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No. Username was not changed. I ended up opening a ticket with support. What I was told was, "...this is a check that makes sure you are not using "administrator[NAME]" on the PSC" and as long as I wasn't using that account for the PSC I was okay. I wasn't so, I proceeded with the upgrade and was successful. | Hello. I'm getting a warning on the upgrade pre-check that says: " . Management username contains Administrator." Since it's a warning, I'm fairly certain I can proceed through it, but I'd like to know why it's throwing this warning. Don't remember any warning like that when I installed it. Thank you. | VXRail update to version 7.0.132-26894200. Pre-check warning |
Yes you can run an "external" (you may also see it referred to as "customer supplied") on the VxRail cluster, starting with VxRail 4.7 and later. There are some limitations though (like the VxRail assisted cluster shutdown won't work). You can get more information on the limitations on page 9 here - [URL] | Can you run an external vCenter VM on the same VxRail storage that it manages? I read someplace that it wasn't supported but this might be out of date information. | External vCenter running on VxRail storage |
There are a few ways to tell. 1) Is vCenter running on the cluster? If it is, there's a high probability it's the one deployed by VxRail MGR during the install 2) If you stage the upgrade, do you see vCenter as one of the components that will be upgraded in the list? 3) If you're on 4.7.100 or later, in vCenter, if you go to the cluster, then select "Configure", and selection "System" under VxRail MGR, you will see a "convert vCenter mode" on the right hand side of the screen. It will have to option to "convert" and it will state "vCenter Mode: embedded". | How to determine if a vCenter is customer supplied or vxrail integrated? I inherited a lab with a small VxRail cluster and I want to upgrade vCenter, but obviously would only do that if vCenter is NOT integrated with VxRail. Thanks. | How to determine if a vCenter is customer supplied or vxrail integrated? |
Hello alshawwa, Here is a link to a kb that maybe of assistance. [URL] | Hello, i am planning to upgrade vxrail to latest update package . the precheck shows a Warning that vxrm /root is low in space at 35%. can i still upgrade or i have to free up some space just in case on the vxrm ? i found that there is a log bundle package created in the tmp folder in vxrm . its about 3gb not sure if it is safe to delete or not manually. thank you. | Low VXRM storage warning and vxrail update |
With VxRail, you will have 1 VxRail MGR VM per cluster. That VM is static in size, meaning you don't need to add more CPU, RAM or Storage to the VxRail MGR VM as you scale the cluster or add features to the system. The VM will also run on the cluster itself (you can't have it run on another cluster). The network planning guide - [URL] - may help with some of this. There's also the VxRail vCenter planning guide that may help - [URL] | Hi, I am about to get my first VxRails and I am struggling to find a clear answer to this. With a VxRail 7.x deployment using an external vCenter Server deployment, if I have multiple VxRail clusters will I have one VxRail Manager (for all clusters) or will I have one VxRail Manager PER cluster? I cannot find a document that explains how multiple clusters in the same vCenter Server are deployed/managed. We will have 3 clusters. A Management Cluster (5 E560F nodes) and two Workload Clusters (8 V570F nodes each; 1 WL cluster will have NVIDIA GPU's). Do I need to plan IP/DNS for 3 VxRail Manager VM's? If so, must each VxRail Manager VM live in the cluster it is managing or can I put all of my VxRail Managers in the one Management Cluster? If there is a document that someone can point me to with a specific reference I would be so happy. Thanks Pin | Relationship between VxRail Manager VM's and VxRail Clusters? |
>> What are VxRail owners that bought their systems before the SmartFabric integration was available supposed to do? They have to rebuild their whole cluster to use it? That seems like a crazy ask. Yep AFAIK Smart fabric was supposed to be used in greenfield environments as it needs to be present at build >>I have another related question and received mixed answers from Dell up to this point. If we switch over to SmartFabric (by doing the cluster rebuild) can we use outside devices on the switch? One Dell support rep told us no only VxRail devices will work on the switch when SmartFabric is enabled, but documentation for OS 10.5 seems to differ. In particular I'm looking to attach my Exagrid's to the switches to be able to do high-speed backups of the VMs on the VxRail. I think both answers are true (kinda) With the initial release you could not use outside devices but with later releases I believe you could See [URL] I find this to be a good site about Vxrail networking in general [URL] Hope thats useful | We just implemented a new VxRail, with S5212 switches. However due to some account problems we didn't have access to Digital Locker at the time of initial deployment to upgrade the switch OS to the necessary 10.5 version needed to SmartFabric integration, so we did it without for the time being. The issue now, after everything is deployed without SmartFabric, is that I can't find any documented procedure to install the SmartFabric after the fact. All the documentation mentions doing this during initial deployment. There must be some way to do it after the fact that doesn't involve blowing everything away and starting again, right?? | Add SmartFabric integration after VxRail deployment? |
The Procedure is in Solve. If you don't have access to it, please work with support. [IMAGE] | Are there any work arounds to migrate a VxRail from one external vCenter to another? There are articles on how it can be done with a generic vsan cluster, but all documentation i've seen for VxRail states the VxRail needs a factory reset. With new nodes requiring VxRail 4.5 (which requires vCenter 6.5) I can only assume others are in the same boat as not being at vCenter 6.5 yet in large environments. Articles on vsan migration to new vCenter [URL] Migrating VSAN cluster between vCenters |VMware Communities VSAN: swapping out old vCenter (Server A) with ... |VMware Communities Thanks | VxRail move to new cluster |
Apologies for the typo in the earlier. I was able to initialize successfully. During the initial setup, 2 NIC option was selected and disconnected NIC3 and NIC4. | I have a query regarding the VXRail initial setup. I have 3 x E560F servers, which comes with 4x10G SFP+ connectivity. During the initial setup, Is it possible for me to configure the VXRail with 2x10GSFP+ . And later on configure the unused 2x10G SFP+ dedicated for VM traffic? Any issues in the above configuration. Is this a good practice. | VXRail initial setup- Network Query. |
Had supported the VXRail support team. Got the feedback, this is not supported in this version. | HI, I am having an environment with 3-Node E560F VXRail. There are 2 virtual Domain Controllers in this environment which is residing within this VXRail Cluster. I need to make sure that while bringing up the VXRail Environment, after a Poweroff, the Domain Controller VM's should be booting first. I have checked the VM Startup/Shutdown. But i cannot change anything, when i try using "administrator[NAME]" account. VXRail Version is 4.7.300 Any suggestions, most welcome. | Domain Controller placement for a 3-Node VXRail |
As a customer myself, I don't know whether this is officially supported. Most likely not. From a compatibility standpoint, I'd avoid that shared vDS scenario. If you're interested in following the VMware Validated Designs, each cluster (workload domain) has its own vDS as well. This will also potentially introduce complexity during cluster upgrades if your VxRail nodes and non-VxRail hosts end up with differing vSphere versions (ex. 6.0 vs 6.5 vs 6.7) as that can limit your ability to upgrade the vDS version. The only benefit I see in sharing a vDS in this way is to try to save a bit of time in provisioning new port groups on the vDS's. If your practice is to make port groups available to all clusters when, say, you add a new VLAN, then you wouldn't have to add two port groups with the same VLAN ID on two different VDS's. I would hope that this activity is infrequent enough that you're not doing this often, say every month. If you do find yourself doing this semi-regularly, then I'd recommend using PowerCLI to provision new port groups on as many vDS's as you need in one go. That should give you the efficiency without compromising compatibility or upgrade options. | Hello everyone, I'm sure this question can be little bit strange, but want to know if it possible. I have a vxrail cluster with 8x10Gb network, 4 of them are configured in the default dvswitch deployed by the initial setup for (Vsan, Vmotion, Management, networking). [IMAGE] I would like to add 2 others servers, not vxrail nodes, in a new Vmware cluster but my idea it's to keep DVswitch to get the same network configuration. Technically it's possible, but just don't want to block the next vxrail upgrade if it's not supported. Thanks, Julien. | Join external ESXi host to VXrail vmware default Vmware Distributed vswitch |
