int32 0
| sentence
stringlengths 2
| label
class label 2
classes | constituency_tree
stringlengths 14
600 | hip hop beat | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (NN hip) (NN hop)) (VB beat))) |
601 | feel more like literary conceits than flesh-and-blood humans | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (VP (VB feel) (PP (ADVP (RBR more)) (IN like) (NP (NP (JJ literary) (NNS conceits)) (PP (IN than) (NP (NML (NN flesh) (HYPH -) (CC and) (HYPH -) (NN blood)) (NNS humans)))))))) |
602 | no explanation | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (DT no) (NN explanation))) |
603 | funniest and | 1positive
| (ROOT (FRAG (ADJP (JJS funniest)) (CC and))) |
604 | a chilly , remote , emotionally distant piece ... so dull that its tagline should be | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ chilly) (, ,) (JJ remote) (, ,) (ADJP (RB emotionally) (JJ distant)) (NN piece)) (, ...) (ADJP (ADJP (RB so) (JJ dull)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP$ its) (NN tagline)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB be)))))))) |
605 | starts off witty and sophisticated and you | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (S (VP (VBZ starts) (PRT (RP off)) (ADJP (JJ witty) (CC and) (JJ sophisticated)))) (CC and) (NP (PRP you)))) |
606 | a bargain-basement european pickup | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (DT a) (NML (NN bargain) (HYPH -) (NN basement)) (JJ european) (NN pickup))) |
607 | , but what really sets the film apart is debrauwer 's refusal to push the easy emotional buttons | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (, ,) (CC but) (S (SBAR (WHNP (WP what)) (S (ADVP (RB really)) (VP (VBZ sets) (NP (DT the) (NN film)) (ADVP (RB apart))))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (NN debrauwer) (POS 's)) (NN refusal) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB push) (NP (DT the) (JJ easy) (JJ emotional) (NNS buttons)))))))))) |
608 | shines on all the characters , as the direction is intelligently accomplished | 1positive
| (ROOT (VP (VBZ shines) (PP (IN on) (NP (PDT all) (DT the) (NNS characters))) (, ,) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (DT the) (NN direction)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB intelligently)) (VBN accomplished)))))) |
609 | taps into the primal fears of young people trying to cope with the mysterious and brutal nature of adults | 1positive
| (ROOT (VP (VBZ taps) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ primal) (NNS fears)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ young) (NNS people)) (VP (VBG trying) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB cope) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (JJ mysterious) (CC and) (JJ brutal)) (NN nature)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS adults))))))))))))))) |
610 | lead a group of talented friends astray | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (VP (VB lead) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN group)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ talented) (NNS friends)))) (S (ADJP (JJ astray)))))) |
611 | it 's just weirdness for the sake of weirdness , and where human nature should be ingratiating , it 's just grating . | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP (RB just)) (NP (NN weirdness)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sake)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN weirdness))))))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB where)) (S (NP (JJ human) (NN nature)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBG ingratiating)))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP (RB just)) (VP (VBG grating)))) (. .))) |
612 | this gentle , mesmerizing portrait | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (DT this) (JJ gentle) (, ,) (JJ mesmerizing) (NN portrait))) |
613 | genial is the conceit , this is one of those rare pictures that you root for throughout , | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (S (ADJP (JJ genial)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT the) (NN conceit)))) (, ,) (S (NP (DT this)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT those) (JJ rare) (NNS pictures)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (VBP root) (PP (IN for)) (PP (IN throughout)))))))))) (, ,))) |
614 | draws the audience into the unexplainable pain and eccentricities that are attached to the concept of loss | 1positive
| (ROOT (VP (VBZ draws) (NP (DT the) (NN audience)) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ unexplainable) (NN pain) (CC and) (NNS eccentricities)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBN attached) (PP (IN to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN concept)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN loss))))))))))))) |
615 | spliced together bits and pieces of midnight run and 48 hours ( and , for that matter , shrek ) | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (S (VP (VBN spliced) (ADVP (RB together)) (NP (NP (NNS bits) (CC and) (NNS pieces)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN midnight) (NN run)) (CC and) (NP (CD 48) (NNS hours))))))) (-LRB- -LRB-) (CC and) (, ,) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT that) (NN matter))) (, ,) (NN shrek) (-RRB- -RRB-))) |
