Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
Build a circuit that always outputs a LOW. module TopModule ( output zero );
module TopModule ( output zero );
module RefModule ( output zero ); assign zero = 1'b0; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin wavedrom_start("Output should 0"); repeat(20) @(posedge clk, negedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_zero; int errortime_zero; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic zero_ref; logic zero_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,zero_ref,zero_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* ); RefModule good1 ( .zero(zero_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .zero(zero_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_zero) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "zero", stats1.errors_zero, stats1.errortime_zero); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "zero"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { zero_ref } === ( { zero_ref } ^ { zero_dut } ^ { zero_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (zero_ref !== ( zero_ref ^ zero_dut ^ zero_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_zero == 0) stats1.errortime_zero = $time; stats1.errors_zero = stats1.errors_zero+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a circuit with no inputs and one output. That output should always drive 0 (or logic low). module TopModule ( output out );
module TopModule ( output out );
module RefModule ( output out ); assign out = 1'b0; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* ); RefModule good1 ( .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a circuit with no inputs and one output. That output should always drive 1 (or logic high). module TopModule ( output one );
module TopModule ( output one );
module RefModule ( output one ); assign one = 1'b1; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin wavedrom_start("Output should be 1"); repeat(20) @(posedge clk, negedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_one; int errortime_one; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic one_ref; logic one_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,one_ref,one_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* ); RefModule good1 ( .one(one_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .one(one_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_one) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "one", stats1.errors_one, stats1.errortime_one); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "one"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { one_ref } === ( { one_ref } ^ { one_dut } ^ { one_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (one_ref !== ( one_ref ^ one_dut ^ one_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_one == 0) stats1.errortime_one = $time; stats1.errors_one = stats1.errors_one+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a circuit that reverses the byte order of a 32-bit vector. module TopModule ( input [31:0] in, output [31:0] out );
module TopModule ( input [31:0] in, output [31:0] out );
module RefModule ( input [31:0] in, output [31:0] out ); assign out = {in[7:0], in[15:8], in[23:16], in[31:24]}; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [31:0] in, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin wavedrom_start("Random inputs"); repeat(10) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [31:0] in; logic [31:0] out_ref; logic [31:0] out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a module that implements a NOT gate. module TopModule ( input in, output out );
module TopModule ( input in, output out );
module RefModule ( input in, output out ); assign out = ~in; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg in, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin in <= 1'b0; wavedrom_start("Inversion"); repeat(20) @(posedge clk) in <= $random; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic in; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Given an 8-bit input vector [7:0], reverse its bit ordering. module TopModule ( input [7:0] in, output [7:0] out );
module TopModule ( input [7:0] in, output [7:0] out );
module RefModule ( input [7:0] in, output [7:0] out ); assign {out[0],out[1],out[2],out[3],out[4],out[5],out[6],out[7]} = in; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [7:0] in, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin in <= 0; @(negedge clk) wavedrom_start(); @(posedge clk) in <= 8'h1; @(posedge clk) in <= 8'h2; @(posedge clk) in <= 8'h4; @(posedge clk) in <= 8'h8; @(posedge clk) in <= 8'h80; @(posedge clk) in <= 8'hc0; @(posedge clk) in <= 8'he0; @(posedge clk) in <= 8'hf0; @(negedge clk) wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [7:0] in; logic [7:0] out_ref; logic [7:0] out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a module with one input and one output that behaves like a wire. module TopModule ( input in, output out );
module TopModule ( input in, output out );
module RefModule ( input in, output out ); assign out = in; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg in, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin wavedrom_start("Output should follow input"); repeat(20) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin in <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic in; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
The module assigns the output port to the same value as the input port combinationally. module TopModule ( input in, output out );
module TopModule ( input in, output out );
module RefModule ( input in, output out ); assign out = in; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg in = 0 ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin in <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic in; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
A "population count" circuit counts the number of '1's in an input vector. Build a population count circuit for a 3-bit input vector. module TopModule ( input [2:0] in, output [1:0] out );
module TopModule ( input [2:0] in, output [1:0] out );
module RefModule ( input [2:0] in, output [1:0] out ); assign out = in[0]+in[1]+in[2]; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [2:0] in, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin in <= 7; @(negedge clk); wavedrom_start(); repeat(9) @(posedge clk) in <= in + 1'b1; @(negedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [2:0] in; logic [1:0] out_ref; logic [1:0] out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Implement the boolean function z = (x^y) & x. module TopModule ( input x, input y, output z );
module TopModule ( input x, input y, output z );
module RefModule ( input x, input y, output z ); assign z = (x^y) & x; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic x, output logic y ); always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {x, y} <= $random % 4; initial begin repeat(101) @(negedge clk); #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_z; int errortime_z; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic x; logic y; logic z_ref; logic z_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,x,y,z_ref,z_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .x, .y ); RefModule good1 ( .x, .y, .z(z_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .x, .y, .z(z_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_z) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "z", stats1.errors_z, stats1.errortime_z); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "z"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { z_ref } === ( { z_ref } ^ { z_dut } ^ { z_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (z_ref !== ( z_ref ^ z_dut ^ z_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_z == 0) stats1.errortime_z = $time; stats1.errors_z = stats1.errors_z+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a module that implements a NOR gate. module TopModule ( input a, input b, output out );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, output out );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, output out ); assign out = ~(a | b); endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg a, b, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin int count; count = 0; {a,b} <= 1'b0; wavedrom_start("NOR gate"); repeat(10) @(posedge clk) {a,b} <= count++; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {b,a} <= $random; #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a module that implements an XNOR gate. module TopModule ( input a, input b, output out );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, output out );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, output out ); assign out = ~(a^b); endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg a, b, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin int count; count = 0; {a,b} <= 1'b0; wavedrom_start("XNOR gate"); repeat(10) @(posedge clk) {a,b} <= count++; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {b,a} <= $random; #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Implement a 2-input NOR gate. module TopModule ( input in1, input in2, output logic out );
module TopModule ( input in1, input in2, output logic out );
