(CNN)There are two paths to practicing medicine in America. There's the traditional, time-tested way, where new doctors graduate from medical school and then pass a series of national exams while training for years as resident physicians. Then there's the approach being forged in Florida and Arizona: getting elected to a state legislature. Lawmakers in those states are too often donning the white coats to orchestrate medical practice. In 2011, Florida enacted the Firearm Owners' Privacy Act, which threatens prosecution and loss of licensure for any physicians who dare ask their patients about gun ownership and gun safety. Guns are a scientifically uncontested health risk. Asking about them is standard practice in pediatrics and psychiatry. I treat brain injuries, and it's part of my job to talk with patients about things that might be unsafe for them, like driving. And handling weapons. Some of those I treat suffered their injuries by bullets, typically fired by family members or themselves. Does anyone really believe I shouldn't talk about gun safety in these cases? It's a good thing I don't practice in Florida. Florida's gun censorship law was dragged into court soon after the governor signed it, and while a three-judge appeals panel upheld the law last summer, doctors can still ask about guns while the full 11th Circuit Court of Appeals decides whether it will take up the case, a decision that could come down any day, the president of the Florida chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Tommy Schechtman, told me. He is a plaintiff in the case. In Arizona, another assault on physician free speech is scheduled to go into effect this summer. Bill 1318 goes a step beyond silencing doctors. It requires them to lie. The bill was originally a hum-drum attempt to block health plans from covering abortion services, a common state and federal strategy. But legislators slid in a last-minute provision mandating that physicians who prescribe the abortion pill RU-486 tell patients the pill is reversible. That's the opinion of a particular San Diego doctor who says this can be done through risky, large doses of progesterone. But the doctor hasn't proven his case, and his regimen is not recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists or the Food and Drug Administration. Any doctor is certainly within his or her rights to review the limited information available about the San Diego regimen and decide whether to discuss it with patients, but actually requiring physicians to make claims most believe to be untrue and unsafe means the legislators are overstepping their bounds and interfering with the patient-doctor relationship. I cannot imagine anyone attempting to put words into the mouth of a lawyer privately consulting with a client. Why are physicians putting up with a professional assault the American Bar Association would never permit? Dr. Ilana Addis, chairwoman of the Arizona chapter of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, told me the amendment was added shortly before she was scheduled to testify about the bill before the Arizona House. While Planned Parenthood and the ACLU joined her organization in criticizing the provision, the bill passed both chambers and was recently signed by the governor. There's a common relationship shared by these laws, beyond turning doctors into government spokespeople. These laws capitalize on controversial issues to divide and conquer. Physicians don't all share the same opinions on abortion and guns any more than they all vote Republican or Democrat. This is part of the reason the key state physicians' associations aren't taking the lead in battling these laws. The battle is left to the specialties most affected. In Florida, that's the state's chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, since pediatricians are most likely to ask about guns in the home. In Arizona, it's the state chapter of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists carrying the torch for physician free speech. The Florida Medical Association didn't provide me with details about whether it has a lobbying effort against the gun law, and the Arizona Medical Association told me in a statement that "ArMA's policy is to take no position on abortion." Representing physicians as a whole, the state medical associations have the most political clout in statehouses. The Massachusetts Medical Society (MSS) tried to utilize that power recently when it decided to dedicate "Doctor's Day" to the issue of physician free speech, highlighting the threat posed by Florida's gun law in particular. Members are concerned about the precedent being set. Arkansas enacted a law similar to Arizona just days later. The American Medical Association can do more. It did file a friend-of-the-court brief as part of the Florida legal challenge, but at this writing hasn't weighed in on Arizona. The AMA didn't sign on to a statement released last week by the Coalition to Protect the Patient-Provider Relationship that hits hard on the new abortion laws as an affront to good medical care. Its huge lobbying operations are tied up in Washington, while states are the main battleground over the integrity of medical practice. Now that the AMA has won the age-old "doc fix" battle, ending automatic Medicare payment cuts to doctors, perhaps it will consider assigning some of its $18 million lobbying team to stand in for lackluster state affiliates who've abdicated their responsibility to vigorously defend the medical profession. We have a Surgeon General now, Vivek Murthy, and he is on a national listening tour while he prepares to announce his areas of policy focus on April 22, Jonathan Beeton, a Health and Human Services spokesman told me. I hope Murthy will see beyond the bluster of abortion and gun politics and zero in on a key issue affecting public health -- free and unfettered communication between patients and doctors.
Ford Vox: Florida law keeps doctors from talking gun safety with patients; Arizona law forces doctors to promote disputed abortion claim . He says doctor organizations are failing to defend medical profession against politically motivated interference by clueless lawmakers .
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(CNN)Nobel literature laureate Guenter Grass, best known around the world for his novel "The Tin Drum," has died, his publisher said Monday. He was 87. Grass died in a clinic in the city of Luebeck, where he was taken over the weekend, said Steidl publishing spokeswoman Claudia Glenewinkel. German media are reporting he died of pneumonia. Grass focused in much of his work on learning from the horror of war and genocide by exploring motifs from his childhood city of Danzig, which is now Gdansk, Poland. During the Nazi era, ethnic Poles and Jews were persecuted and deported from the multicultural city, at a time when they faced the possibility of mass murder. "In his excavation of the past, Günter Grass goes deeper than most and he unearths the intertwined roots of good and evil," the Nobel committee wrote, when it awarded him the literature prize in 1999. But Grass, an outspoken public figure, has sparked controversy in the last decade. In 2006, he confessed that at the age of 15, in 1943, he volunteered for military service in Germany's war of aggression and ended up in the notoriously bloody Waffen SS. Grass said he had no excuses for his choices back then, and that, as a teen, he may even have been excited about belonging to the unit, which he saw then as an elite group. A year later, he penned a detailed account in The New Yorker on how he spent his war years up to the death of German dictator Adolf Hitler. Three years ago, Grass drew controversy again, when he published a poem in a German newspaper discouraging Germany from selling more submarines to Israel. In "What must be said," Grass accused Germany of selling weapons to a potential aggressor out of guilt over the Holocaust. Grass said Israel could use nuclear weapons to kill masses of Iranians. German commentators pilloried him as subconsciously anti-Semitic. Israel invoked a visa ban, and then-Interior Minister Eli Yishai declared Grass a "persona non grata" in Israel, the Jerusalem Post reported. Grass' novel characters are the forgotten, the downtrodden and the weird, the Nobel committee said. And like Oskar Matzerath, the boy in "The Tin Drum," they often slip into surreal situations. This was a literary innovation, the committee said, which was furthered by other great authors, such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Nadine Gordimer and Salman Rushdie. On Monday, Rushdie tweeted about Grass' death: "This is very sad. A true giant, inspiration, and friend." "The Tin Drum," which was published in 1959, "breaks the bounds of realism by having as its protagonist and narrator an infernal intelligence in the body of a three-year-old, a monster who overpowers the fellow human beings he approaches with the help of a toy drum," the Nobel committee wrote. The committee praised Grass' mastery of the German language and his ability to artfully exploit its possibilities of creating seemingly endless yet graceful sentences. Grass was an icon in contemporary German culture with an unchanging iconic look -- his broad mustache, his eyes gazing over the top of his glasses, a tobacco pipe a constant companion in hand. In his later years, he became known for his continuing critique of human history in the 20th century -- and of current events. As recently as March, Grass criticized the anti-Islam movement PEGIDA, Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West. He used the opportunity fire a jab at government that he said was corrupted by money interests. "It's not Islam that threatens the Federal Republic (of Germany)," he said in an interview with, "but political lobbying. Democracy has decayed into fake democracy." Grass has also suggested that Germans should be forced to invite refugees from crisis regions to live in their homes as a way of offering more shelter to the world's destitute.
Grass tried in his literature to come to grips with World War II and the Nazi era . His characters were the downtrodden, and his style slipped into the surreal . He stoked controversy with his admission to being a member of the Waffen SS .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 41597, 523, 13144, 34272, 2646, 11798, 21211, 6, 275, 684, 198, 5, 232, 13, 39, 5808, 22, 133, 16055, 18165, 60, 34, 962, 6, 39, 10710, 26, 302, 4, 91, 21, 8176, 4, 21211, 962, 11, 10, 8474, 11, 5, 343, 9, 226, 1780, 16825, 6, 147, 37, 21, 551, 81, 5, 983, 6, 26, 5527, 808, 462, 10467, 3582, 25996, 7072, 2753, 179, 5576, 4, 1859, 433, 32, 2207, 37, 962, 9, 23665, 4, 21211, 2061, 11, 203, 9, 39, 173, 15, 2239, 31, 5, 8444, 9, 997, 8, 18038, 30, 8668, 32847, 29, 31, 39, 6585, 343, 9, 2503, 22330, 6, 61, 16, 122, 272, 417, 30075, 6, 6508, 4, 1590, 5, 12281, 3567, 6, 7289, 37181, 8, 8609, 58, 33338, 8, 14894, 31, 5, 30286, 343, 6, 23, 10, 86, 77, 51, 2713, 5, 3302, 9, 2862, 1900, 4, 22, 1121, 39, 35525, 9, 5, 375, 6, 272, 2768, 282, 1334, 21211, 1411, 6635, 87, 144, 8, 37, 542, 4352, 15561, 5, 35506, 8121, 9, 205, 8, 9247, 60, 5, 12821, 1540, 875, 6, 77, 24, 4241, 123, 5, 13144, 4588, 11, 6193, 4, 125, 21211, 6, 41, 16120, 285, 1955, 6, 34, 6246, 6170, 11, 5, 94, 2202, 4, 96, 3503, 6, 37, 13901, 14, 23, 5, 1046, 9, 379, 6, 11, 30190, 6, 37, 20792, 13, 831, 544, 11, 1600, 18, 997, 9, 14227, 8, 1249, 62, 11, 5, 23455, 13629, 305, 3707, 225, 11643, 4, 21211, 26, 37, 56, 117, 19791, 13, 39, 5717, 124, 172, 6, 8, 14, 6, 25, 10, 6066, 6, 37, 189, 190, 33, 57, 2283, 59, 11441, 7, 5, 1933, 6, 61, 37, 794, 172, 25, 41, 6281, 333, 4, 83, 76, 423, 6, 37, 20043, 10, 4271, 1316, 11, 20, 188, 18325, 15, 141, 37, 1240, 39, 997, 107, 62, 7, 5, 744, 9, 1859, 18529, 32437, 16423, 4, 2873, 107, 536, 6, 21211, 4855, 6170, 456, 6, 77, 37, 1027, 10, 19340, 11, 10, 1859, 2924, 33408, 1600, 31, 2183, 55, 28642, 7, 1870, 4, 96, 22, 2264, 531, 28, 26, 60, 21211, 1238, 1600, 9, 2183, 2398, 7, 10, 801, 29593, 368, 66, 9, 15324, 81, 5, 13903, 4, 21211, 26, 1870, 115, 304, 1748, 2398, 7, 3549, 15444, 9, 23571, 4, 1859, 22800, 13106, 25545, 123, 25, 38084, 352, 1475, 12, 21004, 4, 1870, 29198, 10, 8915, 2020, 6, 8, 172, 12, 26267, 7375, 692, 13420, 854, 1173, 1439, 2998, 21211, 10, 22, 5970, 102, 786, 4435, 2186, 113, 11, 1870, 6, 5, 7007, 1869, 431, 4, 21211, 108, 5808, 3768, 32, 5, 9885, 6, 5, 29407, 1001, 39893, 8, 5, 7735, 6, 5, 12821, 1540, 26, 4, 178, 101, 384, 7771, 271, 4101, 6403, 2681, 6, 5, 2143, 11, 22, 133, 16055, 18165, 60, 51, 747, 9215, 88, 19907, 5458, 4, 152, 21, 10, 17205, 4695, 6, 5, 1540, 26, 6, 61, 21, 37336, 2050, 30, 97, 372, 7601, 6, 215, 25, 8719, 6603, 1127, 9343, 6, 7157, 833, 20095, 15677, 8, 8965, 13061, 18554, 4, 374, 302, 6, 13061, 18554, 2 ]
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Nobel literature laureate Guenter known for his novel " The Tin Drum has publisher . He was 87 . Grass died in a clinic in the he German of pneumonia of war and , Günter " , the Nobel committee literary Rushdie
(CNN)Barney Frank, to say the least, knows his way around politics. In a Chicago appearance recently, the retired congressman had the sold-out crowd at the Center on Halsted well entertained as he detailed his 45-year journey in public service. Frank, you'll recall, was the first member of Congress to marry someone of the same-sex while in office, and among other things, he had some choice words for closeted politicians who vote against LGBT rights. And when someone in the audience asked his thoughts about a current ballot proposal in California that would legalize killing gay people, he said he wasn't aware of the measure but told the young man not to "worry yourself about the crazy people." "We're winning," he said before joking that the name of the California proposal -- "The Sodomite Suppression Act" -- sounded like a porno. "We're winning" is a phrase I've heard a lot recently as it pertains to LGBT rights. And I guess if you look at where the country was 10 years ago, we definitely are. That's assuming you are part of the "we" that believes LGBT people should have the same rights as their heterosexual/cisgender counterparts. Or at least not "be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method" as the California proposal suggests. (It's unclear whether Matt McLaughlin, the Huntington Beach lawyer who submitted the proposal, is being sincere or just an ass, but the fact remains that if he collects enough signatures there appears to be no legal way of stopping it from going on the ballot.) Frank's "we're winning" declaration was oddly timed, too. Less than 24 hours after his talk, the governor in the next state over signed an anti-LGBT "religious freedom" bill into the law -- one that allows businesses to challenge in court local laws that forbid discriminating against customers based on sexual orientation. "Many people of faith feel their religious liberty is under attack by government action," Indiana Gov. Mike Pence said. Not to be outdone, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson said he would sign a similar bill that is expected to reach his desk shortly. So we have: A fledgling proposal to kill the gays out West, laws to deny us goods and services in the heartland, and if the rhetoric of 2016 hopeful Ted Cruz is a barometer, a federal ban on same-sex marriage still on the GOP table. Like others, I had foolishly hoped the upcoming general election would be one defined by bold ideas. Instead, it looks like it's going to be dragged down to a replay of Pat Buchanan's "cultural war" speech, during which he told the 1992 Republican National Convention: "We stand with (George H.W. Bush) against the amoral idea that gay and lesbian couples should have the same standing in law as married men and women" and later followed with "There is a religious war going on in this country. It is a cultural war, as critical to the kind of nation we shall be as the Cold War itself. For this war is for the soul of America." Progressives enjoyed poking fun at Cruz, the tea party darling when he announced his presidential bid, but according to the American Civil Liberties Union, "the Indiana RFRA [Religious Freedom Restoration Act] is one of 24 introduced in 15 states this year that could allow someone to use their religious beliefs to discriminate. Numerous other bills specifically single out the LGBT community for unequal treatment." It's not just lawmakers. Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore made headlines for telling state officials and judges to disregard a federal court ruling that overturned the state's ban on same-sex marriage. And this week. a federal judge in Cruz's home state of Texas blocked a federal rule that would have granted married, same-sex couples access to the Family and Medical Leave Act, a law that helps employees stay home to take care of a severely ill spouse. It seems clear that even if Cruz doesn't capture the GOP nomination, whoever does will undoubtedly make some concessions to appease LGBT rights backlash currently underway in conservative states. That could include one of Cruz's agenda items: a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, usurping whatever ruling comes out of the Supreme Court in June, when the court is expected to rule on whether such marriage is constitutionally protected. And the NCAA can issue strongly worded statements, as it did over Indiana's new anti-LGBT law, and -- along with others in corporate America -- can threaten financial repercussions for discriminatory laws. But at the end of the day, it's about votes. Frank said when progressives get angry they march in the streets, and when conservatives get mad they march to the polls. If that holds true in 2016, "winning" is going to feel very strange. Indeed, most 2016 hopefuls on the right have been reluctant to express support for same-sex marriage. According to former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, "it's like asking someone who's Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli." Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said, "I certainly will support Ted Cruz and others that are talking about making ... a constitutional amendment to allow states to continue to define marriage." Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has a long history of fighting against same sex marriage and civil unions. And Ben Carson said jail turns people gay, so there's that. (He later apologized) Gallup polls may suggest voters nationwide are more gay-friendly, but the trend on the state level tells a different story. Perhaps we're witnessing the final gasp of long-ago biases. Or maybe those biases are having a rebirth we had underestimated. Barney Frank said he believes Republicans want the Supreme Court to rule in favor of same-sex marriage to provide political cover in the GOP primary. That may be true, but it's doubtful that will allow a candidate to avoid taking a position on the wave of so-called "religious freedom" bills currently snaking through red-state legislatures. Or to sidestep the topic of a constitutional amendment when it's raised in a debate or at a campaign stop -- especially with Republicans controlling both the House and the Senate. Once again, our democracy is vexed by a woefully inadequate two-party system. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative independent voters may want to consider the full depth of a candidate's policies before making a decision, but ultimately it may come down to a single-question: to discriminate against LGBT people or not. Unfortunately, the pending 2016 "cultural war" does not allow for much wiggle room beyond that. I know Frank and others have said "we're winning" but sitting here, watching the life being sucked out of democracy year in and year out feels more like a defeat than a victory.
LZ: Barney Frank may say LGBT rights 'winning,' but Indiana law pushing them back, and other states' anti-LGBT moves, a bad sign . Cruz, Huckabee, Jindal, Carson, Walker and some state judges rulings, feel like 2016 reviving culture wars, he says .
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Barney Frank, to his . congressman on was the first Congress marry of the same - sex and for ballot proposal in California that killing gay people, he ' re winning " is a to LGBT rights . Frank' s " - LGBT bill : kill marriage
(CNN)Lauren Hill, who took her inspirational fight against brain cancer onto the basketball court and into the hearts of many, has died at age 19. The Indiana woman's story became known around the world last year when she was able to realize her dream of playing college basketball. Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati successfully petitioned the NCAA to move up the opening game of its schedule to accommodate her desire to play. Hill died early Friday. At a ceremony honoring her life on the school's campus Friday afternoon, head coach Dan Benjamin said the toughest thing a coach has to deal with is a loss. The community had lost more than a player, he said. It lost a friend and a daughter. And it lost "an unselfish angel." "It's not often you get to celebrate a loss," he told the crowd as he struggled to hold in his tears. "But today we celebrate a victory on how to live a life, through Lauren Hill. (No.) 22 you will be missed and remembered by so many." An assistant coach read a quote from Hill: . "I encourage everyone to cherish every moment with no worry about the past or anxiety about the future. Because the next moment is never promised. Never leave anything unsaid. I have learned to see the blessings in every moment and through every struggle, no matter how tough it might be. Nothing holds me back from living my life and chasing my dreams. I always finish what I start and see it through to the end. Never give up on your dreams. Find something to fight for; I fight for others." Hill would go on to help raise $1.4 million for pediatric cancer research with the nonprofit group The Cure Starts Now. The organization called her a "worldwide inspiration." "Lauren captured the hearts of people worldwide with her tenacity and determination to play in her first collegiate basketball game with her Mount St. Joseph University team," the group said on Facebook. People we've lost in 2015 . Mount St. Joseph University President Tony Artez said Hill's "love and laughter will remain in our hearts." "We are forever grateful to have had Lauren grace our campus with her smile and determined spirit," Artez said in a statement. "She has left a powerful legacy. She taught us that every day is a blessing, every moment a gift." Her principal at Lawrenceburg High School, Bill Snyder, announced her death to students Friday morning. "Lauren's message was constantly positive," he told CNN. "We all need to work together to beat obstacles. Not just cancer. In any situation we can be positive." As news of her death spread, social media lit up with messages honoring her life. NBA great LeBron James called her the "true definition of strength, courage, power, leadership." "The greatest accomplishment we can achieve as humans is to inspire many," Twitter user Just_AP wrote. "Lauren Hill did that." NCAA President Mark Emmert said Hill's "enthusiasm and strength were an inspiration not only to those who knew her best, but also to the millions of people she touched around the world by sharing her story." "Lauren achieved a lasting and meaningful legacy, and her beautiful spirit will continue to live on," he said in a statement. Hill was diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma in 2013 when she was a senior in high school. The rare brain tumor was inoperable, but Hill persisted in playing on her high school team despite chemotherapy treatments. "I never gave up for a second, even when I got a terminal diagnosis, never thought about sitting back and not living life anymore," she told CNN affiliate WKRC-TV at the time. She had already committed to play for Mount St. Joseph when she was diagnosed. In October, the school received permission from the NCAA to move up its first scheduled game so Hill could play. In front of a sellout crowd, many wearing T-shirts bearing her name and slogan, "Never Give Up," watched the ballplayer score the first two points and the final layup of the game. "Today has been the best day I've ever had," Hill told the crowd after the game. "I don't know what to say but thank you." CNN's Jill Martin, Emanuella Grinberg and Faith Karimi contributed to this report.
Lauren Hill's coach says she was "an unselfish angel" After playing for her college, Lauren Hill helped raise money for cancer research . NCAA president says she "achieved a lasting and meaningful legacy"
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Lauren Hill, brain the basketball and , has died at 19 The Indiana she was college Joseph University NCAA up game of Friday a coach . on to help raise $1 . 4 million for pediatric cancer research her a " to play in her . Mount St Hill' s " She
Aden, Yemen (CNN)The streets were empty but not quiet. Shelling began to boom through the Yemeni city of Aden on Thursday afternoon as we hurried back to board the boat that had brought us here from Djibouti. Aden is a city gripped by fear, desperation and want. People line up for bread, they line up for cooking fuel, and the electricity only works a few hours a day. And from late afternoon onward, most people stay indoors. That is the time of the shelling, the daily aerial bombardment. How we got to Yemen: 30 dangerous hours in a boat . Saudi Arabia began airstrikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen three weeks ago Thursday. But Aden remains a city not fully in the hands either of Houthi rebels or forces loyal to the ousted government of President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi. Everyone we spoke to Thursday told us the same thing: Living in Aden these days is terrifying. We visited a hospital where doctors have given up trying to count the dead and the dying who are brought in. Officials said they believe the toll of the dead runs into the hundreds. Everywhere, we felt, saw, heard and smelled the desperation. We spoke to some of the loyalist military commanders. They said they felt they were pushing back the Houthi forces. The Houthis forced Hadi from power in January, though Hadi still claims to be Yemen's legitimate leader and is working with the Saudis and other allies to return to Yemen. Those allied with Hadi have accused the Iranian government of supporting the Houthis in their uprising in Yemen. 'A window into hell': Desperate Yemenis flee Saudi airstrikes by boat . Since Saudi Arabia began aerial raids March 26, it has launched more than 1,200 airstrikes. Saudi officials said they have killed more than 500 Houthi rebels. But the reality is that a good portion of the armaments the Saudis send in on guided parachutes fall instead into Houthi hands. There is, to be sure, a sense that three weeks into this operation, the Saudis are making some headway with the strikes. But given how far along they are into the operation, the expectation would have been -- especially given the aerial cover the Saudis are providing for loyalist forces on the ground -- that the Houthi forces would have been pushed further back. That hasn't happened. Why is Saudi Arabia bombing Yemen? The government loyalists have gained territory; that is why we were able to dock. There is an area around one of the smaller ports that is reliably in government hands. But Aden's main port will be hugely strategic for any potential ground incursion. Those forces will need to be reinforced and supplied through somewhere -- and the port is at the top of the list. Given that control of the city is still divided, there is a feeling that not enough of what the Saudis set out to do has been accomplished. The loyalists were frank with us. We are outgunned, they said. We are fighting a force that is superior to us in terms of its arms, tanks and artillery. "We're fighting them with automatic machine guns," the loyalists told us. "Those reinforcements aren't getting in to us in time." CNN's Don Melvin in London contributed to this report.
Control of strategic seaport of Aden divided between Houthi rebels and government loyalists . Some Saudi arms are falling into rebel hands . Terrified residents line up for bread and fuel and try to stay indoors .
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(CNN)On Thursday, President Barack Obama revealed that a U.S. drone strike had killed Warren Weinstein and Giovanni Lo Porto, two aid workers held hostage on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Al Qaeda had sought to trade the two for prisoners held by the United States and an end to drone strikes. But it is not only terrorist groups that try to reap reward from the taking of hostages -- take the case of Jason Rezaian, The Washington Post's Tehran bureau chief. On April 20, just two days before diplomats resumed talks in Vienna, Austria, to reach a final agreement over Iran's nuclear program, Rezaian's Iranian attorney announced that his client had been charged with espionage, conducting propaganda, collaborating with foreign governments and collecting information "with malicious intent." The State Department, Rezaian's employers at The Washington Post and fellow journalists reacted with outrage. Their anger is justified, but the decision should surprise no one: There is a long history of rogue regimes seizing hostages against the backdrop of diplomacy to extract concessions, humiliate the United States or signal unease. The scale of Iran's current hostage-taking -- not only Rezaian but also Iranian-Americans Saeed Abedini and Amir Hekmati -- may pale in comparison with Iranian behavior of decades past. But the use of hostages to extract concessions or dampen the enthusiasm surrounding reconciliation is part of a consistent pattern. Consider the original Iran hostage seizure: On November 4, 1979, radical students seized the American Embassy in Tehran, ultimately holding 52 diplomats hostage for 444 days. Often forgotten was what sparked that episode, which occurred more than nine months after Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini declared the Islamic revolution victorious. The problem was a rush to reconcile: At a November 1, 1979, Algiers reception, Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's national security adviser, met Iranian Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan. According to Brzezinski's own memoir, he told Bazargan that the United States was open to any relationship the Islamic republic wanted. Photos of their handshake graced newspapers around the world. Iranian hardliners, meanwhile, were apoplectic that Barzagan was "betraying" Iran's revolutionary principles, and seized the embassy to block any rapprochement. Khomeini endorsed their action. "Our young people must foil these plots," he reportedly said. The hostages became pawns in an escalating series of demands. Brzezinski's dream of reconciliation became a nightmare. Iran released the embassy hostages as Ronald Reagan took his oath of office, ending its first but not last hostage-taking episode. Iranian proxies seized a number of Americans in Lebanon. Reagan blessed a plan to trade arms for hostages. Putting aside the illegalities of diverting weaponry to the Nicaraguan Contras, the genesis of the scheme was not only a desire for diplomacy but also, much as with Obama's outreach today, to solidify the moderate camp within the Iranian political spectrum. Initially, the scheme worked, but no sooner had American officials delivered the last load of military equipment and the last hostages set free, then kidnappers seized three more Americans. Hostage-taking had simply become another way to collect concessions. Of course, Iran is not alone in such games. Whenever the United States tries to use diplomacy to bring rogue regimes in from the cold, it faces hostage crises. Take North Korea: Obama campaigned as the anti-Bush on the world stage. "The notion that somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them ... is ridiculous," Obama, then a senator, declared in July 2007. Obama hadn't even marked two months in office when North Korea detained two journalists working for Al Gore's Current TV. A kangaroo court sentenced Laura Ling and Euna Lee to 12 years in prison. It was traditional hostage diplomacy. Former President Bill Clinton traveled to Pyongyang to appeal for their release. North Korean leader Kim Jong Il used the episode to solidify the position of his third son and designated successor, Kim Jong Un. North Korea's police force put out word that "General Kim Jong Un's artifice let former U.S. President Clinton cross the Pacific to apologize to the Great Leader. It was all made possible thanks to General Kim Jong Un's extraordinary prophecy and outstanding tactics." North Korea's deputy foreign minister confided that the groundwork for the episode had been planned long in advance. Ling and Lee were neither the first nor the last Americans that North Korea seized during the Obama era. After North Korea torpedoed a South Korean ship, killing 46, Obama sought North Korea's censure in the U.N. Security Council. Pyongyang responded by threatening Aijalon Mahli Gomes, an American imprisoned earlier that year for illegally entering North Korea. On cue, former President Jimmy Carter arrived to mediate for Gomes' release, called for new talks and, by omission, derailed efforts to hold North Korea accountable for its killing of nearly four dozen South Korean sailors. The pattern would repeat in 2012 when North Korea seized Kenneth Bae, an American whom Kim Jong Un sought to leverage into concessions. The following year, North Korea arrested an 85-year-old Korean War veteran touring the hermit kingdom and, the next year, took two other tourists hostage. Each arrest resulted in a high-level visit, an apology to North Korea that bolstered the dear leader's claims of strength and renewed engagement. Saddam Hussein likewise worked from the same playbook. In March 1995, Iraqi security forces seized two American defense contractors who strayed into Iraq from Kuwait. Sentenced to eight years, they served 114 days before Rep. Bill Richardson, D-New Mexico, a close Clinton ally (and future Cabinet-level U.N. ambassador) flew to Baghdad to retrieve them. The American media lauded Richardson, but his trip was not without cost: Saddam used it to depict Iraq as strong and America as weak. "President Saddam Hussein ... accepts the pleas by Bill Clinton, the Congress and American people," the Iraqi News Agency reported. And so did the Taliban. Fifteen years before Obama traded alleged American deserter Bowe Bergdahl for five high-value Taliban and alleged al Qaeda operatives imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, the Taliban arrested two Americans female missionaries. Their detention -- and threatened death sentence -- came against the backdrop of Clinton-era attempts to negotiate with and perhaps even normalize relations with the Taliban; the Taliban, too, knew how holding Americans captive could even the playing field or even represent leverage for new concessions. So what does Iran's hostage brinkmanship portend? Diplomats drink their own Kool-Aid, and convince themselves that their engagement can bring rogues in from the cold. Ego, ambition and arrogance convince presidents that the failure of past diplomacy rests with their predecessors rather than adversaries. Hostages such as Rezaian are canaries in the coal mine, however. Their captivity -- not suave officials and their smooth promises -- show both the true character of the regime and its disregard for the norms of diplomacy.
A U.S. drone strike accidentally killed hostages Warren Weinstein and Giovanni Lo Porto . Michael Rubin: Hostages such as journalist Jason Rezaian are canaries in the coal mine .
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Obama a U . S . drone strike and the for hostages in , to Iran : rogue hostages concessions, of Iran' s hostage - reconciliation is to reconcile:
(CNN)The last time Frank Jordan spoke with his son, Louis Jordan was fishing on a sailboat a few miles off the South Carolina coast. The next time he spoke with him, more than two months had passed and the younger Jordan was on a German-flagged container ship 200 miles from North Carolina, just rescued from his disabled boat. "I thought I lost you," the relieved father said. Louis Jordan, 37, took his 35-foot sailboat out in late January and hadn't been heard from in 66 days when he was spotted Thursday afternoon by the Houston Express on his ship drifting in the Atlantic Ocean. "I was utterly thankful and grateful to the people who rescued me, and I was grateful to God that my parents were not going to be worried about me," Jordan told CNN. Frank Jordan told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that he had worried about his son, who is an inexperienced sailor, but he held hope because his son had a good boat. And he had the strength to make it. "He's got very strong constitution and (is strong) not only physically, but spiritually," Frank Jordan told CNN. "And he told me on the phone that he was praying the whole time, so I believe that sustained him a great deal." The younger Jordan said he took his sailboat out to the Gulf Stream to find some better fishing, when it capsized. He broke his shoulder when the boat flipped. Because of the injury, Jordan couldn't repair the boat's mast, which had snapped. "Everything I owned got broken -- all my electronics, my GPS devices," Jordan said. He was dead in the water. Jordan drifted in the Atlantic, rationing food and water until his shoulder healed. He was able to rig a makeshift mast and sail, Jordan said, but he could make little headway against the currents. "It took so long," he said. "It moved so slowly." The boat capsized two more times before he was rescued, according to Jordan. After his food and water ran out, it became an issue of survival. Collecting fresh water was a nightmare for Jordan. The weather wouldn't cooperate. "I had tried to collect (rain)water ... but every time the waves would splash into the boat," Jordan said. "The waves would put saltwater into my freshwater and it tasted bad. "Finally the conditions were right. I filled up my water tank, which is 25 gallons. I filled up a bucket." Then there was the issue of food. The fish weren't cooperating, but after a while Jordan learned that they were attracted to his laundry that he would put out to sea for a rinse. The fish would swim in and out of his clothes and he could easily scoop them up with a hand net, he said. Jodran came ashore Thursday evening. CNN affiliate WAVY in Norfolk, Virginia, reported that he was able to walk from the helicopter into Sentara Norfolk General Hospital at about 7:30 p.m. Jordan was reported missing January 29, a few days after his last contact with his father. Two months of concern poured out in a phone call with his son's rescuers. Frank Jordan thanked the captain of the Houston Express. "You're a good man, I swear. You did what you are supposed to do, and I sure do appreciate it," he says. "And I know my son appreciates it." CNN's Chandler Friedman contributed to this report.
Louis Jordan says his sailboat capsized three times . He survived by collecting rainwater and eating raw fish . Frank Jordan told CNN his son isn't an experienced sailor but has a strong will .
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his son, Louis Jordan was fishing on a sailboat a Carolina he - ship rescued from his boat . " I Atlantic to , and I " He' s ," Frank capsized shoulder in the water . Jordan
(CNN)A mammoth fire broke out Friday morning in a Kentucky industrial park, sending plumes of thick smoke over the area as authorities worked to contain the damage. The blaze began shortly before 7 a.m. at the General Electric Appliance Park in Louisville, according to Mike Weimer from the city's emergency management agency. He said that there were no reports of anyone injured or trapped. Video showed both smoke and bright orange flames. Firefighters took up positions around the affected buildings, spraying water from the periphery. Weimer told CNN that authorities didn't know what had caused the fire, which had gone to at least four alarms. According to a GE website, its facility in the Louisville Appliance Park is "revitalizing manufacturing in the United States." The park is large, such that 34 football fields could fit in one of its warehouses in the facility.
Fire breaks out at the General Electric Appliance Park in Louisville, Kentucky . City official: No is believed to be injured or trapped .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 250, 28521, 668, 2263, 66, 273, 662, 11, 10, 4449, 2683, 2221, 6, 3981, 2968, 19364, 9, 7992, 4603, 81, 5, 443, 25, 1247, 1006, 7, 5585, 5, 1880, 4, 20, 8769, 880, 3691, 137, 262, 10, 4, 119, 4, 23, 5, 1292, 7219, 36532, 9862, 861, 11, 8389, 6, 309, 7, 1483, 166, 15677, 31, 5, 343, 18, 1923, 1052, 1218, 4, 91, 26, 14, 89, 58, 117, 690, 9, 1268, 1710, 50, 8240, 4, 5338, 969, 258, 4603, 8, 4520, 8978, 8493, 4, 1833, 12163, 362, 62, 2452, 198, 5, 2132, 3413, 6, 30652, 514, 31, 5, 36605, 4, 166, 15677, 174, 3480, 14, 1247, 399, 75, 216, 99, 56, 1726, 5, 668, 6, 61, 56, 1613, 7, 23, 513, 237, 22797, 4, 767, 7, 10, 10307, 998, 6, 63, 2122, 11, 5, 8389, 36532, 9862, 861, 16, 22, 23559, 8632, 2787, 3021, 11, 5, 315, 532, 72, 20, 2221, 16, 739, 6, 215, 14, 2631, 1037, 5447, 115, 2564, 11, 65, 9, 63, 23852, 11, 5, 2122, 4, 2 ]
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in a Kentucky industrial park to The blaze began . at the General Electric Appliance Park in Louisville, no reports of anyone injured or trapped . smoke and Fire caused the fire is " manufacturing
Baghdad, Iraq (CNN)Hundreds of additional Iraqi troops are being sent to reinforce colleagues who are trying to fend off ISIS' attempt to overrun Iraq's largest oil refinery, a key paramilitary force said Tuesday. The reinforcements come four days after ISIS began attacking northern Iraq's Baiji oil refinery, a key strategic resource that has long been a target because the facility refines much of the fuel used by Iraqis domestically. The additional troops came from Camp Speicher, a fortified Iraqi base near the city of Tikrit, according to the media office of the Hasd Al-Shaabi militia. The reinforcements include two federal police regiments, an Iraqi military quick reaction force battalion and a regiment from Hasd Al-Shaabi, which is a predominantly Shia militia that worked with the Iraqi military as well as Sunni fighters to liberate Tikrit from ISIS about two weeks ago. ISIS launched an assault on the Baiji oil refinery late Saturday. By Sunday, ISIS said its fighters were inside the refinery and controlled several buildings, but Iraqi government security officials denied that claim and insisted that Iraqi forces remained in full control. The Hasd Al-Shaabi media office said Tuesday that Iraqi troops already at the refinery were holding their ground, preparing to push ISIS out of the facility entirely. The attack could have a significant effect if it damages oil fields or machinery. The refinery is 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Tikrit. CNN's Hamdi Alkhshali reported from Baghdad. CNN's Jason Hanna wrote in Atlanta. CNN's Arwa Damon and Catherine E. Shoichet contributed to this report.
ISIS attacked the Baiji oil refinery Saturday . The refinery, Iraq's largest, has long been a lucrative target for militants .
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Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN)Her second floor cafe on a dusty industrial road was painted with dashes of psychedelic colors. And Sabeen Mahmud surrounded herself there with books, people, and discussions on technology, human rights and women's entrepreneurship. Introducing others to Jimi Hendrix, street art, and talking politics was not supposed to get her killed. But in Pakistan, free speech is dangerous, and Mahmud's exuberant exercise of it made her stick out nationwide. Two gunman shot her dead at point-blank range late Friday after she locked up The Second Floor cafe in Karachi for the night, police said. Mahmud died from five bullet wounds. The gunmen also shot her mother. She is in a hospital but is expected to be released on time for her daughter's funeral. Mahmud's killing broke hearts beating for non-violence and progressive values across the country. She freely said what she thought in a place where many people are too afraid to and by doing so spoke for many more people than just herself. She had become a Pakistani figurehead for humanism, love and tolerance. "She took that torch into the dark forest and so many people followed. She really, truly was a success story of the heart," said close friend and BBC journalist Ziad Zafar. No one has claimed responsibility for her shooting, and police have not named any motive. But Mahmud had just finished leading a discussion group on a topic that many want silenced, when the shots fell. In the province of Baluchistan, where separatists have fought a virulent insurgency for years, people have been disappearing regularly. There have been steady allegations of mass abduction. The Lahore University of Management Sciences planned to host the discussion on the topic, with human rights activist Mama Qadeer Baloch, but authorities shut it down. Mahmud would not hear of it not going on. "Despite the plurality of opinion, very little space seems to be given to the discussion in Pakistani mainstream media or academia; the debate seems to be shut down before it can even begin," she posted on Facebook. "What is the reality? Has the media been silenced on Balochistan? What makes it dangerous for us to talk about Pakistan's largest province at one of our most celebrated universities?" She invited the discussion to The Second Floor, also known by the shorthand T2F. She said she knew it was a potentially dangerous move, and she had received death threats in the past when she handled the topic before. "She was the bravest woman in the world, she really was, she was a brave heart; my God, she was a brave, brave girl," Zafar said. Even in its secluded, humble location, T2F was a magnet to those seeking secular wisdom. They found it in a homey setting, musingly decorated like a small town college bookstore. The walls outside its entrance are sprayed with socially critical graffiti -- dusky red hearts float across gray walls. Mahmud waited to greet visitors, many of them young Pakistanis seeking freedom of thought, with a hug, a mug and encouragement for Pakistan's future. "She hoped the same thing we all hoped for, a place that is fair with liberty and justice for all," Zafar said. Grief over her death and gratefulness for her work poured out on social media and via email. "Thanks for giving us the room to breathe when fog pressed heavy on our shoulders. It's only been a few hours, Sabeen, and the city is already gasping for air," a group of illustrators called From Karachi with Love wrote. An artist drew Mahmud puttering off on a Vespa scooter wearing pants, a blouse and sandals. Her tightly coiffed short hair and angular glasses framed her bright-eyed features. Missing was a head scarf. On a wall in T2F is a spray painted Technicolor image of Marilyn Monroe from "the Seven Year Itch," her white dress replaced by a traditional outfit of mustard, ocher and green. But it still flew up over her hips, revealing her alabaster legs, a daringly sexy and satirical image. The artistic expression sticks out and triggers passions, like many things Mahmud said and did.
She hosted a controversial discussion on the disappearance of people . She knew what she was doing was dangerous and had received death threats before . Mahmud loved books, Jimi Hendrix and discussions about human rights .
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(CNN)Authorities detained a 15-year-old girl from Cape Town, South Africa, at the city's airport after receiving information she was leaving the country to join ISIS, State Security Minister David Mahlobo said. "We are still conducting further investigation. The girl over the past period has been using technology on social media platforms interacting with strange people and reading material that suggested she expressed an interest in joining a terrorist group called ISIS," he told broadcaster eNCA. Police and airport security located the girl on a Johannesburg-bound flight, and "we got our agencies to secure all the important exit points in the country. We got her at Cape Town International Airport," Mahlobo said. Virginia teen accused of being ISIS recruiter . It's not clear how the girl was recruited or how the airfare was arranged, he said. Officials debriefed the girl's family and released her into the family's care, Mahlobo said. "The recruitment and radicalization of particularly young people to take part in acts of terror is a growing global concern and local law enforcement agencies will continue to work hard in clamping these from materializing," the minister said in a statement Monday. Australia teens suspected of trying to join ISIS stopped at airport .
Official: Girl, 15, "expressed an interest in joining a terrorist group called ISIS" Authorities detain girl at Cape Town airport, release her into family's care, he says .
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Authorities detained a 15 - year - old girl from Cape Town, South Africa, at the information she was to join ISIS State Security " has been social media in joining Police and airport located the girl on a bound flight her of . ' s family " The is minister .
(CNN)About a dozen Native American actors have walked off the set of an Adam Sandler movie comedy, saying the satirical Western's script is insulting to Native Americans and women, according to a report. The walkout occurred Wednesday on the set of "The Ridiculous Six" near Las Vegas, New Mexico, according to the Indian Country Today Media Network. The script called for native women's names such as "Beaver's Breath" and "No Bra" and an actress portraying an Apache woman to squat and urinate while smoking a peace pipe, ICTMN reported. "When I began doing this film, I had an uneasy feeling inside of me and I felt so conflicted. ... We talked to the producers about our concerns. They just told us, 'If you guys are so sensitive, you should leave,' " said Allison Young, a Navajo and one of the actors who left the set. "Nothing has changed," she told ICTMN. "We are still just Hollywood Indians." "They were being disrespectful," added David Hill, a Choctaw actor. "They were bringing up those same old arguments that Dan Snyder uses in defending the (Washington) Redskins. But let me tell you, our dignity is not for sale." Produced by Sandler's Happy Madison Productions as part of a four-picture deal with Netflix, "The Ridiculous Six" also stars Will Forte, Taylor Lautner, Steve Buscemi, John Turturro, Nick Nolte, Luke Wilson and Rob Schneider, among others. The ICTMN describes the movie as a Western spoof on "The Magnificent Seven," the 1960 classic about gunfighters who protect a village from a group of bandits. The movie was co-written by Sandler and is being directed by his frequent collaborator Frank Coraci. Actors playing historical figures include David Spade as General Custer, Blake Shelton as Wyatt Earp and Vanilla Ice as Mark Twain, according to the Internet Movie Database. Sandler had not commented publicly on the walkout as of Friday morning, although people were criticizing him in comments posted on his Facebook page. "Hey Adam, act like an adult for once. Respect others, especially Native Americans," wrote one commenter. In a statement sent to CNN and other media outlets, Netflix defended the movie as satire: . "The movie has ridiculous in the title for a reason: because it is ridiculous. It is a broad satire of Western movies and the stereotypes they popularized, featuring a diverse cast that is not only part of -- but in on -- the joke." The Native American actors who spoke to ICTMN weren't laughing, however. One, Loren Anthony, posted a photo to Instagram from the set Monday along with a comment saying, "Having a good time, great cast, great crew and feeling blessed to be here." But by Wednesday, the Navajo actor had become disillusioned and joined others in walking out. He told ICTMN he felt insulted because costumes he and others wore to portray Apache Indians were not authentic. "We were supposed to be Apache, but it was really stereotypical and we did not look Apache at all. We looked more like Comanche," he said. According to ICTMN, a Native American adviser hired to help ensure the movie's cultural authenticity also walked off the set in protest. Hill, the Choctaw actor, seemed to hold out hope that differences between the producers and Native American cast members could be resolved . "I hope they will listen to us," he told ICTMN. "We understand this is a comedy, we understand this is humor, but we won't tolerate disrespect." In photos: A glimpse of life on the reservation .
About a dozen Native American actors walk off set of Adam Sandler comedy, says report . Actors say satirical Western's script is insulting to Native Americans and women .
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(CNN)If you've been following the news lately, there are certain things you doubtless know about Mohammad Javad Zarif. He is, of course, the Iranian foreign minister. He has been U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's opposite number in securing a breakthrough in nuclear discussions that could lead to an end to sanctions against Iran -- if the details can be worked out in the coming weeks. And he received a hero's welcome as he arrived in Iran on a sunny Friday morning. "Long live Zarif," crowds chanted as his car rolled slowly down the packed street. You may well have read that he is "polished" and, unusually for one burdened with such weighty issues, "jovial." An Internet search for "Mohammad Javad Zarif" and "jovial" yields thousands of results. He certainly has gone a long way to bring Iran in from the cold and allow it to rejoin the international community. But there are some facts about Zarif that are less well-known. Here are six: . In September 2013, Zarif tweeted "Happy Rosh Hashanah," referring to the Jewish New Year. That prompted Christine Pelosi, the daughter of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, to respond with a tweet of her own: "Thanks. The New Year would be even sweeter if you would end Iran's Holocaust denial, sir." And, perhaps to her surprise, Pelosi got a response. "Iran never denied it," Zarif tweeted back. "The man who was perceived to be denying it is now gone. Happy New Year." The reference was likely to former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who had left office the previous month. Zarif was nominated to be foreign minister by Ahmadinejad's successor, Hassan Rouhami. His foreign ministry notes, perhaps defensively, that "due to the political and security conditions of the time, he decided to continue his education in the United States." That is another way of saying that he was outside the country during the demonstrations against the Shah of Iran, which began in 1977, and during the Iranian Revolution, which drove the shah from power in 1979. Zarif left the country in 1977, received his undergraduate degree from San Francisco State University in 1981, his master's in international relations from the University of Denver in 1984 and his doctorate from the University of Denver in 1988. Both of his children were born in the United States. The website of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, which Zarif runs, cannot even agree with itself on when he was born. The first sentence of his official biography, perhaps in a nod to the powers that be in Tehran, says Zarif was "born to a religious traditional family in Tehran in 1959." Later on the same page, however, his date of birth is listed as January 8, 1960. And the Iranian Diplomacy website says he was born in in 1961 . So he is 54, 55 or maybe even 56. Whichever, he is still considerably younger than his opposite number, Kerry, who is 71. The feds investigated him over his alleged role in controlling the Alavi Foundation, a charitable organization. The U.S. Justice Department said the organization was secretly run on behalf of the Iranian government to launder money and get around U.S. sanctions. But last year, a settlement in the case, under which the foundation agreed to give a 36-story building in Manhattan along with other properties to the U.S. government, did not mention Zarif's name. Early in the Iranian Revolution, Zarif was among the students who took over the Iranian Consulate in San Francisco. The aim, says the website -- which cites Zarif's memoirs, titled "Mr. Ambassador" -- was to expel from the consulate people who were not sufficiently Islamic. Later, the website says, Zarif went to make a similar protest at the Iranian mission to the United Nations. In response, the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations offered him a job. In fact, he has now spent more time with Kerry than any other foreign minister in the world. And that amount of quality time will only increase as the two men, with help from other foreign ministers as well, try to meet a June 30 deadline for nailing down the details of the agreement they managed to outline this week in Switzerland.
