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Ocean acidification was just it was a made up terminology used to scare people. And the people that did it have admitted to that.
We raised a lot of money and mobilized an awful lot of people, and we lost, plain and simple. We’re going to study what worked, what didn’t work and improve our efforts in the future. We’re not going to roll over and play dead.
Coal-based generation in the United States […] has increased 146% since 1970. And all these emissions have dropped off. Clean coal works. We have to implement it People need electric power. They need natural gas. And they need oil. And they’re going to get it. And they should have it.
Judaism cannot make peace with homosexuality because homosexuality denies many of Judaism’s most fundamental principles. It denies life, it denies God’s expressed desire that men and women cohabit, and it denies the root structure that Judaism wishes for all mankind, the family.
World Climate Report is a two-to-four page bi-weekly publication. Subscriptions are available at a price of $75 per year (24 issues). Please direct any subscription requests and/or questions and comments to:
Shale Resource Centre Canada () is a not-for-profit corporation focused on providing factual information about the responsible development of Canadian natural gas and oil from shale.  Funded by industry and supported by the facts, the is a clearing house for information from studies, scientists, economists and regulators so that anyone interested in understanding the promise and potential of shale development will have access to timely and factual information.
We are winning, and a couple of years ago, it didn’t seem possible,
So no I would not agree that it's a primary contributor to the global warming that we see. But we don't know that yet. We need to continue the debate and continue the review and the analysis.
I support sustainable forestry, which is sometimes best done by making clearings where new trees can grow in the sun. I have given my reasons for supporting nuclear power, vinyl and genetic engineering in my books, all of which stem from a concern for the environment and human welfare. And is Greenpeace suggesting environmentalists should be against “mining”? Have these people stopped riding bicycles, texting on cell phones, typing on laptops, and riding mass transit? How could they say anything more ridiculous?
It will be said, however, that the market response is wholly inadequate because it ignores the pressing needs of victims for medical and health services. This problem is all too real.  The issue is what, if anything, should be done about it.
How can this be AND the year also be the hottest on record! Simply put the correction algorithms used to compensate for the urban heat island effects are wrong. As are the majority if not all of the climate models used by the UN IPCC which do not take into account celestial cycles, cloud formation impacts of comic [sic] rays and numerous other parameters that are a bigger driver than CO2,
Some misguided scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long-term scientific data back in the late 1990’s to create an illusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental-extremism type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the ‘research’ to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims.
Should Michael Mann be given the electric chair for having concocted arguably the most risibly inept, misleading, cherry-picking, worthless and mendacious graph – the Hockey Stick – in the history of junk science Should George Monbiot be hanged by the neck for his decade or so’s hysterical promulgation of the great climate change scam and other idiocies too numerous to mention Should Tim Flannery be fed to the crocodiles for the role he has played in the fleecing of the Australian taxpayer and the diversion of scarce resources into pointless projects like all the eyewateringly expensive desalination plants built as a result of his doomy prognostications about water shortages caused by catastrophic anthropogenic global warming?
Regular readers of CO2 Science will recognize the significance we attach to documenting the existence of the Medieval Warm Period, Little Ice Age and Little Medieval Warm Period throughout the world, the reality of which periods of thermal extremes is typically denied by the world's climate alarmists. Strangely enough, however, evidence for these distinctive warm and cold periods continues to be discovered almost weekly, and at a variety of places around the globe, supporting our thesis that the Current Warm Period is more a product of planet-wide natural forces than of accelerating CO 2 -induced global warming.
When you read that the cost of disasters is increasing, it’s tempting to think that it must be because more storms are happening. They’re not.
Do you worry about the climate crisis when you charge your iPhone? Or the resources used and pollution created during the process to manufacture it?
We have had power stations blown up, bridges burned, electrical transmission towers collapsed, forest trails booby trapped with wired shotguns, attacks on forestry pesticide application crews, Forest Service officers shot to death and numerous other acts of violence in the name of the environment.
