int64 1
| conversation
list | emotion-cause_pairs
sequence |
159 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "All",
"text": "Push , push !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia159utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "We are here !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia159utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Carol",
"text": "Where have you been ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia159utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Long story , honey .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia159utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Franzblau",
"text": "All right , Carol , I need you to keep pushing . I need ... Excuse me , could I have this ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia159utt5.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,336 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hey !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1336utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hey !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1336utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hi !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1336utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "So , do you guys wanna come and eat dinner at the restaurant sometime in the next few weeks ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1336utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Sure !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1336utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I would love to !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1336utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well , you can not .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1336utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well , I can not give you a massage , because my licence has been revoked again !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1336utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Phoebe , what happened ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1336utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well , it was an accident ... You know , it is a lot of oil and sometimes the hand just slips !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1336utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Have I got a surprise for you ? Pack your bags !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1336utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh no ! You guys are not supposed to get divorced for 7 years !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1336utt12.mp4"
] | [
] |
606 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia606utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Vendor",
"text": "So , what are you guys in the market for ? We have got uh , scarves , tulip post cards ...",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia606utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Check this out ? Huh ? Yeah . That is the stuff . What do you think ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia606utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well , I do not have to buy that , \" I am with stupid \" T ... shirt anymore .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia606utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Well , I like it . Here you go .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia606utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "All right , look , you are not really gonna buy that are you ? Do not you think you have embarrassed me enough for one day ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia606utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh , I embarrass you ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia606utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "How can I answer that when I am pretending I do not know you ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia606utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh really ? Then how come no one here is wearing them ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia606utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Vendor",
"text": "They are all tourists .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia606utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "All right , look , if you insist on wearing that , in public , you know , you are gonna spend the rest of the afternoon all by yourself .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia606utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh yeah ? If you are gonna make me choose between you and the hat , I choose the hat .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia606utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Vendor",
"text": "Good choice .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia606utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Thanks .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia606utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay , wait . All right , that is it , okay , I am out of here . I am not going to be embarrassed anymore !",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia606utt15.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,301 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Should we tell Rachel there is an empty private room right next door to hers ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1301utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "We could , or we can have sex in it .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1301utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well let me think about that , while I remove my pants !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1301utt3.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,162 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "So , what this about ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1162utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Rachel has something that she wants to tell you and umm , I believe that this is your red sweater .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1162utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "No . This is my red sweater .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1162utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh no . Could I get anyone a coffee or ... poison ? No ? Just for me ? Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1162utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "What going on Rach ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1162utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Nothing ! Phoebe kinda made a mistake . But you know you do wear that sweater a lot , are you involved in some kind of dare ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1162utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "You know , I am actually glad Phoebe called .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1162utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "I know we broke up because you thought I was not mature enough , but I have really grown up and think we should get back together .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1162utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh , it is just not the right time .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1162utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "It is the right time .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1162utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1162utt11.mp4"
] | [
] |
422 | [
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Stage Manager",
"text": "Joey , onstage !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia422utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Well can you at least stay to the end of the play ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia422utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I mean , I will go to the airport with you , I ... I wanna say good bye .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia422utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Lauren",
"text": "Where are you Vic ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia422utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Kate",
"text": "Flight in an hour . I ... I gotta go .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia422utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Lauren",
"text": "Vic ! Vic !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia422utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "In a minute ! !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia422utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Lauren",
"text": "So this is it ? Victor ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia422utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah , I guess it is .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia422utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Listen , I ah , I gotta say good bye , and ... and I gotta say it quick cause this is killing me .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia422utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "One thing you gotta know , is that I will never forget you .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia422utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "But , you have got things you have to do now , and so do I .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia422utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "And so ... I am gonna get on this spaceship , and I am gonna go to Blargon 7 in search of alternative fuels .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia422utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "But when I return , 200 years from now , you will be long gone .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia422utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "But I will not have aged at all .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia422utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "So you tell your great ... great ... granddaughter to look me up , because Adrienne , baby , I am gonna want to meet her .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia422utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Lauren",
"text": "So long , Vic !",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia422utt17.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,262 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mike",
"text": "Go ahead .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1262utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mike",
"text": "This works with any milk carton .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1262utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Wow , it is easy . Now , I can have milk everyday .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1262utt3.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,152 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Uh Phoebe , can I see you for a second ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1152utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1152utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "What going on ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1152utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Chandler gone again !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1152utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh my God ! Why would you play hide and seek with someone you know is a flight risk ? !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1152utt5.mp4"
] | [
] |
605 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well , because we thought you knew ! ! It is so obvious ! God , that would be like telling Monica , \" Hey , you like things clean . \"",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia605utt1.mp4"
] | [] |
797 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "We do not have to come up with this now .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia797utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh good .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia797utt2.mp4"
] | [
] |
712 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Good evening , sir .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia712utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "My name is Ross Geller .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia712utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I am one of the people who applied for the apartment .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia712utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "And I ... I realize that the competition is fierce but ... I am sorry .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia712utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I , I can not help but notice you are naked and I applaud you .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia712utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Man , I wish I was naked .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia712utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I mean , this ... this looks so great .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia712utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "That is how God intended it .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia712utt8.mp4"
] | [
] |
566 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hey , Mon , if you were hoping to sleep with Joshua the first time tonight , which one of these would you want to be wearing .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia566utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You know what ? It really creeps me out choosing other people’s sex clothes .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia566utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Sorry .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia566utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I am so exited !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia566utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I have been waiting for this for months !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia566utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I got my hair coloured !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia566utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I got new sheets !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia566utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I am making him a very fancy meal .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia566utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "What am I making him by the way ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia566utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well , you are making him a frieze salad with goat cheese and pine nuts , wild nuts , wild rice , roast asparagus , and salmon au croup .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia566utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I thought I was making him filet mignon ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia566utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah , you were , but you decided to make salmon because you had some left over at the restaurant .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia566utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "And then you realised if you bitched about it , then you would stop cooking , and you would have to make your famous baked potato and Diet Coke .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia566utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Wow , I really get crabby when I cook .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia566utt14.mp4"
] | [
] |
302 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Gunther",
"text": "Remind me to review with you which pot is decaf and which is regular .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia302utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Can not I just look at the handles on them ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia302utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Gunther",
"text": "You would think .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia302utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay , fine .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia302utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Gunther , you know what , I am a terrible waitress , do you know why I am a terrible waitress ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia302utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Because , I do not care .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia302utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I do not care .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia302utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I do not care which pot is regular and which pot is decaf , I do not care where the tray spot is , I just do not care , this is not what I want to do .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia302utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "So I do not think I should do it anymore .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia302utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I am gonna give you my weeks notice .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia302utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Gunther",
"text": "What ? !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia302utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Gunther , I quit .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia302utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Does this mean we are gonna have to start paying for coffee ?",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia302utt13.mp4"
] | [
] |
415 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What cha doing ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia415utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Having a swim .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia415utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What about the chick ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia415utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Chicks do not swim .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia415utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Are you sure ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia415utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I do not know . Should we try it ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia415utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Sure .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia415utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "See , I told you they do not swim .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia415utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Wait . Give him a minute .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia415utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Noo ! Oh , it is okay , it is okay , baby , baby , baby .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia415utt10.mp4"
] | [
] |
815 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Guy #1",
"text": "Nice car !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia815utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah , it is not mine .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia815utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Woman",
"text": "I love your car .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia815utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah , it is mine .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia815utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Woman",
"text": "I bet it is fast .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia815utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Me too ! Yeah . And comfortable . Do uh , do you like leather seats ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia815utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Woman",