Mohammad Javad Zarif has spent more time with John Kerry than any other foreign minister . He once participated in a takeover of the Iranian Consulate in San Francisco . The Iranian foreign minister tweets in English .
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(CNN)A Connecticut teen who has been forced to have chemotherapy to treat Hodgkin lymphoma will remain in temporary custody of the state for the time being, according to her attorney, Josh Michtom. A Connecticut juvenile court judge issued a written decision Wednesday denying a motion to let the teen, identified in court documents as "Cassandra C.," go home. The judge also denied a motion for visitation. The 17-year-old is in remission after nearly six months of forced chemo treatments. On March 16, Michtom tried to convince the court that she should be able to return to her mother's home because she was no longer at imminent risk of harm from her illness. Michtom and attorney Michael Taylor, who represents Cassandra's mother, Jackie Fortin, released a written statement after receiving the judge's decision Wednesday: "We are disappointed in this ruling, not least of all because it draws a factual conclusion that is directly contradicted by the weight of the evidence. We're conferring with our clients now about next steps, including whether to take another appeal." Cassandra was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in September and medical experts gave her an 85% chance of survival if treated with chemotherapy. Without it, doctors said at the time, she was likely to die within two years. She started chemotherapy in November but ran away after two days, according to court documents, when she decided she did not want to put the poison of the treatment into her body. In December, a judge ordered the young woman to be under the custody of the Connecticut Department of Children and Families. At that time, she was admitted to Connecticut Children's Medical Center in Hartford and has remained there since then. Doctors surgically implanted a port in Cassandra's chest to administer chemotherapy medications, which began in spite of legal maneuvers to halt them. Cassandra is feeling well and is in good shape as far as her health is concerned, according to Michtom. "She's seen in her case the side effects weren't bad, and she's been well-treated by the nurses and doctors and does want to complete the treatment," he said. Her treatment is scheduled to wrap up this month. Michtom and Taylor failed in their effort before the Connecticut Supreme Court to make the case that Cassandra was mature enough to make her own medical decisions. Joette Katz, the commissioner of the Department of Children and Families, told CNN in March the agency is "very pleased with Cassandra's progress toward a complete recovery. We understand how difficult this has been for Cassandra and her family, but we have had full confidence throughout that the medical professionals involved in her treatment would be successful in saving her life." The agency has denied CNN's request to speak with Cassandra or her physicians. According to Michtom, the Department of Children and Families could have withdrawn its position for an order of custody but hasn't. He said the department sees Cassandra as a flight risk because she has run away before. Representatives for the department have said in court and in conversations with Michtom and Taylor that they will withdraw their pending neglect petition once Cassandra completes her last round of chemo -- expected around the end of April -- and that she'll be allowed to return home. So for now, Cassandra is said to spend her days reading, watching TV and drawing. "The hospital is effectively jail," Michtom said.
Judge won't allow teen leave hospital before her last chemotherapy treatment . Attorneys for the teen are deciding whether to appeal . Cassandra C. is now in remission and is no longer opposed to the chemotherapy treatments .
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(CNN)It's the simplest possible assignment, but it always teaches a huge lesson. Every year, Denver teacher Kyle Schwartz passes out Post-it notes to her third grade students and asks them to complete the sentence, "I wish my teacher knew ..." Many of the students she teaches at Doull Elementary just wish they had something in common with her, that she knew soccer or video games. But sometimes, their wishes bring tears to her eyes, and offer a glimpse of painful struggles in their young lives. There's a student who misses her father: "I haven't seen him in six years." Another who wants to tell her she's lonely: "I don't have friend to play with me." Still another who wants to explain why her reading log goes unsigned: "My mom is not around a lot." And other who has big hopes for the future: "I want to go to college." The assignment sprang from the kinds of conversations teachers have all the time, Schwartz said: "What do our students need? How can we best serve them?" Schwartz always gives her students the option to write their names on their notes or remain anonymous; of sharing them only with her, or with the entire class. It surprises her how often students stand up and want to read their wishes out loud, like the shy student who shared, "I wish my teacher knew I'm nervous all the time." "They feel respected, they feel safe enough to share some of these more sensitive ones," said Schwartz, who has been teaching for three years. "Kids can share what they feel comfortable with." Recently, Schwartz began to post some students' responses on Twitter using the hashtag #IWishMyTeacherKnew. It spread, as teachers around the country tried it with their own classrooms. They sometimes reveal what kids are most worried about right now, like the child whose mother was sick, or another who had just experienced bullying. One student just wants more attention from the teacher. Sometimes, they have a little fun: "I wish my teacher knew how to do a backflip." Occasionally, students want to reassure their teachers that that they're doing a great job. There's a lot for teachers to learn, too: "They are KIDS who deal with a lot as they grow up," one educator posted on Twitter. Schwartz said she's learned not to assume what her students wish. Although most of the students at her school live in poverty, not every message is about a material need. There's no pressure to share something they're not ready to talk about, she said, and "they're acutely aware of their own needs." Through assignments like this, she is, too. As her idea spread, many Twitter users asked how they can help to support her students. She's pointed them toward a fund where she posts a classroom project wish list. So far, most have been fulfilled.
Denver teacher Kyle Schwartz asked students to share what they wish she knew . Their honest answers moved Schwartz and sparked a discussion online .
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(CNN)Mao Zedong's "Little Red Book," a selection of the chairman's quotations, was required reading during China's Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 70s. China has now updated the practice for the digital age -- launching a smartphone app starring its current leader, President Xi Jinping, and featuring his latest speeches, statements and publications. Designed by the Central Party School, which trains Chinese Communist Party leaders, the app aims to "arouse enthusiasm" for socialist ideologies. "With the help of Internet technology, we hope that the theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics will be presented in a way that appeals to web users," Chen Jiancai, the managing editor of the school's official web site, said, according to Xinhua, China's state news agency. The app features the latest news about Xi and allows users to access the traditional texts that Xi quotes from. It even has an interactive map that allows you to pinpoint exactly where he made the speeches. It's unclear how many people have downloaded the app, which is available on Apple's App Store. Willy Lam, a China politics scholar at the Chinese University of Hong Kong told CNN the app forms part of Xi's efforts to cultivate a very different image to his predecessors. Xi is keen to be portrayed as a strong leader and as a man of the people -- he's been photographed eating dumplings and has appeared in three animated cartoons. His down-to-earth behavior has drawn a huge number of fans, who address him as "Xi Dada"-- Big Uncle Xi -- but it's also aroused concern among some China analysts, who believe that Xi is using the state propaganda apparatus to build a cult of personality. "This is the 21st century's Little Red Book," Lam says. "He wants to be the supreme authority and build his prestige. The personality cult campaign will only grow." The app drew mixed reviews online and on social media. One headline on a technology news site read "How can you call yourself Chinese if you don't download it?" Some said the app, called Xuexi Zhongguo, which translates to "study China," would be a handy study tool. "Xuexi Zhongguo is an extremely useful app... for civil servants selection tests," says one Weibo user @afeixiaoxiaozhuai. But others said they would boycott it. "If they introduce an Android version, I'll get an iPhone. And if it's in Apple Store, I'll say I can only afford an Android phone. If they are available on both systems, I'll get a Nokia -- sorry, I can't afford a smartphone," said @Mujia.
Xi Jinping's sayings now available in a new smartphone app . Scholars call it a new version of Mao's "Little Red Book"
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' s " Little Red Book quotations China has a smartphone app leader, President Xi Jinping, by the Central Party School Chinese aims to " for socialist of socialism in a . The app features the latest news about Xi and users to quotes speeches . It' s is on App Xi Little
(CNN)"Hamlet." "Romeo and Juliet." "A Midsummer Night's Dream." For centuries, these plays and three dozen more by William Shakespeare have formed history's most heralded literary canon. But now they may have to make room for an addition to Shakespeare's famous oeuvre. New research indicates that "Double Falsehood," a play first published in 1728 by Lewis Theobald, was actually written more than a century earlier by Shakespeare himself with help from his friend John Fletcher. The findings were published this week by two scholars who used computer software to analyze the writings of the three men and compare it with the language of the "newer" play. "The match between the 'Double Falsehood' play and Shakespeare was a landslide. It was shockingly clear," said Ryan L. Boyd, a researcher at the University of Texas at Austin. The study, co-authored by Boyd and UT colleague James W. Pennebaker, was published in the journal Psychological Science. "There's very little wiggle room to interpret the numbers any differently." Boyd said he and Pennebaker analyzed 33 plays by Shakespeare, nine by Fletcher and 12 by Theobald to create a "psychological signature" of each author based on word choices, phrase patterns and other factors. They compared those profiles to the language in "Double Falsehood" and determined that the play's first half was almost entirely written by Shakespeare, though the second half appeared to be split evenly between Shakespeare and Fletcher. Only tiny traces of Theobald's signature were found. "We're certainly not suggesting that Theobald didn't make edits," Boyd told CNN. "But he clearly did not write it." "Double Falsehood," also known as "The Distressed Lovers," is based on the "Cardenio" section of Don Quixote, the classic 17th-century novel by Miguel de Cervantes. Set in Spain, the play revolves around the romantic entanglements of two brothers: one virtuous, one sinful. Theobald said he based the play on three original manuscripts he had discovered, all of them written by Shakespeare. But many scholars have long dismissed the play as a fake, suspecting that Theobald tried to pass the Bard's work off as his own. Shakespeare, who died in 1616, wrote most of his published plays between 1590 and 1612. British publishers Arden Shakespeare published "Double Falsehood" in 2010 -- for the first time in 250 years -- amid renewed claims by experts that it was Shakespeare's work. But the new study by Boyd and Pennebaker, the first to analyze the writings from a psychological perspective, may settle the matter once and for all. Shakespearean scholar Brean Hammond, professor of modern English literature at Nottingham University in the UK, praised the Texas study for its scientific approach. Hammond said Boyd and Pennebaker "have got no dogs in the fight. They're not literary scholars, (so) their work could be seen as more objective than some of the literary studies." Hammond studied "Double Falsehood's" authorship from a literary perspective five years ago and found Shakespeare's DNA evident in the play. But he doubts the new research will put the matter entirely to rest. "Those people who don't believe the play was written by Shakespeare aren't going to just lay down and die," he said.
New research indicates that a play published in 1728 was written by William Shakespeare . Scholar Lewis Theobald had passed the work off as his own . Texas researchers used software to analyze and compare the language of the men .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 30831, 30907, 2716, 72, 22, 500, 4399, 139, 8, 21432, 72, 22, 250, 256, 7823, 22539, 4172, 18, 7419, 72, 286, 11505, 6, 209, 1974, 8, 130, 4039, 55, 30, 2897, 16538, 33, 4829, 750, 18, 144, 23960, 196, 17205, 32839, 4, 125, 122, 51, 189, 33, 7, 146, 929, 13, 41, 1285, 7, 16538, 18, 3395, 1021, 25171, 29416, 4, 188, 557, 8711, 14, 22, 42380, 35297, 8489, 60, 10, 310, 78, 1027, 11, 601, 2517, 30, 3577, 20, 2413, 5618, 6, 21, 888, 1982, 55, 87, 10, 3220, 656, 30, 16538, 1003, 19, 244, 31, 39, 1441, 610, 15784, 4, 20, 4139, 58, 1027, 42, 186, 30, 80, 18118, 54, 341, 3034, 2257, 7, 11526, 5, 31757, 9, 5, 130, 604, 8, 8933, 24, 19, 5, 2777, 9, 5, 22, 4651, 254, 113, 310, 4, 22, 133, 914, 227, 5, 128, 42380, 35297, 8489, 108, 310, 8, 16538, 21, 10, 21486, 4, 85, 21, 36804, 699, 60, 26, 1774, 226, 4, 14449, 6, 10, 9338, 23, 5, 589, 9, 1184, 23, 4224, 4, 20, 892, 6, 1029, 12, 32317, 30, 14449, 8, 14019, 9896, 957, 305, 4, 4676, 858, 428, 4218, 6, 21, 1027, 11, 5, 8812, 40281, 4662, 4, 22, 970, 18, 182, 410, 885, 24217, 929, 7, 18107, 5, 1530, 143, 8225, 72, 14449, 26, 37, 8, 4676, 858, 428, 4218, 13773, 2357, 1974, 30, 16538, 6, 1117, 30, 15784, 8, 316, 30, 20, 2413, 5618, 7, 1045, 10, 22, 33844, 9779, 6543, 113, 9, 349, 2730, 716, 15, 2136, 5717, 6, 11054, 8117, 8, 97, 2433, 4, 252, 1118, 167, 11729, 7, 5, 2777, 11, 22, 42380, 35297, 8489, 113, 8, 3030, 14, 5, 310, 18, 78, 457, 21, 818, 4378, 1982, 30, 16538, 6, 600, 5, 200, 457, 1382, 7, 28, 3462, 21853, 227, 16538, 8, 15784, 4, 4041, 5262, 22314, 9, 20, 2413, 5618, 18, 6543, 58, 303, 4, 22, 170, 214, 1819, 45, 5542, 14, 20, 2413, 5618, 399, 75, 146, 39708, 60, 14449, 174, 3480, 4, 22, 1708, 37, 2563, 222, 45, 3116, 24, 72, 22, 42380, 35297, 8489, 60, 67, 684, 25, 22, 133, 11281, 10887, 5463, 3697, 60, 16, 716, 15, 5, 22, 347, 13948, 1020, 113, 2810, 9, 1599, 3232, 3181, 6457, 6, 5, 4187, 601, 212, 12, 11046, 5808, 30, 12450, 263, 230, 8649, 16738, 4, 8504, 11, 2809, 6, 5, 310, 29769, 198, 5, 8728, 3838, 1097, 24041, 9, 80, 5396, 35, 65, 41890, 6, 65, 44364, 4, 20, 2413, 5618, 26, 37, 716, 5, 310, 15, 130, 1461, 42486, 37, 56, 2967, 6, 70, 9, 106, 1982, 30, 16538, 4, 125, 171, 18118, 33, 251, 4768, 5, 310, 25, 10, 4486, 6, 1985, 154, 14, 20, 2413, 5618, 1381, 7, 1323, 5, 23049, 18, 173, 160, 25, 39, 308, 4, 16538, 6, 54, 962, 11, 545, 1549, 6, 875, 144, 9, 39, 1027, 1974, 227, 379, 3248, 8, 545, 1092, 4, 1089, 14419, 1586, 3898, 16538, 1027, 22, 42380, 35297, 8489, 113, 11, 1824, 480, 13, 5, 78, 86, 11, 5773, 107, 480, 2 ]
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. to Shakespeare' s " Double Falsehood ," a play first published in 1728 by Lewis Theobald, was written more a earlier friend scholars of the with the " play . " The plays by Shakespeare, on " and is wrote
(CNN)In response to reports of big banks threatening to withhold campaign funds from Senate Democrats, Sen. Elizabeth Warren last week offered a defiant response: "Bring it on." Warren said she isn't going to slack off on her calls for breaking up banks and other measures to rein in Wall Street. As Hillary Clinton prepares to officially launch her presidential campaign this month, she will need to make a choice about how much to highlight issues relating to economic inequality. Former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, who is also running for the Democratic nomination, is trying to steal Clinton's thunder by talking about the problems of disproportionate wealth. In other words, there are many signs that Democrats are planning to take on the big issue of economic inequality. But in other recent news, the likelihood that New York's Chuck Schumer will replace Harry Reid as leader of the Senate Democrats means the dreams of a more economically leftward party are crashing into political reality. While Schumer has been a very effective Democrat and skilled legislative leader, he is also a Wall Street Democrat who has spent much of his time courting and protecting powerful financial interests who run one of the dominant industries in his state. He is not alone. Even at his most progressive moments, President Barack Obama relied on Wall Street donations for both of his campaigns. Despite all the talk from conservatives about left-wing "socialism" in the White House, the financial community has been willing to open its coffers to Democrats without much concern, even in the 2012 election. Democratic populism can't really work within the current campaign finance system. The enormous pressures for parties to raise funds in campaigns has for many decades created pressure on Democrats, despite their political base, to court big donors. During the 1980s, California Democrat Tony Coelho, serving as the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and then as majority whip, made a strong appeal to savings and loans executives before the crash of the industry to catch up to Republicans who had been outflanking them in raising money. The Democrats were, and have continued to, losing their traditional base of campaign support --organized labor -- which had been a central source of campaign muscle since the 1930s, providing money and campaign assistance during campaigns. Without organized labor to serve as their foundation and with the pressure for raising private funds increasing, many Democrats concluded they needed business by their side. Democrats running for president have made the same kind of choices. In 2008, Obama disappointed many supporters upon becoming the first president to abandon the post-Watergate public finance system for campaigns altogether, preferring to raise money himself for the general campaign. While small donors were enormously important to his victories, so too were business and Wall Street executives. At the height of the financial crash, when public sentiment had clearly turned against Wall Street, the administration agreed to a financial regulation bill (Dodd-Frank) that was structured in such a way as to give powerful interests more than enough opportunity to limit the bite over the coming years. Wall Street, with an army of counsel, succeeded in eroding the impact of the legislation. Not only does the acceptance of our campaign finance system limit the policy choices Democrats can make, but it also greatly damages the party's brand name. As The Washington Post reported, the scandal that might bring down New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez is the first involving large scale super PAC donations. At the heart of the story is almost $600,000 that physician Salomon Melgen gave to Senate Majority PAC, possibly in exchange for favors. This is not simply some sort of accommodation of Democrats to the corporate system. They don't have much of a choice. Without these funds, they won't be able to compete. In this election cycle, independent campaign donors are causing a huge stir. In conservative circles, the Koch brothers and their allies are throwing around enormous amounts of money to candidates who will support their deregulatory agenda. Individual donors such as Las Vegas gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson are causing ripples every time candidates speak, pressuring them to adjust their agenda. Democrats have found their own magnates for political support, such as Tom Steyer and George Soros. This is why campaign finance reform is so important, Without Congress changing the fundamental dynamics, there won't be much room for populism to thrive. Even if Democrats select someone like a Elizabeth Warren as their candidate or Hillary Clinton decides to move sharply to the left on economic policy, there won't be much room for reform when the time of governance actually starts. The Democratic Party needs Wall Street more than it needs to take a stand against Wall Street. Those are the facts on the ground. If Democrats really want to take on Wall Street and tackle economic inequality, they first have to bring about reform of the campaign finance system. If campaigns were publicly funded or there were more stringent limits on independent expenditures, Wall Street would have much more trouble achieving disproportionate influence. Reform could level the playing field. More often than not, campaign finance reform is an issue that gets sidetracked with little more than some pro forma words of support. A more populist economic agenda that revolved around progressive taxation and substantial public assistance to strengthen the middle class can only work in a different kind of political system. If things stay the same, Democrats can only continue to win elections by turning to their corporate and financial base of support.
Julian Zelizer: Elizabeth Warren was defiant about Wall Street, but Hillary Clinton likely won't be . Zelizer: The Democrats need Wall Street's campaign donations to be competitive in 2016 .
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of big banks campaign funds a : and in Wall Street . Hillary Clinton to economic inequality . for the Democratic ' s Schumer will Obama campaigns to Democrats campaign finance on Democrats,
(CNN)Living under ISIS. Selling Girl Scout cookies. And giving some lip -- like Kylie Jenner. These are the best videos of the week. In the West, ISIS is widely known for its terrorist actions. But for some communities, the group is the local governing authority, picking up garbage and directing traffic. CNN's Atika Shubert explains how ISIS functions as a state. The video is at the top of this story. It's an annual tradition: Girl Scouts sell cookies -- and, in the millions, we buy them. But is this the best way for them to raise money? CNN's Richard Roth asks about a sweet tradition that's leaving some with a bitter taste. Watch the video: . The use of marijuana has long been a source of controversy, but on movies and TV shows, it's also long been a source of humor. CNN's Lisa France has a blunt look at the herb in pop culture. Watch the video: . Many climate scientists believe that an increase of 2 degrees Celsius in the global average temperature could be the tipping point for climate change. CNN's John D. Sutter takes a measure. Watch the video: . Back in the '50s, "The Blob" was a low-budget horror/sci-fi film. Today, it's reality, as "blobs" of warm water in the Pacific Ocean may be having an impact on storms and marine life. CNN's Jennifer Gray takes a look. Watch the video: . A newly discovered frog has a distinct resemblance to a certain "Not Easy Being Green" Muppet, Kermit the Frog. Kermit himself noted the similarities. So what is this amphibian? Watch the video: . In another attempt to keep up with the Kardashians, some children and teens are using suction to make their lips look just like Kyle Jenner's.The #KylieJennerChallenge hasn't escaped notice. Watch the video: . "Iron Man" Robert Downey Jr. was distinctly flinty when dealing with the questions of a British interviewer. He finally walked out -- and he hasn't been the only one to decide to take off his microphone. Watch the video: . You've heard of drones in the air. Now the Pentagon is working on drones at sea -- and they could be valuable tools in tracking enemy ships. Watch the video: . Recent incidents have brought attention to the question of when police are allowed to use deadly force. CNN legal analyst Sunny Hostin looks at the laws for law enforcement. Watch the video: . Michelle Obama is 51 years old -- but she certainly doesn't look it, particularly in the eyes of one youngster. Watch the video: .
How does ISIS govern? Robert Downey Jr. isn't the only celebrity to walk out of an interview .
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(CNN)The verdict of the opinion polls on the UK election debate between seven party leaders was simple enough: Between David Cameron of the Conservatives, Ed Miliband of Labour, Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats, Nigel Farage of the United Kingdom Independence Party, Natalie Bennett of the Green Party, Nicola Sturgeon of the Scottish National Party and Leanne Wood of Plaid Cymru, the Welsh Nationalists, there really was no clear winner. Comres for ITV, which staged the debate, had Cameron, Miliband and Farage tied first with 21% and Sturgeon close behind on 20%. ICM for The Guardian scored it Miliband 25, Cameron 24, Farage 19 and Sturgeon 17. YouGov for The Times put Sturgeon first with 28 points to 20 for Farage, 18 for Cameron and only 15 for Miliband. Back in the 1950s, UK politics was simpler: Labour and Conservatives combined took 97% of the votes. But nowadays they struggle to collect two-thirds of the national vote between them. In our anti-politics age nationalists and others have advanced and the leaders' TV debate was no gladiatorial contest with a straightforward outcome. Rather it was a cacophonous shouting match that probably gave all parties' supporters some satisfaction but which offered little new insight to the undecided voter. From a highly confused affair we can perhaps take six lessons: . As the incumbent Prime Minister, Cameron is probably wise to have refused all invitations to go head to head with Miliband alone in verbal fisticuffs. He has risked being labelled a coward for doing so but it was a tactical decision. Miliband has been given a hard time by the British media who have gloated over his difficulties in eating a bacon sandwich and presented him as an awkward geek. But Labour's leader is a perfectly capable debater. He could only gain from their confrontation. As it is, election time media exposure has already seen Miliband's ratings as a leader improve. The electoral strengths and weaknesses of the two main leaders are emerging. In an earlier clash involving separate sessions before a studio audience and in a grilling by UK TV's Grand Inquisitor Jeremy Paxman, Cameron proved vulnerable on broken promises to cut immigration, on the number of people employed on zero-hours contracts and on being too kind to the rich in his taxation policies. Miliband has looked unconvincing on how he will fund his promises to continue cutting the budget deficit and how he will curb immigration; he also is still embarrassed when questioners remind audiences how he knifed his brother David to get the leader's job. The impression so far is that Britain's voters don't much like the Conservatives despite the recovering economy but don't quite trust Labour to continue the improvement. Miliband, told by his handlers to look tough, is using the "i" word too much. Cameron is curiously short on passion. An oddity of the Seven Up debate was that many who viewed it will have no chance of voting for two of the leaders involved, Sturgeon of the Scottish National Party and Wood of Plaid Cymru. But Sturgeon's high score in the post-debate polls was significant. She was sharp and sassy. The number of seats gained by the Nationalists, currently on target to win as many as 50 of the 59 Westminster Parliament seats in Scotland, will be crucial. Last time Labour won 41 of those seats: The more the SNP take, the weaker Labour's chance of a majority at Westminster will be. Miliband says he won't form a coalition with the SNP but it could be difficult for Labour to govern without some deal with their bitter opponents north of the border. If there was a "winner" in the debate it was Nicola Sturgeon. Back in the 2010 UK election debates the clear victor was Clegg of the Liberal Democrats. Then the two main party leaders frequently found themselves parroting "I agree with Nick." By entering a coalition government with Cameron (in which the Lib Dems' insistence on raising the tax threshold for the lower paid has been a key element in increasing employment and economic recovery), Clegg surrendered the Lib Dems' previous ability to pick up protest votes. Clegg and his party have paid a heavy price for the compromises made in government, notably on student tuition fees. His debate performance was as good as any of the seven leaders but no poll gave him a rating of better than 10%. Perception is everything. In social media and studio focus groups there were plenty of plaudits for the Greens and even for Plaid Cymru's Wood but Clegg got hardly a mention. The United Kingdom Independence Party remains the joker in the pack. The party once dismissed by Cameron as a collection of "fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists" is a serious threat to the Conservatives -- and Labour -- despite the many gaffes that seemed to cost it some momentum lately. But UKIP, more than any of the others, is a personal vehicle for its leader and the debate was crucial for them. Grinning Farage's blokey saloon bar manner goes down well with studio audiences and he kept the focus on immigration. His party won't win many seats but he has ensured they can still tip the balance in plenty of contests, sometimes taking votes off the Conservatives, sometimes off Labour. Farage has always traded on the outer edge of political civilities and by insisting in the debate that immigrants were responsible for 60% of HIV cases he earned condemnation from other leaders. On social media, dominated by the young, that earned him the maximum boo count. To "win" a TV election debate you need to avoid gaffes yourself, to wrongfoot your opponent, and to offer some excitement that gives your campaign the chance to develop momentum. You need to produce vivid soundbites which will work their way into summary reports of the debates and into campaign replays. Nobody has yet succeeded in doing that in this campaign. The highly paid spin doctors employed by the three major parties are simply not worth their money. The emphasis has been on sound defense: Nobody has yet scored an exciting goal. As the campaign moves on, chances will have to be taken. READ: Fish, bacon and beer: The real issues in Britain's election .
No clear winner in opinion polls after first UK election debate between seven party leaders . Robin Oakley says David Cameron and challenger Ed Miliband did well, but there was little insight for voters .
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(CNN)Be afraid -- be very afraid. This is the warning the world deserves to hear. Because the leader of the free world refuses to look with clear eyes at the chief security challenges of the 21st century: the fruits of radical Islam. The results of the Obama White House's innovative efforts to make the world a better place can be accounted for in the ever-growing numbers of victims of radical Islam in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. Not to mention here in the United States, Canada and Europe. Is it not a tragic irony that the Arab Spring-era policies of a Nobel Peace Prize recipient accommodated the transition of Syria into the world's newest jihad theater while leaving Libya a failed state and Yemen a failing state? The Syrian jihad gave rise to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, which now uses Syria as a rear operating base to support its jihad in Iraq, which could soon spill over into Jordan. Plus, Libya is now being used as a rear operating base by ISIS and other global jihadist elements striving to redraw the map of the Middle East, even as they plan attacks in Europe and North America. Given the frightfully slow pace America's commander-in-chief is currently allowing our military and intelligence community to take action against both ISIS and its progenitor, al Qaeda, the picture of what's in store is clear: The body count will continue to grow in the places where these groups can generate buy-in for their agendas. And neither the United States nor our Western allies are immune to this cancer. Academics who must say something new or different to garner interest in their work may describe the agendas of ISIS and al Qaeda as distinctly different. But the fact is they are not -- their agendas, which constitute the foremost threats to the global security environment today, are manifestations of radical Islam. Of course, it's hardly a surprise President Barack Obama refuses to acknowledge all this in plain terms -- the president and his national security advisers have too often proven naïve, with a dangerous habit of viewing the world not as it is, but as they hope it could be. There is no shortage of examples that highlight the absence of sound foresight on the parts of the world's most powerful politician and his national security team. Just take the National Strategy for Counterterrorism published by the White House in 2011. That document contained the assertion that, "Since the beginning of 2011, the transformative change sweeping North Africa and the Middle East -- along with the death of Osama bin Laden -- has further changed the nature of the terrorist threat, par-ticularly as the relevance of al Qaeda and its ideology has been further diminished." Yet, fast forward to January 2014 and America's top intelligence official, director of National Intelligence James Clapper, advised Congress that al Qaeda was no less capable of threatening the United States and our allies than a decade earlier. Soon after Clapper acknowledged al Qaeda was not a band on the run, as President Obama had described the terrorist enterprise, a report by terrorism expert Seth Jones of the RAND Corporation highlighted yet another inconvenient truth for the White House: As restraints on freedom of expression of radical religious views vanished in places like Libya, Tunisia and Egypt during the Arab Spring, those states became fertile recruitment grounds for terrorist groups -- including al Qaeda and groups aligned with it. According to data compiled by Jones, from 2010 through 2013, the number of Salafi jihadist groups increased by 58%. These groups are fueled by Salafiyya Jihadiyya, an ideology that not only informs the agenda of al Qaeda, but is the source code for the agenda of the al Qaeda offshoot ISIS. Most recently, absent from the National Security Strategy produced by the Obama White House in February 2015 is any real meaningful discussion concerning threats posed by al Qaeda. Yes, Osama bin Laden was killed on President Obama's watch. But contrary to what the White House seemed to think in 2011, bin Laden's death has not lifted the shadow he casts over America's, or our allies' security. Indeed, within days of our new National Security Strategy's publication date, in the seventh issue of ISIS's English-language magazine Dabiq, the group's leaders described their jihad as a continuation of the jihad charted by bin Laden, while accusing his successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri, of steering al Qaeda off the path of its former leader. Meanwhile, Yemen -- home to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the al Qaeda branch that claimed credit for the January 2015 attack in Paris at the office of Charlie Hebdo -- has also become a failed state. AQAP is helmed by the second-highest-ranking official in al Qaeda writ large, and the Obama administration views it as the most dangerous component of al Qaeda's global network. So it is interesting that, in the months before the Yemeni government was overthrown by Iran-backed rebels, President Obama described the U.S.-Yemen counterterrorism partnership as a shining example of success in the fight against al Qaeda -- interesting because the President did not do more to help that "partner" government remain in power. Once again, the president and his advisers appear to have either ignored or failed to recognize the trajectory of events in the Middle East. What were they thinking? And how do they plan to combat AQAP now? Despite what the White House wants the world to believe, a sober look at the security environment reveals the following key realities: . ISIS controls a large amount of territory in the Middle East, and the group is rapidly growing its ranks in places such as Libya and Afghanistan, while at the same time inspiring and plotting attacks in the West. And, although ISIS is trying to "out al Qaeda" al Qaeda, resorting to attention winning stunts to boost its profile on television sets around the world, al Qaeda itself is no less of a threat to the United States and our allies today than it was in January 2014. At the same time, the routine failures of President Obama and his advisers to understand the security environment, and to appropriately tailor America's national security posture in a manner demanded by it, foretells more disasters lie ahead. Not only Americans, but also our allies should be very, very afraid. Indeed, President Obama's refusal to simply call a problem like radical Islam by its name strongly suggests he is unwilling to make the difficult decisions that must be made today if we are to stand a chance of defeating radical Islamist groups. History has shown the dangers that millions can be placed in if our leaders don't face down a looming threat by calling it what it is and putting our full weight behind efforts to vanquish it. President Obama has the resources at his disposal to do just that. But if he wants to help define a future for the Middle East and North Africa in which fewer threats emanate from those regions, he must spend more time listening to talented professionals in our military and intelligence community versus the idealists and yes-men surrounding him at the White House. There is too much at stake in the near term to continue down the path of experimentation with Pollyannaish theories about how to attain this future that have actually rendered us less safe. Indeed, President Obama should also pay closer attention to what representatives from Arab states are saying behind closed doors. Most of their bosses would love to be the claimants to the prize of defeating ISIS and al Qaeda. However, all of them recognize that, unless we all want things to get a whole lot worse before they might get any better, the United States will have to deploy considerably more of our "kinetic" resources to put those victories in sight. This does not mean a ground forces-intensive response is required from us at this time. But if the President thinks it prudent to wait on our Arab partners to do most of the heavy lifting, he could be guaranteeing this will be the case in the not-too-distant future.
Authors warn President Obama must be clear about radical Islam threat . Al Qaeda still a looming threat, they say .
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. to to at security : of the Obama White House' s world a for of radical Islam in the and Syria, , Libya is ISIS are Obama be . on
(CNN)The Solar Impulse 2, the experimental plane attempting to fly around the world without using a drop of fuel, has been grounded by the weather in China. What was supposed to be an overnight pit stop in the southwestern city of Chongqing has now stretched into a two-and-a-half week stay. It's an unexpected layover that is testing the patience of the pilots and more than 60 team members, just a quarter of the way along a journey that will cover some 35,000 kilometers (21,748 miles) over five months. "You can believe that your will can influence the weather," says pilot Bertrand Piccard, who comes from a long family line of explorers. But "then you'll be really disappointed because it doesn't work. "Or you just know that it's an adventure you do with the forces of nature." Piccard, along with Andre Borschberg, a Swiss engineer, are taking turns flying the single-seater aircraft, which took off from Abu Dhabi on March 9 and has successfully flown through Oman, India, and Myanmar. There is much at stake. Their mission, which the pilots say is aimed at proving the power of renewable energy, and inspiring innovation, has been 12 years in the making. In many ways, it has become Piccard and Borschberg's raison d'etre. But so far, the Solar Impulse 2 has been spending a lot of time on the ground. The latest setback came when a Thursday takeoff was canceled, because the cross winds in Nanjing, the plane's destination, were forecast to be too strong around its expected landing time. Because of its weight, at just 2,300 kilograms -- about the same as a large SUV -- the aircraft needs near perfect weather conditions, including cross winds of less than 4 knots, or about 7 kilometers an hour, in order to fly. While the team is used to waiting, they are clearly eager to move on. "Our boss is the sun," says Solar Impulse spokeswoman Claudia Durgnat. Durgnat says there may be a tiny window ahead, with the next possible departure from Chongqing on Tuesday. "It's not good before, and the days after don't look very clear." Even with the delay, Durgnat says, the plane technically isn't behind schedule. That's because the team needs to wait until the end of the month for the northern hemisphere days to get longer, before the plane can venture across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii. With more than 17,000 solar cells along the tops of its wings and fuselage, the Solar Impulse 2 stores up energy during the day, in order to power the motors that carry it through the night, typically at speeds no faster than a car on a highway. Inside a specially constructed tent at the end of the runway at Chongqing International Airport, a skeleton team of less than a dozen people works to complete the day's tasks. The rest of the crew has been waiting for weeks in Nanjing. Even with the extended stay, no time is wasted. Piccard spends a few hours of the afternoon in the cockpit, training to prepare for the Solar Impulse's crossings over the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, what the team calls "the moment of truth." The plane will then return to Abu Dhabi, where it had taken off. Nearby, two technicians repair a couple of the flight computers, which display critical information in the cockpit, punching extra holes in their casings so they don't overheat. Meanwhile, Borschberg has returned to Switzerland to rest and get medical treatment for a migraine and a skin condition. The team expects him back in China early next week. Borschberg is still scheduled to fly first leg of the Pacific crossing, which could last up to five days and nights. "The airplane is ready. The mission control center is ready. We've been waiting for that moment since so long," says Piccard. Borschberg and Piccard, who piloted an earlier version of the plane across the U.S. in 2013, are no strangers to adventure. Borschberg is a former fighter pilot, and Piccard was part of the first team to circumnavigate the earth nonstop in a balloon in 1999.
Solar plane attempting to be first to circumnavigate world without using fuel is stuck in China . Solar Impulse 2 attempts to prove the power of renewable energy .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 133, 11400, 17550, 32767, 132, 6, 5, 14073, 3286, 6475, 7, 3598, 198, 5, 232, 396, 634, 10, 1874, 9, 2423, 6, 34, 57, 16335, 30, 5, 1650, 11, 436, 4, 653, 21, 3518, 7, 28, 41, 4427, 8516, 912, 11, 5, 20431, 343, 9, 25932, 1343, 154, 34, 122, 13596, 88, 10, 80, 12, 463, 12, 102, 12, 4809, 186, 1095, 4, 85, 18, 41, 7152, 4477, 2137, 14, 16, 3044, 5, 11383, 9, 5, 10695, 8, 55, 87, 1191, 165, 453, 6, 95, 10, 297, 9, 5, 169, 552, 10, 3251, 14, 40, 1719, 103, 1718, 6, 151, 8130, 36, 2146, 6, 39373, 1788, 43, 81, 292, 377, 4, 22, 1185, 64, 679, 14, 110, 40, 64, 2712, 5, 1650, 60, 161, 4792, 12975, 22103, 12900, 6940, 6, 54, 606, 31, 10, 251, 284, 516, 9, 38897, 4, 1437, 125, 22, 13040, 47, 581, 28, 269, 5779, 142, 24, 630, 75, 173, 4, 22, 11094, 47, 95, 216, 14, 24, 18, 41, 9733, 47, 109, 19, 5, 1572, 9, 2574, 72, 12900, 6940, 6, 552, 19, 7553, 163, 994, 611, 2865, 6, 10, 5092, 8083, 6, 32, 602, 4072, 4731, 5, 881, 12, 1090, 5109, 3054, 6, 61, 362, 160, 31, 4896, 13125, 15, 494, 361, 8, 34, 5116, 13054, 149, 18302, 6, 666, 6, 8, 7095, 4, 345, 16, 203, 23, 1968, 4, 2667, 2511, 6, 61, 5, 10695, 224, 16, 3448, 23, 11891, 5, 476, 9, 8741, 1007, 6, 8, 11653, 4695, 6, 34, 57, 316, 107, 11, 5, 442, 4, 96, 171, 1319, 6, 24, 34, 555, 12900, 6940, 8, 163, 994, 611, 2865, 18, 15642, 4060, 385, 108, 594, 241, 4, 125, 98, 444, 6, 5, 11400, 17550, 32767, 132, 34, 57, 1408, 10, 319, 9, 86, 15, 5, 1255, 4, 20, 665, 12871, 376, 77, 10, 296, 32061, 21, 9491, 6, 142, 5, 2116, 2372, 11, 13690, 38310, 6, 5, 3286, 18, 6381, 6, 58, 1914, 7, 28, 350, 670, 198, 63, 421, 6684, 86, 4, 3047, 9, 63, 2408, 6, 23, 95, 132, 6, 2965, 23096, 480, 59, 5, 276, 25, 10, 739, 8000, 480, 5, 3054, 782, 583, 1969, 1650, 1274, 6, 217, 2116, 2372, 9, 540, 87, 204, 31792, 6, 50, 59, 262, 8130, 41, 1946, 6, 11, 645, 7, 3598, 4, 616, 5, 165, 16, 341, 7, 2445, 6, 51, 32, 2563, 7921, 7, 517, 15, 4, 22, 2522, 3504, 16, 5, 3778, 60, 161, 11400, 17550, 32767, 3582, 25996, 211, 7150, 26992, 4, 211, 7150, 26992, 161, 89, 189, 28, 10, 5262, 2931, 789, 6, 19, 5, 220, 678, 5824, 31, 25932, 1343, 154, 15, 294, 4, 22, 243, 18, 45, 205, 137, 6, 8, 5, 360, 71, 218, 75, 356, 182, 699, 72, 1648, 19, 5, 4646, 6, 211, 7150, 26992, 161, 6, 5, 3286, 12684, 965, 75, 639, 3078, 4, 280, 18, 142, 5, 165, 782, 7, 2067, 454, 5, 253, 9, 5, 353, 13, 5, 3285, 32515, 360, 7, 120, 1181, 6, 137, 5, 3286, 64, 5057, 420, 5, 3073, 5860, 7, 2 ]
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The Solar Impulse 2, the experimental plane to fly around world without a of fuel, has been grounded by the weather in China . to be in - - ' s pilots and will pilot aircraft energy team is on .
(CNN)Well, the thought experiments are finally over. Hillary Clinton's online declaration for president means the focus will now shift to the campaign and to what kind of president she might be. And nowhere will the speculation be greater than in the area of foreign policy, certain to be a major issue in the upcoming campaign. Should she win, Clinton will add to her potential "firsts": first woman president; the first president who had been a first lady. There's another one, too: the first secretary of state to become president since James Buchanan. Only a handful of the nation's top diplomats have gone to the White House (Thomas Jefferson; James Madison; James Monroe; John Quincy Adams; Martin Van Buren; and Buchanan). And none in the 20th century, a curious fact that suggests politics and statecraft are quite different animals. Too few of our secretaries of state have had the necessary experience of elected office or the desire, ambition and temperament to compete for the top job. Still, on balance, Clinton's tenure at the State Department should be a real advantage during the campaign, particularly when compared with the absence of foreign policy experience among her prospective Republican rivals. But this will be no cake walk for her on the foreign policy side. Clinton will have to negotiate and traverse several tricky and rocky paths to ensure that her State Department career remains an advantage and doesn't turn into a liability. Here's why: . The last president to serve in a top job in the administration of his immediate predecessor was George H.W. Bush. Circumstances were different then. Far from wanting to distance himself from Reagan, Bush 41 saw merit in reinforcing the association with a president who dominated his day in a way few chief executives have. Clinton will face a harder balancing act: how to stand by the policies that she helped craft in Obama's first term and still separate herself from an administration her opponents will blast as weak, vacillating and fairly or not, responsible for a world that is seen to be much worse, especially in the Middle East and with Russia, than when President Obama took office. In the process, she'll have to define her own approach to the world. Indeed, given the President's vulnerabilities on foreign policy, she can't afford to be seen as Obama's third term. In her memoir "Hard Choices," she's already laid the foundation for distancing herself from Obama on issues such as doing more for the Syrian opposition and being tougher on Russia's Vladimir Putin. And she can legitimately work to sharpen those differences without seeming to walk away from policies she supported and leaving herself open to charges that she has no principles, only politically expedient tactics. Too much loyalty to a president who is unpopular among independents will hurt her. But so will flip-flopping. Nowhere will her challenges be greater than on Iran. Clinton presided over the secret channel that laid the basis for the November 2013 interim accord and led directly to the putative understandings reached between the United States and Iran earlier this month in Lausanne, Switzerland. And she certainly can take credit for pushing tough sanctions that forced Iran to the table. The problem, of course, is that her Republican opponents and more than a few Democrats hate what the negotiations have produced. Much less enamored with the Obama's "let's engage our enemies" trope, Clinton may have doubts herself. The good news is that there won't be an agreement for months. So for now, she can back the importance of tough negotiating and even tougher sanctions or worse, should the Iranians cheat. But sooner or later, perhaps as early as June if there's an agreement, Clinton will have to take a stand on what may well be a very problematic and unpopular accord and what Congress' role should be. Her opponents, the Israelis, and much of the organized Jewish community, will portray it as even worse, and that is likely to be somewhat problematic and will be hyped as even worse. And this will put her at odds with traditional friends and supporters in the Jewish community. Frankly given her political interests, it would be easier for her candidacy if the agreement fell apart and she could campaign on a tough anti-Iranian message, hammering the mullahs' repressive policies at home and their mischief-making in the region. She may not be that lucky. Still she will have an advantage in dealing with the pro-Israeli community. Unlike President Obama, the Clintons have strong credentials on the Israeli issue. And that will help somewhat in trying to walk a narrow line between a negotiating process with Iran that Clinton launched and its fruits, which are seen by many Israelis and American Jews right now as too generous to the mullahs. Clinton's time at the State Department should help her in a presidential campaign where Americans are looking for strong and prudent leadership in foreign policy and more adult supervision in the White House. The Republicans will try and show that Benghazi and the email controversy have tarnished her image as secretary and claim she didn't accomplish much. Clinton wasn't a Henry Kissinger or a James Baker. But given the problems she confronted -- Iran, stalled Israeli-Palestinian two-state negotiations (none ready for any kind of solution or breakthrough) and a president who dominated rather than delegated foreign policy, she performed ably enough. She improved the nation's image and pushed 21st century issues such as women's rights, youth, and the environment. Her critics will dismiss all this as a kind of naive planetary humanism. Still, four years as secretary of state will help her project the kind of confidence and competence that will appear to many as an important credential to lead America in a dangerous and turbulent world. And in a presidential campaign where none of her opponents has her long experience in international affairs, that can only help. Clinton's biggest challenge on the campaign trail and in office should she win is whether she can develop a foreign policy vision and an effective approach to the world that strikes a better balance between the risk-readiness of George W. Bush and the risk-aversion of Barack Obama. And given the cruel and unforgiving nature of the world America now inhabits, this will be no easy task.
Miller: The former secretary of state has to decide whether she's going to differ with Barack Obama's handling of foreign policy . He says her experience overseas could be an asset as long as she doesn't get ensnared by controversy over Obama policies .
