5 values
there are now two signs that m. night shyamalan 's debut feature sucked up all he has to give to the mystic genres of cinema : unbreakable and signs .
very negative
... pays tribute to heroes the way julia roberts hands out awards -- with phony humility barely camouflaging grotesque narcissism .
very negative
every conceivable mistake a director could make in filming opera has been perpetrated here .
very negative
with the cheesiest monsters this side of a horror spoof , which they is n't , it is more likely to induce sleep than fright .
very negative
there 's not a comedic moment in this romantic comedy .
very negative
in other words , about as bad a film you 're likely to see all year .
very negative
the story of trouble every day ... is so sketchy it amounts to little more than preliminary notes for a science-fiction horror film , and the movie 's fragmentary narrative style makes piecing the story together frustrating difficult .
very negative
unfunny comedy with a lot of static set ups , not much camera movement , and most of the scenes take place indoors in formal settings with motionless characters .
very negative
even if you 're an elvis person , you wo n't find anything to get excited about on this dvd .
very negative
a thoroughly awful movie -- dumb , narratively chaotic , visually sloppy ... a weird amalgam of ` the thing ' and a geriatric ` scream . '
very negative
all comedy is subversive , but this unrelenting bleak insistence on opting out of any opportunity for finding meaning in relationships or work just becomes sad .
very negative
plays like a bad blend of an overripe episode of tv 's dawson 's creek and a recycled and dumbed-down version of love story .
very negative
i ca n't recommend it .
very negative
the director , with his fake backdrops and stately pacing , never settles on a consistent tone .
very negative
like a soft drink that 's been sitting open too long : it 's too much syrup and not enough fizz .
very negative
we do n't get paid enough to sit through crap like this .
very negative
one of the worst films of 2002 .
very negative
after that it becomes long and tedious like a classroom play in a college history course .
very negative
the script was reportedly rewritten a dozen times -- either 11 times too many or else too few .
very negative
it 's as sorry a mess as its director 's diabolical debut , mad cows .
very negative
it 's just rather leaden and dull .
very negative
crummy .
very negative
disgusting .
very negative
skip the film and buy the philip glass soundtrack cd .
very negative
this pathetic junk is barely an hour long .
very negative
there are many definitions of ` time waster ' but this movie must surely be one of them .
very negative
a frustrating ` tweener ' -- too slick , contrived and exploitative for the art houses and too cynical , small and decadent for the malls .
very negative
the issues are presented in such a lousy way , complete with some of the year 's -lrb- unintentionally -rrb- funniest moments , that it 's impossible to care .
very negative
no amount of good intentions is able to overcome the triviality of the story .
very negative
high crimes is a cinematic misdemeanor , a routine crime thriller remarkable only for its lack of logic and misuse of two fine actors , morgan freeman and ashley judd .
very negative
obvious , obnoxious and didactic burlesque .
very negative
too many scenarios in which the hero might have an opportunity to triumphantly sermonize , and too few that allow us to wonder for ourselves if things will turn out okay .
very negative
we never truly come to care about the main characters and whether or not they 'll wind up together , and michele 's spiritual quest is neither amusing nor dramatic enough to sustain interest .
very negative
was that movie nothing more than a tepid exercise in trotting out a formula that worked five years ago but has since lost its fizz ?
very negative
a yawn-provoking little farm melodrama .
very negative
it may as well be called `` jar-jar binks : the movie . ''
very negative
it 's hard to imagine another director ever making his wife look so bad in a major movie .
very negative
there are cheesy backdrops , ridiculous action sequences , and many tired jokes about men in heels .
very negative
it 's also curious to note that this film , like the similarly ill-timed antitrust , is easily as bad at a fraction the budget .
very negative
extremely bad .
very negative
cox offers plenty of glimpses at existing photos , but there are no movies of nijinsky , so instead the director treats us to an aimless hodgepodge .
very negative
dismally dull sci-fi comedy .
very negative
... about as exciting to watch as two last-place basketball teams playing one another on the final day of the season .
very negative
collateral damage is trash , but it earns extra points by acting as if it were n't .
very negative
a story which fails to rise above its disgusting source material .
very negative
although the sequel has all the outward elements of the original , the first film 's lovely flakiness is gone , replaced by the forced funniness found in the dullest kiddie flicks .
very negative
but the 2002 film does n't really believe in it , and breaks the mood with absurdly inappropriate ` comedy ' scenes .
very negative
a decided lack of spontaneity in its execution and a dearth of real poignancy in its epiphanies .
very negative
once the expectation of laughter has been quashed by whatever obscenity is at hand , even the funniest idea is n't funny .
very negative
like a bad improvisation exercise , the superficially written characters ramble on tediously about their lives , loves and the art they 're struggling to create .
very negative