzzles or brain teasers. [Online demo](
- [FDBP]( - Font Development Best Practice documentation.
- [UnicodeChecker]( - Explore and convert Unicode.
- [unicodes]( - Browse all of the unicodes.
- [Method of Action]( - Method of Action is a collection of tools, games and articles to help you learn design.
- [Encodings and character sets for Programmers]( - What every programmer absolutely, positively needs to know about encodings and character sets to work with text.
- [Kernall]( - Kerning and letterspacing research.
- [Type Facet]( - Collection of Python scripts for working with fonts. See [TypeFacet Autokern](
- [OpenType feature reference]( - Documentation and other info about advanced font features
- [Typography Supply]( An inventory of typographic tools.
- [OpenType Feature Bundle]( - Syntax highlighting and snippets for OpenType feature development in TextMate/Sublime Text.
- [Type Tools dotfiles]( - Setup for type tools.
- [AGL & AGLFN]( - AGL / AGLFN (Adobe Glyph List / For New Fonts) simply provides mappings from glyph names to Unicode scalar values. [See specification](
- [The Terrible Secret of OpenType Glyph Substitution](
- [I Can Variable Font]( - Tips for making variable fonts.
- [You, Me And The Emoji: Character Sets, Encoding And Emoji](
- [Emoji Rolodex]( - Resourceful links to emoji-related sites, plug-ins, and apps.
- [OpenType_Table_Source]( - Documentation for Monotype's OpenType Layout Source File Format.
- [jenskutilek/TypoLabs2016]( - Code examples from Jens Kutilek's TypoLabs workshop.
- [W3C - Fonts on the Web]( - Fonts on the Web.
- [W3C - WebFonts Working Group](
- [Twitter Emoji (Twemoji)]( - The Twemoji library offers support for +2k emojis, including skin tone and gender modifiers.
- [EmojiOne]( - EmojiOne™ is the open emoji standard.
- [No @font-face Syntax will ever be Bulletproof, Nor Should It Be](
- [Typography is impossible]( - The practical guide to why laying out type never quite does what you want.
- [JavaScript has a Unicode problem]( - The way JavaScript handles Unicode is… surprising, to say the least.
- [homebrew-webfonttools]( - Homebrew formulae for font tools.
- [Font Falsehoods]( - Falsehoods programmers believe about fonts.
- [Letterpress Digest]( - The new podcast about letterpress.
- [fontspeed]( - Newsletter on font loading by @zachleat.
- [Font-Awesome-SVG-PNG]( - Font Awesome split to individual SVG and PNG files of different sizes along with Node.js based generator.
## Fonts
- [The Gilbert Font]( - OpenType-SVG font named after Gilbert Baker, the creator of the rainbow flag.
- [Nanofont]( - Nano font for testing font format support (TrueType, WOFF, WOFF2).
- [FiraSystemFontReplacement]( - Modified version of the Fira Sans fonts to replace the default system font on Mac OS X 10.10 and 10.11.
- [SansBullshitSans Font]( - Every buzzword will be replaced by a Comic Sans-styled censorship bar.
- [Blackout]( - One font to blackout them all.
- [Compyx]( - 8-bit Multicolor OpenType font.
- [LapisLegit]( - OpenType-SVG testfont.
- [AIFont]( - The fist Chinese font that generated artificial intelligent.
- [Noto Fonts]( - Noto’s goal is to provide a beautiful reading experience for all languages.
- [Noto Emoji]( - Color and Black-and-White Noto emoji fonts, and tools for working with them.
- [EmojiOne COLR/CPAL]( - EmojiOne font in COLR/CPAL layered format.
- [EmojiOne OpenType-SVG]( - Color emoji OpenType-SVG font using EmojiOne Unicode 9.0 emoji with diversity and country flags.
- [Twitter Color Emoji Font]( - Color emoji OpenType-SVG font using Twitter Unicode 9.0 emoji with diversity and country flags.
- [Bixa Color]( - Building Bixa Color, a color font for the web [](
- [fontwr-fonts]( - Fonts repository for fontwr.
- [Bungee]( - Chromatic signage typeface for vertical and horizontal setting.
- [Aerial Bold]( Aerial Bold is the first map and typeface of the earth.
- [wavefont]( Typeface for rendering data: waveforms, spectrums, diagrams, bars etc.
- [Adobe Variable Font Prototype]( - Variable font example in OpenType-CFF2 & TrueType formats.
- [Microsoft open source fonts]( - Central location to share Microsoft's open source fonts.
- [Reinebow]( - OpenType-SVG color font.
- [Freizer]( - OpenType-SVG color font.
- [Multicoloure]( - OpenType-SVG color font based on Multicolore Vector Typeface.
- [null-ttf]( - This font is null. It's the smallest possible TrueType binary still valid on OS X and with most of its bytes wiped out.
- [Monotype Variable Font Demo](
- [CFF opcode test fonts]( - OTF fonts for testing CFF opcode support.
- [TestFont]( - Font family for testing OpenType implementations.
- [BuffaloGals]( - Buffalo Gals is one of the very first “Variable Fonts”, originally made in 1992 for an Apple TrueType GX developer CD.
- [Adobe Fonts / Source Emoji]( - Source Emoji is an emoji font project that began development in order to provide monochrome representative glyphs to the Unicode Consortium for emoji candidates that have been accepted by the UTC (Unicode Technical Committee) but have not yet been fully ratified to become a part of the official standard.
- [Hasklig]( - Code font with monospaced ligatures.
- [Firefox OS Emojis]( - Emoji set from Mozilla available as SVGs and TTF font.
- [Iosevka]( - Slender typeface for code, from code.
- [Raleway]( - Elegant sans-serif, designed in a single thin weight.
- [Adobe NotDef]( - Maps 1,111,998 Unicode code points to 2,048 .notdef glyphs.
- [Adobe Blank]( - Maps 1,111,998 Unicode code points to 2,048 non-spacing and non-marking glyphs.
- [Adobe Blank 2]( - Based on Adobe Blank, and differs mainly in that the number of glyphs has been reduced to only two, thanks to the Format 13 'cmap' subtable.
- [Width Test]( - For testing width-related GSUB features, specifically 'fwid' (Full Widths), 'hwid' (Half Widths), 'twid' (Third Widths), and 'qwid' (Quarter Widths).
- [Source Han Sans]( - Set of OpenType/CFF Pan-CJK fonts.
- [Source Han Serif]( - Set of OpenType/CFF Pan-CJK fonts.
- [Open Emoji]( - Will provide open and free access to visual communications technology, namely emoji, for the entire universe.
- [Overpass]( - Open source font family inspired by Highway Gothic.
For more, check [awesome-fonts](!
## TrueType
- [Truetype font software]( - List (Big!) with descriptions [here](
## Books
- [Fonts & Encodings]( - From Advanced Typography to Unicode and Everything in Between [Google Books Preview](
- [Unicode Explained]( - There are hundreds of different encoding systems for mapping characters to numbers, but Unicode promises a single mapping. [Google Books Preview](
## Videos
- [Talks from TYPO conferences](
- [Tales of ⌧! Can You Tell Your Story When Your Character Is Undefined?! by Persa Zula](
## Contribute
➡️Pull request! (Or open an issue [here](
## License
To the extent possible under law, [Joël Galeran]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
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# About this Book
__Welcome to "The Fuzzing Book"!__
Software has bugs, and catching bugs can involve lots of effort. This book addresses this problem by _automating_ software testing, specifically by _generating tests automatically_. Recent years have seen the development of novel techniques that lead to dramatic improvements in test generation and software testing. They now are mature enough to be assembled in a book – even with executable code.
from bookutils import YouTubeVideo
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## A Textbook for Paper, Screen, and Keyboard
You can use this book in four ways:
* You can __read chapters in your browser__. Check out the list of chapters in the menu above, or start right away with the [introduction to testing]( or the [introduction to fuzzing]( All code is available for download.
* You can __interact with chapters as Jupyter Notebooks__ (beta). This allows you to edit and extend the code, experimenting _live in your browser._ Simply select "Resources → Edit as Notebook" at the top of each chapter. <a href="" target=_blank>Try interacting with the introduction to fuzzing.</a>
* You can __use the code in your own projects__. You can download the code as Python programs; simply select "Resources → Download Code" for one chapter or "Resources → All Code" for all chapters. These code files can be executed, yielding (hopefully) the same results as the notebooks. Even easier: [Install the fuzzingbook Python package](
* You can __present chapters as slides__. This allows for presenting the material in lectures. Just select "Resources → View slides" at the top of each chapter. <a href="" target=_blank>Try viewing the slides for the introduction to fuzzing.</a>
## Who this Book is for
This work is designed as a _textbook_ for a course in software testing; as _supplementary material_ in a software testing or software engineering course; and as a _resource for software developers_. We cover random fuzzing, mutation-based fuzzing, grammar-based test generation, symbolic testing, and much more, illustrating all techniques with code examples that you can try out yourself.
## News
This book is _work in progress._ All chapters planned are out now, but we keep on refining the material with [minor and major releases.]( To get notified on updates, <a href="" data-show-count="false">follow us on Twitter</a>.
<a class="twitter-timeline" data-width="500" data-chrome="noheader nofooter noborders transparent" data-link-color="#A93226" data-align="center" href="" data-dnt="true">News from @FuzzingBook</a>
## About the Authors
This book is written by _Andreas Zeller, Rahul Gopinath, Marcel Böhme, Gordon Fraser, and Christian Holler_. All of us are long-standing experts in software testing and test generation; and we have written or contributed to some of the most important test generators and fuzzers on the planet. As an example, if you are reading this in a Firefox, Chrome, or Edge Web browser, you can do so safely partly because of us, as _the very techniques listed in this book have found more than 2,600 bugs in their JavaScript interpreters so far._ We are happy to share our expertise and making it accessible to the public.
## Frequently Asked Questions
### Troubleshooting
#### Why does it take so long to start an interactive notebook?
The interactive notebook uses the []( service, which runs notebooks on their own servers. Starting Jupyter through normally takes about 30 seconds, depending on your Internet connection. If, however, you are the first to invoke binder after a book update, binder recreates its environment, which will take a few minutes. Reload the page occasionally.
#### The interactive notebook does not work! imposes a [limit of 100 concurrent users for a repository]( Also, as listed on the [ status and reliability page](,
> As is a research pilot project, the main goal for the project is to understand usage patterns and workloads for future project evolution. While we strive for site reliability and availability, we want our users to understand the intent of this service is research and we offer no guarantees of its performance in mission critical uses.
There are alternatives to; see below.
#### Do I have alternatives to the interactive notebook?
If does not work or match your needs, you have a number of alternatives:
1. **Download the Python code** (using the menu at the top) and edit and run it in your favorite environment. This is easy to do and does not require lots of resources.
2. **Download the Jupyter Notebooks** (using the menu at the top) and open them in Jupyter. Here's [how to install jupyter notebook on your machine](
3. **Run the notebook locally** in a Docker container. For more information, see [How to use the book with Docker](
4. If you want to use the book in a classroom, and depend on your users having access to the interactive notebooks, consider using or deploying a [JupyterHub]( or [BinderHub]( instance.
#### Can I run the code on my Windows machine?
We try to keep the code as general as possible, but occasionally, when we interact with the operating system, we assume a Unix-like environment (because that is what Binder provides). To run these examples on your own Windows machine, you can install a Linux VM or a [Docker environment](
#### Can't you run your own dedicated cloud service?
Technically, yes; but this would cost money and effort, which we'd rather spend on the book at this point. If you'd like to host a [JupyterHub]( or [BinderHub]( instance for the public, please _do so_ and let us know.
### Content
#### Can I use your code in my own programs?
Yes! See the [installation instructions]( for details.
#### Which content has come up?
See the [release notes]( for details.
#### How do I cite your work?
Thanks for referring to our work! Once the book is complete, you will be able to cite it in the traditional way. In the meantime, just click on the "cite" button at the bottom of the Web page for each chapter to get a citation entry.
#### Can you cite my paper? And possibly write a chapter about it?
We're always happy to get suggestions! If we missed an important reference, we will of course add it. If you'd like specific material to be covered, the best way is to _write a notebook_ yourself; see our [Guide for Authors]( for instructions on coding and writing. We can then refer to it or even host it.
### Teaching and Coursework
#### Can I use your material in my course?
Of course! Just respect the [license]( (including attribution and share alike). If you want to use the material for commercial purposes, contact us.
#### Can I extend or adapt your material?
Yes! Again, please see the [license]( for details.
#### How can I run a course based on the book?
We have successfully used the material in various courses.
* Initially, we used the slides and code and did _live coding_ in lectures to illustrate how a technique works.
* Now, the goal of the book is to be completely self-contained; that is, it should work without additional support. Hence, we now give out completed chapters to students in a _flipped classroom_ setting, with the students working on the notebooks at their leisure. We would meet in the classroom to discuss experiences with past notebooks and discuss future notebooks.
* We have the students work on exercises from the book or work on larger (fuzzing) projects. We also have students who use the book as a base for their research; indeed, it is very easy to prototype in Python for Python.
When running a course, [do not rely on](#Troubleshooting) – it will not provide sufficient resources for a larger group of students. Instead, [install and run your own hub.](#Do-I-have-alternatives-to-the-interactive-notebook?)
#### Are there specific subsets I can focus on?
We have compiled a number of [tours through the book]( for various audiences. Our [Sitemap]( lists the dependencies between the individual chapters.
#### How can I extend or adapt your slides?
Download the Jupyter Notebooks (using the menu at the top) and adapt the notebooks at your leisure (see above), including "Slide Type" settings. Then,
1. Download slides from Jupyter Notebook; or
2. Use the RISE extension ([instructions]( to present your slides right out of Jupyter notebook.
#### Do you provide PDFs of your material?
At this point, we do not provide support for PDF versions. We will be producing PDF and print versions after the book is complete.
### Other Issues
#### I have a question, comment, or a suggestion. What do I do?
You can [tweet to @fuzzingbook on Twitter](, allowing the community of readers to chime in. For bugs that you'd like to get fixed, report an issue on the [development page](
#### I have reported an issue two weeks ago. When will it be addressed?
We prioritize issues as follows:
1. Bugs in code published on
2. Bugs in text published on
3. Writing missing chapters
4. Issues in yet unpublished code or text
5. Issues related to development or construction
6. Things marked as "beta"
7. Everything else
#### How can I solve problems myself?
We're glad you ask that. The [development page]( has all sources and some supplementary material. Pull requests that fix issues are very welcome.
#### How can I contribute?
Again, we're glad you're here! We are happy to accept
* **Code fixes and improvements.** Please place any code under the MIT license such that we can easily include it.
* **Additional text, chapters, and notebooks** on specialized topics. We plan to set up a special folder for third-party contributions.
See our [Guide for Authors]( for instructions on coding and writing.
212 | Mutation testing for JavaScript and friends | [](

# StrykerJS
*Professor X: For someone who hates mutants... you certainly keep some strange company.*
*William Stryker: Oh, they serve their purpose... as long as they can be controlled.*
Welcome to StrykerJS's monorepo. This is where all official stryker packages are maintained.
If you're new to monorepos: don't be scared. You'll find the packages in the `packages` folder.
If you're interested in why we chose a monorepo, please read [babeljs's design document about monorepos]( We use it for the same reasons as they do.
## Introduction
For an introduction to mutation testing and Stryker's features, see [](
## Getting started
Please follow the [quickstart on the website](
For small js projects, you can try the following command:
npm install --save-dev @stryker-mutator/core
# Only for small projects:
npx stryker run
It will run stryker with default values:
* Uses `npm test` as your test command
* Searches for files to mutate in the `lib` and `src` directories
## Usage
$ npx stryker <command> [options] [configFile]
See [usage on](
## Supported mutators
See our website for the [list of currently supported mutators](
## Configuration
See [configuration on](
213 | Command line driven CI frontend and development task automation tool. | # tox
`tox` aims to automate and standardize testing in Python. It is part of a larger vision of easing the packaging, testing
and release process of Python software (alongside [pytest]( and
tox is a generic virtual environment management and test command line tool you can use for:
- checking your package builds and installs correctly under different environments (such as different Python
implementations, versions or installation dependencies),
- running your tests in each of the environments with the test tool of choice,
- acting as a frontend to continuous integration servers, greatly reducing boilerplate and merging CI and shell-based
Please read our [user guide]( for an example and more detailed
introduction, or watch [this YouTube video]( that presents the problem space
and how tox solves it.
214 | A visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer | <!-- ⚠️ This README has been generated from the file(s) "" ⚠️--><h1 align="center">Web Skills</h1>
<p align="center">
Web Skills is a visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer. Go to <a href="" target="_blank" aria-label="Link to Web Skills"></a> to check out the visual overview or scroll through this readme to get the overview <a href="#-fundamentals" target="_blank" aria-label="Link to list of skills">as a list</a>. If you like the project you are very welcome to <a href="" aria-label="Become stargazer link">become a stargazer 🤩</a>
<p align="center">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="Web Skills Demo" width="800" />
<br />
<summary>📖 Table of Contents</summary>
<br />
## ➤ Table of Contents
* [➤ FAQ](#-faq)
* [What is Web Skills?](#what-is-web-skills)
* [How did you choose the skills?](#how-did-you-choose-the-skills)
* [How can I support you?](#how-can-i-support-you)
* [How can I get involved?](#how-can-i-get-involved)
* [How can I keep track of what skills I know?](#how-can-i-keep-track-of-what-skills-i-know)
* [I am overwhelmed! Help me!](#i-am-overwhelmed-help-me)
* [Why haven't you included XYZ Technology?](#why-havent-you-included-xyz-technology)
* [What does the "experimental" banner mean?](#what-does-the-experimental-banner-mean)
* [How can I get in contact with you?](#how-can-i-get-in-contact-with-you)
* [➤ Fundamentals](#-fundamentals)
* [HTML](#html)
* [Syntax](#syntax)
* [Basic Tags](#basic-tags)
* [Forms](#forms)
* [SEO](#seo)
* [Discoverable Content](#discoverable-content)
* [Svg](#svg)
* [Best Practices](#best-practices)
* [CSS](#css)
* [Syntax](#syntax-1)
* [Selectors](#selectors)
* [Specificity](#specificity)
* [Pseudo Selectors](#pseudo-selectors)
* [Box Model](#box-model)
* [Margin Collapsing](#margin-collapsing)
* [Colors](#colors)
* [Calc](#calc)
* [Layout](#layout)
* [Flex](#flex)
* [Grid](#grid)
* [Transforms](#transforms)
* [Animations](#animations)
* [Responsive Design](#responsive-design)
* [Media Queries](#media-queries)
* [Relative Units](#relative-units)
* [Images](#images)
* [CSS Variables](#css-variables)
* [Best Practices](#best-practices-1)
* [Javascript](#javascript)
* [Syntax](#syntax-2)
* [Spread](#spread)
* [Destructuring](#destructuring)
* [DOM](#dom)
* [DOM Manipulation](#dom-manipulation)
* [Events](#events)
* [Objects](#objects)
* [Prototype](#prototype)
* [Classes](#classes)
* [Regex](#regex)
* [Template Literals](#template-literals)
* [Promises](#promises)
* [Callbacks](#callbacks)
* [Async/await](#asyncawait)
* [Fetch](#fetch)
* [Web Animations](#web-animations)
* [Modules](#modules)
* [Intl](#intl)
* [Canvas](#canvas)
* [Documentation](#documentation)
* [Best Practices](#best-practices-2)
* [The Browser](#the-browser)
* [Standardization](#standardization)
* [W3C](#w3c)
* [TC39](#tc39)
* [WHATWG](#whatwg)
* [Specifications](#specifications)
* [Browser Engines](#browser-engines)
* [Webkit](#webkit)
* [Blink](#blink)
* [Gecko](#gecko)
* [HTTP](#http)
* [The Internet](#the-internet)
* [Polyfills](#polyfills)
* [Debugging](#debugging)
* [Developer console](#developer-console)
* [➤ Accessibility](#-accessibility)
* [The why](#the-why)
* [Screen Readers](#screen-readers)
* [Accessibility tree](#accessibility-tree)
* [ARIA](#aria)
* [Accessible HTML](#accessible-html)
* [Alt text](#alt-text)
* [Accessible CSS](#accessible-css)
* [Accessible forms](#accessible-forms)
* [UI States](#ui-states)
* [Keyboard Accessibility](#keyboard-accessibility)
* [Focus](#focus)
* [Accessible Colors](#accessible-colors)
* [Laws & Policies](#laws--policies)
* [Audits](#audits)
* [➤ Web Components](#-web-components)
* [Custom Elements](#custom-elements)
* [HTML Templates](#html-templates)
* [Shadow DOM](#shadow-dom)
* [Shadow Parts](#shadow-parts)
* [Slots](#slots)
* [Best practices](#best-practices)
* [Constructible Stylesheets](#constructible-stylesheets)
* [Form Participation](#form-participation)
* [➤ Progressive Webapps](#-progressive-webapps)
* [API's](#apis)
* [Storage](#storage)
* [Routing](#routing)
* [History API](#history-api)
* [Service Workers](#service-workers)
* [Offline first](#offline-first)
* [Push notifications](#push-notifications)
* [Web App manifest](#web-app-manifest)
* [Add to homescreen](#add-to-homescreen)
* [Pointer Events](#pointer-events)
* [Loading Performance](#loading-performance)
* [App shell](#app-shell)
* [Render-Blocking Resources](#render-blocking-resources)
* [Compression](#compression)
* [Performance metrics](#performance-metrics)
* [Largest Contentful Paint](#largest-contentful-paint)
* [Total Blocking Time](#total-blocking-time)
* [Time to Interactive](#time-to-interactive)
* [Lazy Loading](#lazy-loading)
* [Dynamic Import](#dynamic-import)
* [Offscreen images](#offscreen-images)
* [Critical Request Chains](#critical-request-chains)
* [Tree shaking](#tree-shaking)
* [Codesplitting](#codesplitting)
* [PRPL Pattern](#prpl-pattern)
* [Resource Prioritization](#resource-prioritization)
* [Caching](#caching)
* [Rendering Performance](#rendering-performance)
* [Rendering](#rendering)
* [Event loop](#event-loop)
* [Microtask](#microtask)
* [Stack](#stack)
* [Heap](#heap)
* [RAIL Model](#rail-model)
* [requestAnimationFrame](#requestanimationframe)
* [requestIdleCallback](#requestidlecallback)
* [Critical Rendering Path](#critical-rendering-path)
* [The Pixel Pipeline](#the-pixel-pipeline)
* [Style calculations](#style-calculations)
* [Transforms](#transforms-1)
* [Paint areas](#paint-areas)
* [Layout Trashing](#layout-trashing)
* [Layers](#layers)
* [Debounce](#debounce)
* [CSS Containment](#css-containment)
* [Web Workers](#web-workers)
* [Security](#security)
* [HTTPS](#https)
* [Browser Sandbox](#browser-sandbox)
* [OWASP](#owasp)
* [Cross-Site Scripting](#cross-site-scripting)
* [Clickjacking](#clickjacking)
* [Content Security Policy](#content-security-policy)
* [Audits](#audits-1)
* [Performance budgets](#performance-budgets)
* [Lighthouse](#lighthouse)
* [Chrome DevTools](#chrome-devtools)
* [➤ Build tools](#-build-tools)
* [Package Managers](#package-managers)
* [NPM](#npm)
* [Yarn](#yarn)
* [Module Bundlers](#module-bundlers)
* [Rollup](#rollup)
* [Webpack](#webpack)
* [Parcel](#parcel)
* [Snowpack](#snowpack)
* [Linters and formatters](#linters-and-formatters)
* [Prettier](#prettier)
* [ESLint](#eslint)
* [Task Runners](#task-runners)
* [NPM Scripts](#npm-scripts)
* [Transpilers](#transpilers)
* [Babel](#babel)
* [Typescript](#typescript)
* [CSS Pre-processors](#css-pre-processors)
* [SASS](#sass)
* [PostCSS](#postcss)
* [Node.js](#nodejs)
* [➤ Frameworks & Libraries](#-frameworks--libraries)
* [lit-element](#lit-element)
* [Vue](#vue)
* [React](#react)
* [Angular](#angular)
* [Svelte](#svelte)
* [Stencil](#stencil)
* [➤ Testing](#-testing)
* [Testing Methodologies](#testing-methodologies)
* [Unit Testing](#unit-testing)
* [Integration Testing](#integration-testing)
* [System Testing](#system-testing)
* [Acceptance Testing](#acceptance-testing)
* [Smoke Testing](#smoke-testing)
* [Performance Testing](#performance-testing)
* [Usability Testing](#usability-testing)
* [White Box Testing](#white-box-testing)
* [Black Box Testing](#black-box-testing)
* [Automated Testing](#automated-testing)
* [Manual Testing](#manual-testing)
* [Continuous integration](#continuous-integration)
* [A/B Testing](#ab-testing)
* [Test Runners](#test-runners)
* [Karma](#karma)
* [Mocha](#mocha)
* [Jasmine](#jasmine)
* [Cypress](#cypress)
* [Ava](#ava)
* [Best Practices](#best-practices-3)
* [➤ Architecture & paradigms](#-architecture--paradigms)
* [Paradigms](#paradigms)
* [Programming Paradigms](#programming-paradigms)
* [Object Oriented Programming](#object-oriented-programming)
* [S.O.L.I.D](#solid)
* [Functional programming](#functional-programming)
* [Recursion](#recursion)
* [Higher-Order Functions](#higher-order-functions)
* [Currying](#currying)
* [Monads](#monads)
* [Architecture](#architecture)
* [Design Patterns](#design-patterns)
* [Singleton](#singleton)
* [Observer](#observer)
* [Prototype](#prototype-1)
* [Bridge](#bridge)
* [Proxy](#proxy)
* [Chain of responsibility](#chain-of-responsibility)
* [Constructor](#constructor)
* [CSS Methodologies](#css-methodologies)
* [BEM](#bem)
* [SMACSS](#smacss)
* [OOCSS](#oocss)
* [➤ Team Collaboration](#-team-collaboration)
* [Version Control](#version-control)
* [Git](#git)
* [Github](#github)
* [Bitbucket](#bitbucket)
* [Management](#management)
* [Agile Development](#agile-development)
* [Scrum](#scrum)
* [Kanban](#kanban)
* [Waterfall Development](#waterfall-development)
* [Test Driven Development](#test-driven-development)
* [➤ Design & UX](#-design--ux)
* [Color Theory](#color-theory)
* [Color Wheel](#color-wheel)
* [Typography](#typography)
* [Font Size](#font-size)
* [Line Spacing](#line-spacing)
* [C.R.A.P](#crap)
* [Contrast](#contrast)
* [Repetition](#repetition)
* [Alignment](#alignment)
* [Proximity](#proximity)
* [Consistency](#consistency)
* [Spacing](#spacing)
* [Error Handling](#error-handling)
* [Loading](#loading)
* [The Golden Ratio](#the-golden-ratio)
* [Mobile First](#mobile-first)
* [Hit Targets](#hit-targets)
* [Design Systems](#design-systems)
* [Material Design](#material-design)
* [Fluent Design](#fluent-design)
* [Accessibility](#accessibility)
* [Best Practices](#best-practices-4)
* [➤ The Modern Web](#-the-modern-web)
* [Streams](#streams)
* [Media Streams](#media-streams)
* [Media Recorder](#media-recorder)
* [Web RTC](#web-rtc)
* [Screen Capture](#screen-capture)
* [Generators](#generators)
* [Speech Synthesis](#speech-synthesis)
* [Web Sockets](#web-sockets)
* [Geolocation](#geolocation)
* [Device orientation & motion](#device-orientation--motion)
* [Fullscreen](#fullscreen)
* [Variable Fonts](#variable-fonts)
* [HTTP/2](#http2)
* [Payment Request API](#payment-request-api)
* [Web Audio](#web-audio)
* [Observers](#observers)
* [Mutation Observer](#mutation-observer)
* [Intersection Observer](#intersection-observer)
* [Resize Observer](#resize-observer)
* [Performance Observer](#performance-observer)
* [Scrollsnapping](#scrollsnapping)
* [Web Assembly](#web-assembly)
* [Beacon](#beacon)
* [Clipboard](#clipboard)
* [Share](#share)
* [Performance API](#performance-api)
* [Gamepad API](#gamepad-api)
* [Speech Recognition](#speech-recognition)
* [Interaction Media Queries](#interaction-media-queries)
* [Browser Extensions](#browser-extensions)
* [Pointer Lock API](#pointer-lock-api)
* [Picture In Picture](#picture-in-picture)
* [Proxies](#proxies)
* [Houdini](#houdini)
* [Project Fugu](#project-fugu)
* [Web Authentication API](#web-authentication-api)
* [Credentials Manager API](#credentials-manager-api)
* [Native File System](#native-file-system)
* [Shape Detection](#shape-detection)
* [Web Bluetooth](#web-bluetooth)
* [Web USB](#web-usb)
* [Web XR](#web-xr)
* [Presentation](#presentation)
* [Network Information API](#network-information-api)
* [➤ Algorithms & Data structures](#-algorithms--data-structures)
* [Data structures](#data-structures)
* [Arrays](#arrays)
* [Queues & Stacks](#queues--stacks)
* [Trees](#trees)
* [Binary Indexed Tree](#binary-indexed-tree)
* [Heap](#heap-1)
* [Red-black Tree](#red-black-tree)
* [Trie](#trie)
* [K-D Tree](#k-d-tree)
* [Hash Tables](#hash-tables)
* [Linked Lists](#linked-lists)
* [Graphs](#graphs)
* [Analysis](#analysis)
* [Time complexity](#time-complexity)
* [Cost model](#cost-model)
* [Order of Growth](#order-of-growth)
* [Big O notation](#big-o-notation)
* [Space Complexity](#space-complexity)
* [Algorithms](#algorithms)
* [Sorting](#sorting)
* [Insertion Sort](#insertion-sort)
* [Quicksort](#quicksort)
* [Mergesort](#mergesort)
* [Heapsort](#heapsort)
* [Searching](#searching)
* [Binary Search](#binary-search)
* [Breadth First Search](#breadth-first-search)
* [Depth First Search](#depth-first-search)
* [Dijkstra's Algorithm](#dijkstras-algorithm)
* [String Search](#string-search)
* [Hashing](#hashing)
* [➤ Databases & Servers](#-databases--servers)
* [Databases](#databases)
* [Relational Databases](#relational-databases)
* [SQL](#sql)
* [MySQL](#mysql)
* [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
* [Non-relational Databases](#non-relational-databases)
* [Redis](#redis)
* [MongoDB](#mongodb)
* [Data Modelling](#data-modelling)
* [ER Diagram](#er-diagram)
* [Keys](#keys)
* [Indexing](#indexing)
* [Data Integrity](#data-integrity)
* [Normalization](#normalization)
* [Functional Dependencies](#functional-dependencies)
* [Normal Forms](#normal-forms)
* [Transactions](#transactions)
* [ACID](#acid)
* [Serializability](#serializability)
* [Locks](#locks)
* [Deadlocks](#deadlocks)
* [Precedence graph](#precedence-graph)
* [Servers](#servers)
* [Architectural Models](#architectural-models)
* [Client-Server](#client-server)
* [Proxy Server](#proxy-server)
* [Peer-To-Peer](#peer-to-peer)
* [Middleware](#middleware)
* [Request-Reply Protocol](#request-reply-protocol)
* [UDP](#udp)
* [TCP](#tcp)
* [REST API](#rest-api)
* [CRUD](#crud)
* [Express](#express)
* [GraphQL](#graphql)
* [GNU/Linux](#gnulinux)
* [Docker](#docker)
* [SSH](#ssh)
* [➤ Contributors](#-contributors)
* [➤ License](#-license)
## ➤ FAQ
### What is Web Skills?
Web Skills is a visual overview of useful skills to learn as a web developer. It is useful for people who just started learning about web development and for people who have been in the field for years and want to learn new things. As a beginner, I would encourage you not to see this website as the definitive list of what you need to know but as an example of what you can learn and where you can start. The skills are arranged in chronological order based on what learning path I recommend you to take but feel free to jump around freely.
### How did you choose the skills?
The skills are derived from a combination of 10 years of experience, a bachelor in software engineering and what I personally find to be the most useful to know on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, you'll notice that it's missing a lot of things. For example, I am not a PHP developer - because of this, PHP is not included. If you were a PHP developer, this overview would probably look a lot different.
### How can I support you?
I am spending my spare time building Web Skills for free because I want to help people get into web development. My motivation comes from people finding Web Skills useful, so if you like the project feel free to support me in any way you like! For example, you are more than welcome to become a [stargazer](, share Web Skills with your friends and followers or create blog articles linking to Web Skills. If you want to, it will absolutely make my day if you [support me with a cup of coffee](! <3
### How can I get involved?
You are welcome to get involved in any way you like. If you want to, you can go to the [issues page]( and help me fix the spelling, fix issues or suggest some new features. Any involvement is highly appreciated!
### How can I keep track of what skills I know?
If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will find a button that says "Sign in with Google". If you click this button and sign in, you will be able to mark skills as completed.
### I am overwhelmed! Help me!
I totally understand if you are a bit overwhelmed by the amount of skills on the page – but I can assure you that this overview includes much, much more than most people will ever need to know. My main goal is to provide a visual overview of web development and make people hungry for learning more. One of the things I absolute love about being a developer is learning new skills. I think it is amazing to be in a field where you can do what you do for a lifetime and still learn something new! People cannot be an expert in every skill on this page so try to find what excites you the most and become really good at that.
### Why haven't you included XYZ Technology?
The skills are based on what I personally find to be the most useful on a day-to-day basis. If you think something really important is missing, you can always suggest it on the [issues page](
### What does the "experimental" banner mean?
When a skill is described as experimental, it means that the technology is immature and currently in the process of being added to the Web platform (or considered for addition). Think carefully before you start using experimental technology in any kind of production project. The definition used in Web Skills is based on the excellent definition used on [MDN]( You are very welcome to open an issue if you see a skill you believe should be marked as "experimental" or have the banner removed.
### How can I get in contact with you?
Reach out to me on Twitter at [@AndreasMehlsen]( or take a look at [my website]( if you want to learn more about what other projects I'm working on.
## ➤ Fundamentals
### HTML
### Syntax
Learn the basics of HTML and get comfortable with it's syntax and main concepts.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - HTML Basics](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Introduction to HTML](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codecademy - Learn HTML](
#### Basic Tags
Get familiar with the basic HTML tags
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - HTML elements reference](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorialspoint - Basic HTML tags](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Elated - First 10 HTML tags](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - HTML tags](
### Forms
Learn how to design efficient forms, validating them effectively and keeping the user informed along the way.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - HTML forms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Web - Forms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - Forms](
### SEO
Learn how to make your content search-friendly.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Discoverable](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Search - Get Started](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Search - SEO basics](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - SEO audits](
#### Discoverable Content
Learn how to structure your HTML in a way that provides a rich experience when sharing it online.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Web - Social Discovery](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Search - Search Features](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Search - Structured Data](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Easily discoverable](
### Svg
Learn how to work with SVG files to make graphics look crisp across all screen resolutions.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Adding vector graphics to the Web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> SVG on the web](
### Best Practices
Learn the best practices of writing HTML.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - HTML guidelines](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - HTML Coding Conventions](
### CSS
### Syntax
Learn the basics of CSS and get comfortable with it's syntax and main concepts.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS Basics](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - CSS Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Supercharged - CSS Selectors](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS first steps](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS building blocks](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS values and units](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS Syntax](
### Selectors
Learn about CSS selectors and how to effeciently target DOM elements.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS selectors](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - All selectors](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Child and Sibling Selectors](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - All Selectors](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - CSS Combinators](
#### Specificity
Learn what specificity means and how to use it when writing CSS.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Specificity](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Cascade and inheritance](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - CSS Specificity](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Specificity Calculator](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - CSS Specificity](
#### Pseudo Selectors
Learn how to use pseudo selectors.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Pseudo-classes](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Meet the Pseudo Class Selectors](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> When do the :hover, :focus, and :active pseudo-classes apply?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - CSS Pseudo-elements](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - CSS Pseudo-classes](
### Box Model
Learn what the CSS box model means.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Introduction to the CSS basic box model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - The box model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Inheriting box-sizing](
#### Margin Collapsing
Learn about margin collapsing.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Mastering margin collapsing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Margin Collapse in CSS: What, Why, and How](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - What You Should Know About Collapsing Margins](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What's the Deal with Collapsible Margins?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What’s the Deal with Margin Collapse?](
### Colors
Learn the different ways you can define colors in CSS.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Color](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - <color>](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - CSS Colors](
### Calc
Learn how to use the CSS calc function.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Calc](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - A Couple of Use Cases for Calc()](
### Layout
Learn the different layout types for web.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chrome Dev - Basic Layout](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - CSS Website Layout](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Document and website structure](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS layout](
#### Flex
Learn how to create layouts using flexbox.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Flexbox](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Complete Guide to Flexbox](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Flexbox](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Flexbox Froggy](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Flexbox Defense](
#### Grid
Learn how to create layouts using CSS Grid.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Grids](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Complete Guide to CSS Grid](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS Grid](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Grid Garden](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Supercharged - CSS Grids](
### Transforms
Learn the different ways to transform elements through CSS.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - transform](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Transform](
#### Animations
Learn how to animate elements through CSS using keyframes.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using CSS animations](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Animation](
### Responsive Design
Learn how to make your website responsive so it works across different screen sizes.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Responsive design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Responsive Web Design Fundamentals by Google](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Dev - Responsive Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Dev - UX Patterns](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Dev - Responsive Content](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codelabs - Responsive Design](
#### Media Queries
Learn how use media queries to build responsive layout.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - CSS Media Queries & Using Available Space](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using media queries](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using Media Queries for Accessibility](
#### Relative Units
Learn how to use relative units for properties such as font sizes and spacing.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Sizing items in CSS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS values and units](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The CSS Workshop - Relative Units](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Fun with Viewport Units](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - 15 CSS Relative units](
#### Images
Learn how to make images responsive, always showing the best possible version for the screen size.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Responsive Images](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Responsive Images](
### CSS Variables
Learn how to define and use CSS variables.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using CSS custom properties](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - CSS Variables: Why Should You Care?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - CSS Quickies: CSS Variables](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Variables explained with 5 examples](
### Best Practices
Learn the best practices of writing CSS.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS guidelines](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Organizing your CSS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Speckyboy - Good and bad CSS practices](
### Javascript
### Syntax
Learn the basics of Javascript and get comfortable with it's syntax and main concepts.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Javascript First Steps](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Javascript Basics](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Javascript Building Blocks](
#### Spread
Learn how the spread syntax can help you when working with arrays.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Spread syntax](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - An introduction to Spread syntax](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Object rest and spread properties](
#### Destructuring
Learn how destructuring can help you when working with objects.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Destructuring assignment](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - ES6 In Depth: Destructuring](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Destructuring assignment](
### DOM
Learn how the HTML is represented as objects that comprise the structure and content of a document.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - DOM Introduction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - What's the DOM](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to the DOM](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" />](
#### DOM Manipulation
Learn how to query HTML elements through Javascript and manipulate them.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Locating DOM elements using selectors](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Supercharged - querySelector](
### Events
Learn how to dispatch and listen for events.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Introduction to events](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Creating and triggering events](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Event Bubbling and Event Capturing in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - A simplified explanation of event propagation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript Events Explained](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - addEventListener()](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - removeEventListener(](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Event order](
### Objects
Learn how to create and use objects.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Introducing JavaScript objects](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Working with objects](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Objects](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - this](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - The JavaScript this Keyword](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - bind()](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - new operator](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN -](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Data Structures: Objects and Arrays](
#### Prototype
Learn how to extend objects and functions through its prototype.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The prototype chain](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Prototypes in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - JavaScript Visualized: Prototypal Inheritance](
##### Classes
Learn how to define and use classes. Get somewhat comfortable with some of the object oriented concepts such as inheritence and encapsulation.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Classes](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Medium - ES6 Classes](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Inheritance](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Object Oriented Programming](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - super](
### Regex
Learn how to use regex to extract information from strings.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Regular Expressions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Regular expressions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - RegExp](
### Template Literals
Learn how template literals and tagged templates and help you manipulate strings.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Template literals](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - ES6 In Depth: Template strings](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Getting Literal With ES6 Template Strings](
### Promises
Learn how to use promises and what asynchronous code means.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - JavaScript Promises: an Introduction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Promise](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Master the JavaScript Interview: What is a Promise?](
#### Callbacks
Learn how to use callbacks and why they are not always a good idea.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Callback function](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript: What the heck is a Callback?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Callbacks](
#### Async/await
Learn how to use the async and await keywords to make it easier to write asynchronous code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - async function](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Async functions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Async/await](
#### Fetch
Learn how to use the fetch API to fetch data.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Introduction to fetch](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Networking](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - Fetch practical guide](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CORS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Alligator - Fetch API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Supercharged - Fetch](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codelabs - Fetch ](
### Web Animations
Learn how to use web animations to animate elements in the DOM.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Animations](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using The Web Animations API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - CSS Animations vs Web Animations API](
### Modules
Learn how to modularize your code into ES6 modules using the export and import keywords.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Export](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Import](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> V8 - Modules](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - A Practical guide to ES6 modules](
### Intl
Learn how to localize your website using the Intl API.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Intl](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Date Time Format](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> New Intl APIs in JavaScript](
### Canvas
Learn how to paint graphics onto a canvas.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Canvas tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Canvas API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Manipulating Pixels Using Canvas](
### Documentation
Learn how to create good documentation and why it is important.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Getting Started with JSDoc](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A beginner’s guide to writing documentation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Write Good Documentation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The power of jsDoc](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Document your Javascript code with JSDoc](
### Best Practices
Learn the best practices of writing Javascript.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - JavaScript guidelines](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Airbnb - JavaScript Style Guide](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 5 JavaScript Style Guides](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript Style Guide and Coding Conventions](
### The Browser
### Standardization
Learn why web standards are important and how new specifications are standardised.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Web Standards](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Are Web Standards?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Comprehensive Explanation of Web Standards](
#### W3C
Learn what W3C are doing and how they are moving the web forward.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - About](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Standards](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Process](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Web Standards Guide](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Groups](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The W3C At Twenty-Five](
#### TC39
Learn what TC39 are doing and how they are moving the web forward.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The TC39 process for ECMAScript features](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - TC39](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Ecma International - Programme of work](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Ecma International](
Learn what WHATWG are doing and how they are moving the web forward.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WHATWG - FAQ](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WHATWG - Standards](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - WHATWG](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C vs. WHATWG HTML5 Specs](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WHATWG - HTML](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - WHATWG](
#### Specifications
Learn how to read specifications developed by the standards committees.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Read the ECMAScript Specification](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Read W3C Specs](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Learning CSS by reading specs](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding the CSS Specifications](
### Browser Engines
Learn what a browser engine is and get an overview of the browser landscape and market share.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Medium - Browser Engines](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Comparison](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTML5 Rocks - How Browsers Work](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Demystifying Browsers](
#### Webkit
Learn about the Webkit browser engine.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webkit](
#### Blink
Learn about the Blink browser engine.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Blink](
#### Gecko
Learn about the Gecko browser engine.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Gecko](
### HTTP
Learn how data is distributed through the HTTP protocol.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - HTTP](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - HTTP Glossary](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - An overview of HTTP](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Hypertext Transfer Protocol](
### The Internet
Learn the basics of how the internet works.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - How does the Internet work?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - How the Internet Works in 5 Minutes](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Explain That Stuff - Internet](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Stanford - How Does the Internet Work?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How the Internet Works](
### Polyfills
Learn how it is possible to use polyfills to increase the browser support for your website.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Polyfill](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction To Polyfills & Their Usage](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Polyfills and the evolution of the Web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Can I use](
### Debugging
Learn about the basics concepts of debugging.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Inspect and Edit Pages and Styles](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Cross browser testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 5 things to remember for better debugging of your code](
#### Developer console
Learn how to use the developer console to debug your code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Console](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Console API Reference](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Get Started with Chrome DevTools](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Console Utilities API Reference](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Debugging CSS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Debugging HTML](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Debugging in Chrome](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 14 JavaScript debugging tips](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The definitive guide to debugging JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Chrome DevTools 101](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chrome Devs - Quickly monitor events](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - 14 Must Know Chrome Dev Tools Tricks](
## ➤ Accessibility
### The why
Learn what accessibility is and why it is important.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Accessibility Fundamentals](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A11ycasts with Rob Dodson](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Udacity - Chromevox Lite](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Why Accessibility Matters](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Abilitynet - Why Accessibility Matters](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Udacity - Web Accessibility](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Headings, Landmarks, and Tabs](
### Screen Readers
Learn about assistive technology such as screen readers that reads sections of the page aloud based on the current focus.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The A11Y Project - Screen Reader Myths](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The A11Y Project - NVDA Screen Reader](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The A11Y Project - OS X Voiceover](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Screen Reader Survey](
### Accessibility tree
Learn about the accessibility tree and how assistive technology uses it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - The Accessibility Tree](
#### ARIA
Learn how to use ARIA descriptions an labels to help assistive technology understanding your website.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - ARIA Labels](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Hiding and updating content](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The A11Y Project - ARIA States](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The A11Y Project - ARIA Properties](
#### Accessible HTML
Learn how to write HTML in such as way that assistive technology better understands it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Introduction to Semantics](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Accessibility HTML](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Skip navigation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> w3c - Headings](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - Semantic Elements](
##### Alt text
Learn how to use the alt attribute to provide a useful text alternative to this image.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Text Alternatives for Images](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Accessible Images](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Alternative text](
#### Accessible CSS
Learn how to write CSS in such as way that assistive technology better understands it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - CSS](
### Accessible forms
Learn how to build accessible forms that makes it usable to as many people as possible.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Forms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Itnext - Form Accessibility Gudie](
### UI States
Learn how to make the state of each UI element clear.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Accessible Styles](
### Keyboard Accessibility
Learn how to make it easy for keyboard users to navigate your site.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Keyboard](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Smashing Magazine - Web with just a keyboard](
#### Focus
Learn how to create a sensible tab order and how to make it easy for the users to locate the currently focused element.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Control focus with tabindex](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Focus](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Dom Order Matters](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Using Tabindex](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Track Focus](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - :focus-visible](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - :focus-within](
### Accessible Colors
Learn how to select colors in such a way that users, including those with visual disabilities, can perceive the content on the page.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Contrast and Color](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The A11Y Project - Check contrast](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The A11Y Project - What is color contrast?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Designing accessible color systems](
### Laws & Policies
Learn about the governmental policies related to web accessibility.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Laws & Policies](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Laws around the world](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Section 508](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - WCAG 2 Checklist](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Lawsuits](
#### Audits
Learn how to conduct an accessibility review to improve the overall experience of using your site. Remember, good accessibility equals good UX!
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Accessibility audits](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - How to review](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Accessibility Tools](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Accessibility Reference](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webaim - Wave](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Chrome - NoCoffee Extension](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Digital A11Y - Accessibility Plugins](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Accessibility for teams](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WCAG 2.0 checklists](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Meet WCAG (Quick Reference)](
## ➤ Web Components
### Custom Elements
Learn how to create new HTML tags with Custom Elements.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Custom Elements](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using Custom Elements](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Creating a Custom Element from Scratch](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Custom Elements](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - An introduction to Custom Elements](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> itnext - Introduction to Web Components](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Web Components](
### HTML Templates
Learn how to use HTML templates to create flexible templates that can then be used to populate the Shadow DOM.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using Templates & Slots](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Template Element](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - The Content Template element](
### Shadow DOM
Learn how to encapsulate your CSS using Shadow DOM.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Shadow DOM](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using Shadow DOM](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Shadow Tree](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Encapsulating Style and Structure](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> itnext - Introduction to Web Components](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Monica - Shadow DOM: fast and encapsulated styles](
#### Shadow Parts
Learn how to style the inside of a shadow tree from outside of that Shadow Tree by using Shadow Parts.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Fergald - CSS Shadow ::part and ::theme](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - ::part](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - CSS Shadow Parts](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Monica - ::part and ::theme, an explainer](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - CSS Shadow Parts](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chrome Status - ::part and ::theme](
#### Slots
Learn how to compose Custom Elements by using slots.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Composing Custom Elements](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Slots Composition](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - HTML <slot> element](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - A history of the HTML slot element](
### Best practices
Get familiar with best practices when it comes to building Web Components.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Custom Element Best Practices](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Web Components Best Practices](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> mateusortiz - Web Components the Right Way](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Making Web Components for Different Contexts](
### Constructible Stylesheets
Learn how the Constructible Stylesheets proposal enables reusable styles when using shadow dom.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Constructable Stylesheets](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Constructable Stylesheet Objects](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Why Would Anyone Use Constructible Stylesheets](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Benjamin Farrel - Adopt a Design System](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WICG - Constructable Stylesheet Objects](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chrome Status - Constructible Stylesheets](
### Form Participation
Learn how the Form Participation API proposal enables elements, other than built-in form control elements, to participate in form submission and validation.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Form Participation API Explained](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chrome Status - Form-associated custom elements](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> web-platform-tests - Form Participation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Form-associated custom elements](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - More capable form controls](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Creating a form-associated custom element](
## ➤ Progressive Webapps
### API's
### Storage
Learn how to store data for your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Storage](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Web Storage API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Cookies](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - IndexedDB API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - View And Edit Local Storage](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Client-side storage](
### Routing
Learn what routing means in single page applications.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How Single-Page Applications Work](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Static Apps - Routing URLs in Static Web Apps](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Routing With Single Page Applications or Client Side Routing](
#### History API
Learn how to use the history API to add single page applicaiton routing to your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Working with the History API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - History API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Single-page application routing in vanilla JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Using the HTML5 History API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The History API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - History API: Scroll Restoration](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - The Document Base URL element](
### Service Workers
Learn how to register a service worker to provide a rich native-like experience.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Service Workers: an Introduction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - The Service Worker Lifecycle](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Service Worker Registration](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Service Worker API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - High-performance service worker loading](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codelabs - Scripting the service worker](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codelabs - Caching files with the service worker](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codelabs - Adding a Service Worker](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Debugging Service Workers](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Caching best practices](
#### Offline first
Learn how to make your web app working offline with an offline first approach.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - The Offline Cookbook](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Udacity - Offline Web Applications](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Offline First](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Offline UX Considerations](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Offline Storage for Progressive Web Apps](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codelabs - Offline quickstart](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codelabs - Adding a Service Worker and Offline into your Web App](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Supercharged - Offline Links](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Online and offline events](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Making PWAs work offline](
#### Push notifications
Learn how to add push notifications to your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Adding Push Notifications to a Web App](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - How to make PWAs re-engageable](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Notifications API](
### Web App manifest
Learn how to tell the browser about your web app and how it should behave when 'installed' by creating a web app manifest.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Web App Manifest](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Add a web app manifest](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Web App Manifest](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - How to make PWAs installable](
### Add to homescreen
Learn how to make your web app installable.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Installable](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - App Install Banners](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Add to Home screen](
### Pointer Events
Learn how to handle inputs from pointing devices such as a mouse, pen/stylus or touch.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Pointer Events](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Add Touch to Your Site](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Pointing the Way Forward](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Touch Action Options](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Pointer Events](
### Loading Performance
### App shell
Learn how to use an app shell to provide an instant and reliable experience to users on repeat visits
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - The App Shell Model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Architecture of an app](
### Render-Blocking Resources
Learn about render-blocking resources and why they are bad for the user-experience.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Render-blocking resources](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Render-Blocking Resources](
### Compression
Learn how to minimize the overall download size by optimizing and compressing resources.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Optimizing Encoding and Transfer Size](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Replace Animated GIFs with Video](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Squoosh](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Text Content](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Optimize Images](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Reduce JavaScript execution time](
### Performance metrics
Learn why it is important to measure performance and which metrics you should prioritize.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - User-centric Performance Metrics](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Udacity - Website Performance Optimization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Udacity - Browser Rendering Optimization](
#### Largest Contentful Paint
Learn about Largest Contentful Paint and how it impacts the overall performance.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Largest Contentful Paint](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Lighthouse Largest Contentful Paint](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Medium - New Performance Metric: What is Largest Contentful Paint?](
#### Total Blocking Time
Learn about Total Blocking Time and how it impacts the overall performance.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - First CPU Idle](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Total Blocking Time](
#### Time to Interactive
Learn about Time to Interactive and how it impacts the overall performance.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Total Blocking Time](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Time to Interactive](
### Lazy Loading
Learn how to use lazy loading to lower the initial page payload and load time.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Lazy Loading Images and Video](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Addy Osmani - Lazy Loading Images](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Native lazy-loading for the web](
#### Dynamic Import
Learn how to use dynamic import to lazy load javascript.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> V8 - Dynamic import()](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript dynamic import() & export](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Dynamic Import](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> TC39 - proposal-dynamic-import](
#### Offscreen images
Learn why offscreen images increase the load time and how to avoid them by lazy loading images.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Defer offscreen images](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Properly Size Images](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Native lazy-loading for the web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Addy Osmani - Native image lazy-loading for the web!](
### Critical Request Chains
Learn about the critical request chains and how to find them in your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Critical Request Chains](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Minimize critical requests depth](
### Tree shaking
Learn how to use tree shaking to eliminate dead code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Reduce JavaScript Payloads](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Clean Up Your JavaScript](
### Codesplitting
Learn about codesplitting an how dividing your code into multiple chunks makes your web app faster.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Reduce JavaScript Payloads](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> All you need to know about JavaScript code splitting](
### PRPL Pattern
Learn how to use the PRPL pattern to make web apps more performant.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - The PRPL Pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - JavaScript Start-up Optimization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Ben Schwarz - Real world performance](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Cost of Javascript](
### Resource Prioritization
Learn about resource prioritization and how to inform the browser about the importance of a resource.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Resource Prioritization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Eliminating Roundtrips with Preconnect](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Addy Osmani - Preload, Prefetch And Priorities in Chrome](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Preconnect to required origins](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Preload, prefetch and other <link> tags](
### Caching
Learn about caching and how it can be uses to make web apps load faster.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - HTTP Caching](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - HTTP caching](
### Rendering Performance
### Rendering
Learn about rendering, how a page is rendered and why it is important to keep your web app interactive and smooth running.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Constructing the Object Model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Rendering Performance](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Render-tree Construction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Render Blocking CSS](
### Event loop
Learn about the event loop and how Javascript simulate like it’s running our commands in a multi-thread environment.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Jake Archibald: In The Loop](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript Event Loop Explained](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - What the heck is the event loop anyway?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The JavaScript Event Loop](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - JavaScript Visualized: Event Loop](
#### Microtask
Learn about microtasks and the microtask queue.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tasks, microtasks, queues and schedules](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using microtasks in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Microtasks and macrotasks](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Microtasks](
#### Stack
Learn about the stack and how to investigate the staack trace when debugging.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Javascript Stack Trade - Using it to debug](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - console.trace()](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> V8 - Stack trace API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Confused about Stack and Heap?](
#### Heap
Learn about the heap and how to investigate the heap snapshots when debugging.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Memory Problems](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Memory Terminology](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - How to Record Heap Snapshots](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Confused about Stack and Heap?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - How to Use the Allocation Profiler Tool](
### RAIL Model
Learn how to use the RAIL model to ensure a good user experience.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - RAIL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Why Performance Matters](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Get Started With Analyzing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Animations and Performance](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - CSS Versus JavaScript Animations](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Choosing the Right Easing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Animating Modal Views](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS and JavaScript animation performance](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Performance fundamentals](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Fast By Default](
#### requestAnimationFrame
Learn how to use the requestAnimationFrame API to create butter-smooth animations.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Optimize JavaScript Execution](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - requestAnimationFrame()](
#### requestIdleCallback
Learn how to use the requestIdleCallback to defer heavy tasks.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Background Tasks API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Dev - requestIdleCallback](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - requestIdleCallback()](
### Critical Rendering Path
Learn about the critical rendering path and how to identify it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Critical Rendering Path](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Critical Rendering Path](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding the critical rendering path](
### The Pixel Pipeline
Learn about the five key points in the pixels-to-screen pipeline.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - The pixel pipeline](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Pixels are expensive](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - The Applied Science of Runtime Performance](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Triggers](
#### Style calculations
Learn how to optimize your CSS to avoid heavy style calculations.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Style Calculations](
#### Transforms
Learn about transforms and how it is possible to avoid both layout and paint.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Use transform and opacity for animations](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Achieving 60 FPS Animations with CSS3](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTML5 Rocks - High Performance Animations](
#### Paint areas
Learn about paint areas and how it is possible to reduce them.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Paint Areas](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Browser painting](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTML5 Rocks - Avoiding Unnecessary Paints](
#### Layout Trashing
Learn about layout trashing and how to avoid it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Layout Thrashing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Beware JavaScript Layout Thrashing!](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Layout thrashing cheatsheet](
#### Layers
Learn about layers and how to promote an element to another layer.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Manage Layer Count](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTML5 Rocks - Accelerated Rendering in Chrome](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Layers and how to force them](
#### Debounce
Learn how to debounce computationally expensive code to avoid blocking the UI.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Debounce Your Input Handlers](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Debouncing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Level Up - Debounce in JavaScript](
### CSS Containment
Learn how to use CSS containment to improve the performance of your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - CSS Containment](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - CSS Containment Module](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> An introduction to CSS Containment](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Contain](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - CSS containment](
### Web Workers
Learn how to use web workers to run a script operation in a background thread separate from the main execution thread.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Web Workers API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTML5 Rocks - The Basics of Web Workers](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> When should you be using Web Workers?](
### Security
Learn about HTTPS and why a website should always be protected with HTTPS.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Why HTTPS Matters](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Enabling HTTPS on Your Servers](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Mixed Content](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Stories from the field](
### Browser Sandbox
Learn about the sandbox security mechanism and how it restricts the execution environment.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Browser sandbox](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Sandbox (computer security)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Howtogeek - Sandboxes Explained](
Learn about the OWASP organization and how they help with web application security.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - OWASP](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> OWASP - About](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> OWASP - OWASP Top 10](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> OWASP - Cheatsheets](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - OWASP](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> OWASP Top 10 Security Risks](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Web application security](
#### Cross-Site Scripting
Learn about cross-site scripting and how it is possible mitigate these kind of attacks.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Cross-site scripting](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> OWASP - Cross-site Scripting (XSS)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> OWASP - XSS Cheatsheet](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Excess XSS](
#### Clickjacking
Learn about clickjacking and how it is possible to mitigate these kind of attacks.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> OWASP - Clickjacking](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Clickjacking](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Same-origin policy](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> OWASP - Clickjacking Cheatsheet](
### Content Security Policy
Learn about content security policy and how it can help to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Content Security Policy (CSP)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - CSP](
### Audits
### Performance budgets
Learn about performance budgets and how you can create one for your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Performance Budgets](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Performance Budget](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Addy Osmani - Start Performance Budgeting](
### Lighthouse
Learn about lighthouse and how it can be used to audit your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Lighthouse](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Staying off the Rocks](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Measure](
### Chrome DevTools
Learn about the Chrome DevTools and how it can be used to audit your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Chrome DevTools](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Inspect animations](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Investigate animation performance with DevTools](
## ➤ Build tools
### Package Managers
Learn about package managers and how they make managing dependencies easier.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - How JavaScript package managers work](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Guide to JavaScript frontend package managers](
#### NPM
Learn about NPM and how it can be used to manage dependencies.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> npmjs - About npm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> npmjs - Getting started](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to npm and basic npm commands](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Using npm](
#### Yarn
Learn about Yarn and how it can be used to manage dependencies.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Yarnpkg - Getting Started](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Facebook Engineering - Yarn](
### Module Bundlers
Learn about module bundler and how they can help bundling your code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - What is a module bundler?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - Let’s learn how module bundlers work](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript Bundlers, a Comparison](
#### Rollup
Learn how you can use Rollup to bundle your code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Rollup - Introduction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Bundle JavaScript With Rollup](
#### Webpack
Learn how you can use Webpack to bundle your code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webpack - Getting Started](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Webpack: A Gentle Introduction to the Module Bundler](
#### Parcel
Learn how you can use Parcel to bundle your code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Parcel - Getting Started](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Parcel, a simpler webpack](
#### Snowpack
Learn how Snowpack can replace the traditional app bundler during development.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Snowpack](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Snowpack - Quickstart](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - Snowpack](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Pika - About](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Future Without Webpack](
### Linters and formatters
Learn how you can improve your code quality with linters and formatters.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Improve Your JavaScript Code Quality With Linters](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Why you should always use a Linter](
#### Prettier
Learn how you can use Prettier to format your code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Prettier - What is Prettier?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Let the computer do the formatting](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Prettier - Playground](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Prettier - Integrating with Linters](
#### ESLint
Learn how you can use ESLint to lint your code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Eslint - Getting Started](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Streamline Code Reviews with ESLint + Prettier](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Prettier vs ESLint: What’s The Difference?](
### Task Runners
Learn about task runners and how you can automate code execution.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Advantages of Using Task Runners](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Being Productive With Task Runners](
#### NPM Scripts
Learn about NPM scripts and how you can run your own.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Why npm Scripts?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Helpers and tips for npm run scripts](
### Transpilers
Learn what transpilers are and why we need them.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Scotch - Javascript Transpilers](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What JavaScript Programmers Need to Know about Transpilers](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Source-to-source compiler](
#### Babel
Learn about Babel and how you can use it to transpile your code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Complete Babel 7 Guide for Beginners](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Babel - What is Babel?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Babel - Usage Guide](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Beginner’s Guide to Babel](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Moving to ES6 — Babel and Transpilers](
#### Typescript
Learn how to use Typescript and how it can help making your code typesafe.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Typescript - Documentation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Typescript: Why should one use i?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Why TypeScript is the best way to write Front-end in 2019](
### CSS Pre-processors
Learn about CSS pre-processors and why we need them.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS preprocessor](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Advantages of Using a Preprocessor](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Deconfusing Pre- and Post-processing](
#### SASS
Learn about SASS and how you can use it to simplify your styles.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> SASS - Guide](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 10 Reasons to Use a CSS Preprocessor in 2018](
#### PostCSS
Learn about PostCSS and how you can use its ecosystem of plugins to extend your CSS build pipeline.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> PostCSS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is PostCSS?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to PostCSS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Getting started with PostCSS in 2019](
### Node.js
Learn how to use Node.js.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Node.js](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Node.js](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Node.js - Guides](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3Schools - Node.js tutorial](
## ➤ Frameworks & Libraries
### lit-element
Learn how to use lit-element for creating fast, lightweight web components.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> lit-element](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Lightning-fast templates](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Vaadin - Creating a LitElement project](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Web Components: from zero to hero, part three](
### Vue
Learn about Vue and how you can use it for building web apps.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Vue](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Vue - CLI](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Getting Started with Vue](
### React
Learn about React and how you can use it for building web apps.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> React](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - React](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Getting Started with React](
### Angular
Learn about Angular and how you can use it for building web apps.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Angular](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Angular](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Angular - CLI](
### Svelte
Learn about Svelte and how it can convert your component into highly efficient imperative code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Svelte](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - Svelte FAQ](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Svelte - Rethinking reactivity](
### Stencil
Learn how Stencil can be used for generating small, fast web components.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Stencil](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Alligator - Getting Started With Stencil](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Build Reusable Web Components Using Stenciljs](
## ➤ Testing
### Testing Methodologies
Learn about various software testing methodologies and why it is important to test your code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Software testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Software Testing Methodologies](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Learn The Methods & Tools](
#### Unit Testing
Learn about unit testing and how it can be used to test individual units of code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Unit Testing Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Unit testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Unit Testing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Arrange, Act and Assert (AAA) Pattern](
#### Integration Testing
Learn about integration testing and how it can be used to test modules as a group.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Integration Testing Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Integration Testing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Integration Testing](
#### System Testing
Learn about system testing and how it can be used to test the fully integrated software product.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> System Testing Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is System Testing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> System Testing](
#### Acceptance Testing
Learn about acceptance testing and how it can be used to test the software for acceptability
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is User Acceptance Testing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Acceptance Testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Acceptance Testing?](
#### Smoke Testing
Learn about smoke testing and how it can be used to ensure that critical functionalities of the program are working fine.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Sanity Testing Vs Smoke Testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Smoke Testing](
#### Performance Testing
Learn about performance testing and how it can be used to determine the responsiveness and stability of a program.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Performance Testing Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Performance Testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Software performance testing](
#### Usability Testing
Learn about usability testing and how it can be used to determine if the system is easily usable for the end-user.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Usability Testing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Usability Testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Usability testing](
#### White Box Testing
Learn about white box testing and how it can be used to test the software's internal structure, design, and coding.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is White Box Testing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> White Box Testing](
#### Black Box Testing
Learn about black box testing and how a test can be carried out without looking at the internal code.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Black Box Testing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Black Box Testing](
#### Automated Testing
Learn about automated testing and when it should be applied.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Automated Testing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Automated Testing Tutorial](
#### Manual Testing
Learn about manual testing and when it should be applied.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Manual Testing Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Manual Testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Manual Testing?](
### Continuous integration
Learn about continuous integration and it can enable iterative software development.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Continuous Integration Explained](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Continuous Integration Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Continuous integration](
### A/B Testing
Learn about A/B testing and how it can be used to optimize your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - A/B testing: introduction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - When Not To A/B Test](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A/B Testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - A/B testing](
### Test Runners
Learn about test runners and how they can help running tests.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Classifications of Testing Software](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Udacity - Javascript Testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript Unit Testing Frameworks](
#### Karma
Learn about the Karma test runner.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Karma](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Getting started with Karma and Mocha](
#### Mocha
Learn about the Mocha testing framework.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Mocha](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A quick and complete guide to Mocha testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to test JavaScript with Mocha](
#### Jasmine
Learn about the Jasmine testing frameworks.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Jasmine](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to set up a testing environment with Jasmine and karma](
#### Cypress
Learn how to use Cypress for end-to-end-testing.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Cypress](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> End-to-End Testing with Cypress](
#### Ava
Learn about the Ava test runner.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - Ava](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Fresh Take On JavaScript Testing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - How you can test your Node.js applications](
### Best Practices
Learn about the best practices when it comes to testing.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Javascript Testing Best Practices](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What are the best practices in software Testing?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 7 Software Testing Best Practices](
## ➤ Architecture & paradigms
### Paradigms
### Programming Paradigms
Learn how programming languages can be categoried into different paraigmes based on their features.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Programming paradigm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction of Programming Paradigms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Are JavaScript Programming Paradigms?](
### Object Oriented Programming
Learn about object oriented programming and how objects can make your code easier to read and debug.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Object-oriented JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - An introduction to Object-Oriented Programming](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript](
#### S.O.L.I.D
Learn about the SOLID design pricinples that can make your code more understandable, flexible and maintainable.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - SOLID](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> S.O.L.I.D: The First 5 Principles of Object Oriented Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> S.O.L.I.D The first 5 principles of Object Oriented Design with JavaScript](
### Functional programming
Learn about functional programming and how it can make your code easier to read and debug.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> An introduction to functional programming in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Functional Programming in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The power of functional programming in Javascript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> An introduction to Functional Programming](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Basic Functional Programming Patterns in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Functional-ish JavaScript](
#### Recursion
Learn about recursion and when it can be used to make your code more readable.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Learn and Understand Recursion in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding Recursion in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - Recursion in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Recursion and stack](
#### Higher-Order Functions
Learn about higher-order functions and when it can be used to make your code more readable.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Higher-Order Functions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - A quick intro to Higher-Order Functions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Higher-Order function](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript](
#### Currying
Learn about currying and when it can be used to make your code more readable.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - All you need to know about currying](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript: Currying and Partial Application](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Curry and Function Composition](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Currying](
#### Monads
Learn about monads and when it can be used to make your code more readable.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Monad, FunFunFunction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Functors, FunFunFunction ](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Functional JavaScript - Functors, Monads, and Promises](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Monad](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript Monads Made Simple](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Implementing JavaScript Functors and Monads](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Array.prototype.flatMap()](
### Architecture
### Design Patterns
Learn how commonly occurring problems can be solved using design patterns.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Software design pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The 7 Most Important Software Design Patterns](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Software Design Patterns](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Design Patterns](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> JavaScript Design Patterns](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Design Patterns in TypeScript](
#### Singleton
Learn about the singleton design pattern and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Singleton Pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Singleton Example](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Singleton Pattern](
#### Observer
Learn about the observer design pattern and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Observer Pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Observer Example](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Observer Pattern](
#### Prototype
Learn about the prototype design pattern and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Prototype Pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Prototype Example](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Prototype pattern](
#### Bridge
Learn about the bridge design pattern and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Bridge Pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Bridge Example](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Bridge pattern](
#### Proxy
Learn about the proxy design pattern and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Proxy Pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Proxy Example](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Proxy pattern](
#### Chain of responsibility
Learn about the chain of responsibility design pattern and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chain of Responsibility Pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chain of Responsibility Example](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Chain of responsibility](
#### Constructor
Learn about the constructor design pattern and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Constructor Pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Fundamental Object Design Patterns in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Difference between Constructor pattern and Prototype pattern](
### CSS Methodologies
Learn how CSS can be structured using CSS methodologies.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Look at Some CSS Methodologies](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A web designer's guide to CSS methodologies](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding CSS Writing Methodologies](
#### BEM
Learn about the BEM methodology and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Get BEM](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - BEM 101](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is BEM? And Why you should use it in your project.](
Learn about the SMACSS methodology and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> SMACSS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> BEM vs SMACSS](
#### OOCSS
Learn about the OOCSS methodology and when it should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> OOCSS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> An Introduction To Object Oriented CSS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Future of Writing CSS](
## ➤ Team Collaboration
### Version Control
### Git
Learn about git and how it is used for version control.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Learn Git Branching](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Git Handbook](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github Cheatsheet](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Visualizing Git](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codecademy - Learn Gitthis](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Git Hint](
#### Github
Learn how to use Github.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is GitHub?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> GitHub Learning Lab](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Github](
#### Bitbucket
Learn how to use Bitbucket.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Bitbucket](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorial: Learn Bitbucket with Git](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Getting Started with Bitbucket for Version Control](
### Management
### Agile Development
Learn about agile development and when to use it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Agile software development](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is agile methodology?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Agile Software Development?](
#### Scrum
Learn about scrum and when to use it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Scrum Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Scrum - Overview](
#### Kanban
Learn about kanban and when to use it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Kanban Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is kanban?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Kanban Fundamentals](
### Waterfall Development
Learn about waterfall development and when to use it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Waterfall Model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Waterfall vs. Agile](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Waterfall Model: What and when](
### Test Driven Development
Learn about test driven development and when to use it.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Test-driven development](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Red, Green, Refactor](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - Test Driven Development](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> TDD Changed My Life](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Test-driven development in JavaScript](
## ➤ Design & UX
### Color Theory
Learn about color theory and how you can make your own color schemes.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> All you need to know about colors in UI Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Role of Color in UX](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 10 Questions of Color Theory](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Color Theory](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Meaning of Color](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 50 Gorgeous Color Schemes](
#### Color Wheel
Learn how to use the color wheel when making a color scheme.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Color Theory: Brief Guide For Designers](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Color theory and the color wheel](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The fundamentals of understanding color theory](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Adobe - Color wheel](
### Typography
Learn about typography and how to describe fonts.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google - Understanding typography](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Understand Typography](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Typography Elements Everyone Needs to Understand](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - 10 rules to help you rule type](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Font Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Typography Tutorial for Beginners](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Crash Course in Typography](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Type Classifications](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Fonts](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 7 web typography rules](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 15 Best Practices To Excellent UI](
#### Font Size
Learn about font sizes and how to choose the right one.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Type scale](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The importance of font size](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Website font size: Size does matter](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - font-size](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Fluid Typography](
#### Line Spacing
Learn about line spacing and how to choose the right one.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Best UX practices for line spacing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Line spacing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Why you should go big with line spacing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - line-height](
### C.R.A.P
Learn how the C.R.A.P. design principles can help you point out the qualities (or flaws) in a design.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Build Better User Experience](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CRAP Principles](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Non-Designer's Design Book](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - The Non-Designers Design Book](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How CRAP Will Make You a Better Designer](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Big Four: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity](
#### Contrast
Learn how the principles of contrast can help you when designing.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Designing with contrast: 20 tips from a designer](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Contrast Design principle of Graphic Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Contrast In Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Fully understanding contrast in design](
#### Repetition
Learn how the principles of repetition can help you when designing.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Repetition Design principle of Graphic Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Repetition Principle of Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Repetition, Pattern, and Rhythm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Repetition, principles of design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Use Repetition Effectively](
#### Alignment
Learn how the principles of alignment can help you when designing.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Alignment Design principle of Graphic Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Alignment Principle Of Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Art Of Alignment In Graphic Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Alignment](
#### Proximity
Learn how the principles of proximity can help you when designing.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Proximity Design principle of Graphic Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Use Proximity Effectively](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Proximity Principle Of Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Gestalt Theory for UX Design: Principle of Proximity](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Principles of Design: Proximity](
### Consistency
Learn why consistency is one of the most important building-blocks in a design.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Design principle: Consistency](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Consistency, A Key Design Principle](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Consistency: MORE than what you think](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Principle of Consistency in User Interface Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The value of consistent design](
### Spacing
Learn how to use space in your design.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Space in Design Systems](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to use spacing margin and spacing in design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How To Use Space In Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Importance of White Space in Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Negative Space in Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Change Line Spacing in InDesign](
### Error Handling
Learn how to improve the user experience by handling errors in an intuitive way.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Design an Error Handling System before you structure your App](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> UI Error Handling](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Creating Error Messages](
### Loading
Learn how a loading state can improve the user experience.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Everything you need to know about skeleton screens](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Engaging users with progressive loading in skeleton screen](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Design and code responsive Skeleton Screens](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Speed Up Your UX with Skeleton Screens](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Bone to Pick with Skeleton Screens](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> When to use loaders & empty states](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Empty/Loading State](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> When You Need to Show a Button’s Loading State](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Stop Using Loading Spinner](
### The Golden Ratio
Learn how the golden ratio can help you when choose measurements for your design.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Golden Ratio in Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A guide to the Golden Ratio for designers](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is the golden ratio](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Golden Ratio: A designer's guide](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Golden Ratio: What It Is And Why Should You Use It In Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Golden Ratio Typography (GRT) Calculator](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Use the Golden Ratio](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Golden Ratio in Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How To Use The Golden Ratio In Design](
### Mobile First
Learn about designing for mobile first and why it is important.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Complete guide to mobile first design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Mobile First Design?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Hands-On Guide to Mobile-First Responsive Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Mobile First Design](
#### Hit Targets
Learn about hit targets can why they should not be neglected.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Finger-Friendly Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Size matters! Accessibility and Touch Targets](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Optimal Size and Spacing for Mobile Buttons](
### Design Systems
Learn what design systems are and get familiar with some.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A guide to design systems](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What the heck is a design system?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Everything you need to know about Design Systems](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is a Design System?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What's a Design System](
#### Material Design
Learn about material design and get familiar with the core principles.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google - Material Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google - Material Components](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google - Material Develop](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google - Material Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Material Design](
#### Fluent Design
Learn about fluent design and get familiar with the core principles.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Microsoft - Fluent Design System](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Microsoft - Fluent UI Toolkit](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Fluent Design System](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Fluent: Design Behind the Design](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Iconic Icons: Designing the World of Windows](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Evolving the Microsoft Fluent Design System](
### Accessibility
Learn how and why it is important to design for accessibility.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Designing For Accessibility And Inclusion](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Designing for accessibility is not that hard](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Designing Accessible Experiences at Scale](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Material Design - Accessibility](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Designing for Web Accessibility](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Accessibility in government](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Visual Presentation](
### Best Practices
Learn about some of the best practices when designing.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 13 Website Design Best Practices For 2019](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Design Best Practices](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Refactoring UI](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Refactoring UI | CSS Day 2019](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Dieter Ram' 10 principles for good design](
## ➤ The Modern Web
### Streams
Learn about streams and how they can help you effeciently transporting data.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Streams](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Streams API concepts](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Experimenting with the Streams API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WHATWG - Streams](
#### Media Streams
Learn about media streams and how it is possible to get a stream to device specific hardware such as the camera or microphone.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Media Streams API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Image Capture API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - mediaDevices.getUserMedia()](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Media Capture and Streams](
#### Media Recorder
Learn how to use the media recorder API to record media streams.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - MediaStream Recording API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Media Recorder API Demo](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WTC - MediaStream Recording](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Recording Media](
#### Web RTC
Learn how to use Web RTC for establishing real-time communication.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - WebRTC API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WebRTC - Getting Started](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WebRTC samples](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - WebRTC](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - WebRTC](
#### Screen Capture
Learn how to use the Screen Capture API for recording the screen.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Screen Capture API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Intro to Screen Capture API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Screen Capture](
#### Generators
Learn how to use generator functions to define iterative algorithms by writing functions whose execution is not continuous.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Iterators and generators](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Functional JavaScript - Streams](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding Generators with Examples](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - function*](*)
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - yield*](*)
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - JavaScript Visualized: Generators and Iterators](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Generators](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Medium - A Simple Guide to Understanding Javascript Generators](
### Speech Synthesis
Learn how the speech synthesis API can help you converting text to speech.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Web apps that talk](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - window.speechSynthesis](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - SpeechSynthesis](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Web Speech API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Speech Synthesis API](
### Web Sockets
Learn about web sockets and how you can push data to your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Websockets API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What are Web Sockets?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTML5 Rocks - Introducing WebSockets](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WHATWG - Web sockets](
### Geolocation
Learn how to ask the user for permission to the location.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Geolocation API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Alligrator - Using the Geolocation API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Maps Platform - Displaying User Position on Maps](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Geolocation](
### Device orientation & motion
Learn how to measure the orientation and motion of the device.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Detecting device orientation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - DeviceOrientation Event Specification](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTML5 Rocks - Introduction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Device Position](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Generic Sensor API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Sensor APIs](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Sensors For The Web](
### Fullscreen
Learn how to use the fullscreen API to give the user a more immersive experience when needed.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Fullscreen API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Let Your Content Do the Talking](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> David Walsh - Fullscreen API](
### Variable Fonts
Learn how to use variable fonts and how it is possible to customize fonts without the need for loading more.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> v-fonts](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Variable fonts guide](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Introduction to variable fonts](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Supercharged - Variable Fonts](
### HTTP/2
Learn about the faster and more convenient HTTP/2 protocol.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Introduction to HTTP/2](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - HTTP/2](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTTP/2: the difference between HTTP/1.1](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTTP/2 - FAQ](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Why turning on HTTP/2 was a mistake](
### Payment Request API
Learn about the payment request API and how it can help monetize your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Payment Request API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codelabs - Payment Request API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Payments](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Payment Request API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Introduction to the Payment Request API](
### Web Audio
Learn how to use the Web Audio API to add audio to your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using the Web Audio API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Web Audio API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Web Audio API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> HTML5 Rocks - Getting Started with Web Audio API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> All You Need to Know About the Web Audio API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Alligator - Your First Steps with the Web Audio API](
### Observers
Learn about the observer pattern and get comfortable concepts such as subjects and observers.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Javascript Observers and You](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Use the Observable Pattern in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Publish–subscribe pattern](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Observer Pattern with Vanilla JavaScript](
#### Mutation Observer
Learn how to use the Mutation Observer API to get informed about changes to the DOM.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - MutationObserver](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Listening to the DOM changes with MutationObserver](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> David Walsh - MutationObserver API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Mutation observer](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WHATWG - Mutation observers](
#### Intersection Observer
Learn how to use the Intersection Observer API can help you detect when an element is visible on the screen.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Intersection Observer API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Intersection Observer](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Trust is Good, Observation is Better](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - An Explanation of Intersection Observers](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding the Intersection Observer API in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - A Few Functional Uses for Intersection Observer](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> google Devs - An event for CSS position:sticky](
#### Resize Observer
Learn how to use the Resize Observer API to get informed when the element resizes.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Resize Observer API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - It’s Like document.onresize for Elements](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Alligator - A Look at the Resize Observer JavaScript API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> David Walsh - Resize Observer](
#### Performance Observer
Learn how the Performance Observer API can help you get information about the performance of your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Long Tasks API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - PerformanceObserver](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Efficient Access to Performance Data](
### Scrollsnapping
Learn about the Scrollsnapping API and how it can help you provide an intuitive experience when scrolling.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Practical CSS Scroll Snapping](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Introducing CSS Scroll Snap Points](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Well-Controlled Scrolling with CSS Scroll Snap](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - CSS Scroll Snap](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The scroll-snap-* Properties](
### Web Assembly
Learn about Web Assembly and how it opens up the playing field for new types of web apps.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - WebAssembly Concepts](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - WebAssembly](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Why the heck is everyone talking about WebAssembly?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Web Assembly](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Codelabs - An Introduction to Web Assembly](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How We Used WebAssembly To Speed Up Our Web App By 20X](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - WebAssembly](
### Beacon
Learn how the Beacon API can help you send data to endpoints before the user closes the page.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - sendBeacon](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using the Beacon API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Logging Activity With The Web Beacon API](
### Clipboard
Learn about the Clipboard API and how it can help you copy and paste data.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Clipboard](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Clipboard (Copy & Paste)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Image Support for the Async Clipboard API](
### Share
Learn how the Web Share API can help users sharing your web app.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Share](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Introducing the Web Share API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Registering as a Share Target](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - How to Use the Web Share API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Web Share API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - How to implement the Web Share API with a fallback](
### Performance API
Learn about the Performance API and how it can help you monitor the performance of the device.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Performance](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - performance.measure()](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - Breaking Down the Performance API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Assessing Loading Performance](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Performance Specifications](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Performance Timeline](
### Gamepad API
Learn how the Gamepad API can help you integrate with various controllers such as an x-box or playstation controller
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using the Gamepad API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Gamepad API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> luser - Gamepad Test](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Implementing controls using the Gamepad API](
### Speech Recognition
Learn how to use the Speech Recognition API to analyze speech.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Using the Web Speech API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> David Walsh - JavaScript Speech Recognition](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - SpeechRecognition](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Web Speech API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - web-speech-api](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Speech Recognition](
### Interaction Media Queries
Learn how to use Interaction Media Queries to optimize the user experience for the specific type of device.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introducing CSS Interaction Media Queries](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Media features](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Touch Devices Should Not Be Judged By Their Size](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Interaction Media Features and their potential](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Interaction Media Features](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Pointing Device Adaptation](
### Browser Extensions
Learn how to build browser extensions to enhance the functionality of your browser.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Browser Extensions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chrome - What are extensions?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chrome - Getting Started with Extensions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Google Chrome Extensions](
### Pointer Lock API
Learn how to use the Pointer Lock API to get the raw mouse movement and lock the target of mouse events to a single element.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Pointer Lock API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Pointer Lock](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Use the Pointer Lock API to Restrict Mouse Movement](
### Picture In Picture
Learn how to use the Picture-In-Picture API to watch videos in a floating window (always on top of other windows).
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Watch video using Picture-in-Picture](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Picture-in-Picture Sample](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Tricks - An Introduction to Picture-in-Picture](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Implement Picture-in-Picture on the Web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Medium - How to use “picture in picture 📺” in JavaScript.](
### Proxies
Learn how to use proxies to intercept certain operations and implement custom behaviors.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Meta programming](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Proxy](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A practical guide to Javascript Proxy](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introducing Javascript ES6 Proxies](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Medium - How to use JavaScript Proxies for Fun and Profit](
### Houdini
Learn about the Houdini project and get excited about the future of CSS.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Houdini, Demystifying CSS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Smarter custom properties](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> CSS Houdini Experiments](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Interactive Introduction to CSS Houdini](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - CSS Houdini Wiki](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Houdini's Animation Worklet](
### Project Fugu
Learn about Project Fugu project and get excited about the future of the Web.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Our commitment to a more capable web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Web Capabilities (Fugu)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chromium Bugs - Fugu](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Unlocking new capabilities for the web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Unlocking New Capabilities for the Web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Controlling Access to Powerful Web Platform Features](
### Web Authentication API
Learn how to use the Web Authentication API to provide a strong authentication with public key cryptography.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Web Authentication API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Enabling Strong Authentication with WebAuthn](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Web Authentication: The New W3C Spec](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Microsoft - Web Authentication and Windows Hello](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Web Authentication: What It Is and What It Means for Passwords](
#### Credentials Manager API
Learn about the Credentials Manager API proposal and how it can help authenticating users.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Credential Management API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - The Credential Management API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Sign in Users](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Save Credentials from Forms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Credentials](
### Native File System
Learn how the Native File System API proposal enables interacting with files on the user's local device.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - The Native File System API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - Native File System](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Native File System](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Native File System Web API - Chromium Security Model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chromestatus - Native File System](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - File API](
### Shape Detection
Learn how the Shape Detection API proposal can be use to detect shapes such as faces or barcodes in pictures.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Accelerated Shape Detection in Images](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - Shape Detection API Specification](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to the Shape Detection API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Face detection using Shape Detection API](
### Web Bluetooth
Learn how the Web Bluetooth API proposal can be used to connect with nearby devices.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Web Bluetooth API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Interact with Bluetooth devices](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Bluetooth](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Web Bluetooth](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Web Bluetooth Samples](
### Web USB
Learn the Web USB API proposal can be used to connect with hardware through a cable.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - USB](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> WICG - Web USB](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Access USB Devices on the Web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Web USB](
### Web XR
Learn how to use Web XR API proposal for virtual- and augmented reality experiences.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - WebXR Device API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Welcome to the immersive web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> New API to Bring Augmented Reality to the Web](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - WebXR Device API](
### Presentation
Learn how the Presentation API proposal enables your web app to use the presentation display mode in the browser or at an external display device.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Presentation API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Presentation Features](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Present web pages to secondary attached displays](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Presentation API](
### Network Information API
Learn how the Network Information API proposal can give you information about the state of the network.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Network Information API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Addy Osmani - Adaptive Serving](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> W3C - Network Information API](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Network Information API Sample](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Web Can Do Today - Network Type & Speed](
## ➤ Algorithms & Data structures
### Data structures
### Arrays
Learn how and when arrays should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Arrays](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - Arrays, A Visual Introduction for Beginners](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Array data structure](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MDN - Array](
### Queues & Stacks
Learn how and when queues and stacks should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Stacks and Queues](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Difference between Stack and Queue Data Structures](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Data Structures: Stacks & Queues](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Stacks vs. Queues In JavaScript](
### Trees
Learn how and when trees should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Tree (data structure)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - Everything you need to know about tree data structure](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Data Structure and Algorithms - Tree](
#### Binary Indexed Tree
Learn how and when binary indexed trees should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Fenwick tree](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is the intuition behind a binary indexed tree?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Binary Indexed Tree or Fenwick Tree](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Fenwick Tree / Binary Indexed Tree](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Binary Indexed Tree](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - fast-binary-indexed-tree-js](
#### Heap
Learn how and when heaps should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Heap (data structure)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorialspoint - Heap Data Structure](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Learning to Love Heaps](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to implement Heap Data structure in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Data Structures: Heaps](
#### Red-black Tree
Learn how and when red-black trees should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Red–black tree](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Painting Nodes Black With Red-Black Trees](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Red-Black Tree](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Red Black Trees in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - Red–Black Tree](
#### Trie
Learn how and when tries should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Trie](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Trie (Insert and Search)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Trying to Understand Tries](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Trie, Datastructure](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Data Structures: Tries](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Practical Data Structures: Tries](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Trie, visualization](
#### K-D Tree
Learn how and when K-D trees should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - k-d tree](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - k-d Tree JavaScript Library](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> kd-Trees](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - KD Tree Algorithm](
### Hash Tables
Learn how and when hash tables should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Hash table](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Hash tables explained](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Basics of Hash Tables](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Javascript Hash Table](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Objects and Hash Tables in Javascript](
### Linked Lists
Learn how and when linked lists should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Linked list](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Linked Lists](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Linked Lists in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Little Guide of Linked List in JavaScript](
### Graphs
Learn how and when graphs should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Graph theory](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Implementation of Graph in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Graphs and Graph Algorithms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Javascript Developer’s Guide to Graphs](
### Analysis
### Time complexity
Learn about time complexity and how it can be used to analyze an algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Time complexity](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Time Complexity of Algorithms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - An Introduction to Time Complexity](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 8 time complexities that every programmer should know](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Time Complexity Analysis in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> An intro to Algorithms](
#### Cost model
Learn how to setup a cost model for an algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Analysis of algorithms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Analysis of Algorithms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The cost of JavaScript in 2019](
#### Order of Growth
Learn how to make an order-of-growth classification to classify the cost model.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Quora - What is the meaning of 'order of growth'](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Orders of Growth](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Coursera - Order-of-Growth Classifications](
#### Big O notation
Learn how to use Big O notation to classify the time complexity of an algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Big O notation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Time Complexity/Big O Notation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Big O Notation in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Big O in JS: The basic that you need to know](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Big O in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - What is Big O Notation, and Why is it Useful?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Big-O Notation Useful guide](
### Space Complexity
Learn about space complexity and how it can be used to analyze an algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Space Complexity of Algorithms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Fix Memory Problems](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - Memory Terminology](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Google Devs - How to Record Heap Snapshots](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Debugging Memory Leaks in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Space complexity](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Space Complexity](
### Algorithms
### Sorting
Learn about the most important sorting algorithms and figure out what challenges there are involved with implementing one.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Guide To Sorting Algorithms in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Sorting Algorithms with Javascript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Sorting](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Implementing Sorting Algorithms in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Algorithms – Sorting Algorithms in JavaScript](
#### Insertion Sort
Learn about the insertion sort algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Insertion sort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Insertion Sort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Insertion Sort Algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Insertion Sorting for Beginners in JS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Algorithms: Insertion Sort in JavaScript](
#### Quicksort
Learn about the quicksort algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Quicksort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Quick Explanation of Quick Sort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> QuickSort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Implementing Quicksort in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Computer science in JavaScript: Quicksort](
#### Mergesort
Learn about the mergesort algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Merge sort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Merge Sort Algorithm in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Simplified Explanation of Merge Sort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Overview of merge sort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Freecodecamp - The Merge Sort Algorithm Explained](
#### Heapsort
Learn about the heapsort algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Heapsort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Heapify All The Things With Heap Sort](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Heap Sort Algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Heapsort Algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Heap Sort](
### Searching
Learn about the most important searching algorithms and figure out what challenges there are involved with implementing one.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Search algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Search Algorithms with ES6](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Searching Algorithms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Implement linear and binary search algorithms with Javascript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Searching Algorithms In Javascript](
#### Binary Search
Learn about the binary search algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Binary search algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to implement a Binary search algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Binary Search](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Is Binary Search, A Detailed Step-By-Step](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Programming with JS: Binary Search](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Binary Search In JavaScript](
#### Breadth First Search
Learn about the breadth first search algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Breadth-first search](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Breaking Down Breadth-First Search](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Breadth First Search in JavaScript](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - Breadth-First Search (BFS)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Magician’s Guide to Algorithms](
#### Depth First Search
Learn about the depth first search algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Depth-first search](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Depth First Search Algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Depth first and breadth first search on trees](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Breadth-first vs Depth-first Tree Traversal](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - Depth-First Search (DFS)](
#### Dijkstra's Algorithm
Learn about dijkstra's algorithm.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Dijkstra's algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Dijkstra’s algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to implement Dijkstra’s Algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Walkthrough of Dijkstra’s Algorithm](
#### String Search
Learn about various algorithms for searching in strings.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - String-searching algorithm](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Boyer Moore String Search](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Boyer–Moore string-search algorithm](
### Hashing
Learn about hashing algorithms.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Hash function](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How Encryption Works](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Cryptography for JavaScript: Hash Function](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - hash.js](
## ➤ Databases & Servers
### Databases
### Relational Databases
Learn about relational databases and how to use them.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Relational database](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Relational database](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Everything you need to know about (Relational) Databases](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What are relational databases?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is a Relational Database Management System?](
#### SQL
Learn how to write SQL statements to communicate with a database.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Learn SQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - SQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A beginners guide to SQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Last SQL Guide for Data Analysis You’ll Ever Need](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> SQL Tutorial](
#### MySQL
Learn about the open-source relational database management system called MySQL.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MySQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - MySQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorialspoint - MySQL Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MySQL Definition](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Getting Started with MySQL](
#### PostgreSQL
Learn about the open-source relational database management system called PostgreSQL.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> PostgreSQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - PostgreSQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> PostgreSQL Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Postgres Guide](
### Non-relational Databases
Learn about non-relational databases and how to use them.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Is A Non Relational Database](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - NoSQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Relational SQL vs. Non-Relational NoSQL Databases](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Non-relational data and NoSQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Non-Relational Database](
#### Redis
Learn about the open-source non-relational database management system called Redis.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Redis](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Try Redis](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Redis](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> An introduction to Redis data types and abstractions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Redis - Documentation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Redis: What and Why?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorialspoint - Redis Tutorial](
#### MongoDB
Learn about the open-source non-relational database management system called MongoDB.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MongoDB](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MongoDB - Documentation](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> MongoDB - University](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorialspoint - MongoDB Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - MongoDB In 30 Minutes](
### Data Modelling
Learn how data modelling can help your database design.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chapter 5 Data Modelling](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Database Model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Database Modelling](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Data Modelling?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Data Modeling Definition](
#### ER Diagram
Learn how to model your data using ER diagrams.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorialspoint - DBMS, Data Models](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Entity Relationship Diagram](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Entity Relationship Diagram Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Entity–relationship model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Entity Relationship Diagram](
#### Keys
Learn how to figure out what types of keys to use and where to use them.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Database Keys](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 7 Different Types of Database Keys](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Database Management: Keys](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Database Keys](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Database Keys](
### Indexing
Learn how to use indexing to speed up your database.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Indexing in Databases](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Database index](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Database Indexes Explained](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Indexing in Databases with EXAMPLES](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What Does Indexing Do?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> An in-depth look at Database Indexing](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Indexing your database data — the easy way](
### Data Integrity
Learn how to assure the accuracy and consistency of data.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Data Integrity](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Data Integrity and Why Is It Important?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> hat is Data Integrity?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Data Integrity?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Data Integrity](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Database Design, Data Integrity](
### Normalization
Learn how data normalization can help you decrease data redundancy and improve data integrity in your database.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Database normalization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Database Normalization (Explained in Simple English)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Normalization?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Normal Forms in DBMS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Database normalization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Database Normalization Explained](
#### Functional Dependencies
Learn how to find functional dependencies to improve your database design.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Full Functional Dependency in Database Normalization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Stackoverflow - Functional dependency and normalization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorialspoint - DBMS, Normalization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Functional Dependencies and Normalization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> DBMS Functional Dependency](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Armstrong's axioms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Armstrong's Axioms in Functional Dependency](
#### Normal Forms
Learn how normal forms can help you normalize your database.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Normal forms](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF in Database](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Chapter 12 Normalization](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Boyce–Codd normal form](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Third normal form](
### Transactions
Learn how transactions can group a set of database tasks into a single execution unit.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Database transaction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Stackoverflow - What is a database transaction?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorialspoint - DBMS, Transaction](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Why do you need to know transactions?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> SQL Transactions](
#### ACID
Learn about the ACID properties of transactions.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A beginner’s guide to ACID](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> DBMS Transaction Management: ACID Properties](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> ACID Properties in DBMS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - ACID](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> ACID properties of transactions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A Primer on ACID Transactions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Stackoverflow - How do ACID and database transactions work?](
#### Serializability
Learn how to determine whether a schedule is serializable and leaves the database in a consistent state.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Serializability](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Transaction Serializability in DBMS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> DBMS Serializability](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> View Serializability in DBMS Transactions](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Conflict Serializability in DBMS](
#### Locks
Learn about locks and when they should be used.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Record locking](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Database Locking: What, why and how?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> A beginner’s guide to locking and lost updates](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Monitoring SQL Database Locks](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Implementation of Locking in DBMS](
##### Deadlocks
Learn about deadlocks and why they should be avoided.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Deadlock in DBMS](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Deadlock](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is a Deadlock?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Oracle - Deadlocks](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Deadlock Definition](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Introduction to Deadlock](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> - Understanding SQL Server Deadlocks](
#### Precedence graph
Learn how to create a precedence graph to test for conflict serializability of a schedule.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Precedence graph](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - How to draw a precedence graph](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Precedence Graph to check Conflict Serializable Schedule](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Testing for conflict serializablity](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Precedence Graph, DBMS](
### Servers
### Architectural Models
Learn about the fundamental architectural server models.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Server Architecture](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Architectural model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Architectural Model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Distributed Systems: Models and Design](
#### Client-Server
Learn about the client-server model.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Client-server model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Client Server Architecture](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding What Client Server Architecture Is All About](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Client-server](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Client-server model (client-server architecture)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Client-Server Model](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Learn more about Client-Server Model](
#### Proxy Server
Learn about the proxy-server model.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Proxy Server](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - What is a Proxy Server?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is a Proxy Server and How Does it Work?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Proxy Server Definition](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is a proxy server?](
#### Peer-To-Peer
Learn about the peer-to-peer model.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Peer-to-peer](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - What is a Peer to Peer Network? ](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What's a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Peer-to-peer (P2P)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Make a P2P connection in 10 minutes](
### Middleware
Learn about middleware.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Middleware](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Middleware Definition](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Quora - Why is Middleware important?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is middleware?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Middleware? Technology’s Go-to Middleman](
### Request-Reply Protocol
Learn how computers communicate with eachother using the request-reply protocol.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Request Response](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Event-Driven Architecture](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Request/Reply](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Enterprise Integration - Request-Reply](
#### UDP
Learn about the UDP transport layer protocol.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> UDP (User Datagram Protocol)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - User Datagram Protocol](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> User Datagram Protocol (UDP)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Explained! UDP and TCP](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> User Datagram Protocol](
#### TCP
Learn about the TCP transport layer protocol.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Transmission Control Protocol](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Services and Segment structure in TCP](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> TCP and UDP in Transport Layer](
Learn how an API can be designed to be RESTful.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipeia - Representational state transfer](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Learn REST: A RESTful Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - REST API concepts and examples](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> REST API Tutorial](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is a REST API?](
#### CRUD
Learn about the CRUD operations.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Create, read, update and delete](,_read,_update_and_delete)
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Codecademy - What is CRUD?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is the Difference between REST and CRUD?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Introduction to CRUD Operations](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> REST was NEVER about CRUD](
### Express
Learn about the Node.js web application framework called Express.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Express](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Tutorialspoint - Express Framework](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Express.js & Node.js Course for Beginners](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Understanding Node.js & Express.js fundamentals](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Express.js](
### GraphQL
Learn how to use the GraphQL query language.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> GraphQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Youtube - Introduction to GraphQL](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Github - GraphQL Specification](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL](
### GNU/Linux
Learn about the GNU/Linux operating system
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Linux and the GNU System](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - GNU/Linux naming controversy](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is GNU/Linux?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> GNU Linux](
### Docker
Learn how to use Docker.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Docker](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Docker (software)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Docker for beginners](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> What is Docker?](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Get Started, Part 1: Orientation and setup](
### SSH
Learn how to use SSH and learn how to connect to a device using an SSH client.
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Wikipedia - Secure Shell](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> Secure Shell (SSH)](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> SSH command in Linux with Examples](
* [ ] [<img style="margin-bottom: 0;" src="" alt="Logo" /> How to Establish a Connection Using SSH](
## ➤ Contributors
| [<img alt="Andreas Mehlsen" src="" width="100">]( | [<img alt="You?" src="" width="100">]( |
| [Andreas Mehlsen]( | [You?]( |
| 🔥 | |
## ➤ License
Licensed under [MIT]( |
215 | Laravel Dusk provides simple end-to-end testing and browser automation. | <p align="center"><img src="/art/logo.svg" alt="Logo Laravel Dusk"></p>
<p align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Build Status"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Total Downloads"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Latest Stable Version"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="License"></a>
## Introduction
Laravel Dusk provides an expressive, easy-to-use browser automation and testing API. By default, Dusk does not require you to install JDK or Selenium on your machine. Instead, Dusk uses a standalone Chromedriver. However, you are free to utilize any other Selenium driver you wish.
## Official Documentation
Documentation for Dusk can be found on the [Laravel website](
## Contributing
Thank you for considering contributing to Dusk! The contribution guide can be found in the [Laravel documentation](
## Code of Conduct
In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the [Code of Conduct](
## Security Vulnerabilities
Please review [our security policy]( on how to report security vulnerabilities.
## License
Laravel Dusk is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](
216 | :books: The starting point of your career as a Software Quality Assurance Engineer | Quality Automation Engineer :books: | null |
217 | 👁 Visual Regression Testing for Storybook | packages/loki/ |
218 | Test Kitchen is an integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code and software on isolated target platforms | # Test Kitchen
| | |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| Website | [][website] |
| Source Code | [][guide] |
| Slack | [#test-kitchen][slack] channel on Chef Community Slack |
**Test Kitchen is an integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code and software on isolated target platforms.**
## Getting Started Guide
To learn how to install and setup Test Kitchen for developing infrastructure
code, check out the [Getting Started Guide][guide].
If you want to get going super fast, then try the Quick Start next...
## Quick Start
Test Kitchen is a RubyGem and can be installed with:
gem install test-kitchen
If you use Bundler, you can add `gem "test-kitchen"` to your Gemfile and make
sure to run `bundle install`.
Next add support to your library, Chef cookbook, or empty project with `kitchen
kitchen init
A `kitchen.yml` file will be created in your project base directory. This file
describes your testing configuration; what you want to test and on which target
platforms. Each of these suite and platform combinations are called instances.
By default your instances will be converged with Chef Solo and run in Vagrant
virtual machines.
Get a listing of your instances with:
kitchen list
Run Chef Infra Client on an instance, in this case `default-ubuntu-2004`, with:
kitchen converge default-ubuntu-2004
Destroy all instances with:
kitchen destroy
You can clone a Chef Infra cookbook project that contains Test Kitchen support and
run through all the instances in serial by running:
kitchen test
## Usage
There is help included with the `kitchen help` subcommand which will list all
subcommands and their usage:
kitchen help test
More verbose logging for test-kitchen can be specified when running test-kitchen from the command line using:
kitchen test -l debug
For the provisioner (e.g. chef-solo or chef-infra) add a `log_level` item to the provisioner section of the `.kitchen.yml`
For more information on setting `log_level` see the [configuration documentation](
## Documentation
Documentation is being added on the Test Kitchen [website][website]. Please
read and contribute to improve them!
## Versioning
Test Kitchen aims to adhere to [Semantic Versioning 2.0.0][semver].
## Community and Ecosystem
If you would like to see a few of the plugins or ecosystem helpers, please look at [][ecosystem].
## Development
* Source hosted at [GitHub][repo]
* Report issues/questions/feature requests on [GitHub Issues][issues]
Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested.
Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For
1. Fork the repo
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new Pull Request
## Authors
Created by [Fletcher Nichol][fnichol] (<[email protected]>).
Maintained by Chef Software and a growing community of [contributors][contributors].
## License
Apache License, Version 2.0 (see [LICENSE][license])
219 | Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot | [](
# Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot
### inspired by Chaos Engineering at Netflix
<p align="center">
<img src="docs/images/sb-chaos-monkey-logo.png">
This project provides a Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot applications and will try to attack your running Spring Boot App.
>Everything from getting started to advanced usage is explained in the [Documentation for Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot](
## Introduction
If you're not familiar with the principles of chaos engineering yet, check out this blog post and enter the world of chaos engineering.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""
alt="Chaos Engineering – withstanding turbulent conditions in production" width="260" height="155" border="10" /></a><br>
Get familiar with the Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot in the following video, <a href="" target="_blank">available on YouTube</a>:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""
alt="Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot" width="260" height="155" border="10" /></a><br>
## What is the goal of Chaos Monkey?
Inspired by [PRINCIPLES OF CHAOS ENGINEERING](, with a focus on [Spring Boot](, Chaos Monkey wants to test applications better and especially during operation.
After writing many unit and integration tests, a code coverage from 70% to 80%, this unpleasant feeling remains, how our baby behaves in production?
Many questions remain unanswered:
- Will our fallbacks work?
- How does the application behave with network latency?
- What if one of our services breaks down?
- Service Discovery works, but is our Client-Side-Load-Balancing also working?
As you can see, there are many more questions and open topics you have to deal with.
That was the start of Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot.
### How does it work?
If Spring Boot Chaos Monkey is on your classpath and activated with profile name `chaos-monkey`, it will automatically hook into your application.
Now you can activate [watchers](, which look for classes to [assault]( There are also [runtime assaults](, which attack your whole application.
<p align="center">
<img class="imgborder s1" width="90%" src="docs/images/sb-chaos-monkey-architecture.png">
## Be social and communicative!
If you start to implement Chaos Engineering at your company, then you must be a very social and communicative person. Why? Because you will get to know many of your colleagues personally in a very short time when your chaos experiments strike.
### Check your resilience
Are your services already resilient and can handle failures? Don´t start a chaos experiment if not!
### Implement active application monitoring
Check your monitoring and check if you can see the overall state of your system. There are many great tools out there to get a pleasant feeling about your entire system.
### Define steady states
Define a metric to check a steady state of your service and of course your entire system. Start small with a service that is not critical.
### Do not start in production
Of course, you can start in production, but keep in mind...
> The best place on earth is...production!<br>
> *Josh Long* let's keep production as the best place on earth and look for our first experiences on another stage. If all goes well, and you're confident, run it in production.
## Documentation
## Help
We are using GitHub issues to track bugs, improvements and new features (for more information see [Contributions](#contributions)). If you have a general question on how to use Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot, please ask on Stack Overflow using the tag [`#spring-boot-chaos-monkey`](
## Contributions
Chaos Monkey is open source and welcomes contributions from everyone. The [contribution guideline]( is where you should begin in order to best understand how to contribute to this project.
## Releases
220 | PHP Architecture Tester - Easy to use architectural testing tool for PHP :heavy_check_mark: | <p align="center">
<img width="500px" src="" alt="PHP Architecture Tester">
<h2 align="center">Easy to use architecture testing tool for PHP</h2>
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Version">
<img src="" alt="PHP Version">
<img src="" alt="PHPStan Version">
<img src="" alt="Contributions welcome">
<hr />
ℹ️ **PHPat** has been transformed into a [PHPStan]( extension. Read the [UPGRADE notes](doc/
<br />
The standalone version (v0.9) will remain available and will receive critical bugfixes if required.
### Introduction 📜
**PHP Architecture Tester** is a static analysis tool designed to verify architectural requirements.
It provides a natural language abstraction that enables you to define your own architectural rules and and assess their compliance in your code.
Check out the section [WHAT TO TEST](doc/ to see some examples of typical use cases.
### Installation 💽
Require **PHPat** with [Composer](
composer require --dev phpat/phpat
If you also install [phpstan/extension-installer]( then you're all set!
<summary>Manual installation</summary>
If you don't want to use `phpstan/extension-installer`, enable the extension in your PHPStan configuration:
# phpstan.neon
- vendor/phpat/phpat/extension.neon
### Configuration 🔧
You will need to register your test classes in your PHPStan configuration:
# phpstan.neon
class: Tests\Architecture\MyFirstTest
- phpat.test
class: Tests\Architecture\MySecondTest
- phpat.test
⚠️ Your architecture tests folder should be included in the PHPStan analysed paths. See [PHPat's own PHPat configuration](ci/phpstan-phpat.neon) as an example.
You can configure some PHPat options as follows:
# phpstan.neon
ignore_doc_comments: true
<details><summary>Complete list of options</summary>
<br />
| Name | Description | Default |
| `ignore_doc_comments` | Ignore relations on Doc Comments | *false* |
### Test definition 📓
There are different [Selectors](doc/ available to select the classes involved in a rule, and a wide set of [Assertions](doc/
Here's an example test with a rule:
use PHPat\Selector\Selector;
use PHPat\Test\Builder\Rule;
use PHPat\Test\PHPat;
use App\Domain\SuperForbiddenClass;
class MyFirstTest
public function test_domain_does_not_depend_on_other_layers(): Rule
return PHPat::rule()
Selector::classname('/^SomeVendor\\\.*\\\ForbiddenSubfolder\\\.*/', true)
### Usage 🚀
Run **PHPStan** as usual:
php vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon
> **Warning**<br />
> The launch of early-stage releases (0.x.x) could break the API according to [Semantic Versioning 2.0](
> We are using *minor* for breaking changes until the release of the stable `1.0.0` version.
**PHP Architecture Tester** is open source, contributions are welcome. Please have a look to the [Contribution docs](.github/
<br />
**Sponsors** (free license)
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="JetBrains Logo" width="100"/>
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="BlackFire Logo" width="100"/>
221 | A toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the standard library | Testify - Thou Shalt Write Tests
ℹ️ We are working on testify v2 and would love to hear what you'd like to see in it, have your say here:
[]( []( [](
Go code (golang) set of packages that provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend.
Features include:
* [Easy assertions](#assert-package)
* [Mocking](#mock-package)
* [Testing suite interfaces and functions](#suite-package)
Get started:
* Install testify with [one line of code](#installation), or [update it with another](#staying-up-to-date)
* For an introduction to writing test code in Go, see
* Check out the API Documentation
* To make your testing life easier, check out our other project, [gorc](
* A little about [Test-Driven Development (TDD)](
[`assert`]( "API documentation") package
The `assert` package provides some helpful methods that allow you to write better test code in Go.
* Prints friendly, easy to read failure descriptions
* Allows for very readable code
* Optionally annotate each assertion with a message
See it in action:
package yours
import (
func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
// assert equality
assert.Equal(t, 123, 123, "they should be equal")
// assert inequality
assert.NotEqual(t, 123, 456, "they should not be equal")
// assert for nil (good for errors)
assert.Nil(t, object)
// assert for not nil (good when you expect something)
if assert.NotNil(t, object) {
// now we know that object isn't nil, we are safe to make
// further assertions without causing any errors
assert.Equal(t, "Something", object.Value)
* Every assert func takes the `testing.T` object as the first argument. This is how it writes the errors out through the normal `go test` capabilities.
* Every assert func returns a bool indicating whether the assertion was successful or not, this is useful for if you want to go on making further assertions under certain conditions.
if you assert many times, use the below:
package yours
import (
func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
// assert equality
assert.Equal(123, 123, "they should be equal")
// assert inequality
assert.NotEqual(123, 456, "they should not be equal")
// assert for nil (good for errors)
// assert for not nil (good when you expect something)
if assert.NotNil(object) {
// now we know that object isn't nil, we are safe to make
// further assertions without causing any errors
assert.Equal("Something", object.Value)
[`require`]( "API documentation") package
The `require` package provides same global functions as the `assert` package, but instead of returning a boolean result they terminate current test.
See [t.FailNow]( for details.
[`mock`]( "API documentation") package
The `mock` package provides a mechanism for easily writing mock objects that can be used in place of real objects when writing test code.
An example test function that tests a piece of code that relies on an external object `testObj`, can setup expectations (testify) and assert that they indeed happened:
package yours
import (
Test objects
// MyMockedObject is a mocked object that implements an interface
// that describes an object that the code I am testing relies on.
type MyMockedObject struct{
// DoSomething is a method on MyMockedObject that implements some interface
// and just records the activity, and returns what the Mock object tells it to.
// In the real object, this method would do something useful, but since this
// is a mocked object - we're just going to stub it out.
// NOTE: This method is not being tested here, code that uses this object is.
func (m *MyMockedObject) DoSomething(number int) (bool, error) {
args := m.Called(number)
return args.Bool(0), args.Error(1)
Actual test functions
// TestSomething is an example of how to use our test object to
// make assertions about some target code we are testing.
func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
// create an instance of our test object
testObj := new(MyMockedObject)
// setup expectations
testObj.On("DoSomething", 123).Return(true, nil)
// call the code we are testing
// assert that the expectations were met
// TestSomethingWithPlaceholder is a second example of how to use our test object to
// make assertions about some target code we are testing.
// This time using a placeholder. Placeholders might be used when the
// data being passed in is normally dynamically generated and cannot be
// predicted beforehand (eg. containing hashes that are time sensitive)
func TestSomethingWithPlaceholder(t *testing.T) {
// create an instance of our test object
testObj := new(MyMockedObject)
// setup expectations with a placeholder in the argument list
testObj.On("DoSomething", mock.Anything).Return(true, nil)
// call the code we are testing
// assert that the expectations were met
// TestSomethingElse2 is a third example that shows how you can use
// the Unset method to cleanup handlers and then add new ones.
func TestSomethingElse2(t *testing.T) {
// create an instance of our test object
testObj := new(MyMockedObject)
// setup expectations with a placeholder in the argument list
mockCall := testObj.On("DoSomething", mock.Anything).Return(true, nil)
// call the code we are testing
// assert that the expectations were met
// remove the handler now so we can add another one that takes precedence
// return false now instead of true
testObj.On("DoSomething", mock.Anything).Return(false, nil)
For more information on how to write mock code, check out the [API documentation for the `mock` package](
You can use the [mockery tool]( to autogenerate the mock code against an interface as well, making using mocks much quicker.
[`suite`]( "API documentation") package
The `suite` package provides functionality that you might be used to from more common object oriented languages. With it, you can build a testing suite as a struct, build setup/teardown methods and testing methods on your struct, and run them with 'go test' as per normal.
An example suite is shown below:
// Basic imports
import (
// Define the suite, and absorb the built-in basic suite
// functionality from testify - including a T() method which
// returns the current testing context
type ExampleTestSuite struct {
VariableThatShouldStartAtFive int
// Make sure that VariableThatShouldStartAtFive is set to five
// before each test
func (suite *ExampleTestSuite) SetupTest() {
suite.VariableThatShouldStartAtFive = 5
// All methods that begin with "Test" are run as tests within a
// suite.
func (suite *ExampleTestSuite) TestExample() {
assert.Equal(suite.T(), 5, suite.VariableThatShouldStartAtFive)
// In order for 'go test' to run this suite, we need to create
// a normal test function and pass our suite to suite.Run
func TestExampleTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(ExampleTestSuite))
For a more complete example, using all of the functionality provided by the suite package, look at our [example testing suite](
For more information on writing suites, check out the [API documentation for the `suite` package](
`Suite` object has assertion methods:
// Basic imports
import (
// Define the suite, and absorb the built-in basic suite
// functionality from testify - including assertion methods.
type ExampleTestSuite struct {
VariableThatShouldStartAtFive int
// Make sure that VariableThatShouldStartAtFive is set to five
// before each test
func (suite *ExampleTestSuite) SetupTest() {
suite.VariableThatShouldStartAtFive = 5
// All methods that begin with "Test" are run as tests within a
// suite.
func (suite *ExampleTestSuite) TestExample() {
suite.Equal(suite.VariableThatShouldStartAtFive, 5)
// In order for 'go test' to run this suite, we need to create
// a normal test function and pass our suite to suite.Run
func TestExampleTestSuite(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(ExampleTestSuite))
To install Testify, use `go get`:
go get
This will then make the following packages available to you: (deprecated)
Import the `testify/assert` package into your code using this template:
package yours
import (
func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, true, "True is true!")
Staying up to date
To update Testify to the latest version, use `go get -u`.
Supported go versions
We currently support the most recent major Go versions from 1.13 onward.
Please feel free to submit issues, fork the repository and send pull requests!
When submitting an issue, we ask that you please include a complete test function that demonstrates the issue. Extra credit for those using Testify to write the test code that demonstrates it.
Code generation is used. Look for `CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY` at the top of some files. Run `go generate ./...` to update generated files.
We also chat on the [Gophers Slack]( group in the `#testify` and `#testify-dev` channels.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
222 | iOS touch synthesis library | <p align="center"><img src="" alt="" width="80" height="80"></p>
<h1 align="center">Hammer</h1>
<p align="center">If you can't touch this, it's Hammer time!</p>
<p align="center"><img src="" alt="Demo"></p>
<details open="open">
<summary>Table of Contents</summary>
<li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li>
<li><a href="#setup">Setup</a></li>
<li><a href="#usage">Usage</a><ul>
<li><a href="#simulating-fingers">Simulating Fingers</a></li>
<li><a href="#simulating-stylus">Simulating Stylus</a></li>
<li><a href="#simulating-keyboard">Simulating Keyboard</a></li>
<li><a href="#finding-a-subview">Finding a Subview</a></li>
<li><a href="#waiting">Waiting</a></li>
<li><a href="#troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</a></li>
<li><a href="#license">License</a></li>
## Introduction
Hammer is a touch, stylus and keyboard synthesis library for emulating user interaction events. It enables better ways of triggering UI actions in unit tests, replicating a real world environment as much as possible.
⚠️ IMPORTANT: This library makes extensive use of private APIs and should never be included in a production app.
## Installation
#### Requirements
Hammer requires Swift 5.3 and iOS 11.0 or later.
#### With [SwiftPM](
.package(url: "", from: "0.13.0")
#### With [CocoaPods](
pod 'HammerTests', '~> 0.13.1'
## Setup
Hammer unit tests need to run in a host application to be able to generate touches. To configure this select your project in the sidebar, select your test target, and choose a host application in the general tab. The host application can be your main application or an empty wrapper like [TestHost](./TestHost).
SwiftPM does not currently support creating applications. To use Hammer with SwiftPM frameworks you need to create an xcodeproj and setup a host application.
## Usage
Hammer allows you to simulate fingers, stylus and keyboard events. It also provides various convenience methods to simulate higher level user interactions.
To be able to send events to a view you must first create an `EventGenerator`:
// Initialize for an existing UIWindow, ensure that the window is key and visible.
let eventGenerator = EventGenerator(window: myWindow)
// Initialize for a UIView, automatically wrapping it in a temporary window.
let eventGenerator = EventGenerator(view: myView)
// Initialize for a UIViewController, automatically wrapping it in a temporary window.
let eventGenerator = EventGenerator(viewController: myViewController)
When simulating finger or stylus touches, there are multiple ways of specifying a touch location:
1. Default: If you don't specify a location it will use the center of the screen.
2. Point: A CGPoint in screen coordinates.
3. View: A reference to a UIView or UIViewController, the location will be the center of the visible part of the view.
4. Identifier: An accessibility identifier string of a view, the location will be the center of the visible part of the view.
By default, Hammer will display simulated touches over the view. You can change this behavior for your event generator.
eventGenerator.showTouches = false
### Simulating Fingers
Fingers are the most common method of user interaction on iOS. Hammer supports handling multiple fingers on the screen simultaneously, up to the limit on the device. You can specify the specific finger index you would like to use, if unspecified it will choose the most appropriate one automatically.
Primitive events are the basic building blocks of user interactions, they can be combined together to create full gestures. Some methods will allow you to specify a duration and will interpolate the changes during that time.
try eventGenerator.fingerDown(at: CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10))
try eventGenerator.fingerMove(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 10), duration: 0.5)
try eventGenerator.fingerUp()
For convenience, Hammer provides many higher level gestures. If you don't specify a location it will automatically default to the center of the view.
try eventGenerator.fingerTap()
try eventGenerator.fingerDoubleTap()
try eventGenerator.fingerLongPress()
try eventGenerator.twoFingerTap()
Many advanced gestures are also available.
try eventGenerator.fingerDrag(from: CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10), to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 10), duration: 0.5)
try eventGenerator.fingerPinch(fromDistance: 100, toDistance: 50, duration: 0.5)
try eventGenerator.fingerRotate(angle: .pi, duration: 0.5)
### Simulating Stylus
Stylus is available when running on an iPad. It allows for additional properties like pressure, altitude and azimuth to be specified.
Similar to fingers, primitive events are the basic building blocks of stylus interactions.
try eventGenerator.stylusDown(at: CGPoint(x: 10, y: 10), azimuth: 0, altitude: 0, pressure: 0.5)
try eventGenerator.stylusMove(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 10), duration: 0.5)
try eventGenerator.stylusUp()
Hammer also provides many higher level gestures for Stylus. If you don't specify a location it will automatically default to the center of the view.
try eventGenerator.stylusTap()
try eventGenerator.stylusDoubleTap()
try eventGenerator.stylusLongPress()
### Simulating Keyboard
Keyboard methods take an explicit `KeyboardKey` object or a `Character`. Characters will be mapped to their closest keyboard key, you must wrap them with a shift key modifier if needed. This means that specifying a lowercase "a" character is equivalent to specifying an uppercase "A", this is also true for keys with symbols.
// Explicit `KeyboardKey`
try eventGenerator.keyDown(.letterA)
try eventGenerator.keyUp(.letterA)
// Automatic `Character` mapping
try eventGenerator.keyDown("a")
try eventGenerator.keyUp("a")
// Convenience key down and up events
try eventGenerator.keyPress(.letterA)
try eventGenerator.keyPress("a")
To type characters or longer strings and get automatic shift wrapping you can use the `keyType()` methods.
try eventGenerator.keyType("This will type the string as specified, including symbols!")
### Finding a subview
When running on a full screen app or testing navigation, specifying a CGPoint in screen coordinates can be difficult. For this, Hammer provides convenience methods to find views in the hierarchy by their accessibility identifier.
let myButton = try eventGenerator.viewWithIdentifier("my_button", ofType: UIButton.self)
try eventGenerator.fingerTap(at: myButton)
This method will throw an error if the view was not found in the hierarchy. If you're testing navigation or screen changes and you need to wait until the view appears, you can add a timeout. This will wait until the hierarchy has updated and return the view.
let myButton = try eventGenerator.viewWithIdentifier("my_button", ofType: UIButton.self, timeout: 1)
try eventGenerator.fingerTap(at: myButton)
You can also pass accessibility identifiers directly to the event methods.
try eventGenerator.fingerDown(at: "my_draggable_object")
try eventGenerator.fingerMove(to: "drop_target", duration: 0.5)
try eventGenerator.fingerUp()
### Waiting
You will often need to wait for the simulator to finish displaying something on the screen or for an animation to end. Hammer provides multiple methods to wait until a view is visible on screen or if a control is hittable
try eventGenerator.waitUntilVisible("my_label", timeout: 1)
try eventGenerator.waitUntilHittable("my_button", timeout: 1)
## Troubleshooting
- The app or window is not ready for interaction
Make sure you are running your unit tests in a host application ([setup instructions](#setup)). To interact with a view, it must be visible on the screen and the application must have finished presenting. You can test this by adding a delay to your testing and verifying that your view is appearing on screen.
- View is not in hirarchy / Unable to find view
Make sure the view you specified is in the same hierarchy as the view that was used to create the `EventGenerator`. If you used an accessibility identifier, check that it was spelled correctly.
- View is not visible
This means that the view is in the hierarchy but is not currently visible on screen, so it's not possible to generate touches for it. Make sure that the view is within visible bounds, not covered by other views, not hidden, and with alpha greater than 0.01.
- View is not hittable
This means that the view is in the hierarchy and visible on screen but is not currently able to receive touches. Make sure that the view reponds to hit test in its center coordinate and user interaction is enabled.
## License
Hammer is released under the Apache License. See [LICENSE](./LICENSE)
223 | Angular testing library for mocking components, directives, pipes, services and facilitating TestBed setup | [<img src="" alt="chat on gitter" width="90" height="20" />](
[<img src="" alt="npm version" width="88" height="20" />](
[<img src="" alt="build status" width="88" height="20" />](
[<img src="" alt="coverage status" width="104" height="20" />](
# Mock components, services and more out of annoying dependencies for simplification of Angular testing
`ng-mocks` facilitates **Angular testing** and helps to:
- **mock Components**, Directives, Pipes, Modules, Services and Tokens
- reduce boilerplate in tests
- access declarations via simple interface
The current version of the library **has been tested** and **can be used** with:
| Angular | ng-mocks | Jasmine | Jest | Ivy |
| ------: | :------: | :-----: | :--: | :-: |
| 15 | latest | yes | yes | yes |
| 14 | latest | yes | yes | yes |
| 13 | latest | yes | yes | yes |
| 12 | latest | yes | yes | yes |
| 11 | latest | yes | yes | yes |
| 10 | latest | yes | yes | yes |
| 9 | latest | yes | yes | yes |
| 8 | latest | yes | yes | |
| 7 | latest | yes | yes | |
| 6 | latest | yes | yes | |
| 5 | latest | yes | yes | |
## Important links
- **[Documentation with examples of Angular testing](**
- [GitHub repo](
- [NPM package](
* Live [example on StackBlitz](
* Live [example on CodeSandbox](
- [chat on gitter](
- **[ask a question on Stackoverflow](**
- [report an issue on GitHub](
## Very short introduction
Global configuration for mocks in `src/test.ts`.
In case of jest, `src/setup-jest.ts` / `src/test-setup.ts` should be used.
```ts title="src/test.ts"
// All methods in mock declarations and providers
// will be automatically spied on their creation.
ngMocks.autoSpy('jasmine'); // or jest
// ngMocks.defaultMock helps to customize mocks
// globally. Therefore, we can avoid copy-pasting
// among tests.
ngMocks.defaultMock(AuthService, () => ({
isLoggedIn$: EMPTY,
currentUser$: EMPTY,
An example of a spec for a profile edit component.
```ts title="src/profile.component.spec.ts"
// Let's imagine that there is a ProfileComponent
// and it has 3 text fields: email, firstName,
// lastName, and a user can edit them.
// In the following test suite, we would like to
// cover behavior of the component.
describe('profile:builder', () => {
// Helps to reset customizations after each test.
// Let's configure TestBed via MockBuilder.
// The code below says to mock everything in
// ProfileModule except ProfileComponent and
// ReactiveFormsModule.
beforeEach(() => {
// The result of MockBuilder should be returned.
return MockBuilder(
// // or old fashion way
// return TestBed.configureTestingModule({
// imports: [
// MockModule(SharedModule), // mock
// ReactiveFormsModule, // real
// ],
// declarations: [
// ProfileComponent, // real
// MockPipe(CurrencyPipe), // mock
// MockDirective(HoverDirective), // mock
// ],
// providers: [
// MockProvider(AuthService), // mock
// ],
// }).compileComponents();
// A test to ensure that ProfileComponent
// can be created.
it('should be created', () => {
// MockRender is an advanced version of
// TestBed.createComponent.
// It respects all lifecycle hooks,
// onPush change detection, and creates a
// wrapper component with a template like
// <app-root ...allInputs></profile>
// and renders it.
// It also respects all lifecycle hooks.
const fixture = MockRender(ProfileComponent);
// A test to ensure that the component listens
// on ctrl+s hotkey.
it('saves on ctrl+s hot key', () => {
// A fake profile.
const profile = {
email: '[email protected]',
firstName: 'testFirst2',
lastName: 'testLast2',
// A spy to track save calls.
// MockInstance helps to configure mock
// providers, declarations and modules
// before their initialization and usage.
const spySave = MockInstance(
jasmine.createSpy(), // or jest.fn()
// Renders <profile [profile]="params.profile">
// </profile>.
const { point } = MockRender(
{ profile }, // bindings
// Let's change the value of the form control
// for email addresses with a random value.
// ngMocks.change finds a related control
// value accessor and updates it properly.
'[name=email]', // css selector
'[email protected]', // an email address
// Let's ensure that nothing has been called.
// Let's assume that there is a host listener
// for a keyboard combination of ctrl+s,
// and we want to trigger it.
// ngMocks.trigger helps to emit events via
// simple interface.
ngMocks.trigger(point, 'keyup.control.s');
// The spy should be called with the user
// and the random email address.
email: '[email protected]',
firstName: profile.firstName,
lastName: profile.lastName,
## Extra
If you like `ng-mocks`, please support it:
- [with a star on GitHub](
- [with a tweet](
Thank you!
P.S. Feel free to [contact us]( if you need help.
224 | The leading open source test management system with over 1 million downloads! | null |
225 | Quick and Easy server testing/validation | # Goss - Quick and Easy server validation
## Goss in 45 seconds
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="asciicast"></a>
**Note:** For an even faster way of doing this, see: [autoadd](
**Note:** For testing docker containers see the [dgoss]( wrapper. Also, user submitted wrapper scripts for Kubernetes [kgoss]( and Docker Compose [dcgoss](
**Note:** For some Docker/Kubernetes healthcheck, health endpoint, and
container ordering examples, see my blog post
## Introduction
### What is Goss?
Goss is a YAML based [serverspec]( alternative tool for validating a server’s configuration. It eases the process of writing tests by allowing the user to generate tests from the current system state. Once the test suite is written they can be executed, waited-on, or served as a health endpoint.
### Why use Goss?
* Goss is EASY! - [Goss in 45 seconds](#goss-in-45-seconds)
* Goss is FAST! - small-medium test suites are near instantaneous, see [benchmarks](
* Goss is SMALL! - <10MB single self-contained binary
## Installation
**Note:** For macOS and Windows, see: [platform-feature-parity].
This will install goss and [dgoss](
**Note:** Using `curl | sh` is not recommended for production systems, use manual installation below.
# Install latest version to /usr/local/bin
curl -fsSL | sh
# Install v0.3.16 version to ~/bin
curl -fsSL | GOSS_VER=v0.3.16 GOSS_DST=~/bin sh
### Manual installation
#### Latest
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/goss
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/goss
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dgoss
# Alternatively, using the latest master
# curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/dgoss
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/dgoss
#### Specific Version
# See for release versions
curl -L "${VERSION}/goss-linux-amd64" -o /usr/local/bin/goss
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/goss
# (optional) dgoss docker wrapper (use 'master' for latest version)
curl -L "${VERSION}/dgoss" -o /usr/local/bin/dgoss
chmod +rx /usr/local/bin/dgoss
### Build it yourself
make build
## Full Documentation
Documentation is available here: [manual](
## Quick start
### Writing a simple sshd test
An initial set of tests can be derived from the system state by using the [add]( or [autoadd]( commands.
Let's write a simple sshd test using autoadd.
# Running it as root will allow it to also detect ports
$ sudo goss autoadd sshd
Generated `goss.yaml`:
$ cat goss.yaml
listening: true
listening: true
- '::'
enabled: true
running: true
exists: true
uid: 74
gid: 74
- sshd
home: /var/empty/sshd
shell: /sbin/nologin
exists: true
gid: 74
running: true
Now that we have a test suite, we can:
* Run it once
goss validate
Total Duration: 0.021s # <- yeah, it's that fast..
Count: 15, Failed: 0
* Edit it to use [templates](, and run with a vars file
goss --vars vars.yaml validate
* keep running it until the system enters a valid state or we timeout
goss validate --retry-timeout 30s --sleep 1s
* serve the tests as a health endpoint
goss serve &
curl localhost:8080/healthz
# JSON endpoint
goss serve --format json &
curl localhost:8080/healthz
# rspecish response via content negotiation
goss serve --format json &
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.goss-rspecish" localhost:8080/healthz
### Manually editing Goss files
Goss files can be manually edited to improve readability and expressiveness of tests.
A [Json draft 7 schema]( available in [docs/goss-json-schema.yaml](./docs/goss-json-schema.yaml) makes it easier to edit simple goss.yaml files in IDEs, providing usual coding assistance such as inline documentation, completion and static analysis. See [PR 793]( for screenshots.
For example, to configure the Json schema in JetBrains intellij IDEA, follow [documented instructions](, with arguments such as `schema url=`, `schema version=Json schema version 7`, `file path pattern=*/goss.yaml`
In addition, Goss files can also be further manually edited (without yet full json support) to use:
* [Patterns](
* [Advanced Matchers](
* [Templates](
* `title` and `meta` (arbitrary data) attributes are persisted when adding other resources with `goss add`
Some examples:
title: UID must be between 50-100, GID doesn't matter. home is flexible
desc: Ensure sshd is enabled and running since it's needed for system management
sev: 5
exists: true
# Validate that UID is between 50 and 100
gt: 50
lt: 100
# Home can be any of the following
- /var/empty/sshd
- /var/run/sshd
installed: true
# Must have 3 kernels and none of them can be 4.4.0
- have-len: 3
- not:
contain-element: 4.4.0
# Loaded from --vars YAML/JSON file
installed: true
{{if eq .Env.OS "centos"}}
# This test is only when $OS environment variable is set to "centos"
installed: true
Goss.yaml files with templates can still be validated through the Json schema after being rendered using the `goss render` command. See example below
cd docs
goss --vars ./vars.yaml render > rendered_goss.yaml
# proceed with json schema validation of rendered_goss.yaml in your favorite IDE
# or in one of the Json schema validator listed in
# The following example is for a Linux AMD64 host
curl -LO
chmod a+x yajsv.linux.amd64
sudo mv yajsv.linux.amd64 /usr/sbin/yajsv
yajsv -s goss-json-schema.yaml rendered_goss.yaml
rendered_goss.yaml: fail: skip is required
rendered_goss.yaml: fail: service.sshd: skip is required
1 of 1 failed validation
rendered_goss.yaml: fail: skip is required
rendered_goss.yaml: fail: service.sshd: skip is required
Full list of available Json schema validators can be found in
## Supported resources
* package - add new package
* file - add new file
* addr - add new remote address:port - ex:
* port - add new listening [protocol]:port - ex: 80 or udp:123
* service - add new service
* user - add new user
* group - add new group
* command - add new command
* dns - add new dns
* process - add new process name
* kernel-param - add new kernel-param
* mount - add new mount
* interface - add new network interface
* http - add new network http url with proxy support
* goss - add new goss file, it will be imported from this one
* matching - test for matches in supplied content
## Supported output formats
* rspecish - **(default)** Similar to rspec output
* documentation - Verbose test results
* json - JSON, detailed test result
* tap - TAP style
* junit - JUnit style
* nagios - Nagios/Sensu compatible output /w exit code 2 for failures.
* prometheus - Prometheus compatible output.
* silent - No output. Avoids exposing system information (e.g. when serving tests as a healthcheck endpoint).
## Community Contributions
* [goss-ansible]( - Ansible module for Goss.
* [degoss]( - Ansible role for installing, running, and removing Goss in a single go.
* [kitchen-goss]( - A test-kitchen verifier plugin for Goss.
* [goss-fpm-files]( - Might be useful for building goss system packages.
* [molecule]( - Automated testing for Ansible roles, with native Goss support.
* [packer-provisioner-goss]( - A packer plugin to run Goss as a provision step.
* [gossboss]( - Collect and view aggregated Goss test results from multiple remote Goss servers.
## Limitations
`goss` works well on Linux, but support on Windows & macOS is alpha. See [platform-feature-parity].
The following tests have limitations.
* rpm
* deb
* Alpine apk
* pacman
* systemd
* sysV init
* OpenRC init
* Upstart
[platform-feature-parity]: docs/
226 | Test Redux Saga with an easy plan. | # Redux Saga Test Plan
#### Test Redux Saga with an easy plan.
Redux Saga Test Plan makes testing sagas a breeze. Whether you need to test
exact effects and their ordering or just test your saga `put`'s a specific
action at some point, Redux Saga Test Plan has you covered.
Redux Saga Test Plan aims to embrace both integration testing and unit testing
approaches to make testing your sagas easy.
## Table of Contents
* [Integration Testing](#integration-testing)
* [Simple Example](#simple-example)
* [Mocking with Providers](#mocking-with-providers)
* [Example with Reducer](#example-with-reducer)
* [Unit Testing](#unit-testing)
* [Extending inspect options](#extending-inspect-options)
* [Install](#install)
## Documentation
* [Introduction](
* [Getting Started](
* [Integration Testing](
* [Unit Testing](
## Integration Testing
**Requires global `Promise` to be available**
One downside to unit testing sagas is that it couples your test to your
implementation. Simple reordering of yielded effects in your saga could break
your tests even if the functionality stays the same. If you're not concerned
with the order or exact effects your saga yields, then you can take an
integrative approach, testing the behavior of your saga when run by Redux Saga.
Then, you can simply test that a particular effect was yielded during the saga
run. For this, use the `expectSaga` test function.
### Simple Example
Import the `expectSaga` function and pass in your saga function as an argument.
Any additional arguments to `expectSaga` will become arguments to the saga
function. The return value is a chainable API with assertions for the different
effect creators available in Redux Saga.
In the example below, we test that the `userSaga` successfully `put`s a
`RECEIVE_USER` action with the `fakeUser` as the payload. We call `expectSaga`
with the `userSaga` and supply an `api` object as an argument to `userSaga`. We
assert the expected `put` effect via the `put` assertion method. Then, we call
the `dispatch` method with a `REQUEST_USER` action that contains the user id
payload. The `dispatch` method will supply actions to `take` effects. Finally,
we start the test by calling the `run` method which returns a `Promise`. Tests
with `expectSaga` will always run asynchronously, so the returned `Promise`
resolves when the saga finishes or when `expectSaga` forces a timeout. If you're
using a test runner like Jest, you can return the `Promise` inside your Jest
test so Jest knows when the test is complete.
import { call, put, take } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { expectSaga } from 'redux-saga-test-plan';
function* userSaga(api) {
const action = yield take('REQUEST_USER');
const user = yield call(api.fetchUser, action.payload);
yield put({ type: 'RECEIVE_USER', payload: user });
it('just works!', () => {
const api = {
fetchUser: id => ({ id, name: 'Tucker' }),
return expectSaga(userSaga, api)
// Assert that the `put` will eventually happen.
payload: { id: 42, name: 'Tucker' },
// Dispatch any actions that the saga will `take`.
.dispatch({ type: 'REQUEST_USER', payload: 42 })
// Start the test. Returns a Promise.
### Mocking with Providers
`expectSaga` runs your saga with Redux Saga, so it will try to resolve effects
just like Redux Saga would in your application. This is great for integration
testing, but sometimes it can be laborious to bootstrap your entire application
for tests or mock things like server APIs. In those cases, you can use
_providers_ which are perfect for mocking values directly with `expectSaga`.
Providers are similar to middleware that allow you to intercept effects before
they reach Redux Saga. You can choose to return a mock value instead of allowing
Redux Saga to handle the effect, or you can pass on the effect to other
providers or eventually Redux Saga.
`expectSaga` has two flavors of providers, _static providers_ and _dynamic
providers_. Static providers are easier to compose and reuse, but dynamic
providers give you more flexibility with non-deterministic effects. Here is one
example below using static providers. There are more examples of providers [in
import { call, put, take } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { expectSaga } from 'redux-saga-test-plan';
import * as matchers from 'redux-saga-test-plan/matchers';
import { throwError } from 'redux-saga-test-plan/providers';
import api from 'my-api';
function* userSaga(api) {
try {
const action = yield take('REQUEST_USER');
const user = yield call(api.fetchUser, action.payload);
const pet = yield call(api.fetchPet, user.petId);
yield put({
payload: { user, pet },
} catch (e) {
yield put({ type: 'FAIL_USER', error: e });
it('fetches the user', () => {
const fakeUser = { name: 'Jeremy', petId: 20 };
const fakeDog = { name: 'Tucker' };
return expectSaga(userSaga, api)
[call(api.fetchUser, 42), fakeUser],
[, fakeDog],
payload: { user: fakeUser, pet: fakeDog },
.dispatch({ type: 'REQUEST_USER', payload: 42 })
it('handles errors', () => {
const error = new Error('error');
return expectSaga(userSaga, api)
[, throwError(error)]
.put({ type: 'FAIL_USER', error })
.dispatch({ type: 'REQUEST_USER', payload: 42 })
Notice we pass in an array of tuple pairs (or array pairs) that contain a
matcher and a fake value. You can use the effect creators from Redux Saga or
matchers from the `redux-saga-test-plan/matchers` module to match effects. The
bonus of using Redux Saga Test Plan's matchers is that they offer special
partial matchers like `call.fn` which matches by the function without worrying
about the specific `args` contained in the actual `call` effect. Notice in the
second test that we can also simulate errors with the `throwError` function from
the `redux-saga-test-plan/providers` module. This is perfect for simulating
server problems.
### Example with Reducer
One good use case for integration testing is testing your reducer too. You can
hook up your reducer to your test by calling the `withReducer` method with your
reducer function.
import { put } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { expectSaga } from 'redux-saga-test-plan';
const initialDog = {
name: 'Tucker',
age: 11,
function reducer(state = initialDog, action) {
if (action.type === 'HAVE_BIRTHDAY') {
return {
age: state.age + 1,
return state;
function* saga() {
yield put({ type: 'HAVE_BIRTHDAY' });
it('handles reducers and store state', () => {
return expectSaga(saga)
name: 'Tucker',
age: 12, // <-- age changes in store state
## Unit Testing
If you want to ensure that your saga yields specific types of effects in a
particular order, then you can use the `testSaga` function. Here's a simple
import { testSaga } from 'redux-saga-test-plan';
function identity(value) {
return value;
function* mainSaga(x, y) {
const action = yield take('HELLO');
yield put({ type: 'ADD', payload: x + y });
yield call(identity, action);
const action = { type: 'TEST' };
it('works with unit tests', () => {
testSaga(mainSaga, 40, 2)
// advance saga with `next()`
// assert that the saga yields `take` with `'HELLO'` as type
// pass back in a value to a saga after it yields
// assert that the saga yields `put` with the expected action
.put({ type: 'ADD', payload: 42 })
// assert that the saga yields a `call` to `identity` with
// the `action` argument
.call(identity, action)
// assert that the saga is finished
## Extending inspect options
To see large effect objects while Expected & Actual result comparison you'll need to extend inspect options. Example:
import util from 'util';
import testSaga from 'redux-saga-test-plan';
import { testableSaga } from '../sagas';
describe('Some sagas to test', () => {
util.inspect.defaultOptions.depth = null;
it('testableSaga', () => {
.put({ /* large object here */ })
## Install
yarn add redux-saga-test-plan --dev
npm install --save-dev redux-saga-test-plan
``` |
227 | Learn Go with test-driven development | # Learn Go with Tests
<p align="center">
<img src="red-green-blue-gophers-smaller.png" />
[Art by Denise](
## Formats
- [Gitbook](
- [EPUB or PDF](
## Translations
- [中文](
- [Português](
- [日本語](
- [한국어](
- [Türkçe](
## Support me
I am proud to offer this resource for free, but if you wish to give some appreciation:
- [Tweet me @quii](
- <a rel="me" href="">Mastodon</a>
- [Buy me a coffee :coffee:](
- [Sponsor me on GitHub](
## Why
* Explore the Go language by writing tests
* **Get a grounding with TDD**. Go is a good language for learning TDD because it is a simple language to learn and testing is built-in
* Be confident that you'll be able to start writing robust, well-tested systems in Go
* [Watch a video, or read about why unit testing and TDD is important](
## Table of contents
### Go fundamentals
1. [Install Go]( - Set up environment for productivity.
2. [Hello, world]( - Declaring variables, constants, if/else statements, switch, write your first go program and write your first test. Sub-test syntax and closures.
3. [Integers]( - Further Explore function declaration syntax and learn new ways to improve the documentation of your code.
4. [Iteration]( - Learn about `for` and benchmarking.
5. [Arrays and slices]( - Learn about arrays, slices, `len`, varargs, `range` and test coverage.
6. [Structs, methods & interfaces]( - Learn about `struct`, methods, `interface` and table driven tests.
7. [Pointers & errors]( - Learn about pointers and errors.
8. [Maps]( - Learn about storing values in the map data structure.
9. [Dependency Injection]( - Learn about dependency injection, how it relates to using interfaces and a primer on io.
10. [Mocking]( - Take some existing untested code and use DI with mocking to test it.
11. [Concurrency]( - Learn how to write concurrent code to make your software faster.
12. [Select]( - Learn how to synchronise asynchronous processes elegantly.
13. [Reflection]( - Learn about reflection
14. [Sync]( - Learn some functionality from the sync package including `WaitGroup` and `Mutex`
15. [Context]( - Use the context package to manage and cancel long-running processes
16. [Intro to property based tests]( - Practice some TDD with the Roman Numerals kata and get a brief intro to property based tests
17. [Maths]( - Use the `math` package to draw an SVG clock
18. [Reading files]( - Read files and process them
19. [Templating]( - Use Go's html/template package to render html from data, and also learn about approval testing
20. [Generics]( - Learn how to write functions that take generic arguments and make your own generic data-structure
21. [Revisiting arrays and slices with generics]( - Generics are very useful when working with collections. Learn how to write your own `Reduce` function and tidy up some common patterns.
### Build an application
Now that you have hopefully digested the _Go Fundamentals_ section you have a solid grounding of a majority of Go's language features and how to do TDD.
This next section will involve building an application.
Each chapter will iterate on the previous one, expanding the application's functionality as our product owner dictates.
New concepts will be introduced to help facilitate writing great code but most of the new material will be learning what can be accomplished from Go's standard library.
By the end of this, you should have a strong grasp as to how to iteratively write an application in Go, backed by tests.
* [HTTP server]( - We will create an application which listens to HTTP requests and responds to them.
* [JSON, routing and embedding]( - We will make our endpoints return JSON and explore how to do routing.
* [IO and sorting]( - We will persist and read our data from disk and we'll cover sorting data.
* [Command line & project structure]( - Support multiple applications from one code base and read input from command line.
* [Time]( - using the `time` package to schedule activities.
* [WebSockets]( - learn how to write and test a server that uses WebSockets.
### Testing fundamentals
Covering other subjects around testing.
* [Introduction to acceptance tests]( - Learn how to write acceptance tests for your code, with a real-world example for gracefully shutting down a HTTP server
* [Scaling acceptance tests]( - Learn techniques to manage the complexity of writing acceptance tests for non-trivial systems.
### Questions and answers
I often run in to questions on the internets like
> How do I test my amazing function that does x, y and z
If you have such a question raise it as an issue on github and I'll try and find time to write a short chapter to tackle the issue. I feel like content like this is valuable as it is tackling people's _real_ questions around testing.
* [OS exec]( - An example of how we can reach out to the OS to execute commands to fetch data and keep our business logic testable/
* [Error types]( - Example of creating your own error types to improve your tests and make your code easier to work with.
* [Context-aware Reader]( - Learn how to TDD augmenting `io.Reader` with cancellation. Based on [Context-aware io.Reader for Go](
* [Revisiting HTTP Handlers]( - Testing HTTP handlers seems to be the bane of many a developer's existence. This chapter explores the issues around designing handlers correctly.
### Meta / Discussion
* [Why]( - Watch a video, or read about why unit testing and TDD is important
* [Anti-patterns]( - A short chapter on TDD and unit testing anti-patterns
## Contributing
* _This project is work in progress_ If you would like to contribute, please do get in touch.
* Read []( for guidelines
* Any ideas? Create an issue
## Background
I have some experience introducing Go to development teams and have tried different approaches as to how to grow a team from some people curious about Go into highly effective writers of Go systems.
### What didn't work
#### Read _the_ book
An approach we tried was to take [the blue book]( and every week discuss the next chapter along with the exercises.
I love this book but it requires a high level of commitment. The book is very detailed in explaining concepts, which is obviously great but it means that the progress is slow and steady - this is not for everyone.
I found that whilst a small number of people would read chapter X and do the exercises, many people didn't.
#### Solve some problems
Katas are fun but they are usually limited in their scope for learning a language; you're unlikely to use goroutines to solve a kata.
Another problem is when you have varying levels of enthusiasm. Some people just learn way more of the language than others and when demonstrating what they have done end up confusing people with features the others are not familiar with.
This ends up making the learning feel quite _unstructured_ and _ad hoc_.
### What did work
By far the most effective way was by slowly introducing the fundamentals of the language by reading through [go by example](, exploring them with examples and discussing them as a group. This was a more interactive approach than "read chapter x for homework".
Over time the team gained a solid foundation of the _grammar_ of the language so we could then start to build systems.
This to me seems analogous to practicing scales when trying to learn guitar.
It doesn't matter how artistic you think you are, you are unlikely to write good music without understanding the fundamentals and practicing the mechanics.
### What works for me
When _I_ learn a new programming language I usually start by messing around in a REPL but eventually, I need more structure.
What I like to do is explore concepts and then solidify the ideas with tests. Tests verify the code I write is correct and documents the feature I have learned.
Taking my experience of learning with a group and my own personal way I am going to try and create something that hopefully proves useful to other teams. Learning the fundamentals by writing small tests so that you can then take your existing software design skills and ship some great systems.
## Who this is for
* People who are interested in picking up Go.
* People who already know some Go, but want to explore testing with TDD.
## What you'll need
* A computer!
* [Installed Go](
* A text editor
* Some experience with programming. Understanding of concepts like `if`, variables, functions etc.
* Comfortable with using the terminal
## Feedback
* Add issues/submit PRs [here]( or [tweet me @quii](
[MIT license](
[Logo is by egonelbre]( What a star!
228 | Datafaker is a large-scale test data and flow test data generation tool. Datafaker fakes data and inserts to varied data sources. 测试数据生成工具 | Datafaker - Tool for faking data
English | [中文](doc/zh_CN/
## 1. Introduction
Datafaker is a large-scale test data and flow test data generation tool. It is compatible with python2.7 and python3.4+. Welcome to download and use. The github address is:
Document sync updates on github
## 2. Background
In the software development testing process, test data is often needed. These scenarios include:
- Backend development.
After creating a new table, you need to construct database test data and generate interface data for use by the front end.
- Database performance test.
Generates a lot of test data to test database performance
- Stream data test.
For kafka streaming data, it is necessary to continuously generate test data to write to kafka.
After research, there is currently no open source test data generation tool for generating data with similar structure in mysql table. The common method is to manually create several pieces of data into the database. The disadvantage of this method is
- Wasting work hours.
Needs to construct different data for fields of different data types of the table
- Small amount of data.
If you need to construct a lot of data, you can't do it manually.
- Not accurate enough.
For example, you need to construct a mailbox (satisfying a certain format), a phone number (determined number of digits), an ip address (fixed format), age (cannot be negative, have a size range), and so on. These test data have certain restrictions or rules, and the manual construction may not meet the data range or some format requirements, resulting in the backend program error.
- Multi-table association.
The amount of data created manually is small, and the primary key in multiple tables may not be associated with, or associated with no data.
- Dynamic random write.
For example, for streaming data, you need to write kafka randomly every few seconds. Or dynamically insert mysql randomly, manual operation is relatively cumbersome, and it is not good to count the number of data written.
In response to these current pain points, datafaker came into being. Datafaker is a multi-data source test data construction tool that can simulate most common data types and easily solve the above pain points. Datafaker has the following features:
- Multiple data types.
Includes common database field types (integer, float, character), custom types (IP address, mailbox, ID number, etc.)
- Simulate multi-table association data
By formulating some fields as enumerated types (randomly selected from the specified data list), in the case of a large amount of data, it can ensure that multiple tables can be associated with each other and query data.
- Support batch data and stream data generation, and specify stream data interval time
- Support multiple data output methods, including screen printing, files and remote data sources
- Support for multiple data sources. Currently supports relational databases, Hive, Kafka. Will be extended to Mongo, ES and other data sources.
- Can specify the output format, currently supports text, json
## 3. Architecture
Datafaker is written in python and supports python2.7, python3.4+. The current version has been released on pypi.
<!-- <div align=center><img -->
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The architecture diagram completely shows the execution process of the tool. From the figure, the tool has gone through five modules:
- Parameter parser. Parse the commands that the user enters from the terminal command line.
- Metadata parser. Users can specify metadata from local files or remote data source tables. After the parser obtains the content of the file, the text content is parsed into table field metadata and data construction rules according to the rules.
- Data construction engine. The construction engine constructs rules based on the data generated by the metadata parser, simulating the generation of different types of data.
- Data routing. According to different data output types, it is divided into batch data and stream data generation. Stream data can specify the frequency of generation. The data is then converted to a user-specified format for output to a different data source.
- Data source adapter. Adapt to different data sources and import the data into the data source.
## 4. Installation
#### Method 1, install from source code:
Download the source code, unzip and install:
python install
#### Method 2, use pip:
pip install datafaker
#### Upgrade tool
pip install datafaker --upgrade
#### Uninstall tool
pip uninstall datafaker
#### Install require package
| data source | package | note |
| -------- | -------- | ------ |
|mysql/tidb| mysql-python/mysqlclient | windows+python3 use mysqlclient|
|oracle| cx-Oracle | need some oracle lib |
|postgresql/redshift | psycopg2 | |
| sqlserver | pyodbc | mssql+pyodbc://mssql-v |
|Hbase | happybase,thrift | |
|es | elasticsearch | |
|hive | pyhive | |
|kafka | kafka-python | |
## 5. examples
[usage example(使用举例)](doc/
## 6. command parameters
[parameters detail(命令行参数)](doc/
## 7. construction rule
[construction rule(构造规则)](doc/
## 8. note
## 9. Release note
[Release note(发布记录)](doc/
**Give a star or donate a coffee to the author**
- 给作者点个star或请作者喝杯咖啡

229 | Chaos engineering tool for simulating real-world distributed system failures | # <img src="" alt="Muxy Logo" style="height: 80px;" height="80px"/>
Proxy for simulating real-world distributed system failures to improve resilience in your applications.
## Introduction
Muxy is a proxy that _mucks_ with your system and application context, operating at Layers 4, 5 and 7, allowing you to simulate common failure scenarios from the perspective of an application under test; such as an API or a web application.
If you are building a distributed system, Muxy can help you test your resilience and fault tolerance patterns.
<p align="center">
<img width="880" src="">
### Contents
<!-- TOC depthFrom:2 depthTo:4 withLinks:1 updateOnSave:1 orderedList:0 -->
- [Introduction](#introduction) - [Contents](#contents)
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation) - [On Mac OSX using Homebrew](#on-mac-osx-using-homebrew) - [Using Go Get](#using-go-get)
- [Using Muxy](#using-muxy) - [5-minute example](#5-minute-example) - [Muxy as part of a test suite](#muxy-as-part-of-a-test-suite) - [Notes](#notes)
- [Proxies and Middlewares](#proxies-and-middlewares) - [Proxies](#proxies) - [HTTP Proxy](#http-proxy) - [TCP Proxy](#tcp-proxy) - [Middleware](#middleware) - [Delay](#delay) - [HTTP Tamperer](#http-tamperer) - [Network Shaper](#network-shaper) - [TCP Tamperer](#tcp-tamperer) - [Logger](#logger)
- [Configuration Reference](#configuration-reference)
- [Examples](#examples) - [Hystrix](#hystrix)
- [Usage with Docker](#usage-with-docker)
- [Extending Muxy](#extending-muxy) - [Proxies](#proxies) - [Middleware](#middleware)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
<!-- /TOC -->
## Features
- Ability to tamper with network devices at the transport level (Layer 4)
- Ability to tamper with the TCP session layer (Layer 5)
- ...and HTTP requests/responses at the HTTP protocol level (Layer 7)
- Supports custom proxy routing (aka basic reverse proxy)
- Advanced matching rules allow you to target specific requests
- Introduce randomness into symptoms
- Simulate real-world network connectivity problems/partitions for mobile devices, distributed systems etc.
- Ideal for use in CI/Test Suites to test resilience across languages/technologies
- Simple native binary installation with no dependencies
- Extensible and modular architecture
- An official Docker [container]( to simplify uses cases such as Docker Compose
## Installation
Download a [release]( for your platform
and put it somewhere on the `PATH`.
### On Mac OSX using Homebrew
If you are using [Homebrew]( you can follow these steps to install Muxy:
brew install
### Using Go Get
go get
## Using Muxy
Muxy is typically used in two ways:
1. In local development to see how your application responds
under certain conditions
1. In test suites to automate resilience testing
### 5-minute example
1. Install Muxy
1. Create configuration file `config.yml`:
# Configures a proxy to forward/mess with your requests
# to/from This example adds a 5s delay
# to the response.
- name: http_proxy
port: 8181
proxy_port: 80
# Proxy plugins
- name: http_tamperer
host: ""
# Message Delay request/response plugin
- name: delay
request_delay: 1000
response_delay: 500
# Log in/out messages
- name: logger
1. Run Muxy with your config: `muxy proxy --config ./config.yml`
1. Make a request to via the proxy: `time curl -v -H"Host:" http://localhost:8181/`. Compare that with a request direct to the website: `time curl -v` - it should be approximately 5s faster.
That's it - running Muxy is a matter of configuring one or more [Proxies](#proxies), with 1 or more [Middleware](#middleware) components defined in a simple [YAML file](/examples/config.yml).
### Muxy as part of a test suite
1. Create an application
2. Build in fault tolerence (e.g. using something like [Hystrix](
3. Create integration tests
4. Run Muxy configuring a _proxy_ such as HTTP, and one or more *symptom*s such as network latency, partition or HTTP error
5. Point your app at Muxy
6. Run tests and check if system behaved as expected
7. Profit!
### Notes
Muxy is a stateful system, and mucks with your low-level (system) networking interfaces and therefore cannot be run in parallel with other tests.
It is also recommended to run within a container/virtual machine to avoid unintended consequences (like breaking Internet access from the host).
## Proxies and Middlewares
### Proxies
#### HTTP Proxy
Simple HTTP(s) Proxy that starts up on a local IP/Hostname and Port.
Example configuration snippet:
- name: http_proxy
## Proxy host details
protocol: http
port: 8181
## Proxy target details
proxy_port: 8282
proxy_protocol: https
## Certificate to present to Muxy clients (i.e. server certs)
proxy_ssl_key: proxy-server/test.key
proxy_ssl_cert: proxy-server/test.crt
## Certificate to present to Muxy proxy targets (i.e. client certs)
proxy_client_ssl_key: client-certs/cert-key.pem
proxy_client_ssl_cert: client-certs/cert.pem
proxy_client_ssl_ca: client-certs/ca.pem
## Enable this to proxy targets we don't trust
# insecure: true # allow insecure https
# Specify additional proxy rules. Default catch-all proxy still
# applies with lowest matching precedence.
# Request matchers are specified as valid regular expressions
# and must be properly YAML escaped.
# See for behaviour.
- request:
method: 'GET|DELETE'
path: '^\/foo'
host: '.*foo\.com'
path: '/bar'
scheme: 'http'
host: ''
#### TCP Proxy
Simple TCP Proxy that starts up on a local IP/Hostname and Port, forwarding traffic to the specified `proxy_host` on `proxy_port`.
Example configuration snippet:
- name: tcp_proxy
host: # Local ip/hostname to bind to and accept connections.
port: 8080 # Local port to bind to
proxy_port: 2000
nagles_algorithm: true
packet_size: 64
### Middleware
Middleware have the ability to intervene upon receiving a request (Pre-Dispatch) or before sending the response back to the client (Post-Dispatch).
In some cases, such as the Network Shaper, the effect is applied _before any request is made_ (e.g. if the local network device configuration is altered).
#### Delay
A basic middleware that simply adds a delay of `delay` milliseconds to the request
or response.
Example configuration snippet:
- name: delay
request_delay: 1000 # Delay in ms to apply to request to target
response_delay: 500 # Delay in ms to apply to response from target
# Specify additional matching rules. Default is to apply delay to all
# requests on all http proxies.
# Request matchers are specified as valid regular expressions
# and must be properly YAML escaped.
# See for behaviour.
- method: "GET|DELETE"
path: "^/boo"
host: 'foo\.com'
#### HTTP Tamperer
A Layer 7 tamperer, this plugin allows you to modify response headers, status code or the body itself.
Example configuration snippet:
- name: http_tamperer
host: "somehost" # Override Host header that's sent to target
path: "/" # Override the request path
method: "GET" # Override request method
x_my_request: "foo" # Override request header
content_type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
content_length: "5"
cookies: # Custom request cookies
- name: "fooreq"
value: "blahaoeuaoeu"
domain: "localhost"
path: "/foopath"
secure: true
rawexpires: "Sat, 12 Sep 2015 09:19:48 UTC"
maxage: 200
httponly: true
body: "wow, new body!" # Override request body
status: 201 # Override HTTP Status code
headers: # Override response headers
content_length: "27"
x_foo_bar: "baz"
body: "my new body" # Override response body
cookies: # Custom response cookies
- name: "foo"
value: "blahaoeuaoeu"
domain: "localhost"
path: "/foopath"
secure: true
rawexpires: "Sat, 12 Sep 2015 09:19:48 UTC"
maxage: 200
httponly: true
# Specify additional matching rules. Default is to apply delay to all
# requests on all http proxies.
# Request matchers are specified as valid regular expressions
# and must be properly YAML escaped.
# See for behaviour.
- method: "GET|DELETE"
path: "^/boo"
host: 'foo\.com'
#### Network Shaper
The network shaper plugin is a Layer 4 tamperer, and requires _root access_ to work, as it needs to configure the local firewall and network devices.
Using the excellent [Comcast]( library, it can shape and interfere with network traffic,
including bandwidth, latency, packet loss and jitter on specified ports, IPs and protocols.
NOTE: This component only works on MacOSX, FreeBSD, Linux and common \*nix flavours.
Example configuration snippet:
- name: network_shape
latency: 250 # Latency to add in ms
target_bw: 750 # Bandwidth in kbits/s
packet_loss: 0.5 # Packet loss, as a %
target_ips: # Target ipv4 IP addresses
target_ips6: # Target ipv6 IP addresses
- "::1/128"
target_ports: # Target destination ports
- "80"
target_protos: # Target protocols
- "tcp"
- "udp"
- "icmp"
device: "lo" # defaults to eth0
#### TCP Tamperer
The TCP Tamperer is a Layer 5 tamperer, modifying the messages in and around TCP
sessions. Crudely, you can set the body of inbound and outbound TCP packets, truncate
the last character of messages or randomise the text over the wire.
- name: tcp_tamperer
body: "wow, new request!" # Override request body
randomize: true # Replaces input message with a random string
truncate: true # Removes last character from the request message
body: "wow, new response!" # Override response body
randomize: true # Replaces response message with a random string
truncate: true # Removes last character from the response message
#### Logger
Log the in/out messages, optionally requesting the output to be hex encoded.
Example configuration snippet:
- name: logger
hex_output: false # Display output as Hex instead of a string
## Configuration Reference
Refer to the [example](/examples/config.yml) YAML file for a full reference.
## Examples
### Hystrix
Using the [Hystrix Go]( library, we use Muxy to trigger a circuit breaker and return a canned response, ensuring we don't have downtime. View the [example](examples/hystrix).
## Usage with Docker
Download the [Docker image]( by running:
docker pull mefellows/muxy
After creating a [config](#configuration-reference] file (let's assume it's at `./conf/config.yml`), and assuming you are proxying something on port `80`, you can now run the image locally:
docker run \
-d \
-p 80:80 \
-v "$PWD/conf":/opt/muxy/conf \
--privileged \
You should now be able to hit this Docker container and simulate any failures as per usual. e.g. `curl docker:80/some/endpoint`.
The [Hystrix](#hystrix) example above has a detailed example on how to use Muxy with a more complicated system, using Docker Compose to orchestrate a number of containers.
## Extending Muxy
Muxy is built as a series of configurable plugins (using [Plugo]( that must be specified in the configuration
file to be activated. Start with a quick tour of Plugo before progressing.
### Proxies
Proxies must implement the [Proxy](/muxy/proxy.go) interface, and register themselves via `PluginFactories.register` to be available at runtime.
Take a look at the [HTTP Proxy](protocol/http.go) for a good working example.
### Middleware
Middlewares implement the [Middleware](/muxy/middle.go) interface and register themselves via `PluginFactories.register` to be available at runtime.
Take a look at the [HTTP Delay](symptom/http_delay.go) for a good working example.
## Contributing
230 | Python Engineer Roadmap | <a id="top"></a>
<br />
# Python Engineer Roadmap [](README.pdf)
[Python]( can be used in a lot of computer science fields. In this repository, we have collected resources for each field of computer science that are related to Python.\
**Not sure which source to choose?** You can follow the resources marked with a ✅ symbol, they are highly recommended by the community.
### Contribution
Before you head over, read the [Contribution Guide]( first. You are new to contribution process? For more information about the steps and guides, check out the [First Contribution Guide](
### Table of Contents
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Algorithms and Data Structures](#algorithms-and-data-structures)
- [System Design](#system-design)
- [Git](#git)
- [Operating System](#operating-system)
- [Virtual Environment](#virtual-environment)
- [Python](#python)
- [Career Path](#career-path)
- [Backend](#backend)
- [Django](#django)
- [FastAPI](#fastapi)
- [Flask](#flask)
- [Tornado](#tornado)
- [Web2Py](#web2py)
- [Sanic](#sanic)
- [AIOHTTP](#aiohttp)
- [Bottle](#bottle)
- [Dash](#dash)
- [Data Science](#data-science)
- [Data Analysis](#data-analysis)
- [Numpy](#numpy)
- [Scipy](#scipy)
- [Pandas](#pandas)
- [Data Visualization](#data-visualization)
- [Matplotlib](#matplotlib)
- [Plotly](#plotly)
- [Machine Learning](#machine-learning)
- [Deep Learning](#deep-learning)
- [Neural Networks](#neural-networks)
- [Image Processing](#image-processing)
- [DevOps](#devops)
- [Hacking](#hacking)
- [Algorithmic Trading](#algorithmic-trading)
- [Bot](#bot)
- [Web](#web)
- [Selenium](#selenium)
- [WebBot](#webbot)
- [Telegram](#telegram)
- [Telethon](#telethon)
- [Pygram](#pygram)
- [Pyrogram](#pyrogram)
- [Python Telegram Bot](#python-telegram-bot)
- [AIOGram](#aiogram)
- [PyTelegramBotApi](#pytelegrambotapi)
- [TeleBot](#telebot)
- [Discord](#discord)
- [DiscordPy](#discordpy)
- [Instagram](#instagram)
- [Instagram-Scraper](#instagram-scraper)
- [InstaPy](#instapy)
- [Advanced Topics](#advanced-topics)
- [Databases](#databases)
- [General](#general)
- [SQLite](#sqlite)
- [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
- [MySQL](#mysql)
- [Oracle](#oracle)
- [MongoDB](#mongodb)
- [Redis](#redis)
- [MemCached](#memcached)
- [Apache Cassandra](#apache-cassandra)
- [Clean Code](#clean-code)
- [Clean Architecture](#clean-architecture)
- [Caching](#caching)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Python `unittest` Package](#python-unittest-package)
- [`PyTest` Testing Package](#pytest-testing-package)
- [DRF Test Framework](#drf-test-framework)
- [Container Platforms](#container-platforms)
- [Docker](#docker)
- [Kubernetes](#kubernetes)
- [Programming Paradigms](#programming-paradigms)
- [Object-Oriented Programming](#object-oriented-programming)
- [Functional Programming](#functional-programming)
- [Architectural Patterns](#architectural-patterns)
- [Microservice](#microservice)
- [Enterprise Applications](#enterprise-applications)
- [Design Principles](#design-principles)
- [SOLID](#solid)
- [KISS](#kiss)
- [DRY](#dry)
- [Design Patterns](#design-patterns)
- [Message Brokers](#message-brokers)
- [RabbitMQ](#rabbitmq)
- [Apache Kafka](#apache-kafka)
- [WSGI Servers](#wsgi-servers)
- [Gunicorn](#gunicorn)
- [uWSGI](#uwsgi)
- [ASGI Servers](#asgi-servers)
- [Uvicorn](#uvicorn)
- [Starlette](#starlette)
- [Web Servers](#web-servers)
- [Nginx](#nginx)
- [Apache](#apache)
- [API](#api)
- [Design](#design)
- [Security](#security)
- [Availability and Reliability](#availability-and-reliability)
- [Distributed Systems](#distributed-systems)
- [Reactive Systems](#reactive-systems)
- [Refactoring](#refactoring)
- [Security](#security)
- [Monitoring](#monitoring)
- [Soft Skill](#soft-skill)
- [Public Cloud](#public-cloud)
- [IoT](#iot)
- [Where to Go Next?](#where-to-go-next)
## Prerequisites
- ### Algorithms and Data Structures
- **Book**
- ✅ [Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava](
- ✅ [Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell](
- [Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python: Data Structure and Algorithmic Puzzles by Narasimha Karumanchi](
- [Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS)](
- **Video**
- [Data Structures And Algorithms Course by Mosh Hamedani](
- **Platform**
- ✅ [LeetCode](
- [HackerRank](
- [CodeWars](
- [TheAlgorithms](
- [Codeforces](
- **Repo**
- ✅ [Coding University](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Data Structures Cheat Sheet](
- ### System Design
- **Book**
- ✅ [System Design Interview by Alex Xu](
- [System Design Interview: Volume 2 by Alex Xu & Sahn Lam](
- **Course**
- [Educative - Grokking the System Design Interview](
- ### Git
- **Documentation**
- [Git Documentation](
- **Video**
- ✅ [Git Course by Mosh Hamedani](
- [Git and GitHub tutorial for beginners by Amigoscode](
- [Git and GitHub crash course by freeCodeCamp](
- [Git For Professionals course by Trevor Miller](
- **Book**
- [Pro Git](
- [Git Notes for Professionals](
- **Website**
- [Git For Beginners by tutorialspoint](
- [Git For Intermediates and Professionals by W3schools](
- [Advanced Git Tips by atlassian](
- [Learn Git Branching](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Git cheat sheet](
- ### Operating System
- **Book**
- ✅ [LPIC-1: Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide: Exams 101 and 102 by Roderick W. Smith](
- **Video**
- [Lpic-1 Course by Jadi](
- **Platform**
- [Linux Journey](
- **Community**
- [Discord Linux group](
- [Linux For Everyone Community](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Linux commands cheat sheet](
- ### Virtual Environment
- **VENV**
- **Documentation**
- [VENV Documentation](
- **VirtualEnvWrapper**
- **Documentation**
- [VirtualEnvWrapper Documentation](
- **PipEnv**
- **Documentation**
- [PipEnv Documentation](
- **Conda**
- **Documentation**
- [Conda Documentation](
- **Python-Poetry**
- **Documentation**
- [Python-Poetry Documentation](
- ### Python
- **Documentation**
- [Python Documentation](
- **Beginner**
- **Book**
- ✅ [Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes](
- [Head First Python by Paul Barry](
- [Learn Python the Hard Way by Zed Shaw](
- [Essential Python Tools](
- **Video**
- [Python Beginner Tutorial by NeuralNine](
- [Python Programming Tutorials by Tech with Tim](
- **Platform**
- [W3schools](
- [Codecademy Python 2](
- [Codecademy Python 3](
- [Sololearn Python](
- **Intermediate**
- **Book**
- ✅ [Python Cookbook by David Beazley & Brian Jones](
- [Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python Best Practices for Writing Clean Code by Sweigart, Al](
- [Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho 2nd Edition](
- [Effective Python by Brett Slatkin](
- [Python Concurrency with asyncio](
- **Video**
- [Python Intermediate Tutorial by NeuralNine](
- [Intermediate Python Tutorials by Tech with Tim](
- **Platform**
- [GeeksForGeeks](
- [Programiz](
- [Scaler Topics](
- **Advanced**
- **Book**
- ✅ [Architecture Patterns with Python by Harry Percival & Bob Gregory](
- ✅ [Practices of the Python Pro by Dane Hillard](
- ✅ [Python Tricks by Dan Bader](
- [Python Testing with pytest by Brian Okken](
- [Python Concurrency with asyncio by Matthew Fowler](
- [Python for Programmers by Deitel Developer Series](
- [Serious Python by Julien Danjou](
- [Python Notes for Professionals](
- **Video**
- [Python3: Deep Dive (4 Parts)](
- **Platform**
- ✅ [RealPython](
- [Python-Course](
- **Community**
- [Python Discord group](
- [Python Telegram group](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Beginners Python cheat sheet](
- [Python cheat sheet](
## Career Path
- ### Backend
- #### Django
- **Documentation**
- [Django Documentation](
- [Django Tutorial - w3schools](
- **Book**
- [Django for Beginners by William S. Vincent](
- [Django for APIs by William S. Vincent](
- [Django for Professionals by William S. Vincent](
- [Two Scoops of Django 3.x by Daniel Roy Greenfeld, Audrey Roy Greenfeld](
- [Test-Driven Development with Python: Obey the Testing Goat: Using Django, Selenium, and JavaScript by Harry Percival](
- [Test-Driven Development with Django by Kevin Harvey](
- [Django3 by example by antonio mele](
- **Video**
- [Django Web Framework - Full Course for Beginners by Justin Mitchel](
- [Build REST APIs with Django REST Framework and Python By Shubham Sarda](
- [Django For Everybody - Full Course by Dr. Charles Severance](
- [Django ORM Mastery - Very Academy](
- [Learn Django Class Base View - Very Academy](
- [Django Course by Mosh Hamedani](
- [Try Django 3.2 - Python Web Development Tutorial Series by Justin Mitchel](
- **Awesome Django**
- [Awesome Django](
- **Community**
- [Django Discord group](
- [Django Telegram group](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Django Cheat Sheet](
- [Django Models Cheat Sheet](
- [Django Class Based Views Cheat Sheet](
- [Django Class Based Views Cheat Sheet 2](
- #### FastAPI
- **Video**
- [Python API Development - Comprehensive Course for Beginners by Sanjeev Thiyagarajan](
- [FastAPI course by &](
- **Documentation**
- [FastAPI documentation](
- [FastAPI Utilities documentation](
- **Awesome FastAPI**
- [Awesome FastAPI](
- **Community**
- [FastApi Discord group](
- #### Flask
- **Book**
- [Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python](
- [Flask Framework Cookbook](
- [The New And Improved Flask Mega-Tutorial](
- **Video**
- [Flask Tutorial by Tech With Tim](
- [REST APIs with Flask and Python by Jose Salvatierra](
- **Documentation**
- [Flask Document](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Flask Cheat Sheet and Quick Reference](
- #### Tornado
- **Book**
- [Introduction to Tornado by Michael Dory](
- **Video**
- [Tornado, Coroutines and Concurrency by Bek Brace](
- [Tornado in Depth by Oscar Vilaplana](
- [More than just a pretty web framework, the Tornado IOLoop by Gavin M.Roy](
- **Documentation**
- [Tornado Document](
- #### Web2Py
- **Documentation**
- [Web2Py Document](
- **Book**
- [Complete Reference Manual by Massimo Di Pierro](
- [Killer Web Development by Marco Laspe](
- #### Sanic
- **Documentation**
- [Sanic Document](
- [Sanic Guide](
- **Article**
- [Getting Started with Sanic for Python by Mukul Khanna](
- **Video**
- [Async Web Apps with Sanic by Dougal Matthews](
- #### AIOHTTP
- **Documentation**
- [AIOHTTP Document](
- #### Bottle
- **Documentation**
- [Bottle Document](
- #### Dash
- **Documentation**
- [Dash-Python Document](
- **Awesome Dash**
- [Awesome Dash](
- **Template**
- [Dash Clean Architecture Template](
- [List Of All Python Backend Web Frameworks](
- ### Data Science
- #### Data Analysis
- ##### Numpy
- **Documentation**
- [Numpy Document](
- ##### Scipy
- **Documentation**
- [Scipy Document](
- ##### Pandas
- **Documentation**
- [Pandas Document](
- #### Data Visualization
- ##### Matplotlib
- **Documentation**
- [Matplotlib Document](
- ##### Plotly
- **Documentation**
- [Plotly Document](
- ### Machine Learning
- **Video**
- [Machine Learning Course by Andrew Ng](
- ### Deep Learning
- **Video**
- [Deep Learning Specialization by Andrew Ng](
- [AladdinPersson](
- ### Neural Networks
- **Video**
- [Neural Networks and Calculus](
- ### Image Processing
- ### DevOps
- **Community**
- [DevOps, SRE, & Infrastructure](
- **CI/CD**
- [CI/CD Full Course | Continuous Integration And Continuous](
- [GitLab CI CD Tutorial for Beginners](
- ### Hacking
- **Book**
- [Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition: Python Programming for Hackers and Pentesters](
- ### Algorithmic Trading
- ### Bot
- #### Web
- #### Selenium
- [Selenium (Main Home)](
- [Source](
- [Documentation](
- [Helium](
- [Base](
- [InstaPy](
- [AutoCrawler](
- [Wire](
- [Cucucumber](
- [Requestium](
- [Undetected](
- #### WebBot
- [Source](
- #### Telegram
- #### Telethon
- [Source](
- [Documentation](
- #### Pygram
- [Source](
- [Documentation](
- #### Pyrogram
- [Source](
- [Documentation](
- #### Python Telegram Bot
- [Source](
- [Documentation](
- #### AIOGram
- [Source](
- [Documentation](
- #### PyTelegramBotApi
- [Source](
- [Documentation](
- #### TeleBot
- [Source](
- #### Discord
- #### DiscordPy
- [Source](
- [Documentation](
- #### Instagram
- #### Instagram-Scraper
- [Source](
- #### InstaPy
- [Source](
## Advanced Topics
⚠️ The following topics don't have any order or priority of learning.\
🔥 Choose topics that you are **interested in** or **suit your needs**.
- ### Databases
- #### General
- **Book**
- ✅ [Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems](
- [Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement](
- #### SQLite
- **Documentation**
- [SQLite Documentation](
- **Tutorials**
- [SQLite Tutorial](
- #### PostgreSQL
- **Documentation**
- [PostgreSQL Documentation](
- **Book**
- [Essential Postgres: Database Development using PostgreSQL](
- **Community**
- [PostgreSQL Telegram group](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [PostgreSQL Cheat Sheet By GoalKicker](
- #### MySQL
- **Documentation**
- [MySQL Documentation](
- **Tutorials**
- [MySQL Tutorial](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [MySQL Cheat Sheet by GoalKicker](
- #### Oracle
- **Documentation**
- [Oracle Documentation](
- **Tutorials**
- [Oracle Tutorial](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Oracle Cheat Sheet by GoalKicker](
- #### MongoDB
- **Documentation**
- [MongoDB Documentation](
- **Tutorial**
- [Python MongoDB](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [MongoDB Cheat Sheet by GoalKicker](
- #### Redis
- **Documentation**
- [Redis Documentation](
- **Video**
- [Redis Crash Course 1](
- [Redis Crash Course 2](
- **Article**
- [How to use redis with python by Brad Solomon](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Redis Cheat Sheet 1](
- [Redis Cheat Sheet 2](
- #### MemCached
- **Documentation**
- [MemCached Wiki](
- #### Apache Cassandra
- **Documentation**
- [Apache Cassandra Documentation](
- ### Clean Code
- **Book**
- ✅ [Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship](
- ✅ [Clean Code in Python by Mariano Anaya](
- [Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Second Edition by Steve Mcconnell](
- ### Clean Architecture
(In Progress)
- ### Caching
- **Article**
- [Caching in django with redis by Real Python](
- **Video**
- [Redis Course - In-Memory Database Tutorial](
- ### Testing
- #### Python `unittest` package
- **Documentation**
- [Testing in Python](
- [Getting Started With Testing in Python](
- #### `PyTest` Testing Package
- **Documentation**
- [Official PyTest Documentation](
- #### DRF Test Framework
- **Documentation**
- [Testing - Django REST framework](
- **Video**
- [Pytest Django and Django Rest Framework](
- ### Container Platforms
- #### Docker
- **Documentation**
- [Docker Documentation](
- **Book**
- [Docker in Action, Second Edition](
- [Docker Deep Dive: Zero to Docker in a single book](
- **Video**
- [Docker Mastery With Django - very academy](
- [Docker Course by Mosh Hamedani](
- [Docker Swarm Step by Step](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Docker Cheat Sheet](
- #### Kubernetes
- **Documentation**
- [Kubernetes Documentation](
- **Video**
- ["Just me and Opensource" YouTube channel](
- **Book**
- [Kubernetes: Up and Running, 2nd Edition](
- [Kubernetes in Action, Second Edition](
- **Community**
- [Kubernetes Discord group](
- ### Programming Paradigms
- #### Object-Oriented Programming
- **Tutorial**
- [Python Classes and Objects by W3Schools (Beginners)](
- [Python Object Oriented Programming by (Beginners)](
- **Article**
- [Python OOPs Concepts 3 by GeeksForGeeks (Beginners)](
- [Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python 3 by David Amos (Intermediate)](,What%20Is%20Object%2DOriented%20Programming%20in%20Python%3F,are%20bundled%20into%20individual%20objects.)
- **Book**
- [Python Object-Oriented Programming](
- #### Functional Programming
- **Article**
- [Functional Programming in Python](
- ### Architectural Patterns
- #### Microservice
- **Book**
- [Microservice Architecture](
- [Building Microservices, 2nd Edition](
- #### Enterprise Applications
- **Book**
- [Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture](
- [Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging Solutions](
- ### Design Principles
- #### SOLID
- **Article**
- [SOLID Principles In Python by Philip Norton](
- [Uncle Bob's SOLID principles made easy 🍀 - in Python!](
- #### KISS
- #### DRY
- ### Design Patterns
- **Book**
- [Head First Design Patterns: Building Extensible and Maintainable Object-Oriented Software](
- [Django Design Patterns and Best Practices (by Arun Ravindran)](
- [Dive Into Design Patterns by Alexander Shvets](
- **Video**
- [Design Patterns Course by Mosh Hamedani](
- [Become a better software developer](
- ### Message Brokers
- #### RabbitMQ
- **Documentation**
- [RabbitMQ Documentation](
- **Article**
- [RabbitMQ Hello World](
- [RabbitMQ Work Queues](
- [RabbitMQ Publish/Subscribe](
- [RabbitMQ Routing](
- [RabbitMQ Topics](
- [RabbitMQ Remote procedure call (RPC)](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [RabbitMQ Cheat Sheet 1](
- [RabbitMQ Cheat Sheet 2](
- #### Apache Kafka
- **Documentation**
- [Apache Kafka Documentation](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Apache Kafka Cheat Sheet 1](
- [Apache Kafka Cheat Sheet 2](
- ### WSGI Servers
- #### Gunicorn
- **Documentation**
- [Gunicorn Documentation](
- #### uWSGI
- **Documentation**
- [uWSGI Documentation](
- ### ASGI Servers
- #### Uvicorn
- **Documentation**
- [Uvicorn Documentation](
- #### Starlette
- **Documentation**
- [Starlette Documentation](
- ### Web Servers
- #### Nginx
- **Documentation**
- [NGINX Documentation](
- **Book**
- [NGINX Cookbook](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- #### Apache
- **Documentation**
- [Apache Documentation](
- **Book**
- [Apache Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Apache Administrators](
- **Cheat Sheet**
- [Apache Cheat Sheet](
- ### API
- #### Design
- **Guidelines and Best Practices**
- [Zalando RESTful API and Event Guidelines](
- [Microsoft REST API Guidelines](
- #### Security
- **Checklist**
- [API Security Checklist](
- ### Availability and Reliability
(In Progress)
- ### Distributed Systems
(In Progress)
- ### Reactive Systems
(In Progress)
- ### Refactoring
- **Video**
- [Dive Into REFACTORING](
- ### Security
- **Book**
- [The Web Application Hacker's Handbook](
- [Application_Security_Program_Handbook - a guide for software engineers](
- [Designing secure software - a guide for devlopers](
- [Hacking APIs Breaking Web Application Programming Interfaces](
- [Web Application Security Exploitation and Countermeasures for Modern Web Applications](
- [Web Security for Developers: Real Threats, Practical Defense](
- [Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing](
- **WebSite**
- [OWASP Top 10](
- [OWASP Top 10 for Web with live training](
- [SANS SWAT Checklist](
- ### Monitoring
(In Progress)
- ### Soft Skill
- **Book**
- [The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers](
- ### Public Cloud
(In Progress)
- ### IoT
- #### Concept
- #### Protocol
- [Practical MQTT with Steve](
### Where to Go Next?
(In Progress)
<p align="right"><a href="#top"><img src="" width=50 height=50 /></a></p>
231 | Full featured next gen Clojure test runner | <p align="center"><img src="kaocha.png"></p>
Full featured next generation test runner for Clojure.
Jump to [Quick start](#quick-start) | [Docs](#docs)
## Projects
<!-- projects -->
| Project | CI | Docs | Release | Coverage |
| [kaocha]( | []( | []( | []( | []( |
| [kaocha-cljs]( | []( | []( | []( | []( |
| [kaocha-cucumber]( | []( | []( | []( | []( |
| [kaocha-junit-xml]( | []( | []( | []( | []( |
| [kaocha-cloverage]( | []( | []( | []( | []( |
| [kaocha-boot]( | []( | []( | []( | []( |
| [deep-diff]( | []( | []( | []( | []( |
<!-- /projects -->
## 考察 [kǎo chá]
- to inspect
- to observe and study
- on-the-spot investigation
See the [Line Dict entry]( for an audio sample.
## Need help?
Are you
- reporting a bug? -> [File an issue](
- looking for support? -> [Post to the forum](
- looking to contribute? -> Create a pull request or start by discussing your plans [on the forum](
There is also a [#kaocha]( channel on Clojurians Slack (sign up [here](, where users can help each other.
## Docs
<!-- docs-toc -->
- [1. Introduction](
- [2. Installing](
- [3. Configuration](
- [4. Running Kaocha CLI](
- [5. Running Kaocha From the REPL](
- [6. Focusing and Skipping](
- [7. Watch mode](
- [8. Plugins](
- [9. Extending](
- [10. Hooks](
- [`clojure.test` assertion extensions](
- [Capability check for org.clojure/tools.cli](
- [CLI: `--fail-fast` option](
- [CLI: Print the Kaocha configuration](
- [CLI: `--profile` option](
- [CLI: `--reporter` option](
- [CLI: Selecting test suites](
- [Configuration: Bindings](
- [Configuration: Warnings](
- [Focusing based on metadata](
- [Focusing on specific tests](
- [Skipping based on metadata](
- [Skipping test based on ids](
- [Marking tests as pending](
- [Plugin: Capture output](
- [Plugin: Hooks](
- [Plugin: Notifier (desktop notifications)](
- [Orchestra (spec instrumentation)](
- [Plugin: Clojure/Java Version filter](
- [Automatic spec test check generation](
- [Syntax errors are preserved](
<!-- /docs-toc -->
## Features
Features include
- Filtering tests based on test names or metadata
- Watch mode: watch the file system for changes and re-run tests
- Pretty, pluggable reporting
- Randomize test order
- Detect when interrupted with ctrl-C and print report
- Fail fast mode: stop at first failure and print report
- Profiling (show slowest tests)
- Dynamic classpath handling
- Tests as data (get test config, test plan, or test results as EDN)
- Extensible test types (clojure.test, Midje, ...)
- Extensible through plugins
- Tool agnostic (Clojure CLI, Leiningen, ...)
## Quick start
This is no replacement for reading the docs, but if you're particularly
impatient to try it out, or if you already know Kaocha and need a quick
reference how to set up a new project, then this guide is for you.
### Clojure CLI (tools.deps)
Add Kaocha as a dependency, preferably under an alias.
``` clojure
;; deps.edn
{:deps { ,,, }
{:test {:extra-deps {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.77.1236"}}
:main-opts ["-m" "kaocha.runner"]}}}
Add a binstub called `bin/kaocha`
mkdir -p bin
echo '#!/usr/bin/env sh' > bin/kaocha
echo 'clojure -M:test "$@"' >> bin/kaocha
chmod +x bin/kaocha
### Leiningen
Add a profile and alias
``` clojure
;; project.clj
(defproject my-proj "0.1.0"
:dependencies [,,,]
:profiles {:kaocha {:dependencies [[lambdaisland/kaocha "1.77.1236"]]}}
:aliases {"kaocha" ["with-profile" "+kaocha" "run" "-m" "kaocha.runner"]})
Add a binstub called `bin/kaocha`
``` shell
mkdir -p bin
echo '#!/usr/bin/env sh' > bin/kaocha
echo 'lein kaocha "$@"' >> bin/kaocha
chmod +x bin/kaocha
### Boot
In your `build.boot` add the Kaocha dependency, and import the Kaocha task
``` clojure
;; build.boot
(set-env! :source-paths #{"src"}
:dependencies '[[lambdaisland/kaocha-boot "..."]])
(require '[kaocha.boot-task :refer [kaocha]])
Add a binstub called `bin/kaocha`
``` bash
mkdir -p bin
echo '#!/usr/bin/env sh' > bin/kaocha
echo 'boot kaocha "$@"' >> bin/kaocha
chmod +x bin/kaocha
#### Clojure CLI (tools.deps) :exec-fn alternative
We also support using the Clojure CLI `:exec-fn`/`-X`. However, we recommend the
binstub approach above because it allows you to use traditional long and short
options. If you nonetheless prefer `:exec-fn`/`-X`, you can set up `deps.edn`:
;; deps.edn
{:deps { ,,, }
{:test {:extra-deps {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.77.1236"}}
:exec-fn kaocha.runner/exec-fn
:exec-args {}}}}
And then Kaocha can be invoked this way: `clojure -X:test`
Generally speaking, we recommend using `tests.edn` for all of your configuration
rather than putting it in `exec-args` unless there's an alternative combination
of options you frequently run.
In that case, you can put configuration options `:exec-args` as though it were
`tests.edn`. Let's say you frequently use watch with `:fail-fast` and a subset
of tests skipped. You could save that configuration with an additional alias:
`clojure -X:watch-test` like so:
;; deps.edn
{:deps { ,,, }
{:test {:extra-deps {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.77.1236"}}
:exec-fn kaocha.runner/exec-fn
:exec-args {}}
:watch-test {:extra-deps {lambdaisland/kaocha {:mvn/version "1.77.1236"}}
:exec-fn kaocha.runner/exec-fn
:exec-args {:watch? true
:skip-meta :slow
:fail-fast? true }}}}
If you wanted to turn off `fail-fast` temporarily, you could run `clojure
-X:watch-test :fail-fast? false`
### All tools
By default, Kaocha assumes that:
- source files are in the `src/` folder,
- test files are in the `test/` folder,
- all test namespaces _names_ end with `-test`
(e.g. `my-project.core-test`).
Also, the default test suite id is `:unit` (just `unit` on the command line).
If your tests don't seem to run (outcome is `0 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures`)
you may need to write up your own configuration: add a `tests.edn` at the root
of the project to configure actual test and source paths, and optionally set a
reporter or load plugins (cf. Configuration in the
Example of a catch-all `tests.edn` config file (should run all
tests found in `src/` and `/test`, in any namespace).
``` clojure
{:tests [{:id :unit
:test-paths ["test" "src"]
:ns-patterns [".*"]}]
;; :reporter
;; :plugins [:kaocha.plugin/profiling :kaocha.plugin/notifier]
Warning: this is not an optimal configuration. To avoid extra churn, you should
try and target only folders and namespaces that actually contain tests.
Run your tests
``` shell
# Watch for changes
bin/kaocha --watch
# Exit at first failure
bin/kaocha --fail-fast
# Only run the `unit` suite
bin/kaocha unit
# Only run a single test
bin/kaocha --focus
# Use an alternative config file
bin/kaocha --config-file tests_ci.edn
# See all available options
bin/kaocha --test-help
## Third party projects
* [kaocha-noyoda]( Don't speak like
Yoda, write `(is (= actual expected))` instead of `(is (= expected actual))`
## Requirements
Kaocha requires Clojure 1.9 or later.
<!-- opencollective -->
## Lambda Island Open Source
[Become a backer]( and show your support to our open source projects.
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
<img align="left" src="">
kaocha is part of a growing collection of quality Clojure libraries created and maintained
by the fine folks at [Gaiwan](
Pay it forward by [becoming a backer on our Open Collective](,
so that we may continue to enjoy a thriving Clojure ecosystem.
You can find an overview of our projects at [lambdaisland/open-source](
<!-- /opencollective -->
<!-- contributing -->
## Contributing
We warmly welcome patches to kaocha. Please keep in mind the following:
- adhere to the [LambdaIsland Clojure Style Guide](
- write patches that solve a problem
- start by stating the problem, then supply a minimal solution `*`
- by contributing you agree to license your contributions as EPL 1.0
- don't break the contract with downstream consumers `**`
- don't break the tests
We would very much appreciate it if you also
- update the CHANGELOG and README
- add tests for new functionality
We recommend opening an issue first, before opening a pull request. That way we
can make sure we agree what the problem is, and discuss how best to solve it.
This is especially true if you add new dependencies, or significantly increase
the API surface. In cases like these we need to decide if these changes are in
line with the project's goals.
`*` This goes for features too, a feature needs to solve a problem. State the problem it solves first, only then move on to solving it.
`**` Projects that have a version that starts with `0.` may still see breaking changes, although we also consider the level of community adoption. The more widespread a project is, the less likely we're willing to introduce breakage. See [LambdaIsland-flavored Versioning]( for more info.
<!-- /contributing -->
<!-- license -->
## License
Copyright © 2018-2023 Arne Brasseur and contributors
Available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0, see LICENSE.txt
<!-- /license -->
232 | Mocha is a mocking and stubbing library for Ruby | ## Mocha []( [](
### Description
* A Ruby library for [mocking]( and [stubbing]( - but deliberately not (yet) [faking]( or [spying](
* A unified, simple and readable syntax for both full & partial mocking.
* Built-in support for MiniTest and Test::Unit.
* Supported by many other test frameworks.
### Intended Usage
Mocha is intended to be used in unit tests for the [Mock Object]( or [Test Stub]( types of [Test Double](, not the [Fake Object]( or [Test Spy]( types. Although it would be possible to extend Mocha to allow the implementation of fakes and spies, we have chosen to keep it focused on mocks and stubs.
### Installation
#### Gem
Install the latest version of the gem with the following command...
$ gem install mocha
Note: If you are intending to use Mocha with Test::Unit or MiniTest, you should only setup Mocha *after* loading the relevant test library...
##### Test::Unit
require 'rubygems'
gem 'mocha'
require 'test/unit'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
##### MiniTest
require 'rubygems'
gem 'mocha'
require 'minitest/unit'
require 'mocha/minitest'
#### Bundler
If you're using Bundler, include Mocha in the `Gemfile` and then setup Mocha later once you know the test library has been loaded...
##### Test::Unit
# Gemfile
gem 'mocha'
# Elsewhere after Bundler has loaded gems e.g. after `require 'bundler/setup'`
require 'test/unit'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
##### MiniTest
# Gemfile
gem 'mocha'
# Elsewhere after Bundler has loaded gems e.g. after `require 'bundler/setup'`
require 'minitest/unit'
require 'mocha/minitest'
##### RSpec
RSpec includes a mocha adapter. Just tell RSpec you want to mock with `:mocha`:
# Gemfile in Rails app
gem 'mocha'
# Within `spec/spec_helper.rb`
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.mock_with :mocha
Note: There is no need to use a require statement to setup Mocha; RSpec does this itself.
##### Cucumber
# In e.g. features/support/mocha.rb
require 'mocha/api'
Around do |scenario, block|
#### Rails
If you're loading Mocha using Bundler within a Rails application, you should setup Mocha manually e.g. at the bottom of your `test_helper.rb`.
##### MiniTest
Note that since Rails v4 (at least), `ActiveSupport::TestCase` has inherited from `Minitest::Test` or its earlier equivalents. Thus unless you are *explicitly* using Test::Unit, you are likely to be using MiniTest.
# Gemfile in Rails app
gem 'mocha'
# At bottom of test_helper.rb (or at least after `require 'rails/test_help'`)
require 'mocha/minitest'
##### Other Test Framework
Follow the instructions for the relevant test framework in the [Bundler](#bundler) section, but ensure that the relevant Mocha file (`mocha/minitest`, `mocha/test_unit`, or `mocha/api`) is required **after** the test framework has been loaded, e.g. at the bottom of `test_helper.rb` or `spec_helper.rb`, or at least after `rails/test_help` has been required.
#### Known Issues
* In Mocha v1.10.0 an undocumented feature of `API#mock`, `API#stub` & `API#stub_everything` was changed. Previously when these methods were passed a single symbol, they returned a mock object that responded to the method identified by the symbol. Now Passing a single symbol is equivalent to passing a single string, i.e. it now defines the 'name' of the mock object.
* In Mocha v1.2.0 there is a scenario where stubbing a class method originally defined in a module hangs the Ruby interpreter due to [a bug in Ruby v2.3.1]( See #272. This was fixed in Mocha v1.2.1.
* Since v1.1.0 Mocha has used prepended modules internally for stubbing methods. There is [an obscure Ruby bug]( in many (but not all) versions of Ruby between v2.0 & v2.3 which under certain circumstances may cause your Ruby interpreter to hang. See the Ruby bug report for more details. The bug has been fixed in Ruby v2.3.3 & v2.4.0.
* Stubbing an aliased class method, where the original method is defined in a module that's used to `extend` the class doesn't work in Ruby 1.8.x. See stub_method_defined_on_module_and_aliased_test.rb for an example of this behaviour.
* 0.13.x versions cause a harmless, but annoying, deprecation warning when used with Rails 3.2.0-3.2.12, 3.1.0-3.1.10 & 3.0.0-3.0.19.
* 0.11.x versions don't work with Rails 3.2.13 (`TypeError: superclass mismatch for class ExpectationError`). See #115.
* Versions 0.10.2, 0.10.3 & 0.11.0 of the Mocha gem were broken. Please do not use these versions.
### Usage
#### Quick Start
require 'test/unit'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
class MiscExampleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_mocking_a_class_method
product =
assert_equal product, Product.find(1)
def test_mocking_an_instance_method_on_a_real_object
product =
def test_stubbing_instance_methods_on_real_objects
prices = [stub(:pence => 1000), stub(:pence => 2000)]
product =
assert_equal [1000, 2000], product.prices.collect {|p| p.pence}
def test_stubbing_an_instance_method_on_all_instances_of_a_class
product =
assert_equal 'stubbed_name',
def test_traditional_mocking
object = mock('object')
object.expects(:expected_method).with(:p1, :p2).returns(:result)
assert_equal :result, object.expected_method(:p1, :p2)
def test_shortcuts
object = stub(:method1 => :result1, :method2 => :result2)
assert_equal :result1, object.method1
assert_equal :result2, object.method2
#### Mock Objects
class Enterprise
def initialize(dilithium)
@dilithium = dilithium
def go(warp_factor)
warp_factor.times { @dilithium.nuke(:anti_matter) }
require 'test/unit'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
class EnterpriseTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_should_boldly_go
dilithium = mock()
dilithium.expects(:nuke).with(:anti_matter).at_least_once # auto-verified at end of test
enterprise =
#### Partial Mocking
class Order
attr_accessor :shipped_on
def total_cost
line_items.inject(0) { |total, line_item| total + line_item.price } + shipping_cost
def total_weight
line_items.inject(0) { |total, line_item| total + line_item.weight }
def shipping_cost
total_weight * 5 + 10
class << self
def find_all
# Database.connection.execute('select * from orders...
def number_shipped_since(date) { |order| order.shipped_on > date }.length
def unshipped_value
find_all.inject(0) { |total, order| order.shipped_on ? total : total + order.total_cost }
require 'test/unit'
require 'mocha/test_unit'
class OrderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
# illustrates stubbing instance method
def test_should_calculate_shipping_cost_based_on_total_weight
order =
assert_equal 60, order.shipping_cost
# illustrates stubbing class method
def test_should_count_number_of_orders_shipped_after_specified_date
now =; week_in_secs = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60
order_1 =; order_1.shipped_on = now - 1 * week_in_secs
order_2 =; order_2.shipped_on = now - 3 * week_in_secs
Order.stubs(:find_all).returns([order_1, order_2])
assert_equal 1, Order.number_shipped_since(now - 2 * week_in_secs)
# illustrates stubbing instance method for all instances of a class
def test_should_calculate_value_of_unshipped_orders
assert_equal 30, Order.unshipped_value
### Thread safety
Mocha currently *does not* attempt to be thread-safe.
#### Can I test multi-threaded code with Mocha?
The short answer is no. In multi-threaded code Mocha exceptions may be raised in a thread other than the one which is running the test and thus a Mocha exception may not be correctly intercepted by Mocha exception handling code.
#### Can I run my tests across multiple threads?
Maybe, but probably not. Partial mocking changes the state of objects in the `ObjectSpace` which is shared across all threads in the Ruby process and this access to what is effectively global state is not synchronized. So, for example, if two tests are running concurrently and one uses `#any_instance` to modify a class, both tests will see those changes immediately.
### Expectation matching / invocation order
Stubs and expectations are basically the same thing. A stub is just an expectation of zero or more invocations. The `Expectation#stubs` method is syntactic sugar to make the intent of the test more explicit.
When a method is invoked on a mock object, the mock object searches through its expectations from newest to oldest to find one that matches the invocation. After the invocation, the matching expectation might stop matching further invocations.
See the [documentation]( for `Mocha::Mock` for further details.
### Configuration
If you want, Mocha can generate a warning or raise an exception when:
* stubbing a method unnecessarily
* stubbing method on a non-mock object
* stubbing a non-existent method
* stubbing a non-public method
See the [documentation]( for `Mocha::Configuration` for further details.
`MOCHA_OPTIONS` is an environment variable whose value can be set to a comma-separated list, so that we can specify multiple options e.g. `MOCHA_OPTIONS=debug,use_test_unit_gem`.
Only the following values are currently recognized and have an effect:
* `debug`: Enables a debug mode which will output backtraces for each deprecation warning. This is useful for finding where in the test suite the deprecated calls are.
### Semantic versioning
* Every effort is made to comply with [semantic versioning](
* However, this only applies to the behaviour documented in the public API.
* The documented public API does *not* include the content or format of messsages displayed to the user, e.g. assertion failure messages.
### Useful Links
* [Official Documentation](
* [Source Code](
* [Mailing List](
* [James Mead's Blog](
* [An Introduction To Mock Objects In Ruby](
* [Mocks Aren't Stubs](
* [Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided By Tests](
* [Mock Roles Not Objects](
* [jMock](
### Contributors
See this [list of contributors](
### Releasing a new version
* Update the file with a summary of changes
* Bump the version in `lib/mocha/version.rb`
* Commit & push to GitHub
* Check CircleCI build is passing -
* Sign in to Google Analytics -
* Find the web property ID for floehopper (625523) > Mocha Documentation (UA-625523-7)
* Generate documentation:
$ MOCHA_GENERATE_DOCS=true bundle install
* Commit documentation & push to GitHub
* Sign in to and find API key -
$ curl -u <email-address> -H 'OTP:<one-time-password>' > ~/.gem/credentials; chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials
* Release gem to Rubygems:
$ rake release
[runs tests]
mocha 1.2.0 built to pkg/mocha-1.2.0.gem.
Tagged v1.2.0.
Pushed git commits and tags.
Pushed mocha 1.2.0 to
### History
Mocha was initially harvested from projects at [Reevoo]( It's syntax is heavily based on that of [jMock](
### License
© Copyright Revieworld Ltd. 2006
You may use, copy and redistribute this library under the same terms as [Ruby itself]( or under the [MIT license](
233 | Humbug is a Mutation Testing framework for PHP to measure the real effectiveness of your test suites and assist in their improvement. It eats Code Coverage for breakfast. | Humbug: Mutation Testing for PHP
🚨 This package is deprecated, check out [Infection]( instead.
Humbug is a Mutation Testing framework for PHP. It is currently in development and
so, while it does actually work quite well, it will have rough edges that a team
of minions are working hard to hammer out. If it falls out of the gate, you have
been warned ;).
[]( []( [](
[]( [](
⚠️️ Update your remotes! Humbug has transferred to a new location. While your
existing repositories will redirect transparently for any operations, take some
time to transition to the new URL.
$ git remote set-url upstream
Replace `upstream` with the name of the remote you use locally; `upstream` is commonly
used but you may be using something else. You may also using a different URL (e.g. [email protected]:mockery/mockery.git).
Run `git remote -v` to see what you're actually using.
**Table of Contents**
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Git](#git)
- [Phar](#phar)
- [Composer](#composer)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Configure command](#configure-command)
- [Manual Configuration](#manual-configuration)
- [Running Humbug](#running-humbug)
- [The Metrics](#the-metrics)
- [Command Line Options](#command-line-options)
- [Overriding The Configured Timeout](#overriding-the-configured-timeout)
- [Restricting Files To Mutate](#restricting-files-to-mutate)
- [Mutate specific files](#mutate-specific-files)
- [Incremental Analysis](#incremental-analysis)
- [Performance](#performance)
- [Mutators](#mutators)
Mutation Testing is, in a nutshell, giving your unit tests a run for their money.
It involves injecting small defects into source code and then checking if the unit
tests noticed. If they do, then your unit tests have "killed" the mutation. If not,
the mutation has escaped detection. As unit tests are intended to prevent regressions,
having a real regression pass unnoticed would be a bad thing!
Whereas Code Coverage can tell you what code your tests are executing, Mutation
Testing is intended to help you judge how well your unit tests actually perform
and where they could be improved.
I've written in more detail about why Mutation Testing is worth having: [Lies, Damned Lies and Code Coverage: Towards Mutation Testing](
Humbug is an open source project that welcomes pull requests and issues from anyone.
Before opening pull requests, please read our short [Contribution Guide](
#### Git
You can clone and install Humbug's dependencies using Composer:
git clone
cd humbug
/path/to/composer.phar install
The humbug command is now at bin/humbug.
#### Phar
If you don't want to track the master branch directly, you can install the Humbug
phar as follows:
# If you wish to make humbug.phar directly executable
chmod +x humbug.phar
On Windows, you can just download using a browser or from Powershell v3 using the
following commands where `wget` is an alias for `Invoke-WebRequest`:
wget -OutFile humbug.phar
wget -OutFile humbug.phar.pubkey
If you're stuck with Powershell v2:
$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$client.DownloadFile("", "humbug.phar")
$client.DownloadFile("", "humbug.phar.pubkey")
##### PHAR Updates
The phar is signed with an openssl private key. You will need the pubkey file
to be stored beside the phar file at all times in order to use it. If you rename
`humbug.phar` to `humbug`, for example, then also rename the key from
`humbug.phar.pubkey` to `humbug.pubkey`.
The phar releases are currently done manually so they will not be updated with the
same frequency as git master. To update your current phar, just run:
./humbug.phar self-update
Note: Using a phar means that fixes may take longer to reach your version, but there's
more assurance of having a stable development version. The public key is
downloaded only once. It is re-used by self-update to verify future phar releases.
Once releases commence towards stable, there will be an alpha, beta, RC and a final
release. Your development track phar file will self-update automatically until
it reaches a stable release. If you wish to continue tracking the development
level phars, you will need to indicate this using one of the stability flags:
./humbug.phar self-update --dev
###### Self-Update Request Debugging
If you experience any issues self-updating with unexpected `openssl` or SSL errors,
please ensure that you have enabled the `openssl` extension. On Windows, you can
do this by adding or uncommenting the following line in the `php.ini` file for
PHP on the command line (if different than the file for your http server):
Certain other SSL errors may arise due missing certificates. You can rectify this
by finding their location on your system (e.g. `C:/xampp/php/ext/cacert.pem`), or
alternatively downloading a copy from Then
ensure the following option is correctly pointing to this file:
#### Composer
Due to Humbug's dependencies being pegged to recent versions, adding Humbug to
composer.json may give rise to conflicts. The above two methods of installation are
preferred where this occurs. You can however install it globally as any other
general purpose tool:
composer global require 'humbug/humbug=~1.0@dev'
And if you haven't done so previously...add this to `~/.bash_profile` (or `~/.bashrc`):
export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
Humbug currently works on PHP 5.4 or greater.
### Configuration
Humbug is still under development so, to repeat, beware of rough edges.
#### Configure command
To configure humbug in your project you may run:
humbug configure
This tool will ask some questions required to create the Humbug configuration file
#### Manual Configuration
In the base directory of your project create a `humbug.json.dist` file:
"timeout": 10,
"source": {
"directories": [
"logs": {
"text": "humbuglog.txt",
"json": "humbuglog.json"
You can commit the `humbug.json.dist` to your VCS and override it locally with a
`humbug.json` file.
Edit as appropriate. If you do not define at least one log, detailed information
about escaped mutants will not be available. The Text log is human readable.
If source files exist in the base directory, or files in the source directories
must be excluded, you can add exclude patterns (here's one for files in base
directory where composer vendor and Tests directories are excluded):
"timeout": 10,
"source": {
"directories": [
"excludes": [
"logs": {
"text": "humbuglog.txt"
If, from your project's base directory, you must run tests from another directory
then you can signal this also. You should not need to run Humbug from any directory
other than your project's base directory.
"chdir": "tests",
"timeout": 10,
"source": {
"directories": [
### Running Humbug
Ensure that your tests are all in a passing state (incomplete and skipped tests
are allowed). Humbug will quit if any of your tests are failing.
The magic command, while in your project's base directory (using the PHAR download) is:
or if you just cloned Humbug:
or if you added Humbug as a composer dependency to your project:
Instead of php with the xdebug extension you may also run Humbug via [phpdbg](
phpdbg -qrr humbug.phar
If all went well, you will get something similar to:
_ _ _
| || |_ _ _ __ | |__ _ _ __ _
| __ | || | ' \| '_ \ || / _` |
|_||_|\_,_|_|_|_|_.__/\_,_\__, |
Humbug version 1.0-dev
Humbug running test suite to generate logs and code coverage data...
361 [==========================================================] 28 secs
Humbug has completed the initial test run successfully.
Tests: 361 Line Coverage: 64.86%
Humbug is analysing source files...
Mutation Testing is commencing on 78 files...
(.: killed, M: escaped, S: uncovered, E: fatal error, T: timed out)
...MM.ES..SSSSSSSSSS...MMM.MEMME.SSSS.............SSMMSSSSM. | 120 (12/78)
M.M.M...TT.M...T.MM....S.....SSS..M..SMMSM...........M...... | 180 (17/78)
MM...M...ESSSEM..MMM.M.MM...SSS.SS.M.SMMMMMMM..SMMMMS....... | 240 (24/78)
SSSSSSSSM..E....S......SS......M.SS..S..M...SSSSSSSS....MMM. | 360 (37/78)
.M....MM..SM..S..SSSSSSSS.EM.S.E.M............M.....M.SM.M.M | 420 (45/78)
..M....MMS...MMSSS................M.....EME....SEMS...SSSSSS | 480 (52/78)
653 mutations were generated:
284 mutants were killed
218 mutants were not covered by tests
131 covered mutants were not detected
17 fatal errors were encountered
3 time outs were encountered
Mutation Score Indicator (MSI): 47%
Mutation Code Coverage: 67%
Covered Code MSI: 70%
Remember that some mutants will inevitably be harmless (i.e. false positives).
Humbug results are being logged as JSON to: log.json
Humbug results are being logged as TEXT to: log.txt
To explain the perhaps cryptic progress output:
* Killed Mutation (.): A mutation that caused unit tests to fail which is a positive
* Escaped Mutation (M): A mutation where the unit tests still passed which is not
what we want! Our unit tests should detect any behaviour changes.
* Uncovered Mutation (S): A mutation which occurs on a line not covered by any unit
test. Since there are no unit tests, this is another undesireable result.
* Fatal Error (E): A mutation created a fatal error. Usually a positive result since
it's obviously going to be noticed. In some cases, however, it might be a Humbug
problem that needs fixing.
* Timeout (T): This is where unit tests exceed the allowed timeout configured for
Humbug. Likely a positive result if your timeout is appropriate, and often occurs
when a mutation ends up creating an infinite loop.
Kills, errors and timeouts are all counted as detected mutations. We report errors
in the logs on the off chance that Humbug itself encountered an internal error, i.e.
a bug to be reported as an issue here!
#### The Metrics
The example summary results reported a number of metric scores:
* A Mutation Score Indicator (MSI) of 47%. This means that 47% of all generated
mutations were detected (i.e. kills, timeouts or fatal errors). The MSI is the
primary Mutation Testing metric. Given the code coverage of 65%, there is a 18%
discrepancy so Code Coverage was a terrible quality measurement in this example.
* Mutation Code Coverage is 67%. On average it should be within the same ballpark
as your normal code coverage, but code coverage ignores mutation frequency.
* The Mutation Score Indicator for code that is actually covered by tests was 70%
(i.e. ignoring code not even tested). This gives you some idea of how effective
the tests that do exist really are.
If you examine these metrics, the standout issue is that the MSI of 47% is 18 points
lower than the reported Code Coverage at 65%. These unit tests are far less effective
than Code Coverage alone could detect.
Interpreting these results requires some context. The logs will list all undetected
mutations as diffs against the original source code. Examining these will provide
further insight as to what specific mutations went undetected.
Command Line Options
Humbug has a few command line options of note, other than those normally associated
with any Symfony Console application.
#### Overriding The Configured Timeout
You can manually set the timeout threshold for any single test:
humbug --timeout=10
#### Restricting Files To Mutate
If you're only interested in mutating a subset of your files, you can pass
any number of `--file` options containing simple file names, globs or regular
expressions. Basically, these are all passed to the Symfony Finder's `name()`
humbug --file=NewClass.php --file=*Driver.php
This in no way restricts the initial Humbug check on the overall test suite which
is still executed in full to ensure all tests are passing correctly before
#### Mutate specific files
If you want to mutate only a few specific files, you can pass
any number of `--path` options containing full path file names. This option will be passed
to a filter `\Closure` that will intersect files found using the config and/or `--file` option
with the files provided by you using the `--path` option.
humbug --path=src/Data/NewClass.php --path=src/Driver/Driver.php
Note: This in no way restricts the initial Humbug check on the overall test suite which
is still executed in full to ensure all tests are passing correctly before
#### Incremental Analysis
Incremental Analysis (IA) is an experimental unfinished mode of operation where results
are cached locally between runs and reused where it makes sense. At present, this
mode operates very naively by eliminating test runs where both the immediate file
being mutated and the relevant tests for a mutated line have not been modified
since the last run (as determined by comparing the SHA1 of the files involved).
humbug --incremental
The IA mode offers a significant performance increase for relatively stable code
bases, and you're free to test it and see how it fares in real life. In the future,
it does need to take into accounts changes in files which contain parent classes,
imported traits and the classes of its immediate dependencies, all of which have
an impact on the behaviour of any given object.
IA utilises a local permanent cache, e.g. `/home/padraic/.humbug`.
Mutation Testing has traditionally been slow. The concept being to re-run your test
suite for each mutation generated. To speed things up significantly, Humbug does the
* On each test run, it only uses those test classes which cover the specific file
and line on which the mutation was inserted.
* It orders test classes to run so that the slowest go last (hopefully the faster
tests will detect mutations early!).
* If a mutation falls on a line not covered by any tests, well, we don't bother
running any tests.
* Performance may, depending on the source code, be significantly impacted by timeouts.
The default of 60s may be far too high for smaller codebases, and far too low for
larger ones. As a rule of thumb, it shouldn't exceed the seconds needed to
normally run the tests being mutated (and can be set lower).
While all of this speeds up Humbug, do be aware that a Humbug run will be slower than
unit testing. A 2 second test suite may require 30 seconds for mutation testing. Or
5 minutes. It all depends on the interplay between lines of code, number of tests,
level of code coverage, and the performance of both code and tests.
Humbug implements a basic suite of Mutators, which essentially tells us when a
particular PHP token can be mutated, and also apply that mutation to an array
of tokens.
Note: Source code held within functions (rather than class methods) is not mutated
at this time.
Binary Arithmetic:
| Original | Mutated | Original | Mutated |
| :------: |:-------:| :------: |:-------:|
| + | - | /= | *= |
| - | + | %= | *= |
| * | / | **= | /= |
| / | * | & | | |
| % | * | | | & |
| ** | / | ^ | & |
| += | -= | ~ | |
| -= | += | >> | << |
| *= | /= | << | >> |
Boolean Substitution:
This temporarily encompasses logical mutators.
| Original | Mutated |
| :------: |:-------:|
| true | false |
| false | true |
| && | || |
| || | && |
| and | or |
| or | and |
| ! | |
Conditional Boundaries:
| Original | Mutated
| :------: |:-------:
| > | >=
| < | <=
| >= | >
| <= | <
Negated Conditionals:
| Original | Mutated | Original | Mutated |
| :------: |:-------:| :------: |:-------:|
| == | != | > | <= |
| != | == | < | >= |
| <> | == | >= | < |
| === | !== | <= | > |
| !== | === |
| Original | Mutated |
| :------: |:-------:|
| ++ | -- |
| -- | ++ |
Return Values:
| Original | Mutated | Original | Mutated |
| :------: |:-------:| :------: |:-------:|
| return true; | return false; | return <Any Float > 1.0>; | return -(<Float> + 1); |
| return false; | return true; | return $this; | return null; |
| return 0; | return 1; | return function(); | function(); return null; |
| return <Any Integer>; | return 0; | return new Class; | new Class; return null; |
| return 0.0; | return 1.0; | return (`Anything`); | (`Anything`); return null; |
| return 1.0; | return 0.0; |
Literal Numbers:
| Original | Mutated |
| :------: |:-------:|
| 0 | 1 |
| 1 | 0 |
| Int > 1 | Int + 1 |
| Float >= 1 / <= 2 | Float + 1 |
| Float > 2 | 1 |
If Statements:
All if statements are covered largely by previous mutators, but there are special
cases such as using native functions or class methods without any compares or operations, e.g.
`is_int()` or `in_array()`. This would not cover functions defined in files since
they don't exist until runtime (something else to work on!).
| Original | Mutated |
| :------: |:-------:|
| if(is_int(1)) | if(!is_int(1)) |
More Mutators will be added over time.
JSON Log Stats
bin/humbug stats ../my-project/humbuglog.json ../my-project/list-of-classes.txt --skip-killed=yes [-vvv]
Parses stats from humbuglog.json or your custom named JSON log.
CLI reference:
humbug stats [humbuglog.json location] [class list location] [--skip-killed=yes] [-vvv]
humbuglog.json location, defaults to ./humbuglog.json
class list location, a path to a text file containing full class names, one per line.
only this files-related stats would be shown
--skip-killed=yes is used to completely skip output of "killed" section
various verbosity levels define amount of info to be displayed:
by default, there's one line per class with amount of mutants killed/escaped/errored/timed out (depending on output section)
-v adds one line per each mutant with line number and method name
-vv adds extra line for each mutant, displaying diff view of line mutant is detected in
-vvv shows full diff with several lines before and after
This can be tested on humbug itself, by running in humbug's dir:
bin/humbug stats [-vvv]
Did I Say Rough Edges?
This is a short list of known issues:
* Humbug does initial test runs, logging and code coverage. Should allow user to do that optionally.
* Test classes (not tests) are run in a specific order, fastest first. Interdependent test classes may
therefore fail regularly which will skew the results.
* Currently 100% PHPUnit specific, well 98.237%. There is an adapter where PHPUnit code is being shovelled.
* Certain test suite may make assumptions about having sole access to resources like /tmp which
will cause errors when Humbug tries using same.
* Fine grained test ordering by speed (as opposed to large grained test class ordering) is awaiting
* Should test classes be used to carry non-PHPUnit dependent testing code (e.g. register_shutdown_function()),
it may create issues when combined with one or more of Humbugs optimisations which assume a finished
test really is finished.
Bah, Humbug!
Courtesy of [Craig Davis]( who saw potential in a once empty repository :P.
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234 | Fixture-based test framework for Rust | [![Crate][crate-image]][crate-link]
[![Apache 2.0 Licensed][license-apache-image]][license-apache-link]
[![MIT Licensed][license-mit-image]][license-mit-link]
# Fixture-based test framework for Rust
## Introduction
`rstest` uses procedural macros to help you on writing
fixtures and table-based tests. To use it, add the
following lines to your `Cargo.toml` file:
rstest = "0.16.0"
### Fixture
The core idea is that you can inject your test dependencies
by passing them as test arguments. In the following example,
a `fixture` is defined and then used in two tests,
simply providing it as an argument:
use rstest::*;
pub fn fixture() -> u32 { 42 }
fn should_success(fixture: u32) {
assert_eq!(fixture, 42);
fn should_fail(fixture: u32) {
assert_ne!(fixture, 42);
### Parametrize
You can also inject values in some other ways. For instance, you can
create a set of tests by simply providing the injected values for each
case: `rstest` will generate an independent test for each case.
use rstest::rstest;
#[case(0, 0)]
#[case(1, 1)]
#[case(2, 1)]
#[case(3, 2)]
#[case(4, 3)]
fn fibonacci_test(#[case] input: u32, #[case] expected: u32) {
assert_eq!(expected, fibonacci(input))
Running `cargo test` in this case executes five tests:
running 5 tests
test fibonacci_test::case_1 ... ok
test fibonacci_test::case_2 ... ok
test fibonacci_test::case_3 ... ok
test fibonacci_test::case_4 ... ok
test fibonacci_test::case_5 ... ok
test result: ok. 5 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
If you need to just providing a bunch of values for which you
need to run your test, you can use `#[values(list, of, values)]`
argument attribute:
use rstest::rstest;
fn should_be_invalid(
#[values(None, Some(""), Some(" "))]
value: Option<&str>
) {
Or create a _matrix_ test by using _list of values_ for some
variables that will generate the cartesian product of all the
#### Use Parametrize definition in more tests
If you need to use a test list for more than one test you can use [`rstest_reuse`][reuse-crate-link]
crate. With this helper crate you can define a template and use it everywhere .
use rstest::rstest;
use rstest_reuse::{self, *};
#[case(2, 2)]
#[case(4/2, 2)]
fn two_simple_cases(#[case] a: u32, #[case] b: u32) {}
fn it_works(#[case] a: u32, #[case] b: u32) {
assert!(a == b);
See [`rstest_reuse`][reuse-crate-link] for more dettails.
### Magic Conversion
If you need a value where its type implement `FromStr()` trait you can use a literal
string to build it:
# use rstest::rstest;
# use std::net::SocketAddr;
#[case("", 8080)]
#[case("", 9000)]
fn check_port(#[case] addr: SocketAddr, #[case] expected: u16) {
assert_eq!(expected, addr.port());
You can use this feature also in value list and in fixture default value.
### Async
`rstest` provides out of the box `async` support. Just mark your
test function as `async` and it'll use `#[async-std::test]` to
annotate it. This feature can be really useful to build async
parametric tests using a tidy syntax:
use rstest::*;
#[case(5, 2, 3)]
#[case(42, 40, 1)]
async fn my_async_test(#[case] expected: u32, #[case] a: u32, #[case] b: u32) {
assert_eq!(expected, async_sum(a, b).await);
Currently only `async-std` is supported out of the box. But if you need to use
another runtime that provide it's own test attribute (i.e. `tokio::test` or
`actix_rt::test`) you can use it in your `async` test like described in
[Inject Test Attribute](#inject-test-attribute).
To use this feature, you need to enable `attributes` in the `async-std`
features list in your `Cargo.toml`:
async-std = { version = "1.5", features = ["attributes"] }
If your test input is an async value (fixture or test parameter) you can use `#[future]`
attribute to remove `impl Future<Output = T>` boilerplate and just use `T`:
use rstest::*;
async fn base() -> u32 { 42 }
#[case(21, async { 2 })]
#[case(6, async { 7 })]
async fn my_async_test(#[future] base: u32, #[case] expected: u32, #[future] #[case] div: u32) {
assert_eq!(expected, base.await / div.await);
### Test `#[timeout()]`
You can define an execution timeout for your tests with `#[timeout(<duration>)]` attribute. Timeouts
works both for sync and async tests and is runtime agnostic. `#[timeout(<duration>)]` take an
expression that should return a `std::time::Duration`. Follow a simple async example:
use rstest::*;
use std::time::Duration;
async fn delayed_sum(a: u32, b: u32,delay: Duration) -> u32 {
a + b
async fn single_pass() {
assert_eq!(4, delayed_sum(2, 2, ms(10)).await);
In this case test pass because the delay is just 10 milliseconds and timeout is
80 milliseconds.
You can use `timeout` attribute like any other attibute in your tests and you can
override a group timeout with a case specific one. In the follow example we have
3 tests where first and third use 100 millis but the second one use 10 millis.
Another valuable point in this example is to use an expression to compute the
fn ms(ms: u32) -> Duration {
#[case::pass(ms(1), 4)]
#[case::fail_timeout(ms(60), 4)]
#[case::fail_value(ms(1), 5)]
async fn group_one_timeout_override(#[case] delay: Duration, #[case] expected: u32) {
assert_eq!(expected, delayed_sum(2, 2, delay).await);
If you want to use `timeout` for `async` test you need to use `async-timeout`
feature (enabled by default).
### Inject Test Attribute
If you would like to use another `test` attribute for your test you can simply
indicate it in your test function's attributes. For instance if you want
to test some async function with use `actix_rt::test` attribute you can just write:
use rstest::*;
use actix_rt;
use std::future::Future;
#[case(2, async { 4 })]
#[case(21, async { 42 })]
async fn my_async_test(#[case] a: u32, result: #[case] #[future] u32) {
assert_eq!(2 * a, result.await);
Just the attributes that ends with `test` (last path segment) can be injected.
### Use `#[once]` Fixture
If you need to a fixture that should be inizialized just once for all tests
you can use `#[once]` attribute. `rstest` call your fixture function just once and
return a reference to your function result to all your tests:
fn once_fixture() -> i32 { 42 }
fn single(once_fixture: &i32) {
// All tests that use once_fixture will share the same reference to once_fixture()
// function result.
assert_eq!(&42, once_fixture)
## Complete Example
All these features can be used together with a mixture of fixture variables,
fixed cases and bunch of values. For instance, you might need two
test cases which test for panics, one for a logged in user and one for a guest user.
use rstest::*;
fn repository() -> InMemoryRepository {
let mut r = InMemoryRepository::default();
// fill repository with some data
fn alice() -> User {
User::logged("Alice", "2001-10-04", "London", "UK")
#[case::authed_user(alice())] // We can use `fixture` also as standard function
#[case::guest(User::Guest)] // We can give a name to every case : `guest` in this case
// and `authed_user`
#[should_panic(expected = "Invalid query error")] // We whould test a panic
fn should_be_invalid_query_error(
repository: impl Repository,
#[case] user: User,
#[values(" ", "^%$some#@invalid!chars", ".n.o.d.o.t.s.")] query: &str,
) {
repository.find_items(&user, query).unwrap();
This example will generate exactly 6 tests grouped by 2 different cases:
running 6 tests
test should_be_invalid_query_error::case_1_authed_user::query_1_____ - should panic ... ok
test should_be_invalid_query_error::case_2_guest::query_2_____someinvalid_chars__ - should panic ... ok
test should_be_invalid_query_error::case_1_authed_user::query_2_____someinvalid_chars__ - should panic ... ok
test should_be_invalid_query_error::case_2_guest::query_3____n_o_d_o_t_s___ - should panic ... ok
test should_be_invalid_query_error::case_1_authed_user::query_3____n_o_d_o_t_s___ - should panic ... ok
test should_be_invalid_query_error::case_2_guest::query_1_____ - should panic ... ok
test result: ok. 6 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
Note that the names of the values _try_ to convert the input expression in a
Rust valid identifier name to help you to find wich tests fail.
## More
Is that all? Not quite yet!
A fixture can be injected by another fixture and they can be called
using just some of its arguments.
fn user(#[default("Alice")] name: &str, #[default(22)] age: u8) -> User {
User::new(name, age)
fn is_alice(user: User) {
assert_eq!(, "Alice")
fn is_22(user: User) {
assert_eq!(user.age(), 22)
fn is_bob(#[with("Bob")] user: User) {
assert_eq!(, "Bob")
fn is_42(#[with("", 42)] user: User) {
assert_eq!(user.age(), 42)
As you noted you can provide default values without the need of a fixture
to define it.
Finally if you need tracing the input values you can just
add the `trace` attribute to your test to enable the dump of all input
#[case(42, "FortyTwo", ("minus twelve", -12))]
#[case(24, "TwentyFour", ("minus twentyfour", -24))]
#[trace] //This attribute enable traceing
fn should_fail(#[case] number: u32, #[case] name: &str, #[case] tuple: (&str, i32)) {
assert!(false); // <- stdout come out just for failed tests
running 2 tests
test should_fail::case_1 ... FAILED
test should_fail::case_2 ... FAILED
---- should_fail::case_1 stdout ----
------------ TEST ARGUMENTS ------------
number = 42
name = "FortyTwo"
tuple = ("minus twelve", -12)
-------------- TEST START --------------
thread 'should_fail::case_1' panicked at 'assertion failed: false', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace.
---- should_fail::case_2 stdout ----
------------ TEST ARGUMENTS ------------
number = 24
name = "TwentyFour"
tuple = ("minus twentyfour", -24)
-------------- TEST START --------------
thread 'should_fail::case_2' panicked at 'assertion failed: false', src/
test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 2 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out
In case one or more variables don't implement the `Debug` trait, an error
is raised, but it's also possible to exclude a variable using the
`#[notrace]` argument attribute.
You can learn more on [Docs][docs-link] and find more examples in
[`tests/resources`](tests/resources) directory.
## Changelog
See [](
## License
Licensed under either of
* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
* MIT license [LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or [license-MIT-link]
at your option.
[//]: # (links)
235 | Hackable HTTP proxy for resiliency testing and simulated network conditions | # toxy []( []( []( [](
> **Not actively maintained, may not work with latest node.js runtimes**. If you are interested in maintaining toxy, please open an issue.
**Hackable HTTP proxy** to **simulate** server **failure scenarios**, **systems resiliency testing** and **unexpected network conditions**, built for [node.js](
<img align="right" height="180" src="" />
It was mainly designed for failure resistance testing, when toxy becomes particularly useful in order to cover fault tolerance and resiliency capabilities of a system, especially in [disruption-tolerant networks]( and [service-oriented]( architectures, where toxy may act as MitM proxy among services in order to inject failure.
toxy allows you to plug in [poisons](#poisons), optionally filtered by [rules](#rules), which essentially can intercept and alter the HTTP flow as you need, performing multiple evil actions in the middle of that process, such as limiting the bandwidth, delaying network packets, injecting network jitter latency or replying with a custom error or status code.
It primarily operates at L7, although it can simulate L3 network conditions.
toxy can be fluently used [programmatically](#programmatic-api) or via [HTTP API](#http-api).
It was built on top of [rocky](, a full-featured middleware-oriented HTTP proxy, and it's also [pluggable]( in [connect]([express]( as standard middleware.
Requires node.js +4.
## Contents
- [Features](#features)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Why toxy?](#why-toxy)
- [Concepts](#concepts)
- [How it works](#how-it-works)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Benchmark](#benchmark)
- [Poisons](#poisons)
- [Poisoning scopes](#poisoning-scopes)
- [Poisoning phases](#poisoning-phases)
- [Built-in poisons](#built-in-poisons)
- [Latency](#latency)
- [Inject response](#inject-response)
- [Bandwidth](#bandwidth)
- [Rate limit](#rate-limit)
- [Slow read](#slow-read)
- [Slow open](#slow-open)
- [Slow close](#slow-close)
- [Throttle](#throttle)
- [Abort connection](#abort-connection)
- [Timeout](#timeout)
- [How to write poisons](#how-to-write-poisons)
- [Rules](#rules)
- [Built-in rules](#built-in-rules)
- [Probability](#probability)
- [Time threshold](#time-threshold)
- [Method](#method)
- [Content Type](#content-type)
- [Headers](#headers)
- [Response headers](#response-headers)
- [Body](#body)
- [Response body](#response-body)
- [Response status](#response-status)
- [Third-party rules](#third-party-rules)
- [How to write rules](#how-to-write-rules)
- [Programmatic API](#programmatic-api)
- [HTTP API](#http-api)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Authorization](#authorization)
- [API](#api)
- [Programmatic API](#programmatic-api-1)
- [License](#license)
## Features
- Full-featured HTTP/S proxy (backed by [rocky]( and [http-proxy](
- Hackable and elegant programmatic API (inspired on connect/express)
- Admin HTTP API for external management and dynamic configuration
- Featured built-in router with nested configuration
- Hierarchical and composable poisoning with rule based filtering
- Hierarchical middleware layer (both global and route scopes)
- Easily augmentable via middleware (based on connect/express middleware)
- Supports both incoming and outgoing traffic poisoning
- Built-in poisons (bandwidth, error, abort, latency, slow read...)
- Rule-based poisoning (probabilistic, HTTP method, headers, body...)
- Supports third-party poisons and rules
- Built-in balancer and traffic interceptor via middleware
- Inherits API and features from [rocky](
- Compatible with connect/express (and most of their middleware)
- Able to run as standalone HTTP proxy
## Introduction
### Why toxy?
There're some other similar solutions like `toxy` in the market, but most of them do not provide a proper programmatic control and usually are not easy to hack, configure or are directly closed to extensibility.
Furthermore, the majority of those solutions only operates at TCP L3 level stack instead of providing high-level abstractions to cover common requirements in the specific domain and nature of the HTTP L7 protocol, like toxy tries to provide
toxy brings a powerful hackable and extensible solution with a convenient abstraction, but without losing a proper low-level interface capabilities to deal with HTTP protocol primitives easily.
toxy was designed based on the rules of composition, simplicity and extensibility.
Via its built-in hierarchical domain specific middleware layer you can easily augment toxy features to your own needs.
### Concepts
`toxy` introduces two directives: poisons and rules.
**Poisons** are the specific logic which infects an incoming or outgoing HTTP transaction (e.g: injecting a latency, replying with an error). One HTTP transaction can be poisoned by one or multiple poisons, and those poisons can be also configured to infect both global or route level traffic.
**Rules** are a kind of match validation filters that inspects an HTTP request/response in order to determine, given a certain rules, if the HTTP transaction should be poisoned or not (e.g: if headers matches, query params, method, body...).
Rules can be reused and applied to both incoming and outgoing traffic flows, including different scopes: global, route or poison level.
### How it works
↓ ( Incoming request ) ↓
↓ ||| ↓
↓ +-------------+ ↓
↓ | Toxy Router | ↓ -> Match the incoming request
↓ +-------------+ ↓
↓ ||| ↓
↓ +--------------------+ ↓
↓ | Incoming phase | ↓ -> The proxy receives the request from the client
↓ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ↓
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | | Exec Rules | | ↓ -> Apply configured rules for the incoming request
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | ||| | ↓
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | | Exec Poisons | | ↓ -> If all rules passed, then poison the HTTP flow
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ ↓
↓ / \ ↓
↓ \ / ↓
↓ +--------------------+ ↓
↓ | HTTP dispatcher | ↓ -> Forward the HTTP traffic to the target server, either poisoned or not
↓ +--------------------+ ↓
↓ / \ ↓
↓ \ / ↓
↓ +--------------------+ ↓
↓ | Outgoing phase | ↓ -> Receives response from target server
↓ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| ↓
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | | Exec Rules | | ↓ -> Apply configured rules for the outgoing request
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | ||| | ↓
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ | | Exec Poisons | | ↓ -> If all rules passed, then poison the HTTP flow before send it to the client
↓ | ---------------- | ↓
↓ +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ ↓
↓ ||| ↓
↓ ( Send to the client ) ↓ -> Finally, send the request to the client, either poisoned or not
## Usage
### Installation
npm install toxy
### Examples
See [examples]( directory for more use cases.
var toxy = require('toxy')
var poisons = toxy.poisons
var rules = toxy.rules
// Create a new toxy proxy
var proxy = toxy()
// Default server to forward incoming traffic
// Register global poisons and rules
.poison(poisons.latency({ jitter: 500 }))
// Register multiple routes
.poison(poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))
.withRule(rules.headers({'Authorization': /^Bearer (.*)$/i }))
// Infect outgoing traffic only (after the server replied properly)
.outgoingPoison(poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 512 }))
.withRule(rules.timeThreshold({ duration: 1000, threshold: 1000 * 10 }))
.withRule(rules.responseStatus({ range: [ 200, 400 ] }))
.poison(poisons.rateLimit({ limit: 10, threshold: 1000 }))
.withRule(rules.method(['POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']))
// And use a different more permissive poison for GET requests
.poison(poisons.rateLimit({ limit: 50, threshold: 1000 }))
// Handle the rest of the traffic
.poison(poisons.slowClose({ delay: 1000 }))
.poison(poisons.slowRead({ bps: 128 }))
console.log('Server listening on port:', 3000)
console.log('Test it:', 'http://localhost:3000/image/jpeg')
## Benchmark
See [toxy/benchmark]( for details.
## Poisons
Poisons host specific logic which intercepts and mutates, wraps, modify and/or cancel an HTTP transaction in the proxy server.
Poisons can be applied to incoming or outgoing, or even both traffic flows (see [poison phases](#poisoning-phases)).
Poisons can be composed and reused for different HTTP scenarios.
They are executed in FIFO order and asynchronously.
### Poisoning scopes
`toxy` has a hierarchical design based on two different scopes: `global` and `route`.
**Global** scope points to all the incoming HTTP traffic received by the proxy server, regardless of the HTTP method or path.
**Route** scope points to any incoming traffic which matches with a specific HTTP verb and URI path.
Poisons can be plugged to both scopes, meaning you can operate with better accuracy and restrict the scope of the poisoning,
for instance, you might wanna apply a bandwidth limit poisoning only to
a certain routes, such as `/download` or `/images`.
See [routes.js]( for a featured example.
### Poisoning phases
Poisons can be plugged to incoming or outgoing traffic flows, or even both.
**Incoming** poisoning is applied when the traffic has been received by proxy
but it has not been forwarded to the target server yet.
**Outgoing** poisoning refers to the traffic that has been forwarded to the target server and
when proxy receives the response from it, but that response has not been sent to the client yet.
This means, essentially, that you can plug in your poisons to infect the HTTP traffic
before or after the request is forwarded to the target HTTP server or sent to the client.
This allows you apply a better and more accurated poisoning based on the request or server response.
For instance, given the nature of some poisons, like `inject error`,
you may want to enable it according to the target server response (e.g: some header is present or not).
See [poison-phases.js]( for a featured example.
### Built-in poisons
#### Latency
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>true</td>
Infects the HTTP flow injecting a latency jitter in the response
- **options** `object`
- **jitter** `number` - Jitter value in milliseconds
- **max** `number` - Random jitter maximum value
- **min** `number` - Random jitter minimum value
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.latency({ jitter: 1000 }))
// Or alternatively using a random value
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.latency({ max: 1000, min: 100 }))
#### Inject response
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>false (only as incoming poison)</td>
Injects a custom response, intercepting the request before sending it to the target server.
Useful to inject errors originated in the server.
- **options** `object`
- **code** `number` - Response HTTP status code. Default `500`
- **headers** `object` - Optional headers to send
- **body** `mixed` - Optional body data to send. It can be a `buffer` or `string`
- **encoding** `string` - Body encoding. Default to `utf8`
code: 503,
body: '{"error": "toxy injected error"}',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
#### Bandwidth
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>true</td>
Limits the amount of bytes sent over the network in outgoing HTTP traffic for a specific time frame.
This poison is basically an alias to [throttle](#throttle).
- **options** `object`
- **bytes** `number` - Amount of chunk of bytes to send. Default `1024`
- **threshold** `number` - Packets time frame in milliseconds. Default `1000`
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bytes: 512 }))
#### Rate limit
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>true</td>
Limits the amount of requests received by the proxy in a specific threshold time frame. Designed to test API limits. Exposes typical `X-RateLimit-*` headers.
Note that this is very simple rate limit implementation, indeed limits are stored in-memory, therefore are completely volatile.
There're a bunch of featured and consistent rate limiter implementations in [npm]( that you can plug in as poison. You might be also interested in [token bucket algorithm](
- **options** `object`
- **limit** `number` - Total amount of requests. Default to `10`
- **threshold** `number` - Limit time frame in milliseconds. Default to `1000`
- **message** `string` - Optional error message when limit is reached.
- **code** `number` - HTTP status code when limit is reached. Default to `429`.
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.rateLimit({ limit: 5, threshold: 10 * 1000 }))
#### Slow read
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>true</td>
Reads incoming payload data packets slowly. Only valid for non-GET request.
- **options** `object`
- **chunk** `number` - Packet chunk size in bytes. Default to `1024`
- **threshold** `number` - Limit threshold time frame in milliseconds. Default to `1000`
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.slowRead({ chunk: 2048, threshold: 1000 }))
#### Slow open
Name: `slowOpen`
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>true</td>
Delays the HTTP connection ready state.
- **options** `object`
- **delay** `number` - Delay connection in milliseconds. Default to `1000`
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.slowOpen({ delay: 2000 }))
#### Slow close
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>true</td>
Delays the HTTP connection close signal (EOF).
- **options** `object`
- **delay** `number` - Delay time in milliseconds. Default to `1000`
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.slowClose({ delay: 2000 }))
#### Throttle
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>true</td>
Restricts the amount of packets sent over the network in a specific threshold time frame.
- **options** `object`
- **chunk** `number` - Packet chunk size in bytes. Default to `1024`
- **delay** `object` - Data chunk delay time frame in milliseconds. Default to `100`
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.throttle({ chunk: 2048, threshold: 1000 }))
#### Abort connection
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>false (only as incoming poison)</td>
Aborts the TCP connection. From the low-level perspective, this will destroy the socket on the server, operating only at TCP level without sending any specific HTTP application level data.
- **options** `object`
- **delay** `number` - Aborts TCP connection after waiting the given milliseconds. Default to `0`
- **next** `boolean` - If `true`, the connection will be aborted if the target server takes more than the `delay` param time to reply. Default to `false`
- **error** `Error` - Custom internal node.js error to use when destroying the socket. Default to `null`
// Basic connection abort
// Abort after a delay
// In this case, the socket will be closed if
// the target server takes more than
// 2 seconds to respond
toxy.poison(toxy.poisons.abort({ delay: 2000, next: true }))
#### Timeout
<td><b>Poisoning Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
<td><b>Reaches the server</b></td><td>true</td>
Defines a response timeout. Useful when forward to potentially slow servers.
- **milliseconds** `number` - Timeout limit in milliseconds
### How to write poisons
Poisons are implemented as standard middleware function with the same interface as connect/express middleware.
Some poisons are not trivial to implement so you've to be familiar with node.js [http]( module and its API.
Here's a simple example of a server latency poison:
var toxy = require('toxy')
function customLatencyPoison (delay) {
// We name the function since toxy uses it as identifier to get/disable/remove it in the future
return function customLatency (req, res, next) {
var timeout = setTimeout(process, delay)
req.once('close', onClose)
function onClose () {
next('client connection closed')
function process () {
req.removeListener('close', onClose)
var proxy = toxy()
// Register and enable the poison
You can optionally extend the build-in poisons with your own poisons:
// Then you can use it as a built-in poison
For featured real example, take a look to the [built-in poisons]( implementation.
## Rules
Rules are simple validation filters which inspects an incoming or outgoing HTTP traffic in order to determine, given a certain rules (e.g: matches the method, headers, query params, body...), if the current HTTP transaction should be poisoned or not, based on the resolution value of the rule.
Rules are useful to compose, decouple and reuse logic among different scenarios of poisoning.
Rules can be applied to global, route or even poison scope, and it also applies to both [phases of poisoning](#poisoning-phases).
Rules are executed in FIFO order. Their evaluation logic is equivalent to `Array#every()` in JavaScript: all the rules must pass in order to proceed with the poisoning.
### Built-in rules
#### Probability
<td><b>Poison Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
Enables the rule by a random probabilistic. Useful for random poisoning.
- **percentage** `number` - Percentage of filtering. Default `50`
var rule = toxy.rules.probability(85)
#### Time threshold
<td><b>Poison Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
Simple rule to enable poisons based on a specific time threshold and duration.
For instance, you can enable a certain poisons during a specific amount of time (e.g: 1 second) within a time threshold (e.g: 1 minute).
- **options** `object`
- **duration** `number` - Enable time interval in milliseconds. Default to `1000`
- **threshold** `number` - Time threshold in milliseconds to wait before re-enable the poisoning. Default to `10000`
// Enable the poisoning only 100 milliseconds per each 10 seconds
// Enable poisoning during 1 second every minute
proxy.rule(toxy.rules.timeThreshold({ duration: 1000, period: 1000 * 60 }))
#### Method
<td><b>Poison Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
Filters by HTTP method.
- **method** `string|array` - Method or methods to filter.
var method = toxy.rules.method(['GET', 'POST'])
#### Content Type
Filters by content type header. It should be present
- **value** `string|regexp` - Header value to match.
var rule = toxy.rules.contentType('application/json')
#### Headers
<td><b>Poison Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
Filter by request headers.
- **headers** `object` - Headers to match by key-value pair. `value` can be a string, regexp, `boolean` or `function(headerValue, headerName) => boolean`
var matchHeaders = {
'content-type': /^application/\json/i,
'server': true, // meaning it should be present,
'accept': function (value, key) {
return value.indexOf('text') !== -1
var rule = toxy.rules.headers(matchHeaders)
#### Response headers
<td><b>Poison Phase</b></td><td>outgoing</td>
Filter by response headers from target server. Same as `headers` rule, but evaluating the outgoing request.
- **headers** `object` - Headers to match by key-value pair. `value` can be a `string`, `regexp`, `boolean` or `function(headerValue, headerName) => boolean`
var matchHeaders = {
'content-type': /^application/\json/i,
'server': true, // meaning it should be present,
'accept': function (value, key) {
return value.indexOf('text') !== -1
var rule = toxy.rules.responseHeaders(matchHeaders)
#### Body
<td><b>Poison Phase</b></td><td>incoming / outgoing</td>
Match incoming body payload by a given `string`, `regexp` or custom filter `function`.
This rule is pretty simple, so for complex body matching (e.g: validating against a JSON schema)
you should probably write your own rule.
- **match** `string|regexp|function` - Body content to match
- **limit** `string` - Optional. Body limit in human size. E.g: `5mb`
- **encoding** `string` - Body encoding. Default to `utf8`
- **length** `number` - Body length. Default taken from `Content-Length` header
var rule = toxy.rules.body('"hello":"world"')
// Or using a filter function returning a boolean
var rule = toxy.rules.body(function contains(body) {
return body.indexOf('hello') !== -1
#### Response body
<td><b>Poison Phase</b></td><td>outgoing</td>
Match outgoing body payload by a given `string`, `regexp` or custom filter `function`.
- **match** `string|regexp|function` - Body content to match
- **encoding** `string` - Body encoding. Default to `utf8`
- **length** `number` - Body length. Default taken from `Content-Length` header
var rule = toxy.rules.responseBody('"hello":"world"')
// Or using a filter function returning a boolean
var rule = toxy.rules.responseBody(function contains(body) {
return body.indexOf('hello') !== -1
#### Response status
<td><b>Poison Phase</b></td><td>outgoing</td>
Evaluates the response status from the target server.
Only applicable to outgoing poisons.
- **range** `array` - Pair of status code range to match. Default `[200, 300]`.
- **lower** `number` - Compare status as `lower than` operation. Default to `null`.
- **higher** `number` - Compare status as `higher than` operation. Default to `null`.
- **value** `number` - Status code to match using a strict equality comparison. Default `null`.
- **include** `array` - Unordered list of status codes to match. Useful to specify custom status. Default `null`
// Strict evaluation of the status code
// Using a range of valid status
toxy.rule(toxy.rules.responseBody([200, 204]))
// Using relational comparison
toxy.rule(toxy.rules.responseBody({ higher: 199, lower: 400 }))
// Custom unordered status code to match
toxy.rule(toxy.rules.responseBody({ include: [200, 204, 400, 404] }))
### Third-party rules
List of available third-party rules provided by the community. PR are welcome.
- [IP]( - Enable/disable poisons based on the client IP address (supports CIDR, subnets, ranges...).
### How to write rules
Rules are simple middleware functions that resolve asynchronously with a `boolean` value to determine if a given HTTP transaction should be ignored when poisoning.
Your rule must resolve with a `boolean` param calling the `next(err,
shouldIgnore)` function in the middleware, passing a `true` value if the rule has not matches and should not apply the poisoning, and therefore continuing with the next middleware stack.
Here's an example of a simple rule matching the HTTP method to determine if:
var toxy = require('toxy')
function customMethodRule(matchMethod) {
* We name the function since it's used by toxy to identify the rule to get/disable/remove it in the future
return function customMethodRule(req, res, next) {
var shouldIgnore = req.method !== matchMethod
next(null, shouldIgnore)
var proxy = toxy()
// Register and enable the rule
.poison(/* ... */)
You can optionally extend the build-in rules with your own rules:
// Then you can use it as a built-in poison
For featured real examples, take a look to the built-in rules [implementation](
## Programmatic API
`toxy` API is completely built on top the [rocky API]( In other words, you can use any of the methods, features and middleware layer natively provided by `rocky`.
### toxy([ options ])
Create a new `toxy` proxy.
For supported `options`, please see rocky [documentation](
var toxy = require('toxy')
toxy({ forward: '', timeout: 30000 })
.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))
.outgoingPoison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))
#### toxy#get(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: `ToxyRoute`
Register a new route for `GET` method.
#### toxy#post(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: `ToxyRoute`
Register a new route for `POST` method.
#### toxy#put(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: `ToxyRoute`
Register a new route for `PUT` method.
#### toxy#patch(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: `ToxyRoute`
#### toxy#delete(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: `ToxyRoute`
Register a new route for `DELETE` method.
#### toxy#head(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: `ToxyRoute`
Register a new route for `HEAD` method.
#### toxy#all(path, [ middleware... ])
Return: `ToxyRoute`
Register a new route for any method.
#### toxy#poisons `=>` Object
Exposes a map with the built-in poisons. Prototype alias to `toxy.poisons`
#### toxy#rules `=>` Object
Exposes a map with the built-in poisons. Prototype alias to `toxy.rules`
#### toxy#forward(url)
Define a URL to forward the incoming traffic received by the proxy.
#### toxy#balance(urls)
Forward to multiple servers balancing among them.
For more information, see the [rocky docs](
#### toxy#replay(url)
Define a new replay server.
You can call this method multiple times to define multiple replay servers.
For more information, see the [rocky docs](
#### toxy#use(middleware)
Plug in a custom middleware.
For more information, see the [rocky docs](
#### toxy#useResponse(middleware)
Plug in a response outgoing traffic middleware.
For more information, see the [rocky docs](
#### toxy#useReplay(middleware)
Plug in a replay traffic middleware.
For more information, see the [rocky docs](
#### toxy#requestBody(middleware)
Intercept incoming request body. Useful to modify it on the fly.
For more information, see the [rocky docs](
#### toxy#responseBody(middleware)
Intercept outgoing response body. Useful to modify it on the fly.
For more information, see the [rocky docs](
#### toxy#middleware()
Return a standard middleware to use with connect/express.
#### toxy#host(host)
Overwrite the `Host` header with a custom value. Similar to `forwardHost` option.
#### toxy#redirect(url)
Redirect traffic to the given URL.
#### toxy#findRoute(routeIdOrPath, [ method ])
Find a route by ID or path and method.
#### toxy#listen(port)
Starts the built-in HTTP server, listening on a specific TCP port.
#### toxy#close([ callback ])
Closes the HTTP server.
#### toxy#poison(poison)
Alias: `usePoison`, `useIncomingPoison`
Register a new poison to infect [incoming](#poisoning-phases) traffic.
#### toxy#outgoingPoison(poison)
Alias: `useOutgoingPoison`, `responsePoison`
Register a new poison to infect [outgoing](#poisoning-phases) traffic.
#### toxy#rule(rule)
Alias: `useRule`
Register a new rule.
#### toxy#withRule(rule)
Aliases: `ifRule`, `whenRule`, `poisonRule`, `poisonFilter`
Apply a new rule for the latest registered poison.
#### toxy#enable(poison)
Enable a poison by name identifier
#### toxy#disable(poison)
Disable a poison by name identifier
#### toxy#remove(poison)
Return: `boolean`
Remove an incoming traffic poison by name identifier or object reference.
#### toxy#removeOutgoing(poison)
Return: `boolean`
Remove an outgoing traffic poison by name identifier or object reference.
#### toxy#isEnabled(poison)
Return: `boolean`
Checks if a poison is enabled by name identifier.
#### toxy#disableAll()
Alias: `disablePoisons`
Disable all the registered poisons.
#### toxy#getPoison(name)
Return: `Directive|null`
Searches and retrieves a registered poison in the stack by name identifier.
#### toxy#getIncomingPoison(name)
Return: `Directive|null`
Searches and retrieves a registered `incoming` poison in the stack by name identifier.
#### toxy#getOutgoingPoison(name)
Return: `Directive|null`
Searches and retrieves a registered `outgoing` poison in the stack by name identifier.
#### toxy#getPoisons()
Return: `array<Directive>`
Return an array of registered poisons.
#### toxy#getIncomingPoisons()
Return: `array<Directive>`
Return an array of registered `incoming` poisons.
#### toxy#getOutgoingPoisons()
Return: `array<Directive>`
Return an array of registered `outgoing` poisons.
#### toxy#flush()
Alias: `flushPoisons`
Remove all the registered poisons for both incoming and outgoing traffic flows.
#### toxy#enableRule(rule)
Enable a rule by name identifier.
#### toxy#disableRule(rule)
Disable a rule by name identifier.
#### toxy#removeRule(rule)
Return: `boolean`
Remove a rule by name identifier.
#### toxy#disableRules()
Disable all the registered rules.
#### toxy#isRuleEnabled(rule)
Return: `boolean`
Checks if the given rule is enabled by name identifier.
#### toxy#getRule(rule)
Return: `Directive|null`
Searches and retrieves a registered rule in the stack by name identifier.
#### toxy#getRules()
Return: `array<Directive>`
Returns and array with the registered rules wrapped as `Directive`.
#### toxy#flushRules()
Remove all the rules.
### toxy.addPoison(name, fn)
Extend built-in poisons.
### toxy.addRule(name, fn)
Extend built-in rules.
### toxy.poisons `=>` Object
Exposes a map with the built-in poisons.
### toxy.rules `=>` Object
Exposes a map with the built-in rules.
### toxy.VERSION `=>` String
Current toxy semantic version.
### ToxyRoute
`ToxyRoute` exposes the same interface as `Toxy` global interface, it just adds some route level [additional methods](
Further actions you perform against the `ToxyRoute` API will only be applicable at route-level (nested). In other words: you already know the API.
This example will probably clarify possible doubts:
var toxy = require('toxy')
var proxy = toxy()
// Now using the global API
.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))
// Now create a route
var route = proxy
.toPath('/bar') // Route-level API method
.host('') // Route-level API method
// Now using the ToxyRoute interface
.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 512 }))
### Directive(middlewareFn)
A convenient wrapper internally used for poisons and rules.
Normally you don't need to know this interface, but for hacking purposes or more low-level actions might be useful.
#### Directive#enable()
Return: `boolean`
#### Directive#disable()
Return: `boolean`
#### Directive#isEnabled()
Return: `boolean`
#### Directive#rule(rule)
Alias: `filter`
#### Directive#handler()
Return: `function(req, res, next)`
The `toxy` HTTP API follows the [JSON API]( conventions, including resource based hypermedia linking.
### Usage
For a featured use case, see the [admin server](examples/admin.js) example.
const toxy = require('toxy')
// Create the toxy admin server
var admin = toxy.admin({ cors: true })
// Create the toxy proxy
var proxy = toxy()
// Add the toxy instance to be managed by the admin server
// Then configure the proxy
.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 }))
// Handle the rest of the traffic
.poison(toxy.poisons.bandwidth({ bps: 1024 * 5 }))
console.log('toxy proxy listening on port:', 3000)
console.log('toxy admin server listening on port:', 9000)
For more details about the admin programmatic API, see [below](#programmatic-api-1).
### Authorization
The HTTP API can be protected to unauthorized clients.
Authorized clients must define the API key token via `API-Key` or `Authorization` HTTP headers.
To enable it, you should simple pass the following options to `toxy` admin server:
const toxy = require('toxy')
const opts = { apiKey: 's3cr3t' }
var admin = toxy.admin(opts)
console.log('protected toxy admin server listening on port:', 9000)
### API
- **Servers** - Managed `toxy` instances
- **Rules** - Globally applied rules
- **Poisons** - Globally applied poisons
- **Rules** - Poison-specific rules
- **Routes** - List of configured routes
- **Route** - Object for each specific route
- **Rules** - Route-level registered rules
- **Poisons** - Route-level registered poisons
- **Rules** - Route-level poison-specific rules
#### GET /
### Servers
#### GET /servers
#### GET /servers/:id
### Rules
#### GET /servers/:id/rules
#### POST /servers/:id/rules
Accepts: `application/json`
Example payload:
"name": "method",
"options": "GET"
#### DELETE /servers/:id/rules
#### GET /servers/:id/rules/:id
#### DELETE /servers/:id/rules/:id
### Poisons
#### GET /servers/:id/poison
#### POST /servers/:id/poisons
Accepts: `application/json`
Example payload:
"name": "latency",
"phase": "outgoing",
"options": { "jitter": 1000 }
#### DELETE /servers/:id/poisons
#### GET /servers/:id/poisons/:id
#### DELETE /servers/:id/poisons/:id
#### GET /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules
#### POST /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules
Accepts: `application/json`
Example payload:
"name": "method",
"options": "GET"
#### DELETE /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules
#### GET /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules/:id
#### DELETE /servers/:id/poisons/:id/rules/:id
### Routes
#### GET /servers/:id/routes
#### POST /servers/:id/routes
Accepts: `application/json`
Example payload:
"path": "/foo", // Required
"method": "GET", // use ALL for all the methods
"forward": "http://my.server", // Optional custom forward server URL
#### DELETE /servers/:id/routes
#### GET /servers/:id/routes/:id
#### DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id
### Route rules
#### GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules
#### POST /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules
Accepts: `application/json`
Example payload:
"name": "method",
"options": "GET"
#### DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules
#### GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules/:id
#### DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/rules/:id
### Route poisons
#### GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons
#### POST /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons
Accepts: `application/json`
Example payload:
"name": "latency",
"phase": "outgoing",
"options": { "jitter": 1000 }
#### DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons
#### GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id
#### DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id
#### GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules
#### POST /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules
Accepts: `application/json`
Example payload:
"name": "method",
"options": "GET"
#### DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules
#### GET /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules/:id
#### DELETE /servers/:id/routes/:id/poisons/:id/rules/:id
### Programmatic API
The built-in HTTP admin server also provides a simple interface open to extensibility and hacking purposes.
For instance, you can plug in additional middleware to the admin server, or register new routes.
#### toxy.admin([ opts ])
Returns: `Admin`
**Supported options**:
- **apiKey** `string` - Optional API key to protect the server
- **port** `number` - Optional. TCP port to listen
- **cors** `boolean` - Enable CORS for web browser access
- **middleware** `array<function>` - Plug in additional middleware
- **ssl** `object` - Node.js HTTPS server [TLS options](
##### Admin#listen([ port, host ])
Start listening on the network.
##### Admin#manage(toxy)
Manage a `toxy` server instance.
##### Admin#find(toxy)
Find a toxy instance. Accepts toxy server ID or toxy instance.
##### Admin#remove(toxy)
Stop managing a toxy instance.
##### Admin#use(...middleware)
Register a middleware.
##### Admin#param(...middleware)
Register a param middleware.
##### Admin#get(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a GET route.
##### Admin#post(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a POST route.
##### Admin#put(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a PUT route.
##### Admin#delete(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a DELETE route.
##### Admin#patch(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a PATCH route.
##### Admin#all(path, [ ...middleware ])
Register a route accepting any HTTP method.
##### Admin#middleware(req, res, next)
Middleware to plug in with connect/express.
##### Admin#close(cb)
Stop the server.
## License
MIT - Tomas Aparicio
236 | Hassle-free inline clojure.spec with semi-automatic generative testing and side effect detection | null |
237 | A smooth testing lib for F#. APIs made for humans! Strong testing methodologies for everyone! | <h1 align="center">Expecto</h1>
<p align="center">An advanced testing library for F#</p>
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Expecto aims to make it easy to test CLR based software; be it with unit tests, stress tests, regression tests or
property based tests. Expecto tests are parallel and async by default, so that you can use all your cores for
testing your software. This also opens up a new way of catching threading and memory issues for free using stress