module RefModule ( input in1, input in2, output logic out ); assign out = ~(in1 | in2); endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic in1, in2 ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin {in1, in2} <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic in1; logic in2; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in1,in2,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in1, .in2 ); RefModule good1 ( .in1, .in2, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in1, .in2, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a module that implements an AND gate. module TopModule ( input a, input b, output out );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, output out );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, output out ); assign out = a & b; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg a, b, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin int count; count = 0; {a,b} <= 1'b0; wavedrom_start("AND gate"); repeat(10) @(posedge clk) {a,b} <= count++; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {b,a} <= $random; #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a combinational circuit that splits an input half-word (16 bits, [15:0] ) into lower [7:0] and upper [15:8] bytes. module TopModule ( input [15:0] in, output [7:0] out_hi, output [7:0] out_lo );
module TopModule ( input [15:0] in, output [7:0] out_hi, output [7:0] out_lo );
module RefModule ( input [15:0] in, output [7:0] out_hi, output [7:0] out_lo ); assign {out_hi, out_lo} = in; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [15:0] in, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; initial begin wavedrom_start("Random inputs"); repeat(10) @(posedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); repeat(100) @(negedge clk); $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out_hi; int errortime_out_hi; int errors_out_lo; int errortime_out_lo; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [15:0] in; logic [7:0] out_hi_ref; logic [7:0] out_hi_dut; logic [7:0] out_lo_ref; logic [7:0] out_lo_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_hi_ref,out_hi_dut,out_lo_ref,out_lo_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out_hi(out_hi_ref), .out_lo(out_lo_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out_hi(out_hi_dut), .out_lo(out_lo_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out_hi) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out_hi", stats1.errors_out_hi, stats1.errortime_out_hi); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out_hi"); if (stats1.errors_out_lo) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out_lo", stats1.errors_out_lo, stats1.errortime_out_lo); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out_lo"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_hi_ref, out_lo_ref } === ( { out_hi_ref, out_lo_ref } ^ { out_hi_dut, out_lo_dut } ^ { out_hi_ref, out_lo_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_hi_ref !== ( out_hi_ref ^ out_hi_dut ^ out_hi_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out_hi == 0) stats1.errortime_out_hi = $time; stats1.errors_out_hi = stats1.errors_out_hi+1'b1; end if (out_lo_ref !== ( out_lo_ref ^ out_lo_dut ^ out_lo_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out_lo == 0) stats1.errortime_out_lo = $time; stats1.errors_out_lo = stats1.errors_out_lo+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Implement a 4-bit adder with full adders. The output sum should include the overflow bit. module TopModule ( input [3:0] x, input [3:0] y, output [4:0] sum );
module TopModule ( input [3:0] x, input [3:0] y, output [4:0] sum );
module RefModule ( input [3:0] x, input [3:0] y, output [4:0] sum ); assign sum = x+y; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [3:0] x,y ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin {x,y} <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_sum; int errortime_sum; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [3:0] x; logic [3:0] y; logic [4:0] sum_ref; logic [4:0] sum_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,x,y,sum_ref,sum_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .x, .y ); RefModule good1 ( .x, .y, .sum(sum_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .x, .y, .sum(sum_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_sum) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "sum", stats1.errors_sum, stats1.errortime_sum); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "sum"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { sum_ref } === ( { sum_ref } ^ { sum_dut } ^ { sum_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (sum_ref !== ( sum_ref ^ sum_dut ^ sum_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_sum == 0) stats1.errortime_sum = $time; stats1.errors_sum = stats1.errors_sum+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a 2-1 multiplexer. When sel=0, choose a. When sel=1, choose b. module TopModule ( input [99:0] a, input [99:0] b, input sel, output [99:0] out );
module TopModule ( input [99:0] a, input [99:0] b, input sel, output [99:0] out );
module RefModule ( input [99:0] a, input [99:0] b, input sel, output [99:0] out ); assign out = sel ? b : a; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [99:0] a,b, output logic sel, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin a <= 'hdeadbeef; b <= 'h5eaf00d; sel <= 0; @(negedge clk); wavedrom_start("Beef or seafood?"); repeat(6) @(posedge clk) sel <= ~sel; @(negedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel} <= {$random, $random, $random, $random, $random, $random, $random}; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [99:0] a; logic [99:0] b; logic sel; logic [99:0] out_ref; logic [99:0] out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,sel,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b, .sel ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .sel, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .sel, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a 1-bit wide, 256-to-1 multiplexer. The 256 inputs are all packed into a single 256-bit input vector. sel=0 should select in[0], sel=1 selects bits in[1], sel=2 selects bits in[2], etc. module TopModule ( input [255:0] in, input [7:0] sel, output out );
module TopModule ( input [255:0] in, input [7:0] sel, output out );
module RefModule ( input [255:0] in, input [7:0] sel, output out ); assign out = in[sel]; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [255:0] in, output logic [7:0] sel ); always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin for (int i=0;i<8; i++) in[i*32+:32] <= $random; sel <= $random; end initial begin repeat(1000) @(negedge clk); $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [255:0] in; logic [7:0] sel; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,sel,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in, .sel ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .sel, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .sel, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Implement the following circuit in Verilog. Two inputs (in1 and in2) go to an AND gate, but the in2 input to the AND gate has a bubble. The output of the AND gate is connected to 'out'. module TopModule ( input in1, input in2, output logic out );
module TopModule ( input in1, input in2, output logic out );
module RefModule ( input in1, input in2, output logic out ); assign out = in1 & ~in2; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic in1, in2 ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin {in1, in2} <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic in1; logic in2; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in1,in2,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in1, .in2 ); RefModule good1 ( .in1, .in2, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in1, .in2, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a circuit that has two 2-bit inputs A[1:0] and B[1:0], and produces an output z. The value of z should be 1 if A = B, otherwise z should be 0. module TopModule ( input [1:0] A, input [1:0] B, output z );
module TopModule ( input [1:0] A, input [1:0] B, output z );
module RefModule ( input [1:0] A, input [1:0] B, output z ); assign z = A[1:0]==B[1:0]; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 /* Midterm 2015 Question 1k. 2-bit equality comparator. */ module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [1:0] A, output logic [1:0] B ); always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {A, B} <= $random % 16; initial begin repeat(1000) @(negedge clk); #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_z; int errortime_z; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [1:0] A; logic [1:0] B; logic z_ref; logic z_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,A,B,z_ref,z_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .A, .B ); RefModule good1 ( .A, .B, .z(z_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .A, .B, .z(z_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_z) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "z", stats1.errors_z, stats1.errortime_z); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "z"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { z_ref } === ( { z_ref } ^ { z_dut } ^ { z_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (z_ref !== ( z_ref ^ z_dut ^ z_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_z == 0) stats1.errortime_z = $time; stats1.errors_z = stats1.errors_z+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a 4-bit wide, 256-to-1 multiplexer. The 256 4-bit inputs are all packed into a single 1024-bit input vector. sel=0 should select bits in[3:0], sel=1 selects bits in[7:4], sel=2 selects bits in[11:8], etc. module TopModule ( input [1023:0] in, input [7:0] sel, output [3:0] out );
