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Activision and Konami , who had previously worked together to make sure that the Guitar Hero series meets with Konami 's patents on music games , developed an arcade console version of the game , titled Guitar Hero Arcade , distributed to arcades in early 2009 . The game is completely based on the Guitar Hero III gameplay , but reducing some of the features such as the use of the Whammy bar , Star Power Button ( Star Power may only be activated by lifting the Guitar ) and Practice Modes , but keeping the ability to download new songs for the cabinet from the Internet . The arcade game has come under some scrutiny by the American Society of Composers , Authors and Publishers ( ASCAP ) , who believe the use of the game in arcades is equivalent to " public performances " and seek additional fees to be paid by operators of the game .
Zweig uncovers the roots of Marge 's fear : the moment she realized her father was not a pilot , but an apron @-@ wearing flight attendant , a job that was mostly reserved for women at the time . Her shame is eased when Zweig assures her that male flight attendants are now very common and that her father could be considered a pioneer . Marge also brings up memories of her grandmother poking her in the eye as a baby while playing airplane , a toy plane catching fire , and having a plane fire at her and her mother , but Zweig just ignores them . Before the therapist begins to question Marge 's marriage , Homer immediately takes Marge away and Marge manages to thank Zweig for helping her . Marge is finally cured of her fears , but when she and Homer attempt to fly on a plane again , the plane crashes into a lake .
Any athlete who jostles or obstructs another athlete , in a way that impedes his progress , should be disqualified from that event . However , if an athlete is pushed or forced by another person to run outside his lane , and if no material advantage is gained , the athlete should not be disqualified .
Seabrook , Andrea ( January 27 , 2008 ) . " Hackers Target Scientology Web Sites " . All Things Considered ( NPR ) . ( Radio broadcast )
Hindenburg was the last battlecruiser completed for the Imperial German Navy , and as such had a very short career . She was commissioned 10 May 1917 , and was fully operational by 20 October 1917 , too late to see any major action in World War I. On 17 November Hindenburg and Moltke , along with the light cruisers of the II Scouting Group , were acting as distant support for German minesweepers off the German coast when they were attacked by British battlecruisers . The raid was brief ; by the time Hindenburg and Moltke arrived on the scene , the British ships had broken off the attack and withdrawn . Six days later , Hindenburg replaced Seydlitz as flagship of the I Scouting Group . On 23 April 1918 , the ship took part in an abortive fleet advance into the North Sea that attempted to intercept an Allied convoy . Moltke sustained mechanical damage while en route , and as a result , Vice Admiral Hipper decided to cancel the operation . On 11 August , Hipper was promoted to Admiral and given command of the entire High Seas Fleet . Rear Admiral Ludwig von Reuter replaced Hipper as the commander of the I Scouting Group ; he raised his flag on Hindenburg the following day .
On 9 August , Saturday , the body was transferred to the Congress Building for an additional day of public viewing , and a memorial service attended by the entire Argentine legislative body . The next day , after a final Mass , the coffin was laid on a gun carriage pulled by CGT officials . It was followed by Peron , his cabinet , Eva 's family and friends , the delegates and representatives of the Partido Peronista Femenino — then workers , nurses and students of the Eva Peron Foundation . Flowers were thrown from balconies and windows .
I am an Advaitist and yet I can support Dvaitism ( dualism ) . The world is changing every moment , and is therefore unreal , it has no permanent existence . But though it is constantly changing , it has a something about it which persists and it is therefore to that extent real . I have therefore no objection to calling it real and unreal , and thus being called an Anekāntavadi or a Syādvadi . But my Syādvāda is not the Syādvāda of the learned , it is peculiarly my own . I cannot engage in a debate with them . It has been my experience that I am always true from my point of view , and am often wrong from the point of view of my honest critics . I know that we are both right from our respective points of view . And this knowledge saves me from attributing motives to my opponents or critics . The seven blind men who gave seven different descriptions of the elephant were all right from their respective points of view , and wrong from the point of view of one another , and right and wrong from the point of view of the man who knew the elephant . I very much like this doctrine of the manyness of reality . It is this doctrine that has taught me to judge a Musulman from his standpoint and a Christian from his . Formerly I used to resent the ignorance of my opponents . Today I can love them because I am gifted with the eye to see myself as others see me and vice versa . I want to take the whole world in the embrace of my love . My Anekāntavāda is the result of the twin doctrine of Satyagraha and ahiṃsā .
Hydnellum peckii can bioaccumulate the heavy metal caesium . In one Swedish field study , as much as 9 % of the total caesium of the topmost 10 cm ( 3 @.@ 9 in ) of soil was found in the fungal mycelium . In general , ectomycorrhizal fungi , which grow most prolifically in the upper organic horizons of the soil or at the interface between the organic and mineral layers , are involved in the retention and cycling of caesium @-@ 137 in organic @-@ rich forest soils .
Luis Lerma – bass
In , " Elementary , Dear Data " she challenges Lt. Cmdr Data to solve an original Sherlock Holmes mystery on the holodeck . He accepts her challenge , which results in the creation of a self @-@ aware hologram of Professor Moriarty ( Daniel Davis ) . Pulaski joins Data and Lieutenant Geordi La Forge ( LeVar Burton ) , but is captured by Moriarty who also takes over manual control of the Enterprise . Moriarty demands that they find a way to enable him to leave the holodeck , but is persuaded by Captain Jean @-@ Luc Picard ( Patrick Stewart ) to release control and be stored within the ship 's computer memory until a means can be found to grant his wish . ( Years later , Moriarty is released from the computer and takes control of the ship 's computer , again demanding his freedom . He is finally tricked into thinking that his wish was granted , but remains trapped inside a computer simulation ( " Ship in a Bottle " ) . )
Jifna contains one gender @-@ mixed primary school and kindergarten , founded by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in 1856 and managed by Jifna 's Catholic church . The school 's staff comprises eight teachers and two nuns , as well as four teachers for the kindergarten . Students who have graduated from the school commute to Ramallah or Bir Zeit daily for their secondary and tertiary education . Most university students attend the nearby Bir Zeit University .