With Expecto you write tests as values. Tests can be composed, reduced, filtered, repeated and passed as values, because
they are values. This gives the programmer a lot of leverage when writing tests. Setup and teardown are just simple
functions, no need for attributes.
Expecto comes with batteries included with an integrated test runner, but it's still open for extension due to its
compositional model.
Expecto comes with performance testing, making statistically sound performance comparison simple.
Expecto also provides a simple API for property based testing using FsCheck.
## Quickstart
dotnet new -i Expecto.Template::*
dotnet new expecto -n PROJECT_NAME -o FOLDER_NAME
Follow [Smooth Testing]( on YouTube to learn the basics.
What follows is the Table of Contents for this README, which also serves as the documentation for the project.
<!-- toc -->
- [Installing](#installing)
- [IDE integrations](#IDE-integrations)
- [.Net integration](#net-integration)
- [Prettify stacktraces/ship test logs](#prettify-stacktracesship-test-logs)
- [TestResults file](#testresults-file)
- [.Net support](#net-support)
- [Testing "Hello world"](#testing-hello-world)
- [Running tests](#running-tests)
- [`runTests`](#runtests)
- [`runTestsWithArgs`](#runtestswithargs)
- [`runTestsWithCLIArgs`](#runtestswithcliargs)
- [`runTestsWithCancel`](#runTestsWithCancel)
- [`runTestsWithArgsAndCancel`](#runTestsWithArgsAndCancel)
- [`runTestsWithCLIArgsAndCancel`](#runTestsWithCLIArgsAndCancel)
- [`runTestsInAssembly`](#runtestsinassembly)
- [`runTestsInAssemblyWithCLIArgs`](#runtestsinassemblywithcliargs)
- [`runTestsInAssemblyWithCancel`](#runTestsInAssemblyWithCancel)
- [`runTestsInAssemblyWithCLIArgsAndCancel`](#runTestsInAssemblyWithCLIArgsAndCancel)
- [Filtering with `filter`](#filtering-with-filter)
- [Shuffling with `shuffle`](#shuffling-with-shuffle)
- [Stress testing](#stress-testing)
- [Writing tests](#writing-tests)
- [Normal tests](#normal-tests)
- [`testList` for grouping](#testlist-for-grouping)
- [Test fixtures](#test-fixtures)
- [Pending tests](#pending-tests)
- [Focusing tests](#focusing-tests)
- [Sequenced tests](#sequenced-tests)
- [Parameterised tests with `testParam`](#parameterised-tests-with-testparam)
- [Setup and teardown](#setup-and-teardown)
- [Property based tests](#property-based-tests)
- [Link collection](#link-collection)
- [Code from FsCheck](#code-from-fscheck)
- [Expectations with `Expect`](#expectations-with-expect)
- [`Expect` module](#expect-module)
- [`Performance` module](#performance-module)
- [Example](#example)
- [Performance.findFastest](#performancefindfastest)
- [`main args` and command line – how to run console apps examples](#main-args-and-command-line-%e2%80%93-how-to-run-console-apps-examples)
- [Contributing and building](#contributing-and-building)
- [BenchmarkDotNet usage](#benchmarkdotnet-usage)
- [You're not alone!](#youre-not-alone)
- [Testing hardware](#testing-hardware)
- [Sending e-mail on failure – custom printers](#sending-e-mail-on-failure-%e2%80%93-custom-printers)
- [About test parallelism](#about-test-parallelism)
- [What does 'expected to have type TestCode' mean?](#what-does-expected-to-have-type-testcode-mean)
<!-- tocstop -->

## Installing
In your `paket.dependencies`:
nuget Expecto
nuget Expecto.BenchmarkDotNet
nuget Expecto.FsCheck
nuget Expecto.Hopac
Tests should be first-class values so that you can move them around and execute
them in any context that you want.
Let's have look at what an extensive unit test suite looks like when running
with Expecto:

## IDE integrations
There's a nuget `Expecto.VisualStudio.TestAdapter` for Visual Studio integration.
## .Net integration
You can use `dotnet run` or `dotnet watch` from the command line.
dotnet watch -p MyProject.Tests run -f net6.0
### Prettify stacktraces/ship test logs
To get a [complete logging solution][logary] and stacktrace highlighting, parsing and
the ability to ship your build logs somewhere, also add these:
nuget Logary.Adapters.Facade prerelease
And in your tests:
open Hopac
open Logary
open Logary.Configuration
open Logary.Adapters.Facade
open Logary.Targets
let main argv =
let logary =
Config.create "MyProject.Tests" "localhost"
|> Config.targets [ LiterateConsole.create LiterateConsole.empty "console" ]
|> Config.processing ( |> Events.sink ["console";])
|> run
LogaryFacadeAdapter.initialise<Expecto.Logging.Logger> logary
// Invoke Expecto:
runTestsInAssemblyWithCLIArgs [] argv
Now, when you use Logary in your app, you can see your log messages
together with the log output/summary/debug printing of Expecto,
and the output won't be interlaced due to concurrency.
### TestResults file
Use `--nunit-summary TestResults.xml` or `--junit-summary TestResults.junit.xml` (JUnit support is incomplete).
## .Net support
[Expecto has it's own .Net template](! You could create a base .Net
project with expecto. How to do that? Simply write following lines:
dotnet new -i 'Expecto.Template::*'
dotnet new expecto -n PROJECT_NAME -o FOLDER_NAME
How to run it?
dotnet restore
dotnet run

## Testing "Hello world"
The test runner is the test assembly itself. It's recommended to compile your test assembly as a console application.
You can run a test directly like this:
open Expecto
let tests =
test "A simple test" {
let subject = "Hello World"
Expect.equal subject "Hello World" "The strings should equal"
let main args =
runTestsWithCLIArgs [] args tests
No magic is involved here. We just created a single test and hooked it
into the assembly entry point.
The `Expect` module contains functions that you can use to assert with.
A testing library without a good assertion library is like love without kisses.
Now compile and run! `xbuild Sample.fsproj && mono --debug bin/Debug/Sample.exe`
## Running tests
Here's a simple test:
open Expecto
let simpleTest =
testCase "A simple test" <| fun () ->
let expected = 4
Expect.equal expected (2+2) "2+2 = 4"
Then run it like this, e.g. in the interactive or through a console app.
runTestsWithCLIArgs [] [||] simpleTest
which returns 1 if any tests failed, otherwise 0. Useful for returning to the
operating system as error code.
It's worth noting that `<|` is just a way to change the associativity of the
language parser. In other words; it's equivalent to:
testCase "A simple test" (fun () ->
Expect.equal 4 (2+2) "2+2 should equal 4")
### `runTests`
Signature `ExpectoConfig -> Test -> int`. Runs the passed tests with the passed
configuration record. Note: now deprecated please use CLIArgs below.
### `runTestsWithArgs`
Signature `ExpectoConfig -> string[] -> Test -> int`. Runs the passed tests
and also overrides the passed `ExpectoConfig` with the command line parameters.
Note: now deprecated please use CLIArgs below.
### `runTestsWithCLIArgs`
Signature `CLIArguments seq -> string[] -> Test -> int`. Runs the passed tests
and also overrides the passed `CLIArguments` with the command line parameters.
### `runTestsWithCancel`
Signature `CancellationToken -> ExpectoConfig -> Test -> int`. Runs the passed tests with the passed
configuration record. Note: now deprecated please use CLIArgs below.
### `runTestsWithArgsAndCancel`
Signature `CancellationToken -> ExpectoConfig -> Test -> int`. Runs the passed tests
and also overrides the passed `ExpectoConfig` with the command line parameters.
configuration record. Note: now deprecated please use CLIArgs below.
### `runTestsWithCLIArgsAndCancel`
Signature `CancellationToken -> ExpectoConfig -> Test -> int`. Runs the passed tests
and also overrides the passed `CLIArguments` with the command line parameters.
### `runTestsInAssembly`
Signature `ExpectoConfig -> string[] -> int`. Runs the tests in the current
assembly and also overrides the passed `ExpectoConfig` with the command line
parameters. All tests need to be marked with the `[<Tests>]` attribute.
Note: now deprecated please use CLIArgs below.
### `runTestsInAssemblyWithCLIArgs`
Signature `CLIArguments seq -> string[] -> int`. Runs the tests in the current
assembly and also overrides the passed `CLIArguments` with the command line
parameters. All tests need to be marked with the `[<Tests>]` attribute.
### `runTestsInAssemblyWithCancel`
Signature `CancellationToken -> ExpectoConfig -> string[] -> int`. Runs the tests in the current
assembly and also overrides the passed `ExpectoConfig` with the command line
parameters. All tests need to be marked with the `[<Tests>]` attribute.
### `runTestsInAssemblyWithCLIArgsAndCancel`
Signature `CancellationToken -> CLIArguments seq -> string[] -> int`. Runs the tests in the current
assembly and also overrides the passed `CLIArguments` with the command line
parameters. All tests need to be marked with the `[<Tests>]` attribute.
### Filtering with `filter`
You can single out tests by filtering them by name (e.g. in the
interactive/REPL). For example:
open Expecto
open MyLib.Tests
integrationTests // from MyLib.Tests
|> Test.filter defaultConfig.joinWith.asString (fun z -> (defaultConfig.joinWith.format z).StartsWith "another test" ) // the filtering function
|> runTestsWithCLIArgs [] [||]
### Shuffling with `shuffle`
You can shuffle the tests randomly to help ensure there are no run order dependencies.
For example:
open Expecto
open MyLib.Tests
myTests // from MyLib.Tests
|> Test.shuffle defaultConfig.joinWith.asString
|> runTestsWithCLIArgs [] [||]
### Stress testing
Tests can also be run randomly for a fixed length of time.
The idea is that this will catch the following types of bugs:
- Memory leaks.
- Threading bugs running same test at same time.
- Rare threading bugs.
- Rare property test fails.
The default config will run FsCheck tests with a higher end size than normal.
## Writing tests
Expecto supports the following test constructors:
- normal test cases with `testCase` and `testCaseAsync`
- lists of tests with `testList`
- test fixtures with `testFixture`
- pending tests (that aren't run) with `ptestCase` and `ptestCaseAsync`
- focused tests (that are the only ones run) with `ftestCase` and
- sequenced tests with `testSequenced` and `testSequencedGroup` (tests inside a
group are run in sequence w.r.t each other)
- parametised tests with `testParam`
- testCases with the workflow builder `test`, `ptest`, `ftest` supporting
deterministic disposal, loops and such
- property based tests with `testProperty`, `testPropertyWithConfig` and
`testPropertyWithConfigs`, `testPropertyWithConfigsStdGen`,
`testPropertyWithConfigStdGen` from `Expecto.FsCheck`
- performance tests with `Expecto.BenchmarkDotNet` and `benchmark<TBench> :
string -> Test`.
- wrapping your test with a label with `testLabel`. If your root label is the
same across your test project, you'll have an easier time filtering tests.
All of the above compile to a `Test` value that you can compose. For example,
you can compose a `test` and a `testCaseAsync` in a `testList` which you wrap in
`testSequenced` because all tests in the list use either `Expect.fasterThan` or
they are using `Expecto.BenchmarkDotNet` for performance tests. You have to
remember that **the fully qualified names of tests need to be unique across your
test project.**
### Normal tests
- `test : string -> TestCaseBuilder` - Builds a test case in a computation expression.
- `testAsync : string -> TestAsyncBuilder` - Builds an async test case in a computation expression.
- `testTask : string -> TestTaskBuilder` - Builds a task test case in a computation expression.
- `testCase : string -> (unit -> unit) -> Test` - Builds a test case from a test function.
- `testCaseAsync : string -> Async<unit> -> Test` - Builds an async test case from an async expression.
### `testList` for grouping
Tests can be grouped (with arbitrary nesting):
let tests =
testList "A test group" [
test "one test" {
Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2"
test "another test that fails" {
Expect.equal (3+3) 5 "3+3"
testAsync "this is an async test" {
let! x = async { return 4 }
Expect.equal x (2+2) "2+2"
testTask "this is a task test" {
let! n = Task.FromResult 2
Expect.equal n 2 "n=2"
|> testLabel "samples"
Also have a look at [the
### Test fixtures
- `testFixture : ('a -> unit -> unit) -> (seq<string * 'a>) -> seq<Test>`
The test fixture takes a factory and a sequence of partial tests. The `'a`
parameter will be inferred to the *function type*, such as
`MemoryStream -> 'a -> unit -> 'a`.
testList "Setup & teardown 3" [
let withMemoryStream f () =
use ms = new MemoryStream()
f ms
yield! testFixture withMemoryStream [
"can read",
fun ms -> ms.CanRead ==? true
"can write",
fun ms -> ms.CanWrite ==? true
### Pending tests
- `ptestCase`
- `ptest`
- `ptestAsync`
- `ptestTask`
- `ptestCaseAsync`
You can mark an individual spec or container as Pending. This will prevent the spec (or specs within the list) from
running. You do this by adding a `p` before *testCase* or *testList* or `P` before *Tests* attribute (when reflection
tests discovery is used).
open Expecto
let skippedTestFromReflectionDiscovery = testCase "skipped" <| fun () ->
Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2"
let myTests =
testList "normal" [
testList "unfocused list" [
ptestCase "skipped" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?"
testCase "will run" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2"
ptest "skipped" { Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?" }
ptestAsync "skipped async" { Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?" }
testCase "will run" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2"
ptestCase "skipped" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?"
ptestList "skipped list" [
testCase "skipped" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?"
ftest "skipped" { Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?" }
Optionally, in the `TestCode` (function body):
- `Tests.skiptest`
- `Tests.skiptestf`
### Focusing tests
Focusing can be done with
- `ftestCase`
- `ftestList`
- `ftestCaseAsync`
- `ftest`
- `ftestAsync`
- `ftestTask`
It is often convenient, when developing to be able to run a subset of specs. Expecto allows you to focus specific test
cases or tests list by putting `f` before *testCase* or *testList* or `F` before attribute *Tests*(when reflection tests
discovery is used).
open Expecto
let someFocusedTest = test "will run" { Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2" }
let someUnfocusedTest = test "skipped" { Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?" }
open Expecto
let focusedTests =
testList "unfocused list" [
ftestList "focused list" [
testCase "will run" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2"
ftestCase "will run" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2"
test "will run" { Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2" }
testList "unfocused list" [
testCase "skipped" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?"
ftestCase "will run" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2"
test "skipped" { Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?" }
ftest "will run" { Expect.equal (2+2) 4 "2+2" }
testCase "skipped" <| fun () -> Expect.equal (2+2) 1 "2+2?"
Expecto accepts the command line argument `--fail-on-focused-tests`, which checks if focused tests exist. This
parameter can be set in build scripts and allows CI servers to reject commits that accidentally included focused tests.
### Sequenced tests
You can mark an individual spec or container as Sequenced. This will make sure these tests are run sequentially. This
can be useful for timeout and performance testing.
let timeout =
testSequenced <| testList "Timeout" [
test "fail" {
let test = TestCase(Test.timeout 10 (TestCode.Sync (fun _ -> Thread.Sleep 100)), Normal)
async {
let! eval = Impl.evalTests defaultConfig test
let result = Impl.TestRunSummary.fromResults eval
result.failed.Length ==? 1
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
test "pass" {
let test = TestCase(Test.timeout 1000 (TestCode.Sync ignore), Normal)
async {
let! eval = Impl.evalTests defaultConfig test
let result = Impl.TestRunSummary.fromResults eval
result.passed.Length ==? 1
} |> Async.RunSynchronously
You can also mark a test list as a Sequenced Group. This will make sure the tests in this group are not run at the same
let timeout =
let lockOne = obj()
let lockTwo = obj()
testSequencedGroup "stop deadlock" <| testList "possible deadlock" [
testAsync "case A" {
lock lockOne (fun () ->
Thread.Sleep 10
lock lockTwo (fun () ->
testAsync "case B" {
lock lockTwo (fun () ->
Thread.Sleep 10
lock lockOne (fun () ->
### Parameterised tests with `testParam`
- `testParam`
testList "numberology 101" (
testParam 1333 [
"First sample",
fun value () ->
Expect.equal value 1333 "Should be expected value"
"Second sample",
fun value () ->
Expect.isLessThan value 1444 "Should be less than"
] |> List.ofSeq)
### Setup and teardown
A simple way to perform setup and teardown is by using `IDisposable` resources:
let simpleTests =
testList "simples" [
test "test one" {
use resource = new MyDatabase()
// test code
For more complex setup and teardown situations we can write one or more setup
functions to manage resources:
let clientTests setup =
test "test1" {
setup (fun client store ->
// test code
test "test2" {
setup (fun client store ->
// test code
// other tests
let clientMemoryTests =
clientTests (fun test ->
let client = memoryClient()
let store = memoryStore()
test client store
|> testList "client memory tests"
let clientIntegrationTests =
clientTests (fun test ->
// setup code
let client = realTestClient()
let store = realTestStore()
test client store
// teardown code
|> testList "client integration tests"
### Property based tests
Reference [FsCheck]( and Expecto.FsCheck to test properties.
module MyApp.Tests
// the ExpectoFsCheck module is auto-opened by this
// the configuration record is in the Expecto namespace in the core library
open Expecto
let config = { FsCheckConfig.defaultConfig with maxTest = 10000 }
let properties =
testList "FsCheck samples" [
testProperty "Addition is commutative" <| fun a b ->
a + b = b + a
testProperty "Reverse of reverse of a list is the original list" <|
fun (xs:list<int>) -> List.rev (List.rev xs) = xs
// you can also override the FsCheck config
testPropertyWithConfig config "Product is distributive over addition" <|
fun a b c ->
a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c
Tests.runTestsWithCLIArgs [] [||] properties
You can freely mix testProperty with testCase and testList. The config looks
like the following.
type FsCheckConfig =
/// The maximum number of tests that are run.
{ maxTest: int
/// The size to use for the first test.
startSize: int
/// The size to use for the last test, when all the tests are passing. The size increases linearly between Start- and EndSize.
endSize: int
/// If set, the seed to use to start testing. Allows reproduction of previous runs.
replay: (int * int) option
/// The Arbitrary instances on this class will be merged in back to front order, i.e. instances for the same generated type at the front
/// of the list will override those at the back. The instances on Arb.Default are always known, and are at the back (so they can always be
/// overridden)
arbitrary: Type list
/// Callback when the test case had input parameters generated.
receivedArgs: FsCheckConfig
-> (* test name *) string
-> (* test number *) int
-> (* generated arguments *) obj list
-> Async<unit>
/// Callback when the test case was successfully shrunk
successfulShrink: FsCheckConfig
-> (* test name *) string
-> (* shrunk new arguments *) obj list
-> Async<unit>
/// Callback when the test case has finished
finishedTest: FsCheckConfig
-> (* test name *) string
-> Async<unit>
Here is another example of testing with custom generated data:
module MyApp.Tests
// the ExpectoFsCheck module is auto-opened by this
// the configuration record is in the Expecto namespace in the core library
open Expecto
open FsCheck
type User = {
Id : int
FirstName : string
LastName : string
type UserGen() =
static member User() : Arbitrary<User> =
let genFirsName = Gen.elements ["Don"; "Henrik"; null]
let genLastName = Gen.elements ["Syme"; "Feldt"; null]
let createUser id firstName lastName =
{Id = id; FirstName = firstName ; LastName = lastName}
let getId = Gen.choose(0,1000)
let genUser =
createUser <!> getId <*> genFirsName <*> genLastName
genUser |> Arb.fromGen
let config = { FsCheckConfig.defaultConfig with arbitrary = [typeof<UserGen>] }
let properties =
testList "FsCheck samples" [
// you can also override the FsCheck config
testPropertyWithConfig config "User with generated User data" <|
fun x ->
Expect.isNotNull x.FirstName "First Name should not be null"
Tests.runTestsWithCLIArgs [] [||] properties
And a further example of creating constraints on generated values
open System
open Expecto
open FsCheck
module Gen =
type Float01 = Float01 of float
let float01Arb =
let maxValue = float UInt64.MaxValue
(fun (DoNotSize a) -> float a / maxValue |> Float01)
(fun (Float01 f) -> f * maxValue + 0.5 |> uint64 |> DoNotSize)
type 'a ListOf100 = ListOf100 of 'a list
let listOf100Arb() =
Gen.listOfLength 100 Arb.generate
|> Arb.fromGen
|> Arb.convert ListOf100 (fun (ListOf100 l) -> l)
type 'a ListOfAtLeast2 = ListOfAtLeast2 of 'a list
let listOfAtLeast2Arb() =
(fun (h1,h2,t) -> ListOfAtLeast2 (h1::h2::t))
| ListOfAtLeast2 (h1::h2::t) -> h1,h2,t
| e -> failwithf "not possible in listOfAtLeast2Arb: %A" e)
let addToConfig config =
{config with arbitrary = typeof<Float01>.DeclaringType::config.arbitrary}
module Auto =
let private config = Gen.addToConfig FsCheckConfig.defaultConfig
let testProp name = testPropertyWithConfig config name
let ptestProp name = ptestPropertyWithConfig config name
let ftestProp name = ftestPropertyWithConfig config name
let etestProp stdgen name = etestPropertyWithConfig stdgen config name
module Tests =
let topicTests =
testList "topic" [
testProp "float between 0 and 1" (fun (Gen.Float01 f) ->
() // test
testProp "list of 100 things" (fun (Gen.ListOf100 l) ->
() // test
testProp "list of at least 2 things" (fun (Gen.ListOfAtLeast2 l) ->
() // test
testProp "list of at least 2 things without gen" (fun h1 h2 t ->
let l = h1::h2::t
() // test
It will be translated to the FsCheck-specific configuration at runtime. You can pass your own callbacks and use
`Expecto.Logging` like shown in the
[Sample]( to get inputs for tests and
tests printed.
If a property fails, the output could look like this.
[11:06:35 ERR] samples/addition is not commutative (should fail) failed in 00:00:00.0910000.
Failed after 1 test. Parameters:
2 1
Shrunk 2 times to:
1 0
Focus on error:
etestProperty (1865288075, 296281834) "addition is not commutative (should fail)"
The output that Expecto gives you, lets you recreate the exact test (that's from the 18..., 29... seed numbers). It's
also a good idea to lift inputs and the test-case/parameter combination that failed into its *own* test (which isn't a
property based test).
FsCheck `Arb.Register` can't be used with Expecto because it is thread local and Expecto runs multithreaded by default.
This could be worked around but `Arb.Register` is being deprecated by FsCheck. The recommended way to register and use
custom generators is to define `testPropertyWithConfig` functions like `testProp` above for each area with common
generator use. This ensures the library will always be used in a thread safe way.
#### Link collection
These are a few resources that will get you on your way towards fully-specified systems with property-based testing.
- [An introduction to property-based testing]( with [slides and video](
- [Choosing properties for property-based testing](
- [(video) Race conditions, distribution and interactions](
- [Test data: generators, shrinkers and Arbitrary instances](
- [Model based testing](
- [Testing and quality assurance in Haskell](
- [Property-based testing for better code](
#### Code from FsCheck
These code snippets show a bit of the API usage and how to create Arbitrary
instances (which encapsulate generation with Gen instances and shrinkage),
- [FsCheck Examples.fs](
- [FsCheck Arbitrary.fs](
## Expectations with `Expect`
All expect-functions have the signature `actual -> expected -> string -> unit`,
leaving out `expected` when obvious from the function.
### `Expect` module
This module is your main entry-point when asserting.
- `throws`
- `throwsC`
- `throwsT`
- `isNone`
- `isSome`
- `isChoice1Of2`
- `isChoice2Of2`
- `isOk` - Expect the value to be a Result.Ok value
- `isError` - Expect the value to be a Result.Error value
- `isNull`
- `isNotNull`
- `isNotNaN`
- `isNotPositiveInfinity`
- `isNotNegativeInfinity`
- `isNotInfinity`
- `isLessThan`
- `isLessThanOrEqual`
- `isGreaterThan`
- `isGreaterThanOrEqual`
- `notEqual`
- `isFalse`
- `isTrue`
- `exists` - Expect that some element from `actual` sequence satisfies the given `asserter`
- `all` - Expect that all elements from `actual` satisfy the given `asserter`
- `allEqual` - Expect that all elements from `actual` are equal to `equalTo`
- `sequenceEqual`
- `floatClose : Accuracy -> float -> float -> string -> unit` - Expect the
floats to be within the combined absolute and relative accuracy given by
`abs(a-b) <= absolute + relative * max (abs a) (abs b)`. Default accuracy
available are: `Accuracy.low = {absolute=1e-6; relative=1e-3}`,
`Accuracy.medium = {absolute=1e-8; relative=1e-5}`,
`Accuracy.high = {absolute=1e-10; relative=1e-7}`,
`Accuracy.veryHigh = {absolute=1e-12; relative=1e-9}`.
- `floatLessThanOrClose : Accuracy -> float -> float -> string -> unit` - Expect actual
to be less than expected or close.
- `floatGreaterThanOrClose : Accuracy -> float -> float -> string -> unit` - Expect actual
to be greater than expected or close.
- `sequenceStarts` - Expect the sequence `subject` to start with `prefix`. If
it does not then fail with `format` as an error message together with a
description of `subject` and `prefix`.
- `sequenceContainsOrder` - Expect the sequence `actual` to contains elements from sequence `expected` in the right order.
- `isAscending` - Expect the sequence `subject` to be ascending. If it does not
then fail with `format` as an error message.
- `isDescending` - Expect the sequence `subject` to be descending. If it does
not then fail with `format` as an error message.
- `stringContains` – Expect the string `subject` to contain `substring` as part
of itself. If it does not, then fail with `format` and `subject` and
`substring` as part of the error message.
- `isMatch` - Expect the string `actual` to match `pattern`
- `isRegexMatch` - Expect the string `actual` to match `regex`
- `isMatchGroups` - Expects the string `actual` that matched groups (from a `pattern` match) match with `matchesOperator`
- `isMatchRegexGroups` - Expects the string `actual` that matched groups (from a `regex` match) match with `matchesOperator`
- `isNotMatch` - Expect the string `actual` to not match `pattern`
- `isNotRegexMatch` - Expect the string `actual` to not match `regex`
- `stringStarts` – Expect the string `subject` to start with `prefix` and if it
does not then fail with `format` as an error message together with a
description of `subject` and `prefix`.
- `stringEnds` - Expect the string `subject` to end with `suffix`. If it does
not then fail with `format` as an error message together with a description
of `subject` and `suffix`.
- `stringHasLength` - Expect the string `subject` to have length equals
`length`. If it does not then fail with `format` as an error message together
with a description of `subject` and `length`.
- `isNotEmpty` - Expect the string `actual` to be not null nor empty
- `isNotWhitespace` - Expect the string `actual` to be not null nor empty nor whitespace
- `isEmpty` - Expect the sequence `actual` to be empty
- `isNonEmpty` - Expect the sequence `actual` to be not empty
- `hasCountOf` - Expect that the counts of the found value occurrences by `selector` in `actual` equals the `expected`.
- `contains : 'a seq -> 'a -> string -> unit` – Expect the sequence to contain
the item.
- `containsAll: 'a seq -> 'a seq -> string -> unit` - Expect the sequence
contains all elements from second sequence (not taking into account an order
of elements).
- `distribution: 'a seq -> Map<'a, uint32> -> string -> unit` - Expect the sequence contains all elements from map (first element in tuple is an item expected to be in sequence, second is a positive number of its occurrences in a sequence). Function is not taking into account an order of elements.
- `streamsEqual` – Expect the streams to be byte-wise identical.
- `isFasterThan : (unit -> 'a) -> (unit -> 'a) -> string -> unit` – Expect the
first function to be faster than the second function with the passed string
message, printed on failure. See the next section on [Performance](#performance-module) for example
- `isFasterThanSub` – Like the above but with passed function signature of
`Performance.Measurer<unit,'a> -> 'a`, allowing you to do setup and teardown
of your subject under test (the function) before calling the `measurer`. See
the next section on [Performance](#performance-module) for example usage.
- `wantOk` - Expect the result to be `Ok` and returns its value, otherwise fails.
- `wantError` - Expect the result to be `Error` and returns its value, otherwise fails.
Also note, that there's a "fluent" API, with which you can pipe the test-subject
value into the expectation:
open Expecto
open Expecto.Flip
let compute (multiplier: int) = 42 * multiplier
test "yup yup" {
compute 1
|> Expect.equal "x1 = 42" 42
compute 2
|> Expect.equal "x2 = 82" 84
|> runTestsWithCLIArgs [] [||]
### `Performance` module
Expecto supports testing that an implementation is faster than another. Use it
by calling `Expect.isFasterThan` wrapping your `Test` in `testSequenced`.

This function makes use of a statistical test called [Welch's
t-test]('s_t-test). It starts with the null
hypothesis that the functions mean execution times are the same. The functions
are run alternately increasing the sample size to test this hypothesis.
Once the probability of getting this result based on the null hypothesis goes
below 0.01% it rejects the null hypothesis and reports the results. If the
performance is very close the test will declare them equal when there is 99.99%
confidence they differ by less than 0.5%. 0.01%/99.99% are chosen such that if
a test list has 100 performance tests a false test failure would be reported
once in many more than 100 runs.
This results in a performance test that is very quick to run (the greater the
difference the quicker it will run). Also, because it is a relative test it can
normally be run across all configurations as part of unit testing.
The functions must return the same result for same input. Note that since
Expecto also has a FsCheck integration, your outer (sequenced) test could be
the property test, generating random data, and your TestCode/function body/
actual test could be an assertion that for the same (random instance) of test
data, one function should be faster than the other.
From `Expect.isFasterThanSub`, these results are possible (all of which generate
a test failure, except the `MetricLessThan` case):
type 'a CompareResult =
| ResultNotTheSame of result1:'a * result2:'a
| MetricTooShort of sMax:SampleStatistics * machineResolution:SampleStatistics
| MetricLessThan of s1:SampleStatistics * s2:SampleStatistics
| MetricMoreThan of s1:SampleStatistics * s2:SampleStatistics
| MetricEqual of s1:SampleStatistics * s2:SampleStatistics
You can explore these cases yourself with `Expecto.Performance.timeCompare`,
should you wish to.
#### Example
All of the below tests pass.
let performance =
testSequenced <| testList "performance" [
testCase "1 <> 2" <| fun () ->
let test () =
Expect.isFasterThan (fun () -> 1) (fun () -> 2) "1 equals 2 should fail"
assertTestFailsWithMsgContaining "same" (test, Normal)
testCase "half is faster" <| fun () ->
Expect.isFasterThan (fun () -> repeat10000 log 76.0)
(fun () -> repeat10000 log 76.0 |> ignore; repeat10000 log 76.0)
"half is faster"
testCase "double is faster should fail" <| fun () ->
let test () =
Expect.isFasterThan (fun () -> repeat10000 log 76.0 |> ignore; repeat10000 log 76.0)
(fun () -> repeat10000 log 76.0)
"double is faster should fail"
assertTestFailsWithMsgContaining "slower" (test, Normal)
ptestCase "same function is faster should fail" <| fun () ->
let test () =
Expect.isFasterThan (fun () -> repeat100000 log 76.0)
(fun () -> repeat100000 log 76.0)
"same function is faster should fail"
assertTestFailsWithMsgContaining "equal" (test, Normal)
testCase "matrix" <| fun () ->
let n = 100
let rand = Random 123
let a = Array2D.init n n (fun () _ -> rand.NextDouble())
let b = Array2D.init n n (fun () _ -> rand.NextDouble())
let c = Array2D.zeroCreate n n
let reset() =
for i = 0 to n-1 do
for j = 0 to n-1 do
c.[i,j] <- 0.0
let mulIJK() =
for i = 0 to n-1 do
for j = 0 to n-1 do
for k = 0 to n-1 do
c.[i,k] <- c.[i,k] + a.[i,j] * b.[j,k]
let mulIKJ() =
for i = 0 to n-1 do
for k = 0 to n-1 do
let mutable t = 0.0
for j = 0 to n-1 do
t <- t + a.[i,j] * b.[j,k]
c.[i,k] <- t
Expect.isFasterThanSub (fun measurer -> reset(); measurer mulIKJ ())
(fun measurer -> reset(); measurer mulIJK ())
"ikj faster than ijk"
testCase "popcount" <| fun () ->
let test () =
Expect.isFasterThan (fun () -> repeat10000 (popCount16 >> int) 987us)
(fun () -> repeat10000 (popCount >> int) 987us)
"popcount 16 faster than 32 fails"
assertTestFailsWithMsgContaining "slower" (test, Normal)
A failure would look like this:
[13:23:19 ERR] performance/double is faster failed in 00:00:00.0981990.
double is faster. Expected f1 (0.3067 ± 0.0123 ms) to be faster than f2 (0.1513 ± 0.0019 ms) but is ~103% slower.
### Performance.findFastest
Expecto can use `isFasterThan` to find the fastest version of a function for a given `int` input.
This can be useful for optimising algorithm constants such as buffer size.
let findFastest =
testSequenced <| testList "findFastest" [
testCase "different values gives an error" (fun _ ->
Performance.findFastest id 10 20 |> ignore
) |> assertTestFailsWithMsgStarting "Expected results to be the same."
testCase "find fastest sleep" (fun _ ->
let f i = Threading.Thread.Sleep(abs(i-65)*10)
let result = Performance.findFastest f 0 100
Expect.equal result 65 "find min"
testCase "find fastest hi" (fun _ ->
let f i = Threading.Thread.Sleep(abs(i-110)*10)
let result = Performance.findFastest f 0 100
Expect.equal result 100 "find min"
testCase "find fastest lo" (fun _ ->
let f i = Threading.Thread.Sleep(abs(i+10)*10)
let result = Performance.findFastest f 0 100
Expect.equal result 0 "find min"
## `main args` and command line – how to run console apps examples
From code you can run:
Tests.runTestsInAssemblyWithCLIArgs [Stress 0.1;Stress_Timeout 0.2] [||]
From the command line you can run:
dotnet run -p Expecto.Tests -f net5.0 -c release -- --help
dotnet watch -p Expecto.Tests run -f net5.0 -c release -- --colours 256
## Contributing and building
Please review the [guidelines for contributing](./ to Expecto;
this document also includes instructions on how to build.
We'd specifically like to call out the following people for their great contributions to Expecto in the past:
- @mausch — for building Fuchu which became the foundation of Expecto
- @AnthonyLloyd — for maintaining Expecto for some years and drastically improving it
## BenchmarkDotNet usage
The integration with
open Expecto
type ISerialiser =
abstract member Serialise<'a> : 'a -> unit
type MySlowSerialiser() =
interface ISerialiser with
member __.Serialise _ =
type FastSerialiser() =
interface ISerialiser with
member __.Serialise _ =
type FastSerialiserAlt() =
interface ISerialiser with
member __.Serialise _ =
type Serialisers() =
let fast, fastAlt, slow =
FastSerialiser() :> ISerialiser,
FastSerialiserAlt() :> ISerialiser,
MySlowSerialiser() :> ISerialiser
member __.FastSerialiserAlt() = fastAlt.Serialise "Hello world"
member __.SlowSerialiser() = slow.Serialise "Hello world"
[<Benchmark(Baseline = true)>]
member __.FastSerialiser() = fast.Serialise "Hello world"
let tests =
testList "performance tests" [
test "three serialisers" {
benchmark<Serialisers> benchmarkConfig (fun _ -> null) |> ignore
In the current code-base I'm just printing the output to the console; and by
default all tests are run in parallel; so you'll need to use `--sequenced` as
input to your exe, or set parallel=false in the config to get valid results.
To read more about how to benchmark with BenchmarkDotNet, see its [Getting
started]( guide.
Happy benchmarking!
## You're not alone!
Others have discovered the beauty of tests-as-values in easy-to-read F#.
* [Logary](
* [Unquote has built-in support](
* [Visual Studio Plugin for
Expecto]( –
just add the `nuget Expecto.VisualStudio.TestAdapter version_in_path: true` to
your paket file and you're off to the races!
* [FsCheck supports it](

### Testing hardware
People have been testing hardware with Expecto.

## Sending e-mail on failure – custom printers
The printing mechanism in Expecto is based on the [Logary
Facade](, which
grants some privileges, like being able to use **any** Logary target to print.
Just follow the above link to learn how to initialise Logary. Then if you wanted
to get notified over e-mail whenever one of your tests fail, configure Logary
with `Logary.Targets.Mailgun`:
open Logary
open Logary.Configuration
open Logary.Adapters.Facade
open Logary.Targets
open Hopac
open Mailgun
open System.Net.Mail
let main argv =
let mgc =
MailAddress("[email protected]"),
[ MailAddress("[email protected]") ],
{ apiKey = "deadbeef-2345678" },
"", // sending domain of yours
Error) // cut-off level
use logary =
withLogaryManager "MyTests" (
withTargets [
LiterateConsole.create LiterateConsole.empty "stdout"
Mailgun.create mgc "mail"
>> withRules [
Rule.createForTarget "stdout"
Rule.createForTarget "mail"
|> run
// initialise Logary Facade with Logary proper:
LogaryFacadeAdapter.initialise<Expecto.Logging.Logger> logary
// run all tests
Tests.runTestsInAssemblyWithCLIArgs [] argv
## About test parallelism
Since the default is to run all of your tests in parallel, it's important that
you don't use global variables, global singletons or mutating code. If you do,
you'll have to slow down all of your tests by sequencing them (or use locks in
your testing code).
Furthermore, `printfn` and sibling functions aren't thread-safe, i.e. a given
string may be logged in many passes and concurrent calls to printfn and
Console.X-functions have their outputs interleaved. If you want to log from
tests, you can use code like:
open Expecto.Logging
open Expecto.Logging.Message
let logger = Log.create "MyTests"
// stuff here
testCase "reading prop" <| fun () ->
let subject = MyComponent()
// this will output to the right test context:
eventX "Has prop {property}"
>> setField "property"
Expect.equal "Goodbye" "Should have goodbye as its property"
### What does 'expected to have type TestCode' mean?
If you get an error message like this:
This expression was expected to have type 'TestCode' but here has type 'unit'
It means that you have code like `testCase "abc" <| Expect.equal ...`. Instead
you should create a function like so: `testCase "abc" <| fun () -> Expect.equal
### My tests are hanging and I can't see why
This might be due to how terminals/the locking thereof work: try running your tests with `--no-spinner` and see if that works.

