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(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j f i g d b h l) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable f) (ontable i) (ontable g) (ontable d) (ontable b) (ontable h) (ontable l) (clear j) (clear f) (clear i) (clear g) (clear d) (clear b) (clear h) (clear l) ) (:goal (and (on j f) (on f i) (on i g) (on g d) (on d b) (on b h) (on h l) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j g a b k h i) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable g) (ontable a) (ontable b) (ontable k) (ontable h) (ontable i) (clear j) (clear g) (clear a) (clear b) (clear k) (clear h) (clear i) ) (:goal (and (on j g) (on g a) (on a b) (on b k) (on k h) (on h i) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j a f k c i) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable a) (ontable f) (ontable k) (ontable c) (ontable i) (clear j) (clear a) (clear f) (clear k) (clear c) (clear i) ) (:goal (and (on j a) (on a f) (on f k) (on k c) (on c i) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g j f b) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable j) (ontable f) (ontable b) (clear g) (clear j) (clear f) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on g j) (on j f) (on f b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f g l j b i h d c k) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable g) (ontable l) (ontable j) (ontable b) (ontable i) (ontable h) (ontable d) (ontable c) (ontable k) (clear f) (clear g) (clear l) (clear j) (clear b) (clear i) (clear h) (clear d) (clear c) (clear k) ) (:goal (and (on f g) (on g l) (on l j) (on j b) (on b i) (on i h) (on h d) (on d c) (on c k) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects c i k l h e j g a f b d) (:init (handempty) (ontable c) (ontable i) (ontable k) (ontable l) (ontable h) (ontable e) (ontable j) (ontable g) (ontable a) (ontable f) (ontable b) (ontable d) (clear c) (clear i) (clear k) (clear l) (clear h) (clear e) (clear j) (clear g) (clear a) (clear f) (clear b) (clear d) ) (:goal (and (on c i) (on i k) (on k l) (on l h) (on h e) (on e j) (on j g) (on g a) (on a f) (on f b) (on b d) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g e d j) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable e) (ontable d) (ontable j) (clear g) (clear e) (clear d) (clear j) ) (:goal (and (on g e) (on e d) (on d j) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j e h d f i a) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable e) (ontable h) (ontable d) (ontable f) (ontable i) (ontable a) (clear j) (clear e) (clear h) (clear d) (clear f) (clear i) (clear a) ) (:goal (and (on j e) (on e h) (on h d) (on d f) (on f i) (on i a) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects b f j c l g k a d e) (:init (handempty) (ontable b) (ontable f) (ontable j) (ontable c) (ontable l) (ontable g) (ontable k) (ontable a) (ontable d) (ontable e) (clear b) (clear f) (clear j) (clear c) (clear l) (clear g) (clear k) (clear a) (clear d) (clear e) ) (:goal (and (on b f) (on f j) (on j c) (on c l) (on l g) (on g k) (on k a) (on a d) (on d e) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d e a b f) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable e) (ontable a) (ontable b) (ontable f) (clear d) (clear e) (clear a) (clear b) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on d e) (on e a) (on a b) (on b f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects c k g a l j e h i b) (:init (handempty) (ontable c) (ontable k) (ontable g) (ontable a) (ontable l) (ontable j) (ontable e) (ontable h) (ontable i) (ontable b) (clear c) (clear k) (clear g) (clear a) (clear l) (clear j) (clear e) (clear h) (clear i) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on c k) (on k g) (on g a) (on a l) (on l j) (on j e) (on e h) (on h i) (on i b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects i k l f) (:init (handempty) (ontable i) (ontable k) (ontable l) (ontable f) (clear i) (clear k) (clear l) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on i k) (on k l) (on l f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects i d a h c e j l f g k) (:init (handempty) (ontable i) (ontable d) (ontable a) (ontable h) (ontable c) (ontable e) (ontable j) (ontable