616 | is so busy making reference to other films and trying to be other films that it fails to have a heart , mind or humor of its own | 0negative
| (ROOT (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (RB so) (JJ busy) (S (VP (VP (VBG making) (NP (NP (NN reference)) (PP (IN to) (NP (JJ other) (NNS films))))) (CC and) (VP (VBG trying) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (NP (NP (JJ other) (NNS films)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ fails) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB have) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN heart) (, ,) (NN mind) (CC or) (NN humor)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (JJ own)))))))))))))))))))) |
617 | it lacks the compassion , good-natured humor and the level of insight that made ( eyre 's ) first film something of a sleeper success . | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ lacks) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN compassion) (, ,) (ADJP (JJ good) (HYPH -) (JJ natured)) (NN humor)) (CC and) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN level)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN insight)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBD made) (-LRB- -LRB-) (NNP eyre) ('' ') (AFX s) (-RRB- -RRB-))))))) (JJ first) (NN film))) (NP (NP (NN something)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ sleeper) (NN success)))))) (. .))) |
618 | handles it in the most unexpected way | 1positive
| (ROOT (VP (VBZ handles) (NP (PRP it)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ unexpected)) (NN way))))) |
619 | those eternally devoted to the insanity of black will have an intermittently good time . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT those)) (ADJP (RB eternally) (VBN devoted) (PP (IN to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN insanity)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ black))))))) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB have) (NP (DT an) (ADJP (RB intermittently) (JJ good)) (NN time)))) (. .))) |
620 | obscenely bad | 0negative
| (ROOT (ADJP (RB obscenely) (JJ bad))) |
621 | devastatingly | 0negative
| (ROOT (ADVP (RB devastatingly))) |
622 | i do n't see the point | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (NP (PRP i)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n) (RB 't) (VP (VB see) (NP (DT the) (NN point)))))) |
623 | comes off like a bad imitation of the bard | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBZ comes) (PRT (RP off)) (PP (UH like) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ bad) (NN imitation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN bard)))))))) |
624 | that excites the imagination and tickles the funny bone | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (DT that)) (VP (VP (VBZ excites) (NP (DT the) (NN imagination))) (CC and) (VP (VBZ tickles) (NP (DT the) (JJ funny) (NN bone)))))) |
625 | one of its strengths | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS strengths))))) |
626 | of masterpiece | 1positive
| (ROOT (PP (IN of) (NP (NN masterpiece)))) |
627 | into this dream hispanic role with a teeth-clenching gusto | 1positive
| (ROOT (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN dream) (JJ hispanic) (NN role)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (ADJP (NN teeth) (HYPH -) (NN clenching)) (NN gusto)))))) |
628 | stiff or just plain bad | 0negative
| (ROOT (ADJP (ADJP (JJ stiff)) (CC or) (ADJP (RB just) (JJ plain) (JJ bad)))) |
629 | makes these lives count | 1positive
| (ROOT (VP (VBZ makes) (S (NP (DT these) (NNS lives)) (ADJP (NN count))))) |
630 | jolts the laughs from the audience -- | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBZ jolts) (NP (DT the) (NNS laughs)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN audience)))) (: --))) |
631 | a delightful stimulus | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (DT a) (JJ delightful) (NN stimulus))) |
632 | has no point | 0negative
| (ROOT (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT no) (NN point)))) |
633 | of isolation and frustration | 0negative
| (ROOT (PP (IN of) (NP (NN isolation) (CC and) (NN frustration)))) |
634 | winning shot | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBG winning) (NP (NN shot))))) |
635 | of its music or comic antics , but through the perverse pleasure of watching disney scrape the bottom of its own cracker barrel | 0negative
| (ROOT (PP (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (NML (NN music) (CC or) (JJ comic)) (NNS antics))) (, ,) (CC but) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ perverse) (NN pleasure)) (PP (IN of) (S (VP (VBG watching) (S (NP (NNP disney)) (VP (VB scrape) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN bottom)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (JJ own) (NN cracker) (NN barrel))))))))))))) |
