<user> <user> justin trudeau is a jihadi apologist
[ "None" ]
<user> he has a good start on his career as a criminal great start what a retard
[ "None", "Other" ]
<user> you gotta watch โ€˜ return to paradise โ€™ with joakin phoenix that shit will have you never doing illegal shit in other countries
[ "None" ]
let them take the faggots
[ "Homosexual" ]
why do not jews like oral sex its too close to the gas chamber
[ "Jewish" ]
without a clitoris their women must just ly there theyll only realise when they are hungry
[ "Women", "None" ]
infrastructure is required to get energy from the ground to the socket the wetback vag whose <number> day old bridge collapsed in miami last week might be building power lines next
[ "Hispanic" ]
oh hey anon i heard both your lungs collapsed haha that crazy well tanner bought some ribbed magnum condoms so we are gonna go try those out see you in hell anon you fucking incel faggot
[ "Men", "Homosexual" ]
a negress too dumb to fuck has a scant chance of understanding anything beyond the size of a dick
[ "Women", "African" ]
those days are long gone my dudes im gonna be a psychology hoe
[ "None" ]
<user> false you are the only actual faggot i know that will touch men in such a way
[ "Homosexual" ]
<user> these hoes ain t shit bro u cute as hell
[ "Women", "None" ]
can this bitch from saudia arabia be deported already
[ "Women", "Refugee", "Arab" ]
breona that my dyke ๐Ÿคฃ
[ "Women", "None", "Homosexual" ]
eat me it a ritual created by the jews to bring their sons closer to god the rabbi literally sucks the bleeding dick fuck off with your pagan rituals
[ "Jewish" ]
important to note that this empowers massive violence against white children hundreds of thousands raped and tortured in the west uk nl de fr be massive industrial scale farms where muslims groom and rape white kids this rhetoric is <number> designed to facilitate this violence
[ "Islam" ]
<user> i really fucking hate you
[ "None" ]
<user> you all really going to not let dongsung take the fnc family photo even though he been with you for <number> years i hate you
[ "None", "Other" ]
stop telling women what to wear fam it dead
[ "None" ]
i forgot to add those poor palestinian towel heads we will ask them how peaceful these so called rat jews are i do not think they will say the jew is very peaceful
[ "Jewish", "Arab" ]
<user> just time to ban all mudslime immigration lets not discriminate against mudslime majorities
[ "Refugee", "Islam" ]
<user> he is not a news anchor he is a suck up to d trump maybe even secret gay lovers
[ "None", "Homosexual" ]
no you do not see anything whites are already screwed there is no easy way out of this you are trying to sow confusion in the ranks i have seen a very concerted effort on social media to do this the jewish power structure is scared of the rise in white consciousness and they are working overtime
[ "Jewish", "Other" ]
hope he keeps stressing the point unfortunately the system will most probably get him removed for speaking the truth france is so scared of these invading illegal moslem shite in case they react and run riot even more than they currently do
[ "Refugee", "Arab", "Islam" ]
<user> <user> maybe sturgeon will offer her a room at her house along with the syrians refugees
[ "Refugee" ]
about normal for this little muzrat lover anything to go against this country and the present government while he has a house in london and a six bedroomed manor house with land in the the country of shropshire nice one corbyn you scummy fake socialist
[ "Other", "Islam" ]
so the non european kike won eurovision oh vey look at the fucking state of it
[ "Jewish" ]
namjoon black hair ah bbm as top social bts <user>
[ "None" ]
will i get in trouble for saying nigger or towelhead here
[ "Men", "Christian", "Heterosexual", "Arab", "Islam", "African" ]
well that really complicated i guess when we have a stable domain i do not know when that will be iceland is trying to kike us right now
[ "Jewish" ]
<user> rules are rules leave the ghetto at the door when you walk in
[ "African", "None" ]
they can not even think for themselves probably got it word for word from that faggot john oliver either that or they are bots from jewgle
[ "Jewish", "Homosexual", "None" ]
even nigger parents do not want their nigger kids going to schools with large numbers of nigger teachers and nigger students
[ "African" ]
or velcro headed shit skin darkies ๐Ÿค”
[ "African", "Other" ]
far left and far right will eventually embrace violence and mutually destroy one another possibly leaving the path clear for a truly sustainable egalitarian society you are all being played so goddamn hard it hilarious
[ "Women", "None", "Men" ]
we inherited this mess from the boomers it our responsibility to make sure gen z inherits a better scenario we need to reverse this globalist coordinated trend of white displacement in the west it our obligation
[ "None" ]
<user> progressives who want gun safety laws and who want immigrants