Bern Nix – guitar
Japanese fox myths had its origins in Chinese mythology . Chinese folk tales tell of fox spirits called húli jīng ( Chinese : 狐狸精 ) that may have up to nine tails ( Kyūbi no Kitsune in Japanese ) . Many of the earliest surviving stories are recorded in the Konjaku Monogatarishū , an 11th @-@ century collection of Chinese , Indian , and Japanese narratives . The nine @-@ tailed foxes came to be adapted as a motif from Chinese mythology to Japanese mythology .
understanding of the formation of the rings of Jupiter ( by dust kicked up as interplanetary meteoroids which smash into the planet 's four small inner moons ) and observation of two outer rings and the possibility of a separate ring along Amalthea 's orbit ;
In March 2004 , he appeared in Tony Marchant 's Passer By , playing Joe Keyes , a man who witnesses a woman being accosted by some men on a train and chooses not to help . Keyes later discovers that the woman was raped but cannot bring himself to admit in court that he did nothing to help her . Nesbitt described Keyes as " like a better man than me : a good father and husband . But , once he has made a wrong decision , he can 't control everything in his life , as he thinks he is weak . He loses the respect of his wife , his son and at work , and has to reach the lowest possible point before finding redemption . " As a result of these serious roles , he was named the sixth most powerful figure in TV drama in a listing compiled by industry experts for the Radio Times . In September 2004 , he starred as Jack Parlabane in the ITV adaptation of Christopher Brookmyre 's Quite Ugly One Morning . The producers originally wanted Scottish actor Douglas Henshall to play Glaswegian Parlabane but ITV executives overruled them and cast Nesbitt . He was given coaching to perfect the accent but it was soon discarded on the advice of both the director and his co @-@ star Daniela Nardini . Also in 2004 , he filmed the roles of Ronnie Cunningham in Millions ( Danny Boyle , 2004 ) , and Detective Banner in Match Point ( Woody Allen , 2005 ) . He was considering taking time off from acting and did not really want the role in Match Point . He sent in an audition tape and was accepted for the part . Nesbitt 's character appears at the end of the film and he read only that part of the script , so did not know the full circumstances of the crime Banner investigates . Despite his initial reluctance , Nesbitt enjoyed working with Allen , and complimented him on his directing style .
The Fastra II was determined to be over three times faster than the Fastra I , which in turn was slightly faster than a 512 @-@ core cluster . However , because of the number of GPUs in the computer , the system initially suffered from several issues , like the system refusing to reboot and overheating due to a lack of space between the video cards .
Cerasinops - ( Montana , US )
The earliest known evidence of a human presence in what is now Oldham is attested by the discovery of Neolithic flint arrow @-@ heads and workings found at Werneth and Besom Hill , implying habitation 7 – 10 @,@ 000 years ago . Evidence of later Roman and Celtic activity is confirmed by an ancient Roman road and Bronze Age archaeological relics found at various sites within the town . Placenames of Celtic origin are still to be found in Oldham : Werneth derives from a Celtic personal name identical to the Gaulish vernetum , " alder swamp " , and Glodwick may be related to the modern Welsh clawdd , meaning " dyke " or " ditch " . Nearby Chadderton is also pre @-@ Anglo @-@ Saxon in origin , from the Old Welsh cadeir , itself deriving from the Latin cathedra meaning " chair " . Although Anglo @-@ Saxons occupied territory around the area centuries earlier , Oldham as a permanent , named place of dwelling is believed to date from 865 , when Danish invaders established a settlement called Aldehulme .
Iguanodon gives its name to the unranked clade Iguanodontia , a very populous group of ornithopods with many species known from the Middle Jurassic to the Late Cretaceous . Aside from Iguanodon , the best @-@ known members of the clade include Dryosaurus , Camptosaurus , Ouranosaurus , and the duck @-@ bills , or hadrosaurs . In older sources , Iguanodontidae was shown as a distinct family . This family traditionally has been something of a wastebasket taxon , including ornithopods that were neither hypsilophodontids or hadrosaurids . In practice , animals like Callovosaurus , Camptosaurus , Craspedodon , Kangnasaurus , Mochlodon , Muttaburrasaurus , Ouranosaurus , and Probactrosaurus were usually assigned to this family .
In one of Adorján 's books , GM Lajos Portisch opined that " at least two @-@ thirds of all ' tested ' openings give White an apparent advantage . " According to Portisch , for Black , " The root of the problem is that very few people know which are the openings where Black is really OK . Those who find these lines have nothing to fear , as Black is indeed OK , but only in those variations ! " Rowson considers this an important point , noting that " 1.d4 players struggle to get anywhere against main @-@ line Slavs and 1.e4 players find the Najdorf and Sveshnikov Sicilians particularly tough . "
Solitaires . These birds are so called because they always go alone . They are the size of a large Goose , and are white , with the tips of the wings and tail black . The tail feathers resemble those of an Ostrich ; the neck is long , and the beak is like that of a Woodcock , but larger ; the legs and feet like those of Turkeys . This bird has recourse to running , as it flies but very little .
Pernick and Wilder identify six major forces , which they call the six C ’ s , that are pushing clean technology into the mainstream and driving rapid growth and expansion : costs , capital , competition , China , consumers , and climate .
Technological advances began affecting sentence spacing methods . In 1941 , IBM introduced the Executive , a typewriter capable of proportional spacing — which had been used in professional typesetting for hundreds of years . This innovation broke the hold that the monospaced font had on the typewriter — reducing the severity of its mechanical limitations . By the 1960s , electronic phototypesetting systems ignored runs of white space in text . This was also true of the World Wide Web , as HTML normally ignores additional spacing , although in 2011 the CSS 2 @.@ 1 standard officially added an option that can preserve additional spaces . In the 1980s , desktop publishing software provided the average writer with more advanced formatting tools . By the late 20th century , literature on the written word had begun to adjust its guidance on sentence spacing .
Set in the mid @-@ 2060s , Thunderbirds is a follow @-@ up to the earlier Supermarionation productions Four Feather Falls , Supercar , Fireball XL5 and Stingray . It follows the exploits of International Rescue ( IR ) , a life @-@ saving organisation equipped with technologically @-@ advanced land , sea , air and space rescue craft ; these are headed by a fleet of five vehicles named the Thunderbirds and launched from IR 's secret base in the Pacific Ocean . The main characters are ex @-@ astronaut Jeff Tracy , the founder of IR , and his five adult sons , who pilot the Thunderbird machines .
