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WPost172 | The Message sent from the Dutch Ambassadors to their superior Masters the States of the United Provinces, and one hundred and fifty thousand pounds demanded of the King of Denmark by the English; the Commissioners appointed to sit at Guild Hall within the City of London, and the particulars of the business touching the Demands of his Highness the Lord Protector to the Hollander, concerning the burning of the English with lighted Torches in Amboyna. The new Addresses of the Christian Princes, the seizing of the English ships upon the coast of Naples, a Declaration from Wales, and the proceedings of the Royal party in Scotland. London, Printed for G. Horton, to prevent all false Copies. The Royal Party in Scotland are very much exasperated, and increase daily: they Commanders have entered into an Oath of Secrecy, and say that they expect suddenly that Son of Valour James Stuart; they have had several Rendezvous, and withal many diversions, insomuch that the English have retaliated their former losses, and taken sundry eminent prisoners; Col. Morgan and Lieu. Col. Michil are upon action. The Earl of Athol is come to Glencarne with about 500. horse and foot, Seafort and some new raised forces by him, are to join with them. Glencarn being 2000. horse and foot, is at Dingwel, and it is thought we may engage them there. His highness the Lord Protector, and his Honourable Council, upon mature Debate of redressing the grievances of poor prisoners, resolved, that an Ordinance for suspending the proceedings of the Judges named in the Act, entitled, An Act for the relief for Creditors and poor Prisoners, should be forthwith printed and published. An Ordinance also passed for relief of persons that have acted in the service of the Parliament. There was another Ordinance likewise passed for prohibiting Cock-Matches, the exact Copy take as followeth: Whereas the public Meetings and Assemblies of people together in divers parts of this Nation, under pretence of Matches for Cock-fighting, are by experience found to tend many times to the disturbance of the public peace, and are commonly accompanied with Gaming, Drinking, Swearing, Quarrelling, and other dissolute practices, to the dishonour of God, and do often produce the ruin of persons and their families. For prevention thereof, Be it ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, That from henceforth there shall be no public or set meetings or Assemblies of any persons within England or Wales, upon matches made for Cock-fighting; And that every such meeting and assembly of people for the end and purpose aforesaid, is hereby declared to be an unlawful Assembly and shall be so adjudged, deemed, and taken to be, and punished; And all Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, and Headboroughs, within their several Counties, Cities, Limits, and Jurisdictions, are hereby required to suppress, hinder, and disperse all such meetings and assemblies. Hen. Scobel, Clerk of the Council. No news from Sea, save that a Dutch man of war, called the John Baptist, bound from St. Malos to Amsterdam, and laden with Indigo and Pepper, was taken by the Reserve frigate: the Capt. was a Frenchman, but the service being so extreme hot, he was at last soundly peppered, and forced to surrender to cool himself. An Ostend man of war is brought into Plymouth by the Falmouth frigate, and 3 Dutch prizes laden with French Wines, Figs, and Raisins from St. Lucas. Alas! but to these sweet Fruits, we hear of very sharp and sour sauce: for true it is, that the Brest men of War have taken the Charity of Bristol, and detain the Master for cap. Beach, whom they threaten to mete the same measure unto, as shall be inflicted upon the said Beach. They have also taken two Weymouth Vessels, another of Westchester, and most of the best ships belonging to Bristol. Nay, this is not all; but the Wild-Boar is surprised by a Fleming, a delicate Vessel, and bravely fraught, and valued worth 5000 li. To this sad and dismal scene ensues another fatal Act, that is, the Expedition of Plymouth coming from Zant, laden with Currants, was set upon by a Dutchman of war, and after a long and sharp dispute both ships were sunk. This day was presented to his Highness the Lord Protector a Declaration and Recognition by M. Dickeson Alderman, and Sir Thomas Recorder of the City of York: the true copy whereof is as followeth: Whereas it hath pleased the Lord, whose eyes run to and fro through the earth, to show himself strong on the behalf of them whose hearts are perfect to him, to make bare his Arm and bring salvation to a Nation not worthy to be beloved, & to break many yokes from off our necks, in accomplishment whereof, though humane Might and Power have been made use of, yet things have been so ordered and overruled by the Spirit in the midst of the wheels, that we may justly say, We are not saved by Bow, or by sword, but by the Lord our God; and therefore, in the first place we look upon it as our duty to acknowledge Salvation and blessing to him that sits upon the Throne of Heaven judging the right, who hath done whatsoever it pleased him, both in Heaven, and in Earth, and in all deep places. Yet when we also consider how it hath seemed good in the eyes of God to single out your Highness as the man of his right hand, whom he hath made strong for himself, and through your vigilance, courage, and constancy, to do great and wonderful things in the midst of us, in delivering us from eminent and pressing dangers on the right hand and on the left. While, we bless the Lord, our heart is also to the Governors of Israel, who have jeopardised their lives in the high places of the field, and are daily going on to second their valiant Acts by prudent Councils, that we may enjoy the end of every just War, which is, a safe and honourable peace. Unto your highness therefore (as all the people of Israel to their Ruler) we humbly and heartily say, Peace be to thee, and peace be to thine helpers. For which congratulation, his Highness returned thanks to the City of York, and the Gentlemen that presented it. The Lord Ambassador of the King of Portugal had this hay audience by his Highness at the Cockpit, and the Queen of Sweden's Agent had likewise audience, being attended by Sir Oliver Fleming, Master of the Ceremonies, and divers Gentlemen, there being with his Highness divers Lords of the Council, and Mr. Secretary of State. The Committee for approbation of Ministers have met in Whitehall, chose their Register, and other Officers, and began to proceed in the business according to the Ordinance of his Highness. The place which they sit in, is at the end of the stone Gallery, at the corner of the Court, and their proceedings are such as promiseth much good to this Nation by the settling of a able, godly, and powerful Gospel Ministry. They sit Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The Welshmen have sent a Declaration to his Highness, wherein they bless God for the late Change and present Government. And the like is come from Norfolk, and other places. To God be all the glory. The Commission of the great Seal being altered, the Lord Lisle, and sir Tho: Withrington were this day sworn Commissioners for the custody of the great Seal of England for the Court of Chancery by the Clerk of the Commonwealth, before his Highness, and his Council, in the Council chamber at Whitehall. The Lord Ambassador Whitlock is added to them. From Naples we have received intelligence, That the French men of war upon the Coast of Apulia have done much harm, and taken many prizes, among whom is an English ship worth fifty thousand pounds taken at Cape Spativento. The Dutch Ambassadors have sent an Express to their Masters the States of the United Provinces, giving them an Account of the Ratification for Peace, which is to be signed and sealed by the Lord Protector within 14 days, and then to be publicly proclaimed both in England and Holland in one day. The Agreement with Denmark is also taken in upon the Articles; and for the loss sustained by the English Merchants, whose Demands to about one hundred and fifty thousand pounds, it is referred to two English and two Dutch Merchants absolutely to determine those Demands within 20 days, and their place of sitting appointed at Guild Hall. Also the business of Amboyna is referred to eight Commissioners, who have six months time to determine thereof, and in case they agree not, Umpires are nominated. Upon the arrival of the News at the Hague, touching the signing and sealing of the Articles of Peace between England and Holland, the Royal party were much startled thereat, and Major Gen. Massey was pleased to make this construction upon the Ratification, That sith Providence had pleased to make up the Breach between the two Republics, it was impossible that his Master's Game should go forward, and that he conceived it would redound most to the honour of the English Chevaliers to engage mutually in the Christian service; against the Turks and Pagans. A most noble and heroic Design, and I desire that it may prove effectual. But on the contrary, the major part are exceedingly revived in spirit, and the Merchants on both sides have great cause to rejoice; for the Pirates begin already to seek out for shelter, and to striffe off from the Narrow Seas. A fair riddance. And the Navigable Affairs appear somewhat clear, the Clouds of Picaroons being gallantly expelled. The Ordinance for better amending and keeping in Repair the common Highways within this Nation, was presented to public view. From Scotland, we have received further intelligence, that the mickle Lairds, are also upon their march for a general conjunction with a Resolution to force all they can to rise with them. Hey toss now the Game goes forwards: but confident I am, and with a candid Resolution I desire, that the success may centre, where the justness of the Cause most depends, and no otherwise. Middleton has a very large commission, and ordered by his Master Charles to dispose of all Affairs both Ecclesiastical and civil. He proceeds with fire and sword against all those that will not join with him and hath besieged Cinkeler castle; besides, they have taken a Vessel of ours going to Lewis Island laden with Ammunition, Provision, and clothes for that Garrison. In the Southern parts towards Carlisle they are very active in rising daily, which puts the English horse to extraordinary duty, even to tiring out. Since our last, We have received intelligence, that the Highlanders' Army are all joined into one body; but approx. 20 characters they may be dispersed again for the English are endeavouring to give them battle and desire nothing more than sudden action. They speak high; but as yet dare not descend low: neither dare they interpose, unless with great advantage. The Broad Seal, we hear, is taken by order from his Highness, and disposed of, and the Commissioners for the Relief of Creditors and poor Prisoners are not to proceed these 20 days. Sundry other excellent things are under Debate. It is advertised that the King of Scots is yet in France, where (say the Letters) he will stay a little, and see what effects the Treaty will produce betwixt England and France. He had a Present given him a little before Easter by some of the Protestant Nobility of that Kingdom. In the Holidays the little Queen his mother came to see him in the Palace Royal, and King Lewis vouchsafed him a visit in the Lovare; After which, she returned to her Devotions in the Nunnery. But if there be a peace concluded between the Commonwealth of England, and the Crown of France, then they are to be excluded from the Court. Well! Patience is a Virtue: And I question not but ere long to represent you with the glad tidings of the Olive leaves under the happy Government of Oliver our Protector. There hath been a very sharp Dispute between the Paul frigate, and a Flushing man of War, the last Week; but after 5 hours Conflict, the Hollanders were forced to yield, and now lie at the mercy of our States in Plymouth. Presents us with an Ordinance for adjourning part of Easter Term, which take as followeth: Whereas may abuses and corruptions are crept into the ordinary course and administration of Justice, both in Law and Equity, the Reformation whereof hath not yet been attained: Out of a tender care and desire that so necessary and good a work may at length be brought to effect, It is held convenient and necessary to Adjourn part of the next Term of Easter: Be it therefore Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the consent of His Council. That part of the said Term of Easter now next coming to be Adjourned, Return called Quindena Pasche, unto the first Crastino Trinstatis: And all and every person or persons which have cause or commandment to appear in any of the Courts at Westminster, in or at one days time from and after the said Return, called Quindena Pasche, and during the said Term, called Easter Term, may tarry at the dwellings, or shall lie, without resorting to any of the said Courts for that Cause, and or forfeiture, penalty or contempt to be in that behalf. And be it also Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That Writs of Adjournment shall be directed to the Justices of the said Courts, giving them authourity to adjourn the said Term of Easter, as aforesaid, that is to say, from and after the first Return called Quindena Pasche, until the first Return of Trinity Term, called Crastino Trinitatis as before is said, and the said Adjournment shall be made, as aforesaid. And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Matters, Causes and Suits, Depending in any of the said Courts, shall have continuance, and the parties shall have day, from the day of the said Adjournment, until the said Return of Crastino Trinitatis, as is aforesaid: And the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal are required to issue forth Writs accordingly. And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, and all other Sheriffs both in England and Wales, do forthwith proclaim and publish this Ordinance in the Chief Market Towns within their several and respective Counties. Henry Scobel, Clerk of the Council. Mr. Jones, We desire to be resolved by you, whether the elected Ministers of this Country, who have been silenced and suspended, now this long time, ab officio, & beneficio may at last have the door of utterance opened, and be permitted to preach the Gospel freely among those that do much want it, and do as earnestly call for it, as the parched Earth after the dew and Rain of Heaven. The reason why we put this business to the question is: because about the last spring, some of our fellow Ministers, taking the boldness to preach the word of God, were some of them, sent prisoners to Chepstow Garrison, others pulled out of the Pulpit, and all the rest were threatened to have the same measure meted unto them, if they should make the same attempts: and therefore we desire to know whether we are under the same restraint still, or are at liberty: we doubt not but that you can resolve us herein, as well as any other in this County, and we hope you will be pleased to satisfy our civil request herein and vouchsafe a line of answer, which you may direct to either of the subscribers who are Sir Your friends, as far as you are a friend to Christ and his ways Feb. 6. 1643. Tho. Lewis, Tho. Powell, Griffith Hatley. Gentlemen, Your Letter dated Feb. 6. 1653. I received the 1. of March. And the answer to what you propose therein I shall only put you in mind that you are still, and more than like to be in the same condition, with those in the last Spring: and tell you that you are to expect the same measure from the present Power whose connivance you seem, at least, to fancy to yourselves, as your brethren had the last Spring from the then powers: And also that you need not pretend your being pressed as from pity to water the parched earth, there being more Sermons preached now in one month, than were formerly in twelve, and with very much, though I dare not say greater blessing: confide the restraint-fearing Spirit that's in you, Your friend and servant, March 2. 1653. Jen. Jones. From Deal the 7. instant: The Ships which were in this Road are now gone Southward. The English Fleet are an 100. sail, lie at St. Hellen's point, and the rest at the Spits head. | The Weekly Post, Issue 172 |
MPol195 | At present I have nothing to communicate of News, only thus much, you may talk of the Politics of Aristotle, and those exercised of States abroad, but neither are comparable to the Merchants at Sea, who outwit you all. There is not one ship now that comes out to Sea, but hath free Passes, and Cockets, with Letters, to consign his Goods to persons that will own them, into whatsoever Port he or they shall be carried by any ship or ships, of or belonging to any Port or Ports of England or Scotland; so that if the War go on, then, till you have a War with all that speak not your language of Canaan, or (as one at a Council of war lately, not more bluntly than rationally said) with all that speak Ya, or Yea. The Dutch will maintain a Trade. I do assure you, of 45 ships, and them Foreigners, overhauled by the Taunton-Frigate since we were commanded to Sea, we found not any just reason to send above 3 of them in; though I am bold to say three Thirds of the Goods were of Holland; and of them 3. two only endured the Trial of a further sentence in the Admiralty Court, where Quo jure, quinque injuria nescio, they are acquitted; albeit they were confessed and convicted Hollanders before sent in: so unproportioned are the old Laws of the Admiralty, to the new Politic of the Merchant, at least in the Management. Sed verbum sat. The Enemy have divided themselves into several parties, to raise their assigned Levies, keeping themselves in secure places about the Brays for their safety, from whence they summon into the Country to provide both Horse and Foot, whom they threaten with Fire and Sword, if they neglect to satisfy them in their Demands, though never so unreasonable. Glencairn is to command all the Levies in these shires of Murray, and so Northward. He with 80 Horse and 100 Foot, keeps near the Hills, that upon notice of the approach of any of our Forces they may secure themselves in the inaccessible Bounds. Our Horse-Scouts now and then glean up some of them, having lately taken among others a notorious Rogue, that threatened to burn divers of the Inhabitant's houses who are serviceable to the Garrison. The Treaty with the Lord Ambassador Whitlock is followed very close; so that it is said that in the last conference between his Lordship and the grand Chancellor as they were in debate together, the Chancellor professed, That he had received full satisfaction to all his Objections; and afterwards related so much unto the Queen herself. The grand Council of the Kingdom meets the next week; and it's believed the full determination of things is deferred till then. Sir William Ballantines and some other Cavaliers are observed about this Court, lurking to do what mischief they may. By Letters from Warsaw of the 8. instant, we understand, That the Tartars, who as yet continue their robbing and plundering through this whole Kingdom have now taken a party of those 8000 horse that were sent after them, with the commander of the same called Sapiha, a great Officer and favourite of the King. As also, that they had certain information there of the great Duke of Moscovy's decreed hostility against this Kingdom, being resolved to invade the same with 3 Armies in 3 sundry places. How this will be resented, and what it means to oppose the violence of the said Duke, will be pitched upon, the close of this Ryxday which is shortly expected, will discover. It is feared that his Imperial Majesty will very shortly, and it may be sooner, at is thought upon. move hence, it being very much talked of here; the more, because there is a new Vizier come on at Ossen, as also no Palatine in Hungaria; The Estates of which Kingdom do urge very much upon a land day; all which, together with his Majesty's great desire to go home, will doubtless more further then delay his departure. But whether his Majesty will leave any Commissioners or this Ryxday be therewith concluded, time will discover. The Agent for the State's General here, having purposed to build a seat for himself in the Dutch Protestant Church near this City, hath thereby so offended the Brandenburgers' Agent, (who likewise resides here) That some days ago he sent him a Challenge; but was slighted by the other who told him, That it did not become a man of his character to send Challenges, neither himself to answer the same. The Lord Wentworth, Charles Stuart's late Agent in Denmark, who is now here, and as it seems in want of money, thought to frighten the Treasurer of the English company out of a good sum by a bold threatening Message sent unto him by some of his Faction, That if he did not lend him the Money suddenly, he would cause him to be affronted. But the Treasurer complaining of it to the President, and he to the Senate, they enjoined Wentworth not to meddle with him; who came off very poorly It was Ordered by his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council, that the following Ordinance should be printed and published. An Ordinance for reviving the Jurisdiction of the County Palatine of Lancaster, and for holding an Assizes there. Be it Declared and Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by the advice and consent of his Council, That all Privileges and Jurisdictions belonging to the County Palatine of Lancaster, and the Inhabitants thereof, be, and are hereby revived and continued, as fully and amply to all intents and purposes, as the same were at any time before the tenth day of October last. And that all Actions as well real as personal, and all other Actions mixed or otherwise, Pleas, Precepts, Writs, Process, Demurrers, Recognisances, Fines, Recoveries, and all other Proceedings, Matters, and Things, of what nature or quality soever, now depending in any Court within the said County Palatine, or there commenced or prosecuted since the said Tenth day of October, shall be and stand revived, continued and of full force and effect in the Law, to all intents, constructions, and purposes. And that all Process, Pleas, Demurrers, and Proceedings in every such Action, Actions, Suits, Bills, or Plaints, which were there depending the said Tenth day of October last, or commenced or prosecuted there at any time since, shall stand good and effectual, and be proceeded in according to the Laws of the Nation, and the proceedings used within the said County Palatine of Lancaster. And be it hereby further Ordained, That Mathew Hales, one of the Justices of the Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster, and Hugh Wyndham Sergeant at Law, shall be Justices of the Assizes and Goal delivery within the said County Palatine; and that the said Justices, or either of them, shall and may act, do and perform all matters and things, as well concerning criminal as Common Pleas, and all other Pleas and Process whatsoever, in such manner and form as any other Justice or Justices of Assizes at Lancaster have usually acted, done and performed at any time heretofore. And the Commissioner for keeping the Seal of the said County Palatine of Lancaster hereafter named, is hereby Authorised and appointed to issue forth to the said Justices, for the execution of the premises, such Commission or Commissions as in such cases have been heretofore in the said County Palatine used and accustomed. And that Thomas Fell Esquire be, and is hereby made and appointed Commissioner for keeping of the seal of the said County Palatine of Lancaster, and shall have all such powers as any Chancellor or Commissioner for keeping the Seal of the said County Palatine hath formerly lawfully used and exercised concerning the same, till further order. In my last I advised you of the imprisonment of the Duke of Lorrain, who sits confined in the Castle of Antwerp as quiet as a Lamb, having resigned up to his Majesty and his Highness the Arch Duke, his Person, his Estate, and his army; the Lieutenant General whereof being the Earl of Ligneville, is come hither to make oath of his fidelity and faithfulness in the hands of his said Highness: and the other chief Officers and Captains are to make the same Oath in the hands of the Earl of Fuensaldagne at Diest, a Frontier place bordering upon Brabant, towards the Country of Liege: the said Earl hath distributed some Money among the Soldiers of the Duke; so that it is hoped they will remain obedient and faithful in the service of the Spaniards, as the Duke of Lorraine himself hath seriously exhorted and commanded them to do by his Letters and Patents. In the meantime they have dispatched away the Earl of St Amour in all haste to Vienna with Letters from his Highness to Francis Duke of Lorain, who is expected here very suddenly, and is to have the command of his Brother's Army as soon as he doth arrive. The said Duke of Lorain is most nobly treated in his Imprisonment, and hath that service and honour done him at present, due to the person of a Prince, which in all his liberty he never did enjoy the like; for, besides the noble Table he keeps, his Highness the Archduke hath set him up a Court, and appointed several great Persons to attend him. The Earl of Bruayis to be Overseer General and Superintendent of his whole Family; but all this you must know will be at the charge of the Duke, who is like to pay for all this bravery and gallantry that is put upon him; for he hath Money and Means enough able to bear it and those that have the disposing of it now, will be no Niggards in spending of it upon him; so that what he has got by roving and plundering, which was much to his dishonour, will redound to his credit, by having it laid out towards the supporting of the Dignity and Grandeur becoming the Person of a Prince. Thus will he be taught how to Govern and behave himself now he is confined, who whilst he held his liberty, knew no other delight, but to tear, scrape and destroy the very being of a company of poor people. There having been several sums of his Money discovered amongst his Officers and others since his Imprisonment, but no extraordinary ones. The Jewels that were found about his Daughter which the young Lady did wear about her concealed, are valued at One hundred thousand pound sterling. The French Army here under the command of Mr Faber Governor of Sedan, hearing of this great Change, thought to get some great advantage by it, and thereupon came marching toward the River Mense, which (by the means of a Bridge which those of Liege furnished them with) they have made a shift to pass over, and are come into the Country of Hesbaye, 3, or 4 leagues from these Frontiers; which bold attempt of the French, if not backed by some private correspondence with the Lorainers, or the assistance of those of Liege, may either turn to their ruin, or otherwise will prove very troublesome to these parts; whereof I shall advise you in my next. Here is this day arrived Captain Wall, in the Castle-Frigate from the Canaries, but brings no news. About ten days since, Major Ceely had a small Barque returned to St. Ives thus, Being one hundred leagues off, bound for Bayonne with Pilchards, she was taken by a Dutch Merchantman of 28 guns, who only took 100 pieces of Beef, and 2 Hogsheads of strong beer from the Barque, and inquired whether we had peace in England. Answer was given, that there were hopes of it. Hereupon the Dutchman told him he would give him his Ship again, and at length gave him his Ship and lading, saying, we had a new King in England. Whereto ours answering no, he replied, but you have one of more power; which ours said was a mistake, and withal importuned the Dutch Captain, to do so much favour as to slack sail, for them that night, because a Brest-man of War hovered about them, and proffered money for our English vessel. The Dutch Captain asked for the Ghelt. The Brest-man answered it should be secured in France. No (said the Dutch Captain) the English-man shall have his Ship. So she came home in safety. Here are some lately come from Ireland, who bring no news, save only that according to the late Treaty made with Mac O Mortogh, there are great numbers of Irish ready to take shipping for Flanders, to serve the King of Spain. But yet there are still small parties of Tories, which lie lurking in the Woods and Bogs, and do much disquiet the peace of the Country, which is much unpeopled, and Men are extremely wanting to inhabit those parts. The Lord Henry Cromwell is safe arrived in Ireland. Two days ago all the Merchant ships that were here, and in Dover-Road, set sail, to go for France, and other parts to the Southward, having several Convoys to carry them to their designed Ports. There have been also some of our Frigates here, but are all gone again to the Westward, where we hear our Fleet rises still near St. Ellen's point, not far from the Isle of Wight. Our Governor doth keep a good number of Troops in readiness to march at an hour's warning, to repulse the Lorrainers and Spaniards in case they do offer to make any attempts, or do intend to come upon any of the Territories of the State's General, after they have ransacked the poor Country of Liege, from whence many Inhabitants are fled into this City to avoid their cruelty. They have pillaged and plundered most of the Monasteries in the said Country, and committed such fearful abuses, that most people leave and forsake their dwellings and habitations wheresoever they come. We do now hope that he business of the peace is so far advanced that there is now no further doubt to be made but that the Treaty will be suddenly ratified by both States. All the Provinces have brought in their ratifications; and ere this we hope also that our Extraordinary Ambassadors are arrived at London, and have signed the Articles formerly agreed upon. The Heer Stockhare, Agent for the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland, having been of late in England, and now come over hither, being sent by the said Cantons for a Mediator between the two Commonwealths, hath had an audience of the State's General, and hath made offer of his service to adjust any question that should yet remain undecided between the two States. The Lord Ambassador of France, Monsieur Chanut, hath also had audience of the said States, and doth very much desire that France may also be included in the Treaty. It is said here that the French and English are like to come to as good agreement. There is lately an English Prize brought into the Texell, taken by a private man of War, called the Bee Hive, laden with piece-goods, and is said to be worth 3000l. We are hastening out our Fleet with all the expedition that may be. There hath been lately printed a scandalous Pamphlet against the Lord Protector; it being full of injurious calumnies, tending to no other end but to make the Commonwealth of England odious, and to raise further dissensions between the 2 States: And because it did highly concern this State to prohibit the divulging and publishing of the said Pamphlets, the States have put forth their Ordinance, strictly forbidding the sale upon pain of bodily punishment; and whosoever can discover the Author or Printer, shall have the sum of 500 l. given him, in case the party be apprehended; and his name that shall give the Information shall be kept private. The Levies that were made by the Earl of Athole are certainly spoiled, and the People now quite tired out with them, seeing no help comes out of the Low countries, as they were made to believe it would be; so that they now despair of any assistance to come that way. Besides, there is among them a report of a Vision seen lately by a Gentleman (a friend of theirs) in Fife; in which he was commanded by one in the form of a Man to speed to Glencairn and tell him, That he must decline the course he is in, otherwise it will be destructive to him, and to all under his Command, after which (they say) the Vision vanished. The Gentleman neglected, and then had a second Vision, in which he was sentenced to be dumb for his neglect, which he is now, & certifies the same under his hand, as They report. This latter prevails much among the vulgar Soldiers, & the two former have influence on all their Army, so that they are much dejected with the conceit. Athole is now about Glenlyar, and hath about 30 horse and Foot. He hath sent forth the Fiery-Crosses, but they are little regarded. Some of his Men are gone to Badgenoth; where 'tis said Glengary is. The old Laird of Glenviqs hath sent for a Protection from the Governor of St Johnstons. Athole was there to demand the demolishing of his house (as Weyms was) but the old Gentleman (who is 80 years of age) gave him absolute refusal. On Tuesday last Sir Arthur Forbs, with what horse Athole could make, marched toward Monteith or Lenox, in design (as it is conceived) for the South. The 22 instant, there was one of Col. Daniel's Regiment hanged at St Johnstons for running to Athole, having been taken again at Dunkeil the last week: and another was tied up to the Gallows, who had been intercepted as he was running to Athole. There are some others that ran from the same Regiment to Athole, who were taken likewise at Dunkiel; but saved by Articles. Major Gen. Lambert's and Commissary Gen. Whalley's Regiments of horse are come up, and will be a very reasonable reinforcement. London, March 3. The Lords Newport & Tongstall, Ambassadors Extraordinary from the States of the United Provinces landed with their Retinue at Tower wharf, where were Coaches provided for them. Their Lordships were received in one of the Lord Protector's coaches, and the Master of the Ceremonies with them. Next followed the French and the Portugal Ambassador's Coaches, with above 20 more all with six horses, beside above 40 Coaches more, most of them with 4 horses apiece. They passed in stately equipage through the City, from Aldgate by the Royal Exchange, and so to the new Palace yard Westminster, to receive Entertainment at the Commonwealth's charge for some days. Since the surrender of Beffort, the Court have again assailed Count Harcourt with new Temptations for a surrender of what he holds in Alsatia, and the Marshal de la Ferte Seneterre hath Instructions sent him for that purpose; but it's apprehended he will never trust the Court, nor the Charms of the Cardinal. The Prince of Conti, and his new Princess the Cardinal's Niece, have spent their days hitherto in Balls and Feasting among the great Ones; at which Solemnities both the King and Cardinal have made all possible expressions of mirth and contentment. The Lady is one of much beauty, and considering her husband's stature, may soon look over his shoulder, in such an active Court as this is. The cardinal keeps servants of his own about him, that as Policy and Interest made this wonderful match, so Policy may keep it, till personal and State-jealousy do chance to break it; for, it's thought & said already, there is not much affection, nor confidence on either side. The Populace talk of a prodigious sum appointed for the Lady's Portion, and they have most reason to talk (though they seldom hit right) because it goes out of their Purses, whatever it be. It is not liked, that so many Persons interested in the City, should be visiting of Conti, where it is not known what his and his brother Conde's Interest may yet effect, notwithstanding the late Marriage, seeing it were no new thing in Paris, if the highest designs of malice should break out at, or after a Wedding. His brother the Prince of Conde, is preparing to make work at Spring. That little Cloud upon the Frontiers may chance to gather, now that the Duke of Lorrain, his great Rival and Competitor in the Spanish Interest, is laid in Limbo; for he was the great impediment to the Prince's designs, having (as he is charged) been tampering with France, to the prejudice of the affairs both of Spain and Conde, but being removed, and his Army disposed into the hands of his younger brother, Francis of Lorrain, a person not so debauched nor odious, but more firm at the devotion of the Spaniards, it is supposed they may be able to go on the more current in their designs upon this Kingdom. And in Flanders they are very forward in their Preparations already; which being observed here, Orders are issued out by Marshal Tureine, his Majesty's General, for putting the Army with all speed into a convenient posture to prevent them. The young King here follows his pleasure; he and the Cardinal have lately been a hunting the wild Boar at Saint Germain. His Majesty shall not want delights to put State-business out of his head. His Eminence is sending for his father, the old Mazarini, to follow the sisters, daughters, and Nieces into the Kingdom. By matches or one way or other, they are like to be of the Blood. These things are stomached still by the Duke of Orleans, who keeps close still at Blois, and will not be interested by any means to entrust his brother at Court. The Cardinal de Retz is still kept a prisoner, to the great discontent of the Clergy, and there he is like to be kept; for Mazarin knows well enough that this man was made a Cardinal, merely to out brave and supplant him, and in the end drive him out of the Nation. The inclination of Holland and the rest of the Provinces, to make a firm peace with England, hath filled this Court with the same affections. And the next thing that will be done to smooth the way, will be to be handsomely rid of Charles Stuart and his Retinue, who (they say) are already providing to be gone; but whether, none knows, unless it be to Germany. In the afternoon the Ambassadors had Audience given by his Highness the Lord Protector, in the Banqueting House. The Room was richly adorned with Hangings, and a rich Chair of State set for the Lord Protector, who was attended by his Council. The Entertainment was stately; the Ambassadors bowing several times, as they came up the Room, his Highness rose up when they drew near. The subject of this Audience was partly Congratulatory; but the main was to declare the intent of their coming which was to make and settle a firm Peace, and to renew the ancient friendship between the Nations. And to assure his Highness, that to this purpose their Superiors of the seven United Provinces, do all of them unanimously consent to the Agreement of Peace, and that they as their Ambassadors Extraordinary, are empowered fully to confirm and ratify the same, desiring a speedy Cessation of Arms, and that there may be a Cessation of hostility on both sides. This is the effect of what was by them delivered. The last week Lieut. Hellin, Lieut. to Major Bramston's Troop of Dragoons having notice that one Capt. Thompson and Lieut. Col. Ramsey's Lieut. with 5 more of the enemy were come down into the Mearns, presently mounted with 6 more of the Troop, traced them about 10 miles into the Hills, and at last took them, their horses, with their arms, and one of them being an Englishman, refused to take quarter and was killed. A party of the enemy's horse and foot being before Downe Castle five miles from Sterling, Major Bridges went forth with a party of 60 horse, upon which the enemy fled, our men pursued, and about 4 miles from Downe came in sight of them, but most of them got into the Hills. We took only six prisoners and about 19 or 20 horse. Sir Mungo Murray was there, and escaped very narrowly, as did Captain Hamilton, whose horse was taken, but he escaped over a bog. The 10 of March is appointed for the enemy's great Rendezvous about Badgenoth. Montross and Sir Mungo Murray came with Orders to Athol, when he slighted Weems, to prepare all the Forces he could against that time. There was a late falling out amongst them, and one Graham shot Athol's Groom through the head, and young Montross had like to have killed Lorn. The enemy have put in a Garrison of 30 men into Gaith castle, about a mile from Weyms. I have sent you enclosed one of Sir Mungo Murray's Warrants, threatening fire and sword. These are to require the Gentlemen, Heritors, and others concerned in the Parish of Drummond and Buchannan, that immediately after sight hereof they send to the Craig of Erne out of every hundred pounds of Rent half Bell Cone, one Furlet Meat, one Turf of Hay, one Leg of Beef, one stone Cheese, 4 Hens, or satisfaction therefore, as also to be immediately at the appointed place with your proportion of Troop-Horse with Certificate; if you fail I will pursue you with Fire and Sword, according to the general Order. From Blaniavard in Drummond, Febr: 23: M. Murray An Ordinance is preparing, for the Trial and approbation of Ministers; and thirty Commissioners (Ministers and others) will be appointed to put them in execution; but the power extends only to the trying of such Ministers as have been admitted within these six months last past, or that shall be admitted hereafter. As concerning the Dutch Peace, the Articles of the late Treaty are engrossing, and six Members of the Council are appointed Commissioners to meet with the Dutch Ambassadors; whereupon it's supposed Subscriptions will be made on either side in order to a firm Peace and Amity. No news from the Sea save that our Fleet ride near St. Ellias Point, in gallant Equipage, and more ships are putting forth with speed. On the other side the Dutch are preparing to put out to Sea; but it's written over, that their great Fleet will not be ready till May. Containing all Rules and Directions necessary to be known for the judicious reading, right speaking and writing thereof, very useful for all that desire to be expert in the foresaid facilities; as also a special preparative to the learning of the Latin tongue, or any other Grammarised language, which is to be sold by Philenious Soephens at the Golden Lion in Paul's Churchyard. | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 195 |
PerfDiurn233 | From Monday, May. 22. to Monday, May. 29. 1654. This day from Scotland by Letters May 14, thus. We understand from Col. Cooper at Glasgow, that a party of his of 22 Dragoons coming from the Garrison of Ayr, met with a party of the Enemy rambling about the Country, being 60 under command of the Laird of Cairdennis himself with two Cornets, and six more upon the place, took divers horse and men, and the rest fled for it. This is all the action and enemy that hath of late been in these parts; which was indeed very handsomely performed, not one of our men being lost, and but two wounded, which are upon recovery. From Upsall, April 21. We are now about leaving this Country, as we hope: The Negotiation here being brought to a period, only there wants the signing of the Articles, by reason of the absence of the Queen: But her Majesty is upon her Return, and is expected here this night: And I question not, but we shall be dismissed in very few days, and that to satisfaction on all parts. They are preparing here for the sitting of the next Parliament, which will be the beginning of May. And that my Lord Ambassadors departure may not be too near the Election of the succeeding King, for the avoiding of all exceptions He is resolved to hasten all that possibly he may, out of this Country. Rotterdam, May 23. stilo novo. Here are three Ambassadors arrived from the great Duke of Muscovy, one of them is going for France, the other two had Audience the other day; they gave to understand, that the said Duke had resolved to wage war against the King of Poland; and desired leave to buy Arms and Ammunition in these Provinces. They do likewise assure, that they have great quantity of Corn, that in the City of Archangel alone, there is above sixty thousand Ton of Corn ready to be exported. It seems that they will not hearken here to the demand which the great Master hath made here for some Goods which he claims in this Country, as belonging to him; however the maritime Towns, who do not pretend anything, desire he may have satisfaction given him, for fear their Commerce be not interrupted upon the Mediterranean Sea by the Galleys of that Order. We are now taken up with Preparations for our Triumph and Thanksgiving day, which is to be celebrated next Wednesday. A Proclamation by the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, for prevention of disturbances or breach of the Peace, Union, and Confederation, concluded and agreed between His Highness Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. The States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, to all persons to whom these presents shall come, Greeting, Whereas (to the praise of Almighty God, the advancement of the general good of the United Provinces, and of every particular person therein) Articles of Peace, Union, and Confederation, are concluded and agreed between his Highness Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands in a Treaty at Westminster, bearing date 5 April Old-style, 1654. and hath been published both in London and in these Provinces, and all acts of hostility are to cease. We therefore the Lords the States General do hereby warn all people of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, that they do acknowledge and submit to the said Peace so ratified, and to obey the Ratification in all places without any breach thereof, upon pain of being punished as disturbers of the Public Peace, without expectation of Favour, or grace, but to be proceeded against according to Justice. Given at the meeting of the States General at the Hague, 7. (alias 17.) May, 1654. Jacob Vetch, President pro tempers. N. Ruysch, Clerk to the States General. From several parts thus. From Stockholm, the Spanish Ambassador hath been sumptuously feasted by the Queen at Vpsal, of whom he hath had his last Audience, and so is upon his departure, but hath received of her Majesty for a present, that which is esteemed worth 8000 Rixdollars. The Lord Fleming is to be Lord Treasurer of her Majesty's Revenues, when she hath divested herself of her present command and authority. From Warsovia, The General of the Poland Army being entered with a strong party of his Army in the Province of Ukraine, and hearing that one Bohum one of the chief of the Cossacks was in a Town called Kakni, and fled from thence in the night, he forthwith followed after him, but got no more than a tedious and wearisome march, the said Bohum having escaped from them, so being come to a Town called Jakupen, where the Townsmen, with some Cossacks quartered there, resisted to a furious assault, but at last being overcome, all the Men were put to the Sword, the women and children hardly escaping the fury of the Conquerors, from thence being marched to Homanick where the said Bohum was, they having held a Council of War, it was not held fit to begin any siege, only that the Army should face the Town, and there should be read publicly his Majesty's Letters, promising a general pardon to all those that are now in rebellion that would return to their former duty, the same being written in Russian language and characters, that so they might the better apprehend it, but nothing would prevail. This day was kept a day of public Thanksgiving to Almighty God, according to the Declaration of his Highness the Lord Protector, lately mentioned, Mr. Lockier, and Mr. Thomas Goodwin, prayed and preached at Whitehall Chapel, where his Highness and Council were present. There was a passage inserted in our last concerning some of our English Mariners landing in France near St. Malos, which we understand since to be grossly mistaken, and the Reader (to whose hands it hath come) is therefore desired to expunge it the book. From the Fleet off Aberdeen May 13. Vice Admiral John Lawson, Commander of the Fairfax Frigate and of this Squadron, hath received Orders from General Monk (since his coming into Scotland, after advice and council with the Officers at Edinburgh, and from whence he is going towards Stirling) to ply towards Hoosty Bay. On the eleventh day of this present May, we discovered a Fleet of Dutch ships, which were about 70 Sail (or more) of Merchant's vessels intended for Greenland, and there Convoy were Rear Admiral de Witte of Amsterdam, and two other men of War. When we came up with them, they carried themselves very lovingly, and did very cheerful by submission acknowledge the Sovereignty of England in these Seas, yielding as much to us as could be expected from any Merchant's ships, and after a friendly salute passed by, much civility and affection being expressed on both sides. Plymouth Sound 16 May, Sir, Captain John Seaman Commander of the Dragon Frigate, with the Adventure Frigate plying off Alderney, they met with a small Frenchman, which had been taken by an Ostender near Bell Island; Our Captains being informed that she was laden with English Merchant's goods, they sent her into Weymouth to have that business further examined. On the 10 instant, plying of Dartmouth, they met with three which belong to Lyn, and upon the desire of the Masters thereof, they convoyed them safe over Murleux, whether they saw them safe, and standing off again, met with 25 Sail of Frenchmen which were bound for Rochel to take in Salt, and so on for the bank of Newfoundland, but before they got to Rochel they chased them half a day, but could take but three of them, because they steered so many several courses, while we were upon the chase of them, our men descried another Fleet to the windward, which were found to be thirteen sail of Holland Merchant ships, with one Convoy in their Company, he saluted ours with three guns, and some expressions of love, and so they passed on their voyage, and ours parted from them, and are now at this present come in here into Plymouth Sound. From the Squadron in the West, May 13. About 4 days ago two ships belonging to the Dutch sailing from Holland towards France passed by us: at the first when they got the sight of our ships they put up the Holland colours, and sailed on towards us: And so soon as they came near one of our Frigates which was nearest towards them, they freely took in their Holland colours, and put up a white flag of Peace, which signal of their was answered from our ship, After which they took down their white flag, and again spread their Holland colours, and lowered their Topsails on the Cape, and so sailed under our stern. As they passed by they made great expressions of joy for the Peace between their Commonwealth and ours. The ancient Proceedings in the Law vindicated, &c. Part V. For Prevention of pestering the Cities, and charging them and the Countries by begging, indigent people, able to work; and to encourage them to follow their lawful Employments. Whereas divers Actions have been laid to be done in foreign Counties and places (out of which they were committed) and there tried, and the parties Defendants (to their great trouble, travel, and charge) compelled to bring divers Witnesses to far and remote places. And if the Trial of such Action hath been prevented from being in a foreign County, the Defendant therein hath been put to great charges and trouble, in coming and bringing up Witness to the Term, from far and remote places, to make Oath or Affidavit of the true place; where the cause of such action did arise, and then to move the Court (where such action was commenced ) to alter the Visne; which usually hath been granted, if such Defendant hath been provided with such Affidavit the same Term, in which the Declaration of such Action hath been delivered; but not after, to such Defendants great and unnecessary charge; many of such men being very poor, (divers of them dwelling in the remotest places from London and Westminster) and coming to London barefooted, and barelegged, and begging on the way going thither, staying there, and returning back to their dwelling, whereby the Countries and Cities have been troubled with, and charged by Beggars, and the necessary employment of such poor People hindered: which might easily have been prevented by a general Rule or Order for that purpose, and in such Actions or Causes divers times excessive damages have been given by Common Jurymen in London and Westminster. For remedy whereof, it is proposed to be desired that it may Be Enacted, That all such Actions may be laid in the proper Counties, where the cause of such Action do, or shall arise, happen or accrue, or else the same to be void, and to be found for the Defendants at the trials thereof, if such Plaintiff at such trial shall not prove the cause of such action is, or shall be laid to be done; unless the Plaintiff in such Action, before his Declaration thereof filed or delivered in, (to the Officer appointed to filing or keeping such things) do, or shall make appear by affidavit, such Defendants to be very powerful in the Country where such Cause or Action doth or shall arise, happen, or accrue, or to be there much favoured, or feared, or some other Cause (which concerning such like Actions hath been allowed of by some of the Superior Courts to be sufficient for such purpose) and a true copy thereof, and of the Matter which he, she, or they, do, or shall intend to move, to have the same laid out of the Place or County, where the Cause of such Action doth, or shall arise, or happen; and where he, she, or they desire to have the same laid (out of such County, or place, where such Action hath been, or shall be laid) in writing, to the party or parties, Defendant or Defendants, (against whom such action or suit be, or shall be brought) his, her, or their Attorney or Attorneys in the same; And if they, some, or one of them (principally concerned therein) do not, nor shall within 10 days next after contradict, deny, or refuse to consent to the same, and deliver the matter of such Contradiction, Denial or Refusal in writing to the Plaintiff in such Action, his, her, or their Attorney therein, within 8 days next after the delivery of such Writing to, or for such Defendant or Defendants. And that if such Writing or Denial be, or shall be so delivered, then such proceedings may be thereupon, as is mentioned in Propositions concerning Motions and Orders. Paris the 27 of May, 1654. The Lorrainers whom I told you were quartered near la Bassee, are removed further, being between Bapaume and St. Venant, and yet commanded by the E. de Ligneville, by reason D. Francis is not yet come to them, and notwithstanding the express Orders of the Archduke, and the aforesaid Duke to live in a peaceable manner, yet they cannot leave their old trade of thieving. The Marsh. de la Ferte Seneterre is yet at Nancy, and is gathering all his forces together to take the field with all expedition, and to hasten the matter the more hath appointed 3 Rendezvous to his Army, to such forces as come from the County of Alsatia, at Bourbon, those that are quartered along the river of Aisne, at Tilli on the Mawse, and those from Lorrain and Troys at St. Dizin, the headquarters being appointed at Varanne in the County of Clermont. We hear that at last all things are fully agreed between the Court and the E. of Harcourt, and that the agreement was to be signed the 20 of this instant. The Governor of St. Menehold having notice that the Enemy intended to send their Convoy designed for the relief of Clermont with provisions and ammunitions in small parties, to avoid the better several of parties of ours which are daily sent out for their discovery, carried on their work so wisely, that having gone by private ways, forsaking the Highways, ours missed of them, having only fallen upon the Rear, and taken some few horses. The first President with some Councillors were this week at the Louur to Petition, about the calling home of their fellow Members which were still in exile, having presented their desires in writing, they made a speech for a further explication thereof; their manner of proceeding was disliked, and therefore had no satisfactory answer. The King is not yet gone from hence to Rheims, by reason that the Archbishop of that City cannot perform the Ceremony of anointing him; therefore Letters are gone from his Majesty under his Signet to the Bishop of Sorsons, who is Coadjutor of that Archbishopric, to attend his Majesty there, and to be ready to perform the business upon the day appointed. The Ambassador of Savoy hath had lately audience of his Majesty there, and to be ready to perform the business upon the day appointed. The Ambassador of Savoy hath had lately audience of his Majesty, to whom he made a long speech concerning the wars of his Country, and what his Master desired concerning the next field expedition. The 24 instant the Cardinal feasted the King at dinner, where was also the Queen, the King's Brother, and some Ministers of State; there is a report that the Duke of Vendosme is something out of favour, and it's said to be concerning some passages between him and the Duke of Beaufort his Son, at their late conference at Surenne. Upon discovery of a barbarous and blood conspiracy against his Highness the Lord Protector, and to involve this Nation in blood and confusion, divers persons have been this week apprehended in and about London, and committed about it, and some in other parts, the particulars whereof we shall give you more fully hereafter, and this day Proclamation was made in London (and the like in other parts) as followeth. Whereas the Enemies of the Peace of this Nation (notwithstanding the many signal providences of God in frustrating of their former counsels and malicious designs) do appear still restless in their attempts, to involve this Commonwealth in blood and confusion, In order whereunto divers of them have lately repaired to London, as well from beyond the Seas, as from several parts of this Commonwealth, the Constables of the respective Parishes within the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark, and the Lines of Communication, do forthwith after the publication hereof, repair to the several houses within their respective parishes, and require from the Householders a List of the Names of all such persons as now do, or did lodge in their respective Houses on Friday night last, being the nineteen of this instant May, or at any time since, with their several qualities and conditions, and how long they have been lodged there. And all and every the said Householders are accordingly to deliver the said Constables, or one of them, a true List of all such names upon peril of being reputed and dealt withal, as Accomplices and Partakers in the said Design. Which Lists so delivered, the respective Constables of the Parishes within the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark, and Lines of Communication, are within forty eight hours to deliver to the Lord Mayor of London, and the Bailiffs of Westminster and Southwark, respectively, whereof the said Constables are not to sail at their utmost peril. and the said Lord Mayor and Bailiffs are to return the Lists so to be by them received, to his Highness's Council at Whitehall, immediately after the receipt thereof. And his Highness doth likewise strictly command and require, that no person or persons whatsoever, lodging within the Lines of Communication, do change his or their several and respective lodgings, or depart out of the said Lines for the space of ten days after the date hereof, without a special License and Pass in that behalf obtained from the Lord Mayor of the said City of London, or Bailiff of Westminster or Southwark respectively, are hereby authorized to give to all such persons concerning whom they shall be satisfied, that they have no ill intentions or designs against the Commonwealth, and to none else. And if any such person shall presume to depart out of the said Lines, within the said time, without license obtained as aforesaid, it shall be reputed a Contempt of this his Highness's Command, and be punished according to its demerit. And the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and Bailiffs of Westminster and Southwark respectively, are to cause this Proclamation forthwith, after Publication thereof, to be sent to the several Constables as aforesaid, and to require and demand from them an account of their proceedings thereupon. Given at White-hall the 23. of May, 1654. This following Proclamation was published, as followeth. By the Lord Protector. Whereas by the thirtieth Article of the Peace lately made and concluded between his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces, It is concluded and agreed, That four Commissioners shall be nominated on both sides to meet here at London, upon the eighteenth day of May, one thousand six hundred fifty and four, Old Style, who shall be authorized to examine and determine all the Losses, and Injuries which either allege to have sustained from the other, since the year one thousand six hundred and eleven, unto the eighteenth of May one thousand six hundred fifty and two, as well in the East Indies, as in Greenland, Muscovy, Brazeel, or in any other place; the particulars of all which shall be delivered in to the said Commissioners before the said eighteenth of May one thousand six hundred fifty and four. And whereas in pursuance thereof Commissioners are respectively named, viz. John Exton, William Turner, Doctors of Law, William Thompson, and Thomas Kendall, Merchants, on the part of the English; and Adrian Van Almonde, Christian Van Rodenbure, Lodovick Howens, James Oysel, on the part of the people of the United Provinces, who not being able to meet so soon as the said eighteenth day of May, It was mutually agreed, That the meeting should be deferred unto the thirtieth of the same month of May, and that the particulars of the said Demands on either part may be delivered in at any time before, or upon the thirtieth of May next, and that the same being delivered in before, or upon the said day, should be as effectual as if they had been exhibited upon the eighteenth day of May aforesaid. Which last Agreement his Highness hath Commanded by these presents to be made Public, To the end all persons concerned may take notice thereof, and deliver in their Demands unto the Commissioners accordingly. The place of whose meeting is appointed to be at Guildhall upon the thirtieth of May aforesaid. Given at Whitehall the 24. of May, 1654. Paris the 30th of May, 1654. New stile. All things are now ready for the anointing of our King, and it is thought that in few days his Majesty will go from hence, the Earl de Bruston having invited all Ambassadors, Residents, and Agents of Foreign Princes to assist at that Solemnity. The 26 instant the Prince of Conti having taken his leave of their Majesties, went from this City, and is now on his way for Catalonia, there to be Commander in chief of the French Army, and the Duke of Candale is to follow shortly after. The 27 the Commissioners for the Cantons of Switzerland had Audience of his Majesty, as also the Earl Riva, Public Minister of the Prince of Parma, being all of them brought to their Audience in the King's Coaches, and attended by the Earl of Bruston. The same day the late Bishop of Coserans made Oath before his Majesty for the Archbishopric of Toulouse, which the King hath bestowed upon him for his good and faithful services to the State: also the same day the Lord Borreell Ambassador in ordinary for the States of the United Provinces caused several Bonfires, and Wildfires, and great rejoicing at and before his house, for the conclusion of the peace between them and the Commonwealth of England. The Marshal Granmont being gone to Bayonne had order from the King to see the Duke of Orleans, and then to invite him again to come to the Court, that so he might accompany his Majesty to Rheims, that being done, to complain unto him of his eldest daughter Mademoiselle whom he charged to keep correspondence with the Enemies of the State, and to have relieved them with moneys (meaning the Prince of Conde and his adherents) and that in case he would not speedily remedy those faults, he would give order to secure her person and estate: The King is not yet gone, but its credibly reported that he will go the first of June being Monday next, he is to go first the Compeigne, and from thence to Soissons, and so to Rheims. The Cardinal Mazarini is now tampering with the Marshal de Hocquincourt, that he might once more go into Catalonia for to assist the Prince of Conti in managing of that war, but he refuseth to go, unless the reversion of the place of Governor of Peronne be first granted to his Son. The Duke of Guise is not yet gone, want of money being the main let to hinder his journey; The King seemed to be much discontented at the refusal of his Uncle the Duke of Orleans, who hath sent by one of his Gentlemen to desire to be excused for not attending on his Majesty at Rheims, which he sayeth he cannot do, by reason he is not in health. From Dunkirk June 2 new stile: I have no good news to impart you at present, only the sad accident which happened at Gravelines upon Thursday last being the 28 of May; about ten of the clock in the forenoon; where the fire having taken to a great quantity in a magazine of Powder blew, up a great part of the Castle, the Convent of English Nuns, with many houses adjoining it, which were all blown up and laid in a heap, and had near taken the other Magazine, where was 400 Barrels of Powder, Grenades, and other Fireworks in great quantity. At the Council at Whitehall. Whereas Information hath been given to his Highness the Lord Protector by the Committee sitting at Sadler's hall London, appointed to take care of carrying on the business of collections in England and Wales, for and towards the relief of the Inhabitants of the Town of Marlborough in the County of Wilts, and re-edifying of the said Town (a great part thereof being lately consumed by a sad and lamentable fire,) That there are divers sums of money collected in divers Parishes, Cities, and Towns Corporate in England and Wales for the uses aforesaid, which are through remissness, or some other sinister ends, detained in the hands of such as have collected the same, and have not paid them over to such persons as have been appointed by the said Committee to receive them, whereby the Charity of good People is abused, and those poor Inhabitants frustrated or delayed of relief intended to them thereby. It is therefore Ordered by his Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, That all Churchwardens, Collector, Receivers, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, and other persons who have in their hands any of the moneys collected for the uses aforesaid, do forthwith, upon sight hereof, pay over the same to such person or persons, as Alderman Andrews, Alderman Titchborn, Alderman Ireton, Col. Owen Roe, Mr. Edw. Bushell, Mr. Maximilian Beard, Mr. Greensmith, Mr. Herring, Major Packer, Mr. Thomas Lamb, Mr. Wollaston, Mr. Tempest Milnor. Mr. Theophilus Riley, Major Wareing, Mr. Asburst, Mr. Strong, Mr. Samuel Wilson, Mr. Robert Barrett, Mr. Anthony Dowse, Mr. John Price, Mr. William Kiffin, Mr. Babington, Major Banks, Capt. Manton, Mr. Bandrith, Mr. Isles, Mr. Lawrence Steele, Mr. William Malyn, Capt. Aldron, Cornet Comeby, being the said Committee at Sadlers Hall, or any five of them, shall appoint and authorize to receive the same; and all the said Collectors, and other Officers and persons before mentioned are hereby required to perform the same accordingly, as they will answer their neglect and contempt at their peril. Ex. W. Jessop, Clerk of the Council. From Amsterdam May 25. The Princess of Orange with the young P. her Son are gone from the Hague to Honslaerdiick one of their houses, and afterwards are to return to Breda: There is a great preparation made in this City for a day of Thanksgiving for the Peace concluded between us and England; our States Provincial which were parted some days since, are again met to find out a stock for the payment of such sums as they stand engaged to England for the satisfaction of those Ships stopped at Zund by the King of Denmark. Our Fleet for Greenland is gone to Sea, and a great number of ships are ready to go to France, and other places to the Southward, and two great ships called the Whale, and Hunter, are ready to go for the East Indies, and for to ease this Province of the great burden it hath sustained during these late wars, our States are about to reduce our Soldiers to a lesser number. Minehead May 22, Here are little news in these parts, by reason of contrary winds, we have had but little or no returns from Ireland since this month, besides the Brest Pirates do still range up and down this Channel, but have been disappointed of their expectations: Three days since they chased two Barks in Severn so far up, that it was marvel how they durst to venture, yet at last missed of their intent, and glad to put out again to Sea. Scarborough the same date, This Coat is now well rid of Pirates, whereby we may trade with more security, yet the last week there were again two small Picaroons of 4 and 6 Guns a piece: We hear by one of our Fisherboats they are of all Nations, and pretend to have a Commission under Charles Stuart: These two days have passed by a great many ships from the Northward, some of them from Scotland, but the most from Newcastle and Sunderland, laden with Coals for London. By several Letters from Scotland as followeth, Inverness May 14. Middleton and the rest of his party that remains of those that are run to their own houses, are still in Southerland and Caithness, Col. Morgan's brigade lies in the Shires of Ross and Inverness blocking them up as formerly; Drummond is about Lough Tay, and the Bailiff of Athol is gone to him, to advise concerning the speedy raising of all Gentlemen in that Country (for the Highlanders are no other) Montrose with about 450 horse and foot were lately in the Brays of Anguish, forcing men to rise with him: Glencairn we hear is gone South through the Brays of Renogh, and from the Hills we understand, the Enemy's foot runs away over the Mountains by thirty and forty in a Company, and are necessitated to eat horse flesh where they go, provisions being so exceeding scarce in those parts. Stirling, May 16. Thursday last the General came hither with part of Col. Okey's Regiment of Horse, his own Regiment, and four Companies of Sir William Constable's of Foot, we hear nothing of any considerable part of the Enemy being in these parts: only we have Intelligence, That Captain Kympton Hilliard being marched towards Douglas, having Intelligence, That Cardinesse, Forgison, and Wallace, with about 40. of the Rebels were about New Mills, resolved to engage them with 20 of his Troop, and a Sergeant that were with him, but upon a nearer approach found them above 60. ready mounted, and drawn up to receive him; notwithstanding which, he continued his Resolution, and upon his approach the Rebels seemed much to scorn the smallness of his number; but it pleased God so to order it, That after he had received their charge, he fell in upon them, and broke them, killed Cardinesse's Cornet, and Forgisson's Cornet, and mortally wounded Lieutenant Wallis, killed two Horses of theirs and took 4. The rest, although dispersed, got away being well Mounted. He took 6 or 8 suits of Arms, being good Backs, and Breasts. Most of the Enemy had the State's Mark. We had only two wounded, and after two hours keeping the field, he returned to Ayr. The Rebels were marching towards the Hills, but by this means it is supposed they will have no great mind to engage. This day the General and Forces march from hence to Cardrosse, near the Hills, where he will lie in the Fields for some time; Glencairne is come with some Forces into those parts. Edinburgh, May 20. Wednesday at night last some Prisoners broke from their place of Durance; But were most of them retaken within two days after. Middleton, Monroe, Athol, and Forbes, are in Caithness with their broken Regiments; Kenmore remains sick in Sutherland, and has been so for this month past. Glencairne and Colonel Drummond, with some Foot and Horse lie at Abersoyle, the most considerable pass and from the Hills, about 12 miles from Stirling, General Monk is marched that way to observe the several passes upon the Brays, and to take some course with them. A brief exposition on the last 50 Psalms, from Psalm 100 to the end, which now makes a complete work on the whole book of Psalms, by David Dickson Professor of Divinity in Edinburgh: To be sold by Thomas Johnson at the Golden Key in St Paul's Churchyard. Meteors, or, a Plain description of all kinds of Meteors, as well Fiery and Airy, as Wary and Earthy: briefly manifesting the causes of all Blazing stars, Shooting stars, Flames in the Air, Thunder, Lightning, Earthquakes, Rain, Dew, Snow, Clouds, Springs, Stones, and Metals, by W. F. Dr. in Divinity. Exercitatio Scholastica, and Linguam Latinam viam muniens, Both printed and sold by William Leak at the Crown in Fleet Street, between the two Temple Gates. A Nag stolen 15 May 1654, A brown Bay, with a Star, a snip of one of his ears; branded with a B. and Flower-de-luce upon his near shoulder, 4 years old of stature 14 hands, or thereabouts: If such can be found, to be brought to the Horseshoe against Sepulchres Church London, or to Mr. William Roberts of Louth in the County of Lincoln, and they shall be well contented. Those who desire, may from the Swan at Holborne bridge, upon every Monday, and Friday go to York in 4 days, or to Newcastle in 6. in the Post hanging Coaches. This is licensed and entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 233 |
ModIntell168 | The Articles of Peace concluded between the Lord Ambassadors from the States of the Netherlands; and the Right Honourable the Lord Lisle, Major Gen. Lambert, and the rest of the Commissioners appointed by his Highness the Lord Protector. With the engrossing of the said Articles, the transcribing of them into Vellum & the releasing of the Dutch prisoners: the Declaration of Major Gen. Harrison, and the proceedings of Mr. Rogers, Mr. Feak, and Mr Simpson: the King of Scots' Letter read at the General Rendezvous of the Highlanders; And the Propositions of the Lord Wilmot, and the Lord Wentworth, to several Princes and States, with their proceedings thereupon and variety of other intelligence from Denmark, France and Sweden. The last Sabbath day Major Gen. Harrison taught at London house; after the exercise was ended, a letter was read which was read which was directed to that Congregation form Mr. Simpson, wherein he expressed a hearty desire, that the Spirit of meekness love and unity might increase amongst them; but he sayeth that he findeth not the sprinkling of Infants in the New Testament, (which is a thing that Mr. Feak and he hath often argued upon since their confinement at Windsor) but Major Gen. Harrison has declared to live peaceably. The last Intelligence from Col. Dan. Serl, Governor of the Barbados, advertiseth, That on the 13 of December last, was held a General Sessions for Gaol-Delivery, and Common-pleas, which continued for the space of five days; amongst others, who received corporal punishments, one John Barkley, a Scots man, was hanged for buggering an Asnego Mare, which Mare was brought to the place of execution, and there tied to a Wooden stake, where she was burnt to Ashes, in presence of the said Barkley, who was afterwards immediately executed. After which, one Mr. Robert Richards was hanged for killing an Irishman, that was a servant in this Island, and three Negro-men at the same time were hanged about a murder some nine months since committed in the night time by several Negroes, who beset the hour of one Mr. Dobs a Planter, killed him, his wife, and child: So just is the most heroic, honoured, and very much approved noble Colonel Serles, to administer equal justice upon all Offenders, that the very balance of the Scales are rightly terminated upon all Facts, Crimes, Designs, and Actions: Which, indeed, will remain as a Tropical Palm to eternize his Name throughout all ages. And so tender is the said Governor likewise in the managing of the weighty Affairs of that Island, that for the suppressing of runaway Negroes, and to prevent the increase of their great Numbers, He commanded some three hundred men to hunt and range the words, who the first day killed two of the Negroes, one whereof was conceived to be the chief of them afterward seven other Negro men were brought in, and upon Trial found guilty of the said Murder, four of them had first their right hands cut off, and then hanged; the other three were also executed. About a fortnight since came in sight of the Island a small Dutch man of War, which stood near the shore, and put forth the English Colours, and a Parliament Jack, and made as if he intended to come in: Upon which four Shallops going from the Bridge to the Leeward part of this Island, with Commodities, thinking it had been an English ship, and standing towards her, were surprised and taken, which was a considerable loss. The Articles of Agreement between the Dutch and Us (as before mentioned) are not yet engrossed; but the English Commissioners of the Council to the Lord Protector, viz. The Lord Lisle Maj. Gen. Lambert, Mr. Strickland, Sir Gilbert Pickering, Col. Montague, Mr. Lawrence. Appointed to finish the business of the Dutch Ambassadors, have had several meetings, and the Results of all (as fairly conjectured) tends to a speedy Union. The last Post from Holland advertiseth, that there is arrived at the Uly about 140 sail of Merchants' ships that came from the Eastland, whereof divers are going up to Amsterdam, the rest to other Ports. The Commander Ruittier is chosen Vice-Admiral for that City, and great are their preparations in most places. There is come to Hague and Agent from the great Duke of Malta, who is called the Chevalier Palant; he hath had Audience of the States General, and after that delivered in certain papers, wherein are expressed at large the occasion of his coming, and his Demands. The two great ships (so long expected) are now safely arrived at the Uly from the Charibde Islands, and some few ships taken by the English are again re-taken by the Dutch. Nay, further, they have taken some of our ships on the Northern Coast, towards Bridlington Bay, Scarborough, and Newcastle, and stranded others near Hartlepool: there is a great Fleet coming from Newcastle, so soon as the Wind will permit, and a Convoy is ready to attend their motion. There is another great Fleet of Dutch Merchant-men (consisting of no less than one hundred and fifty sail) gone to the Westward, sailing close by the Coast of France, and having a fair Wind, gave our Fleet the go-by: they have a Convoy of 60 men of war, and well manned, and are to return speedily to the General Rendezvous. Our Fleet rides triumphantly in the Western Channel, and mighty preparations there are for completing of it: no less than 1000 Red-coats were drawn out of four Regiments the last week, and sent on ship-board. Another part of Paul's church falling down the last week at the great South door, where a part fell before: it was under consideration by the Council for taking it down; but nothing yet done in it. Our last Post from Scotland bringeth certain intelligence, That there are divers great Commanders, and eminent persons landed at the Ferry of Uney, in Southerland, a List of their Names We shall here present you with as followeth: Liet. Gen. Middleton, The Lord Douglas, The Lord Murrey, Sir George Monroe, Sir Alexander Ennis, Maj. Gen. Dyel, Col. Dyel, Col. Lodowick Drumland Col. Stuart, Col. Gibson, 24 Captains, 27 Lieutenants, And about 60 other Officers and Gentlemen., Great store of Arms, Ammunition, and other warlike Provisions; by way of Tradition 'tis said, that they have brought over three white Flags, with the cross bloody Daggers, and that they are already marched up to Achness with divers Horse load of Arms: form whence, they intend to march up to Strath-fleet, terminating to have a conjunction with Gen. Glencarn in the highlands, and then to proceed with fire and sword against all those that shall oppose them in the Lowlands. But let them beware, that Valour's great Elixir, who does three Nations aw, doth not once more with his brandish Sword give the Redshanks a Law; for which end, his Highness hath ordered all Officers to repair to their several charges. But since their arrival, the Highlanders grow numerous; and at their late general Rendezvous the Arms were distributed, some monies received, and Letters read from their King, promising his assistance to the uttermost of his power: at which some signs of great joy were made; but let them laugh that wins: May the justness of the Cause carry it. The King of Scots of his own accord did choose to go for Germany rather than for Scotland at present, and is no way discouraged at his Removal out of France: so familiar are his misfortunes with him. The Queen of Bohemia (sister to the late King of Great Britain) is going to Frankendale, which is her Dowry, a most wealthy place, and of great frequentation, it being the mid-way betwixt Wormes and Spiers, where she will do the best she can to entertain young Charles, and to accommodate him in the present juncture of Affairs. His brother JAMES (second Son to his late Majesty) is as valiant as Hector in the King of France's Army; but the little Queen (his Mother) is of a sudden struck very solentary. The Lord Wilmot, and the Lord Wentworth do with much importunity press upon the loyal breasts of the English in several places to support the weak distressed Estate of their Prince; especially at the city of Hamborough, where the Lord Wentworth did extremely solicit and importune the Treasurer of the English company, who fearing his power, and loath to part with those monies which belonged to all the English Merchants who traffic in those parts, acquainted the President of the English Companies with it, and withal, showed the inconveniences that would arise, if he should deliver such monies to him. Whereupon the President weighing the truth of the Reasons, made his complaint to the Senate, who enjoined the Lord Wentworth not to exact any sums of money of the Treasurer, unless he was able to put in good security for the re-disbursing of them. Ha! Ha! 'tis good to be merry and wise. The English Fleet rideth not far from the Isle of Wight: some Squadrons are at the Spits head, and others and Saint Ellen's point: they are ready to put forth to Sea in the most gallant equipage that may be. For we have now in one Body the bravest Fleet that ever was put forth since the Wars began, and the Seamen are very unanimous. Divers foot-soldiers are gone down to their assistance; no less than 30 out of a company were drawn forth on Monday last, and divers others are to follow: A prosperous Gale attend them. The next thing that presents itself to public view is, the high and magnificent entertainment of the Dutch Ambassadors, upon their receiving audience by his Highness the Lord Protector. They were attended from the Palace-yard to the Banqueting-hour at Whitehall, by Sir Oliver Fleming (Master of the Ceremonies) the L. Strickland, and the L. Jones, (two of the Council) who were all brought in the L. Protector's chief Coach, and his Highness' footmen, besides the Ambassadors, to run by the Coach; and after the said Coach followed divers others belonging to several Peers of the Nation, in which rid several persons of honour, and the Gentlemen belonging to the Ambassadors. There were set at the upper end of the Banqueting house a mighty rich Chair of State for his Highness, and by it on the right hand, three rich stools for the Ambassadors, and a place railed in covered with Carpets, and the ground spread with carpets wherein the chair and stools were set. The L. Protector came into the Banqueting house with the Lords of Council, Mr. Thurloe, Secretary of State, and M. Claypool Gent. of the Horse; at whose coming in, all the people put off their hats & stood bare, & his Highness put off his hat to the people, & went up to the Chair, but did not sit down in it at all, neither before, at, nor after the Audience. His Highness stood on the left side of the Chair, with his hat on, and the Lords of the Council, M. Thurlo, & M. Claypool were within the Rails, all bare during Audience. In this equipage his Highness waited a short time, for the reception of the ambassadors, and a lane was made for them to come up to his Highness from one end of the room to the other. So soon as the Ambassadors were come into the Room they put off their hats to salute his Highness; and his Highness did the like to them again; and so again a second, and a third time, as they came nearer to the L. Protector; and when they came up to the place where the chair, stools & carpets were, where his Highness was, with the Lords of the Council; and after a low salute of his Highness & the Ambassadors each to other; the L. Protector put on his hat, and the Ambassadors also: but the Lords of the Council, & all others being bare, his Highness and the Ambassadors standing up, the L. Yongstal made a Speech to His Highness, declaring the desire of his Masters the States of the United Provinces, to renew Amity, and to settle a more firm Peace than ever heretofore. To which his Highness made an excellent Speech in answer thereunto, declaring, That he desired nothing more than a firm Peace and happy Union, and to renew the ancient friendship between both Commonwealths, &c. Afterwards his Highness & the Ambassadors saluted each other; and the Ambassadors returned back three times to salute his Highness; and his Highness also staying for that purpose saluted them; but they being gone down, his Highness, with the Lords of the Council, returned also by the Privy door. The Lords Ambassadors from the states of Holland, have again addressed themselves to his Highness, intimating That if the Articles can be engrossed in a day, they were willing to sign the Ratification of the Peace: whereupon his Highness appointed the Lord Strickland, and five Commissioners more of the Lords of the Council, to meet with the Dutch Ambassadors, and to explain and clear some scruples in the Articles: so that it's supposed Subscriptions will be made on either side, in order to a firm Peace and Amity. Upon the effecting whereof, divers honourable persons are to be excluded the two Commonwealths, viz. The Queen of Bohemia going from Holland, to her Son Prince Charles the Palsgrave. The Prince of Orange. The Princess, The King of Scots going for Germany. Likewise, The Duke of York. The Duke of Gloucester. Prince Rupert, Prince Philip, The late Queen of England is to depart France: she goes to the Duke of Savoy, the Duchess being her Sister. And all other Lords and Gentlemen that shall be found enemies against the two states. There is like to be a sudden conclusion between the Kings of France, Denmark, and the Q. of Sweden; and then beware poor Germany. Her Majesty, and his Excellency the Lord Ambassador Whitlock have treated of every Article, and there is great probability of a very good issue: but the Queen demurs about the Article of an offensive and Defensive war by reason that the English are at present in wars, and her subjects in peace. Her Resident hath had audience in Holland and likewise the French Ambassador: since which time, the States are preparing to send forth their great Armada, and have added 60 new Frigates to the Navy, notwithstanding the present Treaty: whereupon Gen. Desborrow, and Gen. Monk are gone down to Chattam, to hasten out the rest of the English Fleet. On the 20 instant, the Highlanders had a great Rendezvous about Badgenoth, and the truth is they are very strong, though many times we take some of them. An Ordinance is preparing for the trial and approbation of Ministers, and thirty Commissioners (Ministers and others) will be appointed to put them in execution: The Royal Sovereign is now ready to spread her Canvass upon Neptune's curled Waves, and the two new Frigates lately christened the Naesby and the Marston Moor, will suddenly be equipped and rigged: the first carries 64 Guns: the other 60, if We mistake not, which is very seldom. There is building another great ship for War, which is as broad, and longer than the Royal Sovereign, alias the Commonwealth of England, & c. So that the lines of a learned Gentleman may justly be here inserted, to wit: But sith that Providence doth seem to promise Us a fair conclusion, after our late unparalleled Engagements on the British Ocean, we shall therefore draw to a conclusion with the final Results of the Treaty, viz. That the English Commissioners, and the Dutch Ambassadors have concluded upon the engrossing of the Which are to be transcribed fairly into Vellum; and the Dutch Prisoners are already set at liberty, and are to have moneys to transport them home. | The Moderate Intelligencer, Issue 168 |
FScoutHorton171 | The Resolutions of Gen. Middleton, Earl of Athol, Lord Seaforth, Lord Ray, Glengary, and Sir George Monro to have a Rendezvous at Inra with their whole force, consisting of 12000. horse and foot. To prevent which our Commander in chief in Scotland hath taken the field. With a true and perfect account of the state of our Navy, and a List of 15. prizes, taken by the Phnix, Newcastle, Assurance and Mermaid Frigates: Together with a perfect account of the State of affairs in Ireland, as they were reported by the Lord Henry Cromwell who is safe returned from thence: Also the Speeches that passed between the Lord Protector, and the Lord Ambassador Burdeux from the King of France, when he had Audience in the Banqueting house at Whitehall. The Lord Ray hath sent to Skelco for Arms for his men, Seafort was expected the ten instant within five mile of Carbsdale with his men, Sir George Monro and Middleton were then in Stranraer, and to meet Seafort and Ray at Inra with their whole force, where also Glengary with his rabble are to join with them and so force Sutherland and Caithness to rise. It is reported that since Middleton, a Lord is landed with store of Arms, and they threaten to destroy and plunder all that shall not side with them. From Upsal in Sweden, thus: The Treaty goes on, but slowly; yet doubtless, if the Transactions between England and Holland take effect they will soon be quickened in new Councils; for her Maj. promiseth fair to the L. Whitlock; and hath revived her former Overtures of resigning up the Government to her Successor, and desires the liberty of retiring into privacy. The great Taxes upon the people is conceived will push them forward to some notable design, which causeth the Senators to sit very close in council. They are consulting what Answer to return to her Majesty's Proposals, for resigning up the Crown and Sceptre, to her Successor, or Lord Protector. But by another Abstract we are given to understand, that the Marriage between the King of Scots, and her Royal Majesty is, ratified and agreed upon by the Princes and Peers of the General Assembly at the Diet, withal, that the great Duke of Holstein is to marry the Lady Elizabeth Princess of Orange. Alas! alas! too high fortunes, to be interwoven with so fatal and deplorable conditions: For, the Post Letters of a later date sayeth, that the Queen's inclination is to merit the King of the Romans, eldest Son to the Emperor of Germany; but that business being deterred by the Council, 'tis probable she will again renew her former Proposals for to centre in Solitudes. Notwithstanding, the hearts of her Subjects are exceeding averse to the change of Government, and with great acclamations of joy sounds forth her praises with a cordial and loyal Echo, Long live Queen Christina. The English Fleet are divided into four Squadrons, the better to scour and secure the Narrow Seas, they are excellently well equipped, and as bravely manned: Nothing wanting, but a resolute Enemy to fight than; which neither curled Waves, nor Weltick Ocean can bear, in case the Belgick Canons be silenced. They have already forced some of the Pirates, Rovers, and Irish Picaroons, from Brest to Toulon in France, where they have now time enough to sing the second part to the same tune, O bone, on bone. We have taken another of their men of War, and a Dutch Merchant laden with extraordinary good commodities. The Dutch Letters going from Southwark towards Dover, on Monday morning last about 3 of the clock, was seized and broke open by 5 Hectorian Knights of Fortune, within a mile of S. George's Church; but finding no moneys in the Mail, broke open the Letters, cast them upon the ground, and turned the Messenger back again, with a Belgick Flea in his ear. Some of these Letters made mention of a final Agreement between the two Republics of England and Holland. And Monsieur Bourdeaux Neusuille, Ambassador from the King of France, was brought in state through the City in the 27 instant, to Sir Abraham Williams in the Palace-yard: He is to receive audience in the 28 instant. This day, being the 27 of this instant month, there came a Post from Scotland, intimating, That the Royal party increaseth and that Gen. Middleton endeavours to raise Southerland, Caithness, and the county of Ross, and so to drain the Country, even as a Sponge sucketh in Water, of all the able, stout, and resolute hearts, that are able to bear Arms from sixteen to sixty; with a Resolution to descend down into the Lowlands: for, indeed, they grow numerous, and swell up as a Snowball doth in its rolling; but may as soon dissolve again in the like Element. The Lord Seaforth hath raised his number to seven hundred the Earl of Athol five hundred, Col. Forbs five hundred, and the last general Rendezvous, no less then seven thousand horse and foot they spake themselves to be completely armed, but have not obtained as yet the silver Instrument, which is the life of the Cause, and the very sinew of War: but their expectation is great from Germany, and for ought I know, long looked for may come at last: in the interim, they march towards our Borders, forcing their Levies throughout their march. From Scotland it is further advertised, That Col. Morgan hath sent a Letter to Gen. Middleton, declaring, That it was not unknown what amicable ways they had used, to avoid the effusion of Christian blood, since they came into those parts, which thought hitherto had been ineffectual, yet they should never endeavour the same; showing further, That their Arms were still stretched out ready to embrace them, when ever God should incline them to come in, and that they sought not domination over them, to enslave them, nor to depness them in any lawful way, but to carry on the Lord's Work: And that if they would still be blinded, and persist in the gain-saying and opposing, then what further misery befell their Nation by famine or sword, would lie heavy upon them. This Letter (though savouring so much of integrity and ingenuity) met with nothing of like nature from their Adversaries; for immediately thereupon, an Answer was returned; which being briefly contracted, the genuine sense take as followeth; That in case they were not in a capacity against the unjust proceedings of the English, yet were in they in a capacity to suffer, and should submit to God's Will, either by doing or suffering, until the time of their deliverance come; and that if it were their happiness to perish in their Duty and Loyalty, it would be a sufficient mercy to them: and when the persecution had arrive to its height, their captivity should be returned. But doubtless, but that in time we shall be able to put a Hook into the Nostrils, and a Bridle into the mouths of these high and mighty Youngsters, who threaten nothing but fire and sword to all that shall oppose them. There has been a Summons sent to the castle of Lough by col. Morgan, in the name of the Lord Protector, demanding a rendition. But the Governor returned Answer, That as for the castle it stood upon a Rock, and as for the Lord Protector he knew no such man: in consideration whereof, he was resolved to dispute the Walls by inches, and to fight it out to the last man. The 28 instant, the French Ambassador had Audience before his Highness the Lord Protector, at which time, upon the presenting of his Letters Credential from his Master the King, he made a very learned and excellent Oration, touching his Embassy, and the renewing of a more stricter League and Union between both Nations. Of which, more in our next. From Dublin thus: The Lord Henry Cromwell, when he comes back to you will confute those false Reports that were raised of us here, he having had a reception as a Prince, with 300 horse out of the City (most of them Citizens) with bonfires at night throughout the City. No news, but that upon a mere invitation the City should so solemnly observe a Day of fasting and humiliation, and it is wished that the Country this day fortnight may keep it no worse: for we have great cause to bury our mouths in the drift for our notorious sins so boldly and impenitently practised among us, and to consider the Rod of God upon us, in an universal Drought for some years, and still continued threatening famine and mortality: for true it is, that in the North of England, and several other parts of this Nation, the Springs, River, and Brooks, are almost dry for 20 miles distant. O then consider! By a Letter from Harwich it is advertised, that there is a Dutch ship of 400 Ton laden with Pitch, Tar, Masts, and Iron, to a great value brought in thither, taken by a private man of War. The Lord Protector set forth a Declaration, inviting the People of England and Wales, to a solemn day of fasting and humiliation, and ordered that Friday the 24 instant should be set apart for the cities of London and Westminster, and the same day fortnight for all the Counties in general in England and Wales. The Causes are, first, the common notorious sins impenitently practised amongst us. Secondly, the present long drought, threatening famine and mortality. The sins taken notice of by his Highness are, Notwithstanding the just Liberty Spiritual and Civil, God hath procured by his own people, yet want of humble walking in the virtues of Christ, or to communicate that liberty one to another. Or thankfully to acknowledge our liberty of worshipping God in holiness, want of brotherly love. Not owning one another for the grace of God more than form: Not seeking the Kingdom of Christ within us, before one without us. Listening to false Christs: Temporal Rule for Saints. A crying up of the Spirit; with a neglect of Love, and the other fruits of the Spirit: And an evil carriage towards them without: crying down Ministers that have a large seal of their Ministry, want of old Puritan self denial; Mercy to the poor uprightness, justice, and contending for the Faith once delivered to the Saints, as it ought to be apostatizings of many running after notions and fancies against Magistracy, Ministry, Scriptures, and Ordinances, contempt of the Gospel, and sincere Professors of it, even for the Image of Christ in them. Oaths, Drunkenness, Revellings, and all manner of licentiousness. And the impunity of these things, through neglect of the Magistracy in several parts of the Nation. Came to my hands the Copy of an Act for Reformation of sundry abuses practised by divers persons in the common market and streets of the City of London: the genuine sense whereof runs thus: Whereas several good Laws and Ordinances have been heretofore made, as well by the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, as by others, for the well ordering of the Markets of the City of London, for redress of several abuses of Butchers, Victuallers, and others thereunto resorting, for sale of their flesh victuals, and other commodities in the several markets of this City, and assigning places and times for the said Markets to be kept and held, Which said Laws and Ordinances by daily experience are found not effectual to prevent some present and growing inconveniences no; have wrought that good effect, as was intended thereby. For whereof. be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Major, Aldermen and Commons in Common council assembled, that no Butcher or Country, farmer, Victualler, or other person or persons whatsoever, either free of the City of London or not free of the said City, from and after the first day of Decemb. next after the publication of this Act shall sell, utter, or put to open them or sale in the streets or white markets in within this City, that is to say, Leaden hall street without the Hall, Cheapside and Newgatemarket any Beef upon pain that every person or persons that from and after the time aforesaid shall sell utter put to sale, or such in any the said Pork to any Beef, shall forfeit and lose 20 s. for every time so offending and further be it enacted That all and every Butcher, free or not free of the City of London who keepeth no Butcher shop or shops within the said City and Liberties thereof or within 100 miles distance of the Liberties thereof shall and may sell, utter, show, and put to sale, his or those Beef Mutton Veal Lamb Pork & other Butchery ware at certain stalls and places in that behalf appointed in Leaden-hall & the Green-yard there, that only upon Wednesdays and Saturdays weekly, and not in any other place or places within the said City of London and Liberties thereof, upon pain of 20 s. forfeit And whereas of late times, many of the standings and halls within Leaden-hall and the Greenyard there have, and put use in the occupations of several persons who are not Butchers by trade who let them out at dear rates to others; and likewise many of the said stalls are in the possession of Butchers who live within the City of London and Liberties thereof who keep the said stalls and likewise their shops: By means whereof the Country Butchers and other Butchers who keep no shops within the said City, or within two miles of the Liberties of the City of London & would furnish the said Markets with Butchery ware can get no convenient room there, and so are necessitated to sell and utter their Commodities in the White-markets, and other places, or to forbear the Markets whereby prices are enhanced, and the said Market disfurnished. for remedy whereof, be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That all the ground where the standings and places for sale & uttering of flesh and Butchery ware within Leaden hall and the Greenyard there, be resumed and taken into the City's hands, and actual possession, before the said first day of Decemb. next ensuing. and further, that no stall, standing, or place within Leadenhall or the Greenyard there, shall from hence forth be letted or farmed out unto any Butcher or Butchers who doth or shall keep any Butcher shop or shops within the City of London or Liberties thereof, or within two miles of the Liberties of the said City for so long time as he, or they shall keep any Butcher's shop within the Limits aforesaid. And that from thenceforth the Stalls, standings, and places in Leadenhall and the Greenyard there be let unto Country Butchers, or such freemen who are Butchers, and keep not any Butcher shop or shops within the City of London and Liberties thereof, or within two miles distance of the Liberties of the said City, and for so long time only as be or they shall furnish the said stalls, standings and places with wholesome Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Pork or other Butchery ware upon Wednesdays and Saturday s, being the usual Market days, and not as Servant or servants to others. And further, That no Butcher whatsoever shall have and enlop more than one stall, standing or place within Leadenhall or the Greenyard there at one time. Provided always, That the Butchers freemen of the City of London shall and may at all times convenient sell, utter, show and put to sale their flesh and Butchery wares in their shops within the said City of London, and Liberties thereof as formerly: anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided that the Country farmer, Lader, or Bidder as to all wholesome flesh victuals and other Commodities except Beef, may have liberty to sell, show and utter the same in the Common and public Whitemarkets within the City of London and Liberties thereof in market times: this Act or anything contained therein to the contrary. And forasmuch as of late the foreign Butchers, Victuallers and other people resorting to the Markets of the City of London to sell their fresh victuals & other Commodities d continue and keep their Markets all the day, & until night not observing the hours appointed for their Departure by former Acts and Ordinances, To the end the streets map in due time be cleansed for the health of the Inhabitants of those places; which doing of theirs tendeth much to the disorder of the said Markets, enhancing the prices of Commodities, Disturbance and hindrance of Passengers and Tradesmen dwelling near the said places, and by reason thereof the streets cannot be cleansed as they ought to be, to the scandal of the Government of the City of London, and is very necessary to be reformed. Yesterday the L. Ambassador Bordeaux from the King of France, had public Audience in the Banqueting house in Whitehall, which was richly hung with stately Hangings, and thousands of people present. Being carried in the L. Protector's chief Coach, and with him some of the Council, & Sir Oliver Fleming Master of Ceremonies, attended by divers Noble persons, being in all above forty Coaches, most with six horse apiece. Where he was received by his Highness the Lord Protector, his Council being with his Highness at the upper end of the Banqueting house: where after several Congies each to other, the L. Ambassador made a speech to his Highness, and after his Highness's answer and salutings, he returned back again. The sum of the L. Ambassador's Speech was to declare that he came from the K. of France his Master to treat in order to a firm peace to be settled with England. Touching which he had a kind answer. Taken by the Newcastle Frigate, a Galliot Hoy, whose Mast being shot by the Board she was burnt. 2. Taken by the Assurance Frigate, the Hope of Hous-down, burthen 50. Tons. 3. Taken by the Phnix, the Claus of Housdown burthen 50 Tuns. 4. Taken by the Mermaid's Boat, the Fortune of Mazeland Sluys, burthen 32 Tons, wherein were many barrels of Fish, and 6. of Salt, with about 40 empty Cask. 5. Taken by the same day by the Newcastle's Boat, the Skell-fish of Mazeland Sluys, with Fish, Salt, & empty Cask. 6. Taken by the Phnix her Boat, the Plumpert of Mazeland Sluys, burthen 30 Tons, with Fish, Salt, and empty Cask likewise. 7. Taken by the Mermaid, the Providence of Mazeland Sluys, 28 Tons, with the like lading. 8. Taken likewise the Fortune of Delfs-haven, burthen 200 Tons, laden with Brandywine, French wine, Prunes &c. 9. Taken by the Mermaid one Galliot Hoy, burthen 25 Tons. 10. Taken by the Mermaid, two Scotch vessels, laden with Beef, Flower, Train-oil, Deer-skins and Sugars. 11. Taken by the Mermaid, the Working Boy of Enchuysen a private man of War, of 8 Guns, 150 pounds of powder, shot proportionable. 12. Pikes 10. Muskets, eight Pistols and a Boat with four Oars. 12. A Merchant ship brought in prize into Rye. 13. A Denmark ship brought into Scarborough. 14. A rich prize, laden with Sugar and other Merchandizes, taken by a private man of War worth, with Sugar, and other Merchandizes, taken by a private man of War worth 150000 l. A private man of War belonging to Zealand, taken by the Paul Frigate with 15 piece of Ordinance and 60 men, after six hours dispute, she is brought into Plymouth. The Lord Henry Cromwell returned from Ireland and is (blessed be God) safely arrived at the Cockpit. All is quiet and in a good condition in Ireland. Extracted out of the original Papers, licensed and entered into the Register Book of the Company of Stationers. | The Faithful Scovt, Issue 171 |
PerfDiurn215 | From Monday January 16. to Monday, January 23. 1654. This day from Scotland we had these papers following, viz. A Letter from the Earl of Glencairn to the Governor of Badgenoth Castle, and his answer thereunto. Together with a Letter from the Governor, to the Gentlemen of Badgenoth. For my honoured Friend, Cap. John Hill, Governor of the Castle of Badgenoth. SIR, I have sent a Letter of yours directed to the Gentlemen of Badgenoth, wherein you have expressed so much to your unjust Masters from whom you are trusted, that it makes me conceive, if those principles of yours were rightly founded upon the warrantable grounds of legality, you might yet redeem your former failings, and those principles of honour and virtue which now are darkened in you, being out of their true Channel, may shine eminently, when unclouded, from under those fatal ways and snares wherein many gallant spirits in this age are ensnared. Thus much I have conceived it fit to show you, that I might undeceive you in some opinions, upon which I find you ground your Arguments in your Letter to the Gentlemen of Badgenoth: As first you look upon your Commonwealth (as you call it) as one firm and fixed Government, whilst the Lord knows, there is at this instant no such thing in England, that power which was lately called a Parliament, being by the Trustees again resigned in Cromwell's hands, and now none knows what Government he will pitch on; only what may be conjectured from his former actings, he is like to frame such an one (if possible) which will rather maintain such an interest, than prove any ways comfortable to the ruined and oppressed people of England. Another ground you go upon in your Letter, that this Army now of foot by his Majesties Command, for him and his long oppressed people's delivery, will soon evanish. It seems the distance you are at in this remote place, admits you not right information; you may indeed look upon this as the Lord's work, returning the abused spirits of all his Majesty's Subjects, to their duty to their King and Country; for now most of all Scotland are in Arms, and many gallant English are already in Arms, and have marched through the greatest part of England to join with his Majesty's Forces in this Kingdom; (besides what is doing in Ireland) all Christian Princes are arming against those you now serve, and ere long will bring a flood of strangers upon them, if the Lord do not bring them to prevent their ruin by a timely submission to his Majesty's most just command. I have given you this right view of the present condition of Affairs, because I have been informed of your gallantry, that when you reckon betwixt God and you alone, and deals impartially with yourself, you may do yourself that right to employ that virtue God hath given you in the most approven way by him, wherein if you find I can serve, you may freely command your friend and Servant, Decemb. 30. 1653. Glencairn. My Lord, I received yours by your Trumpet, wherein you have put yourself to much labour, to convince me of the erroneousness of my principles, and of my blindness for want of information; the truth is I see not so far as I desire, but the more I see, the more I discover of the unwarrantableness of your proceedings, given about to disquiet the peace of the Country, and to devour that little which the poor people have left them, upon pretence of a King, which I assure you I have disowned, and will still disclaim: And whereas you are pleased to inform me of the greatness of your Army, and of many who daily appear for you in England and Ireland, I am apt to believe, that were you so powerful as you speak, your Lordship might have had far better quarters in the Lowlands; but were you ten times the number which you are, it should not cause me to own that power which you call Kingly, or to betray that trust committed to me by my just Masters, the deliverers under God, of the poor oppressed and enslaved people of the Commonwealth of England, and Scotland, from regal Tyranny and bondage, but shall through the Lord's assistance approve myself faithful to them, while called by the name of John Hill. Ruthven Castle, 30. Decemb. 1653. Gentlemen, For as much as I believe you will be summoned to come in to the Earl of Glencairn, Lord Lorn, and others now come into the Country to its ruin, (whatever they pretend to the contrary) to join with them in their unwarrantable & headlong designs, to the destruction of our own peace and welfare: I desire you to look back to your Engagements to those (who though of another Nation) never dealt so hardly with you as these do: I see the destruction of many of them eminent, who are Murderers, thieves, Drunkards, Swearers, Whoremongers, Heady high-minded, proud and yet beggars, disobedient to honest and good Parents, Trucebreakers, Bankrupts, and lawless persons; and generally such as the Scripture excludes from Heaven, and think you, can these men prosper? All that they pretend is for a King, but their intent is to strike at the power of godliness, and that lust might reign uncontrolled; and judge you, if they could do no more for their great Idol when personally present with them, at such time as they had the general concurrence of this Country, and some of other Nations, what they are now likely to effect for him with this handful of men Beasts; and indeed, I cannot but much wonder, that your young Master, who is the son of so good a Father, should concur with these Birds of Prey to defile his own Nest, and with these Caterpillars to eat up and destroy those people that have their dependence upon him, but surely if he be a man that hath any spark of grace or honesty, he will rather die than suffer these men so to wrong and abuse his own innocent people; but certainly, if he do otherwise, destruction will be his portion: I do again require you, as you tender your own good, to give no concurrence with these men; which if you do, it will undoubtedly prove your ruin, (as I have formerly and more at large declared to you;) but if you carry out yourselves honestly according to your engagement, you may expect steadfast friends to stand by you, when these like chafe are blown away with the whirlwind of destruction; and this I must tell you, that when you first obliged yourselves to us, those your Engagements were in your own apprehension, either lawful or unlawful; If lawful you are strictly tied to perform them, and God will require an account thereof; if unlawful guile be at your doors for it: I leave these things with you, desiring you to ponder them seriously, your Friend and Servant, John Hill. Rutvurn Decemb. 31. 1653. From the Hague, Jan: 17. stilo nov. We are here very apt to believe a peace, because it is a thing exceedingly desired all over these Lands: And there is the more hope, because all things are very still and calm, both at sea and land: And we have added to all our conceits the like out of England, by the way of Flanders; from whence Letters say, that there was not much difference between the Council at their parting. Some things have been communicated from them to the States General, which take up a great part of their time in consultation, but nothing can be certainly known yet of the event, because it depends upon their Lordship's present Resultation: But we guess things may go well, because men are not high in Discourse (as formerly) against England, besides we observe little talk of a war, or of a desire to it. Thus we live by guesses. The Princes about us are loath to see two such formidable Commonwealths in so near a Conjunction, especially now that England, Scotland, and Ireland are united under one Head, and that a wise and, an active one too; and therefore they bid high in hope to keep open the breach; of whose fears and jealousies the States here will be able to make many an advantageous use, and wind them up to their own conditions, as they shall see cause. From Dalkeith, Jan. 7. The Supplies are safely and timely arrived here, for the encouragement of our Forces in this Nation, where affairs look with no pleasant face, by reason of the great devastations, spoils, and devourings made by the Highland Locusts, who have been swarming and pilfering up and down in all parts. And now they are very active in their Levies. Doubtless, the enemy have been fed and heightened with more than ordinary hopes and promises; and so may be more considerable than is believed, as to matter of resolution; but how to accomplish anything of moment, as yet is not seen: but great men do still flock to them. As this week the Commander in Chief hath received an account of the flying out of young Montross, and Charles Lord Gordon, only brother to the late Marquis of Huntley, and Chief of that Clan, who are gone in to the enemy. By Letters from Dublin in Ireland was certified; that Lieu: Gen. Fleetwood and the Commissioners are at Dublin; That the Lord Musgrave is to be tried the beginning of the next month; That all is very quiet in Ireland, save some small parties of Tory, which are chiefly about the County of Carlow, where they lately fell upon and wounded some of the Surveyors; and do sometime where they dare venture, and flee away again with their prey presently. An Ambassador from Hamburg was this day to congratulate His Excellency the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. Mr. Lesleboue Long, to whom is added Mr. Sadler are the Masters of Requests for Petitions that are to his Highness. Dover, 13 Jan. 1653. We have several ships out in several parts, for securing the English Merchants in and out, which makes us now to hear little of the Brest men: And our Fleet with Gen. Penn in the Channels is ready for action, if the Dutch do not agree. The French are not a little troubled to hear there is such probability: But there was a sad accident befell the Protestants in France, the last Sunday; for so soon as the Exercises were done at Charington, the place where the Protestants meet, about two Leagues from Paris, many of them were cast away in a Boat coming home towards Paris. It seems there useth to go a Passage-Boat between Paris and that Church, to carry those that cannot well go on foot so fane, and return with them when the Ordinances are over: and this Boat returning with them on the lat Sunday, there being in it about and hundred persons, and of them divers were whole Families; so soon as they were in the Boat almost, it being but newly put off, near a Mill which was then going, they were by the stream forced under the Mill; which coming to near it, did suck them in, and about sixty of them are drowned; and amongst them two Lords, sons of that pious Protestant Marques, the Marques of Mirambo, and others of quality. From Frankford the 7. of Jan. 1654. The Duke of Simmeren having ended those differences between him and the Prince Elector; having taken his leave from the Emperor and the Nobles, is gone homewards. The Diet at Regensburg begins now to act upon business, and in the first place they have agreed that the new chosen Princes of the Empire shall from henceforth sit in the Princes Chamber, and have power to Vote: And is concerning the sum of money promised the D: of Lorrain for the evacuation of his Forces out of the Empire, and the quitting of those places which are as yet possessed by him, although there is an agreement of the Emperor, the Princes and other Nobles, yet the States are very backwards, and find many difficulties to put the same in execution; and so this business with many others who are yet undecided doth put the Emperor to no small anxiety, being daily solicited by the States of Hungaria to be present at their Diet, which is to begin the next month at Presburgh; the chief occasion being for the Election of a new Palatine, and so end the differences lately sprung up between the Protestants and Papists; upon that subject we have news that the Emperor of Russia hath declared open wars to the King of Poland, and that he is marching with a powerful Army towards Smolmsko, with an intent to besiege it, having sent another Army into Russia-alba, consisting of 40 thousand men, whereof the one half is of his Subjects being all under the Command of the High-Dutch Officers: and one third Army sent to the relief of the Cossacks, which doth put the Country of Prustia and Moravia into an excessive fear, seeing themselves already so much threatened by the Tartars and Cossacks. Paris, Jan. 21: 1654. stilo nov. By the last Letters from Bordeaux, we have only, that this Winter season hath caused the Spanish ships to forsake their River's mouth: which thereby is become free, but as yet we have little trading here, which doth make us suffer much: We are expecting here daily our Ambassador which was at Rome, whom we hear to be gone from thence by land to Florence, and so is to embark at Lerio: And as concerning the new Minister to succeed him, there is yet no certainty, there being three in nomination, but as yet none agreed upon: The Knight of Ctequi is now gone into Picardy, there to raise some forces which are to be Commanded by the Governor of Sidon, and these are to be employed for the relief of the Leigers, who have of late been visited by the Prince of Conde, and the Duke of Lorrain's Forces, who have possessed themselves of two small Towns, and thereby have got power to quarter themselves therein; the Country having endeavoured to oppose them, but came by the worst in the encounter. Forasmuch as many persons have Claims depending at Worcester-house upon the last Bill for sale of Delinquent's Estates: It is thought necessary to publish and give notice that all persons who have any Claims there depending upon that Act, do bring the same unto a hearing before the last day of this present January, for that the Commissioners for removing Obstructions have not power to hear any Reports upon Claims after that time. And the great cause concerning Sir Arthur Haslerig and the Commonwealth about the Estate of Mr Cuthbert Collingwood of Eslington in the County of Northumberland is appointed to be heard on Monday the 30 day of January instant, before the said Commissioners for Removing Obstructions sitting at Worcester-house. The Portugal Ambassador's Brother was by an Order of the Council removed back from the Tower to Newgate, the Sessions now sitting in the Old Bailey; but upon several grounds, and the Petition of the Portugal Merchants, his Trial was put off until the next Sessions. The Officers and Soldiers from the several Garrisons and Regiments have been very unanimous in signing the Establishment and Engagement to the Lord Protector, as certified by their several addresses to his Highness, whereof take one, as followeth. Having for many years past been led under your Conduct, through many difficult Services, wherein through the blessing of God upon the vigilance and endeavours of your Highness, we have in some measure been Instrumental in our places to free the Commonwealth from its enemies: So we now cannot but above all worldly things, most earnestly desire to see these Nations after all the shakings which have been in the midst of us, set up upon its true and proper Basis and Foundation, and thereby brought into a harbour of rest and safety. The sense whereof having led us to the consideration of what further might be our duties towards Your Highness, and the whole Nation at this time when it pleased God to give us hopes of establishment by inclining you to accept of the Government and Protection of this Commonwealth; whereby we are persuaded that the liberties of the people, both as men and Christians (the true end whereupon the great controversy hath been stated) will through the mercy of God be assured: We judge it highly incumbent upon us to make our humble address unto you, and to declare, That we shall not only be obedient unto you in the performance of Your great Trust, in the performance of Your great Trust, but in our places most faithfully and diligently. To the hazard of our Lives, and whatsoever is near and dear unto us, be serviceable unto you in the station God hath placed you against all opposition: Not doubting but as God and Man hath so highly entrusted you, so You will to the utmost of your power and endeavours, lay forth Yourself for the Glory of God, and the Good of this People amongst whom we have reason to think there are very many of the Household of Faith; over whom, we shall therefore further take this boldness most humbly to entreat Your Highness more especially to spread the wing of Your Protection, and to account of them as the apple of Your eye; which You continuing to do, We are confident their Father which is in Heaven will be unto you a Buckler and a Shield, and an exceeding great reward, which is, and shall be the prayer of Your Highness most humble, and faithful Servants. Dalkeith Jan. 14. Kenmore and Glencary with their forces marched by the way of Strathspey, and Glencarn Lane, McAldney, and some of McGrigger's men, with the rest of the gang (Athol being left behind) marched by the head of Badgnoth, and joined their forces within three miles of Ruthven Garrison. Upon their approach Glencarn sent a Letter to the Governor of the Castle, inviting him to come in to his Majesty's forces, and telling him, That all Scotland was up in Arms, and many had marched through England top join with them: To which, he received a very resolute and ingenious answer from the Governor Cap: Hill; and it was not probable his Lordship had so great an Army, when he could provide no better quarters for them. After they had been a while in Lorne, there fell a discontent between Glencarn and Lorne, about the men of the Country, Lorn saying, They being his men, he ought to have the ordering and disposal of them, as the Earl of Athol had of his; but Glencarn told him, that he took up the Rents of the Country, the men were the Marques of Huntley's. After many high words, Glencarn offered to draw his Sword, and Lorne went away in a great rage, swearing, That rather than he would see his own people abused by Glencarn, he would lose his life, and thereupon drew to the other side of the water with some of MacGrigger's then, and about sixty horse with him: This difference hath put the Country to a stand, who otherwise would have joined with Lorne; so that some of them are fled to Innerness, and other parts, to secure themselves. Parties of Horse, and Posts are directed every way, for the apprehending of Lorne, The Enemy take up all the Horse they can find in the Country. Paris January 24, stilo novo. The last news from Nantes advise us, that the States of that Province were still at variance with the Parliament, whom they accuse to attempt against the Royal authority and the good of the Country, and moreover complain of other abuses, thereupon ordered that their grievances should be drawn out in writing, and Commissioners appointed to carry them to the Court; The Parliament have likewise raised a sum of monies, and have appointed Commissioners to go to the Court, and make their humble Remonstrance to the King upon that Subject: This week the Parliament having order to come to the Louvre, went there by a select number of them; the business was concerning Rents and moneys due upon the Town Hall, but after a long debate they went home again, having got more of discontent than money: The City of Piriguex having of late submitted to the King, and thereupon sent their Commissioners to the Court, they had the first audience, where there was a great many Protestations made on their parts, and so were paid again in the same Coin: The Prince Thomaso of Savoy hath obtained the eminent place which the Prince of Conde had at Court, although it had already been promised to another by the Cardinal: The great Mask, or Ball is not yet completed, and therefore expectations is still to see it, being a thing will spend many Crowns in gold and silver; it is said here that the Cardinal will carry the King to Chanille (a house formerly belonging to the Duke of , but by the late King given to the Prince of Condi) to take possession thereof, as falling to him by way of confiscation, but others will not have it so, but tell us of divers matches between the great ones, whereby they affirm that things will look of another hue, but seeing the Duke of Orleans cannot as yet be drawn into come to the Court, there are very small hopes of any conclusion of those matches, the preparations go on for the consecrating of the King at Rheims the next month. From Italy and parts adjacent. The letters from Naples advise us, that the Cardinal of Savelli having remained there some time, and being visited by our new Vice King is gone to Salerna. The Vice King is to go in state within a few dayes to the high Church, it being a custom at the coming of new Vice kings, to ride thither in a stately manner: The new Vice King hath taken a great distaste at the Prince of St. Severo at his return from Apuglia, the occasion of it being for entering the City with above one thousand to attend on him, and thereupon hath commanded him to remain as prisoner into his own house. From Rome: The Cardinal Trivultio (who doth now act for Spain in the absence of their Ambassadors) had audience of the Pope this week, which did continue near two hours. From Genoa there is no other, than that the late Vice King of Naples was gone from thence with 4 Galleys, but having met with foul weather they were forced to return thither again. From Venice: The Senate hath again issued orders for the hastening of the Fleet, which is thought will be ready in a short time to go to Sea, and likewise care is taken that the land forces may be in a readiness, both of them being to the greater than it hath been hitherto since the War between the Turks and us: The Commander Barbarigo hath concluded the contract of twenty men of war in France, and besides some Dutch Merchants have engaged to furnish ten besides four English ships: so that all things are in a good forwardness against the next Spring: We hear from our Army in Dalmatia that the Morlacks were gathered in a body of about fifteen hundred men, with an intent to break in the Country of Albania, but that great abundance of Snow being fallen: they were forced to remain in their old quarters. Nothing yet from Holland but what is expressed by private Letters, that the States would within 6 days an answer for an absolute agreement with England, as also sayeth their Deputy Monsieur Barrel in France, that the States have agreed to the English Propositions for peace. From Dartmouth Jan. 12, The Hector hath brought in a ship hither, which hath in her 3000 Cheeses, the ship is of Amsterdam, and took in her Lading at the Else. There is a private man of War hath brought in a ship of Rotterdam laden with Herrings, and Holland Cheeses, and about 10 Ton of Pepper, and some Cloves. This day further from Scotland came as followeth. These parts afford no news, the Enemy is preparing to make ready for the season of the year, and do the utmost this Winter to promote their design, and do send into our quarters their Warrants for their levies, but dare not come themselves to see performance, only in the night do sometimes come and steal horses, and at sometimes carry away some men, you may by the enclosed see their Warrants, and what the Governor of this place Col. Cooper is constrained to do to counterwork them, or else the people would be too willing to answer their expectations, no more but that I am Sir, William Earl of Glencairn, Lord Kilmarrs, Commander in chief of his Majesty's Forces within the Kingdom of SCOTLAND. By virtue of a Commission directed to us by His Majesty for levying of Forces, Horse and Foot, for suppressing the Common Enemy within this Kingdom, we do hereby require you, and every of you, within the Shires of Ayr and Renstrew, upon sight hereof, to send forth for His Majesty's service (forth of every Thousand pounds rent within your said Shires respectively, one sufficient well-mounted man, with Pistols, and other Furniture, and weapons belonging thereto, and to deliver the same at Rosdew, to Lieut. Col. George Maxwell, Lieut. Col. George Herriot, and Captain James Cunningham, or any having their Orders for that effect; certifying all persons of whatsoever quality, within the said Shires respectively, that doth either refuse or delay to give obedience to this Order, and Commands, they shall be taken notice of, and proceeded against as disloyal Subjects, and professed Enemies to the present Expedition; whereas by the contrary we do hereby oblige ourselves to protect and defend against all Enemies whatsoever, all such as shall willingly put forth their several proportions of the foresaid Horse levy. And whatsoever Horse, or any other Goods shall be taken from anyone of them, so protected, in any disorderly manner, shall not only be restored again, but the person or persons offenders, shall according to the quality of the offence, at the sight of the party offended, be severely punished, to the terror of others; And ordains this to be published at every Headborough, or Parish Church, within the said Shires respectively, That every Heritor, and others therein contained, pretend no ignorance of the premises. Given at Garth, the 23 of December, 1653. Sicsubscributer, GLENCAIRN. For the whole Noblemen, Gent: Heritors, and others, Inhabitants within the Sheriffdoms of Ayre and Ransrew, We expect your answer at Rosdew the 6 of January, 1654. This from Col. Cooper upon the aforesaid Paper to the Noblemen, Gentlemen, &c. of Ayr and Randsrew, as followeth. Having seen a Paper, subscribed Glencairn, directed to the Noblemen, Gentlemen, Heritors, and all others within the Shires of Ayr and Renfrew, Commanding them to set forth horses furnished for war, with sufficient Riders thereon, and to bring in the same to Rosdew, and to deliver them to such persons as shall be there to receive them. And lest big words should fright some, and subtle persuasions delude others into obedience of the same Papers, to the ruin not only of the persons so yielding, but to the apparent hazard of the peace and welfare of the said Shires, and the inevitable mischiefs that will ensue; These are therefore to require all Noblemen, Gentlemen, Heritors, and others in the said Shires of Ayr and Renfrew, to refuse obedience to all such Commands, and not in the least by aiding and assisting to the said Levies, directly or indirectly, nor to hold any correspondence with the said Glencarn, or his associates, now in Rebellion against the Commonwealth of England, as they would not be held and deemed public Enemies, and proceeded against as such with the utmost of extremity. And lest any should pretend ignorance in the same, the Sheriffs of the respective Shires are required to take special notice, that copies hereof may be sent to every Church within the said Shires to be published. Given under my hand at Glasgow, this 5th of January 1653. THO: COOPER. We hear by a Ship come from Hamburg, and also many ships this week come from Dunkirk, of ten of our Merchant men come safely to Gothenburg laden with all Eastern commodities, and five of our Frigates convoy to them, who have also homewards bound made several prises upon the Coast of Norway, which will be in England very shortly. All persons are desired to take notice that the Committee for claims for lands in Ireland have appointed Thursday the ninth of February 1653, for Adventurers to draw lots at Grocers-hall London for Baronies, and that all persons who intend then to draw lots, do before that day pay their pence. William Tibbs From Milford Haven the 16th of January. Some Vessels come lately from Ireland bring news, that all things there are much at one: only that the Tories in straggling parties do much mischief, endeavouring to gather up a body of an Army, and of late some encounter was between a party of ours and them, but they were forced back again into the bogs, their great Sanctuary, with some loss. The Plague is not yet ceased, but remaineth in many parts, but not so violent as formerly. From the Isle of Wight thus. General Penn is still riding with the Fleet without St. Helens point; some of our Frigates are passed by to the Eastward, as convoy to 12 sails of Merchant ships, for the Downs the winds favouring them, these eight Frigates sent to cross the Channel are come in again, and have brought with them two Dutch prizes; there is another party sent out in their Head. By Letters of a later date from Scotland they write, That the Highlanders increase in their Levies, and confirm, That the young Marques of Montrose and Huntley are joined with them. Also a Letter from Aberdeen sayeth, That 17 Dutch ships are arrived in Scotland with 1500Foreigners, and Arms, and 200 Horse. There is nothing as yet further from Holland to signify their agreement to the Treaty of Peace, what ever reports be. General Blake is again gone down to the Fleet, whom we understand will be in readiness to put to Sea (according to Orders) very shortly. Letters further from France speak of an Embargo to be put upon all our English ships in their ports for the present. There is newly published an express Mr. Baxter's Aphouldnes of Justification, with a of Justification by near grace from all the Popish and Armenian Sophisanes, by which the Author labours to ground it on Man's works and righteousness: wherein you have his Aphorisms repeated and confused: By John Crander Minister of the Gospel, sold by T. Brewster at the Bibles churchyard, and L. Chipaus at the Crown in Popes-head Alley. A piece entitled, Observations on the present manners of the English, briefly anaromizing by the dead, with an useful detection of the both Richard Whitlock Dr. in Physic, late of All-Saints College in Oxford. Also the Tragedy of Alphons as Emperor of Germany; written by George , both printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Princes Arms in St. Paul's-Churchyard. A brown bay filly, with a bald face, and two white feet behind, her far eye is a whale eye, a little dale backed, about fourteen handful high, she will be two years old the next grasle, she was stolen upon Friday the 6th day of January in the Evening. If any one can bring tidings of her to Mr. John Smith at Kegworth in the County of Leicester, or to Thomas Alney at the sign of the Sun in Newgate-Market in London, he shall be well rewarded for his pains. This is licensed and Entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 215 |
