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@brad_dickson Nope, keep on campaigning Joe.#Biden2020 | 0 | NOT |
While we are here, this type of BS is what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden call "science". | 0 | NOT |
@nprpolitics @NPR This is the first time we've ever had a president this lacking in political and social decorum #Debates2020 #BidenHarris2020 #VoteHimOut2020 | 0 | NOT |
But Biden needs to ban fracking. It's destroying our drinking water. Pence lies. https://t.co/pxIspmGud2 | 0 | NOT |
@JoeBiden is the most ignorant racist person. Anyone who supports @JoeBiden is a complete moron! #trump2020 #ThatsMyPresident 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 https://t.co/I6V1Dz9tld | 1 | HATE |
@Grant503 The airlines got a tax payer bail out, after begging Trump to keep them paid, employed, and insured during shutdown. No where does it say no snacks or water. | 0 | NOT |
Thanks @realDonaldTrump for the flag #MAGA2020 https://t.co/tPjwKB3ZUw | 0 | NOT |
.@peterbakernyt has covered four presidents. Got to think that this might be one of the craziest day stories he ever wrote. https://t.co/rn0Vj9q3CR | 0 | NOT |
@atrupar Trump didn’t get Putin’s memo that hunter did nothing wrong. | 0 | NOT |
@ucsdlibrary .Everyone Must 📌 Register. @RockTheVote 🇺🇸📌 Confirm the accuracy of your voter information.Encourage friends & family to do the same. 🇺🇸📌Vote #Vote Early! #USA 🇺🇸 @WhenWeAllVote #VoteBlue2020 📍 #VoteBidenHarrisToSaveAmerica 🇺🇸 https://t.co/BPoC1f5Xf9 | 0 | NOT |
Violent threats against Biden and his supporters are getting worseby @DonnaProvencher https://t.co/AsyXPHsj3c | 0 | NOT |
Hoping it over?! Can I check.... BIDEN|HARRIS POTUS ELECT #46 MR JOE BIDEN and VP ELECT KAMALA HARRIS #election #Elections2020 #USAelection2020 #USElectionResults #BidenHarrisToEndThisNightmare | 0 | NOT |
Time sure tells the true meaning of everything, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democrat party are abt to go into extinction | 0 | NOT |
Left-wing group Justice Democrats has done an ad trying to persuade disillusioned anti-Biden/anti-all-of-the-above lefties to vote for lesser-of-two-evils Joe Biden. https://t.co/gCoXvKnXXZ | 0 | NOT |
#KamalaHarris should ask #MikePence, who does #Trump owe $400,000,000.00 to? And the answer is: What are #RussianOligarchs via #DeutscheBank? Just guessing! #Jeopardy #VoteHimOut #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarrisLandslide2020 #BidenHarris2020ToSaveAmerica | 0 | NOT |
@realDonaldTrump #MAGA2020. God Bless Our President and First Lady!! | 0 | NOT |
Crazy fake news tweets all over Twitter about President Trump violating the #HatchAct from Democrat idiots who clearly never read the Hatch Act where it says “the President and Vice President are totally exempt from the Hatch Act” #trump #MAGA2020LandslideVictory | 1 | HATE |
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have both updated their Twitter bios to reflect their newest titles: president-elect and vice president-elect. https://t.co/neraVh2iAd | 0 | NOT |
Former President Barack Obama says he “could not be prouder” to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. https://t.co/hWHEUohuaN | 0 | NOT |
Who's ready for the debate tonight? #trump2020 #TRUMP2020ToSaveAmerica https://t.co/Rk3xrrhauQ | 0 | NOT |
He's holding the economy hostage and hoping he can verbally bribe you into voting for him.He lies in every sentence. "Pelosi not negotiating in good faith," means HE isn't negotiating in good faith.Don't be fooled. #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #BidenHarris2020 https://t.co/fcPB9WxoC2 | 0 | NOT |