After posting my original message I opened an SR for the same issue. Support consulted with back-end engineering and the response was, "EE came back and said it should be fine to rename". Since then, I have renamed many Log Insight VMs on VxRail without problem. | I want to know if it's supported to change the Log Insight VM name in any version of VxRail. We currently have version 4.5.215. I know there are renaming procedures in SolVe for just about every other component, but there's no mention of the Log Insight VM. Same with the Administrator Guide. It mentions renaming other VMs, but doesn't mention Log Inisght. KB article 474897 for VxRail 3.x explicitly says that renaming the Log Insight VM was not supported in that version - [URL] But, later, in versions 4.0.100 thru 4.0.300, support for renaming almost every component was introduced, but the docs don't say anything about the Log Insight VM. Please let us know if renaming it is now supported. Thanks. | Can we rename the Log Insight VM in VxRail? |
Looks like I answered my own question. Using this method works. add-type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy $h = "[URL]" $usr = "admin" $pwd ="password" $request = $h + "/fm/systems" $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $main -Method Get -SessionVariable cas $form = $response.Forms[0] $form.fields.username = $usr $form.fields.password = $pwd $loginurl = $h + $form.action $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $loginurl -WebSession $cas -Body $form.fields -Method Post $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $request -WebSession $cas -method get -ContentType "application/xml" | Hi all, I am trying to use powershell to query Vision via REST API. Particularly, I am trying to export XML files via https:// :8443/fm/systems and then drill down my queries from there. I understand that in order to authenticate you need to do the following: 1. Get a TGT from https:// :8443/cas/v1/tickets 2. Get a ST from the TGT from https:// :8443/cas/v1/tickets 3. Get a jsessionid from https:// :8443/fm/auth 4. Finally connect to https:// :8443/fm/systems with the session cookies and cookie header. However, I am not able to get step 4 to work, the core just won't accept the sessionid a valid authentication. Does anyone have a working script using powershell on VCE Vision core that works? The programmer's guide is really bad and it doesn't explain the authentication scheme at all. I have to decode that from the java script examples given in the guide. BTW, my version is 3.5 (yes, its old, I am waiting for upgrade) Here is how my script works #ignore cert errors add-type @" using System.Net; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class TrustAllCertsPolicy : ICertificatePolicy { public bool CheckValidationResult( ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate, WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) { return true; } } "@ [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy #Get TGT $usr = "admin"$pwd ="password" $body = @{ username = $usr; password= $pwd;} $ticketsrv = "[URL]" $r = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $ticketsrv -Method Post -ContentType "text/plain" -body $body$r -match "TGT-.*vce.com" $tgt = $Matches[0] #get ST from TGT $authsrv = "[URL]"$tgtsrv = $ticketsrv + "/" + $tgt $body2 = @{ service=$authsrv ;}$head = @{"Accept"="application/xml"} $st = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $tgtsrv -Method Post -ContentType "text/plain" -body $body2 #now grab a jsessionid from the ST $stsrv = $authsrv + "/?" + $st.content $session = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $stsrv -Method Get -SessionVariable cas -header $head #now login to fm/systems with session cookie to grab the XML file $jsession = $cas.cookies.getcookies($authsrv).value$js = "JSESSIONID=" + $jsession$head = @{"Accept"="application/xml"; "Cookie"=$js} $request = "[URL]" #this don't work, it won't authenticate $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Request -Method Get -ContentType "application/xml" -Headers $head -websession $cas | How to query VCE Vision /fm/systems using Powershell via REST API? |
Hello, To resolve this issue I cleared the CMOS, I removes the bios battery and powered on the node it works . Don't forget to remit the bios battery . Thank you Rached | Hello The node does not want to boot with 1-5-4-2 beeps and red alarms led . The model is phoenix . Can you help me to locate the problem. Regards. Rached | Vxrail serie G does not want to boot. |
Hello, To resolve this issue I cleared the CMOS, I removes the bios battery and powered on the node it works . Don't forget to remit the bios battery . Thank you Rached | Hello Please can you help me about an hardware issue on the Vxrail G series . The node does not want to start with 1-5-4-2 beeps. The constructor is Phoenix. Regards, Rached | Vxrail does not want to start with beeps errors. |
Check out: [URL] This is due to an ESXi CIM bug where non-existent hardware (NVMe etc) sensor readings are "0" where 0 in this instance is detected as a cause for alarm in vSphere. The fix will be included in a future VxRail update, in the meantime to workaround you can disable the alarm in VC | Since upgrading multiple vxrails to 4.5.227 in different locations we're getting frequent temperature alerts. When viewing the hardware tab the alerts vs what's being reported as the temperature doesn't match and often clears if I update sensors in the hardware tab. These vxrails weren't getting temperature alerts before the upgrade when they were on 4.0. Are there any existing issues with this? | Vxrail 4.5 temperature alerts |
The procedure is in SolVe _[URL] | Understand 3-node software update is supported from 4.5.200 and can be done by customer for vSphere Std, where can I find the procedure? | 3-node software upgrade |
Please make sure that you are using a right vSphere SSO account, like administrator[NAME].local because error messages says that account that has been used does not have enough privilege to proceed upgrade. If you are sure about SSO account, please reboot PSC and VCSA and try again. | any ideas?[IMAGE] | Error adding a node to existing cluster |
See page on dellemc.com: Dell EMC Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Solutions | Dell EMC US In the resources, technical section there are reference architectures. Send me an email william.leslie[NAME].com. I will connect you to our VDI sales team for customer references. | Hello Team, I have customer asking for the VDI use case using VxRail. do we have any reference to share with customer. Also if someone can share some reference architecture for VDI using VxRail . pls share the use cases immediately. | Can any one pls help me with VDI use cases using VxRail |
you're right, SMP-FT is not supported even until current-latest version 4.5.218 It may be because some VxRail specific tasks or scripts can be in race condition with SMP-FP, such as VxRail Cluster shutdown. But VxRail may support in future release.if you know more detail, you should get VxRail Xpert Certificates and join exclusive Slack | Hi team, I've been looking around several old threads where it was stated that vSphere FT feature was not supported by VxRail basically because this feature needs a dedicated Ethernet interface and only two of them make up the base connectivity configuration. What I read on the new technical deck for VxRail is that on 14th Gen PowerEdge server there are different base connectivity options that allow us to configure 4x10GbE cards which could give us the option to dedicate some of them for prod. traffic and others for FT. Despite of that, it seems that SMP-FT is not supported yet on VxRail 4.5 with this kind of servers. Is there another reason for that? Maybe this vSphere feature will be added on coming versions? Many thanks in advance! Joaquin. | SMP-FT Not supported on VxRail 4.5 - 14th Gen PowerEdge Servers |
Hi This looks like bug in VmWare ([URL] - password expiration. I thin you'll need to do system upgrade. I'm fighting with my system with the same problem, having to go with full RASR (E model) re-image procedure. Best Regards Krzysztof | Hi, Does anyone have any suggestions regarding build failures on a new unit. It has been sitting in the box (so to speak) for a while so the shipped version is 3 node G410 hybrid unit - no hardware issues detected. It fails at step 11 of the deployment tasks - the install gets to configuring the PSC for the firstboot however it never finishes, the PSC VM appears to be running however unconfigured (shows 'root password not set' and 'RPM Installation failed') as well as just 'localhost.localdom' for the hostname. Installer log has many entries for: [MARVIN] 2018-08-22T12:38:01:158Z INFO c.v.m.c.s.c.a.s.i.AbstractFirstBootCloudVMAction:482 - Checking first boot status... [MARVIN] 2018-08-22T12:38:01:189Z INFO c.v.c.c.s.g.GuestOperationsFileManagerService:94 - Trying to retrieve download URL for filepath /var/log/firstboot/rpmInstall.json [MARVIN] 2018-08-22T12:38:02:986Z ERROR c.v.c.c.s.g.GuestOperationsUtil:173 - Something went wrong while running GET_DOWNLOADFILE_URL com.sun.xml.ws.fault.ServerSOAPFaultException: Client received SOAP Fault from server: Failed to authenticate with the guest operating system using the supplied credentials. Please see the server log to find more detail regarding exact cause of the failure. I believe I have checked all the usual items such as DNS and NTP etc. and the config inputs passed validation without issue. I have also tried (based on suggestions from elsewhere), reducing NTP and DNS down to a single IP, change the logging function to 'none' Each time install fails I have had to reset the unit back to the start using the 4.5.0 reset script which seems to work fine but it just adds to the delays! I'm awaiting credentials to open a case but in the meantime I thought I'd ask here to see if the issue has been seen before as its quite urgent that I get this up and running. Thanks in advance, Garth | G410 Build Failure at PSC firstboot - new install |