WIntell332 | From Tuesday, May 16. to Tuesday, May 23. 1654. Great was the joy this Day amongst our Commanders, some unexpectedly that came from Ireland, did meet with some of our Commanders from Sea, so that both sea and Land did partake in the Joy, they were all Feasted by his Highness, the Lord Mayor of the City being one of the Guests. I shall in this place insert a word or two, which for want of room was omitted in my last; the Sessions being the week before the Old Bailey, there were two found guilty for coining false half Crowns, and other monies, the Rings were silver, but the rest brass metal. Such monies have been lately Coined by the Enemy in Scotland, and is passable amongst them. The Lord Whitlock having dispatched happily his Embassy with the Queen of Sweden is coming over the Baltic Sea to Lubeck, where some ships of this Commonwealth will be ready to attend him. I shall in this place give you the Declaration published in Scotland by Gen: Monk. The Commonwealth of England having used all means of tenderness, and affection towards the people of this Nation, by receiving them (after a chargeable and bloody War) into Union with England, and investing them with all liberties and privileges thereof (purchased at the expense of so much blood and treasure) and by daily protecting them with their Army and Navy, at a great charge (of which this Nation undergoeth no more than their equal proportion with England) against their Enemies both abroad and at home, whereby all of them might enjoy the fruits and benefits of Peace; Yet divers lewd persons broken in their fortunes, and dissolute Levies are run into Rebellion, and being assisted and connived at by their Parents, Tutors, Masters, and People among whom they live, who secretly conceal them in their houses in the day time, and in the night suffer them to rob and plunder the Country, whereby the peaceable people of this Nation are many of them ruined, and the rest disturbed, so that they cannot live in peace. And to the end that no peaceable means might be left unattempted, for the prevention thereof. I, by virtue of the Authority to me given by his Highness, and his Council, do Declare, That all such persons that are now in Rebellion, (except such as are excepted in the Acts of Grace) who shall within 20 days after the publication hereof, come in, and submit him or themselves, to the Governor of the next English Garrison, and give good security for his, or their future peaceable living, shall be, and is hereby in his and their persons freely pardoned, for any Offence, Spoil, or Plunders committed by him or them in this present rebellion, (the killing of any person in cold blood only excepted.) And in regard divers persons who are now in Rebellion, and who have lived remote from their friends, but could not probably break out into Rebellion, without the knowledge or consent of some of the Inhabitants of that Parish of Presbytery where he or they last lived, before their breaking forth; I do therefore hereby Declare, That if the said Parish or Presbytery where he or they last lived, procure the said person or persons so broken forth hereof, and give security, as aforesaid, That then the Parish or Presbytery so offending, is hereby pardoned; But if otherwise, I do hereby impose upon the said parish, or Presbytery two shillings six pence a day for each horseman, and ten pence a day for each Footman, so broken into Rebellion, over and above their ordinary Sess, out of the said Presbytery, which the Governor of the next English Garrison is hereby authorized to levy and receive monthly, during the time the said persons shall so continue in Rebellion. And I do likewise hereby empower all the good people of this Nation, to apprehend all such person and persons as are, or hereafter shall break out into Rebellion, or attempt so to do, and safely to deliver him or them to the Governor of the next English Garrison; and in case of resistance, to take such weapons as they can get, and to fight the said person, or persons, and if they shall kill any of the said persons so resisting, they shall not be questioned for the same, but (on the contrary) shall receive as a reward of their good service, all such Monies, Goods, Horse, and Clothes, as the said Rebellious persons are then possessed of, besides full satisfaction for their pains and travel therein. And in regard this present Rebellion hath been principally contrived, fomented, and is now obstinately maintained by Major General Middleton, the Earl of Athol, the Earl of Seaforth, Viscount Kenmore, Donald, McDonald Laird of Glengarry, and Major Gen: Dayel; I do hereby therefore Declare, That what person excepted} shall kill any of the said principal Contrivers, or shall deliver any of them prisoner to any Governor of any English Garrison, the said person or persons so killing, or bringing prisoner, as aforesaid, shall not only be pardoned, but also receive a Reward of his good service, the sum of 200 l. sterling, for every person so killed, or brought prisoner, as aforesaid, &c. It is further advertised from France, that the Duke of Guise is to command the French Fleet as General and the Marquis Du Plessis is to to be Lieutenant General. The Marshal of Thuren although a Protestant, is of great power in the Court, and doth command a powerful Army which are on their march for Flanders. The Forces in Picardy, Campain and Burgundy have had a Rendezvous, where being well clothed, and contented for the present with some monies, they are by this time in the borders of France, and ready to pour themselves into Italy. Writs are preparing against the time they are to issue forth for the calling of a new Parliament, according to the Instrument of the Government of the Commonwealth of England, which was then extant when the General being made Protector, did exchange his Excellence into his Highness. Edinburgh, 10 May: Sir, I sent you by the last Post a Copy of General Monk's Declaration, since the publishing whereof he is gone towards Stirling, and thereabouts will be a Rendezvous of our Forces, and then shall we steer our course with all expedition to find out the Enemy, which keeps Col: Morgan waking, and yet flies from him. The late supplies the Enemy hath had of men, money, and Ammunition by the way of Dunkirk adds some further life to those desperadoes that were engaged before; and to exasperate them the more, Middleton appeared in the head of some of his ragged Regiments with a bag of money in his hand, encouraging them to fight, and money would not be wanting. They prosecute their Levies with all the vigour that can be; yet if we can but climb well, we shall scatter them quickly. They are confident that Charles Stuart or the Duke of York will be with them if they stand but two months longer, and the Ministers will hardly be kept from praying for them in public, even in our own quarters. Divers Merchant men are gone forth to Sea from Leith. Gen: Blake sat in Council at Whitehall and Gen: Pen is with the Fleet upon the Downs, we hear a Squadron is designed further off. There have been a long time some discontents between the English, and the Inhabitants of Saint Mallows; not long since the Hector Frigate attending to Convoy some English from thence, a Shallop was sent out of town to acquaint the Captain that the English should have all freedom, and liberty into that Port, but this was conceived to be but a plot to cajole the Frigate into the Haven. The Letters from Scotland say, that we beat the Enemy in all parts we engage with them, we have lately taken General Middleton's Brother, and five or six Officers more, and routed the whole party, General Monk hath hanged two of them as Spies. There was a man barbarously killed this last week, and being cut to pieces, was put into a Bag, and thrown into a hedge not much out of the way as you go to Paddington; the Murderer and his Female Companion falling out last Saturday might, she discovered him, and he being asked by the Justice how he could find in his heart to commit so unmerciless and bloody an act, he made answer he could serve him so, if he had him in a place where. There is a Report of a new Treason discovered, of which more in my next. It is advertised from France, that the great Master of Eloquence Monsieur de Balrack being dead, hath left 2000 Livers for the University Orator Angoulesme, for 20 years, and the like sum to buy Books for the Dean, and Chapter of Angoulesme, not far from which is the Signiory, or Manor of Balzack; This is that Gentleman who (although the too perpetulant, and censorious Critic Nicholas de Moulinet, in his Comical History of Francion, doth endeavour to detract from him) hath undoubtedly brought as much glory to France, by his pen, as their most laureate Kings by their greatest Victories, most happy he is in rich, and clean expressions, in which so cutely he did excel. The Duke of Lorraign a prisoner in Antwerp hath now the liberty of the walks of the Castle, and his Daughter hath her Diamonds and Jewels of great value restored to her. Those who are chief in attendance on him are now at liberty, and did go forth with those, who in a most gallant equipage did ride out of the City to congratulate the arrival of his Brother Prince Francis, who hath the reputation to be a virtuous, and courageous Gentleman. By Letters from France it is further advertised, that the Palsgrave and his Brother Prince Edward are in great favour with the Emperor, who according to the custom of Kings in such great meetings, doth look for a subsidy or two, at the dissolution of the Diet, his propositions to the States of Bohemia are; That they use their utmost endeavour for the propagating the Romish Catholic Religion; That they celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph as the rest of the Patrons of that Kingdom use to do; That they pay a considerable sum to the Emperor for the maintenance of his Household Officers, Ambassadors, and Resendentiaries. That they pay their due proportions for the maintenance of the Frontier places of Hungary. That they continue their maintenance of the Imperial Forces quartered in that Kingdom, and pay those which his Majesty shall disband. That they suffer not the importation, nor Manufacturers of the Turkish Wool. That they cause the River of Elve to be made Navigable as far as Reignburgh. That they suffer not the importation of Foreign Salt without paying the usual Customs. The Italian Comedy hath been often acted with much Ceremony in Paris, the next great solemnity will be the consecration of the King at Rheims, for which great preparations are made. At the last acting of the Comedy at Paris, the properties whereof are to be Translated to Rimes, and to be acted there also, there were present at the late Queen of England, the titular King of Scotland, and the titular Dukes of York, and Gloucester. The next day the Queen Regent came to give a Visit to the late Queen of England, the Civility was the next day returned by her, the next day saving one, who with her Son did give a Visit to their Majesties at the Louure, and after supper, being entertained with a pleasure of a Mask, they returned to the Palace Royal. The Lord Ambassador Whitlock is arrived at Lubeck. The Queen of Sweden will certainly resign the Crown to her Kinsman Carolus Adolphus; his Brother Prince John Adolphus having laid down his Patent of the Lord High Marshal of Sweden, is gone to Stockholm to confer with his elder Brother, who will shortly be invested with the Royal Dignity. The Lady Fleetwood being lately Deceased in Swethland, the Funeral will be in great pomp, the Queen herself, and many of the Nobility being present at it. The Hollanders do begin already to find the benefit of the Peace with England, they have brought in hither great store of Cheese, and Linen. The Picaroons in the Western Seas are as bold, and busy as ever, but they dare not adventure Easterly, where our Fleet lies on the Downs in a gallant Equipage. The Report is, that two of our Frigates are seized upon at Saint Mallows, that some of our Men of War lying near to Saint Mallows, threescore of our men being too bold to adventure for fresh Victuals, did go ashore, and endeavoured to drive away some Cattle, but the Country receiving the Alarm, they rescued the Cattle, being assisted by some horse, and divers of our Mariners were killed, and the rest pursued to the ships, two of which the Tide going forth, were stranded, whereupon great Guns were brought from Saint Mallows to batter the ships, which they did begin to do, but the Tide coming in, the ships got off without any great hurt. The Governor of Saint Mallows apprehending this to be a design against the Town, did take an occasion to turn out all the English Merchants, and to seize upon all their Goods in the Warehouses, and hath got all for the present into his own custody. Complaints have been made hereof, and the business as yet under examination. General Blake having been lately with his Highness, and received further Instructions, is gone down again to the Fleet, which on the latter end of this week will set sail from the Downs, and satisfy the expectation of Christendom, who begin to examine themselves, and know not certainly against what place the design is laid, which doth carry so much terror in it. The Lord Whitlock is at Lubeck, it is uncertain whither he will take shipping there for England, or rather at Hamburg. All the Nobility of France are gone to Rheims to the consecration of the young King, to which the titular King of Scotland was solemnly invited. Some parties of our Horse have fallen upon the Scots in Athol, and Murray, and routed them, and taken several persons prisoners. There is a Report that there have been a great fight in Scotland, in which twelve hundred Scots were slain, and Gen: Monk wounded, but there is no such thing. General Monk is yet at Stirling. It appears that Middleton hath no desire to fight, he hath excellent Intelligence, and if he were in such a capacity to fight, as his partisans do report, he would undoubtedly have fallen upon Col: Morgan before the access of new Forces to him. Scotland is now a sad place, fire and sword extremely domineering That which this week is most remarkable, is: ☞ The loss of our Men at Saint Mallows, and the battering there of two of our Frigates. The English Fleet setting sail from the Downs. The Report of the great fight in Scotland, and twelve hundred of Scots slain. The certainty of a great defeat given to a party of the Scot's Horse, and Middleton's Brother taken with several eminent Commanders. Two other Defeats given to the Scots in Athol, and Murrayland. The Murderer discovered by the Murderess and both of them apprehended, who the last week did cut the man in pieces in the way to Paddington, and did put his dismembered body into a bag. The Report of a new Treason discovered. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 332 |
ProcState235 | This day passed this following Ordinance. Be it Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, That one Act of Parliament, Entitled, An Act of Impressing of Seamen, and all Powers and Clauses therein contained, be, and are hereby revived, and shall continue and stand in full force, until the first day of November, in the year one thousand six hundred and fifty four. These three following Ordinances, were also this day published. Be it Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, with the advice and consent of his Council, That one Act of Parliament, entitled, An Act for laying an Imposition upon Coals, towards the building and maintaining ships for guarding the Seas; And all Powers and clauses therein contained, be, and are hereby continued, and shall and do stand in full force, until the six and twentieth day of March 1655. Whereas by an Act of the late Parliament on the behalf of Idiots and Lunatics, it was among other things enacted, That the Bills for passing of the custodies of the said Idiots and Lunatics, should be signed by the Council of State before the Commissioners of the great Seal of England should pass the same under the said Seal; And whereas that Council is since dissolved, Be it ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, That the Chancellor, Keeper or Commissioners of the Great Seal for the time being, do not pass the said Custodies under the Great Seal before the same be signed by his Highness the Lord Protector, and that the same so signed by His Highness shall be a sufficient warrant for passing the same under the said Great Seal, any Law, Statute, Act, Ordinance or Custom to the contrary thereof in anywise notwithstanding. Whereas for some time past hitherto there hath not been any certain course established for the supplying vacant places with able and fit persons to preach the Gospel, by reason whereof not only the Rights and Titles of Patrons are prejudiced, but many weak, scandalous, popish, and illiterate persons have intruded themselves, or been brought in, to the great grief and trouble of the good people of this Nation; For remedy and prevention, Be it Ordained by His Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the consent of his Council, that every person who shall from and after the five and twentieth day of March instant be presented, nominated, chosen or appointed to any Benefice (formerly called Benefice with care of souls) or to preach any public settled Lecture in England or Wales, shall, before he be admitted into any such Benefice, or Lecture, be judged and approved by the persons hereafter named, to be a person for the Grace of God in him, his holy and unblameable Conversation, as also for his Knowledge and Utterance, able and fit to preach the Gospel; And that after the said five and twentieth day of March, no person, but such as shall upon such approbation be admitted by the said persons, shall take any public Lecture, having a constant stipend legally annexed and belonging thereunto, or take or receive any such Benefice as aforesaid, or the profits thereof. And be it further Ordained, That Francis Rous Esq; Dr. Thomas Goodwin. Dr. Tuckney, Dr. Horton, Mr. Joseph Caryl, M. Phillip Nie, M. William Carter, M. Sydrach Simpson, M. William Greenhill, M. William Strong, M. Thomas Manton, M. Samuel Slater, M. William Cooper, M. Stephen Marshal, M. John Tombes, Mr. Walter Cradock, M. Samuel Fairclogh, M. Hugh Peters, M. Peter Sterry, M. Samuel Bamford, M. Thomas Valentine of Chaford, M. Henry Jessee, M. Obadiah Sedgewick, M. Nicholas Lockier, M. Daniel Dyke, M. James Russel, M. Nathanael Campfield, Robert Titchburn Alderman of London, Mark Heldesly, Thomas Wood, John Sadler, William Goff, Thomas St. Nicholas, William Packer, and Edward Cresset Esquires, shall be and hereby are nominated, constituted and appointed Commissioners for such approbation and admission as is abovesaid, and upon death or removal of any of them, others shall from time to time be nominated in their places by the Lord Protector and hid Successors, by advice of his Council, in the interval of Parliaments, and sitting the Parliament, by the Protector and Parliament; And the said Commissioners or any five or more of them, met together in some certain place in the City of London or Westminster, as his Highness shall appoint, are hereby authorised to judge and take knowledge of the ability and fitness of any person so presented, nominated, chosen, or appointed according to the qualification above mentioned, and upon their approbation of such his ability and fitness, to grant unto such person admission to such Benefice or Lecture by and Instrument in writing under a Common Seal to be appointed by his Highness, and under the hand of the Register or Registers for the time being to be also nominated by the Lord Protector and his Successors, which Instrument the said Register of Registers shall cause to be entered in a book for that purpose, and kept upon Record. And it is hereby declared, That the said person so admitted into any such Benefice, shall be Possessor and Incumbent of the same, and entitled thereby to the Profits, Perquisites, and all Rights, and Dues incident and belonging thereunto, as fully and effectually as if he had been instituted and inducted according to the Laws of this Realm; as also the person that shall be so admitted to any Lecture as aforesaid, shall be thereby enabled, according to the establishment and constitution of such Lecture, to preach therein, and to have, and receive the Stipend or Profits to such Lecture belonging. Provided always, That no person who shall tender himself, or be tendered for approbation as aforesaid, shall be concluded by any vote of the said Commissioners which shall pass in the Negative as to his approbation, unless nine or more of the said Commissioners be present at such Vote. And it is further Ordained, That all Patrons of any Benefices that are now void, shall within six Months next after the five and twentieth of this instant March, and of any Benefice that shall hereafter be void within six months next after the avoidance of the same, present unto the said Commissioners, or any five of them, some fit person to be admitted, and for default of such Presentation within that time, the Presentation for that turn, shall devolve by lapse unto the Lord Protector, and his Successors. Provided always, That in the case Patron be disturbed to Present unto such Benefice, and thereupon within six months after the avoidance of such Benefice a Suit be commenced for the recovery of such Presentation, and notice thereof in writing left with the said Commissioners, or any five of them, or the Register, that ten such notice shall be as effectual to prevent the lapse, as where the Suit was heretofore commenced against the Bishop or Ordinary. And it is further Ordained, That during the vacancy of such place, by reason of such Suit, the said Commissioners, or any five more of them, have hereby authority to sequester the fruits and profits thereof for supplying of the place with an able Preacher, the said Commissioners, or any five or more of them, to be nominated and approved of as aforesaid. And for as much as many persons since the first day of April last passed have been placed in such Benefices, and public Lectures, It is hereby Ordained, That in case such person shall not before the four and twentieth day of June next, obtain approbation and admittance in the manner before expressed, Then such person or persons as have right thereunto, shall or may present, or nominate some other fit and able person to such place. And in default of such Presentation within two months after the said four and twentieth day of June, or within six months after the place became void, the Presentation for that turn shall likewise devolve by lapse unto the Lord Protector and his Successors. And for the better satisfaction of the said Commissioners touching the godly and unblameable conversation of such persons as are to be admitted into any place as aforesaid. It is further Declared and Ordained, That before any admittance of any person as aforesaid, there shall be brought to the said Commissioners, or any five of them, a Testimonial, or Certificate in writing, subscribed with the hands of three persons of known godliness and integrity, whereof one at least to be a Preacher of the Gospel in some constant settled place, Testifying upon their personal knowledge, the holy and good conversation of the person so to be admitted, which said Certificate shall be duly Registered and filed. And it is also Declared, that the penalty for, or in the Act of the thirteenth year of Queen Elizabeth, Entitled, Reformation of disorders in the Ministers of the Church: or for not producing such Testimonial as in the said Act is required, shall from henceforth cease and be void. An whereas for the better maintenance for Preaching Ministers, several Augmentations by Authority of Parliament have been heretofore granted; Be it further Ordained that all person or persons, who claim, or shall hereafter claim the benefit of such Augmentation, shall before he of they receive the same, obtain the approbation of the said Commissioners of five of them, as a person qualified as is before mentioned. And is case of approbation, such approbation shall be entered by the Register, who under his hand shall also signify the same to such person or persons as are, or shall be authorised to pay such Augmentation, who are hereby required and authorised from time to time to pay the person or persons so approved, such Augmentation as hath been, or shall be granted unto him, or the place where her preacheth, taking his or their Acquittances for the same. Provided, and it is hereby Declared, that this Ordinance, or anything therein contained, shall not be construed to extend unto, or to revive any Dignities, Offices, or Benefices Ecclesiastical, suppressed by Authority of Parliament. Nor to any Benefices Ecclesiastical that were not presentative before the Ordinance for suppression of Bishops: Nor to any Lectures preached or read in any of the Universities. And it is hereby lastly Declared and Ordained, That the approbation, or admittance aforesaid, in such manner as is before prescribed, is not intended, nor shall be construed to be any Solemn, or Sacred setting a part or a person to any particular Office in the Ministry; but only by such trial and approbation, to take care that places destitute may be supplied with able and faithful Preachers throughout this Nation. And that such fit and approved persons faithfully labouring in the work of the Gospel, may be in a capacity to receive such public stipend and maintenance, as is or shall be allotted to such places. This was the Fast day in London and Westminster, and parts adjacent, which was observed very strictly; the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and the Justices in the other parts, having sent out Command before for the strict observance thereof. The Lord Protector and his Council were at the Chappel at Whitehall, whither resorted a great number of people; and there Mr. Lockier, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Cradock, prayed and preached that day. His Highness and Family remain as yet at the Cock-pit, only that one night mentioned in my last, which his Highness lay at Whitehall, but not since. The Lord Ambassador Bordeaux having made his application to the Lord Protector, his Highness ordered that he should be received as an Ambassador, and Sir Abraham Williams's house in on the Monday following; and Sir Oliver Flemming Mr. of the Ceremonies, had orders to attend the said Lord Ambassador, and his Highness also ordered that he should have audience the next day after, being Tuesday. Letters have been sent the Lords Ambassadors from the States of the United Provinces of Holland, &c. upon a return of which something will probably be done one way or other about the Peace. A Vessel is appointed for the passage of the Ambassador from the Archduke, who having done his business with the Lord Protector, is returned. Muchill Garrison in Scotland 14 March. We have here blessed be God, one time with another, temporal food plentiful enough, but for spiritual food for our souls, it is very hard to attain, insomuch that our poor souls are almost famished in some places, where sometimes I am, where I do hardly know how the Lords day passeth away, by reason of marching after the Enemy, in which we are exposed to a great deal of hardship, and yet not to that effect we desire, because the Enemy hath so much Intelligence, so that when we make our approach towards them they cowardly fly from us up into the Hills, where we are not like to do them much hurt, until Winter be passed, but in the Summer approaching, I hope by the blessing of God, we shall destroy them who trust more in their feet than in God. I beseech you that I may have the enjoyment of your prayers, for the Lord doth know that I am in very great need of them, being in a barren Country, where the Word of God by the Inhabitants is but little observed, which makes me sensible of the want I now have of the sweet opportunities which I did enjoy when I was in London. This night the time expired for the bringing in or Claims of Public Debts, and no more are to be received. A Woman was sentenced to be sent to prison, and there to be severely whipped for attempting to cozen the State and the Navy. Newcastle 20 March, Two of our Hamburg ships being impatient to stay here until Convoy came adventured out, and one of them is returned hither again from thence safe, the other hath made her voyage, and went towards the Downs. Our ships have taken some Dogger Boats near the Dogger Sands. The news of peace will be welcome to these parts. Milfordhaven 18 March, 1653. Three Vessels arrived here this week from Ireland, laden with Hides, Tallow, and other Irish Wares, and some few passengers that they brought over. Ireland in many parts wants people to till and manure the ground; the Tories and others of that bloody crew are very near all suppressed, there being only very small parties remaining on foot but dare not to stand to any engagement with such parties of ours as are sent for to destroy them, and so clear the Country from them, upon the least report that they hear of our men's approaching they presently run into the Woods and Bogs where there is little or no access to them. We have not been much troubled with Picaroons, one only was seen the beginning of this week to the Westward of the Isle of Lundy, but upon the report made him by a Fisher-boat, that one of our Frigates appointed to keep these Seas was in pursuit, he immediately went away, and left this Channel, sailing towards the Land's end, he hath about 6 guns and 16 men being a Dutch Vessel, but a singular good Sailor. From Scarborough March 20. Since that the fleet of Colliers bound for the Southward hath passed by, there hath not sailed this way many ships, save only a few bound for Newcastle, Berwick, and the Frith in Scotland. Two days since two Dutch Freebooters were seen about Fylie Bay, and seeing nothing to prey upon, they went about Flamborough into the Bay as near Bridlington as they durst: But seeing nothing ready to be snapped up, they sailed into the Sea, and were seen this evening hovering about the mouth of Humber. Leith March 18. There is no account yet come of the Highlanders great Rendezvous, which was to be about Wednesday last in Badgenoth, in order to which all their forces are drawn Northwards, where they will arm those that want, and endeavour to raise Sutherland, Caithness and Ross, and so drain the Country of all the sensible men they can get together, though I suppose when that is done they will not be able to keep them, without coming into the Lowlands, which if once they become more numerous they will attempt. By another Letter further thus, Seaforth hath raised his number to 700 and the last general Rendezvous of them all they spoke themselves to be 7000 armed, but have no moneys, only are fed with hopes of great sums to come out of Germany, and that the Titular Duke of York is to bring from thence an additional supply of men under his Conduct, and upon this depends the great expectation of Charles Stuart's arrival amongst them. In the interim they march towards out Borders, forcing their Levies throughout their march. This morning about three of the clock the Mail with the Dutch Letters going from Southwark towards Dover, was seized and broke open by Thieves within a mile of Southwark, which they did (as is supposed) upon hopes to find money, but finding none, broke open all the Letters that were in packets, and threw them upon the ground, and turned the man back again. This day the Lord Ambassador Bordeaux from the King of France, had his reception at Sir Abraham Williams's house in the Palace yard at Westminster, being brought from Tower Wharf, where he landed, thither through the Cities of London and Westminster in great state, with between 50 and 60 Coaches. In the first Coach, which was the Lord Protector's rich Coach was the Lord Ambassador Bordeaux, and five or six of his chief Gentlemen attended by Sir Oliver Fleming Master of the Ceremonies, and His Highness's Coachman and Postillion, and ten of his Pages in the Lord Protector's Liveries, and the Lords Ambassadors' Pages with his Liveries. Next went the French Ambassador's own rich Coach with others of his Gentlemen in it, that are come from France to attend the Lord Ambassador. Then went the chief Coach of the Lord Ambassador of the King of Portugal with the chief of the Portugal Gentlemen in it, and the Coachman and Postillion riding in Crimson Velvet coats, laid thick with rich silver lace. After them followed about 20 more with six horses apiece of the Coaches of the English Nobility and Gentry, The foremost of which was the Lord Protector's second, Coach: And then about 12 with four horses apiece, and lost of all some 20 Coaches with two horses apiece. There was a mistake at their taking Coach between some Gentlemen of the Lord Ambassador of the King of France, and Gentlemen of the Lord Ambassador of the King of Portugal about precedence of their Coaches, some of the French Gentlemen thinking that their Lord Ambassador's second Coach should have gone before the Portugal Ambassador's first Coach, which did occasion drawing of Swords, and some small harm; but the Soldiers stepping in, disarmed those that drew on both sides, and the mistake being understood, they were all reconciled, and in friendly kindness passed along in the order aforesaid. The old Commissioners of the Excise this day surrendered up their powers to the new Commissioners, who this day took possession of their Office. Dalkeith 21 March, 1653. The Lord Ray hat sent to Skelbe for Arms for his men, Seafort was expected the 10 instant, within five miles of Crabsdale with his men, Sir George Monroe and Middleton were then in Strawcaver, and to meet Seafort and Ray at Jura, with their whole force, where also Glengarry with his Rabble are to join with them, and so force Sutherland and Caithness to rise with them. The Garrison of Lewis have made slaughter of the Country people that joined with Seafort, and they have also slaughtered some of the Garrison, the old Natives join with our men against the rest of the Country; so that these Divisions cause great Devastations in these parts. Rhinstroom 24 March. The Prince of Liege, Elector of Cologne is agreed with the Spaniards about the differences happened in that Country, upon these terms. 1. That the Forces under the Prince of Conde, and the Duke of Lorain shall retire from thence and come there no more. 2. That the said Elector shall for satisfaction for his losses have paid to him the sum of 200000 Rix Dollars, for the security whereof he shall have the two Lordships of Korpen and . That the Inhabitants of the Country of Liege shall pay no Contribution. In the meantime the French under the Marquis Faber do ransack all in Luxembourg, which hath given occasion to the Spaniards to get there in haste and without noise a body of 2000 men, who are fallen upon the French about Clermont, but with what success at is not yet known. The last Thursday were brought here in a Pink sent for that purpose Letters of the 20 instant from the Lord Ambassadors now in England, whereby we hear they gave advice to the Lords States, that the Treaty of Peace was not yet concluded, but that preparations for Sea were made there in all haste, the occasion whereof was unknown to them, which caused some suspicions and jealousies amongst the said Lords States; Insomuch that the Vice Admiral Ruyser, and the Scout by night Tromp with other Captains received orders to resort presently to Amsterdam, which they did accordingly Wednesday morning, as also several Messengers were dispatched to the Counsels of the Admiralties. The Lieut. Admiral, the Lord Van-Opdam was likewise commanded to come from Brabant where he was hither. And yet we cannot understand by the Letters come from London the night between the 20 and 21 that any difficulties should have arisen wherefore the Treaty should not go on, so that it is believed that the same may have a good success, and that those preparations made there may be for some other design. We have very little certainty of the Scottish Affairs. It is presumed that Middleton is arrived in Scotland to gather what forces he can to restore the titular King His Master's fortune. Last night a Pink hath been by the Lords States dispatched from Scheveling into England, though he be but stirring up humours to a boil, which without question will break this Spring. Those that were taken about suspicion of coining of false moneys it is said have impeached others. One also is discovered who used to carry a Box before him up and down London, in which he sold many small Wares, Laces, Combs, and such like things, and (as it is said) in the bottom of his Box carried Pick-locks, and Stamps for coining of moneys, and some sorts of Engines which he traded in, to sell to Customers, for whom he provided them. From several Counties are come Letters of the gallant receptions of the Judges in their Circuits in several places. The Justices filling up the Benches, the Country coming in, and much joy in the several parts, for the hopes the Country have of a good settlement under this new Government. Several Congratulations are signed in several Counties to his Highness the Lord Protector, and some are already delivered to his Highness, as from Monmouth Shire, and other parts. 1 Taken then by the Phenix Frigate, the Claus of Housdown, 50 Tons burden, Jacob Timison Skipper, with Masts, Yards and Rigging complete, with main-sail, fore-sail, Jib, Crosiack, top-sail, Mizzen, and Sprit-sail, 3 Anchors, 3 and half cables, one small hawser, one new boat, 4 Oars and Rudder, which had only ballast on board. 2 Taken by the Phenix her boat, the Plumpart of Mazeland sluce, 30 Tons burden, William Parmiston Skipper, with Masts, Yards and Rigging complete, with main-sail, fore-sail, jib, top-sail, sprit-sail, mizzen, and two fluting sails, 3 cables, 4 anchors, one small warp, which had on board 40 barrels of fish, six barrels of Salt, and 40 empty casks. 3 Taken by the Phenix, the Blue Pigeon of Pamerland, 200 Tons burden, Peter Johnson Skipper, with Masts, Yards, Sails, one suit with one main topsail, one mizzen span, with rigging complete, 3 anchors, 3 cables, 2 hawsers, one boat, Oars, one mast-sail and rudder, laden with Brandy wines, white wine, claret wine, and Prunes. 4 Brought by the Lee, by the Phenix and her boat set on board and afterwards run on board by the Newcastle Frigate, who broke her head and bowsprit, and forced the Phenix her boat off, and was after taken. The Fortune of Delphi, 200 Tons burden, James Jacobson Skipper, with masts, Yards, sails, one suit, and Rigging complete, 5 anchors, 3 new cables, and two hawsers, laden with Brandy wine, claret wine, white wine, Prunes, one boat, six oars, mast, sail and Rudder. 5 Taken by the Newcastle Frigate, one Galliot hoy, and having shot her mast by the board, burned her. This is all the account given of her, she being taken out of sight of the squadron. 6 Taken by the Assurance Frigate, the Hope of Housedown, 50 Tons burden, Adrian Jacobson Skipper, with Masts, Yards and Rigging complete, with main-sail, fore-sail, jib, crosiack, topsail, mizzen; and sprit-sail, one boat, 4 Oars, and rudder, 3 anchors, 3 cables, one small hawser, having only ballast on board. 7 Taken by the Newcastle Frigate's boat, the Shellfish of Mazeland sluce, of 25 Tuns burden. Jacob Johnson Skipper Skipper, with masts yards and Rigging complete, main-sail, fore-sail, jib, topsail, mizzen sprit-sail, and two fluting sails, 3 anchors, 3 cables, one small warp, which had on board her 20 barrels of fish, 4 barrels of Salt, and 26 empty casks. 8 Taken by the Mermaid Frigate, the Providence of Mazeland sluce, 28 Tons burden, Aryan Yoresson Skipper, with masts, Yards, and Rigging complete, with main-sail, fore-sail, jib, top-sail, sprit-sail, mizzen and two fluting sails, 4 anchors, 5 cables, one small warp, which had on board her 10 barrels of fish, six barrels of Salt, and 56 empty casks. 9 Taken by the Mermaid's boat, the Fortune of Mazeland sluce, 32 Tons burden, Aryis Yaris Skipper, with masts, Yards and Rigging complete, with main-sail, fore-sail, jib, topsail, sprit-sail and mizzen, and two fluting sails, 4 anchors, 3 and a half cables, one small warp, which had on board 77 barrels of fish, six barrels of Salt and 40 empty casks. 10 Taken by the Mermaid Frigate, one Galliot hoy of 21 tons burden, with masts, Yards, sails, and Rigging complete. 11 Taken by the Mermaid, a Scotch vessel, laden with Beef, Flour, Train oil, Deer skins and Sugar. 12 Taken by the Mermaid at the same time another Scotch Vessel, which had in her only ballast. These two Scotch Vessels were going for Holland, and had been taken by a private man of war belonging to Anchusen. There were none of the people that did formerly belong to them in them; and therefore at present no further particular account could bee got of them. 13 Taken by the Mermaid, the Waking Boy of Anchusen, a private man of war, commanded by Cap. Tho. Johnson, with masts, Yards, sails one suit, with 4 fluting sails, two top-gallant sails, and Rigging complete, all new; 4 anchors, 4 cables, 8 guns, 150 li. of gunpowder, and shot proportionable, 12 Pikes, 10 Muskets, 8 Pistols, and one Boat with four Oars. 14 Taken by the Assurance Frigate, a private man of War. The day of the French Ambassadors public Audience was not this day as was thought, but was appointed on the morrow, against which time all things were ordered to be ready. the Lord Ambassador of the King of Portugal, with his Gentlemen, was this day in person to visit the Lord Ambassador of the King of France at his lodging at Sir Abraham Williams's, where he stayed a great while in conference with him. This day the Members of the Council were with the Lord Protector at the Cock-pit. Several Committees of the Council sat about the Scotch business, and about several Petitions, and other businesses referred to their Lordships by his Highness. It is wondered by many, that so many Gentry, and especially English Ladies, have this Easter made such access to the Portugal Ambassador's, to see their Popish Trumperies, their Passover on the Thursday, and one acting the part of Judas, their Picture of Christ on the Cross, with piercing of his side, and burying that which they made in Picture of Christ, the Watchmen and Angels, and all their superstitious actings as Players in a Stage play during those days, and all this chiefly on Friday last, when those that fear the Lord, were upon that solemn day of Humiliation seeking to the Lord by prayer and fasting. But blessed be God, the sweet showers we have since had to refresh the earth is a great comfort in regard of their prayers, and may cause those Ladies, and others blush with shame that they should be spending their time so vainly, when God was sought unto by those that fear him for the blessings we enjoy, and hope for, lest God smite them that they enjoy no part thereof. The English Fleet is in a gallant Equipage in the Narrow about St. Ellin's, whence they have sent our several Squadrons. It will be appointed where the Commissioners for Approvers of those that are to preach in places of public allowance shall meet so soon as conveniences can be dispatched. This day the Lord Ambassador Bordeaux from the King of France, had public Audience in the Banqueting house in Whitehall, which was richly hung with stately Hangings, and thousands of people present. The Lord Ambassador was carried in the Lord Protector's chief Coach, and with him some of the Council, and Sir Oliver Fleming Master of the Ceremonies, attended by divers of the Nobility and Gentry in the Coaches of the Portugal Ambassador, and the Dutch Ambassadors, and the Nobility and Gentry of England, above forty Coaches, most with six horses apiece. Being come to Whitehall, the Lord Ambassador was received by his Highness the Lord Protector, where his Council was with his Highness at the upper end of the Banqueting house, where after several Cognises, he returned back again. The Lord Ambassador's Speech was to declare that he came from the King of France his Master to treat in order to a firm peace to be settled with England. Touching which he had a kind answer. There are four prizes taken at Sea besides those 14 mentioned in the foregoing List. 1 A small Merchant ship brought in prize into Rye. 2 A Denmark ship taken and brought in prize into Scarborough. 3 A rich prize being a man of War taken with Sugar, and other Merchandises taken by a private man of War worth 150000 l. 4 A private man of War belonging to Camseare in Zealand, commanded by Captain John Poll a Flushinger, taken 13 March by the Paul Frigate, about 10 leagues to the Northward of Ushing, taken with 15 piece of Ordinance and 60 men after six hours dispute, she is brought into Plymouth. The Lord Henry Cromwell is returned from Ireland, and is (blessed be God) safely arrived at the Cock-pit. All is quiet and in a good condition. The business of the Treaty with the Dutch Ambassador, lies thus (according to my best intelligence) That the Lords Ambassadors had power to have signed when they were here before, and when all was then agreed, it was their fault they signed not, which if they had done, Peace had been then concluded: And now they themselves say that they were chided by the States General because they did not the sign; And now we are in all things agreed between us and Holland, and they may sign that agreement when they please, which they have power to do; But seeing that they will treat for Denmark, to have that Crown brought in also; It is but reason that the English Merchants who sustained loss by their confederacy with Denmark against them, should be paid for their ships and goods, which were there taken from them, which is the main thing the Treaty sticks at; The Dutch may have peace for themselves if they will, and leave Denmark to themselves; or if the Merchants (which is the life of Trade in a Nation, be paid what was wrested from them) all is agreed. But that which they offer will scarce half pay the Merchants: But the Lords Ambassadors have sent over to the States, I suppose that their message is to know their pleasure herein. ☞ Heaven on Earth, or a Serious Discourse touching a well grounded Assurance of men's everlasting Happiness and Blessedness. Discovering the Nature of Assurance, the possibility of attaining it, the Causes Springs, and Degrees of it, with the resolution of several weighty questions. By Tho: Brooks, Preacher of the Gospel at Margaret's Fish Street-Hill. Sold by John Hancock in Pope's-head Alley in Cornhill. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 235 |
PerfAcc155 | That I may a little satisfy the great expectation of the people, who desire to be informed the constitution of the Government now established; and for present satisfaction herein, you may briefly have it as followeth. 1. There shall be Triennial Parliaments the first to begin the third of September next. 2. That the Parliaments shall be cho by the people, according to certain qualifications too long to be inserted here. 3. That the time of their sitting shall be for 5 months and no longer. 4. Such laws as shall be agreed on in Parliament, shall be presented to the Lord Protector for his assent, which if it be not obtained within 20 days, then those Bills shall pass notwithstanding, and become law in full force and virtue. 5. Strict provision is made also for the succession of Parliaments, the management of Elections, and of Returns to be made by the several Sheriffs of the persons elected. 6. That the Lord Protector shall govern with the advice and consent of his Council, the number of whom shall not be less thirteen, and not exceed twenty one. 7. That all Writs, Process, &c. shall issue forth in the name of the Lord Protector; That Articles of War shall be made good; That the Ministry of the Gospel shall be maintained, and the present way of their maintenance continued, till some other way more convenient shall be found out and provided. 8. All Magistracy to be deprived from him, all hours to be conferred by him, Peace and War to be made by him, and the Militia by Sea and Land to be ordered by His Highness, and the major part of His Council. A Proclamation of his Highness, with the consent of his Council, for continuing all persons being in Office for the Execution of Public Justice at the time of the late change of Government, until his Highness further direction. Oliver, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, considering, that whereas the exercise of the chief Magistracy, and the administration of Government within the said Commonwealth, is invested and established in his Highness, assisted with a Council, And left thereupon the settled and ordinary course of Justice in the Commonwealth (if remedy were not provided) might receive interruption, His Highness in His Care of the State, and Public Justice thereof (reserving to future consideration the reformation and redress of any abuses of Misgovernment upon better knowledge taken thereof) is pleased, and doth hereby expressly signify, declare and ordain, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, who have power until the meeting of the next Parliament to make Laws and Ordinances for the peace and welfare of these Nations, where it shall be necessary, which shall be binding and in force until Order shall be taken in Parliament concerning the same, That all persons who on the tenth day of this instant December were duly and lawfully possessed of any place of Judicature, or Office of Authority, Jurisdiction of Government, within this Commonwealth, shall be, and shall so hold themselves continued in the said Offices and places respectively as formerly they held and enjoyed the same, and not otherwise, until His Highness pleasure be further known; And all Commissions Patents, and other Grants, and all Proceedings of what nature soever, in Courts of Common Law, or Equity, or in the Court of Admiralty, or by Commissioners of Sewers, shall stand and be in the same and like force to all intents and purposes as the same were on the said tenth day of December, until further Order given by His Highness therein, And that in the mean time (for preservation of the public Peace, and necessary proceedings in matters of Justice, and for Safety of the State) all the said Persons, of whatsoever Place, Degree or Condition, may not fail every one severally according to his respective place, Office or Charge, to proceed the performance and execution of all Duties thereunto belonging, as formerly appertained to them and every of them, whilst the former Government was in being. Those of His Highness Council already chosen, and which now sit in the Old Council Chamber at Whitehall, are these following, viz. Major General Lambert, Colonel Peter Jones. Major General Desborough, Colonel Mountague, Mr. Henry Lawrence, Richard Major, Sir Charles Worsley, Walter Strickland, Esq. Colonel Sydenham, Sir Gilbert Pickering, Francis Rous, Esquire, Major General Skippon. Philip Lord Viscount Lisle, Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Barwick, Decemb. 19. We have intelligence, that a private man of War hath brought into Holy Island two Dutch vessels coming from the East Country, both being about one hundred and fifty tons burthen, laden with Pitch, Tar, and like commodities. From Falmouth the 19 instant: There are many ships in this Harbour which are now all gone to their several intended Ports; the Dutch are still very busy in these parts, so that it is very hard to pass by the Lands end, without a good Convoy; we hear they have taken a ship of London coming from New England, laden with masts, Beaver skins and the like commodities Here have been some of the states ships to wash and tallow, and to take in fresh water, but they are all at Sea again, there remaining none at present in this harbour. From Deal the 23. We have news this day, that some of our Frigates have taken some Beelanders belonging to Calice, who was bound for Rouen and Caen in Normandy, laden with diverse sorts of commodities, and carried them into Stoaks Bay, where we hear that General Monk with his squadron was about four days since. Those ships lately gone from hence bound for Rouen, or lately arrived there, and their convoy is returned back. Further from Scotland, Decemb. 19. The enemies dispersing themselves into several parts is confirmed; they are now endeavouring to reduce their levies into form, by laying them them upon all the nearest Parishes to the hills, but their demands so high, that it is impossible the Country (though willing) should be able to bear them. We have information, that Kenmore will use all his endeavours to raise and force men, horses, and moneys in the South, and intends to make some inroads into the borders of England, unless prevented; which is the more probable by that information which we received from Durham, That 20 horsemen well mounted, and armed with pistols and swords, went through that Town on Tuesday last by break of day, amongst them a person of Quality. The same number and party lay at Peblis on Saturday night last, and with them Col Wogan, formerly a Captain of Dragoons in the Parliaments Army. Thursday night last, Lieutenant Whitmore going with a party towards the Hills, took one Major Morehead (a prisoner of War, and yet upon parole and security) well mounted and armed, going to the Enemy, as himself confessed. They do much hearten their party, that their King is come into Holland; that Col. Drummond is shipped with 1500 Volunteers, arms and ammunition; and that the Dutch have left off treating with the English: with all which they feign a Post came lately from their King. On Friday morning last a party of these Royal Pilferers met the Post boy coming from Lieth with Letters for London, and near Haddington took his horse and Letters, and some money, so that now it will be very uncertain sending Letters without a Convoy. The Letters out of the West make mention of the predominance of the Pirates thereabouts, yet are several vessels safely arrived from the Canaries and Malaga. The remainder of the English Fleet are hastening out of the River of Thames (and other Ports) and will be ready to join with those already out, and then no doubt but they will quickly clear the seas both to the North and West. There came Letters this week which say, That the Lord Ambassador Whitlock is well and safely arrived on the confines of Sweden. From Bordeaux in France thus. The people are in great fear and discontent here, by reason of the building of two Castles near the City, for which they conclude that they are now a new enslaved with the Kingly Yoke, There is very little Trade, the Spanish men of War lying still about the rivers mouth. The Duke of Orleans is not yet come to Court, though he hath been often invited thither. There is great preparations at Toulon for a Fleet to be ready next spring, and those men of war which were gone out with Letters of Mart are commanded in, and against they come, great store of Bisket is making, and a good quantity of Arms and Ammunition; what the enterprise will be is not yet known, where ever it happeneth. It is certified from Edinburgh, that the Writs issued out against persons in debt, do make many of the Lowlanders to run to the Highlands. It is said that there are about four thousand Writs issued out against several persons who have neither money, nor Estates to pay their Debts. Proposals therefore have been tendered to the Commander in chief for the relief of poor Debtors. 1. That the Debts of the inhabitants of Scotland, may be judged according to Law, and that those who are not able to pay their debts presently, may give security to pay it in a reasonable time, at a day appointed, without any rise. 2.That such as will have benefit of the Investment upon land, may have the land made over to them at such a rate as it would have yielded at such time as the monies was lent upon it. 3. That the Act of pardon and Confiscation may be passed with much mercy for time past. 4. That a Proclamation be issued out, that after the said Act of Favour, those that are to receive benefit thereof, may be so curbed. That if any person contempt, or shall thereafter rise in Arms against the Powers of the Commonwealth; that they be banished the three Nations, and all their Estates to be confiscated. Captain Lisle of Colonel Rich's Regiment having once of the Lord Kinnoul's raising new levies in Angus and Mearns, fell upon them with 100 Horse and Dragoons by the break of day, and took 40 horse, 19 private Captains, 1 Cornet and a Quartermaster, and killed nine or ten more, being all of the Earl of Kinnoul's Regiment. This day came forth the Ordinance for the continuation of the Excise, which is to be managed and carried on by such good ways and means as may be most for the case of the people, and advantage of the Commonwealth. It was this day advertised, that the titular King of Scots was coming down to Cleave, and that he was invited by the Duke of Brandenburgh, into his territories which are the furthest of Germany, whether he will move it is yet uncertain. Prince Rupert hath been often heard to lament, that he ever engaged himself in the late unnatural war in England, wherein so many misfortunes and such ill-will attended him. There were some ministers this last week under custody, and examined before the Council for preaching against the present Government, but promising more care for the future they were discharged. It is advertised from Scotland, that the Highlanders new levies, and those that were in arms before, are all marched Northwards to receive monies, Arms, and Ammunition, which (it is told them) is sent from their King, and from the States of Holland. Those who stay behind are quartered in those Parishes amongst the Lowlands, which are nearest to the Hills. The Lord Kenmore doth resolve (as it is informed) to raise men, horses, and money on this side of Edinburgh, and to make some Inroads into the Borders of England. Twenty horsemen well mounted and armed with pistols, and swords did very lately ride through Durham, and took up their Quarters at Plebees, where the dumb Prophet is still alive. It seems by this that they hold a correspondence with some in England, and that the Design is greater then represented. The treaty with the Dutch goes hopefully forward in order to an Agreement: The Dutch Ambassadors have sent the substance of what is propounded by the High and Mighty states of Holland; and it is conceived, that in a short time, much (more than now) may be known of that business. But however it goes, the Dutch are high in their preparations both at Sea and Land, and in February next their great Fleet will be ready to put forth to sea. The great ship lately built at Rotterdam, lies close up in harbour. Charles Stuart's Agents are very busy in these parts of late, and yet Middleton continues here, although much talk hath been of his going into Scotland, to the party up in arms there, which will make little of it: Yet to answer all Objections, they give out, that the Monsieurs of France will venture far in that service; and many other things are talked on, and that I think is all. News from the English Fleet at Sea. The Transactions in Holland about Men, Arms, and Ammunition for the Highlanders in Scotland, with the Highlanders bold attempts in the North of England, and their seizing upon the English Post with Letters. The news of the Lord Ambassador Whitlock's landing safe in Sweden. The Treaty between the English and the Hollander, and other things of great importance. There is published five new plays in one volume viz. The mad couple well matched; The Novella; The Court Beggar; The City Wit; and the Damoisella: all written by Richard Brown. A collection of those excellent Letters to several persons of Honour: written by John Donne sometimes Dean of St. Paul's London. Likewise a Poem called the Shepherd's Oracles, delivered in certain Eglogues: by Francis Quarls. And the Poems of John Donne sometimes Dean of St. Paul's London; with Elegies on the Author's death: to which is added divers Copies under his own hand never before printed. All which are to be sold by John Sweeting, at the Angel in Popes-Head Alley. | A Perfect Account, Issue 155 |
FScout173 | ☞ The Articles of Peace signed and sealed by the Commissioners of England and Holland on Wednesday the fifth of April, and those Articles to be ratified within 15 days by the Estates of both Commonwealths, and general Proclamation to be made thereof throughout all England and the United Provinces. The King of Scots commission to General Middleton, giving him power in all affairs both Ecclesiastical and civil, his besieging of Sinclair castle, and surprising an English Vessel laden with arms and provisions, and the revolting of divers Knights and Gentlemen of quality, and going to the Hills with horse and arms. The taking of divers Ships belonging to Bristol, Weymouth and Westchester, by the Brest Picaroons; Together with the Transactions of His highness the Lord Protector and his Council at Whitehall, the electing of commissioners of the Great Seal for the Chancery, and their debates concerning the adjourning of Easter Term From Friday March 31, to Friday April the 7. 1654. The Letters out of the West mention, that the Brest men of War are very busy, and that two of them took the Charity a ship of above 100 tonnes, near her port, and detain the Master for Beech; besides this of Bristol, they took another belonging to Westchester, and four Vessels of Weymouth, and thereabouts. Also the Wilde Bore, a ship of 24 guns, and 250 tonnes, taking in some lading at the Madeiras, was forced by a storm to cut her cable and put to Sea, where meeting with a Flushinger of 22 guns, with those men that she had she fought gallantly, but being over-mastered they carried her into Cadiz, she's valued to be worth 5000l. Yesterday was presented to his Highness by Mr. Dickeson, and Sir Thomas Withrington Recorder of the City of York, the Declaration and Recognition of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty of that ancient City. Letters from Mr. Feak, and Mr. John Simpson say to their Friends, that they are still the same men, and carried on under the same confidences. This day the Lords of the Council, and Mr. Secretary of State attended his Highness: the Lord Protector at the Cock-pit, after which they sat in Counsel in Whitehall, and several businesses of great consequence were transacted. The French Ambassador is removed from Sir Abraham Williams's to his own lodgings in Covent Garden. And the Agent from the Queen of Sweden had audience by his Highness, attended by Sir Oliver Flemming, and divers Gentlemen, there being with his Highness divers Lords of the Council, and Mr. Secretary of State. Sir Thomas Withrington, and the Lord Commissioner Lisle, were also this day sworn Commissioners of the Great Seal of England for the Court of Chancery by the Clerk of the Commonwealth, before his Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, in the Council Chamber at Whitehall, the Lord Ambassador Whitlock who is now in Sweden, is also to be one with them. And there was published an Ordinance for continuing one Act of Parliament, entitled, An Act for Probate of Wills and granting Administrations, as followeth Be it Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, That one Act of Parliament, entitled, An Act for Probate of Wills, and granting Administrations, and all the Powers, Authorities, Matters and Things therein contained, shall be, and are hereby revived and continued in full power and force, to all intents and purposes, until further Order. And it is hereby further Ordained, That Richard Lucy, John Hildeslay, Nathaniel Barton, Jervas Bennet, Anthony Rous, Joachim Matthews, Edward Cludd, Thomas Wood, Esq. and Robert Titchbourn Alderman of London, be added to the Judgesmen commissioned in the said Act, and that the said Judges named in the said Act, and in this present Ordinance; or any three of them, be, and are hereby authorized to put in execution all and every the Powers given by the said Act, as fully as any of the Judges therein named might have done by force of the said Act. An Ordinance was also this day published for settling and confirming of the Manors of Framlingham and Saxtead, in the County of Suffolk, and the Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments thereunto belonging, upon the Master, Fellows, and Scholers of Pembroke Hall in the University of Cambridge, and their Successors forever, which were devised to certain charitable uses, by Sir Robert Hitcham Knight, late Sergeant at Law, who did heretofore purchase of Theophilus late Earl of Suffolk, and his Feoffees, the Castle and Manors of Framlingham and Saxtead, and divers Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, with the appurtenances, lying and being in Framlingham and Saxtead in the County of Suffolk, which were by his direction and assured unto Richard Keeble, one of the Lords Commissioners for the great Seal of England, and to Francis Bacon Esq. and James River, William Buts, and Robert Buts Gentlemen, and their Heirs, who were persons trusted by Sir Robert Hitcham. And whereas afterwards, viz. the 8 of August 1636. the said Sir Robert Hitcham made his last Will and Testament in writing, and thereby did, amongst other things, will, limit, and appoint, That as touching the said Castle and Manors of Framlingham and Saxtead, and all the Lands and Hereditaments which he and his Feoffees purchased of the said Theophilus Earl of Suffok, and his Feoffees, the said Robert Hitchams Feoffees and their Heirs, after his debts paid, should stand seized in trust to the uses of the Masters and Fellows of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge, and their Successors, and that upon request his Feoffees should make a good assurance unto them accordingly; of which, the College should have to their own use, the Castle and Royalties, and Rents of Tenure, with the Meat and Fishponds, the Advowson of the Church, the Hundred of Los, the Fairs and Markets there; but the Lands of the said Manors, and all the Hereditaments and Lands purchased of the Earl of Suffolk, as aforesaid the said College should have only in trust to use, to be by them converted to the uses following, viz That they should pull down all the Castle save the stone buildings, and therewith erect at Framlingham one house to set the poor on work, the poor and most needy and impotent of Framlingham, Debenham, and Coxal, first, and after them of other Towns if they see cause; and to provide a substantial stock to set them on with, and to allow such needy persons of them so much, as the College should further think fit; And if they should build one or two Almshouses consisting of twelve persons (namely six a piece) for 12 of the poorest and decrepit people there, which are to have each of them two shillings per Week during their lives, and forty shillings a piece for a Gown and firing every year: And that they should build a School house there at Framlingham, and appoint a Master who is to have forty pounds per annum during his life, to teach thirty, forty, or more, of the poorest children of Framlingham, Debenham, and Coxal, to write, read, and castaccount, as the College shall think fit, and then they to have ten pounds a piece to bind them Apprentices, at the direction of the four Senior Fellows of the College; and that they shall build the like Almshouses at Levington, which shall have the same allowance; and that there shall be forever one to read prayers in the Church of Framlingham daily at the hours of eight in the forenoon, and four afternoon; who is to have 20 l. per annum, and the Sexton five pounds. And whatsoever shall further come of that which the Testa or had formerly given in trust to the said College, they to convert the same to the like use or uses, to continue as before forever. Since the Lord Henry Cromwell's return from Ireland, we have received little of News from thence; save only that about 1200 Tories were shipped from Limbrick, and 1700 more are ready for transportation, which will render that Nation more free from Robbers than in times of the greatest peace. We have also received farther intelligence from Sweden, that the Queen having visited her mother at Nicop ng, is again returned to Uppsala to be present at the great Assembly of the Senators. From Scotland we have received intelligence, That the Commander in chief having issued forth a Proclamation, requiring all Burgesses and others to secure all suspicious persons, or otherwise to give intelligence of them to the next adjacent Garrison or Quarters under pain of being deemed Enemies to the present government, and proceeded against accordingly: Several towns have been lately found guilty of the breach of that Proclamation, and have been fined by a Court martial for the same. The last week the Parish of Liberton, two miles from Edinburgh, for harbouring 15 of the Enemy by the space of a night and a day, and neither securing them, nor giving intelligence of them, and the Tories at their going away stealing 15 horses, the Parish was for that offence dined 200 l. sterling, the person in whose house they were concealed, sentenced to imprisonment during pleasure, and the house where they were harboured to be raised to the ground, and a pair of Gallows to be built there. There are divers other Parishes who are summoned into Court Martials upon the very same account, who will suffer for it. It is hoped this course will in time compel the Scots not to give any Entertainment unto the Tories, but give notice of them, wherever they shall come, otherwise they will suffer for it. The 21 instant Col. Cooper with a party of Horse and Dragoons from Glasgow, and another party at the same time falling into the Isle of Leven, where about 300 of the enemy quartered (about 4 in the morning) took McNaughton's Trumpet, and 35 other prisoners, and narrowly missed McNaughton and Newark, who were both there; they killed 12, whereof one of them (as the enemy confess) was a Lieutenant of Horse, and took about 60 Horse and some Arms and totally scattered and routed the whole party, returning without any loss at. Captain Ortan Commander of the Sun, and Captain Lilburne of the Union, came into Lieth Road from Lewis and Orkney, and brought three Companies of Col Cooper's Regiment, and therewith a particular relation of the late infall of the Earl of Seaforth into Lewis Island. The Newcastle Frigate hath taken a Dutch man of war, being one of the four Capers that did so much infest the Northern seas. Our Frigate attended her 3 or 4 days before he could snap her; she carries 14 Guns, and is brought to Burlington Bay. The Spaniard seems again to favour the Duke of Lorraine, the Arch Duke having ordered, that the Count de Bussigni, and the Abbot of Mercy shall be removed from the Castle of Antwerp to the Castle of Gant, on purpose to gratify the Duke of Lorraine, who was very much offended that they should be imprisoned in the same prison with him. The Letters from Brussels do advertise That many Irish daily arrive there out of Ireland, who are all to go to the Pr. of Conde to be clothed & armed: many of them die by the way through want. The Sentence of death is passed in the French Parl. against the Prince of Conde; they have also under consideration, some Propositions touching the disposing of the Crown Lands for the easing of the people of their taxes and oppressions. The last Letters from Plymouth certify, that the Commander of the Sophire Frigate sent in thither a Dutch prize, laden only with some few barrels of Pitch, Tar, &c. And that the Paul, a ship in the States service, met with a man of War belonging to Flushing in St. George's channel, which carried 15 Guns, with whom she fought continually for five hours together, yet thanks be to God, lost not a man, but sustained loss in her Masts, sails, and rigging; the Enemy lost 13 or 14 men, and his ship was much torn; Yet our men made shift to tow her into Plymouth; she had aboard her some small quantity of Wines, and some silver, which our men easily pocketed up, and well they deserved it, Win Gold and Wear it. The Letters from Scotland, speak that the Highlander's Army is joined into one Body, that since the landing of Middleton, there is likewise landed another Hoy with some few inconsiderable men and Arms, and that colonel Robert Lilburne is advancing toward them with a very considerable Army, resolving to fight them is they will keep together till his approach. In Whitechapel below the Church, over against the Stile that goes to Stepney, in Trumpet Yard, dwells L.M Student in Mathematical physic, who cureth the Tysick & Cough of the Lungs, the swelling of the Spleen, & deafness of the ears, pestilent Fevers, and all sorts of Agues, of which cure he never failed; with other diseases incident to men. Also, he cureth perfectly all diseases peculiar to women, or their Sex, be they either Chronic or Acute; and hath cured many that have been thought to be past cure. Also, he cureth those that are Deaf and thick of Hearing, and hath a present Remedy for the Toothache. If you enquire at the white Lyon in Whitechapel; or at the Angel in Cornhil near the Royal Exchange, they will direct you to him. The Mayor, Aldermen, Common council men, and other Inhabitants of the city of Coventry, have presented their humble Address and congratulation to his Highness the Lord Protector. And his Highness council are debating about the adjourning Easter-Term, or part of it. The 5th. instant, about 6 or 7 of the clock in the Evening, the English commissioners went to the Dutch Ambassadors at Sir John Trever's house, in the Lord Protector's coaches, with Mr. Secretary of State, and the Clerk of the Council; and about nine a clock at night, totally finished the Ratification of the Articles of Peace, both between England, Holland and Denmark, which were then signed on the behalf of the Commonwealth of England, by Major General Lambert. The Lord Lisle. Sir Gilbert Pickering. Master Lawrence. Colonel Montague. Master Strickland. And the Lord Bevorning, The Lord Newport, And the Lord Yongstal, signed on the behalf of the States of Holland; who are to ratify them within fifteen days; and then public proclamation is to be made there of throughout the Dominions of England, Scotland, Ireland, and all the United Provinces. This day produced farther intelligence from Scotland, certifying that Middleton hath brought over a very large commission from Charles Stuart, which empowers him in the disposal of all matters both Ecclesiastical and civil. They are still in Sutherland and Caithness, and the Lord de la Banks brothers, some Knights, and about 50 Gentlemen, with good horses, arms, &c. are gone in to the Enemy, and Middleton, Seaforth, and Raget's men surprised a Vessel of ours going to Lewis Island, by some Boats they sent out; she had in her 14 men, with Ammunition, provision and clothes for that Garrison; and hath also besieged Sinclair castle in Caithness, being very cruel in burning and destroying all parts of the country that do not freely join with them; whereupon Sir James MacDonald, and the captain of the clan of Reynolds, have ratified forces against him, for preservation of their country. Extracted out of the Original Papers Printed by Authority, and Entered into the Register Book of the Company of Stationers. |
The Faithful Scout, Issue 173
PerfAcc173 | A Proclamation of His Highness the Lord Protector, signed by the Ambassadors of the States General of Holland. A Letter from Paris, touching the Proceedings of Charles Stuart and the Duke of York, upon notice of an Agreement betwixt England and the United Provinces. The particulars of what hath lately happened in Scotland betwixt Colonel Morgan and General Middleton. The selling of many Prizes at Plymouth and other places. The Publication of the Peace in Holland. And news from Sweden, and many other places. From Wednesday April 26. to Wednesday May 3. 1654. This day was Proclaimed (in London and Westminster with great solemnity) the Peace between England and Holland, the Proclamation itself followeth in these words. By the Lord Protector A Proclamation of the Peace made between this Commonwealth, and that of the united Provinces of the Netherlands. His Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, considering how necessary it is, not only to preserve Peace and quiet at home, but as far as in him lies, to live in amity and friendship with his Neighbours; Hath by the blessing of God with the advice of his Council, made and concluded a Peace, Union, and confederation to continue for ever, between this Commonwealth of the one part, and that of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, of the other part, their Lands, Countries, Cities, Towns, Dominions, Territories, Places, and People by Sea, Land, fresh waters, or elsewhere, by the which peace it is agreed, That all Enmity, Hostility, Discord and War between the said Commonwealths, their people, and subjects, shall cease, and all injustices and wrongs whatsoever, done since the 18 and 28 of May, 1652. shall cease and be forgotten, except such Depredations as shall be committed on either side, in these seas, after twelve days, from the date of these presents; and in all other places on this side the Cape of St Vincent after six weeks; and from thence within the Mediterranean sea, and to the quinoctial line, after ten weeks, and beyond the quinoctial line, after the space of 8 months, or immediately after sufficient notice of the said Peace given in those places, and that the people and inhabitants of each party respectively, of what condition or quality soever they be, shall treat each other with love and friendship, and may freely and securely come into, and pass through each others Countries, Towns, Villages, and Precincts, and there stay and abide, and from thence depart again at their pleasure, without any hindrance or molestation, and likewise Trade and have Commerce, and generally do use and exercise all other things (observing the Laws and Customs of each place respectively) as freely, fully, and securely, as they might have done in the time of the Peace. Whereof all Persons whatsoever, in these Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland, are to take notice, and to conform themselves accordingly. Given at Whitehall this 26 of April, 1654 Edinburgh April 20. There is yet no considerable news from the North, that I can understand; for Middleton with his forces is drawn into Sutherland, betwixt whom and our forces, there is a Navigable River, not passable but by boats, and those the enemy hath drawn to their own Banks. In many parts of the Country there is all possible endeavours used to carry on their Levies, and not a few desperate persons continue their recourse to them. There hath been several Officers and others of them gathered up lately, and committed to safe custody. In some of their pockets hath been found a paper, called Glencairn's declaration, stuffed with many expressions that carry little consistency with their course. I may possibly help you with a Copy by the next. Inverness April 14. I can add nothing to my last, yet would not omit writing to you by this Post. Colonel Morgan is at Dingwell with his forces. The enemy still North of him, and past getting out of that Country without either engaging or dispersing their own force, Badgenoth, and other parts of the Hills are quiet. From Milford Haven April 24. As for news in these parts, it doth afford little. The last vessels come from Ireland, brought with them several passengers, which tell us no further, save only that the Tories who remain hid in corners, are as ready as ever to do mischief, but that they want strength, and so narrowly looked after, that they are presently suppressed, and driven into their Dens: as for other matters all things are quiet over the country, as they are likewise in these parts. Falmouth, April 23. All the news at present is, that we are expecting to hear the peace proclaimed between us and the Dutch, that so some course may be taken to clear this coast of so many Pirating Rogues, who have of a long time so much annoyed us, and do the same now, though not so bad as formerly, they do no less about Bristol, and so along that Channel. One of our Frigates lately chased two Brest Pirates even to their own doors, but being got among the Rocks, out Frigate durst not venture after them, and so gave them over; here are several ships bound to several parts to the Southward, who are only expecting a fair wind to proceed on their voyage. Portsmouth, April 27. Our Fleet is still riding in Stoaks Bay, and most of those ships which are come in to victual, and be new fired for the Sea are gone out, and the rest will be ready by the next week. We are in a daily expectation of Heroic General Pen from London, and then upon his arrival we doubt not, but that this Fleet will be employed upon some honourable design, which I hope will prove for the good of the Nation. From Upsal the 24 of March 1653. On Tuesday last my Lord Ambassador and Count Erick had a meeting, to the debate of the Articles of Union: at which time Count Erick did exhibit several Articles on the behalf of Sweden, some whereof were such, that his Lordship can by no means consent to. Yesterday his Excellency went to the Queen to deliver his exceptions, and the reasons why he cannot admit of some of these Articles proposed to him, and the Queen seemed to be satisfied therein. But this day Count Erick came again unto my Lord, and was very earnest that those might be admitted; but his Lordship is as earnest to exclude them. Yet I have a persuasion, that the Queen will find some expedient to reconcile all, and will sum up things into a harmony and agreement. The great talks here are of the Coronation of the new King; and preparations are made thereunto; so resolved is the Queen to resign up the Government. Piemontelli the Spanish Resident suddenly takes his leave to return home. Count Monte Cuculli went away last week. It is observable, that our ships have entertained the Proclamation of Peace with the greatest solemnity that can be, and General Pen being gone down to sea, you will now find what will be the Expedition which Christendom so much looks upon, whether they will go to Legorn, or the high Determinations of the Council so shall order it, as they shall call the Turks to an account at Tunis or Alger for the injuries they have done unto the Christians. You shall observe that there have been taken some Dutch Merchants, and the Dutch will persuade us that they have taken some ships of ours which they have carried to Flushen and Enchusen, they were taken on the Northern Seas; and if the curious please to look upon them, they will peradventure find them to be those ships which the Dutch Men of War did meet with, as I made mention in my last. I had almost forgot to acquaint you, that on Thursday last the Dutch Ambassadors who were resident in London, were magnificently entertained by his Highness the Lord Protector. By Letters from Paris, dated May 2 stilo novo, thus. The titular King of Scots and all his friends and adherents stand amazed at the concluding of a peace between the Lord Protector of England, and the States of the United Provinces of Holland. The Duke of York was intended for Scotland, but the news of peace with Holland puts him into a Dilemma. The Court also took this business much to heart, and so it is thought will all the Courts in Christendom; for now there be two such potent Commonwealths United, you must expect that all the Kingdoms in Europe will put themselves into a posture of defence. The Earl of Merinville, Commander in Chief of the French forces in the County of Roussillon hath relieved the strong Port and Town of Rosa, which was besieged by the Spaniard. At the relief of this place there was slain on both sides about 1500 men, whereof there were many Officers of good account fell of the French. From Venice thus. The Senate having received news of the defeat of some of our forces in Dalmatia, which was done by a party of 5000 Turks, who lying in an Ambuscade took ours at advantage: But this Victory cost them dear; for our men and the Morlacks behaved themselves with such resolution, that they killed above 1800 of the Turks upon the place, and many wounded, our loss amounting to somewhat more than 2000. To repair this loss, the Senate have issued out new Orders for the raising of more forces, which are speedily to be sent thither. From Hamburg, The King of Denmark hath been to visit the new Church of Altenaw, and the next day went back to Gluckstadt. The General Koningsmark hath at last surprised the Town of Bremerburgh, and likewise the Fort which is near it. This day Colonel Pride's Regiment exercised themselves in Tuthil fields, where they had such new Arms given them as was convenient; tomorrow they march towards Harwich, where shipping will be ready to transport them into Scotland, they all express themselves to be most willing for the present service. It is advertised from Scotland, that Middleton's forces do lie along the banks of the River, to observe the motion of our men, who will be with them before they are aware of us, some forces both of horse and foot are expected from Ireland, so that let the enemy stir which way they will, they shall find us both before them, and behind them. In the mean time many men are daily snapped who are going to the enemy. This day in Hyde Park there was the hurling of a great Ball. Fifty Cornish Gentlemen played against fifty, one party played in white Caps, and the other in Red, there was great agility of body shown, and wrestling proper to that Nation, at every meeting one with the other, which was ordered with such Dexterity, there it was to show more the strength, the vigour, and nimbleness of their bodies, than to endanger their persons. His Highness the Lord Protector was there; the Ball they hurled was silver, which that party had, who did win the Gaol. Paris May 2. 1654. stilo novo. The 20 instant two Counsellors of the Parliament went to Chantilli, and Monimorency, two places formerly belonging to the Prince of Conde, and according to the Sentence lately given against him, did there declare those Houses and Castles to be reunited to the Crown, and accordingly did take possession of them. The Cardinal de Retz was no sooner come to the Castle of Nants, but that within two days after, and for several days following, he was complimented, by the Dean and Chapter, and by all the Courts of Judicature in that City, he was also visited by the D. of Brissac, and others the Nobility and Gentry of the Province; nevertheless the Marshal de la Mesteray doth narrowly look over all his actions, and of those that visit him. There are great complaints made against the Parliament at Rennes by most of the Gentry of that Province; this being occasioned by one Morbeuf, who sitting there upon the reversion of a President's place, hath lately offered some great abuse to a Gentleman of quality, who was soliciting a business in that Court for some Pupils, whereof he is the guardian. The Governor of Jamerz and Mouzon having a design to rifle the small Town of Veron, came thither in the night, and having plundered it, carried away the chief men prisoners to make them pay a ransom. The Chancellor hath this week sent for the Parson of St. Paul, to declare unto him some order from the Court about a business which had lately happened in his Church: The Parson answering he could not obey it, an Officer was sent to him with an Order from the Council, whereby he is enjoined to depart the City within 24 hours, which he did accordingly. There hath been of late great troubles in this City among the people by reason of the great imposts laid upon them and although that imposts upon all Cattle which was so much cried against be taken of; yet there are many other new one which are little better, some fortifications are to be made at the Castle of Vincennes, and the K. Guards have received order to be in a march about the 10. of this instant; it is variously spoken whether the King shall go to the army or to be crowned, as it was intended. Whereas in the third Article of Peace, Union, and Confederation made, established and promulgated between the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces; It is agreed, That all Injuries, Charges and Damages which either party hath sustained by the other since the 18 of May 1652, shall be taken away and forgotten in such manner, as that hereafter neither party shall pretend any matter against the other, for, or upon occasion of any the aforesaid Injuries, Charges and Damages; but that there shall be a perfect abolition of all and every of them until this present day, and all actions for the same shall be held and reputed void and null, excepting such depredations as shall be committed by either side in these seas after the space of 12 days, and in all other places on this side the Cape of St. Vincent after 6 weeks, and from thence within the Mediterranean sea, and to the Equinoctial Line after 10 weeks, and beyond the Equinoctial Line after the space of 8 months, or immediately after sufficient notice of the said peace given in those places. Wherefore we having considered what is agreed as aforesaid, have confirmed and ratified, as we do confirm and ratify the same by these presents, which we have caused to be published, that all persons concerned therein may take notice thereof: and to the end none may plead ignorance, the Commissioners of the Admiralty are hereby required to give effectual notice hereof to all ships of War of this State, either at Sea, or in Port within these Dominions, or elsewhere. And the Judges of the High Court of Admiralty are also forthwith to call in upon their several securities given in that Court, all such ships as have been set forth upon private Commissions against the United Provinces, or the People thereof. In witness whereof, as well the Commissioners of his Highness, as the Ambassadors extraordinary of the States General, have signed these presents with their own hands. H. Lawrence, Pres. H. Beverningck. Gil. Pickering. W. Nieupoort. E. Montague. Alex. P. Iogestall. Walter Strickland. The like is to be published in Holland. This day many goods were sold by the Candel at the Prize Office. The Letters from Bristol and Plymouth say, that 9 ships lately taken and adjudged prize, are now upon sale, with great quantity of goods. London, Printed by E. Alsop 1654. | A Perfect Account, Issue 173 |
MDem84 | Published for the right understanding of all the Mad-merry-People of Great-Bedlam. From Wednesday Febr. 1. to Wednesday February 8. 1654. A Pox on all ill luck, no matter, No chance, nor ill Fortune can dismay a Courageous Mind, he's wretched that thinks himself to be so; I can endure with Patience, and that's a virtue; when the storm is over, there may be as great a Calm, if the cursed Hag Melancholy bring she not into a Consumption, I care not: This day (being Shrove Tuesday) a hardy Lad coming through Barbican, and seeing a Cock set down to be flung at, presently unbuttoned his Cloak, and giving it to one that stood by to hold, after flinging away two shillings and never touching the Cock, remembered his Cloak, but the fellow that held it giving him the bag, his scratching of his Noddle perceived a Coxcomb stuck in his Hatband, it is thought, by him that had his Cloak, which Coxcomb (being a Gentleman's son) is hereafter to be added to his Arms, to dub him a New-made Gentleman; As he went, away, a Broker's Boy, crying at his Master's door, Do ye want a Cloak or a Suit? Yes sirrah, that I do, quoth the coxcomb, and you had best to restore it, or else I'll charge ye with flat Felony; so the Boy's whooting after him, he went home a verier Cockscomb than he came out. An old Woman in Corn-hill being the same day making of Fritters, and not sending up her Apprentices any, that were at work above in the Garret, and smelling the scent of the Fritters, an unhappy Crack amongst them, slipping from the rest, got himself up into the Gutter, & very mannerly surreverenc'd down the Chimney into a Kettle of Batter, that hung over the Fire, three or four of her Kinsmen, with a neighbour or two, being invited to the eating thereof, they being completely served in to the Table, without the least mistrust, but in eating them, one having a better taste than the rest, relished it something unsavoury on the Palate, and told the good Woman, That surely her Flour was grown; no truly Neighbour, quoth she, always when I buy flour, I knead it in my hand, and taste of it; sure quoth another, It must needs be either Grown or Musty, for I'll assure you it hath an odd Taste; with that the Old Woman putting a little Fritter into her mouth to taste, by accident happened on a Piece that the boy had dropped from the top of the Chimney, and chewing it in her mouth, presently spit it out again, Crying, god's body Neighbours, It is surely grown indeed, How did this Knavish Meal-man deceive me? come Maid take them away, and carry them up to the Servants, they'll make no bones of them He warrant you. The young man that was like to have been ravished by the Lady that saw him Draw against the Standard in Cheapside the last week, is since contracted to the said Lady, who rather than she will marry the new Way, she is resolved to take his word for the first three Quarters, by which time she will try whether his Courage be answerable to his Weapon. That the Spaniards are removing both the Indies into Madrid in Spain for fear of the Dutch and French Picaroons that lie in the Narrow-seas expecting their Plate-Fleet, some report, they have hired a Magician to do it by Necromancy, as the stones were removed from Ireland to Salisbury Plane; If the News hold true, Spain is like to be the richest Country in Europe; and Gold and silver as plentiful as Chalk is in Malborow: A Letter was lately intercepted in the Endimion, a ship sailing out of the Ocean of the Moon, signifying, how Prince Mautico with six sail of Ships was driven by a great Hurricane into the Ocean of the Moon, where he was entertained in great state, by the Emperor of the Moon, and feasted in the Palace Royal in a Canopy bedecked with Stars, the thunders were discharged round the Sky for joy, and great Bonfires were made quite through the streets of the 12. Houses of the Heavens; after supper, came in the young Princess, eldest Daughter to the Emperor, attended a Troop of Synthian Ladies, followed by many young Lords and Gentlemen, who all in order after the Princess, saluted P. Maurice; after which began a Mask, with such variety of sweet Music and Dances, That the like was never heard by any Mortal ear before; his Brother the Prince of Plunderland hearing this News, is rigging a new fleet of ships to see if he can by the favour of next Hurricane, sail up into Cape Luna, to see if he can repair his cracked Fortune by marrying one of the Phebean Ladies; now the Taverns in France are become so incredulous, That they will of late hardly trust him with a Flap-Dragon, or a Bottle of Paris Wine. Nay, he shall not want an Elegy so long as Dem. Can hold a Pen, Crast and Hay, I see we are all Mortal, Who would have thought that Learned Culpepper, that could foretell whatever to poor Mortal Wights befell, and every season of this young Infant Year, and all Events therein Declare, yet his own Death in's Scheme did not appear, and though, and though in Physic, more subtle than a Quack, yet died before his yearly Almanac. But since he is dead, I'll do so much for my deceased friend, as to invite the Guests, First for the Bearers, Aries shall carry his Head branched, the studs double gilt, Or, impaled with Sables, on the uppermost of which shall be hung his Coat of Arms by the Herald that blazoned them, viz. Petricius Tenebrosus, Governor of Maggy-land, Taurus shall carry his neck and throat, Cancer his breast and stomach; Gemini his Arms and shoulders, Leo his heart and Back, Virgo his Bowels and Belly. Libra Reins and Loins. Scorpio shall carry his secret members, Sagittarius his Thighs, Capricorn his Knees, Aquarias his Legs, and Pisces his feet; Saturn shall go next the Course in close mourning, with an heavy Aspect, Mars, Jupiter and Luna following in the like equipage, before him shall go fire, carrying in one hand a flaming Torch, in the other the snuff of a Candle, in token of Mortality, AIR shall come after, breathing out sighs and Groans, Water shall follow weeping, till she deliver his Body safe to Earth, which shall be no sooner done, but the four Winds, namely Favonius, Auster, Eurus and Aquillo shall sing his funeral Dirge set to the tune of a new Septentricnall ligge; after these shall come the 4 Ages, viz. Juventus, Adolesoentia, Virgens ras, Senectus, in their several habits, bewailing his loss, after which shall follow the 4 Complexions, exercising their different Qualities; after all this shall come all the Spirits of each region between heaven and hell, to convoy his soul to the Elysian Shades, and there to place him amongst the Ancients, Ptolemy, Tyobrache Gallen, Hippocrates, &c. Rud, Booker, and Lilly, are to take charge to see the 12 houses of the Heavens hung in mourning, for their care in seeing this performed, they are to have New mourning suits of Celestial Broadcloth cut out of the terebrosian Clouds, and Belts embossed with black stars; His Library are to be disposed to several Persons of note as his Learned Volume of the Dispensatory to the College, of Physicians, and his translation of Albertus Magnus to each Student of the Black Art a Book, to teach them to Conjure up the Devil: A little before the Death of this Astrologer, was seen by a blind Philosopher in Hounds-ditch, who described the sight he saw in the Air to a Deaf Tankard-bearer, who relating it to a dumb Oyster-woman, she presently told it Democritus, who describes it after this Figure following; Also on Thursday last, the Rivers of Thames ebbing and flowing thrice in one Day, together with the Blazing Star seen over the Thames on Friday morning last, near Windsor Castle, and Democritus straining his leg the day before, must needs portend the fall of some Learned man; But mum for that, as Mr. Politic POST sayeth pag. 1296. 'Tis good To be merry and wise, and very dangerous meddling with edged Tools. That on Wednesday come seven-night, in the halfway House on the Thames between Black-wall and Cuckolds' Haven, there was a great Dispute between the Spinsters of Horsey-down, and the Linsy woolsey Weavers of Spittle fields, The sum of the Dispute was, Whether Cuckolds wear Periwigs, or no? The business being put to the Vote, was by the Major part carried in the affirmative; till a Party of Seamen's Wives from Ratcliff highway stood up for the Negative, and quite carried it from the rest, and so passed an Edict, That no Female hereafter should vent any such Heresies against the Cornucopians, upon pain of being disfranchised of her or their several Occupations. A great Duel was fought lately in an Hand on the Thames between London bridge and Lambeth, between two armless Watermen; as soon as they had drew, and one wounded the other; the People came to part them, which they had no sooner done, but they asked the Waterman that was hurt, How they fell out? Who replied, He knew not, having never seen the other in all his Life. Then they asked the other, How he came to draw upon one he never saw before, and so consequently could have no reason to be offended by him: To which the replied, That he had a Quarrel since the other Waterman's Boat had taken the Wall of his on the Thames. London, printed by J. Crouch, and T. W. dwelling at the 3 Foxes in Long-Lane. 1653. | Mercurius Democritus, Issue 84 |
PerfAcc164 | The arrival of the Dutch Ambassadors at Harwich, for perfecting the Peace with England. The Proclamation of the Earl of Glencarn, General of the Highlanders, for the levying of Horse and Foot, threatening Fire and Sword to the disobedient: The taking of Kildrumy by Col. Morgan. The further proceedings of the Lo. Whitlock's Treaty with the Queen of Sweden. Strange news from Germany. The last intelligence from Charles Stuart, touching his travel from Paris. The selling of several prizes taken at Sea. With variety of other Intelligence from several parts. Some Addresses were made to his Highness the Lord Protector, in the name of many Ministers of the County of Leicester wherein they acknowledged the goodness of God in the late variations and remarkable productions of his Providence, and most especially for the seasonable rescue that hath been lately given to the greatest concernment of Church and State, and they do esteem it as a large improvement of that mercy, that His Highness was inclined to take that protection of these shattering Nations in so dangerous and troublesome a constitution, when almost spent with the tempestuous violence of contrary winds, and waves, which conspired to threaten a common wrack and ruin; and they hope, that the God of Order will so protect his Highness in defending the Faith, and encouraging the Ministry of Jesus Christ, as shall declare to the world his special approbation of his Noble and Just intentions in these his great undertakings: And further they humbly beg, that Religion and Learning may flourish, and the work of the Lord made to prosper in the hands of the Ministry of Christ in these Nations under the hands of his Highness' protections, Long and Happy Government. Whereas it hath pleased his Majesty to appoint Horse and Foot to be levied within the Kingdom of Scotland, for opposing the common enemy, for giving a check to the pride and oppression of these cruel Traitors, whom God in his justice hath permitted to overcome, and be the instrument of Scotland's punishment for its sin, and are no otherwise to be looked on, but as God's scourge upon us, which he will soon remove and consume in his wrath, if we would turn to him by unfeigned repentance. And to the end his Majesty's service may be advanced, and that none of his faithful subjects may pretend ignorance; and that it may appear how willing we are that the Levies may be done orderly and equally, we have thought fit to cause intimate to all Shires and Parishes and head Burghs by open Proclamation, that every one may make his several proportions ready to be delivered to the respective Officers appointed for the same, and Commissioners likewise under our hand wheresoever the aforesaid Officers shall come or send to require them. Likewise that all who after intimation hereof do remain disobedient, and without fear of God, duty to their King and Country, ties of Covenant, love of Religion, sense of Honour, will move to their Duty, may be proceeded against with fire and Sword, unworthy to be looked upon as Scotchmen, to the terror of all false-hearted Traitors, who by their Treacheries and Rebellions against their lawful King, and his just power and authority, hath drawn on the deluge of God's wrath upon the three Kingdoms. And likewise we do hereby require, that where heretofore horses hath been brought forth from any well-affected person or persons beyond their due proportion, that the respective Parish, or next adjacent Parishes where the said horses hath been taken, that they shall meet and stent themselves equally, for bearing equal burden, and resound the persons from whom any horses hath been taken beyond their proportions; and the just proportion of horses now to be put forth, is declared to be one man well mounted, with all necessaries, out of every thousand pound of rent: and the proportion of foot, every third man; and what Dragoons are to be levied, two foot are to be accounted for one Dragoon. And for the further publication hereof, these are to ordain Commissioners of Parishes, where no Burghs are, the Provost and Bailiffs of Burghs to proclaim this at the Market Cross of each Burgh, and to give Copies hereof to all Parishes within their Presbytery, as they will answer the contrary upon their highest peril. Given under our hand the 1 of Feb. 1653. Sic Subscribitur, Glencairn. God save King Charles the II. Several Letters from Paris make mention, that the Scots King is going from thence with his attendants; but it is not certainly known unto what place he goeth, some giving out that he is for Germany, and others for Holland. From Dalkeith, Febr. 18. About four days since, Col. Daniel with a party of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, together with the conjunction of another party from Dundee, in all about 1000, marched towards Dunkel, where the enemies most considerable quarters was, and where they had newly established a Garrison in the Lord Athol's House, near the Church. And upon Col. Daniel's approach (the Lord Athol and Sir Arthur Forbs having intelligence, retreated to the hills, and left only the Garrison, and some few to defend the Church) those in the Church durst not stand, but fled to the House; which our men attempted, and got under the walls with Pickaxes, and other instruments that were in readiness, and in short time got into a part of the House without the loss of one man; and having slain only 3 of the enemy, the rest cried quarter, and had it granted, yet notwithstanding unworthily began to resist a little which quickened our men the more; and then the enemy cried out amain, they would accept of the terms granted. In the house we took two Lieutenants, one Ensign with blue colours, Sir Arthur Forbs his own Quartermaster, two Sergeants, two Cornets, and an hundred and nineteen private rogues, together with eighty Muskets and Bandeleers, some Firelocks and Swords, about sixteen pound of powder, as also five and twenty troop horses, and fourteen or fifteen case of pistols, with much Meal, Malt and Oats, which not having convenience to carry away, we set fire to a barrel of powder and those provisions, and blew up them and the House together. About five days ago, one of late Colonel Wogan's men with three of his best horses, got his Landlord to help him water them, and run away with them to Blaire Castle, one of our Garrisons, which makes the English less trusted by Athol and the Teries. Colonel Morgan hath also removed the enemy's Garrison at Kildrummy; and many of those Horsemen he routed at his engagement with valiant Glencarn (the great Patron, or rather spoiler of his Country) running to Athol near Dunkel, he translated them to foot. Col. Morgan at his late engagement, with the enemy at Cromar, killed 120, and took 27 prisoners with all their Ammunition, and most of their Arms, and about 80 horse, in all which we lost not one man. From Upsall in Sweden Jan. 10. We have very great probability (God favouring the undertaking) to accomplish what we came hither about, and to return within, or a little time after the time limited, which was six months: My Lord Ambassador carries on business with a great deal of wisdom and discretion and is highly approved of by the Queen, and Grand Chancellor who bears great power here, we were a little at a stop upon the new change of Government in England, for my Lord was forced thereby to begin again, and had a new Commission sent him from my Lord Protector, but the Queen received his new Credentials with all willingness; and now business goeth forward at least in appearance fairer then before; the Queen seeming to have very great respect to my Lord Protector. This day the Sessions in the Old Bailey ended. There was condemned 3 men and one woman, which robbed Mr. Hancock at the Greyhound Tavern in Fleet Street, and wounded him. One Mrs. Beard was also condemned for Witchcraft, and some others for Robbery. Every day this week, was expected the arrival of the Dutch Ambassadors; but it seems the winds have been so contrary, that it hath not only caused their passage the longer, but they are forced (as we had this day intelligence( to put in either at Harwich or Colchester. Further by Letters from France it is thus certified: The titular K. of the Scots hath lately been sick of a cold, but is now pretty well recovered. His mother is altogether in her devotions at Chaloons; on Ash wednesday last she took her ashes from the hands of Mr. Philips, who was sometimes her Confessor in England. It is also confirmed, that the Duke of Lorrain being arrested by the authority of the Archduke, was brought to Antwerp, where he is kept close prisoner in the Castle; many of his menial servants are also arrested, and distributed into several Prisons: It is said that he endeavoured to betray the Prince of Conde and his Army to the King of France. By divers Letters from beyond the seas, it was this day confirmed that the Pope endeavouring to bring his grey hairs with peace to the grave, doth labour with all his power to work a reconciliation betwixt his two sons the most Catholic, and the most Christian Kings; and this mediation by Agents of undoubted knowledge and Authority, hath already in a fair way advanced itself. It is certified from Germany, that in some parts thereof the ground hath been almost covered with innumerable sorts of Mice of several complexions, which have devoured the grass in the fields, and the grain in the barns, so that they conceive, that this Plague is not only a Forerunner of dreadful Famine, but also of a new War; to the apprehension of which, they have been terrified with a Blazing Star, not much unlike unto that which was beheld all Europe over, a little before the German Wars began. Take this from the Hague Febr. 20. This day Mr. Stocker, sent by the Protestant Cantons in Switzerland to mediate a Reconciliation between the two Commonwealths of England and the untied Provinces, who hath formerly resided long at London, is arrived here. The Freebooters de Haen hath brought in three ships taken upon the coasts of Scotland, two laden with coals, and a Flute laden with salted Salmon and other Goods. The last Sunday arrived here an express from London, with Letters from Lord Beverling, to the Lords States General. Letters from Hamburg certify, that they begin to conceive great hopes of the Treaty between England and Holland, and are much rejoicing at the good success of that Negotiation. There are great preparations made by Sea in Denmark. We hear from Brandenburgh that over against Leatzer, there hath appeared in the Sky a star of an extraordinary bigness, with many shining streams round about. This day being the Gaol delivery at Newgate, three men and one Woman was hanged in Fleet-street, and five at Tyburn: Those who suffered in Fleet Street, were some of them that had broken there into the Greyhound Tavern, robbed the house, and desperately wounded the Vintner himself; the Robbery was attended with such circumstances of aggravation, that it was thought fit they should be made exemplary by losing their lives in the same place where the Robbery was committed. Letters make mention of other great Robberies at Maidenhead, and others at Salisbury: Fifteen Highwaymen have been lately taken and brought to Bedford Gaol. There was exhibited this last Sessions, a Bill against a Councillor for corruption, which was nine yards long, and a foot broad. I have this morning seen a Letter which informs, that the Dutch Ambassadors are landed at Harwich: It is believed that very speedily they will be at London; Sir Abraham Williams' house in the Palace yard is prepared for them. The Gentlemen and Heritors of the Shire of Argyle had lately a meeting with the Marquis thereof at Innerara, where they resolved not to join with those people now in Arms; but to be ready at 24 hours' warning to oppose them. The business of the Lewis was thus; Normand mac Cloud with 4 or 500 men landed in Lewis Island, and after 3 or 4 days staying in some inaccessible places of the Isle, fell upon our soldiers who lay in Sternway out of the Fort, and killed 12 of them; but a party out of the Fort beat them thence, relieved the remainder of the men, removed the Goods into the Fort, and burned the houses. It was also this day advertised, that the Sapphire and the constant Warwick, had rescued the Samaritan of Bristol, and a Pink belonging unto Plymouth, which were both taken by Captain Beach, who was enforced to leave them, and had much to do to escape himself, but a companion of his, an old Picaro was taken in the Samaritan, and is now held in the Sapphire. Wednesday the first of March, is sold by the Candle at the Prize Office, the ship called the White Cat, with all her Tackle; and a large parcel of Bordeaux Wine. From Lieth in Scotland thus. Since the late Rout given to Glencarn and Kenmore near Aberdeen, we hear that Glencarn is endeavouring to join (with those broken forces which were left) with Athol and Seafort. We hear that Colonel Morgan hath taken the Enemy's Garrison of Kildrumy; SO that you may see these Warriors for their King, have but cold success, and yet the Lowlands prove too hot for them. The Letters from Amsterdam speak two more Ambassadors to be sent away for England, and the Merchants are Cap a pee in hopes of gallant times, when the Peace is Proclaimed betwixt them and England. Others that are biased only by the Orange party, are full of discontent; and if they do conclude a Peace with England, it is thought some new differences will fall out here: But what matter is it for that, if we can trade without danger or fear to any part of the world? The Letters from the West do make mention of the taking of one of the Brest men of War, and a Merchant ship by the English. Our Fleet is plying up and down in the Channel and many prizes are lately brought in. The Fleet increaseth daily, by the coming in of others that are fitted out; and the Dutch have made themselves as strong as they can also. There is newly published an excellent Treatise, intituled, The greatness of the Ministry of Godliness, opened in several Sermons, by Cuthbeart Sydenham, Teacher to a Church of Christ in Newcastle, sold by Richard Tomlins, at the Sun and Bible near Pie-Corner, and by William London Book seller in Newcastle. Tuesday Febr. 21. Richard Luckin of Dives Hall in the County of Essex, Esquire, was robbed of 700 l in money, 4 or 5 slit silver Spoons, marked with R.E. one silver preserving Ladle, punched with 4 rows of holes; and a Rapier with a Russeted Hilt, and a black Horse-haired Handle; it had no Scabbard. The Thieves, one of them was a slender man, a thin face, full of pockholes, a white close coat: another was a strong set man, with a cast upon his eye; his clothes were a liver coloured coat and breeches. Another was a fair haired man in a loose white horseman's coat girt to him. If any can give notice of the goods or persons or any of their company, to Mr. Beachams a Goldsmith, at the Rose in Cheapside, they shall have 3 l. for their pains. | A Perfect Account, Issue 164 |