l) (ontable f) (ontable g) (ontable k) (clear i) (clear d) (clear a) (clear h) (clear c) (clear e) (clear j) (clear l) (clear f) (clear g) (clear k) ) (:goal (and (on i d) (on d a) (on a h) (on h c) (on c e) (on e j) (on j l) (on l f) (on f g) (on g k) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects l e g) (:init (handempty) (ontable l) (ontable e) (ontable g) (clear l) (clear e) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on l e) (on e g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d i h f l k b g e a) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable i) (ontable h) (ontable f) (ontable l) (ontable k) (ontable b) (ontable g) (ontable e) (ontable a) (clear d) (clear i) (clear h) (clear f) (clear l) (clear k) (clear b) (clear g) (clear e) (clear a) ) (:goal (and (on d i) (on i h) (on h f) (on f l) (on l k) (on k b) (on b g) (on g e) (on e a) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d a i k e b c g h f l) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable a) (ontable i) (ontable k) (ontable e) (ontable b) (ontable c) (ontable g) (ontable h) (ontable f) (ontable l) (clear d) (clear a) (clear i) (clear k) (clear e) (clear b) (clear c) (clear g) (clear h) (clear f) (clear l) ) (:goal (and (on d a) (on a i) (on i k) (on k e) (on e b) (on b c) (on c g) (on g h) (on h f) (on f l) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects b c k l h a j e d f) (:init (handempty) (ontable b) (ontable c) (ontable k) (ontable l) (ontable h) (ontable a) (ontable j) (ontable e) (ontable d) (ontable f) (clear b) (clear c) (clear k) (clear l) (clear h) (clear a) (clear j) (clear e) (clear d) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on b c) (on c k) (on k l) (on l h) (on h a) (on a j) (on j e) (on e d) (on d f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects k e l a g c) (:init (handempty) (ontable k) (ontable e) (ontable l) (ontable a) (ontable g) (ontable c) (clear k) (clear e) (clear l) (clear a) (clear g) (clear c) ) (:goal (and (on k e) (on e l) (on l a) (on a g) (on g c) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects l j b k e d i g h f) (:init (handempty) (ontable l) (ontable j) (ontable b) (ontable k) (ontable e) (ontable d) (ontable i) (ontable g) (ontable h) (ontable f) (clear l) (clear j) (clear b) (clear k) (clear e) (clear d) (clear i) (clear g) (clear h) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on l j) (on j b) (on b k) (on k e) (on e d) (on d i) (on i g) (on g h) (on h f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d b f) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable b) (ontable f) (clear d) (clear b) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on d b) (on b f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects c d g k a f i b h l) (:init (handempty) (ontable c) (ontable d) (ontable g) (ontable k) (ontable a) (ontable f) (ontable i) (ontable b) (ontable h) (ontable l) (clear c) (clear d) (clear g) (clear k) (clear a) (clear f) (clear i) (clear b) (clear h) (clear l) ) (:goal (and (on c d) (on d g) (on g k) (on k a) (on a f) (on f i) (on i b) (on b h) (on h l) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g c b k f) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable c) (ontable b) (ontable k) (ontable f) (clear g) (clear c) (clear b) (clear k) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on g c) (on c b) (on b k) (on k f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects a b h d f) (:init (handempty) (ontable a) (ontable b) (ontable h) (ontable d) (ontable f) (clear a) (clear b) (clear h) (clear d) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on a b) (on b h) (on h d) (on d f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f b d k j l h e i) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable b) (ontable d) (ontable k) (ontable j) (ontable l) (ontable h) (ontable e) (ontable i) (clear f) (clear b) (clear d) (clear k) (clear j) (clear l) (clear h) (clear e) (clear i) ) (:goal (and (on f b) (on b d) (on d k) (on k j) (on j l) (on l h) (on h e) (on e i) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j a c) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable a) (ontable c) (clear j) (clear a) (clear c) ) (:goal (and (on j a) (on a c) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f e k) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable e) (ontable k) (clear f) (clear e) (clear k) ) (:goal (and (on f e) (on e k) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f k l e d h g) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable k) (ontable l) (ontable e) (ontable d) (ontable h) (ontable g) (clear f) (clear k) (clear l) (clear e) (clear d) (clear h) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on f k) (on k l) (on l e) (on e d) (on d h) (on h g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j h d k f c g a) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable h) (ontable d) (ontable k) (ontable f) (ontable c) (ontable g) (ontable a) (clear j) (clear h) (clear d) (clear k) (clear f) (clear c) (clear g) (clear a) ) (:goal (and (on j h) (on h d) (on d k) (on k f) (on f c) (on c g) (on g a) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g c f d a i j l) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable c) (ontable f) (ontable d) (ontable a) (ontable i) (ontable j) (ontable l) (clear g) (clear c) (clear f) (clear d) (clear a) (clear i) (clear j) (clear l) ) (:goal (and (on g c) (on c f) (on f d) (on d a) (on a i) (on i j) (on j l) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects i l e d f a g c b) (:init (handempty) (ontable i) (ontable l) (ontable e) (ontable d) (ontable f) (ontable a) (ontable g) (ontable c) (ontable b) (clear i) (clear l) (clear e) (clear d) (clear f) (clear a) (clear g) (clear c) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on i l) (on l e) (on e d) (on d f) (on f a) (on a g) (on g c) (on c b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j e a l g i d c k h) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable e) (ontable a) (ontable l) (ontable g) (ontable i) (ontable d) (ontable c) (ontable k) (ontable h) (clear j) (clear e) (clear a) (clear l) (clear g) (clear i) (clear d) (clear c) (clear k) (clear h) ) (:goal (and (on j e) (on e a) (on a l) (on l g) (on g i) (on i d) (on d c) (on c k) (on k h) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f g d) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable g) (ontable d) (clear f) (clear g) (clear d) ) (:goal (and (on f g) (on g d) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects l i g a k f) (:init (handempty) (ontable l) (ontable i) (ontable g) (ontable a) (ontable k) (ontable f) (clear l) (clear i) (clear g) (clear a) (clear k) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on l i) (on i g) (on g a) (on a k) (on k f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects c d k g) (:init (handempty) (ontable c) (ontable d) (ontable k) (ontable g) (clear c) (clear d) (clear k) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on c d) (on d k) (on k g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects h b j e d g) (:init (handempty) (ontable h) (ontable b) (ontable j) (ontable e) (ontable d) (ontable g) (clear h) (clear b) (clear j) (clear e) (clear d) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on h b) (on b j) (on j e) (on e d) (on d g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects h i a f) (:init (handempty) (ontable h) (ontable i) (ontable a) (ontable f) (clear h) (clear i) (clear a) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on h i) (on i a) (on a f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects c d h i) (:init (handempty) (ontable c) (ontable d) (ontable h) (ontable i) (clear c) (clear d) (clear h) (clear i) ) (:goal (and (on c d) (on d h) (on h i) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects i c l f b d a j h g) (:init (handempty) (ontable i) (ontable c) (ontable l) (ontable f) (ontable b) (ontable d) (ontable a) (ontable j) (ontable h) (ontable g) (clear i) (clear c) (clear l) (clear f) (clear b) (clear d) (clear a) (clear j) (clear h) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on i c) (on c l) (on l f) (on f b) (on b d) (on d a) (on a j) (on j h) (on h g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects h e i) (:init (handempty) (ontable h) (ontable e) (ontable i) (clear h) (clear e) (clear i) ) (:goal (and (on h e) (on e i) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects a j e i c b f) (:init (handempty) (ontable a) (ontable