Katsuhiro-san, The VxRail upgrade will only upgrade 1 node at a time. Please refer tot he SolVe procedure for upgrading VxRail. As for moving VM's from one host to another during the upgrade, if the customer has an Enterprise license, then the VM's will move automatically by DRS and vMotion. If the license is not Enterprise, and they do not have DRS/vMotion, then you will have to move the VM's manually before the node can enter maintenance mode. Hope this helps? Gary | VxRailリリースのアップグレードについて、 サービス停止時間にVMを別ホストへ移動し、VMの稼動していないホストを作成し、 1台づつアップグレードする事は可能でしょうか? | VxRailアップグレード時に、VMを別ホストに移動させ、1台ずつ対応出来ますか? |
Any environmental certs would be based on the Power Edge model. | Hi! Does anybody know if VxRail is certified with Enregy Star or any other evironmental certifications? Trying to find some documentation. Thanks | VxRail Environmental Certifications |
We did try resetting the iDracs, and that didn't do it for us. Eventually we did get the issue resolved with the help of support. They updated the version of the Dell PTAgent running on the hosts from 1.7-1 to 1.7-4, and restarted that service. Once that was done, all the appliances showed up in VXRail manager again, and I was able to upgrade the whole cluster version to 4.5.211. Since then I haven't seen the problem again. | Hello, I am wondering if anyone has seen this issue before. I am working with a cluster of 5 VxRail E460F nodes, and the manager VM seems to lose contact with the nodes, or with components in them. This is not specific to one node, it seems to randomly change. Sometimes the health page will show all nodes connected, sometimes one or many appear as missing. Sometimes the node shows connected, but disks show offline. From vCenter, I see no issues. All the hosts are present, and VSAN is functioning properly. Another thing to mention, occasionally I see the status LEDs on the drives in the appliances themselves are not lit. The activity LEDs light, but the status LED does not even though the drives are attached and working. Things I have done so far: Reset iDracs Upgraded iDrac firmware to latest version Restarted VxRail Manger VM This is rather aggravating, because every time it triggers a critical error a call home is generated. | VxRail Manager treats appliances/components as missing |
Yes, ESRS call home requires that VxRail Manager is up and running. The Communication from the cluster to ESRS is done by VxRail Manager. HTH. Gary | Does ESRS depend on the VxRail Manager VM being up and running in order to send "call home" messages/heartbeats to Dell EMC Support? Example: The VxRail Manager VM crashes or is shut down (For whatever reason). Does ESRS still communicate with the Dell PowerEdge servers directly and send heartbeats, or does it require VxRail Manager being up and running? Also - is the answer to the above any different depending on whether ESRS is "internal" (VxRail-managed ESRS) or "external" ESRS VE? Thanks, Bill | Does ESRS call home depend on VxRail Manager VM? |
For this PoC we took a node offline for a test and it appears that it caused the IOPs to no longer show. After bringing the 4th node back online we were able to see output again. | VxRail Manager is now showing zero IOPs for the cluster after rebooting vcenter. CPU usage and Memory usage are showing successfully, however Storage IOPs is still flat. We verified that we can see IOPs in vcenter and we have also tried to reboot the vxrail manager appliance. | IOPs reading zero after vCenter reboot |
Bill, As soon as you vCenter HA is robust enough, the vCenter can be hosted anywhere. We prefer it to be in the third site, but it is up to you. | I am working through the RPQ process for a VxRail Stretched Cluster implementation, and one thing I am seeing in the RPQ Excel document states the following: "VxRail stretched cluster only support external vCenter and it needs to be deployed on a separate host on the 3rd site. VCSA version is recommended." I understand the requirement for an external vCenter, but is it strictly required to have the vCenter located at the third, witness site? A better design in my opinion is to have the vCenter configured with vCenter HA (VCHA), with the active node at the "preferred" data site and the "peer" node at the "secondary" data site, with the vCenter witness node at the third witness site. This way vCenter is highly available and located at the two most resilient sites, compared with being in a non-HA configuration at the witness site. Is this a supported design for the external vCenter? Or must it be located at the witness site only? | Does VxRail Stretched Cluster require the vCenter to be located at the witness
site? |
It could be VLAN settings. Each host comes pre-configured with vmnic0 with no VLAN setting. The VxRail Manager VM uses the Management Network and the VM Network that are pre-configured by default, both with no VLAN. You can change VLAN settings for the host itself in DCUI (the main console) , then go into network settings and set the VLAN there. The trick is you then need to login to the host via SSH and set the VLAN for the VM portgroups. One way to do this is to set a temporary management IP on the host, set the VLAN, enable SSH in the troubleshooting section of DCUI, then login to the host via SSH. Change the VLAN settings with the following: esxcfg-vswitch -p "Management Network" -v vSwitch0 esxcfg-vswitch -p "VM Network" -v vSwitch0 /etc/init.d/loudmouth restart Also, if you want to change the VxRail manager IP address, you can do so by following the directions in the following article: 490026 : VxRail: Customizing the VxRail Initial IP Address [URL] | Hello, For the install of new VXRAIL E450, I cannot reach the default VXRIAL initial IP gw Can you help me how I can check if this IP exist and who I can reach it else who I can change ip . Thank you Rached | cannot reach the default VxRail Appliance initial IP address ( |
VxRail release 4.5.210, just released, supports vSphere 6.5U2. See Support Matrix here: [URL] I'll let someone else comment on the other questions, as I do not know the answers. | Hi, I have two queries. Given vSphere 6.7 is now GA and with 6.7U1 due to be release at VxRail 4.7 in Q3 will there be an interim release with vSphere 6.5U2? The reason for asking relates to my second question, with vCenter Enhanced Linked Mode now supported in those two release for embedded vCSA will there be a supported topology coming soon with replication possible between two VxRail clusters without an external vcenter just leveraging the supplied embedded vcsa license in linked vcenter mode? Thanks Victor | VxRail Upcoming Supported Topologies |
you can refer to other KB like KB#512087 and KB#487092.First one can give you how to check uuid and moref id. Second one can provide you with how to login and update DB like, update vxrailhost set morefid='host-24' where primaryip=''; | Hello, I know about the file-based backup and restore procedures for the VxRail Manager VM, but I am curious if Dell EMC supports image-level (VADP) backups and restores of the VxRail Manager VM? Specifically, using Dell EMC Avamar image-level VM backups of the VxRail Manager VM? Thanks, Bill | Does VxRail Manager support VADP (image-level) VM backups? |
vSAN Stretched Cluster requires exactly (1) vCenter, (1) Data Center ubject, and (1) Cluster object. So, if you want a 4+4+1 vSAN Stretched Cluster, you'd create an 8-node vSAN Cluster with 4 nodes in each site, and a 9th witness node at a 3rd site. See: [URL] | Hi, We are designing our vxRail deployment and can't find specific details on the ELM. We have 2x existing vCenter (we’ll call the VCA and VCB) connected by enhanced linked mode. Each vCenter has one datacentre site each. The deployment guide says ELM is not support in one part, while saying it's supported in another part. We are wanting to confirm; Can we deploy a 4x node vxRail cluster to VCA, another 4x node vxRail cluster to VCB, and use vSan stretched cluster between the 2 vxRail clusters? Many thanks and great forum to learn vxRail [IMAGE] | vSAN stretched cluster with 2x vCenter in Enhanced Linked Mode |