EveryDayIntell$14#2 | Colonel Morgan's engaging with Middleton, and a Fight in Scotland; A party of the Highlanders plundering, and carrying away of prisoners from the borders of England; The landing of more Arms, and a thousand more Men joined with the Enemy: A ship taken with four great Chests of silver. The Articles of Peace betwixt England, Holland, and Denmark now Proclaimed; the paying unto England one hundred and forty thousand pounds, and making further satisfaction. The Queen of Sweden's propositions, with the Articles t6reated upon there, and a notable Reply to the same; The Rendezvous at Sea; And the making of new Farthings to pass through this Commonwealth. An Ordinance of pardon, and Grace to the People(and Subjects) of Scotland, is set forth by the Lord Protector; the effect whereof thus. His Highness the Lord Protector with the advice of his Council, doth freely acquit, and discharge from all forfeitures, pains, penalties, restraints, Imprisonments, all persons not therein Excepted, for any matter, or thing by them, or any of them committed or done by Sea, or Land in relation to the late War, from and after the first of May, 1654 and the Persons, & Estates particularly Excepted, are these, Charles Stuart, James Stuart, Sons of the late King of England, James late Duke of Hamilton, John Earl of Crawford, James Earl of Callender, The Earl of Marshall, The Earl of Kelley, John Earl of Lawderdail, John Earl of Lowdown, The Earl of Seaforth, The Earl of Athol, The Lord Vic: of Kenmore, The Lord Lorne, The Lord Machlin, The Lord Mountgomery, George Lord Spyvie, The Lord Chranston, The Lord Sincleer, Thomas Dayel, John Middleton, James Vic: Newburgh, Lord Bargany, The Lord Nappier, Sir Thomas Thompson, James Edmesser, The Laird of Womat, William Earl of Glencarn. Nevertheless provision is made in, and by the said Ordinance for settling a component Estate upon the Lady Hamilton, and other Ladies, and their Heirs forever paying a small yearly Revenue to the Lord Protector, and his Successors. And provision is also made that the persons hereafter named, do pay unto his Highness the Lord Protector his public Receipt, the several sums of money following, in respect of his, and their Estates. (That is to say) David Lesley 4000 l. sterling, The Marques of Douglas 1000 l.sterling, Lord Augus 1000 l.sterling, Earl of Selerig 1000 l.sterling, The Heirs of the late Earl of Buclench deceased, 15000 l.sterling, The Earl of Galloway 4000 l.sterling, William Earl of Roxburgh, 6000 l.sterling, William Lord Cockeram 5000 l.sterling, James Lord Forrester 2500 l sterling, Philip Amstether 1000 marks sterling, James Drummond 500 l sterling, Henry Mawbe 2500 l.sterling, Sir James Levingston 1500 l sterling, William Murrey 1500 l sterling, Earl of Buchane 1000 l. sterling, Lord Visc: Dudup 1500 l.sterling, Lord Preston 1500 l: sterling, Sir Andrew Flesher 5000 l. sterling, Sir John Wancha 2000 l. sterling, The Earl of Berren 5000 l. sterling, The Earl of Winton 2000 l. sterling, The Earl of Buimater 1000 l. sterling, The Earl of Vivay 3000 l. sterling, The Earl of Quinsburgh 4000 l. sterling, The earl of Fitby 6000 l sterling, Lord Oustes 1500 l. sterling, Lord Gray 1500 l. sterling, Sir Henry Nicbet 1000 l sterling, The Earl of Paumure 10000 l. sterling, Lord Dundee 1000 l. sterling, Earl of Arroll 2000 l sterling, Earl of Tullibardine 1500 l. sterling, Earl of Southisk 3000 l: sterling, Earl of Hartfield 2002 l: sterling, William Lord Rosse 3000 l: sterling, The Earl of Dalhousie 1500 l: sterling, Lord Sample 1000 l: sterling, Lord Boade 1500 l: sterling, Lord Elphinston 1000 l: sterling, James Lord Cooper 3000 l: sterling, Lord Balnaude 1500 l: sterling, Lord Rollock 1000 l: sterling, Earl of Kingborn 1000 l: sterling, Lord Bamfe 1000 l: sterling, Mr: Robert Meldrum 1000 l: sterling, Sir Robert Graham 1000 l: sterling, Sir Wil: Scot of Harden 3000 l: sterling. And many others upon the like account, which we have not room here to put in. Edinburgh April 18. The Commander in chief being willing to use all means possible to prevent the further spreading of this Insurrection, (in which the people are mad from all parts to be engaged) hath published the enclosed Proclamation. The Forces in the North are much in the same posture our Horse is yet at Dingwel, and the Enemy in Sutherland, where it is very probable they cannot get away without engaging. Amongst the party which were defeated about nine days since at Kilowoch, the Earl of Selkeithe, who was just run to the Enemy was one, the Rebels at his coming to Abersoyl took him for an Enemy shot him in the face, and wounded two others of his party. A party from Dalkeith this day took eleven Horse, and yet nothing but Barbados, or the Gallows will tame, or suppress these Rogues. Whereas (amongst other things) by Proclamation of the 27 of Septemb. 1653. al Magistrates and Officers of Burghs and Parishes, and all other persons whatsoever, are required to secure, or give Intelligence of all suspected persons, travelling through, or abiding within their bounds, or jurisdictions, as in and by the said Proclamation more particularly is expressed: Notwithstanding nothing to this time hath been effectually done, but on the contrary, divers Rebels, as well considerable numbers as Spies, have been, and still are frequently permitted and suffered to pass, march through, and abide in any Burgh or Parish within the quarters of our Army unquestioned, as if no rebellion were, who thereby take opportunity, not only to get Intelligence, but also to entice many loose persons to join with them in Rebellion; and commit frequent Robberies, and barbarous Murders, and other outrages upon the persons, goods, and gear, as well of Scots as of English. These are therefore strictly to charge and command, that no person or persons, of what degree or quality soever (not being a Member of the English Army) do presume after ten days next after publication hereof, to pass above five miles from his, and their respective abodes or habitations, unless he or they have first obtained a Pass from myself, or the Commander in chief of the Forces in Scotland, for the time being, or from the next chief Officer of the English Army, &c. I Begin now to believe, that we shall receive a Dispatch; and though in respect of some things they offer, we seem to be at some distance; yet I have such a persuasion, that the noble Lady will find out such an expedient, that satisfaction will be amply given to both Nations And this to be as the last Act of her Reign, which in my poor judgement is a great pity, for certainly she is as accomplished a Princess, as ever had the honour of swaying a Sceptre; and though the French, being rigged to their salique laws, will not permit the distaff to intermeddle with a Crown; yet had they such a Virgin to rule amongst them, they would hereafter blot out such a law out of their Records as being mightily prejudicial to their advantage. On Thursday last, my Lord Ambassador, and Count Erick had a meeting to Debate upon the articles of Union; at which time Count Erick tendered several Articles on the behalf of Sweden, most of which were the same my Lord first gave in, but some did differ exceedingly, so that my Lord has totally waved them. Yesterday his Excellency went to the Queen to give in his Exceptions, and reasons why he could not admit of them, but this day Count Erick came again to my Lord, and did very much press, that his Articles propose I might be admitted, but my Lord is very positive not to yield thereunto. 1. She will retain the best part of the Kingdom, and the Customs to herself. 2. She will be no Subject, but free of herself without control. 3. She will travel whither she pleaseth. 4. She will not revoke those Gifts of hers; which are , and were by her given, out of favour, to Courtiers. 1. He will not be a King without a Kingdom, or at least without the better part of it. 2. He will have no Rival, more than she a Superior. 3. He will not hazard himself about her Designs abroad. 4. He will not be without a Revenue sufficient both for Wars and Peace. This Day we had News from Saint Mallo in France, that the Governor hath made stay of all the English Merchants there. A man come from Rye yesterday, affirmed, that about Friday the last week a ship was brought Prize in thither, laden with 300 Chests of money, besides great quantity of Sugars, Nutmegs and other Spices; so that Sugars were sold some for 3 d. some for 4 d. the pound, and Nutmegs, some for 2 d, some for 3 d. the hundred, & c. This Day was Proclaimed the long expected Peace with Holland: There was present at the Royal Exchange the Lord Mayor, and Aldermen of the City of London in their scarlet Robes, accommodated with their Officers, and many Trumpeters. After the Proclamation was read, the People made a great shout, and the Proclamation, or Ordinance then Proclaimed, was this. Whereas a Peace is made, concluded, and ratified, between his Highness the Lord Protector, and the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries. And the Lord Protector considering how necessary it is to preserve Peace, and Unity, hath concluded Peace to continue forever between this Commonwealth, and the United Provinces from this Day; From which time, restitution is to be made of all ships that shall be taken on either side, after 10 days, within these Seas; And in all other places on this side the Cape of Saint Vincent, after six weeks; And from thence, within the Mediterranean Sea, and to the quinoctial Line, after ten weeks; And beyond the quinoctial, after the space of eight Months: Which several spaces were so limited, to the intent, convenient time might be allowed for notice to be given of the said Peace, in all places where it shall be necessary. The Council have therefore thought fit hereby to give notice thereof to the several Ports of this Commonwealth, and to all others, whom it may concern, within the Dominions thereof; To the end, they may have warning, to provide for their own safety, and not expose their Ships to danger within the several, and respective times aforesaid. Signed, O: P. Having given you the Generals of the manner of Proclaiming the said Peace, we shall a little look back again upon the particulars, viz. About 12 of the clock this day (at full Change) appeared in Corahill (after they had been in Cheapside a considerable number of Horsemen, and Officers of the Army in a gallant Equipage, (as Gentlemen) without Pistol, or holster, before whom there marched five Trumpeters sounding as they went, and five more in the next Division. Then the Lord Mayor lately Knighted by his Highness the Lord Protector, the Sheriffs, and Aldermen of London, with their Officers, and Attendants, with 8 Heralds at Arms in great state, came near the Conduit against the Exchange, where the common Crier of the City (an Esq; by place, published, and proclaimed the Ordinance of Peace aforesaid, to the great joy of those that heard it. And we hope it will not be taken ill, if by way of Caution we should admonish all men of both Commonwealths, that they should make diligent use of Peace whilst they have it, and behave themselves as becometh the Gospel of Jesus Christ; otherwise the Scripture proclaimeth that This Day we received Letters from Mr. John Hill Secretary to Col: Morgan out of Scotland, thus. We hear that some more Arms, and Ammunition is to come to the Enemy, who is about four thousand Horse and Foot in Sutherland, and Colonel Morgan is within twelve miles of them, Middleton hath taken upon him the sole Command of that Brigand, and blames Glencarn for bringing them into a Penfold; they say they will fight on; which we are ready to embrace, and provoke them to it daily. Now the Peace is proclaimed, wherein Denmark is included, we shall briefly let you know what the Hollander hath undertaken in behalf of that King, viz. 1. That four hundred and forty thousand pounds sterling shall be answered towards satisfaction of the wrongs done unto England. 2. That the English Ships detained in the Sound shall be discharged within 15 days after ours come to receive them. 3. That all other Damages shall be appraised by the first of May by four persons. We have lately taken a Dutch East India ship of 800 Tons, wherein is four Chests of Silver, and other rich Commodities: we have also taken a private Man of war in the West. Thus do you see how good fortune, joy, and glory (the three things Theseus asked of the Gods) attend the Lord Protector's undertakings, and be who seeketh glory for virtue, and noble Acts, doth not commit anything dishonourable either towards himself, or others. We had more news from Scotland thus. A party of the Enemy commanded by Capt: Erwin lately got Westward, and came upon the Borders of England in Cumberland, and plundered and robbed all they could meet with, and carried away some prisoners. The Earl of Glencarn, and Sir Geo: Munro lately fought a Duel, and were both slightly wounded. A thousand more Foot are come over the Hills to their Army in Sutherland. Col: Morgan is gotten as near to them as possible he can, endeavouring to force them to fight, and they give out that they will do it speedily, some parties of ours have engaged with others of theirs, and always gotten the better of them. They talk of more Arms lately landed in the North. General Monck is newly come to Leith. There will shortly be new Farthings for necessary changes, and the good of the poor. The most easy, cheap, certain, and speedy way of curing the French Pox, and running of the Reins, without confining the Patient, either to keeping of house, or extremity of Fluxing Physic; and without leaving the least symptom of the Disease behind, either inward by pains, or outward by pustules; is carefully performed. By the Physician at the tiled porched House in Maidenhead Court in Aldersgate-street, over against Peter-house. | Every Day's Intelligence, Issue $14#2 |
DutchDiurn05 | The great strength of the Highlanders, how they increase in their Levies, the young Marquis of Montross and Huntley being joined with them. Also how seventeen Dutch ships are arrived in Scotland with sixteen hundred Foreigners, two hundred Horse, and store of Arms and Ammunition. The humble Address of the Officers and Soldiers of the Army to his Highness the Lord Protector: Also a Letter from the Earl of Gelncarn to the Governor of Badgenoth Castle, and his answer thereunto; The safe arrival of ten Merchant ships from Dunkirk to Gottenburgh, laden with divers rich commodities. With variety of other intelligence from all parts. By Letters from, Scotland we are advertised, That the Highlanders increase in their Levies, and confirm, that the young Marquis of Montress and Huntley are joined with them. Also we received a Letter from Aberdeen that faith, that 17 Dutch ships are arrived in Scotland with 1500 Foreigners, two hundred horse, and store of Arms and Ammunition. From Milan thus: The Marquis of Caratina our Governor is gone from hence to Uercel, and from thence to Trin, as also all the high Officers who were all come to this City to pass the time of the Truce, and are all come to the Army to observe the enemy's march. Here hath again been a great loss to this Country, both by fire and water, and all occasioned by a great storm or wind last Tuesday, all day and all night. But the first cause is doubtless the wrath of God against this Country, which is so evident that truly everybody feels it, and few that have any grace but will confess it also: But are still as ignorant how to pacify this anger of the Lord, as if they never had had God's Word amongst them. It is true, the common sins of Pride, Whoredom, Drunkenness, and Excess, are generally cried out against, as the cause of all our miseries, and doubtless these sins do much provoke the Lord, being come to so great a height in this Country: But these sins are too common to all Nations, especially in prosperity, and therefore the wiser sort do find fault with one another, Adam and Eve-like, but very few that lay these things to heart, so as to say, this sin of mine is a cause, and so forsake the same. The last news from Warsovia import, that the King with all his Army consisting of about eighty thousand men Horse and Foot, was upon their March to encounter the Tartars, and Cossacks, who are joined together, but remain asunder, being in two distinct bodies: By some prisoners lately brought to his Majesty, we hear that the General of the Cossacks hath made a particular Treaty with the Kahn of the Tartars, which if true will exclude him from making any peace or accommodation with the Crown of Poland. From Regensburgh thus: The Diet is not yet concluded, there being new differences happened between the Prince Elector, and his Uncle the Duke of Simmeren, about the enjoying of some Land which each other pretended to be his. Some Commissioners are appointed to examine the matter, and so to report it: as also some differences between the Landgraves William, and the Earnest of Haffia. From Dusseldorf we are advertised thus: The duke of Newburgh is still at Mulheim, being not well pleased with the Assembly met in this City, by reason that they have denied him the sums of money which he demanded of them. The difference between the City of Cullen and their Elector is near agreed, he having set at liberty all the Barges and Boats which by his order had been stopped at the Bonna. From Italy and parts adjacent came information thus: The Infanta Maria of Saucy is here at Rome, but as yet incognito; she intends to remain here for some time. The Pope hath also given several Abbeys, and other good Benefices to some of his domestic Servants, and appointed new Nuncios to go into several places of those parts. From Genoa thus: We hear from Madrid, that an Express was come to the Court to inform his Majesty that there was landed at Coronna in Galazia, three thousand Irish soldiers who were to Winter Quarters, which doth something startle the Portugals, who made a show as is they would have besieged Cindad Rodrigo. The Duke of Tursie is also expected at Barulona with four Galleys, who are to bring good store of Ammunition and Moneys for the payment of the Garrison: One of the Spanish Galleys hath lately taken a very rich prize upon the French, being a ship bound for Marscillis. Concerning our Fleet by Letters from Portsmouth thus, General Blake and General Monk being now at London, General Pen rides as Admiral of the Fleet without St. Hellen's point, three Leagues from Portsmouth, with forty sail of gallant ships ready upon any advice of the Dutch ships coming out to Sea: Some part of them are already sent out to ply between this place and the Land's end, and over upon the coast of France, to suppress the Brest and Dutch Pickeroons, who of late begin to be strong, and have done much harm upon the Western Coast. By Letters from Lime we are advertised by a Barque that came from Britannia, that one of our Frigates having met with a Dutch Pickerooneer Vshant, gave him chase, and followed so close, that he forced him to run on ground on the hither side of the Bay of Camaret, and by reason of his shooting hard at him, made the Country to come down to the Water side; it happened that some shot did make execution on the shore, there being four killed and wounded; yet by reason of the night approaching, and the Country being all alarmed thereby could not fetch her off; but ours put to Sea again, to clear from the Rocks before it was dark. By several other Letters from Scotland we received information to this effects. The Highlanders continue their stealing, and plundering of their own Countrymen that will not rise with them, or pay the Contribution-Money that they lay upon them, though I am confident many have not wherewithal to subsist, paying likewise their Assessments for the maintenance of the English Army; but when Major General Lambert's, Commissary General Whalley's Regiment of Horse, with Sir William Constables Regiment of Foot, which we hear are upon their march are come in to us, we doubt not but to send this Heathenish and plundering Enemy so far back into the Highlands, as that they shall not dare to approach the Lowlands, whereby to so the Inhabitants any considerable hurt: And how the Highlanders are able to keep and horse foot, easy to be imagined, all their dependence being upon Charles Stuart, and his endeavours with the Dutch for Money and Arms; but a peace with Holland, (which we hear is in a very probable way for a very speedy conclusion) disperses them to their several mountainous habitations, without ever drawing the sword against them; and then the Lords and Chieftains amongst them, may expect a liberal reward of Justice for doing their Master such rebellious service, which hath been, and is destructive to the generality of Scotland, that a few months continuance will bring them to the sad condition of the Irish, that have been forced to eat the corpses of their deceased Friends after many days interment; yet are not the people of Scotland very much to be pitied, in regard they will seldom give notice to any of our Garrisons, when any party of the Enemy marches through the Country, whereby they might be the better preserved from their violences and cruelty, choosing rather to be willingly destroyed by them, then be treacherous, as they call it, to their own Countrymen. Further by Letters from Scotland came as followeth, A Letter from the Earl of Glencarn to the Governor of Badgenorth Castle, and his answer thereunto. With a Letter from the Governor, to the Gentlemen of Badgenorth. Sir, I have sent a Letter of yours directed to the Gentlemen of Badgenorth, wherein you have expressed so much fidelity to your unjust Masters, from whom you are trusted, that it makes me conceive if those principles of yours were rightly founded upon the warrantable grounds of legality, you might yet redeem your former failings, and those principles of honour and virtue which are now darkened in you, being out of their proper channel, may shine eminently when unclouded from under those fatal ways and snares wherein many gallant spirits are ensnared. Thus much I have conceived it fit to show you, that I might undeceive in some opinions, upon which I find you ground your arguments in your Letters to the Gentlemen of Badgenorth &c. I have given you this right view of the present condition of affairs, because I have been informed of your gallantry, that when you reckon betwixt God and you alone, and deals impartially with yourself, you may do yourself that right to employ that virtue God hath given you in the most approved way by him, wherein if you find I can serve you may freely command your friend and servant January 1.1653. Glencairn The Prince of Conti is not yet arrived, but is expected here tomorrow; there is a strong report that this Prince intends to match with one of the Cardinal's Nieces, but many are of a contrary opinion, which is truest, will be known very shortly. The Lord Chancellor hath been this week at the Parliament, to have a Supersedes to the passing the Declaration which is drawn up against the Prince of Conde, the same to continue for six weeks. The Cardinal de Retz doth still lie a close prisoner, there being little hopes as yet of any enlargement, his Antagonist the Cardinal Mazarini being very obstinate in the demand he hath made so many times, that he should resign his Coadjudorship of Paris, and to entice him the more, there is offered him the two rich Abbeys of S. Denis and Cluni, which offer he will by no means accept. There are yet come no Letters from Holland, since the Dutch Deputies were come back there; but private Letters from thence dated Friday last, say, that the States were very busy in preparing a sudden Dispatch for their Answer, which report tends probably to peace (in their judgement) their Deputy Monsieur Borrel in France gives out report there, that the States have agreed to the English offers for peace. From Dartmouth, Jan. 12. thus: The Hector hath sent in a ship hither, which hath in her 3000. Cheeses. The ship is of Amsterdam, and took in her lading at the Elve. There is a private Man of War hath brought in a ship Rotterdam, laden with Herrings and Holland cheeses, and about ten ton of Pepper, and some Cloves. The Portugal Ambassador's Brother is by on Order of the Council, removed back from the Tower to Newgate. By Letters from on board the Swift-Sure, dated the 13 of January 1653. was certified the Examinations of some foreign Ships that came in to find Market for Deals, Pitch, Tar, Iron, Steel, and other commodities, &c. The Officers from the several Garrisons and Regiments, are very unanimous in signing the said Address which is from most parts of England already sent up to his Highness, and the rest near finished, as is expressed by Letters from their several Quarters. By Letters from Dublin in Ireland, was this day certified, That Lieutenant-General Fleetwood and the Commissioners, are at Dublin, all is quiet there, and content at the New Government in England, and satisfied in it. That the Lord Musgrove is to be tried the beginning of the next month; That all is very quiet in Ireland, save some small parties of the Tories, which are chiefly about the Country of Carlow, where they lately fell upon, and wounded some of the Surveyors, and do sometimes rob and steal where they dare venture, and fly away again presently. An Ambassador from Hamburg was this day to congratulate His Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. His Highness and also the Council, were this upon matters of great concernment. From Scilly Jan. 2. thus. The Elias Frigate is come into this Harbour, and brought us six months pay which we were in arrears, other news, all being quiet, this place affords not any. This day we received intelligence by a ship that came from Hamburg, (and also divers other ships from Dunkirk) that ten of our Merchant men are come safely to Gothenburg, laden with all Eastern commodities, and five of our Frigates were convoy to them, who have also homewards bound made several prizes upon the coast of Norway, which will be in England very shortly. All persons are desired to take notice that the Committee for Claims for Lands in Ireland, have appointed Thursday the ninth of February 1653. for Adventurers to draw lots at Grocer's hall London, for Baronies, and that all persons who intend then to draw lots, do before that day pay their pence. William Tibbs From Milford Haven January 18. we received intelligence, That some Vessels that come lately from Ireland brings news, that all things there are very peaceable, only that the Tories sometimes in straggling parties do much mischief, endeavouring to make up a body of an Army, and of late some encounter was between a party of ours and them, but they were forced back again into the Bogs, their great Sanctuary, with some loss. The Plague is not yet ceased but remaineth in many parts, but not so violent as formerly. This is Extracted out of the Original papers, and licensed according to the late Act for Printing. London, Printed by T. Lock, living in Seacole-Lane, near the sign of S. George. | The true and Perfect Dutch-Diurnall, Issue 5 |
MPol205 | From Thursday, May 11. to Thursday, May 18. 1654. The coming of General Monck to this Town is a welcome business, and he was received with all demonstrations of affection. At his arrival, he went first to Dalkeith, to give Order about the Forces, and receive an Account of things from him who had been Commander in chief. After that, his Resolution being known to come hither, the Magistrates of the Town provided to receive him with such honour as became them in duty to Express. He and his Officers, were met at the Town's end, by the Provost and Bailiffs, and the English Judges in their Formalities; with whom he and his Officers, having alighted from their horses, walked along the High-street up to the Cross, which was set forth with hangings and other Ornaments, as it was wont to be when they used to proclaim their Kings; and there they first proclaimed his Highness Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. by sound of Trumpet and Drums beating. After that was done, the General and his Officers were conducted to a dinner that had been prepared at the charge of the Town, where nothing was wanting that might testify the good will and fair respects of the Inhabitants. At night they ended all with Fireworks; so that it's to be believed this place will continue faithful to his Highness upon all occasions. The 24 of this Month is the day designed here for the Coronation of the King at Rhemes, and all things are in preparation, and the Nobility ordered to give attendance according to the ancient Custom. The Duke of Orleans, which founds not well, and may (if the Cardinal continue his Reign) turn very much to his prejudice. Many men wonder what the reason should be, why he should continue thus resolute and obstinate against the Court, and all the Importunities used with him from time to time, by Message from the King; but others say, this ought to be imputed to his daughter Mademoiselle, who is a great votary to the Prince of Conde and his Interest, and having a great power over her father, doth by her persuasions keep him at this distance. Others again there are that say, the Princes of the blood of Conde's party, do look to have a day once more, wherein they may lift out the Cardinal, and that they want not a sufficient party, even here in Paris, that would seen show themselves, were there an opportunity. Yea, it's talked as if far the major part would be inclined that way, because since the late Exile, and return of the Cardinal with the King, all things have been worse than before; the Parliament hath been baffled, and the people oppressed more than ever, whereas they thought by letting in the King they should have shut out all their miseries: But now seeing themselves deceived, the name of Conde is again in some reputation among them, and they fly out openly enough in expressions against the Cardinal and his Government, whom they look upon as ruling both King and Kingdom, and therefore he and the rest of the prime Ministers of States that are his Creatures, bear all the blame. Murmur and Mutiny is here the very genius of the people: so that they do not carry such Countenance; of joy and satisfaction as were wont to forerun a day of Coronation. That which I writ you in my last concerning his yielding up of Brisack and Alsatia by Count Harcourt to the Spaniard, proves to be a misinformation; for, we find the contrary now, and Letters give assurance of his good inclination to continue faithful to France, and that to that purpose all things are in a manner accorded betwixt him and his Majesty: Preparations are making with all speed, that his Majesty's Armies may take the Field especially that which is to contest with Flanders under the Command of Marchal Turein, because there lies the eyesore of France, and most need of Action, in regard the Spaniard will be in the field, and appear very considerable, with his own Forces, and the Duke of Lorain's Army (more at his devotion now than ever) and the Forces of the Prince of Conde; by which means it is like to prove an active Summer between both the Crowns. But assure yourself much of the Affairs of this Nation depends upon a Peace with England, which if they can get by their Ambassadors treating at London, will prove a welcome business; but what to think of it as yet they know not. Charles Stuart and his Retinue are always talking of a departure, and preparing for it. Money is that which (when it can be had) must set them packing: in the meantime they loiter up and down betwixt City and Country, to see what the event of things will be, and will steer their course accordingly. The Highlanders in Scotland are much talked of again, and they promise mountains, are again presented to the French Court, as a considerable Body. A Declaration of his Highness, setting apart Tuesday the 23. Of this present May for a public day of Thanksgiving, for the Peace concluded between this Commonwealth, and that of the United Provinces, and for the late seasonable Rain. That this hath been a Nation of blessings in the midst whereof so many wonders have been brought forth by the outstretched arm of the Almighty, even to astonishment, and wonder, Who can deny? Ask we the Nations of this matter and they will testify, and indeed the dispensations of the Lord have been as if he had said, England thou art my first-born, my delight amongst the Nation, under the whole Heavens the Lord hath not dealt so with any of the people round about us. The Lord having added another Link to this golden Chain of his loving kindness by giving us a Peace with our Neighbours the United Provinces, (whereby he hath not only stopped a great issue of blood, but we trust also given us hearts to unite our blood and strength for the mutual defence of each other) calls for great return of Thanks for the same. It is therefore thought fit to set apart Tuesday being the 23 of this present May, as a day for Praise and for the thankful acknowledgement of this blessing of Peace, which we hope hath in the womb of it many other blessings. And let us not forget our other Mercies, was not the Earth lately so unusually parched up, that it threatened Famine, and did cause the Beasts of the field to mourn for want of food, and water to sustain it? And hath not the Lord so watered the Earth that he hath turned those fears into the expectation of the greatest plenty that ever was seen by any now living in this Nation? Consider we also the way whereby the Lord imparted this mercy to us, did any amongst us, foreknow it was coming, was it not by stirring up our hearts to seek the same by prayer, and that immediately before the Lord vouchsafed us this mercy? And doth not this bespeak? 1. That the manner of conveying this mercy is the best part of the mercy. 2. That the Lord has not cast us off, that his Spirit yet strives with us, that he hath a People of his love among us, and loves the Nation so far as to provoke it to be in love will calling upon the name of the Lord for better things than Corn and Wine. 3. That he knows best how and when to answer the expectation of the Husbandman, and when to hear, even the mourning of the brute Beast, who will yet much more hear the desires of them that fear him, and that in the fittest season. 4. That the Heavens having thus declared the glory of God, and the Earth answering thereunto in its fruitfulness, Why should not we be melted and softened, humbling ourselves under the so marvellous kindnesses, and abounding unto all fruitfulness in every good word and work of love; And if every place hath been made partaker of his showers, Why should not we (laying aside our differences) be enlarged also each to other? 5. That seeing the Lord hath been thus universal in this Mercy, Why should we not universally turn from the National Evils and vain practices which are yet too superstitiously and customarily exercised amongst us, which we need not repeat here, because they are too well known, and we trust will be remembered by those godly Ministers who shall be called to Preach unto the People upon this occasion? Conclude we with the words of David, Psalm 107. V. 30. Then they are glad, because they be quiet, so he bringeth them unto their desired Haven. 31. O that men would prefer the Lord for his goodness and for his wonderful works to the children of men. 32. Let them exalt him also in the Congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the Elders. 33. He turneth Rivers into a wilderness, and the water springs into dry ground. 34. A fruitful Land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell in it. 35. He turneth the Wilderness into a standing water, and dry ground into water springs. 36. And there he maketh the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city for habitation. 37. And sow the Fields, and plant Vineyards, which may yield fruits of increase. 38. He blesseth them also, so that they are multiplied greatly, and suffers not their cattle to decrease. O that Men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of Men. It is certainly believed here, that the Peace between the two Commonwealths of England and Holland is fully concluded and ratified; which causeth great rejoicing among this people. This day Don Antonio Piemontelli, late Spanish Ambassador by the Queen of Sweden arrived here; It is said he will pass through Hamburg in his return homewards to his Master. Some of his Imperial Majesty's Court give forth, as if he were resolved to continue here yet some four weeks: In the meantime the States labour almost day and night for the perfection of some of the most necessary business; amongst others, the capitulation made with the Roman King at his Coronation, and the like things of great importance. Here passeth nothing worthy of Intelligence, only the Treasurer of Poland is daily expected, his Message is Moneys, for which he will engage the King's part of the Pound-chamber, or Custom-house; his Negotiation I believe will find but slight entertainment; yet by reason of the differences among themselves, they must do something to gratify the King, lest he take part with the Protestant against them. May 11. An Ordinance was published for further Doubling upon, and finishing the Sale of Deans, Deans' and Chapters' lands, and of Manors of Rectories, Glebe-lands, &c. The publication of the Peace in England, doth beget new life in the Merchants of these parts; only the Town of Dunkirk doth lose very much by it; for the Holland Factors that have driven the Trade there during the wars, for their Masters, are now returned back from whence they came. The Imperial City of Bremen, situated upon the River of Weser, doth suffer very much; for the Swedish General Koningsmark doth hold it blocked up, having beset all the chief passages to it; which the Towns of Hamburg, Lubeck, Luxembourg, and others, having seriously considered how prejudicial it may happen to them for the future, they have sent their Commissioners to the Court of Sweden, to mediate in the behalf of the said City, as their Neighbour and Ally, being one of the Hans Towns. These Countries here receive great benefit by the lying of the English Fleet continually in the Channel, or in sight of the French Coasts, whereby the French are fain to keep their Army upon their own Territories, to guard their Coasts, and reinforce their Garrisons and strong Holds for fear of some surprisal by the English; so that these Parts are all quiet at present, but it is not likely they will continue long so; for there is a Rumour that the French Army under the Command of the Marshal of Turenne, is already on their march towards these Countries: And because they may be ready likewise to oppose the French. The Archduke hath given order for the speedy marching of the whole Spanish Army to a Rendezvous. In the meantime Francis Duke of Lorain with his two Sons is gone from hence to take upon him the Command of the Lorain Forces, & to conduct them also to the Rendezvous; He hath taken a good sum of Money with him to pay his Soldiers, and to have them sworn, that they will be faithful unto him. The Archduke hath given possession of Charles Duke of Lorain's whole estate to his Brother Francis: This hath made him, the more enraged against his Brother, whom he did sufficiently hate before; but he not being in a condition by reason of his Imprisonment to do him any mischief, the other doth not much value the weapon of his tongue, and whose words are now taken by all in general for no slander: They looking upon Duke Francis of Lorain for a virtuous, affable, and courageous Prince. The Marshal of Turenne, who goes to command his Majesty's Army, intends to depart hince this week or the next to his charge. And the Court (some suppose) will go for Rheims this day seven nights to the Coronation of the King; in the meantime, they have given order to every frontier for the safeguard of their Country; and have sent an Express into the County of Franche counte to the end to frustrate the design, whereof they have advice, that the Spaniard is hatching there, to break the neutrality of that Province. Yesterday an Answer was given to the complaints of the Protestants of Montpelier, concerning the business of the Consulship, which shall be divided according to their desire; but with this Restriction, That the nomination of the Protestant Consuls shall be ratified by his Majesty: and that they shall give the precedence to the Catholics. Wherewith the Protestant Commissioners are not altogether satisfied. The Ambassador of Holland is said to be in dispute with him of Savoy about the precedence at the ceremony of the Coronation of the King. He likewise complains that the French have taken and do still take many of their ships, and make no restitution nor satisfaction for injuries and damages done them. About the 3 instant, Major-general Drummond came from Middleton to Lough-Tay, and Glencairn with about 100 Horse; and one Murray with the like number of Foot, came into Athol, about the 4 instant. They give out they passed by Colonel Morgan in a Mist; but its supposed they came by Loughaber. They intend to hasten their Levies, and speed to the North to surround Col. Morgan, if they can. Monirose is raising his Levies at Branar, and some small parties sent by Middleton are joined with him. They give out that they expect Charles Stuart, when their Affairs are a little more ripe. Sir William Constable's five Companies are come up: Gen. Monck will be at Sterling next week. The Ministers in this City prayed for Charles Stuart, the very next day after the Lord Protector was proclaimed, and the Union published. The Enemy have received Provisions contrary to expectation lately by two ships from Dunkirk, laden with Men, Arms, and Ammunition. The little Picaroons of Ostend do much vex and torment the Fishermen upon this coast, under pretence of seeking after French Vessels. This week, a Barque being on her way between Diepe and this place, with 4 small guns, attempted to take her; but the Barque having many Passengers, as well English as French, defended itself so gallantly, that in a little dispute the Ostender lost seven men, and had some wounded. It is probable the Barque might have got away, had it not been for a shot between wind and water that sunk her down immediately; but most of the Passengers were saved. An Ordinance for continuing an Ordinance, entitled, An Ordinance for further suspending the proceedings of the Judges named in an Act of Parliament entitled, An Act for relief of Creditors and poor Prisoners, until the 31 of May instant. BE it Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, that one Ordinance of the Eighteenth of April 1654. entitled, An Ordinance so further suspending the proceedings of the Judges named in an act entitled, An act for the relief of Creditors and poor Prisoners, be continued, and shall stand in force until the 31 day of May instant; and that the several and respective Judges mentioned in the said Act, or any of them, shall not proceed to the sale or disposition of any the Estates real or personal of any of the prisoners, or other person or persons whatsoever, mentioned or intended in, or by the said Act, nor shall otherwise interfere in the execution of the said act, or of any the powers or authorities given by the same, until the said 31 day of may instant, otherwise then as in the said Ordinance is limited, and that all other Acts or things to be done by the said respective Judges, or any of them, by virtue of the said Act from henceforth until the one and thirtieth day of May aforesaid, shall be and are hereby declared to be utterly null and void. You cannot but by this time understand that which will please you; that (blessed be God) my Lord Ambassador is come to a good conclusion of his business here: For, when by Letters from England he understood the state of your treaty with the Dutch, it being in such condition that the affair in this place could have no reflection upon it, it was then high time for his Lordship to rouse up his Spirits, and put on the business more than formerly; which took so good effect, that in Fourteen days after this beginning we were come to a full agreement; and now there remains nothing but the signing and sealing of the Articles, which I presume will be done upon the Queen's return hither; she is gone to see her Mother, and to meet with the Prince Royal, her Successor, to confer about the great business of her Resignation of the Government; we look for her to be back again the next week, in the meantime my Lord Ambassador is forced to make another halt. All the great Ones, Officers, Senators, and Courtiers are likewise gone out of Town, and have left the Muses very desolate in this Academy, which at the best is no Paradise, so that I suppose my Lord Ambassador will, as soon as the business is completed, remove from this place, and be drawing homeward. We had no Letter last week from England; the Packet was Robbed about Brussels, and most Letters opened: Some State-Thieves (I believe) met with it. As I wrote in my last, my Lord Ambassador Whitlock hath now finished the Affair at Upsall. We expect him here within a Fortnight, he coming over the Baltic Sea to Lubeck in a ship of Thirty six Guns appointed by the Queen of Sweden. The Enemy's forces do not now increase, and I hope they will shortly diminish very much, a great part of them having more mind to come in, than to stay out in Arms. Glencairn is come into Athol with about Two hundred Horse and Foot to assist Montross in his Levies; and now to help a little their dying hopes, they give out that Charles Stuart will be here shortly. I have nothing further at this time, but refer you to the ensuing Declaration; a Copy whereof followeth. The Commonwealth of England having used all means of tenderness and affection towards the people of this Nation, by receiving them (after a chargeable and bloody War) into Union with England, and investing them with all the Liberties and Privileges thereof (purchased at the Expense of so much Blood and Treasure) and by daily protecting them with their Army and Navy, at a great charge (of which this Nation undergoeth no more then there equal proportion with England) against their Enemies both abroad and at home, whereby all of them might enjoy the fruits and benefits of Peace; Yet divers lewd persons broken in their Fortunes, and dissolute in their Lives, are run into Rebellion, and being assisted and connived at by their Parents, Brethren, Tutors, Masters, and People among whom they live, who secretly conceal them in their houses in the day time, and in the night suffer them to rob and plunder the Country, whereby the peaceable People of this Nation are many of them ruined, and the rest disturbed, so that they cannot live in Peace. And to the end that no Peaceable means might be left not attempted, for the prevention thereof, I, by virtue of the Authority to me given by his Highness and his Council, do Declare, That all such persons that are now in Rebellion, (except such as are accepted in the Acts of Grace) who shall within twenty days after the publication hereof, come in, and submit him or themselves, to the Governor of the next English Garrison, and give good security for his or their future peaceable living, shall be, and is hereby in his and their persons, freely pardoned, for any Offence, Spoil or Plunders committed by him or them in this present rebellion, (the killing of any person in cold blood only excepted.) And I do Declare, That if any Parents, Brethren, or Tutors, who have assisted and connived at any their Sons, Brothers, or Pupils, now in Rebellion, as aforesaid, shall within twenty days after publications hereof, cause their said Sons, Brothers, or Pupils, to tender themselves, and give security, as aforesaid, That then the said Parents, Brethren, and Tutors, who have so offended, are hereby freely pardoned; But if otherwise, then the said Parents, Brethren and Tutors, who have so offended, shall be imprisoned during the time the said persons do remain in Rebellion. And in regard divers persons who are now in Rebellion, and who have lived remote from their friends, but could not probably break out into Rebellion, without the knowledge or consent of some of the Inhabitants of that Parish or Presbytery where he or they last lived, before their breaking forth; I do therefore hereby Declare, That if the said Parish or Presbytery where he or they last lived, procure the said person or persons so broken forth, to render him or themselves, within twenty days after publication hereof, and give security, as aforesaid, That then the said Parish or Presbytery so offending, is hereby pardoned; But if otherwise, I do hereby impose upon the said Parish and Presbytery, Two shillings six pence a day for each Horseman, and Ten pence a day for each Footman, so broken into Rebellion, over and above their ordinary Sess, out of the said Presbytery, which the Governor of the next English Garrison is hereby authorised to levy and receive monthly, during the time the said persons shall so continue in Rebellion. And I do likewise hereby empower all the good people of this Nation, to apprehend all such person and persons as are, or hereafter shall break out into Rebellion, or attempt so to do, and safely to deliver him or them to the Governor of the next English Garrison; and in case of resistance, to take such weapons as they can get, and to fight the said person or persons; and if they shall kill any of the said persons so resisting, they shall not be questioned for the same, but (on the contrary) shall receive as a reward of their good service, all such Moneys, Goods, Horses, and Clothes, as the said Rebellious Persons are then possessed of, besides full satisfaction for their pains and travel therein. And in regard this present Rebellion hath been principally contrived, fomented, and is now obstinately maintained by Major General Middleton, the Earl of Athol, the Earl of Seafirth, Viscount Kenmore, Donald Mac-Donald Laird of Glengary, and Major General Dayel; I do hereby therefore declare, That what person or persons soever of this Nation, (except such as are before excepted) shall kill any of the said principal Contrivers, or shall deliver any of them prisoner, to any Governor of any English Garrison, the said person or persons so killing, or bringing prisoner, as aforesaid, shall not only be pardoned for any thing he or they have acted in this late Rebellion, but also shall receive as a Reward of his good service, the sum of Two hundred pounds sterling, for every person so killed or brought prisoner, as aforesaid. And lastly, for the encouragement of all peaceable and well affected People, both English and Scots, I do hereby Declare, That what damage shall be done to their Persons, Goods or Gear, for their good affection to the Public, the same shall be again repaired out of the Estates of such as have done the damage, or out of the Estates of the Friends and harbourers of such wrongdoers, or out of the Parish, presbytery, or Shire, where the wrong is done, in case they do not apprehend the said Offenders, or give the English Forces such timely notice thereof, that the said Offenders may be apprehended by them. And I do hereby require all Provosts, Bailiffs, and Chief Officers of Head Burghs, in their several Burghs, to cause these presents to be duly Published and Posted up, according to the usual form, and to certify their doings therein to me, in writing, under his or their hands. Given under my Hand at Dalkeith this 4. Day of May 1654. George Monck. The Lord Major of London and some of the Aldermen dined with His Highness. No News by the last Post from Scotland, not from Ireland. Prescribing the way of making ready all sorts of Meats, Fish, and Flesh, with the proper sauces: together with the whole skill of Pastry Work, and a Treatise of Conserves both Dry and Liquid. The second Edition Concocted and enlarged; Sold by Charles Adams at the Tallotynnar St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet Street. | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 205 |
WPostWood171 | A great Victory obtained in Scotland over the Highlanders, the taking of above 60 horse, many prisoners of quality, and the scattering and total routing of the Rebels. A bloody Fight at Sea between the English and Dutch in St. George's channel, for the space of five hours, with a List of the ships that were taken and brought into Plymouth. A Declaration of his Highness for the relief of creditors and poor prisoners. Also an Ordinance prohibiting Cock Matches. Together with the Agreement made between the English and Dutch Commissioners, concerning the signing the Articles of Peace between England, Holland, and Denmark. From Tuesday, March the 28, to Tuesday, April the 4th. 1654. The last Letters from Plymouth certify, that the Commander of the Sapphire Frigate sent in thither a Dutch prize, laden only with some few barrels of Pitch, Tar, &c. And that the Paul, a ship in the State's service, met with a man of War belonging to Flushing in St. George's channel, which carried 15 Guns, with whom she fought continually for five hours together, yet thanks be to God, lost not a man, but sustained some loss in her Masts, sails, and rigging; the Enemy lost 13 or 14 men, and his ship was much torn; Yet our men made shift to tow her into Plymouth; she had aboard her some small quantity of Wines, and some silver, which our men easily pocketed up, and well they deserved it, Win Gold and Wear it. 1. The Claus of Housdown, 50 tons burthen, Jacob Timison Skipper, taken by the Phnix Frigate, March 2. 2. The Plumpart of Mazeland sluice, 30 tons burthen, William Pumisson Skipper taken by the Phnix boat, March 14. 3. The Blue Pigeon of Pumerland, 200 tons burthen, Peter Johnson Skipper, taken by the Phnix, March 17. 4. The Fortune of Delphs, 200 tons burthen, James Jacobson Skipper, taken by the Phnix and Newcastle Frigate, March 17. 5. A Galliot Hoy, taken by the Newcastle Frigate, and burned, March 2. 6. The Hope of Housdown, 50 tons burthen, Adrian Jacobson Skipper taken by the Assurance Frigate, March 2. 7. The Shellfish of Mazeland sluice, 25 tons burthen, Jacob Johnson Skipper, taken by the Newcastle Frigate's boat, March 14. 8. The Providence of Mazeland sluice, 28 tons burthen, Aryan Yorreson Skipper, taken by the Mermaid Frigate, March 12. 9. The Fortune of Mazeland sluice, 32 tons burthen, Aryis Yaris Skipper, taken by the Mermaid's boat, March 14. 10. A Galliot hoy, 25 tons burthen, taken by the Mermaid Frigate, March 18. 11. A Scotch Vessel, taken by the Mermaid, March 19. 12. Another Scotch Vessel, taken by the Mermaid at the same time. 13. The Waking Boy of Anchusen, a private man of War, commanded by Capt. Tho. Johnson, taken by the Mermaid, March 20. 14. A private man of War taken by the Assurance Frigate. Besides those fourteen, there are Four more are taken, by private men of War. viz. 1. A small Merchant ship brought prize into Rye. 2. A Denmark ship taken and brought prize into Scarborough. 3. A rich prize, being a private man of War, with Sugar and Merchandizes, taken by a private man of War, worth 150000 l. 4. A private man of War belonging to Camfear in Zealand, commanded by Capt. John Poll a Flushinger, taken by the Paul Frigate, March 13. The English Fleet is in a gallant equipage in the Narrow about St Ellens having sent forth several squadrons. At the landing of the French Ambassador, there was a difference between some of his Gentlemen, and the Portugal Amb. attendants about precedence, fell to drawing of swords, and some were hurt before the soldiers came in; who immediately parted the fray, and disarmed the contesters. We have received Intelligence from Upsalah in Sweden, which certifies; That the Lord Whitlock's Answer is delayed, till they hear how the Treaty with us proceeds, that being the Wheels with which they intend to move. The Queen is desirous to live a retired life, and surrender up the Government to her successor, and to that purpose summoned a Grand Council or Parliament to meet on the 12 of March, 1653. From the Texel we received intelligence, The Freebooter Captain Oomke with another went to sea the 12 instant, and two other Freebooters also went to sea the next day. The said Captain Oomke, with Captain Hogtenbeen came home the 15 with a good prize of Flute laden with French Wines going for London, and from thence for Leith. It is here reported that 20 English ships have appeared before the wall, near the Texel, and that about 8 more are passed towards the North. And that they have taken about five fisher-boats within the sight of this land, two belonging unto this place, and three to Huysdayn. The Council are hasting the dispatch of an Ordinance for Highways for mending them where need is, and for prevention of breaking the ways by such great Wanes and Carts as have been by six seven or eight horses in a Team, not for the future to exceed such a number as shall be proportioned; and the Council were also about some other Ordinances which will shortly be dispatched. The Dutch Freebooters have lately taken some Barques near Scarborough coming from Sunderland, and caused another to run ashore near Hartlepool: and there are great store of Coal-ships ready laden at Newcastle, which had they but a good Wind, would quickly bring warm weather to London. A Petition Congratulatory hath been presented from the Town of Newcastle to his Highness the Lord Protector, professing much affection to his Highness, and the late change of Government. From Scotland our Post is informed, that Middleton hath summoned in all the Gentlemen of Sutherland and Ross, and prohibited the sheriffs to act any more in the name of the Lord Protector, saying he will give them a new commission to act by. He brought over above 60 Officers, the least of them a Captain; there is since another Vessel landed in Caithness with more arms and ammunition, and Seaforth hath raised 600 men and is upon his march to join with him. He expects more provisions daily from Holland, and gives out, that as soon as the prepared parties are ready, and the Emperor sent the 160000 Rixdollars for the raising of 30. Regiments, that then their King, or the Duke of York will come to be their General. The Earl of Athol and Sir. Arth. Forbs have placed a Garrison in the Isle of Lough Tay, where they intend to have a stock of Provisions. His Highness hath passed an Ordinance for suspending the proceedings of the Judges named in the Act, intituled, An Act for the Relief of Creditors and poor prisoners, which being of so general concernment take as followeth. Whereas upon perusal, and serious consideration had of one Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for the relief of Creditors, and poor Prisoners, many doubts and difficulties do appear, which must necessarily occasion an Explanation of the said Act, for the better enabling the Judges in the said Act named and authorized for sale of such Estates as are to be sold by the said Act, for satisfaction of Creditors, which cannot in short time be effected; and without such Explanation, and further direction to be given to the several and respective Judges authorized in, and by the said Act, several inconveniences and mischiefs would grow, not only to the said Creditors, and Prisoners, but to divers other persons, not meant or intended to be included within the said Act, and will occasion many troubles, and suits in Law, and Equity; For the prevention whereof, due care is likewise to be had: and whereas many of the said Prisoners have offered really to endeavour the satisfaction of the said Creditors, if some further time may be given for that purpose; be it therefore Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, that the said several and respective Judges mentioned in the Act, or any of them, shall not proceed to the sale, or Disposition of any the Estates real or personal, of any of the said Prisoners, or any other person or persons whatsoever mentioned or intended by the said Act shall otherwise intermeddle in the execution of the said Act; or of any or authorities given by the same, until the 20 day of April next. And be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Acts or things to be done by the said several and respective Judges, or any of them, by virtue, colour, or pretence of the said Act, from henceforth, and before the said 20 day of April, shall be utterly void, null, and of none effect; saving shall and may be lawfull for the said several and respective judges that have bailed or let out any prisoners upon Sureties or Prison (which prisoners are to appear again at a certain day before the said Judges, and are not absolutely discharged by any Order of the said Judges, as see further by the Act. From Scotland our Post received intelligence, That the Commander in chief having issued forth a Proclamation requiring all Burgesses and others to secure all suspicious persons, or otherwise to give intelligence of them to the next adjacent Garrison or Quarters under pain of being deemed Enemies to the present government, and proceeded against accordingly: Several towns have been lately found guilty of the breach of that Proclamation, and have been fined by a Court-Marshal for the same. The last week the Parish of Liberton, two miles from Edinburgh, for harbouring 15 of the Enemy by the space of a night and a day, and neither securing them, nor giving intelligence of them, and the Tories at their going away stealing 15 horses, the Parish was for that offence fined 200 l. sterling, the person in whose house they were concealed, sentenced to imprisonment during pleasure, and the house where they were harboured to be razed to the ground, and a pair of Gallows to be built there. There are divers other Parishes who are summoned in to Court Marshals upon the very same account, who will suffer for it. It is hoped this course will in time compel the Scots not to give any Entertainment unto the Tories, but give notice of them where ever they shall come, otherwise they will suffer for it. The 21 instant Col. Cooper with a party of Horse and Dragoons from Glasgow; and another party at the same time falling into the Isle of Leven, where about 300 of the enemy quartered (about 4 in the morning) took McNaughton's Trumpet, and 35 other prisoners, and narrowly missed McNaughton and Newark, who were both there; they killed 12, whereof one of them (as the enemy confess) was a Lieutenant of Horse, and took about 60 Horse and some Arms, and totally scattered and routed the whole party, returning without any loss at. Captain Orton Commander of the Sun, and Captain Lilburn of the Union, came into Leith Road from Lewis and Orkney, and brought three Companies of Col. Cooper's Regiment, and herewith a particular relation of the late infall of the Earl of Seafort into Lewis Island. Take this in brief from foreign parts. They write from Leghorn that they heard by a ship which came from Barbary, that the Turkish Agent being come to Tunis, hath pressed or taken up all the Galleys and ships fit for service, and intends to do the same at Algier and Tripoli; in her voyage thither, she met with two Turkish Pirates, who being come up to him on both sides, supposing themselves not able to grapple with her, they tacked about and left her. There is likewise a flying report, that the French pirates have met with two English Merchants' ships homewards bound, and after a tedious fight had taken them; but by reason those that brought the news vary very much, therefore little credit is yet to be given to it till further confirmation. From Poland we hear, that the inhabitants are in great fear, hearing of the great preparations that are made in Muscovia, where they have levied above two hundred and fifty thousand men, with which they threaten to enter the Country three several ways at once. The general Diet is not yet concluded at Regensburg, although the Emperor doth press very much that they should speedily put a period to it, his presence being required in Hungaria, to provide against the invasion of the Turks, who are now busy about the borders. SIR The last Thursday was brought here, in a Pink sent for that purpose Letters of the 20 instant from the Lord Ambassadors now in England, whereby we hear they give advice to the Lord's States, that the Treaty of Peace was not yet concluded, but that preparations for Sea were made there in all haste, the occasion whereof was unknown to them, which caused some suspicions and jealousies amongst the said Lord's States; Insomuch that the Vice-Admiral Ruyter, and the Scout by night Trump, with other Captains received orders to resort presently to Amsterdam, which they did accordingly Wednesday morning, as also several Messengers were dispatched to the Councils of the Admiralties. The Lieutenant Admiral, the Lord Van-Opdam was likewise commanded to come from Brabant where he was hither. And yet we cannot understand by the Letters come from London the night between the 20 and the 21 that any difficulties should have arisen wherefore the Treaty should not go on, so that it is believed the same may have a good success, and that those preparations made there may be made for some other design. We have very little certainty of the Scottish Affairs. It is presumed that Middleton is arrived in Scotland to gather what forces he can to restore the titular King his Master's fortune. Last night a Pink hath been by the Lords States dispatched from Sheveling into England. And Sir, After long expectation, we hear not yet of a conclusion of peace so much desired and expected by the Merchants of this City, who had great hope upon the going away of the Ambassadors for England that the business would have been fully and finally ended without any further delay, and it was given out over all these Lands, that they had full power and instruction for that purpose: so that men are much troubled here, that they cannot burn the triumphant Pitch barrels which stand ready for the sacrifice. Where the obstruction is, we know not; but doubtless it is the true interest of these Provinces to maintain peace with England necessities call aloud for it. Here is news which affrights us, of an extraordinary Fleet a setting forth in England; besides, divers of your men of War have been upon our coasts, and taken vessels, which hath been given the States occasion of issuing out immediate Orders to all the Colleges of the Admiralty, to make all possible speed with the Fleet to sea; but it is hoped an Accommodation may be signed before the two Fleets do meet abroad, and that all these storms will at length end in a happy and honourable Calm, which would be a blessing to both Nations. Take this from your Servant, J. T. On Friday last, whilst we (according to order) were at our devotions, the Portugal Ambassador was a Revelling, and divers of our English Gentry were present, whose absence would have been more to their honour. The last Tuesday there was very much hurt done on the River of Thames by violent storms and gusts of wind, divers Lighters being sunk, and many boats split one against the other. Our Post hath also received further intelligence from Scotland, that the devastations there are very great, and the Country people being sensible that those in the Hills seek to ruin the whole Nation, assisted our men, and they have made a great slaughter amongst the Lord Seafort's Levies; and they have found hidden in a wall, divers muskets, firelocks, swords, bandoliers, match and powder: Sir Arthur Forbs descended lately from the Hills, and stole some horses out of the Lowlands, whose incursions the wit of man cannot prevent. It is confidently ascertained from the French Court, that the Protestant German Princes and the King of Denmark have of late given Charles Stuart to understand, that the desolation of the late wars hinders them from being able to entertain him, if he forsakes France to come unto them. The business of the Treaty with the Dutch Ambassadors, lies thus. We are now in all things agreed with them, and they may sign that agreement when they please; they have power to do it, and may have peace for themselves, if they will leave Denmark to themselves; the Lord's Ambassadors have sent over to the States to know their pleasure herein. General Desborow, General Monk, and the Commissioners of the Admiralty, have been at Chattam, and dispatched all things for the completing of the Navy, which are now near ready; Seamen are already pressed, and Land soldiers drawn out of several Regiments, to be sent of Shipboard with all expedition, and a gallant Fleet will suddenly be equipped, to meet at a Rendezvous in the Downs, with those which ride near St. Helens point. On the other side, the Dutch are likewise preparing to put forth to sea, and are fitting of sixty new Frigates to add to their fleet. Yet 'tis hoped there will be a fair correspondence for all this, it being the surest way to treat with a drawn sword. The Marques of Faber that commands the French Army quartered in Liege, is environed on all sides; first, by the E. of Fuenseldagne Commander of the Spanish forces near Ardennes, Don Parde General of the Duke of Luxembourg's forces, and lastly by the Prince of Conde's Army; so that it's conceived almost an impossibility for them to escape without fighting one of those parties, yet he being a subtle Monsieur, may perhaps lead the crafty Foxe a French Curranto rather than be made his prey. The Reformed Churches begin to be mistrusted, and are charged by the Baron of Estissac Governor of Rochel, for sending Ministers into England on some designs prejudicial to his Majesty, all which they formally deny; but more of that in my next. Captain Pritchard obtained an Ordinance the last Wednesday, upon the Petition of the Prisoners for suspending the Act for Prisoners, and proceedings of the Judges at Salters Hall thereupon till July; the Ordinance will be printed with all possible speed. Since the Lord Henry Cromwell's return from Ireland, we have received little of News from thence; save only that about 1200 Tories were shipped from Limbrick, and 1700 more are ready for transportation, which will render that Nation more free from Robbers than in times of the greatest peace. Our Post hath received farther intelligence from Sweden, that the Queen having visited her mother at Nicoping, is again returned to Upsal to be present at the great Assembly of the Senators. Monday the 3 of April, was published an Ordinance, Entitled; An Ordinance prohibiting Cock-Matches. A perfect Copy whereof take as followeth. Whereas the public Meetings and Assemblies of People together in divers parts of this Nation, under pretence of Matches for Cockfighting, are by experience found to tend many times to the disturbance of the public peace, and are commonly accompanied with Gaming, Drinking, Swearing, Quarrelling, and other dissolute practises, to the dishonour of God, and do often produce the ruin of persons and their families. For prevention thereof, Be it Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, that from henceforth there shall be no public or set Meetings or Assemblies of any persons within England or Wales upon Matches made for Cockfighting; And that every such meeting, and assembly of people for the end and purpose aforesaid, is hereby declared to be an Unlawful assembly, and shall be so adjudged, deemed, and taken to be, and punished; And all Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables and Headboroughs, within their several counties, cities, liberties and jurisdictions, are hereby required to suppress, hinder, and disperse all such meetings and Assemblies. Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector and His Council, That his Ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Henry Scobel, Clerk of the Council. | The Grannd Politique Post (printed by R. Wood), Issue 171 |
ProcState226 | This day his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council removed from the place where hitherto they had met, and sat in the old Council chamber where the Council used to sit in former times. The Spanish Ambassador had this day audience in the horse Chamber, about some affairs touching Merchandisings. Gen Blake went to the Navy. Mr. Sadler is joined with Mr. Long, they being both made Masters of Requests, touching Petitions; and Mr. Hatter is their Secretary. Mr. Emery is Surveyor of the House. This day passed these two Ordinances following. 1 An Ordinance by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of the Council, that one Act of Parliament, published in print the second day of January 1649. Entitled, An Act for subscribing the Engagement: And certain Orders, Entitled, Resolves touching the subscribing to an Engagement, &c. And all and every Clause, Branch, Article, and Sentence in them, and every or any of them contained, shall from and after the nineteenth day of January in the year of our Lord 1653. stand and be absolutely repealed, and annulled; And that all and every Clause, Branch, Article, Proviso or sentence contained in any other Act, Ordinance, Resolves or Order of Parliament, whereby the said Oath of Engagement is directed, and appointed to be taken, and administered, and all and every the penalties, losses, incapacities, disabilities, and forfeitures for not taking or subscribing the same, shall from and after the said nineteenth day of January in the year of our Lord 1653. (as to so much only, (and no more) as concerneth the said Engagement, and the penalties, losses, incapacities, disabilities, and forfeitures for not taking or subscribing the same, be, and are hereby utterly repealed, and made void, &c. 2 An Ordinance whereby His Highness doth Declare, Establish and Ordain, and be it Established and Ordained by His Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the consent of His Council, That if any person or persons shall compass or imagine the death of the Lord Protector for the time being; Or if any person or persons shall maliciously or advisedly either by writing, printing, openly declaring, preaching, teaching, or otherwise publish, that the Lord Protector and the people in Parliament assembled are not the Supreme Authority of this Commonwealth; Or that the exercise of the chief Magistracy and administration of the Government over the said Countries and Dominions, and the people thereof, is not in the Lord Protector assisted with a Council; Or that the said Authority or Government is tyrannical, usurped or unlawful; Or that there is any Parliament now in being, or that hath any continuance, or any Law in force for continuing the Parliament which is hereby declared to have been absolutely dissolved and determined upon the twentieth of April, 1653. and shall be adjudged and taken so to be; or shall plot contrive or endeavour to stir up or raise force against the Protector or the present Government, or for the subversion or alteration of the same, and shall declare such endeavour or endeavours by any open Deed, Then every such Offence shall be taken and adjudged to be High Treason. &c. Or if any person (not being an Officer, Soldier or Member of the Armies or Forces) shall plot, contrive, or endeavour to stir up any mutiny in the said Armies, or among the said Forces, or any of them; Or to withdraw any Soldiers or Officers from their obedience to their Superior Officers, or from the present Government as aforesaid; Or if any person or persons whatsoever shall procure, invite, aide, or assist any Foreigners or Strangers to invade England, Scotland or Ireland or any the Dominions thereunto belonging; Or shall adhere unto any Forces raised by the Enemies of this Commonwealth; or if any person and persons shall plot, contrive, or endeavour the betraying, surrendering or yielding up any City, Town, Fort, Magazine, Ship, Vessel or Forces by Sea or Land belonging to this Commonwealth; Or if any person or persons shall counterfeit the great Seal of England, or of Scotland, or Ireland for the time being, used and appointed by Authority of Parliament, or by the Lord Protector with the consent of the Council; or the sign Manual, Privy Signet, or Privy Seal of the Lord Protector for the time being; Or if any person or persons whatsoever shall Proclaim, Declare, Publish or any way promote Charles Stuart Eldest son to the late King, or James Stuart one other of his Sons, or any other the Issue or Posterity of the said late King, or any other person or persons claiming by, from or under him or them, or either or any of them, to be King or chief Magistrate of England, Scotland, or Ireland, or of either or any of them, or of any the Dominions to them, or either or any of them belonging; Or if any person or persons shall give, keep, or hold any Intelligence whatsoever, by Letters, Messages, or otherwise, to or with the said Charles Stuart, James Stuart, the late Queen their Mother or any of them; Or if any person or persons shall counterfeit the money of this Commonwealth; or shall bring any false money into this Land, &c. Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby declared to be the full purpose and true intent and meaning of this Ordinance, that the Laws and Statutes made in the times of the late Queen Elizabeth and of King James against the pretended Authority of the Bishop of Rome and his See, Jesuits, Seminary Priests, and Professors of the Romish Religion, should not be repealed, but stand, be, and continue in full force and effect in every Clause and part thereof, &c. as is more at large expressed in the Acts themselves, Printed by William Du Gard and Henry Hils, Printers to His Highness the Lord Protector. This day the Council met at Whitehall, his Highness the Lord Protector received divers petitions, by the Masters of Requests, at the Cock pit, and present dispatches issued out. By Letters from Scotland was this day advertised as followeth, SIR, The last Letters from the North inform, that the Lord Kenmore, Glengarry, mac Aldow with 6 or 700 men, are about the Lord of Grant's bounds, and Strathspey, where Seaforth's party is expected to join with them. Col. Morgan hath drawn out a party of Horse and Foot to engage them (if possible) in case they come down from the Hills. Capt. Hart lately sent a party of Horse from Kelso into Northumberland, where they took one John Richardson a Mosse Trooper, who lay to be a guide to some party out of England, and one John King who was a Corporal with Sir Arthur Forbs, we have not certainty whether Sir Arthur be dead or living. Young Montrosse with about 20 horse is lately joined with the Enemy, and also the Lord Charles Gordon (only Brother to the late Marquis Huntley, and the head of that Clan) is gone in to them. They proceed very vigorously in their Levies. The Earl of Athol was lately with 2 or 300 Horse, and about 500 Foot at Cowper in Angus, and from thence went to Meagil and so back to the Hills. I have sent you the copy of one of Gen. Glencairn's Letters; the like of which he sent to the several other Sheriffdoms, where he hath any hopes to raise anything. And I have also sent you the copy of a Letter sent to the Commander in chief from the Governor of Ruthen Castle. Noble Friends, The Earl of Glencairn, Lord Lorn, Kenmore, Mac Gelday Glengarry and some of Macgrigger's men, and Mungo Murray and divers other have been in this Country near a week, and yesterday had a Rendezvous not far from this Garrison, their whole number of Horse and Foot being about 1500. But most of their Horse are poor country, bare-foot, work beasts, their Infantry, poor, starven, naked yet wicked wretches, very many of them without Arms, and all without Ammunition, except one charge or two. Glencairn and Lorn fell out to sword drawing, about the command of the men of this Country: And Lorn (I conceive) thinking himself not able to deal with Glencairn, whose Force was too great for him; The last night with Col. Meines and six Horse, withdrew himself from the Army, and Glencairn immediately after notice thereof sent a party of Horse to apprehend him, and hath also sent post to Athol to the same purpose. The Enemy if they hold their Resolution, after they have devoured this Country (which at the rate they use it now will not last long) will divide Glencairn towards Inverness, Ross, and Caithness, and Kenmore towards Aberdeenshire. Glencairn sent me a Letter stuffed with Scotch Complements, to which I gave him a plain Dunstable English Answer. What is become of Lorn's men since his departure I have not yet certain knowledge, but the flying Report is, they have dispersed themselves. Since I came to write, my Intelligence assures me, that the occasion of Lorn's so sudden flight, was that after he had fallen out with Glencairn, the same night he sent a Letter to me, to advise me where to surprise Glencairn's men with best advantage; but his Bearer proving false carried his Letter to Kenmore, whereupon they drew up some part of their Army that way thinking to take him that night, but he fled as aforesaid, they have imprisoned seven or eight of the chief Gentlemen that were with him; It's also said that Lorn posted a Letter away to his Father, acquainting him with his condition, and that he was coming to him, the bray men of this Country do close with the Enemy. This is all at present from Gentlemen, Your Humble Servant, Jo. Hills. Ruthen Castle 2 Janu. 1653. By Virtue of a Commission directed to Us by his Majesty for levying of Force, Horse and Foot, for suppressing the Common Enemy within this Kingdom; We do hereby require you, and every of you, within the shires of Ayre and Renfrew, upon sight hereof, to send forth for his Majesty's service (forth of every thousand pounds Rent within your said shires respectively, one sufficient well-mounted, with pistols, and other furniture and weapons belonging thereto, and to deliver the same at Roscoe, to Lieut. Col. George Maxwell, Lieutenant Col. George Herriot, and Captain James Cunningham, or any having their Orders for that effect; certifying all persons of whatsoever quality, within the said shires respectively, that doth either refuse or delay to give obedience to this Our Order, and Commands, they shall be taken notice of, and proceeded against as disloyal Subjects, and professed Enemies to the present Expedition. Whereas by the contrary, Wee do oblige Ourselves to protect and defend against all Enemies whatsoever, all such as shall willingly put forth their several proportions of the foresaid Horse levy. And whatsoever Horses, or any other Goods, shall be taken from any one of them, so protected, in any disorderly manner, shall not only be restored again, but the person or persons offenders, shall according to the quality of the offence, at the sight of the party offended, be severely punished, to the terror of others; And ordains this to be published at every Headborough or Parish Church, within the said shires respectively, That every Heritor, and others therein contained, pretend no ignorance of the premises. Given at Garth the 23 of December 1653. Sic Subscribitur, GLENCAIRN. For the whole Noblemen, Gentlemen, Heritors, and others, Inhabitants within the Sheriffdoms of Ayre, and Renfrew. We expect your answer at Roscoe the six of January 1653. This from Colonel Cooper, upon the aforesaid Paper to the Noblemen , &c. of Ayre and Renfrew, is as followeth. Having seen a paper, subscribed Glencairn, directed to the Noblemen Gentlemen, Heritors, and all others within the shires of Ayre and Renfrew. Commanding them to set forth horses furnished for war, with sufficient Riders thereon, and to bring in the same to Roscoe, and to deliver them to such persons as shall be there to receive them. And least big words should fright some, and subtle persuasions delude others into obedience of the same papers, to the ruin, not only of the persons so yielding, but to the apparent hazard of the peace and welfare of the said Shires, and the inevitable mischiefs that will ensue; These are therefore to require all Noblemen, Gentlemen, Heriots and others, in the said shires of Ayre and Renfrew, to refuse obedience to all such commands, and not in the least be aiding and assisting to the said Levies, directly or indirectly, nor to hold any correspondence with the said Glencairn, or his associates, now in rebellion against the Commonwealth of England, as they would not be held and deemed public Enemies, and proceeded against as such with the utmost of extremity. And lest any should pretend ignorance in the same, the Sheriffs of the respective shires are required to take special notice, that copies hereof may be sent to every Church within the said shires to be published. Given under my hand at Glasgow, this fifth day of January 1653. THO. COOPER We hear by a ship come from Hamburg, and also many ships this week come from Dunkirk, of ten of our Merchant men come safely to Gothenburg laden with all Eastern commodities, and five of our Frigates convey to them, who have also homewards bound made several prizes upon the coast of Norway, which will be in England very shortly. All persons are desired to take notice that the Committee for claims for Land in Ireland have appointed Thursday the 9th of February 1653. for Adventurers to draw lots at Grocers hall London for Baronies, and that all persons who intend then to draw lots, do before that day pay their pence. William Tibbs From the Isle of Wight came thus, General Pen is still riding with the Fleet without St. Hellen's Point; some of our Frigates are passed by to the Eastward, as convoy to 12 sail of Merchant's ships for the Downs, the winds favouring them: Those eight Frigates sent to cross the Channel are come in again, and have brought in with them two Dutch Prizes; there is another party sent out in their stead. Neither His Highness the Lord Protector nor His Council did this day sit at Whitehall; His Highness having divers matters of concernment under His consideration at the Cock-pit, by whose providence, love, and care, many poor oppressed people do already find great relief. I am told that there are some, who pretend to godliness, that are offended with my so freely owning and declaring for this present Government and Change. My Answer is, that though they stand not with it, yet the Lord stands with it, and therefore I can comfortably bless God for it; not that I flatter Greatness, for it is well known, most of the Prisons in London are witnesses of my sufferings for opposing Prelacy; and my deep sufferings for appearing for the Saints to the late King, both by Prison, Fine, and Pillory, and hardly escaping with my life is well known both to the City and the Country; though I never fought for Place, Preferment, or any reparations for my sufferings; My Conscience is my guide, and that taught by the Word of the Lord, and in that give me leave to take my liberty as well as others. I have discoursed with many, and seriously debated it, yet could never find one that could give me a rational account why they were discontented at the present Change of Government, something they have offered, which when weighed hath proved nothing. By Letters from Scotland came thus. Dalkeith 14 Jan. The Printed Government gives much satisfaction to our friends here, and it is Re-printing at Leith, We have received the Letters from the chief Officers at London to the Regiments here, and they are signing Representations of approbation thereof, divers of which are sent in, and the rest will be speedily ready, declaring to live and die with His Highness herein. General Monk's Colonel Rede's Colonel Okey's Colonel Fenwick's Colonel Rich's Colonel Fairfax's Colonel Twissleton's Colonel Cooper's Colonel Overton's That which was M.G. Harrison's Col. Alured's Colonel Morgan's Colonel Daniel's Col. Fitch's Col. Ashfields Col. Cobben's Col. Salmon's Col. Tomlinson's Part of Colonel Sanderson's. The Company at Dunbarton Besides going to Scotland. Major General Lambert's Commis: Gen. Whalley's Part of Sir William Constable's. Dalkeith 17 Jan. The Enemy are part in Bagenoth, and part in the Laird of Grant's Bounds. The party that Col. Morgan drew from Aberdeen toward Inverness could not get over Spey, the waters were so high. The Boggy-geith is a very useful Garrison, the Marquis of Huntley's being removed to Strathbogie. The Enemy are much startled at Lorn's revolt, and think there is a greater design in the same than is yet apparent. There is to be a great meeting of all the Clan Campbell in Argyle, it is said to offer some Proposals to the Commander in Chief. Sir Arthur Forbs yet lies wounded in some part of Monteith. On Thursday last Athol and Lorn were at the house of Balloch near Lough Tay, since which Athol is very sick and in Weems Garrison, & Lorn pretends his Father is not reconcilable to him, whereupon he goes not home. The 14 instant Cap. Crose, Capt. Lieut. to Col. Okey with a party from St. Johnstones fell into the Quarters of about forty of the Enemy's Horse about Strabengham near little Dunkel under Lieut. Col. Ramsay, took ten prisoners, and sixteen horses, and killed two on the place. But a party of Cap. Elsmore's Troop from Drummond had not so good success, for the Lieut. being sent out with a party of thirty Horse to rescue some Sheep taken by the Enemy near the Garrison pursued so far as to rout them, but another party of sixty Horse and 100 or 200 foot lying in Ambuscado, our men made a very difficult retreat, in which the Lieutenant, the Cornet, one Corporal, and two Troopers was killed, and seven Troopers taken. Divers of the Enemy were killed, and amongst the rest Wogan (as is supposed) he and the English with him giving the first charge. Here are 8 or 10 English Merchant ships esteemed worth 120000 li. sterling, here are also two English men of War, with three Freebooters who sail daily between Schagen and Notwege, and have brought in two prizes the one of Munikedam coming from Danzig and a Dutch Flute. The 29. of the last Month, His Majesty and the Cardinal came hither from St. Germain, and the first instant the pretended King of Scots and the Dukes of York and Gloucester did hear privately a Sermon preached by the Arch Bishop of Ainbrun. There was last week a Proclamation made by order of the Grand Provost, forbidding upon pain of death, that none whosoever should meet within or about this City or in the Suburbs to fling stones one to another, or to fight with any manner of Weapons. Two days ago came in two Freebooters the one called Capt. Peter Allard, and the other Cap. Cornelius Allard bringing with them two prizes being two Flute of 180 to 200 tons, the one with 18 the other with 11 pieces of Ordnance, coming from Virgin a laden with Tobacco, Sugar, Indigo, and Beaver-wool, the same having been taken upon Christmas even 20 or 30 miles from the Channel. There are also making ready by the College of the Admiralty 20 new ships of War, of 150, 136, to 130 foot long, and from 36 to 38 foot broad. The Lord Le Brun, Spanish Ambassador is dead in the Hague. There are also two English prizes brought into the Ulie by the Freebooters and some ships coming from the Beld are safely arrived thither, There are some East India ships come into the Ulie four or five of which have been stranded; these had left the whole Fleet about Schagen which is now said to be at the sight of the Land. It was here strongly reported that the Highlanders have already obtained a great victory against the English, to wit, that they have taken 2000 horses from them, and taken the City of Aberdeen. The which news John Evertsen lately come from Zealand, first brought hither. And the same news was after written from Amsterdam. So mad are they here in lies. The ship Aberdeen hath miscarried upon our coasts. Lieutenant Gen. Middleton who is still here hath boasted of a Letter from Scotland, pretending that the Highlanders have taken 1500 horses from the English; which they say happened in this manner, to wit, that the English having gathered from Aberdeen and other Garrison towns to a great number of horses, and intending to fall upon the Highlanders who were met in a very considerable body, these latter having had warning thereof, and being better acquainted with the Country, have cut the way to the English, in so much that they were forced to march through a Morass ground where their Horses have sticked fast, and by that means they have lost their Horses and Arms, and have fled a foot back to Aberdeen, the which Town being one of the chief Sea towns, the Highlanders have afterwards taken. And many more such lies are daily here vented. He sayeth the Arms sent thither from Amsterdam are safely arrived there. We have daily prizes brought in hither, and the Freebooter's Capt. Geleyn Brant, Cap. John Brugge, and Cap. Oliver Danielse are lately gone to Sea from hence to meet with some. We hear from Stockholm by the way of Hamburg that the English Extraordinary Ambassador was come to Upsall, and was there honourably entertained, and that the Great Chancellor had some conference by word of mouth with the said Ambassador, the same Chancellor being thought to be a touchstone in matters of State. We have news that there was a Straits man come in laden with rich commodities and all manner of fruit, the same having sailed out of the Straits with a fleet of 24 ships, from which he hath been parted by ill weather, and hath passed the danger, and met with no English. Other Straits ships are come since within the Fly. The Deputies of the States arrived yesterday from England, and thereupon the Lords States have been assembled this day, where the said Deputies have made their Report to their High and Mighty Lordships of their Negotiation there. The common report here is that the foresaid Lords Deputies being gone from London to Gravesend without any conclusion of the Treaty, with a Resolution to return home, there came some Commissioners from the Lord Protector to confer with them about the differences remaining, which are said to be; that the English would exclude the King of Denmark from the Treaty; And that this point at last was to remain undecided till the Lords the States General should have ratified the Articles of the said Treaty, the which many do believe shall be done. The Lords States of the Province of Holland have also met in the assembly of the said Lords States General to have communication of the said Report made to their High and Mighty Lordships to give advice of the same to the towns. The Lieut. Gen. Middleton hath lately received a Letter from Scotland from Glencairn giving him notice that he by the help of the Highlanders hath made himself Master of Stirlingshire, and of the whole Northern Quarters of Scotland, and that they have only need of the King's presence, with more Arms and Ammunition of War to effect great things against the English. The Lord Protector and the Council sat close this day in the Council-Chamber. The Term this day began, and the Judges sat in the several Benches in Westminster-hall A Translate of a Paper Printed at Harlem in Holland follows that you may see what they Print there touching the Treaty. That the Deputies of Holland by the dissolution of the last Parliament, and the transferring of the Sovereignty of the said Commonwealth of England to Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector had been interrupted three days in their Negotiation. That the third of January 1653. they treated very close with the English Commissioners at Whitehall, and the eight very near perfected the Treaty, which was not brought to a full end, because of some difficulty. Thereupon their Lordships (as they had done some time before) declaring to be desirous to return home, and demanding a Pass to that effect; it was granted them the ninth day, and they being gone to Gravesend, the said Treaty hath there been resumed in hand by the English, and all the Articles renewed, whereupon the Allies and Confederates were comprehended in it. And that the fourteenth the Peace was there agreed on, concluded and signed, God Almighty be praised; being a great blessing for the whole Christendom. Afterward the Lord Deputies of Holland, after many loving embracements, are gone the 16th into a ship appointed for them, and ready to set sail, and their Lordships are arrived in the Mase the 21. and about noon to Schiedam, from whence they came that evening to the Hague, where, upon their coming, and the report they have made of the peace concluded, and of all the circumstances, there hat been a great rejoicing. The 22 the States have sent Letters to all the Towns and Boroughs concerning this great and good business, that everyone might be informed thereof. The time will not give me leave (good Countrymen) to afford you more particulars of the Treaty; I shall only add that the Lords States shall at the first day call for a meeting, to agree, ratify, and approve the said Articles of Peace. God grant it. This paper aforesaid was printed in Holland, and it is their News, brought over hither and translated. It is well if they make it good. There are divers Ambassadors from several Princes come to the Hague. Right Honourable, The 16 instant about 27 leagues W.S.W. from Ushant, I spake with one of Ostend, who sayeth that the Thursday before he came out of Bordeaux, in company with 40 Hollanders, and 20 others homeward bound; They kept the French shore, but had no Convoy; for a ship of 34 guns on whom they depended grounded upon the Pole head coming out, and there sunk of the 17th. at two in the Afternoon with the wind at East. As I plied cross the Channel about 16 leagues south from Scilly, I met with four Frigates that bore the English Ensign, and the old Unicorn Jack. The greatest was a new ship, not much unlike the Nonesuch, only somewhat shorter, with a gilded Head, a Rampant Lion, with a gilded Crown in her Stern, and a blue streak, as hath the Laurel; this I suppose was Beach. The three smaller did weather us a Saker shot, and the other half a shot, as he passed he fired one gun; though four to one yet they would not bear up. They standing to the Northward I tacked in their wake, and kept them company till night drew his curtain. All this day it was so much wind and Sea, that we could not with safety open a top Sail. On the 18. instant I hailed with the Lizard, thinking to find him, and met with 16 of our Merchant ships outward bound, whom I say 20 leagues to the Westward. On the 19 at noon, I met with the Middleborough, and with her a supposed prize. And the last night with a pretended Dover-man. But the whole company are French, save one Rob. Hopkins of Dover, both which Vessels laden with wine, I have sent into Plymouth by the Middleborough, and am ranging where I can best imagine, to clear the coast and Channel of the Picaroons. The aforesaid Rob. Hopkins sayeth, that on Saturday last, there came out of St. Martins in his company a ship of 26 Guns that came from the West Indies, and with him nine more which are gone on the back side of Ireland, for they steered West from Aberonne de Baies. And further say that they look for a fleet of 200 sail from Holland which are to come round. From on board the Sapphire in sight of the Lizard, Jan, 20. 1653. Your Honours' and the Commonwealth's humble Servant to be commanded, N. HEATON. The Council sat close this day, and sat late at night. Some persons are apprehended upon the Ordinance for Treason. Letters from France say Conti is making his peace with the King, and Conde hath a fortnights time to come in, which if he refuse, his estate to be sequestered, and he proclaimed Traitor, the Rentiers in Paris grow numerous, and their discontents high. Some English ships are arrested in France. A Declaration is signed unanimously by the officers of the English Navy protesting to live and die with the present Government. The news from Holland is yet doubtful, notwithstanding all that the Dutch say, and have Printed, the particulars thereof are before expressed. The Lord Ambassador Whitlock is highly favoured by the Queen of Sweden, and honoured by the people. Dalkeith, 19 Jan. The chief Body of the Enemy is now fallen into Murrayland, where they are busy in levying their Sess, and intend to debar correspondence between Aberdeen and Inverness. Col. Morgan is drawing all the forces of the Northern parts together to attempt their driving out thence. Athol was lately is Strathardle, where he enjoined all men to rise, and got together about 500 who had not stayed long with him, but 300 departed without leave. Whereupon he gave liberty to all but 60 to be ready upon occasion. The enemy I am confident were no gainers by the loss of Cap. Elsmore's party from Drummond Castle, he that commanded the first party (supposed to be Col. Wogan) was slain, and many of his men. The party consisted of Wogan's English being 30, and about 40 of Sir Arthur Forbs' his men that were beaten in the South; and the other were Major Mercer's men that belong to Athol. Wogan and his men stood valiantly to it, otherwise we had totally the Scots. Lieut. Caleb Leigh is certainly killed. By Letters from the Generals at Sea dated 20 January in the channel, is advertised, that the Diamond hat forced on shore, (on the French side) A Vessel from New Haven, where it is supposed she is bulged. A Prize of Wines taken by the Middleborough, is brought into Plymouth. A French man taken by Cap. Heaton, laden with Wines sent into Plymouth. A Fly Boat, called the spotted Ox, an Holland Merchant ship coming from Bordeaux laden with Wine, of 140 Lasts, taken by Cap. Hide, sent into Dartmouth. A Small Vessel called the Hope of Campheir, with Deal boards and ballast, brought in by the Expedition. An Holland Merchant ship richly laden, sunk upon the coasts of France, upon a chase. 2 Dutch ships sunk near the coasts of Norway. A Dutch Merchant ship taken upon the coasts of Scotland. ☞ Spiritual Experiences of sundry Believers. Held forth by them at several solemn Meetings and Conferences to that end. With the Recommendation of the sound, spiritual and savoury worth of them, to the sober and spiritual Reader. By Vavasor Powell, Minister of the Gospel. The second Edition with Additions. To be sold by Thomas Newberry at the three Lions in Cornhill, near the Exchange. An excellent piece Entitled, Observations on the present manners of the English, briefly anatomising the living by the dead, with an useful detection of the Mountebanks in both Sexes. By Richard Whitlock Dr. in Physic, late of All-souls College in Oxon. To be sold by Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Arms in Paul's Churchyard. Parlamentum Imperatorium: Seu Carmina Progymnastica, in centum quinquaginta quatuor, omnium, Grcorum, & Germanicorum Csarem, C. Julio Csare usq; ad Ferdinandum Secundum Csarem Austriacum, Symbola, & dicta Imperatoria. Opera Lusiditerania Thom Crymes, D. Georgii Crymes (alias Graham) de Peckham in Com. Surr. Equitis silii natu maximi. tatis su decimoquarto. Sold by L. Chapman at the Grown in Popes head Alley. Jus Divinum Regiminis Ecclesiastici: Or the Divine Right of Church-Government, asserted and evidenced by the holy Scriptures. The third Edition corrected and augmented in many places, and an Alphabetical Table to the whole annexed. By sundry Ministers of Christ within the City of London. Sold by George Calvery at the Half-Moon in Paul's Churchyard near the little North door. The Lord's Prayer unclasped, with a Vindication of it against all Schismatics, and Heretics, called Enthusiasts, and Fratricilli, By James Harwood, B.D. Sold by G. and H. Eversden at the Greyhound in Paul's Churchyard. The French Cook, prescribing the way of making ready all sorts of Meats, Fish and Flesh, with the proper sauces, together with the whole skill of Pastry work, and a Treatise of Conserves both dry and liquid, A la mode de France. The second Edition corrected and Enlarged. Also A Learned Discourse of Ceremonies, retained and used in Christian Churches, Written by the Right reverend Father in God Lancelot Andrews, late Bishop of Winchester, a little before his death, printed by the Original Copy, written with his own hand. Both sold by Charles Adams at the Talbot near Danstan's Church in Fleet Street. The Works of Dr. Tho. Taylor, late Minister of Aldermanbury London, containing 24 Treatises, besides divers Sermons on sundry Texts, published under the hands of Edm. Calamy, Jo. Caryll, Dr W. Gouge, W. Strong, Geo. Gryfith, Ra. Venning, W. Greenhil, Tho. Manton, W. Jemmat, Tho. Brooks. A Treatise called the Establishment, handling the power of the Civil Magistrate in matters of Religion, particularly in the business of Tythes, and Toleration An Instituted and fixed Ministry. The necessity and excellency of humane Learning. The Works of Robert Harris, once of Hanwell, now President of Trinity College Oxon. Revised, Corrected, and now collected into one Volume, with an addition of sundry Sermons, some not printed in the former Edition, others never before extant, by R. Harris D D Oxon. A Discourse of the state of man in the first and second Adam, printed by itself in 12, published by Ro. Harris D D. being part of the folio Works. Certain Sermons of Ro. Harris once of Hanwell, now President of Trinity College in Oxon, being a supplement printed for their benefit who have the works of a former Edition. All to be sold by John Bartlet at the Gilt Cup in Paul's Churchyard, over against the Woollen Drapers. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 226 |
ProcState229 | This day, an address was made by the Portugal Ambassador to his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. The Portugal Ambassador's Brother and the rest of the Portugals that are in Newgate about the mutiny at the New Exchange in the Strand, are to be tried at the Gaol Delivery for Newgate, this Sessions in the Old Bailey. There are some things, which for want of room could not be inserted the last week, touching the Lord Protector's reception into the City, at the Dinner at Grocers' hall; At which time the Lord Mayor, after Dinner and the Banquet, was Knighted; and his Highness gave his own Sword where with he did it to him. Mr. Recorder was called for; but had been sent away upon special business before; But at his Highness coming into Grocers' hall, Mr. Recorder had made a Speech, which was thought fit rather to be done there than in Fleet Street, and is as followeth. May it please Your Highness, my Lord Protector, it hath been observed by some, That when Samuel offered Sacrifice, he therefore reserved the Shoulders for Saul, that he might know what was the weight of Government: The consideration of which made Maximilian affirm, That none who knew how heavy Diadems were, would stoop to take them up. Governors are like the Heavenly Bodies, much in Veneration, but never in rest; and how can it otherwise be expected, when they are not made for themselves, or their own glory, but for the safety and good of Mankind? as in the Natural, so in the Civil World, great things being ordained to serve the less: We see the Sun by its Beams, serving the eye of the meanest Fly, as well as of the greatest Potentate. The Supremacy of Salus Populi, was the conclusion of the Twelve Fables, and will be a prevalent Maxim until the end of the World. By thus much, My Lord, You may perceive the dark side of this Leading Cloud of Government; but if God vouchsafe assistance from those Shoulders, upon which the Government is laid, and put under his Everlasting Arms, You will see the bright side also, and thence receive Encouragement: This Support his is pleased to give by letting Rulers know he is the Author of their Power, and that from him they are to expect their Rule. The Designation of Government, as to Forms and Persons, is an Humane Institution, and mutable, as things that are made; but Government itself, abstractively considered in its pure Original, is of a Divine Offspring, and can with no less difficulty be shaken, than those Vestigias which being as Relations tell us, upon the tops of some Mountains, above the Clouds, can be disordered by Wind and Tempest. And for the Rule, the Word, or Reason of God in the Divine Understanding, is the Eternal Law of all things. But this being too deep a Well for Man's Bucket to draw out of, it pleased his infinite Goodness to let fall a Rivulet from this Source into the Creature; which leaving an impression in man's understanding, we call, The Law of Nature: But man having this honour, presently became of no understanding; his mind being clouded with passions and sins, had soon need of superadded helps, which God gave him, by those other Laws fit for Government, and still gives a Spirit for the framing such municipal Laws as are according to his Will, and suitable to the good of the People. But when this was done, the best Laws without a Government, were no other than as the Sword behind The Ephod; and therefore Moses in his time, and other Governors in their time, must be as Walking Laws, and Administrators of Justice. We may conclude, My Lord, Your Highness hath Experimented both these Encouragements, as being the Spectator of some, and the Subject of other great Revolutions which have happened in this Age, and Land of Wonders: And not only know, That the Most High rules in the Kingdoms of Men, disposing them to whom he pleaseth; but also, That it's not sufficient with the Princes of the Nations, to exercise dominion, which is the common Image of God, except there be also a share in the peculiar Image of his Righteousness and Holiness; they being God's indeed, and after a peculiar manner, to whom the Reason, or Word of God so comes. My Lord, There is one help more in Government, which God is pleased often to add to the rest, which is the giving in of the Affections of the People. The solemnity of this day, wherein the Citizens of this great City appear in their several Companies, as so many Cities within the City, speaks much to this; they leave it to other Nations to salute their Rulers and Victorious Commanders with the names of Csares and Imperatores; and after Triumphs, to erect for them their Arcus Triumphales: But if I mistake not, their end, this day, is not any such outward Pomp or Glory, but that those who have been delivered together, might rejoice together; and to express their desires, That the Civil Sword might be as prosperous for Public Ends, in the Hand where it is placed, as the Military Sword hath been in the same Hand. This City seldom goes alone in Public Actions: it was anciently called by Stephanides, The heart of the Nation; and if the Heart be in a Politic consideration as it is in the natural, it will communicate life and spirits into the other Members, by which means the whole Body may unanimously contribute their desires and endeavours to oppose the common Enemy, and after all our distractions, see the Nation established upon the firm Basis of Peace and Righteousness, which is the end of Government and shall be the end of my further troubling Your Highness. Divers Petitions were this day presented to his Highness the Lord Protector, by the Masters of Requests, and several Orders passed therein, for the relief of several distressed and oppressed people. The Council sat this day at White-hall, about the modelling of able and honest men to be Justices of the Peace for the several Counties of this Nation, to present them to His Highness. A Committee of the Council sat about Scots Affairs, and particularly about Sir William Dick's business, and others of the Scottish Nation. Dalkeith 2 Feb. 1653. The Enemy at their late being in Badgenoth, got three men from every four Ploughs in that Country (except those near the water) but many of them soon returned back. The Loquebar men made good advantage to plunder when the Enemy were in Murayland, which when they had got they left them. The chief strength of the Enemy under Glencairn are now at Strathspey, and lie near the Lord of Grants, who (as is said) resolves to keep the house against them, having taken in some men and provision of Meal for that design. The 28 instant, a party of about 36 Horse came into the coast of Goury to the house of Megnich belonging to Sir Peter Hay, who had a very brave young stoned Horse which he engaged to the Governor of St. Johnstones to keep, the Enemy broke into his outer Court, and demanded all his horses for His Majesty's Service, he denied his horses; hereupon they threatened to burn his Corn, he set the at defiance and fired upon them, whereupon they all ran away. But two days after a greater party came and fired both his and the Earl of Linlithgow's Stacks of Corn because they would not deliver their horses and maintenance to their Forces. Sir Peter Hay's loss is computed to be about 600 l. sterling. But I doubt not but as this usage will make them stink in the nostrils of the Country, so those who have suffered so deeply for their not complying with these rude people, will in due time be repaired by the Commonwealth. Major Gen. Harrison's late Regiment have sent up their Subscriptions to the Lord Protector, Col. Mackworth is added a Member of the Council to His Highness the Lord Protector. Divers godly Ministers in Leicestershire, have sent a congratulatory petition to His Highness the Lord Protector. Letters from Ireland say, His Highness the Lord Protector hath been proclaimed in Ireland with much satisfaction and great solemnity. They do arm now so strongly in Sweden, that the like hat not been seen in that Kingdom. It is reported that they will set out 20000 Foot and 10000 Horse, nobody knowing for what design. In the same time they do Negotiate very secretly with the Ambassadors of Spain and England. Time will show to what purpose. The Lords States of Holland and Westfreezland begin to meet again, and it is hoped that the other Provinces shall shortly bring in their Resolution upon the Articles of peace with England, and that soon after Ambassadors shall be sent thither, the common opinion being that the peace shall be brought to a good effect. It is believed that the fishing shall be free as formerly, and that the differences upon the business of Amboyna shall be decided by Commissioners of both sides to be appointed, if it be possible, and that if the said Commissioners cannot agree thereupon, the same differences shall be referred to some Deputies of the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland. As also that the King of Denmark shall be comprehended in the Treaty as soon as he shall have made restitution and satisfaction of, and for the English ships and goods by him detained. The Lieut. Gen. Middleton is lately gone from hence toward Scotland, having with him, as they say, 200 persons. We hear continually here of the great misery and desolation of the Country of Liege where the Lorainers, and Spanish Forces, those of the P. of Conde, and of the Dukes of Wettemberg do commit all manner of excesses, so that the most part of that poor people do fly into Maastricht, into the Bosh, Brabant, and other parts leaving behind them their houses, their goods and cattle to the disposing of their Enemies. Some Fishermen do report that some Hollander's and Zealander's Freebooters have been amongst the English Fleet of Coals, and have taken some of them. We have lies reported here, that the Highlanders in Scotland are 12000 strong, and the Irish Papists 10000 and do great exploits in both places against the Forces of the Commonwealth of England, as also that the Countries of Wales and Cornwall with some others have revolted and are rising in arms: We have received News that the Town of Beffort is like to be surrendered by composition to the Marshal de la Ferte Senneterre. If it be so the Count of Harcourt may repent that he hath not agreed before for the delivering of Brissac; His Majesty having offered him the last time 500000 Livres ready money, and that he should have for his retreat and of his family the Fortress of Philipsbourg. It is reported that the prince Thomas shall command the next Company to the Marshall of Turennes in his Army. It is much spoken of, that an Extraordinary Ambassador shall be sent from this Court into 1. The Earl of London is at Cologne to bring to effect his long Negotiation for the Crown of Spain, and hopeth to receive ere it be long money to pay his Officers. The Deputies who have been met together a good while about the reconciling the said City of Cologne with its Elector have the last Sunday broken up their meeting re infecta, those of the Elector's side refusing to come to an agreement. We hear from Liege that that Country is utterly ruined. The French succours is at last come by Sedan. We begin to be afraid of the Lorainers, being reported that some of their Regiments already passed of the Maize and are ready to enter into the Land of Juliers. We hear from Liege that the Country is almost utterly ruined, for not only the said Lorainers have taken their Winter-quarters, but also other Spanish forces, for the opposing of which 8000 French are in readiness, and only say for the Resolution of the Prince of Liege, otherwise called the Elector of Cologne who is to assign the said French a place of retreat which will totally ruin that poor Country. In Silesia (where the Reformation of the Religion is earnestly endeavoured) there hath been a grand Robber put to death, who hath confessed that he hath murdered 180 men besides the Soldiers. He hath had his hands and feet cut off while he was alive, and his Breasts pinched off with hot Tongs, and afterward hath been brought in a Cage upon a Scaffold, where he hath been broken and quartered, without so much as crying or altering his countenance, his Quarters have been set on poles upon the Highway. From Venice came thus. We have received a confirmation of the retreat of the Turkish fleet at Constantinople, where the general Bashaw hath made his peace though for a while he was under a cloud. The report is, that having presented to the young Emperor a young Virgin of extraordinary beauty, who is of the Greek Nation, that thereupon he was received into favour, and the young Maid like to be his chief Favourite. From Deal 9 Febr. There hath passed through this Road several ships this week, which came from the Southward, and are all bound for London: there hath been very high winds lately, which made some wreck upon the coast of France about Calais, Boulogne and those parts; among others, a Dutch man of War of good strength, who rid in Calais Road, was beaten upon the shore, broken in pieces, many of the men drowned, only a few saved. This day came news that the States General upon the debate of the Peace with England, had put the question as to ratification thereof, and that five of the Provinces had consented to the Ratification, and resolved to make it for themselves in case the other two (viz.), Gilderland, and Groning continue obstinate, and the extract of the said Articles hath been already printed there in Dutch, which are translated as followeth. 1 That there shall be a safe and sure Peace between both Nations. 2 That from hence forth all hostility shall cease. 3 That all wrongs and offences suffered either by the one or the other party shall be forgotten; and neither party shall pretend anything thereupon. All actions past shall be nulled, except those that shall be done in the British Seas after the time of 12 days, and from that Sea to the Cape of St. Vincent in the time of six weeks, and from thence in the Mediterranean Sea, as far as the line in the time of eight months to be reckoned from the time of the publication of the Peace, and all Prizes taken after that time shall be restored. 4 That all the Prisoners of both sides be released without ransom. 5 That both Commonwealths, shall be considerate friends to defend one the other against whomsoever. 6 That neither of both shall act against the other, either by Land or by Sea. 7 That the States shall cause restitution to be made of all the ships and goods seized upon the English by the King of Denmark, that are yet in being, as also a full compensation of the worth of those goods that may be sold already, and likewise that all the damages or spoil of goods shall be made good to the owners, by estimation, and when such satisfaction shall be done by the said King, then all hostility shall cease between England and Denmark. 8 That no Inhabitants of either Commonwealth shall assist any Rebel of either with moneys, ships, or victuals. 9 That both Commonwealths shall assist one the other at their proper charges against their Rebels. 10 That neither shall receive those that are, or shall be declared enemies of either Commonwealth. 11 That either Commonwealth having notice by the other that some of their Enemies are in its Dominions, they shall give them warning to depart in 28 days upon pain of death. 12 That the States shall not suffer any of the Inhabitants of their Dominions to assist the Enemies of England. 13 That the English shall not pay greater Impositions than other Nations. 14 That the States' ships shall strike their Flag before the English in the British Seas. 15 That neither of the Commonwealths shall give retreat to any Pirates in any of their Ports. 16 That in case the English or the Dutch make any Treaty with any Prince; they shall therein comprehend each other reciprocally, if they desire it. 17 That in case some hostility should happen between the Inhabitants of both Commonwealths, by one against the other; that the allowance shall nevertheless hold, and remain in full force; and the parties that shall be found guilty shall be punished. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 are not so much considerable. 25 That if one party shall cause some damages to the other there shall be no Letters of Reprisal given; But if in three months time, no satisfaction is done, then the said Letters may be granted. 26 Is not so much considerable. 27 That no more but eight ships of War shall be suffered to come or remain in the Ports of each others Commonwealth at one time: And when there shall be occasion for a greater number, then the consent must be first asked. 28 That the States shall do Justice upon those that shall be found alive, that have murdered the English in Amboyna. 29 Lastly, That there shall be Commissioners established to examine the wrongs of injuries done, or pretended to be done or suffered by the Inhabitants of either Commonwealth in the East Indies, Greenland, Muscovey, Brazil, or other places. And if the Commissioners cannot agree thereupon within the time of three months. Then the aforesaid differences to be referred to the Judgement of the Protestant Switzers. Bristol 11 Feb. Our Cadiz ships are some come home, and the rest coming by the way of Ireland with the Dutch. Of Salt formerly mentioned, The Brest men have lately taken six small vessels. Burlington 5. Febru. A Pirate of six guns and fifty men was brought in hither, the men are sent Prisoners to York, Newcastle. Febru. 8. There are a Fleet of Colliers sent out from hence, and great store of Coals are digged out of the pits for lading of more. Isle of Wight 8 Febru. On Monday last there passed by this Island near 30 sail of ships, from the Straits, Spain, Portugal, and Biscan, most of them bound for London. A private man of War hath brought in two prizes, one Dutch the other French. Downs 11 Febru. The Fleets from the Straits, Spain, Portugal, Biscan, and other parts are safely arrived here, as also five prizes of Wines, and one ship with Currants, and we hear of 10 prizes more coming in. Dalkeith 7 Febru. The Enemy in the Hills do now rather decrease than increase. Of the Scotch some Clans are coming off from them, having made overtures for Passes, and Protections, which it is not thought policy to deny. Col. Wogan is certainly dead, he died in the Castle of Balloch on Wednesday last, and was buried on Friday at the Kirk of Kenmore; His Capt. Lieut. Broky is not likely to recover, this with the daily disrespect and contempt which is cast upon the English among them hath made divers of the English to have thoughts of retreating homeward. By Letters from the Generals at Sea is certified that they had put out from St. Ellin's point with about 60 sail with them, to ply to and again in the Channel. 1 For the Western Circuit, The Lord Chief Justice Roll, and Mr. Sergeant Glyn. 2 For Berks, Oxford, &c. Lord Chief Justice St. John, and Mr. Justice Atkins. 3 For Sussex, Kent, &c. Mr. Justice Aske, and Mr. Sergeant Newdigate. 4 For the Midland Circuit, Mr. Baron Thorp, and Mr. Sergeant Peapis. 5 For Bucks, &c. Mr. Baron Nicholas, and Mr. Sergeant Conyers. 6 For the Northern Circuit, Mr. Justice Hayle, and Mr. Sergeant Windham. 1 For Hampshire: Monday 27 Febru. at the Castle at Winchester. 2 Wiltshire, Wednesday 6 March at New Sarum. 3 Dorsetshire, Monday 6 March at Dorchester. 4 Somersetshire, Wednesday 8 March at Chard. 4 City of Exeter, Monday 13 March at the Guildhall of the City of Exeter. 6 Devonshire, the same day, at the Gaol Garden near the City of Exeter, in the County of Devon. 7 Cornwall Monday 20 March at Launceston. 1 For Berkshire, Tuesday 28 Feb. at Reading. 2 Oxfordshire, Friday 3 March at Oxford. 3 Gloucestershire, Wednesday 8 March at Gloucester. 4 The City of Gloucester, the same day at the City of Gloucester. 5 Monmouthshire, Monday 13 March at Monmouth. 6 Herefordshire Wednesday 25 March at Hereford. 7 Shropshire, Monday 20 March at Shrewsbury. 8 Staffordshire Friday 24 March at Stafford. 9 City of Lichfield, Tuesday 28 March at the City of Lichfield. 10 Worcestershire, Wednesday 29 March at Worcester. 11 City of Worcester the same day at the City of Worcester. 1 Sussex, Thursday 2 March at East Grinstead. 2 Kent, Monday 6 March at Maidstone. 3 Essex, Friday 10 March at Chelmsford. 4 Hertfordshire, Wednesday 15 March at the Town of Hertford. 5 Surrey Friday 17 March, at Southwark. 1 For Northamptonshire, Friday 24 Febru. at the Castle of Northampton. 2 Warwickshire, Tuesday 28 Febr. at Warwick. 3 The City of Coventry, Tuesday 2 March at the City of Coventry. 4 Leicestershire, Friday 3 March at Leicester. 5 Borough of Leicester, the same day at the Borough of Leicester. 6 Derbyshire, Tuesday 7 March at Derby. 7 Nottinghamshire, Thursday 9 March at Nottingham. 8 Town of Nottingham, the same day at the Town of Nottingham. 9 Lincolnshire, Monday 13 March at the Castle of Lincoln. 10 City of Lincoln the same day at the City of Lincoln. 11 Rutlandshire, Friday 17 March at Okeham. 1 For Buckinghamshire, Monday 27 Feb. at Aylesbury. 2 Bedfordshire, Wednesday 1 March at the Town of Bedford. 3 Huntingtonshire, Friday 3 March at the Town of Huntington. 4 Cambridgeshire, Monday 6 March at the Castle of Cambridge. 5 Norfolk, Wednesday 8 March at Thetford. 6 Suffolk, Monday 13 March at Bury St. Edmonds. 1 For Lancashire, Tuesday 7 March at Lancaster. 2 Yorkshire, Tuesday 14 March at the Castle of York. 3 City of York the same day at the Guildhall of the same City. This day came forth an Ordinance by His Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council; That Josias Barners, Edward Winston, Richard Moor, John Upson, Edward Cary, and Rice Williams, Esqs, or any four of them, be and are hereby constituted and ordained, Commissioners of the managing, ordering, and disposing of the Estates of all Delinquents now sequestered, or which shall be adjudged Delinquents upon cases now depending, and of all Estates now under Sequestration for Recusancy. And that the said Commissioners, or any four of them, shall from and after the tenth day of February in the year 1653, have power, and are hereby authorised to manage, order, set, let or dispose of all and every the said Estates, during such time as the same shall remain under Sequestration. Provided, no lease thereof to be granted, exceed the term of one year; And that the whole Rents, Revenues and profits of the said Sequestrations and Sequestered Estates, shall be paid in at Goldsmiths Hall to the hands of Richard Sherwin and John Leech, Esqs; who are hereby constituted and appointed Treasurers of the said Receipt. And the said Commissioners are hereby authorised and required to call all Commissioners for Sequestrations, Treasurers, Receivers, and other persons employed by the former Commissioners for compounding, in the several Counties, to an account for all and every sum and sums of money in their or any of their hands, of the said Sequestered Estates, or any of them. And all who have any part of the Rents or other profits of the said Sequestered Estates in their hands, shall forthwith pay in the same unto the Treasurers before named; And if they or any of them shall neglect to pay in the same before the 25 of March 1654. That they shall forfeit unto the Commonwealth so much more as the said Commissioners herein named shall think fit, not exceeding the moiety of such moneys as shall be discovered to be in their hands. And the said Commissioners are hereby authorised and empowered to continue to remove from time to time, such of the persons now employed as Commissioners for Sequestrations in the respective Counties, as they shall see cause, and to place other honest and able persons in their rooms, &c. And the said Commissioners before named shall have and exercise such and the like powers and authorities for compounding with all or any the persons named in one Act of Parliament, Entitled, An Additional Act for sale of several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, and with the Heirs, Executors, or Assigns, &c. And be it likewise ordained, That all and every Delinquent whatsoever not having compounded, or being inserted into any Act for sale, or the Heirs, Executors, or Assigns of any such Delinquent, deceased, who shall discover any part of the real or personal estate of any such Delinquent, which estate is not under actual Sequestration, nor disposed of by the Parliament, shall be admitted to compound for such estate so by him discovered, at the rate following (that is to say) for Real Estates at one full year's value, and for personal Estates at one sixth part, and that the Commissioners aforenamed shall admit them to such Composition accordingly; And that such Fine as shall be set by the Commissioners according to the Rules aforesaid being paid, the Estate so compounded for shall be from thenceforth absolutely discharged from being liable to any Sequestration, Forfeiture, or other Question for or in respect of the Delinquency of such Delinquent. Provided, that such discovery and Composition be perfected, and the money paid before the 20 day of April 1654. And be it further Ordained, That the Commissioners herein named, be authorised and empowered to hear and determine all causes which were on the 31 of January last depending before the Commissioners for Compounding, according to the Acts and Ordinances for giving Indemnity. This day His Highness the Lord Protector received the Petitions of divers persons, and gave Orders for release of the oppressed. By Letters from Holland is certified that the States General have agreed to the Ratification of the Peace with England, two of the Provinces did not at the first putting of the Question agree, (viz.) Gilderland, and Groningham; but the next day they concurred, and now all the seven Provinces have joined to ratify the Peace with England. And thereupon have sent a plenipotentiary power to the Lord Beverling in England. This day the said Lord Beverling, who is now Ambassador in England had audience by His Highness the Lord Protector at the Cockpit, who was brought to His Highness by Sir Oliver Fleming Master of the Ceremonies with divers Gentlemen attending also the Messengers of the Council and his own Gentlemen. There are also some other Ambassadors from the States General to follow. And all is like to be presently dispatched. The copy of the Articles of the peace extracted as they were printed in Holland you have here inserted in this book before. The Combat between the Flesh and Spirit, with the Directory of a Christian, in 42 Sermons, By Mr. Christopher Love, Minister at Laurence Jury. Smectymnuus Redivivus, being a Treatise about Episcopacy and Presbytery, By Five Learned Ministers; to which, the Ministers of London refer their new Book, called The Vindication of the Ministry; with an Epistle of Mr. Tho. Mantons, Minister of Newington. Both sold by John Rothwel at the Fountain and Bear in Cheapside in Goldsmiths Row. Choice Helps for a Pious Spirit. A Century of Divine Breathings for a Ravished Soul, beholding the Excellencies of her Lord Jesus. By Jos. Hall, B. N. The Art of Memory, or a sovereign and certain Cure for a weak Memory; wherein the Natural Defects of that Noble Faculty, are artificially repaired, by the regular application of Images and Ideas. Easy to be apprehended by the meanest Capacity, and exceedingly useful to all persons, from the Gown to the Clown. Both sold by Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill. Reliqui Wottonian, or a Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems, with Characters, of sundry Personages, and other incomparable pieces of Language, and Art, By the curious Pencil of the ever memorable, Sir Henry Wotton, Knight, late Provost of Eaton, the second Edition with Additions. Sold by R. Marrior, G. Bedel, and T Garthwaite. The Straight-Gate, or the Narrow-way leading unto Life, made plain; being the substance of 15 excellent Sermons, with the Analysis before each Sermon, By H. Reeve, Mr. of Arts. Academiarum Examen, or the Examination of Academies; wherein is discussed the Matter, Method, and Customs, of Academic and Scholastic learning; also some Expediments proposed for the Reforming of Schools, and the Perfecting and Promoting of all kind of Science, By John Webster, M.D. Divine Essays or Considerations about several things in Religion, of very deep and weighty concernment, By Isaac Pennington, Junior, Esq; All three sold by Giles Calvert at the Black spread Eagle at the West-end of Paul's. Extant, An Examination of Master Baxter's Aphorisms of Justification; together with a Vindication of Justification my mere Grace, from all the Popish and Armenian Sophisms, by which that Author labours to ground it on Man's Works and Righteousness; wherein Mr. Baxter's Aphorisms are repeated and confuted, By John Crandon, Minister of the Gospel. Sold by Tho. Brewster at the Three Bibles in Paul's Churchyard, at the West end, and Livewell Chapman at the Crown in Pope's Head Alley. Wednesday the 25 of this present February, 1653. A little Crystal Box and a Crystal Cover fixed with a Gimmer, shutting like a Watch, was this day lost in St. James's Park, or the Old Spring Garden: If any shall bring it to Mr. Perryn Goldsmith, at the sign of the Golden Bottle in Cheapside, or to Ralph Harlow the Potter at Wallingford-house, next Whitehall, shall be well-contented for restoring this Box. A large bodied Kite-colour Grey pacing-Gelding, six years old, about fourteen hands and a half high, having a cloudy face, and M. P. branded of the near-buttock, also a grey Mane; stolen on Saturday night last. Any man that shall bring him to Thomas Smith at the Bell in Warwick-lane, London, shall have twenty shillings for his pains. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 229 |