The video begins with a man performing tricks with a yo @-@ yo in a white room , accompanied by shots showing Roberts in a " fashionable looking house " wearing a black silk dress . Then rapid shots show her in various other outfits , including a purple velvet dress , all the time showing the man performing tricks with the yo @-@ yo . As the chorus begins , Roberts is shown in the kitchen of the house , along with several women dancing with her . Another shot shows a man and a woman walking through a street embracing each other . This is later interspersed with shots of a fully clothed Roberts standing in a shower cubiclem getting increasingly wet . Roberts is shown leaving the house and seeing the man with whom she had danced with another woman . She returns to the house , and the man and Roberts are seen in the kitchen area with Roberts throwing a series of objects at him .
Two people were arrested by DeKalb County , Georgia police for using megaphones while stepping onto the surrounding street opposite of the church during a protest . The Atlanta Journal @-@ Constitution reported that five protesters were cited for " causing ' hazardous ' or ' offensive ' conditions " , and that eight motorists were pulled over by police and ticketed for excessive use of horns , after they honked while driving past the protest . The American Civil Liberties Union and Amnesty International are investigating the reaction of the police at the Atlanta protest . In contrast , a Los Angeles Police Department officer at the Los Angeles protest was widely praised after a video was uploaded to YouTube showing him acknowledging the demonstrators ' right to protest and encouraging them to stay on the sidewalk for their own safety .
A massive canal 80 feet ( 24 m ) wide and 6 feet ( 1 @.@ 8 m ) deep was also dug through the Caloosahatchee River ; when the lake rose too high , the excess water left through the canal to the Gulf of Mexico . Exotic trees were planted along the north shore levee : Australian pines , Australian oaks , willows , and bamboo . More than $ 20 million was spent on the entire project . Sugarcane production soared after the dike and canal were built . The populations of the small towns surrounding the lake jumped from 3 @,@ 000 to 9 @,@ 000 after World War II .
Under German occupation , the professions of Polish journalists and writers were virtually eliminated , as they had little opportunity to publish their work . The Underground State 's Department of Culture sponsored various initiatives and individuals , enabling them to continue their work and aiding in their publication . Novels and anthologies were published by underground presses ; over 1 @,@ 000 works were published underground over the course of the war . Literary discussions were held , and prominent writers of the period working in Poland included , among others , Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński , Leslaw Bartelski , Tadeusz Borowski , Tadeusz Boy @-@ Żeleński , Maria Dąbrowska , Tadeusz Gajcy , Zuzanna Ginczanka , Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz , future Nobel Prize winner Czesław Miłosz , Zofia Nałkowska , Jan Parandowski , Leopold Staff , Kazimierz Wyka , and Jerzy Zawieyski . Writers wrote about the difficult conditions in the prisoner @-@ of @-@ war camps ( Konstanty Ildefons Gałczyński , Stefan Flukowski , Leon Kruczkowski , Andrzej Nowicki and Marian Piechała ) , the ghettos , and even from inside the concentration camps ( Jan Maria Gisges , Halina Gołczowa , Zofia Górska ( Romanowiczowa ) , Tadeusz Hołuj , Kazimierz Andrzej Jaworski and Marian Kubicki ) . Many writers did not survive the war , among them Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński , Wacław Berent , Tadeusz Boy @-@ Żeleński , Tadeusz Gajcy , Zuzanna Ginczanka , Juliusz Kaden @-@ Bandrowski , Stefan Kiedrzyński , Janusz Korczak , Halina Krahelska , Tadeusz Hollender , Witold Hulewicz , Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski , Włodzimierz Pietrzak , Leon Pomirowski , Kazimierz Przerwa @-@ Tetmajer and Bruno Schulz .
In 2011 , Bosi started a new venture , the Fox & Grapes in Wimbledon . This new gastropub operates under the same philosophy as Hibiscus , and is a collaboration with brother Cedric and former sous chef at Hibiscus , Patrick Leano .
Andy says he volunteers at several organizations in order to get their free food at their events . He specifically identifies the Red Cross , which he says has " amazing cookies " , and Meals on Wheels , which he described as a " bonanza " .
Fast @-@ fading violets cover 'd up in leaves ;
In the US , the song entered at number 95 on the US Billboard Hot 100 singles chart for the chart issue dated April 30 , 2005 . In its fifth week of charting it moved to number 83 on May 28 . After several weeks of ascending the chart , " Cater 2 U " peaked at number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the week ending August 13 , 2005 . On the Hot R & B / Hip @-@ Hop Songs the song entered the top ten of the chart at number six in its 19th week of charting on July 9 , 2005 . It became the band 's fourth top ten single from Destiny Fulfilled and the group 's twelfth top ten song . On the chart issue dated July 30 , 2005 , " Cater 2 U " moved from the position of four to three which became its peak and stayed there for three additional consecutive weeks . With that feat , it became the second single from Destiny Fulfilled and the group 's seventh overall top five single on the Hot R & B / Hip @-@ Hop Songs chart . The Recording Industry Association of America ( RIAA ) certified the single gold on December 13 , 2005 for shipment of 500 @,@ 000 digital copies in the US . Its ringtone was further certified platinum on June 14 , 2006 for selling 1 @,@ 000 @,@ 000 copies .
Clay called for rotation but the aircraft sped off the end of the runway before it could lift off . It then struck a low earthen wall adjacent to a ditch , becoming momentarily airborne , clipped the airport perimeter fence with its landing gear , and smashed into trees , separating the fuselage and flight deck from the tail . The aircraft struck the ground about 1 @,@ 000 feet ( 300 m ) from the end of the runway . Forty @-@ nine of the 50 people on board perished in the accident ; most of them died instantly in the initial impact . The resulting fire destroyed the aircraft .
In June 1963 , MIT received a $ 2 @.@ 2 million grant from the newly created Advanced Research Projects Agency ( later known as DARPA ) . The money was used to fund project MAC which subsumed the " AI Group " founded by Minsky and McCarthy five years earlier . DARPA continued to provide three million dollars a year until the 70s . DARPA made similar grants to Newell and Simon 's program at CMU and to the Stanford AI Project ( founded by John McCarthy in 1963 ) . Another important AI laboratory was established at Edinburgh University by Donald Michie in 1965 . These four institutions would continue to be the main centers of AI research ( and funding ) in academia for many years .
The detailed engineering of the design was implemented at Larsen & Toubro 's submarine design center at their Hazira shipbuilding facility . Tata Power SED built the control systems for the submarine . The steam turbines and associated systems integrated with the reactor were supplied by Walchandnagar Industries . The lead vessel underwent a long and extensive process of testing after its launch in July 2009 . The propulsion and power systems were tested with high @-@ pressure steam trials followed by harbor @-@ acceptance trials that included submersion tests by flooding its ballast tanks and controlled dives to limited depths . INS Arihant 's reactor went critical for the first time on 10 August 2013 . On 13 December 2014 , the submarine set off for its extensive sea trials .
