i post a video showing the shocking promotion of violence by the south african eff themselves and jewtube still say i am promoting violence
[ "Jewish", "African" ]
love one of you bucket headed hoes no way
[ "Women" ]
<user> and exactly how many of those muslim countries are ready to accept the muslim refugees
[ "None" ]
kiwiposse <user> the wobh post suggests otherwise it about the hate preacher that radicalises the muslim population once they tip over the <number> of the population threshold the cancer starts to bite no matter how reasonable we will eventually have the muslim ghettos that foment radical islam
[ "Islam" ]
what a muslim does in the privacy of his own goat is disgusting better not put a picture here try not to imagine one either
[ "Arab", "Islam" ]
yeah you are filthy little bone smoking kike
[ "Jewish" ]
behind the rohinya muzzie sob story http :// <url>
[ "Islam" ]
that is just too retarded even by nigger standards
[ "African", "Homosexual" ]
i visited in that trip eng irl scotland saw ancient everything they are time itself i think maybe that why i get impatient about how they are allowing the muzzies destroy the place so rich in culture and historic timelessness europe is a living museum and should be respected as such
[ "Refugee", "Islam" ]
no more of this madness i shall take refugee in a bottle
[ "None" ]
it like <number> <number> points above american whites in japan and south korea tbh but this is what happens when hostile aliens control your country watch out if you are eyeing south korea though since the importation of jungle asians and poo in the loos is occurring on the downlow
[ "Asian", "African", "Refugee" ]
<user> <user> that india one day ll be a muslim country again and muslims ll occupy india and yes we ll give rights to minorities do not worry we ll make india as a muslim country one day
[ "None", "Islam" ]
i dissent the pact between jews muslims to rig the towers with thermite while promising the arabs the usa in return the jew world order
[ "Jewish", "Arab", "Islam" ]
niggers dindu and do not do nuffin these apes are beyond just obsolete farm equipment oh and this don lemon monkey is a faggot too <user>
[ "African", "Homosexual" ]
the white bitch amber guyger has been locked away
[ "None" ]
lol gross as fuck seriously dont post that shit i cant stand sand nigger chicks i will have to unfollow if you do
[ "African", "Arab", "Islam" ]
<user> <user> shut up retard im going to sleep dont do anything dumb
[ "None", "Other" ]
fox news is so desperate to change subject they are now talking about how robert de niro got upset waiting for his ride and how full of white privilege he is and oh how he used to be a good actor wow pitiful wtf tucker
[ "None" ]
yeah if you do not support my corrupt multiculti globo homo military run by a corrupt government controlled by jews then you have no balls brilliant
[ "Women", "Jewish", "Men", "Homosexual" ]
if it had been a shitskin goatfucker from the mosque do you think they would have arrested him nope
[ "Arab", "Islam" ]
nigga melly said β€œ i get a ssi check i ’ m retarded fr ” 🀣
[ "African", "Other" ]
it ghetto talk though it basically meant degenerate stereotypical trashy woman
[ "Women", "African" ]
<user> i am clearly a fucking retard
[ "None" ]
the only kike here is you
[ "Jewish" ]
black ppl who went to all white schools become annoying ass adults πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
[ "Caucasian", "None" ]
failed moslem terrorists do not get any virgins just arse raped for eternity by big dindu nuffins with bars of soap they only use for the occasion
[ "African", "Islam" ]
why do we allow any moslem filth brought here to begin with we have a right as a sovereign nation to disallow anyone we deem unworthy to be an american from coming here
[ "None", "Refugee", "Islam" ]
saying the n word if you ’ re white means you ’ re racist and saying the f word if you ’ re straight means you ’ re homophobic idc what u say
[ "None", "African", "Homosexual" ]
<user> wow porch monkey ur mean
[ "African" ]
<user> <user> all white men do is lie and colonize nothing else
[ "Caucasian", "None" ]
i think our president is brilliant why are women such brainlets
[ "Women" ]
<user> <user> islam makes all the fun stuff in life forbidden haram it sucks πŸ˜’
[ "Islam" ]
<user> yeah there all nazis
[ "Jewish", "Other", "None" ]
<user> except for the illegally part sounds like that is the explanation based on what happens when they go to court where white cops dealing with black people in the us are concerned nothing is illegal
[ "None" ]
i hate these faggots 🀷 🏾 ‍ ♂️
[ "Homosexual" ]
btw can i just say voting in washington is a fucking dream every state should do this
[ "None", "Other" ]
it used to be associating with jews meant you had a good accountant or doctor and an extra dinner party to mark on the calendar now it means fbi raids bdsm perversion soiled potted plants and deep state coup attempts how the chosen have fallen