j) (ontable e) (ontable i) (ontable c) (ontable b) (ontable f) (clear a) (clear j) (clear e) (clear i) (clear c) (clear b) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on a j) (on j e) (on e i) (on i c) (on c b) (on b f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f i g k h d c b l j) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable i) (ontable g) (ontable k) (ontable h) (ontable d) (ontable c) (ontable b) (ontable l) (ontable j) (clear f) (clear i) (clear g) (clear k) (clear h) (clear d) (clear c) (clear b) (clear l) (clear j) ) (:goal (and (on f i) (on i g) (on g k) (on k h) (on h d) (on d c) (on c b) (on b l) (on l j) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects a g j l f i b k) (:init (handempty) (ontable a) (ontable g) (ontable j) (ontable l) (ontable f) (ontable i) (ontable b) (ontable k) (clear a) (clear g) (clear j) (clear l) (clear f) (clear i) (clear b) (clear k) ) (:goal (and (on a g) (on g j) (on j l) (on l f) (on f i) (on i b) (on b k) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects l d g h f c k b) (:init (handempty) (ontable l) (ontable d) (ontable g) (ontable h) (ontable f) (ontable c) (ontable k) (ontable b) (clear l) (clear d) (clear g) (clear h) (clear f) (clear c) (clear k) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on l d) (on d g) (on g h) (on h f) (on f c) (on c k) (on k b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g l i d j) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable l) (ontable i) (ontable d) (ontable j) (clear g) (clear l) (clear i) (clear d) (clear j) ) (:goal (and (on g l) (on l i) (on i d) (on d j) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects c j i h l g) (:init (handempty) (ontable c) (ontable j) (ontable i) (ontable h) (ontable l) (ontable g) (clear c) (clear j) (clear i) (clear h) (clear l) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on c j) (on j i) (on i h) (on h l) (on l g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects i f e l g k j b) (:init (handempty) (ontable i) (ontable f) (ontable e) (ontable l) (ontable g) (ontable k) (ontable j) (ontable b) (clear i) (clear f) (clear e) (clear l) (clear g) (clear k) (clear j) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on i f) (on f e) (on e l) (on l g) (on g k) (on k j) (on j b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects a j i e) (:init (handempty) (ontable a) (ontable j) (ontable i) (ontable e) (clear a) (clear j) (clear i) (clear e) ) (:goal (and (on a j) (on j i) (on i e) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects l e a) (:init (handempty) (ontable l) (ontable e) (ontable a) (clear l) (clear e) (clear a) ) (:goal (and (on l e) (on e a) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects l k g j b) (:init (handempty) (ontable l) (ontable k) (ontable g) (ontable j) (ontable b) (clear l) (clear k) (clear g) (clear j) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on l k) (on k g) (on g j) (on j b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f g a b e h i l k) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable g) (ontable a) (ontable b) (ontable e) (ontable h) (ontable i) (ontable l) (ontable k) (clear f) (clear g) (clear a) (clear b) (clear e) (clear h) (clear i) (clear l) (clear k) ) (:goal (and (on f g) (on g a) (on a b) (on b e) (on e h) (on h i) (on i l) (on l k) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects i h g) (:init (handempty) (ontable i) (ontable h) (ontable g) (clear i) (clear h) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on i h) (on h g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects c i h d b l g e k j a f) (:init (handempty) (ontable c) (ontable i) (ontable h) (ontable d) (ontable b) (ontable l) (ontable g) (ontable e) (ontable k) (ontable j) (ontable a) (ontable f) (clear c) (clear i) (clear h) (clear d) (clear b) (clear l) (clear g) (clear e) (clear k) (clear j) (clear a) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on c i) (on i h) (on h d) (on d b) (on b l) (on l g) (on g e) (on e k) (on k j) (on j a) (on a f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g f e i h c) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable f) (ontable e) (ontable i) (ontable h) (ontable c) (clear g) (clear f) (clear e) (clear i) (clear