module TopModule ( input [1023:0] in, input [7:0] sel, output [3:0] out );
module RefModule ( input [1023:0] in, input [7:0] sel, output [3:0] out ); assign out = {in[sel*4+3], in[sel*4+2], in[sel*4+1], in[sel*4+0]}; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [1023:0] in, output logic [7:0] sel ); always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin for (int i=0;i<32; i++) in[i*32+:32] <= $random; sel <= $random; end initial begin repeat(1000) @(negedge clk); $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [1023:0] in; logic [7:0] sel; logic [3:0] out_ref; logic [3:0] out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,sel,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in, .sel ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .sel, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .sel, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a one-bit wide, 2-to-1 multiplexer. When sel=0, choose a. When sel=1, choose b. module TopModule ( input a, input b, input sel, output out );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, input sel, output out );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, input sel, output out ); assign out = sel ? b : a; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic a,b,sel, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin {a, b, sel} <= 3'b000; @(negedge clk) wavedrom_start("<b>Sel</b> chooses between <b>a</b> and <b>b</b>"); @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b000; @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b100; @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b110; @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b111; @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b011; @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b001; @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b100; @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b101; @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b110; @(posedge clk) {a, b, sel} <= 3'b111; @(negedge clk) wavedrom_stop(); repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel} <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic sel; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,sel,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b, .sel ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .sel, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .sel, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Given a 100-bit input vector [99:0], reverse its bit ordering. a module TopModule ( input [99:0] in, output reg [99:0] out );
module TopModule ( input [99:0] in, output reg [99:0] out );
module RefModule ( input [99:0] in, output reg [99:0] out ); always_comb for (int i=0;i<$bits(out);i++) out[i] = in[$bits(out)-i-1]; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [99:0] in ); always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= {$random, $random, $random, $random}; initial begin repeat(100) @(negedge clk); $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [99:0] in; logic [99:0] out_ref; logic [99:0] out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a half adder. A half adder adds two bits (with no carry-in) and produces a sum and carry-out. module TopModule ( input a, input b, output sum, output cout );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, output sum, output cout );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, output sum, output cout ); assign {cout, sum} = a+b; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic a,b ); always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b} <= $random; initial begin repeat(100) @(negedge clk); $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_sum; int errortime_sum; int errors_cout; int errortime_cout; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic sum_ref; logic sum_dut; logic cout_ref; logic cout_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,sum_ref,sum_dut,cout_ref,cout_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .sum(sum_ref), .cout(cout_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .sum(sum_dut), .cout(cout_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_sum) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "sum", stats1.errors_sum, stats1.errortime_sum); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "sum"); if (stats1.errors_cout) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "cout", stats1.errors_cout, stats1.errortime_cout); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "cout"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { sum_ref, cout_ref } === ( { sum_ref, cout_ref } ^ { sum_dut, cout_dut } ^ { sum_ref, cout_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (sum_ref !== ( sum_ref ^ sum_dut ^ sum_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_sum == 0) stats1.errortime_sum = $time; stats1.errors_sum = stats1.errors_sum+1'b1; end if (cout_ref !== ( cout_ref ^ cout_dut ^ cout_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_cout == 0) stats1.errortime_cout = $time; stats1.errors_cout = stats1.errors_cout+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Parity checking is often used as a simple method of detecting errors when transmitting data through an imperfect channel. Create a circuit that will compute a parity bit for a 8-bit byte (which will add a 9th bit to the byte). We will use "even" parity, where the parity bit is just the XOR of all 8 data bits. module TopModule ( input [7:0] in, output parity );
module TopModule ( input [7:0] in, output parity );
module RefModule ( input [7:0] in, output parity ); assign parity = ^in; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [7:0] in ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_parity; int errortime_parity; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [7:0] in; logic parity_ref; logic parity_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,parity_ref,parity_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .parity(parity_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .parity(parity_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_parity) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "parity", stats1.errors_parity, stats1.errortime_parity); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "parity"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { parity_ref } === ( { parity_ref } ^ { parity_dut } ^ { parity_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (parity_ref !== ( parity_ref ^ parity_dut ^ parity_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_parity == 0) stats1.errortime_parity = $time; stats1.errors_parity = stats1.errors_parity+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build an AND gate using both an assign statement and a combinational always block. module TopModule ( input a, input b, output out_assign, output reg out_alwaysblock );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, output out_assign, output reg out_alwaysblock );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, output out_assign, output reg out_alwaysblock ); assign out_assign = a & b; always @(*) out_alwaysblock = a & b; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg a, b, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin int count; count = 0; {a,b} <= 1'b0; wavedrom_start("AND gate"); repeat(10) @(posedge clk) {a,b} <= count++; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {b,a} <= $random; #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out_assign; int errortime_out_assign; int errors_out_alwaysblock; int errortime_out_alwaysblock; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic out_assign_ref; logic out_assign_dut; logic out_alwaysblock_ref; logic out_alwaysblock_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,out_assign_ref,out_assign_dut,out_alwaysblock_ref,out_alwaysblock_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .out_assign(out_assign_ref), .out_alwaysblock(out_alwaysblock_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .out_assign(out_assign_dut), .out_alwaysblock(out_alwaysblock_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out_assign) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out_assign", stats1.errors_out_assign, stats1.errortime_out_assign); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out_assign"); if (stats1.errors_out_alwaysblock) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out_alwaysblock", stats1.errors_out_alwaysblock, stats1.errortime_out_alwaysblock); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out_alwaysblock"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_assign_ref, out_alwaysblock_ref } === ( { out_assign_ref, out_alwaysblock_ref } ^ { out_assign_dut, out_alwaysblock_dut } ^ { out_assign_ref, out_alwaysblock_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_assign_ref !== ( out_assign_ref ^ out_assign_dut ^ out_assign_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out_assign == 0) stats1.errortime_out_assign = $time; stats1.errors_out_assign = stats1.errors_out_assign+1'b1; end if (out_alwaysblock_ref !