The writers ensured that although they were changing the storyline circumstances , the characters remained the same with minimal changes to their personalities . According to series writer Matt Berry , the time jump allowed the writers to work with the characters " without most of the baggage they ’ d accumulated in the earlier years , and put them into starting places so we could move them forward and build in new story arcs . " For this reason , the writers treated the season premiere as a pilot , in which , according to Daily , they " could give the women a new drive . " Daily identified the Susan character as having undergone the greatest change , stating that she has given up on looking for a " fairy @-@ tale romance " and is emotionally distant in her new relationship . He also stated that the character of Gabrielle has dealt with the biggest change in terms of her circumstances , as she continues to deal with her husband 's blindness and their financial problems . Actress Eva Longoria had to gain weight and wear additional body padding for her character 's new storyline . Dana Delany stated that her character , Katherine , who was portrayed as an antiheroine in the previous season , is more relaxed following the time jump . However , Delany clarified that while Katherine is now friends with the other characters , she and Bree would become frenemies as a result of their business partnership . Nicollette Sheridan , commented that Edie , who played an integral role in the season 's mystery story arch , is " a lot more conscientious about things [ this season ] , without losing her comedic edge . "
Season 3 premiered on May 13 , 2012 after vague details surfaced about the show 's spring return on the Twitter account of sister wife Robyn Sullivan Brown . The twenty one episode season mainly dealt with the family 's inability to be a cohesive unit while living in four separate homes . Meri explains more about the infertility problems she has experienced , while Christine discloses more on her jealousy of Robyn . The season returned from hiatus on November 18 , 2012 , to the Brown family still discussing their options into moving their family onto one property , and invest in a cul @-@ de @-@ sac where they can build four homes . It is more evident this season that living in separate homes is tearing the family apart . Towards the end of the season , the family plans a three @-@ day trip to Nauvoo , Illinois , the birthplace of American polygamy . In the last episode on December 30 , 2012 , the family also deals with the upcoming departure to college of the eldest Brown child , Logan .
Toniná 's history comes into focus in the Late Classic , when its historical record is more fully represented by hieroglyphic texts . In 633 K 'inich Hix Chapat is recorded as installing two subordinate lords but little else is known of his reign , although he was probably enthroned in 595 . The last mention of K 'inich Hix Chapat is in a monument dated to 665 that appears to be a memorial stone .
It is certain that most of the Christian residents of Jifna in the 12th century were local inhabitants . Apart from local Christians there was also a Frankish settlement , as is attested by the ruins of a maison forte ( manor ) built in the lower part of the village . In Jifna , like in many other sites in Palestine , the Crusaders built their settlement in the heart of the local Christian settlement .
Rogue Galaxy Premium Arrange ( 2006 ) – with many others
Effects were less severe in New Hampshire and Vermont . In southern New Hampshire , a line of thunderstorms produced torrential rainfall , causing flooding on parts of New Hampshire Route 13 . Flash flooding of several tributaries feeding into the Piscataquog River was reported . In Maine , the storm brought high winds and heavy rain . Along the coast of southern Maine and New Hampshire , beach erosion was reported . Additionally , minor flooding was reported across the region , as a result of heavy surface runoff and small ice jams . In Rhode Island , the power outages were the worst since Hurricane Bob of the 1991 Atlantic hurricane season . Throughout the state , approximately 40 @,@ 000 customers were without electric power . As with Massachusetts , downed trees and property damage were widespread . There were many reports of roof shingles being blown off roofs and of damage to gutters . In Warwick , several small boats were damaged after being knocked into other boats . The highest reported wind gust in the state was 74 miles per hour ( 119 km / h ) at Ashaway , Rhode Island . Statewide damage totaled about $ 5 million .
Throughout the mid and late 1990s , Fowler was widely considered to be the most natural finisher playing in England . Fowler sealed this reputation as he scored more than 30 goals for three consecutive seasons , up to 1997 . He remains the only player to have scored 30 plus goals in his first three full seasons in England scoring 98 goals with a total of 116 in 3 and a half years , something which has also yet to be beaten in La Liga , Seria A and the Bundesliga too . Fowler 's partnership with Steve McManaman was largely described as the reason why Liverpool had become the club known for being the most potent attacking force in England at the time , and Fowler was renowned for scoring goals of all varieties , from every angle and distance , with McManaman describing him as the " greatest goalscorer of all time . "
Federer has been regarded by many pundits , coaches , and past and present players as the greatest tennis player of all time . He dominated the game at his peak and has more Grand Slam tournament titles ( 17 ) than any other men 's singles player . He is also the first men 's singles player to have reached 10 consecutive Grand Slam tournament finals and a total of 27 Grand Slam finals . He spent the most amount of time in the Open Era at the top of the ATP Rankings ( 302 weeks ) . He also holds the record for the most titles ( 6 ) at the year @-@ end tournament , where only the year @-@ end 8 highest @-@ ranked players participate . Federer has been ranked among the top 8 players in the world continuously since 14 October 2002
An estimated 500 @,@ 000 burn injuries receive medical treatment yearly in the United States . They resulted in about 3 @,@ 300 deaths in 2008 . Most burns ( 70 % ) and deaths from burns occur in males . The highest incidence of fire burns occurs in those 18 – 35 years old , while the highest incidence of scalds occurs in children less than five years old and adults over 65 . Electrical burns result in about 1 @,@ 000 deaths per year . Lightning results in the death of about 60 people a year . In Europe , intentional burns occur most commonly in middle aged men .
In most Asomtavruli letters , straight lines are horizontal or vertical and meet at right angles . The only letter with acute angles is Ⴟ ( ჯ jani ) . There have been various attempts to explain this exception . Georgian linguist and art historian Helen Machavariani believes jani derives from a monogram of Christ , composed of the Ⴈ ( ი ini ) and Ⴕ ( ქ kani ) . According to Georgian scholar Ramaz Pataridze , the cross @-@ like shape of letter jani indicates the end of the alphabet , and has the same function as the similarly shaped Phoenician letter taw ( ) , Greek chi ( Χ ) , and Latin X , though these letters do not have that function in Phoenician , Greek , or Latin .