IS IT SAFE AND OK: If you use the additional network ports (not used for the VxRail deployment) you are fine. If you "borrow" port from the VxRail deployed vDS, you are exposed to single point of failure (no HA) and VxRail is technicaly "broken" until you return the port back. | We have a new VXRail system set up and operational. We need to migrate our existing VMs from an old ESXI 5.5 cluster. I took a host and put some VMs on it and attached it to the new VXrail Vcenter. When attempting a cold migration with VM powered down, it works. When attempting a live migration with VM powered on it does not. It tells me that I can not change the network and host for a VM as the source host does not support it. So, I've found a possible solution which is to create a standard vswitch on one of the VXrail hosts, give it the same name and attach same vlans to it as the old esxi host has... Make sure the port groups are named the same etc, and then it would work. I hope this works, but my question is... IS IT SAFE AND OK to make a temporary standard vSwitch on a vxrail host and use it to move VMs to, and then move the VMs to the distributed switch and eventually delete the standard vSwitch that I created? I just need to find if creating a standard vSwitch on a host throws eveything in VXrail system off or causes a huge issue. | Is this safe to do? |
Interanl VCSAではサポートされません。External VCでは可能です。 | VxRail 4.5では、vCenter HAはサポートされますでしょうか? | VxRail 4.5でのvCenter HAサポート |
Hi, I have found the reason that I have gotten the golden image from FTP site of Dell EMC Support Engineering gave me, I have just extracted the "v4.5.150_golden_image.zip" file and inside that there is another zip file "992-720-600_4.5.150.04432_legacy_production.zip" named, and I have tried to upload this file, then the error gone. I think the MBS server try to find "versions.json" file inside the zip file, not in the nested zip file. [IMAGE] Have a good day.. | Hi, I have installed the MBS (Mobile Build Server) and whille uploading the golden image, the attached error "Failed to upload golden image!. Could not found version descriptor in package" that it says. Have you ever seen such an error. Thanks. [IMAGE] | Vxrail Deployment from MBS and a golden Image |
We do not support upgrading single CPU systems to dual CPU systems on VxRail. | Would like to get answers to 2 specific questions on existing VxRAIL Nodes : | Is Hardware Upgrade within the existing VxRAIL Possible? |
Hello, We ran into the same issue VxRail 4.0.xxx. We also modified the syslog section to "none" in the pre-installation sheet and recreated the json file. We started the installation again but this result again in a installation failure in the syslog section. The next step was reset the cluster to the factory defaults and use the same json file again. Now the cluster was succesful created. By default we install now the VxRail clusters with the "none" option for syslog. After the installation we add the syslog collector with a Powershell script to all ESXi hosts. I think you should open a supportcase. Cheers! | Hi to all, today I started to install a vxrail e460, 4.5.0-6881819 using the json file to insert the configuration data. During setup, the wizard stopped working on task 23/65 "Configuring syslog server" and does not allow me to go further. I checked inside the VCSA and the syslog menu was not filled out. [IMAGE] I tried to manually configure and test the operation but the wizard does not resume. Does anyone know how to change the data that he is trying to configure to prevent me from blocking the installation even if you configure it later? On the json file there is the option "none" for the syslog, can I skip the configuration of the syslog server without doing a "factory reset"? I am broken ..... Thanks in advance to everyone for the help ... | Vxrail wizard stopped "Configuring syslog server" |
Gen 14 nodes cannot be downgraded to 4.0 software. They only support the 4.5 software level. If you need new nodes for a cluster on 4.0 software, continue to order the Gen 13 nodes. | Dear Members, when we order a Gen 14 node, which is shipped with VxRail 4.5.101, can we downgrade those appliances to 4.0.400? we have 5 VxRail clusters running on 4.0.x and want our new clusters also running that code (for now.) thanks for helping! | VxRail gen14 downgrade to 4.0.400? |
In short: | For those trying to find info on the Meltdown and Spectre exploits please see the link below: [URL] | MELTDOWN CVE-2017-5754 & SPECTRE CVE2017-5715 and CVE-2017-5753 |
A forthcoming 4.5 release will allow customers to upgrade existing 4.0 cluster to 4.5. Please refer to release notes for allowable upgrade paths. The 4.5.070 is only for net new cluster installs. | Does anyone knows when the VxRail 4.5.070 upgrade becomes available for VxRail 4.0.302/4.0.400 customers? It would be released in Q4 2017. It's now almost 2018 and it's still not available for download. | VxRail 4.5 upgrade for VxRail 4.0 customers |
That is correct. Using swing ESXi is one of the prefered method for migration. Another option is shared DataStore (iSCSI/NFS) import the VM browsing the data store and storage vMotion them to the vSAN | I am in the planning stage for migrating from a vSphere 6.0 cluster to a VxRail cluster which will be using using Internal VCSA with external PSC inlcuded (PSC that comes with the embedded VCSA). I have understood that there is no way to add a standalone ESXi host to the internal VCSA that comes with VxRail and do vMotion from the Standalone Host to the new cluster. What I wonder is if it is possible to join the old vCenter to the PSC which will be deployed in VxRail or is it limited in some manner like the embedded VCSA? Has anyone faced the same issue and did you find a reasonable solution to live migrate virtual machines between an old vCenter into the embedded one? 2 Other options seem to be doing scripted migration using vSphere Power CLI or using VMware converter but this seem to be a bit troublesome in comparison. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks | Join External vCenter to VxRail PSC |
It turns out that our Network Engineer had to create a route in our Cisco router (gateway) to route traffic to the vMotion network. I was then able to configure the vMotion adapter and TCP/IP Stack correctly which allowed the vMotion and vStorage Motion to work. Overall, due to the way our network was configured it wasn't a L3 solution that we ended up doing. I'm trying to explain it the best I can on what I was told and learned along the way, but in the end...it's all good and it's working! Thank you for your help. It was just you and one other person from the VMware Community helping me out with this one...again...thanks. | We've recently installed a new VxRail S470 into our environment and my goal is to do live migrations using vMotion and vStorage Motion to move my existing VM's from our vCenter/SAN into the embedded vCenter that comes with VxRail/vSAN. The one thing that I've tried is to make sure that all Level 3 connectivity between the two environments is enabled and I disconnected/removed a host from my existing environment and tried adding it to my VxRail/vSAN cluster, but due to EVC mode I'm needing to shutdown the service VM's on VxRail to then lower the EVC to be compatible with my existing host servers. How do I go about doing this since I've read that the service VM's which includes vCenter are part of the VxRail shutdown process, so I'm wondering if there is a way to shutdown these VM's manually? If not, is there another better option? I read an article on these forums that mentions doing the opposite which is adding the VxRail vCenter to my existing vCenter and then migrate my VM's to VxRail that way. They are both running version 6.0, but not sure if the EVC will come into play in this scenario. Both vCenter's are virtual appliances. Any help would be appreciated as I'm trying to migrate to then retire my existing VMware environment. The end result is running only my VxRail environment. Thanks, Angel | Migration of Existing VM's to VxRail |
Any components used in a VxRail Appliance should be purchased from Dell EMC or through a certified Business Partner. Going through non-approved channels for component upgrades may void warranty and maintenance. | Anyone added RAM to their existing VxRail nodes (PowerEdge) after initial purchase? Thanks! | Adding RAM to VxRail Nodes |
VDP is the free solution for backup on VxRail, also all the models came with RP4VMs licenses, that could help you. Networker is a strong solution that could backup with agents inside the OS and entire VMs like VDP (vProxy). | Hello, Could you please let me know what is the back up solution that Dell/EMC has for VxRail? I believe the VDP is going away, want to know what is next for customer? Thanks!! | VxRail - Backup Solution |
Update: Dell EMC released VxRail update 4.0.302. It includes the patch. From the release notes: "Customers with all-flash VxRail Appliances with deduplication enabled should contact Support to request an upgrade to VxRauil 4.0.302" | VMWare has released an VSAN patch and their advise is to install immediately. The scope is an all flash vsan with deduplication enabled. When will be or is there already a VxRail update available? Documentation; Http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2151042 and [URL] Cheers! | VMware VSAN patch |