238 | A collection of public resources about how software companies test their software | # How They Test
> A curated collection of publicly available resources on how software companies around the world test their software systems and build their quality culture.
## Foreword
One of the outcomes of the various [Taqelah]( meetups was that many software companies got to share their testing and quality culture with the community. It was absolutely fantastic to see the amazing stuff companies are doing to test their software, and ensure quality of their products and platforms.
Apart from this, many companies regularly come forward and share their best practices, tools, techniques and culture of software testing on various public platforms like conferences, blogs & meetups. The resources are there but dispersed, lost into the internet.
There is no single knowledge repository that gives a direct look at these best practices, tools, techniques and culture of software testing these companies adopt. This repository intends to do that.
Happy Learning!
*Please note, that all the resources mentioned here are publicly available resources.*
## Kind of topics here
Testing / quality of software goes beyond traditional activities of pre-release functional testing and test automation. Hence the kind of topics you can expect to read about here are:
- Functional testing
- Non-functional testing
- Test automation
- Testing in CI/CD
- Release management and it's impact on quality/testing.
- Quality processes and culture
- Testing in production (monitoring/observability, chaos engineering, site reliability engineering etc.)
- Customer / user support
- User research / user testing from product/UX perspective
## Companies & how they test their software
<summary>ACV Auctions</summary>
#### Blogs
* [Scaling Quality at ACV](
<summary>Adore Me</summary>
#### Blogs
* [Android and iOS application testing with appium and wiremock - intro](
* [Android and iOS application testing with appium and wiremock - setup](
* [Android and iOS application testing with appium and wiremock - all together](
* [UI Testing: A deep dive in (apparently) shallow water](
#### Blogs
* [Testing at Airbnb](
* [Better Android Testing Part 1](
* [Better Android Testing Part 2](
* [Better Android Testing Part 3](
* [Better Android Testing Part 4](
* [Better Android Testing Part 5](
* [Better Android Testing Part 6](
* [Better Android Testing Part 7](
* [Building an effective test pipeline in a service oriented architecture](
* [Tracking the money scaling financial reporting](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [How does Amazon get by with so few hours spent by its QA teams relative to Microsoft?](
* [How Amazon handles a new software deployment every second](
* [How is software developed at Amazon](
* [Amazon's approach to automated testing](
* [Automated testing for Alexa](
* [Best practices for testing your Alexa skills](
#### Videos
* [Testing and Troubleshooting with AWS Device Farm](
* [Proactive security testing at AWS](
* [Advanced Continuous Delivery Best Practices at Amazon](
* [UI, Load and Performance testing at Amazon](
* [Best Practices for Benchmarking and Performance Analysis in the Cloud](
* [Large Scale Load Testing's Traffic on AWS](
* [Chaos Engineering on AWS](
* [Continuous Integration best practices for software development](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [A look inside the quality engineering team at Appian](
* [Dogfooding Appian](
* [Chaos Testing a Distributed System with Jepsen](
* [Chaos Testing a Distributed System with Jepsen — Part II](
* [Chaos Testing a Distributed System with Jepsen — Part III](
* [My Journey as a Quality Engineer Intern at Appian](
* [Women in Tech: Meet 3 Quality Engineers At Appian](
* [What Does “Quality Assurance” Mean in an Agile World?](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Apple overhauling it's testing approach](
* [Testing Your Apps in Xcode](
#### Videos
* [Testing in XCode - WWDC](
* [UI testing in XCode - WWDC](
* [Advanced Testing and Continuous Integration - WWDC](
* [Engineering for Testability - WWDC](
* [What's new in testing - WWDC](
* [Testing tips & tricks - WWDC](
#### Blogs
* [How to go about front-end testing with — a success story](
* [Automated security testing using language you already know](
* [Behaviour driven automation testing in .NET Core using BDTest](
* [My Testing Safari](
* [Begin with the end in mind: one team’s journey towards Continuous Integration](
* [Gaining confidence in automated checks](
* [Witness the (Android) fitness](
* [How to test your React · Redux application](
* [How to write acceptance tests for a Facebook Messenger bot](
* [An introduction to Pact testing in .Net Core](
* [Finding balance as a Testing Specialist](
* [Continuous Testing in Customer Experience @ ASOS](
* [Responsive website testing with Sizzy](
* [Testing authorisation scenarios in ASP.NET Core Web APIs](
#### Videos
[Enhancing the Processes of Test Driven Development - Talk](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Quality assistance: how Atlassian does QA](
* [Moving from quality assurance to quality assistance](
* [Developing quality assistance skills](
* [Quality Health Monitor: Gauging your team’s quality maturity](
* [Automated testing: 5 lessons from Atlassian’s Kubernetes team on testing infrastructure as code](
#### Videos
* [Meet the Atlassian QE team](
* [The Future of QA at Atlassian - Atlassian Summit 2016](
* [Quality at Speed, How JIRA Does QA](
* [Verifying Microservice Integrations with Contract Testing](
* [Agile Testing: It's about time - Atlassian Summit 2011](
* [Finding bugs before writing code - Sigge Birgisson](
* [Code Reviews vs. Pull Requests - Atlassian Summit 2016](
* [Mock Servers - Fake all the things! - Peggy Kuo](
* [Quality at Speed](
* [Improving Software Quality with Effective Feedback - Atlassian Summit 2012](
<summary>Automattic (Wordpress)</summary>
#### Videos
* [Your Tests Aren't Flaky. GTAC 2015](, [Slides](
#### Videos
* [Testing without test damage or excessive isolation](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [10x your collaboration on writing tests - Part 1: Understanding](
* [10 guidelines on readability and consistency when writing Integration Tests](
* [Maintaining Mobile: Update on Mobile Compatibility Programme](
* [Improving test automation with PUMA](
* [Test Automation with PhantomJS, Grunt and Friends](
* [Behaviour Driven Development: Tips for writing better feature files](
* [Testing BBC Connected Red Button](
* [Automating testing for BBC iPlayer mobile part one: 3 Amigos](
* [Automating testing for BBC iPlayer mobile part two: automation](
* [Automating BBC iPlayer mobile testing part three: legacy vs new features](
* [Testing BBC iPlayer Mobile App](
* [New BBC iPlayer: internal testing of user journeys](
* [Testing mobiles: Mobile Compatibility Program](
* [Testing BBC iPlayer: Krispy Gherkin feature file aggregator](
* [Testing BBC iPlayer: reading XML, JSON response into Java](
* [Testing BBC iPlayer Release For Android Downloads](
* [Testing for BBC Online: The creation of the POD Test Group](
#### Videos
* [BBC College of Technology: Develop conference videos](
* [GTAC 2016: Scale vs Value: Test Automation at the BBC, GTAC 2016](, [Slides](
#### Videos
* [GTAC 2016: ClusterRunner: making fast test-feedback easy through horizontal scaling](, [Slides](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Bumble Tech Blog - QA](
* [How 3 Process Patterns will change the way you do Test Automation](
* [Checking your app’s paid services without losing money](
* [Add Superpowers to your Appium-Android tests](
* [A monolithic architecture for our clients’ hundreds of versions: how we write and support tests](
* [White-box testing with Appium Espresso Driver](
* [Catching bugs on the client-side: how we developed our error tracking system](
#### Videos
* [The Joy Of Green Builds - Running Tests Smartly](
* [Uncover Secrets of Your App with EspressoDriver](
* [Application Backdoor via Appium](
* [Automate the impossible: blending the best of Android drivers](
* [Why do we do Test Automation Internal Mentorships for our QA Engineers?](
* [iOS Parallel Automation: run faster than fast](
* [How we saved time by teaching developers to test their own code](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Why we left manual UI testing behind](
* [Recommender systems: When they fail, who are you gonna call?](
* [Speeding up UI tests with CodeceptJS and Playwright](
* [Testing Search Engine Optimization Scalably without Breaking a Sweat](
#### Videos
* [User Testing: Finding That One Thing Meatloaf Won't Do For Love](
* [Visual regression testing: why, what and how](
#### Blogs and Articles
* [Improvement and Parallelization of Android Automation Testing](
* [9 Things I Wish I Knew About Automated Software Testing Before I Started My Career](
* [Improve Java Code Coverage and Quality with Unit Tests and JaCoCo](
* [Learning To Love Automated Testing](
* [Robot Pattern Testing for XCUITest](
* [Unit Testing Behavior of React Components with Test-Driven Development](
* [No Testing Strategy, No DevOps](
* [Spec to Gherkin to Code](
* [Blackbox API Testing With Kotlin for RESTful Microservices](
* [Performance Testing of Event-Driven Microservices](
* [Software Quality Testing: Creating Quality Filtration Stacks](
* [Testcontainers & LocalStack for Spring Boot Functional Tests](
* [Automated Detection, Diagnosis & Remediation of App Failure](
* [Using Stub vs Mock in iOS Unit Testing](
* [Software Quality Testing: Creating Quality Filtration Stacks](
* [Using Apple’s Main Thread Checker Tool on UI Tests](
* [Marginal Utility and Taco Consumption](
* [Spec to Gherkin to Code](
* [Test-Driven Development –Ready, Set, Go with Google Cloud Test Lab](
* [Shifting Testing in Agile Teams to the Left](
* [Getting Started With iOS UI Testing](
#### Videos
* [GTAC 2016: What’s in your Wallet?](
* [SauceCon 2017: FROM MANUAL TO CI/CD - THE JOURNEY OF A BOY AND HIS TOOLS - Gregory Schmidt](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Prabhagharan DK : Building our inhouse virtual device lab "caroufarm"](
* [Martin Schneider : Automated end-to-end tests and how they fit into our testing culture](
* [Carousell scales app automation with Browserstack](
#### Videos
* [HUSTEF 2019 - By Syam Sasi & Martin Schneider - Building a scalable device lab with Ansible at Carousell](
* [Carousell's automation journey with BrowserStack by Prabhgharan DK and Syam Sasi](
* [End-end test code as first class citizens by Abhijeet Vaikar]( - Covers some practices adopted at Carousell for quality of end-end test code.
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Whole Team Quality at Cazoo](
#### Blogs
* [Testing Go services using interfaces](
* [Testing with Third Party Services in Go](
<summary>Disney+ Hotstar</summary>
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Machine Vision in Test Automation](
* [Machine Vision For Test Automation — Part Two](
* [Using Apple's Testing Mjölnir: XCUITest](
* [Closed Loop API Test Automation](
<summary>Dollar Shave Club</summary>
#### Blogs
* [How Dollar Shave Club 3x'd velocity and learned to love their tests](
* [QA Environments on Demand with Kubernetes](
#### Blogs
* [Using Fault Injection Testing to Improve DoorDash Reliability](
* [Moving e2e testing into production with multi-tenancy for increased speed and reliability](
* [A Framework For Speedy and Scalable Development Of Android UI Tests](
* [Contract Testing with Pact](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Finding Order in Chaos: How We Automated Performance Testing with Torque](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Offensive testing to make Dropbox (and the world) a safer place](
* [Accelerating Iteration Velocity on Dropbox’s Desktop Client, Part 1](
* [Accelerating Iteration Velocity on Dropbox’s Desktop Client, Part 2](
* [Two years at Dropbox](
* [Creating a culter of accessibility](
* [Finding Kafka’s throughput limit in Dropbox infrastructure](
* [Athena: Our automated build health management system](
* [The Programmer Mindset: Main Debug Loop](
* [Testing sync at Dropbox](
#### Videos
* [Integration testing with Bazel](
* [Virtualizing Mac Infrastructure at Scale: A CI Case Study with Dropbox and MacStadium](
* [GTAC 2014: Scalable Continuous Integration - Using Open Source](, [Slides](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [The process: Launching Duolingo’s Arabic language course - Increment magazine]( - How the language-learning app used staggered releases, dogfooding, and a culture of A/B testing everything to ship its first Arabic course for English speakers.
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Tiered Test Automation](
* [Becoming a World-Class Tester](
* [Early Detection of Frontend Single Points of Failure](
* [eBay Motors: Screenshot Testing with Flutter](
* [Discovering Continuous Automation With Request Mirroring](
* [Failbot—Improving Visibility on End-to-end Tests](
* [Your Own Spring Test Context](
* [GUI Testing Powered by Deep Learning](
* [Integration Testing with React and Enzyme](
* [Introducing Regressr - An Open Source Command Line Tool to Regression Test HTTP Services](
* [eBay Releases Dynamic Application Security Testing Proxy as Open Source](
* [Scalable and Nimble Continuous Integration for Hadoop Projects](
* [Functional iOS Testing in Swift](
* [Next-generation BDD: From Automated Web Tests to Automated Web Acceptance Testing](
* [Validating Hadoop Platform Releases](
* [Finding Usability Bugs with Automated Tests](
* [100% test coverage is not enough](
* [Ensuring Software Quality at eBay Denmark](
* [Software Quality: Elevating the Game](
#### Videos
* [Lightning talk at Selenium Conf about their test automation framework Breeze](
* [Applied Testing Heuristics in the Context of eBay](
* [Test automation for Android testing](
* [Implementing Test Automation in Agile Projects with Open Source Tools](
* [Test Automation - 10 (sometimes painful) Lessons Learned](
* [Parallizing UI tests on iOS](
* [Bingsheng Ru — How to build Automation Test as a Service for large-scale e-commerce website](
* [How we build & test software at eBay DE](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Quality Engineering at Elsevier](
#### Handbook
* [Teaching Testing: Our Testing 101 Materials](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Culture of Quality: Measuring Code Coverage at Etsy](
* [Quality Matters: The Benefits of QA-Focused Retros](
* [Divide and Concur](
* [Etsy’s Journey to Continuous Integration for Mobile Apps](
* [Etsy’s Device Lab](
* [What’s the value of transparency in testing and deployment?, Increment Magazine](
* [Mutation Testing: A Tale of Two Suites](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [AngularJS and UI-Router testing — the right way, Part 1](
* [AngularJS and UI-Router testing — the right way, Part 2](
* [Contract testing in Everon](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [How Uses Accessibility Automation](
* [Improving iOS UI Testing](
* [Unit Testing Apache Spark Applications using Hive Tables](
* [The Cost of 100% Reliability](
* [Getting started with a Dockerized Selenium Grid in your On-Prem Data Centers](
* [DA Kube — Selenium Grid using Kubernetes, Docker, Helm and Traefik](
* [Distributed Automation: How to run 1000 UI Automation Tests in 5mins](
* [Integration Testing in React](
* [How to Earn a Black Belt in GraphQL Testing](
* [How to: Emulate Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) for Testing Purposes](
* [Fixing Flaky Time Based Unit Tests](
* [Conversational Integration Tests for your Alexa Skills (Node/JS)](
* [Better Test Code Coverage Through Data](
* [Do you want to speed up your integration tests by 10x?](
* [Testing Elasticsearch Applications](
#### Videos
* [Mobile Automation in Continuous Delivery Pipeline](
* [Distributed Automation Using Selenium Grid / AWS / Autoscaling](
* [AWS re:Invent 2017: Use Amazon EC2 Systems Manager to Perform Automated Resilience Testing](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Open-sourcing Python Test Runner for multiple tests in parallel](
* [Predictive test selection: A more efficient way to ensure reliability of code changes](
* [MobileLab: Highly accurate testing to prevent mobile performance regressions](
* [Sapienz: Intelligent automated software testing at scale](
* [Preventing performance regressions with Health Compass and Incident Tracker](
* [Finding and fixing software bugs automatically with SapFix and Sapienz](
* [Open-sourcing Flipper: a new extensible debugging tool](
* [BrowserLab: Automated regression detection for the web](
* [Getafix: How Facebook tools learn to fix bugs automatically](
* [Stetho: A new debugging platform for Android](
* [Open-sourcing Facebook Infer: Identify bugs before you ship](
* [Building and testing at Facebook](
* [Watir to WebDriver: Unit Test Frameworks](
* [Rapid release at massive scale](
* [Finding inter-procedural bugs at scale with Infer static analyzer](
* [Zoncolan: How Facebook uses static analysis to detect and prevent security issues](
* [How do you test your tests? An approach on probablistic flakiness score](
* [Faster, more efficient systems for finding and fixing regressions](
* [Test plans at Facebook](
* [Improving end-to-end tests' reliability at Facebook](
* [Autonomous testing of services at scale](
#### Videos
* [Systems @Scale 2019 - Continuous Deployment at Facebook Scale](
* [Mobile End to End Testing at Scale - SeleniumConf 2015](
* [Turning iOS End to End Testing up to 11 - Lawrence Lomax](
* [Readable. Stable. Maintainable. E2E Testing @ Facebook - Archit Pal Singh Sachdeva](
* [Automated Fault-Finding and Fixing at Facebook](
* [Damien Sereni, Testing and moving fast making Selenium work for Facebook](
* [Taqelah - Facebook Meetup - Raj Kamal - Shreya Bhat](
* [GTAC 2013: Simon Stewart - How Facebook Tests Facebook on Android](
* [GTAC 2014: Never Send a Human to do a Machine’s Job: How Facebook uses bots to manage tests](
* [Facebook Infer: Advanced Static Analysis at Speed and Scale - Facebook - DevTools@Scale2017](
* [Building Mobile Apps with Open Source Tools - Simon Stewart - Mobile @ Scale](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Figma Quality Week: Inside our bug bashing party](
* [Inside Figma: a case study on strict null checks](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Astra — Automated Security Testing for REST API’s](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [How GitHub uses automated testing to empower developers to write less](
* [MySQL infrastructure testing automation at GitHub](
* [octocatalog-diff: GitHub’s Puppet development and testing tool](
* [Browser Monitoring for](
* [How we ship GitHub Mobile every week](
#### Videos
* [The elusive quest to measure developer productivity](
#### Handbook
* [Quality Department Handbook](
#### Blogs and Articles
* [An inside look at software testing at GitLab](
* [Introducing Accessibility Testing in GitLab](
* [How our QA team leverages GitLab’s performance testing tool (and you can too)](
* [How GitLab switched to Headless Chrome for testing](
* [How recent acquisitions introduce fuzz testing to GitLab](
* [How the Search Team at GitLab Implemented a Risk Map to Direct Automated Testing Efforts](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Move over Selenium - UI Testing with Cypress](
* [Mocking SOAP APIs in functional tests using Nock](
* [React Native Application UI testing using WebDriverIO and Appium](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Let’s take it live!](
* [Mr. Postman for Integration Testing](
#### Blogs
* [It's Time To Find And Kill Bugs](
* [Test Mobile Apps Using Web Traffic Interception and Mocking](
* [Why you should automate tests early](
* [Screenshot Testing our Design System on Android](
* [Advice from a Test Journeyman](
* [How I Gave My First Conference Talk](
* [7 Myths About Software Testing](
* [The Untold Story of Golang Testing](
* [The first principles of ‘Testing’](
* [How to Run Grouped TestNG Tests Using Gradle](
* [Golang Integration Testing Made Easy - How we at Gojek implement integration testing in our development processes.](
* [Everyone’s A Tester While ‘Mob Testing’](
* [Good bug reports lead to great bug fixes](
#### Books
* [James Whittaker](, [Jason Arbon]( and [Jeff Carolllo]( provide insights into testing at Google in their (slightly outdated) 2012 book [How Google Tests Software]( There is a seven part summary on the [Google Testing Blog]( as well:
* [How Google Tests Software - Part One](
* [How Google Tests Software - Part Two](
* [How Google Tests Software - Part Three](
* [How Google Tests Software - Part Four](
* [How Google Tests Software - Part Five](
* [How Google Tests Software - Part Six](
* [How Google Tests Software - Part Seven](
#### Blogs
* [Google Testing Blog](
#### Videos
* [Meet Test Engineers at Google](
* [GTAC 2016: Evolution of Business and Engineering Productivity](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2016: The Quirkier Side of Testings](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2016: How Flaky Tests in Continuous Integration: Current Practice at Google and Future Directions](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2016: OpenHTF - The Open-Source Hardware Testing Framework](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2016: Integration Testing with Multiple Mobile Devices and Services](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2016: Finding bugs in C++ libraries using LibFuzzer](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2015: Juggling Chainsaws for Fun and Profit: Lessons Learned from Mobile Cross-Platform Integration Testing](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2015: How to Component Test Soup Dumplings](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2015: Chromecast Test Automation](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2015: Automated Accessibility Testing for Android Applications](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2015: Statistical Data Sampling](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2015: Nest Automation Infrastructure](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2015: Fake Backends with RpcReplay](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2014: Chrome OS Test Automation Lab](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2014: Make Chrome the best mobile browser](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2014: Test coverage at Google](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2014: The Importance of Automated Testing on Real and Virtual Mobile Devices](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2014: Free Tests Are Better Than Free Bananas: Using Data Mining and Machine Learning To Automate Real-Time Production Monitoring](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2014: Google BigQuery Analytics](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2014: The Testing User Experience](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2014: Going Green: Cleaning up the Toxic Mobile Environment](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Opening Keynote - Evolution from Quality Assurance to Test Engineering](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Webdriver for Chrome](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Karma - Test Runner for JavaScript](
* [GTAC 2013: Automated Video Quality Measurements](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Testable JavaScript - Architecting Your Application for Testability](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Breaking the Matrix - Android Testing at Scale](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Android UI Automation](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Building Scalable Mobile Test Infrastructure for Google+ Mobile](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Espresso: Fresh Start to Android UI Testing](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Web Performance Testing with WebDriver](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Continuous Maps Data Testing](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Finding Culprits Automatically in Failing Builds - i.e. Who Broke the Build?](, [Slides](
<summary>GovTech Singapore - GDS(DCUBE)</summary>
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Security Dashboard — Part 1](
* [Security Dashboard — Part 2](
* [Software Bill of Materials (SBoM)](
* [Basics of Web Performance Testing](
* [Web Performance Testing — DCube’s Practices](
* [Agile Testing Practices](
* [Why automate tests and not do it manually?](
* [Test Automation— Our challenges and how to overcome them](
* [Developers working peacefully with the security folks — How?](
* [Secure code review process in Agile processes — how?](
* [Application security testing process in Agile processes — how?](
* [Mobile Test Automation — What is it?](
* [Mobile Test Automation — The Bigger Picture](
* [Integration Tests (with examples)](
* [Hacking the Bug Bounty Program](
* [Basic Coding Practices & Hygiene](
* [To BBP or not to BBP?](
* [When using 3rd-party libraries…](
* [API Testing](
* [Performance Testing - What to consider…](
* [The Good Unit Test](
* [Basic Web Security Testing - Sessions](
* [Basic Web Security Testing — File Upload](
* [Basic Web Security Testing — APIs](
* [All my functional tests passed — time to celebrate?](
* [Mobile Testing in the Cloud](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Marionette - Enabling E2E user-scenario simulation](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Testing business logic using DSLs in Clojure](
* [Functional Testing of Mobile and Web Apps using Clojure](
* [Load Testing using Tsung](
* [The Convoluted Magic of Leiningen Test Selectors](
* [On the testability of Ring Middleware in Clojure](
#### Videos
* [Testing business logic using DSLs in Clojure](
* [Clojure for functional testing of Mobile and Web apps](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Quality assurance for mobile development at](
* [Automating the release process](
* [How to bring off a gentleman’s release](
* [Top 5 Junior Automation Tester’s Questions About Automated Testing](
* [Top 5 Technical Director’s Questions About Automated Testing](
* [Top 5 Manager’s Questions About Automated Testing](
* [Top 5 Manual Testers’ Questions About Automated Testing](
* [Olya, tests and factory — the path to beautiful architecture and clean code](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Measuring software quality at scale](
#### Videos
* [Measuring software quality at Instacart - Dash 2020](
#### Videos
* [GTAC 2016: IATF: An new Automated Cross-platform and Multi-device API Test Framework](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2016: Docker Based Geo Dispersed Test Farm - Test Infrastructure Practice in Intel Android Program](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2016: Automation on Wearable Devices](, [Slides](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Simplifying UI Testing with Page Object Model and Controllers](
<summary>La Redoute</summary>
#### Blogs & Articles
* [96% Successful Daily Web Production Deploy](
* [Quality at Speed for our Mobile Application](
* [How We Test Our Event-Driven Microservices](
* [Cerberus, the birth of our Open Source Testing](
* [The Traditional Test Automation Pyramid, Pitfalls and Anti-patterns](
#### Videos
* [Quality at Speed @ La Redoute](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [LinkedIn’s approach to automated accessibility (A11y) testing](
* [Quality Control - LinkedIn's Testing Methodology](
* [iOS: Test Pyramid](
* [Writing Maintainable Integration Tests](
* ["Testscaling" with Test Engineering](
* [UI Automation: Keep it Functional – and Stable!](
* [Test Stability - How We Make UI Tests Stable](
* [Getting Code to Production With Less Friction and High Quality](
* [Eliminating toil with fully automated load testing](
* [The testing lifecycle at LinkedIn](
* [Testing Frontier, LinkedIn's Web Framework](
#### Videos
* [Testing in production at LinkedIn - Szczepan Faber](
* [GTAC 2015: Mock the Internet](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Load testing in production with Grafana Loki, Kubernetes and Golang](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [OpenTest: McDonald’s debut into open-source software](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Improving performance (and more) through load testing](
* [Automated UI Testing With Cypress](
* [Unit Testing mmctl Commands](
* [Avoiding Flaky Tests](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Designing automated tests for React, Increment Magazine](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Software Quality & Craftsmanship at ManoMano](
* [How we set a decentralized QA culture at ManoMano](
<summary>Meesho Tech</summary>
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Scaling For Sale: Automating JMeter Distributed Load Testing](
* [How Meesho's dedicated A/B Infra enables us to experiment and scale new features](
* [How we reduced our test automation development time by 20%](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [We have created unit testing guidelines](
* [Automatically generating snapshot tests from Xcode Previews](
* [Android automated testing to support one-week releases](
* [What We Talk About When We Talk About Quality Assurance.](
* [Running distributed testing to reduce testing time](
* [Learn the differences of Test Doubles](
* [Test parallelization in Go: Understanding the t.Parallel() method](
* [Tool created to help improve local web frontend performance](
* [The current state of automation in the Merpay QA Team](
* [The Merpay QA Team: Maintaining Quality for Safe and Secure Products #TeamInterview](
* [A Deep Dive into Table-Driven Testing in Golang](
* [Accessibility Testing 101](
* [How is Security Testing Different from Typical Software Testing?](
* [Test Automation Policy in Merpay Frontend](
* [Mercari’s QA Engineering Initiatives 2020](
* [Merry Christmas and a Gift for QA Team](
* [Quality Assurance is Engineering Excellence](
* [Introducing Testdeck, an Open Source Tool for Microservices QA & Security Testing](
* [Specifying Kotlin tests with Spek](
* [Super fast and parallelized Android UITest(Appium) environment using AWS, Docker and Android emulator](
* [Speeding up Windows 10 / Microsoft Edge browser testing (Selenium WebDriver) using Azure DevTest Labs](
* [How HeadSpin will change mobile testing and monitoring?](
#### Books
* [How We Test Software at Microsoft]( by and Alan C. Page, Ken Johnston and [BJ Rollison]( is a good starting point.
#### Articles
* [Munil Shah: Evolving Test Practices at Microsoft](
* [CSE Code With Engineering Playbook: Automated testing](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [QA process at Miro](
* [Managing hundreds of servers for load testing: Autoscaling, custom monitoring, DevOps culture](
* [Reliable load testing with regards to unexpected nuances](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Design QA; minimising design debt in a fast paced world.](
* [Mobile testing at Monese](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Automated Testing & Accessibility on iOS](
* [How we load tested our bank before our £20 million crowdfunding round](
#### Handbook
* [Quality Assurance at Moziila](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Engineering code quality in the Firefox browser: A look at our tools and challenges](
#### Videos
* [Automation for a Better Web, GTAC 2014](, [Slides](
* [How Do You Test a Mobile OS?, GTAC 2013](, [Slides](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Intelligent test automation gives orion spacecraft boos](
* [How did NASA make reliable software if they didn't invent unit tests?](
* [Software Development & Test](
* [Automated testing of nasa software](
* [NASA releases updated open source software bundle including testing tools](
* [Jon McBride Software Testing and Research (JSTAR)](
* [They Write the Right Stuff](
* [Agile Development Brings New Challenges for Software Assurance at NASA](
* [How NASA does software testing and QA](
* [Product Verification from their System Engineering Handbook](
#### Other
* [An interesting Twitter thread on how NASA tests software](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Edgar: Solving Mysteries Faster with Observability](
* [Automation as a Service — Introducing Scriptflask](
* [Automated testing on devices](
* [Product Integration Testing at the Speed of Netflix](
* [Automated Failure Testing](
* [Announcing Electric Eye](
* [From Chaos to Control — Testing the resiliency of Netflix’s Content Discovery Platform](
* [NTS: Real-time Streaming for Test Automation](
* [FIT: Failure Injection Testing](
* [Testing Netflix on Android](
* [Lerner — using RL agents for test case scheduling](
* [Announcing Sleepy Puppy — Cross-Site Scripting Payload Management for Web Application Security Testing](
* [How Netflix does A/B Testing](
* [Fixing Performance Regressions Before they Happen](
* [Improving Pull Request Confidence for the Netflix TV App](
#### Videos
* [GTAC 2015: Enabling Streaming Experiments at Netflix](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2014: I Don't Test Often ... But When I Do, I Test in Production](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: When Bad Things Happen to Good Applications...](, [Slides](
* [Design Testing at Netflix](
* [Testing In Production, The Netflix Way](
* [Test Automation at Scale](
* [Evolution of Payments Testing at Netflix](
* [Test Selection: Heuristics and Machine Learning](
* [The Automation before pressing Play](
* [Applying Failure Testing Research @Netflix](
* [Getting Netflix on a Variety of Devices](
* [Electric Eye](
* [Measuring Perceptual Video Quality at Scale](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Integration Tests with Testcontainers at Ninja Van](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Why We Killed Our End-to-End Test Suite](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Way Beyond Testing: The Future of Quality is Smarter, Faster, Better](
#### Videos
* [What do you mean a Quality Owner?](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Write Once, Test Everywhere — Simplified SDK Testing](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Reinventing the QA process](
* [The Role & Relevance of API Testing in an Agile World](
* [User testing: setting up the Picnic user testing lab](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Detecting Goroutine Leaks with Test Cases](
* [Releasing features with confidence in your mobile app](
<summary>Slalom Build</summary>
#### Blogs & Articles
* [23 Books for Quality Assurance Professionals](
* [Q&A with Slalom Build’s Inaugural 2019 Quality Engineering Academy](
* [Eight Signs Your Agile Testing Isn’t That Agile](
* [Journey of a Manual QA into an Automation World](
* [Playwright vs WebDriver: The Future of Browser Automation](
* [Quality Engineer Learning Roadmap](
* [Quality Engineering: Adapt and Apply](
* [The challenge of testing Data Pipelines](
* [Quality Engineering Core Principles](
* [What is the ROI of my test automation?](
* [The Regression Death Spiral](
* [Testing Angular Applications with Selenium Java](
* [Why isn’t all test automation run on the pipeline?](
* [How to test Internationalization with UI automation](
* [Redefining “Using Promises with the Page Object Model”](
* [Load Testing in a Nutshell](
* [Mobile Testing with Microsoft’s Xamarin Test Cloud](
* [Using Promises with the Page Object Model](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Automating Complex End-to-End Tests](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Shazam on iOS: UI testing + Shazam Pro User Tip](
* [A Kotlin DSL for Acceptance Tests](
* [CI at Shazam](
#### Videos
* [Keeping 100+ million users happy: how we test Shazam on Android](
* [3 years of backend testing at Shazam - the stuff we got wrong](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Webhook testing made easy](
* [The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Test Retries: An Android Monorepo Case Study](
* [iOS Application Testing Strategies at Shopify](
* [Building and Testing Resilient Ruby on Rails Applications](
* [Four Steps to Creating Effective Game Day Tests](
* [Mobile Tophatting at Shopify](
* [Great Code Reviews—The Superpower Your Team Needs](
* [Mobile Release Engineering at Scale with Shipit Mobile](
* [Software Release Culture at Shopify](
#### Videos
* [Scaling R&D to thousands of people without dedicated QA - Adam Archer (Shopify)](
* [Chat Ops and Developer Productivity [John Arthorne, Shopify]](
* [Resiliency Testing with Toxiproxy](
* [ChatOps at Shopify: Inviting Bots in Our Day-to-Day Operations](
* [Testing Rails at Scale by Emil Stolarsky](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Everything You Need to Know About How Slack Approaches Accessibility Testing](
* [Android UI Automation: Part 1, Building Trust](
* [Android UI Automation: Part 2, Making It Easy](
* [Surf’s Up! Preparing for Huge Waves of Traffic via Load Testing](
* [How About Code Reviews?](
* [On Empathy & Pull Requests](
* [Disasterpiece Theater: Slack’s process for approachable Chaos Engineering](
* [Scaling End-to-End User Interface Tests](
* [Handling Flaky Tests at Scale: Auto Detection & Suppression](
#### Videos
* [UI testing is so easy - said no developer ever - Valera Zakharov, Kevin Lai](
* [Mobile performance testing at Slack – Valera Zakharov](
* ["Better Integration Tests for Performance Monitoring" by Maude Lemaire](
* [Valera Zakharov: Testing](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Release Quality and Mobile Trains](
* [Integration Testing for Memory Leaks](
* [Hands-Off Deployment with Canary](
* [Running Android UI Test Suites on Firebase Test Lab](
* [Automatic Stubbing of Network Requests to Deflakify Automation Testing](
* [Alerting on SLOs like Pros](
* [Periskop: Exception Monitoring Service](
#### Videos
* [Continuous Integration at SoundCloud - Vincent Garrigues]( | [Slides](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Test Flakiness – Methods for identifying and dealing with flaky tests](
* [Testing of Microservices](
* [Generating test cases so you don’t have to](
* [Test Strategies and Spotify – Kristian Karl](
* [How to Build a QA Strategy Like Spotify](
* [How Spotify does test automation](
* [Model Based Testing at Spotify](
* [How We Improved Developer Productivity for Our DevOps Teams](
#### Videos
* [Spotify Model Based Testing - Kristian Karl](
* [Experiences Of Test Automation At Spotify - Kristian Karl](
* [Scaling Android Application Testing at Spotify - Sean Kenny](
* [How Spotify Does Testing for Mobile - Sean Kenny](
* [Test flakiness - Methods for dealing with flaky tests - Jason Palmer](
* [Applying Testing Mindset to Software Development - Andrew Dzynia]( | [Slides](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Engineering a Better Working Group](
* [Turbocharging Our UI Tests](
* [UI Testing at Squarespace: Part I](
* [UI Testing at Squarespace: Part II](
* [Six Attributes of Beautiful Systems](
* [Under the Hood: Ensuring Site Reliability](
* [Continuous Localization at Squarespace](
* [Creating a Code Review Culture, Part 1: Organizations and Authors](
* [Creating a Code Review Culture, Part 2: Code Reviewers](
#### Blogs & Articles (& stackoverflow questions about stackoverflow obviously! :) )
* [Which tools and libraries are used for testing by StackOverflow developers?](
* [How TDD-oriented is the SE team?](
* [Does Stack Overflow have automated tests?](
* [What tools and techniques are used to test UI changes?](
* [Adding Static Code Analysis to Stack Overflow](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Running three hours of Ruby tests in under three minutes](
* [Game Day Exercises at Stripe - Learning from `kill -9`](
* [Fast and flexible observability with canonical log lines](
* [Learning to operate Kubernetes reliably](
<summary>Stuart Engineering</summary>
#### Blogs & Articles
* [⬅️ Shifting left QA](
* [What QA Engineers do at Stuart](
* [🌎 Webhook Testing At Stuart](
* [🔬 Under The QA Testing Microscope](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [#BehindTheBug - Learning from our mistakes](
* [Gradle Incremental Test Runner](
* [Service Level Testing for Microservices in Swiggy](
<summary>The Guardian</summary>
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Software quality in a world of microservices and continuous deployment](
* [Testing in Production: rethinking the conventional deployment pipeline](
* [Data-Driven Quality](
* [Testing in the right places](
* [The software testing identity crisis](
* [Device wall of awesome: how Lego helped our digital development](
* [QA testing for the Guardian's Content API](
* [Real-time QA: staying confident with code](
* [Testing, testing: the Guardian attends a QA community meet-up](
<summary>The Signal Group</summary>
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Testing complex business flows: From cones to pyramids](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Manual Testing for Mobile Applications](
* [Acceptance Tests On CI Pipeline](
* [Regression Testing in Mobile Development](
* [Automated Integration Testing over Gitlab](
* [UI Testing Challenges of The Trendyol Mobile App](
* [Get the Most Out of UI Tests With XCode Test Plans](
* [How to Test Deeplinks with XCUITest](
* [Writing Pact Contract Tests with GoLang](
* [Integrate Slather to Trendyol Project](
* [UI Test Roadmap with Kaspresso](
* [Trendyol Android Team Unit Test Practice](
* [The Importance of A/B and Exploratory Testing (ET) in Trendyol iOS App](
* [Mobile App Complexity: Things to Consider While Estimating Test Effort](
* [Couchbase Integration Testing for Golang via Testcontainers](
* [The Different Types of Testing on Trendyol iOS App](
* [PIT Mutation Testing on CI/CD Pipeline](
* [How to Test Database Queries and More with Node.js](
* [Differences Between Mobile Web and Mobile Platform Tests](
* [Mocking API Calls in UI Tests](
* [How to Make iOS UI Testing fast and reliable](
* [How to Write Unit Tests for Selector Functions in Swift](
* [Integration testing with Wiremock](
* [Device Selection for iOS App Testing](
* [Measuring Data in App with Marketing Event Tests](
* [Heuristic Test Strategy for Mobile Software Test](
* [Meaningful Error Messages for iOS UI Tests](
* [Make UI Testing possible with TYGenerator](
* [Adaptation of Empathy Mapping to Mobile Test](
* [Automated Visual Testing With Snapshots: Part 1](
* [Automated Visual Testing With Snapshots: Part 2](
#### Blogs
* [Building fast and reliable web applications](
* [Cucable Maven plugin for parallel execution of Cucumber scenarios](
* [Creating a Culture of Quality](
* [Elasticsearch and Kibana for Selenium Automation](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Integrating Cypress Tests With Docker, Buildkite, and CICD](
* [What to Consider When Writing E2E Tests](
* [1,000 Foot Overview of Writing Cypress Tests](
* [TypeScript All the Things in Your Cypress](
* [Dealing With Email Flows in Cypress Tests](
* [Ideas for Configuring, Organizing, and Consolidating Your Cypress Tests](
#### Videos
* [GTAC 2015: Hands Off Regression Testing](, [Slides](
* [GTAC 2013: Testing Systems at Scale @Twitter](, [Slides](
* [Testing for products with a microservice architecture - Building an agnostic test framework](
#### Videos
* [GTAC 2015: The Uber Challenge of Cross-Application/Cross-Device Testing](, [Slides](
* [Using the Octopus Framework - Jeff Hu](
* [Inside Uber's secret self-driving car testing facility](
* [Ludwig: A Toolbox for Training and Testing Deep Learning Models without Writing Code](
* [Chaos Engineering @ Uber -- Dianne Laguerta](
* [Observability infra @ Uber](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Introducing Shadower: A Minimalistic Load Testing Tool](
* [Supercharging A/B Testing at Uber](
* [Introducing Ballast: An Adaptive Load Test Framework](
* [Octopus to the Rescue: the Fascinating World of Inter-App Communications at Uber Engineering](
* [Introducing Hypothesis GU Funcs, an Open Source Python Package for Unit Testing](
* [Best Practices for Unit Testing in React Version 16](
* [Monitoring Data Quality at Scale with Statistical Modeling](
* [Introducing Piranha: An Open Source Tool to Automatically Delete Stale Code](
#### Handbook
* [Test Lean and Ship Healthy: A Handbook on Delivering High Quality Software in the DevOps World](
#### Videos
* [Test Lean and Ship Healthy: Delivering High Quality Software in the DevOps World](
#### Videos
* [Software Quality Engineering in Visma with Mili Orucevic](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Test Automation of Query Understanding AI/ML based Model for an eCommerce Search - Kushal Kumar Verma](
* [Elements of Successful Massive Scale Automated Testing - Maciej Adwent](
* [iOS Test Automation @WalmartLabs - Chaoyi Chen](
#### Videos
* [SauceCon 2019: The Push From Within: A Journey Of Transformation - Claude Jones at Walmart Labs](
* [SauceCon 2019: Test Armada - Evolution of a Value-based Test Automation Platform - Pranav Verma at Walmart Labs](
#### Handbook
* [Wikimedia Quality Handbook](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Performance Testing a data pipeline at scale](
* [Automated Heatmap Verification E2E using Selenium and Canvas](
* [Automated environment deployments](
* [Automating Web Push Notifications @Selenium Conference 2016](
* [Testing AngularJS Apps End to End Using Protractor](
* [Overcoming the Challenges of Performance Testing Single-page Apps](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Software Developers, Communicate Your Intentions (TLDR: do it using tests)](
* [Meet Raven TestKit: Wix Engineering's Open Source Tool to Test Sentry Reports](
* [How to Test Your Redux App](
* [Testing Asynchronous Code](
* [How to integrate 3rd Party APIs without Fear](
* [Keep Your Tests Clean and Isolated with a Context](
* [Asynchronous Sad Path Testing in React Using Jest and The Driver Pattern](
* [Keep your tests clean, by refactoring](
* [Functional Testing with Tagless-Final](
* [Overestimated value of test documentation](
* [Testing Metrics: Are You Really Sure about the Quality of Your Product?](
* [Integration Tests in JavaScript That Don’t Suck](
* [Building and Open-Sourcing Wix’s A/B Testing System](
* [Mockingbird: The Why, When and How of Testing with Mocks — Part 1](
* [Mockingbird: The Why, When and How of Testing with Mocks — Part 2](
* [Mockingbird — Part 3 — The Pitfalls](
#### Videos
* [The Price of TDD is Eternal Vigilance](
* [Clean Tests](
* [Testing with Protractor](
* [To Test or Not To Test?](
* [Screenshots in Automated Testing: When? How? Why?](
* [Driving to UI Test Heaven](
* [Detox: tackling the flakiness of mobile automation](
* [Testing For Performance](
* [Detox: Graybox End to End Tests and Automation Library for Mobile Apps](
* [TDD for the Curious](
* [E2E testing with Javascript](
* [Intro to TDD](
* [Meaningful Code Reviews](
* [E2E testing with Javascript](
* [TDD: Discover Implementation by Stepping Small](
#### git
* [Wix HTTP Testkit](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Onboarding Process in Wrike QA Automation Team](
* [Code Review Without Queues](
* [Generating a Smoke Test Suite](
* [How To Improve Code Quality in an Autotest Project](
* [Allure Integration at Wrike](
* [Test Markup in QA Automation](
* [Autotesting Optimized: Intellij IDEA Plugins in Service of QA Automation](
* [Callisto: An Easy Way To Run Selenium Tests in the Cloud](
* [All QA articles](
#### Videos
* [Onboarding in QA Automation Team](
* [Test Markup in QA Automation](
* [Allure Integration at Wrike](
* [Smoke Tests Suite Generation](
* [Autotests Runs Optimization with IDEA Plugin](
* [How static analysis can help in QAA processes](
* [Test quarantine or how to manage flaky tests](
* [How to survive with lots of tests](
* [IntelliJ IDEA plugins in QA Automation](
* [Selenium(road to Kubernetes](
* [Callisto: how we learned to stop worrying and love Selenium](
* [Performance testing of iOS applications](
* [Why the Era of vintage TMS is going to be over?](
* [How to save a year of your time every day](
* [Playlist with all 10 mins of Wrike QA](
* [QA playlist](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Building an End to End load test automation system on top of Kubernetes](
* [Selenium Conf Gets a Dose of Zalenium](
* [Zalenium: A Disposable and Flexible Selenium Grid Infrastructure](
* [Zester – Unit Tests on Steroids](
* [Selenium WebDriver Explained](
* [Lean Testing, or Why Unit Tests are Worse than You Think](
* [Do We Really Need UI Tests?](
* [Integration tests with Testcontainers](
* [Stop using constants. Feed randomized input to test cases.](
* [End-to-end load testing Zalando’s production website](
* [A Journey On End To End Testing A Microservices Architecture](
#### Blogs & Articles
* [Hello, World!]( - Includes interesting aspects of how Zerodha managed testing and their principles around engineering quality.
## Contributors
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## Credits
- Images in banner used from
- Idea inspired from the [awesome]( lists.
- Static site powered by [docsify](
- Contributors list generated using [contributors-img](
- All the authors and the companies they represented in the resources.
## Code of Conduct
Please refer to the code of conduct [here](
## License
239 | Curated list of resources on testing distributed systems | List of resources on testing distributed systems curated by Andrey Satarin ([@asatarin](
If you are interested in my other stuff, checkout [talks]( page.
For any questions or suggestions you can reach out to me on Twitter ([@asatarin](,
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**Table of Contents**
<!-- Use TOC generator to update this -->
- [Overview of testing approaches](#overview-of-testing-approaches)
- [Research Papers](#research-papers)
- [Bugs](#bugs)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Fault Tolerance](#fault-tolerance)
- [Resilience In Complex Adaptive Systems](#resilience-in-complex-adaptive-systems)
- [Jepsen](#jepsen)
- [Formal Methods](#formal-methods)
- [Lineage-driven Fault Injection](#lineage-driven-fault-injection)
- [Chaos Engineering](#chaos-engineering)
- [Fuzzing](#fuzzing)
- [Microservices](#microservices)
- [Game Days](#game-days)
- [Performance and Benchmarking](#performance-and-benchmarking)
- [Test Case Reduction](#test-case-reduction)
- [Misc](#misc)
- [Specific approaches in different distributed systems](#specific-approaches-in-different-distributed-systems)
- [Google](#google)
- [Amazon Web Services](#amazon-web-services)
- [Netflix](#netflix)
- [Microsoft](#microsoft)
- [Meta](#meta)
- [FoundationDB](#foundationdb)
- [Cassandra](#cassandra)
- [ScyllaDB](#scylladb)
- [Dropbox](#dropbox)
- [Elastic (Elasticsearch)](#elastic-elasticsearch)
- [MongoDB](#mongodb)
- [Confluent (Kafka)](#confluent-kafka)
- [CockroachLabs (CockroachDB)](#cockroachlabs-cockroachdb)
- [SingleStore](#singlestore)
- [Twitter](#twitter)
- [LinkedIn](#linkedin)
- [Salesforce](#salesforce)
- [VoltDB](#voltdb)
- [PingCap (TiDB)](#pingcap-tidb)
- [Cloudera](#cloudera)
- [Wallaroo Labs](#wallaroo-labs)
- [YugabyteDB](#yugabytedb)
- [FaunaDB](#faunadb)
- [Shopify](#shopify)
- [Hazelcast](#hazelcast)
- [Basho (Riak)](#basho-riak)
- [CoreOS (etcd)](#coreos-etcd)
- [Red Planet Labs](#red-planet-labs)
- [Atomix Copycat](#atomix-copycat)
- [Onyx](#onyx)
- [](#druidio)
- [TigerBeetle](#tigerbeetle)
- [Convex](#convex)
- [Single node systems](#single-node-systems)
- [SQLite](#sqlite)
- [Sled](#sled)
- [Clickhouse](#clickhouse)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Network Simulation](#network-simulation)
- [QuickCheck](#quickcheck)
- [Benchmarking](#benchmarking)
- [Linkbench](#linkbench)
- [YCSB](#ycsb)
## Overview of testing approaches
### Research Papers
#### Bugs
* [What Bugs Live in the Cloud? A Study of 3000+ Issues in Cloud Systems]( — study of actual bugs in different popular distributed systems (Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, ZooKeeper
and Flume)
* [TaxDC: A Taxonomy of Non-Deterministic Concurrency Bugs in Datacenter Distributed Systems]( — comprehensive taxonomy of bugs in distributed systems (Cassandra, Hadoop MapReduce, HBase, ZooKeeper)
* [An Empirical Study on Crash Recovery Bugs in Large-Scale Distributed Systems]( — based on bug database from "What Bugs Live in the Cloud?" paper reseachers focus specifically on crash recovery bugs in Hadoop MapReduce, HBase, Cassandra, ZooKeeper. There is review of this paper by [Murat Demirbas]( in [his blog](
* [An empirical study on the correctness of formally verified distributed systems]( — study of bugs in formally verified distributed systems. Analysis includes Microsoft's [IronFleet distributed key-value store]( built from formal model.
* [What bugs cause cloud production incidents?]( — research focused on bugs (and their resolution strategies) that actually cause production incidents in large-scale distributed services at [Microsoft](#microsoft) Azure.
#### Testing
* [Simple Testing Can Prevent Most Critical Failures: An Analysis of Production Failures in Distributed Data-Intensive Systems]( — Great overview of how even simple testing can help a lot, you just need right focus
* [Early detection of configuration errors to reduce failure damage]( — why and how to test configuration files of your system
* [Why Is Random Testing Effective for Partition Tolerance Bugs?]( — just what it says in a title, authors try to explain why random testing ([Jepsen](#jepsen)) is effective and introduce notions of test coverage relating to network partition, see also ["The Morning Paper" review]( or a [video]( from POPL 2018.
* [FlyMC: Highly Scalable Testing of Complex Interleavings in Distributed Systems]( — novel approach of systematically exploring interleavings in distributed systems augmented with static analysis and prioritization. This approach is faster than previous techniques and found old and new bugs in several systems (Cassandra, Ethereum Blockchain, Hadoop, Kudu, Raft LogCabin, Spark, ZooKeeper).
* [Torturing Databases for Fun and Profit]( — checking ACID guarantees of open source and commercial databases under power loss, [additional material](
* [Understanding and Detecting Software Upgrade Failures in Distributed Systems]( — paper presents first study of upgrade failures in distributed systems (Cassandra, HBase, Kafka, Mesos, YARN, ZooKeeper, etc).
Authors look at severity, symptoms, causes and triggers of these failures and summarize results in a number of findings.
They propose two new tools to improve testing targeting upgrade failures specifically and apply those tools
to a few systems with good results (new bugs and potential bugs found).
I gave an [overview talk]( of the paper in September 2022.
#### Fault Tolerance
* [Redundancy does not imply fault tolerance: analysis of distributed storage reactions to single errors and corruptions]( — study of several distributed systems (Redis, ZooKeeper, MongoDB, Cassandra, Kafka, RethinkDB) on how fault tolerant they are to data corruption and read/write errors
* [The Case for Limping-Hardware Tolerant Clouds]( — research on effect of limping hardware on performance of a distributed systems (aka limplock), see also great blog post by Dan Luu on a similiar topic [Distributed systems: when limping hardware is worse than dead hardware](
* [Toward a Generic Fault Tolerance Technique for Partial Network Partitioning]( — overview of netrwork partition failures in various distributed systems (MongoDB, HBase, HDFS, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Elasticsearch, Mesos, etc), common traits among them and strategies to mitigate those failures.
* [Understanding, Detecting and Localizing Partial Failures in Large System Software]( — what happens if your system loses some functionality due to failure as opposed to full fail-stop?
Authors study how these partial failures manifest in distributed systems (ZooKeeper, Cassandra, HDFS, Mesos) and what triggers them.
They propose runtime approach to detect those failure with mimic-style intrinsic watchdogs and show how these watchdogs could be generated automatically.
They managed to reproduce 20 out of 22 real world partial failures and detect them using intrinsic watchdogs with great code localization and reaction time within a few seconds.
See also [overview talk]( on the paper.
#### Technologies for Testing Distributed Systems by Colin Scott
Colin Scott shares his viewpoint from academia on testing distributed systems,
specifically regression testing for correctness and performance bugs.
* [Technologies for Testing Distributed Systems, Part I](
* See also post [Distributed Systems Testing: The Lost World]( by Crista Lopes
#### Testing in a Distributed World by Ines Sombra (RICON 2014)
Great overview of techniques for testing distributed systems from practitioner, the [video]( did age well and still extremely good overview of the landscape.
Additional materials could be found in [this Github repo](
### Resilience In Complex Adaptive Systems
These materials are not directly related to testing distributed systems, but they greatly contribute to general understanding of such systems.
* [Velocity NY 2013: Richard Cook, "Resilience In Complex Adaptive Systems"](
* [Velocity 2012: Richard Cook, "How Complex Systems Fail"](
* [How Complex Systems Fail](
### Jepsen
State of the art approach to testing stateful distributed systems.
* [Jepsen Analyses]( — most recent Jepsen analyses of different distributed systems
* [Jepsen Talks]( — talks by Kyle Kingsbury on various conferences
* [Aphyr's Jepsen posts]( — older Jepsen analyses on Kyle Kingsbury's (Aphyr) personal site
* [Jepsen Talks on Github]( — Jepsen talks slides before 2015 on Github
* [Kyle Kingsbury on InfoQ](
* [Call me maybe: Jepsen and flaky networks]( — talk on Jepsen, not by Kyle
* [Jepsen is used by Microsoft CosmosDB]( — founder of Azure CosmosDB confirms, that they are using Jepsen
Elle transactional consistency checker for black-box databases:
* Elle [source code](
* [Black-box Isolation Checking with Elle]( — talk Kyle gave at [CMU DB]( database seminar descibing Elle and results obtained with it
* [Elle: Inferring Isolation Anomalies from Experimental Observations]( — paper on Elle design by Kyle Kingsbury and Peter Alvaro
Some notable Jepsen analyses:
* [Jepsen: CockroachDB beta-20160829](
* [Jepsen: VoltDB 6.3](
* [Jepsen: RethinkDB 2.2.3 reconfiguration](
* [Jepsen: RethinkDB 2.1.5](
Jepsen is used by [CockroachDB](#cockroachlabs-cockroachdb), [VoltDB](#voltdb), [Cassandra](#cassandra), [ScyllaDB](#scylladb) and others.
### Formal Methods
* [The verification of a distributed system By Caitie McCaffrey]( also [podcast]( and [talk]( on and [accompanying materials]( on GitHub and a [slidedeck](
* [Designing Distributed Systems in TLA+]( by Hillel Wayne, and talk [Everything about distributed systems is terrible](
* [Comparisons of Alloy and Spin](
* [Verdi: Formally Verifying Distributed Systems](
* [Verdi — A framework for formally verifying distributed systems implementations in Coq](
* [Network Semantics for Verifying Distributed Systems](
* [Proving that Android’s, Java’s and Python’s sorting algorithm is broken (and showing how to fix it)]( — using formal verification to find a bug in TimSort sorting algorithm
* [Proving JDK’s Dual Pivot Quicksort Correct]( — analizying quicksort implementation in Java
Companies using TLA+ to verify correctness of algorithms:
* [Amazon Web Services](#amazon-web-services)
* [PingCap for TiDB](#pingcap-tidb)
* [MongoDB](#mongodb)
* [Microsoft](#microsoft) for services in Azure cloud
* [Confluent](#confluent-kafka) for Apache Kafka
### Lineage-driven Fault Injection
* [Lineage-driven Fault Injection](
* [Abstracting the Geniuses Away from Failure Testing](
[Netflix](#netflix) adopted lineage-driven fault injection techniques for testing microservices.
### Chaos Engineering
* [Principles of Chaos Engineering](
* Free [Chaos Engineering]( book by [Netflix](#netflix) engineers
* [A curated list of awesome Chaos Engineering resources](
[Netflix](#netflix) pioneered chaos engineering discipline.
### Fuzzing
There are two flavors of fuzzing. First, randomized concurrency testing, where the ordering of messages is fuzzed:
* [Fuzzing Raft for Fun and Publication](
* [Combining AFL and QuickCheck for Directed Fuzzing by Dan Luu](
And input fuzzing, where message contents or user inputs are fuzzed:
* [DNS parser, meet Go fuzzer](
* [Fuzz Testing with afl-fuzz (American Fuzzy Loop)](
* [Randomized testing for Go]( and talk on this tool [GopherCon 2015: Dmitry Vyukov — Go Dynamic Tools](
* [Simple guided fuzzing for libraries using LLVM's new libFuzzer](
* [LibFuzzer – a library for coverage-guided fuzz testing](
* [How Heartbleed could've been found]( — example of how fuzzing could be used for finding famous HeartBleed vulnerability
### Microservices
Amazing and comprehensive overview of different strategies to test systems built with microservices by Cindy Sridharan.
* [Testing Microservices, the sane way](
Series of blog posts specifically on testing in production — best practices, pitfaults, etc:
* [Testing in Production, the safe way](
* [Testing in Production: the hard parts](
### Game Days
* [Sometimes Kill -9 Isn’t Enough](
### Performance and Benchmarking
* [Your Load Generator Is Probably Lying To You](
* [Everything You Know About Latency Is Wrong]( — great overview of Gil Tene`s "How NOT to Measure Latency" talk
* ["How NOT to Measure Latency" by Gil Tene](
* ["Benchmarking: You're Doing It Wrong" by Aysylu Greenberg](
* [Performance Analysis Methodology]( — approaches developed by Brendan Gregg for analysing performance in systematic fashion
See also [benchmarking](#benchmarking) tools.
### Test Case Reduction
* [Minimizing Faulty Executions of Distributed Systems]( — reducing the size of buggy executions to make them easier to understand. 60 minute talk [here](
* [Troubleshooting Blackbox SDN Control Software with Minimal Causal Sequences]( — similar to above, but requires less instrumentation.
* [Concurrency Debugging with Differential Schedule Projections]( — find and minimize concurrency bugs using program analysis. Shared memory systems are equivalent to message passing systems, so you can apply the same techniques to distributed systems.
### Misc
* ["Simulation Testing" by Michael Nygard](
* [Testing Distributed Systems for Linearizability](
* [Metamorphic Testing]( — overview of what metamorphic testing is and where it can help.
For more details see paper ["Metamorphic Testing: A Review of Challenges and Opportunities"](
## Specific approaches in different distributed systems
### Google
* [Efficient Exploratory Testing of Concurrent Systems]( — They don't mention it but looks like they describe testing of Google Omega
* [Exploratory Testing Architecture (ETA) ](
* [Paxos Made Live — An Engineering Perspective]( has a section on testing
* [10 Years of Crashing Google]( describes some war stories from Disaster Recovery Testing (DiRT) team at Google
* [Testing for Reliability]( chapter from Google Site Reliability Engineering book
* [Randomized Testing of Cloud Spanner]( — overview of randomized testing at Cloud Spanner, including how to scale it to large datasets and high concurrency
### Amazon Web Services
* [The Evolution of Testing Methodology at AWS: From Status Quo to Formal Methods with TLA+](
* [Use of Formal Methods at Amazon Web Services](
* [CACM Article "How Amazon Web Services Uses Formal Methods"](
* [Debugging Designs by Chris Newcombie]( there is also a [source bundle](
* [Millions of tiny databases]( — has section on testing which describes several approaches: SimWorld simulation resembling approach used at [Foundation DB](#foundationdb), use of [Jepsen](#jepsen) and [formal methods](#formal-methods) and [game days](#game-days).
* [Using lightweight formal methods to validate a key-value storage node in Amazon S3]( — paper on verifying correctness of a new key-value storage node implementation in S3. They are using property-based testing and stateless model checking extensively to balance trade-offs and follow pragmatic approach.
I gave a talk ["Formal Methods at Amazon S3"]( on this paper for a reading group.
See also [formal methods](#formal-methods) section.
### Netflix
Automated failure injection (see also [Lineage-driven Fault Injection](#lineage-driven-fault-injection)):
* [Monkeys in Lab Coats: Applying Failure Testing Research @Netflix](
* [“Monkeys in Labs Coats”: Applied Failure Testing Research at Netflix](
* [Automated Failure Testing](
* [Automating Failure Testing Research at Internet Scale]( by P. Alvaro et.el
Random/manual failure injection testing:
* [Netflix Simian Army](
* [Failure Injection Testing](
* [From Chaos to Control — Testing the resiliency of Netflix’s Content Discovery Platform](
* [Breaking Bad at Netflix: Building Failure as a Service](
* [GTAC 2014: I Don't Test Often ... But When I Do, I Test in Production]( — Netflix different testing strategies
See also [Chaos Engineering](#chaos-engineering).
### Microsoft
* [Asynchronous programming, analysis and testing with state machines]( — Open source language for building distributed systems. Language is designed with tooling in mind, particularly, automatic exploration of message orderings in order to find bugs.
* [Uncovering Bugs in Distributed Storage Systems during Testing (not in Production!)](
* [Windows Azure Storage: A Highly Available Cloud Storage Service with Strong Consistency]( describes "Pressure Point Testing" approach used for Azure Cloud Storage
* [Inside Azure Search: Chaos Engineering](
* [TLA+ at Microsoft: 16 Years in Production]( by David Langworthy — how rejuvenation of TLA+ happened at Microsoft in 2016 and onwards
See also [formal methods](#formal-methods) section.
### Meta
* [BellJar: A new framework for testing system recoverability at scale]( — BellJar
is a testing framework focused on answering question "What service dependencies are required for the service to recover after large scale disaster?".
BellJar puts service in a vacuum environment with only handful of direct dependencies allowlisted to verify that
recovery procedures succeed under those constraints. It checks those recovery procedures in CI/CD pipeline preventing
unconstrained growth of dependency graph and circular dependencies.
Based on BellJar tests one can construct the entire dependency graph of the services allowing to boostrap them in the correct order from bottom
to top.
### FoundationDB
* ["Testing Distributed Systems w/ Deterministic Simulation" by Will Wilson]( — talk on FoundationDB simulation testing. Their architecture was built from the ground up to suppport fully deterministic simulation testing
* [Simulation and Testing]( — public overview of FoundationDB simulation testing framework
* [FoundationDB or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Trust the Database]( by Markus Pilman from Snowflake — updated talk on testing FoundationDB with determenistic simulation. Markus goes into details of what it takes to build determenistic simulation into a database. He mentions that it took two years to build a simulation framework before FoundationDB team started working on a database.
* ["Buggify — Testing Distributed Systems with Deterministic Simulation"]( — Alex
Miller ([](, one of developers at FoundationDB, describes BUGGIFY macros, which helps bias simulation tests towards doing dangerous and bug finding things. This is a good example of cooperation between testing efforts and production code.
* ["FoundationDB: A Distributed Unbundled Transactional Key Value Store"]( — SIGMOD 2021 paper on FoundationDB has a very detailed section on simulation testing at FoundationDB with discussions on determinism, test oracles, fault injection and limitations.
### Cassandra
* [Testing Apache Cassandra with Jepsen](
* [Testing Cassandra Guarantees under Diverse Failure Modes with Jepsen](
* [Testing Cassandra Guarantees under Diverse Failure Modes with Jepsen](
* [Jepsen Cassandra Testing on Git](
* [Netflix A STATE OF XEN — CHAOS MONKEY & CASSANDRA]( from Cassandra Summit 2015
* [Testing Apache Cassandra with Jepsen: How to Understand and Produce Safe Distributed Systems]( by Joel Knighton presented at Devoxx UK 2016
* [Testing Apache Cassandra 4.0]( — quick overview of approaches used to test next major version of Cassandra
* [Fallout]( — tool to run distributed tests as a service. It is meant to easily orchestrate cluster creation and testing tools like [Jepsen](#jepsen), performance testing tools and others, though extention and combining them in various ways with enviromental conditions. It could run tests either locally or on large scale clusters.
* [Cassandra Harry]( — [Fuzz testing](#fuzzing) tool for Apache Cassandra. Aims to provide reproducible workloads to test correctness of Apache Cassandra.
* [Fuzz Testing and Verification of Apache Cassandra with "Harry"]( — talk on Harry fuzz testing tool by [Alex Petrov]( at ApacheCon 2021
* [Harry, an Open Source Fuzz Testing and Verification Tool for Apache Cassandra]( by Alex Petrov — blog post about Harry fuzz testing tool for Apache Cassandra and how it helps to find bugs
### ScyllaDB
They published series of blog posts on testing ScyllaDB:
* [Scylla testing part 1: Cassandra compatibility testing](
* [Scylla testing part 2: Extending Jepsen for testing Scylla](
* [CharybdeFS: a new fault-injecting filesystem for software testing](
* [Testing part 4: Distributed tests](
* [Testing part 5: Longevity testing](
* [Fault-injecting filesystem cookbook](
Video from Scylla Summit 2017 on testing
* [How We Constantly Try to Bring Scylla to its Knees]( and [slides]( — overview of different testing types at ScyllaDB
* [Project Gemini: An Open Source Automated Random Testing Suite for Scylla and Cassandra Clusters]( — random test generator comparing results from cluster with injected faults against single node running without faults. Works on tops of CQL API and suitable for testing any database implementing it. See also talk on [Project Gemini]( and [open source code](
* [ScyllaDB NoSQL Database Testing]( — highlights of testing approaches at Scylla
### Dropbox
* [Mysteries of Dropbox Property-Based Testing of a Distributed Synchronization Service]( — example of how to use QuickCheck to test synchronisation in Dropbox and similar tools (Google Drive). John Hughes gave a [talk on this]( See also [QuickCheck](#quickcheck).
* [Data Checking at Dropbox]( — If you have lots of data, you have to verify that is doesn't bit rot and protect it against rare bugs (e.g. race conditions) to guarantee long term durability. This talks explains intricacies of building data consistency checker(s) at Dropbox scale.
* [Dropbox's Exabyte Storage System]( (aka Magic Pocket) talk by James Cowling — describes number of strategies to achieve exteremely high durability.
This includes:
- guard against faulty disks,
- guard against software defects,
- guard against black swan events,
- operational safeguards to reduce blast radius,
- safeguards against deletes with multi stage soft-delete,
- comprehensive testing strategy in-depth with increased scale,
- redundancy across varios axis in software and hardware stacks,
- continuous data integrity validation on many levels,
- etc
* [Testing sync at Dropbox]( — comprehensive overview of two test frameworks at Dropbox for new sync engine implementation.
CanopyCheck — single threaded and fully deterministic randomized testing framework with minimization for synchronization planner component of the engine. The other framework Trinity focuses on concurrency and larger surface area of componenents.
Great discussion on tradeoffs between determinism, strengh of test oracles vs width of coverage and size of the system under test.
### Elastic (Elasticsearch)
* [Growing a protocol]( — applying [lineage driven fault injection](#lineage-driven-fault-injection) to test Elasticsearch replication protocol
* [Using TLA+ for fun and profit in the development of Elasticsearch]( by Yannick Welsch — Elasticsearch uses [TLA+](#formal-methods) to verify correctnes of their replication protocol
### MongoDB
* [MongoDB’s JavaScript Fuzzer: Creating Chaos (1/2)](
* [MongoDB’s JavaScript Fuzzer: Harnessing the Havoc (2/2)](
* [MongoDB's JavaScript Fuzzer]( article in ACM Queue
* [Fixing a MongoDB Replication Protocol Bug with TLA+]( by William Schultz — how MongoDB uses [formal verification](#formal-methods) with TLA+ to check correctness of their replication protocol. Describes how replication bugs could have been found with help of formal model.
* [eXtreme Modelling in Practice]( — two attempts at MongoDB to check that code conforms to its formal model.
* [Change Point Detection in Software Performance Testing]( — paper on how MongoDB team automatically detects performance degradations in the presence of noise in continuous integration runs. The paper was presented at [ICPE 2020](
See also [formal methods](#formal-methods) section.
### Confluent (Kafka)
* [Kafka Fault Injection framework](
* [TLA+ specification of the Kafka replication protocol]( and talk about using TLA+ for [hardening Kafka replication protocol](
See also [formal methods](#formal-methods) section.
### CockroachLabs (CockroachDB)
* [DIY Jepsen Testing CockroachDB]( — great read about using Jepsen at Cockroach Labs
* [CockroachDB Beta Passes Jepsen Testing]( — CockroachDB tested by Kyle Kingsbury (
* [Introducing Pebble: A RocksDB Inspired Key-Value Store Written in Go]( — introduces new storage engine and includes thorough discussion on what it takes to properly test storage engine
* [ParallelCommits.tla]( — Formal specification in TLA+ of the [parallel commit]( transaction protocol. See also [formal methods](#formal-methods).
### SingleStore
Formerly known as MemSQL.
* [Running SingleStore’s 107 Node Test Infrastructure on CoreOS]( See also accompanying [talk](
* [Practical Techniques to Achieve Quality in Large Software Projects](
* [How to Make a Believable Benchmark](
* [Building an Infinitely Scalable Testing System]( — description of internal test system PsyDuck
### Twitter
* [Diffy: Testing services without writing tests](
* [How we break things at Twitter: failure testing](
### LinkedIn
* [Simoorg Failure inducer framework]( — Failure inducer implemented in Python
* [A Deep Dive into Simoorg](
* [Dynamometer: Scale Testing HDFS on Minimal Hardware with Maximum Fidelity]( — testing scalability of large Hadoop clusters (namely NameNode) with just fraction of nodes
### Salesforce
* [Go Fast and Don't Break Things: Ensuring Quality in the Cloud](
### VoltDB
Series of post on testing at VoltDB:
* [How We Test at VoltDB](
* [Testing at VoltDB: SQLCoverage]( — describes how they test SQL query functionality using 5 millions queries generated from templates and comparing results against HSQLDB
* [Testing VoltDB Against PostgreSQL](
* [VoltDB 6.4 Passes Official Jepsen Testing]( — VoltDB hired Kyle Kingsbury ([Jepsen](#jepsen)) to tests their database, they share results in this post
Additional resources:
* ["All In With Determinism for Performance and Testing in Distributed Systems" by John Hugg]( and a slide deck [Hugg-DeterministicDistributedSystems.pdf](
* [SelfCheck workload](
* [TPC-C implementation](
### PingCap (TiDB)
* [Use Chaos to test the distributed system linearizability]( — describes Jepsen-like framework implemented in Go and used at PingCap to test TiDB
* [A test framework for linearizability check with Go]( — Chaos is a Jepsen-like framework written in Go
* [Testing Distributed Systems for Linearizability]( — linearizability testing library used by Chaos framework
* [Chaos Tools and Techniques for Testing the TiDB Distributed NewSQL Database]( and the same post on company [blog](
* [Official Jepsen report on TiDB 2.1.7]( and [companion blog post]( in company blog
* [Safety First! Common Safety Pitfalls in Distributed Databases Found by Jepsen Tests]( — overview of Jepsen approach and tests with quick refresher on results for different databases to date
* []( — formal specification in TLA+ of Raft consensus protocol and implementation of distributed transactions in TiDB
* [Testing Cloud-Native Databases with Chaos Mesh]( — talk on Chaos Mesh and how it is used for testing TiDB at PingCap. Blog post with [introduction to Chaos Mesh]( and how it integrates with Kubernetes.
See also Chaos Mesh [source code]( and [chaos engineering](#chaos-engineering) section.
See also [formal methods](#formal-methods) section.
### Cloudera
* [Quality Assurance at Cloudera: Fault Injection and Elastic Partitioning]( — Cloudera describes their approach to fault injection testing
* [Quality Assurance at Cloudera: Highly-Controlled Disk Injection](
### Wallaroo Labs
* [Measuring Correctness of State in a Distributed System]( — describes general idea and implementation how to test safety of distributed stream processing system
* [Performance testing a low-latency stream processing system]( — high level overview of what to look at when testing performance of stream processing system
* [How We Test the Stateful Autoscaling of Our Stream Processing System]( — advanced safety tests for autoscaling stateful stream processing
* All [posts on testing]( from Walaroo engineering blog
There is also talk from Sean T. Allen on testing stream processing system at Wallaroo Labs (ex. Sendence)
* [Materials on Sean's blog "CodeMeshIO: How Did I Get Here?"](
* [Video from QCon NY 2016 on InfoQ](
* [Video from CodeMeshIO on YouTube](
* [Presentation on Speakerdeck](
### YugabyteDB
* [Jepsen Testing on YugabyteDB]( — YugabyteDB describes how they use [Jepsen](#jepsen)
* [YugabyteDB 1.1.9 analysis by Kyle Kingsbury]( — Kyle explores safety of YugabyteDB. Accompanying post in company blog ["YugabyteDB 1.2 Passes Jepsen Testing"](
and ["Wrapping Up: Jepsen Test Results for YugabyteDB 1.2 Webinar"]( post with webinar recording by Kyle and Karthik Ranganathan (Yugabyte CTO).
* [YugabyteDB 1.3.1]( — Jepsen analysis of YugabyteDB support for serializable SQL transactions. Companion [blog post]( on the company website.
### FaunaDB
* [Verifying Transactional Consistency with Jepsen]( — results of internal [Jepsen](#jepsen) testing at FaunaDB
* [Jepsen: FaunaDB 2.5.4]( — official [Jepsen](#jepsen) test for FaunaDB, write-up in Fauna [blog](
### Shopify
* [Resiliency Testing with Toxiproxy](
* [Toxiproxy — A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing](
### Hazelcast
* [Testing the CP Subsystem with Jepsen]( — overview of how [Jepsen](#jepsen) is used to test Hazelcast in-memory data grid CP sybsystem
### Basho (Riak)
* [Testing Eventual Consistency in Riak]( — how to model eventually consistent database in [QuickCheck](#quickcheck) and find bugs in it's implementation, video available [on youtube](
* [Modeling Eventual Consistency Databases with QuickCheck]( — another talk on testing Riak eventual consistency guarantees with [QuickCheck](#quickcheck)
### CoreOS (etcd)
* [Testing distributed systems in Go]( — overview of failure injection testing for etcd. Or alternative url for [the same post](
### Red Planet Labs
* [Where we’re going, we don’t need threads: Simulating Distributed Systems]( — following [FoundationDB](#foundationdb) steps, Red Planet Labs uses deterministic simulation for testing. Their formula for success is "deterministic simulation = no parallelism + quantized execution + deterministic behavior".
### Atomix Copycat
* [A novel implementation of the Raft consensus algorithm](
* [Jepsen tests for Atomix Copycat](
### Onyx
* [Onyx Straps in For a Jepsening](
* [Jepsen test Onyx](
* [Architecting Distributed Databases for Failure](
### TigerBeetle
* [Simulation Tests in TigerBeetle]( — TigerBeetle is a distributed financial accounting database built in Zig programming language and uses simulation tests inspired by [Dropbox](#dropbox) and [FoundationDB](#foundationdb).
### Convex
* [Convex: Life Without a Backend Team]( by [James Cowling]( —
talks about architecture and features of [Convex](
At the [end of the talk]( James covers testing at Convex.
They use approach inspired by [QuickCheck](#quickcheck) and [FoundationDB](#foundationdb) to test end-to-end guarantees with
randomized initial state, workload, injected failures and thread interleavings. These tests validate correctness in production
similar to [Dropbox](#dropbox) Magic Pocket system on which James worked previously.
* [Better Testing With Less Code Using Randomization]( — blog post describing
approach Convex uses to develop randomized tests
See also [QuickCheck](#quickcheck), [FoundationDB](#foundationdb), [Dropbox](#dropbox), [Jepsen](#jepsen).
## Single node systems
These examples are not about distributed systems, but they demostrate testing concurrency and level of sofistication required in distributed systems.
### SQLite
SQLite is not a distributed system by any stretch of the imagination, but provides good example of comprehensive testing of a database implementation.
* [Finding bugs in SQLite, the easy way]( — how fuzzing used in testing SQLite database
* [How SQLite Is Tested](
### Sled
* [Sled simulation guide (jepsen-proof engineering)]( — guide on simulation testing (see [FoundationDB](#foundationdb)) in Sled database
* [Reliable Systems Series: Model-Based Testing](
### Clickhouse
* [Fuzzing ClickHouse]( — high level overview of query [fuzzing](#fuzzing) at Clickhouse
* [ClickHouse Testing]( — documentation on various tests for ClickHouse database
and how to contribute more tests
## Tools
* [Hermitage: Testing transaction isolation levels](
* [RapidCheck — QuickCheck port to C++](
* [faketime](
### Network Simulation
* [Comcast — Simulating shitty network connections so you can build better systems](
* [Muxy Simulating real-world distributed system failures](
* [Namazu — Programmable fuzzy scheduler for testing distributed systems](
* [Toxiproxy — A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing](
* [Traffic Control](
* [Python API for Linux Traffic Control](
* [Slow tool](
* [Blockade is a utility for testing network failures and partitions in distributed applications](
* [DEMi: Distributed Execution Minimizer for Akka](
* [Chaos Mesh]( — [chaos engineering](#chaos-engineering) platform for Kubernetes. See also [PingCap](#pingcap-tidb), company behind Chaos Mesh.
### QuickCheck
* [PolyConf 14: Testing the Hard Stuff and Staying Sane / John Hughes](
* [The Joy of Testing](
* [John Hughes on InfoQ](
* [Hansei: Property-based Development of Concurrent Systems](
* [QuickChecking Poolboy for Fun and Profit]( — from Basho
* [Combining Fault-Injection with Property-Based Testing](
* [Testing Telecoms Software with Quviq QuickCheck](
* [Fuzz testing distributed systems with QuickCheck]( — using QuickCheck to test Raft protocol implementation in Haskell
### Benchmarking
* [OLTP-Bench: An Extensible Testbed for Benchmarking Relational Databases](
* [OLTP Benchmark on Github](
* [Py-TPCC](
* [Netflix Data Benchmark: Benchmarking Cloud Data Stores](
### Linkbench
* [LinkBench from Facebook]( and [ repo](
* [LinkBenchX from Percona](
### YCSB
* [Yahoo! Cloud System Benchmark (YCSB)](
* [YCSB+T: Benchmarking Web-scale Transactional Databases](
* [YCSB++](
* [Correcting YCSB's Coordinated Omission problem](
240 | 📗🌐 🚢 Comprehensive and exhaustive JavaScript & Node.js testing best practices (December 2022) | null |
241 | Recent Fuzzing Paper | # Recent Papers Related To Fuzzing
Remark: This website is only used for collecting and grouping the related paper. If there are any paper need to be updated, you can contribute PR.
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# All Papers (Classification according to Publication)
- **Survey/Review**
- [Fuzzing: A Survey for Roadmap](#fuzzing-a-survey-for-roadmap)
- [Fuzzing: Challenges and Reflections](#fuzzing-challenges-and-reflections)
- [SoK: The Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives of Directed Greybox Fuzzing](#sok-the-progress-challenges-and-perspectives-of-directed-greybox-fuzzing)
- [Fuzzing: Hack, Art, and Science](#fuzzing-hack-art-and-science-cacm-2020)
- [Survey of Directed Fuzzy Technology](#survey-of-directed-fuzzy-technology)
- [A Review of Machine Learning Applications in Fuzzing](#a-review-of-machine-learning-applications-in-fuzzing)
- [A systematic review of fuzzing based on machine learning techniques](#a-systematic-review-of-fuzzing-based-on-machine-learning-techniques)
- [The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey](#the-art-science-and-engineering-of-fuzzing-a-survey)
- [Fuzzing: Art, Science, and Engineering](#fuzzing-art-science-and-engineering)
- [Fuzzing: a survey](#fuzzing-a-survey)
- [Fuzzing: State of the art](#fuzzing-state-of-the-art)
- [Survey of Software Fuzzing Techniques](#survey-of-software-fuzzing-techniques)
- [A Review of Fuzzing Tools and Methods](#a-review-of-fuzzing-tools-and-methods)
- **ASE 2022**
- [Effectively Generating Vulnerable Transaction Sequences in Smart Contracts with Reinforcement Learning-guided Fuzzing]
- [Efficient Greybox Fuzzing to Detect Memory Errors]
- [FuzzerAid: Grouping Fuzzed Crashes Based On Fault Signatures]
- [Fuzzle: Making a Puzzle for Fuzzers]
- [Griffin: Grammar-Free DBMS Fuzzing]
- [HTFuzz: Heap Operation Sequence Sensitive Fuzzing]
- [LawBreaker: An Approach for Specifying Traffic Laws and Fuzzing Autonomous Vehicles]
- [QATest: A Uniform Fuzzing Framework for Question Answering Systems]
- [So Many Fuzzers, So Little Time - Experience from Evaluating Fuzzers on the Contiki-NG Network (Hay)StackVirt]
- **ISSTA 2022**
- [sAlmost Correct Invariants: Synthesizing Inductive Invariants by Fuzzing Proof](#almost-correct-invariants-synthesizing-inductive-invariants-by-fuzzing-proofs-issta-2022)
- [ocTer: Documentation-Guided Fuzzing for Testing Deep Learning API Functions](#octer-documentation-guided-fuzzing-for-testing-deep-learning-api-functions-issta-2022)
- [Efficient Greybox Fuzzing of Applications in Linux-based IoT Devices via Enhanced User-mode Emulation](#efficient-greybox-fuzzing-of-applications-in-linux-based-iot-devices-via-enhanced-user-mode-emulation-issta-2022)
- [MDPFuzz: Testing Models Solving Markov Decision Processes](#mdpfuzz-testing-models-solving-markov-decision-processes-issta-2022)
- [PrIntFuzz: Fuzzing Linux Drivers via Automated Virtual Device Simulation](#printfuzz-fuzzing-linux-drivers-via-automated-virtual-device-simulation-issta-2022)
- [SLIME: Program-sensitive Energy Allocation for Fuzzing](#slime-program-sensitive-energy-allocation-for-fuzzing-issta-2022)
- [SnapFuzz: High-Throughput Fuzzing of Network Applications](#snapfuzz-high-throughput-fuzzing-of-network-applications-issta-2022)
- [TensileFuzz: Facilitating Seed Input Generation in Fuzzing via String Constraint Solving](#tensilefuzz-facilitating-seed-input-generation-in-fuzzing-via-string-constraint-solving-issta-2022)
- [WASAI: Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Wasm Smart Contracts](#wasai-uncovering-vulnerabilities-in-wasm-smart-contracts-issta-2022)
- [Unicorn: Detect Runtime Error in Time-Series Databases With Hybrid Input Synthesis](#unicorn-detect-runtime-error-in-time-series-databases-with-hybrid-input-synthesis-issta-2022)
- **ESEC/FSE 2022**
- [Minerva: Browser API Fuzzing with Dynamic Mod-Ref Analysis](#minerva-browser-api-fuzzing-with-dynamic-mod-ref-analysis-fse-2022)
- [RoboFuzz: Fuzzing Robotic Systems over Robot Operating System (ROS) for Finding Correctness Bugs](#robofuzz-fuzzing-robotic-systems-over-robot-operating-system-ros-for-finding-correctness-bugs-fse-2022)
- [SEDiff: Scope-Aware Differential Fuzzing to Test Internal Function Models in Symbolic Execution](#sediff-scope-aware-differential-fuzzing-to-test-internal-function-models-in-symbolic-execution-fse-2022)
- [Fuzzing Deep-Learning Libraries via Automated Relational API Inference](#fuzzing-deep-learning-libraries-via-automated-relational-api-inference-esec-2022)
- **S&P 2022**
- [Effective Seed Scheduling for Fuzzing with Graph Centrality Analysis](#effective-seed-scheduling-for-fuzzing-with-graph-centrality-analysis-sp-2022)
- [BEACON: Directed Grey-Box Fuzzing with Provable Path Pruning](#beacon-directed-grey-box-fuzzing-with-provable-path-pruning-sp-2022)
- [JIGSAW: Efficient and Scalable Path Constraints Fuzzing](#jigsaw-efficient-and-scalable-path-constraints-fuzzing-sp-2022)
- [PATA: Fuzzing with Path Aware Taint Analysis](#pata-fuzzing-with-path-aware-taint-analysis-sp-2022)
- [FuzzUSB: Hybrid Stateful Fuzzing of USB Gadget Stacks](#fuzzusb-hybrid-stateful-fuzzing-of-usb-gadget-stacks-fse-2022)
- **NDSS 2022**
- [Cooper: Testing the Binding Code of Scripting Languages with Cooperative Mutation](#cooper-testing-the-binding-code-of-scripting-languages-with-cooperative-mutation-ndss-2022)
- [EMS: History-Driven Mutation for Coverage-based Fuzzing](#ems-history-driven-mutation-for-coverage-based-fuzzing-ndss-2022)
- [Semantic-Informed Driver Fuzzing Without Both the Hardware Devices and the Emulators](#semantic-informed-driver-fuzzing-without-both-the-hardware-devices-and-the-emulators-icse-2022)
- [MobFuzz: Adaptive Multi-objective Optimization in Gray-box Fuzzing](#mobfuzz-adaptive-multi-objective-optimization-in-gray-box-fuzzing-ndss-2022)
- [Context-Sensitive and Directional Concurrency Fuzzing for Data-Race Detection](#context-sensitive-and-directional-concurrency-fuzzing-for-data-race-detection-ndss-2022)
- [datAFLow: Towards a Data-Flow-Guided Fuzzer](#dataflow-towards-a-data-flow-guided-fuzzer-ndss-2022)
- **USENIX SEC 2022**
- [SyzScope: Revealing High-Risk Security Impacts of Fuzzer-Exposed Bugs in Linux kernel](#syzscope-revealing-high-risk-security-impacts-of-fuzzer-exposed-bugs-in-linux-kernel-usenix-sec22)
- [MundoFuzz: Hypervisor Fuzzing with Statistical Coverage Testing and Grammar Inference]
- [TheHuzz: Instruction Fuzzing of Processors Using Golden-Reference Models for Finding Software-Exploitable Vulnerabilities]
- [Morphuzz: Bending (Input) Space to Fuzz Virtual Devices]
- [Fuzzware: Using Precise MMIO Modeling for Effective Firmware Fuzzing](#fuzzware-using-precise-mmio-modeling-for-effective-firmware-fuzzing)
- [FuzzOrigin: Detecting UXSS vulnerabilities in Browsers through Origin Fuzzing]
- [Drifuzz: Harvesting Bugs in Device Drivers from Golden Seeds](#drifuzz-harvesting-bugs-in-device-drivers-from-golden-seeds-usenix-sec-2022)
- [Fuzzing Hardware Like Software](#fuzzing-hardware-like-software-usenix-sec-2022)
- [BrakTooth: Causing Havoc on Bluetooth Link Manager via Directed Fuzzing](#braktooth-causing-havoc-on-bluetooth-link-manager-via-directed-fuzzing-usenix-sec-2022)
- [Stateful Greybox Fuzzing](#stateful-greybox-fuzzing-usenix-security-2022)
- [AmpFuzz: Fuzzing for Amplification DDoS Vulnerabilities]
- [SGXFuzz: Efficiently Synthesizing Nested Structures for SGX Enclave Fuzzing](#sgxfuzz-efficiently-synthesizing-nested-structures-for-sgx-enclave-fuzzing-usenix-security2022)
- [FRAMESHIFTER: Manipulating HTTP/2 Frame Sequences with Fuzzing](#frameshifter-manipulating-http2-frame-sequences-with-fuzzing-usenix-security2020)
- [FIXREVERTER: A Realistic Bug Injection Methodology for Benchmarking Fuzz Testing](#fixreverter-a-realistic-bug-injection-methodology-for-benchmarking-fuzz-testing-usenix-sec22)
- [StateFuzz: System Call-Based State-Aware Linux Driver Fuzzing](#statefuzz-system-call-based-state-aware-linux-driver-fuzzing-usenix-sec-2022)
- **ICSE 2022**
- [?AFL: Non-intrusive Feedback-driven Fuzzing for Microcontroller Firmware](#?afl-non-intrusive-feedback-driven-fuzzing-for-microcontroller-firmware-icse-2022)
- [BeDivFuzz: Integrating Behavioral Diversity into Generator-based Fuzzing](#bedivfuzz-integrating-behavioral-diversity-into-generator-based-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [CONFETTI: Amplifying Concolic Guidance for Fuzzers](#confetti-amplifying-concolic-guidance-for-fuzzers-icse-2022)
- [Demystifying the Dependency Challenge in Kernel Fuzzing](#demystifying-the-dependency-challenge-in-kernel-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [Evaluating and Improving Neural Program-Smoothing-based Fuzzing](#evaluating-and-improving-neural-program-smoothing-based-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [Fuzzing Class Specifications](#fuzzing-class-specifications-icse-2022)
- [GraphFuzz: Library API Fuzzing with Lifetime-aware Dataflow Graphs](#graphfuzz-library-api-fuzzing-with-lifetime-aware-dataflow-graphs-icse-2022)
- [Linear-time Temporal Logic guided Greybox Fuzzing](#linear-time-temporal-logic-guided-greybox-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [Muffin: Testing Deep Learning Libraries via Neural Architecture Fuzzing](#muffin-testing-deep-learning-libraries-via-neural-architecture-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [One Fuzzing Strategy to Rule Them All](#one-fuzzing-strategy-to-rule-them-all-icse-2022)
- [On the Reliability of Coverage-Based Fuzzer Benchmarking](#on-the-reliability-of-coverage-based-fuzzer-benchmarking-icse-2022)
- [Path Transitions Tell More: Optimizing Fuzzing Schedules via Runtime Program States](#path-transitions-tell-more-optimizing-fuzzing-schedules-via-runtime-program-states-icse-2022)
- [R2Z2: Detecting Rendering Regressions in Web Browsers through Differential Fuzz Testing](#r2z2-detecting-rendering-regressions-in-web-browsers-through-differential-fuzz-testing-icse-2022)
- [Semantic Image Fuzzing of AI Perception Systems](#semantic-image-fuzzing-of-ai-perception-systems)
- [Free Lunch for Testing: Fuzzing Deep-Learning Libraries from Open Source](#free-lunch-for-testing-fuzzing-deep-learning-libraries-from-open-source-icse-2022)
- [WindRanger: A Directed Greybox Fuzzer driven by Deviation Basic Block](#windranger-a-directed-greybox-fuzzer-driven-by-deviation-basic-block-icse-2022)
- [MOREST: Model-based RESTful API Testing with Execution Feedback](#morest-model-based-restful-api-testing-with-execution-feedback-icse-2022)
- [Controlled Concurrency Testing via Periodical Scheduling](#controlled-concurrency-testing-via-periodical-scheduling-icse-2022)
- [Combinatorial Testing of RESTful APIs](#combinatorial-testing-of-restful-apis-icse-2022)
- [Automated Testing of Software that Uses Machine Learning APIs](#automated-testing-of-software-that-uses-machine-learning-apis-icse-2022)
- [FADATest: Fast and Adaptive Performance Regression Testing of Dynamic Binary Translation Systems](#fadatest-fast-and-adaptive-performance-regression-testing-of-dynamic-binary-translation-systems-icse-2022)
- [Nessie: Automatically Testing JavaScript APIs with Asynchronous Callbacks](#nessie-automatically-testing-javascript-apis-with-asynchronous-callbacks-icse-2022)
- **SANER 2022**
- [FuzzingDriver: the Missing Dictionary to Increase Code Coverage in Fuzzers](#fuzzingdriver-the-missing-dictionary-to-increase-code-coverage-in-fuzzers-saner-2022)
- **Others 2022**
- [UltraFuzz: Towards Resource-saving in Distributed Fuzzing (TSE 2022)](#ultrafuzz-towards-resource-saving-in-distributed-fuzzing-tse-2022)
- [Fuzzing with automatically controlled interleavings to detect concurrency bugs (The Journal of Systems & Software)](#fuzzing-with-automatically-controlled-interleavings-to-detect-concurrency-bugs-the-journal-of-systems--software-2022)
- [ROZZ: Property-based Fuzzing for Robotic Programs in ROS (ICRA 2022)]
- [SnapFuzz: An Efficient Fuzzing Framework for Network Applications (2022)](#snapfuzz-an-efficient-fuzzing-framework-for-network-applications-2022)
- [Efficient ECU Analysis Technology through Structure-aware CAN Fuzzing (Access 2022)](#efficient-ecu-analysis-technology-through-structure-aware-can-fuzzing-access-2022)
- [Smart Contract Fuzzing for Enterprises: The Language Agnostic Way (COMSNETS 2022)](#smart-contract-fuzzing-for-enterprises-the-language-agnostic-way-comsnets-2022)
- [spotFuzzer: Static Instrument and Fuzzing Windows COTs (2022)](#spotfuzzer-static-instrument-and-fuzzing-windows-cots-2022)
- [Mutation Analysis: Answering the Fuzzing Challenge (2022)](#mutation-analysis-answering-the-fuzzing-challenge-2022)
- [SNPSFuzzer: A Fast Greybox Fuzzer for Stateful Network Protocols using Snapshots (2022)](#snpsfuzzer-a-fast-greybox-fuzzer-for-stateful-network-protocols-using-snapshots-2022)
- [Better Pay Attention Whilst Fuzzing (2022)](#better-pay-attention-whilst-fuzzing-2022)
- [looking for lacunae in bitcoin cores fuzzing efforts](#looking-for-lacunae-in-bitcoin-cores-fuzzing-efforts-2022)
- [FEFuzzer: Hybrid Files Fuzzing Tool (2022)](#fefuzzer-hybrid-files-fuzzing-tool-2022)
- **ASE 2021**
- [CorbFuzz: Checking Browser Security Policies with Fuzzing](#corbfuzz-checking-browser-security-policies-with-fuzzing-ase-2021)
- [Scalable Fuzzing of Program Binaries with E9AFL](#scalable-fuzzing-of-program-binaries-with-e9afl-ase-2021)
- [SMARTIAN : Enhancing Smart Contract Fuzzing with Static and Dynamic Data-Flow Analyses](#smartian--enhancing-smart-contract-fuzzing-with-static-and-dynamic-data-flow-analyses-ase-2021)
- [Towards Systematic and Dynamic Task Allocation for Collaborative Parallel Fuzzing](#towards-systematic-and-dynamic-task-allocation-for-collaborative-parallel-fuzzing-ase-2021-nier)
- [Improving Configurability of Unit-level Continuous Fuzzing: An Industrial Case Study with SAP HANA](#improving-configurability-of-unit-level-continuous-fuzzing-an-industrial-case-study-with-sap-hana-ase-2021-industry)
- [Understanding and Detecting Performance Bugs in Markdown Compilers](#understanding-and-detecting-performance-bugs-in-markdown-compilers-ase-2021)
- [Rust Library Fuzzing via API Dependency Graph Traversal](#rust-library-fuzzing-via-api-dependency-graph-traversal-ase-2021)
- [InstruGuard: Find and Fix Instrumentation Errors for Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing](#instruguard-find-and-fix-instrumentation-errors-for-coverage-based-greybox-fuzzing-ase-2021)
- **ACSAC 2021**
- [Westworld: Fuzzing-Assisted Remote Dynamic Symbolic Execution of Smart Apps on IoT Cloud Platforms](#westworld-fuzzing-assisted-remote-dynamic-symbolic-execution-of-smart-apps-on-iot-cloud-platforms-acsac-2021)
- [ICS3Fuzzer: A Framework for Discovering Protocol Implementation Bugs in ICS Supervisory Software by Fuzzing](#ics3fuzzer-a-framework-for-discovering-protocol-implementation-bugs-in-ics-supervisory-software-by-fuzzing-acsac-2021)
- **SOSP 2021**
- [HEALER: Relation Learning Guided Kernel Fuzzing](#healer-relation-learning-guided-kernel-fuzzing-sosp-2021)
- **S&P 2021**
- [DiFuzzRTL: Differential Fuzz Testing to Find CPU Bugs](#difuzzrtl-differential-fuzz-testing-to-find-cpu-bug-sp-2021)
- [STOCHFUZZ: Sound and Cost-effective Fuzzing of Stripped Binaries by Incremental and Stochastic Rewriting](#stochfuzz-sound-and-cost-effective-fuzzing-of-stripped-binaries-by-incremental-and-stochastic-rewriting-sp-2021)
- [NTFUZZ: Enabling Type-Aware Kernel Fuzzing on Windows with Static Binary Analysis](#ntfuzz-enabling-type-aware-kernel-fuzzing-on-windows-with-static-binary-analysissp-2021)
- [DIANE: Identifying Fuzzing Triggers in Apps to Generate Under-constrained Inputs for IoT Devices](#diane-identifying-fuzzing-triggers-in-apps-to-generate-under-constrained-inputs-for-iot-devices-sp-2020)
- [One Engine to Fuzz 'em All: Generic Language Processor Testing with Semantic Validation](#one-engine-to-fuzz-em-all-generic-language-processor-testing-with-semantic-validation-sp-2021)
- **ISSTA 2021**
- [Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional Input Space Exploration](#fuzzing-smt-solvers-via-two-dimensional-input-space-exploration-issta-2021)
- [Gramatron: Effective Grammar-Aware Fuzzing](#gramatron-effective-grammar-aware-fuzzing-issta-2021)
- [QFuzz: Quantitative Fuzzing for Side Channels](#qfuzz-quantitative-fuzzing-for-side-channels-issta-2021)
- [Seed Selection for Successful Fuzzing](#seed-selection-for-successful-fuzzing-issta-2021)
- [ProFuzzBench - A Benchmark for Stateful Protocol Fuzzing](#profuzzbench---a-benchmark-for-stateful-protocol-fuzzing-issta-2021)
- **ESEC/FSE 2021**
- [Skeletal Approximation Enumeration for SMT Solver Testing ](#skeletal-approximation-enumeration-for-smt-solver-testing-fse-2021)
- [Estimating Residual Risk in Greybox Fuzzing](#estimating-residual-risk-in-greybox-fuzzing-fse-2021)
- [HeteroFuzz: Fuzz Testing to Detect Platform Dependent Divergence for Heterogeneous Applications](#heterofuzz-fuzz-testing-to-detect-platform-dependent-divergence-for-heterogeneous-applications-fse-2021)
- [FuzzBench: An Open Fuzzer Benchmarking Platform and Service](#fuzzbench-an-open-fuzzer-benchmarking-platform-and-service-fse-2021)
- **CCS 2021**
- [Snipuzz: Black-box Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Message Snippet Inference](#snipuzz-black-box-fuzzing-of-iot-firmware-via-message-snippet-inference-ccs-2021)
- [Hardware Support to Improve Fuzzing Performance and Precision](#hardware-support-to-improve-fuzzing-performance-and-precision-ccs-2021)
- [SoFi: Reflection-Augmented Fuzzing for JavaScript Engines](#sofi-reflection-augmented-fuzzing-for-javascript-engines-ccs-2021)
- [T-Reqs: HTTP Request Smuggling with Differential Fuzzing](#t-reqs-http-request-smuggling-with-differential-fuzzing-ccs-2021)
- [V-SHUTTLE: Scalable and Semantics-Aware Hypervisor Fuzzing](#v-shuttle-scalable-and-semantics-aware-hypervisor-fuzzing-ccs-2021)
- [Same Coverage, Less Bloat: Accelerating Binary-only Fuzzing with Coverage-preserving Coverage-guided Tracing](#same-coverage-less-bloat-accelerating-binary-only-fuzzing-with-coverage-preserving-coverage-guided-tracing-ccs-2021)
- [Regression Greybox Fuzzing](#regression-greybox-fuzzing-ccs-2021)
- [SyzGen: Automated Generation of Syscall Specification of Closed-Source macOS Drivers](#SyzGen-Automated-Generation-of-Syscall-Specification-of-Closed-Source-macOS-Drivers-ccs-2021)
- **OOPSLA 2021**
- [Fuzzing Channel-Based Concurrency Runtimes using Types and Effects](#fuzzing-channel-based-concurrency-runtimes-using-types-and-effects-slides-oopsla-2021)
- [Fully Automated Functional Fuzzing of Android Apps for Detecting Non-crashing Logic Bugs](#fully-automated-functional-fuzzing-of-android-apps-for-detecting-non-crashing-logic-bugs-oopsla-2021)
- **PLDI 2021**
- [Automated Conformance Testing for JavaScript Engines via Deep Compiler Fuzzing](#automated-conformance-testing-for-javascript-engines-via-deep-compiler-fuzzing-pldi-2021)
- **ICSE 2021**
- [Fuzzing Symbolic Expressions](#fuzzing-symbolic-expressions-icse-2021)
- [Graph-based Fuzz Testing for Deep Learning Inference Engines](#graph-based-fuzz-testing-for-deep-learning-inference-engines-icse-2021)
- [Growing A Test Corpus with Bonsai Fuzzing](#growing-a-test-corpus-with-bonsai-fuzzing-icse-2021)
- [Industry Practice of Coverage-Guided Enterprise-Level DBMS Fuzzing](#industry-practice-of-coverage-guided-enterprise-level-dbms-fuzzing--icse-2021)
- [IntelliGen: Automatic Driver Synthesis for Fuzz Testing](#intelligen-automatic-driver-synthesis-for-fuzz-testing-icse-2021-seip)
- **USENIX ATC 2021**
- [RIFF: Reduced Instruction Footprint for Coverage-Guided Fuzzing](#riff-reduced-instruction-footprint-for-coverage-guided-fuzzing-usenix-atc-2021)
- [TCP-Fuzz: Detecting Memory and Semantic Bugs in TCP Stacks with Fuzzing](#tcp-fuzz-detecting-memory-and-semantic-bugs-in-tcp-stacks-with-fuzzing-usenix-atc-2021)
- **USENIX Security 2021**
- [Constraint-guided Directed Greybox Fuzzing](#constraint-guided-directed-greybox-fuzzing-usenix-security2021)
- [UNIFUZZ: A Holistic and Pragmatic Metrics-Driven Platform for Evaluating Fuzzers](#unifuzz-a-holistic-and-pragmatic-metrics-driven-platform-for-evaluating-fuzzers-usenix-security2021)
- [Nyx: Greybox Hypervisor Fuzzing using Fast Snapshots and Affine Types](#nyx-greybox-hypervisor-fuzzing-using-fast-snapshots-and-affine-types-usenix-security2021)
- [Breaking Through Binaries: Compiler-quality Instrumentation for Better Binary-only Fuzzing](#breaking-through-binaries-compiler-quality-instrumentation-for-better-binary-only-fuzzing--usenix-security2021)
- [The Use of Likely Invariants as Feedback for Fuzzers](#the-use-of-likely-invariants-as-feedback-for-fuzzers-usenix-security2021)
- **NDSS 2021**
- [Favocado: Fuzzing the Binding Code of JavaScript Engines Using Semantically Correct Test Cases](#favocado-fuzzing-the-binding-code-of-javascript-engines-using-semantically-correct-test-cases-ndss-2021)
- [WINNIE: Fuzzing Windows Applications with Harness Synthesis and Fast Cloning](#winnie-fuzzing-windows-applications-with-harness-synthesis-and-fast-cloning-ndss-2021)
- [PGFUZZ: Policy-Guided Fuzzing for Robotic Vehicles](#pgfuzz-policy-guided-fuzzing-for-robotic-vehicles-ndss-2021)
- [Reinforcement Learning-based Hierarchical Seed Scheduling for Greybox Fuzzing](#reinforcement-learning-based-hierarchical-seed-scheduling-for-greybox-fuzzing-ndss-2021)
- **ICST 2021**
- [Industrial Oriented Evaluation of Fuzzing Techniques](#industrial-oriented-evaluation-of-fuzzing-techniques-icst-2021)
- [Learning-Based Fuzzing of IoT Message Broker](#learning-based-fuzzing-of-iot-message-brokers-icst-2021)
- [RiverFuzzRL - an open-source tool to experiment with reinforcement learning for fuzzing](#riverfuzzrl---an-open-source-tool-to-experiment-with-reinforcement-learning-for-fuzzing-icst-2021)
- **SANER 2021**
- [OTA: An Operation-oriented Time Allocation Strategy for Greybox Fuzzing](#ota-an-operation-oriented-time-allocation-strategy-for-greybox-fuzzing-saner-2021)
- **JFLA 2022**
- [Alt-Ergo-Fuzz: A fuzzer for the Alt-Ergo SMT solver](#alt-ergo-fuzz-a-fuzzer-for-the-alt-ergo-smt-solver-jfla-2022)
- **Others 2021**
- [FuSeBMC v. 4: Smart Seed Generation for Hybrid Fuzzing (2021)](#fusebmc-v-4-smart-seed-generation-for-hybrid-fuzzing-2021)
- [REST API Fuzzing by Coverage Level Guided Blackbox Testing (2021)](#rest-api-fuzzing-by-coverage-level-guided-blackbox-testing-2021)
- [State Selection Algorithms and Their Impact on The Performance of Stateful Network Protocol Fuzzing (2021)](#state-selection-algorithms-and-their-impact-on-the-performance-of-stateful-network-protocol-fuzzing-2021)
- [DIAR: Removing Uninteresting Bytes from Seeds in Software Fuzzing (2021)](#diar-removing-uninteresting-bytes-from-seeds-in-software-fuzzing-2021)
- [CatchBackdoor: Backdoor Testing by Critical Trojan Neural Path Identification via Differential Fuzzing (2021)](#catchbackdoor-backdoor-testing-by-critical-trojan-neural-path-identification-via-differential-fuzzing-2021)
- [Emmutaler: Fuzzing the iOS Boot Loader (Thesis 2021)](#emmutaler-fuzzing-the-ios-boot-loader-thesis-2021)
- [Concolic-Fuzzing of JavaScript Programs using GraalVM and Truffle (SKILL 2021)](#concolic-fuzzing-of-javascript-programs-using-graalvm-and-truffle-skill-2021)
- [BanditFuzz: Fuzzing SMT Solvers with Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (FM 2021)](#banditfuzz-fuzzing-smt-solvers-with-multi-agent-reinforcement-learning-fm-2021)
- [My Fuzzer Beats Them All! Developing a Framework for Fair Evaluation and Comparison of Fuzzers (2021)](#my-fuzzer-beats-them-all-developing-a-framework-for-fair-evaluation-and-comparison-of-fuzzers-2021)
- [Evaluating Code Coverage for Kernel Fuzzers via Function Call Graph (Access 2021)](#evaluating-code-coverage-for-kernel-fuzzers-via-function-call-graph-access-2021)
- [A Tight Integration of Symbolic Execution and Fuzzing (short paper 2021)](#a-tight-integration-of-symbolic-execution-and-fuzzing-short-paper-2021)
- [DeltaFuzz: Historical Version Information Guided Fuzz Testing (Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2021)](#deltafuzz-historical-version-information-guided-fuzz-testing-journal-of-computer-science-and-technology-2021)
- [ovAFLow: Detecting Memory Corruption Bugs with Fuzzing-based Taint Inference (Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2021)](#ovaflow-detecting-memory-corruption-bugs-with-fuzzing-based-taint-inference-journal-of-computer-science-and-technology-2021)
- [Machine Learning Guided Cross-Contract Fuzzing (2021)](#machine-learning-guided-cross-contract-fuzzing-2021)
- [SANRAZOR: Reducing Redundant Sanitizer Checks in C/C++ Programs (OSDI 2021)](#sanrazor-reducing-redundant-sanitizer-checks-in-cc-programs-osdi-2021)
- [webFuzz: Grey-Box Fuzzing for Web Applications (ESORICS 2021)](#webfuzz-grey-box-fuzzing-for-web-applications-esorics-2021)
- [Vulnerability-Oriented Fuzz Testing for Connected Autonomous Vehicle Systems (IEEE Transactions on Reliability 2021)](#vulnerability-oriented-fuzz-testing-for-connected-autonomous-vehicle-systems--ieee-transactions-on-reliability-2021)
- [Duo: Differential Fuzzing for Deep Learning Operators (IEEE Transactions on Reliability 2021)](#duo-differential-fuzzing-for-deep-learning-operators-ieee-transactions-on-reliability-2021)
- [Rtkaller: State-aware Task Generation for RTOS Fuzzing (EMSOFT 2021)](#rtkaller-state-aware-task-generation-for-rtos-fuzzing-emsoft-2021)
- [Neural Network Guided Evolutionary Fuzzing for Finding Traffic Violations of Autonomous Vehicles (arXiv 2021)](#neural-network-guided-evolutionary-fuzzing-for-finding-traffic-violations-of-autonomous-vehicles-arxiv-2021)
- [Fuzzing: Cyberphysical System Testing for Security and Dependability (Computer 2021)](#fuzzing-cyberphysical-system-testing-for-security-and-dependability-computer-2021)
- [ESRFuzzer: an enhanced fuzzing framework for physical SOHO router devices to discover multi-Type vulnerabilities (Cybersecurity 2021)](#esrfuzzer-an-enhanced-fuzzing-framework-for-physical-soho-router-devices-to-discover-multi-type-vulnerabilities-cybersecurity-2021)
- [ICPFuzzer: proprietary communication protocol fuzzing by using machine learning and feedback strategies (Cybersecurity 2021)](#icpfuzzer-proprietary-communication-protocol-fuzzing-by-using-machine-learning-and-feedback-strategies-cybersecurity-2021)
- [Hashing Fuzzing: Introducing Input Diversity to Improve Crash Detection (TSE 2021)](#hashing-fuzzing-introducing-input-diversity-to-improve-crash-detection-tse-2021)
- [KCFuzz: Directed Fuzzing Based on Keypoint Coverage (ICAIS 2021)](#kcfuzz-directed-fuzzing-based-on-keypoint-coverage-icais-2021)
- [Token-Level Fuzzing (WiSec'21)](#token-level-fuzzing-wisec-2021)
- [SHFuzz: A hybrid fuzzing method assisted by static analysis for binary programs (China Communications 2021)](#shfuzz-a-hybrid-fuzzing-method-assisted-by-static-analysis-for-binary-programs-china-communications-2021)
- [RapidFuzz: Accelerating fuzzing via Generative Adversarial Networks (Neurocomputing 2021)](#rapidfuzz-accelerating-fuzzing-via-generative-adversarial-networks-neurocomputing-2021)
- [HFContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Hyperledger Fabric Smart Contracts for Vulnerability Detection (EASE 2021)](#hfcontractfuzzer-fuzzing-hyperledger-fabric-smart-contracts-for-vulnerability-detection-ease-2021)
- [Fuzzing With Optimized Grammar-Aware Mutation Strategies (Access 2021)](#fuzzing-with-optimized-grammar-aware-mutation-strategies-access-2021)
- [FIRM-COV: High-Coverage Greybox Fuzzing for IoT Firmware via Optimized Process Emulation (Access 2021)](#firm-cov-high-coverage-greybox-fuzzing-for-iot-firmware-via-optimized-process-emulation-access-2021)
- [Extended grammar-based fuzzing algorithm for JavaScript Engines (2021)](#extended-grammar-based-fuzzing-algorithm-for-javascript-engines-2021)
- [CoCoFuzzing: Testing Neural Code Models with Coverage-Guided Fuzzing (2021)](#cocofuzzing-testing-neural-code-models-with-coverage-guided-fuzzing-2021)
- [FUZZOLIC: Mixing fuzzing and concolic execution (Computers&Security 2021)](#fuzzolic-mixing-fuzzing-and-concolic-execution-computerssecurity-2021)
- [DirectFuzz: Automated Test Generation for RTL Designs using Directed Graybox Fuzzing (DAC 2021)](#directfuzz-automated-test-generation-for-rtl-designs-using-directed-graybox-fuzzing-dac-2021)
- [CollabFuzz: A Framework for Collaborative Fuzzing (EuroSec 2021)](#collabfuzz-a-framework-for-collaborative-fuzzing-eurosec-2021)
- [HDR-Fuzz: Detecting Buffer Overruns using AddressSanitizer Instrumentation and Fuzzing (2021)](#hdr-fuzz-detecting-buffer-overruns-using-addresssanitizer-instrumentation-and-fuzzing-2021)
- [Unleashing Fuzzing Through Comprehensive, Efficient, and Faithful Exploitable-Bug Exposing (2021)](#unleashing-fuzzing-through-comprehensive-efficient-and-faithful-exploitable-bug-exposing)
- [Improving Web Application Vulnerability Detection Leveraging Ensemble Fuzzing (ENASE 2021)](#improving-web-application-vulnerability-detection-leveraging-ensemble-fuzzing-enase-2021)
- [Coverage-guided binary fuzzing with and llvm libfuzzer](#coverage-guided-binary-fuzzing-with-revng-and-llvm-libfuzzer)
- [An Empirical Study of OSS-Fuzz Bugs (MSR 2021)](#an-empirical-study-of-oss-fuzz-bugs-msr-2021)
- [MooFuzz: Many-Objective Optimization Seed Schedule for Fuzzer (Mathematics 2021)](#moofuzz-many-objective-optimization-seed-schedule-for-fuzzer-mathematics-2021)
- [PMFuzz: Test Case Generation for Persistent Memory Programs (ASPLOS 2021)](#pmfuzz-test-case-generation-for-persistent-memory-programs-asplos-2021)
- [A Priority Based Path Searching Method for Improving Hybrid Fuzzing (Computers & Security 2021)](#a-priority-based-path-searching-method-for-improving-hybrid-fuzzing-computers--security-2021)
- [CMFuzz: context-aware adaptive mutation for fuzzers (Empirical Software Engineering 2021)](#cmfuzz-context-aware-adaptive-mutation-for-fuzzers-empirical-software-engineering-2021)
- [Refined Grey-Box Fuzzing with Sivo (arXiv 2021)](#refined-grey-box-fuzzing-with-sivo-arxiv-2021)
- [Constructing More Complete Control Flow Graphs Utilizing Directed Gray-Box Fuzzing (MDPI 2021)](#constructing-more-complete-control-flow-graphs-utilizing-directed-gray-box-fuzzing-mdpi-2021)
- [Symbolic Security Predicates: Hunt Program Weaknesses (ISPRAS Open 2021)](#symbolic-security-predicates-hunt-program-weaknesses-ispras-open-2021)
- [Towards Symbolic Pointers Reasoning in Dynamic Symbolic Execution (IVMEM 2021)](#towards-symbolic-pointers-reasoning-in-dynamic-symbolic-execution-ivmem-2021)
- **CCS 2020**
- [FREEDOM: Engineering a State-of-the-Art DOM Fuzzer](#freedom-engineering-a-state-of-the-art-dom-fuzzer-ccs-2020)
- [SQUIRREL: Testing Database Management Systems with Language Validity and Coverage Feedback](#squirrel-testing-database-management-systems-with-language-validity-and-coverage-feedback-ccs-2020)
- **ASE 2020**
- [BigFuzz: Efficient Fuzz Testing for Data Analytics using Framework Abstraction](#bigfuzz-efficient-fuzz-testing-for-data-analytics-using-framework-abstraction-ase-2020)
- [MoFuzz: A Fuzzer Suite for Testing Model-Driven Software Engineering Tools](#mofuzz-a-fuzzer-suite-for-testing-model-driven-software-engineering-tools-ase-2020)
- [Zeror: Speed Up Fuzzing with Coverage-sensitive Tracing and Scheduling](#zeror-speed-up-fuzzing-with-coverage-sensitive-tracing-and-scheduling-ase-2020)
- [Generating Highly-structured Input Data by Combining Search-based Testing and Grammar-based Fuzzing](#generating-highly-structured-input-data-by-combining-search-based-testing-and-grammar-based-fuzzing-ase-2020)
- **ISSTA 2020**
- [Active Fuzzing for Testing and Securing Cyber-Physical Systems](#active-fuzzing-for-testing-and-securing-cyber-physical-systems-issta-2020)
- [Learning Input Tokens for Effective Fuzzing](#learning-input-tokens-for-effective-fuzzing-issta-2020)
- [WEIZZ: Automatic Grey-Box Fuzzing for Structured Binary Formats](#weizz-automatic-grey-box-fuzzing-for-structured-binary-formats)
- **ESEC/FSE 2020**
- [Fuzzing: On the Exponential Cost of Vulnerability Discovery](#fuzzing-on-the-exponential-cost-of-vulnerability-discovery-fse-2020)
- [Boosting Fuzzer Efficiency: An Information Theoretic Perspective](#boosting-fuzzer-efficiency-an-information-theoretic-perspective-fse-2020)
- [CrFuzz: Fuzzing Multi-purpose Programs through Input Validation](#crfuzz-fuzzing-multi-purpose-programs-through-input-validation-fse-2020)
- [Detecting Critical Bugs in SMT Solvers using Blackbox Mutational Fuzzing](#detecting-critical-bugs-in-smt-solvers-using-blackbox-mutational-fuzzing-fse)
- [Intelligent REST API Data Fuzzing](#intelligent-rest-api-data-fuzzing-fse-2020)
- [MTFuzz: Fuzzing with a Multi-task Neural Network](#mtfuzz-fuzzing-with-a-multi-task-neural-network-fse-2020)
- **ACSAC 2020**
- [DPIFuzz: A Differential Fuzzing Framework to Detect DPI Elusion Strategies for QUIC](#dpifuzz-a-differential-fuzzing-framework-to-detect-dpi-elusion-strategies-for-quic-acsac-2020)
- [Cupid: Automatic Fuzzer Selection for Collaborative Fuzzing](#cupid-automatic-fuzzer-selection-for-collaborative-fuzzing-acsac-2020)
- [OmniFuzz: A Flexible Framework for Expediting Bug Finding by Leveraging Past (Mis-)Behavior to Discover New Bugs](#omnifuzz-a-flexible-framework-for-expediting-bug-finding-by-leveraging-past-mis-behavior-to-discover-new-bugs-acsac-2020)
- [RUSTY: A Fuzzing Tool for Rust](#rusty-a-fuzzing-tool-for-rust-acsac-2020)
- **PLDI 2020**
- [Validating SMT Solvers via Semantic Fusion](#validating-smt-solvers-via-semantic-fusion-pldi-2020)
- **USENIX Security 2020**
- [Analysis of DTLS Implementations Using Protocol State Fuzzing](#analysis-of-dtls-implementations-using-protocol-state-fuzzing-usenix-security2020)
- [Frankenstein: Advanced Wireless Fuzzing to Exploit New Bluetooth Escalation Targets](#frankenstein-advanced-wireless-fuzzing-to-exploit-new-bluetooth-escalation-targets-usenix-security2020)
- [SpecFuzz: Bringing Spectre-type vulnerabilities to the surface](#specfuzz-bringing-spectre-type-vulnerabilities-to-the-surface-usenix-security2020)
- [FuzzGen: Automatic Fuzzer Generation](#fuzzgen-automatic-fuzzer-generation-usenix-security2020)
- [MUZZ: Thread-aware Grey-box Fuzzing for Effective Bug Hunting in Multithreaded Programs](#muzz-thread-aware-grey-box-fuzzing-for-effective-bug-hunting-in-multithreaded-programs-usenix-security2020)
- [Montage: A Neural Network Language Model-Guided JavaScript Engine Fuzzer](#montage-a-neural-network-language-model-guided-javascript-engine-fuzzer-usenix-security2020)
- [GREYONE: Data Flow Sensitive Fuzzing](#greyone-data-flow-sensitive-fuzzing-usenix-security2020)
- [FuzzGuard: Filtering out Unreachable Inputs in Directed Grey-box Fuzzing through Deep Learning](#fuzzguard-filtering-out-unreachable-inputs-in-directed-grey-box-fuzzing-through-deep-learning-usenix-security2020)
- [ParmeSan: Sanitizer-guided Greybox Fuzzing](#parmesan-sanitizer-guided-greybox-fuzzing-usenix-security2020)
- [EcoFuzz: Adaptive Energy-Saving Greybox Fuzzing as a Variant of the Adversarial Multi-Armed Bandit](#ecofuzz-adaptive-energy-saving-greybox-fuzzing-as-a-variant-of-the-adversarial-multi-armed-bandit-usenix-security2020)
- [FANS: Fuzzing Android Native System Services via Automated Interface Analysis](#fans-fuzzing-android-native-system-services-via-automated-interface-analysis-usenix-security2020)
- [Fuzzing Error Handling Code using Context-Sensitive Software Fault Injection](#fuzzing-error-handling-code-using-context-sensitive-software-fault-injection-usenix-security2020)
- [USBFuzz: A Framework for Fuzzing USB Drivers by Device Emulation](#usbfuzz-a-framework-for-fuzzing-usb-drivers-by-device-emulation-usenix-security2020)
- [AFL++: Combining Incremental Steps of Fuzzing Research (USENIX Woot2020)](#afl-combining-incremental-steps-of-fuzzing-research-usenix-woot2020)
- **ICSE 2020**
- [Typestate-Guided Fuzzer for Discovering Use-after-Free Vulnerabilities](#typestate-guided-fuzzer-for-discovering-use-after-free-vulnerabilities-icse-2020)
- [MemLock: Memory Usage Guided Fuzzing](#memlock-memory-usage-guided-fuzzing-icse2020)
- [Ankou: Guiding Grey-box Fuzzing towards Combinatorial Difference](#ankou-guiding-grey-box-fuzzing-towards-combinatorial-difference-icse-2020)
- [JVM Fuzzing for JIT-Induced Side-Channel Detection](#jvm-fuzzing-for-jit-induced-side-channel-detection-icse-2020)
- [Targeted Greybox Fuzzing with Static Lookahead Analysis](#targeted-greybox-fuzzing-with-static-lookahead-analysis-icse-2020)
- [Fuzz Testing based Data Augmentation to Improve Robustness of Deep Neural Networks](#fuzz-testing-based-data-augmentation-to-improve-robustness-of-deep-neural-networks-icse-2020)
- [sFuzz: An Efficient Adaptive Fuzzer for Solidity Smart Contracts](#sfuzz-an-efficient-adaptive-fuzzer-for-solidity-smart-contracts-icse-2020)
- [HyDiff: Hybrid Differential Software Analysis](#hydiff-hybrid-differential-software-analysis-icse-2020)
- [Automatically Testing String Solvers](#automatically-testing-string-solvers-icse-2020)
- **NDSS 2020**
- [HYPER-CUBE: High-Dimensional Hypervisor Fuzzing](#hyper-cube-high-dimensional-hypervisor-fuzzing-ndss-2020)
- [HotFuzz: Discovering Algorithmic Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities Through Guided Micro-Fuzzing](#hotfuzz-discovering-algorithmic-denial-of-service-vulnerabilities-through-guided-micro-fuzzing-ndss-2020)
- [HFL: Hybrid Fuzzing on the Linux Kernel](#hfl-hybrid-fuzzing-on-the-linux-kernel-ndss-2020)
- [Not All Coverage Measurements Are Equal: Fuzzing by Coverage Accounting for Input Prioritization](#not-all-coverage-measurements-are-equal-fuzzing-by-coverage-accounting-for-input-prioritization-ndss-2020)
- **S&P 2020**
- [SAVIOR: Towards Bug-Driven Hybrid Testing](#savior-towards-bug-driven-hybrid-testing-sp-2020)
- [RetroWrite: Statically Instrumenting COTS Binaries for Fuzzing and Sanitization](#retrowrite-statically-instrumenting-cots-binaries-for-fuzzing-and-sanitization-sp-2020)
- [IJON: Exploring Deep State Spaces via Fuzzing](#ijon-exploring-deep-state-spaces-via-fuzzing-sp-2020)
- [PANGOLIN: Incremental Hybrid Fuzzing with Polyhedral Path Abstraction](#pangolin-incremental-hybrid-fuzzing-with-polyhedral-path-abstraction-sp-2020)
- [KRace: Data Race Fuzzing for Kernel File Systems](#krace-data-race-fuzzing-for-kernel-file-systems-sp-2020)
- [Fuzzing JavaScript Engines with Aspect-preserving Mutation](#fuzzing-javascript-engines-with-aspect-preserving-mutation-sp-2020)
- **SANER 2020**
- [ETHPLOIT: From Fuzzing to Efficient Exploit Generation against Smart Contracts](#ethploit-from-fuzzing-to-efficient-exploit-generation-against-smart-contracts-saner2020)
- [Sequence directed hybrid fuzzing](#sequence-directed-hybrid-fuzzing-saner-2020)
- **ICST 2020**
- [Language-Agnostic Generation of Compilable Test Programs](#language-agnostic-generation-of-compilable-test-programs-icst-2020)
- [ct-fuzz: Fuzzing for Timing Leaks](#ct-fuzz-fuzzing-for-timing-leaks-icst-2020)
- [AFLNET: A Greybox Fuzzer for Network Protocols](#aflnet-a-greybox-fuzzer-for-network-protocols-icst-2020)
- **ASIACCS 2020**
- [PathAFL: Path-Coverage Assisted Fuzzing](#pathafl-path-coverage-assisted-fuzzing-asia-ccs-2020)
- **Others 2020**
- [Reproducible Crashes: Fuzzing Pharo by Mutating the Test Methods (IWST20 2020)](#reproducible-crashes-fuzzing-pharo-by-mutating-the-test-methods-iwst20-2020)
- [Finding race conditions in Kernels: from fuzzing to symbolic exection (2020)](#finding-race-conditions-in-kernels-from-fuzzing-to-symbolic-exection-2020)
- [BanditFuzz: Fuzzing SMT Solvers with Reinforcement Learning (2020)](#banditfuzz-fuzzing-smt-solvers-with-reinforcement-learning-2020)
- [Fuzzing Technique in Web Applications and Beyond (MCTE 2020)](#fuzzing-technique-in-web-applications-and-beyond-mcte-2020)
- [Vulnerability Detection in SIoT Applications: A Fuzzing Method on their Binaries (IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2020)](#vulnerability-detection-in-siot-applications-a-fuzzing-method-on-their-binaries-ieee-transactions-on-network-science-and-engineering-2020)
- [MaxAFL: Maximizing Code Coverage with a Gradient-Based Optimization Technique (Electronics 2020)](#maxafl-maximizing-code-coverage-with-a-gradient-based-optimization-technique-electronics-2020)
- [CSEFuzz: Fuzz Testing Based on Symbolic Execution (Access 2020)](#csefuzz-fuzz-testing-based-on-symbolic-execution-access-2020)
- [A Quantitative Comparison of Covera (AST 2020)](#a-quantitative-comparison-of-covera-ast-2020)
- [Finding Bugs in File Systems with an Extensible Fuzzing Framework (TOS 2020)](#finding-bugs-in-file-systems-with-an-extensible-fuzzing-framework-tos-2020)
- [ICS Protocol Fuzzing: Coverage Guided Packet Crack and Generation (DAC 2020)](#ics-protocol-fuzzing-coverage-guided-packet-crack-and-generation-dac-2020)
- [Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Network Protocol Implementations (Arxiv 2020)](#finding-security-vulnerabilities-in-network-protocol-implementations-arxiv-2020)
- [Coverage Guided Differential Adversarial Testing of Deep Learning Systems](#coverage-guided-differential-adversarial-testing-of-deep-learning-systems-tnse-2020)
- [Fwâfuzz: A code coverageâguided fuzzing framework for network protocols on firmware](#fw%e2%80%90fuzz-a-code-coverage%e2%80%90guided-fuzzing-framework-for-network-protocols-on-firmware-2020)
- [Greybox Fuzzing Based on Ant Colony Algorithm](#greybox-fuzzing-based-on-ant-colony-algorithm-aina-2020)
- [MEUZZ: Smart Seed Scheduling for Hybrid Fuzzing](#meuzz-smart-seed-scheduling-for-hybrid-fuzzing)
- [Binary-level Directed Fuzzing for Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities](#binary-level-directed-fuzzing-for-use-after-free-vulnerabilities-raid-2020)
- [Smart seed selection-based effective black box fuzzing for IIoT protocol](#smart-seed-selection-based-effective-black-box-fuzzing-for-iiot-protocol)
- [RDFuzz: Accelerating Directed Fuzzing with Intertwined Schedule and Optimized Mutation](#rdfuzz-accelerating-directed-fuzzing-with-intertwined-schedule-and-optimized-mutation-2020)
- [A deep convolution generative adversarial networks based fuzzing framework for industry control protocols](#a-deep-convolution-generative-adversarial-networks-based-fuzzing-framework-for-industry-control-protocols)
- [TOFU: Target-Oriented FUzzer](#tofu-target-oriented-fuzzer-arxiv-2020)
- [BaseSAFE: Baseband SAnitized Fuzzing through Emulation](#basesafe-baseband-sanitized-fuzzing-through-emulation-wisec-2020)
- [Sydr: Cutting Edge Dynamic Symbolic Execution (ISPRAS Open 2020)](#sydr-cutting-edge-dynamic-symbolic-execution-ispras-open-2020)
- **ACSAC 2019**
- [Opening Pandoraâs Box through ATFuzzer: Dynamic Analysis of AT Interface for AndroidSmartphones](#Opening-Pandoras-Box-through-ATFuzzer-Dynamic-Analysis-of-AT-Interface-for-Android-Smartphones-ACSAC-2019)
- **OOPSLA 2019**
- [FuzzFactory: Domain-Specific Fuzzing with Waypoints](#fuzzfactory-domain-specific-fuzzing-with-waypoints-oopsla-2019)
- [Compiler Fuzzing: How Much Does It Matter](#compiler-fuzzing-how-much-does-it-matter-oopsla2019)
- **TSE 2019**
- [The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey](#the-art-science-and-engineering-of-fuzzing-a-survey)
- [Smart Greybox Fuzzing](#smart-greybox-fuzzing-tse-2019)
- **Access 2019**
- [NeuFuzz: Efficient Fuzzing With Deep Neural Network](#neufuzz-efficient-fuzzing-with-deep-neural-network-access-2019)
- [LearnAFL: Greybox Fuzzing With Knowledge Enhancement](#learnafl-greybox-fuzzing-with-knowledge-enhancement-access-2019)
- **CCS 2019**
- [Intriguer: Field-Level Constraint Solving for Hybrid Fuzzing](#intriguer-field-level-constraint-solving-for-hybrid-fuzzing-ccs-2019)
- [Learning to Fuzz from Symbolic Execution with Application to Smart Contracts](#learning-to-fuzz-from-symbolic-execution-with-application-to-smart-contracts-ccs-2019)
- [Matryoshka: fuzzing deeply nested branches](#matryoshka-fuzzing-deeply-nested-branches-ccs-2019)
- [Different is Good: Detecting the Use of Uninitialized Variables through Differential Replay](#different-is-good-detecting-the-use-of-uninitialized-variables-through-differential-replay-ccs-2019)
- [Gollum: Modular and Greybox Exploit Generation for Heap Overflows in Interpreters](#gollum-modular-and-greybox-exploit-generation-for-heap-overflows-in-interpreters-ccs-2019)
- [Poster: Fuzzing IoT Firmware via Multi-stage Message Generation](#poster-fuzzing-iot-firmware-via-multi-stage-message-generation-ccs-2019)
- **S&P 2019**
- [NEUZZ: Efficient Fuzzing with Neural Program Smoothing](#neuzz-efficient-fuzzing-with-neural-program-smoothing-sp-2019)
- [Fuzzing File Systems via Two-Dimensional Input Space Exploration](#fuzzing-file-systems-via-two-dimensional-input-space-exploration-sp-2019)
- [ProFuzzer: On-the-fly Input Type Probing for Better Zero-day Vulnerability Discovery](#profuzzer-on-the-fly-input-type-probing-for-better-zero-day-vulnerability-discovery-sp-2019)
- [Razzer: Finding Kernel Race Bugs through Fuzzing](#razzer-finding-kernel-race-bugs-through-fuzzing-sp-2019)
- [Full-speed Fuzzing: Reducing Fuzzing Overhead through Coverage-guided Tracing](#full-speed-fuzzing-reducing-fuzzing-overhead-through-coverage-guided-tracing-sp-2019)
- **USENIX Security 2019**
- [MOPT: Optimize Mutation Scheduling for Fuzzers](#mopt-optimize-mutation-scheduling-for-fuzzers-usenix-security2019)
- [Antifuzz: impeding fuzzing audits of binary executables](#antifuzz-impeding-fuzzing-audits-of-binary-executables-usenix-security2019)
- [FUZZIFICATION: Anti-Fuzzing Technique](#fuzzification-anti-fuzzing-technique-usenix-security2019)
- [EnFuzz: Ensemble Fuzzing with Seed Synchronization among Diverse Fuzzers](#enfuzz-ensemble-fuzzing-with-seed-synchronization-among-diverse-fuzzers-usenix-security2019)
- [GRIMOIRE : Synthesizing Structure while Fuzzing](#grimoire-synthesizing-structure-while-fuzzing-usenix-security2019)
- [RVFuzzer: Finding Input Validation Bugs in Robotic Vehicles through Control-Guided Random Testing](#rvfuzzer-finding-input-validation-bugs-in-robotic-vehicles-through-control-guided-random-testing-usenix-security2019)
- [FIRM-AFL: High-Throughput Greybox Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Augmented Process Emulation](#firm-afl-high-throughput-greybox-fuzzing-of-iot-firmware-via-augmented-process-emulation-usenix-security2019)
- [Unicorefuzz: On the Viability of Emulation for Kernelspace Fuzzing](#unicorefuzz-on-the-viability-of-emulation-for-kernelspace-fuzzing-usenix-woot19)
- **ASE 2019**
- [Learning-Guided Network Fuzzing for Testing Cyber-Physical System Defences](#learning-guided-network-fuzzing-for-testing-cyber-physical-system-defences-ase-2019)
- **NDSS 2019**
- [REDQUEEN: Fuzzing with Input-to-State Correspondence](#redqueen-fuzzing-with-input-to-state-correspondence-ndss2019)
- [PeriScope: An Effective Probing and Fuzzing Framework for the Hardware-OS Boundary](#periscope-an-effective-probing-and-fuzzing-framework-for-the-hardware-os-boundary-ndss2019)
- [Life after Speech Recognition: Fuzzing Semantic Misinterpretation for Voice Assistant Applications](#life-after-speech-recognition-fuzzing-semantic-misinterpretation-for-voice-assistant-applications-ndss-2019)
- [Send Hardest Problems My Way: Probabilistic Path Prioritization for Hybrid Fuzzing](#send-hardest-problems-my-way-probabilistic-path-prioritization-for-hybrid-fuzzing-ndss-2019)
- [CodeAlchemist: Semantics-Aware Code Generation to Find Vulnerabilities in JavaScript Engines](#codealchemist-semantics-aware-code-generation-to-find-vulnerabilities-in-javascript-engines-ndss-2019)
- [NAUTILUS: Fishing for Deep Bugs with Grammars](#nautilus-fishing-for-deep-bugs-with-grammars-ndss-2019)
- **ICSE 2019**
- [DifFuzz: Differential Fuzzing for Side-Channel Analysis](#diffuzz-differential-fuzzing-for-side-channel-analysis-icse-2019)
- [Deep Differential Testing of JVM Implementations](#deep-differential-testing-of-jvm-implementations-icse-2019)
- [REST-ler: Stateful REST API Fuzzing](#rest-ler-stateful-rest-api-fuzzing-icse-2019)
- [SLF: Fuzzing without Valid Seed Inputs](#slf-fuzzing-without-valid-seed-inputs-icse-2019)
- [Superion: Grammar-Aware Greybox Fuzzing](#superion-grammar-aware-greybox-fuzzing-icse-2019)
- [Hunting for bugs in code coverage tools via randomized differential testing](#hunting-for-bugs-in-code-coverage-tools-via-randomized-differential-testing-icse-2019)
- **ESEC/FSE 2019**
- [Cerebro: Context-aware Adaptive Fuzzing for Effective Vulnerability Detection](#cerebro-context-aware-adaptive-fuzzing-for-effective-vulnerability-detection-fse-2019)
- [Just Fuzz It: Solving Floating-Point Constraints Using Coverage-guided Fuzzing](#just-fuzz-it-solving-floating-point-constraints-using-coverage-guided-fuzzing-fse-2019)
- [FUDGE: Fuzz Driver Generation at Scale](#fudge-fuzz-driver-generation-at-scale-fse-2019)
- **ISSTA 2019**
- [Semantic Fuzzing with Zest](#semantic-fuzzing-with-zest-issta-2019)
- [DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided Fuzz Testing Framework for Deep Neural Networks](#deephunter-a-coverage-guided-fuzz-testing-framework-for-deep-neural-networks-issta-2019)
- [Deferred Concretization in Symbolic Execution via Fuzzing](#deferred-concretization-in-symbolic-execution-via-fuzzing-issta-2019)
- **PLDI 2019**
- [Parser-Directed Fuzzing](#parser-directed-fuzzing-pldi-2019)
- **ASIACCS 2019**
- [Ptrix: Efficient Hardware-Assisted Fuzzing for COTS Binary](#ptrix-efficient-hardware-assisted-fuzzing-for-cots-binary-asiaccs-2019)
- [A Feature-Oriented Corpus for understanding, Evaluating and Improving Fuzz Testing](#a-feature-oriented-corpus-for-understanding-evaluating-and-improving-fuzz-testing-asiaccs-2019)
- **ICST 2019**
- [MemFuzz: Using Memory Accesses to Guide Fuzzing](#memfuzz-using-memory-accesses-to-guide-fuzzing-icst-2019)
- [SeqFuzzer: An Industrial Protocol Fuzzing Framework in Deep Learning Perspective](#seqfuzzer-an-industrial-protocol-fuzzing-framework-in-deep-learning-perspective-icst-2019)
- **ISSRE 2019**
- [Engineering a Better Fuzzer with SynergicallyIntegrated Optimizations](#engineering-a-better-fuzzer-with-synergically-integrated-optimizations-issre-2019)
- [Fuzzing Error Handling Code in Device Drivers Based on Software Fault Injection](#fuzzing-error-handling-code-in-device-drivers-based-on-software-fault-injection-issre-2019)
- **Other 2019**
- [Fuzz Testing of Multithreaded Applications Based on Waiting (2019)](#fuzz-testing-of-multithreaded-applications-based-on-waiting-micsecs-2019)
- [Leveraging Textual Specifications for Grammar-Based Fuzzing of Network Protocols (AAAI 2019)](#leveraging-textual-specifications-for-grammar-based-fuzzing-of-network-protocols-aaai-2019)
- [Fuzzing JavaScript Environment APIs with Interdependent Function Calls (IFM 2019)](#fuzzing-javascript-environment-apis-with-interdependent-function-calls-ifm-2019)
- [DeepFuzzer: Accelerated Deep Greybox Fuzzing (TDSC 2019)](#deepfuzzer-accelerated-deep-greybox-fuzzing-tdsc-2019)
- [CAGFuzz: Coverage-Guided Adversarial Generative Fuzzing Testing of Deep Learning Systems](#cagfuzz-coverage-guided-adversarial-generative-fuzzing-testing-of-deep-learning-systems-2019)
- [Suzzer: A Vulnerability-Guided Fuzzer Based on Deep Learning](#suzzer-a-vulnerability-guided-fuzzer-based-on-deep-learning-inscrypt-2019)
- [ConFuz: A Concurrency Fuzzer](#confuzz-a-concurrency-fuzzer-2019)
- [INSTRCR: Lightweight instrumentation optimization based on coverage-guided fuzz testing](#instrcr-lightweight-instrumentation-optimization-based-on-coverage-guided-fuzz-testing-ccet-2019)
- [HFuzz: Towards automatic fuzzing testing of NB-IoT core network protocols implementations](#hfuzz-towards-automatic-fuzzing-testing-of-nb-iot-core-network-protocols-implementations-fgcs-2019)
- [Study and Comparison of General Purpose Fuzzers](#study-and-comparison-of-general-purpose-fuzzers)
- [From proof-of-concept to exploitable](#from-proof-of-concept-to-exploitable-cybersecurity-2019)
- [Sequence coverage directed greybox fuzzing](#sequence-coverage-directed-greybox-fuzzing-icpc-2019)
- [Field-aware Evolutionary Fuzzing Based on Input Specifications and Vulnerability Metrics](#field-aware-evolutionary-fuzzing-based-on-input-specifications-and-vulnerability-metrics-2019)
- [Fuzzing IPC with Knowledge Inference](#fuzzing-ipc-with-knowledge-inference-srds-2019)
- [Be Sensitive and Collaborative: Analyzing Impact of Coverage Metrics in Greybox Fuzzing](#be-sensitive-and-collaborative-analyzing-impact-of-coverage-metrics-in-greybox-fuzzing-raid-2019)
- [Hydra: An Extensible Fuzzing Framework for Finding Semantic Bugs in File Systems](#hydra-an-extensible-fuzzing-framework-for-finding-semantic-bugs-in-file-systems-sosp-2019)
- [Exploring Effective Fuzzing Strategies to Analyze Communication Protocols](#exploring-effective-fuzzing-strategies-to-analyze-communication-protocols-feast-2019)
- [V-Fuzz: Vulnerability-Oriented Evolutionary Fuzzing](#v-fuzz-vulnerability-oriented-evolutionary-fuzzing-arxiv-2019)
- **S&P 2018**
- [T-Fuzz: fuzzing by program transformation](#t-fuzz-fuzzing-by-program-transformation-sp-2018)
- [Angora: Efficient Fuzzing by Principled Search](#angora-efficient-fuzzing-by-principled-search-sp-2018)
- [CollAFL: Path Sensitive Fuzzing](#collafl-path-sensitive-fuzzing-sp-2018)
- **USENIX Security 2018**
- [FUZE: Towards Facilitating Exploit Generation for Kernel Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities](#fuze-towards-facilitating-exploit-generation-for-kernel-use-after-free-vulnerabilities-usenix-security2018)
- [MoonShine: Optimizing OS Fuzzer Seed Selection with Trace Distillation](#moonshine-optimizing-os-fuzzer-seed-selection-with-trace-distillation-usenix-security2018)
- [QSYM : A Practical Concolic Execution Engine Tailored for Hybrid Fuzzing](#qsym-a-practical-concolic-execution-engine-tailored-for-hybrid-fuzzing-usenix-security2018)
- **CCS 2018**
- [Evaluating fuzz testing](#evaluate-fuzzing)
- [Hawkeye Towards a Desired Directed Grey-box Fuzzer](#hawkeye-towards-a-desired-directed-grey-box-fuzzer-ccs-2018)
- [Revery: From Proof-of-Concept to Exploitable](#revery-from-proof-of-concept-to-exploitable-ccs-2018)
- **NDSS 2018**
- [IoTFuzzer: Discovering Memory Corruptions in IoT Through App-based Fuzzing](#iotfuzzer-discovering-memory-corruptions-in-iot-through-app-based-fuzzing-ndss-2018)
- [What You Corrupt Is Not What You Crash: Challenges in Fuzzing Embedded Devices](#what-you-corrupt-is-not-what-you-crash-challenges-in-fuzzing-embedded-devices-ndss-2018)
- [Enhancing Memory Error Detection for Large-Scale Applications and Fuzz Testing](#enhancing-memory-error-detection-for-large-scale-applications-and-fuzz-testing-ndss-2018)
- [INSTRIM Lightweight Instrumentation for Coverage-guided Fuzzing](#instrim-lightweight-instrumentation-for-coverage-guided-fuzzing-ndss-2018-workshop)
- **ICSE 2018**
- [SAFL: increasing and accelerating testing coverage with symbolic execution and guided fuzzing](#safl-increasing-and-accelerating-testing-coverage-with-symbolic-execution-and-guided-fuzzing-icse-2018)
- **ESEC/FSE 2018**
- [Singularity: Pattern Fuzzing for Worst Case Complexity](#singularity-pattern-fuzzing-for-worst-case-complexity-fse-2018)
- [PAFL: Extend Fuzzing Optimizations of Single Mode to Industrial Parallel Mode](#pafl-extend-fuzzingoptimizations-of-single-mode-to-industrial-parallel-mode-esecfse-2018)
- [FOT: A Versatile, Configurable, Extensible Fuzzing Framework](#fot-a-versatile-configurable-extensible-fuzzing-framework-fse-2018)
- [DLFuzz: Differential Fuzzing Testing of Deep Learning Systems](#dlfuzz-differential-fuzzing-testing-of-deep-learning-systems-fse-2018)
- **ASE 2018**
- [ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart Contracts for Vulnerability Detection](#contractfuzzer-fuzzing-smart-contracts-for-vulnerability-detection-ase-2018)
- [FairFuzz: A Targeted Mutation Strategy for Increasing Greybox Fuzz Testing Coverage](#fairfuzz-a-targeted-mutation-strategy-for-increasing-greybox-fuzz-testing-coverage-ase-2018)
- [Differential Program Analysis with Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution](#differential-program-analysis-with-fuzzing-and-symbolic-execution-ase-2018)
- **ISSTA 2018**
- [Badger: Complexity Analysis with Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution](#badger-complexity-analysis-with-fuzzing-and-symbolic-execution-issta-2018)
- [Compiler Fuzzing through Deep Learning](#compiler-fuzzing-through-deep-learning-issta-2018)
- [PerfFuzz: Automatically Generating Pathological Inputs](#perffuzz-automatically-generating-pathological-inputs-issta-2018)
- **CAV 2018**
- [StringFuzz: A fuzzer for string solvers](#stringfuzz-a-fuzzer-for-string-solvers-cav-2018)
- **ACSAC 2018**
- [TIFF: Using Input Type Inference To Improve Fuzzing](#tiff-using-input-type-inference-to-improve-fuzzing-acsac-2018)
- [A Heuristic Framework to Detect Concurrency Vulnerabilities](#a-heuristic-framework-to-detect-concurrency-vulnerabilities-acsac-2018)
- **ICCAD 2018**
- [RFUZZ: Coverage-Directed Fuzz Testing of RTL on FPGAs](#rfuzz-coverage-directed-fuzz-testing-of-rtl-on-fpgas-iccad-2018)
- **Other 2018**
- [FuzzerGym: A Competitive Framework for Fuzzing and Learning](#fuzzergym-a-competitive-framework-for-fuzzing-and-learning-arxiv-2018)
- [MTF-Storm: a high performance fuzzer for Modbus-TCP](#MTF-Storm-a-high-performance-fuzzer-for-Modbus-TCP-ETFA-2018)
- **S&P 2017**
- [NEZHA: Efficient Domain-Independent Differential Testing](#nezha-efficient-domain-independent-differential-testing-sp-2017)
- [Skyfire: Data-Driven Seed Generation for Fuzzing](#skyfire-data-driven-seed-generation-for-fuzzing-sp-2017)
- **USENIX Security 2017**
- [kAFL: Hardware-Assisted Feedback Fuzzing for OS Kernels](#kafl-hardware-assisted-feedback-fuzzing-for-os-kernels-usenix-security2017)
- [CAB-Fuzz: Practical Concolic Testing Techniques for COTS Operating Systems](#cab-fuzz-practical-concolic-testing-techniques-for-cots-operating-systems-usenix-security2017)
- **CCS 2017**
- [Directed Greybox Fuzzing](#directed-greybox-fuzzing-ccs-2017)
- [Designing New Operating Primitives to Improve Fuzzing Performance](#designing-new-operating-primitives-to-improve-fuzzing-performance-ccs-2017)
- [DIFUZE: Interface aware fuzzing for kernel drivers](#difuze-interface-aware-fuzzing-for-kernel-drivers-ccs-2017)
- [SemFuzz: Semantics-based Automatic Generation of Proof-of-Concept Exploits](#semfuzz-semantics-based-automatic-generation-of-proof-of-concept-exploits-ccs-2017)
- [SlowFuzz: Automated Domain-Independent Detection of Algorithmic Complexity Vulnerabilities](#slowfuzz-automated-domain-independent-detection-of-algorithmic-complexity-vulnerabilities-ccs-2017)
- [IMF: Inferred Model-based Fuzzer](#imf-inferred-model-based-fuzzer-ccs-2017)
- **NDSS 2017**
- [VUzzer: Application-aware Evolutionary Fuzzing](#vuzzer-application-aware-evolutionary-fuzzing-ndss-2017)
- **ESEC/FSE 2017**
- [Steelix: Program-State Based Binary Fuzzing](#steelix-program-state-based-binary-fuzzing-fse-2017)
- **ASE 2017**
- [Learn&Fuzz: Machine Learning for Input Fuzzing](#learnfuzz-machine-learning-for-input-fuzzing-ase-2017)
- [In-memory fuzzing for binary code similarity analysis](#in-memory-fuzzing-for-binary-code-similarity-analysis-ase-2017)
- **ISSRE 2017**
- [Chizpurfle: A Gray-Box Android Fuzzer for Vendor Service Customizations](#chizpurfle-a-gray-box-android-fuzzer-for-vendor-service-customizations-issre-2017)
- **Other 2017**
- [Bbuzz: A Bit-aware Fuzzing Framework for Network Protocol Systematic Reverse Engineering and Analysis](#bbuzz-a-bit-aware-fuzzing-framework-for-network-protocol-systematic-reverse-engineering-and-analysis-mcc-2017)
- **CCS 2016**
- [Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing as Markov Chain](#coverage-based-greybox-fuzzing-as-markov-chain-ccs-2016)
- [Systematic Fuzzing and Testing of TLS Libraries](#systematic-fuzzing-and-testing-of-tls-libraries-ccs-2016)
- **NDSS 2016**
- [Driller: Argumenting Fuzzing Through Selective Symbolic Execution](#driller-argumenting-fuzzing-through-selective-symbolic-execution-ndss-2016)
- **PLDI 2016**
- [Coverage-Directed Differential Testing of JVM Implementations](#coverage-directed-differential-testing-of-jvm-implementations-pldi-2016)
- **S&P 2015**
- [Program-Adaptive Mutational Fuzzing](#program-adaptive-mutational-fuzzing-sp-2015)
- **USENIX Security 2015**
- [Protocol State Fuzzing of TLS Implementations](#protocol-state-fuzzing-of-tls-implementations-usenix-security2015)
- **Others**
- [Test Data Generation for Stateful Network Protocol Fuzzing Using a Rule-Based State Machine](#test-data-generation-for-stateful-network-protocol-fuzzing-using-a-rule-based-state-machine-2016)
- [PULSAR: Stateful Black-Box Fuzzing of Proprietary Network Protocols](#pulsar-stateful-black-box-fuzzing-of-proprietary-network-protocols-springer-cham-2015)
- [A Modbus-TCP Fuzzer for testing internetworked industrial systems](#A-Modbus-TCP-Fuzzer-for-testing-internetworked-industrial-systems-ETFA-2015)
- [SECFUZZ: Fuzz-testing Security Protocols](#secfuzz-fuzz-testing-security-protocols-ast-2012)
- [AutoFuzz: Automated Network Protocol Fuzzing Framewor](#autofuzz-automated-network-protocol-fuzzing-framework-ijcsns-2010)
# All Papers (Classification according to Subject)
- [Recent Papers Related To Fuzzing](#recent-papers-related-to-fuzzing)
- [All Papers (Classification according to Publication)](#all-papers-classification-according-to-publication)
- [All Papers (Classification according to Subject)](#all-papers-classification-according-to-subject)
- [Survey/Review](#surveyreview)
- [Fuzzing: Challenges and Reflections](#fuzzing-challenges-and-reflections)
- [SoK: The Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives of Directed Greybox Fuzzing](#sok-the-progress-challenges-and-perspectives-of-directed-greybox-fuzzing)
- [Fuzzing: Hack, Art, and Science (CACM 2020)](#fuzzing-hack-art-and-science-cacm-2020)
- [Survey of Directed Fuzzy Technology](#survey-of-directed-fuzzy-technology)
- [A Review of Machine Learning Applications in Fuzzing](#a-review-of-machine-learning-applications-in-fuzzing)
- [A systematic review of fuzzing based on machine learning techniques](#a-systematic-review-of-fuzzing-based-on-machine-learning-techniques)
- [The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey](#the-art-science-and-engineering-of-fuzzing-a-survey)
- [Fuzzing: Art, Science, and Engineering](#fuzzing-art-science-and-engineering)
- [Fuzzing: a survey](#fuzzing-a-survey)
- [Fuzzing: State of the art](#fuzzing-state-of-the-art)
- [Fuzzing: A Survey for Roadmap](#fuzzing-a-survey-for-roadmap)
- [Survey of Software Fuzzing Techniques](#survey-of-software-fuzzing-techniques)
- [A Review of Fuzzing Tools and Methods](#a-review-of-fuzzing-tools-and-methods)
- [Differential Fuzzing](#differential-fuzzing)
- [SEDiff: Scope-Aware Differential Fuzzing to Test Internal Function Models in Symbolic Execution (FSE 2022)](#sediff-scope-aware-differential-fuzzing-to-test-internal-function-models-in-symbolic-execution-fse-2022)
- [T-Reqs: HTTP Request Smuggling with Differential Fuzzing (CCS 2021)](#t-reqs-http-request-smuggling-with-differential-fuzzing-ccs-2021)
- [CatchBackdoor: Backdoor Testing by Critical Trojan Neural Path Identification via Differential Fuzzing (2021)](#catchbackdoor-backdoor-testing-by-critical-trojan-neural-path-identification-via-differential-fuzzing-2021)
- [Duo: Differential Fuzzing for Deep Learning Operators (IEEE Transactions on Reliability 2021)](#duo-differential-fuzzing-for-deep-learning-operators-ieee-transactions-on-reliability-2021)
- [DiFuzzRTL: Differential Fuzz Testing to Find CPU Bug (S\&P 2021)](#difuzzrtl-differential-fuzz-testing-to-find-cpu-bug-sp-2021)
- [DPIFuzz: A Differential Fuzzing Framework to Detect DPI Elusion Strategies for QUIC (ACSAC 2020)](#dpifuzz-a-differential-fuzzing-framework-to-detect-dpi-elusion-strategies-for-quic-acsac-2020)
- [DifFuzz: Differential Fuzzing for Side-Channel Analysis (ICSE 2019)](#diffuzz-differential-fuzzing-for-side-channel-analysis-icse-2019)
- [Deep Differential Testing of JVM Implementations (ICSE 2019)](#deep-differential-testing-of-jvm-implementations-icse-2019)
- [Hunting for bugs in code coverage tools via randomized differential testing (ICSE 2019)](#hunting-for-bugs-in-code-coverage-tools-via-randomized-differential-testing-icse-2019)
- [Different is Good: Detecting the Use of Uninitialized Variables through Differential Replay (CCS 2019)](#different-is-good-detecting-the-use-of-uninitialized-variables-through-differential-replay-ccs-2019)
- [Differential Program Analysis with Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution (ASE 2018)](#differential-program-analysis-with-fuzzing-and-symbolic-execution-ase-2018)
- [NEZHA: Efficient Domain-Independent Differential Testing (S\&P 2017)](#nezha-efficient-domain-independent-differential-testing-sp-2017)
- [Coverage-Directed Differential Testing of JVM Implementations (PLDI 2016)](#coverage-directed-differential-testing-of-jvm-implementations-pldi-2016)
- [Evaluate Fuzzing](#evaluate-fuzzing)
- [FIXREVERTER: A Realistic Bug Injection Methodology for Benchmarking Fuzz Testing (USENIX Security2022)](#fixreverter-a-realistic-bug-injection-methodology-for-benchmarking-fuzz-testing-usenix-security2022)
- [On the Reliability of Coverage-Based Fuzzer Benchmarking (ICSE 2022)](#on-the-reliability-of-coverage-based-fuzzer-benchmarking-icse-2022)
- [Mutation Analysis: Answering the Fuzzing Challenge (2022)](#mutation-analysis-answering-the-fuzzing-challenge-2022)
- [Evaluating Code Coverage for Kernel Fuzzers via Function Call Graph (Access 2021)](#evaluating-code-coverage-for-kernel-fuzzers-via-function-call-graph-access-2021)
- [FuzzBench: An Open Fuzzer Benchmarking Platform and Service (FSE 2021)](#fuzzbench-an-open-fuzzer-benchmarking-platform-and-service-fse-2021)
- [An Empirical Study of OSS-Fuzz Bugs (MSR 2021)](#an-empirical-study-of-oss-fuzz-bugs-msr-2021)
- [Industrial Oriented Evaluation of Fuzzing Techniques (ICST 2021)](#industrial-oriented-evaluation-of-fuzzing-techniques-icst-2021)
- [UNIFUZZ: A Holistic and Pragmatic Metrics-Driven Platform for Evaluating Fuzzers (USENIX Security2021)](#unifuzz-a-holistic-and-pragmatic-metrics-driven-platform-for-evaluating-fuzzers-usenix-security2021)
- [My Fuzzer Beats Them All! Developing a Framework for Fair Evaluation and Comparison of Fuzzers (2021)](#my-fuzzer-beats-them-all-developing-a-framework-for-fair-evaluation-and-comparison-of-fuzzers-2021)
- [A Quantitative Comparison of Covera (AST 2020)](#a-quantitative-comparison-of-covera-ast-2020)
- [Fuzzing: On the Exponential Cost of Vulnerability Discovery (FSE 2020)](#fuzzing-on-the-exponential-cost-of-vulnerability-discovery-fse-2020)
- [A Feature-Oriented Corpus for understanding, Evaluating and Improving Fuzz Testing (ASIACCS 2019)](#a-feature-oriented-corpus-for-understanding-evaluating-and-improving-fuzz-testing-asiaccs-2019)
- [Be Sensitive and Collaborative: Analyzing Impact of Coverage Metrics in Greybox Fuzzing (RAID 2019)](#be-sensitive-and-collaborative-analyzing-impact-of-coverage-metrics-in-greybox-fuzzing-raid-2019)
- [Study and Comparison of General Purpose Fuzzers](#study-and-comparison-of-general-purpose-fuzzers)
- [Evaluating Fuzz Testing (CCS 2018)](#evaluating-fuzz-testing-ccs-2018)
- [Instrumentation](#instrumentation)
- [InstruGuard: Find and Fix Instrumentation Errors for Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing (ASE 2021)](#instruguard-find-and-fix-instrumentation-errors-for-coverage-based-greybox-fuzzing-ase-2021)
- [RIFF: Reduced Instruction Footprint for Coverage-Guided Fuzzing (USENIX ATC 2021)](#riff-reduced-instruction-footprint-for-coverage-guided-fuzzing-usenix-atc-2021)
- [Hashing Fuzzing: Introducing Input Diversity to Improve Crash Detection (TSE 2021)](#hashing-fuzzing-introducing-input-diversity-to-improve-crash-detection-tse-2021)
- [RetroWrite: Statically Instrumenting COTS Binaries for Fuzzing and Sanitization (S\&P 2020)](#retrowrite-statically-instrumenting-cots-binaries-for-fuzzing-and-sanitization-sp-2020)
- [INSTRCR: Lightweight instrumentation optimization based on coverage-guided fuzz testing (CCET 2019)](#instrcr-lightweight-instrumentation-optimization-based-on-coverage-guided-fuzz-testing-ccet-2019)
- [Full-speed Fuzzing: Reducing Fuzzing Overhead through Coverage-guided Tracing (S\&P 2019)](#full-speed-fuzzing-reducing-fuzzing-overhead-through-coverage-guided-tracing-sp-2019)
- [INSTRIM Lightweight Instrumentation for Coverage-guided Fuzzing (NDSS 2018 workshop)](#instrim-lightweight-instrumentation-for-coverage-guided-fuzzing-ndss-2018-workshop)
- [SyzGen: Automated Generation of Syscall Specification of Closed-Source macOS Drivers (CCS 2021)](#syzgen-automated-generation-of-syscall-specification-of-closed-source-macos-drivers-ccs-2021)
- [IoT or protocols fuzzing](#iot-or-protocols-fuzzing)
- [PrIntFuzz: Fuzzing Linux Drivers via Automated Virtual Device Simulation (ISSTA 2022)](#printfuzz-fuzzing-linux-drivers-via-automated-virtual-device-simulation-issta-2022)
- [SnapFuzz: High-Throughput Fuzzing of Network Applications (ISSTA 2022)](#snapfuzz-high-throughput-fuzzing-of-network-applications-issta-2022)
- [Efficient Greybox Fuzzing of Applications in Linux-based IoT Devices via Enhanced User-mode Emulation (ISSTA 2022)](#efficient-greybox-fuzzing-of-applications-in-linux-based-iot-devices-via-enhanced-user-mode-emulation-issta-2022)
- [FuzzUSB: Hybrid Stateful Fuzzing of USB Gadget Stacks (FSE 2022)](#fuzzusb-hybrid-stateful-fuzzing-of-usb-gadget-stacks-fse-2022)
- [BrakTooth: Causing Havoc on Bluetooth Link Manager via Directed Fuzzing (USENIX SEC 2022)](#braktooth-causing-havoc-on-bluetooth-link-manager-via-directed-fuzzing-usenix-sec-2022)
- [Drifuzz: Harvesting Bugs in Device Drivers from Golden Seeds (USENIX SEC 2022)](#drifuzz-harvesting-bugs-in-device-drivers-from-golden-seeds-usenix-sec-2022)
- [StateFuzz: System Call-Based State-Aware Linux Driver Fuzzing (USENIX SEC 2022)](#statefuzz-system-call-based-state-aware-linux-driver-fuzzing-usenix-sec-2022)
- [SNPSFuzzer: A Fast Greybox Fuzzer for Stateful Network Protocols using Snapshots (2022)](#snpsfuzzer-a-fast-greybox-fuzzer-for-stateful-network-protocols-using-snapshots-2022)
- [SnapFuzz: An Efficient Fuzzing Framework for Network Applications (2022)](#snapfuzz-an-efficient-fuzzing-framework-for-network-applications-2022)
- [State Selection Algorithms and Their Impact on The Performance of Stateful Network Protocol Fuzzing (2021)](#state-selection-algorithms-and-their-impact-on-the-performance-of-stateful-network-protocol-fuzzing-2021)
- [ICS3Fuzzer: A Framework for Discovering Protocol Implementation Bugs in ICS Supervisory Software by Fuzzing (ACSAC 2021)](#ics3fuzzer-a-framework-for-discovering-protocol-implementation-bugs-in-ics-supervisory-software-by-fuzzing-acsac-2021)
- [Westworld: Fuzzing-Assisted Remote Dynamic Symbolic Execution of Smart Apps on IoT Cloud Platforms (ACSAC 2021)](#westworld-fuzzing-assisted-remote-dynamic-symbolic-execution-of-smart-apps-on-iot-cloud-platforms-acsac-2021)
- [ProFuzzBench - A Benchmark for Stateful Protocol Fuzzing (ISSTA 2021)](#profuzzbench---a-benchmark-for-stateful-protocol-fuzzing-issta-2021)
- [TCP-Fuzz: Detecting Memory and Semantic Bugs in TCP Stacks with Fuzzing (USENIX ATC 2021)](#tcp-fuzz-detecting-memory-and-semantic-bugs-in-tcp-stacks-with-fuzzing-usenix-atc-2021)
- [ICPFuzzer: proprietary communication protocol fuzzing by using machine learning and feedback strategies (Cybersecurity 2021)](#icpfuzzer-proprietary-communication-protocol-fuzzing-by-using-machine-learning-and-feedback-strategies-cybersecurity-2021)
- [Fuzzing With Optimized Grammar-Aware Mutation Strategies (Access 2021)](#fuzzing-with-optimized-grammar-aware-mutation-strategies-access-2021)
- [FIRM-COV: High-Coverage Greybox Fuzzing for IoT Firmware via Optimized Process Emulation (Access 2021)](#firm-cov-high-coverage-greybox-fuzzing-for-iot-firmware-via-optimized-process-emulation-access-2021)
- [DIANE: Identifying Fuzzing Triggers in Apps to Generate Under-constrained Inputs for IoT Devices (S\&P 2020)](#diane-identifying-fuzzing-triggers-in-apps-to-generate-under-constrained-inputs-for-iot-devices-sp-2020)
- [Snipuzz: Black-box Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Message Snippet Inference (CCS 2021)](#snipuzz-black-box-fuzzing-of-iot-firmware-via-message-snippet-inference-ccs-2021)
- [Learning-Based Fuzzing of IoT Message Brokers (ICST 2021)](#learning-based-fuzzing-of-iot-message-brokers-icst-2021)
- [RiverFuzzRL - an open-source tool to experiment with reinforcement learning for fuzzing (ICST 2021)](#riverfuzzrl---an-open-source-tool-to-experiment-with-reinforcement-learning-for-fuzzing-icst-2021)
- [Vulnerability Detection in SIoT Applications: A Fuzzing Method on their Binaries (IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2020)](#vulnerability-detection-in-siot-applications-a-fuzzing-method-on-their-binaries-ieee-transactions-on-network-science-and-engineering-2020)
- [Analysis of DTLS Implementations Using Protocol State Fuzzing (USENIX Security2020)](#analysis-of-dtls-implementations-using-protocol-state-fuzzing-usenix-security2020)
- [Frankenstein: Advanced Wireless Fuzzing to Exploit New Bluetooth Escalation Targets (USENIX Security2020)](#frankenstein-advanced-wireless-fuzzing-to-exploit-new-bluetooth-escalation-targets-usenix-security2020)
- [A deep convolution generative adversarial networks based fuzzing framework for industry control protocols](#a-deep-convolution-generative-adversarial-networks-based-fuzzing-framework-for-industry-control-protocols)
- [ICS Protocol Fuzzing: Coverage Guided Packet Crack and Generation (DAC 2020)](#ics-protocol-fuzzing-coverage-guided-packet-crack-and-generation-dac-2020)
- [AFLNET: A Greybox Fuzzer for Network Protocols (ICST 2020)](#aflnet-a-greybox-fuzzer-for-network-protocols-icst-2020)
- [Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Network Protocol Implementations (Arxiv 2020)](#finding-security-vulnerabilities-in-network-protocol-implementations-arxiv-2020)
- [Smart seed selection-based effective black box fuzzing for IIoT protocol (2020)](#smart-seed-selection-based-effective-black-box-fuzzing-for-iiot-protocol-2020)
- [Fwâfuzz: A code coverageâguided fuzzing framework for network protocols on firmware (2020)](#fwâfuzz-a-code-coverageâguided-fuzzing-framework-for-network-protocols-on-firmware-2020)
- [BaseSAFE: Baseband SAnitized Fuzzing through Emulation (WiSec 2020)](#basesafe-baseband-sanitized-fuzzing-through-emulation-wisec-2020)
- [Poster: Fuzzing IoT Firmware via Multi-stage Message Generation (CCS 2019)](#poster-fuzzing-iot-firmware-via-multi-stage-message-generation-ccs-2019)
- [SeqFuzzer: An Industrial Protocol Fuzzing Framework in Deep Learning Perspective (ICST 2019)](#seqfuzzer-an-industrial-protocol-fuzzing-framework-in-deep-learning-perspective-icst-2019)
- [SPFuzz: A Hierarchical Scheduling Framework for Stateful Network Protocol Fuzzing (IEEE Access 2019)](#spfuzz-a-hierarchical-scheduling-framework-for-stateful-network-protocol-fuzzing-ieee-access-2019)
- [HFuzz: Towards automatic fuzzing testing of NB-IoT core network protocols implementations (FGCS 2019)](#hfuzz-towards-automatic-fuzzing-testing-of-nb-iot-core-network-protocols-implementations-fgcs-2019)
- [FIRM-AFL: High-Throughput Greybox Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Augmented Process Emulation (USENIX Security2019)](#firm-afl-high-throughput-greybox-fuzzing-of-iot-firmware-via-augmented-process-emulation-usenix-security2019)
- [Exploring Effective Fuzzing Strategies to Analyze Communication Protocols (FEAST 2019)](#exploring-effective-fuzzing-strategies-to-analyze-communication-protocols-feast-2019)
- [Leveraging Textual Specifications for Grammar-Based Fuzzing of Network Protocols (AAAI 2019)](#leveraging-textual-specifications-for-grammar-based-fuzzing-of-network-protocols-aaai-2019)
- [MTF-Storm: a high performance fuzzer for Modbus-TCP (ETFA 2018)](#mtf-storm-a-high-performance-fuzzer-for-modbus-tcp-etfa-2018)
- [Advancing Protocol Fuzzing for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (ICISSP 2018)](#advancing-protocol-fuzzing-for-industrial-automation-and-control-systems-icissp-2018)
- [IoTFuzzer: Discovering Memory Corruptions in IoT Through App-based Fuzzing (NDSS 2018)](#iotfuzzer-discovering-memory-corruptions-in-iot-through-app-based-fuzzing-ndss-2018)
- [Bbuzz: A Bit-aware Fuzzing Framework for Network Protocol Systematic Reverse Engineering and Analysis (MCC 2017)](#bbuzz-a-bit-aware-fuzzing-framework-for-network-protocol-systematic-reverse-engineering-and-analysis-mcc-2017)
- [Test Data Generation for Stateful Network Protocol Fuzzing Using a Rule-Based State Machine (2016)](#test-data-generation-for-stateful-network-protocol-fuzzing-using-a-rule-based-state-machine-2016)
- [Protocol State Fuzzing of TLS Implementations (USENIX Security2015)](#protocol-state-fuzzing-of-tls-implementations-usenix-security2015)
- [A Modbus-TCP Fuzzer for testing internetworked industrial systems (ETFA 2015)](#a-modbus-tcp-fuzzer-for-testing-internetworked-industrial-systems-etfa-2015)
- [PULSAR: Stateful Black-Box Fuzzing of Proprietary Network Protocols (Springer, Cham, 2015)](#pulsar-stateful-black-box-fuzzing-of-proprietary-network-protocols-springer-cham-2015)
- [SECFUZZ: Fuzz-testing Security Protocols (AST 2012)](#secfuzz-fuzz-testing-security-protocols-ast-2012)
- [Extension of SPIKE for Encrypted Protocol Fuzzing (2011)](#extension-of-spike-for-encrypted-protocol-fuzzing-2011)
- [AutoFuzz: Automated Network Protocol Fuzzing Framework (IJCSNS 2010)](#autofuzz-automated-network-protocol-fuzzing-framework-ijcsns-2010)
- [SMT Fuzzing](#smt-fuzzing)
- [Alt-Ergo-Fuzz: A fuzzer for the Alt-Ergo SMT solver (JFLA 2022)](#alt-ergo-fuzz-a-fuzzer-for-the-alt-ergo-smt-solver-jfla-2022)
- [BanditFuzz: Fuzzing SMT Solvers with Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (FM 2021)](#banditfuzz-fuzzing-smt-solvers-with-multi-agent-reinforcement-learning-fm-2021)
- [Skeletal Approximation Enumeration for SMT Solver Testing (FSE 2021)](#skeletal-approximation-enumeration-for-smt-solver-testing-fse-2021)
- [Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional Input Space Exploration (ISSTA 2021)](#fuzzing-smt-solvers-via-two-dimensional-input-space-exploration-issta-2021)
- [Detecting Critical Bugs in SMT Solvers Using Blackbox Mutational Fuzzing (FSE 2020)](#detecting-critical-bugs-in-smt-solvers-using-blackbox-mutational-fuzzing-fse-2020)
- [On the Unusual Effectiveness of Type-aware Mutations for Testing SMT Solvers](#on-the-unusual-effectiveness-of-type-aware-mutations-for-testing-smt-solvers)
- [BanditFuzz: Fuzzing SMT Solvers with Reinforcement Learning (2020)](#banditfuzz-fuzzing-smt-solvers-with-reinforcement-learning-2020)
- [Validating SMT Solvers via Semantic Fusion (PLDI 2020)](#validating-smt-solvers-via-semantic-fusion-pldi-2020)
- [Automatically Testing String Solvers (ICSE 2020)](#automatically-testing-string-solvers-icse-2020)
- [StringFuzz: A fuzzer for string solvers (CAV 2018)](#stringfuzz-a-fuzzer-for-string-solvers-cav-2018)
- [Anti Fuzzing](#anti-fuzzing)
- [Antifuzz: impeding fuzzing audits of binary executables (USENIX Security2019)](#antifuzz-impeding-fuzzing-audits-of-binary-executables-usenix-security2019)
- [FUZZIFICATION: Anti-Fuzzing Technique (USENIX Security2019)](#fuzzification-anti-fuzzing-technique-usenix-security2019)
- [Kernel Fuzzing](#kernel-fuzzing)
- [Demystifying the Dependency Challenge in Kernel Fuzzing (ICSE 2022)](#demystifying-the-dependency-challenge-in-kernel-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [Semantic-Informed Driver Fuzzing Without Both the Hardware Devices and the Emulators (ICSE 2022)](#semantic-informed-driver-fuzzing-without-both-the-hardware-devices-and-the-emulators-icse-2022)
- [SyzScope: Revealing High-Risk Security Impacts of Fuzzer-Exposed Bugs in Linux kernel (USENIX SEC'22)](#syzscope-revealing-high-risk-security-impacts-of-fuzzer-exposed-bugs-in-linux-kernel--usenix-sec22)
- [HEALER: Relation Learning Guided Kernel Fuzzing (SOSP 2021)](#healer-relation-learning-guided-kernel-fuzzing-sosp-2021)
- [NTFUZZ: Enabling Type-Aware Kernel Fuzzing on Windows with Static Binary Analysis(S\&P 2021)](#ntfuzz-enabling-type-aware-kernel-fuzzing-on-windows-with-static-binary-analysissp-2021)
- [Finding Bugs in File Systems with an Extensible Fuzzing Framework (TOS 2020)](#finding-bugs-in-file-systems-with-an-extensible-fuzzing-framework-tos-2020)
- [Finding race conditions in Kernels: from fuzzing to symbolic exection (2020)](#finding-race-conditions-in-kernels-from-fuzzing-to-symbolic-exection-2020)
- [Hydra: An Extensible Fuzzing Framework for Finding Semantic Bugs in File Systems (SOSP 2019)](#hydra-an-extensible-fuzzing-framework-for-finding-semantic-bugs-in-file-systems-sosp-2019)
- [Fuzzing File Systems via Two-Dimensional Input Space Exploration (S\&P 2019)](#fuzzing-file-systems-via-two-dimensional-input-space-exploration-sp-2019)
- [Unicorefuzz: On the Viability of Emulation for Kernelspace Fuzzing (USENIX WOOT'19)](#unicorefuzz-on-the-viability-of-emulation-for-kernelspace-fuzzing-usenix-woot19)
- [Razzer: Finding Kernel Race Bugs through Fuzzing (S\&P 2019)](#razzer-finding-kernel-race-bugs-through-fuzzing-sp-2019)
- [MoonShine: Optimizing OS Fuzzer Seed Selection with Trace Distillation (USENIX Security2018)](#moonshine-optimizing-os-fuzzer-seed-selection-with-trace-distillation-usenix-security2018)
- [FUZE: Towards Facilitating Exploit Generation for Kernel Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities (USENIX Security2018)](#fuze-towards-facilitating-exploit-generation-for-kernel-use-after-free-vulnerabilities-usenix-security2018)
- [kAFL: Hardware-Assisted Feedback Fuzzing for OS Kernels (Usenix Security2017)](#kafl-hardware-assisted-feedback-fuzzing-for-os-kernels-usenix-security2017)
- [DIFUZE: Interface aware fuzzing for kernel drivers (CCS 2017)](#difuze-interface-aware-fuzzing-for-kernel-drivers-ccs-2017)
- [IMF: Inferred Model-based Fuzzer (CCS 2017)](#imf-inferred-model-based-fuzzer-ccs-2017)
- [Hybrid Fuzzing:](#hybrid-fuzzing)
- [TensileFuzz: Facilitating Seed Input Generation in Fuzzing via String Constraint Solving (ISSTA 2022)](#tensilefuzz-facilitating-seed-input-generation-in-fuzzing-via-string-constraint-solving-issta-2022)
- [CONFETTI: Amplifying Concolic Guidance for Fuzzers (ICSE 2022)](#confetti-amplifying-concolic-guidance-for-fuzzers-icse-2022)
- [FuSeBMC v. 4: Smart Seed Generation for Hybrid Fuzzing (2021)](#fusebmc-v-4-smart-seed-generation-for-hybrid-fuzzing-2021)
- [A Tight Integration of Symbolic Execution and Fuzzing (short paper 2021)](#a-tight-integration-of-symbolic-execution-and-fuzzing-short-paper-2021)
- [Symbolic Security Predicates: Hunt Program Weaknesses (ISPRAS Open 2021)](#symbolic-security-predicates-hunt-program-weaknesses-ispras-open-2021)
- [Towards Symbolic Pointers Reasoning in Dynamic Symbolic Execution (IVMEM 2021)](#towards-symbolic-pointers-reasoning-in-dynamic-symbolic-execution-ivmem-2021)
- [FUZZOLIC: Mixing fuzzing and concolic execution (Computers\&Security 2021)](#fuzzolic-mixing-fuzzing-and-concolic-execution-computerssecurity-2021)
- [Concolic-Fuzzing of JavaScript Programs using GraalVM and Truffle (SKILL 2021)](#concolic-fuzzing-of-javascript-programs-using-graalvm-and-truffle-skill-2021)
- [SHFuzz: A hybrid fuzzing method assisted by static analysis for binary programs (China Communications 2021)](#shfuzz-a-hybrid-fuzzing-method-assisted-by-static-analysis-for-binary-programs-china-communications-2021)
- [A Priority Based Path Searching Method for Improving Hybrid Fuzzing (Computers \& Security 2021)](#a-priority-based-path-searching-method-for-improving-hybrid-fuzzing-computers--security-2021)
- [Sydr: Cutting Edge Dynamic Symbolic Execution (ISPRAS Open 2020)](#sydr-cutting-edge-dynamic-symbolic-execution-ispras-open-2020)
- [CSEFuzz: Fuzz Testing Based on Symbolic Execution (Access 2020)](#csefuzz-fuzz-testing-based-on-symbolic-execution-access-2020)
- [Sequence directed hybrid fuzzing (SANER 2020)](#sequence-directed-hybrid-fuzzing-saner-2020)
- [HFL: Hybrid Fuzzing on the Linux Kernel (NDSS 2020)](#hfl-hybrid-fuzzing-on-the-linux-kernel-ndss-2020)
- [PANGOLIN: Incremental Hybrid Fuzzing with Polyhedral Path Abstraction (S\&P 2020)](#pangolin-incremental-hybrid-fuzzing-with-polyhedral-path-abstraction-sp-2020)
- [SAVIOR: Towards Bug-Driven Hybrid Testing (S\&P 2020)](#savior-towards-bug-driven-hybrid-testing-sp-2020)
- [Deferred Concretization in Symbolic Execution via Fuzzing (ISSTA 2019)](#deferred-concretization-in-symbolic-execution-via-fuzzing-issta-2019)
- [Send Hardest Problems My Way: Probabilistic Path Prioritization for Hybrid Fuzzing (NDSS 2019)](#send-hardest-problems-my-way-probabilistic-path-prioritization-for-hybrid-fuzzing-ndss-2019)
- [Intriguer: Field-Level Constraint Solving for Hybrid Fuzzing (CCS 2019)](#intriguer-field-level-constraint-solving-for-hybrid-fuzzing-ccs-2019)
- [DeepFuzzer: Accelerated Deep Greybox Fuzzing (TDSC 2019)](#deepfuzzer-accelerated-deep-greybox-fuzzing-tdsc-2019)
- [QSYM: A Practical Concolic Execution Engine Tailored for Hybrid Fuzzing (USENIX Security2018)](#qsym-a-practical-concolic-execution-engine-tailored-for-hybrid-fuzzing-usenix-security2018)
- [Angora: Efficient Fuzzing by Principled Search (S\&P 2018)](#angora-efficient-fuzzing-by-principled-search-sp-2018)
- [SAFL: increasing and accelerating testing coverage with symbolic execution and guided fuzzing (ICSE 2018)](#safl-increasing-and-accelerating-testing-coverage-with-symbolic-execution-and-guided-fuzzing-icse-2018)
- [CAB-Fuzz: Practical Concolic Testing Techniques for COTS Operating Systems (Usenix Security2017)](#cab-fuzz-practical-concolic-testing-techniques-for-cots-operating-systems-usenix-security2017)
- [Driller: Argumenting Fuzzing Through Selective Symbolic Execution (NDSS 2016)](#driller-argumenting-fuzzing-through-selective-symbolic-execution-ndss-2016)
- [Hybrid Fuzz Testing - Discovering Software Bugs via Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution (2012)](#hybrid-fuzz-testing---discovering-software-bugs-via-fuzzing-and-symbolic-execution-2012)
- [Hybrid concolic testing (2007)](#hybrid-concolic-testing-2007)
- [Mutation\\Coverage\\Path](#mutationcoveragepath)
- [One Fuzzing Strategy to Rule Them All (ICSE 2022)](#one-fuzzing-strategy-to-rule-them-all-icse-2022)
- [BeDivFuzz: Integrating Behavioral Diversity into Generator-based Fuzzing (ICSE 2022)](#bedivfuzz-integrating-behavioral-diversity-into-generator-based-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [FuzzingDriver: the Missing Dictionary to Increase Code Coverage in Fuzzers (SANER 2022)](#fuzzingdriver-the-missing-dictionary-to-increase-code-coverage-in-fuzzers-saner-2022)
- [EMS: History-Driven Mutation for Coverage-based Fuzzing (NDSS 2022)](#ems-history-driven-mutation-for-coverage-based-fuzzing-ndss-2022)
- [OTA: An Operation-oriented Time Allocation Strategy for Greybox Fuzzing (SANER 2021)](#ota-an-operation-oriented-time-allocation-strategy-for-greybox-fuzzing-saner-2021)
- [MaxAFL: Maximizing Code Coverage with a Gradient-Based Optimization Technique (Electronics 2020)](#maxafl-maximizing-code-coverage-with-a-gradient-based-optimization-technique-electronics-2020)
- [PathAFL: Path-Coverage Assisted Fuzzing (ASIA CCS 2020)](#pathafl-path-coverage-assisted-fuzzing-asia-ccs-2020)
- [Zeror: Speed Up Fuzzing with Coverage-sensitive Tracing and Scheduling (ASE 2020)](#zeror-speed-up-fuzzing-with-coverage-sensitive-tracing-and-scheduling-ase-2020)
- [Not All Coverage Measurements Are Equal: Fuzzing by Coverage Accounting for Input Prioritization (NDSS 2020)](#not-all-coverage-measurements-are-equal-fuzzing-by-coverage-accounting-for-input-prioritization-ndss-2020)
- [Matryoshka: fuzzing deeply nested branches (CCS 2019)](#matryoshka-fuzzing-deeply-nested-branches-ccs-2019)
- [REDQUEEN: Fuzzing with Input-to-State Correspondence (NDSS2019)](#redqueen-fuzzing-with-input-to-state-correspondence-ndss2019)
- [T-Fuzz: fuzzing by program transformation (S\&P 2018)](#t-fuzz-fuzzing-by-program-transformation-sp-2018)
- [FairFuzz: A Targeted Mutation Strategy for Increasing Greybox Fuzz Testing Coverage (ASE 2018)](#fairfuzz-a-targeted-mutation-strategy-for-increasing-greybox-fuzz-testing-coverage-ase-2018)
- [VUzzer: Application-aware Evolutionary Fuzzing (NDSS 2017)](#vuzzer-application-aware-evolutionary-fuzzing-ndss-2017)
- [Grammars \\ Semantic \\ Context-aware Fuzzing](#grammars--semantic--context-aware-fuzzing)
- [FRAMESHIFTER: Manipulating HTTP/2 Frame Sequences with Fuzzing (Usenix Security2020)](#frameshifter-manipulating-http2-frame-sequences-with-fuzzing-usenix-security2020)
- [SGXFuzz: Efficiently Synthesizing Nested Structures for SGX Enclave Fuzzing (Usenix Security2022)](#sgxfuzz-efficiently-synthesizing-nested-structures-for-sgx-enclave-fuzzing-usenix-security2022)
- [Unicorn: Detect Runtime Error in Time-Series Databases With Hybrid Input Synthesis (ISSTA 2022)](#unicorn-detect-runtime-error-in-time-series-databases-with-hybrid-input-synthesis-issta-2022)
- [Cooper: Testing the Binding Code of Scripting Languages with Cooperative Mutation (NDSS 2022)](#cooper-testing-the-binding-code-of-scripting-languages-with-cooperative-mutation-ndss-2022)
- [Fuzzing Class Specifications (ICSE 2022)](#fuzzing-class-specifications-icse-2022)
- [Efficient ECU Analysis Technology through Structure-aware CAN Fuzzing (Access 2022)](#efficient-ecu-analysis-technology-through-structure-aware-can-fuzzing-access-2022)
- [Semantic Image Fuzzing of AI Perception Systems](#semantic-image-fuzzing-of-ai-perception-systems)
- [SoFi: Reflection-Augmented Fuzzing for JavaScript Engines (CCS 2021)](#sofi-reflection-augmented-fuzzing-for-javascript-engines-ccs-2021)
- [V-SHUTTLE: Scalable and Semantics-Aware Hypervisor Fuzzing (CCS 2021)](#v-shuttle-scalable-and-semantics-aware-hypervisor-fuzzing-ccs-2021)
- [Token-Level Fuzzing (WiSec 2021)](#token-level-fuzzing-wisec-2021)
- [Extended grammar-based fuzzing algorithm for JavaScript Engines (2021)](#extended-grammar-based-fuzzing-algorithm-for-javascript-engines-2021)
- [Gramatron: Effective Grammar-Aware Fuzzing (ISSTA 2021)](#gramatron-effective-grammar-aware-fuzzing-issta-2021)
- [One Engine to Fuzz 'em All: Generic Language Processor Testing with Semantic Validation (S\&P 2021)](#one-engine-to-fuzz-em-all-generic-language-processor-testing-with-semantic-validation-sp-2021)
- [Growing A Test Corpus with Bonsai Fuzzing (ICSE 2021)](#growing-a-test-corpus-with-bonsai-fuzzing-icse-2021)
- [Favocado: Fuzzing the Binding Code of JavaScript Engines Using Semantically Correct Test Cases (NDSS 2021)](#favocado-fuzzing-the-binding-code-of-javascript-engines-using-semantically-correct-test-cases-ndss-2021)
- [CMFuzz: context-aware adaptive mutation for fuzzers (Empirical Software Engineering 2021)](#cmfuzz-context-aware-adaptive-mutation-for-fuzzers-empirical-software-engineering-2021)
- [Generating Highly-structured Input Data by Combining Search-based Testing and Grammar-based Fuzzing (ASE 2020)](#generating-highly-structured-input-data-by-combining-search-based-testing-and-grammar-based-fuzzing-ase-2020)
- [Montage: A Neural Network Language Model-Guided JavaScript Engine Fuzzer (Usenix Security2020)](#montage-a-neural-network-language-model-guided-javascript-engine-fuzzer-usenix-security2020)
- [Fuzzing JavaScript Engines with Aspect-preserving Mutation (S\&P 2020)](#fuzzing-javascript-engines-with-aspect-preserving-mutation-sp-2020)
- [Language-Agnostic Generation of Compilable Test Programs (ICST 2020)](#language-agnostic-generation-of-compilable-test-programs-icst-2020)
- [Smart Greybox Fuzzing (TSE 2019)](#smart-greybox-fuzzing-tse-2019)
- [Semantic Fuzzing with Zest (ISSTA 2019)](#semantic-fuzzing-with-zest-issta-2019)
- [Field-aware Evolutionary Fuzzing Based on Input Specifications and Vulnerability Metrics (2019)](#field-aware-evolutionary-fuzzing-based-on-input-specifications-and-vulnerability-metrics-2019)
- [Parser-Directed Fuzzing (PLDI 2019)](#parser-directed-fuzzing-pldi-2019)
- [GRIMOIRE: Synthesizing Structure while Fuzzing (USENIX Security2019)](#grimoire-synthesizing-structure-while-fuzzing-usenix-security2019)
- [Life after Speech Recognition: Fuzzing Semantic Misinterpretation for Voice Assistant Applications (NDSS 2019)](#life-after-speech-recognition-fuzzing-semantic-misinterpretation-for-voice-assistant-applications-ndss-2019)
- [SLF: Fuzzing without Valid Seed Inputs (ICSE 2019)](#slf-fuzzing-without-valid-seed-inputs-icse-2019)
- [Superion: Grammar-Aware Greybox Fuzzing (ICSE 2019)](#superion-grammar-aware-greybox-fuzzing-icse-2019)
- [ProFuzzer: On-the-fly Input Type Probing for Better Zero-day Vulnerability Discovery (S\&P 2019)](#profuzzer-on-the-fly-input-type-probing-for-better-zero-day-vulnerability-discovery-sp-2019)
- [CodeAlchemist: Semantics-Aware Code Generation to Find Vulnerabilities in JavaScript Engines (NDSS 2019)](#codealchemist-semantics-aware-code-generation-to-find-vulnerabilities-in-javascript-engines-ndss-2019)
- [NAUTILUS: Fishing for Deep Bugs with Grammars (NDSS 2019)](#nautilus-fishing-for-deep-bugs-with-grammars-ndss-2019)
- [TIFF: Using Input Type Inference To Improve Fuzzing (ACSAC 2018)](#tiff-using-input-type-inference-to-improve-fuzzing-acsac-2018)
- [Skyfire: Data-Driven Seed Generation for Fuzzing (S\&P 2017)](#skyfire-data-driven-seed-generation-for-fuzzing-sp-2017)
- [Exploit Generation](#exploit-generation)
- [ETHPLOIT: From Fuzzing to Efficient Exploit Generation against Smart Contracts (SANER2020)](#ethploit-from-fuzzing-to-efficient-exploit-generation-against-smart-contracts-saner2020)
- [Gollum: Modular and Greybox Exploit Generation for Heap Overflows in Interpreters (CCS 2019)](#gollum-modular-and-greybox-exploit-generation-for-heap-overflows-in-interpreters-ccs-2019)
- [From proof-of-concept to exploitable (Cybersecurity 2019)](#from-proof-of-concept-to-exploitable-cybersecurity-2019)
- [Revery: From Proof-of-Concept to Exploitable (CCS 2018)](#revery-from-proof-of-concept-to-exploitable-ccs-2018)
- [SemFuzz: Semantics-based Automatic Generation of Proof-of-Concept Exploits (CCS 2017)](#semfuzz-semantics-based-automatic-generation-of-proof-of-concept-exploits-ccs-2017)
- [ExploitMeter: Combining Fuzzing with Machine Learning for Automated Evaluation of Software Exploitability (PAC 2017)](#exploitmeter-combining-fuzzing-with-machine-learning-for-automated-evaluation-of-software-exploitability-pac-2017)
- [Parallel / Ensemble Fuzzing](#parallel--ensemble-fuzzing)
- [UltraFuzz: Towards Resource-saving in Distributed Fuzzing (TSE 2022)](#ultrafuzz-towards-resource-saving-in-distributed-fuzzing-tse-2022)
- [Towards Systematic and Dynamic Task Allocation for Collaborative Parallel Fuzzing (ASE 2021 NIER)](#towards-systematic-and-dynamic-task-allocation-for-collaborative-parallel-fuzzing-ase-2021-nier)
- [CollabFuzz: A Framework for Collaborative Fuzzing (EuroSec 2021)](#collabfuzz-a-framework-for-collaborative-fuzzing-eurosec-2021)
- [Improving Web Application Vulnerability Detection Leveraging Ensemble Fuzzing (ENASE 2021)](#improving-web-application-vulnerability-detection-leveraging-ensemble-fuzzing-enase-2021)
- [Cupid: Automatic Fuzzer Selection for Collaborative Fuzzing (ACSAC 2020)](#cupid-automatic-fuzzer-selection-for-collaborative-fuzzing-acsac-2020)
- [EnFuzz: Ensemble Fuzzing with Seed Synchronization among Diverse Fuzzers (USENIX Security2019)](#enfuzz-ensemble-fuzzing-with-seed-synchronization-among-diverse-fuzzers-usenix-security2019)
- [PAFL: Extend FuzzingOptimizations of Single Mode to Industrial Parallel Mode (ESEC/FSE 2018)](#pafl-extend-fuzzingoptimizations-of-single-mode-to-industrial-parallel-mode-esecfse-2018)
- [Sanitizer-guided Fuzzing](#sanitizer-guided-fuzzing)
- [ParmeSan: Sanitizer-guided Greybox Fuzzing (USENIX Security2020)](#parmesan-sanitizer-guided-greybox-fuzzing-usenix-security2020)
- [State / Sequence Guided Fuzzing](#state--sequence-guided-fuzzing)
- [Stateful Greybox Fuzzing (USENIX Security 2022)](#stateful-greybox-fuzzing-usenix-security-2022)
- [Linear-time Temporal Logic guided Greybox Fuzzing (ICSE 2022)](#linear-time-temporal-logic-guided-greybox-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [Rtkaller: State-aware Task Generation for RTOS Fuzzing (EMSOFT 2021)](#rtkaller-state-aware-task-generation-for-rtos-fuzzing-emsoft-2021)
- [Typestate-Guided Fuzzer for Discovering Use-after-Free Vulnerabilities (ICSE 2020)](#typestate-guided-fuzzer-for-discovering-use-after-free-vulnerabilities-icse-2020)
- [IJON: Exploring Deep State Spaces via Fuzzing (S\&P 2020)](#ijon-exploring-deep-state-spaces-via-fuzzing-sp-2020)
- [MemFuzz: Using Memory Accesses to Guide Fuzzing (ICST 2019)](#memfuzz-using-memory-accesses-to-guide-fuzzing-icst-2019)
- [Rust Fuzzing](#rust-fuzzing)
- [Rust Library Fuzzing via API Dependency Graph Traversal (ASE 2021)](#rust-library-fuzzing-via-api-dependency-graph-traversal-ase-2021)
- [RUSTY: A Fuzzing Tool for Rust (ACSAC 2020)](#rusty-a-fuzzing-tool-for-rust-acsac-2020)
- [Regression Fuzzing](#regression-fuzzing)
- [R2Z2: Detecting Rendering Regressions in Web Browsers through Differential Fuzz Testing (ICSE 2022)](#r2z2-detecting-rendering-regressions-in-web-browsers-through-differential-fuzz-testing-icse-2022)
- [FADATest: Fast and Adaptive Performance Regression Testing of Dynamic Binary Translation Systems (ICSE 2022)](#fadatest-fast-and-adaptive-performance-regression-testing-of-dynamic-binary-translation-systems-icse-2022)
- [Regression Greybox Fuzzing (CCS 2021)](#regression-greybox-fuzzing-ccs-2021)
- [DeltaFuzz: Historical Version Information Guided Fuzz Testing (Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2021)](#deltafuzz-historical-version-information-guided-fuzz-testing-journal-of-computer-science-and-technology-2021)
- [HyDiff: Hybrid Differential Software Analysis (ICSE 2020)](#hydiff-hybrid-differential-software-analysis-icse-2020)
- [Directed Fuzzing](#directed-fuzzing)
- [WindRanger: A Directed Greybox Fuzzer driven by Deviation Basic Block (ICSE 2022)](#windranger-a-directed-greybox-fuzzer-driven-by-deviation-basic-block-icse-2022)
- [BEACON: Directed Grey-Box Fuzzing with Provable Path Pruning (S\&P 2022)](#beacon-directed-grey-box-fuzzing-with-provable-path-pruning-sp-2022)
- [Improving Configurability of Unit-level Continuous Fuzzing: An Industrial Case Study with SAP HANA (ASE 2021 Industry)](#improving-configurability-of-unit-level-continuous-fuzzing-an-industrial-case-study-with-sap-hana-ase-2021-industry)
- [KCFuzz: Directed Fuzzing Based on Keypoint Coverage (ICAIS 2021)](#kcfuzz-directed-fuzzing-based-on-keypoint-coverage-icais-2021)
- [Constraint-guided Directed Greybox Fuzzing (USENIX Security2021)](#constraint-guided-directed-greybox-fuzzing-usenix-security2021)
- [Constructing More Complete Control Flow Graphs Utilizing Directed Gray-Box Fuzzing (MDPI 2021)](#constructing-more-complete-control-flow-graphs-utilizing-directed-gray-box-fuzzing-mdpi-2021)
- [Binary-level Directed Fuzzing for Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities (RAID 2020)](#binary-level-directed-fuzzing-for-use-after-free-vulnerabilities-raid-2020)
- [Ankou: Guiding Grey-box Fuzzing towards Combinatorial Difference (ICSE 2020)](#ankou-guiding-grey-box-fuzzing-towards-combinatorial-difference-icse-2020)
- [RDFuzz: Accelerating Directed Fuzzing with Intertwined Schedule and Optimized Mutation (2020)](#rdfuzz-accelerating-directed-fuzzing-with-intertwined-schedule-and-optimized-mutation-2020)
- [TOFU: Target-Oriented FUzzer (Arxiv 2020)](#tofu-target-oriented-fuzzer-arxiv-2020)
- [Sequence coverage directed greybox fuzzing (ICPC 2019)](#sequence-coverage-directed-greybox-fuzzing-icpc-2019)
- [Hawkeye: Towards a Desired Directed Grey-box Fuzzer (CCS 2018)](#hawkeye-towards-a-desired-directed-grey-box-fuzzer-ccs-2018)
- [RFUZZ: Coverage-Directed Fuzz Testing of RTL on FPGAs (ICCAD 2018)](#rfuzz-coverage-directed-fuzz-testing-of-rtl-on-fpgas-iccad-2018)
- [Directed Greybox Fuzzing (CCS 2017)](#directed-greybox-fuzzing-ccs-2017)
- [Addressing Collision:](#addressing-collision)
- [CollAFL: Path Sensitive Fuzzing (S\&P 2018)](#collafl-path-sensitive-fuzzing-sp-2018)
- [Performance Fuzzing](#performance-fuzzing)
- [Understanding and Detecting Performance Bugs in Markdown Compilers (ASE 2021)](#understanding-and-detecting-performance-bugs-in-markdown-compilers-ase-2021)
- [HotFuzz: Discovering Algorithmic Denial-of-Service Vulnerabilities Through Guided Micro-Fuzzing (NDSS 2020)](#hotfuzz-discovering-algorithmic-denial-of-service-vulnerabilities-through-guided-micro-fuzzing-ndss-2020)
- [MemLock: Memory Usage Guided Fuzzing (ICSE2020)](#memlock-memory-usage-guided-fuzzing-icse2020)
- [Singularity: Pattern Fuzzing for Worst Case Complexity (FSE 2018)](#singularity-pattern-fuzzing-for-worst-case-complexity-fse-2018)
- [PerfFuzz: Automatically Generating Pathological Inputs (ISSTA 2018)](#perffuzz-automatically-generating-pathological-inputs-issta-2018)
- [Badger: Complexity Analysis with Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution (ISSTA 2018)](#badger-complexity-analysis-with-fuzzing-and-symbolic-execution-issta-2018)
- [SlowFuzz: Automated Domain-Independent Detection of Algorithmic Complexity Vulnerabilities (CCS 2017)](#slowfuzz-automated-domain-independent-detection-of-algorithmic-complexity-vulnerabilities-ccs-2017)
- [Enhancing Memory Error:](#enhancing-memory-error)
- [SANRAZOR: Reducing Redundant Sanitizer Checks in C/C++ Programs (OSDI 2021)](#sanrazor-reducing-redundant-sanitizer-checks-in-cc-programs-osdi-2021)
- [Unleashing Fuzzing Through Comprehensive, Efficient, and Faithful Exploitable-Bug Exposing](#unleashing-fuzzing-through-comprehensive-efficient-and-faithful-exploitable-bug-exposing)
- [HDR-Fuzz: Detecting Buffer Overruns using AddressSanitizer Instrumentation and Fuzzing (2021)](#hdr-fuzz-detecting-buffer-overruns-using-addresssanitizer-instrumentation-and-fuzzing-2021)
- [Enhancing Memory Error Detection for Large-Scale Applications and Fuzz Testing (NDSS 2018)](#enhancing-memory-error-detection-for-large-scale-applications-and-fuzz-testing-ndss-2018)
- [AddressSanitizer: A Fast Address Sanity Checker (USENIX Security2012)](#addresssanitizer-a-fast-address-sanity-checker--usenix-security2012)
- [Schedule (Power \& Mutation)](#schedule-power--mutation)
- [SLIME: Program-sensitive Energy Allocation for Fuzzing (ISSTA 2022)](#slime-program-sensitive-energy-allocation-for-fuzzing-issta-2022)
- [MobFuzz: Adaptive Multi-objective Optimization in Gray-box Fuzzing (NDSS 2022)](#mobfuzz-adaptive-multi-objective-optimization-in-gray-box-fuzzing-ndss-2022)
- [Effective Seed Scheduling for Fuzzing with Graph Centrality Analysis (S\&P 2022)](#effective-seed-scheduling-for-fuzzing-with-graph-centrality-analysis-sp-2022)
- [Path Transitions Tell More: Optimizing Fuzzing Schedules via Runtime Program States (ICSE 2022)](#path-transitions-tell-more-optimizing-fuzzing-schedules-via-runtime-program-states-icse-2022)
- [FEFuzzer: Hybrid Files Fuzzing Tool (2022)](#fefuzzer-hybrid-files-fuzzing-tool-2022)
- [Seed Selection for Successful Fuzzing (ISSTA 2021)](#seed-selection-for-successful-fuzzing-issta-2021)
- [MooFuzz: Many-Objective Optimization Seed Schedule for Fuzzer (Mathematics 2021)](#moofuzz-many-objective-optimization-seed-schedule-for-fuzzer-mathematics-2021)
- [EcoFuzz: Adaptive Energy-Saving Greybox Fuzzing as a Variant of the Adversarial Multi-Armed Bandit (USENIX Security2020)](#ecofuzz-adaptive-energy-saving-greybox-fuzzing-as-a-variant-of-the-adversarial-multi-armed-bandit-usenix-security2020)
- [MEUZZ: Smart Seed Scheduling for Hybrid Fuzzing (2020)](#meuzz-smart-seed-scheduling-for-hybrid-fuzzing-2020)
- [Greybox Fuzzing Based on Ant Colony Algorithm (AINA 2020)](#greybox-fuzzing-based-on-ant-colony-algorithm-aina-2020)
- [Suzzer: A Vulnerability-Guided Fuzzer Based on Deep Learning (Inscrypt 2019)](#suzzer-a-vulnerability-guided-fuzzer-based-on-deep-learning-inscrypt-2019)
- [MOPT: Optimize Mutation Scheduling for Fuzzers (USENIX Security2019)](#mopt-optimize-mutation-scheduling-for-fuzzers-usenix-security2019)
- [Cerebro: Context-aware Adaptive Fuzzing for Effective Vulnerability Detection (FSE 2019)](#cerebro-context-aware-adaptive-fuzzing-for-effective-vulnerability-detection-fse-2019)
- [Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing as Markov Chain (CCS 2016)](#coverage-based-greybox-fuzzing-as-markov-chain-ccs-2016)
- [Program-Adaptive Mutational Fuzzing (S\&P 2015)](#program-adaptive-mutational-fuzzing-sp-2015)
- [Learning-based Fuzzing](#learning-based-fuzzing)
- [Evaluating and Improving Neural Program-Smoothing-based Fuzzing (ICSE 2022)](#evaluating-and-improving-neural-program-smoothing-based-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [Better Pay Attention Whilst Fuzzing (2022)](#better-pay-attention-whilst-fuzzing-2022)
- [Automated Conformance Testing for JavaScript Engines via Deep Compiler Fuzzing (PLDI 2021)](#automated-conformance-testing-for-javascript-engines-via-deep-compiler-fuzzing-pldi-2021)
- [Reinforcement Learning-based Hierarchical Seed Scheduling for Greybox Fuzzing (NDSS 2021)](#reinforcement-learning-based-hierarchical-seed-scheduling-for-greybox-fuzzing-ndss-2021)
- [Neural Network Guided Evolutionary Fuzzing for Finding Traffic Violations of Autonomous Vehicles (arXiv 2021)](#neural-network-guided-evolutionary-fuzzing-for-finding-traffic-violations-of-autonomous-vehicles-arxiv-2021)
- [OmniFuzz: A Flexible Framework for Expediting Bug Finding by Leveraging Past (Mis-)Behavior to Discover New Bugs (ACSAC 2020)](#omnifuzz-a-flexible-framework-for-expediting-bug-finding-by-leveraging-past-mis-behavior-to-discover-new-bugs-acsac-2020)
- [Learning Input Tokens for Effective Fuzzing (ISSTA 2020)](#learning-input-tokens-for-effective-fuzzing-issta-2020)
- [MTFuzz: Fuzzing with a Multi-task Neural Network (FSE 2020)](#mtfuzz-fuzzing-with-a-multi-task-neural-network-fse-2020)
- [FuzzGuard: Filtering out Unreachable Inputs in Directed Grey-box Fuzzing through Deep Learning (USENIX Security2020)](#fuzzguard-filtering-out-unreachable-inputs-in-directed-grey-box-fuzzing-through-deep-learning-usenix-security2020)
- [LearnAFL: Greybox Fuzzing With Knowledge Enhancement (Access 2019)](#learnafl-greybox-fuzzing-with-knowledge-enhancement-access-2019)
- [NeuFuzz: Efficient Fuzzing With Deep Neural Network (Access 2019)](#neufuzz-efficient-fuzzing-with-deep-neural-network-access-2019)
- [Learning-Guided Network Fuzzing for Testing Cyber-Physical System Defences (ASE 2019)](#learning-guided-network-fuzzing-for-testing-cyber-physical-system-defences-ase-2019)
- [NEUZZ: Efficient Fuzzing with Neural Program Smoothing (S\&P 2019)](#neuzz-efficient-fuzzing-with-neural-program-smoothing-sp-2019)
- [V-Fuzz: Vulnerability-Oriented Evolutionary Fuzzing (Arxiv 2019)](#v-fuzz-vulnerability-oriented-evolutionary-fuzzing-arxiv-2019)
- [Compiler Fuzzing through Deep Learning (ISSTA 2018)](#compiler-fuzzing-through-deep-learning-issta-2018)
- [Deep Reinforcement Fuzzing (SPW 2018)](#deep-reinforcement-fuzzing-spw-2018)
- [FuzzerGym: A Competitive Framework for Fuzzing and Learning (arxiv 2018)](#fuzzergym-a-competitive-framework-for-fuzzing-and-learning-arxiv-2018)
- [Learn\&Fuzz: Machine Learning for Input Fuzzing (ASE 2017)](#learnfuzz-machine-learning-for-input-fuzzing-ase-2017)
- [Fuzzing Machine Learning Model](#fuzzing-machine-learning-model)
- [MDPFuzz: Testing Models Solving Markov Decision Processes (ISSTA 2022)](#mdpfuzz-testing-models-solving-markov-decision-processes-issta-2022)
- [ocTer: Documentation-Guided Fuzzing for Testing Deep Learning API Functions (ISSTA 2022)](#octer-documentation-guided-fuzzing-for-testing-deep-learning-api-functions-issta-2022)
- [Fuzzing Deep-Learning Libraries via Automated Relational API Inference (ESEC/FSE 2022)](#fuzzing-deep-learning-libraries-via-automated-relational-api-inference-esecfse-2022)
- [Free Lunch for Testing: Fuzzing Deep-Learning Libraries from Open Source (ICSE 2022)](#free-lunch-for-testing-fuzzing-deep-learning-libraries-from-open-source-icse-2022)
- [Muffin: Testing Deep Learning Libraries via Neural Architecture Fuzzing (ICSE 2022)](#muffin-testing-deep-learning-libraries-via-neural-architecture-fuzzing-icse-2022)
- [RapidFuzz: Accelerating fuzzing via Generative Adversarial Networks (Neurocomputing 2021)](#rapidfuzz-accelerating-fuzzing-via-generative-adversarial-networks-neurocomputing-2021)
- [CoCoFuzzing: Testing Neural Code Models with Coverage-Guided Fuzzing (2021)](#cocofuzzing-testing-neural-code-models-with-coverage-guided-fuzzing-2021)
- [Graph-based Fuzz Testing for Deep Learning Inference Engines (ICSE 2021)](#graph-based-fuzz-testing-for-deep-learning-inference-engines-icse-2021)
- [Fuzz Testing based Data Augmentation to Improve Robustness of Deep Neural Networks (ICSE 2020)](#fuzz-testing-based-data-augmentation-to-improve-robustness-of-deep-neural-networks-icse-2020)
- [Coverage Guided Differential Adversarial Testing of Deep Learning Systems (TNSE 2020)](#coverage-guided-differential-adversarial-testing-of-deep-learning-systems-tnse-2020)
- [CAGFuzz: Coverage-Guided Adversarial Generative Fuzzing Testing of Deep Learning Systems (2019)](#cagfuzz-coverage-guided-adversarial-generative-fuzzing-testing-of-deep-learning-systems-2019)
- [DeepHunter: A Coverage-Guided Fuzz Testing Framework for Deep Neural Networks (ISSTA 2019)](#deephunter-a-coverage-guided-fuzz-testing-framework-for-deep-neural-networks-issta-2019)
- [TensorFuzz: Debugging Neural Networks with Coverage-Guided Fuzzing (ICML 2019)](#tensorfuzz-debugging-neural-networks-with-coverage-guided-fuzzing-icml-2019)
- [DLFuzz: Differential Fuzzing Testing of Deep Learning Systems (FSE 2018)](#dlfuzz-differential-fuzzing-testing-of-deep-learning-systems-fse-2018)
- [Data Flow Sensitive Fuzzing](#data-flow-sensitive-fuzzing)
- [PATA: Fuzzing with Path Aware Taint Analysis (S\&P 2022)](#pata-fuzzing-with-path-aware-taint-analysis-sp-2022)
- [datAFLow: Towards a Data-Flow-Guided Fuzzer (NDSS 2022)](#dataflow-towards-a-data-flow-guided-fuzzer-ndss-2022)
- [ovAFLow: Detecting Memory Corruption Bugs with Fuzzing-based Taint Inference (Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2021)](#ovaflow-detecting-memory-corruption-bugs-with-fuzzing-based-taint-inference-journal-of-computer-science-and-technology-2021)
- [DIAR: Removing Uninteresting Bytes from Seeds in Software Fuzzing (2021)](#diar-removing-uninteresting-bytes-from-seeds-in-software-fuzzing-2021)
- [GREYONE: Data Flow Sensitive Fuzzing (USENIX Security2020)](#greyone-data-flow-sensitive-fuzzing-usenix-security2020)
- [Binary Fuzzing](#binary-fuzzing)
- [spotFuzzer: Static Instrument and Fuzzing Windows COTs (2022)](#spotfuzzer-static-instrument-and-fuzzing-windows-cots-2022)
- [Emmutaler: Fuzzing the iOS Boot Loader (Thesis 2021)](#emmutaler-fuzzing-the-ios-boot-loader-thesis-2021)
- [Same Coverage, Less Bloat: Accelerating Binary-only Fuzzing with Coverage-preserving Coverage-guided Tracing (CCS 2021)](#same-coverage-less-bloat-accelerating-binary-only-fuzzing-with-coverage-preserving-coverage-guided-tracing-ccs-2021)
- [Scalable Fuzzing of Program Binaries with E9AFL (ASE 2021)](#scalable-fuzzing-of-program-binaries-with-e9afl-ase-2021)
- [STOCHFUZZ: Sound and Cost-effective Fuzzing of Stripped Binaries by Incremental and Stochastic Rewriting (S\&P 2021)](#stochfuzz-sound-and-cost-effective-fuzzing-of-stripped-binaries-by-incremental-and-stochastic-rewriting-sp-2021)
- [Coverage-guided binary fuzzing with and llvm libfuzzer](#coverage-guided-binary-fuzzing-with-revng-and-llvm-libfuzzer)
- [Breaking Through Binaries: Compiler-quality Instrumentation for Better Binary-only Fuzzing (USENIX Security2021)](#breaking-through-binaries-compiler-quality-instrumentation-for-better-binary-only-fuzzing--usenix-security2021)
- [WEIZZ: Automatic Grey-box Fuzzing for Structured Binary Formats](#weizz-automatic-grey-box-fuzzing-for-structured-binary-formats)
- [Ptrix: Efficient Hardware-Assisted Fuzzing for COTS Binary (ASIACCS 2019)](#ptrix-efficient-hardware-assisted-fuzzing-for-cots-binary-asiaccs-2019)
- [Steelix: Program-State Based Binary Fuzzing (FSE 2017)](#steelix-program-state-based-binary-fuzzing-fse-2017)
- [In-memory fuzzing for binary code similarity analysis (ASE 2017)](#in-memory-fuzzing-for-binary-code-similarity-analysis-ase-2017)
- [Smart Contracts](#smart-contracts)
- [WASAI: Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Wasm Smart Contracts (ISSTA 2022)](#wasai-uncovering-vulnerabilities-in-wasm-smart-contracts-issta-2022)
- [Smart Contract Fuzzing for Enterprises: The Language Agnostic Way (COMSNETS 2022)](#smart-contract-fuzzing-for-enterprises-the-language-agnostic-way-comsnets-2022)
- [looking for lacunae in bitcoin cores fuzzing efforts (2022)](#looking-for-lacunae-in-bitcoin-cores-fuzzing-efforts-2022)
- [Machine Learning Guided Cross-Contract Fuzzing (2021)](#machine-learning-guided-cross-contract-fuzzing-2021)
- [SMARTIAN : Enhancing Smart Contract Fuzzing with Static and Dynamic Data-Flow Analyses (ASE 2021)](#smartian--enhancing-smart-contract-fuzzing-with-static-and-dynamic-data-flow-analyses-ase-2021)
- [HFContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Hyperledger Fabric Smart Contracts for Vulnerability Detection (EASE 2021)](#hfcontractfuzzer-fuzzing-hyperledger-fabric-smart-contracts-for-vulnerability-detection-ease-2021)
- [sFuzz: An Efficient Adaptive Fuzzer for Solidity Smart Contracts (ICSE 2020)](#sfuzz-an-efficient-adaptive-fuzzer-for-solidity-smart-contracts-icse-2020)
- [Targeted Greybox Fuzzing with Static Lookahead Analysis (ICSE 2020)](#targeted-greybox-fuzzing-with-static-lookahead-analysis-icse-2020)
- [Learning to Fuzz from Symbolic Execution with Application to Smart Contracts (CCS 2019)](#learning-to-fuzz-from-symbolic-execution-with-application-to-smart-contracts-ccs-2019)
- [ContractFuzzer: Fuzzing Smart Contracts for Vulnerability Detection (ASE 2018)](#contractfuzzer-fuzzing-smart-contracts-for-vulnerability-detection-ase-2018)
- [Constraint Solving](#constraint-solving)
- [JIGSAW: Efficient and Scalable Path Constraints Fuzzing (S\&P 2022)](#jigsaw-efficient-and-scalable-path-constraints-fuzzing-sp-2022)
- [Fuzzing Symbolic Expressions (ICSE 2021)](#fuzzing-symbolic-expressions-icse-2021)
- [Just Fuzz It: Solving Floating-Point Constraints Using Coverage-guided Fuzzing (FSE 2019)](#just-fuzz-it-solving-floating-point-constraints-using-coverage-guided-fuzzing-fse-2019)
- [Side-Channel Detection](#side-channel-detection)
- [QFuzz: Quantitative Fuzzing for Side Channels (ISSTA 2021)](#qfuzz-quantitative-fuzzing-for-side-channels-issta-2021)
- [JVM Fuzzing for JIT-Induced Side-Channel Detection (ICSE 2020)](#jvm-fuzzing-for-jit-induced-side-channel-detection-icse-2020)
- [ct-fuzz: Fuzzing for Timing Leaks (ICST 2020)](#ct-fuzz-fuzzing-for-timing-leaks-icst-2020)
- [Concurrency Fuzzing](#concurrency-fuzzing)
- [Context-Sensitive and Directional Concurrency Fuzzing for Data-Race Detection (NDSS 2022)](#context-sensitive-and-directional-concurrency-fuzzing-for-data-race-detection-ndss-2022)
- [Fuzzing with automatically controlled interleavings to detect concurrency bugs (The Journal of Systems \& Software 2022)](#fuzzing-with-automatically-controlled-interleavings-to-detect-concurrency-bugs-the-journal-of-systems--software-2022)
- [Controlled Concurrency Testing via Periodical Scheduling (ICSE 2022)](#controlled-concurrency-testing-via-periodical-scheduling-icse-2022)
- [Fuzzing Channel-Based Concurrency Runtimes using Types and Effects Slides (OOPSLA 2021)](#fuzzing-channel-based-concurrency-runtimes-using-types-and-effects-slides-oopsla-2021)
- [MUZZ: Thread-aware Grey-box Fuzzing for Effective Bug Hunting in Multithreaded Programs (USENIX Security2020)](#muzz-thread-aware-grey-box-fuzzing-for-effective-bug-hunting-in-multithreaded-programs-usenix-security2020)
- [KRace: Data Race Fuzzing for Kernel File Systems (S\&P 2020)](#krace-data-race-fuzzing-for-kernel-file-systems-sp-2020)
- [ConFuzz: A Concurrency Fuzzer (2019)](#confuzz-a-concurrency-fuzzer-2019)
- [Fuzz Testing of Multithreaded Applications Based on Waiting (MICSECS 2019)](#fuzz-testing-of-multithreaded-applications-based-on-waiting-micsecs-2019)
- [A Heuristic Framework to Detect Concurrency Vulnerabilities (ACSAC 2018)](#a-heuristic-framework-to-detect-concurrency-vulnerabilities-acsac-2018)
- [API Testing/Fuzzing](#api-testingfuzzing)
- [Minerva: Browser API Fuzzing with Dynamic Mod-Ref Analysis (FSE 2022)](#minerva-browser-api-fuzzing-with-dynamic-mod-ref-analysis-fse-2022)
- [Combinatorial Testing of RESTful APIs (ICSE 2022)](#combinatorial-testing-of-restful-apis-icse-2022)
- [GraphFuzz: Library API Fuzzing with Lifetime-aware Dataflow Graphs (ICSE 2022)](#graphfuzz-library-api-fuzzing-with-lifetime-aware-dataflow-graphs-icse-2022)
- [MOREST: Model-based RESTful API Testing with Execution Feedback (ICSE 2022)](#morest-model-based-restful-api-testing-with-execution-feedback-icse-2022)
- [Automated Testing of Software that Uses Machine Learning APIs (ICSE 2022)](#automated-testing-of-software-that-uses-machine-learning-apis-icse-2022)
- [Nessie: Automatically Testing JavaScript APIs with Asynchronous Callbacks (ICSE 2022)](#nessie-automatically-testing-javascript-apis-with-asynchronous-callbacks-icse-2022)
- [REST API Fuzzing by Coverage Level Guided Blackbox Testing (2021)](#rest-api-fuzzing-by-coverage-level-guided-blackbox-testing-2021)
- [FuzzGen: Automatic Fuzzer Generation (USENIX Security2020)](#fuzzgen-automatic-fuzzer-generation-usenix-security2020)
- [Intelligent REST API Data Fuzzing (FSE 2020)](#intelligent-rest-api-data-fuzzing-fse-2020)
- [FUDGE: Fuzz Driver Generation at Scale (FSE 2019)](#fudge-fuzz-driver-generation-at-scale-fse-2019)
- [REST-ler: Stateful REST API Fuzzing (ICSE 2019)](#rest-ler-stateful-rest-api-fuzzing-icse-2019)
- [Fuzzing JavaScript Environment APIs with Interdependent Function Calls (IFM 2019)](#fuzzing-javascript-environment-apis-with-interdependent-function-calls-ifm-2019)
- [Systematic Fuzzing and Testing of TLS Libraries (CCS 2016)](#systematic-fuzzing-and-testing-of-tls-libraries-ccs-2016)
- [Hardware Fuzzing](#hardware-fuzzing)
- [CPU Fuzzing for Discovering Hardware-caused Information Leakage (2022)](#cpu-fuzzing-for-discovering-hardware-caused-information-leakage-2022)
- [Fuzzing Hardware Like Software (USENIX SEC 2022)](#fuzzing-hardware-like-software-usenix-sec-2022)
- [PeriScope: An Effective Probing and Fuzzing Framework for the Hardware-OS Boundary (NDSS2019)](#periscope-an-effective-probing-and-fuzzing-framework-for-the-hardware-os-boundary-ndss2019)
- [Other Interesting Fuzzing](#other-interesting-fuzzing)
- [RoboFuzz: Fuzzing Robotic Systems over Robot Operating System (ROS) for Finding Correctness Bugs (FSE 2022)](#robofuzz-fuzzing-robotic-systems-over-robot-operating-system-ros-for-finding-correctness-bugs-fse-2022)
- [Almost Correct Invariants: Synthesizing Inductive Invariants by Fuzzing Proofs (ISSTA 2022)](#almost-correct-invariants-synthesizing-inductive-invariants-by-fuzzing-proofs-issta-2022)
- [?AFL: Non-intrusive Feedback-driven Fuzzing for Microcontroller Firmware (ICSE 2022)](#afl-non-intrusive-feedback-driven-fuzzing-for-microcontroller-firmware-icse-2022)
- [CorbFuzz: Checking Browser Security Policies with Fuzzing (ASE 2021)](#corbfuzz-checking-browser-security-policies-with-fuzzing-ase-2021)
- [Fully Automated Functional Fuzzing of Android Apps for Detecting Non-crashing Logic Bugs (OOPSLA 2021)](#fully-automated-functional-fuzzing-of-android-apps-for-detecting-non-crashing-logic-bugs-oopsla-2021)
- [webFuzz: Grey-Box Fuzzing for Web Applications (ESORICS 2021)](#webfuzz-grey-box-fuzzing-for-web-applications-esorics-2021)
- [Vulnerability-Oriented Fuzz Testing for Connected Autonomous Vehicle Systems ( IEEE Transactions on Reliability 2021)](#vulnerability-oriented-fuzz-testing-for-connected-autonomous-vehicle-systems--ieee-transactions-on-reliability-2021)
- [Hardware Support to Improve Fuzzing Performance and Precision (CCS 2021)](#hardware-support-to-improve-fuzzing-performance-and-precision-ccs-2021)
- [Fuzzing: Cyberphysical System Testing for Security and Dependability (Computer 2021)](#fuzzing-cyberphysical-system-testing-for-security-and-dependability-computer-2021)
- [ESRFuzzer: an enhanced fuzzing framework for physical SOHO router devices to discover multi-Type vulnerabilities (Cybersecurity 2021)](#esrfuzzer-an-enhanced-fuzzing-framework-for-physical-soho-router-devices-to-discover-multi-type-vulnerabilities-cybersecurity-2021)
- [Estimating Residual Risk in Greybox Fuzzing (FSE 2021)](#estimating-residual-risk-in-greybox-fuzzing-fse-2021)
- [HeteroFuzz: Fuzz Testing to Detect Platform Dependent Divergence for Heterogeneous Applications (FSE 2021)](#heterofuzz-fuzz-testing-to-detect-platform-dependent-divergence-for-heterogeneous-applications-fse-2021)
- [DirectFuzz: Automated Test Generation for RTL Designs using Directed Graybox Fuzzing (DAC 2021)](#directfuzz-automated-test-generation-for-rtl-designs-using-directed-graybox-fuzzing-dac-2021)
- [PMFuzz: Test Case Generation for Persistent Memory Programs (ASPLOS 2021)](#pmfuzz-test-case-generation-for-persistent-memory-programs-asplos-2021)
- [PGFUZZ: Policy-Guided Fuzzing for Robotic Vehicles (NDSS 2021)](#pgfuzz-policy-guided-fuzzing-for-robotic-vehicles-ndss-2021)
- [IntelliGen: Automatic Driver Synthesis for Fuzz Testing (ICSE 2021 SEIP)](#intelligen-automatic-driver-synthesis-for-fuzz-testing-icse-2021-seip)
- [WINNIE: Fuzzing Windows Applications with Harness Synthesis and Fast Cloning (NDSS 2021)](#winnie-fuzzing-windows-applications-with-harness-synthesis-and-fast-cloning-ndss-2021)
- [Industry Practice of Coverage-Guided Enterprise-Level DBMS Fuzzing (ICSE 2021)](#industry-practice-of-coverage-guided-enterprise-level-dbms-fuzzing--icse-2021)
- [Refined Grey-Box Fuzzing with Sivo (arXiv 2021)](#refined-grey-box-fuzzing-with-sivo-arxiv-2021)
- [Fuzzing Technique in Web Applications and Beyond (MCTE 2020)](#fuzzing-technique-in-web-applications-and-beyond-mcte-2020)
- [Nyx: Greybox Hypervisor Fuzzing using Fast Snapshots and Affine Types (USENIX Security2021)](#nyx-greybox-hypervisor-fuzzing-using-fast-snapshots-and-affine-types-usenix-security2021)
- [The Use of Likely Invariants as Feedback for Fuzzers (USENIX Security2021)](#the-use-of-likely-invariants-as-feedback-for-fuzzers-usenix-security2021)
- [FREEDOM: Engineering a State-of-the-Art DOM Fuzzer (CCS 2020)](#freedom-engineering-a-state-of-the-art-dom-fuzzer-ccs-2020)
- [SQUIRREL: Testing Database Management Systems with Language Validity and Coverage Feedback (CCS 2020)](#squirrel-testing-database-management-systems-with-language-validity-and-coverage-feedback-ccs-2020)
- [BigFuzz: Efficient Fuzz Testing for Data Analytics using Framework Abstraction (ASE 2020)](#bigfuzz-efficient-fuzz-testing-for-data-analytics-using-framework-abstraction-ase-2020)
- [MoFuzz: A Fuzzer Suite for Testing Model-Driven Software Engineering Tools (ASE 2020)](#mofuzz-a-fuzzer-suite-for-testing-model-driven-software-engineering-tools-ase-2020)
- [AFL++: Combining Incremental Steps of Fuzzing Research (USENIX Woot2020)](#afl-combining-incremental-steps-of-fuzzing-research-usenix-woot2020)
- [Active Fuzzing for Testing and Securing Cyber-Physical Systems (ISSTA 2020)](#active-fuzzing-for-testing-and-securing-cyber-physical-systems-issta-2020)
- [CrFuzz: Fuzzing Multi-purpose Programs through Input Validation (FSE 2020)](#crfuzz-fuzzing-multi-purpose-programs-through-input-validation-fse-2020)
- [SpecFuzz: Bringing Spectre-type vulnerabilities to the surface (USENIX Security2020)](#specfuzz-bringing-spectre-type-vulnerabilities-to-the-surface-usenix-security2020)
- [USBFuzz: A Framework for Fuzzing USB Drivers by Device Emulation (USENIX Security2020)](#usbfuzz-a-framework-for-fuzzing-usb-drivers-by-device-emulation-usenix-security2020)
- [Boosting Fuzzer Efficiency: An Information Theoretic Perspective (FSE 2020)](#boosting-fuzzer-efficiency-an-information-theoretic-perspective-fse-2020)
- [Fuzzing Error Handling Code using Context-Sensitive Software Fault Injection (USENIX Security2020)](#fuzzing-error-handling-code-using-context-sensitive-software-fault-injection-usenix-security2020)
- [FANS: Fuzzing Android Native System Services via Automated Interface Analysis (USENIX Security2020)](#fans-fuzzing-android-native-system-services-via-automated-interface-analysis-usenix-security2020)
- [Fuzzing IPC with Knowledge Inference (SRDS 2019)](#fuzzing-ipc-with-knowledge-inference-srds-2019)
- [HYPER-CUBE: High-Dimensional Hypervisor Fuzzing (NDSS 2020)](#hyper-cube-high-dimensional-hypervisor-fuzzing-ndss-2020)
- [Reproducible Crashes: Fuzzing Pharo by Mutating the Test Methods (IWST20 2020)](#reproducible-crashes-fuzzing-pharo-by-mutating-the-test-methods-iwst20-2020)
- [Opening Pandoraâs Box through ATFuzzer: Dynamic Analysis of AT Interface for Android Smartphones (ACSAC 2019)](#opening-pandoraâs-box-through-atfuzzer-dynamic-analysis-of-at-interface-for-android-smartphones-acsac-2019)
- [FuzzFactory: Domain-Specific Fuzzing with Waypoints (OOPSLA 2019)](#fuzzfactory-domain-specific-fuzzing-with-waypoints-oopsla-2019)
- [Compiler Fuzzing: How Much Does It Matter (OOPSLA2019)](#compiler-fuzzing-how-much-does-it-matter-oopsla2019)
- [RVFuzzer: Finding Input Validation Bugs in Robotic Vehicles through Control-Guided Random Testing (USENIX Security2019)](#rvfuzzer-finding-input-validation-bugs-in-robotic-vehicles-through-control-guided-random-testing-usenix-security2019)
- [Engineering a Better Fuzzer with Synergically Integrated Optimizations (ISSRE 2019)](#engineering-a-better-fuzzer-with-synergically-integrated-optimizations-issre-2019)
- [Fuzzing Error Handling Code in Device Drivers Based on Software Fault Injection (ISSRE 2019)](#fuzzing-error-handling-code-in-device-drivers-based-on-software-fault-injection-issre-2019)
- [What You Corrupt Is Not What You Crash: Challenges in Fuzzing Embedded Devices (NDSS 2018)](#what-you-corrupt-is-not-what-you-crash-challenges-in-fuzzing-embedded-devices-ndss-2018)
- [FOT: A Versatile, Configurable, Extensible Fuzzing Framework (FSE 2018)](#fot-a-versatile-configurable-extensible-fuzzing-framework-fse-2018)
- [Designing New Operating Primitives to Improve Fuzzing Performance (CCS 2017)](#designing-new-operating-primitives-to-improve-fuzzing-performance-ccs-2017)
- [Chizpurfle: A Gray-Box Android Fuzzer for Vendor Service Customizations (ISSRE 2017)](#chizpurfle-a-gray-box-android-fuzzer-for-vendor-service-customizations-issre-2017)
- [Fuzzware: Using Precise MMIO Modeling for Effective Firmware Fuzzing (USENIX Security2022)](#fuzzware-using-precise-mmio-modeling-for-effective-firmware-fuzzing-usenix-security2022)
- [Page Traffic Analysis](#page-traffic-analysis)
# Survey/Review
### Fuzzing: Challenges and Reflections
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a method to discover software bugs and vulnerabilities by automatic test input generation which has found tremendous recent interest in both academia and industry. Fuzzing comes in the form of several techniques. On one hand, we have symbolic execution, which enables a particularly effective approach to fuzzing by systematically enumerating the paths of a program. On the other hand, we have random input generation, which generates large amounts of inputs per second with none or minimal program analysis overhead. In this article, we summarize the open challenges and opportunities for fuzzing and symbolic execution as they emerged in discussions among researchers and practitioners in a Shonan Meeting, and were validated in a subsequent survey. We take a forward-looking view of the software vulnerability discovery technologies and provide concrete directions for future research.
### SoK: The Progress, Challenges, and Perspectives of Directed Greybox Fuzzing
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Arxiv20_SoK.pdf)
**Abstract:** Greybox fuzzing has been the most scalable and practical approach to software testing. Most greybox fuzzing tools are coverage guided as code coverage is strongly correlated with bug coverage. However, since most covered codes may not containbugs, blindly extending code coverage is less efficient, especially for corner cases. Unlike coverage-based fuzzers who extend the code coverage in an undirected manner, a directed fuzzer spends most of its time budget on reaching specific target locations (e.g.,the bug-prone zone) without wasting resources stressing unrelated parts. Thus, directed greybox fuzzing is particularly suitable for scenarios such as patch testing, bug reproduction, and special bug hunting. In this paper, we conduct the first in-depth study of directed greybox fuzzing. We investigate 28 state-of-the-artfuzzers (82% are published after 2019) closely related to DGF, which have various directed types and optimization techniques. Based on the feature of DGF, we extract 15 metrics to conducta thorough assessment of the collected tools and systemize the knowledge of this field. Finally, we summarize the challenges and provide perspectives of this field, aiming to facilitate and boost future research on this topic.
### Fuzzing: Hack, Art, and Science (CACM 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CACM20_Fuzzing.pdf)
**Abstract:** Fuzzing, or fuzz testing, is the process of finding security vulnerabilities in input-parsing code by repeatedly testing the parser with modified, or fuzzed, inputs.35 Since the early 2000s, fuzzing has become a mainstream practice in assessing software security. Thousands of security vulnerabilities have been found while fuzzing all kinds of software applications for processing documents, images, sounds, videos, network packets, Web pages, among others. These applications must deal with untrusted inputs encoded in complex data formats. For example, the Microsoft Windows operating system supports over 360 file formats and includes millions of lines of code just to handle all of these.
### Survey of Directed Fuzzy Technology
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSESS19_Survey.pdf)
**Abstract:** The fuzzy testing technology can effectively detect vulnerabilities. Based on Directed Symbolic Execution (DSE) fuzzing and Directed Grey Box Fuzzing (DGF), which can reach the specified target locations and scan the vulnerability quickly and efficiently. This paper introduces the theoretical knowledge of directed fuzzy testing technology, and several state-of-the-art fuzzy testing tools to elaborate the principle, advantages, disadvantages and the prospect of directed fuzzy technology.
### A Review of Machine Learning Applications in Fuzzing
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Arxiv19_Machine.pdf)
**Abstract:** Fuzzing has played an important role in improving software development and testing over the course of several decades. Recent research in fuzzing has focused on applications of machine learning (ML), offering useful tools to overcome challenges in the fuzzing process. This review surveys the current research in applying ML to fuzzing. Specifically, this review discusses successful applications of ML to fuzzing, briefly explores challenges encountered, and motivates future research to address fuzzing bottlenecks.
### A systematic review of fuzzing based on machine learning techniques
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Arxiv19_Machine2.pdf)
**Abstract:** Security vulnerabilities play a vital role in network security system. Fuzzing technology is widely used as a vulnerability discovery technology to reduce damage in advance. However, traditional fuzzing techniques have many challenges, such as how to mutate input seed files, how to increase code coverage, and how to effectively bypass verification. Machine learning technology has been introduced as a new method into fuzzing test to alleviate these challenges. This paper reviews the research progress of using machine learning technology for fuzzing test in recent years, analyzes how machine learning improve the fuzz process and results, and sheds light on future work in fuzzing. Firstly, this paper discusses the reasons why machine learning techniques can be used for fuzzing scenarios and identifies six different stages in which machine learning have been used. Then this paper systematically study the machine learning based fuzzing models from selection of machine learning algorithm, pre-processing methods, datasets, evaluation metrics, and hyperparameters setting. Next, this paper assesses the performance of the machine learning models based on the frequently used evaluation metrics. The results of the evaluation prove that machine learning technology has an acceptable capability of categorize predictive for fuzzing. Finally, the comparison on capability of discovering vulnerabilities between traditional fuzzing tools and machine learning based fuzzing tools is analyzed. The results depict that the introduction of machine learning technology can improve the performance of fuzzing. However, there are still some limitations, such as unbalanced training samples and difficult to extract the characteristics related to vulnerabilities.
### The Art, Science, and Engineering of Fuzzing: A Survey
* <img src="image/csdn_24px.png">[Reading Note1](
* <img src="image/csdn_24px.png">[Reading Note2](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/TSE19_Survey.pdf)
**Abstract:** Among the many software testing techniques available today, fuzzing has remained highly popular due to its conceptual simplicity, its low barrier to deployment, and its vast amount of empirical evidence in discovering real-world software vulnerabilities. At a high level, fuzzing refers to a process of repeatedly running a program with generated inputs that may be syntactically or semantically malformed. While researchers and practitioners alike have invested a large and diverse effort towards improving fuzzing in recent years, this surge of work has also made it difficult to gain a comprehensive and coherent view of fuzzing. To help preserve and bring coherence to the vast literature of fuzzing, this paper presents a unified, general-purpose model of fuzzing together with a taxonomy of the current fuzzing literature. We methodically explore the design decisions at every stage of our model fuzzer by surveying the related literature and innovations in the art, science, and engineering that make modern-day fuzzers effective.
### Fuzzing: Art, Science, and Engineering
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Arxiv18_Fuzzing.pdf)
**Abstract:** Among the many software vulnerability discovery techniques available today, fuzzing has remained highly popular due to its conceptual simplicity, its low barrier to deployment, and its vast amount of empirical evidence in discovering real-world software vulnerabilities. At a high level, fuzzing refers to a process of repeatedly running a program with generated inputs that may be syntactically or semantically malformed. While researchers and practitioners alike have invested a large and diverse effort towards improving fuzzing in recent years, this surge of work has also made it difficult to gain a comprehensive and coherent view of fuzzing. To help preserve and bring coherence to the vast literature of fuzzing, this paper presents a unified, general-purpose model of fuzzing together with a taxonomy of the current fuzzing literature. We methodically explore the design decisions at every stage of our model fuzzer by surveying the related literature and innovations in the art, science, and engineering that make modern-day fuzzers effective.
### Fuzzing: a survey
* <img src="image/zhihu.png">[Reading Note1](
* <img src="image/csdn_24px.png">[Reading Note2](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Cybersecurity18_Fuzzing.pdf)
**Abstract:** Security vulnerability is one of the root causes of cyber-security threats. To discover vulnerabilities and fix them in advance, researchers have proposed several techniques, among which fuzzing is the most widely used one. In recent years, fuzzing solutions, like AFL, have made great improvements in vulnerability discovery. This paper presents a summary of the recent advances, analyzes how they improve the fuzzing process, and sheds light on future work in fuzzing. Firstly, we discuss the reason why fuzzing is popular, by comparing different commonly used vulnerability discovery techniques. Then we present an overview of fuzzing solutions, and discuss in detail one of the most popular type of fuzzing, i.e., coverage-based fuzzing. Then we present other techniques that could make fuzzing process smarter and more efficient. Finally, we show some applications of fuzzing, and discuss new trends of fuzzing and potential future directions.
### Fuzzing: State of the art
* <img src="image/because.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/TRel18_Fuzzing.pdf)
**Abstract:** As one of the most popular software testing techniques, fuzzing can find a variety of weaknesses in a program, such as software bugs and vulnerabilities, by generating numerous test inputs. Due to its effectiveness, fuzzing is regarded as a valuable bug hunting method. In this paper, we present an overview of fuzzing that concentrates on its general process, as well as classifications, followed by detailed discussion of the key obstacles and some state-of-the-art technologies which aim to overcome or mitigate these obstacles. We further investigate and classify several widely used fuzzing tools. Our primary goal is to equip the stakeholder with a better understanding of fuzzing and the potential solutions for improving fuzzing methods in the spectrum of software testing and security. To inspire future research, we also predict some future directions with regard to fuzzing.
### Fuzzing: A Survey for Roadmap
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzz testing (fuzzing) has witnessed its prosperity in detecting security flaws recently. It generates a large number of test cases and monitors the executions for defects. Fuzzing has detected thousands of bugs and vulnerabilities in various applications. Although effective, there lacks systematic analysis of gaps faced by fuzzing. As a technique of defect detection, fuzzing is required to narrow down the gaps between the entire input space and the defect space. Without limitation on the generated inputs, the input space is infinite. However, defects are sparse in an application, which indicates that the defect space is much smaller than the entire input space. Besides, because fuzzing generates numerous test cases to repeatedly examine targets, it requires fuzzing to perform in an automatic manner. Due to the complexity of applications and defects, it is challenging to automatize the execution of diverse applications. In this paper, we systematically review and analyze the gaps as well as their solutions, considering both breadth and depth. This survey can be a roadmap for both beginners and advanced developers to better understand fuzzing.
### Survey of Software Fuzzing Techniques
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** As cybersecurity becomes more than an afterthought and receives the attention it deserves, it is critical to use tools that examine and understand the flaws within programs. One such tool is fuzzing, a testing process which subjects a system or program to a stream of input data, where the goal of the test is to check for exploitable edge cases. This testing is vital, since a hacker may bombard a system with a variety of inputs and scan the system for weaknesses after causing the system to fail. As the security landscape is constantly shifting, there is a need for an up to date review of the state of literature so readers can make informed decisions about the current state of their systems and software. This survey does that by summarizing current state-of-the art fuzzing approaches, classifying these approaches, and highlighting key insights into the current state of research. The paper also identifies current challenges and suggests future research directions in this area.
### A Review of Fuzzing Tools and Methods
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/2017_review.pdf)
**Abstract:** This paper reviewed some of the most noteworthy academic literature and practical work that has been produced in the field of fuzzing. We first examined how vulnerabilities come to exist in software and how security researchers find them. After a brief overview of common vulnerability types and methods of static analysis, we looked in depth at the field of fuzzing. Competing approaches to fuzzing were examined, from simple random inputs all the way to using genetic algorithms and taint analysis. The importance of measuring code coverage to evaluate the completeness of a fuzzing campaign was examined. Finally, the focus was placed on the fuzz testing of web browsers and the specific tools and techniques related to that.
# Differential Fuzzing
### SEDiff: Scope-Aware Differential Fuzzing to Test Internal Function Models in Symbolic Execution (FSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Symbolic execution has become a foundational program analysis technique. Performing symbolic execution unavoidably encounters internal functions (e.g., library functions) that provide basic operations such as string processing. Many symbolic execution engines construct internal function models that abstract function behaviors for scalability and compatibility concerns. Due to the high complexity of constructing the models, developers intentionally summarize only partial behaviors of a function, namely modeled functionalities, in the models. The correctness of the internal function models is critical because it would impact all applications of symbolic execution, e.g., bug detection and model checking.
A naive solution to testing the correctness of internal function models is to cross-check whether the behaviors of the models comply with their corresponding original function implementations. However, such a solution would mostly detect overwhelming inconsistencies concerning the unmodeled functionalities, which are out of the scope of models and thus considered false reports. We argue that a reasonable testing approach should target only the functionalities that developers intend to model. While being necessary, automatically identifying the modeled functionalities, i.e., the scope, is a significant challenge.
In this paper, we propose a scope-aware differential testing framework, SEDiff, to tackle this problem. We design a novel algorithm to automatically map the modeled functionalities to the code in the original implementations. SEDiff then applies scope-aware grey-box differential fuzzing to relevant code in the original implementations. It also equips a new scope-aware input generator and a tailored bug checker that efficiently and correctly detect erroneous inconsistencies. We extensively evaluated SEDiff on several popular real-world symbolic execution engines targeting binary, web and kernel. Our manual investigation shows that SEDiff precisely identifies the modeled functionalities and detects 46 new bugs in the internal function models used in the symbolic execution engines.
### T-Reqs: HTTP Request Smuggling with Differential Fuzzing (CCS 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** HTTP Request Smuggling (HRS) is an attack that exploits the HTTP processing discrepancies between two servers deployed in a proxy-origin configuration, allowing attackers to smuggle hidden requests through the proxy. While this idea is not new, HRS is soaring in popularity due to recently revealed novel exploitation techniques and real-life abuse scenarios. In this work, we step back from the highly-specific exploits hogging the spotlight, and present the first work that systematically explores HRS within a scientific framework. We design an experiment infrastructure powered by a novel grammar-based differential fuzzer, test 10 popular server/proxy/CDN technologies in combinations, identify pairs that result in processing discrepancies, and discover exploits that lead to HRS. Our experiment reveals previously unknown ways to manipulate HTTP requests for exploitation, and for the first time documents the server pairs prone to HRS.
### CatchBackdoor: Backdoor Testing by Critical Trojan Neural Path Identification via Differential Fuzzing (2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The success of deep neural networks (DNNs) in real-world applications has benefited from abundant pre-trained models. However, the backdoored pre-trained models can pose a significant trojan threat to the deployment of downstream DNNs. Existing DNN testing methods are mainly designed to find incorrect corner case behaviors in adversarial settings but fail to discover the backdoors crafted by strong trojan attacks. Observing the trojan network behaviors shows that they are not just reflected by a single compromised neuron as proposed by previous work but attributed to the critical neural paths in the activation intensity and frequency of multiple neurons. This work formulates the DNN backdoor testing and proposes the CatchBackdoor framework. Via differential fuzzing of critical neurons from a small number of benign examples, we identify the trojan paths and particularly the critical ones, and generate backdoor testing examples by simulating the critical neurons in the identified paths. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of CatchBackdoor, with higher detection performance than existing methods. CatchBackdoor works better on detecting backdoors by stealthy blending and adaptive attacks, which existing methods fail to detect. Moreover, our experiments show that CatchBackdoor may reveal the potential backdoors of models in Model Zoo.
### Duo: Differential Fuzzing for Deep Learning Operators (IEEE Transactions on Reliability 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Deep learning (DL) libraries reduce the barriers to the DL model construction. In DL libraries, various building blocks are DL operators with different functionality, responsible for processing high-dimensional tensors during training and inference. Thus, the quality of operators could directly impact the quality of models. However, existing DL testing techniques mainly focus on robustness testing of trained neural network models and cannot locate DL operatorsâ? defects. The insufficient test input and undetermined test output in operator testing have become challenging for DL library developers. In this article, we propose an approach, namely Duo, which combines fuzzing techniques and differential testing techniques to generate input and evaluate corresponding output. It implements mutation-based fuzzing to produce tensor inputs by employing nine mutation operators derived from genetic algorithms and differential testing to evaluate outputsâ? correctness from multiple operator instances. Duo is implemented in a tool and used to evaluate seven operators from TensorFlow, PyTorch, MNN, and MXNet in an experiment. The result shows that Duo can expose defects of DL operators and realize multidimension evaluation for DL operators from different DL libraries.
### DiFuzzRTL: Differential Fuzz Testing to Find CPU Bug (S&P 2021)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** DifuzzRTL is a differential fuzz testing approach for CPU verification. We introduce new coverage metric, register-coverage, which comprehensively captures the states of an RTL design and correctly guides the input generation. DifuzzRTL automatically instruments register-coverage, randomly generates and mutates instructions defined in ISA, then cross-check against an ISA simulator to detect bugs.
### DPIFuzz: A Differential Fuzzing Framework to Detect DPI Elusion Strategies for QUIC (ACSAC 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** QUIC is an emerging transport protocol that has the potential to replace TCP in the near future. As such, QUIC will become an important target for Deep Packet Inspection (DPI). Reliable DPI is essential, e.g., for corporate environments, to monitor traffic entering and leaving their networks. However, elusion strategies threaten the validity of DPI systems, as they allow attackers to carefully design traffic to fool and thus evade on-path DPI systems. While such elusion strategies for TCP are well documented, it is unclear if attackers will be able to elude QUIC-based DPI systems. In this paper, we systematically explore elusion methodologies for QUIC. To this end, we present DPIFuzz: a differential fuzzing framework which can automatically detect strategies to elude stateful DPI systems for QUIC. We use DPIFuzz to generate and mutate QUIC streams in order to compare (and find differences in) the server-side interpretations of five popular open-source QUIC implementations. We show that DPIFuzz successfully reveals DPI elusion strategies, such as using packets with duplicate packet numbers or exploiting the diverging handling of overlapping stream offsets by QUIC implementations. DPIFuzz additionally finds four security-critical vulnerabilities in these QUIC implementations.
### DifFuzz: Differential Fuzzing for Side-Channel Analysis (ICSE 2019)
* <img src="image/youdao_note_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSE19_DIFFUZZ.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](./Paper/ICSE19_DIFFUZZ_Slides.pdf)
**Abstract:** Side-channel attacks allow an adversary to uncover secret program data by observing the behavior of a program with respect to a resource, such as execution time, consumed memory or response size. Side-channel vulnerabilities are difficult to reason about as they involve analyzing the correlations between resource usage over multiple program paths. We present DifFuzz, a fuzzing-based approach for detecting side-channel vulnerabilities related to time and space. DifFuzz automatically detects these vulnerabilities by analyzing two versions of the program and using resource-guided heuristics to find inputs that maximize the difference in resource consumption between secret-dependent paths. The methodology of DifFuzz is general and can be applied to programs written in any language. For this paper, we present an implementation that targets analysis of Java programs, and uses and extends the Kelinci and AFL fuzzers. We evaluate DifFuzz on a large number of Java programs and demonstrate that it can reveal unknown side-channel vulnerabilities in popular applications. We also show that DifFuzz compares favorably against Blazer and Themis, two state-of-the-art analysis tools for finding side-channels in Java programs.
### Deep Differential Testing of JVM Implementations (ICSE 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSE19_Deep.pdf)
**Abstract:** The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is the cornerstone of the widely-used Java platform. Thus, it is critical to ensure the reliability and robustness of popular JVM implementations. However, little research exists on validating production JVMs. One notable effort is classfuzz, which mutates Java bytecode syntactically to stress-test different JVMs. It is shown that classfuzz mainly produces illegal bytecode files and uncovers defects in JVMs' startup processes. It remains a challenge to effectively test JVMs' bytecode verifiers and execution engines to expose deeper bugs.
This paper tackles this challenge by introducing classming, a novel, effective approach to performing deep, differential JVM testing. The key of classming is a technique, live bytecode mutation, to generate, from a seed bytecode file f, likely valid, executable (live) bytecode files: (1) capture the seed f's live bytecode, the sequence of its executed bytecode instructions; (2) repeatedly manipulate the control- and data-flow in f's live bytecode to generate semantically different mutants; and (3) selectively accept the generated mutants to steer the mutation process toward live, diverse mutants. The generated mutants are then employed to differentially test JVMs.
We have evaluated classming on mainstream JVM implementations, including OpenJDK's HotSpot and IBM's J9, by mutating the DaCapo benchmarks. Our results show that classming is very effective in uncovering deep JVM differences. More than 1,800 of the generated classes exposed JVM differences, and more than 30 triggered JVM crashes. We analyzed and reported the JVM runtime differences and crashes, of which 14 have already been confirmed/fixed, including a highly critical security vulnerability in J9 that allowed untrusted code to disable the security manager and elevate its privileges (CVE-2017-1376).
### Hunting for bugs in code coverage tools via randomized differential testing (ICSE 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/zhihu.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSE19_Difftest.pdf)
**Abstract:** Reliable code coverage tools are critically important as it is heavily used to facilitate many quality assurance activities, such as software testing, fuzzing, and debugging. However, little attention has been devoted to assessing the reliability of code coverage tools. In this study, we propose a randomized differential testing approach to hunting for bugs in the most widely used C code coverage tools. Specifically, by generating random input programs, our approach seeks for inconsistencies in code coverage reports produced by different code coverage tools, and then identifies inconsistencies as potential code coverage bugs. To effectively report code coverage bugs, we addressed three specific challenges: (1) How to filter out duplicate test programs as many of them triggering the same bugs in code coverage tools; (2) how to automatically reduce large test programs to much smaller ones that have the same properties; and (3) how to determine which code coverage tools have bugs? The extensive evaluations validate the effectiveness of our approach, resulting in 42 and 28 confirmed/fixed bugs for gcov and llvm-cov, respectively. This case study indicates that code coverage tools are not as reliable as it might have been envisaged. It not only demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach, but also highlights the need to continue improving the reliability of code coverage tools. This work opens up a new direction in code coverage validation which calls for more attention in this area.
### Different is Good: Detecting the Use of Uninitialized Variables through Differential Replay (CCS 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/zhihu.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CCS19_Different.pdf)
**Abstract:** The use of uninitialized variables is a common issue. It could cause kernel information leak, which defeats the widely deployed security defense, i.e., kernel address space layout randomization (KASLR). Though a recent system called Bochspwn Reloaded reported multiple memory leaks in Windows kernels, how to effectively detect this issue is still largely behind.
In this paper, we propose a new technique, i.e., differential replay, that could effectively detect the use of uninitialized variables. Specifically, it records and replays a program's execution in multiple instances. One instance is with the vanilla memory, the other one changes (or poisons) values of variables allocated from the stack and the heap. Then it compares program states to find references to uninitialized variables. The idea is that if a variable is properly initialized, it will overwrite the poisoned value and program states in two running instances should be the same. After detecting the differences, our system leverages the symbolic taint analysis to further identify the location where the variable was allocated. This helps us to identify the root cause and facilitate the development of real exploits. We have implemented a prototype called TimePlayer. After applying it to both Windows 7 and Windows 10 kernels (x86/x64), it successfully identified 34 new issues and another 85 ones that had been patched (some of them were publicly unknown.) Among 34 new issues, 17 of them have been confirmed as zero-day vulnerabilities by Microsoft.
### Differential Program Analysis with Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution (ASE 2018)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ASE18_Differential.pdf)
**Abstract:** Differential program analysis means to identify the behavioral divergences in one or multiple programs, and it can be classified into two categories: identify the behavioral divergences (1) between two program versions for the same input (aka regression analysis), and (2) for the same program with two different inputs (e.g, side-channel analysis). Most of the existent approaches for both subproblems try to solve it with single techniques, which suffer from its weaknesses like scalability issues or imprecision. This research proposes to combine two very strong techniques, namely fuzzing and symbolic execution to tackle these problems and provide scalable solutions for real-world applications. The proposed approaches will be implemented on top of state-of-the-art tools like AFL and Symbolic PathFinder to evaluate them against existent work.
### NEZHA: Efficient Domain-Independent Differential Testing (S&P 2017)
* <img src="image/youdao_note_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP17_NEZHA.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](./Paper/SP17_NEZHA_Slides.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Differential testing uses similar programs as cross-referencing oracles to find semantic bugs that do not exhibit explicit erroneous behaviors like crashes or assertion failures. Unfortunately, existing differential testing tools are domain-specific and inefficient, requiring large numbers of test inputs to find a single bug. In this paper, we address these issues by designing and implementing NEZHA, an efficient input-format-agnostic differential testing framework. The key insight behind NEZHA's design is that current tools generate inputs by simply borrowing techniques designed for finding crash or memory corruption bugs in individual programs (e.g., maximizing code coverage). By contrast, NEZHA exploits the behavioral asymmetries between multiple test programs to focus on inputs that are more likely to trigger semantic bugs. We introduce the notion of δ-diversity, which summarizes the observed asymmetries between the behaviors of multiple test applications. Based on δ-diversity, we design two efficient domain-independent input generation mechanisms for differential testing, one gray-box and one black-box. We demonstrate that both of these input generation schemes are significantly more efficient than existing tools at finding semantic bugs in real-world, complex software.
### Coverage-Directed Differential Testing of JVM Implementations (PLDI 2016)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/PLDI16_JVM.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](./Paper/PLDI16_JVM.pptx)
Java virtual machine (JVM) is a core technology, whose reliability is critical. Testing JVM implementations requires painstaking effort in designing test classfiles (*.class) along with their test oracles. An alternative is to employ binary fuzzing to differentially test JVMs by blindly mutating seeding classfiles and executing the resulting mutants on different JVMs for revealing inconsistent behaviors. However, this blind approach is not cost effective in practice because (1) most of the mutants are invalid and redundant, and (2) the discovered JVM discrepancies, if any, mostly only concern compatibility issues, rather than actual defects.
This paper tackles this challenge by introducing classfuzz, a coverage-directed fuzzing approach that focuses on representative classfiles for differential JVM testing. Our core insight is to (1) mutate seeding classfiles using a set of predefined mutation operators and employ Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling to guide mutator selection, and (2) execute the mutants on a reference JVM implementation and use coverage uniqueness as a discipline for accepting representative ones. The accepted classfiles are used as inputs to differentially test JVMs and find defects.
We have implemented classfuzz and conducted an extensive evaluation of it against existing fuzz testing algorithms. Our evaluation results show that classfuzz can enhance the ratio of discrepancy-triggering classfiles from 1.7% to 11.9%. We have also reported 62 defect-indicative discrepancies, along with the test classfiles, to JVM developers. A number of our reported issues have already been confirmed as JVM defects, and some even match recent clarifications and changes to the JVM specification, Java SE 8 Edition.
# Evaluate Fuzzing
### FIXREVERTER: A Realistic Bug Injection Methodology for Benchmarking Fuzz Testing (USENIX Security2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Fuzz testing is an active area of research with proposed improvements published at a rapid pace. Such proposals are assessed empirically: Can they be shown to perform better than the status quo? Such an assessment requires a benchmark of target programs with well-identified, realistic bugs. To ease the construction of such a benchmark, this paper presents FIXREVERTER, a tool that automatically injects realistic bugs in a program. FIXREVERTER takes as input a bugfix pattern which contains both code syntax and semantic conditions. Any code site that matches the specified syntax is undone if the semantic conditions are satisfied, as checked by static analysis, thus (re)introducing a likely bug. This paper focuses on three bugfix patterns, which we call conditional-abort, conditional-execute, and conditional-assign, based on a study of fixes in a corpus of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). Using FIXREVERTER we have built REVBUGBENCH, which consists of 10 programs into which we have injected nearly 8,000 bugs; the programs are taken from FuzzBench and Binutils, and represent common targets of fuzzing evaluations. We have integrated REVBUGBENCH into the FuzzBench service, and used it to evaluate five fuzzers. Fuzzing performance varies by fuzzer and program, as desired/expected. Overall, 219 unique bugs were reported, 19% of which were detected by just one fuzzer.
### On the Reliability of Coverage-Based Fuzzer Benchmarking (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** In one of the largest studies of measures of fuzzer effectiveness, involving over 13 million lines of code, 10 fuzzers, and 24 CPU years worth of fuzzing campaigns, we identify a \emph{very strong correlation} between the coverage achieved and the number of bugs found by a fuzzer: A fuzzer that covers more code also finds more bugs. Because bug-based benchmarking is expensive and subject to several threats to validity, it might seem reasonable to compare fuzzers in terms of the coverage achieved, and from that derive empirical claims about a fuzzerâs superiority at finding bugs.
Curiously enough, however, we find \emph{no strong agreement} on which fuzzer is superior if we compared multiple fuzzers in terms of coverage achieved instead of the number of bugs found. The fuzzer best at achieving coverage, may \emph{not} be best at finding bugs.
### Mutation Analysis: Answering the Fuzzing Challenge (2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is one of the fastest growing fields in software testing. The idea behind fuzzing is to check the behavior of software against a large number of randomly generated inputs, trying to cover all interesting parts of the input space, while observing the tested software for anomalous behaviour. One of the biggest challenges facing fuzzer users is how to validate software behavior, and how to improve the quality of oracles used. While mutation analysis is the premier technique for evaluating the quality of software test oracles, mutation score is rarely used as a metric for evaluating fuzzer quality. Unless mutation analysis researchers can solve multiple problems that make applying mutation analysis to fuzzing challenging, mutation analysis may be permanently sidelined in one of the most important areas of testing and security research. This paper attempts to understand the main challenges in applying mutation analysis for evaluating fuzzers, so that researchers can focus on solving these challenges.
### Evaluating Code Coverage for Kernel Fuzzers via Function Call Graph (Access 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The OS kernel, which has full system privileges, is an attractive attack surface. A kernel fuzzer that targets system calls in fuzzing is a popular tool for discovering kernel bugs that can induce kernel privilege escalation attacks. To the best of our knowledge, the relevance of code coverage, which is obtained by fuzzing, to the system call has not been studied yet. For instance, modern coverage-guided kernel fuzzers, such as Syzkaller, estimate code coverage by comparing the entire set of executed basic blocks (or edges) regardless of the system call relevancy. Our insight is that the system call relevancy could be an essential performance indicator for realizing kernel fuzzing. In this regard, this study aims to assess the system call-related code coverage of kernel fuzzers. For this purpose, we have developed a practical assessment system that leverages the Intel PT and KCOV and assessed the Linux kernel fuzzers, such as Syzkaller, Trinity, and ext4 fuzzer. The experiments on different kernel versions demonstrated that approximately 32,000â?47,000 functions are implemented in the Linux kernel, and approximately 9.7â?15.2% are related to the system call. Our finding is that fuzzers that achieve higher code coverage in conventional metrics do not execute more basic blocks related to system calls. Thus, we recommend that kernel fuzzers use both system call-related functions and regular basic blocks in coverage metrics to assess fuzzing performance or to improve coverage feedback.
### FuzzBench: An Open Fuzzer Benchmarking Platform and Service (FSE 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a key tool used to reduce bugs in production software. At Google, fuzzing has uncovered tens of thousands of bugs. Fuzzing is also a popular subject of academic research. In 2020 alone, over
120 papers were published on the topic of improving, developing, and evaluating fuzzers and fuzzing techniques. Yet, proper evaluation of fuzzing techniques remains elusive. The community has struggled to converge on methodology and standard tools for fuzzer evaluation.
To address this problem, we introduce FuzzBench as an opensource turnkey platform and free service for evaluating fuzzers. It aims to be easy to use, fast, reliable, and provides reproducible experiments. Since its release in March 2020, FuzzBench has been widely used both in industry and academia, carrying out more than 150 experiments for external users. It has been used by several published and in-the-work papers from academic groups, and has had real impact on the most widely used fuzzing tools in industry. The presented case studies suggest that FuzzBench is on its way to becoming a standard fuzzer benchmarking platform.
### An Empirical Study of OSS-Fuzz Bugs (MSR 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Continuous fuzzing is an increasingly popular technique for automated quality and security assurance. Google maintains OSS-Fuzz: a continuous fuzzing service for open source software. We conduct the first empirical study of OSS-Fuzz, analyzing 23,907 bugs found in 316 projects. We examine the characteristics of fuzzer-found faults, the lifecycles of such faults, and the evolution of fuzzing campaigns over time. We find that OSS-Fuzz is often effective at quickly finding bugs, and developers are often quick to patch them. However, flaky bugs, timeouts, and out of memory errors are problematic, people rarely file CVEs for security vulnerabilities, and fuzzing campaigns often exhibit punctuated equilibria, where developers might be surprised by large spikes in bugs found. Our findings have implications on future fuzzing research and practice.
### Industrial Oriented Evaluation of Fuzzing Techniques (ICST 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a promising method for discovering vulnerabilities. Recently, various techniques are developed to improve the efficiency of fuzzing, and impressive gains are observed in evaluation results. However, evaluation is complex, as many factors affect the results, for example, test suites, baseline and metrics. Even more, most experiment setups are lab-oriented, lacking industrial settings such as large code-base and parallel runs. The correlation between the academic evaluation results and the bug-finding ability in real industrial settings has not been sufficiently studied.
In this paper, we test representative fuzzing techniques to reveal their efficiency in industrial settings. First, we apply typical fuzzers on academic widely used small projects from LAVAM suite. We also apply the same fuzzers on large practical projects from Googleâs fuzzer-test-suite, which is rarely used in academic settings. Both experiments are performed in both single and parallel run. By analyzing the results, we found that most optimizations working well on LAVA-M suite fail to achieve satisfying results on Googleâs fuzzer-test-suite (e.g. compared to AFL, QSYM detects 82x more synthesized bugs in LAVA-M, but only detects 26% real bugs in Googleâs fuzzer-test-suite), and the original AFL even outperforms most academic optimization variants in industry widely used parallel runs (e.g. AFL covers 13% more paths than AFLFast). Then, we summarize common pitfalls of those optimizations, analyze the corresponding root causes, and propose potential directions such as orchestrations and synchronization to overcome the problems. For example, when running in parallel on those large practical projects, the proposed horizontal orchestration could cover 36%-82% more paths, and discover 46%-150% more unique crashes or bugs, compared to fuzzers such as AFL, FairFuzz and QSYM.
### UNIFUZZ: A Holistic and Pragmatic Metrics-Driven Platform for Evaluating Fuzzers (USENIX Security2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** A flurry of fuzzing tools (fuzzers) have been proposed in the literature, aiming at detecting software vulnerabilities effectively and efficiently. To date, it is however still challenging to compare fuzzers due to the inconsistency of the benchmarks, performance metrics, and/or environments for evaluation, which buries the useful insights and thus impedes the discovery of promising fuzzing primitives. In this paper, we design and develop UNIFUZZ, an open-source and metrics-driven platform for assessing fuzzers in a comprehensive and quantitative manner. Specifically, UNIFUZZ to date has incorporated 35 usable fuzzers, a benchmark of 20 real-world programs, and six categories of performance metrics. We first systematically study the usability of existing fuzzers, find and fix a number of flaws, and integrate them into UNIFUZZ. Based on the study, we propose a collection of pragmatic performance metrics to evaluate fuzzers from six complementary perspectives. Using UNIFUZZ, we conduct in-depth evaluations of several prominent fuzzers including AFL [1], AFLFast [2], Angora [3], Honggfuzz [4], MOPT [5], QSYM [6], T-Fuzz [7] and VUzzer64 [8]. We find that none of them outperforms the others across all the target programs, and that using a single metric to assess the performance of a fuzzer may lead to unilateral conclusions, which demonstrates the significance of comprehensive metrics. Moreover, we identify and investigate previously overlooked factors that may significantly affect a fuzzer's performance, including instrumentation methods and crash analysis tools. Our empirical results show that they are critical to the evaluation of a fuzzer. We hope that our findings can shed light on reliable fuzzing evaluation, so that we can discover promising fuzzing primitives to effectively facilitate fuzzer designs in the future.
### My Fuzzer Beats Them All! Developing a Framework for Fair Evaluation and Comparison of Fuzzers (2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing has become one of the most popular techniques to identify bugs in software. To improve the fuzzing process, a plethora of techniques have recently appeared in academic literature. However, evaluating and comparing these techniques is challenging as fuzzers depend on randomness when generating test inputs. Commonly, existing evaluations only partially follow best practices for fuzzing evaluations. We argue that the reason for this are twofold. First, it is unclear if the proposed guidelines are necessary due to the lack of comprehensive empirical data in the case of fuzz testing. Second, there does not yet exist a framework that integrates statistical evaluation techniques to enable fair comparison of fuzzers. To address these limitations, we introduce a novel fuzzing evaluation framework called SENF (Statistical EvaluatioN of Fuzzers). We demonstrate the practical applicability of our framework by utilizing the most wide-spread fuzzer AFL as our baseline fuzzer and exploring the impact of different evaluation parameters (e.g., the number of repetitions or run-time), compilers, seeds, and fuzzing strategies. Using our evaluation framework, we show that supposedly small changes of the parameters can have a major influence on the measured performance of a fuzzer.
### A Quantitative Comparison of Covera (AST 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** In recent years, many tools have been developed for fuzz testing that generates and executes test cases repeatedly. However, many studies use different fuzzing targets and evaluation criteria and then it is difficult to compare the performance of the existing tools for fuzz testing. Therefore, we prepared a unified collection of fuzzing targets and then compared 8 fuzzers with the benchmark. In comparison, we compared the fuzzers based on the number of execution paths and branch coverage. The result shows that the number of execution paths is significantly different between the fuzzers. On the other hand, the statistical difference is not confirmed between the branch converges of the fuzzers.
### Fuzzing: On the Exponential Cost of Vulnerability Discovery (FSE 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** We present counterintuitive results for the scalability of fuzzing. Given the same non-deterministic fuzzer, finding the same bugs linearly faster requires linearly more machines. Yet, finding linearly more bugs in the same time requires exponentially more machines. Similarly, with exponentially more machines, we can cover the same code exponentially faster, but uncovered code only linearly faster. In other words, re-discovering the same vulnerabilities (or achieving the same coverage) is cheap but finding new vulnerabilities (or achieving more coverage) is expensive. This holds even under the simplifying assumption of no parallelization overhead.
We derive these observations from over four CPU years worth of fuzzing campaigns involving almost three hundred open source programs, two state-of-the-art greybox fuzzers, four measures of code coverage, and two measures of vulnerability discovery. We provide a probabilistic analysis and conduct simulation experiments to explain this phenomenon.
### A Feature-Oriented Corpus for understanding, Evaluating and Improving Fuzz Testing (ASIACCS 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ASIACCS19_Feature-Oriented.pdf)
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a promising technique for detecting security vulnerabilities. Newly developed fuzzers are typically evaluated in terms of the number of bugs found on vulnerable programs/binaries. However,existing corpora usually do not capture the features that prevent fuzzers from finding bugs, leading to ambiguous conclusions on the pros and cons of the fuzzers evaluated. A typical example is that Driller detects more bugs than AFL, but its evaluation cannot establish if the advancement of Driller stems from the concolic execution or not, since, for example, its ability in resolving a dataset`s magic values is unclear. In this paper, we propose to address the above problem by generating corpora based on search-hampering features. As a proof-of-concept, we have designed FEData, a prototype corpus that currently focuses on four search-hampering features to generate vulnerable programs for fuzz testing. Unlike existing corpora that can only answer "how", FEData can also further answer "why" by exposing (or understanding) the reasons for the identified weaknesses in a fuzzer. The "why" information serves as the key to the improvement of fuzzers.
### Be Sensitive and Collaborative: Analyzing Impact of Coverage Metrics in Greybox Fuzzing (RAID 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/RAID19_Coverage.pdf)
**Abstract:** Coverage-guided greybox fuzzing has become one of the most common techniques for finding software bugs. Coverage metric, which decides how a fuzzer selects new seeds, is an essential parameter of fuzzing and can significantly affect the results. While there are many existing works on the effectiveness of different coverage metrics on software testing, little is known about how different coverage metrics could actually affect the fuzzing results in practice. More importantly, it is unclear whether there exists one coverage metric that is superior to all the other metrics. In this paper, we report the first systematic study on the impact of different coverage metrics in fuzzing. To this end, we formally define and discuss the concept of sensitivity, which can be used to theoretically compare different coverage metrics. We then present several coverage metrics with their variants. We conduct a study on these metrics with the DARPA CGC dataset, the LAVA-M dataset, and a set of real-world applications (a total of 221 binaries). We find that because each fuzzing instance has limited resources (time and computation power), (1) each metric has its unique merit in terms of flipping certain types of branches (thus vulnerability finding) and (2) there is no grand slam coverage metric that defeats all the others. We also explore combining different coverage metrics through cross-seeding, and the result is very encouraging: this pure fuzzing based approach can crash at least the same numbers of binaries in the CGC dataset as a previous approach (Driller) that combines fuzzing and concolic execution. At the same time, our approach uses fewer computing resources.
### Study and Comparison of General Purpose Fuzzers
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/J19_Study.pdf)
**Abstract:** Fuzz testing is a widely used technique for the detection of vulnerabilities whose popularity has led to the development of various tools that do fuzz testing. General-purpose fuzzers work in all domains while some other fuzzers are targeted towards some specific domain. Evaluation of these tools is not an easy task since different fuzzing tools excel in dierent domains. In this paper, we evaluate 3 such general-purpose fuzzing tools namely libFuzzer, American Fuzzy Lop(AFL) and honggfuzz on 2 metrics, i.e. their bug finding capability and their code coverage. We use the google fuzzer-test-suite which has 24 applications spanning several domains. libFuzzer performs best out of the three in finding memory leaks and out-of-memory related bugs but for other kinds of bugs, all three perform at par. honggfuzz seems to be the best in terms of coverage, though libFuzzer is not far behind, which we believe is because of our runs being of short duration.
### Evaluating Fuzz Testing (CCS 2018)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CCS18_Evaluating.pdf)
**Abstract:** Fuzz testing has enjoyed great success at discovering security critical bugs in real software. Recently, researchers have devoted significant effort to devising new fuzzing techniques, strategies, and algorithms. Such new ideas are primarily evaluated experimentally so an important question is: What experimental setup is needed to produce trustworthy results? We surveyed the recent research literature and assessed the experimental evaluations carried out by 32 fuzzing papers. We found problems in every evaluation we considered. We then performed our own extensive experimental evaluation using an existing fuzzer. Our results showed that the general problems we found in existing experimental evaluations can indeed translate to actual wrong or misleading assessments. We conclude with some guidelines that we hope will help improve experimental evaluations of fuzz testing algorithms, making reported results more robust.
# Instrumentation
### InstruGuard: Find and Fix Instrumentation Errors for Coverage-based Greybox Fuzzing (ASE 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** As one of the most successful methods at vulnerability discovery, coverage-based greybox fuzzing relies on the lightweight compiler-level instrumentation to achieve the finegrained coverage feedback of the target program. Researchers improve it by optimizing the coverage metrics without questioning the correctness of the instrumentation. However, instrumentation errors, including missed instrumentation locations and redundant instrumentation locations, harm the ability of fuzzers. According to our experiments, it is a common and severe problem in various coverage-based greybox fuzzers and
at different compiler optimization levels.
In this paper, we design and implement InstruGuard, an open-source and pragmatic platform to find and fix instrumentation errors. It detects instrumentation errors by static analysis on target binaries, and fixes them with a general solution based on binary rewriting. To study the impact of instrumentation
errors and test our solutions, we built a dataset of 15 real-world rograms and selected 6 representative fuzzers as targets. We used InstruGuard to check and repair the instrumented binaries with different fuzzers and different compiler optimization options. To evaluate the effectiveness of the repair, we ran the
fuzzers with original instrumented programs and the repaired ones, and compared the fuzzing results from aspects of execution paths, line coverage, and real bug findings. The results showed that InstruGuard had corrected the instrumentation errors of different fuzzers and helped to find more bugs in the dataset.
Moreover, we discovered one new zero-day vulnerability missed by other fuzzers with fixed instrumentation but without any changes to the fuzzers.
### RIFF: Reduced Instruction Footprint for Coverage-Guided Fuzzing (USENIX ATC 2021)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Coverage-guided fuzzers use program coverage measurements to explore different program paths efficiently. The coverage pipeline consists of runtime collection and post-execution processing procedures. First, the target program executes instrumentation code to collect coverage information. Then the fuzzer performs an expensive analysis on the collected data, yet most program executions lead to no increases in coverage. Inefficient implementations of these steps significantly reduce the fuzzer's overall throughput.
In this paper, we propose RIFF, a highly efficient program coverage measurement mechanism to reduce fuzzing overhead. For the target program, RIFF moves computations originally done at runtime to instrumentation-time through static program analysis, thus reducing instrumentation code to a bare minimum. For the fuzzer, RIFF processes coverage with different levels of granularity and utilizes vector instructions to improve throughput.
We implement RIFF in state-of-the-art fuzzers such as AFL and MOpt and evaluate its performance on real-world programs in Google's FuzzBench and fuzzer-test-suite. The results show that RIFF improves coverage measurement efficiency of fuzzers by 23Ã and 6Ã during runtime collection and post-execution processing, respectively. As a result, the fuzzers complete 147% more executions, and use only 6.53 hours to reach the 24-hour coverage of baseline fuzzers on average.
### Hashing Fuzzing: Introducing Input Diversity to Improve Crash Detection (TSE 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP20_RetroWrite.pdf)
**Abstract:** The utility of a test set of program inputs is strongly influenced by its diversity and its size. Syntax coverage has become a standard proxy for diversity. Although more sophisticated measures exist, such as proximity of a sample to a uniform distribution, methods to use them tend to be type dependent. We use r-wise hash functions to create a novel, semantics preserving, testability transformation for C programs that we call HashFuzz. Use of HashFuzz improves the diversity of test sets produced by instrumentation-based fuzzers. We evaluate the effect of the HashFuzz transformation on eight programs from the Google Fuzzer Test Suite using four state-of-the-art fuzzers that have been widely used in previous research. We demonstrate pronounced improvements in the performance of the test sets for the transformed programs across all the fuzzers that we used. These include strong improvements in diversity in every case, maintenance or small improvement in branch coverage -- up to 4.8% improvement in the best case, and significant improvement in unique crash detection numbers -- between 28% to 97% increases compared to test sets for untransformed programs.
### RetroWrite: Statically Instrumenting COTS Binaries for Fuzzing and Sanitization (S&P 2020)
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP20_RetroWrite.pdf)
**Abstract:** Analyzing the security of closed source binaries is currently impractical for end-users, or even developers who rely on third-party libraries. Such analysis relies on automatic vulnerability discovery techniques, most notably fuzzing with sanitizers enabled. The current state of the art for applying fuzzing or sanitization to binaries is a dynamic binary translation, which has a prohibitive performance overhead. The alternate technique, static binary rewriting, cannot fully recover symbolization information and hence has difficulty modifying binaries to track code coverage for fuzzing or to add security checks for sanitizers.
The ideal solution for binary security analysis would be a static rewriter that can intelligently add the required instrumentation as if it were inserted at compile time. Such instrumentation requires an analysis to statically disambiguate between references and scalars, a problem known to be undecidable in the general case. We show that recovering this information is possible in practice for the most common class of software and libraries: 64-bit, position-independent code. Based on this observation, we develop RetroWrite, binary-rewriting instrumentation to support American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) and Address Sanitizer (ASan), and show that it can achieve compiler-level performance while retaining precision. Binaries rewritten for coverage guided fuzzing using RetroWrite are identical in performance to compiler-instrumented binaries and outperform the default QEMU-based instrumentation by 4.5x while triggering more bugs. Our implementation of binary-only Address Sanitizer is 3x faster than Valgrindâs memcheck, the state-of-the-art binary-only memory checker, and detects 80% more bugs in our evaluation.
### INSTRCR: Lightweight instrumentation optimization based on coverage-guided fuzz testing (CCET 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CCET19_INSTRCR.pdf)
**Abstract:** In Fuzzing facing binary coverage, the main role of instrumentation is feedback code coverage (in the case of Fuzz for binary, instrumentation can provide coverage information, which plays an important role in guiding the operation of seeds in Fuzz) . The current instrumentation optimization technique mainly relies on the control flow graph (CFG) to select key basic blocks at the basic block level, but the accuracy of this method is not high enough. Considering that the actual path in the actual operation of the binary may be different from the CFG generated in advance, this paper is based on the indirect jump that cannot be accurately analyzed in the CFG, and some of the basic blocks that can be optimized for high-frequency interpolation. According to the algorithm proposed in this paper, The combination of static analysis and dynamic analysis is used to continuously adjust and select key basic block nodes for instrumentation. It is verified by experiments that this kind of instrumentation method can effectively improve the coverage rate and reduce the overhead, and provide effective guidance for Fuzzing, which can effectively reduce the Fuzzerâs false negatives.
### Full-speed Fuzzing: Reducing Fuzzing Overhead through Coverage-guided Tracing (S&P 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP19_Full-speed.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Coverage-guided fuzzing is one of the most successful approaches for discovering software bugs and security vulnerabilities. Of its three main components: (1) test case generation, (2) code coverage tracing, and (3) crash triage, code coverage tracing is a dominant source of overhead. Coverage-guided fuzzers trace every test case's code coverage through either static or dynamic binary instrumentation, or more recently, using hardware support. Unfortunately, tracing all test cases incurs significant performance penalties--even when the overwhelming majority of test cases and their coverage information are discarded because they do not increase code coverage. To eliminate needless tracing by coverage-guided fuzzers, we introduce the notion of coverage-guided tracing. Coverage-guided tracing leverages two observations: (1) only a fraction of generated test cases increase coverage, and thus require tracing; and (2) coverage-increasing test cases become less frequent over time. Coverage-guided tracing encodes the current frontier of coverage in the target binary so that it self-reports when a test case produces new coverage--without tracing. This acts as a filter for tracing; restricting the expense of tracing to only coverage-increasing test cases. Thus, coverage-guided tracing trades increased time handling coverage-increasing test cases for decreased time handling non-coverage-increasing test cases. To show the potential of coverage-guided tracing, we create an implementation based on the static binary instrumentor Dyninst called UnTracer. We evaluate UnTracer using eight real-world binaries commonly used by the fuzzing community. Experiments show that after only an hour of fuzzing, UnTracer's average overhead is below 1%, and after 24-hours of fuzzing, UnTracer approaches 0% overhead, while tracing every test case with popular white- and black-box-binary tracers AFL-Clang, AFL-QEMU, and AFL-Dyninst incurs overheads of 36%, 612%, and 518%, respectively. We further integrate UnTracer with the state-of-the-art hybrid fuzzer QSYM and show that in 24-hours of fuzzing, QSYM-UnTracer executes 79% and 616% more test cases than QSYM-Clang and QSYM-QEMU, respectively.
### INSTRIM Lightweight Instrumentation for Coverage-guided Fuzzing (NDSS 2018 workshop)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS18_INSTRIM.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Empowered by instrumentation, coverage-guided fuzzing monitors the program execution path taken by an input, and prioritizes inputs based on their contribution to code coverage. Although instrumenting every basic block ensures full visibility, it slows down the fuzzer and thus the speed of vulnerability discovery. This paper shows that thanks to common program structures (e.g., directed acyclic subgraphs and simple loops) and compiler optimization (e.g., knowledge of incoming edges), it is possible to accurately reconstruct coverage information by instrumenting only a small fraction of basic blocks. Specifically, we formulate the problem as a path differentiation problem on the control flow graph, and propose an efficient algorithm to select basic blocks that need to be instrumented so that different execution paths remain differentiable. We extend AFL to support such CFG-aware instrumentation. Our experiment results confirm that, compared with full instrumentation, our CFG-aware instrumentation only needs to instrument about 20% of basic blocks while offering 1.04â?1.78x speedup during fuzzing. Finally, we highlight several technical challenges and promising research directions to further improve instrumentation for fuzzing.
### SyzGen: Automated Generation of Syscall Specification of Closed-Source macOS Drivers (CCS 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ccs21_syzgen.pdf)
**Abstract:** Kernel drivers are a critical part of the attack surface since they constitute a large fraction of kernel codebase and oftentimes lack proper vetting, especially for those closed-source ones. Unfortunately, the complex input structure and unknown relationships/dependencies among interfaces make them very challenging to understand. Thus, security analysts primarily rely on manual audit for interface recovery to generate meaningful fuzzing test cases. In this paper, we present SyzGen, a first attempt to automate the generation ofbsyscall specifications for closed-source macOS drivers and facilitate interface-aware fuzzing. We leverage two insights to overcome the challenges of binary analysis: (1) iterative refinement of syscall knowledge and (2) extraction and extrapolation of ependencies from a small number of execution traces. We evaluated our approach on 25 targets. The results show that SyzGen can effectively produce high-quality specifications, leading to 34 bugs, including one that attackers can exploit to escalate privilege, and 2 CVEs to date.
# IoT or protocols fuzzing
### PrIntFuzz: Fuzzing Linux Drivers via Automated Virtual Device Simulation (ISSTA 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Linux drivers share the same address space and privilege with the core of the kernel but have a much larger code base and attack surface. The Linux drivers are not well tested and have weaker security guarantees than the kernel. Missing support from hardware devices, existing fuzzing solutions fail to cover a large portion of the driver code, e.g., the initialization code and interrupt handlers. In this paper, we present PrIntFuzz, an efficient and universal fuzzing framework that can test the overlooked driver code, including the PRobing code and INTerrupt handlers. PrIntFuzz first extracts knowledge from the driver through inter-procedural field-sensitive, path-sensitive, and flow-sensitive static analysis. Then it utilizes the information to build a flexible and efficient simulator, which supports device probing, hardware interrupts emulation and device I/O interception. Lastly, PrIntFuzz applies a multi-dimension fuzzing strategy to explore the overlooked code. We have developed a prototype of PrIntFuzz and successfully simulated 311 virtual PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) devices, 472 virtual I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) devices, 169 virtual USB (Universal Serial Bus) devices, and found 150 bugs in the corresponding device drivers. We have submitted patches for these bugs to the Linux kernel community, and 59 patches have been merged so far. In a control experiment of Linux 5.10-rc6, PrIntFuzz found 99 bugs, while the state-of-the-art fuzzer only found 50. PrIntFuzz covers 11,968 basic blocks on the latest Linux kernel, while the state-of-the-art fuzzer Syzkaller only covers 2,353 basic blocks.
### SnapFuzz: High-Throughput Fuzzing of Network Applications (ISSTA 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** In recent years, fuzz testing has benefited from increased computational power and important algorithmic advances, leading to systems that have discovered many critical bugs and vulnerabilities in production software. Despite these successes, not all applications can be fuzzed efficiently. In particular, stateful applications such as network protocol implementations are constrained by their low fuzzing throughput and the need to develop fuzzing harnesses that reset their state and isolate their side effects.
In this paper, we present SnapFuzz, a novel fuzzing framework for network applications. SnapFuzz offers a robust architecture that transforms slow asynchronous network communication into fast synchronous communication, snapshots the target at the latest point at which it is safe to do so, speeds up all file operations by redirecting them to a custom in-memory filesystem, and removes the need for many fragile modifications, such as configuring time delays or writing clean-up scripts, together with several other improvements.
Using SnapFuzz, we fuzzed five popular networking applications: LightFTP, TinyDTLS, Dnsmasq, LIVE555 and Dcmqrscp. We report impressive performance speedups of 62.8x, 41.2x, 30.6x, 24.6x, and 8.4x, respectively, with significantly simpler fuzzing harnesses in all cases. Through its performance advantage, SnapFuzz has also found 12 extra crashes compared to AFLNet in these applications.
### Efficient Greybox Fuzzing of Applications in Linux-based IoT Devices via Enhanced User-mode Emulation (ISSTA 2022)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Greybox fuzzing has become one of the most effective vulnerability discovery techniques. However, greybox fuzzing techniques cannot be directly applied to applications in IoT devices. The main reason is that executing these applications highly relies on specific system environments and hardware. To execute the applications in Linux based IoT devices, most existing fuzzing techniques use full-system emulation for the purpose of maximizing compatibility. However, compared with user-mode emulation, full-system emulation suffers from great overhead. Therefore, some previous works, such as Firm-AFL, propose to combine full-system emulation and user-mode emulation to speed up the fuzzing process. Despite the attempts of trying to shift the application towards user-mode emulation, no existing technique supports to execute these applications fully in the user-mode emulation.
To address this issue, we propose EQUAFL, which can automatically setup the execution environment to execute embedded application under user-mode emulation. EQUAFL first executes the application under full-system emulation and observe for the key points where the program may get stuck or even crash during user-mode emulation. With the observed information, EQUAFL can migrate the needed environment for user-mode emulation. Then, EQUAFL uses an enhanced user-mode emulation to replay system calls of network, and resource management behaviors to fulfill the needs of the embedded application during its execution.
We evaluate EQUAFL on 70 network applications from different series of IoT devices. The result shows EQUAFL outperforms the state-of-the-arts in fuzzing efficiency (on average, 26 times faster than AFL-QEMU with full-system emulation, 14 times than Firm-AFL). We have also discovered ten vulnerabilities including six CVEs from the tested firmware images.
### FuzzUSB: Hybrid Stateful Fuzzing of USB Gadget Stacks (FSE 2022)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Universal Serial Bus (USB) is the de facto protocol supported by peripherals and mobile devices, such as USB thumb drives and smart phones. For many devices, USB Type-C ports are the primary interface for charging, file transfer, audio, video, etc. Accordingly, attackers have exploited different vulnerabilities within USB stacks, compromising host machines via BadUSB attacks or jailbreaking iPhones from USB connections. While there exist fuzzing frameworks dedicated to USB vulnerability discovery, all of them focus on USB host stacks and ignore USB gadget stacks, which enable all the features within modern peripherals and smart devices. In this paper, we propose FuzzUSB, the first fuzzing framework for the USB gadget stack within commodity OS kernels, leveraging static analysis, symbolic execution, and stateful fuzzing. FuzzUSB combines static analysis and symbolic execution to extract internal state machines from USB gadget drivers, and uses them to achieve state-guided fuzzing through multi-channel inputs. We have implemented FuzzUSB upon the syzkaller kernel fuzzer and applied it to the most recent mainline Linux, Android, and FreeBSD kernels. As a result, we have found 34 previously unknown bugs within the Linux and Android kernels, and opened 8 CVEs. Furthermore, compared to the baseline, FuzzUSB has also demonstrated different improvements, including 3Ã higher code coverage, 50Ã improved bug-finding efficiency for Linux USB gadget stacks, 2Ã higher code coverage for FreeBSD USB gadget stacks, and reproducing known bugs that could not be detected by the baseline fuzzers. We believe FuzzUSB provides developers a powerful tool to thwart USB-related vulnerabilities within modern devices and complete the current USB fuzzing scope.
### BrakTooth: Causing Havoc on Bluetooth Link Manager via Directed Fuzzing (USENIX SEC 2022)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** In this paper we propose, design and evaluate a systematic directed fuzzing framework to automatically discover implementation bugs in arbitrary Bluetooth Classic (BT) devices. The core of our fuzzer is the first over-the-air approach that takes full control of the BT controller baseband from the host. This enables us to intercept and modify arbitrary packets, as well as to inject packets out-of-order in lower layers of closed-source BT stack, i.e., Link Manager Protocol (LMP) and Baseband. To systematically guide our fuzzing process, we propose an extensible and novel rule-based approach to automatically construct the protocol state machine during normal over-the-air communication. In particular, by writing a simple set of rules to identify protocol messages, we can dynamically construct an abstracted protocol state machine, fuzz packets resulting from a state and validate responses from target devices. As of today, we have fuzzed 13 BT devices from 11 vendors and we have discovered a total of 18 unknown implementation flaws, with 24 common vulnerability exposures (CVEs) assigned. Furthermore, our discoveries were awarded with six bug bounties from certain vendors. Finally, to show the broader applicability of our framework beyond BT, we have extended our approach to fuzz other wireless protocols, which additionally revealed 6 unknown bugs in certain Wi-Fi and BLE Host stacks.
### Drifuzz: Harvesting Bugs in Device Drivers from Golden Seeds (USENIX SEC 2022)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Peripheral hardware in modern computers is typically assumed to be secure and not malicious, and device drivers are implemented in a way that trusts inputs from hardware. However, recent vulnerabilities such as Broadpwn have demonstrated that attackers can exploit hosts through vulnerable peripherals, highlighting the importance of securing the OS-peripheral boundary. In this paper, we propose a hardware-free concolic-augmented fuzzer targeting WiFi and Ethernet drivers, and a technique for generating high-quality initial seeds, which we call golden seeds, that allow fuzzing to bypass difficult code constructs during driver initialization. Compared to prior work using symbolic execution or greybox fuzzing, Drifuzz is more successful at automatically finding inputs that allow network interfaces to be fully initialized, and improves fuzzing coverage by 214% (3.1¡Á) in WiFi drivers and 60% (1.6¡Á) for Ethernet drivers. During our experiments with fourteen PCI and USB network drivers, we find twelve previously unknown bugs, two of which were assigned CVEs.
### StateFuzz: System Call-Based State-Aware Linux Driver Fuzzing (USENIX SEC 2022)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Coverage-guided fuzzing has achieved great success in finding software vulnerabilities. Existing coverage-guided fuzzers generally favor test cases that hit new code, and discard ones that exercise the same code. However, such a strategy is not optimum. A new test case exercising the same code could be better than a previous test case, as it may trigger new program states useful for code exploration and bug discovery.
In this paper, we assessed the limitation of coverage-guided fuzzing solutions and proposed a state-aware fuzzing solution StateFuzz to address this issue. First, we model program states with values of state-variables and utilize static analysis to recognize such variables. Then, we instrument target programs to track such variables' values and infer program state transition at runtime. Lastly, we utilize state information to prioritize test cases that can trigger new states, and apply a three-dimension feedback mechanism to fine-tune the evolutionary direction of coverage-guided fuzzers. We have implemented a prototype of StateFuzz, and evaluated it on Linux upstream drivers and Android drivers. Evaluation results show that StateFuzz is effective at discovering both new code and vulnerabilities. It finds 18 unknown vulnerabilities and 2 known but unpatched vulnerabilities, and reaches 19% higher code coverage and 32% higher state coverage than the state-of-the-art fuzzer Syzkaller.
### SNPSFuzzer: A Fast Greybox Fuzzer for Stateful Network Protocols using Snapshots (2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Greybox fuzzing has been widely used in stateless programs and has achieved great success. However, most state-of-the-art greybox fuzzers generally have the problems of slow speed and shallow state depth coverage in the process of fuzzing stateful network protocol programs which are able to remember and store details of the interactions. The existing greybox fuzzers for network protocol programs send a series of well-defined prefix sequences of input messages first and then send mutated messages to test the target state of a stateful network protocol. The process mentioned above causes a high time cost. In this paper, we propose SNPSFuzzer, a fast greybox fuzzer for stateful network protocol using snapshots. SNPSFuzzer dumps the context information when the network protocol program is under a specific state and restores it when the state needs to be fuzzed. Furthermore, we design a message chain analysis algorithm to explore more and deeper network protocol states. Our evaluation shows that, compared with the state-of-the-art network protocol greybox fuzzer AFLNET, SNPSFuzzer increases the speed of network protocol fuzzing by 112.0%-168.9% and improves path coverage by 21.4%-27.5% within 24 hours. Moreover, SNPSFuzzer exposes a previously unreported vulnerability in program Tinydtls.
### SnapFuzz: An Efficient Fuzzing Framework for Network Applications (2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper]()
**Abstract:** In recent years, fuzz testing has benefited from increased computational power and important algorithmic advances, leading to systems that have discovered many critical bugs and vulnerabilities in production software. Despite these successes, not all applications can be fuzzed efficiently. In particular, stateful applications such as network protocol implementations are constrained by their low fuzzing throughput and the need to develop fuzzing harnesses that reset their state and isolate their side effects. In this paper, we present SnapFuzz, a novel fuzzing framework for network applications. SnapFuzz offers a robust architecture that transforms slow asynchronous network communication into fast synchronous communication based on UNIX domain sockets, speeds up all file operations by redirecting them to an in-memory filesystem, and removes the need for many fragile modifications, such as configuring time delays or writing cleanup scripts, together with several other improvements. Using SnapFuzz, we fuzzed five popular networking applications: LightFTP, Dnsmasq, LIVE555, TinyDTLS and Dcmqrscp. We report impressive performance speedups of 72.4x, 49.7x, 24.8x, 23.9x, and 8.5x, respectively, with significantly simpler fuzzing harnesses in all cases. Through its performance advantage, SnapFuzz has also found 12 previously-unknown crashes in these applications.
### State Selection Algorithms and Their Impact on The Performance of Stateful Network Protocol Fuzzing (2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The statefulness property of network protocol implementations poses a unique challenge for testing and verification techniques, including Fuzzing. Stateful fuzzers tackle this challenge by leveraging state models to partition the state space and assist the test generation process. Since not all states are equally important and fuzzing campaigns have time limits, fuzzers need effective state selection algorithms to prioritize progressive states over others. Several state selection algorithms have been proposed but they were implemented and evaluated separately on different platforms, making it hard to achieve conclusive findings. In this work, we evaluate an extensive set of state selection algorithms on the same fuzzing platform that is AFLNet, a state-of-the-art fuzzer for network servers. The algorithm set includes existing ones supported by AFLNet and our novel and principled algorithm called AFLNetLegion. The experimental results on the ProFuzzBench benchmark show that (i) the existing state selection algorithms of AFLNet achieve very similar code coverage, (ii) AFLNetLegion clearly outperforms these algorithms in selected case studies, but (iii) the overall improvement appears insignificant. These are unexpected yet interesting findings. We identify problems and share insights that could open opportunities for future research on this topic.
### ICS3Fuzzer: A Framework for Discovering Protocol Implementation Bugs in ICS Supervisory Software by Fuzzing (ACSAC 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The supervisory software is widely used in industrial control systems (ICSs) to manage field devices such as PLC controllers. Once compromised, it could be misused to control or manipulate these physical devices maliciously, endangering manufacturing process or even human lives. Therefore, extensive security testing of supervisory software is crucial for the safe operation of ICS. However, fuzzing ICS supervisory software is challenging due to the prevalent use of proprietary protocols. Without the knowledge of the program states and packet formats, it is difficult to enter the deep states for effective fuzzing.
In this work, we present a fuzzing framework to automatically discover implementation bugs residing in the communication protocols between the supervisory software and the field devices. To avoid heavy human efforts in reverse-engineering the proprietary protocols, the proposed approach constructs a state-book based on the readily-available execution trace of the supervisory software and the corresponding inputs. Then, we propose a state selection algorithm to find the protocol states that are more likely to have bugs. Our fuzzer distributes more budget on those interesting states. To quickly reach the interesting states, traditional snapshot-based method does not work since the communication protocols are time sensitive. We address this issue by synchronously managing external events (GUI operations and network traffic) during the fuzzing loop. We have implemented a prototype and used it to fuzz the supervisory software of four popular ICS platforms. We have found 13 bugs and received 3 CVEs, 2 are classified as critical (CVSS3.x score CRITICAL 9.8) and affected 40 different products.
### Westworld: Fuzzing-Assisted Remote Dynamic Symbolic Execution of Smart Apps on IoT Cloud Platforms (ACSAC 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Existing symbolic execution typically assumes the analyzer can control the I/O environment and/or access the library code, which, however, is not the case when programs run on a remote proprietary execution environment managed by another party. For example, SmartThings, one of the most popular IoT platforms, is such a cloud-based execution environment. For programmers who write automation applications to be deployed on IoT cloud platforms, it raises significant challenges when they want to systematically test their code and find bugs. We propose fuzzing-assisted remote dynamic symbolic execution, which uses dynamic symbolic execution as backbone and utilizes fuzzing when necessary to automatically test programs running in a remote proprietary execution environment over which the analyzer has little control. As a case study, we enable it for analyzing smart apps running on SmartThings. We have developed a prototype and the evaluation shows that it is effective in testing smart apps and finding bugs.
### ProFuzzBench - A Benchmark for Stateful Protocol Fuzzing (ISSTA 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** We present a new benchmark (ProFuzzBench) for stateful fuzzing of network protocols. The benchmark includes a suite of representative open-source network servers for popular protocols, and tools to automate experimentation. We discuss challenges and potential directions for future research based on this benchmark.
### TCP-Fuzz: Detecting Memory and Semantic Bugs in TCP Stacks with Fuzzing (USENIX ATC 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract:** TCP stacks provide reliable data transmission in network, and thus they should be correctly implemented and well tested to ensure reliability and security. However, testing TCP stacks is difficult. First, a TCP stack accepts packets and system calls that have dependencies between each other, and thus generating effective test cases is challenging. Second, a TCP stack has various complex state transitions, but existing testing approaches target covering states instead of covering state transitions, and thus their testing coverage is limited. Finally, our study of TCP stack commits shows that 87% of bug-fixing commits are related to semantic bugs (such as RFC violations), but existing bug sanitizers can detect only memory bugs not semantic bugs.
In this paper, we design a novel fuzzing framework named TCP-Fuzz, to effectively test TCP stacks and detect bugs. TCP-Fuzz consists of three key techniques: (1) a dependency-based strategy that considers dependencies between packets and system calls, to generate effective test cases; (2) a transition-guided fuzzing approach that uses a new coverage metric named branch transition as program feedback, to improve the coverage of state transitions; (3) a differential checker that compares the outputs of multiple TCP stacks for the same inputs, to detect semantic bugs. We have evaluated TCP-Fuzz on five widely-used TCP stacks (TLDK, F-Stack, mTCP, FreeBSD TCP and Linux TCP), and find 56 real bugs (including 8 memory bugs and 48 semantic bugs). 40 of these bugs have been confirmed by related developers.
### ICPFuzzer: proprietary communication protocol fuzzing by using machine learning and feedback strategies (Cybersecurity 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The fuzzing test is able to discover various vulnerabilities and has more chances to hit the zero-day targets. And ICS(Industrial control system) is currently facing huge security threats and requires security standards, like ISO 62443, to ensure the quality of the device. However, some industrial proprietary communication protocols can be customized and have complicated structures, the fuzzing system cannot quickly generate test data that adapt to various protocols. It also struggles to define the mutation field without having prior knowledge of the protocols. Therefore, we propose a fuzzing system named ICPFuzzer that uses LSTM(Long short-term memory) to learn the features of a protocol and generates mutated test data automatically. We also use the responses of testing and adjust the weight strategies to further test the device under testing (DUT) to find more data that cause unusual connection status. We verified the effectiveness of the approach by comparing with the open-source and commercial fuzzers. Furthermore, in a real case, we experimented with the DLMS/COSEM for a smart meter and found that the test data can cause a unusual response. In summary, ICPFuzzer is a black-box fuzzing system that can automatically execute the testing process and reveal vulnerabilities that interrupt and crash industrial control communication. Not only improves the quality of ICS but also improves safety.
### Fuzzing With Optimized Grammar-Aware Mutation Strategies (Access 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a widely used technique to discover vulnerabilities in software. However, for programs requiring highly structured inputs, the byte-based mutation strategies in existing fuzzers have difficulties in generating valid inputs. To resolve this challenge, Grammar-Based Fuzzing (GBF) utilizes existing grammar specifications to generate new inputs. Some GBFs perform mutation based on Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs), which can generate inputs conforming to grammars. However, the existing GBFs neglect using feedback to optimize mutation strategies, and blindly generate inputs without considering the effectiveness of those inputs. In this paper, we use the power schedule and the subtree pool to optimize mutation strategies. Specifically, we first translate input files into ASTs, and extract subtrees from ASTs into a subtree pool. Then, we optimize the power schedule on AST nodes based on a probabilistic model. That is, we adaptively determine the time budget for mutating an AST node. Finally, we replace AST nodes along with their subtrees using the ones we select from the subtree pool. We implement a fuzzing tool to demonstrate our strategies. The experiment results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in fuzzing efficiency.
### FIRM-COV: High-Coverage Greybox Fuzzing for IoT Firmware via Optimized Process Emulation (Access 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** With the growing prevalence of the Internet of Things (IoT), related security threats have kept pace. The need to dynamically detect vulnerabilities in IoT devices cannot be overstated. In this work, we present FIRM-COV, the first high coverage-oriented greybox fuzzer for IoT firmware. FIRM-COV leverages newly optimized process emulation by targeting IoT programs and mining real-world vulnerabilities. FIRM-COV focuses on solving problems of IoT fuzzing based on empirical analyses, using the required structured input, the inaccuracy and instability of emulation, and the required high code coverage. By optimizing the existing emulation technique, FIRM-COV always maintains a stable state and achieves high accuracy when detecting vulnerabilities. We also implement a dictionary generation algorithm to provide structured input values and synergy scheduling to achieve high coverage and throughput. We compare FIRM-COV with other IoT fuzzing frameworks for eight real-world IoT devices. As a result, FIRM-COV achieves the highest coverage and throughput, finding the fastest and most 1-day vulnerabilities with almost no false-positives. It also found two 0-day vulnerabilities in real-world IoT devices within 24 h.
### DIANE: Identifying Fuzzing Triggers in Apps to Generate Under-constrained Inputs for IoT Devices (S&P 2020)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Internet of Things (IoT) devices have rooted themselves in the everyday life of billions of people. Thus, researchers have applied automated bug finding techniques to improve their overall security. However, due to the difficulties in extracting and emulating custom firmware, black-box fuzzing is often the only viable analysis option. Unfortunately, this solution mostly produces invalid inputs, which are quickly discarded by the targeted IoT device and do not penetrate its code. Another proposed approach is to leverage the companion app (i.e., the mobile app typically used to control an IoT device) to generate well-structured fuzzing inputs. Unfortunately, the existing solutions produce fuzzing inputs that are constrained by app-side validation code, thus significantly limiting the range of discovered vulnerabilities. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that overcomes these limitations. Our key observation is that there exist functions inside the companion app that can be used to generate optimal (i.e., valid yet under-constrained) fuzzing inputs. Such functions, which we call fuzzing triggers, are executed before any data-transforming functions (e.g., network serialization), but after the input validation code. Consequently, they generate inputs that are not constrained by app-side sanitization code, and, at the same time, are not discarded by the analyzed IoT device due to their invalid format. We design and develop Diane, a tool that combines static and dynamic analysis to find fuzzing triggers in Android companion apps, and then uses them to fuzz IoT devices automatically. We use Diane to analyze 11 popular IoT devices, and identify 11 bugs, 9 of which are zero days. Our results also show that without using fuzzing triggers, it is not possible to generate bug-triggering inputs for many devices.
### Snipuzz: Black-box Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Message Snippet Inference (CCS 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has made people's lives more convenient, but it has also raised many security concerns. Due to the difficulty of obtaining and emulating IoT firmware, the black-box fuzzing of IoT devices has become a viable option. However, existing black-box fuzzers cannot form effective mutation optimization mechanisms to guide their testing processes, mainly due to the lack of feedback. It is difficult or even impossible to apply existing grammar-based fuzzing strategies. Therefore, an efficient fuzzing approach with syntax inference is required in the IoT fuzzing domain. To address these critical problems, we propose a novel automatic black-box fuzzing for IoT firmware, termed Snipuzz. Snipuzz runs as a client communicating with the devices and infers message snippets for mutation based on the responses. Each snippet refers to a block of consecutive bytes that reflect the approximate code coverage in fuzzing. This mutation strategy based on message snippets considerably narrows down the search space to change the probing messages. We compared Snipuzz with four state-of-the-art IoT fuzzing approaches, i.e., IoTFuzzer, BooFuzz, Doona, and Nemesys. Snipuzz not only inherits the advantages of app-based fuzzing (e.g., IoTFuzzer, but also utilizes communication responses to perform efficient mutation. Furthermore, Snipuzz is lightweight as its execution does not rely on any prerequisite operations, such as reverse engineering of apps. We also evaluated Snipuzz on 20 popular real-world IoT devices. Our results show that Snipuzz could identify 5 zero-day vulnerabilities, and 3 of them could be exposed only by Snipuzz. All the newly discovered vulnerabilities have been confirmed by their vendors.
### Learning-Based Fuzzing of IoT Message Brokers (ICST 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The number of devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) immensely grew in recent years. A frequent challenge in the assurance of the dependability of IoT systems is that components of the system appear as a black box. This paper presents a semi-automatic testing methodology for black-box systems that combines automata learning and fuzz testing. Our testing technique uses stateful fuzzing based on a model that is automatically inferred by automata learning. Applying this technique, we can simultaneously test multiple implementations for unexpected behavior and possible security vulnerabilities.We show the effectiveness of our learning-based fuzzing technique in a case study on the MQTT protocol. MQTT is a widely used publish/subscribe protocol in the IoT. Our case study reveals several inconsistencies between five different MQTT brokers. The found inconsistencies expose possible security vulnerabilities and violations of the MQTT specification.
### RiverFuzzRL - an open-source tool to experiment with reinforcement learning for fuzzing (ICST 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Combining fuzzing techniques and reinforcement learning could be an important direction in software testing. However, there is a gap in support for experimentation in this field, as there are no open-source tools to let academia and industry to perform experiments easily. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap by introducing a new framework, named RiverFuzzRL, on top of our already mature framework for AI-guided fuzzing, River. We provide out-of-the-box implementations for users to choose from or customize for their test target. The work presented here is performed on testing binaries and does not require access to the source code, but it can be easily adapted to other types of software testing as well. We also discuss the challenges faced, opportunities, and factors that are important for performance, as seen in the evaluation.
### Vulnerability Detection in SIoT Applications: A Fuzzing Method on their Binaries (IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** SIoT enables devices to communicate with each other automatically, which is not reliable when applications in SIoT are vulnerable. To improve the security of SIoT, different techniques have been employed so far, mainly to detect vulnerabilities in SIoT applications. Among the detection techniques, fuzzing is one of the most effective ones that can significantly improve the security of SIoT applications. However, the existing fuzzing methods have three problems. First of all, the schemes to instrument target binaries cause high memory overhead because they instrument at all edges to obtain the coverage information. Moreover, they introduce a severe problem called edge collision, i.e., two different edges are deemed the same during fuzzing. Thirdly, none of the existing fuzzers conduct fuzzing using path coverage because path coverage has high memory overhead. In this paper, we propose BECFuzz to resolve the above three problems. BECFuzz instruments at specific edges, and conducts fuzzing based on both edge coverage and path coverage, which greatly improves its effectiveness. We implement our BECFuzz based on two typical fuzzers which are widely recognised as baselines, AFL and AFLFast, and run experiments on 18 real-world programs. The results demonstrate that our method suppresses the state-of-art fuzzers in performance.
### Analysis of DTLS Implementations Using Protocol State Fuzzing (USENIX Security2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Recent years have witnessed an increasing number of protocols relying on UDP. Compared to TCP, UDP offers performance advantages such as simplicity and lower latency. This has motivated its adoption in Voice over IP, tunneling technologies, IoT, and novel Web protocols. To protect sensitive data exchange in these scenarios, the DTLS protocol has been developed as a cryptographic variation of TLS. DTLSâs main challenge is to support the stateless and unreliable transport of UDP. This has forced protocol designers to make choices that affect the complexity of DTLS, and to incorporate features that need not be addressed in the numerous TLS analyses.
We present the first comprehensive analysis of DTLS implementations using protocol state fuzzing. To that end, we extend TLS-Attacker, an open source framework for analyzing TLS implementations, with support for DTLS tailored to the stateless and unreliable nature of the underlying UDP layer. We build a framework for applying protocol state fuzzing on DTLS servers, and use it to learn state machine models for thirteen DTLS implementations. Analysis of the learned state models reveals four serious security vulnerabilities, including a full client authentication bypass in the latest JSSE version, as well as several functional bugs and non-conformance issues. It also uncovers considerable differences between the models, confirming the complexity of DTLS state machines.
### Frankenstein: Advanced Wireless Fuzzing to Exploit New Bluetooth Escalation Targets (USENIX Security2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Wireless communication standards and implementations have a troubled history regarding security. Since most implementations and firmwares are closed-source, fuzzing remains one of the main methods to uncover Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities in deployed systems. Generic over-the-air fuzzing suffers from several shortcomings, such as constrained speed, limited repeatability, and restricted ability to debug. In this paper, we present Frankenstein, a fuzzing framework based on advanced firmware emulation, which addresses these shortcomings. Frankenstein brings firmware dumps "back to life", and provides fuzzed input to the chip's virtual modem. The speed-up of our new fuzzing method is sufficient to maintain interoperability with the attached operating system, hence triggering realistic full-stack behavior. We demonstrate the potential of Frankenstein by finding three zero-click vulnerabilities in the Broadcom and Cypress Bluetooth stack, which is used in most Apple devices, many Samsung smartphones, the Raspberry Pis, and many others.
Given RCE on a Bluetooth chip, attackers may escalate their privileges beyond the chip's boundary. We uncover a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth coexistence issue that crashes multiple operating system kernels and a design flaw in the Bluetooth 5.2 specification that allows link key extraction from the host. Turning off Bluetooth will not fully disable the chip, making it hard to defend against RCE attacks. Moreover, when testing our chip-based vulnerabilities on those devices, we find BlueFrag, a chip-independent Android RCE.
### A deep convolution generative adversarial networks based fuzzing framework for industry control protocols
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** A growing awareness is brought that the safety and security of industrial control systems cannot be dealt with in isolation, and the safety and security of industrial control protocols (ICPs) should be considered jointly. Fuzz testing (fuzzing) for the ICP is a common way to discover whether the ICP itself is designed and implemented with flaws and network security vulnerability. Traditional fuzzing methods promote the safety and security testing of ICPs, and many of them have practical applications. However, most traditional fuzzing methods rely heavily on the specification of ICPs, which makes the test process a costly, time-consuming, troublesome and boring task. And the task is hard to repeat if the specification does not exist. In this study, we propose a smart and automated protocol fuzzing methodology based on improved deep convolution generative adversarial network and give a series of performance metrics. An automated and intelligent fuzzing framework BLSTM-DCNNFuzz for application is designed. Several typical ICPs, including Modbus and EtherCAT, are applied to test the effectiveness and efficiency of our framework. Experiment results show that our methodology outperforms the existing ones like General Purpose Fuzzer and other deep learning based fuzzing methods in convenience, effectiveness, and efficiency.
### ICS Protocol Fuzzing: Coverage Guided Packet Crack and Generation (DAC 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/DAC20_ICSProtocol.pdf)
**Abstract:** Industrial Control System (ICS) protocols play an essential role in building communications among system components. Recently, many severe vulnerabilities, such as Stuxnet and DragonFly, exposed in ICS protocols have affected a wide distribution of devices. Therefore, it is of vital importance to ensure their correctness. However, the vulnerability detection efficiency of traditional techniques such as fuzzing is challenged by the complexity and diversity of the protocols.
In this paper, we propose to equip the traditional protocol fuzzing with coverage-guided packet crack and generation. We collect the coverage information during testing procedure, save those valuable packets that trigger new path coverage and crack them into pieces, based on which, we can construct higher quality new packets for further testing. For evaluation, we build Peach* on top of Peach, which is one of the most widely used protocol fuzzers, and conduct experiments on several ICS protocols such as Modbus and DNP3. Results show that, compared with the original Peach, Peach* achieves the same code coverage and bug detection numbers at the speed of 1.2X-25X. It also gains final increase with 8.35%-36.84% more paths within 24 hours, and has exposed 9 previously unknown vulnerabilities.
### AFLNET: A Greybox Fuzzer for Network Protocols (ICST 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICST20_AFLNet.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Server fuzzing is difficult. Unlike simple command-line tools, servers feature a massive state space that can be traversed effectively only with well-defined sequences of input messages. Valid sequences are specified in a protocol. In this paper, we present AFLNET, the first grey-box fuzzer for protocol implementations. Unlike existing protocol fuzzers, AFLNET takes a mutational approach and uses state-feedback to guide the fuzzing process. AFLNET is seeded with a corpus of recorded message exchanges between the server and an actual client. No protocol specification or message grammars are required. AFLNET acts as a client and replays variations of the original sequence of messages sent to the server and retains those variations that were effective at increasing the coverage of the code or state space. To identify the server states that are exercised by a message sequence, AFLNET uses the serverâs response codes. From this feedback, AFLNET identifies progressive regions in the state space, and systematically steers towards such regions. The case studies with AFLNET on two popular protocol implementations demonstrate a substantial performance boost over the state-of-the-art. AFLNET discovered two new CVEs that are classified as critical (CVSS score CRITICAL 9.8).
### Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Network Protocol Implementations (Arxiv 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Arxiv20_Protocols.pdf)
**Abstract:** Implementations of network protocols are often prone to vulnerabilities caused by developersâ? mistakes when accessing memory regions and dealing with arithmetic operations. Finding practical approaches for checking the security of network protocol implementations has proven to be a challenging problem. The main reason is that the protocol software state-space is too large to be explored. Here we propose a novel verification approach that combines fuzzing with symbolic execution to verify intricate properties in network protocol implementations. We use fuzzing for an initial exploration of the network protocol, while symbolic execution explores both the program paths and protocol states, which were uncovered by fuzzing. From this combination, we automatically generate high-coverage test input packets for a network protocol implementation.We surveyed various approaches based on fuzzing and symbolic execution to understand how these techniques can be effectively combined and then choose a suitable tool to develop further our model on top of it. In our preliminary evaluation, we used ESBMC, Map2Check, and KLEE as software verifiers and SPIKE as fuzzer to check their suitability to verify our network protocol implementations. Our experimental results show that ESBMC can be further developed within our verification framework called FuSeBMC, to efficiently and effectively detect intricate security vulnerabilities in network protocol implementations.
### Smart seed selection-based effective black box fuzzing for IIoT protocol (2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/20_SmartSeedSelection.pdf)
**Abstract:** Connections of cyber-physical system (CPS) components are gradually increasing owing to the introduction of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IIoT vulnerability analysis has become a major issue because complex skillful cyber-attacks on CPS systems exploit their zero-day vulnerabilities. However, current white box techniques for vulnerability analysis are difficult to use in real heterogeneous environments, where devices supplied by various manufacturers and diverse firmware versions are used. Therefore, we herein propose a novel protocol fuzzing test technique that can be applied in a heterogeneous environment. As seed configuration can significantly influence the test result in a black box test, we update the seed pool using test cases that travel different program paths compared to the seed. The input, output, and Delta times are used to determine if a new program area has been searched in the black box environment. We experimentally verified the effectiveness of the proposed.
### Fwâfuzz: A code coverageâguided fuzzing framework for network protocols on firmware (2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is an effective approach to detect software vulnerabilities utilizing changeable generated inputs. However, fuzzing the network protocol on the firmware of IoT devices is limited by inefficiency of test case generation, crossâarchitecture instrumentation, and fault detection. In this article, we propose the Fwâfuzz, a coverageâguided and crossplatform framework for fuzzing network services running in the context of firmware on embedded architectures, which can generate more valuable test cases by introspecting program runtime information and using a genetic algorithm model. Specifically, we propose novel dynamic instrumentation in Fwâfuzz to collect the running state of the firmware program. Then Fwâfuzz adopts a genetic algorithm model to guide the generation of inputs with high code coverage. We fully implement the prototype system of Fwâfuzz and conduct evaluations on network service programs of various architectures in MIPS, ARM, and PPC. By comparing with the protocol fuzzers Boofuzz and Peach in metrics of edge coverage, our prototype system achieves an average growth of 33.7% and 38.4%, respectively. We further verify six known vulnerabilities and discover 5 0âday vulnerabilities with the Fwâfuzz, which prove the validity and utility of our framework. The overhead of our system expressed as an additional 5% of memory growth.
### BaseSAFE: Baseband SAnitized Fuzzing through Emulation (WiSec 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Rogue base stations are an effective attack vector. Cellular basebands represent a critical part of the smartphoneâs security: they parse large amounts of data even before authentication. They can, therefore, grant an attacker a very stealthy way to gather information about calls placed and even to escalate to the main operating system, over-the-air. In this paper, we discuss a novel cellular fuzzing framework that aims to help security researchers find critical bugs in cellular basebands and similar embedded systems. BaseSAFE allows partial rehosting of cellular basebands for fast instrumented fuzzing off-device, even for closed-source firmware blobs. BaseSAFEâs sanitizing drop-in allocator, enables spotting heap-based buffer-overflows quickly. Using our proof-of-concept harness, we fuzzed various parsers of the Nucleus RTOS-based MediaTek cellular baseband that are accessible from rogue base stations. The emulator instrumentation is highly optimized, reaching hundreds of executions per second on each core for our complex test case, around 15k test-cases per second in total. Furthermore, we discuss attack vectors for baseband modems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first use of emulation-based fuzzing for security testing of commercial cellular basebands. Most of the tooling and approaches of BaseSAFE are also applicable for other low-level kernels and firmware. Using BaseSAFE, we were able to find memory corruptions including heap out-of-bounds writes using our proof-of-concept fuzzing harness in the MediaTek cellular baseband. BaseSAFE, the harness, and a large collection of LTE signaling message test cases will be released open-source upon publication of this paper.
### Poster: Fuzzing IoT Firmware via Multi-stage Message Generation (CCS 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** In this work, we present IoTHunter, the first grey-box fuzzer for fuzzing stateful protocols in IoT firmware. IoTHunter addresses the state scheduling problem based on a multi-stage message generation mechanism on runtime monitoring of IoT firmware. We evaluate IoTHunter with a set of real-world programs, and the result shows that IoTHunter outperforms black-box fuzzer boofuzz, which has a 2.2x, 2.0x, and 2.5x increase for function coverage, block coverage, and edge coverage, respectively. IoTHunter also found five new vulnerabilities in the firmware of home router Mikrotik, which have been reported to the vendor.
### SeqFuzzer: An Industrial Protocol Fuzzing Framework in Deep Learning Perspective (ICST 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICST19_SeqFuzzer.pdf)
**Abstract:** Industrial networks are the cornerstone of modern industrial control systems. Performing security checks of industrial communication processes help detect unknown risks and vulnerabilities. Fuzz testing is a widely used method for performing security checks that takes advantage of automation. However, there is a big challenge to carry out security checks on the industrial networks due to the increasing variety and complexity of industrial communication protocols. In this case, existing approaches usually take a long time to model the protocol for generating test cases, which is labor-intensive and timeconsuming. This becomes even worse when the target protocol is stateful. To help in addressing this problem, we employed a deep learning model to learn the structures of protocol frames and deal with the temporal features of stateful protocols. We propose a fuzzing framework named SeqFuzzer which automatically learns the protocol frame structures from communication traffic and generates fake but plausible messages as test cases. For proving the usability of our approach, we applied SeqFuzzer to widelyused Ethernet for Control Automation Technology (EtherCAT) devices and successfully detected several security vulnerabilities
### SPFuzz: A Hierarchical Scheduling Framework for Stateful Network Protocol Fuzzing (IEEE Access 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/.pdf)
**Abstract:** In recent years, the fuzzing technology is widely used to detect the software vulnerabilities owing to the coverage improvement in the target program and the easiness of use. However, it is less efficient to fuzz the stateful protocols due to the difficulties like maintaining states and dependencies of messages. To address these challenges, we present SPFuzz, a framework for building flexible, coverage guided stateful protocol fuzzing. We define a language in SPFuzz to describe the protocol specifications, protocol states transitions and dependencies for generating valuable test cases, maintaining correct messages in session states and handling protocol dependencies by updating message data in time. The SPFuzz adopts a three-level mutation strategy, namely head, content, and sequence mutation strategy to drive the fuzzing process to cover more paths, in conjunction with the method to randomly assign weights to messages and strategies. We use the following metrics to evaluate the performance of SPFuzz and other frameworks upon three protocol implementations, i.e., Proftpd, Oftpd, and OpenSSL, which are three-granularity coverages specifically function, basic block, and edge. In experiments, the SPFuzz framework outperforms the existing
stateful protocol fuzzing tool Boofuzz by an average of 69.12% in three granularities coverage tests. This demonstrates that the SPFuzz has the ability to explore more and deeper paths of the target program. We further triggered CVE-2015-0291 in OpenSSL 1.0.2 with the SPFuzz, which proves the validity and
utility of our framework.
### HFuzz: Towards automatic fuzzing testing of NB-IoT core network protocols implementations (FGCS 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/FGCS19_HFuzz.pdf)
**Abstract:** Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-loT) is widely deployed in the cellular network of operators, yet implementations of its core network protocols are suffering from bugs. Due to the complexity of the frame structure of NB-IoT core network protocols, testing the protocols in this field is notoriously difficult. In this paper, we propose a novel fuzzing framework, named HFuzz, to generate a great many high-quality test inputs automatically. HFuzz is an automatic hierarchy-aware fuzzing framework and can allocate computing resources efficiently. We put forward the concept of Message Structure Tree to transform the seed file and generate mutated data of the tested protocols and optimize the resource allocation for each hierarchy of the transformed structure by a novel scheduling algorithm. Therefore HFuzz can get a balance between breadth and depth in finding new paths. Compared to traditional fuzzing tools, HFuzz can easily pass the early verification and induce a better coverage of the target implementations by taking full advantage of format information of NB-IoT core network protocols. Our framework applies to various protocols, and we evaluate the performance of HFuzz on GPRS Tunnelling Protocol version 2(GTPv2) in this paper and conduct experiments with two protocol implementations, Open Air Interface (OAI) and B*(a development system). The experimental results show HFuzz yields higher coverage than American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) and Peach, and we further find a real implementation bug in OAI.
### FIRM-AFL: High-Throughput Greybox Fuzzing of IoT Firmware via Augmented Process Emulation (USENIX Security2019)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/csdn_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX19_FirmAFL.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Cyber attacks against IoT devices are a severe threat. These attacks exploit software vulnerabilities in IoT firmware. Fuzzing is an effective software testing technique for vulnerability discovery. In this work, we present FIRM-AFL, the first high-throughput grey box fuzzer for IoT firmware. FIRMAFL addresses two fundamental problems in IoT fuzzing. First, it addresses compatibility issues by enabling fuzzing for POSIX-compatible firmware that can be emulated in a system emulator. Second, it addresses the performance bottleneck caused by system-mode emulation with a novel technique called augmented process emulation. By combining system mode emulation and user-mode emulation in a novel way, augmented process emulation provides high compatibility as system-mode emulation and high throughput as user-mode emulation. Our evaluation results show that (1) FIRM-AFL is fully functional and capable of finding real-world vulnerabilities in IoT programs; (2) the throughput of FIRM-AFL is on average 8.2 times higher than system-mode emulation based fuzzing; and (3) FIRM-AFL is able to find 1-day vulnerabilities much faster than system-mode emulation based fuzzing, and is able to find 0-day vulnerabilities.
### Exploring Effective Fuzzing Strategies to Analyze Communication Protocols (FEAST 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/FEAST19_Exploring.pdf)
**Abstract:** In recent years, coverage-based greybox fuzzing has become popular forvulnerability detection due to its simplicity and efficiency. However, it is less powerful when applied directly to protocol fuzzing due to the unique challenges involved in fuzzing communication protocols. In particular, the communication among multiple ends contains more than one packet, which are not necessarily dependent upon each other, i.e., fuzzing single (usually the first) packet can only achieve extremely limited code coverage. In this paper, we study such challenges and demonstrate the limitation of current non-stateful greybox fuzzer. In order to achieve higher code coverage, we design stateful protocol fuzzing strategies for communication protocols to explore the code related to different protocol states. Our approach contains a state switching engine, together with a multi-state forkserver to consistently and flexibly fuzz different states of an compiler-instrumented protocol program. Our experimental results on OpenSSL show that our approach achieves an improvement of 73% more code coverage and 2Ã unique crashes when comparing against fuzzing the first packet during a protocol handshake.
### Leveraging Textual Specifications for Grammar-Based Fuzzing of Network Protocols (AAAI 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/AAAi19_Leveraging.pdf)
**Abstract:** Grammar-based fuzzing is a technique used to find software vulnerabilities by injecting well-formed inputs generated following rules that encode application semantics. Most grammar-based fuzzers for network protocols rely on human experts to manually specify these rules. In this work we study automated learning of protocol rules from textual specifications (i.e. RFCs). We evaluate the automatically extracted protocol rules by applying them to a state-of-the-art fuzzer for transport protocols and show that it leads to a smaller number of test cases while finding the same attacks as the system that uses manually specified rules.
### MTF-Storm: a high performance fuzzer for Modbus-TCP (ETFA 2018)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** MTF-Storm is a highly effective fuzzer for industrial systems employing Modbus/TCP connectivity. It achieves high fault coverage, while offering high performance and quick testing of the System-Under-Test (SUT). Analogously to its predecessor MTF, MTF-Storm operates in 3 phases: a) reconnaissance b) fuzz testing and failure detection. Reconnaissance identifies the memory organization of the SUT and the supported functionality, enabling selection and synthesis of fuzz testing sequences that are effective for the specific SUT. MTF-Storm develops its test sequences systematically, starting with single field tests and proceeding with combined field tests, adopting techniques for automated combinatorial software testing and reducing the test space through partitioning field value ranges. MTF-Storm has been used to evaluate 9 different Modbus/TCP implementations and has identified issues with all of them, ranging from out-of-spec responses to successful denial-of-service attacks and crashes.
### Advancing Protocol Fuzzing for Industrial Automation and Control Systems (ICISSP 2018)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICISSP18_Advancing.pdf)
**Abstract:** Testing for security vulnerabilities is playing an important role in the changing domain of industrial automation and control systems. These systems are increasingly connected to each other via networking technology and are faced with new cyber threats. To improve the security properties of such systems, their robustness must be ensured. Security testing frameworks aim at enabling the assurance of robustness even at the time of development and can play a key role in bringing security into the industrial domain.
Fuzzing describes a technique to discover vulnerabilities in technical systems and is best known from its usage in IT security testing. It uses randomly altered data to provoke unexpected behaviour and can be used in combination with regular unit testing. Combined with the power of fuzzing, the effectiveness of security testing frameworks can be increased.
In this work, different fuzzing tools were evaluated for their properties and then compared with the requirements for an application in the industrial domain. As no fuzzer was fully satisfying these requirements, a new fuzzer, combining the strength of different others, was designed and implemented, and then evaluated. The evaluation includes a real-world application where multiple vulnerabilities in industrial automation components could be identified.
### IoTFuzzer: Discovering Memory Corruptions in IoT Through App-based Fuzzing (NDSS 2018)
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS18_IoTfuzzer.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](./Paper/NDSS18_IoTFuzzer_Slides.pdf)
**Abstract:** With more IoT devices entering the consumer market, it becomes imperative to detect their security vulnerabilities before an attacker does. Existing binary analysis based approaches only work on firmware, which is less accessible except for those equipped with special tools for extracting the code from the device. To address this challenge in IoT security analysis, we present in this paper a novel automatic fuzzing framework, called IOTFUZZER, which aims at finding memory corruption vulnerabilities in IoT devices without access to their firmware images. The key idea is based upon the observation that most IoT devices are controlled through their official mobile apps, and such an app often contains rich information about the protocol it uses to communicate with its device. Therefore, by identifying and reusing program-specific logic (e.g., encryption) to mutate the test case (particularly message fields), we are able to effectively probe IoT targets without relying on any knowledge about its protocol specifications. In our research, we implemented IOTFUZZER and evaluated 17 real-world IoT devices running on different protocols, and our approach successfully identified 15 memory corruption vulnerabilities (including 8 previously unknown ones).
### Bbuzz: A Bit-aware Fuzzing Framework for Network Protocol Systematic Reverse Engineering and Analysis (MCC 2017)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/MCC17-Binfuzz.pdf)
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a critical part of secure software development life-cycle, for finding vulnerabilities, developing exploits, and reverse engineering. This relies on appropriate approaches, tools and frameworks. File and protocol fuzzing is well covered, multiple approaches and implementations exist. Unfortunately, assessed tools do not posses the required capabilities for working with protocols, where constructing bit groups are not byte aligned. In this paper, a systematic approach is proposed and tool prototype developed for the cyber red teaming purposes. In a case study, the developed Bbuzz tool is used to reverse engineer a proprietary NATO Link-1 network protocol allowing to inject rogue airplane tracks into air operations command and control system.
### Test Data Generation for Stateful Network Protocol Fuzzing Using a Rule-Based State Machine (2016)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/2016_Protocol.pdf)
**Abstract:** To improve the efficiency and coverage of stateful network protocol fuzzing, this paper proposes a new method, using a rule-based state machine and a stateful rule tree to guide the generation of fuzz testing data. The method first builds a rule-based state machine model as a formal description of the states of a network protocol. This removes safety paths, to cut down the scale of the state space. Then it uses a stateful rule tree to describe the relationship between states and messages, and then remove useless items from it. According to the message sequence obtained by the analysis of paths using the stateful rule tree and the protocol specification, an abstract data model of test case generation is defined. The fuzz testing data is produced by various generation algorithms through filling data in the fields of the data model. Using the rule-based state machine and the stateful rule tree, the quantity of test data can be reduced. Experimental results indicate that our method can discover the same vulnerabilities as traditional approaches, using less test data, while optimizing test data generation and improving test efficiency.
### Protocol State Fuzzing of TLS Implementations (USENIX Security2015)
* <img src="image/youdao_note_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Slides](./Paper/USENIX15_Protocol_Slides.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX15_Protocol.pdf)
**Abstract:** We describe a largely automated and systematic analysis of TLS implementations by what we call âprotocol state fuzzingâ?: we use state machine learning to infer state machines from protocol implementations, using only blackbox testing, and then inspect the inferred state machines to look for spurious behaviour which might be an indication of flaws in the program logic. For detecting the presence of spurious behaviour the approach is almost fully automatic: we automatically obtain state machines and any spurious behaviour is then trivial to see. Detecting whether the spurious behaviour introduces exploitable security weaknesses does require manual investigation. Still, we take the point of view that any spurious functionality in a security protocol implementation is dangerous and should be removed.
We analysed both server- and client-side implementations with a test harness that supports several key exchange algorithms and the option of client certificate authentication. We show that this approach can catch an interesting class of implementation flaws that is apparently common in security protocol implementations: in three of the TLS implementations analysed new security flaws were found (in GnuTLS, the Java Secure Socket Extension, and OpenSSL). This shows that protocol state fuzzing is a useful technique to systematically analyse security protocol implementations. As our analysis of different TLS implementations resulted in different and unique state machines for each one, the technique can also be used for fingerprinting TLS implementations.
### A Modbus-TCP Fuzzer for testing internetworked industrial systems (ETFA 2015)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Modbus/TCP is a network protocol for industrial communications encapsulated in TCP/IP network packets. There is an increasing need to test existing Modbus protocol implementations for security vulnerabilities, as devices become accessible even from the Internet. Fuzz testing can be used to discover implementation bugs in a fast and economical way. We present the design and implementation of MTF, a Modbus/TCP Fuzzer. The MTF incorporates a reconnaissance phase in the testing procedure so as to assist mapping the capabilities of the tested device and to adjust the attack vectors towards a more guided and informed testing rather than plain random testing. The MTF was used to test eight implementations of the Modbus protocol and revealed bugs and vulnerabilities that crash the execution, effectively resulting in denial of service attacks using only a few network packets.
### PULSAR: Stateful Black-Box Fuzzing of Proprietary Network Protocols (Springer, Cham, 2015)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Springer15_PULSAR.pdf)
**Abstract:** The security of network services and their protocols critically depends on minimizing their attack surface. A single flaw in an implementation can suffice to compromise a service and expose sensitive data to an attacker. The discovery of vulnerabilities in protocol implementations, however, is a challenging task: While for standard protocols this process can be conducted with regular techniques for auditing, the situation becomes difficult for proprietary protocols if neither the program code nor the specification of the protocol are easily accessible. As a result, vulnerabilities in closed-source implementations can often remain undiscovered for a longer period of time. In this paper, we present PULSAR, a method for stateful black-box fuzzing of proprietary network protocols. Our method combines concepts from fuzz testing with techniques for automatic protocol reverse engineering and simulation. It proceeds by observing the traffic of a proprietary protocol and inferring a generative model for message formats and protocol states that can not only analyze but also simulate communication. During fuzzing this simulation can effectively explore the protocol state space and thereby enables uncovering vulnerabilities deep inside the protocol implementation. We demonstrate the efficacy of PULSAR in two case studies, where it identifies known as well as unknown vulnerabilities.
### SECFUZZ: Fuzz-testing Security Protocols (AST 2012)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/AST12_SECFUZZ.pdf)
**Abstract:** We propose a light-weight, yet effective, technique for fuzz-testing security protocols. Our technique is modular, it exercises (stateful) protocol implementations in depth, and handles encrypted traffic. We use a concrete implementation of the protocol to generate valid inputs, and mutate the inputs using a set of fuzz operators. A dynamic memory analysis tool monitors the execution as an oracle to detect he vulnerabilities exposed by fuzz-testing. We provide the fuzzer with the necessary keys and cryptographic algorithms in order to properly mutate encrypted messages. We present a case study on two widely used, mature implementations of the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol and report on two
new vulnerabilities discovered by our fuzz-testing tool. We also compare the effectiveness of our technique to two existing model-based fuzz-testing tools for IKE.
### Extension of SPIKE for Encrypted Protocol Fuzzing (2011)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/IEEE2011_protocol.pdf)
**Abstract:** A fuzzer is a program that attempts to find security vulnerabilities in an application by sending random or semi-random input. Fuzzers
have been widely used to find vulnerabilities in protocol implementations. The implementations may conform to the design of the protocol, but most of the times some glitches might remain. As a result vulnerabilities might remain unnoticed. Consequently, different implementations of the same protocol may be vulnerable to different kind of attacks. Fuzzers help us discover such implementation flaws. Among the currently available and popular ones, SPIKE is one recognized open-source fuzzing framework. However, SPIKE has a limitation of fuzzing only non-encrypted protocols. This paper presents the extension of SPIKE, called ESPIKE, for fuzzing of encrypted protocols. ESPIKE will facilitate testing implementations of
SSL encrypted protocols. As a proof of concept for efficiency of ESPIKE we demonstrate its usage on sftp and https protocol.
### AutoFuzz: Automated Network Protocol Fuzzing Framework (IJCSNS 2010)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/IJCSNS10_Autofuzz.pdf)
**Abstract:** Assessing software security involves steps such as code review, risk analysis, penetration testing and fuzzing. During the fuzzing phase, the testerâs goal is to find flaws in software by sending unexpected input to the target application and monitoring its behavior. In this paper we introduce the AutoFuzz [1] - extendable, open source framework used for testing network protocol implementations. AutoFuzz is a âsmartâ?, man-in-the-middle, semi deterministic network protocol fuzzing framework. AutoFuzz learns a protocol implementation by constructing a Finite State Automaton (FSA) which captures the observed communications between a client and a server [5]. In addition, AutoFuzz learns individual message syntax, including fields and probable types, by applying the bioinformatics techniques of [2]. Finally, AutoFuzz can fuzz client or server protocol implementations by intelligently modifying the communication sessions between them using the FSA as a guide. AutoFuzz was applied to a variety of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server implementations, confirming old and discovering new vulnerabilities.
# SMT Fuzzing
### Alt-Ergo-Fuzz: A fuzzer for the Alt-Ergo SMT solver (JFLA 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
Alt-Ergo is an open source Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver programmed in OCaml. It was designed for program verification and itâs used as a back end by other software verification tools such as Frama-C, SPARK, Why3, Atelier-B and Caveat, the reliability of which depends on the soundness of Alt-Ergoâs answers and the absence of bugs in it.
Fuzzing is an efficient technique to test programs and find bugs. It works by quickly and automatically generating input data with which to test the software. American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) is one of the most well-known and most used fuzzers in both academia and the industry. It has managed to find many bugs in various programs thanks to its grey box fuzzing technique that uses genetic algorithms and program instrumentation to generate test data that maximizes code and execution path coverage in the targeted software.
In this paper we present Alt-Ergo-Fuzz, a fuzzer for Alt-Ergo that we developed with the aim of finding faults and unsoundness bugs to solve and improve its reliability. By using AFL as a back end, the Crowbar OCaml library for test case generation and the CVC5 SMT solver as a reference solver of which the answers will be used to determine whether or not Alt-Ergoâs answers are correct, we managed to develop Alt-Ergo-Fuzz, which even as a work in progress and in only twenty days of testing managed to find four never found before bugs in Alt-Ergo.
### BanditFuzz: Fuzzing SMT Solvers with Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (FM 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** We present BanditFuzz, a multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) guided performance fuzzer for state-of-the-art Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers. BanditFuzz constructs inputs that expose performance issues in a set of target solvers relative to a set of reference solvers, and is the first performance fuzzer that supports the entirety of the theories in the SMT-LIB initiative. Another useful feature of BanditFuzz is that users can specify the size of inputs they want, thus enabling developers to construct very small inputs that zero-in on a performance problem in their SMT solver relative to other competitive solvers. We evaluate BanditFuzz across 52 logics from SMT-COMP â?20 targeting competition-winning solvers against runner-ups. We baseline BanditFuzz against random fuzzing and a single agent algorithm and observe a significant improvement, with up to a 82.6% improvement in the margin of PAR-2 scores across baselines on their respective benchmarks. Furthermore, we reached out to developers and contributors of the CVC4, Z3, and Bitwuzla solvers and provide case studies of how BanditFuzz was able to expose surprising performance deficiencies in each of these tools.
### Skeletal Approximation Enumeration for SMT Solver Testing (FSE 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Ensuring the equality of SMT solvers is critical due to its broad spectrum of applications in academia and industry, such as symbolic execution and program verification. Existing approaches to testing SMT solvers are either too costly or find difficulties generalizing to different solvers and theories, due to the test oracle problem. To complement existing approaches and overcome their weaknesses, this paper introduces skeletal approximation enumeration (SAE), a novel lightweight and general testing technique for all first-order theories. To demonstrate its practical utility, we have applied the SAE technique to test Z3 and CVC4, two comprehensively tested, state-of-the-art SMT solvers. By the time of writing, our approach had found 71 confirmed bugs in Z3 and CVC4,55 of which had already been fixed.
### Fuzzing SMT Solvers via Two-Dimensional Input Space Exploration (ISSTA 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers serve as the core engine of many techniques, such as symbolic execution. Therefore, ensuring the robustness and correctness of SMT solvers is critical. While fuzzing is an efficient and effective method for validating the quality of SMT solvers, we observe that prior fuzzing work only focused on generating various first-order formulas as the inputs but neglected the algorithmic configuration space of an SMT solver, which leads to under-reporting many deeply-hidden bugs. In this paper, we present Falcon, a fuzzing technique that explores both the formula space and the configuration space. Combining the two spaces significantly enlarges the search space and makes it challenging to detect bugs efficiently. We solve this problem by utilizing the correlations between the two spaces to reduce the search space, and introducing an adaptive mutation strategy to boost the search efficiency. During six months of extensive testing, Falcon finds 518 confirmed bugs in CVC4 and Z3, two state-of-the-art SMT solvers, 469 of which have already been fixed. Compared to two state-of-the-art fuzzers, Falcon detects 38 and 44 more bugs and improves the coverage by a large margin in 24 hours of testing.
### Detecting Critical Bugs in SMT Solvers Using Blackbox Mutational Fuzzing (FSE 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Formal methods use SMT solvers extensively for deciding formula satisfiability, for instance, in software verification, systematic test generation, and program synthesis. However, due to their complex implementations, solvers may contain critical bugs that lead to unsound results. Given the wide applicability of solvers in software reliability, relying on such unsound results may have detrimental consequences. In this paper, we present STORM, a novel blackbox mutational fuzzing technique for detecting critical bugs in SMT solvers. We run our fuzzer on seven mature solvers and find 29 previously unknown critical bugs. STORM is already being used in testing new features of popular solvers before deployment.
### On the Unusual Effectiveness of Type-aware Mutations for Testing SMT Solvers
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** We propose type-aware operator mutation, a simple, but unusually effective approach for testing SMT solvers.
The key idea is to mutate operators of conforming types within the seed formulas to generate well-typed mutant formulas. These mutant formulas are then used as the test cases for SMT solvers. We realized typeaware operator mutation within the OpFuzz tool and used it to stress-test Z3 and CVC4, two state-of-the-art SMT solvers. Type-aware operator mutations are unusually effective: During nine months of extensive testing with OpFuzz, we reported 909 bugs in Z3 and CVC4,1 out of which 632 bugs were confirmed and 531 of the confirmed bugs were fixed by the developers. The detected bugs are highly diverse â? we found bugs of many different types (soundness bugs, invalid model bugs, crashes, etc.), logics and solver configurations. We have further conducted an in-depth study on the bugs found by OpFuzz. The study results show that the bugs found by OpFuzz are of high quality. Many of them affect core components of the SMT solversâ? codebases, and some required major changes for the developers to fix. Among the 909 bugs found by OpFuzz, 130 were soundness bugs, the most critical bugs in SMT solvers, and 501 were in the default modes of the solvers. Notably, OpFuzz found 16 critical soundness bugs in CVC4, which has proved to be a very stable SMT solver
### BanditFuzz: Fuzzing SMT Solvers with Reinforcement Learning (2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers are fundamental tools in the broad context of software engineering and security research. If SMT solvers are to continue to have an impact, it is imperative we develop efficient and systematic testing methods for them. To this end, we present a reinforcement learning driven fuzzing system BanditFuzz that zeroes in on the grammatical constructs of well-formed solver inputs that are the root cause of performance or correctness issues in solvers-under-test. To the best of our knowledge, BanditFuzz is the first machine-learning based fuzzer for SMT solvers. BanditFuzz takes as input a grammar G describing the well-formed inputs to a set of distinct solvers (say, P_1 and P_2) that implement the same specification and a fuzzing objective (e.g., maximize the relative performance difference between P_1 and P_2), and outputs a ranked list of grammatical constructs that are likely to maximize performance differences between P_1 and P_2 or are root causes of errors in these solvers. Typically, mutation fuzzing is implemented as a set of random mutations applied to a given input. By contrast, the key innovation behind BanditFuzz is the modeling of a grammar-preserving fuzzing mutator as a reinforcement learning (RL) agent that, via blackbox interactions with programs-under-test, learns which grammatical constructs are most likely the cause of an error or performance issue. Using BanditFuzz, we discovered 1700 syntactically unique inputs resulting in inconsistent answers across state-of-the-art SMT solvers Z3, CVC4, Colibri, MathSAT, and Z3str3 over the floating-point and string SMT theories. Further, using BanditFuzz, we constructed two benchmark suites (with 400 floating-point and 110 string instances) that expose performance issues in all considered solvers. We also performed a comparison of BanditFuzz against random, mutation, and evolutionary fuzzing methods. We observed up to a 31% improvement in performance fuzzing and up to 81% improvement in the number of bugs found by BanditFuzz relative to these other methods for the same amount of time provided to all methods.
### Validating SMT Solvers via Semantic Fusion (PLDI 2020)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Slides](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** We introduce Semantic Fusion, a general, effective methodology for validating Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers. Our key idea is to fuse two existing equisatisfiable (i.e., both satisfiable or unsatisfiable) formulas into a new formula that combines the structures of its ancestors in a novel manner and preserves the satisfiability by construction. This fused formula is then used for validating SMT solvers. We realized Semantic Fusion as YinYang, a practical SMT solver testing tool. During four months of extensive testing, YinYang has found 45 confirmed, unique bugs in the default arithmetic and string solvers of Z3 and CVC4, the two state-of-the-art SMT solvers. Among these, 41 have already been fixed by the developers. The majority (29/45) of these bugs expose critical soundness issues. Our bug reports and testing effort have been well-appreciated by SMT solver developers.
### Automatically Testing String Solvers (ICSE 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** SMT solvers are at the basis of many applications, such as program verification, program synthesis, and test case generation. For all these applications to provide reliable results, SMT solvers must answer queries correctly. However, since they are complex, highly-optimized software systems, ensuring their correctness is challenging. In particular, state-of-the-art testing techniques do not reliably detect when an SMT solver is unsound.
In this paper, we present an automatic approach for generating test cases that reveal soundness errors in the implementations of string solvers, as well as potential completeness and performance issues. We synthesize input formulas that are satisfiable or unsatisfiable by construction and use this ground truth as test oracle. We automatically apply satisfiability-preserving transformations to generate increasingly-complex formulas, which allows us to detect many errors with simple inputs and, thus, facilitates debugging.
The experimental evaluation shows that our technique effectively reveals bugs in the implementation of widely-used SMT solvers and applies also to other types of solvers, such as automata-based solvers. We focus on strings here, but our approach carries over to other theories and their combinations.
### StringFuzz: A fuzzer for string solvers (CAV 2018)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** In this paper, we introduce StringFuzz: a modular SMT-LIB problem instance transformer and generator for string solvers. We supply a repository of instances generated by StringFuzz in SMT-LIB 2.0/2.5 format. We systematically compare Z3str3, CVC4, Z3str2, and Norn on groups of such instances, and identify those that are particularly challenging for some solvers. We briefly explain our observations and show how StringFuzz helped discover causes of performance degradations in Z3str3.
# Anti Fuzzing
### Antifuzz: impeding fuzzing audits of binary executables (USENIX Security2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX19_Antifuzz.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** A general defense strategy in computer security is to increase the cost of successful attacks in both computational resources as well as human time. In the area of binary security, this is commonly done by using obfuscation methods to hinder reverse engineering and the search for software vulnerabilities. However, recent trends in automated bug finding changed the modus operandi. Nowadays it is very common for bugs to be found by various fuzzing tools. Due to ever-increasing amounts of automation and research on better fuzzing strategies, large-scale, dragnet-style fuzzing of many hundreds of targets becomes viable. As we show, current obfuscation techniques are aimed at increasing the cost of human understanding and do little to slow down fuzzing. In this paper, we introduce several techniques to protect a binary executable against an analysis with automated bug finding approaches that are based on fuzzing, symbolic/concolic execution, and taint-assisted fuzzing (commonly known as hybrid fuzzing). More specifically, we perform a systematic analysis of the fundamental assumptions of bug finding tools and develop general countermeasures for each assumption. Note that these techniques are not designed to target specific implementations of fuzzing tools, but address general assumptions that bug finding tools necessarily depend on. Our evaluation demonstrates that these techniques effectively impede fuzzing audits, while introducing a negligible performance overhead. Just as obfuscation techniques increase the amount of human labor needed to find a vulnerability, our techniques render automated fuzzing-based approaches futile.
### FUZZIFICATION: Anti-Fuzzing Technique (USENIX Security2019)
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX19_FUZZIFICATION.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a software testing technique that quickly and automatically explores the input space of a program without knowing its internals. Therefore, developers commonly use fuzzing as part of test integration throughout the software development process. Unfortunately, it also means that such a blackbox and the automatic natures of fuzzing are appealing to adversaries who are looking for zero-day vulnerabilities.
To solve this problem, we propose a new mitigation approach, called Fuzzification , that helps developers protect the released, binary-only software from attackers who are capable of applying state-of-the-art fuzzing techniques. Given a performance budget, this approach aims to hinder the fuzzing process from adversaries as much as possible. We propose three Fuzzification techniques: 1) SpeedBump, which amplifies the slowdown in normal executions by hundreds of times to the fuzzed execution, 2) BranchTrap, interfering with feedback logic by hiding paths and polluting coverage maps, and 3) AntiHybrid, hindering taint-analysis and symbolic execution. Each technique is designed with best-effort, defensive measures that attempt to hinder adversaries from bypassing Fuzzification.
Our evaluation on popular fuzzers and real-world applications shows that Fuzzification effectively reduces the number of discovered paths by 70.3% and decreases the number of identified crashes by 93.0% from real-world binaries, and decreases the number of detected bugs by 67.5% from LAVA-M dataset while under user-specified overheads for common workloads. We discuss the robustness of Fuzzification techniques against adversarial analysis techniques. We open-source our Fuzzification system to foster future research.
# Kernel Fuzzing
### Demystifying the Dependency Challenge in Kernel Fuzzing (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzz testing operating system kernels remains a daunting task to date. One known challenge is that much of the kernel code is locked under specific kernel states and current kernel fuzzers are not effective in exploring such an enormous state space. We refer to this problem as the dependency challenge. Though there are some efforts trying to address the dependency challenge, the prevalence and categorization of dependencies have never been studied. Most prior work simply attempted to recover dependencies opportunistically whenever they are relatively easy to recognize. In this paper, we undertake a substantial measurement study to systematically understand the real challenge behind dependencies. To our surprise, we show that even for well-fuzzed kernel modules, unresolved dependencies still account for 59% - 88% of the uncovered branches. Furthermore, we show that the dependency challenge is only a symptom rather than the root cause of failing to achieve more coverage. By distilling and summarizing our findings, we believe the research provides valuable guidance to future research in kernel fuzzing. Finally, we propose a number of novel research directions directly based on the insights gained from the measurement study.
### Semantic-Informed Driver Fuzzing Without Both the Hardware Devices and the Emulators (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Device drivers are security-critical. In monolithic kernels like Linux, there are hundreds of thousands of drivers which run in the same privilege as the core kernel. Consequently, a bug in a driver can compromise the whole system. More critically, drivers are particularly buggy. First, drivers receive complex and untrusted inputs from not only the user space but also the hardware. Second, the driver code can be developed by less-experienced third parties, and is less tested because running a driver requires the corresponding hardware device or the emulator. Therefore, existing studies show that drivers tend to have a higher bug density and have become a major security threat. Existing testing techniques have to focus the fuzzing on a limited number of drivers that have the corresponding devices or the emulators, thus cannot scale.
In this paper, we propose a device-free driver fuzzing system, DR. FUZZ, that does not require hardware devices to fuzztest drivers. The core of DR. FUZZ is a semantic-informed mechanism that efficiently generates inputs to properly construct relevant data structures to pass the âvalidation chainâ? in driving initialization, which enables subsequent device-free driver fuzzing. The elimination of the needs for the hardware devices and the emulators removes the bottleneck in driver testing. The semanticinformed mechanism incorporates multiple new techniques to make device-free driver fuzzing practical: inferring valid input values for passing the validation chain in initialization, inferring the temporal usage order of input bytes to minimize mutation space, and employing error states as a feedback to direct the fuzzing going through the validation chain. Moreover, the semantic-informed mechanism is generic; we can also instruct it to generate semi-malformed inputs for a higher code coverage. We evaluate DR. FUZZ on 214 Linux drivers. With an only 24-hour time budget, DR. FUZZ can successfully initialize and enable most of the drivers without the corresponding devices, whereas existing fuzzers like syzkaller cannot succeed in any case. DR. FUZZ also significantly outperforms existing driver fuzzers that are even equipped with the device or emulator in other aspects: it increases the code coverage by 70% and the throughput by 18%. With DR. FUZZ, we also find 46 new bugs in these Linux drivers.
### SyzScope: Revealing High-Risk Security Impacts of Fuzzer-Exposed Bugs in Linux kernel (USENIX SEC'22)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing has become one of the most effective bug finding approach for software. In recent years, 24*7 continuous fuzzing platforms have emerged to test critical pieces of software, e.g., Linux kernel. Though capable of discovering many bugs and providing reproducers (e.g., proof-of-concepts), a major problem is that they neglect a critical function that should have been built-in, i.e., evaluation of a bugâs security impact. It is well-known that the lack of understanding of security impact can lead to delayed bug fixes as well as patch propagation. In this paper, we develop SyzScope, a system that can automatically uncover new âhigh-riskâ? impacts given a bug with seemingly âlow-riskâ? impacts. From analyzing over a thousand low-risk bugs on syzbot, SyzScope successfully determined that 183 low-risk bugs (more than 15%) in fact contain high-risk impacts, e.g., control flow hijack and arbitrary memory write, some of which still do not have patches available yet.
### HEALER: Relation Learning Guided Kernel Fuzzing (SOSP 2021)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Modern operating system kernels are too complex to be free of bugs. Fuzzing is a promising approach for vulnerability detection and has been applied to kernel testing. However, existing work does not consider the influence relations between system calls when generating and mutating inputs, resulting in difficulties when trying to reach into the kernelâs deeper logic effectively.
In this paper, we propose HEALER, a kernel fuzzer that improves fuzzingâs effectiveness by utilizing system call relation learning. HEALER learns the influence relations between system calls by dynamically analyzing minimized test cases. Then, HEALER utilizes the learned relations to guide input generation and mutation, which improves the quality of test cases and the effectiveness of fuzzing. We implemented HEALER and evaluated its performance on recent versions of the Linux kernel. Compared to state-of-the-art kernel fuzzers such as Syzkaller and Moonshine, HEALER improves branch coverage by 28% and 21%, while achieving a speedup of 2.2Ã and 1.8Ã, respectively. In addition, HEALER detected 218 vulnerabilities, 33 of which are previously unknown and have been confirmed by the corresponding kernel maintainers.
### NTFUZZ: Enabling Type-Aware Kernel Fuzzing on Windows with Static Binary Analysis(S&P 2021)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Although it is common practice for kernel fuzzers to leverage type information of system calls, current Windows kernel fuzzers do not follow the practice as most system calls are private and largely undocumented. In this paper, we present a practical static binary analyzer that automatically infers system call types on Windows at scale. We incorporate our analyzer to NTFUZZ, a type-aware Windows kernel fuzzing framework. To our knowledge, this is the first practical fuzzing system that utilizes scalable binary analysis on a COTS OS. With NTFUZZ, we found 11 previously unknown kernel bugs, and earned $25,000 through the bug bounty program offered by Microsoft. All these results confirm the practicality of our system as a kernel fuzzer.
### Finding Bugs in File Systems with an Extensible Fuzzing Framework (TOS 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/TOS20_FileSys.pdf)
**Abstract:** File systems are too large to be bug free. Although handwritten test suites have been widely used to stress file systems, they can hardly keep up with the rapid increase in file system size and complexity, leading to new bugs being introduced. These bugs come in various flavors: buffer overflows to complicated semantic bugs. Although bug-specific checkers exist, they generally lack a way to explore file system states thoroughly. More importantly, no turnkey solution exists that unifies the checking effort of various aspects of a file system under one umbrella.
In this article, to highlight the potential of applying fuzzing to find any type of file system bugs in a generic way, we propose Hydra, an extensible fuzzing framework. Hydra provides building blocks for file system fuzzing, including input mutators, feedback engines, test executors, and bug post-processors. As a result, developers only need to focus on building the core logic for finding bugs of their interests. We showcase the effectiveness of Hydra with four checkers that hunt crash inconsistency, POSIX violations, logic assertion failures, and memory errors. So far, Hydra has discovered 157 new bugs in Linux file systems, including three in verified file systems (FSCQ and Yxv6).
### Finding race conditions in Kernels: from fuzzing to symbolic exection (2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The scale and pervasiveness of concurrent software pose challenges for security researchers: race conditions are more prevalent than ever, and the growing software complexity keeps exacerbating the situation â? expanding the arms race between security practitioners and attackers beyond memory errors. As a consequence, we need a new generation of bug hunting tools that not only scale well with increasingly larger codebases but also catch up with the growing importance of race conditions.
In this thesis, two complementary race detection frameworks for OS kernels are presented: multi-dimensional fuzz testing and symbolic checking. Fuzz testing turns bug finding into a probabilistic search, but current practices restrict themselves to one dimension only (sequential executions). This thesis illustrates how to explore the concurrency dimension and extend the bug scope beyond memory errors to the broad spectrum of concurrency bugs. On the other hand, conventional symbolic executors face challenges when applied to OS kernels, such as path explosions due to branching and loops. They also lack a systematic way of modeling and tracking constraints in the concurrency dimension (e.g., to enforce a particular schedule for thread interleavings) The gap can be partially filled with novel techniques for symbolic execution in this thesis.
### Hydra: An Extensible Fuzzing Framework for Finding Semantic Bugs in File Systems (SOSP 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SOSP19_Hydra.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract:** File systems are too large to be bug free. Although handwritten test suites have been widely used to stress file systems, they can hardly keep up with the rapid increase in file system size and complexity, leading to new bugs being introduced and reported regularly. These bugs come in various flavors: simple buffer overflows to sophisticated semantic bugs. Although bug-specific checkers exist, they generally lack a way to explore file system states thoroughly. More importantly, no turnkey solution exists that unifies the checking effort of various aspects of a file system under one umbrella.
In this paper, we highlight the potential of applying fuzzing to find not just memory errors but, in theory, any type of file system bugs with an extensible fuzzing framework: Hydra. Hydra provides building blocks for file system fuzzing, including input mutators, feedback engines, a libOS-based executor, and a bug reproducer with test case minimization. As a result, developers only need to focus on building the core logic for finding bugs of their own interests. We showcase the effectiveness of Hydra with four checkers that hunt crash inconsistency, POSIX violations, logic assertion failures, and memory errors. So far, Hydra has discovered 91 new bugs in Linux file systems, including one in a verified file system (FSCQ), as well as four POSIX violations.
### Fuzzing File Systems via Two-Dimensional Input Space Exploration (S&P 2019)
* <img src="image/zhihu.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note From BAIZE](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP19_Fuzzing_File.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract:** File systems, a basic building block of an OS, are too big and too complex to be bug free. Nevertheless, file systems rely on regular stress-testing tools and formal checkers to find bugs, which are limited due to the ever-increasing complexity of both file systems and OSes. Thus, fuzzing, proven to be an effective and a practical approach, becomes a preferable choice, as it does not need much knowledge about a target. However, three main challenges exist in fuzzing file systems: mutating a large image blob that degrades overall performance, generating image-dependent file operations, and reproducing found bugs, which is difficult for existing OS fuzzers. Hence, we present JANUS, the first feedback-driven fuzzer that explores the two-dimensional input space of a file system, i.e., mutating metadata on a large image, while emitting image-directed file operations. In addition, JANUS relies on a library OS rather than on traditional VMs for fuzzing, which enables JANUS to load a fresh copy of the OS, thereby leading to better reproducibility of bugs. We evaluate JANUS on eight file systems and found 90 bugs in the upstream Linux kernel, 62 of which have been acknowledged. Forty-three bugs have been fixed with 32 CVEs assigned. In addition, JANUS achieves higher code coverage on all the file systems after fuzzing 12 hours, when compared with the state-of-the-art fuzzer Syzkaller for fuzzing file systems. JANUS visits 4.19x and 2.01x more code paths in Btrfs and ext4, respectively. Moreover, JANUS is able to reproduce 88-100% of the crashes, while Syzkaller fails on all of them.
### Unicorefuzz: On the Viability of Emulation for Kernelspace Fuzzing (USENIX WOOT'19)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
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**Abstract:** Fuzzing uncovers an ever-growing number of critical vulnerabilities. Despite the simple conceptâexecute the target until it crashesâsetting up fuzz tests can pose complex challenges. This is especially true for code that cannot run as part of a userland process on desktop operating systemsâfor example device drivers and kernel components. In this paper, we explore the use of CPU emulation to fuzz arbitrary parsers in kernelspace with coverage-based feedback. We propose and open-source Unicorefuzz and explain merits and pitfalls of emulation-based fuzzing approaches. The viability of the approach is evaluated against artificial Linux kernel modules, the Open vSwitch network virtualization component as well as bugs originally uncovered by syzcaller. Emulator-based fuzzing of kernel code is not very complex to set up and can even be used to fuzz operating systems and devices for which no source code is available.
### Razzer: Finding Kernel Race Bugs through Fuzzing (S&P 2019)
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note From BAIZE](
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP19_Razzer.pdf)
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* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** A data race in a kernel is an important class of bugs, critically impacting the reliability and security of the associated system. As a result of a race, the kernel may become unresponsive. Even worse, an attacker may launch a privilege escalation attack to acquire root privileges. In this paper, we propose Razzer, a tool to find race bugs in kernels. The core of Razzer is in guiding fuzz testing towards potential data race spots in the kernel. Razzer employs two techniques to find races efficiently: a static analysis and a deterministic thread interleaving technique. Using a static analysis, Razzer identifies over-approximated potential data race spots, guiding the fuzzer to search for data races in the kernel more efficiently. Using the deterministic thread interleaving technique implemented at the hypervisor, Razzer tames the non-deterministic behavior of the kernel such that it can deterministically trigger a race. We implemented a prototype of Razzer and ran the latest Linux kernel (from v4.16-rc3 to v4.18-rc3) using Razzer. As a result, Razzer discovered 30 new races in the kernel, with 16 subsequently confirmed and accordingly patched by kernel developers after they were reported.
### MoonShine: Optimizing OS Fuzzer Seed Selection with Trace Distillation (USENIX Security2018)
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* <img src="image/because.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX18_MoonShine.pdf)
**Abstract:** OS fuzzers primarily test the system call interface between the OS kernel and user-level applications for security vulnerabilities. The effectiveness of evolutionary OS fuzzers depends heavily on the quality and diversity of their seed system call sequences. However, generating good seeds for OS fuzzing is a hard problem as the behavior of each system call depends heavily on the OS kernel state created by the previously executed system calls. Therefore, popular evolutionary OS fuzzers often rely on hand-coded rules for generating valid seed sequences of system calls that can bootstrap the fuzzing process. Unfortunately, this approach severely restricts the diversity of the seed system call sequences and therefore limits the effectiveness of the fuzzers.
In this paper, we develop MoonShine, a novel strategy for distilling seeds for OS fuzzers from system call traces of real-world programs while still maintaining the dependencies across the system calls. MoonShine leverages light-weight static analysis for efficiently detecting dependencies across different system calls.
We designed and implemented MoonShine as an extension to Syzkaller, a state-of-the-art evolutionary fuzzer for the Linux kernel. Starting from traces containing 2.8 million system calls gathered from 3,220 real-world programs, MoonShine distilled down to just over 14,000 calls while preserving 86% of the original code coverage. Using these distilled seed system call sequences, MoonShine was able to improve Syzkaller's achieved code coverage for the Linux kernel by 13% on average. MoonShine also found 14 new vulnerabilities in the Linux kernel that were not found by Syzkaller.
### FUZE: Towards Facilitating Exploit Generation for Kernel Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities (USENIX Security2018)
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* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
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* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Software vendors usually prioritize their bug remediation based on ease of their exploitation. However, accurately determining exploitability typically takes tremendous hours and requires significant manual efforts. To address this issue, automated exploit generation techniques can be adopted. In practice, they however exhibit an insufficient ability to evaluate exploitability particularly for the kernel Use-After-Free (UAF) vulnerabilities. This is mainly because of the complexity of UAF exploitation as well as the scalability of an OS kernel.
In this paper, we therefore propose FUZE, a new framework to facilitate the process of kernel UAF exploitation. The design principle behind this technique is that we expect the ease of crafting an exploit could augment a security analyst with the ability to expedite exploitability evaluation. Technically, FUZE utilizes kernel fuzzing along with symbolic execution to identify, analyze and evaluate the system calls valuable and useful for kernel UAF exploitation.
To demonstrate the utility of FUZE, we implement FUZE on a 64-bit Linux system by extending a binary analysis framework and a kernel fuzzer. Using 15 real-world kernel UAF vulnerabilities on Linux systems, we then demonstrate FUZE could not only escalate kernel UAF exploitability and but also diversify working exploits. In addition, we show that FUZE could facilitate security mitigation bypassing, making exploitability evaluation less labor-intensive and more efficient.
### kAFL: Hardware-Assisted Feedback Fuzzing for OS Kernels (Usenix Security2017)
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note From BAIZE](
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* <img src="image/because.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/youdao_note_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX18_Kafl.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](./Paper/USENIX18_Kafl_Slides.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Many kinds of memory safety vulnerabilities have been endangering software systems for decades. Amongst other approaches, fuzzing is a promising technique to unveil various software faults. Recently, feedback-guided fuzzing demonstrated its power, producing a steady stream of security-critical software bugs. Most fuzzing effortsâespecially feedback fuzzingâare limited to user space components of an operating system (OS), although bugs in kernel components are more severe, because they allow an attacker to gain access to a system with full privileges. Unfortunately, kernel components are difficult to fuzz as feedback mechanisms (i.e., guided code coverage) cannot be easily applied. Additionally, non-determinism due to interrupts, kernel threads, statefulness, and similar mechanisms poses problems. Furthermore, if a process fuzzes its own kernel, a kernel crash highly impacts the performance of the fuzzer as the OS needs to reboot.
In this paper, we approach the problem of coverage-guided kernel fuzzing in an OS-independent and hardware-assisted way: We utilize a hypervisor and Intelâs Processor Trace (PT) technology. This allows us to remain independent of the target OS as we just require a small user space component that interacts with the targeted OS. As a result, our approach introduces almost no performance overhead, even in cases where the OS crashes, and performs up to 17,000 executions per second on an off-the-shelf laptop. We developed a framework called kernel-AFL (kAFL) to assess the security of Linux, macOS, and Windows kernel components. Among many crashes, we uncovered several flaws in the ext4 driver for Linux, the HFS and APFS file system of macOS, and the NTFS driver of Windows.
### DIFUZE: Interface aware fuzzing for kernel drivers (CCS 2017)
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note From BAIZE](
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/because.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CCS17_DIFUZE.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Device drivers are an essential part in modern Unix-like systems to handle operations on physical devices, from hard disks and printers to digital cameras and Bluetooth speakers. The surge of new hardware, particularly on mobile devices, introduces an explosive growth of device drivers in system kernels. Many such drivers are provided by third-party developers, which are susceptible to security vulnerabilities and lack proper vetting. Unfortunately, the complex input data structures for device drivers render traditional analysis tools, such as fuzz testing, less effective, and so far, research on kernel driver security is comparatively sparse. In this paper, we present DIFUZE, an interface-aware fuzzing tool to automatically generate valid inputs and trigger the execution of the kernel drivers. We leverage static analysis to compose correctly-structured input in the userspace to explore kernel drivers. DIFUZE is fully automatic, ranging from identifying driver handlers, to mapping to device file names, to constructing complex argument instances. We evaluate our approach on seven modern Android smartphones. The results showthat DIFUZE can effectively identify kernel driver bugs, and reports 32 previously unknown vulnerabilities, including flaws that lead to arbitrary code execution.
### IMF: Inferred Model-based Fuzzer (CCS 2017)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CCS17_IMF.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Kernel vulnerabilities are critical in security because they naturally allow attackers to gain unprivileged root access. Although there has been much research on finding kernel vulnerabilities from source code, there are relatively few research on kernel fuzzing, which is a practical bug finding technique that does not require any source code. Existing kernel fuzzing techniques involve feeding in random input values to kernel API functions. However, such a simple approach does not reveal latent bugs deep in the kernel code, because many API functions are dependent on each other, and they can quickly reject arbitrary parameter values based on their calling context. In this paper, we propose a novel fuzzing technique for commodity OS kernels that leverages inferred dependence model between API function calls to discover deep kernel bugs. We implement our technique on a fuzzing system, called IMF. IMF has already found 32 previously unknown kernel vulnerabilities on the latest macOS version 10.12.3 (16D32) at the time of this writing.
# Hybrid Fuzzing:
### TensileFuzz: Facilitating Seed Input Generation in Fuzzing via String Constraint Solving (ISSTA 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract** Seed inputs are critical to the performance of mutation based fuzzers. Existing techniques make use of symbolic execution and gradient descent to generate seed inputs. However, these techniques are not particular suitable for input growth (i.e., making input longer and longer), a key step in seed input generation. Symbolic execution models very low level constraints and prefer fix-sized inputs whereas gradient descent only handles cases where path conditions are arithmetic functions of inputs. We observe that growing an input requires considering a number of relations: length, offset, and count, in which a field is the length of another field, the offset of another field, and the count of some pattern in another field, respective. Theory of string solver is particularly suitable for addressing these relations. We hence propose a novel technique called TensileFuzz, in which we identify input fields and denote them as string variables such that a seed input is the concatenation of these string variables. Additional padding string variables are inserted in between field variables. The aforementioned relations are reverse-engineered and lead to string constraints, solving which instantiates the padding variables and hence grows the input. Our technique also integrates linear regression and gradient descent to ensure the grown inputs satisfy path constraints that lead to path exploration. Our comparison with AFL, and a number of state-of-the-art fuzzers that have similar target applications, including Qsym, Angora, and SLF, shows that TensileFuzz substantially outperforms the others, by 39% - 98% in terms of path coverage.
### CONFETTI: Amplifying Concolic Guidance for Fuzzers (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract** Fuzz testing (fuzzing) allows developers to detect bugs and vulnerabilities in code by automatically generating defect-revealing inputs. Most fuzzers operate by generating inputs for applications and mutating the bytes of those inputs, guiding the fuzzing process with branch coverage feedback via instrumentation. Whitebox guidance (e.g., taint tracking or concolic execution) is sometimes integrated with coverage-guided fuzzing to help cover tricky-to-reach branches that are guarded by complex conditions (so-called magic values). This integration typically takes the form of a targeted input mutation, eg placing particular byte values at a specific offset of some input in order to cover a branch. However, these dynamic analysis techniques are not perfect in practice, which can result in the loss of important relationships between input bytes and branch predicates, thus reducing the effective power of the technique. We introduce a new, surprisingly simple, but effective technique, global hinting, which allows the fuzzer to insert these interesting bytes not only at a targeted position, but in any position of any input. We implemented this idea in Java, creating CONFETTI, which uses both targeted and global hints for fuzzing. In an empirical comparison with two baseline approaches, a state-of-the-art greybox Java fuzzer and a version of CONFETTI without global hinting, we found that CONFETTI covers more branches and finds 15 previously unreported bugs, including 9 that neither baseline could find. By conducting a forensic analysis of CONFETTIâs execution, we determined that global hinting was at least as effective at revealing new coverage as traditional, targeted hinting.
### FuSeBMC v. 4: Smart Seed Generation for Hybrid Fuzzing (2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract** FuSeBMC is a test generator for finding security vulnerabilities in C programs. In earlier work [4], we described a previous version that incrementally injected labels to guide Bounded Model Checking (BMC) and Evolutionary Fuzzing engines to produce test cases for code coverage and bug finding. This paper introduces a new version of FuSeBMC that utilizes both engines to produce smart seeds. First, the engines are run with a short time limit on a lightly instrumented version of the program to produce the seeds. The BMC engine is particularly useful in producing seeds that can pass through complex mathematical guards. Then, FuSeBMC runs its engines with more extended time limits using the smart seeds created in the previous round. FuSeBMC manages this process in two main ways using its Tracer subsystem. Firstly, it uses shared memory to record the labels covered by each test case. Secondly, it evaluates test cases, and those of high impact are turned into seeds for subsequent test fuzzing. As a result, we significantly increased our code coverage score from last year, outperforming all tools that participated in this year's competition in every single category.
### A Tight Integration of Symbolic Execution and Fuzzing (short paper 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract** Most bug finding tools rely on either fuzzing or symbolic execution. While they both work well in some situations, fuzzing struggles with complex conditions and symbolic execution suffers from path explosion and high constraint solving costs. In order to enjoy the advantages from both techniques, we propose a new approach called Lightweight Symbolic Execution (LSE) that integrates well with fuzzing. Especially, LSE does not require any call to a constraint solver and allows for quickly enumerating inputs. In this short paper, we present the basic concepts of LSE together with promising preliminary experiments.
### Symbolic Security Predicates: Hunt Program Weaknesses (ISPRAS Open 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract** Dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) is a powerful method for path exploration during hybrid fuzzing and automatic bug detection. We propose security predicates to effectively detect undefined behavior and memory access violation errors. Initially, we symbolically execute program on paths that don't trigger any errors (hybrid fuzzing may explore these paths). Then we construct a symbolic security predicate to verify some error condition. Thus, we may change the program data flow to entail null pointer dereference, division by zero, out-of-bounds access, or integer overflow weaknesses. Unlike static analysis, dynamic symbolic execution does not only report errors but also generates new input data to reproduce them. Furthermore, we introduce function semantics modeling for common C/C++ standard library functions. We aim to model the control flow inside a function with a single symbolic formula. This assists bug detection, speeds up path exploration, and overcomes overconstraints in path predicate. We implement the proposed techniques in our dynamic symbolic execution tool Sydr. Thus, we utilize powerful methods from Sydr such as path predicate slicing that eliminates irrelevant constraints.
We present Juliet Dynamic to measure dynamic bug detection tools accuracy. The testing system also verifies that generated inputs trigger sanitizers. We evaluate Sydr accuracy for 11 CWEs from Juliet test suite. Sydr shows 95.59% overall accuracy. We make Sydr evaluation artifacts publicly available to facilitate results reproducibility.
### Towards Symbolic Pointers Reasoning in Dynamic Symbolic Execution (IVMEM 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract** Dynamic symbolic execution is a widely used technique for automated software testing, designed for execution paths exploration and program errors detection. A hybrid approach has recently become widespread, when the main goal of symbolic execution is helping fuzzer increase program coverage. The more branches symbolic executor can invert, the more useful it is for fuzzer. A program control flow often depends on memory values, which are obtained by computing address indexes from user input. However, most DSE tools don't support such dependencies, so they miss some desired program branches.
We implement symbolic addresses reasoning on memory reads in our dynamic symbolic execution tool Sydr. Possible memory access regions are determined by either analyzing memory address symbolic expressions, or binary searching with SMT-solver. We propose an enhanced linearization technique to model memory accesses.
Different memory modeling methods are compared on the set of programs. Our evaluation shows that symbolic addresses handling allows to discover new symbolic branches and increase the program coverage.
### FUZZOLIC: Mixing fuzzing and concolic execution (Computers&Security 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** In the last few years, a large variety of approaches and methodologies have been explored in the context of software testing, ranging from black-box techniques, such as fuzzing, to white-box techniques, such as concolic execution, with a full spectrum of instances in between. Using these techniques, developers and security researchers have been able to identify in the last decade a large number of critical vulnerabilities in thousands of software projects.
In this article, we investigate how to improve the performance and effectiveness of concolic execution, proposing two main enhancements to the original approach. On one side, we devise a novel concolic executor that can analyze complex binary programs while running under QEMU and efficiently produce symbolic queries, which could generate valuable program inputs when solved. On the other side, we investigate whether techniques borrowed from the fuzzing domain can be applied to solve the symbolic queries generated by concolic execution, providing a viable alternative to accurate but expensive SMT solving techniques. We show that the combination of our concolic engine, Fuzzolic, and our approximate solver, Fuzzy-Sat, can perform better in terms of code coverage than popular state-of-the-art fuzzers on a variety of complex programs and can identify different unknown bugs in several real-world applications.
### Concolic-Fuzzing of JavaScript Programs using GraalVM and Truffle (SKILL 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The scripting language JavaScript has established itself as a central component of the modern internet. However, the dynamic execution model of the language limits the support for source-code analysis, which leaves a developer without essential tools to maintain safety and security requirements. This paper describes a concolic-fuzzer based on the GraalVM to automatically test JavaScript programs. The fuzzer shows promising results in both code coverage and runtime evaluations and provides developers with additional features such as special analysis targets.
### SHFuzz: A hybrid fuzzing method assisted by static analysis for binary programs (China Communications 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is an effective technique to find security bugs in programs by quickly exploring the input space of programs. To further discover vulnerabilities hidden in deep execution paths, the hybrid fuzzing combines fuzzing and concolic execution for going through complex branch conditions. In general, we observe that the execution path which comes across more and complex basic blocks may have a higher chance of containing a security bug. Based on this observation, we propose a hybrid fuzzing method assisted by static analysis for binary programs. The basic idea of our method is to prioritize seed inputs according to the complexity of their associated execution paths. For this purpose, we utilize static analysis to evaluate the complexity of each basic block and employ the hardware trace mechanism to dynamically extract the execution path for calculating the seed inputs' weights. The key advantage of our method is that our system can test binary programs efficiently by using the hardware trace and hybrid fuzzing. To evaluate the effectiveness of our method, we design and implement a prototype system, namely SHFuzz. The evaluation results show SHFuzz discovers more unique crashes on several real-world applications and the LAVA-M dataset when compared to the previous solutions.
### A Priority Based Path Searching Method for Improving Hybrid Fuzzing (Computers & Security 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Hybrid fuzzing which combines classical fuzzing with concolic execution to produce effective test suites is an advanced software vulnerability detection technique. Because fuzzing and concolic execution are complementary in nature, some researchers propose âoptimal strategyâ? and âdiscriminative dispatch strategyâ? to improve the performance of hybrid fuzzing. Although the ideas are interesting and useful, they have some limitations, such as high time overhead and difficulties in implementation. In this paper, we propose a Priority Based Path Searching method (PBPS) to utilize the capability of concolic execution better. PBPS evaluates each path's solving cost and solving demand, and prioritizes them based on two path characteristics, which are path lengths and sample-hits for concolic execution. The rationale is to keep the pipeline full by readily feeding the concolic engine with paths whose constraints are simpler to solve and are less likely to be explored by fuzz testing. We implement PBPS in Driller, which is a popular hybrid fuzzer and we evaluate our system âQuickFuzzâ? with the CQE dataset. Experimental results show that compared with DigFuzz and the original Driller, âQuickFuzzâ? discovers more vulnerabilities and achieves higher code coverage on the CQE dataset.
### Sydr: Cutting Edge Dynamic Symbolic Execution (ISPRAS Open 2020)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract** The security development lifecycle (SDL) is becoming an industry standard. Dynamic symbolic execution (DSE) has enormous amount of applications in computer security (fuzzing, vulnerability discovery, reverse-engineering, etc.). We propose several performance and accuracy improvements for dynamic symbolic execution. Skipping non-symbolic instructions allows to build a path predicate 1.2--3.5 times faster. Symbolic engine simplifies formulas during symbolic execution. Path predicate slicing eliminates irrelevant conjuncts from solver queries. We handle each jump table (switch statement) as multiple branches and describe the method for symbolic execution of multi-threaded programs. The proposed solutions were implemented in Sydr tool. Sydr performs inversion of branches in path predicate. Sydr combines DynamoRIO dynamic binary instrumentation tool with Triton symbolic engine. We evaluated Sydr features on 64-bit Linux executables.
### CSEFuzz: Fuzz Testing Based on Symbolic Execution (Access 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzz testing has been successful in finding defects of various software packages. These defects include file parsing, image processing, Internet browsers, and network protocols. However, the quality of the initial seed test cases greatly influences the coverage and defect detection capability of fuzz testing. To address this issue, we propose CSEFuzz, a fuzz testing approach based on symbolic execution for defect detection. First, CSEFuzz generates candidate test cases by symbolic execution and collects coverage information of the test cases. Then, CSEFuzz extracts the test-case templates of the test cases and selects a set of test-case templates according to specific coverage criteria. Finally, CSEFuzz selects test cases according to the selected test-case templates, and the selected test cases are used as initial seed test cases for fuzz testing. Experiments are conducted on 11 open-source programs. The results show that in comparison with afl-cmin, which is the test-case selection command of Kelinci, CSEFuzz with a path coverage criterion reduces the time costs of the initial seed test selection and verification by 94.26%. In addition, compared with afl-cmin, 32 more paths are covered and 16 more defects are detected by CSEFuzz
### Sequence directed hybrid fuzzing (SANER 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SANER20_Sequence.pdf)
**Abstract:** Existing directed grey-box fuzzers are effective compared with coverage-based fuzzers. However, they fail to achieve a balance between effectiveness and efficiency, and it is difficult to cover complex paths due to random mutation. To mitigate the issue, we propose a novel approach, sequence directed hybrid fuzzing (SDHF), which leverages a sequence-directed strategy and concolic execution technique to enhance the effectiveness of fuzzing. Given a set of target statement sequences of a program, SDHF aims to generate inputs that can reach the statements in each sequence in order and trigger potential bugs in the program. We implement the proposed approach in a tool called Berry and evaluate its capability on crash reproduction, true positive verification, and vulnerability detection. Experimental results demonstrate that Berry outperforms four state-of-the-art fuzzers, including directed fuzzers BugRedux, AFLGo and Lolly, and undirected hybrid fuzzer QSYM. Moreover, Berry found 7 new vulnerabilities in real-world programs such as UPX and GNU Libextractor, and 3 new CVEs were assigned.
### HFL: Hybrid Fuzzing on the Linux Kernel (NDSS 2020)
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* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/zhihu.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS20_HFL.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract:** Hybrid fuzzing, combining symbolic execution and fuzzing, is a promising approach for vulnerability discovery because each approach can complement the other. However, we observe that applying hybrid fuzzing to kernel testing is challenging because the following unique characteristics of the kernel make a naive adoption of hybrid fuzzing inefficient: 1) having many implicit control transfers determined by syscall arguments, 2) controlling and matching internal system state via system calls, and 3) inferring nested argument type for invoking system calls. Failure to handling such challenges will render both fuzzing and symbolic execution inefficient, and thereby, will result in an inefficient hybrid fuzzing. Although these challenges are essential to both fuzzing and symbolic execution, however, to the best of our knowledge, existing kernel testing approaches either naively use each technique separately without handling such challenges or imprecisely handle a part of challenges only by static analysis.
To this end, this paper proposes HFL, which not only combines fuzzing with symbolic execution for hybrid fuzzing but also addresses kernel-specific fuzzing challenges via three distinct features: 1) converting implicit control transfers to explicit transfers, 2) inferring system call sequence to build a consistent system state, and 3) identifying nested arguments types of system calls. As a result, HFL found 24 previously unknown vulnerabilities in recent Linux kernels. Additionally, HFL achieves 14% higher code coverage than Syzkaller, and over S2E/TriforceAFL, achieving even eight times better coverage, using the same amount of resource (CPU, time, etc.). Regarding vulnerability discovery performance, HFL found 13 known vulnerabilities more than three times faster than Syzkaller.
### PANGOLIN: Incremental Hybrid Fuzzing with Polyhedral Path Abstraction (S&P 2020)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP20_PANGOLIN.pdf)
**Abstract:** Hybrid fuzzing, which combines the merits of both fuzzing and concolic execution, has become one of the most important trends in coverage-guided fuzzing techniques. Despite the tremendous research on hybrid fuzzers, we observe that existing techniques are still inefficient. One important reason is that these techniques, which we refer to as non-incremental fuzzers, cache and reuse few computation results and, thus, lose many optimization opportunities. To be incremental, we propose âpolyhedral path abstractionâ?, which preserves the exploration state in the concolic execution stage and allows more effective mutation and constraint solving over existing techniques. We have implemented our idea as a tool, namely PANGOLIN, and evaluated it using LAVA-M as well as nine real-world programs. The evaluation results showed that PANGOLIN outperforms the state-of-the-art fuzzing techniques with the improvement of coverage rate ranging from 10% to 30%. Moreover, PANGOLIN found 400 more bugs in LAVA-M and discovered 41 unseen bugs with 8 of them assigned with the CVE IDs.
### SAVIOR: Towards Bug-Driven Hybrid Testing (S&P 2020)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP20_SAVIOR.pdf)
**Abstract:** Hybrid testing combines fuzz testing and concolic execution. It leverages fuzz testing to test easy-to-reach code regions and uses concolic execution to explore code blocks guarded by complex branch conditions. As a result, hybrid testing is able to reach deeper into program state space than fuzz testing or concolic execution alone. Recently, hybrid testing has seen significant advancement. However, its code coveragecentric design is inefficient in vulnerability detection. First, it blindly selects seeds for concolic execution and aims to explore new code continuously. However, as statistics shows, a large portion of the explored code is often invulnerable. Therefore, giving equal attention to every part of the code during hybrid testing is a non-optimal strategy. It also slows down the detection of real vulnerabilities by over 43%. Second, classic hybrid testing quickly moves on after reaching a chunk of code, rather than examining the hidden defects inside. It may frequently miss subtle yet exploitable vulnerabilities despite that it has already explored the vulnerable code paths.
We propose SAVIOR, a new hybrid testing framework pioneering a bug-driven principle. Unlike the existing hybrid testing tools, SAVIOR prioritizes the concolic execution of the seeds that are likely to uncover more vulnerabilities. Moreover, SAVIOR verifies all vulnerable program locations along the executing program path. By modeling faulty situations using SMT constraints, SAVIOR reasons the feasibility of vulnerabilities and generates concrete test cases as proofs. Our evaluation shows that the bugdriven approach outperforms the mainstream automated testing techniques, including the state-of-the-art hybrid testing driven by code coverage. On average, SAVIOR detects vulnerabilities 43.4% faster than DRILLER and 44.3% faster than QSYM, leading to the discovery of 88 and 76 more security violations, respectively. According to the experimental result on 11 well-fuzzed benchmark programs, SAVIOR triggers 481 unique security violations within the first 24 hours.
### Deferred Concretization in Symbolic Execution via Fuzzing (ISSTA 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ISSTA19_Deferred.pdf)
**Abstract:** Concretization is an effective weapon in the armory of symbolic execution engines. However, concretization can lead to loss in coverage, path divergence, and generation of test-cases on which the intended bugs are not reproduced. In this paper, we propose an algorithm, Deferred Concretization, that uses a new category for values within symbolic execution (referred to as the symcrete values) to pend concretization till they are actually needed. Our tool, COLOSSUS, built around these ideas, was able to gain an average coverage improvement of 66.94% and reduce divergence by more than 55% relative to the state-of-the-art symbolic execution engine, KLEE. Moreover, we found that KLEE loses about 38.60% of the states in the symbolic execution tree that COLOSSUS is able to recover, showing that COLOSSUS is capable of covering a much larger coverage space.
### Send Hardest Problems My Way: Probabilistic Path Prioritization for Hybrid Fuzzing (NDSS 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS19_Probabilistic.pdf)
**Abstract:** Hybrid fuzzing which combines fuzzing and concolic execution has become an advanced technique for software vulnerability detection. Based on the observation that fuzzing and concolic execution are complementary in nature, the state-of-the-art hybrid fuzzing systems deploy "demand launch" and "optimal switch" strategies. Although these ideas sound intriguing, we point out several fundamental limitations in them, due to oversimplified assumptions. We then propose a novel "discriminative dispatch" strategy to better utilize the capability of concolic execution. We design a novel Monte Carlo based probabilistic path prioritization model to quantify each path's difficulty and prioritize them for concolic execution. This model treats fuzzing as a random sampling process. It calculates each path's probability based on the sampling information. Finally, our model prioritizes and assigns the most difficult paths to concolic execution. We implement a prototype system DigFuzz and evaluate our system with two representative datasets. Results show that the concolic execution in DigFuzz outperforms than that in a state-of-the-art hybrid fuzzing system Driller in every major aspect. In particular, the concolic execution in DigFuzz contributes to discovering more vulnerabilities (12 vs. 5) and producing more code coverage (18.9% vs. 3.8%) on the CQE dataset than the concolic execution in Driller.
### Intriguer: Field-Level Constraint Solving for Hybrid Fuzzing (CCS 2019)
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note From BAIZE](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CCS19_Intriguer.pdf)
**Abstract:** Hybrid fuzzing, which combines fuzzing and concolic execution, is promising in light of the recent performance improvements in concolic engines. We have observed that there is room for further improvement: symbolic emulation is still slow, unnecessary constraints dominate solving time, resources are overly allocated, and hard-to-trigger bugs are missed. To address these problems, we present a new hybrid fuzzer named Intriguer. The key idea of Intriguer is field-level constraint solving, which optimizes symbolic execution with field-level knowledge. Intriguer performs instruction-level taint analysis and records execution traces without data transfer instructions like mov. Intriguer then reduces the execution traces for tainted instructions that accessed a wide range of input bytes, and infers input fields to build field transition trees. With these optimizations, Intriguer can efficiently perform symbolic emulation for more relevant instructions and invoke a solver for complicated constraints only. Our evaluation results indicate that Intriguer outperforms the state-of-the-art fuzzers: Intriguer found all the bugs in the LAVA-M(5h) benchmark dataset for ground truth performance, and also discovered 43 new security bugs in seven real-world programs. We reported the bugs and received 23 new CVEs.
### DeepFuzzer: Accelerated Deep Greybox Fuzzing (TDSC 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is one of the most effective vulnerability detection techniques, widely used in practice. However, the performance of fuzzers may be limited by their inability to pass complicated checks, inappropriate mutation frequency, arbitrary mutation strategy, or the variability of the environment.
In this paper, we present DeepFuzzer, an enhanced greybox fuzzer with qualified seed generation, balanced seed selection, and hybrid seed mutation. First, we use symbolic execution in a lightweight approach to generate qualified initial seeds which then guide the fuzzer through complex checks. Second, we apply a statistical seed selection algorithm to balance the mutation frequency between different seeds. Further, we develop a hybrid mutation strategy. The random and restricted mutation strategies are combined to maintain a dynamic balance between global exploration and deep search.
We evaluate DeepFuzzer on the widely used benchmark Google fuzzer-test-suite which consists of real-world programs. Compared with AFL, AFLFast, FairFuzz, QSYM, and MOPT in the 24-hour experiment, DeepFuzzer discovers 30%, 240%, 102%, 147%, and 257% more unique crashes, executes 40%, 36%, 36%, 98%, and 15% more paths, and covers 37%, 34%, 34%, 101%, and 11% more branches, respectively. Furthermore, we present the practice of fuzzing a message middleware from Huawei with DeepFuzzer, and 9 new vulnerabilities are reported.
### QSYM: A Practical Concolic Execution Engine Tailored for Hybrid Fuzzing (USENIX Security2018)
* <img src="image/youdao_note_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX18_QSYM.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Recently, hybrid fuzzing has been proposed to address the limitations of fuzzing and concolic execution by combining both approaches. The hybrid approach has shown its effectiveness in various synthetic benchmarks such as DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC) binaries, but it still suffers from scaling to find bugs in complex, real-world software. We observed that the performance bottleneck of the existing concolic executor is the main limiting factor for its adoption beyond a small-scale study.
To overcome this problem, we design a fast concolic execution engine, called QSYM, to support hybrid fuzzing. The key idea is to tightly integrate the symbolic emulation with the native execution using dynamic binary translation, making it possible to implement more fine-grained, so faster, instruction-level symbolic emulation. Additionally, QSYM loosens the strict soundness requirements of conventional concolic executors for better performance, yet takes advantage of a faster fuzzer for validation, providing unprecedented opportunities for performance optimizations, e.g., optimistically solving constraints and pruning uninteresting basic blocks.
Our evaluation shows that QSYM does not just outperform state-of-the-art fuzzers (i.e., found 14Ã more bugs than VUzzer in the LAVA-M dataset, and outperformed Driller in 104 binaries out of 126), but also found 13 previously unknown security bugs in eight real-world programs like Dropbox Lepton, ffmpeg, and OpenJPEG, which have already been intensively tested by the state-of-the-art fuzzers, AFL and OSS-Fuzz.
### Angora: Efficient Fuzzing by Principled Search (S&P 2018)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/because.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP18_Angora.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Abstract-Fuzzing is a popular technique for finding software bugs. However, the performance of the state-of-the-art fuzzers leaves a lot to be desired. Fuzzers based on symbolic execution produce quality inputs but run slow, while fuzzers based on random mutation run fast but have difficulty producing quality inputs. We propose Angora, a new mutation-based fuzzer that outperforms the state-of-the-art fuzzers by a wide margin. The main goal of Angora is to increase branch coverage by solving path constraints without symbolic execution. To solve path constraints efficiently, we introduce several key techniques: scalable byte-level taint tracking, context-sensitive branch count, search based on gradient descent, and input length exploration. On the LAVA-M data set, Angora found almost all the injected bugs, found more bugs than any other fuzzer that we compared with, and found eight times as many bugs as the second-best fuzzer in the program who. Angora also found 103 bugs that the LAVA authors injected but could not trigger. We also tested Angora on eight popular, mature open source programs. Angora found 6, 52, 29, 40 and 48 new bugs in file, jhead, nm, objdump and size, respectively. We measured the coverage of Angora and evaluated how its key techniques contribute to its impressive performance.
### SAFL: increasing and accelerating testing coverage with symbolic execution and guided fuzzing (ICSE 2018)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSE18_SAFL.pdf)
**Abstract:** Mutation-based fuzzing is a widely used software testing technique for bug and vulnerability detection, and the testing performance is greatly affected by the quality of initial seeds and the effectiveness of mutation strategy. In this paper, we present SAFL¹, an efficient fuzzing testing tool augmented with qualified seed generation and efficient coverage-directed mutation. First, symbolic execution is used in a lightweight approach to generate qualified initial seeds. Valuable explore directions are learned from the seeds, thus the later fuzzing process can reach deep paths in program state space earlier and easier. Moreover, we implement a fair and fast coverage-directed mutation algorithm. It helps the fuzzing process to exercise rare and deep paths with higher probability. We implement SAFL based on KLEE and AFL and conduct thoroughly repeated evaluations on real-world program benchmarks against state-of-the-art versions of AFL. After 24 hours, compared to AFL and AFLFast, it discovers 214% and 133% more unique crashes, covers 109% and 63% more paths and achieves 279% and 180% more covered branches. Video link:
### CAB-Fuzz: Practical Concolic Testing Techniques for COTS Operating Systems (Usenix Security2017)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract:** Discovering the security vulnerabilities of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) operating systems (OSes) is challenging because they not only are huge and complex, but also lack detailed debug information. Concolic testing, which generates all feasible inputs of a program by using symbolic execution and tests the program with the generated inputs, is one of the most promising approaches to solve this problem. Unfortunately, the state-of-the-art concolic testing tools do not scale well for testing COTS OSes because of state explosion. Indeed, they often fail to find a single bug (or crash) in COTS OSes despite their long execution time. In this paper, we propose CAB-FUZZ (Context-Aware and Boundary-focused), a practical concolic testing tool to quickly explore interesting paths that are highly likely triggering real bugs without debug information. First, CAB-FUZZ prioritizes the boundary states of arrays and loops, inspired by the fact that many vulnerabilities originate from a lack of proper boundary checks. Second, CAB-FUZZ exploits real programs interacting with COTS OSes to construct proper contexts to explore deep and complex kernel states without debug information. We applied CAB-FUZZ to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 and found 21 undisclosed unique crashes, including two local privilege escalation vulnerabilities (CVE2015-6098 and CVE-2016-0040) and one information disclosure vulnerability in a cryptography driver (CVE2016-7219). CAB-FUZZ found vulnerabilities that are non-trivial to discover; five vulnerabilities have existed for 14 years, and we could trigger them even in the initial version of Windows XP (August 2001).
### Driller: Argumenting Fuzzing Through Selective Symbolic Execution (NDSS 2016)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note 1](
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note 2](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS16_Driller.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Memory corruption vulnerabilities are an everpresent risk in software, which attackers can exploit to obtain unauthorized access to confidential information. As products with access to sensitive data are becoming more prevalent, the number of potentially exploitable systems is also increasing, resulting in a greater need for automated software vetting tools. DARPA recently funded a competition, with millions of dollars in prize money, to further research focusing on automated vulnerability finding and patching, showing the importance of research in this area. Current techniques for finding potential bugs include static, dynamic, and concolic analysis systems, which each having their own advantages and disadvantages. A common limitation of systems designed to create inputs which trigger vulnerabilities is that they only find shallow bugs and struggle to exercise deeper paths in executables. We present Driller, a hybrid vulnerability excavation tool which leverages fuzzing and selective concolic execution in a complementary manner, to find deeper bugs. Inexpensive fuzzing is used to exercise compartments of an application, while concolic execution is used to generate inputs which satisfy the complex checks separating the compartments. By combining the strengths of the two techniques, we mitigate their weaknesses, avoiding the path explosion inherent in concolic analysis and the incompleteness of fuzzing. Driller uses selective concolic execution to explore only the paths deemed interesting by the fuzzer and to generate inputs for conditions that the fuzzer cannot satisfy. We evaluate Driller on 126 applications released in the qualifying event of the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge and show its efficacy by identifying the same number of vulnerabilities, in the same time, as the top-scoring team of the qualifying event.
### Hybrid Fuzz Testing - Discovering Software Bugs via Fuzzing and Symbolic Execution (2012)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSE07_Hybrid.pdf)
**Abstract:** Random mutational fuzz testing (fuzzing) and symbolic executions are program testing techniques that have been gaining popularity in the security research community. Fuzzing finds bugs in a target program by natively executing it with random inputs while monitoring the execution for abnormal behaviors such as crashes. While fuzzing may have a reputation of being able to explore deep into a programâs state space efficiently, na¨ıve fuzzers usually have limited code coverage for typical programs since unconstrained random inputs are unlikely to drive the execution down many different paths. In contrast, symbolic execution tests a program by treating the programâs input as symbols and interpreting the program over such symbolic inputs. Although in theory symbolic execution is guaranteed to be effective in achieving code coverage if we explore all possible paths, this generally requires exponential resource and is thus not practical for many real-world programs.
This thesis presents our attempt to attain the best of both worlds by combining fuzzing with symbolic execution in a novel manner. Our technique, called hybrid fuzzing, first uses symbolic execution to discover frontier nodes that represent unique paths in the program. After collecting as many frontier nodes as possible under a user-specifiable resource constraint, it transits to fuzz the program with preconditioned random inputs, which are provably random inputs that respect the path predicate leading to each frontier node. Our current implementation supports programs with linear path predicates and can automatically generate preconditioned random inputs from a polytope model of the input space extracted from binaries. These preconditioned random inputs can then be used with any fuzzer. Experiments show that our implementation is efficient in both time and space, and the inputs generated by it are able to gain extra breadth and depth over previous approaches.
### Hybrid concolic testing (2007)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Thesis12_Hybrid.pdf)
**Abstract:** We present hybrid concolic testing, an algorithm that interleaves random testing with concolic execution to obtain both a deep and a wide exploration of program state space. Our algorithm generates test inputs automatically by interleaving random testing until saturation with bounded exhaustive symbolic exploration of program points. It thus combines the ability of random search to reach deep program states quickly together with the ability of concolic testing to explore states in a neighborhood exhaustively. We have implemented our algorithm on top of CUTE and applied it to obtain better branch coverage for an editor implementation (VIM 5.7, 150K lines of code) as well as a data structure implementation in C. Our experiments suggest that hybrid concolic testing can handle large programs and provide, for the same testing budget, almost 4Ã the branch coverage than random testing and almost 2Ã that of concolic testing.
# Mutation\Coverage\Path
### One Fuzzing Strategy to Rule Them All (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Coverage-guided fuzzing has become mainstream in fuzzing to automatically expose program vulnerabilities. Recently, a group of fuzzers are proposed to adopt a random search mechanism namely Havoc, explicitly or implicitly, to augment their edge exploration. However, they only tend to adopt the default setup of Havoc as an implementation option while none of them attempts to explore its power under diverse setups or inspect its rationale for potential improvement. In this paper, to address such issues, we conduct the first empirical study on Havoc to enhance the understanding of its characteristics. Specifically, we first find that applying the default setup of Havoc to fuzzers can significantly improve their edge coverage performance. Interestingly, we further observe that even simply executing Havoc itself without appending it to any fuzzer can lead to strong edge coverage performance and outperform most of our studied fuzzers. Moreover, we also extend the execution time of Havoc and find that most fuzzers can not only achieve significantly higher edge coverage, but also tend to perform similarly (i.e., their performance gaps get largely bridged). Inspired by the findings, we further propose Havocðð´ðµ, which models the Havoc mutation strategy as a multi-armed bandit problem to be solved by dynamically adjusting the mutation strategy. The evaluation result presents that Havocðð´ðµ can significantly increase the edge coverage by 11.1% on average for all the benchmark projects compared with Havoc and even slightly outperform state-of-the-art QSYM which augments its computing resource by adopting three parallel threads. We further execute Havocðð´ðµ with three parallel threads and result in 9% higher average edge coverage over QSYM upon all the benchmark projects.
### BeDivFuzz: Integrating Behavioral Diversity into Generator-based Fuzzing (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** A popular metric to evaluate the performance of fuzzers is branch coverage. However, we argue that focusing solely on covering many different branches (i.e., the richness) is not sufficient, since the majority of the covered branches may have been exercised only once, which does not inspire a high confidence in the reliability of the covered code. Instead, the distribution of the executed branches (i.e., the evenness) should be considered as well. That is, behavioral diversity is only given if the generated inputs not only trigger many different branches, but also trigger them evenly often with diverse inputs. We introduce BeDivFuzz, a feedback-driven fuzzing technique for generator-based fuzzers. BeDivFuzz distinguishes between structure-preserving and structure-changing mutations in the space of syntactically valid inputs, and biases its mutation strategy towards behavioral diversity based on the received program feedback. We have evaluated BeDivFuzz on Ant, Maven, Closure, Rhino, and Nashorn. The results show that BeDivFuzz achieves better behavioral diversity compared to the state of the art, measured by established biodiversity metrics from the field of ecology.
### FuzzingDriver: the Missing Dictionary to Increase Code Coverage in Fuzzers (SANER 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** We propose a tool, called FuzzingDriver, to generate dictionary tokens for coverage-based greybox fuzzers (CGF) from the codebase of any target program. FuzzingDriver does not add any overhead to the fuzzing job as it is run beforehand. We compared FuzzingDriver to Google dictionaries by fuzzing six open-source targets, and we found that FuzzingDriver consistently achieves higher code coverage in all tests. We also executed eight benchmarks on FuzzBench to demonstrate how utilizing FuzzingDriver's dictionaries can outperform six widely-used CGF fuzzers. In future work, investigating the impact of FuzzingDriver's dictionaries on improving bug coverage might prove important.
### EMS: History-Driven Mutation for Coverage-based Fuzzing (NDSS 2022)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Mutation-based fuzzing is one of the most popular approaches to discover vulnerabilities in a program. To alleviate the inefficiency of mutation-based fuzzing incurred by high randomness in the mutation process, multiple solutions are developed in recent years, especially coverage-based fuzzing. They mainly employ adaptive mutation strategies or integrate constraint-solving techniques to make a good exploration of the test cases which trigger unique paths and crashes. However, they lack a fine-grained reusing of fuzzing history to construct these interesting test cases, i.e., they largely fail to properly utilize fuzzing history across different fuzzing trials. In fact, we discover that test cases in fuzzing history contain rich knowledge of the key mutation strategies that lead to the discovery of unique paths and crashes. Specifically, partial path constraint solutions implicitly carried in these mutation strategies can be reused to accelerate the discovery of new paths and crashes that share similar partial path constraints.
Therefore, we first propose a lightweight and efficient Probabilistic Byte Orientation Model (PBOM) that properly captures the byte-level mutation strategies from intra- and inter-trial history and thus can effectively trigger unique paths and crashes. We then present a novel history-driven mutation framework named EMS that employs PBOM as one of the mutation operators to probabilistically provide desired mutation byte values according to the input ones. We evaluate EMS against state-of-the-art fuzzers including AFL, QSYM, MOPT, MOPT-dict, EcoFuzz, and AFL++ on 9 real world programs. The results show that EMS discovers up to 4.91Ã more unique vulnerabilities than the baseline, and finds more line coverage than other fuzzers on most programs. We report all of the discovered new vulnerabilities to vendors and will open source the prototype of EMS on GitHub.
### OTA: An Operation-oriented Time Allocation Strategy for Greybox Fuzzing (SANER 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Coverage-based greybox fuzzing (CGF) has been widely studied and commonly used for software vulnerability detection. Existing CGF fuzzers fairly allocate execution time for each mutation operation to generate test cases. However, the fair-time-allocation strategy is revealed to be inefficient by our significant experimental observation that different operations have heterogeneous effectiveness on coverage. Those ineffective operations with vast test cases thus occupy the majority of limited runtime, reducing the opportunities for effective operations to explore more paths and find potential vulnerabilities.In this paper, we propose a novel operation-oriented time allocation strategy OTA, which dynamically allocates operation execution time in real time to cope with the effectiveness variation per operation. OTA has three distinguishing advantages: (1) the execution time per operation is novelly initialized on demand and program-dependent; (2) the execution time for each operation is dynamically weighted by its real-time effectiveness on exploring new coverage; (3) the determination of the execution time per operation is well controlled to achieve a quick convergence. Extensive experiments based on real-world programs and the LAVA-M dataset have been conducted to evaluate the path discovery and vulnerability detection abilities of OTA, which substantially outperforms 5 state-of-the-art fuzzers. In addition, OTA exposes 18 previously unknown vulnerabilities in 6 well-tested programs with 13 confirmed with new CVE IDs.
### MaxAFL: Maximizing Code Coverage with a Gradient-Based Optimization Technique (Electronics 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Evolutionary fuzzers generally work well with typical software programs because of their simple algorithm. However, there is a limitation that some paths with complex constraints cannot be tested even after long execution. Fuzzers based on concolic execution have emerged to address this issue. The concolic execution fuzzers also have limitations in scalability. Recently, the gradient-based fuzzers that use a gradient to mutate inputs have been introduced. Gradient-based fuzzers can be applied to real-world programs and achieve high code coverage. However, there is a problem that the existing gradient-based fuzzers require heavyweight analysis or sufficient learning time. In this paper, we propose a new type of gradient-based fuzzer, MaxAFL, to overcome the limitations of existing gradient-based fuzzers. Our approach constructs an objective function through fine-grained static analysis. After constructing a well-made objective function, we can apply the gradient-based optimization algorithm. We use a modified gradient-descent algorithm to minimize our objective function and propose some probabilistic techniques to escape local optimum. We introduce an adaptive objective function which aims to explore various paths in the program. We implemented MaxAFL based on the original AFL. MaxAFL achieved increase of code coverage per time compared with three other fuzzers in six open-source Linux binaries. We also measured cumulative code coverage per total execution, and MaxAFL outperformed the other fuzzers in this metric. Finally, MaxAFL can also find more bugs than the other fuzzers.
### PathAFL: Path-Coverage Assisted Fuzzing (ASIA CCS 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is an effective method to find software bugs and vulnerabilities. One of the most useful techniques is the coverage-guided fuzzing, whose key element is the tracing code coverage information. Existing coverage-guided fuzzers generally use the the number of basic blocks or edges explored to measure code coverage. Path-coverage can provide more accurate coverage information than basic block and edge coverage. However, the number of paths grows exponentially as the size of a program increases. It is almost impossible to trace all the paths of a real-world application. In this paper, we propose a fuzzing solution named PathAFL, which assists a fuzzer by path identification. It can effectively identify and utilize the important h-path, which is a new path but whose edges have all been touched previously. First, PathAFL only inserts one assembly instruction to AFL's original code to calculate the path hash, and uses a selective instrumentation strategy to reduce the tracing granularity of an execution path. Second, we design a fast filtering algorithm to choose higher weight paths from a large number of h-paths and add them to the seed queue. Third, both the seed selection algorithm and the power schedule are implemented based on the path weight. Finally we implemented PathAFL based on the popular fuzzer AFL and evaluated it on 10 well-fuzzed benchmark programs. In 24 hours, PathAFL explored 38% more paths and 9.3% more edges than AFL. Compared with CollAFL-x, the number is 25% and 5.9% correspondingly. Moreover, PathAFL found the more bugs on the LAVA-M dataset, even four unlisted bugs. The results show that PathAFL outperforms the previous fuzzers in terms of both code coverage and bug discovery. In well-tested programs, PathAFL found 8 new security bugs with 6 CVEs assigned.
### Zeror: Speed Up Fuzzing with Coverage-sensitive Tracing and Scheduling (ASE 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Coverage-guided fuzzing is one of the most popular software testing techniques for vulnerability detection. While effective, current fuzzing methods suffer from significant performance penalty due to instrumentation overhead, which limits its practical use. Existing solutions improve the fuzzing speed by decreasing instrumentation overheads but sacrificing coverage accuracy, which results in unstable performance of vulnerability detection.
In this paper, we propose a coverage-sensitive tracing and scheduling framework Zeror that can improve the performance of existing fuzzers, especially in their speed and vulnerability detection. The Zeror is mainly made up of two parts: (1) a self-modifying tracing mechanism to provide a zero-overhead instrumentation for more effective coverage collection, and (2) a real-time scheduling mechanism to support adaptive switch between the zero-overhead instrumented binary and the fully instrumented binary for better vulnerability detection. In this way, Zeror is able to decrease collection overhead and preserve fine-grained coverage for guidance.
For evaluation, we implement a prototype of Zeror and evaluate it on Google fuzzer-test-suite, which consists of 24 widely-used applications. The results show that Zeror performs better than existing fuzzing speed-up frameworks such as Untracer and INSTRIM, improves the execution speed of the state-of-the-art fuzzers such as AFL and MOPT by 159.80%, helps them achieve better coverage (averagely 10.14% for AFL, 6.91% for MOPT) and detect vulnerabilities faster (averagely 29.00% for AFL, 46.99% for MOPT)
### Not All Coverage Measurements Are Equal: Fuzzing by Coverage Accounting for Input Prioritization (NDSS 2020)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS20_Prioritization.pdf)
**Abstract:** Coverage-based fuzzing has been actively studied and widely adopted for finding vulnerabilities in real-world software applications. With code coverage, such as statement coverage and transition coverage, as the guidance of input mutation, coverage-based fuzzing can generate inputs that cover more code and thus find more vulnerabilities without prerequisite information such as input format. Current coverage-based fuzzing tools treat covered code equally. All inputs that contribute to new statements or transitions are kept for future mutation no matter what the statements or transitions are and how much they impact security. Although this design is reasonable from the perspective of software testing, which aims to full code coverage, it is inefficient for vulnerability discovery since that 1) current techniques are still inadequate to reach full coverage within a reasonable amount of time, and that 2) we always want to discover vulnerabilities early so that it can be patched promptly. Even worse, due to the non-discriminative code coverage treatment, current fuzzing tools suffer from recent anti-fuzzing techniques and become much less effective in finding real-world vulnerabilities.
To resolve the issue, we propose coverage accounting, an innovative approach that evaluates code coverage by security impacts. Based on the proposed metrics, we design a new scheme to prioritize fuzzing inputs and develop TortoiseFuzz, a greybox fuzzer for memory corruption vulnerabilities. We evaluated TortoiseFuzz on 30 real-world applications and compared it with 5 state-of-the-art greybox and hybrid fuzzers (AFL, AFLFast, FairFuzz, QSYM, and Angora). TortoiseFuzz outperformed all greybox fuzzers and most hybrid fuzzers. It also had comparative results for other hybrid fuzzers yet consumed much fewer resources. Additionally, TortoiseFuzz found 18 new real-world vulnerabilities and has got 8 new CVEs so far. We will open source TortoiseFuzz to foster future research.
### Matryoshka: fuzzing deeply nested branches (CCS 2019)
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note From BAIZE](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CCS19_Matryoshka.pdf)
**Abstract:** Greybox fuzzing has made impressive progress in recent years, evolving from heuristics-based random mutation to approaches for solving individual path constraints. However, they have difficulty solving path constraints that involve deeply nested conditional statements, which are common in image and video decoders, network packet analyzers, and checksum tools. We propose an approach for addressing this problem. First, we identify all the control flow-dependent conditional statements of the target conditional statement. Next, we select the data flow-dependent conditional statements. Finally, we use three strategies to find an input that satisfies all conditional statements simultaneously. We implemented this approach in a tool called Matryoshka and compared its effectiveness on 13 open source programs against other state-of-the-art fuzzers. Matryoshka found significantly more unique crashes than AFL, QSYM, and Angora. We manually classified those crashes into 41 unique new bugs, and obtained 12 CVEs. Our evaluation also uncovered the key technique contributing to Matryoshka's impressive performance: it collects only the nesting constraints that may cause the target conditional statements unreachable, which greatly simplifies the constraints that it has to solve.
### REDQUEEN: Fuzzing with Input-to-State Correspondence (NDSS2019)
* <img src="image/youdao_note_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS19_REDQUEEN.pdf)
**Abstract:** Automated software testing based on fuzzing has experienced a revival in recent years. Especially feedback-driven fuzzing has become well-known for its ability to efficiently perform randomized testing with limited input corpora. Despite a lot of progress, two common problems are magic numbers and (nested) checksums. Computationally expensive methods such as taint tracking and symbolic execution are typically used to overcome such roadblocks. Unfortunately, such methods often require access to source code, a rather precise description of the environment (e.g., behavior of library calls or the underlying OS), or the exact semantics of the platform's instruction set.
In this paper, we introduce a lightweight, yet very effective alternative to taint tracking and symbolic execution to facilitate and optimize state-of-the-art feedback fuzzing that easily scales to large binary applications and unknown environments. We observe that during the execution of a given program, parts of the input often end up directly (i.e., nearly unmodified) in the program state. This input-to-state correspondence can be exploited to create a robust method to
overcome common fuzzing roadblocks in a highly effective and efficient manner. Our prototype implementation, called REDQUEEN, is able to solve magic bytes and (nested) checksum tests automatically for a given binary executable. Additionally, we show that our techniques outperform various state-of-the-art tools on a wide variety of targets across different privilege levels (kernel-space and userland) with no platform-specific code. REDQUEEN is the first method to find more than 100% of the bugs planted in LAVA-M across all targets. Furthermore, we were able to discover 65 new bugs and obtained 16 CVEs in multiple programs and OS kernel drivers. Finally, our evaluation demonstrates that REDQUEEN is fast, widely applicable and outperforms concurrent approaches by up to three orders of magnitude.
### T-Fuzz: fuzzing by program transformation (S&P 2018)
* <img src="image/csdn_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note from dawuge](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP18_T-Fuzz.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a simple yet effective approach to discover software bugs utilizing randomly generated inputs. However, it is limited by coverage and cannot find bugs hidden in deep execution paths of the program because the randomly generated inputs fail complex sanity checks, e.g., checks on magic values, checksums, or hashes. To improve coverage, existing approaches rely on imprecise heuristics or complex input mutation techniques (e.g., symbolic execution or taint analysis) to bypass sanity checks. Our novel method tackles coverage from a different angle: by removing sanity checks in the target program. T-Fuzz leverages a coverage-guided fuzzer to generate inputs. Whenever the fuzzer can no longer trigger new code paths, a light-weight, dynamic tracing based technique detects the input checks that the fuzzer-generated inputs fail. These checks are then removed from the target program. Fuzzing then continues on the transformed program, allowing the code protected by the removed checks to be triggered and potential bugs discovered. Fuzzing transformed programs to find bugs poses two challenges: (1) removal of checks leads to over-approximation and false positives, and (2) even for true bugs, the crashing input on the transformed program may not trigger the bug in the original program. As an auxiliary post-processing step, T-Fuzz leverages a symbolic execution-based approach to filter out false positives and reproduce true bugs in the original program. By transforming the program as well as mutating the input, T-Fuzz covers more code and finds more true bugs than any existing technique. We have evaluated T-Fuzz on the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge dataset, LAVA-M dataset and 4 real-world programs (pngfix, tiffinfo, magick and pdftohtml). For the CGC dataset, T-Fuzz finds bugs in 166 binaries, Driller in 121, and AFL in 105. In addition, found 3 new bugs in previously-fuzzed programs and libraries.
### FairFuzz: A Targeted Mutation Strategy for Increasing Greybox Fuzz Testing Coverage (ASE 2018)
* <img src="image/youdao_note_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ASE18_Fairfuzz.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** In recent years, fuzz testing has proven itself to be one of the most effective techniques for finding correctness bugs and security vulnerabilities in practice. One particular fuzz testing tool, American Fuzzy Lop (AFL), has become popular thanks to its ease-of-use and bug-finding power. However, AFL remains limited in the bugs it can find since it simply does not cover large regions of code. If it does not cover parts of the code, it will not find bugs there. We propose a two-pronged approach to increase the coverage achieved by AFL. First, the approach automatically identifies branches exercised by few AFL-produced inputs (rare branches), which often guard code that is empirically hard to cover by naively mutating inputs. The second part of the approach is a novel mutation mask creation algorithm, which allows mutations to be biased towards producing inputs hitting a given rare branch. This mask is dynamically computed during fuzz testing and can be adapted to other testing targets. We implement this approach on top of AFL in a tool named FairFuzz. We conduct evaluation on real-world programs against state-of-the-art versions of AFL. We find that on these programs FairFuzz achieves high branch coverage at a faster rate that state-of-the-art versions of AFL. In addition, on programs with nested conditional structure, it achieves sustained increases in branch coverage after 24 hours (average 10.6% increase). In qualitative analysis, we find that FairFuzz has an increased capacity to automatically discover keywords.
### VUzzer: Application-aware Evolutionary Fuzzing (NDSS 2017)
* <img src="image/youdao_note_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/csdn_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/because.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS17_Vuzzer.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is an effective software testing technique to find bugs. Given the size and complexity of real-world applications, modern fuzzers tend to be either scalable, but not effective in exploring bugs that lie deeper in the execution, or capable of penetrating deeper in the application, but not scalable.
In this paper, we present an application-aware evolutionary fuzzing strategy that does not require any prior knowledge of the application or input format. In order to maximize coverage and explore deeper paths, we leverage control- and data-flow features based on static and dynamic analysis to infer fundamental properties of the application. This enables much faster generation of interesting inputs compared to an application-agnostic approach. We implement our fuzzing strategy in VUzzer and evaluate it on three different datasets: DARPA Grand Challenge binaries (CGC), a set of real-world applications (binary input parsers), and the recently released LAVA dataset. On all of these datasets, VUzzer yields significantly better results than state-of-the-art fuzzers, by quickly finding several existing and new bugs.
# Grammars \ Semantic \ Context-aware Fuzzing
### FRAMESHIFTER: Manipulating HTTP/2 Frame Sequences with Fuzzing (Usenix Security2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** HTTP/2 adoption is rapidly climbing. However, in practice, Internet communications still rarely happen over end-to-end HTTP/2 channels. This is due to Content Delivery Networks and other reverse proxies, ubiquitous and necessary components of the Internet ecosystem, which only support HTTP/2 on the client's end, but not the forward connection to the origin server. Instead, proxy technologies predominantly rely on HTTP/2-to-HTTP/1 protocol conversion between the two legs of the connection.
We present the first systematic exploration of HTTP/2-to-HTTP/1 protocol conversion anomalies and their security implications. We develop a novel grammar-based fuzzer for HTTP/2, experiment with 12 popular reverse proxy technologies & CDNs through HTTP/2 frame sequence and content manipulation, and discover a plethora of novel web application attack vectors that lead to Request Blackholing, Denial-of-Service, Query-of-Death, and Request Smuggling attacks.
### SGXFuzz: Efficiently Synthesizing Nested Structures for SGX Enclave Fuzzing (Usenix Security2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Intel's Software Guard Extensions (SGX) provide a nonintrospectable trusted execution environment (TEE) to protect security-critical code from a potentially malicious OS. This protection can only be effective if the individual enclaves are secure, which is already challenging in regular software, and this becomes even more difficult for enclaves as the entire environment is potentially malicious. As such, many enclaves expose common vulnerabilities, e.g., memory corruption and SGXspecific vulnerabilities like null-pointer dereferences. While fuzzing is a popular technique to assess the security of software, dynamically analyzing enclaves is challenging as enclaves are meant to be non-introspectable. Further, they expect an allocated multi-pointer structure as input instead of a plain buffer.
In this paper, we present SGXFUZZ, a coverage-guided fuzzer that introduces a novel binary input structure synthesis method to expose enclave vulnerabilities even without source-code access. To obtain code coverage feedback from enclaves, we show how to extract enclave code from distribution formats. We also present an enclave runner that allows execution of the extracted enclave code as a user-space application at native speed, while emulating all relevant environment interactions of the enclave. We use this setup to fuzz enclaves using a state-of-the-art snapshot fuzzing engine that deploys our novel structure synthesis stage. This stage synthesizes multi-layer pointer structures and size fields incrementally on-the-fly based on fault signals. Furthermore, it matches the expected input format of the enclave without any prior knowledge. We evaluate our approach on 30 open- and closed-source enclaves and found a total of 79 new bugs and vulnerabilities.
### Unicorn: Detect Runtime Error in Time-Series Databases With Hybrid Input Synthesis (ISSTA 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The ubiquitous use of time-series databases in the safety-critical Internet of Things domain demands strict security and correctness. One successful approach in database bug detection is fuzzing, where hundreds of bugs have been detected automatically in relational databases. However, it cannot be easily applied to time-series databases: the bulk of time-series logic is unreachable because of mismatched query specifications, and serious bugs are undetectable because of implicitly handled exceptions.
In this paper, we propose Unicorn to secure time-series databases with automated fuzzing. First, we design hybrid input synthesis to generate high-quality queries which not only cover time-series features but also ensure grammar correctness. Then, Unicorn uses proactive exception detection to discover minuscule-symptom bugs which hide behind implicit exception handling. With the specialized design oriented to time-series databases, Unicorn outperforms the state-of-the-art database fuzzers in terms of coverage and bugs. Specifically, Unicorn outperforms SQLsmith and SQLancer on widely used time-series databases IoTDB, KairosDB, TimescaleDB, TDEngine, QuestDB, and GridDB in the number of basic blocks by 21%-199% and 34%-693%, respectively. More importantly, Unicorn has discovered 42 previously unknown bugs.
### Cooper: Testing the Binding Code of Scripting Languages with Cooperative Mutation (NDSS 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Scripting languages like JavaScript are being integrated into commercial software to support easy file modification. For example, Adobe Acrobat accepts JavaScript to dynamically manipulate PDF files. To bridge the gap between the high-level scripts and the low-level languages (like C/C++) used to implement the software, a binding layer is necessary to transfer data and transform representations. However, due to the complexity of two sides, the binding code is prone to inconsistent semantics and security holes, which lead to severe vulnerabilities. Existing efforts for testing binding code merely focus on the script side, and thus miss bugs that require special program native inputs.
In this paper, we propose cooperative mutation, which modifies both the script code and the program native input to trigger bugs in binding code. Our insight is that many bugs are due to the interplay between the program initial state and the dynamic operations, which can only be triggered through two-dimensional mutations. We develop three novel techniques to enable practical cooperative mutation on popular scripting languages: we first cluster objects into semantics similar classes to reduce the mutation space of native inputs; then, we statistically infer the relationship between script code and object classes based on a large number of executions; at last, we use the inferred relationship to select proper objects and related script code for targeted mutation. We applied our tool, COOPER, on three popular systems that integrate scripting languages, including Adobe Acrobat, Foxit Reader and Microsoft Word. COOPER successfully found 134 previously unknown bugs. We have reported all of them to the developers. At the time of paper publishing, 59 bugs have been fixed and 33 of them are assigned CVE numbers. We are awarded totally 22K dollars bounty for 17 out of all reported bugs.
### Fuzzing Class Specifications (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Expressing class specifications via executable constraints is important for various software engineering tasks such as test generation, bug finding and automated debugging, but developers rarely write them. Techniques that infer specifications from code exist to fill this gap, but they are designed to support specific kinds of assertions and are difficult to adapt to support different assertion languages, e.g., to add support for quantification, or additional comparison operators, such as membership or containment.
To address the above issue, we present SpecFuzzer, a novel technique that combines grammar-based fuzzing, dynamic invariant detection, and mutation analysis, to automatically produce class specifications. SpecFuzzer uses: \emph{(i)} a fuzzer as a generator of candidate assertions derived from a grammar that is automatically obtained from the class definition; \emph{(ii)} a dynamic invariant detector âDaikonâ? to filter out assertions invalidated by a test suite; and \emph{(iii)} a mutation-based mechanism to cluster and rank assertions, so that similar constraints are grouped and then the stronger prioritized. Grammar-based fuzzing enables SpecFuzzer to be straightforwardly adapted to support different specification languages, by manipulating the fuzzing grammar, e.g., to include additional operators.
We evaluate our technique on a benchmark of 43 Java methods employed in the evaluation of the state-of-the-art techniques GAssert and EvoSpex. Our results show that SpecFuzzer can easily support a more expressive assertion language, over which is more effective than GAssert and EvoSpex in inferring specifications, according to standard performance metrics.
### Efficient ECU Analysis Technology through Structure-aware CAN Fuzzing (Access 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Modern vehicles are equipped with a number of electronic control units (ECUs), which control vehicles efficiently by communicating with each other through the controller area network (CAN). However, the CAN is known to be vulnerable to cyber attacks because it does not have any security mechanisms. To find vulnerable CAN messages that can control safety-critical functions in ECUs, researchers have studied CAN fuzzing methods. In existing CAN fuzzing methods, fuzzing input values are generally generated at random without considering the structure of CAN messages, resulting in non-negligible CAN fuzzing time. In addition, existing fuzzing solutions have limited monitoring capabilities of the fuzzing results. In this paper, we propose a Structure-aware CAN Fuzzing protocol, in which the structure of CAN messages is considered and fuzzing input values are systematically generated to locate vulnerable functions in ECUs. Our proposed Structure-aware CAN Fuzzing system takes less time to run than existing solutions, meaning that problematic CAN messages that may have originated from SW implementation errors or CAN DBC (database CAN) design errors can be found quickly and, subsequently, appropriate action can be taken. Finally, we evaluated the performance of our Structure-aware CAN Fuzzing system on two real vehicles. We proved that our proposed method can find CAN messages that control safety-critical functions in ECUs faster than existing fuzzing solutions.
### Semantic Image Fuzzing of AI Perception Systems
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Perception systems enable autonomous systems to interpret sensor readings obtained from the physical world. Testing of such systems aims to uncover misinterpretations that can severely impact an autonomous systemâs behavior. Current testing methods for perception systems, however, are inadequate: (1) when testing on real-world input data, the cost of human interpretation and annotation is very high, so test suites tend to be small; (2) the simulation-reality gap reduces the validity of test results based on simulated worlds; and (3) methods for synthesizing test cases with realistic inputs are limited in scope and lack semantic interpretations. To address these limitations, we developed a novel approach to fuzz testing perception systems based on semantic mutation of real-world sensor readings and their corresponding ground-truth interpretations. This enables mutations like adding a car driving on the street to an existing image while providing an oracle that accounts for that semantic change. We implemented our approach and evaluated its performance by generating 150,000 semantically mutated image inputs for five state-of-the-art perception systems. Our approach produced novel image inputs not found in the original test suite, and uncovered inputs that lead to significant issues in the analyzed systems at a very low cost.
### SoFi: Reflection-Augmented Fuzzing for JavaScript Engines (CCS 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** JavaScript engines have been shown prone to security vulnerabilities, which can lead to serious consequences due to their popularity. Fuzzing is an effective testing technique to discover vulnerabilities. The main challenge of fuzzing JavaScript engines is to generate syntactically and semantically valid inputs such that deep functionalities can be explored. However, due to the dynamic nature of JavaScript and the special features of different engines, it is quite challenging to generate semantically meaningful test inputs.
We observed that state-of-the-art semantic-aware JavaScript fuzzers usually require manually written rules to analyze the semantics for a JavaScript engine, which is labor-intensive, incomplete and engine-specific. Moreover, the error rate of generated test cases is still high. Another challenge is that existing fuzzers cannot generate new method calls that are not included in the initial seed corpus or pre-defined rules, which limits the bug-finding capability.
To this end, we propose a novel semantic-aware fuzzing technique named SoFi. To guarantee the validity of the generated test cases, SoFi adopts a fine-grained program analysis to identify available variables and infer types of these variables for the mutation. Moreover, an automatic repair strategy is proposed to repair syntax/semantic errors in invalid test cases. To improve the exploration capability of SoFi, we propose a reflection-based analysis to identify unseen attributes and methods of objects, which are further used in the mutation. With fine-grained analysis and reflection-based augmentation, SoFi can generate more valid and diverse test cases. Besides, SoFi is general in different JavaScript engines without any manual configuration (e.g., the grammar rules). The evaluation results have shown that SoFi outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in generating semantically valid inputs, improving code coverage and detecting more bugs. SoFi discovered 51 bugs in popular JavaScript engines, 28 of which have been confirmed or fixed by the developers and 10 CVE IDs have been assigned.
### V-SHUTTLE: Scalable and Semantics-Aware Hypervisor Fuzzing (CCS 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** With the wide application and deployment of cloud computing in enterprises, virtualization developers and security researchers are paying more attention to cloud computing security. The core component of cloud computing products is the hypervisor, which is also known as the virtual machine monitor (VMM) that can isolate multiple virtual machines in one host machine. However, compromising the hypervisor can lead to virtual machine escape and the elevation of privilege, allowing attackers to gain the permission of code execution in the host. Therefore, the security analysis and vulnerability detection of the hypervisor are critical for cloud computing enterprises. Importantly, virtual devices expose many interfaces to a guest user for communication, making virtual devices the most vulnerable part of a hypervisor. However, applying fuzzing to the virtual devices of a hypervisor is challenging because the data structures transferred by DMA are constructed in a nested form according to protocol specifications. Failure to understand the protocol of the virtual devices will make the fuzzing process stuck in the initial fuzzing stage, resulting in inefficient fuzzing.
In this paper, we propose a new framework called V-Shuttle to conduct hypervisor fuzzing, which performs scalable and semanticsaware hypervisor fuzzing. To address the above challenges, we first design a DMA redirection mechanism to significantly reduce the manual efforts to reconstruct virtual devicesâ? protocol structures and make the fuzzing environment setup automated and scalable. Furthermore, we put forward a new fuzzing mutation scheduling mechanism called seedpool to make the virtual device fuzzing process semantics-aware and speed up the fuzzing process to achieve high coverage. Extensive evaluation on QEMU and VirtualBox, two of the most popular hypervisor platforms among the world, shows that V-Shuttle can efficiently reproduce existing vulnerabilities and find new vulnerabilities. We further carried out a long-term fuzzing campaign in QEMU/KVM and VirtualBox with V-Shuttle. In total, we discovered 35 new bugs with 17 CVEs assigne.
### Token-Level Fuzzing (WiSec 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing has become a commonly used approach to identifying bugs in complex, real-world programs. However, interpreters are notoriously difficult to fuzz effectively, as they expect highly structured inputs, which are rarely produced by most fuzzing mutations. For this class of programs, grammar-based fuzzing has been shown to be effective. Tools based on this approach can find bugs in the code that is executed after parsing the interpreter inputs, by following language-specific rules when generating and mutating test cases. Unfortunately, grammar-based fuzzing is often unable to discover subtle bugs associated with the parsing and handling of the language syntax. Additionally, if the grammar provided to the fuzzer is incomplete, or does not match the implementation completely, the fuzzer will fail to exercise important parts of the available functionality.
In this paper, we propose a new fuzzing technique, called Token-Level Fuzzing. Instead of applying mutations either at the byte level or at the grammar level, Token-Level Fuzzing applies mutations at the token level. Evolutionary fuzzers can leverage this technique to both generate inputs that are parsed successfully and generate inputs that do not conform strictly to the grammar. As a result, the proposed approach can find bugs that neither byte-level fuzzing nor grammar-based fuzzing can find. We evaluated Token-Level Fuzzing by modifying AFL and fuzzing four popular JavaScript engines, finding 29 previously unknown bugs, several of which could not be found with state-of-the-art byte-level and grammar-based fuzzers.
### Extended grammar-based fuzzing algorithm for JavaScript Engines (2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** JavaScript engine security continues to be critical for user safety. Unfortunately, modern fuzzing algorithms cover only a small part of the entire engine. JavaScript engine requires highly structured input â? JavaScript programs that are syntactically and semantically correct. The most of generated input struggle to pass syntax and semantic correctness checks. In this paper, we describe the extension of the grammar-based fuzzing algorithm. We propose a way of describing grammar for fuzzing using a set of JavaScript source codes. Grammars constructed with our method cover larger part of JavaScript language in comparison with grammars created by describing grammar rules. Another change of the basic algorithm is controlling the context in the mutation process. It allows filtering a lot of inputs that don't give new results. Our experiments show that the improved algorithm has increased speed of finding new paths in the target program.
### Gramatron: Effective Grammar-Aware Fuzzing (ISSTA 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
**Abstract:** Fuzzers aware of the input grammar can explore deeper program states using grammar-aware mutations. Existing grammar-aware fuzzers are ineffective at synthesizing complex bug triggers due to: (i) grammars introducing a sampling bias during input generation due to their structure, and (ii) the current mutation operators for parse trees performing localized small-scale changes. Gramatron uses grammar automatons in conjunction with aggressive mutation operators to synthesize complex bug triggers faster. We build grammar automatons to address the sampling bias. It restructures the grammar to allow for unbiased sampling from the input state space. We redesign grammar-aware mutation operators to be more aggressive, i.e., perform large-scale changes. Gramatron can consistently generate complex bug triggers in an efficient manner as compared to using conventional grammars with parse trees. Inputs generated from scratch by Gramatron have higher diversity as they achieve up to 24.2% more coverage relative to existing fuzzers. Gramatron makes input generation 98% faster and the input representations are 24% smaller. Our redesigned mutation operators are 6.4Ã more aggressive while still being 68% faster at performing these mutations. We evaluate Gramatron across three interpreters with 10 known bugs consisting of three complex bug triggers and seven simple bug triggers against two Nautilus variants. Gramatron finds all the complex bug triggers reliably and faster. For the simple bug triggers, Gramatron outperforms Nautilus four out of seven times. To demonstrate Gramatronâs effectiveness in the wild, we deployed Gramatron on three popular interpreters for a 10-day fuzzing campaign where it discovered 10 new vulnerabilities.
### One Engine to Fuzz 'em All: Generic Language Processor Testing with Semantic Validation (S&P 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Language processors, such as compilers and interpreters, are indispensable in building modern software. Errors in language processors can lead to severe consequences, like incorrect functionalities or even malicious attacks. However, it is not trivial to automatically test language processors to find bugs. Existing testing methods (or fuzzers) either fail to generate high-quality (i.e., semantically correct) test cases, or only support limited programming languages. In this paper, we propose POLYGLOT, a generic fuzzing framework that generates high-quality test cases for exploring processors of different programming languages. To achieve the generic applicability, POLYGLOT neutralizes the difference in syntax and semantics of programming languages with a uniform intermediate representation (IR). To improve the language validity, POLYGLOT performs constrained mutation and semantic validation to preserve syntactic correctness and fix semantic errors. We have applied POLYGLOT on 21 popular language processors of 9 programming languages, and identified 173 new bugs, 113 of which are fixed with 18 CVEs assigned. Our experiments show that POLYGLOT can support a wide range of programming languages, and outperforms existing fuzzers with up to 30x improvement in code coverage.
### Growing A Test Corpus with Bonsai Fuzzing (ICSE 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** This paper presents a coverage-guided grammar-based fuzzing technique for automatically generating a corpus of concise test inputs for programs such as compilers. We walk-through a case study of a compiler designed for education and the corresponding problem of generating meaningful test cases to provide to students. The prior state-of-the-art solution is a combination of fuzzing and test-case reduction techniques such as variants of delta-debugging. Our key insight is that instead of attempting to minimize convoluted fuzzer-generated test inputs, we can instead grow concise test inputs by construction using a form of iterative deepening. We call this approach Bonsai Fuzzing. Experimental results show that Bonsai Fuzzing can generate test corpora having inputs that are 16â?45% smaller in size on average as compared to a fuzz-then-reduce approach, while achieving approximately the same code coverage and fault-detection capability.
### Favocado: Fuzzing the Binding Code of JavaScript Engines Using Semantically Correct Test Cases (NDSS 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** JavaScript runtime systems include some specialized programming interfaces, called binding layers. Binding layers translate data representations between JavaScript and unsafe low-level languages, such as C and C++, by converting data between different types. Due to the wide adoption of JavaScript (and JavaScript engines) in the entire computing ecosystem, discovering bugs in JavaScript binding layers is critical. Nonetheless, existing JavaScript fuzzers cannot adequately fuzz binding layers due to two major challenges: Generating syntactically and semantically correct test cases and reducing the size of the input space for fuzzing.
In this paper, we propose Favocado, a novel fuzzing approach that focuses on fuzzing binding layers of JavaScript runtime systems. Favocado can generate syntactically and semantically correct JavaScript test cases through the use of extracted semantic information and careful maintaining of execution states. This way, test cases that Favocado generates do not raise unintended runtime exceptions, which substantially increases the chance of triggering binding code. Additionally, exploiting a unique feature (relative isolation) of binding layers, Favocado significantly reduces the size of the fuzzing input space by splitting DOM objects into equivalence classes and focusing fuzzing within each equivalence class. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Favocado in our experiments and show that Favocado outperforms a stateof-the-art DOM fuzzer. Finally, during the evaluation, we find 61 previously unknown bugs in four JavaScript runtime systems (Adobe Acrobat Reader, Foxit PDF Reader, Chromium, and WebKit). 33 of these bugs are security vulnerabilities.
### CMFuzz: context-aware adaptive mutation for fuzzers (Empirical Software Engineering 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Mutation-based fuzzing is a simple yet effective technique to discover bugs and security vulnerabilities in software. Given a set of well-formed initial seeds, mutation-based fuzzers continually generate interesting seeds by applying specific mutation strategy in order to maximize code coverage or the number of unique bugs explored at any point-in-time. However, existing fuzzers remain limited in the paths it could cover since it simply follows a uniform distribution to choose mutation operators. In this paper, we proposed a novel context-aware adaptive mutation scheme, namely CMFuzz, which utilizes a contextual bandit algorithm LinUCB to effectively choose optimal mutation operators for various seed files. To this end, CMFuzz dynamically extracts and encodes file characteristics, which allows mutation-based fuzzers to perform context-aware mutation. We apply this scheme on top of several state-of-the-art fuzzers, i.e., PTfuzz, AFL, and AFLFast, and implement CMFuzz-PT, CMFuzz-AFL, and CMFuzz-AFLFast, respectively. We conduct evaluation on 12 real-world open source applications and LAVA-M dataset against their counterparts. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that CMFuzz-based fuzzers achieve higher code coverage and find more crashes at a faster rate than their counterparts on most cases. Furthermore, we also utilize other mainstream bandit algorithms, e.g., Thompson Sample and epsilon-greedy, and implement Thompson-PT and Greedy-PT based on PTfuzz to examine the performance of proposed model. CMFuzz-PT significantly outperforms Thompson-PT especially in terms of unique crashes and paths, i.e., found 1.79Ã unique crashes and 1.29Ã unique paths on average. Compared to Greedy-PT, our approach still increases the amount of unique crashes and paths by 1.11Ã and 1.05Ã, respectively.
### Generating Highly-structured Input Data by Combining Search-based Testing and Grammar-based Fuzzing (ASE 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Software testing is an important and time-consuming task that is often done manually. In the last decades, researchers have come up with techniques to generate input data (e.g., fuzzing) and automate the process of generating test cases (e.g., search-based testing). However, these techniques are known to have their own limitations: search-based testing does not generate highly-structured data; grammar-based fuzzing does not generate test case structures. To address these limitations, we combine these two techniques. By applying grammar-based mutations to the input data gathered by the search-based testing algorithm, it allows us to co-evolve both aspects of test case generation. We evaluate our approach, called G-EvoSuite, by performing an empirical study on 20 Java classes from the three most popular JSON parsers across multiple search budgets. Our results show that the proposed approach on average improves branch coverage for JSON related classes by 15% (with a maximum increase of 50%) without negatively impacting other classes.
### Montage: A Neural Network Language Model-Guided JavaScript Engine Fuzzer (Usenix Security2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** JavaScript (JS) engine vulnerabilities pose significant security threats affecting billions of web browsers. While fuzzing is a prevalent technique for finding such vulnerabilities, there have been few studies that leverage the recent advances in neural network language models (NNLMs). In this paper, we present Montage, the first NNLM-guided fuzzer for finding JS engine vulnerabilities. The key aspect of our technique is to transform a JS abstract syntax tree (AST) into a sequence of AST subtrees that can directly train prevailing NNLMs. We demonstrate that Montage is capable of generating valid JS tests, and show that it outperforms previous studies in terms of finding vulnerabilities. Montage found 37 real-world bugs, including three CVEs, in the latest JS engines, demonstrating its efficacy in finding JS engine bugs.
### Fuzzing JavaScript Engines with Aspect-preserving Mutation (S&P 2020)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a practical, widely-deployed technique to find bugs in complex, real-world programs like JavaScript engines. We observed, however, that existing fuzzing approaches, either generative or mutational, fall short in fully harvesting high-quality input corpora such as known proof of concept (PoC) exploits or unit tests. Existing fuzzers tend to destruct subtle semantics or conditions encoded in the input corpus in order to generate new test cases because this approach helps in discovering new code paths of the program. Nevertheless, for JavaScript-like complex programs, such a conventional design leads to test cases that tackle only shallow parts of the complex codebase and fails to reach deep bugs effectively due to the huge input space.
In this paper, we advocate a new technique, called an aspect preserving mutation, that stochastically preserves the desirable properties, called aspects, that we prefer to be maintained across mutation. We demonstrate the aspect preservation with two mutation strategies, namely, structure and type preservation, in our fully-fledged JavaScript fuzzer, called DIE. Our evaluation shows that DIEâs aspect-preserving mutation is more effective in discovering new bugs (5.7Ã more unique crashes) and producing valid test cases (2.4Ã fewer runtime errors) than the state-ofthe-art JavaScript fuzzers. DIE newly discovered 48 high-impact bugs in ChakraCore, JavaScriptCore, and V8 (38 fixed with 12 CVEs assigned as of today). The source code of DIE is publicly available as an open-source project.
### Language-Agnostic Generation of Compilable Test Programs (ICST 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Testing is an integral part of the development of compilers and other language processors. To automatically create large sets of test programs, random program generators, or fuzzers, have emerged. Unfortunately, existing approaches are either language-specific (and thus require a rewrite for each language) or may generate programs that violate rules of the respective programming language (which limits their usefulness). This work introduces *Smith, a language-agnostic framework for the generation of valid, compilable test programs. It takes as input an abstract attribute grammar that specifies the syntactic and semantic rules of a programming language. It then creates test programs that satisfy all these rules. By aggressively pruning the search space and keeping the construction as local as possible, *Smith can generate huge, complex test programs in short time. We present four case studies covering four real-world programming languages (C, Lua, SQL, and SMT-LIB 2) to show that *Smith is both efficient and effective, while being flexible enough to support programming languages that differ considerably. We found bugs in all four case studies. For example, *Smith detected 165 different crashes in older versions of GCC and LLVM. *Smith and the language grammars are available online.
### Smart Greybox Fuzzing (TSE 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/TSE19_Smart.pdf)
**Abstract:** Coverage-based greybox fuzzing (CGF) is one of the most successful approaches for automated vulnerability detection. Given a seed file (as a sequence of bits), a CGF randomly flips, deletes or copies some bits to generate new files. CGF iteratively constructs (and fuzzes) a seed corpus by retaining those generated files which enhance coverage. However, random bitflips are unlikely to produce valid files (or valid chunks in files), for applications processing complex file formats. In this work, we introduce smart greybox fuzzing (SGF) which leverages a high-level structural representation of the seed file to generate new files. We define innovative mutation operators that work on the virtual file structure rather than on the bit level which allows SGF to explore completely new input domains while maintaining file validity. We introduce a novel validity-based power schedule that enables SGF to spend more time generating files that are more likely to pass the parsing stage of the program, which can expose vulnerabilities much deeper in the processing logic. Our evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of SGF. On several libraries that parse complex chunk-based files, our tool AFLSMART achieves substantially more branch coverage (up to 87% improvement), and exposes more vulnerabilities than baseline AFL. Our tool AFLSMART has discovered 42 zero-day vulnerabilities in widely-used, well-tested tools and libraries; so far 17 CVEs were assigned.
### Semantic Fuzzing with Zest (ISSTA 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ISSTA19_Zest.pdf)
**Abstract:** Programs expecting structured inputs often consist of both a syntactic analysis stage, which parses raw input, and a semantic analysis stage, which conducts checks on the parsed input and executes the core logic of the program. Generator-based testing tools in the lineage of QuickCheck are a promising way to generate random syntactically valid test inputs for these programs. We present Zest, a technique which automatically guides QuickCheck-like randominput generators to better explore the semantic analysis stage of test programs. Zest converts random-input generators into deterministic parametric generators. We present the key insight that mutations in the untyped parameter domain map to structural mutations in the input domain. Zest leverages program feedback in the form of code coverage and input validity to perform feedback-directed parameter search. We evaluate Zest against AFL and QuickCheck on five Java programs: Maven, Ant, BCEL, Closure, and Rhino. Zest covers 1.03x-2.81x as many branches within the benchmarks semantic analysis stages as baseline techniques. Further, we find 10 new bugs in the semantic analysis stages of these benchmarks. Zest is the most effective technique in finding these bugs reliably and quickly, requiring at most 10 minutes on average to find each bug.
### Field-aware Evolutionary Fuzzing Based on Input Specifications and Vulnerability Metrics (2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/20_Field-aware.pdf.pdf)
**Abstract:** Evolutionary fuzzing technology based on genetic algorithm has become one of the most effective vulnerability discovery techniques due to its fast and scalable advantages. How to effectively mutate the seed input plays a crucial role in improving the efficiency of the fuzzing. A good mutation strategy can increase code coverage and vulnerability triggering probability. Existing fuzzing tools generally focus on how to mutate smartly to improve code coverage to find more vulnerabilities (such as passing the branch with magic bytes), but they still face two challenges which substantially reduces the efficiency of vulnerability discovery. First, the input space is huge and current fuzzers are not aware of the input format, resulting in many mutated inputs are invalid. Second, they believe all bytes are equal and mutate them sequentially, wasting lots of time testing some uninteresting bytes. To this end, this paper proposes a field-aware mutation strategy that can find more vulnerabilities by generating fewer but more effective inputs. Specifically, we extract the field and type information of the seed input through the existing input specifications to ensure that the mutation is performed in field level instead of byte level and the optimal mutation strategy is selected. At the same time, the input fields are scored by code assessment based on vulnerability metrics, thus the more important fields (i.e., fields that are more likely to trigger the vulnerability) are prioritized to be mutated. We implemented a prototype tool, FaFuzzer, and evaluated it on two different datasets consisting of a variety of real-world applications. Experiments show that our field-aware strategy can find more vulnerabilities with fewer inputs than existing tools, while maintaining high code coverage. We found many unknown bugs in five widely used real-world applications and reported them to the relevant vendors.
### Parser-Directed Fuzzing (PLDI 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/PLDI19_Parser.pdf)
**Abstract:** To be effective, software test generation needs to well cover the space of possible inputs. Traditional fuzzing generates large numbers of random inputs, which however are unlikely to contain keywords and other specific inputs of non-trivial input languages. Constraint-based test generation solves conditions of paths leading to uncovered code, but fails on programs with complex input conditions because of path explosion.
In this paper, we present a test generation technique specifically directed at input parsers. We systematically produce inputs for the parser and track comparisons made; after every rejection, we satisfy the comparisons leading to rejection. This approach effectively covers the input space: Evaluated on five subjects, from CSV files to JavaScript, our pFuzzer prototype covers more tokens than both random-based and constraint-based approaches, while requiring no symbolic analysis and far fewer tests than random fuzzers.
### GRIMOIRE: Synthesizing Structure while Fuzzing (USENIX Security2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX19_Grimoire.pdf)
**Abstract:** In the past few years, fuzÂzing has reÂceiÂved siÂgniÂfiÂcant atÂtenÂtiÂon from the reÂseÂarch comÂmuÂniÂty. HoweÂver, most of this atÂtenÂtiÂon was diÂrecÂted towards proÂgrams wiÂthout a deÂdiÂcaÂted parÂsing stage. In such cases, fuzÂzers which leÂverÂaÂge the input strucÂtuÂre of a proÂgram can achieÂve a siÂgniÂfiÂcantÂly higÂher code coÂverÂaÂge comÂpaÂred to traÂdiÂtioÂnal fuzÂzing apÂproaÂches. This adÂvanÂceÂment in coÂverÂaÂge is achieÂved by apÂpÂlyÂing larÂge-scaÂle muÂtaÂtiÂons in the apÂpÂliÂcaÂtiÂon's input space. HoweÂver, this imÂproÂveÂment comes at the cost of reÂquiÂring exÂpert doÂmain knowÂledge, as these fuzÂzers deÂpend on strucÂtuÂre input speÂciÂfiÂcaÂtiÂons (e.g., gramÂmars). GramÂmar inÂfeÂrence, a techÂniÂque which can auÂtoÂmaÂtiÂcalÂly geÂneÂraÂte such gramÂmars for a given proÂgram, can be used to adÂdress this shortÂcoÂming. Such techÂniÂques usualÂly infer a proÂgram's gramÂmar in a pre-proÂcesÂsing step and can miss imÂportant strucÂtuÂres that are unÂcoÂverÂed only later duÂring norÂmal fuzÂzing.
In this paper, we preÂsent the deÂsign and imÂpleÂmenÂtaÂtiÂon of GRIÂMOIRE, a fully auÂtoÂmaÂted coÂverÂaÂge-guiÂded fuzÂzer which works wiÂthout any form of human inÂterÂacÂtion or pre-conÂfiÂguÂraÂtiÂon; yet, it is still able to efÂfiÂciÂentÂly test proÂgrams that exÂpect highÂly strucÂtuÂred inÂputs. We achieÂve this by perÂforÂming larÂge-scaÂle muÂtaÂtiÂons in the proÂgram input space using gramÂmar-liÂke comÂbiÂnaÂtiÂons to synÂtheÂsiÂze new highÂly strucÂtuÂred inÂputs wiÂthout any pre-proÂcesÂsing step. Our evaÂluaÂtiÂon shows that GRIÂMOIRE outÂperÂforms other coÂverÂaÂge-guiÂded fuzÂzers when fuzÂzing proÂgrams with highÂly strucÂtuÂred inÂputs. FurÂtherÂmoÂre, it imÂproÂves upon exisÂting gramÂmar-baÂsed coÂverÂaÂge-guiÂded fuzÂzers. Using GRIÂMOIRE, we idenÂtiÂfied 19 disÂtinct meÂmoÂry corÂrupÂtiÂon bugs in reÂal-world proÂgrams and obÂtained 11 new CVEs.
### Life after Speech Recognition: Fuzzing Semantic Misinterpretation for Voice Assistant Applications (NDSS 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS19_Life.pdf)
**Abstract:** Popular Voice Assistant (VA) services such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant are now rapidly appifying their platforms to allow more flexible and diverse voice-controlled service experience. However, the ubiquitous deployment of VA devices and the increasing number of third-party applications have raised security and privacy concerns. While previous works such as hidden voice attacks mostly examine the problems of VA servicesâ? default Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) component, our work analyzes and evaluates the security of the succeeding component after ASR, i.e., Natural Language Understanding (NLU), which performs semantic interpretation (i.e., text-to-intent) after ASRâs acoustic-to-text processing. In particular, we focus on NLUâs Intent Classifier which is used in customizing machine understanding for third-party VA Applications (or vApps). We find that the semantic inconsistency caused by the improper semantic interpretation of an Intent Classifier can create the opportunity of breaching the integrity of vApp processing when attackers delicately leverage some common spoken errors.
In this paper, we design the first linguistic-model-guided fuzzing tool, named LipFuzzer, to assess the security of Intent Classifier and systematically discover potential misinterpretation-prone spoken errors based on vAppsâ? voice command templates. To guide the fuzzing, we construct adversarial linguistic models with the help of Statistical Relational Learning (SRL) and emerging Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. In evaluation, we have successfully verified the effectiveness and accuracy of LipFuzzer. We also use LipFuzzer to evaluate both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant vApp platforms. We have identified that a large portion of real-world vApps are vulnerable based on our fuzzing result.
### SLF: Fuzzing without Valid Seed Inputs (ICSE 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSE19_SLF.pdf)
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is an important technique to detect software bugs and vulnerabilities. It works by mutating a small set of seed inputs to generate a large number of new inputs. Fuzzersâ? performance often substantially degrades when valid seed inputs are not available. Although existing techniques such as symbolic execution can generate seed inputs from scratch, they have various limitations hindering their applications in real-world complex software without source code. In this paper, we propose a novel fuzzing technique that features the capability of generating valid seed inputs. It piggy-backs on AFL to identify input validity checks and the input fields that have impact on such checks. It further classifies these checks according to their relations to the input. Such classes include arithmetic relation, object offset, data structure length and so on. A multi-goal search algorithm is developed to apply class specific mutations in order to satisfy inter-dependent checks all together. We evaluate our technique on 20 popular benchmark programs collected from other fuzzing projects and the Google fuzzer test suite, and compare it with existing fuzzers AFL and AFLFast, symbolic execution engines KLEE and S2E, and a hybrid tool Driller that combines fuzzing with symbolic execution. The results show that our technique is highly effective and efficient, out-performing the other tools.
### Superion: Grammar-Aware Greybox Fuzzing (ICSE 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSE19_Superion.pdf)
**Abstract:** In recent years, coverage-based greybox fuzzing has proven itself to be one of the most effective techniques for finding security bugs in practice. Particularly, American Fuzzy Lop (AFL for short) is deemed to be a great success in fuzzing relatively simple test inputs. Unfortunately, when it meets structured test inputs such as XML and JavaScript, those grammar-blind trimming and mutation strategies in AFL hinder the effectiveness and efficiency. To this end, we propose a grammar-aware coverage-based grey-box fuzzing approach to fuzz programs that process structured inputs. Given the grammar (which is often publicly available) of test inputs, we introduce a grammar-aware trimming strategy to trim test inputs at the tree level using the abstract syntax trees (ASTs) of parsed test inputs. Further, we introduce two grammar-aware mutation strategies (i.e., enhanced dictionary-based mutation and tree-based mutation). Specifically, tree-based mutation works via replacing subtrees using the ASTs of parsed test inputs. Equipped with grammar-awareness, our approach can carry the fuzzing exploration into width and depth. We implemented our approach as an extension to AFL, named Superion; and evaluated the effectiveness of Superion on real-life large-scale programs (a XML engine libplist and three JavaScript engines WebKit, Jerryscript and ChakraCore). Our results have demonstrated that Superion can improve the code coverage (i.e., 16.7% and 8.8% in line and function coverage) and bug-finding capability (i.e., 30 new bugs, among which we discovered 21 new vulnerabilities with 16 CVEs assigned and 3.2K USD bug bounty rewards received) over AFL and jsfunfuzz.
### ProFuzzer: On-the-fly Input Type Probing for Better Zero-day Vulnerability Discovery (S&P 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/zhihu.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP19_Profuzz.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[POC](
**Abstract:** Existing mutation based fuzzers tend to randomly mutate the input of a program without understanding its underlying syntax and semantics. In this paper, we propose a novel on-the-fly probing technique (called ProFuzzer) that automatically recovers and understands input fields of critical importance to vulnerability discovery during a fuzzing process and intelligently adapts the mutation strategy to enhance the chance of hitting zero-day targets. Since such probing is transparently piggybacked to the regular fuzzing, no prior knowledge of the input specification is needed. During fuzzing, individual bytes are first mutated and their fuzzing results are automatically analyzed to link those related together and identify the type for the field connecting them; these bytes are further mutated together following type-specific strategies, which substantially prunes the search space. We define the probe types generally across all applications, thereby making our technique application agnostic. Our experiments on standard benchmarks and real-world applications show that ProFuzzer substantially outperforms AFL and its optimized version AFLFast, as well as other state-of-art fuzzers including VUzzer, Driller and QSYM. Within two months, it exposed 42 zero-days in 10 intensively tested programs, generating 30 CVEs.
### CodeAlchemist: Semantics-Aware Code Generation to Find Vulnerabilities in JavaScript Engines (NDSS 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note from dawuge](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS19_CodeAlchemist.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](./Paper/NDSS19_CodeAlchemist_slidesz.pdf)
**Abstract:** JavaScript engines are an attractive target for attackers due to their popularity and flexibility in building exploits. Current state-of-the-art fuzzers for finding JavaScript engine vulnerabilities focus mainly on generating syntactically correct test cases based on either a predefined context-free grammar or a trained probabilistic language model. Unfortunately, syntactically correct JavaScript sentences are often semantically invalid at runtime. Furthermore, statically analyzing the semantics of JavaScript code is challenging due to its dynamic nature: JavaScript code is generated at runtime, and JavaScript expressions are dynamically-typed. To address this challenge, we propose a novel test case generation algorithm that we call semantics-aware assembly, and implement it in a fuzz testing tool termed CodeAlchemist. Our tool can generate arbitrary JavaScript code snippets that are both semantically and syntactically correct, and it effectively yields test cases that can crash JavaScript engines. We found numerous vulnerabilities of the latest JavaScript engines with CodeAlchemist and reported them to the vendors.
### NAUTILUS: Fishing for Deep Bugs with Grammars (NDSS 2019)
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note From BAIZE](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/NDSS19_Nautilus.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a well-known method for efficiently identifying bugs in programs.Unfortunately, when fuzzing targets that require highly-structured inputs such as interpreters, many fuzzing methods struggle to pass the syntax checks.
More specifically, interpreters often process inputs in multiple stages: first syntactic, then semantic correctness is checked. Only if these checks are passed, the interpreted code gets executed.
This prevents fuzzers from executing ``deeper'' --- and hence potentially more interesting --- code.
Typically two valid inputs that lead to the execution of different features in the target application require too many mutations for simple mutation-based fuzzers to discover: making small changes like bit flips usually only leads to the execution of error paths in the parsing engine.
So-called grammar fuzzers are able to pass the syntax checks by using Context-Free Grammars.
Using feedback can significantly increase the efficiency of fuzzing engines.
Hence, it is commonly used in state-of-the-art mutational fuzzers that do not use grammars.
Yet, grammar fuzzers do not make use of code coverage, i.e., they do not know whether any input triggers new functionality or not.
In this paper, we propose NAUTILUS, a method to efficiently fuzz programs that require highly-structured inputs by combining the use of grammars with the use of code coverage feedback.
This allows us to recombine aspects of interesting inputs that were learned individually, and to dramatically increase the probability that any generated input will be accepted by the parser.
We implemented a proof-of-concept fuzzer that we tested on multiple targets, including ChakraCore (the JavaScript engine of Microsoft Edge), PHP, mruby, and Lua.
NAUTILUS identified multiple bugs in all of the targets: Seven in mruby, three in PHP, two in ChakraCore, and one in Lua.
Reporting these bugs was awarded with a sum of 2600 USD and 6 CVEs were assigned.
Our experiments show that combining context-free grammars and feedback-driven fuzzing significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches like American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) by an order of magnitude and grammar fuzzers by more than a factor of two when measuring code coverage.
### TIFF: Using Input Type Inference To Improve Fuzzing (ACSAC 2018)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ACSAC18_TIFF.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Developers commonly use fuzzing techniques to hunt down all manner of memory corruption vulnerabilities during the testing phase. Irrespective of the fuzzer, input mutation plays a central role in providing adequate code coverage, as well as in triggering bugs. However, each class of memory corruption bugs requires a different trigger condition. While the goal of a fuzzer is to find bugs, most existing fuzzers merely approximate this goal by targeting their mutation strategies toward maximizing code coverage.
In this work, we present a new mutation strategy that maximizes the likelihood of triggering memory-corruption bugs by generating fewer, but better inputs. In particular, our strategy achieves bug- directed mutation by inferring the type of the input bytes. To do so, it tags each offset of the input with a basic type (e.g., 32-bit integer, string, array etc.), while deriving mutation rules for specific classes of bugs, We infer types by means of in-memory data-structure identification and dynamic taint analysis, and implement our novel mutation strategy in a fully functional fuzzer which we call TIFF (Type Inference-based Fuzzing Framework). Our evaluation on real-world applications shows that type-based fuzzing triggers bugs much earlier than existing solutions, while maintaining high code coverage. For example, on several real-world applications and libraries (e.g., poppler, mpg123 etc.), we find real bugs (with known CVEs) in almost half of the time and upto an order of magnitude fewer inputs than state-of-the-art fuzzers.
### Skyfire: Data-Driven Seed Generation for Fuzzing (S&P 2017)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP17_Skyfire.pdf)
**Abstract:** Programs that take highly-structured files as inputs normally process inputs in stages: syntax parsing, semantic checking, and application execution. Deep bugs are often hidden in the application execution stage, and it is non-trivial to automatically generate test inputs to trigger them. Mutation-based fuzzing generates test inputs by modifying well-formed seed inputs randomly or heuristically. Most inputs are rejected at the early syntax parsing stage. Differently, generation-based fuzzing generates inputs from a specification (e.g., grammar). They can quickly carry the fuzzing beyond the syntax parsing stage. However, most inputs fail to pass the semantic checking (e.g., violating semantic rules), which restricts their capability of discovering deep bugs. In this paper, we propose a novel data-driven seed generation approach, named Skyfire, which leverages the knowledge in the vast amount of existing samples to generate well-distributed seed inputs for fuzzing programs that process highly-structured inputs. Skyfire takes as inputs a corpus and a grammar, and consists of two steps. The first step of Skyfire learns a probabilistic context-sensitive grammar (PCSG) to specify both syntax features and semantic rules, and then the second step leverages the learned PCSG to generate seed inputs. We fed the collected samples and the inputs generated by Skyfire as seeds of AFL to fuzz several open-source XSLT and XML engines (i.e., Sablotron, libxslt, and libxml2). The results have demonstrated that Skyfire can generate well-distributed inputs and thus significantly improve the code coverage (i.e., 20% for line coverage and 15% for function coverage on average) and the bug-finding capability of fuzzers. We also used the inputs generated by Skyfire to fuzz the closed-source JavaScript and rendering engine of Internet Explorer 11. Altogether, we discovered 19 new memory corruption bugs (among which there are 16 new vulnerabilities and received 33.5k USD bug bounty rewards) and 32 denial-of-service bugs.
# Exploit Generation
### ETHPLOIT: From Fuzzing to Efficient Exploit Generation against Smart Contracts (SANER2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SANER20_ETHPLOIT.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract:** Smart contracts, programs running on blockchain systems, leverage diverse decentralized applications (DApps). Unfortunately, well-known smart contract platforms, Ethereum for example, face serious security problems. Exploits to contracts may cause enormous financial losses, which emphasize the importance of smart contract testing. However, current exploit generation tools have difficulty to solve hard constraints in execution paths and cannot simulate the blockchain behaviors very well. These problems cause a loss of coverage and accuracy of exploit generation.
To overcome the problems, we design and implement ETHPLOIT, a smart contract exploit generator based on fuzzing. ETHPLOIT adopts static taint analysis to generate exploit targeted transaction sequences, a dynamic seed strategy to pass hard constraints and an instrumented Ethereum Virtual Machine to simulate blockchain behaviors. We evaluate ETHPLOIT on 45,308 smart contracts and discovered 554 exploitable contracts. ETHPLOIT automatically generated 644 exploits without any false positive and 306 of them cannot be generated by previous exploit generation tools.
### Gollum: Modular and Greybox Exploit Generation for Heap Overflows in Interpreters (CCS 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** We present the first approach to automatic exploit generation for heap overflows in interpreters. It is also the first approach to exploit generation in any class of program that integrates a solution for automatic heap layout manipulation. At the core of the approach is a novel method for discovering exploit primitives---inputs to the target program that result in a sensitive operation, such as a function call or a memory write, utilizing attacker-injected data. To produce an exploit primitive from a heap overflow vulnerability, one has to discover a target data structure to corrupt, ensure an instance of that data structure is adjacent to the source of the overflow on the heap, and ensure that the post-overflow corrupted data is used in a manner desired by the attacker. Our system addresses all three tasks in an automatic, greybox, and modular manner. Our implementation is called GOLLUM, and we demonstrate its capabilities by producing exploits from 10 unique vulnerabilities in the PHP and Python interpreters, 5 of which do not have existing public exploits.
### From proof-of-concept to exploitable (Cybersecurity 2019)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](./Paper/CCS18_Revery_Slides)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
**Abstract:** Exploitability assessment of vulnerabilities is important for both defenders and attackers. The ultimate way to assess the exploitability is crafting a working exploit. However, it usually takes tremendous hours and significant manual efforts. To address this issue, automated techniques can be adopted. Existing solutions usually explore in depth the crashing paths, i.e., paths taken by proof-of-concept (PoC) inputs triggering vulnerabilities, and assess exploitability by finding exploitable states along the paths. However, exploitable states do not always exist in crashing paths. Moreover, existing solutions heavily rely on symbolic execution and are not scalable in path exploration and exploit generation.
In this paper, we propose a novel solution to generate exploit for userspace programs or facilitate the process of crafting a kernel UAF exploit. Technically, we utilize oriented fuzzing to explore diverging paths from vulnerability point. For userspace programs, we adopt a control-flow stitching solution to stitch crashing paths and diverging paths together to generate exploit. For kernel UAF, we leverage a lightweight symbolic execution to identify, analyze and evaluate the system calls valuable and useful for exploiting vulnerabilities.
We have developed a prototype system and evaluated it on a set of 19 CTF (capture the flag) programs and 15 realworld Linux kernel UAF vulnerabilities. Experiment results showed it could generate exploit for most of the userspace test set, and it could also facilitate security mitigation bypassing and exploitability evaluation for kernel test set.
### Revery: From Proof-of-Concept to Exploitable (CCS 2018)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CCS18_Revery.pdf)
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](./Paper/CCS18_Revery_Slides)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
**Abstract:** Automatic exploit generation is an open challenge. Existing solutions usually explore in depth the crashing paths, i.e., paths taken by proof-of-concept (POC) inputs triggering vulnerabilities, and generate exploits when exploitable states are found along the paths. However, exploitable states do not always exist in crashing paths. Moreover, existing solutions heavily rely on symbolic execution and are not scalable in path exploration and exploit generation. In addition, few solutions could exploit heap-based vulnerabilities. In this paper, we propose a new solution revery to search for exploitable states in paths diverging from crashing paths, and generate control-flow hijacking exploits for heap-based vulnerabilities. It adopts three novel techniques:(1) a digraph to characterize a vulnerability's memory layout and its contributor instructions;(2) a fuzz solution to explore diverging paths, which have similar memory layouts as the crashing paths, in order to search more exploitable states and generate corresponding diverging inputs;(3) a stitch solution to stitch crashing paths and diverging paths together, and synthesize EXP inputs able to trigger both vulnerabilities and exploitable states. We have developed a prototype of revery based on the binary analysis engine angr, and evaluated it on a set of 19 real world CTF (capture the flag) challenges. Experiment results showed that it could generate exploits for 9 (47%) of them, and generate EXP inputs able to trigger exploitable states for another 5 (26%) of them.
### SemFuzz: Semantics-based Automatic Generation of Proof-of-Concept Exploits (CCS 2017)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/CCS17_SemFuzz.pdf)
**Abstract:** Patches and related information about software vulnerabilities are often made available to the public, aiming to facilitate timely fixes. Unfortunately, the slow paces of system updates (30 days on average) often present to the attackers enough time to recover hidden bugs for attacking the unpatched systems. Making things worse is the potential to automatically generate exploits on input-validation flaws through reverse-engineering patches, even though such vulnerabilities are relatively rare (e.g., 5% among all Linux kernel vulnerabilities in last few years). Less understood, however, are the implications of other bug-related information (e.g., bug descriptions in CVE), particularly whether utilization of such information can facilitate exploit generation, even on other vulnerability types that have never been automatically attacked. In this paper, we seek to use such information to generate proof-of-concept (PoC) exploits for the vulnerability types never automatically attacked. Unlike an input validation flaw that is often patched by adding missing sanitization checks, fixing other vulnerability types is more complicated, usually involving replacement of the whole chunk of code. Without understanding of the code changed, automatic exploit becomes less likely. To address this challenge, we present SemFuzz, a novel technique leveraging vulnerability-related text (e.g., CVE reports and Linux git logs) to guide automatic generation of PoC exploits. Such an end-to-end approach is made possible by natural-language processing (NLP) based information extraction and a semantics-based fuzzing process guided by such information. Running over 112 Linux kernel flaws reported in the past five years, SemFuzz successfully triggered 18 of them, and further discovered one zero-day and one undisclosed vulnerabilities. These flaws include use-after-free, memory corruption, information leak, etc., indicating that more complicated flaws can also be automatically attacked. This finding calls into question the way vulnerability-related information is shared today.
### ExploitMeter: Combining Fuzzing with Machine Learning for Automated Evaluation of Software Exploitability (PAC 2017)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/PAC17_ExploitMeter.pdf)
**Abstract:** Exploitable software vulnerabilities pose severe threats to its information security and privacy. Although a great amount of efforts have been dedicated to improving software security, research on quantifying software exploitability is still in its infancy. In this work, we propose ExploitMeter, a fuzzing-based framework of quantifying software exploitability that facilitates decision-making for software assurance and cyber insurance. Designed to be dynamic, efficient and rigorous, ExploitMeter integrates machine learning-based prediction and dynamic fuzzing tests in a Bayesian manner. Using 100 Linux applications, we conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of ExploitMeter in a dynamic environment.
# Parallel / Ensemble Fuzzing
### UltraFuzz: Towards Resource-saving in Distributed Fuzzing (TSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/gitlink_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Recent research has sought to improve fuzzing performance via parallel computing. However, researchers focus on improving efficiency while ignoring the increasing cost of testing resources. Parallel fuzzing in the distributed environment amplifies the resource-wasting problem caused by the random nature of fuzzing. In the parallel mode, owing to the lack of an appropriate task dispatching scheme and timely fuzzing status synchronization among different fuzzing instances, task conflicts and workload imbalance occur, making the resource-wasting problem severe. In this paper, we design UltraFuzz, a fuzzer for resource-saving in distributed fuzzing. Based on centralized dynamic scheduling, UltraFuzz can dispatch tasks and schedule power globally and reasonably to avoid resource-wasting. Besides, UltraFuzz can elastically allocate computing power for fuzzing and seed evaluation, thereby avoiding the potential bottleneck of seed evaluation that blocks the fuzzing process. UltraFuzz was evaluated using real-world programs, and the results show that with the same testing resource, UltraFuzz outperforms state-of-the-art tools, such as AFL, AFL-P, PAFL, and EnFuzz. Most importantly, the experiment reveals certain results that seem counter-intuitive, namely that parallel fuzzing can achieve "super-linear acceleration" when compared with single-core fuzzing. We conduct additional experiments to reveal the deep reasons behind this phenomenon and dig deep into the inherent advantages of parallel fuzzing over serial fuzzing, including the global optimization of seed energy scheduling and the escape of local optimal seed. Additionally, 24 real-world vulnerabilities were discovered using UltraFuzz.
### Towards Systematic and Dynamic Task Allocation for Collaborative Parallel Fuzzing (ASE 2021 NIER)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Parallel coverage-guided greybox fuzzing is the most common setup for vulnerability discovery at scale. However, so far it has received little attention from the research community compared to single-mode fuzzing, leaving open several problems particularly in its task allocation strategies. Current approaches focus on managing micro tasks, at the seed input level, and their task division algorithms are either ad-hoc or static. In this paper, we leverage research on graph partitioning and search algorithms to propose a systematic and dynamic task allocation solution that works at the macro-task level. First, we design an attributed graph to capture both the program structures (e.g., program call graph) and fuzzing information (e.g., branch hit counts, bug discovery probability). Second, our graph partitioning algorithm divides the global program search space into sub-search-spaces. Finally our search algorithm prioritizes these sub-search-spaces (i.e., tasks) and explores them to maximize code coverage and number of bugs found. The results are collected to update the graph and guide further iterations of partitioning and exploration. We implemented a prototype tool called AFLTeam. In our preliminary experiments on well-tested benchmarks, AFLTeam achieved higher code coverage (up to 16.4% branch coverage improvement) compared to the default parallel mode of AFL and discovered 2 zero-day bugs in FFmpeg and JasPer toolkits.
### CollabFuzz: A Framework for Collaborative Fuzzing (EuroSec 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Eurosec21_Collabfuzz.pdf)
**Abstract:** In the recent past, there has been lots of work on improving fuzz testing. In prior work, EnFuzz showed that by sharing progress among different fuzzers, they can perform better than the sum of their parts. In this paper, we continue this line of work and present CollabFuzz, a collaborative fuzzing framework allowing multiple different fuzzers to collaborate under an informed scheduling policy based on a number of central analyses. More specifically, CollabFuzz is a generic framework that allows a user to express different test case scheduling policies, such as the collaborative approach presented by EnFuzz. CollabFuzz can control which tests cases are handed out to what fuzzer and allows the orchestration of different fuzzers across the network. Furthermore, it allows the centralized analysis of the test cases generated by the various fuzzers under its control, allowing to implement scheduling policies based on the results of arbitrary program (e.g., data-flow) analysis.
### Improving Web Application Vulnerability Detection Leveraging Ensemble Fuzzing (ENASE 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** The vast majority of online services we use nowadays provide their web application to the users. The correctness of the source code of these applications is crucial to prevent attackers from exploiting its vulnerabilities, leading to severe consequences like the disclosure of sensitive information or the degradation of the availability of the application. Currently, multiple existent solutions analyse and detect vulnerabilities in the source code. Attackers, however, do not usually have access to the source code and must work with the information that is made public. Their goals are clear â? exploit vulnerabilities without accessing the code â?, and they resort of black-box fuzzing tools to achieve such. In this paper, we propose an ensemble fuzzing approach to check the correctness of the web applications from the point of view of an attacker and, in a posterior phase, analyse the source code to correlate with the collected information. The approach focuses first on the quality of fuzzersâ? crawlers and afterwards on fuzzers capabilities of exploiting the results of all crawlers between them, in order to provide better coverage and precision in the detection of web vulnerabilities. Our preliminary results show that the ensemble performs better than fuzzers individually.
### Cupid: Automatic Fuzzer Selection for Collaborative Fuzzing (ACSAC 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Combining the strengths of individual fuzzing methods is an appealing idea to find software faults more efficiently, especially when the computing budget is limited. In prior work, EnFuzz introduced the idea of ensemble fuzzing and devised three heuristics to classify properties of fuzzers in terms of diversity. Based on these heuristics, the authors manually picked a combination of different fuzzers that collaborate.
In this paper, we generalize this idea by collecting and applying empirical data from single, isolated fuzzer runs to automatically identify a set of fuzzers that complement each other when executed collaboratively. To this end, we present Cupid, a collaborative fuzzing framework allowing automated, data-driven selection of multiple complementary fuzzers for parallelized and distributed fuzzing. We evaluate the automatically selected target-independent combination of fuzzers by Cupid on Googleâs fuzzer-test-suite, a collection of real-world binaries, as well as on the synthetic Lava-M dataset. We find that Cupid outperforms two expert-guided, targetspecific and hand-picked combinations on Googleâs fuzzer-test-suite in terms of branch coverage, and improves bug finding on Lava-M by 10%. Most importantly, we improve the latency for obtaining 95% and 99% of the coverage by 90% and 64%, respectively. Furthermore, Cupid reduces the amount of CPU hours needed to find a high-performing combination of fuzzers by multiple orders of magnitude compared to an exhaustive evaluation.
### EnFuzz: Ensemble Fuzzing with Seed Synchronization among Diverse Fuzzers (USENIX Security2019)
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX19_EnFuzz.pdf)
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is widely used for software vulnerability detection. There are various kinds of fuzzers with different fuzzing strategies, and most of them perform well on their targets. However, in industry practice and empirical study, the performance and generalization ability of those well-designed fuzzing strategies are challenged by the complexity and diversity of real-world applications.
In this paper, inspired by the idea of ensemble learning, we first propose an ensemble fuzzing approach EnFuzz, that integrates multiple fuzzing strategies to obtain better performance and generalization ability than that of any constituent fuzzer alone. First, we define the diversity of the base fuzzers and choose those most recent and well-designed fuzzers as base fuzzers. Then, EnFuzz ensembles those base fuzzers with seed synchronization and result integration mechanisms. For evaluation, we implement EnFuzz , a prototype basing on four strong open-source fuzzers (AFL, AFLFast, AFLGo, FairFuzz), and test them on Google's fuzzing test suite, which consists of widely used real-world applications. The 24-hour experiment indicates that, with the same resources usage, these four base fuzzers perform variously on different applications, while EnFuzz shows better generalization ability and always outperforms others in terms of path coverage, branch coverage and crash discovery. Even compared with the best cases of AFL, AFLFast, AFLGo and FairFuzz, EnFuzz discovers 26.8%, 117%, 38.8% and 39.5% more unique crashes, executes 9.16%, 39.2%, 19.9% and 20.0% more paths and covers 5.96%, 12.0%, 21.4% and 11.1% more branches respectively.
### PAFL: Extend FuzzingOptimizations of Single Mode to Industrial Parallel Mode (ESEC/FSE 2018)
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Researchers have proposed many optimizations to improve the efficiency of fuzzing, and most optimized strategies work very well on their targets when running in single mode with instantiating one fuzzer instance. However, in real industrial practice, most fuzzers run in parallel mode with instantiating multiple fuzzer instances, and those optimizations, unfortunately, fail to maintain the efficiency improvements.
In this paper, we present PAFL, a framework that utilizes efficient guiding information synchronization and task division to extend those existing fuzzing optimizations of single-mode to industrial parallel mode. With an additional data structure to store the guiding information, the synchronization ensures the information is shared and updated among different fuzzer instances timely. Then, the task division promotes the diversity of fuzzer instances by splitting the fuzzing task into several sub-tasks based on branch bitmap. We first evaluate PAFL using 12 different real-world programs from Google fuzzer-test-suite. Results show that in parallel mode, two AFL improversâAFLFast and FairFuzz do not outperform AFL, which is different from the case in a single mode. However, when augmented with PAFL, the performance of AFLFast and FairFuzz in parallel mode improves. They cover 8% and 17% more branches, trigger 79% and 52% more unique crashes. For further evaluation of more widely-used software systems from GitHub, optimized fuzzers augmented with PAFL find more real bugs, and 25 of which are security-critical vulnerabilities registered as CVEs in the US National Vulnerability Database.
# Sanitizer-guided Fuzzing
### ParmeSan: Sanitizer-guided Greybox Fuzzing (USENIX Security2020)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/USENIX20_ParmeSan.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** One of the key questions when fuzzing is where to look for vulnerabilities. Coverage-guided fuzzers indiscriminately optimize for covering as much code as possible given that bug coverage often correlates with code coverage. Since code coverage overapproximates bug coverage, this approach is less than ideal and may lead to non-trivial time-to-exposure (TTE) of bugs. Directed fuzzers try to address this problem by directing the fuzzer to a basic block with a potential vulnerability. This approach can greatly reduce the TTE for a specific bug, but such special-purpose fuzzers can then greatly underapproximate overall bug coverage.
In this paper, we present sanitizer-guided fuzzing, a new design point in this space that specifically optimizes for bug coverage. For this purpose, we make the key observation that while the instrumentation performed by existing software sanitizers are regularly used for detecting fuzzer-induced error conditions, they can further serve as a generic and effective mechanism to identify interesting basic blocks for guiding fuzzers. We present the design and implementation of ParmeSan, a new sanitizer-guided fuzzer that builds on this observation. We show that ParmeSan greatly reduces the TTE of real-world bugs, and finds bugs 37% faster than existing state-of-the-art coverage-based fuzzers (Angora) and 288% faster than directed fuzzers (AFLGo), while still covering the same set of bugs.
# State / Sequence Guided Fuzzing
### Stateful Greybox Fuzzing (USENIX Security 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Many protocol implementations are reactive systems, where the protocol process is in continuous interaction with other processes and the environment. If a bug can be exposed only in a certain state, a fuzzer needs to provide a specific sequence of events as inputs that would take protocol into this state before the bug is manifested. We call these bugs as "stateful" bugs. Usually, when we are testing a protocol implementation, we do not have a detailed formal specification of the protocol to rely upon. Without knowledge of the protocol, it is inherently difficult for a fuzzer to discover such stateful bugs. A key challenge then is to cover the state space without an explicit specification of the protocol.
In this work, we posit that manual annotations for state identification can be avoided for stateful protocol fuzzing. Specifically, we rely on a programmatic intuition that the state variables used in protocol implementations often appear in enum type variables whose values (the state names) come from named constants. In our analysis of the Top-50 most widely used open-source protocol implementations, we found that every implementation uses state variables that are assigned named constants (with easy to comprehend names such as INIT, READY) to represent the current state. In this work, we propose to automatically identify such state variables and track the sequence of values assigned to them during fuzzing to produce a "map" of the explored state space.
Our experiments confirm that our stateful fuzzer discovers stateful bugs twice as fast as the baseline greybox fuzzer that we extended. Starting from the initial state, our fuzzer exercises one order of magnitude more state/transition sequences and covers code two times faster than the baseline fuzzer. Several zero-day bugs in prominent protocol implementations were found by our fuzzer, and 8 CVEs have been assigned.
### Linear-time Temporal Logic guided Greybox Fuzzing (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Software model checking is a verification technique which is widely used for checking temporal properties of software systems. Even though it is a property verification technique, its common usage in practice is in âbug findingâ?, that is, finding violations of temporal properties. Motivated by this observation and leveraging the recent progresses in fuzzing, we build a greybox fuzzing framework to find violations of Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL) properties.
Our framework takes as input a sequential program written in C, and an LTL property. It finds violations, or counter-example traces, of the LTL property in stateful software systems; however, it does not achieve verification. Our work substantially extends directed greybox fuzzing to witness arbitrarily complex event orderings. We note that existing directed greybox fuzzing approaches are limited to witnessing reaching a location or witnessing simple event orderings like use-after-free. At the same time, compared to model checkers, our approach finds the counter-examples faster, thereby finding more counterexamples within a given time budget.
Our LTL-fuzzer tool, built on top of the AFL fuzzer, is shown to be effective in detecting bugs in well-known protocol implementations, such as OpenSSL and Telnet. We use LTL-fuzzer to reproduce known vulnerabilities (CVEs), to find 15 zero-day bugs by checking properties extracted from RFCs (for which 9 CVEs have been assigned), and to find violations of both safety as well as liveness properties in real-world protocol implementations. Our work represents a practical advance over software model checkers â? while simultaneously also representing a conceptual advance over existing greybox fuzzers. Our work provides a starting point for understanding the unexplored synergies between software model checking and greybox fuzzing.
### Rtkaller: State-aware Task Generation for RTOS Fuzzing (EMSOFT 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** A real-time operating system (RTOS) is an operating system designed to meet certain real-time requirements. It is widely used in embedded applications, and its correctness is safety-critical. However, the validation of RTOS is challenging due to its complex real-time features and large code base.
In this paper, we propose Rtkaller, a state-aware kernel fuzzer for the vulnerability detection in RTOS. First, Rtkaller implements an automatic task initialization to transform the syscall sequences into initial tasks with more real-time information. Then, a coverage-guided task mutation is designed to generate those tasks that explore more in-depth real-time related code for parallel execution. Moreover, Rtkaller realizes a task modification to correct those tasks that may hang during fuzzing. We evaluated it on recent versions
of rt-Linux, which is one of the most widely used RTOS. Compared to the state-of-the-art kernel fuzzers Syzkaller and Moonshine, Rtkaller achieves the same code coverage at the speed of 1.7X and 1.6X , gains an increase of 26.1% and 22.0% branch coverage within 24 hours respectively. More importantly, Rtkaller has confirmed 28 previously unknown vulnerabilities that are missed by other fuzzers.
### Typestate-Guided Fuzzer for Discovering Use-after-Free Vulnerabilities (ICSE 2020)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/wechat_24px.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/ppt_24px.png">[Slides](
**Abstract:** Existing coverage-based fuzzers usually use the individual control flow graph (CFG) edge coverage
to guide the fuzzing process, which has shown great potential in finding vulnerabilities.
However, CFG edge coverage is not effective in discovering vulnerabilities such as use-after-free (UaF).
This is because, to trigger UaF vulnerabilities, one needs not only to cover individual edges,
but also to traverse some long sequence of edges in a particular order, which is challenging for existing fuzzers.
To this end, we first propose to model UaF vulnerabilities as typestate properties,
then develop a typestate-guided fuzzer, named UAFL, for discovering
vulnerabilities violating typestate properties.
%Our approach works in two phases.
Given a typestate property, we first perform a static typestate analysis to find operation sequences potentially violating the property.
Then, the fuzzing process is guided by the operation sequences in order to progressively generate test cases triggering property violations.
In addition, we also adopt the information flow analysis to improve the efficiency of the fuzzing process.
We performed a thorough evaluation of UAFL on 14 widely-used real-world programs.
The experiment results show that UAFL substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art fuzzers, including AFL, AFLFast, FairFuzz, MOpt, Angora and QSYM, in terms of the time taken to discover vulnerabilities.
We discovered 10 previously unknown vulnerabilities, and received 5 new CVEs.
### IJON: Exploring Deep State Spaces via Fuzzing (S&P 2020)
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/zhihu.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/SP20_IJON.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Although current fuzz testing (fuzzing) methods are highly effective, there are still many situations such as complex state machines where fully automated approaches fail. State-of-the-art fuzzing methods offer very limited ability for a human to interact and aid the fuzzer in such cases. More specifically, most current approaches are limited to adding a dictionary or new seed inputs to guide the fuzzer. When dealing with complex programs, these mechanisms are unable to uncover new parts of the codebase.
In this paper, we propose IJON, an annotation mechanism that a human analyst can use to guide the fuzzer. In contrast to the two aforementioned techniques, this approach allows a more systematic exploration of the programâs behavior based on the data representing the internal state of the program. As a consequence, using only a small (usually one line) annotation, a user can help the fuzzer to solve previously unsolvable challenges. We extended various AFL-based fuzzers with the ability to annotate the source code of the target application with guidance hints. Our evaluation demonstrates that such simple annotations are able to solve problems thatâto the best of our knowledgeâno other current fuzzer or symbolic execution based tool can overcome. For example, with our extension, a fuzzer is able to play and solve games such as Super Mario Bros. or resolve more complex patterns such as hash map lookups. To further demonstrate the capabilities of our annotations, we use AFL combined with IJON to uncover both novel security issues and issues that previously required a custom and comprehensive grammar to be uncovered. Lastly, we show that using IJON and AFL, one can solve many challenges from the CGC data set that resisted all fully automated and human-guided attempts so far.
### MemFuzz: Using Memory Accesses to Guide Fuzzing (ICST 2019)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICST19_MemFuzz.pdf)
**Abstract:** Fuzzing is a form of random testing that is widely used for finding bugs and vulnerabilities. State of the art approaches commonly leverage information about the control flow of prior executions of the program under test to decide which inputs to mutate further. By relying solely on control flow information to characterize executions, such approaches may miss relevant differences. We propose augmenting evolutionary fuzzing by additionally leveraging information about memory accesses performed by the target program. The resulting approach can leverage more sophisticated information about the execution of the target program, enhancing the effectiveness of the evolutionary fuzzing. We implement our approach as a modification of the widely used AFL fuzzer and evaluate our implementation on three widely used target applications. We find distinct crashes from those detected by AFL for all three targets in our evaluation.
# Rust Fuzzing
### Rust Library Fuzzing via API Dependency Graph Traversal (ASE 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Robustness is a key concern for Rust library development because Rust promises no risks of undefined behaviors if developers use safe APIs only. Fuzzing is a practical approach for examining the robustness of programs. However, existing fuzzing tools are not directly applicable to library APIs due to the absence of fuzz targets. It mainly relies on human efforts to design fuzz targets case by case which is labor-intensive. To address this problem, this paper proposes a novel automated fuzz target generation approach for fuzzing Rust libraries via API dependency graph traversal. We identify several essential requirements for library fuzzing, including validity and effectiveness of fuzz targets, high API coverage, and efficiency. To meet these requirements, we first employ breadth-first search with pruning to find API sequences under a length threshold, then we backward search longer sequences for uncovered APIs, and finally we optimize the sequence set as a set covering problem. We implement our fuzz target generator and conduct fuzzing experiments with AFL++ on several real-world popular Rust projects. Our tool finally generates 7 to 118 fuzz targets for each library with API coverage up to 0.92. We exercise each target with a threshold of 24 hours and find 30 previously-unknown bugs from seven libraries.
### RUSTY: A Fuzzing Tool for Rust (ACSAC 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Rust is known as one of the most popular programming languages on the Stack Overflow website in 2020, indicating that many programmers have had the opportunity to use Rust in different projects. There are many reasons for this success, mostly due to its performance and safety. Rust is a friendly compiler with useful error messages, which provides excellent documentation with an integrated package manager. Furthermore, it is memory-efficient and fast without a garbage collector. Hence, the Rust compiler can power performance-critical services run on embedded devices. Likewise, due to Rusts rich type system and ownership model, it guarantees memory-safety and thread-safety enabling the end-users to reduce various bug types at compile-time.
However, even though all the advantages come with Rust, we found there are still various security issues in this ecosystem that can compromise the safety of Rust programs. To perform our security analysis, we created RUSTY that perform bug fuzzing based on the combination of concolic testing and property-based testing. is also the first kind of its own for the Rust ecosystem. Our preliminary evaluation collected multiple trendy Rust projects on GitHub, and RUSTY could successfully identify various memory security issues in this benchmark suite.
# Regression Fuzzing
### R2Z2: Detecting Rendering Regressions in Web Browsers through Differential Fuzz Testing (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** A rendering regression is a bug introduced by a web browser where a web page no longer functions as users expect. Such rendering bugs critically harm the usability of web browsers as well as web applications. The unique aspect of rendering bugs is that they affect the presented visual appearance of web pages, but those web pages have no pre-defined correct appearance. Therefore, it is challenging to automatically detect errors in their appearance. In practice, web browser vendors rely on non-trivial and time-prohibitive manual analysis to detect and handle rendering regressions.
This paper proposes R2Z2, an automated tool to find rendering regressions. R2Z2 uses the differential fuzz testing approach, which repeatedly compares the rendering results of two different versions of a browser while providing the same HTML as input. If the rendering results are different, R2Z2 further performs cross browser compatibility testing to check if the rendering difference is indeed a rendering regression. After identifying a rendering regression, R2Z2 will perform an in-depth analysis to aid in fixing the regression. Specifically, R2Z2 performs a delta-debugging-like analysis to pinpoint the exact browser source code commit causing the regression, as well as inspecting the rendering pipeline stages to pinpoint which pipeline stage is responsible. We implemented a prototype of R2Z2 particularly targeting the Chrome browser. So far, R2Z2 found 11 previously undiscovered rendering regressions in Chrome, all of which were confirmed by the Chrome developers. Importantly, in each case, R2Z2 correctly reported the culprit commit. Moreover, R2Z2 correctly pin-pointed the culprit rendering pipeline stage in all but one case.
### FADATest: Fast and Adaptive Performance Regression Testing of Dynamic Binary Translation Systems (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Dynamic binary translation (DBT) is the cornerstone of many important applications. In practice, however, it is quite difficult to maintain the performance efficiency of a DBT system due to its inherent complexity. Although performance regression testing isan effective approach to detect potential performance regression issues, it is not easy to apply performance regression testing to DBT systems, because of the natural differences between DBT systems and common software systems and the limited availability of effective test programs. In this paper, we present FADATest, which devises several novel techniques to address these challenges. Specifically,FADATest automatically generates adaptable test programs from existing real benchmark programs of DBT systems according to the runtime characteristics of the benchmarks. The test programs can then be used to achieve highly efficient and adaptive performance regression testing of DBT systems. We have implemented a prototype of FADATest. Experimental results on SPEC CPU 2017 and PARSEC show that FADATest can successfully uncover the same performance regression issues across the evaluated versions of two popular DBT systems, QEMU and Valgrind, as the original benchmark programs. Moreover, the testing efficiency is improved significantly on two different hardware platforms powered by x86-64 and AArch64, respectively.
### Regression Greybox Fuzzing (CCS 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** What you change is what you fuzz! In an empirical study of all fuzzer-generated bug reports in OSSFuzz, we found that four in every five bugs have been introduced by recent code changes. That is, 77% of 23k bugs are regressions. For a newly added project, there is usually an initial burst of new reports at 2-3 bugs per day. However, after that initial burst, and after weeding out most of the existing bugs, we still get a constant rate of 3-4 bug reports per week. The constant rate can only be explained by an increasing regression rate. Indeed, the probability that a reported bug is a regression (i.e., we could identify the bug-introducing commit) increases from 20% for the first bug to 92% after a few hundred bug reports.
In this paper, we introduce regression greybox fuzzing (RGF) a fuzzing approach that focuses on code that has changed more recently or more often. However, for any active software project, it is impractical to fuzz sufficiently each code commit individually. Instead, we propose to fuzz all commits simultaneously, but code present in more (recent) commits with higher priority. We observe that most code is never changed and relatively old. So, we identify means to strengthen the signal from executed code-of-interest. We also extend the concept of power schedules to the bytes of a seed and introduce Ant Colony Optimization to assign more energy to those bytes which promise to generate more interesting inputs.
Our large-scale fuzzing experiment demonstrates the validity of our main hypothesis and the efficiency of regression greybox fuzzing. We conducted our experiments in a reproducible manner within Fuzzbench, an extensible fuzzer evaluation platform. Our experiments involved 3+ CPU-years worth of fuzzing campaigns and 20 bugs in 15 open-source C programs available on OSSFuzz.
### DeltaFuzz: Historical Version Information Guided Fuzz Testing (Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2021)
* <img src="image/youtube.png">[Video](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** With the widespread use of agile software development methods, such as agile and scrum, software is iteratively updated more frequently. To ensure the quality of the software, regression testing is conducted before new versions are released. Moreover, to improve the efficiency of regression testing, testing efforts should be concentrated on the modified and impacted parts of a program. However, the costs of manually constructing new test cases for the modified and impacted parts are relatively expensive. Fuzz testing is an effective method for generating test data automatically, but it is usually devoted to achieving higher code coverage, which makes fuzz testing unsuitable for direct regression testing scenarios. For this reason, we propose a fuzz testing method based on the guidance of historical version information. First, the differences between the program being tested and the historical version are analyzed, and the results of the analysis are used to locate change points. Then, change impact analysis is performed to find the corresponding impacted basic blocks. Finally, the fitness values of test cases are calculated according to the execution traces, and new test cases are generated iteratively by the genetic algorithm. Based on the proposed method, we implement a prototype tool DeltaFuzz and conduct experiments on six open-source projects. Compared with the fuzzing tool AFLGo, AFLFast and AFL, DeltaFuzz could cover the target faster, and the time taken by DeltaFuzz was reduced by 20.59%, 30.05% and 32.61%, respectively.
### HyDiff: Hybrid Differential Software Analysis (ICSE 2020)
* <img src="image/blog_24px.jpg">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/zhihu.png">[Reading Note](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSE20_Hydiff.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Detecting regression bugs in software evolution, analyzing side-channels in programs and evaluating robustness in deep neural networks (DNNs) can all be seen as instances of differential software analysis, where the goal is to generate diverging executions of program paths. Two executions are said to be diverging if the observable program behavior differs, e.g., in terms of program output, execution time, or (DNN) classification. The key challenge of differential software analysis is to simultaneously reason about multiple program paths, often across program variants.
This paper presents HyDiff, the first hybrid approach for differential software analysis. HyDiff integrates and extends two very successful testing techniques: Feedback-directed greybox fuzzing for efficient program testing and shadow symbolic execution for systematic program exploration. HyDiff extends greybox fuzzing with divergence-driven feedback based on novel cost metrics that take into account the control flow graph of the program. Furthermore HyDiff extends shadow symbolic execution by applying four-way forking in a systematic exploration and still having the ability to incorporate concrete inputs in the analysis. HyDiff applies divergence revealing heuristics based on resource consumption and control-flow information to efficiently guide the symbolic exploration, which allows its efficient usage beyond regression testing applications. We introduce differential metrics such as output, decision and cost difference, as well as patch distance, to assist the fuzzing and symbolic execution components in maximizing the execution divergence.
We implemented our approach on top of the fuzzer AFL and the symbolic execution framework Symbolic PathFinder. We illustrate HyDiff on regression and side-channel analysis for Java bytecode programs, and further show how to use HyDiff for robustness analysis of neural networks.
# Directed Fuzzing
### WindRanger: A Directed Greybox Fuzzer driven by Deviation Basic Block (ICSE 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Directed grey-box fuzzing (DGF) is a security testing technique that aims to steer the fuzzer towards predefined target sites in the program. To gain directness, DGF prioritizes the seeds whose execution traces are closer to the target sites. Therefore, evaluating the distance between the execution trace of a seed and the target sites (aka, the seed distance) is important for DGF. The first directed grey-box fuzzer, AFLGo, uses an approach of calculating the basic block level distances during static analysis and accumulating the distances of the executed basic blocks to compute the seed distance. Following AFLGo, most of the existing state-of-the-art DGF techniques use all the basic blocks on the execution trace and only the control flow information for seed distance calculation. However, not every basic block is equally important and there are certain basic blocks where the execution trace starts to deviate from the target sites (aka, deviation basic blocks).
In this paper, we propose a technique called WindRanger which leverages deviation basic blocks to facilitate DGF. To identify the deviation basic blocks, WindRanger applies both static reachability analysis and dynamic filtering. To conduct directed fuzzing, WindRanger uses the deviation basic blocks and their related data flow information for seed distance calculation, mutation, seed prioritization as well as explore-exploit scheduling. We evaluated WindRanger on 3 datasets consisting of 29 programs. The experiment results show that WindRanger outperforms AFLGo, AFL, and Fairfuzz by reaching the target sites 21%, 34%, and 37% faster and detecting the target crashes 44%, 66%, and 77% faster respectively. Moreover, we found a 0-day vulnerability with a CVE ID assigned in ffmpeg (a popular multimedia library extensively fuzzed by OSS-fuzz) with WindRanger by supplying manually identified suspect locations as the target sites.
### BEACON: Directed Grey-Box Fuzzing with Provable Path Pruning (S&P 2022)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Unlike coverage-based fuzzing that gives equal attention to every part of a code, directed fuzzing aims to direct a fuzzer to a specific target in the code, e.g., the code with potential vulnerabilities. Despite much progress, we observe that existing directed fuzzers are still not efficient as they often symbolically or concretely execute a lot of program paths that cannot reach the target code. They thus waste a lot of computational resources.
This paper presents BEACON, which can effectively direct a greybox fuzzer in the sea of paths in a provable manner. That is, assisted by a lightweight static analysis that computes abstracted preconditions for reaching the target, we can prune 82.94% of the executing paths at runtime with negligible analysis overhead (Ä5h) but with the guarantee that the pruned paths must be spurious with respect to the target. We have implemented our approach, BEACON, and compared it to five state-of-the-art (directed) fuzzers in the application scenario of vulnerability reproduction. The evaluation results demonstrate that BEACON is 11.50x faster on average than existing directed grey-box fuzzers and it can also improve the speed of the conventional coverage-guided fuzzers, AFL, AFL++, and Mopt, to reproduce specific bugs with 6.31x ,11.86x, and 10.92x speedup, respectively. More interestingly, when used to test the vulnerability patches, BEACON found 14 incomplete fixes of existing CVE-identified vulnerabilities and 8 new bugs while 10 of them are exploitable with new CVE ids assigned
### Improving Configurability of Unit-level Continuous Fuzzing: An Industrial Case Study with SAP HANA (ASE 2021 Industry)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** This paper presents industrial experiences on enhancing the configurability of a fuzzing framework for effective continuous fuzzing of the SAP HANA components. We propose five new mutation scheduling strategies for effective uses of grammar-aware mutators in the unit-level fuzzing framework, and three new seed corpus selection strategies to configure a fuzzing campaign to check on changed code in priority. The empirical results show that the proposed extension gives users chances to improve fuzzing effectiveness and efficiency by configuring the framework specifically for each target component
### KCFuzz: Directed Fuzzing Based on Keypoint Coverage (ICAIS 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Directed fuzzing, as an efficient method to focus on a specific set of targets in the program, often works better than random fuzzing when combined with a researcherâs empirical judgment. However, the current directed fuzzing work is not efficient enough. In previous studies, some have generated closer seed inputs by guiding the execution path through the distance from the target region, but the distance guided algorithm is less robust. Some studies used selective symbolic execution for directed testing to alleviate the path explosion problem, but it brings a higher false-positive rate. In this paper, we propose a keypoint coverage-based fuzzing (KCFuzz) method, which extracts the keypoint list using a control flow graph, obtains the keypoint list coverage information through runtime instrumentation, calculates the test priority of the seeds based on the overall coverage and keypoint coverage using an energy scheduling algorithm, and continuously generates test inputs closer to the target according to the specified mutation strategy. On this basis, a hybrid testing framework is implemented, using keypoint coverage directed fuzzing to generate a seed queue covering keypoints, using offspring generation strategies and hybrid execution technology, and further exploring the new state of the program according to changes in overall and keypoint coverage. The experimental results show that the KCFuzz method can efficiently induce the generation of seed queues to reach the target region, and at the same time, the depth and validity of the exploration paths are higher than those of the most advanced directed fuzzing methods such as AFLGo.
### Constraint-guided Directed Greybox Fuzzing (USENIX Security2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Directed greybox fuzzing is an augmented fuzzing technique intended for the targeted usages such as crash reproduction and proof-of-concept generation, which gives directedness to fuzzing by driving the seeds toward the designated program locations called target sites. However, we find that directed greybox fuzzing can still suffer from the long fuzzing time before exposing the targeted crash, because it does not consider the ordered target sites and the data conditions. This paper presents constraint-guided directed greybox fuzzing that aims to satisfy a sequence of constraints rather than merely reaching a set of target sites. Constraint-guided greybox fuzzing defines a constraint as the combination of a target site and the data conditions, and drives the seeds to satisfy the constraints in the specified order. We automatically generate the constraints with seven types of crash dumps and four types of patch changelogs, and evaluate the prototype system CAFL against the representative directed greybox fuzzing system AFLGo with 47 real-world crashes and 12 patch changelogs. The evaluation shows CAFL outperforms AFLGo by 2.88x for crash reproduction, and better performs in PoC generation as the constraints get explicit.
### Constructing More Complete Control Flow Graphs Utilizing Directed Gray-Box Fuzzing (MDPI 2021)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Control Flow Graphs (CFGs) provide fundamental data for many program analyses, such as malware analysis, vulnerability detection, code similarity analysis, etc. Existing techniques for constructing control flow graphs include static, dynamic, and hybrid analysis, which each having their own advantages and disadvantages. However, due to the difficulty of resolving indirect jump relations, the existing techniques are limited in completeness. In this paper, we propose a practical technique that applies static analysis and dynamic analysis to construct more complete control flow graphs. The main innovation of our approach is to adopt directed gray-box fuzzing (DGF) instead of coverage-based gray-box fuzzing (CGF) used in the existing approach to generate test cases that can exercise indirect jumps. We first employ a static analysis to construct the static CFGs without indirect jump relations. Then, we utilize directed gray-box fuzzing to generate test cases and resolve indirect jump relations by monitoring the execution traces of these test cases. Finally, we combine the static CFGs with indirect jump relations to construct more complete CFGs. In addition, we also propose an iterative feedback mechanism to further improve the completeness of CFGs. We have implemented our technique in a prototype and evaluated it through comparing with the existing approaches on eight benchmarks. The results show that our prototype can resolve more indirect jump relations and construct more complete CFGs than existing approaches.
### Binary-level Directed Fuzzing for Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities (RAID 2020)
* <img src="image/GoSSIP_note.jpg">[Reading Note from GoSSIP](
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/Arxiv20_BinaryUAF.pdf)
**Abstract:** Directed fuzzing focuses on automatically testing specific parts of the code by taking advantage of additional information such as (partial) bug stack trace, patches or risky operations. Key applications include bug reproduction, patch testing and static analysis report verification. Although directed fuzzing has received a lot of attention recently, hard-to-detect vulnerabilities such as Use-Afer-Free (UAF) are still not well addressed, more especially at the binary level. We propose UAFuzz, the first (binary-level) directed greybox fuzzer dedicated to UAF bugs. The technique features a fuzzing engine tailored to UAF specifics, a lightweight code instrumentation and an efficient bug triage step. Experimental evaluation for bug reproduction on real cases demonstrates that UAFuzz significantly outperforms state-of-the-art directed fuzzers in terms of fault detection rate, time to exposure and bug triaging. UAFuzz has also been proven effective in patch testing, leading to the discovery of 20 new bugs in Perl, GPAC and GNU Patch (including a buggy patch) - all of them have been acknowledged and 14 have been fixed. Last but not least, we provide to the community the first fuzzing benchmark dedicated to UAF, built on both real codes and real bugs.
### Ankou: Guiding Grey-box Fuzzing towards Combinatorial Difference (ICSE 2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](./Paper/ICSE20_Ankou.pdf)
* <img src="image/github_24px.png">[Code](
**Abstract:** Grey-box fuzzing is an evolutionary process, which maintains and evolves a population of test cases with the help of a fitness function. Fitness functions used by current grey-box fuzzers are not informative in that they cannot distinguish different program executions as long as those executions achieve the same coverage. The problem is that the current fitness functions only consider a union of data, but not the combination of them. As such, fuzzers often get stuck in a local optimum during their search. In this paper, we introduce Ankou, the first grey-box fuzzer that recognizes different \emph{combinations} of execution information, and present several scalability challenges encountered while designing and implementing Ankou. Our experimental results show that Ankou is $1.94\times$ and $8.0\times$ more effective in finding bugs than AFL and Angora, respectively.
### RDFuzz: Accelerating Directed Fuzzing with Intertwined Schedule and Optimized Mutation (2020)
* <img src="image/pdf_24px.png">[Paper](
**Abstract:** Directed fuzzing is a practical technique, which concentrates its testing energy on the process toward the target code areas, while costing little on other unconcerned components. It is a promising way to make better use of available resources, especially in testing large-scale programs. However, by observing the state-of-the-art-directed fuzzing engine (AFLGo), we argue that there are two universal limitations, the balance problem between the exploration and the exploitation and the blindness in mutation toward the target code areas. In this paper, we present a new prototype RDFuzz to address these two limitations. In RDFuzz, we first introduce the frequency-guided strategy in the exploration and improve its accuracy by adopting the branch-level instead of the path-level frequency. Then, we introduce the input-distance-based evaluation strategy in the exploitation stage and present an optimized mutation to distinguish and protect the distance sensitive input content. Moreover, an intertwined testing schedule is leveraged to perform the exploration and exploitation in turn. We test RDFuzz on 7 benchmarks, and the experimental re |
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> A curated list of awesome packages, articles, and other cool resources from the Wagtail community.
> [Wagtail]( is a Python CMS powered by Django, focusing on flexibility and user experience.
*You might also like [Awesome Django]( and [Awesome Python]( :snake:*
## Contents
- [General resources](#general-resources)
- [Apps](#apps)
- [Blogging/news](#bloggingnews)
- [Rich text editor extensions](#rich-text-editor-extensions)
- [Widgets](#widgets)
- [StreamField](#streamfield)
- [Static site generation](#static-site-generation)
- [Settings management](#settings-management)
- [E-commerce](#e-commerce)
- [SEO and SMO](#seo-and-smo)
- [Analytics](#analytics)
- [Customer experience](#customer-experience)
- [Security](#security)
- [Media](#media)
- [Translations](#translations)
- [Forms](#forms)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Modeladmin](#modeladmin)
- [Misc](#misc)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Templates & Starter Kits](#templates--starter-kits)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Articles](#articles)
- [Recipes](#recipes)
- [Presentations](#presentations)
- [Podcasts](#podcasts)
- [Videos](#videos)
- [Books](#books)
- [Showcases](#showcases)
- [Lists](#lists)
- [For editors](#for-editors)
- [Community](#community)
- [Open-source sites](#open-source-sites)
## General resources
- [Official site](
- [GitHub repository](
- [Twitter account](
- [Roadmap](
- [PyPI classifiers for Wagtail](
- [Other resources](#resources)
## Apps
### Blogging/news
- [Puput]( - Puput is a powerful and simple Django app to manage a blog. It uses the awesome Wagtail CMS as content management system.
- [wagtail_blog]( - A WordPress-like blog app implemented in Wagtail.
- [wagtailnews]( - A plugin for Wagtail that provides news / blogging functionality.
- [wagtail-blog-app]( - A blog application for the Wagtail Django CMS.
- [Django Wagtail Feeds]( - Add support for RSS Feeds, Facebook Instant Articles and Apple News Publisher to your Wagtail CMS Projects.
- [Snotra_RSS]( - Snotra_RSS is an Atom and RSS news aggregator app for Wagtail.
- [wagtail-live]( - Build live blogs with Wagtail.
### Rich text editor extensions
- [wagtail-readability]( - Test how readable the content you enter into Wagtail is.
- [wagtailembedder]( - Snippets embedder for Wagtail richtext fields.
- [Wagtail TinyMCE]( - A TinyMCE editor integration for Wagtail.
- [Wagtail Froala]( - Extends Wagtail to use the Froala WYSIWYG editor in RichTextField/RichTextBlock.
- [Wagtail Medium Editor]( - A customizable Medium Editor for Wagtail, with link anchors support.
- [WagtailDraftail]( – Draft.js editor for Wagtail, built upon [Draftail]( and [draftjs_exporter](
- [wagtail-readinglevel]( – Wagtail plugin to determine the reading level of text input into a rich text field.
### Widgets
- [wagtailgmaps]( - Simple Google Maps address formatter for Wagtail fields.
- [Wagtail-Geo-Widget]( - Google Maps widget for the GeoDjango PointField field in Wagtail.
- [wagtail-leaflet-widget]( - A Leaflet JS - OSM based wagtail geo-location widget.
- [wagtail-markdown]( - Markdown fields and blocks for Wagtail.
- [wagtail-autocomplete]( - Autocompleting choosers for `ForeignKey`, `ParentalKey`, and `ManyToMany` fields.
- [wagtail-instance-selector]( - A `ForeignKey` widget to create and select related items. Similar to Django's `raw_id_fields`.
- [wagtail-generic-chooser]( - provides base classes for building chooser popups and form widgets for the Wagtail admin, matching the look and feel of Wagtail's built-in choosers for pages, documents, snippets and images.
- [wagtail-multi-upload]( - allows uploading of multiple related images for a page.
- [wagtail-color-panel]( - Introduces panels for selecting colors in Wagtail.
### StreamField
- [Wagtail FontAwesome]( - Add FontAwesome icons to StreamField.
- [Wagtail Commonblocks]( - Common StreamField blocks for Wagtail.
- [Wagtail SVGmap]( - ImageMap functionality for Wagtail through inline SVGs.
- [Wagtail ClearStream]( - An app to make Wagtail's StreamField more modular.
- [UWKM Streamfields]( – A basic set of Wagtail StreamField blocks for fun and profit.
- [wagtail-inventory]( - Search Wagtail pages by the StreamField blocks they contain.
- [Wagtail Code Block]( - StreamField code blocks for the Wagtail CMS with real-time PrismJS Syntax Highlighting.
- [Wagtail Blocks]( - A Collection of awesome Wagtail CMS stream-field blocks and Charts.
- [Wagtail UI Plus]( - Several UI improvements to the Wagtail editor interface for StreamFields and StreamBlocks.
- [Wagtail Cache Block]( - A templatetag which add HTML fragment cache to your StreamField block
- [Wagtail UIKit Block]( - A collection of UIKit components that can be used as a Wagtail StreamField block.
### Static site generation
- [Wagtail-bakery]( - A set of helpers for baking your Django Wagtail site out as flat files.
- [Wagtail-Netlify]( - Easily publish your statically rendered Wagtail site to Netlify.
- [wagtail-freezer]( - Generates static HTML sites from a Wagtail project.
### Settings management
- [Wagtail-Constance]( - django-constance integration for Wagtail CMS.
- [Wagtail-Flags]( - Feature flags for Wagtail sites.
### E-commerce
- [wagtailinvoices]( - A Wagtail module for creating invoices.
- [longclaw]( - A shop template for Wagtail CMS.
- [django-oscar-wagtail]( - Wagtail integration for Oscar Commerce (or Oscar Commerce integration for Wagtail?).
- [django-salesman]( - Headless e-commerce framework for Django with Wagtail modeladmin integration.
### SEO and SMO
- [wagtail-metadata]( - A tool to assist with metadata for social media and search engines.
- [wagtail-metadata-mixin]( - OpenGraph, Twitter Card and Google+ snippet tags for Wagtail CMS pages.
- []( - JSON-LD tags for Wagtail sites.
- [wagtail-opengraph-image-generator]( - Assists you in automatically creating Open Graph images for your Wagtail pages.
- [wagtail-redirect-importer]( - Your friendly neighborhood importer that lets you import redirects from different tabular data formats, such as .csv and .xls
- [wagtail-meta-preview]( - Adds ability to get share previews for Facebook, Twitter and Google in the Wagtail admin.
- [Wagtail Yoast]( - A tool to improve readability of your texts with SEO recommendations.
### Analytics
- [Wagtail Analytics]( - A Google Analytics dashboard in your Wagtail admin.
### Customer experience
- [Wagtail Experiments]( – A/B testing for Wagtail.
- [Wagtail Personalisation]( - Personalisation module, enabling editors to create customised pages - or parts of pages - based on segments whose rules are configured directly in the admin interface.
### Security
- [wagtailenforcer]( - If you need to enforce security protocols on your Wagtail site you've come to the right place.
- [wagtail-yubikey]( - Enable YubiKey two factor authentication on Wagtail admin panel.
- [wagtail-2fa]( - Add two-factor authentication to Wagtail by integrating it with django-otp.
### Media
- [wagtailmedia]( - A Wagtail module for managing video and audio files within the admin.
- [Wagtail Alt Generator]( - A module for generating image description and tags based on computer vision.
- [Wagtail FilePreviews]( - Extend Wagtail's Documents with image previews and metadata from
- [Wagtail-Textract]( - Make Wagtail search Documents contents (PDF, Excel and Word, etc.).
- [Wagtail-Lazyimages]( - A plugin that generates tiny blurry placeholder images for lazy loading Wagtail images style.
- [Wagtail Image Import]( - A plugin for importing images from Google Drive.
- [Wagtail SVG]( - A Wagtail module for managing SVG files within the admin.
- [Wagtail Makeup]( - A plugin that replaces all your images with [Unsplash]( images.
- [Rent Free Media]( - A media distribution framework built on Django and Wagtail. Premium / subscription-based publishing like Patreon or Substack.
- [Wagtail CLIP]( - A module for searching the contents of Wagtail images with natural language queries.
- [Wagtail Stock Images]( - Search stock images (e.g. via Unsplash) and save them to your Wagtail image library.
- [Wagtail Transcription]( - Provides a field to automatically creates transcriptions from YouTube videos.
### Translations
- [Wagtail Modeltranslation]( - Simple app containing a mixin model that integrates [django-modeltranslation]( into Wagtail panels system.
- [wagtailtrans]( - A Wagtail add-on for supporting multilingual sites.
- [Wagtail Localize]( - A translation plugin for the Wagtail CMS, allows pages or snippets to be translated within Wagtail's admin interface.
### Forms
- [Wagtail's built in Form Builder]( for general use cases.
- [Wagtail ReCaptcha]( - wagtail-django-captcha provides an easy way to integrate the [django-recaptcha]( field when using the Wagtail formbuilder.
- [Wagtail Simple Captcha]( - A self-hosted alternative to Wagtail ReCaptcha that easily integrates a [django-simple-captcha]( field into the Wagtail form builder.
- [wagtailstreamforms]( - Build forms in Wagtail's admin for use in streamfields.
- [wagtail-contact-reply]( - Reply directly to form submissions from the Wagtail admin
- [Wagtail JotForm]( - Embeddable Jotform forms for Wagtail pages.
- [Wagtail Model Forms]( - The Wagtail Form Builder functionalities available for your models/snippets.
### Testing
- [wagtail-linkchecker]( - A tool to assist with finding broken links on your Wagtail site.
- [Wagtail Accessibility]( – A plugin to assist with accessibility when developing in Wagtail.
- [Wagtail Factories]( - Factory boy classes for Wagtail.
- [Wagtail Foliage]( - Utilities for programmatically building page trees in Wagtail.
### Modeladmin
- [wagtail-admin-list-controls]( - Adds advanced search, ordering and layout controls to Wagtail's modeladmin list views.
- [wagtail-rangefilter]( - Integrates django-admin-rangefilter into Wagtail's ModelAdmin.
### Misc
- [wagtailmenus]( - An extension for Torchbox's Wagtail CMS to help you manage and render multi-level navigation and simple flat menus in a consistent, flexible way.
- [Wagtail Error Pages]( - Pretty, smart, customizable error pages for Wagtail.
- [Wagtail Themes]( - Site-specific theme loader for Wagtail.
- [Wagtail Sharing]( – Easier sharing of Wagtail drafts.
- [Wagtail Gridder]( - Grid card layout similar to Google image search results, with an expanded area for card details.
- [Wagtail Condensed Inline Panel]( - Drop-in replacement for Wagtail's InlinePanel suited for large number of inlines (collapsible with drag and drop support).
- [Joyous]( - A calendar application for Wagtail.
- [Wagtail App Pages]( - Extend Wagtail pages using an actual URL config and django views.
- [Wagtail Transfer]( - An official extension for Wagtail allowing content to be transferred between multiple instances of a Wagtail project
- [Wagtail Import Export]( - Import/Export pages between Wagtail instances.
- [Wagtail Import/Export Tool]( - Refactor of [Wagtail Import Export]( This tool supports importing/exporting images, documents, and snippets that are used on imported/exported pages.
- [Wagtail Tag Manager]( - A Wagtail addon that allows for easier and GDPR compliant administration of scripts and tags.
- [Wagtail Cache]( - A simple page cache for Wagtail using the Django cache middleware.
- [Wagtail GraphQL]( - App to automatically add GraphQL support to a Wagtail website.
- [Wagtail Orderable]( - Mixin support for drag-and-drop ordering in admin panel.
- [Wagtail Live Preview]( - Live page previews beside your content.
- [Wagtail Resume]( – A Wagtail project made to simplify creation of resumes for developers.
- [Wagtail Content Import]( - Import content from Google Docs or Docx into StreamFields, using a customisable mapping system.
- [Wagtail Trash]( - Will place pages in a trash can from where they can be restored instead of being permanently deleted.
- [Wagtail PDF View]( - Render Wagtail pages and models as PDF document using Weasyprint or LaTeX.
- [Wagtail Grapple]( - A Wagtail app that makes building GraphQL endpoints a breeze.
- [Wagtail Secret Sharing]( - Keep sensitive information out of your chat logs and email via a secure sharing protocol
- [Wagtail Cache Invalidator]( - Invalidate and purge (frontend) cache via an user-friendly interface in the Wagtail CMS.
## Tools
### Templates & Starter Kits
- [Wagtail Cookiecutter Foundation]( - A Cookiecutter template for Wagtail CMS using Zurb Foundation 6.
- [Beginner Wagtail Cookiecutter]( – A super simple implementation of Wagtail CMS.
- [Wagtail Starter Kit]( – A cookiecutter complete with wagtail, django layout, vagrant, provisioning scrips, front end build system and more!
- [Wagtail Pipit]( – Pipit is a Wagtail boilerplate which aims to provide an easy and modern developer workflow with a React-rendered frontend.
- [Django Cookiecutter Wagtail]( – A Django Cookiecutter template with Wagtail. Based on the original 'Django Cookiecutter'. Features: Docker support using `docker-compose` for development and production (using Traefik with LetsEncrypt support), customizable PostgreSQL version, Bootstrap 4, media storage using Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage and many more.
- [wagtail-webpack-dokku]( - A template with Wagtail, Webpack using django-webpack-loader, Bootstrap 5, production ready for Dokku.
- [Wagtail bootstrap blog]( - A Wagtail blog which has Bootstrap theme, supports writing in `Markdown`, `Latex`. It also has comment workflow, comment form supports `Mention` and `Emoji`. Frontend is built by `Webpack`, `Babel` and `SCSS`.
- [Wagtail react blog]( - SPA blog built with React, Bootstrap4, Storybook and Wagtail Rest API. It also supports headless preview.
- [CodeRed CMS]( - a professionally supported WordPress alternative for building marketing websites. Create pages, blogs, forms, and every Bootstrap 4 component in the wagtail admin out-of-the-box! [Learn more]( or [watch the lightning talk](
- [Wordpress to Wagtail migration kit]( - Import WordPress blog content from an XML file into Wagtail.
- [cookiecutter-wagtail-package]( - A cookiecutter template for building Wagtail add-on packages.
## Resources
### Getting started
- [Getting started in Wagtail, a newcomer's perspective]( - Having used Drupal almost exclusively as my main tool of choice for a while now, I was asked to put together a build using Wagtail. By [@kiwimind](
- [Présentation de Wagtail, le dernier CMS Django]( - Wagtail est un CMS relativement récent dans l’écosystème Django. Pour autant, son jeune âge ne l’empêche pas de posséder de nombreuses fonctionnalités que nous découvrirons dans cet article.
- [Getting Started With Wagtail]( - Working extensively with Wagtail and the surrounding community, we have discovered a range of common pitfalls developers run into when beginning to deliver with Wagtail.
### Articles
- [Extending The Functionality of Email Forms in Wagtail](
- [Wagtail: 2 Steps for Adding Pages Outside of the CMS](
- [Code blocks for Wagtail using Pygments](
- [Adding document previews to Wagtail CMS](
- [Wagtail Tutorials: Build Blog Step by Step]( - The tutorials teach you how to create a standard blog from scratch step by step.
- [Python CMS Framework Review: Wagtail vs Django-CMS]( - Talk about the difference between Django-CMS and Wagtail, the two most popular CMS framework in Python world.
- [Deploying Wagtail In Production](
- [Setting Up Foundation Sass With Wagtail](
- [Upgrading to Wagtail 2.0]( – Wagtail 2.0 is one of our biggest releases to date.
- [Getting started with Draftail extensions]( – Do you want to write extensions for Draftail? This is a good place to start.
- [Amplify a Wagtail/Django site]( - Prepare you Wagtail site for Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).
- [Migrating your Drupal content to Wagtail](
- [How to Add Buttons to ModelAdmin Index View](
- [How to Prevent Users from Creating Pages by Type](
- [Drupal Front End WTF, Wagtail Front End FTW]( - Comparing Drupal and Wagtail Markup and approach to each CMS
- [How to Create and Manage Menus of Wagtail application](
- [PythonEatsTail]( - Complete written and video tutorials to create a Wagtail site with multiple languages, authentication and more
- [Upgrading to Wagtail 3.0]( - General tips to migrate your codebase to Wagtail 3.0.
- [Upgrading to Wagtail 3.0 Part 1]( & [Upgrading to Wagtail 3.0 Part 2]( - Two part series in how to migrate to Wagtail 3.0 with specific code examples.
### Recipes
- [Oscar Wagtail demo project]( - A Django recipe for integrating Oscar E-commerce into a Wagtail CMS application.
- [Serafeim's Wagtail FAQ]( - Answers and recipes for Wagtail
- [Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Wagtail development guide]( - Unit Testing Django and Wagtail
### Presentations
- [An Introduction to Wagtail]( by Eloise "Ducky" Macdonald-Meyer - This talk is an introduction to Wagtail, a content management system built on the Python web framework, Django.
- [DjangoCon US 2015 - Wagtail - Yet Another Django CMS]( by Tom Dyson - Tom will explain why his agency decided to build a new CMS, share some lessons learned in running a growing open source project, and outline Wagtail's roadmap to version 2 and beyond. [Slide deck](
- [Wellington Wagtail CMS Meetup - Meet Wagtail]( by Josh, Jordi and Rich, from the Springload dev team - An introductory session to Wagtail to showcase the main features it has to offer.
- [DjangoCon US 2016 - Atomic Wagtail]( by Kurt Wall – Brad Frost's atomic design principles are taking the way we design the web by storm. I'll explain what Wagtail is, how you can use it with atomic design principles, and some hurdles you might run into along the way with suggestions on how to help.
- [PyCon Australia – Comparing Wagtail, Django CMS and Mezzanine]( by Adam Brenecki – This talk explores the different approaches, strengths and weaknesses of each CMS, and what they mean for you as a developer and for your content editors.
- [Wagtail — еще одна CMS на Django]( by Mikalai Radchuk - This talk is an introduction to Wagtail in Russian.
- [Wagtail & Agile – Wagtail Space 2017]( by Edd Baldry.
- [Deploy Wagtail to the Divio Cloud – Wagtail Space 2017]( by Daniele Procida.
- [All about Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2017]( by Robin van der Rijst.
- [Presenting Wagtail Clear StreamField, a modular StreamField app – Wagtail Space 2017]( by Edd Baldry.
- [Wagtail Experiments, easy A/B testing for your Wagtail sites – Wagtail Space 2017]( by Tom Dyson.
- [Wagtail's preview, a new hope – Wagtail Space 2017]( by Bertrand Bordage.
- [The Zen of Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2017]( by Matt Westcott.
- [Plone to Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2017]( by Coen van der Kamp.
- [Hundreds of Wagtail in Flight – Wagtail Space 2017]( by Simon de Haan.
- [How Google uses Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Kevin Chung.
- [Introducing Draft.js in Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Thibaud Colas. [Presentation](
- [Let It Go – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Matt Wescott.
- [Developing Solutions for Girls, by Men – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Lisa Adams.
- [Wagtail’s first hatch – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Bertrand Bordage.
- [The Word Problem – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Tom Dyson.
- [Wagtail on Divio Cloud – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Daniele Procida.
- [Chopping the head off Wagtail and sticking it back on – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Tony Yates.
- [StreamField editor at UWKM – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Geert jan Hoogeslag.
- [Things i learned at Wagtail Space – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Codie Roelf.
- [Fly Wagtail to a PyCon – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Daniele Procida.
- [Wagtail Performance – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Michael van Tellingen. [Code](
- [Mutliple images uploader – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Rajeev J Sebastian.
- [Wagtail Space easter egg team demo – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Lars. [Code](
- [Wagtail Space 2019 – Wagtail Space 2018]( by Maarten Kling.
- [Wagtail in 2018 – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Tom Dyson.
- [What the Wagtail Docs Don't Tell You – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Lacey Williams Henschel.
- [Django Logging for Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Ryan Sullivan.
- [Scaling Wagtail for 100 Million Girls – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Lisa Adams and Codie Roelf.
- [Using Wagtail to Fight for Press Freedom – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Harris Lapiroff.
- [Choosing Wagtail for Columbia University – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Zarina Mustapha.
- [Running a Multi-Site Newsroom in Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Ryan Verner.
- [Wagtail in the Cloud – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Daniele Procida.
- [Beheading Wagtail: Wagtail as a Headless CMS – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Michael Harrison.
- [Learning Wagtail – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Dawn Wages.
- [Sharing is Caring – Wagtail Space US 2018]( by Andy Chosak.
- [Lightning Talks – Wagtail Space US 2018](
- [Wagtail: когда хочется чего-то приятнее, чем просто Django – Moscow Python Conf++ 2018]( by Игорь Мосягин
- [The State of Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Tom Dyson.
- [Image rotation feature – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Chris Adams. Code.
- [Debug templates – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Coen van der Kamp.
- [Wagtail Headless with HATEOAS – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Duco Dokter.
- [Building a Planet Friendly Web (with Wagtail) – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Chris Adams.
- [[WIP] The future of (rich text) authoring experiences in Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Thibaud Colas.
- [Wagtail & Whatsapp – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Lisa Adams & Codie Roelf.
- [Slack2Wagtail – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Coen van der Kamp & Lucas Moeskops.
- [Wagtail and Oscar – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Lars van de Kerkhof.
- [wagtail-textract – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Kees Hink. [Code](
- [Django 2.2 compatibility – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Matt Wescott.
- [SEO dashboard – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Janneke Janssen. [Code](
- [My First Wagtail Contribution – More formats in RichText Editor – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Arifin Ibne Matin.
- [Fly, Wagtail, fly! – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Daniele Procida.
- [Wagtail & GraphQL – Wagtail Space 2019]( by Arthur Bayr.
- [Writing (code) for authors – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Brian Smith & Eric Sherman. [Slides](
- [Saving Lives With Wagtail: Recovery Meetings Across the World – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Timothy Allen.
- [Why we chose Wagtail for CodeRed CMS – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Vince Salvino.
- [Building a Wagtail-based site and authoring environment with accessibility in mind – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Zarina Mustapha.
- [Making Wagtail Accessible – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Thibaud Colas. [Slides](
- [Everyone can fly a flag – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Will Barton. [Slides](
- [Architecting for a multi-domain site – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Ben Beecher. [Slides](
- [Contributions can be more than code – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Kalob Taulien.
- [Thoughtful Code Review – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Naomi Morduch Toubman. [Slides](
- [Solving your problems by spelunking the Wagtail code – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Harris Lapiroff. [Slides](
- [The State of Wagtail: 2019 – Wagtail Space US 2019]( by Tom Dyson.
- [Wagtail Guide - Getting started - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Coen van der Kamp.
- [A New Approach to Multitenant Wagtail - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Stephanie C. Smith and Addison Hardy.
- [The Wagtail Marketplace for Games-based Courses - Wagtail Space 2022]( by Sarah Toms.
- [The Wagtail Ecosystem - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Vince Salvino.
- [Wagtail charts and graphs - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon & Arnar Tumi Þorsteinsson.
- [Wagtail as a headless CMS for JavaScript frontends - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Tommaso Amici.
- [Adding a GraphQL API to Wagtail - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Patrick Arminio.
- [Bringing JSONField into Wagtail Core - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Sage Abdullah.
- [Wagtail vs. WordPress - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Kalob Taulien.
- [Designing the new page editor - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Phil Dexter and Ben Enright.
- [5 Things I Learned About Wagtail the Hard Way - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Meagen Voss.
- [Tips for Maintaining Wagtail Packages - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Tim Allen.
- [Wagtail Guide - Wagtail Space US 2022]( by Coen van der Kamp.
- [The state of Wagtail 2022 - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Tom Dyson.
- [Choosers - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Matthew Westcott.
- [Working with Image Filters - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Arnar Tumi Þorsteinsson.
- [Things I learned - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Dan Braghis.
- [Wagtail Roadrunner Beep Beep - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Lars van de Kerkhof.
- [Dockerising wagtail projects in 5 minutes - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon.
- [Wagtail in the News Room - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon & Arnar Tumi Þorsteinsson.
- [Digital Nomad - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Maikel Martens.
- [Unobtrusive internationalisation - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Lars van de Kerkhof.
- [Moving Wagtail pages - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Viggo de Vries.
- [Wagtail architecture options, or should I go headless - Wagtail Space NL 2022]( by Dan Braghis.
- [Wagtail headless and NextJS frontend - Wagtail Space NL 2022](https://www) by Lucas Moeskops.
### Podcasts
- [Podcast.__init__ Episode 58 - Wagtail with Tom Dyson]( - In this episode Tom Dyson explains how Wagtail came to be created, what sets it apart from other options, and when you should implement it for your projects.
- [Django Chat: Wagtail CMS - Tom Dyson]( - An interview with Tom Dyson on Wagtail, the leading Django-based CMS used by tens of thousands of organizations including Google, NASA, and the British NHS.
### Videos
- [Learn Wagtail]( - Regular video tutorials about all aspects of Wagtail.
- [Wagtail screencasts: Creating and displaying pages in Wagtail]( - This video will show you how to create and display pages using the Wagtail CMS.
- [Draftail extensions – custom entities tutorial]( - Step-by-step tutorial to make extensions for Draftail.
- [Wagtail Wednesdays #01 - Adding Help Text to Improve Wagtail Editor Experience]( - Catherine talks you through the steps you can take to add some useful supplementary text fields to the Wagtail admin.
- [Wagtail Wednesdays #02 - Customising Rich Text Features in Wagtail]( - Catherine talks you through the steps you can take to customise your rich text editors to control which features are available to your content editors.
- [Wagtail Wednesdays #03 - Using tabs to create a cleaner admin interface]( - Chris talks you through using tabs to organise fields.
- [Wagtail Wednesdays #04 - Organising Images and Documents using Wagtail Collections]( - Kieran talks you through the process of organising your images and documents into collections.
- [Wagtail Wednesdays #05 - How to organise your fields and streamline the editor experience]( - Chelsea talks you through the process of organising your fields to make it easier to manage them and streamline the editor experience.
- [Wagtail Wednesdays #06 - Creating & using custom settings in your wagtail site]( - Chris talks you through setting up and using custom site settings.
- [Wagtail Wednesdays #07 - How to Enable the Wagtail Styleguide]( - It’s a really helpful resource that takes no time at all to enable and it allows you to check your components against the guidelines and shows all the available Wagtail icons.
- [How to Deploy Wagtail to Google App Engine]( - Focus is Google Cloud Platform but a great introduction on how to get Wagtail up and running in their PAAS.
### Books
- [Wagtail CMS in Action]( - Book about creating powerful, simple web applications using the Wagtail content management system.
- [The Definitive Guide to Next.js and Wagtail]( - Build a Jamstack web app with Next.js and Wagtail CMS.
- [Build a Blog With Wagtail CMS (3.0.0)]( - This book will teach you how to build a modern blog with Wagtail CMS.
- [Build SPA with React and Wagtail (2.0.0)]( - This book will teach you how to build a SPA (single-page application) with React and Wagtail CMS.
- [Build a Blog with React (SSR) and Wagtail]( - This book will teach you how to build a blog with React, Wagtail CMS and SSR (Server-Side Rendering).
### Showcases
- [Made with Wagtail]( - A showcase of sites and apps made with Wagtail CMS.
- [Contributed apps and website code]( - A provisional directory of third-party contributed Wagtail websites and apps.
### Lists
- [PyPI - Python Package Index]( - Wagtail packages on the Python Package Index.
- [Django Packages]( - Wagtail projects and packages on Django Packages.
## For editors
- [How Do I Wagtail?]( - Mozilla's editor facing guide for how to use Wagtail's admin interface. Source for this hosted on [Mozilla's Github](
- [Wagtail Editor's manual]( - Wagtail documentation for editors
- [CCA Wagtail Editor Portal]( - User facing documentation for Wagtail by California College of the Arts
- [Caltech Wagtail Editor Portal]( - User facing documentation for Wagtail by Caltech
- [IoGT Wagtail CMS]( - User facing documentation for Wagtail by What is the IoGT (Internet of Good Things).
## Community
- [Dutch Wagtail Meetup]( - This is a group for anyone interested in working and developing with Wagtail.
- [Wellington Wagtail CMS Meetup]( - The first Wagtail CMS meetup in New Zealand!
- [Wagtail Space]( - Wagtail training sessions, Wagtail (lightning) talks and a Wagtail sprint. From March 13th until 15th 2019, Wagtail Space takes place in Arnhem, The Netherlands.
- [Wagtail’s first hatch]( – Kickstarter campaign to accelerate the development of Wagtail.
- [Wagtail updates on Telegram]( - Unofficial Telegram channel for general Wagtail updates.
- [Wagtail support on Telegram]( - Unofficial Telegram channel for support questions and discussions.
## Open-source sites
- [bakerydemo]( – Next generation Wagtail demo, born in Reykjavík.
- [wagtaildemo]( – An example site implemented with Wagtail.
- [Torchbox]( – Wagtail build of
- [Made with Wagtail]( - A showcase of sites and apps made with Wagtail CMS.
- []( – The website source.
- [Federal Election Commission]( – The content management system (CMS) for the new Federal Election Commission website.
- [Table Tennis Wellington Business Class]( – Website for the table tennis business league in Wellington NZ.
- [Jordi Joan’s blog]( – Personal blog site using Wagtail CMS.
- [Localore: Finding America]( – Wagtail-based CMS and Ansible playbooks for Localore: Finding America.
- [Adventure Capitalists]( – Wagtail powered website for the world's only investment band.
- [NHS.UK Content Store]( – NHS.UK content store and editing app.
- []( – City of Helsinki development site with Wagtail.
- [Digital Helsinki]( – City of Helsinki Digital Helsinki Wagtail CMS.
- [Secure the News]( – An automated scanner and web dashboard for tracking TLS deployment across news organizations.
- [HackSoft]( – Website for HackSoft.
- [HackConf]( – Website for the annual HackConf.
- [RTEI]( – Right to Education Index website (OKFN).
- [BVSPCA]( – Bow Valley SPCA website.
- [Project TIER]( – Teaching Integrity in Empirical Research.
- [SecureDrop]( – Wagtail-powered website of the SecureDrop whistleblower document submission system.
- [Consumer Financial Protection Bureau]( – The source code of the Wagtail-powered is available here on GitHub.
- [WesternFriend]( - community website with directory, ecommerce, and online subscription
- [WagtailParadise]( - demo Wagtail site showing common features and recipes
- [Outreachy website]( - Website for Outreachy, who provide internships in open source and open science.
## Contribute
Contributions are always welcome!
Please read the [contribution guidelines](.github/ first.
## License
To the extent possible under law, [Springload]( has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
243 | :sunglasses: List of helpful resources added by the community for the community! | # Awesome Resources [](
:sunglasses: List of helpful resources added by the community for the community!
> Please read [this discussion]( before contributing to Hacktoberfest.
## Contribution
To add a resource or contribute, please check out our contribution guide [here](
## Emojis Filter and Cheatsheet
(If you're viewing this one the website, try clicking the icon buttons to filter the items in the list based on the category)
Throughout this list you'll see next to each resource and emoji. Here's what each mean:
:books: Course, long series or list of tutorials, or books
:file_folder: Documentation
:speaker: Podcast
:green_book: Single Tutorial
:wrench: Tool
:video_camera: Video Resource (Youtube, video course, etc...)
:bulb: Other
## Content
- [Algorithms](#algorithms)
- [Android](#android)
- [Angular](#angular)
- [Artificial Intelligence](#artificial-intelligence)
- [Big Data](#bigdata)
- [Blockchain](#blockchain)
- [Bots](#bots)
- [C](#c)
- [C++](#c-1)
- [Clojure](#clojure)
- [Computer Science](#computer-science)
- [Theoretical Computer Science](#theoretical-computer-science)
- [CSS](#css)
- [CSharp](#csharp)
- [Dart](#dart)
- [Database](#database)
- [Data Science](#data-science)
- [Deep Learning](#deep-learning)
- [DevOps](#devops)
- [Django](#django)
- [Docker](#docker)
- [Express](#express)
- [Ethical Hacking](#ethical-hacking)
- [Expo](#expo)
- [Fundamental CP algorithms](#fundamental-cp-algorithms)
- [Algebra](#algebra)
- [Combinatorics](#combinatorics)
- [Data Structures](#data-structures)
- [Dynamic Programming](#dynamic-programming)
- [Graph Theory](#graph-theory)
- [Linear Algebra](#linear-algebra)
- [String Processing](#string-processing)
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- [MySQL](#mysql)
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- [PHP](#php)
- [PostgreSQL](#postgresql)
- [Power Automate](#power-automate)
- [Python](#python)
- [React](#react)
- [React Native](#react-native)
- [Regular Expressions](#regular-expressions)
- [Ruby](#ruby)
- [Rust](#rust)
- [Sass](#sass)
- [Spring](#spring)
- [Svelte](#svelte)
- [Swift](#swift)
- [System Design](#system-design)
- [Terraform](#terraform)
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Typescript](#typescript)
- [Unity](#unity)
- [Vue](#vue)
- [Web Accessibility](#web-accessibility)
- [Web Development](#web-development)
- [Webpack](#webpack)
- [Others](#others)
- [Cheat Sheets](#cheat-sheets)
- [Design](#design)
- [Free Hosting](#free-hosting)
- [Open Source](#open-source)
- [Standard Template Library](#standard-template-library)
- [VS Code](#vs-code)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Talks and Podcasts](#talks-and-podcasts)
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Android
- :books: [Vogella Tutorials](
- :books: [Android Basics with Kotlin Course](
- :file_folder: [Build your first app](
- :file_folder: [Official Documentation](
- :bulb: [Android™ Notes for Professionals book](
- :bulb: [Android Developer Roadmap](
- :bulb: [Android cheat sheet](
- :bulb: [Android Tips & Tricks](
- :bulb: [Awesome Android](
- :books: [Kotlin Fundamentals for Android Developers](
- :video_camera: [Android Jetpack Compose For Beginners](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Angular
- :books: [ - Angular](
- :video_camera: [ - Build Redux Style Applications with Angular2, RxJS, and ngrx/store](
- :video_camera: [Udemy - Introduction to Angular 2](
- :video_camera: [Udemy - Angular 2 with TypeScript for Beginners: The Pragmatic Guide](
- :video_camera: [Udemy - The Complete Guide to Angular 2](
- :video_camera: [Pluralsight - Angular 2: First Look](
- :video_camera: [Pluralsight - Angular 2: Getting Started](
- :bulb: [Angular Material - Material Design components for Angular](
- :bulb: [Angular Powered Bootstrap - Bootstrap widgets for Angular](
- :books: [ - Learn Angular - Full Tutorial Course](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Artificial Intelligence
- :books: [Learn Basics Of AI](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Big Data
- :video_camera: [Big Data](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Blockchain
- :bulb: [KnowEthereum (handpicked ethereum resources)](
- :green_book: [Learn Solidity By Example](
- :books: [Crypto Zombie - Build DApps By Building Simple Games](
- :video_camera: [Learn Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript](
- :video_camera: [Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course – Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial](
- :video_camera: [Complete Blockchain tutorial for beginners](
- :books: [Become a Web3 Developer](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Bots
- :green_book: [Simple Twitter Bot Tutorial with Node.js](
- :green_book: [Create a Simple WhatsApp Chatbot without Coding](
- :file_folder: [Build Your First Wit App](
- :green_book: [How to Make a Twitter Bot in Python With Tweepy](
- :video_camera: [Discord.JS v13 - Make your own Discord bots by following this video series](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## C
- :video_camera: [C Full Course](
- :video_camera: [C Programming for Beginners](
- :books: [Learn C Org](
- :bulb: [C Cheatsheet](
- :books: [C Tutorial - Learn C in Detail](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## C++
- :bulb: [CP Algorithms](
- :books: [Tutorials Point Course](
- :bulb: [How to Learn the C++ Languages: The Ultimate List](
- :bulb: [The C++ Standard Template Library (STL)](
- :books: [C++ Series GeeksForGeeks](
- :books: [LearnCPP](
- :video_camera: [C++ Tutorial](
- :file_folder: [C++ API Reference](
- :video_camera: [C++ Standard Template Library in Practice](
- :video_camera: [C++ Standard Template Library for Competative programming](
- :bulb: [C++ Cheatsheet](
- :books: [C++ Tutorial - Learn CPP in Detail](
- :video_camera: [Complete C++ Placement DSA Course](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Clojure
- :books: [Clojure for the Brave and True](
- :bulb: [Clojure Cheatsheet](
- :file_folder: [Clojure Documentation](
- :file_folder: [Clojure API](
- :video_camera: [Clojure Tutorial](
- :video_camera: [Clojure Crash Course](
- :video_camera: [The Clojure Language](
- :video_camera: [Clojure tutorial by a Defold developer](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Computer Science
- :bulb: [Awesome Awesomeness](
- :books: [CS50](
- :books: [Khan Academy - Computer Science](
- :bulb: [Open Source Society University - Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!](
- :books: [Teach Yourself Computer Science](
- :books: [Introduction to Compilers and How they Work](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Theoretical Computer Science
- :file_folder: [Agda usage](
- :books: [Freely available programming books](
- :file_folder: [Programming Language Foundation in Agda](
- :video_camera: [Type Theory playlist](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## CSS
- :books: [CSS Tutorial on W3Schools](
- :bulb: [30SecondsOfCode CSS Snippet](
- :green_book: [A Complete Guide to Flexbox](
- :green_book: [A Complete Guide to Grid](
- :wrench: [CSS Framework - Bootstrap](
- :wrench: [CSS Framework - Bulma](
- :wrench: [CSS Framework - Materialize](
- :wrench: [CSS Framework - Tailwind CSS](
- :video_camera: [CSS Flexbox - Wes Bos](
- :video_camera: [CSS Grid - Wes Bos](
- :wrench: [CSS Box-Shadow Generator](
- :wrench: [CSS Gradient Generator](
- :wrench: [CSS Animated Gradient Background Generator](
- :wrench: [Online CSS3 Code Generator - EnjoyCSS]( : A gallery with ready made solutions from text effects to art and templates.
- :wrench: [CSS Section Separator Generator](
- :bulb: [CSS Grid - A simple visual cheatsheet by Malven](
- :bulb: [CSS Flex - A simple visual cheatsheet by Malven](
- :bulb: [CSSBattle](
- :books: [Learning Advanced CSS and HTML](
- :bulb: [Style Stage - A modern CSS showcase styled by community contributions](
- :video_camera: [Tailwind CSS Tutorial for Beginners - Full Course](
- :video_camera: [Introduction to CSS](
- :video_camera: [CSS Units px, rem, em, vh, vw / Absolute Vs Relative Units](
- :wrench: [Whirl]( : CSS loading animations with minimal effort!
- :wrench: [CSS Selector Generator](
- :bulb: [CSS Cheat Sheet](
- :books: [CSS Tutorial - Learn CSS in Detail](
- :wrench: [CSS Multicolor Gradient](
- :bulb: [CSS Grid Garden](
- :bulb: [CSS Flexbox-Froggy]( - Learn Flexbox while playing
- :bulb: [Knights of the Flexbox Table](
- :books: [Learn CSS From Scratch](
- :bulb: [100 Days CSS Challenge](
- :bulb: [CSS Reference](
- :wrench: [CSS Validator](
- :wrench: [CSS Color Picker](
- :wrench: [CSS Framework - UIkit](
- :wrench: [CSS Framework - Skeleton](
- :wrench: [CSS Framework - Pure](
- :wrench: [CSS Framework - Material Design Lite](
- :green_book: [Understanding Layout Algorithms](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## CSharp
- :bulb: [5 books every C# developer should read](
- :bulb: [C# From a Java Developer's Perspective](
- :file_folder: [C# Microsoft Docs](
- :books: [The C# Yellow Book](
- :books: [Free C# online courses](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Dart
- :file_folder: [Asynchronous programming: futures, async, await](
- :file_folder: [Books about Dart](
- :file_folder: [Dart Cheatsheet](
- :file_folder: [DartPad in tutorials: best practices](
- :video_camera: [Dart videos from Google](
- :video_camera: [Dart Tutorial for Beginners: Basics and Fundamentals for Flutter](
- :books: [Intro to Dart for Java Developers](
- :file_folder: [Iterable collections](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Database
- :video_camera: [Practical SQL Series](
- :video_camera: [DBMS Database Management System-For College](
- :video_camera: [Database Systems - Cornell University Course (SQL, NoSQL, Large-Scale Data Analysis)](
- :books: [SQL Bolt - learn SQL with simple, interactive exercises](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Data Science
- :books: [DPhi-Data Science Courses](
- :books: [Data Science Methodology](
- :bulb: [Data Science Cheat Sheets](
- :books: [IBM Data Science Coursera](
- :video_camera: [Introduction to Data Science with R](
- :bulb: [Machine Learning Algorithms from Scratch](
- :books: [Python for Data Science: Fundamentals](
- :books: [Python for Data Science: Intermediate](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Deep Learning
- :books: [Andrew Ng's Deep Learning Specializations Course](
- :green_book: [Convolutional networks CS231n](
- :books: [Deep Learning Fundamentals](
- :bulb: [Deep learning cheat sheet](
- :books: [Natural Language Processing CS224n](
- :books: [IBM Deep Learning Course with certification](
- :books: [Geometric Deep Learning](
- :books: [CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Django
- :file_folder: [Django Documentation](
- :green_book: [Deploy Django Application on Heroku](
- :video_camera: [Everything about using Celery with Django](
- :video_camera: [Python Backend Web Development Course (with Django)](
- :video_camera: [Django tutorial for beginners](
- :bulb: [Django Cheatsheet](
- :green_book: [Django REST APIs](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## DevOps
- :file_folder: [90DaysOfDevOps](
- :file_folder: [Azure DevOps](
- :green_book: [Agile vs Devops](
- :books: [Become a DevOps Engineer - Linkedin Learning](
- :bulb: [DevOps terms: 10 essential concepts, explained](
- :books: [DevOps for Dummies - by IBM](
- :bulb: [DevOps Roadmap for beginners](
- :bulb: [How To Become a DevOps Engineer In Six Months or Less](
- :video_camera: [Free DevOps Bootcamp from beginner to advanced](
- :video_camera: [DevOps roadmap with Resources](
- :bulb: [How to Become a DevOps Engineer in Six Months - by Spacelift](
- :bulb: [9 DevOps Best Practices – What You Should Do and NOT Do - by Spacelift](
- :bulb: [Best tools for DevOps](
- :books: [DevOps Bootcamp](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Docker
- :file_folder: [Docker Overview & Basics](
- :video_camera: [Docker for beginners](
- :books: [Docker Curriculum Ebook](
- :wrench: [Docker Labs environment](
- :books: [Docker labs](
- :bulb: [Docker Cheat sheet](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Express
- :green_book: [LinkedIn Login using Node JS, Express and passport](
- :books: [Curated ExpressJS Courses]( - a list of community curated resources
- :books: [ExpressJS Courses at Classpert]( - a list of courses (free and paid) from Classpert Online Course Search
- :bulb: [Security Practices in Express App](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Algorithms
- :bulb: [List of helpful algos](
- :books: [Stanford University Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1](
- :books: [Stanford University Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2](
- :video_camera: [Sorting Algorithms]( - mycodeschool
- :bulb: [Algorithm Visualizer](
- :video_camera: [Greedy Algorithm by Abdul Bari](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Ethical Hacking
- :bulb: [Collection of hackers, pentesters & security researchers](
- :video_camera: [Ethical Hacking from Scratch](
- :wrench: [Open Source Reverse Engineering Platform](
- :video_camera: [Penetration Testing Bootcamp](
- :bulb: [Practical-Ethical-Hacking-Resources](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Networking
- :video_camera: [Fundamentals of Networking](
- :video_camera: [Computer Networking Full Course - OSI Model Deep Dive with Real Life Examples](
- :video_camera: [Computer Networking Course - Network Engineering (CompTIA Network+ Exam Prep)](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Expo
- :video_camera: [Expo Crash Course by Traversy Media](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Fundamental CP algorithms
### Algebra
- :green_book: [Binary Exponentiation](
- :green_book: [Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor](
- :green_book: [Extended Euclidean Algorithm](
- :green_book: [Fibonacci Numbers](
- :green_book: [Linear Diophantine Equations](
### Combinatorics
- :green_book: [Binomial Coefficients](
- :green_book: [Catalan Numbers](
- :green_book: [Finding Power of Factorial Divisor](
### Data Structures
- :video_camera: [DSA + Java Interview Preparation Course](
- :video_camera: [DSA + C++ Interview Preparation Course](
- :video_camera: [Data Structures](
- :video_camera: [DSA-One Course - The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course](
- :green_book: [Minimum Stack / Minimum Queue](
- :books: [Data Structures Tutorial - Scalar](
- :books: [Princeton University Algorithms, Part 1](
- :books: [Princeton University Algorithms, Part 2](
- :books: [Sparse Table](
- :books: [This is CS50x]( - David J. Malan
- :books: [IIT Bombay Foundation of Data Structures (CS213.1x)](
- :books: [Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms]( - Brynn Claypoole, Horatio Thomas
### Dynamic Programming
- :green_book: [Divide and Conquer DP](
- :green_book: [Dynamic Programming on Broken Profile. Problem "Parquet"](
- :green_book: [Dynamic Programming GeeksforGeeks](
- :green_book: [Finding the largest zero submatrix](
- :video_camera: [Best Dynamic Programming Playlist](
### Linear Algebra
- :green_book: [Gauss & System of Linear Equations](
- :green_book: [Gauss & Determinant](
- :green_book: [Kraut & Determinant](
- :green_book: [Rank of a matrix](
### String Processing
- :green_book: [Aho-Corasick algorithm](
- :green_book: [Prefix function - Knuth-Morris-Pratt](
- :green_book: [Rabin-Karp for String Matching](
- :green_book: [String Hashing](
- :green_book: [Suffix Array](
- :green_book: [Z-function](
### Graph Theory
- :books: [Introduction to Graph Theory](
- :green_book: [Breadth First Search](
- :green_book: [Depth First Search](
- :green_book: [Shortest Path (Dijkstra's Algorithm)](
- :green_book: [Shortest Path with Negative Weights (Bellman Ford Algorithm)](
- :green_book: [Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim's Algorithm)](
- :green_book: [Minimum Spanning Tree (Kruskal's Algorithm)](
- :green_book: [Max Flow (Ford-Fulkerson and Edmonds-Karp Algorithms)](
- :video_camera: [Striver's Graph Series](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Flutter
- :green_book: [Adding Google Maps to a Flutter app](
- :video_camera: [Animation in Flutter](
- :green_book: [Building beautiful UIs with Flutter](
- :green_book: [Building Beautiful Transitions with Material Motion for Flutter](
- :green_book: [Building a Cupertino app with Flutter](
- :green_book: [Build a Photo Sharing app with Google Photos and Flutter](
- :green_book: [Firebase for Flutter](
- :video_camera: [Flutter Tutorial for Beginners - YouTube](
- :video_camera: [Flutter Animation Tutorial - YouTube](
- :video_camera: [Flutter & Firebase App Build - YouTube](
- :file_folder: [Flutter Documentation](
- :green_book: [How to test a Flutter app](
- :video_camera: [Reactive Programming with Flutter](
- :file_folder: [Write your first Flutter app, Part 1](
- :green_book: [Write your first Flutter app, Part 2](
- :green_book: [Write a Flutter desktop application](
- :video_camera: [Flutter Bloc Complete Course](
- :video_camera: [Flutter Bloc - from Zero To HERO](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Free Hosting
- :wrench: [Netlify](
- :wrench: [Heroku](
- :wrench: [Vercel](
- :wrench: [](
- :wrench: [Github Pages](
- :wrench: [Gitlab Pages](
- :wrench: [Deta](
- :wrench: [InfinityFree](
- :wrench: [Cyclic](
- :wrench: [Surge](
- :wrench: [Adaptable](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## GIT
- :file_folder: [Pro Git Book](
- :books: [Udacity's Git Commit Style Guide](
- :bulb: [Learn Git Branching]( A beautiful visual guide to learn simple and advanced Git.
- :bulb: [Git Explorer](
- :bulb: [NPD Software :: Git Cheatsheet](;)
- :bulb: [Git notes for Professionals Book](
- :books: [Introduction to Git and Github ebook - Bobby Iliev(Markdown, PDF)](
- :books: [Introduction to Git and Github - Launch School](
- :books: [Git Immersion](
- :bulb: [30SecondsOfCode Git Snippets](
- :bulb: [Git - the simple guide](
- :bulb: [Oh My Git]( Open source Git learning game.
- :bulb: [Git Exercises by Fracz](
- :green_book: [A Visual Git Reference](
- :green_book: [GIT PURR! Git Commands Explained with Cats](
- :bulb: [Top GitHub best practices for developers](
- :books: [Learning Git By Atlassian](
- :video_camera: [An Introduction to Git and GitHub by Brian Yu](
- :file_folder: [Git Documentaton](
- :green_book: [Dangit, Git!?!](
- :bulb: [Using multiple Git accounts with SSH keys](
- :green_book: [How to Write a Git Commit Message](
- :video_camera: [Kunal Kushwaha's Complete Git and GitHub tutorial](
- :video_camera: [Git & GitHub Tutorial For Beginners In Hindi - हिंदी में](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## GitHub
- :green_book: [How to create a pull request in GitHub](
- :green_book: [Squash mutilple commits into one in GitHub](
- :books: [GitHub Learning Lab](
- :video_camera: [Hands-on-experience-of-git-commands](
- :green_book: [Step by Step Guide to Contributing on GitHub](
- :bulb: [GitHub Protips: Tips, tricks, hacks, and secrets from Lee Reilly](
- :green_book: [GitHub Minesweeper]( hands-on introduction to working with Git and GitHub in a team
- :wrench: []( Easiest way to make good readme for your github repos
- :video_camera: [Complete Git and Github Tutorial](
- :green_book: [How to Create Github Profile README](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Go
- :file_folder: [A Tour of Go - A Complete Tour of the Go Programming Language.](
- :books: [Go by Example](
- :books: [Gophercises: Free Coding Exercises for Budding Gophers](
- :books: [Learn Go with Tests](
- :bulb: [50 Shades of Go: Traps, Gotchas, and Common Mistakes for New Golang Devs](
- :video_camera: [Golang for begineers - YouTube playlist](
- :video_camera: [Let's go with golang - YouTube playlist](
- :file_folder: [Effective Go](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## GraphQL
- :video_camera: [GraphQL tutorial for beginners](
- :books: [GraphQL Tutorials](
- :video_camera: [Complete App with GraphQl](
- :video_camera: [Learn GraphQL with React](
- :books: [Apollo Odyssey - GraphQL Tutorials](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
- :bulb: [HTML Cheat sheet by CodeWithHarry](
- :bulb: [5 HTML Tricks Nobody is Talking About](
- :bulb: [11 Lifesaving HTML/CSS Tricks Every Developer Should Know](
- :bulb: [HTML CheatSheet](
- :file_folder: [HTML documentation for beginners](
- :green_book: [Build your first HTML Project](
- :video_camera: [HTML tutorial for beginners](
- :video_camera: [Introduction to HTML](
- :video_camera: [Learn HTML! with 100Devs](
- :books: [HTML Tutorial - Learn HTML in Detail](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Ionic
- :video_camera: [Angular to React for Ionic Developers](
- :green_book: [Add a Firebase Database to your Ionic App](
- :bulb: [Awesome Ionic - A curated list of awesome Ionic libraries, resources, and solutions from Ionic 1 to the latest version of the framework](
- :green_book: [Building an Ionic JWT Refresh Token Flow](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Java
- :books: [Learn Java - Free Interactive Java Tutorial](
- :bulb: [10 Simple Java Projects for Beginners](
- :video_camera: [Advanced Java Programming](
- :books: [Learn Servlet Tutorials](
- :books: [Object Oriented Programming in Java](
- :books: [Learn Java Programming Language Step by Step](
- :video_camera: [Java Full Course](
- :books: [Java Programming - Test Automation University](
- :books: [Java Programming - University of Helsinki](
- :video_camera: [Learn Java 8 - Full Tutorial for Beginners - freeCodeCamp](
- :video_camera: [Java Beginner Course - freeCodeCamp](
- :video_camera: [Java Tutorial for Beginners - Programming with Mosh](
- :video_camera: [Java + DSA + Interview Preparation Course](
- :bulb: [Java Cheatsheet](
- :books: [Java Tutorial - Learn Java Programming in Detail](
- :books: [Java Programming Cheat sheet - Princeton](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Javascript
- :video_camera: [Learn How JavaScripts works Behind the Scene by Akshay Saini](
- :books: [CoderslangJS](
- :bulb: [Beginner JavaScript Notes + Reference by Wes Bos](
- :green_book: [Learn Modern JavaScript ES6 \| ES7 \| ES8](
- :green_book: [Learn JavaScript through a game](
- :bulb: [JavaScript ES2020 - The Features You Should Know](
- :bulb: [S.O.L.I.D. Principles around You, in JavaScript](
- :bulb: [The 30 days JavaScript Challenge](
- :video_camera: [JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts](
- :books: [Full Stack Javascript course by The Odin Project](
- :books: [Building Front-End Web Apps with Plain JavaScript](
- :books: [The Modern JavaScript Tutorial](
- :bulb: [20 Killer JavaScript One Liners](
- :books: [You Don't Know JS Yet (book series)](
- :bulb: [30SecondsOfCode JavaScript Snippets](
- :books: [Full Stack open 2021](
- :green_book: [Demystifying JavaScript Promises - A New Way to Learn](
- :bulb: [Favorite JavaScript Utilities in single line of code! No more!](
- :bulb: [JavaScript CheatSheet by DaveChild](
- :books: [Introduction to JavaScript](
- :wrench: [Free Subdomain For Github Pages](
- :books: [Eloquent JavaScript - A Modern Introduction to Programming](
- :books: [JavaScript Garden](
- :video_camera: [JavaScript by Example - Level 1 by Hussein Nasser](
- :video_camera: [JavaScript by Example - Level 2 by Hussein Nasser](
- :video_camera: [Namaste JavaScript](
- :books: [20+ Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript](
- :bulb: [JavaScript plugins - jQuery & Vanilla](
- :video_camera: [JavaScript tutorial for Beginners 😎](
- :books: [Modern JavaScript Explained For Dinosaurs](
- :books: [TheJSWay Book](
- :video_camera: [Learn Javascript with 100Devs](
- :books: [JavaScript Tutorial - Learn JavaScript in Detail](
- :wrench: [Visualize JavaScript and Understand the Workflow](
- :books: [FreeCodeCamp - JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Kubernetes
- :file_folder: [Kubernetes Documentation](
- :green_book: [Understanding Kubernetes: Developer's Guide](
- :books: [100 Days of Kubernetes](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## OpenShift
- :file_folder: [OpenShift Documentation](
- :books: [OpenShift Interactive Learning Portal](
- :books: [OpenShift Tutorials](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Laravel
- :file_folder: [Official Documentation](
- :video_camera: [Video Tutorials for Laravel](
- :wrench: [Serverless Deployment for Laravel](
- :wrench: [Micro Laravel Framework for APIs](
- :wrench: [Server Management for Laravel](
- :video_camera: [Creating "Laravel Checklister"](
- :books: [Laravel Tutorial](
- :books: [Laravel News](
- :books: [LaraShout: Laravel Tutorials and Guides](
- :bulb: [Laravel Daily](
- :books: [Laravel Bootcamp](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
- :file_folder: [Official Documentation](
- :books: [Complete tutorial from Tutorialpoint](
- :video_camera: [Less CSS Tutorials for Beginners Playlist](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Linux
- :video_camera: [Introduction to Linux](
- :video_camera: [Introduction to Linux & Terminal Commands - Full Course for Beginners](
- :books: [KodeKloud - Linux Foundation Certified System Administrator (LFCS)](
- :books: [Linux kernel and its insides](
- :bulb: [Interactive map of Linux Kernel](
- :books: [Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition](
- :bulb: [Linux Commands Cheat Sheet](
- :books: [Linux Fundamentals Part 1](
- :books: [Linux Fundamentals Part 2](
- :books: [Linux Fundamentals Part 3](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Machine Learning
- :books: [Google's Machine Learning Crash Course](
- :books: [Andrew Ng's Machine Learning Coursera Course](
- :books: [Intro to Machine Learning](
- :books: [Intermediate Machine Learning](
- :books: [Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms](
- :books: [Probability and Statistics](
- :books: [freecodecamp's courses for machine learning](
- :bulb: [A quick review of the linear algebra concepts relevant to machine learning.](
- :books: [Calculus](
- :books: [Statistical concepts for machine learning](
- :bulb: [AWS Machine Learning Tools](
- :green_book: [Introductory Primer](
- :bulb: [Machine Learning Roadmap](
- :books: [TinyML Course](
- :books: [Deep Learning - University of buffalo](
- :books: [Machine Learning Introduction with Python](
- :speaker: [Machine Learning Guide Podcast](
- :books: [An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R](
- :video_camera: [Neural Networks Theory](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Magento
- :wrench: [Fast Virtual Machine for Magento2](
- :wrench: [Docker Configuration for Magento2](
- :books: [Become Magento 2 Developer with Mage Mastery (online courses and workshops)](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Markdown
- :bulb: [List of Badges, in Markdown](
- :bulb: [Markdown Cheatsheet](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## MySQL
- :books: [MySQL Tutorial](
- :video_camera: [MySQL - The Basics // Learn SQL in 23 Easy Steps - Fireship](
- :video_camera: [MySQL Crash Course - Traversy Media](
- :video_camera: [MySQL Tutorial for Beginners - Programming with Mosh](
- :video_camera: [SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners - freeCodeCamp](
- :video_camera: [MySQL Database - Full Course - freeCodeCamp](
- :bulb: [MySQL Cheatsheet](
- :books: [SQLBolt](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## NodeJS
- :books: [Introduction to nodejs](
- :books: [Beginners guide to nodejs (step by step)](
- :green_book: [Node JS Architecture](
- :green_book: [Deploy Node App on AWS EC2](
- :bulb: [30SecondsOfCode Node JS Snippets](
- :green_book: [The only NodeJs introduction you’ll ever need](
- :video_camera: [Introduction to Node.js](
- :green_book: [Back End Development and APIs](
- :video_camera: [Backend Interview Series](
- :books: [30 Days of Node](
- :file_folder: [Node.js Documentation](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Operating Systems
- :video_camera: [Operating Systems](
- :books: [Operating System Tutorial - Learn Operating System](
- :video_camera: [Operating System - For College](
- :books: [Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces](
- :video_camera: [Operating Systems: Operating Systems for Placements/Interview](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## PHP
- :books: [PHP: The Right Way](
- :video_camera: [PHP Front to Back](
- :books: [PHP Apprentice: An Online Book For Learning PHP](
- :books: [Learn PHP - SoloLearn](
- :bulb: [40+ Useful Php tips for beginners](
- :bulb: [PHP Cheat Sheet](
- :green_book: [Design Patterns](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## PostgreSQL
- :bulb: [SQL Cheat Sheet - ABZ-Aaron](
- :books: [PostgreSQL Tutorial](
- :video_camera: [Learn PostgreSQL Tutorial - freeCodeCamp](
- :video_camera: [SQL Tutorial for Beginners - Ben Awad](
- :video_camera: [SQL Tutorials - Corey Schafer](
- :file_folder: [PostgreSQL SQL documentation](
- :bulb: [PostgreSQL exercises](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Power Automate
- :file_folder: [Power Automate official documentation](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Python
- :books: [CS50P - CS50's intro to Programing With Python](
- :books: [Automate The Boring Stuff With Python](
- :books: [Python Intermediate Tutorial](
- :books: [Python Programming MOOC 2022(University of Helsinki)](
- :books: [Python Tutorial](
- :video_camera: [Python for Everybody (14 hour course)](
- :bulb: [Python Tips and Tricks for Beginners](
- :books: [The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python](
- :books: [Python Tutorials with online IDE - jobtensor](
- :video_camera: [Python 3 Basics Tutorial Series - YouTube](
- :green_book: [Learning Python: From Zero To Hero](
- :video_camera: [Complete Python Tutorial In Hindi - YouTube](
- :bulb: [TheAlgorithms/Python: All Algorithms implemented in Python](
- :bulb: [30SecondsOfCode Python Snippets](
- :green_book: [Selenium with Python Tutorial](
- :video_camera: [Python Flask Tutorial](
- :bulb: [Python Cheatsheet](
- :bulb: [Python Cheatsheet](
- :books: [Python Tutorial - Learn Python Programming](
- :books: [Python From Scratch](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## React
- :books: [React Tutorial - W3Schools](
- :books: [ Start Learning React](
- :file_folder: [React Official Tutorial](
- :file_folder: [Using React in Visual Studio Code](
- :books: [Scrimba - Learn React for free interactively](
- :bulb: [FreeCodeCamp React Challenges](
- :bulb: [React Cheatsheet](
- :bulb: [React Patterns](
- :bulb: [Useful Packages you should know in React](
- :books: [Learn React Test Driven Development](
- :video_camera: [ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners](
- :books: [The React Beginner's Handbook](
- :video_camera: [React.js Clones by PAPA React](
- :books: [Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization](
- :green_book: [React Custom Hooks Tutorial](
- :video_camera: [10 react hooks explained](
- :video_camera: [React Hooks](
- :video_camera: [React JS Crash Course](
- :books: [Become a React Developer - Linkedin Learning](
- :video_camera: [React Testing Tutorial by Codevolution](
- :video_camera: [React JS Full Course 2022 | Build an App and Master React in 1 Hour](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## React Native
- :file_folder: [React Native Tutorial](
- :bulb: [Performance Limitations of React Native and How to Overcome Them](
- :green_book: [VSCode setup for React Native](
- :green_book: [Build E-Commerce App in React Native](
- :green_book: [How to deploy react native apps](
- :video_camera: [React Native Tutorial For Beginners](
- :books: [Become a React Native Developer - Linkedin Learning](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Regular Expressions
- :wrench: [RegExr - an online tool to learn, build, & test Regular Expressions](
- :wrench: [Regex101 - Build, test, and debug regex](
- :books: [Regex Learn - Learn Regex step by step, from zero to advanced](
- :books: [Codecademy - Learn the Basics of Regular Expressions](
- :video_camera: [Net Ninja - Regex YT Playlist](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Ruby
- :books: [Ruby from Tutorialspoint](
- :video_camera: [Full course by](
- :books: [Full Stack Ruby and Ruby on Rails course by The Odin Project](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Rust
- :file_folder: [The Rust Programming Language book](
- :bulb: [Rustlings - small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code](
- :video_camera: [The Rust Lang Book video series by Let's Get Rusty](
- :video_camera: [Rust Programming Course for Beginners - Tutorial](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Sass
- :file_folder: [Complete Documentation](
- :wrench: [Zurb - Library to Create Transitions & Animations](
- :wrench: [Vanilla Framework](
- :wrench: [Susy - Grid Layout Engine](
- :video_camera: [SASS Tutorial (Build Your Own CSS Library)](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Spring
- :file_folder: [Getting Started - Building an Application](
- :file_folder: [Spring Security Architecture](
- :file_folder: [Building a RESTful Web Service](
- :video_camera: [Spring Boot Tutorial for Beginners](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Svelte
- :file_folder: [Introduction and basics of Svelte](
- :green_book: [Getting started with Svelte - MDN](
- :video_camera: [Svelte for beginners - The Net Ninja](
- :video_camera: [Learn the Svelte JavaScript Framework: Full Course - Freecodecamp](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Swift
- :books: [Swift Tutorial](
- :books: [Build your very first iOS app](
- :video_camera: [Swift Programming Tutorial for Beginners](
- :file_folder: [Documentation](
- :green_book: [Swift UI quick start](
- :video_camera: [SwiftUI Basics Tutorial](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## System Design
- :video_camera: [System Design Concepts](
- :video_camera: [System Design Primer Course](
- :video_camera: [System Design Interview Preparation Series by codeKarle](
- :video_camera: [Basics of System Design by Coding Simplified](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Terraform
- :bulb: [Terraform Study Guide](
- :books: [HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate 2021 (Zeal Vora)](
- :video_camera: [Deep Dive - Terraform (Pluralsight)](
- :video_camera: [Terraform Course - Automate your AWS cloud infrastructure](
- :video_camera: [Terraform for DevOps Beginners + Labs: Complete Step by Step Guide!](
- :bulb: [250 Practice Questions For Terraform Associate Certification](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Testing
- :bulb: [How to Start a Career in Testing?](
- :green_book: [Testing React with Jest and Enzyme](
- :wrench: [TestProject: Free Test Automation For All](
- :wrench: [Apache JMeter](
- :books: [API Testing 101: Learn The Basics](
- :bulb: [ISTQB Certification](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Typescript
- :file_folder: [TypeScript Documentation: Handbook](
- :books: [Scrimba - Introduction to TypeScript](
- :video_camera: [Typescript - The Basics](
- :video_camera: [Typescript Basics - Course](
- :bulb: [Clean Code concepts adapted for TypeScript](
- :video_camera: [TypeScript Course for Beginners 2021 - Learn TypeScript from Scratch!](
- :books: [Learn TypeScript Step by Step Tutorial](
- :books: [Learn TypeScript From Scratch](
- :books: [Type-Level TypeScript](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Unity
- :file_folder: [Unity Docs](
- :file_folder: [Official Unity Learn Page](
- :books: [Unity for Beginners](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Vue
- :video_camera: [Vue JS 3 Tutorial for Beginners - Youtube Playlist of a Series of 12 Videos](
- :bulb: [Using GitLab CI/CD to auto-deploy your Vue.js application to AWS S3](
- :bulb: [Dockerizing a Vue App](
- :green_book: [Deploying a Flask and Vue App to Heroku with Docker and Gitlab CI](
- :bulb: [Large-scale Vuex application structures](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Web Accessibility
- :bulb: [Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List](
- :green_book: [Mozilla Accessibility Guide](
- :green_book: [Google Developers Guide on Accessibility](
- :green_book: [Accessibility Testing Tutorial - A Complete Step By Step Guide](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Web Development
- :books: [IBM Full Stack Software Developer Specialization](
- :video_camera: [Frontend Interview Series](
- :video_camera: [Frontend Interview Series](
- :video_camera: [Frontend with HTML CSS JS & Browser APIs](
- :bulb: [ Design To Code Frontend Challenges](
- :bulb: [ Design To Code Frontend Challenges](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Webpack
- :green_book: [Getting Started Guide](
- :books: [Webpack Academy](
- :file_folder: [Docs](
**[⬆ Back to Index](#content)**
## Others
### Cheat Sheets
- :bulb: [Cheatsheet Collection - DevHints](
- :bulb: [Cheat Sheets](
- :bulb: [Programming Cheat Sheets](
- :bulb: [Codehouse - Cheatsheet Collection](
- :bulb: [Emmet](
- :bulb: [LeetCode](
### Design
- :bulb: [Freebie Supply](
- :bulb: [unDraw]( Free illustrations, updated regularly
- :bulb: [Bulbman]( Free Artistic Illustrations for Designers
- :bulb: [Feather Icons](
- :bulb: [humaaans](
- :bulb: [absurd](
- :bulb: [Crello Free Templates](
- :bulb: [404 Illustration]( Free illustrations for 404 pages
- :bulb: [UI Design Daily]( Awesome UI Components of all types
- :bulb: [Freepik]( Find Free Vectors, Stock Photos and PSD
- :bulb: [Geometric Shapes]( Free Geometric Shapes to use in Figma and download
- :bulb: [3D-Icons]( Free 3D - Icons to download
- :bulb: [533 Hand-Picked Tools & Resources for Web Designers & Developers](
- :bulb: [Illlustrations]( Awesome 120+ free illustrations
- :bulb: []( Free mockups for different type of products
- :bulb: [Unsplash]( Free high quality stock images and videos
- :bulb: [Undesign]( Collection of free design tools and resources for makers, developers and designers
- :bulb: [DopeUI]( High quality website UI templates
- :wrench: [Design Junction]( Resource library for Designers and Creatives
- :bulb: [Coolors]( The super fast color schemes generator
- :bulb: [uiGradients]( An awesome gradient generator
- :bulb: [Glassmorphism Generator]( Amazing tool to generate glassmorphism design.
- :bulb: [Canva](
- :bulb: [Photopea]( Free online editor supporting PSD, XCF, Sketch, XD and CDR formats.
- :bulb: [Lorem Ipsum Generators]( Awesome collection of Lorem Ipsum Generators
- :books: [Lapa Ninja]( The best resources for Learning Design
- :bulb: [Font Awesome]( Vector icons and social logos for your website
- :bulb: [SVG Backgrounds]( Customize and apply backgrounds fast.
- :bulb: [Vecteezy]( Download Free Vector Art, Stock Photos & Stock Videos.
- :bulb: [Haikei]( Multiple Shape Generator for UI.
- :bulb: [Free Web Illustrations]( Discover 1,500+ Free High-Quality Web Illustrations
### Open Source
- :green_book: [How to contribute to Open Source](
- :bulb: [What open source projects should I contribute](
- :green_book: [Why Open Source is Important for Students?](
- :green_book: [What is Open Source?](
### VS Code
- :green_book: [How to run graphics.h in VS Code](
- :bulb: [Top 5 VS Code extensions for web developers](
- :video_camera: [VS Code Tutorial for Beginners](
- :bulb: [The Best VS Code Extensions to Supercharge Your Git](
### Tools
- :wrench: [Tiny helpers]( A collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers
- :wrench: [How To Set Up ESLint & Prettier In VS Code](
- :wrench: []( Create beautiful images of your code snippets!
- :wrench: [Squircley]( Start creating beautiful organic shapes ready to use for logos, icons and background images
- :wrench: [BrandBird]( An image editor for busy SaaS founders, who build in public!
- :wrench: [Carbon]( Create and share beautiful images of your source code. (An alternative of [](
### Talks and Podcasts
- :video_camera: [Coding Better World Together Live Session with Uncle Bob (Robert C. Martin]( : Coding Better World Together is a set of master lessons from the famous Uncle Bob (Robert Cecil Martin), where he gives us a broad vision of the importance and future of Software in today's society.
- :speaker: [Clean Code with Uncle Bob Martin]( When folks code long enough, in time they get themselves stuck in a code base that's kind of difficult to wrap thier heads around. In this podcast Uncle Bob Martin talks about the principles of clean code and how to not make a code base too difficult to understand.
244 | A curated list of code katas | 
# Awesome Katas [](
> A curated list of code katas
## Table of Contents
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Dave Thomas's CodeKata](#codekata)
- [Wonderland Clojure Katas](#wonderland-clojure-katas)
- [SensioLabs PoleDev Katas](#sensiolabs-poledev-katas)
- [Gaurav Arora's TDD Katas Collection](#gaurav-aroras-tdd-katas-collection)
- [Others](#others)
- [Contribution](#contribution)
## Introduction
A kata, or code kata, is defined as an exercise in programming which helps hone your skills through practice and repetition. Dave Thomas [@pragdave](, started this movement for programming. This project aims to provide you with a list of some kata exercises that I've found in the Internet and the Github community. These exercises vary from general to more complex algorithms and real life situations for you to try using your preferred programming language. Remember that code katas are not quizzes or puzzles. You should not only try to 'solve' it, but find a very good solution, following best practices of the programming language you are using.
## [CodeKata](
- [Kata01: Supermarket Pricing](
- [Kata02: Karate Chop](
- [Kata03: How Big? How Fast?](
- [Kata04: Data Munging](
- [Kata05: Bloom Filters](
- [Kata06: Anagrams](
- [Kata07: How'd I Do?](
- [Kata08: Conflicting Objectives](
- [Kata09: Back to the Checkout](
- [Kata10: Hashes vs. Classes](
- [Kata11: Sorting It Out](
- [Kata12: Best Sellers](
- [Kata13: Counting Code Lines](
- [Kata14: Tom Swift Under the Milkwood](
- [Kata15: A Diversion](
- [Kata16: Business Rules](
- [Kata17: More Business Rules](
- [Kata18: Transitive Dependencies](
- [Kata19: Word Chains](
- [Kata20: Klondike](
- [Kata21: Simple Lists](
## [Wonderland Clojure Katas](
- [Alphabet Cipher](
- [Card game War](
- [Doublets](
- [Fox Goose Bag of Corn](
- [Magic Square](
- [Tiny Maze](
- [Wonderland Number](
## [SensioLabs PoleDev Katas](
- [Kata 1: (Form) DataTransformer](
- [Kata 2: (EventDispatcher) Event Listener / Event Dispatcher](
- [Kata 3: (Form) Inherit data / Virtual Form](
- [Kata 4: (Form) File Upload](
- [Kata 5: (Translation) Manage translations](
## [Gaurav Arora's TDD Katas Collection](
- [String Sum Kata](
- [String Calculator Kata](
- [The Bowling Game Kata](
- [The FizzBuzz Kata](
- [The OddEven Kata](
- [The PrimeFactor Kata](
- [Game of Life](
- [Harry Potter](
- [LCD Digits](
- [Leap Year](
- [Mine Fields](
- [Poker Hands](
- [Recently Used List](
- [Reversi](
- [Yehtzee](
- [The Word Wrap Kata](
## Others
- [Look and Say Sequence](
- [AKS primality test](
- [Roman Numeral Converter](
- [Natural sort order](
- [ES6 Katas](
- [.Net Code Katas](
- [Bank OCR](
- [Bubble sort](
- [Racing Car Katas](
- [Coding Dojo's KataCatalogue](
- [The OCP Kata](
- [The Birthday Greetings Kata](
- [Social Networking Kata](
- [Tell don't ask kata](
- [Functional Structures Refactoring Kata](
- [incremental_katas](
- [CLI Arguments Parser Kata](
- [Git katas](
- [Pdt256 katas (php, go, python, java, haskell, typescript)](
- [Opening Hours Kata](
- [The Quantum Katas](
- [Katalyst](
- [The Beverages Prices Refactoring Kata](
- [The Goose Game Kata](
- [Salary slip kata](
- [RPG Game kata](
- [Train Reservation kata](
- [Password-strength Checker TDD Kata](
- [Gilded Rose - Many languages](
- [Gilded Rose Original - C#](
- [Java by Comparison Kata](
- [DNA Transcription Kata](
- [Refactoring Golf Kata](
- [Promotion Text Kata](
- [Args Kata](
## Contribution
#### Please read the [contribution guidelines](
## License
245 | A curated list of resources for Frontend development | 
## Introduction
This is a collection of resources for Frontend development.
Most of the resources are free but we also included paid resources.
Resources labelled with 💵 indicate that the resource is a paid resource.
If you're just starting, you DON'T need to use every resource on this list. It is practically impossible. Use this as a reference. It is not a guide.
## Contibuting
We Invite as many contributions as possible.
If you know of a resource that would be a great addition to this list, feel free to make a contribution.
Be sure to read [How To Contribute](CONTRIBUTING.MD)
## Table of Contents
1. [**How The Internet Works**](#how-the-internet-works)
2. [**HTML**](#html)
3. [**CSS**](#css)
4. [**JavaScript**](#javascript)
5. [**Git**](#git)
6. [**React**](#react)
7. [**Vue**](#vue)
8. [**Browser Extensions**](#browser-extensions)
9. [**Icons**](#icons)
10. [**Fonts and Typography**](#fonts-and-typography)
11. [**Illustrations**](#illustrations)
12. [**Optimization**](#optimization)
13. [**Color Inspiration**](#color-inspiration)
14. [**Images and Videos**](#images-and-videos)
15. [**Hosting Sites**](#hosting-sites)
16. [**Design Inspiration**](#design-inspiration)
17. [**Portfolio Inspiration**](#portfolio-inspiration)
18. [**Youtube Channels**](#youtube-channels)
19. [**Podcasts**](#podcasts)
20. [**Blogs**](#blogs)
21. [**Interview Prep**](#interview-prep)
22. [**Newsletters**](#newsletters)
23. [**Contributing**](#contributing)
## How the Internet Works
### Documentation
- 📜[How does the Internet work? — MDN](
### Articles
- 📜[How does the Internet Work? — HowStuffWorks](
- 📜[How the Internet Works — Medium](,their%20source%20to%20their%20destination.)
- 📜[How Does the Internet Work? — Stanford](
### Videos
- 🎥[What is the Internet KhanAcademy](
- 🎥[The Internet: Crash Course Computer Science](
- 🎥[Computer Networks: Crash Course Computer Science](
- 🎥[The World Wide Web: Crash Course Computer Science](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
### Documentation
- 📜[Structuring the web with HTML MDN](
- 📜[HTML Reference](
### Cheat Sheets
- 📜[OverAPI](
- 📜[HTML Cheat Sheet](
- 📜[HTML Entity Refernce](
### Articles
- 📜[A simple guide to HTML <head> elements](
### Books
- 📒[HTML Notes for Pros](
- 📒[Design and Build Websites 💵](
- 📒[Head First HTML with CSS 💵](
- 📒[HTML5 Pocket Reference 💵](
### Courses
- 📝[HTML & CSS The Odin Project](
- 📝[Introduction to HTML Scrimba](
- 📝[Introduction to Basic HTML & HTML5 FreeCodeCamp](
- 📝[HTML5 and CSS Fundemantals EDX](
- 📝[Learn HTML CodeCademy 💵](
- 📝[Introduction to HTML and CSS Team Treehouse 💵](
### Websites
- 🌐[HTML5 Doctor - A great reference for HTML Elements](
- 🌐[HTML-5-TUTORIAL - A Great Website for everything HTML](
- 🌐[HTML5 Up - Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 site templates](
- 🌐[HTML Validator - Check if your HTML markup is valid and contains no errors.](
- 🌐[Templated - A collection of 845 free CSS & HTML5 site templates.](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## CSS
### Documentation
- 📜[Learn to style HTML using CSS - MDN](
### Cheat Sheets
- 📜[OverAPI CSS Cheat Sheet](
- 📜[Extensive CSS Reference](
- 📜[Getting to Know CSS](
### Books
- 📒[CSS Secrets 💵](
- 📒[The CSS Pocket Guide 💵](
- 📒[CSS: The Definitive Guide: Third Edition 💵](
### Courses
- 📝[Introduction to CSS - Scrimba](
- 📝[Introduction to Basic CSS - FreeCodeCamp ](
- 📝[Learn CSS - CodeCademy💵](
- 📝[CSS Basics - Team Treehouse 💵](
### Frameworks and Libraries
- 🌐[Base](
- 🌐[Bulma](
- 🌐[Bootstrap](
- 🌐[Animate.css](
- 🌐[Dead Simple Grid](
- 🌐[Foundation](
- 🌐[Materialize CSS](
- 🌐[Milligram](
- 🌐[Mustard UI](
- 🌐[Picnic CSS](
- 🌐[Pure](
- 🌐[Semantic UI](
- 🌐[Spectre](
- 🌐[Skeleton](
- 🌐[Tachyons](
- 🌐[Tailwind CSS](
- 🌐[Tent CSS](
- 🌐[UI Kit](
### Practice your CSS Skills
- 🌐[Codepen](
- 🌐[CodeSandbox](
- 🌐[CSS Deck](
- 🌐[Dablet](
- 🌐[JS Bin](
- 🌐[JSFiddle](
- 🌐[Liveweave](
- 🌐[Plunker](
- 🌐[StackBlitz](
### Style Guides
- 📜[AirBnb Style Guide - CSS](
- 📜[CSS Guidelines](
- 📜[Google Style Guide - HTML & CSS](
- [Trello CSS Guide](
### Websites
- 🌐[**7 Days, 7 Websites** - Build 7 websites in 7 days](
- 🌐[**Can I use** - Up-to-date browser support tables for front-end technologies](
- 🌐[**Clippy** - A tool to help use the new clip-path property](
- 🌐[**CSSBattle** - Learn CSS through a fun code-golfing game](
- 🌐[**CSS Easing functions** - A collection of easing functions used in CSS transitions and animations.](
- 🌐[**CSS Diner** - Learn CSS Selectors through a game](
- 🌐[**CSS for People Who Hate CSS**](
- 🌐[**CSS Grid Garden** - Learn CSS Grid through a game](
- 🌐[**CSS Layout** - A collection of popular layouts and patterns made with CSS](
- 🌐[**CSS reference by Codrops** - Excellent guide on how to write better, cleaner and more reusable CSS code.](
- 🌐[**CSS-tricks** - A blog site for everything CSS](
- 🌐[**Cubic Berzier Function Generator**](,.67,.83,.67)
- 🌐[**Flexbox Froggy** - Learn CSS Flexbox through a game](
- 🌐[**Responsinator** - Check the responsiveness of a site across different devices.](
- 🌐[**Responsive Grid System** - Quick flexible and easy fluid grid for easy responsive web design.](
- 🌐[**Beautiful CSS box-shadow examples** - A curated collection of 90+ free beautiful box-shadow, click to copy.](
- 🌐[**Beautiful CSS buttons examples** - A curated collection of 80+ free beautiful buttons, click to copy.](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## JavaScript
### Documentation
- 📜[JavaScript — Dynamic client-side scripting - MDN](
### Reference & Cheat Sheets
- 📜[JavaScript Reference - MDN](
- 📜[JavaScript Cheat Sheet - OverAPI](
### Courses
- 📝[Learn JavaScript - CodeCademy](
- 📝[Programming the Web with JavaScript - EDX ](
- 📝[JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures - FreeCodeCamp](
- 📝[JavaScript Tutorial - GeekforGeeks](
- 📝[JavaScript30 - Wes Bos](
- 📝[The Complete JavaScript Course - Udemy💵 ](
- 📝[Learn Javascript From Scratch - Scaler](
### Books
- 📒[Eloquent JavaScript ](
- 📒[You Don't Know JavaScript ](
- 📒[JavaScript Notes for Pros](
- 📒[JavaScript For Cats](
- 📒[Learning JavaScript Design Patterns](
- 📒[Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja](
- 📒[Speaking JavaScript](
- 📒[JavaScripts The Good Parts💵](
- 📒[JavaScrit and JQuery💵](
### Challenge Websites
- 🌐[AtCoder](
- 🌐[CodeChef](
- 🌐[Coderbyte](
- 🌐[Coderbyte](
- 🌐[Codewars](
- 🌐[CodinGame](
- 🌐[CodeForces](
- 🌐[DevProjects - Free real-world JavaScript projects](
- 🌐[Exercism](
- 🌐[HackerEarth](
- 🌐[Hackerrank](
- 🌐[Leetcode](
- 🌐[Pramp](
- 🌐[Project Euler](
- 🌐[SPOJ](
- 🌐[TopCoder](
### Snippets and cheatsheets
- 📜[A ridiculous collection of cheatsheets](
- 📜[Favorite JavaScript utilities in single line of code](
- 📜[Modern JavaScript Cheatsheet](
- 📜[Short JavaScript code snippets for all your development needs](
### Style Guides
- 📜[Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide](
- 📜[Google JavaScript Style Guide](
- 📜[Standardjs](
### Visual Studio Code Extensions
- 🌐[**Babel JavaScript** - Syntax highlighting for today's JavaScript](
- 🌐[**Bracket Pair Colorizer 2** - Match brackets with same color](
- 🌐[**Debugger for Chrome** - Debugging tool](
- 🌐[**ESLint** - Code Linter](
- 🌐[**Intellisense** - Code completion and Information](
- 🌐[**Live Server** - Live Web Page Reload.](
- 🌐[**NPM** - npm support for VsCode](
- 🌐[**Path Intellisense** - Auto-complete path files](
- 🌐[**Prettier** - Code Formatting.](
- 🌐[**Paste JSON as Code** - Copy JSON paste as JavaScript or Typescript](
- 🌐[**Quokka.js** - Prototyping playground that displays the results of an operation inside your IDE](
- 🌐[**REST Client** - REST Client for Visual Studio Code](
- 🌐[**Settings Sync** - Synchronise your editor settings using Github.](
- 🌐[**Snippets** - Snippets for JavaScript ES6 syntax and TypeScript.](
### Websites
- 🌐[HTML DOM](
- 🌐[this vs that](
### Articles
- 📜[70 JavaScript Interview Questions](
- 📜[10 JavaScript concepts you need to know for interviews](
- 📜[10 Interview QuestionsEvery JavaScript Developer Should Know ](
- 📜[A Study Plan To Cure JavaScript Fatigue](
- 📜[How to Manage JavaScript Fatigue ](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Git
### Courses
- 📝[A Guide to Git & Version Control](
- 📝[Git Cheat Sheet](
- 📝[Learn Git ](
- 📝[Version Control (Git)](
- 📝[Version Control with Git](
- 📝[Getting Started with Git 💵](
### Books
- 📒[Pro Git](
### Tools
- 🌐[Bitbucket](
- 🌐[Github](
- 🌐[Git Extensions for Windows](
- 🌐[Sourcetree](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## React
### Documentation
- 📜[React Official Docs ](
### Cheat Sheets
- 📜[React Cheatsheet](
### Courses
- 📝[The Beginner's Guide to React - Egghead](
- 📝[Introduction to React - freeCodeCamp](
- 📝[Introduction to React - FullStackOpen](
- 📝[React Getting Started - Pluralsight](
- 📝[Learn React - Scrimba](
- 📝[React for Beginners - Wes Bos](
- 📝[Epic React - Kent C. Dodds💵 ](
### Books
- 📒[Build Your Own React](
- 📒[Pure React](
- 📒[React Explained](
- 📒[Under the hood ReactJS](
- 📒[Fullstack React 💵](
- 📒[React from Zero 💵](
- 📒[Road to React 💵](
### Project Ideas
- 🌐[Devprojects](
- 🌐[DevChallenges](
### Podcasts
- 🎤[React Round Up](
- 🎤[The React Podcast](
### Blog Sites
- 🌐[Official React Blog ](
- 🌐[Kent C. Dodds' Blog ](
- 🌐[useHooks Blog](
### Youtube Channels
- 🎥[Coding Addict](
- 🎥[Codevolution](
- 🎥[freeCodeCamp](
- 🎥[The Net Ninja](
- 🎥[Traversy Media](
### React Tooling
- 🌐[ESLint](
- 🌐[Lodash](
- 🌐[npm](
- 🌐[React Sight](
- 🌐[React Router](
- 🌐[React Developer Tools](
- 🌐[Storybook](
### State Management
- 🌐[Mobx](
- 🌐[Recoil](
- 🌐[Redux](
### UI Frameworks & Libraries
- 🌐[Grommet](
- 🌐[Material UI](
- 🌐[Material Kit React](
- 🌐[Onsen UI](
- 🌐[Reactstrap](
- 🌐[React Bootstrap](
- 🌐[React Toolbox (Material Design)](
- 🌐[Rebass](
- 🌐[Semantic UI React](
- 🌐[Chakra UI](
### Unit Testing
- 🌐[Enzyme](
- 🌐[Jest](
- 🌐[React Testing Library](
- 🌐[Cypress](
### Create React App
- 🌐[Create React App](
- 🌐[React Boilerplate](
- 🌐[Divjoy]( 💵
### CSS in JS
- 🌐[Styled Components](
- 🌐[Emotion (css in js)](
### Remote Data Fetching
- 🌐[Axios](
- 🌐[React Query](
- 🌐[swr](
### Server Side Rendering
- 🌐[Gatsby](
- 🌐[Next.js](
### Experts on Twitter
- 📱[Andrew Clark](
- 📱[Brian Vaughn](
- 📱[Dan Abramov](
- 📱[Kent C. Dodds](
- 📱[Luna Ruan](
- 📱[Rachel Nabors](
- 📱[Rick Hanlon](
- 📱[Sebastian Markbåge](
- 📱[Seth Webster](
### Conferences
- 🌐[ReactNext](
- 🌐[React Rally](
- 🌐[ReactFest](
- 🌐[React Europe](
### Community
- 🌐[React Forum](
- 🌐[Reactiflux](
- 🌐[Reddit](
- 🌐[React Spectrum](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Vue
### Documentation
- 📜[Getting started with Vue - MDN](
- 📜[Vue Cheatsheet](
- 📜[Vue Cookbook](
- 📜[Vue Docs ](
### Courses
- 📝[Learn Vue.js - Full Course for Beginners - freeCodeCamp](
- 📝[Advanced Vue.js Features from the Ground Up - Frontend Masters](
- 📝[Learn Vue 2: Step By Step - Laracasts](
- 📝[Getting Started with Vue.js - Scotch](
- 📝[Learn Vue by Building and Deploying a CRUD App - Testdriven](
- 📝[Become a Ninja with Vue 3 - Vue-Exercises Ninja Squad](
- 📝[Intro to Vue 2 - Vuemastery](
- 📝[Learn Vue - VueSchool💵](
- 📝[Premium Beginner to Advanced Vue Course - Vuemastery💵 ](
### Project Ideas
- 🌐[Free Vue Projects and Community - DevProjects](
### Books
- 📒[Fullstack Vue 💵](
- 📒[Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node 💵](
- 📒[Large Scale Apps with Vue 3 and TypeScript 💵](
- 📒[Mastering Vue.js 💵](
- 📒[The Vue Handbook 💵](
- 📒[The Mastery Of Vue.js 2 💵](
- 📒[Testing Vue.js components with Jest 💵](
- 📒[Vue.js: Understanding its Tools and Ecosystem 💵](
- 📒[Vue.js 2 Design Patterns and Best Practices 💵](
- 📒[Vue: Build & Deploy 💵](
- 📒[Vue.js: Up and Running 💵](
- 📒[Vue.js in Action 💵](
### Podcasts
- 🎤[Cynical Developer Episode 99](
- 🎤[Enjoy the Vue](
- 🎤[JavaScript Jabber Episode 276](
- 🎤[Software Engineering Daily](
- 🎤[Syntax Episode 130](
- 🎤[Vue News Podcast](
- 🎤[Views on Vue](
### Youtube Channels
- 🎥[freeCodeCamp](
- 🎥[Traversy Media](
- 🎥[Vue NYC](
- 🎥[VueConf EU](
### Tools
- 🌐[Bit](
- 🌐[Bootstrap Vue](
- 🌐[Nuxt.js](
- 🌐[Onseen UI](
- 🌐[Quansar Framework](
- 🌐[Vue Dev Server](
- 🌐[Vuex](
- 🌐[Vue Router](
- 🌐[Vue Dev Tools](
- 🌐[Vue CLI](
- 🌐[Vuetify](
### Blogs
- 🌐[](
- 🌐[CSS-Tricks - Vue ](
- 🌐[The Vue Point](
- 🌐[Vue.js Developers](
### Community
- 🌐[Reddit](
- 🌐[Vuejs Forum](
- 🌐[Vue Land](
### Conferences
- 🌐[Vue Conf](
- 🌐[Vue Conf US](
- 🌐[Vue.js London](
- 🌐[Vue.js Amsterdam](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Browser extensions
- 🌐[CSS Spider](
- 🌐[Check Browsers Support 💵](
- 🌐[CSS Inspector 💵](
- 🌐[CSS Scan 💵](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Icons
- 🌐[BoxIcons](
- 🌐[](
- 🌐[Font Awesome](
- 🌐[Flaticon](
- 🌐[Freepik](
- 🌐[Fontastic](
- 🌐[Heroicons](
- 🌐[Iconfactory](
- 🌐[Icons8](
- 🌐[Icontre](
- 🌐[Iconjar](
- 🌐[IconFinder](
- 🌐[Iconshock](
- 🌐[Iconmonstr](
- 🌐[Ionicons](
- 🌐[Icomoon](
- 🌐[Material Icons](
- 🌐[Pngtree](
- 🌐[Swift Icons](
- 🌐[UXWing](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Fonts and Typography
- 🌐[1001Fonts](
- 🌐[Abstract Fonts](
- 🌐[Befonts](
- 🌐[DaFont](
- 🌐[Google Fonts](
- 🌐[FFonts](
- 🌐[FonstSpace](
- 🌐[FontsArena](
- 🌐[Fontsquirrel](
- 🌐[Free Script Fonts](
- 🌐[FontSpace](
- 🌐[MyFonts](
- 🌐[PinSpiry Fonts](
- 🌐[TypeTester](
- 🌐[Typo Guide](
- 🌐[Unblast](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Illustrations
- 🌐[Blob maker](
- 🌐[Blush](
- 🌐[Draw Kit](
- 🌐[IRA Design](
- 🌐[Interfacer](
- 🌐[Icons 8](
- 🌐[Manypixels](
- 🌐[Undraw](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Optimization
- 🌐[CSS Validator](
- 🌐[Google Analytics](
- 🌐[Nibbler](
- 🌐[Namecheap](
- 🌐[Optimizilla](
- 🌐[PageSpeed Insights](
- 🌐[Sizzy](
- 🌐[Usability Checklist](
- 🌐[Who Is](
- 🌐[Woorank](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Color Inspiration
- 🌐[0to255](
- 🌐[Branition Colors](
- 🌐[Coolors](
- 🌐[Color Hex](
- 🌐[Color Hunt](
- 🌐[Flat UI Colors](
- 🌐[LOL Color Palettes](
- 🌐[Material Palette](
- 🌐[myColor Space](
- 🌐[Paletton](
- 🌐[UIGradients](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Images and Videos
- 🌐[Burst](
- 🌐[Coverr](
- 🌐[Canva](
- 🌐[Free Images](
- 🌐[Flickr](
- 🌐[Gratisography](
- 🌐[ISO Republic](
- 🌐[Life of Pix](
- 🌐[Pexels](
- 🌐[Pixabay](
- 🌐[Reshot](
- 🌐[Subtle Patterns](
- 🌐[Startup Stock Photos](
- 🌐[The Stocks](
- 🌐[Unsplash](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Hosting Sites
- 🌐[Amazon Web Services](
- 🌐[Digital Ocean](
- 🌐[Firebase](
- 🌐[Github](
- 🌐[Netlify](
- 🌐[Render](
- 🌐[Vercel](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Design Inspiration
- 🌐[Awwwards](
- 🌐[Behance](
- 🌐[Call To idea](
- 🌐[Design Inspiration](
- 🌐[Dribble](
- 🌐[From Up North](
- 🌐[Land Book](
- 🌐[Media Queries](
- 🌐[One Page Love](
- 🌐[Pinterest](
- 🌐[Site Inspire](
- 🌐[Site Inspire](
- 🌐[Template Monster](
- 🌐[UI Movement](
- 🌐[Webdesign Inspiration](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Portfolio Inspiration
- 🌐[Aral Tasher](
- 🌐[Brittany Chiang](
- 🌐[Fidalgo Pedro](
- 🌐[Jack Jeznach](
- 🌐[Julia Johnson](
- 🌐[Matt Farley](
- 🌐[Nathan Simpson](
- 🌐[Developer Portfolios - Github Repo](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Youtube Channels
- 🎥[Academind](
- 🎥[Andy Sterkowitz](
- 🎥[Ben Awad](
- 🎥[Coding Phase](
- 🎥[Clever Programmer](
- 🎥[Clement Mihailescu](
- 🎥[Dev Ed](
- 🎥[freeCodeCamp](
- 🎥[Keep On Coding](
- 🎥[Programming With Mosh](
- 🎥[Leon Noel](
- 🎥[The Net Ninja](
- 🎥[Traversy Media](
- 🎥[Web Dev Simplified](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Podcasts
- 🎤[codeNewbies](
- 🎤[Commit Your Code](
- 🎤[Codepen Radio](
- 🎤[DevDiscuss](
- 🎤[freeCodeCamp](
- 🎤[Frontend Happy Hour](
- 🎤[Fullstack Radio](
- 🎤[JavaScript Jabber](
- 🎤[Ladybug Podcast](
- 🎤[Modern Web](
- 🎤[Syntax](
- 🎤[The Changelog](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Blogs
- ✍[Codrops](
- ✍[CSS-Tricks](
- ✍[](
- ✍[Echo.Js](
- ✍[freeCodeCamp](
- ✍[Front End Front](
- ✍[Frontend Focus](
- ✍[Hacker News](
- ✍[Hackernoon](
- ✍[Hashnode](
- ✍[Medium](
- ✍[Stackoverflow](
- ✍[SitePoint](
- ✍[Smashing Magazine](
- ✍[Scotch](
- ✍[Web Designer Depot](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Interview Prep
### Resume Templates
- 🌐[Canva](
- 🌐[Creddle](
- 🌐[Harvard Office Of Career Services](
- 🌐[MyPerfectResume](
- 🌐[ResumeWorded](
- 🌐[](
- 🌐[Resume Maker](
### Resume Editing
- 🌐[Grammarly](
- 🌐[JobScan](
- 🌐[SkillSyncer](
- 🌐[Top Resume](
### Job Sites
- 🌐[Angel List](
- 🌐[ - Remote Developer Jobs](
- 🌐[Find Remote Jobs](
- 🌐[Github Jobs](
- 🌐[JavaScript Job](
- 🌐[JustRemote](
- 🌐[Jobspresso](
- 🌐[JSRemotely](
- 🌐[Jr Dev Jobs](
- 🌐[Mashable Job Board](
- 🌐[Outsourcely](
- 🌐[Powertofly Jobs](
- 🌐[Producthunt Jobs](
- 🌐[React Jobs Board](
- 🌐[Remoters](
- 🌐[Remote Hub](
- 🌐[Remote Hunt](
- 🌐[Remoteco](
- 🌐[Stackoverflow Jobs](
- 🌐[Startupers](
- 🌐[TheRemoteWork](
- 🌐[We Work Remotely](
- 🌐[Women Who Code](
- 🌐[Working Nomads](
- 🌐[YC Startup Jobs](
- 🌐[Circular](
- 🌐[Honeypot](
### Freelance Jobs Sites
- 🌐[Codementor](
- 🌐[Freelancer](
- 🌐[FlexJobs](
- 🌐[FreelancerMap](
- 🌐[](
- 🌐[Guru](
- 🌐[People Per Hour](
- 🌐[Upwork](
### Mock Interviews
- 🌐[](
- 🌐[Pramp](
### Project Pair Programming
- 🌐[Chingu](
### Open Source
- 🌐[Github Explore](
- 🌐[First Contributions](
- 🌐[Good First Issue](
- 🌐[Good First Issues](
- 🌐[Open Source Fridays](
### YouTube Series
- 🎥[Get A Job Using LinkedIn - Danny Thompson](
### Articles
- 📜[5 things you need to know in a programming interview](
- 📜[Finding your first remote job - Joshua W. Cameau](
- 📜[How to Write a Developer Résumé Hiring Managers Will Actually Read](
- 📜[How to Get a Software Engineer Job at Google and Other Top Tech Companies](
- 📜[How to Break Into the Tech Industry—a Guide to Job Hunting and Tech Interviews](
- 📜[How To Get A Programming Job Without A Degree](
- 📜[How to Get a Remote Developer Job and Become a Digital Nomad](
- 📜[How To Get Your First Web Developer Job: The Ultimate Guide for Junior Developers](
- 📜[Resources that help me land a job at FANG](
- 📜[Tips to get a job as a Developer](
- 📜[The 30-minute guide to rocking your next coding interview](
- 📜[Want to Know How to Get a Remote Job? I Asked 30 Remote Companies - This is What They Said](
- 📜[Why I studied full-time for 8 months for a Google interview](
## Newsletters
- 🌐[CSS-Tricks](
- 🌐[CSS Weekly](
- 🌐[FrontEnd Focus](
- 🌐[JavaScript Weekly](
- 🌐[Responsive Design Weekly](
- 🌐[Smashing News Letter](
[👆 Back To Top](#table-of-contents)
## Contributing
You're very welcome to contribute to this list.
Be sure to read [How to Contribute](CONTRIBUTING.MD) before making your contribution.
## Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people
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<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Joel P. Mugalu</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#content-codingknite" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="#maintenance-codingknite" title="Maintenance">🚧</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Chinmay Mhatre</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#content-ChinmayMhatre" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>phuoc-ng</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#content-phuoc-ng" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Gabe Ragland</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#content-gragland" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Imran Mohamed</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#content-i786m" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>AlexNodex</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#content-AlexNodex" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Arun</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#content-h7y" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Binyamin Aron Green</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#content-binyamin" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Kushagra Gour</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#content-chinchang" title="Content">🖋</a> <a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Nathan Simpson</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Monarch Wadia</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>QJ Li</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>S. M. Abdul Aziz</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>xerosic</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Zoran Jambor</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>jenniferfu0811</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>gvrizzo</b></sub></a><br /><a href="" title="Documentation">📖</a></td>
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246 | Carefully curated list of awesome Appwrite resources 💪 | # Awesome Appwrite [](