I would very much like a Pop & Momala tee #BidenHarris2020 https://t.co/Sjpz7LuUg9 | 0 | NOT |
@GovNedLamont @Mike_Pence @WhiteHouse We agree with #Pence! The MAJORITY of Americans dead from #covid are #Florida voters who tried to copy #Trump not wearing a mask! They are "pathetic" for not having the superior medical surveillance He has! We like voters who DON'T die!#TrumpPence2020! | 0 | NOT |
@KamalaHarris Kamala. Boy I wanted you as President, but this will do. You go girl. Us two here are coveringShut them down covering your back. With you being so forthright and Joe with his experience I know the two of you will quickly discourage Proud Boys and Poor Boys hehehe. | 0 | NOT |
The United States of America is being held hostage by a mad man by the name of Donald Trump. I am so grateful to our neighbor's Canada, also the United Kingdom, France, Australia and supporters around the world. We will take our country back! Long live freedom! https://t.co/K1ydNtBMPi | 1 | HATE |
Guess what? I don't believe you. #Debates2020 #Trump2020 #FakeNewsMedia https://t.co/XEGRN4eanF | 0 | NOT |
@perlmutations 🤔..ya cuz Democrats are so much better.. #dumbass #trump2020 https://t.co/TX804SF34M | 1 | HATE |
@robbystarbuck he has already had his fare share of time to prove his worth.he did nothing productive is his first 47 years, and he is worse now than ever.if your reading this, giving people second chances is a part of life, giving someone a 48th chance isn't a thing. so don't.#trump2020 | 0 | NOT |
@ida_skibenes I feel calm and optimistic.Joe and Kamala will win the popular vote and the electoral vote. trump will soon vanish. | 0 | NOT |
This is so amazing 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #GodBlessPresidentTrump 🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸 what a welcome. #Trump2020 https://t.co/KwpR5EnvP3 | 0 | NOT |
The Guardian commentary keeps on giving:https://t.co/F0IVGsigp5 https://t.co/UIYIeZuV48 | 0 | NOT |
@TheRock @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris You should stick to acting! #MAGA2020 | 0 | NOT |
@BarackObama @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris Thank you President Obama! Thank you for helping out your good friend Joe and Kamala!Thank you!! You & Michelle ROCK!!! | 0 | NOT |
The man is the President we need at this time in history. #BidenHarris2020https://t.co/rnikl4ne7P | 0 | NOT |
It's amazing when white women in the suburbs see each other wearing the #Trump2020 gear. Instant friends. | 0 | NOT |
I guess theses “actors” will do anything to win! So sad .... this is quite gross to look at! 😂 #Trump2020Landslide #Trump2020 #CancelDemocrats #LiberalDemocratsAreAJoke https://t.co/aHbLCyZeh4 | 0 | NOT |
Be Smart. #VoteTrumpOut2020 #VoteThemAllOut2020 #VoteBidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020 https://t.co/JQFMAW09g8 | 0 | NOT |
@_realjgoodwin @Jeffreyyyy_ Hell they want to assassinate him even if he don't ...the Whole thing this is about ,is not Joe Biden ....it's Kamala Harris and Nasty Nancy P...let that sink in....🤔🤔🤔🤔 | 1 | HATE |
@TheView @KamalaHarris The View should not even be allowed on TV! Useless show!Cali Kamala is a big mouth witch! Make sure to ask her what she did for California! Oh yeah, nothing, California going down the toilet!Sleepy Joe useless! | 1 | HATE |
ALOHA! ~ Maui shows their support for President Trump🌴 #2020TrumpLandslide #TrumpPence2020 @realDonaldTrump @BuCap004 https://t.co/gvRUYoYI3I | 0 | NOT |