With embedded vCenetr PSC is always external. You end up with two VMs by design. Joining external vCenter gives you an option to choose between imbedded or external PSC. We want to be able to handle both options since we don't have control how vCenter is deployed. In the preinstallation checklist based on your choices, the Excel spreadsheet opens or hide the fields needed for your particular case. | When we deploy a new VxRail with embedded vCenter VCSA we also get an external psc. Is the external psc always installed when choosen an embedded vCenter VCSA? When we fill in during the VxRail setup that the psc should have the same name and ip as the vCenter VCSA there is a name/ip conflict warning. I prefer a embedded psc on the vCenter VCSA. The only vSphere SSO design consideration to use an external psc is when you plan to connect more than one vCenter VCSA to the same SSO domain.And in my opinion you will never use more then one vCenter VCSA in a VxRail with embedded vCenter VCSA. When you decide to use an external vCenter VCSA with embedded psc you can fill in the same name and ip for the vCenter VCSA and psc and it works fine. Someone any information about this? | VxRail 4.0 with embedded vCenter VCSA |
No Gary. They cannot upgrade from single socket to dual socket later on. That is not a supported field upgrade for VxRail. Thanks, Gary I | Hello I was wondering if someone could please answer the question below. If a customer buys a VxRail E-460 system with single socket E5-2603v3 is it possible to upgrade to a dual socket at a later time? Thanks, Gary Bastarache PreSales Solution Services | VxRail E-460 question about socket upgrade |
When configuring stretched cluster, it can ONLY be configured with a customer supplied external VC. The VC CANNOT be hosted on the VxRail. That would break the LCM affinity rules. | Hi Experts, As fro the , [URL] on page 7, it states that : A Customer Supplied vCenter Server solution is required when: [IMAGE] So does that mean the VxRail supplied vCenter Server is not supported by Stretched clusters? and why is that? if we must use a customer supplied vCenter Server, how can we protect it from site failure? use another stretched cluster? that just sounds stupid... Regards. Johnson | VxRail vCenter Server( or internal” or “embedded”) for stretched cluster |
Hi Gary. RP4VM also supports n:1 configurations. regards, Tiago Martinez | Hello, is replicating from multiple VxRail implementations to a single VxRail instance in DR supported? In the Recoverpoint for virtual machines with VxRail it shows support for Multi-copy (One to many simultaneous replication). Thanks, Gary Bastarache PreSales SUpport | VxRail replication many to 1 |
Hi, All models of E, P, V and S series are single node only. The G series appliance can hold from 1 to 4 nodes on a 2U chassis. If you have the sales order, you can search the part numbers for individual nodes | Hello, Is there a way to identify how many nodes are in a VxRail appliance just by looking at their part numbers? For example, an E460F (mfg. # SYS6301U1N10DAF) - will this ship with 4 nodes in each appliance, or can that be changed in the pre-sales process? Trying to segment appliances by # of nodes, if possible. Thank you for any help! | VxRail - # of Nodes |
When connecting VxRail to external VC, the default IP address for VxRail Manager needs to be changed. This is all documented in the SolVe installation instructions. VxRail is not customer install-able. Please refer to the SolVe install procedures. If you do not have access, please contact customer support. | [IMAGE]Hi All Having some issues setting the VxRail up for the first time - wondered if anyone could help I'm browsing to the initial setup URL - and going through the form - I've already decided on names, IP addresses, VLANs etc. Switch is all configured. And I've even tested connectivity through to DNS servers from the management ports (using my laptop and what will be the ESXi addresses and management server address) I'm wanting to use an existing vCenter server 6.0U2 I get the following errors when validating my setup: vCenter server hostname - Can not retrieve external vCenter server certificate. Make sure hostname is correct VxRail Manager hostname - Can not resolve or resolved with incorrect IP with hostname from provided DNS servers ESXi hostname prefix - Can not resolve or resolved with incorrect IP with the following ESX hostnames..... all 4 esxi servers.... Thing is - if I chose not to use my own vCenter server the validation comes back as good - strange as I would've thought it would still have issues resolving DNS for the ESXi servers? Unless the setup tries to resolve through the vCenter?? | VxRail 3.5 setup - hostnames fail to resolve and vCenter hostname :( |
Use the quick proposal tool on Mainstay: [URL] | I keep seeing mentions to a TCO tool or calculator but cannot find where one actually exists... I'm looking for something as basic as an excel spreadsheet if available to give our customers some basic dollar figures. | VxRail TCO Calculator |
To Clarify, VxRail Manager will upgrade/update all internal VxRail components. We will not touch external vCenter or PSC when upgrading the VxRail. Internal components when VxRail is configured with External VC/PSC are: - VxRail Manager - ESXi - VxRail VIB on ESX hosts Hope this helps... -Gary | Hello, With an external vcenter, what is the best pratices about ESXi updates ? Is VxRail-Manager that will be update ESXi or can we use Vmware Update Manager ? Thanks | Vmware Update-Manager |
Opened an SR by support and got the following answer. Erasure coding is supported, you just have to ensure that there is a minimum number of fault domains to ensure availability. | Hi, I was wondering if it's possible and supported to change the default VM storage policy for the VxRail manager. By default the "Marvin-System-Storage-Policy" is applied to the VxRail manager. I will feel more comfortable when the failure tolerance method is set to RAID-6 erasure coding with FTT=2. Cheers! | VM storage policy VxRail manager |
ESXi v6.0 P05 will be included in the VxRail v4.0.300 update due out late June 2017. Thanks, Gary | hi all, could someone please tell me when ESXi 6.0 P05 to be GA'd by vmware on 06/06/2017, when will this be available in a Vxrail release? This fixes a PSOD issue a customer had.. | ESXi 6.0 P05 availability |
1) The specific licenses needed for using Horizon with VxRail will depend on what you are planning to use as far as desktop management features. I would work with your local VMware account team to understand what licensing requirements are needed. VxRail is a vSphere Ready HCI appliance which means customers can supply their own vSphere licenses that meet their requirements to then use with the VxRail. Customer's would also be able to have that same flexibility with VDI desktop management software like Horizon. Customers can figure out what their needs are and work with their VMware account team to understand the needed licensing to make that happen. They can then run Horizon on VxRail. 2) The number of desktops per node will be completely dependent on the node configuration. VxRail HW can be configured with many different CPU, Memory, Network, and Storage configuration options. Ultimately we would need to understand what your planned desktop image profile requirements are to determine how many of your desktops can fit on a particular sized configuration. Throwing out any desktops/server numbers wouldn't really be any benefit since there are always assumptions to what the desktop image profile used for the number provided (ie 1vcpu, 1GB memory, 50GB storage capacity per desktop etc). | Good moring, I have two questions regarding VXRAIL,can somebody help ? Question 1: What additional license is required for VDI(VMware View) usage ? Qeestion 2: Generally speaking, how many desktops can one VXRAIL BOX(4 nodes) support ? Thank you. | Regarding VXRAIL |
I am following up with the engineering folks who may know more. Please be patient for another view days while we figure this out. | The VxRail version 4.0.200 release note says the customers can change the internal vCSA and PSC passwords. But I could not export the Solvedesktop procedure. I can select "change the * root password " in the Solvedesktop tool. [IMAGE] But, it returns error. [IMAGE] Solvedesktop tool version is latest. There is no procedure in KB. Is the change procedure unpublished? | About Internal vCSA and PSC password changing procedure |
Thanks for bringing this up. I reviewed the reasoning behind this increase and I view this as future proofing (we have done similar change in vSphere 6.5 releases) as some of our customers with complex configurations (i.e. link mode which we don't support today with VXRAIL's internal VC / PSC) are going be hitting close to 100% of the memory utilization in their environments. So I would recommend to make this configuration change only whenever you have experienced high memory utilization in your PSC VM during a steady state (and not just during the boot process). In my test environment I also observed high paging activity after PSC reboot, but it would settle down and work just fine in a steady state. When VXRAIL 4.0.x releases are going to be upgraded to VXRAIL 4.5+ releases (which will included vSphere 6.5+ bits), we will automatically take care of the PSC memory bump as upgrade process will require deployment of new instances of VC/ PSC appliances. | Hi Experts, I upgraded to VxRail 4.0.200, but the upgrading process failed to restart PSC during upgrade. And I saw an alert of PSC 's memory shortage (High Paging). * PSC memory size is still 2GB. during the PSC stopped, I could not use the Web Client. [ VMware vCenter Server 6.0 Update 3 Release Notes ] [ FAQ: VMware Platform Services Controller in vSphere 6.0 (2113115) | VMware KB ] vCenter6.0u3 release note known issues and FAQ KB say recommended memory size is 4 GB. ---- Note: Platform Services Controller of vCenter Server Appliance is installed with 4 GB of memory by default in case of fresh install and while upgrading from 5.5.x to 6.0 Update 3. What are the minimum requirements to run PSC 6.0? Requirements when deploying the Appliance-based Platform Services Controller: ---- In addition, I checked the setting of the clear installed appliance of VxRail 4.0.200. This is correctly set with 4 GB. PS C:> get-vm | ft -AutoSize Name PowerState Num CPUs MemoryGB ---- ---------- -------- -------- VMware vCenter Server Appliance PoweredOff 4 16.000 VxRail Manager PoweredOn 2 8.000 VMware vCenter Server Platform Services Controller PoweredOff 2 4.000 VMware vRealize Log Insight PoweredOff 4 8.000 I think that memory size should be changed before or after upgrading according to Vmware's recommendation. What do you think? | About PSC memory size on VxRail 4.0.200 (vSphere6.0u3a~) |