To inform and draw together all those who depend on tobacco products for their livelihood To help put forward the case for individual freedom to counter any moves that might further restrict the right of individuals to enjoy smoking. To help put the record straight by providing facts and figures, devoid of emotional comment, to Alliance supporters.
Yea how crazy it takes a genius to figure out that these climate change cultists can't figure out that the cost of everything is energy drivin. What? You mean my Starbucks coffee isn't grown in the Starbucks? It has to be trucked in? Lol kids
The State of the Union speech? Yeesh. The energy and climate stuff was disingenuous and dumb.
Some politicians might trick themselves into believing that enforcing privations on the British people will win them points abroad and enhance our global green credentials. But not only is this unlikely to convince anyone, considerable progress can be made on environmental goals without any punishing bans or new taxes.
For decades, conventional wisdom has been that America was in a state of decline. This drumbeat, repeated relentlessly, held that raw-material scarcity and resource consumption would doom America. Costs would inexorably rise and resources would become more scarce. Indeed costs did rise. But the truth is that the political class made it so. President Obama famously sought to reduce American access to natural resources, to massively raise gasoline prices and thereby reduce its use. Last night President Trump highlighted the folly of such thinking. One year of change has brought not only lower gas prices, but the president noted that the United States is now a net exporter of energy. Decades of poor policy tied up the American economic engine in reams of red tape. President Trump highlighted his efforts to free the people and unlock America’s awesome energy potential. The ultimate resource is a free people and we, the people, like it.
For if you own the dataset, you can reduce older temperatures and increase recent ones, just as NASA has been doing, and give the impression of greater warming. Naughty, naughty. more
Climate change crap has gotten out of control
Part One of this three-part series considered the evidence supporting horrific claims made about the unmarked graves recently found at former Indian Residential Schools across Canada. Upon closer investigation, many of these allegations turned out to be exaggerated, unproven or simply wrong.
This campaign to control climate by changing CO2 levels won’t achieve anything. It’s not there to control climate, it’s there to control you.
If CO2 is to be considered a major driver of temperatures, it is doing a counterintuitive dance around the numbers.
Climate will always fluctuate naturally.
The many objections from real scientists will be countered with fictitious claims of ‘consensus.’ (Should that, too, be questioned — based on studies that show widely divergent scientific opinions — the political formula calls for stonewalling.) Never mind that science proceeds from openly discussed logic and evidence. The scientifically illiterate will not understand and can be easily fooled with unsupportable claims that each succeeding year is the “warmest ever.
Unfortunately, global warming is an issue that is well suited to political demagoguery, which can be defined as pandering to misinformed voters and promising unrealistic solutions. Since opinion polls indicate a majority of the public believes warming is happening, politicians might think the safe strategy is to say ‘I believe global warming is a serious problem and I support measures to reduce global warming pollution by supporting renewable fuels and energy efficiency.’ Such politicians should be ‘outed’ for claiming to be smarter than scientists who have studied climate for many years and for using scare tactics to win elections.
While ostensibly exploring the nominee’s judicial temperament, Feinstein instead targeted Barrett’s fealty to Catholic teaching,
And indeed it is,” Lea commented. “As there seems to be little scientific agreement that mankind’s fossil-fuel burning is the major reason for climate change.
Although the increase of atmospheric CO2 is well documented, it has not yet resulted in a measureable change in the earth’s climate,
Real-world data does not show any hint of any form of the postulated greenhouse effect.
Any serious effort will be beset by vested interests — both people pleading for money for their pet projects, and the “green blob” seeking to lure the government into ever more interfering, meddling, regulating and taxing in the name of saving the planet. And nothing will ever be enough for Greta, who will continue to howl green murder.
The Paris climate treaty was just the latest step in the wrong direction, pushing hopes for water supply development still further out of reach for those who need it most. And the apparent focus of the World Health Organisation on climate change – rather than more primary healthcare needs – is symbolic of this abandonment of the poor.