We all knew he had an earpiece.. #DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica #Trump2020 #Biden #BidenDementia #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteRed2020 https://t.co/LRy0gymAft | 1 | HATE |
Trump downplayed a pandemic, mocked face masks and refused to endorse the measures needed to save lives. He is complicit in the death of over 200,000 Americans. Vote because lives depend on it #VOTE https://t.co/W6QGqLimnZ | 0 | NOT |
Just found a thumb drive in a rest-stop bathroom that contains signed confessions from Donald Trump & Donald Trump Jr., in which both admit to being Russian agents.@maggieNYT: Please retweet this ASAP. | 0 | NOT |
"Tax records expose more than $21 million in highly unusual payments from the Las Vegas hotel Donald Trump owns with Phil Ruffin, routed through other Trump companies and paid out in cash."https://t.co/BazSlui8bK | 0 | NOT |
@NewYorker Who's confused? #BidenHarris2020 simple | 0 | NOT |
@realDonaldTrump I just voted!! Media not corrupt. The White House and it's occupants are! #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #VoteBlue2020 | 0 | NOT |
Something I actually agree with @TedCruz about. It will be the end of the GOP (whether Biden wins or not). https://t.co/0njtsGV3oC | 0 | NOT |
@realDonaldTrump We ALL wanted to see #BidenHarris2020 | 0 | NOT |
@13thethe @TheGoodMenOrg I hope more of the Conservatives/Republicans (and other sleeping moderates) realize that WE ARE AT WAR TO SAVE THE USA and to save the US Constitution as it was written!!!! #freedom #ScamdemicIsOver #DemocratsTheEnemyWithin #DemocratsHateAmerica #DemocratsAreCorrupt #MAGA2020 | 0 | NOT |
Bruh, it’s hilarious and all, but we both know that you’re a joke as is your liberal party. You will lose this time like always. #MAGA2020 #SCOTUSnominee #LANDSLIDE #KeepAmericaGreat #Landslide2020 #MAGA2020LandslideVictory #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #SilentMajority #Trump2020 https://t.co/C3F9MmYQmE | 0 | NOT |
@realDonaldTrump They are scared. #JoeBidenIsTheSwamp #Trump2020 | 0 | NOT |
@MSNBC @NGirrard Why did Senators and Congress vote loopholes in that President Trump was able to use? Did he find the loopholes they put in for their wealthy donors? We need someone smart enough to find the loopholes, not previous Senators dumb enough to put them in the tax law. #VoteRed2020 | 0 | NOT |
I’m watching Harry Potter series and realized Draco Malfoy reminds me of Donald Trump Jr. https://t.co/IbzhPHSNyW | 0 | NOT |
Just had to listen to an old white clerk defend himself against a white male customer drinking wine about his endorsement of Biden. The customer said if you vote for Trump you won't have to work a job like this anymore. I've been working here 10 years | 0 | NOT |
@EricTrump #JoeHidden A career politician millionaire🤔 I had no idea it paid that well🤣 #MAGA2020 | 0 | NOT |
@KamalaHarris Definitely in my thoughts. #BidenHarris2020 | 0 | NOT |
@realDonaldTrump uses military people who have risked death as props. Now he's using a virus that he allowed to kill 204K of us and counting as a prop.Vote him and his crime family out. #Biden2020 | 1 | HATE |
@BenSalango said he’s voting for Biden. Ben, you do realize you’re talking to people in a state that supports Trump by about 70%, right? | 0 | NOT |
@MsResistFL @PeterDaszak You’re right! Here in Wyoming we only had three options, thankfully Kanye wasn’t one. But they did put the Republican Party first... I too made sure to solidly vote blue #BidenHarris2020 | 0 | NOT |
If Trump does survive he can thank socialized medicine. #TrumpCovid19 #Trump2020 | 0 | NOT |