Hi all, I opened a case with EMC regarding this about a month ago. They are still working on the documentation. I got this from the support rep last week: "So I have an update. It is still in testing and they are planning on releasing it at the same time as the 4.0.300 code level upgrade. The target release date is the end of this month but that can change. I will keep pushing to get updates and ETA's and hopefully by the end of the month we are ready to roll. " | Hi, I'm looking for a document the describes how to replace the default, not trusted VXrail manager 4 certificate with a trusted certificate. I'm mean the certificate from [URL] | How to replace the default vxrail manager 4 certificate |
VxRail 120 only supports 10GbE network connections. This is called out on the spec sheet. | Hello Everyone. One of our customers acquired a VXRAIL configuration (VXRAIL-120) with switches VDX-6740B. We´re doing the deployment and we´re facing an issue in the configuration. Our customer, by now have only 1 GbE connections in his network. Therefore, could we connect the VDX-6740B switches to the customer network uing 1 GbE or definitively only 10 GbE connections ??. I should say, that the connection is temporal, meanwhile the customer buys new 10 GbE ports in his core switches. Thank you, in advance. Octavio Guerra M. | VXRAIL - VDX-6740B 1 GB CONNECTION TO CUSTOMER NETWORK |
First four nodes must be. Nodes after that done have to be. The idea of lifting that is being investigated as part of future releases. But nothing to commit to at this time. | It looks like a requirement for the one-click upgrade from 3.5 to 4.0 is that all nodes in the cluster be the same. Will that persist in the 4.0-future upgrades? | One-click upgrade |
The vSphere VDP Admin Guide is a valuable resource of reference. 1) Max of 20 VDP vApps per vCenter. Each of 8TB (10TB physical). page 15. 2) See tables on page 138, 139, 140, and 147. These provide the available source and target. Data Domain Virtual Edition (DDVE) could also be the target, and supports up to 96 TB of backed up capacity. 3) DP Suite for VMware provides added benefit of granular backup and recovery, monitoring and real-time analytics, and metadata or full-content index search. More detail can be found in the Data Protection Suite datasheet and the solution overview for DP Suite & DDVE with VxRail | Hi All, Have a great day 1. For VxRail backup if target is Data domain then VDP is enough?? but we need to create VDP VM, Max 10 (each can backup up to 10TB)? how much resources one VDP VM use and how to manage these VMs. 2. if backup target is any other vendor, we can bakcup up to 8TB??? 3. What is the benefit, if we use DPS instead of VDP. | Backup |
Hi, Yes, this is currently and actively being worked by Engineering, but this is not the place to commit availability dates. Please, if you need anything more precise, contact your Dell EMC representative or HCI Specialty Sales team for your region. Regards, | Is this coming anytime soon now that 6.6 is released? | vSAN 6.5 support |
As this is stretched cluster, you may still need to have the fourth node on each side of the stretch be identical to the first three nodes. Please work with your account team to make sure the configuration is supported. | Hello, Is it possible to add 2 nodes (1 per room) V Series (with GPU) in a cluster composed of 6 nodes E460 Full Flash in Streched Cluster mode) ? Julian | Mix VxRail models |
Hi, Yes. It is certified for 4.0 with P470 and P470F. Regards, | Hi all, is the latest EHC certified on VxRail 4.0 , or is it 3.5 only | EHC on VxRail 4.0 |
Hi Victor, You can see what is going on looking this log during the upgrade: /var/log/mystic/lcm.log I usually see upgrade fails at very beginning with the message like: the upgrade was interrupted and it points to KB 000488889. After "retry" it works fine. Another situation is when the upgrade hangs trying to move VM in order to put the ESXi in maintenance mode. | Hi everyone, I have one question about the software upgrade on VxRail Appliance, I know that we need to download software package which includes the following components: VxRail Manager, VMware vCenter Server Appliance, VxRail Manager VIB and VMware ESXi. We just upload this software package into VxRail Manager and perform the software upgrade by VxRail Manager. It starts the pre-check first before software upgrade. Based on my knowledge about VxRail Appliance, the upgrade flow is VxRail Manager -> VMware vCenter Server Appliance -> VMware ESXi -> VxRail Manager VIB. As we’ve neither control nor knowledge on the whole upgrade process, how to handle any instance should something goes wrong in this upgrade program? Please advise. | VxRail Appliance Software Upgrade Procedure |
Licenses are embedded to VxRail. They can be used in the VxRail Cluster where the chassis resides. The licenses cannot be transferred to other products or other VxRail clusters. | I know that VxRAIL G Series model bundled 15 RecoverPoint for VM per chassis. For my case, if I ordered 2 chassis of VxRAIL (8 nodes) which bundled 30 RP4VM license. Can I transfer 15 RP4VM license into other hardware, ie can I deploy this license into existing ESXi, NOT VxRAIL Appliance. Please advise. | Recoverpoint for vm starter packs |
Even though "technically" you can take a customer deployed vCenter and run it on a VxRail, it is not recommended nor supported because VxRail Manager will be unaware of the fact that it is indeed running physically on the VxRail cluster itself. To VxRail Manager, the vCenter and PSC are special "service VM's" that have a higher priority and a specific purpose that VxRail Manager takes into account as it manages the power on and power off of these VM's when using the VxRail deployed vCenter. This is extremely important that VxRail Manager takes these VM's into account because they need to be considered when doing appliance maintenance tasks like appliance shutdown as an example. If you use a customer supplied vCenter and then move it onto the VxRail cluster, VxRail Manager will treat it like any other VM and will not be able to verify its availability when doing system maintenance. This lack of control is why we don't support this deployment scenario. When you attach a VxRail cluster to an existing Customer Supplied vCenter, it's understood that the availability and maintenance of that vCenter is no longer the responsibility of VxRail Manager. And thus VxRail Manager does not account for it during appliance maintenance. If you move a customer supplied vCenter to run on a VxRail Cluster, you do so at your own risk. | Hello, I've seen some conflicting articles, posts about what is and isn't supported when migrating VM's from an existing environment into a new VxRAIL environment (with embedded vcenter). It doesn't sound like adding any of the existing (foreign) nodes into the VxRAIL vcenter is supported. So what I'd like to do is create the VxRAIL cluster using the customer's existing external VC. This should allow for some smoother migrations that are online and if the customer's existing VC is also a VM, I would think you can just migrated that over to live on the VxRAIL at the end - is that supported or is there something that limits this from happening? Thanks for all the advice! -K | Online migrations between vCenters with VxRAIL |
Hey mfauvet Here is an answer from Anthony Foster "So there are three ways I see to tackle this. Thanks Mat! | Hello users and Experts, One of our big customer request that we help them to define which metrics and KPI they have to use to monitor their hardware and software infrastructure and generate alerts. Today, they use vROPS and ViPR SRM to generate reports about storage usage, storage and servers CPU load, VM load, etc. but they don't want to spend time to read these report to identify something wrong. They want to be able to monitor vBlock and vSphere peformance and availability and receive alert if one of the KPI is not longer valid. I believe it is not required to use too many KPI (and metrics) to do that but the right metric. Ex use CPU %ready for VM CPU instead CPU Usage. I think too that we do have some experience about that at Dell EMC : Dell EMC IT, EHC, Virtustream, VMWARE, etc. Do you have some customer experience, personal experience and documentation about that please ? Thanks for you help. Regards, Mat | IaaS Platform - Wich metrics and KPI to use with CI and vSphere infra |