== ( out_alwaysblock_ref ^ out_alwaysblock_dut ^ out_alwaysblock_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out_alwaysblock == 0) stats1.errortime_out_alwaysblock = $time; stats1.errors_out_alwaysblock = stats1.errors_out_alwaysblock+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a full adder. A full adder adds three bits (including carry-in) and produces a sum and carry-out. module TopModule ( input a, input b, input cin, output cout, output sum );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, input cin, output cout, output sum );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, input cin, output cout, output sum ); assign {cout, sum} = a+b+cin; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic a,b,cin, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin wavedrom_start(); @(posedge clk) {a,b,cin} <= 3'b000; @(posedge clk) {a,b,cin} <= 3'b010; @(posedge clk) {a,b,cin} <= 3'b100; @(posedge clk) {a,b,cin} <= 3'b110; @(posedge clk) {a,b,cin} <= 3'b000; @(posedge clk) {a,b,cin} <= 3'b001; @(posedge clk) {a,b,cin} <= 3'b011; @(negedge clk) wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,cin} <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_cout; int errortime_cout; int errors_sum; int errortime_sum; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic cin; logic cout_ref; logic cout_dut; logic sum_ref; logic sum_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,cin,cout_ref,cout_dut,sum_ref,sum_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b, .cin ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .cin, .cout(cout_ref), .sum(sum_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .cin, .cout(cout_dut), .sum(sum_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_cout) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "cout", stats1.errors_cout, stats1.errortime_cout); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "cout"); if (stats1.errors_sum) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "sum", stats1.errors_sum, stats1.errortime_sum); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "sum"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { cout_ref, sum_ref } === ( { cout_ref, sum_ref } ^ { cout_dut, sum_dut } ^ { cout_ref, sum_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (cout_ref !== ( cout_ref ^ cout_dut ^ cout_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_cout == 0) stats1.errortime_cout = $time; stats1.errors_cout = stats1.errors_cout+1'b1; end if (sum_ref !== ( sum_ref ^ sum_dut ^ sum_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_sum == 0) stats1.errortime_sum = $time; stats1.errors_sum = stats1.errors_sum+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Implement a D latch using an always block. module TopModule ( input d, input ena, output logic q );
module TopModule ( input d, input ena, output logic q );
module RefModule ( input d, input ena, output logic q ); always@(*) begin if (ena) q = d; end endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic d, ena ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin {d,ena} <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic d; logic ena; logic q_ref; logic q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,d,ena,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .d, .ena ); RefModule good1 ( .d, .ena, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .d, .ena, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Implement in Verilog the following circuit: A two-input XNOR (connected to 'in1' and 'in2) has an output connected to the input of a two-input XOR. The second input of the XOR is 'in3.' The output of the XOR is 'out'. module TopModule ( input in1, input in2, input in3, output logic out );
module TopModule ( input in1, input in2, input in3, output logic out );
module RefModule ( input in1, input in2, input in3, output logic out ); assign out = (~(in1 ^ in2)) ^ in3; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic in1, in2, in3 ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin {in1, in2, in3} <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic in1; logic in2; logic in3; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in1,in2,in3,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in1, .in2, .in3 ); RefModule good1 ( .in1, .in2, .in3, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in1, .in2, .in3, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
A "population count" circuit counts the number of '1's in an input vector. Build a population count circuit for a 255-bit input vector. module TopModule ( input [254:0] in, output reg [7:0] out );
module TopModule ( input [254:0] in, output reg [7:0] out );
module RefModule ( input [254:0] in, output reg [7:0] out ); always_comb begin out = 0; for (int i=0;i<255;i++) out = out + in[i]; end endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [254:0] in, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin in <= 255'h0; wavedrom_start(""); @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'h0; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'h0; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'h1; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'h1; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'h3; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'h3; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'h7; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'haaaa; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'hf00000; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= 255'h0; wavedrom_stop(); repeat (200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin in <= {$random, $random, $random, $random, $random, $random, $random, $random}; end @(posedge clk); in <= '0; @(posedge clk) in <= '1; @(posedge clk) #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [254:0] in; logic [7:0] out_ref; logic [7:0] out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create a single D flip-flop. module TopModule ( input clk, input d, output reg q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input d, output reg q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input d, output reg q ); initial q = 1'hx; always @(posedge clk) q <= d; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg d, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) d <= $urandom; initial begin @(posedge clk); wavedrom_start("Positive-edge triggered DFF"); repeat(10) @(posedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk); $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic d; logic q_ref; logic q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,d,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .d ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .d, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .d, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a circuit that has one 3-bit input, then outputs the same vector, and also splits it into three separate 1-bit outputs. Connect output o0 to the input vector's position 0, o1 to position 1, etc. module TopModule ( input [2:0] vec, output [2:0] outv, output o2, output o1, output o0 );
module TopModule ( input [2:0] vec, output [2:0] outv, output o2, output o1, output o0 );
module RefModule ( input [2:0] vec, output [2:0] outv, output o2, output o1, output o0 ); assign outv = vec; assign {o2, o1, o0} = vec; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg [2:0] vec, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin int count; count = 0; vec <= 3'b0; @(negedge clk); wavedrom_start(); repeat(10) @(posedge clk) vec <= count++; wavedrom_stop(); #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_outv; int errortime_outv; int errors_o2; int errortime_o2; int errors_o1; int errortime_o1; int errors_o0; int errortime_o0; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [2:0] vec; logic [2:0] outv_ref; logic [2:0] outv_dut; logic o2_ref; logic o2_dut; logic o1_ref; logic o1_dut; logic o0_ref; logic o0_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,vec,outv_ref,outv_dut,o2_ref,o2_dut,o1_ref,o1_dut,o0_ref,o0_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .vec ); RefModule good1 ( .vec, .outv(outv_ref), .o2(o2_ref), .o1(o1_ref), .o0(o0_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .vec, .outv(outv_dut), .o2(o2_dut), .o1(o1_dut), .o0(o0_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_outv) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "outv", stats1.errors_outv, stats1.errortime_outv); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "outv"); if (stats1.errors_o2) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "o2", stats1.errors_o2, stats1.errortime_o2); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "o2"); if (stats1.errors_o1) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "o1", stats1.errors_o1, stats1.errortime_o1); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "o1"); if (stats1.errors_o0) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "o0", stats1.errors_o0, stats1.errortime_o0); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "o0"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { outv_ref, o2_ref, o1_ref, o0_ref } === ( { outv_ref, o2_ref, o1_ref, o0_ref } ^ { outv_dut, o2_dut, o1_dut, o0_dut } ^ { outv_ref, o2_ref, o1_ref, o0_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (outv_ref !== ( outv_ref ^ outv_dut ^ outv_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_outv == 0) stats1.errortime_outv = $time; stats1.errors_outv = stats1.errors_outv+1'b1; end if (o2_ref !== ( o2_ref ^ o2_dut ^ o2_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_o2 == 0) stats1.errortime_o2 = $time; stats1.errors_o2 = stats1.errors_o2+1'b1; end if (o1_ref !== ( o1_ref ^ o1_dut ^ o1_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_o1 == 0) stats1.errortime_o1 = $time; stats1.errors_o1 = stats1.errors_o1+1'b1; end if (o0_ref !== ( o0_ref ^ o0_dut ^ o0_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_o0 == 0) stats1.errortime_o0 = $time; stats1.errors_o0 = stats1.errors_o0+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Assume that you have two 8-bit 2's complement numbers, a[7:0] and b[7:0]. These numbers are added to produce s[7:0]. Also compute whether a (signed) overflow has occurred. module TopModule ( input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, output [7:0] s, output overflow );