"text": "Yeah !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia815utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "It is got em !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia815utt8.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,151 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hi ! Hi ! Hi . Has umm , anyone seen Chandler ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1151utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Mr. Geller",
"text": "I thought he was with you .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1151utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "He ... he was with me umm , we are playing a little game , you know ? Hide and seek .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1151utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mr. Geller",
"text": "You can not ask us son , that is cheating .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1151utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You are right , thanks for keeping me honest dad .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1151utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "Well , he better not come by here . He can not see the bride in the wedding dress .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1151utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Mrs. Bing",
"text": "As I recall when we got married , I saw the groom in the wedding dress .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1151utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mr. Bing",
"text": "But that was after the wedding , it is not bad luck then .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1151utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mrs. Bing",
"text": "Honey , it is not good luck .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1151utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh my God ! Monica !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1151utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I know ! Hey , how Chandler doing ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1151utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Great . He is doing great . Do not you worry about Chandler .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1151utt12.mp4"
] | [
] |
892 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh , did I not mention ? Carl is a guy I hired to be my identical twin for a medical research project .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia892utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You know sometimes the good ideas are just right in front of you , are not they ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia892utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Okay , I know it sounds crazy , but I think it might work . You know ? The only problem is , Carl acting is ...",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia892utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "The only problem ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia892utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah , he is the reason I did not get that big Minute Maid commercial a couple of years ago remember ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia892utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Carl",
"text": "Hey , uh can I get a little piece of that cake ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia892utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Pizza ! ! We like Pizza ! ! Get out ! ! !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia892utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
242 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Guess who here . It is the toughest guy in toy land , Ben . Real American hero . I am G . I . Joe !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia242utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "G . I . Joe ? Do you really think he is gonna fall for that ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia242utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "G . I . Joe ! Cool ! Can I play ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia242utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Look Ben , it is a toy that protects U . S . oil interests overseas !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia242utt4.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,285 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh , that is very ... Really very ... very okay .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1285utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Marc",
"text": "Julie cervix is dilated a seven centimeters , that is about four fingers . The doctor let me feel it myself .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1285utt2.mp4"
] | [
] |
326 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ohhh ! That is soo sweet !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia326utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Mark",
"text": "Okay , okay look , I know I am being Mr . Inappropriate today , but it is just so tough , I mean see you walking around and I just wanna touch you and hold you , come on no one around , just , just kiss me .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia326utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "All right that is , that is it ! ! Get off her !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia326utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Mark",
"text": "What is going on ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia326utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What going on ? ! That is what going on ! !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia326utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ross !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia326utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I have been down in your store for twenty minutes trying to get a tie !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia326utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What do I have to do to get some service ? !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia326utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hi Rach .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia326utt9.mp4"
] | [
] |
678 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh whoa ... whoa ... whoa !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia678utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Wait a minute , open up your hand ; let me take a look .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia678utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Quarter .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia678utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Dime .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia678utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Lint ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia678utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Not interested in that .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia678utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "What this ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia678utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "A Canadian coin ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia678utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Get outta here !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia678utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Whoa ... whoa ... whoa !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia678utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "No drinks near the bucket !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia678utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Set it down over there and then you can make a contribution !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia678utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "And you can leave the hurt bunny look over there too !",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia678utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hi Bob !",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia678utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I thought I told you to get outta here !",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia678utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Bob",
"text": "Uh , Phoebe we have been getting complaints and uh , we are gonna move you to a less high ... profile spot .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia678utt16.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,009 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Julie hi ! Chandler Bing , I , I guess you remember me .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1009utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Julie",
"text": "Hello Skidmark .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1009utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "It is a nickname , I will explain later .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1009utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "It is pretty clear .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1009utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Ah , uh , I owe you a long overdue apology . I never should have broken up with you because you were overweight .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1009utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Julie",
"text": "That is why you broke up with me ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1009utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You ... you ... you did not know that ? Well , I guess my work here is done !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1009utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
482 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rick",
"text": "Wow , you have really pretty feet .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia482utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "These old things .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia482utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rick",
"text": "Would you mind spending some time on my siadic area , it is been killing me today .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia482utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You mean the ... Okay by siadic , you mean the towel covered portion .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia482utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rick",
"text": "Yeah .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia482utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Sure , yeah , no I can do that , yeah , because umm , you know , the muscles in the siadic area can get you know , real nice and tight .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia482utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "So umm , tell me Rick , how umm , how did you injure the area .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia482utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rick",
"text": "Oh , a 16 ... hour sit ... in for Greenpeace .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia482utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia482utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rick",
"text": "Ow ! Did you just bite me ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia482utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "No !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia482utt11.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,143 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Feel better ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1143utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1143utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Much !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1143utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Listen uh , not that I am you know insecure about my manhood or anything you know , but I think I need to hook up with a woman like right now .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1143utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah , I understand .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1143utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah ! Okay ! Hey ! Hi !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1143utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Woman",
"text": "Hi !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1143utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You know , you look familiar . Do I know you from somewhere ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1143utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Woman",
"text": "I do not think so .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1143utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh ! Maybe it is because I am on television . I am an actor on Days of Our Lives .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1143utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Woman",
"text": "Wow !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1143utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1143utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Woman",
"text": "Really ? !",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia1143utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Waitress",
"text": "$ 4 . 50 please .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia1143utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh , let me get this .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia1143utt15.mp4"
] | [
] |
500 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Remember that guy from cooking school I told you about that put cilantro with everything ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia500utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh sure , Cilantro Larry .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia500utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well , I am gonna fill in for him as food critic for the Chelsea Reporter .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia500utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Wow , Monica ! What an amazing opportunity to influence ... dozens of people .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia500utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "How could you say yes , what about our catering business ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia500utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh no ... no ... no , it is only one night a week , and plus I get to take all of you out for a lot of free dinners .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia500utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "All",
"text": "Yay ! !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia500utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh , in that case ... Yay ! That was me hopping on board .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia500utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia500utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey , you guys ! Hey , Ross , quick question for you . Are you ready to party ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia500utt10.mp4"
] | [
] |
924 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay , Chandler !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia924utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia924utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "And your horoscope says , \" On the fifth a special someone is going to give you a gift . \"",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia924utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh , well thank you in advance .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia924utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Op , but the twelfth brings a lover spat .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia924utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh , wait and on the nineteenth a secret crush announces itself .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia924utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey guys !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia924utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey ! !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia924utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God ! It is Joey Tribbiani of Mac and C . H . E . E . S . E . ! ! ! ! ! ! !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia924utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh that is right . It is your first day ! So are you psyched to fight fake crime with your robot sidekick ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia924utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Am I psyched ? The lead in my own TV series ? I have dreamed about this for years ! Why have I not been preparing ? !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia924utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "No ! Joey , you are going to be great !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia924utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "But I got to act with a robot Pheebs , and ... and I do not know anything about technology !",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia924utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I can not even use Chandler computer except to find porn !",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia924utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "And ... and that is only cause it is right there when you turn it on !",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia924utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I think our lover spat will start a little early this month .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia924utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I will be waiting .",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia924utt17.mp4"
] | [
] |
837 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "So it said that by the year 2030 , there will be computers that can carry out the same number of functions as an actual human brain .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia837utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "So theoretically we could download our thoughts and our memories into this computer ...",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia837utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Janine",
"text": "... and live forever as a machine !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia837utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "That is so Janine , you ... you ... you know what , do you know we are doing right now ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia837utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You and I , we are interfacing .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia837utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Janine",
"text": "Yeah , I gotta go .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia837utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Ba dum bumb cheshhh !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia837utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
138 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Where exactly is your zoo ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia138utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Baldhara",
"text": "Well , it is technically not a zoo per se , it is more of an interactive wildlife experience .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia138utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Baldhara",