EveryDayIntell10 | At a Council of Officers of the Army they agreed, and did unanimously declare, That they will adventure their lives, and all that is dear unto them, in defence of His Highness the Lord PROTECTOR, and the Government now established in England. His Highness' Proclamation (which you had in our last) was sent to the several Counties of England, & c. (for them to Proclaim) with a great Seale, since which we hear that in many places in the Country where His Highness hath been proclaimed PROTECTOR, the People have expressed great joy by making Bonfires, Ringing of Bells, and the like. Affairs here seem troublesome, though the Highlanders have for certain divided themselves, conceiving it for the present more for their Accommodation and Design, than in a body; Kenmore's Territories is the West, Glasgow, and Marshes; Sir Arthur Forbus and Ramsey the Breas off the Hills in Angus and Mearness Earl of Athol in Athol and those Clans above St. ; Glencarn and Glengary towards the North parts about Inverness; and thus this new purloined Royal Army have disposed their Quarters; but a party of Horse from hence with Col. Morgan somewhat disturbed their Levies in Angus, for they have taken about 40. men, and 60. horses, and had unregimented Kinmoule, if the hills had not been friend to a few. The Enemy is departed from the hithermost parts of Athol, and gone to Kirkmiebel, in order to their march Northwards; as I am informed Kenmore and Glencarn are both there, and their Force reported to be 500. foot, and 500. horse, but those that gave me information that saw them, affirm they are not half that number, they lye under very many discouragements, and every place so eaten up where they come, that they are forced upon often removals; and now provision of Mutton and Beef begin to decay: I hear they intend for the North; that their Quarters upon the Lowlands may be more assured and broader, where they expect the Landing of foreign forces, Ammunition and Money from their Majesty, and the States of Holland. The Enemies dispersing themselves into several parties is affirmed; They are now endeavouring to their Levies into form, by laying them upon all the nearest Parishes to the Hills, but their demand's so high, that it is impossible the Country (though willing) should be able to bear them. We have information, that Kenmore will use all his endeavours to raise and force men, horses, and moneys in the South and intends to make some inroads into the borders of England, unless prevented; which is more probable by that information which we received from Durham, That 20. Horsemen well mounted, and armed with Pistols and Swords, went through that Town on Tuesday last by break of day, amongst them a person of Quality. The same number lay at on Saturday night last, and wit them Col. Wogan, formerly a Captain of Dragoons in the Parliament's Army. Thursday night last, Lieutenant Whitmore going with a party towards the Hills, took one Major Morehead (a prisoner of War, and yet upon parole and security) well mounted and armed, going to the Enemy, as himself confessed. They do much hearten their party, that their King is come into Holland; That Col. Drummond is shipped with 1500. Volunteers, Armies, and Ammunition: And that the Dutch have left off treating with the English; with all which they feign a Post came lately from their King. On Friday morning last a party of these Royal Pilferers met the post boy coming from Leith with Letters for London, and near Haddington took his horse and Letters, and some Money, so that now it will be very uncertain sending of Letters without a Convoy. It is certified from Edinburgh, That the Writs issued out against persons in debt, do make many of the Lowlanders to run to the Highlands. It is said that there are about 4000. Writs issued out against several persons who have neither money, nor estates to pay their Debts. Proposals therefore have been tendered to the Commander in chief, for relief of poor Debtors. 1. That the Debts of the Inhabitants of Scotland, may be judged according to Law; and that those who are not able to pay their Debts presently, may give security to pay it in a reasonable time, at a day appointed, without any use. 2. That such as will have benefit of the Investment upon Land, may have the Land made over to them at such a rate as it would have yielded at such time as the Monies was lent upon it. 3. That the Act of pardon and confiscation may be passed with much mercy for time past. 4. That a Proclamation be issued out, that after the said Act of Favour, those that are to receive benefit thereof, may be so curbed. That if any person contemn, or shall hereafter rise in Arms against the Power of the Commonwealth; that they be banished the three Nations, and all their Estates to be confiscated. From in France thus: The people are in great fear and discontent here, by reason of the building of two Castles near the City, for which they conclude, that they are a-new enslaved with the Kingly Yoke. There is very little Trade, the Spanish Men of War lying still about the River's mouth. The Duke of Orleans is not yet come to Court, though he hath been often invited thither. There is great preparations at Toulon for a Fleet to be ready next Spring, and those men of War which were gone out with Letters of Matt, are commanded in, and against they come, great store of Biscuit is making, and a good quantity of Arms and Ammunition, what the enterprise will be, is not yet known, but it looked upon as the beginning of a new War, where ever it happeneth. The Lord PROTECTOR set forth an Ordinance for alteration of several Names and Forms heretofore used in Courts, Writs, Grants, Patents, Commissions, &c. and settling of Proceedings in Courts of Law, Justice, and Equity, within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland according to the present Government, wherein it is declared, That the said LORD PROTECTOR finding it to be most necessary, that some speedy and effectual course be taken for settling the Names, and Forms to be used in Patents, Commissions, and Proceedings in Courts of Justice, the said LORD PROTECTOR, by, and with the Advice and Consent of His said Council, and in pursuance of, and according to the Power and trust reposed in him and them, doth declare and Ordain, And be it by the Authority aforesaid declared and Ordained, That in all Courts of Law, Justice, or Equity, and in all Writs, Grants, patents, Commissions, Indictments, Informations, Suits, Returns of Writs, and in all Fines, Recoveries, Exemplifications, Recognizances, Process, and proceedings of Law, Justice, or Equity, within the said Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, instead of the Names, Style, Title, and Test (of The Keepers of the Liberty of England by Authority of Parliament) heretofore used, that from and after the six and twentieth day of December, 1653. the Name, Style, Title and Test of the LORD PROTECTOR, for the time being, of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, shall be used, and no other: And the date shall be in the year of our Lord, and no other. From Scotland we further understand, that Gen. Glencarn and Kenmore are marched towards the North, to secure the landing of Dutch Forces, Arms, and Ammunition, which the expect. Kilmore, Commander in Chief of all His Majesties Forces within the Kingdom of Scotland. By virtue of a Commission granted to me by His Majesty, for levying of Forces within the Kingdom of Scotland, for opposing the common Enemy, I do by these presents appoint Alexander Blackader to levy out of the shire of Cleckmennen one sufficient Troop, Horse and Men well armed, out of every thousand pound of Rent, with certification if they fail after fight of my Order they shall be esteemed Enemies to their King: And the said Colonel Alexander Blackader, or any having his power, are hereby Authorized to take the persons of the Deficients, and bring them prisoners to the Army, and to drive away all their Goods, while they do Duty. Given under my Hand at Glenertie the sixth of December, 1653. Subscribed, GLENCARNE. Loving Friend, I desire that ye will intimate this Order to all the Gentlemen in Clackmennenshire, and send me the just Rental of every man's Estate with this bearer; and if ye shall incur any danger by giving you this Order, He answer for it. No more, but expect your diligence, and your Answer, as you will have your selves freed from trouble, and rest. Comerie, Decem. 10. 1653. Your Loving Friend, JOHN BLACKEDOR. For his loving Friend William Morris, Clark in Alloway. By Letters from the Hague, it is written, that the French Ambassador there, said for certain of late; That if the Dutch would break off the Treaty with England, he would assure them of the Crown of Sweden, which may have somewhat more than a French Brag, since all men know how straightly that Queen is allied to France, but it's possible your English Embassy may move that Queen to mind her nearest Interest. One Mr. Rogers a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, presented to his HIGHNESSE the LORD PROTECTOR some cautional Proposals concerning the present Government managed by His HIGHNESS and His Honourable Council; the material parts are these, Take heed of Protecting the Carnal, National Antichristian Clergy (though they come in the Name of Orthodox or Learned, for so did the Scribes and Pharisees.) Zedekiah's indulgence to the Priests and false Prophets of the Nation, emboldened Hananiah in his Lies Jer.28.1. &c. Which (Zedekiah believing) persecuted the true Prophets, and brought dreadful destruction upon his own head. So Ahab (a notable Politician) did protect his National Clergy, or Prophets (who were his, not the Lord's, 2 Chre. 18. 5. and by their suggestion, hared and persecuted the true Prophet Mioaiah, which proved his ruin. Thus the Rulers that were led by the Priests, proved Tyrants to the true Ministers of the New Testament, Acts 4.16,17. And whiles they would defend them, they destroyed themselves. Thus the worldly Clergy do ever fly to worldly Powers for Protection (having none from God.) and for this end it is, they flatter great men, to engage them to their ruin; so do Antichrists, now they are near falling, and (without the Lord hear Prayers for you, and deliver you, from this fearful danger)they will ensnare you, and cast you asleep with their Enchantments, and render you unfit to follow Christ any further, but (under the Name of the Ministry) most miserably entangle, and subtly seduce you into Antichrist's cause: Which if they do, will be your utter ruin, as Revel.4.9,10. If any worship the Beast or his Image, and receive his mark in their forehead, or in his head, or in his Hand, the same shall drink of the Wine of the Wrath of God; &c. Rev. 19.2. And the Beast was taken, and with him the false Prophets, with whom he deceived them that received the mark of the Beast, and them that worshipped the Beast; these were cast alive into the Lake burning with brimstone. Therefore (my LORD) if a word from Jehovah on high, may (as yet) be received, look about you I and before you! with an ecute irretorto! Make haste (my LORD) for Christ's Protection! against the Plagues that are (as sure as God is righteous) coming from Babylon, and all that will cleave to her Interest. Luther was not too bold (in the Name of the LORD) to tell his Lord Protector, the Elector of Saxony; That by his prayers he had gained him more safety and Protection, than he had received from him; and that the Cause of Christ needed not his Protection, but he needed that's Protection. The Power of Man (indeed) protects Antichrist's Causes, but it is the Power of God (set awork by Faith and Prayer) that Protects Christ's. And sayeth he, Whether you will believe it or no, yet this Way I will undertake to secure and Protect your Highness's Soul, Body, Estate, and all, (viz. by Faith and Prayer) if you engage freely in the Cause of Christ against Antichrist. So say I (my LORD) in that Name which sent me (which fills me with Courage and Confidence) that if you will freely oblige for Christ and his Interest, this loud crying faith and incessant high spirited Prayers of the Saints, will all Engage against you and never give Jehovah Nissi, the Lord our Protector rest, till the Excellency of Jacob have prevailed, 2 Chron.19.6. Take heed what you do. Thus the Lord hath stirred me up by an irresistible and restless Power (once more) to lay his Work before you; for that he hath used You as a most glorious Instrument in the Three Nations (by the faith and Prayers of his People) to make way for this Work; which if you reject, will reject you, and be the infallible fore-runner of your fall: Which that God may prevent, is the fervent Prayers of the Faithful People night and day, whose souls mourn in secret for you, whose hearts ache and bleed abundantly on your behalf; as for a man (most dear in their souls, but) under most desperate Temptations and dangers. In these Proposals I am sure, I have kept my sphere, and followeth the strong impulse of God's own Spirit in me, and many others; however it be taken. Wherefore the Great God awake you to his work! else the time will come when God will say, Let him alone be enjoined to Idols. Hos.4.17. Now that the Hand of the Lord may be with you, see what these five fingers point at, to you; which if you practise, will be able to Protect you, as well as direct you in this dreadful Day of the Lord's controversy for Sion: They concern you (my LORD) more than Caesar's Paper did him. Now that they may prove a Hand writing against you (and a Cup of Trembling put into your hands) they are strengthened with a Divine generosity, and shall struggle with you in the Faith, Tears, and Prayers of many, who pray and mourn for you and amongst other. Your (afflicted) faithful Servant, for the Interest of the Lord Jesus, John Rogers. A Soldier was shot to death for killing a Seaman. Cap. Crispin hath brought into Plymouth a Dutch Ship laden with wine from Nantes: He fought with two Brest Men of war, but they lying near the shore, got away. The Dutch hath taken a Ship of ours coming from New-England. Gen. Monck hath sent out many Scouts from the Downes, and they have already brought in 10. or 12. Prizes. The Old Lodgings at Whitehall are making ready for his Highness and his Court, and the old Council Chamber is fitting for his Honourable Council, unto whom Mr. Scobel and Mr. Jesen are Clerks, and Mr. Thurlo Secretary of State. The Dutch Ambassadors had a personal Treaty with the Lord Lisle, Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Sir Gil. Pickering, Mr. Strickland, or Mr. Thurlo, and it's said that peace is concluded, both with them and Denmark, with satisfaction, Honour and safety: Let us then say of His Highness, Beati pacifici. This will be a check to the Highlanders in Scotland, and all those that carried on that design, though they talk of Prince Rupert's coming thither to be Generalissimo. The Scots King hath sent a Letter to Glencarn, assuring him that the K. of France, and Denmark, the Duke of Brendenburgh, the Emperor, and all the Princes of Germany will assist him with Arms, Ammunition and Money, and that he will come to them in person presently after Dezmond hath landed. Middleton also writes to them out of Holland, that Colonel Dezmond was shipped away from the 26. of November, with 1500. Volunteers of several Nations, and Ammunition, and bids them not doubt of further supplies. The Portugal Ambassador's brother is removed from Newgate to the Tower of London. Thus have you Passages concerning, The K. of Scots' Letter to the Lord General of the Highlanders. The assistance of Arms and Ammunition promised unto him by the K. of France, the K. of Denmark, and all the Princes of Germany fifteen hundred Volunteers sent unto Scotland from Gen. Middleton, and P. Rupert's going thither. The concluding of a Peace between the English and the Hollanders and Denmark. A Declaration of the Officers of the Army, and some Proposals to his Highness the Lord Protector. | Every Day's Intelligence, Issue 9 |
PerfII3 | From Friday May 26, to Friday June the 2, 1654. His Highness the Lord Protector hath given out Warrant for issuing of Writs of Summons by the Great Seal of England for a Parliament to be summoned to meet at Westminster upon the third day of September next, and at the day and place of elections, the Sheriff of each County, and the Mayors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, and other head Officers within their Cities, Towns, Boroughs, and places respectively are to take view of the said Elections, and make return into the Chancery within twenty days after the Elections. No Persons are to choose or to be chosen, that aided, assisted or abetted in the War against the Parliament since Janu. 1641. unless they have been since in the service of the Parliament and found faithful, nor such have been in the Rebellion of Ireland. And those who are to be elected to serve in Parliament are to be such) as are known persons of integrity, fearing God, and of good conversation. The Lord Ambassador Whitlock hath finished the union with the Queen of Sweden, and is coming home by the way of Hamburg. The Plot is everyday by examination discovered moreclear, two hundred Horse it is confessed did waylay his Highness, one Wharton in Black-Friars should have proclaimed Charles Stuart, who is apprehended, and divers are daily apprehended, one of the Ashburnham's, and some others are sent to the Tower; I could tell you of apprehending the Lords Montegle, Savage, Cranborn, since released; as also the names of divers this day examined, and who are likely to be tried, as also one apprehended last night in Holburn in Woman's apparel, but in short a bloody Plot it was designed. Tudor this day brought from the Tower to be examined escaped through the House of Office in Whitehall Garden, much is confessed by others, and you will shortly have the particulars. Whosoever can discover any that had a hand in the lately Libels posted about London, will do an acceptable service, and be well rewarded. Whereas, in the 28 Article of Agreement betwixt his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands. It is there Ordered and Agreed, that Restitution shall be of all and singular the English Ships and Goods seized and detained within the Dominions of the King of Denmark since the 18 of May, 1652. &c. And whereas in the same Article Edward Winslow, James Russel, John Becx, and William Van der Cruissen are appointed to Arbitrate, Judge, and Determine Indifferency, as well on the part of His Highness, as the said States General, the Losses and Damages sustained by the English; let all men take notice that are concerned, that the said Arbitrators by their respective Commissions under the broad Seal of each Commonwealth respectively, met this day atGoldsmiths Hall, where the said Commissions were read and the Judges of the High Court of Admiralty, being there present (according to the true intent and meaning of his Highness, and the Lords States General of the United Provinces, by the express words of their Commissioners) did administer an Oath unto the Commissioners aforesaid; which done, the Commissioners did enter upon the work, and do hereby give notice thereof to all that are concerned therein, that so they make their several and respective applications to them, sitting at Goldsmiths Hall. Robert Davie Register to the said Commissioners. From Hamburg 22 May. The Deputies of the Low Saxony are gone home from hence. The Envoys from this City, and from Lubeck to interpose the agreement between the Swedes and the City of Bremen are not yet come back. Those of Bremen do sally out upon the Swedes, having the 19 instant killed and taken some, and brought in 9 horses. The same have brought in both by land and water much munitions. Naples 26 April. At Ocranie there hath been lately two great Earthquakes. Whereas the Lords our extraordinary Ambassadors, with the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, have by their Letters written from Westminster the fifteenth instant, among other things given us advice, that his Highness had at their desire, found good to put off the time prefixedin the thirtieth Article of the Treaty of Peace, Union, and everlasting Confederacy, for the bringing in on both sides, the Claims and pretences concerning the things done in the Indies and other places, mentioned more at large in our Proclamation of the sixteenth of this present, from the twenty eight of this month to the 11 of June next, new stile. We have thought necessary by these to warn all the inhabitants of these Lands, who are any wise concerned therein, to be mindful to send to London within the 11 day of June aforesaid, and deliver to the Commissioners appointed on both sides, all their Claims and Pretences, to be reckoned from the year 1611. to the 28 of May, of the year 1552, new stile inclusive, for the wrongs suffered from the English. Done in the Assembly of the aforesaid Lords States General in the Hague the twentieth of May, 1654. From Dunkirk June 2 new stile. I have no good news to impart unto you at present, only the sad accident which happened at Gravelines upon Thursday last being the 28 of May; about ten of the clock in the forenoon; where the fire having taken to a great quantity in a magazine of Powder blew, up a great part of the Castle, the Convent of English Nuns, with many houses adjoining to it which were all blown up and laid in a heap, and had near taken the other Magazine, where was 400 Barrels of Powder, Grenades, and other Fireworks in great quantity. The Ordinance for the Commissioners sitting at Salters Hall is very near finished, the names are not yet inserted; it is believed some honest and able Lawyers will be added. After Csar endeavoured to foment sedition amongst the Latin Colonies, the which he could not effect he cometh to Rome, upon his first coming he set on foot great designs within the City, he conspired with M. Crassus, a man that had been Consul with P. Sulla, and with L. Antronius, (who after they were Consuls elect, stood condemned for suing indirectly and corruptly for that place) to set upon the body of the Senate in the beginning of their year, and that after they had massacred whom they pleased of them, M. Crassus usurp the Dictatorship, and Csar be chosen master of the horse, and so when they had settled the estate at their pleasure, Sulla and Antronius should be restored again to their Consulship; of this conspiracy Tanusius Geminus maketh mention in his History, M. Bibulus in his Edicts, and C. Curio in his Orations, Cicero seemeth to signify as much in a certain Epistle to Axius, wherein he reporteth that Csar established in his Consulship, that Royal government which he plotted, and thought upon when he was Bedile. Csar in this had laid a notable Plot to destroy the Senate, he finding them to be the only obstruction to his intended greatness, must destroy them and turn them out of the Senate house; Councils and Senates are not always at the devotion of a Tyrant or Usurper, or by any other ways: therefore Csar must destroy the Senate or some part, a small Council is easier wrought to the will of a Tyrant than a great Council; those whose lives that he intended to spare and continue in the Senate should be but few, and they should be persons qualified with timorousness, or else with base corrupt minds that would become anything and conform themselves wholly to the Will of the Usurper; if he would connive at their fowling the people: it is likely that if Csar had put in execution this Conspiracy he would have put several necessities upon the remaining part of the Senate to act and do that might justly give cause of discontent in the people, or have employed several persons to oppose allActs of justice in the Senate, and have made that famous Chariot to move slowly; by this means have made the people out of love with the Senate, that thereby he might with more ease attempt the Supreme authority, by turning the remainder of the Senate out of doors, and have erected a new Senate or Council that should be small in number and weak in parts, that thereby he might rule them the better, and be the more comfortable to his Will: Csar in this plot contrives to be Master of the Horse, so that although he drew M. Crassus into the Plot in expectation of being Dictator; yet he knew right well that he as Master of the horse should have command of the soldiery, by whom he might easily remove M. Crassus out of the Dictatorship, and have placed himself in his room. Csar did not give the signal upon the appointed time, neither was M. Crassus at the Senate house at that time, Curio sayeth that this bloody Tragedy should have been acted upon Csar's letting his Gown fall from his shoulders, M. Artorius Maso doth write, that at the same time Cu. Piso should in Spain have raised commotion. All Authors are silent as to the giving a reason why or upon what reason of State that Csar omitted the putting in execution this bloody intention of his, it is to be supposed and that not without probable ground he refused it, upon the consideration that such an act would render him cruel to the eye of the people; who rather affect mercy and clemency than cruelty or rigour, and if that he should have done anything to have incensed the people, he had been deprived of reaping the benefit of that act of his, if he had committed that treason or cruelty, as to turn the Senate out by killing them, he would have declared that they were unjust, that they were slow in motion, and that the Gods to declare they had no more work for them to do, did not give them hearts to do good to the Commonwealth when indeed Csar was the cause of all. Csar incites and stirs up the soldiery of the Commonwealth to rebel to commit treason, not only in disobeying the commands of the Senate; but in tempering them with an inclination to be ready to massacre the Senate, all things are lawful that is done for a Tyrant which are made by him unlawful to be done, acted, or thought of to be done against him after he hath seated himself in the Throne of his Tyranny, those that do act anything against a Tyrant and Usurper, with a weak hand shall know it to be so he that undertaketh with a strong hand that is able to put in execution his Treason, shall never know what Treason is; Csarwho did never commit Treason, acted with that power that he was able to take the head of him off that should call him Traitor. After Csar was Aedile, whose office it is to repair the place of public meetings, feasts, shows, and the charge of the aqueducts, ditches, and common shores of the City, and to order the sitting of every Citizen in the Theatre according to his dignity as also to judge in cases where on had sold a sickly rotten or unfound beast for the market, he beautified Comitium, which was where part of the people did sit, to hear Orations and to give their voices in matters of great concernment, he beautified the Forum or Market place, the Justice Hall, and the Capitol with fair Galleries, for standing to view public shows, the chasing and baiting of wild beasts, the Stage plays, and solemn fights, he exhibited them jointly with his companion in Office, and also severally by himself, whereby it came to pass that the charges of the solemnities were born in commune between them yet Csar alone went away with all the honour, and thanks; neither did Marcus Bibulus his Colleague dissimulate the matter; when he said that the same befell unto him, that befell unto Pollux: A Temple being erected in Rome to Castor and Pollux, the Temple in those times was for breviation of Speech called the Temple of Castor so the honour of Pollux was much lessened. Bibulus supposed the same of himself, Csar spared for not cost nor pains to ingratiate himself with the people, it is popularity that must be helpful to him to lessen the greatness of the Nobility, and to increase his own greatness, he beautifieth places of public meeting and shows, he not only inviteth them to meet and assemble, but presents to them many objects of stately delight to lighten their minds against the Nobility he commeth to them to as council whilst he is rising, after he is risen he expelleth them out of those places, and seeketh not counsel in the Forum or Market place but of his Cabinet where nothing is contrived, but how to fasten obedience and servitude upon the necks of the people, where to encamp or quarter his forces or erect or strengthen Citadels by fortification that may best keep the people in awe; he tickleth the people with pleasing plausible works and words: as one would a beast that he intendeth thereby to get him he have some advantage to cut his throat, the half charges of these expensive reparations, was born by his Colleague; it is frequent that the valour of the soldier is attributed to the General, when he little deserveth it, it is the wisdom of many wise Counsellors sometimes to those Princes that deserveth not the name of men but Beasts. When Csar had gained the hearts of the people by these good public works; he sued to have the Province of gypt by an act of the Commons conferred upon him; taking an occasion to make suit for this extraordinary government, for that the Alexandrians had driven their King out of his Realm, whom the Senate had styled with the title of a friend; howbeit he could not obtain his suit by reason of the opposition of the Nobles, whose authority he would by all means possibly, infringe, lessen and repair, the victorious monuments of C. Marius, for subduing King Jugurtha the Cimbrians and the Tentons, which before time had been demolished, and cast down by Sylla, he erected and set up again. Csar might have obtained his suit, had he made use of the authority of the Nobles as well as the Commons, but if he had obtained this suit of the Commons, he would next have sued to the Commons to give their voices an Act to make and declare the power of the Nobility useless, the which thing he endeavoured. Upon his sitting upon a Commission for the examination of Murderers, he reckoned those in the number of them, who in the time of the proscription, had received money out of the public Treasury, for bringing in the heads of Roman Citizens; notwithstanding they were excepted by virtue of the law Cornelia. This proscription was in Sylla's time, Csar himself was of the number of the proscribed persons, their prosecutors he prosecuteth, contrary to Law; the Tyrant and Usurper valueth not Law, he breaketh them as Reeds, or at least will indemnify his servants that do break them so that Laws are but Cobwebs to catch the smaller flies. After this he suborned T. Labienus, to indite C. Rabirius of high treason by whose help some years before, the Senate had repressed and restrained the seditious Tribune ship of L. Sauturnius, and he being chosen Judge delegate to pass sentence of the prisoner, so willing he was to condemn him, that when Rabirius appealed unto the people nothing did him so much good as the rigour of the rest of the Judges. It is likely they would not allow him the benefit of the appeal; the people might have seen in this what a Tyrant their Patron Csar would be in that he would take upon him to judge and be of those that passed sentence against his declared and professed enemy, and also the debarring the prisoner of the benefit of appealing to them, who were to be appealed unto last, as the Supremest authority of all. The end of the 3. Chapter. | A Perfect and Impartial Intelligence, Issue 3 |
ModIntell172 | The Letters and Papers taken in the tower of London, concerning the proceedings of State Affairs, and Mr. John Lilburn, and the removing of him from thence to the Isle of Jersey. A Declaration and Narrative touching the Change of Government, and the happiness of those people who live under such a Government, and the happiness of those people who live under such a Government, where it is the duty of their Governors to rule by Law, and content to be governed as well as to govern; withal representing the never to be forgotten Precedents of the Roman Consuls, and worthy to be written in letters of Gold with the point of a Diamond, how gallantly they served as private soldiers in those triumphant Armies which formerly they had been Generals of. With variety of intelligence from Denmark, France, Scotland & Holland. The K. of Denmark hath sent forth his Royal Mandates to raise forces to send aboard his Navy to secure the Sound: and the Low counties make great preparations to defend themselves. At the Sessions in the Old Bailey, last Saturday, a man was sentenced to be pressed to death, and being afterwards heard to groan, was carried down to the Press-yard again to have the execution dispatched. Another that was hanged died most desperately smiling as he rode along in the Cart, and drinking a health to the Devil in Sack. Mr Hones, We desire to be resolved by you, whether the elected Ministers of this Country, who have been silenced and suspended, how this long time, ab officio, & beneficio may at last have the door of utterance opened, and be permitted to preach the Gospel freely among those that do much want it, and do as earnestly call for it, as the parched Earth after the dew and rain of Heaven. The reason why we put this business to the question is: because about the last spring, some of our fellow Ministers, taking the boldness to preach the word of God, were some of them, sent prisoners to Chepstow Garrison, others pulled out of the Pulpit, and all the rest were threatened to have the same measure meted unto them, if they should make the same attempts: and therefore we desire to know whether we are under the same restraint still, or are at liberty: we doubt not but that you can resolve us herein, as well as any other in this County, and we hope you will be pleased to satisfy our civil request herein, and vouchsafe us a line of answer, which you may direct to either of the subscribers, who are Your friends, as far as you are a friend to Christ and his ways Tho. Lewis, Tho. Powell, Griffith Harley Feb. 6. 1643. Gentlemen, Your letter dated Feb. 6. 1653. I received the 1. of March. And in Answer to what you propose therein I shall only put you in mind that you are still, and more than line t be in the same condition, with those in the last Spring: and tell you that you are to expect the same measure from the present Power, whose connivance you seem, at least, to fancy to yourselves, as your brethren has the last Spring from the then powers. And also that you need not pretend your being pressed as from pity to water the parched earth, there being more Sermons preached now in one month, then were formerly in twelve, and with very much, though I dare not say with a greater blessing: consider the restraint-fearing Spirit that's in you, Your friend, and servant, Jen. Jones. March 2. 1653. From Deal the 7. instant: The Ships, which were in this Road are now gone Southward. The English Fleet are an 100. sail, lie at St. Helen's point, and the rest at Spits head. No news from Sea, save that a Dutch man of war, called the John Baptist, bound from St. Malo's to Amsterdam, and laden with Indigo and Pepper, was taken by the Reserve frigate: the Capt. Was a Frenchman, but the service being so extreme hot, he was at last soundly peppered, and force to surrender to cool himself. An Ostend man of war was brought into Plymouth by the Falmouth frigate, and 3 Dutch prizes laden with French Wines, Figs, and Raisons from St. Lucas. Alas! But to these sweet Fruits, we hear of very sharp and sour sauce: for true it is, that the Brest men of War have taken the Charity of Bristol, and detain the Master for cap. Beach, whom they threaten to mete the same measure unto, as shall be inflicted upon the said Beach. They have also taken two Weymouth Vessels, another of Westchester, and most of the best ships belonging to Bristol. Nay, this is not all; but the Wild Boar is surprised by a Fleming, a delicate Vessel, and bravely fraught, and valued worth 5000 li. To this sad and dismal Scene ensues another fatal Act that is, the Expedition of Plymouth coming from Zant, laden with Currants, was set upon y A Dutch man of war, and after a long and sharp dispute both ships were sunk. The Lord Ambassador of the King of Portugal had this day audience by his highness at the Cockpit, and the Queen of Sweden's Agent had likewise audience, being attended by Sir Oliver Fleming, Master of the Ceremonies, and divers Gentlemen, there being with his Highness divers Lords of the Council, and Mr. Secretary of state. The Committee for approbation of Ministers have met in Whitehall, chose their Register, and other Officers, and began to proceed in the business according to the Ordinance of his Highness. The place which they sit in, is at the end of the stone Gallery, at the corner of the Court, and their proceedings are such as promiseth much good to this Nation by the settling of an able, godly and powerful Gospel Ministry. They sit Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The Welshmen have sent a Declaration to his Highness, wherein they bless God for the late Change and present Government. And the like is come from Norfolk, and other places. To God be all the glory. The Commission of the great Seal being altered, the Lord Lisle, and Sir Tho. Withrington were this day sworn Commissioners for the custody of the great Seal of England for the Court of Chancery by the Clerk of the Commonwealth, before his Highness and his Council, in the Council chamber at Whitehall. The Lord Ambassador Whitlock is added to them. From Naples we have received intelligence, That the French men of war upon the Coast of Apulia have done much harm, and taken many prizes, among whom is an English ship worth fifty thousand pounds taken at Cape Spativente. This day was presented to his highness the Lord Protector a Declaration and Recognition by M. Dickeson Alderman, and Sir Thomas Withrington Recorder of the City of York: the true copy whereof take as followeth: Whereas it hath pleased the Lord, whose eyes run to and fro through the earth, to show himself strong on the behalf of them whose hearts are perfect to him, to make bare his Arm, and bring salvation to a Nation not worthy to be beloved, & to break many yokes from off our necks, in accomplishment whereof, though humane Might and Power have been made use of, yet things have been so ordered and over-ruled by the Spirit in the midst of the wheels, that we may justly say, We are not saved by Bow, or by sword, but by the Lord our God; and therefore, in the first place we look upon it as our duty to acknowledge Salvation and blessing to him that sits upon the throne of Heaven judging the right, who hath done whatsoever it pleased him, both in Heaven, and in Earth, and in all deep places. Yet when we also consider how it hath seemed good in the eyes of God to single out your Highness as the man of his right hand, whom he hath made strong for himself, and through your vigilancy, courage, and constancy, to do great and wonderful things in the midst of us, in delivering us from eminent and pressing dangers on the right hand and on the left. While we bless the Lord, our heart is also to the Governors of Israel, who have jeoparded their lives in the high places of the field and are daily going on to second their valiant Acts by prudent Councils, that we may enjoy the end of every just War, which is, a safe and honourable peace. Unto your highness therefore (as all the people of Israel to their Ruler) we humbly and heartily say, Peace be to thee, and peace be to thine helpers. For which congratulation, his Highness returned thanks to the City of York, and the Gentlemen that presented it. This night between 6 and 7 o'clock the Lord Lambert, the L. Lisle, the L. Strickland, and the rest of the English Commissioners, went to the Dutch Ambassadors at Sir John Trevers, in the Lord Protector's coaches, with Mr. Thurlo Secretary of state, and Mr. Scobel Clerk of the Council; and about 9 o'clock at night totally finished the Ratification of Peace, and the Articles were then signed and sealed by the Lord Ambassadors on the one side, with full power from the States, and the Lords commissioners with full power from the Lord Protector on the other side. And within 15 days the Peace is to be ratified by the Principals on each part, and publicly proclaimed in both England and the Low Countries. Of which, more by the next: in the interim, be pleased to take notice, that one Article is, that the King of Denmark is to make satisfaction to the English Merchants for all the losses by them sustained and the Dutch are to be Security. Another is that both commonwealths are to assist each other, both offensive and defensive, &c. the next thing that we shall present you withal, is, the proceedings of the Royal Party in Scotland, which purports, that the Lord De laBank's Brothers, seven Knights, and 50 Gentlemen, are gone from the West to Gen. Middleton, with special Horse and Arms, and that the heroical spirits Glencarn, Kenmore, Athol, Forbs and divers other of the mickle Lairds are very plausible, by which means they work extremely upon the affections of the Lowlanders, and expects the access of more forces very suddenly. The Earl of Athol is come to Glencarne with about 700. horse and foot, Seafort and some new raised forces by him, are to join with them. Glencairn being 2000, horse and foot, is at Dingwel, and it is thought we may engage them there. There hath been a very sharp Dispute between the Paul frigate, and a Flushing man of War, the last Week; but after 5 hours Conflict, the Hollanders were forced to yield, and now lie at the mercy of our States in Plymouth. Presents us with an Ordinance for adjourning part of Easter Term, which take as followeth: Whereas many abuses and corruptions are crept into the ordinary course and administration of Justice, both in Law and Equity, the Reformation whereof hath not yet been attained: Out of a tender care and desire that so necessary and good a work may at length be brought to effect, It is held convenient and necessary to Adjourn part of the next Term of Easter: Be it therefore Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the consent of his Council That part of the said Term of Easter now next coming to be Adjourned, that is to say, from and after the first Return called Quindena Pasch, unto the first return of Trinity Term, called Crastino Trinitatis: And all and every person or persons, which have cause, or commandment to appear in any of the Courts at Westminster, in or at any day or time, from and after the said Return, called Quindena Pasch, and during the said Term, called Easter Term, may carry at their dwellings, or where their business shall lie, without resorting to any of the said Courts for that Cause, and without charges or forfeiture, penalty or contempt to be in that behalf. And be it also Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That Writs of Adjournment shall be directed to the Justices of the said Courts, giving them authority to adjourn the said Term of Easter, as aforesaid, that is to say, from and after the first Return called Quindena Pasch, until the first return of Trinity Term, called Crastino Trinitatis, as before is said, and the said Adjournment shall be made, as aforesaid. And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Matters, Causes, and Suits, Depending in any of the said Courts shall have continuance, and the parties shall have day, from the day of the said Adjournment, until the said Return of Crastino Trinitatis, as is aforesaid: And the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal are required to issue forth Writs accordingly. And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, and all other Sheriffs both in England and Wales do forthwith proclaim and publish this Ordinance in the Chief Market Towns within their several and respective Counties. Henry Scobel Clerk of the Council. The Dutch Ambassadors have sent an Express to their Masters the States of the united Provinces, giving them an Account of the Ratification for Peace, which is to be signed and sealed by the Lord Protector within 14 days, and then to be publicly proclaimed both in England and Holland in one day. The Agreement with Denmark is also taken in upon the Articles; and for the loss sustained by the English Merchants, whose Demands amount to about one hundred and fifty thousand pounds, it is referred to two English and two Dutch Merchants absolutely to determine those Demands within 20 days, and their place of sitting appointed at Guild Hal. Also the business of Amboyna is referred to eight Commissioners, who have six months time to determine thereof, and in case they agree not, Umpires are nominated. Upon the arrival of the News at the Hague, touching the signing and sealing of the Articles of Peace between England and Holland, the Royal Party were much startled thereat, and Major Gen. Massey was pleased to make this construction upon the Ratification, That sith Providence had pleased to make up the Breach between the two Republics, it was impossible that his Master's Game should go forwards and that he conceived it would redound most to the honour of the English Chevaliers, to engage mutually in the Christian service, against the Turks and Pagans. A most noble and heroic Design, and I desire that it may prove effectual. But on the contrary, the major part are exceedingly revived in spirit, and the Merchants on both sides have great cause to rejoice; for the Pirates begin already to seek out for shelter, and to striffe off from the Narrow Seas. A fair riddance. And the Navigable Affairs appear somewhat clear the Clouds of Picaroons being gallantly expelled The Ordinance for better amending and keeping in Repair the common Highways within this Nation, was presented to public view. From Scotland we have received further intelligence, that the mickle Lairds, are also upon their march for a general conjunction with a Resolution to force all they can to rise with them. Hey toss, how the Game goes forwards: but confident I am, and with a candid Resolution I desire, this the success may centre, where the justness of the Cause most depends, an no otherwise. Middleton has a very large commission, and ordered by his Master Charles to dispose of all Affairs both Ecclesiastical and civil. He proceeds with fire and sword against all those that will not join with him, and hath besieged Cinkeler castle; besides, they have taken a Vessel of ours going to Lewis Island, laden with Ammunition, Provision, and clothes for that Garrison. In the Southern parts towards Carlisle they are very active in rising daily, which puts the English horse to extraordinary duty, even to tiring out. They are drawing together all into one body, and action is suddenly expected. As for the proceedings of Gen. Middleton, they are carried on with abundance of dexterity. Mr. John Lilburn is removed from the tower of London to some remoter place, 'tis said to Isle of Jersey; the cause is reported to be for attempting again something against the State: and moreover, that he had writ certain Letters, which Papers were seized on in the Tower, and from thence conveyed to his highness. Under whose Government, the Lord grant that we may enjoy peaceably both the Law of God, and the Law of Man in their brightest Rays, and glorious lustre, it being the Oath that he hath sworn unto, and great is the happiness of those people who live under such a Government, where it is the duty of their Governors to rule by Law. O it is an excellent thing to be contented to be governed, as well as to govern; for, to speak ingenuously, innumerable examples of this kind may be found amongst the Romans, as Caius Manlius, and divers other Consuls, served as private Soldiers in those Armies that they had formerly been Generals, which indeed is according to the Law of Nature. From France we have received intelligence, That the King of Scots is still at Paris, and of late as merry as a Prince; for upon the Deputies of Languedoc telling him, that if there were a peace with England, it would be well for all the Protestants in France: He made answer that he was glad of it, for then it would be the better for himself. His brother James hath taken the field against the Prince of Conde and with five thousand horse and foot has taken in sundry strong Hods. | The Moderate Intelligencer, Issue 172 |
MPol190 | From Thursday, January 26. to Thursday, February 1. 1654. Since the Engagement of our party at Drummond, we have had little of news. We cannot yet hear what loss of men was on the Enemy's part, nor who the persons were that were slain. Only one Cap. Ker and another person of quality, who they said was the second brave man they had in Arms; but they had very many wounded. The main Body of the Enemy continues still in Murray land, between Inverness and Aberdeen. A party of 300 Foot under one Lieut. Col Henles of Newark, and 100 Horse commanded by one Inchinrole, came lately into Dumbarton town, stayed an hour, and went thence. At the last going away of the Highland Scots before this, the enclosed was posted on the Market-cross, with these expressions in it, Our ancient old Enemy the kingdom of England: so that you see by this, it is a National quarrel, and not for the Stuarts. Herein our enemies showed the bottom of their design is, to destroy the English; and it is a sweet invitation for the English to join with them. If their plots be laid no deeper, we suppose they will not be able much to hurt us. We hear that Col. Humphrey's gallant Troop of Dragoons, are upon the Borders, and some other coming to reinforce us, which is welcome news; and now we shall be able at all turns to meet with the Enemy Forasmuch as to the prejudice of his Majesty's service, and the advancement of our ancient old enemy, the Kingdom of England, who by their perfidious practice, and all unlawful means, still pretending the good and advancement of the Protestant Religion, has endeavoured the reducement and enslaving of us, our predecessors and Country, to their subjection. Many pretended Countrymen of several qualities within the shires of Dumbarton, Aire, Renfrew, and other adjacent places on the South side of Forth, are not ashamed to bring in, sell and deliver to several Officers of Garrisons belonging to the said grand enemy, the whole serviceable Arms, and other offensive weapons, they either have, or possibly can acquire, whereby his Majesty's Levies in most parts of the said shires, are greatly impeded, far contrary to our natural Countrymen, inhabiting the Northern shires, who by their good example laying to heart the bleeding condition of this their native Country, do all unanimously take up Arms and join with us for relief and recovery therof: We do therefore by these presents signify and declare, that whatsoever person or persons, of whatever quality, within said shires of Dumbarton, Aire, Renfrew, or places adjacent, shall upon whatsoever pretence, after the publication hereof, presume to sell, deliver, or give up to any belonging to the said common enemy, any serviceable Horses or Arms, to the prejudice of his Majesty's service or levies of Horse or Foot, employed upon any of them, that the whole good and gear of the person or persons disobeyers of this our command (without respect of any) shall be sequestrate and confiscate for the use of any whatsoever can first apprehend them; for meddling with, and effectuating whereof, these Presents shall be an irreducible Warrant, and ordains publication hereof at the Market-cross of Dumbarton, whereby they, nor none inhabiting the shires of Aire, Renfrew or places adjacent, pretend ignorance hereof. Given at Weims this 22 of December 1653. Sic subseribitur, Glencairn Things at present look with a good face as if we should enter into a strict alliance with this Nation. The Queen is highly civil and courteous in her reception of my Lord Ambassador. On the 23 instant his Lordship had his public Audience, and since that time he hath had two private Audiences, whereat he gave in the articles to Treat upon as a firm Union. The Queen receives all the overtures herself, none of the Senators being present. We hope there will be a good and speedy account given of this affair. A Muscovy Envoy is arrived here, whose business is said to be nothing else but to acquaint the Queen with his Master's full resolution to make war with the King of Poland. Since my last no news here, but that the Dutch Fleet which then I told you were beaten in here again by some English Frigates from Gothenburg are resolved to winter here. This City had suffered much by a late fire, had not this King and Court bestirred themselves to quench it, which only consumed two or three houses. We hear every day of the Queen of Sweden's great respect to the English ambassador, which increaseth our fears and jealousies, and now we seem more afraid than ever, that the Dutch will leave us in the briars, but the best of it is, we have not much wool to lose. Some days ago news came to this City by an Express out of Poland, that between the King, Tartars and Cossacks a firm Peace and union was concluded; which news is confirmed by the ordinary Post, and thereby advised that the said Peace was made by the Lord Palatine of Russia, Castel Sendemer Grand Marshall, and Grand Chancellor, with the great Vizier, and Cham the Tartars having engaged themselves to assist the Crown with all their power and strength, whenever they shall have need of them. It is this day reported here, by Letters from Rotterdam, that the Deputies were come on there with the Articles of Peace, which the States had signed; which is rather desired than believed; also that the english Fleet had lately taken above 20 Sail of Dutch Merchants, which is neither desired, nor believed. The last week Mr Arnolphini being many years since invested in the office of Master of the King's Horse, began in this quality, to teach his Majesty to ride the great Horse in the Court of the little Bourbon; where he presently showed in his carriage, how in all exercises both of Body and Mind, that he is truly born with dispositions necessary for the obtaining without trouble all that will serve of Ornament suitable to a great Monarch. Here is a Report that this Court hath sent to propound to the Duke of Orleans the Marriage of the King with the eldest Daughter of the first Bed of his said Highness. Here is also a Report, but how true it is I cannot affirm, That the Citizens and Inhabitants of Bordeaux are up in Arms again, and have hindered the building of the Castle of Tromposte and intend not to lay down their arms till the Agreement be made good unto them. His Majesty hath been for 2 or 3 days taking his pleasure with the Cardinal Mazarin at St Germains, where they recreated themselves with the hunting of the wild Boar. The Parliament here hath at last agreed to the New Import to be laid upon every Tonne of Wine, by the order of the King. The Duke of Longueville and the Prince of Coute are both expected here in Town. All honest men here are overjoyed at the Peace between the two Commonwealths. Here is news the siege in Alsace is already so far advanced, that in a short time the besieged will be brought to extremity and forced to yield upon terms. Madam. By command from my Superiors, the Parliament of this Commonwealth of England, I do with your Majesty, which had ordinary accidents and engagements in the with no few although the Commonwealth are not when they reflect upon in some places; yet you Government, neither suspicion of any such entertainment: but we who are here present do gratefully acknowledge our experience of the contrary, and of much Civility to our Nation. My business is to communicate with your Majesty in matters relating to the common good, which is of so great weight that it admits of no hopes of success without the special blessing, who by small means can bring great things to pass; the confidence whereof, with my submits to the judgement and commands of my Superiors hath given me this honour of being in your Majesty's presence. Whom, I shall not weary with many words or expressions beyond meaning; I am not sent for that cause, and it is as different from my own spirit, as contrary to the practice and commands of my superiors, from whom, and from their servant, according to the English reality, your Majesty will find all manner of plainness and truth in our transactions, our deliverances and preservations, whereof we have been eye-witnesses, have been so near to miracles, and such monuments of infinite rich mercy and love from heaven, that we should sin against him, if the least guile or unfaithfulness should infect our conversation. It is not my work to paint out my own Country, or to draw lines upon any, though our adversaries; neither shall I take upon me to mention the excellencies of your Majesty's person and government, of your People, and Countries, lest I should injure any merit; and because I speak to those whom God hath favoured with the enjoyment of great mercies, the increase and continuance whereof is heartily desired by my superiors, and by me their servant. I shall not enlarge my discourse with observations, concerning both Nations, of their likeness in Language, Manners, and warlike dispositions, Arguments more natural than artificial for a nearer union; but this I may not omit, the fruits whereof I have tasted the present happy Government under your Majesty, which remembers unto us those blessed days of our Virgin Queen Elizabeth, under whom above 40 years the people enjoyed all protection and justice from their Prince, and she obedience and affection from her people. May this and more be the portion of your Majesty's and your Successors, nor had it been lost in those who followed Queen Elizabeth, though Foreigners, but through the extremity of their own ill government. When attempts were made to ravish from us our highest interest, the orthodox Religion and just Liberty, the defence whereof undertaken by King Gustavus Adolphus, your Majesty's Royal father of blessed memory, in his German Expedition, for the Protestants' relief, was in him most honourable and successful, and surely for us was most just and necessary, and alike crowned with gracious success by the Almighty. For the extirpation of both which by force, which had long been endeavoured, otherwise Auxiliaries were provided, and afterwards a war raised, which first appearing in Scotland; but there diligently resisted, and the English refusing to be instrumental against Scotland for those ends, the storm was then blown over. In Ireland it rose so hideously, that 200000 poor Creatures, Men, Women, and Children, besides what the War devoured, were in cold blood barbarously murdered for no other reason but because they were Protestants, and Commission alleged for it. In England the fire breakout in all parts of it, from one corner of the Land to the other, not a place, not a family free from the rage of our decennial. More than civil War, and yet after so much blood poured forth, we bless God we live, and after so many distractions, a stranger passing through our country, can hardly espy the steps of it, our God hath given us England, Scotland and Ireland, and all the adjacent isles and Territories of the Commonwealth, a full and happy peace. In all appeals to him, whereof we have seen many, he was pleased still to determine for the Parliament; and after these, and eight Tenders and Treaties of peace, wherein we received the denial from our Adversaries, it pleased the gracious and all-disposing hand of God for the good of England, to change the Government thereof. Nevertheless the same common interest, which first begat former alliances and confederacy between the two Nations, do still continue and oblige both to desire the good of each other. Whereunto they seem the more engaged, because we cannot find that in any age there hath been a declared War between them, but a constant intercourse of friendship and amity, with mutual Offices of kindness, out of which great profit and happiness hath redounded unto both. These things being considered, with the affairs of Christendom, and especially of the neighbouring Princes and States, through Divine providence in such posture and condition, as to give greater opportunity, and lay stronger Obligations upon both Nations, to entertain a nearer union and correspondence than heretofore, whereby the commerce and tranquillity of both may be preserved and provided for, with respect also to the common interest and concernment of the true Protestant Religion: And your Majesty having by your late public Ministers to England, signified your Royal inclination and willingness by all good means to conserve and increase the ancient good understanding between these States. Upon these and other weighty considerations, and to show how acceptable the former overtures of your Majesty have been, the Parliament have thought fit by me to make tender unto your Majesty of the friendship of the Commonwealth of England, and to let you know, that they are not only ready to renew and preserve inviolably that amity and good correspondence which hath hitherto been between the two Nations, but are further willing to enter into a more strict Alliance and Union (than hath yet been) for the good of both. And in such a way as shall be held requisite, I shall be ready more particularly to communicate what I have in charge to this purpose. Thus far the Speech. The Earl of Bassignee, and the Abbot of Mercy do remain still Prisoners in the Castle of Antwerp, where they are continually examined and confronted. It seems the last of these two hath accused the first of a crime, which he cannot verify and make good against him, so that he will have enough to do to rid himself out of the trouble he hath wilfully drawn upon himself without running the hazard of indignation and correction. In the meantime the little war in the Country of Liege doth increase from time to time; the Emperor and the Princes Electors will be of the party, so that the said small country may become the seat of war, which may soon spread into the adjacent countries, who do already begin to fear the ill consequences that may arise from thence. The Pope, who is here styled the common Father of all Christians, doth begin now to use his endeavours to persuade all Sovereigns to a general peace. The Archduke Leopold hath commanded all the governors of the Garrisons under his command, not to absent themselves from their commands, but to cause strict guards to be continually kept, that so they may be in a readiness to defend themselves, in case the enemy should have any design in hand for the surprisal of any one place. Our country here is full of joy for the peace which we conceive will now be certainly concluded with your Commonwealth, since we hear that the Lord Beverning is sent into England with the ratification of the Province of Holland, in the meantime that the rest of the Provinces are to meet to ratify the same likewise, which will be March first as our Occurrences tells us before they can all get together. We are no less overjoyed to hear that the Treaty is so handsomely decided as they say it is, to the great honour of our Provinces and the reputation of our Commissioners and to the good liking and content of the States General, who are met at the Hague about it, to come to a final conclusion. But yet there are many honest and faithful Patrons amongst us that are of opinion it were better to prosecute the war with vigour against England, and that the labour and the success we should have had would in the end have been more honourable and profitable, than what we can expect from this Treaty of peace Our negotiations here make their progress with a very handsome and desirable appearance, and I hope there will be a very good account and a speedy one given of these transactions for the advantage of our Nation. There is a fair and promising aspect and conjunction of persons, things and circumstances, and if the mysteries of State do not lie too deep, nor be beyond measures variable, We are verily persuaded that we shall have a dispatch very suddenly to our high contentment; but these things are uncertain, I only tell you thus much that as yet we are in a very fair way, and probability, and the Queen and Court seem very inclinable, and are in good posture to answer our present overtures. On the 25 instant, -My Lord Ambassador had his public Audience which was performed to him with all demonstrations of civility and honour, since which he hath had two private Audiences, and hath given in the Articles whereon to treat in order to a stricter alliance. The Queen receives all his overtures alone by her self, there being nine of her Senators or Council present; she seems to resent things well, and to have a good understanding of the affairs of or Commonwealth, and she hath not stuck to say, That she never received so much satisfaction in any Ambassador, as in this from England. My Lord will be very quick in his affairs, and will put things to the trial with all speed and diligence. I hope we shall be able shortly to inform you more fully of all these transactions. I have here sent you an account of all that hath passed since my last, both before and since the audience of my Lord Ambassador Whitlock in the presence of her Majesty of Sweden On Thursday the 22 instant, his Excellency had notice by my Lord Lagerfield, that the Queen would give him audience on the 23. after noon. And at the appointed day, about an hour after dinner, came two Senators to my Lord's lodging, with 6 of the Queen's Coaches, to conduct him to his audience. His Excellency met them at the door, and according to the course, gave them precedence to his bed-chamber, where they told his Excellency that they were commanded by the Queen to conduct his Excellency to his Audience, and they did believe the Queen was ready to receive his Excellency. By this time it was dark, but the Queen's Lackeys had Torches lighted. All his Excellency's company went with him, whose clothes were rich and comely, and their persons answerable: His Excellency himself was in a plain black Cloth suit, lined with the same. The Gents of the first degree were all very rich in their clothes of English cloth, handsomely trimmed. Those of his Excellency's Bedchamber were likewise richly clothed: The Gent' Attendants also handsomely and well habited, and his Pages and Lackeys came after in their Liveries. In this Equipage his Excellency went to the Court; At the first Gate we passed through a lane of Musketeers of the Queen's Guard. After we were alighted out of our Coaches, the Ryx-Marshall of Sweden, with the Marshall's staff in his hand, met us at the foot of the stairs, they call him Count Oxenstern, son to the Ryx Admiral and kinsman to the Ryx Chancellor of Sweden. The Gent. attendants went first, then those of his Excel. Chamber: Next the Gent. Of the first degree in their order, his Exc. two sons next, after them the Master of the Ceremonies; next him the two Senators, then the Ryx Marshall and his Excellency; after them his Exc. Pages and Lackeys; the Queen's Pages and Lackeys on each side of his Exc. with torches. We went up many stairs to a large Hall, many people in the way. From thence they led us to the great chamber where Prince Adolph the Grand Master met his Exc. which it is said he had not done to any Ambassador. He gave his Exc. the right hand, and some complements passed between them: His Exc. thanking him for his Letters, and for his accommodations in his journey, especially in the places of his government. He told his Exc. the Queen had commanded her Officers to take care for his accommodation, which he doubted were not such as were fit, and desired Excellency to excuse his ill treatment. In the next Chamber beyond this was a Guard of the Queen's Partisans, with Coats richly Embroidered with Gold. In the next Room was the Queen herself, three or four Ladies, and abundance of Lords Gentlemen of her Court. All his Excellency's Gentlemen were admitted into that Room, and made a lane for his Excellency to pass: As soon as his Excellency came into the Room, and put off his hat, the Queen came two or three steps before her Chair. It was not easy to know her to be the Queen, her habit being of plain Grey Stuff, and made after this manner, a Coat down to the ground, and over that a close Jacket that came almost to her knees, buttoned down with great buttons, with a black Scarf about her neck, tied with a little black Ribbon after his Excellency had passed his Ceremony, he put on his hat, and called to his Secretary for his Credential Letters, which he presented to her Majesty, and afterwards spake to her, and Mr. De la March interpreted into French every sentence his Excellency spake, which his Excellency was advised to do, as the constant practice of that Court. She was very attentive whilst his Excellency spake, and by her looks and gestures very near him, seemed often to endeavour to have daunted him: but those that have been used in Affairs of the Commonwealth of England, are not so soon put out of countenance, as some other public Ministers have been by her Majesty. After his Excellency had done, she answered him presently in the Swedish Language, which my Lord Lagerfield interpreted in Latin, to this effect, That she esteemed it a very great honour that the Parliament had been pleased to send an Ambassador to her, especially a person of his Excellency's condition, and that she herself would take care during his abode here, that not the least injury should be offered either to him or his Company; and that she hoped in her Government there should be no cause or doubt of the contrary; That as his person was very acceptable to her, so was the business which he had imparted in the Transaction whereof she should manifest the affection she bore to the Commonwealth, and her desire not only to renew former alliance between them, but to enter into a nearer union than heretofore; That she was glad of these blessings which the Commonwealth had received in their peace and Settlement; and wished the continuance thereof to them. She thanked his Excellency for his civilities to her, and for his acceptance of such entertainment as this place would afford, and that she was sorry it was not answerable to his quality, and to the respect she bore to the Commonwealth whom he served; but desired he would take it in good part, and told his Excellency he was very welcome to her Court. After she had done his Excellency spake to her Majesty in French, That there two of his sons, and other Gentlemen in his company, that much desired the honour of kissing her Majesty's hand, if she pleased to permit it; which she readily did to those whom his Excellency appointed, which were 8. After that Ceremony passed, the Queen spake to his Excellency in French, desiring him to excuse the ill Treatment by the way in his journey, those places far off not being furnished for entertaining such a person as his Excellency was, and so attended. She was likewise sorry that this place would not afford such accommodations as were fit for his Excellency, and wished she might have entertained him at Stockholm, where it would have been better. His Excellency answered, that he was sorry for the occasion of her Majesty's remove from that place, and that he had received many favours both in his journey, and here by her command for which he returned thanks to her Majesty, and would acquaint the Parliament therewith. She then excused her habit saying she had been ill, which caused her to put herself into the dress of her Chamber, in which she chose to appear thus publicly, rather than to disappoint his Excellency of audience; and that she hoped they should have time and opportunity enough to discourse together. His Excellency then took his leave of her Majesty, who was very civil and courteous to him, and to all his Company. His Excellency was brought back to his lodging with as he went to Court. The Ryx-Marshall and the two Senators supped with his Excellency, it being the custom for such to be at the last meal that Ambassadors are entertained at by the Queen. At supper those Senators told his Excellency it was their manner in this Country for them to begin a health to the Superiors of the Ambassador and to himself, but they understanding that it was against his Excellency's principles, either to pledge or begin any health, they did therefore forbear, and not out of any disrespect, either to his superiors of himself. The next day in the morning being Saturday, his Excellency sent to visit the Spanish Resident, who had sent twice to him before, and also to his Coach to accompany him into Town. On the afternoon he came himself to visit his Excellency, and made many Protestations of his readiness to serve the Commonwealth of England, to whom he knew his Master did bear a great respect. On Monday the twenty sixth afternoon my Lord had private audience, for above two hours, with the queen herself, no person else with them. ON the twenty ninth his Excellency was admitted again to her Majesty's presence, with whom he was alone near three hours together. It was his Lordship's wonder, to hear a Lady discourse so of Public Affairs, and of the interested of all the States and Princes of Christendom, with such knowledge and judgement as she did. His Excellency hath been visited by both the Spanish and French Agents, and by the Ryx-Hoffmaster of Denmark, by the Ryx-Marshall of Sweden, by Count Tole, Monsieur Vanderlaine, and Master Bond Senators, Count Tott, and Monsieur Banniere. Some of their visits his Excellency hath already required. The 19. instant, Col. Daniel Governor of St. Johnstons having intelligence that the Enemy were in or about Dunkel, sent out 100 Horse and 100 Dragoons under the command of Capt. Lievt. Ashly of Col. Twisleton's Regiment, who came very near the Town undiscovered, and the Forlorn fell in with two of their Scouts, they made some resistance at the Barracdo, but our few Dragoons beat them thence, entered the Town, and killed 6 or 7 at the entrance: Our Forlorn went in the meantime to the other end of the Town, and pursued them that (upon the Alarm) got away towards the hills and passages betwixt the Town and Blaire, and there were seven of them killed; many had the State's mark and most of Athol's Troopers made Footmen; they brought 50 horses with them, and 7 prisoners of Athol's Regiment, also many Carbines, Cloaks, Boots, and other things belonging to them; and had they not escaped to the woods and crags which are at the very Town's end, there had been more in our custody. Athol was there himself, and I believe this will be a great obstruction to his levies: he has about 100 or 150 Foot with him, most of whom got to the hills. The Horse pursued them above two miles beyond the Town, and wounded many: but being very eager in the pursuit, and the woods within 1 or 3 yards of the very passage, they had no more to do, but being knocked off their horses to run into the Thickets, and then they were safe. It was a very seasonable mercy both to balance their height upon the business of Drummond, and also to lay a discouragement upon the temper of that wild people. There was one of Col. Twistleton's own Troop killed. Some of the prisoners confess that Wogan was run through the shoulder at Drummond, and lies at Weims. Captain Elsmore's Lieutenant and Captain Ker did kill each other, both of them at one instant firing together at 4 yards distance with both their Blunderbusses, and fell from their horses immediately. The Enemy's head-quarters are now in Elgan, their General Glencarn with about 1200 Foot and 300 Horse, besides Dragoons. They have beleaguered Burgiei which is a Garrison of ours. Kenmore is at Forres, and keeps his Guards upon the River Findern, to secure the passage from Inverness. The 10 instant Col. Morgan was marching towards them 14 Companies of Foot and 8 Troops of Horse and Dragoons. This day there are nine Prisoners sent in from Capt. Hart, diverse of them are Englishmen who were in the Engagement with Forbes, and one Richardson a Moss Trooper. No news from the Sea, save that the Fleet continues in its former station. Some Freebooters have been snapped, and brought into Newcastle The Heer Beverning; one of the late Dutch Deputies in treaty, is returned hither again. It is said, that the Province of Holland is well satisfied with the terms agreed on, and that others will shortly appear here, on the behalf of the Provinces. A little time will show in the event. ☞ A REJOINDER to Mr. Drake, or a Reply to his Book, Entitled. A Boundary to the Holy Mount: By John Humphrey, Master of Arts. Printed for E. Blackmore at the Angel in S. Paul's Churchyard. | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 190 |
FScout176 | The Articles of Union between her Royal Majesty the Queen of Sweden, and his Highness the Lord Protector, the Proposals sent to the most illustrious and Highborn Son of Valour Prince Charles, and his Answer thereunto, touching the Crown and Sceptre, sent to most of the Christian Princes in Europe; the arrival of 7 Agents in Northumberland, the publishing of a Declaration at the Shields, the advancing of a foreign Fleet towards Berwick, the fortifying of the King's Mount, the sinking of the Royal James, and the Fox frigate, the taking of a delicate sweet prize by the nimble Drake, the arrival of Gen. Monk in Scotland, the drawing up of both Armies to dispute the bloody field, the coming in of 1000 foot to Gen. Middleton, the number of his forces, the proclaiming of an everlasting Peace between England and Holland, and the Lord Protectors speech touching the people. From Friday April the 21. to Friday April the 28. 1654. London, printed by Robert Wood, for G. Horton, 1654. The City or civil Society is a great Body, and compounded of many parts: It therefore behoveth those who have the Protectorship or government, to defend a Commonwealth by His diligent care, and administering true Justice without respect of persons; for it is most certain, that if the people do not increase both in Affection and Riches, by the enjoyment of their just Rights and privileges, they must consequently decrease, by the infringing and chaining up their Liberties: But I hope the Freeborn people of England are, or will be, solely acquitted from the Bond of Slavery, by the Constitution of Government, so cordially invested in the hands of so faithful a Patriot, and true Assertor of the Golden Law, and Rule of Righteousness, Let us then submit with patience and alacrity, and doubtless, but our incorporated Commonwealth, bearing the Banner of two triumphant Crosses, and the flourishing Harp, will become so Harmonious throughout all Europe, that most Christian Princes will even stand in admiration, and at last become instrumental to enlarge our Territories, far beyond the Commonwealth of Rome, in the time of the Romans. But many object and say, Why did not the Commonwealth of Venice, after they had redeemed themselves from bondage and slavery, enlarge their Territories much more beyond its greatest Bounds than it ever had. Alas! To this I answer, That Venice tolerated Adultery, to divert men from the cursed sin of Sodomy; which ineffectual course is prohibited by the States of England. O the tolerating of Whoredom was one cause of the Venetians not enlarging their Territories, for that they wanted men as well to defend what they had, as to undertake any new Conquest; by which they are reduced to entertain Mercenary Arms: Which indeed are not at all profitable to a Commonwealth; by reason it always standeth in fear of its own Arms, while they are in Mercenary hands, whose faith is not always firm, and will only attend the Cause of a Commonwealth whilest it thriveth, as experience sheweth; and are only dutiful, when overawed by a greater force of the Natives. Again, where incess of Adultery is prohibited, in that Commonwealth springs up many fruitful Lineages: For, observe, Fazel in the History of Sicily writeth, That in his time Jane Pancia, being married to Bernard Balvard, a Sicilian of the City of Agrigento, was so fruitful, that in 30 Childbeds she was delivered of 73 Children: A thing something rare; yet it may not seem impossible, considering that many women now amongst Us, have had 30 children, and some three at a time, two more ordinarily. In fact, Histories report of the beginning of the WELFES, Irmentrudes the wife of Isenbard Earl of Alterf, had at one birth 12 male children, who lived all till they came to mans estate, of whom the honourable Race of the Welfes are that live this day. But to Intelligence: Monsieur Lodowick de Gand, Lord of Brachey, and Resident here in England on behalf of the high and mighty Prince Lewis, Duke of Guelders and Juliers, Conte of Egmont and Zutphen, &c. was this day, with many Gentlemen of quality accompanying him in coaches, attended by Sir Oliver Flemming, Master of the Ceremonies, unto his Highness the Lord Protector; The President Laurence, and some other Lords of the Council, with the Secretary of State, being present in his Highness chamber, where the said Lord Resident had audience, and made a congratulatory Speech, which was answered with abundance of respect from his Highness. Whereas a peace is made, concluded, and ratified, between his Highness the Lord Protector, and the States General of the United Provinces of the Low-countries. And whereas it is agreed, That publication thereof shall be made on both parts on Wednesday next, being the 26 of this instant April; from which time, restitution is to be made of all ships that shall be taken on either side, after 12 days, within these seas; and in all other places on this side the Cape of St. Vincent; and from thence within the Mediterranean sea, and to the quinoctial Line, after ten weeks; and beyond the quinoctial, after the space of 8 months: which several spaces were so limited, to the intent, convenient time might be allowed for notice to be given of the said peace, in all places where it shall be necessary. The Council have therefore thought fit hereby to give notice thereof to the several Ports of this Commonwealth, and to all others whom it may concern, within the Dominions thereof; to the end, they may have warning to provide for their own safety, and not expose their ships to danger within the several and respective times aforesaid. W. Jessop, Clerk of the Council. From Deal, April 21, thus: This Afternoon arrived here the Express, who doth return into Holland to carry to the States General the ratification period of the peace, signed and sealed by his Highness the L. Protector, which upon signification of their receiving, will suddenly be proclaimed both in England and Wales. By an Express from Scotland, we have received very remarkable intelligence, intimating, That the Royal party increase, and have taken some few prisoners from the Borders of Cumberland to the Hills, the Lord Forrester, and the Lord Dudhope are in Atholl, and very active in attending the motion of General Middleton. The rest of their forces in Caithness have left no means unassayed for raising of the whole country; but the people being timorous of rising, fearing lest the Garrison of Sinclair, commanded by cap. Langrish of col. Fitch's Regiment should punish them for their Loyalty, after Middleton's march from thence: wherefore for their encouragement, Maj. Gen. Dyal with a strong party of foot, and 100 stout horse, is ordered to sit down before it for the reducing of it, which is conceived to be a work of great difficulty, the place being situated on a very high Rock, yet if they prove successful in this Achievement, they intend then to attempt Ruthven Garrison; but cap. Hill (the Governor) has reinforced it with provisions, and is well provided for a siege. The Armies on both sides are preparing to receive each other, and Col. Morgan has drained Inverness to join with those forces which he brought from Aberdeen, so that he lies with about 1200 Horse and Dragoons, and 2000 Foot, betwixt the enemy and the passes they must needs march through, if they intend to move out of the North corner; so that they will be compelled to fight, and 'tis said, they are resolved, there being no way left them to avoid it, but through such inaccessible bounds, as 'tis impossible for their horse to march that way, and very difficult for their foot, it being exceeding mountainous, and scarcely inhabited, and the country they are in will not long be able to sustain them, it being very poor. I doubt not but a days will give us an account of some action betwixt him and Middleton; and what the success will be, the Lord knows; for, to speak truth, we have a very stout and stubborn enemy to deal withal, and as potent they speak themselves to be as valiant, saying they sourn to prove perfidious (in the least) to so great a Cause wherein the interest of their King so much depends; but will rather choose to sacrifice their lives in the field, and dispute the mountainous passes by inches. By the last Intelligence from the Navy, we are advertised, That divers Prizes have been this week taken; amongst the rest, a Dutch ship bound for the East Indies; the rest, the Lord knows where, for I do not: Only thus much be assured of, that the English Assurance hath taken the Non-Assurance belonging to France, laden with 25 Lasts of Tar and pitch, and likewise the Confidence of Amsterdam, gallantly fraught with Pitch, Linseed and Dhal, was constrained to yield, after a fair salute from the precious Pearl; withal, a French ship likewise; in which service, the captain, and one M. Spilman, deported themselves with singular courage: And after this honourable Achievement, as a testimony of their cordial affection to their love and country, bare up with the nimble Drake, and boarded two stately Flemmings sweetly laden with Wines from Bordeaux: But alas! to these sweet comforts, we cannot on it, but present you with certain tart crudities, that is, the Fox frigate striking sail with the Royal James of Brest, and exchanging two broad sides, was so puissantly received that after many dry blows on both sides, and coming to grappling, they sunk each other; but by the series of Providence many of the men were miraculously saved, by plunging through the raging Billows upon the top of empty Hogsheads. By an Express from Newcastle it is certified, That Gen. Monk, after some congratulation from the Mayor and Aldermen, by three sorts of Wine, Loaf-Sugar, Cakes, and Lemons, took his leave, and immediately journeyed for Scotland; upon whose departure a ship bound from Bordeaux was sunk near the Bar of Tinmouth, in which were 7 Agents from the K. of Scots, who providentially saved their lives by swimming, and safely arrived at the Shields, where they presumed to publish a Declaration, inviting the people to commotions, and endeavouring to alienate their affections, from whence they passed to Anwick, and from thence to Barwick, where 12 Dutch men of War plays the Devil upon Don's back, and nothing will allay their revenge, but a mere possession of the Harbour, which the Holy Island perceiving, very devoutly gave them a welcome, and impeded their design from blocking up the Key, which indeed was a thing very unfeasible, by reason that the King's Mount (so called in the days of old) and Qu. Elizabeth's Flankers, has the full command of the Haven towards Fern Island, being sufficiently manned, and as bravely fortified. The Declaration and Petition of the Mayor and Inhabitants of the Town of Guilford being presented to his Highness, blessing God for taking upon his shoulders that great and ponderous burden of the Government of the three Nations, and withal desiring a godly and learned Minister to supply the Benefice of Trinity and Muries Parishes on the behalf of him lately deceased. &c. This being presented, his Highness standing uncovered, vouchsafed this gracious Answer, Gentlemen, I have read your paper, wherein, what you there express touching my taking of the Government upon me, you say what is truth, I did not desire it, nor have I (I am sure) told you so; I believe God put it into your hearts. I shall desire your prayers, that I may do as you have expressed, for God is my Bottom, and in him only do I trust: As for your desire of a Minister, I think I have not granted the Living away; and upon your making choice of such a one as your paper mentions, I shall take Order that you shall have your suit. From Scotland we have received further advertisements, That the Royal party increaseth daily, who can help it; & that many hundreds of foot are marched over the Hills towards Gen Middleton, who is very considerable, and acts his part somewhat high I must speak truth, blame me not, take all and pay the Baker, for col. Morgan is now advanced, with a gallant Train, and expects to engage the enemy suddenly. His Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council, has set forth an Ordinance, declaring, That all persons of the Scottish Nation of what degree or quality soever (except the persons hereafter named) shall, from and after the 1 day of May, 1654. be freed, acquitted, & discharged, from all Forfeitures, fines, Sequestrations, pains, penalties, imprisonments, or punishments whatsoever, for any matter or thing by them committed by sea or land, in relation to the late war, or any preceding war between the two Nations; And that after the said 1 day of May, no sequestration, fine, or punishment, shall be imposed, but the same to be put in perpetual Oblivion. Henrietta Maria, the Queen of the late King Charles deceased. Charles Stuart, their eldest son, James Stuart, their second son. James late Duke of Hamilton, deceased William late Duke of Hamilton deceased. John Earl of Crawford-Lindsay, James Earl of Callander, John Earl of Lauderdale, Earl of Kelly, Earl of Lowdon, Earl of Seaforth, Earl of Atholl, Viscount Kenmore, Lord Lorne, eldest son of the Marquis of Argyle, Lord Machlin, eldest son of the L. Lowdon, Lord Montgomery, eldest son of the Earl of Eglinton, Lord Spynie, Lord Cranston, Lord Sinclair, Thomas Dalziel, late Maj. Gen. of the foot in the Scottish Army. John Middleton, late Lieu. Gen. of the Horse in the Scottish army. Viscount Newburgh, Lord Bargany, Sir Thomas Thompson, Lord Napier, Laird Edmonston of Womar, Earl of Glencairn, And it is further ordained, that the several persons hereafter named, do pay unto his Highness the Lord Protector his public receipt the several respective sums of money hereafter mentioned and expressed, as a fine and fines for and in respect of his or their estates, to be paid in such manner, and at such times, as is hereafter expressed, that is, David Leslie, late Lieu. Gen. of the Scotch Army 4000 li. Sterling. Marq. of Douglas 1000 li. Sterling. Lord Angus 1000 l. Ster. Earl of Selcraig 1000 l. Ster. The Heirs of Francis late Earl of Buccleuch deceased, 15000 l. Earl of Galloway 4000 l. Earl of Roxburgh 6000 l. Lord Cockeram 5000 l. Lord Forrester 2500 l. Mr. Armstruther 1000 marks Ster. Sir Archibald Sterling 1500 l. Mr. Drummond 500 l. Henry Mawl, son to the E. of Panmure, 2500 l. Sir James Livingstone of Kilsyth 1500 l. Mr. Murrey 1500 l. Earl of Buchan 1000 l. Viscount Dudhope 1500 l. Preston of Craigmillar 1500 l. Sir Andrew Flesher 5000 l. Sir John Winchab 2000 l. Earl of Prith, and Lord Drummond his eldest son, 5000 l. Earl of Winton 2000 l. Earl of Findlater 1500 l. Earl of Murry 3500 l. Earl of Quinsburgh 4000 l. Earl of Airth 6000 l. Lord Duffus 1500 l. Lord Grey 1500 l. Earl of Panmure 10000 l. Earl of Arrol 2000 l. Earl of Tullibardine 1500 l. Earl of Sowthesk 3000 l. Earl of Dalhousie 1500 l. Earl of Hartfield 2000 l. Lord Ross 3000 l. Lord Sample 1000 l. Lord Elphinstone 1000 l. Lord Boide 1500 l. Lord Cooper 3000 l. Lord Balwaird 1500 l. Lord Rollock 1000 l. Earl of Kinghorn 1000 l. Earl of Kincardine 1000 l. Lord Bamfe 1000 l. Mr. Meldrum of Tylliebody 1000 l. Sir Robert Graham 1000 l. Sir William Scot 3000 l. Mr. Arnot 2000 l. Mr. Hay of Bowsey 2000 l. Sir Francis Reven 3000 l. Mr. Scot of Montrose 3000 l. Laird of Rothemegordon 500 l. Sir John Scot 1500 l. Laird of Gosfrid 1000 l. Laird of Buchilton 1500 l. Lord Rothes 1000 l. Sir Lewis Stuart 1000 l. Sir James Carmighil 2000 l. Laird of Stanhope 2000 l. All and every which sum and sums of money; shall be paid unto George Bilton, Deputy Treasurer at Leith; one moiety thereof, on, or by the 2 day of August, 1654; and the other moiety on, or by the 2. day of Decemb. then next ensuing; and in default of such payment, all and every the real and personal estate of every person and persons so making default, shall from thenceforth be absolutely confiscate; and the Commissioners for Sequestrations, are hereby empowered to seize the same accordingly. Yesterday the Peace between England and the United Provinces, was by 11 Trumpets, and 4 Heralds at Arms solemnly proclaimed; first, in Whitehall in presence of his Highness and the Council, and afterwards received at Temple-bar by the Lord Major and Aldermen, and thence conducted to the Royal Exchange, where it was again proclaimed in these following words: His Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, considering how necessary it is, not only to preserve peace and quiet at home, but as far as in him lies to live in friendship and amity with his Neighbours, hath by the blessing of God, with the advice of his Council, made and concluded a Peace and Union to continue forever, between this Commonwealth of the one part, and that of the United Provinces of the Low-countries, of the other part, their Lands, Cities, Towns, Dominions, Territories places and people, by Sea, Land, fresh waters, and elsewhere; by the which peace it is agreed, that all enmity, hostility, discord, and war, between the said Commonwealths, their people, and subjects, shall cease, and all injuries & wrongs done since the 18 and 28 of May, 1652. shall cease and be forgotten, except such depredations as shall be committed by either side in these Seas, after 12 days, from the date of these presents; and in all other places on this side the Cape of St Vincent after 6 weeks, and from thence within the Mediterranean Sea, and to the Equinoctial Line, after ten weeks, and beyond the Equinoctial Line after 8 months, or immediately after sufficient notice of the said peace given in those places And that the people and inhabitants of each party respectively, shall treat each other with love and friendship, and may freely and securely come into and pass through each other Countries, Towns, and Villages, and there stay and abide, and from thence depart again at their pleasure, and likewise have free Trade and Commerce, whereof all persons whatsoever in these Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland, are to take notice and conform themselves accordingly. The Articles of Union between England and Sweden have been debated by the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, and Count Erick, who has delivered in certain Articles on behalf of that Crown; but his Excellency has delivered in his Exceptions to the Queen, and the Reasons of non-admittance. So that the accord as yet seems dubious; in the meantime, be pleased to take a view of her Majesties Proposals to Pr. Charles, to wit; 1 She will retain the best part of the Kingdom and Customs to herself. 2 She will be no subject, but free of herself without control. 3 She will travel where she pleaseth. 4 She will not revoke those Gifts of hers, which are Predia Corone, and were by her given out of favour to Courtiers. The Prince's Answer. 1 He will not be a King without a Kingdom or at least without the better part of it. 2 He will have no Rival, more than she a Superior. 3 He will not hazard himself about her designs abroad. 4 He will not be without a sufficient Revenue both for peace and war. |
The Faithful Scout, Issue 176
PerfDiOcc03 | From Monday, May. 15. to Monday, May 22. 1654. Edinburgh 8. May. General Monk is gone from hence to Stirling, at his coming to this city here was a great appearance of Officers of the Army, and the Magistrates of the Town went to meet him on horseback in their rich robes, and brought him into the city in great honour and renown, they came up to the great Cross, which was adorned with rich hangings, and there was proclaimed his Highness the Lord Protector in great state by sound of Trumpet and Drums beating; After this the General Officers had a great dinner which was prepared for them at the charge of the Town, and the full consummation of this Solemnity concluded in very gallant fireworks at night; General Monk hath also set forth this Declaration following. The Commonwealth of England having used all means of tenderness and affection towards the people of this Nation, by receiving them (after a chargeable and bloody war) into Union with England, and investing them with all the Liberties and privileges thereof (purchased at the expense of so much Blood and Treasure) and by daily protecting them with their Army and Navy, at a great charge (of which this Nation undergoeth no more than their equal proportion with England) against their Enemies both abroad and at home, whereby all of them might enjoy the fruits and benefits of Peace; Yet divers lewd persons, broken in their fortunes, and dissolute in their lives, are run into Rebellion, who being assisted and connived at by their Parents, Brethren, Tutors, Masters, and people among whom they live, who secretly conceal them in their houses in the day time, and in the night suffer them to Rob and plunder the Country, whereby the peaceable people of this Nation are many of them ruined, and the rest disturbed, so that they cannot live in Peace. And to the end that no peaceable means might be left unattempted, for the prevention thereof. I, by virtue of the Authority to me given by his Highness, and his Council, do declare, that all such persons that are now in Rebellion, (except such as are excepted in the Acts of Grace) who shall within twenty days after the publication hereof, come in, and submit him or themselves, to the next English Garrison, and give good security for his or their future peaceable living, shall be, and is hereby in his and their persons, freely pardoned, for any offence, spoil or plunders committed by him or them in this present Rebellion, (the killing of any person in clod blood only excepted.) And I do Declare, that if any Parents, Brethren, or Tutors, who have assisted or connived at any of their Sons, Brothers or Pupils now in Rebellion, as aforesaid, shall within twenty days after publication hereof, cause their said Sons, Brothers or Pupils, to render themselves and give security, as aforesaid, that then the said Parents, Brethren, and Tutors, who have so offended, are hereby freely pardoned; But if otherwise, then the said Parents, Brethren, and Tutors, who have so offended, shall be imprisoned during the time the said persons do remain in Rebellion. And in regard divers persons who are now in Rebellion, and who have lived remote from their friends, but could not probably break out into Rebellion, without the knowledge or consent of some of the Inhabitants of that Parish or Presbytery where he or they last lived, before their breaking forth; I do hereby Declare, That if the said Parish or Presbytery where he or they last lived, procure the said person or persons so broken forth, to render him or themselves, within twenty days after Publication hereof, and give security, as aforesaid, That then the said Parish or Presbytery so offending, is hereby pardoned, but if otherwise, I do hereby impose upon the said Parish or Presbytery, two shillings six pence a day for each Horseman, and ten pence a day for each footman, so broken into Rebellion, over and above their ordinary Sesse, out of the said parish or presbytery, which the Governor of the next English Garrison is hereby authorized to levy and receive monthly, during the time the said persons shall so continue in Rebellion. And I do likewise hereby empower all the good people of this Nation, to apprehend all such person or persons as are, or hereafter shall break out into Rebellion, or attempt so to do, and safely to deliver him or them to the Governor of the next English Garrison, and fight the said person or persons; and if they shall kill any of the said persons so residing, they shall not be questioned for the same, but (on the contrary) shall receive as a reward of their good service, all such Moneys, Goods, Horses, and Clothes, as the said Rebellious persons are possessed of, besides full satisfaction for their pains and travel therein. And in regard this present Rebellion hath been principally contrived, fomented, and is now obstinately maintained by Major General Middleton and the Earl of Athol, the Earl of Seaforth, Viscount Kenmore, Donald McDonald Laird of Glengarry, and Major General Dayell; I do hereby therefore Declare, that what person or persons soever of this Nation (except such as are before excepted) shall kill any of the said principal contrivers, or shall deliver any of them prisoner, to any Governor of any English Garrison, the said person or persons so killing, or bringing prisoner, as aforesaid, shall not only be pardoned for anything he or they have acted in this late Rebellion, but also shall receive as a reward of his good service, the sum of two hundred pounds sterling for every person so killed or brought prisoner, as aforesaid. And lastly, for the encouragement of all peaceable and well-affected people, both English and Scots, I do also hereby Declare, That what damage shall be done to their persons, goods or Gear, for their good affection to the Public, the same shall be again repaired out of the Estates of such as have done the damage, or out of the Friends and harbourers of such wrongdoers, or out of the Parish, Presbytery, or Shire where the wrong is done, in case they do not apprehend the said Offenders, or give the English Forces such timely notice thereof, that the said offenders may be apprehended by them. And I do hereby require all Provosts, Bailiffs, and chief Officers of Head burghs, in their several Burghs, to cause these presents to be duly published and posted up, according to the usual form, and to certify their doings therein to me, in writing, under his or their hands. Given under my Hand at Dalkeith this 4 day if May 1652. GEORGE MONK An Ordinance came forth by his Highness the Lord Protector, for suspending the proceedings of the Judges named in an Act of Parliament for relief of Creditors and poor Prisoners until the 31. of May instant. An Ordinance also passed for the relief of poor Creditors in Scotland. From Regensburg in Germany 28 April. The Emperor is in person here at the Diet. The Prince Paltsgrave is also come hither and hath had audience, but the Emperor makes strict propositions to him, for the spreading and increase of the Roman Catholic Religion, and that he should raise a yearly sum of money to be paid to the Emperor towards his domestic expenses; and further that all things should be performed which were agreed & concluded on in Assemblies touching the affairs of Bohemia. By Letters out of Flanders thus; we hope now to be eased of that great burden that has been long upon us by reason of the insolentness of the Army commanded by the Duke of Lorraine, and since the imprisonment of the Duke, they have been more cruel than before, but now they are to be called away to assist the Spaniard in his war against the French, it is supposed they will be more certain to the Spanish interest than before. Seville 10 May. The concluding of peace between England and Holland we hope will produce such effects that the English Merchants there shall not suffer so much for the future as they have done in times past, or else that they will be brought to make satisfaction for all the wrongs and injuries they have done us for divers years past, contrary to the Articles betwixt England and them, and for satisfaction herein, I shall give you some few particulars. 1. The Farmers use to value our goods, and force us to pay what Custom they please. 2. All the Canary Islands are rented by one Farmer, who forceth the English to pay, 2, 3. and 4 times Custom for one and the same goods when they send them from one Island to another to sell them. 3. They usually keep ships in the Harbours, before they suffer them to discharge their goods after they arrive, and it is long before they will dispatch them when they would depart, and cause the Masters to pay twenty shillings each time for their boats that carry them aboard the ship. 4. They put Prizes upon our provisions and Commodities, and it oftentimes happens that they will not suffer us to sell them but to those of their own Towns. And by the Brass moneys we have lost 300000. sterling, which we are forced to receive after we have sold our goods for Plate, so that we lose our principals by a forced violence and deceit. 5. The Informer hath a third part of any goods confiscated; and the suit is followed at the King's charge, neither are they condemned in any Costs when the sentence goes for the English and the Judges of the Admiralty, Surveyors, Bailies, and witnesses are oftentimes sharers of honest men's goods. Much more of this nature might be related, but let this suffice for the present. Paris 12. May. The foreign Ambassadors here have had a meeting with Card. Mazarine in order to the carrying on of a general peace. The Prince of Conde hath had new Propositions sent to him for an agreement since his effigies were hanged up in this city; and his brother Conti, who is now in great favour, endeavours to be an effectual Mediator between his brother and the Court. A small sum of money hath been allotted Charles Stuart, but it was so small a pittance, that he is like to have occasion to make new addresses for more before he can get out of this country. It is said here that upon the beating up of drums in some of the remote parts of this Nation, many desperate persons that knew not how to subsist came to be listed, and the report goes that they are sent to Scotland. Amsterdam 13. May. There hath been some discontent in these parts by the house of William of Nassaw, and all that are that way allied and affected. They pretend they knew not of one or two of the Articles of peace till they were concluded and published, (and indeed none were obliged to acquaint, or consult with them about it) therefore conceiving what was done will conduce to the good and profit of both Commonwealths, we do here and at other places keep strong guards, for that Count William his calling his Army to a general Rendezvous, and some discontented persons who have gone lately to visit the young Prince of Aurange have uttered very high word, yet do they seem rather to proceed from abundance of affection, then judgment, valour, or anything that may add life, nerves and sinews to a new war. The Messenger returned from Lieut. Col. John Lilburn sayeth, he is well and in health in the Castle at Jersey, but the Keeper (as by Law he might) refused to return him back hither upon sight of the first Habeas Corpus. A gallant part of our Fleet are gone Northward, to prevent further supplies coming into Scotland to the Enemy, and scour that coast of Picaroons, &c. Our next main design, 'tis thought, will be to help the Venetians against the Great Turk, for that he is the common Enemy of all Christendom; and as he is making himself stronger than ever, so doth he show himself more insolent, & cruel, and hath clapped the Venetian Ambassador in close prison, not so much as rendering a reason for it, or intending to have any further treaty or capitulation with the Duke of Venice. General Blake sate in Council at Whitehall with the of the Lords of his Highness's Council. Gen. Pen is now with the Fleet. The summons for choosing another Parliament against the third of September next are already prepared, and in due time will be issued forth by his Highness the Lord Protector. You cannot but by this time understand that which will please you; that (blessed be God) my Lord Ambassador is come to a good conclusion of his business here: For, when by Letters from England we understood the state of your Treaty with the Dutch, it being in such condition that the affairs in this place could have no reflection upon it, it was then high time for his spirits, and put on the business more than formerly; which took so good effect, that in fourteen days after this beginning we were come to a full agreement; and now there remains nothing but the signing and sealing of the Articles, which I presume will be done upon the Queen's return hither, she is gone to see her Mother, and to meet with the Prince Royal, her Successor, to confer about the great business of her Resigning of the Government; we look for her to be back again the next week, in the mean time my Lord Ambassador is forced to make a longer stay. His Highness the Lord Protector received a Letter from General Monk, whereby he signified, that he was advanced a day's march beyond Stirling towards the Highlanders, and that he doubteth not (by God's assistance) to give a good account of that business in a short time. Yesterday the Denmark Ambassador had another conference with the Lord Protector, and a Committee of persons of Honour are appointed to capitulate further of the great Affairs of State, betwixt this Commonwealth and the Kingdom of Denmark. On Thursday last the French Ambassador and his Followers were nobly entertained by the Lord Protector at Whitehall. It is resolved, that the next Term shall be kept at the usual place at Westminster, &c. The last Letters from Upsal say, That the Articles of Peace between that Crown and the Commonwealth of England are engrossed, and ready to be signed and sealed. By the next you are like to hear, that her Majesty is returned again to this City, and that the formality of signing the said Articles will be consummated. The Commissioners for the sale of the Honours, Manors, Lands, &c. belonging to the late King and Queen &c. sit again at Worcester House, on Tuesday May 30. Rochel 14. May. We have news that the English Fleet the last week at their Rendezvous on the Downs were 150. sail. Our fears are great here in France; (as our preparations daily manifest) some are of opinion you will rather revenge an injury done farther off, and steer your course to Ligorn, than fall upon your next neighbours first. That which most amazeth us is, that you impress more men, and put your whole Fleet in so high a warlike posture: We are informed you have shipped mortar-pieces, great numbers of spades, pickaxes, wheelbarrows, and other things necessary for land-service. Whereas by a late Ordinance concerning the Highways, no Carts, Wagons, &c. are to travel with above five horse a piece: It is provided by the Lord Protector and his Council, that the said clause shall not extend to draught horses for Ordnance, Ammunition, &c. but that so many horses may be used for the affairs of the Army as shall be needful. This Week the Packet Boat coming for England from beyond Sea was taken by the outlying Pirates abroad, some of the Passengers English were drowned, and those that were saved were stripped to the skin, and the next morning, the Masters one woman, and two more, had pieces of broken Sails given them to cover their nakedness, and put into an old Coal Boat to shift for themselves. | A Perfect Diurnall or Occurrences, Issue 3 |
PerfAcc158 | The consultations in Holland upon the return of their Ambassadors out of England. The removal of the King of Scots from Paris, and the Determination of Major General Middleton, Colonel Massey, and other English. The late actions of the Highlanders in Scotland. The falling down of Mahomet's Tomb, and a strange Miracle showed thereupon, in the presence of many hundred people. The proceedings of the Lord Protector and his Council, With variety of choice Intelligence from several other parts. From Falmouth thus. The French Picaroons, and the Dutch Freebooters increase every day, they have taken two small vessels of ours lately, and another vessel which belonged to Bristol. We are glad to hear that some part of our fleet is coming this way, upon the first sight whereof, these desperate Rogues will fly further off. Notwithstanding in the meantime, they will continually be actuating of more mischief. From Deal thus. The fleet is now gone Westward from the Downs plying too and again upon the Road betwixt England and the coast of France. Many ships are going from England to the Barbadoes and other parts, I hope they shall have good convoys with them. Scilly Jan. 2. The Elias Frigate is come safe into this Harbour, and brought us six months pay which we were in arrears, other news this place affords not. By Letters from Lime: we hear by a Barque come from Britannia, that one of our Frigates having met with a Dutch Picaroon near Ushant, gave him chase, and followed so close, that he forced him to run aground on the nether side of the Bay of Camaret, and by reason of his shooting hard at him made the Country to come down to the water side; it happened that some shot did make execution on the shore, there being four killed and wounded; yet by reason of the night approaching, and the Country being all alarmed thereby, could not fetch her off; but ours put to sea again, to clear from the Rocks before it was dark. By several other Letters from Scotland, which contracted speak to this effect: The Highlanders continue their stealing and plundering of their own Countrymen that will not rise with them, or pay the Contribution money that they lay upon them, though I am confident many have not wherewithal to subsist, paying likewise their Assessments for the maintenance of the English Army: but when Major General Lambert's, Commissary General Whaley's Regiments of Horse, with Sir William Constable's Regiment of Foot, (which we hear are upon their march) are come into us, we doubt not but to send this Heathenish and plundering enemy, so far back into the Highlands, as that they shall not dare to approach the Lowlands, whereby to do the inhabitants any considerable prejudice. How the Highlanders are able to keep horse and man, is easy to be imagined, all their dependence being upon Charles Stuart, and his endeavours with the Dutch for money and Arms; but a peace with Holland (which we hear is in a very probable way for a very speedy conclusion) disperses them to their several mountainous habitations, without ever drawing the sword against them, and then the Lords and Chieftains amongst them may expect a liberal reward of Justice, for doing their Master such rebellious service, which hath been, and is destructive to the generality of Scotland, that a few months' continuance will bring them to the sad condition of the Irish, that have been forced to eat the corpse of their deceased friends after many days' interment; yet are not the people of Scotland very much to be pitied, in regard they will seldom give notice to any of our Garrisons when any party of the enemy marcheth through the Country, whereby they might be the better preserved from their violence and cruelty, choosing rather to be willingly destroyed by them, than be treacherous (as they call it) to their own Countrymen: Some Arms they pretend are lately landed for the enemy in Scotland, but this is more to encourage their forced and naked party, than otherwise considerable. Paris Jan. 17. 1654. By Letters from Perpignan, we hear that the Spanish army are quartered in and about Giron, although the plague doth rage much there still; one party is gone about Palamas, and the Field Marshal de Serra hath an express Order from Don John d'Austrin, to take care that the country be not oppressed by the quartering of the soldiery, but to keep them in a strict discipline. From Alsatia, we hear that the Marshal de la Forte is come before Beffort, where the lines are near finished, and the Ordnance within a day's journey of the place, but on the other side, the Governor of the Town intends to defend it gallantly; which to effect, and for his better subsistence he hath commanded all the Country adjacent to bring in their corn, and all other the like provisions which are necessary for him. The 15th instant the Provost and Eschenins of this City went to the Lawne, where they had audience, the subject being about those monies due to the Citizens upon the Town house. The next day Prince Rupert arrived from Nantz, to this City. The same day returned here from Catalonia, the Marquis du Plessis Belliere, who hath been for many many years an eminent Commander in the King's Army: there is little news at present, only great preparations are made here for the solemnising his Majesty's consecration the next month. From Champagne we hear the Irish soldiers who were at St. Menehold's, are gone from thence to Chaalons, there remaining no more but those companies of Switzers, who were there at the reduction with the Regiment of Dambrole, and six companies more who upon agreement between the Governor and the Townsmen, are jointly to have the guard of the City, there being an equal number of the town with the garrison, to watch day and night: Those of Clermont have not of late made many inroads, the reason we hear is because many desert the place. General Blake, and General Monk are now at Whitehall, General Pen in the Swiftsure, doth ride as Admiral of the fleet. The Fleet is at Spice head, not far from Portsmouth. Some part of them are sent out to ply between Portland and the Lands end, and over upon the Coast of France, to suppress the French Pirates, and those of Holland who are joined to them. Three thousand Irish, under the command of the Spaniard, are brought up towards Galizia, who being all old Soldiers, do something trouble the Portugal, fearing they may put a stop to the progress of their successes. The Irish in France boast that these in Spain will take an opportunity to come unto them: They do boast also, but no man believeth them of a great victory which lately they have got in Ireland. The Dict is not yet concluded in Germany, there being new differences between the Prince Elector and his Uncle, about the enjoying of some Lands, which each pretend to be theirs. The Dutch to their late griefs have wisely added one day of solemn sorrow, and this (on the beginning of the last week) was observed in a day of public Humiliation to pacify, or divert the anger of the Almighty. Their preparations at sea are great: Nothing is yet done as to the Answer which the Deputies brought from England, and nothing can be done till there be a general meeting of all their States, but it appears their inclinations are for war: But nothing doth more startle them, then the celerity, industry, and magnanimous resolution of the English. The loss which the Dutch received by the late fire and Tempest is said to be greater than was at first reported, both in houses, and ships; the hearts of the people are exceedingly overwhelmed with sadness at this desolation. From Gottenburgh, November the 29. After that Captain Welsh had landed the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, he put to sea again, and met with two Hollanders riding at the Scah, the one of four hundred, the other of three hundred and fifty tons burden, laden with Wheat, Rye, Wool, and Planks, of both which he took the charge, and brought them away with him, and by storm was forced to come a little way within this Port for shelter, but remained without the command of the Forts. The Lord Ambassador was earnestly pressed to send for the Captain, and to discharge the Prizes, but answer was returned, That it was conceived a matter not appertaining either to himself, or to the Queen's Officers to meddle with, and believed, that the Queen's Ports would not be denied to any English man, who had commission by Authority of Parliament, coming here to shelter himself against storms; that the conflict had been upon the high Sea, between the English and Dutch, who were enemies: For these reasons, his Excellency the Lord Ambassador refused to do anything in it. This day some of Captain Welsh his men coming to this Town, were stayed and brought before the Landtsher, who examined them, and sent his Major to the Lord Ambassador, to know whether he would own the Captain; whereupon his Lordship returned this Answer. That he did not own him, as one who did not believe had had a Commission by Authority of Parliament: Whereupon the men were dismissed. But our English people have the more trouble here, and the less favour, because the Queen's Admiral is a Hollander. The Swedes of Gottenburgh report that the King of Denmark is much troubled that they affronted our Nation by their ships being stayed, and blames evil counsel for it. De Wit (when last in the Sound) endeavoured to comfort him with a cordial of their great Victories obtained against us at sea, giving him a List of 22 sail of our ships sunk, and 8 taken, boasting much of their putting us still to flight. But that King's own subjects are now able to inform him that the Hollanders, and not we are still the flying party, and that one day, one small Frigate, fought with, and routed their fleet, and men of war, and the next day made her way (the Lord helping us) through three of their ships coming to avenge their quarrel, the least of which (as to countenance) exceeded the Phnix. There is a story lately printed in Spanish, whether it was penned for truth, or only for delight I leave to the belief or credit of such as shall hear of it, and the thing is briefly this. Upon a day dedicated by the Turks unto Mahomet, there was a great meeting at the Church or Temple called Mecca where his Tomb, or iron Chest did hang at the top or roof of that building, by virtue only of a Loadstone which was fixed there, and when people were in the midst of their heathenish worship or adoration, in an instant the said Chest did fall down to the ground, and (if the story lie not) the ground forthwith opened and received it into the bowels of the earth in the sight of many hundred spectators, and out of the same place came flashes of fire, and a great smoke for the space of one quarter of an hour, after which the ground closed up again. From the Fleet thus. We have 50 lusty ships which have met already in one Rendezvous; the Sovereign will speedily be made ready at Portsmouth; the Rainbow is going from Chattam; the Triumph is already set forth from thence, she was seen yesterday morning beyond the Castle. Four lusty ships more are going from Chattam, and there are ten ships more at the Hope complete under sail, amongst which are the Lion and the George. The Resolution, which hath carried herself so stoutly during all these wars with Holland, is now going to be equipped at Chattam. We shall have speedily abroad 100 gallant ships, enough not only to daunt the Hollanders, but peradventure the whole world, Letters are received from Portugal, informing, that the Spaniards have driven from the Portugals 1200 head of Cattle, the Portugals who were in a gallant body of about one thousand horse, fell upon the Spaniards who were 1500, and maintained the charge with so much resolution, that they utterly routed the Spaniards, and followed the pursuit to close, that many gallant Commanders fell upon the Spanish party, 300 Spaniards were killed on the place, and 400 taken prisoners, and about 800 horse: It is said that on the Portugals' side, there was no officer slain but one Major only. I have seen some letters from Scotland differ something from those in print, for they make mention that the Highlanders are not altogether so barbarously bloody towards those they have taken. The greatest part of them had rather take ransoms, than take away lives, and yet this is not so much out of mercy, as necessity, their miserable condition persuading them to use all arts to preserve themselves. It is certain that in their Levies they do miserably oppress their own Countrymen, that they now extol and commend the protection of the English, which before they murmured at, & this intelligence being more quick than ordinary did not a little conduce to the captivity of the L. Kinoul, and the routing of his seventy horse. From Holland we understand, that the Dutch Deputies that were in England, are safely landed, though as yet not come unto the Hague, yet are every hour expected. In the meantime the Orange party leap for joy, and say, Nothing will now be concluded on with England. The French Ambassador at the Hague is in great esteem; and it is said here, that the titular King of Scots intends suddenly to remove from Paris, but unto what place he goes next, is not yet known. Yet Middleton, Massey, Bunce, and other English are yet here, though they have had many invitations by the Highlanders of Scotland. It is conceived they will not hazard themselves in person upon such a slender Engagement, as that is looked upon by the more solid sort of people to be. The late great loss that happened at Amsterdam by Thunder and Lightening, with great Storms and Tempests, is some hindrance to the present Undertakings; and great haste is made to amend and repair the shipping which received prejudice therein. Two small English Vessels were lately brought into Zealand, which were taken in the North. Their great Fleet is almost in a readiness, Men and Provisions are shipping as fast as may be; yet many are very desirous to have Peace with England, saying, That they shall all be undone if the Wars continue; and if they seal not to the Articles with England, you may expect a Declaration shortly. Several prizes are brought into Portsmouth, and other Ports, by part of our Fleet. Two of our Scouts chased six Dutch ships, but they being near unto Harbour, escaped; yet not without some damage, for we gave them several broadsides. The Lord Protector and his Council sit daily in consultation upon the weighty affairs of this Nation. The news further from Scotland, is, That the Enemy finding the English forces to increase, and to be active in pursuing them, and have taken many of their men lately, They begin to contract themselves nearer together, and say, that they have a great design on foot to go Westward, and do their great matters. But if we once meet with them out of their Dens and Fastnesses, we doubt not but to cross their Designs, and make them pay dear for the mischiefs which they have already done. | A Perfect Account, Issue 158 |