Every turbine you put up has to have back-up electricity produced because the wind goes up and down, it is inconsistent Wind farms are totally useless environmentally. But there are people who are getting a vast amount of money just to put these things up. And who pays for them? The people who use the electricity in Britain. The more wind farms we put up the more electricity costs I’ve noticed the impact of wind farms on Country Durham, you can’t fail to Its not just me, I’ve worked with artists going around painting what these stunning landscapes would look like with these monsters going up. There’s a number of areas in Weardale and Teesdale where there are proposals in and they could happen. But I’m keeping up the campaigning.
There is no human activity whatsoever that does not generate CO2, and no plant can grow without a generous supply of CO2 in the atmosphere. More than any other substance on earth, production of CO2 measures human prosperity and plant growth.
The key features of the climate change debate are large degrees of uncertainty and a long time horizon. Although it is fairly well-established that the Earth’s atmosphere has warmed somewhat (one degree Fahrenheit) during the past century, it’s not clear why this happened. The warming may have been due to human impositions (the burning of fossil fuels and other incidents of industrial growth), or to natural solar or climate variations, or to some of each. Whatever the causes, we don’t know if future warming trends will be large or small, or whether the net environmental and economic consequences (including both beneficial and harmful effects) may be large or small.
So what’s the biggest lie one can conceive ? That the molecule we’re made of is warming the planet a little . Ergo , we need a Global State to reverse the prosperity of the last 2 centuries ith absolutely NO empirical evidence , indeed a great deal of fraud , and in denial of essential physics , the AlGoreWarmists despoil landscapes from horizon to horizon with economically unsustainable specially dispensated avian cuisinarts and other ‘crapitalist’ , ie: ‘crony capitalist’ , scams .
What’s so troubling about these potential regulations? For electricity consumers, the rules will undoubtedly lead to an uncertain future for coal, but clear ramifications for consumers: less fuel diversity and higher electricity costs. ’s actions have the potential to shutter hundreds of coal-fired power plants across the nation, forcing utilities to switch generation fuel and invest billions in upgrades and new facilities. All this means higher costs for ratepayers With coal producing over 40% of our nation’s electricity, limiting its potential will present a significant set of challenges that need to be carefully analyzed before we move forward with anything as ambitious as the President has outlined. … The President has laid out an aggressive plan – a plan that includes measures which will significantly and adversely affect electricity consumers across the United States for decades to come. Every homeowner, business, manufacturer and electricity consumer will undoubtedly feel the painful effects of higher energy costs under the President’s proposed plan. Congress must take an active oversight role in order to prevent these negative ramifications for our nation’s electricity consumers.
Also, as Peltier (2009) points out, the GRACE gravitational-anomaly record indicates that sea level has actually fallen in recent years.
As a result, at higher CO2 concentrations, plants can better cope under conditions of drought, thereby vastly improving their productivity and growth as opposed to conditions experienced under lower CO2.
While these forms of energy face challenges of cost and reliability, over time, additional research and development will bring prices down and deliver more reliable power—ultimately providing more clean energy to Americans. The government must phase out subsidies and reform its policies, which have fallen out of sync with the realities of their supply and the operation of power markets.
71% Of The US Has Been Below Normal Temperature Over The Past Year
they gave us 'global warming'. Now, they're hedging all bets & call it 'climate change'! It should be called 'climate might change'...
The surprising thing is that the Energy Balance estimates are very low compared to model-based estimates.
As we both know or should know carbon dioxide is plant food. Other nutrients are needed, but CO2 is a plant's only food, it cannot survive without it.
Another issue: most people die from cold deaths, not heat deaths. And so when temperatures increase, we’re going to see about 400,000 more heat deaths because of global warming by mid-century, you hear a lot about those, but you’re probably going to see 1.8 million fewer cold deaths.
Will higher stringency requirements deliver greater reductions? Unlikely. The challenge with the oil sands is that current technology is not yet available for deployment to a significant degree […] ill higher stringency requirements impact production and revenue? Very likely. Adding a regressive charge to the oil sands, one that bites harder at low prices than high prices, introduces additional cost and risk. This will impair recovery of marginal resource associated with existing projects. And make new projects less competitive from a portfolio perspective. And the higher costs associated with additional stringency can also impair the resources devoted to research.