## Table of Contents:
- [Announcements and Official Blog Posts](#announcements-and-official-blog-posts)
- [30 Days of Appwrite](#30-days-of-appwrite-)
- [Almost Netflix](#almost-netflix-)
- [Hacktoberfest 2021](#hacktoberfest-2021)
- [Learning Resources](#learning-resources)
- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Setup, Customization and Deployment](#setup-customization-and-deployment)
- [Web Development](#web-development)
- [Mobile Development](#mobile-development)
- [Security and Authentication](#security-and-authentication)
- [Appwrite Services](#appwrite-services)
- [Showcase (Source Code)](#showcase-built-with-appwrite-)
- [Angular](#angular)
- [Cordova](#cordova)
- [Express](#express)
- [Flutter](#flutter)
- [Godot](#godot)
- [Golang](#golang)
- [Python](#python)
- [React](#react)
- [Svelte](#svelte)
- [Unity](#unity)
- [Vue](#vue)
- [Nuxt](#nuxt)
- [Android](#android)
- [Videos](#videos)
- [Books](#books)
- [Inspiration](#inspiration)
- [Playgrounds and Snippets](#playgrounds-and-snippets)
- [SDK](#sdk)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Communities](#communities)
## Announcements and Official Blog Posts
* [Announcing Appwrite 0.14 with 11 Cloud Function Runtimes! 🥳](
* [Announcing the Appwrite SDK for Dart]( (Official)
* [Announcing the Appwrite CLI 🚀]( (Official)
* [Learn How to Add Object Detection Capabilities to Your Appwrite Storage Using Cloud Functions]( (Official)
* [Sending a Custom Welcome Email Using Appwrite Functions and Mailgun]( (Official)
* [Create an Appwrite File Backup Function Using the Dropbox API]( (Official)
* [Learn How to Create and Run Appwrite Functions With Dart]( (Official)
* [Learn How to Disable ClamAV in Your Appwrite Stack and Reduce Memory Usage]( (Official)
* [Appwrite Releases a Native Svelte SDK for Its Open-Source BaaS]( (Official)
### 30 Days of Appwrite ✨
* [Day 1 - Pilot](
* [Day 2 - Installation](
* [Day 3 - Appwrite’s building blocks](
* [Day 4 - Appwrite Dashboard](
* [Day 5 - Your First Request](
* [Day 6 - SSL Certificates](
* [Day 7 - Server Side SDKs](
* [Day 8 - Accounts & Users API](
* [Day 9 - Login and Signup](
* [Day 10 - OAuth Providers](
* [Day 11 - Getting Started with SMTP](
* [Day 12 - Email Verification and Forgot Password](
* [Day 13 - Appwrite Teams](
* [Day 14 - Using Team Invites](
* [Day 15 - Appwrite Database](
* [Day 16 - Database Design 🧐](
* [Day 17 - Create User Profiles](
* [Day 18 - Create Blog Posts](
* [Day 19 - Appwrite Storage API](
* [Day 20 - File Uploads and Downloads](
* [Day 21 - Appwrite Avatars API](
* [Day 22 - Appwrite CLI](
* [Day 23 - Appwrite Cloud Functions](
* [Day 24 - Our First Cloud Function](
* [Day 25 - Cloud Function with CRON](
* [Day 26 - JWT Support in Appwrite](
* [Day 27 - Appwrite for Production](
* [Day 28 - Docker Swarm Integration](
* [Day 29 - Grafana Integration](
Showcase for projects built during [#30DaysOfAppwrite](!!
* [Dart Online Compiler](
* [Ruitoque´s Food](
* [Todo With Flutter](
* [React Native Appwrite OAuth](
* [Appwrite Todo With React Native](
* [Toodo - Appwrite with Ionic](
* [FoodMagic](
* [Flutter Appwrite Auth System](
* [Flutter Appwrite Todo](
* [KnowYourFood](
* [Budgetist](
### Almost Netflix 🎬
The Almost Netflix series is a tutorial for building a Netflix clone with Appwrite version 0.12.0 and above.
* [Did we just build a Netflix clone with Appwrite?](
* [Introducing Almost Netflix: Netflix clone built with Vue and Appwrite](
* [Almost Netflix: A Netflix clone built with Flutter + Appwrite](
* [Almost Netflix: An iOS Netflix Clone built with Appwrite](
## Hacktoberfest 2021
* [What is Appwrite and how to contribute for Hacktoberfest](
* [Appwrite, giving it a shot this Hacktoberfest ‘21](
## Hacktoberfest 2022
* [Featured on the GitHub Blog](
## Learning Resources
### Getting Started
* [Getting Started for Flutter]( (Official)
* [Getting Started for Server]( (Official)
* [Getting Started for Apple]( (Official)
* [Getting Started for Android]( (Official)
* [Getting Started for Web]( (Official)
* [Appwrite Introduction](
* [Introduction to AppWrite (in Portuguese)](
* [Exploring Appwrite](
* [How to get started with Appwrite](
* [What is Appwrite and what are its key feature?](
* [Getting started with Appwrite](
* [Introduction To Appwrite: The Open-Source Firebase Alternative That Is Easy to Self-Host 🚀](
* [What is Appwrite and How to use it Efficiently](
* [What's new in Appwrite 0.7](
* [How to setup Appwrite in Windows?](
* [Appwrite - macOS Installation and Debugging Guide](
* [Appwrite: All you need to know](
* [Set up the backend for your first app in the no-code way using Appwrite!](
* [How to setup Appwrite on Ubuntu](
* [Open Source Backend Server - Appwrite](
* [Python in Appwrite ](
* [Appwrite with Dart!](
* [Appwrite Frequently Asked Questions](
* [Everything you need to know to get Appwrite Functions works on PHP runtime](
* [My First Appwrite Function](
* [What is Appwrite? Featured in GitHub Blog](
### Setup, Customization and Deployment
* [How to add custom Docker containers to Appwrite](
* [Appwrite VS Code extension](
* [Host Appwrite Backend with DigitalOcean Droplet](
* [Setting up Appwrite on DigitalOcean](
* [Tips for running Appwrite in Production](
* [Run Your Appwrite Backend Server With Any SMTP Provider for Max Email Deliverability](
* [Tutorial on how to use an SMTP provider to manage Appwrite end servers to enhance email delivery](
* [Deploy Appwrite to AWS using Terraform and Ansible](
* [Setup Appwrite on Linode](
* [Manage Appwrite data with Appsmith](
* [Appwrite + Zapier = Magic](
* [Import sample data to Appwrite through Integromat](
* [Integrate Adalo with Appwrite](
* [How to install and configure Appwrite on CyberPanel](
* [How to install Appwrite on Amazon EC2 instance](
* [Deploy Appwrite on Google Cloud](
* [Introduction to AWS (+run Appwrite)](
* [How to integrate Appwrite with Google Cloud](
* [How to install Appwrite on a Linode cloud server](
* [Things to do after Setup Appwrite on Digital Ocean](
### Web Development
* [Node.JS in Appwrite](
* [Integrating with Appwrite HTTP API Using no-SDK](
* [Newsletter Form Application with Appwrite and React](
* [Deno in Appwrite](
* [Getting Started with Appwrite and creating a Login Page with Appwrite and React (Part-1)](
* [Getting Started with Appwrite and creating a Login Page with Appwrite and React (Part-2)](
* [Appwrite + React](
* [Building A URL Shortener using Appwrite and Express](
* [Appwrite + React = 🔥](
* [Building a Web App with ReactJS and Appwrite](
* [Build a Web app using Next.js and Appwrite](
* [Getting Started with Appwrite in NextJS by Building An App](
* [Integrate Appwrite Storage API with React](
* [How To Generate and Store Map Previews in Ruby with Appwrite](
* [What is Appwrite and who i setup in my project?](
* [How Appwrite real-time can make your CMS changes instant](
* [Build a Chat app with Appwrite and Nextjs](
* [How to import Ghost Blog Users to Appwrite](
* [Appwrite + JQuery](
### Mobile Development
* [Appwrite the best backend for mobile apps and its features](
* [Appwrite secure open-source backend server for Flutter example app](
* [How setup Appwrite for Android with Retrofit ( Direct HTTP Request )](
* [How to use Appwrite's Flutter SDK](
* [Introduction to Appwrite Cloud Functions with Android and Kotlin](
* [Dart in Appwrite](
* [Appwrite + Appcelerator Titanium: A step by step guide](
* [Write Unit Tests for Appwrite SDK on Flutter With Mockito](
* [Integrate Retool Mobile with Appwrite](
### Security and Authentication
* [Restricting Access to Your Appwrite Console](
* [User authentication with React.js and Appwrite](
* [Full List of Appwrite Environment Variables](
* [How to Use Magic URL Login with Appwrite](
* [How to use Appwrite on React Native](
* [How to migrate Wordpress users to Appwrite](
### Appwrite Services
* [AppWrite Services](
* [Image Resizing and Cropping with Appwrite](
* [Cropping and Optimizing images with Appwrite](
* [Cloud Functions with Dart and Appwrite](
* [Using database api (Contenido en español) ](
* [Leveraging Power of Appwrite to Build Scheduling Applications](
* [Avatar API support in Appwrite](
* [Appwrites Avatars service](
* [Appwrite User Services](
* [Introduction to Appwrite's Avatar API](
* [All you need to know about APPWRITE Team service](
* [Send Messages With Telegram Using Appwrite Functions](
* [Use Twilio with Appwrite Java Cloud Functions](
* [Appwrites database service](
* [Appwrites' Storage Services](
* [Using Appwrite Locale Service in your Next Project](
* [Appwrites Account Service](
* [Appwrite Storage Service](
* [Rick Roll Your Friends Using Appwrite, Twilio, and .NET](
* [Discord crypto price alert bot powered by Appwrite](
* [Six ways to test and call Dart Appwrite Cloud Functions]( | [Source Code of Flutter example App](
## Showcase (Built with Appwrite 📣)
Share your apps here! Submit a pull request!
### Angular
* **Appwrite + Angular Todo MVC** A simple todo app built with Appwrite and Angular. [Source Code]( [Demo](
* **Appwrite + Angular - Simple Blog** - A simple blog example using Angular as the frontend and Appwrite as the backend! [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + Angular SimpleGrocery** - A simple app to create fast shopping-list. [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + Angular Transcript This** - A simple app to transcribe Youtube videos from their links. [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + Angular VideoTopics** - A simple app to search topic about a Youtube video. [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + Angular PodBook** - A simple app to trascript podcasts from RSS feed. [Source Code](
### Cordova
* **Appwrite + Cordova + React** - A simple instagram clone built with Appwrite, Cordova and React (with vite). [Source Code](
### Express
* **URL Shortener(Express and Appwrite)** - A simple URL Shortener built with Express and Appwrite. [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + ExpressJS** - A simple API made using Appwrite and ExpressJS. [Source Code]( [Blog Post](
* **Appwrite System Health** - A simple demo app to build an express nodejs rest api to monitor health on appwrite app. [Source Code]( [Blog Post](
### Flutter
- **Artistry** - Artistry is a demo app built with flutter and Appwrite backend that demonstrates how to perform crud operation,searching, authentication with touch of cool animations. [Source Code](
* **Flutter TODO App** - A TODO app with Flutter and Appwrite as a backend. [Source Code](
* **AppNote** - Flutter notes app using Appwrite as a backend for storing documents. [Source Code](, [Blog Post](
* **Flutter Appwrite Quiz App** A simple Quiz App built with Flutter and Appwrite [Source Code](
* **Flutter Appwrite Social App** A Social App playground for testing the features of Appwrite. [Source Code](
* Building **No Signal** - A chatting App using Flutter and Appwrite [Part 1](| [Part 2]( | [Part 3]( | [Source Code](
* **Gradely 2 - Grade Calculator** - A grade calulator app where you can monitor and store your grades, built with Appwrite and Flutter. [Source Code](
* **Fitness Challenge App with Appwrite** - Create fitness challenges, invite friends, sync your health data from Apple Health/Google Fit and see who's winning. [Source Code]( [Blog Post](
* **Quit Smoking App with Flutter and Appwrite** - A simple Counting app with user auth [Source Code](
* **Almost Instagram with Flutter and Appwrite** - A functional clone of Instagram social media platform [Source Code](
### Godot
* **Godot + Appwrite** - A demo app to showcase Godot's integration with Appwrite. [Source Code](
### Golang
* **GoRest** A demo app to showcase integrating appwrite apis with golang. Using database endpoints and examples [Source Code](
### Preact
- **Blog App** - A simple blog app built with Appwrite and Preact. [Source Code](
### Python
* **Database interactions with the Python SDK demo** - A demonstration of using an Appwrite backend with a FastAPI python web application focussing on using pydantic as the interface with the Database. [Source Code](
* **Anime list app with Appwrite and python-telegram-bot** - Created a telegram bot with python that handles searching and taking note of your anime watchlist. [Source Code](
* **Discordly** A Discord-bot to readily and easily shorten links from Discord itself, made possible by Appwrite. [Source Code](
### React
- **Tourpal** - Tourpal is a travel journal web app in which you can store all your travel experiences at one place. The app is built with ReactJs and Appwrite. At the same time, it is a completely secure app and uses Google authentication. [Source Code](
- **Shuttery** - Shuttery is a web app which fetches and lets you download beautiful pictures from Unsplash to satisfy all your artistic needs. Secure App, with Google OAuth using an Appwrite backend. [Source Code](
- **Taskwrite** -Taskwrite is a demo web app built with React JS and Appwrite backend for Hacktoberfest 2021, that demonstrates how to create a To-Do list, that lets users add, edit, and delete tasks. It demonstrates the use of Google OAuth and Database Management. [Source Code](
* **OAuth Provider Tester** - A Simple Appwrite OAuth Tester App built to make new oauth provider testing easy. [Source Code](
* **User Auth** - User auth is a simple user authentication for web applications. It was made as a guide for your next application. [Source Code](, [Blog Post](
* **Appwrite + React Todo MVC** A simple todo app built with Appwrite and React. [Source Code]( [Demo](
* **Appwrite + NextJs Todo** A simple login app built with Appwrite and Nextjs. [Source Code](
* **Made with Appwrite (Next.js)** This project can be used to collect information about projects which are built using Appwrite and can also be a place of a showcase for such projects. Built with Next.js and Appwrite. [Source Code]( [Demo]( [Tutorial](
* **Appwrite + NextJs +Nodejs Instagram clone** A instagram clone bulit with Appwrite , Nodejs and Nextjs. [Source Code](
* **Building with Appwrite and Netlify** [Blog](
* **Appwrite + NextJs Blog App** A Simple Blog App built with Appwrite and Nextjs. [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + NextJs Social Media App** A Social Media App built with Appwrite and Nextjs. [Source Code](
* **React TODO App** - React + Appwrite TODO App Demo by @christyjacob4. [Source Code](
* **Quiz App (ReactJS and Appwrite)** - A demo web application built using React and integrated with Appwrite. [Source Code](
* **Notes App with React + Appwrite** - A notes web app demo built with React and Appwrite. [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + React Google Drive Clone** - A simple google drive clone build with Appwrite and React. [Source Code](
* **Infinite Scrolling with React + Appwrite** - A simple project to demonstrate infinite scroll paging. [Source Code](
* **Login Page App with React and Appwrite** - Created an App with complete tutorial [Source Code](
* **Pastebin Clone built with Appwrite** - A simple pastebin clone built in React with Appwrite using Google OAuth for Authentication [Source Code](
* **Chatwrite** -- A simple, no-login chat app made with Appwrite and React. [Source Code](
* **Real-Time CMS using React + Appwrite Real-Time API** - A blogging app to demonstrate how Appwrite's Real-time Service can be used to make CMS changes instant [Source Code](
* **useMindmap** - useMindmap is a mind mapping tool for individuals and teams to put their ideas or projects or whatever else a mind map can be used for. Built with React and Appwrite. [Source Code](
* **Taskly - better way to manage your tasks** - An app to better manage tasks across all of the different task/todo/issue/project applications. Connect all of your 3party task providers, save time and focus on actually doing your job. [Website](, [Blog post](, [Source Code](
* **Places** - A showcase of how to use Appwrite to build a location-based app with related Collections, Appwrite Functions to ensure data integrity, and Realtime subscriptions to fetch asynchronously. [Blog Post]( | [Demo]( | [Source Code](
* **Snake Arcade** - A retro themed snake game with a live highscore board built in React using Appwrite Database and Realtime feature. [Blog Post]( | [Demo]( | [Source Code](
* **ScheduMate** - A web application that allows you to easily see the classes that you have in common with your friends. Friends make classes so much better! [Website]( | [Source Code](
* **Next Appwrite Users** - App that showcases how to use Next.js with Appwrite as its backend. Uses Appwrite for Auth both on the frontend and on API routes. [Source code](
### React Native
* **Listr** - A react native mobile application that allows for simple task management using lists | [Source Code](
### Svelte
* **OmniaWrite** - OmniaWrite is a next-generation plain text editor engineered for creative writing. It is perfect for writing novels, lyrics, poems, essays, drafts and screenplays. [Source Code](, [Blog Post](
* **Login Page using Appwrite + Svelte** - A login/register page to showcase Appwrite's JS API with Svelte. [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + Svelte Todo MVC** A simple todo app built with Appwrite and Svelte. [Source Code]( [Demo](
* **TMStats** A medal tracker for game Trackmania made with Appwrite and Svelte Kit. [Source Code]( [Demo](
* **App-ly** App-ly is an open-source URL shortener made using Svelte and Appwrite. It is a web app that allows you to shorten long URLs, share them, and generate QR Codes for them. [Source Code](
* **To You** - Another to-do app, where completing tasks lead to great rewards. Leverages SvelteKit progressive enhancement features to enable a zero-JS experience. [Source Code](, [Demo](
### Vue
* **Appwrite + VueJS Whatsapp Clone** - A WhatsApp Web clone using Appwrite and VueJS. [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + Vue.js CRUD** This is a Vue.js App made to interact with a Appwrite Server [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + Vue Todo MVC** A simple todo app built with Appwrite and Vue. [Source Code]( [Demo](
* **Tailwinder** This an open-source complete community website project created for Appwrite hackathon. [Source Code]( [Demo]( [Video Demo](
* **Appwrite + Nuxt 3 Workout-Buddy** This is a Nuxt 3 App that uses Appwrite as a backend to showcase the uses of Appwrite Databases and Collections, Authentication, and Pinia stores through CRUD operations! [Source Code](
* **(Appwrite + Nuxt) DeUrl** A simple URL Shortener app made with appwrite and NuxtJs. [Source Code](
* **Appwrite + Vue Podcast Transcript** A simple Podcast Transcript app built with Appwrite, Deepgram and Vue. [Source Code](
### Android
* **Appwrite + Kotlin Android App -> Taleia** - A simple app that generates sets of random word combinations to fight the writer's block. It Allows to log in and save them with Appwrite to be able to retreive the liked combinations later. [Source Code](
### Unity
* **Unofficial Appwrite Unity Plugin** Features include: login, register, send verification mails and request JWT's. [Source Code](
### Android
* **Appwrite + Kotlin Android App -> Taleia** - A simple app that generates sets of random word combinations to fight the writer's block. It Allows to log in and save them with Appwrite to be able to retreive the liked combinations later. [Source Code](
## Videos
* [Appwrite - Secure, Open-Source Backend Server - #techWebinarNepal](
* [Introducing Appwrite for Flutter]( (online meetup with [@eldadfux](
* [Appwrite - Services](
* [Overview and installation on Windows](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP00: Series Introduction](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP01: Setup Appwrite](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP02: Wireframing](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP03: New Flutter project, UI designs](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP04: Let's Authenticate Users](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP4.1: Quick fix for Permission Error](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP05: Proper State management & Routing and navigation setup](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP06: Routing, profile, logout](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP07: Querying and Listing Transactions](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP08: Create, Read, Update, Delete Operations](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP09: Searching, ordering and filtering documents](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP10: Deploying Appwrite Server in VPS + Tips for Appwrite in Production](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP11: User preferences and Locale API](
* [Appwrite + Flutter EP12: Storage, uploading files, image previews](
* [Appwrite ❤️ Flutter : A Trivia Application (Quiz Application)](
* [What's new in Appwrite 0.7 🥳 🚀](
* [Create and Run Appwrite Functions with Dart](
* [Flutter + Appwrite Starter Application Template (Part 1)](
* [Flutter + Appwrite Starter Application Template (Part 2)](
* [Flutter + Appwrite Starter Application Template (Part 3)](
* [Flutter + Appwrite Starter Application Template (Part 4)](
* [Flutter + Appwrite Gotchas - Common Issues We Might Run Into and Their Solutions](
* [#30DaysofAppwrite Video Series](
* [Appwrite with Web. Video Series](
* [Using Appwrite with Flutter: A tutorial with examples]( [Source Code](
* [Using good-first-issues to contribute to Appwrite](
* [Setting Up Appwrite on Ubuntu](
* [Appwrite + CloudConvert : How to integrate CloudConvert with Appwrite (with and without CloudConvert SDK)](
## Books
* [Appwrite Up and Running by Alejandro Garcia](
## Inspiration
* [We Created Appwrite to Make Software Development Less Painful](
* [How We Integrated Our Docs and SDKs as First-Class Citizens of Our Coding Process](
* [How We Use Snyk to Protect Appwrite's Open-Source Projects from *Evil* Dependencies](
* [Scheduled Tasks: The Good Way (or: Why You Should Stop Using Crontab)
* [Why I moved from BaaS to Appwrite (self-hosted Backend)](
* [Appwrite Setup and Email / Password Authentication](
* [Building Blocks for a Simplicity Driven Engineering Culture](
* [Appwrite and Open-Source](
* [Hacktoberfest (for Noobies) Guide](
* [Appwrite and How It’s Changing the Mobile Application Development Industry –](
* [My Hacktoberfest journey with Appwrite](
* [The Best Open-Source Alternative to Firebase – Appwrite](
* [Hacktoberfest 2021 with AppWrite](
* [Brief introduction to Appwrite and it's features](
* [Hacktoberfest- What I learned by creating a Appwrite demo app](
* [Contributing to Appwrite using Gitpod](
## Playgrounds and Snippets
* [Playground for Web](
* [Playground for Flutter](
* [Playground for Deno](
* [Playground for Python](
* [Playground for Node.js](
* [Playground for Android with Retrofit](
* [Playground for Android](
* [Create a collection with Node.js](
* [Delete Appwrite Docker containers and volumes](
## SDK
* [Appwrite Web SDK](
* [Appwrite Android SDK](
* [Appwrite Flutter SDK]( (beta)
* [Appwrite PHP SDK](
* [Appwrite Svelte SDK](
* [Appwrite Node.js SDK](
* [Appwrite Python SDK]( (beta)
* [Appwrite Ruby SDK]( (beta)
* [Appwrite Deno SDK]( (beta)
* [Appwrite Appcelerator Titanium SDK](
* [Appwrite Kotlin SDK]( (beta)
* [Appwrite Dart SDK](
* [Appwrite Go SDK](
* [Appwrite .NET SDK](
* [Appwrite Swift SDK](
* [Appwrite Apple SDK](
* [Unoffical Appwrite Minecraft SDK](
* [Unofficial Appwrite Godot Engine SDK](
## Tools
* [Appwrite extension for Visual Studio Code]( proudly built by [@alexweininger]( and the [@streamlux]( team.
* [Appwrite CLI]( interact with your Appwrite server side APIs from your terminal.
* [Flutter Appwrite Account Kit](
* [Appwrite Explorer]( explore different aspects of an Appwrite project from the front end
* [Deploy Appwrite function]( a GitHub action to deploy your function to Appwrite
* [Appwrite Starter]( start building faster with this initializer for web frameworks
* [Appwrite React Admin Data Provider]( Data and Auth Providers to integrate [React Admin]( with Appwrite
* [Awesome Appwrite snippets]( that adds Live Templates to your IDE saving time writing the boilerplate in Appwrite.
## Communities
* [Appwrite Blog]( (Official, global)
* [Discord Server]( (Official, global)
* [Twitter]( (Official, global)
* [Facebook]( (Official, global)
* [Appwrite Developers on Facebook]( (Official, global)
* [Gitter]( (Legacy, global)
You can also find the [Appwrite Topic on GitHub](!
* [DEV Community](
247 | Une liste de liens permettant de se former aux outils utilisés dans le domaine du Devops | # Awesome French Devops [](
🚩 Soutenez ce projet en y mettant simplement une petite étoile. 🌟
<!-- vscode-markdown-toc -->
* 1. [Introduction](#Introduction)
* 2. [Liens vers les catégories d'outils](#Liensverslescatgoriesdoutils)
* 2.1. [Administration de serveurs](/admin-serveurs/
* 2.2. [Langages de Programmation](/langages-programmation/
* 2.3. [Réseaux et Sécurité Informatique](/reseau-securite/
* 2.4. [Configuration et maintenance de Serveurs](/configuration-serveurs/
* 2.5. [Infrastructure as Code](/infra-as-code/
* 2.6. [Pipelines de CI/CD](/ci-cd/
* 2.7. [Conteneurs et Orchestrateurs](/conteneur-orchestration/
* 2.8. [Clouders](/cloud/
* 2.9. [Surveillance](/surveillance/
* 3. [Sites parlant du Devops](#SitesDevops)
* 3.1. [Blogs Perso](#BlogsPerso)
* 3.2. [Sociétés](#Socits)
* 3.3. [Articles](#Articles)
* 4. [Livres](#Livres)
* 5. [Communautés](#Communauts)
* 6. [Mooc](#Mooc)
* 7. [Chaines Youtube](#ChainesYoutube)
* 8. [Des comptes Mastodon](#DescomptesMastodon)
* 9. [Des comptes Twitters](#DescomptesTwitters)
* 10. [Des slacks](#Desslacks)
* 11. [Podcasts](#Podcasts)
* 12. [Conférences](#Conferences)
* 13. [Contribuer](#Contribuer)
* 13.1. [Lignes directrices](#Lignesdirectrices)
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## 1. <a name='Introduction'></a>Introduction
Ce dépôt a pour objectifs de :
* d'aider à démarrer sa formation et à monter en compétences sur la culture et
les outils DevOps. Il y a une petite roadmap décrivant le parcours pour les
* recenser tous les liens pointant sur du contenu en Français pour remplir cet
**C'est une question qui revient souvent. Comment je démarre si je veux
maîtriser les outils Devops ? Par quoi dois-je commencer ?**
Pour **mettre en œuvre avec succès le DevOps** on se doit de connaître un
**certain nombre d'outils**. Pour rappel, **l'approche DevOps** met l'accent sur
**l'automatisation des processus** de **développement de logiciels** tels que la
**construction (build)**, les **tests**, la **mise en production**, les
**mesures** et la **détection d'incidents**, ...
C'est dans ce cadre que vous serez amené à connaître un certain nombre de
ces outils. Je vous propose ce **mind-map** qui représente un peu tous les
outils que vous serez amené à **rencontrer le plus souvent** :
* **en violet** les plus courants
* **en bleu** les moins courants
* **en jaune** les très peu rencontrés (mais c'est bien de les connaître de nom)
_Si vous débutez il faut suivre l'ordre indiqué par les nombres devant les
grands sujets_
_Si vous ne connaissez absolument rien au devops commencez par lire ces
[Livres](#Livres) ou suivre ces [Mooc](#Mooc)._