ProcState238 | This day the Bedchambers and the rest if the lodgings and rooms appointed for the Lord Protector in Whitehall, were prepared for his Highness to remove from the Cockpit on the morrow. An Ordinance passed, and was this day published, Empowering Commissioners to put in execution an Act of Parliament, Entitled (An Act prohibiting the planting of Tobacco in England.) That upon consideration had of the great prejudice arising to the English Plantations in Foreign parts and the great damage and loss to Trade at home, by the planting of Tobacco in this Nation; It is Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, That Sir Will. Roberts, John Stone, Jervas Bennet, Hem. Elsing, Adam Bains and Jo. Bocket, Esqs; or any three or more of them, be and are appointed Commissioners, and are empowered, authorized and required, by all fit and lawful ways and means to put in Execution an Act of Parliam. dated the first of April, 1652. Entitled (An Act prohibiting the planting of Tobacco in England) and every clause, article, matter and thing therein contained, any Act or Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding; and all Officers Civil and Military, and all other persons, are required to be aiding and assisting unto the said Commissioners, or any person or persons employed by them in this Service, for the effectual execution of all the Powers and Authorities, by the said Act or this Ordinance, granted and Entrusted to the said Commissioners. From Minehead April 10. Here is little news in these parts, only that the Pirates of Brest do much harm in this Channel, having of late taken several vessels, whereof some of a considerable value which belonged to Bristol, some of the Frigates that were appointed to keep these Seas, being gone towards Dublin, and so to the Westward of Scotland, giveth more liberty to these Rogues to commit their villainies without any opposition, coming into the very mouth of the Severn, there is lately come some Barques from Ireland, who bringeth news, that the plague is well appeased in most parts of that Country, and all things quiet, only a great want of people to manure the ground in many parts. Edinburgh April 10. I Have nothing to add to the enclosed, but that we are now very quiet in these parts; The party that went hence towards Kelsay, have secured the parts thereabouts, and the Borders of England, and are returned with some prisoners: the ship with Ammunition, &c. came yesterday into Leith road, That about ten other Merchants were conveyed by the Raven, and Providence Frigates. Inverness April 2. Yesterday the Enemy had a general Rendezvous in Sutherland near Skilbo, they were about 1200 Foot, and 800 Horse (500 little better than baggage horses, and many wanting Pistols) and after the receipt of Orders from Lieut. Generalissimo Middleton, most were to march for the South Highlands, and the rest continue in the North, and both to prosecute their Levies, and then to join in the South. Middleton added to their number at the Rendezvous about 200 Horse and Foot, and hath ordered to be levied out of Ross 250, Sutherland 300, Caithness 500, and Stranarvar 300. He expects hourly Seaford with 500, and Mackoldwy to be ready with his Levies; He gives out that he hath brought a great store of Spanish gold lent his Master by the Emperor, from whom is expected a great Loan, and many men which is negotiated by the Lord Wilmot, and to be brought by his Brother-in law, which he had stayed for but for the appeasing of the discontent he heard was amongst his friends, for his often failing in his promised coming to them. This day Lieut. Col. Mitchell marched hither with nine Companies of Foot, six Troops of Horse, and a commanded party of 180, with five Troops of Dragoons, which are to march tomorrow to Braban, to which are added four Troops of Horse, and three Companies of Foot. The use of the March is to keep a Pass at Dinghil, which by a numerous concurrence of knowing men of the Country, will force them to fight us, stay where they are, or hazard the loss of their Horse, by length, badness of way, and want of Provisions, if they march to the South by the Northwest Hills, they having no other way to march otherwise. From the Isle of Wight the same day. There is no news to impart you since my last, only that our Fleet hath weighed anchor from Helens -point, and is now come further in, and are now riding in Stoaks-Bay, which is not far from the place they were at before those ships that were gone into Portsmouth to take in their provisions, and to be new fitted for the Sea are near ready, there being no care nor diligence wanting to have the same done with all expedition. All Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, which have not drawn Lots for Baronies, are desired to take notice, The Committee for Claims, have appointed Thursday the 27 of this instant April 1654. to be a day for drawing of Lots for Baronies at Grocers-hall London, to begin at eight of the clock in the forenoon of the same day. Will. Tibbs, Clerk. Three ships or Men of War were here lately launched into the Sea, and three more will suddenly follow; they are also making great preparations at Marceil. We hear that the Plague is at last ceased in Barcelona. This day came news as followeth. The Queen of Swedland having declared her resolution about the surrendering of her Crown and Power, to settle them in the hands of the Prince Palatine. Her Counsels have done their utmost to dissuade her Majesty from it, but that great Princess cannot be persuaded otherways. She hath stayed some time at Nekoping, to confer about that business, and is since come again to Upsal, to call together the States of the Kingdom of to the 10 of May next. That great and generous resolution is to be seen in the Letter written from the said Queen to Monsieur Chanut, the King of France his Ambassador, to the States General of the United Provinces; who having resided long by Her Majesty, and being great in her favour, hath endeavoured to dissuade her from that intent. The King of Denmark is at Geluckstadt, where the Dukes of Brunswick and Luneburg are come to meet him, They write from Bremen, that the General Coningsmark is marching there-wards with some forces, not being known to what design. We have advice from Dantzick, that there is a very great likeness of a greater war in Poland, than ever was, by the Moscovites, who are in all readiness to fall heavily upon that Kingdom; which hath given occasion of passing twelve Articles in the Assembly of States at Warsaw, for the defence thereof, and to get moneys and provisions for the Soldiers, as also for the repairing of the Bulwarks, and Works of Smolensko. C.R. I have formerly given you an account of the Reasons which have prevailed with me to go on in my design of surrendering up my Crown: You know that fancy of mine hath lasted long, and that I have not rashly resolved to put it in execution; but that after I have no less than eight years exercised my thoughts thereupon. I have about five years ago imparted that resolution to you, and I then perceived that nothing so much as your pure affection, and the interest you took in my Fortune, made you dissent from me, notwithstanding my reasons with you could not condemn. Whatsoever endeavours you made to dissuade me from it, I was glad to see you could not find nothing in that thought unworthy of myself. You know what I told you thereupon, the last time I had the satisfaction of speaking with you: In the interim of such a long time past, none of the things happened since, could ever alter my mind. I have directed all my actions to that scope, and brought them to that end, without declining doubtfully from it. I am, at this time, ready to end that play, to retire myself behind the Stage, and do not trouble my mind about the Plaudite. I know well, that the scene I have represented, hath not been composed after the Common Laws of the Stage; and it is a hard matter, that what is in it strong, masculine, and vigorous, should please, I give leave to any one to judge of it according to his genuine, not being able to deprive him of that liberty, nor willing to do it, although I could. I know that very few will give a favourable judgment, and I do persuade myself of you, that you are of that number. Other men are unacquainted with my Reasons, and my Humour, having never opened my thoughts thereupon, but to you, and to another friend, of a mind great and noble enough to be of the same judgment with you therein. Sufficit unus, sufficit nullus, I do scorn the rest, and should honour him of the company, whom I should conceive ridiculous enough to dissuade me from it. I will never trouble myself of making them any Apology, and shall never be idle enough in that rest I do prepare for me, to remember them. I will employ that leisure, to examine my life past, to correct my errors, without repenting, nor wondering at them. What a delight shall it be to me, to remember that I shall have taken pleasure in doing good to men, and to have without mercy inflicted punishment upon those that had deserved it; I shall have some comfort to have never rendered any one guilty, that was not, but to have spared even those that were such. I have preferred the preservation of the State to all other considerations; I have ever, with joy, sacrificed to its Interests and have nothing to reprove myself of in the administration thereof. I have possessed without pride, I do forsake with facility: Therefore fear not for me. I am secure, and my welfare is not obnoxious to the hazard of the Fortune, whatsoever happened I am happy. Sum flix tamen Osuperi, nullique potestas hoc auferre Deo. Nay, I am happier than any, and shall ever be so. I am not afraid of that Providence you speak to me of, Omnia sunt propitia. If it be pleased to condescend to the regulating of my affairs, I do submit myself with the respect, and resigning I owe to its will: if it leaves me free the conduct of myself, I shall make use of all the faculties wherewith it hath endowed my soul, and my mind, to make myself happy, and I shall be so, so long as I shall be persuaded that there is nothing I should be afraid of, neither from God, neither from men. I shall employ the remainder of my life to render those thoughts familiar to me, to strengthen my soul, and to spy from the Port, the labours and toilings of those that are agitated in this life by the storms that arise, for want of giving our mind to those meditations. Am I not worthy of envy, in the condition I am in? I should no doubt, find too many that would envy my happiness, if they knew it: Nevertheless you love me enough to not envy it, and I do deserve it, seeing I am so ingenuous as to confess, that I have part of those thoughts from you. I have learned them in your discourses, and hopes to improve them yet some time with you in my rest. I do persuade myself, that you cannot fail to your word, and that you will not leave, for this change, to be my friend, seeing I do divest myself of none of those things which are worthy of your esteem. I will conserve you my affection in whatsoever condition shall be, and I will make it appear to you, That no change whatsoever may alter those senses of my mind, wherein I glorify myself. You know all that, and believe, no doubt, that the greatest assurance I can give you of me, is to tell you, that I shall ever be CHRISTINA. It is also advertised, that so far as discovery can be made of the Design of the Queen of Sweden herein, touching her Resolutions to lay down her Crown, that the business, according to my best intelligence therein, and I have been something curious in it, that it is thus, viz. That the Queen of Sweden's Design to surrender her Crown, is to further the Match of the Princes Royal (that is to say, of the Widow of the last Prince of Orange, who is Sister to Charles Stuart, Titular King of Scots) with Charls the Successor of the Crown of Sweden, who is of the House of the Palitinate, that upon their Marriage may be brought in the Princes of Germany into an alliance, to support the House of Nassa, which is now tottering by the league of England, Scotland, and Ireland with the Netherlands, in which she seems very cunningly to flatter the French Ambassador and the States, &c. as be her lofty language, and Court-like Letter aforementioned doth appear. And this Design without doubt hath been carried in by the Spaniards, by Piemontille the Agent of the King of Spain lately with the Queen in Sweden, who having made a fair progress in it is returned home; The Spaniard now looking upon that as his chiefest strength to defend himself in the confederacy with them in case it be effected. And it is thought that the Queen of Sweden upon laying down of her Crown had thoughts of going into the Hague. But Letters from the Hague say, That the Spanish Agent there hath made some Addresses to the States to desire that he may be included in the League of the States, and Denmark with England. From thence Letters confirm that the States have ratified the Peace, and that a Messenger is certainly coming over with it fully ratified by all the Provinces, to his Highness the Lord Protector. His Highness the Lord Protector with his Lady and Family this day Dined at Whitehall, whither his Highness and Family are removed, and did this night lie there, and do there continue. Several Petitions were this day received, and answers returned to some. Whereas in an Ordinance for better amending and keeping in repair the Highways within this Nation, It is ordained, amongst other things, that two or more able and sufficient Householders, as in that Ordinance is expressed, should be elected and chosen upon the first Tuesday next ensuing the five and twentieth day of March yearly, to be Surveyors of the Highways, within their respective Parishes for the year ensuing: And whereas by the reason of the late publishing of the said Ordinance, the time aforesaid for such Election for this year was elapsed, so as such Election could not be made on that day in pursuance of the said Ordinance, whereby the benefit intended to the people thereby is obstructed; Be it Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, that the persons which already are chosen, or shall be chosen before the first day of May 1654. to be Surveyors of the Highways (which election is hereby enjoined to be made in every Place and Parish by the time aforesaid, under the penalties in that Ordinance expressed) in case no election hath been already made, shall undertake the said Office, and be sworn on, or before, the sixth day of May aforesaid, under the penalties in the said ordinance set down in that behalf, and shall be Surveyors for this present year, as if such election had been made on the first said Tuesday after the said Five and twentieth day of March last, anything in the said Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding. And the said Surveyors so sworn, and all other persons authorised by the said Ordinance, shall be, and are hereby empowered, to proceed in, and put in execution, all the Directions, Powers and Authorities in the said Ordinance contained, as fully to all intents and purposes, as if the election had been made on the day therein appointed. His Highness went this day to Hampton Court, and returned again at night. Pope Innocentius the tenth (now Pope of Rome) hath lately published a Declaration, touching the Armenian points, in which he hath declared for the Jesuit faction; and by which we may perceive something of the same design hath been endeavoured in England, had not the Lord by the late change of Government prevented it; and therefore we may bless God for the present Commissioners for Approbation of Preachers, that only such as are found, may be employed. Whereas great differences are risen in several parts, and chiefly in France upon these 5 Points following, touching which, some Bishops there have importuned that upon the delivery of the said Points to Me, a clear Judgement may be given therein, viz. 1. That some Commands of God are impossible to be kept by righteous men, who desire and endeavour it, according to the present power they have received, and that they want grace by which obedience to God's Laws should be possible. 2. That inward grace in the state of the lapsed Nature is resistible. 3. That to deserve and procure Grace in the state of lapsed nature, there is not required in man a liberty of necessity, but that a liberty from compulsion is enough. 4. That the Semi-Pelagians, who held that inward preventing Grace was necessary to every work, and to the beginning of Faith were held Heretics, because they would have the Grace of God to be such as the wills of men could resist or obey. 5. That it is Semi-Pelagianism, to hold that Christ died and shed his blood for all men. We after weighty considerations thereof have commanded some Cardinals and many Masters of Theology to be assembled, to whom we have delivered the said Points, and have desired their opinions both by word of mouth, and in writing, which after serious deliberation were brought in and our Judgement thereupon we are arrived at in this following Declaration, viz. We declare the first to be wicked, blasphemous, accursed and heretical. We declare the second to be heretical. We declare the third to be heretical. We declare the fourth to be false and heretical. We declare the fifth to be false and impious: And to hold that Christ died only for those that are predestinate, we hold it to be impious, blasphemous, contemptible, destructive to all good conversation, and heretical. We do therefore command all Christian men and women, that neither they believe, learn, nor preach otherwise than as we have declared in this our Ordinance, upon pain of such punishments as are to be inflicted upon heretics. And we do command all Patriarchs, Archbishops, Bishops, and other ordinary Inquisitors, to proceed against all opposers whomsoever, and to use all means to restrain them from any other Faith touching these Points, than is hereby declared, and (if need be) to use the assistance of the temporal Magistrate. Given at Rome, in the year of the Incarnation of our Lord, 13. June 1653. in the 9th year of our Popedom. Innocencius the 10th. Hi. Datarius. G. Gualterius. P. Ciampinus. This day came news of the good success of a small Squadron of 3 of the English Frigates near the Isle of Bass against a fleet of French, as is certified by a Letter from Cap. Cubit commander of the Portsmouth Frigate one of the 3 that was in the Engagement. We departed from Plymouth the 1 of this month, that night we met the Falmouth and visited some ships of Ostend which came from St. Lucas. The third West-south-west from the Lizard met several ships of Hamburg, Stockholm, Emden, and Limbeck with two ships of Dover in their company, all which came from St. Martins with Salt and Wine from that time until the 7. we were without the channel 20 or 30 leagues off. The 7 day the Middleborough came to us. The 9. we met with one who told me that I might expect with the first wind from S. Mallows 4 ships laden with cloth bound for S. Lucas, and 6 ships that were to go for the Bank. The 10 we chased a Frigate into Broadsoand. The 11, the wind coming to the South, and South-south-east, we with the Middleborough and Falmouth, very early in the morning passed to the northward of Ushant, and about 3 leagues to the eastward of the Loor Rock, descried a fleet of ships standing to the westward 48 sail. I knew not what to make of them at first, their number being so far exceeded what I expected, but found them to be French ships, we got the wind of them, and took a full view of their fleet, we took their flagships to be cloth ships, fell in among them, where an Admiral and a Rear-Admiral laid near one the other, with divers ships by them. The Rear Adm. being windermost, and the best ship in the fleet, I came up with him first very close, and passed a broad side on him, and was very well seconded by the Middleborough, the first and the second time. And as we received shot from several of their ships which lay by him, so especially from the Admiral which laid to Leeward, upon which also we spent some shot, one of which this time of Service carried his Mainmast by the board, and that hauled his fore Topmast after it, so as he could do us little more hurt. Going to pass our third broad side, I shot the Rear Admiral's main Topmast by the board, and another ship's fore Topmast. After the fifth broad side from us, and two from the Middleburgh, as above, he took in his flag, and called for quarter, came aboard with their Boat, and I sent men to possess her, but found it impossible to save her, being all torn to pieces. As soon as their men were aboard of us, she sunk without saving the value of six pence besides the Flag. She was a ship of 260 tons, 18 guns, 4 brass Stock sowlers, and 85 men bound to Burneus for Salt, and thence to Canade to fish, her name the Fourdore, Sebastian Penoire commander, who informed me that all the rest were on the same design only two bound for S. Christopher's with passengers. Having freed ourselves from her, we bore with another, and coming to take her, we found her left by the company who were got into Shallops, one of which we took, and learned by them she was sinking, she was then on the Curene, her name the St. Clement, John Gerrat Master, The had 70 men and 14 guns, she received her shot from us about the time the Fourdore yielded. The wind very much increasing, we stood after some which stood into the shore, and near the Isle of Bass took the John Baptist, John Paus Master, with 14 guns and 70 men. The night approaching and the ships out of sight we came away with these. This was all done i9n sight of that coast or shore. I bless God we lost not a man, had only two hurt. The Middleburgh took the Veirge de bon Voyage, that Admiral whose Masts were shot off, as aforesaid with 18 guns and 70 men, and the Lou Blanch with 17 guns and 60 men. The Falmouth took the Inques with 8 guns, and 40 men. Joseph Cubit. Portsmouth Frigate in Plymouth Sound 14 April, 1654. The Foundore with 18 guns, and 85 men. The St. Clement 14 guns, and 70 men. The Leveirg 18 guns, 70 men, The Lou Blanch with 11 Guns, and 60 men. The St. Jacques with 8 Guns, and 40 men. The John Baptist with 14 Guns, and 70 men. The Pelican with 16 Guns, and 75 men. The Concord with 17 Guns, and 70 men. The St. Peter with 18 Guns, and 70 men. The Protect with 12 Guns, and 70 men. The Mariagra with 10 Guns, and 50 men. The George with 12 Guns, and 50 men. The St. Joseph with 12 Guns. The Chevalier with 8 Guns, and 20 men. The Le Fume with 8 Guns, and 55 men. The Soldier with 4 Guns, and 20 men. The Palma with 6 Guns, and 20 men. The Julia Lunia with 4 Guns, and 20 men. Four more had 14 Guns, and 80 men apiece. The rest were Vessels of the Coast and Normans, which had some Guns, but the number we know not. Of which number, Two of the chief were sunk, and four taken; and of those that escaped, divers were battered, and sustained much loss. Edinburgh, 10 April. The enemy hasten to a Rendezvous, and Colonel Morgan in preparing towards them; when General Monk is come hither with the additional forces are to follow, I believe you will hear either of some sudden action, and a vanishing of their Levies. We do almost every day fall into their Quarters to prevent their Levies; and some times do meet with some of them. They expected Supplies from Westmoreland, but as yet few are come. There is appointed to go for Scotland, Colonel Pride with his Regiment, and the 5 Companies of Sir William Constable's Regiment that are in Yorkshire, who have received Orders to march. General Monk passed well in health through Yorkshire, and it is believed that about this time he is in Scotland. A Messenger came this day from the States General of the United Provinces, to the Ambassadors here in England, with a Ratification of the Peace; whereupon an Address was presently made to His Highness, the Lord Protector; of which, you shall have more in due place. The Lord Lieutenant Admiral, Baron of Opdam, was then at the Hague when the Articles were signed and sealed by the States, as also Vice Admiral Witte Wittense, Ruiter, John Everson, with many other Captains of the Fleet, who received Commission from the Lords States, to provide all things speedily that may be necessary for their ships: And it is thought that the general Rendezvous, both of the Merchant ships, and Men of War, will be at Goree. One Easterling had a great Flute laden with Salt, that lay long at Flushing, and might have made a good Market for his Salt, but stayed to raise the price yet higher, at last his ship was cast away upon the Flats in the last storm, and so he lost all. The French in Brussels are afraid that the King of Spain will deliver into the hands of His Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, the Town of Dunkirk for security of Forces which they fear shall be sent over to the Prince of Conde, for the service of the King of Spain. This day the Council had under consideration, An Ordinance for the continuance of the Repealing of the Act for the Commissioners for Debts; also about an Ordinance touching Postages was under debate. This day Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper, Colonel Sidenham, and Mr. Strickland, three of the Lords of the Council, were sent Commissioners, with Mr. Jessop Clerk of the Council, to the Lord Ambassador Bordeaux, Ambassador from the King of France, to Treat with him touching the Treaty with that Kingdom, for renewing of Amity; considering which, he lately delivered his Embassy to His Highness, the Lord Protector. The Portugal Ambassador gave a late visit to the Dutch Ambassadors. Plymouth, 15 April. Here are four French prizes brought in by the Portsmouth Frigate, and the Falmouth, and Middleborough, which they took in a late engagement with a Fleet of them near the Isle of Basse, besides two sunk; a List of both which, is here enclosed. They will suddenly be fitted out again; and the Paul, and old Warwick are ready to sail, and the Sapphire and Constant Warwick will be ready this night, or tomorrow. 1. The Admiral sunk, called the Roundore, commanded by Captain Sebastian Penotre, a ship of 18 Iron Guns, and 4 Brass, with 85 men, only the men saved, and one Flag. 2 The St. Clement sunk, of which John Gerrat was Master, a ship of 14 Guns, with 70 men, some of which men are taken; but divers of them got into other ships. 3 The Rear Admiral taken, called the Leveirge, a ship of 18 Guns, with 70 men. 4 The Leu Blanch taken, with 11 Guns, and 60 men in her. 5 The St. Jacques taken with 8 Guns, and 40 men in her. 6 The John Baptist taken with 14 Guns, and 70 men in her. Paris, 10 April. Conde hath routed a Regiment of 400 horse of the Marques De Vieuvilles. Duke D' Augville is gone to the Duke of Orleans, perhaps to enjoy Conde's estate, in behalf of the marriage of his second daughter to Duke D' Anguiens, the said Prince's son. Duke Espersnoon is gone from the Court discontented with Mazarine's marriage of a Niece with the Duke of Candale. The Princess of Savoy's Ambassador here, desires a Niece of Mazarine's for her Son, the Duke of Savoy. Charles Stuart's Mother is to go to reside there now shortly. Rhine, 14 April. The French Forces from Leige have done great outrages about Frier, chiefly in the Abbey of St. Maxamin, and where the people had put themselves under the protection of Spain. The Emperor labours for Rixday. Duke Francis of Lorain is still at the Emperor's Court, not knowing yet whether he shall go to Flanders. The Elector of Colen laboured to seize upon all the Duke of Lorain's Goods, Jewels, and Moneys at Frankford, since his imprisonment, but hath found nothing of value. Warsaw, 12 March, 1654. The Muscovites before they would grant to the Cossacks their protection, have obliged them to subscribe to a shameful agreement, and among other things, that they shall renounce the Amity of the Tartarians; that they shall never admit of, nor acknowledge their old Polish Lords; that they shall suffer no Jews to live in the County of Ukraine, that those that shall buy anything of them, shall be debarred from coming into the Church for three weeks time; that it shall be unlawful to any of them, to wear any clothes made after the Polish mode, or to wear any Red or Yellow Boots, but only Black ones; that they shall drink no strong Waters, nor take Tobacco, nor play at Cards, &c. That Treaty is attributed to the desperate condition of their General Kimilinsky. The Grand Duke of Moscow hath sent five of his chief Officers into that Province of Ukraine to govern there, having divided the same into so many Palatinates, and sent thither some of his Priests to reform all the Russian Churches, and rebaptise the people; who being most addicted to their own Religion, do look upon that change with a very great regret, and do much dislike also, that all their men able to bear Arms, are listed in every place, the rest being designed to Till the Ground, or to serve in the Armies as Pioneers. Their Army is about Nieper, all the strong Passages of it being delivered up to the said Duke, by the said Kimilinsky. Hamburg 30 March: The Swedish forces drawn out of several places in the Archbishopric of Bremen, do daily increase, and are marching towards Bremerbourgh under General Coningsmarck, who intends to raise a Fort there to secure the pass which will be a great annoyance to the commerce of that place, the Magistrates whereof have therefore sent Lieut. Col. Keller with 400 men and some pieces of Ordinance thither, to hinder the same. Firbourg in Brisgaw 28 March: The Archduke of Inspruck having fallen under his horse, hath been dangerously wounded in the head; The States in his Territories having lately been assembled about a League defensive they will march into the Countries beyond the Rhine, whither they endeavour to draw the Duke of Wittembirgh, and the Marquises of Baden and Dourlach. Colen 4 April. The Forces of the Electors of Collen and Triers have besieged the Fortress of Humanstein, the Commander whereof inclines to a parley, unless he be speedily relieved by the Spaniards, who are gathering together for that end; Mr Faber being in the mean time in Luxembourg with his Forces to hinder the said relief. Naples 15 March: Some Merchants here have engaged to furnish 4000 suits of Clothes, 8000 shirts, 2000 hats, and the like number of Swords, shoes and stockings, for the Spanish Soldiers in Catalonia, whither our Viceroy intends to tend shortly 30 battering pieces, newly cast here, with great quantity of ammunition. He hath sent into Spain for 6000 natural Spaniards to supply the place of so many here, who being well trained, shall be sent to the field Army. He hath sent into Dalmatia for raising a Regiment of Croats. Venice 28 March: Generalissimo Movenigo prepares for Candia to appease the Soldiers that begin to mutiny for want of pay. Signor Battista Nani doth prepare for his Embassy towards the Emperor, Signor Gasparo Luca, a famous Merchant, offers the College 100000 Ducats towards the charge of the War, if they will receive him among their Nobles. Madrid 24 March: The fleet from New Spain, are not expected before June next, with that of Peru, his Majesty hath sent to the Duke Vel Infantado, Governor of Sicily, to set out as many Vessels as he can, and to raise 2000 foot to help him. A Gentleman from Gilderland, with many Gentlemen attending him in divers Coaches, did from thence this day congratulate His Highness, the Lord Protector, in His Government; and several Gentlemen from other parts beyond the Seas have done the like. Divers Aldermen of the City of London were this day with His Highness, the Lord Protector. The Constant Warwick hath brought in Prize a Brest Man of War with 8 Guns, and 50 men into Plymouth. The Articles of Peace are delivered to his Highness, the Lord Protector, in a Silver Box, signed and sealed by the States of the United Provinces, all concurring; and His Highness hath appointed the like to be engrossed here, and to pass the Great Seal of England; and then he will sign it by His Sign Manual, which then is to be put into a Silver Box, and to be sent to the Hague; and after signification of the States General receiving thereof, it will be published in both Commonwealths. Leith, 13 April. This day a party from Dalkeith took one Malcolm Rogers (Agent for Charles Stuart, who brought several Commissions from him) and also one Stephens, who had been a Soldier in Leith, little above a month since: But the worst piece of News is, That on Tuesday last Cap. Southwood Commander of the White Raven going from Leith Road, towards Newcastle, was set upon by eleven Dutch Men of War, boarded and taken. This day a Private Man of War of ours, was accidentally blown up in Leith Harbour, and 6 Men killed. Col. Morgan with 850 horse, and 1600 foot hath beset the enemy, who is 800 horse and 3000 foot, resolving to fight them & they can hardly escape him. Captain Staner, and Captain Smith Commanders of the Tonnington and the Plymouth Frigates have taken an Holland East India ship outward bound of 800 Tons, laden with 750 Tons of Goods, and tour chest of silver. A Christian sober, plain Exercitation on the Two Grand Practical Controversies of these times, Instant Baptism, and Singing of Psalms, proved by Scripture, by C. Sidenham, later Teacher to a Church at Newcastle. Sold by F. Tyton at the Three Daggers near the Inner Temple. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 238 |
MNullus02 | Hah Rogues! Did I not tell you of this before? Did I not prophecy of your implacability? Did not I delineate your vast stomachs ? I told ye I thought news would not please you, and I think I spake very true: I gave ye the properties of news, yet still ye slight me: I unfolded the Word to you, but yet ye regarded it not; neither (as I hear) are ye content with my expressions, but deem them too too mean for your mounting ears forsooth: No wonder but ye must look so high; sure did ye but reflect on your Peacock feet ye would be more reasonable in your conjectures. But why do I speak of Reason? both you and your thoughts are cankered with sensuality: But the best is, I an not bound to humour you: if ye like not my lines, either mend or meddle not with them: I lived before you saw them; and no doubt but I shall live after your whining at them. Ye are the true Zoyli and Momi, which are disturbed at Venus Love slippers, or Minerva's house, because it was not moveable like the foolish whimsies in your Butterfly Noddles. Can I coin words for you? What do ye want? I told ye, to tell you were knaves, were no news, perhaps ye are angry because I told you not how, and wherein you were so, which I would quickly do; but I will not, my expressions shall not rise so high: I had rather dabble my fancy-wings in the dirt, by flying low, than fly high, and so dash myself in pieces by a fall. I had rather you should say my Muse is heavy, then I should cry Peccavie. Besides, I will be cautious, by reason of the bad success of a good friend of mine. I will take heed lest I be liable to the Lash of his supposed merit: he is an honest acquaintance of my Godfather Apollo; ah poor sons of the Muses! into what a sad position are ye involved? by reason of the malignancy of some, who scarce knows how many new Moons there is in a month; nay not when their own horns bud. Ah poor Wretches! were it not for the freedom of your minds, what might become of your shackled bodies? But hanged, it is better to be passive for a good conscience, then active in the Courts of iniquity. But I will proceed to intelligence: here Secretary bring me my packet of Letters. The first thing that presents itself worthy your observation is, The other day an English Hellena discovers one of the sons of Venus, being a younger brother, but a second Adonis for his beauty, she made at him immediately, and (by the usual posture) entices him into a blind Alehouse, where she fell down backwards before him, confessing herself cast by the power of his beauty. The young man being merely drawn in, false upon her, where she neatly nipped him of 30 good shillings, and so I leave them: only this I say to thee, O thou Helena, thou art both a Whore and a Traitoress; a Whore to Paris, and a Traitoress to Diephobus; and to thee oh comely Hiacinthus! I say, O formose puer! nimium ne crede Colori. Now Sirs, if I conceived weeping would do any good, my tears should not be wanting: but sure, should I metamorphose my merry self into whining Heraclitus, I should not only allay the dust of your stupidity, but bring a deluge to destroy you all. O Heavens! Do not you blush at three things? Aurora art not thou ashamed of us? prethe, in stead of riding with old Tithon in the Southern chambers to beget more Mernnons, stay in the East to stop thy brother Titon's motion. Let him not run round in our Hemisphere, since we desire to envelop ourselves in the dark Dungeon of damnable Errors. Let us be illuminated by the Sun's absence, to be sensible of our own madness. Here's Arminians and Socinians. Here's Jesuits and Rahabites. Here's Adamites and Moabites. Here's Arians and Antiscriptarians. Here's Wakers and soul sleepers, &c. is not here a brave company? are not we pretty well accommodated with variety of Religions. Nay if here be not enough, here's knockers and Ranters too. O fine sport! pray who can choose but laugh at it? Nay, but to speak with solid Reason, what eye can refrain from weeping at it? But alas! tears will avail no more, nor reclaim any more, than Aristeus his constant motion can reduce Euridice: it is not sad that these things should be, and no injunction, no prohibition laid upon them. What are we, and from whence did we spring? are not souls sparks of Heaven? if then there be but one Root, why should the Branches insurrect and quarrel among themselves? Sirs, if ye are men, show yourselves so. Here Boy, bring out my Partisans, bills, hatchets, halberds, tongues, fire-shovels, knives, scissors, bodkins, and needles; yea even all the edge and pointed tools ye have: stand up for the defence of yourselves, and offence of others: keep off the Devil if you can, for he fights like strong-breasted ANTUS against you in the flesh. O Hercules, Hercules, where art thou? Come crush him in pieces in thy arms, as he used to crush his friends. Let every man sweep his own door: let every man wash his own hands and heart from the guilt of Error. Here's one Dog barks madness from the pulpit, enough to infect all the Audience. Another like Melancheres (the curst Cur of Acteon) bites (by reason of advantage) his Master by the back. Another insinuates himself into his Master's bosom (like the fawning Asle in sop's Fables) Another wanting power answerable to his envy, like a perfidious Hermit, newly sprung from his adulterate Cave, goes secretly and stigmatises his next Neighbour, and by clandestine policy renders him odious and contemptible to all his friends. O horrid Villain; pish, 'ti: no matter: but prethet friend have a care, that when thy back is turned thou art not served as Ixion would once have done to Jupiter, to give him the brow antlers, Say, sirs, is this honestly? No sure, it is the first greatest magnitude of Knavery; but their tongues and hearts look two ways like double-faced Janus: these are they that will not swear but lie: pray mark therefore this following Poem, taken in part verbatim by an honest fellow from the mouths of a zealous brother and sister, meeting on a Summer's day in the fields. But, Gentlemen, though my Pen chance to spew out here and there a strange Tale, yet I desire you not to give credit to any matter that seems hyperbolical, because such are presented for Lies, and you desired so to take them: We shall therefore descend to foreign Transactions, viz. It is credibly certified for an untruth, that the last Saturday come sevennight a very strange and wonderful fire (an ignis fatuus sure it was) happened in these parts, which hath burnt up 33 Acre of Ground in the main Ocean, together with all the Cities, Towns, Houses, Trees, Tenements, &c. there situate, and hat made the soil altogether unarable: so that it's to be feared that the Plain which formerly did yield such plenty of almost all sorts of Fish, will now scarce furnish us with bread-corn. It is certified that Remus and Romulus met both in the Market-place, last Market-day, resolving to fight a Duel: they slipped out of their Tombs, whilst their Manes slept: but they awakening, and finding them not there, sent out speedy Hu-and-Cry after them; so that they were immediately apprehended by Csar's Officers, and guarded again into their Shrines, where they lie bound hand and foot, and are to answer at the Tribunal Bar next Sessions. The Pigmean people are now re-edifying and fortifying the Tower of Babel, which is to be their Garrison, wherein they may have a League offensive and defensive against the Cranes, the greatest Foes they have. Her was a Leaden Pear-tree in her Orchard was beer leaden pairs last Christmas, and her Coose was tread her Neighbour (like a Cander) treading her wise (like a Coose) in her bed. These are strange variations of the Season. Our proceedings are all at a standing motion, Religion (both true and false) by some is gobbled up as Dogs gobble puddings. Others lap a little, then sneer away having burnt their chops. Others utterly detest and shun it, as a Mouse may do a Rat. These are Atheists worse than the very Devils, who fear and tremble at the Deity. Others pursue poor Religion, and seek to devour it and Learning also. These are Papists, Jesuits, and Ranters. Oh! how they labour to turn Temples and Colleges into their Pockets. Some Expectants stay to see whether the Manket will fall, Religion is not cheap enough yet for them; but in the mean time they bring up their children in the Schools of Vice very learnedly, which indeed they need not do, we are apt to run headlong to the Devil without help: it is as natural to us, as it is for a Dog to run, a Bird to fly, or a Fish to swim: is there not a propensity to do it without Art. O yes yes, there is more need of prohibition, than a propagation to evil. Alas! where is some body to stand in the gap, who can conquer these things? Ah pity, pity; while the poor Fishes wanton in the pleasant streams they are carried into Mare Mortuum. Here's every man a Phaeton, and an Incendiary to burn all things; and yet this carried on so subtlety, that its almost inapprehensible. | Mercurius Nullus, Issue 2 |
WIntell149#2 | From Tuesday, January: 10. to Tuesday, January 17. 1653 I made mention in my last of the Great Fire at Amsterdam, wherein I gave you as full an account as possibly could then be learned. It is since reported, that within the City of Amsterdam itself, the Iron Cross that stood upon the Western Church, which being twenty foot long, did weigh above fourteen hundred pound, was blown down by the violent storms, and the weather-cock above it, and the great copper gilded Bowl under it, which was said to hold near a Hogshead of Beer. There was nothing left standing but the Imperial Crown on top of the Steeple. All the said weight fell down through the body of the Church, and breaking down some Monuments, the house, and the bodies of the Dead, and dissipated their Dusts, that nothing but the Resurrection can put them in order again. I shall in this place give you the Declaration by the Commander in chief of the Forces in Scotland, it followeth in these words. Forasmuch as it is apparent. That (notwithstanding my Proclamation of Septemb: last) many serviceable Horses daily go to the Enemy, to the great disservice of the Peace of this Nation, which could not be without too much connivance of the Owners or Possessors: These are therefore strictly to require all manner of persons who now are, or hereafter shall be possessed of any serviceable Horses, or Mares, exceeding the value of 5 l. sterling, to bring in the same within 48 hours, next after publication hereof, unto the next adjacent Garrison, or Quarters of our Army, under the penalty not only of forfeiting treble the value of such Horses and Mares as shall not be brought in; the one moiety thereof to the use of the State, and the other moiety to the party informing, but also deemed as an open Enemy, and dealt withal accordingly: Which Horses and Mares so brought in, shall nevertheless be at the Owner's choice either to have meet satisfaction for them, as they shall be reasonably worth, or keep them within the said Garrisons, or Quarters of our Army; And the respective Sheriffs and their Deputies, within their Sheriffdoms, and hereby required, to cause these presents solemnly to be proclaimed and published according to accustomed manner of publishing Proclamations. And afterwards (that none may pretend ignorance) to cause to be distributed to the several Presbyteries within their said Sheriffdoms a competent number hereof. Given under my hand and Seal at Dalkeith 14 Decemb: 1653. R. LILBURNE. The gallant service performed by the Phnix Frigate, not long after that he had landed the Lord Ambassador Whitlock at Gothenburg, being well worthy the observation, I shall give it you in this place, and almost in his own words. On the 20 of December he came out with his ship, when the wind blew hard, with much snow, endeavouring the Yutish coast, anchored in ten fathom water, & discovered a Fleet of ships, and 21 Decemb: in the morning, got the weather-gage of them, endeavoured to discover what Men of War were amongst them, and saw only one ship of countenance, and a private Man of War of eight Guns. The Fleet being Hollanders ran from the Sound, and 72 sail, some with six, some four, others two guns, upon our guns firing amongst them, cut their Cables, and run towards the Sound, but before they got clear, we boarded and manned three of them, which Prizes were kept to the Windward of us, about eight a clock engaged them. After the passing of two broad sides, the private Man of War ran after their Fleet, we continued the dispute until 4 a clock at night, (at which time we past broad sides close board and board, as fast as we could tack our ships) The Enemy then ran towards his Fleet, we pursued him, and after several broad sides intended to board him; and though our Bolesprit shot by the board, our Main and Fore-mast shot through, scarce a Shroud whole, our Hull much shot, four of our men slain, and eleven wounded; he firing as he retreated, yet we made him in such a sinking condition that whilst he fired his Guns, he called to his Fleet to save his Men, about four leagues off at anchor under an Island. Above 400. horse and foot were looking on us from the shore, we received shot from Enemy of 36 l. weight. But night hindered our pursuit. About three in the afternoon next day three Holland Men of War, (two of them very great ships) being come from Holland to convoy their Fleet, came right before the wind upon us, we then bore to our Prizes, took all our men out of them, and would have fired them had we had time. The Enemy came up close, and fired at us, and we at them (unanimously resolving to sink or burn, rather that to yield or call for Quarter) the two first shot they made (that raked us) the one shot the chain of our Fore-yard in pieces, and the other, two thirds of our main Top mast-head above the bearing; they then would have boarded us, but we got without shot of them, who seeing we outstripped them, after an hours time bore to the Prizes, who were by this time near the shore, our men having cut away all their Anchors, leaving them in the bottom of the Bay. The 22 a Holland Man of War stood cross our forefoot close to the windward of us, standing over to the coast of Norway, and the wind being fair for England, we bore away to Sea. The 25 we came up with our own ships from Gothenburg, having seen them two days before, but knew them not to be our ships, stood not with them till our ship was refitted the best we could, and then they sent to us. But on the 27 about eight in the night, by reason of a violent storm, we lost sight of them. The Swedes of Gothenburg report that the King of Denmark is much troubled that they affronted our Nation by their ships being staid and blames evil counsel for it. De Wit (when last in the Sound) endeavoured to comfort him with a cordial of their great Victories obtained against us at Sea, giving him a List of 22 sail of our ships sunk, and 8 taken, boasting much of their putting us still to flight. But that King's own Subjects are now able to inform him that the Hollanders, and not we, are still the flying party, and that one day, one small Frigate, fought with, and routed their Fleet, and Men of War, and the next day made her way (the Lord helping us) through three of their ships coming to avenge their quarrel, the least of which (as to countenance) exceeded the Phnix. The Letters I have seen from Scotland differ something from those in print, for they make mention that the Highlanders are not altogether so barbarously bloody towards those they have taken. The greatest part of them had rather take ransoms, than take away lives, and yet this is not so much out of mercy, as necessity, their miserable condition persuading them to use all arts to preserve themselves. It is certain that in their Levies they do miserably oppress their own Countrymen, that they now extol and commend the protection of the English, which before they murmured at, and his Intelligence being more quick than ordinary did not a little conduce to captivity of the Lord Kinnowle, and the routing of his seventy Horse. On Friday December the 30, the Earl of Kinnowle about eight of the clock appeared with a party of Horse consisting of threescore and ten, the design was to surprise the English Horse as they came from watering, to this purpose he betook himself to a place of coverture, and took three of our Men, and did assure himself of the rest, but notice being given of it, the Bridge was made good with two files of Musketeers, which Kinnowle's horse observing, they cursed the treachery of their own Countrymen, and riding up unto them, they resolved to fight with the English, before they should grow stronger by the access of new Forces, but the foot gave them so warm a charge that they routed and dispersed this Body of their Horse. Much at the same time a party of our Horse appeared, who did increase the disorderly retreat of the Enemy; The Lord Kinnowle was taken himself, who cried out much against those who trusting more to their speed than strength, did dishonourably (as he said) desert him: Amongst these was Major Ramsey, and some others of Quality, there were three killed of the Scots, and some 18 taken Prisoners. It is advertised from Germany, that three hundred thousand Crowns ordered for the titular King of Scotland by the German Princes, are by the Electoral College concluded to be given unto him. It is also Enacted that no Libels, or Pamphlets whatsoever, written in the dishonour of the said King, shall be suffered to be sold in any part of Germany, upon pain of Death. It is advertised from Sweden, that the English People have the more trouble there, and find the less favour, because the Admiral of the Queen of Sweden is a Hollander by his Nation. It is advertised from Cambridge, that two Petticoat Preachers came lately to Sidney College, and would needs enter into dispute with divers of the Collegians, who civilly, and Scholastically answered all the Positions, but those weak Vessels being not able to resist such able oppositors, used very uncivil language, telling the Scholars they were Antichrists, and their College a cage of unclean Birds, with divers other invective speeches, &c. Hereupon the Students made a complaint to the Mayor, who sent for them to appear before him, and demanded whence they came, and where they lay the last night, they said they were strangers, and knew not the name of the place, but they paid for what they called. Afterwards he asked them their names, but they made answer that they were written in the Book of Life: The Mayor desiring by what Names their Husbands were called, they answered, they had no Husband but Jesus Christ. The Mayor seeing them so obstinate, that they not only slighted the Clergy, but likewise all Civil Government, did cause them to be smartly lashed for their obstinacy, and afterwards to be turned forth of the Town. Letters are received from Portugal, informing, that the Spaniards have driven from the Portuguese 1200. head of Cattle, the Portuguese who were in gallant body of about one thousand Horse, fell upon the Spaniards who were 1500, and maintained the charge with so much resolution, that they utterly routed the Spaniards, and followed the pursuit so close, that many gallant Commanders fell of the Spanish party, 300 Spaniards were killed on the place, and 400 taken Prisoners, and about 300 Horse: It is said that on the Portuguese side, there was no Officer slain but one Major only. It is mentioned in some extraordinaries from beyond the Seas, that the great Tomb of Mahomet is fallen down at Mecca, from the roof of his Temple; the Iron chest which enclosed his Body, and hung in the air, was so extremely covered in rust that the loadstones could no longer exercise their virtue, and uphold the miracle betwixt Heaven, and Earth; the earth immediately opened up to receive it, but not without a dismal fire and smoke, which continued for the space of half an hour, as horrid to the eye, as it was odious to the smell. One of our Frigates in the West met with a Dutch Picaroon, and pursued her so close, that she forced him to run on ground. The Frigate did still shoot hard at him, insomuch that the Country coming down, being alarmed with the noise of the great Guns, to behold the fight, there were four of them killed, and wounded in the shore. There is nothing this week of any action from Scotland. Sir William Constable's Regiment of Foot, Major Gen: Lamberts Regiment of Horse, Commissary General Whaley's Regiment of Horse are gone towards Scotland, to suppress the motions of the Highlanders, and add new strength to our Forces there already, who (wheresoever they meet with the Highlanders, are always too hard for them. General Blake and Gen: Monk are now at Whitehall. Gen: Penn in his Swiftsure, doth ride as Admiral of the Fleet. The Fleet is at the Spice head not far from Portsmouth. Some part of them are sent out to ply between Portland, and the Land's end, and over upon the coast of France, to suppress the French Pirates, and those of Holland who are joined to them. Three thousand Irish, under the command of the Spaniard, are brought up towards Galizia, who being all old Soldiers, do something trouble the Portugal, fearing they may put a stop to the progress of their successes. The Irish in France boast that these in Spain will take an opportunity to come unto them, they do boast also, but no man believes them, of a great Victory which lately they have got in Ireland. The Diet is not yet concluded in Germany, there being new differences between the Prince Elector, and his Uncle, about the enjoying of some Lands, which each other pretend to be theirs. The Dutch to their late grief, have wisely added one day of solemn sorrow, and this (on the beginning of the last week) was observed in a public Humiliation to pacify, or divert the anger of the Almighty. Their preparations at Sea are great; nothing is yet done as to the Answer which their Deputies brought from England, and nothing can be done till there be a general meeting of all their States, but it appears that their inclinations are for War. But nothing doth more startle them, than the celerity, industry and the resolution of the English. We have fifty lusty ships which have already met in one Rendezvous, the Sovereign will speedily be ready at Portsmouth. The Rainbow is going from Chattam. The Triumph is already set forth from thence, she was seen yesterday morning beyond the Castle. Four lusty ships more are going from Chattam. And there are ten ships more at the Hope complex under sail, amongst which are the Lion, and the George. The Resolution which hath carried herself so stoutly during the all these Wars with Holland, is now to be equipped at Chattam. We shall have speedily abroad one hundred gallant ships, not only enough to daunt the Hollander, but peradventure the World. The meeting of the States General of the United Provinces, in order to the Answer brought by their Deputies from England. The great and furious fight on the Baltic Seas betwixt the English and the Dutch; several of their ships taken and the rest of their Fleet flying back to the Sound. The abomination at discovered, Mahomet's Iron Tomb that hung is the air fallen: the Earth opening to receive it, and the dismal fire, and smoke and stench that did attend it. The Edict in Germany, that in Books shall be suffered to be extant there, in derogation of the titular King of the Scots. The false boasting of the Irish in France of a defeat given to the English in Ireland; and some Prizes taken for certain from the French and from the Dutch. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 149#2 |
MAul16543 | From Monday March 27, to Monday April 3. 1654. What needs a Licence unto that book, where His is, that empowered a Licenser? Excellently said Phocion, Temperance is a noble virtue, and chiefly appertaineth to the honourable state of Mankind, whereby the Princely government Reason, which reigneth as King in man, is known to bare sway in man, whereby it happily tempereth all his actions, and thereby he differeth from the affects of Beasts. He only is to be called a temperate and moderate person, which not only hath power over his wanton and corrupt affections, but so endeavoureth also himself, that he is to no man cruel or grievous, neither to any man dangerous; for he is tempered with the light of true heavenly grace, he is of nature affable, and familiar, he is easy of access to men that will come and speak with him, (considering his quality) whose house is unlocked, not shut, but open, where every man, as it were, in tempest and storms, may repair for their relief and succour. If I should aver this Cardinal Virtue Temperance, to be in this Court where Aulicus is a Poetical Courtier, (and Poets can be fantasy create themselves not only Courtiers but Kings) and this temperate and moderate man to be his Highness my Lord Protector: I hope those not prejudiced by an inveterate antipathy to I is proceedings, will not account me one of Domitian's flatterers, I having as absolve an abhorrency of that unmanlike vice, as any person living, and had my Reader a Crystal casement into my heart, he would apparently see and conclude, that my very thought are antartic thereunto; for, as one said, Quid est adulations unction, nisi domoram emunctio? Quid commendationis allusio, nisi prlatorum delusie? Quid laudis arriso, nisi eorundum derisio? I hope, I have still kept to my Text, for when a Courtier is not a Flatterer, it is news indeed, and as long as my Lord can be called Justus, I am Aulicus. This day the news of the Lord Henry Cromwell's safe arrival, arrived the ears of joyful Aulicus, though he came to Town on Saturday, and as his welcome was great from the City of Dublin, so shall it be from me, his meanest, not menial, but most faithful Servant. This afternoon Monsieur de Bordeaux was received as the French Ambassador, who before was resident here as Agent, with many fair coaches, many with six horses a piece, the Ambassadors came in my Lord Protector's first coach, and had not the soldiers of the Guard at the Tower interposed, it was probable some blood had been split at the Ambassador's landing, for precedency of driving the coach in which he was, and the Portugal Ambassadors, for about forty swords of each side were drawn: Some conceive these proceedings to be ta arreta, secrets not to be uttered, and can not forget the disgust given to the whole English Nation in perpetrating a murder upon the New Exchange, by which it appears animosities are epidemical to the Nation. By Letters from a good hand thus. Sir, The sad spectacle, which I have generally beheld throughout most parts of Ireland, hath been a pressure long time upon my spirit, and now being at Dublin, I could not omit this opportunity, nor detain it from your knowledge; the just hand of God hath been upon the Natives for many years past, which what by sword, plague and famine, they have been much depopulated, and thereby the famine is still the rifer among the poor sort, happily to get a dead cow, or horse to feed pon, adventuring their lives to steal Garrons in the night to eat in their Braches, having no other subsistence, but by getting Shamrigs and Sorrel until the Harvest comes, lingering and languishing about the places where they were born, looking like Negroes black in the faces, and with white teeth, dropping down dead in the highways and streets as they are going; yea, I have seen them die in this place. God is just in all his ways, for you were an ear-witness what horrid massacres and inhumane butcheries were proved to have been perpetrated by that Arch-rebel Sir Phelem O Neale at his trial here, and by his wicked accomplices. Flaming O Neale indeed, for how many poor Christians after quarter hath be burnt in Churches and houses? how unworthily did those sons of blood use the noble Ld. Caffield and his Lady? How did he drive naked Protestants like sheep to the slaughter, to a bridge, and then force them into the river? These things are so well known to you, and to all Englishmen, as I need not dilate. I could wish there were Manufactories set up in this land, which would not only preserve, but be exceeding beneficial to the Commonwealth, besides in time there may be drawn from them a people, (and they will be as branes plucked out of the fire) which may serve God in a right way, which I leave to your consideration to judge of, and remain, Sir, Your humble servant, J.B. Right honourable, This day Cap. Featon commander of the Sapphire Frigate sent in hither a Dutch prize, which hath only a few barrels of Pitch in her. This week the Paul, a ship in the State's service, met a Flushing Man of war in the Channel of 15 guns, and after five hours fight took the Flushiner, and this day brought her into this Harbour. Our Man of War lost not one man, but sustained some loss in Masts, Sails and Rigging. The enemy lost thirteen or fourteen men, and the ship much torn, there was some silver in her, but it is said, the Sailors have shared that, as for any other lading, there are not any, save a fect Casks of wine, and the ships provision: There is in the Harbour of the State's ships, the Portsmouth, Constant Warwick, and Falmouth Frigates and the Paul, which came in this day: The Middlesbrough went to Sea this day: I have no more to trouble your honour with, and shall humbly therefore take my leave and rest Your Honour's most humble and faithful Servant, J.B. The Duke of Lorraine, occasioned by some expressions of passion, in breaking his windows, is in a manner immured having little light left him by casements, and these out of his reach, which at first saddened him, but now he triumphs over his captivity, which occasioned me to digest his noble resolution into verse. This afternoon the L. Ambassador of France, Monsieur de Bordeaux had audience by his Highness my Lord Protector in the Banqueting house at Whitehall in great state, and it seems the French Ambassador's gentlemen mistook that their Lord's second coach ought to have been driven before the first of the Ambassador of the King of Portugal, which controversy is left to the grandees at Court to be decided by; for Aulicus is but a young Courtier though this was at his reception it was not so at his Audience. A List of ships taken arrived my hands, &c. Friday M. Sadler one of the Masters of the Requests went towards Maudlin College in Cambridge, of which he is Master, and being so pious, conscientious and careful a gentleman in his office, I could not but applaud his sincerity, and grieve for his departure, though Mr Hatter is entrusted for the present, with the Petitions and Reports he hath so long and faithfully endeavoured an audience for, but through the pressing affairs of State, that affair hath been much retarded, and he to his grief, hath found his labours fruitless: therefore my sentiments hereupon are in these ensuing English verse. This day upon the Exchange there was a rumour that the King of Spain would render into the hands of the English, Dunkirk and the fort of Mardike, rather than a peace should be concluded by us with the Lord Ambassadors of the United Provinces. There is a Report that the Articles for peace were signed and sealed on Friday late in the evening, between the English and the Dutch, which as it is said, was with much pains and great care on both sides, so that it is hoped the peace is now fully concluded. Thus have you an account of The signing and the Sealing of the Articles of Peace, between the English and the Dutch, with the taking of several ships by the English from the Dutch: And the report of the great proffers of the King of Spain to the English, that they should not conclude a peace with the Dutch: The great murders committed by the bloody Rebels in Ireland, and many of them dying of the famine in the streets as they go. The great sadness of the Duke of Lorraine: With other remarkable proceedings from several parts. FINIS> London: Printed for F.N. 1654. |
Mercurius Aulicus, Issue 3
PerfAcc176 | The Rendezvous of the Armies in Scotland. The engaging with the Highlanders, and Gen. Middleton's brother taken prisoner, and other held Officers, also the further resolution of Gen. Monk, and his firing and destroying the houses of such as have relieved the enemy. The number of the English fleet at their Rendezvous, and the honourable enterprises they are now going upon. The particulars of the proceedings of the French against the English at St. Mallows, as it is under examination. The returning of the L. Ambassador out of Sweden. With variety of intelligence. From Wednesday, May 17. to Wednesday, May 24. 1654. Came Letters from Scotland, thus, Gen. Monk is gone to Dalkieth, in order to the drawing his main forces together, and to take the field against the Enemy: He is resolved to fire and destroy some places and houses which have been receptacles of parties of the enemy to lie lurking in all the day time and then sally forth and do mischief in the night; which is the best way to deal with a people so inexorable, or incorrigible as we find many of this Nation to be. Order is taken to disperse Gen. Monk's Declaration before him, and if it work not such effect as it ought, yet it will carry that force with it, that none shall plead ignorance; and being a thing of great concernment, we cannot omit it here. The Commonwealth of England having used all the means of tenderness and affection toward the People of this Nation, by receiving them (after a chargeable and bloody War into Union with England, and investing them with all the Liberties and Privileges thereof (purchased at the expense of so much Blood and Treasure) and daily protecting them with their Army and Navy, at a great charge (of which this Nation undergoeth no more than equal proportion with England) against their enemies both abroad and at home, whereby all of them might enjoy the fruits and benefits of Peace: Yet divers lewd persons, broken in their fortunes, and dissolute in their lives, are run into Rebellion; and being assisted and connived at by their Parents, Brethren, Tutors, Masters, and people among whom they live, who secretly conceal them in their houses in the day time, and in the night suffer them to rob and plunder the Country, whereby the peaceable people of this Nation are many of them ruined, and the rest disturbed, so that they cannot live in peace. And to the end that no peaceable means might be left unattempted, for the prevention thereof, I by virtue of the authority to me given by his Highness and his Council, do declare, That all such persons that are now in Rebellion (except such as are excepted in the Acts of Grace) who shall within 20 days after publication hereof, come in, and submit him or themselves to the Governor of the next English Garrison, and give good security for his or their future peaceable living, shall be, and is hereby freely pardoned for any offence, spoil, or plunder committed by him or them in this present Rebellion (the killing of any person in cold blood only excepted.) And I do declare, that if any Parents, Brethren, or Tutors, who have assisted and connived at any their Sons, Brothers, or Pupils, now in Rebellion, as aforesaid, shall within 20 days after publication hereof, cause their said Sons, Brothers, or Pupils, to render themselves, and give security as aforesaid, That then the said Parents, Brethren, and Tutors, who have so offended, are hereby freely pardoned; but if otherwise, then the said Parents, Brethren, and Tutors, who have so offended, shall be imprisoned during the time the said persons do remain in Rebellion. And in regard divers persons who are now in Rebellion, and who have lived remote from their friends, but could not probably break out into Rebellion without the knowledge or consent of some of the inhabitants of that Parish or Presbytery where he or they last lived before their breaking forth: I do therefore hereby declare, that if the said parish or presbytery, where he or they last lived, procure the said person or persons so broken forth, to render him or themselves within 20 days after publication hereof, and give security as aforesaid, that then the said parish or presbytery so offending, is hereby pardoned: But if otherwise, I do hereby impose upon the said parish or presbytery, 2s, 6d, a day for each horseman, and 10d. a day for each footman so broken into rebellion, over and above their ordinary Sess, out of the said presbytery, which the Governor of the next English Garrison is authorized to levy, and receive monthly during the time the said persons shall so continue in rebellion. And I do likewise hereby empower all the good people of this Nation, to apprehend all such person and persons as are, or hereafter shall break out into rebellion, or attempt so to do, and safely to deliver him or them to the Governor of the next English garrison; and in case of resistance, to take such weapons as they can get, and to fight the said person or persons; and if they shall kill any of the said persons so resisting, they shall not be questioned for the same, but (on the contrary) shall receive as reward of their good service, all such moneys, goods, horses and clothes, as the said rebellious persons are then possessed of, besides full satisfaction for their pains and travel therein. And in regard this present rebellion hath been principally contrived, fomented, and is now obstinately maintained by Major General Middleton, the Earl of Athol, the Earl of Seaforth, Viscount Kenore, Donald McDonald Laird of Glengary, and Major General Dayel, I do hereby therefore declare, That what person or persons soever of this Nation (except such as are before excepted) shall kill any of the said principal contrivers, or shall deliver any of them prisoner to any Governor of any English Garrison, the said person or persons so killing, or bringing prisoner, as aforesaid, shall not only be pardoned for anything he or they have acted in this late Rebellion, but shall also receive as a reward of his good service, the sum of 200 l. sterling, for every person so killed or brought prisoner, as aforesaid. And lastly for the encouragement of all peaceable and well affected people both English and Scots, I do also hereby declare, That what damage shall be done to their persons, goods, or gear, for their good affection to the public, that same shall be again repaired out of the Estates of the friends and harbourers of such wrongdoers, or out of the parish, presbytery, or shire where the wrong is done, in case they do not apprehend the said offenders, or give the English forces such timely notice thereof, that the said offenders may be apprehended by them. And I do hereby require all Provosts, Bailiffs, and chief Officers of Head Burghs, in their several Burghs, to cause these presents to be duly published and posted up, according to the usual form, and to certify their doings therein to me in writing under his or their hands. This day the French Ambassador had audience by his Highness the Lord Protector at Whitehall, with the usual Ceremonies and formalities. The Letters from Upsal in Sweden say, that the Articles of Peace between England and that Crown are signed and sealed by her Majesty, and that my Lord Ambassador is returning again for England. The Packet boat coming form England was taken by a Picaroons and the Passengers all robbed and abused. Gen. Pen went to the Fleet upon the Downs, they write that the number of our Fleet when they came together, was at least 140 sail. Rochelle 14 May. We have news that the English Fleet the last week at their Rendezvous on the Downs were 150 sail. Our fears are great here in France (as our preparations daily manifest) some are of opinion you will rather revenge an injury done further off, and steer your course to Legorn, then shall fall upon your next neighbours first. That which most amazeth us is, that you impress more men, and put your whole Fleet is so high a warlike posture: we are informed you have shipped mortar pieces, great numbers of spades, pickaxes, wheelbarrows, and other things necessary for land service. Dalkeith May 9. The General marcheth tomorrow from Dalkeith towards Stirling, and from thence to some of our frontier Garrisons and so to the fields. The Proclamation you had before he sendeth out as a forerunner, which will probably effect something considerable; Middleton continues still in Caithness, with some broken Regiments, which as intelligence sayeth, rather decline than increase in number. Glencarn hath made his way over the hills, through some obsolete path, with a small party of horse, who purposeth if he can to join with Athol and Glengary, and make a body. Colonel Morgan is still about Tane, watching every opportunity to come to engage them, if possible. Edinburgh, May 11. We have as yet little of news, General Monk hath yesterday removed his Headquarters from Dalkeith to Stirling from whence he intends, after securing of some new passes, to take field: We beat the enemy in all parties that engage, we have lately taken Middleton's brother, and 5 or 6 Officers more, and routed that party. General Monk hath hanged two of them already as spies burnt an Inn in Muscleborough that harboured them, and is resolved to scour them, as you may perceive by his Proclamation. Guernsey Island, May 12, 1654. The Hector Frigate attending without St. Malo divers days, for conveying the English from thence, who are still detained under the arrest, a shallop was sent out of the Town to tell the Captain that the English should have all freedom: but this was found to be merely a Decoy, to draw him in, and so not trusted. Further from Jersey we understand, that some ships of ours lying near St. Mallo's, about 60 of the men (greedy to get fresh victuals) went ashore into the Country, and endeavoured to drive away some cattle, but the country rising, rescued them, and fell upon the Mariners, and killed several of them, and pursued them to two of our ships which were left ashore by the going out of the Tide. This gave an alarm to St Mallo's, who thereupon brought down Ordnance to batter the ships, which they endeavoured to do, but did them little hurt; the Tide coming in, the ships got off, and the alarm ceased. The Governor of St. Mallo's apprehending this to be a design against the Town, took an occasion to turn out all the English Merchants, and seize upon all their houses, wares and goods, and hath made himself Master of what was theirs. The truth of this business is now under examination, and the French Ambassador hath this week had audience thereupon, the results upon the whole you shall have in my next. From Paris 19 May, stilo novo. Their Majesty being newly returned to this City, some few days they were devoted to feasting and visits, and amongst the rest of persons of note which came to visit the Court, there was the late Queen of England, the titular King of Scots, and the Dukes of York and Gloucester. There was acted at night a very famous Comedy called Peleus and Thetis. Yesterday was a Treaty at Whitehall with the Denmark Ambassador. The Lo. Mayor of London set forth a Proclamation for the better observation of the Lord's day. The Declaration of his Highness the Lord Protector for keeping Tuesday next a day of Thanksgiving, was published in the Churches yesterday. Also in the Churches in Surrey was published an Order made by the Justices of the Peace at the Sessions, for the better observation of the Lord's day, which is a very good example for all other Magistrates whatsoever to follow. From Regensburgh. There is now daily expected the conclusion of our Diet, the Members thereof having agreed before they dissolve that assembly, to meet again that time 2 years, to determine such affairs which could not be agreed upon this Diet, and are of too great consequence to be done in an inferior Assembly. From Hamburg. This City, and that of Lubeck, have sent Commissioners to Bremen, to make some overtures for an accommodation between them and the Crown of Sweden, in the mean time the circle of lower Saxony endeavoureth that the Swedes may cease all acts of hostility in that County. By Letters from Cullen we are to understand. Although by the Treaty of Munster it was agreed that upon the payment of certain sums of money to the Swedes, they should them deliver up unto the Bishop of Munster the stronghold of Wecht, yet hitherto it could not be effected, the Swedish Commander in that place, having received those sums which were due unto that Garrison, and the other sum agreed upon being sent to Oldenburght to be paid upon the surrender of the place, nevertheless new difficulties arise, which puts the business in a doubtful condition. Our Elector is now gone to Kerpen a Castle which he hath lately bought of the Spaniard, for a great sum of money. This day was solemnly observed as a day of Thanksgiving for the happy peace concluded with the Dutch. His Highness the Lord Protector kept it in his Chapel at Whitehall; and at St. Paul's London there was the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, the Sheriffs and Aldermen of the City of London in their Scarlet Robes and the Twelve Companies all in their Livery Gowns, and Mr. Obadiah Sedgwick prayed and preached. After Sermon ended, they feasted and gave thanks together at their respective Halls, and the day concluded with ringing of Bells, Bonfires, Fireworks, and other expressions of joy befitting this happy solemnity: And it is observable, that people did more cordially rejoice now at a lasting Peace, than before for a Deliverance after very great and eminent Victories, for that we gained nothing that way without much blood spilling. This Post from Scotland brought us intelligence that General Monk is resolved to bring down the proud and haughty spirits of those Rebellious persons now in Arms against us. They might have lived quietly if they had delighted themselves in peace and amity; but in regard they have made choice of the contrary, they are like to have their bellies full of war; for where lenity will not at all penetrate, force and rigour are made to subdue and overcome. We have met with several parties of the enemy, and although they themselves acknowledge, that they make choice of the ablest and best fighting men to go forth upon parties, yet it is our good hap (or rather providence to ordereth it) to worst them all, though oftentimes they far exceed us in number. They brag and boast much notwithstanding, and say they dare fight us with their whole Army in the field, could they draw them once together: but what I think will not be in haste for some of them are but in the midst of their Levies. It is thought we shall engage Middleton very shortly, or drive him further back upon the Mountains: Yet it may be we shall not move far after them, until we hear that the forces are landed in the North, which are designed thither from Ireland. We hear from Poland, that General Chimeluiski and the Cossacks are already weary of the Muscovite and desire aid of the Tartars. London, Printed by E. Alsop 1654. | A Perfect Account, Issue 176 |
WIntell147#4 | From Tuesday, Decemb: 27. to Tuesday, January: 3. 1653 Sero sed serio. The Treaty hath held long betwixt the Committee of the Council of England, and the Deputies of Holland. The Lord Lisle, Sir Anthony Ashley, Sir Gilbert Pickering, Mr: Walter Strickland, Master Secretary Thurloe, have lately Treated with them, sometimes one, sometimes two hours together, and the peace betwixt the two Nations, (in which Denmark is also included) hath not so far advanced itself, but that two of the Deputies are gone into Holland. In the meantime the new Great Seal will be made ready for the confirmation, and establishment of all things. For you are to understand that there is to be an alteration to several Names, and Forms. The Ordinance runs thus. OLIVER, LORD PROTECTOR of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, having the exercise of the chief Magistracy, and the administration of Government within the said Commonwealth invested, and established in his Highness, assisted with a Council, who have Power until the meeting of the next Parliament, (which is to be on the third of September next following) to make Laws and Ordinances for the peace and welfare of the Nations, where it shall be necessary, and which shall be binding, and in force, until the Order shall be taken in Parliament concerning the same, &c. There was a paper delivered to his Highness from one Mr: Rogers, the Persons and Titles of Orthodox Divines do seem to be much displeasing to him: I shall here give it to the discreet Reader for novelties sake. Take heed of protecting the carnal, national, antichristian Clergy (though they come in the name of Orthodox, or learned, for so did the Scribes and the Pharisees.) Zedekiah's indulgence to the Priests, and false Prophets of the Nation, emboldened Hananiah in his lies, Jer:28. 1. &c. Which (Zedekiah believing) persecuted the true Prophets, and brought dreadful destruction upon his own head. So Ahab (a notable politician) did protect his national Clergy, or prophets (who were his, not the Lord's, 2 Chro: 18. 5. and by their suggestion hated and persecuted the true Prophet Maaziah, which proved his ruin. Thus the Rulers that were led by the Priests, proved Tyrants to the true Ministers of the New Testament, Act: 4.16.17. And whiles they would defend them, they destroyed themselves. Thus the worldly Clergy do ever fly to worldly Powers for protection (having none from God) and for this end it is, they flatter great men, to engage them to their ruin; so do Antichrists, now they are near falling, and (without the Lord hear prayers for you, and deliver you from this fearful danger,) they will ensnare you, and cast you asleep with their Enchantments, and render you unfit to follow Christ any further, but (under the name of the Ministry) most miserably entangle, and subtly seduce you into Antichrist's cause: Which if they do, will be your utter ruin, at Revel: 4.9, 10. If any worship the Beast, or his Image, and receive his mark in their forehead, or in his head, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the Wine of the wrath of God; &c. Rev: 19.2. And the Beast was taken, and with him the false Prophets, with whom he deceived them that received the mark of the Beast, and them that worshipped the Beast, these were cast alive into the lake burning with brimstone. Therefore (my LORD) if a word from Jehovah on high, may (as yet) be received, look about you! and before you! with an ocule irretorto! Make haste (my LORD) for Christ's protection against the plagues that are (as sure as God is righteous) coming upon Babylon, and all that will cleave to his Interest. Luther was not too bold (in the name of the LORD) to tell his Lord Protector, the Elector of Saxony; That by his Prayers he had gained him more safety and protection, than he received from him; and that the cause of Christ needed not his protection, but he needed that's protection. The power of Man (indeed) protects Antichrist's cause, but it is the power of God (set awork by Faith and Prayer) that protects Christ's. And sayeth he, Whether you will believe it or no, yet this way I will undertake to secure, and protect your Highness's Soul, Body, Estate, and all, (viz: by Faith, and Prayer) if you engage freely in this cause of Christ against Antichrist. So say I (my LORD) in that Name which sent me, (which fills me with courage and confidence) that if you will freely oblige for Christ and his Interest , the loud-crying faith, and incessant high-spirited prayers of the Saints, will all Engage for you, and never give Jehovah Niffs, the Lord our Protector rest, till the excellency of Jacob have prevailed, 2 Chron: 19. 6. Take heed what you do. Thus the Lord hath stirred me up by an irresistible, and restless Power, (once more) to lay his work before you; for that he hath used You as a most glorious Instrument in the three Nations, (by the Faith and Prayers of his People) to make way for this Work; which if you reject, will reject you, and be the infallible forerunner of your fall: Which that God may prevent, is the fervent prayers of your faithful People night and day, whose souls mourn in secret for you, whose hearts ache and bleed abundantly on your behalf; as on a man (most dear in their souls, but) under most desperate temptations, and dangers. In these Proposals I am sure I have kept my sphere, and followed the strong impulse of God's own spirit in me, and many others, however it be taken. Wherefore the great God awake you to his work! else the time will come when God will say: Let him alone, he is joined to Idols. Hos: 4. 17. Now that the hand of the Lord may be with you, see what these five fingers point at, to you; which if you practise, will be able to protect you, as well as direct you in this dreadful day of the Lord's controversy for Zion: They concern you (my Lord) more than Csar's paper did him. Mow that they may prove a hand-writing against you (and a cup of Trembling put into your hands) they are strengthened with a Divine generosity, and shall struggle with you in the Faith, Tears and Prayers of many, who pray and mourn for you, and amongst others, Your (afflicted) faithful Servant, for the interest of the Lord Jesus, John Rogers. Divers Officers of the Army did this Day come to his Highness at the Cockpit, and signified their full union in the present Government. The Lord Ambassador of Spain had Audience yesterday by his Highness the LORD PROTECTOR, who did gratulate him in his new Authority. By letters from Leith, and Edinburgh it was advertised, that the titular King of the Scots hath sent a Letter to the Earl of Kilmore, assuring him that what men can be spared in Germany, and will willingly upon the Beat of the Drum engage in his service, shall be transported with all convenience into Scotland, and that he will assist them with a large proportion of Arms, Ammunition and Monies. He also (as it is said, but much doubted) hath assured him that he will be in person shortly with them, as soon as he hath received monies to carry on that great Design he hath in hand. General Monk is still at Stoaks Bay where I left him in my last. He hath had lately a Court Martial, in that stout ship now rigged, called, The Swiftsure; where several offenders were sentenced to be punished for their misdemeanours, which accordingly was put in execution. It is advertised from Scotland, that Sir Arthur Forbes making a heady In-road into the Lowlands, was encountered by Captain Hart, who at the first drawing of the Sword baffled him, and made ready the spur to pursue him; he took sixty five Horses, such as they were, for they were extremely harassed with travel: there were taken also sixteen prisoners, and divers killed Sir Arthur Forbes himself, and his Major one Erwin fighting most bravely were both wounded, and had undoubtedly been taken, but the Dangers themselves took compassion of them. I have been sent a Letter from Captain Hills (a brave Man no doubt) to the Scots at the foot of the Hills not far from St. Johnstons, dissuading them not to partake in these new tumults, lest they partake in the calamities that attend them. I had an intent to insert it in this place, being of great consequence, and relishing of those spirits which you shall find in History when Reason and Resolution commanded Fortune, and laid the world open to the Empire of their swords. But room is wanting, but you shall find it howsoever in the several proceedings extant upon Thursday last. The Brother to the Portugal Ambassador who was a Prisoner in Newgate, is translated from his close Imprisonment there, to the Tower. I must retract from something mentioned in the beginning of this Intelligence, which was, that the Peace was in a good way concluded betwixt this Commonwealth, and the Dutch, we were this Day more fully informed, that it is not as yet brought to that happy period. It is informed from Scotland, that the Highlanders are gone towards the North, to receive Arms (as it is said) some report them five thousand Horse and Foot, but the best Intelligence affirms that they are not above three thousand Horse and Foot, The Marquis of Huntley being dead, divers of his followers took part with the Highlanders, and meeting with eight of our Troopers, they fell from words to blows, in which one of them, and two of ours were slain, the conflict increasing, by the access of new numbers to the Highland party, four more of our men were taken, the other two hardly escaping. The Highlanders have imprisoned some for denying their Levies, and give out that they will proceed in like manners with others. It is advertised from Holland, that if the Treaty takes no effect, the Dutch will send sudden assistance to the Highlanders; some say that the Duke of York is there already in person, but that is not so, for the last Letters from France, do affirm that he is there. Some say that the titular King of the Scots is going thither; Others, that Prince Rupert is to be Generalissimo of the Highlanders. The good service performed by the Assistance, and the Nonesuch Frigate, was confirmed, who missing of the Design to destroy the ships at Conquet, because the Enemies had filled their Houses with Musketeers, did make two hundred and thirty great shot into the Town, which did great damage to it. This day was extant the Government of this Commonwealth by his Highness' especial commandment. Many of the Heads I have already exhibited; I shall only add, that the Parliament sitting his Highness shall dispose the Militia by Sea and Land by their consent, and shall order it in the Intervals of Parliament by the consent of the greater part of his Council. That the raising of Moneys for the Wars shall be by consent of Parliament, save only that the Lord Protector shall have power until the meeting of the next Parliament to raise Money for the present service, and to make Laws, and Ordinances for the welfare of the Nations with the Consent of the greater part of his Council. That a Parliament being chosen of four hundred persons, sixty of them shall be deemed the Parliament of England, &c. and the Supreme Legislative Power is to reside in the Lord Protector and such a Parliament. The Parliaments are not to be adjourned, or dissolved without their own consent during the first three Months of their sitting, and in case of future War with any foreign Nation, a Parliament shall forthwith be summoned for their advice concerning the same. That a constant yearly Revenue shall be settled for the remaining ten thousand Horse and Dragoons, and twenty thousand Foot in the three Nations for the security of them, and a convenient number of Ships for guarding the Seas, and two hundred thousand pound yearly to defray the necessary charges for the expenses of the Government, which Revenue is to be raised by the Customs, and such other ways as the Lord Protector and his Council shall think fit. That in case there needs not so great a Defence either at Land or Sea, that an abatement be made, and the Money saved to be kept in bank for the public service. That the Lands, Rents, and Royalties yet unsold or be indisposed by Parliament belonging to the Commonwealth (except the Forests, Honours and Manors belonging to the same, and some Lands forfeited in Ireland and Scotland, and the Lands of some Papists and Delinquents in England) be vested in the Lord Protector to hold to him and to his Successors. That the Christian Religion contained in the Scriptures be held forth, and that a provision less subject to scruple, and more certain than the present be made for the encouragement of painful Teachers, and confusion of Errors, and that to the public Profession held forth none shall be compelled by penalties, and that all such as profess Faith in GOD by Jesus Christ, though differing in judgement from the Doctrine publicly held forth, shall be protected in the profession of the said Faith and exercise of their Religion, so as they abuse not this Liberty; provided it extend not to Popery, or Prelacy. The Oath taken by his Highness OLIVER CROMWELL, LORD PROTECTOR was some prelibations being before made in these words. I do accept, and take upon me the protection, and Government of these Nations in the manner at large expressed in the Form of Government, and I do promise in the presence of God, that I will not violate, or infringe the matters, and things contained therein, but to my power will observe the same, and cause them to be observed, and shall in all other things to the best of my understanding Govern these Nations, according to the Laws, Statutes and Customs, seeking their peace, and causing Justice, and Law to be equally administered. O. Cromwell The News this Day from Scotland is, that the Highlanders who are come into the South of Scotland, would be glad with all their hearts if they were on the Hills again, many of them are taken, and the drifts of snow being great, some of their heads are set so right, that they draw bows, and branches of Trees behind them, that the errors of their feet may not be discovered. The Oath taken by his Highness the LORD PROTECTOR for the Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The heads of the Articles for the present Government, The Treaty betwixt England and Holland of no effect for the present. The titular King of Scots, his Brother, and Prince Rupert, all designed for Scotland. Some small success of the Scots in the late Engagement with Huntley's Men. Several parties taken, and remarkable service performed by Sea. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 147#4 |
FScout158 | The daily proceedings of His Highness the Lord Protector and the Council of State, and the several Ordinances by those established, for the settling of the weighty affairs of this Commonwealth; With the effect of the Treaty between His Highness and the Ambassadors of the States of Holland, and the concluding of a firm Peace between England, Holland and Denmark, upon honourable terms, and promise of Satisfaction, and Security. The K. of Scots' Letter to Glencairn, and his promise not only to assist him with men, money and ammunition, but also with his person. Also a great Victory obtained in Scotland by the English, against Sir Arthur Forbes, 16 killed on the place, Captain Stuart and 65 horse taken, and the whole party totally routed. Together with choice Intelligence from the Navy, relating the gallant attempt of the None such and Assistance Frigates against Cooquet in France, their shooting 230 great shot into the Town, and taking a Dutchman with eight Guns, as she was going into Brest. From Friday the 23 of Decemb., to Friday the 30 of December.. 1653. The King of France is returned from St. German to Paris, where great preparations are making for a BALL to be danced by all the great Ladies of the Court, wherewith His Majesty seems to be much taken, and hath spent some time himself in giving directions about it. The Commissioners appointed for the trial of the Prince of Conde, have had several meetings, and have drawn up several Charges in Order thereunto. Charles Stuart and his Party have had several Consultations together at the Louvre, concerning his affairs in England and Scotland, and it was concluded, that if they break off the Treaty with the Dutch, the States would doubtless make a diversion in Scotland, and send assistance to the Highlands, and so further his design against England. In my last Week, Scout gave you a hint of a proclamation published by the Lord Protector, which was this day extant in print, a copy whereof take as followeth. A PROCLAMATION of His Highness, with the consent of his Council, for the continuing all Persons, being in Office for the Execution of public Justice at the time of the late change of Government, until his Highness's further direction. OLIVER, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, considering that whereas the exercise of the chief Magistracy, and the administration of Government within the said Commonwealth, is invested and established in his Highness, assisted with a Council, and left thereupon the settled and ordinary course of Justice in the Commonwealth (if remedy were not provided) might receive interruption, his Highness in his care of the State, and public Justice thereof, reserving to future consideration the reformation and redress of any abuses of Misgovernment, upon better knowledge taken thereof, is pleased, and doth hereby expressly signify, declare and ordain, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, who have power until the meeting of the next Parliament, to make Laws and Ordinances for the peace and welfare of these Nations, where it shall be necessary; which shall be binding and in force until Order shall be taken in Parliament concerning the same: That all persons who on the tenth day of this instant December were duly and lawfully possessed of any place of Judicature, or Office of Authority, Jurisdiction or Government, within this Commonwealth, shall be, and shall so hold themselves continued in the said Offices and places respectively as formerly they held and enjoyed the same, and not otherwise, until his Highness' pleasure be further known; And all Commissions, Patents, and other Grants, which respect or relate unto the doing and executing of public Justice, and all proceedings of what Nature soever, in Courts of common Law, or Equity, or in the court of Admiralty, or by commissioners of Sewers, shall stand and be in the same and like force to all intents and purposes as the same were on the said tenth day of this instant December, until further order given by his Highness therein: And that in the (for preservation of the public peace, and necessary proceedings in matters of Justice, and for safety of the State) all the said persons, of whatsoever place, Degree, or condition, may not fail every one severally according to his respective place, Office or charge, to proceed in the performance and execution of all duties thereunto belonging, as formerly appertained to them and every of them whilst the former Government was in being. Given at Whitehall this 21 of December, in the Year of Our Lord, 1653. The Western Letters specify, That the Dutch are very busy in those parts, insomuch, that it is very hard for any Vessel to pass by the Land's End without a good Convoy; and they have lately taken a Ship of London coming from New-England, laden with Masts, Beaver skins, and the like commodities. But in retaliation thereof, a private Man of War hath brought two Dutch Vessels into the Holy Island, laden with pitch, tar, and other useful commodities, of which there was some scarcity. Kenmore endeavours to raise men and monies in the South of Scotland, with whom he resolves to make inroads into the borders of England (if not timely prevented) and the new Levies are gone into the North, to receive monies, arms and ammunition, which they are induced to believe was sent from their King, by his Agents in Holland. From Holland 'tis certified, that the people murmur very much that the Treaty holds so long with England, and that nothing will come of it. Of these there are (though but few) who are good Patriots, and desire an Union with England, as the greatest interest of their Country, but can do nothing, because overpowered in all their Councils. They are making great preparations against Spring, and 30 new Frigates are now upon the stocks, to be added to the former 30 already built; they say, the fleet will consist of above 100 sail, and Tromp is ordered to go into the Straits with 12 Men of War to Lord at ; they have their eyes every where, both at home and abroad, which more than ordinary in . Papers were this day presented to the Right Honourable Council touching a Petition from the Town of Lin, concerning the Fen-drainers. This day likewise a soldier was shot to death on Tower-hill, for killing a Seaman (presently after the late mutiny) in cool blood. From Scotland thus. The march Northwards of most of the enemies' forces goes forward, and they are drawing together about Dunkeld. The 16 instant, in the Evening Col. Blakiter, and Major Crawford, with 22 Troops of horse and Dragoons being about 2000 came thither. Lord Lorne is come to Lough Tay with 500 horse and foot. About 100 horse and foot from Weems, and the Tutor of Macgriggor with 300 from Lochaber, are marching thither, and Glencairn hath promised to return speedily, or spare them what strength he can. What the design of this conjunction is, is not known, but they talk of having 3000 horse and foot at next Rendezvous: They have not left in Stermont, a part of Perthshire, so much as a plaid, or any thing that is wearable, nor any kind of Cattle. Dalkeith 22 Decemb. A party of Cap. Elsemore's took Cap. Stuart, and four more, killed three, besides divers other taken by parties in other places, among which Lieut. Patwick Hay, Lieut. Col. Cambal, the Laird Lugton, Cap. Crichton, and others of quality. Yesterday Cap. Hart pursued Sir Arthur Forbes from Borthwick Brae, where he was at Rendezvous, traced them by the snow, routed them, took 65 horse, 16 prisoners, killed divers, few escaped without wound. Sir Arthur Forbes and Major Erwin, his Major, both wounded and fled. We had one slain, and 16 wounded. Glencairn and most of their heads, are with 500 horse, and many foot, passed to the North, over the skirts of Bays William, 3 miles in the and Tividale.. Middleton sent a Letter to Glencairn, that col. Drummond was 26 November, embarked from the Brill with 1500 Volunteers of divers Nations. The titular Scots King also sent a Letter to Glencairn, dated 12 November, telling him, That the Kings of France and Denmark, the Duke of Brandenburg, the Emperor, and princes of Germany, are not willing to assist him with men, but have assured him of a large proportion of Arms, Ammunition and monies, and that he would be with them immediately after the receiving of Drummond and his forces, whose Headquarters are to be at Loughern, the most fortified place in the Highlands. The 21 of December, the Bailiffs of the Town of Yarmouth, received the Proclamation to proclaim the Lord Protector, with an Order for publishing it in that Town, and the 22 day accordingly it was proclaimed in a solemn manner in four places of this Town. The Bailiffs and Aldermen in Scarlet, and 48 in their Gowns. The Governor and some of the Officers accompanied them; and as soon as the Proclamation was published, the great guns in the Town and Forts were fired. The generality of people there, are very well satisfied. The like Letters came from Bristol, Exeter, Salop, and many other places, much to the same purpose. From Plymouth it is advertised, that captain Crispin, with the Assistance Frigate, is come in hither, he was in a storm near Scilly, but afterward sailed Eastward of Torbay, he hath been with cap. Hatfel and went from thence about the 10 instant, and hath been a great check to the Brest men of war, after which he with the Non-such that went out with him, on the 16 instant anchored in couquet road, where the boats were sent to fetch of two vessels, one laden with wine from Nantz, the other light, and there were then in the same place near 30 sail more, two of which were supposed to be men of war, who with the rest hauled close under the houses, which were lined with what Musketeers that country could afford, with which (it being half ebb) they beat off our boats, but by God's providence without loss to us; the Non-such boat going in with a small Gun ours also returned with them, and attempted to set the said vessels on fire, but could not make way for our boats, so that Cap. Crispin was constrained to fire out of his Frigate into the Town, and upon the vessels, against whom he made about two hundred and thirty great shot, which in sight of our men did the enemy very much spoil; the enemy made use of only one Gun, which they did keep playing all the time at our Frigate, until we did beat them from it. That afternoon we discovered a ship of the enemy's playing in towards Brest, and the Non-such sailed after her, and that evening took her, she being a great Holland Fly-boat of eight guns, laden with wine from Nantz. The Lord Ambassador Whitlock arrived at Gothenburg the 15 of Nov. and was nobly entertained by the Citizens; from whence he sent Letters to Court, and stays in the City, till he receives answer of them from his Majesty. The Queen of Sweden hath sent an extraordinary Ambassador to the States of the United Provinces, with Proposition nding to the making an atonement and reconciliation between England and Holland; of which she seems to be very desirous, and earnestly endeavours the promoting of so pious and good work. The King of Denmark is still at Copenhagen, and hath lately sent more Ships to the Sound, for the better preservation of that place from Foreign Invasion; his guilty conscience making him dread the English. The Imperial Diet in Germany is not yet ended, there being so many businesses in agitation, that either it must a long time, or else leave many things undecided till the next Diet; chiefly that great point concerning the Duke of Lorraine: some of the States of the Empire finding many difficulties in point of security, about the payment of the first hundred thousand pound: So that the King of Scots hath little hopes of Supplies from them who are not able to supply their own wants. This day produced an Ordinance of the Lord Protector and his Council, For alteration of several Names and Forms heretofore used in Courts, Writs, Grants, Patents, Commissions, &c. and settling of Proceedings in Courts of Law, Justice and equity, within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, according to the present Government. The effect whereof followeth: That the Lord Protector finding it to be most necessary that some speedy and effectual course be taken, for settling the Names and Forms to be used in patents, commissions, and proceedings in courts of justice, the said Lord Protector, by, and with the consent of his said Council, and in performance of, and according to the power and trust reposed in him and them, doth Declare and Ordain, And be it by the Authority aforesaid declared and ordained, That in all courts of law, justice or equity, and in all writs, grants, patents, commissions, indictments, informations, suits, returns of writs, and in all fines recoveries, exemplifications, recognizances, proofs and proceedings of law, justice or equity, within the said commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, instead of the Name, Style, Title and Test of the Keepers of the Liberty of England by Authority of Parliament (heretofore used, that from and after the six and twentieth day of December, 1653, the Name, Style, Title and Test of the Lord Protector (for the time being) of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, shall be used, and no other; And the Date shall be, In the Year of our Lord, and no other. And all duties, profits, penalties, fines, amerciamants, and forfeitures whatsoever, are to be prosecuted, sued forth, and recovered in the same manner, and all Judges, Justices, Officers and Ministers of Justice whatsoever, are to take notice hereof, and are required to proceed accordingly. Likewise all writs, commissions, indictments, informations, actions, suits, bills or plaints now depending in any of the courts of Record at Westminster, or any other court of Record, and all pleas, demurrers, continuances, and proceedings whatsoever in all and every such indictments, informations, actions, &c shall be returnable as before specified. And after the 16 day of December all indictments, presentments, inquisitions for treasons, felonies, misprisions, and other trespasses and misdemeanours, shall be proceeded upon, for and on the behalf of the Lord Protector, in such sort manner and form, as they might have done before. And all indictments, &c which did depend formerly on any court of Justice, on the behalf of the Keepers of the Liberty, shall not be discontinued or put without day by this change of Government, but be prosecuted and sued forth in manner and form as formerly; And that there shall be no variance touching the proceedings in the Name of the Lord Protector, as concerning any error to be alleged or objected for the same. And lastly, all Oaths to be given to any Grand or petty Jury, or to or for any Witnesses to give in evidence to any such Jury or Juries and all other Oaths where the Keepers of the, &c. was wont to be used, the same shall be given in the Name of the Lord Protector, any Law, Usage or custom notwithstanding. And it is lastly Ordained, by the authority aforesaid, that such forms and course of proceedings as were used in the Name and time of the Keepers, &c. in all causes of which no alteration is made in this Ordinance, shall stand and continue to be so used and observed as formerly; And all indictments &c. made with such alterations as shall be necessary, to be good and effectual in law, any custom notwithstanding. There are several other Ordinances published by the command of his Highness and the Council of . Viz. For continuing the Rates and Customs of the Excise as formerly, till March 25 next ensuing. Also an Ordinance for continuation of one Act of Parliament, Entitled, An Act for Redemption of Captives, to continue until the third of October, 1654. Likewise they Ordered to be printed, an Ordinance for the reviving of an Act of Parliament, Entitled, An Act for probate of Wills, and granting Administrations, which is to continue in full power and force, until the first day of April next, And Richard Lucy, John Hildesley, Nathaniel Barton, Jervas Bennet, Anthony Rous, Joachim Mathews, Edward Cludd, Thomas Wood, Esquires, and Robert Titchburne, Alderman of London, has added to the Judges mentioned , to execute all and every of the Powers given by the said Act, as as any of the Judges are renamed may do. Whitehall is preparing for his Highness' residence, and the Old Council Chamber is ing for His Honourable to meet in the have personally treated several times with his Highness and his Honourable Council, and I confidently hope (I may without offence affirm) there is a firm Peace concluded between England and Holland, all things concerning the matter being assented to on both sides, but not the Form and Ceremony: And for our comfort, they have promised Satisfaction, Honour and Security; Denmark also is to be included in the Articles. Blessed therefore be the Lord who administer all our Changes and Revolutions hath brought such wonderful things to pass; for the good of this Nation, and the comfort of his people and Servants; O let his Name be established here forever, and his praises sung from Generation to Generation. Colonel Montague is added to the Council of State, besides those whom I mentioned the last Week. Also Mr. Touglogh is made Secretary, and Mr. Scobel and Mr. Jesop are Clerks to the Council. Since the Members delivered their Declaration to His Highness, divers that were absent have freely subscribed. In Whitechapel below the Church over against the Stile that goes to Stepney, in Trumpet yard, dwells L.M. Student in Mathematical Physic, who cureth the Tysick and Cough of the Lungs, the swelling of the Spleen, and deafness of the ears, pestilent Fevers, all sorts of Agues; of which cure he never failed; and hath cured many that have been thought incurable. If you enquire at the white Lyon in Whitechapel; or at the Angel in Cornhil near the Royal Exchange, they will direct you to him. The History of New England, from the English planting in the year 1628. until the year, 1652. With the Names of all their Governors, Magistrates, and eminent Ministers. Printed for Nath. Brook at the Angel in Cornhill, 1654. Licensed and entered according to the late Act for Printing. London, Printed by R. WOOD, 1653. |
The Faithful Scout, Issue 158
PerfDiurn210 | From Monday, Decemb. 12. to Monday, Decemb.19. 1653 This day by Letters from Stirling, Dec 2. Glencairn and the rest removed from their Fastness in Monteith towards Broad-Albin Tuesday last, upon an Alarm given them by a garrison of ours 8 or 19 mile hence, Lorn & Kenmore are certainly at a great difference, and some contest between Glengary and Glencairn for the Chief Conduct, Glengary looking upon himself as the better Soldier, and stouter Man; they talk of setting up the Standard at the Head of Lough Tay very shortly; and then they will go on very hotly with their Levies; in the mean time the Commander in Chief is using all possible ways for the securing the Forces here, and putting them into such a posture as may oppose the Enemy, and that no means may be left unattempted for preventing the Country from joining with this rude rabble, he hath convened the Gentlemen of the several shires in these parts, some of which have subscribed the enclosed Engagement under hand and seal, and the Gentlemen of this shire have generally engaged also, That neither themselves, nor any of the People under their power, shall or will act anything to the prejudice of the Commonwealth of England, or their Forces, nor any way aid, assist, or correspond in persons, Counsels, Advice, or any other means, the Highlanders, and others now in arms, or who hereafter shall be in arms against the Commonwealth! By this course the greatest part of the Gentlemen are engaged in Honour, not to join with or assist this party, which is the most probable way to prevent this growing evil. I do hereby oblige me, my Heirs, Executors, That I shall and will live peaceably under the Command of the Commonwealth of England, and that I, or any other under my Command, shall not act directly or indirectly to the prejudice of the Commonwealth aforesaid, in aiding and assisting the Highlanders, and others now in armour, and who hereafter shall be in Arms against the said Commonwealth in person, Counsel, Advice, Means, or any other manner of way whatsoever, under the penalty of forfeiture of Life and Estate, And to be proceeded against as the Parliament of the Commonwealth, and those, empowered by them shall appoint; In Witnesse where of I have subscribed the same at the 28 day of November, 1653. By the last from Stockholm: The Queen with all her Court is now at Ypsall, and from thence her Majesty doth intend to visit the Copper Mines: The Lord high Treasurer and other nobles being newly returned hither of their visit to the Prince Pulatine Heir of this Crown. From Warsovia: The common report that the Enemy was within ten leagues of our Army hath proved false, it being no more but a design of the Tartars and Cossacks to relieve the old Hospodar Basiliw: and the King upon a survey of his Army, hath found the same to be forty five thousand strong, besides the Gentry and Volunteers; and by the relation of some prisoners, the Tartars but of ten thousand, whereof the most were horse, who were at the command of the old Hospodar aforesaid. From Vienna: The Earl of Bouchaim commander in chief of the Imperial Armies in Hungaria is come back to this City, but first he has secured all the frontier places in that Country. From Regensburgh: The Emperor hath made known to the Diet upon several Articles; but nothing hath as yet been agreed upon concerning the differences that yet remain with the Duke of Lorrain. From Cullen: We have been for many days disturbed in our trade by our Elector, who doth still go on in stopping the free passage of the river. The Lorrain forces do begin again their old trade, and so to plunder about Aquisgranum, but we hear the City of Liege is seeking to oppose them. The Parliament on Saturday last returned the Debate upon the Report made from the Committee of Tithes, which is as follows: 1. That it be represented to the Parliament as the best way for ejecting ignorant, profane and scandalous Ministers; that Commissioners be sent from hence into all the Counties, divided into six circuits (besides London and Middlesex) three Commissioners into each circuit, to join with four or six in every County (and each Riding in Yorkshire to be as a County) and that in every County the said persons or five of them (two of the Commissioners sent from hence being always present) be empowered to eject all Ministers (of that County) that are not of good behaviour, and holy in conversation, or that are not apt and able to teach, or in teaching hold not forth the faithful Word; or be not diligent; or labour not in the Word and Doctrine, or be greedy or and be also empowered to settle god !-- approx. 10 characters --> persons to preach the Gospel in all void places, two or three Parishes together, so that none be above three miles from the public meeting place. 2. That it be presented to the Parliament, That Dr. Arrowsmith: Colonel Goff, Major Haines, Mr. John Owen, Mr. Thomas Goodwin, Mr. Ben of Dorchester, Mr Fairclough the elder, Mr. Lockier, Mr. Caryl, Mr. Stephen Marshal, Mr. Worthington, Mr. Turner, Mr. Tomes, Mr. Martin Holbeck, Mr. Cradock, Mr Jessey, Mr. Arthur Barnardiston, Mr. William Greenhill, Colonel Campfiell, Mr. Dyke, Mr. Stalham, may be sent Commissioners by three in a circuit for ejecting and settling Ministers, according to the Rules prescribed. 3. That all such as are or shall be approved for public Preachers of the Gospel in the public meeting-places, shall have and enjoy the maintenance already settled by Law, and such other encouragement as the Parliament already hath appointed, or hereafter shall appoint: And that where any scruple payment of Tithes, the three next Justices of the Peace, or two of them, shall upon complaint call the parties concerned before them, and by the Oaths of lawful Witnesses, shall duly apportion the value of the said Tithes; to be paid either in money or Land, by them to be set out according to the said value, to be held and enjoined by him that was to have the said Tithes; and in case such approved value be not duly paid or enjoyed according to the order of the said Justices, the Tithes shall be paid in kind, and shall be recovered in any Court of Record. 4. That upon hearing and considering what had been offered to the Committee touching propriety in Tithes, of Incumbents, Rectors, Possessors of Donatives or propriate Tithes. It is the opinion of this Committee, and resolved to be reported to the Parliament, that the said persons have a legal propriety in Tithes. The House having spent several days in debate of the whole Report, and especially of the first of the four parts thereof; and the Question being put, That this House doth agree with the first Clause of the Report, it passed in the Negative, And the House adjourned till Monday morning. When meeting, it was moved in the House, That the sitting of this Parliament any longer as now constituted; will not be for the good of the Commonwealth; and that therefore it was requisite to deliver up unto the Lord General Cromwell the Powers which they received from him; and that Motion being seconded by several other Members, the House arose, and the Speaker with many Members of the House, departed out of the House to Whitehall, where they, the greater number of the members sitting in Parliament, did by a writing under their hands resign unto his Excellency their said Powers, and Mr. Speaker attended with the Members, did present the same to his Excellency accordingly. His Excellency the Lord General Cromwell and his Council of Officers met this day, at which meeting, some things were transacted in order to a settling of the Government of this Nation for the future, whereof more anon. Newcastle, December 3. There have been some Malignants at Fairs Northward, who have bought Horses, and marched in small parties two or three together, towards Scotland. Col. Woogan was in Northumberland, and some others with him, at a Fair there, and are gone towards Scotland. It seems some men are of that desperate fortune, that they will venture upon anything. Indeed those that are there have gotten something by Robbing, but they may chance pay as dear for it as other Rogues. Berwick, December 2. On Wednesday last there was a part of about 16 or 18 horse of the Enemies at a town called Chernside, within four or five miles of Berwick, and there being a Fair there, divers Berwick men, and other Gentlemen went thither about their