Hi norick-san, For reference, the vSAN Design guide says follows. ---- Processor Power Management Considerations While not specific to Virtual SAN, processor power management settings can have an impact on overall performance. Certain applications that are very sensitive to processing speed latencies may show less than expected performance when processor power management features are enabled. A best practice is to select a balanced mode and avoid extreme power-saving modes. There are further details found in VMware KB article 1018206([URL] ---- VxRail default power management policy is "balanced". I think I should not change. If you have to set a limit, I think it is simpler to use a resource pool setting. | Customer wants to use Power Capping with VxRail Gen.2 and Gen.3. Can I use Power Capping? Please let me know for the information. Best Regards. | Can I using Power Capping with VxRail? |
Use SolVe Desktop to get the procedure. Depends on what HW you use: VxRail Gen 2 Quanta Appliance Procedure -> v3.5 CS/PS Field Procedure -> Restricted Procedures -> VxRail Gen2 Appliance Factory Reset Procedure | I am trying to configure 4 node vxrail version 3.5. I proceeded with json config file. I did not join existing vcenter as i wanted to build a new vcenter. I want to restart the configuration process from step 1 as some of the IP addresses we used were incorrect and keeps giving errors. How can i get the get started page i.e how can i reset the VxRail to initial factory status. | Vxrail initial config reset |
SMP-FT is not supported as of VxRail. Yes, you can add additional nic for dell server model and create new VMkernel port for the cluster. But Internal doc says it is not supported even if you have VxRail 4.5. I don't know specific reason for this and i'm wondering as much as you are. But this is the fact we are facing. | Is vSphere Fault Tolerance 6.x supported on VxRail 4.0 DELL Hardware with additional 10GbE NICs ? Can I create the new VMKernel adapter for vSphere FT and setup vSphere FT using VxRail? (1). Technical FAQ says vSphere FT is not supported in VxRail 4.0. Q: Is vSphere Fault Tolerance supported on VxRail? A: No, the vSphere Fault Tolerance feature has not been qualified for use on VxRail (2). VxRail Network Guide says we create new vDS and new VMK adapters. [URL] The supported operations include: (3). And I saw past posts. Support for Fault Tolerance on any VxRail model? Re: Ask the Expert: Introducing the New VCE VxRail™ Appliance | Is vSphere Fault Tolerance 6.x supported on VxRail 4.0 DELL Hardware with
additional 10GbE NICs? |
If you go to SolVe, in the "how to" section... you can now select some procedures to change things... rename: datacenter, VM folder, VxRail Datastore, VxRail cluster, VxRail VMname and more... have a look. rgds, Menno | In the EMC Support article – 000474897 named VxRail: Changing VxRail internal components are not currently supported. Updated on Nov 14th, the article indicates VxRail 3.0 and 3.5 … are they still ‘locked’ from a VxRail 4.0 perspective?? When are these currently static / hard-coded items going to be made variable for customer selection?? | Changing VxRail internal components are not currently supported |
Current target release date is late Sept 2017. | Hi, Any Idea in which release of VxRAIL Software version, VMware 6.5 support will come . . . ? Regards, Nilesh | VMware 6.5 support . . . |
Hi, The first four nodes must be identical. Thanks, | I know with VxRail 3.5 the minimum nodes in a cluster were 4 and that hardware needed to be identical, but now with 4.0 and a 3 node minimum, do we still need to have the first 4 nodes have identical hardware or is it only the first three now ? | Minimum node change |
Sorry, I've solved the question. I got information from VMware. They said the configuration is not support, the configuration is your own risk. This is depend on VMware spec, not depend on VxRail. Regards. | Hi All, I've understood can't modify the VCSA Hostname and IP address. But can I modify vnic configuration of the VCSA? For example, if customer require is to access for some network segment, can I add vnic to the VCSA? Best Regards. | Can I modify vnic configruration of the VCSA |
This planning guide for vCenter with VxRail may also be useful: [URL] | Hi, Though I can see a question and answer from the link below, Can an embedded vCenter with VxRail become the external vCenter for the one portal and multiple VxRail clusters? [URL] Q: Will there be a management interface that ties in all VMware and storage management into one portal across all VxRail Appliance clusters a customer might have? A: An external vCenter allows customers to manage multiple VxRail clusters from within the familiar vCenter interface. Thanks Best regards, | Can An embedded vCenter with VxRail become the external vCenter? |
There is a guide that will be added to the enablement center shortly. Direct link is here: A training video will be available in the next week and posted to the VxRail Selling Channel on EduTube. | Does anybody know if we have a new set of instructions for the VxRAIL 4.0 Sizing tool? | New VxRAIL sizing Tool 4.0 |
Hi norick, It is supported. please check the following kb. VxRail: How to integrate to Active Directory after the appliance is built [URL] | Hi, All. How can I configure VxRail embedded VCSA with Active Directory user authentication? Normally vSphere environment, I can configure that via vCenter WebClient GUI. Can I use the procedure for VxRail embedded VCSA? I want to using VxRail v3.5. Best Regards. | Embedded VCSA with Active directory user authentication |
Uehara-san, I found the following KB. How to Manually deploy ESRS/VE on VxRail [URL] | I found VxRail Manager Extension did not support web proxy environment ([URL] Does it mean there is no way to implement VxRail's ESRS function into web proxy environment and hence we have to give up using EMC remote services? Or is there any workaround for it (i.e prepare another stand-alone ESRS/VE server)? If there is, please let us know! Thank you, | Can we deploy VxRail with ESRS function into web proxy environment? |
Linked Mode is not currently supported with VxRail. | Hi experts、 Can I use VxRail 3.5 vCenter PSC for customer's other vCenter and create the vCenter Enhanced Linked Mode ? My purpose of this configuration is for enabling Cross vCenter vMotion. Link mode vCenter and vSphere license are existing customer's lisences. Is this supported? | Can I join other vCenter to the VxRail PSC Enhanced Linked Mode ? |
I think you may be running into an issue because we have not updated the connector to work with VCE Vision 3.x. There is not a current support path to work through this with either VCE or Avnet. I did verify the port number for the inbound call is 8443, as is documented in the Admin Guide. There is also a Programmers Guide in our Technical Resource Center that may be helpful on the use of our APIs. The Admin Guide is also located there. [URL] . You will need to set up a login to access this content. | Hi All, We are using the V-Block Converged Infra (HP, Cisco & EMC all products to gather )in our client environment. To monitor it we are using VCE Vision. We had a requirement to integrate the VCE vision with another Microsoft monitorign tool. We got a solution for the same, But the solution is trying to access VCE Vision over its URL with port 8443. Now once it uses that it lands with HTTP 404 Error. Any idea does VCE Vision work with 404 & Which components of VCE Vision work with port 8443. I am new to this as well. | My VCE Vision URL does not work with port 8443 or /js switch |
Jaffer: I'd suggest starting with the VxRail Tech Book for a detailed overview of the product. [URL] | Hi All, I am trying to understand the VXRAIL advantages and disadvantages. If anyone using VXRAIL in your environment please give your feedback. I have done projects with UCS/VPLEX/VNX Array & UCS/VNX. It will be great if you can help me to compare with these products. Also we can use this thread moving to get as many helpful answers. Thanks, Jaffer | Any VXRail users ? |
Thx, we will update. C | Hi EMC Engineering, Coudl you update to the latest VxRail documents in support emc ? For example, "VxRail Pre-Installation Site Checklist" [URL] is Rev35, and this Excel sheet is not macro enabled. It didn't work correct. SolveDesktop Version "VxRail Pre-Installation Site Checklist 160505_20160711.xlsm" is Rev39. It works correctly. | Please update VxRail docs in support emc. |
I had initialized the VxRail appliance via build system with the EMC engineer. After initializing the VxRail 3.5, the Asset-Tag was erasured. And the local VMFS datastore name changed <PSNT>-04-<Node#>-service-datastore1 QCFXXXXXX04-04-01-service-datastore1 QCFXXXXXX04-04-02-service-datastore1 QCFXXXXXX04-04-03-service-datastore1 QCFXXXXXX04-04-04-service-datastore1 | Hi EMC Engineering, I have a question about local datastore naming policy of VxRail hosts. I had create FRU replacement node using "v3.5_gen2_node_replacement.zip". After VxRail 3.5 FRU node installation, the SATADOM local datastore name is different in VxRail 3.5 and 3.0 . And I found the difference in the kickstart scripting ESXi installer ISO images. Is this a design change ? Example : In the VxRail 3.0 ESXi local VMFS datastore(SATADOM). -service-datastore1 EMCXXXXXX04-01-service-datastore1 EMCXXXXXX04-02-service-datastore1 EMCXXXXXX04-03-service-datastore1 EMCXXXXXX04-04-service-datastore1 In the VxRail 3.5 ESXi local VMFS datastore(SATADOM), there are "04" inserted between AssetTag code. - 04- -service-datastore1 EMCXXXXXX04-04-01-service-datastore1 EMCXXXXXX04-04-02-service-datastore1 EMCXXXXXX04-04-03-service-datastore1 EMCXXXXXX04-04-04-service-datastore1 Thanks. | Local datastore naming policy of VxRail 3.5 hosts |