1. **Administration de serveurs** : Savoir configurer et dépanner un serveur Linux ou
2. **Langages de Programmation** : Savoir écrire des petits programmes
3. **Connaitre les rudiments des réseaux et de la Sécurité Informatique** (Adresse
IP, Firewalls, Routage)
4. **Configuration et maintenance de serveurs** : WEB, Cache et de Base de Données.
5. **Savoir écrire du code d'infrastructure**
6. **Savoir écrire des pipelines de CI/CD**
7. **Savoir construire et Orchestrer des conteneurs** (applications cloud native)
8. **Connaître les principaux Clouders**.
9. **Mise en place d'outils de Surveillance et de Centralisation de logs**
Vous pouvez démarrer plusieurs sujets en parallèle, mais pas trop tout de même.
Par exemple pour la partie Administration de Serveurs vous pouvez lire en //
la configuration réseau. Vous pouvez aussi regarder la construction de VM avec
**Vagrant** pour réaliser vos exercices.
Pour vous aider je vais mettre ci-dessous rapidement toute une série de liens
menant soit vers des sites, soit des livres (**en cours d'élaboration**) :
## 2. <a name='Liensverslescatgoriesdoutils'></a>Liens vers les catégories d'outils
### 2.1. <a name=''></a>[Administration de serveurs](/admin-serveurs/
### 2.2. <a name=''></a>[Langages de Programmation](/langages-programmation/
### 2.3. <a name=''></a>[Réseaux et Sécurité Informatique](/reseau-securite/
### 2.4. <a name=''></a>[Configuration et maintenance de Serveurs](/configuration-serveurs/
### 2.5. <a name=''></a>[Infrastructure as Code](/infra-as-code/
### 2.6. <a name=''></a>[Pipelines de CI/CD](/ci-cd/
### 2.7. <a name=''></a>[Conteneurs et Orchestrateurs](/conteneur-orchestration/
### 2.8. <a name=''></a>[Clouders](/cloud/
### 2.9. <a name=''></a>[Surveillance](/surveillance/
## 3. <a name='SitesDevops'></a>Sites parlant du Devops
Voici une liste non exhaustive où vous trouverez de bons articles sur les
**outils Devops**. Regardez dans le dépôt, j'y ai déposé mon export
[feedly]( avec tous les flux RSS et Atom que je suis pour
faire ma veille techno. Je la mettrai à jour régulièrement. [feedly.opml](./feedly.opml)
### 3.1. <a name='BlogsPerso'></a>Blogs Perso
* [Antoine Mayer](
* [Bruno Levasseur](
* [dadall](
* [damyr](
* [filador](
* [Frédéric Léger](
* [grottedubarbu](
* [Idriss Neumann](
* [jesuisundev](
* [la forge](
* [mcorbin](
* [Rémi Verchère](
* [scalastic](
* [Stephane Philippart](
* [Stephane ROBERT](
* [tferdinand](
* [TheBidouilleur](
* [Zwindler's Reflection](
### 3.2. <a name='Socits'></a>Sociétés
* [April : Promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre](
* [Bearstech](
* [Blackcreeper](
* [Devoteam Revolve](
* [EasyTeam](
* [Eazytraining](
* [Eleven Labs](
* [Enix](
* [Ippon](
* [Le Journal Du Hacker](
* [LinkValue](
* [NotSoSecure Claranet Cyber Security](
* [OVHcloud](
* [Publicis Sapient](
* [Red Hat](
* [Scaleway](
* [Soat](
* [Wescale](
* [Zenika](
* [Webofmars](
### 3.3. <a name='Articles'></a>Articles
* [Mieux comprendre DevOps](
* [Accelerate vu par Zenika](
## 4. <a name='Livres'></a>Livres
* [Découvrir DevOps - 2e éd. - L'essentiel pour tous les métiers : L'essentiel pour tous les métiers](
* [Mettre en œuvre DevOps - 3e éd. - Comment évoluer vers une DSI agile :
Comment évoluer vers une DSI agile Broché](
* [DevOps - Intégrez et déployez en continu]( de Ernesto Leite
* [Automatisation : de Python à Ansible]( de Alex Faivre & Gilbert Moïsio
## 5. <a name='Communauts'></a>Communautés
* [Compagnons du Devops](
* [SRE France](
* [DevObs](
* [OpenBaR - build-and-run](
* [France DevOps](
## 6. <a name='Mooc'></a>Mooc
* [DevOpsSec](
* [Découvrez la méthodologie DevOps sur
* [Devenir Devops (vidéos) par
60 vidéos
## 7. <a name='ChainesYoutube'></a>Chaines Youtube
* [Aurelie Vache](
* [CocAdmin](
* [Compagnons du Devops](
* [ComWorkIO](
* [Cookie Connecté](
* [Cloud Nord](
* [Devoxx FR](
* [France DevOps](
* [ * Playlist Devops & cloud](
* [KrustyHack](
* [Le TechLab de Christophe Casalegno](
* [Limawi](
* [Naitech](
* [Xavki](
## 8. <a name='DescomptesMastodon'> Des comptes Mastodon
* [Aurélie Vache](
* [Damy.R](
* [David Aparicio](
* [Idriss Neumann](
* [Imrane Substack](
* [Katia Himeur Talhi](
* [Mcorbin](
* [Stéphane ROBERT](
* [TheBidouilleur](
* [Xavki](
* [Zwindler](
## 9. <a name='DescomptesTwitters'></a>Des comptes Twitters
* [Aurélie Vache](
* [Cocadmin](
* [DamyR](
* [David Aparicio](
* [Idriss Neumann](
* [Imrane](
* [Jerôme Petazzoni](
* [Juliette Audema](
* [Mcorbin](
* [Michée Lengronne](
* [Nicolas Hug](
* [Stéphane ROBERT](
* [TheBidouilleur](
* [Xavki](
* [Zwindler](
## 10. <a name='Desslacks'></a>Des slacks
* [comwork-cloud](
## 11. <a name='Podcasts'></a>Podcasts
* [Dans ton kube]( Parle de Kubernetes
* [DevObs]( Le magazine et observatoire du DevOps
* [Electro
Monkeys]( Les concepts et les technologies cloud natives
* [Émission libre à vous de l'april #154](
* [Message à caractère informatique](
* [Radio DevOps]( Le mouvement DevOps
* [WeSpeakCloud]( Les
problématiques complexes comme la sécurité ou le DevOps
## 12. <a name='Conferences'></a>Conférences
* Une liste des conférences DevOps est disponible sur ce dépôt : [saphoooo/impressionnant](
* Plus largement, une liste de toutes les conférences tech (Dev, DevOps, etc) avec les dates de CFP est disponible sur ce dépôt : [scraly/developers-conferences-agenda](
## 13. <a name='Contribuer'></a>Contribuer
Vos contributions sont toutes les bienvenues ! Elles doivent être non
commerciales. Je me garde le droit de ne pas accepter certaines demandes.
### 13.1. <a name='Lignesdirectrices'></a>Lignes directrices
* Ajoutez un lien ou plusieurs par [pull
ou par [Issue](
* Le lien pointe sur du contenu en Français. Excepté les liens vers les sites
officiels des produits cités.
* Ajoutez une section si nécessaire.
* Évitez les doublons.
* Vérifiez votre orthographe et votre grammaire.
* Supprimez tout espace blanc de fin.
248 | Curated list of links, references, books videos, tutorials (Free or Paid), Exploit, CTFs, Hacking Practices etc. which are related to AWS Security | # Awesome AWS Security [](
A common curated list of links, references, books videos, tutorials (Free or
Paid), Exploit, CTFs, Hacking Practices etc. which are obviously related to AWS Security.
_List inspired by the [awesome]( list thing._

