stringlengths 2
| hypothesis_ja
stringlengths 1
| label
class label 3
classes | premise_en
stringlengths 7
| hypothesis_en
stringlengths 1
| premise_en_rev
stringlengths 6
| hypothesis_en_rev
stringlengths 0
| label_rev
class label 3
classes |
馬に乗った人が壊れた飛行機の上を跳び越える。 | ある人は、その馬を競技会に出場させるために訓練している。 | 1neutral
| A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane. | A person is training his horse for a competition. | A man on horseback leaps over a wrecked airplane. | One man is training the horse to race in competitions. | 1neutral
馬に乗った人が壊れた飛行機の上を跳び越える。 | ある人が、オムレツを注文している。 | 2contradiction
| A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane. | A person is at a diner, ordering an omelette. | A man on horseback leaps over a wrecked airplane. | A person is ordering an omelet. | 2contradiction
馬に乗った人が壊れた飛行機の上を跳び越える。 | その人は馬に乗って外出している。 | 0entailment
| A person on a horse jumps over a broken down airplane. | A person is outdoors, on a horse. | A man on horseback leaps over a wrecked airplane. | The man is out riding on horseback. | 0entailment
子供たちがカメラに向かって微笑んで手を振っている。 | 彼らは両親に笑いかけています | 1neutral
| Children smiling and waving at camera | They are smiling at their parents | The children are smiling and waving at the camera. | They are laughing at their parents | 1neutral
子供たちがカメラに向かって微笑んで手を振っている。 | 子供がいる | 0entailment
| Children smiling and waving at camera | There are children present | The children are smiling and waving at the camera. | I have a child. | 1neutral
子供たちがカメラに向かって微笑んで手を振っている。 | 子供たちは眉をひそめている。 | 2contradiction
| Children smiling and waving at camera | The kids are frowning | The children are smiling and waving at the camera. | The children are frowning. | 2contradiction
少年は赤い橋の真ん中でスケートボードに乗って飛び跳ねている。 | 少年は歩道を滑り降りる。 | 2contradiction
| A boy is jumping on skateboard in the middle of a red bridge. | The boy skates down the sidewalk. | The boy bounces on his skateboard in the middle of the red bridge. | The boy slides down the pavement. | 2contradiction
少年は赤い橋の真ん中でスケートボードに乗って飛び跳ねている。 | 少年はスケートボードの技をやっている。 | 0entailment
| A boy is jumping on skateboard in the middle of a red bridge. | The boy does a skateboarding trick. | The boy bounces on his skateboard in the middle of the red bridge. | The boy is performing a stunt on his skateboard. | 0entailment
少年は赤い橋の真ん中でスケートボードに乗って飛び跳ねている。 | その少年は安全装置を着けている。 | 1neutral
| A boy is jumping on skateboard in the middle of a red bridge. | The boy is wearing safety equipment. | The boy bounces on his skateboard in the middle of the red bridge. | The boy is wearing a safety device. | 1neutral
年配の男性が、コーヒーショップでオレンジジュースと一緒に小さなテーブルに座り、明るい色のシャツを着た従業員が背景で微笑んでいる。 | 年配の男性は、娘が仕事を終えるのを待ちながらジュースを飲む。 | 1neutral
| An older man sits with his orange juice at a small table in a coffee shop while employees in bright colored shirts smile in the background. | An older man drinks his juice as he waits for his daughter to get off work. | An older man sits at a small table in a coffee shop with an orange juice, smiling in the background is an employee wearing a brightly colored shirt. | An older man drinks juice while waiting for his daughter to finish work. | 1neutral
年配の男性が、コーヒーショップでオレンジジュースと一緒に小さなテーブルに座り、明るい色のシャツを着た従業員が背景で微笑んでいる。 | 少年はハンバーガーをひっくり返す。 | 2contradiction
| An older man sits with his orange juice at a small table in a coffee shop while employees in bright colored shirts smile in the background. | A boy flips a burger. | An older man sits at a small table in a coffee shop with an orange juice, smiling in the background is an employee wearing a brightly colored shirt. | The boy flips a hamburger. | 2contradiction
年配の男性が、コーヒーショップでオレンジジュースと一緒に小さなテーブルに座り、明るい色のシャツを着た従業員が背景で微笑んでいる。 | 年配の男性が小さな店に座っている。 | 1neutral
| An older man sits with his orange juice at a small table in a coffee shop while employees in bright colored shirts smile in the background. | An elderly man sits in a small shop. | An older man sits at a small table in a coffee shop with an orange juice, smiling in the background is an employee wearing a brightly colored shirt. | An elderly man is sitting in a small shop. | 0entailment
二人のブロンドの女性が抱き合っている。 | 一部の女性は休暇中に抱き合っている。 | 1neutral
| Two blond women are hugging one another. | Some women are hugging on vacation. | Two blond women are embracing each other. | Some women are hugging each other on holiday. | 1neutral
二人のブロンドの女性が抱き合っている。 | 彼女たちは眠っている。 | 2contradiction
| Two blond women are hugging one another. | The women are sleeping. | Two blond women are embracing each other. | They are asleep. | 2contradiction