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Marseille, France (CNN)The French prosecutor leading an investigation into the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525 insisted Wednesday that he was not aware of any video footage from on board the plane. Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin told CNN that "so far no videos were used in the crash investigation." He added, "A person who has such a video needs to immediately give it to the investigators." Robin's comments follow claims by two magazines, German daily Bild and French Paris Match, of a cell phone video showing the harrowing final seconds from on board Germanwings Flight 9525 as it crashed into the French Alps. All 150 on board were killed. Paris Match and Bild reported that the video was recovered from a phone at the wreckage site. The two publications described the supposed video, but did not post it on their websites. The publications said that they watched the video, which was found by a source close to the investigation. "One can hear cries of 'My God' in several languages," Paris Match reported. "Metallic banging can also be heard more than three times, perhaps of the pilot trying to open the cockpit door with a heavy object. Towards the end, after a heavy shake, stronger than the others, the screaming intensifies. Then nothing." "It is a very disturbing scene," said Julian Reichelt, editor-in-chief of Bild online. An official with France's accident investigation agency, the BEA, said the agency is not aware of any such video. Lt. Col. Jean-Marc Menichini, a French Gendarmerie spokesman in charge of communications on rescue efforts around the Germanwings crash site, told CNN that the reports were "completely wrong" and "unwarranted." Cell phones have been collected at the site, he said, but that they "hadn't been exploited yet." Menichini said he believed the cell phones would need to be sent to the Criminal Research Institute in Rosny sous-Bois, near Paris, in order to be analyzed by specialized technicians working hand-in-hand with investigators. But none of the cell phones found so far have been sent to the institute, Menichini said. Asked whether staff involved in the search could have leaked a memory card to the media, Menichini answered with a categorical "no." Reichelt told "Erin Burnett: Outfront" that he had watched the video and stood by the report, saying Bild and Paris Match are "very confident" that the clip is real. He noted that investigators only revealed they'd recovered cell phones from the crash site after Bild and Paris Match published their reports. "That is something we did not know before. ... Overall we can say many things of the investigation weren't revealed by the investigation at the beginning," he said. What was mental state of Germanwings co-pilot? German airline Lufthansa confirmed Tuesday that co-pilot Andreas Lubitz had battled depression years before he took the controls of Germanwings Flight 9525, which he's accused of deliberately crashing last week in the French Alps. Lubitz told his Lufthansa flight training school in 2009 that he had a "previous episode of severe depression," the airline said Tuesday. Email correspondence between Lubitz and the school discovered in an internal investigation, Lufthansa said, included medical documents he submitted in connection with resuming his flight training. The announcement indicates that Lufthansa, the parent company of Germanwings, knew of Lubitz's battle with depression, allowed him to continue training and ultimately put him in the cockpit. Lufthansa, whose CEO Carsten Spohr previously said Lubitz was 100% fit to fly, described its statement Tuesday as a "swift and seamless clarification" and said it was sharing the information and documents -- including training and medical records -- with public prosecutors. Spohr traveled to the crash site Wednesday, where recovery teams have been working for the past week to recover human remains and plane debris scattered across a steep mountainside. He saw the crisis center set up in Seyne-les-Alpes, laid a wreath in the village of Le Vernet, closer to the crash site, where grieving families have left flowers at a simple stone memorial. Menichini told CNN late Tuesday that no visible human remains were left at the site but recovery teams would keep searching. French President Francois Hollande, speaking Tuesday, said that it should be possible to identify all the victims using DNA analysis by the end of the week, sooner than authorities had previously suggested. In the meantime, the recovery of the victims' personal belongings will start Wednesday, Menichini said. Among those personal belongings could be more cell phones belonging to the 144 passengers and six crew on board. Check out the latest from our correspondents . The details about Lubitz's correspondence with the flight school during his training were among several developments as investigators continued to delve into what caused the crash and Lubitz's possible motive for downing the jet. A Lufthansa spokesperson told CNN on Tuesday that Lubitz had a valid medical certificate, had passed all his examinations and "held all the licenses required." Earlier, a spokesman for the prosecutor's office in Dusseldorf, Christoph Kumpa, said medical records reveal Lubitz suffered from suicidal tendencies at some point before his aviation career and underwent psychotherapy before he got his pilot's license. Kumpa emphasized there's no evidence suggesting Lubitz was suicidal or acting aggressively before the crash. Investigators are looking into whether Lubitz feared his medical condition would cause him to lose his pilot's license, a European government official briefed on the investigation told CNN on Tuesday. While flying was "a big part of his life," the source said, it's only one theory being considered. Another source, a law enforcement official briefed on the investigation, also told CNN that authorities believe the primary motive for Lubitz to bring down the plane was that he feared he would not be allowed to fly because of his medical problems. Lubitz's girlfriend told investigators he had seen an eye doctor and a neuropsychologist, both of whom deemed him unfit to work recently and concluded he had psychological issues, the European government official said. But no matter what details emerge about his previous mental health struggles, there's more to the story, said Brian Russell, a forensic psychologist. "Psychology can explain why somebody would turn rage inward on themselves about the fact that maybe they weren't going to keep doing their job and they're upset about that and so they're suicidal," he said. "But there is no mental illness that explains why somebody then feels entitled to also take that rage and turn it outward on 149 other people who had nothing to do with the person's problems." Germanwings crash compensation: What we know . Who was the captain of Germanwings Flight 9525? CNN's Margot Haddad reported from Marseille and Pamela Brown from Dusseldorf, while Laura Smith-Spark wrote from London. CNN's Frederik Pleitgen, Pamela Boykoff, Antonia Mortensen, Sandrine Amiel and Anna-Maja Rappard contributed to this report.
Marseille prosecutor says "so far no videos were used in the crash investigation" despite media reports . Journalists at Bild and Paris Match are "very confident" the video clip is real, an editor says . Andreas Lubitz had informed his Lufthansa training school of an episode of severe depression, airline says .
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Baghdad, Iraq (CNN)Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, a former top deputy to Saddam Hussein and more recently a key figure in Sunni extremist groups battling the Iraqi government, has been killed in a security operation in that country, Iraqi state-run television reported Friday. Al-Douri was the highest-ranking member of Hussein's regime to evade capture -- the "King of Clubs" in a deck of playing cards used by American troops to identify the most-wanted regime officials. He also was a man thought to have led the post-Hussein Sunni extremist group Naqshbandi Army. Military analysis website says the Naqshbandi Army supports ISIS, which has taken over parts of Iraq and Syria. Al-Douri was killed in an operation by Iraqi security forces and Shia militia members in the Hamrin Mountains between Tikrit and Kirkuk, Iraq, Shia militia commander Hadi al-Ameri said. That militia is a predominantly Shiite fighting group that worked with Iraqi troops earlier this month to liberate the Iraqi city of Tikrit from ISIS. The death of al-Douri was also reported by the governor of Salahuddin province, Raid al-Jubouri, who spoke by phone on Iraqi television. Al-Douri's body arrived Friday in Baghdad, where DNA samples were taken to confirm the identity, said the spokesman of another Shiite militia called Hashd Shaabi in an interview with state-run Iraqiya TV. DNA test results could be available in 48 hours, Hashd Shaabi spokesman Yousuf al-Kilabi told the outlet. The U.S. military is aware of the media reports but doesn't have further information to evaluate them, said Col. Patrick Ryder, spokesman for U.S. Central Command. While officials are aware of al-Douri's role in the Hussein regime, Ryder declined to comment about whether the United States or the coalition was targeting any specific individuals. Al-Douri was a military commander and vice chairman of the country's revolutionary command council in Hussein's Sunni-dominated regime -- effectively Hussein's No. 2 man. Hussein's regime fell during a U.S.-led invasion in 2003. The U.S. military had said that after the Iraqi leader's fall, al-Douri helped finance a Sunni insurgency with money he transferred to Syria before the government collapsed. A month before the invasion, al-Douri presided over a military parade in Mosul, an event covered by CNN, and his participation became one of the last times he was seen in public, covered by CNN. Al-Douri saluted troops from the reviewing stand as they marched by. Then, just days before the U.S. invasion, al-Douri addressed an emergency summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to discuss ultimately unsuccessful ways to avert the war. Al-Douri accused the United States of aggression and blamed Kuwait for his country's suffering, calling leaders of the neighboring Gulf state "traitors" for cooperating with the United States and Israel. That comment prompted the Kuwaiti representative to stand up and protest, to which al-Douri countered, "Shut up, sit down you small agent [of the U.S.], you monkey!" Kuwaiti television cut away from the heated exchange and rejoined the conference later. Al-Douri's efforts were all in vain. The United States invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003, ousting Hussein, al-Douri and the entire regime. In subsequent years, several claims asserted that al-Douri was either killed or captured during the war and its aftermath. At the same time, a man claiming to be al-Douri released a number of audio messages over the years taunting Iraqi and U.S. officials. In 2012, a series of videos appeared online purporting to show al-Douri deriding the Shiite-led government that took over Iraq after Hussein's ouster. CNN couldn't independently verify the authenticity of those videos on YouTube or the identity of the man speaking, though he bore a striking resemblance to al-Douri. In the clips, the man who claimed to be al-Douri wore an olive military uniform and sat behind a desk with an Iraqi flag in the background. He derided Iraq's Shiite-dominated government, led by then-Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, as well as what he described as meddling by neighboring Iran. Al-Maliki's Dawa party, says al-Douri, "has announced Iraq as the Shiite capital." At that time, nine years had passed since the invasion and, al-Douri claimed that Iraq was still in peril. "Everyone can hear the sounds of danger echoing daily and threatening the country," he said. The videos were posted on what was the 65th anniversary of the Arab Socialist Baath Party, a political party founded in Syria that later provided the political basis for Hussein's now outlawed Baath Party. CNN's Hamdi Alkhshali reported from Baghdad. CNN's Jason Hanna wrote from Atlanta and Michael Martinez from Los Angeles. CNN's Jamie Crawford contributed from Washington, D.C.
U.S. military doesn't have further information to evaluate the Iraqi media reports . Al-Douri's body arrives in Baghdad where DNA samples are taken . Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri was the highest-ranking member of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's regime to evade capture .
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Izzat Ibrahim al top deputy Saddam and the Iraqi has killed in a security operation in state television . Al - Douri was the highest - ranking member of Hussein' s regime to by He led Sunni extremist group Army says ISIS Al , Iraq, Shia militia commander A Shiite of al TV . The U . S . military is Douri was a
Mogadishu, Somalia (CNN)A car bomb exploded at a restaurant near the presidential palace in the heart of Somalia's capital Tuesday, killing at least 10 people, including a woman and a boy, police said. Somalia-based Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack. Group spokesman Sheikh Abdiaziz Musab, speaking to pro-Al-Shabaab outlet Andalus radio, said the blast targeted and killed several Somali intelligence agents. Somali police spokesman Qasim Mohamed Roble told reporters that the car bomb killed no government official or soldier. Among the dead, he said, was a boy who shined shoes. The area is not a new target for Al-Shabaab, which has battled Somalia's government for years with the goal of establishing a fundamentalist Islamic state. The restaurant is across the street from the Central Hotel, where Al-Shabaab killed at least 15 people in a bombing and gun attack in February. The streets outside the restaurant were "littered with debris and human body parts" after Tuesday's explosion, witness Mohamed Ali said. The blast damaged nearby buildings and vehicles at a parking lot, according to Ali. Ambulances took wounded people to a nearby hospital for treatment. Tuesday's bombing is at least the third high-profile attack near or at a Mogadishu hotel since February. On February 20, militants attacked the Central Hotel, blowing up a car bomb outside before shooting people and detonating another bomb inside. Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack. More than a month later, on March 27, gunmen detonated explosives and shot people at a different Mogadishu hotel -- the Makka Al Mukarama -- leaving at least 20 people dead. The attack stretched into the next day before security personnel killed all the assailants. Al-Shabaab also said it was responsible for the Makka Al Mukarama attack, claiming it targeted the hotel because its guests were spies and government officials. Among those killed in the March 27 assault was Yusuf Mohamed Ismail Bari-Bari, Somalia's permanent representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, the Somali government said. Journalist Omar Nor reported from Mogadishu. CNN's Jason Hanna wrote in Atlanta.
Islamist militant group Al-Shabaab claims responsibility for the attack . The explosion happened across the street from a hotel that was attacked two months ago . Mogadishu has been the site of frequent attacks by Al-Shabaab .
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A car bomb at a restaurant near the presidential palace in the Tuesday 10 people, a woman and a boy, police militant group Al - Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack . spokesman Al blast targeted - Shabaab killed at least February . The bombing is Mogadishu hotel responsible Somali government
(CNN)Thousands of Syrian and Palestinian refugees trapped in the Yarmouk refugee camp have suffered what can only be described as untold indignities. But while the story is in itself tragic, it is the individual lives at the heart of the camp that make the imperative for humanitarian action so compelling. I encountered two such individuals on my mission to Damascus -- Jihad and Mohammad -- tiny, vulnerable infants who were taken from Yarmouk in recent days, a place that was described last week by the U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as "the deepest circle of hell." The fact that they are alive truly make them miracle children. Looking into those bright young faces, touching their pristine hands, the logic of our humanitarian mandate -- the mission to protect -- never felt stronger to me. Like the wider Syrian conflict, Yarmouk has a human face; the faces of young Mohammad and young Jihad. I want to introduce you to them in the hope that you, too, will understand why I am firmly convinced that turning away is not an option -- and why the international community must act in a concerted manner to respond to the many tragedies in Syria. Jihad Ya'qoub, the youngest Palestinian refugee to flee Yarmouk, was born on March 30. His mother, Said Fatima, never imagined bringing a child into this world could be so tough. "I was hoping to drink milk and eat eggs during my pregnancy, but our financial situation did allow us to buy these expensive food items," she said. Said Fatima was living in a community where the average person survived on just 400 calories a day. Mohammad was born in Yarmouk on January 25 of this year. When ISIS -- Islamic State of Iraq and Syria -- entered the camp and tensions heightened, his mother, Nadia, fled in search of safety. Her only thoughts were to save the life of her newborn son. Yet she has not lost hope in the possibility of a dignified future. She hopes that if and when life returns to normal, she will be able to live once more with her husband and son in the family home in Yarmouk. These tales of courage and human dignity are a lesson for us all. When I next brief the Security Council, as I did a few days ago, I will tell them about Jihad and Mohammad. I will continue to press the case for humanitarian access to other children like them inside Yarmouk, other civilians who need help where they are. To do this, hostilities will have to subside. Pressure must be exerted on armed actors in Yarmouk to this end. Beyond that, those civilians wishing to temporarily leave must be allowed to do so safely. These things are all possible. But it takes the necessary political will -- nothing more, nothing less. Yarmouk must be a place where the politics of the possible begin to take hold. I believe they can. Because to abandon such belief would be to abandon Jihad, Mohammad and thousands of other civilians like them. And that is simply not an option.
Yarmouk is a refugee camp near Damascus in war-ravaged Syria . Pierre Krähenbühl of the United Nations: Individual lives underscore need for humanitarian action .
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(CNN)A North Pacific gray whale has earned a spot in the record books after completing the longest migration of a mammal ever recorded. The whale, named Varvara, swam nearly 14,000 miles (22,500 kilometers), according to a release from Oregon State University, whose scientists helped conduct the whale-tracking study. Varvara, which is Russian for "Barbara," left her primary feeding ground off Russia's Sakhalin Island to cross the Pacific Ocean and down the West Coast of the United States to Baja, Mexico. Varvara's journey surpassed a record listed on the Guinness Worlds Records website. It said the previous record was set by a humpback whale that swam a mere 10,190-mile round trip between the "warm breeding waters near the equator and the colder food-rich waters of the Arctic and Antarctic regions." Records are nice, but Bruce Mate, the lead author of the study, thinks the long trip might say more about the whale than just its ability to swim. During her 14,000-mile journey, Varvara visited "three major breeding areas for eastern gray whales," which was a surprise to Mate, who is also the director of the Marine Mammal Institute at Oregon State University. "For her to go to Mexico," Mate said, "It's pretty strong evidence that it's where she's from." Varvara was thought to be an endangered western whale, but her ability to "navigate across open water over tremendously long distances is impressive," he said in the release, which could mean that some western gray whales are actually eastern grays. With only 150 western gray whales believed to be in existence, that number might be even lower. "Past studies have indicated genetic differentiation between the species, but this suggests we may need to take a closer look," Mate said. Fourth baby orca born this season .
The whale, Varvara, swam a round trip from Russia to Mexico, nearly 14,000 miles . The previous record was set by a humpback whale that migrated more than 10,000 miles .
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North Pacific gray whale in the record the longest migration of a mammal ever recorded The Varvara, swam nearly 14 , 000 miles to a - is for " her Russia' s and Mexico journey was " eastern whales to be an endangered western whale .
(CNN)I don't always talk about news events with my daughters, but there was something about the story of ESPN reporter Britt McHenry and the wildly offensive way she spoke to that towing company employee that made me bring it up. One of the main things I preach to my girls, ages 7 and 9, is the importance of respecting other people, no matter who you are and what you go on to accomplish. It's something that my husband and I just do -- we show respect to everyone from a taxi driver to a teacher to the President of the United States. Let me say right here that I have lost my cool from time to time, whether it's been a phone call with a credit card company to complain about late fees or an experience of bad service at a restaurant. In those cases, when I feel like I'm going to pop, I keep saying, "This is unacceptable, This is unacceptable," and either hang up in disgust or storm off. (Not perfect ways of handling these incidents, but at no time would I ever think to insult or demean the other person in these situations.) Some of McHenry's comments, such as how she's "on television," imply that she may have the dangerous thinking that she, by dint of her career, education and income, is better than people who don't get paid what she does or have the same kind of career or educational opportunities. McHenry showed that she either forgot those "golden rule" lessons from childhood or that she hasn't really lived her life with that mantra. McHenry has since apologized on Twitter, saying she said "some insulting and regrettable things," and that as frustrated as she was during an experience at a towing company in Virginia, she should "always choose to be respectful and take the high road." But it's not clear that apology will satisfy anyone who watched the video of her exchange with the towing company worker. "I see this Britt McHenry video, and think: it's not just about how a celebrity shouldn't act in public, it's how all of us shouldn't act," wrote "Cait" on Twitter. Said "Shannon," also on Twittter, "I had no idea who Britt McHenry was before but ... now I know she's the kind of woman I hope I've taught my daughters not to be." "Her language and disdain brings shame on her, her profession, and her employer. People don't all of sudden have such a vile tirade. This comes after years of practice and a pattern of similar behaviors. Let's let her be an example to others," wrote C Cooper on a petition asking McHenry's employers to fire her. The McHenry story seemed to strike a chord in our household because my older daughter asked what was going to happen to her. This morning, I told her McHenry was suspended for a week by ESPN, and that led to another conversation. My kids seemed to get it and many celebrities also seem to remember to "treat other people the way you would want them to treat you" even in uncomfortable moments. Celebrity apologies: The good, bad and uncomfortable . So, Britt McHenry, check out these examples of how the rich, famous and powerful handled stressful situations with grace and dignity. After British journalist Katie Hopkins seriously fat-shamed pop music star Kelly Clarkson, saying a host of insulting things about the singer's weight, Clarkson won praise for her graceful response. "That's because she doesn't know me. I'm awesome. It doesn't bother me. It's a free world. Say what you will. I've just never cared what people think," she said. A college baseball player gets suspended for calling Little League baseball phenom Mo'ne Davis a "slut." Her response? She emailed Bloomsburg University asking that the college reinstate him. "Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance," Davis, the first girl to earn a win and to pitch a shutout in Little League World Series history, told ESPN. "... I know right now he's really hurt and I know how hard he worked to get where he is. I mean, I was pretty hurt on my part but I know he's hurting even more." When an Argentinian journalist wrote an open letter to Pope Francis expressing concern about the pontiff meeting with the country's president ahead of the general election in October and possibly influencing the outcome, what did the Pope do? Well, he picked up the phone and gave the journalist a call. Wish we could have been a fly on the wall for that conversation! The pope appears to have been more than graceful, because after the conversation, the journalist pledged to learn how to pray. When Queen Bey faced immense criticism after allegedly lip-synching the national anthem in honor of President Obama's inauguration in 2013, she didn't come out swinging. Instead, she admitted to singing along with her "pre-recorded track" at the inauguration but only after she opened her news conference with what was described as a stirring, a cappella rendition of the national anthem. Finally, Reese Witherspoon may be the closest example for McHenry to consider when it comes to overcoming a very offensive episode. When Witherspoon and her husband were pulled over in 2013 for suspicion of driving under the influence, the Academy Award winning actress was recorded making comments to the officer such as, "Do you know who I am?" and "You're about to find out who I am." She ultimately issued an apologetic statement, and then went on morning television to apologize some more. "We went out to dinner in Atlanta, and we had one too many glasses of wine, and we thought we were fine to drive and we absolutely were not," she said on "Good Morning America." "It's completely unacceptable, and we are so sorry and embarrassed. We know better, and we shouldn't have done that." And, she added, "When a police officer tells you to stay in the car, you stay in the car. I learned that for sure," she told the GMA host . Now, did McHenry learn that when a towing company worker or anyone else makes you incredibly angry, you never berate them for their weight, job, appearance and income? Let's hope so. Can you think of other examples where the rich and powerful responded to a stressful situation with grace instead of disrespect? Share your thoughts with Kelly Wallace on Twitter or CNN Living on Facebook.
ESPN reporter Britt McHenry caught on video berating a towing company employee . CNN's Kelly Wallace used the story as a teachable moment for her daughters . Wallace: McHenry could learn from other celebrities who responded gracefully in stressful situations .
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about daughters of ESPN reporter Britt McHenry and the she employee . girls is other people, respect to with a in McHenry' s she " towing company worker . " : on her, her
(CNN)The night before her daughter's first triathlon, Kate Parker could tell the child was nervous. Ella and her younger sister, Alice, are athletic, loud, curious, wild-haired kids. They grew up watching their mother compete in races and Ella had asked to sign up for her own. Still, as they laid out everything she'd need the next day, Parker, a photographer, could tell she was afraid. "Why don't we get a picture?" Parker asked Ella, now 9. "Show me your strongest face, show me your bravest face, even if you don't feel that way right now." As she pulled the image up on her screen, she got chills from her daughter's direct stare. She looked, Parker said, like "a little badass." "You're going to be totally fine," Parker showed her. "Look at how tough you are." The next day, Ella participated in her race, and loved it. Looking back, "I wanted her to remember that she was scared and she went through with it, sort of as a memento of her conquering a fear, " said Parker, who lives near Atlanta. "As a mom, I really wanted to get a good picture of it, too." The photo is one of Parker's favorites from her series, "Strong is the New Pretty." It covers the last two years, but evolved from Parker's early days behind a camera, when she shot daily images of her girls to expand her knowledge of lighting and composition. It seemed that most images of little girls showcased perfectly placed hair bows, forced smiles and Photoshop-smooth skin. Hers didn't. "I didn't want to shoot pictures like that. I didn't want girls to think they had to look like that," said Parker, whose daughters are now 6 and 9. "Whoever they were, however they were, was worthy of an image. Whatever they were was good enough." So, she shot her girls and their friends as they were -- freckled, muddy, screaming, laughing, jumping in the pool, collecting worms in the creek, barreling into the wilderness of early adolescence on skateboards and bicycles. "I want to capture them before they lose that sense of 'I'm so awesome.' I wanted them to keep that as long as they could," Parker said. "I started to shoot with that in mind, but it was already there." The girls pose for an occasional portrait, but most are kid-inspired moments, shaped by childish wonderment and energy. As parents, Parker and her husband encourage their girls to play outside, make new friends and try new things without worrying about grass-stained knees and knots in their hair, Parker said. Now, the girls have the confidence and curiosity to do it on their own. "They're just being themselves, and I'm just recording it," Parker said. Responses to the images are mostly positive, Parker said, but there's the occasional complaint that she's showing just one type of girl. It's true, Parker said: They're the ones she's raising, the only ones whose adventures she can document 24/7. She hopes the project inspires parents to find their own creative ways to capture their children's lives. More important, she wants kids to see they can be strong in whatever they are and whatever they hope to be. Parker's own kids still surprise her. "Alice is a beautiful singer. When I hear her sing, it makes me cry," Parker said. "Ella has this amazing, kind heart that cares more about the experience than the win. It's something that I did not teach her. "Whatever it is, it's OK."
Kate Parker is the photographer and mother behind "Strong is the New Pretty" The photo series shows her messy, wild daughters as they are, Parker said .
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(CNN)It sounds like the plot for a science fiction movie. Someone has a horrific accident and winds up in the hospital, brain dead and on life support. Doctors approach the family about organ donation, but instead of saving as many as eight lives, the family is asked to donate the whole body to save just one individual. Perhaps a quadriplegic with a mind that outmatches their malfunctioning body. As crazy as this sounds, to put an entire head on a new body, a human body, Italian physician Dr. Sergio Canavero says we are approaching HEAVEN (an acronym for head anastomosis venture; anastomosis is surgically connecting two parts). The pieces are coming together but there are still many hurdles to jump. Canavero says he has part of the funding secured, although he says he can't yet disclose where the money is coming from as a condition of the funding. He's also taking the 2015 layman's approach with crowd funding and book sales. He has identified Valery Spiridonov as the first patient. The 30-year-old Russian man suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Werdnig-Hoffman disease. Canavero says the man volunteered. The two men have talked via Skype but they have yet to meet in person and Canavero has not reviewed Spiridonov's medical records. Canavero says he has a stack of emails and letters from people who want this procedure. Many of them are transsexuals who want a new body, he says. But he insists the first patients will be people who are suffering from a muscle wasting disease. Another big obstacle is the need for a partner. Canavero can't just do this in his own Frankenstein lab. He needs a major academic medical center to host this endeavor and he has his eyes set on the United States. He hopes to get a buy-in this summer when he presents his plan to the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopedic Surgeons, or AANOS, at its annual conference in June. He's counting on getting the green light he needs for the first human whole head transplant to take place in 2017. Nick Rebel, executive director of AANOS, says the group is not endorsing Canavero, it is simply giving him a platform to hear what he has to say. If Canavero doesn't get the support he needs in the United States, he'll look to China and his timeline will slide by a year. Once these pieces are in place, Canavero says he'll put together a staff of 150 nurses and doctors. Many of them, like the patient, are already identified because they've asked to be part of this team. Then they'll need to practice for what is anticipated to be a 36-hour operation. "I say two years is the time needed for the team to reach perfect synchronization," Canavero speculates. But what about the science? Is such an idea even plausible? He says he has research that supports it. Canavero points to Dr. Robert White, who transplanted the head of one monkey to the body of another at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in 1970. The monkey died after eight days, because the body rejected the new head. Before ithe monkey died, it could not move because the spinal cord of the head and body were not connected. The monkey also was unable to breathe on its own. The paper in which Canavero outlined his procedure references a different 1971 experiment White conducted with six monkey heads, none of which survived more than 24 hours. But Canavero says advances in science and medicine since then eliminate the problems White faced. Dr. Hunt Batjer, chairman of neurological surgery at UT Southwestern and president-elect of the American Association for Neurological Surgeons, says White's research is not validation for a human head transplant. "[It's] a 45-year-old reference in a primate and there is no evidence that the spinal cord was anastomosed functionally," he says. Batjer further explains that it's a great leap to go from brain survival of the surgery to restoring body function, which White did not look at. Canavero is confident in his writing and in conversation. He cites White's monkeys and even the success of German researchers who helped paralyzed rats walk, giving no pause to the fact that such research is more likely to go nowhere than to make it to human clinical trials. He published his paper in the free, online, medical journal Surgical Neurology International in 2013. He walks readers through a scenario, outlining the key points that will make this work, including cooling the spinal cord before severing it. Doing so with an ultra-sharp blade will avoid the damage experienced by spinal cord injury patients, he says. He'll use a "magic ingredient" as a sealant to fuse the spinal cord back together and offers a few options for what that ingredient could be. The nerves, having been color-coded when separated, will be carefully aligned and this will all be done very quickly because time is key. An impossibility, according to Batjer. He conceded that the airway, the spine, the major veins and arteries, can all be put back together, but the spinal cord is the problem. He says the result would be the inability to move or breathe. "I would not wish this on anyone, I would not allow anyone to do it to me, there are a lot of things worse than death," Batjer says. The science isn't there to support this, says Arthur Caplan, Ph.D., director of medical ethics at NYU Langone Medical Center. He says it's nothing more than a big PR stunt, and calls Canavero "nuts." Caplan says this has to be done in many animals before it's tried on humans. Caplan also points out that if Canavero can do this, he should first be helping paralyzed patients by fixing their spinal cords, before transplanting whole bodies. As for the patients, Caplan says, "their bodies would end up being overwhelmed with different pathways and chemistry than they are used to and they'd go crazy." In his paper, Canavero says identity issues could be a problem as the head gets used to its new body. He also says pain could be a problem. As far as immunosuppression, Canavero points to today's transplant successes as evidence this is not a problem. Caplan isn't buying it. He's seen how difficult it is for his NYU colleagues who perform face transplants. The levels of anti-rejection medications required are so high they put patients at risk for cancer and kidney problems. He says it doesn't make sense that you'd poison a new body with immunosuppressant medications to make a head transplant work. Another issue Caplan has seen with face transplant patients is they don't always get full function of their new organ. "It's not like you can unscrew your head and put it on someone else," Caplan says. Dr. Robert Ruff, the Veterans Affairs national director for neurology, calls it farfetched and farcical, not to mention unlikely to work. He says this is more like centuries away, not years. "It would be impossible to predict that far into the future," Ruff says. Canavero insists, though, "We can already do this."
Dr. Sergio Canavero says he is two years away from performing the first total human head transplant . The first patient will be a 30-year-old Russian man with a rare, genetic muscle wasting disease . One ethicist says Canavero should be helping paralyzed patients walk before performing body transplants .
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Polk City, Florida (CNN)If you drove by it, you wouldn't even know it's there. The Ringling Bros. Center for Elephant Conservation sits on 200 acres of land in rural central Florida, halfway between Orlando and Sarasota, off a nondescript country road. An armed security guard greets you at the entrance. After a short drive down a gravel road, you get the sense this is a special place. "You can walk around and you don't hear anything," said Kenneth Feld, who opened the center in 1995. "These elephants, they have these large feet and they travel silently through the fields. I think it's very peaceful." Twenty-nine elephants currently live here, and 13 more will join the group by 2018, after Ringling Bros. decided this year to stop using elephants in its traveling circus. "This was a decision that our family had discussed for quite some time," said Feld, chairman and CEO of Feld Entertainment, the company that owns Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey. The change comes after years of repeated criticism and lawsuits by animal rights groups. The ultimate decision to phase out the elephants, Feld said, is the result of the different laws regulating the use of the animals in each of the 115 cities the circus visits every year. "You can't operate any business, much less with animals, if you don't have consistency from city to city," Feld said. "It's a definite expense to be in litigation and to be fighting legislation, and there is a saying and it's been around for a long time: 'You can't fight city hall.' And we found that to be the case in this situation." The circus business has been a part of the Feld family since 1967, when Irvin Feld purchased Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey. When Irvin died in 1984, his son, Kenneth, took over. "This is a whole family affair," he said. "It's a family affair for our family but also for all the elephants." When the center opened 20 years ago, it housed fewer than 10 elephants. "It was a place for elephants to retire," Feld said. Today, the center houses elephants of all ages. "We have lots of different elephants, meaning males and females, youth elephants, older elephants, so it is a great place to study behavior," he said. The center is also focused on breeding the animals. Wendy Kiso, a research and conservation scientist, spends her days at an onsite lab, trying to figure out how to keep the species from going extinct. Part of her lab includes several tanks that "cryo-preserve" elephant sperm at negative-196 degrees. "We process the semen and we extend it in such a way that we can freeze it," Kiso said. "This is a genetic resource bank for Asian elephants." Twenty-six elephants have been born here, Feld said. Mike, the newest pachyderm to join the group, was born at the center's birthing barn nearly two years ago. "We have the largest and only sustainable herd of Asian elephants in the Western Hemisphere," Feld said. Caring for the elephants is no small task. Trudy Williams and her husband, Jim, spend their time taking care of the animals' daily needs. It takes the couple hours to bathe, walk and feed the elephants every day. "First thing in the morning, we water them, and give them some treats and feed them some hay," Williams said. Each elephant eats about 150 pounds of food a day. Twenty-one tons of hay usually lasts only 10 days at the center. Exercise is also part of the daily routine, including stretching. "We just do that a few times on each leg with them, just to give them a good stretch," Williams said."We do some footwork with them. All of our elephants, generally once a month, get a pedicure, just to make sure their feet are in good condition." All of this care isn't cheap. "Each elephant costs over $65,000 a year, per year, over all the years of their life," Feld said. "We're fortunate we're for profit. We do make a profit and we're a privately owned family business, and so we've made a decision we want to devote a lot of resources here." It's a price Feld said he's willing to pay to keep this species -- some varieties of which in Asia and Africa are endangered -- alive for generations to come. "I always say, it's sort of like Jurassic Park with a happy ending," Feld said. "We knew that if we didn't do something, maybe my grandchildren would never have the opportunity to see these incredible animals." CNN's Javier de Diego contributed to this report.
29 elephants currently live at the circus sanctuary, and 13 more will join by 2018 . The expansion comes after Ringling Bros. said it would stop using elephants in circus . $65,000 worth of care annually includes pedicures, stretching and tons -- literally -- of food .
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Miami (CNN)World heavyweight boxing champion Wladimir Klitschko has an important title defense coming up, but his thoughts continue to be dominated by the ongoing fight for democracy in Ukraine. Speaking to CNN from his Miami training base ahead of the April 25 showdown with American challenger Bryant Jennings in New York, Klitschko said the crisis in his homeland has left him shocked and upset. "My country is unfortunately suffering in the war with Russia -- not that Ukraine tried to give any aggression to any other nation, in this particular case Russia, unfortunately it's the other way around," Klitschko told CNN. "I never thought that our brother folk is going to have war with us, so that Ukrainians and Russians are going to be divided with blood," he added. "Unfortunately, we don't know how far it's going to go and how worse it's going to get. The aggression, in the military presence of (Russian) soldiers and military equipment in my country, Ukraine, is upsetting." Klitschko is the reigning IBF, WBA, WBO and IBO champion and has, alongside older brother Vitali, dominated the heavyweight division in the 21st century. Vitali, who retired from boxing in 2013, is a prominent figure in Ukrainian politics. The 43-year-old has led the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform since 2010 and was elected mayor of Kiev in May last year. Tensions in the former Soviet state remain high despite a ceasefire agreed in February as Europe, led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President of France Francois Hollande, tries to broker a peace deal between the two sides. The crisis in Ukraine began in November 2013 when former President Victor Yanukovych scuttled a trade deal with the European Union in favor of forging closer economic ties with Russia. The move triggered a wave of anti-government protests which came to a head Kiev's Maidan Square in February 2014 when clashes between protesters and government security forces left around 100 dead. The following month, Russian troops entered Ukraine's Crimean peninsula before Russian President Vladimir Putin completed the annexation of Crimea -- a move denounced by most of the world as illegitimate -- after citizens of the region had voted in favor of leaving Ukraine in a referendum. More than 5,000 people have been killed in the conflict to date. "People are dying in Ukraine every single day," Klitschko said. "I do not want to see it, nobody wants to see it ... it's hard to believe these days something like that in Europe -- and Ukraine is Europe -- can happen." But with the backing of the international community, Klitschko is confident Ukraine can forge a democratic future rather than slide back towards a Soviet-era style dictatorship. "I really wish and want this conflict to be solved and it can only be solved with Western help," he said. "Ukraine is looking forward to becoming a democratic country and live under Western democracy. This is our decision and this is our will to get what we want. "If somebody wants to try to put (us) back to the Soviet times and be part of the former Soviet Union, we disagree with that. We want to be in freedom. "We have achieved many things in moving forward and showed to the world that we do not want to live under a dictatorship." Klitschko, whose comments were made as part of a wide-ranging interview for CNN's Human to Hero series, is routinely kept abreast of developments in Ukraine by brother Vitali but also returns home whenever he can. "As much time as I can spend, I am there in the Ukraine. It's not like I am getting the news from mass media and making my own adjustments and judgments on what's going on. It's an actual presence and understanding from the inside ... It obviously affects my life, it affects the life of my family." The 39-year-old and his fiancée Hayden Panettiere celebrated happier times last December when the American actress gave birth to a baby daughter, Kaya. "I need to get used to it that I'm a father, which is really exciting. I hope I'm going to have a big family with multiple kids," he said. Klitschko isn't sure when he'll finally hang up his gloves. "I don't know how long I can last ... motivation and health have to be there to continue." But after leaving almost all his boxing opponents battered and bruised -- the Ukrainian is seeking an impressive 18th consecutive title defense against Jennings -- Klitschko is keen to carry on fighting his own and his country's corner in the opposite way outside the ring. "I just really want that we'll have less violence in the world ... I hope in peace we can do anything, but if we have war then it's definitely going to leave us dull and numb." Watch Wladimir Klitschko's Human to Hero interview on CNN's World Sport program on Wednesday April 8 at 1130, 1245, 1445, 2130, 2245 and 2345 and Thursday April 9 at 0445 (All times GMT) and here online.
Reigning world heavyweight champion discusses Ukraine crisis . Klitschko faces American challenger Bryant Jennings in New York on April 25 . "Ukraine is looking forward to becoming a democratic country," Klitschko says . Klitschko's older brother Vitali a prominent figure in Ukraine democracy movement .
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World heavyweight boxing Klitschko title his to for Ukraine . of April 25 New York " in the war with Russia ' s " Klitschko is the I , WBA, WBO and IBO champion and has, brother Vitali . The crisis in Ukraine to a
(CNN)A look at Oklahoma City, 20 years later. A fly-by of Pluto, 4 billion miles away. And the struggle to save the last male northern white rhino in the world. These are your best videos of the week: . On April 19, 1995, the Alfred R. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was bombed by two disaffected young Americans. One hundred sixty-eight people died in the terrorist attack, including 19 children. As the 20th anniversary of the tragedy approaches, CNN captured video of the memorial that stands on the site today. The video is at the top of this story. The use of marijuana as a medicinal treatment actually dates back millennia, to at least 2730 B.C. CNN's Sanjay Gupta looks at the history of the herb in medicine -- including its prescription by Queen Victoria's doctor. Watch the video: . Just because you're a politician doesn't mean you come naturally to glad-handing. From the "swing and miss" to the "smile, the cameras are rolling," the video age has captured a number of strange attempts by politicians attempting to look socially casual. Watch the video: . Just as Jimmy Fallon become the go-to guy for viral video, newly minted "Late Late Show" host James Corden began staking his claim. CNN's Lisa France addresses the latest late-night matchups. Watch the video: . On Thursday, a video of ESPN reporter Britt McHenry insulting a tow company clerk came out -- and immediately went viral. McHenry was suspended for a week. Watch the video: . There are just four countries in the entire world that don't guarantee any form of paid maternity leave. The U.S. is one of them. This and other details of women's status in the United States are examined in this video, as well as a remarkable series by CNN's Jessica Ravitz. Watch the video: . Five northern white rhinoceroses are left in the entire world. All are in captivity -- and just one is male. He's now being protected by armed guards around the clock. Watch the video: . TEPCO, the Japanese utility, sent a robot in to examine the remains of the Fukushima nuclear plant, destroyed in a 2011 tsunami. What it recorded was startling. Watch the video: . Leave it to NASA to create a car that might make the problems of parallel parking a thing of the past. Oh, and it'll also probably work well on space missions. Former NFL player Aaron Hernandez was found guilty of murder earlier this week. What happened at his trial? Watch the video: . This summer, after nine years traveling through space, the New Horizons spacecraft is scheduled to reach Pluto. What will we learn? Some new pictures offer clues.
Videos of the week include drone footage of Oklahoma City . NASA has a car that drives sideways -- and a spacecraft headed for Pluto .
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(CNN)A New York jury deliberating the fate of the man charged with the 1979 killing of 6-year-old Etan Patz is struggling to reach a verdict. The little boy's disappearance, more than three decades ago, sparked an era of heightened awareness of crimes against children. Deliberations resumed on Thursday, one day after New York Supreme Court Justice Maxwell Wiley ordered the jury to continue efforts to reach a decision on the guilt or innocence of a bodega worker named Pedro Hernandez. On the 10th day of deliberations, the jurors on Wednesday said in a note that they were unable to reach a unanimous decision. Hernandez confessed to police three years ago, but his lawyers said he made up his account of the crime. Etan Patz's parents have waited more than 35 years for justice, but some have questioned whether that is even possible in Hernandez's case. His lawyer has said that he is mentally challenged, severely mentally ill and unable to tell whether he committed the crime or not. Hernandez told police in a taped statement that he lured Patz into a basement as the boy was on his way to a bus stop in Lower Manhattan. He said he killed the boy and threw his body away in a plastic bag. Neither the child nor his remains have ever been recovered. But Hernandez has been repeatedly diagnosed with schizophrenia and has an "IQ in the borderline-to-mild mental retardation range," his attorney Harvey Fishbein has said. Police interrogated Hernandez for 7½ hours before he confessed. "I think anyone who sees these confessions will understand that when the police were finished, Mr. Hernandez believed he had killed Etan Patz. But that doesn't mean he actually did, and that's the whole point of this case," Fishbein has said. But in November, a New York judge ruled that Hernandez's confession and his waiving of his Miranda rights were legal, making the confession admissible in court. Hernandez is charged with two counts of second-degree murder for allegedly intending to cause the boy's death and for a killing that occurred during a kidnapping. Another man's name has also hung over the Patz case for years -- Jose Antonio Ramos, a convicted child molester acquainted with Etan's babysitter. Etan's parents, Stan and Julia Patz, sued Ramos in 2001. The boy was officially declared dead as part of that lawsuit. A judge found Ramos responsible for the boy's death and ordered him to pay the family $2 million -- money the Patz family has never received. Though Ramos was at the center of investigations for years, he has never been charged. He served a 20-year prison sentence in Pennsylvania for molesting another boy and was set to be released in 2012. He was immediately rearrested upon leaving jail in 2012 on charges of failing to register as a sex offender, The Associated Press reported. Since their young son's disappearance, the Patzes have worked to keep the case alive and to create awareness of missing children in the United States. In the early 1980s, Etan's photo appeared on milk cartons across the country, and news media focused in on the search for him and other missing children. "It awakened America," said Ernie Allen, president and chief executive officer of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. "It was the beginning of a missing children's movement." The actual number of children who were kidnapped and killed did not change -- it's always been a relatively small number -- but awareness of the cases skyrocketed, experts said. But the news industry was expanding to cable television, and sweet images of children appeared along with distraught parents begging for their safe return. The fear rising across the nation sparked awareness and prompted change from politicians and police. In 1984, Congress passed the Missing Children's Assistance Act, which led to the creation of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. President Ronald Reagan opened the center in a White House ceremony in 1984. It soon began operating a 24-hour toll-free hot line on which callers could report information about missing boys and girls. CNN's Lorenzo Ferrigno and Joe Sterling contributed to this report.
Etan Patz disappeared in 1979; his face appeared on milk cartons all across the United States . His case marked a time of heightened awareness of crimes against children . Pedro Hernandez confessed three years ago to the killing .
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(CNN)Hi-ho, Kermit the Frog has some competition. A newly discovered species of glassfrog looks an awful lot like the famous Muppet. Bulging white eyes, Kelly green skin, the works. But the name's not nearly so catchy as its famous counterpart: Hyalinobatrachium dianae, or Diane's bare-hearted glassfrog. If you have to, you can call it H. dianae for short. Scientists found the species on the Caribbean slopes of Costa Rica. This is big news in the scientific community. The last time a new glassfrog was found in Costa Rica was back in 1973, according to the Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center. "Costa Rica is known to have 14 glassfrogs inhabiting its tiny national territory!" the center's Facebook page said. It's called a glassfrog because of its translucent belly. You can see its internal organs from underneath. Miss Piggy wasn't immediately available for comment.
The newly discovered species looks a lot like Kermit . You can see its internal organs through the translucent skin on its belly .