636 | feeling guilty for it ... then , miracle of miracles , the movie does a flip-flop . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (S (VP (VBG feeling) (ADJP (JJ guilty) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (PRP it)) (, ...) (ADVP (RB then)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NN miracle)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS miracles)))) (, ,)))))) (NP (DT the) (NN movie)) (VP (VBZ does) (NP (DT a) (NN flip) (HYPH -) (NN flop))) (. .))) |
637 | lewis | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NNP lewis))) |
638 | that there 's no other reason why anyone should bother remembering it | 0negative
| (ROOT (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NP (DT no) (JJ other) (NN reason)) (SBAR (WHADVP (WRB why)) (S (NP (NN anyone)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB bother) (S (VP (VBG remembering) (NP (PRP it))))))))))))) |
639 | bogdanovich puts history in perspective and , via kirsten dunst 's remarkable performance , he showcases davies as a young woman of great charm , generosity and diplomacy . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (NN bogdanovich)) (VP (VP (VBZ puts) (NP (NN history)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NN perspective)))) (CC and) (, ,) (VP (PP (IN via) (NP (NP (NNP kirsten) (NN dunst) (POS 's)) (JJ remarkable) (NN performance))) (, ,) (NP (PRP he)) (VP (VBZ showcases) (NP (NNS davies)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ young) (NN woman)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ great) (NN charm) (, ,) (NN generosity) (CC and) (NN diplomacy)))))))) (. .))) |
640 | father cliché | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (NN father) (NN cliché))) |
641 | domestic tension and unhappiness | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (JJ domestic) (NN tension) (CC and) (NN unhappiness))) |
642 | the effort is sincere and the results are honest , but the film is so bleak that it 's hardly watchable | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (S (NP (DT the) (NN effort)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (JJ sincere)))) (CC and) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS results)) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ honest)))) (, ,) (CC but) (S (NP (DT the) (NN film)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (ADJP (RB so) (JJ bleak)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ 's) (ADJP (RB hardly) (JJ watchable)))))))))) |
643 | called the best korean film of 2002 | 1positive
| (ROOT (VP (VBD called) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (JJS best) (JJ korean)) (NN film)) (PP (IN of) (NP (CD 2002))))))) |
644 | one of the best rock | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (JJS best) (NN rock))))) |
645 | it forces you to watch people doing unpleasant things to each other and themselves | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ forces) (NP (PRP you)) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB watch) (S (NP (NNS people)) (VP (VBG doing) (NP (JJ unpleasant) (NNS things)) (PP (IN to) (NP (NP (DT each) (JJ other)) (CC and) (NP (PRP themselves)))))))))))) |
646 | of the holiday box office pie | 1positive
| (ROOT (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NML (NN holiday) (NN box)) (NN office) (NN pie)))) |
647 | inexpressible and drab wannabe | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (ADJP (JJ inexpressible) (CC and) (JJ drab)) (NN wannabe))) |
648 | the hail of bullets , none of which ever seem to hit | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN hail)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNS bullets)))) (, ,) (SBAR (NP (NP (NN none)) (WHPP (IN of) (WHNP (WDT which)))) (S (ADVP (RB ever)) (VP (VBP seem) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB hit))))))))) |
649 | like an extended , open-ended poem than a traditionally structured story | 1positive
| (ROOT (PP (IN like) (NP (NP (DT an) (JJ extended) (, ,) (ADJP (JJ open) (HYPH -) (VBN ended)) (NN poem)) (PP (IN than) (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB traditionally) (JJ structured)) (NN story)))))) |
650 | 's about as convincing as any other arnie musclefest , but has a little too much resonance with real world events and | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBZ 's) (ADJP (ADJP (RB about) (RB as) (JJ convincing)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT any) (JJ other) (NN arnie) (NN musclefest))))) (, ,) (CC but) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (NP (DT a) (ADJP (JJ little) (RB too) (JJ much)) (NN resonance)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ real) (NN world) (NNS events))))) (CC and))) |
651 | to hate | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB hate))))) |
652 | to be mesmerised | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (VBN mesmerised)))))) |
653 | the people who loved the 1989 paradiso will prefer this new version | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS people)) (SBAR (WHNP (WP who)) (S (VP (VBD loved) (NP (DT the) (CD 1989) (NN paradiso)))))) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB prefer) (NP (DT this) (JJ new) (NN version)))))) |
654 | a lot of energy | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (DT a) (NN lot)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN energy))))) |
655 | for its success on a patient viewer | 1positive