Feroz Shah ordered Hindu temples at Varanasi destroyed in 1376 .
" Cater 2 U " was written by band members Beyoncé , Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams along with Rodney " Darkchild " Jerkins , Ricky " Ric Rude " Lewis and Robert Waller . The production was handled by Beyoncé , Rude and Jerkins with the band members also serving as the vocal producers . The song was recorded in 2004 at Sony Music Studios in New York City with guidance from Jeff Villanueva and Jim Caruna . The audio mixing was done by Tony Maserati while the mastering was finished by Tom Coyne .
P. concolor holds the Guinness record for the animal with the greatest number of names , with over 40 in English alone .
As a combat flight simulator , Jane 's Attack Squadron allows players to pilot military aircraft in a three @-@ dimensional ( 3D ) graphical environment . The game is set in Western Europe during World War II ; and players may control fifteen German and Allied planes from the era , including the Focke @-@ Wulf Fw 190 , Supermarine Spitfire , Junkers Ju 88 , Avro Lancaster and Consolidated B @-@ 24 Liberator . Although dogfights are possible , the game places a heavy focus on air @-@ to @-@ ground combat . Objectives range from bombing and torpedo runs to defense and escort missions . The player may engage in tutorials , " quick missions " , " single missions " and a campaign . Quick missions allow the player to select variables such as the objective and the number of friendly and enemy aircraft , while single missions , of which there are five , are scripted , " pre @-@ made " levels . Two campaigns are available : one each for the Allies and Germans . Both campaigns feature ten missions that branch depending on the outcome achieved by the player . An online multiplayer component allows players to engage in dogfights .
A burn is a type of injury to skin , or other tissues , caused by heat , cold , electricity , chemicals , friction , or radiation . Most burns are due to heat from hot liquids , solids , or fire . Among women in many areas of the world the risk is related to the use of open cooking fires or unsafe cook stoves . Alcoholism and smoking are other risk factors . Burns can also occur as a result of self harm or violence between people .
Filming of You Only Live Twice lasted from July 1966 to March 1967 . The film was shot primarily in Japan . Himeji Castle in Hyōgo was depicted as Tanaka 's ninja training camp . His private transportation hub was filmed at the Tokyo Metro 's Nakano @-@ shimbashi Station . As of 2011 , many of the fixtures in the station are unchanged from the time of filming .
Finn Hudson ( Cory Monteith ) is exhausted by his extra @-@ curricular activities , so Terri gives him pseudoephedrine tablets , which Finn shares with the rest of the males in the glee club . The effects of the tablets enhance their performance , and they give an energetic mash @-@ up of " It 's My Life and " Confessions Part II " . When Kurt Hummel ( Chris Colfer ) tells the girls the secret behind the boys ' performance , they , too , request the tablets from Terri , and give a high @-@ spirited mash @-@ up of " Halo " and " Walking On Sunshine " . Finn and Rachel Berry ( Lea Michele ) feel guilty for cheating , however , and agree to nullify the competition . When Principal Figgins ( Iqbal Theba ) learns what has happened , he fires Terri and , angry with Will , appoints Sue as co @-@ director of the glee club .
Monument 8 dates to the reign of Ruler 2 . It marks the period ending of 682 and shows the presentation of three war captives .
The location chosen for the operation was between the headland of Gaba Tepe and the Fisherman 's Hut , three miles ( 4 @.@ 8 km ) to the north . Landing at dawn after a naval gunfire bombardment , the first troops were to seize the lower crests and southern spurs of Hill 971 . The second wave would pass them to capture the spur of Hill 971 , especially Mal Tepe . There they would be positioned to cut the enemy 's lines of communications to the Kilid Bahr Plateau , thus preventing the Turks from bringing reinforcements from the north to the Kilid Bahr Plateau during the attack by the British 29th Division which would advance from a separate beachhead further south @-@ west . The capture of Mal Tepe was " more vital and valuable than the capture of the Kilid Bahr Plateau itself . "
camp of pneumonia .
Jim Macpherson – drums
By 14 February , the Allied troops had withdrawn into a small perimeter around the city . The 8th Division were holding a position 2 miles ( 3 @.@ 2 km ) east of the city , centred upon the axis of the Holland Road , with its headquarters at Tanglin Barracks . With the Japanese gaining ground to their north and south through the porous lines of the Indian 44th and British 54th Brigades , the situation became critical . Threatened with being cut off , Anketell began to plan a last stand ; moving forward to survey the situation he was badly wounded by mortar and small arms fire and after being evacuated to Alexandra Hospital , died of his wounds late in the evening of 14 February . Despite his loss , the battalion kept on fighting to the very end , sending out patrols throughout the following day and severely mauling a Japanese vehicle convoy that came too close to their position . Late on 15 February , the British commander , Lieutenant General Arthur Percival gave the order to surrender . The physical process of the surrender was slow , and despite orders to surrender weapons and ammunition , the men proceeded to destroy the majority of their equipment the following morning , before the Japanese arrived . Later , they were marched to Changi prison , during which several men from the battalion attempted to escape after the Japanese began executing several prisoners ; one , the regimental sergeant major , Fred Airey , successfully made it to Sumatra but was later recaptured there , while another , Private Les McCann , remained on the run for eight days before being recaptured after collapsing from bullet wounds he had received during the attempt .
Centrosaurus - ( Alberta , Canada )
Some of Balliett 's " real @-@ world ideas " in Chasing Vermeer were " Do coincidences mean anything ? " and " What is art and what makes it valuable ? " Balliett says her " central message " is " kids are powerful thinkers , and their ideas are valuable , and that adults don 't have all the answers . "
" Hip Hop Star "
World Health Organization : 20 µg / L
Aston Villa are one of the oldest and most successful football clubs in the history of English football . Villa won the 1981 – 82 European Cup , and are thus one of five English clubs to win what is now the UEFA Champions League . They have the fifth highest total of major honours won by an English club , having won the First Division Championship seven times , the FA Cup seven times , the Football League Cup five times , and the European Cup and UEFA Super Cup double in 1982 .
With the establishment of the Minnesota Territory in 1848 and the treaty of 1851 waves of immigrants from the U.S. and Europe came to the territory rapidly changing the demographics . Even as these changes occurred in many areas the vagueness of the racial divisions between " Indians " and " whites " persisted . As late as 1857 it was common practice in some jurisdictions for men to be allowed to vote based on whether or not they were wearing European clothing . According to some observers natives at a given polling location would share a single pair of trousers each wearing them only long enough to cast a ballot .