#Trump2020 #DebateEdition #Covid_19 (continuing): NOT to be a glorious YES person BUT TO OPTIMISE THE SITUATION IN BEST BIG PICTURE INTEREST (no matter how difficult the boss is). The only other option (if tht boss is oh so not workable) 👉 RESIGN. Am i right? So, how come | 0 | NOT |
@shannonrwatts This is being held at the same time we are expecting Kamala Harris and Joe Biden to speak this evening. | 0 | NOT |
@AuforGA @davepurcell So he doesn't actually have COVID, does he? It's all a publicity stunt, to gain sympathy and pull attention from Melania's "f**k Christmas" tape. #VoteBlue2020 #TrumpVirusDeathToll210K | 0 | NOT |
@realDonaldTrump Continuing to spread coronavirus #BidenHarris2020 | 0 | NOT |
@NikkiHaley More damage, for sure! #BidenHarris2020 | 0 | NOT |
Interesting fact: This is the first time in history voter fraud is the only campaign strategy taken by one side in a Presidential race. True! #MAGA2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 | 0 | NOT |
Last 4the night! #BidenHarris2020 #fbr RT@Kelleyrose20🪁@rubysoho26 🪁@ReverendWarnock 🪁@AllMight85 🪁@GShelia1951 🪁@samdu7280 🪁@wildkat57 🪁@hammerit54 🪁@timinator2006 🪁@RelierLesPoints 🪁@Girl12Philly 🪁@0000Phe0000 🪁 #FBR RT | 0 | NOT |
36 more days. Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin and Iowa. We need you more than ever. Our democracy depends on you. #VoteEarly #VoteInPerson2020 #VoteBlue2020 #VoteHimOut | 0 | NOT |
I want this for my new yard sign.#BidenHarris2020 #VoteBlue2020 #Kamala https://t.co/SDCf0k8h06 | 0 | NOT |
@thehill Y’all have promised this before... we’re gonna hold you to it this time around #Trump2020 | 0 | NOT |
I bet the mob won't be directed to burn down the CDC building by their leaders, Curious.🤔#Trump2020#GodWinshttps://t.co/DVCgqYogjK | 0 | NOT |
@NikkiSixx Oh this is what heroin does to a brain#Trump2020 | 0 | NOT |
The Democrat Party is in full meltdown! They lost the Supreme Court; they nominated a zombie and backed him up with a woman laughing about smoking pot after having incarcerated thousands of blacks for minor drug offenses while not prosecuting connected people! #Trump2020 https://t.co/hg6ZPvytNS | 1 | HATE |
Help Twitter Fam, I need 50 more FOLLOWERS to get to 1000 !! #WeVapeWeVote #Trump2020 | 0 | NOT |
Trump signs executive order that critics warn politicizes federal career civil servicehttps://t.co/9M2y9NI3yk | 0 | NOT |
there seems to be a new poll that's very favorable to Biden, that changed the 538 Georgia projection from 46/54 to 50/50whether or not it's an outlier that shouldnt be taken so seriously i do not know, but the state has been close to a tossup for as long as the model's been on. | 0 | NOT |
My daughter’s Brownie troop is working on their Democracy badge. She just cast her vote. #BidenHarris2020 https://t.co/QEfpuTKgA2 | 0 | NOT |
@SexCounseling The hate is resonating from the head Dems. It’s jealousy, they can’t identify it as that. Trump has knocked every curve ball out of the park. | 0 | NOT |
2. implemented the @JoeBiden team told debate commission absolutely not. They would not allow @JoeBiden ears to be checked for listening devices. Like What The Hell is that about. #CheckJoesEars @realDonaldTrump #Trump2020 #Trump2024 #Trump2028 | 0 | NOT |
@bobbih1975 @robren20 @kdbuck69 @PatriotWestward @Krumply4 @PrayingActress @JoeBiden Lmao “dddrrrr I gots to be watching the foozz ball izz so smart”🥴 ..not much else in your sad life huh?😂😂😂#trump2020 | 0 | NOT |
The question is: Who did America bring into captivity in 1619, 401 years ago? The Bible confirms who we are, Gen 15:13-14. So why won't you give us justice America? Jacob's Troubles will afflict you/Jacob will be saved out of it#Trump2020 #Biden2020 #400yrs #12tribesofisrael | 0 | NOT |