business; and they were seized upon, their horses, and best of their
clothes, moneys, and what could be taken from them they were stripped of, and then let go again. A party of them also seized on two Soldiers that went along towards that place to assist the Collectors in the gathering of the Sesse, they were disarmed, and then discharged, those horsemen that thus plunder are exceeding well mounted; they have taken several good Horses out of the Marsh; the Gentleman which commands them is said to be one Meldrum. There are also about 140 horse in the Marsh, and in Tividale under Sir Arthur Forbs, raising both men and money. From Paris the 17th of December, new stile. By the last Letters from Languedoc we hear the glad news of the relieving of Kosa in the County of Roussillan, where our Convoy being entered without any opposition of the Enemy: thereupon our General resolved to fight with them wheresoever he met with them, and hearing by some of our Scouts that they were coming to meet us, being only on the one side of the River: thereupon the Lieutenant General with the main body of the Army forded over, and fell upon the Enemy with so much heat, that they routed them, having slain upon the place four hundred men, and taken Eleven hundred prisoners, whereof a great many Officers, with all the baggage that was in those Quarters. From St. Menebold we hear, That the Ordnance which was upon the five Batteries that were at the Siege of this place, have been all safe got up into this Town, only one which sunk into a Ditch, and so is like to remain until the next Summer. We hear from Marseilles that there is a great preparation of Ships and other Vessels at Toulon, towards the prosecuting of the great design of the new Conquest of Naples; the Duke of Guise is very busy in furthering the same enterprise: it beloveth those that are concerned therein, to suss those flames before they are too much kindled: there is also preparations made of Land forces about Lyons, where is the general Rendezvous of : The divisions grow higher in Avignon between the Gentry and the Citizens, and generally those parts are much disquieted: only we are put in hopes that by the approach of the Court the next Spring, that all our heavy burdens will be taken off, or at least much lightened. The Duke of Orleans is still at his house near Blois, and will not at any rate be invited to return to the Court. The 13th instant the King with all the Court, and the chief of this City went to the Cathedral Church, where was sung the Te Deurn for his Majesty's safe return, and the taking of the town of St. Menebold. This Evening the Portugal Ambassador's brother made escape out of Newgate, but is since retaken, and he with others close prisoners in Newgate, in order to their Trial. This also was published from the Council of State, viz. The Council of State taking notice of the Tumultuous and Barbarous Actings at the New-Exchange in the Strand, in the County of Middlesex, upon the 21 and 22 of November last past. The same being accompanied with the drawing of Swords, discharging of Pistols, and such other high Misdemeanours as are scarce to be paralleled by the actings of any persons living under the protection of a Civil Government; and which, in the effects thereof, produced not only a very great and notorious violation of the Public Peace but also the murdering of one, and the assaulting, wounding, and affrighting of many other of the people of this Nation, pursuing their ordinary callings and occasions: And for as much as the said Exchange is a place of Public Resort and Trade, the Council have therefore thought it necessary hereby to declare their resentment of those proceedings, and their just displeasure against the same. And as they intend the Offenders to the intent the like evils may be better prevented in time to come, they do hereby strictly in the charge, That no person or persons of what quality soever, do presume at the said Exchange or any other like public place, to occasion, encourage or abet, any tumultuous meetings or of the Civil Peace, by drawing there or in any other such place any Sword or other weapon, discharging, presenting, or teasing any Gun or Pistol, or firing of Powder in Grenades; or in any otherwise whatsoever. Of which command it will be expected, That all persons whatsoever, take notice, and demean themselves accordingly, upon peril of being reputed and dealt withal as disturbers of the Public Peace, whereof a very strict account shall be taken. And all Justices of the Peace and other Public Ministers, are required carefully to perform their duties in this behalf also to use their endeavour, to prevent and restrain all immodest and unhandsome demeanours of such as shall resort to the said Exchange, that so not just cause of offence may be given to sober minds, nor anything there acted dishonourable to Religion or the Nation. John Thurloe Sec. All persons who are Adventurers for lands in Ireland are desired to take notice, That the Committee for Claims for lands in Ireland have appointed Thursday the 12 of January next coming, to be a day of Lottery at Grocers-hall London, both for Provinces and Counties, and Thursday the 19 of the same January to be a Lottery for Counties for all such Adventurers who have made their choice in Provinces: and after the said 19 of January the said Committee intend to sit three mornings in a week, viz. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for preparing Certificates for such Adventurers as have, or shall, by that time draw for their Lotts. W. Tibbs Whereas it ere was one Anthony Knowles, aged about 70 years, a Western , that did live in the City of Kilkenny in Ireland, before the Wars, in the year 1645: It is desired that the said Anthony Knowles be now living, and may be found, that then there be speedy settled thereof given unto Mr. George Woodford at the Rose and Crown in Church-lane near Doyghen in London and upon certain intelligence thereof, the person that gives it shall have 40 shillings for his pains, and the said Knowles be well recompensed: it being for no other end or purpose but to his knowledge in a state now depending in . From Exeter, Decemb. 7. We have intelligence that the Hound, a Man of War of the States, hath sent into Plymouth a ship belonging to Amsterdam, and bound home from Lisbon with salt and sugar, burthen 300 Tons; and that Captain Marten Commander of the Bristol, who with some other Frigates and ships, doth ply in the mouth of the channel, hath sent into Plymouth two ships, who pretend of Hamburg, and bound thither, the one is four hundredTons, 14 Guns; the other 100 Tons, both laden with Sugar and Oils, to a great value. From Plymouth Decemb. 9. For News here is little, only there was a Frenchman brought in this day, that hath two & twenty Fats of Bever, and some pot-ashes, which came from Canady. Another since the former from Plymouth, intimates a sad accident befallen one of the State's ships called the Sussex Frigate, which was blown up by her own powder, and about 50 men. She was a gallant Frigate. From Rotterdam Decemb. 12 stilo novo. This week affords little, all our gaping being after the Treaty; for want of stuff I will entertain you this week with aerie fancy of some of the great Ones here of the Royal party, who are dividing the Brare's skin before the beast be killed; They suppose that France and Spain may at length agree, and that then they will some reflections upon your growing Commonwealth; and will so order the matter, that the D. of Lorain shall exchange his Country for Ireland; the Prince of Condi is to be made King of Scotland; and he of great Britain to be content with England alone; and thus will these three Entitles be provided for, and that power which remaining united doth now prove so formidable to all its neighbours will by this Tripartite division be rendered less considerable. In the mean time Middleton is making all the haste he can to transport from hence great store of Arms, and Ammunition into Scotland, to the assistance of the Highlanders, who have declared for Charles Stuart (as we hear) and want nothing but Arms to beat the English out of Scotland, who are not able to keep the field; but are fine to keep in their Garrisons, where for want of materials the Highlanders can do no good upon them; and if you and we do not agree, we shall furnish them with enough from hence to find you work at home. Here is a general report that our Commissioners are returning from England, and that there is no likelihood of a peace, and that you are making great preparations for the war, which causeth the like here. Yesterday the Corpse of that courageous Sea commander John Van Galan was to be buried at Amsterdam in great state, by order of their high and mighty Lordships. It is said that the framer of our wonderful ship here, hath outstripped his Vessel in nimbleness, and is run away; though it be yet but said so, I fear it will prove so in the end. The marching of our Troopers towards the Lorainers hath caused them to withdraw from off our Borders, once again. Paris Decemb. 20. 1653; the main work to do now at Court and in this City is only in making great preparations for the keeping of their great Feast of the Nativity of our Saviour, which beginneth the next Thursday; The King smee his return with his Council, hath been employed in the settling of Winter Quarters for the Army, which is not quarter in Villages as formerly, thereby to become burthen some to the people, but they are to be quartered in the frontier Towns, where some allowance will be made monthly for their lodgings and firings, and care taken that the soldiers might receive their pay to buy provisions for their subsistence. The Marshal de Foucauld and others, who lately are returned into the King's Obedience, came to this City, this being done by virtue of the Ammistia, therefore they were presented to His Majesty, who received their thankfulness, , and other submissions The last Tuesday arrived here the Marquis of Viguabo, to bring the particulars of the Defeat given to the Spaniards in Rousillon, which you have heard in my last, the design of his Majesty to go into Prounce, continueth still, it being easily followed by the Cardinal Mazarini, who worketh his own ends therein, as well as the good of the Kingdom, which he doth so much pretend; this doth something thwart the project of the Portugal Ambassador, who for many months since hath driven on the design of making a Match between the King and his master's daughter, with whom he proffers to give many millions of gold. The Protestant party in Languedoc and other Countries adjacent, are in expectation of a favourable answer to be given to their many and great grievances lately brought from them by the Baron of Rou-vigni, who (as I hear) hath presented them, but as yet no answer returned to them, but was promised fair to have it within a few days. The common report is, that the Chamber Alders shall be put down, it being very much exclaimed against, and I- hear not they have done or acted anything of late: Our Archbishop is still very sick, and also his Nephew the Cardinal de Retz, who doth yet remain a close prisoner, by reason that the Cardinal Mazarini will not be able to bend him to his Italian humour. The News from Alsatia are various, some will have the Earl of Harcourt to have made his agreement with the Emperor, for the delivering up Brisack, and other places under his Command to him, but others affirm this to be only a plot of the Cardinal to spread such reports, thereby to render him odious to the King and the whole nation. By the last news from Naples thus: The vice King having notice that the Earl of Castriglio our new vice King was arrived at St. Poselippo with his Wife, and a great Train sent one of his high Officers, to welcome him, and make him the usual complement: the next day he was visited by the Cardinal Filmarini, with the rest of the Nobles, both spiritual and temporal: The Duke de Tirranova, who is to be Ambassador in ordinary at Rome, is also come to this City. From Venice: The Turkish Army is partly at Delo, in the Archipelago, and the remainder at Scio; and the General Bashaw being commanded from the supreme power at Constantinople, to come thither with his Fleet, he hath made his excuse, and sent it by an express in writing. From Milan: The Marques de Carnelne our Governor, having agreed to a conference with the General of the French Army: there being agreed between both parties, a cessation of all acts of hostility: which being ended, our said Governor came to this City, being accompanied with all the high Officers of the Army; and having returned back to the Army, will have a special care to observe the motions of the French Army. From Turin: We have news at present, that the Cardinal Machiavelli, and of the Archbishop of Feimo. The Senate is now preparing a Palace for the reception of the Count de Ognate, late vice King of Naples: but yet his coming is not certain, by reason that his Secretary hath sent letters, that he intends to take shipping at Leghorn, and so go directly for Spain. There hath not passed of late any considerable action between both Armies. By Letters from Edinburgh Decemb. 9. thus. Since my last Intelligence is come, that Kenmore is marched into the South with some few Foot, and sevenscore Horse, Athol is gone into his own Country with 80 Horse, to keep in the Castle of Blair, that so he may with more liberty take up his Levies there. Kinoule is to raise a Regiment in Barchlaush, and Cooper in Angus & Ramsay (who lately brought sevenscore Horse to them, and is returned again) to be his Lieut. Colonel. Lane not yet come to them, some jealousies lie upon him, that he is not so forward as he might. McNaughton is also somewhat could in the work, so that no help is come from them as yet. Glencairne hath sent out Warrants to several Towns, for very great proportions of Cloth, Boots, shoes, money, &c. He sent for as much Cloth as would clothe 150 Foot Soldiers: together, with as much Linen and shoes as will furnish the same number, each of them with two shirts and a pair of shoes, and fifteen hundred pound Scotch money, threatens them, that if they delay to give obedience, he will exalt the same by force. The last week a party of fourscore of these broken people, took away 7 or 8 good Horses from the Earl of Weem's house in Fife, and a party of 4 Rogues came into the Laird of Womat's House 3 or 4 miles from Leith, and stabbed an Englishman, who was employed by the Commissioners to gather in the Rents of his Coal pits by which we may perceive what usage we might expect, if we were at their mercy. By a letter intercepted from one of their own party thus. All our Commissioned Officers are going now to their several Localities for Levies (which was not till now determined upon) both of Horses and Foot the Earl of Athol is to levy a Regiment of Horses in Perthshire, and the whole Foot thereof: Kinoule hath the Horses of the shire of Angus and Mernes: Glengary is to levy a Regiment of Horses out of Caithness, Sutherland, Ross and Murray, and to be Commander in chief of the Foot levied there. Kenmore is to levy the Horses of the shire of Aberdeen. Col. Blackadder of Tulliallen is to levy in a part of the shire of Fife, Sir Mungo Murray left us two nights, being discontented for not getting Locality on the North side of Forth, he was and is Gentleman Quartermaster, and is again reconciled, and is to have Stirlingshire for a Locality, for levying the Horses there. We are now about 1000 good well armed resolute Foot, and 500 Horse, the Riders are singularly good, they and the Horses are extremely ill equipaged, Saddles and Bridles that are good, are rare here, I have sent you a purse-penny. I entreat that there be not a word of the other, this is all, I remain, Pool Decemb. 9. Here hath not presented any intelligence worthy of your cognisance. About 14 days since, Captain Green Commander of a private man of War, brought into this Harbour a prize, pretending to be of Dunkirk, she hath about 114 Tons of French Wine on board, came from Nantes, the Master is a Scotchman, put in as is supposed, for colour only, which with other circumstances, give great expectation, that she will prove a prize. This day the same Captain Green hath brought in another Vessel, called the Gront pot, she herself of Hamburg, the Masters name is Steven van Collen, she hath about 70 Tons of French Wine and some Ginger, its believed she will also prove prize. From Dover the 14 Decemb. we hear by one come this morning from Deal, that Gen. Monk and his squadron were safely arrived into the Downs: there are several ships gone by this week, bound for London, some come from the Canaries laden with wines, and one from Masago, whose loading is all fruit: there is a Dutch laden with wines, taken by a private man of War, belonging to London, whose loading is all White wines. The late Parliament having upon the dissolution delivered up the power which they received from his Excellency at their first sitting by a writing under their Hands and Seal, his Excellency thereupon called a Council of Officers, and advised with other persons of Interest in the Nation, how this great burthen of governing England, Scotland and Ireland, with the Armies therein, and Navy at Sea by whom; who after several days seeking of God, and advising therein. It was resolved that a Council of godly, able and discreet persons should be named, consisting of 21. And that his Excellency should be chosen Lord Protector of these Nations. In pursuance thereof, several persons of eminence and worth, are already made choice of to be of the said Council which are not fit to be mentioned at this time. And on Friday last his Excellency came down to Westminster, and was installed Lord Protector of the three Nations, the manner whereof was thus. His Excellency about one of the clock in the afternoon came from Whitehall to Westminster, to the Chancery Court, attended by the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seale of England, Barons of the Exchequer, and judges in their Robes, after them, the Council of the Commonwealth, and the Lord Mayor Aldermen, and Recorder of the City of London, in their Scarlet Gowns; then came his Excellency attended with many of the chief Officers of the Army, a chair of State being set in the said Court of Chancery, His Excellency stood on the left hand thereof uncovered, till a large writing in Parchment, in the nature of an Oath, was read; there being the power with which his Excellency was invested, and how His Excellency is to govern the three Nations, which His Excellency accepted of, and subscribed in the face of the Court, and immediately hereupon sat down covered in the said chair; the Lords Commissioners then delivered up the Great Seale of England to His Excellency, and the Lord Mayor his Sword and Cap of Maintenance, al which His Excellency returned immediately to them again: The Court then rose, and His Excellency was attended back as aforesaid, to the Banqueting-House in White-Hall, the Lord Mayor himself uncovered, carrying the Sword before the Protector all the way, and coming into the Banqueting House, and exhortation was made by M. Lockier after which the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Judges departed. Upon the 13 of Decemb. instant, there was stolen out of the Stable of Mr. at the Swan in Bartway in the County of Harsford, a Bay 15 handful high with white upon one of his Feet behind, a brand on his near shoulder, scarce to be seen, with very upon one side of his face, about 7 years of age: If any man shall who give notice of him to Mr. Charles Everard at the Starry in Lumber street London, or to Mr. , at the sign of the Hogs Head in Norwich, he shall have for his pains or if he bring the Horse to either of the aforementioned places shall have five pound. Tow Mares lost from in Ayr upon Thursday at night being Decemb. 16. The one being a sorrel with two feathers in her neck and a saddle spot of the far side and two , one on the near of, and the to the high, with a bit of white on the fore leg behind next the foot-lock. The other being a hey, with a black list down the back, bob and the near side, if you hear of any such, send word to Mr. Edw: East, Watch-maker, dwelling in against S. Drastaxs Church in Fleet-street. And you shall have 20 sh for your pains. This is licensed and entered according to Order | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 210 |
MPol189 | I Had given you account of the enemy's first advance in this Country, but (through the baseness of some of the people) my Bearer was discovered to the enemy, and taken by them, but not my Letters, and Kenmore caused him to be burned both hands and feet in a most barbarous and cruel manner, to cause him to confess what he had done with my Letters, which notwithstanding he refuse to do; and yesterday being appointed for his execution within sight of this Garrison, a deep sleep fell upon his Guard, so that he escaped their hands, and came back to me. Kenmore and Glengary with their Forces marched by the wasy of Strathspey, and Glencarne, Lorn, Mac Heldny, and some of Mac Grigger's men, with the rest of that Gang, Atholl being left behind, marched in by the head of this Country, and joined their forces within three miles of this Garrison, where Glencairne now quarters. At their approach to this place, Glencairne sent me a letter stuffed with Scotch complements, the Copy whereof, with my answer, as also his letter to the Country Gent are enclosed. There hath fallen out some discontent between Glencairne and Lorn about the men of this country, Lorn saying, that by reason they were his men, he ought as well to have the ordering and disposal of them, as the Earl of Athol had had of his: But Glecairne told him, that although his father took up the rents of the country, the men were the Marquis of Huntley's, and that Lorn should have nothing to do with them, but he would use them as he pleased; whereupon high words arose between them, and Glencairne offered to draw his sword, and Lorn went away in great rage, swearing, that rather than he would see his own people abused by Glencairne he would lose his life; and thereupon drew to the other side of the water from Glencairne, and MacKeldny with some of the Macgrigger's men, and about sixty horse with him, and sent the enclosed in all haste to the Gentry of the Country: but some of them fearing it might be some plot, did not answer his desires. I sent a letter, the copy whereof is also enclosed, to some that went to him, knowing that they show what ever Letters to them. Yesterday Glencairn had rendezvous about 4 miles off on the north side of the river, and Lorn with MacKeldny, and what others he had with him, were drawn up on the South side of the River, well nigh in opposition, and the whole of their number was not above 1600 horse and foot. The last night Lorn, and Col. Meynes, with 6 horse, left all and fled, and Glencairne presently sent a party of horse after him to apprehend him. Had Lorn stayed and concurred with them, this country for the most part would have gone his way but this difference hath put most of them to a stand, and some of them are fled to Inverness amp; other parts, to secure themselves. Parties of horse and Posts are directed every way for the apprehending of Lorn, the enemy take up all horses they can find, and except few Troopers, they are work-horses, and poor Country beasts without shoes, and their Foot poor starven fellows, many of them having no other Arms than cudgels, and those that have Arms have no Ammunition, and they are full of fears, so that had we but six hundred horse and foot at this time, we might in all probability put them to their best shifts to escape our hands. They use this country somewhat hardly, and especially since Lorn's departure. And that same night the difference was between them, Glencairne in a despiteful manner, removed his quarters to Ballathrone, where the Bailiff's interest lies, and I hear hath left little there that could either be eaten or carried away. I am informed that the Lord of Grant although he hath not personally appeared with them hath sent divers letter unto them. And further my Intelligence says that the enemy intend when they have eaten up this country, which will not be long at the rate they devour, to separate to wit, Glencairn to march North, towards Inverness, Ross and Caithness, and Kenmore towards Aberdeen Shire. What is become of Lorn's men, I cannot yet certainly learn, but the flying report is, that they are dispersed. The enemy keep Guards on the other side of the water at the Kirk-town, within less than twice musket shot of the Castle, but never appear on this side of the water within sight of the Castle, and where I cannot over to them by reason of the Ice. Since I began to write, my Intelligence assures me, that the occasion of Lorn's so sudden flight was, that after he had fallen out with Glencairn, that same night he sent a Letter to me, to advise me where to fall on Glencairne's men with the best advantage, but his Bearer proving false, carried his Letter to Kenmore, whereupon they drew up part of the Army that way, thinking to take him that night, and so fled, as aforesaid: they have imprisoned 7 or 8 of the chief Gentlemen that were with him. It is also said, that Lorn posted away a letter to his Father acquainting him with his condition, and that he was coming in to him. The Braymen of this Country do close with the enemy. By Letters from my Lord Ambassador Whitlock from Upsahla of the 22 of December, S.V. I understand his Lordship's safe arrival, and very honourable Reception there, having been (to use his Excellency's own expression) more than is usually given to Extraordinary Ambassadors, whereby the Queen's Majesty is pleased to testify her great respect to the Commonwealth of England. By another Letter from thence of the 24 of December S.V. information is come, That on the next precedent day, his Lordship received Audience by her Majesty with no less Honour and Solemnity; but the particulars thereof were then not known. We understand here of the honourable Reception of the English extraordinary Ambassador at Upsahla, which is affirmed to have been extraordinary for stateliness and solemnity. A Fleet of some 80 Sail of Dutch Merchantmen, with one Convoyer, being lately departed out of the Sound, and intending homeward, on this side the Scaw, met with an English Frigate coming from Gothenburg, who sent the Convoyer soundly battered and basted, with a great many of the said Fleet back again; and having taken some, brought them up into Gothenburg. This people, especially the Dutch, are so mad thereat, that they say, Gothenburg ere long will be a worse Pirate's nest, than ever Dunkirk was. This Court stands as yet in expectation what the issue will be of the Treaty with England, not knowing whether they will be included or excluded out of the same; but if they be excluded, their fears will render their poor people unserviceable, for their own defence. The last storm hath caused much damage in these Parts by Sea and Land. In Texell are cast away 5, or 6 ships, one of whom was an East Indy man outward bound, and about 200 men lost in her. Another East-Indy ship lost all her Masts, & consequently her Voyage; many others were forced on shore. In a Dorp of North Holland, called Rype, 600 houses, & 5000 Bundles of Hemp were consumed with Fire; a remarkable stroke of God, if they were but sensible of it. A Friend writes me from the Hague, that he saw the State's private Letter from their Deputies, who wrote that on Friday last was sevennight they had made a final end, whereof they should receive a large account per next. The Messenger that came on here from Brandenburg, hath brought a good Resolution from his Minister. Yesterday the Ambassadors were again conducted to the Assembly, where the Introduction of the new Dukes of , Picolomini, & Aversberg, as also the admission of the City of Bremen, and satisfaction of Lorain were propounded, but nothing concluded upon. There departed out of this River some few days ago a Fleet of 70, or 80 Merchantmen, bound for several Ports and Places. 2 Dutch Capers, and 2 other State's men of war which lay purposely at Gluckstads to wait for them, departed with them out of the River; so that it is thought they are all carried into Holland, and will be examined there it being suspected that a great many of them are bound for England. Although this City did bustle a little to maintain the Neutrality of this River, yet have the Capers and men of War free liberty to go and come upon the same at their own pleasure, being likewise permitted and suffered to go out with the Merchant-men the very same Tide, whereas at other places they are bound to stay 2, or at least one Tide after their departure. SIR, I have seen a Letter of your directed to the Gentlemen of Badgenoth, wherein you have expressed so much fidelity to your unjust Masters from whom you are trusted, that it makes me conceive, if those principles of yours were rightly founded upon the warrantable grounds of Legality, you might yet redeem your former failings, and those principles of Honour and Virtue which now darkened in you, being out of their true Channel may shine eminently, when unclouded, from under those fatal ways and snares wherein many gallant spirits in this Age are ensnared. Thus much I have conceived it fit to show you, that I might undeceive you in some Opinions, upon which I find you ground your Arguments in your Letter to the Gentlemen of Badgenoth: As first, you look upon your Commonwealth (as you call it) as one firm and fixed Government, whilst the Lord knows there is at this instant no such thing in England; that Power which was lately called a Parliament, being by the Trustees again surrendered in Cromwell's hands, & now none knows what Government he will pitch on; Another ground you go upon in your Letter, that this Army now on foot by his Majesty's Command, for his and his long oppressed Peoples delivery, will soon vanish. It seems the distance you are at in this remote place, admits you not right information; you may indeed look upon this as the Lord's work, returning the abused spirits of all his Majesty's Subjects to their duty to their King and Country; for now most of all Scotland are in Arms, and many gallant English are already in Arms, and have marched through the greatest part of England, to join with his Majesty's Forces in this Kingdom; besides what is doing in Ireland, all Christian Princes are arming against those you now serve, and ere long will bring a flood of Strangers upon them, if the Lord do not bring them to prevent their ruin by a timely submission to his Majesty's just command. I have given you this right view of the present condition of Affairs, because I have been informed of your gallantry, that when you reckon betwixt God and you alone, and deals impartially with yourself, you may do yourself that right to employ that virtue God hath given you in the most approven way by him, wherein if you find I can serve, you may freely command your Friend and Servant GLENCAIRN. December 30.1653. My Lord Yours I received by your Trumpeter, wherein you may have put your self to much labour to convince me of the erroneousness of my Principles, and of my blindness for want of Information; the truth is, I see not so far as I desire, but the more I see, the more I discover of the unwarrantableness of your Proceedings, going about to disquiet the Peace of the Country, and to devour that little which the poor People have left them upon the pretence of a King, which I assure you I have disowned, and will still disclaim: And whereas you are pleased to inform me of the greatness of your Army, and of many who daily appear for you in England and Ireland, I am apt to believe that were you so powerful as you speak, your Lordship might have had far better Quarters in the Lowlands; but were you ten times the number which you are, it should not cause me to own that power which you call Kingly, or to betray that Trust committed to me by my just Masters, the deliverers under God of the poor oppressed and enslaved People of the Commonwealth of England and Scotland, from the Regal Tyranny and Bondage, but shall through the Lord's assistance approve myself faithful to them, while called by the name of JOHN HILL. Butkven Castle, December 30. 1653. I shall give you an account of our journey from Gothenburg to Upsall, which hath been very long and difficult, yet our God hath brought us safely the last night. We went out of Gothenburg on Wednesday the 29 of November. The Magistrates came solemnly to take their leaves, the Citizens were in arms in the Market-place, and the Garrison Soldiers upon the works. As we passed them, they gave us several volleys of great and small shot. We could reach but two leagues that day, and yet came to our quarters an hour within night, where most of our wearied company must be contented to lie upon fresh straw, as in many other places where we lodged. The first night my Lord Lagerfields Secretary met us from the Court, whither he posted to give the Queen notice of our arrival, and she sent him back to attend my Lord in his journey, and to see that we had accommodation, who with the Syndic from from Gothenburg (whom the Town sent with us) gave us great assistance in our journey, and without whom we should not have performed it in many days longer. Our Train consisted of 83 saddle-horses, two Coaches, and about threescore Wagons, few of them not carrying above one Trunk apiece, being very small, and drawn with one horse, and were brought in by the Country at every stage. For five or six days journey the ways were very rocky, but very passable throughout all our journey, and much the better because by command from the Queen, the Governors of Provinces had caused the highways and bridges to be mended. The fifth day's journey we came to a City called Scazez, which is a Bishop's See, a very old Town, and a large Church in it. The tenth day's journey Mr. Andrew Potley met us by the way, whom my Lord sent to the Court, with letters to certify them of our arrival: with him came one Mr. Lilly Chrone, a servant of the Queen's, who was sent to visit my Lord in his journey, and to see that his Excellency should want no Accommodations, he brought with him letters from Prince Adolph the grand Master. The eleventh day's journey we came to a City called Erbrow, where we met with letters from England, dated the 11 of November, whom my Lord Lagerfield left with Dewy (whom my Lord sent before) my Lord Lagerfield being got but a day's journey before us, notwithstanding our stay at Gothenburg. From this place the Syndic of Gothenburg posted to Court, to acquaint them with our being come so far. The 14. day's journey we came to a City called Westraaz: in this town, as in divers others, were quartered several Companies of the Queen's Guards, and of them Guards were set at my Lord's Lodging for security. At that City of Erbrow (where one Company was quartered) Salmafius his son was Captain. Here and at Westraaz I perceived that the Swedish Gentlemen who accompanied us, were desirous that we would stay for some time, but did not give any plain reason for it: whereupon his Excellency being resolved not to delay, went forward on his journey, the next day being Thursday, to a Town called Encopin, within 4 leagues of Upsall; Mt Lord asked the Swedish Gentlemen, if it were the custom for him to send a letter to the Master of the Ceremonies, or any other Officer, to give them notice of his coming, they answered, It was not, but that they had sent before of themselves. This night a Post came with Letters from the Grand Master to Mr. Lilly Chrone, the contents whereof he signified to my Lord to be to this effect, That the Queen and her Court were astonished at his Excellency's being advanced so far in his journey in so short a time, which was much beyond their expectation; that her Majesty was resolved to receive him with more than ordinary respect and honour, for the which preparation could not be made in so short a time as we might come from Encopin to Upsall. It was therefore her Majesty's desire that his Excellency should repose himself until Monday at Encopin, and then to come 2 leagues to a Gentleman's house, which the Grand Master had commanded to be provided for him. And from thence upon Thursday to come to Upsall. My Lord knew no other answer to this desire, and in this place; but to submit, to it the rather because our Baggage was not come up to us, for want of horses, with which Mr Stapylton continued, and took extraordinary pains and care, and endured many hardships in his attendance upon that charge. Tuesday morning we went from thence towards Upsall, the weather continuing extreme hard; half a league before we came to Town, the Master of the Ceremonies met his Excellency, and told him that the Queen had sent him to congratulate his safe arrival, and to conduct him to Upsall: about a quarter of a League from the Town, two Senators met his Excellency, that is, two of the Council of State, they spoke to him in the Swedish Tongue to the same effect that the Master of the Ceremonies had done, as I understood by their Interpreter; My Lord answered them in English, that the respect which her Majesty did bear to the Commonwealth of England, appeared in her honourable reception of him their Servant, which he desired to acknowledge with thanks to her Majesty: they then brought his Excellency into a rich Coach of the Queen's, where the two Senators and Master of the Ceremonies sat with him. There were divers other Coaches of the Queen's, with the Spanish Agents, and many Noble men's Coaches, in all eighteen, every one with six horses, and a great many of the Queen's servants on horse-back, they brought my Lord to my Lodging, and then left him: the Rooms of Entertainment, and four of five Bed-Chambers were furnished with the Queen's Hangings and Beds: the Bed in his Excellency's Chamber richly Embroidered with Gold; about half an hour after, came in a Gentleman of the Bed-Chamber to my Lord, and told his Excellency that the Queen had sent to see how he did after his journey, to bid him welcome, and my Lord returned his thanks to her Majesty: a little after him, Mr. Lagerfieldt came to see my Lord, and told him the Queen commanded him to come to his Excellency, and to take care that if he wanted any accommodation we might be supplied. Then the Master of the Ceremonies desired of his Excellency a copy of his Credentials, which he had ready, and gave to him, who carried them presently to the Queen, and left them with her, and returned back to accompany his Lordship to Supper. In a Lobby next to the withdrawing Room, is a constant guard of the Qa: Partisans, beyond that is a very fair Room, which was very well furnished, with a great deal of Plate, and many wax-Candles in it; two Tables were plentifully furnished, the one for my Lord, the other for his Steward; over his Excellency's seat was a Canopy of State; About the middle of Supper, the Master of the Ceremonies rose from his seat, and came to his Excellency, and with a great glass of Wine begun to him a health to the Commonwealth of England; my Lord told him, That it was neither agreeable to his Judgement, nor to the practice of those whom he served in England, to drink or pledge any health. He pressed it earnestly upon my Lord, and his Lordship as earnestly refused it; and some words of a little heat passed betwixt them, but being in French, everybody did not take notice of it; he then began a health to Capt. James Whitlock, who likewise refused it. Then he began a health to Dr Whistler, who refusing it, the Master of the Ceremonies in a slighting way desired him to give it some other name; the Dr. answered, That if he pleased he might call it a Eating a health; When the Master of the Ceremonies saw himself thus resisted, he was quiet, and seemed much displeased; and my Lord no less. After Supper, Mr Lagerieldt came to us again, to whom his Excellency related this passage at Supper, and desired that our Liberty, and the manner of our Country might be reserved to himself and company; which he said was most fitting, and he would take care that the like should not be done hereafter. Then his Excellency desired my Lord Lagerfieldt to move the Queen, that if she pleased he might have his Audience before the Holidays, which he very willingly undertook to do, and it sped well, for the next say my Lord Lagerfieldt brought my Lord word that the Queen was very ready to gratify his Request, and had appointed him audience upon Friday, till which time our Entertainment will be her Majesty's charge: We are put to great inconvenience at this place for want of Beds, most of our company lying upon Straw; but the Queen's Officers have sent into the Country, and we are in hopes to have some brought in here shortly. The Plague continues still at Stockholm, and there is no Speech of the Queen's removing thither. My Lord is extreme weary of our long and great Feasting: Yesterday the Queen was not well, but kept her bed, but this day she was abroad again. We shall prove Frenchmen; that Language is more spoken at the Court, than any other. By this time I presume you are weary of my long Letter; I shall reserve myself until after my Lord's Audience, when you may look to be troubled again. The Audience is to be tomorrow afternoon. In my last I gave you an account of the Treasons discovered here, contrived through the pernicious practices of Cardinal Mazarin, since which his Highness the Archduke hath caused a strict Guard to be kept in all the Garrisons, and hath caused the Earl of Bassigny to be apprehended at Court, he was Governor of the Country of Arthois, and of the family of the Horns (who was formerly beheaded in the company of the Earl of Egmont, by order of the Duke of Alva at Brussels) as soon as he was apprehended, he was sent prisoner to the Citadel of Antwerp, under a very strong guard, and presently some Commissioners were sent by the Privy Council to visit his Castle, called Over-Ische, two or three leagues from this City, where they found all his papers and writings, with a good round sum of money, which they brought away with them, and afterwards laid up in a place till further order, and till such time as he had been examined; which the Commissioners of the Privy Council and of the Parliament of Malines do intend to do very suddenly in the said Castle of Antwerp: And because that this Lord is allied to the chiefest Families of this Country, they will not suffer men to say, His Imprisonment proceeds from Treason; but that he hath oppressed the people of his Government, and hath extorted from them several contributions to satisfy his own ambition. His Mayor, Secretary, & some other of his Domestics, are also taken after much trouble, and imprisoned. In the meantime the Marquis of Trasignie is sent to his Government. As for the affairs of the Country of Liege, they still grow worse and worse, and they are like to be made the seat of war; for the French troops are marching thither to quarter there, in opposition to the rest: for it is said that the Marquis Faber Governor of Sedan, doth conduct them, consisting of a hundred Troops of Horse, and three thousand Foot, who do give out that at their arrival; they will drive out the Lorainers, and the Prince of Conde's Forces, and afterwards settle those of Liege in their ancient Liberties. His Highness the Archduke rides now and then a hunting with the chief of the Court, the season of the year affording no manner of action, and good order being taken to secure the garrisons round about him. His Highness, and his Council, having passed two Ordinances, they were this day ordered to be printed: The one is entitled, An Ordinance for repealing several Acts, and Resolves of Parliament, made for or touching the subscribing or taking the Engagement. Which stands repealed from the aforesaid nineteenth day of January. 1653. and is now printed and published. The other is entitled, An Ordinance declaring the offences herein mentioned, and no other, shall be adjudged High Treason, within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the dominions thereunto belonging. Whereof I shall here set down a brief extract, for caution to the People, and such of them, to whose sight (perhaps) the printed Ordinance itself may not come. The offences are these; 1. If any compass or imagine the of the Lord Protector for the tome being. 2. If any shall write, print, openly declare, preach, teach, or otherwise publish, that the Lord Protector and the people assembled in Parliament, are not the supreme Authority of this Commonwealth. 3. If any shall declare (as aforesaid) that the exercise of the chief Magistracy, in these dominions, is not in the Lord Protector assisted with his Council. 4. Or that the said Authority or Government is Tyrannical, usurped, or unlawful. 5. Or that there is any Parliament now in being, or that hath any continuance, or any Law in force for continuing the Parliament, which is hereby declared to have been dissolved 20. April. 1653. and shall be adjudged, and taken so to be. 6. Or if any shall in anywise endeavour to stir up or raise force against the Lord Protector, or present Government, for subversion or alteration thereof, and shall declare such endeavour by any open deed. These offences shall be adjudged High Treason. Moreover these following offenders and offences are (according to this Ordinance) to be adjudged within the compass of Treason viz. All endeavours of any mutiny (not being a member or members of any of the Armies) and to make Soldiers, disobedient in any of the forces. All Inviters and procurers of Invasion from abroad upon any of these Dominions. All adherers to any forces of the common Enemies. All Plotters for surrender of any City, Town, Fort, Magazine Ship, &c. All counterfeiters of the great Seal, or of the sign Manual, Privy Signet, or privy Seal of the Lord Protector for the time being. All proclaimers or promoters of the pretended right of Charles Stuart, or any of that family, to the government of this Commonwealth, or any of the dominions thereto belonging. All Corresponders and Intelligencers with him, his mother, his brother James Stuart, or any of them. All Counterfeiters, Clippers, Diminishers, Falsifiers of Coin, for gains sake. All Importers of false Coin, &c. together with their Counsellors, Aiders, and Abettors, are to be taken, adjudged and executed as Traitors. Provided, that nothing in this Ordinance as touching the monies and coins aforesaid, shall extend to make any corruption of blood, to any heir of any offender, or to the prejudice of any wife of such offender. Provided always, that no person shall be prosecuted for any offence here mentioned, unless the prosecution be within one year after the offence committed. Now the offences afore-named, and no other, are to be adjudged High Treason, notwithstanding any former Act or Statute, & Provided nevertheless, and it is declared to be the true intent and purpose of this Ordinance, that the laws made in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, and King James, against the Pope and See of Rome, Jesuits, seminary Priests, and professors of the Romish Religion, shall stand in full force and virtue. All Abettors of the Pope's Jurisdiction in England, all procurers & promoters of Balls from the Pope to absolve people from their obedience to this Government, or to move any to promise obedience to any other Prince or power whatsoever. Lastly, All Jesuits, Priests, &c. borne in any of these Dominions, who have taken or shall take orders by authority derived from the See of Rome, and shall afterwards be found within this Commonwealth; These offenders aforementioned shall be adjudged and executed as Traitors. And here I cannot let pass this last Proviso, without this remark thereupon; That the People of God in these dominions have abundant cause to bless the Lord, who hath put it into the hearts of our Governors, to make such provision against the faction (called Religion) of Popery, and those desperate engineers, the Popish Priests, who seek the ruin of us, our Country, and of the Gospel of Christ, which is above all other considerations. And truly, there was never more need than now of such a Law; seeing Popery is become the great interest of that family which the Lord hath cast out before us. If ever they procure any force or power again, it must be upon a Popish account. And that their endeavours lie wholly upon that foot, is evident by Charles Stuart's many application to the Court of Rome, which are commonly known; and to the Emperor, besides his Alliance and combination, to and with other Popish Princes: so that the grand security of the reformed Religion is absolutely involved in this present form of Government, and the utter exclusion of that family of Stuarts forever. The above cited Ordinance you may have more at large from his highness' Printers. Our Commissioners are arrived at last out of England, and have brought us great hopes of a Peace as we hear. They have made report to the States General, and a general Convention is to be called to accomplish the business: God give good success for a happy conclusion. There are several Merchantmen arrived in Zealand, from Bordeaux, Rochel, Nantes, and other parts; two private men of War have brought in there two English Prizes, richly laden, one of 180 Lasts, and the other 200 Lasts. Notwithstanding our great hopes of Peace with England: we shall in no wise slacken our hands in our Sea preparations, and we do hope to have a greater Fleet out at Sea, than ever we had yet, at the beginning of March next. In Zealand they will not believe anything of the peace, but do persist for a war; they there, that the English will not have a peace unless they buy it at a dear rate, and with ready money; which the Zelanders look upon as a Peace that will be dishonourable, troublesome, disadvantageous, and not lasting: and therefore they think that the other Provinces ought not to second them, to show they had rather die gallantly with their arms in their hands, than to be reproached of having made an infamous peace with the English, but these are only the discourses of the people, and of those that get by the ruins of others: but we that are Merchants must pray and desire peace, for if these miserable wars continue, we shall be quite undone for want of Trade, which is the only support of these Countries. The Enemy are part in Badgenoth, and part in the Laird of Grant's Bounds. The party that Colonel Morgan drew from Aberdeen towards Inverness could not get over Spey, the waters so high. The Boggy-geith is a very useful Garrison, the Marquis of Huntley's Lady being removed to Strathbogie: The Enemy are much startled at Argyle's son Lorn's revolt, and think there is a greater design in the same than is presently apparent. There is to be a great meeting in Argyle of all Clan-Campbell; it is said to offer some proposals to the Commander in Chief. Sir Arthur Forbs yet lies wounded in some part of Monteith. Om Thursday last Athol and Lorn were at the house of Ballock near Lough Tay, since which Athol is very sick, and in Weems' Garrison; and Lorn pretends his father is not reconcilable to him, whereupon he goes not home. The 14 instant the Captain Lieutenant to Colonel Okey with a party from S. Johnstons, fell Into the Quarters of about 40 of the Enemy's Horse about Strabaughan near little Dunkeld under Lieutenant Ramsey, took 10 Prisoners, and 16 Horses, and killed two on the place. But Captain Elsemore's Troop from Drummond had not so good success, for the Lieutenant being sent out with a party of 30 Horse to rescue some sheep taken by the Enemy near the Garrison, pursued so far as to rout them; but another party of 60 Horse, and 100 or 200 Foot lying in Ambuscado, our men had a very difficult retreat, yet 20 of them charged through, the Lieutenant was killed, the Cornet, one Corporal, two Trumpeters, and 7 Troopers taken, and the Quartermaster wounded. Divers of the Enemy were killed, and amongst the rest (is supposed) Wogan, for he and the English with him gave the first charge. Since the writing of my Letter, Captain Godfrey in the Middleburgh is come in, and hath brought with him two ships laden with Wine and Brandy, the one of which I suppose will prove a very good prize, she is about 300 tons, and the other is more questionable. There is lately published a most excellent Treatise, entitled ☞ ZOTOMIA, or Observations on the present manners of the English, briefly anatomising the Living by the Dead, with an useful direction of the Mountebanks of both Sexes, by Richard Whitlock Doctor in Physic, late Fellow of All Souls College in Oxford. Printed for Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Arms in S. Paul's Churchyard. Composed by the Lord Broghill, and dedicated to the Lady Northumberland. Printed for Richard Lownds at the White Lion in S. Paul's Churchyard. | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 189 |
PerfDiurn227 | From Monday, April. 10. to Monday, April. 17. 1654. This day was published a farther Ordinance for adjourning part of Easter Term, 1654. repealing the Ordinance on Saturday before as followeth. Whereas many abuses and corruptions are crept into the ordinary course and administration of Justice both in Law and Equity, the Reformation whereof hath not yet been attained; out of a tender care and desire, that so necessary and good a work may at length be brought to effect, it is held convenient and necessary to adjourn part of the Next Term of Easter; Be it therefore Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the consent of his Council, That part of the said Term of Easter now next coming be Adjourned, that is to say, from and after the first Return, called Quindena Pasch, unto the last Return of the said Easter Term, called Crastino Ascensione; And all and every person and persons, which have cause, or commandment to appear in any of the Courts at Westminster, in or at any day or time, from and after the said Return, called Quindena Pasch, may tarry at their dwellings, or where their business shall lie, without resorting to any of the said Courts for that Cause, until the said last Return, called Crastino Ascensionis, without danger or forfeiture, penalty or contempt to be in that behalf. And be it also Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That Writs of Adjournment shall be directed to the Justices of the said Courts, and Barons of the Exchequer, giving them authority to adjourn part of the said Term of Easter, as aforesaid, that is to say, from and after the said first Return, called Quindena Pasc, until the said last Return of the said Term of Easter, as aforesaid, that is to say, from and after the said first Return, called Quindena Pasc, until the said last Return of the said Term, called Crastino Ascensionis, as before is said, and the said Adjournment shall be made, as aforesaid. And be it further Ordained, That all Matters, Causes and Suits, depending in any of the said Courts, shall have continuance, and the parties shall have day, from the day of the said Adjournment, until the said Return of Crastnino Ascensionis, as is aforesaid; And the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal are required to issue forth Writs accordingly. And be it further Ordained, That a former Ordinance of the 6th day of this instant April, for the Adjourning of part of the said Term, until the first Return of Trinity Term next, called Crastino Triniatis, be from henceforth Repealed and void. And it is lastly Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, and all other Sheriffs both in England and Wales, do forthwith proclaim and publish this Ordinance in the chief Market Towns, and usual places within their several and respective Counties. This Congratulation to his Highness the Lord Protector from the Mayor and Common Council of Newcastle was this day presented, as followeth. Many of the precious servants of God in these Nations (over which the Lord hath set your Highness) have gotten upon their watch Tower, to see if they can discover what hath been the eminent design of the Lord in these latter days. For the All-wise God hath of late visibly been out of his common road, of Providences, his paths have been in tempests and thick darkness, plucking up by the roots the greatest of men, and the highest of Powers, like Cedars in Lebanon, that he might make way for the glorious bringings forth of Truth and Righteousness. And we question not but the Lord is fulfilling that great Prophesy, Isa. 60. 17. I will make thine Officers Peace, and thy Exactors Righteousness. For when we consider how the Lord hath eminently made your Highness Instrumental for the breaking off the Iron yoke from off the necks of the three Nations, and likewise hath invested you with the Supreme Power of this Commonwealth, whereby you may be exceedingly Instrumental to the Lord Jesus in the advancing of his Kingdom in Righteousness and Peace, We having the sense of these things with weight upon our spirits, having judged it our duty to profess our great Resentment of this signal mercy from the hands of our God, and do solemnly bless the Lord for setting up your Highness over this great people, and shall endeavour through the strength of Christ, to live in all humble obedience to your Highness, as becometh those who are under your Government and Protection. Febr. 25. 1653. Signed in the name, and by Order of the Common Council of Newcastle upon Tyne, Will: Johnson Mayor. By Letters from Dalkieth, April 6. Concerning affairs here, besides what was done by Major Bridge, whereof the enclosed is an account under his own hand, a party of Maj. Gen. Harrison's late Regiment, commanded by Cornet Kenner, coming from Dumfries with some Sesse which they had collected, were set upon by 40 of the Enemy, received their charge and then charged through the Rebels, routed them, killed 4 on the place, took 6, whereof 3 mortally wounded, and had only 4 of his party wounded. Lieutenant Hickman with another party fell upon 60 of the Enemy under the command of one Captain Campbell, took 6. above 20 horse: Capt. Campbell was shot in the back, his horse taken, but he himself escaped amongst the Whins and bogs. Glencarne and Glengary, &c. are gone over Tain into Sutherland to join with Middleton, and then they will be near 4000. yet I doubt not but Col. Morgan will endeavour to engage them with his party. Montrose, and the Lord Dudhoppe are raising men in the Brays of Angus and report already speaks them 300 horse. Upon Monday night last the Enemy had a party returning from the South towards Aberfoy pass, to which joined another party of the Enemy, of about 60 Horse and 60 Foot, commanded by Col. McNaughton; at which time Cornet Keys, with about 20 Horse from Dunbarton, and Lieut. Francis Young of Capt. Callant's Company of Col. Read's Regiment, with 18 Horse and 30 Foot from Bobannnan made after them; the Enemy got the pass first, nevertheless they were totally routed by ours, who killed one Captain and twelve private Soldiers, took Lieut. Col. George Herriot, William Bobannan Capt. Robert Campbell Cornet, Hugh Wells Quartermaster, above 40 private Soldiers, and above 20 Horse, McNaughton fled with 16 Horse, all of them being killed and taken, save himself and three others. We had only one killed, one wounded. and two horses killed. From Major Bridge, to the Commander in chief, dated at Hamilton April 3. According to your Honour's command I drew out an 100. men out of my Col. Regiment, and we met at Hambleton on Tuesday last, from whence I sent 40 to Douglas and Zanker, appointing them to meet me within 2 days at a place appointed; and with the rest of the party I marched to Newmills, where I lay one night, making it my business to get what intelligence I could of the Enemy's motion. The next morning by break of day, a Lieut. and nine Mossers came to the Towns end, upon whom our Sentinel fired, and they presently betook themselves to the Mosses; and notwithstanding they were closely pursued by the guard, they could get but two prisoners and six horses, which were not so serviceable, being but that night taken from Country people, which I caused to be restored again, upon some small consideration to the Soldiers that took them. The same day Lieut Evans marching with his party from me to Douglas, through the Mores, took 8 Mossers more, notable Villains and sturdy. I sent to the Governor of Ayr to desire him to acquaint me with the condition of Lieut. Hickman, who marched out with 70 horse from Glasgow, by reason it was reported he forced the Enemy in Carick, who was said to be double his number, but his Return to me was, that he was considerable enough, and that he had met and fought some of the Enemy, routed and pursued them to Chapel; and so did judge that my party might be most useful about Zanker and those passes, to that purpose I divided, and sent Lieut. Evans with fifty horse that way. But 2 miles from Comlock I happened to hear the Enemy by a Country man, who reported them to be about 12. I sent a party to the place where they were, but they had the Alarm and rid for it, their party still increased till they came to the number of 60, which were still pursued by a Corporal and 10 men; at last they faced about, seeing no more, and our party made a halt, but so soon as ever they discovered my party coming, they presently began to flinch, and turn Tails, I sent the Corporal therefore presently to charge their rear, but they soon fled and betook themselves to the Mosses, whither we pursued them at least 10 miles in the most doleful place that ever I beheld; He followed them so long as our horse could step forwards, and till they had not above 12 or 14 together in a body, the rest dispersed, many leaving their horses, which we picked up to the number of 25, but could that day take no more prisoners but 8, and 2 or 3 slain in the pursuit. This party was commanded by Major Hamilton, Capt. Leglan and Campbell, the last of which was not there. There was besides Cragdorough, with 50 horse that came up from about Dumfries to join with these, and was quartered within a mile or two where I fell upon these Youths; but by reason of our interposing could not come to them, but marched off entirely in a Body to the left of us, I endeavoured to get what intelligence I could of their motion that night. Next morning I understood where they were, and what they intended, which was to go by the way of Douglas, and so into the North over Cluyd, I presently mounted and marched another way, as fast as I could, thinking to have been before them, but it so happened that they were gotten past Douglas a full hour before me; I found out their Tract, and pursued after them as fast I could, sending 16 of our best horse, if it were possible to engage them, but all was to little purpose, we pursued them until we came 4 miles within Hamilton long within night, but then lost them. I came to Hamilton this morning about one a clock, and presently sent out all the Horse that were here to lie upon the Passes of Cluyd, and to range the Country between Evandale and Senerick, whereabout I judge they will attempt to get over Cluyd. I have also dispatched an express to Col. Cooper desiring him to send to Rilsyth, and they send to Sterling, to draw forth their horse on the Passes, that so if we miss of them here, they may perhaps light on them, they cannot be much tired. I have also sent to Ayr to Cap. Robson, to desire him to advise Lieut. Hickman with his party, which I understand is come out of Carick, to lie about the Country near the passes of Dunbartonshire, where those dispersed people of Hamilton's and Leglan's will certainly privately endeavour to get over. The eight prisoners first taken, I sent to Ayr, the rest I shall send this day to Glasgow: One is said to be a Capt. another a Lieut. and a notorious Moss-trooper, known to be so by the Country about from his Childhood. Truly Sir, I must now of necessity take some rest, both men and horses being utterly spent, and having not only tired out our own horses, but also those we took from the Enemy. From Vpsal in Sweden, March 10. We are very greedy in our expectations to understand the full of the success of the Treaty between England, and the United Provinces; for we do confidently believe, That then we shall receive a very speedy and satisfactory answer. My Lord Ambassador is not idle; He takes all advantages to promote his negotiation: And, indeed, the Queen has so great an affection for England, and in particular for his Highness my Lord Protector, that she is very inclinable to make up this alliance. The wheels are in motion, the Affair does make its progress: Those things which are of a single relation, and do not depend either upon a War or Peace with the Dutch, have received a candid acceptation. But as to other things, you must be content to let them pause a while, till the great business between us and Holland have one way or other received a period. The Queen is fixed in her Resolves of quitting the Government, yet she will dispatch us first: and it will be a very fair and specious conclusion of her Reign, that she has gained to Sweden so considerable an Ally as the state of England. The return of the Ratification of the Peace under the hands of the States General is expected within a few days, and then the same is to be signed by the Lord Protector, and a day appointed for proclaiming of it here and in Holland, as also the Articles at large will be published, whereof more then. All Adventurers for lands in Ireland which have not drawn lots for Baronies, are desired to take notice, That the Committee for Claims, have appointed Thursday the 27 of this instant April 1654. To be a day for drawing of Lots for Baronies, at Grocers-Hall London, to begin at Eight of the clock in the forenoon of the same day. William Tibbs, Clerk. Paris the 15 of April 1654. We have from Languedoc, that the troubles and civil jars in that Province are so far from being appeased, that they rather increase, the complaints being great concerning the putting to death the Viscount Leran a Protestant, by an unjust sentence; for the which, and for many other grievances and oppressions, the Protestants have now their Commissioners at Court suing for satisfaction, and now in a show there is kind of satisfaction, by way of answer to their Remonstrance, to be drawn in a Declaration as from the King, but no good is likely to come of it, seeing so many times before the like Papers have been given, which have proved no better than mere Court flourishes; but more of this shortly. From Perpignan. The Spaniards being wholly bent to bring under Catalonia, and hinder them from making a new revolt, or falling away from them, besides the demolishing of several fortifications in that Country have likewise apprehended all those of that Company, called the Royal Deputation, upon pretence that they did still incline more to the French than Spanish party. From Champaigne: The news is little at present, only that the Garrisons of Stenay and Clermont do much spoil in the Country; and though there is a watchful eye over them, yet they make great inroads into the Country, wasting and spoiling all as they go in a most hostile manner. Marshal de la Ferte is now wholly recovered of his late sickness which he got at the siege of Beffort; and as for the Treaty with the Earl of Harcourt that hitherto is unfinished, and so is very doubtful, there being a strong report that there is an express Order gone to Marshal la Ferte for the besieging of Brisack; the removing of the Cardinal de Retz from the Castle of Vicennes to the Castle of Nantes, is taken here very ill by all men of all conditions, who thereupon make weekly divers private meetings, and besides there are found at the Corners of the Streets, Bills, or Libels to incite the people to a new rising, which hath caused Cardinal Mazarini in the King's name to forbid all such assemblies upon pain of exemplary punishment. The Governor of Sedan intended to have returned homewards with his Forces, that so he might put them into quarters, but on notice of the Enemy's motion, he is marched towards la Bassee, where it is supposed the Enemy's chief design was wholly bent. A farther Ordinance passed touching Surveyors of the Highways for this present year, 1654. as followeth. Whereas in an Ordinance for better amending and keeping in repair the Highways within this Nation, it is ordained, amongst other things, that two or more able and sufficient Householders, as in that Ordinance is expressed, should be elected and chosen upon the first Tuesday next ensuing the five and twentieth day of March yearly, to be Surveyors of the Highways, within their respective Parishes for the year ensuing: And whereas by the reason of the publishing of the said Ordinance, the time aforesaid for such election for this year was elapsed, so as such election could not be made on that day in pursuance of the said Ordinance, whereby the benefit intended to the People thereby is obstructed; It is Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, that the Persons which already are chosen, or shall be chosen before the first day of May 1654. to be Surveyors of the Highways (which election is hereby enjoined to be made in every Place and Parish by the time aforesaid, under the penalties in that Ordinance expressed) in case no election hath been already made, shall undertake the said Office, and be sworn on, or before, the sixth day of May aforesaid, under the said penalties in the said ordinance set down in that behalf, and shall be Surveyors for this present year, as if such election had been made on the first said Tuesday after the said five and twentieth day of March last, anything in the said Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding, And the said Surveyors so sworn, and all others authorized by the said Ordinance, shall be, and are hereby empowered, to proceed in, and put in execution, all the Directions, Powers and Authorities in the said Ordinance contained, as fully to all intents and purposes, as if the election had been made on the day therein appointed. Also an Ordinance empowering Commissioners to put in execution an Act of Parliament, Entitled (An Act prohibiting the planting of Tobacco in England.) That upon consideration had of the great prejudice arising to the English Plantations in Foreign parts, and the great Damage and Loss to Trade at home, by the planting of Tobacco in this Nation; It is Ordained by Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, That Sir William Robert, John Stone, Gervas Bennett, Hen: Elsing, Adam Bains, and Jo. Bocket, Esqs; or any 3. or more of them, be and are appointed Commissioners, and are empowered, authorized and required, by all fit and lawful ways and means, to put in Execution an Act of Parliament, dated the first of April, 1652. Entitled, (An Act prohibiting the planting of Tobacco in England) and every clause, article, matter and thing therein contained, and Act or Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding; And all Officers, Civil and Military, and all other persons, are required to be aiding and assisting unto the said Commissioners, or any person or persons employed by them in this service, for the effectual execution of all the powers and authorities, by the said Act or Ordinance, granted and entrusted to the said Commissioners. Edinburgh April 6. The enclosed is all we have of news here. But we expect daily to hear something from Col. Morgan, who is marched towards Caithness with a considerable party. The Country is exceedingly much broken in most parts, but the news of the consummation of the Peace will much startle them. Inverness March 27. Glencarn and Kenmore having joined with Glengarry and Athol marched within 7 or 8 miles of this Garrison, on Friday last into Ross, being about 2000 horse and foot; they are drawing towards Sutherland to meet with Middleton and his party, with whom they expect to join; the Lord Lorn with 500 foot, and 100 horse intends to follow them, he is now about Abertaf, twenty four miles from this place, in the Rear of him follows McVldow, with what force he can make, so that shortly their whole force will be North of us, and what may then be effected upon them, we must leave to the disposing of the Almighty. From Naples, The Vice King is now in Treaty with divers particular persons for the furnishing in a set time so many clothes for the soldiers of the New levies, that is to say four thousand suits of clothes, 1800 shirts, two thousand swords and as many hats, shoes, and stockings; also he hath caused to be made great store of shovels, and such like tools for the pioneers, as also 30. pieces of Brass Ordnance newly cast; all these things are to be sent with all convenience into Catalonia; he hath likewise sent his Master of the horse into Spain, to hath from thence 6000 Spaniards, who shall be dispersed into several Garrisons of this Kingdom, and those that are now in them shall be drawn into the field for service. By a small Frigate come from Messina, we hear, that the Vice King of that Island is now in perfect health. From Venice, Generalissimo Moccenigo is now almost ready to depart from hence to Candia, and besides what we have formerly spoken, he is to carry with him those ships which were hired at Leghorn for the service of this State; We hear from Dalmatia, that the Turks have lately made an inroad at Narrata, where they have taken much Cattle, and made many persons prisoners. It's likewise confirmed, that the General Delfino, goeth on in his design to besiege Clim, which is built by the Turks on this side the Mountains being very strong, and made their chief magazine. The Dukes of Florence, Parma, and Modena, are now raising of men, but as yet it is unknown upon what ground. From Genoa, By the last letters from Cagliari in Sardinia we have it confirmed, that the Plague is wholly ceased at Barcelona, being declared so publicly that the neighbouring Nations might take notice of it. By the last Letters from Madrid we hear, that the Fleet expected now from Nova Hispania, and the other from Peru, will not come till June next. This last week was discovered a plot how some young men of this City intended to have seized upon a great ship, called The five Saints, laden with rich goods, and ready to depart for Spain; and thereupon some have been apprehended, and a strict search is made all over the City, for the finding out, and laying in prison of their Accomplices. From Milan, The new levies in Germany, as also in the Country of the Grisons, are almost finished, and there doth daily come in some of them, who are forthwith provided with quarters by the several Officers sent upon our Frontiers, for that purpose; there hath likewise passed near this place 400 men, who are going towards Casal for the strengthening of that Garrison. From Turin: The great preparations which are made by the Spaniard in the Duchy of Milan doth give some alarm in these parts where there is yet but little done concerning our next Summer's expedition, seeming rather to intend a defensive than an offensive war, and to that end the fortifications of the Towns of Verva, and Crescentino, are carried on vigorously, and are near finished. Paris April 18. 1654. The 12 instant the Earl Broglio Governor de la Bassee went from this City to that Town upon intelligence received the Enemy was in a march that way, although since the same hath been contradicted. By the last news from Flanders we hear, That the Earl of Ligneville, who as yet is the Commander in chief of the Lorrain Army which consisteth in 23 Regiments of Horse, and 7 of Foot, making in all about 6000 Men, is upon the march, and came the 12 instant at Owing, and there remained till the Tuesday following, on Wednesday all those forces went over the Escaut upon a bridge made to that effect near Valenciennes, their Train of Artillery and baggage following after, that Evening the said General lodged at Horning, a small Town, and his Army in the Country adjacent. Thursday 16 came to Marchiennes, and so drew out towards the Frontiers, but as yet none can tell their design. The young Lord Son to the Marshal de la Mesteray, hath been sworn to the place of Lieut. General of Brittany, after the decease of his Father, as he hath been sworn formerly to that of Master of Artillery likewise in reversion of his Father; this maketh for the going on of the match between this young Lord and one of the Cardinal's Nieces, and although daily there is discourse about it, as yet I cannot hear that the work is finished. This 14 last past was acted at the Louvre the stately Italian Comedy, called, the Nuptials of Peleus and Thevis, being a thing of rare invention, and no less costly; There was a mighty affluence of People, and among others was the little Queen, her Sons, and Daughter with all the Nobility then in Town. Concerning the Prince of Condi he doth now begin to move, but by reason that the Spring hath been backward, therefore he can hardly make as yet any great progress upon his design by an order from the Council of Spain, the Governor of Artoys called the Earl of Bagsigni is removed from the Castle of Antwerp, to be transferred to another place; The Duke of Lorrain doth still remain there likewise a very close prisoner, and there is a strong report that he is to be carried Prisoner into Spain, which is malum omen, for the obtaining that liberty which was promised him when he was apprehended, this is like to prove as bad to him, as is already the disposing of all his estate which hath been found in that City, The Marshal Turenne is to go from hence in a few days into Picardy to take a view of the Army, and set it in a posture fit for a march, he is to have the command in chief of that Army, and I hear that the King will go likewise and the Cardinal to view all the frontier Towns and Castles in Picardy, Marshal de la Ferte is also to be the General of another Army which shall be employed as occasion shall serve. The Prince of Conti is said also to go for Catalonia in a very short time to be there Vice King of what we yet possess in those parts, and now they are making his equipage ready for the journey, the Cardinal de Retz is still at Nantes, and a close prisoner in the Castle, no likelihood of any enlargement to be obtained, unless he will submit to our chief Minister and accept of his Propositions. From Frankfort on the Main: We hear from Basil that the Captain Bosman is gone from thence to Paris, where was also arrived shortly after an Express with a Packet for the Marshal de la Ferte, and also for that Captain whereof we know not yet the Contents, seeing that both of them were already gone from that Country: In the interim the Quartermaster, General Brachet hath quartered the French forces in the County of Altkerkferdt, and Brandseck, while they have new order from the Court of France: The Governor of the Castle of Falbenstein having in a most cruel manner plundered a Ministers house, ruined him and his family out of doors, it so incensed the Country adjacent, that watching their opportunity when one half of the Garrison was absent, they coming at unawares, got possessed of the Gate, and as many as were found in opposition were all put to the Sword, and the Governor for his cruelty stabbed in his bed. From Dantzick, The Cossacks having put themselves under the protection of the Muscovites, have done in a very disadvantageous and shameful manner, not only in regard of their Church discipline, but likewise concerning the politick and military affairs, having bought a heavy yoke on their necks; their new Lord hath already got into his hands three of the principal places in Ukraine, and for their better subsistence, they have divided their Army into three, the first under the great Duke, which is to besiege Smolensko, the other way to enter is designed by Podolia to join with the General of the Cossacks, and the third party is to go towards Ploskow. From Regensburg. The Diet is not yet concluded, there being so much left to be done that it will take up much time the next Diet, in the mean time the Emperor doth prepare himself to go for Vienna, where having remained some few days, he is to go for Hungaria; to be present at the Diet which is to be held at Presburgh, which is not only to reform several things, which are out of frame, but also to put the Country into a posture of defence against the Turks who are very strong upon the Borders, and have already made several inroads into the Country. We hear from Fryeburg, that the horse of the Archduke of Innsbruck being fallen under him, the said Prince had been very sorely wounded in the head, and that his Subjects were assembled at Tortes, for to conclude among themselves a defensive league against any foreign power that would enter the Country. From Rochelle by the last Post thus; upon the report of the conclusion of the Treaty between England, and the united Provinces, and that nevertheless there was a mighty Fleet ready to go to Sea, riding near Portsmouth, the same hath given a strong alarm along the Coast of Brittany, in these parts, as far as the River of Bordeaux, each Governor and Commander of Castles standing much upon their guards, and not only so, but they have likewise sent letters to the Court, not only to demand assistance, but also to know his Majesty's pleasure therein. From Minehead April 10. Here is little news in these parts, only that the Pirates of Brest do much harm in this Channel, having of late taken several vessels, whereof some of a considerable value which belonged to Bristol, some of the Frigates that were appointed to keep these Seas, being gone towards Dublin, and so to the Westward of Scotland, giveth more liberty to these Rogues to commit their villainies without any opposition, coming into the very mouth of Severn; there is lately come some Barks from Ireland, who bringeth news, that the plague is well appeased in most parts of that Country, and all things quiet, only a great want of people to manure the ground in many parts. Edinburgh April 10. I have nothing to add to the enclosed, but that we are now very quiet in these parts; The party that went from hence towards Kelsay, have secured the parts thereabouts, and the Borders of England, and are Returned with some prisoners: The ship with Ammunition, &c. came yesterday into Leith road, That about 10 other Merchants were conveyed by the Raven, and the Providence Frigates. Inverness, April 2. Yesterday the Enemy had a general Rendezvous in Sutherland near Skilbo, they were about 1200 Foot, and 800 Horse, (500 little better than baggage horses, and many wanting pistols) and after the receipt of Orders from Lieut: Generalissimo Middleton, most were to march for the South Highlands, and the rest to continue in the North, and both to prosecute their Levies, and then to join in the South. Middleton added to their number at the Rendezvous about 200 horse and foot, and hath ordered to be levied out of Ross 250. Sutherland 300, Caithness 600, and Stranavar 300. He expects hourly Seaford with 500. and Mackoldwy to be ready with his Levies; He gives out that he hath brought a great store of Spanish gold sent his Master by the Emperor, from whom is expected a great Loan, and many men, which is negotiated by the Lord Wilmot, and to be brought by his Brother-in-law, which he had stayed for, but for the appeasing of the discontent he heard was amongst his friends for his often sailing in his promised coming to them. This day Lieut. Col. Mitchell marched hither with 9 Companies of Foot, 6 Troops of Horse, and a commanded party 180, with 5 Troops of Dragoons, which are to march tomorrow to Brahan, to which are added 4 Troops of horse, and 3 Companies of Foot. The use of the March is to keep a Pass at Dinghill, which by a numerous concurrence of knowing men of the Country, will force them to fight us, stay where they are, or hazard the loss of their horse, by length, badness of way, and want of provisions, if they march to the South by the Northwest Hills, they having no other way to march otherwise. From the Isle of Wight the same day. There is no news to impart you since my last, only that our Fleet hath weighed anchor from Helens-point, and is now come further in, and are now riding in Stoaks Bay, which is not far from the place they were at before, those ships that were gone into Portsmouth to take in their provisions, and to be new fitted for the Sea are near ready, there being no care nor diligence wanting to have the same done with all expedition. The return of the ratification from the States of Holland is not yet come, but hourly expected, and by several private Letters to Merchants, they all concur that the States of Holland have fully ratified the Agreement with great rejoicing in all parts. There is lately published another Volume of the Works of Dr. Jackson Pis. of Corp. Christ. Col. Oxon. Consisting of such new pieces as were never printed before, viz. of the Knowledge of ourselves, Servants to Sin, and of the Son of God by the exercise of his everlasting Priesthood making us Free from Sin, &c. with other considerable Treaties. Also Three Dissertations in Latin, viz. An Alearsit Sortitia? De Templis & omni veneratione sacra. De Sanctitate Relativa. By Mr. Joseph Mead sometimes Fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge, dedicated to Bishop Andrews and never before published. Both sold by T. Garthwait at the little North-door of Paul's. Dr. Drake's Bar to the Sacrament removed, or a Vindication of Mr. Humphreys' Free Admission to the Sacrament: wherein the most materials in Dr. Drake are answered; with a Speech to them of the Congregational way, and an Examination of the Scripture Rail made by some Ministers in Gloucestershire, done by Jo. Timson, And are to be sold by Tho. Williams at the Bible in Little Brittan. Cyrus le Grand, the entire Story, done into English by a person of quality, and dedicated to the late King. Also Bethel, or a form for Families, in which all sorts of both Sexes are so squared and framed by the word, as they may best served in their several places for useful pieces in God's Building. By Matthew Griffith: Both of them printed for William Hope at the Blue Anchor on the backside of the Royal Exchange. The Art of Cookery Refined and augmented, collected from the practise of that incomparable Master of these Arts Mr. Jos. Cooper chief Cook to the late King, Printed for R. Lownds at the White Lion in St. Paul's Churchyard. The King's Censure upon Recusants, that refuse the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. By Tho. Marshall Minister. Printed for Francis Coles in the Old Bailey. This is licensed and entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 227 |
ProcState230 | The Lord Henry Cromwell with divers other Officers, are dispatched for Ireland, for filling up of the Regiments, and settling that Nation. By Letters from the Generals at Sea, was this day certified, that they were returned back to St. Ellen's with three prizes. Some persons apprehended, were this day examined by a Committee of the Council, about a plot lately discovered. First, That Col. Mortogh O Brien, with all such of his party as will adhere unto, and engage with him to be transported into Flanders for the service of the King of Spain, in that Army whereof the Prince of Conde is General, do lay down their Arms, with such stores of Ammunition, and such other habiliments of War, without embezzlement, as is hereafter expressed in this Article, by Wednesday the 25 of this instant January; (viz.) Those of the County of Cork at Moyallow, and Mackrompe; those of the County of Kerry, Limerick, &c. in the respective Counties where now they are, except what is hereafter excepted; to Col. Mortogh O Brien one Case of Pistols, to every Colonel of his party one case of Pistols, and to all other commissioned Officers their Swords only. 2 That license be granted to the said Col. to transport himself, and as many of his party, as well of the Clergy, as others that do adhere unto him, and will engage with him for the service aforesaid; and also of all others protected persons, with such others as have been in arms, as are willing to engage with the said Col. to be transported as aforesaid, submitting themselves to the trial of Murder, according to the Instructions of the Authority of this Nation; allowing the persons so submitting the benefit of the explanation of Murder, as is set down and annexed to the Articles made with the Lord Muskerry. 3 That the said Col. be allowed Commissions for such numbers as he shall produce at the waterside, according to the Establishment of the Prince of Conde's Army, and likewise to every private Soldier six shillings each man at their going on shipboard, or twelve shillings each man when they are arrived in Flanders. 4 That the said Col. do produce at the Waterside, at the Harbour of Kingsale, to be shipped in order to their transportation, upon, or before the fourteenth day of February next ensuing, as many of his party as are now in arms in the County of Cork, Kerry, Limerick and Waterford, as do adhere unto him, and will engage with him in the aforesaid service; and also of all such other persons as do adhere unto him, and engage with him s aforesaid. 5 That Free-quarter be allowed the said Col. and all such of his party as do adhere unto him, and engage with him, and lay down their arms as aforesaid, from the time of their so laying down arms, until the time of their Transportation, according to direction from Col. Phair or Major Wallis, or either of them, or of any other Governor authorised thereunto. And the benefit of quarter to be allowed to all such of the Clergy, and other protected people, and such as have formerly been in arms that do adhere unto the said Col. and engage with him from the time of their so adhering and engaging as aforesaid, Provided, that they, and every of them, content themselves with such ordinary Diet as the Country usually allows themselves. 6 That eight days time be allowed to rally and draw together all such of his said party now in the County of Cork, Kerry, Limerick, and Waterford, as do adhere unto him, and will engage with him for the service aforesaid without molestation or prejudice from any Forces or Garrisons, under the pay of the Commonwealth of England, and likewise Free-quarter to all such of the said party in the respective Counties if they desire it where they now are, and their thoroughfare from County to County, in order to their laying down of Arms as is before appointed; Provided the said Colonel and every of the said party forbear all Act and Acts of Hostility against the Commonwealth of England their Forces and Garrisons; And all persons whatsoever under the protection of the Commonwealth; provided also that the said Colonel or any of his party take not any prey of preys, nor offer any other violence to the protected people in the respective Counties after the date of these Articles, and the knowledge thereof communicated unto them: And in case any prey be taken by the said Colonel or party after the date of these Articles, before the knowledge thereof be communicated as aforesaid, in that case the prey or preys so taken to be restored to the Owners, all but what is disposed of to the necessary relief of the party of Parties so taking the said prey or preys; the like restitution to be made for any other violence or injury done or committed by any of the said party after the aforesaid date of the said Articles. 7 That the said Colonel and all such others of his party as do adhere unto him, and engage with him as aforesaid, be freed and acquitted from all personal arrears for debt, or claims of that nature, and from all manner of molestation, for any prey or preys taken, or any other Act or Acts done or committed by him, or every of them since the year 1640 but as is excepted and provided for in the second Article, provided also this extend not to the exempting of any of the Goods and Chattels of any of the aforesaid persons so adhering and engaging, as aforesaid from making satisfaction for any just debts for which any of the said persons may be convicted by due course of Law. 8 that the said Colonel and all others of his party as do adhere unto him, as well the Clergy, as those that have been in Arms, with such other protected persons as shall so adhere and engage with him, as aforesaid, as also all such of the said Colonel's party as shall lay down their Arms, as aforesaid, be empowered and admitted to dispose of their Goods and Chattels to their best advantage within the aforesaid time of their Transported. 9 That all such of the said Colonel's as do adhere and engage to transport themselves and did not, be forgiven the forfeitures of their Bonds to themselves and their Sureties: And also that none of the said Colonel's party now under his command be admitted to stay in this Nation, or to dispose of themselves without his license. 10 That the said Colonel or any of his party so adhering and engaging, as aforesaid, be admitted to recover any of his or their Goods left in custody of any protected persons, which said persons have not discovered the said Goods to the Governor of the next adjacent Garrison before the signing hereof: 11 That the said Colonel be admitted to transport himself into Flanders, as aforesaid, with fifteen hundred Irish Soldiers, and in case the said Colonel cannot produce at the Waterside the whole number by the time appointed, the said Colonel then to be allowed to depute an Officer to stay behind, who shall be qualified with power to rally and raise so many as may make up the said number, which number so raised, to be transported, as aforesaid, be allowed the benefit of these conditions in all particulars, provided the said Officer or Deputy produce the said number of men at such Ports, and at such times as he shall be thereunto appointed by Col. Phair, or Major Wallis, or either of them after the of next ensuing provided also that the said Col. or Officer enter sufficient security to the said Col. Phair or Major Wallis, or either of them, that the said Officer, or any such as shall be raised or rallied in order to their transportation, as aforesaid Act not anything during before the time of their transportation, to the prejudice of the Commonwealth of England, their Forces or Garrisons. 12 That the Wives of all such of the said Colonel's party be allowed to enjoy the benefit of the Act of Qualification, equally with the Wives of others in protection. 13 That all such of the said Colonel's party to whom the charges of murder may extend, be allowed 16 days time to state their cases in writing, and receive the sense of the Council of Officers thereupon; and also eight and forty hours after the knowledge of the opinion of the said Council, is communicated unto the party so concerned, to dispose themselves for their own security (if they desire it.) 14 That the Articles be confirmed and allowed of by His Excellency the Lord General. 15 That for the performance of these Articles, sufficient Hostages shall be given upon signing hereof. 16 In Testimony whereof, we do hereunto interchangeably set our Hands and Seals, 12 January 1653. Peter Wallis Thomas Coakely Mortogh O Brien Dalkeith, February 11. Kenmore with his Body of about 2000 of those wild people, is now at Kildrunning, an House of the Earl of Mars in Murrayland. They have been very quiet of late, and if a Peace with the seven Provinces be concluded, they are not like to be very troublesome: Most of Wogan's party (now he is gone the way of all flesh) are contriving to get as well out of Scotland as they came into it. We do daily snap divers of the Enemy in small parties; a Lieutenant Col. Faifax's Regiment with twelve Dragoons, took four of Glencairn's own Troop, and 8 Horse and one Lieutenant Rutherford, who commanded them, narrowly escaped; Glencairn hath set out a Proclamation, threatening fire and sword to all those that do not comply with him in sending in their Levies. Master John Goodwin's Seventeen Queries are Reprinted at Leith. On Sunday last four of Col. Twisleton's Regiment, and two of Col. Okey's going from Drummond Castle for St. Johnstons, were set upon by about 50 of the Remains of Sir Arthur Forbs's, and Wogan's horse, who took three of them, killed two, and the other escaped. There is a considerable party of the Enemy in those parts about Conrie who are very active, since the drawing of the horse Northwards, but upon the coming in of the two Regiments from England, our horse will be placed so as to meet with them at all turns. Col. Drummond is certainly got to the Enemy with further Instruction from Charles Stuart, from whom he is sent to see in what posture they are, and whether so considerable, as to protect him, in case he should come to them this Summer. He tells them, that His Majesty strained hard to send them over a ship with ten thousand arms, which is cast away upon the Coasts of Ireland; though I am apt to think it is the same Ship that was driven from the Coasts of Loughaber to Killebeggs. There is nothing come since my last from the North. From Newcastle, 13 February. There are yet many ships here laden with Coals, and some other Commodities, but by reason of these Easterly winds cannot get out of the Harbour over the Bar. We hear by a small Vessel, come two days since from Holy Island, that a private Man of War set out from Leith, hath brought in two Dutch prizes, the one of 200 Tons, and the other 150, laden with East-Country goods; also that of late there hath been some Shipwreck about those Rocks which lie off that Island. Whereas by an Ordinance, entitled, An Ordinance Declaring that the Offences therein mentioned, and no other, shall be adjudged High Treason within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, It is amongst other things, Ordained and Established, That no Matter, Fact, Crime, or Offence whatsoever, other then such as are therein mentioned and expressed, should be deemed, taken, or adjudged to be High Treason. And whereas some doubts and question may arise, whether that Clause in the said Ordinance, doth not extend to the Offences mentioned in the Instrument, entitled, The Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, and which are thereby declared to be High Treason. For clearing thereof, and removing of all scruples thereupon. His Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice of His Council, doth Declare and Ordain, That neither the said Ordinance, nor any Clause of thing therein contained, shall extend or be construed, adjudged or taken to extend unto all or any the Offences declared by the said Instrument to be High Treason; but that all and every the Offences are hereby adjudged, and shall be adjudged, taken, and deemed to be High Treason; and that all and every the Offender and Offenders shall suffer the pains and penalties of High Treason, the said Ordinance, or anything therein contained to the contrary, in anywise notwithstanding. Also by another Ordinance, this day passed an Ordinance touching the Assessment, in which, His Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of His Council, doth Declare and Ordain, That in case the way, or manner of Assessing the said latter three months Assessment by a Pound Rate, in such sort as is prescribed by the said Act, shall prove prejudicial, and obstructive to the bringing in the said latter Three Months Assessment appointed by the said Act, by the time in the said Act for that purpose limited, That then, and in all such cases, the said Commissioners in any of the said Cities, Counties, Towns, and places in the said Act mentioned, where such obstructions shall be or happen, shall appoint a general meeting together, and the major part of them meeting may, and are hereby authorised (for the removal of such obstructions, and the more speedy and effectual execution of the said Act) to proceed according to the most just and equal way of Rates held in such places in the proportioning, levying and assessing the respective sums charged upon them, anything in the said Act to the contrary thereof contained in anywise notwithstanding. Several Petitions were this day heard, and Orders made therein, by His Highness the Lord Protector. By Letters from beyond the Seas, came as followeth. The Lord Messino, the Pope's Nuncio, hath order to go into Spain to negotiate, and hasten the general Peace, according to the Instructions given him by his holiness; being charged to do the dame afterward with His Majesty of France: The Pope hath also by his Letters, given charge to the Cardinal of Esle, and to that of Trivultio, Protectors of France, and of Spain, to contribute their most earnest endeavours to make the design to take effect, for the advance of the Romish Religion. Notwithstanding the Amnesty granted the agreement made between the Dukes of Vendosme and Candale, and this City, Mr. d'Estrade (who commands now here at this time) suffers none, but whom he pleaseth, to enjoy the benefit thereof, but according to the command he hath received from the Court, hath put a great number of our Citizens into the Justice's hands, and hath caused some to be put to death; having also lately caused Mr. Dureteste, who hath formerly showed himself one of the best affected to the welfare of this City, to be arrested, to have his Process made to him by the Intendent of Justice, that he may be deprived of all hopes and means of clearing himself. But the said Mr. Dureteste hath appealed to the Parliament, letting them know, that it more properly belongeth to them to judge him, insomuch, That the foresaid Mr. d'Estrade hath been forced to forbear a while, and to send to the Court for further order. The Duke of Longueville, is at last, by the King's order, arrived here from Normandy, that he may be present to the Prince of Conde's Process. Being no more doubted of the agreement between the Commonwealth of England, and the United Provinces, this Court would fain find some way to be comprehended in the same, and it is reported that the Marshal d'Aumont is like to be sent Ambassador for that purpose. From Flushing 9 Febru. One Willebort Bosse Inhabitant of this place coming lately from the Caribde Islands with a small vessel of six pieces of Ordnance laden with Tobacco and other like commodities, and having about the Canaries met with an English vessel of 3 or 4 pieces only, laden with Spanish Soap and other Goods, esteemed to the value of 2000 li. Flemish, hath taken and brought her to Rochell. There was also 4 or five days ago by Cap. Oliv. Danielle brought in a prize worth 20 or 24000 Guilders. And three days ago one Cap. Lembrant, who hath taken five prizes with coals, and amongst them a Flute called the Elephant, formerly taken by the English, Capt. John van Brug and another Freebooter had taken two prizes from the same Fleet, but they were parted by storm and misty weather, and so they lost them again. From Hamburg 11 Febru. We begin to conceive great hopes of the Treaty between England and Holland, and are much rejoicing at the good success of that Negotiation. There are great preparations made by Sea in Denmark. We hear from Brandenburg that over against Leatzer the hath appeared in the Sky a star of an extraordinary bigness with many shining streams round about. And from Erford that in the Country thereabout there is so infinite a number of Mice of all colours, and of other like beasts bred out of corruption, that it is feared they will eat up the fruits of the earth, spreading all that Country over as far as Brunswick. From the Hague 20 Febru. This day Mr. Stocker, sent by the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland to mediate a Reconciliation between the two Commonwealths of England and the United Provinces, who hath formerly resided long at London, is arrived here. The Freebooters de Haen hath brought in three ships taken upon the coasts of Scotland, two laden with coals, and a Flute laden with salted Salmon and other Goods. The last Sunday arrived here an express from London, with Letters from the Lord Beverling to the Lords States General. The Provinces of Zealand, Utrecht, Freezland, and Overyssel; first brought into the Lords States General their Resolution upon the Ratification of the Articles of Peace, and according to the resolution of the Lords States of Holland, approved of, and ratified them. The next day the same was done by the States of Gilderland and Gronning. Insomuch that it is generally hoped that the Treaty shall very shortly be brought to a full conclusion, and some Ambassadors go speedily for England, on1ly altering some things in the Articles proposed and signed by the Deputies of both sides in England. This day a 11 Prisoners were sent from James's to the Tower accused to be actors in the late Plot. The Design was so far as I have received Information, by what can be gathered from their Confessions, who have been examined about it; some of whom pretended to be ingenuous in laying open the whole Design. 1. That an Oath of Secrecy should be given to all, to whom it should be revealed, which accordingly was done; and none was made privy to anything of it, before he first took the Oath. 2. That the Design should be carried on in the management thereof, by such as should be judged Royalists, (as they call them) faithful Friends to Charles Stuart, their Titular King. 3. That so many Persons should be engaged for Officers to an Army, as should undertake for the private listing of 30000 men to be ready to rise at a time appointed. 4. That at the same time wherein they should so rise, that they should fall on to act what was designed in all the several Counties, and parts of England at once. 5. That one party should at that time fall upon His Highness, the Lord Protector, to murder Him, and His Life-guard, and those Officers and others that should be about Him: and they had two days debate, Whether they should fall upon His Highness at that time when He dined in the City of London, and murder Him, and those with Him then; but it was resolved in the negative, because Charles Stuart was not in England , nor their Forces ready in other parts of England. 6. That the same time another party should have seized on the Council at Whitehall, and have murdered them, and their attendants. 7. That the Garrison at James's should be also at the same time seized on; and the Soldiers surprised in their Quarters there, and at Whitehall; and all those murdered that opposed. 8. That a strong party should at the same time seize upon the Warders at the Tower of London; and others skulking up and down within, lying at the Taverns and Ale-houses, and other parts within ready to join with them, to seize upon the Lieutenant and the Soldiers; let out the prisoners, and take possession of the Tower. 9. That at this time Charles Stuart (whom they call their King) should be ready private in a place of the City of London, and be brought forth and presently crowned and proclaimed King; and have the Government put into his hands by them: And all that should oppose it in the City, to be presently murdered. 10. That at the same time parties should seize upon all the several Garrisons and Guards in England, where the Soldiery are, to endeavour by force to be possessed of their Holds and Arms. 11. Proclamations to be sent out to all parts of England, that Charles Stuart, Son of the late King, was crowned King, and received into the City (but not signifying by what means) offering Pardon to all, both Soldiers and others, that would come in, and comply with the said Design. 12. That those of the late Parliament's party, and all Puritans, and strict Religious people that are zealous Protestants, should be strictly handled. 13. That all Papists, and Popish Priests, should have the free exercise of their Religion. They had had many meetings in several places about this Business, but removed from one place to another. And their last meeting was Tuesday 14 Febr. 1653. at Mr. Tho. Amp's Vintner at the Ship Tavern in the Old Bailey. So desperate they were even to themselves, that (as is confessed by one of those taken) one of the Plotters said to his fellow, that if ever they came to be discovered, and were taken, that if he was with him, he would have him presently pull out his knife and cut his throat, else he swore he would be the death of him, After several meetings they came about two or three days before it was discovered to consider of some choice persons to be at the helm, as it were, of a secret or cabinet Council to act above, touching the head motions of their Affairs as they should receive Instructions from Charles Stuart their pretended King. And the number of these chief persons they resolved should be four, and accordingly they chose out 4. One of which, viz. Mr. Cotes, came to the Officers and revealed the Design, and much of the particulars, and assured them that if they went that night, which was Tuesday the 14 of Febr. 1653. They should find some of them met and sitting in such at the Ship Tavern in the Old Bailey. And hereupon Lieut. Col. Worsley and divers others of the Officers and Soldiers at James's went that evening to Mr. Amp's at the said Ship Tavern, and there found ten of them: They searched them, but could find not so much as any papers or anything about them that could make any discovery what they had done. And the Master of the Tavern protesteth that he knew not anything of their Design, only they came in to drink, he was brought away prisoner with them, but because no charge was by any made against him, he was after let go again. They were that night brought to James's, and one or two of them, especially one very penitent, and cried and took on lamentably; they were there kept until Saturday February 18 but in the interim, they were examined, and were Februa. 16 brought before a Committee of the Council, and so at other times severally examined. Saturday 18 Febru. they were sent to the Tower where they are committed prisoners. Mr. Tomas Dutton, Mr. Joseph Sawyer, Mr. William Jenkins Mr. John Archer, Mr. Thomas Bunch, Mr. Joseph Parker, Mr. Roger Lee, Dr. Thomas Ross, Mr. Christopher Watkins Captain Smith, Mr. Roger Cotes. The Lord Hastings hearing he was named to be suspected hath been with the Council to clear himself. Some others are apprehended, and some Apprentices run away, and left Bills with their Masters for the moneys they have taken. This day the 2 Deputies from the Governor of Anceland dined at his Highness's, at the Cock-pit with great entertainment. SIR, I Marched out of Aberdeen on Wednesday last with 5 Companies of Col. Ashfield's, 3 of the late Maj. Gen. Dean's, 4 Troops of Col. Tomlinson's horse, and two of Col. Rich's, and the party that came from the Merns and Angus, with 3 Troops of my own Dragoons. And upon Thursday about two o'clock we came to the Lough at the head of Cromar, where Glencairn and Kenmore were at Rendezvous, where after a little dispute we totally routed their Army, but being so near the Hills we could do no more execution than take and kill about 140 having pursued them seven miles into the Hills, their Gen. hardly escaping with about 40 horse. All the rest being quite dispersed, Maj. Knight came up even when we were going to engage; we are now upon our march towards their Garrison of Kildruny, which we hope to give you a good account of, I shall give you the particulars in my next: no more but that I am Your Honours' humble Servant, Tho. Morgan. Lowrie 10 Febru. 1653, at 6 in the morning. Edinburgh 14 Febr. 1653. On Thursday last Col. Morgan with a party of 1200 Horse, Foot and Dragoons engaged Glencairn and Kenmore's Army (given out to be 2000) at a Rendezvous which they had that day at the head of Cromar 16 miles from Aberdeen, and though the Enemy had the advantage, after a little dispute they were totally routed, and pursued seven miles in the Hills. Kenmore had left a Garrison in Kildrumming (the Earl of Mars's Castle) which our men were then marching against. Since this we have news of Cap. Motlow's marching out of the Garrisons of Dunstasnage and Dunolly with a party out of those two Garrisons, and that he fell upon the house Archetton in Lorn in Argyleshire, and took it with all the men Arms, and Ammunition in it. He killed three and afterwards (that it might not harbour any more of those wild Cattle) fired it. Since which Lieut. Col. Cotterel marched out of Glasgow to reduce the Garrison of Rosse-dew near Loch Lomond, and before he came near it the Enemy ran away and left word they had no order to fight. We heard also yesterday that Brokie Cap. Lieut. to Col. Wogan is dead of his wounds, and the Earl of Athol (that fires and burns men's corn and houses) threatened to shoot Holland the Surgeon to death for not curing Wogan and Brokie. Some of these Blades begin to cry peccavi, and sent to desire liberty to live peaceably, and no doubt ere long they will betray one another into our hand. Right Honourable, In pursuance of your Honour's Orders dated 28 Jan. 1653. I repaired to the River Humber, the 11 instant, (having till then been prevented by Northerly winds and thick weather) and gave notice thereof to the rest of the Commanders appointed to proceed with me in this Expedition, whose answer to me intimated their unfitness to sail at that present. The 12. the wind being Southerly, the Phenix and Amity set sail toward the station, desiring the others' speedy repair to us; towards night the wind came to N.N.W. we standing alongst the Dogger, fell amongst the Hollanders' Dogger-boats. And the 13. so soon as day appeared in the morning we discovered two sails which we concluded to be their convoys, and bore the one of us to one of them, and the other to the other, they about two leagues distant from us. The Phenix sailing best, I chose the ship furthest off, fearing he might escape the other, coming up each with his chase, mine proved to be a Swede come from Newcastle, which having on board prohibited goods, exceeding his allowance for provisions, as also being persuaded he was the man of War's prize, he being in the body of their vessels, and having twice the number of men on board accustomed to sail such a ship. I have thought it my duty to bring him into Humber, not assuming the power to permit anyone to pass of whom I have the least just cause of suspicion. I gave referred him to the Commissioners for prize Goods at Hull. The ship the Amity stood with, proved to be the Fisher's convoy, a Man of War of Zealand, a ship of 20 guns and 70 men, and lying in his two courses, seemed (at a distance) to be no such ship; he discovering the Amity stayed for him, they engaged very smartly for some time, The Amity having shot his Top-mast by the board, shattered the ship exceedingly, and slew and wounded most of his men. The Phenix by reason of her chase (and for that she endeavoured by all means to escape from us) and the wind shifting was to Leeward approaching near them. The enemy surrendered his ship to Capt. Pack. The Amity is shattered (but one man slain) the prize totally disabled. I have judged it best to secure her for her Guns and Cables' sake (she hath seven new Cables) which is most considerable in her; her Hull being old. Right Honourable, Your Honours' humble Servant Nicholas Foster. Phenix Frigate 14. Febr. 1653. 1 Jacob Yeankes Mr. of the Pink St. David of Horn 90 tons his lading 2000 Holland Cheeses, 8000 Pan Tiles, 21 Firkins of Butter, 2000 Pipe-staves, and some Hoops bound for Lisbon, taken by Captain Francis Allen Commander of the Advice Frigate. 2 Jose Johnson Mr. of the Bean of Tragoose, twenty last, laden with Wheat, Rye, Beans, Peas, and six pots of Mather came from Zealand, and bound for Bordeaux taken by Capt. John Umpherias Commander of the Nightingale Frigate. 3 Cornelius Peterson of Reegn in Leizland Master of the Arms of Reegn 120 Tons nothing by Ballast bound for Nantws, taken by Captain Robert Sansum Commander of the Adventure Frigate. This night from four o'clock until six were disputes at Dr. Chamberlain's house in White-Friars, which is to continue every Tuesday night at the same time. The conclusion was, that disputes amongst Christians are warrantable by the Word, and of great use, if they be not with vain janglings, but for edification. Glasgow in Scotland 13 Feb. On Thursday last Col. Cooper sent forth a party from hence of 400 foot, and about 100 horse and Dragoons to Dumbarton, and on Saturday by the advantage of this dry weather, they had a party of about 400 foot, and 100 horse in the Island, but upon our approach they are fled without any dispute at any pass, though they might have done it with great advantage, and out of great fear quit their Garrison, and carried away the iron gates of it by boat. Grimsby 16 Feb. Capt. Pack hath taken a Dutch man of War, who fought 7 hours before he would yield, we slew 7 of his men, and wounded 15. His fore Topmast was shot by the board, and the ship so torn between wind and water that she was nigh sinking, and so towed hither, her name is the Sandenburgh of Syrick-sea, one Cap. J. Arionson Blanker commander she had 20 guns, we lost but one man, viz. our Cook and 4 wounded. Letters from Paris say Mr. Beverling hath large Commission sent him to treat with England; and that honest Mr. Du Rantiste is put to death in Bordeaux, was put on the wheel, and his head set on a Pole. Divers Petitions were this day answered by His Highness. This day the Resident of Hamburg from all the Hans Towns did congratulate his Highness in the present Government. The wind hath been against the Lord Ambassadors coming from Holland; only this day it is changed, so that suddenly they are expected; however the Lord Ambassador Beverling, hath full power to sign the Peace. I need not tell you of the people this day staring upon a Star; for such foolish actions are too much followed. The New Birth, in which is brought forth the New Creature. With a Description of the true marks and characters thereof; &c. By R. B. a servant of Jesus Christ. Sold by L. Blaiklock at Temple Bar, and by J. Hancock in Pope's-head Alley. The Anabaptists silenced in a public Dispute betwixt J. Tombs D. D. Respondent and J. Cragge, & H. Vaughan M. A. Opponents touching Infant Baptism, Septemb. 5. 1653. in Mary's Church in Abergavenie in Monmouthshire, occasioned by a Sermon Mr. Tombs, with a Sermon of Mr. Cragge on the same Text. Sold by H. Twiford, Nath. Brook, and J. Place. A Treatise of the Virtue of Humility. Published by E. Duncan. To be sold by Tho. Johnson at the golden Key in Paul's Churchyard. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 230 |