"text": "Let me ask you some questions about , is it , uh , Marcel ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia138utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yes .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia138utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Baldhara",
"text": "Does he , uh , fight with other animals ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia138utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No ... no , he is , he is very docile .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia138utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Baldhara",
"text": "Even if he were ... cornered ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia138utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Well I , I do not know . Why ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia138utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Baldhara",
"text": "Uh , how is he at handling small objects ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia138utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "He can hold a banana , if that is whatcha mean ...",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia138utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Baldhara",
"text": "How about a hammer , or a small blade ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia138utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Baldhara",
"text": "Otherwise it is just cruel .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia138utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "He ... he ... he got in , he ... he got in to San Diego .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia138utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "We , we come back from our walk and the ... the phone was ringing ...",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia138utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "He is in .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia138utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "He is in ! Oh , did you hear that , Marcel ? San Diego . San Diego !",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia138utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Baldhara",
"text": "You are making a big mistake here . I mean , San Diego all well and good , but if you give him to me , I will start him off against a blind rabbit and give you twenty percent of the gains .",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia138utt17.mp4"
] | [
] |
749 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey ladies ! What are you in here for ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia749utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Gary",
"text": "Hey Chandler , what are you doing here ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia749utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Gary , I am here to report a crime .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia749utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Gary",
"text": "Yeah ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia749utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "It is a crime that you and I do not spend more time together .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia749utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Gary",
"text": "What up ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia749utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well , I heard that you thinking about asking Phoebe to move in with you and I thought maybe , we should have a talk .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia749utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Man to uh , me .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia749utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Gary",
"text": "Sure . Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia749utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Uh , are you crazy ? Are you insane ? If you live with Phoebe , you two are gonna be you know , live ... living together !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia749utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Gary",
"text": "Yeah , I ... I considered that . I just know it would make me happy .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia749utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You mean scared .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia749utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Gary",
"text": "No , I mean happy .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia749utt13.mp4"
] | [
] |
867 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Fan",
"text": "Excuse me .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia867utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia867utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Fan",
"text": "Are you Phoebe Buffay ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia867utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia867utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "The Fan",
"text": "Can ... can I get your autograph , I am your biggest fan .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia867utt5.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,192 | [
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Boy in the Cape",
"text": "You are a mean old woman .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1192utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No ! Wait no ! Shut up ... I mean do not cry ! Let me get my checkbook !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1192utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Look honey , you do not have to do this , okay ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1192utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "It is the strength you have inside that means the most to me .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1192utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You are loyal , you are honest , and you have integrity !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1192utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That is the kind of strength that I want in the man that I love !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1192utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "That means nothing to me . Come on !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1192utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
921 | [
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh come on guys , it is not like I moved to Europe ! I just moved across the hall ! And",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia921utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Ahh ! Are not you dressed yet ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia921utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Am I naked again ? !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia921utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "We are supposed to meet my parents in 15 minutes .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia921utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah okay , I was just talking to the guys . Just look at them I mean , is it okay if they come visit ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia921utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Wh ? ! What about my allergies ? !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia921utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh right , your allergies . All her , she hates you .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia921utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
607 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "She said what ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia607utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "She said , \" If I am not gonna be happy getting married somewhere that we find in a day , well then we should just postpone it . \"",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia607utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Postpone it ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia607utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Emily , do you think Monica realises how much our parents spent on this wedding ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia607utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Do you my sister teeny ... tiny little brain comprehends that people took time out of their lives to fly thousands of miles to be here , huh ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia607utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "This is not right .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia607utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "I realize that people are going to be disappointed . But , I am sure they will come back when we can do it right .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia607utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I can not ask people to do that ? Would you ask people to do that ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia607utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "Do not you point your pants at me !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia607utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "We have no choice !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia607utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "Anywhere that is half ... decent would have be booked months ago , Ross do not you understand ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia607utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "This is our wedding I am talking about .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia607utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "The only thing I understand is postponing it is not an option . This is when we are getting married .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia607utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "So what are you saying ? It is now or never ?",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia607utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No . I am saying it is now .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia607utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "Or ?",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia607utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "There is no or in mind . What is wrong with these pants ? ! !",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia607utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "It is not the pants .",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia607utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "It is you that is backwards .",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia607utt19.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Emily",
"text": "And if , and if you do not understand how important this is to me , well then , perhaps we should not get married at all !",
"utterance_ID": 20,
"video_name": "dia607utt20.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No , wait ! Emily ! No , wait , stop ! Emily , please ...",
"utterance_ID": 21,
"video_name": "dia607utt21.mp4"
] | [
] |
571 | [
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Dude , I am sorry about what I said !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia571utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No , no , you are right , it is a ridiculous name !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia571utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "It is not that bad .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia571utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yes it is ! From now on , I have no first name .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia571utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "So , you are just Bing ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia571utt5.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,360 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Wow ! Fortunately she has a very pretty face !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1360utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh , I so can not believe this ! My uterus is an inhospitable environment ? I was trying so hard to be a good hostess !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1360utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh , I can not believe my sperm have low motility because , let me tell you , when I was growing up they sure seem to be in a hurry to get places !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1360utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Doctor Connelly",
"text": "Hi there .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1360utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hi .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1360utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hi .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1360utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Doctor Connelly",
"text": "I am sorry there was not better news from your test last week but I wanted to talk to you about your options .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1360utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Ok .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1360utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Doctor Connelly",
"text": "Well , first of all , even though your chances of conceiving through natural means are not great , you never know !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1360utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Doctor Connelly",
"text": "So , keep having sex on a regular basis .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1360utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh , DAMN IT !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1360utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Do not worry , after a while he will tune it out .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1360utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Doctor Connelly",
"text": "Ok , given your situation , the options with the greatest chances for success would be surrogacy , or insemination using a sperm donor .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia1360utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Ok .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia1360utt14.mp4"
] | [
] |
273 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well , that is not something a girl wants to hear .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia273utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No , come on do not start . Ouch !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia273utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "What ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia273utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Stupid balls are in the way .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia273utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh well . It probably would have been the most constructive solution .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia273utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You have chalk on your face .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia273utt6.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,187 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "And Tim I just wanna say , good luck here .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1187utt1.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,160 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh my God ! Joey !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1160utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hell yeah ! I will marry you !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1160utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You can not marry him !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1160utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hey lady , your day over ! It is my turn !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1160utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Phoebe !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1160utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Why ? ! Why can not she marry me ? !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1160utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I can and I will !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1160utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "She is not pregnant . It is Rachel . Rachel the one who pregnant .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1160utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh my God .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1160utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hey !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1160utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Phoebe I think he would notice if you did not have a baby in nine months !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1160utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "It is Joey !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1160utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Now I can not believe it ! What ? Rachel pregnant ? Who the father ?",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia1160utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "We do not know .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia1160utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Ohh ... I wonder if it is that dude .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia1160utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "There is a dude ?",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia1160utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah .",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia1160utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Who ? Who is it ?",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia1160utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "About a month ago this guy spent the night with Rachel , I did not see who it was but",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia1160utt19.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Was that story over ?",
"utterance_ID": 20,
"video_name": "dia1160utt20.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "The guy left this .",
"utterance_ID": 21,
"video_name": "dia1160utt21.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh my God ! I know who the father is",
"utterance_ID": 22,
"video_name": "dia1160utt22.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "People have got to finish their stories !",
"utterance_ID": 23,
"video_name": "dia1160utt23.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,281 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Long",
"text": "We will do a quick check .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1281utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1281utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Long",
"text": "So , eight days late huh ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1281utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1281utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Long",
"text": "You must be a little uncomfortable .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1281utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Eh , just a tad .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1281utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Long",
"text": "You are about 80 percent effaced , so you are on your way .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1281utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Long",
"text": "It still could last a little while longer .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1281utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Long",