From 1947 to 1960 the country seems to have been divided into three major military regions : Cluj , Bacău , and Bucharest in the west , east , and south , respectively . In wartime the land forces in each military region would become an army corps with their headquarters in Cluj @-@ Napoca , Iaşi , and Bucharest . Armies seem to have succeeded military regions in 1960 , and three armies seem to have become four in 1980 . What is known is that on 01 @.@ 07 @.@ 1947 Fourth Army became 3rd Military Region , based in Cluj . The 3rd Military Region became the 3rd Army on 30 April 1960 , and the 4th Army on 5 April 1980 .
In mid @-@ September , Nixon 's running mate Spiro Agnew went on the offensive against Humphrey ; he referred to the Vice President as being " soft on Communism , " along with softness on inflation , and " law and order , " comparing him to former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain . At this time , Nixon sent his adviser , former Governor William Scranton of Pennsylvania , on a fact finding trip to Europe to gather intelligence on Western alliance and Soviet issues . In response to Humphrey 's calls for a face to face debate , Nixon remarked : " Before we can have a debate between Nixon and Humphrey , Humphrey 's got to settle his debate with himself . " Nixon campaigned in San Francisco , in front of 10 @,@ 000 supporters amidst an array of protests . The candidate took on the protesters first hand , and delivered his " forgotten American " speech , declaring that election day would be " a day of protest for the forgotten American , " a group which included those that " obey the law , pay their taxes , go to church , send their children to school , love their country and demand new leadership . " By month 's end , many in the Nixon campaign believed his election was guaranteed , beginning to prepare for the transition period , despite Nixon 's warning that " the one thing that can beat us now is overconfidence . " Gallup showed Nixon leading Humphrey 43 % to 28 % at the end of September .
Romania abolished compulsory military service on October 23 , 2006 . This came about due to a 2003 constitutional amendment which allowed the parliament to make military service optional . The Romanian Parliament voted to abolish conscription in October 2005 , with the vote formalising one of many military modernisation and reform programmes that Romania agreed to when it joined NATO in March 2004 .
The site 's history and background is given , along with commentary from Wikipedia founders Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger . Commentators that appear in the film include author Howard Zinn , Len Downie of The Washington Post , Bob Schieffer of CBS News , former Encyclopædia Britannica chief Robert McHenry and former Central Intelligence Agency director James Woolsey . The documentary discusses incidents that shed a negative light on Wikipedia , including the Essjay controversy and the Wikipedia biography controversy .
In 1795 Poland ceased to exist as an sovereign nation and throughout the 19th century remained partitioned by degrees between Prussian , Austrian and Russian empires . Not until the end of World War I was independence restored and the nation reunited , although the drawing of boundary lines was , of necessity , a contentious issue . Independent Poland lasted for only 21 years before it was again attacked and divided among foreign powers .
There are two versions of the song " You Only Live Twice " , sung by Nancy Sinatra , one directly from the movie soundtrack , and a second one for record release arranged by Billy Strange . The movie soundtrack song is widely recognised for its striking opening bars and oriental flavour , and was far more popular on radio . The record release made No. 44 on the Billboard charts in the USA , No. 11 in UK . Both versions of the title song are available on CD .
For the game , Julio Jones set a school record with 221 receiving yards , eclipsing the previous mark of 217 yards set by David Palmer against Vanderbilt in 1993 . Ingram and Richardson finished with 88 and 119 yards on the ground respectively . For his performance , left tackle James Carpenter was selected as the SEC Offensive Lineman of the Week . With his 117 yards on 14 carries , Tauren Poole ended Alabama 's 41 @-@ game streak of not allowing a 100 @-@ yard rusher dating back to BenJarvus Green @-@ Ellis 's 131 yard performance for Ole Miss in 2007 . The game also marked the first between Nick Saban and Derek Dooley who previously worked for Saban as an assistant coach at LSU and with the Miami Dolphins . The victory improved Alabama 's all @-@ time record against the Volunteers to 47 – 38 – 7 ( 48 – 37 – 8 without NCAA vacations and forfeits ) .
On September 25 , 2001 , Jordan announced his return to the NBA to play for the Washington Wizards , indicating his intention to donate his salary as a player to a relief effort for the victims of the September 11 , 2001 attacks . In an injury @-@ plagued 2001 – 02 season , he led the team in scoring ( 22 @.@ 9 ppg ) , assists ( 5 @.@ 2 apg ) , and steals ( 1 @.@ 42 spg ) . However , torn cartilage in his right knee ended Jordan 's season after only 60 games , the fewest he had played in a regular season since playing 17 games after returning from his first retirement during the 1994 – 95 season . Jordan started 53 of his 60 games for the season , averaging 24 @.@ 3 points , 5 @.@ 4 assists , and 6 @.@ 0 rebounds , and shooting 41 @.@ 9 % from the field in his 53 starts . His last seven appearances were in a reserve role , in which he averaged just over 20 minutes per game .
Briggs was nominated to run for the governorship on the Whig ticket against the incumbent Democrat Marcus Morton in 1843 . Former Governor John Davis had been nominated first , but refused the nomination , possibly because Daniel Webster promised him party support for a future vice presidential bid . Briggs was apparently recommended as a compromise candidate acceptable to different factions within the party ( one controlled by Webster , the other by Abbott Lawrence ) . He was also probably chosen to appeal more directly to the state 's rural voters , a constituency that normally supported Morton . The abolitionist Liberty Party also fielded a candidate , with the result that none of the candidates won the needed majority . The legislature decided the election in those cases ; with a Whig majority there , Briggs ' election was assured . Briggs was reelected annually until 1850 against a succession of Democratic opponents . He won popular majorities until the 1849 election , even though third parties ( including the Liberty Party and its successor , the Free Soil Party ) were often involved . Although Whigs had a reputation for aristocratic bearing , Briggs was much more a man of the people than the preceding Whig governors , John Davis and Edward Everett .
WASP @-@ 44 is a G @-@ type star in constellation Cetus that has the Jupiter @-@ size planet WASP @-@ 44b in orbit . The star is slightly less massive and slightly smaller than the Sun ; it is also slightly cooler , but is more metal @-@ rich . The star was observed by SuperWASP , an organization in search of planets , starting in 2009 ; manual follow @-@ up observations used WASP @-@ 44 's spectrum and measurements of its radial velocity led to the discovery of the transiting planet WASP @-@ 44b . The planet and its star were presented along with WASP @-@ 45b and WASP @-@ 46b on May 17 , 2011 by a team of scientists testing the idea that Hot Jupiters tend to have circular orbits , an assumption that is made when the orbital eccentricity of such planets are not well @-@ constrained .