## Table of Contents
[1. AWS Whitepapers](#AWS-Whitepapers)
[2. Books](#Books)
[3. Videos](#Videos)
[4. Online Tutorials/Blogs/Presentations](#Online-TutorialsBlogsPresentations)
[5. Online Courses (Paid/Free)](#Online-Courses-PaidFree)
[6. Tools of Trade](#Tools-of-Trade)
[7. Security Practice and CTFs](#Security-Practice-and-CTFs)
[8. AWS Security Bulleting Important Issues](#AWS-Security-Bulleting-Important-Issues)
[9. AWS Security Breaches](#AWS-Security-Breaches)
[10. Contributors](#Contributors)
## AWS Whitepapers
AWS has awesome lists of whitepapers related to AWS Security. We are adding few important one here. You can anytime check more for updated or new security whitepapers [here](
And don't forget to **bookmark AWS Security bulletin** for new vulnerabilities news from [here](
1. [AWS Overview]( - One of the important whitepaper to understand an overview of AWS
2. [Introduction to AWS Security Whitepaper](
3. [AWS Well-Architected Security Pillar](
4. [Introduction to Security By Design](
5. [AWS Well Architected Framework](
6. [AWS Risk And Compliance Whitepaper](
7. [AWS Security Checklist](
8. [AWS HIPAA Compliance Whitepaper](
9. [AWS Cloud Adoption Framework](
10. [AWS Auditing Security Checklist](
11. [AWS CIS Foundation benchmark](
12. [AWS Security Incident Response](
13. [Overview of AWS Lambda Security](
14. [AWS KMS Best Practices](
15. [Encrypting File Data with Amazon Elastic File System](
16. [Security of AWS CloudHSM backups](
17. [Security overview of AWS Lambda](
18. [NIST Cybersecurity Framework in the AWS cloud](
19. [NIST 800-144 Security and Privacy in Public Cloud Computing](
20. [Security at the Edge: Core Principles](
21. [AWS KMS Best Practices](
22. [Security Overview of AWS Fargate](
## Books
1. [Hands-On AWS Penetration Testing with Kali Linux by PackT](
2. [Mastering AWS Security by PackT](
3. [Security Best Practices on AWS by PackT](
4. [Cloud Security Automation](
5. [AWS Automation Cookbook](
6. [AWS Lambda Security Best Practices - pdf]( - It's published by Puresec and it has a good overview on AWS Lambda Security Best Practices which we should follow
7. [AWS Security by Manning]( - Very nice book in Progress, yet to release.
8. [Securing DevOps]( - A book which has real-world examples for Cloud Security. Must read book for any Cloud Security Professionals.
9. [Serverless Security]( - An Apress book that discusses serverless security on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud.
10. [AWS Security Cookbook](
11. [Practical Guide to Security in the AWS Cloud by SANS and sponsored by AWS Marketplace - pdf](
12. [CSA Guide to Cloud Computing by Sungress](
13. [Practical Cloud Security by O'reilly](
## Videos
1. [The fundamentals of AWS Security]( - Youtube
2. [AWS Security by Design]( - Youtube
3. [Account Security with IAM]( - Youtube
4. [AWS re:Inforce 2019 Security Best Practices]( - Youtube
5. [AWS Cloud Security Playlist]( - Youtube
6. [A cloud security architecture workshop by RSA]( - Youtube
7. [AWS Cloud Security]( - Oreilly
8. [Introduction to AWS Security Hub]( - Youtube
9. [Solution for AWS Security Challenge]( - Youtube Playlist
10. [AWS Security Best Practice: Well-Architected way]( - Youtube
11. [Hands-On With AWS Security Best Practices](
12. [AWS re:Invent 2020: Security at scale: How Goldman Sachs manages network and access control](
## Online Tutorials/Blogs/Presentations
1. [AWS Security official blog](
2. [AWS in Plain English](
3. [Why the CIA trusts AWS](
4. [Fundamentals of AWS Security]( - Presentation from AWS
5. [AWS Security primer]( - Nice overview and quick run through AWS Security resources.
6. [AWS Security Blog](
7. [How a whitehat hacker earned $1500 in 15 minutes due to AWS S3 misconfiguration]( - It was fun going through the blog. You can learn from this article too.
8. [A deep dive into AWS S3 access control]( - It will give a very good grip on how S3 buckets can be exploited. Lengthy but worth to go through.
9. [How Federico hacked a whole EC2 network during a penetration test](
10. [A short blog on hacking AWS]( - Examples are based on cloudgoat.
11. [S3 security is flawed by design]( - This article will show you why you need to be extra careful when using AWS S3.
12. [51 Tips for Security AWS(pdf)]( - McAfee
13. [The role of API gateways in API security](
14. [Finding SSRF via HTML Injection inside a PDF file on AWS EC2](
15. [Getting shell and data access in AWS by chaining vulnerabilities](
16. [Hacking Serverless Runtimes - Blackhat2017](
17. [Detailed blog on ConsoleMe: A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access by Netflix](
18. [Strengthen the security of sensitive data stored in Amazon S3 by using additional AWS services](
19. [Use IMDSv2 instead: Defense in depth](
20. [Managing permissions with grants in AWS Key Management Service](
21. [AWS IAM Exploitation](
22. [S3 Pentest by Rhino Security Labs](
23. [How an Attacker Could Use Instance Metadata to Breach Your App in AWS](
24. [Orca Security Research Team Discovers AWS CloudFormation Vulnerability](
25. [Orca Security Research Team Discovers AWS Glue Vulnerability](
26. [How I Discovered Thousands of Open Databases on AWS](
27. [CVE-2022-25165: Privilege Escalation to SYSTEM in AWS VPN Client](
28. [Downloading and Exploring AWS EBS Snapshots](
29. [Weaponizing AWS ECS Task Definitions to Steal Credentials From Running Containers](
30. [Good Read on AWS IAM Privilege Escalation – Methods and Mitigation](
31. [One more on IAM Privilege Escalation](
32. *[A very good repo for learning IAM based vulnerabilities](
## Online Courses (Paid/Free)
1. [AWS Fundamentals: Address Security Risks]( - Coursera
2. [Cloud Computing Security]( - Coursera
3. [AWS: Getting started with Cloud Security]( - EdX
4. [AWS Certified Security Specialty]( - Udemy by Zeal Vora
5. [AWS Certified Security Specialty]( - From
6. [AWS Advanced Security]( - Udemy
7. [AWS for Architects: Advanced Security]( - Linkedin Learn by Lynn Langit
8. [Practical Event Driven Security with AWS]( -
9. [Learning Path for AWS Security]( - Nicely designed the learning path who wants to be an AWS Security Experts from
10. [Cloud Hacking course]( - From NotSoSercure
11. [Breaking and Pwning Apps and Servers in AWS and Azure]( - Previously an instructor led training now released as free and open source courseware for Cloud Pentesters
## Tools of Trade
1. [AWS Security Products - Official]( - Few Important tools that you should consider are:
* 1.1 **AWS IAM:** AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to manage access to AWS services and resources securely
* 1.2 **CloudWatch:** CloudWatch is the AWS monitoring tool
* 1.3 **CloudTrail:** AWS CloudTrail is a service that enables governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of your AWS account
* 1.4 **AWS Inspector:** AWS inspector is a security assessment service that does vulnerability and best-practice scanning for AWS applications
* 1.5 **Amazon GuardDuty:** GuardDuty is a managed threat detection service that is simple to deploy, and scales with your infrastructure
* 1.6 **AWS KMS:** AWS KMS is a secure and resilient service that uses hardware security modules that have been validated under FIPS 140-2
* 1.7 **AWS Shield:** AWS Shield is a managed DDoS protection service. AWS Shield can protect EC2, Load balancers, CloudFront, Global Accelerator, and Route 53 resources
* 1.8 **AWS Trusted Advisor:** AWS Trusted Advisor is an online tool that provides you real time guidance to help you provision your resources following AWS best practices
* 1.9 **AWS Config:** AWS Config is a service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources
* 1.10 **Security Hub:** AWS Security Hub gives you a comprehensive view of your high-priority security alerts and security posture across your AWS accounts
* 1.11 **AWS WAF:** AWS WAF is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications or APIs against common web exploits that may affect availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources
* 1.12 **AWS Macie:** Macie is all about protecting data. It is a machine learning service that watches data access trends and finds anomalies to spot data leaks and unauthorized data access.
* 1.13 **AWS Detective:** Amazon Detective automatically collects log data from your AWS resources and uses machine learning, statistical analysis, and graph theory to build a linked set of data that enables you to easily conduct faster and more efficient security investigations.
* 1.14 **AWS Conformance Packs:** A conformance pack is a collection of AWS Config rules and remediation actions that can be easily deployed as a single entity in an account and a Region or across an organization in AWS Organizations. [conformance packs on github](
2. [Arsenal of AWS Security Tools]( - Collection of all security category tools and products
3. [AWS Security Automation]( - Collection of scripts and resources for DevSecOps and Automated Incident Response Security
4. [truffleHog]( - Searches through git repositories for high entropy strings and secrets, digging deep into commit history
5. [gitleaks]( - Audit git repos for secrets
6. [AWS Security Benchmark]( - Open source demos, concept and guidance related to the AWS CIS Foundation framework.
7. [S3 Inspector]( - Tool to check AWS S3 bucket permissions
8. [ScoutSuite]( - Multi-Cloud Security Auditing Tool
9. [Prowler]( - AWS Security Best Practices Assessment, Auditing, Hardening and Forensics Readiness Tool.
10. [AWS Vault]( - A vault for securely storing and accessing AWS credentials in development environments
11. [AWS PWN]( - A collection of AWS penetration testing junk
12. [Pacu]( - AWS Penetration Testing Toolkits
13. [Zeus]( - AWS Auditing and Hardening tool
14. [Cloud Mapper]( - Analyze your AWS environments (Python)
15. [ConsoleMe]( - A Central Control Plane for AWS Permissions and Access
16. [AWS Firewall Factory]( - Deploy, update, and stage your WAFs while managing them centrally via FMS.
## Security Practices and CTFs
1. [AWS Well Architected Security Labs](
2. [Flaws to learn common mistakes in AWS through challenge](
3. [Flaws2 focuses on AWS security concepts through various challenge levels](
4. [CloudGoat By Rhino Security Labs]( - Vulnerable by Design AWS infrastructure setup tool
5. [OWASP ServerlessGoat]( - OWASP ServerlessGoat is a deliberately insecure realistic AWS Lambda serverless application maintained by OWASP for educational purposes.
6. [OWASP WrongSecrets]( - OWASP WrongSecrets is a vulnerable app which shows you how to not store secrets. It covers code, Docker, Kubernetes, and AWS cloud bad practices.
7. [AWS S3 CTF Challenges with solutions](
8. [AWS CTF with practical scenario](
9. [Breaking and Pwning Apps and Servers on AWS and Azure by AppSecCo]( - The training covers a multitude of scenarios taken from our vulnerability assessment, penetration testing and OSINT engagements which take the student through the journey of discovery, identification and exploitation of security weaknesses, misconfigurations and poor programming practices that can lead to complete compromise of the cloud infrastructure.
10. [AWS Workshop official]( - This is not exactly security part, but would be helpful to understand AWS with this workshop examples.
11. [AWS Security Workshops]( by AWS
## AWS Security Bulletin Important Issues
1. [Container Networking Security Issue ([CVE-2020-8558])]( (This issue may allow containers running on the same host, or adjacent hosts (hosts running in the same LAN or layer 2 domain), to reach TCP and UDP services bound to localhost (
2. [Minimum Version of TLS 1.2 Required for FIPS Endpoints by March 31, 2021](
3. [Unencrypted md5 plaintext hash in metadata in AWS S3 Crypto SDK for golang](
4. [CBC padding oracle issue in AWS S3 Crypto SDK for golang]( : [CVE-2020-8911](
5. [In-band key negotiation issue in AWS S3 Crypto SDK for golang]( : [CVE-2020-8912](
6. [CVE-2018-15869]( An Amazon Web Services (AWS) developer who does not specify the --owners flag when describing images via AWS CLI, and therefore not properly validating source software per AWS recommended security best practices, may unintentionally load an undesired and potentially malicious Amazon Machine Image (AMI) from the uncurated public community AMI catalog.
7. [How a Security Researcher found 1000s of open databases on AWS](
## AWS Security Breaches
1. [AWS Security breaches - 2017](
2. [200 million voters data leak]( - A lesson in AWS Security
3. [Imperva blames data breach on Stolen AWS API keys](
4. [Tesla's Amazon cloud account was hacked and used to mine cryptocurrency](
5. [10 worst Amazon S3 breaches](
6. [Lion Air the Latest to Get Tripped Up by Misconfigured AWS S3](
7. [Online Fashion App 21 buttons Exposes Financial Records of Top European Influencers due to S3 misconfiguration](
8. [Capital One Cloud data breach due to S3 misconfiguration](
9. [Online Fashion App 21 buttons Exposes Financial Records of Top European Influencers](
10. [Utah COVID-19 testing service exposes 50,000 patients’ photo IDs, personal info on the web](
11. [US municipalities suffer data breach due to misconfigured Amazon S3 buckets](
## Contributors
[Please refer the guidelines at for details](
Thanks to the following folks who made contributions to this project.
**Get your name listed here**
[List of Contributors](
249 | A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to Argo (a CNCF graduated project) | []( []( []( [](
# Awesome Argo
🎉 [Argo is now a graduated project in CNCF!](
🔔 Links to recordings for talks from various conferences, such as ArgoCon and KubeCon, are added as soon as they become available!
A curated list of awesome projects and resources related to [Argo](, a [Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)]( graduated project.

This list is maintained and sponsored by [Akuity](, the Enterprise Company for Argo Project.
<img align="center" src="images/akuity.png" alt="akuity" width="50%" height="50%">
## What is Argo?
Argo consists of a set of open source tools for deploying and running applications and workloads on Kubernetes, including:
* [Argo Workflows]( Kubernetes-native workflow engine supporting DAG and step-based workflows.
* [Argo CD]( Declarative continuous delivery with a fully-loaded UI.
* [Argo Rollouts]( Advanced Kubernetes deployment strategies such as Canary and Blue-Green made easy.
* [Argo Events]( Event based dependency management for Kubernetes.
In addition, [argoproj-labs]( is a separate GitHub org for community contributions related to the Argo ecosystem.
## Table of Contents
<!-- MarkdownTOC depth=4 -->
- [Ecosystem Projects](#ecosystem-projects)
- [Books](#books)
- [Blog Posts](#blog-posts)
- [Videos](#videos)
- [Community](#community)
- [Acknowledgement](#acknowledgement)
<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->
<a name="ecosystem-projects" />
## Ecosystem Projects
Selected projects from [argoproj]( (other than the four projects mentioned above) and [argoproj-labs](
* [Argo CD Autopilot]( offers an opinionated way of installing Argo CD and managing GitOps repositories.
* [Argo CD Extensions]( enables extensions for Argo CD.
* [Argo CD Image Updater]( is a tool to automatically update the container images of Kubernetes workloads which are managed by Argo CD.
* [Argo CD Interlace]( is a Kubernetes controller to enable software supply chain security capabilities in Argo CD.
* [Argo CD Operator]( is a Kubernetes operator for managing Argo CD clusters.
* [Argo CD Vault Plugin]( is an Argo CD plugin to retrieve secrets from Secret Management tools and inject them into Kubernetes resources.
* [Argo Helm]( is a collection of community-maintained Helm charts for Argo projects.
* [Argo Rollout Extension]( contains the Argo Rollout dashboard that can be added into the Argo CD Web UI.
* [Argo Workflows Catalog]( contains free reusable templates for Argo Workflows.
* [Argo Workflows Plugins]( contains reusable plugins that extend Argo Workflows with new capabilities.
* [GitOps Engine]( contains various GitOps operators that address different use-cases and provide different user experiences but all have a similar set of core features.
* [Hera]( is an Argo Workflows Python SDK that aims to make workflow construction and submission easy and accessible to everyone.
* [Notifications Engine]( is a configuration-driven Golang library that provides notifications for cloud-native applications.
Other open source projects that use Argo:
* [active-monitor]( is a Kubernetes controller which enables deep cluster monitoring and self-healing using Argo Workflows.
* [Apache DolphinScheduler]( is a distributed and extensible workflow scheduler platform with powerful DAG UI, dedicated to solving complex job dependencies in the data pipeline and providing various types of jobs available out of the box.
* [applicationset-progressive-sync]( is a controller to allow a progressive sync of ArgoCD Applications generated by an ApplicationSet.
* [argo-cd-action]( is a GitHub Action for executing Argo CD.
* [argo-compare]( is a small CLI tool showing the difference in the resulting helm manifests rendered from Applications in different git branches.
* [argo-watcher]( is a small service that improves the visibility of deployments that are using Argo CD Image Updater.
* [argocd-commenter]( is a Kubernetes controller to notify a change of Argo CD Application status via comments on GitHub pull requests and GitHub Deployments.
* [argocd-lovely-plugin]( is a plugin that allows you to composite multiple things together into a single argocd application or applicationSet. Includes allowing Helm+Kustomize, addition other manifests trivially and running additional plugins in a pipe.
* [backstage-plugin-argo-cd]( is a Argo CD plugin for Backstage, an open platform for building developer portals.
* [Cello]( is a service for running infrastructure as code software tools including CDK, Terraform and Cloud Formation via GitOps.
* [ci-github-notifiter]( is a lightweight container to post Argo Workflow statuses back to GitHub as [Status Checks](
* [Couler]( provides a unified interface for constructing and managing workflows on different workflow engines.
* [Devtron]( is a Web-Based CI/CD Platform for Kubernetes, powered by Argo.
* [Flowify]( Collaborative no code UI for Argo Workflows.
* [k8s-bootstrapper]( is a framework to set up production ready Kubernetes clusters using Terraform and Argo CD.
* [Kedro]( is an open-source Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code.
* [Kubeflow Katib]( is a Kubernetes-native project for automated machine learning (AutoML).
* [Kubeflow Pipelines]( is dedicated to making deployments of machine learning workflows on Kubernetes simple, portable, and scalable with Kubeflow.
* [Metaflow]( is a Python library for building and managing real-life data science projects.
* [Onepanel]( is the open source, end-to-end computer vision platform.
* [Orchest]( is a tool for building data pipelines/workflows. It supports Jupyter notebooks and scripts in multiple languages and provides a user friendly UI/browser based editor.
* [Orkestra]( is a cloud-native release orchestration and lifecycle management (LCM) platform for the fine-grained orchestration of inter-dependent Helm charts and their dependencies.
* [Ploomber]( helps overcome the challenges of working with Jupyter notebooks and allows teams to develop collaborative, production-ready pipelines using JupyterLab or any text editor.
* [provider-argocd]( is the Crossplane infrastructure provider for Argo CD.
* [Reloader]( is a Kubernetes controller to watch changes in ConfigMap and Secrets and do rolling upgrades on associated Deployments/StatefulSets/Daemonsets and Argo Rollouts.
* [Seldon]( is an MLOps framework to package, deploy, monitor and manage thousands of production machine learning models.
* [SQLFlow]( extends SQL to support AI and compiles the SQL program to a workflow that runs on Kubernetes.
* [terraform-provider-argocd]( is the Terraform provider for Argo CD.
<a name="books" />
## Books
* [Distributed Machine Learning Patterns]( teaches you how to take machine learning models from your personal laptop to large distributed clusters. You’ll explore key concepts and patterns behind successful distributed machine learning systems, and learn technologies like TensorFlow, Kubernetes, Kubeflow, and Argo Workflows with real-world scenarios and hands-on projects.
* [GitOps and Kubernetes]( teaches you how to use Git and the GitOps methodology to manage a Kubernetes cluster. The book interleaves theory with practice, presenting core Ops concepts alongside easy-to-implement techniques so you can put GitOps into action. Learn to develop pipelines that trace changes, roll back mistakes, and audit container deployment.
<a name="blogs" />
## Blog Posts
Please check out the [official Argo Project blog]( Additional links:
* [All About ArgoCD, a Beginner’s Guide](
* [Applied GitOps with Argo CD](
* [Architecting Workflows For Reliability](
* [Argo 101 - What is Argo?](
* [Argo Ansible Role: Provisioning Argo Workflows on OpenShift](
* [Argo CD Best Practices](
* [Argo CD Build Environment Examples](
* [ArgoCD Best Practices You Should Know](
* [ArgoCon 2021 Akuity Team Recap](
* [Argo Integration Review](
* [Argo Rollouts and Service Mesh: Automate and Control Canary Releases](
* [Argo Security Automation with OSS-Fuzz](
* [Argo Workflow As the Choice To Run Data Pipelines in Casavo](
* [Automate Canary Analysis on Kubernetes with Argo](
* [Building a Successful Open Source Community as an End User Company](
* [Best Practices for Multi-tenancy in Argo CD](
* [CI/CD with Argo on Kubernetes](
* [Cloud Native CI/CD with Tekton and ArgoCD on AWS](
* [Continuous Delivery Using a Carvel ytt Argo CD Plugin](
* [Decentralized GitOps Over Environments](
* [Deploy Argo CD with Ingress and TLS in Three Steps: No YAML Yak Shaving Required](
* [Deploying Argo CD and Sealed Secrets with Helm](
* [Designing A Complete CI/CD Pipeline CI/CD Pipeline Using Argo Events, Workflows, and CD](
* [Embracing Cloud-Native for Apache DolphinScheduler with Kubernetes: a Case Study](
* [Exploring Messaging Systems with Argo Events](
* [Four Lessons That Took Argo From First Commit to GitOps Darling](
* [From Argo to Mentoring and Everything In Between](
* [Getting Started with ArgoCD for GitOps Kubernetes Deployments](
* [GitOps Deployment and Kubernetes - using Argo CD](
* [GitOps for Kubeflow using Argo CD](
* [GitOps - Getting Started with ArgoCD](
* [GitOps – Including Backup in Your Continous Deployments](
* [GitOps Model for Provisioning and Bootstrapping Amazon EKS Clusters Using Crossplane and Argo CD](
* [GitOps Toolsets on Kubernetes with CircleCI and Argo CD](
* [GitOps with Argo CD](
* [Gradual Code Releases Using an In-House Kubernetes Canary Controller on Top of Argo Rollouts](
* [Hera - the Missing Argo Workflows Python SDK](
* [How GitOps and Operators Mark the Rise of Infrastructure-As-Software](
* [How Many Do You Need? - Argo CD Architectures Explained](
* [How to Automate Verification of Deployments with Argo Rollouts and Elastic Observability](
* [How to Create a Theme for your Argo CD With Minimal CSS](
* [How to Deploy With ArgoCD When Helm Values and Chart Are in Different Repositories](
* [How to Manage Kubernetes Secrets with GitOps?](
* [How to Update your OpenFaaS Functions Automatically with the Argo CD Image Updater](
* [Human-Centric Data Science on Kubernetes with Metaflow](
* [Humans of Cloud Native: Yuan Tang – From Argo to Mentoring and Everything In Between](
* [Jenkins X 3 and Argo CD](
* [KubeCon EU 2022 - Akuity Team Recap](
* [Kubernetes Cluster Vending Machine With vcluster](
* [Kubernetes Security through GitOps Best Practices: ArgoCD and Starboard](
* [Machine Learning Hyperparameter Optimization with Argo](
* [Making Complex R Applications into Production using Argo Workflows](
* [Manage Namespaces on Multitenant Clusters with ArgoCD, Kustomize and Helm](
* [Measuring Argo Workflow Costs with Kubecost](
* [Minimize Failed Deployments with Argo Rollouts and Smoke Tests](
* [Multi-cluster Management for Kubernetes with Cluster API and Argo CD](
* [Observations and Thoughts after Building 3 Kubernetes Platforms in Financial Services Industry](
* [Open Source Model Management Roundup: Polyaxon, Argo, and Seldon](
* [Producing 200 OpenStreetMap Extracts in 35 Minutes Using a Scalable Data Workflow](
* [Progressive Delivery with Argo Rollouts: Canary Deployment](
* [Recover Automatically from Failed Deployments with Argo Rollouts and Prometheus Metrics](
* [Running Argo Workflows Across Multiple Kubernetes Clusters](
* [Scheduling Data Science Workflows in Azure with Argo and Metaflow](
* [Sealed Secrets on Kubernetes with ArgoCD and Terraform](
* [Set up Microservices on Kubernetes — Automating Kubernetes with ArgoCD](
* [Setting up Argo CD With Helm](
* [Simplify and Automate Deployments Using GitOps with IBM Multicloud Manager 3.1.2](
* [Solving Configuration Drift Using GitOps with Argo CD](
* [Stay Up to Date With Argo CD and Renovate](
* Terraform Automation With Argo on Kubernetes ([Part1]( & [Part2](
* [Unveil the Secret Ingredients of Continuous Delivery at Enterprise Scale with Argo CD](
* [Using Argo to Train Predictive Models](
* [Using Argo CD with vclusters](
* [Preventing Tag Mutation With kbld And Argo CD](
* [Argo Workflows Guide in Chinese](
* [How To Create ArgoCD Applications Automatically Using ApplicationSet? “Automation of GitOps”](
* [Why We’re Switching Off Airflow — Sort Of](
* [Picking A Kubernetes Orchestrator: Airflow, Argo, and Prefect](
Blogposts that provide comparisons:
* ArgoCD
* vs. Flux: [[0]](, [[1]](, [[2]](
* [vs. Spinnaker](
* [vs. Spinnaker, Jenkins X, and Tekton](
* Argo Workflows
* [vs. Airflow and Prefect](
* [vs. Airflow](
<a name="videos" />
## Videos
Please check out the [official Argo Project YouTube channel](
🔥 KubeCon, GitOpsCon, AI Days North America 2022:
* [Building a Batch Processing Platform with Argo](
* [Building Data Science Platform with Argo Workflows](
* [How Adobe Planned For Scale With Argo CD, Cluster API, And VCluster](
* [How Salesforce Is Moving From Spinnaker To Argo Workflows For Provisioning Add-Ons](
* [How the Argo Project Transitioned From Security Aware To Security First](
* [How To Build Production Grade DevOps Platform Using Argo](
* [How to Keep a Secret in GitOps, Without Keeping It in Git](
* [Human-Friendly, Production-Ready Data Science Stack With Argo Workflows & Metaflow](
* [Hundreds of Clusters Sitting in a Tree with Argo CD](
* [Keynote: Welcome + Opening Remarks (Maintainers Fireside Chat)](
* [Like Peas And Carrots: Argo CD And Crossplane For Infrastructure Management](
* [Multi-Tenancy For Argo Workflows And Argo CD At Adobe](
* [Observability In ArgoCD/Rollouts Using Streaming ML For Reducing MTTR](
* [Preview Environments with ArgoCD](
🔥 ArgoCon 2022 talks:
* [Argo Roadmap Updates For CD, Rollouts, Workflows, and Events](
* [From Code to Docs to Marketing: How to Contribute](
* [Scaling Argo for the Enterprise](
* [Challenging the Status Quo with Kubernetes and Argo](
* [Smarter Progressive Delivery at Intuit](
* [Argo Rollouts at Scale: How We Brought Automated Rollback to 2100+ Micro-services at Monzo](
* [Large Scale Batch Processing with Argo Workflows and Events](
* [Leveraging Argo Workflows and Argo Events for Cloud Agnostic Enterprise Machine Learning Deployments and Model Management](
* [Unleash ArgoCD Observability Superpowers](
* [Secure by Default with GitOps - A Guide to OPA with Argo CD](
* [Managing Thousands of Automatic Machine Learning Experiments with Argo and Katib](
* [Using Argo Project to Help Elastic infoSec Team in Securing Elastic](
* [From PR to Artifactory in 60 Secs! Adobe Service Runtime Java Libraries Release Pipelines Using Argo Workflows](
* [Argo CD Observability with AIOps - Detect Incident Fast](
* [Attacking Argo CD with Argo CD (and then Defending)](
* [Securing GitOps Supply Chain with Sigstore and Kyverno](
* [Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Pipelines at Adobe](
* [A Distributed Job Scheduler Story: CronWorkflows integration with RBAC infrastructure for Over 100+ Teams](
* [Automating Map-building Pipelines for Safe Autonomous Driving with Argo Workflows at TuSimple](
* [Best Practices on Organizing GitOps Repositories](
* [Don’t Let a Bot In! Protect Fortune 500 Companies & Users](
* [Using Argo Workflows to Curate Chaos Engineering with LitmusChaos](
* [Creating A Scalable Foundation for Kubernetes Multi-Tenancy](
* [CI/CD for Data Pipelines with Argo Workflows](
* [Running Cloud-native Spark Jobs with Argo Workflows](
* [Open Source Canary Deployments with Application Metric Analysis](
* [The Future of GitOps](
* [Adobe’s Internal Developer Platform Journey and Lessons](
KubeCon Europe 2022 talks:
* [Applied GitOps with Argo CD Autopilot Using Multiple Clusters with an ApplicationSet](
* [Argo’s Vibrant Ecosystem and Community](
* [Automated Progressive Delivery Using GitOps and Service Mesh](
* [Building AutoML Pipelines With Argo Workflows and Katib](
* [Exploring HashiCorp Vault and ArgoCD - the GitOps Way](
* [GitOpsify Everything: When Crossplane Meets Argo CD](
* [How a Couple of Characters (and GitOps) Brought Down Our Site](
* [Intuitive Progressive Delivery Across Microservices in a Dependency Graph Using Argo Rollouts](
* [Implementing Preview Environments with GitOps in Kubernetes](
* [Infra-like-apps - GitOpsifying Cloud Natively Managed Infrastructure with Crossplane and Argo CD](
* [TikTok’s Story: How To Manage a Thousand Applications on Edge With Argo CD](
Other talks:
* [A Briefer History of Argo Project from the Founding Engineers](
* [A Multi-Cluster, Multi-Cloud Infrastructure with GitOps at CERN](
* [Argo-Based Service Delivery for Multi-Tenant, Multi Region Clusters at Adobe](
* [Argo: The Present, Past, and Future](
* [Argo and Tekton: Pushing the Boundaries of the Possible on Kubernetes](
* [Argo CD - GitOps Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes](
* [Argo CD: Applying GitOps Principles To Manage Production Environment In Kubernetes](
* [Argo CD and Stateful Applications - Tips and Tricks](
* [Argo CD Production Best Practices](
* [Argo CD Walkthrough – Learn Argo CD in 18 Minutes](
* [Argo CD in the Cloud: DevOps and Docker Live Show](
* [Argo Events - Event-Based Dependency Manager for Kubernetes](
* [Argo Events Deep-dive](
* [Argo Graduation Q&A - Open Meeting with the Creators of Argo](
* [Argo Rollouts - Canary Deployments Made Easy In Kubernetes](
* [Argo Workflows and Pipelines - CI/CD, Machine Learning, and Other Kubernetes Workflows](
* [Automating Research Workflows at BlackRock](
* [Automation of Everything - How To Combine Argo Events, Workflows & Pipelines, CD, and Rollouts](
* [Bridging into Python Ecosystem with Cloud-Native Distributed Machine Learning Pipelines](
* [Building a Successful Open Source Community as an End-user Company](
* [Building Medical Grade AI with Argo Workflows](
* [CI/CD for Machine Learning at MLB using Argo Workflows](
* [CI/CD in Light Speed with K8s and Argo CD](
* [Cloud Native AutoML with Argo Workflows and Katib](
* [Cloud-native CI/CD via ArgoCD & Workflows in Multi-region & Muti-cell Environment](
* [Cloud Native Live: Argo's Vibrant Ecosystem and Community + Maintainer Q&A](
* [Combining Argo CD (GitOps), Crossplane (Control Plane), and KubeVela (OAM)](
* [Couchbase - How To Run a Database Cluster in Kubernetes Using Argo CD](
* [Deploying Cluster Addons at Scale using ApplicationSets](
* [Deployments on the Edge using Argo CD & Workflows and K3s](
* [Distributed Load Testing Using Argo Workflows](
* [Dynamic, Event-Driven Machine Learning Pipelines with Argo Workflows](
* [Easy Notifications for Kubernetes](
* [Environments Based on Pull Requests (PRs): Using Argo CD To Apply GitOps Principles on Previews](
* [Extending GitOps to Manage K8s (so you don’t have to)!](
* [Getting Started with ArgoCD for GitOps Deployments](
* [GitOps Cloud Resource Management](
* [GitOps for Kubernetes with ArgoCD, Crossplane, Kyverno and Paralus](
* [GitOps Guide to the Galaxy: Argo Workflows](
* [GitOps with Argo CD and an Argo Rollouts Canary Release](
* [GitOps Without Pipelines With ArgoCD Image Updater](
* [How Intuit Does Canary and Blue Green Deployments](
* [How Scalable is Argo-Rollouts: A Cloud Operator’s Perspective](
* [How to Apply GitOps to Everything - Combining Argo CD and Crossplane](
* [Integrating Backup into Your GitOps CI/CD Pipeline](
* [Intro to GitOps, Argo projects and Continuous delivery with Kubernetes](
* [Introducing Couler: Unified Interface for Constructing and Managing Workflows](
* [Introduction to Argo CD: Kubernetes DevOps CI/CD](
* [Journey of the Argonauts](
* [K8s Cluster Vending Machine With vCluster](
* [Kubernetes Blue-Green Deployments with Argo Rollouts](
* [Kubernetes Canary Deployments with Argo Rollouts](
* [Kubernetes Security through GitOps Best Practices: ArgoCD and Starboard](
* [Leveling Up Your CD: Unlocking Progressive Delivery on Kubernetes](
* [Level Unlocked: GitOps to the Edge and Infrastructure Provisioning](
* [Litmus 2 - Chaos Engineering Meets Argo Workflows](
* [Machine Learning as Code: GitOps for ML with Kubeflow and ArgoCD](
* [Machine Learning with Argo and Ploomber](
* [Maintainer Update on Argo CD and Rollouts](
* [Maintainer Update on Argo Workflows and Events](
* [Making Complex R Forecast Applications Into Production Using Argo Workflows](
* [Manage More Clusters with Less Hassle, with Argo CD Application Sets](
* [Metaflow Integration with Argo Workflows](
* [MLOps at Tripadvisor: ML Models CI/CD Automation with Argo](
* [Multi-Stage Delivery with Keptn and Argo Rollouts](
* [Processing Petabytes in Python with Argo Workflows & Dask](
* [Robocat Meets Octopus and Octocat: Interoperability in CI/CD](
* [Scaling Kubernetes across BlackRock’s Aladdin Platform](
* [Scaling Software Delivery on Argo](
* [Shh, It’s a Secret: Managing Your Secrets in a GitOps Way](
* [Supercharge Your Dev Experience [DX] with ArgoCD, Crossplane, & Shipa](
* [TGI Kubernetes with Joe Beda: Argo Workflow System](
* [TGI Kubernetes with Joe Beda: CloudEvents and Argo Events](
* [The Argo Ecosystem: Tailoring Your Installation Through Community Add-ons](
* [The Future of Continuous Delivery](
* [The Journey from DevOps to GitOps](
* [Towards Cloud-Native Distributed Machine Learning Pipelines at Scale](
* [Tutorial: Everything You Need To Become A GitOps Ninja](
* [Unveil The Secret Ingredients for Argo CD in the Enterprise-Scale](
* [Using Argo CD with vclusters](
* [Using Argo CD & Datree for Stable Kubernetes CI/CD Deployments](
* [Preventing Tag Mutation With kbld And Argo CD](
<a name="community" />
## Community
* [Argo Community Calendar]([email protected]) ([ICS File](
* [Argo Project GitHub Organization]( ([Maintainers]( and [Community Governance](
* ArgoCon ([2022]( and [2021](
* Argo Project User Survey Results ([2022](, [2021](, and [2020](
* [Peer Appreciation Program for Argo]( - The community can nominate individuals who they see as going above and beyond when it comes to contributing to and/or promoting the Argo Project.
Social media accounts:
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<a name="acknowledgement" />
## Acknowledgement
Some of the blogposts and videos are selected from [Argo's community blogs and presentations](
Thanks to the contributors who've submitted pull requests to add the original references to the following locations:
* [Argo Workflows](
* [Argo CD](
* [Argo Events](
* [Argo Rollouts](
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250 | Awesome list of progressive web apps! (PR welcomed ;)) | # awesome-pwa []( 
> Useful resources for creating Progressive Web Apps
*Inspired by the [awesome]( list thing.*
## What is a Progressive Web App
> A Progressive Web App uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. They evolve from pages in browser tabs to immersive, top-level apps, leveraging the web's low friction.
_Source:_ [Google Developers - Progressive Web Apps](
## Table of contents
* [App Directories](#app-directories)
* [Apps](#apps)
* [Tutorials](#tutorials)
* [Articles](#articles)
* [Videos](#videos)
* [Tools](#tools)
* [Kits](#kits)
* [Courses](#courses)
* [Conferences](#conferences)
## App Directories
* [](
* [](
* [](
## Apps
* [2brew]( PWA timer for coffee brewing
* [2fA]( Extended 2FA
* []( Alphabet website
* [Air Horner]( Air horn sound.
* [AlarmDJ]( Online alarm clock that plays MP3 files or YouTube videos.
* [Aliexpress]( Global shopping
* [ampproject]( Web component framework.
* [Anonynote]( Note-taking app.
* []( Avain
* []( - A Notion like local note taking tool where data is saved in your computer and in Markdown format.
* [Bank Maskan]( Iranian bank
* [Rayanhamafza FWA]( Iranian funds By RayanHamAfza (Only From Iran-Ip)
* [Bento-starter]( Open-Source Full-Stack solution for fast PWA development
* [Best Markdown Editor]( undefined
* [BitMidi]( Listen to your favorite MIDI files.
* [Bolster]( Bolster
* [2048 Game]( 2048 Game
* [Booksie]( An open catalog of free picture storybooks for children instantly available for reading.
* [Budget Tracker]( Track expenses and analyse if they stick to a budget
* [bundle]( A quick and easy way to bundle, minify, and compress (gzip and brotli) your ts, js, jsx and npm projects all online, with the resulting file size.
* [Calculator]( A calculator app with theme switcher
* [Care Cards]( Care Cards
* [Cat Safe Foods]( Sharing food with your cat? Make sure it's safe first
* [Chrome Developer Summit]( Google Developers
* [Clock App]( Analog Alarm Clock App
* [Closerintime]( #closerintime
* [Colosseum]( Displays Pokemons in a beautiful way
* [ComputerBase]( German IT news site.
* [Contrax]( Track your contracts, subscriptions and trials.
* [Crazy Dice]( Simple Dice App.
* [Currency Converter]( Currency Calculator
* [Currency Exchange Loss Calculator]( Currency Exchange Loss Calculator
* [Datememe]( Online dating.
* [Demo PWA]( Demonstrating offline, push notifications, background sync etc.
* [Dev.Opera]( Dev.Opera
* [DevDocs]( API Documentation Browser
* [Digikala]( Digikala Web App
* [Dog Safe Foods]( Sharing food with your dog? Make sure it's safe first
* [DontBore]( Find and share logins.
* [DTH Search India]( Search DTH TV channel numbers in India.
* [ELFSH]( Food and expense manager.
* [emberclear]( Encrypted Chat. No History. No Logs.
* [Emoji Log]( Personal tracker
* [Etch]( A Small team of Designers and Developers.
* [Farmhand]( Farmhand
* [FarmOS]( Farm record keeping
* [Fast Golf Scores]( Fast Golf Scores.
* [FileLove]( Minimal p2p file transfer right in the browser.
* [Firefox Platform Status]( Firefox Platform Status
* [FlagWarriors]( Minimalist multiplayer strategy game.
* [Football Peek]( Football results.
* [Freelancer]( Hire the best freelancers for any job, online.
* [ghChat]( Chat application for GitHub.
* [GitHub Explorer]( Profile viewer.
* [Google Drive]( File storage.
* [Google Duo]( Video Calling.
* [Google Maps]( Online maps.
* [Google Photos]( Photo management.
* [Google Stadia]( Gaming across devices.
* [GPA Calculator]( Generate animated artwork from your unique GPA inputs.
* [GPA Calculator]( Calculate your college GPA.
* [guitar-tuner]( Aerotwist Guitar Tuner
* [Housing Go]( Real estate in India.
* [Hugo]( Meeting notes.
* [Hyperdraft]( Turn your text notes into a website.
* [Indecisive.US]( App to help you make a decision.
* [Journalistic]( Micro Journaling App.
* [Joybox]( A pinboard for audiovisual media.
* [jsfeatures]( JavaScript features
* [JSON Formatter]( Minimalist JSON formatter.
* [Kahla]( Business messaging app.
* [Kommit]( Create flashcards and learn them with spaced-repetition.
* [Launchlet]( Customize any website with JavaScript or CSS.
* [Let's Plant]( Plant chooser.
* []( Online radio Radio
* [Lorem Ipsum]( Lorem Ipsum generator.
* [Math Riddles]( Interesting Math Riddles.
* [Make Better Software]( Raise software standards.
* [MConverter]( Online file converter.
* [Medium]( Writing space.
* [Memory Game PWA]( Strengthen your memory.
* [Messages for web (by google)]( 400
* [MoneyTracker]( Personal finances tracking web app.
* [Morse Code Translator]( Morse Code tools
* [MTGStocks]( Magic the Gathering price tracker.
* []( World of Warcraft Shadowlands.
* [MYHELLOIOT]( MQTT client application.
* [Notella]( No fluff notes app.
* [OmniCam]( Live streaming webcams around the world.
* [Othello]( Play Othello against the computer.
* [PakWheels]( Buy/sell cars.
* [Passky]( Free and open-source Password Manager
* [Paytm Lite]( Online wallet and payments.
* [Photopea]( Online Photo Editor.
* [PixelCraft]( Pixel Art Editor
* [Pokedex]( Indexing Pokémon
* [PokeQuest Wiki]( Search for Pokémon
* [Police Lights]( Police Car Light Flash Screen App
* [Pomotimer]( Pomodoro Technique Timer
* [PregBuddy]( Information for pregnant women.
* [Progressive Beer]( Progressive Beer
* [PWA-NES]( 8-bit NES emulator
* [QR Code Generator]( Create custom QR Codes.
* [QR Code Scanner]( Scan a QR code.
* [RedditLattice]( A reddit viewer for image based subreddits. Lays out the images in a tight lattice.
* [Regex101]( Build, test and debug regex.
* [Remember]( Location-based reminders.
* [Resume Nation]( Resume creator.
* [Rydeen]( Task management app for individuals.
* [SaintsApp]( New Orleans Saints' game schedule.
* [Saucekudasai]( An Anime seacrch engine that finds animeinfo based on image provided
* [Scoreboard.Rocks]( Scoreboard App.
* [Similar Worlds]( Experience Project Alternative. Find people with similar interests.
* [Simple Currency Converter]( Currency Converter
* [Skcript]( Ruby on Rails Consulting.
* [Smaller Pictures]( Image compressor.
* [Snapdrop]( Transfer files over wifi.
* [SoundCloud]( Stream and listen to music.
* [Soundpad]( Sound Sequencer App.
* [Soundslice]( Create living sheet music.
* [SplittyPie]( Easy expense splitting.
* [Spotify]( Music streaming.
* [sv-ginger]( Ginger WebGL Morph Demo
* [SvenPanel]( The Shrine - The Message Is Feierei Alda.
* [SVGOMG]( SVGO's Missing GUI
* [Swahili Dictionary]( Offline Swahili-English-Swahili dictionary
* [Taskade]( Remote Team Workspace.
* [Telegram]( Telegram Web App.
* [Themer]( Theme generator for editors, terminals, wallpapers, and more.
* [Threema Web]( The messenger that puts security and privacy first.
* [Timetable]( Interactive editable timetable.
* [Tinder]( Dating app.
* []( ToDo app.
* [Todoly]( A Simple ToDo PWA
* [Total Formatter]( YAML Formatter
* [trivago]( Hotel prices.
* [Tutor Portfolio PWA]( ???
* [Twitter]( Microblogging app.
* [Uber Web]( Ridesharing app.
* [Unalengua IPA Translator]( Translate to IPA.
* [VeganCheck]( Check if a product is vegan or not.
* [VeggieTables]( Track your crops and farming activities.
* [Versus]( Consumer electronics shopping.
* []( Video trimmer app in the browser.
* [Wave-PD1]( Synth toy.
* [Web NFC enabled shopping cart]( Shopping list demo.
* [Word Counter]( Count characters, words, sentences, paragraphs, pages.
* [Wormhole]( Share files with end-to-end encryption.
* [X Sound]( Online keyboard synth.
* [Yahtzee]( Dice generator.
* [Youtube Music]( Music streaming via YouTube.
* []( Z-Table lookup & Z-Score calculator.
## Tutorials
* [Build a realtime PWA using Vue.js](
* [Build a realtime PWA with React](
* [Codelabs to build PWAs with Polymer 2.0](
* [Getting started with Progressive Web Apps]( by [@addyosmani](
* [Google Developers - Progressive Web Apps](
* [Introduction to Progressive Web Apps by Google-Udacity](
* [Introduction to progressive web apps](
* [Progressive Web Apps with React.js - 4 part series]( by [@addyosmani](
* [Retrofit an Existing Website as a Progressive Web App](
* [Service Worker Cookbook - Mozilla](
* [Web Powered SMS Inbox with Service Worker: Push Notifications](
## Articles
* [A Beginner’s Guide to Progressive Web Apps & the Frontend Web](
* [A full-stack solution for fast PWA development](
* [A Tinder Progressive Web App Performance Case Study](
* [Are Progressive Web Apps the Future?](
* [FLIP your animations](
* [From Electron to Progressive Web App](
* [How I built a Progressive Beer App](
* [How I made a Progressive Web App out of my Blog](
* [How we made our website offline first](
* [IndexedDB, WebSQL, LocalStorage – what blocks the DOM?](
* [Installable Web Apps with the WebApp Manifest in Chrome for Android](
* [Integrating Progressive Web Apps deeply into Android](
* [Introducing a progressive webapp for Pokémon fans](
* [Introduction to Progressive Web App with example](
* [Intro to (Progressive) Web Apps](
* [Is Service Worker ready?](
* [Progressive web apps have leapfrogged the native install model ... but challenges remain/](
* [PWA Performance](
* [PWA - E-Commerce - Compare List](
* [Say Hello to Offline First](
* [Service Worker - Revolution of the Web Platform](
* [Service Workers: Dynamic Responsive Images using WebP Images](
* [Support for theme-color in Chrome 39 for Android](
* [Swift Migration to Progressive Web App](
* [The Building Blocks Of Progressive Web Apps](
* [The web app "discovery problem"](
* [What Progressive Web Apps Mean for the Web](
* [You’re Missing the Point of Server-Side Rendered JavaScript Apps](
## Videos
* [AMP + Progressive Web Apps: Start fast, stay engaged - Google I/O 2016](
* [Angular 2 and Progressive Web Apps - Google I/O 2016](
* [Breaking the 1000ms Time to Glass Mobile Barrier (vid)](
* [Building a Progressive Web App - Aditya Punjani](
* [Building and deploying a Progressive Web App at scale with Flipkart (Chrome Dev Summit 2015)](
* [Building for Billions (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Building for billions on the web - Google I/O 2016](
* [Building Progressive Web Apps with Polymer (Chrome Dev Summit 2015)](
* [Building the Google I/O Web App: Launching a Progressive Web App on - Google I/O 2016](
* [Deep Engagment with Push Notifications (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Fast and resilient web apps: Tools and techniques - Google I/O 2016](
* [Fireside Chat with the Progressive Web Apps Crew - Google I/O 2016](
* [Going Big: PWAs Come to Desktop and Chrome OS (Google I/O ’19)](
* [Great libraries and tools for great Progressive Web Apps - Google I/O 2016](
* [Houdini: Demystifying the Future of CSS - Google I/O 2016](
* [Instant loading with HTTP/2 (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Instant Loading: Building offline-first Progressive Web Apps - Google I/O 2016](
* [Instant-loading Offline-first (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Interview with Google Software Engineer Alex Russell - O'Reilly Fluent Conference 2016](
* [Konga (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Mythbusting HTTPS (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Opening Keynote (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Polymer and Progressive Web Apps: Building on the modern web - Google I/O 2016](
* [Polymer Summit 2016 Youtube Playlist](
* [Progressive Web Apps (Chrome Dev Summit 2015)](
* [Progressive Web Apps across all frameworks - Google I/O 2016](
* [Progressive web apps and what's next for mobile](
* [Progressive Web Apps and What's Next for Mobile](
* [Progressive Web Apps Are Easy Now - Or Are They with Thorsten Lorenz -- UtahJS 2018](
* [Progressive Web Apps in any context (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Progressive Web Apps on Firebase - Google I/O 2016](
* [Progressive Web Apps Training 2019 - Playlist](
* [Progressive Web Apps with Alex Russell](
* [Progressive Web Apps: the future of Apps](
* [Progressive, Performant, Polymer: Pick Three - Google I/O 2016](
* [Putting the Progressive in Progressive Web Apps (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [PWA starter kit: build fast, scalable, modern apps with Web Components (Google I/O '18)](
* [PWA Training Course 2017 Playlist with Sarah Clark, Google Developers India](
* [Samsung internets progressive web app commitment (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Search and the mobile content ecosystem - Google I/O 2016](
* [Service workers at scale with Facebook and Flipkart - Google I/O 2016](
* [Summit Report: Building for billions with Progressive Web Apps (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Summit Report: Checking in with Paul Lewis and Jake Archibald (Progressive Web Apps Summit 2016)](
* [Summit Report: Making Progressive Web Apps accessible, at scale! (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Summit Report: Progressive Web Apps for any occassion! (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Summit Report: Reach, acquisition and conversion (Progressive Web Apps Summit 2016)](
* [Summit Report: Talking HTTPS with Emily Schechter (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Summit Report: The Web Developers swarm! (Progressive Web Apps Summit 2016)](
* [Summit Report: What do I need to know about HTTP2? (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Summit Report: Why's it called a Progressive Web App? (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [The applied science of runtime performance (vid)](
* [The Future of Progressive Web Apps (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [The Mobile Web: State of the Union - Google I/O 2016](
* [The Service Worker is Coming - Look Busy (vid)](
* [To the Lighthouse (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Tools for Success (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [UI Elements at 60fps (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [Unlocking New Capabilities for the Web (Google I/O ’19)](
* [Using Web Components to Build PWAs (Progressive Web App Summit 2016)](
* [V8, modern JavaScript, and beyond - Google I/O 2016](
* [Who are you, really: Safer and more convenient sign-in on the web - Google I/O 2016](
* [Why Build Progressive Web Apps? - Playlist](
## Tools
* [`@forlagshuset/simple-fs`]( Needs offline filesystem? SimpleFS provides sweet promise based nodejs file API on top of indexeddb.
* [`a2hs.js`]( A useful modern JavaScript solution that helps your website users to add (install) a progressive web app to the Home Screen of their mobile iOS devices.
* [`DSW`]( Generate your Service Worker dynamically, webmanifest, rules for requests, redirects, etc.
* [`fetch-manifest-json`]( Fetch the `mainfest.json` from an URL.
* [`fetch-sync`]( Proxy Fetch requests through the Background Sync API
* [`HNPWA`]( Hacker News readers as Progressive Web Apps. A spiritual successor to TodoMVC.
* [`Manifest Generator`]( This simple page will generate the manifest file for you.
* [`manifest-json`]( CLI tool for creating `mainfest.json`.
* [`msgr`]( Nifty service worker/client message utility
* [`offline-plugin`]( Offline plugin (ServiceWorker, AppCache) for webpack (<>)
* [`platinum-sw-register`]( handles service worker registration for Polymer applications
* [`PWAify`]( CLI tool to convert your PWA into a cross-platform desktop app.
* [`serviceworker-rails`]( Plugin to integrate Service Worker with the Rails asset pipeline.
* [`serviceworker-webpack-plugin`]( Simplifies creation of a service worker to serve your webpack bundles.
* [`serviceworkerware`]( An Express-like layer on top of ServiceWorkers to provide a way to easily plug functionality
* [`sw-delta`]( An incremental cache for the web.
* [`sw-precache-webpack-plugin`]( SW Precache Webpack Plugin
* [`sw-precache`]( A node module to generate service worker code that will precache specific resources
* [`sw-toolbox`]( A runtime caching library
* [`UpUp`]( Makes sure your users can always access your site's content, even when they're on a plane, in an elevator, or 20,000 leagues under the sea
* [`Workbox`]( Javascript Library for building progressive web apps
* [`pwa-badge`]( Badging for PWA app icons, Like Native Apps
## Kits
* [`Bento starter`]( Full-stack solution to build Progressive Web Apps.
* [`Lavas`]( A framework base on vue for building progressive web apps
* [`Progressive Web Application skeleton`]( A simple set of skeleton files for shipping a Progressive Web App.
* [`pwabuilder`]( All the tools you need to build and deploy your Progressive Web Apps.
* [`React Storefront`]( Framework for progressive web apps with React.
* [`Web Starter Kit`]( A workflow for multi-device websites.
* [Polymer App Toolbox]( "a collection of components, tools and templates for building Progressive Web Apps with Polymer"
* [Preact CLI]( "Your next Preact PWA in 30 seconds"
* [Simple PWA]( A Progressive Web App template that provides the minimum file structure needed to create a PWA
* [Stencil PWA toolkit]( Ionic's "Everything you need to easily build fast, production ready Progressive Web Apps"
## Courses
* [Developing Progressive Web Apps Course]( (free)
* [Getting Started with Progressive Web Apps]( (paid)
* [Intro to Progressive Web Apps]( (free)
* [Learn to build progressive web apps using JavaScript]( (paid)
* [Progressive Web App Fundamentals]( (paid)
* [Progressive Web Apps - The Concise PWA Masterclass]( (paid)
* [Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - From Beginner to Expert]( (paid)
* [Progressive Web Apps (PWA) - The Complete Guide]( (paid)
## Conferences
* [A list of conferences talking about PWA](
251 | ✎ Simple, personal journaling progressive web app | <p align="center">
<img alt="logomark" width="50%" src="" />
<h2 align="center">
Personal Journaling Platform
Sol Journal is a simple, minimal, journaling platform that works offline and across all devices. It can be hosted yourself on Firebase and then installed as a PWA, on mobile devices for easy access on a phone, or on Desktops.
<p align="center">
alt="preview of page"
## Introduction
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Sol Journal - A simple, open-source personal journaling platform | Product Hunt Embed" style="width: 250px; height: 54px;" width="250px" height="54px" /></a>
Journaling is a keystone habit that can improve your happiness and [overall health]( Writing in a journal with pen and paper is effective, but not as easily accessible, maintained, or preserved as taking advantage of digital platforms.
Having a journal that is available on any device makes journaling easier. Being tailored specifically to journaling makes it less cumbersome than trying to utilize a note taking app or document for recording thoughts and impressions.
## Getting Started
There are 2 ways to get started using Sol Journal:
1. You can develop it locally after hooking it up to your own Firebase project by following the instructions below
2. You can host your own version and manage it yourself by following the [setup docs](
Sol Journal uses firebase to support offline functionality and authentication, meaning a new Firebase app will need to be setup with Firestore as a database if you wish to host it yourself. Be sure to add documents for `users` and `entries`, as well as enabling email for user authentication.
## Features
In the spirit of minimalism, a few key features are in place for a quick, lightweight journaling experience that can work across devices, including:
- 🔥 Authentication: Cloud firestore persists registered users to a users document and saved journal entries to an entries document
- 🎨 Theming: the `src/styles/theme.js` file contains a set of colors and default styles that are applied to components with Emotion. A default light and dark theme are already in the file (adding [theme-ui]( support would be a great future addition)
- 🔍 Search: full-text search of a user's entries stored in Firestore for quick access to past entries
- 🖥 Mobile Friendly: designed to look great on mobile as well as desktop, with easy navigation on both
- 💡 PWA: being a progressive web app makes it installable from Chrome/Safari on desktop, or be added to the homescreen on iOS/Android
- 🔌 Offline Support: read/write when you're offline and let the updates happen when your connection is restored
- 🗄 Export: backup all of your entries at any time to save your data
## Project setup
Files are organized into these folders:
`/components`: user interface pieces to construct the design and layout of the site
`/data`: local data transformed by Gatsby to become queryable by Gatsby's GraphQL data layer
`/img`: images used by places like landing pages that are optimized by gatsby-image and then queryable in the GraphQL layer
`/pages`: public pages that can be seen by unauthenticated users and are completely server side rendered by Gatsby during `gatsby build`
`/routes`: private, client only routes only visible to authenticated users that are used by the app section of the journal
`/styles`: role based design tokens and theme definitions
`/util`: simple utility functions, for things like formatting dates
## Developing
Clone the project:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Then configure a file in a new `.env` file (using the `.env.sample` file as a reference) with the following keys from the firebase console:
Again, be sure to add documents for `users` and `entries`, as well as enabling email for user authentication.
Navigate into the project directory, and then launch the site with this command:
gatsby develop
The site will be opened up in your default browser on http://localhost:8000
Edit code in the `/src`, save your changes, and they'll reload instantly in the browser.
## Deploy
To create an optimized build of the site run this command:
gatsby build
A `/public` folder will be assembled that can be deployed to any static file hosting service like Netlify or surge.
It can be deployed to firebase with this command:
firebase deploy -p public
## Inspiration and Other Projects
Sol Journal is inspired by [JournalBook]( and borrows much of its design and navigation.
If you're interested in a comparable version of the project, you can check out [this fork that adds rich text support]( to the journaling block.
252 | // boilerplate based on Vue, Nuxt, TailwindCSS plus Laravel as a backend. 🤟 | null |
253 | 文档着重构建一个完整的「前端技术架构图谱」,方便 F2E(Front End Engineering又称FEE、F2E) 学习与进阶。 | > 更新时间:2022-06-20 16:46:44(脚本自动生成,勿手动修改,详见
# F2E-Awesome []( []( []( [](