[ "Refugee", "Other" ]
what d ya know the fag the spick and the lesbian on the bench also know the meaning of the first happy days
[ "Women", "Homosexual", "None", "Hispanic" ]
i was a good boy told no tales told no lies never saw a chinaman doing up his flies
[ "Asian", "None" ]
<user> you have got white supremacists you have got fear mongers you have got unfeeling bigots you have wealthy elitists who hate the poor and immigrants what else is wrong with you
[ "None" ]
paul nehlan calls out antifa for instigating violence and says uniteright has a right to protest and free speech wow this guy is getting better and better he needs to beat they guy that stole eddie munster haircut paul ryan
[ "None" ]
i am starting to think trump is our hitler and if you actually know what i mean when i say that you are smart if you think im saying he literally hitler you are retarded and cant make out what i am saying
[ "None", "Other" ]
don โ€™ t you hate when you accidentally fall for her so ghetto
[ "None", "African" ]
ok it ain t just me <number> out here hunting niggers on god they tweakin this month
[ "African" ]
agh waters world dem negresses remarks god dayum
[ "Women", "African" ]
well if you ever wanted to sum up a greasy hook nose performance that it <number> deep block behind a team who have lingard and pereira in the front <number> lmao cant wait for him to get the sack
[ "None" ]
<user> and hire illegal aliens to nanny so they can save money
[ "Refugee", "Hispanic" ]
better yet call becky with the hoe pxy
[ "Women", "None" ]
faggot so gay dyke no homo
[ "Women", "Men", "Homosexual" ]
only american fakenews could take trumps speech about uniting everyone to make america first and turn it into a nazi propaganda line shame on you chris mathews <time> erica
[ "None", "Other" ]
<user> i d rather people lived amongst immigrants than cunts like you is that plain enough english for you
[ "Women", "Refugee" ]
it looks like they are slipping they used to wipe out way more muzzies then that
[ "Arab", "Islam" ]
tens of thousands of moslems doing their eid or ramadam or whatever the hell they call it prayers in bensonhurst park in new york of all places i bet that that cucked faggot <user> was their probably to get some business for his travelling gay interracial gloryhole
[ "Arab", "Islam", "Homosexual" ]
<user> i cometely agree the playbook has been around since the 1 8 6 0 white men wanting to take back the country it frighteningly similar to post reconstruction violence and terror
[ "Caucasian", "None" ]
whoever rtd that yuta opening a dyke salon tweet onto my timeline just know op is actually lesbophobic lol
[ "Homosexual" ]
having a car too much work i am tired of gas changing the oil need new brakes and now tires this is ghetto
[ "None" ]
<user> fuck off then language of the streets where i am from it also got you too notice a no pc bullshit here lady children being raped and you dare say about language exactly why not enough being done too busy pissing about with your niceties
[ "None" ]
thank god islam has made circumcision obligatory have you seen uncircumcised dicks they are the most ugly looking things ๐Ÿ˜ท
[ "Islam" ]
welcome one and all hope everyone is having a great weekend big job in the garden tomorrow getting it spick and span after the winter washout should be a nice day by all accounts got any plans brit fam
[ "None" ]
why would i watch your shitty vids when i can tell you are a retard with hero worship clouding your judgement nazi shit is always a fad it was fun to nazipost pre trump to spook normies but now it stale best of luck with your busted vids and aesthetic tho
[ "Caucasian", "None", "Other" ]
i am gonna be laughing my ass off when the faggots who run twitter realize how much they fucked up their app in one foul move
[ "Other", "Homosexual" ]
put pressure on a nigga he gone run to a weak bitch everytime โ€ผ๏ธ ๐Ÿคฎ
[ "Women", "None" ]
homies get in the gloves when they settling some shit with each other why can not women ๐Ÿค”
[ "None" ]
laws regarding immigration system isnt going to keep the dems from circumventing the system by breaking the law to allow mass immigration of muslims mexicans only <number> thing can be done to stop mass immigration start throwing dems in jail until that happens immigrants will flow like water
[ "Men", "Hispanic", "Women", "None", "Refugee" ]
at least she does not look like a man like <percent> of negresses out there the remaining <percent> just look like hermaphrodites lol btw i mute niggers go ahead and reply like a retarded monkey knowing i will never read your ooks and eeks
[ "Disability", "African", "Women", "Minority" ]
that cranberry bullshit is just some ghetto jello
[ "None", "African" ]
<user> the indisputable fact is that the majority of the illegal immigrants in india are muslim there should be a policy to tackle the issue of illegal immigration irrespective of their religion what are your suggestions
[ "None" ]