二人のブロンドの女性が抱き合っている。 | 愛情を示す女性がいる。 | 0entailment
| Two blond women are hugging one another. | There are women showing affection. | Two blond women are embracing each other. | There is a woman who shows affection. | 0entailment
レストランのシーンで、一人がオレンジジュースを飲んでいる。 | 人々はオムレツを食べている。 | 1neutral
| A few people in a restaurant setting, one of them is drinking orange juice. | The people are eating omelettes. | In the restaurant scene, one of them is drinking orange juice. | People are eating omelets. | 1neutral
レストランのシーンで、一人がオレンジジュースを飲んでいる。 | 人々は学校で机に向かっている。 | 2contradiction
| A few people in a restaurant setting, one of them is drinking orange juice. | The people are sitting at desks in school. | In the restaurant scene, one of them is drinking orange juice. | People are sitting at their desks in school. | 2contradiction
レストランのシーンで、一人がオレンジジュースを飲んでいる。 | その食事者たちはレストランにいる。 | 0entailment
| A few people in a restaurant setting, one of them is drinking orange juice. | The diners are at a restaurant. | In the restaurant scene, one of them is drinking orange juice. | The diners are in the restaurant. | 0entailment
年上の男性がレストランでオレンジジュースを飲んでいる。 | 一人の男がジュースを飲んでいる。 | 0entailment
| An older man is drinking orange juice at a restaurant. | A man is drinking juice. | An older man is drinking orange juice in a restaurant. | A man is drinking juice. | 0entailment
年上の男性がレストランでオレンジジュースを飲んでいる。 | 2人の女性がレストランでワインを飲んでいる。 | 2contradiction
| An older man is drinking orange juice at a restaurant. | Two women are at a restaurant drinking wine. | An older man is drinking orange juice in a restaurant. | Two women are drinking wine in a restaurant. | 2contradiction
年上の男性がレストランでオレンジジュースを飲んでいる。 | レストランで食事を待っている男性。 | 1neutral
| An older man is drinking orange juice at a restaurant. | A man in a restaurant is waiting for his meal to arrive. | An older man is drinking orange juice in a restaurant. | A man waiting for his meal in a restaurant. | 1neutral
金髪の男が茶色いシャツを着て、公共の水飲み場から水を飲んでいる。 | 公園の噴水から水を飲んでいる金髪の男。 | 1neutral
| A man with blond-hair, and a brown shirt drinking out of a public water fountain. | A blond man getting a drink of water from a fountain in the park. | A blond man in a brown shirt is drinking water from the public fountain. | A blond man drinking from a fountain in the park. | 1neutral
金髪の男が茶色いシャツを着て、公共の水飲み場から水を飲んでいる。 | 公園のベンチに座っている茶シャツを着た金髪の男が本を読んでいる | 2contradiction
| A man with blond-hair, and a brown shirt drinking out of a public water fountain. | A blond man wearing a brown shirt is reading a book on a bench in the park | A blond man in a brown shirt is drinking water from the public fountain. | A blond man in a yellow shirt is sitting on a park bench reading a book | 2contradiction
金髪の男が茶色いシャツを着て、公共の水飲み場から水を飲んでいる。 | 噴水から水を飲んでいる金髪の男。 | 0entailment
| A man with blond-hair, and a brown shirt drinking out of a public water fountain. | A blond man drinking water from a fountain. | A blond man in a brown shirt is drinking water from the public fountain. | A blond man drinking from a fountain. | 0entailment
ランチを食べたばかりの2人の女性が抱き合って、さようならを言っている。 | 友人たちは満腹の食卓を前に顔をしかめ合っている。 | 2contradiction
| Two women who just had lunch hugging and saying goodbye. | The friends scowl at each other over a full dinner table. | Two women who have just eaten lunch are hugging and saying goodbye to each other. | My friends were making faces at the table laden with food. | 2contradiction
ランチを食べたばかりの2人の女性が抱き合って、さようならを言っている。 | この絵には2人の女性が描かれている。 | 0entailment
| Two women who just had lunch hugging and saying goodbye. | There are two woman in this picture. | Two women who have just eaten lunch are hugging and saying goodbye to each other. | There are two women in the picture. | 0entailment
ランチを食べたばかりの2人の女性が抱き合って、さようならを言っている。 | 友達は20年ぶりに再会したばかりで、お互いの近況を楽しく語り合っている。 | 1neutral
| Two women who just had lunch hugging and saying goodbye. | The friends have just met for the first time in 20 years, and have had a great time catching up. | Two women who have just eaten lunch are hugging and saying goodbye to each other. | The friends had just met for the first time in twenty years and were happily exchanging news of each other. | 1neutral
持ち帰り用の食品容器を抱えた2人の女性が抱き合う。 | 2人の姉妹は混雑したダイナーの向こうにお互いを見つけ、両方ともビニール袋を抱えて抱き合った。 | 1neutral
| Two women, holding food carryout containers, hug. | The two sisters saw each other across the crowded diner and shared a hug, both clutching their doggie bags. | Two women with containers of food embrace. | The two sisters found each other across the crowded diner and both of them, holding plastic bags, embraced. | 1neutral