"text": "If you are anxious there are a few ways to help things along .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1281utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Do them ! !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1281utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Long",
"text": "Actually , they are things you can do . Just some home remedies , but in my experience I have found that some of them are quite effective .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1281utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well , we are ready to try anything .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1281utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dr. Long",
"text": "Okay , there is an herbal tea you can drink .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia1281utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia1281utt14.mp4"
] | [] |
599 | [
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I do not get it ! It was in my room all night ! If she did not take it , and I did not take it , and you did not take it , then who did ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia599utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Shh ! We are trying to think !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia599utt2.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,319 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Is he crazy ? ! You just had Ross baby !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1319utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well , I ... I said yes .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1319utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What ? !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1319utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Are you crazy ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1319utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You just had Ross baby !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1319utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "It is ... it is so inappropriate .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1319utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "No , it is worse than that .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1319utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "It is wrong .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1319utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "It is ... It is bigger than mine !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1319utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I know . Days of Our Lives , thank you very much .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1319utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You can not marry him !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1319utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Why not ? I do not want to do this alone ! And he is such a sweet guy and he loves me so much .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1319utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well do you love him ?",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia1319utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Sure .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia1319utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Sure ?",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia1319utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah , I mean whatever .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia1319utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Honey , the question is ... do you really want to marry Joey ?",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia1319utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No . No , I do not . Could you be a dear and go tell him ?",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia1319utt18.mp4"
] | [
] |
653 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well , I ... I ... I am done with this . You want anything Ross ? Sports ? International ? Apartment listings ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia653utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I will take sports .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia653utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Mine !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia653utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "All right . Uhh , international .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia653utt4.mp4"
] | [] |
988 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hi !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia988utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia988utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hey ... Ooh , how Hilda ? Is she working out ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia988utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ohh , my new assistant is working out , yes .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia988utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Was she happy you gave her the job ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia988utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh , my ... my new assistant was very happy that I hired my new assistant .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia988utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hello ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia988utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh hey !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia988utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Can you , can you hang on a second ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia988utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "It is the producers over at Mac and C . H . E . E . S . E .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia988utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "can you excuse me for a minute ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia988utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey , funny you should call .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia988utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I was just looking over next week script .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia988utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Canceled ? !",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia988utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Like they are taking it off the air ?",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia988utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Ohh .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia988utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "All right , see you Monday .",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia988utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "We are not even shootin them anymore ? ! !",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia988utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "All right , bye !",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia988utt19.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "They canceled Mac and C . H . E . E . S . E !",
"utterance_ID": 20,
"video_name": "dia988utt20.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Sorry .",
"utterance_ID": 21,
"video_name": "dia988utt21.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I am sorry Joey .",
"utterance_ID": 22,
"video_name": "dia988utt22.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Why would they do that ? ! It was a good show right ? !",
"utterance_ID": 23,
"video_name": "dia988utt23.mp4"
] | [
] |
12 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Let it go , Ross .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia12utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah , well , you did not know Chi Chi .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia12utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Do you all promise ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia12utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "All",
"text": "Yeah ! We promise ! We will be good !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia12utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Chandler ? Do you promise to be good ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia12utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You can come in , but your filter ... tipped little buddy has to stay outside !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia12utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey , Pheebs .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia12utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Dear Ms . Buffay . Thank you for calling attention to our error . We have credited your account with five hundred dollars .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia12utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "We are sorry for the inconvenience , and hope you will accept this football phone ... as our free gift . Do you believe this ? ! Now I have a thousand dollars , and a football phone !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia12utt9.mp4"
] | [
] |
322 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Jeannine",
"text": "All right , I just got changed in thirty seconds so you can be alone with him . You would better go for it .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia322utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Please , I am not going for anything .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia322utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Jeannine",
"text": "Well , if you do not , I will .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia322utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Would you please go ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia322utt4.mp4"
] | [
] |
800 | [
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What all this about you guys fighting ? ! Is this really over a room ? ! I mean , that is so silly !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia800utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Ross , we can handle this .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia800utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Well , apparently not , and I can not just stand by and watch two people I care about very much be hurt over something that is so silly .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia800utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I mean , enough of the silliness !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia800utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well , why do not you tell her to stop being silly !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia800utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Okay ... okay !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia800utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Two very good points , look I have known you both a long time , and I have never seen either of you one/millionth as happy as you have been since you have got together .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia800utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Do you really want to throw that all away over a room ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia800utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "That is so silly .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia800utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Now wh ... what is more important , love or silliness ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia800utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Well , we are fond of the silliness , but we also have a soft spot for the love .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia800utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Love is the best medicine .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia800utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "That is laughter .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia800utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Why do you do it ?",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia800utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I do not know .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia800utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Okay ! All right ! Now , Chandler you ... you wanna live with Monica , right ?",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia800utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah , I do .",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia800utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "And Mon , you wanna live with Chandler , do not you ?",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia800utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yes .",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia800utt19.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Good ! A verbal contract is binding in the state of New York !",
"utterance_ID": 20,
"video_name": "dia800utt20.mp4"
] | [
] |
127 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh , Danielle ! I was not expecting the machine .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia127utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Give me a call when you get a chance .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia127utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Bye ... bye .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia127utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh God !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia127utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That is what you have been working on for the past two hours ? !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia127utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey , I have been honing !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia127utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What was with the dishes ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia127utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh , uh ... I want her to think I might be in a restaurant ... you know ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia127utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I might have some kind of life , like I have not been sitting around here honing for the past few hours .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia127utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Look look ! He is doing it again , the guy with the telescope !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia127utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh my God !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia127utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Go away ! Stop looking in here !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia127utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Great , now he is waving back .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia127utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Man , we gotta do something about that guy . This morning , I caught him looking into our apartment . It creeps me out ! I feel like I can not do stuff !",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia127utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What kinda stuff ?",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia127utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Will you grow up ? I am not talking about sexy stuff , but , like , when I am cooking naked .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia127utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "You cook naked ?",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia127utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah , toast , oatmeal ... nothing that spatters .",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia127utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What are you looking at me for ? I did not know that .",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia127utt19.mp4"
] | [
] |
442 | [
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Would you look at them . Am I ever gonna find a boyfriend again ? I gonna die an old maid .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia442utt1.mp4"
] | [
] |
214 | [
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What are we gonna do ? What are we gonna do ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia214utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Uh , uh , we will flip for it . Ducks or clowns .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia214utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh , we are gonna flip for the baby ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia214utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You got a better idea ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia214utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "All right , call it in the air .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia214utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Heads .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia214utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Heads it is .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia214utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yes ! Whew !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia214utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "We have to assign heads to something .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia214utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Right . Ok , ok , uh , ducks is heads , because ducks have heads .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia214utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What kind of scary ... ass clowns came to your birthday ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia214utt11.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,081 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "This one from me .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1081utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ahh !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1081utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Tag",
"text": "It was not on your list , but hopefully you will think it is really fun .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1081utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "A scooter !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1081utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Stick to the list . Always stick to the list .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1081utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No ! No ... no , I love it . Thank you .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1081utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay , open ours next . Open ours next !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1081utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1081utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Now that you are a couple , we do not get two presents from you guys ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1081utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "For my last birthday you gave me a hug !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1081utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1081utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Happy birthday Grandma !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1081utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "It is better to be over the hill then buried under it .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia1081utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "All our love Monica and Chandler .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia1081utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "That is funny , yeah !",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia1081utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No ... no ... no ... no ! That was the joke !",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia1081utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No , I know ! I get it ! It is funny !",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia1081utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No , because you are not a grandmother !",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia1081utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No I know , because to be a grandmother you have to be married and have children and I do not have any of those things .",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia1081utt19.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "That is why it is so funny .",