- 难度等级:☆ 为初级,☆☆ 为中级,☆☆☆ 为高级
- 标签体系:[开发工具](#开发工具)、[前端类库](#前端类库)、[移动端](#移动端)、[必学原理](#必学原理)、[PWA](#PWA)、[WebAssembly](#WebAssembly)、[小程序](#小程序)、[Canvas](#Canvas)、[WebGL](#WebGL)、[SVG](#SVG)、[HTML5](#HTML5)、[Elasticsearch](#Elasticsearch)、[Graphql](#Graphql)、[模块化编程](#模块化编程)、[算法](#算法)、[加密](#加密)、[数据结构](#数据结构)、[包管理](#包管理)、[Python](#Python)、[数据库](#数据库)、[设计模式](#设计模式)、[网络协议](#网络协议)、[CSS](#CSS)、[DOM](#DOM)、[函数式编程](#函数式编程)、[跨域](#跨域)、[事件模型](#事件模型)、[安全](#安全)、[前端规范](#前端规范)、[Nginx](#Nginx)、[Git](#Git)、[CDN](#CDN)、[JS](#JS)、[Linux](#Linux)、[Electron](#Electron)、[抓包工具](#抓包工具)、[测试](#测试)、[容器化](#容器化)、[DNS](#DNS)、[监控](#监控)、[数据可视化](#数据可视化)、[浏览器](#浏览器)、[前端工程化](#前端工程化)、[物联网](#物联网)、[消息队列](#消息队列)、[V8](#V8)、[DevOps](#DevOps)、[微前端](#微前端)、[LowCode](#LowCode)、[主流框架](#主流框架)、[架构](#架构)、[AI](#AI)、[面试](#面试)、[前端组织](#前端组织)、[学习网站](#学习网站)、[技术杂谈](#技术杂谈)、[优化](#优化)、[Serverless](#Serverless)、[源码学习](#源码学习)、[Web](#Web)
### 开发工具
- [Sublime Text]( ☆☆
- [VS Code]( ☆☆☆
- [Atom]( ☆☆
- [WebStorm]( ☆☆☆
### 前端类库
- JS 类库
- [jQuery]( ☆
- [zepto]( ☆
- [underscore]( ☆☆
- [lodash]( ☆☆
- UI 库 ☆
- [Bulma](
- [EasyUI](
- [Bootstrap](
- [Meterial Design](
- [Wired Elements(手绘风格 UI 库)](
- 移动端
- [SUI Mobile](
- [MUI](
- 软件
- PS ☆
- AI ☆
- [精品 MAC 应用分享]( ☆
- 视觉网站
- [Behance]( ☆☆
- [Dribbble]( ☆☆
- 原型工具
- Axure ☆
- [Sketch]( ☆
### 移动端
- Native App
- [React Native]( ☆☆
- [Weex]( ☆☆
- [NativeScript](
- Hybird App
- Ionic ☆☆
- Cordova ☆☆
- Phonegap ☆☆
- Web App ☆
- 响应式布局
- rem ☆
- webview
- 页面通信 ☆
- 原理 ☆☆
- [关于 Hbuilder]( ☆
- [移动端 Touchend 事件不触发解决方案]( ☆
- [移动Web UI库(H5框架)有哪些]( ☆
- [H5 移动调试全攻略]( ☆☆
- Flutter
- [Awesome-Flutter]( ☆
- [闲鱼Flutter互动引擎系列]( ☆☆
- [深入了解 Flutter 的高性能图形渲染]( ☆☆☆
### 必学原理
- [AST 抽象语法树]( ☆☆
- [AST 与前端工程化实战]( ☆☆
- [编译原理:从 0 写一个 js 解释器]( ☆
### PWA
- [官网]( ☆☆
- [第一本 PWA 中文书]( ☆☆
- [PWA(Progressive Web App)初探总结]( ☆
- [讲讲 PWA](
- [React 同构应用 PWA 升级指南]( ☆
- [9 amazing PWA secrets]( ☆☆☆
- [awesome-progressive-web-apps]( 打造 `PWA` 的资源集合
- []( 一些优秀的 `PWA` 集合
### WebAssembly
- [WebAssembly,Web 的新时代]( ☆☆
- [来谈谈 WebAssembly 是个啥?为何说它会影响每一个 Web 开发者?]( ☆
- [WebAssembly 系列(四)WebAssembly 工作原理]( ☆☆☆
- [如何评论浏览器最新的 WebAssembly 字节码技术?]( ☆☆
### 小程序
- [快速上手小程序]( ☆☆
- [细数小程序的坑]( ☆☆
- [小程序开发 Tips]( ☆☆
- [Taro 多端统一开发框架](
### Canvas
- [玩转「Canvas」]( ☆
- [Canvas 实现单机版贪吃蛇]( ☆☆☆
- [用 Canvas 画一个进度盘]( ☆☆
### WebGL
- [WebGL技术储备]( ☆☆
- [WebGL的实际使用]( ☆☆
- [WebGL 3D版俄罗斯方块]( ☆☆☆
### SVG
- [走进 SVG ]( ☆☆
- [SVG 类库 snap.svg.js]( ☆☆
### HTML5
- 初级 ☆
- [语义化](
- [Audio 和 Video](
- Web Storage
- [HTML5 MDN](
- [HTML5 Tricks](
- [HTML5 教程手册](
- 中级 ☆☆
- 离线存储
- [HTML5 摄像头](
- [HTML5 全屏](
- [HTML5 拖放实现](
- [HTML5 全屏滑动组件](
- [HTML5 之地理定位(Geolocation)](
- [HTML5 之消息通知(Web Notification)](
- [HTML5 之音频合成(SpeechSynthesis)](
- [WebSocket](
- 高级 ☆☆☆
- Communication
- Web Workder
- [Web Worker](
- [Web Workers + 5 cases](
- [Speedy Introduction to Web Workers](
- requestAnimationFrame
- requestIdleCallback
- 扩展
- [HTML5 API 大盘点]( ☆☆
- [H5 页面滚动阻尼效果实现](
### Elasticsearch
- [Elasticsearch 官网](
- [基于 Elasticsearch 实现搜索建议](
### Graphql
- [graphql](
- [apollo](
- [apollo-blog]( 需要翻墙
### 模块化编程
- [CMD]( ☆
- [SeaJS]( ☆
- [AMD]( ☆
- [Requirejs]( ☆
- [JS 模块化编程之彻底弄懂 CommonJS 和 AMD/CMD!]( ☆
- [AMD 和 CMD 的区别有哪些?]( ☆
### 算法
- [前端数据结构与算法入门]( ☆
- [算法练习]( ☆☆
- [JavaScript 算法与数据结构]( ☆☆☆
- 算法入门 ☆☆
- [算法图解1 - 二分查找和大O表示法](
- [算法图解2 - 数组和链表](
- [算法图解3 - 递归,快排](
- [算法图解4 - 散列表](
- [算法图解5 - 图和广度优先搜索](
- [算法图解6 - 狄克斯特拉算法与贪婪算法](
- [算法图解7 - 动态规划](
- 贪心算法
- 动态规划
- 搜索
- 图论
- 计算几何
- 数学
- 大数问题
- 矩阵计算
- [十大经典排序算法动画](
### 加密
- [初探加密算法]( ☆☆☆
- [算法分析]( 密码: as75 ☆☆☆
- [程序员实用算法]( 密码: mmap ☆☆☆
- 对称加密
- DES ☆☆☆
- 3DES ☆☆☆
- TDEA ☆☆☆
- Blowfish ☆☆☆
- RC2 ☆☆☆
- RC4 ☆☆☆
- RC5 ☆☆☆
- IDEA ☆☆☆
- AES ☆☆☆
- 非对称加密
- RSA ☆☆☆
- ECC(移动设备用) ☆☆☆
- Diffie-Hellman ☆☆☆
- El Gamal ☆☆☆
- DSA(数字签名用) ☆☆☆
- Hash 加密
- MD2 ☆☆☆
- MD4 ☆☆☆
- MD5 ☆☆☆
- HAVAL ☆☆☆
- SHA ☆☆☆
- 综合实践
- [OAuth2.0 的四种授权方式]( ☆☆
### 数据结构
- 分类
- 数组
- 栈
- 队列
- 链表
- 树
- 二叉树
- 图
- 堆
- 散列表
- 链表
- 单向链表
- 双向链表
- 环链表
- [Data Structures for Beginners]( ☆☆
### 包管理
- npm ☆
- cnpm ☆
- yarn ☆
- homebrew ☆
- bower ☆
### Python
- 初级 ☆
- [Python 入门指南](
- [Python 官方文档](
- Python 笔记
- [简单语法](
- [常用操作](
- [Open 文件操作](
- ...
- 中级 ☆☆
- [30s Python](
- [爬虫](
- [Scrapy](
- Web 框架
- Tornado
- Jinja2
- Flask
- Django
- 高级 ☆☆☆
- [Cook Book](
- 分布式
- Celery
- 移动端
- Kivy
- 数据分析
- Pandas
- 可视化
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Plotly
- Bokeh
- 机器学习
- Tensorflow
- PyTorch
- MxNet
### 数据库
- MySQL ☆☆☆
- Redis ☆☆☆
- [Redis 教程](
- [读完这篇,你一定能真正理解 Redis 持久化](
- Memcached ☆☆☆
- [Memcached 教程](
- [三种基本的存储引擎比较]( ☆☆☆
### 设计模式
- [菜鸟-设计模式]( ☆☆
- [JavaScript 设计模式]( ☆
- [常用的 Javascript 设计模式]( ☆☆
- [23 种设计模式全解析](
- 创建型模式
- 工厂方法
- 抽象工厂
- 建造者
- 原型
- 单例
- 结构型模式
- 适配器
- 桥接
- 组合
- 装饰器
- 外观
- 享元
- 代理
- 行为型模式
- 解释器
- 模板方法
- 责任链
- 命令
- 迭代器
- 中介者
- 备忘录
- 观察者
- 状态
- 策略
- 访问者
### 网络协议
- TCP ☆☆☆
- UDP ☆☆☆
- [HTTP 协议入门]( ☆
- [HTTP2]( ☆☆☆
- HTTPS ☆☆
- [一个故事讲完 HTTPS](
- [图文还原 HTTPS 原理](
- 计算机网络的 7 层协议 ☆☆☆
### CSS
- 初级 ☆
- [CSS 3 简介](
- [CSS 实用概要](
- [CSS 实用 Tips](
- [CSS 三大特性](
- 盒模型
- box-sizing
- IconFont
- [CSS 实现水平垂直居中的 10 种方式](
- 中级 ☆☆
- [BFC](
- [Flex](
- [Grid layout](
- [Flexbox vs Grid:基本概念](
- [PostCSS](
- 预编译
- [SASS](
- [LESS](
- [Stylus](
- CSS3 动画
- [Animate CSS](
- [All Animation CSS3](
- [Transform](
- [Translate](
- [如何检测页面滚动并执行动画](
- [移动端无缝滚动动画实现](
- 高级 ☆☆☆
- [CSS3 动画原理](
- [探究 CSS 解析原理](
- [详谈层合成(composite)](
- [CSS Modules 使用详解](
- [Web 技巧 - 动画]( ☆☆
- 扩展
- [30s CSS]( ☆
- [新手引导动画的 4 种实现方式](
### DOM
- [JavaScript HTML DOM]( ☆☆
### 函数式编程
- [什么是函数式编程思维?]( ☆☆☆
- [我眼中的 JavaScript 函数式编程]( ☆☆☆
- [防抖和节流原理分析](
- 参数个数 Arity
- 高阶组件 Higher-Order Functions (HOF)
- 偏应用函数 Partial Application
- 柯里化 Currying
- 闭包 Closure
- 自动柯里化 Auto Currying
- 函数合成 Function Composition
- Continuation
- 纯函数 Purity
- 副作用 Side effects
- 幂等 Idempotent
- Point-Free Style
- 断言 Predicate
- 约定 Contracts
- 范畴 Category
- [JavaScript 函数式编程术语大全](
- ...
### 跨域
- [JSONP]( ☆☆
- [CORS]( ☆☆
- [Nginx]( ☆☆
### 事件模型
- 观察者模式 ☆☆
- DOM0 级模型 ☆☆
- IE 事件模型 ☆☆
- DOM2 级模型 ☆☆
- JQuery Event 模型 ☆☆
- [JS 事件模型]( ☆☆
### 安全
- [如何防止 XSS 攻击?](
- [Web 安全之 XSS 和 CSRF]( ☆☆☆
- [Web 安全的三个攻防姿势]( ☆☆☆
- [XSS 的原理分析与解剖]( ☆☆☆
- [对于 XSS 和 CSRF 你究竟了解多少]( ☆☆☆
- [CSRF 攻击的应对之道]( ☆☆☆
- SQL 注入 ☆☆☆
- HTTPS ☆☆☆
- 内网渗透 ☆☆☆
- DDos 攻击 ☆☆☆
- 点击劫持 ☆☆
- Session 劫持 ☆☆
- 短信接口攻击 ☆☆
- CC
### 前端规范
- [ESLint]( ☆
- [JSHint]( ☆
- [styleLint]( ☆
- [EditorConfig](
- [Airbnb JavaScript]( **
- [项目规范化开发探索]( *
- [看看这些被同事喷的 JS 代码风格你写过多少]( *
- [谷歌工程实践 - Code Review 标准]( **
### Nginx
- [Nginx]( ☆☆
- [Nginx 平滑的基于权重轮询算法分析]( ☆☆☆
- [Nginx]( ☆☆☆
- [Nginx 解决跨域问题]( ☆
- [关于负载均衡的一切]( ☆☆
- [负载均衡的算法]( ☆☆
- [几种常用负载均衡架构]( ☆☆
### Git
- [Git 学习资源汇总]( ☆
- [Git 常规操作]( ☆
- [如何配置 Git 对应多个 Repository]( ☆
- [Git 实践系列一:初探]( ☆
- [Git 钩子的作用]( ☆☆
- [Git pre-push hook]( ☆☆
- [你可能会忽略的 Git 提交规范]( ☆
- [一个维护版本日志整洁的 Git 提交规范](
- [git-flow]( ☆☆
- [git flow 的使用]( ☆☆
### CDN
- [什么是 CDN?]( ☆☆
- [CDN 带来这些性能优化]( ☆☆☆
### JS
- 初级 ☆
- [JavaScript ES12 新特性抢先体验]( ☆
- [JS 标准参考教程](
- [原型与原型链](
- [作用域](与[作用域链](
- [Event Loop](
- 闭包
- [反思闭包](
- [深入浅出 Javascript 闭包](
- [call 和 apply](
- [正则表达式](
- [正则表达式真的很骚,可惜你不会写](
- [XHR or Fetch API ?](
- [Understanding ECMAScript 6](
- [为什么要有 ES6](
- [introduction to ES6 by example](
- [ES6 标准入门](
- [ECMAScript 6 - 阮一峰](
- [浏览器同源政策及其规避方法](
- 中级 ☆☆
- [JS 模板引擎](
- [前端路由跳转基本原理](
- 垃圾回收
- JS 内存
- [JS 内存管理](
- [内存管理速成教程](
- 堆和栈
- 继承
- [掌握 JS Stack Trace](
- [ES6](
- [Generator](
- [ES6-Generator 函数](
- [Promise](
- [How do Promises work under the hood?](
- [JavaScript Promise迷你书](
- [Module](
- [Class](
- [JavaScript 引擎基础:Shapes 和 Inline Caches](
- [33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know](
- 高级 ☆☆☆
- TypeScript
- [TypeScript 官网](
- [深入 TypeScript 的类型系统](
- [TypeScript 总体架构](
- [TypeScript 完全手册](
- [如何用 Decorator 装饰你的 Typescript?](
- You-Dont-Know-JS
- [Up & Going](
- [Scope & Closures](
- [this & Object Prototypes](
- [Types & Grammar](
- [Async & Performance](
- [ES6 & Beyond](
- [exploring ES6](
- JavaScript 如何工作
- [对引擎、运行时、调用堆栈的概述](
- [在 V8 引擎里 5 个优化代码的技巧](
- [内存管理 + 处理常见的4种内存泄漏](
- [内存管理速成教程](
- [事件循环和异步编程的崛起 + 5个如何更好的使用 async/await 编码的技巧](
- [深入剖析 WebSockets 和拥有 SSE 技术 的 HTTP/2,以及如何在二者中做出正确的选择](
- [对比 WebAssembly + 为什么在某些场景下它比 JavaScript 更合适](
- [Web Worker 的内部构造以及 5 种你应当使用它的场景](
- 扩展
- [何谓 JS 挖矿]( ☆
- [30S JS]( ☆☆
- [33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know ](
- [ES6 语法侦测]( ☆
- [初探 performance – 监控网页与程序性能](
- [新手引导动画的4种实现方式]( ☆
### Linux
- ls/cd/rm/cat/chmod/chown/useradd/df/du/ps/top/head/tail ☆☆
- [Linux]( ☆☆
- [掌握 Linux 命令 Grep ]( ☆☆
- [Linux 实用命令]( ☆☆
- [Mac 下查看端口占用情况]( ☆☆
- [程序员必备的 Linux 基础知识]( ☆☆
- 网络操作
- curl
- netstat
- lsof
- ifconfig
- ssh
- tcpdump
- iptables
- grep ☆☆
- sed ☆☆
- awk ☆☆☆
- [commander 将介绍如何利Javascript做为服务端脚本](
- chalk 命令行彩色输出
- [chokidar node文件监控](
### Electron
- [初探 Electron - 理论篇]( ☆☆
- [初探 Electron - 升华篇]( ☆☆
- [初探 Electron - 实践篇 1]( ☆☆
- [初探 Electron - 实践篇 2]( ☆☆
### 抓包工具
- [Fiddler]( ☆☆
- [Charles]( ☆☆
- [HttpWatch]( ☆☆
- [spy-debugger]( ☆☆
- 模拟请求
- [Postman]( ☆☆
### 测试
- 单元测试
- Jest ☆☆☆
- [Jasmine]( ☆☆☆
- [mocha]( ☆☆☆
- [chai]( ☆☆☆
- [Karma]( ☆☆☆
- 软件测试
- [你了解软件测试吗?]( ☆☆
- 自动化测试
- [selenium_webdriver]( ☆☆
- [Appium移动自动化测试]( ☆☆
- [Appium移动自动化测试]( ☆☆
- [UI 自动化测试]( ☆☆☆
- 应用
- [React单元测试策略及落地](
- [使用 Jest 和 Enzyme 测试 React 组件](
### 容器化
- Docker
- [Docker 边学边用]( ☆☆
- [Docker 构建统一的前端开发环境]( ☆☆
- [私服推荐 Nexus]( ☆☆☆
- [大型企业级推荐 harbor]( ☆☆☆
- [Docker 底层技术]( ☆☆☆
- [精简 Docker 镜像的五种通用方法](
- K8s
- [什么是 Kubernetes ]( ☆☆
- [Kubernetes 架构简介]( ☆☆
- [一文了解 Kubernetes]( ☆☆☆
- [Jenkins]( ☆☆☆
- [前端AB实验设计思路与实现原理]( ☆☆☆
### DNS
- [DNS 缓存中毒](×tamp=1548950293&app=news_article&utm_source=weixin&iid=59860639007&utm_medium=toutiao_ios&group_id=6652593929738781195)
- [例解 DNS 递归/迭代名称解析原理]( ☆☆☆
- [浏览器输入网址后台是如何运作的]( ☆☆
### 监控
- [APM]( ☆☆
- [前端错误日志收集方案]( ☆
- [前端性能监控系统]( ☆☆
- [前端代码异常监控实战]( ☆☆
- [前端一站式异常捕获方案]( ☆☆
- [前端错误收集]( ☆☆
- [如何精确统计页面停留时长]( ☆
- [如何优雅处理前端异常?]( ☆
- [解决 Script Error 的另类思路]( ☆☆
- [大前端时代前端监控的最佳实践]( ☆☆☆
- [前端性能监控:window.performance](
### 数据可视化
- 图表 ☆☆
- [echarts](
- [highcharts](
- [g2](
- 地图 ☆☆
- [Google Map](
- [Mapbox](
- [高德](
- [百度](
- [腾讯](
- [蜂鸟室内地图](
- 埋点统计 ☆☆
- [揭开 JS 无埋点技术的神秘面纱](
### 浏览器
- [再谈 IE 浏览器兼容问题]( ☆☆
- [图解浏览器的基本工作原理]( ☆☆
- [what-happens-when](输入 URL 后浏览器发生了什么) ☆☆
- [浏览器工作原理]( ☆☆☆
- [渲染进程的内部工作原理]( ☆☆☆
- [Compositor 是如何来提高交互性能的?]( ☆☆☆
- [浏览器内核渲染:重建引擎](
- [Chrome Devtools]( ☆☆☆
- [Chrome插件(扩展)开发全攻略]( ☆
### 前端工程化
- [Web 研发模式演变]( ☆☆
- [我们是如何做好前端工程化和静态资源管理]( 京东 ☆☆☆
- [百度 fis]( ☆☆
- [Scrat](!/quick-start) ☆☆
- [Grunt]( ☆☆
- Gulp ☆☆
- [Gulp](
- [Gulp 4](
- Webpack
- [Webpack 4]( ☆☆☆
- [Webpack 4 配置最佳实践](
- [如何十倍提高你的 webpack 构建效率]( ☆☆☆
- webpack 性能优化
- [减小前端资源大小]( ☆☆
- [利用好持久化缓存]( ☆☆☆
- [监控和分析应用]( ☆☆☆
- Rollup
- [Browserify]( ☆☆
- [Parcel]( ☆☆
- Babel
- [Babel 插件手册](
- [babel-runtime 使用与性能优化](
- [babel-polyfill 使用与性能优化](
- [什么是 Kubernetes?]( ☆☆
- [有赞前端质量保障体系]( ☆☆☆
- [前端工程实践之可视化搭建系统]( ☆☆
- [前端项目代码质量保障秘藉]( ☆
### 物联网
- [ruff]( ☆☆☆
- [ruff入门应用开发]( ☆☆☆
- [要想成为一名物联网工程师,需要学习哪些知识?](☆
### 消息队列
- [消息队列常见的 5 个应用场景](
- ActiveMQ
- RabbitMQ
- ZeroMQ
- Kafka
- [了解 Kafka]( ☆☆
- [Kafka 入门]( ☆☆
- [Kafka的架构原理,你真的理解吗?]( ☆☆☆
- MetaMQ
- RocketMQ
- [消息队列mq总结]( ☆☆
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- Angular
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- [前端精读周刊](
- [淘系前端团队](
### 学习网站
- [Freecodecamp](
- [CodePen](
- [算法练习](
- [Pluralsight](
- [Code School](
- [慕课网](
- [妙味课堂](
- [百度传课](
### 技术杂谈
- [一个程序员的成长之路 - 剖析别人,总结自己]( ☆☆☆
> 张云龙,全民直播CTO,也是个前端工程师
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>尽量将请求拦截在系统上游(越上游越好), 读多写少的常用多使用缓存(缓存抗读压力)
- [客户端高可用建设体系](
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>京东多端统一开发框架 - Taro
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### 优化
- 初级 ☆
- 图片资源
- [WebP 在项目中的实践](
- 代码合并
- 压缩
- 混淆
- Css sprits
- 减少 HTTP 请求
- Gzip
- [GZIP 的压缩原理与日常应用]( ☆☆☆
- Keep-Alive
- 中级 ☆☆
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- 缓存
- [HTML5 离线存储](
- HTML 和 HTTP 头文件设置
- [HTTP 缓存](
- [Meta](
- Expires
- Cache-Control
- Last-Modified / If-Modified-Since
- Etag / If-None-Match
- Nginx 缓存
- [关键路径渲染优化](
- [关键渲染路径](
- [前端性能优化——关键渲染路径]( 👍
- Storage
- [indexedDB](
- [浏览器存储之争](
- [Service Worker](
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- [聊一聊浏览器缓存机制](
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- [数据存储:cookie、Storage、indexedDB](
- [离线应用缓存:App Cache => Manifest](
- 服务端缓存
- [缓存、队列(Memcached、redis、RabbitMQ)](
- [缓存技术的详解](
- [缓存淘汰算法--LRU算法](
- 扩展
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- [用 100 行代码提升 10 倍的性能]( ☆☆
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- [网站性能指标 - FMP]( ☆☆
- [聚焦 Web 性能指标 TTI]( ☆☆
- 工具
- [YSlow](
- Performance
- [Google PageSpeed](
- LightHouse
### Serverless
- [Serverless 入门]( ☆☆
- [Serverless 掀起新的前端技术变革]( ☆☆☆
- [当 SSR 遇上 Serverless,轻松实现页面瞬开]( ☆☆
- [阿里自研开源框架 Midway Serverless]( ☆☆☆
### 源码学习
- [Lodash 源码分析(一)“Function” Methods]( ☆☆☆
- [Webpack 源码]( ☆☆☆
- [React 源码剖析系列 - 不可思议的 react diff]( ☆☆☆
- [React 源码解析]( ☆☆☆
- [逐行阅读 Redux 源码]( ☆☆
- [解密 JQuery]( ☆☆☆
- [Promise 的实现及解析]( ☆☆☆
- [浅析 Redux-Saga 实现原理]( ☆☆☆
- [Antd 源码解读]( ☆☆☆
- [Vue.js 源码解析]( ☆☆☆
- [自己动手做一个 Vue]( ☆☆☆
- [vue-come-true]( ☆☆☆
- [Vue.js 源码学习笔记]( ☆☆☆
- [高效阅读 Github 源代码]( ☆
- [从头实现一个 koa 框架]( ☆☆☆
### Web 服务器端
- [Nodejs](
- 基础 web 框架
- [Express]( ☆
- [Koa](
- [阮一峰 Koa 入门教程]( ☆
- [kick-off-koa]( ☆
- [koajs examples]( ☆☆
- [koa workshop]( ☆☆
- [hapijs]( ☆☆
- [restify](
- [fastify](
- [thinkjs](
- [nextjs]( ☆☆
- node中比较棘手的问题
- node内存泄漏排查
- node错误处理机制
- node.js cluster
- [PM2 初体验]( ☆
- Forever ☆☆
- 高度集成 web 框架
- [egg]( ☆☆☆
- [nest](
- [thinkjs](
- [loopback](
- [sails]( ☆☆
- nohup ☆☆
- Nodejs 事件循环机制: 结合[libuv](和 nodejs 官网的[blog](
- [剖析 nodejs 的事件循环](
- [Stream]( ☆☆
- [Buffer]( ☆☆
- [多进程]( ☆☆
- [eleme node-interview]( ☆☆☆
- [node debug]( ☆☆
- 内存相关 ☆☆☆
- [js snapshot 相关]( ☆☆☆
- [node技术进阶与实践]( ☆☆☆
- [deno]( ☆☆
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254 | ⚡ Cheatsheet for developing lightning fast progressive Angular applications | # Angular Performance Checklist
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## Introduction
This document contains a list of practices that will help us boost the performance of our Angular applications. "Angular Performance Checklist" covers different topics - from server-side pre-rendering and bundling of our applications to runtime performance and optimization of the change detection performed by the framework.
The document is divided into two main sections:
- Network performance - lists practices that are going to improve mostly the load time of our application. They include methods for latency and bandwidth reduction.
- Runtime performance - practices that improve the runtime performance of our application. They include mostly change detection and rendering related optimizations.
Some practices impact both categories so there could be a slight intersection, however, the differences in the use cases and the implications will be explicitly mentioned.
Most subsections list tools, related to the specific practice, that can make us more efficient by automating our development flow.
Note that most practices are valid for both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. Practices which make an exception will be mentioned by specifying to which version of the protocol they could be applied.
## Table of Content
- [Angular Performance Checklist](#angular-2-performance-checklist)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Table of Content](#table-of-content)
- [Network performance](#network-performance)
- [Bundling](#bundling)
- [Minification and Dead code elimination](#minification-and-dead-code-elimination)
- [Remove template whitespace](#remove-template-whitespace)
- [Tree-shaking](#tree-shaking)
- [Tree-shakeable providers](#tree-shakeable-providers)
- [Ahead-of-Time (AoT) Compilation](#ahead-of-time-aot-compilation)
- [Compression](#compression)
- [Pre-fetching Resources](#pre-fetching-resources)
- [Lazy-Loading of Resources](#lazy-loading-of-resources)
- [Don't lazy-load default route](#dont-lazy-load-the-default-route)
- [Caching](#caching)
- [Use Application Shell](#use-application-shell)
- [Use Service Workers](#use-service-workers)
- [Runtime Optimizations](#runtime-optimizations)
- [Use `enableProdMode`](#use-enableprodmode)
- [Ahead-of-Time Compilation](#ahead-of-time-compilation)
- [Web Workers](#web-workers)
- [Server-Side Rendering](#server-side-rendering)
- [Change Detection](#change-detection)
- [`ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush`](#changedetectionstrategyonpush)
- [Detaching the Change Detector](#detaching-the-change-detector)
- [Run outside Angular](#run-outside-angular)
- [Coalescing event change detections](#coalescing-event-change-detections)
- [Use pure pipes](#use-pure-pipes)
- [`*ngFor` directive](#ngfor-directive)
- [Use `trackBy` option](#use-trackby-option)
- [Minimize DOM elements](#minimize-dom-elements)
- [Optimize template expressions](#optimize-template-expressions)
- [Conclusion](#conclusion)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
## Network performance
Some of the tools in this section are still in development and are subject to change. The Angular core team is working on automating the build process for our applications as much as possible so a lot of things will happen transparently.
### Bundling
Bundling is a standard practice aiming to reduce the number of requests that the browser needs to perform in order to deliver the application requested by the user. In essence, the bundler receives as an input a list of entry points and produces one or more bundles. This way, the browser can get the entire application by performing only a few requests, instead of requesting each individual resource separately.
As your application grows bundling everything into a single large bundle would again be counterproductive. Explore Code Splitting techniques using Webpack.
**Additional http requests will not be a concern with HTTP/2 because of the [server push]( feature.**
Tools which allows us to bundle our applications efficiently are:
- [Webpack]( - provides efficient bundling by performing [tree-shaking](#tree-shaking).
- [Webpack Code Splitting]( - Techniques to split your code.
- [Webpack & http2]( - Need for splitting with http2.
- [Rollup]( - provides bundling by performing efficient tree-shaking, taking advantage of the static nature of the ES2015 modules.
- [Google Closure Compiler]( - performs plenty of optimizations and provides bundling support. Originally written in Java, since recently it also has a [JavaScript version]( that can be [found here](
- [SystemJS Builder]( - provides a single-file build for SystemJS of mixed-dependency module trees.
- [Browserify](
- ["Building an Angular Application for Production"](
- ["2.5X Smaller Angular Applications with Google Closure Compiler"](
### Minification and dead code elimination
These practices allow us to minimize the bandwidth consumption by reducing the payload of our application.
- [Uglify]( - performs minification such as mangling variables, removal of comments & whitespace, dead code elimination, etc. Written completely in JavaScript, has plugins for all popular task runners.
- [Google Closure Compiler]( - performs similar to uglify type of minification. In advanced mode, it transforms the AST of our program aggressively in order to be able to perform even more sophisticated optimizations. It has also a [JavaScript version]( that can be [found here]( GCC also supports *most of the ES2015 modules syntax* so it can [perform tree-shaking](#tree-shaking).
- ["Building an Angular Application for Production"](
- ["2.5X Smaller Angular Applications with Google Closure Compiler"](
### Remove template whitespace
Although we don't see the whitespace character (a character matching the `\s` regex) it is still represented by bytes which are transferred over the network. If we reduce the whitespace from our templates to the minimum we will be respectively able to drop the bundle size of the AoT code even further.
Thankfully, we don't have to do this manually. The `ComponentMetadata` interface provides the property `preserveWhitespaces` which by default has value `false` meaning that by default the Angular compiler will trim whitespaces to further reduce the size of our application. In case we set the property to `true` Angular will preserve the whitespace.
- [preserveWhitespaces in the Angular docs](
### Tree-shaking
For the final version of our applications, we usually don't use the entire code which is provided by Angular and/or any third-party library, even the one that we've written. Thanks to the static nature of the ES2015 modules, we're able to get rid of the code which is not referenced in our apps.
// foo.js
export foo = () => 'foo';
export bar = () => 'bar';
// app.js
import { foo } from './foo';
Once we tree-shake and bundle `app.js` we'll get:
let foo = () => 'foo';
This means that the unused export `bar` will not be included into the final bundle.
- [Webpack]( - provides efficient bundling by performing [tree-shaking](#tree-shaking). Once the application has been bundled, it does not export the unused code so it can be safely considered as dead code and removed by Uglify.
- [Rollup]( - provides bundling by performing an efficient tree-shaking, taking advantage of the static nature of the ES2015 modules.
- [Google Closure Compiler]( - performs plenty of optimizations and provides bundling support. Originally written in Java, since recently it has also a [JavaScript version]( that can be [found here](
*Note:* GCC does not support `export *` yet, which is essential for building Angular applications because of the heavy usage of the "barrel" pattern.
- ["Building an Angular Application for Production"](
- ["2.5X Smaller Angular Applications with Google Closure Compiler"](
- ["Using pipeable operators in RxJS"](
### Tree-Shakeable Providers
Since the release of Angular version 6, The angular team provided a new feature to allow services to be tree-shakeable, meaning that your services will not be included in the final bundle unless they're being used by other services or components. This can help reduce the bundle size by removing unused code from the bundle.
You can make your services tree-shakeable by using the `providedIn` attribute to define where the service should be initialized when using the `@Injectable()` decorator. Then you should remove it from the `providers` attribute of your `NgModule` declaration as well as its import statement as follows.
// app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module'
import { AppComponent } from './app.component'
import { environment } from '../environments/environment'
import { MyService } from './app.service'
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [MyService],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
// my-service.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'
export class MyService { }
// app.module.ts
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module'
import { AppComponent } from './app.component'
import { environment } from '../environments/environment'
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
// my-service.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'
providedIn: 'root'
export class MyService { }
If `MyService` is not injected in any component/service, then it will not be included in the bundle.
- [Angular Providers](
### Ahead-of-Time (AoT) Compilation
A challenge for the available in the wild tools (such as GCC, Rollup, etc.) are the HTML-like templates of the Angular components, which cannot be analyzed with their capabilities. This makes their tree-shaking support less efficient because they're not sure which directives are referenced within the templates. The AoT compiler transpiles the Angular HTML-like templates to JavaScript or TypeScript with ES2015 module imports. This way we are able to efficiently tree-shake during bundling and remove all the unused directives defined by Angular, third-party libraries or by ourselves.
- ["Ahead-of-Time Compilation in Angular"](
### Compression
Compression of the responses' payload standard practice for bandwidth usage reduction. By specifying the value of the header `Accept-Encoding`, the browser hints the server which compression algorithms are available on the client's machine. On the other hand, the server sets the value for the `Content-Encoding` header of the response in order to tell the browser which algorithm has been chosen for compressing the response.
The tooling here is not Angular-specific and entirely depends on the web/application server that we're using. Typical compression algorithms are:
- deflate - a data compression algorithm and associated file format that uses a combination of the LZ77 algorithm and Huffman coding.
- [brotli]( - a generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm that compresses data using a combination of a modern variant of the LZ77 algorithm, Huffman coding, and 2nd order context modeling, with a compression ratio comparable to the best currently available general-purpose compression methods. It is similar in speed with deflate but offers more dense compression.
- ["Better than Gzip Compression with Brotli"](
- ["2.5X Smaller Angular Applications with Google Closure Compiler"](
### Pre-fetching Resources
Resource pre-fetching is a great way to improve user experience. We can either pre-fetch assets (images, styles, modules intended to be [loaded lazily](#lazy-loading-of-resources), etc.) or data. There are different pre-fetching strategies but most of them depend on specifics of the application.
### Lazy-Loading of Resources
In case the target application has a huge code base with hundreds of dependencies, the practices listed above may not help us reduce the bundle to a reasonable size (reasonable might be 100K or 2M, it again, completely depends on the business goals).
In such cases, a good solution might be to load some of the application's modules lazily. For instance, let's suppose we're building an e-commerce system. In this case, we might want to load the admin panel independently from the user-facing UI. Once the administrator has to add a new product we'd want to provide the UI required for that. This could be either only the "Add product page" or the entire admin panel, depending on our use case/business requirements.
- [Webpack]( - allows asynchronous module loading.
- [ngx-quicklink]( - router preloading strategy which automatically downloads the lazy-loaded modules associated with all the visible links on the screen
### Don't Lazy-Load the Default Route
Let's suppose we have the following routing configuration:
// Bad practice
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: '/dashboard', pathMatch: 'full' },
{ path: 'dashboard', loadChildren: () => import('./dashboard.module').then(mod => mod.DashboardModule) },
{ path: 'heroes', loadChildren: () => import('./heroes.module').then(mod => mod.HeroesModule) }
The first time the user opens the application using the url: they will be redirected to `/dashboard` which will trigger the lazy-route with path `dashboard`. In order Angular to render the bootstrap component of the module, it will has to download the file `dashboard.module` and all of its dependencies. Later, the file needs to be parsed by the JavaScript VM and evaluated.
Triggering extra HTTP requests and performing unnecessary computations during the initial page load is a bad practice since it slows down the initial page rendering. Consider declaring the default page route as non-lazy.
### Caching
Caching is another common practice intending to speed-up our application by taking advantage of the heuristic that if one resource was recently been requested, it might be requested again in the near future.
For caching data we usually use a custom caching mechanism. For caching static assets, we can either use the standard browser caching or Service Workers with the [CacheStorage API](
### Use Application Shell
To make the perceived performance of your application faster, use an [Application Shell](
The application shell is the minimum user interface that we show to the users in order to indicate them that the application will be delivered soon. For generating an application shell dynamically you can use Angular Universal with custom directives which conditionally show elements depending on the used rendering platform (i.e. hide everything except the App Shell when using `platform-server`).
- [Angular Service Worker]( - aims to automate the process of managing Service Workers. It also contains Service Worker for caching static assets and one for [generating application shell](
- [Angular Universal]( - Universal (isomorphic) JavaScript support for Angular.
- ["Instant Loading Web Apps with an Application Shell Architecture"](
### Use Service Workers
We can think of the Service Worker as an HTTP proxy which is located in the browser. All requests sent from the client are first intercepted by the Service Worker which can either handle them or pass them through the network.
You can add a Service Worker to your Angular project by running
``` ng add @angular/pwa ```
- [Angular Service Worker]( - aims to automate the process of managing Service Workers. It also contains Service Worker for caching static assets and one for [generating application shell](
- [Offline Plugin for Webpack]( - Webpack plugin that adds support for Service Worker with a fall-back to AppCache.
- ["The offline cookbook"](
- ["Getting started with service workers"](
## Runtime Optimizations
This section includes practices that can be applied in order to provide smoother user experience with 60 frames per second (fps).
### Use `enableProdMode`
In development mode, Angular performs some extra checks in order to verify that performing change detection does not result in any additional changes to any of the bindings. This way the frameworks assures that the unidirectional data flow has been followed.
In order to disable these changes for production do not forget to invoke `enableProdMode`:
import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
if (ENV === 'production') {
### Ahead-of-Time Compilation
AoT can be helpful not only for achieving more efficient bundling by performing tree-shaking, but also for improving the runtime performance of our applications. The alternative of AoT is Just-in-Time compilation (JiT) which is performed runtime, therefore we can reduce the amount of computations required for the rendering of our application by performing the compilation as part of our build process.
- [angular2-seed]( - a starter project which includes support for AoT compilation.
- [angular-cli]( Using the `ng serve --prod`
- ["Ahead-of-Time Compilation in Angular"](
### Web Workers
The usual problem in the typical single-page application (SPA) is that our code is usually run in a single thread. This means that if we want to achieve smooth user experience with 60fps we have **at most 16ms** for execution between the individual frames are being rendered, otherwise, they'll drop by half.
In complex applications with a huge component tree, where the change detection needs to perform millions of checks each second it will not be hard to start dropping frames. Thanks to the Angular's agnosticism and being decoupled from DOM architecture, it's possible to run our entire application (including change detection) in a Web Worker and leave the main UI thread responsible only for rendering.
- The module which allows us to run our application in a Web Worker is supported by the core team. Examples of how it can be used can be [found here](
- [Webpack Web Worker Loader]( - A Web Worker Loader for webpack.
- ["Using Web Workers for more responsive apps"](
### Server-Side Rendering
A big issue of the traditional SPA is that they cannot be rendered until the entire JavaScript required for their initial rendering is available. This leads to two big problems:
- Not all search engines are running the JavaScript associated with the page so they are not able to index the content of dynamic apps properly.
- Poor user experience, since the user will see nothing more than a blank/loading screen until the JavaScript associated with the page is downloaded, parsed and executed.
Server-side rendering solves this issue by pre-rendering the requested page on the server and providing the markup of the rendered page during the initial page load.
- [Angular Universal]( - Universal (isomorphic) JavaScript support for Angular.
- [Preboot]( - Library to help manage the transition of state (i.e. events, focus, data) from a server-generated web view to a client-generated web view.
- [Scully]( - Static site generator for Angular projects looking to embrace the JAMStack.
- ["Angular Server Rendering"](
- ["Angular Universal Patterns"](
- ["Create a Static Site Using Angular & Scully"](
### Change Detection
On each asynchronous event, Angular performs change detection over the entire component tree. Although the code which detects for changes is optimized for [inline-caching](, this still can be a heavy computation in complex applications. A way to improve the performance of the change detection is to not perform it for subtrees which are not supposed to be changed based on the recent actions.
#### `ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush`
The `OnPush` change detection strategy allows us to disable the change detection mechanism for subtrees of the component tree. By setting the change detection strategy to any component to the value `ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush` will make the change detection perform **only** when the component has received different inputs. Angular will consider inputs as different when it compares them with the previous inputs by reference, and the result of the reference check is `false`. In combination with [immutable data structures](, `OnPush` can bring great performance implications for such "pure" components.
- ["Change Detection in Angular"](
- ["Everything you need to know about change detection in Angular"](
#### Detaching the Change Detector
Another way of implementing a custom change detection mechanism is by `detach`ing and `reattach`ing the change detector (CD) for given a component. Once we `detach` the CD Angular will not perform check for the entire component subtree.
This practice is typically used when user actions or interactions with external services trigger the change detection more often than required. In such cases we may want to consider detaching the change detector and reattaching it only when performing change detection is required.
#### Run outside Angular
The Angular's change detection mechanism is being triggered thanks to [zone.js]( Zone.js monkey patches all asynchronous APIs in the browser and triggers the change detection at the end of the execution of any async callback. In **rare cases**, we may want the given code to be executed outside the context of the Angular Zone and thus, without running change detection mechanism. In such cases, we can use the method `runOutsideAngular` of the `NgZone` instance.
In the snippet below, you can see an example for a component that uses this practice. When the `_incrementPoints` method is called the component will start incrementing the `_points` property every 10ms (by default). The incrementation will make the illusion of an animation. Since in this case, we don't want to trigger the change detection mechanism for the entire component tree, every 10ms, we can run `_incrementPoints` outside the context of the Angular's zone and update the DOM manually (see the `points` setter).
template: '<span #label></span>'
class PointAnimationComponent {
@Input() duration = 1000;
@Input() stepDuration = 10;
@ViewChild('label') label: ElementRef;
@Input() set points(val: number) {
this._points = val;
if (this.label) {
this.label.nativeElement.innerText = this._pipe.transform(this.points, '1.0-0');
get points() {
return this._points;
private _incrementInterval: any;
private _points: number = 0;
constructor(private _ngZone: NgZone, private _pipe: DecimalPipe) {}
ngOnChanges(changes: any) {
const change = changes.points;
if (!change) {
if (typeof change.previousValue !== 'number') {
this.points = change.currentValue;
} else {
this.points = change.previousValue;
this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
private _incrementPoints(newVal: number) {
const diff = newVal - this.points;
const step = this.stepDuration * (diff / this.duration);
const initialPoints = this.points;
this._incrementInterval = setInterval(() => {
let nextPoints = Math.ceil(initialPoints + diff);
if (this.points >= nextPoints) {
this.points = initialPoints + diff;
} else {
this.points += step;
}, this.stepDuration);
**Warning**: Use this practice **very carefully only when you're sure what you are doing** because if not used properly it can lead to an inconsistent state of the DOM. Also, note that the code above is not going to run in WebWorkers. In order to make it WebWorker-compatible, you need to set the label's value by using the Angular's renderer.
#### Coalescing event change detections
Angular uses zone.js to intercept events that occurred in the application and runs a change detection automatically. By default this happens when the [microtask queue]( of the browser is empty, which in some cases may call redundant cycles.
From v9, Angular provides a way to coalesce event change detections by turning `ngZoneEventCoalescing` on, i.e
.bootstrapModule(AppModule, { ngZoneEventCoalescing: true });
The above configuration will schedule change detection with `requestAnimationFrame`, instead of plugging into the microtask queue, which will run checks less frequently and consume fewer computational cycles.
> Warning: **ngZoneEventCoalescing: true** may break existing apps that relay on consistently running change detection.
- [ngZoneEventCoalescing BootstrapOption]( - source code for BootstrapOptions interface
- [Reduce Change Detection Cycles with Event Coalescing in Angular](
- [Simple Angular context help component or how global event listener can affect your perfomance](
### Use pure pipes
As argument the `@Pipe` decorator accepts an object literal with the following format:
interface PipeMetadata {
name: string;
pure: boolean;
The pure flag indicates that the pipe is not dependent on any global state and does not produce side-effects. This means that the pipe will return the same output when invoked with the same input. This way Angular can cache the outputs for all the input parameters the pipe has been invoked with, and reuse them in order to not have to recompute them on each evaluation.
The default value of the `pure` property is `true`.
### `*ngFor` directive
The `*ngFor` directive is used for rendering a collection.
#### Use `trackBy` option
By default `*ngFor` identifies object uniqueness by reference.
Which means when a developer breaks reference to object during updating item's content Angular treats it as removal of the old object and addition of the new object. This effects in destroying old DOM node in the list and adding new DOM node on its place.
The developer can provide a hint for angular how to identify object uniqueness: custom tracking function as the `trackBy` option for the `*ngFor` directive. The tracking function takes two arguments: `index` and `item`. Angular uses the value returned from the tracking function to track items identity. It is very common to use the ID of the particular record as the unique key.
selector: 'yt-feed',
template: `
<h1>Your video feed</h1>
<yt-player *ngFor="let video of feed; trackBy: trackById" [video]="video"></yt-player>
export class YtFeedComponent {
feed = [
id: 3849, // note "id" field, we refer to it in "trackById" function
title: "Angular in 60 minutes",
url: "",
likes: "29345"
// ...
trackById(index, item) {
#### Minimize DOM elements
Rendering the DOM elements is usually the most expensive operation when adding elements to the UI. The main work is usually caused by inserting the element into the DOM and applying the styles. If `*ngFor` renders a lot of elements, browsers (especially older ones) may slow down and need more time to finish rendering of all elements. This is not specific to Angular.
To reduce rendering time, try the following:
- Apply virtual scrolling via [CDK]( or [ngx-virtual-scroller](
- Reducing the amount of DOM elements rendered in `*ngFor` section of your template. Usually, unneeded/unused DOM elements arise from extending the template again and again. Rethinking its structure probably makes things much easier.
- Use [`ng-container`]( where possible
- ["NgFor directive"]( - official documentation for `*ngFor`
- ["Angular — Improve performance with trackBy"]( - shows gif demonstration of the approach
- [Component Dev Kit (CDK) Virtual Scrolling]( - API description
- [ngx-virtual-scroller]( - displays a virtual, "infinite" list
### Optimize template expressions
Angular executes template expressions after every change detection cycle. Change detection cycles are triggered by many asynchronous activities such as promise resolutions, http results, timer events, keypresses, and mouse moves.
Expressions should finish quickly or the user experience may drag, especially on slower devices. Consider caching values when their computation is expensive.
- [quick-execution]( - official documentation for template expressions
- [Increasing Performance - more than a pipe dream]( - ng-conf video on youtube. Using pipe instead of function in interpolation expression
# Conclusion
The list of practices will dynamically evolve over time with new/updated practices. In case you notice something missing or you think that any of the practices can be improved do not hesitate to fire an issue and/or a PR. For more information please take a look at the "[Contributing](#contributing)" section below.
# Contributing
In case you notice something missing, incomplete or incorrect, a pull request will be greatly appreciated. For discussion of practices that are not included in the document please [open an issue](
# License
255 | Reverse engineering SARS-CoV-2 | # Reverse engineering the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)
**Start here**: [``](
## :thought_balloon: Background
This project applies techniques from [reverse engineering]( to understand the [SARS-CoV-2]( virus. The goal here is simply to build an understanding of the virus from first principles.
### Biology vs. software
Biological systems are fundamentally [information processing systems]( While not a perfect analogy, software provides a useful framework for thinking about biology. The table below provides a rough outline of this analogy.
:microscope: Biology | :computer: Software | Notes
------- | -------- | -----
[nucleotide]( | [byte]( |
[genome]( | [bytecode]( |
[translation]( | [disassembly]( | 3 byte wide instruction set with arbitrary "[reading frames]("
[protein]( | [function]( | a polyprotein is a function with multiple pieces
[protein secondary structure]( | [basic blocks]( | 80% accuracy in [prediction](
[protein tertiary structure]( | | This seems like the hard one to predict:
[quaternary structure]( | [compiled function with inlining]( |
[gene]( | [library]( | bacteria are statically linked, viruses are dynamically linked
[transcription]( | [loading](
[protein structure prediction]( | [library identification](
[genome analysis]( | [static analysis]( |
[molecular dynamics]( simulations of [protein folding]( | [dynamic analysis]( | Simulation doesn't seem to work yet. Constrained by tooling and compute.
no equivalent | [execution]( | We are reverse engineering a CAD format. Runs more like FPGA code, all at once. No serial execution. (What are the FPGA reverse engineering tools?)
## :wrench: Progress
### Downloading the SARS-CoV-2 genome
[GenBank]( is the NIH genetic sequence database, an annotated collection of all publicly available DNA and RNA sequences. The SARS-CoV-2 sequences available in GenBank have been downloaded in [``](
### Translating RNA to proteins
[``]( contains a function `translate` that converts an RNA sequence to a chain of [amino acids]( This function is used in [``](
### Annotating functions
The `translate` function is used in [``]( to identify and annotate functions for all proteins encoded by the genome.
### Folding proteins
The [OpenMM]( toolkit is used for molecular simulation of protein folding in [``](
## :bulb: Work to be done
- Automatic extraction of genes from different coronaviruses
- Good multisequence compare tool
- Molecular dynamics?
- Secondary Structure prediction on orf1a?
## :question: Open questions
- How is orf1ab cleaved into polypeptides? Can we predict this from the sequence?
- How do the researchers know (guess?) where orf1ab cleaves?
- nsp3 and nsp5 do it --
- Which protein is the immune system responding to?
- "spike" and "nucleocapsid" --
- Are some people already immune from exposure to other coronavirus?
- Find the "furin cleavage site" in the "spike glycoprotein"
- It might be at the "PRRA" --
- Use ProP or PiTou to predict? --
- How similar are the other coronaviruses? (causes colds, not either SARS or MERS)
- alpha
- (simpler, though targets APN)
- (targets ACE2!)
- beta
- (targets Neu5Ac)
- Specifically, how similar is the N protein OC43, SARS v1, and SARS v2?
- (targets Neu5Ac)
- SARS-CoV-2
- What adds the phosphate group to the N protein? Kinase?
## :droplet: Testing
### How tests work
- All based on
- USA --
- selected from regions of the virus nucleocapsid (N) gene
- 28286---28308--28332---28358
- 29163---29187--29210---29230
- South Korea --
- E gene detection (same for all coronavirus)
- specific RdRp detection
### Homemade test?
- Isolation of viral RNA (no matter what)
- Primers and probes (to detect SARS-CoV-2)
- Wouldn't need if using a nanopore sequencer (nanopore MinION)
- RT-qPCR Master Mix (to PCR)
- Probably wouldn't need if using a nanopore sequencer
- All in one?
- Open qPCR, understand
- FAM and HEX fluorophores?
## :pill: Possible treatments and prophylactics
:warning: **Disclaimer**: The information in this repository is for informational purposes only. It is *not* medical advice.
### Hydroxychloroquine + zinc
- Zinc blocks RdRp
- -- how similar is Hep E RdRp?
- Chloroquine Is a Zinc Ionophore (allows zinc into the cell)
- Without zinc (seems ineffective)
- (where is study?)
- With zinc
- No results yet:
### [RdRP]( inhibitors
- Favipiravir (prodrug for favipiravir-RTP)
- Adenosine Analog
- Remdesivir (prodrug for GS-441524)
- Galidesivir
### Dexamethasone
- corticosteroid = anti-inflammatory + immunosuppressant
- Effects in late stage (blocking immune response?)
### Lopinavir-Ritonavir (AIDS cocktail)
- Both drugs are protease inhibitors
- Wouldn't expect it to work, don't think covid has protease
- No effect:
## :books: Resources
### Coronavirus-related publications
- Chapter 4 - Coronavirus Pathogenesis --
### Biology
- textbooks
- Molecular Biology of the Cell
- classes
- better tests -
- suspected better lectures -
- alternative lectures -
- basics -
### Bioinformatics
- Nextstrain
### Epidemic modeling
### Antibodies
### Masks
- Looking for large controlled studies measuring infection rate with/without wearing mask
- -- cloth masks bad surgical masks nothing
- -- unclear, low adherence
- -- masks + goggles help, unclear on mask type
- -- N95 ~2x more effective than medical masks
- -- N95 and surgical similar in effectiveness
### Vaccines
- generic vaccine types --
- Nucleic Acid Vaccines (none are currently used)
- Use mRNA to produce viral proteins
- "It's a very unique way of making a vaccine and, so far, no (such) vaccine has been licenced for infectious disease"
- Moderna, mRNA-1273 --
- DNA vaccine
- "No DNA vaccines have been approved for human use in the United States"
- Based on injecting DNA (plasmid) that expresses the spike protein
- Viral Vector Vaccines
- "There are no viral vector vaccines currently on market for use in humans."
- adenovirus vector, AZD1222
- recombinant adenovirus type 5 vector, Ad5-nCoV
- Protein-Based Vaccines (subunit vaccines?)
- Whole-Virus Vaccines (inactivated vs live-attenuated)
- Like old vaccines (live attenuated?)
- In phase 3 already, Sinopharm = 15,000 people
- Nanoparticle vaccine?
- Reverse Engineering
### Genome studies (what genes = bad covid)
### DNA Synthesis
- Produce "oligos" of around 170-200 bp
- "Phosphoramidite chemistry" -- it's a chemical process
- Size limited by 0.99^n -> 13% yield on 200bp if the process is 99% good
- Column based / Array based
- Then assemble them
- 20-40 bp overlap
- 5-15 oligos can be combined at once (~2 kb produced)
- New technologies
256 | 🫁 The world's first open-source ventilator tested on human patients. Mass-producible at a low cost (~2000€). | MakAir — Covid-19 Ventilator
Mass-producible open-source Covid-19 ARDS ventilator. Aims at helping hospitals cope with a possible shortage of professional ventilators during the outbreak. Worldwide.
**Makair ventilator is the world's first open-source ventilator tested with success on human patients** with ongoing clinical trials in France.
We are a distributed team of 200+ contributors (engineering, medical, regulatory, etc.), mostly spread through France. Makers, developers, university teachers, researchers and medical teams collaborated on this project. Our testing & assembly operations are located in France.
As to ensure international outreach, we made sure that contents required to build your own MakAir ventilator are available in English. The MakAir project has [a website of its own](
If you're new there, please read the explanations below. _Your contributions are much welcome!_

**Quick introduction video:**
<p align="center">
<a href="">
<img alt="Play Introduction Video" src="./res/assets/play-introduction.jpg" width="560">
# Abstract
Roughly, the idea is as follows: as of April 2020 and due to the Covid-19 pandemic, hospitals throughout the world may start lacking mechanical artificial ventilators. We built a pump, and a valve system (controlled by electronics). This way, the breathing cycle can be enforced by proper air routing through the valve system.
Our ventilator is able to handle pressure-controlled breathing, stabilized using a [PID controller]( in the software.
In order to ensure a proper breathing cycle (inhale + exhale), multiple valves need to be connected together to form a circuit. Their motors need to be controlled in harmony so that the air routing between each valve unit is consistent.
This project provides all the parts required to build a good-enough [ARDS]( ventilator from mass-produced components. We provide all the required mechanical parts, electronics designs & boards, and firmwares. This ventilator can be 3D-printed and ran on an Arduino board (the maker way), though we **highly advise** that you work with industrial processes as to mold medical-grade plastic parts and assemble the whole ventilator (this would be required for the built ventilator to pass all medical certifications).
We target a per-unit cost well under 500 EUR, which could easily be shrunk down to 200 EUR or even 100 EUR per ventilator given proper economies of scale, as well as choices of cheaper on-the-shelf components (eg. servomotors).
Features include:
- Pressure controlled ventilation (sedated / intubated patients)
- Volume controlled ventilation (sedated / intubated patients)
- BiPap ventilation (non sedated patients with oxygen mask)
- 4 hours battery life
- Medical-grade alarms
- High flow turbine (up to 100 L/min)
- Up to 15 L/min oxygen
- Fault tolerant design
- Designed to be used continuously and intensively during 30 days
MakAir ventilator has been tested by independent researchers and studies found that it can compare with expensive hospital reanimation ventilators (less than 5% error on target pressures and volumes).
Mechanically-speaking, the overall system is composed of sub-components that can be plugged together and wired to form an air circuit, namely:
- **Air pump** (called "Blower");
- **Air pump casing fit** (called "Blower Holder");
- **Valve system** (called "Pressure Valve");
- **Oxygen Mixer valve** (called "Oxygen Mixer");
- **Air filter casing (patient variant)** (called "Patient Filter Box");
- **Air filter casing (machine variant)** (called "Machine Filter Box"; intake + outtake);
- **Connectors** (called "Pneumatic Connectors");
- **Fan support** (called "Fan Holder");
All those components are fitted in box (ie. a casing) that we designed:
- **Housing container** (called "Casing");
# Designs
## MakAir Standard (Current Design)

## MakAir Mini (Experimental Design)

# ⚠️ Warning Notices
**A few important words before you start:**
1. Though 3D-printing (FDM and SLA) can be used to build your own ventilator — this will definitely not scale well to mass-produce MakAir ventilators, and parts might be brittle or leak air. Please work with proper industrial methods and processes if you want to build your own MakAir ventilators.
2. As ARDS patients are sedated, their breathing cycle is forced by mechanical ventilation, while they are intubated. A failing ventilator (due to bad mechanics, pneumatics or software) could kill the patient (O2 desaturation), or permanently damage their lung alveoli (overpressure). It is critical that any self-built MakAir ventilator is tested against a lung simulator system (eg. [ASL 5000](, and validated by medical experts.
3. Medical-grade plastic should be used to produce ventilators, and any kind of grease or adhesive chemicals must be avoided in the ventilator. The ventilators should be produced in a [cleanroom]( as to avoid dust & germ contaminations.
4. The pneumatic circuit should be thoroughly tested for leaks and its ability to withstand elevated positive air pressure. Joints should be used where relevant, and medical-grade flexible pipes should be used between components.
5. While the MakAir ventilators produced on-site in France were validated by a medical & engineering board, you should independantly seek validation of the MakAir ventilators that you produce; as your assembly methods or parts may vary with ours.
_MakAir and Makers For Life should not be held resposible — at any time, for harm caused to human life (eg. lung damage or loss of life). By building your own MakAir, you are held responsible for its safety validations & use._
# Projects
As the MakAir ventilator project grew up to be quite large, it is split up in sub-repositories (eg. firmware, PCB designs, etc.).
* **[makair-firmware](**: The firmware software source code and builds, that runs on the motherboard;
* **[makair-control-ui](**: The control user interface, that shows realtime graphs of the ventilator while running, on a LCD display;
* **[makair-telemetry](**: The telemetry library (and CLI tool), used as a protocol bridge between the Firmware and Control UI;
* **[makair-motherboard](**: The motherboard electronics and PCB design;
* **[makair-boards](**: Other boards PCB design (smaller control boards);
* **[makair-parts](**: The mechanical parts that can be 3D-printed and assembled to build the pneumatic circuit;
* **[makair-casing](**: The MakAir casing which houses all electronics and pneumatics;
* **[makair-files](**: Large files, eg. the control UI system image that can be readily flashed and used;
* **[makair-simulator](**: The MakAir hardware simulator, that let us run a simulated firmware instance on a computer (for development purposes, ie. not used on ventilator units);
* **[makair-simulator-web](**: The Web version of the MakAir hardware simulator, that let us run a simulated firmware instance in a Web browser (for development purposes, ie. not used on ventilator units);
# How To Build?
This section aims at introducing you on how to manufacture your own MakAir — _the 3D-printed way_. In other words, we will explain there how to build a DIY MakAir using on-the-shelf parts and 3D printers.
## 1️⃣ Print all the parts
In order to 3D-print your MakAir, please first ensure you have access to a [SLS]( 3D printer at best (eg. [HP Multi Jet Fusion](, or otherwise a [SLA]( printer (eg. [Formlabs Form 3]( If you want to use a [FDM]( printer (eg. [MakerBot Method](, please note that some precise parts have been optimized for SLA or SLS printing. Some parts may not print well using FDM printers, even on decent hardware.
**👉 To sum up:** at best, use a SLS metal printer, else, use a SLA resin printer. If you do not have access to either of these, you may fallback on a FDM filament printer (using [PLA]( or [ABS]( filaments).
### 1. Parts
You can find a list of all parts that should be 3D-printed, as well as the number of parts that should be printed for each one (pick the last active version for each part):
- 1 x **Blower** — Print [all STL parts]( using the same printer (SLA or SLS; FDM discouraged; 50 microns minimum);
- 2 x **Pressure Valve** — Print [all STL parts]( using the same printer (SLA, SLS or FDM; 200 microns minimum);
- 1 x **Oxygen Mixer** — Print [the STL part]( (SLA or SLS; FDM discouraged; 100 microns minimum);
- 1 x **Patient Filter Box** — Print [all STL parts]( using the same printer (SLA, SLS or FDM; 100 microns minimum);
- 1 x **Machine Filter Box (Intake)** — Print [all STL parts]( using the same printer, make sure that you pick the proper sub-part (SLA or SLS; FDM discouraged; 100 microns minimum);
- 1 x **Machine Filter Box (Outtake)** — Print [all STL parts]( using the same printer, make sure that you pick the proper sub-part (SLA or SLS; FDM discouraged; 100 microns minimum);
- 1 x **Pneumatic Connectors (Blower)** — Print [the STL part]( using the same printer, make sure that you pick the proper sub-part (SLA or SLS; FDM discouraged; 100 microns minimum);
- 1 x **Pneumatic Connectors (O2)** — Print [the STL part]( using the same printer, make sure that you pick the proper sub-part (SLA or SLS; FDM discouraged; 100 microns minimum);
- 1 x **Pneumatic Connectors (No Pressure)** — Print [the STL part]( using the same printer, make sure that you pick the proper sub-part (SLA or SLS; FDM discouraged; 100 microns minimum);
- 1 x **Pneumatic Connectors (Pressure)** — Print [the STL part]( using the same printer, make sure that you pick the proper sub-part (SLA or SLS; FDM discouraged; 100 microns minimum);
If you are using your own proprietary blower — _in addition to the parts above_ — please adjust the [Blower Holder]( CAD model and print it as well (this one prints well using a FDM printer at worst).
### 2. Casing
Now that you got all parts printed, you may assemble them in the MakAir casing box. We recommend that you build the casing using laser-cut acrylic panels. You may find the casing CAD model for [Fusion 360]( or as a [STEP file](
_Please ensure that you cut your acrylic panels using the same sizes than stated on our models; as those sizes are optimized to contain all required parts and electronics in the minimum amount of space._
## 2️⃣ Setup the electronics
Electronics are comprised of two parts: the firmware controller board (typically, an Arduino), and the "raw" PCB electronics (LCD, interface buttons, alarm beeper, etc.). Those parts make up the motherboard, on the top of which a rigid panel is mounted, and user instructions are printed (eg. control button bindings).
### 1. Motherboard
The motherboard electronic schematics and wiring diagrams [can be found there]( Please pick the last version available.
👋 _If you need help on this step, you may [open an issue](
### 2. Smaller Boards
The smaller boards electronic schematics and wiring diagrams [can be found there]( Please pick the last version available. Those boards are used eg. to control the pinch valve motor or Raspberry Pi hardware clock.
👋 _If you need help on this step, you may [open an issue](
### 3. Control Unit Screen
The control unit is made of a [Raspberry Pi 4]( computer, plugged to a [Raspberry Pi Touch Display](
👋 _If you need help on this step, you may [open an issue](
## 3️⃣ Flash the firmware
### 1. Ventilator Firmware
Now that both mechanical parts and electronics are ready, you may flash the latest MakAir firmware binary on your firmware controller board (Arduino, ST Nucleo, or other).
Firmware release binaries are available for download on our [releases page](
👋 _If you need help on this step, you may [open an issue](
### 2. Control Unit Runtime
The Control Unit should be built and ran on the Raspberry Pi 4 using instructions available on the [Control Unit]( documentation. You should flash the system image readily available in the [Files]( repository.
👋 _If you need help on this step, you may [open an issue](
# Schemes
## Pneumatic Circuit Scheme
_(design by [Valerian Saliou](
## Casing Layout
### Top Part: Electronics (Power & Controllers)
_(design by Arthur Dagard; drawing by [Valerian Saliou](; remake by [Lāsma Fedotova](
### Bottom Part: Pneumatics
_(design by Arthur Dagard; drawing by [Valerian Saliou](; remake by [Lāsma Fedotova](
# Article Series
A series of explanatory articles have been written on the MakAir story, with the goal of making it easier for teams in the future to start their own ventilator project:
* 1️⃣ [MakAir Series: The Inception of an Open-Source Ventilator Project](
* 2️⃣ [MakAir Series: How to Ventilate a Human Patient 101](
* 3️⃣ [MakAir Series: The Building Blocks of a Mechanical Ventilator](
* 4️⃣ [MakAir Series: Engineering Focus on Ventilator Pneumatics](
* 5️⃣ [MakAir Series: Engineering Focus on Ventilator Electronics](
* 6️⃣ [MakAir Series: Engineering Focus on Ventilator Software](
# News & Contact
## Updates
* Live updates on Telegram: [join "Newsroom MakAir (Covid-19 Ventilator)"](
* YouTube channel: [view "MakAir" on YouTube](
* Coordination on Slack: [request to join "Makers For Life"]( (open an issue)
## Contacts
* Open-source & questions: [please open an issue on GitHub](
* Press contacts: [Grégory Thibord]( ([email](mailto:[email protected]))
* Medical contacts: [Pierre Antoine Gourraud]( ([email](mailto:[email protected]))
* Industry relations: [Quentin Adam]( ([email](mailto:[email protected]))
* Engineering contact (mechanics): [Valerian Saliou]( ([email](mailto:[email protected]))
* Engineering contact (software): [David Sferruzza]( ([email](mailto:[email protected]))
* Engineering contact (electronics): Vincent Le Cunff ([email](mailto:[email protected]))
# Sponsors & Contributors
This project would not have been possible without the support of those companies and organizations, which have put human, real estate and/or financial resources at work on the project:
* [Clever Cloud]( (founding team)
* [Crisp]( (founding team)
* [Cooprint]( (CAD)
* [SenX]( (electronics)
* [Tronico]( (PCB design)
* [Renault Group]( (manufacturing)
* [SEB Group]( (manufacturing)
* [Le Palace Nantes]( (team offices)
* [Parrot]( (hardware provider)
* [STMicroelectronics]( (hardware provider)
* [Diabeloop]( (regulatory help)
* [Legrand]( (hardware provider)
* [RTsys]( (engineering provider)
We are supported by public entities as well, namely:
* [Defence Innovation Agency]( (Ministry of Armed Forces of France)
* [CEA]( (France)
* [CHU of Nantes]( (France)
* [University of Nantes]( (France)
* [City of Nantes]( (France)
* [Region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes]( (France)
Adding to that, 200+ individual members of the project who contributed to technical, legal, medical and press subjects (and more).
# Research Papers
* [Can Open Source Hardware Mechanical Ventilator initiatives help cope with the COVID-19 health crisis]( (English)
* [MakAir, a COVID-19-born ventilation machine, combining 3D printing design, digital control and open innovation]( (French)
# Press Coverage
## 📺 TV
* [France 3, 21st April 2020]( (French-speaking)
* [TF1, 26th April 2020]( (French-speaking)
## 🗞 Newspapers
* [Makery, 23th July 2020]( (English)
* [Le Monde, 20th April 2020]( (French-speaking)
* [Le Parisien, 21st April 2020]( (French-speaking)
* [Le Figaro, 26th April 2020]( (French-speaking)
* [Le Point, 6th May 2020]( (French-speaking)
257 | Introduction to APIs course | [](
# 👋 Introduction to APIs
Hello and welcome to this free course on Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs.
This course has been deprecated! That means that you should no longer use it, you should head to the newer 2023 version!
[2023 notes](
## Important links
* [Course notes](./
* [Glitch starter repo for Complimentr in Python](
* [Glitch starter repo for Complimentr in JavaScript](
* [Learn more for free using a video game 🎮](
[@craigsdennis]( |
258 | Crpyocurrency App powered by RapidAPI | # Cryptoverse - Explore the World of Cryptocurrency

## Introduction
This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial.
In this video, we will create a cryptocurrency app. We're going to use React and multiple APIs powered by
By the end of this video, you will become the master of working with APIs.
259 | Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability | <h1 align="center">
<img src="" alt="Neovim">
<a href="">Documentation</a> |
<a href="">Chat</a>
Neovim is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor [Vim]( in order to:
- Simplify maintenance and encourage [contributions](
- Split the work between multiple developers
- Enable [advanced UIs] without modifications to the core
- Maximize [extensibility](
See the [Introduction]( wiki page and [Roadmap]
for more information.
- Modern [GUIs](
- [API access](
from any language including C/C++, C#, Clojure, D, Elixir, Go, Haskell, Java/Kotlin,
JavaScript/Node.js, Julia, Lisp, Lua, Perl, Python, Racket, Ruby, Rust
- Embedded, scriptable [terminal emulator](
- Asynchronous [job control](
- [Shared data (shada)]( among multiple editor instances
- [XDG base directories]( support
- Compatible with most Vim plugins, including Ruby and Python plugins
See [`:help nvim-features`][nvim-features] for the full list, and [`:help news`][nvim-news] for noteworthy changes in the latest version!
Install from package
Pre-built packages for Windows, macOS, and Linux are found on the
[Releases]( page.
[Managed packages] are in [Homebrew], [Debian], [Ubuntu], [Fedora], [Arch Linux], [Void Linux], [Gentoo], and more!
Install from source
See the [Building Neovim]( wiki page and [supported platforms]( for details.
The build is CMake-based, but a Makefile is provided as a convenience.
After installing the dependencies, run the following command.
make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
sudo make install
To install to a non-default location:
make install
CMake hints for inspecting the build:
- `cmake --build build --target help` lists all build targets.
- `build/CMakeCache.txt` (or `cmake -LAH build/`) contains the resolved values of all CMake variables.
- `build/compile_commands.json` shows the full compiler invocations for each translation unit.
Transitioning from Vim
See [`:help nvim-from-vim`]( for instructions.
Project layout
├─ ci/ build automation
├─ cmake/ CMake utils
├─ cmake.config/ CMake defines
├─ cmake.deps/ subproject to fetch and build dependencies (optional)
├─ runtime/ plugins and docs
├─ src/nvim/ application source code (see src/nvim/
│ ├─ api/ API subsystem
│ ├─ eval/ VimL subsystem
│ ├─ event/ event-loop subsystem
│ ├─ generators/ code generation (pre-compilation)
│ ├─ lib/ generic data structures
│ ├─ lua/ Lua subsystem
│ ├─ msgpack_rpc/ RPC subsystem
│ ├─ os/ low-level platform code
│ └─ tui/ built-in UI
└─ test/ tests (see test/
Neovim contributions since [b17d96][license-commit] are licensed under the
Apache 2.0 license, except for contributions copied from Vim (identified by the
`vim-patch` token). See LICENSE for details.
Vim is Charityware. You can use and copy it as much as you like, but you are
encouraged to make a donation for needy children in Uganda. Please see the
kcc section of the vim docs or visit the ICCF web site, available at these URLs:
You can also sponsor the development of Vim. Vim sponsors can vote for
features. The money goes to Uganda anyway.
[advanced UIs]:
[Managed packages]:
[Arch Linux]:
[Void Linux]:
<!-- vim: set tw=80: -->
260 | Tutorial created in collaboration with Enyel Sequeira, taught by JavaScript Mastery. | # Travel Advisor

## Introduction
Build and Deploy an advanced Travel Companion Application using Google Maps. With Geolocation, Google Maps API, Searching for places, Fetching restaurants, hotels and attractions based on location from specialized Rapid APIs, data filtering and much more, this Travel Advisor App is the best Maps Application that you can currently find on YouTube and on the entire internet.
In this video, you'll learn:
- Advanced React Best Practices such as folder & file structure, hooks and refs
- Creating a User Interface using Material UI
- Working with Google Maps API
- And most importantly fetching data from unlimited sources using RapidAPI
- Essentially, you'll become the master of working with APIs
[Travel Advisor API](
[Open Weather Map API](
## Stay up to date with new projects
New major projects coming soon, subscribe to the mailing list to stay up to date
Setup: run ```npm i && npm start``` to start the development server
261 | A api management platform.(API管理平台XXL-API) | <p align="center">
<img src="" width="150">
<h3 align="center">XXL-API</h3>
<p align="center">
XXL-API, a api management platform.
<a href=""><strong>-- Home Page --</strong></a>
<a href="">
<img src="" >
<a href="">
<img src="" >
<a href="">
<img src="" >
## Introduction
XXL-API is a powerful and easy-to-use API management platform that provides "management", "documentation", "Mock", and "test" functions for the API. Open source code, out-of-the-box.
XXL-API 是一个强大易用的API管理平台,提供API的"管理"、"文档"、"Mock"和"测试"等功能。现已开放源代码,开箱即用。
## Documentation
- [中文文档](
## Communication
- [社区交流](
## Features
- 1、极致简单:交互简洁,一分钟上手;
- 2、项目隔离:API以项目为维度进行拆分隔离;
- 3、分组管理:单个项目内的API支持自定义分组进行管理;
- 4、标记星级:支持标注API星级,标记后优先展示;
- 5、API管理:创建、更新和删除API;
- 6、API属性完善:支持设置丰富的API属性如:API状态、请求方法、请求URL、请求头部、请求参数、响应结果、响应结果格式、响应结果参数、API备注等等;
- 7、markdown:支持为API添加markdown格式的备注信息;
- 8、Mock:支持为API定义Mock数据并制定数据响应格式,从而快速提供Mock接口,加快开发进度;
- 9、在线测试:支持在线对API进行测试并保存测试数据,提供接口测试效率;
- 10、权限控制:支持以业务线为维度进行用户权限控制,分配权限才允许操作业务线下项目接口和数据类型,否则仅允许查看;
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Open a pull request to fix a bug, or open an [Issue]( to discuss a new feature or change.
欢迎参与项目贡献!比如提交PR修复一个bug,或者新建 [Issue]( 讨论新特性或者变更。
## 接入登记
更多接入的公司,欢迎在 [登记地址]( ) 登记,登记仅仅为了产品推广。
## Copyright and License
This product is open source and free, and will continue to provide free community technical support. Individual or enterprise users are free to access and use.
- Licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v3.
- Copyright (c) 2015-present, xuxueli.
## Donate
No matter how much the amount is enough to express your thought, thank you very much :) [To donate]( )
无论金额多少都足够表达您这份心意,非常感谢 :) [前往捐赠]( )
262 | The simplest way to create REST API with Laravel | <p align="center">
<img src="" width="400">
<p align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Latest Version on Packagist"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Build Status"></a>
## Introduction
Laravel Orion allows you to build a fully featured REST API based on your Eloquent models and relationships with simplicity of Laravel as you love it.
## Official Documentation
Documentation for Laravel Orion can be found on the [website](
## Supported By
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" width="300">
<a href="" style="margin-left: 1rem">
<img src=""
## License
The Laravel Orion is open-source software licensed under the [MIT license](
263 | Hprose is a cross-language RPC. This project is Hprose for Golang. | <p align="center"><img src="[email protected]" alt="Hprose" title="Hprose" width="650" height="200" /></p>
# Hprose 2.0 for Golang
[Hprose 2.0 for Golang 中文文档](
- **[Introduction](#introduction)**
- **[Installation](#installation)**
- **[Usage](#usage)**
- **[Http Server](#http-server)**
- [Based on net/http](#based-on-nethttp)
- [Based on fasthttp](#based-on-fasthttp)
- [Based on gin](#based-on-gin)
- [Based on echo](#based-on-echo)
- [Based on beego](#based-on-beego)
- [Based on iris](#based-on-iris)
- **[Http Client](#http-client)**
- [Synchronous Invoking](#synchronous-invoking)
- [Asynchronous Invoking](#asynchronous-invoking)
- [Passing by reference parameters](#passing-by-reference-parameters)
- **[Custom Struct](#custom-struct)**
- [Field Alias of Custom Struct](#field-alias-of-custom-struct)
- **[Hprose Proxy](#hprose-proxy)**
- **[Simple Mode](#simple-mode)**
- **[WebSocket Server & Client](#websocket-server--client)**
- [WebSocket Server](#websocket-server)
- [WebSocket Client](#websocket-client)
- **[Unix Socket Server & Client](#unix-socket-server--client)**
- [Unix Socket Server](#unix-socket-server)
- [Unix Socket Client](#unix-socket-client)
- **[Benchmark](#benchmark)**
## Introduction
*Hprose* is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine.
It is a modern, lightweight, cross-language, cross-platform, object-oriented, high performance, remote dynamic communication middleware. It is not only easy to use, but powerful. You just need a little time to learn, then you can use it to easily construct cross language cross platform distributed application system.
*Hprose* supports many programming languages, for example:
* AAuto Quicker
* ActionScript
* C++
* Dart
* Delphi/Free Pascal
* dotNET(C#, Visual Basic...)
* Golang
* Java
* JavaScript
* Node.js
* Objective-C
* Perl
* Python
* Ruby
* ...
Through *Hprose*, You can conveniently and efficiently intercommunicate between those programming languages.
This project is the implementation of Hprose 2.0 for Golang.
## Installation
go get -u -v
## Usage
### Http Server
#### Based on net/http
package main
import (
func hello(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name + "!"
func main() {
service := rpc.NewHTTPService()
service.AddFunction("hello", hello)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", service)
#### Based on fasthttp
package main
import (
rpc ""
func hello(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name + "!"
func main() {
service := rpc.NewFastHTTPService()
service.AddFunction("hello", hello)
fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":8080", service.ServeFastHTTP)
#### Based on gin
package main
import (
func hello(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name + "!"
func main() {
service := rpc.NewHTTPService()
service.AddFunction("hello", hello)
router := gin.Default()
router.Any("/path", func(c *gin.Context) {
service.ServeHTTP(c.Writer, c.Request)
#### Based on echo
package main
import (
func hello(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name + "!"
func main() {
service := rpc.NewHTTPService()
service.AddFunction("hello", hello)
e := echo.New()
e.Any("/path", echo.WrapHandler(service))
#### Based on beego
package main
import (
func hello(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name + "!"
func main() {
service := rpc.NewHTTPService()
service.AddFunction("hello", hello)
beego.Handler("/path", service)
#### Based on iris
package main
import (
rpc ""
func hello(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name + "!"
func main() {
service := rpc.NewFastHTTPService()
service.AddFunction("hello", hello)
iris.Any("/path", func(c *iris.Context) {
### Http Client
#### Synchronous Invoking
package main
import (
type HelloService struct {
Hello func(string) (string, error)
Hello2 func(string) string `name:"hello"`
func main() {
client := rpc.NewHTTPClient("")
var helloService *HelloService
Golang does not support function/method overload, but some other languages support. So hprose provides "Function/Method Alias" to invoke overloaded methods in other languages. You can also use it to invoke the same function/method with different names.
You just need define multiple func fields that correspond to the same remote method by the same `name` tag.
If an error (must be the last out parameter) returned by server-side function/method, or it panics in the server-side, the client will receive it. If the client func field defines an error out parameter (must be the last one), you can get the server-side error or panic from it. If the client func field has not defined an error out parameter, the client call will panic when receive the server-side error or panic.
#### Asynchronous Invoking
package main
import (
type HelloService struct {
Hello func(func(string, error), string)
Hello2 func(func(string), string) `name:"hello"`
func main() {
client := rpc.NewHTTPClient("")
var helloService *HelloService
helloService.Hello(func(result string, err error) {
fmt.Println(result, err)
}, "async world")
helloService.Hello2(func(result string) {
}, "async world")
If the first in parameter is a callback function, you can invoke the remote method asynchronously.
The callback in parameters defines like the out parameters in synchronous invoking method. but if you omit the last error parameter, the asynchronous Invoking will NOT panic, the error will be ignore, too.
#### Passing by reference parameters
Hprose supports passing by reference parameters. The parameters must be pointer types and define func field with tag `byref:"true"`. For example:
package main
import (
func swap(a, b *int) {
*b, *a = *a, *b
type SwapService struct {
Swap func(a, b *int) error `byref:"true"`
func main() {
server := rpc.NewTCPServer("")
server.AddFunction("swap", swap)
client := rpc.NewClient(server.URI())
var swapService *SwapService
a := 1
b := 2
swapService.Swap(&a, &b)
fmt.Println(a, b)
You will find that hprose also supports TCP server and client in this example.
### Custom Struct
You can transfer custom struct objects between hprose client and hprose server directly. Using the `Register` method to register your custom struct is the the only thing you need to do.
For example:
package main
import (
type TestUser struct {
Name string
Sex int
Birthday time.Time
Age int
Married bool
type RemoteObject struct {
GetUserList func() []TestUser
func main() {
io.Register(TestUser{}, "User")
client := rpc.NewClient("")
var ro *RemoteObject
The first argument of `Register` is an object or pointer of your custom struct. The second argument is the alias of your custom struct.
The real name of your custom struct can be different between the client and the server, as long as they registered the same alias.
The server of this example was written in PHP. In fact, You can use custom struct with golang server too.
#### Field Alias of Custom Struct
The first letter of the field name will be lowercased automatically when it is serialized by hprose. So we don't need to define a tag to implement this feature like JSON serialization when we interact with the other languages.
But it doesn't mean that hprose can't support to define field alias by tag. In fact, it can not only, and it can be compatible with the field alias definition in JSON serialization way. For example:
type User struct {
Name string `json:"n"`
Age int `json:"a"`
ThisFieldWillNotBeSerialized string `json:"-"`
io.Register(User{}, "User", "json")
The struct above is defined for JSON serialization. But when we called `Register` by passing the third argument `"json"`, we can use the fields aliases defined in `json` tags for hprose serialization. If the field alias is `"-"`, it will be not serialized.
You can change the `json` tag to be anything else in the struct definition, such as `hprose`, as long as it is the same with the value of the `Register` third argument.
### Hprose Proxy
Hprose supports publishing a special method: MissingMethod. All methods not explicitly published will be redirected to the method. You can use it to implement an hprose proxy. And hprose provides an ResultMode options to improve performance of the proxy server. You can use it like this:
package main
import (
type HproseProxy struct {
client rpc.Client
settings rpc.InvokeSettings
func newHproseProxy() *HproseProxy {
proxy := new(HproseProxy)
proxy.client = rpc.NewClient("")
proxy.settings = rpc.InvokeSettings{
Mode: rpc.Raw,
ResultTypes: []reflect.Type{reflect.TypeOf(([]byte)(nil))},
return proxy
func (proxy *HproseProxy) Proxy(
name string, args []reflect.Value, context rpc.Context) ([]reflect.Value, error) {
return proxy.client.Invoke(name, args, &proxy.settings)
func main() {
service := rpc.NewHTTPService()
service.AddMissingMethod(newHproseProxy().Proxy, rpc.Options{Mode: rpc.Raw})
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", service)
You can also define func field with tag `mode` in client, and the return value must be `[]byte`. The server result mode option is setting by `Options` parameter.
The ResultMode have 4 values:
* Normal
* Serialized
* Raw
* RawWithEndTag
The `Normal` result mode is the default value.
In `Serialized` result mode, the returned value is an hprose serialized data in []byte, but the arguments and exception will be parsed to the normal value.
In `Raw` result mode, all the reply will be returned directly to the result in []byte, but the result data doesn't have the hprose `TagEnd`.
The `RawWithEndTag` is similar to the `Raw` result mode, but it has the hprose `TagEnd`.
With the ResultMode option, you can store, cache and forward the result in the original format.
### Simple Mode
By default, the data between the hprose client and server can be passed with internal references. if your data have no internal references, you can open the simple mode to improve performance.
package main
import (
func hello(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name + "!"
type HelloService struct {
Hello func(string) (string, error) `simple:"true"`
func main() {
server := rpc.NewTCPServer("")
server.AddFunction("hello", hello, rpc.Options{Simple: true})
client := rpc.NewClient(server.URI())
var helloService *HelloService
### WebSocket Server & Client
#### WebSocket Server
package main
import (
rpc ""
func hello(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name + "!"
func main() {
service := rpc.NewWebSocketService()
service.AddFunction("hello", hello)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", service)
#### WebSocket Client
package main
import (
rpc ""
type HelloService struct {
Hello func(string) (string, error)
func main() {
client := rpc.NewWebSocketClient("ws://")
var helloService *HelloService
### Unix Socket Server & Client
#### Unix Socket Server
package main
import (
func hello(name string) string {
return "Hello " + name + "!"
func main() {
server := rpc.NewUnixServer("unix:///tmp/hprose.sock")
server.AddFunction("hello", hello)
#### Unix Socket Client
package main
import (
type HelloService struct {
Hello func(string) (string, error)
func main() {
client := rpc.NewUnixClient("unix:///tmp/hprose.sock")
var helloService *HelloService
## Benchmark
Hprose is faster than golang RPC, you can run benchmark like this:
go test --bench=".*"
* go1.7.1 darwin/amd64
* macOS Sierra
* iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2015)
* CPU 4GHz Intel Core i7
* Memory 32 GB 1867 MHz DDR3
BenchmarkParallelHprose2-8 200000 11230 ns/op
BenchmarkParallelHprose2Unix-8 300000 5234 ns/op
BenchmarkParallelGobRPC-8 100000 16675 ns/op
BenchmarkParallelGobRPCUnix-8 200000 6798 ns/op
BenchmarkParallelJSONRPC-8 100000 17261 ns/op
BenchmarkParallelJSONRPCUnix-8 200000 7917 ns/op
BenchmarkHprose2-8 50000 34287 ns/op
BenchmarkHprose2Unix-8 200000 11470 ns/op
BenchmarkGobRPC-8 30000 45576 ns/op
BenchmarkGobRPCUnix-8 100000 24216 ns/op
BenchmarkJSONRPC-8 30000 51298 ns/op
BenchmarkJSONRPCUnix-8 50000 27408 ns/op
264 | A REST client inside your Laravel app | <p align="center"><img src=""></p>
<p align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Build Status"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Total Downloads"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Latest Stable Version"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="License"></a>
<p align="center">
<img src="">
## Introduction
Laravel Compass is an elegant REST assistant for the Laravel framework that you can use to test API calls and create API documentation. it provides automatically endpoints for GET, POST, PUT/PATCH, DELETE, various auth mechanisms, and other utility endpoints based on Laravel routes in your project.
## Installation and usage
This package requires PHP 7.2 and Laravel 6.0 or higher.
You'll find installation instructions and full documentation on
## Changelog
Please see [CHANGELOG]( for more information what has changed recently.
## Contributing
Please see [CONTRIBUTING]( for details.
## License
Laravel Compass is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](
265 | :cake: Wow, such a powerful music API framework | <p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Meting">
<p align="center">
<a href=""><img alt="Author" src=""/></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Version" src=""/></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Downloads" src=""/></a>
<a href=""><img alt="Travis" src=""></a>
<img alt="License" src=""/>
> :cake: Wow, such a powerful music API framework
## Introduction
A powerful music API framework to accelerate your development
+ **Elegant** - Easy to use, a standardized format for all music platforms.
+ **Lightweight** - A single-file library that's less than 51KB.
+ **Powerful** - Support various music platforms, including Tencent, NetEase, Xiami, KuGou, Baidu, Kuwo and more.
+ **Free** - Under MIT license, need I say more?
## Requirement
PHP 5.4+ and BCMath, Curl, OpenSSL extension installed.
## Installation
Require this package, with [Composer](, in the root directory of your project.
$ composer require metowolf/meting
Then you can import the class into your application:
use Metowolf\Meting;
$api = new Meting('netease');
$data = $api->format(true)->search('Soldier');
> **Note:** Meting requires [BCMath](, [cURL]( and [OpenSSL]( extension in order to work.
## Quick Start
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// require 'Meting.php';
use Metowolf\Meting;
// Initialize to netease API
$api = new Meting('netease');
// Use custom cookie (option)
// $api->cookie('paste your cookie');
// Get data
$data = $api->format(true)->search('Soldier', [
'page' => 1,
'limit' => 50
echo $data;
// [{"id":35847388,"name":"Hello","artist":["Adele"],"album":"Hello","pic_id":"1407374890649284","url_id":35847388,"lyric_id":35847388,"source":"netease"},{"id":33211676,"name":"Hello","artist":["OMFG"],"album":"Hello",...
// Parse link
$data = $api->format(true)->url(35847388);
echo $data;
// {"url":"http:\/\/...","size":4729252,"br":128}
## More usage
- [docs](
- [special for netease](
## Join the Discussion
- [Telegram Group](
- [Official website](
## Related Projects
- [MoePlayer/Hermit-X](
- [MoePlayer/APlayer-Typecho](
- [mengkunsoft/MKOnlineMusicPlayer](
- [webjyh/WP-Player](
- [yiyungent/Meting4Net](
- [injahow/meting-api](
- [mPlayer2](
## Author
**Meting** © [metowolf](, Released under the [MIT](./LICENSE) License.<br>
> Blog [@meto]( · GitHub [@metowolf]( · Twitter [@metowolf](
266 | makes creating API responses in Rails easy and fun | acts_as_api makes creating XML/JSON responses in Rails 3, 4, 5 and 6 easy and fun.
It provides a simple interface to determine the representation of your model data, that should be rendered in your API responses.
In addition to Rails it theoretically can be used with any ruby app and any database (__ActiveRecord__, __Mongoid__ and __ActiveResource__ are supported out of the box) as it only has few dependencies.
The lib is _very_ fast in generating your responses and battle tested in production with platforms like [Diaspora]( or [flinc](
## Introduction
acts_as_api enriches the models and controllers of your app in a Rails-like way so you can easily determine how your API responses should look like:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
api_accessible :public do |template|
template.add :first_name
template.add :age
# will render json: { "user": { "first_name": "John", "age": 26 } }
api_accessible :private, extend: :public do |template|
template.add :last_name
template.add :email
# will render json: { "user": { "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "age": 26, "email": "[email protected]" } }
## Getting started
A nice introduction about acts_as_api with examples can be found here:
See the Wiki for a lot of usage examples and features:
There are a lot of how-tos like:
* [Extending existing api templates](
* [Include attributes and all other kinds of methods of your model](
* [Include child associations (if they also act_as_api this will be considered)](
* [Rename attributes, methods, associations](
* [Keep your API templates out of your models](
* [and much more...](
## Features:
* DRY templates for your api responses
* Ships with support for __ActiveRecord__ and __Mongoid__
* Support for Rails 3/4 Responders (extracted to responders gem since Rails 5)
* Plays very well together with client libs like [Backbone.js](, [RestKit]( (iOS) or [gson]( (Android).
* Easy but very flexible syntax for defining the templates
* XML, JSON and JSON-P support out of the box, easy to extend
* Minimal dependecies (you can also use it without Rails)
* Supports multiple api rendering templates per model. This is especially useful for API versioning or for example for private vs. public access points to a user’s profile.
### Requirements:
* ActiveModel (>= 3.0.0)
* ActiveSupport (>= 3.0.0)
* Rack (>= 1.1.0)
### Links
* Introduction:
* Docs:
* Found a bug?
* Wiki:
* Want to contribute - the spec suite is explained here:
### Downwards Compatibility
Note that upgrading to 0.3.0 will break code that worked with previous versions due to a complete overhaul of the lib.
For a legacy version of this readme file look here:
267 | 🚀 PHP Microservice Full Coroutine Framework | 

PHP microservice coroutine framework
> **[中文说明](**
## Introduction
Swoft is a PHP microservices coroutine framework based on the Swoole extension. Like Go, Swoft has a built-in coroutine web server and a common coroutine client and is resident in memory, independent of traditional PHP-FPM. There are similar Go language operations, similar to the Spring Cloud framework flexible annotations, powerful global dependency injection container, comprehensive service governance, flexible and powerful AOP, standard PSR specification implementation and so on.
Through three years of accumulation and direction exploration, Swoft has made Swoft the Spring Cloud in the PHP world, which is the best choice for PHP's high-performance framework and microservices management.
## Feature
- Built-in high performance network server(Http/Websocket/RPC/TCP)
- Flexible componentization
- Flexible annotation function
- Diversified command terminal(Console)
- Powerful Aspect Oriented Programming(AOP)
- Perfect Container management, Dependency Injection (DI)
- Flexible event mechanism
- Implementation of HTTP message based on PSR-7
- Event Manager Based on PSR-14
- Middleware based on PSR-15
- Internationalization(i18n) support
- Simple and efficient parameter validator
- High performance connection pool(Mysql/Redis/RPC),Automatic reconnection
- Database is highly compatible Laravel
- Cache Redis highly compatible Laravel
- Efficient task processing
- Efficient seconds crontab
- Process pool
- Flexible exception handling
- Powerful log system
- Service registration & discovery
- Service breaker
- Service restrictions
- Service fallback
- Configuration Center
- Apollo
- Consul
## Document
- [中文文档](
- [English](
## Discuss
- Forum
- Reddit
- QQ Group3: 541038173
- QQ Group2: 778656850(full)
- QQ Group1: 548173319(full)
## Requirement
- [PHP 7.1+](
- [Swoole 4.3.4+](
- [Composer](
## Install
### Composer
composer create-project swoft/swoft swoft
## Start
- Http Server
[root@swoft swoft]# php bin/swoft http:start
- WebSocket Server
[root@swoft swoft]# php bin/swoft ws:start
- RPC Server
[root@swoft swoft]# php bin/swoft rpc:start
- TCP Server
[root@swoft swoft]# php bin/swoft tcp:start
- Process Pool
[root@swoft swoft]# php bin/swoft process:start
## Core Components
Component Name | Packagist Version
swoft-annotation | [](
swoft-config | [](
swoft-db | [](
swoft-framework | [](
swoft-i18n | [](
swoft-proxy | [](
swoft-rpc-client | [](
swoft-stdlib | [](
swoft-tcp-server | [](
swoft-aop | [](
swoft-connection-pool | [](
swoft-error | [](
swoft-http-message | [](
swoft-log | [](
swoft-redis | [](
swoft-rpc-server | [](
swoft-task | [](
swoft-validator | [](
swoft-bean | [](
swoft-console | [](
swoft-event | [](
swoft-http-server | [](
swoft-process | [](
swoft-rpc | [](
swoft-server | [](
swoft-tcp | [](
swoft-websocket-server | [](
## Extension Components
Component Name | Packagist Version
swoft-apollo | [](
swoft-breaker | [](
swoft-crontab | [](
swoft-consul | [](
swoft-limiter | [](
swoft-view | [](
swoft-whoops | [](
## License
Swoft is an open-source software licensed under the [LICENSE](LICENSE)
268 | :bar_chart: Cross-platform user-friendly xlsx library for C++11+ | <img height="100" src="" alt="xlnt logo"><br/>
## Introduction
xlnt is a modern C++ library for manipulating spreadsheets in memory and reading/writing them from/to XLSX files as described in [ECMA 376 4th edition]( The first public release of xlnt version 1.0 was on May 10th, 2017. Current work is focused on increasing compatibility, improving performance, and brainstorming future development goals. For a high-level summary of what you can do with this library, see [the feature list]( Contributions are welcome in the form of pull requests or discussions on [the repository's Issues page](
## Example
Including xlnt in your project, creating a new spreadsheet, and saving it as "example.xlsx"
#include <xlnt/xlnt.hpp>
int main()
xlnt::workbook wb;
xlnt::worksheet ws = wb.active_sheet();
ws.cell("B2").value("string data");
return 0;
// compile with -std=c++14 -Ixlnt/include -lxlnt
## Documentation
Documentation for the current release of xlnt is available [here](
## Building xlnt - Using vcpkg
You can download and install xlnt using the [vcpkg]( dependency manager:
git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg install xlnt
The xlnt port in vcpkg is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. If the version is out of date, please [create an issue or pull request]( on the vcpkg repository.
## License
xlnt is released to the public for free under the terms of the MIT License. See []( for the full text of the license and the licenses of xlnt's third-party dependencies. []( should be distributed alongside any assemblies that use xlnt in source or compiled form.
269 | ShowDoc is a tool greatly applicable for an IT team to share documents online一个非常适合IT团队的在线API文档、技术文档工具 | # ShowDoc
## [点击查看中文版教程](
### What is ShowDoc?
When we take over a module or project which has been developed by others, we always feel crazy watching at the codes without notes or comments.
Where is the document?! Where is the document?! **Show me the doc!!**
Programmers often want others to write technical documents, but not by themselves. Writing technical documents need lots of time and works, such as it needs to consider how to handle the format and layout of the documents. Beside, the man who writes the documents has to think all kinds of non-technical details. For example, which catalog should to be put in the newly-established word document.
In general, all kinds of the word documents are dispersively maintained by different people in a team.
How to get the latest documents? Here is a way.
The man gets the documents by shouting out, Lol. Then he will receive them from others through IMs or E-mail. This kind of communication is not so bad, but this is not the most effective way.
So, what is the most effective way? **ShowDoc comes out!**
ShowDoc is a tool greatly applicable for an IT team to share documents online. It can promote communication efficiency between members of a team.
### What can it be used for?
- #### API Document ([Demo](
With the development of mobile Internet, BaaS (Backend as a Service) becomes more and more popular. The server side(backend) provides API, and the APP side or Webpage frontend can conveniently invoke data through the backend. Using ShowDoc can compile exquisite API documents in a very fast and convenient way.
- #### Data Dictionary ([Demo](
A good Data Dictionary, such as database structure can be easily exhibited to others, shown the definition of each field of the database structure.
- #### Explain Document ([Demo](
You can absolutely use ShowDoc to write instructions of some tools, or some technical specifications explanation documents for the team to query.
### What functions does it have now?
- #### Sharing and Exporting
Responsive webpage design can share the project documents to computer or mobile devices for reading. It can also export the project into offline word document.
- #### Permission Manage
- Public and Private Project
Projects on ShowDoc are divided into two categories including Public Project and Private Project. The Public Project can be visited by anyone, the Private Project need to login. The password is set by project owner.
- Project Transfer
The project owner can freely transfer the project to others.
- Project Members
You can easily add or delete project members. Members of the project can edit the documents, but they can't transfer or delete the project, only owner has the permission.
- #### Edit Function
- Support Markdown
ShowDoc adopts Markdown Editor, it is excellent both in editing and reading. If you know nothing about Markdown, please google it by the keywords "Learning and Introduction of Markdown".
- Template Insert
On the editing page, a click on the button which is on the top of the Editor can easily insert API interface template and data dictionary template. After inserting the template, altering data is the only thing needs to be done, and this reduces lots of editing work.
- History Version
ShowDoc provides a function of History Version on the page, you can easily restore from the history.
### Deploy it on your own server
- ShowDoc Deploy
Please refer to: [](
- Development & Contribution
Please refer to: [Development&](
### About the copyright
ShowDoc is issued complying with Apache2 Open Source License, and it is free.
Showdoc has an additional copyright notice on compliance with the Apache2 Open Source License:
[Showdoc official]( 'Showdoc official') And author [star7th]( 'star7th') Have the copyright and corresponding rights of the program,
On the premise of retaining the copyright information and links on the program UI interface, it can be used for free or secondary development
If you need to change copyright information or copyright links, you need to obtain official consent and authorization.
270 | A lightning-fast search engine that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow. | <p align="center">
<img src="assets/meilisearch-logo-light.svg?sanitize=true#gh-light-mode-only">
<img src="assets/meilisearch-logo-dark.svg?sanitize=true#gh-dark-mode-only">
<h4 align="center">
<a href="">Website</a> |
<a href="">Roadmap</a> |
<a href="">Blog</a> |
<a href="">Documentation</a> |
<a href="">FAQ</a> |
<a href="">Discord</a>
<p align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Dependency status"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="License"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Bors enabled"></a>
<p align="center">⚡ A lightning-fast search engine that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow 🔍</p>
Meilisearch helps you shape a delightful search experience in a snap, offering features that work out-of-the-box to speed up your workflow.
<p align="center" name="demo">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="assets/demo-light.gif#gh-light-mode-only" alt="A bright colored application for finding movies screening near the user">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="assets/demo-dark.gif#gh-dark-mode-only" alt="A dark colored application for finding movies screening near the user">
🔥 [**Try it!**]( 🔥
## ✨ Features
- **Search-as-you-type:** find search results in less than 50 milliseconds
- **[Typo tolerance](** get relevant matches even when queries contain typos and misspellings
- **[Filtering and faceted search](** enhance your user's search experience with custom filters and build a faceted search interface in a few lines of code
- **[Sorting](** sort results based on price, date, or pretty much anything else your users need
- **[Synonym support](** configure synonyms to include more relevant content in your search results
- **[Geosearch](** filter and sort documents based on geographic data
- **[Extensive language support](** search datasets in any language, with optimized support for Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, and languages using the Latin alphabet
- **[Security management](** control which users can access what data with API keys that allow fine-grained permissions handling
- **[Multi-Tenancy](** personalize search results for any number of application tenants
- **Highly Customizable:** customize Meilisearch to your specific needs or use our out-of-the-box and hassle-free presets
- **[RESTful API](** integrate Meilisearch in your technical stack with our plugins and SDKs
- **Easy to install, deploy, and maintain**
## 📖 Documentation
You can consult Meilisearch's documentation at [](
## 🚀 Getting started
For basic instructions on how to set up Meilisearch, add documents to an index, and search for documents, take a look at our [Quick Start]( guide.
You may also want to check out [Meilisearch 101]( for an introduction to some of Meilisearch's most popular features.
## ☁️ Meilisearch cloud
Let us manage your infrastructure so you can focus on integrating a great search experience. Try [Meilisearch Cloud]( today.
## 🧰 SDKs & integration tools
Install one of our SDKs in your project for seamless integration between Meilisearch and your favorite language or framework!
Take a look at the complete [Meilisearch integration list](
## ⚙️ Advanced usage
Experienced users will want to keep our [API Reference]( close at hand.
We also offer a wide range of dedicated guides to all Meilisearch features, such as [filtering](, [sorting](, [geosearch](, [API keys](, and [tenant tokens](
Finally, for more in-depth information, refer to our articles explaining fundamental Meilisearch concepts such as [documents]( and [indexes](
## 📊 Telemetry
Meilisearch collects **anonymized** data from users to help us improve our product. You can [deactivate this]( whenever you want.
To request deletion of collected data, please write to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Don't forget to include your `Instance UID` in the message, as this helps us quickly find and delete your data.
If you want to know more about the kind of data we collect and what we use it for, check the [telemetry section]( of our documentation.
## 📫 Get in touch!
Meilisearch is a search engine created by [Meili](, a software development company based in France and with team members all over the world. Want to know more about us? [Check out our blog!](
🗞 [Subscribe to our newsletter]( if you don't want to miss any updates! We promise we won't clutter your mailbox: we only send one edition every two months.
💌 Want to make a suggestion or give feedback? Here are some of the channels where you can reach us:
- For feature requests, please visit our [product repository](
- Found a bug? Open an [issue](!
- Want to be part of our Discord community? [Join us!](
- For everything else, please check [this page listing some of the other places where you can find us](
Thank you for your support!
## 👩💻 Contributing
Meilisearch is, and will always be, open-source! If you want to contribute to the project, please take a look at [our contribution guidelines](
## 📦 Versioning
Meilisearch releases and their associated binaries are available [in this GitHub page](
The binaries are versioned following [SemVer conventions]( To know more, read our [versioning policy](
Differently from the binaries, crates in this repository are not currently available on []( and do not follow [SemVer conventions](
271 | 🕵️♀️ Validate schema, get schema change notifications, validate operations, find breaking changes, look for similar types, schema coverage | [](
**GraphQL Inspector** outputs a list of changes between two GraphQL schemas. Every change is
precisely explained and marked as breaking, non-breaking or dangerous. It helps you validate
documents and fragments against a schema and even find similar or duplicated types.
> You may like [GraphQL Hive]( as well!
> It's an open-source performance monitoring tool and schema registry for GraphQL.
> GraphQL Hive is currently available as a hosted service but it offers self-hosting as well.
Use GraphQL Inspector however you want:
- [**GitHub Application**](
- [**GitHub Action**](
- [**CLI**](
- [**Programatic API**](
## Features
- **Compares schemas**
- **Detect breaking or dangerous changes**
- **Schema change notifications**
- **Use serverless functions validate changes**
- **Validates Operations and Fragments against a schema**
- **Finds similar / duplicated types**
- **Schema coverage based on Operations and Fragments**
- **Serves a GraphQL server with faked data and GraphiQL**
- **Docker Image**
## Use on GitHub

## Use everywhere

## Installation and Usage
Visit our website [****]( to learn more about
the project.
## Documentation
Documentation is available at
## Related
Some part of the library was ported to NodeJS from
[Ruby's GraphQL Schema Comparator](
## Contributions
Contributions, issues and feature requests are very welcome. If you are using this package and fixed
a bug for yourself, please consider submitting a PR!
And if this is your first time contributing to this project, please do read our
[Contributor Workflow Guide](
before you get started off.
### Code of Conduct
Help us keep GraphQL Inspector open and inclusive. Please read and follow our
[Code of Conduct]( as adopted
from [Contributor Covenant](
## License
[MIT]( © Kamil Kisiela
272 | This bundle provides tools to build a complete GraphQL API server in your Symfony App. | OverblogGraphQLBundle

This Symfony bundle provides integration of [GraphQL]( using [webonyx/graphql-php](
and [GraphQL Relay](
It also supports:
* batching with [ReactRelayNetworkLayer](
* batching with [Apollo GraphQL](
* upload and batching upload with [apollo-upload-client](
Browse your version documentation:
* [1.0 (DEV)](
* [0.14 (STABLE)](
* [0.13 (STABLE)](
* [0.12 (DEPRECATE)](
* [0.11 (OBSOLETE)](
* [0.10 (OBSOLETE)](
* [0.9 (OBSOLETE)](
* [0.8 (OBSOLETE)](
[Versions requirements](docs/
Proof of Concept
* [mcg-web/graphql-symfony-doctrine-sandbox](
* [michaelperrin/blog-graphql-upload-demo](
* [overblog/GraphQLBundleDemo](
* [Samffy/graphql-poc](
- [Quick start](docs/definitions/
- [Installation](docs/
- [Definitions](docs/definitions/
- [Type System](docs/definitions/type-system/
- [Scalars](docs/definitions/type-system/
- [Object](docs/definitions/type-system/
- [Interface](docs/definitions/type-system/
- [Union](docs/definitions/type-system/
- [Enum](docs/definitions/type-system/
- [Input Object](docs/definitions/type-system/
- [Lists](docs/definitions/type-system/
- [Non-Null](docs/definitions/type-system/
- [Type Inheritance](docs/definitions/
- [GraphQL schema language](docs/definitions/
- [Schema](docs/definitions/
- [Resolver](docs/definitions/
- [Experimental coroutine executor](docs/definitions/
- [Solving N+1 problem](docs/definitions/
- [Mutation](docs/definitions/
- [Relay](docs/definitions/relay/
- [Connection](docs/definitions/relay/
- [Relay Pagination helper](docs/helpers/
- [Node](docs/definitions/relay/node/
- [Node](docs/definitions/relay/node/
- [Plural](docs/definitions/relay/node/
- [Global id](docs/definitions/relay/node/
- [Mutation](docs/definitions/relay/
- [Builders](docs/definitions/builders/
- [Field Builder](docs/definitions/builders/
- [Fields Builder](docs/definitions/builders/
- [Args Builder](docs/definitions/builders/
- [Expression language](docs/definitions/
- [Debug](docs/definitions/debug/
- [GraphiQL](docs/definitions/graphiql/
- [Upload files](docs/definitions/
- [Data fetching](docs/data-fetching/
- [Query batching](docs/data-fetching/
- [Promise](docs/data-fetching/
- [Annotations & PHP 8 Attributes](docs/annotations/
- [Validation](docs/validation/
- [Security](docs/security/
- [Handle CORS](docs/security/
- [Object access control](docs/security/
- [Fields access control](docs/security/
- [Fields public control](docs/security/
- [Limiting query depth](docs/security/
- [Query complexity analysis](docs/security/
- [Disable introspection](docs/security/
- [Errors handling](docs/error-handling/
- [Events](docs/events/
- [Profiler](docs/profiler/
Talks and slides to help you start
* GraphQL in Symfony *by Bernd Alter* - [Twitter](
- [Talk about GraphQL and its implementation with Symfony (26.04.2017)]( `English`
* GraphQL is right in front of us, let's do it! *by Renato Mendes Figueiredo* - [Twitter](, [GitHub](
- [Slides at]( `English`
- [Video at SymfonyCamp UA 2017]( `English`
- [Video at DPC 2017]( `English`
* A GraphQL API: From hype to production *by Aurélien David* - [Twitter](, [GitHub](
- [Slides at]( `English`
* Une API GraphQL: du hype à la prod *by Aurélien David* - [Twitter](, [GitHub](
- [Video at PHPTour 2017 Nantes]( `French`
* Introduction to Symfony Flex and setting up OverblogGraphQLBundle with it *by Renato Mendes Figueiredo* - [Twitter](, [GitHub](
- [Slides at]( `English`
- [Video at Symfony Camp UA 2017]( `English`
* Get support on [Symfony devs Slack](
on the dedicated channel **overblog-graphql**.
* Get support in Telegram group [Overblog GraphQL](
* Follow us on [GitHub](
* [See contributing documentation](
* [Thanks to all contributors](
273 | JSON for Linked Data | null |
274 | The easy PHP Library for calculating holidays | 

# Introduction
Yasumi (Japanese for 'Holiday'「休み」) is the easy PHP library that helps you retrieve the dates and names of holidays and
other special celebrations from various countries/states. It is calculation and rule driven avoiding the need of a
comprehensive database.
Many services exist that can provide holiday information, however are either not entirely free or only offer limited
information. In addition, no exhaustive PHP library exists today covering a wide range of holidays and
countries. [PEAR's Date_Holidays]( library was a similar attempt, however it
hasn't been updated for a long time.
# Highlights
The goal of Yasumi is to be powerful while remaining lightweight, by utilizing PHP native classes wherever possible.
Yasumi's calculation is provider-based (i.e. by country/state), making it easy to add new holiday providers that
calculate holidays.
- Straightforward API
- Framework-agnostic
- Use of Providers to easily extend and expand new Holidays
- Common Holiday Providers
- Accounts for the date/time when holidays have been officially established and/or abolished
- Filters enabling to easily select certain holiday types (Official, Observed, Bank, Seasonal or Other)
- Global Translations
- Timezone aware
- Implements [ArrayIterator]( to easily process a provider's
- Fully documented
- Fully unit tested
- [Composer]( ready, [PSR-12](
and [PSR-4]( compliant
# Documentation
Yasumi’s documentation is available on []( You will find all the necessary
information how to install Yasumi and also recipes how you can use Yasumi in your project.
# Blog
Checkout the [blog]( section on documentation site regularly for latest updates. Keeping
you informed about any news, releases, etc. in a handy blog post format!
# Contributing
Contributions are encouraged and welcome; I am always happy to get feedback or pull requests on GitHub :)
Create [Github Issues]( for bugs and new features and comment on the ones you
are interested in.
If you enjoy what I am making, an extra cup of coffee is very much appreciated :). Your support helps me to put more
time into Open-Source Software projects like this.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Buy Me A Coffee" style="height: auto !important;width: auto !important;" ></a>
# License
Yasumi is open-source software licensed under the MIT License (MIT). Please see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.
275 | Build beautiful API integrations and SDKs with Saloon 🤠 | null |
276 | Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators! | 
# TypeGraphQL

Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
## Introduction
**TypeGraphQL** makes developing GraphQL APIs an enjoyable process, i.e. by defining the schema using only classes and a bit of decorator magic.
So, to create types like object type or input type, we use a kind of DTO classes.
For example, to declare `Recipe` type we simply create a class and annotate it with decorators:
class Recipe {
@Field(type => ID)
id: string;
title: string;
@Field(type => [Rate])
ratings: Rate[];
@Field({ nullable: true })
averageRating?: number;
And we get the corresponding part of the schema in SDL:
type Recipe {
id: ID!
title: String!
ratings: [Rate!]!
averageRating: Float
Then we can create queries, mutations and field resolvers. For this purpose we use controller-like classes that are called "resolvers" by convention. We can also use awesome features like dependency injection and auth guards:
class RecipeResolver {
// dependency injection
constructor(private recipeService: RecipeService) {}
@Query(returns => [Recipe])
recipes() {
return this.recipeService.findAll();
@Authorized(Roles.Admin) // auth guard
removeRecipe(@Arg("id") id: string): boolean {
return this.recipeService.removeById(id);
averageRating(@Root() recipe: Recipe) {
return recipe.ratings.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) / recipe.ratings.length;
And in this simple way we get this part of the schema in SDL:
type Query {
recipes: [Recipe!]!
type Mutation {
removeRecipe(id: String!): Boolean!
## Motivation
We all know that GraphQL is great and solves many problems we have with REST APIs, like overfetching and underfetching. But developing a GraphQL API in Node.js with TypeScript is sometimes a bit of a pain. Why? Let's take a look at the steps we usually have to take.
First, we create all the GraphQL types in `schema.gql` using SDL. Then we create our data models using [ORM classes](, which represent our db entities. Then we start to write resolvers for our queries, mutations and fields, but this forces us to first create TS interfaces for all arguments, inputs, and even object types.
Only then can we actually implement the resolvers using weird generic signatures and manually performing common tasks, like validation, authorization and loading dependencies:
export const getRecipesResolver: GraphQLFieldResolver<void, Context, GetRecipesArgs> = async (
) => {
// common tasks repeatable for almost every resolver
const repository = TypeORM.getRepository(Recipe);
const auth = Container.get(AuthService);
await joi.validate(getRecipesSchema, args);
if (!auth.check(ctx.user)) {
throw new NotAuthorizedError();
// our business logic, e.g.:
return repository.find({ skip: args.offset, take: args.limit });
The biggest problem is redundancy in our codebase, which makes it difficult to keep things in sync. To add a new field to our entity, we have to jump through all the files - modify an entity class, the schema, as well as the interface. The same goes for inputs or arguments. It's easy to forget to update one piece or make a mistake with a single type. Also, what if we've made a typo in field name? The rename feature (F2) won't work correctly.
Tools like [GraphQL Code Generator]( or [graphqlgen]( only solve the first part - they generate the corresponding interfaces (and resolvers skeletons) for our GraphQL schema but they don't fix the schema <--> models redundancy and developer experience (F2 rename won't work, you have to remember about the codegen watch task in background, etc.), as well as common tasks like validation, authorization, etc.
**TypeGraphQL** comes to address these issues, based on experience from a few years of developing GraphQL APIs in TypeScript. The main idea is to have only one source of truth by defining the schema using classes and some help from decorators. Additional features like dependency injection, validation and auth guards help with common tasks that normally we would have to handle ourselves.
## Documentation
The documentation, installation guide, detailed description of the API and all of its features is [available on the website](
### Getting started
A full getting started guide with a simple walkthrough (tutorial) can be found at [getting started docs](
### Video tutorial
If you prefer video tutorials, you can watch [Ben Awad]('s [TypeGraphQL video series]( on YouTube.
### Examples
You can also check the [examples folder]( in this repository for more examples of usage: simple fields resolvers, DI Container support, TypeORM integration, automatic validation, etc.
The [Tests folder]( might also give you some tips how to get various things done.
## The future
The currently released version is a stable 1.0.0 release. It is well tested (95% coverage, 428 test cases) and has most of the planned features already implemented. Plenty of companies and independent developers are using it in production with success.
However, there are also plans for a lot more features like better TypeORM, Prisma and dataloader integration, custom decorators and metadata annotations support - [the full list of ideas]("Enhancement+%3Anew%3A") is available on the GitHub repo. You can also keep track of [development's progress on project board](
If you have any interesting feature requests, feel free to open an issue on GitHub so we can discuss that!
## Support
TypeGraphQL is an MIT-licensed open source project. This framework is a result of the tremendous amount of work - sleepless nights, busy evenings and weekends.
It doesn't have a large company that sits behind - its ongoing development is possible only thanks to the support by the community.
### Gold Sponsors 🏆
> Please ask your company to support this open source project by [becoming a gold sponsor]( and getting a premium technical support from our core contributors.
### Silver Sponsors 🥈
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### Bronze Sponsors 🥉
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| :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| [**Live Graphic Systems**]( | [**LifeX Aps**]( | [**\*instinctools**]( | [**VPS Server**]( |
### Members 💪
### Backers ☕
## Want to help?
Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Great! Please read our
guidelines for [contributing][contributing] and then check out one of our [help wanted issues](
277 | :sparkles: Python library and CLI to upload photo and video on Instagram. W/o a phone! | # **instapy-cli** :zap:
Publish *photos* and *videos* (NEW!) on Instagram, without a phone! You can upload **posts** and even **stories** on Instagram.
You can upload a local file or use a link, it does everything for you automagically.
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="instapy-cli instagram-private-api" width="650px">
## Introduction
There are plenty of libraries written in Python specialized on working on Instagram APIs (either public or private), but most of them have lots of unsolved issues and PRs not maintained for a long time.
> Lots of developers want a simple and effective way to upload photos or videos (NEW!) directly to Instagram **programmatically**. Some may want to publish a simple post, others want to publish a story.
All this can be achieved with `instapy-cli`. :tada:
I dedided to start this repo and open-source it with :heart:
### Installation
<!-- **Install** -->
pip install instapy-cli
### Usage
#### Use as Library
You can check the folder `examples` to see working codes to use instapy-cli programmatically.
If you want to use instapy-cli via shell continue reading.
#### Use as CLI
instapy -u USR -p PSW -f FILE/LINK -t 'TEXT CAPTION'
**CLI Options**
| option | required | default | description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| -u | **yes** | - | username |
| -p | **yes** | - | password |
| -f | **yes** | - | file/media to upload |
| -t | *optional* | - | text caption for post |
| -s | *optional* | - | upload a story |
instapy --help
#### Hints
##### Cookie
You can avoid to re-login, by using a cookie that instapy-cli generate for you.
By default instapy-cli use the cookie created in current working directory with the name 'USERNAME_ig.json'.
If you don't want to store the cookie in your filesystem you need to pass the parameter `cookie`:
with client(username, password, cookie) as cli:
# do stuffs with cli
This is feature is not well tested, be carefull using it.
##### Image Format
instapy-cli support images in the format of JPG/JPEG/PNG.
##### Aspect Ratio
The images need to have an aspect ratio of 1:1, that is squared size.
You can use other aspect-ratio other than 1:1, but be carefull to stay inside Instagram limits.
Otherwise, if you don't respect the aspect ratio, the media will be posted but stretched or cropped.
### Why instapy-cli?
First, long story short: instapy-cli is a fork of pynstagram, with the aim of extending its functionality and fixing all unresolved bugs.
##### Move this project to a better place :arrow_right_hook:
Anyone that wants to collaborate, I promise to be a good repo manager and merge all your pull requests as soon as possible.
I have some ideas to improve this but I need collaboration. Join and support! :bulb:
##### But, wait! Instagram doesn't allow uploading content except from the app (of course :trollface:)
Short answer:
> Yes, you are right.
Long answer:
> Every connection from a mobile phone could be intercepted. Someone has done the hard work to sniff the packets sent from the phone to Instagram and "spread the news". You can do a quick research.
## Code Requirements
#### This packages will be installed automatically with *instapy-cli*
| package | Source Link |
| :---: | :---: |
| requests | |
| filetype | |
| instagram-private-api | |
| instagram-private-api-extensions | |
## Contribute
To help `instapy-cli` developers to build and maintain this project, go to **[docs/](/docs/**
> instructions soon
(Write it and collaborate! :wink:)
## License
## Support the project and the author
Offer me a coffe or a beer and support instapy-cli. :tada:
Click the button here >
278 | REST API Client Library |
# Purest
[![npm-version]][npm] [![test-ci-img]][test-ci-url] [![test-cov-img]][test-cov-url] [![snyk-vulnerabilities]][snyk]
> _REST API Client Library_
var purest = require('purest')
var google = purest({provider: 'google'})
await google
.where({forUsername: 'GitHub'})
## Table of Contents
> _This is Purest **v4**, for older releases take a look at [v3] and [v2]_
- **[Introduction](#introduction)**
- **[Purest Options](#purest-options)**
- **[Request Options](#request-options)**
- **[Examples](#examples)**
- **[Article]**
## Introduction
> _**Purest** is a tool for building **expressive** REST API clients_
### Default Endpoint
Here is a basic configuration for Google:
"google": {
"default": {
"origin": "",
"path": "{path}",
"headers": {
"authorization": "Bearer {auth}"
The above configuration can be used to instantiate that provider:
var google = purest({provider: 'google', config})
Then we can request some data from YouTube:
var {res, body} = await google
.qs({forUsername: 'GitHub'})
### Explicit Endpoint
We can define explicit endpoint for accessing the YouTube API:
"google": {
"default": {
"origin": "",
"path": "{path}",
"headers": {
"authorization": "Bearer {auth}"
"youtube": {
"origin": "",
"path": "youtube/{version}/{path}",
"version": "v3",
"headers": {
"authorization": "Bearer {auth}"
And then request the same data:
var {res, body} = await google('youtube')
.qs({forUsername: 'GitHub'})
### Defaults
Every method in Purest can also be preconfigured with a value:
var google = purest({provider: 'google', config,
defaults: {auth: token}
Then we no longer need to set the access token on each request:
var {res, body} = await google('youtube')
.qs({forUsername: 'GitHub'})
### Method Aliases
Each method in Purest can have multiple aliases defined for it:
var google = purest({provider: 'google', config,
defaults: {auth: token},
methods: {get: ['select'], qs: ['where']}
And then use it like this:
var {res, body} = await google('youtube')
.where({forUsername: 'GitHub'})
## Purest Options
> _**Purest** is a flexible tool for **abstracting** out REST APIs_
var google = purest({config: {}, provider: 'google', defaults: {}, methods: {}})
| Key | Type | Description
| :- | :-: | :-
| **`provider`** | `''` | Provider name to initialize from the list of providers found in `config`
| **`config`** | `{}` | Providers configuration to use
| **`defaults`** | `{}` | Any supported configuration option set by default, see below
| **`methods`** | `{}` | List of methods and their aliases to use with this instance
## Request Options
> _**Purest** is built on top of a **[powerful HTTP Client][request-compose]**_
### URL Options
| Option | Description
| :- | :-
| `origin` | The protocol and domain part of the URL, can contain `{subdomain}` token
| `path` | The path part of the URL, can contain `{version}`, `{path}` and `{type}` tokens
| `subdomain` | Subdomain part of the URL to replace in `origin`
| `version` | Version string to replace in `path`
| `type` | Type string to replace in `path`, typically `json` or `xml`
### HTTP Methods
All HTTP methods `get` `head` `post` `put` `patch` `options` `delete` `trace` `connect` accept a string to replace the `{path}` configuration token with, or absolute URL to set the entire `url`.
### Request Options
| Option | Type | Description
| :-- | :-- | :--
| `method` | `'string'` | Request method, implicitly set if one of the above HTTP Methods is used
| `url` | `'string'` [`url object`][url-parse] | Absolute URL, automatically constructed if the URL Options above are being used, or absolute URL is passed to any of the HTTP Methods above
| `proxy` | `'string'` [`url object`][url-parse] | Proxy URL; for HTTPS you have to use [tunneling][tunnel-agent] [agent][proxy-agent] instead
| `qs` | `{object}` `'string'` | URL querystring
| `headers` | `{object}` | Request headers
| `form` | `{object}` `'string'` | `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` request body
| `json` | `{object}` `'string'` | JSON encoded request body
| `multipart`| `{object}` `[array]` | `multipart/form-data` as object or `multipart/related` as array request body using [request-multipart]
| `body` | `'string'` [`Buffer`][buffer] [`Stream`][stream-readable] | Raw request body
| `auth` | `'string'` `['string', 'string']` `{user, pass}` | String or array of strings to replace the `{auth}` configuration token with, or Basic authorization as object
| `oauth` | `{object}` | OAuth 1.0a authorization using [request-oauth]
| `encoding` | [`'string'`][buffer-encoding] | Response body encoding
| `redirect` | `{object}` | HTTP redirect [configuration][redirect-config]
| `timeout` | `number` | Request timeout in milliseconds
| `agent` | [`Agent`][agent] | HTTP agent
### Response Options
#### `request`
- buffers the response body
- decompresses `gzip` and `deflate` encoded bodies with valid `content-encoding` header
- converts the response body to string using `utf8` encoding by default
- tries to parse `JSON` and `querystring` encoded bodies with valid `content-type` header
Returns either String or Object.
#### `buffer`
- buffers the response body
- decompresses `gzip` and `deflate` encoded bodies with valid `content-encoding` header
Returns [Buffer][buffer].
#### `stream`
Returns the response [Stream][stream-incoming-message].
### Node Core Options
Any other HTTP request option not explicitly exposed in Purest can be set using any of the response methods:
await google.request({socketPath: ''})
await google.buffer({socketPath: ''})
await{socketPath: ''})
### Endpoint
The explicit `endpoint` configuration can be accessed in various ways:
// as argument to the Purest instance
await google('youtube')
// using the option name
await google.endpoint('youtube')
// or the default method alias defined for it
await google.query('youtube')
## Examples
> _**Purest** comes with a **[fancy logger][request-logs]**_
npm i --save-dev request-logs
DEBUG=req,res,body,json node examples/file-name.js 'example name'
| Category | Topic | Providers | Example
| :- | :- | :- | :-
| **OAuth 2.0** | _Refresh Access Tokens_ | `box` `google` `twitch` | [Refresh access tokens][refresh-token]
| **OpenID Connect** | *Verify id_token* | `auth0` `google` `microsoft` | [Discover public keys and verify id_token signature][openid-connect]
| **OAuth 1.0a** | _OAuth 1.0a_ | `flickr` `trello` `twitter` | [Get user profile][oauth-1]
| **Storage** | _Multipart, Streams_ | `box` `dropbox` `drive` | [Upload files][file-stream]
| **Storage** | _HTTP Streams_ | `box` `dropbox` | [Stream file from DropBox to Box][http-stream]
> _Get access tokens using **[Grant]**_
[npm-version]: (NPM Version)
[test-ci-img]: (Build Status)
[test-cov-img]: (Test Coverage)
[snyk-vulnerabilities]: (Vulnerabilities)
279 | Modern Open Source Flat Files Content Management System. | <img src="" alt="Flextype" align="center">
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="License MIT"> <img alt="GitHub Repo stars" src=""> <img alt="GitHub forks" src=""> <a href=""><img alt="Hits of Code" src=""></a>
**Flextype** is an open-source **Hybrid Content Management System** with the freedom of a headless CMS and with the full functionality of a traditional CMS. Building this Content Management System, we focused on simplicity. To achieve this, we implemented a simple but powerful API's.
With Flextype, you are in complete control. Design your data structure the way you want. Update and share your data with others and teams using version control. Flextype does not require MySQL database, because all the data are collected in a simple files. Perfect portability when changing your hosting provider. Just copy all the files from one server to another.
The underlying architecture of Flextype is built using well established and best-in-class technologies. This is to ensure that Flextype is simple to use and easy to extend.
Make sure your server meets the following requirements.
* Webserver (Apache, Nginx, etc.)
* PHP 8.1 or higher
Flextype needs the following PHP extensions to be enabled:
* PHP [mbstring]( module for full UTF-8 support.
* PHP [gd]( or [ImageMagick]( module for image processing.
* PHP [json]( module for JSON manipulation.
* PHP [Fileinfo](
* PHP [SPL](
* PHP [DOM](
Although it is optional, we strongly recommend enabling the following PHP extensions:
APC, APCu, XCache, Memcached, or Redis for better performance.
1. [Download the latest version of Flextype](
2. Unzip the contents to a new folder on your local computer, and upload to your webhost using the (S)FTP client of your choice. After you’ve done this, create directory <code>project</code> and be sure to chmod the following directory to <code>755</code> (or <code>777</code>), so it is readable and writable by Flextype.
[read the documentation](
Flextype is open source, community driven project, and maintained by community!
#### [Github](
You may use GitHub Discussions to start discussion about core, plugin and themes development or If you want to report a bug, you can use the GitHub Issues.
#### [Twitter](
Follow Flextype on Twitter to get real-time news regarding the development and all events we are attending.
## SUPPORTING Flextype
Flextype is an open source project and community contributions are essential to its growing and success.
Contributing to the Flextype is easy and you can give as little or as much time as you want.
Flextype is an MIT-licensed open source project and completely free to use.
However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features for the project is not sustainable without proper financial backing.
You can support it's ongoing development by being a project backer or a sponsor:
* [Visit Sponsors page](
Another excellent way to help out is by contributing your time or services.
We are using GitHub Issues to manage our public bugs. We keep a close eye on this so before filing a new issue, try to make sure the problem does not already exist.
We actively welcome your pull requests!
If you need help with Git or our workflow, please ask in our community chat. We want your contributions even if you're just learning Git. Our maintainers are happy to help!
#### DOCS
You may help us to create amazing knowledge base for Flextype. Fix spelling, add code examples, help organize, write new articles, and etc...
[The MIT License (MIT)](
Copyright (c) [Sergey Romanenko](
280 | Execute one command (or mount one Node.js middleware) and get an instant high-performance GraphQL API for your PostgreSQL database! | <img width="120" height="120" title="PostGraphile logo" src="" />
# PostGraphile

_**Instant lightning-fast GraphQL API backed primarily by your PostgreSQL database. Highly customisable and extensible thanks to incredibly powerful plugin system.**_ _Formerly "PostGraphQL"._
## Documentation: [](
## Crowd-funded open-source software
To help us develop this software sustainably under the MIT license, we ask
all individuals and businesses that use it to help support its ongoing
maintenance and development via sponsorship.
### [Click here to find out more about sponsors and sponsorship.](
And please give some love to our featured sponsors 🤩:
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="Surge" /><br />Surge</a> *</td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="Netflix" /><br />Netflix</a> *</td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="Qwick" /><br />Qwick</a> *</td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="The Guild" /><br />The Guild</a> *</td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="Chad Furman" /><br />Chad Furman</a> *</td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="Fanatics" /><br />Fanatics</a> *</td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="Dovetail" /><br />Dovetail</a> *</td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="Enzuzo" /><br />Enzuzo</a> *</td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="Stellate" /><br />Stellate</a> *</td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="Politics Rewired" /><br />Politics Rewired</a></td>
<td align="center"><a href=""><img src="" width="90" height="90" alt="IaSQL" /><br />IaSQL</a></td>
<em>\* Sponsors the entire Graphile suite</em>
## About
**GraphQL** is a new way of communicating with your server. It eliminates the problems of over- and under-fetching, incorporates strong data types, has built-in introspection, documentation and deprecation capabilities, and is implemented in many programming languages. This all leads to gloriously low-latency user experiences, better developer experiences, and much increased productivity. Because of all this, GraphQL is typically used as a replacement for (or companion to) RESTful API services.
**PostgreSQL** is the self-proclaimed “world’s most advanced open source database,” with each new release bringing more amazing features and performance gains. Thinking of your database as a plain CRUD store is now an archaic viewpoint as modern PostgreSQL can do so much for you — from authorization with Row-Level Security (RLS, introduced in PG9.5), through Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW), to real time notifications with `LISTEN`/`NOTIFY`.
**PostGraphile** pairs these two incredible technologies together, helping you not only build applications more rapidly, but to build lightning-fast applications. PostGraphile allows you to access the power of PostgreSQL through a well designed, extensible, customisable and incredibly performant GraphQL server. It automatically detects tables, columns, indexes, relationships, views, types, functions, comments, and more - providing a GraphQL server that is highly intelligent about your data, and that automatically updates itself without restarting when you change your database schema.
With PostGraphile, a well designed database schema should serve the basis for a well thought out API. PostgreSQL already has amazing authorization and relationship infrastructure, _why duplicate that logic_ in a custom API? A PostGraphile API is likely to provide a more performant and standards compliant GraphQL API than any created in-house, and can be built in a fraction of the time. Focus on your product and let PostGraphile worry about the API layer. Once you need to expand beyond this, we have a powerful plugin system including many [community contributed plugins]( For a critical evaluation of PostGraphile to determine if it fits in your tech stack, read [evaluating PostGraphile for your project](
## Introduction
Watch a talk by the original author [Caleb]( at GraphQL Summit for a walk-through of building an application with PostGraphile in under 7 minutes. This was using v2 (then called PostGraphQL); we're now up to v4 which has many more bells and whistles!
Hear from the current maintainer [Benjie]( at GraphQL Finland about the benefits of Database-Driven GraphQL Development:
## Usage
**Documentation: [](**
You can use PostGraphile via the CLI, as a Node.js middleware, or use the GraphQL schema directly. Make sure to check out the **[full usage instructions](** on the documentation website. We also have a [PostgreSQL schema design guide]( you can follow to build a fully functional PostGraphile API.
### CLI
To get started you can install PostGraphile globally:
npm install -g postgraphile
…and then just run it! By default, PostGraphile will connect to your local database at `postgres://localhost:5432` and introspect the `public` schema. See [the available CLI flags]( with:
postgraphile --help
When you're ready to use PostGraphile for your own project, you're advised to install it locally with `yarn`, and run it with `npx`:
yarn add postgraphile
npx postgraphile --help
**macOS users**: PostGraphile has used port 5000 by default for 5+ years; recently Apple decided to bind the AirPlay service to port 5000 causing a conflict. Please use the `--port` option to bind to a different port.
### Middleware
You can also use PostGraphile as [native HTTP, Connect, Express, or Koa (experimental) middleware](, e.g.:
yarn add postgraphile
import { createServer } from 'http';
import postgraphile from 'postgraphile';
Check out [hapi-postgraphile]( if you're interested in using PostGraphile as a [hapi]( server plugin.
### Docker
To run via Docker, simply pass the [CLI options]( to the Docker container:
docker pull graphile/postgraphile
docker run --init graphile/postgraphile --help
E.g. you might run this command (substituting the relevant variables):
docker run --init -p 5000:5000 graphile/postgraphile --connection postgres://POSTGRES_USER:POSTGRES_PASSWORD@POSTGRES_HOST:POSTGRES_PORT/POSTGRES_DATABASE --schema app_public --watch
**macOS users**: Please use a different port to avoid conflict with AirPlay.
## Read More
**Full documentation for PostGraphile is located at [](**
PostGraphile features include:
- Authorization (security) provided by PostgreSQL:
- [role-based access control (RBAC)](
- [row-level security (RLS)][row-level-security]
- [Automatic GraphQL relations from SQL relations](
- [PostgreSQL procedure support][procedure documentation]:
- [Custom queries][advanced queries documentation]
- [Custom mutations](
- [Computed columns](
- Development UI (GraphiQL) built in
- `--watch` mode, auto-detects changes in SQL schema, hot-reloads changes into GraphiQL
- [Automatic documentation, enhanced by PostgreSQL `COMMENT`s](
- [Schema customisation through smart comments](
- [Simple JWT authentication straight from the database](
- [Cursor-based pagination, Relay (classic & modern) compatible](
- Global object identifiers (`nodeId` by default, but Relay-favoured `id` with `--classic-ids`)
- Relay-compatible mutations
- [Use direct from the CLI](
- [Use as Express, Connect, or Koa middleware](
- [Just use the generated GraphQL schema](
[procedure documentation]:
[advanced queries documentation]:
## Requirements
[Full requirements are on the website](, but a basic summary is:
- Node v8.6+
- PostgreSQL 9.6+ (officially; but currently works with 9.4+)
- Linux, macOS or Windows
- PostGraphile does not have automated tests on Windows, if you notice any
issues please file them (or send a PR!)
## Supporting PostGraphile
The fastest and easiest way you can help PostGraphile thrive is by [sponsoring
ongoing development and maintenance](
Want to help testing and developing PostGraphile? Check out the [contributing
document]( to get started quickly!
Commercial support, consultancy and development services are available direct
from the maintainer; see [Professional Services](
for more information, or get in touch!
The maintainer of this project is [@Benjie]( -
follow him on Twitter!
## Thanks
Huge thanks to [the individuals and companies who sponsor PostGraphile's
development]( - their financial contributions enable more time to
be spent on the project: from bug fixes, to code review, to new features! If
you want to help the project advance more rapidly, please join them in
[supporting this project]( 🙏
A humongous, heart-felt, thank you to the original author of PostGraphile -
[Caleb Meredith]( - for everything he put into
PostGraphile! He's now graduated from the project and we all wish him the best
for his future ventures!
Thanks also to the people working on
[PostgREST]( which was a huge inspiration
for this project!
Thanks and enjoy 👍
281 | APISIX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes | <!--
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Apache APISIX for Kubernetes
Use [Apache APISIX]( for Kubernetes [Ingress](
All configurations in `apisix-ingress-controller` are defined with Kubernetes CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions).
Support configuring [plugins](, service registration discovery mechanism for upstreams, load balancing and more in Apache APISIX.
`apisix-ingress-controller` is an Apache APISIX control plane component. Currently it serves for Kubernetes clusters. In the future, we plan to separate the submodule to adapt to more deployment modes, such as virtual machine clusters.
The technical architecture of `apisix-ingress-controller`:
<img src="./docs/assets/images/module-0.png" alt="Architecture" width="743" height="559" />
## Status
This project is currently general availability.
## Features
* Declarative configuration for Apache APISIX with Custom Resource Definitions(CRDs), using k8s yaml struct with minimum learning curve.
* Hot-reload during yaml apply.
* Native Kubernetes Ingress (both `v1` and `v1beta1`) support.
* Auto register k8s endpoint to upstream (Apache APISIX) node.
* Support load balancing based on pod (upstream nodes).
* Out of box support for node health check.
* Plug-in extension supports hot configuration and immediate effect.
* Support SSL and mTLS for routes.
* Support traffic split and canary deployments.
* Support TCP 4 layer proxy.
* Ingress controller itself as a pluggable hot-reload component.
* Multi-cluster configuration distribution.
[More about comparison among multiple Ingress Controllers.](
## Get started
* [How to install](./
* [Get Started](./docs/en/latest/
* [Design introduction](./docs/en/latest/
* [FAQ](./docs/en/latest/
## Prerequisites
Apisix ingress controller requires Kubernetes version 1.16+. Because we used `CustomResourceDefinition` v1 stable API.
From the version 1.0.0, APISIX-ingress-controller need to work with Apache APISIX version 2.7+.
## Works with APISIX Dashboard
Currently, APISIX Ingress Controller automatically manipulates some APISIX resources, which is not very compatible with APISIX Dashboard. In addition, users should not modify resources labeled `managed-by: apisix-ingress-controllers` via APISIX Dashboard.
## Internal Architecture
<img src="./docs/assets/images/apisix-ingress-controller-arch.png" alt="module" width="74.3%" height="55.9%" />
## Apache APISIX Ingress vs. Kubernetes Ingress Nginx
* The control plane and data plane are separated, which can improve security and deployment flexibility.
* Hot-reload during yaml apply.
* [More convenient canary deployment.](./docs/en/latest/concepts/
* Verify the correctness of the configuration, safe and reliable.
* [Rich plugins and ecology.](
* Supports APISIX custom resources and Kubernetes native Ingress resources.
## Contributing
We welcome all kinds of contributions from the open-source community, individuals and partners.
* [Contributing Guide](./docs/en/latest/
### How to contribute
Most of the contributions that we receive are code contributions, but you can
also contribute to the documentation or simply report solid bugs
for us to fix.
For new contributors, please take a look at issues with a tag called [Good first issue]( or [Help wanted](
### How to report a bug
* **Ensure the bug was not already reported** by searching on GitHub under [Issues](
* If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, [open a new one]( Be sure to include a **title and clear description**, as much relevant information as possible, and a **code sample** or an **executable test case** demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.
### Contributor over time
## Community
* Mailing List: Mail to [email protected], follow the reply to subscribe the mailing list.
* QQ Group - 578997126
*  - follow and interact with us using hashtag `#ApacheAPISIX`
* [Bilibili video](
## Todos
* More todos will display in [issues](
## User stories
- [How Does Zoom Use APISIX Ingress in Its Continuous Delivery Pipeline? -](
- [Copernicus Reference System Software](
- [From Traefik to APISIX, Horizon Robotics's Exploration in Ingress Controller -](
- [Why Jiakaobaodian Chooses APISIX Ingress Controller -](
- [Why AISpeech Chooses Apache APISIX Instead of NGINX as k8s Ingress Controller -](
- [Tencent Cloud: Why choose Apache APISIX to implement the k8s ingress controller?(Chinese)](
- [aispeech: Why we create a new k8s ingress controller?(Chinese)](
If you are willing to share with us some scenarios and use cases when you use APISIX Ingress,
please reply to the [issue](,
or submit PR to update [Powered-BY](./ file
## Who Uses APISIX Ingress?
A wide variety of companies and organizations use APISIX Ingress for research, production and commercial product, below are some of them:
- AISpeech
- European Copernicus Reference System
- Jiakaobaodian(驾考宝典)
- Horizon Robotics(地平线)
- Tencent Cloud
- Zoom
## Milestone
* [Milestone](
## Terminology
* APISIX Ingress: the whole service that contains the proxy ([Apache APISIX]( and ingress controller (apisix-ingress-controller).
* apisix-ingress-controller: the ingress controller component.
282 | OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3) | <h1 align="center">OpenAPI Generator</h1>
<div align="center">
<div align="center">
[Master]( (`6.4.0`):
[7.0.x]( (`7.0.x`):
<div align="center">
:star::star::star: If you would like to contribute, please refer to [guidelines]( and a list of [open tasks](
:bangbang: To migrate from Swagger Codegen to OpenAPI Generator, please refer to the [migration guide](docs/ :bangbang:
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: For more information, please refer to the [Wiki page]( and [FAQ]( :notebook_with_decorative_cover:
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: The eBook [A Beginner's Guide to Code Generation for REST APIs]( is a good starting point for beginners :notebook_with_decorative_cover:
:warning: If the OpenAPI spec, templates or any input (e.g. options, environment variables) is obtained from an untrusted source or environment, please make sure you've reviewed these inputs before using OpenAPI Generator to generate the API client, server stub or documentation to avoid potential security issues (e.g. [code injection]( For security vulnerabilities, please contact [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). :warning:
:bangbang: Both "OpenAPI Tools" ( - the parent organization of OpenAPI Generator) and "OpenAPI Generator" are not affiliated with OpenAPI Initiative (OAI) :bangbang:
## Sponsors
If you find OpenAPI Generator useful for work, please consider asking your company to support this Open Source project by [becoming a sponsor]( You can also individually sponsor the project by [becoming a backer](
#### Thank you to our bronze sponsors!
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
[<img src="" width="128" height="128">](
#### Thank you GoDaddy for sponsoring the domain names, Linode for sponsoring the VPS and Checkly for sponsoring the API monitoring
[<img src="" width="150">](
[<img src="" width="150">](
## Overview
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an [OpenAPI Spec]( (both 2.0 and 3.0 are supported). Currently, the following languages/frameworks are supported:
| | Languages/Frameworks |
| -------------------------------- |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| **API clients** | **ActionScript**, **Ada**, **Apex**, **Bash**, **C**, **C#** (.net 2.0, 3.5 or later, .NET Standard 1.3 - 2.1, .NET Core 3.1, .NET 5.0. Libraries: RestSharp, GenericHost, HttpClient), **C++** (Arduino, cpp-restsdk, Qt5, Tizen, Unreal Engine 4), **Clojure**, **Crystal**, **Dart**, **Elixir**, **Elm**, **Eiffel**, **Erlang**, **Go**, **Groovy**, **Haskell** (http-client, Servant), **Java** (Apache HttpClient, Jersey1.x, Jersey2.x, OkHttp, Retrofit1.x, Retrofit2.x, Feign, RestTemplate, RESTEasy, Vertx, Google API Client Library for Java, Rest-assured, Spring 5 Web Client, MicroProfile Rest Client, Helidon), **Jetbrains HTTP Client**, **Julia**, **k6**, **Kotlin**, **Lua**, **Nim**, **Node.js/JavaScript** (ES5, ES6, AngularJS with Google Closure Compiler annotations, Flow types, Apollo GraphQL DataStore), **Objective-C**, **OCaml**, **Perl**, **PHP**, **PowerShell**, **Python**, **R**, **Ruby**, **Rust** (hyper, reqwest, rust-server), **Scala** (akka, http4s, scalaz, sttp, swagger-async-httpclient), **Swift** (2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x), **Typescript** (AngularJS, Angular (2.x - 13.x), Aurelia, Axios, Fetch, Inversify, jQuery, Nestjs, Node, redux-query, Rxjs) |
| **Server stubs** | **Ada**, **C#** (ASP.NET Core, Azure Functions), **C++** (Pistache, Restbed, Qt5 QHTTPEngine), **Erlang**, **F#** (Giraffe), **Go** (net/http, Gin, Echo), **Haskell** (Servant, Yesod), **Java** (MSF4J, Spring, Undertow, JAX-RS: CDI, CXF, Inflector, Jersey, RestEasy, Play Framework, [PKMST](, [Vert.x](, [Apache Camel](, [Helidon](, **Julia**, **Kotlin** (Spring Boot, Ktor, Vertx), **PHP** (Laravel, Lumen, [Mezzio (fka Zend Expressive)](, Slim, Silex, [Symfony](, **Python** (FastAPI, Flask), **NodeJS**, **Ruby** (Sinatra, Rails5), **Rust** ([rust-server](, **Scala** (Akka, [Finch](, [Lagom](, [Play](, Scalatra) |
| **API documentation generators** | **HTML**, **Confluence Wiki**, **Asciidoc**, **Markdown**, **PlantUML** |
| **Configuration files** | [**Apache2**]( |
| **Others** | **GraphQL**, **JMeter**, **Ktorm**, **MySQL Schema**, **Protocol Buffer**, **WSDL** |
## Table of contents
- [OpenAPI Generator](#openapi-generator)
- [Overview](#overview)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [1 - Installation](#1---installation)
- [1.1 - Compatibility](#11---compatibility)
- [1.2 - Artifacts on Maven Central](#12---artifacts-on-maven-central)
- [1.3 - Download JAR](#13---download-jar)
- [1.4 - Build Projects](#14---build-projects)
- [1.5 - Homebrew](#15---homebrew)
- [1.6 - Docker](#16---docker)
- [1.7 - NPM](#17---npm)
- [2 - Getting Started](#2---getting-started)
- [3 - Usage](#3---usage)
- [3.1 - Customization](#31---customization)
- [3.2 - Workflow Integration](#32---workflow-integration-maven-gradle-github-cicd)
- [3.3 - Online Generators](#33---online-openapi-generator)
- [3.4 - License Information on Generated Code](#34---license-information-on-generated-code)
- [3.5 - IDE Integration](#35---ide-integration)
- [4 - Companies/Projects using OpenAPI Generator](#4---companiesprojects-using-openapi-generator)
- [5 - Presentations/Videos/Tutorials/Books](#5---presentationsvideostutorialsbooks)
- [6 - About Us](#6---about-us)
- [6.1 - OpenAPI Generator Core Team](#61---openapi-generator-core-team)
- [6.2 - OpenAPI Generator Technical Committee](#62---openapi-generator-technical-committee)
- [6.3 - History of OpenAPI Generator](#63---history-of-openapi-generator)
- [7 - License](#7---license)
## [1 - Installation](#table-of-contents)
### [1.1 - Compatibility](#table-of-contents)
The OpenAPI Specification has undergone 3 revisions since initial creation in 2010. The openapi-generator project has the following compatibilities with the OpenAPI Specification:
| OpenAPI Generator Version | Release Date | Notes |
| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- |
| 7.0.0 (upcoming major release) [SNAPSHOT]( | Feb/Mar 2023 | Major release with breaking changes (no fallback) |
| 6.4.0 (upcoming minor release) [SNAPSHOT]( | 05.12.2022 | Minor release with breaking changes (with fallback) |
| [6.3.0]( (latest stable release) | 01.02.2023 | Minor release with breaking changes (with fallback) |
| [5.4.0]( | 31.01.2022 | Minor release with breaking changes (with fallback) |
| [4.3.1]( | 06.05.2020 | Patch release (enhancements, bug fixes, etc) |
OpenAPI Spec compatibility: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 3.0
For old releases, please refer to the [**Release**]( page.
For decomissioned generators/libraries/frameworks, please refer to [the "Decommission" label]( in the pull request page.
## [1.2 - Artifacts on Maven Central](#table-of-contents)
You can find our released artifacts on maven central:
See the different versions of the [openapi-generator]( artifact available on maven central.
See the different versions of the [openapi-generator-cli]( artifact available on maven central.
**Maven plugin:**
* See the different versions of the [openapi-generator-maven-plugin]( artifact available on maven central.
* [Readme](
**Gradle plugin:**
* See the different versions of the [openapi-generator-gradle-plugin]( artifact available on maven central.
* [Readme](
### [1.3 - Download JAR](#table-of-contents)
If you're looking for the latest stable version, you can grab it directly from (Java 8 runtime at a minimum):
JAR location: ``
For **Mac/Linux** users:
wget -O openapi-generator-cli.jar
For **Windows** users, you will need to install [wget]( or you can use Invoke-WebRequest in PowerShell (3.0+), e.g.
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile openapi-generator-cli.jar
After downloading the JAR, run `java -jar openapi-generator-cli.jar help` to show the usage.
For Mac users, please make sure Java 8 is installed (Tips: run `java -version` to check the version), and export `JAVA_HOME` in order to use the supported Java version:
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH
### Launcher Script
One downside to manual jar downloads is that you don't keep up-to-date with the latest released version. We have a Bash launcher script at [bin/utils/](./bin/utils/ which resolves this issue.
To install the launcher script, copy the contents of the script to a location on your path and make the script executable.
An example of setting this up (NOTE: Always evaluate scripts curled from external systems before executing them).
mkdir -p ~/bin/openapitools
curl > ~/bin/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
chmod u+x ~/bin/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin/openapitools/
Now, `openapi-generator-cli` is "installed". On invocation, it will query the GitHub repository for the most recently released version. If this matches the last downloaded jar,
it will execute as normal. If a newer version is found, the script will download the latest release and execute it.
If you need to invoke an older version of the generator, you can define the variable `OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION` either ad hoc or globally. You can export this variable if you'd like to persist a specific release version.
# Execute latest released openapi-generator-cli
openapi-generator-cli version
# Execute version 4.1.0 for the current invocation, regardless of the latest released version
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=4.1.0 openapi-generator-cli version
# Execute version 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT for the current invocation
OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=4.1.0-SNAPSHOT openapi-generator-cli version
# Execute version 4.0.2 for every invocation in the current shell session
openapi-generator-cli version # is 4.0.2
openapi-generator-cli version # is also 4.0.2
# To "install" a specific version, set the variable in .bashrc/.bash_profile
echo "export OPENAPI_GENERATOR_VERSION=4.0.2" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
openapi-generator-cli version # is always 4.0.2, unless any of the above overrides are done ad hoc
### [1.4 - Build Projects](#table-of-contents)
To build from source, you need the following installed and available in your `$PATH:`
* [Java 8](
* [Apache Maven 3.3.4 or greater](
After cloning the project, you can build it from source with this command:
mvn clean install
If you don't have maven installed, you may directly use the included [maven wrapper](, and build with the command:
./mvnw clean install
The default build contains minimal static analysis (via CheckStyle). To run your build with PMD and Spotbugs, use the `static-analysis` profile:
mvn -Pstatic-analysis clean install
### [1.5 - Homebrew](#table-of-contents)
To install, run `brew install openapi-generator`
Here is an example usage to generate a Ruby client:
openapi-generator generate -i -g ruby -o /tmp/test/
To reinstall with the latest master, run `brew uninstall openapi-generator && brew install --HEAD openapi-generator`
To install OpenJDK (pre-requisites), please run
brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
brew install --cask adoptopenjdk12
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-12.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home/
To install Maven, please run
brew install maven
### [1.6 - Docker](#table-of-contents)
#### Public Pre-built Docker images
- []( (official CLI)
- []( (official web service)
#### OpenAPI Generator CLI Docker Image
The OpenAPI Generator image acts as a standalone executable. It can be used as an alternative to installing via homebrew, or for developers who are unable to install Java or upgrade the installed version.
To generate code with this image, you'll need to mount a local location as a volume.
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}:/local" openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate \
-i \
-g go \
-o /local/out/go
The generated code will be located under `./out/go` in the current directory.
#### OpenAPI Generator Online Docker Image
The openapi-generator-online image can act as a self-hosted web application and API for generating code. This container can be incorporated into a CI pipeline, and requires at least two HTTP requests and some docker orchestration to access generated code.
Example usage:
# Start container at port 8888 and save the container id
> CID=$(docker run -d -p 8888:8080 openapitools/openapi-generator-online)
# allow for startup
> sleep 10
# Get the IP of the running container (optional)
GEN_IP=$(docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' $CID)
# Execute an HTTP request to generate a Ruby client
> curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' \
-d '{"openAPIUrl": ""}' \
# Download the generated zip file
> wget http://localhost:8888/api/gen/download/c2d483.3.4672-40e9-91df-b9ffd18d22b8
# Unzip the file
> unzip c2d483.3.4672-40e9-91df-b9ffd18d22b8
# Shutdown the openapi generator image
> docker stop $CID && docker rm $CID
#### Development in docker
You can use `` to do all development. This script maps your local repository to `/gen`
in the docker container. It also maps `~/.m2/repository` to the appropriate container location.
To execute `mvn package`:
git clone
cd openapi-generator
./ mvn package
Build artifacts are now accessible in your working directory.
Once built, `` will act as an executable for openapi-generator-cli. To generate code, you'll need to output to a directory under `/gen` (e.g. `/gen/out`). For example:
./ help # Executes 'help' command for openapi-generator-cli
./ list # Executes 'list' command for openapi-generator-cli
./ /gen/bin/ # Builds the Go client
./ generate -i modules/openapi-generator/src/test/resources/3_0/petstore.yaml \
-g go -o /gen/out/go-petstore -p packageName=petstore # generates go client, outputs locally to ./out/go-petstore
##### Troubleshooting
If an error like this occurs, just execute the **mvn clean install -U** command:
> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) on project openapi-generator: A type incompatibility occurred while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError cannot be cast to
./ mvn clean install -U
> Failed to execute goal org.fortasoft:gradle-maven-plugin:1.0.8:invoke (default) on project openapi-generator-gradle-plugin-mvn-wrapper: org.gradle.tooling.BuildException: Could not execute build using Gradle distribution ''
Right now: no solution for this one :|
#### Run Docker in Vagrant
Prerequisite: install [Vagrant]( and [VirtualBox](
git clone
cd openapi-generator
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
./ mvn package
### [1.7 - NPM](#table-of-contents)
There is also an [NPM package wrapper]( available for different platforms (e.g. Linux, Mac, Windows). (JVM is still required)
Please see the [project's README]( there for more information.
Install it globally to get the CLI available on the command line:
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -g
openapi-generator-cli version
To use a specific version of "openapi-generator-cli"
openapi-generator-cli version-manager set 6.3.0
Or install it as dev-dependency:
npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -D
## [2 - Getting Started](#table-of-contents)
To generate a PHP client for [petstore.yaml](, please run the following
git clone
cd openapi-generator
mvn clean package
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
-i \
-g php \
-o /var/tmp/php_api_client
(if you're on Windows, replace the last command with `java -jar modules\openapi-generator-cli\target\openapi-generator-cli.jar generate -i -g php -o c:\temp\php_api_client`)
You can also download the JAR (latest release) directly from [](
To get a list of **general** options available, please run `java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar help generate`
To get a list of PHP specified options (which can be passed to the generator with a config file via the `-c` option), please run `java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar config-help -g php`
## [3 - Usage](#table-of-contents)
### To generate a sample client library
You can build a client against the [Petstore API]( as follows:
./bin/ ./bin/configs/java-okhttp-gson.yaml
(On Windows, please install [GIT Bash for Windows]( to run the command above)
This script uses the default library, which is `okhttp-gson`. It will run the generator with this command:
java -jar modules/openapi-generator-cli/target/openapi-generator-cli.jar generate \
-i \
-g java \
-t modules/openapi-generator/src/main/resources/Java \
--additional-properties artifactId=petstore-okhttp-gson,hideGenerationTimestamp:true \
-o samples/client/petstore/java/okhttp-gson
with a number of options. [The java options are documented here.](docs/generators/
You can also get the options with the `help generate` command (below only shows partial results):
openapi-generator-cli generate - Generate code with the specified
openapi-generator-cli generate
[(-a <authorization> | --auth <authorization>)]
[--api-name-suffix <api name suffix>] [--api-package <api package>]
[--artifact-id <artifact id>] [--artifact-version <artifact version>]
[(-c <configuration file> | --config <configuration file>)] [--dry-run]
[(-e <templating engine> | --engine <templating engine>)]
[(-g <generator name> | --generator-name <generator name>)]
[--generate-alias-as-model] [--git-host <git host>]
[--git-repo-id <git repo id>] [--git-user-id <git user id>]
[--global-property <global properties>...] [--group-id <group id>]
[--http-user-agent <http user agent>]
[(-i <spec file> | --input-spec <spec file>)]
[--ignore-file-override <ignore file override location>]
[--import-mappings <import mappings>...]
[--instantiation-types <instantiation types>...]
[--invoker-package <invoker package>]
[--language-specific-primitives <language specific primitives>...]
[--legacy-discriminator-behavior] [--library <library>]
[--log-to-stderr] [--minimal-update]
[--model-name-prefix <model name prefix>]
[--model-name-suffix <model name suffix>]
[--model-package <model package>]
[(-o <output directory> | --output <output directory>)] [(-p <additional properties> | --additional-properties <additional properties>)...]
[--package-name <package name>] [--release-note <release note>]
[--reserved-words-mappings <reserved word mappings>...]
[(-s | --skip-overwrite)] [--server-variables <server variables>...]
[--skip-validate-spec] [--strict-spec <true/false strict behavior>]
[(-t <template directory> | --template-dir <template directory>)]
[--type-mappings <type mappings>...] [(-v | --verbose)]
-a <authorization>, --auth <authorization>
adds authorization headers when fetching the OpenAPI definitions
remotely. Pass in a URL-encoded string of name:header with a comma
separating multiple values
...... (results omitted)
-v, --verbose
verbose mode
You can then compile and run the client, as well as unit tests against it:
cd samples/client/petstore/java/okhttp-gson
mvn package
Other generators have [samples]( too.
### [3.1 - Customization](#table-of-contents)
Please refer to [](docs/ on how to customize the output (e.g. package name, version)
### [3.2 - Workflow Integration (Maven, Gradle, Github, CI/CD)](#table-of-contents)
Please refer to [](docs/ on how to integrate OpenAPI generator with Maven, Gradle, sbt, Bazel, Github and CI/CD.
### [3.3 - Online OpenAPI generator](#table-of-contents)
Here are the public online services:
- latest stable version:
- latest master: (updated with latest master every hour)
The server is sponsored by [Linode]( [](
(These services are beta and do not have any guarantee on service level)
Please refer to [](docs/ on how to run and use the `openapi-generator-online` - a web service for `openapi-generator`.
### [3.4 - License information on Generated Code](#table-of-contents)
The OpenAPI Generator project is intended as a benefit for users of the Open API Specification. The project itself has the [License](#license) as specified. In addition, please understand the following points:
* The templates included with this project are subject to the [License](#license).
* Generated code is intentionally _not_ subject to the parent project license
When code is generated from this project, it shall be considered **AS IS** and owned by the user of the software. There are no warranties--expressed or implied--for generated code. You can do what you wish with it, and once generated, the code is your responsibility and subject to the licensing terms that you deem appropriate.
### [3.5 - IDE Integration](#table-of-contents)
Here is a list of community-contributed IDE plug-ins that integrate with OpenAPI Generator:
- Eclipse: [Codewind OpenAPI Tools for Eclipse]( by [IBM](
- IntelliJ IDEA: [OpenAPI Generator]( by [Jim Schubert](
- IntelliJ IDEA: [Senya Editor]( by [](
- [RepreZen API Studio](
- Visual Studio: [REST API Client Code Generator]( by [Christian Resma Helle](
- Visual Studio Code: [Codewind OpenAPI Tools]( by [IBM](
## [4 - Companies/Projects using OpenAPI Generator](#table-of-contents)
Here are some companies/projects (alphabetical order) using OpenAPI Generator in production. To add your company/project to the list, please visit []( and click on the icon to edit the page.
- [Aalborg University](
- [Adaptant Solutions AG](
- [adesso SE](
- [Adyen](
- [Agoda](
- [Airthings](
- [Allianz](
- [Angular.Schule](
- [Aqovia](
- [Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ)](
- [ASKUL](
- [Arduino](
- [b<>com](
- [百度营销](
- [Bandwidth](
- [Banzai Cloud](
- [](
- [Bithost GmbH](
- [Bosch Connected Industry](
- [Boxever](
- [Brevy](
- [Bunker Holding Group](
- [California State University, Northridge](
- [CAM](
- [Camptocamp](
- [Cisco](
- [codecentric AG](
- [CoinAPI](
- [Commencis](
- [Crossover Health](
- [Cupix](
- [Datadog](
- [DB Systel](
- [](
- [Devsupply](
- [DocSpring](
- [dwango](
- [Edge Impulse](
- [Element AI](
- [Embotics](
- [emineo](
- [fastly](
- [Fenergo](
- [freee](
- [FreshCells](
- [Fuse](
- [Gantner](
- [GenFlow](
- [GetYourGuide](
- [Glovo](
- [GMO Pepabo](
- [GoDaddy](
- [Gumtree](
- [Here](
- [IBM](
- [Instana](
- [Interxion](
- [Inquisico](
- [JustStar](
- [](
- [Klarna](
- [Kronsoft Development](
- [Kubernetes](
- [Linode](
- [Logicdrop](
- [Lumeris](
- [LVM Versicherungen](
- [MailSlurp](
- [Manticore Search](
- [Mastercard](
- [Médiavision](
- [Metaswitch](
- [MoonVision](
- [Myworkout](
- [NamSor](
- [Neverfail](
- [NeuerEnergy](
- [Nokia](
- [OneSignal](
- [Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)](
- [Openet](
- [Oracle](
- [Paxos](
- [Plaid](
- [PLAID, Inc.](
- [Ponicode](
- [Pricefx](
- [PrintNanny](
- [Prometheus/Alertmanager](
- [Qavar](
- [QEDIT](
- [Qovery](
- [Qulix Systems](
- [Raksul](
- [Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft](
- [RedHat](
- [RepreZen API Studio](
- [REST United](
- [Robotinfra](
- [SmartHR](
- [Sony Interactive Entertainment](
- [Splitit](
- [Stingray](
- [Suva](
- [Telstra](
- [Tencent](
- [The University of Aizu](
- [Translucent ApS](
- [TravelTime platform](
- [TribalScale](
- [Trifork](
- [TUI InfoTec GmbH](
- [Twilio](
- [Twitter](
- [unblu inc.](
- [Veamly](
- [VMWare](
- [wbt-solutions](
- [Woleet](
- [WSO2](
- [](
- [Xero](
- [Yahoo Japan](
- [viadee](
- [Vonage](
- [YITU Technology](
- [Yelp](
- [Zalando](
- [3DS Outscale](
## [5 - Presentations/Videos/Tutorials/Books](#table-of-contents)
- 2018/05/12 - [OpenAPI Generator - community drivenで成長するコードジェネレータ]( by [中野暁人](
- 2018/05/15 - [Starting a new open-source project]( by [Jeremie Bresson](
- 2018/05/15 - [REST API仕様からAPIクライアントやスタブサーバを自動生成する「OpenAPI Generator」オープンソースで公開。Swagger Codegenからのフォーク]( by [Publickey](
- 2018/06/08 - [Swagger Codegen is now OpenAPI Generator]( by [JohannesHoppe](
- 2018/06/21 - [Connect your JHipster apps to the world of APIs with OpenAPI and gRPC]( by [Christophe Bornet]( at [JHipster Conf 2018](
- 2018/06/22 - [OpenAPI Generator で Gatling Client を生成してみた]( at [ソモサン](
- 2018/06/27 - [Lessons Learned from Leading an Open-Source Project Supporting 30+ Programming Languages]( - [William Cheng]( at [LinuxCon + ContainerCon + CloudOpen China 2018](
- 2018/07/19 - [OpenAPI Generator Contribution Quickstart - RingCentral Go SDK]( by [John Wang](
- 2018/08/22 - [OpenAPI Generatorのプロジェクト構成などのメモ]( by [Yusuke Iinuma](
- 2018/09/12 - [RepreZen and OpenAPI 3.0: Now is the Time]( by [Miles Daffin](
- 2018/10/31 - [A node package wrapper for openapi-generator](
- 2018/11/03 - [OpenAPI Generator + golang + Flutter でアプリ開発]( by [Ryuichi Daigo](
- 2018/11/15 - [基于openapi3.0的yaml文件生成java代码的一次实践]( by [焱魔王](
- 2018/11/18 - [Generating PHP library code from OpenAPI]( by [Lorna Jane]( at [LORNAJANE Blog](
- 2018/11/19 - [OpenAPIs are everywhere]( by [Jeremie Bresson (Unblu)]( at [EclipseCon Europe 2018](
- 2018/12/09 - [openapi-generator をカスタマイズする方法]( by [@watiko](
- 2019/01/03 - [Calling a Swagger service from Apex using openapi-generator]( by [Mikkel Flindt Heisterberg](
- 2019/01/13 - [OpenAPI GeneratorでRESTful APIの定義書から色々自動生成する]( by [@ky_yk_d](
- 2019/01/20 - [Contract-First API Development with OpenAPI Generator and Connexion]( by [Anil Can Aydin](
- 2019/01/30 - [Rapid Application Development With API First Approach Using Open-API Generator]( by [Milan Sonkar](
- 2019/02/02 - [平静を保ち、コードを生成せよ 〜 OpenAPI Generator誕生の背景と軌跡 〜]( by [中野暁人]( at [Gunma.web #34 スキーマ駆動開発](
- 2019/02/20 - [An adventure in OpenAPI V3 code generation]( by [Phil Cluff](
- 2019/02/26 - [Building API Services: A Beginner’s Guide]( by [Ratros Y.]( in [Google Cloud Platform Blog](
- 2019/02/26 - [Building APIs with OpenAPI: Continued]( by [Ratros Y.]( in [Google Cloud Platform Blog](
- 2019-03-07 - [OpenAPI Generator で Spring Boot と Angular をタイプセーフに繋ぐ]( by [Tomofumi Chiba](
- 2019-03-16 - [A Quick introduction to manual OpenAPI V3]( by [vados]( at [VADOSWARE](
- 2019-03-25 - [Access any REST service with the SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK]( by [Alexander Duemont](
- 2019-03-25 - [OpenAPI generatorを試してみる]( by [@amuyikam](
- 2019-03-27 - [OpenAPI3を使ってみよう!Go言語でクライアントとスタブの自動生成まで!]( by [@gold_kou](
- 2019-04-17 - [OpenAPIによるスキーマファースト開発の実施サンプルとCloud Runについて]( by [@yukey1031](
- 2019-04-18 - [How to use OpenAPI3 for API developer (RubyKaigi 2019)]( by [@ota42y]( at [RubyKaigi 2019](
- 2019-04-29 - [A Beginner's Guide to Code Generation for REST APIs (OpenAPI Generator)]( by [William Cheng](
- 2019-05-01 - [Design and generate a REST API from Swagger / OpenAPI in Java, Python, C# and more]( by [Simply How](
- 2019-05-17 - [Generate Spring Boot REST API using Swagger/OpenAPI]( by [Antonie Zafirov](
- 2019-05-22 - [REST APIs代码生成指南(OpenAPI Generator)]( by [William Cheng](, [Xin Meng](
- 2019-05-24 - [REST API 代碼生成指南 (OpenAPI Generator)]( by [William Cheng](
- 2019-06-24 - [Kubernetes Clients and OpenAPI Generator]( by [William Cheng]( at [Kubernetes Contributor Summits Shanghai 2019](
- 2019-06-28 [Codewind OpenAPI Tools]( in [Eclipse Marketplace]( by IBM
- 2019-06-29 [Codewind OpenAPI Tools]( in [Visual Studio Marketplace]( by IBM
- 2019-07-04 - [REST API のためのコード生成入門 (OpenAPI Generator)]( by [William Cheng](, [中野暁人](, [和田拓朗](
- 2019-07-08 - [OpenAPI Generator にコントリビュートしたら社名が載った話。(CAM) - CAM TECH BLOG]( by [CAM, Inc.](
- 2019-07-14 - [OpenAPI GeneratorでPythonのクライアントライブラリを作成した]( by [yuji38kwmt](
- 2019-07-19 - [Developer Experience (DX) for Open-Source Projects: How to Engage Developers and Build a Growing Developer Community]( by [William Cheng](, [中野暁人]( at [Open Source Summit Japan 2019](
- 2019-08-14 - [Our OpenAPI journey with Standardizing SDKs]( by [Sebastian Burgstaller]( at [Bitmovin](
- 2019-08-15 - [APIのコードを自動生成させたいだけならgRPCでなくてもよくない?]( by [M3, Inc.](
- 2019-08-22 - [マイクロサービスにおけるWeb APIスキーマの管理─ GraphQL、gRPC、OpenAPIの特徴と使いどころ]( by [@ota42y](
- 2019-08-24 - [SwaggerドキュメントからOpenAPI Generatorを使ってモックサーバー作成]( by [坂本正義](
- 2019-08-29 - [OpenAPI初探]( by [peakxie]( at [腾讯云社区](
- 2019-08-29 - [全面进化:Kubernetes CRD 1.16 GA前瞻]( by [Min Kim]( at [ServiceMesher Blog](
- 2019-09-01 - [Creating a PHP-Slim server using OpenAPI (Youtube video)]( by [Daniel Persson](
- 2019-09-06 - [Vert.x and OpenAPI]( by [Stephan H Wissel]( at [ blog](
- 2019-09-09 - [Cloud-native development - Creating RESTful microservices]( in [IBM Cloud Docs](
- 2019-09-14 - [Generating and Configuring a Mastercard API Client]( at [Mastercard Developers Platform](
- 2019-09-15 - [OpenAPI(Swagger)導入下調べ]( by [Shoichi Kuraoka](
- 2019-09-17 - [Tutorial: Documenting http4k APIs with OpenApi3]( by [http4k](
- 2019-09-22 - [OpenAPI 3を完全に理解できる本]( by [@ota42y](
- 2019-09-22 - [RESTful APIs: Tutorial of OpenAPI Specification]( by [Amir Lavasani](
- 2019-09-22 - [Redefining SDKs as software diversity kits]( by [Sid Maestre (Xero)]( at [DevRelCon San Francisco 2019](
- 2019-09-23 - [swaggerからOpenApi GeneratorでSpringのコードを自動生成]( by [@littleFeet]( at [Qiita](
- 2019-09-24 - [Eine Stunde was mit Api First!]( by [@janweinschenker]( at [Java Forum Nord](
- 2019-10-09 - [openapi-generator で生成した Go クライアントで Bearer 認証をする]( by [Akira Tanimura](
- 2019-10-10 - [Automatic Generation of REST Clients]( by Thomas Peyrard, Senior Software Engineer at Criteo in [Full-Stack Tech Talks (Meetup)](
- 2019-10-12 - [OpenApi自动生成client]( by [郑泽洲](
- 2019-10-16 - [How to ship APIs faster?]( by [Simon Guilliams @ PoniCode](
- 2019-10-22 - [OpenAPI + Spring Boot(Kotlin)でファイルダウンロードAPIを作成する]( by [Yuki Furukawa](
- 2019-10-24 - [Microprofile OpenAPI - Code First or Design First?]( by [Peter [pɛʃə] Steiner]( at [eclipsecon Europe 2019](
- 2019-11-06 - [Generating API clients based on OpenAPI v3 specifications]( by [Dominik Jastrzębski @ 98elements](
- 2019-11-06 - [OpenAPIを利用して自前のAPIサーバー(Sinatra)を移植した時のメモ]( by [Yasuhiro ABE](
- 2019-11-07 - [API First development with OpenAPI - You should you practise it !?]( by [Nick Van Hoof]( at [Devoxx Belgium 2019](
- 2019-11-08 - [JHipster beyond CRUD - API-First for Enterprises by Enrico Costanzi]( by [Enrico Costanzi]( at [JHipster Conf 2019 in Paris](
- 2019-11-11 - [TypeScript REST APIクライアント]( by [@unhurried](
- 2019-11-11 - [One Spec to Rule them all - OpenAPI in Action]( by [Andreas Litt]( at [code.talks 2019](
- 2019-11-13 - [OpenAPI 3.0 Editor And Generator With A Spring Boot Example]( at [Simply How](
- 2019-11-17 - [OpenAPI Generator YouTube playlist]( at [YouTube](
- 2019-11-20 - [Introduction to OpenAPI]( by [Lorna Mitchell]( at [GOTO Copenhagen 2019](
- 2019-11-20 - [How to Generate Angular code from OpenAPI specifications]( by Anuraj
- 2019-11-23 - [Swagger ではない OpenAPI Specification 3.0 による API サーバー開発]( by [Tetsuya Morimoto]( at [JJUG CCC 2019 Fall](
- 2019-11-24 - [Accelerate Flutter development with OpenAPI and Dart code generation]( by [Irina Southwell](
- 2019-11-25 - [openapi-generatorで手軽にスタブサーバとクライアントの生成]( by [@pochopocho13](
- 2019-11-26 - [CordaCon 2019 Highlights: Braid Server and OpenAPI Generator for Corda Client API’s]( by [Adel Rustum]( at [B9lab](
- 2019-12-03 - [A Road to Less Coding: Auto-Generate APILibrary]( at [Corda Blog](
- 2019-12-04 - [Angular+NestJS+OpenAPI(Swagger)でマイクロサービスを視野に入れた環境を考える]( by [てらしー](
- 2019-12-05 - [Code generation on the Java VM]( by [Sean Sullivan](
- 2019-12-17 - [OpenAPI Generator で OAuth2 アクセストークン発行のコードまで生成してみる]( by [TECHSCORE](
- 2019-12-23 - [Use Ada for Your Web Development]( by [Stephane Carrez](
- 2019-12-23 - [OpenAPIのスキーマを分割・構造化していく方法]( by [小飯塚達也]( at [GiFT, Inc](
- 2020-01-17 - [OpenAPI demo for Pulp 3.0 GA]( by [Pulp]( at [Youtube](
- 2020-01-19 - [Why document a REST API as code?]( by [Rolf Streefkerk]( at [DEV Community](
- 2020-01-28 - [Get Your Serverless Swagger Back with OpenAPI]( by [Matt Tyler](
- 2020-01-30 - [OpenAPI Generatorへのコントリビュート]( by [yutaka0m](
- 2020-02-01 - [Using OpenAPI to Maximise Your Pulp 3 Experience]( by [Dennis Kliban]( at [FOSDEM](
- 2020-02-07 - [Why you should use OpenAPI for your API design]( by [Nick Van Hoof]( at [API Conference](
- 2020-02-17 - [Rubynetes: using OpenAPI to validate Kubernetes configs]( by Neil Wilson at [Brightbox](
- 2020-02-20 - [Building SDKs for the future]( by [Sid Maestre (Xero)](
- 2020-02-27 - [Nuxt利用プロダクトでIE11と仲良くするためのE2E]( at [ Tech Blog](
- 2020-02-29 - [Providing Support to IoT Devices Deployed in Disconnected Rural Environment (Conference paper)]( by Sergio Laso, Daniel Flores-Martín, Juan Luis HerreraCarlos, CanalJuan Manuel, MurilloJavier Berrocal
- 2020-03-02 - [How To Generate Angular & Spring Code From OpenAPI Specification]( by [Michael Hoffmann](
- 2020-03-02 - [OpenAPI Generator + TypeScript で始める自動生成の型に守られた豊かなクライアント生活]( by [五百蔵 直樹]( at [GiFT株式会社](
- 2020-03-10 - [OpenAPI Generator Meetup #1]( by [中野暁人]( at [OpenAPI Generator Meetup #1](
- 2020-03-15 - [Load Testing Your API with Swagger/OpenAPI and k6](
- 2020-04-13 - [俺的【OAS】との向き合い方 (爆速でOpenAPIと友達になろう)]( in [OPTim Blog](
- 2020-04-22 - [Introduction to OpenAPI Generator]( by [Kristopher Sandoval]( in [Nordic APIs](
- 2020-04-27 - [How we use Open API v3 specification to auto-generate API documentation, code-snippets and clients]( by [Tanel Tähepõld](
- 2020-05-09 - [OpenAPIでお手軽にモックAPIサーバーを動かす]( by [Sachie Kamba](
- 2020-05-18 - [Spring Boot REST with OpenAPI 3]( by [Alfonz Jan Frithz](
- 2020-05-19 - [Dead Simple APIs with Open API]( by [Chris Tankersley]( at [Nexmo](
- 2020-05-22 - [TypeScript REST API Client]( by ["unhurried"](
- 2020-05-28 - [【使用 lotify + Swagger 建置可共用的 LINE Notify bot】 - #NiJia @ Chatbot Developer Taiwan 第 #19 小聚]( by [Chatbot Developer Taiwan](
- 2020-05-28 - [Building APIs with Laravel using OpenAPI]( by [Chris Tankersley]( at [Laracon EU](
- 2020-06-12 - [Interoperability by construction: code generation for Arrowhead Clients]( by Michele Albano, Brian Nielsen at [2020 IEEE Conference on Industrial Cyberphysical Systems (ICPS)](
- 2020-06-23 - [新規サーバーアプリケーションにTypeScriptを採用してみた]( at [CAM Tech Blog](
- 2020-06-29 - [Artifact Abstract: Deployment of APIs on Android Mobile Devices and Microcontrollers]( by [Sergio Laso ; Marino Linaje ; Jose Garcia-Alonso ; Juan M. Murillo ; Javier Berrocal]( at [2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom)](
- 2020-07-07 - [5 Best API Documentation Tools]( by Susanna Bouse at [DreamFactory Blog](
- 2020-07-12 - [Open API 3.0の定義からgolangのサーバコードのスケルトンを作成する]( by [@professor (Qiita Blog)](
- 2020-07-20 - [Datadog API client libraries now available for Java and Go]( by Jordan Obey at [Datadog Blog](
- 2020-07-23 - [Generate Client SDK for .NET Core using Open Api]( by [Nuno Reis](
- 2020-07-26 - [Dartのhttp_interceptorライブラリを使うと配列のクエリパラメータが消えてしまう件の応急処置]( by [@gyamoto](
- 2020-08-01 - [Generate Angular ReactiveForms from Swagger/OpenAPI]( by [Martin McWhorter](
- 2020-08-03 - [Criando Bibliotecas para APIs RESTful com OpenAPI, Swagger Editor e OpenAPI Generator]( by [everis Brasil (an NTT DATA Company)](
- 2020-08-19 - [マイクロサービスを連携してみよう]( by [岡井 裕矢(おかい ゆうや)](, [泉 勝(いずみ まさる)]( at [Think IT(シンクイット)](
- 2020-08-25 - [OpenAPI Generator と TypeScript で型安全にフロントエンド開発をしている話]( at [SmartHR Tech Blog](
- 2020-09-10 - [Introduction to OpenAPI with Instana]( by [Cedric Ziel]( at [Instana Blog](
- 2020-09-17 - [Generate PowerShellSDK using openapi-generator]( by [Ghufran Zahidi](
- 2020-09-24 - [How to automate API code generation (OpenAPI/Swagger) and boost productivity - Tutorial with React Native featuring TypeScript]( by [Sanjin Celeski](
- 2020-09-25 - [Generate OpenAPI Angular Client]( by [Patric](
- 2020-10-24 - [Working with Microsoft Identity - React Native Client]( by [Joseph Guadagno](
- 2020-10-31 - [[B2] OpenAPI Specification으로 타입-세이프하게 API 개발하기: 희망편 VS 절망편]( by 최태건 at [FEConf 2020](
- 2020-11-05 - [Automated REST-Api Code Generation: Wie IT-Systeme miteinander sprechen]( by Stefan Rottensteiner at [MASSIVE ART Blog](
- 2020-12-01 - [OpenAPI GeneratorでGoのAPIサーバー/クライアントコードを自動生成する]( by [@saki-engineering](
- 2020-12-04 - [Scaling the Test Coverage of OpenAPI Generator for 30+ Programming Languages]( by [William Cheng]( at [Open Source Summit Japan + Automotive Linux Summit 2020]( ([Slides](
- 2020-12-09 - [プロジェクトにOpenAPI Generatorで自動生成された型付きAPI Clientを導入した話]( by [@yoshifujiT](
- 2020-12-15 - [Next.js + NestJS + GraphQLで変化に追従するフロントエンドへ 〜 ショッピングクーポンの事例紹介]( by [小倉 陸]( at [Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog](
- 2021-01-08 - [Hello, New API – Part 1]( by [Jeremy Schulman]( at [Major League Baseball](
- 2021-01-18 - [「アプリ開発あるある」を疑うことから始まった、API Clientコードの自動生成【デブスト2020】]( by [CodeZine編集部](
- 2021-02-05 - [REST-API-Roundtrip with SpringDoc and OpenAPI Generator]( by [Benjamin Klatt]( at [viadee](
- 2021-02-17 - [REST-API-Roundtrip with SpringDoc and OpenAPI Generator]( by [cloud @viadee](
- 2021-03-08 - [OpenAPI Generator 工具的躺坑尝试]( by [独家雨天]( at [CSDN官方博客](
- 2021-03-16 - [如何基于 Swagger 使用 OpenAPI Generator 生成 JMeter 脚本?]( by [高楼Zee]( at [腾讯云专栏](
- 2021-03-24 - [openapi-generator-cli による TypeScript 型定義]( by [Takefumi Yoshii](
- 2021-03-28 - [Trying out NestJS part 4: Generate Typescript clients from OpenAPI documents]( by [Arnaud Cortisse](
- 2021-03-31 - [Open API Server Implementation Using OpenAPI Generator]( at [Baeldung](
- 2021-03-31 - [使用OpenAPI Generator實現Open API Server]( at [億聚網](
- 2021-04-19 - [Introducing Twilio’s OpenAPI Specification Beta]( by [GARETH PAUL JONES]( at [Twilio Blog](
- 2021-04-22 - [Leveraging OpenApi strengths in a Micro-Service environment]( by Nicolas Jellab at [Unibuddy Technology Blog](
- 2021-04-27 - [From zero to publishing PowerShell API clients in PowerShell Gallery within minutes]( by [William Cheng]( at [PowerShell + DevOps Global Summit 2021](
- 2021-05-31 - [FlutterでOpen Api Generator(Swagger)を使う]( by [AAkira](
- 2021-06-22 - [Rest API Documentation and Client Generation With OpenAPI]( by [Prasanth Gullapalli]([email protected])
- 2021-07-16 - [銀行事業のサーバーサイド開発について / LINE 京都開発室 エンジニア採用説明会]( by 野田誠人, Robert Mitchell
- 2021-07-19 - [OpenAPI code generation with kotlin]( by [sylhare](
- 2021-07-29 - [How To Rewrite a Huge Codebase]( by [Curtis Poe](
- 2021-08-21 - [Generating Client APIs using Swagger Part 1]( by [](
- 2021-09-11 - [Invoking AWS ParallelCluster API]( at [AWS ParallelCluster API official documentation](
- 2021-09-20 - [OpenAPI Generator - The Babel Fish of the API World]( by [Cliffano Subagio (Principal Engineer at Shine Solutions)]( at [Apidays LIVE Australia 2021](
- 2021-10-02 - [How to Write Fewer Lines of Code with the OpenAPI Generator]( by [Mikhail Alfa](
- 2021-10-12 - [OpenAPI Generator : 4000 étoiles sur GitHub et des spaghettis]( by [Jérémie Bresson]( at [Devoxx FR 2021](
- 2021-10-17 - [Generate a TypeScript HTTP Client From An OpenAPI Spec In DotNET 5]( by [Richard Willis](
- 2021-11-06 - [スタートアップの開発で意識したこと]( by [woo-noo](
- 2021-11-09 - [Effective Software Development using OpenAPI Generator]( by Ajil Oomme
- 2021-12-07 - [An Introduction to OpenAPI]( by [Na'aman Hirschfeld](
- 2022-01-02 - [Towards a secure API client generator for IoT devices]( by Anders Aaen Springborg, Martin Kaldahl Andersen, Kaare Holland Hattel, Michele Albano
- 2022-02-02 - [Use OpenApi generator to share your models between Flutter and your backend]( by [Guillaume Bernos]( at [Flutter Vikings Conference 2022 (Hybrid)](
- 2022-03-15 - [OpenAPI Specでハイフン区切りのEnum値をOpenAPI Generatorで出力すると、ハイフン区切りのまま出力される]( by [yuji38kwmt](
- 2022-04-01 - [OpenAPI Generatorのコード生成とSpring Frameworkのカスタムデータバインディングを共存させる]( in [ZOZO Tech Blog](
- 2022-04-06 - [Effective Software Development using OpenAPI Generator]( by Ajil Oommen (Senior Flutter Developer)
- 2022-05-13 - [A Path From an API To Client Libraries]( by [Filip Srnec]( at Infobip
- 2022-06-01 - [API First, using OpenAPI and Spring Boot]( by [Micael Estrázulas Vianna](
- 2022-07-01 - [Generate API contract using OpenAPI Generator Maven plugin]( by [Khanh Nguyen](
- 2022-07-22 - [使用OpenAPI Generator Maven plugin开发api优先的java客户端和服务端代码]( by [Lincest](
- 2022-08-01 - [Tutorial: Etsy Open API v3 (ruby)]( by [Thierry Joyal](
- 2022-09-03 - [OpenAPI Generator For Go Web Development]( by [Kevin Hu](
- 2022-10-01 - [OpenAPI Generatorをカスタマイズしたコードを生成する(Swagger Codegenとほぼ同じ)]( by [きり丸](
- 2022-10-21 - [Kotlin(Spring Boot)の API を OpenAPI Generator で自動生成]( by [msksgm](
- 2022-10-26 - [Quarkus Insights #106: Quarkiverse Extension Spotlight: OpenApi Generator]( by [Quarkusio](
- 2022-11-28 - [The REST API implementation flow]( by [Imre Tömösvári](
- 2022-12-13 - [API-First with Spring WebFlux and OpenAPI Generator]( by [Eric Anicet](
- 2023-01-06 - [Major Improvements with Helidon and OpenAPI]( by [Tim Quinn](
- 2023-02-02 - [Replacing Postman with the Jetbrains HTTP Client]( by [julien Lengrand-Lambert](
## [6 - About Us](#table-of-contents)
What's the design philosophy or principle behind OpenAPI Generator?
We focus on developer experience. The generators should produce code, config, documentation, and more that are easily understandable and consumable by users. We focused on simple use cases to start with (bottom-up approach). Since then the project and the community have grown a lot: 300k weekly downloads via NPM CLI wrapper, 20M downloads via openapi-generator-cli docker image just to highlight a few. We've gradually supported more features (e.g. oneOf, anyOf introduced in OpenAPI 3.0) in various generators and we will continue this approach to deliver something based on our understanding of user demand and what they want, and continue to add support of new features introduced in OpenAPI specification (such as v3.1 and future versions of the OpenAPI specification).
### [6.1 - OpenAPI Generator Core Team](#table-of-contents)
OpenAPI Generator core team members are contributors who have been making significant contributions (review issues, fix bugs, make enhancements, etc) to the project on a regular basis.
#### Core Team Members
* [@wing328]( (2015/07) [:heart:](
* [@jimschubert]( (2016/05) [:heart:](
* [@cbornet]( (2016/05)
* [@jmini]( (2018/04) [:heart:](
* [@etherealjoy]( (2019/06)
* [@spacether]( (2020/05) [:heart:][spacether sponsorship]
:heart: = Link to support the contributor directly
[spacether sponsorship]:
#### Template Creator
**NOTE**: Embedded templates are only supported in _Mustache_ format. Support for all other formats is experimental and subject to change at any time.
Here is a list of template creators:
* API Clients:
* Ada: @stcarrez
* Apex: @asnelling
* Bash: @bkryza
* C: @PowerOfCreation @zhemant [:heart:](
* C++ REST: @Danielku15
* C++ Tiny: @AndersSpringborg @kaareHH @michelealbano @mkakbas
* C++ UE4: @Kahncode
* C# (.NET 2.0): @who
* C# (.NET Standard 1.3 ): @Gronsak
* C# (.NET 4.5 refactored): @jimschubert [:heart:](
* C# (GenericHost): @devhl-labs
* C# (HttpClient): @Blackclaws
* Clojure: @xhh
* Crystal: @wing328
* Dart: @yissachar
* Dart (refactor): @joernahrens
* Dart 2: @swipesight
* Dart (Jaguar): @jaumard
* Dart (Dio): @josh-burton
* Elixir: @niku
* Elm: @eriktim
* Eiffel: @jvelilla
* Erlang: @tsloughter
* Erlang (PropEr): @jfacorro @robertoaloi
* Groovy: @victorgit
* Go: @wing328 [:heart:](
* Go (rewritten in 2.3.0): @antihax
* Haskell (http-client): @jonschoning
* Java (Feign): @davidkiss
* Java (Retrofit): @0legg
* Java (Retrofit2): @emilianobonassi
* Java (Jersey2): @xhh
* Java (okhttp-gson): @xhh
* Java (RestTemplate): @nbruno
* Java (Spring 5 WebClient): @daonomic
* Java (RESTEasy): @gayathrigs
* Java (Vertx): @lopesmcc
* Java (Google APIs Client Library): @charlescapps
* Java (Rest-assured): @viclovsky
* Java (Java 11 Native HTTP client): @bbdouglas
* Java (Apache HttpClient): @harrywhite4
* Java (Helidon): @spericas @tjquinno @tvallin
* Javascript/NodeJS: @jfiala
* JavaScript (Apollo DataSource): @erithmetic
* JavaScript (Closure-annotated Angular) @achew22
* JavaScript (Flow types) @jaypea
* Jetbrains HTTP Client : @jlengrand
* JMeter: @davidkiss
* Julia: @tanmaykm
* Kotlin: @jimschubert [:heart:](
* Kotlin (MultiPlatform): @andrewemery
* Kotlin (Volley): @alisters
* Lua: @daurnimator
* Nim: @hokamoto
* OCaml: @cgensoul
* Perl: @wing328 [:heart:](
* PHP (Guzzle): @baartosz
* PHP (with Data Transfer): @Articus
* PowerShell: @beatcracker
* PowerShell (refactored in 5.0.0): @wing328
* Python: @spacether [:heart:][spacether sponsorship]
* Python-Experimental: @spacether [:heart:][spacether sponsorship]
* R: @ramnov
* Ruby (Faraday): @meganemura @dkliban
* Rust: @farcaller
* Rust (rust-server): @metaswitch
* Scala (scalaz & http4s): @tbrown1979
* Scala (Akka): @cchafer
* Scala (sttp): @chameleon82
* Swift: @tkqubo
* Swift 3: @hexelon
* Swift 4: @ehyche
* Swift 5: @4brunu
* TypeScript (Angular1): @mhardorf
* TypeScript (Angular2): @roni-frantchi
* TypeScript (Angular6): @akehir
* TypeScript (Angular7): @topce
* TypeScript (Axios): @nicokoenig
* TypeScript (Fetch): @leonyu
* TypeScript (Inversify): @gualtierim
* TypeScript (jQuery): @bherila
* TypeScript (Nestjs): @vfrank66
* TypeScript (Node): @mhardorf
* TypeScript (Rxjs): @denyo
* TypeScript (redux-query): @petejohansonxo
* Server Stubs
* Ada: @stcarrez
* C# ASP.NET 5: @jimschubert [:heart:](
* C# ASP.NET Core 3.0: @A-Joshi
* C# APS.NET Core 3.1: @phatcher
* C# Azure functions: @Abrhm7786
* C# NancyFX: @mstefaniuk
* C++ (Qt5 QHttpEngine): @etherealjoy
* C++ Pistache: @sebymiano
* C++ Restbed: @stkrwork
* Erlang Server: @galaxie
* F# (Giraffe) Server: @nmfisher
* Go Server: @guohuang
* Go (Echo) Server: @ph4r5h4d
* Go (Gin) Server: @kemokemo
* GraphQL Express Server: @renepardon
* Haskell Servant: @algas
* Haskell Yesod: @yotsuya
* Java Camel: @carnevalegiacomo
* Java MSF4J: @sanjeewa-malalgoda
* Java Spring Boot: @diyfr
* Java Undertow: @stevehu
* Java Play Framework: @JFCote
* Java PKMST: @anshu2185 @sanshuman @rkumar-pk @ninodpillai
* Java Vert.x: @lwlee2608
* Java Micronaut: @andriy-dmytruk
* Java Helidon: @spericas @tjquinno @tvallin
* JAX-RS RestEasy: @chameleon82
* JAX-RS CXF: @hiveship
* JAX-RS CXF (CDI): @nickcmaynard
* JAX-RS RestEasy (JBoss EAP): @jfiala
* Julia: @tanmaykm
* Kotlin: @jimschubert [:heart:](
* Kotlin (Spring Boot): @dr4ke616
* Kotlin (Vertx): @Wooyme
* Kotlin (JAX-RS): @anttileppa
* NodeJS Express: @YishTish
* PHP Laravel: @renepardon
* PHP Lumen: @abcsun
* PHP Mezzio (with Path Handler): @Articus
* PHP Slim: @jfastnacht
* PHP Slim4: [@ybelenko](
* PHP Symfony: @ksm2
* PHP Symfony6: @BenjaminHae
* Python FastAPI: @krjakbrjak
* Python AIOHTTP:
* Ruby on Rails 5: @zlx
* Rust (rust-server): @metaswitch
* Scala Akka: @Bouillie
* Scala Finch: @jimschubert [:heart:](
* Scala Lagom: @gmkumar2005
* Scala Play: @adigerber
* Documentation
* AsciiDoc: @man-at-home
* HTML Doc 2: @jhitchcock
* Confluence Wiki: @jhitchcock
* PlantUML: @pburls
* Configuration
* Apache2: @stkrwork
* k6: @mostafa
* Schema
* Avro: @sgadouar
* GraphQL: @wing328 [:heart:](
* Ktorm: @Luiz-Monad
* MySQL: [@ybelenko](
* Protocol Buffer: @wing328
* WSDL @adessoDpd
:heart: = Link to support the contributor directly
#### How to join the core team
Here are the requirements to become a core team member:
- rank within top 50 in
- to contribute, here are some good [starting points](
- regular contributions to the project
- about 3 hours per week
- for contribution, it can be addressing issues, reviewing PRs submitted by others, submitting PR to fix bugs or make enhancements, etc
- must be active in the past 3 months at the time of application
To join the core team, please reach out to [email protected] for more information.
To become a Template Creator, simply submit a PR for new API client (e.g. Rust, Elixir) or server stub (e.g. Ruby Grape) generator.
### [6.2 - OpenAPI Generator Technical Committee](#table-of-contents)
Members of the OpenAPI Generator technical committee shoulder the following responsibilities:
- Provides guidance and direction to other users
- Reviews pull requests and issues
- Improves the generator by making enhancements, fixing bugs or updating documentations
- Sets the technical direction of the generator
Who is eligible? Those who want to join must have at least 3 PRs merged into a generator. (Exceptions can be granted to template creators or contributors who have made a lot of code changes with less than 3 merged PRs)
If you want to join the committee, please kindly apply by sending an email to [email protected] with your Github ID.
#### Members of Technical Committee
| Languages/Generators | Member (join date) |
| ActionScript | |
| Ada | @stcarrez (2018/02) @michelealbano (2018/02) |
| Android | @jaz-ah (2017/09) |
| Apex | |
| Bash | @frol (2017/07) @bkryza (2017/08) @kenjones-cisco (2017/09) |
| C | @zhemant (2018/11) @ityuhui (2019/12) @michelealbano (2020/03) |
| C++ | @ravinikam (2017/07) @stkrwork (2017/07) @etherealjoy (2018/02) @martindelille (2018/03) @muttleyxd (2019/08) |
| C# | @mandrean (2017/08) @frankyjuang (2019/09) @shibayan (2020/02) @Blackclaws (2021/03) @lucamazzanti (2021/05) |
| Clojure | |
| Crystal | @cyangle (2021/01) |
| Dart | @jaumard (2018/09) @josh-burton (2019/12) @amondnet (2019/12) @sbu-WBT (2020/12) @kuhnroyal (2020/12) @agilob (2020/12) @ahmednfwela (2021/08) |
| Eiffel | @jvelilla (2017/09) |
| Elixir | @mrmstn (2018/12) |
| Elm | @eriktim (2018/09) |
| Erlang | @tsloughter (2017/11) @jfacorro (2018/10) @robertoaloi (2018/10) |
| F# | @nmfisher (2019/05) |
| Go | @antihax (2017/11) @grokify (2018/07) @kemokemo (2018/09) @jirikuncar (2021/01) @ph4r5h4d (2021/04) |
| GraphQL | @renepardon (2018/12) |
| Groovy | |
| Haskell | |
| Java | @bbdouglas (2017/07) @sreeshas (2017/08) @jfiala (2017/08) @lukoyanov (2017/09) @cbornet (2017/09) @jeff9finger (2018/01) @karismann (2019/03) @Zomzog (2019/04) @lwlee2608 (2019/10) |
| Java Spring | @cachescrubber (2022/02) @welshm (2022/02) @MelleD (2022/02) @atextor (2022/02) @manedev79 (2022/02) @javisst (2022/02) @borsch (2022/02) @banlevente (2022/02) @Zomzog (2022/09) |
| JMeter | @kannkyo (2021/01) |
| Jetbrains HTTP Client | @jlengrand (2023/01) |
| Julia | @tanmaykm (2023/01) |
| Kotlin | @jimschubert (2017/09) [:heart:](, @dr4ke616 (2018/08) @karismann (2019/03) @Zomzog (2019/04) @andrewemery (2019/10) @4brunu (2019/11) @yutaka0m (2020/03) |
| Lua | @daurnimator (2017/08) |
| Nim | |
| NodeJS/Javascript | @CodeNinjai (2017/07) @frol (2017/07) @cliffano (2017/07) |
| ObjC | |
| OCaml | @cgensoul (2019/08) |
| Perl | @wing328 (2017/07) [:heart:]( @yue9944882 (2019/06) |
| PHP | @jebentier (2017/07), @dkarlovi (2017/07), @mandrean (2017/08), @jfastnacht (2017/09), [@ybelenko]( (2018/07), @renepardon (2018/12) |
| PowerShell | @wing328 (2020/05) |
| Python | @spacether (2019/11) [:heart:][spacether sponsorship] @krjakbrjak (2023/02) |
| R | @Ramanth (2019/07) @saigiridhar21 (2019/07) |
| Ruby | @cliffano (2017/07) @zlx (2017/09) @autopp (2019/02) |
| Rust | @frol (2017/07) @farcaller (2017/08) @richardwhiuk (2019/07) @paladinzh (2020/05) @jacob-pro (2022/10) |
| Scala | @clasnake (2017/07), @jimschubert (2017/09) [:heart:](, @shijinkui (2018/01), @ramzimaalej (2018/03), @chameleon82 (2020/03), @Bouillie (2020/04) |
| Swift | @jgavris (2017/07) @ehyche (2017/08) @Edubits (2017/09) @jaz-ah (2017/09) @4brunu (2019/11) |
| TypeScript | @TiFu (2017/07) @taxpon (2017/07) @sebastianhaas (2017/07) @kenisteward (2017/07) @Vrolijkx (2017/09) @macjohnny (2018/01) @topce (2018/10) @akehir (2019/07) @petejohansonxo (2019/11) @amakhrov (2020/02) @davidgamero (2022/03) @mkusaka (2022/04) |
Past Members of Technical Committee:
| Languages/Generators | Member (join date) |
| :---------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Python | @taxpon (2017/07) @frol (2017/07) @mbohlool (2017/07) @cbornet (2017/09) @kenjones-cisco (2017/11) @tomplus (2018/10) @arun-nalla (2019/11) |
:heart: = Link to support the contributor directly
### [6.3 - History of OpenAPI Generator](#table-of-contents)
OpenAPI Generator is a fork of [Swagger Codegen]( In view of the issues with the Swagger Codegen 3.0.0 (beta) release and the disagreement on the project's direction, more than 40 top contributors and template creators of Swagger Codegen decided to fork Swagger Codegen and maintain a community-driven version called "OpenAPI Generator". Please refer to the [Q&A](docs/ for more information.
#### Founding Members (alphabetical order):
- [Akihito Nakano](
- [Artem Ocheredko](
- [Arthur Mogliev](
- [Bartek Kryza](
- [Ben Wells](
- [Benjamin Gill](
- [Christophe Bornet](
- [Cliffano Subagio](
- [Daiki Matsudate](
- [Daniel](
- [Emiliano Bonassi](
- [Erik Timmers](
- [Esteban Gehring](
- [Gustavo Paz](
- [Javier Velilla](
- [Jean-François Côté](
- [Jim Schubert](
- [Jon Schoning](
- [Jérémie Bresson]( [:heart:](
- [Jörn Ahrens](
- [Keni Steward](
- [Marcin Stefaniuk](
- [Martin Delille](
- [Masahiro Yamauchi](
- [Michele Albano](
- [Ramzi Maalej](
- [Ravindra Nikam](
- [Ricardo Cardona](
- [Sebastian Haas](
- [Sebastian Mandrean](
- [Sreenidhi Sreesha](
- [Stefan Krismann](
- [Stephane Carrez](
- [Takuro Wada](
- [Tomasz Prus](
- [Tristan Sloughter](
- [Victor Orlovsky](
- [Victor Trakhtenberg](
- [Vlad Frolov](
- [Vladimir Pouzanov](
- [William Cheng](
- [Xin Meng]( [:heart:](
- [Xu Hui Hui](
- [antihax](
- [beatcracker](
- [daurnimator](https:/
- [etherealjoy](
- [jfiala](
- [lukoyanov](
:heart: = Link to support the contributor directly
## [7 - License](#table-of-contents)
Copyright 2018 OpenAPI-Generator Contributors (
Copyright 2018 SmartBear Software
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at [](
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
283 | 💡 Build AI-powered semantic search applications | <p align="center">
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<h3 align="center">
<p>Build AI-powered semantic search applications</p>
<p align="center">
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txtai executes machine-learning workflows to transform data and build AI-powered semantic search applications.

Traditional search systems use keywords to find data. Semantic search applications have an understanding of natural language and identify results that have the same meaning, not necessarily the same keywords.

Backed by state-of-the-art machine learning models, data is transformed into vector representations for search (also known as embeddings). Innovation is happening at a rapid pace, models can understand concepts in documents, audio, images and video.
Summary of txtai features:
- 🔎 Large-scale similarity search with multiple index backends ([Faiss](, [Annoy](, [Hnswlib]( and support for external vector databases
- 📄 Create embeddings for text snippets, documents, audio, images and video
- 💡 Machine-learning pipelines that run question-answering, labeling, transcription, translation, summarization, LLM prompts and more
- ↪️️ Workflows to join pipelines together and aggregate business logic. txtai processes can be microservices or full-fledged indexing workflows.
- ⚙️ Build with Python or YAML. API bindings available for [JavaScript](, [Java](, [Rust]( and [Go](
- ☁️ Cloud-native architecture that scales out with container orchestration systems (e.g. Kubernetes)
Applications range from similarity search to NLP-driven data extractions that generate structured data. Semantic workflows transform and find data driven by user intent.

The following applications are powered by txtai.

| Application | Description |
| [paperai]( | Semantic search and workflows for medical/scientific papers |
| [codequestion]( | Semantic search for developers |
| [tldrstory]( | Semantic search for headlines and story text |
| [neuspo]( | Fact-driven, real-time sports event and news site |
txtai is built with Python 3.7+, [Hugging Face Transformers](, [Sentence Transformers]( and [FastAPI](
## Why txtai?

In addition to traditional search systems, a growing number of semantic search solutions are available, so why txtai?
- Up and running in minutes with [pip]( or [Docker](
# Get started in a couple lines
from txtai.embeddings import Embeddings
embeddings = Embeddings({"path": "sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2"})
embeddings.index([(0, "Correct", None), (1, "Not what we hoped", None)])"positive", 1)
#[(0, 0.2986203730106354)]
- Build applications in your programming language of choice via the API
# app.yml
path: sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2
CONFIG=app.yml uvicorn "txtai.api:app"
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8000/search?query=positive"
- Connect machine learning models together to build intelligent data processing workflows
- Works with both small and big data - scale when needed
- Supports micromodels all the way up to large language models (LLMs)
- Low footprint - install additional dependencies when you need them
- [Learn by example](#examples) - notebooks cover all available functionality
## Installation

The easiest way to install is via pip and PyPI
pip install txtai
Python 3.7+ is supported. Using a Python [virtual environment]( is recommended.
See the detailed [install instructions]( for more information covering
[optional dependencies](, [environment specific prerequisites](, [installing from source](, [conda support]( and how to [run with containers](
## Examples

The examples directory has a series of notebooks and applications giving an overview of txtai. See the sections below.
### Semantic Search
Build semantic/similarity/vector/neural search applications.
| Notebook | Description | |
| [Introducing txtai]( [▶️]( | Overview of the functionality provided by txtai | []( |
| [Build an Embeddings index with Hugging Face Datasets]( | Index and search Hugging Face Datasets | []( |
| [Build an Embeddings index from a data source]( | Index and search a data source with word embeddings | []( |
| [Add semantic search to Elasticsearch]( | Add semantic search to existing search systems | []( |
| [Similarity search with images]( | Embed images and text into the same space for search | []( |
| [Distributed embeddings cluster]( | Distribute an embeddings index across multiple data nodes | []( |
| [What's new in txtai 4.0]( | Content storage, SQL, object storage, reindex and compressed indexes | []( |
| [Anatomy of a txtai index]( | Deep dive into the file formats behind a txtai embeddings index | []( |
| [Custom Embeddings SQL functions]( | Add user-defined functions to Embeddings SQL | []( |
| [Model explainability]( | Explainability for semantic search | []( |
| [Query translation]( | Domain-specific natural language queries with query translation | []( |
| [Build a QA database]( | Question matching with semantic search | []( |
| [Embeddings components]( | Composable search with vector, SQL and scoring components | []( |
| [Semantic Graphs]( | Explore topics, data connectivity and run network analysis| []( |
| [Topic Modeling with BM25]( | Topic modeling backed by a BM25 index | []( |
| [Prompt-driven search with LLMs]( | Embeddings-guided and Prompt-driven search with Large Language Models (LLMs) | []( |
### Pipelines
Transform data with NLP-backed pipelines.
| Notebook | Description | |
| [Extractive QA with txtai]( | Introduction to extractive question-answering with txtai | []( |
| [Extractive QA with Elasticsearch]( | Run extractive question-answering queries with Elasticsearch | []( |
| [Extractive QA to build structured data]( | Build structured datasets using extractive question-answering | []( |
| [Apply labels with zero shot classification]( | Use zero shot learning for labeling, classification and topic modeling | []( |
| [Building abstractive text summaries]( | Run abstractive text summarization | []( |
| [Extract text from documents]( | Extract text from PDF, Office, HTML and more | []( |
| [Text to speech generation]( | Generate speech from text | []( |
| [Transcribe audio to text]( | Convert audio files to text | []( |
| [Translate text between languages]( | Streamline machine translation and language detection | []( |
| [Generate image captions and detect objects]( | Captions and object detection for images | []( |
| [Near duplicate image detection]( | Identify duplicate and near-duplicate images | []( |
| [API Gallery]( | Using txtai in JavaScript, Java, Rust and Go | []( |
### Workflows
Efficiently process data at scale.
| Notebook | Description | |
| [Run pipeline workflows]( [▶️]( | Simple yet powerful constructs to efficiently process data | []( |
| [Transform tabular data with composable workflows]( | Transform, index and search tabular data | []( |
| [Tensor workflows]( | Performant processing of large tensor arrays | []( |
| [Entity extraction workflows]( | Identify entity/label combinations | []( |
| [Workflow Scheduling]( | Schedule workflows with cron expressions | []( |
| [Push notifications with workflows]( | Generate and push notifications with workflows | []( |
| [Pictures are a worth a thousand words]( | Generate webpage summary images with DALL-E mini | []( |
| [Run txtai with native code]( | Execute workflows in native code with the Python C API | []( |
### Model Training
Train NLP models.
| Notebook | Description | |
| [Train a text labeler]( | Build text sequence classification models | []( |
| [Train without labels]( | Use zero-shot classifiers to train new models | []( |
| [Train a QA model]( | Build and fine-tune question-answering models | []( |
| [Train a language model from scratch]( | Build new language models | []( |
| [Export and run models with ONNX]( | Export models with ONNX, run natively in JavaScript, Java and Rust | []( |
| [Export and run other machine learning models]( | Export and run models from scikit-learn, PyTorch and more | []( |
### Applications
Series of example applications with txtai. Links to hosted versions on [Hugging Face Spaces]( also provided.
| Application | Description | |
| [Basic similarity search]( | Basic similarity search example. Data from the original txtai demo. |[🤗](|
| [Book search]( | Book similarity search application. Index book descriptions and query using natural language statements. |*Local run only*|
| [Image search]( | Image similarity search application. Index a directory of images and run searches to identify images similar to the input query. |[🤗](|
| [Summarize an article]( | Summarize an article. Workflow that extracts text from a webpage and builds a summary. |[🤗](|
| [Wiki search]( | Wikipedia search application. Queries Wikipedia API and summarizes the top result. |[🤗](|
| [Workflow builder]( | Build and execute txtai workflows. Connect summarization, text extraction, transcription, translation and similarity search pipelines together to run unified workflows. |[🤗](|
### Documentation
[Full documentation on txtai]( including configuration settings for pipelines, workflows, indexing and the API.
### Further Reading

- [Introducing txtai, AI-powered semantic search built on Transformers](
- [Tutorial series on Hashnode]( | [](
- [What's new in txtai 5.0]( | [4.0](
- [Getting started with semantic search]( | [workflows](
- [Run machine-learning workflows to transform data and build AI-powered semantic search applications with txtai](
- [Semantic search on the cheap](
- [Serverless vector search with txtai](
- [Insights from the txtai console](
- [The big and small of txtai](
### Contributing
For those who would like to contribute to txtai, please see [this guide](
284 | Serverless API Gateway for GraphQL, REST, gRPC, Kafka and more with a focus on API Composition & Integration. | <div align="center">
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[<img height="auto" src="./assets/logo2.png">](
> **Note**: 🌍 We are working on a serverless version of WunderGraph. If you're interested, please see [here](
## What is WunderGraph?
WunderGraph is the **Serverless API Developer Platform** with a focus on Developer Experience.
At its core, WunderGraph combines the [API Gateway pattern]( with
the [Backend for Frontend (BFF)]( pattern to create the perfect
Developer Experience for working with APIs.
Take all your (micro-)services, Databases, File Storages, Identity Providers as well as 3rd party APIs and combine them
into your own Firebase-like Developer Toolkit, without getting locked into a specific vendor.
Imagine that each of your applications could have its own dedicated BFF, while being able to share common logic across
all your applications, that's the WunderGraph Experience.
## Getting started
The fastest way to get started with WunderGraph is to open a Gitpod. After bootstrapping the [examples/simple](examples/simple) is started.
You can also follow the [**Quickstart (5
min)**]( if you don't want to use Gitpod.
## Examples:
- [Simple Starter](/examples/simple)
- [NextJS](/examples/nextjs)
- [FaunaDB Starter](/examples/faunadb-nextjs)
- [PostgreSQL](/examples/postgres)
- [Hook into the request lifecycle](/examples/hooks)
- [Add Webhooks e.g. for GitHub, Stripe](./examples/webhooks)
- [HTTP & Server-Side Caching](/examples/caching)
- [NextJS, PostgreSQL, Prisma](/examples/nextjs-postgres-prisma)
- [Apollo Federation](/examples/apollo-federation)
- [Subscriptions & Live Queries](./examples/nextjs-postgres-prisma)
- [Cross API joins across data-sources](/examples/cross-api-joins)
- [Inject a Bearer Token with Auth0](./examples/inject-bearer)
- [Migrate from Apollo GraphQL](./examples/migrate-from-apollo)
- [Publish & Install APIs](./examples/publish-install-api)
- [Dockerize WunderGraph](
- [Type-safe Golang Client](/examples/golang-client)
- [Type-safe Node.js Client](/examples/nodejs-ts-client)
- [OpenAPI and mocking](/examples/openapi-mocking)
## The WunderGraph Stack
WunderGraph is made up of the three core components:
- [**wunderctl**](packages/wunderctl): A command line tool to create, deploy and manage your WunderGraph application.
- [**SDK**](packages/sdk): Auto-generated and type-safe client to configure and interact with your WunderGraph.
- [**WunderHub**]( The Package Manager for APIs that allows you to share and integrate your
API's in a few clicks.
The auto-generated type-safe client can be used in _any_ Node.js or TypeScript backend application (including serverless
applications and microservices).
## Core features
- **Unified Graph**: Combine all your data sources into a unified GraphQL Schema.
- **JSON-RPC**: Expose GraphQL operations through JSON-RPC.
Learn [more](
about this design choice.
- **Type-Safe Clients**: Auto generate custom type-safe API Clients with Authentication / Authorization and file upload
- **Customizable**: Customizable gateway logic with TypeScript.
- **Standards**: Build upon standards like GraphQL, OpenAPI, OAuth2, S3...
- **Open Source**: 100% Open Source, No vendor lock-in.
- **Community**: First-class support for frameworks like Next.js, React, Svelte...
> **Note**: [WunderHub]( is our vision of the Package Manager for APIs. Like npm, but for APIs. Sign up for free!
## Architecture & Key Differentiators
<div align="center">
<img src="./assets/architecture.jpg" height="auto"/>
You can learn more about the architecture of WunderGraph and why we’ve built it this way in [the architecture section](docs/
## Learn more about WunderGraph
If you'd like to get a quick overview,
have a look at these [annotated example snippets](docs/
## How does WunderGraph work
This section provides a high-level overview of how WunderGraph works and its most consumer centric components. For a
more thorough introduction, visit the [architecture](./docs/architecture) documentation.
After initializing your first WunderGraph application with `npx create-wundergraph-app <project-name> -E simple`, you have a NPM package and
a `.wundergraph` folder. This folder contains the following files:
- `wundergraph.config.ts` - The primary config file for your WunderGraph application. Add data-sources and more.
- `wundergraph.operations.ts` - Configure authentication, caching and more for a specific or all operations.
- `wundergraph.server.ts` - The hooks server to hook into different lifecycle events of your gateway.
After configuring your data-sources, you can start writing operations. An operation is just a `*.graphql` file. The name
of the file will be the operation name. You can write queries, mutations and subscriptions that spans multiple
data-sources. Each operation will be exposed securely via HTTP JSON-API through the WunderGraph gateway. After writing
your operations, you can start deploying your WunderGraph application.
## Contributing
Read the []( to learn how to contribute to WunderGraph.
## Security
We are thankful for any and all security reports. Please read the []( to learn how to report any
security concerns to WunderGraph.
## Community & Support
- [GitHub Issues]( Best for: bugs and errors you encounter using WunderGraph.
- [Email Support](mailto:[email protected]). Best for: specific questions around WunderGraph as an early enterprise adopter.
- [Slack Support](mailto:[email protected]). Best for: problems with WunderGraph as an enterprise customer.
- [Discord]( Best for: sharing your applications and hanging out with the community.
- [Feedback and Feature Requests]( Best for: discussing and voting on feature requests and giving feedback to our developers.
## Enterprise
We're a small but growing team of API Enthusiasts, thrilled to help you get the best Developer Experience of working
with APIs. Our Support Plans are tailored to help your teams get the most out of WunderGraph. We love building close relationships
with our customers, allowing us to continuously improve the product and iterate fast. Our sales team is available to talk with you about your project needs, pricing information, support plans, and
custom-built features.
Use this [Link](
to contact our sales team for a demo.
285 | Easy to use open source fast database for search | Good alternative to Elasticsearch now | Drop-in replacement for E in the ELK soon | <p align="center">
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# Introduction
**❗Read recent [blog post about Manticore vs Elasticsearch](❗**
Manticore Search is an easy to use open source fast database for search. Good alternative for Elasticsearch. What distinguishes it from other solutions is:
* It's very fast and therefore more cost-efficient than alternatives, for example Manticore is:
- **182x faster** than MySQL for [small data]( ([reproducible](❗)
- **29x faster** than Elasticsearch for [log analytics]( ([reproducible](❗)
- **15x faster** than Elasticsearch for [small dataset]( ([reproducible](❗)
- **5x faster** than Elasticsearch for [medium-size data]( ([reproducible](❗)
- **4x faster** than Elasticsearch for [big data]( ([reproducible](❗)
- **up to 2x faster** max throughput than Elasticsearch's for data ingestion on a single server ([reproducible](❗)
* With its modern multithreading architecture and efficient query parallelization capabilities, Manticore is able to fully utilize all your CPU cores to achieve the quickest response times possible.
* The powerful and speedy full-text search works seamlessly with both small and large datasets.
* Row-wise storage for small, medium and big size datasets.
* For even larger datasets, Manticore offers columnar storage support through the [Manticore Columnar Library](, capable of handling datasets too big to fit in RAM.
* Performance secondary indexes are automatically created, saving you time and effort.
* The cost-based query optimizer optimizes search queries for optimal performance.
* Manticore is SQL-first, utilizing SQL as its native syntax, and offers compatibility with the MySQL protocol, allowing you to use your preferred MySQL client.
* With clients available in [PHP](, [Python](, [JavaScript](, [Java](, [Elixir](, and [Go](, integration with Manticore Search becomes easy.
* Manticore also provides a programmatic HTTP JSON protocol for more versatile data and schema management.
* Built in C++, Manticore Search starts quickly and uses minimal RAM, with low-level optimizations contributing to its impressive performance.
* With real-time inserts, newly added documents are immediately accessible.
* Interactive courses are available through [Interactive courses]( to make learning a breeze.
* Manticore also boasts built-in replication and load balancing for added reliability.
* Data can be synced from sources such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC, xml, and csv with ease.
* While not fully ACID-compliant, Manticore still supports transactions and binlog to ensure safe writes.
* Effortless data backup and recovery with built-in tools and SQL commands
[Craigslist](, [Socialgist](, [PubChem](, [Rozetka]( and many others use Manticore for efficient searching and stream filtering.
Manticore Search was forked from [Sphinx 2.3.2]( in 2017.
# More features
* Full-text search and relevance:
- Over 20 [full-text operators]( and over 20 ranking factors
- Custom ranking
* Other search capabilities:
- [Rich filtering functionality](
- [Faceted search](
- [Geo-spatial search](
- [Spelling correction](
- [Autocomplete](
- A wide range of functions for filtering and data manipulation
* Natural language processing (NLP):
- [Stemming](
- [Lemmatization](
- [Stopwords](
- [Synonyms](
- [Wordforms](
- [Advanced tokenization at character and word level](
- [Proper Chinese segmentation](
- [Text highlighting](
* Stream filtering [using a "percolate" index](
* High-availability:
- Data can be distributed across servers and data-centers
- [Synchronous replication](
- Built-in load balancing
* Security:
- [https support](
- [read-only mode](
* Data safety:
- [manticore-backup tool and SQL command BACKUP]( to back up and restore your data
* Data storages:
- row-wise - requires more RAM, provides faster performance
- columnar - requires less RAM, still provides decent performance, but lower than the row-wise storage for some kinds of queries
- docstore - doesn't require RAM at all, but allows only fetching original value, not sorting/grouping/filtering
* Performance optimizations:
- [Secondary indexes](
- Cost-based optimizer determines the most efficient execution plan of a search query
* Data types:
- full-text field - inverted index
- int, bigint and float numeric fields in row-wise and columnar fashion
- multi-value attributes (array)
- string and JSON
- on-disk "[stored](" for key-value purpose
* Integrations:
- [Sync from MySQL and PostgreSQL](
- [Sync from XML](
- [Sync from CSV](,TSV#Fetching-from-TSV,CSV)
- [With MySQL as a storage engine](
- [With MySQL via FEDERATED engine](
- [ProxySQL](
- [Manticore Columnar Library](
# Installation
### Docker
Docker image is available on [Docker Hub](
To experiment with Manticore Search in Docker just run:
docker run -e EXTRA=1 --name manticore --rm -d manticoresearch/manticore && until docker logs manticore 2>&1 | grep -q "accepting connections"; do sleep 1; done && docker exec -it manticore mysql && docker stop manticore
You can then: create an index, add data and run searches. For example:
create table movies(title text, year int) morphology='stem_en' html_strip='1' stopwords='en';
insert into movies(title, year) values ('The Seven Samurai', 1954), ('Bonnie and Clyde', 1954), ('Reservoir Dogs', 1992), ('Airplane!', 1980), ('Raging Bull', 1980), ('Groundhog Day', 1993), ('<a href="">Jurassic Park</a>', 1993), ('Ferris Bueller\'s Day Off', 1986);
select highlight(), year from movies where match('the dog');
select highlight(), year from movies where match('days') facet year;
select * from movies where match('google');
Note that upon exiting the MySQL client, the Manticore container will be stopped and removed, resulting in no saved data, so **use this way only for testing / sandboxing purposes**.
Read [the full instruction for the docker image]( for more details including our recommendations on running it in production.
### Packages
## [Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, Windows and MacOS packages are here](
### YUM repo for RHEL/Centos/Amazon Linux
sudo yum install
sudo yum install manticore manticore-columnar-lib
### APT repo for Ubuntu/Debian/Mint
sudo dpkg -i manticore-repo.noarch.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install manticore manticore-columnar-lib
### Homebrew on MacOS
brew install manticoresearch
### Windows
See [instruction here](
### MacOS tarball
See [instruction here](
# Documentation and community sites
* [Documentation](
* [Interactive courses](
* [Manticore Community Forum](
* [Public Slack chat](
* [Public Telegram chat (En)](
* [Public Telegram chat (Ru)](
* [Bug tracker](
# Third-party integrations
* - TikiWiki CMS Groupware integration
* - Laravel ManticoreSearch plugin
* - extension for MediaWiki
* - integration for SilverStripe
* - integration for SearX
* - Extension for PostgreSQL for running search queries and returning data as PostgreSQL tables
# How we can support you
Should your company require any help - we provide full-cycle services in the areas of Sphinx and Manticore Search:
* Audit
* Support
* Consulting
* Development
* Training
[More details here](
# ❤️ How you can support Manticore Search
Manticore Search is a GPLv2-licensed Open Source project with development made possible by support from our core team, contributors, and sponsors. Building premium Open Source software is not easy. If you would like to make sure Manticore Search stays free, here is how you can help the project:
* [Donation through PayPal](
* [Become our client and let us help you](
286 | interactive notebooks from Planet Engineering | ## Planet Interactive Guides
In this repository, you'll find a collection of [Jupyter notebooks]( from the software developers, data scientists, and developer advocates at [Planet]( These interactive, open-source ([APLv2](LICENSE)) guides are designed to help you explore Planet data, work with our APIs and tools, and learn how to extract information from our massive archive of high-cadence satellite imagery. We hope these guides will inspire you to ask interesting questions of Planet data. Need help? Find a bug? Please [file an issue]( and we'll get back to you.
## Install and use these notebooks
### System Prerequisites
* [Docker](
* [Planet Account](
* [Planet API Key](
NOTE: After installing Docker, Windows users should install WSL2 Backend when prompted.
### Clone or update repo:
If you've never cloned the Planet notebooks repo, run the following:
git clone
cd notebooks
If you have previously cloned the Planet notebooks repo in the past, make sure to update to pull any changes locally that might have happened since you last interacted with the Planet notebooks:
cd notebooks
git pull
## Authentication
## Access your Planet API Key in Python
Authentication with Planet's API Key can be achieved by using a valid Planet API Key.
You can export your API Key as an environment variable on your system:
If you wish to have your API Key be persistent (forever stored as ```PL_API_KEY```), then you may enter this ```export``` command in your ```~/.bashrc``` or ```~/.zshrc``` file. If you are using our Docker environment, as is defined below, it will already be set.
In Python, we set up an API Key variable, ```PLANET_API_KEY```, from an environment variable to use with our API requests:
# Import the os module in order to access environment variables
import os
# Set up the API Key from the `PL_API_KEY` environment variable
PLANET_API_KEY = os.getenv('PL_API_KEY')
Now, your Planet API Key is stored in the variable ```PLANET_API_KEY``` and is ready to use in your Python code.
## Run Planet Notebooks in Docker
Planet Notebooks rely on a complex stack of technologies that are not always easy to install and properly
configure. To ease this complexity we provide a docker container for running the notebook on docker compatible
systems. To install docker on your system please see docker's [documentation](
for your operating system.
### Download prebuilt Docker image (recommended)
The Docker image for these notebooks is hosted in the [planetlabs/notebooks]( repo on DockerHub. To download and prepare the image for use, run:
cd notebooks
docker pull planetlabs/notebooks
docker tag planetlabs/notebooks planet-notebooks
# If you get errors running the above, you might have to add sudo to the beginning:
#sudo docker pull planetlabs/notebooks
#sudo docker tag planetlabs/notebooks planet-notebooks
If you want to re-build the Docker image yourself, this is documented below in the "Appendix: Build the Docker image" section.
### Run the container
To run the container (after building or downloading it), add your Planet API key below and issue the following command from the git repository root directory:
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v $PWD:/home/jovyan/work -e PL_API_KEY='[YOUR-API-KEY]' planet-notebooks
# If you get a permissions error running the above, you should add sudo to the front:
# sudo docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v $PWD:/home/jovyan/work -e PL_API_KEY='[YOUR-API-KEY]' planet-notebooks
# Windows users run: winpty docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "/$PWD":/home/joyvan/work -e PL_API_KEY='[YOUR-API-KEY]' planet-notebooks
This does several things:
1. Maps the docker container's ```8888``` port to your system's ```8888``` port. This makes the
container available to your host systems web browser.
1. Maps a host system path ```$PWD``` to the docker container's working directory.
This ensures that the notebooks you create, edit, and save are available on your host system under the
`jupyter-notebooks` sub-directory and are not *destroyed* when you exit the container.
This also allows for running tests in the `tests` sub-directory.
1. Ensures that the directory in the Docker container named `/home/jovyan/work` that has the notebooks
in them is accessible to the Jupyter notebook server.
1. Starts an interactive terminal that is accessible through http://localhost:8888.
1. Sets an environment variable with your unique Planet API key for authenticating against the API.
1. Includes the ```--rm``` option to clean up the notebook after you exit the process.
### Open Jupyter notebooks
Once the Docker container is running, the CLI output will display a URL that you will use to access Jupyter notebooks
with your browser.
NOTE: This security token will change every time you start your Docker container.
### Available notebooks
#### NOTE: PSScene3Band and PSScene4Band item type and assets will be deprecated by January 2023. These item types will not be available for new customers provisioned after March 1, 2022. We recommend all customers who are interested in medium resolution imagery use the [PSScene item type]( as soon as possible.
#### Search, activate, download with the Data API
* [Explore the Planet Data API with Python](
* [Search, activate, and download imagery with the Planet Python Client](
* [Search & Download Quickstart Guide](
* [Planet Data API reference](
#### Ordering, delivery, and tools with the Orders API
* [Ordering and Delivery](
* [Tools and Toolchains](
* [Planet Orders API reference](
### Process Planet data
* [Create a mosaic from multiple PlanetScope scenes](
* [Calculate a vegetation index from 4-band satellite imagery](
* [Convert PlanetScope metadata from radiance to reflectance](
* [Visualize and convert a UDM to a binary mask](
* [Work with the Usable Data Mask (UDM2)](
### Analyze and visualize Planet data
* Analytics quickstart:
1. [Summarizing Feeds and Subscriptions](
2. [Getting Analytic Feed Results](
3. [Visualizing Raster Results](
* Analytics user guide:
1. [Getting Started with Planet Analytics API](
2. [Planet Analytic Feeds Results](
3. [Change Detection](
4. [Summary Statistics - Buildings](
5. [Summary Statistics - Ships and Clouds](
* Other analytics notebooks:
* [Detect, count, and visualize ships in Planet imagery](
* [Pixel-by-pixel comparison of PlanetScope and Landsat Scenes](
* [Calculate Coverage for a Search Query](
* [Segment and Classify Crops](
* [Identify Forest Degradation](
* [Identify the Temporal Signature of Crops](
* [Converting Raster Results to Vector Features](
* [Creating a Heatmap of Vector Results](
* [Introduction to Cloud Native Geospatial Tools](
Soon we hope to add notebooks from the researchers, technologists, geographers, and entrepreneurs who are already using Planet data to ask interesting and innovative questions about our changing Earth. If you're working with our imagery and have a notebook (or just an idea for a notebook) that you'd like to share, please [file an issue]( and let us know.
### Appendix: Build the Docker image
This documents how to build the docker image yourself, rather than using the recommended step of downloading pre-built Docker images. This is useful if you are a developer adding dependencies or a new Jupyter notebook to this repo, for example.
First you must build the docker image. Note, this only has to be done the first time you use it. After checking out the
repository, you run:
cd planet-notebook-docker
docker build --rm -t planet-notebooks .
cd ..
This will build and install the Docker image on your system, making it available to run. This may take some
time (from 10 minutes to an hour) depending on your network connection and how long Anaconda takes to configure
its environment.
287 | 💻😍Tools, processes and resources you need to create an awesome API with Django REST Framework | <h1 align="center">
<img width="400" src="" alt="Awesome">
# Awesome Django REST Framework []( 
> Curated list of tools, processes and resources you need to create an awesome API with Django REST Framework!
**Let's make it the biggest resource repository for our community.**
*Please read the [contribution guidelines]( before contributing.*
**Check out my [medium blog]( or say *hi* on [Twitter](**
## Table of Contents
- [Packages](#packages)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Authorization](#authorization)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Routing](#routing)
- [Serialization](#serialization)
- [Visualization](#visualization)
- [Logging](#logging)
- [Filtering](#filtering)
- [Pagination](#pagination)
- [Renderers and Parsers](#renderers-and-parsers)
- [Other](#other)
- [Tutorials](#tutorials)
- [Books](#books)
- [Talks](#talks)
- [Best practices](#bestpractices)
- [Common issues](#common-issues)
## Packages
### Authentication
* [django-rest-passwordreset]( Password reset endpoints that hook into Django Authentication system
* [djoser]( REST implementation of Django authentication system
* [dj-rest-auth]( A set of REST API endpoints to handle User Registration and Authentication tasks
* [django-rest-registration]( User registration and authentication REST API, based on Django REST Framework.
* [django-rest-framework-simplejwt]( A JSON Web Token authentication plugin for the Django REST Framework
* [django-rest-framework-social-oauth2]( python-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework
* [django-oauth-toolkit]( Django OAuth Toolkit can help you providing out of the box all the endpoints, data and logic needed to add OAuth2 capabilities to your Django projects. Django OAuth Toolkit makes extensive use of the excellent OAuthLib, so that everything is rfc-compliant.
* [django-rest-durin]( provides token auth for multiple Web/CLI/Mobile API clients via one interface but allows different token configuration for each client (For example, permissions and token expiration time can be different per API client).
* [djangorest-routes]( Djangorest Routes is an authentication library strongly built in Python that serves the purpose of quick bootstrapping a project's authentication infrastructure.
### Authorization
* [dry-rest-permissions]( Rules based permissions.
* [drf-access-policy]( Declarative access policies/permissions modeled after AWS' IAM policies.
* [djangorestframework-api-key]( API key permissions.
* [djangorestframework-composed-permissions]( A simple way to define complex permissions.
* [rest_condition]( Complex permissions flow.
* [django-rest-framework-roles]( Parameterizes Django REST Framework methods over user-defined roles.
* [django-rest-framework-role-filters]( Simple role filtering.
* [drf-psq]( The simplest and most general way to manage action-based permissions, serializers, and querysets dependent on permission-based rules.
### Documentation
* [drf-yasg]( Alternative OpenAPI Generator for Django REST Framework with response schema support
* [drf-spectacular]( Sane and flexible OpenAPI 3.0 schema generation for Django REST framework
* [drf-openapi-tester]( Test drf test responses against OpenAPI/Swagger documentation.
### Routing
* [drf-nested-routers]( Nested Routers for Django Rest Framework
### Serialization
* [django-rest-framework-recursive]( Recursive Serialization for Django REST framework
* [drf-extra-fields]( Extra fields for Django REST framework.
* [drf-flex-fields]( Dynamically set fields and expand nested resources in Django REST Framework serializers.
* [drf-writable-nested]( Writable nested model serializer for Django REST Framework
### Visualization
* [django-rest-pandas]( Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework for use in client-side (i.e. d3.js) visualizations and offline analysis (e.g. Excel)
* [django-rest-framework-gis]( Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework
* [drf-renderer-xlsx]( Allows you to create XLSX for Django REST Framework
### Logging
* [drf-api-tracking]( Provides a Django model and DRF view mixin that work together to log Django Rest Framework requests to the database.
* [django-requestlogs]( Package providing middleware and other helpers for audit logging.
### Filtering
* [django-rest-framework-filters]( Better filtering.
* [django-rest-framework-word-search-filter]( Full word search filter backend for Django REST Framework. DB backend independent.
* [django-url-filter]( Django URL Filter provides a safe way to filter data via human-friendly URLs.
* [drf-url-filters]( A django app to apply filters on drf querysets using query params with validations using voluptuous.
### Pagination
* [drf-proxy-pagination]( Pagination class for Django REST Framework to choose pagination class by query parameter
* [django-rest-framework-link-header-pagination]( Provide pagination for django-rest-framework using a "Link" HTTP header
### Renderers and Parsers
* [django-rest-framework-yaml]( YAML support for Django REST Framework.
* [django-rest-framework-xml]( XML support for Django REST Framework.
* [django-rest-framework-jsonp]( JSONP support for Django REST Framework.
* [drf-excel]( An XLSX spreadsheet renderer for Django REST Framework.
* [django-rest-framework-csv]( CSV Tools for Django REST Framework.
* [drf-ujson-renderer]( Django Rest Framework renderer using ujson.
* [djangorestframework-camel-case]( Camel case JSON support for Django REST framework.
* [django-rest-pandas]( Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework for use in client-side (i.e. d3.js) visualizations and offline analysis (e.g. Excel).
* [rest-framework-latex]( A LaTeX renderer for Django REST Framework.
### Other
* [django-rest-localflavor]( Country-specific Django helpers, to use in Django Rest Framework
* [django-rest-framework-json-api]( Implements most of the JSON API 1.0 spec.
* [drf-extensions]( DRF-extensions is a collection of custom extensions for Django REST Framework
* [drf-generators]( Generate Views, Serializers, and Urls for your Django Rest Framework application.
* [django-restql]( Turn your API made with Django REST Framework(DRF) into a GraphQL like API.
* [django-rest-tsg]( A TypeScript code generator for DRF serializers, enums and dataclasses.
* [django-rest-cli]( A CRUD endpoints generator and flexible cookiecutter for rapid REST APIs dev.
## Tutorials
* [The Complete Guide to Django REST Framework and Vue JS](
* [Beginner's Guide to the Django REST Framework](
* [Django Rest Framework - an Introduction](
* [Django REST Framework Tutorial](
* [Django REST Framework Course](
* [Modern Django - Blog Series covering Django api and React frontend](
* [Building a RESTful API with Django REST Framework](
* [Getting Started with Django REST Framework and AngularJS](
* [End to End Web App with Django REST Framework & AngularJS](
* [Start Your API - Django REST Framework Part 1](
* [Permissions & Authentication - Django REST Framework Part 2](
* [ViewSets and Routers - Django REST Framework Part 3](
* [Django REST Framework User Endpoint](
* [Check Credentials Using Django REST Framework](
* [Creating a Production Ready API with Python and Django REST Framework – Part 1](
* [Creating a Production Ready API with Python and Django REST Framework – Part 2](
* [Classy Django REST Framework](
* [Permissions in Django REST Framework](
* [Built-in Permission Classes in Django REST Framework](
* [Effectively Using Django REST Framework Serializers](
## Books
* [Django for APIs: Build web APIs with Python and Django](
## Courses
* [Test-Driven Development with Django, Django REST Framework, and Docker](
## Talks
* [Fergal Walsh - Rethinking how we build HTTP APIs](
* [Samuel Fuentes - Fast product development using Django Rest Framework. #lessonslearned](
* [Marco Montanari - Django, Django Rest Framework and Angular2: RAD on SaaS platforms](
* [Alejandro Castillo - Django Rest Framework, one year after: tips, tools, tricks and pitfalls.](
* [Rafał Nowicki - Python REST frameworks review](
## Common issues
* [Web API performance: profiling Django REST framework](
* [My Experience in Serializer-Land (Django Rest Framework)](
* [Optimizing slow Django REST Framework performance](
* [Improve Serialization Performance in Django Rest Framework | How we reduced serialization time by 99%!](
288 | A ROS/ROS2 Multi-robot Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles | <h1 align="center">SVL Simulator: An Autonomous Vehicle Simulator</h1>
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## Sunsetting SVL Simulator
### LG has made the difficult decision to suspend active development of SVL Simulator, as of January 1, 2022.
There are no plans for any new or bugfix releases of SVL Simulator in 2022. There will be no new source code changes pushed to GitHub, and there will be no reviews or merging of Pull Requests submitted on GitHub for SVL Simulator or any of its related plug-ins. There will be no new simulator assets built and shared nor updates made to existing assets by the SVL Simulator team.
We will make a reasonable effort to keep the []( website up and running through at least Thursday, June 30, 2022, and will also maintain the []( web site including the [simulator documentation]( pages through at least Thursday, June 30, 2022.
At this time we do not plan to remove the [SVL Simulator source code]( (and related plug-in) projects from GitHub. The open source project and source code will remain available for anyone who wants to build (or modify) SVL Simulator.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
The SVL Simulator team
### Questions
##### **Q: Will SVL Simulator run locally without the []( web site?**
A: The latest released version of SVL (2021.3) requires the use of the WISE (web user interface) cloud service to download assets, configure simulation clusters, and create and launch simulations. It may be possible to remove this dependency (e.g. in a fork; see below) and then build and launch a local simulator instance.
##### **Q: Will LG release the source code for the WISE (web user interface) cloud service?**
A: There are no plans at this time to release the source code for WISE.
##### **Q: Would LG be interested in transferring the SVL Simulator project to someone interested in taking over the project?**
A: There are no plans at this time to transfer the SVL Simulator project (or the WISE cloud service).
##### **Q: Will the Simulator Software License Agreement be changed?**
A: There are no plans at this time to change the [Simulator Software License Agreement](
##### **Q: Can users share source code changes and forks of SVL Simulator?**
A: As a GitHub project, anyone is able to create their own fork; in fact, there are already over 500 such forks of the [SVL Simulator project]( Users can then make changes and even submit pull requests back to the original (parent) project. While we have no plans to review or merge such changes into the main project, users are free to review open PRs and create their own local build from their own or any other public fork.
##### **Q: Can users share new builds of SVL Simulator?**
A: The [Simulator Software License Agreement]( allows you to “modify or create derivative works of the Licensed Materials” and only restricts their commercial use. Therefore, it is ok for users to share new builds of SVL Simulator as long as such builds are not sold or otherwise used for commercial purposes.
##### **Q: What about the SVL Simulator Premium product and/or cloud simulation service?**
A: There are no plans at this time to offer a SVL Simulator Premium product or cloud service.
##### **Q: Can users still post technical questions on GitHub?**
A: Technical questions may be posted to the [SVL Simulator Issues]( page on GitHub but may not be answered by the SVL Simulator team. We encourage users to help each other with questions or issues that are posted.
##### **Q: What if there are other questions not addressed in this document?**
A: Other questions may be posted to the [SVL Simulator Issues]( page on GitHub.
# Project README
## Stay Informed
Check out our latest [news]( and subscribe to our [mailing list]( to get the latest updates.
## Introduction
LG Electronics America R&D Lab has developed an HDRP Unity-based multi-robot simulator for autonomous vehicle developers.
We provide an out-of-the-box solution which can meet the needs of developers wishing to focus on testing their autonomous vehicle algorithms.
It currently has integration with The Autoware Foundation's []( and Baidu's [Apollo]( platforms, can generate HD maps, and can be immediately used for testing and validation of a whole system with little need for custom integrations.
We hope to build a collaborative community among robotics and autonomous vehicle developers by open sourcing our efforts.
*To use the simulator with Apollo 6.0 or master, first download the simulator binary, then follow our [Running with latest Apollo]( docs.*
*To use the simulator with, first download the simulator binary, then follow the guide on our [](*
For users in China, you can view our latest videos [here]( and download our simulator releases [here]( (code: 6k91).
对于中国的用户,您也可在[哔哩哔哩](上观看我们最新发布的视频,从[百度网盘](提取码: 6k91)上下载使用我们的仿真器。
## Paper
If you are using SVL Simulator for your research paper, please cite our ITSC 2020 paper:
[LGSVL Simulator: A High Fidelity Simulator for Autonomous Driving](
title={LGSVL Simulator: A High Fidelity Simulator for Autonomous Driving},
author={Rong, Guodong and Shin, Byung Hyun and Tabatabaee, Hadi and Lu, Qiang and Lemke, Steve and Mo{\v{z}}eiko, M{\=a}rti{\c{n}}{\v{s}} and Boise, Eric and Uhm, Geehoon and Gerow, Mark and Mehta, Shalin and others},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.03778},
## Getting Started
You can find complete and the most up-to-date guides on our [documentation website](
Running the simulator with reasonable performance and frame rate (for perception related tasks) requires a high performance desktop. Below is the recommended system for running the simulator at high quality. We are currently working on performance improvements for a better experience.
**Recommended system:**
- 4 GHz Quad Core CPU
- Nvidia GTX 1080, 8GB GPU memory
- Windows 10 64 Bit
The easiest way to get started with running the simulator is to download our [latest release]( and run as a standalone executable.
Currently, running the simulator in Windows yields better performance than running on Linux.
### Downloading and starting simulator
1. Download the latest release of the SVL Simulator for your supported operating system (Windows or Linux) here: [](
2. Unzip the downloaded folder and run the executable.
See the full installation guide [here](
### Building and running from source
If you would like to customize the simulator, build simulation content, or access specific features available in [Developer Mode](, you can clone the project with Unity Editor, and build the project from source.
Check out our instructions for getting started with building from source [here](
**Note:** Please checkout the "release-*" branches or release tags for stable (ready features) and "master" branch for unstable (preview of work in progress).
## Simulator Instructions (from 2021.1 release onwards)
1. After starting the simulator, you should see a button to "Link to Cloud".
2. Use this button to link your local simulator instance to a [cluster]( on our [web user interface](
3. Now create a [random traffic]( simulation. For a standard setup, select "BorregasAve" for map and "Jaguar2015XE with Apollo 5.0 sensor configuration" for vehicle. Click "Run" to begin.
4. The vehicle should spawn inside the map environment that was selected.
5. Read [here]( for an explanation of all current keyboard shortcuts and controls.
6. Follow the guides on our respective [Autoware]( and [Apollo 5.0]( repositories for instructions on running the platforms with the simulator.
**NOTE**: If using a release older than "2021.1", please follow the instructions on our documentation [archives](
### Guide to simulator functionality
Look [here]( for a guide to currently available functionality and features.
## Contact
Please feel free to provide feedback or ask questions by creating a Github issue. For inquiries about collaboration, please email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
## Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2019-2021 LG Electronics, Inc.
This software contains code licensed as described in LICENSE.
289 | An API gateway and framework for turning functions into web services | # FunctionScript

## An API gateway and framework for turning functions into web services
FunctionScript is a language and specification for turning JavaScript
functions into typed HTTP APIs. It allows JavaScript (Node.js) functions to be
seamlessly exported as HTTP APIs by **defining what the HTTP interface will look
like and how it behaves in the preceding comment block** - including type-safety mechanisms.
FunctionScript arose out of a need to introduce developers with little
programming experience, but familiarity with JavaScript, to full-stack API
development and best practices around defining and connecting HTTP application
interfaces. For this reason, the goals of the language are significantly different than
**FunctionScript is intended to provide an easy introduction to API development for those of any skill level, while maintaining professional power and flexibility.**
FunctionScript is the primary specification underpinning the [Autocode](
platform and its standard library of APIs.
### Quick Example of a FunctionScript API
The following is a real-world excerpt of an API that can be used
to query a Spreadsheet like a Database. The underlying implementation has been
hidden, but the parameters for the API can be seen.
* Select Rows from a Spreadsheet by querying it like a Database
* @param {string} spreadsheetId The id of the Spreadsheet.
* @param {string} range The A1 notation of the values to use as a table.
* @param {enum} bounds Specify the ending bounds of the table.
* @param {object} where A list of column values to filter by.
* @param {object} limit A limit representing the number of results to return
* @ {number} offset The offset of records to begin at
* @ {number} count The number of records to return, 0 will return all
* @returns {object} selectQueryResult
* @ {string} spreadsheetId
* @ {string} range
* @ {array} rows An array of objects corresponding to row values
module.exports = async (
spreadsheetId = null,
bounds = 'FIRST_EMPTY_ROW',
where = {},
limit = {offset: 0, count: 0},
) => {
/* implementation-specific JavaScript */
return {/* some data */};
It generates an API which accepts (and type checks against, following schemas):
- **`spreadsheetId`** A `string`
- **`range`** A `string`
- **`bounds`** An `enum`, can be either `"FIRST_EMPTY_ROW"` or `"FULL_RANGE"`
- **`where`** An `object`
- **`limit`** An `object` that must contain:
- `limit.offset`, a `number`
- `limit.count`, a `number`
It will return an `object`:
- **`selectQueryResult`**
- `selectQueryResult.spreadsheetId` must be a `string`
- `selectQueryResult.range` must be a `string`
- `selectQueryResult.rows` must be an `array`
## Background
The impetus for creating FunctionScript is simple: it stems from the initial
vision of [Autocode]( We believe the modern web is
missing a base primitive - the API. Daily, computer systems and developers around
the planet make trillions of requests to perform specific tasks: process
credit card payments with [Stripe](, send team messages via
[Slack](, create SMS messages with [Twilio](
These requests are made primarily over HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol. However,
little to no "hypertext" is actually sent or received, these use cases have emerged
in an *ad hoc* fashion as a testament to the power of the world wide web. Oftentimes,
API standardization attempts have been presented as band-aids instead of solutions:
requiring developers to jury rig a language, framework, markup language and
hosting provider together just to get a simple "hello world" out the door.
By creating API development standards as part of a **language specification**
instead of a framework, FunctionScript truly treats the web API as a base primitive of
software development instead of an afterthought. This allows teams to be able to
deliver high-quality APIs with the same fidelity as organizations like
Stripe in a fraction of the time without requiring any additional tooling.
# Table of Contents
1. [Introduction](#introduction)
1. [Why FunctionScript?](#why-functionscript)
1. [FunctionScript Examples](#functionscript-examples)
1. [All Available Types](#all-available-types)
1. [Specification](#specification)
1. [FunctionScript Resource Definition](#functionscript-resource-definition)
1. [Context Definition](#context-definition)
1. [Parameters](#parameters)
1. [Constraints](#constraints)
1. [Types](#types)
1. [Type Conversion](#type-conversion)
1. [Nullability](#nullability)
1. [FunctionScript Resource Requests](#functionscript-resource-requests)
1. [Context](#context)
1. [Errors](#errors)
1. [ClientError](#clienterror)
1. [ParameterError](#parametererror)
1. [Details: Required](#details-required)
1. [Details: Invalid](#details-invalid)
1. [FatalError](#fatalerror)
1. [RuntimeError](#runtimeerror)
1. [ValueError](#valueerror)
1. [FunctionScript Server and Gateway: Implementation](#functionscript-server-and-gateway-implementation)
1. [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
# Introduction
To put it simply, FunctionScript defines semantics and rules for turning exported
JavaScript (Node.js) functions into strongly-typed, HTTP-accessible web APIs.
In order to use FunctionScript, you'd set up your own [FunctionScript Gateway](#functionscript-server-and-gateway-implementation) or you would use an existing FunctionScript-compliant service
like [Autocode](
FunctionScript allows you to turn something like this...
// hello_world.js
* My hello world function!
module.exports = (name = 'world') => {
return `hello ${name}`;
Into a web API that can be called over HTTP like this (GET):
Or like this (POST):
"name": "joe"
And gives a result like this:
"hello joe"
Or, when a type mismatch occurs (like `{"name":10}`):
"error": {
## Why FunctionScript?
FunctionScript is intended primarily to provide a scaffold to build and deliver
APIs easily. It works best as a part of the [Autocode](
platform which consumes the FunctionScript API definitions, hosts the code,
generates documentation from the definitions, and automatically handles versioning and
environment management. The reason we've open sourced the language specification
is so that developers have an easier time developing against the highly modular API
ecosystem we've created and can contribute their thoughts and requests.
You can break down the reason for the development of FunctionScript into a few
key points:
- Modern developers and people being introduced to software development for the
first time are often trying to build web-native scripts. It is *exceedingly*
difficult to go from "zero to API" in less than a few hours, writing code is
just the first step of many. We'd like it to be the first and only step.
- No true standards around APIs have ever been built or enforced in a rigorous
manner across the industry. Primarily, opinions around SOAP, REST and GraphQL
requests have been built into **frameworks and tools** instead of a
**language specification**, which has artificially inflated the cognitive
overhead required to ship functional web-based software.
- Companies like Stripe and Twilio which have built and enforced their own API
development paradigms internally have unlocked massive developer audiences in
short timeframes, indicating the power of treating web APIs as a first-class
citizen of development.
- [Serverless computing](,
specifically the Function-as-a-Service model of web-based computation, has made
API development significantly more accessible but has not brought us over the
"last-mile" hump.
- JavaScript, specifically Node.js, is an ideal target for API development
standardization due to its accessibility (front-end and back-end), growth
trajectory, and flexibility. Most new developers are introduced to JavaScript
out of necessity.
- As opposed to something like [TypeScript](,
FunctionScript helps newer entrants to software development by extending
JavaScript with very little overhead. It adds types around *only the HTTP interface*,
leaving the majority of the language footprint untouched but strengthening the
"weakest" and least predictable link in the development chain: user input.
With FunctionScript, it's our goal to develop a language specification for
building APIs that automatically provides a number of necessary features without
additional tooling:
- Standardized API Calling Conventions (HTTP)
- Type-Safety Mechanisms at the HTTP -> Code Interface
- Automatically Generated API Documentation
# FunctionScript Examples
We'll be updating this section with examples for you to play with and modify
on your own.
## All Available Types
Here's an example of a hypothetical `createUser.js` function that can be used
to create a user resource. It includes all available type definitions.
* @param {integer} id ID of the User
* @param {string} username Name of the user
* @param {number} age Age of the user
* @param {float} communityScore Community score (between 0.00 and 100.00)
* @param {object} metadata Key-value pairs corresponding to additional user data
* @ {string} createdAt Created at ISO-8601 String. Required as part of metadata.
* @ {?string} notes Additional notes. Nullable (not required) as part of object
* @param {array} friendIds List of friend ids
* @ {integer} friendId ID of a user (forces array to have all integer entries)
* @param {buffer} profilePhoto Base64-encoded filedata, read into Node as a Buffer
* @param {enum} userGroup The user group. Can be "USER" (read as 0) or "ADMIN" (read as 9)
* ["USER", 0]
* ["ADMIN", 9]
* @param {boolean} overwrite Overwrite current user data, if username matching
* @returns {object.http} successPage API Returns an HTTP object (webpage)
module.exports = async (id = null, username, age, communityScore, metadata, friendsIds = [], profilePhoto, userGroup, overwrite = false) => {
// NOTE: id, friendIds and overwrite will be OPTIONAL as they have each been
// provided a defaultValue
// Implementation-specific code here
// API Output
// NOTE: Note that because "object.http" was specified, this MUST follow the
// object.http schema: headers, statusCode, body
return {
headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/html'},
statusCode: 200,
body: Buffer.from('Here is a success message!')
# Specification
## FunctionScript Resource Definition
A FunctionScript definition is a JSON output, traditionally saved as a
`definition.json` file, generated from a JavaScript file,
that respects the following format.
Given a function like this (filename `my_function.js`):
// my_function.js
* This is my function, it likes the greek alphabet
* @param {String} alpha Some letters, I guess
* @param {Number} beta And a number
* @param {Boolean} gamma True or false?
* @returns {Object} some value
module.exports = async (alpha, beta = 2, gamma, context) => {
/* your code */
The FunctionScript parser will generate a `definition.json` file that looks
like the following:
"name": "my_function",
"format": {
"language": "nodejs",
"async": true
"description": "This is my function, it likes the greek alphabet",
"bg": {
"mode": "info",
"value": ""
"context": null,
"params": [
"name": "alpha",
"type": "string",
"description": "Some letters, I guess"
"name": "beta",
"type": "number",
"defaultValue": 2,
"description": "And a number"
"name": "gamma",
"type": "boolean",
"description": "True or false?"
"returns": {
"type": "object",
"description": "some value"
A definition must implement the following fields;
| Field | Definition |
| ----- | ---------- |
| name | A user-readable function name (used to execute the function), must match `/[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*/i` |
| format | An object requiring a `language` field, along with any implementation details |
| description | A brief description of what the function does, can be empty (`""`) |
| bg | An object containing "mode" and "value" parameters specifying the behavior of function responses when executed in the background |
| params | An array of `NamedParameter`s, representing function arguments
| returns | A `Parameter` without a `defaultValue` representing function return value |
## Context Definition
If the function does not access execution context details, this should always
be null. If it is an object, it indicates that the function *does* access
context details (i.e. `remoteAddress`, http headers, etc. - see [Context](#context)).
This object **does not have to be empty**, it can contain vendor-specific
details; for example `"context": {"user": ["id", "email"]}` may indicate
that the execution context specifically accesses authenticated user id and email
## Parameters
Parameters have the following format;
| Field | Required | Definition |
| ----- | -------- | ---------- |
| name | NamedParameter Only | The name of the Parameter, must match `/[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*/i` |
| type | yes | A string representing a valid FunctionScript type |
| description | yes | A short description of the parameter, can be empty string (`""`) |
| defaultValue | no | Must match the specified type. **If type is not provided, this parameter is required** |
### Types
As FunctionScript interfaces with "userland" (user input),
a strongly typed signature is enforced for all inbound parameters. The following
is a list of supported FunctionScript types.
| Type | Definition | Example Input Values (JSON) |
| ---- | ---------- | -------------- |
| boolean | True or False | `true` or `false` |
| string | Basic text or character strings | `"hello"`, `"GOODBYE!"` |
| number | Any double-precision [Floating Point]( value | `2e+100`, `1.02`, `-5` |
| float | Alias for `number` | `2e+100`, `1.02`, `-5` |
| integer | Subset of `number`, integers between `-2^53 + 1` and `+2^53 - 1` (inclusive) | `0`, `-5`, `2000` |
| object | Any JSON-serializable Object | `{}`, `{"a":true}`, `{"hello":["world"]}` |
| object.http | An object representing an HTTP Response. Accepts `headers`, `body` and `statusCode` keys | `{"body": "Hello World"}`, `{"statusCode": 404, "body": "not found"}`, `{"headers": {"Content-Type": "image/png"}, "body": Buffer.from(...)}` |
| array | Any JSON-serializable Array | `[]`, `[1, 2, 3]`, `[{"a":true}, null, 5]` |
| buffer | Raw binary octet (byte) data representing a file | `{"_bytes": [8, 255]}` or `{"_base64": "d2h5IGRpZCB5b3UgcGFyc2UgdGhpcz8/"}` |
| any | Any value mentioned above | `5`, `"hello"`, `[]` |
| enum | An enumeration that maps input strings to values of your choosing | `"STRING_OF_YOUR_CHOICE"` |
### Type Conversion
The `buffer` type will automatically be converted from any `object` with a
**single key-value pair matching the footprints** `{"_bytes": []}` or `{"_base64": ""}`.
Otherwise, parameters provided to a function are expected to match their
defined types. Requests made over HTTP via query parameters or POST data
with type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` will be automatically
converted from strings to their respective expected types, when possible
(see [FunctionScript Resource Requests](#functionscript-resource-requests) below):
| Type | Conversion Rule |
| ---- | --------------- |
| boolean | `"t"` and `"true"` become `true`, `"f"` and `"false"` become `false`, otherwise **do not convert** |
| string | No conversion |
| number | Determine float value, if NaN **do not convert**, otherwise convert |
| float | Determine float value, if NaN **do not convert**, otherwise convert |
| integer | Determine float value, if NaN **do not convert**, may fail integer type check if not in range |
| object | Parse as JSON, if invalid **do not convert**, object may fail type check (array, buffer) |
| object.http | Parse as JSON, if invalid **do not convert**, object may fail type check (array, buffer) |
| array | Parse as JSON, if invalid **do not convert**, object may fail type check (object, buffer) |
| buffer | Parse as JSON, if invalid **do not convert**, object may fail type check (object, array) |
| any | No conversion |
| enum | Read input as string |
### Nullability
All types are potentially nullable, an nullability can be defined in two ways:
**(1)** by setting `"defaultValue": null` in the `NamedParameter` definition.
* @param {string} nullableString
module.exports = (nullableString = null) => {
return `Test ${nullableString}`;
**(2)** By prepending a `?` before the type name in the comment definition, i.e.:
* @param {?string} nullableString
module.exports = (nullableString) => {
return `Test ${nullableString}`;
**NOTE:** That the difference between this two behaviors is that the latter
will mean `nullableString` is both `required` AND `nullable`, whereas the former
means `nullableString` has a `defaultValue` (is optional).
### Setting HTTP headers
The `object.http` type should be used to generate HTTP responses that are intended
to return more complex data than simple JSON responses.
You can provide `headers`, `statusCode` and `body` in an `object.http` response.
For example, to return an image that's of type `image/png`...
* Retrieves an image
* @param {string} imageName The name of the image
* @returns {object.http} image The result
module.exports = (imageName) => {
// fetch image, returns a buffer
let png = imageName === 'cat' ?
fs.readFileSync(`/images/kitty.png`) :
// Forces image/png over HTTP requests, default
// for buffer would otherwise be application/octet-stream
return {
headers: {'Content-Type': 'image/png'},
statusCode: 200,
body: png
## FunctionScript Resource Requests
FunctionScript requests *must* complete the following steps;
1. Ensure the **Resource Definition** is valid and compliant, either on storage
or accession.
1. Performs a handshake (i.e. HTTP) with initial request details
1. Accept an `Array`, `Object` or a string of URLencoded variables
1. If over HTTP and query parameters present, query parameters used as
URL encoded variables
1. If over HTTP POST and query parameters present, reject requests that try to
specify a POST body as well with a `ClientError`
1. If over HTTP POST, requests **must** include a `Content-Type` header or
a `ClientError` is immediately returned
1. If over HTTP POST, `Content-Type` **must** be `application/json` for `Array`
or `Object` data, or `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` for string data or
a `ClientError` is immediately returned
1. If `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` values are provided (either via POST
body or query parameters), convert types based on [Type Conversion](#type-conversion)
and knowledge of the function definition and create an `Object`
1. If `Array`: Parameters will be checked for type consistency in the order of
the definition `params`
1. If `Object`: Parameters will be checked for type consistency based on names
of the definition `params`
1. If any inconsistencies are found, cease execution and immediately return a
1. If a parameter has no defaultValue specified and is not provided, immediately
return a `ParameterError`
1. Try to execute the function, if the function fails to parse or is not valid,
immediately return a `FatalError`
1. If a function hits a specified timeout (execution time limit), immediately
return a `FatalError`
1. If a function returns an error (via callback) or one is thrown and not caught,
immediately return a `RuntimeError`
1. If function returns inconsistent response (does not match `returns` type),
immediately return a `ValueError`
1. If no errors are encountered, return the value to the client
1. If over HTTP and `content-type` is not being overloaded (i.e. developer
specified through a vendor-specific mechanism), return `buffer` type data as
`application/octet-stream` and any other values as `application/json`.
### Context
Every function intended to be consumed via FunctionScript has the option to specify
an *optional* magic `context` parameter that receives vendor-specific
information about the function execution context - for example, if consumed over
HTTP, header details. FunctionScript definitions must specify whether or not they
consume a `context` object. Context objects are extensible but **MUST** contain
the following fields;
| Field | Definition |
| ----- | ---------- |
| params | An `object` mapping called parameter names to their values |
| http | `null` if not accessed via http, otherwise an `object` |
| http.headers | If accessed via HTTP, an `object` containing header values |
### Errors
Errors returned by FunctionScript-compliant services must follow the following JSON
"error": {
"type": "ClientError",
"message": "You know nothing, Jon Snow",
"details": {}
`details` is an optional object that can provide additional Parameter details.
Valid Error types are:
- `ClientError`
- `ParameterError`
- `FatalError`
- `RuntimeError`
- `ValueError`
#### ClientError
`ClientError`s are returned as a result of bad or malformed client data,
including lack of authorization or a missing function (not found). If over
HTTP, they **must** returns status codes in the range of `4xx`.
#### ParameterError
`ParameterError`s are a result of Parameters not passing type-safety checks,
and **must** return status code `400` if over HTTP.
Parameter Errors **must** have the following format;
"error": {
"type": "ParameterError",
"message": "ParameterError",
"details": {...}
`"details"` should be an object mapping parameter names to their respective
validation (type-checking) errors. Currently, this specification defines
two classifications of a ParameterError for a parameter; *required* and
*invalid*. The format of `"details": {}` should follow this format;
##### Details: Required
"param_name": {
"message": "((descriptive message stating parameter is required))",
"required": true
##### Details: Invalid
"param_name": {
"message": "((descriptive message stating parameter is invalid))",
"invalid": true,
"expected": {
"type": "number"
"actual": {
"type": "string",
"value": "hello world"
#### FatalError
`FatalError`s are a result of function mismanagement - either your function
could not be loaded, executed, or it timed out. These **must** return status
code `500` if over HTTP.
#### RuntimeError
`RuntimeError`s are a result of uncaught exceptions in your code as it runs,
including errors you explicitly choose to throw (or send to clients via a
callback, for example). These **must** return status code `403` if over
#### ValueError
`ValueError`s are a result of your function returning an unexpected value
based on FunctionScript type-safety mechanisms. These **must** return status code
`502` if over HTTP.
`ValueError` looks like an *invalid* ParameterError, where the `details`
Object only ever contains a single key called `"returns"`. These are encountered
due to implementation issues on the part of the function developer.
"error": {
"type": "ValueError",
"message": "ValueError",
"details": {
"returns": {
"message": "((descriptive message stating return value is invalid))",
"invalid": true,
"expected": {
"type": "boolean"
"actual": {
"type": "number",
"value": 2017
# FunctionScript Server and Gateway: Implementation
A fully-compliant FunctionScript gateway (that just uses local function resources)
is available with this package, simply clone it and run `npm test` or look
at the `/tests` folder for more information.
The FunctionScript specification is used as the platform specification
for [Autocode](, and is available for local use with the
[Autocode CLI]( which relies on this
repository as a dependency.
# Acknowledgements
FunctionScript is the result of years of concerted effort working to make API
development easier. It would not be possible without the personal and financial
commitments of some very amazing people and companies. We'd like to thank our
customers, investors, supporters, friends and family.
### Core Contributors
- [**Keith Horwood**](
- [**Jacob Lee**](
- [**Steve Meyer**](
- [**Yusuf Musleh**](
# Notes
The software contained within this repository has been developed and is
copyrighted by the [Autocode]( team (Polybit Inc.)
and is MIT licensed.
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Curated collection of blockchain & cryptocurrency links.
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# Contents
- [Media](#media)
- [Magazines and Blogs](#magazines-and-blogs)
- [Medium](#medium)
- [Telegram Channels](#telegram-channels)
- [News Aggregators](#news-aggregators)
- [Price Trackers](#price-trackers)
- [ICO Trackers](#ico-trackers)
- [Exchanges](#exchanges)
- [Communities](#communities)
- [Chats](#chats)
- [Forums](#forums)
- [Other](#other)
- [Twitter Users and Lists](#twitter-users-and-lists)
- [Jobs](#jobs)
- [Wallets](#wallets)
- [Altfolio](#altfolio)
- [Useful Tools](#useful-tools)
- [Video](#video)
- [YouTube Channels](#youtube-channels)
- [Movies](#movies)
- [Learning](#learning)
- [Books](#books)
- [Courses](#courses)
- [Other](#other)
- [Trading Tools](#trading-tools)
- [For Developers](#for-developers)
- [API](#api)
- [Other](#other)
- [Podcasts](#podcasts)
- [Mining](#mining)
- [Games](#games)
- [Sponsors](#sponsors)
- [Contribute](#contribute)
- [License](#license)
# Media
## Magazines and Blogs
* [CryptoHackers]( - Cryptoworld superheroes interviews. Fascinating facts, teams insides and success stories.
* [CoinTelegraph]( - The leading publication offering latest news, analysis, expert opinions, community commentaries. Founded in 2013.
* [CoinDesk]( - CoinDesk is the world leader in news and information on digital currencies. 17M mothly users.
* [CryptoCoins News]( - Fresh news and analysis. This huge blog posts very frequently. Approx. 7M readers monthly.
* [Bitcoin Magazine]( - Bitcoin Magazine is the oldest and most established source of news, information and expert commentaries. Sometimes posts deep and very interesting articles.
* [99 Bitcoins]( - 99 Bitcoins is the largest information source for non technical newbies.
* [Coin Speaker]( - Founded in 2014, CoinSpeaker is one of the most influentional news source.
* [The Memory Pool]( - Satoshi Nakamoto Institute blog.
* [Tim Swanson Blog]( - Blog of director of market research at R3.
* [Oleg Andreev Blog]( - Blog of hardcore developer, product architect at
* [CoinGape]( - Global blockchain, cryptocurrency, ICO news, updates, guides and analysis.
* [Freedom to Tinker]( - Princeton hosted tech blog: researches and experts commentaries.
* [Money and State]( - Blog of Erik Voorhees, CEO of leading digital asset exchange
* [Gavin Andersesn Blog]( - Blog of Bitcoin developer.
* [Peter Todd Blog]( - Blog of Todd, the applied cryptography consultant.
* [Richard Brown Blog]( - Blog of Head of Technology at R3CEV.
* [Laanwj Blog]( - Blog of Bitcoin core developer and reverse engineer.
* [Crypto Analyst]( - World’s premier cryptocurrency news analysis.
* [Bitrazzi]( - Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency And Blockchain News.
* [Bitfalls]( - Technical news, solidity tutorials, and skeptical research. EN and HR languages.
* [What Bitcoin Did]( - Blog of accidental Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency investor, miner, blogger and podcaster.
* [CryptoGround]( - Get latest news related to Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies.
## Medium
* [Vitalik Buterin]( - Ethereum creator, cryptocurrency evangelist.
* [Bitcoin Tech Talk]( - All About Bitcoin Development.
* [Tuur Demeester]( - Economist & investor, editor in chief at Adamant Research.
* [Vinny Lingham]( - CEO of
* [Nicolas Dorier]( - Main developer of NBitcoin. CTO at Metaco SA.
* [Nick Tomaino]( - Tech investor @RunaCapital.
* [Eric Lombrozo]( - Co-CEO & CTO Ciphrex Corp., Bitcoin Core contributor.
* [Jimmy Song]( - Bitcoin Developer and Entrepreneur.
* [Linda Xie]( - Product Manager @Coinbase. Advisor @0xProject.
* [Fred Ehrsam]( - Previously co-founder @Coinbase, trader @GoldmanSachs, computer science @DukeU.
* [Token Economy]( - Making sense of the latest in crypto-land: cryptocurrencies, blockchains, ICOs, dapps & the growing token economy.
## Telegram Channels
* [Crypto Memes]( - Cryptoworld funny pictures.
* [Crypto]( - The god of all crypto channels.
* [UpcomingICOs]( - This channel is dedicated to informing people of up and coming ICO's.
* [CryptoNews]( - Cryptocurrency news megafeed that is posted in real time, even before they hit social media.
* [Ethereum dapps]( - Ethereum & DAPPS news and updates.
* [Telegram Crypto Groups]( - Directory of all of Telegram crypto related groups.
# News Aggregators
* [CryptoControl]( - CryptoControl aggregates news from many sources (Twitter, Reddit, Google Trends etc) and displays it in the Trello style.
* [CryptoPanic]( - CryptoPanic is news aggregator platform indicating impact on price and market for traders and cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
* [ETHNews]( - ETHNews is emerging provider of Ethereum and Blockchain ecosystem news.
* [Coin Spectator]( - Get the latest cryptocurrency, bitcoin & blockchain news from many news sources.
* [CoinsCalendar]( - CoinsCalendar displays all upcoming coins events and updates.
* [CoinDar]( - Be first to know about coming cryptocurrency news, updates, hard forks, meetups, coins listing on exchanges and other important events.
* [BTCnews]( - Mature cryptocurrency news and charts app for iOS.
* [CryptoAudio]( - A tool that creates news summaries from various sources and reads them using a text-to-speech technology.
* []( - Top 200+ cryptocurrencies news & rumors in real time!
* [AmuletPlatform]( - Real-time sentiment analysis of 24M+ posts about crypto from Reddit and Bitcointalk
* [InTokenWeTrust]( - News aggregator platform with all media and blogs about cryptocurrency.
# Price Trackers
* [CoinMarketcap]( - Old and cool. All coins prices, graphs, market caps. API, widgets, tools. Used by 90M monthly users.
* [Coincap]( - CoinCap tracks market data for hundreds of cryptocurrencies in real-time. They also have very useful mobile app.
* [Cryptowatch]( - Live price charts and market data for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. Many exchanges, flexible settings and cool API.
* [Bitcoinwisdom]( - Live Bitcoin/Litecoin charts with EMA, MACD and other indicators. Support many exchanges (Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Coinbase, Bittrex, Poloniex etc).
* [Flippening Watch]( - When will Ethereum overtake Bitcoin and become the most important cryptocurrency?
* [Coindex]( - Beautiful cryptocurrency price tracker for iOS.
* [WorldCoinIndex]( - Realtime cryptocurrency price monitoring tool. Lots of altcoins and many fiat currencies.
* [CryptTrader]( - Cryptocurrency trading platform. Charts, news and trollbox. Add widgets to customize the look.
* [Coin Daily Update]( - Daily email update with price changes of customizable coins.
* [Coindera]( - Real time cryptocurrency price alerts for 2,000+ coins on 25+ exchanges.
* [Cryptocurrency CLI]( - Cryptocurrency portfolio on the command line.
* [ckandr]( - A command-line cryptocurrency price ticker specifically for popular Indian cryptocurrency exchanges.
* [CoinAlyze]( - Cryptocurrency real-time charts, price levels, statistics and candlestick patterns detection.
* [Cryptomon]( - Modern trading indicators and price predictions based on machine intelligence.
* [MoonHash]( - Cryptocurrency portfolio, price monitoring and telegram monitoring Google Chrome Extension
* [Coincall]( - Simplest web-based crypto price and portfolio tracker.
* [Owl Crypto]( - Cryptocurrency percentage change monitor.
* [Coin Market Manager]( - Smart, accurate, Portfolio tracking. Realtime Breakeven and Profit Loss features.
# ICO Trackers
* [ICOtracker]( - Very informative and trusted tracker.
* [The ICO digest]( - Weekly ICO digest.
* [TokenData]( - See ICO stats: ROI, total investments, status and other information.
* [CoinSchedule]( - Live Token Sales & ICOs.
* [ICO Bazaar]( - Informative website + ICOs alerts.
* [Picoloresearch]( - Independent research on blockchain startups and ICOs.
* [Smith + Crown ICO list]( - Curated list of ongoing and upcoming token sales. Have some research tiers.
* [ICORating]( - ICOrating specializes in evaluating companies with planned ICO.
* [ICO Alert]( - Source for analysis of active and upcoming Initial Coin Offerings.
* [TokenMarket]( - TokenMarket is marketplace for tokens, digital assets and blockchain based investing.
* [ICOdrops]( - Constantly updating kanban style ICO board.
* [ICO Whitelists]( - Articles on ICOs. Also tracks growth of 200+ Telegram groups for ICOs.
* [ICOAlarm]( - ICO discovery, analysis, and alerts crossplatform mobile application.
* [ICO Toplist]( - List, review and rate all ICOs: Past, Active and Upcoming ones.
# Exchanges
* [Local Bitcoins]( - Buy and sell bitcoins near you. Trusted by 10M monthly users.
* [Poloniex]( - USA. Trust: 3.5/5. Tons of altcoins. Poor support.
* [CoinBase]( - USA. Trust: 5/5. Pay with fiat.
* [Kraken]( - USA. Trust: 5/5. Founded in 2011.
* [Bittrex]( - USA. Trust: 3.8/5. Many altcoins.
* [CEX.IO]( - UK. Trust: 5/5. Fiat. Newbie friendly.
* [BestBitcoinExchange]( - Curated list of 35 popular exchanges. Looks SEOish but does the job well.
* [Shapeshift]( - No login, fast, awesome API.
* [Changelly]( - Fiat, nice affiliate program.
* [Cryptoradar]( - Compares prices and features from > 25 exchanges and brokers.
* [Binance]( - Modern exchange with the lowest fees and it's own token.
* [Kucoin]( - Modern. Evolving really fast. Has it's own token.
* [Guarda Exchange]( - Anonymous crypto exchange and wallet.
* [DDEX]( - Decentralized, non-custodial token to token trading powered by 0xproject and Hydro.
* [ForkDelta]( - One of the earliest and still most popular decentralized exchanges.
* [ChangeNOW]( - Limitless and fast coin swaps free of custody.
* []( - Open source non-custodial exchange with fiat, a great API and a non-custodial cross chain order book.
# Communities
## Chats
* [Crypto Aquarium]( - Great community (Telegram, Slack). Curated by Joshua Petty, the Coindex creator. 800+ members.
* [Bitpam]( - Friendly Discord community. 300+ members.
* [Bitcoin Core Community]( - Telegram discussion about Bitcoin and Bitcoin Core. 2000+ members.
* [Blockstack]( - Official Blockstack Slack community. 3000+ members.
* [CryptoMinded]( - All things crypto: events, jobs, trades, news. 1000+ Slack members.
* [IRC #bitcoin channel]( - Old good IRC. The channel of 200 silent people.
## Forums
* [CryptoHeresy ⚡️]( - Fresh Bitcoin forum with focus on cryptocurrency tools and resources.
* [Bitcoin Talk]( - Homepage of the Bitcoin community from the start. Made by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009.
* [ Forum]( - Strong community of 30,000+ users.
* [BitcoinGarden]( - This young forum has appeared in Jan 2017.
* [CryptoCurrencyTalk]( - Born in 2013, very active forum. Modern engine.
* [Token Daily]( - Crypto news, launches, white papers and Q&A with experts 📈
* [Stadivm]( - Newborn cryptocurrency forum with a potential.
## Other
* [Cryptocompare]( - CryptoCompare is interactive platform where you can discuss the latest crypto trends and monitor all markets streaming in real time. Also includes perfect altfoilio app.
* [Trading View]( - Follow pro traders and learn from their analyzes. (Mr. Lavrov is great specialist).
* [Bitcoin on StackExchange]( - Question and answer site for Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts.
* [/r/Bitcoin/]( - Discuss Bitcoin news on Reddit. 300,000+ readers.
* [Steemit]( - Fancy Reddit running on a blockchain. Post to earn $. Spend $ to promote yourself.
* [Coinvision]( - Get alerts about the most credible crypto coins and ICOs and also access private great community.
## Twitter Users and Lists
* [Quality Crypto]( - List of >50 prominent, high signal-to-noise-ratio accounts.
# Jobs
* [Coinality]( - Coinality is free service connecting crypto employers and job seekers.
* [Cryptogrind]( - Bitcoin freelance platform.
* [Blockchain Dev Jobs]( - Curated list of jobs from around the web for blockchain engineers.
* [Ethlance]( - Hire or work for ETH.
* [/r/Jobs4Bitcoins/]( - Place on Reddit to offer your talents and skills in exchange for the fastest growing currency in the world.
* []( - Well categorized jobs list. Owner does a lot to promote it.
* [Beincrypto]( - Aggregates all the crypto jobs from major job boards.
* [Jobs by BlockRepublic]( - Useful filters, locations & categories.
* [Crypto Jobs List]( - Curated jobs from top verified blockchain companies.
# Wallets
* [Bitcoin Core]( - Bitcoin Core is MIT licensed open source Bitcoin wallet. It runs own full node so 145GG of free disk space is required. OSX/Linux/Windows/Ubuntu.
* []( - World’s most popular digital wallet. Mobile apps included.
* [Electrum]( - Thin Bitcoin client. Opensource, MIT, has 100+ contributors.
* [Exodus]( - Exodus is the first desktop multi-asset wallet with ShapeShift built in.
* [MyEtherWallet]( - Opensource webapp to access Ethereum. Old and reliable. ERC20 support. Loved by phishers!
* [Coinomi]( - Supports many altcoins, fast and has perfect UI ([closed source now](
* [Jaxx]( - Reliable, Jaxx supports many of the leading cryptocurrency platforms. Crossplatform.
* [Ledger Hardware]( - Reliable hardware wallet. Supports BTC/ETH/ETC/DASH/DOGE and many more coins and ERC20 tokens.
* [Trezor Hardware]( - The first & most secure hardware wallet. Supports BTC/ETH/ETC/DASH/ and many more coins and ERC20 tokens.
* [CoinBase]( - Buy Bitcoin for $, NFC payments, requested payments.
* [MyCelium]( - Geeky wallet, easy to set miners fee, rich transaction details.
* [Samourai]( - Secure Bitcoin wallet for Android.
* [WalletList]( - Showcase your public cryptocurrency addresses.
* []( - Universal JavaScript client-side wallet generator for 100+ coins.
# Altfolio
* [Blockfolio]( - Cryptocurrency management, with easy to use tools to keep track of all your cryptocurrency investments. Nice widgets. Simple. Android/iOS.
* [ACrypto]( - Track bitcoin and altcoins prices, custom alarms, detailed charts. Flexible, many settings, informative. Available for iOS & Android.
* [Altpocket]( - The only tool you need for showcasing, tracking and sharing your cryptocurrency investments.
* [Coinfyi]( - Track your performance, news & market signals related to your cryptocurrency investments. Anonymous. Simple. Free.
* [f0lio]( - Beatutiful cryptocurrency portfolio management for mobile devices.
* [BitWorth]( - Cryptocurrency Net Worth Tracker for iOS.
* [CoinDex]( - iOS app that lets you stay up to date with the cryptocurrency markets you want to watch.
* [Delta]( - Ultimate cryptocurrency portfolio tracker tool for iOS & Android.
* [Crypto Central]( - Bitcoin & cryptocurrency portfolio tracker for iOS/Android.
* [Cryptagon]( - Powerful app to track portfolio. Automatic imports from exchanges.
* [Cryptonomy]( - Portfolio tracking, social, forum, chat, ico listings, news aggregator, crypto academy. Android/iOS.
* [wallmine]( - Track both cryptocurrencies and stocks; screeners, heatmaps, news, push notifications.
* [CoinTracker]( - Cryptocurrency asset tracker that automatically pulls all balances and transactions from exchanges and cryptocurrency wallets.
* [Coin Beat]( - Crypto tracker for managing over 1300 crypto currencies. Get instant push notification on price activity. iOS and Android.
# Useful Tools
* [QR Code Generator]( - With this free tool you can instantly generate QR code for your Bitcoin/Litecoin/Ethereum/Dogecoin address.
* [Block Explorer]( - Discover the Bitcoin blockchain blocks online. Includes fees and miners information.
* [EtherScan]( - Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for Ethereum.
* [ETH Gas Station]( - Consumer oriented metrics for the Ethereum Gas Market.
* [Metamask]( - Run Ethereum dApps right in your browser without running full node.
* [ATM Map]( - Find Bitcoin ATM’s in your country.
* [Statoshi]( - Realtime Bitcoin node stats. Made by Jameson Lopp.
* [RSIhunter]( - Find "oversold" and "overbought" cryptocurrencies.
* [CryptoFinance]( - Google Sheets add-on to get cryptocurrencies rate in spreadsheets.
* [Vanitygen Plus]( - Generate custom key addresses for 90+ coins.
* []( - Create shareable page for all your cryptocurrency donation addresses.
* [If You Had Bought Crypto]( - How rich would you be if you had invested in your favourite Cryptocurrency?
* []( - Accept any cryptocurrency for your website, blog, or for general personal use with just one link.
* [Bitcoin Flip Trading simulator]( - 101% realistic and fun crypto trading Simulator for Beginners!
* [QWallet]( - Search & view the value of any Ethereum wallet, create your own token portfolio.
* [Ethplorer]( - Block explorer and analytics platform for Ethereum.
* [EtherChain]( - Ethereum Blockchain Explorer.
* []( - Network explorer and analytics platform for Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens.
* [HappyDApps]( - Web 3.0 browser compatibility check.
# Video
## YouTube Channels
* [The Cryptoverse]( - Your cryptocurrency news dose.
* [World Crypto Network]( - Informative news digests.
* [Crypt0]( - Omar is one of the most popular crypto bloggers. He creates fascinating interviews.
* [Ameer Rosic]( - News, interviews, podcasts and reviews.
* [aantonop]( - Presentations, discussions, QA by Andreas, the author of "Mastering Bitcoin".
* [CoinSummit]( - CoinSummit records: startups showcases, discussions and presentations.
* [BitcoinFilm]( - Short films about people using Bitcoin.
* [Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Course]( - Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies course. 12 videos, each 45-90 mins.
* [CryptoPortfolio]( - YouTube channel reviewing ICOs and various cryptocurrencies.
* [CryptoBud]( - Technical and fundamental analysis on how to invest in cryptocurrencies.
* [Cryptotips]( - Heidi provides you with insights into projects, ICOs and ecosystem, as well as creating videos for beginners.
* [EtherCasts]( - Ancient Ethereum news, reviews and interviews channel.
* [Bitcoin Playlist]( - Great list of 55 Bitcoin talks.
* [Decentralized TV]( - Blockchain, Bitcoin, and Cryptocurrency News, Culture, and Entertainment.
* [Crypto Daily]( - Crypto news on (mostly) daily basis.
## Movies
* [Ulterior States]( - Real-life conversations with some thought leaders within the Bitcoin ecosystem. The film took 3 years to complete.
* [The Bitcoin Doco]( - Fascinating story focusing on the emergence of new world wide currency.
* [Life Inside Secret Chinese Bitcoin Mine]( - Interesting story about the miners of the new millenium.
# Learning
## Books
* [Mastering Bitcoin]( - Mostly for developers. The second edition was published in June 2017.
* [The Internet of Money]( - Significance of bitcoin through series of essays spanning the exhilarating maturation of this technology.
* [Ethereum]( - Non-technical guide to understand blockchains. Mostly focused on Ethereum.
* [The Age of Cryptocurrency]( - Insight into the modern financial system and the Bitcoin industry.
* [Programming Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains]( - Learn to build your own blockchains and peer-to-peer central bank nodes from scratch.
## Courses
* [Coursera Course]( - Telling what is special about Bitcoin and how it works at technical level. Created by Princeton University.
* [Udemy Course]( - The definitive guide to understand what the bitcoin is and why we should care about them.
* [Khan's Academy Course]( - The very basics of how blockchain, Bitcoin and encryption works.
* [Pluralsight Course]( - Introduction to Bitcoin and decentralized technology for beginners.
* [University of Nicosia MOOC]( - University of Nicosia´s free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) DFIN-511: Introduction to Digital Currencies.
## Other
* [CoinPride Newsletter]( - The most important crypto news and events. One handcrafted email per week.
* [Bitcoin Wiki]( - Technical specifications of the protocol as well as more basic information about how to buy, sell or use bitcoins.
* [Blockchain Demo]( - This interactive demo will guide you through each component of blockchain step-by-step.
* [MyCryptoGuide]( - The guide is meant to serve as both easy-to-understand introduction to the world of cryptocurrencies.
* [Bad Bitcoin]( - List of known scams, HYIPs and Ponzi schemes.
* [EthList]( - The Crowdsourced Ethereum Reading List.
* [Satoshi Nakamoto WhitePaper]( - Bitcoin fundamentals described by the creator.
* [Bitcoin Developer Docs]( - Detailed information about the Bitcoin protocol and related specifications.
* [Bitcoin Forks]( - All bitcoin forks visualisation.
* [Coin Demo]( - Visual demonstration of how bitcoin transactions work.
* [Rhymes With Fiat]( - Bitcoin webcomic (with educational notes).
* []( - All whitepapers in one place.
# Trading Tools
* [Quadency]( - Crypto trading and real-time portfolio analytics.
# For Developers
## API
* [Shapeshift]( - Embed exchange in your app. Trusted by hundreds of apps.
* [Bittrex]( - Almighty API. You can do anything with it.
* [Poloniex]( - The biggest exchange API. PHP and Python wrapper.
* [CryptoWatch]( - Public REST API, providing basic information about all markets on Cryptowatch.
* [Microsoft BaaS]( - Blockchain as Service (BaaS) from Microsoft Azure.
* [CoinMarketCap]( - Powerful JSON API covering 1000+ coins. Limit: 1 request per 6 sec.
* [CoinCap]( - Simple and informative. Lots of altcoins. History data. No limits.
* [ChangeNOW]( - Easy integration of the cryptocurrency exchange. Limitless and fast coin swaps free of custody.
## Other
* [Bitpay]( - Use BitPay's retail, ecommerce, billing, and donation tools to accept payments.
* [Gekko]( - Free and open source trading bot. GUI, CLI, NodeJS, nice docs. 18 exchanges (including Bitfinex, Bitstamp and Poloniex).
* [Zenbot]( - Free and open source trading bot. CLI, NodeJS. GDAX, Poloniex, Kraken, Bittrex, Quadriga and Gemini.
* [Web3.js]( - Ethereum JS API. Requires nodejs, npm and running node.
* [OpenZeppelin]( - OpenZeppelin is open framework of reusable and secure smart contracts in the Solidity language. 1500+ Slack community members.
* [GETH]( - CLI tools for Ethereum. Python, C++, Go implementations.
* [Embark]( - Framework for serverless Decentralized Applications using Ethereum, IPFS and other platforms. JS.
* [Truffle]( - The most popular framework for Ethereum. JS.
* [Ropsten Ethereum Faucet]( - Instantly get ether to experiment on the Ropsten testnet.
* [Kovan Ethereum Faucet]( - Instantly get ether to experiment on the Kovan testnet.
* [CCXT]( - JS/Python/PHP library for cryptocurrency trading and e-commerce with support for many exchanges and merchant APIs.
* [QuikNode]( - Cloud-hosted Ethereum nodes for developers and investors.
* [Consensys Academy]( - Getting started resources by Consensys.
* [Portis]( - JavaScript SDK that lets people run your Ethereum DApp in the browser, using the same account on all their devices.
# Podcasts (Updated October, 2019)
* [Epicenter]( - The Podcast at the Forefront of the Decentralized Technology Revolution.
* [Bitcoin Knowledge]( - Learn about blockchain and fintech.
* [BlockChannel]( - Dedicated to educating the world on the power of blockchain based technologies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and ZCash.
* [Off The Chain] ( - Host Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano talks to some of the most respected names in crypto and Wall Street to find out how intelligent investors from the new and old financial system are thinking about digital assets.
* [Unchained: Your No-Hype Resource for All Things Crypto] ( - This weekly, hour-long podcast with host Laura Shin dives deep into the people building the decentralized internet, the details of this technology that could underpin our future, and some of the thorniest topics in crypto, such as regulation, security and privacy.
* [What Grinds My Gears] ( - From Meltem Demirors and Jill Carlson, What Grinds My Gears is a podcast about the bizarre and buzzworthy happenings in the world of cryptocurrency. Each week, they delve into one key theme in crypto, and examine this theme through a broader financial, political, and cultural lens
* [What Bitcoin Did] ( - In this podcast you will hear host Peter McCormack speak with crypto traders, miners, venture capitalist, investors, technical developers, CEOs, journalist and other people driving forward the growth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
* [Untold Stories with Charlie Shrem] ( - Host Charlie Shrem dives deep into the lives and personal histories of some of crypto’s most influential leaders.
* [Tales From The Crypt] ( - Tales from the Crypt is a podcast hosted by Marty Bent about Bitcoin. Join Marty, Editor in Chief of "the best newsletter in crypto", as he sits down to discuss Bitcoin with interesting people.
* [The Token Daily with Soona Amhaz] ( - Host soona amhaz sits down with the movers and shakers of the crypto industry to discuss the big ideas they spend their days thinking about. Soona and her guests examine everything from industry trends, to what books they’re reading, to human psychology and investing.
* [The Flippening] ( - Flippening is for cryptocurrency investors. Each week host Clay Collins discusses the cryptocurrency economy, new investment strategies for maximizing returns, and stories from the front lines of financial disruption.
* [The Chain Reaction Podcast] ( - Host Tom Shaughnessy of Delphi Digital converses with the top names in crypto and blockchain.
* [Unconfirmed: Insights and Analysis From the Top Minds in Crypto] ( - This weekly crypto podcast reveals how the marquee names in crypto are reacting to the week’s top headlines. With host Laura Shin, the guests also discuss what they’re thinking about these days and reveal what they believe is on the horizon in crypto
* [The Unhashed Podcast] ( - Unhashed breaks down the latest in Bitcoin news and developments and puts them into terms everyone can understand. Expect to be both entertained and educated about cryptocurrencies and blockchain.
* [The Scoop] ( - The Block’s team, led by Frank Chaparro, draw out the freshest and deepest insights about digital assets from traditional Wall Street, crypto native, Fortune 500 and many other crypto ecosystem leaders.
* [Base Layer] ( - Base Layer with host David Nage will be providing insights from founders and investors in the base layer of cryptoassets.
* [Blockchain Innovation: Interviewing The Brightest Minds In Blockchain] ( - Blockchain Innovation is where host Frederick Munawa interviews the brightest minds in Blockchain and cryptocurrency — entrepreneurs, executives, and top academics — to discuss present and future applications of Blockchain Technology.
* [Blockchain Insider] ( - Blockchain Insider, hosted by Simon Taylor and Colin Platt is a dedicated podcast specializing in Bitcoin, Blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT). Simon and Colin break down the week’s news with expertise and enthusiasm for the blockchain and digital currency sector.
* [Let’s Talk Crypto] ( - Let’s Talk Crypto with Barry Moore and Tom Galeski breaks it all down in easy to understand terms and helps you “learn and earn” in the age of cryptocurrencies.
* [Blockchain 2025] ( - Blockchain is a technology that will disrupt nearly every industry. Host Matt Aaron and Blake Moore explore one industry in every episode.
* [IBM Blockchain Pulse] ( - Host and blockchain-evangelist Matt Hooper engages with the planet’s most dynamic blockchain thought-leaders, explorers and innovators to discover the countless new ways blockchain is leaping from theory to reality: From entertainment to identity, from payments to secure supply-chain transparency.
* [Messari’s Unqualified Opinions] ( - Unqualified Opinions is a podcast hosted by Messari’s CEO Ryan Selkis featuring candid, fast-paced interviews with crypto’s top builders and investors.
* [The Bitcoin Podcast Network] ( - One of the ‘originals’ and hands-down one of the best sources of information on the crypto market available online today.
* [Crypto Street Podcast] ( - The Crypto Street Podcast is a cryptocurrency podcast hosted by the three Twitter influencers @K1llerWh4le, @13Prince31 and @CryptoDale. With a lot of humor, they address current market trends mixed with opinion-based discussions on the crypto-ecosystem.
* [Ledger Cast] ( - Ledger Cast covers the cryptocurrency industry, including technical and trading analysis, fundamental analysis, and anything else crypto and blockchain related. The podcast is initiated by Ledger Status (@ledgerstatus) who is known for his in-depth technical analysis of cryptoassets.
# Mining
* [CoinWarz]( - Mining profitability calculators. Help choosing perfect coin to mine.
* [WhatToMine?]( - Find the most profitable cryptocurrencies to mine.
* [Bitcoin Difficulty]( - Realtime Mining Statistics.
* [Mining pools]( - Mining pool hashrate distribution.
* [WhatIsMyHashRate?]( - Measure your browser's hashrate.
* [CoinHive]( - Install JS miner on your website.
* [bfgminer]( - Multi-threaded miner for ASICs built in C.
# Games
* [CryptoKitties]( - Collect, breed and trade rare kitties in one of the world's first blockchain games.
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# License
<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
291 | :books: A collection of useful resources for building RESTful HTTP+JSON APIs. | # HTTP API Development Tools
## Introduction
This is a collection of useful resources for building RESTful HTTP+JSON APIs. There are a lot of good tools and entire ecosystems out there! It can be overwhelming not knowing what options are available, so you can use this as a reference starting point.
Contributions are most welcome. Categories are also open to suggestions!
## Table of Contents
* [API Specification Languages](#api-specification-languages)
* [API Specification Tools](#api-specification-tools)
* [API Specifications](#api-specifications)
* [API Frameworks](#api-frameworks)
* [API Client Development Tools](#api-client-development-tools)
* [API Documentation](#api-documentation)
* [API Clients](#api-clients)
* [API Debugging and Mocking](#api-debugging-and-mocking)
* [API Design Guides](#api-design-guides)
* [API Publishing](#api-publishing)
* [API Gateways](#api-gateways)
* [API Security](#api-security)
* [API Monitoring](#api-monitoring)
* [API Testing](#api-testing)
* [API Developer Portal](#api-developer-portal)
* [JSON Format Standards](#json-format-standards)
* [Learning Resources](#learning-resources)
* [Blogs](#blogs)
* [References](#references)
## API Specification Languages
- [OpenAPI (formerly known as Swagger)](
- [API Blueprint](
- [JSON Schema](
- [RAML](
## API Specification Tools
- [Swagger Inspector]( Test and auto-generate OpenAPI documentation for any API.
- [Swagger Editor]( An editor for designing Swagger specifications.
- [Swagger Tools and Integrations]( A list of libraries and frameworks serving the Swagger ecosystem.
- [OpenAPI extension for VS Code]( Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extension that provides support for the OpenAPI Specification.
- [OpenAPI plugin for JetBrains IDEs]( Jetbrains plugin that provides support for the OpenAPI Specification.
- [Dredd]( Validate API documentation written in API Blueprint against its backend implementation.
- [API Spec Converter]( Convert between different API spec formats.
- [Apimatic]( Supports API description formats including Swagger, OAI format, RAML, API Blueprint, IO Docs, WADL, Postman Collections and HAR 1.4 and more
- [OpenAPI Definition Designer]( Free visual OpenAPI3 definition creation and editing tool.
- [Stoplight Studio]( Create, prototype, and share OpenAPI descriptions and JSON Schemas using a visual editor.
- [Spectral]( Define rulesets to lint YAML or JSON, including OpenAPI 2.x, 3.x and AsyncAPI
## API Specifications
- [API Commons]( A repository of language-agnostic API specifications / Data Models.
- []( Directory of API specs in OpenAPI(aka Swagger) 2.0 format.
- [AnyAPI]( Documentation and Test Consoles for Public APIs.
## API Frameworks
### Ruby
- [rails-api]( Rails for API only applications.
- [pliny]( Opinionated template Sinatra app for writing APIs in Ruby.
- [grape]( An opinionated micro-framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.
- [ActiveModel::Serializer]( Brings convention over configuration to your JSON generation.
- [rabl]( Generate JSON and XML from any ruby object.
- [jbuilder]( Create JSON structures via a Builder-style DSL.
- [roar]( Parse and render REST API documents using representers.
### Python
- [Django REST framework]( Toolkit that makes it easy to build Web APIs.
- [Tastypie]( Webservice API framework for Django.
- [restless]( A lightweight REST miniframework for Python.
- [flask-restful]( Simple framework for creating REST APIs.
- [Falcon]( Falcon is a low-level, high-performance Python framework for building HTTP APIs, app backends, and higher-level frameworks.
- [Connexion]( Swagger/OpenAPI First framework for Python on top of Flask with automatic endpoint validation and OAuth2 support
- [apistar]( A smart Web API framework, designed for Python3.
- [sanic]( Sanic is a Flask-like Python 3.5+ web server that's written to go fast.
- [hug]( hug aims to make developing Python driven APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler.
- [FastAPI]( FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.
### Javascript
- [hapi.js]( Web and services application framework for Node.js.
- [Restify]( Node.js REST framework specifically meant for web service APIs.
- [Express]( Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js.
- [sailsjs]( Realtime MVC Framework for Node.js.
- [Actionhero]( Multi-transport Node.js API server with integrated cluster capabilities and delayed tasks.
- [Baucis]( To build
- [Koa]( Next generation web framework for Node.js
- [Loopback]( Node.js framework for creating APIs and easily connecting to backend data sources.
- [Seneca]( A microservices toolkit for Node.js.
- [Feathers]( Build RESTful and real-time APIs through or Primus.
- [Deployd]( Deployd is the simplest way to build realtime APIs for web and mobile apps
- [Nest]( A modern node.js framework for efficient and scalable web applications built on top of TypeScript
### Go
- [Go-Json-Rest]( Thin layer on top of `net/http` that helps building RESTful APIs easily
- [gocrud]( Go library to simplify creating, updating and deleting arbitrary depth structured data — to make building REST services fast and easy.
- [sleepy]( RESTful micro-framework written in Go.
- [restit]( Go micro framework to help writing RESTful API integration test.
- [go-relax]( Framework of pluggable components to build RESTful API's.
- [go-rest]( Small and evil REST framework for Go.
- [go-restful]( A declarative highly readable framework for building restful API's.
- [Goat]( Minimalistic REST API server in Go.
- [Resoursea]( REST framework for quickly writing resource based services.
- [Zerver]( Zerver is a expressive, modular, feature completed RESTful framework.
- [Fiber]( :zap:Fiber is an Express inspired web framework written in Go with :coffee: .
### Scala
- [Colossus]( I/O and microservice library for Scala.
- [Finatra]( Fast, testable, Scala HTTP services built on Twitter-Server and Finagle.
- [Play]( The high velocity web framework for Java and Scala.
- [Scalatra]( Simple, accessible and free web micro-framework.
- [Skinny Micro]( Micro-web framework to build servlet applications in Scala.
- [Spray]( Open-source toolkit for building REST/HTTP-based integration layers on top of Scala and Akka.
- [Akka HTTP]( The Akka HTTP modules implement a full server- and client-side HTTP stack on top of akka-actor and akka-stream.
- [Swagger Akka HTTP]( Swagger-Akka-Http brings Swagger support for Akka-Http Apis.
### Java
- []( REST framework using type-safe bindings and asynchronous, non-blocking IO.
- [Dropwizard]( Framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.
- [Jersey]( RESTful web services in Java.
- [Spring Boot]( RESTful Web Service using Spring, high-performance and little configuration needed.
- [Metamug Mason]( Create REST APIs with JSP tags and SQL. Edit and hot deploy REST resources on the server.
### Haskell
- [Scotty]( Micro web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra, using WAI and Warp.
- [Spock]( Another Haskell web framework for rapid development.
- [Servant]( A Type-Level Web DSL.
- [Yesod]( The Haskell RESTful web framework.
### Elixir
- [Phoenix]( Framework for building HTML5 apps, API backends and distributed systems.
- [Plug]( A specification and conveniences for composable modules between web applications.
### Erlang
- [Cowboy]( Small, fast, modular HTTP server written in Erlang.
- [Gen Microservice]( This library solves the problem of implementing microservices with Erlang.
- [Mochiweb]( Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers.
### Postgres
- [PostgREST]( Serve a RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database.
- [pREST]( pREST is a way to serve a RESTful API from any databases written in Go.
### MySQL
- [xmysql]( Generate REST APIs for any MySQL Database.
### PHP
- [API Platform]( API framework on top of Symfony with JSON-LD, and Hydra support
- [Dingo API]( A RESTful API package for the Laravel and Lumen frameworks
- [Fractal]( Fractal provides a presentation and transformation layer for complex data output, the like found in RESTful APIs, and works really well with JSON
- [Yii2 Framework]( Provides a whole set of tools to simplify the task of implementing RESTful Web Service APIs
### R
- [Plumber]( API Framework to build APIs for simple R Functions
### C#
- [ASP.NET Web APIs]( Build secure REST APIs on any platform with C#
### Miscellaneous
- [Dream Factory]( Turn any database into an API platform.
## API Client Development Tools
### General
- [Swagger CodeGen]( Generate client libraries automatically from a Swagger-compliant server.
- [AutoRest]( Generate client libraries for RESTful web services
- [OpenAPI Generator]( A community fork of Swagger Codegen to automatically generate API clients, server stubs and documentation for REST APIs given an OpenAPI/Swagger spec.
### Ruby
- [Net::HTTP]( An HTTP client API for Ruby.
- [faraday]( Simple, but flexible HTTP client library, with support for multiple backends.
- [rest-client]( Simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby
- [heroics]( Ruby HTTP client for APIs represented with JSON schema.
- [blanket]( A Ruby API wrapper.
- [nestful]( Ruby HTTP/REST client.
### Java
- [Retrofit]( A type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java.
### Javascript
- [Restangular]( Restangular is an AngularJS service that simplifies common GET, POST, DELETE, and UPDATE requests with a minimum of client code
### .NET
- [Refit]( The automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Core, Xamarin and .NET
- [WebAnchor]( Web Anchor provides type-safe, testable and flexible access to web resources.
### .Dart
- [Frog]( Dart Frog is built on top of shelf and mason and is inspired by many tools including, next.js, and express.js.
- [Serverpod]( Serverpod is a next-generation app and web server, built for the Flutter community. It allows you to write your server-side code in Dart, automatically generate your APIs, and hook up your database with minimal effort. Serverpod is open-source, and you can host your server anywhere.
## API Documentation
- [ReDoc]( OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation.
- [Swagger UI]( Dynamically generate documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
- [Slate]( Static site generated documentation for your API.
- [DeveloperHub]( Documentation tool to write, publish, review, analyse and collect feedback on personalised customer-facing API docs.
- [prmd]( JSON Schema tooling: scaffold, verify, and generate documentation from JSON Schema documents.
- [Aglio]( An API Blueprint renderer with theme support that outputs static HTML.
- [Apiary]( Collaborative design, instant API mock, generated documentation, integrated code samples, debugging and automated testing.
- [Readme]( API Documentation Hosting.
- [API Docs]( Hosted public API documentation for OAS (Swagger) and RAML specs.
- [Docbox]( REST API documentation generator, using Markdown.
- [widdershins]( REST API documentation generator from OpenAPI 3.0 / Swagger 2.0 / AsyncAPI 1.x / Semoasa 0.1.0 definition
- [Elements]( Web Components-based API documentation for OpenAPI 3.x/2.x
## API Clients
### Open Source
- [Hoppscotch]( API client for REST, GraphQL, Websocket, SSE, Socket.IO and MQTT
### Hosted
- [JSON Generator]( Generate and host mock JSON data.
### Desktop
- [Postman]( Desktop API testing tool.
- [Firecamp]( API Studio for WebSocket, Rest API and GraphQL.
- [HTTPie]( Command line HTTP client.
- [Paw]( REST client for Mac.
- [Insomnia]( REST API client for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
- [httpy]( Programmable Command line HTTP client.
## API Debugging and Mocking
### Hosted
- [Beeceptor]( An HTTP-proxy for rest APIs - inspect and build mock APIs.
- [MockBin]( Generate mock HTTP endpoints.
- [httpbin]( Templated responses for testing various scenarios for HTTP requests.
- [Prism]( a set of packages for API mocking and contract testing with OpenAPI v2 (formerly known as Swagger) and OpenAPI v3.x, including mock servers and a validation proxy.
- [MockingCloud]( Generate full mock REST APIs with just OpenAPI yaml/json spec files.
- [Svix Play]( Easily inspect, test, and debug incoming webhooks.
### Desktop
- [Postman]( Desktop API client and mocking tool.
- [Json-Server]( Full fake REST API with zero coding.
- [Mockoon]( Desktop API mocking tool.
## API Design Guides
- [Google API Design Guide](
- [PayPal API Style Guide](
- [Heroku Platform HTTP API Design Guide](
- [Haufe API Style Guide](
- [Microsoft REST API Guidelines](
- [18F API Standards](
- [The RESTed NARWHL](
- [White House Web API Standards](
- [Zalando REST API Guidelines](
- [API Stylebook Design Guidelines](
- [API Stylebook Design Topics](
- [Adidas-group API Design Guide](
- [Azure API Design](
## API Publishing
- [Mashape]( API Marketplace.
## API Gateways
- [AWS API Gateway]( Traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management.
- [Ambassador API Gateway]( Ambassador is a specialized control plane that translates Kubernetes annotations to Envoy configuration. All traffic is directly handled by the high-performance Envoy Proxy.
- [APIGrove]( API manager built in Java on top of Fuse ESB.
- [Apigee127]( nodejs based API Gateway
- [Pushpin]( Proxy for both request/response or streaming (long poll) of responses
- [Strongloop]( nodejs based API Gateway
- [Fusio]( PHP based open source API management platform
- [Camel]( Empowers you to define routing and mediation rules in a variety of domain-specific languages, including a Java-based fluent API, Spring or Blueprint XML configuration files, and a Scala DSL.
- [HAProxy]( Reliable, high Performance TCP/HTTP load balancer.
- [OpenResty]( Fast web application server built on top of Nginx.
- [Tengine]( A distribution of Nginx with some advanced features.
- [Tyk]( Open-source, fast and scalable API gateway, portal and API management platform.
- [Vulcand]( Programmatic load balancer backed by Etcd.
- [Zuul]( An edge service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
- [Kong]( An open-source management layer for APIs, delivering high performance and reliability.
- [Janus]( A lightweight API Gateway written in Go by [Hello Fresh](
- [fabio]( A fast, modern, zero-conf load balancing HTTP(S) router for deploying microservices managed by [consul]( by eBay.
- [Traefik]( Træfik (pronounced like traffic) is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer written in Go.
- [Oathkeeper]( OIdentity & Access Proxy (IAP) that authorizes HTTP requests based on sets of rules. Integrates with ORY Hydra.
## API Security
- [Online OpenAPI/Swagger File Security Audit]( Free online static analysis of API contract files. Upload the file and get the report.
- [API Security checklist]( Checklist of the most important security countermeasures when designing, testing, and releasing your API.
- [Ory Hydra]( OAuth2 server with OpenID Connect written in Go.
## API Web Scanners
- [Cherrybomb]( Stop half-done API specifications! Cherrybomb is a CLI tool that helps you avoid undefined user behaviour by validating your API specifications.
## API Monitoring
- [Runscope]( API Performance Monitoring.
- [Ping-API]( Automated API Testing.
## API Testing
- [Assertible]( Continuously test and monitor your APIs after deployments and across environments.
- [Pyresttest]( YAML based REST testing and API microbenchmarking tool
- [OWASP Zaproxy]( A tool to test your API for known security vulnerabilities, with a great CI integration.
- [RestQA]( Microservice API Testing tool focused on providing a great developer experience.
## API Developer Portal
- [Tyk]( API Developer Portal on top of API gateway, make your API gateway easier to be used by developers.
- [APIMATIC]( Instantly build an API Portal with SDKs, Live Code Samples, Test Cases, API Transformation and language specific Docs & Reference - tailored for your API.
## JSON Format Standards
- [HAL](
- [JSON Schema](
- [Hydra](
- [Ion](
- [JSON-LD](
## Learning Resources
- [REST in Practice](
- [Roy Fielding's dissertation on REST](
- [Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API](
- [How to Design a REST API](
- [Automated API Development](
- [Nordic APIs](
- [Undisturbed REST](
- [Build APIs You Won't Hate](
- [Irresistible APIs](
- [How to build an API](
- [API University](
- [RESTful Web Services](
- [RESTful Web APIs](
- [The Ten Essentials for Good API Documentation](
- [ weekly newsletter](
- [Testing Web APIs](
## Blogs
- [API Evangelist](
## References
- [HTTP Status Codes Reference](
## Contributing
[Pull Requests]( are most welcome!
Please write a brief one-sentence summary when adding a new resource.
## Thanks
**api-development-tools** © 2016+, Yos Riady. Released under the [MIT] License.<br>
Authored and maintained by Yos Riady with help from contributors ([list][contributors]).
> []( ·
> GitHub [@yosriady](
292 | An API focused facade that sits on top of an object model. | [](

# Table of Contents
- [Grape::Entity](#grapeentity)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Example](#example)
- [Reusable Responses with Entities](#reusable-responses-with-entities)
- [Defining Entities](#defining-entities)
- [Basic Exposure](#basic-exposure)
- [Exposing with a Presenter](#exposing-with-a-presenter)
- [Conditional Exposure](#conditional-exposure)
- [Safe Exposure](#safe-exposure)
- [Nested Exposure](#nested-exposure)
- [Collection Exposure](#collection-exposure)
- [Merge Fields](#merge-fields)
- [Runtime Exposure](#runtime-exposure)
- [Unexpose](#unexpose)
- [Overriding exposures](#overriding-exposures)
- [Returning only the fields you want](#returning-only-the-fields-you-want)
- [Aliases](#aliases)
- [Format Before Exposing](#format-before-exposing)
- [Expose Nil](#expose-nil)
- [Default Value](#default-value)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Options Hash](#options-hash)
- [Passing Additional Option To Nested Exposure](#passing-additional-option-to-nested-exposure)
- [Attribute Path Tracking](#attribute-path-tracking)
- [Using the Exposure DSL](#using-the-exposure-dsl)
- [Using Entities](#using-entities)
- [Entity Organization](#entity-organization)
- [Caveats](#caveats)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Testing with Entities](#testing-with-entities)
- [Project Resources](#project-resources)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
- [Copyright](#copyright)
# Grape::Entity
## Introduction
This gem adds Entity support to API frameworks, such as [Grape]( Grape's Entity is an API focused facade that sits on top of an object model.
### Example
module API
module Entities
class Status < Grape::Entity
format_with(:iso_timestamp) { |dt| dt.iso8601 }
expose :user_name
expose :text, documentation: { type: "String", desc: "Status update text." }
expose :ip, if: { type: :full }
expose :user_type, :user_id, if: lambda { |status, options| status.user.public? }
expose :location, merge: true
expose :contact_info do
expose :phone
expose :address, merge: true, using: API::Entities::Address
expose :digest do |status, options|
Digest::MD5.hexdigest status.txt
expose :replies, using: API::Entities::Status, as: :responses
expose :last_reply, using: API::Entities::Status do |status, options|
with_options(format_with: :iso_timestamp) do
expose :created_at
expose :updated_at
module API
module Entities
class StatusDetailed < API::Entities::Status
expose :internal_id
## Reusable Responses with Entities
Entities are a reusable means for converting Ruby objects to API responses. Entities can be used to conditionally include fields, nest other entities, and build ever larger responses, using inheritance.
### Defining Entities
Entities inherit from Grape::Entity, and define a simple DSL. Exposures can use runtime options to determine which fields should be visible, these options are available to `:if`, `:unless`, and `:proc`.
#### Basic Exposure
Define a list of fields that will always be exposed.
expose :user_name, :ip
The field lookup takes several steps
* first try `entity-instance.exposure`
* next try `object.exposure`
* next try `object.fetch(exposure)`
* last raise an Exception
`exposure` is a Symbol by default. If `object` is a Hash with stringified keys, you can set the hash accessor at the entity-class level to properly expose its members:
class Status < GrapeEntity
self.hash_access = :to_s
expose :code
expose :message
Status.represent({ 'code' => 418, 'message' => "I'm a teapot" }).as_json
#=> { code: 418, message: "I'm a teapot" }
#### Exposing with a Presenter
Don't derive your model classes from `Grape::Entity`, expose them using a presenter.
expose :replies, using: API::Entities::Status, as: :responses
Presenter classes can also be specified in string format, which helps with circular dependencies.
expose :replies, using: "API::Entities::Status", as: :responses
#### Conditional Exposure
Use `:if` or `:unless` to expose fields conditionally.
expose :ip, if: { type: :full }
expose :ip, if: lambda { |instance, options| options[:type] == :full } # exposed if the function evaluates to true
expose :ip, if: :type # exposed if :type is available in the options hash
expose :ip, if: { type: :full } # exposed if options :type has a value of :full
expose :ip, unless: ... # the opposite of :if
#### Safe Exposure
Don't raise an exception and expose as nil, even if the :x cannot be evaluated.
expose :ip, safe: true
#### Nested Exposure
Supply a block to define a hash using nested exposures.
expose :contact_info do
expose :phone
expose :address, using: API::Entities::Address
You can also conditionally expose attributes in nested exposures:
expose :contact_info do
expose :phone
expose :address, using: API::Entities::Address
expose :email, if: lambda { |instance, options| options[:type] == :full }
#### Collection Exposure
Use `root(plural, singular = nil)` to expose an object or a collection of objects with a root key.
root 'users', 'user'
expose :id, :name, ...
By default every object of a collection is wrapped into an instance of your `Entity` class.
You can override this behavior and wrap the whole collection into one instance of your `Entity`
As example:
present_collection true, :collection_name # `collection_name` is optional and defaults to `items`
expose :collection_name, using: API::Entities::Items
#### Merge Fields
Use `:merge` option to merge fields into the hash or into the root:
expose :contact_info do
expose :phone
expose :address, merge: true, using: API::Entities::Address
expose :status, merge: true
This will return something like:
{ contact_info: { phone: "88002000700", city: 'City 17', address_line: 'Block C' }, text: 'HL3', likes: 19 }
It also works with collections:
expose :profiles do
expose :users, merge: true, using: API::Entities::User
expose :admins, merge: true, using: API::Entities::Admin
Provide lambda to solve collisions:
expose :status, merge: ->(key, old_val, new_val) { old_val + new_val if old_val && new_val }
#### Runtime Exposure
Use a block or a `Proc` to evaluate exposure at runtime. The supplied block or
`Proc` will be called with two parameters: the represented object and runtime options.
**NOTE:** A block supplied with no parameters will be evaluated as a nested exposure (see above).
expose :digest do |status, options|
Digest::MD5.hexdigest status.txt
expose :digest, proc: ... # equivalent to a block
You can also define a method on the entity and it will try that before trying
on the object the entity wraps.
class ExampleEntity < Grape::Entity
expose :attr_not_on_wrapped_object
# ...
def attr_not_on_wrapped_object
You always have access to the presented instance (`object`) and the top-level
entity options (`options`).
class ExampleEntity < Grape::Entity
expose :formatted_value
# ...
def formatted_value
"+ X #{object.value} #{options[:y]}"
#### Unexpose
To undefine an exposed field, use the ```.unexpose``` method. Useful for modifying inherited entities.
class UserData < Grape::Entity
expose :name
expose :address1
expose :address2
expose :address_state
expose :address_city
expose :email
expose :phone
class MailingAddress < UserData
unexpose :email
unexpose :phone
#### Overriding exposures
If you want to add one more exposure for the field but don't want the first one to be fired (for instance, when using inheritance), you can use the `override` flag. For instance:
class User < Grape::Entity
expose :name
class Employee < User
expose :name, as: :employee_name, override: true
`User` will return something like this `{ "name" : "John" }` while `Employee` will present the same data as `{ "employee_name" : "John" }` instead of `{ "name" : "John", "employee_name" : "John" }`.
#### Returning only the fields you want
After exposing the desired attributes, you can choose which one you need when representing some object or collection by using the only: and except: options. See the example:
class UserEntity
expose :id
expose :name
expose :email
class Entity
expose :id
expose :title
expose :user, using: UserEntity
data = Entity.represent(model, only: [:title, { user: [:name, :email] }])
This will return something like this:
title: 'grape-entity is awesome!',
user: {
name: 'John Applet',
email: '[email protected]'
Instead of returning all the exposed attributes.
The same result can be achieved with the following exposure:
data = Entity.represent(model, except: [:id, { user: [:id] }])
#### Aliases
Expose under a different name with `:as`.
expose :replies, using: API::Entities::Status, as: :responses
#### Format Before Exposing
Apply a formatter before exposing a value.
module Entities
class MyModel < Grape::Entity
format_with(:iso_timestamp) do |date|
with_options(format_with: :iso_timestamp) do
expose :created_at
expose :updated_at
Defining a reusable formatter between multiples entities:
module ApiHelpers
extend Grape::API::Helpers
Grape::Entity.format_with :utc do |date|
date.utc if date
module Entities
class MyModel < Grape::Entity
expose :updated_at, format_with: :utc
class AnotherModel < Grape::Entity
expose :created_at, format_with: :utc
#### Expose Nil
By default, exposures that contain `nil` values will be represented in the resulting JSON as `null`.
As an example, a hash with the following values:
name: nil,
age: 100
will result in a JSON object that looks like:
"name": null,
"age": 100
There are also times when, rather than displaying an attribute with a `null` value, it is more desirable to not display the attribute at all. Using the hash from above the desired JSON would look like:
"age": 100
In order to turn on this behavior for an as-exposure basis, the option `expose_nil` can be used. By default, `expose_nil` is considered to be `true`, meaning that `nil` values will be represented in JSON as `null`. If `false` is provided, then attributes with `nil` values will be omitted from the resulting JSON completely.
module Entities
class MyModel < Grape::Entity
expose :name, expose_nil: false
expose :age, expose_nil: false
`expose_nil` is per exposure, so you can suppress exposures from resulting in `null` or express `null` values on a per exposure basis as you need:
module Entities
class MyModel < Grape::Entity
expose :name, expose_nil: false
expose :age # since expose_nil is omitted nil values will be rendered as null
It is also possible to use `expose_nil` with `with_options` if you want to add the configuration to multiple exposures at once.
module Entities
class MyModel < Grape::Entity
# None of the exposures in the with_options block will render nil values as null
with_options(expose_nil: false) do
expose :name
expose :age
When using `with_options`, it is possible to again override which exposures will render `nil` as `null` by adding the option on a specific exposure.
module Entities
class MyModel < Grape::Entity
# None of the exposures in the with_options block will render nil values as null
with_options(expose_nil: false) do
expose :name
expose :age, expose_nil: true # nil values would be rendered as null in the JSON
#### Default Value
This option can be used to provide a default value in case the return value is nil or empty.
module Entities
class MyModel < Grape::Entity
expose :name, default: ''
expose :age, default: 60
#### Documentation
Expose documentation with the field. Gets bubbled up when used with Grape and various API documentation systems.
expose :text, documentation: { type: "String", desc: "Status update text." }
### Options Hash
The option keys `:version` and `:collection` are always defined. The `:version` key is defined as `api.version`. The `:collection` key is boolean, and defined as `true` if the object presented is an array. The options also contain the runtime environment in `:env`, which includes request parameters in `options[:env]['grape.request.params']`.
Any additional options defined on the entity exposure are included as is. In the following example `user` is set to the value of `current_user`.
class Status < Grape::Entity
expose :user, if: lambda { |instance, options| options[:user] } do |instance, options|
# examine available environment keys with `p options[:env].keys`
present s, with: Status, user: current_user
#### Passing Additional Option To Nested Exposure
Sometimes you want to pass additional options or parameters to nested a exposure. For example, let's say that you need to expose an address for a contact info and it has two different formats: **full** and **simple**. You can pass an additional `full_format` option to specify which format to render.
# api/contact.rb
expose :contact_info do
expose :phone
expose :address do |instance, options|
# use `#merge` to extend options and then pass the new version of options to the nested entity
API::Entities::Address.represent instance.address, options.merge(full_format: instance.need_full_format?)
expose :email, if: lambda { |instance, options| options[:type] == :full }
# api/address.rb
expose :state, if: lambda {|instance, options| !!options[:full_format]} # the new option could be retrieved in options hash for conditional exposure
expose :city, if: lambda {|instance, options| !!options[:full_format]}
expose :street do |instance, options|
# the new option could be retrieved in options hash for runtime exposure
!!options[:full_format] ? instance.full_street_name : instance.simple_street_name
**Notice**: In the above code, you should pay attention to [**Safe Exposure**](#safe-exposure) yourself. For example, `instance.address` might be `nil` and it is better to expose it as nil directly.
#### Attribute Path Tracking
Sometimes, especially when there are nested attributes, you might want to know which attribute
is being exposed. For example, some APIs allow users to provide a parameter to control which fields
will be included in (or excluded from) the response.
GrapeEntity can track the path of each attribute, which you can access during conditions checking
or runtime exposure via `options[:attr_path]`.
The attribute path is an array. The last item of this array is the name (alias) of current attribute.
If the attribute is nested, the former items are names (aliases) of its ancestor attributes.
class Status < Grape::Entity
expose :user # path is [:user]
expose :foo, as: :bar # path is [:bar]
expose :a do
expose :b, as: :xx do
expose :c # path is [:a, :xx, :c]
### Using the Exposure DSL
Grape ships with a DSL to easily define entities within the context of an existing class:
class Status
include Grape::Entity::DSL
entity :text, :user_id do
expose :detailed, if: :conditional
The above will automatically create a `Status::Entity` class and define properties on it according to the same rules as above. If you only want to define simple exposures you don't have to supply a block and can instead simply supply a list of comma-separated symbols.
### Using Entities
With Grape, once an entity is defined, it can be used within endpoints, by calling `present`. The `present` method accepts two arguments, the `object` to be presented and the `options` associated with it. The options hash must always include `:with`, which defines the entity to expose (unless namespaced entity classes are used, see [next section](#entity-organization)).
If the entity includes documentation it can be included in an endpoint's description.
module API
class Statuses < Grape::API
version 'v1'
desc 'Statuses.', {
params: API::Entities::Status.documentation
get '/statuses' do
statuses = Status.all
type = current_user.admin? ? :full : :default
present statuses, with: API::Entities::Status, type: type
### Entity Organization
In addition to separately organizing entities, it may be useful to put them as namespaced classes underneath the model they represent.
class Status
def entity
class Entity < Grape::Entity
expose :text, :user_id
If you organize your entities this way, Grape will automatically detect the `Entity` class and use it to present your models. In this example, if you added `present` to your endpoint, Grape would automatically detect that there is a `Status::Entity` class and use that as the representative entity. This can still be overridden by using the `:with` option or an explicit `represents` call.
### Caveats
Entities with duplicate exposure names and conditions will silently overwrite one another. In the following example, when `object.check` equals "foo", only `field_a` will be exposed. However, when `object.check` equals "bar" both `field_b` and `foo` will be exposed.
module API
module Entities
class Status < Grape::Entity
expose :field_a, :foo, if: lambda { |object, options| object.check == "foo" }
expose :field_b, :foo, if: lambda { |object, options| object.check == "bar" }
This can be problematic, when you have mixed collections. Using `respond_to?` is safer.
module API
module Entities
class Status < Grape::Entity
expose :field_a, if: lambda { |object, options| object.check == "foo" }
expose :field_b, if: lambda { |object, options| object.check == "bar" }
expose :foo, if: lambda { |object, options| object.respond_to?(:foo) }
Also note that an `ArgumentError` is raised when unknown options are passed to either `expose` or `with_options`.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'grape-entity'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install grape-entity
## Testing with Entities
Test API request/response as usual.
Also see [Grape Entity Matchers](
## Project Resources
* Need help? [Grape Google Group](
## Contributing
See [](
## License
MIT License. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for details.
## Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Michael Bleigh, Intridea, Inc., ruby-grape and Contributors.
293 | Simple clean Go REST API architecture with dependency injection and mocking example, following SOLID principles. | service-pattern-go
Hey! Welcome, this is an example of simple REST API implementation with clean architecture written in Go with complete Dependency Injection along with Mocking example, following SOLID principles.
Inspired by [Manuel Kiessling go-cleanarchitecture]( and [Joshua Partogi TDD training session](
It has simple dependencies:
- [Chi (Router)](
- [Testify (Test & Mock framework)](
- [Mockery (Mock generator)](
- [Hystrix-Go (Circuit Breaker)](
Get Started:
- [Install](
- [Introduction](
- [Folder Structure](
- [Depency Injection](
- [Mocking](
- [Testing](
- [Circuit Breaker](
Clone the source
git clone
Setup dependencies
go get -u
go get -u
go get
go get
go get
go get -u
Setup sqlite data structure
sqlite3 /var/tmp/tennis.db < setup.sql
Test first for your liking
go test ./... -v
Run the app
go build && ./service-pattern-go
And visit
This is an example of Go clean architecture implementing Dependency Injection and Mocking for unit testing purposes to achieve safe, reliable and secure source code.
The idea of the pattern itself is to create decoupled systems that the implementation of lower level domain is not a concern of the implementor, and can be replaced without having concern of breaking implementor function.
The aim of the architecture is to produce a system that are:
- Independent of frameworks. The system should be able to become an independent system, not bound into any framework implementation that cause the system to be bloated, instead those framework should be used as a tools to support the system implementation rather than limiting the system capabilities.
- Highly testable. All codes are guilty and tests is the only way we can prove it otherwise, this means that our test coverage has to be able to cover as much layers as we can so we can be sure of our code reliability.
- Independent of database. Business logic should not be bound to the database, the system should be able to swap MySQL, Maria DB, PosgreSQL, Mongo DB, Dynamo DB without breaking the logic.
- Independent of 3rd party library. No 3rd party library should be implemented directly to the system logic, we should abstract in away that our system can replace the library anytime we want.
Every implementation should only be by using interface, there should be no direct access from the implementor to implementation, that way we can inject its dependency and replace it with mock object during unit tests. For example:
PlayerService -> implement IPlayerRepository, instead of direct PlayerRepository
type PlayerService struct {
func (service *PlayerService) GetScores(player1Name string, player2Name string) (string, error) {
baseScore := [4]string{"Love", "Fifteen", "Thirty", "Forty"}
var result string
player1, err := service.GetPlayerByName(player1Name)
if err != nil {
//Handle error
player2, err := service.GetPlayerByName(player2Name)
if err != nil {
//Handle error
if player1.Score < 4 && player2.Score < 4 && !(player1.Score+player2.Score == 6) {
s := baseScore[player1.Score]
if player1.Score == player2.Score {
result = s + "-All"
} else {
result = s + "-" + baseScore[player2.Score]
if player1.Score == player2.Score {
result = "Deuce"
return result, nil
If you look into the implementation of these lines
player1, err := service.GetPlayerByName(player1Name)
player2, err := service.GetPlayerByName(player2Name)
Both are actually abstract implementation of the interface, not the real implementation itself.
So later on the Dependency Injection section, we will learn those interface will be injected with the implementation during the compile time. This way, we can switch the implementation of IPlayerService & IPlayerRepository during the injection with whatever implementation without changing the implementation logic.
Throughout this repo you will find implementation of design patterns such as **Strategy Pattern** when we inject our dependencies with the real implementations. We create **Singleton** and use it to wired up our router and services. We use **Composite** for all our abstract interface implementations so that the implementor can abstractly implement the methods it has, just as the example above where **PlayerService** implements **interfaces.IPlayerRepository** and allows it to directly invoke **GetPlayerByName** which is **IPlayerRepository's** method. We also use **Decorator Pattern** to hook up our circuit breaker without needing to change / modify the original implementation.
[Folder Structure](
|- controllers
|- infrastructures
|- interfaces
|- models
|- repositories
|- services
|- viewmodels
The folder structure is created to accomodate seperation of concern principle, where every struct should have single responsibility to achieve decoupled system.
Every folder is a namespace of their own, and every file / struct under the same folder should only use the same namepace as their root folder.
### controllers
controllers folder hosts all the structs under controllers namespace, controllers are the handler of all requests coming in, to the router, its doing just that, business logic and data access layer should be done separately.
controller struct implement services through their interface, no direct services implementation should be done in controller, this is done to maintain decoupled systems. The implementation will be injected during the compiled time.
### infrasctructures
infrasctructures folder host all structs under infrasctructures namespace, infrasctructures consists of setup for the system to connect to external data source, it is used to host things like database connection configurations, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, DynamoDB.
### interfaces
interfaces folder hosts all the structs under interfaces namespace, interfaces as the name suggest are the bridge between different domain so they can interact with each other, in our case, this should be the only way for them to interact.
interface in Go is a bit different then you might already find in other language like Java or C#, while the later implements interface explicitly, Go implements interface implicitly. You just need to implement all method the interface has, and you're good to "Go".
In our system, our PlayerController implements IPlayerService to be able to interact with the implementation that will be injected. In our case, IPlayerService will be injected with PlayerService.
The same thing applies on PlayerService which implements IPlayerRepository to be able interact with the injected implementation. In our case, IPlayerRepository will be injected with PlayerRepository during the compile time.
PlayerRepository on the other hand, will be injected with infrasctructure configuration that has been setup earlier, this ensure that you can change the implementation of PlayerRepository, without changing the implementor which in this case PlayerService let alone break it. The same thing goes to PlayerService and PlayerController relationship, we can refactor PlayerService, we can change it however we want, without touching the implementor which is PlayerController.
### models
models folder hosts all structs under models namespace, model is a struct reflecting our data object from / to database. models should only define data structs, no other functionalities should be included here.
### repositories
repositories folder hosts all structs under repositories namespace, repositories is where the implementation of data access layer. All queries and data operation from / to database should happen here, and the implementor should be agnostic of what is the database engine is used, how the queries is done, all they care is they can pull the data according to the interface they are implementing.
### services
services folder hosts all structs under services namespace, services is where the business logic lies on, it handles controller request and fetch data from data layer it needs and run their logic to satisfy what controller expect the service to return.
controller might implement many services interface to satisfy the request needs, and controller should be agnostic of how services implements their logic, all they care is that they should be able to pull the result they need according to the interface they implements.
### viewmodels
viewmodels folder hosts all the structs under viewmodels namespace, viewmodels are model to be use as a response return of REST API call
### main.go
main.go is the entry point of our system, here lies the router bindings it triggers ChiRouter singleton and call InitRouter to bind the router.
### router.go
router.go is where we binds controllers to appropriate route to handle desired http request. By default we are using Chi router as it is a light weight router and not bloated with unnecessary unwanted features.
### servicecontainer.go
servicecontainer.go is where the magic begins, this is the place where we injected all implementations of interfaces. Lets cover throughly in the dependency injection section.
[Dependecy Injection](
Dependecy injection is the heart of TDD, without it we wont be able to do proper TDD because there will be no mocking and we cannot decoupled our code properly. This is one of the misconception when people thinks that they are doing unit testing instead actually they are doing integration test which connects the logic to database. Unit test should be done independently and database should not come in to play when we are doing unit test. One thing to not though, in Go dependency has to be injected during compile time instead of runtime which cause it a bit different than Java / C# implementation, but anyway, its just plain old dependency injection.
In essence unit test is created to test our logic not our data integrity, and by taking database during unit testing it will add huge complexity to the tests itself, and this creates barrier for programmers new to unit testing as they are struggling to create proper testing for their functions.
Now why dependency injection is a crucial part in doing proper TDD? the answer lies in the usage of interface. Back when I have never encountered mocking, I always wondering, what is the use of interface, why we should create abstraction for our functions instead of just write it all already, why the hell should we create a duplicate, abstraction that we will be implementing shortly anyway, some says that, because in doing so, your code will be much cleaner and we have proper pattern, I called that bullshit because in essence we dont have to do it if it only for that reason, and I'm still wondering until I learned about mocking.
Some other people says that interface is used so your program is decoupled, and when needed you can replace the implementations without needing to adjust the implementor. That make sense right? much better than the bullshit. Yea that make sense, we can replace whatever implement whatever interface with whatever. Yea, but how many times would you replace you database connection calls? chances are rare if not never especially if you working on software house that deliver projects after projects after projects, you will never see you component got replaced.
The when I learned about mocking, all that I have been asking coming to conclusions as if I was like having epiphany, we will discuss more about mocking in the mocking section, but for now lets discuss it in regards of dependency injection usage. So as you see in our project structure, instead of having all component directly talks to each other, we are using interface, take PlayerController for example
type PlayerController struct {
func (controller *PlayerController) GetPlayerScore(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
player1Name := chi.URLParam(req, "player1")
player2Name := chi.URLParam(req, "player2")
scores, err := controller.GetScores(player1Name, player2Name)
if err != nil {
//Handle error
You see that PlayerController uses IPlayerService interface, and since IPlayerService has GetScores method, PlayerController can invoke it and get the result right away. Wait a minute, isn't that the interface is just merely abstraction? so how do it get executed, where is the implementation?
type IPlayerService interface {
GetScores(player1Name string, player2Name string) (string, error)
You see, instead of calling directly to PlayerService, PlayerController uses the interface of PlayerService which is IPlayerService, there could be many implementation of IPlayerService not just limited to PlayerService it could be BrotherService etc, but how do we determined that PlayerService will be used instead?
func (k *kernel) InjectPlayerController() controllers.PlayerController {
sqlConn, _ := sql.Open("sqlite3", "/var/tmp/tennis.db")
sqliteHandler := &infrastructures.SQLiteHandler{}
sqliteHandler.Conn = sqlConn
playerRepository := &repositories.PlayerRepository{sqliteHandler}
playerService := &services.PlayerService{&repositories.PlayerRepositoryWithCircuitBreaker{playerRepository}}
playerController := controllers.PlayerController{playerService}
return playerController
This is where dependency injection come in to play, as you see here in servicecontainer.go we are creating **playerController** and inject it with **playerService** as simple as that, this is what dependency injection all about no more. So **playerController's IPlayerService** will be injected by **playerService** along with all implementation that it implements, so for example **GetPlayerByName** now returns whatever **GetPlayerByName** implemented by **playerService** as you can see it in **PlayerService.go**
Now, how does this relates to TDD & mocking?
playerService := new(mocks.IPlayerService)
You see, in PlayerController_test.go we are using mock object to inject the implementation of our service, lets discuss more detail about mocking and testing in each section.
Mocking is a concept many times people struggle to understand, let alone implement it, at least I was the one among the one who struggles to understand this concept. But understanding this concept is essential to do TDD. The key point is, we mock dependencies that we need to run our tests, this is why dependency injection is essential to proceed. We are using testfy as our mock library
Basically what mock object do is replacing injection instead of real implementation with mock as point out at the end of dependency injection session
playerService := new(mocks.IPlayerService)
We then create mock GetScores functionalities along with its request and response.
playerService.On("GetScores", "Rafael", "Serena").Return("Forty-Fifteen", nil)
As you see, then the mock object is injected to **playerService** of PlayerController, this is why dependency injection is essential to this proses as it is the only way we can inject interface with mock object instead of real implementation.
playerController := PlayerController{playerService}
We generate mock our by using vektra mockery for IPlayerService, go to the interfaces folder and then just type.
mockery -name=IPlayerService
The output will be inside ```mocks/IPlayerService.go``` and we can use it right away for our testing.
We have cover pretty much everything there is I hope that you already get the idea of proper unit testing and why we should implement interfaces, dependency injection and mocking. The last piece is the unit test itself.
func TestPlayerScore(t *testing.T) {
// create an instance of our test object
playerService := new(mocks.IPlayerService)
// setup expectations
playerService.On("GetScores", "Rafael", "Serena").Return("Forty-Fifteen", nil)
playerController := PlayerController{playerService}
// call the code we are testing
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8080/getScore/Rafael/vs/Serena", nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
r := chi.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/getScore/{player1}/vs/{player2}", playerController.GetPlayerScore)
r.ServeHTTP(w, req)
expectedResult := viewmodels.ScoresVM{}
expectedResult.Score = "Forty-Fifteen"
actualResult := viewmodels.ScoresVM{}
// assert that the expectations were met
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult)
As you see here after injecting playerService of playerController with mock object, we are calling the playerController.GetPlayer and simulate request all the way from the router.
req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8080/getScore/Rafael/vs/Serena", nil)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
r := chi.NewRouter()
r.HandleFunc("/getScore/{player1}/vs/{player2}", playerController.GetPlayerScore)
r.ServeHTTP(w, req)
And assert the result by using testify assertion library
assert.Equal(t, expectedResult, actualResult)
[Circuit Breaker](
Building a distributed system we should really think that everything is not reliable, networks could breaks, servers could suddenly crash, even your 100% unit-tested app could be the root cause of the problems.
With that in said, when designing distributed system we should keep that in mind, so when some of our system is down, it won't take the whole system. Circuit breaker is a pattern with which we could design our system to be fault-tolerant and can withstand one or more service failure. It should be wrapping all call outside application ex: db call, redis call, api call.
Essentially circuit breaker works just like electrical circuit breakers, nothing fancy here, the only different is when the breaker is tripped it can be automatically closed when the downstream service is responding properly as described in the picture below.

In our case, we will be using hystrix-go, it is a go port from Netflix's hystrix library, how it works is essentially the same, even hystrix-go supports turbine along with its hystrix dashboard, but in my case, I rather use the datadog plugins, since we are using datadog to monitor our system.
For the sake of SOLID principles implementation in our codebase, we will add hystrix-go to our PlayerRepository leveraging decorator pattern, this will maintain our base repository implementation, the one that calls database, clean from modification and we will create its extension which is named PlayerRepositoryWithCircuitBreaker. This is the O part of SOLID which stands for Open for extension, Close for modification.
If you recall we inject our PlayerService with PlayerRepositoryWithCircuitBreaker and the original PlayerRepository wrapped inside.
playerService.PlayerRepository = &repositories.PlayerRepositoryWithCircuitBreaker{playerRepository}
Base PlayerRepository implementation :
type PlayerRepository struct {
func (repository *PlayerRepository) GetPlayerByName(name string) (models.PlayerModel, error) {
row, err :=repository.Query(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM player_models WHERE name = '%s'", name))
if err != nil {
return models.PlayerModel{}, err
var player models.PlayerModel
row.Scan(&player.Id, &player.Name, &player.Score)
return player, nil
PlayerRepository extension implementation :
type PlayerRepositoryWithCircuitBreaker struct {
PlayerRepository interfaces.IPlayerRepository
func (repository *PlayerRepositoryWithCircuitBreaker) GetPlayerByName(name string) (models.PlayerModel, error) {
output := make(chan models.PlayerModel, 1)
hystrix.ConfigureCommand("get_player_by_name", hystrix.CommandConfig{Timeout: 1000})
errors := hystrix.Go("get_player_by_name", func() error {
player, _ := repository.PlayerRepository.GetPlayerByName(name)
output <- player
return nil
}, nil)
select {
case out := <-output:
return out, nil
case err := <-errors:
return models.PlayerModel{}, err
Basically PlayerRepositoryWithCircuitBreaker implement the same interface as PlayerRepository, IPlayerRepository
type IPlayerRepository interface {
GetPlayerByName(name string) (models.PlayerModel, error)
As you see here, it is very easy to implement hystrix-go circuit breaker, you just need to wrap your db call inside hystrix if the timeout reached, the circuit breaker will be tripped and all calls to database will be halt, error will be returned instead for future call until db service is up and healthy.
M. Ichsan Rahardianto.
294 | Autocode CLI and standard library tooling | # <img src="" width="300">
**Autocode Setup** |
[Node]( |
[Web]( |
[Python (alpha)]( |
[Ruby (alpha)](
# Introduction
[Autocode]( is a fastest and easy way to build web
services and APIs that respond to external SaaS events. The Autocode ecosystem
treats external SaaS APIs as single-line function calls with the use of the
[lib]( package in NPM. The Autocode CLI allows
you to interact seamlessly with the following components of Autocode:
1. Executing APIs on the Autocode standard library
2. Uploading new APIs / web services to Autocode's hosting platform
Autocode is based on Function as a Service ("serverless") architecture,
initially popularized by AWS Lambda. You can use Autocode to build modular, scalable APIs
for yourself and other developers in *minutes* without having to manage servers,
gateways, domains, write documentation, or build SDKs. Your development workflow
has never been easier - focus on writing code you love, let Autocode handle
everything else.
Autocode uses an **open specification** called
[FunctionScript]( for function definitions and
execution. If you run into concerns or questions as you're building from this
guide, please reference the FunctionScript repository. :)
You can view services published by our large and growing developer community
[on the Autocode standard library page](

# Table of contents
1. [Getting started](#getting-started)
1. [Creating your first service](#creating-your-first-service)
1. [Connecting service endpoints](#connecting-service-endpoints)
1. [Accessing your APIs from other applications](#accessing-your-apis-from-other-applications)
1. [Accessing your APIs over HTTP](#accessing-your-apis-over-http)
1. [Version control and package management](#version-control-and-package-management)
1. [Logging](#logging)
1. [Additional functionality](#additional-functionality)
1. [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
1. [Contact](#contact)
# Getting started
To get started with Autocode, first make sure you have Node 8.x or later installed,
[available from the official Node.js website]( Next install
the Autocode CLI tools with:
$ npm install lib.cli -g
And you're now ready to start building!
# Creating your first service
The first thing you'll want to do is create a workspace. Create a new directory
you intend to build your services in and initialize the workspace.
$ mkdir autocode-workspace
$ cd autocode-workspace
$ lib init
You'll be asked for an e-mail address to log in to the Autocode registry.
If you don't yet have an account, you can create one by going to
Note that you can skip account creation with `lib init --no-login`.
You'll be unable to use the registry, but it's useful for creating workspaces
when you don't have internet access.
Next, create your service:
$ lib create <service>
You'll be asked for a default function name, which is the entry point
into your service (useful if you only want a single entry point). This will automatically
generate a service project scaffold in `autocode-workspace/<username>/<service>`.
Once created, enter the service directory:
$ cd your_username/your_service
In this directory, you'll see something like:
- functions/
- __main__.js
- package.json
- env.json
At this point, there's a "hello world" function that's been automatically
created (`__main__.js`). Autocode comes paired with a simple `lib` command for
testing your functions locally and running them in the cloud.
To test your function:
$ lib .
"hello world"
If we examine the `functions/__main__.js` file, we see the following:
* A basic Hello World function
* @param {string} name Who you're saying hello to
* @returns {string}
module.exports = async (name = 'world', context) => {
return `hello ${name}`;
We can pass parameters to it using the CLI by specifying named parameters:
$ lib . --name "dolores abernathy"
"hello dolores abernathy"
Note that `context` is a magic parameter (automatically populated with
execution details, when provided) as is `callback` (terminates execution),
so these **don't need to be documented** and **can not be specified as
parameters when executing the function**.
## Pushing to the cloud
To push your function to a development environment in the cloud...
$ lib up dev
$ lib your_username.your_service[@dev]
"hello world"
And to release it (when you're ready!)
$ lib release
$ lib your_username.your_service
"hello world"
You can check out your service on the web, and use it in applications using our
functions gateway, ``.
That's it! You haven't written a line of code yet, and you have mastery over
building a service, testing it in a development (staging) environment online,
and releasing it for private (or public) consumption.
**Note:** By default, APIs that you publish with `lib release` will have a
documentation page in the Autocode public registry. You can keep your page private,
as well as restrict execution access or add collaborators to your API,
by modifying your API's permissions. For more information, see this [docs page](
**Another Note:** Staging environments (like the one created with `lib up dev`)
are *mutable* and can be replaced indefinitely. Releases (`lib release`) are
*immutable* and can never be overwritten. However, any service can be torn down
with `lib down <environment>` or `lib down -r <version>` (but releases
can't be replaced once removed, to prevent mistakes and / or bad actors).
# Connecting service endpoints
You'll notice that you can create more than one function per service. While
you can structure your project however you'd like internally, it should also
be noted that these functions have zero-latency access to each other. You
can access them internally with the `lib` [package on NPM](,
which behaves similarly to the `lib` command for testing. Use:
$ npm install lib --save
In your main service directory to add it, and use it like so:
#### functions/add.js
module.exports = async (a = 0, b = 0) => {
return a + b;
#### functions/add_double.js
const lib = require('lib');
module.exports = async (a = 0, b = 0, context) => {
let result = await lib[`${context.service.identifier}.add`]({a: a, b: b});
return result * 2;
In this case, calling `lib .add --a 1 --b 2` will return `3` and `lib .add_double --a 1 --b 2`
will return `6`. The `context` magic parameter is used for its
`context.service.identifier` property, which will return the string `"your_username.your_service[@local]"`
in the case of local execution, `"your_username.your_service[@ENV]"` when deployed to an
environment or release (where `ENV` is your environment name or semver).
# Accessing your APIs from other applications
As mentioned in the previous section, you can use the NPM `lib` package that's
[available on GitHub and NPM]( to access your
APIs from legacy Node.js applications and even the web browser. We'll
have more SDKs coming out in the following months.
An existing app would call a function (username.bestTrekChar with version 0.2.1):
const lib = require('lib');
let result;
try {
result = await lib.username.bestTrekChar['@0.2.1']({name: 'spock'});
} catch (err) {
// handle error
// do something with result
Which would speak to your API...
module.exports = async (name = 'kirk') => {
if (name === 'kirk') {
return 'why, thank, you, too, kind';
} else if (name === 'spock') {
return 'i think this feeling is called "pleased"';
} else {
throw new Error('Only kirk and spock supported.');
# Accessing your APIs over HTTP
We definitely recommend using the [lib library on NPM](
to make API calls as specified above, but you can also make HTTPS
requests directly to the Autocode gateway. HTTP query parameters are mapped
automatically to parameters by name.
```[email protected]/?name=BATMAN
Maps directly to:
* Hello World
* @param {string} name
* @returns {string}
module.exports = async (name = 'world') => {
// returns "HELLO BATMAN" from above HTTP query
return `Hello ${name}`;
# Version control and package management
A quick note on version control - Autocode is *not* a replacement for normal
git-based workflows, it is a supplement focused around service creation and
You have unlimited access to any release (that hasn't been torn down)
with `lib download <serviceIdentifier>` to download and unpack the
tarball to a working directory.
Tarballs (and package contents) are *closed-source*.
Nobody but you (and potentially your teammates) has access to these. It's up to
you whether or not you share the guts of your service with others on GitHub or NPM.
As mentioned above: releases are *immutable* and can not be overwritten (but can
be removed, just not replaced afterwards) and development / staging environments
are *mutable*, you can overwrite them as much as you'd like.
# Logging
Logging for services is enabled by default. When running a service locally with
`lib .` or `lib .functionname`, all logs will be output in your console. The very
last output (normally a JSON-compatible string) is the return value of the function.
To view remote logs (in dev or release environments), use the following syntax:
:: Lists all logs for the service
$ lib logs username.servicename
:: Lists main service endpoint logs for "dev" environment
$ lib logs username.servicename[@dev]
:: Lists service endpoint named "test" logs for "dev" environment
$ lib logs username.servicename[@dev].test
:: Lists all logs for "dev" environment
$ lib logs username.servicename[@dev]*
$ lib logs username.servicename[@dev].*
The default log type is `stdout`, though you can specify `stderr` with
`lib logs username.servicename -t stderr`.
Limit the number of lines to show with the `-l` argument (or `--lines`).
# Additional functionality
Autocode comes packed with a bunch of other goodies - as we roll out updates to
the platform the serverless builds we're using may change. You can update
your service to our latest build using `lib rebuild`. If for any reason your
service goes down and is unrecoverable, you can fix it with this command.
To see a full list of commands available for the CLI tools, type:
$ lib help
We've conveniently copy-and-pasted the output here for you to peruse;
-b Execute as a Background Function
-d Specify debug mode (prints Gateway logs locally, response logs remotely)
-i Specify information mode (prints tar packing and execution request progress)
-t Specify an Identity Token to use manually
-x Unauthenticated - Execute without a token (overrides active token and -t flag)
--* all verbose flags converted to named keyword parameters
Runs an Autocode function, i.e. "lib user.service[@env]" (remote) or "lib ." (local)
create [service]
-n No login - don't require an internet connection
-w Write over - overwrite the current directory contents
--no-login No login - don't require an internet connection
--write-over Write over - overwrite the current directory contents
Creates a new (local) service
down [environment]
-r Remove a release version (provide number)
--release Remove a release version (provide number)
Removes Autocode package from registry and cloud environment
download [username/name OR username/name@env OR username/name@version]
-w Write over - overwrite the target directory contents
--write-over Write over - overwrite the target directory contents
Retrieves and extracts Autocode package
endpoints:create [name] [description] [param_1] [param_2] [...] [param_n]
-n New directory: Create as a __main__.js file, with the name representing the directory
--new New directory: Create as a __main__.js file, with the name representing the directory
Creates a new endpoint for a service
hostnames:add [source] [target]
Adds a new hostname route from a source custom hostname to a target service you own.
Accepts wildcards wrapped in curly braces ("{}") or "*" at the front of the hostname.
Displays created hostname routes from source custom hostnames to target services you own
Removes a hostname route from a source custom hostname to a target service you own
-p Port (default 8170)
--port Port (default 8170)
Creates HTTP Server for Current Service
init [environment]
-f Force command to overwrite existing workspace
-n No login - don't require an internet connection
--force Force command to overwrite existing workspace
--no-login No login - don't require an internet connection
Initializes Autocode workspace
--email E-mail
--password Password
Logs in to Autocode
-f Force - clears information even if current Access Token invalid
--force Force - clears information even if current Access Token invalid
Logs out of Autocode in this workspace
logs [service]
-l The number of log lines you want to retrieve
-t The log type you want to retrieve. Allowed values are "stdout" and "stderr".
--lines The number of log lines you want to retrieve
--type The log type you want to retrieve. Allowed values are "stdout" and "stderr".
Retrieves logs for a given service
rebuild [environment]
-r Rebuild a release package
--release Rebuild a release package
Rebuilds a service (useful for registry performance updates), alias of `lib restart -b`
Pushes release of Autocode package to registry and cloud (Alias of `lib up -r`)
Selects an active Identity Token for API Authentication
Sets STDLIB_SECRET_TOKEN in env.json "local" field to the value of an existing token
-a All - show invalidated tokens as well
-s Silent mode - do not display information
--all All - show invalidated tokens as well
--silent Silent mode - do not display information
Lists your remotely generated Identity Tokens (Authentication)
up [environment]
-f Force deploy
-r Upload a release package
--force Force deploy
--release Upload a release package
Pushes Autocode package to registry and cloud environment
-s <key> <value> Sets a specified key-value pair
--new-password Sets a new password via a prompt
--reset-password <email> Sends a password reset request for the specified e-mail address
--set <key> <value> Sets a specified key-value pair
Retrieves (and sets) current user information
Returns currently installed version of Autocode command line tools
# Upgrading from previous versions
If you're running a previous version and are having issues with the CLI,
try cleaning up the old CLI binary links first;
$ rm /usr/local/bin/f
$ rm /usr/local/bin/lib
$ rm /usr/local/bin/stdlib
# That's it!
Yep, it's really that easy. To keep up-to-date on developments, please
star us here on GitHub, and sign up a user account for the registry. You
can read more about service hosting and keep track of official updates on
[the official Autocode website,](
# Acknowledgements
Autocode is a product of and © 2021 Polybit Inc.
We'd love for you to pay attention to [@AutocodeHQ]( and
what we're building next! If you'd consider joining the team, [shoot us an e-mail](mailto:[email protected]).
You can also follow our team on Twitter:
- [@keithwhor (Keith Horwood)](
- [@hacubu (Jacob Lee)](
- [@YusufMusleh (Yusuf Musleh)](
- [@threesided (Scott Gamble)](
Issues encouraged, PRs welcome, and we're happy to have you on board!
Enjoy and happy building :)
# Thanks
Special thanks to the people and companies that have believed in and supported our
vision and development over the years.
- Slack [@SlackHQ](
- Stripe [@Stripe](
- Romain Huet [@romainhuet](
- Chad Fowler [@chadfowler](
- Brian LeRoux [@brianleroux](
- Ahmad Nassri [@AhmadNassri](
... and many more!
295 | List of API's for gathering information about phone numbers, addresses, domains etc | <div align="center">
<img align="center" src="./logo.png" width="180px" >
<h2 align="center">APIs For OSINT</h2>
<img alt="GitHub stars" src="">
<img alt="GitHub forks" src="">
<img alt="GitHub forks" src="">
This is a Collection of APIs that will be useful for automating various tasks in OSINT.
<p align="center">
Instruction for total beginners: [OSINT automation: using сustom functions for working with API requests in Google Sheets](
Thank you for following me! [@cyb_detective](
## Table of contents
- [APIs](#phone-number-lookup-and-verification)
- [Phone Number Lookup and Verification](#phone-number-lookup-and-verification)
- [Address/ZIP codes lookup](#addresszip-codes-lookup)
- [People and documents verification](#people-and-documents-verification)
- [Business/Entity search](#businessentity-search)
- [Domain/DNS/IP lookup](#domaindnsip-lookup)
- [Mobile Apps Endpoints](#mobile-apps-endpoints)
- [Scraping](#scraping)
- [Whois](#whois)
- [GEO IP](#geo-ip)
- [Wi-fi lookup](#wi-fi-lookup)
- [Network](#network)
- [Finance](#finance)
- [Email](#email)
- [Names/Surnames](#names)
- [Pastebin/Leaks](#pastebinleaks)
- [Archives](#archives)
- [Hashes decrypt/encrypt](#hashes-decryptencrypt)
- [Crypto](#crypto)
- [IOT](#iot)
- [Malware](#malware)
- [Face Search and detection](#face-search)
- [Social Media and Messengers](#social-media-and-messengers)
- [UNOFFICIAL APIs](#unofficial-apis)
- [Search Engines](#search-engines)
- [News analyze](#news-analyze)
- [Darknet](#darknet)
- [Torrents/file sharing](#torrentsfile-sharing)
- [Flights](#flights)
- [Webcams](#webcams)
- [Regular expressions](#regex)
- [API testing tools](#api-testing-tools)
- [Curl converters](#curl-converters-tools-that-help-to-write-code-using-api-queries)
- [Create your own API](#create-your-own-api)
- [Distribute your own API](#distribute-your-own-api)
- [API Keys Info](#api-keys-info)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Contact](#contact)
- [License](#license)
## Phone Number Lookup and Verification
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ---------- | --------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| Numverify | | Global Phone Number Validation & Lookup JSON API. Supports 232 countries. | 250 requests FREE |
| Twillo | | Provides a way to retrieve additional information about a phone number | Free or $0.01 per request (for caller lookup) |
| Plivo | | Determine carrier, number type, format, and country for any phone number worldwide | from $0.04 per request |
| GetContact | | Find info about user by phone number | from $6,89 in months/100 requests |
| Veriphone | | Phone number validation & carrier lookup | 1000 requests/month FREE |
## Address/ZIP codes lookup
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ---------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| Global Address | | Easily verify, check or lookup address | FREE |
| US Street Address | | Validate and append data for any US postal address | FREE |
| Google Maps Geocoding API | | convert addresses (like "1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA") into geographic coordinates | 0.005 USD per request |
| Postcoder | | Find adress by postcode | £130/5000 requests |
| Zipcodebase | | Lookup postal codes, calculate distances and much more | 5000 requests FREE |
| Openweathermap geocoding API | | get geographical coordinates (lat, lon) by using name of the location (city name or area name) | 60 calls/minute 1,000,000 calls/month |
| DistanceMatrix | | Calculate, evaluate and plan your routes | $1.25-$2 per 1000 elements |
## People and documents verification
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ----- |
| | | Allows you to verify the identities of individuals, businesses, and connect to financial account data across Africa | Paid |
| | | Onfido Document Verification lets your users scan a photo ID from any device, before checking it's genuine. Combined with Biometric Verification, it's a seamless way to anchor an account to the real identity of a customer. India | Paid |
| | | Passport, Photo ID and Driver License Verification in India | Paid |
## Business/Entity search
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| --------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| Open corporates | | Companies information | Paid, price upon request |
| Linkedin company search API | | Find companies using keywords, industry, location, and other criteria | FREE |
| Mattermark | | Get companies and investor information | free 14-day trial, from $49 per month |
## Domain/DNS/IP lookup
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| API OSINT DS | | Collect info about IPv4/FQDN/URLs and file hashes in md5, sha1 or sha256 | FREE |
| InfoDB API | | The API returns the location of an IP address (country, region, city, zipcode, latitude, longitude) and the associated timezone in XML, JSON or plain text format | FREE |
| | | Registered Domain Names Search | FREE |
| BGPView | | allowing consumers to view all sort of analytics data about the current state and structure of the internet | FREE |
| DNSCheck | | monitor the status of both individual DNS records and groups of related DNS records | up to 10 DNS records/FREE |
| Cloudflare Trace | | Get IP Address, Timestamp, User Agent, Country Code, IATA, HTTP Version, TLS/SSL Version & More | FREE |
| | | Get info about domain | FREE |
## Mobile Apps Endpoints
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ----------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| BeVigil OSINT API | | provides access to millions of asset footprint data points including domain intel, cloud services, API information, and third party assets extracted from millions of mobile apps being continuously uploaded and scanned by users on | 50 credits free/1000 credits/$50 |
## Scraping
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| -------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| WebScraping.AI | | Web Scraping API with built-in proxies and JS rendering | FREE |
| ZenRows | | Web Scraping API that bypasses anti-bot solutions while offering JS rendering, and rotating proxies apiKey Yes Unknown | FREE |
## Whois
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------ | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------- |
| Whois freaks | | well-parsed and structured domain WHOIS data for all domain names, registrars, countries and TLDs since the birth of internet | $19/5000 requests |
| WhoisXMLApi | | gathers a variety of domain ownership and registration data points from a comprehensive WHOIS database | 500 requests in month/FREE |
| IPtoWhois | | Get detailed info about a domain | 500 requests/month FREE |
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ---------------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------ |
| Ipstack | | Detect country, region, city and zip code | FREE |
| | | provides country, city, state, province, local currency, latitude and longitude, company detail, ISP lookup, language, zip code, country calling code, time zone, current time, sunset and sunrise time, moonset and moonrise | 30 000 requests per month/FREE |
| IPInfoDB | | Free Geolocation tools and APIs for country, region, city and time zone lookup by IP address | FREE |
| IP API | | Free domain/IP geolocation info | FREE |
## Wi-fi lookup
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------ | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| Mylnikov API | | public API implementation of Wi-Fi Geo-Location database | FREE |
| Wigle | | get location and other information by SSID | FREE |
## Network
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| PeetingDB | | Database of networks, and the go-to location for interconnection data | FREE |
| PacketTotal | | .pcap files analyze | FREE |
## Finance
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------- |
| | | get information about bank by BIN | FREE |
| FDIC Bank Data API | | institutions, locations and history events | FREE |
| Amdoren | | Free currency API with over 150 currencies | FREE |
| | | Exchange rates, geolocation and VAT number validation | FREE |
| Alpaca | | Realtime and historical market data on all US equities and ETFs | FREE |
| Swiftcodesapi | | Verifying the validity of a bank SWIFT code or IBAN account number | $39 per month/4000 swift lookups |
| IBANAPI | | Validate IBAN number and get bank account information from it | Freemium/10$ Starter plan |
## Email
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| EVA | | Measuring email deliverability & quality | FREE |
| Mailboxlayer | | Simple REST API measuring email deliverability & quality | 100 requests FREE, 5000 requests in month — $14.49 |
| EmailCrawlr | | Get key information about company websites. Find all email addresses associated with a domain. Get social accounts associated with an email. Verify email address deliverability. | 200 requests FREE, 5000 requets — $40 |
| Voila Norbert | | Find anyone's email address and ensure your emails reach real people | from $49 in month |
| Kickbox | | Email verification API | FREE |
| FachaAPI | | Allows checking if an email domain is a temporary email domain | FREE |
## Name/Surname
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| | | Instantly answers the question of how likely a certain name is to be male or female and shows the popularity of the name. | 1000 names/day free |
| | | Predicts the age of a person given their name | 1000 names/day free |
| | | Predicts the nationality of a person given their name | 1000 names/day free |
## Pastebin/Leaks
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- |
| HaveIBeenPwned | | allows the list of pwned accounts (email addresses and usernames) | $3.50 per month |
| | | search in Pastebin | $9.95 per 10000 requests |
| LeakPeek | | searc in leaks databases | $9.99 per 4 weeks unlimited access |
| | | search domain in data breaches databases | FREE |
| LeekLookup | | search domain, email_address, fullname, ip address, phone, password, username in leaks databases | 10 requests FREE |
| | | search domain, email_address, fullname, ip address, phone, password, username in leaks databases (possible to view password hashes) | 50 requests in month/FREE |
## Archives
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| Wayback Machine API (Memento API, CDX Server API, Wayback Availability JSON API) | | Retrieve information about Wayback capture data | FREE |
| TROVE (Australian Web Archive) API | | Retrieve information about TROVE capture data | FREE |
| Archive-it API | | Retrieve information about archive-it capture data | FREE |
| UK Web Archive API | | Retrieve information about UK Web Archive capture data | FREE |
| API | | Allows full-text search and access preserved web content and related metadata. It is also possible to search by URL, accessing all versions of preserved web content.
API returns a JSON object. | FREE |
| Library Of Congress archive API | | Provides structured data about Library of Congress collections | FREE |
| BotsArchive | | JSON formatted details about Telegram Bots available in database | FREE |
## Hashes decrypt/encrypt
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ----------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| MD5 Decrypt | | Search for decrypted hashes in the database | 1.99 EURO/day |
## Crypto
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| | | get information about addresses and transanctions | FREE |
| Blockchair | | Explore data stored on 17 blockchains (BTC, ETH, Cardano, Ripple etc) | $0.33 - $1 per 1000 calls |
| Bitcointabyse | | Lookup bitcoin addresses that have been linked to criminal activity | FREE |
| Bitcoinwhoswho | | Scam reports on the Bitcoin Address | FREE |
| Etherscan | | Ethereum explorer API | FREE |
| apilayer coinlayer | | Real-time Crypto Currency Exchange Rates | FREE |
| BlockFacts | | Real-time crypto data from multiple exchanges via a single unified API, and much more | FREE |
| Brave NewCoin | | Real-time and historic crypto data from more than 200+ exchanges | FREE |
| WorldCoinIndex | | Cryptocurrencies Prices | FREE |
## IOT
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| --------- | ------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | -------------- |
| Shodan | | IP and DNS information about all devices in the internet | from $59/month |
| | | IP and DNS information about all devices in the internet | ??? |
| | | Search engine for Internet connected host and devices | FREE |
## Malware
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ | ------------------ |
| VirusTotal | | files and urls analyze | Public API is FREE |
| AbuseLPDB | | IP/domain/URL reputation | FREE |
| AlienVault Open Threat Exchange (OTX) | | IP/domain/URL reputation | FREE |
| Phisherman | | IP/domain/URL reputation | FREE |
| | | Scan and Analyse URLs | FREE |
| Web of Thrust | | IP/domain/URL reputation | FREE |
| Threat Jammer | | IP/domain/URL reputation | ??? |
## Face Search
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------ | --------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- |
| Search4faces | | Detect and locate human faces within an image, and returns high-precision face bounding boxes. Face⁺⁺ also allows you to store metadata of each detected face for future use. | $21 per 1000 requests |
## Face Detection
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------ | --------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- |
| Face++ | | Search for people in social networks by facial image | from 0.03 per call |
| BetaFace | | Can scan uploaded image files or image URLs, find faces and analyze them. API also provides verification (faces comparison) and identification (faces search) services, as well able to maintain multiple user-defined recognition databases (namespaces) | 50 image per day FREE/from 0.15 EUR per request|
## Social Media and Messengers
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| Twitch | | | |
| YouTube Data API | | | |
| Reddit | | | |
| Vkontakte | | | |
| Twitter API | | | |
| Linkedin API | | | |
| All Facebook and Instagram API | | | |
| Whatsapp Business API | | | |
| Telegram and Telegram Bot API | | | |
| Weibo API |文档/en | | |
| XING | | | |
| Viber | | | |
| Dicord | | | |
| Odnoklassniki | | | |
| Blogger | | The Blogger APIs allows client applications to view and update Blogger content | FREE |
| Disqus | | Communicate with Disqus data | FREE |
| Foursquare | | Interact with Foursquare users and places (geolocation-based checkins, photos, tips, events, etc) | FREE |
| HackerNews | | Social news for CS and entrepreneurship | FREE |
| Kakao | | Kakao Login, Share on KakaoTalk, Social Plugins and more | FREE |
| Line | | Line Login, Share on Line, Social Plugins and more | FREE |
| TikTok | | Fetches user info and user's video posts on TikTok platform | FREE |
| Tumblr | | Read and write Tumblr Data | FREE |
> !WARNING Use with caution! Accounts may be blocked permanently for using unofficial APIs.
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| TikTok | | The Unofficial TikTok API Wrapper In Python | FREE |
| Google Trends | | Unofficial Google Trends API | FREE |
| YouTube Music | | Unofficial APi for YouTube Music | FREE |
| Duolingo | | Duolingo unofficial API (can gather info about users) | FREE |
| Steam. | | An unofficial object-oriented Python library for accessing the Steam Web API. | FREE |
| Instagram | | Instagram Private API | FREE |
| Discord | | JavaScript library for interacting with the Discord API | FREE |
| Zhihu | | FREE Unofficial API for Zhihu | FREE |
| Quora | | Unofficial API for Quora | FREE |
| DnsDumbster | | (Unofficial) Python API for DnsDumbster | FREE |
| PornHub | | Unofficial API for PornHub in Python | FREE |
| Skype | | Unofficial Skype API for nodejs via 'Skype (HTTP)' protocol. | FREE |
| Google Search | | Google Search unofficial API for Python with no external dependencies | FREE |
| Airbnb | | Python wrapper around the Airbnb API (unofficial) | FREE |
| Medium | | Unofficial Medium Python Flask API and SDK | FREE |
| Facebook | | Powerful unofficial Facebook API | FREE |
| Linkedin | | Unofficial Linkedin API for Python | FREE |
## Search Engines
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
| Google Custom Search JSON API | | Search in Google | 100 requests FREE |
| Serpstack | | Google search results to JSON | FREE |
| Serpapi | | Google, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Bint and many others search results | $50/5000 searches/month |
| Bing Web Search API | | Search in Bing (+instant answers and location) | 1000 transactions per month FREE |
| WolframAlpha API | | Short answers, conversations, calculators and many more | from $25 per 1000 queries |
| DuckDuckgo Instant Answers API | | An API for some of our Instant Answers, not for full search results. | FREE |
| Memex Marginalia | | An API for new privacy search engine | FREE |
## News analyze
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ---------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------------- |
| MediaStack | | News articles search results in JSON | 500 requests/month FREE |
## Darknet
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ----- |
| | | search by websites in .onion zone | FREE |
## Torrents/file sharing
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ------------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------- | ----- |
| Jackett | | API for automate searching in different torrent trackers | FREE |
| Torrents API PY | []( | Unofficial API for 1337x, Piratebay, Nyaasi, Torlock, Torrent Galaxy, Zooqle, Kickass, Bitsearch, MagnetDL,Libgen, YTS, Limetorrent, TorrentFunk, Glodls, Torre | FREE |
| Torrent Search API | []( | API for Torrent Search Engine with Extratorrents, Piratebay, and ISOhunt | 500 queries/day FREE |
| Torrent search api | | Yet another node torrent scraper (supports iptorrents, torrentleech, torrent9, torrentz2, 1337x, thepiratebay, Yggtorrent, TorrentProject, Eztv, Yts, LimeTorrents) | FREE |
| Torrentinim | | Very low memory-footprint, self hosted API-only torrent search engine. Sonarr + Radarr Compatible, native support for Linux, Mac and Windows. | FREE |
## Flights
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- |
| Aviation Stack | | get information about flights, aircrafts and airlines | FREE |
| OpenSky Network | | Free real-time ADS-B aviation data | FREE |
| AviationAPI | | FAA Aeronautical Charts and Publications, Airport Information, and Airport Weather | FREE |
| FachaAPI | | Aircraft details and live positioning API | FREE |
## Webcams
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ----------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| Windy Webcams API | | Get a list of available webcams for a country, city or geographical coordinates | FREE with limits or 9990 euro without limits |
## Regex
| Name | Link | Description | Price |
| ----------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| Autoregex | | Convert English phrase to regular expression | from $3.49/month |
## API testing tools
| Name | Link |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| API Guessr (detect API by auth key or by token) | |
| REQBIN Online REST & SOAP API Testing Tool | |
| ExtendClass Online REST Client | |
| Online API Test | |
| SyncWith Google Sheet add-on. Link more than 1000 APIs with Spreadsheet | |
| Talend API Tester Google Chrome Extension | | |
## Curl converters (tools that help to write code using API queries)
| Name | Link |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Convert curl commands to Python, JavaScript, PHP, R, Go, C#, Ruby, Rust, Elixir, Java, MATLAB, Dart, CFML, Ansible URI or JSON | |
| Curl-to-PHP. Instantly convert curl commands to PHP code | |
| Curl to PHP online (Codebeatify) | |
| Curl to JavaScript fetch | |
| Curl to JavaScript fetch (Scrapingbee) | |
| Curl to C# converter | |
## Create your own API
| Name | Link |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| Sheety. Create API frome GOOGLE SHEET | |
| Postman. Platform for creating your own API | |
| Reetoo. Rest API Generator | |
| Beeceptor. Rest API mocking and intercepting in seconds (no coding). | |
## Distribute your own API
| Name | Link |
| ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| RapidAPI. Market your API for millions of developers | |
| Apilayer. API Marketplace | |
## API Keys Info
| Name | Link | Description |
| ---------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Keyhacks | | Keyhacks is a repository which shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked to see if they're valid. |
| All about APIKey | | Detailed information about API key / OAuth token for different services (Description, Request, Response, Regex, Example) |
| API Guessr | | Enter API Key and and find out which service they belong to |
## Contributing
Contributions are always welcome! Please read the [contribution guidelines]( first.
## Contact
- Revue : [@cyb_detective](
- Github : [@cipher387](
- Twitter : [@cyb_detective](
- Telegram : [@cybdetective](
## License