What are the good and bad impacts of any global warming?
Then there's the issue of sea level change. Global warming and climate change are usually thought to mean that world sea levels will rise, perhaps disastrously. But according to US government scientific experts, in recent times (2010 and 2011, to be precise) phenomena driven by human carbon emissions have actually caused world sea levels to fall. According to a statement issued by the US National Science Foundation: For an 18-month period beginning in 2010, the oceans mysteriously dropped by about seven millimeters.
Repeal the Nevada RPS (Renewable Portfolio Standard) in its entirety. Because of the renewable mandates, Nevadans are required to expend far greater resources to deploy the same amount of energy. This is the very definition of economic inefficiency.   Repeal of the RPS will lead to higher living standards and faster job growth.
On June 2, the temperature in Stockholm rose only to 6C, the coldest high in 84 years. Earlier in the month one town recorded a temperature of 6C below zero the coldest June temperature in Sweden in 20 years. Snow even blanketed parts of northern Sweden.
Remember Cap and trade? Pushed by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid and praised by Mark Jacobs. Like Obama, Texas businessman Mark Jacobs said a Washington ‘cap and trade system works very well’ and ‘really hits the mark’ ut the plan would have exploded energy costs, hurt the economy, and even cost Americans jobs—up to 30,000 jobs in Iowa. Call Mark Jacobs. Tell him Iowa families can’t afford higher energy costs from Washington.
Having joined Friends of the Earth years before I ever joined the Conservatives, I have always been adamant about the need to conserve the environment. Yet, after reading this book, I wonder if global warming is really man-made. According to Singer and Avery, the climate is in constant flux – and the change has little to do with us.
I am weary of the way that the Climate Liars have browbeaten the whole Establishment into submission with their wild, fanciful panic about impending doom and their unhinged plans to plunge us into a new, literally dark age. Unlike many other commentators, I am not at all convinced that they have a point or deserve any sympathy.
Two aspects are particularly concerning,” the letter to the editor reads. “The first is that neither the quality bar that broadsheet newspapers regularly apply to scientific evidence, nor the simple concept of balance, appear to exist in all of your paper’s reporting on climate change (although we note, for example, that your coverage at the close of the Paris climate summit was both balanced and comprehensive). The second concern is that many of the sub-standard news stories and opinion pieces appear to concern, in some way, . Whether any newspaper should involve itself repeatedly with any pressure group is a matter for debate; it would be deeply perturbing to find that a paper as eminent as The Times could allow a small , particularly one whose sources of financing are unknown, a high degree of influence.
Climate change agenda is to rob & control industry, business, farms, food supply, you, what you eat, do & use with automatic deductions from bank accounts for exceeding carbon allowance & GM food in schools already in place? #TheGreatReset #NWO #Agenda2030 #DigitalCurrency #CBDC
Of course we must protect the planet, but not by taking Britain back to the dark ages,
Fear of Global warming – aka “climate change” – led to the adoption of numerous taxes, regulations, and subsidies aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Real-world observations and improved scientific methods, however, reveal the threat of global warming was exaggerated. Laws discouraging or restricting carbon dioxide emissions have almost zero impact on climate and temperature.
In the United States alone , influenza kills 36,000 people every year, which dwarfs all heat-dependent viruses and diseases combined.
Do not screw the commercial and social heartbeat of our economy to mollify the environmental lobby to pay off your post pandemic debt. The needs to recover big and fast, using incentives, not more punitive knee jerk draconian taxes.
It’s not clear that we are seeing unprecedented warming, and it’s definitely untrue that any warming trend can be assigned to human activities. Natural variations in climate are much more significant than any human activities.
The absurdity of the hysterical Climate change nutters is becoming clearer by the day.
Education may be the only thing people still believe in in the United States. To question education is really dangerous. It is the absolute taboo. It’s like telling the world there’s no Santa Claus.