they are only <number> of the world population and trying to pretend that obama jarrett clintons do not love the muzzies more than the jews is just laughable but you keep laser focused on those jews ok someone has to stay behind
[ "Men", "Jewish", "Women", "Arab", "Islam" ]
<user> thank you finally a white person stating facts
[ "Caucasian", "Hispanic" ]
noted you did not deny being a nigger lover now run along i have not got time to waste replying to sluts like you ok have a nice night
[ "Women", "None", "African" ]
twitter is going to get bought out then i could really careless what happens to that liberal of a retard company i just want my buy out money and im happy twtr
[ "None" ]
<user> wait until it starts in earnest we have had muslim grooming gangs operating in the uk for years literally thousands of young girls have been raped and abused while the police and the authorities were paralyzed by political correctness irredeemably shameful
[ "None", "Islam" ]
a shaming campaign for homeowners who use beaner labor is in order
[ "Refugee", "Minority", "Hispanic" ]
justin the retarded asshole just walks around with both feet in his mouth
[ "None", "Other" ]
you might just think i am a dumb slut but i will have you know i am actually an intellectual slut
[ "None" ]
<user> slack jawed knuckle dragging mouth breathing toothless inbred redneck backwoods uneducated hillbilly hicks that the republican party
[ "None" ]
the university of pennsylvania has gone total retard by removing a portrait of william shakespeare because he wasn t inclusive enough o brave new world
[ "None", "Other" ]
i have been at the rmv for almost an hour but i did just hear some aggressive white boy fail his permit test
[ "None" ]
not to be dramatic but i think this contributed to me being put off reading bc the majority of these spaces feel the exact same as straight women lauding over wanting gay men as best friends while shunning lesbians
[ "None" ]
i am totally sure she dindunuffin grandpa i mean in this day and age it literally tyrannical to ask that your woman show a little bit of public decency not fuck random niggers behind your back and care if her child is actually yours all the signs were there though
[ "African" ]
just imagine how much more progressive and liberal muslim countries will be if majority were shia
[ "None" ]
<user> <user> the people who used to believe that in <number> were all white people high on lsd
[ "None" ]
amber rose new bd look like a dyke ๐Ÿ˜ญ
[ "Women", "Homosexual" ]
<percent> kike move
[ "Caucasian", "Jewish" ]
or perhaps chinese or nepalese it a horrible insult really they can not say muslim because they know it muslim culture to rape children
[ "Arab", "Islam" ]
yo i am getting off i am drunk as fuck and it not good for me to post while drunk my inner nazi comes out and it just not a nice fellow
[ "None", "Jewish" ]
them feels when you realize yo girl just ran off with a nigger
[ "African" ]
geez how dare this straight white male want to be involved in his community try to make a difference when there are actual genderfluid trans am quad demisphere poc willing to bitch about how they are not given enough
[ "Men", "Homosexual", "Hispanic", "Women", "Other" ]
flashback to the heyday of souls fandom and online content unsubscribing from a souls content creator like every week because they could not stop themselves from slipping a faggot or retarded into a video as a funny haha
[ "None", "Homosexual" ]
<user> <user> <user> <user> <user> <user> if he not lazy why is he butt hurt americans are lazy compared to african countries that fact is not nearly enough reason for me not want them here african immigrants are not the enemy white supremacy is
[ "Caucasian", "None" ]
i have been on <number> since a kenyan moslem became president
[ "African", "Islam", "None" ]
<user> your such an ass ๐Ÿ˜‚ i โ€™ m damn near retarded ๐Ÿคฆ ๐Ÿป โ€ โ™‚ ๏ธ i love you ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿฅฐ
[ "None" ]
i knew i was fucked up last night when i saw those black party buses full of white kids pull up to lion and said ah shit the colonizers are here
[ "None" ]
hottest picture ever red and white bathing suit free dick pictures boobs clips bra panty photo
[ "None" ]
i do not think my bf knew what he was getting in a relationship with cause i will shoot his white ass if he keep leaving me on read
[ "None" ]
mind your mufuckin business for i hurt a bitch feelings today please โ€ผ๏ธ
[ "Women" ]
i hope these nigger poachers get tortured to death slowly
[ "African", "None" ]
mike feed the queers to the steers pence lol ok i am all out
[ "Homosexual" ]
we usually do not talk about black on white crime as terrorism because ghetto blacks are too animalistic to have complexly articulate ideology if terrorism is defined as violence with political goal though then black anti white race warfare is more popular than all other forms combined
[ "None", "African" ]
<user> <user> shut up nigger
[ "Nonreligious", "African", "Minority", "Other" ]