Assemblage_vcpkgDLL /
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license: other

Assemblage vcpkg DLL Dataset

last updated: June 16th

This reposotory holds the public dataset for Assemblage, this copy of dataset is on vcpkg dll data along with pdb files. Please note, the Assemblage code is published under the MIT license, while the dataset specify each binary's source code repository license, please adhere to original repository's license.

You can find the paper on arxiv.

Please use cat (the command, not my cat) to concatenate part files into the original xz file, then unzip it.

# Concat the SQLite database then uncompress it
cat vcpkg.sqlite.tar.xz.* > vcpkg.sqlite.tar.xz
tar -xvf vcpkg.sqlite.tar.xz

Dataset Details

This public copy of Assemblage data consists of 130k vcpkg DLL binaries, and the information are stored in the SQLite database. Due to the nature that binary files can't be represented as texts, a seperate vcpkg_final.tar.xz is included, after inflation the folder contains the bnary files. Each file can be indexed by either its SHA256 hash, by hash column or the binary_path column. You can also read our docs on dataset