AML is treated initially with chemotherapy aimed at inducing a remission ; people may go on to receive additional chemotherapy or a hematopoietic stem cell transplant . Recent research into the genetics of AML has resulted in the availability of tests that can predict which drug or drugs may work best for a particular person , as well as how long that person is likely to survive . The treatment and prognosis of AML differ from those of chronic myelogenous leukemia ( CML ) in part because the cellular differentiation is not the same ; AML involves higher percentages of dedifferentiated and undifferentiated cells , including more blasts ( myeloblasts , monoblasts , and megakaryoblasts ) .
Harrison confessed that it was not easy for him to come up with the lyrics to " Crazy in Love " in that length of time . Two hours later , he had penned the verses and the hook in spite of being hung over . Harrison had also made provision for a backing track ; he played all the instruments on the track . The bridge was written by Beyoncé , who was inspired by looking at herself in the mirror ; she was not wearing matching clothes and her hair was untidy as she kept saying , " I 'm looking so crazy right now . " Harrison sang back to her and said , " That 's the hook . " It also inspired the title of the song . After that Beyoncé had filled up the middle eight , she came up with the catchphrase - " Uh @-@ oh , uh @-@ oh , you know " - alongside Harrison .
The war film Attack on the Iron Coast was released in 1968 and was a highly fictionalized version of the raid .
Forest covers about 12 @.@ 6 % of the country , most of it designated for commercial production . Forested areas typically consist of monoculture plantations of non @-@ native species , which may result in habitats that are not suitable for supporting native species of invertebrates . Remnants of native forest can be found scattered around the island , in particular in the Killarney National Park . Natural areas require fencing to prevent over @-@ grazing by deer and sheep that roam over uncultivated areas . Grazing in this manner is one of the main factors preventing the natural regeneration of forests across many regions of the country .
Tropical Depression One @-@ E moved slowly to the northwest while strengthening slowly due to easterly vertical wind shear . The depression was upgraded to Tropical Storm Alma on May 14 . The storm quickly strengthened once the vertical wind shear relaxed and was near hurricane force by the morning of May 15 . Hurricane Alma reached its peak intensity early on May 16 with maximum sustained winds of 85 mph ( 135 km / h ) . The hurricane entered an area of southwesterly wind shear caused by an upper @-@ level ridge of high pressure . The increasing vertical wind shear and cooler water caused Alma to weaken to a tropical storm . On May 17 , the storm continued to weaken and became a depression . The next day , the system dissipated as a tropical cyclone well west of mainland Mexico . Alma became the earliest named storm and hurricane in the satellite era in the east Pacific proper .
The Sovereign was unusual because the casing was made from pressed steel , which gave it a much higher quality feel compared to injection moulded plastic . This allowed a variety of paint and plating options , including black painted , chrome @-@ plated , silver @-@ plated , and gold @-@ plated , and a limited edition silver @-@ plated version , inscribed to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II in 1977 , were also produced . Asprey of London was rumoured to have produced two Sovereigns in solid gold , costing GB £ 2 @,@ 750 each .
Born 8 July 1948 in Lampang , Thailand , Saprang graduated from the 7th Class of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School ( AFAPS ) and the 18th Class of the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy . His classmates included General Paisan Katanyu ( appointed Deputy Army Commander after the coup ) , Admiral Bannawit Kengrien ( appointed to the National Legislative Assembly after the coup , and leader of its Suvarnabhumi Airport committee ) , and General Lertrat Rattavanich . He later graduated from the 43rd class of the National Defence College of Thailand in 2001 . His NDC thesis concerned the role of military forces in the control of illegal narcotics . His NDC classmates included Kraisi Karnasuta , governor of state energy company EGAT .
Algernon Moncrieff — Allan Aynesworth
Fort Abercrombie was built in 1858 on the Red River at what is now the border between Minnesota and North Dakota near modern McCauleyville . The fort had to be moved soon afterward because of flooding problems . It was created to spur settlement of the Red River Valley , protect steamboat traffic on the river , and protect wagon trains travelling to Montana .
Stibine can also be produced by treating Sb3 + salts with hydride reagents such as sodium borohydride.Stibine decomposes spontaneously at room temperature . Because stibine has a positive heat of formation , it is thermodynamically unstable and thus antimony does not react with hydrogen directly .
Liu Kang was the hero of the comic book adaptation of the Mortal Kombat series Malibu Comics . In the first miniseries , Blood and Thunder , his backstory was mostly kept intact as a Shaolin monk out to restore the tournament to their righteous owners , with the only difference being that he was not the chosen one to defeat Goro , which instead fell on twin monk brothers named Sing and Sang , two original characters created specifically for the comics ; after they are killed by Goro in the third issue , Liu Kang becomes the Shaolin 's only hope in defeating Shang Tsung . The following miniseries , Battlewave , stated that Liu Kang won the first tournament after defeating Goro , which never appeared in the first miniseries . He returns to his normal life as an architect in Chicago , having left the Order of Light before the events of the first series . However , he suffers from constant attacks by an unknown force of ninjas and later receives help from Johnny Cage 's bodyguard Bo when Goro ambushes him in an office building . Eventually he decides to travel to Outworld , realizing that he cannot avoid Mortal Kombat .
Following the Italian intervention , Prpić was able to proceed with the task of clearing the wider area of Nevesinje from 3 July , ensuring NDH control of population centres and roads . On 5 July , he replaced his deputy Prohaska with Colonel Franjo Šimić , and assigned him a force consisting of the 6th , 11th , 15th and 17th Battalions , a company of the 18th Battalion and a troop of artillery . The force numbered 62 officers and 2 @,@ 062 men , with heavy weapons including four 100 mm Skoda houfnice vz 14 mountain howitzers , six heavy machine guns and twenty @-@ seven light machine guns . Šimić seized the crossroads near Kifino Selo and Plužine , securing it with one company of the 11th Battalion , then sent the 15th Battalion to Gacko and the 17th Battalion to Berkovići . A half company of the 21st Battalion secured the Mostar – Nevesinje road . Once this was completed , the major roads in eastern Herzegovina were secured . These operations proceeded without significant fighting , as some of the rebels retreated over the border with Montenegro , and others hid their weapons in the mountains and returned to their homes . By 7 July , NDH forces had regained full control over all the towns and transport routes in eastern Herzegovina .