持ち帰り用の食品容器を抱えた2人の女性が抱き合う。 | 2つのグループの敵対するギャングメンバーがお互いに中指を立てた。 | 2contradiction
| Two women, holding food carryout containers, hug. | Two groups of rival gang members flipped each other off. | Two women with containers of food embrace. | The rival gang members flipped each other the bird. | 2contradiction
持ち帰り用の食品容器を抱えた2人の女性が抱き合う。 | 2人の女性が抱き合っている。 | 0entailment
| Two women, holding food carryout containers, hug. | Two women hug each other. | Two women with containers of food embrace. | Two women are embracing each other. | 0entailment
リトル・リーグのチームが午後の試合でスライディングしながらベースに走り込むランナーをアウトにしようとする。 | チームは試合に勝つため努力している。 | 1neutral
| A Little League team tries to catch a runner sliding into a base in an afternoon game. | A team is trying to score the games winning out. | A Little League team tries to tag out a runner sliding into the base during an afternoon game. | The team is trying to win the game. | 1neutral
リトル・リーグのチームが午後の試合でスライディングしながらベースに走り込むランナーをアウトにしようとする。 | チームはランナーをアウトにしようとしている。 | 0entailment
| A Little League team tries to catch a runner sliding into a base in an afternoon game. | A team is trying to tag a runner out. | A Little League team tries to tag out a runner sliding into the base during an afternoon game. | The team is trying to get a runner out. | 0entailment
リトル・リーグのチームが午後の試合でスライディングしながらベースに走り込むランナーをアウトにしようとする。 | 土星の上で野球をしているチームがあります。 | 2contradiction
| A Little League team tries to catch a runner sliding into a base in an afternoon game. | A team is playing baseball on Saturn. | A Little League team tries to tag out a runner sliding into the base during an afternoon game. | There is a team playing baseball on Saturn. | 2contradiction
学校は、パーティーで他の文化がどのように扱われるかを見せるためにアメリカ文化を特集するイベントを開催しています。 | 学校がバスケットボールの試合を主催する。 | 2contradiction
| The school is having a special event in order to show the american culture on how other cultures are dealt with in parties. | A school hosts a basketball game. | The school is holding an event featuring American culture to show how other cultures are treated at parties. | The school sponsors basketball games. | 2contradiction
学校は、パーティーで他の文化がどのように扱われるかを見せるためにアメリカ文化を特集するイベントを開催しています。 | 高校がイベントを主催している。 | 1neutral
| The school is having a special event in order to show the american culture on how other cultures are dealt with in parties. | A high school is hosting an event. | The school is holding an event featuring American culture to show how other cultures are treated at parties. | The high school is sponsoring the event. | 1neutral
学校は、パーティーで他の文化がどのように扱われるかを見せるためにアメリカ文化を特集するイベントを開催しています。 | 学校がイベントを主催している。 | 0entailment
| The school is having a special event in order to show the american culture on how other cultures are dealt with in parties. | A school is hosting an event. | The school is holding an event featuring American culture to show how other cultures are treated at parties. | The school is sponsoring the event. | 0entailment
高級ファッションの婦人が、市内で多くの人々と一緒に路面電車の外側に待っている。 | 女性は自分の着る服についてどうでもよく思っている。 | 2contradiction
| High fashion ladies wait outside a tram beside a crowd of people in the city. | The women do not care what clothes they wear. | A well-dressed woman is waiting on the outside of a tram with many others in the city. | Women don't care what they wear. | 2contradiction
高級ファッションの婦人が、市内で多くの人々と一緒に路面電車の外側に待っている。 | 女たちが路面電車のそばで待っている。 | 0entailment
| High fashion ladies wait outside a tram beside a crowd of people in the city. | Women are waiting by a tram. | A well-dressed woman is waiting on the outside of a tram with many others in the city. | The women are waiting by the streetcar. | 0entailment
高級ファッションの婦人が、市内で多くの人々と一緒に路面電車の外側に待っている。 | 女性はよいファッションセンスを楽しんでいる。 | 1neutral
| High fashion ladies wait outside a tram beside a crowd of people in the city. | The women enjoy having a good fashion sense. | A well-dressed woman is waiting on the outside of a tram with many others in the city. | Women enjoy good fashion sense. | 1neutral
海岸で男、女、子供が楽しんでいる。 | ビーチで夏休みを過ごしているお父さん、お母さんと子供。 | 1neutral
| A man, woman, and child enjoying themselves on a beach. | A child with mom and dad, on summer vacation at the beach. | Men, women and children are enjoying themselves on the beach. | A father, mother and child on holiday at the beach. | 1neutral
海岸で男、女、子供が楽しんでいる。 | 3人家族が浜辺にいる。 | 0entailment
| A man, woman, and child enjoying themselves on a beach. | A family of three is at the beach. | Men, women and children are enjoying themselves on the beach. | There is a family of three on the beach. | 1neutral