| (ROOT (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (PRP$ its) (NN success)) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT a) (NN patient) (NN viewer)))))) |
656 | while tattoo borrows heavily from both seven and the silence of the lambs , it manages to maintain both a level of sophisticated intrigue and human-scale characters that suck the audience in . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP (NN tattoo)) (VP (VBZ borrows) (ADVP (RB heavily)) (PP (IN from) (NP (CC both) (CD seven) (CC and) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN silence)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS lambs))))))))) (, ,) (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ manages) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB maintain) (NP (CC both) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN level)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NP (JJ sophisticated) (NN intrigue)) (CC and) (NP (NML (JJ human) (HYPH -) (NN scale)) (NNS characters))) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP suck) (NP (DT the) (NN audience)) (PRT (RP in))))))))))))) (. .))) |
657 | this may be burns 's strongest film since the brothers mcmullen . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (DT this)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB be) (NP (NP (NP (NNS burns) (POS 's)) (JJS strongest) (NN film)) (PP (IN since) (NP (DT the) (NNS brothers) (NNP mcmullen)))))) (. .))) |
658 | turned down | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBD turned) (PRT (RP down))))) |
659 | timely , tongue-in-cheek | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (JJ timely) (, ,) (NP (NP (NN tongue)) (HYPH -) (PP (IN in) (HYPH -) (NP (NN cheek)))))) |
660 | undramatic | 0negative
| (ROOT (ADJP (JJ undramatic))) |
661 | the pile of useless actioners | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (NP (DT the) (NN pile)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ useless) (NNS actioners))))) |
662 | morton deserves an oscar nomination . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (NNP morton)) (VP (VBZ deserves) (NP (DT an) (NN oscar) (NN nomination))) (. .))) |
663 | weirdly engaging and unpredictable character pieces | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (ADJP (RB weirdly) (VBG engaging) (CC and) (JJ unpredictable)) (NN character) (NNS pieces))) |
664 | efficiency and an affection for the period | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (NN efficiency)) (CC and) (NP (NP (DT an) (NN affection)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN period)))))) |
665 | manages to accomplish what few sequels can -- it equals the original and in some ways even betters it | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBZ manages) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB accomplish) (SBAR (WHNP (WP what) (JJ few) (NNS sequels)) (S (VP (MD can)))))))) (: --) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ equals) (NP (DT the) (ADJP (ADJP (JJ original)) (CC and) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT some) (NNS ways))))) (S (ADVP (RB even)) (NNS betters) (NP (PRP it))))))) |
666 | does not work . | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBZ does) (RB not) (VP (VB work))) (. .))) |
667 | it is n't merely offensive | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB n) (RB 't)) (ADVP (RB merely)) (ADJP (JJ offensive))))) |
668 | tell a story about the vietnam war before the pathology set in | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (VP (VB tell) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN story)) (PP (IN about) (NP (DT the) (NN vietnam) (NN war)))) (PP (IN before) (S (NP (DT the) (NN pathology)) (VP (NN set) (PRT (RB in)))))))) |
669 | it irrigates our souls . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ irrigates) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS souls))) (. .))) |
670 | a hint of humor | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (DT a) (NN hint)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN humor))))) |
671 | with a big heart | 1positive
| (ROOT (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (JJ big) (NN heart)))) |
672 | a rollicking adventure for you and all your mateys , regardless of their ages | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ rollicking) (NN adventure)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (PRP you)) (CC and) (NP (PDT all) (PRP$ your) (NNS mateys)))) (, ,) (ADVP (RB regardless) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS ages)))))) |
673 | its most immediate and most obvious pleasure | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ s) (NP (ADJP (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ immediate)) (CC and) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ obvious))) (NN pleasure))))) |