"utterance_ID": 20,
"video_name": "dia1081utt20.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "All you had to do was buy the card !",
"utterance_ID": 21,
"video_name": "dia1081utt21.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,089 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "No , there is no way ! It can not be Ross !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1089utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Why is your family Ross ? !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1089utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "He cannot play at our wedding !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1089utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I mean everyone will leave !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1089utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I mean come on , that is just noise !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1089utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "It is not even a song !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1089utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "If you listen very carefully , I think its Celebration by Cool and the Gang .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1089utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,352 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Ok , when you walk in the museum , take the right , that is the antiquities wing .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1352utt1.mp4"
] | [] |
1,355 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Note the painterly lines and subtle impasto on this canvas . Monet painted quickly and usually outdoors as his elusive subject was light itself .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1355utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Now , do you have any idea what you just said ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1355utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "No , no , my mouth says the words , my brain is thinking monster trucks !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1355utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Ok now , remember , when you get to the museum , Monet is not spelt M ... O ... N ... A ... Y .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1355utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I just ...",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1355utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I wrote that out phonetically for you .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1355utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Phonetically ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1355utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah , yeah that means ... you know ? We just ... we do not have time for this .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1355utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Ok , but you know what ? I gotta say , I am really impressed that you were able to memorize all this so quickly !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1355utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Ah ! I am an actor ! I can memorize anything ! Last week on \" Days \" I had to say \" Frontal temporal zygomatic craniotomy \" .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1355utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Wow . What does that mean ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1355utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "No idea !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1355utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "But the guy I said it to dies in the next scene so I guess it means \" you are gonna get eaten by a bear \" .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia1355utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Ok ! So let move on to the Renaissance ?",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia1355utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Ok , Caravaggio uses chiaroscuro here to highlight the anguish of the central figure . Touch it , it is really bumpy ! .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia1355utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Nah ah ! Nah ah ! No no no ! No ad ... libbing and dude , you can not touch the paintings .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia1355utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Come on ! you ...",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia1355utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No !",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia1355utt18.mp4"
] | [
] |
539 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Charlton Heston",
"text": "Hello ! Who in there ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia539utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "How you doing ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia539utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Charlton Heston",
"text": "Who in the hell are you ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia539utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I guess you would not believe me if I said I was Kurt Douglas , huh ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia539utt4.mp4"
] | [
] |
332 | [
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You see that guy ? He is in classics now , but you know as soon as we leave he is going straight to the porn .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia332utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "He is gonna go up to the counter with Citizen Kane .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia332utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia332utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "I missed this .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia332utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Me too .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia332utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Richard",
"text": "So , you wanna get a hamburger or something ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia332utt6.mp4"
] | [
] |
773 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What did you just say ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia773utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You roll another hard eight and we get married here tonight .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia773utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Are you serious ? !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia773utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yes ! I love you ! I have never loved anybody as much as I love you .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia773utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I have never loved anybody as much as I love you .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia773utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay , so if an eight comes up , we take it as a sign and we do it !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia773utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What do you say ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia773utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia773utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay ! Come on ! Let go ! All right !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia773utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay ! That is a four ! And where ... where is the other one ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia773utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Drunken Gambler",
"text": "It went under the table .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia773utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Nobody move ! Okay , you look that way ; I will look this way !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia773utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Here it is ! Here it is !",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia773utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That could be a four or a five . It is your call .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia773utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "It is a four .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia773utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I think so too .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia773utt16.mp4"
] | [
] |
510 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh , wow ! I should get going . I ... I got a date tonight .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia510utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh yeah ! With who ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia510utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You know that girl I told you about who lives up in Poughkeepsie ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia510utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Not her .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia510utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah , this is someone else I meet , and I ... I can not decide between the two of them .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia510utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You know the one from Poughkeepsie , even though she is a two hour train ride away , is really pretty , really smart , and ... and a lot of fun .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia510utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "But this other girl , well , she lives right uptown .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia510utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You know she is , well she is ... she is just as pretty , I guess she is smart , she is not fun .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia510utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "If she is no fun , why do you want to date her at all ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia510utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Well , I ... I want to give her another chance , you know ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia510utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "She lives so close .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia510utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "And , at the end of the date , the other time , she ... she said something that was ... if she was kidding was very funny .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia510utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "On the other hand , if she was not kidding , she is not fun , she is stupid , and kind of a racist .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia510utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey !",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia510utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hey ! Ooh , how was your first day working at the restaurant ?",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia510utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Damn !",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia510utt16.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,186 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Bob",
"text": "Hey Toby !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1186utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey Bobby .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1186utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Bob",
"text": "It is Bob actually . Hey , you work up here , can you tell me where this Chandler",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1186utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Uhh yeah . Yeah , it is right , right down there . Right there , yeah . Can I ask you why ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1186utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Bob",
"text": "I want to talk to that bastard , see what his problem is .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1186utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay Bob listen uhh , I am the reason you did not get the job up here .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1186utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Bob",
"text": "Toby do not .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1186utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Bob !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1186utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Bob",
"text": "Toby ! I am not gonna let you cover for him . Anything you say right now will just get me more upset with Chandler !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1186utt9.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,044 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "If you wanna give Joey a Christmas present that disrupts the entire building , why not get him something a little bit more subtle , like a wrecking ball , or a phial of small pox to release in the hallway ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1044utt1.mp4"
] | [] |
1,275 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Katie",
"text": "Well , the delivery went out to you and I realized they forgot this .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1275utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Ah , must have been fairly obvious since it was the only thing left in your store .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1275utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Katie",
"text": "Listen , to be honest , home deliveries are really a part of my job description .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1275utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1275utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Katie",
"text": "Oh uh ... I actually came here to ask you out .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1275utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh ! Wow ! Uh , yeah ! That sounds great . I am just gonna put this back in my pocket , pretend that didn’t happen .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1275utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Katie",
"text": "Sure !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1275utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Horny bitch . No ! You are a horny bitch ! Noooo ! You are the horny bitch ! No ! You are a horny bitch !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1275utt8.mp4"
] | [
] |
82 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Well , he came in for a massage , and everything was fine until ...",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia82utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey and Chandler",
"text": "Ooooohh !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia82utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "My God .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia82utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Are you sure ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia82utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh yeah , I am sure .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia82utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "And all of a sudden his hands were not the problem anymore .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia82utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Was it ... ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia82utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh , boy scouts could have camped under there .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia82utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Guys",
"text": "Oooooo ...",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia82utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "\" Ooo , \" what ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia82utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Uma Thurman .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia82utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia82utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "The actress !",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia82utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Thanks Rach .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia82utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "So what are you gonna do ?",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia82utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You have to tell her ! You have to tell her ! It is your moral obligation , as a friend , as a woman , I think it is a feminist issue ! Guys ? Guys ?",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia82utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh , yeah , you have to tell her .",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia82utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Feminist issue . That is where I went !",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia82utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "She is gonna hate me .",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia82utt19.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yeah , well ...",
"utterance_ID": 20,
"video_name": "dia82utt20.mp4"
] | [
] |
714 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I just ... I thought you guys were doing it , I did not know you were in love !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia714utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Dude !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia714utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "And hats off to Phoebe . Quite a competitor . And might I say your breasts are still showing .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia714utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "God !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia714utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "All right ! So that is it ! It is over ! Everybody knows !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia714utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well actually , Ross does not .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia714utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yes , and we would appreciate it if no one told him yet .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia714utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
771 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey's Hand Twin",
"text": "Nothing ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia771utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Look , you and I have been given a gift .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia771utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "We have to do something with it .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia771utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Like ... like , hand modeling !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia771utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Or ... or magic !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia771utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey's Hand Twin",