海岸で男、女、子供が楽しんでいる。 | 3人家族がショッピングモールで買い物をしている。 | 2contradiction
| A man, woman, and child enjoying themselves on a beach. | A family of three is at the mall shopping. | Men, women and children are enjoying themselves on the beach. | A family of three is shopping at the mall. | 2contradiction
電車に乗るのを待っていたり、ちょうど降りたところだったりする人々。 | 列車で待っている人々は座っています。 | 1neutral
| People waiting to get on a train or just getting off. | The people waiting on the train are sitting. | Those who were waiting for the tram and those who had just stepped off it. | The people waiting for the train are sitting down. | 1neutral
電車に乗るのを待っていたり、ちょうど降りたところだったりする人々。 | 電車に乗り込んでくる人々もいます。 | 0entailment
| People waiting to get on a train or just getting off. | There are people just getting on a train | Those who were waiting for the tram and those who had just stepped off it. | Some people are getting on the train. | 0entailment
電車に乗るのを待っていたり、ちょうど降りたところだったりする人々。 | 列車を待っている人々がいます。 | 0entailment
| People waiting to get on a train or just getting off. | There are people waiting on a train. | Those who were waiting for the tram and those who had just stepped off it. | There are people waiting for the train. | 2contradiction
海岸で小さな男の子と遊ぶカップル。 | 2人のカップルが外で若い子供と遊んでいる。 | 0entailment
| A couple playing with a little boy on the beach. | A couple are playing with a young child outside. | A couple playing with a small boy on the beach. | Two couples are playing with a young child outside. | 1neutral
海岸で小さな男の子と遊ぶカップル。 | 2人のカップルが若い子供と一緒にビーチでフリスビーをして遊んでいる。 | 1neutral
| A couple playing with a little boy on the beach. | A couple are playing frisbee with a young child at the beach. | A couple playing with a small boy on the beach. | Two couples are playing Frisbee with a young child on the beach. | 1neutral
海岸で小さな男の子と遊ぶカップル。 | 2人のカップルは、浜辺で一人で遊んでいる小さな女の子を見ていた。 | 2contradiction
| A couple playing with a little boy on the beach. | A couple watch a little girl play by herself on the beach. | A couple playing with a small boy on the beach. | Two couples were watching a little girl playing by herself on the beach. | 2contradiction
若い夫婦が子供と一緒に潮の流れる中で遊んでいた。 | その家族は夕食を取っている。 | 2contradiction
| A couple play in the tide with their young son. | The family is sitting down for dinner. | A young couple were playing in the surf with their child. | The family is having dinner. | 2contradiction
若い夫婦が子供と一緒に潮の流れる中で遊んでいた。 | 家族は外にいます。 | 0entailment
| A couple play in the tide with their young son. | The family is outside. | A young couple were playing in the surf with their child. | The family is out. | 0entailment
若い夫婦が子供と一緒に潮の流れる中で遊んでいた。 | その家族は休暇中です。 | 1neutral
| A couple play in the tide with their young son. | The family is on vacation. | A young couple were playing in the surf with their child. | The family is on holiday. | 1neutral
ピザとジャイロ料理のレストランの前で男性と女性が通りを横断する。 | 人々は歩道の縁に立っている。 | 2contradiction
| A man and a woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant. | The people are standing still on the curb. | A man and woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant. | People are standing on the edge of the pavement. | 1neutral
ピザとジャイロ料理のレストランの前で男性と女性が通りを横断する。 | 2つのレストランの近くで、2人が通りを渡っている。 | 0entailment
| A man and a woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant. | Near a couple of restaurants, two people walk across the street. | A man and woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant. | Two people are crossing the street near two restaurants. | 0entailment
ピザとジャイロ料理のレストランの前で男性と女性が通りを横断する。 | その夫婦は一緒に通りを歩いている。 | 1neutral
| A man and a woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant. | The couple are walking across the street together. | A man and woman cross the street in front of a pizza and gyro restaurant. | The couple are walking together down the street. | 0entailment
緑のジャケットとフードをかぶった頭で谷に向かっている女性。 | その女性は裸だ。 | 2contradiction
| A woman in a green jacket and hood over her head looking towards a valley. | The woman is nake. | A woman in a green jacket and hood walking towards the valley. | The woman is naked. | 2contradiction
緑のジャケットとフードをかぶった頭で谷に向かっている女性。 | その女性は寒い。 | 1neutral
| A woman in a green jacket and hood over her head looking towards a valley. | The woman is cold. | A woman in a green jacket and hood walking towards the valley. | The woman is cold. | 1neutral
緑のジャケットとフードをかぶった頭で谷に向かっている女性。 | その女性は緑の服を着ている。 | 0entailment