module TopModule ( input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, output [7:0] s, output overflow );
module RefModule ( input [7:0] a, input [7:0] b, output [7:0] s, output overflow ); wire [8:0] sum = a+b; assign s = sum[7:0]; assign overflow = !(a[7]^b[7]) && (a[7] != s[7]); endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [7:0] a, b, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin {a, b} <= 0; @(negedge clk) wavedrom_start(); @(posedge clk) {a, b} <= 16'h0; @(posedge clk) {a, b} <= 16'h0070; @(posedge clk) {a, b} <= 16'h7070; @(posedge clk) {a, b} <= 16'h7090; @(posedge clk) {a, b} <= 16'h9070; @(posedge clk) {a, b} <= 16'h9090; @(posedge clk) {a, b} <= 16'h90ff; @(negedge clk) wavedrom_stop(); repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b} <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_s; int errortime_s; int errors_overflow; int errortime_overflow; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [7:0] a; logic [7:0] b; logic [7:0] s_ref; logic [7:0] s_dut; logic overflow_ref; logic overflow_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,s_ref,s_dut,overflow_ref,overflow_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .s(s_ref), .overflow(overflow_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .s(s_dut), .overflow(overflow_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_s) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "s", stats1.errors_s, stats1.errortime_s); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "s"); if (stats1.errors_overflow) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "overflow", stats1.errors_overflow, stats1.errortime_overflow); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "overflow"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { s_ref, overflow_ref } === ( { s_ref, overflow_ref } ^ { s_dut, overflow_dut } ^ { s_ref, overflow_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (s_ref !== ( s_ref ^ s_dut ^ s_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_s == 0) stats1.errortime_s = $time; stats1.errors_s = stats1.errors_s+1'b1; end if (overflow_ref !== ( overflow_ref ^ overflow_dut ^ overflow_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_overflow == 0) stats1.errortime_overflow = $time; stats1.errors_overflow = stats1.errors_overflow+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create 8 D flip-flops. All DFFs should be triggered by the positive edge of clk. module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, output reg [7:0] q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, output reg [7:0] q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, output reg [7:0] q ); initial q = 8'h0; always @(posedge clk) q <= d; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg [7:0] d, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) d <= $random % 256; initial begin @(posedge clk); wavedrom_start("Positive-edge triggered DFF"); repeat(10) @(posedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); #100; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [7:0] d; logic [7:0] q_ref; logic [7:0] q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,d,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .d ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .d, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .d, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Make a decade counter that counts 1 through 10, inclusive. The reset input is active high synchronous, and should reset the counter to 1. module TopModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q ); always @(posedge clk) if (reset || q == 10) q <= 1; else q <= q+1; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg reset, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable, input tb_match ); task reset_test(input async=0); bit arfail, srfail, datafail; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk) reset <= 0; repeat(3) @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk) begin datafail = !tb_match ; reset <= 1; end @(posedge clk) arfail = !tb_match; @(posedge clk) begin srfail = !tb_match; reset <= 0; end if (srfail) $display("Hint: Your reset doesn't seem to be working."); else if (arfail && (async || !datafail)) $display("Hint: Your reset should be %0s, but doesn't appear to be.", async ? "asynchronous" : "synchronous"); // Don't warn about synchronous reset if the half-cycle before is already wrong. It's more likely // a functionality error than the reset being implemented asynchronously. endtask // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin reset <= 1; wavedrom_start("Synchronous reset and counting."); reset_test(); repeat(12) @(posedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); @(posedge clk); repeat(400) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin reset <= !($random & 31); end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic reset; logic [3:0] q_ref; logic [3:0] q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,reset,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .reset ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .reset, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .reset, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Suppose you are designing a circuit to control a cellphone's ringer and vibration motor. Whenever the phone needs to ring from an incoming call (input ring), your circuit must either turn on the ringer (output ringer = 1) or the motor (output motor = 1), but not both. If the phone is in vibrate mode (input vibrate_mode = 1), turn on the motor. Otherwise, turn on the ringer. module TopModule ( input ring, input vibrate_mode, output ringer, output motor );
module TopModule ( input ring, input vibrate_mode, output ringer, output motor );
module RefModule ( input ring, input vibrate_mode, output ringer, output motor ); assign ringer = ring & ~vibrate_mode; assign motor = ring & vibrate_mode; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg ring, vibrate_mode, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin int count; count = 0; {vibrate_mode,ring} <= 1'b0; wavedrom_start(); repeat(10) @(posedge clk) {vibrate_mode,ring} <= count++; wavedrom_stop(); #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_ringer; int errortime_ringer; int errors_motor; int errortime_motor; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic ring; logic vibrate_mode; logic ringer_ref; logic ringer_dut; logic motor_ref; logic motor_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,ring,vibrate_mode,ringer_ref,ringer_dut,motor_ref,motor_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .ring, .vibrate_mode ); RefModule good1 ( .ring, .vibrate_mode, .ringer(ringer_ref), .motor(motor_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .ring, .vibrate_mode, .ringer(ringer_dut), .motor(motor_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_ringer) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "ringer", stats1.errors_ringer, stats1.errortime_ringer); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "ringer"); if (stats1.errors_motor) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "motor", stats1.errors_motor, stats1.errortime_motor); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "motor"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { ringer_ref, motor_ref } === ( { ringer_ref, motor_ref } ^ { ringer_dut, motor_dut } ^ { ringer_ref, motor_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (ringer_ref !== ( ringer_ref ^ ringer_dut ^ ringer_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_ringer == 0) stats1.errortime_ringer = $time; stats1.errors_ringer = stats1.errors_ringer+1'b1; end if (motor_ref !== ( motor_ref ^ motor_dut ^ motor_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_motor == 0) stats1.errortime_motor = $time; stats1.errors_motor = stats1.errors_motor+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a counter that counts from 0 to 999, inclusive, with a period of 1000 cycles. The reset input is active high synchronous, and should reset the counter to 0. module TopModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [9:0] q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [9:0] q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [9:0] q ); always @(posedge clk) if (reset || q == 999) q <= 0; else q <= q+1; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg reset, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable, input tb_match ); task reset_test(input async=0); bit arfail, srfail, datafail; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk) reset <= 0; repeat(3) @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk) begin datafail = !tb_match ; reset <= 1; end @(posedge clk) arfail = !tb_match; @(posedge clk) begin srfail = !tb_match; reset <= 0; end if (srfail) $display("Hint: Your reset doesn't seem to be working."); else if (arfail && (async || !datafail)) $display("Hint: Your reset should be %0s, but doesn't appear to be.", async ? "asynchronous" : "synchronous"); // Don't warn about synchronous reset if the half-cycle before is already wrong. It's more likely // a functionality error than the reset being implemented asynchronously. endtask // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin reset <= 1; wavedrom_start("Synchronous reset"); reset_test(); repeat(5) @(posedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); reset <= 0; repeat(989) @(negedge clk); wavedrom_start("Wrap around behaviour"); repeat(14)@(posedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); repeat(2000) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin reset <= !