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its glassfrog . to it . dianae Scientists the species on the Caribbean slopes of is The last time a new glassfrog was found in Costa Rica was back in 1973, Costa It' s
(CNN)The nominations for the 69th Annual Tony Awards were announced Tuesday morning. Past Tony winner and three-time nominee Mary-Louise Parker unveiled the nominees with Bruce Willis, who is set to make his Broadway debut in the upcoming play "Misery." The awards are set to be handed out June 7 in a ceremony airing live at 8 p.m. on CBS (tape-delayed on the West Coast) from Radio City Music Hall. Kristin Chenoweth, a nominee for "On the 20th Century," and recent "Cabaret" star Alan Cumming are set to host the ceremony. The full list of nominees is below. Best Play . "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" Author: Simon Stephens . Producers: Stuart Thompson, Tim Levy for NT America, Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures, Nick Starr & Chris Harper for NT Productions, Bob Boyett, Roger Berlind, Scott M. Delman, Roy Furman, Glass Half Full Productions, Ruth Hendel, Jon B. Platt, Prime Number Group, Scott Rudin, Triple Play Broadway, The Shubert Organization, The National Theatre . "Disgraced" Author: Ayad Akhtar . Producers: The Araca Group, Lincoln Center Theater, Jenifer Evans, Amanda Watkins, Richard Winkler, Rodger Hess, Stephanie P. McClelland, Tulchin/Bartner Productions, Jessica Genick, Jonathan Reinis, Carl Levin/Ashley De Simone/TNTDynaMite Productions, Alden Bergson/Rachel Weinstein, Greenleaf Productions, Darren DeVerna/Jere Harris, The Shubert Organization, The David Merrick Arts Foundation . "Hand to God" Author: Robert Askins . Producers: Kevin McCollum, Broadway Global Ventures, CMC, Morris Berchard, Mariano V. Tolentino, Jr., Stephanie Kramer, LAMS Productions, DeSimone/Winkler, Joan Raffe & Jhett Tolentino, Timothy Laczynski, Lily Fan, Ayal Miodovnik, Jam Theatricals, Ensemble Studio Theatre, MCC Theater . "Wolf Hall Parts One & Two" Co-Authors: Hilary Mantel and Mike Poulton . Producers: Jeffrey Richards, Jerry Frankel, Matthew Byam Shaw, Nia Janis & Nick Salmon for Playfull Productions UK, Carole Shorenstein Hays, Jam Theatricals, Ron Kastner, Kyodo Tokyo, Inc., Tulchin Bartner Productions, WLE MSG, Jane Bergère, Scott M. Delman, Rebecca Gold, Just for Laughs Theatricals, Kit Seidel, Triple Play Productions, Gabrielle Palitz, Georgia Gatti, Jessica Genick, Will Trice, The Shubert Organization, The Royal Shakespeare Company . Best Musical . "An American in Paris" Producers: Stuart Oken, Van Kaplan, Roy Furman, Stephanie McClelland, Darren Bagert, Carole L. Haber, James Nederlander, Five Cent Productions, Michael Leavitt, Apples and Oranges Studios/Dominion Pictures, Roger Berlind/Arch Road, Simone Genatt Haft/Marc Routh, Triptyk Studios/Spencer Ross, Ed Walson/Peter May, Adam Zotovich/Celia Atkin, Eugene Beard/Julie Boardman/Kalish-Weinstein, Stuart Ditsky/Jim Herbert/Sandy Robertson, Suzanne Friedman/Independent Presenters Network/Wonderful Productions, The Leonore S. Gershwin 1987 Trust/Jenkins-Taylor/Proctors, Harriet Newman Leve/Jane Dubin/Sarabeth Grossman, Caiola Productions/Jennifer Isaacson/Raise the Curtain, Elephant Eye Theatrical & Pittsburgh CLO, Théâtre du Châtelet . "Fun Home" Producers: Fox Theatricals, Barbara Whitman, Carole Shorenstein Hays, Tom Casserly, Paula Marie Black, Latitude Link, Terry Schnuck/Jack Lane, The Forstalls, Nathan Vernon, Mint Theatrical, Elizabeth Armstrong, Jam Theatricals, Delman Whitney, Kristin Caskey & Mike Isaacson, The Public Theater, Oskar Eustis, Patrick Willingham . "Something Rotten!" Producers: Kevin McCollum, Broadway Global Ventures, CMC, Mastro/Goodman, Jerry & Ronald Frankel, Morris Berchard, Kyodo Tokyo Inc., Wendy Federman, Barbara Freitag, LAMS Productions, Winkler/DeSimone, Timothy Laczynski, Dan Markley, Harris/Karmazin, Jam Theatricals, Robert Greenblatt, Jujamcyn Theaters . "The Visit" Producers: Tom Kirdahy, Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Tom Smedes, Hugh Hayes, Peter Stern, Judith Ann Abrams, Rich Affannato, Hunter Arnold, Carl Daikeler, Ken Davenport, Bharat Mitra & Bhavani Lev, Peter May, Ted Snowdon, Bruno Wang Productions, Taylor Cleghorn, Sandi Moran, Mark Lee & Ed Filipowski, Blodgett Calvin Family, Gabrielle Palitz/Weatherby & Fishman LLC, Marguerite Hoffman/Jeremy Youett, Carlos Arana, Veenerick & Katherine Vos Van Liempt, 42nd.Club/Silva Theatrical, Kate Cannova/Terry Loftis, The Shubert Organization, Williamstown Theatre Festival . Best Revival of a Play . "The Elephant Man" Producers: James L. Nederlander, Terry Allen Kramer, Catherine Adler, Roger Berlind, Caiola Productions, Patrick Catullo, Roy Furman, Larry Hirschhorn, Jeffrey Finn Productions, Van Kaplan, Edward M. Kaufmann, Hal Luftig, Arielle Tepper Madover, Peter May, Stephanie P. McClelland, The Shubert Organization, Douglas Smith, Jonathan M. Tisch, WLE MSG, LLC., Scott & Brian Zeilinger, Williamstown Theatre Festival . "Skylight" Producers: Robert Fox, Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Roger Berlind, William Berlind, Roy Furman, Jon B. Platt, The Shubert Organization, Stephanie P. McClelland, Catherine Adler, Jay Alix & Una Jackman, Scott M. Delman, Heni Koenigsberg, Spring Sirkin, Stuart Thompson, True Love Productions, The Araca Group, Carlos Arana, David Mirvish, Joey Parnes, Sue Wagner, John Johnson . "This Is Our Youth" Producers: Scott Rudin, Eli Bush, Roger Berlind, William Berlind, Jon B. Platt, Roy Furman, The Shubert Organization, Ruth Hendel, Scott M. Delman, Stephanie P. McClelland, Sonia Friedman, Tulchin Bartner, The Araca Group, Heni Koenigsberg, Daryl Roth, Joan Raffe & Jhett Tolentino, Catherine & Fred Adler, Joey Parnes, Sue Wagner, John Johnson, Steppenwolf Theatre Company . "You Can't Take It with You" Producers: Jeffrey Richards, Jerry Frankel, Jam Theatricals, Dominion Pictures, Gutterman & Winkler, Daryl Roth, Terry Schnuck, Jane Bergère, Caiola Productions, Rebecca Gold, Laruffa & Hinderliter, Larry Magid, Gabrielle Palitz, Spisto & Kierstead, SunnySpot Productions, Venuworks Theatricals, Jessica Genick, Will Trice, Roundabout Theatre Company, Todd Haimes, Harold Wolpert, Julia C. Levy, Sydney Beers . Best Revival of a Musical . "The King and I" Producers: Lincoln Center Theater, André Bishop, Adam Siegel, Hattie K. Jutagir, Ambassador Theatre Group . "On the Town" Producers: Howard and Janet Kagan, Severn Partners Entertainment, Bruce Robert Harris and Jack W. Batman, Paula Marie Black, Nigel Lythgoe, Michael J. Moritz,, Jr., Mahoney/Alden/Badway, Ambassador Theatre Group, Margie and Bryan Weingarten, Kim Schall, Michael Rubenstein, Terry/Louise/Chris Lingner, Brunish & Trinchero, Stephanie Rosenberg, Laruffa & Hinderliter, Rubinstein/Handleman, Lizbeth Bintz, Riki Kane Larimer, 24 Hour Adventure Production, A&A Gordon, Matt Ross/Ben Feldman/Pamela Cooper, Barrington Stage Company . "On the Twentieth Century" Producers: Roundabout Theatre Company, Todd Haimes, Harold Wolpert, Julia C. Levy, Sydney Beers . Best Book of a Musical . "An American in Paris," Craig Lucas . "Fun Home," Lisa Kron . "Something Rotten!" Karey Kirkpatrick and John O'Farrell . "The Visit," Terrence McNally . Best Original Score (Music and/or Lyrics) Written for the Theatre . "Fun Home" Music: Jeanine Tesori . Lyrics: Lisa Kron . "The Last Ship" Music & Lyrics: Sting . "Something Rotten!" Music & Lyrics: Wayne Kirkpatrick and Karey Kirkpatrick . "The Visit" Music: John Kander . Lyrics: Fred Ebb . Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Play . Steven Boyer, "Hand to God" Bradley Cooper, "The Elephant Man" Ben Miles, "Wolf Hall Parts One & Two" Bill Nighy, "Skylight" Alex Sharp, "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play . Geneva Carr, "Hand to God" Helen Mirren, "The Audience" Elisabeth Moss, "The Heidi Chronicles" Carey Mulligan, "Skylight" Ruth Wilson, "Constellations" Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical . Michael Cerveris, "Fun Home" Robert Fairchild, "An American in Paris" Brian d'Arcy James, "Something Rotten!" Ken Watanabe, "The King and I" Tony Yazbeck, "On the Town" Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical . Kristin Chenoweth, "On the Twentieth Century" Leanne Cope, "An American in Paris" Beth Malone, "Fun Home" Kelli O'Hara, "The King and I" Chita Rivera, "The Visit" Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Play . Matthew Beard, "Skylight" K. Todd Freeman, "Airline Highway" Richard McCabe, "The Audience" Alessandro Nivola, "The Elephant Man" Nathaniel Parker, "Wolf Hall Parts One & Two" Micah Stock, "It's Only a Play" Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Play . Annaleigh Ashford, "You Can't Take It with You" Patricia Clarkson, "The Elephant Man" Lydia Leonard, "Wolf Hall Parts One & Two" Sarah Stiles, "Hand to God" Julie White, "Airline Highway" Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Musical . Christian Borle, "Something Rotten!" Andy Karl, "On the Twentieth Century" Brad Oscar, "Something Rotten!" Brandon Uranowitz, "An American in Paris" Max von Essen, "An American in Paris" Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Role in a Musical . Victoria Clark, "Gigi" Judy Kuhn, "Fun Home" Sydney Lucas, "Fun Home" Ruthie Ann Miles, "The King and I" Emily Skeggs, "Fun Home" Best Scenic Design of a Play . Bunny Christie and Finn Ross, "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" Bob Crowley, "Skylight" Christopher Oram, "Wolf Hall Parts One & Two" David Rockwell, "You Can't Take It with You" Best Scenic Design of a Musical . Bob Crowley and 59 Productions, "An American in Paris" David Rockwell, "On the Twentieth Century" Michael Yeargan, "The King and I" David Zinn, "Fun Home" Best Costume Design of a Play . Bob Crowley, "The Audience" Jane Greenwood, "You Can't Take It with You" Christopher Oram, "Wolf Hall Parts One & Two" David Zinn, "Airline Highway" Best Costume Design of a Musical . Gregg Barnes, "Something Rotten!" Bob Crowley, "An American in Paris" William Ivey Long, "On the Twentieth Century" Catherine Zuber, "The King and I" Best Lighting Design of a Play . Paule Constable, "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" Paule Constable and David Plater, "Wolf Hall Parts One & Two" Natasha Katz, "Skylight" Japhy Weideman, "Airline Highway" Best Lighting Design of a Musical . Donald Holder, "The King and I" Natasha Katz, "An American in Paris" Ben Stanton, "Fun Home" Japhy Weideman, "The Visit" Best Direction of a Play . Stephen Daldry, "Skylight" Marianne Elliott, "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" Scott Ellis, "You Can't Take It with You" Jeremy Herrin, "Wolf Hall Parts One & Two" Moritz von Stuelpnagel, "Hand to God" Best Direction of a Musical . Sam Gold, "Fun Home" Casey Nicholaw, "Something Rotten!" John Rando, "On the Town" Bartlett Sher, "The King and I" Christopher Wheeldon, "An American in Paris" Best Choreography . Joshua Bergasse, "On the Town" Christopher Gattelli, "The King and I" Scott Graham & Steven Hoggett for Frantic Assembly, "The Curious Incident of the Dog . in the Night-Time" Casey Nicholaw, "Something Rotten!" Christopher Wheeldon, "An American in Paris" Best Orchestrations . Christopher Austin, Don Sebesky, Bill Elliott, "An American in Paris" John Clancy, "Fun Home" Larry Hochman, "Something Rotten!" Rob Mathes, "The Last Ship" Recipients of Awards and Honors in Non-competitive Categories . Special Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre . Tommy Tune . Special Tony Award . John Cameron Mitchell . Regional Theatre Tony Award . Cleveland Play House, Cleveland, Ohio . Isabelle Stevenson Tony Award . Stephen Schwartz . Tony Honors for Excellence in the Theatre . Arnold Abramson . Adrian Bryan-Brown . Gene O'Donovan . ©2015 The Hollywood Reporter. All rights reserved.
Actors Kristin Chenoweth and Alan Cumming are set to host the 2015 Tony Awards ceremony . Best play nominees: 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time," "Disgraced," "Hand to God" and "Wolf Hall Parts One & Two" The awards will be presented on June 7 in a ceremony airing live at 8 p.m. on CBS .
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The nominations Tony Awards announced Tuesday and Mary - Louise Parker the nominees with Bruce Willis, is Broadway debut in play " Misery awards are set to be handed out June 7 in a ceremony live at 8 . on CBS from Radio City Music Hall . Kristin Chenoweth, a nominee for " On the 20th " Alan Cumming to host of . The " .
Beijing (CNN)Amid tight security, a Chinese court has convicted veteran journalist Gao Yu for revealing state secrets and sentenced her to seven years in prison. Gao, 71, immediately said she would appeal, her lawyer Mo Shaoping told CNN Friday. After a closed trial last November, the No. 3 Intermediate People's Court in Beijing had twice delayed handing down a verdict, giving Gao's supporters some hope that the authorities' apparent hesitation may lead to her acquittal and release. "Today's conviction is mainly based on a forced confession that she had since retracted," Mo said. "This is a totally wrong judgment that doesn't respect the facts or the evidence." The government had accused Gao of disclosing a highly confidential "Document No. 9" issued by the ruling Communist Party leadership in 2013 to an overseas Chinese-language news organization, according to her lawyer. The document revealed the Party's ideological battle plan to counter advocates of constitutional democracy, banning public discussions on topics ranging from press freedom, civil rights to judicial independence. "There is no defense against state secret charges in China, anything the Party or the government want to label as state secrets will be labeled and treated as such -- they can even do it retroactively," said Nicholas Bequelin, the Hong Kong-based East Asia director of Amnesty International. "Her sentencing is in line with the very stern approach President Xi Jinping's team has taken on dissent, information control and challenges to the Party," he added. Beijing police detained Gao in late April of last year -- ahead of the sensitive 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown -- and state broadcaster CCTV soon aired her "confession" on national television. Expressing "deep remorse" in the video, Gao told interrogators she "deeply regretted that her behavior had harmed national interests and violated the law." Mo, her lawyer, said the authorities had extracted the confession by threatening her son's safety and released the police video to CCTV without her knowledge. He added the alleged recipient of the leaked document even publicly denied that Gao was his source. An outspoken journalist and press freedom advocate, Gao began her career as a reporter for the state-run China News Service in 1979 and, in recent years, had been writing columns for overseas Chinese-language publications. She was arrested after the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 and released more than a year later. She was imprisoned for another six years for leaking state secrets in 1993 -- though the government has never disclosed details of that case. Since Xi took power over two years ago, his government has jailed hundreds of activists across China despite rising international concern. "We are in the midst of one of the most severe crackdowns on human rights activists," said Bequelin of Amnesty International. "What the state used to tolerate, it doesn't tolerate anymore."
Accused of leaking a document revealing Party's ideological battle plan to counter advocates of constitutional democracy . Amnesty: Her sentencing is in line with the very stern approach President Xi Jinping's team has taken on dissent . Gao was arrested in April last year, ahead of the sensitive 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square crackdown .
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a Chinese court convicted journalist Gao Yu for revealing state secrets and sentenced her to seven years in prison . Gao , 71, she would appeal last a verdict confession government had her lawyer . The the Party' s " Her is in of the Tiananmen Square " on reporter She was leaking
(CNN)North Korea accused Mexico of illegally holding one of its cargo ships Wednesday and demanded the release of the vessel and crew. The ship, the Mu Du Bong, was detained after it ran aground off the coast of Mexico in July. Mexico defended the move Wednesday, saying it followed proper protocol because the company that owns the ship, North Korea's Ocean Maritime Management company, has skirted United Nations sanctions. "Because the company has avoided the sanctions imposed by the U.N. Security Council, the Mexican government is acting on the basis of its international obligations as a responsible U.N. member state," the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations said. The Security Council blacklisted Ocean Maritime Management in July, saying it "played a key role in arranging the shipment of concealed arms and related materiel" on another ship, the Chong Chon Gang, which was detained by Panama in 2013. But An Myong Hun, North Korea's deputy ambassador to the United Nations, said there was no reason to hold the Mu Du Bong and accused Mexico of violating the crew members' human rights by keeping them from their families. "Mu Du Bong is a peaceful, merchant ship and it has not shipped any items prohibited by international laws or regulations," An told reporters at the United Nations headquarters Wednesday. "And we have already paid full compensation to Mexican authorities according to its domestic laws." According to Mexico's U.N. mission, the 33 North Korean nationals who make up the vessel's crew are free, staying at a hotel in the port city of Tuxpan and regularly visiting the ship to check on it. They will soon be sent back to North Korea with help from the country's embassy, Mexican authorities said. In the case of the Chong Chon Gang, Panamanian authorities found it was carrying undeclared weaponry from Cuba -- including MiG fighter jets, anti-aircraft systems and explosives -- buried under thousands of bags of sugar. Panama seized the cargo and held onto the ship and its crew for months. North Korea eventually agreed to pay a fine of $666,666 for the vessel's release. CNN's Jethro Mullen contributed to this report.
The Mu Du Bong was detained after it ran aground off Mexico's coast in July . North Korea says there's no reason to hold the ship and accuses Mexico of human rights violations . Mexico says it followed proper protocol because the ship's owner skirted U.N. sanctions .
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North Korea holding its cargo the release of the vessel and crew . The ship, the Mu Du Bong, was detained after it ran aground off the coast of Mexico in July . Mexico company North Korea' s has skirted United sanctions U N is The ship to
(CNN)Before landing a gyrocopter on the Capitol lawn Wednesday, Doug Hughes wrote about his intentions and the reasons behind them on a website called the "The point of the flight is to spotlight corruption in DC and more importantly, to present the solution(s) to the institutional graft," the 61-year-old Florida postal carrier wrote in an online post titled "Your Pilot." "My flight is not a secret," the post says. "Before I took off, I sent an Email to [email protected]. The letter is intended to persuade the guardians of the Capitol that I am not a threat and that shooting me down will be a bigger headache than letting me deliver these letters to Congress." Hughes' friend Michael Shanahan told CNN that Hughes called him Wednesday morning and told him to check out the website. Although the post is not signed, he lists an email address of "[email protected]," and the information in his self-description matches information about Hughes in public records. He refers to having multiple children -- the youngest an 11-year-old daughter -- and grandchildren as well. It's unclear exactly when the post published. Shanahan told CNN that when he searched for the site Wednesday morning, he was unable to find it. "The purpose of it was to call attention to the United States concerning our campaign finance laws, or the lack thereof," Shanahan told CNN's Brooke Baldwin. Hughes had his first appearance in court scheduled for Thursday. On Wednesday, he took off in his gyrocopter from Maryland and traveled through restricted airspace over Washington, landing on the Capitol's West Lawn. Inside the small personal aircraft he had letters for every member of Congress urging campaign finance reform. "There's no need to worry -- I'm just delivering the mail," Hughes wrote in his post. The incident shut down the Capitol for part of the day. Hughes' main purpose "was not so much to alert Congress to something they already know, but to make a statement, so that America would take notice," Shanahan said. The two men together run a website and nonprofit corporation called The Civilist Papers, which focuses on such issues, Shanahan said. In his post, Hughes wrote of his time spent in the Navy and described his family. Although he did not mention it in the post, one of Hughes' sons committed suicide 2 ½ years ago at the age of 24, the Tampa Bay Times reported. "Something changed in me," Hughes told the paper. Public records show Hughes had a son named John Joseph Hughes who died. "He told us that he felt like his son did something stupid, but he had made a point," said Ben Montgomery, the Tampa Bay Times reporter who broke the story of the gyrocopter flight. "He learned a lesson out of that. And it was: If you want to make a point, you've got to do something big, as sad as that seems," Montgomery told CNN's Jake Tapper. "He's been thinking about this for 2½ years. He's pictured every scenario you could possibly imagine," Montgomery said. Shanahan said Hughes mentioned the idea when the two were brainstorming a couple of years ago. Having grown up in Washington, Shanahan opposed the idea. "I told him that, no, that was an insane plan because the chances are he was going to get killed." "Doug is like a pit bull when he gets an idea," Shanahan said. "He's very stubborn. And he finds ways around it. ... The word got out because he was telling people of his idea. And the Secret Service heard of it. So, they interviewed the two of us. And after that, he said he was going to sell his copter and figure out something else to do. But then I noticed he did not sell this copter." When Hughes called Shanahan on Wednesday morning, Shanahan said he did not try to talk Hughes out of the plan, but "he was talking real quick, and I didn't know exactly what he meant by a lot of things."
Doug Hughes, 61, said the point was to present solutions to corruption . Hughes mentioned the idea a couple of years ago, his friend says . Hughes had a son who committed suicide, report says .
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(CNN)Two people, one of them a licensed greyhound trainer, have been arrested in Australia after at least 55 dog carcasses were found dumped in Queensland bush, according to Australian media reports. Two Bundaberg residents, a 71-year old man and a 64-year old woman, were each charged with one count of unlawful possession of a firearm, broadcaster ABC reported. The woman, a licensed trainer, was also charged with obstructing police. Michael Beatty, spokesman for RSPCA Queensland, told ABC that inquiries were continuing. The animal rights organization is assisting Queensland police in their investigation. "A lot of people in the area who were involved in the greyhound industry were questioned, and it was as a result of information given to us that the joint Queensland Police Service and RSPCA investigation team made those arrests," he said. At a press conference Thursday, Queensland Police Minister Jo-Ann Miller described the discovery of the carcasses, which followed a tip-off from a member of the public, as sickening. "What I believe has happened here has been the mass murder of 55 greyhounds outside of Bundaberg," she said. She promised a zero tolerance approach to animal abuse. "The people who have perpetrated this crime, to me, are oxygen thieves, they are cowards and they are pathetic." Detective Superintendent Mark Ainsworth said the crime scene was "nothing short of abhorrent." "Some of the greyhounds were in different states of decay and that would sort of indicate to us that they've been dumped there over varying periods of time," he said. "The postmortem will reveal the cause of death of these dogs. However I will comment that a number of spent .22 cartridge shells were found in the vicinity." He said there had been a number of bushfires in the area surrounding the dumping site, which would also be factored into the investigation. Beatty said it appeared the dogs would have been culled by people involved in greyhound racing. "There's always been a lot of wastage in the greyhound industry," he said in a statement. "The indications are that these may just be young dogs that didn't have the speed, basically. But that's really all we know." Australia's greyhound racing industry has been under intense scrutiny since a television investigation revealing the illegal use of live bait in training dogs aired in February. The investigation, on the ABC network, showed footage of trainers fixing live possums, piglets and rabbits to lures to be chased and mauled to death by dogs, prompting a wave of bans and suspensions from the sport. Australians wager AU$4 billion ($3.03 billion) a year on greyhound racing, according to the ABC report. Ainsworth said the Queensland police had established a joint taskforce with the RSPCA to investigate the industry in the wake of the report. "We've not even tipped the iceberg as yet," he said, appealing for those involved in the industry to come forward. "You know who you are, you know what you've been involved in, and now is the time to stand up and be counted," he said. "It will only be a matter of time before we get around to knocking on everyone's door." Racing Queensland did not respond to a request for comment. CNN's Chieu Luu contributed to this report.
Australian police have arrested two people after the discovery of 55 greyhound carcasses in bushland . They believe the dogs were dumped by people involved in the lucrative greyhound racing industry . The industry has been under fire since a television investigation revealed live baiting and other abuses .
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Two a licensed greyhound trainer, have been arrested in Australia at least 55 dog carcasses were found dumped in Queensland bush, Bundaberg residents man woman charged with of a police and RSPCA Police Minister of the as sickening . " to animal " The people . the dogs racing industry
(CNN)In a sobering example of life imitating art, the chaos sweeping the streets of Baltimore may have been partly inspired by a series of action-horror movies. Baltimore police said rioting at a shopping mall and elsewhere Monday afternoon started amid rumors, spread on social media, of a "purge" led by large groups of marauding high school students. The term appears to be a reference to 2013's "The Purge" and its sequel, last year's "The Purge: Anarchy," about a dystopian future America where on one day each year, all laws are suspended for a 12-hour period and all crimes, including murder, become temporarily legal. In the movies, set in Los Angeles, people barricade themselves in their homes at night while gangs of violent "purgers" roam the streets. The government markets the sanctioned mayhem as a catharsis that reduces crime on the other 364 days of the year -- when in fact it's really a means of population control, mostly against people living in poor urban neighborhoods. Both "Purge" movies were box-office hits and a third installment, "The Purge: Vengeance," is planned for 2016. The Baltimore Sun reported that a flier circulated widely among city school students via social media touted a "purge" to begin Monday at 3 p.m. at Mondawmin Mall and end downtown. The flier included an image of protesters smashing the windshield of a police car in Baltimore on Saturday, the Sun said. How Baltimore police, protesters battle on Twitter . Maryland's largest city has been on edge since an African-American man, Freddie Gray, died April 19 from a spinal cord injury he suffered while in police custody. Peaceful protests gave way to violence Saturday night and again Monday, as agitators threw bricks at police, looted stores and set fire to cars and buildings. Scattered references to #purge and #ThePurge began appearing in Twitter and Instagram posts Monday about the unrest in Baltimore.
Some of Baltimore's unrest may have been inspired by the "Purge" movies . Movies are about a dystopian America where all crime is temporarily legal .
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by - Baltimore police rioting at mall on social media, of a " purge " school students a reference to 2013' s " The Purge " and The : Anarchy the movies, in hits . Maryland
(CNN)Please, not even a demonstration. Freddie Gray's family had asked there be quiet on Baltimore's streets the day they laid him to rest. And above all, no violence. Raging hordes turned a deaf ear to that on Monday. But a handful of people repeated the family's message. They became criers in the desert against countless young people flinging rocks at police, breaking windows, looting and setting fires. The peacemakers -- clergy, Gray's family and brave residents -- placed themselves in the rioters' way. Their message was the same. "I want them all to go back home," said Rev. Jamal Bryant. "It's disrespect to the family. The family was very clear -- we've been saying it all along -- today there was absolutely no protest, no demonstration," he said. But the messengers were a finger in a dam that quickly crumbled, as rowdy groups swelled into a full urban riot. It overshadowed the message peaceful protesters delivered on prior days -- justice for Gray. The 25-year-old African-American man died from spinal injuries after being arrested earlier this month. The early fits of violence came in the afternoon, about the time mourners left Gray's memorial services blocks away, Rev. Bryant said. They bumped right into it. "For us to come out of the burial and walk into this is absolutely inexcusable," he said. He did not want to see it spread to downtown Baltimore, where some rioters said it would, and organized people to stand in the way. "We have a line of gentlemen from the Nation of Islam to build a human wall, as well as men from the Christian church making that human wall," he said. But as crowds turned into multitudes, the intervention became a drop in the bucket by compare, and police lines were also no match. As officers in riot gear receded, flames engulfed cars and stores and roared out of apartment buildings into the night sky. A senior living facility under construction by a Baptist church burned to the ground. The blazes stretched the fire departments' resources, as at least 30 trucks deployed. Looters streamed into a CVS, bodegas and liquor stores and walked out with what they could carry. A young man in a blue sweatshirt tried to talk people down by himself. He walked up to CNN correspondent Miguel Martinez, as a store nearby was being looted. It later went up in flames. The man, who didn't say his name, was disgusted at what was happening in his neighborhood and disappointed in the police response to rioting. There was a line of police down the street, not far away. "They could have moved down here to stop it," he told Martinez. The Gray family's lawyers, again, put the family's wish out to the public that there be no protests that day, let alone violence. It's marring the cause and hope for change that may have come out of the investigation into Freddie Gray's death, said family attorney Mary Koch. "That's just disintegrated into just looking at Baltimore city and thinking that the city is the city of violence," she said. Against all odds, a handful of individuals kept trying to stop it. A tall, adult man walked up to a young man who was confronting riot police. He slung an arm over his shoulder, turned him back around in the other direction and marched him away from police lines. But as they strolled past a crowd, a young man behind them hurled a stone at police, putting his whole body into the throw. At least one young man paid the price for his participation, when his mother turned up to spank him home. Before running cameras, she slapped him in the head again and again, driving him away from the crowd, as she cursed. Police Commissioner Anthony Batts later thanked her. "I wish I had more parents that took charge of their kids out there tonight," he said. After night fell, giving way to a 10 p.m. curfew for juveniles, Robert Valentine stood alone with his back to a line of police in riot gear. He shooed away young people tempted to approach them. "Go! Step your --ss away!" "I'm just a soldier," said Valentine. He told CNN's Joe Johns that he was a veteran of the Vietnam War. Young people had no business on the streets, he said. "They need to be in their home units studying and doing something with their lives." Even Baltimore members of the Crips and Bloods, two street gangs renowned for drug dealing and extensive violent crime -- and for killing each other -- came together with others who condemned the rage that swept through their neighborhoods. "The guys who pulled me aside are self-identifying as Crips and say they don't approve of whats happening. 'This is our community,'" wrote Baltimore Sun reporter Justin Fenton on his confirmed Twitter account. Gangs members joined community leaders and Gray's family for a press conference Monday night on the stage at New Shiloh Baptist Church, which had held Gray's funeral. An announcer thanked them for coming to the church. The gangs have signed a peace deal and are uniting to push against police lines in protests, according to a report by the Daily Beast. Rev. Bryant also mentioned their peace treaty. But police say the gangs' purpose goes much further -- that they and another gang called the Black Guerilla Family plan to 'take out' law enforcement officers, police said. "This is a credible threat." The gangs are consistently pursued by the FBI. At the end of the day, Gray's family had the last word on the violence at the press conference. It wasn't good. "To see that it turned into all this violence and destruction, I am appalled," said Richard Shipley, Gray's stepfather. "I want y'all to get justice for my son, but don't do it like this here," said Gray's mother Gloria Darden, who wore a T-shirt with her son's photo. "I don't think that's for Freddie," his twin sister Fredericka Gray said. "I think the violence is wrong." After their comments, Gray family lawyer William H. Murphy took the microphone. Violence is not the path to change, he said. Then he got back to the message than had been bitterly marred by the rioting. Murphy asked for a show of hands in the church audience of people who had experienced police brutality or personally knew someone who did. All but a few hands went up.
Gray's family asked there be no protests; they condemned violence . Community leaders and brave residents got in between rioters and police .
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a . Freddie Gray' s family on Baltimore' s to , no violence . of people in the rioters " home " to the for Gray man , and police
(CNN)After deliberating for more than 35 hours over parts of seven days, listening intently to the testimony of more than 130 witnesses and reviewing more than 400 pieces of evidence, the teary-eyed men and women of the jury exchanged embraces. Since late January, their work in the Massachusetts murder trial of former NFL star Aaron Hernandez had consumed their lives. It was nothing like "Law & Order." The days were long and tedious. Now it was over. "It's been an incredibly emotional toll on all of us," Lesa Strachan told CNN's Anderson Cooper Thursday in the first nationally televised interview with members of the jury. A day earlier, Strachan, the jury foreperson, announced the first-degree murder conviction in the 2013 shooting death of Hernandez's onetime friend Odin Lloyd. Strachan said she was struck by the viciousness of multiple gunshots. "You shot him once but you kept going and you shot him six times. There's no need for that and there's no need to use a gun. Period." Before the trial, at least one juror -- Rosalie Oliver -- hadn't heard of the 25-year-old defendant who has now gone from a $40 million pro-football contract to a term of life without parole in a maximum-security prison. But Kelly Dorsey watches the Patriots every Sunday during the football season. She said so on her jury questionnaire. "I knew of him as a football player, not a person," she said. It didn't affect her vote to convict, she said. It didn't matter that he was a football player, she said. Nor did it matter whether he actually pulled the trigger in the murder. "To leave your friend on the ground, knowing that he's not there anymore -- he's either dead or he's going to die -- that's indifference," Dorsey said of Hernandez. "He didn't need to pull the trigger." That word -- "indifference" -- was used multiple times by members of the jury. Jon Carlson said he was struck by testimony and video evidence that Hernandez and two co-defendants were sunbathing poolside hours after the slaying, drinking smoothies. Hernandez at times left his then-8-month-old daughter with the two men. That indifference "surprised a lot of us," Carlson said. He stressed the fact that Hernandez played football for a living didn't influence the jury's decision. "It doesn't matter how much money you have or how much money you make. We're all people, and we're all equal, and we all deserve the same fair trial, and that's what we wanted to make sure we gave him," Carlson said. Lloyd was seen June 17, 2013, around 2:30 a.m. with Hernandez and Hernandez's friends, Carlos Ortiz and Ernest Wallace, in a rented silver Nissan Altima. Later that day, a jogger found his body. He had been shot six times, according to prosecutors. Wallace and Ortiz, who were also charged with murder, have pleaded not guilty and will be tried separately. What's next for Aaron Hernandez? Rosalie Oliver -- the juror who hadn't heard of Hernandez before the trial -- said that, for her, the first shot was enough. "There was no need for the other five," she said. "One shot for me is cruelty." Oliver and other jurors said they were surprised to receive calls from friends congratulating them after the verdict. "Who won?" she asked "Odin Lloyd didn't win. (His mother) didn't bring back her son. Did Mr. Hernandez win? No, because he's going to serve the rest of his life in jail and he's 25 years old. The worst part for me is: How about that little girl that's never going to see her father again?" What prison life will be like for Aaron Hernandez . Oliver recalled making eye contact with Hernandez at one point during the months-long trial. "He actually nodded to me one time," she said. "You come in that room every day and you see this person and it's hard to come to that decision at the end because -- like three months with them -- it's almost like they're part of you. And then, all of a sudden now, you've got to make that decision to either put him away or let him go." The jurors declined to talk about the dynamics inside the jury room, choosing instead to keep the focus on the evidence presented during trial. They conveyed a sense of gravity about their task. "You see, you know, 'Law & Order' and all these different TV shows and it's just nothing like that at all. It's just very serious," Carlson said. 5 things to know about the jury .
"We're all equal, and we all deserve the same fair trial," says one juror . The months-long murder trial of Aaron Hernandez brought jurors together . Foreperson: "It's been an incredibly emotional toll on all of us"
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 4993, 21614, 1295, 13, 55, 87, 1718, 722, 81, 1667, 9, 707, 360, 6, 6288, 6979, 7240, 7, 5, 5889, 9, 55, 87, 8325, 6057, 8, 9311, 55, 87, 3675, 3745, 9, 1283, 6, 5, 7366, 219, 12, 17178, 604, 8, 390, 9, 5, 3940, 11024, 28978, 4, 1773, 628, 644, 6, 49, 173, 11, 5, 5517, 1900, 1500, 9, 320, 1485, 999, 4802, 7816, 56, 13056, 49, 1074, 4, 85, 21, 1085, 101, 22, 22532, 359, 9729, 72, 20, 360, 58, 251, 8, 35138, 4, 978, 24, 21, 81, 4, 22, 243, 18, 57, 41, 5784, 3722, 5831, 15, 70, 9, 201, 60, 6891, 102, 5997, 1488, 260, 174, 3480, 18, 3452, 5097, 296, 11, 5, 78, 9852, 14451, 1194, 19, 453, 9, 5, 3940, 4, 83, 183, 656, 6, 5997, 1488, 260, 6, 5, 3940, 4899, 5970, 6, 585, 5, 78, 12, 5743, 1900, 6866, 11, 5, 1014, 1094, 744, 9, 7816, 18, 15, 16093, 1441, 42683, 11732, 4, 5997, 1488, 260, 26, 79, 21, 2322, 30, 5, 16339, 1825, 9, 1533, 21715, 4, 22, 1185, 738, 123, 683, 53, 47, 1682, 164, 8, 47, 738, 123, 411, 498, 4, 345, 18, 117, 240, 13, 14, 8, 89, 18, 117, 240, 7, 304, 10, 1751, 4, 18365, 72, 3224, 5, 1500, 6, 23, 513, 65, 18603, 368, 480, 4168, 337, 324, 7730, 480, 5844, 75, 1317, 9, 5, 564, 12, 180, 12, 279, 9191, 54, 34, 122, 1613, 31, 10, 68, 1749, 153, 1759, 12, 11107, 1355, 7, 10, 1385, 9, 301, 396, 10956, 11, 10, 4532, 12, 15506, 1789, 4, 125, 2826, 7318, 4169, 11966, 5, 4314, 358, 395, 148, 5, 1037, 191, 4, 264, 26, 98, 15, 69, 3940, 31067, 4, 22, 100, 1467, 9, 123, 25, 10, 1037, 869, 6, 45, 10, 621, 60, 79, 26, 4, 85, 399, 75, 3327, 69, 900, 7, 25768, 6, 79, 26, 4, 85, 399, 75, 948, 14, 37, 21, 10, 1037, 869, 6, 79, 26, 4, 6567, 222, 24, 948, 549, 37, 888, 2468, 5, 7691, 11, 5, 1900, 4, 22, 3972, 989, 110, 1441, 15, 5, 1255, 6, 4730, 14, 37, 18, 45, 89, 5988, 480, 37, 18, 1169, 1462, 50, 37, 18, 164, 7, 1597, 480, 14, 18, 34239, 60, 7318, 4169, 26, 9, 7816, 4, 22, 894, 399, 75, 240, 7, 2999, 5, 7691, 72, 280, 2136, 480, 22, 2028, 48486, 113, 480, 21, 341, 1533, 498, 30, 453, 9, 5, 3940, 4, 4160, 15988, 26, 37, 21, 2322, 30, 5889, 8, 569, 1283, 14, 7816, 8, 80, 1029, 12, 9232, 35845, 58, 3778, 12161, 8223, 3716, 3730, 722, 71, 5, 25461, 6, 4835, 6921, 918, 4, 7816, 23, 498, 314, 39, 172, 12, 398, 12, 2151, 12, 279, 1354, 19, 5, 80, 604, 4, 280, 34239, 22, 12557, 4862, 1720, 10, 319, 9, 201, 60, 15988, 26, 4, 91, 5882, 5, 754, 14, 7816, 702, 1037, 13, 10, 1207, 399, 75, 2712, 5, 3940, 18, 568, 4, 22, 243, 630, 75, 948, 141, 203, 418, 47, 33, 50, 141, 203, 418, 2 ]
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for to and . trial NFL Aaron an emotional toll on all of us ," a , the jury foreperson, of Hernandez' s juror was a football in the murder . " "
(CNN)The Arizona police officer who intentionally slammed his car into an armed suspect previously faced an excessive force lawsuit in New York, according to court documents. Officer Michael Rapiejko was with the New York Police Department from 2003 to 2006. Two years after he left, he was one of the defendants in a suit filed by a man who alleged that Rapiejko pointed a gun and threatened to shoot him and handcuffed and choked him in front of his family during a 2005 arrest. The lawsuit said Luis Colon had parked his car and gotten out when Rapiejko, with his gun aimed at Colon, ordered him back into the car. During his arrest on charges of obstructing governmental administration, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, Colon alleged he was yanked from the car, handcuffed and choked. The charges against Colon were dropped six months later. Colon also sued two unnamed officers who arrived after the initial confrontation, court documents show. Colon and the city settled the suit for $20,000. The settlement said the defendants were not admitting to any wrongdoing . Rapiejko had resigned voluntarily in 2006, and there is no indication of any disciplinary action against him from the NYPD, a senior law enforcement official told CNN. The NYPD has said that it will not release further details about Rapiejko. Rapiejko's actions in Marana, Arizona, in which he drove his patrol car into a man who had fired a rifle in the air minutes earlier and before that had pointed the gun at another officer, have stirred debate about what type of force police should have used. Authorities said no charges have been brought against the officer for the February incident. The suspect, 36-year-old Mario Valencia, survived and was hospitalized before being criminally charged. Marana police Chief Terry Rozema was asked Wednesday on CNN's "New Day" whether police were fortunate that Valencia didn't die. "That very well may be ... that it's luck that he is still alive. The fact of the matter remains, though, deadly force was authorized," Rozema said. "So if he ends up dying in that situation, (then) he ends up dying, and that's unfortunate, (but) that's not the desire of everybody," the chief added. In one of the dashcam videos, an officer who was tailing a walking Valencia at slow speed reports over the radio that the suspect has fired one round in the air with a rifle he is accused of stealing that morning from a nearby Walmart. Another patrol car zooms past, runs into the man from behind, then hits a short cinder block wall next to a driveway. Video from Rapiejko's camera shows the officer's vehicle running into Valencia, with the windshield smashing as the car hits the wall. Police in Marana justified Rapiejko's actions. "We don't know that if (Rapiejko) lets him go for another 10 seconds, (Valencia) doesn't take somebody out in the parking lot," Rozema said. "And then we're answering some completely different questions: 'Why didn't you act sooner? ... This guy had a gun ... Why didn't you stop this guy before he shot my wife, before he shot my husband, before he shot my child?' " Valencia's attorney, Michelle Cohen-Metzger, told CNN on Tuesday that "it is miraculous that my client isn't dead." "Everything in the video seems to point towards an obvious excessive use of force," Cohen-Metzger said. Tucson Police Sgt. Pete Dugan told CNN that Valencia was involved in several crimes there the day he was struck, including a stealing a car that he drove a half hour north to Marana. Valencia faces 15 charges, including three counts of aggravated assault, three counts of armed robbery and possession of a deadly weapon by a prohibited possessor. Cohen-Metzger said he had a prior record. His next court appearance is May 18. He is in the Pima County Jail. Marana police on Thursday told CNN's Miguel Marquez that a store gun lock was still on the rifle when it was recovered. The wire that goes through the trigger and the lever to reload the gun were loose enough to allow it to still be used, police said. CNN's Tony Marco, Jason Hanna and Dominique Debucquoy-Dodley contributed to this report.
Officer Michael Rapiejko was sued in New York over claims he used excessive force during an arrest . The city settled the lawsuit while Rapiejko and others admitted no guilt . Rapiejko left the NYPD voluntarily in 2006, source tells CNN .
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The Arizona police officer who his car into an armed suspect excessive force lawsuit in Officer Michael Rapiejko was with the New York Police to 2006 , he of the defendants in a suit man a gun and , charges were for . NYPD
(CNN)Emy Afalava is a loyal American and decorated veteran. He was born in American Samoa, a U.S. territory since 1900. He has been subject to American law his whole life and thinks he should be a citizen. The Constitution would agree. The Fourteenth Amendment declares that "All persons born ... in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States." Yet, Afalava has been denied the right to vote because the federal government insists that he is no citizen. How can it be, in the 21st century, that Americans born on U.S. soil are denied the rights of citizenship? That injustice clouds the recent celebration of the 115th anniversary of the decision of American Samoa to join the United States. It is a wrong that Afalava and other American Samoans are now seeking to right in a federal lawsuit before the D.C. Circuit. A decision could come any day. Since the United States was established, it adhered to the rule that those born on U.S. lands were U.S. citizens. The rule is colorblind, yet the only exception that the Supreme Court has ever declared was not. The infamous Dred Scott case legitimized slavery as it declared that free African-Americans had "no rights that the white man was bound to respect." Though they were Americans, they were not citizens under the Constitution. A Civil War later, the 14th Amendment reversed the ruling in the Dred Scott case. Today, the Dred Scott case has come to be regarded as one of the worst decisions in the history of the Supreme Court. But racial discrimination didn't end there. In 1904, a Puerto Rican woman named Isabel Gonzalez sailed for New York. Because Puerto Rico was U.S. territory, she believed herself to be a U.S. citizen. But officials at Ellis Island labeled her an undesirable alien and prevented her from entering the mainland. She sued, with some reason to hope for a favorable ruling. Yet the Supreme Court that eventually heard Gonzalez's case was still racist. In preceding years, for example, it had permitted a flat ban on naturalizing anyone of the Chinese race. And, in a case addressing the status of recently acquired island territories such as Puerto Rico, the justices had cited the alleged racial inferiority of tropical peoples as reason to treat these lands as second-class U.S. territories. Justice Edward Douglas White's opinion stated that U.S. sovereignty extended over them, but that their residents did not hold the same constitutional rights as other Americans. He did so, he privately revealed, because "he was much preoccupied by the danger of racial and social questions." In the Gonzalez case, the justices agreed unanimously that Puerto Ricans were not aliens and thus not subject to immigration laws. But they declined to decide whether or not Gonzalez was a citizen. Though preoccupied by fears that islanders were "savages" and racially unfit for citizenship, they were unwilling to violate the Constitution. As a result of the court ruling, federal officials were able to deny Gonzalez and others the full panoply of rights conferred on citizens for years. As Isabel Gonzalez's lawyer told the Court, declaring that residents of America's island territories are not U.S. citizens would mean adding to "precedents in our history of which we are least proud." Those precedents, he warned the Court, had been "repudiated by the American people in the Civil War, by three amendments to the Constitution of the United States, by this court, and by ... advancing civilization." Surely, 147 years after the Dred Scott case was overturned, the time has come to put an end to this farce. In the past century, the inhabitants of every other U.S. island territory have become citizens. Today, Emy Afalava and his fellow American Samoans are the last Americans still waiting to become citizens.
Emy Afalava is a loyal American and decorated veteran; he's also an American Samoan . Sam Erman and Nathan Perl-Rosenthal: It is outrageous that he and others like him are denied citizenship .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 717, 4783, 6710, 337, 8604, 16, 10, 8259, 470, 8, 14633, 3142, 4, 1437, 91, 21, 2421, 11, 470, 26808, 6, 10, 121, 4, 104, 4, 4284, 187, 23137, 4, 91, 34, 57, 2087, 7, 470, 488, 39, 1086, 301, 8, 4265, 37, 197, 28, 10, 6239, 4, 20, 5879, 74, 2854, 4, 1437, 20, 3759, 33326, 8352, 26460, 14, 22, 3684, 5151, 2421, 1666, 11, 5, 315, 532, 6, 8, 2087, 7, 5, 10542, 25991, 6, 32, 2286, 9, 5, 315, 532, 72, 3507, 6, 6710, 337, 8604, 34, 57, 2296, 5, 235, 7, 900, 142, 5, 752, 168, 9838, 14, 37, 16, 117, 6239, 4, 1437, 1336, 64, 24, 28, 6, 11, 5, 733, 620, 3220, 6, 14, 1791, 2421, 15, 121, 4, 104, 4, 6613, 32, 2296, 5, 659, 9, 8860, 116, 280, 16318, 10722, 5, 485, 4821, 9, 5, 12312, 212, 4038, 9, 5, 568, 9, 470, 26808, 7, 1962, 5, 315, 532, 4, 1437, 85, 16, 10, 1593, 14, 6710, 337, 8604, 8, 97, 470, 1960, 139, 1253, 32, 122, 1818, 7, 235, 11, 10, 752, 2672, 137, 5, 211, 4, 347, 4, 7813, 4, 83, 568, 115, 283, 143, 183, 4, 1773, 5, 315, 532, 21, 2885, 6, 24, 2329, 16375, 7, 5, 2178, 14, 167, 2421, 15, 121, 4, 104, 4, 8952, 58, 121, 4, 104, 4, 2286, 4, 1437, 20, 2178, 16, 3195, 34819, 6, 648, 5, 129, 8219, 14, 5, 2124, 837, 34, 655, 2998, 21, 45, 4, 20, 13358, 211, 2050, 1699, 403, 34627, 1538, 14767, 25, 24, 2998, 14, 481, 1704, 12, 15085, 56, 22, 2362, 659, 14, 5, 1104, 313, 21, 8191, 7, 2098, 72, 1437, 3791, 51, 58, 1791, 6, 51, 58, 45, 2286, 223, 5, 5879, 4, 83, 5280, 1771, 423, 6, 5, 501, 212, 8352, 13173, 5, 2255, 11, 5, 211, 2050, 1699, 403, 4, 2477, 6, 5, 211, 2050, 1699, 403, 34, 283, 7, 28, 11394, 25, 65, 9, 5, 2373, 2390, 11, 5, 750, 9, 5, 2124, 837, 4, 125, 6689, 6886, 399, 75, 253, 89, 4, 96, 42224, 6, 10, 5821, 25881, 693, 1440, 20484, 9670, 24318, 13, 188, 469, 4, 1437, 3047, 5821, 6511, 21, 121, 4, 104, 4, 4284, 6, 79, 2047, 2864, 7, 28, 10, 121, 4, 104, 4, 6239, 4, 1437, 125, 503, 23, 10503, 2376, 16274, 69, 41, 39028, 13058, 8, 9464, 69, 31, 4201, 5, 11280, 4, 1437, 264, 8124, 6, 19, 103, 1219, 7, 1034, 13, 10, 9879, 2255, 4, 3507, 5, 2124, 837, 14, 2140, 1317, 9670, 18, 403, 21, 202, 7159, 4, 1437, 96, 25029, 107, 6, 13, 1246, 6, 24, 56, 11047, 10, 3269, 2020, 15, 1632, 2787, 1268, 9, 5, 1111, 1015, 4, 178, 6, 11, 10, 403, 6477, 5, 2194, 9, 682, 3566, 2946, 13560, 215, 25, 5821, 6511, 6, 5, 15060, 56, 4418, 5, 1697, 6689, 28510, 1571, 9, 10602, 16592, 25, 1219, 7, 3951, 209, 8952, 25, 200, 12, 4684, 121, 4, 104, 4, 13560, 4, 1437, 1659, 7393, 6139, 735, 18, 2979, 2305, 14, 2 ]
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is and was born in American Samoa, a U . S . citizen citizens denied Americans born on U S rights of citizenship decision Samoans are to right in federal lawsuit Supreme Court , the Dred Scott case has to be racial discrimination
(CNN)As Americans mark the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's death this week, let us remember that he not only belongs to the ages, but also belongs, in a special way, to Illinois. Lincoln's two greatest legacies -- indivisible union and irreversible emancipation -- grew organically from his Midwestern roots. He knew firsthand that no defensible border shielded the land of corn from the land of cotton. The entire region from the Appalachians to the Rockies drained through the Mississippi River, enabling farmers in this vast basin to float their goods down to market through New Orleans and from there to the world. He thus could never allow a potentially hostile power to control this geostrategic chokepoint in particular, or Dixie more generally. The U.S. landmass, he insisted, "is well adapted to be the home of one national family; and it is not well adapted for two, or more" because "there is no line, straight or crooked, suitable for a national boundary upon which to divide." Lincoln supplemented his Midwestern geography lesson with a distinctly Midwestern claim about constitutional history: "The Union is older than any of the States; and in fact, it created them as States." Lincoln did not need to make this controversial claim to prove his case, and elsewhere he stressed the decisive legal point that the Constitution's text clearly prohibits unilateral secession. The Constitution is always and everywhere the supreme law of the land -- no matter what an individual state says. But Lincoln's additional assertion that the Union created the states, not vice versa, provoked strong disagreement in other parts of the country. Most Virginians, including Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, insisted that of course Virginia had come first! At the outbreak of the American Revolution, the Old Dominion was already a century and a half old. Generations of Lees had helped govern Virginia long before the United States was born. But if Lee was, first and always, a Virginian, Lincoln was an American. His father came from Virginia, his grandfather hailed from Pennsylvania, and before that, the family had probably lived in New England. Abe himself had been born in Kentucky and had moved as a boy to Indiana, and later, as a young man, to Illinois. These latter two Midwestern states had undeniably been formed by the Union itself. These places had begun as federal territory -- the common inheritance of all Americans -- and it was the federal government that had indeed brought these new states to life. When young Abe moved to Indiana, it was just becoming a state, thanks to federal governmental action. It was a wise set of federal policies -- proper land surveys and a commitment to public education -- that had drawn the Lincolns and countless other Kentuckians to leave the Bluegrass State for a brighter future in the Midwest. Retracing Lincoln's assassination 150 years later . That brighter future also involved freedom from slavery. The Old Northwest had always been free soil, as provided for by a Northwest Ordinance that predated the U.S. Constitution. The words of the 13th Amendment -- the only constitutional amendment that Lincoln would live to sign -- promised to end slavery everywhere in America and did so by borrowing verbatim from Article 6 of the Northwest Ordinance. True, geography is not inexorable destiny. Many other Midwesterners in Lincoln's era embraced slavery and secession. Hugo Black, the Supreme Court justice who did the most to make Lincoln's constitutional vision a reality over the next century, was born and raised in Alabama. But geographic variation has always been a large part of America's constitutional saga. In the 1860 election that brought him to power, Lincoln swept almost all the Northern states, but did miserably in the slaveholding south. John Wilkes Booth, the dastard who ended Lincoln's life 150 years ago this week, was an embittered extremist from a slave state. So was Lincoln's nemesis on the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Roger Taney. Taney's most infamous ruling, the pro-slavery Dred Scott decision in 1857, had emerged from a court dominated by the South; although slave states accounted for less a third of America's free population, this region held an absolute majority of the seats on the court. Remembering Lincoln's murder . In our era, given the fact that Republican appointees have held a majority of the court for the last 40 years, the court has been rather moderate. Much of this moderation has come courtesy of northern Republicans on the Court -- most notably, Minnesota's Harry Blackmun, Illinois' John Paul Stevens, and New Hampshire's David Souter. All nine of the current justices learned their law in liberal New England, at Harvard or Yale, and the Republican appointee most attentive to gay rights, Anthony Kennedy, grew up in northern California, a corner of the country renowned for its respect for alternative lifestyles. Which takes us back to Lincoln. When Anthony Kennedy was a lad in California's state capital, the governor, a friend of the Kennedy family, was a Lincoln Republican named Earl Warren -- a man who would later author the Court's iconic opinion in Brown v. Board of Education, vindicating the constitutional amendments enshrined by Lincoln and his allies. Today, both parties at their best claim Lincoln. Jeb Bush aims to appeal to the better angels of our nature and Rand Paul is a Kentuckian who professes interest in racial outreach. Hillary Clinton was born an Illinois Republican. And the leader of her adopted political party -- who also happens to be president -- is a lanky and brainy lawyer from Illinois who knows how to give a good speech, and who swept to power in 2008 by recreating Lincoln's geographic coalition, winning every state within a four-hour drive of Chicago. In the largest sense, then, all Americans, of both parties and all regions -- whether or not they have ever set foot in Illinois -- are living in the Land of Lincoln.