[ "Jewish", "Other" ]
<user> <user> i gotta go right there just something about white ass cheeks that drives me crazy
[ "None" ]
what is ppl views on paki men muslim men rapping white uk girls
[ "Men", "Women", "None", "Islam", "Other" ]
the american women in service are waiting for the call to deploy
[ "Women" ]
i think at this point it better to just have a set day like every 1 2 th or something so people do not get confused like how we do with blackout you all really should be taking notes from the niggers
[ "African", "Jewish" ]
makes me want to puke so fucking tired of this moslem shite appeasement
[ "Islam" ]
well it sleeping beauty they plan to rewrite first cause she never gave consent to be kissed by the prince the left are seriously fucked in the head and if the bbc show it i am sure she will be a black moslem like thor was
[ "African", "None", "Islam" ]
i can not see the swedish problem in the usa you can flood us with illegal immigrant assholes but our dna as americans does not sit well with the whole boot on their necks theory
[ "Refugee" ]
<user> i hate you
[ "None" ]
lmao this snow nigger is fuming so hard he brought out his ebonics πŸ˜‚ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ 🀣 lol this is your future daughters homeboi
[ "Caucasian", "African" ]
<user> initially misread this as him wearing a dindu nuffin shirt
[ "None" ]
oh wow i never knew that what a feminazi was holy shit i definitely do not fit that bill i just thought it was some made up word
[ "Women", "None" ]
lmao insert some attempt a insult that only works w new right kike worshipping cerno dick sucking gorilla vox pedo faggots
[ "Men", "Jewish", "Homosexual", "Women", "Other" ]
still the same nigga i am evolving doe
[ "None" ]
i want to go back to school and get an education but i am poor and colleges are kike rip offs i am not satisfied with where i am in life and honestly have no clue where or how to start pushing forward
[ "Jewish" ]
my retarded liberal friends are all in a panic lots of crying and gnashing of teeth over the trump win i love it gabfam
[ "None", "Other" ]
i would repatriate all mongoloid negroids if i had the power at this very moment giving each negroid and mongoloid as many jews as they wanted as slaves as an incentive to leave until all of them were gone
[ "Asian", "African", "Jewish" ]
when i see a nigger bich i do not see a woman i see a turd wit a brillohaid
[ "Women", "African" ]
well it turns out that ann coulter is just another media whore and her shtick is blind hatred toward hispanics the truth is that god mercy does not contradict his righteousness it is demanded by it somewhere between the lefts lionization of immigrants and coulter hatred is the truth
[ "Women", "None", "Refugee", "Hispanic" ]
these nigger biches look like aunt jemima
[ "Women", "African" ]
acts <number> <number> generation see st luke <time> for if god comes right now immediately he will find that the white devil people are virtually literally spiritually running rampant like loose cannons running helter skelter everywhere like chickens with their heads removed
[ "Caucasian", "None" ]
they either pick the gimmick light skin bitch or the white boy to profit off of and it never works
[ "Caucasian", "None", "Other" ]
that is probably for my obamas homosexual escapade that morning
[ "African", "Men", "Homosexual" ]
anything they say is a lie nigger just means black only blax use it becasue whites do not give a fuck about blax they just like controlling whites
[ "Caucasian", "African" ]
hey yankees can you please stop to associate flamenco with arabs to associate rumba with black music to associate pre colombians with latinos to pretend that africa is in orient to pretend that you are pioneers when you are colons thanks
[ "Caucasian", "Hispanic", "Asian", "None", "African" ]
<user> completely respectable ladies can enjoy a couple of honky tonks and some beverages nothing wrong with that <wink>
[ "None" ]
<user> <user> everybody knows that the demo bot plan in <number> is massive illegal alien voter fraud operation too big to recount 2020 and that the mcimpeachment is just intended to make the illegal aliens mcangry enough to mcvote jedi mind trick no workee oops
[ "None" ]
seen some niggas walking outside smoking a hookah they some fiens
[ "None" ]
long dead redneck friend of mine when discussing basketball said i have never seen a nigger run so fast unless he had a tv under each arm
[ "Caucasian", "African" ]
can not stop thinking about the gay rats from arthur i hope they had a good honeymoon
[ "None" ]
joe biden own words are proof that the left resorts to violence when they do not like something said by others that the tolerant left for you from a legal standpoint nonthreatening words are never justification for assault battery
[ "Women", "None", "Men" ]
<user> they robbed them while serving looks too and they robbed the brooklyn museum tbh more shows should be about queer people stealing from white cishet institutions