Biden or Kamala won’t commit to their policy on packing the court, Joe’s comment, “vote for me I’ll let you know?” On fracking Joes flip flopping, Kamala is against fracking! VOTE RED! | 0 | NOT |
@SenSusanCollins Like when you voted for witnesses? Oh, that's right. Or when you voted to protect a woman's right of self-determination? (aka Kavanaugh). Senator, we are pissed and we are voting! (and I'm a cow) #MEPolitics #TimeForPasture #SelloutSuzy #VoteBlue2020 #CollinsFrownyFace #ByeBye | 0 | NOT |
@TX_Bruce @GreyGhost_Biker Hahahahaha....when a democrat doesn’t get their way..... #Trump2020 | 0 | NOT |
Fact or Fiction.. #VoteHimOut# #VoteBlue2020 Biden# https://t.co/Xs4Y5WXzeM | 0 | NOT |
@merrilldavis @Reuters You want to see dangerous, wait until sleepy Joe is put down & the ‘ho becomes president & the drunk becomes vp. And in case you’re wondering, that’s Kamala & Pelosi 🤮 | 1 | HATE |
@NatureEcho_ @DonaldJTrumpJr I already know what Marxism is, and neither Kamala Harris, or especially Joe Biden, is a Marxist. | 0 | NOT |
@realDonaldTrump You sound more like Kim Jong-U.N. with each passing day. #BidenHarris2020 | 0 | NOT |
The Secret Service filed charges against a man from Maryland after he threatened to kidnap and kill Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.James Dale approached a house that had Biden-Harris lawn signs and left behind a note detailing graphic threats against supporters and Biden-Harris. https://t.co/IN9czCjCA5 | 0 | NOT |
@realDonaldTrump @wandavazquezg Trump is the most insecure and immature human, America has ever witnessed.We all know this type of person.Trump says terrible thing about others in an attempt to hurt them, this makes Trump feel good about himself. I personally think he gets a high when he hurts others. | 0 | NOT |
@HillaryClinton @JoeBiden Joe Biden would be President for all of 3 months before kamala boots him | 0 | NOT |
#Trump2020 ? Wish full recovery to see him ask forgiveness to the country for his incompetence and lack of respect for the American people during Covid-19 crisis.#VictoryRoad to #Biden/Harris | 0 | NOT |
@LindseyGrahamSC @realDonaldTrump I remember what you said in 2016 about Merrick Garland, so does everyone else with a brain!!! When did the entire GOP derail??? Become cowards??? November will be here soon!!! #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica #VoteBidenHarris2020 #GOPHypocrisy | 0 | NOT |
The fight is not Dems vs RepubsIt’s super Rich vs everybody else Congress = rich vs rich with a Conscience#TrumpIsNotABillionaire #TrumpTaxCheat #AntiChrist = #Trump#TaxFraudTrump #FakeBillionaireTrump #AntiChristTrump #Trump2020LandslideVictory #trump2020 ‼️ | 1 | HATE |
#ConManTrump First he puts american in harms way #TrumpKilledAmericans Then our #Troups and now our #SecretService Puting People Americans in Danger Time to go Don #VoteHimOut2020 #BidenHarris2020 https://t.co/1IbX9woZFW | 0 | NOT |
@mcrf94 @JoyVBehar NOPE-- JUST ANOTHER REPUBLICAN LIE https://t.co/yiMKTgio3mhttps://t.co/jSou0MVVrr | 0 | NOT |
@_Saif10 @jeapsx @chasemx76 @spectatorindex Appreciate patriotic citizens such as yourself. #Vote #MAGA2020 | 0 | NOT |
@mviser I'm finding myself a little emotional listening to him today. Wow...#Biden2020 | 0 | NOT |
“It’s not that we get [coronavirus] from each other, it’s that we get it from the people in the office," Bonita Williams, 58, is a cleaner at the State Department tells @EmilyStewartM https://t.co/ljrn8xXA7f | 0 | NOT |
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