Akhil Amar: Lincoln's two biggest legacies, keeping union together and abolishing slavery, had Midwestern roots . Lincoln saw the federal government as pre-eminent and believed there was no logical border for dividing the U.S.
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(CNN)As we approach April 27 when South Africa marks the anniversary of the first post-apartheid elections held that day in 1994, we are faced with yet another wave of deadly attacks against African migrants. Outrage triggered by this violence is being heard loudly throughout social media with "#WeAreAfrica" showcasing the need for a common front against this affront. These recurring attacks against migrants and their property might be read as one more indication of how the rainbow nation's dream has faltered. That vision not only symbolized a multi-ethnic South Africa, but one where living in dignity is shared across racial and class lines. Attacks against newcomers in South Africa are often reduced to attitudes of hate and resentment towards other black Africans. The national and international headlines use "xenophobia" as if any one word can convey the multifaceted crisis within which this phenomenon occurs. Labeling this turmoil as xenophobic fails to convey the conditions in which African migrants are scapegoated for the persistent legacy of apartheid in the post-liberation era. This word also does not tell us that extreme poverty now exceeds that experienced under apartheid. And it certainly does not account for how extreme inequality is now fully embraced and normalized by a new black elite joining the "white-haves" of yesteryear. The question of why foreign blacks are targeted and not foreign whites is also repeated ad nauseam, as if the majority of black citizens and African migrants share any common spaces and experiences with white South Africans or white foreigners. Contact between the majority of African migrant groups and native black South Africans mostly occurs in under-developed informal settlements and townships. In the interaction and competition between these groups in these spaces, we need to be wary of the simplistic treatment of South Africa's ailment as xenophobia. Such labeling does not and cannot explain the totality of the contact, competition and conflict between native poor black South Africans and foreign African entrepreneurs. Attention as to how such interactions occur in an environment where a vast portion of South Africa's black majority experiences segregation, persistent and relative poverty, and high crime rates in post-apartheid South Africa is paramount. Neglecting access to social rights, such as water, electricity, education and other services, is tantamount to violence by political leaders against the poor. Condemning and prosecuting those who incite violence is essential to maintaining law and order and protecting those vulnerable because of their nationality. But the evictions, harassment and ultimately brutal killings of foreigners cannot and should not be separated from the daily brutal violence poor South Africans in informal settlements and many townships experience. It cannot and should not be separated from South Africa's status as one of the most unequal societies in the world; it cannot and should not be separated from the fact that South Africa has one of the highest homicide levels in the world. A mantra of xenophobia wishes away the fact that the everyday lives of those in vulnerable positions in this society (the poor, the disabled, women, children, the elderly) are filled with violence similar -- if not worse -- than that facing African foreigners eking out a living in the midst of abject poverty. Labeling South Africa's poor blacks as ungrateful and amnesiac to the history of hospitality other Africans bestowed on their exiles under apartheid does a disservice to both the local poor whose citizenship rights are marginal at best and the resilient migrants in search of asylum and dignity. Such labeling only serves politicians and the elites who are sealed off by barbed wire surrounded by a security industry that outspends and outnumbers South Africa's police force. It allows corruption to persist while the political leaders who are implicated in this violence scapegoat "criminal youth" to further fill an overflowing prison industry. Religious and civil society leaders' recent mobilization saying "not in our name" in reaction to violence against migrants should be applauded. But religious, civil society and student groups also have an obligation to organize and denounce the inequality and the violence that is the everyday lot of the extremely poor in South Africa. Pervasive misery and corruption in the midst of a nation with so much potential should not be tolerated. Neither a hashtag of outrage #WeAreAfrica nor the expedience of the label "xenophobia" can wish away the angst, violence and the impending crisis in South Africa. Migrants' security and dignity is part and parcel of a greater security and dignity for all South Africans, which seem deferred for now.
Xenophobia cannot explain the conflict between native poor black South Africans and foreign African entrepreneurs, says Abdi . Killings of foreigners cannot be separated from the brutal violence poor South Africans experience, she adds.
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(CNN)Blue Bell ice cream has temporarily shut down one of its manufacturing plants over the discovery of listeria contamination in a serving of ice cream originating from that plant. Public health officials warned consumers Friday not to eat any Blue Bell-branded products made at the company's Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, plant. That includes 3-ounce servings of Blue Bell ice cream from this plant that went to institutions in containers marked with the letters O, P, Q, R, S or T behind the coding date. The warning by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not affect other Blue Bell ice cream, including other 3-ounce servings, not made at the plant. But Blue Bell has recalled other products. The company is shutting down the Broken Arrow facility "out of an abundance of caution" to search for a possible cause of contamination. It is the third time Blue Bell has taken action in light of a listeria outbreak at a Kansas hospital that served the company's ice cream. Listeria monocytogenes was recently found in a cup of ice cream recovered from the hospital. The cup contaminated with the bacteria was produced at the Broken Arrow plant in April 2014, Blue Bell said. And, according to the CDC, listeria bacteria was found in additional samples of the same product that were recovered from the plant. The bacteria in the hospital sample and the factory sample appeared to match each other genetically, the CDC said. But they did not appear identical to listeria samples taken from patients infected in the Kansas outbreak. In a separate outbreak in Texas, the CDC did find that listeria samples taken from patients who came down with listeriosis between 2010 and 2014 in a hospital that served 3-ounce Blue Bell cups matched the listeria in recovered samples. None of this means the ice cream is the source of either spate of the infections. "Investigation to determine whether these illnesses are related to exposure to Blue Bell products is ongoing," the CDC said. In early March, in light of the Kansas listeria outbreak, Blue Bell recalled a group of products made at a plant in Texas. It later added 3-ounce cup servings to the recall. Five people were infected and three died in the past year in Kansas from listeria that might be linked to Blue Bell Creameries products, according to the CDC. All five of them were hospitalized at the same hospital before developing listeriosis, the CDC said. At least four of them had consumed milkshakes made with Blue Bell ice cream before developing the infection. "We are devastated and know that Blue Bell has to be and can be better than this," Paul Kruse, Blue Bell CEO and president, said in a statement. "Quality and safety have always been our top priorities. We are deeply saddened and concerned for all those who have been affected." The CDC advises that individuals and institutions should check their freezers for the recalled products and throw them away. In a statement on its website, Blue Bell said "this recall in no way includes Blue Bell ice cream half gallons, pints, quarts, 3 gallons or other 3 oz. cups." This has been the first product recall in the 108-year history of Blue Bell Creameries, the company said. Listeriosis is a serious infection caused by eating food contaminated with listeria, and primarily affects the elderly, pregnant women, newborns and people with weakened immune systems, according to the CDC. Symptoms of a listeria infection are fever and muscle aches, sometimes associated with diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms. In the United States, an estimated 1,600 people become seriously ill each year, and approximately 16% of these illnesses result in death. Cervical infections caused by listeriosis in pregnant women may result in stillbirth or spontaneous abortion during the second or third trimesters. CNN's Debra Goldschmidt, Amanda Watts and Jacque Wilson contributed to this report.
A test in Kansas finds listeria in a Blue Bell ice cream cup . The company announces it is temporarily shutting a plant to check for the source . Three people in Kansas have died from a listeria outbreak .
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Blue Bell ice cream has down of listeria contamination in a of ice cream plant not to Blue Bell - branded products made at the company' s Broken Arrow, recalled other is found from the hospital . The Kansas outbreak .
Boston (CNN)Sending Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to prison for the rest of his life would bring years of punishment and rob him of martyrdom, jurors were told Monday. "We have seen more pain and more horror and more grief in this courtroom than any of you would have thought possible," attorney David Bruck said as Tsarnaev's defense team began what could be a two-week campaign to avoid the death penalty. "No punishment could ever be equal to the terrible effects of this crime on the survivors and the victims' families," he said. "There is no evening of the scales. There is no point of trying to hurt him as he hurt because it can't be done. All we can do, all you can do is make the best choice." Bruck told jurors there are only two punishments for them to choose from: death, or life in prison without any possibility of parole. "We are asking you to punish Jahar by imprisoning him for the rest of his life." Showing the court a photo of the federal Supermax prison in Colorado, Bruck said: . "This is where the government keeps other terrorists who used to be famous but aren't anymore. ... He goes here and he's forgotten. No more spotlight, like the death penalty brings. "No interviews with the news media, no autobiography, no messages from Jahar on the Internet. No nothing. "No martyrdom. Just years and years of punishment, day after day, as he grows up to deal with the lonely struggle of dealing with what he did. "The evidence will show that if you sentence Jahar to a lifetime of thinking about what he did, you'll both punish him and protect society." Tsarnaev, 21, was convicted this month of all 30 counts against him; 17 of those counts carry the death penalty for the murders of four -- Krystle Campbell, 29; Lingzi Lu, 23; Martin Richard, 8; and Sean Collier, 26. In deciding whether the former college student is executed for his crimes or spends the rest of his days in a high-security federal prison, jurors must weigh the heinousness of his crime and the toll on his victims against so-called mitigating factors, such as his relative youth, mental health and family background, and whether or not he is remorseful. He has shown no emotion as he sits in court, and he has avoided eye contact with maimed bombing survivors and relatives of the dead. Last week, federal prosecutors presented three days of gut-wrenching victim impact testimony, including an array of images showing the victims as happy, active people and edited videos that added a soundtrack featuring a loud explosion, screams and panicked voices to the horrific bombing scene outside the Forum restaurant, where Richard and Lu died. Lead defense attorney Judy Clarke -- a nationally known death penalty opponent -- has acknowledged that Tsarnaev and his brother, Tamerlan, set off the bombs and shot MIT campus cop Collier. But she is expected to build a narrative showing her client as a puppet of his dominant older brother. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was 26, died in a gunbattle with Watertown, Massachusetts, police three days after the bombings. Clarke's colleague, Bruck, began that narrative in his opening statement by noting, "The man who conceived, planned and led this crime is beyond our power to punish. Only the 19-year-old younger brother who helped is left. "He was 19, nearly 20. But he was still at an age still legally too young to buy a beer. And an age when people make horribly bad, destructive decisions. What each of you will have to decide for yourself is how to weigh his young age as a mitigating factor." Bruck tried to use a photo prosecutors introduced last week -- showing Tsarnaev raising his middle finger at a surveillance camera in his federal courthouse cell -- to make his point. "I could almost hear you gasp" when that photo was displayed between images of bombing victims, Bruck said. "It turned out that shocking gesture wasn't quite as advertised. "What did he mean? It meant he was acting as an immature 19-year-old." Several members of Tsarnaev's family arrived in Boston over the weekend, but the defense is closely guarding its witness list. The relatives, who are at an undisclosed location after being forced to leave a suburban hotel, apparently do not include his parents, who divorced and returned to Dagestan before the April 15, 2013, bombings. Court filings indicate that the defense plans to call expert witness Janet Vogelsang, a sociologist, to explain Tsarnaev's difficult upbringing as the overlooked child of immigrants -- displaced Russian Muslims whose American dream failed. Under federal law, the jury's decision must be unanimous. A deadlocked jury would result in an automatic life sentence for Tsarnaev -- which means the defense only needs to convince one juror to spare his life. The Boston Globe reported over the weekend that fewer than 20% of those polled in Massachusetts favor the death penalty for Tsarnaev. The number is down substantially since the days after the bombings.
Defense expected to show Dzhokhar Tsarnaev as a puppet of his dominant older brother . A deadlocked jury would result in an automatic life sentence for Tsarnaev .
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S Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to prison for the rest of his life would years him of martyrdom, jurors " We have more pain and more horror and more grief in ," attorney ' s defense be a the death penalty " No punishment could he is no , are to punish Jahar : . will
(CNN)He wouldn't give his name. But the name tattooed on his neck -- Gertrude -- gave him away. That's what Kankakee County, Illinois, Sheriff Tim Bukowski said Saturday about Kamron Taylor, the 23-year-old convicted murderer turned jail escapee until his arrest overnight in Chicago. Authorities around Illinois had been looking for Taylor since early Wednesday, when he jumped a correctional officer at Kankakee's Jerome Combs Detention Center, then took off with the guard's uniform and SUV. Surveillance video was the last officials saw of Taylor until just before midnight Friday, in Chicago. "They saw a guy that matched the description," Bukowski said. "And if you're in law enforcement very long, you just get a feeling that something's not right. ... I think that's what happened." The suspect ran five city blocks before being tracked down, carrying a loaded handgun. He didn't go easily, refusing to identify himself. But when Chicago police contacted their law enforcement counterparts about 60 miles south in Kankakee County and told them about the tattoo, it became clearer who the man was. As Bukowski said of the Gertrude tattoo, "It's not a common name to have around your neck." Fingerprints later confirmed that Chicago police had indeed caught up with Taylor. While not offering details beyond that no one is thought to have driven him north nor did a tipster call to specify his location, Bukowski did say "we have some ideas of where he went and how he ended up" in the Windy City. It wasn't immediately known either when Taylor will return to Kankakee County. But, when he does, the sheriff said the convict will likely face an attempted murder charge for his attack of the jail guard on top of his already extensive criminal history. Murderer overpowers guard, drives off in his SUV . Bukowski said he expects that Taylor will eventually be incarcerated outside Kankakee County, in part because "you don't want someone to raise" the idea that guards there might somehow seek retaliation for the attack on one of their own. What the sheriff doesn't want is for Taylor to go free ever again. This is a man, after all, who killed a man in a June 2013 botched robbery, had to be wrestled to the ground by bailiffs after his conviction in late February, then escaped jail after assaulting the guard. "He's not going to walk down the block again, I don't believe," Bukowski said. The assaulted correctional officer remains in an Illinois hospital, where his condition has improved and he's been able to talk to fellow authorities. This qualifies as very good news, given that authorities think Taylor "believed that he had killed that correctional officer by strangling him" around 3 a.m. (4 a.m. ET) Wednesday, according to the sheriff. The guard was making his rounds when he was attacked from the side, then severely beaten and choked. Taylor then allegedly disrobed the guard, a military veteran and 10-year employee of the corrections department. The guard was left on the jail floor, going in and out of consciousness, for about 35 minutes before authorities -- concerned because the guard hadn't responded to calls -- found him, the sheriff said. The alleged attacker then walked out of the jail, albeit only after having his identity checked by camera after pushing a button to notify "master control" that he wanted to leave. "We think that because he had the officer's uniform on," the sheriff explained this week, "that's how he was able to effectively escape." Now that Taylor is once again locked up, the focus has shifted more to how he left in the first place. Opining that the escape wouldn't have occurred "if everybody had followed protocol," Bukowski said it's believed the inmate wasn't in his cell at lockdown. "That's where the big mistake happened," the sheriff said. "Someone missed that. And from that point on, things broke down." CNN's John Newsome contributed to this report.
The sheriff says a "big mistake" contributed to the inmate's escape . 2 months after being convicted of murder, Kamron Taylor escaped an Illinois jail . He is captured by police 60 miles away in Chicago, authorities say .
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He name on his neck him Illinois Sheriff Kamron Taylor, the 23 - - convicted jail escapee in Chicago he jumped a officer with guard' s and was The police of the Gertrude tattoo, will sheriff murder . is for Taylor to in a
(HLNtv)Actress Alyssa Milano had some angry tweets for Heathrow Airport authorities Thursday morning after workers there allegedly confiscated breast milk she'd pumped for her daughter while she was on a plane. Milano, who was on a trip with her husband that she described in an earlier tweet as a "romantic getaway," was furious. According to the Heathrow Airport guidelines on its website regarding baby food and/or milk, the airport asks that travelers carry only what they need for the flight. A blogger mom apparently experienced a similar issue at the airport in 2011 when her pumped milk was also confiscated. Per the UK Department of Transport, travelers can carry breast milk through security and are allowed quantities larger than 100ml if necessary. Milano, who has long been an outspoken advocate of breastfeeding, said the cooler the milk was in was also confiscated. See the original story at
Milano had pumped while on plane . Travelers are asked to carry only what they need .
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Actress Alyssa Milano allegedly confiscated breast milk pumped for her daughter she was on a plane . Milano " to the Heathrow Airport milk travelers carry mom at airport in also of .
(CNN)This is week three of an ongoing series: A Catholic Reads the Bible. Read week one and week two. When I started this project, my brother texted me, "Wait until you get to Lot." By Sunday afternoon, I understood what he meant. I am horrified by the story of Lot in Genesis. Lot and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was new to me. I actually hadn't put two and two together that Sodom is the origin of the word sodomy. (Feel free to call me dense as you read this). Lot is the central character in the grim story of Sodom and Gomorrah's demise in Chapter 19. You are introduced to the city by Abraham who tries to save the town. In the preceding chapter, Abraham asks God to agree that if he can find 10 good people in the town, God won't smite it. God agrees. Lot is visited by divine emissaries to investigate if there are indeed enough good people to save the town. The men of the town come to seek out the new visitors for "intimacies." Ahem. Yeah. Hospitable bunch, huh? Those "intimacies," we are meant to understand, account for Sodom's wickedness. And I guess meant that the town was doomed. ("Intimacies" is the term used in my 1991 edition of the New American Bible. The revised edition refers to "sexual relations.") To protect the emissaries from the mob, Lot offers up his virginal daughters. Which. Ugh. Anyway, it doesn't work. There apparently aren't enough good men to save Sodom, which leads to God destroying yet another population in Genesis. Oh, and while Lot's chosen family members flee the destruction, Lot's wife turns around and is turned to salt. She had been warned not to look back. After God destroys Sodom, Lot's daughters worry that there aren't any men left, so they get their father good and drunk and have sex with him. They need to have children to keep the human race going, the logic goes, I guess. After reading that section, I put my Bible down. I couldn't read anymore. Then I read it again. What was I reading? What are the morals, the meaning, I'm supposed to get from these ghastly stories? This is not the God that I have known for nearly 42 years. It's not the version of the God I pray to daily. I truly don't believe in a God that wipes out a town in general because of sexuality. Why are they wicked? I don't believe that my God that would go after one group -- any group. The God that I pray to doesn't punish the "wicked" like this. I can't comprehend this version of God. I can't believe in that kind of God. There were much easier things to write about this week in the pages that I read. But, I want to be truthful with you, my readers. The Lot story struck me -- hard. I wish that I had answers for you as to why this happened or how it was written many years ago. But I don't. It could be that it was a tale told to make sure that people only had sex to have children. Or it could be a morality tale for the times. The truth is: I don't really know. I just know that my faith doesn't include the idea of such a punitive God. I now fully understand how you could devote your life to reading and analyzing the Bible. And when I read this rough draft to my brother, he said to me, "You have just hit the tip of the iceberg." So, I will continue reading.
This is week three of an ongoing series: A Catholic Reads the Bible. Read week one and week two. This week's reading is a Lot to take in. Literally.
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 713, 16, 186, 130, 9, 41, 2256, 651, 35, 83, 4019, 1163, 29, 5, 11005, 4, 1163, 186, 65, 8, 186, 80, 4, 520, 38, 554, 42, 695, 6, 127, 2138, 25199, 162, 6, 22, 36446, 454, 47, 120, 7, 11973, 72, 870, 395, 1390, 6, 38, 6238, 99, 37, 2425, 4, 38, 524, 27807, 30, 5, 527, 9, 11973, 11, 24716, 4, 11973, 8, 5, 8181, 9, 33270, 1075, 8, 272, 1075, 368, 9772, 21, 92, 7, 162, 4, 38, 888, 5844, 75, 342, 80, 8, 80, 561, 14, 33270, 1075, 16, 5, 9813, 9, 5, 2136, 27928, 13604, 4, 36, 44044, 481, 7, 486, 162, 19790, 25, 47, 1166, 42, 322, 11973, 16, 5, 1353, 2048, 11, 5, 17081, 527, 9, 33270, 1075, 8, 272, 1075, 368, 9772, 18, 18006, 11, 8749, 753, 4, 370, 32, 2942, 7, 5, 343, 30, 13717, 54, 5741, 7, 1871, 5, 1139, 4, 96, 5, 25029, 7285, 6, 13717, 6990, 1840, 7, 2854, 14, 114, 37, 64, 465, 158, 205, 82, 11, 5, 1139, 6, 1840, 351, 75, 5278, 1459, 24, 4, 1840, 11687, 4, 11973, 16, 3790, 30, 26280, 2841, 3006, 5119, 7, 4830, 114, 89, 32, 5329, 615, 205, 82, 7, 1871, 5, 1139, 4, 20, 604, 9, 5, 1139, 283, 7, 2639, 66, 5, 92, 3074, 13, 22, 2544, 757, 15668, 72, 83, 9506, 4, 8976, 4, 13377, 11010, 6900, 6, 41437, 116, 2246, 22, 2544, 757, 15668, 60, 52, 32, 2425, 7, 1346, 6, 1316, 13, 33270, 1075, 18, 28418, 1825, 4, 178, 38, 4443, 2425, 14, 5, 1139, 21, 23326, 4, 6697, 22886, 757, 15668, 113, 16, 5, 1385, 341, 11, 127, 9633, 5403, 9, 5, 188, 470, 11005, 4, 20, 7692, 5403, 12859, 7, 22, 28744, 3115, 30550, 598, 1744, 5, 2841, 3006, 5119, 31, 5, 13099, 6, 11973, 1523, 62, 39, 26354, 571, 6204, 7172, 4, 6834, 4, 121, 4147, 4, 24820, 6, 24, 630, 75, 173, 4, 345, 4100, 2025, 75, 615, 205, 604, 7, 1871, 33270, 1075, 6, 61, 3315, 7, 1840, 14340, 648, 277, 1956, 11, 24716, 4, 5534, 6, 8, 150, 11973, 18, 4986, 284, 453, 11692, 5, 8181, 6, 11973, 18, 1141, 4072, 198, 8, 16, 1224, 7, 6740, 4, 264, 56, 57, 2449, 45, 7, 356, 124, 4, 572, 1840, 35198, 33270, 1075, 6, 11973, 18, 7172, 4022, 14, 89, 2025, 75, 143, 604, 314, 6, 98, 51, 120, 49, 1150, 205, 8, 10789, 8, 33, 2099, 19, 123, 4, 252, 240, 7, 33, 408, 7, 489, 5, 1050, 1015, 164, 6, 5, 14578, 1411, 6, 38, 4443, 4, 572, 2600, 14, 2810, 6, 38, 342, 127, 11005, 159, 4, 38, 1705, 75, 1166, 5988, 4, 1892, 38, 1166, 24, 456, 4, 653, 21, 38, 2600, 116, 653, 32, 5, 37937, 6, 5, 3099, 6, 38, 437, 3518, 7, 120, 31, 209, 34648, 1988, 352, 1652, 116, 152, 16, 45, 5, 1840, 14, 38, 33, 684, 13, 823, 3330, 107, 4, 85, 18, 45, 5, 1732, 9, 5, 1840, 38, 10745, 7, 1230, 4, 38, 3127, 2 ]
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is : A Catholic Reads Bible . , , to by the story of Lot in Genesis . Lot and the of Sodom and Gomorrah' s God to
(CNN)The first trailer for a documentary on the life and music of late British singer Amy Winehouse was released Thursday. The teaser for "Amy: The Girl Behind the Name," set for UK release on July 3, features early footage of Winehouse talking about how her music career was born and where she believed she was headed. "Singing has always been important to me, but I never thought, 'I'll end up singing' or 'I'll be a singer,' " Winehouse said. "I felt like I had nothing new that was coming out at the time that really represented me or the way I felt, so, you know, I just started writing." Winehouse, known for her bluesy voice, bouffant hairdo and numerous tattoos, struggled publicly with drugs and alcohol during a career in which she recorded two albums and won six Grammys (one posthumous). She died from alcohol poisoning at the age of 27 on July 23, 2011. Her biggest hit, "Rehab," chronicled the efforts of those around her to get her to submit to substance abuse treatment. "Amy" seeks to "truly capture not just the great artist that she was, but also the funny and loving person that most people didn't get a chance to know," the filmmakers said on Facebook after announcing the film in 2013. Amy Winehouse documentary gets UK release date . The trailer conveys Winehouse's ambivalence about fame. "I'm not a girl trying to be a star or trying to be anything other than a musician," she says. "I don't think I'm gonna be at all famous," Winehouse tells an interviewer early in her career. "I don't think I could handle it. I would probably go mad. Do you know what I mean? I would go mad." A life cut short: Remembering the tragedy of Amy Winehouse . Unlike an earlier look at the singer's life, 2013's "Fallen Star," the documentary has been endorsed by Winehouse's family. It will feature "extensive unseen archive footage and previously unheard tracks," Deadline reported. The team behind the new film includes Asif Kapadia, director of the documentary "Senna," on the life of Brazilian Formula 1 racer Ayrton Senna. The film won two BAFTA awards. "The award-winning producers of Senna presented a vision that would look at Amy's story sensitively, honestly and without sensationalising her," the family statement said. "We want this to be a tribute to her musical legacy."' A U.S. release date for the film has yet to be announced. CNN's Michael Pearson contributed to this report.
"Amy" features archival footage of the singer and original music tracks . "Amy" seeks to "truly capture not just the great artist that she was," filmmakers say . Winehouse, who died at 27, said fame would probably drive her "mad"
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The first trailer life and music singer Amy Winehouse was released Thursday teaser " Amy: The Girl Behind the Name for UK release on July 3, features early footage of Winehouse about her at with a career in She " film . to be a she says . ' s family will behind the documentary " Senna
(CNN)Australia, an important ally of the United States, has agreed to share some of its intelligence with Iran. Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the deal is "an informal arrangement" with an emphasis on tracking Australians who go to Iraq to fight for ISIS. But one Australian lawmaker reportedly described the move as "dancing with the devil." Over the weekend, Bishop became the first Australian government minister to visit Iran in 12 years, meeting with President Hassan Rouhani. The intelligence-sharing deal was announced in an interview released Monday that Bishop gave to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation while in Tehran. "During my discussions with the national leadership here, it was agreed that we could share intelligence, particularly on the foreign terrorist fighters from Australia who are taking part in this conflict in Iraq," she said. The Iranians "were very agreeable to share that information with us," she added. Like many Western nations, Australia is grappling with the problem of citizens who are choosing to travel to Iraq and Syria to join ISIS, which calls itself the Islamic State. Australia is part of the U.S.-led coalition that's carrying out airstrikes against ISIS. During the fight against the Sunni extremist group, the coalition has found its interests aligned at times with those of Iran, a Shiite-majority nation that has strong ties with the Iraqi government. Iran-backed Shiite militias played an important role in the recent battle to take the Iraqi city of Tikrit from ISIS jihadists. "Iran has a long standing relationship with Iraq, and as you point out, they have a very strong military presence there. They also have an influence over the Shia militia who are operating within Iraq," she said. "So they are in Iraq, in places that we are not. They also have a very sophisticated intelligence network and they have a lot of information that they've been gathering." Bishop, who left Tehran on Sunday, declined to give details of the agreement with Iran. "Obviously, if Iran has information that will be of interest to us, and if we have information that would be of interest to them, in pursuing our common purpose in defeating Daesh, then that's an appropriate exchange," she said, using an alternative name for ISIS. But Andrew Wilkie, an independent Australian member of parliament, criticized the plan. "The announcement by the Foreign Minister that Australia is entering into a security arrangement with the regime in Tehran really should send shudders down the spine of every Australian," he said, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. "When you start dancing with the devil in a place like Tehran, then we run the risk of becoming almost as bad as those who we dance with," Wilkie told reporters.
Australian foreign minister says deal is to focus on tracking citizens who join ISIS . But one lawmaker describes it as "dancing with the devil"
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Australia to share of its intelligence with Iran . Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop deal is informal arrangement " on tracking Australians who for ISIS lawmaker the move as " dancing with the devil first government minister to visit - Australia U S . " Iran has a in Iraq, in agreement The dancing
Ferguson, Missouri (CNN)At least three people were shot in separate incidents in Ferguson, Missouri, on late Tuesday and early Wednesday as hundreds of demonstrators gathered in support of protests in Baltimore, a city spokesman said. Two people were shot in the neck and another was shot in the leg, spokesman Jeff Small said. There is a suspect in custody in the latter case: a 20-year-old male from St. Louis County. The two victims shot in the neck were hospitalized, Small said. "Police are having a difficult time investigating because of the rocks being thrown at them," he said. "At this point police are not sure if the (shootings are) linked to the protest or not." St. Louis Alderman Antonio French posted video on his Twitter account. Multiple gunshots can be heard as people flee in panic. Demonstrators set a portable toilet on fire. One person can be seen squirting what appears to be lighter fluid on it. . The unrest carried on until about 3 a.m. and three police vehicles were damaged by rocks. The renewed tensions in Ferguson follow rioting in Baltimore after the death of Freddie Gray. The 25-year-old was arrested by police on April 12 and died one week later from a fatal spinal cord injury. Similar deaths over the last year include Michael Brown in Ferguson; Eric Garner in New York; and Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina. CNN's Eliott C. McLaughlin, Tina Burnside and Dave Alsup contributed to this report .
Three people shot, one man in custody, city spokesman says . Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in support of protests in Baltimore . Police not sure if shootings are related to protests, spokesman says .
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At least three people were shot in separate Ferguson, Missouri, on Wednesday Two the neck and was shot in the leg, spokesman is a suspect custody a 20 - year - old The two hospitalized Police are rocks police to . Baltimore after of Freddie Gray .
(CNN)A 17-year-old teen who has been living at Connecticut Children's Medical Center since December while being forced to have chemotherapy to treat Hodgkin's lymphoma has completed treatment and left the hospital Monday, according to her attorney, Josh Michtom. Cassandra C., as she is identified in court documents, was ordered into custody of the Connecticut Department of Children and Families by a judge in December. She ran away in an effort to discontinue chemo, claiming she did not want to be treated. Earlier this month, CNN reported that she was in remission, feeling well and her treatment was almost complete. Cassandra was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in September, and doctors gave her an 85% chance of survival if treated but said she would die within two years if left untreated. She started the treatment in November but ran away after two days, according to court documents, when she decided she did not want to put the poison of the treatment into her body. That's when a judge ordered her into custody of the state. Attorneys for the teen and her mom have tried to appeal, but they did not succeed. Cassandra remained in the hospital. In the most recent legal maneuvering, a judge denied a request by Cassandra's attorney to allow her return home on grounds that she was no longer at risk for imminent harm. Now that her treatment is complete, the temporary order of custody ends, Michtom told CNN. Previously he said the hospital was "effectively a jail" to his client. "As we do for every patient we care for at Connecticut Children's, we wish her the best for a happy and healthy future," Robert Fraleigh, director of corporate communications for Connecticut Children's Medical Center, said in a statement Monday. Joette Katz, commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, said in a statement that they are pleased that Cassandra is healthy and has recovered. She credits the doctors at Children's Medical Center and the staff at her department for this happy outcome. Acknowledging that the ordeal has been difficult for Cassandra and her family, Katz said, "We were responsible to save Cassandra's life under these circumstances, and we are very happy that she is now moving successfully to another phase in her life -- a healthy and happy one."
Teen allowed to return home now that her chemotherapy is complete . 'Cassandra' was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma in September . Teen was in temporary custody of the Connecticut Department of Children and Families .
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17 - year - old teen has been at Connecticut Children' s Medical Center to have chemotherapy to treatment and hospital attorney, she is December . She ran away chemo, she not treated . Cassandra was diagnosed with Hodgkin' s lymphoma in a judge ordered her into custody of the
(CNN)The terrorist group Al-Shabaab has claimed an attack on Garissa University College in eastern Kenya, in which many people have been killed and still more taken hostage. The attack is another step in the ongoing escalation of the terrorist group's activities, and a clear indicator that the security situation in East Africa is deteriorating fast. Somalia-based Al-Shabaab has been behind a string of recent attacks in Kenya, the most well-known of them being the massacre at the Westgate Shopping Centre in Nairobi in 2013. Cross-border raids into Kenya by the group, however, date back to 2011. Al-Shabaab incursions triggered a military response by the government in Nairobi, which sent troops to Somalia as part of an African Union mission in support of Somalia's internationally recognized government that had been under pressure from Al-Shabaab and other militants for several years. Al-Shabaab is predominantly driven by the same radical interpretation of the Koran as al-Qaeda and ISIS (also known as Islamic State), but also employs more opportunistic approaches to shoring up local support. Its origins lie in Al-Ittihad al-Islami (Unity of Islam), one of several militant factions that emerged in the wake of the fall of Siad Barre in 1991. These disparate groups fought each other and a U.N. peacekeeping mission in the Somali civil war that led to the complete collapse of the country, from which it has yet to recover almost quarter of a century later. Al-Shabaab (literally "the Youth") split from Unity of Islam in 2003 and merged with another radical Islamist group, the so-called Islamic Courts Union. As their alliance obtained control of Somalia's capital Mogadishu in 2006, Ethiopia, the only majority Christian country in the region, took military action against the group. The offensive weakened Al-Shabaab and pushed it back into the rural areas of central and southern Somalia, but it failed to defeat it. To the contrary, Ethiopia's invasion and occupation of parts of Somalia -- although invited by the Somali government and backed by the African Union -- enabled Al-Shabaab to partially re-invent itself as both an Islamist and nationalist force opposing a foreign "Christian" invasion. Initially, the group primarily attacked Ethiopian forces, but soon began to "expand" its activities against the Somali government as well. The first attack outside Somalia was an attack in the Ugandan capital of Kampala in 2010. Soon after this, cross-border raids in Kenya began, predominantly targeting Christians there. Increasing its links with al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab declared its full allegiance in 2012 -- and it is not clear whether it will switch allegiances to ISIS. Much will depend on how the relationships between al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), a long-time ally of Al-Shabaab based in Yemen, and ISIS develop. The key point is that Al-Shabaab's attack in Garissa is part of a broader regional context of instability fueled by a huge number of factors. It must not be interpreted simply as another act of garden-variety fundamentalist terrorism. Clearly, the presence and activities of terrorist groups in the region is a major concern, and it is undoubtedly driven by radical and exclusivist interpretations of Islam. But the entire region also suffers from a range of other problems: from economic development challenges to environmental degradation; from organized crime to inter-tribal and inter-communal violence; from corruption to serious deficits in human rights and good governance. These entrenched inequalities help Al-Shabaab appeal to a wide variety of potential recruits, who may sympathize with and actively support the group for any number of reasons. Attacking a university in northern Kenya and separating Christian from Muslim students epitomizes the way Al-Shabaab advances itself by exploiting religious, tribal and nationalist identities. Ultimately, though, this all comes down to a struggle for control -- over people, over territory, and over resources. As long as the majority of people in the region remain excluded from any meaningful political, economic, and social participation in their societies -- which are dominated by primarily self-interested elites that put their own advance before that of their communities -- human lives matter little in the pursuit of selfish interests. It is important to counter Al-Shabaab directly, including by military means. But there won't be any lasting solution to the wider region's security problems without a more comprehensive and concerted effort to address the deeper problems of exclusion suffered by the citizens of the countries challenged by Al-Shabaab. As Garissa shows, these problems are still providing oxygen for nihilistic ideologies and their deadly fruit. Copyright 2015 The Conversation. Some rights reserved.
Terrorist group Al-Shabaab has attacked a Kenyan college, killing and taking hostages . It is a clear indicator the security situation in East Africa is deteriorating, says Stefan Wolff . More than military action aloe is needed to combat terrorism in the region, he says .
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The an attack on College in of the terrorist group' s security Africa is . Somalia - based Al - Shabaab has been behind a of attacks in Kenya, the to . Al Shabaab and the
(CNN)He was impressively polite and bright in the eyes of his boyhood teachers, an encourager of his college friends. He was a docile captured killer in the care of paramedics tending to his gunshot wounds. Dzhokhar "Jahar" Tsarnaev's defense team is seeking to spare him from a death sentence for his part two years ago in the Boston Marathon bombings and murder of an MIT police officer. Having focused on his dead older brother, portraying Tamerlan Tsarnav as harsh, overbearing and bent on jihad, they now shift to the younger brother who tagged after him, as one witness said, "like a puppy." The sentencing phase of the federal case will resume Monday. The jury was sent home Thursday because a juror was sick. Tsarnaev was convicted April 8 on all 30 counts, including 17 that carry a possible death penalty. The defense's transition from one brother to the other begins in the ambulances that rushed the brothers from their respective final showdowns with police in Watertown, Massachusetts, on April 19, 2013. Boston bombing survivor: I am not limiting myself . Tamerlan, dying from gunshot wounds and having been run over by the car his brother was driving as he fled, became combative in the ambulance. A paramedic testified Wednesday that it was common for patients in shock to become agitated and fight back. "He had an abdominal wound, it was an evisceration," said paramedic Michael Sullivan. It was a "penetrating wound," with the intestines protruding. "Every time we tried hands-on, he resisted that type of treatment," Sullivan said. "He was yelling, loud, like an 'rrrrrrrr' type of thing. It was like he was trying to get out of the seat belts that were holding him on" the stretcher. Jahar, on the other hand, was cooperative after his capture hours later -- until a tourniquet was applied too tightly, said paramedic Laura Lee. He responded to questions, giving his date of birth and saying he was allergic to cats. And then he asked a question of his own: . "Where is my brother?" The defense showed a series of photographs that demonstrated how the brothers differed in size and age. The younger brother has been portrayed as someone who follows, rather than leads. One of Tamerlan's boxing coaches testified earlier that Jahar followed his brother around "like a puppy." The defense asserts that the Boston Marathon bombings never would have happened if it weren't for Tamerlan. They have portrayed him as obsessed with jihad, spending hours in his computer trolling al Qaeda-style websites. An uncle in Russia told the FBI that Tamerlan came there in 2012, expecting to find "jihad in the streets." Magomed Kartashov was questioned by the FBI after 40 days in a Russian jail. The FBI summary report of the interview was read in court. Kartashov said his nephew asked him if he had contacts with people "in the forest," as locals referred to the jihadists. Tamerlan's information came from the Internet, but he had surprisingly little knowledge of Islam, the uncle told the FBI. When he asked his nephew why he wanted to go to the forest, he responded that "jihad was necessary today," Kartashov told the FBI. "I told him to stop or he wouldn't make it to the next tree." Jahar, on the other hand, was portrayed in the testimony of five of his former teachers as a smart, sweet kid who worked hard and earned good grades. He was "super kind, extremely smart, a very hard worker, really a lovely person," said Tracey Gordon, his fifth-grade teacher at Cambridgeport School. "All the teachers loved him," said Becki Norris, who had Jahar in her seventh-grade class at Community Charter School, a middle school in Cambridge known for setting its students on the path to "full ticket" scholarships to good colleges. "He was one of our top students, and one of our top athletes," Norris said. "He wasn't a rebel. If you asked him to do something, he'd do it. Like most middle-schoolers, he's need a little push, but he needed just one. " But after just a few days in the ninth grade, Jahar's mother pulled him out of the school and sent him to Cambridge Rindge and Latin, a large public high school. She was angry that her son had been sent home to change out of his blue pants. "She was very, very angry because he didn't have clean pants that matched the uniform and they didn't have the money," Norris said. "I thought he liked the school, and I didn't think he wanted to go." Norris said she asked Jahar if she could call his mother. "He flatly said, 'No, don't call her.' " He made friends in high school, and a core group got together regularly for "bro nights" during their freshman year at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, two young women testified. They smiled at Tsarnaev from with witness stand, but while he seemed generally more animated in court, he maintained his usual flat expression. "He was loyal, fun, laid-back," said classmate Tiarrah Dottin. She said she had no idea he was listening to jihadi songs or watching al Qaeda videos on his laptop. She bowed her head and wiped tears from her eyes as she stepped off the witness stand and took a seat in the audience. Alexa Guevara testified that Tsarnaev "was private about his family," and did not discuss politics or religion with her. She said when he spoke about the future he said he planned to transfer to the University of Massachusetts Amherst and study marine biology. He was a supportive friend, she added. "He encouraged me to go to art school," she said. She showed him her sketches, and he thought they were good. "He said I had talent and shouldn't let it go to waste. I should go to art school and do what made me happy. It made me feel really good, like somebody believed in me," she said. She ended her testimony with a memory of one of the last times she saw Tsarnaev and the "bros." It was March 2013, during spring break of their sophomore year. They went out to eat and then drove to a spot by the Charles River. "Jahar went over to his car, and he got a backpack and there were fireworks inside," she recalled. "He set one up and ignited it. It didn't work. The second one did work. We were all whooping and hollering. Jahar was jumping through the firework itself. He was being really silly." She sobbed as court recessed for the day, and her cries could be heard in the hallway outside the courtroom. Boston Marathon terror attack fast facts . CNN's Aaron Cooper, Ray Sanchez and Cameron Tankersley contributed to this report.
Defense seeks to make case to spare life of convicted Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev . Defense: Brother Tamerlan, who was killed during police showdown, was obsessed with jihad . Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was well-liked, polite and docile, according to witnesses .
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was of Dzhokhar " Jahar " Tsarnaev' s defense team is him from a death sentence for his in the Boston Marathon bombings and as to the younger brother , " like a puppy The sentencing Monday . Tamerlan, brother was on " : .
(CNN)Lest we Americans forget that -- in the wellsprings of our nation -- France bore the torch of liberty alongside us, our old ally has launched a reminder from across the Atlantic's waves. L'Hermione, with three sail masts and bright royal blue and gold markings, is a painstaking replica of an 18th century French frigate that fought with the United States' founding fathers in the War of Independence. It set sail in France on Saturday for Virginia to retrace a journey through American history. In 1780, the original Hermione was assigned to a French nobleman, who fought as a general in George Washington's army against the British. His name: Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. Lafayette carried prized cargo -- news from King Louis XVI that France was throwing men, guns and treasure behind the Colonies, according to a historical summary on L'Hermione's website. Lafayette, who had been wounded in the Revolutionary War had gone back to his homeland to lobby on behalf of Washington, who was also one of his close friends. Lafayette rejoined the fight on the front lines in Virginia, while L'Hermione did sea battle with its 32 guns against the English farther north. Its coppered bottom was an innovation that made it cut faster through the waters. In Chesapeake Bay, it joined the blockade that led the British to surrender. After the war, Lafayette returned to live in France. More than 200 years later, in 1997, a group of people came up with the idea of reconstructing the frigate using the same building methods applied in the original. They claim the replica is the "most authentically built Tall Ship in the last 150 years." After a year of testing, it set sail Saturday to retrace Lafayette's journey, 235 years after the original, and France gave it a sendoff with the trappings of an act of state. "L'Hermione is a luminous episode of our history. She is a champion of universal values, freedom, courage and of the friendship between France and the United States," French President Francois Hollande said in a speech. President Obama, in a letter to congratulate the launch, called France "our Nation's oldest ally." "For more than two centuries, the United States and France have stood united in the freedom we owe to one another," he wrote. L'Hermione will ply across the Atlantic for 27 days en route to Yorktown, Virginia, where it plans to arrive in early June. After that, it will show itself off in 12 ports along the East Coast. It should be in New York City for the Fourth of July, possibly sharing Independence Day fireworks with the Statue of Liberty. Since 1886, that gift from France -- also a reminder of our common bond -- has been America's quintessential national symbol of freedom.