[ "None", "Homosexual" ]
<user> lying atheistic communist jews are hurting the image of my people shanda
[ "Jewish", "Other", "None" ]
again why are you so defensive about it is some nazi gonna come in and call you a name so what i have been called nigger more times than i can count
[ "None", "African" ]
goodnight nigger lover lover
[ "African", "Other" ]
wait other single people exist you mean not every gay person is taken 😱
[ "None", "Homosexual" ]
they are called liberals and we are called nazis by the msm mediacrats misapplication of terms began in 1 9 6 0 during vnw weathermen underground communists bill ayers and his bitch bernadine dohrn who schooled frank marshall davis son obama fathered with a mudshark porn hoe
[ "Caucasian", "Women", "African", "Other" ]
i want to jimmy kimmel to do one of those ate kids halloween candy videos but instead of halloween candy challenge suburban white parents to call <number> black kids that knock on their door niggers
[ "African" ]
definition from fr muslim this from persian mosolmān or moslemān pl of moslem and this of the ar clΓ‘s muslim <number> adj who professes islamism β€– religion of muhammad u t c <number> adj
[ "None" ]
<user> soo like is she a nazi
[ "Caucasian", "None" ]
hugs each amp every akkian out there maa hod di salgay fans ki sonagachi ki item salman
[ "None", "Other" ]
me saying that i will partake in inktober is a fucking lie i do not have the time focus or energy sometimes so i will doodle some bullshit and maybe make them into full drawings
[ "None" ]
kikes are the real problem pay all refugees and muslims to leave for uk and france
[ "Jewish", "None", "Arab", "Islam", "Refugee" ]
that nigga ynw melly never getting released
[ "None" ]
<user> <user> <user> not we love america and tanding tall with straight spines unlike the maga who defend treason corruption dictatorship cover ups murder white supremacy misogyny racism homophobia and the list goes on good always wins in the end
[ "None" ]
<user> just the jews you fucking kike
[ "Jewish" ]
is muhummad muslim or islam
[ "None" ]
<user> that dude is retarded as fuck
[ "None", "Other" ]
<user> fuck you and die you fuckin lezzie nigger white hating cunt
[ "Women", "African", "Homosexual" ]
i want a truth and no reconciliation these fuckers who have done this to our lands must confess that they lied to shitskins and flooded our lands to destroy shitskins must be told the truth we knew you would fuck shit up so we sent you into white lands
[ "Caucasian", "Men", "None", "Women", "Arab", "Islam", "African", "Refugee" ]
<user> <user> <user> they are the best man the ultimate muslim shoe white ones are doubly good reflective ones triply
[ "None" ]
my grandson a homosexual and i love him i love my big gay grandson
[ "None" ]
<user> i d be interested in the role of ship queer if it still going is homosexuality essential though i have never been one although i have transferable skills
[ "None" ]
no do not lie these shithole are great places for niggers and spics and arabs to live they all will be happy together without wypipo
[ "African", "Arab", "Hispanic" ]
everyone wants to be nct everyone the entirety of kpop if they dont wanna be niggers they wanna be nct
[ "African" ]
my personal emotion fueled opinion is if you see a sexual assault on campus knock them out professionally i say make sure you do what you can to make sure you do what you can to make sure these creeps are identifiable because violence only begets violence
[ "None" ]
theresa may treason has no limit as she appoints sajid javid home sec in charge of uk security police immigration a moslem of pakistani origin civil war seems to be the only route
[ "None", "Islam" ]
did i say soley you disingenuous kike rat i said <percent> and it would be better without your <percent> plus the other former <percent> thanks kikes for crankung rhat up to <percent>
[ "Jewish" ]
u notice people like <user> are not too eager at exploring or talk abt the jewish and israeli connections the evidence for which there is plenty dancing israelis truck bomb jews urban moving systems jews suter wtc lease ring jews gelatine art students etc etc just arabs arabs arabs
[ "Hindu", "Jewish", "Arab" ]
anyone that stands with sand niggers over america is a piece of shit that all
[ "Arab", "Other" ]
<user> the edmund fitzgerald leaves for canada tomorrow morning all muzzies are welcome and it is free
[ "Refugee", "Minority", "Arab", "Islam" ]
as long as you gettin money yo bitch don ’ t care if you don ’ t go out
[ "None" ]
that towel head is a dude i am almost sure i just threw up in my mouth a little
[ "Arab", "Islam" ]
imagine if there wasn t oil in the middle east there would be no dubais there would be no wealthy towel headed sand nigger ruling class because of oil muslim goat fckrs oops i meant herders get to hide in plain sight now they intend to take over the u.s.
[ "Arab", "Islam" ]