h) (clear c) ) (:goal (and (on g f) (on f e) (on e i) (on i h) (on h c) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d h a l) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable h) (ontable a) (ontable l) (clear d) (clear h) (clear a) (clear l) ) (:goal (and (on d h) (on h a) (on a l) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects e h b d i f j) (:init (handempty) (ontable e) (ontable h) (ontable b) (ontable d) (ontable i) (ontable f) (ontable j) (clear e) (clear h) (clear b) (clear d) (clear i) (clear f) (clear j) ) (:goal (and (on e h) (on h b) (on b d) (on d i) (on i f) (on f j) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d g j a c k l) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable g) (ontable j) (ontable a) (ontable c) (ontable k) (ontable l) (clear d) (clear g) (clear j) (clear a) (clear c) (clear k) (clear l) ) (:goal (and (on d g) (on g j) (on j a) (on a c) (on c k) (on k l) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects b k j g l h e f) (:init (handempty) (ontable b) (ontable k) (ontable j) (ontable g) (ontable l) (ontable h) (ontable e) (ontable f) (clear b) (clear k) (clear j) (clear g) (clear l) (clear h) (clear e) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on b k) (on k j) (on j g) (on g l) (on l h) (on h e) (on e f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f k c h a e d i g b) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable k) (ontable c) (ontable h) (ontable a) (ontable e) (ontable d) (ontable i) (ontable g) (ontable b) (clear f) (clear k) (clear c) (clear h) (clear a) (clear e) (clear d) (clear i) (clear g) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on f k) (on k c) (on c h) (on h a) (on a e) (on e d) (on d i) (on i g) (on g b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects i d c e g h j k a f) (:init (handempty) (ontable i) (ontable d) (ontable c) (ontable e) (ontable g) (ontable h) (ontable j) (ontable k) (ontable a) (ontable f) (clear i) (clear d) (clear c) (clear e) (clear g) (clear h) (clear j) (clear k) (clear a) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on i d) (on d c) (on c e) (on e g) (on g h) (on h j) (on j k) (on k a) (on a f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g l b i k a) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable l) (ontable b) (ontable i) (ontable k) (ontable a) (clear g) (clear l) (clear b) (clear i) (clear k) (clear a) ) (:goal (and (on g l) (on l b) (on b i) (on i k) (on k a) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects h f e l g b i a j c) (:init (handempty) (ontable h) (ontable f) (ontable e) (ontable l) (ontable g) (ontable b) (ontable i) (ontable a) (ontable j) (ontable c) (clear h) (clear f) (clear e) (clear l) (clear g) (clear b) (clear i) (clear a) (clear j) (clear c) ) (:goal (and (on h f) (on f e) (on e l) (on l g) (on g b) (on b i) (on i a) (on a j) (on j c) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j k d a i h) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable k) (ontable d) (ontable a) (ontable i) (ontable h) (clear j) (clear k) (clear d) (clear a) (clear i) (clear h) ) (:goal (and (on j k) (on k d) (on d a) (on a i) (on i h) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects l c h g a) (:init (handempty) (ontable l) (ontable c) (ontable h) (ontable g) (ontable a) (clear l) (clear c) (clear h) (clear g) (clear a) ) (:goal (and (on l c) (on c h) (on h g) (on g a) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects h a e j b c g) (:init (handempty) (ontable h) (ontable a) (ontable e) (ontable j) (ontable b) (ontable c) (ontable g) (clear h) (clear a) (clear e) (clear j) (clear b) (clear c) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on h a) (on a e) (on e j) (on j b) (on b c) (on c g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d k e) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable k) (ontable e) (clear d) (clear k) (clear e) ) (:goal (and (on d k) (on k e) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects b g k j l e d a i c) (:init (handempty) (ontable b) (ontable g) (ontable k) (ontable j) (ontable l) (ontable e) (ontable d) (ontable a) (ontable i) (ontable c) (clear b) (clear g) (clear k) (clear j) (clear l) (clear e) (clear d) (clear a) (clear i) (clear c) ) (:goal (and (on b g) (on g k) (on k j) (on j l) (on l e) (on e d) (on d a) (on a i) (on i c) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g l b) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable l) (ontable b) (clear g) (clear l) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on g l) (on l b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects e a b k h c l d) (:init (handempty) (ontable e) (ontable a) (ontable b) (ontable k) (ontable h) (ontable c) (ontable l) (ontable d) (clear e) (clear a) (clear b) (clear k) (clear h) (clear c) (clear l) (clear d) ) (:goal (and (on e a) (on a b) (on b k) (on k h) (on h c) (on c l) (on l d) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects i d k g j l b e h c a) (:init (handempty) (ontable i) (ontable d) (ontable k) (ontable g) (ontable j) (ontable l) (ontable b) (ontable e) (ontable h) (ontable c) (ontable a) (clear i) (clear d) (clear k) (clear g) (clear j) (clear l) (clear b) (clear e) (clear h) (clear c) (clear a) ) (:goal (and (on i d) (on d k) (on k g) (on g j) (on j l) (on l b) (on b e) (on e h) (on h c) (on c a) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects b f e c d k j l h) (:init (handempty) (ontable b) (ontable f) (ontable e) (ontable c) (ontable d) (ontable k) (ontable j) (ontable l) (ontable h) (clear b) (clear f) (clear e) (clear c) (clear d) (clear k) (clear j) (clear l) (clear h) ) (:goal (and (on b f) (on f e) (on e c) (on c d) (on d k) (on k j) (on j l) (on l h) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f l a d i e j h c g) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable l) (ontable a) (ontable d) (ontable i) (ontable e) (ontable j) (ontable h) (ontable c) (ontable g) (clear f) (clear l) (clear a) (clear d) (clear i) (clear e) (clear j) (clear h) (clear c) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on f l) (on l a) (on a d) (on d i) (on i e) (on e j) (on j h) (on h c) (on c g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects a e f d h c) (:init (handempty) (ontable a) (ontable e) (ontable f) (ontable d) (ontable h) (ontable c) (clear a) (clear e) (clear f) (clear d) (clear h) (clear c) ) (:goal (and (on a e) (on e f) (on f d) (on d h) (on h c) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects l h e j b d a g f i c) (:init (handempty) (ontable l) (ontable h) (ontable e) (ontable j) (ontable b) (ontable d) (ontable a) (ontable g) (ontable f) (ontable i) (ontable c) (clear l) (clear h) (clear e) (clear j) (clear b) (clear d) (clear a) (clear g) (clear f) (clear i) (clear c) ) (:goal (and (on l h) (on h e) (on e j) (on j b) (on b d) (on d a) (on a g) (on g f) (on f i) (on i c) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j c k d b l g a i e h) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable c) (ontable k) (ontable d) (ontable b) (ontable l) (ontable g) (ontable a) (ontable i) (ontable e) (ontable h) (clear j) (clear c) (clear k) (clear d) (clear b) (clear l) (clear g) (clear a) (clear i) (clear e) (clear h) ) (:goal (and (on j c) (on c k) (on k d) (on d b) (on b l) (on l g) (on g a) (on a i) (on i e) (on e h) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects e l i a g d) (:init (handempty) (ontable e) (ontable l) (ontable i) (ontable a) (ontable g) (ontable d) (clear e) (clear l) (clear i) (clear a) (clear g) (clear d) ) (:goal (and (on e l) (on l i) (on i a) (on a g) (on g d) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects h l i g c f d a k) (:init (handempty) (ontable h) (ontable l) (ontable i) (ontable g) (ontable c) (ontable f) (ontable d) (ontable a) (ontable k) (clear h) (clear l) (clear i) (clear g) (clear c) (clear f) (clear d) (clear a) (clear k) ) (:goal (and (on h l) (on l i) (on i g) (on g c) (on c f) (on f d) (on d a) (on a k) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects i g f e a k c l b) (:init (handempty) (ontable i) (ontable g) (ontable f) (ontable e) (ontable a) (ontable k) (ontable c) (ontable l) (ontable b) (clear i) (clear g) (clear f) (clear e) (clear a) (clear k) (clear c) (clear l) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on i g) (on g f) (on f e) (on e a) (on a k) (on k c) (on c l) (on l b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects h b f) (:init (handempty) (ontable h) (ontable b) (ontable f) (clear