| A woman in a green jacket and hood over her head looking towards a valley. | The woman is wearing green. | A woman in a green jacket and hood walking towards the valley. | The woman is dressed in green. | 0entailment
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | その看板を持っている男性は白人です。 | 1neutral
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | The man with the sign is caucasian. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | The man carrying the sign is white. | 1neutral
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | 彼らは首都の外で抗議している。 | 2contradiction
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | They are protesting outside the capital. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | They are protesting outside the capital. | 1neutral
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | 白い服を着た女性。 | 0entailment
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | A woman in white. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | A woman in white. | 0entailment
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | 一人の男がレストランを宣伝している。 | 0entailment
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | A man is advertising for a restaurant. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | A man is advertising a restaurant. | 1neutral
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | その女性は黒い服を着ている。 | 2contradiction
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | The woman is wearing black. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | The woman is dressed in black. | 2contradiction
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | 男と女が混雑した都会の通りを歩く。 | 1neutral
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | A man and a woman walk down a crowded city street. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | A man and a woman walk down the crowded city street. | 1neutral
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | その女性は白い服を着ている。 | 0entailment
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | The woman is wearing white. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | The woman is dressed in white. | 0entailment
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | 彼らはジョンズピザで働いている。 | 1neutral
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | They are working for John's Pizza. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | They work at John's Pizza. | 1neutral
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | オリンピック水泳。 | 2contradiction
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | Olympic swimming. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | Olympic swimming. | 2contradiction
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | 男性と女性がジョンズピザアンドジャイロで一緒に食事をしています。 | 2contradiction
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | A man and a soman are eating together at John's Pizza and Gyro. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | A man and a woman are eating together at John's Pizza and Gyros. | 2contradiction
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | 彼らは旗を持って歩いている。 | 0entailment
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | They are walking with a sign. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | They are walking with flags in their hands. | 1neutral
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | その女性は友達を待っている。 | 1neutral
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | The woman is waiting for a friend. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | The woman is waiting for her friend. | 1neutral
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | 男はジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を腕に抱えて座っている。 | 2contradiction
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | The man is sitting down while he has a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in his arms. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | The man sits with the Johns Pizza and Gyro signs under his arms. | 2contradiction
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | その女性と男性は外にいる。 | 0entailment
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | The woman and man are outdoors. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | The woman and the man are outside. | 1neutral
手前に白い服の女性、その少し後ろに男が歩き、背景でジョンズ・ピザとジャイロの看板を持っている。 | ピザを注文する女性。 | 1neutral
| Woman in white in foreground and a man slightly behind walking with a sign for John's Pizza and Gyro in the background. | A woman ordering pizza. | A woman in a white dress is walking ahead of a man, with the sign for John's Pizza and Gyros in the background. | A woman ordering a pizza. | 1neutral