"text": "I have to get back to",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia771utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Whoa !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia771utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Whoa !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia771utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "We could have our own show !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia771utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You know we could clap our hands together people will love it !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia771utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Huh ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia771utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "And ... and ... and I wrote a song for us !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia771utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "This hand is your hand ! This hand is my hand ! Oh wait , that is your hand ! No wait , it is my hand !",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia771utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey's Hand Twin",
"text": "That is okay .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia771utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "But you have not even heard the chorus !",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia771utt15.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,004 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay , the reason why I asked you guys out to brunch today is because I have been doing some thinking about who should be my maid of honor .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1004utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God ! This is it ! I really hope it is you !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1004utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I hope it is you .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1004utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Me too !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1004utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "First of all um , I love you both so much and you are both so important to me",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1004utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay , bla ... bla ... bla ... bla ! ! Who is it ? !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1004utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well umm , I was thinking that maybe we could come up with a system where we trade off being maid of honor for each other .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1004utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Like hypothetically , if Phoebe were mine",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1004utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yes ! ! ! Oh ! !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1004utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hypothetically !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1004utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Still .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1004utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "If Phoebe were my maid of honor",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1004utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Rachel would be Phoebe , I would be Rachel , that way we all get to do it once and no one would get upset .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia1004utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah that is actually a pretty good idea .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia1004utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah , I will do that . So who gets to be yours ?",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia1004utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Well that is the best part . Umm , you guys get to decide !",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia1004utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Wh ... why is that the best part ?",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia1004utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Because then I do not have to !",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia1004utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well of course we will help you decide ! We will do anything we can to help you !",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia1004utt19.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I am really not deciding !",
"utterance_ID": 20,
"video_name": "dia1004utt20.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Fine !",
"utterance_ID": 21,
"video_name": "dia1004utt21.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Aww , and good luck to you too ! What a nice lady !",
"utterance_ID": 22,
"video_name": "dia1004utt22.mp4"
] | [
] |
352 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Commercial",
"text": "Problem odour in the litter box ? Do not change your kitty , change your kitty litter .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia352utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Sorry , Pheebs .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia352utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah . You okay ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia352utt3.mp4"
] | [
] |
677 | [
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Danny",
"text": "so we finally get to the top of the mountain and airhead here forgets the camera !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia677utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh , you know the same thing happened to me one time .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia677utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "When did that happen to you ? !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia677utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Do not you remember when we were jogging in the park and we saw that really pretty bird and wanted to take a picture ... I did not have my camera !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia677utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh yeah . First of all , chasing the Churo guy is not jogging .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia677utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Krista",
"text": "Oh , this is so good . You have got to try it .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia677utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Danny",
"text": "Oh , damn ! I got it on my pants .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia677utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Krista",
"text": "Here , I will get it .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia677utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Krista",
"text": "We would better take these pants off upstairs or that stain gonna set .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia677utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Danny",
"text": "Yep . I am gonna wear these on our date tonight .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia677utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh , great !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia677utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Okay , bye ! Oh my God ! !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia677utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That was unbelievable !",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia677utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah , wow , sorry Rach .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia677utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I do not believe they are brother and sister .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia677utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "They are brother and sister ! ! !",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia677utt16.mp4"
] | [
] |
169 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Excuse me , pardon me , excuse me , excuse me , sorry . Hi .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia169utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Man",
"text": "For God sake , will you let it go ? There is no Rachel !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia169utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh , hey , hey , I got that .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia169utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Julie",
"text": "Oh , thanks , sweetie .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia169utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No problem .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia169utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I cannot wait for you to meet my friends .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia169utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Julie",
"text": "Really ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia169utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Julie",
"text": "You do not think they will judge and ridicule me ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia169utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No , no , they will . I just ... uh ...",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia169utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Julie",
"text": "Can not wait .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia169utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Come on , they are gonna love you .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia169utt11.mp4"
] | [
] |
401 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joanna",
"text": "Did he call ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia401utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No . Sorry .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia401utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joanna",
"text": "Why ? ! Why ? ! He said he would call . Why has not he called ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia401utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Sophie",
"text": "Maybe he is intimated by really smart , strong , successful women .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia401utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joanna",
"text": "Sophie , would you please climb out of my butt . Why has not he called , Rachel ? Why ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia401utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay , okay . Umm , well ah , maybe he , maybe he feels awkward because you are my boss .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia401utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joanna",
"text": "Awkward ? Why should he feel awkward ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia401utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
281 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "There will come a time in each of your careers when you will have a chance to screw over another soap opera actor .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia281utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I had such an opportunity in the recent , present .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia281utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "And I am ashamed to say that I took it , I advised a fellow actor to play a role , homosexually .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia281utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah , we both auditioned for the part , and uh , as it turned out , they ah , they liked the stupid gay thing and cast him .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia281utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "And now , he is got a two year contract opposite Susan Luchhi , the first lady of daytime television , and me , me I am stuck here teaching a bunch of people , most of whom are too ugly to even be on TV .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia281utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I am sorry , I am sorry , I am sorry .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia281utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Thank you .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia281utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,168 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Look at that ! Look at that ! They are going into the first class lounge ! Do you know what they have in there ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1168utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1168utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Me neither ! We have to get in !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1168utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Just act like you belong .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1168utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh my God ! Oranges !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1168utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Shh ! Nice to see you again .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1168utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Airline Employee",
"text": "Uh sir , may I see your tickets please ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1168utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yes , of course .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1168utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Airline Employee",
"text": "I am sorry , would you move your thumb ? I can not see the seat number .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1168utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh that is all right , I have it memorized . It is 1A .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1168utt10.mp4"
] | [
] |
36 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "He is so cute . So , where did you guys grow up ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia36utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Angela",
"text": "Brooklyn Heights .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia36utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Bob",
"text": "Cleveland .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia36utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "How , how did that happen ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia36utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh my god .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia36utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia36utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I suddenly had the feeling that I was falling . But I am not .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia36utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
809 | [
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Gimme them !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia809utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No ! They are mine !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia809utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You stole them from me !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia809utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You stole them from me ! !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia809utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Gimme them !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia809utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You just wanna each take one ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia809utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah that seems fair . We never use them .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia809utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Look , I really need some help , okay ? Why ? Why did I have to speak in a British accent ? ! What do I do ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia809utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia809utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Why do not you phase it out ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia809utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah , fade the accent out and people will think you are , you know , that you are adjusting to life in America .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia809utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah , I mean , come on Ross , no one will even notice . I mean they are probably not even listening to you !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia809utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "They are not listening to me ?",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia809utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Of course they are listening to you ! Everybody listens to you .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia809utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Monica , you really think I should try this phasing out thing ?",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia809utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I think you look fine .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia809utt16.mp4"
] | [
] |
959 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh my God , you are back !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia959utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Ohh , let me see it ! Let me see your hand !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia959utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Why do you want to see my hand ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia959utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I wanna see what in your hand . I wanna see the trash .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia959utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Eww ! Oh , it is all dirty . You should throw this out .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia959utt5.mp4"
] | [
] |
669 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hey , what up ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia669utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I just saw Danny getting on the subway with a girl and he had his arm around her .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia669utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh , honey , I am sorry .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia669utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Well , you should be , this is all your fault ! You meddled in our relationship ! !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia669utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You had no relationship ! !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia669utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No , but I was doing my thing and everything was going according to the plan !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia669utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh God , stop with the plan !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia669utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "So what , so what you saw him with a girl ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia669utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Who cares ? !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia669utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That does not mean anything !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia669utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Now look , you are going to go out on a date with Danny and you are going to be so charming he is gonna forget all about that stupid subway girl .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia669utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "She was kinda stupid .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia669utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You are right .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia669utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "All right , I am just gonna go on the date .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia669utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I am gonna go on the date .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia669utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "That is the new plan .",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia669utt16.mp4"