($random & 127); end reset <= 0; repeat(2000) @(posedge clk); #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic reset; logic [9:0] q_ref; logic [9:0] q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,reset,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .reset ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .reset, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .reset, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a 4-bit binary counter that counts from 0 through 15, inclusive, with a period of 16. The reset input is active high synchronous, and should reset the counter to 0. module TopModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q ); always @(posedge clk) if (reset) q <= 0; else q <= q+1; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg reset, input tb_match, output reg wavedrom_enable, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask task reset_test(input async=0); bit arfail, srfail, datafail; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk) reset <= 0; repeat(3) @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk) begin datafail = !tb_match ; reset <= 1; end @(posedge clk) arfail = !tb_match; @(posedge clk) begin srfail = !tb_match; reset <= 0; end if (srfail) $display("Hint: Your reset doesn't seem to be working."); else if (arfail && (async || !datafail)) $display("Hint: Your reset should be %0s, but doesn't appear to be.", async ? "asynchronous" : "synchronous"); // Don't warn about synchronous reset if the half-cycle before is already wrong. It's more likely // a functionality error than the reset being implemented asynchronously. endtask initial begin reset <= 1; @(negedge clk); wavedrom_start("Reset and counting"); reset_test(); repeat(3) @(posedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); repeat(400) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin reset <= !($random & 31); end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic reset; logic [3:0] q_ref; logic [3:0] q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,reset,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .reset ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .reset, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .reset, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a 2-to-1 mux that chooses between a and b. Choose b if both sel_b1 and sel_b2 are true. Otherwise, choose a. Do the same twice, once using assign statements and once using a procedural if statement. module TopModule ( input a, input b, input sel_b1, input sel_b2, output out_assign, output reg out_always );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, input sel_b1, input sel_b2, output out_assign, output reg out_always );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, input sel_b1, input sel_b2, output out_assign, output reg out_always ); assign out_assign = (sel_b1 & sel_b2) ? b : a; always @(*) out_always = (sel_b1 & sel_b2) ? b : a; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic a,b,sel_b1, sel_b2, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin {a, b, sel_b1, sel_b2} <= 4'b000; @(negedge clk) wavedrom_start(""); @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b0100; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b1000; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b1101; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b0001; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b0110; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b1010; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b1111; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b0011; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b0111; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b1011; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b1111; @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= 4'b0011; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2} <= $urandom; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out_assign; int errortime_out_assign; int errors_out_always; int errortime_out_always; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic sel_b1; logic sel_b2; logic out_assign_ref; logic out_assign_dut; logic out_always_ref; logic out_always_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,sel_b1,sel_b2,out_assign_ref,out_assign_dut,out_always_ref,out_always_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b, .sel_b1, .sel_b2 ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .sel_b1, .sel_b2, .out_assign(out_assign_ref), .out_always(out_always_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .sel_b1, .sel_b2, .out_assign(out_assign_dut), .out_always(out_always_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out_assign) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out_assign", stats1.errors_out_assign, stats1.errortime_out_assign); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out_assign"); if (stats1.errors_out_always) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out_always", stats1.errors_out_always, stats1.errortime_out_always); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out_always"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_assign_ref, out_always_ref } === ( { out_assign_ref, out_always_ref } ^ { out_assign_dut, out_always_dut } ^ { out_assign_ref, out_always_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_assign_ref !== ( out_assign_ref ^ out_assign_dut ^ out_assign_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out_assign == 0) stats1.errortime_out_assign = $time; stats1.errors_out_assign = stats1.errors_out_assign+1'b1; end if (out_always_ref !== ( out_always_ref ^ out_always_dut ^ out_always_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out_always == 0) stats1.errortime_out_always = $time; stats1.errors_out_always = stats1.errors_out_always+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a decade counter that counts from 0 through 9, inclusive, with a period of 10. The reset input is active high synchronous, and should reset the counter to 0. module TopModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input reset, output reg [3:0] q ); always @(posedge clk) if (reset || q == 9) q <= 0; else q <= q+1; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg reset, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable, input tb_match ); task reset_test(input async=0); bit arfail, srfail, datafail; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk) reset <= 0; repeat(3) @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk) begin datafail = !tb_match ; reset <= 1; end @(posedge clk) arfail = !tb_match; @(posedge clk) begin srfail = !tb_match; reset <= 0; end if (srfail) $display("Hint: Your reset doesn't seem to be working."); else if (arfail && (async || !datafail)) $display("Hint: Your reset should be %0s, but doesn't appear to be.", async ? "asynchronous" : "synchronous"); // Don't warn about synchronous reset if the half-cycle before is already wrong. It's more likely // a functionality error than the reset being implemented asynchronously. endtask // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin reset <= 1; wavedrom_start("Synchronous reset and counting"); reset_test(); repeat(12) @(posedge clk); wavedrom_stop(); @(posedge clk); repeat(400) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin reset <= !($random & 31); end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic reset; logic [3:0] q_ref; logic [3:0] q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,reset,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .reset ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .reset, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .reset, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create 8 D flip-flops with active high synchronous reset setting the output to zero. All DFFs should be triggered by the positive edge of clk. module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input reset, output reg [7:0] q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input reset, output reg [7:0] q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input reset, output reg [7:0] q ); always @(posedge clk) if (reset) q <= 0; else q <= d; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg [7:0] d, output reg reset, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable, input tb_match ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask task reset_test(input async=0); bit arfail, srfail, datafail; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk) reset <= 0; repeat(3) @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk) begin datafail = !tb_match ; reset <= 1; end @(posedge clk) arfail = !tb_match; @(posedge clk) begin srfail = !tb_match; reset <= 0; end if (srfail) $display("Hint: Your reset doesn't seem to be working."); else if (arfail && (async || !datafail)) $display("Hint: Your reset should be %0s, but doesn't appear to be.", async ? "asynchronous" : "synchronous"); // Don't warn about synchronous reset if the half-cycle before is already wrong. It's more likely // a functionality error than the reset being implemented asynchronously. endtask initial begin reset <= 1; d <= $random; wavedrom_start("Synchronous active-high reset"); reset_test(); repeat(10) @(negedge clk) d <= $random; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(400) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin reset <= !($random & 15); d <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [7:0] d; logic reset; logic [7:0] q_ref; logic [7:0] q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,d,reset,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .d, .reset ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .d, .reset, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .d, .reset, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