L'Hermione is a painstaking replica of an 18th century ship of the same name . The original fought with American colonists against the British in the Revolutionary War .
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(CNN)Marvel Comics superhero Hawkeye is a master with the bow and arrow. He's also got a secret super-talent at singing Ed Sheeran parodies. The" Avengers" character (played by Jeremy Renner) was a guest on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon," where he got behind the piano to showcase some of his other skills. Billboard: Jimmy Fallon hits hot 100 with 'Ew!,' featuring . "Listen I've got powers too, and they're pretty sweet. I promise I can do so much more than just archery," he crooned to a reworked version of "Thinking Out Loud". Those talents, we're told, include his collection of scarves and berets, his abilities on the trombone and he can open a pickle jar. Nope, Thor would definitely thump him in a fight. Renner has proved he's more than a one-hit wonder by starring in both "Avengers" films, the Oscar-winning "The Hurt Locker," "American Hustle: and films in the "Bourne" and "Mission Impossible" franchises. Watch the clip below: . See the original story at ©2015 Billboard. All Rights Reserved.
Renner showed off his vocal skills . He sang an Ed Sheeran hit .
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Marvel Hawkeye is a He' s - Ed Sheeran parodies " Avengers " Jeremy Renner was a guest on " The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to of his . and he in has " Avengers " films, the .
Atlanta (CNN)A judge, declaring he wasn't "comfortable" with seven-year prison terms given earlier to three educators in the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal, on Thursday reduced their sentences to three years in prison. "I'm not comfortable with it," Fulton County Superior Court Judge Jerry Baxter said of the sentences he handed down to the three defendants April 14. "When a judge goes home and he keeps thinking over and over that something's wrong, something is usually wrong." Tamara Cotman, Sharon Davis-Williams and Michael Pitts also were ordered Thursday to serve seven years on probation, pay $10,000 fines and work 2,000 hours in community service. Baxter had come under fire from some community leaders for giving prison sentences to eight teachers and administrators who stood trial and were convicted of racketeering. They'd been accused of taking part in an effort to raise tests scores at struggling schools by erasing wrong answers and putting in correct answers. Outside of court, Benjamin Davis, the lawyer for Cotman, questioned the judge's rationale in handing down heavy sentences a few weeks ago. "I had never seen a judge conduct himself in that way," he said. "What was going on with Judge Baxter?" Davis-Williams said she was pleased judge Baxter changed his mind. Her attorney, Teresa Mann, added, "We are happy. We are elated that judge Baxter took the opportunity to reflect." Cotman, Davis-Williams and Pitts, all school reform team executive directors, got the harshest sentences during an April 14 hearing: Seven years in prison, 13 years of probation and $25,000 fines. Baxter said of his change of mind: "I'm going to put myself out to pasture in the not-too-distant future and I want to be out in the pasture without any regrets." During the earlier sentencing hearing, Baxter was frustrated when defendants didn't admit their guilt. "Everybody knew cheating was going on and your client promoted it," Baxter said to an attorney representing Davis-Williams. At one point he said, "These stories are incredible. These kids can't read." At a press conference held April 17, most of the convicted educators insisted they were innocent. "I didn't cheat. I'm not a racketeer," said Diane Buckner-Webb, a former elementary teacher. All defendants sentenced to prison have appealed and are out on bond. The lower prison sentences given to other defendants -- ranging from one to two years -- have not been reduced. Prosecutors said the cheating is believed to date back to 2001, when scores on statewide aptitude tests improved greatly, according to a 2013 indictment. The indictment also states that for at least four years, between 2005 and 2009, test answers were altered, fabricated or falsely certified. Michael Bowers, a former Georgia attorney general who investigated the cheating scandal, said in 2013 that there were "cheating parties," erasures in and out of classrooms, and teachers were told to make changes to student answers on tests. Bowers said he heard that educators cheated out of pride, to earn bonuses, to enhance their careers or to keep their jobs. Of 35 Atlanta educators indicted in 2013, more than 20 took a plea deal. Twelve educators went on trial six months ago, with 11 convicted and one acquitted on April 1. Of the 11 convicted, two took a deal in which they admitted guilt, waived their right to appeal and received much lighter sentences. One defendant was giving birth during the sentencing phase not been sentenced. On Thursday, Baxter urged the defendants to engage in community service while they're appealing. He said that might lighten the punishment if the convictions are upheld. The judge said he was tired of dealing with the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal, which he referred to as "this mess." "I'm ready to move on. So, anyway, adios," Baxter said, and ended the hearing.
"I had never seen a judge conduct himself in that way," defendant's lawyer says . A judge reduces prison sentences for 3 educators in the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal . "I'm not comfortable with it," Judge Jerry Baxter said of the original longer sentences .
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judge, he ' t " seven - terms to educators in the Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal, on reduced their sentences to three years in prison . " I' m not comfortable with it Judge Jerry Baxter defendants . a ' s probation teachers and were convicted of lawyer for :
New Delhi, India (CNN)As the earth shook in Nepal, tremors were felt over the border in India as well. It was a call to action: Within hours of the first 7.8 magnitude quake, India began planning a massive cross-border aid mission. With each hour, the scale of the devastation in Nepal became clearer -- some 3,862 people are known to have died so far -- and plans in India, where 72 people were also killed, got bigger. On Sunday alone, India delivered 187 tons of supplies, including 50 tons of water, 22 tons of food and 2 tons of medicine. And there will be more to come. Hundreds of trained disaster relief troops landed in Kathmandu and quickly got to work. With each flight in, there was a flight back out, packed with Indians and other nationals escaping to safety: 2,000 and counting have fled so far. By Monday, India was in full-scale crisis mode: From airports across India, planes flew in loaded with aid, and trucks made the trip by land from India's east, aiming for more remote areas. On the ground: Devastation in Nepal . India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made a special effort over Nepal. He has visited the country twice in his first year in office. And on Sunday, in his national radio address to the nation, he said Indians needed to "wipe the tears of every Nepali, hold their hands, and stand with them." It all highlights the more proactive role taken by India in recent months. Just weeks ago, India flexed its military muscle to rescue Indians and other nationals from conflict-torn Yemen. Now, it is taking the lead in Nepal. Some might say India's friendship is a signal for the other big country that shares a border with Nepal: China. A display of hard power, perhaps to achieve enduring soft power in the region. But in times like this, help is always welcome. First there's the immediate search and rescue operation, and then the long process of rebuilding work. Nepal will need India's friendship -- as well as China's -- for many long months ahead.
India has launched a massive aid mission to its earthquake-hit neighbor Nepal . Disaster relief troops and tons of food, water and medicine have been flown in .
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in to of the 7 8 quake, India cross - border aid mission of the 3 , 862 people to have and 187 supplies for in Nepal . India' s Modi has friendship is a border with Nepal: China .
(CNN)It seems almost silly to be writing about baseball in the context of recent events. Except it isn't. Last weekend, as Baltimore reacted to the death of Freddie Gray, the young man who died last week from a spinal cord injury he suffered while in police custody, Major League Baseball had a problem on its hands. Saturday's game between the Orioles and Red Sox had gone into extra innings in Camden Yards, with plenty of fans for both teams glued to their seats. Boston fans feel at home in Oriole Park -- a so-called retro urban park built to embrace the luxuries of modern stadiums while maintaining that nostalgic feel -- because much of it was based on Boston's Fenway Park. The Boston faithful are used to being in the heart of a city to watch sports. But when the Orioles finally pulled out a win in the 10th inning, 36,000 fans remained in their seats. They had been asked to do so by Baltimore officials due to "ongoing public safety issues." The riots of Baltimore, the peaceful marches of Baltimore, the fury and unrest of Baltimore did not seem to have had much to do with baseball. But as the always-wise Atlantic magazine writer (and Baltimore native) Ta-Nehisi Coates' take on the situation quickly went viral, it became clear that the Oriole's home stand presented a problem. Monday's game against the Chicago White Sox: postponed less than an hour before the first pitch. Tuesday's game against the White Sox: also postponed. Such action by MLB is not without precedent. In 1967 in Detroit, the 12th Street riots forced the Tigers to postpone one game and relocate others (to Baltimore, no less). After the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., MLB postponed opening day games out of fear of mob violence. In the wake of the 1992 verdict in the Rodney King beating, the Los Angeles Dodgers postponed several games. The entire league went on hiatus in the wake of the terrorism and violence of September 11, 2001. Politics threaten sports all the time. From the demonstrations against the Brazilian government before last summer's World Cup to the massacre of protesting students days before the Opening Ceremony of the Mexico City Olympics in 1968, sports knows well that it sits within the larger context of the world. Our deep investment in our teams -- beyond the tax dollars that construct the stadiums and the salaries players make (and the profits the owners and sponsors draw) -- is supposed to work to create community, to unify. Cheering for the home team is supposed to create a sense of belonging. "It's interesting that I have not yet heard anyone say that baseball or sport can heal this wound," Daniel Nathan, professor of American Studies at Skidmore College and editor of "Rooting for the Home Team: Sport, Community and Identity" told me. "People did say that in the weeks after 9/11. This is not 9/11 -- not even close. But it is a serious social and cultural rupture. Painful." What happens next is striking. After two postponements, the Orioles will play Chicago on Wednesday, but no one else will be invited. In an unprecedented move by major league baseball, the public is not invited to the final game of the series, moved to the afternoon in accordance with the curfew imposed by Baltimore's mayor. While there are a few examples of fan-less games being played in the United States, none have been for such reasons, while in Europe, there have been a handful of incidents in which soccer teams have been punished for fan behavior with fan-less games. Without fans, does baseball mean anything? When the new Camden Yards made its debut in 1992, people heralded the return of the old-time stadium smack in the middle of the city. But are the residents of that city ready to reminisce about the so-called good old days? In a recent episode of "Real Sports," Chris Rock delivered a brilliant seven-minute diatribe on the fact that less than 10% of baseball players or fans are black. "Last year, the San Francisco Giants won it all without any black guys on the team," he said. "The team the Giants had to beat to get there, the St. Louis Cardinals, had no black people. None. How could you ever be in St. Louis and see no black people?" Rock's thesis? That baseball's sense of nostalgia encompassed by places like Camden Yards does not sit well with African Americans, whose memories of the old days are anything but good. To his credit, Orioles Executive Vice President John Angelos, son of majority owner Peter Angelos, took to Twitter to prioritize the issues at hand, focusing not on the lost games, but on the "unfairly impoverished population living under an ever-declining standard of living and suffering at the butt end of an ever-more militarized and aggressive surveillance state." Yet as much of America continues to grapple with the idea that black lives matter, it is clear that the country believes sports do matter, whether or not anyone is there to watch. And with MLB's announcement that Baltimore's weekend games will be moved to Tampa, it becomes clear that the only thing that the United States has figured out about race relations, poverty, the achievement gap, police brutality, and so on is how to keep its baseball players safe and make sure that the games go on.
Amy Bass: Baltimore rioting caused postponement of two Orioles-White Sox games. Now third game of series will be played to empty stadium . She says baseball can bring cities together. But with so few black fans, players, it will be hard for Baltimore to gather around this sport to heal .
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Johannesburg (CNN)South African troops deployed Tuesday evening as part of a new government effort to stop deadly anti-immigrant violence. Their first target: the Johannesburg suburb of Jeppestown, where xenophobic violence broke out on Friday. South African police raided a Jeppestown hostel Tuesday while troops secured the perimeter. Earlier, Defense Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula announced the plan to deploy an undisclosed number of troops to areas where police are spread too thin while trying to curb deadly attacks against immigrants. "This intervention is not an indictment on the police. ... We are coming in because they need that support," she said after visiting Johannesburg's Alexandra township, one area where mobs have attacked immigrants from other African nations and looted their shops -- ostensibly based on the belief that immigrants are taking South Africans' jobs. Seven people have been killed in recent violence against poorer immigrants, many from South Africa's neighbors. Xenophobic killing caught by photographer . Much of this month's violence happened in the port city of Durban, where at least two foreigners and three South Africans were killed after mobs with machetes attacked immigrant shops. Thousands of people took temporary shelter at refugee centers or police stations as a result, according to aid group Gift of the Givers. Similar violence happened late last week in Johannesburg, where immigrant-owned shops were looted or destroyed. The attacks came as residents accused immigrants of taking their jobs and committing crimes. The unemployment rate in South Africa is 25%, according to government figures. The United Nations said the attacks began in March after a labor dispute between citizens and foreign workers. What's behind the xenophobic attacks in South Africa? CNN's Brent Swails reported from Johannesburg. CNN's Jason Hanna reported and wrote from Atlanta.
South African troops help police conduct raids in Jeppestown . Defense minister says police are spread too thin trying to prevent attacks on immigrants . Seven people have been killed in recent violence against poorer immigrants .
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South African troops to deadly anti - immigrant the Johannesburg of Jeppestown, where xenophobic violence on Friday hostel to police are attacks against immigrants and Seven people have been killed in recent . as a in South Africa is
(CNN)After a Russian fighter jet intercepted a U.S. reconnaissance plane in an "unsafe and unprofessional manner" earlier this week, the United States is complaining to Moscow about the incident. On Tuesday, a U.S. RC-135U was flying over the Baltic Sea when it was intercepted by a Russian SU-27 Flanker. The Pentagon said the incident occurred in international airspace north of Poland. The U.S. crew believed the Russian pilot's actions were "unsafe and unprofessional due to the aggressive maneuvers it performed in close proximity to their aircraft and its high rate of speed," Pentagon spokesman Mark Wright said. Russian state news agency Sputnik reported the U.S. plane was flying toward the Russian border with its transponder switched off, according to a Defense Ministry spokesman. Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said the Russian jet flew around the U.S. plane several times to identify it and get its tail number. An official with the U.S. European Command said the claim that the transponder was off was false. Wright said the Pentagon and State Department will "file the appropriate petition through diplomatic channels" with Russia. This is not the first time the U.S. has complained about an incident involving a RC-135U and a SU-27. A year ago, a Russian jet flew within 100 feet of a RC-135U over the Sea of Okhotsk in the western Pacific, according to U.S. officials who called it "one of the most dangerous close passes in decades." The Pentagon complained to the Russia military about that incident. Russian and U.S. aircraft often encounter each other, both in Northern Europe as well as the area between the Russian Far East and Alaska. CNN's Steve Brusk and Jamie Crawford contributed to this report.
The incident occurred on April 7 north of Poland in the Baltic Sea . U.S. says plane was in international airspace . Russia says it had transponder turned off and was flying toward Russia .
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Russian fighter jet intercepted U S reconnaissance plane in " unsafe and unprofessional " is complaining to Moscow about incident , a U . S . RC - 135U was flying over the Baltic Sea SU 27 airspace of Poland crew pilot the Russian border with its transponder off Russia The Pentagon complained
Caledonia, Michigan (CNN)Ben and Shelby Offrink met in college. It wasn't the most romantic setting -- a study group for calculus-based physics -- but Ben managed to turn it into a story worth telling by cheating. "I set up a study group and ended up telling the other people not to come so it would be just the two of us," said Ben with a smile. "He was sneaky," says Shelby. "Yeah, I wanted to meet her," says Ben, "and that was the best way I could figure out." Fast-forward eight years to 2014. Ben, now 34, and Shelby, a newly minted 30-year-old, were married and raising little Maeve, 3, and baby Hazel, 3 months, in Caledonia, Michigan, when life suddenly turns upside down. "I thought it was sciatica," Shelby says of the back pain and the "odd" feeling that prompted her to go to the hospital. "But I couldn't get the doctors in the ER to pay attention. So I went back the next day and told them that I was incontinent, and they did an MRI and there it was." "It" turned out to be an intramedullary glioblastoma, a highly aggressive form of brain cancer. Shelby's version was extremely rare because it was lodged in her spine instead of her brain. "So it's actually tangled into the spinal cord itself," Ben explains. "If you'd imagine a meatball inside of bunch of spaghetti, you can't just easily take it out without damaging a bunch of the spinal cord itself." Surgery removed 75%. The rest was treated with a combination of oral chemo and radiation. But suddenly a second spot above the first grew worse and the area of radiation had to be broadened. After a week of treatment, Shelby suddenly lost feeling in her legs. Unfortunately, the numbness became permanent. Before long, Shelby was paralyzed from the belly button down. But that didn't stop her fighting spirit or her sense of humor. Shelby nicknamed her tumors and decided to "terminate" them. "You pronounce it as 'tumah tumah-nator,'" Ben says. "Like how Arnold Schwarzenegger would say it if he had a tumor." As Shelby continued to fight and improve, in August 2014, Ben got some terrible news. The Hodgkins lymphoma he had fought and battled into remission when he was 20 had reappeared. And it probably had been hiding in his body for a few years, making it extremely hard to overcome. "I thought it was never a concern again," Ben says. "The procedures I went through, having a bone marrow transplant, I thought there wouldn't be any issues. It's been over 15 years. It caught everyone completely off guard." Ben was slated for a clinical trial with an experimental drug, but his alkaline phosphate levels were too high to meet the requirements. With no other options in the Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor or Detroit areas, he is now on generalized chemotherapy, hoping it will force the cancer into remission so he can undergo a bone marrow transplant. Two donors have been found that are a perfect match, if the cancer will respond. "As it goes on, they are saying it's getting harder and harder to treat," he says. "It's just like a car picking up speed. Eventually you're going to have 5 million cells, it's just going to keep growing and growing." Suddenly, both parents were undergoing the nausea, fatigue and discomfort of chemotherapy while trying to raise two small children. "Some days it does feel like a battle," Ben admits. "The days you are feeling absolutely horrible you don't even want to get out of bed, but you know you have to because you have to take care of the girls or help Shelby. Some days it's just way tougher than others." Friends and family became critical to the family's success, taking over updates to the family's online journal, and running fundraisers for medical expenses and building supplies to make the house wheelchair-friendly. "We'd had an amazing support group," Ben says. "Shelby has friends from high school who will drop everything to help us out at a moment's notice. And the community, it's just amazing for people to help that much. " "Even outside of our community, people we don't even know," adds Shelby, wiping a tear from her eye. "We've had care packages sent from Ireland, Sweden and Australia. It means a lot." This January came the worst news yet. Shelby's cancer, which had retreated from her spine, suddenly appeared in her brain. Three tumors. Inoperable. What is Shelby's reaction? "I'm not giving up," she says. "Ben and I have a long road ahead of us. We know it's going to be hard, but we're going to do it." "For me it's just something that you have to do," Ben says. "You have to fight it and you have to beat it because there is no option." Maeve, who is 4 years old now, and Hazel, 1, will have a home with Ben's brother if the worst is to happen, and friends are setting up fundraisers for the girls' education. But that's not the focus of Ben and Shelby's fight. They want to get well. "Yeah, we have two little ladies we have to take care of," Shelby says, "and lots of family and friends that care about us." "She's not just doing it for herself, she's doing it for her whole family, especially her girls and her husband, Ben," said Jay Tomczak, Shelby's older brother. "She's not going to ever give up. What we really need is hope." The Offrinks would like help finding clinical trials to address the rare cancers they are fighting, as well as access to cancer centers with more advanced techniques than are available in Michigan. "We're going to get all of our information and would like to go to Harvard or Mayo (Clinic) or places where maybe they do have more experience, and act in a shorter time frame," Shelby says. "If, right now, we can find two or three trials that maybe Shelby can get into, or a trial drug for me to try instead of the path I'm on right now, it could definitely benefit us," adds Ben. "We just can't wait," Shelby says. Her prognosis is about six months, she says, and a year for her husband. "Never give up, because there's no reason to. Just keep fighting," Shelby says. She breaks into tears: "Especially when you have someone special to fight for and everyone has someone special to fight for -- there's no one who doesn't."
UPDATE: Shelby Offrink lost her battle to cancer on June 28, 2015 . Offrink was diagnosed at 30 with rare inoperable brain cancer . Her husband, Ben, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, which had been in remission 15 years .
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(CNN)Jackson Gordon is no ordinary 21-year-old. By day he is an industrial design student at Philadelphia University, but Gordon has another side to him -- a side altogether darker, tougher and more enigmatic. Hanging in his workshop Gordon has a full suit of armor plating, cape and cowl -- matte black and built to stop a knife. Gordon has an alter ego: the Dark Knight himself, Batman. You might expect his origin story to be cloaked in mystery, but speaking to CNN Gordon is quick to explain how the transformation took place. Gordon says his calling came five years ago when he began experimenting with cosplay. "Previously I'd been involved with costume making... I'd made a version of the Batsuit from Christopher Nolan's 'Dark Knight Trilogy' and I really liked that suit," Gordon says. But, as elaborate as his design was, it lacked the functionality or the authenticity of the genuine article. "I was frustrated every time I wore it," Gordon explains. "It really limited my mobility and I didn't like that -- it didn't go with the character." In September 2014 he bit the bullet, deciding "to do another one that wouldn't inhibit my mobility and would actually provide protection and function more like Batman's actual suit." The Batsuit had to be strong -- tough enough to withstand the stab or slash of a knife, the impact of a punch or a baseball bat, but light and articulate enough to make it practical. Striking such a balance required expensive materials, and they didn't come cheap. Gordon therefore fired up a Kickstarter campaign. He "didn't really think anyone would fund it or even be interested in it" -- he raised $1,255 in 6 days. "It was a little surprising," Gordon demurs. Writing out his shopping list, it was important that "everywhere, even places without armor plating, had some sort of protection." Kevlar was sourced as the base fabric, making it "cut and slash resistant to bladed weapons, but breathable and wearable all day." Eschewing conventional materials, Gordon opted for a form of memory foam, built around key areas to "squish and compress," dissipating the impact of blows. After much experimenting with "polycarbonates and extruded PVC materials," ¼" Kydex (or ABS) plastic formed the tough armor plates, located on the torso, forearms and shins. Stab resistant, Gordon says "it can take anything but a gunshot." The cowl was more problematic, being "nearly impossible" to craft out of the same materials within the limits of his workshop. Gordon therefore took a mold of his head using Sintra plastic, "working on top of that with different sculpting clays and soft plastics to get it into a recognizable Batman shape." Using a two part box mold Gordon was able to create a "silicone jacket" of this, into which liquid polyurethane was poured, forming the final, "durable and functional" cowl. Gordon (who doesn't appear to be related to Gotham City's police commissioner, James Gordon) is also an expert in Shaolin Kung Fu: he is both brains and brawn, a cross between Bruce Wayne and Batsuit designer Lucius Fox from Nolan's Batman trilogy. Legendary, the production company behind the films, has taken note of his design and given it their seal of approval. The Batsuit has made appearances at conventions and proved a showstopper among his fellow students and the faculty. "People love the theatricality of it," its designer says. That the product so closely mimics DC's fantastical comic book creation has had resonance. He has already begun manufacturing the cowls for the public, with "fully adjustable" jackets going up for sale on his site Armatus Design "in the next couple of weeks." The jackets have received particular attention. Gordon has received "easily over 50 requests from people," and not just from the cosplay community. "They range from recreational use to martial artists... but also motorcycle and All Terrain Vehicle riders who want protective gear and prefer the look and functionality of [Gordon's] suit." Perhaps because of their versatility and the small matter of copyright issues, those that go on sale will not feature the iconic bat symbol. Gordon says his fledgling business will remain small whilst he's at University -- he has to finish he studies after all, and won't be using the project towards his degree credits. For now the Batsuit and Armatus Design will remain a one man operation: such is the life of a superhero.
21-year-old student Jackson Gordon has designed and built a functional Batsuit . Made with money raised on Kickstarter, the outfit has received a prestigious endorsement .
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Jackson Gordon is 21 - - he to a and in his suit armor a knife . Gordon has an alter ego the Dark Knight himself, Batman . says with of the Batsuit ' s , and He " The cowl was
(CNN)Working as a warden in Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park, home to the endangered mountain gorilla, Edwin Sabuhoro was determined to do whatever was necessary to protect the animals he was committed to defend -- including putting himself in harm's way. Following a series of incidents in 2004 where wildlife had been lost, Sabuhoro volunteered to infiltrate poachers on their own turf by disguising as a potential buyer for a baby gorilla. The mission was successful and the culprits were put to prison. "I felt so bad that I had put these people in jail -- but I felt so good that I saved a baby gorilla," recalls Sabuhoro, whose next move was to visit the jailed poachers, as well as their families, to apologize for tricking them and find the reasons behind their actions. What he heard was stories of starvation and desperation. Poaching, he found, was the only way for these people to survive. "That's when I decided that what I was doing was not part of giving a solution to what is wanted outside the park," says Sabuhoro. He quickly decided to quit the job and come up with an idea to help poachers make a living -- a plan that didn't include killing wildlife. "I thought of an idea of turning poachers to farmers," says Sabuhoro, who took all of his savings -- $2,000 -- and divided it to poachers to rent land, buy seeds and start farming. "I left them with that and they started farming, and when I came back six months after I found they had harvested enough -- they had enough food at home, but they were [also] selling more in the markets." But Sabuhoro wasn't finished. While talking to tourists who came to visit the volcanoes, Sabuhoro came up with an idea to capitalize on their interest in the area, and provide work for former poachers. "I started a tour company called Rwanda Eco Tours, and I said for tourism to thrive in the country we need eco-tourism where tourists can give back to the community and then the communities will have an incentive to conserve the park. So we built a cultural village in 2006 -- before we finished, we had tourists visiting us." he says. "In 2010, we got $30,000 net income from the cultural village and put this back to different activities in the village level." Sabuhoro, whose work with the cultural village has received international recognition, including a chance to briefly meet U.S. president Barack Obama as a Young African Leader, is now trying to take his idea further to other national parks across Africa where poaching is causing similar problems. "If we can work together, on a regional level, continent level, we can save these species," he says. "Because these are the last species that we have. And as human beings we can't afford to fail the wildlife." Watch this: Meeting the men who poach Rwanda's gorillas . Watch this: Flourishing community protects gorillas . More from African Voices .
Conservationist Edwin Sabuhoro founded a cultural village in Rwanda . The village provides work for poachers and unemployed youth .
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(CNN)A hooded angel with black wings appeared on Tuesday near the spot where Walter Scott was shot and killed by a police officer in North Charleston, South Carolina, on Saturday. Since then, it's been taken up as an icon of the Black Lives Matter movement. When protesters held the winged figure at a Wednesday morning rally outside North Charleston's City Hall, the artwork was widely photographed. Creator Phillip Hyman grew up in the neighborhood where Scott, an unarmed black man, was shot in the back several times by a white police officer on Saturday. Hyman now lives in another part of the city and couldn't stop thinking about it. He woke up about 3 a.m. a couple of days after Scott was killed and began searching for materials. "Art is really about that moment. I just couldn't take it any longer," he said. Hyman dug into the trash and found a piece of wood that was the perfect size. Then he picked up a can of black house paint and started making the reclaimed wood into a work of art. The 56-year-old said he crafted the artwork as a way of mourning with the family. "That's who all this should really be about, not about the propaganda and making it your own story," said Hyman, who talks quickly and passionately about his subject material. "Shooting him in the back and just the indignity of it all." The figure, painted black in mourning for the family, has wings because it's going to heaven, Hyman said. The man depicted in Hyman's piece is dressed in a hooded sweatsuit, though that's not what Scott was wearing when he was killed. Hyman said he prefers not to say too much about who the black angel figure is. People can look at the art and make their own interpretations, he said. "It's a statement of where we are in America today. It's relevant in Charleston, Ferguson, Florida, anywhere now." After Hyman put the piece up on Tuesday near where Scott was killed, he got a call from a local protester with the Black Lives Matter movement, which has staged protests around the country in the wake of high-profile deaths at the hands of police. The group asked for permission to use his artwork in its demonstrations at the North Charleston City Hall. Hyman was happy to oblige. Each day, the protesters call Hyman and he either carries the angel-winged artwork to the protest, or the protesters come over to his home to pick it up. "It's taken a life of its own, so I'm letting it do what it's supposed to do now," he said. Freelance photographer Joel Woodhall spotted the artwork and wondered where it came from. Woodhall, who lives in nearby Charleston, said the artwork made him feel sorrow for a life ended too soon. "It was very emotionally moving. It's beautiful," he told CNN. This isn't the first time Hyman has used artwork to effect change: He restored a local theater to its former glory. He commemorated Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday by painting a mural in a bad neighborhood that needed light. Hyman's wife, Kay, says her husband always paints from the heart. "To see this recognized, he just goes into tears because it's very special to him."
The Walter Scott shooting inspired a local artist to create artwork . Phillip Hyman crafted the angel-winged artwork in the middle of the night . Protesters from the Black Lives Matter movement have started using it as his symbol .
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A hooded angel with black wings near where Walter Scott was shot and killed by a police officer in North Charleston, Carolina, on Saturday . of the Black Lives Matter movement . Phillip man man art the artwork as a The figure mourning for to in Hyman' s piece is up
(CNN)Hey, look what I did. That small boast on social media can trigger a whirlwind that spins into real-life grief, as a Texas veterinarian found out after shooting a cat. Dr. Kristen Lindsey allegedly shot an arrow into the back of an orange tabby's head and posted a proud photo this week on Facebook of herself smiling, as she dangled its limp body by the arrow's shaft. Lindsey added a comment, CNN affiliate KBTX reported. "My first bow kill, lol. The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it's head! Vet of the year award ... Gladly accepted." Callers rang the phones hot at Washington County's Animal Clinic, where Lindsey worked, to vent their outrage. Web traffic crashed its website. High price of public shaming on the Internet . Then an animal rescuer said that Lindsey's prey was probably not a feral cat but the pet of an elderly couple, who called him "Tiger." He had gone missing on Wednesday, the same day that Lindsey posted the photo of the slain cat. CNN has not been able to confirm the claim. As the firestorm grew, Lindsey wrote in the comments underneath her post: "no I did not lose my job. Lol. Psshh. Like someone would get rid of me. I'm awesome!" That prediction was wrong. The clinic fired Lindsey, covered her name on its marquee with duct tape, and publicly distanced itself from her actions. "Our goal now is to go on and try to fix our black eye and hope that people are reasonable and understand that those actions don't anyway portray what we're for here at Washington Animal Clinic," said Dr. Bruce Buenger. "We put our heart and soul into this place." The clinic told WBTX that Lindsey was not available for comment. CNN is reaching out to her. She removed her controversial post then eventually shut down her Facebook page. Callers also complained to the Brenham Police Department and Washington County Animal Control, as her Facebook post went viral. The sheriff's office in Austin County, where the cat was apparently shot, is investigating, and Lindsey could face charges. Its dispatchers were overloaded with calls, the sheriff posted on Facebook. "We are asking you to please take it easy on our dispatchers. As soon as the investigation is complete, we will post the relevant information here on this page," the post read. Animal rights activists are pushing for charges. "Animal cruelty must be taken seriously, and the guilty parties should be punished to the fullest extent of the law," said cat advocacy activist Becky Robinson. Her organization, Alley Cat Allies, is offering a $7,500 reward for evidence leading to the arrest and conviction of the person who shot the cat. But others stood up for Lindsey. "She's amazing. She's caring," said customer Shannon Stoddard. "She's a good vet, so maybe her bad choice of posting something on Facebook was not good. But I don't think she should be judged for it." She dropped off balloons at the animal clinic for Lindsey with a thank you note. CNN's Jeremy Grisham contributed to this report.
Dr. Kristen Lindsey has since removed the post of her holding the dead cat by an arrow . Her employer fired her; the sheriff's office is investigating . Activist offers $7,500 reward .
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on Texas a cat . Dr . Kristen Lindsey allegedly shot an arrow into the an tabby' s head and posted a " feral is at Animal Clinic, , to . was " the photo of the in The clinic She her Facebook post charges
(CNN)The seventh installment of the "Fast and Furious" franchise," "Furious 7" is sure to draw fans curious about how the film handles the real-life death of co-star Paul Walker. But minus the off-screen tragedy, is "Furious 7" worth racing to the theater? Here's what the critics are saying: . Peter Travers, Rolling Stone: " 'Furious 7' is the best F&F by far, two hours of pure pow fueled by dedication and passionate heart. This one sticks with you. The usual flaws -- plot bumps, muscle acting, tweet-length dialogue -- fade in the face of the camaraderie on and off screen. Finishing the film in Walker's honor clearly brought out the best in everyone. It's bittersweet seeing Walker in action again. But it's also a kick to watch him take the wheel or hang off a bus in Azerbaijan that happens to be hanging off a cliff. He feels at home." Chris Nashawaty, Entertainment Weekly: "No one forks over 10 bucks to see one of these flicks for its logic. We go for the bananas demolition-derby mayhem. 'Furious 7' delivers that with the direct visceral rush of an EpiPen. For two hours and change, we're treated to a high-octane orgy of some of the most exhilarating stunts ever put on film, including one showstopper where Walker balances on an overturned bus that's teetering on the edge of a cliff." Chris Ziegler, The Verge: "It's entirely possible, of course, that my fandom has simply blinded me to 'Furious 7's' greatness. The action sequences -- particularly Abu Dhabi, with the supercar leaping between buildings -- are legitimately phenomenal, and the scenes filmed after Walker's passing, in which his brothers stepped in for him, were never distracting or even noticeable without looking closely. Maybe I'm missing something." A.O. Scott, New York Times: "The final moments, when Mr. Walker's longtime colleagues say their farewells while he still appears to be on screen with them, are both awkward and moving. They remind you what these movies have always been about, underneath all the noise and the bravado: the ferocity of friendship and the terrible speed of loss." Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times: "The action sequences -- from hand-to-hand combat to the crash and burn of cars -- are, as we've come to expect, not grounded in reality. The parkour-influenced high-rise stunts that everyone will be talking about are particularly affecting because a) they feature the multimillion-dollar eye-candy of a jewel-encrusted limited-edition Lykan Hypersport and b) they are amazing. All of the driving and skydiving fall into the never-try-this-at-home zone." Richard Lawson, Vanity Fair: "The latest film, which opens Friday, can't help but take on some deeper meaning, as the death of main cast member Paul Walker, killed in a car accident in late 2013, looms large throughout. But it doesn't overwhelm -- Furious 7 is respectful, even solemn, when it needs to be, but is still, thank God, plenty of crazy fun."
The film is out in theaters today . Co-star Paul Walker died during production . Critics say "Furious 7" is bittersweet and "plenty of crazy fun"
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The seventh of the " Fast and Furious " franchise is - death Paul , is " Furious 7 " critics . best by two hours the film in Walker' s to a
(CNN)Eyewitness video showing white North Charleston police Officer Michael Slager shooting to death an unarmed black man has exposed discrepancies in the reports of the first officers on the scene. Slager has been fired and charged with murder in the death of 50-year-old Walter Scott. A bystander's cell phone video, which began after an alleged struggle on the ground between Slager and Scott, shows the five-year police veteran shooting at Scott eight times as Scott runs away. Scott was hit five times. If words were exchanged between the men, they're are not audible on the tape. It's unclear what happened before Scott ran, or why he ran. The officer initially said that he used a Taser on Scott, who, Slager said, tried to take the weapon. Before Slager opens fire, the video shows a dark object falling behind Scott and hitting the ground. It's unclear whether that is the Taser. Later in the video, when Slager approaches Scott's body, Slager appears to drop a dark object near Scott. Slager is seen in the video handcuffing Scott after the shooting. Witness: I nearly erased shooting video out of fear . Feidin Santana, the witness who recorded the video, said he didn't see Scott grab Slager's Taser. His account contradicts what Slager told dispatchers. In two interviews with NBC, Santana said that he was walking to his job in North Charleston on Saturday morning when he saw Slager chase Scott, who had been pulled over for a broken taillight. Santana told NBC's Lester Holt on Wednesday that he saw the two men struggling on the ground. "They were down on the (ground) ... before I started recording," Santana said. "I remember the police (officer) had control of the situation. He had control of Scott." Santana said he heard the sound of a Taser being used. He believed Scott was trying to get away from it. But Scott never got the Taser or used it on the officer, Santana told NBC. Who was Walter Scott? A North Charleston Police report included brief statements from eight police officers, but not Slager. One officer, identified as Sgt. J. Gann, said in the report he was conducting a separate traffic stop about 9:30 a.m. Saturday when he heard -- apparently via radio -- Slager say he was "in foot pursuit" of another motorist. Gann said that while driving to the officer's location, "Slager advised that he deployed his Taser and (requested) back up units." Seconds later, Gann reported, he heard Slager tell a dispatcher, "Shots fired and the subject is down. He took my Taser." Hours after the shooting, The Post and Courier of Charleston quoted a statement from police spokesman Spencer Pryor, who said Slager attempted to use his Taser to stop a fleeing suspect. The men struggled over the device, with the suspect taking the Taser and attempting to use it against Slager, the newspaper reported. In the police report, another officer, J. Banias, said he was heading to the scene about 10 minutes after the initial call. Slager asked him to "secure his vehicle at the site of the traffic stop." Banias said he spoke to a passenger in the car Scott was driving. "The passenger was ... detained and placed in the back seat of my vehicle," the officer reported. The passenger's identity was not given in the report, but the officer said in the report that the passenger was detained. Scott family spokesman Ryan Julison confirmed to CNN that a man was with Scott and said he is not related to the family. The family declined to provide any more information. A timeline of events . The North Charleston Police Department is not providing additional information, citing an ongoing investigation of Scott's killing by the independent South Carolina Law Enforcement Division. Gann said when he arrived at the shooting scene, an officer identified only as Habersham "was administering first aid" to Scott. "I exited my vehicle and assisted Officer Habersham with first aid and CPR to the driver," Gann said in the report. "We continued to perform first aid and CPR until EMS arrived... When EMS and first responders arrived, EMS took care over providing care to the driver, who was pronounced deceased a short time later." Habersham, in his account, did not mention performing CPR. "I attempted to render aid to the victim by applying pressure to the gunshot wounds and (directing) the best route for EMS and fire to get to the victim faster," he said in the report. An officer identified as Sgt. Webb said that he requested an ambulance. Webb said that at 9:41 a.m. he saw Habersham "administering chest compression to the defendant." North Charleston Police Chief Eddie Driggers was asked at a news conference this week whether CPR was performed on Scott. "I do not know. I was told that life-saving ... that they tried to save his life," Driggers said. North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey added that not every North Charleston police officer is CPR certified. What we know about Officer Slager .
More questions than answers emerge in controversial S.C. police shooting . Officer Michael Slager, charged with murder, was fired from the North Charleston Police Department .
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Eyewitness video Charleston police Officer Michael Slager shooting to death of officers fired and charged with murder in the Walter Scott, shows the officer a Taser on Scott, : . witness Slager' s he was
(CNN)The Golden State could soon refer to the hue of California's lawns. Gov. Jerry Brown on Wednesday imposed mandatory water restrictions for the first time on residents, businesses and farms, ordering cities and towns in the drought-ravaged state to reduce usage by 25%. "We're in a new era," Brown said. "The idea of your nice little green grass getting lots of water every day, that's going to be a thing of the past." The 25% cut in usage amounts to roughly 1.5 million acre-feet of water (an acre foot of water equals about 325,000 gallons) over the next nine months, state officials said. "This historic drought demands unprecedented action," Brown said, standing on a patch of dry, brown grass in the Sierra Nevada mountains that is usually blanketed by up to 5 feet of snow. The reduction in water use does not apply to the agriculture industry, except for the requirement that it report more information on its groundwater use. The exclusion prompted some criticism, as agriculture uses about 80% of California's developed water supply. Farms in the state have taken a hit, with reduced water allocations and thousands of farmworkers laid off. But climate writer Eric Holthaus of Slate wrote that "wasteful agriculture is literally sucking California dry." The action comes as the Sierra Nevada snowpack, which Californians rely on heavily during the summer for their water needs, is near a record low. One famed golf course group said it should be able to keep its fairways and greens green. David Stivers, an executive vice president of the Pebble Beach company, said his company is studying the restrictions to see what effect it will have on business. "It will not affect our golf course irrigation because we use recycled waste water (for golf course irrigation) from a plant we built in 1994," he said. The company operates Pebble Beach Golf Links, Spyglass Hill Golf Course and The Links at Spanish Bay as well as three hotels. He said the drought has yet to hurt revenue. "People up here are also very conscious about water usage and the expense of water in this area," he said. Pepperdine University in Malibu, known for its beautiful campus, said it would be challenging to meet the restrictions given the water-saving practices already in effect. The school already uses recycled and reclaimed water for campus irrigation and now it has turned off all fountains on campus, according to Rhiannon Bailard, director of the university's Center for Sustainability. The university was also encouraging students to further reduce water usage. In addition, Brown's executive order will: . • Impose significant cuts in water use on campuses, golf courses, cemeteries and other large landscapes. • Replace 50 million square feet of lawns throughout the state with "drought-tolerant landscaping." • Create a temporary, statewide consumer rebate program to replace old appliances with water efficient models. • Prohibit new homes and developments from irrigating with potable water unless water-efficient drip irrigation systems are used. • Ban watering of ornamental grass on public street medians. • Require agricultural water users to report more water use information to state regulators, increasing the state's ability to enforce against illegal diversions and waste. "It's a different world," Brown said Wednesday. "We have to act differently." A staggering 11 trillion gallons are needed for California to recover from the emergency. The estimate is based on NASA satellite data analysis of how much water the state's reserves lack. That's more than 14,000 times the amount of water it would take to fill the Dallas Cowboys stadium, according to CNN calculations. It's the amount of water that flows over Niagara Falls in about 170 days' time. The entire state faces at least a moderate drought, and more than half of the state faces the worst category of dryness, called an exceptional drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. California isn't the only state feeling an absence of rain. As of late September, 30% of the Lower 48 faced at least a moderate drought, particularly in the Southwest states neighboring California and in Texas, the Drought Monitor says. But none of those states is facing the extremes of California, where the drought has been a slowly building natural disaster since 2012. In fact, Brown last year declared a state emergency, saying his constituents are facing "perhaps the worst drought that California has ever seen since records (began) about 100 years ago." Opinion: The end of the LA lawn . On September 16, Brown signed "historic legislation" that created "a framework for sustainable, local groundwater management for the first time in California history," the governor's office said. Before the new legislation, California was the only Western state that didn't manage its groundwater, officials said. Last month, Brown unveiled an emergency $1 billion spending plan to tackle the state's historic drought. According to the State Water Resources Control Board, the package will specifically accelerate $128 million from the governor's budget to provide direct assistance to workers and affected communities. Proposition 1 funding, which enacted the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014, will funnel $272 million into safe drinking water efforts and maintenance of water recycling infrastructure. Some $660 million from Prop 1 will also be accelerated for flood protection in urban and rural areas. As part of the changes, Brown said additional measures will crack down on water inefficiency as California enters the fourth year of a worsening water crisis. The March snowpack measurement came in at 0.9 inches of water content in the snow, just 5% of the March 3 historical average for the measurement site. The overall water content for the Northern Sierra snowpack came in at 4.4 inches, just 16% of average for the date. Central and southern Sierra readings were 5.5 inches (20% of average) and 5 inches (22% of average) respectively. Only in 1991 has the water content of the snow been lower. CNN's Tony Marco, Amanda Watts, Ben Brumfield, Michael Martinez, Sara Sidner, Alexandra Meeks and Traci Tamura contributed to this report.
Pepperdine University seeks ways to meet new usage allowances, turns off fountains . Drought-stricken California for the first time imposes water restrictions . Executive order demands that cities and towns reduce water usage by 25% .
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to . Gov . Jerry Brown on mandatory water restrictions for the , cities and drought state to reduce usage by 25 " in a " The cut in 1 5 million - feet of water use % of California' s agriculture is Sierra Nevada snow golf course
(CNN)From the giant sequoias of Yosemite to the geysers of Yellowstone, the United States' national parks were made for you and me. And for Saturday and Sunday, they're also free. Though most of the National Park Service's 407 sites are free year-round, the 128 parks that charge a fee -- like Yellowstone and Yosemite -- will be free those two days. It's all part of National Park Week, happening April 18 through April 26, and it's hosted by the National Park Service and the National Park Foundation. Check out night-time astronomy parties, daytime Revolutionary War programs, Earth Day parties and family-friendly Junior Ranger activities at national park sites across the country. Not sure how to start? Go to to learn more about park sites near you. Go to for more ideas on how to explore. Then the park service wants people to share their stories using the hashtag #FindYourPark and at
It's National Park Week, and that means the parks are free April 18-19 . Stargazing, Revolutionary War programs and other fun happens this week .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 7605, 5, 3065, 16721, 139, 5003, 9, 29368, 7, 5, 5473, 2459, 268, 9, 30153, 6, 5, 315, 532, 108, 632, 6768, 58, 156, 13, 47, 8, 162, 4, 178, 13, 378, 8, 395, 6, 51, 214, 67, 481, 4, 3791, 144, 9, 5, 496, 861, 1841, 18, 32301, 3091, 32, 481, 76, 12, 3431, 6, 5, 13950, 6768, 14, 1427, 10, 4029, 480, 101, 30153, 8, 29368, 480, 40, 28, 481, 167, 80, 360, 4, 85, 18, 70, 233, 9, 496, 861, 2852, 6, 2909, 587, 504, 149, 587, 973, 6, 8, 24, 18, 4457, 30, 5, 496, 861, 1841, 8, 5, 496, 861, 2475, 4, 4254, 66, 363, 12, 958, 36095, 1799, 6, 19436, 22110, 1771, 1767, 6, 3875, 1053, 1799, 8, 284, 12, 6928, 6843, 23151, 1713, 23, 632, 2221, 3091, 420, 5, 247, 4, 1491, 686, 141, 7, 386, 116, 2381, 7, 6449, 12861, 25130, 4, 175, 7, 1532, 55, 59, 2221, 3091, 583, 47, 4, 2381, 7, 1662, 4, 11535, 15129, 3583, 4, 1957, 13, 55, 2956, 15, 141, 7, 5393, 4, 1892, 5, 2221, 544, 1072, 82, 7, 458, 49, 1652, 634, 5, 15493, 849, 38195, 12861, 25130, 8, 23, 6449, 12861, 25130, 4, 175, 4, 2 ]
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to national parks for Saturday and Sunday, of the National Park Service' s 407 sites are free - , the 128 parks a Yellowstone and Yosemite will be part National Park Week April 18 April park Park . park .
(CNN)The bored teenager who gunned down a college baseball player in Oklahoma simply because he and his two friends "had nothing to do," is now a convicted murderer. Chancey Allen Luna was found guilty of first-degree murder Friday for his role in the August 2013 drive-by shooting of Christopher Lane, a 23-year-old college student in Duncan, about 80 miles south of Oklahoma City. Luna was 16 at the time of the shooting. Lane, an Australian attending East Central University, was jogging when he was shot in the back by a gun fired by Luna. A jury recommended Friday that Luna spend life in prison without the possibility of parole, according to court records. Because he was under 18 when the crime was committed, he is not eligible for the death penalty. He'll be formally sentenced in June. The vehicle's driver, Michael Jones, pleaded guilty in March to second-degree murder and was sentenced to life in prison. Jones, who was 17 at the time of the murder, will be eligible for parole starting in 2051, according to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. Prosecutors dropped first-degree murder charges filed against the third suspect, then only 15, after he agreed to testify against Luna and Jones, according to CNN affiliate KSWO. He will now be tried as a juvenile with accessory to murder after the fact. Duncan police Chief Danny Ford told Australian radio station 3AW that when police arrested the teens, Jones offered a motive that made clear that Lane, a baseball player on scholarship, was chosen at random. "We were bored and didn't have anything to do, so we decided to kill somebody." After the verdict, Luna appeared to be crying as deputies led him out of the courtroom in handcuffs, whimpering "I'm sorry" to a reporter. CNN's Greg Botelho contributed to this report .