A sluice with blackened waters slept ,
As part of this redevelopment program , construction of the Cahora Bassa Dam began in 1969 . This particular project became intrinsically linked with Portugal 's concerns over security in the overseas colonies . The Portuguese government viewed the construction of the dam as testimony to Portugal 's " civilising mission " and intended for the dam to reaffirm Mozambican belief in the strength and security of the Portuguese colonial government . To this end , Portugal sent three thousand new troops and over one million landmines to Mozambique to defend the building project .
The Assembly resolved , after some debate , that all the doctrines of the Thirty @-@ Nine articles would need to be proven from the Bible . Assembly members were prone to long speeches and they made slow progress , frustrating the leadership . The eighth of the Thirty @-@ Nine Articles recommended the Apostles ' Creed , Nicene Creed , and Athanasian Creed , considered to be basic statements of orthodoxy , to be received and believed . The Assembly was unable to resolve conflicts between those who would not be bound by creeds and those who wished to retain the existing language that the creeds be " thoroughly received and believed " . The " excepters " , who took the former position , argued that the articles only require the " matter " of the creeds be believed . On 25 August the article was put off until the rest of the articles could be dealt with . This early disagreement on fundamental issues revealed deep rifts between different factions of the assembly .
Neri Maria Corsini ( August 14 , 1730 ) – Cardinal @-@ Deacon of S. Eustachio ; archpriest of the patriarchal Lateran Basilica ; secretary of the Supreme S.C. of the Roman and Universal Inquisition ; prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature of Justice ; Cardinal @-@ protector of Portugal
Play @-@ off winners 2013 – 14
გ ( gani ) may be written like ვ ( vini ) with a closed loop at the bottom .
The field of AI receives little or no credit for these successes . Many of AI 's greatest innovations have been reduced to the status of just another item in the tool chest of computer science . Nick Bostrom explains " A lot of cutting edge AI has filtered into general applications , often without being called AI because once something becomes useful enough and common enough it 's not labeled AI anymore . "
See also : - List of locks and dams of the Upper Mississippi River , List of locks and dams of the Ohio River
The French cruiser Sully was an armored cruiser of the Gloire class that was built for the French Navy in the early 1900s . She was named in honor of Maximilien de Béthune , Duke of Sully , trusted minister of King Henry IV . The ship struck a rock in Hạ Long Bay , French Indochina in 1905 , only eight months after she was completed , and was a total loss .
On operations their performance was generally below par , but the Frenchmen were involved in some successful actions during February and early March 1978 . Their oppressive treatment of the black villagers they encountered made them very unpopular in the operational area . The Rhodesians quickly deemed the experiment a failure and following a series of disasters for the company during the latter part of its second tour , including two friendly fire incidents and several fatalities , it was disbanded in May 1978 . Forces led by one of its members , Bob Denard , later that month executed a coup d 'état in the Comoros with French , Rhodesian and South African governmental support .
On May 28 , 2003 , a trademark for the name " Silver Bullet " was filed by Cedar Fair , the owners of the park . Construction for the new roller coaster began in September 2003 with the relocation of The Church of Reflections . As part of a $ 85 million investment in all Cedar Fair parks , Silver Bullet was announced to the public on December 1 , 2003 . The final piece of track was placed on September 30 , 2004 . On November 5 , 2004 , Knott 's Berry Farm launched a " First Rider Auction " in which people from anywhere in the world would bid against each other in order to be one of the first public riders on Silver Bullet on December 7 , 2004 . Although sixty seats were made available , only 13 of these received bids . Out of those bids , the highest bid was $ 200 ( US ) , and a total of $ 1643 was raised with all the money going to the Speech & Language Development Center of Buena Park . After construction and testing was completed , the roller coaster opened first to the media , then to the public on December 7 , 2004 though the initial scheduled opening was on Christmas Eve of 2004 . Silver Bullet was also one of four attractions that opened at Knott 's Berry Farm in the same year and carries a western theme .
The core contracts and the temperature and pressure rises enough to fuse carbon ( see Carbon burning process ) . This process continues , with the successive stages being fueled by neon ( see neon burning process ) , oxygen ( see oxygen burning process ) , and silicon ( see silicon burning process ) . Near the end of the star 's life , fusion continues along a series of onion @-@ layer shells within a massive star . Each shell fuses a different element , with the outermost shell fusing hydrogen ; the next shell fusing helium , and so forth .
On 3 November 2004 , Jagannadh met Mahesh Babu at the Taj Hotel in Hyderbad to outline the film 's plot . It told the story of Uttam Singh , an undercover police officer , infiltrating a mafia gang as a criminal , with the intention of killing its kingpin . Mahesh liked the script but suggested Jagannadh tweak the script 's backdrop to suit the Telugu @-@ speaking peoples ' sensibilities . Jagannadh agreed and also replaced the existing title with Pokiri . Mahesh wanted the film 's production to begin in 2005 allowing him to complete his current commitments . While he waited for Mahesh , Jagannadh directed Akkineni Nagarjuna in Super ( 2005 ) . While reworking the script , Jagannadh took inspiration from Marana Mrudangam ( 1988 ) and State Rowdy ( 1989 ) . Pokiri was produced jointly by Jagannadh and Manjula Ghattamaneni 's production companies , Vaishno Academy and Indira Productions respectively , on a budget of ₹ 100 — 120 million .
Woodhouse stated that he had " fallen out of love " with football and decided to turn to professional boxing , despite no previous experience . In September 2006 , he won his first professional boxing match , defeating Dean Marcantonio , on points , knocking him down twice in the final round . His only defeat was by Jay Morris in April 2009 , losing 37 – 36 on points .
Cape lobsters are elusive and rare , with only fourteen specimens having been collected between 1792 ( the date of its first description ) and 1992 . These include five males in the collections of the South African Museum ( Cape Town ) , two in the Natural History Museum ( London ) , one in each of the East London Museum , the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie ( Leiden ) and the Albany Museum ( Grahamstown ) , and one male and one female in the Muséum national d 'histoire naturelle ( Paris ) . In 1992 , a Cape lobster was discovered at Dassen Island , and the publicity the find generated resulted in more than 20 additional specimens being reported .
Subsets and Splits