674 | there are laughs aplenty , and , as a bonus , viewers do n't have to worry about being subjected to farts , urine , feces , semen , or any of the other foul substances that have overrun modern-day comedies | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (S (NP (EX there)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (NP (NNS laughs)) (JJ aplenty)))) (, ,) (CC and) (, ,) (S (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN bonus))) (, ,) (NP (NNS viewers)) (VP (VBP do) (RB n) (RB 't) (VP (VB have) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB worry) (PP (IN about) (S (VP (VBG being) (VP (VBN subjected) (PP (IN to) (NP (NP (NNS farts)) (, ,) (NP (NN urine)) (, ,) (NP (NNS feces)) (, ,) (NP (NN semen)) (, ,) (CC or) (NP (NP (DT any)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ other) (NN foul) (NNS substances)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN overrun) (NP (NML (JJ modern) (HYPH -) (NN day)) (NNS comedies))))))))))))))))))))))) |
675 | one of those rare films that seems as though it was written for no one , but somehow manages to convince almost everyone that it was put on the screen , just for them . | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (CD one)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT those) (JJ rare) (NNS films)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBZ seems) (SBAR (IN as) (IN though) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN written) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT no) (NN one))))) (, ,) (CC but) (ADVP (RB somehow)) (VP (VBZ manages) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB convince) (NP (RB almost) (NN everyone)) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBN put) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN screen))) (, ,) (PP (ADVP (RB just)) (IN for) (NP (PRP them))))))))))))))))))) (. .))) |
676 | made a decent ` intro ' documentary | 1positive
| (ROOT (VP (VBD made) (NP (DT a) (JJ decent) (`` `) (NN intro) ('' ') (NN documentary)))) |
677 | makes us see familiar issues , like racism and homophobia , in a fresh way . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBZ makes) (S (NP (PRP us)) (VP (VB see) (NP (NP (JJ familiar) (NNS issues)) (, ,) (PP (IN like) (NP (NN racism) (CC and) (NN homophobia))) (, ,)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (JJ fresh) (NN way)))))) (. .))) |
678 | the film goes right over the edge and kills every sense of believability | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (NP (DT the) (NN film)) (VP (VP (VBZ goes) (PP (ADVP (RB right)) (IN over) (NP (DT the) (NN edge)))) (CC and) (VP (VBZ kills) (NP (NP (DT every) (NN sense)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN believability)))))))) |
679 | a beyond-lame satire , teddy bears ' picnic ranks among the most pitiful directing debuts by an esteemed writer-actor . | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB beyond) (HYPH -) (JJ lame)) (NN satire)) (, ,) (NP (NP (NP (NN teddy) (NNS bears) (POS ')) (NN picnic) (NNS ranks)) (PP (IN among) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ pitiful)) (NN directing) (NNS debuts)) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT an) (JJ esteemed) (NN writer) (HYPH -) (NN actor)))))) (. .))) |
680 | emotional seesawing | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (JJ emotional) (NN seesawing))) |
681 | movies with the courage to go over the top and movies that do n't care about being stupid | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (NNS movies)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN courage) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB go) (PP (IN over) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN top) (CC and) (NNS movies)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (VBP do) (RB n) (RB 't) (VP (VB care) (PP (IN about) (S (VP (VBG being) (ADJP (JJ stupid)))))))))))))))))) |
682 | target audience has n't graduated from junior high school | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (NP (NN target) (NN audience)) (VP (VBZ has) (ADVP (RB n) (RB 't)) (VP (VBN graduated) (PP (IN from) (NP (JJ junior) (JJ high) (NN school))))))) |
683 | this intricately structured and well-realized drama | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (DT this) (ADJP (ADJP (RB intricately) (VBN structured)) (CC and) (ADJP (RB well) (HYPH -) (VBN realized))) (NN drama))) |
684 | embracing | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBG embracing)))) |
685 | the film a celluloid litmus test for the intellectual and emotional pedigree of your date and a giant step backward for a director i admire | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (NP (DT the) (NN film)) (NP (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ celluloid) (JJ litmus) (NN test)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (ADJP (JJ intellectual) (CC and) (JJ emotional)) (NN pedigree)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN date)))))) (CC and) (NP (DT a) (JJ giant) (NN step) (ADVP (RB backward) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN director)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP i)) (VP (VBP admire))))))))))) |
686 | a meditation on faith and madness , frailty is blood-curdling stuff . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (DT a) (NN meditation)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NN faith) (CC and) (NN madness))))) (, ,) (NP (NN frailty)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (ADJP (NN blood) (HYPH -) (NN curdling)) (NN stuff))) (. .))) |