WPost166 | The Speech and Confession of Mr. James Harrington on Monday last, at the place of Execution, over against the Greyhound-Tavern, at the lower end of Fleet Street, with the Cause and manner of his Death, and his Declaration and Narrative to the People touching the Meal man's wife of Brainford, and the whole Particulars of the Business. Likewise, a Declaration to the Nation, touching the present Government, and his Highness the Lord Protector. The releasing of Mr. Roger Coter, and divers others, out of the Tower of London; the coming up of the Dutch Ambassadors with full power to ratify and confirm the Articles. And a mighty Victory obtained in the North of Scotland. London, Printed for G. Horton, to prevent all false Copies. The last Post from Scotland advertiseth, that the English forces have fallen upon the Highlanders, and after an irresistible and furious Onset, took above 120 Officers and Soldiers, great store of Arms, Ammunition, Horses with plenty of provision, and afterwards blew up the strong Garrison of Dunkel. Col. Morgan hath also removed the Enemies Garrison at Kildrumny, and at Cromar put 120 to the sword, took 27 prisoners, 80 horse, & all their Ammunition. Mr. Roger Cotes, and some others, are discharged of their imprisonment in the Tower; but Mr. Dutton, and Capt. Smith remains there still, Since which time, we have received intelligence, that young Charles hath sent a message unto the States of Holland, desiring the transportation of some horse and foot raised for his service; but the States returned Answer, that in this juncture of time with England, they neither could nor durst expose their shipping to any other service, but what might redound to the public good of the United Provinces: Whereupon a Dispatch was made to the King of Denmark, imploring Aid and Assistance from thence: but alas! the emergent and weighty Affairs of that Kingdom being so great, his Majesty can no ways possible answer his expectation. For we have not only taken certain Prizes from the Dane; but some likewise from France & Holland, notwithstanding the present Overtures for peace from the Netherlands; which cannot be as yet) avoided, until the expected Ambassadors are come over, to ratify their Articles, and to confirm and establish a perfect peace, and a firm League and Union; which Ambassadors are expected within few days, if they do not (as formerly they have done) derogate from anything that hath formerly agreed on. But if they prove so apostate, then let England judge things rightly and take heed how they make Leagues and Union with such a people: how they forbear to mind what the voice of Providence sayeth to them, or neglect to take the opportunities that such a signal hand of God (as hath lately appeared) hath put before them, to secure themselves, do justice to their people, and maintain the Reputation of that Cause amongst them, which God hath written his name upon both at Sea and Land, in such unparalleled and glorious Characters. And let every man take heed how he seeks to bind the Hand of God, when he is shaking his Rod over a people, especially when they have upon them the symptoms of Displeasure; and how they stand in the way of God's Design in the World, and how they express more tenderness to such a people, than to the security, Blood, and Right of their Countrymen, and the Will of God, which We ought to pray to be done in earth as it is in Heaven. For when the Lord is moved from his Throne, to do his great work in the world, in routing Antichrist, making of his name glorious, in relieving the oppressed, delivering the Captive, and throwing down the unrighteous powers on Earth. This day came a letter from Cap. Foller of a desperate fight with the Hollander, and taking the Convoy of the Dutch fishermen, a copy whereof followeth: Right Honourable, In pursuance of your Honour's Order dated 28 Jan. 1 prepared to the river Humber, the 11 instant (having till then been prevented by Northerly winds and thick weather) and gave notice thereof to the rest of the Commanders appointed to proceed with me in this Expedition, whose answer to me intimated their unfitness to sail at that present. The 12 the wind being Southerly, the Phanix and the Amity set sail toward the station, desiring the others speedy repair to Us; towards night the wind came to N.N.W. we standing alongst the Dogger, fell amongst the Hollander's Dogger Boats, and the 13 so soon as day appeared in the morning we discovered two sails which we concluded to be their Convoys, and bore the one of us to one of them, and the other to the other, being about two leagues distant. The Phenix sailing best, I chose the ship furthest off, fearing he might escape the other; coming up each with his chase, mine proved to be a Swede come from Newcastle, which having on board prohibited goods, exceeding his allowance for provisions as also being persuaded he was the man of War's prize, he being in the body of their Vessels, and having twice the number of men on board accustomed to sail such a ship, I have thought it my duty to bring him into the Humber, not assuming the power to permit anyone to pass of whom I have the least cause of suspicion. I have sent and referred him to the Commissioners for prize goods at Hull. The ship the Amity stood with, proved to be the fisher's Convoy, a man of war of Zealand, 20 Guns, & 70 men, and lying in his two courses, seemed at a distance to be no such ship, but discovering the Amity stayed for him, they engaged very smartly for 2 hours, and the Amity having shot his top-mast by the board, shattered the ship exceedingly, & slew and wounded most of her men. The Amity is shattered; but we have totally routed them, with the loss of one man, and some few wounded. Phenix Frigate 14 Feb. 1654. There hath been another great fight between Cap. Pack, and a Dutch man of War, who for 7 hours disputed it with a great deal of gallantry, until such time that most of his men were killed and wounded, his ship so rent and torn between wind and water, that she was almost ready to sink, her upper decks ran down with blood and the sails and masts were all besmeared with dead men's brains & skulls, so that after a lamentable engagement, the Commander Cap. Blanker exposed himself to the mercy of the English. But this is not all, for Cap. Allin, Cap. Unpheries, and Cap. Sansum, with the Advice, Nightingale, and Adventure frigates, have taken the St. David, the Royal Bean, and the Arms of Reign, whose lading was 2000 Holland Cheeses. 8000 Pan Tiles. 21 Firkins of Butter, 2000 Pipe stoves, and great store of Wheat, Rye, Beans, and Peas, besides another sweet prize laden with Sugar, which makes Mr. Hans look somewhat dejected and sour. Whereas the great point of Sovereignty and concernment to the safety and benefit of a Commonwealth, is the Electing and disposing of its own Magistrates, or the great Officers of State. And as for the present Council, and the election of them in the way it hath been: It must be remembered, that we were in the beginning of a new Government, necessitated to create a little World out of a Chaos, and bring Form out of Confusion; so that there was an absolute necessity, that some who are known to be persons of integrity, and firm for the present Settlement, should at the same instant be taken in, to carry on the work: which can be no ground of just exception, especially seeing for the future, Elections shall run in the appointed channel, where their streams are to flow from the People, and their original-Fountain. Yea, the high Office of Protectorship itself is to be derived also from hence; and as in time it will appear, that the People in Parliament have the main choice of the Council, so they will likewise be Choosers of the Lord Protector: For, it being left to the Council to choose Him, and they hereafter coming to be chosen and trusted by the Parliament, it cannot otherwise be conceived, but that the Choice of Him takes its rise mediately from the People in Parliament: because as whatsoever a Parliament doth, is said and taken in a political sense to be the people's act, because they are chosen and trusted by the people: so in like manner, and upon the same political account, when the Council comes to be chosen by Parliament, as is before expressed, then the Act of the Council in choosing the Lord Protector, must by a parity of Reason be reputed the Act of the people in Parliament: And so you see, in effect, mediately or immediately, the election of all Magistrates (both high and low) are, or will at length, by this Constitution of Government, be in the hands of the People. Lastly, as to what concerns the Office of Lord Protector, it is to be observed, that he is not to be admitted to that dignity upon the Interest of Himself or Family, but merely upon the account of his fitness for Government: it must pass, not by Inheritance, but Election. And certainly, it is a great advantage to a Nation that the coming in and continuance of their Governor depends only upon his own goodness, and the good will of the People, as it is in Elective Prince, who standing upon terms of good behaviour, will be continually employed for the benefit and defence of the Community. And therefore if it shall please the Lord to bless this Commonwealth (as we trust he will) successively, with a choice of godly persons into that High Office, it is easily foreseen what an advantage it will be to these 3. Nations, to have their whole strength and force combined thus under one head, for the safety of all: this Form being (without question) the fittest and most convenient for the Magistrate to put things on, and in quick execution (as his proper work) for the public good: as also what a comfort it will be to all the godly in the Protestant Churches abroad, who may have some more sure and certain protection from England than heretofore; which as it is the greatest Body, being united with Scotland, so it will prove (we hope) the grand Bulwark of the Reformed Religion. Moreover, as touching the Person, whom the Lord hath now advanced and set over us to be our Supreme Magistrate, We shall not say much, because he seeks not the praise of men: only we believe even the enemies will confess, that he is every way worthy to Rule, whom God hath been pleased to use as his Instrument in that glorious Work of Redeeming the Liberties of his people: For, we are bold to say (weighing all circumstances together) that this Nation was never really Free, nor in a way of enjoying its Freedom so fully as now: so that there wants nothing but a cordial Close with the Government, to destroy all hopes of the common Enemy, and complete our happiness. But if men shall yet proceed to lengthen their own burdens, by hankering after that Family which God hath cast out before us, or by an unnatural seeking to embroil their Country again in blood and misery, for the sake of that unfortunate Interest, as we are loath to suspect such a thing, and can hardly imagine that any should be so forlorn and desperate after so fair a Composure. At the Sessions in the Old Bailey on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday last was tried one Mistress Beard, who upon Evidence, was cast for bewitching a child: the manner thus: About fifteen weeks ago, the child was struck lame on the left leg then in the right Arm, and afterwards struck in a most lamentable and fearful manner, sometimes lying raging and speechless, and at other times foaming at the mouth with her hand closed up: And having continued thus for many weeks together, at last the said Beard came by, which the child perceiving, immediately fell a raving, by making of signs, and the like: Whereupon the Parents suspecting her to the Woman that had bewitched their child, fetched a Warrant, and had her before a Justice; and after examination, she was committed to Newgate, & from thence, brought down to the Sessions in the Old Bailey, where she was arraigned for her life; and upon the Examining of Witnesses, and searching of her, it appeared that she had three long Teats near to her privy Parts, which she said was only the Piles: But upon the giving in of Evidence, she was cast, and divers others, who suffered death on Monday last. Our Post from Holland intimates, that the Difference grows great between the Royal Party, and the Netherlanders, and that they have already disputed the Quarrel touching England. But sure it is, that their Ambassadors are now come with full power to ratify the Articles of Peace Of which, more by the next. This day come Letters from Scotland touching the proceedings of the Highlanders, and the setting forth of a Proclamation by General Glencarn, a Copy whereof followeth: Whereas it hath pleased his Majesty to appoint Horse and Foot to be levied within the Kingdom of Scotland for opposing the common Enemy, for giving a check to the pride and oppression of these cruel Traitors, who God in his Justice hath permitted to overcome and to be the instrument of Scotland's punishment for its sin, and are no otherwise to be looked on but as God's scourge upon us, which he will soon remove and consume in his wrath, if we could turn to him by unfeigned repentance. And to to the end his Majesty's service may be advanced, and that none of his faithful Subjects may pretend ignorance, and that it may appear how willing we are that the Levies mat be done orderly and equally, we have thought fit to cause intimate to all Shires and Parishes, and Head Burghs by open Proclamation, that everyone may make his several proportions ready to be delivered to the respective Officers appointed for the same, and Commissioners likewise under our hand wheresoever the foresaid Officers shall come or send to require them. Likewise that all who after intimation hereof do remain disobedient, and without fear of God, duty to their King and Country, ties of Covenant, love of Religion, sense of honour will not move to their duty, may be proceeded against with fire and sword, unworthy to be looked upon as Scotchmen, to the terror of all false-hearted Traitors, who by their treacheries and rebellions against their lawful King and his just Power and Authority, has drawn on this great deluge of God's wrath upon all the three Kingdoms. And likewise we do hereby require, that where heretofore any horses had been brought forth from any well-affected person or persons beyond their due proportion, that the respective Parish, or next adjacent Parishes where the said horses, has been taken, that they shall mete and stint themselves equally, for bearing equal burden, and resound the persons from whom any horses has been taken beyond their proportions; and the just proportion of horses now to be put forth is declared to be one man well mounted, with all necessaries, forth of every thousand pound of Rent: And the proportion of Foot, every third man; and what Dragoons are to be levied, two foot are to be accounted for one Dragoon. And for the further publication hereof, these are to ordain Commissioners of Parishes, where no Burghs are, the Provost and Bailies of Burghs to Proclaim this at the Market Cross of each Burgh, and to give Copies hereof to all Parishes within their Presbytery, as they will answer the contrary upon their highest peril. Given under our hand the first of February, 1654. Sic subscribitur Glencarne. God save King Charles the second. SIR I marched out of Aberdeen on Wednesday last with 5 Companies of Col. Ashfields, three of the late Maj. Gen. Dean's four Troops of Col. Tomlinson's horse, and two of Col. Riches, and the party that came from the Merns and Angus, with three Troops of my own Dragoons. And upon Thursday about two o'clock we come to the Lough at the head of Cromar, where Glencarn and Kenmore were at a Rendezvous where after a little dispute we totally routed their Army, but being so near the Hills we could do no more execution than take and kill about 140, having pursued them seven miles into the Hills, their General hardly escaping with about forty horse. All the rest being quite dispersed, Maj. Knight came up even when we were going to engage; we are now upon our march towards their Garrison of Kildrumy, which we hope to give you a good account of, I shall give you the particulars in my next: no more but that I am Your Honour's humble Servant Tho. Morgan Lowrie, 10 Febru. 1653. at 6. in the morning. Monday the 27 instant, proved a fatal day to many; for, besides the Witch before-mentioned, eight more having received Sentence of death were executed; amongst the rest, four of them were hanged at the lower end of Fleet street, over against the Dog Tavern where they committed the Fact, having not only robbed M. Hancock (Master of the said house) of great store of Plate; but likewise cut and wounded him in several places; for which, Mr. James Harrington (a Bailey of Middlesex) and the Meal-man's wife of Brainford, who served the said Mr. Hancock with meal, and knew the Orders of the house, and where the Plate lay, suffered the bitter pangs of death; a just reward for the Woman, but a pitiful Object to behold the man: for she was not only the grand Setter, and chief contriver of the Design, in drawing in of poor Mr. Harrington; but likewise the only betrayer and Decoy of her Noble Hectors, whom she so termed; as appears by the Speech and Confession of the said James Harrington under the Gallows, who spake to the people as followeth: Gentlemen, and Christian friends, You are this day come hither to behold a sad and pitiful Object, and a man to be taken off in the midst of his years: Nevertheless, although Providence hath decreed me such an untimely end, yet I doubt not, but that this ignominious and reproachful death, will to me prove a glorious and perpetual change; and I bless God I have a Conscience within speaks peace to my poor soul, fully assuring me, that this day shall I be in Paradise with my blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and that though my sins be as red as scarlet, yet shall they be made as white as snow; for confident I am, I never was guilty of anyone's death, neither had I ever brought myself to this untimely end, had it not been for this woman (meaning the Meal-man's wife) but forgive her; and so the Lord bless and protect both you and mine. Tuesday Feb. 21. Rich. Luckin of Dives Hall in the county of Essex Esq. was robbed of 700 li. money 4 or 5 slit silver spoons marked with R.E. one silver preserving ladle, punched with 4 rows of holes, and a Rapier with a russeted Hilt, and a black Horse haired handle; it had no scabbard. The thieves, one of them was a slender man, a this face, full of pock-holes, a white close coat: another was a strong set man with a cast upon his eye: his clothes were a liver coloured coat and breeches. Another was a fair haired man, in a loose white horseman's coat girt to him. If any can give notice of the goods or persons, or any of their company, to Mr. Beachams a Goldsmith, at the Rose in Cheapside, they shall have 3 l. for their pains. | The Weekly Post, Issue 166 |
EveryDayIntell$05 | The Articles of Peace concluded between England, and the Provinces of Holland, as they were published at Amsterdam, and their Ambassadors signing here, to ratify and confirm the same. A plot discovered against the Lord Protector. The King of Scots going from Paris. And Lieut. Gen: Middleton's landing in Scotland with 200. Officers, Arms and Ammunition. An Army of twenty thousand Foot, and ten thousand Horse raised by the Queen of Sweden. Losses sustained at Sea. The Officers, and Servants belonging to the Lord Protector. And News out of Ireland. The Intelligence this week is very smart, and full of variety, therefore you must expect brevity, yet we shall not omit anything that is material, either in word or action, and first we shall begin with a Letter out of Sussex, which certifies us, that young Mr. Wallop, and other Gentlemen riding upon the Highway together, they met with others upon the Road, with whom they had some contest (the matter is not fit to be divulged because it relates to persons of great Estates) and in the conclusion one of Mr: Wallop's company killed one of the other party. In our last we gave you a full relation of the grand Feast made for the Lord Protector by the Representative body of the City of London, yet some things were then omitted of concernment, viz: That when his Highness went away, he Knighted the Lord Mayor of London, and gave him the rich Sword wherewith he acted that Ceremony, and to stop the mouths of any that should presume to object against this way of conferring Honours, be pleased to take notice, that his Highness hath power to create four Dukes, six Earls, and as many Knights as he shall think good of. Be it ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, That Josias Barners, Edward Winslow, Richard Moor, John Upton, Edward Cary, and Rice Williams, Esquires, or any four of them, be, and hereby constituted and ordained, Commissioners for the managing, ordering, and disposing of the Estates of all Delinquents now sequestered, or which shall be adjudged Delinquents, upon cases now depending, and of all Estates now under Sequestration for Recusancy. And that the said Commissioners, or any four of them, shall from and after the tenth day of February in the year one thousand six hundred fifty and three, have power, and are hereby authorized to manage, order, set, let. Or dispose of all and every the said Estates, during such time as the same shall remain under Sequestration. Provided, no Lease thereof to be granted, exceed the term of one year; And that the whole Rents, Revenues, and profits of the said Sequestrations, and Sequestered Estates shall be paid in at Goldsmith's Hall to the hands of Richard Sherwin, and John Leech, Esqs; who are hereby constituted and appointed Treasurers of the said Receipt. And the said Commissioners are hereby Authorized and required to call all Commissioners for Sequestrations, Treasurers, Receivers, and other Persons employed by the former Commissioners for compounding, in the several Counties, to an Account for all and every sum and sums of money in their or any of their hands, of the said Sequestered Estates, or any of them. And be is Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every the Commissioners for Sequestrations in the respective Counties, and all and every the Farmers, and Tenants of the said Sequestred Estates, and all others, who have any part of the Rents or other profits of the said sequestered Estates in their hands, shall forthwith pay in the same unto the Treasurers before named, whose acquittance shall be a sufficient discharge to the persons so paying in the same, for so much as shall be paid in by them as aforesaid; and if they, or any of them shall make a default, or neglect to pay in the same before the five and twentieth day of March 1654; That then they and every of them so making default, shall forfeit unto the Commonwealth so much more as the said Commissioners herein named shall think fit, not exceeding the moiety of such monies as shall be discovered to be in their hands, or due upon their account to be levied upon their Lands, Goods and Chattels by order of the said Commissioners; And the said Commissioners are hereby Authorized and empowered to continue or remove from time to time such of the persons now employed as Commissioners for sequestrations in the respective Counties, as they shall see cause, and to place other honest and able Persons in their Room, as also other Officers and Agents, and to reduce them to such a number only as shall be necessary for the carrying on of this service, and may most conduce to the lessening of the Public charge. And the Commissioners for sequestrations in the Country, shall have and retain their own use, for their salary, twelve pence in the pound of all such monies as shall be paid by them into the Treasury at Goldsmith's Hall, out of the profits of the said sequestered Estates, and that all other Officers that shall be employed by the said Commissioners in this Ordinance before named, shall have and exercise such and the like Powers and Authorities compounding with all or all the persons named in one Act of Parliament, Entitled, An additional Act for sale of several Lands and Estates forfeited to the Commonwealth for Treason, &c. This day came News that the States General upon the debate of the Peace with England, had put the question as to ratification thereof, and that the seven Provinces had consented to the Ratification of the Articles. 1. That there shall be a safe and sure Peace between both Nations. 2. That from henceforth all hostility shall cease. That all wrongs and offences suffered either by the one or other party shall be forgotten; and neither party shall pretend anything thereupon. All actions past shall be nulled, except those that shall be done in the British Seas after the time of 12 days, and from the Sea to the Cape of Saint Vincent in the time of six weeks and from thence in the Mediterranean Sea, as far as the line after the time of ten weeks; and at the other side of the line in the time of eight months to be reckoned from the time of publication of the Peace, and all prizes taken after that time shall be restored. 4. That all the Prisoners on both sides be released without ransom. 5. That both Commonwealths shall be confederate friends to defend one the other against whomsoever. 6. That neither of both shall act against the other, either by Land or by Sea. 7. That the States shall cause restitution to be made of all the ships and goods seized upon the English by the King of Denmark, that are yet in being, as also a full compensation of the worth of those goods that may be sold already, and likewise that all the damages and spoil of goods shall be made good to the owners, by estimation, and when such satisfaction shall be done by the said King, then all hostility shall cease between England and Denmark. 8. That no Inhabitants of either Commonwealth shall assist any Rebel of either with monies, ships, or victuals. 9. That both Commonwealths shall assist one the other at their proper charges against their Rebels. 10. That neither shall receive those that are, or shall be declared open enemies of either Commonwealth. 11. That either Commonwealth having notice by the other that some of the enemies are in its Dominions; they shall give them warning to depart in 28 days upon pain of death. 12. That the States shall not suffer any of the Inhabitants of their Dominions to assist the Enemies of England. 13. That the English shall not pay greater Impositions than other Nations. 14. That the States' ships shall strike their Flag before the English in the British Seas. 15. That neither of the Commonwealths shall give retreat to any Pirates in any of their Ports. 16. That in case the English or the Dutch make any Treaty with any Prince; they shall therein comprehend each other reciprocally, if they desire it. 17. That in case some hostility should happen between the Inhabitants of both Commonwealths, by one against the other, That the allowance shall nevertheless, hold and remain in full force, and the parties that shall be found guilty shall be punished. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 are not so much considerable. 25. That if one party shall cause some damages to the other, there shall be no Letters of Reprisal given: But if in three months time, no satisfaction is done, then the said Letters may be granted. 26. Is not so much considerable. 27. That no more but eight ships of War shall be suffered to come or remain in the Ports of each others' Commonwealth at one time: And when there shall be occasion for a greater number, then the consent must first be asked. 28. That the States shall do Justice upon those that shall be found alive, that have murdered the English in Amboyna. 29. Lastly, That there shall be Commissioners established to examine the wrongs or injuries done, or pretended to be done or suffered by the Inhabitants of either Commonwealth in the East Indies, Greenland, Muscovy, Brazil, or other places. And if the Commissioners cannot agree thereupon within the time of three months. Then the aforesaid differences to be referred to the Judgement of the Protestant Switzers. By Letters from Stony Stratford it was certainly informed, that one which kept an Ale house not far from thence, was seen in the company of one Mr. Harris a Shropshire Gentleman, who was afterwards found killed at the Redg-way, and upon question and examination before a Magistrate, this Ale house keeper did not only confess the Robbery, and murder of Mr. Harris, but also that horrid murder lately committed inHertfordshire, where a man was found with his belly ripped open, and his head cut off, and thrust into his belly. Letters out of Shropshire say, that the old Earl of Shrewsbury died last week suddenly in his Coach. His Highness the Lord Protector sets apart some certain time two days in every week to hear, and answer Petitions, presented by the Masters of Requests. Several eminent persons who have suffered long Imprisonment by order of the late Council of State, have now obtained their enlargement, yet Lieut: Col: John Lilburne hath not so much as Petitioned. Mr: Feak and Mr: Sympson are not returned from Windsor, and it is Mr: Rogers which declares it a part of his duty (as touching his Ministry) to speak concerning the Occurrences of the present times. Major Gen: Harrison prayed, and preached lately at London House, he is now to go unto his own house in Staffordshire, and thereabouts to remain a while. There is great joy in the Universities for the present Government under his Highness the Lord Protector, for that learning will be cherished. The King hath put every year, both on the Goods imported and exported, new inquisition, in such sort that in Malaga only, the English, and other Merchants pay 40000 l. a year than was paid within few years last past, and by reason of a multitude of informers, and such as will make white appear black, the English Merchants have often been abused, and their Goods confiscated, I shall only give you a brief touch how matters have been carried in some of their superior Courts. The Judge of the Almirentasge in Salsa Sebastian's in a Suit against Nicholas Newman, proved that Lubeck was Scituate in the State of Holland; In a Suit against Francis Trivinio, they proved that Copenhagen the Court of the King of Denmark did belong to Holland; In a Suit against the Tin Farmers, they proved by twelve Witnesses, that they sent a ship laden with Tin from Cornwell to Bordeaux, on purpose to make pieces of Ordinance; In a Suit against Derick Holt they proved by fourteen Witnesses, that pipe staves are of the growth of Holland, where the Intelligible men in the World knew there never grew wood to make one pipe stave: and for such like injuries there hath been many complaints, one whereof followeth in these words. Bonaventure serato, in the Name of the English Nation affirms, that his Majesty (whom God preserve) was pleased to grant to my party, the privileges contained in the three Roal Schedutch, presented to your Honour, wherein I require, and beseech to give obedience to them, as to his Majesty's commands, and that I may have a testimony, from the present notary of this obedience inserted, with the schedules, that they may be printed. I demand Justice: Bonaventure Serato. I Don Anthony Gonzales Notary, Public to our Lord the King, and Familiar of the holy Office of the Inquisition in the City of Seville. The Lord Beverling who is Ambassador from Holland, came with a message to his Highness the Lord Protector, and acquainted his Highness that he had received Letters from his Superiors, letting him understand that all the seven Provinces had signed the Articles of Peace (which you before as they were printed in Holland) and that some other Ambassadors are coming for the full ratifying and confirming them here. Whitehall not being in a readiness as yet, his Highness continues for a time longer at the Cockpit. Several Officers and Servants are already nominated, viz: 2 Masters of Requests, 8 Chaplains, 4 Esquires above stairs, 2 Pages, 1 Steward, Gent: of the Horse, 2 Butlers & Cupboard keepers, 2 Cooks and their Under officers, 1 Pautrey man, Purveyors, 2 Coachmen, 2 Postillions, 2 Grooms of the Stable, 12 Footmen, and other domestic Servants. A rich saddle is preparing in the City, and a Fringe for Vallance of about 30 li. a yard. From Sweden we hear that Arms are raising with all the force that may be, the like whereof hath not been known there before. The report goes that 20000 Foot, and 10000 Horse will speedily be in a readiness; the design is not yet known, and all things are carried very fair with the English Ambassador. The Highlanders in Scotland do increase their numbers, and mischief. Lieut. Gen: Middleton is certainly gone from Holland thither with about 200 Officers, and some Arms and Ammunition; Our Fleet is gone from St Hellin's point, and plying about the Channel: the only Enemy that was in Arms in Ireland (Mertaght Brian) is come in upon conditions, but it's feared he and his party intend to go out again, if they can get to any foreign aid, which they expect & boast of. The Lord Protector hath been proclaimed at Dublin. The titular King of Scots is said to be removing from Paris for Germany in some discontent, because that Court is sending an Ambassador into England, and because there is so near a conclusion of Peace betwixt England and Holland, at which also all the Orange party show their teeth. Many dangerous persons are apprehended at a Tavern upon suspicion of having a plot against the Lord Protector. | Every Day's> Intelligence, Issue $5 |
WIntell326 | From Tuesday, April 4. to Tuesday, April 11. 1654. There hath been a Disputation in France whether these be the days in which the Devil, The Prince of the Ayris let loose; much as I hear hath been argued by the Protestant Churches, both in relation to that Nation, and to others, but I leave that to them, and the Catsuits to decide, my business is Intelligence. The Letters this Day from Bristol do speak of some Frigates they are building there, and of one ready to launch forth to scour, and to secure the Seas in those parts, and never more need, for Bristol hath suffered more than any City that I know of in this Nation. It is advertised that most of the best ships belonging to Bristol are lately taken by the French Picaroons, and some by the Dutch, so that the City is full of sadness; the Wild Boar a stout ships of two hundred and fifty Tons taking in some lading at the Island of Madera, was forced by a storm to cut her Cable, and to put forth to Sea, where when ever fair weather appeared, she had the foul fortuned to meet with a Dutch Man of War of 22 Guns, with whom she fought like a true Bristol ship, that is, always most resolutely, and stoutly, but after 5 hours fight, being shrewdly torn, she was overpowered by numbers, and enforced to submit to the Dutch Man of War, who did tow her into Flushing, this Ship was thought to be worth 9000 pound, but this ship may be restored at the Proclamation of Peace with Holland. The Charity of Bristol a ship of one hundred Ton, was lately taken by two Brest Men of War, the Master of which ship is detained in Brest, to have him exchanged if they can for Capt: Beach who is Prisoner in Plymouth, and having Commission from the titular King of Scots, was taken by the Constant Warwick about 3 weeks since. Three Brest Men of War have much infested the Western Seas, as if they would be revenged for the loss of their Admiral, they have lately taken a ship belonging to Westchester, and four Vessels belonging to Weymouth, and to Dartmouth. The Letters from Plymouth do make mention of a desperate fight betwixt the Expedition of Plymouth, and a Dutch Man of War; the fight began not far from the Burlings, and continued eight hours, at the last night parted them, the Dutch Man of War being extremely torn, made up towards the Coast of France, but was so broken in her Hull, that it is said she sunk before she could get thither; the Expedition also having received many shot, did sink the next morning in sight of the Town, but the men were all saved by the care of the Inhabitants, who did send forth Boats to receive them. This Day the Lords of the Council, and M: Secretary of State attended his Highness the Lord Protector at the Cock-pit, after which they sat in Council in Whitehall, and several businesses of great consequence were transacted. The French Ambassador is removed from Sir Abraham Williams to his own Lodgings in Covent Garden. This day the Agent from the Queen of Sweden had Audience by his Highness, attended by Sir Oliver Fleming, and divers Gentlemen, there being with his Highness divers Lords of the Council, and Mr: Secretary of State. Sir Shomas Wethrington, and the Lord Commissioner Lisle were this day sworn Commissioners of the Great Seal of England, for the Court of Chancery, by the Clerk of the Commonwealth, before his Highness the Lord Protector, and the Council, in the Council-Chamber at Whitehall, the Lord Ambassador Whitlock who is now in Sweden, is also to be one with them. Our Forces from Glasgow have taken sixty horse, and 36. prisoners beyond Dunbarton Castle; since which, one of Middleton's Captains was taken near Haddington, with six more. About fifty Gentlemen are gone from the West to the Hills, with good Horses Arms &c. of which, some Knights, and two of the Lord de la Bank's Brothers. Glencarn, Kenmore, Athol, Forbs, and Glengary, &c. are gone Northward to join with Middleton, Seafort, and the Lord Ray, and so to force Southerland, and Caithness, to rise with them; their return it is thought will be about a fortnight hence, Seafort, Middleton, and Raget men, surprised a Vessel of ours going to the Lewis, by some Boats they sent out; we had in her fourteen men, Ammunition, Provision, and clothes for that Garrison. Middleton hath besieged Cinkeler Castle in Caithness, but they bad him defiance. Col: Morgan returned from Inverness the 21 instant, over the Hill for Aberdeen. The enemy have been cruel in burning, and destroying the Country that do not freely join with them; yet Sir James McDonald, and the Captain of the Clans Reynolds, are in Arms against Middleton in the Hills, for preservation of their Country. Plymouth March 28. An Ostend Man of War is brought in by the Falmouth Frigate, and three Dutch Prizes are also brought into this Port, one with Figs, and Raisins from St: Lucas, the other two with French Wines. Ellins 1 April. Yesternight the Reserve Frigate, one of our Scouts brought into the Fleet a Prize called the John Baptist, laden with some Pepper, and Indico, her burthen is about 300 Tons from St: Mallows, bound for Amsterdam, the Captain of her a French man, made short dispute, and then surrendered. Col: Rous is added to the Committee of the Admiralty, and Navy. The Committee for approbation of Ministers sit on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Whitehall. From Hamburg they write, that at the Request of the English Resident Monsieur Bradshaw, the Senate hath imprisoned an English revolted Merchant, whose name is Waites, who will now be made to answer dearly for his former Treachery. A small Pink from Holland came with some few Passengers, and Letters from the States to their Ambassadors here in England, and they that came with them say, that the contents of those Letters are, that their Ambassadors should hasten the Ratification of the Peace with England. The Duke of Lorrain hath given his consent that his Brother Francis shall be Commander in chief of his Army. The last night about nine of the clock the Lords Ambassadors from Holland signed the ratification of the Articles of Peace, so did likewise the Commissioners in behalf of his Highness the Lord Protector. The great work this day was the dispatching away of a Pink with the said Articles and Ratification to be signed by the States General, and upon the return again of the said Ratification, his Highness the Lord Protector Signs also, and the major part of his Council. In this accord and agreement Denmark is also fully included, so that Peace is likewise made with that Nation. The French puts in very strongly for Peace too, whereupon our Merchants are required to bring in an Account what damages they have sustained by the French. In this Embassy the Knights of Malta claim some old Arrears from England. Within a few days the Guard. Pensioners, and other Officers and Attendants for his Highness (chosen with the approbation of the Lords of his Highness's Council ) will be settled in their respective places. His Highness was lately at Hampton Court, and Orders are given for repairing that House. It is said that a Squadron of our Fleet is designed for the Straits. Mr: Feak and Mr: Simpson are yet as highly resolved in their former ways as ever, say some of their Letters to their friends in London. Yesterday a man for a wager undertook to drive a Wheelbarrow with 14. pound weight in it, from London to Saint Albans, and back again from 5 of the clock in the morning, till 7 of the clock at night, but he was tired by that time he came back to Highgate. When Articles of Peace, and Ratification are returned back Signed by the States, and so again here as aforesaid, you may expect to have it Proclaimed with great solemnity both in England, and Holland, all which may be done in few days; We are likely also to have a near Alliance with Sweden. Yesterday the Sessions began in the Old Bailey, 3 of those men are there to be tried who committed the late great Robbery on Blackheath. It is confirmed by Letters from Scotland, that in the Southern parts of Scotland not far from Carlisle the Scots are very busy in raising and levying men to increase their strength; and to suppress these Levies our Horses are so harassed with perpetual travel, that they are even tired out: the Letters say that these who levy are so cunning that we cannot meet with them in any considerable Body, though many are suspected for compliance, and divers apprehended. The Highlanders do still continue in Skelbo Castle, and the better to secure themselves have cast up some work about it. They have also a garrison in the Town near unto the Ferry of the River Tay. It is said that Gen: Middleton hath brought a very large Commission from the titular King of the Scots, in which he seems to make him his Vicegerent, and hath given him the free disposal of all affairs both Ecclesiastical and Civil. I made mention in my last, that those French Regiments who made their Intrado into the Bishopric of Leige were in great danger to be cut off upon their return being environed by the Spanish Army, and some of the Pr: of Condi's Horse; but Monsieur Faber who commanded them did retreat with such generous dexterity, that matching six days together in sight of the Enemy, he on the seventh did bring his Forces in safety over the River of Mace, where they rested with much honour on the frontiers of Picardy. But the Regiment of Horse commanded by Vienuille had not that success, for some of the Pr: of Condi's Troops did meet them about Dinam, and in a fierce encounter overthrew them; Monsieur Londe the Lieut: Col: was taken prisoner with many others, there being but few who escaped to bring news of the overthrow into France. The King of Denmark had notice lately sent him from the Hague, that seventy English men of War had steered their course Northwards, which Fleet they feared was designed against the Sound, which by the assistance of the Swedes might be surprised if not timely prevented; so that for all the hopes of Peace until the Articles were Signed on last night, they were fearful of the event, & both Holland and Denmark made preparations to defend themselves. The Letters from Bordeaux do advertise, that the Friends of the Court, and of the King of France, do much suspect the design of the English Fleet, and the preparation for war. The Ordinance was this day proclaimed for the adjourning of part of Easter Term unto the first Return of the Term following. I made mention before of the Articles that were Signed and Sealed by the Lord Ambassadors of Holland with full power from the States, and our Commissioners with full power from the Lord Protector, which are very speedily to be Signed by the Lord Protector himself, and by the States of Holland. It is so concluded, that the Peace shall be proclaimed in England and in Holland in one day. The loss sustained by the English Merchants which is alleged to amount to fifteen hundred thousand pound is referred to 2 English Merchants and to two Dutch Merchants to determine, who are to sit upon it at Guild Hall. The business of Amboyna, and the loss sustained there as well of lives as of goods is referred to eight Commissioners, who have the space of six months allowed them to determine of; and in case they cannot agree, there are Arbitrators to be chosen to conclude the difference. It was advertised from Scotland, that the Earl of Athol is come to Glencarn with 700 Horse and Foot; the Ld: Seaford is expected to join with him with his Forces who are about 7 or 800. The Forces of Glencarn are about 2000 Horse and Foot. It is likely the whole Body of the Enemy will rendezvous there. Colonel Morgan is advanced towards them with his Forces, he takes with him five troops of Col: Rich his Regiment, and four of Dragoons; he intends to take along with him also Col: Tomlinson's Regiment, and 5 Companies of Foot out of Inverness, Lieut: Col: Mitchell is marched with him nine Companies of Foot. Two of our Frigates have taken a Dutch Merchant bound for the West Indies, she sailed round about, thinking it to be the nearer way, but she was met with; howsoever she was laden with Spanish Wines, and linen Cloth, and other good commodities. Major General Middleton is still about Caithness, and Southerland, he expects the access of more Forces, and carrying himself very plausibly, many steal from the Lowlands to him, and divers have been intercepted in the way, amongst whom were some young Lairds, and others, who having a Design to be Masters of a party of Horse of Lothian, were all of them taken, and carried Prisoners to Dalkeith. It is advertised from Scotland, that the Army of the Highlanders are drawing together all into one Body, some say only to receive Instructions at the general Master; others, that they are resolved to fight the English Army which doth not seem so probable; what the event will be will now suddenly be known: many poor fellows that are levied are daily taken, and some persons that are considerable who were volunteers. Lieut: Col: Lilburn being said to have attempted again something against the State, is carried from the Tower to be a prisoner in some remoter place. The titular King of the Scots is still at Paris, and of late something more merry than ordinary. The Deputies for Languedoc telling him, that if there were a Peace with England, it would be well for all the Protestants in France; He made answer that he was glad of it, for then it would be the better for himself. This day was the Jail delivery, three were hanged, one whereof died most desperately, and going up the Cart drank a health to the Devil's majesty: one was pressed last Saturday, and being afterwards heard to groan was carried down to the Presyard again to have the execution dispatched. That which this week is most remarkable is, The Signing of the Articles of Peace, the demand of the English Merchants requiring fifteen hundred thousand pound referred to some Commissioners: and the business of Amboyna, referred to others. The great and terrible fight at Sea betwixt an English ship and a Dutch Man of War, and their sinking one another. The words of the titular King of the Scots concerning the Peace with France. Some losses received in the Western Seas by the Picaroons of Brest, and the drawing together of the English and Scots Armies to give battle to one another: and the desperate death of one hanged yesterday at Tiburn, who going up the Cart drank a health to the Devil's Majesty. The Art of Cookery refined, containing an Abstract of some rare unpublished Conceits, collected from the practise of that incomparable Master of these Arts, Mr. Joseph Cooper, Cook to the late King. And are to be sold by R. Lowns at the White Lion in Paul's Churchyard. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 326 |
FScoutHorton129 | The Declaration and Answer of her Royal Majesty the Queen of Sweden to the Speech of his Excellency the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, in the name and behalf of the Commonwealth of England; and Her Propositions touching the peace and Government thereof. The new Desires and Proposals of the States of Holland, and their Message sent by the Lord Beverling to his Highness the Lord Protector, for a cessation of Arms. A Declaration thereupon; and a new Proclamation concerning the Scots King. The examination of Mr. Feak and Mr. Simpson, at Whitehall, upon the Ordinance for high Treason, and their Declaration upon the committing of them to Windsor Castle. The revolting of divers of the Maj Gen. Harrison's Regiment in Scotland, and big Chaplain and others upon their march into England. The new Order to be published throughout all the Northern Counties, and the besieging of Bury Garrison by the Highlanders. The English fleet remain still about Stoke Bay in their old station; and divers of our Canary ships are come into Falmouth after long expectation; The Wetang and the Newcastle Frigate have brought in 2 prizes to Newcastle, some Ordnance, and 100 prisoners: But the Brest men of war do much annoy us, and have taken some ships and Mariners. The Fairfax and the Swiftsure, with many others, are going to clear the Coast of Scilly. First may it not be queried, whether such persons, whether Ministers of the Gospel, or others, who publicly undertake or pretend to know, and predict unto people how long the present Government shall stand, and after how many months, or years, it shall presently be dissolved and fall, do not impose a kind of wretched necessity upon themselves, to turn every stone for the raising of Tumults and Insurrections in the Land, and to enrage the people against the present Government and Governors, thus to make a covering for their own shame, and to prevent the dishonour and reproach of false Prophets from lighting upon their heads? Or did not the Wizard in France, having engaged the reputation of his Art in foretelling the death of Duke Beron by a Bungurdian on a certain day, and finding no likelihood, the day now approaching, of the event otherwise, resolved to make himself a true Prophet by doing the execution himself, and accordingly murdered him? 2. Again, are not these passages ensuing (published in print and subscribed by Mr. Simpson, Mr. Feak, Mr. Brooks, M. Greenhill, M. Knollys, M. Jesse, M. Woollaston, M. Harrison, with several others, about two years since) worthy to be engraven in letters of Gold: If Csar and Pagan Rulers under him Judea, and elsewhere, were to be honoured and submitted unto, as both Christ taught, and his Apostles; and yet they came in by the Sword, and kept God's Church in bondage, how much more should our Governors be honoured by all people in our Nation? The same Authors soon after express themselves thus: In our days, wherein persons truly fearing God are of divers forms, dissenting in Church Government, &c. some that are termed Presbyterians some Independents, some Anabaptists, and some that are not resolved with any of these; the power of choosing Rulers, or of being chosen, should not be limited to any of these forms or persuasions, to the excluding of others, excepting such who either deny propriety or Magistracy, or who assert carnal liberty, or Polygamy, whom we have witnessed against; or such as have opposed, or do not own this present Government. And with one consent we do declare, as in the presence of the Almighty, who is the Searcher of all hearts, before whom the wicked and deceitful shall be confounded at the day of Judgment, That all people in every Nation, as well members of Churches, as others, ought for conscience sake to honour such, as by the wise disposing providence of God, are their present Rulers, and are to submit to the civil commands, not only of such Rulers as are faithful, but even to Infidels. If so, must not such men of necessity be false Prophets, casting snares upon the people, and leading them out of the ways of truth and peace who are so far from honouring their present Governors (though no Infidels, nor keepers of God's Church in bondage, but most zealous and faithful assertors of the entire liberties hereof) that with open mouth they pour contempt upon them day after day. Thirdly, Whether a man's conscience bearing him witness the Holy Ghost, that his heart is upright with God, and that he unfeignedely purposeth, and desires to do all the good upon earth, whilst he abideth amongst men, which God shall any ways enable him unto; ought not such a person, even in conscience towards God, and out of love and geniusness of affection to his generation, embrace and accept of all such opportunities and advantages of standing, for the promotion of his Work, which God shall by any providence of his offer unto him? Or when God called Moses up to the top of the Mount, had it been meet for him to have answered, Nay; but I will serve thee faithfully beneath in the Valley? Or is it not a grand detriment or loss unto the world, when Princes, as Solomon speaketh, walk as servants on the earth, i.e. when men of noble principles, of public Spirits, whose hearts and fouls are in travel with the wealth, peace, and prosperity of the world round about them, who are shaped and formed as it were on purpose by God himself for Rule and Government, shall want a stage whereunto act like Princes, or be persuaded to enjoy themselves in privacy and retirement: Or in case the Sun should be overruled to change place with the Moon, should not the world have cause in abundance to lament the change? Or had his Tabernacle been pitched in any inferior Orb beneath that, wherein it is now placed by God, could the earth have rejoiced in his light at that rate which now it doth? Or if a candle should creep under a bushel, when there is a candlestick provided and set on the table for it, should not they in the house have much more reason to be offended at it, than well pleased? From the North we have received intelligence, That a fleet of 80sail of Dutch Merchants, with one man of war, coming from the Sound homeward, an English frigate weather-gauged them, and gave them five broadsides; but after half an hour's dispute, the enemy tacked about, leaving 5 or 6 as a sacrifice to the merciless waves; besides, seven of them were taken and carried to Gothenburg. We have also taken 7 prizes in the West; so that the whole number, since the first riding of Vantramp paramount upon the Downs, amounts to 275. Yet not without some loss; for few days since the Hollander took 4 of ours, bound from Virginia and other parts. The Declaration with the humble Address of the Generals, and the several Commanders in the fleet, was presented to his Highness the Lord Protector, wherein they declare their Resolution to live and die with him, in the station the Lord hath placed him, against his and the Commonwealth's enemies. The Citizens of London this day sent a message to his Highness, and addressed themselves by certain Aldermen; from whence, great Presents are preparing in a most rich and costly manner adorned with gold and silver. The Commissioners of the Admiralty at Amsterdam have published a Declaration, intimating, That they conceive it not convenient that anyone in regard of the present Treaty think himself secure, but to continue the former Hostility, until a cessation shall be proclaimed. An Order is appointed to be drawn up by his Highness's Council, for propagating the Gospel in the Northern Counties, and elsewhere. An Order likewise passed the Council, that M. Feak, and M. John Simpson ( upon the Act for Treason) should be committed prisoners to Windsor Castle. Whereupon they declared, that all powers whatsoever that were not of God, should not stand, but would suddenly be destroyed; A true Maxim indeed; but little reason have they to infer any such thing upon our present Government which is the only Anvil of Christendom whereon all Antichristian Powers must be dashed in pieces upon. By and Express from Nantes in France, it is certified, that Gen. Brian has gotten a body of 4000 foot and 1000 horse, and is fortifying the Castle of Dingle in Ireland. This proceeds from the Royal party, from whence we have likewise news, that Gen. Glencarn in Scotland, has set forth a very high Proclamation against the English, resolving confiscation upon those that shall anyways assist them. They have beleaguered Burgy, a garrison of ours, and have set guards upon the River Findern, to scour the passage from Inverness. But upon the 19 of Jan. Col Daniel, Governor of St. Johnstone, having intelligence that the enemy were in or about Dunkel, set out 100 horse and 100 dragoons under the command of cap. Lieu. Ashby, who came very near the town undiscovered, and the forlorn fell in with two of their Scouts, who made some resistance at the Barricade; but our Dragoons charging up to their Breast-works, immediately entered, and killed 7 the Forlorn went in the mean time to the other end of the town, and pursued those that fled to the Hill, killing 7 or 8, and taking 25 prisoners, besides 50 horses, and some few Arms, with the loss of one of Col. Twistleton's troop; only capt. Elsemore's Lieu. and cap. Kerr killed each other, both of them firing at one instant at more than 4 yards distance, with their Blunderbusses, and fell both from their horses at one time. A Lieu. of Gen. Monk's Regiment, and some other Officers were taken near Falkirk, and carried to the Highlanders' Dens. And the Shallop built to secure trade in the River Clyde, is also surprised by Col. Harriet and some Boats from the Loughs. Divers of Major General Harrison's Regiment, together with the Chaplain, have deserted, and are coming for England. But the rest of the Regiments do well approve of the new Government in England. From Holland it is certified, That the States of that Province have presented their Resolves to the States General, upon the Articles of Peace, which were approved of and the Lord's Deputies had thanks returned them for their good services done in England, in behalf of their Country. The Assembly of the States of Holland and West Friezland are to be dissolved till the 20 of this instant Feb. And the Lord Beverling is returned for England to endeavour to procure a cessation of Arms, till the other Provinces shall have time to bring in their Ratification to the Lords States General, and then a solemn Embassage to be sent to the Lord Protector, by the Lord Gen. Brederode to the Land forces, and the Lord Updam Admiral of the Navy, as is thought, to ratify the peace. We hear, that the States are gone from Zealand to the Hague, to join with them in confirmation of the Peace; and that the Pope has sent to all the German Princes, & others, to unite and comply against them. The next thing that presents itself to public view, is, the Transcript of a Wormwood Lecture, from a Woman to her husband near Billingsgate, upon the finding of him in company with another man's wife; and thus he begins. Ha, ha, have I found you together i' faith? here's a goodly sight I promise you a knave and a quean together; is it possible goodman Rascal, that you should give me the slip so neatly, and sneak hither to your Trull? But I am glad that now at the last my good fortune has bought us together, we'll have a bout on't before we part: thou impudent Whore how darest thou keep company with my husband? What business have you together, none that's honest I doubt, come out to me thou brazen faced lade, or I'll send the pot to thee with a wanion; let me come to her thou Rascal, or else give me the pot wont you ye rogue you wont you? By the mass I'll have my will if it cost my life; O you villain, such boldfaced housewives as this makes me live such a life at home as I do: I'll be revenged on you both before George, or I'll want of my will, let me come to her thou slave, or I'll do that which I never thought of before: if thou wilt protect thy Minion from my fury, thou shall taste of it thyself. What, shall the proud Harlot thinkest thou outbrave me to my face? 'tis best for you to let me have my penny's worth of her, for by this light I'll give her a mark that thou shalt know her by another time, lest perhaps thou mayst forget her, I' faith Mrs. Mink it was a good deed to slit your nose, and spoil that tempting face of yours. Why dost no thou let me come to her thou white livered knave? prevent not my spleen upon her, lest thou urge it against thyself. But upon his importuning her, at last she was contented to bury all in a pot of ale and so the strife ended. In me last I made mention of the Lord Ambassador Whitlock's Speech to the Queen of Sweden, I shall now in this place you abbreviate thereof, to wit, His Excellency declared, That although the Commonwealth of England are not encouraged to send abroad, when they reflect upon the barbarous usage of their Messengers in some places, yea in her Majesty's Government they have not the least suspicion, but gracefully acknowledged their experience to the contrary. From thence he proceeded to the deliverance of the Armies of the Commonwealth, which have been wonderful; and touched upon the excellencies of her Majesty's person and Government, making a comparison between her and Q. Eliz. He then made mention of the wars of her father for the true Protestant Religion and just liberties, which were also the occasions of the wars of this Commonwealth, in which God was pleased to determine for the Parl. He then made a similitude between the Nations of England and Sweden in Dispositions and language, and of the great desire to enter into a strict alliance, for the renewing of former amity, &c. Mr. Feak and Mr. Simpson have been examined before the Lord Protector's Council, who denying to own the present power, stand both committed. But Mr. Powel has left the City: yet a little before he went, he declared at Christchurch, and at Blackfriars, That may reigned now as Kings, without the advice of the Saints, but the Lord would bring them down again; and that this power was not of God, and would shortly be destroyed: To prove it, he wrestled many sacred places of Scripture, says the Penman of the Hue-and-cry, upon his Anvil to frame his Engine to level Magistracy; O 'tis dangerous judging! I shall therefore insist no longer upon that particular; but present you with the said M. Powel's Hymn at Christchurch on the 18 day of Decemb. with an Antiphona thereunto. Having in the precedent pages presented you with the Speech if the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, I shall in the next place communicate her Majesty's Declaration and Answer to his Excellency: the true Copy whereof take as followeth. That her Majesty esteemed it a very great honour that the Parliament had been pleased to send an Ambassador to Her, especially a person of his Excellency's condition, and that she herself would take care during his abode there, that not the least injury should be offered either to him or to his company; and that she hoped in her Government there should be no cause or doubt of the contrary; that as his person was very acceptable to her, so was the business which he had imparted; in the transaction whereof she should manifest the affection she bore to the Commonwealth, and her desire not only to renew former alliance between them but to enter into a nearer union than heretofore, that she was glad of these blessings which the Commonwealth had received in their peace and settlement, and wished the continuance thereof to them. She thanked his Excellency for his civilities to her & for his acceptance of such entertainment as that place would afford, and that she was sorry it was not answerable to his quality and to the respect whom she bore to the Commonwealth whom he served, but desired him to take it in good part, for that he was very welcome to her Court. After she had done, his Excellency spake to her Majesty in French. That there were two of his Sons and other Gentlemen in his company, that much desired the honour of kissing her Majesty's hand, if she pleased to permit it which she readily did to those which his Excellency appointed, which were 18. After that Ceremony passed, the Qu. spake to his Excellency in French desiring him to excuse the ill treatment by the way in his journey: but his Excellency returned thanks for the many favours received. She then excused her habit (being only in a plain grey Stuff made after this manner, a Coat down to the ground, and over that a close Jacket that came almost to her knees, buttoned down with great buttons, with a black Scarf about her neck tied with a little black Ribbon.] saying she had been ill, which caused her to put herself into the dress of her chamber, in which she chose to appear thus publicly, rather than to disappoint his Excellency of audience; and that she hoped they should have time and opportunity enough to discourse together. His Excellency then took his leave of her Maj. but since has had private audience with the Queen herself for three hours together. Appointed to be printed; and extracted out of the original Papers, licensed and entered into the Register Book of the Company of Stationers. | The Faithful Scout (printed by George Horton), Issue 129 |
FScoutHorton165 | The nine and twenty Articles of Agreement, ratified and concluded on between the high and mighty States of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, and his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland; Printed in Dutch at Amsterdam, and translated into English out of the original Copy brought unto Whitehall with the full Message, Power, and Instructions sent from the States General to their Lord Ambassador Beverling, to be presented to his Highness at Westminster; and his Excellency's Speech and Declaration upon his receiving Audience on Wednesday night last. The discovery of 4 great Plot against the L. Protector, the particulars thereof, and the manner how Mr. Dutton of Grays-Inn, Mr. Amp, and 12 other Gentlemen, were apprehended by his Highness's Life guard, at the Ship-Tavern in the Old Bailey on Tuesday night last, and committed to safe custody. The going of the King of Scots into Germany, the coming down of the Emperor against the Hollander, and the landing of Maj. Gen. Middleton, and divers others in Scotland. The K of Scots is now going for Germany: from whence our Scout bringeth intelligence, that the Emperor is coming down by land against the Hollander, requiring restitution for several injuries by them committed. Maj. Gen. Middleton is gone for the North of Scotland with about two hundred Cavaliers, he was transported by 7 ships from Holland, and carried some Arms and Ammunition. Ha, ha! I smell a Rat: pick Dutch spregne out of that. The next thing that presents itself to public view, is, the strange Vision of Mr. John Farley; a true copy whereof followeth: I saw in a Vision revealed unto me as I was standing upon stone steps, at a place in London, there came a man riding before me, and made a stand against me, and then I saw a Coach coming between the man and me passing by, and in the Coach was a woman clothed in scarlet, and one who stood by me, said: Behold this Woman! how do you like of her? And I answered I liked none but mine own; and then the man who was on the horse back said unto me, then it seemeth you like none, but your own, 'tis well: then there came 6 youths in blue caps, & stood between the man on horseback and me, and said, Behold! take notice of the Moon, and thereupon I looked up and saw a signpost, with the sign of the Moon hanging as a sign under it, which I beholding, presently there appeared a spot of blood upon the picture of the Moon which spot spread itself over all the Moon, and the blood sparkled up upon the sky and overspread the same. Then suddenly falling down upon my knees, and lifting up my hands to heaven, I called upon the Lord to be my Protector, and immediately upon that there appeared by the picture of the Moon and a man sitting, having a candle light in his hand; then came another man with a candle unlighted in his hand, which he lighted at the other candle. And then the man who sat by the Moon spake and said, I thank you all for beholding the same. The there came a Chariot with milk white horses, like as if it had come out of a Court by the place where I stood; and as they approached near me, I thought them to be of fire, so sparkling that the heat thereof came mightily unto me, whereby I was forced to shrink back from the extremity thereof, and returning two or three steps back, I beheld the Chariot and horse coming up the steps after me: thus going back, and seeking for some place for shelter to keep myself from the heat thereof; but finding neither doors nor shop windows open, I could have no place of safeguard. And seeing before me another Chariot with horses approaching toward me, I was greatly troubled in mind; and then beholding upon my right hand a street turning another way, in which I thought to be free, entered the same: And having gone but a little way therein, it was beset in like manner. And there came foremost a man having a long light like unto a Torch in his hand, which when I saw it, I thought it was Doomsday, and fell to the ground as a dead man, and could not move hand nor foot, yet had my remembrance perfect; and when he came unto me, he said, Who is here? But I said nothing unto him, and then he strode on foot over me, and lift me up from the earth, and held me in his arms, and blew into mine ears three or four times: and then said he there was no means to help me, but to be washed with the blood of Jesus Christ: so soon as he had spoken, I perceived myself to be naked, and then he washed and bathed my body all in blood; which being done, he departed and went forward, and I thought he drew me after him. Then presently I was brought like as if I had been in some great Church, wherein was much Timberwork, and there I saw men washing and besmearing all the posts and timber with blood, and then I seemed to depart out of the same place; but coming to the door of it, I heard as it were the rushing of a mighty wind, with a noise of chariots and horses, with beholding of sumptuous buildings and multitudes of men; and being astonished therewith, I returned into the Church again; and then by that time I seemed to have a great bundle of bladders about me, which vanished all but three, whereof one was very little, and the rest were very great, especially one of them, and these two seemed like two earthen pots, which wearied me to bear. And as I went forward in a back way flying from the Church, I heard a voice, saying, Go apace: and when I came to the end, at a place where I could go no further, I thought these pots did diminish mightily; and there came a voice unto me, saying, there will not be left the worth of a halfpenny remaining of all this sight; so I awaked, But being in fear and amazement at this Bloody Vision, within a quarter of an hour after fell into a Trance again, and saw another Vision, which is as followeth: I beheld, and lo, I was in a field as I thought, newly sown with Wheat, and as I beheld, I saw upon the Land sowed a company of Doves, being milk white, and all of them stood in a round Ring, or Circle, and in the midst was only one alone by himself, which surpassed all the rest in brightness, shining like the Sunbeams in its brightness, so did this Dove appear in brightness and glory, and I awaked again, These were the Visions which Mr. Farley related unto me; I shall now give you the interpretation thereof, as I gave it to him then. For the Western Circuit, The Lord Chief Justice Roll, and Mr. Sergeant Glyn. 2 For Berks, Oxford, &c. Lord Chief Justice St. John, and Mr. Justice Atkins. 3 For Sussex, Kent, &c. Mr Justice Ask, and Mr. Sergeant Newdigate. 4 For the Midland Circuit, Mr. Baron Thorp, and Mr. Sergeant Peapis. 5 For Bucks, &c. Mr Barton Nicholas, and Mr Sergeant Conyers. 6 For the Northern Circuit, Mr Justice Hayle, and Mr. Sergeant Windham. 1 For Hampshire: Monday 27 Febr. at the Castle at Winchester. 2. Wiltshire, Wednesday 1 March at New Sarum. 3 Dorsetshire, Monday 6 March at Dorchester. 4 Somersetshire, Wednes. 8 March at Chard. City of Exeter, 13 March: Devonshire the same day, at the Gaol Garden near the City of Exeter. Cornwall, 20 March at Launceston. For Berkshire, 28 Febr. at Reading. Oxfordsh. 3 March at Oxford. Gloucestershire, 8 March at Gloucester, &c. Staffordshire 24 March at Stafford, 25 at Lichfield. Worcestersh. 29 March at Worcester, &c. 1. That there shall be a safe and sure Peace between both Nations. 2. That from henceforth all hostility shall cease. 3. That all wrongs and offences suffered either by one or the other party shall be forgotten; and neither party shall pretend anything thereupon. All actions past shall be nulled, and, except those that shall be done in the British Seas after the time of 12. days, and from that Sea to the Cape of St. Vincent in the time of six weeks, and from thence in the Mediterranean Sea, as far as the line after the time of ten weeks; and at the other side of the line in the time of 8. months to be reckoned from the time of the publication of the Peace, and all Prizes taken after that time shall be restored. 4 That all the prisoners of both sides be released without ransom. 5 That both Commonwealths shall be confederate friends, to defend one another against whomsoever. 6 That neither or both shall act against the other either by Sea or Land. 7 That the States shall cause restitution to be made of all the ships and goods seized upon the English by the K. of Denmark, that are yet in being, as also a full compensation of the worth of those goods that may be sold already, and likewise that all the damages or spoil of goods shall be made good to the owners, by estimation, and when such satisfaction shall be done by the said King then all hostility shall cease between England and Denmark. 8 That no inhabitants of either Commonwealth shall assist any Rebel of either, with money, ships, or victuals. 9. That both Commonwealths shall assist each other at their own proper charges against their Rebels. 10. That neither shall receive those that are, or shall be declared enemies of either Commonwealth. 11. That either Commonwealth having notice by the other that some of their enemies are in its Dominions, they shall give them warning to depart upon pain of death in 28 days. 12 That the States shall not suffer any of the inhabitants of their Dominions to assist the enemies of England. 13 That the English shall not pay greater impositions than other Nations. 14 That the States ships shall strike their Flag before the English in the British Seas. 15 That neither of the Commonwealths shall give retreat to any Pirates in any of their Ports. 16 That in case the English or the Dutch make any Treaty with any Prince, they shall therein comprehend each other reciprocally if they desire it. 17 That in case some hostility should happen between the inhabitants of both Commonwealths by one against the other that the allowance shall nevertheless hold and remain in full force, and the parties that shall be found guilty shall be punished. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 are touching Navigation. 25 That if one party shall cause some damages to the other there shall be no letters of Reprisal given; but if in 3 months time no satisfaction is done, then the said letters may be granted. 26 That Charles Stuart and his party be excluded. 27 That no more but 8 ships of War shall be suffered to come or remain in the Ports of each other's Commonwealth at one time; and when there shall be occasion for a great number, then the consent must be first asked. 28 That the States shall do justice upon all those that shall be found alive; that have murdered the English in Amboyna. Lastly, That there shall be Commissioners established to examine the injuries or wrong done, or pretended to be done or suffered by the Inhabitants of either Commonwealth in the East-Indies, Greenland, Muscovey, Brazil, or other places. And if the Commissioners cannot agree thereupon within the time of three months. Then the aforesaid differences to be referred to the judgment of the Protestant Switzers. These Articles are fully ratified and confirmed by all the 7 Provinces, and the States have sent a Messenger with Plenipotentiary and full power and instructions to the L. Beverling to conclude and join in a confirmation of the whole with his Highness the Lord Protector, and accordingly his Excellency had audience on Wednesday night last, where, in an excellent speech, he declared the reality of the Intentions of his high and mighty Masters to a perfect and complete Agreement. His Highness the Lord Protector has appointed certain days every week to receive Reports from the Masters of Requests of Petitions presented to them, and to give Answers. The Highlanders grow numerous in Scotland; and the Tories are too potent in Ireland. They have had several Rendezvouses; and sundry times made incursions upon the Lowlanders. But care is taken to prevent the like for the future, if we can. The King of Scots has sent Letters to them, promising aid and assistance. But alas! fair words butter no Parsnips! The English fleet rides still about St. Helen's Point; but the Dutch are not yet forth. There has been a great shipwreck upon the Coast of France, and divers men drowned. The English fleet from the Straits, Spain, Portugal, and Biscayne, are come safe into the River of Thames, and several Dutch Prizes also. Ten more are expected every Tide. The last Post from France advertiseth, that King Lewis and his Council have agreed to send an Ambassador Extraordinary unto his Highness the Lord Protector. From Holland it is further certified, that the United Provinces have brought in their Ratification to the Articles for Peace, and that they have both signed and sealed in general; and are preparing of an Ambassador to be sent unto his Highness the Lord Protector for the confirming thereof: It is said the Lord Updam is the man elected: But of this, more in my next. Whereas you saw yourself standing upon stone steps in London, it signifies the firmness thereof. And whereas you saw a Coach with a Woman in it all clothed in scarlet passing by, signifies a bloody enemy that will suddenly vanish away and be consumed. And whereas you saw six youths all in blue, they signify Charles his Wain, and their Voice which said; Behold, take notice of the Moon, signifies the Comet or Blazing Star, which Star signified the dissolution of the late power. And whereas you saw a sign post with the sign of the Moon to it, and of the spot of blood that appeared upon it, and overspread both it and the sky; by the sign of the Moon as signified the multiplicity of Divisions. And whereas you saw a man sitting by the picture of the Moon with the light like a candle in his hand, and another man coming to him with a candle unlighted, signifies the issuing forth Commissions by an eminent Commander for aid and assistance. And whereas you saw a Chariot with milk white horses coming out of a Court, and the Chariot of fire, signifies a violent interest to be set up, so that all will in that day be forced to shut up their shop windows and doors for fear, so that he which is without doors shall not find a place wherein to hide his head, but the violating of Tyranny restores us to our former pristine liberty. Then said I, whereas you saw yourself in a field newly sown with Wheat; that signifies a new Government to be established in Britain, that is, the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, more glorious than ever was upon earth. And whereas you say a company of milk white Doves upon that field, all in a round ring or circle: The Ring or Circle, signifies the endless, everlasting, and everstanding Court that shall be established. And the company of milk white Doves signifies the spotless Saints that have continued faithful to his Highness. Therefore they and their seed shall triumph gloriously for ever. And whereas you saw one Dove alone in the middle of the Ring, or Circle, which did shine like the Sun in brightness; by that Dove is signified his Highness, who in due time will shine like the Sun over all the earth, to answer the expectation of all Nations, and fulfil the promise of our Lord Jesus. From France our Scout bringeth us intelligence that the Duke of York is recovered of his sickness; and that his brother Charles is very active; but alas! poor Gentleman, to little purpose: the stream runs current, who dares interpose? for my part I dare not, neither will I: therefore, And the Lord protect Us: A glorious, peaceable, and happy Government, who questions, but that we shall enjoy under his Highness: For, observe the Dream of Mr. Jenkins in Windsor Castle, on Tuesday night last, to wit, That God will stain the pride of all glory, and the glory of all flesh, tumbling the earth upside down, and tossing to and fro the Government thereof, that nothing but confusion hath appeared; what certainly then can be expected in such changes? what order in confusion ? Yea what Truth, when God is making man a lie ? Isa. 40. 6, 7, 13, to 17. what Oaths of Allegiance? What Covenants broken? Yet in both, hands have been lifted up to Heaven by honest hearts: what Protestations, Remonstrance, and Engagements are gone and vanished? First we were all for the King, than for none; yet for King and Parliament we fought, then for neither: once we professed for the House of Lords, but these were presently laid aside: then for the Commons only, and yet not for that, but for a Parliament or Representative; this disappears also. And seeing the Princes of Israel begin to appear, and the people of God are in present power (as 'twas never before) I hope they will hear what has been said by their brethren, though carried forth with much zeal, which (being according to their knowledge, and that knowledge the light of God in them, and they led forth with that boldness, and that forbearance appearing in the Powers also, and such peace and love still abiding in both) tells me, that these Wars and Wrangling will shortly cease in the Nation, in which God will so appear with power and glory, that all the Nations about shall be broken, or brought in with us at last to the Government of Jesus. This day I am informed of a Truth, that now in Monmouthshire, near Ragland, in an Orchard, and Apple-tree hath had green Leaves, Buds, and young Apples. These are strange variations of the Seasons. On Tuesday night last, one Mr. Durton of Grays-Inn, and about 15 other young Gentlemen, [some whereof were London Prentices, but of good repute) met at the Ship-Tavern in the Old Bailey, at Mr Amps, where they called for a Room and the Drawer conducted them two pair of stairs high: and bringing in a quart of Sack, they began a health, and, as 'tis said, fell into consultation upon a design against his Highness the Lord Protector: but timely notice being given, their Plot was frustrated, and themselves apprehended by his Highness's Lifeguard, who came into the said Tavern with their pistols cocked, went directly upstairs where they were, and secured them all. Appointed to be printed; And extracted out of the original Papers, licensed and entered into the Register Book of the Company of Stationers. | The Faithful Scovt, Issue 165 |
MPol198 | The landing of Middleton hath filled these parts with a thousand rumours and as many stories are coined on purpose to incense this People to run the hazards of ruin. They are told of their late King's being resolved to visit them, and that his Brother York will bring Forces, and from Germany and Holland the say they shall have money. These fantasies are scattered with a great deal of Art among the common sort; and if the Artists effect nothing else, they will by this means unsettle men in their Affections, and put many in a tottering humour. The Enemy here had their general Rendezvous, and are since active in their Levies, summoning and forcing in the Countries, as they pass on toward our Quarters, which they must attempt, or else they will not be able to keep long in a body. In Sutherland Caithness and Ross, they have been very busy, and drawn in as many as they could of the Gentry in those parts, by whom the common sort are led like sheep to the slaughter. We do not hear that they have as yet attempted the Low Lands; but expect it, and therefore for preventing their excursions, our Commander in chief is resolved to take the Field out of hand. The 20 of this instant the Count of Aubijoux, the Baron of Brifac, and another of the four Duelists, which fought awhile ago in the Palace Royal, were hanged in Picture, and declared unnoble without any prejudice to their children's Nobility, and their Means confiscated; one third part to the King, the other to their Family, and the last to the poor; I am informed the said Mr. D'aubijoux Governor of the City of Montpellier, having put in it a Lieutenant at his devotion, is gone into Flanders. The next day the King being gone to take his seat in this Parliament, the Pieces of Mr. le Prince's Process were read aloud therein in full Assembly of the Chambers, and in presence of six Dukes and Peers, two Marshals of France, and of several Councillors of State. In consequence whereof it was ordained that the witnesses should be confronted. The same day the Archbishop of this City, Uncle to the Cardinal of Retz, died aged 70 years, soon after the Chapter of his Cathedral Church assembled and received Proxy, the said Cardinal in the place of his said Uncle, as soon as the Court had been informed of his death, Mr. le Tellier went to the Chief of the said Chapter, to tell him from the King, that they ought not yet to proceed to the reception of any Archbishop; and when it was told him, that the business was done, he said his Majesty's Council were resolved to laugh at it, and never to give the said Cardinal liberty until he renounce the said Archbishopric, which he protests not to forsake, though they should kill him. They did what they could possible to hide the said death from him, but a signal of bells ringing did immediately announce it unto him from Paris. Now for as much as this Court is vexed at that surprisal, and the said Chapter hath been threatened for it, as if they intended hereupon to make the said Cardinal's Process for some criminal cause, therefore many of his friends being in fear, would not assist on Monday in the Procession which is yearly made on the same day in this City; and amongst others, the said Cardinal's Attorney, who feared to be one of the first that should be arrested; 'tis thought this business will occasion some considerable contests, if so be the said prisoner hath any stout friends among the Clergy. Yesterday the witnesses nominated for Mr. le Princes Process were confronted, and Friday or Saturday next one will pass unto his condemnation; but he shall not be hanged in picture by reason of the respect born to the Prince of Conti his brother. The last Letters from Flanders bear, that the said Mr. le Prince was in the field since the 14 of this of this present, but it is not true that he hath undertaken any siege, I am informed a Post that he sent into Guienne hath been taken, and the rumour runs that some Spanish ships are again come to infest the mouth of Garrone, and interrupt the Trade of Bordeaux. It is certain the Dutch Ambassador hath spoken here for the Protestants. The Duke of D'elboeuf is few days since deceased in this City. The cashiering of the Elects and Syndics of Rents is at a stand, and Mr. de Servient brags he will reform the whole State; that the King's Crown-land shall be bought again, and that after that the people will not be undone by so many Taxes. Upsal, Feb. 24. 1654 S. V. We cannot receive any dispatch until the Queen understand the true State of the Treaty between England and Holland, she persists in her desires of resigning up the Government, and thereupon she is gone this week to Westraas, to meet Prince Palatine, her Cousin German, and declared Successor, and to treat with him concerning the same; yet she hath promised the Lord Ambassador to accomplish his affair before that time, and that to his contentment. But it is questioned what the Grand Assembly of the States which are to convene shortly, will determine in that particular, as to the Queen's overture. The discourses here are various, some think that Don Piemontel hath lain here to negotiate a match between this Queen and the Roman King, and that Count Montecuculi, General of the horse to the Emperor, came hither to agitate the same; but those that pretend knowledge, think no such thing, and are confident the Queen is resolved never to marry. The Emperor's departure remains determined on the 20 of April next. The States in the meantime are very forward in their meetings, and absolving of business. Monday last the 4 new Princes, namely Salin, Detrichstein, Piccolomini, and Aversburgh were by his Highness our Prince Elector, in the name of his Imperial Majesty, personally introduced in the Princely Ryx College, where the Ryx Marshal Lord Papenheim did show them their respective places, which immediately they possessed. The point of Justice is now fully resolved, and the Vechtisch business propounded, which would easily be brought to the like perfection, if the restant monies were but ready. Upon the Ryxday at Warsaw is concluded, that the Treasurer shall give an account to the Commonwealth of the monies he received and disbursed. Some other secret Councils are kept, but unknown what is treated of in the same. Some are of opinion that they have concluded to send an Ambassage for Sweden with the first opportunity, for to admonish that Queen to the inviolable observation of the Inducies, and to prevent her alliance with the Grand Duke of Moscow. But I shall be able to give you more certain information of this hereafter March 23. The expected Ordinance, appointing Commissioners for approbation of Public Preachers, came forth in Print, which being of universal concernment is here inserted; Whereas, for some time past, hitherto there hath not bin any certain course established for the supplying vacant places with able and fit persons to preach the Gospel, by reason whereof not only the Rights and Titles of Patrons are prejudiced, but many weak, scandalous, popish, and ill-affected persons have intruded themselves, or been brought in, to the great grief and trouble of the good people of this Nation; For remedy and prevention whereof, Be it Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the consent of his Council, that every person who shall from and after the five & twentieth day of March instant, be presented, nominated, chosen, or appointed to any Benefice (formerly called Benefice with Care of Souls) or to preach any public settled Lecture in England or Wales, shall before he be admitted into any such Benefice or Lecture, be judged and approved by the persons hereafter named, to be a person for the grace of God in him, his holy and unblameable Conversation, as also for his knowledge and utterance, able and fit to preach the Gospel; And that after the said five and twentieth day of March, no person, but such as shall upon such approbation be admitted by the said persons, shall take any public Lecture, having a constant stipend legally annexed and belonging thereunto, or take or receive any such Benefice aforesaid, or the parts thereof; And be it further ordained, That Francis Rous Esq; Dr Thomas Goodwin, Dr John Owen, Mr Thankful Owen, Dr Arrowsmith, Dr Tuckney, Dr Horton, Mr Joseph Caryl, Mr Philip Nye, Mr Will: Garter, Mr Sidreah Simpson, Mr William Greenhill, Mr William Strong, Mr Thomas Manton, Mr Samuel Slater, Mr William Cooper, Mr Stephen Marshal, Mr John Tombes, Mr Walter Craddock, Mr Samuel Faircloth, Mr Hugh Peters, Mr Peter Sterry, Mr Samuel Bamford, Mr Thomas Valentine of Chaford, Mr Henry Jeffee, Mr Obadiah Sedgwick, Mr Nicholas Lockier, Mr Daniel Dyke, Mr James Russel, Mr Nathaniel Campfield, Robert Titchborn Alderman of London, Mark Hildesley, Thomas Wood, John Sadler, William Goff, Thomas St Nicholas Wil. Packer, & Edward Cresset Esquires, shall be, and are hereby nominated, constituted and appointed Commissioners for such approbation and admission is above said, and upon death or removal of any of them, others shall from time to time be nominated in their places by the Lord Protector and his successors, by advice of his Council, in the Interval of Parliaments, and sitting the Parliament, by the Protector and Parliament; and the said Commissioners, or any five or more of them, met together in some certain place in the City of London and Westminster, as his Highness shall appoint, are hereby authorised to judge and take of the ability and fitness of any person so nominated, chosen or appointed, according to the qualification above mentioned, and upon their approbation of such his ability and fitness, to grant unto such person admission to such Benefice or lecture by an Instrument in writing under a Common Seal to be appointed by his Highness, and under the hand of the Register or Registers for the time being to be also nominated by the Lord Protector and his Successors, which Instrument the said Register or Registers shall cause to be entered in a Book for that purpose, and kept upon Record. And it is hereby declared, That the said person so admitted into any such Benefice, shall be Possessor and Incumbent of the same, and entitled thereby to the Profits, Perquisites, and all Rights and Dues incident and belonging thereunto, as fully and effectually as if he had been instituted & inducted according to the Laws of this Realm; as also the person that shall be so admitted to any Lecture as aforesaid, shall be thereby enabled, according to the establishment and constitution of such Lecture, to preach therein, and to have and receive the Stipend or Profits to such Lecture belonging. Provided always, That no person who shall tender himself, or be tendered, for approbation as aforesaid, shall be concluded by any Vote of the said Commissioners which shall pass in the Negative as to his approbation, unless Nine or more of the said Commissioners be present at such Vote. And it is further Ordained, That all Patrons of all Benefices that are now void, shall within 6 months next after 25 of this instant March, and of any Benefice that shall hereafter be void within 5 months next after the avoidance of the same, present unto the said Commissioners, or any five of them, some fit person to be admitted, and for default of such Presentation within that time, the Presentation for that turn shall devolve by lapse unto the Lord Protector and his successors. Providing always, That in case the Patron be disturbed to Present unto such Benefice, and thereupon within 6 months after the avoidance of such Benefice a Suit be commenced for the Recovery of such Presentation, and notice thereof in writing left with the said Commissioners, or by any five of them, or effectual to prevent the lapse, as where the sure was heretofore commenced against commenced against the Bishop of Ordinary. And it is further Ordained, That during the vacancy of such place by reason of such Suit, the said Commissioners, or any 5 or more of them, have hereby authority to sequester the fruits and profits thereof for supplying of the place with an able Preacher, by the said Commissioners, or any 5 or more of them, to be nominated and approved of as aforesaid. And forasmuch as many persons since the first day of April last passed have been placed in such Benefices, and public Lectures, It is hereby Ordained, That in case such person shall not before the 24 of June next, obtain approbation and admittance in the manner before expressed, Then such person or persons as have right thereunto shall or may present or nominate some other fit and able person to such place. And in default of such Presentation within two months after the said 24 day of June, or within six months after the place became void, the Presentation for that turn shall likewise devolve by lapse unto the Lord Protector and his Successors. And for the Better satisfaction of the said Commissioners touching the godly and unblameable conversation of such persons as are to be admitted into any place as aforesaid, It is further declared and Ordained, that before any admittance of any person as aforesaid, there shall be brought to the said Commissioners, or any 5 of them, a Testimonial or Certificate in writing, subscribed with the hands of three persons of known godliness and integrity, whereof one at least to be a preacher of the Gospel in some constant settled places testifying upon their personal knowledge the holy and good conversation of the person to be admitted: which said Certificate shall be duly Registered and filed. And it is also declared, that the penalty for or in respect of the not subscribing or reading the Articles mentioned in the Act of the 13 year of Queen Elizabeth, Entitled, Reform of Disorders in the Ministers of the Church: or for not producing such testimonial as in the said Act is required, shall from henceforth cease and be void. And whereas for the better maintenance of preaching Ministers, several Augmentations by Authority of Parliament have been heretofore granted. Be it further Ordained, that all person or persons, who claim or shall hereafter claim the benefit of such Augmentation, shall before he or they shall receive the same, obtain the approbation of the said Commissioners or five of them, as a person qualified as is before mentioned. And in case of approbation, such approbation shall be entered by the Register, who under his hand shall also signify the same to such person or persons as are or shall be authorised to pay such Augmentation, who are hereby required and authorised from time to time to pay the person or persons so approved, such Augmentation as hath been or shall be granted unto him or the place where he preacheth, taking his or their Acquittances for the same. Provided, and it is hereby declared, that this Ordinance or anything therein contained, shall not be construed to extend unto, or to revive any dignities, offices or benefits Ecclesiastical, suppressed by Authority of Parliament. Nor to any benefices Ecclesiastical that were not presentative before the Ordinance for suppression of Bishops: Nor to any Lectures preached or read in any of the Universities. And it is hereby lastly Declared and Ordained, That the Approbation or admittance aforesaid, in such manner is before prescribed, is not intended nor shall be construed to be any Solemn or Sacred setting apart of a person to any particular office in the Ministry: but only by such trial and approbation to take care that places destitute may be supplied with able and faithful Preachers throughout this Nation And that such fit and approved persons faithfully labouring in the work of the Gospel, may be in a capacity to receive such public stipend and maintenance as is or shall be allotted to such places. HENRY SCOBEL, Clerk of the Council. Friday, March 24 was kept (according to the late Declaration set forth by his Highness the Lord Protector) a very solemn day of Humiliation, throughout London, Westminster and the Liberties thereof. There prayed and preached before the Lord Protector and his Council, Mr Lockier, Mr. Strong, and Mr. Craddock. An Ordinance was published for continuing the Act for laying an imposition upon Coals towards the building and maintaining Ships for the guarding of the Seas, to be in force until the 26 of March, 1655. An Ordinance for passing Custodies for Idiots and Lunatics, &c. Also an Ordinance for continuing the Act of Impressing of Seamen to be of force until the first of November, 1654. The Marquis of Faber commanding the French Army, which is quartered at present in the Country of Liege, having seen the conclusion of the peace between the Prince and the Elector of Collen, Bishop of Liege, and his Highness the Archduke Leopold William, whereby the first is bound and obliged to the second by an Article of the Treaty, that he should endeavour all what he could to cause the said French Army to retreat and withdraw out of his Territories, by using first all gentle and mild ways to persuade them thereunto, and in case they should not take effect, he was then to join his Forces with those of the said Archduke, and should force him to remove by foul and rigorous means, if they should conceive it to be most advantageous to that purpose. But the Marquis perceiving how it was like to go with him would not stay either to receive the one message or the other, but presently removed his quarters from Limbourg, and is marched with his Army the same way he came in, towards the woods of Ardennes, having lodged his Army the 22 of this month at Beanfay. But he is not yet got out of harm's way, he is still in a great deal of danger of being set upon by the Spaniards, who follow him close at the heels with several Bodies of Horse and Foot to encounter him on all sides, intending to fleece him if they can meet with him, before he can make his escape. The Spaniards under the command of the Earl of Fuensaldagn, have made a bridge of Boats at Seille, not far from Ardennes, upon the Meuse, who are upon their march to hinder and molest the said French on the right hand: and Monsieur Pardo, Commander in chief in the Country and Dukedom of Luxembourg, hath likewise gotten his Forces together, and is marching therewith in hope of hindering them from passing on that side of the world: And in the meantime the Prince of Conde his Lieutenant is marched with his Forces, and some Lorainers, to meet the said Faber in the Front, who is said to be environed on all sides, and that it is impossible for him to escape without being fought by the one party or the other, who lay wait for his coming: yet he, like a crafty Monsieur, may lead the Fox a dance before he be made his prey. In the meantime whilst all parties are so well employed in the Country of Liege, the Duke of Newbourgh is raising of an Army in his Country of Iuillers, and the Prince Elector of Brandenburgh doth the like in his Country of Cleve. Neither of their designs are as yet known, unless it be done to preserve and defend their own Territories from being invaded by their friends. I told you in my last, that his Highness the Archduke had ordered the Earl of Bassigni and the Abbot of Mercy to be removed from the Castle of Antwerp to that of Ghent, on purpose to please the Duke of Lorain, who was very much offended to be imprisoned in the same prison with them: but as they were going to remove them, the first of them was taken very ill on the sudden, the occasion of whose sickness is variously spoken of, many suspecting he hath not been kindly dealt withal. Here do daily arrive a great many Irish out of Ireland, who go to serve the Prince of Conde, and are marching towards Namur, where they will be clothed and armed: They are most of them very poor men, and for the most part naked; many of them die through want and poverty by the ways. March 25. About 3 o'clock in the morning, the Mail with the Dutch Letters going towards Dover, was seized and opened by Thieves within a mile of George's Church in Southwark, which they did in hope to have found money; but missing that, broke open all packets, and strewed them upon the ground. The Dutch Ambassadors removed from the house of public entertainment in the Palace-yard Westminster, to Sir John Trevor's house in Channel row, where they reside. The Monday following was appointed to receive Monsieur de Bordeaux from his Majesty of France, and to conduct him by Coach through the City to Westminster, to be entertained at the public charge, according to his quality: whereupon he is to have audience of his Highness the Lord Protector. Yesterday, a new complete Frigate was launched here for the Lord Protector and the Commonwealth, and another of the 3. Rate is raising on the blocks. The sufferings of this City of late from the Brest men of war have been great,; scarce a week, but one ship or another of this Port hath been taken by them. Yesterday the King, accompanied with several Dukes and Peers Marshals of France and other great ones, went again to take his seat in this Parliament, where after the ordinary formalities in the revision of the Prince's Process, a sentence of death followed, the which his Majesty is this morning gone to cause to be pronounced in that Assembly. The Reformed Churches begin to be mistrusted here, both by reason of the vigour their Deputies do more and more demonstrate, as also because the Baron of Estssac, who is a few days since returned from his Government of Rochel, avers they have sent Ministers into England, and that they have for certain some designs contrary to his Majesty's service, which they do formally deny. It is said that the Protestant German Princes and the King of Denmark have of late given Charles Stuart to understand, that the desolation of the late wars hinders them from being able to entertain him, if he forsakes France to come unto them. After long expectation, we hear not yet of a Conclusion of Peace so much desired and expected by the Merchants of this City, who had great hope upon the going away of the Ambassadors for England that the business would have been fully and finally ended without any farther delay; and it was given out over all these Lands, that they had full power and instructions for that purpose: so that men are much troubled here, that they cannot burn the triumphant Pitch-barrels which stand ready for the sacrifice. Where the obstruction is we know not, nor indeed whether there be any obstruction at all: but this long pause fills men's mouths with various discourses, calls upon their fears, and quells their hopes; especially because they think this dilatoriness will give an opportunity to those who malign our Peace to throw in some odd bone or other betwixt the Republics. Doubtless it is the true Interest of these Provinces by all means to maintain Peace with England, and their necessities call aloud for it; and if it be not obtained, manifold & miserable hazards must be undergone by the people, to the ruin of Trade if not the Country: which those who are Patriots, and without particular by-interests of their own, do sufficiently and seriously apprehend. But there are yet a sort of men lurking, who we know do long to see the two Commonwealths at it again. These are they who give ear to vain stories, and propagate and countenance them. Great reports they have of Middleton's proceedings in Scotland, on purpose to lessen the reputation of affairs in England: but hitherto we have always been deceived by those fantasies, which have been followed by great and extraordinary successes, and yet they get ground among men in opinion; and those who believe them not, yet love to talk of them, such is their madness. Notwithstanding all these vapours, we hope to see Peace, and upon that account rely much on the wisdom and diligence of our Ambassadors. Here is news which affrights us, of an extraordinary Fleet a setting forth in England: besides, divers of your men of war have been upon our Coasts, and taken Vessels, which hath given the States occasion of issuing out immediate Orders to all the Colleges of the Admiralty to make all possible speed with the Fleet to Sea; but its hoped an Accommodation may be signed before the two Fleets do meet abroad; and that all these storms will at length end in a happy and honourable Calm, which would be a blessing to both the Nations. March 2. taken by the Newcastle Frigate, one Galliot hoy, whose mast being shot by the Board, she was burnt. Taken the same day by the Assurance Frigate, the Hope of Housdown, burden 50 Tons, only Ballast on board. Taken then also by the Phoenix, the Claus of Housdown, burden 50 Tons, only Ballast on board. March 14. Taken by the Mermaid's Boat, the Fortune of Mazeland Sluys, burden 32 Tons, wherein were many barrels of Fish, and 6 of Salt, with about 40 empty Cask. Taken the same day by the Newcastle's Boat, the Skell fish of Mazeland Sluys, with Fish, Salt, and some empty Cask. Taken the same day also by the Phoenix her Boat the Plumpart of Mazeland Sluys, burden 30 Tons, with Fish, Salt, and empty Cask likewise. March 12. Taken by the Mermaid, the Providence of Mazeland Sluys, burden 28 Tons, with the like lading. March 17. Brought by the Lee by the Phoenix and her Boat sent on board, and afterward run on board by the Newcastle, who broke her head and Boltsprit, and forced the Phoenix her Boat off, viz. the Fortune of Delfs haven, burden 200 Tons, laden with Brandywine, French wine, Prunes, &c. Taken the same day by the Phoenix the Blew Pigeon of Pumurland, burden 200 Tons, laden also with Brandywine, French wines, and Prunes. March 18 Taken by the Mermaid one Galliot Hoy, burden 25 Tons. March 19 Taken by the Mermaid, two Scotch vessels; the one laden with Beef, Flower, Train-Oil, Deer-skins, and Sugars the other had only Ballast. Both of them were going for Holland, having been first taken by a Private man of War belonging to Enchuysen, but thus recovered. March 20. Taken by the Mermaid the Wakeing Buy of Enchuysen, and with her eight Guns, 150 pounds of powder, shot proportional, 12 Picks, ten Muskets, eight Pistols, and a Boat with four Oars. The Lord Ray hath sent to Skelco for Arms for his men, Seafort was expected the 10 instant within five mile of Crabsdale with his men, Sir Geo. Monroe and Middleton were then in Stranraver, and to meet Seafort and Ray at Inra with their whole force, where also Glengary with his rabble are to join with them, and so force Suthrland and Caithness to rise. It is reported that since Middleton, a Lord is landed with some men and arms. The Garrison of Lewis have made slaughter of the Country people that joined with Seafort; and they have also slaughtered some of the Garrison, the old Natives joined with our men against the rest of the Country, so that these divisions cause great devastations in those parts. Those of Col. Daniels' Regiment which quartered in the Garrison of Logie, have found 22 new Muskets, 9 firelocks, 11 Swords, 9 or 10 sets of bandoleers, three quarters of a barrel of powder, and 13 Bundles of Match, they were close made up in a wall, and found out by accident. Sir Arthur Forbs is again come from the Hills, and divers parties in these parts stealing horses, which the wit of man cannot prevent, the Country are so false, and yet cannot but see that all those people from the Hills can do, is to ruin them, rather than injure the English, against whom they pretend their chief quarrel. The Commander in chief hath apprehended and confined some who discover themselves addicted to the other Party; one of them being Mr. Knox of Kelfray, partly for praying for the pretended King, and declaring his affection to the Rebels that are in Arms against us, and partly for somewhat of correspondence. The Book entitled, The true State of the Case of the Commonwealth as now in a Lord Protector, which was printed lately at London, being a Piece that gives good satisfaction, is reprinted at Leith. Audience was given by his Highness the Lord Protector to Monsieur de Bordeaux, Ambassador from his Majesty of France. Licensed and entered according to the Act for Printing | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 198 |
EveryDayIntell09 | Changes are agreeable to the nature of man, be it for better, or for the worse, and it is the event crowneth all things : Of all the Changes that have been of late years, this is most probably good for the whole Nation, for now the Government is invested in those hands that are (under God) able and willing to protect us from Invasion, maintain peace at home, Treat with foreign Nations, and in due time ease us of our burdens, encourage (and not put down) our Ministers, and satisfy Public Debts, in furtherance whereof the late Parliament have made an Act of the 26. of September last, whereby they have granted Lands to the Adventurers, and likewise Bills and Debenters, which I suppose will be a good Accommodation for those who intend there to inhabit or plant. And it is remarkable what special provision they have made therein for desolate Widows, & c. But to speak as the truth is, they have not therein made Provision for stating your Debenters, who have not served in Ireland, only they do (in a manner) promise it yet by the Act of the 19. of October last, they have empowered the Committee of Army, to cause the Accounts of all Officers and Soldiers that either are or were in the Service of this Commonwealth at any time since the 15. of January, 1647. to be stated, audited, and cast up. But not for those who were disbanded before. Nevertheless though some were contented to accept of Lands in Ireland, the rest would not be satisfied, but expected payment of their Bills and Debenters, from the Forests and Chases, which was given by the old Parliament, for Collateral Security, in the Act of the 15. of July, 164 , But incontinently this late dissolved Parliament have put the Public Faith upon doubling thereupon wherein it is to be feared there will be double dealing, and that the needy Creditors will be exposed (as it were) to be sold for a little silver, and the poor for the price of a pair of shoes; for they being not able to double, must be constrained in the midst of their great extremities to sell their Public Debts at an inconsiderable value, with many sighs and tears into the bargain: And of all the Forests they have reserved but four for the Collateral Security for the Soldiers' Bills chargeable upon the late King's Lands, and that with such dilatory Conditions, whereby their are frustrate, though they earned their wages with the of their lives and dearest blood. The Act of the 7. of October last, which is for Public Creditors to bring or send in their Claims of the to the others therein named, is said to be for the duty rating and clearing of Public Debts in order to their payment. It also promiseth payment to the discoverer of his proper Debt : But as the Act for Marriage is deficient, without telling how long they shall hold together, So this act is lame in respects, It tells you of stating, and of paying, but not by whom, nor when; therefore it is not amiss for you to Petition for an Additional Act, or that the remains of that Bill which was read, and ordered to be read again by the old Parliament, Novemb. 30. 1652. may pass for your better Security. And the 12. Undertakers be sufficiently empowered upon this, certain men have engaged to discover 500000.l. for payment of Public Debts: I know many of you are very either, though more able; cannot spare money out of their Trading to double. You have waited many years with such patience, and have laboured many months, and attained experience of the sad Calamities of the people more than before, I have in my progress seen the dissolution of a Golden Parliament, coveting profit, And a Parliament choice as silver, labouring for Credit, consisting (as was said) most of Religious and conscientious men, in whom the best affected had hopes of good, But a House divided against itself cannot stand. The News of this will go to Rome, but let not the uncircumcised in heart rejoice and triumph. Most men upon this dissolution take occasion to cry Aha, Aha, and to speak their pleasure, but prudence may teach them when and how to speak. Indeed, the occasion of their dissolution is known to many, but few do rightly consider the cause to be that in matters Fundamental they laid aside God's most righteous Law, and leaned to their own; wherefore their dissolution was of God, who sayeth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice. It proceeds from the Lord of Hosts, who hath determined to stain the pride of all Glory, and to bring into contempt all the Honourable of the Earth. This evening that Reverend Divine Dr. Gouge of Blackfriars, was buried. The late Parliament having upon their dissolution delivered up the Power which they received from his Excellency at their first sitting, by a Writing under their Hands and Seal, his Excellency thereupon called a Council of Officers, and advised with other persons of Interest in the Nation, how this great burden of governing England, Scotland and Ireland, with the Armies therein, and Navy at Sea should be borne, and by whom; who after several days seeking of God, and advising therein. It was resolved that a Council of godly, able, and discreet persons should be named, consisting of 21. And that his Excellency should be chosen Lord Protector of the three Nations. In pursuance hereof several persons of Eminency and worth, are already made choice of to be of the said Council, which are not fit to be mentioned . And His Excellency came down to Westminster; and was installed Lord Protector of the three Nations, the same time. Yesterday Mr. Peters preached at Paul's before the Lord Mayor, & c. His Text was Cant. 2. 17. Hasten my well beloved, and be like a Roe, or a young Hart upon the Mountains of Spices. The point that he raised was, That the Saints or people of God do earnestly desire the coming of Jesus Christ unto the last Judgment, for then shall they see him as he is. They shall be glorified with him, and they shall be righted of all the wrongs, injuries, or oppressions done unto them. His counsel was then to the people of God (that look for the coming of CHRIST) that they should keep at home in the exercise of Truth and Peace; Illustrating it by the comparison of a Loving Wife, who would be careful not to be abroad when she expected her Husband to come home. He exhorted them earnestly to increase and grow in grace and holiness, reprehending such as lay aside the Law, and maintain errors; thinking themselves the only People, and would have all the World submit unto them, though envy, hatred, and malice was never more rife than at this Day. He also exhorted the people to remember, that although the Government of the State were as changeable as the Prophet Jeremy speaketh of the Government in his time (which he compareth to a way-faring man) yet their duty, was to desire and look for the coming of Christ. He commended the time past when there was heard singing of Psalms, & c. and reproved Errors. He also spoke favourably of those on the other side of the water, and concluded with advice to the present Governors, that they should exercise their places in the equal distributing of Justice and Right unto all. This day the Lord Mayor of London, the Sheriffs and Aldermen with their Officers (all in their Gowns) met at Guild-Hall, and from thence went to Temple-Bar, where they met the Heralds at Arms, and several of the States in their Coaches, and from Temple-Bar they came to Cheapside and the Royal Exchange and published this Proclamation following with sound of Trumpets in great state. Whereas the late Parliament dissolving themselves, and resigning their Powers and Authorities, The Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by a LORD PROTECTOR, and successive Triennial Parliaments, is now established; And whereas OLIVER CROWELL Captain General of all the forces of this Commonwealth is declared LORD PROTECTOR of the said nations, and hath accepted thereof: We have therefore thought it necessary (as we hereby do) to make publication of the premises, and strictly to Charge and Command all, and every person and persons, of what quality or condition soever, in any of the said three nations, to take notice hereof, and to conform and submit themselves to the Government so established. And all Sheriffs, Mayors Bailiffs, and other Public Ministers, and Officers, whom this may concern, are required to cause this PROCLAMATION to be forthwith published in their respective Counties, Cities, Corporations, and Market Towns, To the end none may have cause to pretend ignorance in this behalf. Given at White-Hall this 16. of December. 1653. Dalkeith 15. Decemb. 1653. Yesterday there came Intelligence, That the 10. instant Cap. Lisle of Col. Rich's Regiment, hearing of a party of the enemy about ten miles of his Quarters marched in the night from Munros with 100. Horse and Dragoons, and fell upon them by break of day, near Glamis, took 40. Horse, and 19. private Soldiers, two Captains of Horse, one Cornet, and one Quartermaster, and killed nine or ten of them, all of them of the Earl of Kinoul's Regiment, which he was raising in Angus and the Mearns. The next day Col. Morgan having notice of a party of them in Eghil a strong house in Angus, near the Hills marched towards it, but the enemy having notice, fled away upon his approach, he pursued and took 15. Horse, but the Lord Kinoule, and his Lieutenant Col. Ramsey, who were with them, escaped. They still go on with their Levies, and stealing Horses, though they spoil many good horses through hard riding, and ill looking to, and lately 15. died out of one Laird's ground. Another party of ours took some of these Bobtails near Aberdeen, yet they increase; most of them are now gone Northward to receive some Arms landed from Holland. A party of Major Gen. Harrison's Regiment were at the heels of Col. Wogan, and those that came with him at Kelfish, but they recovered the Hills before they could have full scent of them: It's supposed he and some others landed in Lancashire, have Commissions and Instructions from Charles Stuart. Pool, Decemb. 9. Here hath not occurred anything worthy of your cognisance. About 14. days since, Capt. Green, Commander of a private Man of War, brought a Prize into this Harbour, pretending to be a Dunkirk, she hath about 114. Ton of French Wine on board, & came from Nantes, the Master is a Scotchman, put in as is supposed for colour only, which with other circumstances, give great expectation that she will prove a Prize. By letters from Scotland we understand, that the desperate people of several Factions (great in their numbers, but few in Arms) have made many inroads near the English Garrisons, for they came into Fife and took seven or eight good Horses from the Earl of Weems. Another small Party came within 4. miles of Leith, and meeting with an English Gentleman, who was employed by the Commissioners to gather in the Rents of the Coal Pits, stabbed him to the heart; other exploits of this nature have been done near Barwick by such as are termed Moss-Troopers, a few whereof possessing themselves of a piece of boggy ground in the West of Scotland, get out upon parties, carrying a board along with them, and when they have done what mischief they can abroad, if they find themselves pursued, they retreat into the said boggy place, and run their horses over the Float upon the board, over which it is both difficult and dangerous for any to follow them. By a Letter intercepted from one of their own party, thus. All our Commissioned Officers are going now to their several Localities for Levies (which was not till now determined upon) both of Horses and Foot: The Earl of Athol is to levy a Regiment of Horses in Perthshire, and the whole Foot thereof: Kinoule hath the Horses of the shire of Angus and Mearns: Glengarry is to levy a Regiment of Horses out of Caithness, Sutherland, Rosse, and Murray, and to be Commander in chief of the Forth levied there. Kenmore is to levy the Horses of the shire of Aberdeen. Col. Blakader of Tulliallen is to levy in a part of the shire of Fife. Sir Mungo Murray left us two nights, being discontented for not getting a Locality on the North side of Forth; he was and is Gentleman Quartermaster, and is again reconciled, and is to have Sterlingshire for a Locality, for levying the horses there. We are now about 1000. good, well armed, resolute foot, and five hundred Horse, the Riders are singularly good, they and the Horses are extremely ill equipaged, saddles and bridles that are good, are rare here: I have sent you a purse-penny. I entreat that might be not a word of two others. This is all, I remain, & c. Colonel Lilburn hath set out this Engagement to be tendered to the People as followeth. I A. B. do hereby oblige me my being and executors, That I shall and will live peaceably under the Command of the Commonwealth of England, and that I, or any other under my Command shall not act in prejudice of the Commonwealth of England aforesaid, in aiding and assisting the Highlanders and others now in arms, and who hereafter shall be in arms against the said Commonwealth in Person or in Counsel, advice, means, or any other manner of way whatsoever, under the penalty of forfeiture of and of the, and to be proceeded against as the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, or those empowered by them shall appoint, In witness whereof I have subscribed the same the day of in the year of our Lord 1653. It is advertised, that one Deputed from the K. of France came to Danzig, where he had audience before the Senate to whom he showed his Commission to arrest all English Merchants and their Goods, in the reprisal of 14. Nuns, who intending from France to Poland were taken by the English at Sea. The Senate at Danzig hath taken this into consideration. From the we hear that the French Picaroons do fly to and again about the Land's end and have lately taken a small Vessel of ours belonging to Bristol, herewith also, news that the Dutch have lately taken two English Merchant men coming from France laden with Brandywine, the was 50. ton; And she the other 60. The last Letters from advertise that the French have raised the siege at but they have taken a thousand Spaniards amongst whom were three Hundred Officers. The titular Scots King is very merry; the rumour goes that he will leave France this next summer, Some say he will go for Germany, but others say according to his expectations he will turn his course for the North. The last mention but letters from the Lord Scaford and others of those Lords in Scotland, who boast highly of their increase in numbers, persuading him that the English scarce dare to peep out of their Garrisons, and they wonder that he is able to send them no aid, neither in men nor money, desiring him to be with in what he formerly Promised unto them. Government, In substance is as followeth, 1. That the Supreme Legislative power of England Scotland and Ireland, shall be and reside in one single Person, assisted with a Council of thirteen at the least, and twenty one at the most, and the Commons assembled in Parliament. 2. That this single person shall be called The Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland. 3. That there be constant Triennial Parliaments, and the first to begin the third of September 1654 4. That the Parliament shall have power of making Laws, except in some Cases relating to the safety of the Commonwealth of the three Nations, and matters of Religion, for which there is particular provision made in the Instrument containing the Government. 5. That all Bills that pass in Parliament shall be offered to the Lord Protector for his consent, and if he consent not within 20 days, this are to notwithstanding to become Laws. 6. That the Lord Protector is to be Elective and not Hereditary and to be chosen by the Council, immediately after the death of the L. Protector. Mr. Laurence, president. Major General Lambert. Major General Skipon. Major Gen. Disbrow. Sir Charles Worsly. Mr. Rouse. Lord Viscount Lisle. Colonel Jones. Colonel Seyclamham. Sir Gilbert Pickering. Mr Anthony Ashley Cooper. Mr. Strickland Mr. Mayor Esquir. His Highness hath set forth a Proclamation with the consent of his said Council; for continuing all Persons being in Office, for the executing public Justice till his Highness further direction. An Instrument or Writing of the present Government both of the Church and State of England, Scotland and Ireland, subscribed by his Highness the Lord Protector, with his Highness' Speech, and the names of the Council. A Sermon preached by Mr. Peters upon the present change of Government. The time of calling another Parliament, And a fight between the English and the Highlanders in Scotland, With the Lord Protector's Proclamation. | Every Day's Intelligence, Issue 9 |