One common place to see a replication operator is when sign-extending a smaller number to a larger one, while preserving its signed value. This is done by replicating the sign bit (the most significant bit) of the smaller number to the left. For example, sign-extending 4'b0101 (5) to 8 bits results in 8'b00000101 (5), while sign-extending 4'b1101 (-3) to 8 bits results in 8'b11111101 (-3). Build a circuit that sign-extends an 8-bit number to 32 bits. This requires a concatenation of 24 copies of the sign bit (i.e., replicate bit[7] 24 times) followed by the 8-bit number itself. module TopModule ( input [7:0] in, output [31:0] out );
module TopModule ( input [7:0] in, output [31:0] out );
module RefModule ( input [7:0] in, output [31:0] out ); assign out = { {24{in[7]}}, in }; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic [7:0] in ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [7:0] in; logic [31:0] out_ref; logic [31:0] out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,in,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .in, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .in, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Given five 1-bit signals (a, b, c, d, and e), compute all 25 pairwise one- bit comparisons in the 25-bit output vector. The output should be 1 if the two bits being compared are equal. Example: out[24] = ~a ^ a; out[23] = ~a ^ b; out[22] = ~a ^ c; ... out[ 1] = ~e ^ d; out[ 0] = ~e ^ e. module TopModule ( input a, input b, input c, input d, input e, output [24:0] out );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, input c, input d, input e, output [24:0] out );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, input c, input d, input e, output [24:0] out ); assign out = ~{ {5{a}}, {5{b}}, {5{c}}, {5{d}}, {5{e}} } ^ {5{a,b,c,d,e}}; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic a, b, c, d, e ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {a,b,c,d,e} <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic c; logic d; logic e; logic [24:0] out_ref; logic [24:0] out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,c,d,e,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b, .c, .d, .e ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .c, .d, .e, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .c, .d, .e, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Build a circuit that has two 3-bit inputs that computes the bitwise-OR of the two vectors, the logical-OR of the two vectors, and the inverse (NOT) of both vectors. Place the inverse of b in the upper half of out_not (i.e., bits [5:3]), and the inverse of a in the lower half. module TopModule ( input [2:0] a, input [2:0] b, output [2:0] out_or_bitwise, output out_or_logical, output [5:0] out_not );
module TopModule ( input [2:0] a, input [2:0] b, output [2:0] out_or_bitwise, output out_or_logical, output [5:0] out_not );
module RefModule ( input [2:0] a, input [2:0] b, output [2:0] out_or_bitwise, output out_or_logical, output [5:0] out_not ); assign out_or_bitwise = a | b; assign out_or_logical = a || b; assign out_not = {~b,~a}; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg [2:0] a, b, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin int count; count = 6'h38; {b, a} <= 6'b0; @(negedge clk); wavedrom_start(); repeat(30) @(posedge clk) {b, a} <= count++; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {b,a} <= $random; #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out_or_bitwise; int errortime_out_or_bitwise; int errors_out_or_logical; int errortime_out_or_logical; int errors_out_not; int errortime_out_not; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [2:0] a; logic [2:0] b; logic [2:0] out_or_bitwise_ref; logic [2:0] out_or_bitwise_dut; logic out_or_logical_ref; logic out_or_logical_dut; logic [5:0] out_not_ref; logic [5:0] out_not_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,out_or_bitwise_ref,out_or_bitwise_dut,out_or_logical_ref,out_or_logical_dut,out_not_ref,out_not_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .out_or_bitwise(out_or_bitwise_ref), .out_or_logical(out_or_logical_ref), .out_not(out_not_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .out_or_bitwise(out_or_bitwise_dut), .out_or_logical(out_or_logical_dut), .out_not(out_not_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out_or_bitwise) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out_or_bitwise", stats1.errors_out_or_bitwise, stats1.errortime_out_or_bitwise); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out_or_bitwise"); if (stats1.errors_out_or_logical) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out_or_logical", stats1.errors_out_or_logical, stats1.errortime_out_or_logical); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out_or_logical"); if (stats1.errors_out_not) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out_not", stats1.errors_out_not, stats1.errortime_out_not); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out_not"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_or_bitwise_ref, out_or_logical_ref, out_not_ref } === ( { out_or_bitwise_ref, out_or_logical_ref, out_not_ref } ^ { out_or_bitwise_dut, out_or_logical_dut, out_not_dut } ^ { out_or_bitwise_ref, out_or_logical_ref, out_not_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_or_bitwise_ref !== ( out_or_bitwise_ref ^ out_or_bitwise_dut ^ out_or_bitwise_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out_or_bitwise == 0) stats1.errortime_out_or_bitwise = $time; stats1.errors_out_or_bitwise = stats1.errors_out_or_bitwise+1'b1; end if (out_or_logical_ref !== ( out_or_logical_ref ^ out_or_logical_dut ^ out_or_logical_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out_or_logical == 0) stats1.errortime_out_or_logical = $time; stats1.errors_out_or_logical = stats1.errors_out_or_logical+1'b1; end if (out_not_ref !== ( out_not_ref ^ out_not_dut ^ out_not_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out_not == 0) stats1.errortime_out_not = $time; stats1.errors_out_not = stats1.errors_out_not+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
For each bit in an 8-bit vector, detect when the input signal changes from one clock cycle to the next (detect any edge). The output bit should be set the cycle after a 0 to 1 transition occurs. module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] in, output reg [7:0] anyedge );
module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] in, output reg [7:0] anyedge );
module RefModule ( input clk, input [7:0] in, output reg [7:0] anyedge ); reg [7:0] d_last; always @(posedge clk) begin d_last <= in; anyedge <= in ^ d_last; end endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, input tb_match, output reg [7:0] in, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin in <= 0; @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk) wavedrom_start(""); repeat(2) @(posedge clk); in <= 1; repeat(4) @(posedge clk); in <= 0; repeat(4) @(negedge clk); in <= 6; repeat(2) @(negedge clk); in <= 0; repeat(2) @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk) wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) in <= $random; $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_anyedge; int errortime_anyedge; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [7:0] in; logic [7:0] anyedge_ref; logic [7:0] anyedge_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,in,anyedge_ref,anyedge_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .in ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .in, .anyedge(anyedge_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .in, .anyedge(anyedge_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_anyedge) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "anyedge", stats1.errors_anyedge, stats1.errortime_anyedge); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "anyedge"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { anyedge_ref } === ( { anyedge_ref } ^ { anyedge_dut } ^ { anyedge_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (anyedge_ref !