The Earth has indeed warmed during the last few decades and may warm further in the future. But the pattern of climate change is not consistent with the greenhouse effect being the main cause.
The MWP lasted from about 950 to 1250AD, and temperature records appear to show it was even hotter than today.
Belief in climate change is proof positive of mental retardation. In my lifetime alone I was supposed to die of this or that climate emergency no less than three times. Only a mental midget continues to believe in the same lie over and over.
Climate alarmism validates the progressive impulse to micromanage others’ lives — their light bulbs, shower heads, toilets, appliances, automobiles, etc.
I don’t want you to cover me,” Krause said to the interviewer. “If you’re covering this rally, I’m leaving right now” she said. “I don’t do any media with The Rebel.
It would seem that this is highly unlikely [that the Antarctic ice sheet might melt due to global warming] given current and near-future levels of atmospheric CO2: at current rates of increase it will take a century at least to reach 600 ppm, the level at which the ice sheet formed itself, and higher levels would be needed to actually start it melting.
Fl under water yet?
I have not been afraid to take on the greens on everything, from fracking to GM foods, the badger cull, even bees!
Conspiracy theorists are 21-0. Climate change predictions are 0-42. I'm going with the Conspiracy theorists for now on!
As hurricanes are one of the leading causes of weather related damages in the U.S., and will likely remain so in the future, it is essential that any endangerment finding must recognize the complexity of this issue and that our best science currently suggests that our vulnerabilities largely arise from our climate and our behavior, rather than from human-induced climate change.
I fear that under net zero, cars will become a luxury; we will return to the world as it was before the 1960s, with the wealthy driving around on pleasantly empty roads, but with everyone else expected to take the bus […] That is simply cruel.
In the field of energy, as in every other field, that government is best which governs least. I advocate the abolition of the Department of Energy — whose annual budget is greater than the after-tax profits of all the major oil companies combined — and an immediate end to energy subsidies, price controls, and all government allocation programs. If we ended price controls and allocation programs, allowing prices to reflect real conditions of scarcity in the world today, there would be no shortages of oil and gas, and individuals would be free to conserve energy in way that they — not the authoritarian government — find agreeable. For decades now, government involvement in energy has lead [sic] to a steady, progressive worsening of our energy problems. Only a sharp move away from government domination and towards a truly free market in energy can solve our energy crisis — a crisis made in Washington.
Climate activism is a new power-play by the left, taking on a fanatical religious facade making manipulation of its followers even more assured.
Under the veneer of promoting environmental stewardship, ‘green’ pressure groups have dominated the European public policy debate on climate change, agriculture and forestry. In the name of nature for decades they exerted massive pressures on political actors and businesses. The effects of this dubious lobbying have spilled beyond the EU’s borders, now dictating development policies in emerging economies.
We are sick to death of environmentalism and so we will destroy it. We will not allow our right to own property and use nature’s resources for the benefit of mankind to be stripped from us by a bunch of eco-facists.
From Obamacare to Common Core, amnesty for illegals to unconstitutional gun control – the federal government has encroached on our liberty.
The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Because the Earth’s heat, rise to life. However, assigning blame for global warming is man abuse. The biggest greenhouse gas is water vapor coming from the evaporation of the oceans. Volcanic eruptions can throw as much CO2 into the atmosphere as the entire industrial age. ‘Human’ CO2 is only 0.25 percent. all emissions. So there is no logical connection between human activities and global warming.
They don't know it or think it but they are some of the most fervently religious people in the world Instead of God it's climate change Instead of communion it's abortion
People don’t drive climate; it’s the Sun. Instead of manning the barricades in defence of an implausible hypothesis, humanity would be better served if the Society were to lead an open-minded search for improved understanding of our ever-varying climate.
Easy answer: nuclear + petrochemicals. This will keep us going for at least the next hundred years and probably longer.
Now, they stopped making predictions and just call it "climate change"!