h) (clear b) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on h b) (on b f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects a e j c f k l g b h d i) (:init (handempty) (ontable a) (ontable e) (ontable j) (ontable c) (ontable f) (ontable k) (ontable l) (ontable g) (ontable b) (ontable h) (ontable d) (ontable i) (clear a) (clear e) (clear j) (clear c) (clear f) (clear k) (clear l) (clear g) (clear b) (clear h) (clear d) (clear i) ) (:goal (and (on a e) (on e j) (on j c) (on c f) (on f k) (on k l) (on l g) (on g b) (on b h) (on h d) (on d i) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects l c i e j f) (:init (handempty) (ontable l) (ontable c) (ontable i) (ontable e) (ontable j) (ontable f) (clear l) (clear c) (clear i) (clear e) (clear j) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on l c) (on c i) (on i e) (on e j) (on j f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects b k a j c d h f) (:init (handempty) (ontable b) (ontable k) (ontable a) (ontable j) (ontable c) (ontable d) (ontable h) (ontable f) (clear b) (clear k) (clear a) (clear j) (clear c) (clear d) (clear h) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on b k) (on k a) (on a j) (on j c) (on c d) (on d h) (on h f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects j a g f l h) (:init (handempty) (ontable j) (ontable a) (ontable g) (ontable f) (ontable l) (ontable h) (clear j) (clear a) (clear g) (clear f) (clear l) (clear h) ) (:goal (and (on j a) (on a g) (on g f) (on f l) (on l h) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f a k l c i g h d b e) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable a) (ontable k) (ontable l) (ontable c) (ontable i) (ontable g) (ontable h) (ontable d) (ontable b) (ontable e) (clear f) (clear a) (clear k) (clear l) (clear c) (clear i) (clear g) (clear h) (clear d) (clear b) (clear e) ) (:goal (and (on f a) (on a k) (on k l) (on l c) (on c i) (on i g) (on g h) (on h d) (on d b) (on b e) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f k l e g h d b j c i a) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable k) (ontable l) (ontable e) (ontable g) (ontable h) (ontable d) (ontable b) (ontable j) (ontable c) (ontable i) (ontable a) (clear f) (clear k) (clear l) (clear e) (clear g) (clear h) (clear d) (clear b) (clear j) (clear c) (clear i) (clear a) ) (:goal (and (on f k) (on k l) (on l e) (on e g) (on g h) (on h d) (on d b) (on b j) (on j c) (on c i) (on i a) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d e b k a g h f j i) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable e) (ontable b) (ontable k) (ontable a) (ontable g) (ontable h) (ontable f) (ontable j) (ontable i) (clear d) (clear e) (clear b) (clear k) (clear a) (clear g) (clear h) (clear f) (clear j) (clear i) ) (:goal (and (on d e) (on e b) (on b k) (on k a) (on a g) (on g h) (on h f) (on f j) (on j i) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects a d c g k j) (:init (handempty) (ontable a) (ontable d) (ontable c) (ontable g) (ontable k) (ontable j) (clear a) (clear d) (clear c) (clear g) (clear k) (clear j) ) (:goal (and (on a d) (on d c) (on c g) (on g k) (on k j) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects h e b l) (:init (handempty) (ontable h) (ontable e) (ontable b) (ontable l) (clear h) (clear e) (clear b) (clear l) ) (:goal (and (on h e) (on e b) (on b l) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d e i f h k g j) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable e) (ontable i) (ontable f) (ontable h) (ontable k) (ontable g) (ontable j) (clear d) (clear e) (clear i) (clear f) (clear h) (clear k) (clear g) (clear j) ) (:goal (and (on d e) (on e i) (on i f) (on f h) (on h k) (on k g) (on g j) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects e f i j d h k g) (:init (handempty) (ontable e) (ontable f) (ontable i) (ontable j) (ontable d) (ontable h) (ontable k) (ontable g) (clear e) (clear f) (clear i) (clear j) (clear d) (clear h) (clear k) (clear g) ) (:goal (and (on e f) (on f i) (on i j) (on j d) (on d h) (on h k) (on k g) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g k j c f) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable k) (ontable j) (ontable c) (ontable f) (clear g) (clear k) (clear j) (clear c) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on g k) (on k j) (on j c) (on c f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects h b e l i k c d) (:init (handempty) (ontable h) (ontable b) (ontable e) (ontable l) (ontable i) (ontable k) (ontable c) (ontable d) (clear h) (clear b) (clear e) (clear l) (clear i) (clear k) (clear c) (clear d) ) (:goal (and (on h b) (on b e) (on e l) (on l i) (on i k) (on k c) (on c d) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects d k g j i c l h a f e b) (:init (handempty) (ontable d) (ontable k) (ontable g) (ontable j) (ontable i) (ontable c) (ontable l) (ontable h) (ontable a) (ontable f) (ontable e) (ontable b) (clear d) (clear k) (clear g) (clear j) (clear i) (clear c) (clear l) (clear h) (clear a) (clear f) (clear e) (clear b) ) (:goal (and (on d k) (on k g) (on g j) (on j i) (on i c) (on c l) (on l h) (on h a) (on a f) (on f e) (on e b) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects e a j f) (:init (handempty) (ontable e) (ontable a) (ontable j) (ontable f) (clear e) (clear a) (clear j) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on e a) (on a j) (on j f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g k a) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable k) (ontable a) (clear g) (clear k) (clear a) ) (:goal (and (on g k) (on k a) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects c g j a e k i f) (:init (handempty) (ontable c) (ontable g) (ontable j) (ontable a) (ontable e) (ontable k) (ontable i) (ontable f) (clear c) (clear g) (clear j) (clear a) (clear e) (clear k) (clear i) (clear f) ) (:goal (and (on c g) (on g j) (on j a) (on a e) (on e k) (on k i) (on i f) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects k c b g a d j h i) (:init (handempty) (ontable k) (ontable c) (ontable b) (ontable g) (ontable a) (ontable d) (ontable j) (ontable h) (ontable i) (clear k) (clear c) (clear b) (clear g) (clear a) (clear d) (clear j) (clear h) (clear i) ) (:goal (and (on k c) (on c b) (on b g) (on g a) (on a d) (on d j) (on j h) (on h i) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects g e d f b i a h j k l c) (:init (handempty) (ontable g) (ontable e) (ontable d) (ontable f) (ontable b) (ontable i) (ontable a) (ontable h) (ontable j) (ontable k) (ontable l) (ontable c) (clear g) (clear e) (clear d) (clear f) (clear b) (clear i) (clear a) (clear h) (clear j) (clear k) (clear l) (clear c) ) (:goal (and (on g e) (on e d) (on d f) (on f b) (on b i) (on i a) (on a h) (on h j) (on j k) (on k l) (on l c) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects f d i j a h) (:init (handempty) (ontable f) (ontable d) (ontable i) (ontable j) (ontable a) (ontable h) (clear f) (clear d) (clear i) (clear j) (clear a) (clear h) ) (:goal (and (on f d) (on d i) (on i j) (on j a) (on a h) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects k e a b c j d) (:init (handempty) (ontable k) (ontable e) (ontable a) (ontable b) (ontable c) (ontable j) (ontable d) (clear k) (clear e) (clear a) (clear b) (clear c) (clear j) (clear d) ) (:goal (and (on k e) (on e a) (on a b) (on b c) (on c j) (on j d) )))
(define (domain blocksworld-4ops) (:requirements :strips) (:predicates (clear ?x) (ontable ?x) (handempty) (holding ?x) (on ?x ?y)) (:action pick-up :parameters (?ob) :precondition (and (clear ?ob) (ontable ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (ontable ?ob)) (not (handempty)))) (:action put-down :parameters (?ob) :precondition (holding ?ob) :effect (and (clear ?ob) (handempty) (ontable ?ob) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action stack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (clear ?underob) (holding ?ob)) :effect (and (handempty) (clear ?ob) (on ?ob ?underob) (not (clear ?underob)) (not (holding ?ob)))) (:action unstack :parameters (?ob ?underob) :precondition (and (on ?ob ?underob) (clear ?ob) (handempty)) :effect (and (holding ?ob) (clear ?underob) (not (on ?ob ?underob)) (not (clear ?ob)) (not (handempty)))))
(define (problem BW-generalization-4) (:domain blocksworld-4ops)(:objects b j l i) (:init (handempty) (ontable b) (ontable j) (ontable l) (ontable i) (clear b) (clear j) (clear l) (clear i) ) (:goal (and (on b j) (on j l) (on l i) )))
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