] | [
] |
903 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh that is great , my friend Joey in the movie business .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia903utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "You know who I ran into from school ? Howie .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia903utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "My friend name is Joey .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia903utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "Apparently Howie editing now .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia903utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "Yeah , he ... he ... he calls me up and asks me if he can edit my new movie .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia903utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "Can you believe that ? !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia903utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "You know I ... I ... I have not spoken to him in like ten years and he asks me for a favor !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia903utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah , I have always hated that Howie .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia903utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "No , no \" How you doing ? \" Man , I mean not even a cup of coffee first !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia903utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "The nerve huh ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia903utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Dana",
"text": "Yeah !",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia903utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Refill ?",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia903utt12.mp4"
] | [
] |
3 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh my God !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia3utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "I know , I know , I am such an idiot .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia3utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "I guess I should have caught on when she started going to the dentist four and five times a week . I mean , how clean can teeth get ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia3utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "My brother going through that right now , he is such a mess . How did you get through it ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia3utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "Well , you might try accidentally breaking something valuable of hers , say her ...",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia3utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "leg ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia3utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "That is one way !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia3utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Paul",
"text": "Me , I ... I went for the watch .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia3utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You actually broke her watch ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia3utt9.mp4"
] | [
] |
234 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Remember when you where a kid and your Mom would drop you off at the movies with a jar of jam and a little spoon ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia234utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You are so pretty .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia234utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hi !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia234utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "All",
"text": "Hey , Phoebe .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia234utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hey , oh , you know that guy who been following me ? I talked to him today .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia234utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You talked to him . Are you crazy ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia234utt6.mp4"
] | [
] |
21 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "So c mon , you guys , tell me all the dirt !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia21utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Kiki",
"text": "Well , the biggest news is still you dumping Barry at the altar !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia21utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joanne",
"text": "Alright . Let talk reality for a second .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia21utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia21utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joanne",
"text": "When are you coming home ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia21utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "What ? Guys , I am not .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia21utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joanne",
"text": "C mon , this is us .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia21utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I am not ! This is what I am doing now . I have got this job ...",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia21utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Kiki",
"text": "Waitressing ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia21utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Okay , I am not just waitressing . I am ... I , um ...",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia21utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I write the specials on the specials board , and , uh ...",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia21utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "and I , uh ... I take the uh dead flowers out of the vase ... Oh , and , um , sometimes Artelle lets me put the little chocolate blobbies on the cookies .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia21utt12.mp4"
] | [
] |
429 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "Lights . Uh , romantic lights .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia429utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Ooh , nice .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia429utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "So ah , there was this thing I wanted to talk to you about .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia429utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh , right ! I completely forgot about that .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia429utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "Well ah , I have been doing a lot of thinking , and I look at my life",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia429utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Yeah ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia429utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "And I feel like I have conquered the business world , and I feel like I have conquered the intellectual world , and now I ... I have the most beautiful woman in the world .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia429utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Wow .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia429utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "There is one thing missing .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia429utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What that ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia429utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "It is time for me to conquer the physical world .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia429utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia429utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "Monica , I want to become the Ultimate Fighting Champion .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia429utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You wanna what ? !",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia429utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "I want to become the Ultimate Fighting Champion ! It is the most intense physical competition in the world , it is banned in 49 states !",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia429utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What are you talking about ?",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia429utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "Okay , my trainer , Ho Chi , is teaching me a combination of Gee Koon Doe and Brazilian street fighting , I have even had my own octagon training ring designed .",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia429utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "And I suppose you used a ring designer for that .",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia429utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "Yeah .",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia429utt19.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "Monica , I want you there in the front row when I win .",
"utterance_ID": 20,
"video_name": "dia429utt20.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "I want you close enough to smell the blood .",
"utterance_ID": 21,
"video_name": "dia429utt21.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Pete",
"text": "What do you think ?",
"utterance_ID": 22,
"video_name": "dia429utt22.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "My parents will be so happy .",
"utterance_ID": 23,
"video_name": "dia429utt23.mp4"
] | [
] |
799 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey ! Oh listen , I was just clearing some space for your stuff .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia799utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh thanks , but listen , I was just at Monica and she and Chandler had a big fight and they are not moving in .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia799utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What do you mean , they are not moving in ? They ... they are still moving in right ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia799utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No ... no , they just had a big blowout over what to do with my room .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia799utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "What ? ! Over a stupid room !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia799utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah , I feel kinda bad for them , but I am also really psyched cause I do not have to move in here !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia799utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh no , yeah no , that part great !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia799utt7.mp4"
] | [
] |
209 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Um , the doctor says it is gotta be a needle .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia209utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You are just gonna have to be brave , ok ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia209utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Can you do that for me ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia209utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Ok .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia209utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Ok . Oh boy . You are doing so good . You wanna squeeze my hand ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia209utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Yes !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia209utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "All right , Ross , do not squeeze it so hard .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia209utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Honey , really , do not squeeze it so hard !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia209utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Let go of my hand !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia209utt9.mp4"
] | [
] |
666 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Hey you guys , guess what ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia666utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "The British are coming ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia666utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Ohh , you and your ways . Since it is Christmastime . I am going to be one of those people collection donations .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia666utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah , I already have my bell and later on ... I get my bucket .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia666utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Ohh .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia666utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah , yeah , I am going to be out there spreading joy to the people .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia666utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "I mean , last year , I spread a little joy but not really enough .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia666utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "So this year , I am going to do the whole city .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia666utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You know , I knew a girl in high school who did that . She was very popular .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia666utt9.mp4"
] | [
] |
932 | [
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I can not believe I am going to lose this job !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia932utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh I am so sorry man ! Is there anything I can do ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia932utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah ! Help me get this mini ... fridge past the security guard .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia932utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Wayne",
"text": "Hey Joey , I want to talk to you .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia932utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Yeah ? I don’t want to talk to you Wayne ! I hate you ! You ruined my life !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia932utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh , Chandler , Wayne .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia932utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Wayne , Chandler .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia932utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hi , how are you ?",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia932utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Wayne",
"text": "Joey , Joey , I ... I ... I will g ... get you your job back if you help me out .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia932utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Why should I help you out ? !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia932utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "The reason he just said .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia932utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What do you need ?",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia932utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Wayne",
"text": "I ... I ... I saw you on stage talking to that beautiful woman , you know Sarah ?",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia932utt13.mp4"
] | [
] |
174 | [
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "All right , that is it , I quit .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia174utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What ? I did not say anything .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia174utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Yeah , but this is not the face of a person who trusts a person .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia174utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Ok , this is the face of a person who , you know , does not trust a person .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia174utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I am sorry . I am sorry , Phoebe . It is just a little shorter than what we had discussed .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia174utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Would you relax ? I know what I am doing . This is how he wears it .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia174utt6.mp4"
] | [
] |
20 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia20utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Peach pit .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia20utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yes , Bunny ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia20utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Peach pit . That night we , uh ... we had ...",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia20utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Peaches ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia20utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Actually , nectarines , but basically ...",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia20utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Could have been a peach .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia20utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Then , uh , then we got dressed , and I ... I ... I walked her to the ... the bus stop ... I am fine .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia20utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey , that woman got an ass like Carol !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia20utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "What ? Thought we were trying to find stuff .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia20utt10.mp4"
] | [
] |
640 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay , this one I like !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia640utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Nothing ! It is over ! Dammit ! This is regularly scheduled programming !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia640utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Can we turn the TV off ? Okay ? Do we really want to spend the entire weekend like this ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia640utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh , I am sorry , am I getting in the way of all the room switching fun ?",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia640utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hey , do not blame me for wigging tonight !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia640utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Oh , who should I blame ? The nice bell man who had to drag out luggage to 10 different rooms ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia640utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I do not know , how about the idiot who thought he could drive from Albany to Canada on a half a tank of gas !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia640utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Do not speak ill of the dead .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia640utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "We are supposed to uh , be spending a romantic weekend together , it ... it , what is the matter with you ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia640utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I just want to watch a little television . What is the big deal ? Geez , relax mom .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia640utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What did you say ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia640utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I said , \" Geez , relax Monnnnn . \"",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia640utt12.mp4"