One is, I think it actually leads companies to be less successful over the long run. Milton Friedman made that case. I’ve made a revised case of it in my book, Margaret. That’s not even my main reason for being against it. My main reason for being against this trend of stakeholder capitalism, what you could also refer to as woke capitalism, is that it is a perversion of how a constitutional republic, a democratic society is supposed to work. What the model of stakeholder capitalism calls for us to say that, no, no, no, we the people, can’t be trusted to sort out our differences on climate change or on social justice, but that we have to actually trust an enlightened group of elites to determine for the rest of society what the right answers are to those questions. Using commerce as a vehicle to do it. And so you want to talk about threats to democracy. I think that’s pretty high on the list, actually. And that’s been the source of my criticism over the last several years.
So why do you own beachfront property if you are worried about climate change? Curious minds want to know.
One of the interesting — and troubling — things about the environmental movement is how completely policy disputes have been displaced by the culture-war model of politics,” Williamson said in CEI’s announcement of his new project When there’s a policy debate, there is room for compromise and consensus-building. When the same issue is presented as an apocalyptic confrontation between good and evil, there isn’t any room for cooperation,” he said And those of us who are interested in human flourishing with both robust economic development and a healthy environment are left with very little in the way of attractive alliances and practical policy options.
"Even if every American citizen biked to work, carpooled to school, used only solar panels to power their homes, if we each planted a dozen trees, if we somehow eliminated all of our domestic greenhouse gas emissions, guess what? That still wouldn't be enough to offset the carbon pollution coming from the rest of the world. If all the industrial nations went down to zero emissions it wouldn't be enough, not when more than 65 percent of the world's carbon pollution comes from the developing world."
At the end of the day I don't see immediate risk to my life as a result, Barack Obama buying sea front property makes me doubt climate change as he pushes rising sea levels so much
Incredibly, the much-publicized United Nations climate change report, which blames global warming on people, has no published science to back it up.
Unoccupied habitat is habitat that is not currently occupied by a listed species. To deal with the anticipated effects from climate change, the Service and NOAA Fisheries are proposing changes to their regulations that would vastly expand their authority to designate unoccupied areas as critical habitat. By changing a few words in a regulation, the Services would fundamentally alter the role that the designation of unoccupied areas has historically played in the ESA regulatory scheme Whatever one may think of the Services’ concern for the effects that climate change may have on critical habitat, their proposed changes to 50 CFR § 424.12 to deal with those effects exceed their authority under the ESA for the following reasons […]
Dave, if global warming is caused by man made CO2, what raised the temperature to bring us out of the last ice age 13,000 years ago? And all of the ice ages before that?
The UK is expecting the heaviest snow in about 20 years tomorrow. Snow and freezing weather threaten to shut down Britain. Arctic blizzards are set to cause a national shutdown on Monday as forecasters warn of the most widespread snowfall for almost 20 years. Now is the time you'd expect to see the daffodils coming out but we're not expecting them for two or three weeks at best if it warms up.
The clearest answer to the question of what we should do about climate change was offered by a man in hip waders who was filling sandbags to help with the flooding in Central Canada: adapt and mitigate,
George Pearson, a former member of the John Birch Society in Wichita, who served as Charles Koch’s political lieutenant during those years, expanded on this strategy in his own eye-opening paper. He suggested that libertarians needed to mobilize youthful cadres influencing academia in new ways. Traditional gifts to universities, he warned, didn’t guarantee enough ideological control. Instead, he advocated funding private institutes within prestigious universities, where donors could exert influence over hiring decisions and other academic matters while hiding the radicalism of their aims,
There isn't even evidence that our ability to adapt to the climate isn't faster than the rate of climate change.Dismissing that would be extremely bias. It's valid
This group of African American professionals formed the American Association of Blacks in Energy to ensure that minorities who had knowledge and understanding of U.S. energy issues could bring their thinking to bear on the development of energy and environmental policy,” The AABE’s 2009/2010 biennial report notes. It adds that the AABE’s mission continues to be ensuring “African Americans and other minorities have a voice in ongoing energy policy debates.
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