== ( anyedge_ref ^ anyedge_dut ^ anyedge_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_anyedge == 0) stats1.errortime_anyedge = $time; stats1.errors_anyedge = stats1.errors_anyedge+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create 8 D flip-flops with active high synchronous reset. The flip-flops must be reset to 0x34 rather than zero. All DFFs should be triggered by the negative edge of clk. module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input reset, output reg [7:0] q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input reset, output reg [7:0] q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input reset, output reg [7:0] q ); always @(negedge clk) if (reset) q <= 8'h34; else q <= d; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg [7:0] d, output reg reset, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable, input tb_match ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask task reset_test(input async=0); bit arfail, srfail, datafail; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk) reset <= 0; repeat(3) @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk) begin datafail = !tb_match ; reset <= 1; end @(posedge clk) arfail = !tb_match; @(posedge clk) begin srfail = !tb_match; reset <= 0; end if (srfail) $display("Hint: Your reset doesn't seem to be working."); else if (arfail && (async || !datafail)) $display("Hint: Your reset should be %0s, but doesn't appear to be.", async ? "asynchronous" : "synchronous"); // Don't warn about synchronous reset if the half-cycle before is already wrong. It's more likely // a functionality error than the reset being implemented asynchronously. endtask initial begin reset <= 1; d <= $random; @(negedge clk); @(negedge clk); wavedrom_start("Synchronous active-high reset"); reset_test(); repeat(10) @(negedge clk) d <= $random; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(400) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin reset <= !($random & 15); d <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [7:0] d; logic reset; logic [7:0] q_ref; logic [7:0] q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,d,reset,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .d, .reset ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .d, .reset, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .d, .reset, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Create 8 D flip-flops with active high asynchronous reset. The output should be reset to 0. All DFFs should be triggered by the positive edge of clk. module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input areset, output reg [7:0] q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input areset, output reg [7:0] q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input [7:0] d, input areset, output reg [7:0] q ); always @(posedge clk, posedge areset) if (areset) q <= 0; else q <= d; endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg [7:0] d, output areset, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable, input tb_match ); reg reset; assign areset = reset; // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask task reset_test(input async=0); bit arfail, srfail, datafail; @(posedge clk); @(posedge clk) reset <= 0; repeat(3) @(posedge clk); @(negedge clk) begin datafail = !tb_match ; reset <= 1; end @(posedge clk) arfail = !tb_match; @(posedge clk) begin srfail = !tb_match; reset <= 0; end if (srfail) $display("Hint: Your reset doesn't seem to be working."); else if (arfail && (async || !datafail)) $display("Hint: Your reset should be %0s, but doesn't appear to be.", async ? "asynchronous" : "synchronous"); // Don't warn about synchronous reset if the half-cycle before is already wrong. It's more likely // a functionality error than the reset being implemented asynchronously. endtask initial begin reset <= 1; d <= $random; @(negedge clk); @(negedge clk); wavedrom_start("Asynchronous active-high reset"); reset_test(1); repeat(7) @(negedge clk) d <= $random; @(posedge clk) reset <= 1; @(negedge clk) reset <= 0; d <= $random; repeat(2) @(negedge clk) d <= $random; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(400) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin reset <= !($random & 15); d <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic [7:0] d; logic areset; logic [7:0] q_ref; logic [7:0] q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,d,areset,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .d, .areset ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .d, .areset, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .d, .areset, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Implement a simple D flip flop with active high synchronous reset (reset output to 0). module TopModule ( input clk, input d, input r, output logic q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input d, input r, output logic q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input d, input r, output logic q ); always@(posedge clk) begin if (r) q <= 0; else q <= d; end endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic d, r ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin {d,r} <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic d; logic r; logic q_ref; logic q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,d,r,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .d, .r ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .d, .r, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .d, .r, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Implement a D flip flop, positive edge triggered, with an asynchronous reset "ar". module TopModule ( input clk, input d, input ar, output logic q );
module TopModule ( input clk, input d, input ar, output logic q );
module RefModule ( input clk, input d, input ar, output logic q ); always@(posedge clk or posedge ar) begin if (ar) q <= 0; else q <= d; end endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output logic d, ar ); initial begin repeat(100) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin {d,ar} <= $random; end #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_q; int errortime_q; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic d; logic ar; logic q_ref; logic q_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,clk,d,ar,q_ref,q_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .d, .ar ); RefModule good1 ( .clk, .d, .ar, .q(q_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .clk, .d, .ar, .q(q_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_q) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "q", stats1.errors_q, stats1.errortime_q); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "q"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { q_ref } === ( { q_ref } ^ { q_dut } ^ { q_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (q_ref !== ( q_ref ^ q_dut ^ q_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_q == 0) stats1.errortime_q = $time; stats1.errors_q = stats1.errors_q+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
Implement the circuit described by the Karnaugh map below. a bc 0 1 00 | 0 | 1 | 01 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 10 | 1 | 1 | module TopModule ( input a, input b, input c, output out );
module TopModule ( input a, input b, input c, output out );
module RefModule ( input a, input b, input c, output out ); assign out = (a | b | c); endmodule
`timescale 1 ps/1 ps `define OK 12 `define INCORRECT 13 module stimulus_gen ( input clk, output reg a, b, c, output reg[511:0] wavedrom_title, output reg wavedrom_enable ); // Add two ports to module stimulus_gen: // output [511:0] wavedrom_title // output reg wavedrom_enable task wavedrom_start(input[511:0] title = ""); endtask task wavedrom_stop; #1; endtask initial begin int count; count = 0; {a,b,c} <= 1'b0; wavedrom_start(); repeat(10) @(posedge clk) {a,b,c} <= count++; wavedrom_stop(); repeat(200) @(posedge clk, negedge clk) {c,b,a} <= $urandom; #1 $finish; end endmodule module tb(); typedef struct packed { int errors; int errortime; int errors_out; int errortime_out; int clocks; } stats; stats stats1; wire[511:0] wavedrom_title; wire wavedrom_enable; int wavedrom_hide_after_time; reg clk=0; initial forever #5 clk = ~clk; logic a; logic b; logic c; logic out_ref; logic out_dut; initial begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); $dumpvars(1, stim1.clk, tb_mismatch ,a,b,c,out_ref,out_dut ); end wire tb_match; // Verification wire tb_mismatch = ~tb_match; stimulus_gen stim1 ( .clk, .* , .a, .b, .c ); RefModule good1 ( .a, .b, .c, .out(out_ref) ); TopModule top_module1 ( .a, .b, .c, .out(out_dut) ); bit strobe = 0; task wait_for_end_of_timestep; repeat(5) begin strobe <= !strobe; // Try to delay until the very end of the time step. @(strobe); end endtask final begin if (stats1.errors_out) $display("Hint: Output '%s' has %0d mismatches. First mismatch occurred at time %0d.", "out", stats1.errors_out, stats1.errortime_out); else $display("Hint: Output '%s' has no mismatches.", "out"); $display("Hint: Total mismatched samples is %1d out of %1d samples\n", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); $display("Simulation finished at %0d ps", $time); $display("Mismatches: %1d in %1d samples", stats1.errors, stats1.clocks); end // Verification: XORs on the right makes any X in good_vector match anything, but X in dut_vector will only match X. assign tb_match = ( { out_ref } === ( { out_ref } ^ { out_dut } ^ { out_ref } ) ); // Use explicit sensitivity list here. @(*) causes NetProc::nex_input() to be called when trying to compute // the sensitivity list of the @(strobe) process, which isn't implemented. always @(posedge clk, negedge clk) begin stats1.clocks++; if (!tb_match) begin if (stats1.errors == 0) stats1.errortime = $time; stats1.errors++; end if (out_ref !== ( out_ref ^ out_dut ^ out_ref )) begin if (stats1.errors_out == 0) stats1.errortime_out = $time; stats1.errors_out = stats1.errors_out+1'b1; end end // add timeout after 100K cycles initial begin #1000000 $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish(); end endmodule
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

VerilogEvalv2 complete-iccad-2023 dataset from the VerilogEval paper. Paper: Revisiting VerilogEval: Newer LLMs, In-Context Learning, and Specification-to-RTL Tasks Repo:

Disclaimer: I am not the original author and uploaded this here only for convenience! Please refer to the original repo for any information.

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