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | その人々は血縁関係にある。 | 1neutral
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | The people are related. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | The people are related by blood. | 1neutral
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 2人の大人が赤いシャツを着た追跡者から逃げるために通りを横切って走っている。 | 2contradiction
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two adults run across the street to get away from a red shirted person chasing them. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | Two men are running across the street to escape a red-shirted pursuer. | 2contradiction
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 大人は男も女もいる。 | 0entailment
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | The adults are both male and female. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | There are men and women among the grown-ups. | 1neutral
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 2人はおいしいステーキを食べた後、家に歩いて帰ります。 | 1neutral
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two people walk home after a tasty steak dinner. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | They walk home after eating a delicious steak dinner. | 2contradiction
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 水泳をしている2人の大人 | 2contradiction
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two adults swimming in water | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | Two adults swimming | 2contradiction
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 2人の大人が通りを横断する。 | 0entailment
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two adults walk across a street. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | Two adults cross the street. | 1neutral
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 2人の自転車乗りがトンネルに入る。 | 2contradiction
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two people ride bicycles into a tunnel. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | Two cyclists enter the tunnel. | 2contradiction
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 2人の人々が通りを渡ってレストランから歩いて離れて行く。 | 0entailment
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two people walk away from a restaurant across a street. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | Two people are walking away from a restaurant, having crossed the street. | 1neutral
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 有罪判決を受けた囚人が赤い服を着て道路の近くを歩いて横切っていた。 | 1neutral
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two adults walking across a road near the convicted prisoner dressed in red | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | A convicted criminal in a red shirt was walking along the roadside. | 2contradiction
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 2人の友達が通りを横断する。 | 1neutral
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two friends cross a street. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | Two friends are crossing the street. | 2contradiction
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 人々は列車に乗り込んだ。 | 2contradiction
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Some people board a train. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | The people got on the train. | 2contradiction
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 2人の大人が通りを横断する。 | 0entailment
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two adults walk across the street. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | Two adults cross the street. | 1neutral
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 道路を横断する二人の大人 | 0entailment
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two adults walking across a road | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | Two adults crossing the road | 1neutral
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | その絵には女性が描かれていない。 | 2contradiction
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | There are no women in the picture. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | There is no woman in the picture. | 2contradiction
前景でぼやけた赤シャツの人物を背に、白いサングラスをかけた女性と灰色の服を着た男性が通りを歩き、飲食店から離れて行く。 | 2人の大人が、彼らを追いかけている赤シャツの人から逃げるために通りを渡って行く。 | 1neutral