687 | a pretty listless collection | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (DT a) (ADJP (RB pretty) (JJ listless)) (NN collection))) |
688 | other than its oscar-sweeping franchise predecessor | 1positive
| (ROOT (ADJP (JJ other) (PP (IN than) (NP (PRP$ its) (ADJP (NN oscar) (HYPH -) (VBG sweeping)) (NN franchise) (NN predecessor))))) |
689 | almost everyone growing up believes their family must look like `` the addams family '' to everyone looking in | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (NP (RB almost) (NN everyone))) (VP (VBG growing) (PRT (RP up)) (VP (VBZ believes) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP$ their) (NN family)) (VP (MD must) (VP (VB look) (PP (IN like) (`` ``) (NP (DT the) (NNP addams) (NN family)) ('' '')) (PP (IN to) (NP (NP (NN everyone)) (VP (VBG looking) (PP (RB in))))))))))))) |
690 | have been called freddy gets molested by a dog | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBN called) (S (NP (NNP freddy)))))) (VP (VBZ gets) (VP (VBN molested) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT a) (NN dog))))))) |
691 | moody male hustler | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (JJ moody) (JJ male) (NN hustler))) |
692 | uselessly redundant and shamelessly money-grubbing than most third-rate horror sequels | 0negative
| (ROOT (NP (NP (ADJP (ADJP (RB uselessly) (JJ redundant)) (CC and) (ADVP (RB shamelessly))) (NN money) (HYPH -) (NN grubbing)) (PP (IN than) (NP (JJS most) (NML (JJ third) (HYPH -) (NN rate)) (NN horror) (NNS sequels))))) |
693 | the film is filled with humorous observations about the general absurdity of modern life as seen through the eyes outsiders , but deftly manages to avoid many of the condescending stereotypes that so often plague films dealing with the mentally ill | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (NP (DT the) (NN film)) (VP (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN filled) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (JJ humorous) (NNS observations)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ general) (NN absurdity)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ modern) (NN life))) (SBAR (IN as) (S (VP (VBN seen) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (NNS eyes) (NNS outsiders)))))))))))) (, ,) (CC but) (ADVP (RB deftly)) (VP (VBZ manages) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB avoid) (NP (NP (JJ many)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (JJ condescending) (NNS stereotypes)) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (ADVP (RB so) (RB often)) (VP (VBP plague) (NP (NP (NNS films)) (VP (VBG dealing) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (ADJP (RB mentally) (JJ ill))))))))))))))))))) |
694 | which is mostly a bore | 0negative
| (ROOT (SBAR (WHNP (WDT which)) (S (VP (VBZ is) (ADVP (RB mostly)) (NP (DT a) (NN bore)))))) |
695 | an entertaining mix of period drama and flat-out farce that should please history fans | 1positive
| (ROOT (NP (NP (NP (DT an) (JJ entertaining) (NN mix)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN period) (NN drama)) (CC and) (NP (ADJP (JJ flat) (HYPH -) (NN out)) (NN farce))))) (SBAR (WHNP (WDT that)) (S (VP (MD should) (VP (VB please) (NP (NN history) (NNS fans)))))))) |
696 | suspect that you 'll be as bored watching morvern callar as the characters are in it . | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (VP (VB suspect) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP you)) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB be) (ADJP (ADJP (ADJP (RB as) (JJ bored)) (S (VP (VBG watching) (NP (JJ morvern) (NN callar))))) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS characters)) (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP it)))))))))))) (. .))) |
697 | the problems and characters it reveals are universal and involving , and the film itself -- as well its delightful cast -- is so breezy , pretty and gifted , it really won my heart . | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS problems) (CC and) (NNS characters)) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (VP (VBZ reveals))))) (VP (VBP are) (ADJP (JJ universal) (CC and) (VBG involving)))) (, ,) (CC and) (S (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN film)) (NP (PRP itself))) (, --) (CONJP (RB as) (RB well)) (NP (PRP$ its) (JJ delightful) (NN cast)) (, --)) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP (ADJP (RB so) (JJ breezy)) (, ,) (ADJP (JJ pretty) (CC and) (JJ gifted)) (, ,) (SBAR (S (NP (PRP it)) (ADVP (RB really)) (VP (VBD won) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN heart)))))))) (. .))) |
698 | love this movie | 1positive
| (ROOT (S (VP (VB love) (NP (DT this) (NN movie))))) |
699 | ... the efforts of its star , kline , to lend some dignity to a dumb story are for naught . | 0negative
| (ROOT (S (, ...) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS efforts)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN star) (, ,) (NN kline) (, ,))) (S (VP (TO to) (VP (VB lend) (NP (DT some) (NN dignity)) (PP (IN to) (NP (DT a) (JJ dumb) (NN story))))))) (VP (VBP are) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN naught)))) (. .))) |
Subsets and Splits