This work is licensed under a [CC0 1.0 Universal]( license.
296 | A Laravel Fractal package for building API responses, giving you the power of Fractal with Laravel's elegancy. | <p align="center"><img src="" width="396" height="111"></p>
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Laravel Responder is a package for building API responses, integrating [Fractal]( into Laravel and Lumen. It can transform your data using transformers, create and serialize success- and error responses, handle exceptions and assist you with testing your responses.
# Table of Contents
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Creating Responses](#creating-responses)
- [Creating Success Responses](#creating-success-responses)
- [Creating Transformers](#creating-transformers)
- [Transforming Data](#transforming-data)
- [Creating Error Responses](#creating-error-responses)
- [Handling Exceptions](#handling-exceptions)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Donating](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
# Introduction
Laravel lets you return models directly from a controller method to convert it to JSON. This is a quick way to build APIs but leaves your database columns exposed. [Fractal](, a popular PHP package from [The PHP League](, solves this by introducing transformers. However, it can be a bit cumbersome to integrate into the framework as seen below:
public function index()
$resource = new Collection(User::all(), new UserTransformer());
return response()->json((new Manager)->createData($resource)->toArray());
Not _that_ bad, but we all get a little spoiled by Laravel's magic. Wouldn't it be better if we could refactor it to:
public function index()
return responder()->success(User::all())->respond();
The package will allow you to do this and much more. The goal has been to create a high-quality package that feels like native Laravel. A package that lets you embrace the power of Fractal, while hiding it behind beautiful abstractions. There has also been put a lot of focus and thought to the documentation. Happy exploration!
# Requirements
This package requires:
- PHP __7.0__+
- Laravel __5.1__+ or Lumen __5.1__+
# Installation
To get started, install the package through Composer:
composer require flugger/laravel-responder
## Laravel
#### Register Service Provider
Append the following line to the `providers` key in `config/app.php` to register the package:
_The package supports auto-discovery, so if you use Laravel 5.5 or later you may skip registering the service provider and facades as they will be registered automatically._
#### Register Facades _(optional)_
If you like facades, you may also append the `Responder` and `Transformation` facades to the `aliases` key:
'Responder' => Flugg\Responder\Facades\Responder::class,
'Transformation' => Flugg\Responder\Facades\Transformation::class,
#### Publish Package Assets _(optional)_
You may additionally publish the package configuration and language file using the `vendor:publish` Artisan command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Flugg\Responder\ResponderServiceProvider"
This will publish a `responder.php` configuration file in your `config` folder. It will also publish an `errors.php` file inside your `lang/en` folder which can be used for storing error messages.
## Lumen
#### Register Service Provider
Add the following line to `app/bootstrap.php` to register the package:
#### Register Facades _(optional)_
You may also add the following lines to `app/bootstrap.php` to register the facades:
class_alias(Flugg\Responder\Facades\Responder::class, 'Responder');
class_alias(Flugg\Responder\Facades\Transformation::class, 'Transformation');
#### Publish Package Assets _(optional)_
Seeing there is no `vendor:publish` command in Lumen, you will have to create your own `config/responder.php` file if you want to configure the package.
# Usage
This documentation assumes some knowledge of how [Fractal]( works.
## Creating Responses
The package has a `Responder` service class, which has a `success` and `error` method to build success- and error responses respectively. To use the service and begin creating responses, pick one of the options below:
#### Option 1: Inject `Responder` Service
You may inject the `Flugg\Responder\Responder` service class directly into your controller methods:
public function index(Responder $responder)
return $responder->success();
You can also use the `error` method to create error responses:
return $responder->error();
#### Option 2: Use `responder` Helper
If you're a fan of Laravel's `response` helper function, you may like the `responder` helper function:
return responder()->success();
return responder()->error();
#### Option 3: Use `Responder` Facade
Optionally, you may use the `Responder` facade to create responses:
return Responder::success();
return Responder::error();
#### Option 4: Use `MakesResponses` Trait
Lastly, the package provides a `Flugg\Responder\Http\MakesResponses` trait you can use in your controllers:
return $this->success();
return $this->error();
_Which option you pick is up to you, they are all equivalent, the important thing is to stay consistent. The helper function (option 2) will be used for the remaining of the documentation._
### Building Responses
The `success` and `error` methods return a `SuccessResponseBuilder` and `ErrorResponseBuilder` respectively, which both extend an abstract `ResponseBuilder`, giving them common behaviors. They will be converted to JSON when returned from a controller, but you can explicitly create an instance of `Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse` with the `respond` method:
return responder()->success()->respond();
return responder()->error()->respond();
The status code is set to `200` by default, but can be changed by setting the first parameter. You can also pass a list of headers as the second argument:
return responder()->success()->respond(201, ['x-foo' => true]);
return responder()->error()->respond(404, ['x-foo' => false]);
_Consider always using the `respond` method for consistency's sake._
### Casting Response Data
Instead of converting the response to a `JsonResponse` using the `respond` method, you can cast the response data to a few other types, like an array:
return responder()->success()->toArray();
return responder()->error()->toArray();
You also have a `toCollection` and `toJson` method at your disposal.
### Decorating Response
A response decorator allows for last minute changes to the response before it's returned. The package comes with two response decorators out of the box adding a `status` and `success` field to the response output. The `decorators` key in the configuration file defines a list of all enabled response decorators:
'decorators' => [
You may disable a decorator by removing it from the list, or add your own decorator extending the abstract class `Flugg\Responder\Http\Responses\Decorators\ResponseDecorator`. You can also add additional decorators per response:
return responder()->success()->decorator(ExampleDecorator::class)->respond();
return responder()->error()->decorator(ExampleDecorator::class)->respond();
The package also ships with some situational decorators disabled by default, but which can be added to the decorator list:
- `PrettyPrintDecorator` decorator will beautify the JSON output;
- `EscapeHtmlDecorator` decorator, based on the "sanitize input, escape output" concept, will escape HTML entities in all strings returned by your API. You can securely store input data "as is" (even malicious HTML tags) being sure that it will be outputted as un-harmful strings. Note that, using this decorator, printing data as text will result in the wrong representation and you must print it as HTML to retrieve the original value.
## Creating Success Responses
As briefly demonstrated above, success responses are created using the `success` method:
return responder()->success()->respond();
Assuming no changes have been made to the configuration, the above code would output the following JSON:
"status": 200,
"success": true,
"data": null
### Setting Response Data
The `success` method takes the response data as the first argument:
return responder()->success(Product::all())->respond();
It accepts the same data types as you would normally return from your controllers, however, it also supports query builder and relationship instances:
return responder()->success(Product::where('id', 1))->respond();
return responder()->success(Product::first()->shipments())->respond();
_The package will run the queries and convert them to collections behind the scenes._
### Transforming Response Data
The response data will be transformed with Fractal if you've attached a transformer to the response. There are two ways to attach a transformer; either _explicitly_ by setting it on the response, or _implicitly_ by binding it to a model. Let's look at both ways in greater detail.
#### Setting Transformer On Response
You can attach a transformer to the response by sending a second argument to the `success` method. For instance, below we're attaching a simple closure transformer, transforming a list of products to only output their names:
return responder()->success(Product::all(), function ($product) {
return ['name' => $product->name];
You may also transform using a dedicated transformer class:
return responder()->success(Product::all(), ProductTransformer::class)->respond();
return responder()->success(Product::all(), new ProductTransformer)->respond();
_You can read more about creating dedicated transformer classes in the [Creating Transformers](#creating-transformers) chapter._
#### Binding Transformer To Model
If no transformer is set, the package will search the response data for an element implementing the `Flugg\Responder\Contracts\Transformable` interface to resolve a transformer from. You can take use of this by implementing the `Transformable` interface in your models:
class Product extends Model implements Transformable {}
You can satisfy the contract by adding a `transformer` method that returns the corresponding transformer:
* Get a transformer for the class.
* @return \Flugg\Responder\Transformers\Transformer|string|callable
public function transformer()
return ProductTransformer::class;
_You're not limited to returning a class name string, you can return a transformer instance or closure transformer, just like the second parameter of the `success` method._
Instead of implementing the `Transformable` contract for all models, an alternative approach is to bind the transformers using the `bind` method on the `TransformerResolver` class. You can place the code below within `AppServiceProvider` or an entirely new `TransformerServiceProvider`:
use Flugg\Responder\Contracts\Transformers\TransformerResolver;
public function boot()
\App\Product::class => \App\Transformers\ProductTransformer::class,
\App\Shipment::class => \App\Transformers\ShipmentTransformer::class,
After you've bound a transformer to a model you can skip the second parameter and still transform the data:
return responder()->success(Product::all())->respond();
_As you might have noticed, unlike Fractal, you don't need to worry about creating resource objects like `Item` and `Collection`. The package will make one for you based on the data type, however, you may wrap your data in a resource object to override this._
### Setting Resource Key
If the data you send into the response is a model or contains a list of models, a resource key will implicitly be resolved from the model's table name. You can overwrite this by adding a `getResourceKey` method to your model:
public function getResourceKey(): string {
return 'products';
You can also explicitly set a resource key on a response by sending a third argument to the ´success` method:
return responder()->success(Product::all(), ProductTransformer::class, 'products')->respond();
### Paginating Response Data
Sending a paginator to the `success` method will set pagination meta data and transform the data automatically, as well as append any query string parameters to the paginator links.
return responder()->success(Product::paginate())->respond();
Assuming there are no products and the default configuration is used, the JSON output would look like:
"success": true,
"status": 200,
"data": [],
"pagination": {
"total": 0,
"count": 0,
"perPage": 15,
"currentPage": 1,
"totalPages": 1,
"links": []
#### Setting Paginator On Response
Instead of sending a paginator as data, you may set the data and paginator seperately, like you traditionally would with Fractal. You can manually set a paginator using the `paginator` method, which expects an instance of `League\Fractal\Pagination\IlluminatePaginatorAdapter`:
$paginator = Product::paginate();
$adapter = new IlluminatePaginatorAdapter($paginator);
return responder()->success($paginator->getCollection())->paginator($adapter)->respond();
#### Setting Cursor On Response
You can also set cursors using the `cursor` method, expecting an instance of `League\Fractal\Pagination\Cursor`:
if ($request->has('cursor')) {
$products = Product::where('id', '>', request()->cursor)->take(request()->limit)->get();
} else {
$products = Product::take(request()->limit)->get();
$cursor = new Cursor(request()->cursor, request()->previous, $products->last()->id ?? null, Product::count());
return responder()->success($products)->cursor($cursor)->respond();
### Including Relationships
If a transformer class is attached to the response, you can include relationships using the `with` method:
return responder()->success(Product::all())->with('shipments')->respond();
You can send multiple arguments and specify nested relations using dot notation:
return responder()->success(Product::all())->with('shipments', 'orders.customer')->respond();
All relationships will be automatically eager loaded, and just like you would when using `with` or `load` to eager load with Eloquent, you may use a callback to specify additional query constraints. Like in the example below, where we're only including related shipments that hasn't yet been shipped:
return responder()->success(Product::all())->with(['shipments' => function ($query) {
#### Including From Query String
Relationships are loaded from a query string parameter if the `load_relations_parameter` configuration key is set to a string. By default, it's set to `with`, allowing you to automatically include relations from the query string:
GET /products?with=shipments,orders.customer
#### Excluding Default Relations
In your transformer classes, you may specify relations to automatically load. You may disable any of these relations using the `without` method:
return responder()->success(Product::all())->without('comments')->respond();
### Filtering Transformed Data
The technique of filtering the transformed data to only return what we need is called sparse fieldsets and can be specified using the `only` method:
return responder()->success(Product::all())->only('id', 'name')->respond();
When including relationships, you may also want to filter fields on related resources as well. This can be done by instead specifying an array where each key represents the resource keys for the resources being filtered
return responder()->success(Product::all())->with('shipments')->only([
'products' => ['id', 'name'],
'shipments' => ['id']
#### Filtering From Query String
Fields will automatically be filtered if the `filter_fields_parameter` configuration key is set to a string. It defaults to `only`, allowing you to filter fields from the query string:
GET /products?only=id,name
You may automatically filter related resources by setting the parameter to a key-based array:
GET /products?with=shipments&only[products]=id,name&only[shipments]=id
### Adding Meta Data
You may want to attach additional meta data to your response. You can do this using the `meta` method:
return responder()->success(Product::all())->meta(['count' => Product::count()])->respond();
When using the default serializer, the meta data will simply be appended to the response array:
"success": true,
"status": 200,
"data": [],
"count": 0
### Serializing Response Data
After the data has been transformed, it will be serialized using the specified success serializer in the configuration file, which defaults to the package's own `Flugg\Responder\Serializers\SuccessSerializer`. You can overwrite this on your responses using the `serializer` method:
return responder()->success()->serializer(JsonApiSerializer::class)->respond();
return responder()->success()->serializer(new JsonApiSerializer())->respond();
Above we're using Fractal's `JsonApiSerializer` class. Fractal also ships with an `ArraySerializer` and `DataArraySerializer` class. If none of these suit your taste, feel free to create your own serializer by extending `League\Fractal\Serializer\SerializerAbstract`. You can read more about it in [Fractal's documentation](
## Creating Transformers
A dedicated transformer class gives you a convenient location to transform data and allows you to reuse the transformer at multiple places. It also allows you to include and transform relationships. You can create a transformer using the `make:transformer` Artisan command:
php artisan make:transformer ProductTransformer
The command will generate a new `ProductTransformer.php` file in the `app/Transformers` folder:
namespace App\Transformers;
use App\User;
use Flugg\Responder\Transformers\Transformer;
class ProductTransformer extends Transformer
* List of available relations.
* @var string[]
protected $relations = [];
* A list of autoloaded default relations.
* @var array
protected $load = [];
* Transform the model.
* @param \App\Product $product
* @return array
public function transform(Product $product): array
return [
'id' => (int) $product->id,
It will automatically resolve a model name from the name provided. For instance, the package will extract `Product` from `ProductTransformer` and assume the models live directly in the `app` folder (as per Laravel's convention). If you store them somewhere else, you can use the `--model` (or `-m`) option to override it:
php artisan make:transformer ProductTransformer --model="App\Models\Product"
#### Creating Plain Transformers
The transformer file generated above is a model transformer expecting an `App\Product` model for the `transform` method. However, we can create a plain transformer by applying the `--plain` (or `-p`) modifier:
php artisan make:transformer ProductTransformer --plain
This will remove the typehint from the `transform` method and add less boilerplate code.
### Setting Relationships
The `$relations` and `$load` properties in the transformer are the equivalent to Fractal's own `$availableIncludes` and `$defaultIncludes`. In addition to the slight name change, the package uses the `$relations` and `$load` properties to map out all available relationships for eager loading, so in contrast to Fractal, you should map the relationship to their corresponding transformer:
protected $relations = [
'shipments' => ShipmentTransformer::class,
_You can choose to skip the mapping and just pass the strings like with Fractal, but that means the package wont be able to eager load relationships automatically._
#### Setting Whitelisted Relationships
The `$relations` property specifies a list of relations available to be included. You can set a list of relations mapped to their corresponding transformers:
protected $relations = [
'shipments' => ShipmentTransformer::class,
'orders' => OrderTransformer::class,
#### Setting Autoloaded Relationships
The `$load` property specifies a list of relations to be autoloaded every time you transform data with the transformer:
protected $load = [
'shipments' => ShipmentTransformer::class,
'orders' => OrderTransformer::class,
_You don't have to add relations to both `$relations` and `$load`, all relations in `$load` will be available by nature._
### Including Relationships
While Fractal requires you to to create a method in your transformer for every included relation, this package lets you skip this when transforming models, as it will automatically fetch relationships from the model. You may of course override this functionality by creating an "include" method:
* Include related shipments.
* @param \App\Product $product
* @return mixed
public function includeShipments(Product $product)
return $product->shipments;
Unlike Fractal you can just return the data directly without wrapping it in an `item` or `collection` method.
_You should be careful with executing database calls inside the include methods as you might end up with an unexpected amount of hits to the database._
#### Using Include Parameters
Fractal can parse query string parameters which can be used when including relations. For more information about how to format the parameters see Fractal's [documentation on parameters]( You may access the parameters by adding a second parameter to the "include" method:
public function includeShipments(Product $product, Collection $parameters)
return $product->shipments->take($parameters->get('limit'));
_To be as decoupled from Fractal as possible the parameters (which are normally accessed using `League\Fractal\ParamBag`) are accessed as Laravel collections instead._
#### Adding Query Constraints
Just as you can specify a query constraint when including a relationship with the `with` method, you can also add query constraints as a "load" method on the transformer. This will automatically be applied when extracting relationships for eager loading.
* Load shipments with constraints.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $query
* @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
public function loadShipments($query)
return $query->whereNull('shipped_at');
_Note: You cannot mix "include" and "load" methods because the package doesn't eager load relationships included with an "include" method._
### Filtering Relationships
After a relation has been included, you can make any last second changes to it using a filter method. For instance, below we're filtering the list of related shipments to only include shipments that has not been shipped:
* Filter included shipments.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection $shipments
* @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
public function filterShipments($shipments)
return $shipments->filter(function ($shipment) {
return is_null($shipment->shipped_at);
## Transforming Data
We've looked at how to transform response data of success responses, however, there may be other places than your controllers where you want to transform data. An example is broadcasted events where you're exposing data using websockets instead of HTTP. You just want to return the transformed data, not an entire response.
It's possible to simply transform data by newing up the transformer and calling `transform`:
return (new ProductTransformer)->transform(Product::first());
However, this approach might become a bit messy when building transformations with relationships:
return array_merge((new ProductTransformer)->transform($product = Product::first()), [
'shipments' => $product->shipments->map(function ($shipment) {
return (new ShipmentTransformer)->transform($shipment);
Yuck! Imagine that with multiple nested relationships. Let's explore a simpler way to handle this.
### Building Transformations
The `SuccessResponseBuilder` actually delegates all of the transformation work to a dedicated `Flugg\Responder\TransformBuilder` class. We can use this class ourself to transform data. For instance, if the product and shipment transformers were bound to the models, we could replicate the code above in the following way:
public function index(TransformBuilder $transformation)
return $transformation->resource(Product::all())->with('shipments')->transform();
Instead of using the `success` method on the `Responder` service, we use the `resource` method on the `TransformBuilder` with the same method signature. We also use `transform` to execute the transformation instead of `respond` as we did when creating responses. In addition to the `with` method, you also have access to the other transformation methods like `without`, `only`, `meta` and `serializer`.
_Using `toArray` on the `Responder` service is almost the same as the code above, however, it will also include response decorators which might not be desired._
### Transforming Without Serializing
When using the `TransformBuilder` to transform data it will still serialize the data using the configured serializer. Fractal requires the use of a serializer to transform data, but sometimes we're just interested in the raw transformed data. The package ships with a `Flugg\Responder\Serializers\NoopSerializer` to solve this, a no-op serializer which leaves the transformed data untouched:
return $transformation->resource(Product::all())->serializer(NoopSerializer::class)->transform();
If you think this is looking messy, don't worry, there's a quicker way. In fact, you will probably never even need to utilize the `NoopSerializer` or `TransformBuilder` manually, but it helps to know how it works. The `Flugg\Responder\Transformation` is a class which can be used for quickly transforming data without serializing.
#### Option 1: The `Transformation` Service
The `Transformation` class utilizes the `TransformBuilder` class to build a transformation using the `NoopSerializer`. You can inject the `Transformation` class and call `make` to obtain an instance of `TransformBuilder` which gives you access to all of the chainable methods including `with`, like below:
public function __construct(Transformation $transformation)
#### Option 2: The `transformation` Helper
You can use the `transformation` helper function to transform data without serializing:
#### Option 3: The `Transformation` Facade
You can also use the `Transformation` facade to achieve the same thing:
### Transforming To Camel Case
Model attributes are traditionally specified in snake case, however, you might prefer to use camel case for the response fields. A transformer makes for a perfect location to convert the fields, as seen from the `soldOut` field in the example below:
return responder()->success(Product::all(), function ($product) {
return ['soldOut' => (bool) $product->sold_out];
#### Transforming Request Parameters
After responding with camel case, you probably want to let people send in request data using camel cased parameters as well. The package provides a `Flugg\Responder\Http\Middleware\ConvertToSnakeCase` middleware you can append to the `$middleware` array in `app/Http/Kernel.php` to convert all parameters to snake case automatically:
protected $middleware = [
// ...
_The middleware will run before request validation, so you should specify your validation rules in snake case as well._
## Creating Error Responses
Whenever a consumer of your API does something unexpected, you can return an error response describing the problem. As briefly shown in a previous chapter, an error response can be created using the `error` method:
return responder()->error()->respond();
The error response has knowledge about an error code, a corresponding error message and optionally some error data. With the default configuration, the above code would output the following JSON:
"success": false,
"status": 500,
"error": {
"code": null,
"message": null
### Setting Error Code & Message
You can fill the first parameter of the `error` method to set an error code:
return responder()->error('sold_out_error')->respond();
_You may optionally use integers for error codes._
In addition, you may set the second parameter to an error message describing the error:
return responder()->error('sold_out_error', 'The requested product is sold out.')->respond();
#### Set Messages In Language Files
You can set the error messages in a language file, which allows for returning messages in different languages. The configuration file has an `error_message_files` key defining a list of language files with error messages. By default, it is set to `['errors']`, meaning it will look for an `errors.php` file inside `resources/lang/en`. You can use these files to map error codes to corresponding error messages:
return [
'sold_out_error' => 'The requested product is sold out.',
#### Register Messages Using `ErrorMessageResolver`
Instead of using language files, you may alternatively set error messages directly on the `ErrorMessageResolver` class. You can place the code below within `AppServiceProvider` or an entirely new `TransformerServiceProvider`:
use Flugg\Responder\ErrorMessageResolver;
public function boot()
'sold_out_error' => 'The requested product is sold out.',
### Adding Error Data
You may want to set additional data on the error response. Like in the example below, we're returning a list of shipments with the `sold_out` error response, giving the consumer information about when a new shipment for the product might arrive.
return responder()->error('sold_out')->data(['shipments' => Shipment::all()])->respond();
The error data will be appended to the response data. Assuming we're using the default serializer and there are no shipments in the database, the code above would look like:
"success": false,
"status": 500,
"error": {
"code": "sold_out",
"message": "The requested product is sold out.",
"shipments": []
### Serializing Response Data
Similarly to success responses, error responses will be serialized using the specified error serializer in the configuration file. This defaults to the package's own `Flugg\Responder\Serializers\ErrorSerializer`, but can of course be changed by using the `serializer` method:
return responder()->error()->serializer(ExampleErrorSerializer::class)->respond();
return responder()->success()->serializer(new ExampleErrorSerializer())->respond();
You can create your own error serializer by implementing the `Flugg\Responder\Contracts\ErrorSerializer` contract.
## Handling Exceptions
No matter how much we try to avoid them, exceptions do happen. Responding to the exceptions in an elegant manner will improve the user experience of your API. The package can enhance your exception handler to automatically turn exceptions in to error responses. If you want to take use of this, you can either use the package's exception handler or include a trait as described in further details below.
#### Option 1: Replace `Handler` Class
To use the package's exception handler you need to replace the default import in `app/Exceptions/Handler.php`:
use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
With the package's handler class:
use Flugg\Responder\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
This will not work with Lumen as its exception handler is incompatible with Laravel's. Look instead at the second option below.
#### Option 2: Use `ConvertsExceptions` Trait
The package's exception handler uses the `Flugg\Responder\Exceptions\ConvertsExceptions` trait to load of most of its work. Instead of replacing the exception handler, you can use the trait in your own handler class. To replicate the behavior of the exception handler, you would also have to add the following code to the `render` method:
public function render($request, Exception $exception)
if ($exception instanceof HttpException) {
return $this->renderResponse($exception);
return parent::render($request, $exception);
If you only want to return JSON error responses on requests actually asking for JSON, you may wrap the code above in a `wantsJson` check as seen below:
if ($request->wantsJson()) {
if ($exception instanceof HttpException) {
return $this->renderResponse($exception);
### Converting Exceptions
Once you've implemented one of the above options, the package will convert some of Laravel's exceptions to an exception extending `Flugg\Responder\Exceptions\Http\HttpException`. It will then convert these to an error response. The table below shows which Laravel exceptions are converted and what they are converted to. All the exceptions on the right is under the `Flugg\Responder\Exceptions\Http` namespace and extends `Flugg\Responder\Exceptions\Http\HttpException`. All exceptions extending the `HttpException` class will be automatically converted to an error response.
| Caught Exceptions | Converted To |
| --------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| `Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException` | `UnauthenticatedException` |
| `Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException` | `UnauthorizedException` |
| `Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException` | `PageNotFoundException` |
| `Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException` | `PageNotFoundException` |
| `Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\RelationNotFoundException` | `RelationNotFoundException` |
| `Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException` | `ValidationFailedException` |
You can disable the conversions of some of the exceptions above using the `$dontConvert` property:
* A list of default exception types that should not be converted.
* @var array
protected $dontConvert = [
If you're using the trait option, you can disable all the default conversions by removing the call to `convertDefaultException` in the `render` method.
#### Convert Custom Exceptions
In addition to letting the package convert Laravel exceptions, you can also convert your own exceptions using the `convert` method in the `render` method:
$this->convert($exception, [
InvalidValueException => PageNotFoundException,
You can optionally give it a closure that throws the new exception, if you want to give it constructor parameters:
$this->convert($exception, [
MaintenanceModeException => function ($exception) {
throw new ServerDownException($exception->retryAfter);
### Creating HTTP Exceptions
An exception class is a convenient place to store information about an error. The package provides an abstract exception class `Flugg\Responder\Exceptions\Http\HttpException`, which has knowledge about status code, an error code and an error message. Continuing on our product example from above, we could create our own `HttpException` class:
namespace App\Exceptions;
use Flugg\Responder\Exceptions\Http\HttpException;
class SoldOutException extends HttpException
* The HTTP status code.
* @var int
protected $status = 400;
* The error code.
* @var string|null
protected $errorCode = 'sold_out_error';
* The error message.
* @var string|null
protected $message = 'The requested product is sold out.';
You can also add a `data` method returning additional error data:
* Retrieve additional error data.
* @return array|null
public function data()
return [
'shipments' => Shipment::all()
If you're letting the package handle exceptions, you can now throw the exception anywhere in your application and it will automatically be rendered to an error response.
throw new SoldOutException();
# Contributing
Contributions are more than welcome and you're free to create a pull request on Github. You can run tests with the following command:
If you find bugs or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to submit an issue on Github. However, if it's a security related issue, please send an email to [email protected] instead.
# Donating
The package is completely free to use, however, a lot of time has been put into making it. If you want to show your appreciation by leaving a small donation, you can do so by clicking [here](¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted). Thanks!
# License
Laravel Responder is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See []( for more details.
297 | 🤖 GPU accelerated Neural networks in JavaScript for Browsers and Node.js | <p align="center">
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# brain.js
GPU accelerated Neural networks in JavaScript for Browsers and Node.js
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## About
`brain.js` is a GPU accelerated library for [Neural Networks]( written in JavaScript.
:bulb: This is a continuation of the [**harthur/brain**](, which is not maintained anymore. [More info](
## Table of Contents
- [Installation and Usage](#Installation-and-Usage)
- [NPM](#NPM)
- [CDN](#CDN)
- [Download](#Download)
- [Installation note](#Installation-note)
- [Building from source](#Building-from-source)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [More Examples](#more-examples)
- [Training](#training)
- [Data format](#data-format)
- [For training with NeuralNetwork](#for-training-with-neuralnetwork)
- [For training with `RNNTimeStep`, `LSTMTimeStep` and `GRUTimeStep`](#for-training-with-rnntimestep-lstmtimestep-and-grutimestep)
- [For training with `RNN`, `LSTM` and `GRU`](#for-training-with-rnn-lstm-and-gru)
- [Training Options](#training-options)
- [Async Training](#async-training)
- [Cross Validation](#cross-validation)
- [Train Stream](#streams)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [train](#traintrainingdata---trainingstatus)
- [run](#runinput---prediction)
- [forecast](#forecastinput-count---predictions)
- [Failing](#failing)
- [JSON](#json)
- [Standalone Function](#standalone-function)
- [Options](#options)
- [activation](#activation)
- [hiddenLayers](#hiddenlayers)
- [Streams](#streams)
- [Utilities](#utilities)
- [`likely`](#likely)
- [`toSVG`](#toSVG)
- [Neural Network Types](#neural-network-types)
- [Why different Neural Network Types?](#why-different-neural-network-types)
## Installation and Usage
### NPM
If you can install `brain.js` with [npm](
npm install brain.js
### CDN
<script src="//"></script>
### Download
[Download the latest brain.js for browser](
### Installation note
`Brain.js` depends on a native module `headless-gl` for gpu support. In most cases installing `brain.js` from npm should just work. However, if you run into problems, this mean prebuilt binaries are not able to download from github repositories and you might need to build it yourself.
#### Building from source
Please make sure the following dependencies are installed and up to date and then run:
npm rebuild
##### System dependencies
###### Mac OS X
- [Python 2.7](
- [XCode](
###### Ubuntu/Debian
- [Python 2.7](
- A GNU C++ environment (available via the `build-essential` package on `apt`)
- [libxi-dev](
- Working and up to date OpenGL drivers
- [GLEW](
- [pkg-config](
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libxi-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libglew-dev pkg-config
###### Windows
- [Python 2.7](
- [Microsoft Visual Studio Build Tools 2015](
- run in cmd: `npm config set msvs_version 2015`
- run in cmd: `npm config set python python2.7`
\* If you are using `Build Tools 2017` then run `npm config set msvs_version 2017`
## Examples
Here's an example showcasing how to approximate the XOR function using `brain.js`:
more info on config [here](
:bulb: [A fun and practical introduction to Brain.js](
// provide optional config object (or undefined). Defaults shown.
const config = {
binaryThresh: 0.5,
hiddenLayers: [3], // array of ints for the sizes of the hidden layers in the network
activation: 'sigmoid', // supported activation types: ['sigmoid', 'relu', 'leaky-relu', 'tanh'],
leakyReluAlpha: 0.01, // supported for activation type 'leaky-relu'
// create a simple feed forward neural network with backpropagation
const net = new brain.NeuralNetwork(config);
{ input: [0, 0], output: [0] },
{ input: [0, 1], output: [1] },
{ input: [1, 0], output: [1] },
{ input: [1, 1], output: [0] },
const output =[1, 0]); // [0.987]
more info on config [here](
// provide optional config object, defaults shown.
const config = {
inputSize: 20,
inputRange: 20,
hiddenLayers: [20, 20],
outputSize: 20,
learningRate: 0.01,
decayRate: 0.999,
// create a simple recurrent neural network
const net = new brain.recurrent.RNN(config);
{ input: [0, 0], output: [0] },
{ input: [0, 1], output: [1] },
{ input: [1, 0], output: [1] },
{ input: [1, 1], output: [0] },
let output =[0, 0]); // [0]
output =[0, 1]); // [1]
output =[1, 0]); // [1]
output =[1, 1]); // [0]
However, there is no reason to use a neural network to figure out XOR. (-: So, here is a more involved, realistic example:
[Demo: training a neural network to recognize color contrast](
## More Examples
You can check out this fantastic screencast, which explains how to train a simple neural network using a real world dataset: [How to create a neural network in the browser using Brain.js](
- [writing a children's book using a recurrent neural network](./examples/javascript/childrens-book.js) and [typescript version](./examples/typescript/childrens-book.ts)
- [using cross validation with a feed forward net](./examples/javascript/cross-validate.js) and [typescript version](./examples/typescript/cross-validate.ts)
- experimental (NeuralNetwork only, but more to come!) [using the gpu in a browser](./examples/javascript/gpu.html) or [using node gpu fallback to cpu](./examples/gpu-fallback.js) and [typescript version](./examples/typescript/gpu-fallback.ts)
- [learning math using a recurrent neural network](./examples/javascript/learn-math.js) and [typescript version](./examples/typescript/learn-math.ts)
- [predict next number, and forecast numbers](./examples/javascript/predict-numbers.js) and [typescript version](./examples/typescript/predict-numbers.ts)
- [simple letter detection](./examples/javascript/which-letter-simple.js) and [typescript version](./examples/typescript/which-letter-simple.ts)
- [Cryotherapy Success Rate Prediction](
- [Rock Paper Scissors](
- [Detect the Color of an Image](
## Training
Use `train()` to train the network with an array of training data. The network has to be trained with all the data in bulk in one call to `train()`. More training patterns will probably take longer to train, but will usually result in a network better at classifying new patterns.
### Note
Training is computationally expensive, so you should try to train the network offline (or on a Worker) and use the `toFunction()` or `toJSON()` options to plug the pre-trained network into your website.
### Data format
#### For training with `NeuralNetwork`
Each training pattern should have an `input` and an `output`, both of which can be either an array of numbers from `0` to `1` or a hash of numbers from `0` to `1`. For the [color contrast demo]( it looks something like this:
const net = new brain.NeuralNetwork();
{ input: { r: 0.03, g: 0.7, b: 0.5 }, output: { black: 1 } },
{ input: { r: 0.16, g: 0.09, b: 0.2 }, output: { white: 1 } },
{ input: { r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 1.0 }, output: { white: 1 } },
const output ={ r: 1, g: 0.4, b: 0 }); // { white: 0.99, black: 0.002 }
Here's another variation of the above example. (_Note_ that input objects do not need to be similar.)
{ input: { r: 0.03, g: 0.7 }, output: { black: 1 } },
{ input: { r: 0.16, b: 0.2 }, output: { white: 1 } },
{ input: { r: 0.5, g: 0.5, b: 1.0 }, output: { white: 1 } },
const output ={ r: 1, g: 0.4, b: 0 }); // { white: 0.81, black: 0.18 }
#### For training with `RNNTimeStep`, `LSTMTimeStep` and `GRUTimeStep`
Each training pattern can either:
- Be an array of numbers
- Be an array of arrays of numbers
Example using an array of numbers:
const net = new brain.recurrent.LSTMTimeStep();
net.train([[1, 2, 3]]);
const output =[1, 2]); // 3
Example using an array of arrays of numbers:
const net = new brain.recurrent.LSTMTimeStep({
inputSize: 2,
hiddenLayers: [10],
outputSize: 2,
[1, 3],
[2, 2],
[3, 1],
const output =[
[1, 3],
[2, 2],
]); // [3, 1]
#### For training with `RNN`, `LSTM` and `GRU`
Each training pattern can either:
- Be an array of values
- Be a string
- Have an `input` and an `output`
- Either of which can have an array of values or a string
CAUTION: When using an array of values, you can use ANY value, however, the values are represented in the neural network by a single input. So the more _distinct values_ has _the larger your input layer_. If you have a hundreds, thousands, or millions of floating point values _THIS IS NOT THE RIGHT CLASS FOR THE JOB_. Also, when deviating from strings, this gets into beta
Example using direct strings:
Hello World Using Brainjs
const net = new brain.recurrent.LSTM();
net.train(['I am brainjs, Hello World!']);
const output ='I am brainjs');
const net = new brain.recurrent.LSTM();
'doe, a deer, a female deer',
'ray, a drop of golden sun',
'me, a name I call myself',
const output ='doe'); // ', a deer, a female deer'
Example using strings with inputs and outputs:
const net = new brain.recurrent.LSTM();
{ input: 'I feel great about the world!', output: 'happy' },
{ input: 'The world is a terrible place!', output: 'sad' },
const output ='I feel great about the world!'); // 'happy'
### Training Options
`train()` takes a hash of options as its second argument:
net.train(data, {
// Defaults values --> expected validation
iterations: 20000, // the maximum times to iterate the training data --> number greater than 0
errorThresh: 0.005, // the acceptable error percentage from training data --> number between 0 and 1
log: false, // true to use console.log, when a function is supplied it is used --> Either true or a function
logPeriod: 10, // iterations between logging out --> number greater than 0
learningRate: 0.3, // scales with delta to effect training rate --> number between 0 and 1
momentum: 0.1, // scales with next layer's change value --> number between 0 and 1
callback: null, // a periodic call back that can be triggered while training --> null or function
callbackPeriod: 10, // the number of iterations through the training data between callback calls --> number greater than 0
timeout: number, // the max number of milliseconds to train for --> number greater than 0. Default --> Infinity
The network will stop training whenever one of the two criteria is met: the training error has gone below the threshold (default `0.005`), or the max number of iterations (default `20000`) has been reached.
By default training will not let you know how it's doing until the end, but set `log` to `true` to get periodic updates on the current training error of the network. The training error should decrease every time. The updates will be printed to console. If you set `log` to a function, this function will be called with the updates instead of printing to the console.
However, if you want to use the values of the updates in your own output, the `callback` can be set to a function to do so instead.
The learning rate is a parameter that influences how quickly the network trains. It's a number from `0` to `1`. If the learning rate is close to `0`, it will take longer to train. If the learning rate is closer to `1`, it will train faster, but training results may be constrained to a local minimum and perform badly on new data.(_Overfitting_) The default learning rate is `0.3`.
The momentum is similar to learning rate, expecting a value from `0` to `1` as well, but it is multiplied against the next level's change value. The default value is `0.1`
Any of these training options can be passed into the constructor or passed into the `updateTrainingOptions(opts)` method and they will be saved on the network and used during the training time. If you save your network to json, these training options are saved and restored as well (except for callback and log, callback will be forgotten and log will be restored using console.log).
A boolean property called `invalidTrainOptsShouldThrow` is set to `true` by default. While the option is `true`, if you enter a training option that is outside the normal range, an error will be thrown with a message about the abnormal option. When the option is set to `false`, no error will be sent, but a message will still be sent to `console.warn` with the related information.
### Async Training
`trainAsync()` takes the same arguments as train (data and options). Instead of returning the results object from training, it returns a promise that when resolved will return the training results object. Does NOT work with:
* `brain.recurrent.RNN`
* `brain.recurrent.GRU`
* `brain.recurrent.LSTM`
* `brain.recurrent.RNNTimeStep`
* `brain.recurrent.GRUTimeStep`
* `brain.recurrent.LSTMTimeStep`
const net = new brain.NeuralNetwork();
.trainAsync(data, options)
.then((res) => {
// do something with my trained network
With multiple networks you can train in parallel like this:
const net = new brain.NeuralNetwork();
const net2 = new brain.NeuralNetwork();
const p1 = net.trainAsync(data, options);
const p2 = net2.trainAsync(data, options);
Promise.all([p1, p2])
.then((values) => {
const res = values[0];
const res2 = values[1];
`net trained in ${res.iterations} and net2 trained in ${res2.iterations}`
// do something super cool with my 2 trained networks
### Cross Validation
[Cross Validation](<>) can provide a less fragile way of training on larger data sets. The brain.js api provides Cross Validation in this example:
const crossValidate = new brain.CrossValidate(() => new brain.NeuralNetwork(networkOptions));
crossValidate.train(data, trainingOptions, k); //note k (or KFolds) is optional
const json = crossValidate.toJSON(); // all stats in json as well as neural networks
const net = crossValidate.toNeuralNetwork(); // get top performing net out of `crossValidate`
// optionally later
const json = crossValidate.toJSON();
const net = crossValidate.fromJSON(json);
Use `CrossValidate` with these classes:
- `brain.NeuralNetwork`
- `brain.RNNTimeStep`
- `brain.LSTMTimeStep`
- `brain.GRUTimeStep`
An example of using cross validate can be found in [examples/javascript/cross-validate.js](examples/javascript/cross-validate.js)
## Methods
### `train(trainingData)` -> trainingStatus
The output of `train()` is a hash of information about how the training went:
error: 0.0039139985510105032, // training error
iterations: 406 // training iterations
### `run(input)` -> prediction
Supported on classes:
- `brain.NeuralNetwork`
- `brain.NeuralNetworkGPU` -> All the functionality of `brain.NeuralNetwork` but, ran on GPU (via gpu.js in WebGL2, WebGL1, or fallback to CPU)
- `brain.recurrent.RNN`
- `brain.recurrent.LSTM`
- `brain.recurrent.GRU`
- `brain.recurrent.RNNTimeStep`
- `brain.recurrent.LSTMTimeStep`
- `brain.recurrent.GRUTimeStep`
// feed forward
const net = new brain.NeuralNetwork();
// time step
const net = new brain.LSTMTimeStep();
// recurrent
const net = new brain.LSTM();
### `forecast(input, count)` -> predictions
Available with the following classes. Outputs a array of predictions. Predictions being a continuation of the inputs.
- `brain.recurrent.RNNTimeStep`
- `brain.recurrent.LSTMTimeStep`
- `brain.recurrent.GRUTimeStep`
const net = new brain.LSTMTimeStep();
net.forecast(input, 3);
### `toJSON() -> json`
Serialize neural network to json
### `fromJSON(json)`
Deserialize neural network from json
## Failing
If the network failed to train, the error will be above the error threshold. This could happen if the training data is too noisy (most likely), the network does not have enough hidden layers or nodes to handle the complexity of the data, or it has not been trained for enough iterations.
If the training error is still something huge like `0.4` after 20000 iterations, it's a good sign that the network can't make sense of the given data.
### RNN, LSTM, or GRU Output too short or too long
The instance of the net's property `maxPredictionLength` (default 100) can be set to adjust the output of the net;
const net = new brain.recurrent.LSTM();
// later in code, after training on a few novels, write me a new one!
net.maxPredictionLength = 1000000000; // Be careful!'Once upon a time');
Serialize or load in the state of a trained network with JSON:
const json = net.toJSON();
## Standalone Function
You can also get a custom standalone function from a trained network that acts just like `run()`:
const run = net.toFunction();
const output = run({ r: 1, g: 0.4, b: 0 });
console.log(run.toString()); // copy and paste! no need to import brain.js
## Options
`NeuralNetwork()` takes a hash of options:
const net = new brain.NeuralNetwork({
activation: 'sigmoid', // activation function
hiddenLayers: [4],
learningRate: 0.6, // global learning rate, useful when training using streams
### activation
This parameter lets you specify which activation function your neural network should use. There are currently four supported activation functions, **sigmoid** being the default:
- [sigmoid](
- [relu](<>)
- [leaky-relu](<>)
- related option - 'leakyReluAlpha' optional number, defaults to 0.01
- [tanh](
Here's a table (thanks, Wikipedia!) summarizing a plethora of activation functions — [Activation Function](
### hiddenLayers
You can use this to specify the number of hidden layers in the network and the size of each layer. For example, if you want two hidden layers - the first with 3 nodes and the second with 4 nodes, you'd give:
hiddenLayers: [3, 4];
By default `brain.js` uses one hidden layer with size proportionate to the size of the input array.
## Streams
Use to stream data to a NeuralNetwork
## Utilities
### `likely`
const likely = require('brain/likely');
const key = likely(input, net);
Likely example see: [simple letter detection](./examples/javascript/which-letter-simple.js)
### `toSVG`
<script src="../../src/utilities/svg.js"></script>
Renders the network topology of a feedforward network
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = brain.utilities.toSVG(
toSVG example see: [network rendering](./examples/javascript/rendering-svg.html)
The user interface used:

## Neural Network Types
- [`brain.NeuralNetwork`](src/neural-network.ts) - [Feedforward Neural Network]( with backpropagation
- [`brain.NeuralNetworkGPU`](src/neural-network-gpu.ts) - [Feedforward Neural Network]( with backpropagation, GPU version
- [`brain.recurrent.RNNTimeStep`](src/recurrent/rnn-time-step.ts) - [Time Step Recurrent Neural Network or "RNN"](
- [`brain.recurrent.LSTMTimeStep`](src/recurrent/lstm-time-step.ts) - [Time Step Long Short Term Memory Neural Network or "LSTM"](
- [`brain.recurrent.GRUTimeStep`](src/recurrent/gru-time-step.ts) - [Time Step Gated Recurrent Unit or "GRU"](
- [`brain.recurrent.RNN`](src/recurrent/rnn.ts) - [Recurrent Neural Network or "RNN"](
- [`brain.recurrent.LSTM`](src/recurrent/lstm.ts) - [Long Short Term Memory Neural Network or "LSTM"](
- [`brain.recurrent.GRU`](src/recurrent/gru.ts) - [Gated Recurrent Unit or "GRU"](
- [`brain.FeedForward`](src/feed-forward.ts) - [Highly Customizable Feedforward Neural Network]( with backpropagation
- [`brain.Recurrent`](src/recurrent.ts) - [Highly Customizable Recurrent Neural Network]( with backpropagation
### Why different Neural Network Types
Different neural nets do different things well. For example:
- A Feedforward Neural Network can classify simple things very well, but it has no memory of previous actions and has infinite variation of results.
- A Time Step Recurrent Neural Network _remembers_, and can predict future values.
- A Recurrent Neural Network _remembers_, and has a finite set of results.
## Get Involved
### W3C machine learning standardization process
If you are a developer or if you just care about how ML API should look like - please take a part and join W3C community and share your opinions or simply support opinions you like or agree with.
Brain.js is a widely adopted open source machine learning library in the javascript world. There are several reasons for it, but most notable is **simplicity of usage while not sacrificing performance**.
We would like to keep it also simple to learn, simple to use and performant when it comes to W3C standard. We think that current brain.js API is quite close to what we could expect to become a standard.
And since supporting doesn't require much effort and still can make a huge difference feel free to join W3C community group and support us with brain.js like API.
Get involved into W3C machine learning ongoing standardization process [here](
You can also join our open discussion about standardization [here](
## Issues
If you have an issue, either a bug or a feature you think would benefit your project let us know and we will do our best.
Create issues [here]( and follow the template.
Source for `` is available at [ Repository]( Built using awesome `vue.js` & `bulma`. Contributions are always welcome.
## Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](/.github/].
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
## Backers
Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](]
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# JDA (Java Discord API)
JDA strives to provide a clean and full wrapping of the Discord REST api and its Websocket-Events for Java.
This library is a helpful tool that provides the functionality to create a discord bot in java.
## Summary
Due to official statements made by the Discord developers we will no longer support unofficial features. These features
are undocumented API endpoints or protocols that are not available to bot-accounts.
_Please see the [Discord docs]( for more information about bot accounts._
1. [Introduction](#creating-the-jda-object)
2. [Sharding](#sharding-a-bot)
3. [Entity Lifetimes](#entity-lifetimes)
4. [Download](#download)
5. [Documentation](#documentation)
6. [Support](#getting-help)
7. [Extensions And Plugins](#third-party-recommendations)
8. [Contributing](#contributing-to-jda)
9. [Dependencies](#dependencies)
10. [Other Libraries](#related-projects)
## UserBots and SelfBots
Discord is currently prohibiting creation and usage of automated client accounts (AccountType.CLIENT).
We have officially dropped support for client login as of version **4.2.0**!
Note that JDA is not a good tool to build a custom discord client as it loads all servers/guilds on startup unlike
a client which does this via lazy loading instead.
If you need a bot, use a bot account from the [Application Dashboard](
[Read More](
## Creating the JDA Object
Creating the JDA Object is done via the JDABuilder class. After setting the token and other options via setters,
the JDA Object is then created by calling the `build()` method. When `build()` returns,
JDA might not have finished starting up. However, you can use `awaitReady()`
on the JDA object to ensure that the entire cache is loaded before proceeding.
Note that this method is blocking and will cause the thread to sleep until startup has completed.
JDA jda = JDABuilder.createDefault("token").build();
### Configuration
Both the `JDABuilder` and the `DefaultShardManagerBuilder` allow a set of configurations to improve the experience.
public static void main(String[] args) {
JDABuilder builder = JDABuilder.createDefault(args[0]);
// Disable parts of the cache
builder.disableCache(CacheFlag.MEMBER_OVERRIDES, CacheFlag.VOICE_STATE);
// Enable the bulk delete event
// Set activity (like "playing Something")
> See [JDABuilder](
and [DefaultShardManagerBuilder](
You can configure the memory usage by changing enabled `CacheFlags` on the `JDABuilder`.
Additionally, you can change the handling of member/user cache by setting either a `ChunkingFilter`, disabling **intents**, or changing the **member cache policy**.
public void configureMemoryUsage(JDABuilder builder) {
// Disable cache for member activities (streaming/games/spotify)
// Only cache members who are either in a voice channel or owner of the guild
// Disable member chunking on startup
// Disable presence updates and typing events
builder.disableIntents(GatewayIntent.GUILD_PRESENCE, GatewayIntent.GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING);
// Consider guilds with more than 50 members as "large".
// Large guilds will only provide online members in their setup and thus reduce bandwidth if chunking is disabled.
### Listening to Events
The event system in JDA is configured through a hierarchy of classes/interfaces.
We offer two implementations for the `IEventManager`:
- **InterfacedEventManager** which uses an `EventListener` interface and the `ListenerAdapter` abstract class
- **AnnotatedEventManager** which uses the `@SubscribeEvent` annotation that can be applied to methods
By default the **InterfacedEventManager** is used.
Since you can create your own implementation of `IEventManager` this is a very versatile and configurable system.
If the aforementioned implementations don't suit your use-case you can simply create a custom implementation and
configure it on the `JDABuilder` with `setEventManager(...)`.
#### Examples:
**Using EventListener**:
public class ReadyListener implements EventListener
public static void main(String[] args)
throws InterruptedException
// Note: It is important to register your ReadyListener before building
JDA jda = JDABuilder.createDefault("token")
.addEventListeners(new ReadyListener())
// optionally block until JDA is ready
public void onEvent(GenericEvent event)
if (event instanceof ReadyEvent)
System.out.println("API is ready!");
**Using ListenerAdapter**:
public class MessageListener extends ListenerAdapter
public static void main(String[] args)
JDA jda = JDABuilder.createDefault("token")
.enableIntents(GatewayIntent.MESSAGE_CONTENT) // enables explicit access to message.getContentDisplay()
//You can also add event listeners to the already built JDA instance
// Note that some events may not be received if the listener is added after calling build()
// This includes events such as the ReadyEvent
jda.addEventListener(new MessageListener());
public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event)
if (event.isFromType(ChannelType.PRIVATE))
System.out.printf("[PM] %s: %s\n", event.getAuthor().getName(),
System.out.printf("[%s][%s] %s: %s\n", event.getGuild().getName(),
event.getTextChannel().getName(), event.getMember().getEffectiveName(),
public class Bot extends ListenerAdapter
public static void main(String[] args)
if (args.length < 1) {
System.out.println("You have to provide a token as first argument!");
// args[0] would be the token (using an environment variable or config file is preferred for security)
// We don't need any intents for this bot. Slash commands work without any intents!
JDA jda = JDABuilder.createLight(args[0], Collections.emptyList())
.addEventListeners(new Bot())
.setActivity(Activity.playing("Type /ping"))
// Sets the global command list to the provided commands (removing all others)
Commands.slash("ping", "Calculate ping of the bot"),
Commands.slash("ban", "Ban a user from the server")
.setDefaultPermissions(DefaultMemberPermissions.enabledFor(Permission.BAN_MEMBERS)) // only usable with ban permissions
.setGuildOnly(true) // Ban command only works inside a guild
.addOption(OptionType.USER, "user", "The user to ban", true) // required option of type user (target to ban)
.addOption(OptionType.STRING, "reason", "The ban reason") // optional reason
public void onSlashCommandInteraction(SlashCommandInteractionEvent event)
// make sure we handle the right command
switch (event.getName()) {
case "ping":
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
event.reply("Pong!").setEphemeral(true) // reply or acknowledge
.flatMap(v ->
event.getHook().editOriginalFormat("Pong: %d ms", System.currentTimeMillis() - time) // then edit original
).queue(); // Queue both reply and edit
case "ban":
// double check permissions, don't trust discord on this!
if (!event.getMember().hasPermission(Permission.BAN_MEMBERS)) {
event.reply("You cannot ban members! Nice try ;)").setEphemeral(true).queue();
User target = event.getOption("user", OptionMapping::getUser);
// optionally check for member information
Member member = event.getOption("user", OptionMapping::getMember);
if (!event.getMember().canInteract(member)) {
event.reply("You cannot ban this user.").setEphemeral(true).queue();
// Before starting our ban request, tell the user we received the command
// This sends a "Bot is thinking..." message which is later edited once we finished
String reason = event.getOption("reason", OptionMapping::getAsString);
AuditableRestAction<Void> action = event.getGuild().ban(target, 0); // Start building our ban request
if (reason != null) // reason is optional
action = action.reason(reason); // set the reason for the ban in the audit logs and ban log
action.queue(v -> {
// Edit the thinking message with our response on success
event.getHook().editOriginal("**" + target.getAsTag() + "** was banned by **" + event.getUser().getAsTag() + "**!").queue();
}, error -> {
// Tell the user we encountered some error
event.getHook().editOriginal("Some error occurred, try again!").queue();
### RestAction
Through [RestAction]( we provide request handling with
- [callbacks](
- [promises](
- and [sync](
and it is up to the user to decide which pattern to utilize.
It can be combined with reactive libraries such as [reactor-core]( due to being lazy.
The RestAction interface also supports a number of operators to avoid callback hell:
- [`map`](
Convert the result of the `RestAction` to a different value
- [`flatMap`](
Chain another `RestAction` on the result
- [`delay`](
Delay the element of the previous step
public RestAction<Void> selfDestruct(MessageChannel channel, String content) {
return channel.sendMessage("The following message will destroy itself in 1 minute!")
.delay(10, SECONDS, scheduler) // edit 10 seconds later
.flatMap((it) -> it.editMessage(content))
.delay(1, MINUTES, scheduler) // delete 1 minute later
### More Examples
We provide a small set of Examples in the [Example Directory](
TODO: Find good examples
- [JDA Butler](
[And many more!](
## Sharding a Bot
Discord allows Bot-accounts to share load across sessions by limiting them to a fraction of the total connected Guilds/Servers of the bot.
<br>This can be done using **sharding** which will limit JDA to only a certain amount of Guilds/Servers including events and entities.
Sharding will limit the amount of Guilds/Channels/Users visible to the JDA session so it is recommended to have some kind of elevated management to
access information of other shards.
To use sharding in JDA you will need to use `JDABuilder.useSharding(int shardId, int shardTotal)`. The **shardId** is 0-based which means the first shard
has the ID 0. The **shardTotal** is the total amount of shards (not 0-based) which can be seen similar to the length of an array, the last shard has the ID of
`shardTotal - 1`.
The [`SessionController`]( is a tool of the JDABuilder
that allows to control state and behaviour between shards (sessions). When using multiple builders to build shards you have to create one instance
of this controller and add the same instance to each builder: `builder.setSessionController(controller)`
Since version **3.4.0** JDA provides a `ShardManager` which automates this building process.
### Example Sharding - Using JDABuilder
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
JDABuilder shardBuilder = JDABuilder.createDefault(args[0]);
//register your listeners here using shardBuilder.addEventListeners(...)
shardBuilder.addEventListeners(new MessageListener());
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
shardBuilder.useSharding(i, 10)
> When the `useSharding` method is invoked for the first time, the builder automatically sets a SessionController internally (if none is present)
### Example Sharding - Using DefaultShardManager
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
DefaultShardManagerBuilder builder = DefaultShardManagerBuilder.createDefault(args[0]);
builder.addEventListeners(new MessageListener());;
## Entity Lifetimes
An **Entity** is the term used to describe types such as **GuildChannel**/**Message**/**User** and other entities that Discord provides.
Instances of these entities are created and deleted by JDA when Discord instructs it. This means the lifetime depends on signals provided by the Discord API which are used to create/update/delete entities.
This is done through Gateway Events known as "dispatches" that are handled by the JDA WebSocket handlers.
When Discord instructs JDA to delete entities, they are simply removed from the JDA cache and lose their references.
Once that happens, nothing in JDA interacts or updates the instances of those entities, and they become useless.
Discord may instruct to delete these entities randomly for cache synchronization with the API.
**It is not recommended to store _any_ of these entities for a longer period of time!**
Instead of keeping (e.g.) a `User` instance in some field, an ID should be used. With the ID of a user,
you can use `getUserById(id)` to get and keep the user reference in a local variable (see below).
### Entity Updates
When an entity is updated through its manager, they will send a request to the Discord API which will update the state
of the entity. The success of this request **does not** imply the entity has been updated yet. All entities are updated
by the aforementioned **Gateway Events** which means you cannot rely on the cache being updated yet once the
execution of a RestAction has completed. Some requests rely on the cache being updated to correctly update the entity.
An example of this is updating roles of a member which overrides all roles of the member by sending a list of the
new set of roles. This is done by first checking the current cache, the roles the member has right now, and appending
or removing the requested roles. If the cache has not yet been updated by an event, this will result in unexpected behavior.
### Entity Deletion
Discord may request that a client (the JDA session) invalidates its entire cache. When this happens, JDA will
remove all of its current entities and reconnect the session. This is signaled through the `ReconnectEvent`.
When entities are removed from the JDA cache, they lose access to the encapsulating entities. For instance,
a channel loses access to its guild. Once that happens, they are unable to make any API requests through RestAction
and instead throw an `IllegalStateException`. It is **highly recommended** to only keep references to entities
by storing their **id** and using the respective `get...ById(id)` method when needed.
#### Example
public class UserLogger extends ListenerAdapter
private final long userId;
public UserLogger(User user)
this.userId = user.getIdLong();
public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent event)
User author = event.getAuthor();
Message message = event.getMessage();
if (author.getIdLong() == userId)
// Print the message of the user
System.out.println(author.getAsTag() + ": " + message.getContentDisplay());
public void onGuildJoin(GuildJoinEvent event)
JDA api = event.getJDA();
User user = api.getUserById(userId); // Acquire a reference to the User instance through the id
user.openPrivateChannel().queue((channel) ->
// Send a private message to the user
channel.sendMessageFormat("I have joined a new guild: **%s**", event.getGuild().getName()).queue();
## Download
[ ![maven-central][] ](
[ ![jitpack][] ](
Latest Release: [GitHub Release]( <br>
Be sure to replace the **VERSION** key below with the one of the versions shown above! For snapshots, please use the instructions provided by [JitPack](
**Maven without Audio**
repositories {
dependencies {
//Change 'implementation' to 'compile' in old Gradle versions
**Gradle without Audio**
dependencies {
//Change 'implementation' to 'compile' in old Gradle versions
implementation("net.dv8tion:JDA:VERSION") {
exclude module: 'opus-java'
The snapshot builds are only available via JitPack and require adding the JitPack resolver, you need to specify specific commits to access those builds.
Stable releases are published to [maven-central](
If you do not need any opus de-/encoding done by JDA (voice receive/send with PCM) you can exclude `opus-java` entirely.
This can be done if you only send audio with an `AudioSendHandler` which only sends opus (`isOpus() = true`). (See [lavaplayer](
If you want to use a custom opus library you can provide the absolute path to `OpusLibrary.loadFrom(String)` before using
the audio api of JDA. This works without `opus-java-natives` as it only requires `opus-java-api`.
<br>_For this setup you should only exclude `opus-java-natives` as `opus-java-api` is a requirement for en-/decoding._
See [opus-java](
### Logging Framework - SLF4J
JDA is using [SLF4J]( to log its messages.
That means you should add some SLF4J implementation to your build path in addition to JDA.
If no implementation is found, following message will be printed to the console on startup:
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.
JDA currently provides a fallback Logger in case that no SLF4J implementation is present.
We strongly recommend to use one though, as that can improve speed and allows you to customize the Logger as well as log to files
There is a guide for logback-classic available in our wiki: [Logging Setup](
## Documentation
Docs can be found on the [Jenkins][jenkins] or directly [here](
<br>A simple Wiki can also be found at [](
### Annotations
We use a number of annotations to indicate future plans for implemented functionality such as new features of
the Discord API.
- [Incubating](
<br>This annotation is used to indicate that functionality may change in the future. Often used when a new feature is added.
- [ReplaceWith](
<br>Paired with `@Deprecated` this is used to inform you how the new code-fragment is supposed to look once the hereby annotated functionality is removed.
- [ForRemoval](
<br>Paired with `@Deprecated` this indicates that we plan to entirely remove the hereby annotated functionality in the future.
- [DeprecatedSince](
<br>Paired with `@Deprecated` this specifies when a feature was marked as deprecated.
## Getting Help
For general troubleshooting you can visit our wiki [Troubleshooting][troubleshooting] and [FAQ][faq].
<br>If you need help, or just want to talk with the JDA or other Devs, you can join the [Official JDA Discord Guild][discord-invite].
Alternatively you can also join the [Unofficial Discord API Guild](
Once you joined, you can find JDA-specific help in the `#java_jda` channel.
For guides and setup help you can also take a look at the [wiki](
<br>Especially interesting are the [Getting Started](
and [Setup]( Pages.
## Third Party Recommendations
### [LavaPlayer](
Created and maintained by [sedmelluq](
<br>LavaPlayer is the most popular library used by Music Bots created in Java.
It is highly compatible with JDA and Discord4J and allows to play audio from
Youtube, Soundcloud, Twitch, Bandcamp and [more providers](
<br>The library can easily be expanded to more services by implementing your own AudioSourceManager and registering it.
It is recommended to read the [Usage]( section of LavaPlayer
to understand a proper implementation.
<br>Sedmelluq provided a demo in his repository which presents an example implementation for JDA:
### [Lavalink](
Maintained by [Freya Arbjerg](
Lavalink is a popular standalone audio sending node based on Lavaplayer. Lavalink was built with scalability in mind,
and allows streaming music via many servers. It supports most of Lavaplayer's features.
Lavalink is used by many large bots, as well as bot developers who can not use a Java library like Lavaplayer.
If you plan on serving music on a smaller scale with JDA it is often preferable to just use Lavaplayer directly
as it is easier.
[Lavalink-Client]( is the official Lavalink client for JDA.
### [jda-nas](
Created and maintained by [sedmelluq](
<br>Provides a native implementation for the JDA Audio Send-System to avoid GC pauses.
Note that this send system creates an extra UDP-Client which causes audio receive to no longer function properly
since discord identifies the sending UDP-Client as the receiver.
JDABuilder builder = JDABuilder.createDefault(BOT_TOKEN)
.setAudioSendFactory(new NativeAudioSendFactory());
### [jda-ktx](
Created and maintained by [MinnDevelopment](
<br>Provides [Kotlin]( extensions for **RestAction** and events that provide a more idiomatic Kotlin experience.
fun main() {
val jda = light(BOT_TOKEN)
jda.onCommand("ping") { event ->
val time = measureTime {
event.reply("Pong!").await() // suspending
event.hook.editOriginal("Pong: $time ms").queue()
There is a number of examples available in the [README](
More can be found in our github organization: [JDA-Applications](
## Contributing to JDA
If you want to contribute to JDA, make sure to base your branch off of our **development** branch (or a feature-branch)
and create your PR into that **same** branch. **We will be rejecting any PRs between branches or into release branches!**
It is very possible that your change might already be in development or you missed something.
More information can be found at the wiki page [Contributing](\)-Contributing)
### Deprecation Policy
When a feature is introduced to replace or enhance existing functionality we might deprecate old functionality.
A deprecated method/class usually has a replacement mentioned in its documentation which should be switched to. Deprecated
functionality might or might not exist in the next minor release. (Hint: The minor version is the `MM` of `XX.MM.RR` in our version format)
It is possible that some features are deprecated without replacement, in this case the functionality is no longer supported by either the JDA structure
due to fundamental changes (for example automation of a feature) or due to Discord API changes that cause it to be removed.
We highly recommend discontinuing usage of deprecated functionality and update by going through each minor release instead of jumping.
For instance, when updating from version 3.3.0 to version 3.5.1 you should do the following:
- Update to `3.4.RR` and check for deprecation, replace
- Update to `3.5.1` and check for deprecation, replace
The `RR` in version `3.4.RR` should be replaced by the latest version that was published for `3.4`, you can find out which the latest
version was by looking at the [release page](
## Dependencies:
This project requires **Java 8+**.<br>
All dependencies are managed automatically by Gradle.
* NV Websocket Client
* Version: **2.14**
* [Github](
* OkHttp
* Version: **4.10.0**
* [Github](
* Apache Commons Collections4
* Version: **4.4**
* [Website](
* jackson
* Version: **2.14.1**
* [Github](
* Trove4j
* Version: **3.0.3**
* [BitBucket](
* slf4j-api
* Version: **1.7.36**
* [Website](
* opus-java (optional)
* Version: **1.1.1**
* [GitHub](
## Related Projects
- [Discord4J](
- [Discord.NET](
- [](
- [serenity](
**See also:** [Discord API Community Libraries](
299 | 📹 Data-driven render automation for After Effects | <p align="center">
<img src="" />
<div align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Build status" /></a>
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Discord server" /></a>
<br />
<div align="center">
Automate your Adobe After Effects rendering workflows. Create data-driven and template based videos.
<div align="center">
Built with love using nodejs
• Brought to you by <a href="">@inlife</a>
and other <a href="">contributors</a>
# Table of contents
<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Features](#features)
- [How it works](#how-it-works)
- [Alternatives](#alternatives)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Job](#job)
- [Assets](#assets)
- [Actions](#actions)
- [Details](#details)
- [Job States](#job-states)
- [Programmatic](#programmatic)
- [Information](#information)
- [Template rendering](#template-rendering)
- [Footage items](#footage-items)
- [Fields](#fields)
- [Example](#example)
- [Original source](#original-source)
- [Example](#example-1)
- [Static assets](#static-assets)
- [Example:](#example)
- [Data Assets](#data-assets)
- [Fields](#fields-1)
- [Example](#example-2)
- [Script Asset](#script-asset)
- [Fields](#fields-2)
- [Dynamic Parameters](#dynamic-parameters)
- [Supported Parameter Types](#supported-parameter-types)
- [Parameter Types examples](#parameter-types-examples)
- [String](#string)
- [Number](#number)
- [Array](#array)
- [Object](#object)
- [Null](#null)
- [Functions](#functions)
- [Warnings](#warnings)
- [Self-Invoking Functions Example](#self-invoking-functions-example)
- [Named Functions](#named-functions)
- [Anonymous Functions](#anonymous-functions)
- [Complete functions example](#complete-functions-example)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [No dynamic parameters.](#no-dynamic-parameters)
- [Dynamic variable - Array type parameter](#dynamic-variable---array-type-parameter)
- [Default Dynamic Variable Keyword Parameter](#default-dynamic-variable-keyword-parameter)
- [Example JSX Script with defaults:](#example-jsx-script-with-defaults)
- [Example JSX Script without defaults:](#example-jsx-script-without-defaults)
- [Network rendering](#network-rendering)
- [Using binaries](#using-binaries)
- [`nexrender-server`](#nexrender-server)
- [Description:](#description)
- [Supported platforms:](#supported-platforms)
- [Requirements:](#requirements)
- [Example](#example-3)
- [`nexrender-worker`](#nexrender-worker)
- [Description:](#description-1)
- [Supported platforms:](#supported-platforms-1)
- [Requirements:](#requirements-1)
- [Example](#example-4)
- [Using API](#using-api)
- [Tested with](#tested-with)
- [Additional Information](#additional-information)
- [Protocols](#protocols)
- [Examples](#examples-1)
- [WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)](#wsl)
- [Linux Mapping](#linux-mapping)
- [Windows Pathing](#windows-pathing)
- [Binary](#wsl-binary)
- [Workpath](#wsl-worthpath)
- [Memory](#wsl-memory)
- [Problems](#problems)
- [Development](#development)
- [Project Values](#project-values)
- [Awesome External Packages](#awesome-external-packages)
- [Awesome Related Projects](#awesome-related-projects)
- [Custom Actions](#custom-actions)
- [Migrating from v0.x](#migrating-from-v0x)
- [Naming](#naming)
- [Structure](#structure)
- [Assets](#assets-1)
- [Rendering](#rendering)
- [CLI](#cli)
- [Customers](#customers)
- [Plans](#plans)
- [Contributors](#contributors)
- [Code Contributors](#code-contributors)
- [Financial Contributors](#financial-contributors)
- [Individuals](#individuals)
- [Organizations](#organizations)
<!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update -->
# Introduction
`nexrender` is a simple, small, carefully designed application with the main goal of rendering automation for Adobe After Effects based rendering workflows.
At this point in time, the project is mainly targeted at people at least somewhat comfortable with scripting or development,
and that have basic knowledge of `javascript` language and `json` formats.
### Features
* data-driven, dynamic, personalized video rendering
* automated video management, processing, and delivery
* network-oriented project structure, render farm
* highly modular nature, extensive plugin support
* works only in cli mode, never launches After Effects GUI application
* does not require licenses for Adobe After Effects on any worker machine
* free to use and open source
### How it works
* rendering: It uses Adobe After Effects' aerender command-line interface application.
* compositing: It creates a temporary folder, copies project and replaces assets with provided ones.
* personalization: It uses AE's expressions, scripting, and compositing (noted above).
* scheduling: It stores projects in a local database, managed from anywhere using http api.
* network: It renders project per machine, and can be used to render several projects simultaneously.
* farm: Can be used to render a single project on several machines via Multi-Machine Sequence.
### Alternatives
Probably the closest (feature-wise) alternative that exists at the moment is the Dataclay's [Templater]( bot edition.
Compared to nexrender it has a rich GUI support and a number of enterprise-scale features, however, it is not free.
# Installation
You can download binaries directly from the [releases]( section,
or install them using npm, whichever option works better for you.
However, please note: the npm version of the binaries doesn't include all optional `plugin` packages that are covered in the usage section.
If you wish to install them as well, please do so by providing each one individually:
npm i -g @nexrender/cli @nexrender/action-copy @nexrender/action-encode ...
# Usage
We will be using `nexrender-cli` binary for this example. It's recommended to download/install it if you haven't already.
Also, check out these example/tutorial videos made by our community:
* ["Creating automated music video with nexrender"]( by **[douglas prod.](**
>⚠ If using WSL check out [wsl support](#wsl)
## Job
A job is a single working unit in the nexrender ecosystem. It is a json document, that describes what should be done, and how it should be done.
Minimal job description always should contain a pointer onto Adobe After Effects project, which is needed to be rendered, and a composition that will be used to render.
The pointer is `src` (string) field containing a URI pointing towards specified file, followed by `composition` (string) field, containing the name of the composition that needs to be rendered.
>Note: check out [supported protocols](#protocols) for `src` field.
// myjob.json
"template": {
"src": "file:///users/myuser/documents/myproject.aep",
"composition": "main"
or for remote file accessible via http
// myjob.json
"template": {
"src": "",
"composition": "main"
Submitting this data to the binary will result in start of the rendering process:
$ nexrender-cli '{"template":{"src":"file:///home/documents/myproject.aep","composition":"main"}}'
> Note: on MacOS you might need to change the permissions for downloaded file, so it would be considered as an executable.
> You can do it by running: `$ chmod 755 nexrender-cli-macos`
or more conveniently using the `--file` option
$ nexrender-cli --file myjob.json
> Note: its recommended to run `nexrender-cli -h` at least once, to read all useful information about available options.
More info: [@nexrender/cli](packages/nexrender-cli)
### Assets
We've successfully rendered a static project file using nexrender, however, there is not much point doing that unless we
are going to add some dynamic data into the mix.
A way to implement something like that is to add an `asset` to our job definition:
// myjob.json
"template": {
"src": "file:///d:/documents/myproject.aep",
"composition": "main"
"assets": [
"src": "file:///d:/images/myimage.png",
"type": "image",
"layerName": "background.png"
What we've done there is we told nexrender to use a particular asset as a replacement for something that we had defined in our `aep` project.
More specifically, when rendering is gonna happen, nexrender will copy/download this asset file, and attempt to find and replace `footage` entry by specified layer name.
Check out: [detailed information about footage items](#footage-items).
### Actions
You might've noticed that unless you added `--skip-cleanup` flag to our command, all rendered results will be deleted,
and a big warning message will be shown every time you attempt to run the `nexrender-cli` with our job.
The reason is that we haven't defined any actions that we need to do after we finished actual rendering. Let's fix that and add a simple one, copy.
// myjob.json
"template": {
"src": "",
"composition": "main"
"assets": [
"src": "",
"type": "image",
"layerName": "background.png"
"postrender": [
"module": "@nexrender/action-encode",
"preset": "mp4",
"output": "encoded.mp4"
"module": "@nexrender/action-copy",
"input": "encoded.mp4",
"output": "d:/mydocuments/results/myresult.mp4"
We've just added a `postrender` action, that will occur right after we finished rendering.
A module that we described in this case, is responsible for copying result file from a temp folder to the `output` folder.
There are multiple built-in modules within nexrender ecosystem:
* [@nexrender/action-copy](packages/nexrender-action-copy)
* [@nexrender/action-encode](packages/nexrender-action-encode)
* [@nexrender/action-upload](packages/nexrender-action-upload)
* [@nexrender/action-cache](packages/nexrender-action-cache)
* (list will be expanded)
Every module might have his own set of fields, however, `module` field is always there.
Also, you might've noticed that `actions` is an object, however, we described only one (`postrender`) field in it.
And there are more:
- `predownload` - can be used to modify the job before the assets are downloaded
- `postdownload` - can be used to modify the job after the assets are downloaded
- `prerender` - can be used to process data/assets just before the actual render will start.
Also, if you are planning on having more than one action, please note: **actions are order-sensitive**,
that means if you put let's say some encoding action after upload, the latter one might not be able to find a file that needs to be generated by the former one,
since the ordering was wrong.
If you have at least some experience with `Node.js`, you might've noticed that the `module` definition looks exactly like a package name.
And well, yes it is. When nexrender stumbles upon a `module` entry, it will try to require this package from internal storage,
and then if no module has been found, it will attempt to look for globally installed Node.js modules with that name.
That means if you are comfortable with writing `Node.js` code, you can easily create your own module, and use it by
providing either absolute/relative path (on a local machine), or publishing the module and installing it globally on your target machine.
npm i -g my-awesome-nexrender-action
And then using it:
"postrender": [
"module": "my-awesome-nexrender-action",
"param1": "something big",
"param2": 15
Also, you can [checkout packages](#awesome-external-packages) made by other contributors across the network:
### Details
Job structure has more fields, that we haven't checked out yet. The detailed version of the structure looks like this:
"tags": String,
"priority": Number,
"template": {
"src": String,
"composition": String,
"frameStart": Number,
"frameEnd": Number,
"incrementFrame": Number,
"continueOnMissing": Boolean,
"settingsTemplate": String,
"outputModule": String,
"outputExt": String,
"assets": [],
"actions": {
"predownload": [],
"postdownload": [],
"prerender": [],
"postrender": [],
"onChange": Function,
"onRenderProgress": Function,
"onRenderError": Function
Majority of the fields are just proxied to the `aerender` binary, and their descriptions and default
values can be checked [here](
- `tags` (optional) (example `primary,plugins` : comma delimited ) is a piece of information that describes the job that it is assigned to. It can be used by the worker(s) / or api client(s) to pickup the job with specific tags (see `tagSelector` [here](packages/nexrender-worker) ). Tags name must be an alphanumeric.
- `priority` (default 0) is a number of priority. Jobs are selected based on their priority field by the worker, in case of a collision it will choose the oldest one.
- `onChange` is a [callback]( which will be triggered every time the job state is changed (happens on every task change).
- `onRenderProgress` is a [callback]( which will be triggered every time the rendering progress has changed.
- `onRenderError` is a [callback]( which will be triggered when `arender` encounters an error during its runtime. So far known errors are (please contribute):
- Errors from [nexrender.jsx]( - most likely issue in the `assets` section within the job.
- `No comp was found with the given name.` - Composition from `template.composition` not present in the AE file.
- `After Effects error: file is damaged.` - AE file is broken and could not be opened (caused by incomplete transfer/download)
Note: Callback functions are only available via programmatic use. For more information, please refer to the source code.
### Job States
> **Note:** Job states are mainly used for network rendering. If you are using `nexrender-cli` you can skip this section.
Job can have state field (`job.state`) be set to one of those values:
* `created` (default)
* `queued` (when pushed to the nexrender-server)
* `picked` (when somebody picked up job on nexrender-server)
* `started` (when worker started preparing and running the job)
* `render:setup` (bunch of states that are specific to each render step)
* `render:predownload`
* `render:download`
* `render:postdownload`
* `render:prerender`
* `render:script`
* `render:dorender`
* `render:postrender`
* `render:cleanup`
* `finished` (when worker successfully finished rendering the job)
* `error` (when worker got an error at any step starting from `started` state)
## Programmatic
In case you are building your own application and just need to use a rendering part, or you wanna manually trigger jobs from your code,
there is a way to use nexrender programmatically:
Install the [@nexrender/core](
$ npm install @nexrender/core --save
And then load it, and run it
const { render } = require('@nexrender/core')
const main = async () => {
const result = await render(/*myJobJson*/)
Or you can go more advanced, and provide some settings as your 2nd argument to the `render` function:
const { render } = require('@nexrender/core')
const main = async () => {
const result = await render(/*myJobJson*/, {
workpath: '/Users/myname/.nexrender/',
binary: '/Users/mynames/Apllications/aerender',
skipCleanup: true,
addLicense: false,
debug: true,
### Information
The module returns 2 methods, `init` and `render`. `render` calls `init` internally, if it sees that there were some options provided to `render` as 2nd argument.
First one is responsible for setting up the env, checking if all needed patches for AE are in place,
automatically adding render-only license file for a free usage of Adobe's product (unless disabled), and a few other minor things.
Second one is responsible for mainly job-related operations of the full cycle: downloading, rendering, processing, and uploading.
`init` accepts an object, containing additional options:
* `workpath` - string, manually set path to working directory where project folder will be created, overrides default one in system temp folder
* `binary` - string, manually set path pointing to the aerender(.exe) binary, overrides auto found one
* `debug` - boolean, enables or disables debug mode, false by default
* `skipCleanup` - boolean, providing true will prevent nexrender from removing the temp folder with project (false by default)
* `skipRender` - boolean, providing true will prevent nexrender from running actual rendering, might be useful if you only want to call scripts
* `multiFrames` - boolean, providing true will attmpt to use aerender's built-in feature of multi frame rendering (false by default)
* `multiFramesCPU` - integer between 1-100, the percentage of CPU used by multi frame rendering, if enabled (90 by default)
* `reuse` - boolean, false by default, (from Adobe site): Reuse the currently running instance of After Effects (if found) to perform the render. When an already running instance is used, aerender saves preferences to disk when rendering has completed, but does not quit After Effects. If this argument is not used, aerender starts a new instance of After Effects, even if one is already running. It quits that instance when rendering has completed, and does not save preferences.
* `maxMemoryPercent` - integer, undefined by default, check [original documentation]( for more info
* `imageCachePercent` - integer, undefined by default, check [original documentation]( for more info
* `addLicense` - boolean, providing false will disable ae_render_only_node.txt license file auto-creation (true by default)
* `forceCommandLinePatch` - boolean, providing true will force patch re-installation
* `wslMap` - String, set WSL drive map, check [wsl](#wsl) for more info
* `maxRenderTimeout` - Number, set max render timeout in seconds, will abort rendering if it takes longer than this value (default: 0 - disabled)
* `cache` - boolean or string. Set the cache folder used by HTTP assets. If `true` will use the default path of `${workpath}/http-cache`, if set to a string it will be interpreted as a filesystem path to the cache folder.
More info: [@nexrender/core](packages/nexrender-core)
## Using the ${workPath} mask in @nexrender/action-encode
The output of `@nexrender/action-encode` is always prepended by the working path of the job, so you don't have to guess paths. However if you want to use the working path of the job for something else such as encoding in multiple bitrates it is necessary to use the `${workPath}` mask.
This is especially useful for HLS encoding
//HLS encoding
"module": "@nexrender/action-encode",
"output": "encoded_playlist_%v.m3u8",
"params": {
"-acodec": "aac",
"-vcodec": "libx264",
"-pix_fmt": "yuv420p",
"-map": [
"-b:v:0": "2000k",
"-b:v:1": "1000k",
"-b:v:2": "500k",
"-f": "hls",
"-hls_time": "10",
"-hls_list_size": "0",
"-var_stream_map": "v:0,name:high v:1,name:medium v:2,name:low",
"-master_pl_name": "master.m3u8",
"-hls_segment_filename": "${workPath}\\encoded%d_%v.ts"
The `-hls_segment_filename` flag requires the absolute paths or else it would save on the working path of the nexrender application hence the use of `${workPath}`
# Template rendering
One of the main benefits of using nexrender is an ability to render projects using data other than what has been used while the project has been created.
Data means any sort of source/footage material, it can be images, audio tracks, video clips, text strings, values for colors/positions, even dynamic animations using expressions.
All of those things can be replaced for every job without even opening a project file or starting After Effects.
> Note: Also this process can be called in other ways: **templated**, **data-driven** or **dynamic** video generation.
This approach allows you to create a .aep file once, and then reuse it for as many target results as you need to.
However, what is needed to get started?
## Footage items
Footage item replacement is what briefly has been covered in the `Job` section of this document.
The idea is quite simple, you describe which asset will replace existing described footage item in a specific layer,
by specifying `src`, and one of the `layerName` or `layerIndex` options.
### Fields
* `src`: string, a URI pointer to the specific resource, check out [supported protocols](#protocols)
* `type`: string, for footage items, is one of (`image`, `audio`, `video`)
* `layerName`: string, target layer name in the After Effects project
* `layerIndex`: integer, can be used instead of `layerName` to select a layer by providing an index, starting from 1 (default behavior of AE jsx scripting env)
* `composition`: string, composition where the layer is. Useful for searching layer in specific compositions. If none is provided, it uses the wildcard composition "\*",
that will result in a wildcard composition matching, and will apply this data to every matching layer in every matching composition. If you want to search in a nested composition you can provide a path to that composition using `"->"` delimiter.
For example, `"FULL_HD->intro->logo comp"` matches a composition named `logo comp` that is used in composition `intro` which in turn is used in composition `FULL_HD`. Note, that `FULL_HD` doesn't have to be the root composition. Make sure to specify a **composition** name, not a layer name.
* `name`: string, an optional filename that the asset will be saved as. If not provided the `layerName` or the basename of the file will be used
* `extension`: string, an optional extension to be added to the filename before it is sent for rendering. This is because After Effects expects the file extension to match the content type of the file. If none is provided, the filename will be unchanged.
* `useOriginal`: boolean, an optional feature specific to the `file://` protocol that prevents nexrender from copying an asset to a local temp folder, and use original instead
The specified asset from `src` field will be downloaded/copied to the working directory, and just before rendering will happen,
a footage item with specified `layerName` or `layerIndex` in the original project will be replaced with the freshly downloaded asset.
This way you (if you are using network rendering) can not only deliver assets to the target platform but also dynamically replace them.
>Note: if `layerName` is used for footage file asset, it should always contain the extension in the name as well.
### Example
"assets": [
"src": "",
"type": "image",
"layerName": "MyNicePicture.jpg"
"src": "",
"type": "image",
"layerName": "MyOtherNicePicture.jpg",
"extension": "jpg"
"src": "file:///home/assets/audio.mp3",
"type": "audio",
"name": "music.mp3",
"layerIndex": 15
### HTTP caching
When using the `http` or `https` protocol, you can utilize local caching to minimize the amount of data that have to be transferred over a network and speed up project/assets download. To use HTTP caching, the server serving your assets must support the relevant [HTTP caching semantics](
The simplest way to enable caching is to use the setting wide cache option (setting`--cache` flag if using CLI or worker CLI, setting `cache: true` when using programmatically). This will enable HTTP based caching for all your assets and project files if they are requested over HTTP from a server that supports the relevant headers.
You can also control caching on a more granular level if desired. For each asset's setting if a `params` property is set, it will be passed directly to [make-fetch-happen]( which includes the `cachePath` property that you can set to a custom folder path (or null if you want to disable caching for a particular asset only).
> Note: caches are not cleared automatically so you may need to monitor the cache folder size if you are using a lot of large assets over time. Assets, if they have been cached, will always resolve even if they are stale and the server is not available.
### Example
"assets": [
"src": "",
"type": "image",
"layerName": "MyNicePicture.jpg",
"params": {
"cachePath": "/tmp/my-nexrender-cache"
"src": "",
"type": "image",
"layerName": "MyOtherNicePicture.jpg",
"extension": "jpg",
"params": {
"cachePath": "/tmp/my-nexrender-cache"
### Original source
For `file` protocol based assets (assets coming from the local filesystem/shared network), you can provide an additional option, `useOriginal`, that would force nexrender to use an original file
rather than creating a local copy inside of the temp rendering folder. That could be useful for large asset files, that would otherwise take a long time to copy.
#### Example
"assets": [
"src": "file:///D:/assets/MyBigAsset.wav",
"type": "audio",
"useOriginal": true,
"layerIndex": 15
## Static assets
There is also a plain asset type that allows you to simply provide a `src`, and that file will be downloaded in the folder with the project.
No additional automated actions will happen with that asset, unless you manually use scripting to do something with those.
Might be useful for some static data-based injections, or some other use cases.
### Example:
"assets": [
"src": "",
"type": "static"
"src": "",
"name": "mydata.csv",
"type": "static"
## Data Assets
The second important point for the dynamic data-driven video generation is the ability to replace/change/modify non-footage data in the project.
To do that, a special asset of type `data` can be used.
### Fields
* `type`: string, for data items, is always `data`
* `layerName`: string, target layer name in the After Effects project
* `layerIndex`: integer, can be used instead of `layerName` to select a layer by providing an index, starting from 1 (default behavior of AE jsx scripting env)
* `property`: string, indicates which layer property you want to change
* `value`: mixed, optional, indicates which value you want to be set to a specified property
* `expression`: string, optional, allows you to specify an expression that can be executed every frame to calculate the value
* `composition`: string, composition where the layer is, useful for searching layer in specific compositions. If none is provided, it uses the wildcard composition "\*",
that will result in a wildcard composition matching, and will apply this data to every matching layer in every matching composition. If you want to search in a nested composition you can provide a path to that composition using `"->"` delimiter.
For example, `"FULL_HD->intro->logo comp"` matches a composition named `logo comp` that is used in composition `intro` which in turn is used in composition `FULL_HD`. Note, that `FULL_HD` doesn't have to be the root composition. Make sure to specify a **composition** name, not a layer name.
* `continueOnMissing`: boolean (default false), optional, allows you to bypass an error exception if couldn't find any layers. Probably should not be used by users, unless they know what are they doing.
Since both `value` and `expression` are optional, you can provide them in any combination, depending on the effect you want to achieve.
Providing `value` will set the exact value for the property right after execution, and providing an expression will make sure it will be evaluated every frame.
>Note: If you are not sure what expressions are, and how to use them, please refer [to this page](
And if you are not sure what a `property` is or where to get it, you can refer to this image:
<summary><b>Property Example</b></summary>
>As you can see there are a few `Property Groups` like Text, Masks, Transform that include actual properties. Those properties are what can be used as a target.

In case you need to change some **deep properties**, as shown on this image...

... you can do that by providing the property name using a dot `.` separator (e.g. "Effects.Skin_Color.Color").
In case your property already has `.` in the name, and you are sure it will lead to a collision while parsing, you can instead use an arrow symbol `->`.
You can also change the deeper attributes of properties, for example the font of a text layer, using "Source Text.font" or the font size by "Source Text.fontSize".
### Example
"assets": [
"type": "data",
"layerName": "MyNicePicture.jpg",
"property": "Position",
"value": [500, 100]
"type": "data",
"layerName": "my text field",
"property": "Source Text",
"expression": "time > 100 ? 'Bye bye' : 'Hello world'"
"type": "data",
"layerName": "my text field",
"property": "Source Text.font",
"value": "Arial-BoldItalicMT"
"type": "data",
"layerName": "background",
"property": "Effects.Skin_Color.Color",
"value": [1, 0, 0]
"type": "data",
"layerIndex": 15,
"property": "Scale",
"expression": "[time * 0.1, time * 0.1]"
>Note: any error in expression will prevent the project from rendering. Make sure to read error messages reported by After Effects binary carefully.
## Script Asset
🚀 **NEW**: Now you can pass arguments to JSX dynamically! Read below for more information 🚀
The last and the most complex and yet the most powerful is an ability to execute custom `jsx` scripts just before the rendering will start.
This approach allows you to do pretty much anything that is allowed for scripting,
like creating/removing layers, adding new elements, restructuring the whole composition, and much more.
With some basic knowledge of `ExtendScript Toolkit`, you can write custom scripts that nexrender will pass through to the underlying CLI (or render network) to execute before rendering. You'll just need to provide a `src` pointing towards the script resource and a `type` of `"script"`.
### Fields
* `src`: **string**, a URI pointer to the specific resource, check out [supported protocols](#protocols)
* `type`: **string**, for script items, is always `script`
* `keyword`: (optional) **string**, name for the configuration object holding all the dynamically injected parameters. Defaults to **NX**
* `parameters`: (optional) **object**, object where all the dynamically injected parameters are defined. Script variables that are not included in this list default to `null`.
* `globalDefaultValue` (optional) **any**, An override for the default value of any unknown or undefined **NX** (or the `keyword` value, if set) config values. Use caution when overriding defaults like this. It is suggested to leave it as is and check for `null` values in your JSX code.
### Dynamic Parameters
With dynamic parameters, you can set a parameter in your Job declaration to be used on a JSX Script!
Each parameter object must have the following:
* **key** (required) : The key of the variable. Example: Key = dog =>
* **value** (required) : The target value for the variable. Example: Key = dog, Value = "doggo" => = "doggo". See [Supported Parameter Types](#supported-parameter-types).
### Supported Parameter Types
We currently support all standard [JSON Parameters]( with the addition of javascript **[functions](#functions)**, which can be named, anonymous or self-invoking.
* [`string`](#string)
* [`number`](#number)
* [`array`](#array)
* [`object`](#object)
* [`null`](#null) __(default)__
* [`functions`](#functions)
### Parameter Types examples
#### String
"parameters" : [
"key" : "fullName",
"value": "John Doe"
#### Number
"parameters" : [
"key" : "orangeAmount",
"value": 37
#### Array
"parameters" : [
"key" : "officesList",
"value": ["Santiago", "London", "Paris", "Kyoto", "Hong-Kong"]
#### Object
"parameters" : [
"key" : "carDetails",
"value": {
"model" : "Tesla Model S",
"maxBatteryLife" : 500000,
"color" : "vermilion"
#### Null
This is the default value for parameters used on any given JSX script that are not initializated.
"parameters" : [
"key" : "carDetails"
`NX.get("carDetails")` will be equal to `null`.
#### Functions
Functions are useful if you need some dynamic calculation of specific values. You can use them in conjuction with other dynamic parameters as well. Currently we support [Self-invoking Functions](#self-invoking-functions-example), [Named Functions](#named-functions-example) and [Anonymous Functions](#anonymous-functions-example). After Effects ExtendedScript **does not support arrow functions** at the moment (cc 2020).
##### Warnings
* You must **only use one function per parameter**; If there's more than one function defined in the parameter `value` the job will crash due to limitations in function detection and parsing.
* Use well-formed functions and be aware of the computational weight of your functions. Malformed functions will cause the script to fail and subsequently the job to crash.
##### Self-Invoking Functions Example
Self-invoking functions are useful when concatenating strings, or in places where you want the function output without redeclaring it.
"parameters" : [
"key" : "onePlusOne",
"value": "(function() { return 1+1; })()"
The above function could be use in a string concatenation such as
alert("Miss, what's the mathematical operation required to compute the number" + NX.get("onePlusOne") + " ?"); // A typical second grade question.
"parameters" : [
"key" : "invitees",
"value": ["Steve", "Natasha", "Tony", "Bruce", "Wanda", "Thor", "Peter", "Clint" ]
"key" : "eventInvitation",
"value": "(function (venue) { alert( 'This years\' Avengers Gala is on the prestigious ' + + ' located at ' + venue.location + '. Our special guests ' + NX.get('invitees') (a, i) { return (i == NX.get('invitees').value.length - 1) ? ' and ' + a + ' (whoever that is)' : a + ', '; }).join('') + ' going to be present for the ceremony!');
})({ name: NX.arg('venue'), location: NX.arg('location') })",
"arguments": [
"key" : "venue",
"value" : "Smithsonian Museum of Natural History"
"key" : "location",
"value": "10th St. & Constitution Ave."
This convoluted function would return a lovely invitation string to an event using a dynamic parameter set on the `json` Job, as well as having additional required parameters with their defaults and could be used as follows:
// Output:
This years' Avengers Gala is on the prestigious Smithsonian Museum of Natural History located at 10th St. & Constitution Ave. Our special guests Steve, Natasha,Tony, Wanda, Thor, Peter and Clint (whoever that is) are going to be present for the ceremony!
#### Named Functions
"parameters" : [
"key" : "sum",
"value": "function namedSumFunction(a, b) { return a + b; }"
var result ="sum", [400, 20]); // 420
Note that the usage of the named method is `sum` and not `namedSumFunction` due to JS' __hoisting__, so named functions are implemented and used the same way as anonymous functions.
#### Anonymous Functions
"parameters" : [
"key" : "sumValues",
"value": "function (a, b) { return a + b; }"
var result ="sumValues", [400, 20]); // 420
#### Complete functions example
"template": {
"src": "file:///template.aep",
"composition": "BLANK_COMP"
"assets": [
"src": "file:///sampleParamInjection.jsx",
"type": "script",
"parameters": [
"type": "array",
"key" : "dogs",
"value": [ "Captain Sparkles", "Summer", "Neptune"]
"type" : "number",
"key" : "anAmount"
"type": "function",
"key": "getDogsCount",
"value" : "function() { return NX.get('dogs').length; }"
"type": "function",
"key": "exampleFn",
"value": "function ( parameter ) { return parameter; }"
"type" : "function",
"key" : "dogCount",
"value" : "(function(length) { return length })(NX.arg('dogCount'))",
"arguments": [
"key" : "dogCount",
"value": ["'exampleFn', ['getDogsCount') + NX.get('anAmount')])"]
### Examples
#### No dynamic parameters.
"assets": [
"src": "",
"type": "script"
#### Dynamic variable - Array type parameter
"assets": [
"src": "file:///C:/sample/sampleParamInjection.jsx",
"type": "script",
"parameters": [
"key": "name",
"value": "Dilip"
##### Default Dynamic Variable Keyword Parameter
The `value` could be a variable or a function, but beware that there is no sanitization nor validation so **if the input is malformed it could crash the job**
By default the **keyword** is set to **`NX`**, so you would call your variables or methods like `NX.get("foo")` or `"bar", ["sampleStringParameter"])`. To change this keyword simply set `"keyword"` as shown below:
"assets": [
"src": "file:///C:/sample/sampleParamInjection.jsx",
"type": "script",
"keyword": "_settings",
"parameters": [
"key": "name",
"value": "Dilip"
This way instead of `NX.get("foo")` it would be `_settings.get("foo")`
**_All dynamic parameters used in the script should have a JSX default_**
### Example JSX Script with defaults:
return "Hello " + NX.get("name") || "John";
The code above will output either:
1. `"Hello John"` if no parameter defined on the JSON `parameters` array or this parameter is missing.
2. `"Hello NAME"` if parameter `name` has a `value` of `NAME` on the JSON `parameters` array.
### Example JSX Script without defaults:
// The code below will crash if it's executed directly in After Effects. See documentation on how to enable cross environment fault tolerance.
return "There are " + NX.get("beerBottlesAmount") + " beer bottles ready to drink!"
The code above will output either:
1. `"There are null beer bottles ready to drink!" `if no parameter defined on the JSON `parameters` array.
2. `"There are 20 beer bottles ready to drink!"` if parameter `beerBottlesAmount` has a `value` of `20` on the JSON `parameters` array.
But don't you worry about missing any of the examples above. If you use a variable in your JSX with the default keyword and no initialization whatsoever,
the console will output a handy initialization code snippet for both JSON and JSX for you to copy and modify with your own values!
That pretty much covers basics of templated rendering.
# Network rendering
We've covered basics on how to set up a minimal rendering flow using local cli machine rendering.
Now, what if you want to start rendering on a remote machine, to reduce load while you are working on your local machine?
Or maybe you need to render several videos at once, requiring a fleet of nodes running on some cloud cluster.

With nexrender, you can quickly and easily spin up your own rendering cluster.
## Using binaries
You can download compiled versions of binaries directly from the [releases]( section,
or install them using npm, whichever option works better for you.
### `nexrender-server`
#### Description:
A CLI application which is responsible for job management, worker node cooperation,
communications with the `nexrender-worker` instances, serves mainly as a producer in the nexrender network model.
Technically speaking, its a very tiny HTTP server with minimal REST API support.
Optional support for external databases can be added (like Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, etc.), with some of them already in place. Please check modules for more info.
#### Supported platforms:
Windows, macOS, Linux
#### Requirements:
#### Example
$ nexrender-server \
--port=3050 \
More info: [@nexrender/server](packages/nexrender-server)
### `nexrender-worker`
#### Description:
A CLI application which is responsible mainly for actual job processing and rendering,
communication with the `nexrender-server`, and serves mainly as a consumer in the nexrender network model.
#### Supported platforms:
Windows, macOS
#### Requirements:
Installed licensed/trial version of Adobe After Effects
#### Example
$ nexrender-worker \
--host= \
> Note: its recommended to run `nexrender-worker -h` at least once, to read all useful information about available options.
More info: [@nexrender/worker](packages/nexrender-worker)
## Using API
Now, after you've loaded up your worker and server nodes, they will need some jobs to be submitted to the server to start actual rendering.
There are 2 main ways to do that. You can send a direct POST request:
curl \
--request POST \
--header "nexrender-secret: myapisecret" \
--header "content-type: application/json" \
--data '{"template":{"src":"","composition":"main"}}' \
Or you can use the javascript API client:
npm install @nexrender/api --save
const { createClient } = require('@nexrender/api')
const client = createClient({
host: '',
secret: 'myapisecret',
const main = async () => {
const result = await client.addJob({
template: {
src: '',
composition: 'main',
result.on('created', job => console.log('project has been created'))
result.on('started', job => console.log('project rendering started'))
result.on('progress', (job, percents) => console.log('project is at: ' + percents + '%'))
result.on('finished', job => console.log('project rendering finished'))
result.on('error', err => console.log('project rendering error', err))
More info: [@nexrender/api](packages/nexrender-api)
# Tested with
Current software was successfully tested on:
* Adobe After Effects CS 5.5 [OS X 10.14.2]
* Adobe After Effects CC (version 12.1.168) [OS X 10.11.2, Windows 10 64bit]
* Adobe After Effects CC 2015 (version 13.6.0) [OS X 10.11.2]
* Adobe After Effects CC 2018.3 [Windows 2012 Server R2 Datacenter]
* Adobe After Effects CC 2019 [OS X 10.14.2, Windows Server 2019 (AWS)]
# Additional Information
## Protocols
`src` field is a URI string, that describes path pointing to the specific resource. It supports a few different protocols:
* Built-in:
* `file://` - file on a local file system, may include environment variables identified by a preceding $ sign (possibly a pipe? need testing)
* `http://` - file on remote http server
* `https://` - file on remote http server served via https
* `data://` - URI encoded data, can be a [base64 or plain text](
* External:
* `gs://` - [@nexrender/provider-gs](packages/nexrender-provider-gs) - Google Cloud Storage provider
* `s3://` - [@nexrender/provider-s3](packages/nexrender-provider-s3) - Amazon S3 provider
* `ftp://` - [@nexrender/provider-ftp](packages/nexrender-provider-ftp) - Node.js FTP provider
* (other protocols will be added there)
### Examples
Here are some examples of src paths:
## WSL
If running WSL (`Windows Subsystem for Linux`) you will need to configure your project a bit differently in order for it to render correctly.
### Linux Mapping
You will need to pass in which drive letter `Linux` is mapped to in `Windows`. This is the `Drive Letter` in which you can access your Linux file system from Windows.
> ⚠ Note: Drive mapping is setup when configuring WSL
You can do this through the CLI like so assuming Linux is mapped to `Z`.
$ nexrender-cli -f mywsljob.json -m "Z"
$ nexrender-cli -f mywsljob.json -wsl-map "Z"
And you can do this Programmatically like
const { render } = require('@nexrender/core')
const main = async () => {
const result = await render(/*myWSLJobJson*/, {
skipCleanup: true,
addLicense: false,
debug: true,
wslMap: "Z"
### Windows Pathing
When referencing windows file system you will need to use `/mnt/[DRIVE YOU WANT TO ACCESS]/[PATH TO YOUR FILE]`.
like so
CLI Example
nexrender-cli -f mywsljob.json -m "Z" -w /mnt/d/Downloads/tmp/nexrender
Job Example
"template": {
"src": "file:///mnt/d/Downloads/nexrender-boilerplate-master/assets/nm05ae12.aepx",
"composition": "main",
"assets": [
"src": "file:///mnt/d/Downloads/nexrender-boilerplate-master/assets/2016-aug-deep.jpg",
"type": "image",
"layerName": "background.jpg"
"actions": {
"postrender": [
"module": "@nexrender/action-encode",
"output": "output.mp4",
"preset": "mp4"
> ⚠ Note: nexrender does not currently support custom root pathing
### WSL Binary
If `After Effects` is installed into the default location `nexrender` should auto detected it. Otherwise you will need to provide its location following the [Windows Pathing Guide](#windows-pathing).
Example for if you installed `After Effect` onto your `D drive`.
nexrender-cli -f mywsljob.json -b "/mnt/d/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe After Effects 2020/Support Files/aerender.exe"
### WSL Workpath
By default nexrender will use your Linux /tmp folder to render out the jobs.
We suggest changing this to a secondary drive as rendering can eat up disk space causing an issue where `WSL` does no release disk space back to `Windows`.
Example under [Windows Pathing Guide](#windows-pathing).
> Github Issue: [WSL 2 should automatically release disk space back to the host OS
### WSL Memory
It's also suggested that you create a `.wslconfig` file in your `Windows user folder` and limit the memory that can be used by `WSL`. Otherwise your rendering will crash on large projects.
.wslconfig Example
> Github Issue: [WSL 2 consumes massive amounts of RAM and doesn't return it](
## Problems
There might be a lot of problems creeping around, since this tool works as an intermediary and coordinator for a bunch of existing complex technologies, problems is something inescapable. However, we will try our best to expand and keep this section up to date with all possible caveats and solutions for those problems.
1. macOS access: there might be issues with nexrender accessing the aerender binary within the Adobe library folder, or accessing /tmp folders. For more details refer to
## Development
If you wish to contribute by taking an active part in development, you might need this basic tutorial on how to get started:
1. clone the repo
2. run `npm install`
3. run `npm start`
The last command will run [lerna]( bootstrap action to setup dependencies for all packages listed in the `packages/` folder,
and link them together accordingly to their dependency relations.
After that, you can start the usual development flow of writing code and testing it with `npm start` in a specific package.
Why this multi-package structure has been chosen? It seemed like a much smarter and easier way to achieve a few things:
1. separation of concerns, every module is responsible for a limited set of things
2. modularity and plugin-friendly nature, which allows external packages to be used instead, or alongside built-in ones
3. minimal dependency, as you might've noticed, packages in nexrender try to have as little dependencies as possible
making it much easier to maintain and develop
The recommended approach is to add only needed things as dependencies, it's better to take some time to research module that is being added
to the project, to see how many its own dependencies it will introduce, and possibly find a better and smaller one, or even extract some specific feature
into a new micro module.
And of course, the main thing about development is that it should be fun. :)
## Project Values
This project has a few principle-based goals that guide its development:
* **Do our thing really well.** Our thing is data-based automating of the rendering, and handling other interactive related components of that task set. It is not meant to be a replacement for specific corporate tools templater bot, rendergarden, etc. that have lots of features and customizability. (Some customizability is OK, but not to the extent that it becomes overly complicated or error-prone.)
* **Limit dependencies.** Keep the packages lightweight.
* **Pure nodejs.** This means no native module or other external/system dependencies. This package should be able to stand on its own and cross-compile easily to any platform -- and that includes its library dependencies.
* **Idiomatic nodejs.** Keep modules small, minimal exported names, promise based async handling.
* **Be elegant.** This package should be elegant to use and its code should be elegant when reading and testing. If it doesn't feel good, fix it up.
* **Well-documented.** Use comments prudently; explain why non-obvious code is necessary (and use tests to enforce it). Keep the docs updated, and have examples where helpful.
* **Keep it efficient.** This often means keep it simple. Fast code is valuable.
* **Consensus.** Contributions should ideally be approved by multiple reviewers before being merged. Generally, avoid merging multi-chunk changes that do not go through at least one or two iterations/reviews. Except for trivial changes, PRs are seldom ready to merge right away.
* **Have fun contributing.** Coding is awesome!
## Awesome External Packages
Here you can find a list of packages published by other contributors:
* [HarryLafranc/nexrender-action-handbrake]( - Encode a video with Handbrake on nexrender-postrender
* [dberget/nexrender-action-cloudinary]( - Upload a video to Cloudinary platform
* [dberget/nexrender-action-normalize-color]( - Normalize colors for each asset defined in options
* [dylangarcia/nexrender-action-unzip]( - Unzip composition source before starting to render
* [pilskalns/nexrender-action-template-unzip]( - Unzip template and find (first) `.aep` file within it. Minimal config.
* [oreporan/nexrender-action-upload-s3-presigned]( - A postrender upload plugin which uploads using https (for s3 presigned_url)
* [pulsedemon/nexrender-action-run-command]( - Run shell commands as a nexrender action
* [oksr/nexrender-action-slack-message]( - Utility module for sending a Slack message when render start/finish or render error.
* [vonstring/nexrender-action-mogrt-template]( - Added .mogrt support to Nexrender
* [somename/package-name](#) - a nice description of a nice package doing nice things
Since nexrender allows to use external packages installed globally from npm, its quite easy to add your own modules
## Awesome Related Projects
* [Jeewes/nerc]( - NERC: Tool for filling nexrender config templates with CSV data.
* [newflight-co/createvid]( - A fully functional, full-stack web app built in Vue. Actively looking for community support.
### Custom Actions
To add a custom pre- or post-render action, all you need to do is to create at least a single file, that is going to return a function with promise.
// mymodule.js
module.exports = (job, settings, action, type) => {
console.log('hello from my module: ' + action.module);
return Promise.resolve();
To use that action locally you can then require it by either using relative or global path.
Additionally you can create a private npm module and link it, so it would become visible globally or even publish it to npm/your own private repo and use it.
// example 1
"module": "d:/myprojects/mymodule/index.js",
"somearg1": "hello world",
"somearg2": 123456
// example 2
"module": "my-super-cool-module",
"somearg1": "hello world",
"somearg2": 123456
// example 3
"module": "@myorg/mymodule",
"somearg1": "hello world",
"somearg2": 123456
From there you can build pretty much any module that could process downloaded data before starting rendering,
or doing tranformations on data after, or just simply sending an email when rendering is finished.
>Note: both `job` and `settings` are mutable structures, any modifications made to them will reflect onto the flow of the next calls.
Hence they can be used to store state between actions.
## Migrating from v0.x
First version of nexrender was published in 2016, and it has been used by many people for quite some time since then.
Even though version v1.x is based on the same concepts, it introduces major breaking changes that are incompatible with older version.
However, majority of those changes were made to allow new, previously unimaginable things.
### Naming
1. Nexrender Project -> Nexrender Job
2. Nexrender Rendernode -> Nexrender Worker
2. Nexrender API Server -> Nexrender Server
Referring to project was confusing since it could be applied for both aep project and nexrender project.
And rendernode name was quite too long, and unconvinient to use.
### Structure
The structure of the job has changed, majority of the fields were moved from the root namespace, into "template" namespace, merging it with old "project.settings" namespace.
Assets structure remained pretty much similar. A new object actions has been introduced.
### Assets
Replaced http and file only assets to a URI based links, theoretically extendable without any limits.
Many new other protocols and implementations can be added in a decentrilized manner.
Strict division between asset types:
* [image, audio, video] - footage items, behave like files
* [data] - dynamic data assets, for direct value setting and expressions
* [script] - files allowing full scripting limitless scripting support
### Rendering
The biggest change that happened, is removal of old hacky way of replacing assets and patching aepx file to write custom expressions.
Instead it has been replaced with brand new, recently discovered ExtendScript based injection.
It allows to do a few quite important things:
1. Import and replace footage items via scripting, making it very reliable. (No more bugs related to same-system existing path override for aep project)
2. Set/Replace text, expressins and other types of data via scripting. (No more bugs related to changes in aepx structure, and no need to use aepx format at all)
3. Ability to run custom ExtendScript jsx scripts, which is limitless and revolutionary compared to previous version.
### CLI
Project has been devided onto multiple subprojects, and mutiple cli applications as a result.
Every cli application is auto-compiled to a platform specific executable on publish and auto-uploaded to the releases section.
This allows anyone to use nexrender cli without installing a nodejs runtime onto target system.
New CLI tool allows to run render directly from console for a local job, without need to start whole cluster.
Worker, and CLI apps include minor QoL improvments, such as auto creation of the ae_render_only_node.txt file that allows free licensing,
and After Effects folder auto detection.
All tools include better help screen, and a lot of customization from command line arguments.
## Customers
Technically, since the tool is free, customers should be called users.
In any case this section describes a list of users or companies that are proud users of nexrender.
If you've used nexrender, and you like it, please feel free to add yourself into the list.
* [Noxcaos Music](
* [Two Bit Circus](
* [Flügerl](
* [NewFlight](
* [den frie vilje](
* [DR (Danish National Broadcaster)](
* you name goes here
## Plans
Features for next major release (`v2.0.0`):
1. Ability to switch renderers for a job (`none`, `aerender`, `media-encoder`)
2. Ability to push a job onto a server with ability to auto-split and render parts independently on the network
1. API for tracking/managing active workers in the network
2. Algo of splitting based on time & amount of workers
3. New job type (`partitioned`), which would be excluded from some general API responses
4. Mechanism of selecting a single node to be the "finisher", that would await and merge results of other jobs
5. Possible names: `@nexrender/action-merge-parent, @nexrender/action-merge-child`
3. Extend current scripting capabilities with an advanced real-time communication with the internal environment via TCP connection
4. Define a general abstract inteface for the actions, and a general package that would contain basic funcitonality like input/output arguments, etc.
5. Re-design networking layer, as well as server database layer, to count in cases where the jobs can be huge json objects.
6. Create automated footage detection and asset generator
## Contributors
### Code Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contribute](].
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
### Financial Contributors
Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [[Contribute](]
#### Individuals
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
#### Organizations
Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Contribute](]
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Subsets and Splits