] | [
] |
648 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Hi !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia648utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Danny",
"text": "So you like the short hair better .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia648utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "What ? Yeti ... I mean Danny ?",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia648utt3.mp4"
] | [
] |
858 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "You know , you forget how many great songs Heart had .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia858utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia858utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You know , Barracuda was the first song I learned to play on the keyboard .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia858utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "So , you heard it , you repeated it , so that must mean you wrote it .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia858utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh , you guys , with this joke . I gotta say , I know I cracked up , but I am not even sure I got it .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia858utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "What ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia858utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "You did not get it ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia858utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "The doctor is a monkey .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia858utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "And monkeys can not write out prescriptions .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia858utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You are not allowed to laugh at my joke .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia858utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Your joke ? Well , I think the Hef would disagree , which is why he sent me a check for $ 100 .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia858utt11.mp4"
] | [
] |
952 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God ! Oh my God ! !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia952utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Still crying ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia952utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Like a little girl .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia952utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You know , I only know of two surefire ways to shut a man up . And one of them is sex .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia952utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "What the other one ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia952utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I do not know , I have never had to use the other one .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia952utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "I am just saying you know , if we are having sex , he is not gonna be talking .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia952utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh that is right .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia952utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "You are the talker .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia952utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Anyway uh , great idea !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia952utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Umm , I gotta go to the store ; I told him that I would buy him some more tissues .",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia952utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh , we have some",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia952utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "No you do not !",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia952utt13.mp4"
] | [
] |
775 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "You are so efficient . I love you !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia775utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Let go !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia775utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "No ... no ... no ! We need something old !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia775utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Ohh , great , I have condom in my wallet I have had since I was twelve .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia775utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That will work !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia775utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "I do not think so .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia775utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Okay , now we just need something borrowed !",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia775utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Here just ... take this .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia775utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "That is stealing !",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia775utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "No , we will ... we will bring it back ! Just put it under your dress .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia775utt10.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,149 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "What ? Why ? Where are you ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1149utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I am still on the set !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1149utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Joey ! The wedding is in less than an hour !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1149utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "I know ! I am sorry ! The guy drunk , they will not let me go until we get this .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1149utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh my God ! I am gonna have to find another minister .",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1149utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "No ! No , I am the minister ! Alright , look ... look , put em both on the phone , I will marry them right now .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1149utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "disgust",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Ugh ! Joey , I have to go .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1149utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey ! Do not you hang up on me ! I will marry you and me right now ! I have the power !",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1149utt8.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,139 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1139utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Policeman",
"text": "You are an Aquarius , huh ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1139utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I bet you are a Gemini .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1139utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Policeman",
"text": "Nope .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1139utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Taurus ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1139utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Policeman",
"text": "Nope .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1139utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Virgo ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1139utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Policeman",
"text": "Nope .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1139utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Sagittarius ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1139utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Policeman",
"text": "Yep .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1139utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I knew it ! I knew it , ahh ...",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia1139utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Policeman",
"text": "You are not gonna speed anymore right ?",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia1139utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I will not speed .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia1139utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Policeman",
"text": "And you promise you will get this taken care of right away ?",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia1139utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "I promise .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia1139utt15.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Policeman",
"text": "And in the meantime you better let him drive . Does he have a license ?",
"utterance_ID": 16,
"video_name": "dia1139utt16.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Yeah !",
"utterance_ID": 17,
"video_name": "dia1139utt17.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Policeman",
"text": "Can he handle the stick ?",
"utterance_ID": 18,
"video_name": "dia1139utt18.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Oh well",
"utterance_ID": 19,
"video_name": "dia1139utt19.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "I can handle the stick ! !",
"utterance_ID": 20,
"video_name": "dia1139utt20.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,286 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Julie",
"text": "Have you felt Rachel cervix Ross ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1286utt1.mp4"
] | [] |
741 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "What about these ? These look the same ?",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia741utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Definitely !",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia741utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Not as each other !",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia741utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh , then no .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia741utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Hey !",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia741utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Hi !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia741utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You look amazing . I am the luckiest man in the world .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia741utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Ohh , you are about to get a little luckier .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia741utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Let me see the earrings .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia741utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh , honey , the earrings",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia741utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "They look great ! Does your boyfriend have the best taste or what ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia741utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "My boyfriend really does have good taste !",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia741utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Thanks for picking out the earrings man .",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia741utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Mm ... Hm",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia741utt14.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,249 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Hey .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1249utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hey .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1249utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Look , I understand if you came by to hit me , I deserve it .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1249utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No , I do not want to hit you .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1249utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "fear",
"speaker": "Joey",
"text": "Oh what then ? Kick me ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1249utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "No .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1249utt6.mp4"
] | [
] |
323 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Jeannine",
"text": "Night Mon . Night Julio .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia323utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Julio",
"text": "Adiós .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia323utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Look Julio , someone left their book here .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia323utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Julio",
"text": "Ah actually , that is mine .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia323utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh yeah , what are you reading ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia323utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Julio",
"text": "Flowers of Evil , by Beaudalire . Have you read it ?",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia323utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Have I read it ? No , are you enjoying it ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia323utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Julio",
"text": "I thought I would , but the translation no good .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia323utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Your a poet and do not know it .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia323utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Julio",
"text": "Actually I ah , I am a poet .",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia323utt10.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh , then you do know it . So um what kind of things do you write about ?",
"utterance_ID": 11,
"video_name": "dia323utt11.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Julio",
"text": "Things that move me . The , the shadow of a tree , a child laughing , or this lip .",
"utterance_ID": 12,
"video_name": "dia323utt12.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Mine ? Right here ?",
"utterance_ID": 13,
"video_name": "dia323utt13.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Julio",
"text": "I can write an epic poem about this lip .",
"utterance_ID": 14,
"video_name": "dia323utt14.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "How would that go ? Well , it did not rhyme , but I liked it .",
"utterance_ID": 15,
"video_name": "dia323utt15.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,033 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "The Woman",
"text": "Yes ! Yes ! Please , just give it to me !",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1033utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Yeah , that is her .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1033utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "The Woman",
"text": "Thank you .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1033utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "It is unbelievable ! I ... I can not believe that sign did not work !",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1033utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You know what would work ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1033utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Stop making candy !",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1033utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "You mean they like you .",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1033utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Maybe .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1033utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Chandler",
"text": "Is that why you became a chef ? So that people would like you ?",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1033utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Monica",
"text": "Oh , you really want to talk about getting people to like you huh , funny man ?",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1033utt10.mp4"
] | [
] |
1,289 | [
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Hi ! I am so glad you are here , but it is gonna be a while . I ... I wished you would called first .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia1289utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "Oh that is all right , I am coming back later with your father .",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia1289utt2.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Oh good .",
"utterance_ID": 3,
"video_name": "dia1289utt3.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "I actually needed to talk to you before the birth .",
"utterance_ID": 4,
"video_name": "dia1289utt4.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Okay , what up ?",
"utterance_ID": 5,
"video_name": "dia1289utt5.mp4"
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "I brought something that I want to give you , assuming of course that you want it .",
"utterance_ID": 6,
"video_name": "dia1289utt6.mp4"
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Ma , you are asking me to marry you ?",
"utterance_ID": 7,
"video_name": "dia1289utt7.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "This is your grandmother engagement ring , I want you to give it to Rachel .",
"utterance_ID": 8,
"video_name": "dia1289utt8.mp4"
"emotion": "sadness",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "Mom no , come on ! Thank you .",
"utterance_ID": 9,
"video_name": "dia1289utt9.mp4"
"emotion": "anger",
"speaker": "Mrs. Geller",
"text": "Just hear me out !",
"utterance_ID": 10,
"video_name": "dia1289utt10.mp4"
] | [
] |
870 | [
"emotion": "surprise",
"speaker": "Phoebe",
"text": "Oh God . So ... so you are making porn movies .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia870utt1.mp4"
] | [
] |
170 | [
"emotion": "neutral",
"speaker": "Ross",
"text": "But we have not seen each other since then . Well I land in China , guess who in charge of the dig .",
"utterance_ID": 1,
"video_name": "dia170utt1.mp4"
"emotion": "joy",
"speaker": "Rachel",
"text": "Julie ! Julie , is not that great ? I mean , is not that just kick ... you ... in ... the ... crotch , spit ... on ... your ... neck fantastic ?",
"utterance_ID": 2,
"video_name": "dia170utt2.mp4"
] | [
] |
Subsets and Splits