| Two adults, one female in white, with shades and one male, gray clothes, walking across a street, away from a eatery with a blurred image of a dark colored red shirted person in the foreground. | Two adults walk across the street to get away from a red shirted person who is chasing them. | Against a blurred foreground of red shirts, a woman in white glasses and a gray suit walks down the street away from a lunch counter. | The two grown-ups were crossing the road to get away from a man in a red shirt who was chasing them. | 1neutral
全身白い服を着て食べながら歩く女性の隣を、ブリーフケースを持った男性が歩いている。 | 夫婦が眠っている。 | 2contradiction
| A woman wearing all white and eating, walks next to a man holding a briefcase. | A married couple is sleeping. | A man carrying a briefcase walks beside a woman in white who is eating as she walks. | The couple are asleep. | 2contradiction
全身白い服を着て食べながら歩く女性の隣を、ブリーフケースを持った男性が歩いている。 | 女性は男性のすぐ近くにいる。 | 0entailment
| A woman wearing all white and eating, walks next to a man holding a briefcase. | A female is next to a man. | A man carrying a briefcase walks beside a woman in white who is eating as she walks. | The women are very close to the men. | 1neutral
全身白い服を着て食べながら歩く女性の隣を、ブリーフケースを持った男性が歩いている。 | 夫婦が並んで歩いている。 | 1neutral
| A woman wearing all white and eating, walks next to a man holding a briefcase. | A married couple is walking next to each other. | A man carrying a briefcase walks beside a woman in white who is eating as she walks. | A couple are walking side by side. | 0entailment
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | 誰も食べ物を持っていない。 | 2contradiction
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | Nobody has food. | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | No one has any food. | 2contradiction
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | 一人の女性がバナナを食べながら通りを歩いており、彼女の後ろには男性がついてきている。 | 0entailment
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | A woman eats a banana and walks across a street, and there is a man trailing behind her. | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | A woman is walking down the street eating a banana, and behind her is a man. | 0entailment
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | その女性と男性は一緒に野球をしています。 | 2contradiction
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | The woman and man are playing baseball together. | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | The woman and the man are playing baseball together. | 2contradiction
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | 2人の同僚が通りですれ違った。 | 1neutral
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | two coworkers cross pathes on a street | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | The two colleagues passed each other on the street. | 1neutral
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | 女性が歩道を歩きながらアイスクリームを食べていて、彼女の前にはバッグを持った別の女性がいる。 | 2contradiction
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | A woman eats ice cream walking down the sidewalk, and there is another woman in front of her with a purse. | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | A woman is walking down the pavement eating an ice cream and in front of her is another woman carrying a bag. | 2contradiction
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | その男性のブリーフケースは仕事用です。 | 1neutral
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | The mans briefcase is for work. | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | The man's briefcase is for business. | 1neutral
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | 食べている人。 | 0entailment
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | A person eating. | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | A person eating. | 0entailment
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | 空腹の人。 | 1neutral
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | A person that is hungry. | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | A hungry person. | 1neutral
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | 女優と彼女のお気に入りのアシスタントが街を歩く。 | 1neutral
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | An actress and her favorite assistant talk a walk in the city. | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | The actress and her favorite assistant walk down the street. | 1neutral
女性がバナナを食べながら通りを横断し、男性はブリーフケースを持って後に続いている。 | バナナを食べている女性が通りを横断する。 | 0entailment
| A woman is walking across the street eating a banana, while a man is following with his briefcase. | a woman eating a banana crosses a street | A woman is crossing the street eating a banana, and a man is following her with a briefcase. | A woman eating a banana crosses the street. | 0entailment
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