Chancey Luna convicted of murder for gunning down Oklahoma college student as he jogged . Police: Luna and his friends "were bored" so they decided to kill somebody .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 133, 23809, 7044, 54, 25907, 159, 10, 1564, 3403, 869, 11, 4020, 1622, 142, 37, 8, 39, 80, 964, 22, 12186, 1085, 7, 109, 60, 16, 122, 10, 3828, 28051, 4, 6101, 219, 3823, 24089, 21, 303, 2181, 9, 78, 12, 5743, 1900, 273, 13, 39, 774, 11, 5, 830, 1014, 1305, 12, 1409, 1094, 9, 5469, 5503, 6, 10, 883, 12, 180, 12, 279, 1564, 1294, 11, 11123, 6, 59, 1812, 1788, 2077, 9, 4020, 412, 4, 24089, 21, 545, 23, 5, 86, 9, 5, 1094, 4, 5503, 6, 41, 2059, 5190, 953, 1505, 589, 6, 21, 1236, 24096, 77, 37, 21, 738, 11, 5, 124, 30, 10, 1751, 2277, 30, 24089, 4, 83, 3940, 5131, 273, 14, 24089, 1930, 301, 11, 1789, 396, 5, 3302, 9, 10956, 6, 309, 7, 461, 2189, 4, 3047, 37, 21, 223, 504, 77, 5, 1846, 21, 2021, 6, 37, 16, 45, 4973, 13, 5, 744, 2861, 4, 91, 581, 28, 8207, 4018, 11, 502, 4, 20, 1155, 18, 1393, 6, 988, 1454, 6, 4407, 2181, 11, 494, 7, 200, 12, 5743, 1900, 8, 21, 4018, 7, 301, 11, 1789, 4, 1454, 6, 54, 21, 601, 23, 5, 86, 9, 5, 1900, 6, 40, 28, 4973, 13, 10956, 1158, 11, 291, 4708, 6, 309, 7, 5, 4020, 641, 9, 20619, 4, 7924, 1882, 78, 12, 5743, 1900, 1103, 1658, 136, 5, 371, 1985, 6, 172, 129, 379, 6, 71, 37, 1507, 7, 11172, 136, 24089, 8, 1454, 6, 309, 7, 3480, 10515, 229, 11871, 673, 4, 91, 40, 122, 28, 1381, 25, 10, 13430, 19, 21883, 7, 1900, 71, 5, 754, 4, 11123, 249, 1231, 6937, 2493, 174, 2059, 3188, 1992, 155, 10751, 14, 77, 249, 1128, 5, 7475, 6, 1454, 1661, 10, 12704, 14, 156, 699, 14, 5503, 6, 10, 3403, 869, 15, 10560, 6, 21, 4986, 23, 9624, 4, 22, 170, 58, 23809, 8, 399, 75, 33, 932, 7, 109, 6, 98, 52, 1276, 7, 3549, 4909, 72, 572, 5, 7035, 6, 24089, 1382, 7, 28, 9701, 25, 6915, 669, 123, 66, 9, 5, 12054, 11, 29374, 6, 31754, 22934, 1437, 22, 100, 437, 6661, 113, 1437, 7, 10, 4439, 4, 3480, 18, 4275, 13954, 523, 5410, 3162, 7, 42, 266, 479, 2 ]
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a college baseball player in Oklahoma and his " to do is convicted Chancey Allen Luna was found guilty of first - degree murder 2013 drive by shooting Christopher Lane, a 23 - student he was shot in the life prison parole for the death driver, Michael Jones, " .
(CNN)For Lt. Colonel John Schwemmer, the scenery is all too familiar. This is his sixth tour in Iraq, and he's back doing a job that he's been tasked with before: training Iraqi soldiers. Schwemmer and other active U.S. military personnel are on the ground in Iraq, whipping often ill-equipped government troops into shape. They've been here before, but this time, he feels, they're getting it right. But the U.S. military isn't the only contingent of Western forces in the region -- dozens of foreigners, including Americans, have volunteered to take the fight to ISIS. And increasingly, U.S. military training efforts are being supplemented by outside agencies, who are working with Kurdish government troops and even militia in Iraq and Syria. "Many of us do feel that we do have the skills and qualifications that can be used to benefit those in the region," said Ian Bradbury, a Canadian former soldier who is training Kurdish Peshmerga forces in northern Iraq. While it is difficult to say how many foreign volunteers are fighting ISIS, a spokesman for a Kurdish militia fighting against them in Syria -- known as the YPG -- told the New York Times their forces include more than 100 American citizens. U.S. law enforcement officials say it is illegal to join a Syrian militia. But some organizations have set up recruitment drives online, featuring applications for foreign fighters complete with checklists of what to bring and advice on bringing body armor across international borders. Jordan Matson, a 28-year-old former U.S. army soldier from the tiny town of Sturtevant, Wisconsin, volunteered with the YPG. He told CNN that after much soul searching he realized that he needed to help in the battle against ISIS' brutal, expansionist regime. "I got in contact with the YPG on Facebook and prayed about it for probably a month or two and asked, 'is this what I want to do?' and eventually, you know, decided to do it. "All my life I wanted to be a solider... so I guess this just fits well over here." But foreign fighters aren't universally welcomed by those opposing ISIS. The Peshmerga, the military wing of the Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) that has been one of the most effective counterbalances to ISIS' expansion, has said they don't want or need foreign fighters, according to Bradbury. "The information I've been getting back is that there's very little use for (Western fighters) on the front lines, especially on the KRG side -- they have significant numbers of personnel -- it's a source of Kurdish pride for them to rise up in scenarios like this. They more need the development assistance." Peshmerga spokesman Helgurd Hekmat also told Kurdish news wire Rudaw that it was illegal for foreigners to join their ranks. While individual fighters are not always accepted, volunteers working as military trainers are sharing their expertise to support those on the front lines of the fight against ISIS forces. Bradbury set up 1st North American Expeditionary Forces (1st NAEF), a training body which, he says, is currently providing material support and training to the Peshmerga, whose name means "those who face death," in northern Iraq. "Internal capacity building is by far the solution that you can put into a region that is suffering instability from conflict," he told CNN by phone from his base in Ottawa, Canada. "Increasing their ability to maintain stability over the long term is far better than trying to influx it with a bunch of westerners who are going to leave within a short period of time." He was prompted to establish the group after seeing "fairly significant gaps" in the support provided by the coalition forces for the Kurdish, Iraqi regular and militia ranged against ISIS. The U.S. military is "confident" that its support of the forces battling ISIS on the ground is sufficient. "We're confident the U.S. military mission of degrading and ultimately defeating (ISIS) will be found by working through our Middle Eastern partners and the international community," Maj. Omar Villarreal, Communication Integration Planner, U.S. Central Command Communication Integration Directorate, told CNN. "The training element of the mission is no different. It relies on direct and comprehensive military cooperation with regional partner nations, who share a mutual interest in promoting security. One of the goals of the train and equip program, is to build the capabilities of the moderate Syrian fighters to defend the Syrian people. We are confident in our efforts." With coalition members keen to distance themselves from calls for Western boots on the ground -- and little political appetite from overseas for risking Western troops in what many see as a sectarian conflict, Bradbury contends that the best-case scenario is exactly the kind of logistical support that organizations like 1st NAEF are providing. ISIS is keen to play up religious and sectarian divisions in order to create the perception that they are the Sunni protectors of a persecuted underclass, sending non-Arab troops into the battlefield -- even in a support role -- could play into that divisive rhetoric. Bradbury downplays this risk, saying the threat is there, and is best contained in the region. Providing noncombat backing, such as medical, weaponry, logistical and training assistance would appear, he thinks, to be the best way of supporting those Kurdish and Arab troops on the front. "Regardless of perceptions of any kind of us-against-them scenario, it absolutely is a world-against-ISIS issue that needs to take place and there definitely needs to be a global response," he said.
Foreign fighters are increasingly signing up to fight ISIS on the front lines . For some of the jihadist group's foes, foreign fighters are not welcome comrades . Training and logistical support, some argue, is the best way to support the fight against ISIS .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 2709, 8713, 4, 21253, 610, 14376, 991, 2089, 6, 5, 26815, 16, 70, 350, 2950, 4, 152, 16, 39, 2958, 2106, 11, 3345, 6, 8, 37, 18, 124, 608, 10, 633, 14, 37, 18, 57, 12639, 19, 137, 35, 1058, 7780, 3878, 4, 14376, 991, 2089, 8, 97, 2171, 121, 4, 104, 4, 831, 3775, 32, 15, 5, 1255, 11, 3345, 6, 33773, 747, 4812, 12, 29467, 168, 3517, 88, 3989, 4, 252, 348, 57, 259, 137, 6, 53, 42, 86, 6, 37, 2653, 6, 51, 214, 562, 24, 235, 4, 125, 5, 121, 4, 104, 4, 831, 965, 75, 5, 129, 16050, 9, 2027, 1572, 11, 5, 976, 480, 4295, 9, 13555, 6, 217, 1791, 6, 33, 20792, 7, 185, 5, 1032, 7, 7550, 4, 178, 3150, 6, 121, 4, 104, 4, 831, 1058, 1170, 32, 145, 39647, 30, 751, 2244, 6, 54, 32, 447, 19, 9225, 168, 3517, 8, 190, 17157, 11, 3345, 8, 1854, 4, 22, 10787, 9, 201, 109, 619, 14, 52, 109, 33, 5, 2417, 8, 18952, 14, 64, 28, 341, 7, 1796, 167, 11, 5, 976, 60, 26, 5965, 4770, 4232, 6, 10, 1563, 320, 9716, 54, 16, 1058, 9225, 24307, 41386, 1572, 11, 3285, 3345, 4, 616, 24, 16, 1202, 7, 224, 141, 171, 1093, 4618, 32, 2190, 7550, 6, 10, 1565, 13, 10, 9225, 17157, 2190, 136, 106, 11, 1854, 480, 684, 25, 5, 27165, 480, 174, 5, 188, 469, 1513, 49, 1572, 680, 55, 87, 727, 470, 2286, 4, 121, 4, 104, 4, 488, 2251, 503, 224, 24, 16, 2439, 7, 1962, 10, 3085, 17157, 4, 125, 103, 2665, 33, 278, 62, 11049, 6790, 804, 6, 4246, 2975, 13, 1093, 5464, 1498, 19, 1649, 23583, 9, 99, 7, 836, 8, 2949, 15, 2406, 809, 29828, 420, 758, 7562, 4, 2875, 256, 33081, 6, 10, 971, 12, 180, 12, 279, 320, 121, 4, 104, 4, 3835, 9716, 31, 5, 5262, 1139, 9, 26321, 859, 21454, 6, 4222, 6, 20792, 19, 5, 27165, 4, 91, 174, 3480, 14, 71, 203, 7047, 6062, 37, 5426, 14, 37, 956, 7, 244, 11, 5, 2168, 136, 7550, 108, 8513, 6, 2919, 661, 4304, 4, 22, 100, 300, 11, 1511, 19, 5, 27165, 15, 622, 8, 21619, 59, 24, 13, 1153, 10, 353, 50, 80, 8, 553, 6, 128, 354, 42, 99, 38, 236, 7, 109, 6600, 8, 2140, 6, 47, 216, 6, 1276, 7, 109, 24, 4, 22, 3684, 127, 301, 38, 770, 7, 28, 10, 9281, 5326, 734, 98, 38, 4443, 42, 95, 10698, 157, 81, 259, 72, 125, 1093, 5464, 2025, 75, 29502, 5340, 30, 167, 9375, 7550, 4, 20, 24307, 41386, 6, 5, 831, 5897, 9, 5, 9225, 4722, 1621, 36, 13797, 534, 43, 14, 34, 57, 65, 9, 5, 144, 2375, 3231, 8667, 5332, 7, 7550, 108, 2919, 6, 34, 26, 51, 218, 75, 236, 50, 240, 1093, 5464, 6, 309, 7, 4770, 4232, 4, 22, 133, 335, 38, 348, 57, 562, 124, 16, 14, 89, 18, 182, 410, 304, 13, 36, 27467, 5464, 43, 15, 5, 760, 2301, 2 ]
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(CNN)Cigarettes have been put out across the bars of New Orleans. Cigars are welcome no more. The city known for excess of everything -- drinking, eating, dancing in the street until all hours -- went smoke-free as Tuesday became Wednesday at midnight. How can that be? It turns out that the city known for its over-the-top Mardi Gras celebrations and incredible jazz fests (starting Friday!) didn't want its waiters and musicians to have to breathe smoke to do their jobs anymore. The New Orleans City Council passed its ban against smoking in most places across the city -- including bars, casinos and restaurants -- in January, and the vote was unanimous, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports. Bar owners worried about potential revenue loss, while puffing customers bemoaned the loss of their smoking spots. Harrah's New Orleans and bar owners filed a lawsuit to stop the ban, and a hearing is scheduled in state court in a month, CNN affiliate WAPT reports. Fines start at $50. Luckily for us, none of CNN's 15 New Orleans must-do's -- including touring Treme or eating a beignet -- requires smoking.
New Orleans bars are smoke-free as of Wednesday morning . A lawsuit by Harrah's and bar owners seeks to overturn the ban .
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Cigarettes have across the bars of New Orleans . city , smoke - free Tuesday at to City Council passed ban against smoking in owners ' s , and a .
Irbil, Iraq (CNN)ISIS claimed it controlled part of Iraq's largest oil refinery Sunday, posting images online that purported to show the storming of the facility, fierce clashes and plumes of smoke rising above the contested site. The group said it launched an assault on the Baiji oil refinery late Saturday. By Sunday, ISIS said its fighters were inside the refinery and controlled several buildings, but Iraqi government security officials denied that claim and insisted Iraqi forces remain in full control. CNN couldn't independently verify ISIS' claim. It wouldn't be the first time that militants and Iraqi forces have battled over the refinery, a key strategic resource that has long been a lucrative target because the facility refines much of the fuel used by Iraqis domestically. If an attack damaged oil fields or machinery, it could have a significant impact. The refinery is just 40 kilometers (25 miles) from the northern Iraqi city of Tikrit, which Iraqi forces and Shiite militias wrested from ISIS less than two weeks ago. CNN's Jennifer Deaton and Catherine E. Shoichet contributed to this report.
ISIS says it controls several buildings at the Baiji oil refinery . Iraqi government security officials say Iraqi forces remain in full control . The refinery, Iraq's largest, has long been a lucrative target for militants .
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(The Hollywood Reporter)Good news arrived Thursday for "Fifty Shades of Grey" fans. Universal announced Thursday that the sequel to the box office blockbuster will hit theaters on Feb. 10, 2017. The third film in the series will debut Feb. 9, 2018. The news came one day after The Hollywood Reporter reported exclusively that the husband of EL James, author of the "Fifty Shades" trilogy, will write the script for the second film. Niall Leonard, who is married and has two sons with the British author, is an author himself, in addition to being a screenwriter. James, whose real name is Erika Leonard, has been credited with keeping a strong amount of creative control when it comes to Universal's adaptations of her books, the second of which is titled "Fifty Shades Darker." After clashing with James, Sam Taylor-Johnson isn't returning to direct the sequel. Stars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan are negotiating for more money for the sequel after the first film, release over Valentine's Day weekend of this year, earned a massive $568.8 million worldwide. ©2015 The Hollywood Reporter. All rights reserved.
A second "Fifty Shades" film will be released in 2017, a third in 2018 . Director Sam Taylor-Johnson won't be returning .
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The Grey " Universal sequel to will hit theaters on Feb . 10 2017 third film in series debut Feb 9 2018 the husband of EL James, author of the " Fifty Shades " trilogy, will write the script for the second film . Niall Leonard, is and Sam Taylor - Johnson
Istanbul, Turkey (CNN)Sitting on a sunny bench in Istanbul's Gezi Park, Fadime Gurgen dismisses the controversy surrounding the 100th anniversary Friday of the massacre of Armenians under the Ottoman Empire with a wave of her hand. Gurgen, a 55-year-old cleaner, says her family has had close friendships with Armenians going back generations. "There is no such thing as genocide," she says. "Other people are trying to create hostility between us." Most Turks agree with Gurgen. Ninety-one percent of Turks do not believe that the events of 1915 -- when, according to Armenians, 1.5 million ethnic Armenians were systematically killed in the final years of the Ottoman Empire -- were genocide, according to a recent poll. It's a sentiment shared by the Turkish government, which denies that a genocide took place, maintaining that hundreds of thousands of Turkish Muslims and Armenian Christians died in intercommunal violence around the bloody battlefields of World War I. Turkey also disputes Armenia's count of the numbers killed, putting it at 300,000. It's a heavily disputed position -- the killings are widely viewed by scholars as genocide and the Armenian government and diaspora are lobbying for wider recognition in the international community. Armenian Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan said Friday in statement that Turkey's Ottoman rulers had planned and carried out a "monstrous crime" in the years of World War I and called on more countries to recognize and condemn the genocide. Many Armenians living in Turkey still feel treated as second-class citizens. However many have hope that Turkey's younger generation is more willing to accept that a genocide occurred than their parents. "Students are much, much more liberal," says Diana Van, whose grandparents escaped the mass killings. Van is a member of the delegation for the Armenian Genocide commemoration and is writing her Masters thesis on the issue at Ankara University. "They have access to alternative information written in English, which is not taught in school (in Turkey). With more access to books, to alternative information, and with a larger democratization process, Turkey will be able to face its history." A century after her Armenian ancestors escaped death in Eastern Turkey, Van says she is frustrated that Turkey is unwilling to accept what happened. "Your identity is denied by Turkey," she says. "They do not want to face this past. In Turkey, the word Armenian is still used as a curse. Whenever you want to hurt somebody, you say, 'you are like an Armenian.'" Van says an admission of genocide by Turkey would largely be symbolic. While her grandparents lost their land, she has returned to their villages and she recognizes that trying to reclaim it would be impossible. "I do not believe that this is going to happen," she says of the territorial claims made by many Armenians. "One hundred years have passed. I went to my ancestors' land, and I saw those Armenian lands full of Kurdish people, who have five to 16 children per family, and I saw that it's not Anatolia. It's not my homeland that I had in my imagination." A growing number of scholars and world leaders believe that what happened should be called genocide. Germany looks set to join the European Parliament, France, Austria, Canada and some 20 other countries in labeling the atrocity a "genocide." Two weeks ago the Pope referred to mass killings as "the first genocide of the 20th century" -- a move that infuriated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who called the claim "nonsense" and recalled his ambassador to the Vatican. Some notable countries do not recognize the killings as genocide, including the UK and Israel and earlier this week U.S. President Barack Obama, wary of damaging relations with Turkey amid growing unrest in the Middle East, did not use the word genocide. There are several reasons why Turkey maintains its position on the issue. Turks say that to most people there the term "genocide" is associated with Nazis -- not the beloved founders of modern Turkey. Last year, the Turkish government expressed condolences to Armenians, and accepted that hundreds of thousands of their ancestors died as they were marched out of cities and towns in Central and Eastern Anatolia in the waning years of the Ottoman Empire. But the government called it a "necessary deportation" during the messy and violent period of transition leading up to World War I -- when many Armenian radicals were threatening to side with Russia. Turkey says that there was never a deliberate, ethnically-driven effort to exterminate the Armenian population. "It was a wartime precaution, like the U.S. relocated the Japanese population during World War II," says Dr. Kamer Kasim, Dean of Abant Izzet Baysal University. Kasim dismisses the drive for the "genocide" label as little more than a propaganda campaign being waged by the Armenian diaspora. Politics and timing is another issue. At a time when President Erdogan is in full campaign mode ahead of upcoming parliamentary elections, he is attempting to assuage concerns about unemployment and slowed growth by drumming up nationalist fervor with promises of a "New Turkey" akin to the glory days of the Ottoman Empire. It's hardly the time to label the country's founders as murderers. That wouldn't play well with Turks, many of whom have gone through years of schooling that instilled in them a fierce pride in their past. In the same way that American schools often whitewashed the history of U.S. settlers and their relations with Native Americans, Turkish schools have long taken an airbrush to the "Young Turks." The movement, which began in 1908, was comprised of the army officers who were in power as the country transitioned from the hands of spoiled sultans to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk -- the much-adored leader who came to power in 1923 and is credited with founding the modern Turkish state. The taboo surrounding the use of the word genocide began to crack about a decade ago when two of Turkey's best-selling international authors, Orhan Pamuk and Elif Safak, joined other intellectuals in raising the issue of whether the country's forefathers had committed genocide. Pamuk and Safak were met with crushing resistance. They were harangued in the court of public opinion, and tried in real-life court on charges of "insulting Turkishness." Since 2003, Turkish schools have been forbidden from using the term genocide. Calling the events of 1915 a genocide would undermine the very narratives the Turks hold most dear, says Burcu Gultekin Punsmann, a senior analyst at Ankara Policy Center who has studied Turkish-Armenian relations for a decade. She says the country simply isn't ready to dismantle the foundation it was built on, or stain the legacy of its founders. "Turkey is still too young and too insecure to rewrite its history and question the events unfolding at the establishment of the republic," Punsmann says. But in a statement issued to mark the anniversary of the killings, President Erdogan urged dialogue, saying "...As descendants of two ancient peoples who a hundred years ago shared the same destiny whether in joy or in sorrow, our common responsibility, and calling, today is to heal century old wounds and re-establish our human ties once again. Turkey will not remain indifferent to this responsibility and will continue to do its utmost for friendship and peace." But there are other issues, including fears that an official recognition of genocide could unleash a flood of lawsuits against the Turkish government. In 2006, descendants of exiled Armenians filed suit in a U.S. court against two German banks for restitution of assets, based on evidence that Ottoman ministries required that seized Armenian assets be turned over to the government and transferred to banks in Germany. One 97-year-old Armenian woman living in the U.S. claims to have land deeds proving that her parents owned land that now houses an airport. Her case is winding its way through the Turkish court system, but her lawyer, Ali Elbeyoglu, says the genocide debate has no effect: "We have deeds, so we are following the law and politics don't matter." Others say that the genocide is distracting the country from more pressing issues between Turkey and Armenia, like the closed border between the two hostile neighbors. Aybars Gorgulu, a foreign policy expert at TESEV, one of Turkey's leading think tanks, argues that it is Armenia, not Turkey, which suffers most from the tensions surrounding the issue. And he says it isn't in Armenia's best interest to push hard for a recognition of genocide that he doesn't believe will ever come. "There's no diplomatic relations between the countries, and that plays into why Turks think there's a crazy diaspora obsessed with genocide, but that's not true," Gorgulu says. "The best thing for Armenia would be to enter into dialogue with Turkey, normalize relations, and open the border." Meanwhile, the publicity surrounding the anniversary on Friday has prompted debate amongst Turks of all ages. On Sunday there will be a conference at Bogazici University on the atrocity -- one of few in Turkey that openly uses the term genocide. Nisan Gul Goker, a 21-year-old art management student with bright pink lipstick, is one of the few Turks who believes that her country should change course. "They keep referring to this as an 'Armenian incident' in quotations and can't call it genocide," she says, boarding the metro to her classes at Aydin University. "We should be ashamed of this and accept it."
Massacre of 1.5 million ethnic Armenians under the Ottoman Empire is widely acknowledged by scholars as a genocide. Turkish government officially denies it saying hundreds of thousands of Turkish Muslims and Armenian Christians died in intercommunal violence .
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(CNN)Thump. The University of Nebraska at Omaha is getting a new $81.6 million stadium for its hockey, basketball and volleyball teams. Thump. It'll have luxury suites and everything. Thump. But it seems all anyone can talk about these days ... THUMP . ... is the taco cannon. That's right, we said taco cannon. An Omaha taco shop has teamed up with the university to shoot tacos into the stands at sporting events. That the foil-wrapped eats will make to fans was made evident when Voodoo Tacos owner Eric Newton demonstrated the power of the cannon for CNN affiliate KETV. That they'll make it undamaged? Not so much. "I wouldn't say it would be as restaurant quality when it gets to them, but it's edible," Newton said. With this latest technological development, the taco will join t-shirts, stuffed toys, balls, biscuits and the lowly hot dog in hurtling into the stands at public gatherings. UNO fans, um, ate the idea up, sending #tacocannon hurtling past #EarthDay as the No. 1 trending topic Wednesday in Omaha. "How we roll in Omaha...Frozen Four appearances and projectile tacos," Twitter user mavpuck said, referring to the school's recent, and sadly taco-less, appearance in the NCAA hockey tournament semifinals. "This just might be the greatest invention. EVER," thetoddbryant wrote on Twitter. The tacos will start flying this fall, when the school's new arena is scheduled to open. But Voodoo Tacos has already scored, catching plenty of publicity months ahead of opening night. "My partners laughed and me and said 'that's dumb,' " Newton told KETV. "Now they're emailing me and saying, 'About the best thing we've ever bought.' "
#tacocannon trends in Omaha as excited fans eat up the idea of flying tacos . The cannon will shoot off tacos at University of Nebraska-Omaha's new arena .
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The University of Nebraska at Omaha is a new $81 . 6 million stadium for hockey and . cannon shop with to shoot tacos into the stands - , the taco will in UNO fans, t school' s Voodoo Tacos has
(The Hollywood Reporter)Stan Freberg, whose freewheeling comic career in advertising garnered him worldwide acclaim and whose satirical entertainments abounded on TV, the radio and on records, has died. He was 88. Freberg died of natural causes at a Santa Monica hospital, his son and daughter, Donavan and Donna Freberg, confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter. "He was and will always be my hero, and I will carry his brilliant legacy forward as best I am able," his son wrote on Facebook. The godfather of humorous and irreverent commercials, Freberg lampooned cultural institutions and described himself as a "guerilla satirist." The New York Times dubbed him the "Che Guevara of advertising," and years later, "Weird Al" Yankovic called him a major influence on his career. "Very sad to say that one of my absolute all-time heroes has just passed away," Yankovic wrote on Twitter. "RIP Stan Freberg. A legend, an inspiration, and a friend." Freberg also was known for his musical parodies. "Wun'erful Wun'erful," his 1957 spoof of "champagne music" — on which he collaborated with orchestra leader Billy May — lampooned "The Lawrence Welk Show." He also parodied Johnnie Ray's hit "Cry," which Freberg rendered as "Try." (Ray was quite angry until he realized Freberg was fueling sales of his record.) The Los Angeles native had hit records of his own, including "St. George and the Dragonet," a 1953 send-up of the series "Dragnet." His recordings were so popular that he landed his own radio program in 1954, "That's Rich." Three years later, he presented "The Stan Freberg Show" on CBS Radio, where he regularly mocked commercials by advertising bogus products. Hollywood Reporter: "Mad Men's" return . He won a Grammy Award in 1959 for best performance, documentary or spoken word for "The Best of the Stan Freberg Shows." Earlier in the 1950s, Freberg helped create and write the Emmy Award-winning comedy "Time for Beany," also working with puppets and performing on the show. Its droll, off-the-wall humor appealed to fans including Albert Einstein. During Beany's early gestation, he and the other writers had no office, so they wrote in coffee shops at night as well as in an "office" in a condemned building. Not surprisingly, Freberg ruffled institutional feathers. Capitol Records balked at releasing his satires of radio-TV personality Arthur Godfrey and Ed Sullivan's variety show "Toast of the Town." Hollywood Reporter: "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" -- the untold story . Freberg disdained the hard sell. He created such classic comic ad capers as "Nine out of 10 doctors recommend Chun King Chow Mein," and his Jeno's Frozen Pizza campaign featured the Lone Ranger and Tonto. He skewered the greed of the ad business in "Green Chri$tma$, which criticized the over-commercialization of the holiday. In 1958, Freberg opened his own ad agency, Freberg Ltd. His slogan was "More Honesty Than the Client Had in Mind," and he even had a corporate motto: "Ars Gratia Pecuniae" (Art of the Sake of Money). Freberg, whose inspirations were Jack Benny, Fred Allen and Norman Corwin, worked in cartoons for decades, starting in the 1940s. He provided the voice for Junyer Bear in the 1948 Chuck Jones Looney Tunes cartoon "What's Brewin', Bruin," and he famously played the three pigs, the wolf and the singing narrator in another Looney Tunes classic, 1957's "Three Little Bops." He teamed often at Warner Bros. with the great Mel Blanc. Freberg also was the voice of Beaver in Disney's "Lady and the Tramp" (1955). For the feature Looney Tunes, "Back in Action" (2003), he was heard as a baby bear. Survivors also include his wife, Hunter, and a granddaughter. ©2015 The Hollywood Reporter. All rights reserved.
Stan Freberg was famed comedian, song parodist . He later became adman, did a number of outrageous commercials . "Weird Al" Yankovic: " A legend, an inspiration, and a friend"
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The Stan on records 88 Freberg died of natural causes at a Santa hospital, his son and " He was and hero commercials, Freberg lampooned as a " satirist him the of advertising ," " Yankovic also was known for his he ' s hit : . won comedy - the - " in
Tehran, Iran (CNN)The Basij is a militia made up of fighters loyal to Iran's religious leaders; their mission is to protect the country's Islamic order. To do that, they will go to any lengths necessary, including -- they say -- taking on ISIS. "We all are prepared to go and destroy ISIS totally," one Basij commander told CNN. "If our Imam, our Supreme Leader orders us, we will destroy ISIS." The commander says that, so far, the Basij has not been caught up in the fight against the feared Islamic extremists currently waging war in parts of Iraq and Syria. But Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force, led by General Qassem Suleimani, is already training, advising and supporting Iraqi Shia militias in their fight against ISIS. Suleimani was accused of involvement in the Shia insurgency against U.S. forces during the Iraq war. Today he is a celebrity to many Iraqis and Iranians. That is symbolic of the gulf that still exists between Iran and the U.S., regardless of any thaw in relations in the wake of the recent agreement on a framework nuclear deal and ongoing talks. Iran, militias' involvement in ISIS fight a mixed blessing . Iranian officials, who believe their strategy is making a difference in the fight against ISIS, say they would like better cooperation with the U.S., but point out that the level of trust simply isn't there. "At the moment, we consider the United States to be a threat to us because its policies and actions are threatening to us," said General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, commander of Iran's ground forces. "We would like the US to change its rhetoric and tone of voice so that our nation could have more trust in U.S. military leadership." And the feeling is mutual: the U.S., which is leading the air campaign against ISIS in Iraq, has denied any direct coordination with Iran. Iran will do what it takes to fight ISIS . Iranians believe air strikes against ISIS are not effective, and feel that the U.S. and its allies are not trying seriously enough to defeat the group. Iran's President Hassan Rouhani told CNN's Christiane Amanpour last September that "the aerial bombardment campaign is mostly ... a form of theater, rather than a serious battle against terrorism." "The battle in Iraq is very important to Iran," explained Mohammed Marandi, a professor at Tehran University. "The Iranians believe that the Americans, if they wanted to, could do a lot more to put pressure on their allies. And also, if they were serious about air strikes, they could do a lot more." It's a point the U.S., of course, disagrees with -- U.S. President Barack Obama has vowed to "degrade and ultimately defeat" the terror group. But Iran remains unconvinced. "If they want to destroy ISIS, it is possible for them to achieve that," said Major-General Hassan Firouzabadi, Iran's chief of general staff. "The U.S. military and intelligence organizations have many ways to strike at ISIS, but we have not seen anything so far except intelligence gathering from the U.S. and Britain," he said. "We hope that one day, because of their national interests and the will of their nations, the U.S. and the UK will decide to really fight ISIS." In ISIS, Iran and the U.S. share a common enemy, but -- for now at least -- no apparent common strategy.Will Iran-Saudi proxy war erupt?
Iran's elite Quds Force is training, advising and supporting Iraqi Shia militias in their fight against ISIS. Iranian officials say they would like better cooperation with the U.S., but say trust between the nations is lacking .
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(Rolling Stone)One summer a few years ago, Frances Bean Cobain worked as an intern in the New York offices of Rolling Stone. Frances -- the daughter of Nirvana singer-guitarist Kurt Cobain and an executive producer of the new HBO documentary on his life, "Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck" -- was "a 15-year-old Goth kid, so stoked," she recalls with a laugh during a recent interview for the cover story in our new issue. She remembers providing research assistance on a cover about the Jonas Brothers -- and working in a cubicle across from a wall with a giant painting of Kurt. "Yeah," Frances says with a grin and mock-exasperation, "looking at my dad every day." (Preview the cover story and listen to a previously unheard Cobain song here.) That is one of many stories and revelations that come out over almost three hours late one afternoon in early March, as Frances, now 22 and a visual artist, speaks publicly for the first time about her father; life after his death; her complex relationship with her mother, Courtney Love; and the new film, written, directed and produced by Brett Morgen. "Kurt got to the point where he eventually had to sacrifice every bit of who he was to his art, because the world demanded it of him," Frances says bluntly at one point. "I think that was one of the main triggers as to why he felt he didn't want to be here and everyone would be happier without him." Rolling Stone: Listen to a previously unheard Kurt Cobain song . But "in reality, if he had lived," she goes on, "I would have had a dad. And that would have been an incredible experience." What follows are additional excerpts from a remarkable -- and moving -- conversation. How would you describe "Montage of Heck"? It's emotional journalism. It's the closest thing to having Kurt tell his own story in his own words -- by his own aesthetic, his own perception of the world. It paints a portrait of a man attempting to cope with being a human. When Brett and I first met, I was very specific about what I wanted to see, how I wanted Kurt to be represented. I told him, "I don't want the mythology of Kurt or the romanticism." Even though Kurt died in the most horrific way possible, there is this mythology and romanticism that surrounds him, because he's 27 forever. The shelf life of an artist or musician isn't particularly long. Kurt has gotten to icon status because he will never age. He will always be that relevant in that time and always be beautiful. Rolling Stone: 17 Young Innovators Shaking Up the Music Industry . There is, with any great artist, a little manic-ness and insanity. "Tropic of Cancer" is one of my favorite books. And [author] Henry Miller had this work ethic, where he would get out of bed every day and force himself to write five pages. It taught me that if you do the work, you progress. So many people are content to settle. My dad was exceptionally ambitious. But he had a lot thrown on him, exceeding his ambition. He wanted his band to be successful. But he didn't want to be the f------ voice of a generation. Do you remember the first time you heard a Nirvana record -- and knowing that was your father? I've talked to Sean Lennon about this. He had a few more years with his dad that you did. But for him, the records were a road into understanding his father after he was gone. I don't really like Nirvana that much [grins]. Sorry, promotional people, Universal. I'm more into Mercury Rev, Oasis, Brian Jonestown Massacre [laughs]. The grunge scene is not what I'm interested in. But "Territorial Pissings" [on Nevermind] is a f------ great song. And "Dumb" [on In Utero] -- I cry every time I hear that song. It's a stripped-down version of Kurt's perception of himself -- of himself on drugs, off drugs, feeling inadequate to be titled the voice of a generation. Rolling Stone: Elton John, Michael Stipe defend transgender prisoners' rights . The irony is that he wrote it before Nirvana made Nevermind. I know. It was projection, to something. There's no way anyone can wrap their minds around that. Did you feel awkward as a teenager, not being that interested in the music Kurt made? No. I would have felt more awkward if I'd been a fan. I was around 15 when I realized he was inescapable. Even if I was in a car and had the radio on, there's my dad. He's larger than life, and our culture is obsessed with dead musicians. We love to put them on a pedestal. If Kurt had just been another guy who abandoned his family in the most awful way possible . . . But he wasn't. He inspired people to put him on a pedestal, to become St. Kurt. He became even bigger after he died than he was when he was alive. You don't think it could have gotten any bigger. But it did. After the first screening I attended, there was a guy who said "Montage of Heck" was a very interesting film about people he didn't like. [Laughs] That's a pretty good description. Rolling Stone: A guide to Cobain's cinematic legacy . I found it interesting that the way Morgen told Kurt's story didn't evoke any sympathy for that viewer -- that Kurt's art did not resonate with him. All he saw was a personalty he didn't like. That is an interesting perspective. For me, the film provided a lot more factual information about my father -- not just tall tales that were misconstrued, misremembered, rehashed, retold 10 different ways. It was factual evidence of who my father was as a child, as a teenager, as a man, as a husband, as an artist. It explored every single aspect of who he was as a human being. What was it like hearing his voice? I've been hearing his voice forever, through his music. I was thinking more of his speaking voice. His speaking voice is sort of similar to mine. It's sort of a monotone. The depth to it is similar to the way I speak. I don't know what the f--- that is. I wasn't even talking when he was around. Don't mistake the power of genes. It's very weird how genes are. Dave [Grohl], Krist [Novoselic] and Pat [Smear] came over to a house where I was living. It was the first time [the ex-Nirvana members] had been together in a long time. And they had what I call the "K. C. Jeebies," which is when they see me, they see Kurt. They look at me, and you can see they're looking at a ghost. They were all getting the K. C. Jeebies hardcore. Dave said, "She is so much like Kurt." They were all talking amongst themselves, rehashing old stories I'd heard a million times. I was sitting in a chair, chain-smoking, looking down like this [affects total boredom]. And they went, "You are doing exactly what your father would have done." But I was glad they came over [smiles]. It was a cool experience, like having a Nirvana reunion minus one. Except for his spawn. What do you want to do next, now that this film is coming out? In being one of the executive producers, you're stepping into the public at almost the same age your father was when he made Nirvana's first album. The timing is . . .I like to think of it as poetic. Coincidental, yeah. Oddly enough, being 22, it's the first year a fire has been lit under my ass -- not because of the documentary, just personally. I have this motivation and ambition that I didn't have before: "I want to go paint this painting." The hardest part of doing anything creatively is just getting up and doing. Once I get out of bed and get into my art room, I start painting. I'm there. And I'm doing it. Copyright © 2015 Rolling Stone.
Frances Bean Cobain, daughter of the late Kurt Cobain, spoke to Rolling Stone about a new film on the Nirvana frontman . 22-year-old Cobain is an executive producer of the documentary "Montage of Heck" She describes growing up with the legacy of her father looming large .
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, Frances Bean Cobain in the daughter Nirvana singer - Kurt and an of the new HBO documentary on his life, " Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck " - she She says with a is about her father film he was to . a dad " ' s
(CNN)A 110-day cat-and-mouse chase spanning from Antarctic waters to the coast of west Africa had an unlikely end when the crew of an alleged poaching vessel were rescued by conservationists pursuing them. Environmentalist group Sea Shepherd had been tailing the Thunder -- subject of an Interpol "purple notice" for suspected fraud and fisheries-related crimes -- since its ship the Bob Barker encountered it in the Southern Ocean several months ago. The pursuit ended early Monday in the Gulf of Guinea, off the coast of west Africa, when the Bob Barker received a distress call from the Thunder. "We were literally a few hundred meters away; they said the ship was sinking and they were abandoning the Thunder," said Sea Shepherd spokesman Adam Burling. "We invited the crew -- 40 of them -- on board, had a medical officer check them over, provided them with food and water." Bob Barker Captain Peter Hammarstedt said the crew rescued from the ship had been handed over to the Sao Tome coastguard early Tuesday. He said he hoped the authorities would work with Interpol to prosecute those operating the vessel. "We obviously want to see the captain of the Thunder prosecuted for his offenses," he told CNN by phone from the Bob Barker, at sea to the west of Sao Tome. Hammarstedt said he believed the Thunder was deliberately sunk to destroy physical evidence of illegal fishing. "I'm 100% confident that the captain of the Thunder destroyed his own ship," he said. Hammarstedt said he had managed to send three crew members aboard the abandoned Thunder before it went down. "Usually what happens when a vessel is sinking is the master will ensure all compartments and hatches are shut so as to maintain buoyancy," he said. "On the Thunder, all the hatches had been opened, including the hatch leading to the fish hold." He said his crew had retrieved computers, mobile phones and other devices from the Thunder that would be handed over to assist any investigation. They had also retrieved a fish from the ship's fish hold, which he said was about a quarter full. He said the fish was a toothfish, the prized stock his organization claims the Thunder was illegally catching when they were encountered in the Southern Ocean. More surprising was the reaction of the captain of the Thunder as his ship went under, he claimed. "When the vessel went completely under the water, the captain of the Thunder, who was in a life raft at the time, started cheering and applauding, which was very unusual behavior for a skipper who had just lost his ship," he said. The pursuit of the Thunder began after the Bob Barker encountered the vessel off the coast of Antarctica, said Burling. He claimed the vessel was found with its nets in the water, illegally catching Patagonian toothfish. The Thunder dropped its nets and left the scene; a second Sea Shepherd vessel that was brought in to retrieve the net found about $3 million of toothfish catch in about 72km of illegal gillnet, he claimed. "That's why they're out there in these shadowlands, these unpatrolled remote regions," he said. Meanwhile the Bob Barker, supported by a second Sea Shepherd vessel, pursued the Thunder all the way to the Gulf of Guinea. During that time, Burling claimed, the Bob Barker narrowly avoided being rammed by the fishing vessel, while its smaller boats were struck with grappling hooks. The rescue had gone smoothly despite the months of tensions between the two vessels, said Burling. "We worried what they might be like to our crew, whether they might be hostile or violent to us," he said. But the Indonesian crew who made up the majority of those on board the Thunder seemed "very relieved" to be rescued. The officers -- who he believed were Spanish -- were less so. "Perhaps they would have preferred to have been rescued by someone else, but given the location there was really no other option," he said. An Interpol "purple notice," released at the request of New Zealand in December 2013, put out a global call for information on the Thunder, as well as information on "the individuals and networks that own, operate and profit from the illegal actions of the vessel." It said the vessel had changed its name, national registration and other characteristics a number of times to avoid detection of its illegal fishing activities, and had sailed under the names "Wuhan N 4" and "Kuko," and under the flags of Nigeria and Mongolia. The Interpol notice said it had "conflicting information" about the identity of the vessel's current operator, but said it had previously been registered as owned by companies in Spain, the Seychelles and Nigeria. Interpol confirmed Tuesday that the purple notice remained in place. It said it had monitored the situation and noted that all the vessel's crew members were safely ashore. "Interpol does not conduct investigations itself; however, we remain available to support any national law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction in this case if such assistance is requested," it told CNN. It said no requests had been received as yet.
Sea Shepherd rescues the crew of an alleged poaching ship it had chased for 110 days . The conservationist group had pursued the vessel since it was found illegally fishing off Antarctica, it says . Sea Shepherd captain tells CNN he believes the ship was deliberately sunk to destroy evidence .
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- from to coast of Africa crew poaching vessel were rescued . Environmentalist group Sea Shepherd had been Interpol " notice " for fraud and ship Bob Barker . The abandoned Thunder , the captain of the Thunder, was in a
(CNN)Another controversy has erupted from the press tour for the soon-to-be-blockbuster Marvel's "Avengers: Age of Ultron." After Robert Downey Jr. walked out on an interview, his co-stars Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner found themselves in hot water Wednesday over comments they made in a similar junket interview. When asked by Digital Spy about the character Black Widow's flirtations with the other superheroes, Renner responded "She's a slut," and Evans, laughing, added that she is a "complete whore." Joking or not, fans on social media didn't take it lightly. By Thursday, both actors apologized. CNN obtained a statement from Renner saying, "I am sorry that this tasteless joke about a fictional character offended anyone. It was not meant to be serious in any way. Just poking fun during an exhausting and tedious press tour." Evans also released a statement: "Yesterday we were asked about the rumors that Black Widow wanted to be in a relationship with both Hawkeye and Captain America. We answered in a very juvenile and offensive way that rightfully angered some fans. I regret it and sincerely apologize." Many on social media accepted his apology, but thoughts on Renner were mixed. With one week left until its release, the "Avengers" might want to steer clear of controversy from here on out.
Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner get in hot water after a joke made about "Avengers" character Black Widow . Renner called Scarlett Johansson's character a "slut" and Evans referred to her as a "whore" The actors issued an apology on Thursday .
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the press tour Marvel' s " Avengers: Age of Ultron Robert Downey Jr . walked out on interview co - stars Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner comments in a Black Widow media actors apologized . "
Boston (CNN)The Boston Marathon is traditionally an event in which people in and around the Massachusetts capital come together, celebrate and enjoy. But not in 2013, when three people died and over 200 were injured when a pair of bombs went off within 12 seconds of each other at the finish line. And not this year -- at least not if you're a member of the jury that convicted Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the bombings. That's what federal Judge George A. O'Toole told jurors Tuesday, stressing the importance of avoiding anything that could be prejudicial in the trial's sentencing phase. That begins April 21, a day after this year's edition of the landmark race. "Do not attend the Boston Marathon or any events or gatherings related to the anniversary or the current running of the Boston Marathon," O'Toole said in court. The judge spoke for less than 10 minutes, and stressed the seriousness of his warnings. The first phase of Tsarnaev's trial began March 4, after which federal prosecutors called 92 witnesses, and the defense just four. Timeline of the bombings, manhunt and aftermath . Tsarnaev's lawyers never disputed that their client was at the scene of the bombings and part of the days-long mayhem that followed. Tsarnaev lawyer Judy Clarke acknowledged in opening arguments that: "It was him." But Clarke argued that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev only took part in the plot under the influence of his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died after the bombings, but before his brother was captured in a boat parked in a Watertown backyard, . That argument wasn't enough to sway the jury, though. Rather, they convicted Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on all 30 counts he faced -- including using weapons of mass destruction, bombing a place of public use, conspiracy and aiding and abetting. A look at all of the charges . The only question now, short of a successful appeal of that verdict, is what price he'll now pay. The maximum penalty for several of the charges is death. Talking to the jury on Tuesday, O'Toole predicted that the sentencing phase will last four weeks before cautioning that forecasting a specific timetable is less reliable than guessing the weather. The plan is for the court to be in session for four days a week, as long as the process takes. Until then, O'Toole told the jurors, "Please put the case out of your minds. Enjoy the warm weather." What's next for Tsarnaev? CNN's Ann O'Neill reported from Boston. CNN's Catherine E. Shoichet, Alexandra Field, Aaron Cooper, Kevin Conlon, Jason Hanna and Steve Almasy contributed to this report.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found guilty of all 30 counts, may face death penalty . The sentencing phase starts April 21; a judge predicts it will last four weeks . He warns jurors not to do anything that could be prejudicial to the case .
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The Boston Marathon is of of jury convicted Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the bombings Judge the trial' s sentencing phase April 21, a " to judge for , and . lawyer : " .