If your VxRail connect external iSCSI storage or NFS storage. Each VxRail node VAAI settings are enabled by default. ---- PowerCLI C:\> Get-VMHost |Get-AdvancedSetting |?{$_.name -like "*Accele*"} Name Value ---- ----- DataMover.HardwareAcceleratedInit 1 VMFS3.HardwareAcceleratedLocking 1 DataMover.HardwareAcceleratedMove 1 | Hi, folks. Could you please tell me whether we support VAAI(vStorage API for Array Integration) on our VxRAIL 3.5 code? Thanks! | Support VAAI on VxRAIL with VSAN6.2? |
VxRail Manager could not proceed drive replacement procedure because the drive has VSAN partition on it, VxRail manager drive replacement only accept empty drive. | Could you please tell me about how many generation it is remembered in VxRAIL Manager? My customer and I have been aware of VxRAIL Manager, which remembers the serial number of each disk. We are in a POC, actually. So we have realized we couldn't try to fail and replace with only one disk. I believe that It will be lost in VxRAIL Manager after being replaced to another disk with a different serial number. Am I in correct? | Remembering the serial number of a disk in VxRAIL Manager. |
The VxRail Network Planning Guide should be referenced first for some baseline information. Then VMware NSX documentation should be followed. [URL]… | Does anyone know the guide information of NSX implementation on VxRAIL? Thanks! | Implementation for NSX on VxRAIL |
As Staye3 says is on the cog (config) then click market if it can get to the internet.... but as it cant then login to the support portal. Under your VxRail there is a package download area and its listed in there. If not you can register a trail and download it: [URL]#!trial_software | In case of our VxRAIL is used in a place, which couldn't connect to the internet and EMC support site. How to install them, which include Cloudarray, RP and VDP, and use it on VxRAIL? Thanks a lot. | How to install Cloudarray, RP, VDP on VxRAIL |
Selection to use external vCenter must be done at time of initial deployment. See the Release Notes, pg 12, for additional considerations. [URL] | Hi all, I can locate the VxRail 3.5 new features " A VxRail Appliance can join an existing external vCenter server. ", at VxRail Manager 3.5 release note ([URL] I checked the VxRail 3.5 product guide and other documents, but I cann't find the procedure and detailed information. Dose anyone know detailed information of VxRail join external vCenter ? | About VxRail Appliance join existing external vCenter server |
Hi giadarola, could you please let me confirm one more thing on updating the software. I believe that software update, which includes vCenter, vShpere and vSAN on VxRAIL, is provided by EMC in CS(customer support). So the customer don’t need to pay for any extra fee on upgrading the software. Is my understanding in correct? For example, does the customer need to buy PS(Professional Service) for it? Thanks. | Hi All, VxRail 3.5 has been released last week. But we could not find the upgrade procedure and binarys download link. Do you know the upgrade procedure VxRail 3.0 to VxRail 3.5 ? | VxRail 3.0 to 3.5 Upgrade Procedure |
Hi Hiroki, VxRail does not support scripts to shutdown the appliance. At this point the only supported procedure is the one provided in the product guide. I forwarded your request to the product team to check if it can be added as an enhancement request. Rieko can you check on this as well? Thanks Fabio | Hello, How can we shutdown VxRail by CLI? Because our customer wants to do it using UPS at power outage. Is that possible? I looked at both the product guide page 54 and the procedure page 3 but they are explaining it only by GUI. And I can't find the way in Online Support. Otherwise can we use "poweroff" command for that? I referred to "VxRail: Failed to shut down VxRail Manager Extension(000474199)". Best regards, Hiroki | Shutdown VxRail by CLI |
Imminent. It was submitted to the enablement center last week, and should be posted today or tomorrow. | What is the ETA on getting out a sizing guide? I'm open to beta test or help contribute. | VxRail All Flash Sizing Guide |
Unique benefits include | What benefits are unique for VxRack System 1000 with FLEX Nodes? | What benefits are unique for VxRack System 1000 with FLEX Nodes? |
Unique benefits include | What benefits are unique for VxRack System 1000 with SDDC Nodes? | What benefits are unique for VxRack System 1000 with SDDC Nodes? |
The core benefits are | What are the core benefits for VxRack System 1000? | What are the core benefits for VxRack System 1000? |
We agree. Appliances can scale to dozens of servers, addressing the needs for many smaller customers. Many of these customers will adopt VCE Appliance offerings, such as VxRail. While appliances also meet the technical and performance requirements of enterprise departmental or ROBO use cases, VCE customers do not want to create pervasive silos of infrastructure that are prescriptively targeted for specific applications. They want the ability to flexibly scale deployments to meet the evolving requirements of centralized, modern data centers. | Why is massive scalability such a big deal? Today’s appliances already scale enough to meet the needs of the majority of customers. | Why is massive scalability such a big deal? Today’s appliances already scale
enough to meet the needs of the majority of customers. |
VCE VxRack 1000 is an engineered hyper-converged system for large enterprises and service providers. The VxRack 1000 is offered with three different software nodes: | What is the VCE VxRack System 1000 series? | What is the VCE VxRack System 1000 series? |
Hi Donald, The VMs for VDP and RPVM (and ESRS and CloudArray for that matter) are only deployed in a VxRail cluster if the customer explicitly installs those services. If those services aren't installed, then the values in the table you reference in your post can be ignored. Richard | Dear All, Base on reading from previous discussion, the usable space is about 48% of the RAW HD size (excl. SSD for caching purpose) However the sizer doesn't tell the actual usable capacity. For the first VxRail, the following VM are also needed and will take up extra space from the VxRail cluster. I am wonder if the optional parts: RP fro VM, CloudArray and VDP, can be ignored if customer is not intended to use them? Or such VM cannot (or should not ) be deleted from the VxRail cluster? [IMAGE] Thanks, Donald | VxRail: Storage Usable capacity |
VxRail SFP+ connections can be made via Twinax or optical cables. Twinax Direct-Attach-Copper (DAC) cables are ToR switch dependent. Alos, the SFP+ optics are Appliance NIC and Switch dependent. For the VxRail side, compatible optics can be optinally ordered from EMC (model number “SIO-NETCONNECT-003”) | Hi, Could you please advise me the reason why EMC does not provide Optical SFP module(transceivers) with VxRail? | Optical SFP module for VxRail |
1. As of right now, No. You must have 4 nodes per appliance. In the next release you will be able to add 1 node at a time so it may be possible to do what you are asking. However where are you gaining extra redundancy by splitting across appliances? 2. Disk adds will also be available soon. | Anyone know the answer to these? | VxRail customer questions |
So the important point to note is that VSPEX Blue / VxRail do not use RAID, as they use VMware's VSAN technology for an object-based, clustered/ shared, policy-driven, distributed storage platform. The ESXi operating system operates VSAN at the kernel level, and simply uses the local SSD/HDD disks as JBOD, and the VSAN code stores numbers of copies, and stripes across disks/hosts based on storage policies. All data is stored as objects. So I would be looking for VMware documentation on VSAN technology to have better chance at finding such document. Here is a reputable 3rd party website with a primer on VSAN: www.yellow-bricks.com/2013/08/26/introduction-vmware-vsphere-virtual-san/ There is plenty of literature on VSAN (vSphere 5.5 and 6.0 implementations) available today from many sources. VMware may have a white paper somewhere. This VMware document is an example of What's new in VSAN 6.2: www.vmware.com/files/pdf/products/vsan/VMware_Virtual_SAN_Whats_New.pdf The VSPEX Blue uses VSAN 5.5, while the newer VxRail platform ships with VSAN 6 They discuss RAID like features in the What's New doc, but still important to understand VSAN is object-based storage architecture and does not actually implement RAID protocols underneath. (Note: Above site links are not EMC sites) | Hello, I am trying to get a technical doc which explains the RAID functionality of VSPEX Blue, but all documents I am coming across is like hiding this RAID concept. Anyone having a link which explain RAID for VSPEX Blue, kindly let me have it. Kind Regards Wassim | How RAID Works on EMC Vspex Blue |
Subsets and Splits