(CNN)Recently, Nashville's district attorney banned prosecutors from offering female sterilization in plea deals. Believe it or not, Nashville prosecutors have offered this option four times in the past five years. There has been public outrage at the notion that a defendant in America in 2015 would be offered a choice of sterilization as part of a plea deal. Except, it happens all the time. Some have claimed this practice "evokes a dark corner of American history" where the mentally ill or "deficient" were forced to undergo sterilization. Yeah, that's true. We did that. And it was bad. Except this isn't quite that. Female sterilization is linked to the controversial "eugenics" movement, which advocated for the notion that the human race can be improved by selective breeding of people with superior genes. There is even a 1927 Supreme Court case, Buck v. Bell, in which the justices ruled that a state statute permitting compulsory sterilization of the unfit and "imbeciles," "for the protection and health of the state," was constitutional. The opinion in the case is stunning, especially because the Supreme Court has never technically overruled it. But Buck v. Bell dealt with involuntary sterilization of people because of their mental disabilities, not because they were being punished for a crime. You can hate sterilization, and the Tennessee case may have the creepy feel of the antiquated practice of eugenics, but it's not that. Present-day sterilization plea deals involve a voluntary choice of sterilization by persons accused of a crime, and for whom sterilization will be part of their punishment. Others may argue that the Supreme Court has already spoken on the issue of compulsory sterilization as punishment, and struck it down. That's true too, sort of. In Skinner v. Oklahoma, the Court struck down a law permitting compulsory sterilization of criminals as unconstitutional, but not because it was cruel and unusual. Instead, the law was struck down because the law was unequally applied for similar crimes. So the question remains: Is sterilization as a punishment unconstitutional? The Eighth Amendment provides: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." Practically, however, punishments are rarely deemed cruel and unusual by the judiciary. We have executed people with hangings and by firing squad. Sterilization has to be somewhere below that, right? Ultimately, however, the constitutionality of sterilization may be a red herring in this analysis, because it appears that even if a punishment vciolates the Constitution, it is permissible, if you willingly choose it. Suppose arguendo (for argument's sake) that sterilization is judicially labeled a cruel and unusual punishment, violating the Eighth Amendment. This is where it gets interesting: It still might be an appropriate and constitutional part of a plea deal. Shocked? You shouldn't be. As citizens, we validly waive our constitutional rights all the time. You waive your Fourth Amendment protections against search and seizure when you answer "yes" to an officer's "Mind if I look in your trunk?" You waive your Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination when you try to explain to the detective in the interrogation room how that body got in your vehicle's trunk. So then, if we can validly waive our other constitutional rights, can we waive our Eighth Amendment rights and choose a cruel and unusual punishment, even if it would otherwise be unconstitutional? And are people outraged because this is a new step in punishment or a new frontier and a slippery slope in the world of plea deals? Nope. Sterilization statutes have been around for a while as punishment for defendants all over the country, and defendants have willingly chosen the procedure. If sterilization plea deals are likely constitutional, and we've been doing it for a while, then that begs the question: Why the outrage now? Why the story that a Tennessee prosecutor was fired for a plea bargain that appears to be widely practiced? There are really only two possibilities. First, some people just had no idea that this was going on until this story hit the news. Second, even if we knew about it, we didn't mind the practice until now because of one fundamental difference. Most of the sterilization defendants are men. Search your feelings, Luke. When we talk about castrating men who are recidivist sexual predators and child molesters, the idea of castration as punishment doesn't sound so bad right? Be honest: Let go of your "we're-all-equal-in-all-ways" banner for a moment. After all, not too long ago, execution was a legal punishment for nonhomicide sex crimes in some jurisdictions. So if we're OK with the gas chamber, we're probably OK with a snip. It's OK. You can admit it; we are all hardwired with a modicum of gender bias, whether we like it or not. Still not convinced? Watch this parlor trick: What if I suggested sterilization for a person convicted of having sex with a minor? So far you're not ruling it out. And what if it's a young female high school teacher having sex with her 17-year-old student? Most of our gut feelings shifted from "maybe" to "no" just now. It's OK to admit that, too. Of course, sterilization won't prevent a female sex offender from offending again, no more than sterilization will prevent a male offender from offending again. But the point is, somehow, the notion of sterilizing a male criminal somehow sits better with us than sterilizing a female criminal. Maybe it's that on a primal, unconscious level, what feels cruel and unusual punishment for a woman just feels less so for a man. Even if you're offended by this theory of why an old practice is now a "shocking" news story, you must concede it fits. Why else has castration of men not been a blip on the radar, but offering a woman the option of sterilization is suddenly a travesty? Of course, we have to consider the related justification. Overall, a lot more men commit acts that merit sterilization than do women. Just ask any domestic violence prosecutor. Are sterilization plea deals morally right? It's hard to say. For now, they appear to be constitutional, but controversial. If we know a mother is likely to kill or seriously hurt her current children or her unborn child, should the government step in? If so, to what degree? Fortunately, we can avoid a final decision and continue to attack the problem in a way that seems to be more acceptable for now: just keep neutering the men.
Nashville's district attorney banned prosecutors from offering female sterilization in plea deals . Danny Cevallos: Present-day sterilization plea deals are voluntary and unlike creepy antiquated practices .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 38386, 6, 7024, 18, 1418, 1921, 4968, 3659, 31, 1839, 2182, 32472, 1938, 11, 6221, 2656, 4, 28305, 24, 50, 45, 6, 7024, 3659, 33, 1661, 42, 1973, 237, 498, 11, 5, 375, 292, 107, 4, 345, 34, 57, 285, 10618, 23, 5, 9976, 14, 10, 9191, 11, 730, 11, 570, 74, 28, 1661, 10, 2031, 9, 32472, 1938, 25, 233, 9, 10, 6221, 432, 4, 19576, 6, 24, 2594, 70, 5, 86, 4, 993, 33, 1695, 42, 1524, 22, 3623, 6568, 10, 2933, 2797, 9, 470, 750, 113, 147, 5, 10072, 4812, 50, 22, 9232, 35056, 113, 58, 1654, 7, 10946, 32472, 1938, 4, 8976, 6, 14, 18, 1528, 4, 1437, 166, 222, 14, 4, 1437, 178, 24, 21, 1099, 4, 19576, 42, 965, 75, 1341, 14, 4, 23172, 32472, 1938, 16, 3307, 7, 5, 4456, 22, 242, 38424, 2857, 113, 2079, 6, 61, 20300, 13, 5, 9976, 14, 5, 1050, 1015, 64, 28, 2782, 30, 21921, 16828, 9, 82, 19, 10295, 14819, 4, 345, 16, 190, 10, 35348, 2124, 837, 403, 6, 11771, 748, 4, 3043, 6, 11, 61, 5, 15060, 3447, 14, 10, 194, 16840, 19289, 25707, 32472, 1938, 9, 5, 29181, 8, 22, 757, 13639, 4755, 60, 22, 1990, 5, 2591, 8, 474, 9, 5, 194, 60, 21, 6100, 4, 1437, 20, 2979, 11, 5, 403, 16, 5835, 6, 941, 142, 5, 2124, 837, 34, 393, 12684, 34685, 12841, 24, 4, 125, 11771, 748, 4, 3043, 7911, 19, 28906, 32472, 1938, 9, 82, 142, 9, 49, 2536, 10866, 6, 45, 142, 51, 58, 145, 14459, 13, 10, 1846, 4, 370, 64, 4157, 32472, 1938, 6, 8, 5, 3719, 403, 189, 33, 5, 23814, 619, 9, 5, 33443, 1070, 1524, 9, 364, 38424, 2857, 6, 53, 24, 18, 45, 14, 4, 17356, 12, 1208, 32472, 1938, 6221, 2656, 6877, 10, 11659, 2031, 9, 32472, 1938, 30, 5151, 1238, 9, 10, 1846, 6, 8, 13, 2661, 32472, 1938, 40, 28, 233, 9, 49, 8653, 4, 5763, 189, 5848, 14, 5, 2124, 837, 34, 416, 5826, 15, 5, 696, 9, 25707, 32472, 1938, 25, 8653, 6, 8, 2322, 24, 159, 4, 1437, 280, 18, 1528, 350, 6, 2345, 9, 4, 96, 27192, 748, 4, 4020, 6, 5, 837, 2322, 159, 10, 488, 19289, 25707, 32472, 1938, 9, 9177, 25, 14935, 6, 53, 45, 142, 24, 21, 15939, 8, 5425, 4, 1437, 2978, 6, 5, 488, 21, 2322, 159, 142, 5, 488, 21, 46321, 2368, 5049, 13, 1122, 3474, 4, 407, 5, 864, 1189, 35, 1534, 32472, 1938, 25, 10, 8653, 14935, 116, 20, 29906, 8352, 1639, 35, 22, 9089, 37013, 4852, 5658, 45, 28, 1552, 6, 3486, 10079, 8892, 5713, 6, 3486, 15939, 8, 5425, 33956, 24080, 72, 26846, 3435, 6, 959, 6, 33956, 32, 7154, 7661, 15939, 8, 5425, 30, 5, 13756, 4, 1437, 166, 33, 9390, 82, 19, 6713, 1033, 8, 30, 5834, 2837, 4, 1437, 26672, 718, 1938, 34, 7, 28, 6152, 874, 14, 6, 235, 116, 1437, 13832, 6, 959, 6, 5, 7255, 6948, 9, 32472, 1938, 189, 28, 10, 1275, 69, 2 ]
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' s prosecutors female sterilization in plea deals . sterilization is linked to the " movement Court it . of eugenics, as punishment, and unconstitutional : : be a
(CNN)Blinky and Pinky on the Champs Elysees? Inky and Clyde running down Broadway? Power pellets on the Embarcadero? Leave it to Google to make April Fools' Day into throwback fun by combining Google Maps with Pac-Man. The massive tech company is known for its impish April Fools' Day pranks, and Google Maps has been at the center of a few, including a Pokemon Challenge and a treasure map. This year the company was a day early to the party, rolling out the Pac-Man game Tuesday. It's easy to play: Simply pull up Google Maps on your desktop browser, click on the Pac-Man icon on the lower left, and your map suddenly becomes a Pac-Man course. Twitterers have been tickled by the possibilities, playing Pac-Man in Manhattan, on the University of Illinois quad, in central London and down crooked Lombard Street in San Francisco, among many locations: .
Google Maps has a temporary Pac-Man function . Google has long been fond of April Fools' Day pranks and games . Many people are turning their cities into Pac-Man courses .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 12654, 26749, 8, 12011, 219, 15, 5, 732, 9782, 21294, 1090, 293, 116, 96, 4122, 8, 27058, 878, 159, 7099, 116, 3029, 36529, 15, 5, 6133, 9636, 625, 5160, 116, 15084, 24, 7, 1204, 7, 146, 587, 274, 22890, 108, 1053, 88, 3211, 1644, 1531, 30, 15224, 1204, 21089, 19, 8116, 12, 6407, 4, 20, 2232, 2903, 138, 16, 684, 13, 63, 4023, 1173, 587, 274, 22890, 108, 1053, 3349, 10950, 6, 8, 1204, 21089, 34, 57, 23, 5, 1312, 9, 10, 367, 6, 217, 10, 26052, 10045, 8, 10, 17888, 5456, 4, 152, 76, 5, 138, 21, 10, 183, 419, 7, 5, 537, 6, 6346, 66, 5, 8116, 12, 6407, 177, 294, 4, 85, 18, 1365, 7, 310, 35, 17449, 2999, 62, 1204, 21089, 15, 110, 14050, 11407, 6, 3753, 15, 5, 8116, 12, 6407, 9360, 15, 5, 795, 314, 6, 8, 110, 5456, 6017, 3374, 10, 8116, 12, 6407, 768, 4, 9922, 2582, 16885, 33, 57, 10457, 1329, 30, 5, 11550, 6, 816, 8116, 12, 6407, 11, 6562, 6, 15, 5, 589, 9, 3882, 15694, 6, 11, 1353, 928, 8, 159, 40771, 15944, 1120, 852, 11, 764, 2659, 6, 566, 171, 3237, 35, 479, 2 ]
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on the to Google to April Fools' Day - The company is for , and Google Maps has of a a Pokemon map the Pac - Man game Tuesday in .
(CNN)Over the last year more than 25,000 people, a population about the size of Key West, Florida, have fought Ebola infections. More than 10,000 have not survived. But for those who have survived, life will never be the same. And even for those who did not experience Ebola personally, the "most severe public health emergency seen in modern times" showed the world its vulnerability to disease. It revealed real flaws in government systems that are supposed to protect us. While the intensity of the largest Ebola epidemic in history has died down, and the initial dire predictions that there would be over a million infections by January never came true, dozens are still newly infected each week. The latest World Health Organization Report confirmed a total of 30 new confirmed cases of Ebola were reported in the week of April 5. This is the lowest weekly total since May 2014. But reports are mixed on stopping the virus completely: In Liberia and Sierra Leone, the number of cases has fallen so much, there are more treatment facilities than demand. WHO in Liberia is in the process of decommissioning surplus facilities. But in Guinea, of the 19 confirmed deaths from April 5, seven were only identified as Ebola post-mortem and there were reports of 21 unsafe burials. "Taken together these data indicate that though surveillance is improving, unknown chains of transmission could be a source of new infections in the coming weeks," the latest WHO report said. Click on the photos above to learn how a grave digger, a first responder, and many others have changed in the wake of Ebola.
April 8, 2014, the WHO finally started reporting the Ebola epidemic was a "concern" Front line health care workers and Ebola survivors say the world has to act quicker .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 10777, 5, 94, 76, 55, 87, 564, 6, 151, 82, 6, 10, 1956, 59, 5, 1836, 9, 4300, 580, 6, 1261, 6, 33, 4951, 12977, 11341, 4, 901, 87, 158, 6, 151, 33, 45, 5601, 4, 125, 13, 167, 54, 33, 5601, 6, 301, 40, 393, 28, 5, 276, 4, 178, 190, 13, 167, 54, 222, 45, 676, 12977, 5636, 6, 5, 22, 7877, 3814, 285, 474, 1923, 450, 11, 2297, 498, 113, 969, 5, 232, 63, 15661, 7, 2199, 4, 85, 1487, 588, 16855, 11, 168, 1743, 14, 32, 3518, 7, 1744, 201, 4, 616, 5, 10603, 9, 5, 1154, 12977, 11004, 11, 750, 34, 962, 159, 6, 8, 5, 2557, 10697, 12535, 14, 89, 74, 28, 81, 10, 153, 11341, 30, 644, 393, 376, 1528, 6, 4295, 32, 202, 3862, 11256, 349, 186, 4, 20, 665, 623, 1309, 6481, 2872, 1474, 10, 746, 9, 389, 92, 1474, 1200, 9, 12977, 58, 431, 11, 5, 186, 9, 587, 195, 4, 152, 16, 5, 3912, 4114, 746, 187, 392, 777, 4, 125, 690, 32, 4281, 15, 8197, 5, 6793, 2198, 35, 96, 16558, 8, 8682, 16910, 6, 5, 346, 9, 1200, 34, 4491, 98, 203, 6, 89, 32, 55, 1416, 2644, 87, 1077, 4, 13387, 11, 16558, 16, 11, 5, 609, 9, 24165, 12478, 154, 10499, 2644, 4, 125, 11, 14667, 6, 9, 5, 753, 1474, 3257, 31, 587, 195, 6, 707, 58, 129, 2006, 25, 12977, 618, 12, 29108, 8, 89, 58, 690, 9, 733, 16031, 12601, 9532, 4, 22, 565, 12578, 561, 209, 414, 6364, 14, 600, 5786, 16, 3927, 6, 4727, 9781, 9, 9235, 115, 28, 10, 1300, 9, 92, 11341, 11, 5, 567, 688, 60, 5, 665, 13387, 266, 26, 4, 2578, 15, 5, 2356, 1065, 7, 1532, 141, 10, 9753, 8512, 2403, 6, 10, 78, 2519, 254, 6, 8, 171, 643, 33, 1714, 11, 5, 3874, 9, 12977, 4, 2 ]
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more than a Ebola infections . , 000 have to disease are World Health Organization Report of 30 new confirmed cases of Ebola reported in the week of April 5 . Liberia and Sierra Leone, the WHO in
(CNN)It's been a busy few weeks for multiples. The first set of female quintuplets in the world since 1969 was born in Houston on April 8, and the parents are blogging about their unique experience. Danielle Busby delivered all five girls at the Woman's Hospital of Texas via C-section at 28 weeks and two days, according to CNN affiliate KPRC. Parents Danielle and Adam and big sister Blayke are now a family of eight. The babies are named Ava Lane, Hazel Grace, Olivia Marie, Parker Kate and Riley Paige. "We are so thankful and blessed," said Danielle Busby, who had intrauterine insemination to get pregnant. "I honestly give all the credit to my God. I am so thankful for this wonderful hospital and team of people here. They truly all are amazing." You can learn all about their journey at their blog, "It's a Buzz World." Early news reports said the Busby girls were the first all-female quintuplets born in the U.S. But a user alerted CNN to news clippings that show quintuplet girls were born in 1959 to Charles and Cecilia Hannan in San Antonio. All of the girls died within 24 hours. Like the Busby family, Sharon and Korey Rademacher were hoping for a second child. When they found out what they were having, they decided to keep it a secret from family and friends. That's why they didn't tell their family the gender of baby No. 2 -- or that Sharon was actually expecting not one but two girls, according to CNN affiliate WEAR. And when everyone arrived at West Florida Hospital in Pensacola, Florida, after Sharon gave birth March 11, they recorded everyone's reactions to meeting twins Mary Ann Grace and Brianna Faith. The video was uploaded to YouTube on Saturday and has been viewed more than 700,000 times. Could you keep it a secret?
Rare set of female quintuplets was born this month in Houston, Texas . The girls were born via C-section at 28 weeks and two days . Another family kept the news of twins secret until birth .
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' s weeks . The first set of female quintuplets in the world since 1969 was born in Houston on April 8, and the parents are their . Danielle Busby delivered all five girls at C - section , to a family were female U S
(CNN)The University of Florida and Emory University are investigating allegations that Zeta Beta Tau fraternity members disrespected wounded war veterans last weekend at Panama City Beach, Florida, by spitting, urinating and pouring beer on them. "They actually spit on me and my service dog as well, and that's just so disrespectful and it hurts. I come and I feel honored and I feel safe and that I belong, but now I feel like I'm defending myself," wounded veteran Nicholas Connole told CNN affiliate WJHG. "People were urinating off the balconies, throwing up in the elevators, making suggestive and sexual comments about veterans with their service dogs and derogatory and suggestive comments about their wives," said Linda Cope, organizer of the Warrior Beach Retreat. Both the University of Florida and the international office of Zeta Beta Tau are investigating, have apologized to the veterans group and the international office suspended activities for the fraternity chapters at the Florida school at at Emory in Atlanta. The fraternity's executive director, Laurence Bolotin said in a statement that three fraternity members from the University of Florida have been expelled from the group. "While the details of their actions are still under investigation, there is no doubt that some of our members engaged in ugly and unacceptable behavior," Bolotin said. "On behalf of our entire organization, I want to apologize to veterans, both those who were in Panama City Beach, and those who have felt the pain from afar, as well as to their families and all who support the Warrior Beach Retreat and had worked to make it a positive and meaningful occasion for attendees." "I am personally offended and disappointed by the behavior that has been described to me," University of Florida Student Affairs Vice President Dave Kratzer said. "This is not representative of our students or of the university." A reporter for CNN affiliate WFOX went to the University of Florida fraternity house on Friday seeking comment from members. Nobody answered her knock on the door or would talk when she approached them in the parking lot. Do fraternities make men behave badly? Emory University issued a statement saying it was appalled to hear of the disrespectful acts but said "no evidence has been found to implicate Emory students in these reported incidents." Cope said the Wounded Warriors stayed at the same resort where the fraternities were having their spring formal. She said the fraternity members had too much to drink the night of April 17. "We had an American flag flying outside and there was urination coming down from the balconies going onto the flag," she said. "One of the drunk kids pulled a veteran American flag out of the ground and [we] made the boy put it back. This all happened Friday afternoon, through the night, into the late morning." She said the veterans and their families did not retaliate. "These men and women acted like the leaders they are of our country," she said. Cope told WJHG she received an apology letter from the University of Florida president and the president of Zeta Beta Tau at that school. The website for Zeta Beta Tau says it's the the world's first Jewish fraternity and prides itself on being an inclusive organization. In 1989, it became the first fraternity to abolish pledging from its organization, the website said.
The executive director of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity apologizes for "ugly and unacceptable behavior" University of Florida and Emory University fraternity members are being investigated . Wounded veterans, fraternity members stayed at the same resort at Panama City Beach, Florida .
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The University of Florida and Emory University are investigating Zeta Beta Tau by , urinating beer on . " service ," wounded at at fraternity members from the University of Florida have been expelled from the group . " investigation behavior to veterans were in Panama City Beach, and offended
(CNN)Just weeks after Marvel's "Daredevil" premiered its first season on Netflix, the company confirmed Tuesday that a second season will be coming in 2016. The show focuses on attorney Matt Murdock (played by Charlie Cox), who was blinded as a child, as he fights injustice by day using the law. By night, he continues the fight, becoming the superhero Daredevil and using his powers to protect the New York neighborhood of Hell's Kitchen. It's gotten rave reviews. "With tight adherence to its source material's history, high production quality, and a no-nonsense dramatic flair, Daredevil excels as an effective superhero origin story, a gritty procedural, and an exciting action adventure," says review site Rotten Tomatoes. Netflix's 'Daredevil' has arrived: What's the verdict? A Marvel Television and ABC Studios production, the show also stars Rosario Dawson, Vincent D'Onofrio and Deborah Ann Woll. "Daredevil" is just one of four series that the Disney-owned Marvel has committed to airing on Netflix. Expect to see Avengers characters "Jessica Jones," "Iron Fist" and "Luke Cage" in their own upcoming series, leading into "The Defenders" miniseries programming event.
The critically acclaimed "Daredevil" will be back for season 2 . Charlie Cox plays a blind attorney by day who is a superhero by night .
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Marvel' s " Daredevil " premiered its first season on Netflix, the a second season will be in 2016 . show focuses on Matt Murdock superhero Daredevil and to reviews . " has " is one of four series The
(CNN)After years of making the case that the education of athletes is paramount, the NCAA now says it has no legal responsibility to make sure education is actually delivered. On its website, the NCAA prominently states, "It's our commitment -- and our responsibility -- to give young people opportunities to learn, play and succeed." And later, it says that "in the collegiate model of sports, the young men and women competing on the field or court are students first, athletes second." But the NCAA is taking a very different position in response to a lawsuit filed by former University of North Carolina athletes. The lawsuit claimed the students didn't get an education because they were caught up in the largest known academic fraud scandal in NCAA history. In its response, the NCAA says it has no legal responsibility "to ensure the academic integrity of the courses offered to student-athletes at its member institutions." Even with pages of online information about academic standards, and even though the NCAA has established a system of academic eligibility and accountability that it boasts of regularly, NCAA attorneys wrote in this court filing that "the NCAA did not assume a duty to ensure the quality of the education of student-athletes," and "the NCAA does not have 'direct, day-to-day, operational control' " over member institutions like UNC. "It's nonsense. It's double talk," said Gerald Gurney, a former athletic-academic director who is now president of The Drake Group for academic integrity in collegiate sport. "If you look at their basic core principles, it's all about academics, the experience, the integration of academics, and the education of the student is paramount," Gurney said. "They seem to talk out of both sides of their mouths." The NCAA referred calls for comment to an online statement, which read in part: . The NCAA believes that the lawsuit misunderstands the NCAA's role with respect to its member schools and ignores the myriad steps the NCAA has taken to assist student-athletes in being equipped to excel both in the classroom and on the playing field. "This case is troubling for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that the law does not and has never required the NCAA to ensure that every student-athlete is actually taking full advantage of the academic and athletic opportunities provided to them," said Donald Remy, NCAA chief legal officer. In its response to the lawsuit, it also likened its role to that of the American Bar Association or American Medical Association, and said that those entities are not sued every time a lawyer or doctor acts inappropriately. The scandal at UNC involved thousands of athletes who, over 18 years, were funneled into classes that never met, where advisers fudged grades and accepted plagiarism so that athletes who were falling behind in class could remain eligible to play sports. Mary Willingham, the UNC whistleblower turned NCAA critic, has for years said that athletes across the country are accepted to colleges even though they're academically underprepared and then pushed into classes where little work is required. The system of eligibility that the NCAA brags about, she says, is a sham. "Why do we go through the trouble of compliance if we can't legitimize that the courses are real and the education is real anyway? It makes no sense," said Willingham, who recently wrote a book about the UNC scandal called "Cheated." "If they can't legitimize that the academics are real and take no responsibility for that, then why certify students semester after semester to play? It's lost its meaning for me." The NCAA's claim that it's hands-off when it comes to athletics seems to be a direct contradiction of what the organization has been repeating for years, not just in the rhetoric on its website, but in speeches by its president, Mark Emmert, and in court defending itself from numerous lawsuits over paying athletes. For example, before it lost a case filed by former UCLA player Ed O'Bannon, suing for the right of athletes to make money off their images and likenesses, the NCAA stood on the pillar of amateurism, insisting that college athletes are paid with an education. That's the defense the NCAA is now using in another class action filed by big-time sports attorney Jeffrey Kessler, seeking to make college sports a free market where athletes are paid salaries based on their value. In response, the NCAA said that what sets college sports apart from pros is education: Consistent with "its commitment to amateurism, member institutions conduct their athletics programs for students who choose to participate in intercollegiate athletics as a part of their educational experience and in accordance with NCAA bylaws." Attorney Michael Hausfeld, who represented both O'Bannon and now the UNC athletes, said this: . "This startling inconsistency is unfortunately all too symptomatic of the NCAA's shifting rhetoric and faltering commitment to its college athletes. NCAA President Mark Emmert has repeatedly proposed that 'What we live for is the education of our athletes,' but the NCAA's record tells a far different story." But Rick Burton, professor of sport management at Syracuse University, said it's not realistic to think that the NCAA would regulate every professor and every course an athlete might take at each university across the country. "I understand, I think, where the NCAA is coming from. We would not let the NCAA come in and tell us how to run our chemistry department at Syracuse University," he said. "It sounds like someone is trying to say the NCAA should have been supervising that department at the University of North Carolina, and there's no logic to that," he said. "The people who are saying the NCAA should be held accountable for academics at every school are just looking for an opportunity to throw rocks at the NCAA." UNC, which was also sued, has admitted to the fraud, but also asked for a judge to throw out the case, saying the athletes waited too long -- seven years -- to sue and the "educational malpractice" theory doesn't apply. UNC claims it is protected by state law. This is reminiscent of another NCAA reversal. The NCAA, which was founded a century ago to protect athletes from "dangerous and exploitive athletic practices," now says it does not enforce health and safety rules. In fact, in response to a lawsuit filed by the family of a player who died in 2011, the NCAA wrote: "The NCAA denies that it has a legal duty to protect student-athletes." A CNN investigation found that the NCAA has failed to open investigations in several cases where safety rules allegedly were broken. It has also fallen behind in imposing rules for concussions -- far behind even the NFL. Ramogi Huma, president of the National College Players Association, and a leading thorn in the NCAA's side for decades, said this latest backpedaling from the NCAA leaves him wondering why the organization exists at all. "There's nothing left the NCAA can claim it does that is beneficial to college athletes or society. One has to wonder what does the NCAA do if it doesn't protect players? If it doesn't play a role in the education of college athletics? It begs the question of why does the NCAA exist -- and why does it have a tax exemption."
In response to lawsuit, NCAA says it doesn't control quality of education for student-athletes . But its website emphasizes importance of education, "opportunities to learn" Lawsuit claims students didn't get an education because of academic fraud at UNC .
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is says its ' s students to a lawsuit filed by former University of North Carolina athletes ' t academic fraud scandal in NCAA , the NCAA says it has no legal responsibility " integrity not duty to ensure of the education of student - athletes and " the : .
(CNN)A second individual has been charged with attempting to carry out an "ISIS-inspired" terror plot, Australian police say. Five young men were arrested Saturday in Melbourne, Australia, in what police called a major counterterrorism operation. Two of the teens, 18 and 19, have been released "pending further inquiries," Australia's Federal Police said. Sevdet Besim, 18, was charged with conspiring to commit a terrorist act, and was denied bail Saturday. The person charged Monday is accused of conspiring to commit acts done in preparation for, or planning, terrorist acts. The suspects planned to attack during a major national commemoration in a week, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Saturday. "The act that we believe was in preparation involved attacks against police officers," he said. There was also a risk to the public, police said. Police said the suspects were targeting a ceremony on Anzac Day (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps Day), which is April 25 and this year is the centennial of the Gallipoli Campaign in World War I. Abbott avoided the term ISIS -- or Islamic State -- to call out those who authorities believed influenced the suspects. He instead referred to the group as the "Daesh death cult," employing the acronym that is transliterated from the group's name in Arabic. It's a handle ISIS is known to loathe. Police also distanced the suspects from any ethnic connection. The men "are individuals acting by themselves. They are not representatives of any religious, cultural or national group," Victoria Police Acting Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton said. "I think the entire Australian community should be concerned about the young age of those particular men," Neil Gaughan, acting deputy commissioner of the Australian Federal Police, said. "And this is an issue not just with law enforcement, but for the broader community. ... We need to get better in relation to identifying young men and woman involved in this type of behavior, at the very early stage." CNN's Ralph Ellis and Ben Brumfield contributed to this report.
A second teen has been charged with helping plan an "ISIS-inspired" attack . One 18-year-old suspect has already been charged, report says .
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A out " ISIS - inspired " terror plot, Australian police say . Five young men were arrested Saturday in Melbourne, Australia, in . Two of the teens 18 and 19 been released charged with conspiring to commit a terrorist act suspects to attack major national The a ceremony on Anzac Day ISIS is are Victoria Police
Hong Kong (CNN)Six people were hurt after an explosion at a controversial chemical plant in China's southeastern Fujian province sparked a huge fire, provincial authorities told state media. The plant, located in Zhangzhou city, produces paraxylene (PX), a reportedly carcinogenic chemical used in the production of polyester films and fabrics. The blast occurred at an oil storage facility Monday night after an oil leak, though local media has not reported any toxic chemical spill. Five out of six people were injured by broken glass and have been sent to the hospital for treatment, Xinhua news agency reported. More than 600 firefighters were sent to battle the blaze and the fire is now under control, the Zhangzhou fire department wrote on their official microblogging account Tuesday morning. Residents living close to the plant had heard the explosion and took to Weibo to post photos of the fire. One user wrote that he heard a loud blast and felt slight tremors. The plant was hit by another explosion in July 2013, although there were no reports of casualties or toxic leaks at the time. Though demonstrations are illegal in China, the construction of PX plants has sparked protests, which have occasionally turned violent, in several cities in recent years. The Zhangzhou plant was slated for Xiamen -- a densely populated city in the southeast of the country. However, it provoked an angry backlash in 2007 due to pollution concerns and prompted the local government to relocate the factory to its current, more remote location.
A blast rocks a chemical plant in China's southeastern Fujian province for the second time in two years . Six were injured after the explosion and are being hospitalized . The explosion was triggered by an oil leak, though local media has not reported any toxic chemical spills .
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Six hurt after an explosion at a China fire . The plant, in Zhangzhou city, produces paraxylene a reportedly carcinogenic chemical used in the blast oil storage facility Monday leak of six people were injured by broken glass and have to the hospital 600 firefighters . The plant was hit July 2013 has sparked
(CNN)NASA says its Messenger space probe crashed into Mercury on Thursday after running out of fuel, ending a nearly 11-year journey that provided valuable data and thousands of photos. Mission controllers at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, confirmed the probe slammed into the surface of Mercury, as anticipated, at 3:26 p.m. EDT, NASA told CNN in an email. NASA earlier said the probe was expected to hit the surface at 8,750 miles per hour and to create an impact crater 52 feet (16 meters) in diameter. The crash wasn't visible from Earth because it occurred on the far side of Mercury. Messenger (an acronym for MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) was launched in 2004 and traveled more than 6½ years before it started circling Mercury on March 18, 2011. It was the first spacecraft to orbit the planet closest to the sun. It traveled about 5 billion miles -- a journey that included 15 trips around the sun. Spacecraft to make death dive into Mercury . The spacecraft was healthy when it crashed, but was out of fuel. When scientists determined there was no way to save it, they held a briefing this month to celebrate the mission's success. "For the first time in history we now have real knowledge about the planet Mercury that shows it to be a fascinating world as part of our diverse solar system," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA headquarters in Washington. One of the mission's big findings: It sent back data indicating that ice in Mercury's shadowed polar regions, if spread over an area the size of Washington, would be more than two miles thick, NASA said. As the end neared, the probe sent back some final tweets thanking mission managers and counting down its final orbits. The Messenger mission is over, but scientists say they'll be busy for years studying data from the probe. And while the space probe won't be sending back anymore images, you can see Mercury with your own eyes. It's visible in the night sky just before dusk until about the end of May.
NASA's Messenger probe smashes into Mercury, ending mission . Space probe hit the planet's surface at 8,750 mph .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 34665, 161, 63, 21439, 980, 4513, 6050, 88, 15933, 15, 296, 71, 878, 66, 9, 2423, 6, 3558, 10, 823, 365, 12, 180, 3251, 14, 1286, 5130, 414, 8, 1583, 9, 2356, 4, 7750, 22971, 23, 5, 16053, 11905, 589, 24298, 31590, 17815, 36, 591, 574, 43, 11, 22729, 6, 4788, 6, 1474, 5, 4513, 9597, 88, 5, 4084, 9, 15933, 6, 25, 5291, 6, 23, 155, 35, 2481, 181, 4, 119, 4, 15320, 6, 6109, 174, 3480, 11, 41, 1047, 4, 6109, 656, 26, 5, 4513, 21, 421, 7, 478, 5, 4084, 23, 290, 6, 10569, 1788, 228, 1946, 8, 7, 1045, 41, 913, 30702, 3135, 1730, 36, 1549, 7679, 43, 11, 26089, 4, 20, 2058, 938, 75, 7097, 31, 3875, 142, 24, 2756, 15, 5, 444, 526, 9, 15933, 4, 21439, 36, 260, 29703, 13, 12341, 22393, 6801, 17111, 6, 5374, 13245, 49225, 6, 10307, 39917, 6, 8, 248, 23786, 43, 21, 1660, 11, 4482, 8, 8468, 55, 87, 231, 14989, 107, 137, 24, 554, 33633, 15933, 15, 494, 504, 6, 1466, 4, 85, 21, 5, 78, 15138, 7, 13435, 5, 5518, 8099, 7, 5, 3778, 4, 85, 8468, 59, 195, 325, 1788, 480, 10, 3251, 14, 1165, 379, 6734, 198, 5, 3778, 4, 5374, 17536, 7, 146, 744, 12175, 88, 15933, 479, 20, 15138, 21, 2245, 77, 24, 6050, 6, 53, 21, 66, 9, 2423, 4, 520, 4211, 3030, 89, 21, 117, 169, 7, 1871, 24, 6, 51, 547, 10, 7515, 42, 353, 7, 3379, 5, 2511, 18, 1282, 4, 22, 2709, 5, 78, 86, 11, 750, 52, 122, 33, 588, 2655, 59, 5, 5518, 15933, 14, 924, 24, 7, 28, 10, 12509, 232, 25, 233, 9, 84, 5544, 4118, 467, 60, 26, 610, 2974, 12140, 12706, 6, 6754, 11417, 13, 5, 4662, 7750, 23691, 23, 6109, 4351, 11, 663, 4, 509, 9, 5, 2511, 18, 380, 4139, 35, 85, 1051, 124, 414, 9172, 14, 2480, 11, 15933, 18, 9099, 196, 13744, 3806, 6, 114, 2504, 81, 41, 443, 5, 1836, 9, 663, 6, 74, 28, 55, 87, 80, 1788, 7992, 6, 6109, 26, 4, 287, 5, 253, 3087, 6537, 6, 5, 4513, 1051, 124, 103, 507, 6245, 22787, 2511, 4389, 8, 10581, 159, 63, 507, 38786, 4, 20, 21439, 2511, 16, 81, 6, 53, 4211, 224, 51, 581, 28, 3610, 13, 107, 7739, 414, 31, 5, 4513, 4, 178, 150, 5, 980, 4513, 351, 75, 28, 3981, 124, 5988, 3156, 6, 47, 64, 192, 15933, 19, 110, 308, 2473, 4, 85, 18, 7097, 11, 5, 363, 6360, 95, 137, 33917, 454, 59, 5, 253, 9, 392, 4, 2 ]
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NASA says Messenger space probe crashed into Mercury on out of fuel, a 11 - year journey data of in the probe was expected to hit the surface at miles hour and to impact crash ' t visible from Earth it . The spacecraft mission' s : It
(CNN)I'm haunted by the video of Officer Michael Slager firing eight shots at Walter Scott as he fled his encounter with North Charleston police -- his back turned to the officer. What I find more disturbing is how the officer cuffs the fallen Scott and allows him to die face-down in the dirt while Slager appears to plant an item next to his body. I understand why people are skeptical of self-defense claims -- especially from law enforcement. If not for the video taken by a bystander, I can't help but think that this story would be shuttered behind the wall of an active investigation. As a defense attorney, I am more sensitive than anyone to the assumption of innocence for those accused of a crime, but this single piece of evidence -- a video of a man shot in the back while in full retreat -- defies any reasonable explanation. Thank God there was a camera. It will help ensure that justice will be served in this case. However, there is another camera that -- had it been deployed -- might have prevented the entire tragedy: a police body camera. Throughout the entire encounter with Scott, it's clear Slager had no idea someone was filming him. Had he known there would be video of his every move, would he have drawn his weapon on a fleeing man? Would he have fired? Eight times? Would he have misrepresented the encounter on his police report? Of course not. If Slager had been wearing a body camera, Scott would probably still be alive, and Slager wouldn't be facing the possibility of life in prison -- or a possible death sentence. Body cameras are expensive to deploy, sure. And storing the massive amounts of data that body cameras create costs even more. That cost, however -- if we're talking the monetary kind -- may be eclipsed by the punitive damages delivered to Scott's family in an inevitable civil suit against the North Charleston Police Department. Most importantly, we have to ask ourselves this: What's the value of a human life? Certainly it's worth the price of some mass data storage. And there's something else at stake. The public is losing confidence in law enforcement, and the strained relationship between minorities and police is reaching a breaking point. Every police shooting that captures headlines justifies an ever increasing fear of cops in the street. As fear ratchets up, so does the tension between cops and the people in the communities they serve. As tension rises, the risk of more shootings increases. It is a cycle of destruction that could lead to chaos. Police body cameras can help break this cycle. Studies have shown that both cops and people in the community act better when they know they are on camera. Complaints against cops decrease, and, most importantly, use-of-force incidents drop. I will admit that body cameras are only an interim solution. They only help compensate for the real underlying problem, which is this: There is a bias against black men that has infiltrated the criminal justice system, and we are seeing it in the disproportionate shooting of black men. When we look at this footage -- and when we see the dashboard camera from the other South Carolina officer who last year shot a man who was reaching for his driver's license -- it's clear that many cops are more likely to interpret actions, even routine actions, from black men as potentially aggressive. These may not be overtly racist cops. They may not intentionally treat black men differently, but we can't pretend that black men aren't being disproportionately targeted. All across the country, we see it happening, and with the proliferation of video, we're seeing it happen with alarming frequency. Somehow, we're going to have to beat this bias out of our system. Set tougher employment screening standards when hiring cops. Institute more training to help officers recognize the bias and adjust for it. As a society, we have to focus on the broad social changes needed to address disparities in income, education and opportunities -- disparities that keep us a racially divided nation. But social change, sadly, may take generations of hard work. In the meantime, if we can't immediately root out racial bias, we can at least put a bright spotlight on it, and we can start by focusing on the one interaction where racial bias results in the loss of life -- we can start by placing body-mounted cameras on cops.
Mark O'Mara: Video captured Michael Slager shooting Walter Scott; if cop had been wearing a body camera, he probably wouldn't have fired . O'Mara says such cameras are expensive, but cheaper than wrongful death payouts -- and the cost of a human life. The underlying problem is racial bias in policing; until that's solved, body cameras are a good interim solution .
[ 0, 1640, 16256, 43, 100, 437, 22717, 30, 5, 569, 9, 2817, 988, 4424, 6988, 5834, 799, 2347, 23, 10378, 1699, 25, 37, 5303, 39, 6376, 19, 369, 12118, 249, 480, 39, 124, 1224, 7, 5, 1036, 4, 653, 38, 465, 55, 11783, 16, 141, 5, 1036, 740, 22902, 5, 4491, 1699, 8, 2386, 123, 7, 1597, 652, 12, 3955, 11, 5, 10667, 150, 4424, 6988, 2092, 7, 2195, 41, 6880, 220, 7, 39, 809, 4, 38, 1346, 596, 82, 32, 14992, 9, 1403, 12, 21409, 1449, 480, 941, 31, 488, 2251, 4, 318, 45, 13, 5, 569, 551, 30, 10, 32752, 254, 6, 38, 64, 75, 244, 53, 206, 14, 42, 527, 74, 28, 2572, 10001, 639, 5, 2204, 9, 41, 2171, 803, 4, 287, 10, 1443, 1921, 6, 38, 524, 55, 5685, 87, 1268, 7, 5, 15480, 9, 18686, 13, 167, 1238, 9, 10, 1846, 6, 53, 42, 881, 2125, 9, 1283, 480, 10, 569, 9, 10, 313, 738, 11, 5, 124, 150, 11, 455, 11298, 480, 3816, 918, 143, 5701, 8257, 4, 3837, 1840, 89, 21, 10, 2280, 4, 85, 40, 244, 1306, 14, 2427, 40, 28, 1665, 11, 42, 403, 4, 635, 6, 89, 16, 277, 2280, 14, 480, 56, 24, 57, 6400, 480, 429, 33, 9464, 5, 1445, 6906, 35, 10, 249, 809, 2280, 4, 13231, 5, 1445, 6376, 19, 1699, 6, 24, 18, 699, 4424, 6988, 56, 117, 1114, 951, 21, 9293, 123, 4, 7301, 37, 684, 89, 74, 28, 569, 9, 39, 358, 517, 6, 74, 37, 33, 4777, 39, 4876, 15, 10, 9886, 313, 116, 1437, 11258, 37, 33, 2277, 116, 1437, 10099, 498, 116, 1437, 11258, 37, 33, 24796, 196, 5, 6376, 15, 39, 249, 266, 116, 1525, 768, 45, 4, 318, 4424, 6988, 56, 57, 2498, 10, 809, 2280, 6, 1699, 74, 1153, 202, 28, 4299, 6, 8, 4424, 6988, 1979, 75, 28, 2114, 5, 3302, 9, 301, 11, 1789, 480, 50, 10, 678, 744, 3645, 4, 13048, 4387, 32, 3214, 7, 11386, 6, 686, 4, 178, 25228, 5, 2232, 5353, 9, 414, 14, 809, 4387, 1045, 1042, 190, 55, 4, 280, 701, 6, 959, 480, 114, 52, 214, 1686, 5, 5775, 761, 480, 189, 28, 23576, 196, 30, 5, 21987, 8357, 2781, 7, 1699, 18, 284, 11, 41, 11066, 2366, 3235, 136, 5, 369, 12118, 522, 641, 4, 1993, 7769, 6, 52, 33, 7, 1394, 4288, 42, 35, 653, 18, 5, 923, 9, 10, 1050, 301, 116, 20240, 24, 18, 966, 5, 425, 9, 103, 2862, 414, 3521, 4, 178, 89, 18, 402, 1493, 23, 1968, 4, 20, 285, 16, 2086, 2123, 11, 488, 2251, 6, 8, 5, 15718, 1291, 227, 12568, 8, 249, 16, 3970, 10, 3433, 477, 4, 4337, 249, 1094, 14, 19369, 6337, 39665, 41, 655, 2284, 2490, 9, 12620, 11, 5, 2014, 4, 287, 2490, 12378, 2871, 1872, 62, 6, 98, 473, 5, 8556, 227, 12620, 8, 5, 82, 11, 5, 1822, 51, 1807, 4, 287, 8556, 10185, 6, 5, 810, 9, 55, 9272, 3488, 4, 85, 16, 10, 4943, 9, 8181, 14, 115, 483, 7, 2 ]
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(CNN)When ISIS overran their villages near Mosul in August 2014, a small group of Assyrians, a Middle Eastern minority with a history reaching back more than 4,000 years, picked up weapons and formed their own militia: Dwekh Nawsha -- "The Sacrificers." Assyrians belong to the rapidly dwindling Christian population of Iraq -- recent estimates from CAPNI, the largest Christian relief organization in northern Iraq put the number as low as 300,000 compared with 1.5 million 20 years ago -- and many among them see the fight with ISIS as a final battle for survival against the Islamists. "'Ah, Assyrians -- I've read about them in the Bible,' is what many people say," says Marcus Naissan, a 25-year-old electrical technician and member of Dwekh Nawsha. "But we are not just history, we are still alive, we are still here." The exodus of Christians from Iraq started prior to ISIS -- and the civil war in the mid-2000s took an especially heavy toll. Today, most Iraqi Christians live in Kurdish areas in the north, which have been a relative haven of stability. And so far, the Kurds have been taking heavy losses to defend Christian and Yezidi minorities against ISIS. Every night, the fighters hear the rumbling sound of coalition airplanes in the sky over Baqufa where they have their safe house just a few miles from the frontline. Here they relax, patrol the empty streets of the village and try to hinder ISIS suicide commandos from entering the near city of Dohuk where UNHCR says almost 100,000 refugees -- many of them Christians -- have found a temporary place to stay. So far, the militia has only assembled and trained 40 fighters. But Rama Baito, manager of the digital media presence of the group, shows me his direct messages on Facebook -- dozens of ex-soldiers, diaspora Assyrians or Christian activists from all over the world contact him and offer monetary support or their own presence on the frontline. "We have 200 people waiting right now, because we simply do not have enough weapons and training capacities," Baito says. Since they are still small and have no heavy weaponry, the Dwekh Nawsha fighters say they coordinate closely with local Kurdish Peshmerga commanders and share the same foxholes on the frontline. The fighters are a very mixed bunch. A young baker, carrying his large military dagger in an elegant sheath, says he brought his father when he enlisted. "But now, we see each other only rarely because he is in another unit of our group," he says. "When I go on vacation, he goes to the field and the other way around. So every time we swap units, I wait for him, give him a quick hug and then leave back home." Right now, ISIS is focused on other fronts -- the yellow fields of the Niniveh plains are quite safe for the mostly young fighters. But none of them thinks victory over ISIS will be quick, nor that fighting will end immediately afterward. All they can do now is patrol the deserted alleys of Baqufa, making sure the wild dogs don't take over the town and hope one day their relatives will be able to return.
Assyrians are an ancient Middle Eastern minority -- they are part of the rapidly dwindling Christian population of Iraq . After ISIS overran their villages, some Assyrians formed a militia to fight for survival against the terror group .
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