MPol200 | From Thursday, April 6. to Thursday, April 13. 1654. Our expectations here are very great touching the business of a close with the Dutch; and so much the rather, because we observe the enemy here waits for an hour of a wider breach, reckoning that the only opportunity to put people into a Flame. Divers of the great ones Northward, who yet appear not themselves, send out their second and third Sons, but keep the eldest at home, as not willing to hazard estates, and others they set on underhand, which gives the Enemy great encouragement. It is a rare thing to meet with a man that will give us any Intelligence. I could not have imagined they had been so rotten, as now we find them in this hour of Trial. Their Army, as they own now and call it, is still in the North, perfecting the Levies, that they may come on with the more vigour toward the South. We are here expecting the issue of the Treaty between England and Holland. That being once fully known, I doubt not but we shall have a very speedy and desirable dispatch. My Lord Ambassador is not altogether idle, he plies the Queen very hard, and hath put his Negotiation into a very great forwardness. All those things which are of an indifferent cognisance, and not of that grant respect, touching upon a necessary consideration either as to peace or war with the Dutch receive a very candid acceptation. The Polish Parliament should end this day, but is supposed will be prolonged for 3, or 4 days, as yet we cannot hear of anything that's done, the lower House refusing to act till the Vacantia, especially the office of the General, be disposed of by the King. It's thought he would willingly bestow it upon Duke John Radzevil, but expects he should petition for it, which the other will not do, conceiving it's his due by merit; a few days will now show the effect of this, and what will be done concerning the Cossacks and Muscovites, which is most likely will be war. Yesterday the business concerning the Vecht was brought so far to an end, that on the 15 of April next the said place is to be evacuated. His Imperial Majesties departure stands determined on the 20 day of the next month precise. The point of Justice is almost brought to perfection. But about the Paragraph and Indaganda they cannot yet agree, which causeth many too long to see the event thereof. Last night the Grave of St Amour who was sent to Wein to his Highness Du: Francis of Lorrain, returned hither, and brought news that his said Highness would very shortly be break up thence, and repair hither with a considerable Train. From Innsbruck we have information of several great Earthquakes that have been there of late. Some days ago a Letter from the States General came to the King of Denmark, who was then within half a Mile of this City, intimating unto him, that by some words which their Ambassadors had gathered at Sir Abraham Williams's house, they conceived, that a Fleet of English ships were appointed shortly to visit the Sound. Whereupon the King instantly sent Port to Denmark, and it was reported that himself was gone also, but this continues not, he being seen since at Gluckstadt. This City is much displeased by reason the King at his being at Alcena, came one time with 30, or 40 horse quite up to their walls; so that the Century thought he would have entered the City; but he suddenly turning his horse, rounded only the walls, and so left them; but the chief reason of their displeasure; is the refusing of their Present. From Aberdeen March 24. The Earl of Athole is come to Glencarne with about 700 horse & foot, Seaford, and some new raised Forces by him are daily expected to join with them. Glencarne with his whole Force, being 2000 Horse and Foot, is at Dingwell, two miles from Brahan, not undeserving the name of an Island, which gives hopes of engaging the Enemy there. In order to which, Lieutenant Col: Mitchell is to march tomorrow towards Innerness with 9. Companies of Foot, and Colonel Morgan follows him the day after with 5 Troops of Colonel Rich his Regiment, and four Troops of Dragoons. He intends to take with him Colonel Tomlinson's Regiment, which in his way, and to draw five companies of Foot out of Innerness. Some young Lairds and others that had a purpose to glean a party of Horse in Lothian, and so repair to the enemy, were lately taken, and carried Prisoners to Dalkeith. From Cowes in the Isle of Wight, April 6, A private Man of war hath brought in Two days since, Two small French Vessels, the One laden with Salt, the other hath little in her but Ballast; There is nothing more of our Fleet but that they are most of them rear to Hellens point, and the rest at the Spits head, being in all near 100 Sail, gallant ships, and bravely accommodated; Here are at present several Merchant ships in this Road, being wind-bound, and expecting some Easterly winds to carry them on their voyage, and many that were here, went away yesterday morning toward the Downs. The ships which were in this Road, are for the most part gone up into the Thames; There remaineth only a few which are bound to the Southward, this day also passed by about 40, or 50 Sail of ships great and small, which we suppose to be the Dunkirk Fleet bound for London; for Holland, to get the Ratification of the Peace made with them, and an Expression from the Dutch Ambassadors of the Agreement. To say something further of the Peace between England and Holland, because we find many so hard to give credit to it; The Articles of the Treaty, we assure you, were Signed and Sealed by the Commissioners on both sides, on Wednesday night last, as before expressed, and within 14 days are to be Signed and Sealed by the Lord Protector, and the States of Holland, and then to be publicly proclaimed and published, both in England and Holland in one day. The Agreement with Denmark is also taken in upon Articles; And for the loss sustained by the English Merchants, whose demands amount to about 150000 l It is referred to Two English, and Two Dutch Merchants, absolutely to determine those Demands within Twenty days; and their place of fitting appointed at Guild-Hall. Also the business of Amboyna is referred to Eight Commissioners, who have 6 Months time to determine thereof; and in case they agree not, Umpires are nominated. Last Wednesday his Highness the Archduke went from hence accompanied with a great many persons of quality for Mantagu, to confer and discourse with the Prince Elector of Cullen, who was arrived there already with a great train of Gentlemen. The Earl of Basigny and the Abbot of Mercy prisoners in the Castle of Gant, are to be proceeded against very suddenly, Commissioners are already appointed to draw up their Charge, in order to their trial: they are kept from speaking or seeing one another. There are two ships arrived at Ostend that came from Spain with Soldiers and money, for the raising of men in Germany, who afterwards are to be transported again into Spain. All things are preparing here for the next Campaign, and most part of the Spanish Troops are already in Arms near Mons, Valenchiennes and Doway, either to defend or offend. On Thursday last went also from hence the Prince of Conde for Valenchiennes, to take order about his Forces. The Earl of St. Amour arrives here two days since out of Germany, who hath brought news that Francis Duke of Lorain will be here very suddenly to command his brother's Army. Here is a report as if the French Troops that were in the Country of Liege, were joined with the Marshal la Ferte Seneterre, and had besieged a place called Hermestein upon the Rhine, the certainty whereof is daily expected. We wonder here what you mean to linger the Treaty and enlarge your Fleet. You have a alarmed the King of Denmark by some words let fall to the Ambassadors at their entertainment, which were posted on to the Hague, and thence by those States to the King at Glucstat, as if your whole Fleer were going to shovel his Island into the Baltic Fish pond. If your next Letter tell us not what you intend, we shall conclude no Peace. In my last I told you how that the King and Cardinal refused to give audience to the Protestant Commissioners, upon some fine invention they had formed, of not displeasing the Pope at this present conjuncture of Affairs; but they have considered of it since, and have ordered some kind of answer to be drawn up to their desires, on purpose not to displease them on the other hand. In the mean time the good news of reception and entertainment of his Majesty's Ambassador at London by his Highness the Lord Protector, hath extremely pleased this Court, being at the same time freed from the report which we had here, having put most into a fright, that the English were landed in some part of France, but the same not proving true, his Majesty the next night danced the first time his great Ball whereof I have formerly mentioned, Two or three days since there happened a great disturbance in the Church of St. Paul in this City, where one of the Priests preached publicly in his Sermon, that it was lawful for any of his Parishioners to make their confessions to any Priest whom they please to make choice of, which privilege of Confession, the Curates pretend to belong to them alone; and thereupon they raised a hubbub in the Church and tumbled down all the benches, that the poor Priest could not be heard, nor suffered to proceed any further, but was fain to come down and shift for himself; since that the Curates have cited him before the Parliament, where they intend to proceed against him, as an Encroacher upon their privileges. It is said that his Majesty hath sent to the little Queen and her Children to desire them to remove out of his Territories, for that the English were resolved to send an Ambassador reciprocally into France, and that their pensions should be paid them where they should please to appoint to have it paid; and it is supposed that they did return answer that they would be gone to take the fresh air, upon this doleful news to them, of the agreement between the English and the Dutch, the better to consult together what course to steer, whether for Germany or Scotland. The Governor of Bassee is gone from hence for Bassee; against which place it is said the Spaniards have designed some enterprise, being upon their march near to that place. The Cardinal of Retz is arrived at Nants, where he is fairly promised he shall have his liberty given him. Some hazard he did run in his passage of being cast away, there arising a great storm in his way. Many if his friends do from hence to see him with the good liking and pleasure of both their Majesties, who have only ordered a flight guard to wait upon him when he goes abroad Whereas many abuses and corruptions are crept into the ordinary course and administration of Justice, both in Law and Equity, the Reformation whereof hath not yet been attained; Out of a tender care and desire that so necessary and good a work may at length be brought to effect, It is held convenient and necessary to adjourn part of the next Term of Easter; Be it therefore Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the consent of his Council, That part of the said Term of Easter now next coming be Adjourned, that is to say, from and after the first Return, called Quindena Ascensione; And all and every person or persons, which have cause, or commandment to appear in any of the Courts at Westminster, in or at any day or time, form and after the said Return, called Quindena Pasche, may tarry at their dwelling, or where their business shall lie, without resorting to any of the said Courts for that Cause, until the said last Return, called Crastino Ascensionis, without danger or forfeiture, penalty or contempt to be in that behalf. And be it also Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That Writs of Adjournment shall be directed to the Justices of the said Courts, and Barons of the Exchequer, giving them authority to adjourn the said part of the said Term of Easter, as aforesaid, that is to say, from and after the said first Return, called Quindena Pasche, until the said last Return of the said Term, called Crastino Ascensionis, as before is said, and the said Adjournment shall be made, ad aforesaid. And be it further Ordained, That all Matters, Causes and Suites, depending in any of the said Courts, shall have continuance, and the parties shall have day, from the day of the said Adjournment, until the said Return of Crastino Ascensionis, as is aforesaid; And the Lord's Commissioners of the Great Seal are required to issue forth Writs accordingly. And be it further Ordained, That a former Ordinance of the sixth day of this instant April, for the Adjourning of part of the said Term, until the first Return of Trinity Term next, called Crastino Trinitatis, be from henceforth Repealed and void. And it is lastly Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, and all other Sheriffs both in England and Wales, do forthwith proclaim and publish this Ordinance in the Chief Market Towns and usual places within their several and respective Counties. The last Letters from London sent by an Express from the Ambassadors to the States, do import that the Peace between this State and the Commonwealth of England was almost concluded, and that there wanted nothing to be decided between them, but the business of Denmark as to reparation suffered by the English in their ships formerly stayed in the Sound by the King of Denmark; which point was likewise near concluded, so that by the next we doubt not we shall hear the joyful news of Peace, which God grant to continue amongst us. In the mean time the States do further all what they can the setting out of their Fleet, which we suppose will be ready in a short time, since there is such a concourse of Mariners everywhere to supply our ships. It is said that there are 50 good ships ready at Amsterdam, besides a good number in the other Ports and Harbours of these Provinces. The Electors of Cullen and Triers have laid close siege to the Fortress of Harmestein, which they do batter with two pieced of Ordnance. The Governor defends himself very courageously, but it's supposed, he will endeavour to make some handsome composition for himself, and so surrender the place, which is very much suspected. The Illustrious Prince of Leige hath taken some Prisoners of good quality. I have in former dispatches acquainted you, that our affairs here suffered some delay by reason of the Treaty between England and Holland; The event of which being not yet known, causes those here to suspend giving in their answer to our Proposals: And I think it to be of so just and truly politic an account, that they are much to be commended for it. It will enable them to shape a more full clear answer; and they will thereby take in what will be for the larger interest, and advantage of the two Nations. If there be a Peace concluded betwixt the two States of England and Holland, the designs and interests will run in another kind of Channel then if there was a continuation of War between them. You may easily perceive a vast difference. Can any then imagine, that wise men will huddle up a business of consequence, establishing it upon an uncertain basis? The foundation of our Union with Sweden must be diversified according to our having Peace or War with the Dutch. The State of England hath received as great an addition of advantage and honour by this Embassy entrusted in the hands of so wise and accomplished a person to manage it, as ever any State hath, or can receive in such an affair. His parts and prudence has at once gained the respect and admiration of all that he hath conversed with: And I am persuaded the Commonwealth of England has more friends in Sweden by the true and faithful account his Excellency has given of our English Matters, then they could have had here by any other means whatever. It is not unknown to you by the piercing rays of truth dressed in a lovely garment, the affections cannot but follow with all delight and endearment. My Lord Ambassador has done this right for his Country, that he has given candid information of things, begot heartiness in the most eminent towards it; and they now begin to say that they are convinced that wise men are in the management of the affairs of the State of England. I hope we shall not long want a dispatch when the certainty is here known of the Treaty with the Dutch; and I believe we should by this time have accomplished our business, had not there been an intervention of so great and considerable an affair. The Queen is returned from Westrads, and has discoursed with the Prince Royal, her successor, about her desires of resigning up the Government. And 'tis said all things are agreed on between them, but it cannot have its full determination till the Parliament fit, which will be on the second of May next; and how they will cast it, is as yet uncertain. Piementelli the Spanish Resident, is commanded to return home; who intends to take his journey within this fortnight, or thereabouts. We have, with other things, received the news of an Agreement signed between our Commissioners and the Dutch Ambassadors, which is welcome. We have no news, save that here are Orders come for the Examination of Ministers, and for a Fast, which will be very strictly kept tomorrow. I have little to write save only to let you know, that all our Enemies, Glencarn, Glengarie, Kenmore, Atholl, Forbes, are North of Innerness within 12 miles, and Middleton with Seaforth is expected with Levies out of Cathness and Southerland this week, I have receives earnest letters from Col. Fitch for more Forces, so that this day I am marching with a considerable strength of Horse and Foot towards them, but I fear they'll retreat into Cathness and Southerland, where there is so many Ferries that it will be impossible for us to reach them: they give out that we shall have no peace with the Dutch, and that within a fortnight they'll be 6000: and truly I believe if we do not hinder their intentions by this March, they'll be 3 or 4000, and then let us have a care of our selves, for they threaten this Town much, though indeed we should be glad if they would come to us and save us the labour of long Marches: The two Men of War which transported the foot to Orkney, took and Dutch prize laden with French and Spanish wine and other commodities, the Prize..., but we know not where... are that took it. The news of the Reception made unto his Majesties, Ambassadors and Mr. De Bas at London, have wholly satisfied this Court, and have so much the more enjoyed it, that one was in some apprehension of a landing the English Fleet had made in Port Lovis in Brittany, whereof the rumour ran through Paris: one hath since given to understand, unto the little Queen and her Children, that England having resolved to send a reciprocal Embassy into France; the King desired that for the good of his affairs, they had to retire out of his Estates, and that their Pension should be sent them where they would. They thereupon prepare themselves: the little Queen only to go and dwell at Angers: Charles Stuart and his Brothers are bound with Prince Rupert for Chantilly, there to take their measures either for Germany or for Scotland, and the Prince Edward Palatin for Bourbon, under a pretext to take the waters, great conferences on Saturday last have been made in the Louvre concerning their affairs. Monday, most part of the Deputies from the reformed Churches, having met to consider of a Decree, whereby this Court thinks to satisfy them in the Marquis of Lerans business, purporting that the general Attorney, and the reporter of that process, in the Parliament of Toloze, should be summoned to appear two Months after the signification of the same, before his Majesty's Council, to have the second process reviewed & justice done, &c. They find it to be a right put off, which had but little relation to their demands; which so particularly tend to have the King revoke the Commission of the 12 members of that Parliament, which have voice in the Chamber of the Edict of Castres; that others may in their places be established, which may not depend of any jurisdiction: That the said Chamber be unmoveable, and that such express prohibition be made unto the said Parliament, that it may no more infringe his Majesties Edicts; and therefore it was resolved the said Decree should be receives after that the Baron de Ruvigny (in whole name it hath been given) has disavowed it. The Count of Harcourt is still in Brisac, expecting the effect of the promises made him. According to your Honour's command I drew out an hundred men, out of my Col. Regiment, and we met at Hambleton on Tuesday last, from whence I sent 40 to Duglass and Zancker; appointing them to meet me within 2 days at a place appointed; and with the rest of the party I marched to Newmills, where I lay one night; making it my business to get what intelligence I could of the Enemy's motion. The next morning by break of day, a Lieute. And nine Mossers came to the Town's end, upon whom our sentinel fired, and they presently betook themselves to the Mosses; and notwithstanding they were closely pursued by the guard, they could get but two prisoners, and six horses, which were not so serviceable, being but that night taken from some Country people, which I caused to be restored again, upon some small consideration to the Soldiers that took them. The same day Lieut. Evans marching with his party from me to Duglass, through the moors, took 8 Mossers more, notable Villains & sturdy. I sent to the Governor of Air to desire him to acquaint me with the condition of Lieut. Hickman, who marched out with 70 horse from Glasgow, by reason it was reported he forced the Enemy in Carick, who was said to be double his number, but his Return to me was, that he was considerable enough, and that he had met and fought some of the Enemy, touted and pursued them to Chapell; & so did judge that my party might be most useful about Zanker and those Passes, to that purpose I divided, and sent Lieut: Evans with fifty horse that way. But 2 miles from Comlock I happened to hear the Enemy by a Country man, who reported them to be about 12. I sent a party to the place where they were, but they had the Alarm, and rid for it; their party still increased till they came to the number of 60, which were still pursued by a Corporal and ten men; at last they faced about, fleeing no more, and our party made a halt, but so soon as ever they discovered my party coming, they presently began to flinch, and turn Tails, I sent the Corporal therefore presently to charge their Rear, but they soon fled, and betook themselves to the Mosses, whither we pursued them, at least Ten miles, in the most doleful place that ever I beheld; He followed them so long as our horses could step forward, and until they had not above 12, or 14 together in a body, the rest dispersed, many leaving their horses; which we picked up to the number of 25. but could that day take no more prisoners but 8, and 2, or 3 slain in the pursuit. This party was commanded by Major Hamilton, Capt; Legau, and Campbell, the last of which was not there- here was besides, Cragdorough, with 50 horse that came up from about Dumfreize to join with these, and was quartered within a mile or two, where I fell upon these Youth; but by reason of our interposing could not come to them, but marched off entirely in a body to the left of us; I endeavoured to get what Intelligence I could of their motion that night. The next morning I understood where they were; and what they intended which was to go by the way of Douglas, and so unto the North over Cluyd. I presently mounted and marched another way, as fast as I could, thinking to have been before them, but it so happened that they were gotten past Douglas a full hour before me; I found out their Tract and pursued after them as fast as I could, sending 16 of our best horse, if it were possible to engage them; but all was to little purpose we pursued them until we came within 4 miles of Hamilton long within night, but then lost them. I came to Hamilton this morning about one o'clock, and presently sent out all the horse that were here, to lie upon the Passes of Cluyd, and to range theCountry between Evandale & Senerick, where about I judge they will attempt to get over Cluyd. I have also dispatched an express to Col. Cooper desiring him to send to Kilysthe, and they to send to Sterling, to draw forth their horse on the Passes, That so it we miss of them here, they may perhaps light on them; they cannot but be much tired. I have also sent to Aire to Cap: Robson, to desire him to advise Lieut. Hickman with his party, which I understand is come out of Carick, to lie about the Country near the Passes over Dumbarton-shire, where those dispersed people of Hamilton's and Leglan's will certainly privately endeavour to get over. The eight prisoners first taken, I sent to Aire, the rest I shall send this day to Glasgow: One is said to be a Capt. Another a Lieutenant, and one a notorious murdering Moss Trooper, known to be so by the Country about from his Childhood. Truly Sir, I must now of necessity take some rest, both men and horses, but also those we took from the Enemy. I shall not further trouble your Honour. The Committee for claims for Land in Ireland, having determined to give Certificate to each adventurer, are resolved to seal the same on Thursday each week, and intend to meet at Grocer's hall, London, on each Tuesday and Saturday, to dispatch claims and other business not yet presented, and all persons concerned therein, are desired to take notice thereof. William Tibbes Clerk. This Post brought no Letters to us from England; so that we are still in the dark, as to the success of the Treaty between England and the United Provinces. We are very greedy in our expectations to understand the full of it; for we do confidently believe, That then we shall receive a very speedy and satisfactory answer. My Lord Ambassador is not idle; He takes all advantages to promote his negotiation: And, indeed, the Queen has so great an affection for England, and in particular to his Highness my Lord Protector that she is very inclinable to make up this Alliance. The wheels are in motion, the Affair does make its progress; Those things which are of a single relation, and do not depend either upon a War or Peace with the Dutch, have received a candid acceptation. But as to other things, you must be content to let them pause awhile, till the great business between us and Holland have one way or other received a period. The Queen is fixed in her Resolves of quitting the Government, yes she will dispatch us first: And it will be a very fair and specious conclusion of her Reign, that she has gained to Sweden so considerable an Allie as the State of England. The enclosed will inform you what kind of task the Horse are put upon in these parts, to suppress the Rebels and Mossers, who daily gather and are as often scattered. Besides what was done by Major Bridge, a party of Twenty of Major-General Harrison's late Regiment, commanded by Corner Kenner, coming from Dumfrieze, with some Sesse which they had collected, were set upon by 40 of the Enemy, received their charge, and then charged by the Rebels, routed them, and had only 4 of his party wounded. Lieutenant Hickman with another party fell upon 60 of the Enemy under the command of one Captain Campbel, took 6. above 20 horse: Capt-Campbel was shot in the back, his horse taken but he himself escaped amongst the Whins and bogs. Glencarnes and Glencary, &c are gone over Taine into Sutherland to join with Middleton, and then they will be near 4000. yet I doubt not but Col. Morgan will endeavour to engage them with his party. Montross, and the Lord Dudhoppe are raising men in the Brays of Angus, and report already speaks them 300 horse. Thus do they daily strive to make themselves and the Country miserable, having yet appeared the most cowardly enemy that ever we dealt with, but enough of this. Upon Monday night last the Enemy had a party returning from the South towards Aberfoy pass, to which joined another party of the Enemy, of about 60 Horse and 60 Foot, commanded by Col. Mac-Naughton; at which time Cornet Keys with about 20 Horse from Dunbarron, and Lieut. Francis Young of Capt. Callant's Company of Coll. Read's Regiment, with 18 Horse and 30 Foot from Bohannan made after them; the Enemy got the pass first, nevertheless they were totally routed by ours who killed one Capt. And 12 private Soldiers, took Lieut. Coll. George Herriot, William Bohannan Capt. Robert Campbel Cornet, Hugh Wells Quartermaster, above 40 private Soldiers, and above 20 Horse, Mac-Naughton fled with 16 Horse, all of them being killed and taken save himself and 3 others. We had only one killed, one wounded, and two horses killed. Sir, This is all the Intelligence that affords itself at present having had nothing from our parties that are abroad in these parts since the last. Whitehall April 12. General Monck went two days since toward Scotland. The Return of the Instrument of Peace, with the Ratification under the Hands of the State's General, is expected by the first opportunity out of Holland, and then it is to be signed by the Lord Protector; after which a Day will be appointed for proclaiming it here and in the United Provinces. The effect whereof you may expect ere many days be over. No news further from Sea. Monsieur Rosenwing the Danish Agent is arrived in this City. | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 200 |
WPost175 | The Proclamation for Peace; or, the Declaration of his Highness the Lord Protector's Council at Whitehall, to be published by the Heralds of Arms, and sound of Trumpets tomorrow, being the 26 of this instant April, throughout all Cities, Towns, Sea-Forts, and Harbours, within the Commonwealth of England, and the Dominions thereunto belonging; and the United Provinces in the Low countries. The number of English and Dutch men of war, designed for the Straits and Levant seas, under the command of Gen. Pen, and young Tromp; A Narrative touching the surrender of Dunkirk to his Highness by the K. of Spain, for the landing an Army of Redcoats in France. The advancing of the K. of Scots, and the D. of York from Paris, the true proceedings of their forces in Scotland, and the several Onsets & Engagements with the particular loss on both sides. London, Printed by R. Wood, for G, Horton, for information of the. The delivery of Opinions, and the sundry Mutations and Changes, which hath of late years sprung up within the Confines of Great Britain, causeth as much wonder as admiration: and the redeeming of Us from a perpetual and short-lived Parliament, was no small joy to the people of England; But to be restored to their Original Constitution and to embrace Liberty and Freedom, O what a sweet and pleasant Harmony would found in the Ears of all men: The which, as it is with great fervency desired, so is it with as great integrity and fidelity assured, by virtue of the late Constitution of Government. So serious and deliberate is his Excellency in all his actions, that not one is omitted without diligent perusal; neither doth He pass by Matters of public concernment, without due examining; As King James did, when He was under his Tutor the learned Divine Doctor Buchanan, passed under his Hand several Instruments, as Grants and Pardons, exceeding pernicious to his people, without any examination. Well! Buchanan, that he might the more substantially reprehend him for his so doing, first desireth of his Majesty to grant him a Boon, & the same morning that he was to go a hunting, bringeth an Instrument to be signed, which was an absolute Resignation the Kingdom of Scotland to Buchanan: the King signeth it, and at night after supper, withdraweth himself with his Tutor, to read some Author, as was his custom, Buchanan siteth down in the King's Chair, and said, He was King. Upon that, gave the King the Papers that he had signed in the morning Upon reading thereof, his Majesty wept, committed the conveyance of the kingdom of Scotland into the fire, and afterwards resolved, according to the advice of his faithful and good Tutor, never to pass anything without perusal and deliberation. But to Intelligence: Monsieur Lodowick de Gand, Lord of Brachey, and Resident here in England in behalf of the high and mighty Prince Lewis, Duke of Guelders and Juliers, Conte of Egmont and Zutphen, & was this day, with many Gentlemen of quality accompanying him in coaches, attended by Sir Oliver Flemming, Master of the Ceremonies, unto his Highness the Lord Protector; The Lord President Laurence, and some other Lords of the Council, with the Secretary of State, being present in his Highness's chamber, where the said Lord Resident had audience and made a congratulatory Speech, which was answered with abundance of respect from his Highness. By an Express from Naples it is certified, That Gen. Delfino having besieged the strong Garrison of Clim, found so cold a welcome, by the hot and desperate sallying out of the Turks, that after a lamentable and bloody conflict, he was totally routed, and left behind him above a thousand gallant men, and all his Bag and Baggage, besides some pieces of Cannon. The next thing that we shall present you withal, is an Express from abroad the Pearl frigate in Dover Road, signifying, That a Squadron of English ships are commanded to Deep un France, to conduct over the two French Lords, who have received further Credentials from their Master the King, for the concluding of a firm League and Union with his most Excellent Highness, Oliver Lord Protector, &c. So runs the Title of the Commission: from whence we may infer that the Harp makes the sweetest Harmony: Form, true it is, that many Christian Princes have resolved to congratulate his Highness and to that end, sundry Ambassadors are preparing: so that they begin to work out their deliverance with fear and trembling. The Commissioners for approbation of public Preachers sit on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; of which Fridays for Augmentations. In all the Transactions, there is no respect had to anything so much as grace in men's hearts; some University men, for defect thereof, have been laid by; and some who were never were University men, yet furnished with gifts and graces, have been received and welcomed. No Difference at all among the Commissioners themselves, though they be of divers judgements about Church matters, all minding the advancement of the Gospel. They being 38 in number are severed into three Divisions, each sitting their month. No partiality used in their Trials; nor do certificates approved of, but such as come subscribed under the hands of such persons as are known to the Commissioners. From sea, the only news is, that a fleet of 40 sail of French Merchant-men were met with off of Ushant, by the Portsmouth and Middleburgh frigates, who assailed them, and maintained a very hot Dispute, in which they sunk the French Admiral, and took 5. But the foulness of the weather separating our frigates, impeded their further pursuit of Victory and so the fleet escaped. 1 The Admiral sunk, called the Foundore, 22 guns. 2 The St. Clement sunk, a ship of 14 guns. 3 The Rear-Admiral taken, called the Leveirge, a ship of 18 guns 4 The Lough Blanch taken; a ship of 11 guns 5 The St. Jacques, a delicate ship of 18 guns. 6 The John Baptist 12 guns Those that escaped, were, The Concord, the Protect, the Joseph, the George, the Chevalier, the Souldier, the Peter, the Le Fume, the Palma, the Julia Lunia, and some others. By an Express from Scotland, we have received very remarkable intelligence, intimating, That the Royal party increaseth, and have taken some few prisoners from the Borders of Cumberland to the Hills, the Lord Forrester, and the Lord Dudhop are in Athol, and very active in attending the motion of General Middleton. The rest of their forces in Caithness have left no means unassayed for raising of the whole country; but the people being timorous of rising, fearing least the Garrison of Sinclair, commanded by Langrish of col. Fitch's Regiment should punish them for their Loyalty, after Middleton's march from thence: whereof for their encouragement, Maj. Gen. Dyel with a strong party of foot, and 100 stout horse, is ordered to sit down before it for the reducing of it, which is conceived to be a work of great difficulty, the place being situated on a very high Rock, yet if they prove successful in this Achievement, they intend then to attempt Ruthin Garrison; but cap. Hill (the Governor) has reinforced it with provisions, and is well provided for a siege. The Armies of both sides are preparing to receive each other, and Col. Morgan has drained Inverness to join with those forces which he brought from Aberdeen, so that he lies with about 1700 Horse and Dragoons, and 2000 Foot, betwixt the enemy and they must needs march through, if they intend to move out of the North corner; so that they will be compelled to fight, and they are resolved; there being no way left them to , but through such inaccessible bounds, as 'tis impossible for their horse to march that way, and very difficult for their foot, it being exceeding mountainous, and scarcely inhabited, and the country they are in will not long be able to sustain them, it being very poor. I doubt not but a days will give us an account of some action between him and Middleton; what the success will be, the Lord knows; for, to speak truth, we have a very stout and stubborn enemy to deal withal, and as potent they speak themselves to be as valiant, saying they scorn to prove perfidious (in the least) to so great a Cause wherein the interest of their King so much depends; but will rather choose to sacrifice their lives in the field, and dispute the mountainous passes by inches. The two Armies continue now at an easy distance from each other for some days past and 'tis conceived that the English have some advantage of them in respect of ground, and will endeavour by all means to engage them, though their number far exceeds ours. But alas! during the time of their declining engagement many of our soldiery run from several parts to the enemy, which do much exasperate them, and annoy Us. We expect a sudden Engagement, and many desperate Onsets there hath already been; yet not much cause to laugh on either side as yet: Therefore, for the success, we must refer it unto Him in whose hands are all the Corners of the Earth. By an Express from Paris it is certified, that one James Darcy an Irish Gentleman was made by the King Lieutenant of the D. of York's Regiment, and the next day was made Knight by the King of Scots: The Governor of Jamets having made a design with the Governor of Mouson to beat up the Prince of Conde's quarters at Wirton in Luxembourg, carried the Work on with so much dexterity and gallantry that they reinforced their passage, put to the sword most of the Troops there quartered, and took the rest prisoners, with most of the Spanish soldiers likewise. By an Express of a later date, thus: In answer to yours concerning the little Queen, and her Son the King of Scots, thus much at present; On the 22 of April she went form hence, having two days before taken her leave of the King and Court, There went with her, her two sons, Charles and James Prince Rupert, the Lord Digby, sir Lewis Divis, and divers other Gentlemen, in all about 12 Coaches; some say she intends for Orleans: others, to the Duke her brother, at his house near Blois. The King of Scots is to convoy her on her way, and to return, but not yet to leave France as reported. From Truro in Cornwall, our Scout bringeth intelligence, That Mrs Hannah Frapnel, who lately acted her part in a Trance so many days at Whitehall, hath for some time been in those parts, where she passed from Town to Town, to vent her Prophecies, and alienate the hearts of the people from the present Government. There are in her company one Mr. Langdon, and Mr. Baudon, two members of the late short-lived Parliament: But the Justices having taken notice of her ways and practices, she was apprehended; and M. Lobb giving the Charge in the last Sessions, willed the Jury to inquire, 1 concerning Vagrants, 2 such as occasioned unlawful meeting, 3 such as speak against the present Government. There were two Indictments drawn against her; M. Langdon, and M. Baudon, endeavoured to make a learned Defence, and could no be : only they entered into Bond of 300l. for her good behaviour; and appearance at the next Assizes. This passage reminded me of the old story of Eliz. Barton, the Holy Maid of Kent as she was called in the days of H.8 who was made us of by certain fanatic Popish Priests by feigned Miracles & Trances, to raise admiration in the multitude, and foment seditious Humours against the Government; for which she and her accomplices were all hanged but the heads. From Holland they write, That the States General have sent to all Provinces, and considerable cities to bring in their opinions and consents concerning the House of Orange, and the Stuart's Family; 'tis hoped all things will prove for the best. And 'tis conceived the Q of Sweden hath a good intention for the Low-Countries. Unto which confines, valiant Duke Francis of Lorain is said to prosecute his journey with a stately Train. Their great Armada, far bigger than ever is designed to launch forth into the Deep about the merry month of May: at which time they intent, to play strange pranks, over the left shoulder. The States have had several meetings for preventing of the Designs which may be intended against the Sound, and to preserve the entire right to the K. of Denmark; and upon the Result, sent Orders to the Admiralty of Amsterdam, to carry on the Naval Affairs with expedition. From Plymouth it is certified, That capt. Potter Commander of the Constant Warwick, (who not long since brought in that famous Pirate cap. Beach) hath again disputed the sovereignty of the seas with another Brest man of War, called the Bridget, and after a sharp and cruel conflict came to grappling, and at last boarded her, and brought her into the aforesaid Port; she is one of the neatest things and best sailor that ever spread her canvass upon the curled Waves. From Warsaw they write, that the Muscovites before they would grant the Cossacks their protection, obliged them to renounce the Amity of the Tartarians that they should never acknowledge their old Polish Lords, nor wear any habit after the polish mode, or wear any red or yellow boots, but only black ones; and that they shall drink no strong waters, play at cards, or take tobacco &c. The French are in a panic fear that the K. of Spain will deliver into the hands of the Lord protector of England, the town of Dunkirk for security of forces, which they fear shall be sent over to the Prince of Conde, for the service of the K. of Spain, against the Crown of France. The Q of Sweden hat written a letter to the French Ambassador, concerning her Majesty's Resolution of surrendering Her Crown and Kingdom to Pr. Charles, which is conceived to be only for promoting of the princess of Orange the King of Scots' sister. The Articles of peace are delivered to his Highness the Lord protector in a silver box, signed and sealed by the States of the United provinces, all concurring; and his Highness hath appointed the like to be engrossed here, and to pass the Great Seal of England; and then he will sign it by his sign Manual, which then is to be put into a silver box, and be sent to the Hague, and after signification of the States General receiving thereof, it will be published in both Commonwealths. From Scotland we have received intelligence, that the grand design of Rising doth appear every day more universal, not only the Scots flying out, bur divers English; and amongst the rest three Clerks, belonging to the Court of Justice at Edinburgh, divers soldiers out of Lieth, and about 50 from Sterling are gone to the Hills; from whence they descend down sometimes into the Lowlands, and amongst the others, the E. of Salkirk, second son to the Marq of Douglas, started out the other day, and took from Boggehal 60 horse. Nay, this is not all, but divers other Englishmen are got to the Hills under the command of an Irishman: so that Middleton's Army consists of at least 800 horse & 3000 foot, and are resolved to engage us. Whereupon col. Morgan with 850 horse, & 1600 foot is advanced against them, and a sudden engagement is expected. Cap. Staner, and Cap. Smith, Commanders of the Tonnington & Plymouth frigates, have taken an Holland East-India ship outward bound of 800 Ton, laden with 350 Ton of goods, and 4 Chests of silver. The Constant Warwick hath brought in Prize a Brest man of war with 8 guns, and 50 men into Plymouth. Aye! But to this welcome news, we have received very sad tidings, that is, on Tuesday last Cap. Southwood, commander of the White-Raven, going from Leith Road towards Newcastle, was set upon by a 11 Dutch men of war, boarded and taken, and the 13 instant a private man of war ours, was accidentally blown up in Leith Road, and 6 men killed. From Deal, April 21. thus: This Afternoon arrived here the Express, who doth return into Holland to carry to the Sates General the ratification of the peace, signed and sealed by his Highness the L. Protector, which upon signification of their receiving, will suddenly be proclaimed both in England and Wales. There are brought into this Road three Dutch prizes, whereof one was a ship bound for the East-Indies, and the other two of great value. There are also brought into Harwich two Dutch prizes which came from Norway; and some Busses are taken by a private man of war, and carried into Tarmouth, laden with fish. By an Express from aboard the Pearl frigate it is certified, That about 50 sail of English men of War, and as many Dutch, are designed for the Straits, the Indies, and Levant seas; and that Gen. Pen is to be commissionated for this famous Expedition. The Fleet rides as yet in Stokes-Bay; but expects daily command to weigh Anchor. Whereas a place is made, concluded, and ratified, between his Highness the Lord Protector, and the States General of the United Provinces of the Low countries. And whereas it is agreed, That publication thereof shall be made of both parts on Wednesday next, being the 26 of this instant April; from which time, restitution is to be made of all ships that shall be taken on either side, after 12 days, within these seas; and in all other places on this side the Cape of St. Vincent; and from thence within the Mediterranean sea, and to the Equinoctial Line, after ten weeks; and beyond the Equinoctial, after the space of 8 months: which several spaces were so limited to the intent, convenient time might be allowed for notice to be given of the said peace, in all places where it shall be necessary. The Council have therefore hereby to give notice thereof to the several Parts of this Commonwealth, and to all others whom it may concern, within the Dominions thereof; to the end, they may have warning to provide for their own safety, and not expose their ships to danger within the several and respective times aforesaid. | The Weekly Post, Issue 175 |
EveryDayIntell$14 | The Articles of Peace returned to the Lord Protector in a costly silver Box; the passing them under the Great Seal of England, and an Order for the Proclaiming thereof by Heralds of Arms sounding of Trumpets, and white Flags. The Lord Protector settled in Whitehall, with the number of his standing Guard. The discovery of a further Design of the Enemy in Scotland, the going of many English unto them, with two Clerks belonging to the Courts of Justice at Edinburgh; Divers Soldiers out of Leith, and 50 from Sterling. A Letter from the Queen of Sweden touching Charles Stuart. A Declaration of the Pope. A List of several Prizes taken at Sea; And the proceedings of the Commissioners for trial of Ministers at Whitehall. Now we arrive at the Haven so much desired, and yet (through distrust of the Pilots) great doubts were in the hearts of the People. That which we shall chiefly treat upon is, the Ratification of the Peace betwixt Us and Holland, whereof we had Letters this day, that in some measure give satisfaction, for they speak as followeth. The States General of Holland sat the tenth Instant, upon the Articles of Peace between England, and them, as they came over signed, and Sealed by their own Ambassadors in England, and after a full consideration one of the Deputies of every Province did also Sign, and Seal, and ordered that Proclamation should be made at a day then appointed for establishing the said Articles of Peace, and the reuniting of these Commonwealths, wherein regard was had to the time when it should be Proclaimed in England, and a special Messenger was dispatched away to give notice to the Lord Protector, and his Council of their unanimous consent, and accord with them. By the last Post from Rochel we have received advertisement, that the Treaty between England & the United Provinces of the Low Countries being concluded, the report thereof, and of a mighty English Fleet ready to go to Sea, riding near Portsmouth, the whole Country thereabouts took a strong Alarum, every Governor, and Commander of Port, Castle, and Fort, causing strong guard to be kept, fearing lest the said Fleet should have any design to land some Forces there; they likewise sent to the court to know his Majesty's pleasure therein, and to desire assistance in case his Majesty shall think the same requisite; what the issue will be, we as yet know not. By Letters from Inverness, Dated April 4 thus. Lieut: Colonel Mitchel marched hither with 9 Companies of Foot, 6 Troops of Horse, and a commanded Party of about 180, with 5 Troops of Dragoons, which marched yesterday to Brahan, to which 4 troops of Horse and three Companies of Foot are added. The cause of this march is to keep a Pass at Dinghill, which in the judgement of many knowing men of the Country, will constrain them either to fight with us, stay in the place where they are, or run the hazard of losing their Horse by the length, badness of way, and want of provisions, in case they march by the North West hills to the South one or other of which exigencies they cannot avoid. The Enemy had a general Rendezvous on the first of this Instant, near the Castle of Skilbo in Sutherland, where (as they give out) appeared between four and five hundred horse and Foot; upon better information we hear they were not fully 3000, viz. about 1600 foot, and about one thousand horse, the one half of which are very unfit for the service of war, and many not half armed, some wanting swords, and some pistols, Middleton has added to the number about 200 horse and foot. At this Rendezvous Middleton declared, that he had brought some good quantity of Gold with him into Scotland, which he said the Emperor of Germany had sent his Master, and that the said Emperor was raising a far greater sum, and a great number of men, which he said he would have staid, and brought with him, but that he heard there was some discontent amongst his friends, arising from his often failing in his promised coming to them; He then exhorted them to prosecute the work they had in hand effectually, and to use their utmost endeavours to force the enemy to depart the Country. After this, he gave Order that the most of them should march for the South Highlands, and the rest to continue in the North, and both to go on vigorously to prosecute their new Levies, and then to join in the South. He hath ordered 250 to be levied out of Ross, 300 out of Sutherland, Caithness 600, and Stranarvar 300. He hourly expects Seafort with 500 men, and Mackoldwy to be ready with his Levies. A Return came from Holland, concerning the signing, and sealing the Articles of Peace, and the Ratification by the States General of the 7. United Provinces; as all. so the day which they have prefixed for Proclaiming the said Articles of Peace in Holland, at which time the same will likewise be Proclaimed in England: All which his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council have debated of, and all things here go on in a way of Love, and sweet harmony of Peace, not only with Holland, and Denmark, but also with France, Sweden, Portugal, and other Kingdoms. The Commissioners for Approbation of public Preachers sit on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; of which Fridays for Augmentations. In all the Transactions there is no respect had to anything so much as grace in men's hearts, some University men, for defect thereof, have been laid by, and some who never were University men, yet furnished with Gifts and Graces, have been received and welcomed. No difference at all among the Commissioners themselves, though they be of divers Judgements about Church matters, all minding the advancement of the Gospel. They being 38 in number are severed into three divisions, each division sitting their month, so that the Work will go constantly on. Nor partiality used in their trials. Testimonies, and Certificates are narrowly looked into, because much depends upon them. If Patrons would present good men, it would much help on this work. Some of the men who have been already tried, have preached at Whitehall, and James's Chapel, and it's probable others will hereafter be put upon this way of exercising their Gifts. If the carriage of this business were in the view of the Nation, the Censures of men would be forborne; and whereas some are of opinion, that these Triers ought to have been sent from Churches, men are to know, that the Magistrate only looks to the sending forth Preachers, and takes not upon him to set down Church Officers; but out of the number of public Preachers, Church officers may afterwards be chosen, if Congregations see cause. An extraordinary number of Preachers are continually attending upon these Commissioners to receive their Trial; and yet there will be want of thousands. They usually sit upon the days before mentioned, from 8 till 12 in the morning; and sometimes every day, because of the abundance of business pressing upon them. No Certificates are approved but such as come subscribed under the hands of such persons as are known to the Commissioners or some of them. Mrs Hannah Trapnel she that lately acted her part in a Trance so many days at Whitehall, hath for some time been in these parts. There seem to be two convincing Reasons against her Spirit; the one is, that it withdraws from Ordinances, and the other is, that it is nonsensical. There are in her Company one Mr: Langdon, and Mr: Banden, two Members of the late short lived Parliament. The Justices of this County have taken notice of her ways, and practises; and Mr: Lobb giving the charge here this last Sessions, willed the Jury to enquire, 1 concerning Vagrants, 2 such as occasioned unlawful meetings. 3 Such as speak against the present Government. There were two Indictments drawn against her, Langdon and Bandon her Compeers, and abettors, endeavoured to make a learned Defence for her, but it was not suffered; only they entered into Bonds of three hundred pounds for her good behaviour, and appearance at the next Assizes. If you had enquired better into her business, when she tranced it at Whitehall, it might have prevented the staggering of many a spirit in Cornwall. The design intended to be made use of by means of this Woman is (it seems) to compass England, and pass from one good Town to another to vent her Prophesies, and thereby disaffect the People to the present Authority. It calls to mind the old story of Elizabeth Barton, the holy maid of Rent (as she was called) in the days of Henry the 8 who was made use of by certain fanatic Popish Priests, by feigned Miracles, and Trances, to raise admiration in the multitude, and cement seditious humours against the Government; for which she had in the end her reward. From Edinburgh April 13. The design of rising here does appear every day more universal, not only the Scots flying out, but divers English; and amongst the rest three Clerks belonging to the Court of Justice at Edinburgh. Divers Soldiers out of Leith, and about 50 from Sterling are gone to the Hills. This Day arrived in the River of Thames divers Merchants' ships, among which were 4. whose lading is chiefly with Currance. From Paris they write, that the Governor of Rochel sent Letters to the King, acquainting his Majesty that a mighty Fleet of the English did lately give them a great Alarum, and desires his Majesty to take speedy order for the re enforcing of the Castles, and Forts on that side of the Country, for now the Treaty is made up with Holland; he mistrusts that the English have a design to land some men in France, if the King make not also his Peace with England speedily. A Letter from Spanish Merchant, to a person of Honour concerning Trade, and Commerce. Right Honourable, In obedience to your Commands, I humbly render you these Propositions, as necessary for the good of the people of our Commonwealth (in relation to trade) to be articulated with the King of Spain; wherein I could not be so compendious as I intended, for that such is the importance of the Subject, such the limitation of the last articles (made betwixt that King, and the late Deceased, and those so ill observed, as hath been others, sit hence purchased for 1000 so many are the Ports and Countries of his Dominions of L. Spain, & each enjoying distinct Privileges; so many new impositions have been introduced by that King, contrary to those articles, so many are the molestations, and exactions that his several Judges and Officers in all places inflict on our Factors, Ship masters, and others of this Nation on every slight pretence, searching our Horses, taking away our Books, and papers, imprisoning, and fining at their pleasures, embargoing our ships, confiscating our goods, and to remain with our means, they never want evasions, and false suggestions, making white to appear black, by such persons, Informers, and inferior Officers; (as for to catch 5 shillings care not if 5000 l. be condemned or damaged) and these are sharers in the booty, and as such introduce Witnesses interested with the Judge, Interpreter, and Scrivener, who takes the depositions by which the suits are adjudged, as they are also in appellation superior Tribunals (and not by viva voce.) In this manner do they use the King's Commissioners, and abuse his Authority in remote Ports) under a form and pretence of Justice, being ignorant of other Countries, imagining that all the world should be subject to them, violating the peace, offensive to God: So destructive to the commerce, the utility of our Peace with Spain) That the Merchants, and particular Members, are not only sensible hereof, but this whole Nation as a body intellectual: Yet we allege not this so much for the past matter of interest, as the importance of the present matter, we treat not so much of having paid 50 or a hundred thousand pound per annum since the last Articles to the King, and his Officers, as to show how much it concerns the commerce, and this Nation; that such special regard be had to the making of new Articles; and to procure that they be so observed, as that the King's Officers for the time to come, may be disabled from their abuse, which your universal Providence, so vigilant for the conversation and advancement of this Commonwealth, can best prescribe: Wherein I pray God to direct You, &c. Your most humble, and faithful Servant, R. B. Now what say all you that are so full of distrust, that for all that hath been said hitherto, cannot believe any reality of Peace betwixt England & Holland (because it is not yet proclaimed) yet let this be added unto what hath been said already, viz: The Articles of Peace are certainly Signed and Sealed by the States General of the United Provinces, and are returned back again to his Highness the Lord Protector in a silver Box. It remaineth now that his Highness pass the same also under the Great Seal of England, to which he gives his Sign Manual, this Ceremony being over, and notice thereof given to the States General, Peace is to be proclaimed by Heralds at Arms, found of Trumpets, and white Flags in both Commonwealths. In the meanwhile there hath been some late actions at Sea, and we have taken these prizes following. The Rear admiral of St, The Love Blanch (Mallows), The St. Joques, The John Baptist, The St. Clement sunk, A ship of 14 guns and 70 men sunk, The Foundore sunk, Another ship of 22 guns sunk. The Lord Protector is now settled in Whitehall, the Lodgings and Officers are for the most part ordered as they were formerly; and his Highness hath a guard of sixty proper stout men. There were 2 persons stood in the Pillory yesterday at the Old Exchange, the one was for perjury, the other for forgoing of Letters. The French Ambassador hath had several Treaties with some of the Lords of his Highness' Council. The renowned Queen of Sweden hath written a Letter to the French Ambassador concerning her Majesty's resolution to surrender he Crown and Kingdom; it beginneth, and endeth thus. G. R. We have formerly given you an account of the Reasons which have prevailed with us to go on in our design of surrendering up our Crown, yet shall we conserve you in our affection in whatsoever condition we shall be; and we shall make it appear to you, that no change whatsoever may alter those senses of my mind, wherein we glorify our self. You know all this, and believe, no doubt, that the greatest assurance we can give is to tell you that we shall ever be, CHRISTIANA. The Pope hath set forth a Declaration against Arminians. Col: Pride is going with a Regiment into Scotland. | Every Day's Intelligence, Issue $14 |
WPost$126 | The concluding of a Treaty between his Highness the Lord Protector and the Lord Ambassadors from the States of Holland; with the Declaration, and Letter, sent from the Independent and Anabaptist part to all the private Churches throughout the Nation; And a Remonstrance concerning the Ministry, and the Church of England, in order to the present Power and Government: Likewise, the Narrative for removing all Oppressions, the administering of true justice, the settling of Religion and the restoring of all men to liberty. Together with variety of choice Intelligence from the Nation, and all parts of Europe. LONDON, Printed for GEO. HORTON, 1653. There is no sight so lovely, and taking to the eyes of all ingenious and since as naked Truth; it being a jewel of such singular worth, that the excellency thereof has induced we (in these great juncture of Affairs) to present you with such Occurrences, as shall centre upon the Basis of Enquiry, Common Right, and Reason: And first, we shall take an exact View of An Answer to a paper entitled A true Narrative of the cause and manner of the dissolution of the late Parliament, &c. Wherein, saith the Author, three things were evidently in the principles of divers of those men in the house (whom I, amongst others, thought it safe to sit longer with) which though I will not determine but that they might be the issues of a deluded mind, yet looked very like the worst designs. First, a general owning themselves to rule the Nation only as Saints, to whom the right of civil Government did belong, as having an extraordinary call from Christ thereto, being the beginning of a fife Monarchy, which was never to cease, but to break in pieces all powers, by making war with them. In which, besides the dishonour cast upon the good ways of God and his people, and the abuse of many Truths, and in particular that of the Kingdom of Christ on earth, a thing to be expected and longed for, as the Scriptures hold it forth to us; 'Tis no way hard to discern what a foundation was laid of exalting men (who should take to themselves the name of Saints, though never so unduly) in Government, and excluding all others who had ever so great Interest in the Nation, and other fitness thereto, and have a civil Right to rule, when Providence shall give them a lawful Call thereto. Secondly, how great a ground was this to put the stamp of infallibility upon all they should do, and conclude the Nation in whatsoever Impositions they should lay upon them, by pretending themselves And that unquestionably by a Divine and extraordinary Right thing never before heard of as thus held forth; and which certainly if pursued to the utmost, would give them under that notion, a right to posses all men's properties and estates, as well as dispose and go with them, and introduce such Axioms, as would soon have turned the three Nations into blood and confusion. I intend not hereby and reflection upon the Name of Saints, which my soul honours, nor upon the advantage of having godly men to rule; but upon the ill and dangerous use by Satan's Temptations may be made of such pretences, especially in these Times, wherein his Temptations lie mostly that way. The second was their manifestly rigid Principles of Imposition, contended against with the blood of so many precious Saints, & laying such foundations as would shortly have introduced the bitterest and sorest persecution: To this none are so conscious, or can be, as those that sat daily with them in the House, where they heard men unsainted and condemned into the fourth Monarchy, and looked upon as obstructers of Reformation, and no longer fit for the Work, if not through-paced to all the Principles of Reformation, held forth Mr. Peak and others at Black fryers, and other places, and stickled for by some in the House. To this purpose, Letters are written to the Churches all the Nation over, to blast that part of the House that agreed not with them; and at a set-meeting at a Member's house, of divers Members, consultation had to leave the House, and remonstrate against them as hinderers of Reformation, and not fit to govern the Nation any longer. And things indeed amongst them was grown to that height that it was evident (in a short time) scarce any should have been judged meet to publish the Gospel, or receive the Magistrate's countenance, that had not been baptised into their spirit and principle. And this I cannot but mention, that when the last great Debate was about ejecting scandalous Ministers, it was confidently averred, None should be countenanced by the Magistrate but such as disclaimed their Ordination: Which though though I would not seem to justify it in the least, how hard an Imposition it was to put men upon this Dilemma, either to leave their present subsistence, or disclaim the Ordination they had (it may be conscientiously) received either from Bishops or Presbyterians is no hard thing to judge. Thirdly, there appeared an evident Design to alter the Government of the Army, and have put it into such hands as would have perfectly corresponded with their principles, and given them a safe opportunity to have imposed whatsoever they had pleased upon the Nation; and as there was just cause to fear would have brought out what did not yet appear, viz. Blood upon the Nation This was certainly given in direction to divers Members met together, to pull down some in the Army, and set up others, either with of before them, as is most notoriously known: And what other signification, but to alter the Government of the Army, the endeavours of many in the House who came purposely prepared to take away the Officer's pay, could have, I know not, unless it were to make a dangerous breach between the Parliament, and the Army who called them thither, or else to breed animosities in the Army, and set them at variance among themselves. This could not but be judged a most destructive thing, considering the strength of the Nation, and the Interest of all the good people, was not a little bound up in the Army's safe and well consisting together. And this I cannot but remember, that some of the chief of those who declaimed so much against the Officers taking their pay, and not going a warfare at their own charge, did at the same time while they were gazing at the mote in their brethren's eye, never reflect upon the beam in their own, they holding several places under the Commonwealth more beneficial than most individual Officers pay in the Army, so much declaimed against. Now for the particulars expressed in the printed Narrative, I shall consider them apart, and give the true and genuine signification to divers things there picked up, and put together with the greatest disadvantage and prejudice that is possible. On the twelfth instant divers Members came to the House with an intention to inform them of our insufficiency to do that good we were called for, as so constituted, and to persuade them to resign their Power (as being a thing most safe and advisable) whence they received it; and if their concurrence could not be had, judged it their duty to do it in their particulars, and did it accordingly, by withdrawing themselves accompanied with the Speaker, to the Horse-Chamber in Whitehall where near eighty Members voluntarily subscribed a Resignation of their Power to the Lord General, to which place none were compelled to come, and in which resignation none were desired to join but such as had a freedom thereto, as was there often expressed by some Members present; which resignation by the Speaker accompanied likewise with the said Members, was delivered to the Lord General. What happened to those few Members that remained in the House I know not; but I am conscious of no force (as is intimated) either intended or offered to the Parliament whilst a House was sitting. All which particulars are asserted for truth, by a cordial lover of England's Liberties; who with his Lines, presents himself to public view. The last Post from Holland advertiseth, That there has been an exceeding mighty Thunder and Lightning near Amsterdam, which burnt and destroyed above five hundred houses, and done wonderful Damage upon the country; as may be represented by the ensuing Figure, the Rivers having brake forth beyond their Bounds, and made great Devastation. There has likewise been above forty Merchant's ships sunk in the Texel, by a Tempest, and many others exposed to great hazards and shipwreck. The like dreadful Thunder has been at Pembroke in Wales, where not long before the great Lightning, appeared a Blazing Star, to the great admiration of all that beheld it. What these dreadful Signs from Heaven portend, I am not able to make out; but certainly they are Forerunners of some wonderful events- There is arrived the Fleet from Dunkirk, consisting of about forty sail, whereof a good part are laden with rich goods, as Silks wrought and unwrought, Linen, Thread &c. There is likewise come five ships from the East-Land; as also one from Zant with Currants, but as yet not come up the River. The Ambassador from the States of Holland have made some further application to his Highness, and his Council; and 'tis hoped there will be a firm and lasting Peace. By our last Post and intelligence from the Navy, we have received very certain and credible intelligence, That Colonel Charles James having received a Commission from the King of Scots, is launched forth into the Deep with the Brest Men of War who has now struck sail upon the Coast of Britain, and there set up his Flag on the Poop of the Patrick called the Vice-Ambral, as here represented is the causing Figure. From Her Royal Majesty the Queen of Sweden, our Post further advertiseth, that the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, with his Retinue was received in a most high and pompous manner, by the Magistrates of Gothenburg, who made a speech to hid Lordship, by way of congratulation, in reference to his Embassy from the Commonwealth of England. From Amsterdam it is further certified that there hath happened a very sad and lamentable fire not at Amsterdam, as is said by some, but at a town some 3 miles of the said City: occasioned by tempestuous and stormy weather, a Rase Mill being driven with that force and violence that, that they took fire with such fury and violence, that the Flames issued forth in such Flakes, that no possible means could prevent this sad and dreadful devastation. Extracted out of the Original Papers, published by Authority. | The Weekly Post, Issue 126 |
ProcState221 | We are informed from Edinburgh 9 Decemb. That last week a party of fourscore of these broken people, took away 7 or 8 good horses from the Earl of Weems's house in Fife, and a party of four Rogues came into the Laird of Womat's house, three or four miles from Leith, and stabbed an Englishman, who was employed by the Commissioners to gather in the Rents of his Coal-pits, by which we may perceive what usage we might expect, if we were at their mercy. I do hereby oblige me, my Heirs and Executors, That I shall and will live peaceably under the command of the Commonwealth of England, And that I, or any other under my Command, shall not act directly or indirectly to the prejudice of the Commonwealth aforesaid, in aiding and assisting the Highlanders, and others now in arms, and who hereafter shall be in Arms against the said Commonwealth in person, Counsel, Advice, Means, or any other manner of way whatsoever, under the penalty of forfeiture of Life and Estate, and to be proceeded against as the Parliament of the Commonwealth, and those empowered by them shall appoint: In witness whereof I gave subscribed the same at the 28 day of Novemb. 1653. All our Commissioned Officers are going now to their several Localities for Levies (which was not till now determined upon) both of Horses and Foot, the Earl of Athol is to levy a Regiment of Horses in Perthshire, and the whole foot thereof: Kinoul hath the horses of the shire of Angus and Mernes: Glengary is to levy a Regiment of horses out of Caithness, Sutherland, Ross, and Murray, and to be Commander in chief of the Foot levied there. Kenmore is to levy the horses of the shire of Aberdeen. Col. Blakader of Iulliallen is to levy in a part of the shire of Fife, Sir Mungo Murray left us two nights, being discontented for not getting a Locality on the North-side of Forth, he was, and is General Quarter master, and is again reconciled, and is to have Stirlingshire for a Locality, for levying the horses there. We are now about 1000 good, well armed, resolute foot, and 500 horse, the riders are singularly good, they and the horses are extremely ill equipaged. Saddles and Bridles that are good, are rare here, I have sent you a purse-penny, I entreat that there be not a word of the other. This is all, I remain. Pool, Decemb. 9. About fourteen days since, Captain Green, Commander of a private Man of War, brought into this Harbour a prize, pretending to be of Dunkirk, she hath about 114 Tons of French Wine on board, came from Nants, the Master is a Scotsman, put in as is supposed for colour only, which with other circumstances, give great expectation, that she will prove a prize. This day the same Captain Green hath brought in another Vessel, called the Grout-pot; she names herself of Hamburg, the Master's name is Steven van Collen, she hath about 70 Tons of French Wine, and some Ginger, it's believed she will also prove prize. Downs 13 December, General Monk is here safely arrived in the Downs, where so many of the ships as are ready are within, and more are daily coming to them, he will shortly be a considerable number, orders are sent to hasten all away. Harwidge 11. Decemb. The Newcastle Frigate went to Sea a week since, and are before this with the General in the Downs, or gone by Orders elsewhere; the Expedition hath been ready this fortnight: We shall have a gallant Navy before February, there are two or three small men of War that have much infested this coast, and sometimes endangered to have done great mischief to some Coal-ships, and other small Boats, which they have at several times chased in here, and to other ports; but the Rowling ground being sent hither hath frightened them away, which plies too and again between this and Yarmouth. There are also others ships here ready, and going out, viz. the Convertin Frigate, the Middleborough the Centurion, and Maligo Merchants; and here are also the Advice the Constant Warwick, the Recovery, and the Advantage Frigates all tallowed, and their words were finished, and so ready, that they are preparing to take in their Victuals; the Unity came hither last week from the Northern coasts of Scotland. Dover 14 Decemb. There went by several ships here this week bound for London, some came from the Canaries laden with Wines, and one from Maligo, whose loading is all fruit: there is a Dutch Prize also laden with Wines, which was taken by a private man of war, belonging to London, whose lading is all white Wines. Chattam 10 Decemb. The George Frigate is now ready to set sail this day, the James on Monday, the Lyon about three days hence, the Triumph Frigate is rigged, and we doubt not but will be got ready to be launched before the Spring Tides are over: They intended suddenly to fall to work in getting out Ballast, and sitting of the Resolution Frigate for docking: Yesterday morning fell out an unhappy accident, but blessed be God that it was no worse, for the great danger was wonderfully prevented. The business was thus. The Gunner of the Victory Frigate and his Boy went down with a Lantern into the Powder room; but when he came there the Lantern being faulty, the candle fell out of it, and presently took hold of some loose powder, for there was some loose grains of Powder scattered in the Storehouse room, by which means it was set on fire, and it would have endangered the ship to have been wholly spoiled, had not by great providence good help, and provisions extraordinary been at hand for the prevention of it, which by the blessing of God proved so effectual, that there is no great hurt done, which is to be looked on as a great mercy. Plymouth 12 Decem. Here are lately brought in about 10 prizes at several times, Dutch and French: the 12 fats of Beaver mentioned in my last is not commodities for these parts, but they have Chapmen enough for Sugar, Salt, Oils and Wines which are the chiefest lading of the rest. A sad disaster befell the Sussex Frigate, which by accident took fire in her Powder room, and is blown up, with about 50 men in her, the men most of them lost and the ship spoiled. The Portugal Ambassador's Brother that escaped out of Newgate, was so narrowly pursued by the Officers of the Prison, who made such lamentable cry and furious search up and down for him that at last they had discovery of him, and took him again, and brought him back to Newgate, where he is with the rest of his Fellows in order to his trial. Addresses were made to his Excellency the Lord General Cromwell this day, as also some days before, pressing his Excellency for the good of the Three Nations of England, Scotland and Ireland, to take upon him the Government thereof, as the only means to rescue the people from the danger of ruin, which was made so clear and plain to him, and from God's holy Word, such satisfactory Scriptures were brought to his mind that he might comfortably expect a blessing in, from some promises, which hat of old been his Excellency's recourse to, who in this had much fought to the Lord for direction therein day after day. This day his Excellency the Lord General Cromwell by the advice of his Council of Officers, and other persons of Interest, and Authourity, concurred to accept of their desires, that he should be made Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland: And godly, able and discrete persons to be appointed the number of 21. to be his Council, and a Parliament to be afterwards called, &c. All persons who are Adventurers for Land in Ireland, are desired to take notice, that the Committee for claims for Lands in Ireland, have appointed Thursday the 12 of January next coming, to be a day of lottery at Grocers-hall London, both for Provinces and Counties: And Thursday the 29 of the same January to be a Lottery for Counties for all such Adventurers who have made their choice in Provinces, and after the said 19 of January the said Committee to sit three mornings in a week, viz. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for preparing Certificates for such Adventurers as have or shall by that time draw their Lots. W: TIBBS. Amsterdam 10. (alias 20.) Decemb. 1653. Here are Letters come from our Deputies with you in England, which seem to promise some hope of agreement, what the particulars are, is kept very close; but in general it is said, that there is great probability of a composure, which makes our Merchants cheerful, and some of them have abated their fury as the hearing of the news: But Middleton, and the English of his party endeavour to report the contrary; who tell us such strange news of Scotland, that the Scots King's forces have beaten the English back into England, and intend to pursue them; And that England is so divided that it cannot send out any more fleets to Sea, but they have been so often found such notorious liars, that their reports are not much regarded: and we are in great fear the English fleet will be ready before this State's, and our Merchants are in great fear. The States are in great want o present moneys for Naval affairs, which they find very difficult to raise, so much having lately been exacted, so that they are troubled what exploit to use to raise some considerable sum. Divers do force the paying of Tithes by Law, in the High Court of Chancery. Dorothy Hammerton Hugh Stokely Peter Arris Anthony Harman Thomas Thomason James Kansam Richard Heusly Amb. Gatebrand Richard Beaumont John Singleton Evan Simons Ellis Jinks Anne Witton Thomas Hunt Thomas Goodale John Wyber William Kemp Samuel Beck John Jiggens Thomas Lion William Jewel Samuel Meremay Nicholas Perry Thomas Goddin Thomas Rands Elizableth Collins Thomas Simson Elizabeth Winter Anne Traughton Henry Cuyon William Goodwin John Barns Henry Davis Edward Tomlins John Mason Henry Felps Thomas Butler Edward Bacon Ralph Walker Jeremy Jones Thomas Cornfoot William Percy John Dent Thomas King Henry Surrey Edward Shatton Thomas Johnson Nicholas Gilpin George Blinckco Thomas Neal Richard Airs Thomas Searl John Rickman Eleanor Gaudren Robert Gregory Henry Johnson Joseph Hope Christopher Basset Jane Sharp Susanna Barton James Arnet Richard Hunt Robert Wedy Rowland Woodbridge John Brockson Edward Perkins John Stone Christopher Tillier John Collis Roger Brian John Quelch John Walker the Elder John Walker the Younger Arthur Willis Henry Cuttris Richard Rose William Cooper Thomas Tunman James Wright Samuel Windsor William White Peter Frothingham Simon Hide William Tailor Thomas Beely Rich. Hammerton John Wiseman John Gravesam Percival Shergold Francis Dag Robert Slim Daniel Humphreys Reynold Condler Rich. Dennington Thomas Butler James Elkinton Fardinando Pennithorn George Stretton Thomas Howard James Badnedge Stephen Painter John Allen John Bromfield Andrew Leak John Rogers Edward James William Pelchard William Dod John Clark William Jeffreys John Hoar John Holloway John Dunmore George Douswel William Lethal John Norman Rose Elms John Dearman Matthew Wildebore Richard Cashwel Thomas White Robert King John Davis Henry Woodly William Page Richard Hatton Christoph. Cloudy Palchal Knell Thomas Gates William Chenal Thomas Francis Margaret Trever George Johnson Robert Cobber John West James Heb Richard Smith Robert Hitchcock John James Robert Booth Mrs. Cantrel William Rabbon John Brush John Cosins Josias Ward Humphry Pitford Richard Chandler Edward Newcomb Henry Walker John Bitterton Alice How Jane James Andrew Dickson John Airs John Rotchford Samuel Waters Thomas Wallis John Thomson Cordwel Lawters Oliver Atkinson George Youl John Fisher Thomas Langford Elizabeth Thomson John Warwick Samuel Hill Jinkin Lloid James Briginsley Robert Bently Thomas Web The Lady Jane Garret John Gaskin Rob. Westbrook Robert Sauner William Brileton Roger James James Dannolson Nathaniel Wells John Harris John Ratcliff Widow Draper Edward Brooks Ralph Peckman Stephen Evans Francis Westerman John Appletree Daniel Major Joseph Tennant William Haslel William Burton Edward Beringer Edward Conniers Fardinando Eden Robert Williams William Fells Solomon Bowlstreet Abigal Rogers William Goodman John Ward Stepehen Larret Christopher Parret Stephen Bayard Edward Searl Henry Yoe Francis Chantree Nathaniel Channeld Peter Partington John Hubbald Phillip Smith John Last Nicholas Latimer Theophilus Child John Hadly Elizabeth Burnham Samuel Barker John Baker Henry Cobden Thomas Peak John Pendleton Edward Huskins Anne Beane William Abraham William Seale Matthew Madden George Palmer Samuel Osburn Thomas Needham Anthony Ellingham Richard Costerd Francis Sturly Richard Horn John Roe George Perkins Thomas Osborne Miles Tilliard Henty Waterfall Margery Cole Samuel Watson Tristam Harding Henry Stone Aquila Garfield William Jackson Thomas Wit Thomas Davenant William Strange Sivester Harding Roger Gale Thomas Dawson Thomas Clarke Rody Dinsdale Christopher Bercot James Stamino William Whetly John Ferris John Grove Thomas Wildman James Allen John Kerby Of which only six have appeared, that is to say, Samuel Barker William Burton William Seale George Palmer Samuel Osborne Richard Costerd which six are of the Old Bailey Quarter. Prosecuted in the names of. Mr. Thomas Smith. Mr. Nathaniel Camfield Mr. John Smith Mr. William Goodwin Mr. John Wilcocks Mr. John Walker Mr. Thomas Tunman Mr. William Joyce Mr. Edward Brooks Mr. James Stephens Mr. John Cox Mr. John Blinkcoe SIR An account as to those particulars I wrote about, you will perceive by the enclosed which is a Letter from one in the Hills, in what postures they represent themselves though the Intelligence we have from better hands is, that they find an impossibility of keeping any together, unless they could have a certainty of Quarters in the Lowland parts, Provisions are so scarce with them. They are at much division when they are embodied bout superiority, and do not yet increase by any way of Levies; and their fiery Cross, violent carriage, and other Bugbears begin to be little prevalent to the Country. Some Countrymen near Cowper of Angus did twice rise against a party of them that attempted to steal their horses, with Clubs, Pitchforks, and such weapons, and drove them away; and questionless, if others in the Lowlands would but take the same course they would be soon discouraged in their attempts of ruining the Country, who must taste a little more of their violent dealing before they will make any discovery of them. Something might have been done by those in Authority to have prevented, and may be done to weaken this wild party; and I wish the neglect of them may not be too prejudicial. The first had been an encouragement to many. Huntley (who still lives probably) and others in the transporting of some of them to Service or Stage in amity with us. Another had been, by adjourning this last Sessions of Justice at Edinburgh, their rigorous proceedings against Debtors by caption, makes them rather to run to the Hills, rather than to be laid in prison. A third is; the continuance of Sequestrations without distinction, which disenables them to dispose of Lands to pay debts, and making many desperate. A fourth thing necessary would be a Proclamation promising a reward to those that could bring in the heads of the chief of them, and indemnity to those that come in by such a day; for I have certain informations, that both the Earl of Athol, and Earl of Seaforth, who are the chief of estate amongst them, would willingly come, if they had any handsome opportunity. The money is come safe to Haddington this night, though the Robbers had some design upon it. Dalkeith 8 Decemb. 1653. This day his Excellency the Lord General Cromwell about one of the clock in the afternoon passed from Whitehall to the streets all along, and in the Palace at Westminster were many Soldiers both Horse and Foot; His Excellency was attended by the Lords Commissioners of the great Seal of England, the Judges and Barons of the several Benches in their Robes, and after them the Council of the Commonwealth: And the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, in their scarlet Gowns, with the Recorder and Town Clerk, all in their Coaches, who passed before his Excellency; and last of all came his Excellency in a black Suit and Cloak in his Coach, with his Life Guard, and divers bare before him; and many of the chief Officers of the Army with their Cloaks, and Swords, and Hats on, passed on foot before and about his Coach. In this Equipage His Excellency, and Attendants came to Westminster-hall, where was a Chair placed in the High Court of Chancery; where being come, the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal of England stood next to the Chair, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side, and next to the Lord Commissioner Lisle who stood on the left hand of the Chair stood His Excellency (all being bare; and His Excellency also) on every side of the Chair; in the next place, stood the Judges and Barons on both sides; and the Lord Mayor and Aldermen on the right-side of the Court, next unto the Judges and the Council, and the chief Officers of the Army on the left side of the Court. The Rules for this New Government were then read, which consist of many particulars, expressed in an Instrument. The Instrument is large, which took up above half an hours reading, and was read by Mr. Jesop, one of the Secretaries of the Council; after which, the Lord Commissioner Lisle read a Parchment in the nature of an Oath, to engage His Excellency to perform on his part, according to the Government before mentioned: During which time, His Excellency held up his hand; and having heard it read, accepted thereof, and subscribed thereto, in the face of the Court. The Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal, and the Judges, &c. invited him to take possession of the Chair, as Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland; which he did, and sat down with his head covered, the Court continuing all bare. The Lord Commissioners delivered up to His Highness, the Purse and Seals, and the Lord Mayor of London his Sword; which were presently delivered to them back again by His Highness; and then after a salute, the Court rise. First came the Aldermen and Council before His Highness from the Court to Westminster-hall Gate, where the Coaches were; after them the Judges, then came the Commissioners of the Great Seal, one of them bearing the Purse and Seals; and before His Highness came the Life-guard, then four Sergeants of Arms with their Maces, one being the Mace of the Council, and the other of the Parliament, borne by the Sword-Bearer of London, Sergeant Middleton, Sergeant Dendy, and Sergeant Berkehead; and the Lord Mayor of the City of London went next before His Highness with the Sword, and the Officers of the Army about His Person; and in the Palace they took Coach at the Hall Gate, and returned to Whitehall in the same Equipage they went; the Lord Mayor rid bare with the Sword in the Boot of the Coach with His Highness; and there were great acclamations and shoutings all along the streets as they passed. His Highness, the Lord Protector, being returned to Whitehall, he went with his attendants to the Banqueting House, where they heard an Exhortation made by Mr. Lockier, Chaplain to His Highness; which being ended, they were dismissed with three Volleys of shot by the Soldiers, between four and five o'clock at night. There is more than ordinary joy, in, and about London, (both by the Inhabitants, and the Soldiery) for this happy day. The Title of the Instrument aforesaid, is thus. The substance of the said Instrument, is I. That the Supreme Legislative Power of England, Scotland, and Ireland, shall be, and reside in one single Person, assisted with a Council of thirteen at least, and twenty one at most, and the Commons assembled in Parliament. II. That this single person shall be called The Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. III. That there be constant Triennial Parliaments, and the first to begin the third of September. 1654. IV. That the Parliament shall have power of making all Laws, saving some Cased relating to the Guards of the Commonwealth, and Matters of Religion, (for which there is particular provision made in the Instrument,) containing the Government. V. That all Bills that pass in Parliament, shall be offered to the Lord Protector for his consent; which if he do not assent unto within twenty days, shall notwithstanding pass into, and become a Law; provided they contain nothing contrary to the Matters expressed in the said Instrument. VI. That the Lord Protector is to be Elective, and not Hereditary, and to be chosen by the Council immediately upon the death of the Lord Protector. This day His Highness, the Lord Protector, met with those named of his Council, in the Council Chamber at Whitehall, it being the place where the Council of State used to sit, and several things were transacted in order to a settlement; and this following Proclamation was ordered to be Printed and Published on the Monday following. This day His Highness, the Lord Protector, and the Council being thirteen in number, met in the Council Chamber at Whitehall, where his Highness in s sweet Speech to them, pressed the Council to act for God, and the peace, and good of the Nations; and particularly recommended to them, to consider and relieve the distresses of the poor and oppressed. This day this Proclamation following was published at Westminster, and in the City of London, by divers Sergeants at Arms with their Maces. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen, being present at the Exchange, &c. Whereas the late Parliament dissolving themselves, and resigning their Powers and Authorities, the Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, by a Lord Protector, and Successive Triennial Parliaments, is now established; and whereas Oliver Cromwell, Captain General of all the Forces of this Commonwealth, is declared Lord Protector of the said Nations, and hath accepted thereof; We have therefore thought it necessary (as we hereby do) to make Publication of the Premises, and strictly to charge and command all and every person and persons, of what quality and conditions soever, in any of the said Three Nations, to take notice hereof, and to conform and submit themselves to the Government so established. And all Sheriffs, Mayors, Bailiffs, and other Public Ministers, and Officers, whom this may concern, are required to cause this Proclamation to be forthwith published in their respective Counties, Cities, Corporations, and Market Towns, to the end none may have cause to pretend ignorance in this behalf. Given at Whitehall this Sixteenth day of December, 1653. Edinburgh, 14 Decemb. 1653. the enemy's Leaders are using their interests, what they can, in the several parts of the North, to get force together. The Writs issued out against persons in debt, makes many in the Lowlands fly to them. there are almost 4000 Writs issued out against several persons, who have not money nor estates to pay their debts. 1. That the Debts of the Inhabitants of Scotland, may be judged according to Law; and that those who are not able to pay their debts presently, may give security to pay it in a reasonable time, at a day appointed, without allowing any use. 2. That such as will have benefit of the Infefment upon Land, may have the Land made over to them at such a rate, as it would have yielded at such time as the moneys was lent upon it. 3. That the Act of Pardon and Confiscation may be passed with much mercy for time past. 4. That a Proclamation be issued out, That after the said Act of Favour, those that are to receive benefit thereof, may be co curbed, That if any person condemn, or shall hereafter rise in Arms against the Power of the Commonwealth; that they be banished the three Nations, and all their estates to be confiscated. Whereas we are informed that many scandalous reports are spread abroad in the City of London and other parts of the Nation, that the money collected in the Nation for and towards the release of the distressed inhabitants of Marlborough, who sustained great losses by the late dreadful fire that consumed the most considerable parts of the said Town is detained in the hands of the principal men of the said Town, and that the poorer sort have received little benefit by the free charity of well-disposed persons. To vindicate ourselves, and to undeceive the Nation we hold ourselves bound to make this ensuing Declaration. That whereas the Honourable Committee appointed by the Council of State for the managing of the Collections for our Town sitting at Saddlers hall London, and have entrusted us whose names are here underwritten to dispose of 2000 l. by them sent from several good Cities, Towns, Parishes, and Persons, and paid in to the hand of Wil. Blisses Esq; late Mayor of our Borough up to above two hundred for the poorer sort of persons of the said Town, and have not given one penny of the money collected and so brought in, and sent down unto us, unto any of the Common Council of the said Borough, except four persons only; that were in eminent present necessities, without which their Families could not subsist, and that there are above forty persons more that have not received one penny towards their said loss fifteen of which number have lost above 15000 l. by the said fire; and we have hitherto forborne to distribute any unto ourselves; or many others of out own rank and quality, although we are (many of us) reduced to very great straits and necessities to borrow great Sums of money to preserve our Families from ruin, that we might discharge our trust, and first satisfy the present necessities of the poorer sort that suffered: And this we testify. John Lawrence Mayor, Will Blisses, Nicholas Profet, Minister of Peter's. Will. Hughes Minister of Mary's, Tho. Hunt, Will. Gough, John Baily, Tho. Baily, Jo. Keymes, Rich. Web, Nath. Baily, Marlborough28 Novemb. 1653. Whereas this Committee is credibly informed, that several sums of money collected (by virtue of Letters Patents) granted for the relief of the distressed Town of Marlborough, in the County of Wilts, are detained in the hands of several persons, notwithstanding the directions of this Committee in that behalf given, and the most extreme and pressing necessities of very many sad and miserable Families, crying and calling upon us for relief. It is therefore Ordered, that upon Certificates to be made unto this Committee by the Receiver-General for the Army in every respective County, of the names of such persons who do detain the collected Moneys in their hands as aforesaid, that this committee shall return the names of all such persons unto the Council, that such speedy course may be taken with them therein, as the Council shall seem meet. And that the Receivers General are hereby desired to give notice to this Committee of all such persons before the 20. day of January next accordingly. And all Ministers and others, where the said Letters Patents have not yet been read: nor Collections made, are also earnestly desired forthwith to proceed therein, that the poor people of that Town may be speedily relieved. F. Burroughs Clerk to the said Committee. This day His Highness the Lord Protector sat with the Council which are 13 in number, in the Council Chamber at Whitehall, and several things were transacted in order to a quiet and peaceable settlement of the three Nations. Mr. Laurence: the President Lord Viscount Lisle Maj. General Lambert, Maj. General Duborow, Maj. Gen. Skippon Col. Jones. Col. Seydnham Sir Gilbert Pickering Sir Charles Woosley Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper Mr. Rouse Mr. Strickland Mr. Major. There have been some hundreds of Barrels of Gun powder discovered about London, some part of it no body, in some Storehouses, will be known to own. We have cause abundantly to bless God for this new change of Government. The probabilities of peace with the Dutch are yet more and more, and there will be transactions with other Nations also. The Fleet is at St. Ellen's Road about 30 sail with Gen. Monk. Scouts are sent out, and some small Prizes brought in; some small Boats the Dutch have taken with small Merchandises. His Highness tomorrow, being Thursday, goes into the City of London. Dalkeith, 15 Decemb. 1653. Yesterday there came Intelligence, That the tenth instant; Cap. Lisle of Col. Rich's Regiment, hearing of a party of the enemy about ten miles from his quarters, marched in the night from Montros with 100 Horse and Dragoons, and fell upon them by break of day, near Glams; took 40 horse, 19 private soldiers, two Captains of Horse, one Cornet, and one Quartermaster, and killed nine or ten of them, all of the Earl of Kinoul's Regiment, which he was raising in Angus and the Mearns. The next day Col. Morgan having notice of a party of them in Eghil, a strong house in Angus, near the Hills, marched towards it, but the enemy having notice, fled away upon his approach; he pursued and took 15 horse, but the Lord Kinoul and his Lieutenant Colonel Ramsay, who were with them, escaped. They still go on with their Levies, and stealing horses, though they spoil many good horses through hard riding, and ill looking too, and lately 15 died out of one Laird's ground. Another party of ours took some of these Bobtails near Aberdeen, yet they increase; most of them are now gone Northwards to receive some Arms landed from Holland. A party of Major General Harrison's Regiment were at the heels of Col. Wogan, and those that came with him at Kelsith, but they recovered the Hills before they could have full scent of them; it's supposed he and some others landed in Lancashire, have Commissions and Instructions from Charles Stuart. Cap. Mich. Balfoor, Cap. Wil. Blare, Cornet James Ramsey, Quartermaster Wil. Frier. Troopers, Geo. Flack, Jo. Merlin, Pra. Sharp, Div. Ramsey, James Bruce, Jo. Macklain, Wil. Fife, Dan. Lawson, Jo. Gardner, Ro. Swan, Jo. Brand, Arch. Meal, Ja. Batteson, Hen. Man, Hen. Goodlee,Wil. Eriston, Geo. Mac Donel, Dan. Calmanich. These few lines are desired to be inserted, as tending to public benefit. If any person be desirous to have any of the new plate, it is to be sold by Laurence Dyer, at the corner Pewterers shop at the Pump, at the upper end of Aldermanbury, where they may have anything that is usually made in Silver, (viz. Dishes, Trencher-plates, Saucers, Flagons, Tankards, Candle-cups, Beat-bowls, Beakers, , Spoons, Tobacco-boxes, Sugar-boxes, Ink-horns, &c.) all which is so well performed, and sold as will be to the satisfaction and content of those who please to make use thereof, we giveth directions likewise to keep it always to its primitive lustre and beauty. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 221 |
PerfDiurn218 | From Monday February. 6. to Monday, February. 13. 1653. This day came an Ambassador from the Great Duke of Tuscany to to congratulate his Highness the Lord Protector. Two Agents also made their Address to his Highness, from the Lord of the Isle of Amiland in Holland, about 9 English miles long, and some 3 or 4 broad, having upon it about 450 houses, to desire that they may be esteemed as Neutrals; and they have brought with them credentials, and a List of the Names of all their ships and Fisher boats, of which only four are Merchant ships, the rest Fisher boats belonging to that Island, and they have delivered in also the marks of the said ships, that so none may deceive us by seeking for protection in their names, and they desire to be accounted as a Free state, having not been hitherto subject (as is pretended) to any Country. Plymouth 4 Febr. Our Frigates towards the Lands-end have done very good service of late in relieving sundry vessels and ships that were taken by the Brest men. A ship of above a hundred Ton with some Iron guns in her, was stranded not far from Dalkeith, whose lading was Salt, and French built; she is by the Vice-admiral of this County for a wrack. A stories are raised, (and daily discoursed of) upon the poor people, that go by the name of Witches in Cornwall, I think 20 are already committed, as suspected, and more are daily detected; but the Lord deliver us from blood guiltiness in this kind, our Manufacture here hath a quick vent upon the hopes of peace with the Dutch. I am glad to hear the Swedes are so kind to us, and hope, that if they be hearty, we may chastise the Danes and Dutch in case they juggle with us. Dalkeith, 31 Jan. Sir upon the march of Col. Morgan from Aberdeen, the enemy hastened their march out of Murrayland towards Ross, and the Hills, so that Col. Morgan returned back to Aberdeen, but Major Knight's Cornet with a party of that Regiment, took Glencarn's Captain Lieutenant, and 5 Horsemen, and sent them to Innerness. There being a small party of Scotchmen who have formerly done good service in a smaller party, the Commander in chief gave them encouragement to raise about 40 horse, with which they have more advantage to come upon the enemy by their Scotch tone, than our Forces have. Saturday last this party fell upon the Earl of Athol's guards, upon the Brays of Angus, and killed the first Scout, and went on and charged a guard of theirs, and killed 3 or 4, and then fell into another quarter, took a Captain Lieut. and a Cornet, and 150 others prisoners, with 20 horse, and killed 9 or 10, and 2 or 3 days before Cornet Bailey (who is Cornet to that party) sent in a Captain and another Horseman prisoners to Dundee, and showed much resolution in the several charges given the Enemy. By the last Letters from Stockholm thus: A public Minister is come hither from Muscovia, having a Train of about Twenty persons; his chief Message is to give her Majesty notice, how the Emperor his Master doth intend to declare open Wars against Poland. From Warsovia: At last there is an agreement made between this Crown, and the Tartars and Cossacks, the business is doubtful, in regard there is no security for the performance of the same, there being no deeds passed between the two parties, only verbal promises; which doth make many fear this to be but a plain dissimulation. Nevertheless the King is come to this City, and hath given order for the Army to take up their Winter quarters. From Regensburg: The Diet is now busy upon the examination of the Oath given to the new King of the Romans, and likewise to regulate the Privy Council of the Emperor, and that of the Empire: next, to regulate the Courts of Justice, and so come to the conclusion of the Diet. From Cullen: Our Commissioners are still very busy upon a Treaty with those of our Elector, but as yet nothing can be effected, which doth put us into great fears, by reason that our Trade remaineth stopped; and it's believed, that as soon as he hath cleared the Country of Liege from the Lorraine and Prince of Conde his forces, that he will then fall upon us, and make us yield to his demands. From Liege: We expect daily the Elector of Cullen our Prince, who coming with considerable forces intends to expel all foreign forces from these parts, and to fight them, in case they will abide his coming. From Naples thus: The Vice King hath given Audience to one who was sent from the Governor of Milan: His Message being after some complements passed upon his new Admission, that he would further that supply which he is to have of men and money, towards the maintaining of the War in that Country against the French and Savoy forces; There is in the mean time great preparations made for his Cavalcade (or riding in State) through this City: He hath likewise sent to Gaerta to view all the places which are to be fortified, or else that they have any fortifications to be made in that County, there is likewise two hundred Soldiers to be sent with all speed for the supplying of the Garrisons which we hold in Tuscany also there are several pieces of broken Ordinance brought from Catalonia, and there are some new cast which are to be sent thither. From Rome. The Pope seemeth to be very busy to bring the Crowns of France and Spain to an agreement, that thereupon might follow a general peace, and to that end he expects an answer from the two Nuncios, that so if there be any overture made, he may send two Legates a Latere. From Venice. We have received a confirmation of the retreat of the Turkish Fleet at Constantinople, where the General Bashaw hath made his peace though for a while he was under a cloud: The report is, that having presented to the young Emperor a young Virgin of an extraordinary beauty, who is of the Greek Nation, that thereupon he is received into favour, and the young maid like to be his chief favourite: Our General doth continue his best endeavours in preventing the relief of Canen, having lately taken one ship and two others who fled, that were commanded to relieve it at their peril, being laden with provisions and ammunitions. Paris February 11. By an Express come from the Leagure before Beffort we have, that the work doth go on gallantly notwithstanding the rigour of the season and the strong resistance of the besieged, hitherto there hath been no shot made upon the Town, by reason that we had certain intelligence, that as soon as we should begin to batter the Town they would set it on fire: thereupon it was resolved that the main work would be to undermine the Castle, and so by that means get the possession of the Town; the Minors having got over the Counterscarp have begun to undermine one of their Bastions, but by reason they work upon the Rock where they find little earth, therefore it will not be finished as soon as was expected; The Besieged do throw abundance of stones from the Wall thereby to spare their shot, of which they have no great plenty, and the Marshal la Ferte was hurt with one of them as he was in the trench. The Marshal de Hocquincourt having settled all things as well as the present condition of the County of Rousillon will permit: and left the command of the Army unto the Marques du Plessis, the Lieutenant General, is returned again into these parts, and two days agone arrived to this City; yesterday he went to Court, and there did give an account to the King of all what passed during his abode in Catalonia and Roussillon the King showed him a very gracious countenance, and its said he is to go the next week to Peronne, to take again the command of that place. The Governor of St. Menehold hath now near finished his work for the repairing of the fortifications of that Town, he doth daily send out parties, who do often meet with some of the Prince of Conde his forces, and sometimes get the better, and othertimes do come short home: The Governor of Sedan was marched out upon a design to have surprised Stevay, and a strong Castle hard by it, but there was notice given timely to the Governors of those places, and thereupon they were frustrate of their intentions. From aboard the Portsmouth Frigate at Falmouth January 31. I gave you an account of the taking of the Dorgord of Flushing, the 26 instant, and the recovering the Patrick of Liverpool from the Brest men of War on the 27th. On the 28 standing over from Scilly, we chased a Frigate, which we understand by our prisoners aboard, was made for Cap. James Dillon. The old Warwick being between the shore and us, and we plying large, that he should not pass between the shore and us came up with him before us. He was under the command of the Mount before our ship came up, and ran so near the shore, that we durst not go near him, by which means he ran very near Penzance Key, and there anchored. The old Warwick's boat taking her, found her to be one of St Malo's coming from Faro. The Middleburgh went to the Lands-end, and I intended to follow, but did not; very little wind made us stand off two or three leagues farther than ordinary, which brought us (the 29 in the morn) within sight of four ships of St. Malo's coming from Marseilles, bound for Newhaven, viz. the St. Martin with 18 Guns and 44 men, the St. Hellena with 14 guns, and 32 men, the Protection with 12 guns and 32 men, and the Francis with 38 men and 10 guns, laden with soap, oil, cotton, &c. with whom we came up about one a clock, and fought them till the Sunset. The St. Martin and St. Hellena had both yielded, but we had none of our men aboard; it beginning to be dark, and we being ready to board the Protection, whom we had well paid with shot, bethought ourselves that we should lose the other two in taking her, and so cleared ourselves with much ado, and stood to the other, who being secured, we were bearing for the other yet untaken; but these two ships we had taken were so much disabled, as we were forced to keep by them to save them from sinking, and sent our Carpenter aboard to stop leaks, and men to fit the Rigging, the Admiral not being able to bear sail, which occasioned the losing the other two. Our ship suffered in Hull, Masts, Rigging and Sails viz. in the mainmast 3 shot, the topmast 2, in the head of the foremast one, in the mizzenmast 2, our foreyard, and mizzen-yard made unserviceable; we had several shot between wind and water; but the worst loss is 5 of our men killed, and 19 wounded, some of whom have lost their limbs. From Bristol, Febr. 4. 1654. Since my last some of our Candiz ships are arrived, and bring notice that the rest are in Ireland, having made our land a month since, but by contrary winds forced and kept there, which is very good news to our Merchants, who had almost given them up for lost; it being eight weeks since they set sail from Cadiz; some of them have brought a Dutch man of about 300 Tons, laden with salt, which they took a little off that Port as they put homewards. The Brest men of war of whom I wrote you in my last have since taken two Vessels of Milford, of which we had notice this day, and about the time of the taking of the former, they took three ships, one of eighteen Guns, another of twelve, laden with Lead and Red Herrings, who pretended themselves of Amsterdam and Sweden, being Dutchmen, but had Coquets from North Yarmouth, the Seamen being Dutch, and indeed the commodities English, it is a shame that these Rogues should be permitted thus to rob our Fleet, and that such Cow ships are employed Westward, whereto all ships make, that are bound for England. One of Bristol ships. Of which I wrote you last was taken half a League from Scilly, and though one of our ships pursued them thence 48 hours, as the Master of that ship which was taken, since hath informed me, and the Brest man of War of 38 Guns towed her, yet could not reach her. By Letters from the Hague, February 6. stilo novo. We shall not much longer now detain you or ourselves with the Expectations of Peace between England and these Provinces; this I can assure you, the States General of Holland and West-Friezland do unanimously concur to a Peace, and the same we understand of Zealand, and the Province of Virick. They of Friezland upon the interest of the Orange party broke up abruptly their meeting about it; but what will be done upon the General Meeting of the States General of all the Provinces at the Hague, which is appointed to be 4 days hence, which will be the last of January upon the English Account, a short time will discover. But I am verily persuaded there will be a sudden agreement to a peace, which will be the more hastened, because they cannot believe that the Lord Beverling will prevail with the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, for a Cessation of Arms, until there be a Conclusion; for there are so many ships both to go out, and also to come in, and in such danger that they are necessitated to hasten a dispatch. The French Ambassador here, made many addresses and large offers to have the War continue with England, and that the French King would contribute in all things to half the charges; but that being weighted, it was thought not to countervail the losses they must necessarily suffer; and not to answer their expectation, which is getting of wealth, which must be by an open trade, and thereupon the French offers were refused. Yet the Ambassador makes often addresses to the States, but what is done is kept still very secret, only they call it a congratulation of their peace with England; but if it be about that, I suppose it is either to see if it may be hindered, or to get as good terms for France as may be in it. However we still go on preparing new ships of War everyday, the Workmen never ceasing, Lord's days and all, for dispatch of the work with all possible speed. The Lord Newport is at Amsterdam. It was under consideration upon the agreement to the Peace to have sent the Lord Bedrode General of the Land forces to be the Ambassador either alone, or the Lord Vpdam Vice-Admiral of their Navy with him, but the Lord General (because of his age) seems to decline it, but what will be concluded by the States General at their meeting four days hence, I shall signify unto you by the first opportunity. If there be not a conclusion of Peace truly I do not know what they will do; The Merchants are undone, The Fishers cannot work, The Poor can have no employment nor subsistence; And there must needs be a very great hubbub and distraction. May it please your Highness, my Lord Protector, it hath been observed by some, That when Samuel offered sacrifice, he therefore reserved these shoulders for Saul, that he might know what was the weight of Government: The consideration of which made Maximilian affirm, That none who knew how heavy Diadems were, would stoop to take them up. Governors are like the Heavenly Bodies, much in veneration, but never in rest; and how can it otherwise be expected, when they are not made for themselves, or their own glory, but for the safety and good of Mankind as in the natural, so in the civil world, great things being ordained to serve the less: We see the Sun by its Beams, serving the eye of the meanest Fly, as well as of the greatest Potentate. The supremacy of Salus Populi, was the conclusion of the twelve Tables, and will be a prevalent Maxim until the end of the World. By this much my Lord, you may perceive the dark side of this leading Cloud of Government; but if God vouchsafe assistance from those shoulders, upon which the Government is laid, and put under his everlasting Arms, you will see the bright side also, and thence receive Encouragement, This support he is pleased to give, by letting Rulers know he is the Author of their power, and that from him they are to expect their rule. The designation of Government, as to forms and persons, is an humane institution, and mutable, as things that are made, but Government itself, abstractively considered in its pure Original is of a divine Offspring, and can with no less difficulty be shaken, than those Vestiges, which being as relations, tell us, upon the tops of some Mountains, above the Clouds, can be disordered by wind and tempest. And for the Rule, the word, or reason of God in the Divine understanding, is the eternal Law of all things. But this being too deep a well for Man's Bucket to draw out of, it pleased his infinite Goodness to let fall a Rivulet from this source into the Creature; which leaving an impression in man's understanding, we call the Law of nature: But man having this honour, presently became of no understanding; his mind being clouded with passions and sins, had soon need of superadded helps, which God gave him, by those other Laws fit for Government, and still gives a spirit for the framing such Municipal Laws, as are according to his will, and suitable to the good of the people. But when this was done, the best Laws without a Government, were no other than as the sword behind the ephod; and therefore Moses in his time, and other Governors in their time, must be as walking Laws, and Administrators of justice. We may conclude, my Lord, your Highness hath experimented both these encouragements, as being the spectator of some, and the subject of other great Revolutions which have happened in this Age, & Land of wonders: And not only know, That the most high rules in the Kingdom of Men, disposing them to whom he pleaseth; but also, that it's not sufficient with the Princes of the Nations, to exercise dominion, which is the common Image of God, except there be also a peculiar image of his righteousness and holiness; they being God's indeed, and after a peculiar manner, to whom the reason, or word of God so comes. My Lord, there is one help more in Government, which God is pleased often to add to the rest, which is the giving in of the affections of the people, the solemnity of this day, wherein the Citizens of this great City appear in their several Companies, as so many Cities within the City, speaks much to this; they leave it to other Nations to salute their Rulers and Victorious Commanders, with the names of Casares and Imperatores; and after Triumphs, to erect for them their Arcus Triumphales: But if I mistake not, their end this day, is not any such outward pomp or glory, but that those who have been delivered together, might rejoice together; and to express their desires, that the Civil Sword might be as prosperous for public ends, in the Hand where it is placed, as the Military Sword hath been in the same Hand. This City seldom goes along in public actions: it was anciently called by Stephanides, the heart of the Nation; and if the Heart be in a Politic consideration, as it is in the natural, it will communicate life and spirits into the other Members, by which means the whole body may unanimously contribute their desires and endeavours to oppose the common enemy, and after all our distractions, see the Nation established upon the firm Basis of peace and righteousness, which is the end of Government and shall be the end of my further troubling Your Highness. This being the day appointed for the Entertaining of his Highness the Lord Protector in the City of London, it was done in a very magnificent manner: The streets from Grocers' Hall to Temple Bar were railed on both sides the way, and the Rails covered with blue cloth, with store of great Flags and Streamers, bearing the Arms of the respective Companies: The 24. Companies in their Liveries about 11 a clock, took their places within the Rails, the Lord Mayor and Aldermen in their Robes, on Horseback went to meet His Highness at Temple Bar; His Highness came in his Coach from Whitehall, and in the Coach came along with him Major General Lambert, and the Lord President of the Council: The Life Guard marched before him, and the Heralds followed, the Foot-officers went bare on each side his Coach and 12. Foot-men in rich Liveries, two Pages before bare, General Whaley led up all the field Officers bravely mounted, and Commissary General Reynolds brought up the Rear, the Lord Mayor delivered up his sword which was speedily redelivered to his Lordship, who rid bare before his Highness to Grocers Hall, where the Recorder made a congratulatory speech: his Highness and Officers were royally entertained, the Lord Mayor sitting on his right, and the Lord Henry Cromwell on his left hand, the rest that sate at his Table were of his Council and Officers of the Army: After dinner his Highness was conducted into an upper Room, and there entertained by the L. Mayor with a sumptuous Banquet, this being done his Highness knighted the Lord Mayor, and afterwards departed. His Highness the Lord Protector hath appointed certain days every week to receive Reports from the Masters of Requests of Petitions presented to them, and to give Answers. Colonel Mackworth Governor of Shrewsbury is added to the Council; of the Lord Protector Master Recorder Steel, Mr. Newdigate. M. Twisden, M. Maynard, and M. Hugh Windham are made Sergeants at Law; Sergeant Hales sits now one of the Justices of the Common Pleas, and other new Judges, tis conceived will be suddenly made to ride this next. Paris the 14. of February, 1654. The Duke de Longueville is gone from hence with all his attendants to his house that is between Roan, and this. The Prince of Conti is at last come to this City with a great Train, and much Nobility and Gentry to accompany him, he doth lie at the house of Condy, but its said he will not retire there very long, but is to remove into another house which is to be made ready for him: the marriage between him and one of the Cardinal his Nephew being wholly agreed upon, it is daily expected when it will be solemnized, some think it will be tomorrow, there are more projects in hand at Court for the raising of great sums of money, and amongst other projects a great Tax is to be levied upon all the Merchants strangers throughout the Nation, and that it will be much like to that which was missed in the year of our Lord, 1637: which proved very heavy to many at that time; this work being done, there are great Taxes to be raised upon all those that have any considerable states either real or personal, whether they dwell in Towns, or in the country: the reason of the working thus; it is in regard they have so near drawn the substance of the poor, that in great many places they can neither pay the whole Tax nor part thereof: The Cardinal Retz remaineth still a close Prisoner, and no probability of his enlargement without he yield to the Cardinal his demands. Our Ambassador from Rome is expected here on Monday next, he is this night to lie at Estampes. This week there hath been a large debate in the Council concerning the affairs between us and England, and it was resolved that an Ambassador in extraordinary should be sent into England, but yet I do not hear who shall be the man, only two are in nomination, viz. the Marshall de Clerambant, and the Marques de Arpason, by my next you will know further. The Kings consecration is not to be done yet, but is put off for a longer time, and the common opinion is, it will not be till next May. The Duke of Guise is now near ready to go from hence, but not to go for Naples, but rather to go into the County of Roussillen, there to be Commander in chief in lieu of the Marshal de Hocquincourt lately come from thence. Chester Feb. 4. By late Letters from Dublin we hear, that things thereabouts at present are very quiet: the Irish of late have had a general Fast, the occasion is not known, but to themselves; some few desperate Tories are yet doing mischief in Munster, and some skulking in Nicklow made shift to snap some dozen Surveyors, but what quarter was given them we hear not certainly, no further news at present. Sears Castle Feb. 5. The other day the Newcastle Frigate brought into Burlington Bay, a small Dutch Pirate of Guns and 50 men, which about 12 days ago took some Colliers on this Coast as they were coming and going for Coals, the Captain and men are sent to the Goal at York. From Falmouth 6th thus. Here are still many ships here, who are bound for London and other parts to the Eastward of this place; all those that were here being gone some for Ireland, and others for Portugal, Spain and West Indies, we have not heard lately any news from Ireland, only by way of Barnstable, we hear that the Irish Rebels would again be stirring, and to that end are gathered into small bodies: with the which they have lately done us some mischief, this winter season being very advantageous to them, and is a means that those Rogues cannot be suppressed so soon as is to be wished. From Cowes in the Isle of Wight Feb. 8. Our Fleet doth still ride near St Helens point upon Monday last, there passed by this Island near 30 sail of ships, which come all from the Strait Spain and Portugal, and Biscayne, and are for the most part bound for London, as we are informed by a small Vessel who came along the Channel in their Company, that a private Man of War hath brought into two prizes, the one a Dutch Ship, of a considerable bigness, and the other a French Vessel, which ride between this place and Yarmouth. From Deal the 9th of Feb, there hath passed through this Road several ships this week, which came from the Southward, and are all bound for London: there hath been very high winds lately, which have made some wrack upon the Coast of France about Calice, Bullein and those parts, among others a Dutch man of War, of a good strength, who rid in Calice Road, was beaten upon the shore, broken in pieces, many of the men drowned, only a few saved: there are very few ships at present in this Road, this North and Easterly winds having carried them all away. These ships aforementioned are all safely arrived in the River of Thames. Also several prize ships, whereof five Dutch prizes with French Wines, one ship with Currants, and about ten other Dutch prizes are expected every Tide. Edinburgh Feb. 6. thus. The enemy at their late being in Badgenoth, got 3 men from every 4 Ploughs in that Country, (except one near the water) but many of them returned back the Laughabec men, did plunder much when the enemy was in Murrayland, and then left them: the greatest part of Lelentarne's forces are at Strathspey near the Land of Giants, who will (as is said) keep out his house against them, having taken in men and provisions to that end. The 38. instant, about 36 Horse came into the Coast of Gowry, to Sir Peter Hayes House called Meginch, they did break his outer Court, and demanded his Horses, threatening to burn his Corn otherwise; but he firing out then, they ran away, but two days a great party came and burnt about 600 l. sterling in Corn: also the Earl of Luihtgowe's Corn for not delivering his Horses. A history of New England, from the English planting in the year 1628 till 1692. their form of Government civil, military, and ecclesiastic. Their wars with the Indians, their troubles with Gorlonish, their manner of Gathering Clunches, with the names of their Governors, Magistrates and Ministers. The Lord's prayer unclasped, with a vindication of it, against all Schismes and Heretics called Enthusiasts, or Fratriciffs. By James Harwood, B.D. and are to be sold by H and G. Everden, at the Gray hound in Paul's Church yard. Cusia Polic, or the Apologies of several Princes justifying to the world their most eminent actions by the strength of reason, and the most exact Rules of Policy, written in French by the Accurate Pen of Monsieur de Scudery, Governor of Nostredame, and now faithfully rendered into English; with the figures of many Emperors & Kings. Also Danes, an excellent new Romance written in Italian, by Gio: Francisco Loredano, A Noble Venetian in four Books translated into English, by Sir Aston Cockain Boch printed for Humphrey Moseley, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Churchyard. An excellent and long expected Book, entitled, Jus divinum ministern Evangelici, or the divine right of the Ministry of England. Made by the provincial Assembly of London. Also the second part of spiritual refining, or a Treatise of sin, by Mr. Anthony Burgess. Also Mr. Rich. Bixter's answer to Mr Aires, concerning the justification of Infidels: together with a brief account of Mr. Crandon's Book. The chiefest points of the Christian Religion being questionwise proposed, resolved by pertinent answers, taken word for word out of the holy Scriptures, without either consequences or Content. By John Biddle Master of Arts, are to be sold by Rich: Moon at the 7 Sparte near the great North door in Paul's Churchyard. A brief exposition of the Prophecy of Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, by Hutcheson, Minister at Edinburgh, and are to be sold by Raph Smith, at the Bible in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange. A Bay Gelding with a black main & a black bobbed tail, a white Ring about either ear, is Hawk nose, he hath had the fashion the near hind leg, a little white upon one of his hind feet, above 14 hand high, very well paced, & about 8 or 9 years old, stole out of the Meadhw between Hereford and Wales, out of Mr. Roberts ground to on Sunday night the 5th of Feb. 1653. If any man bring tidings of the same Horse to his Henry Atkinson, a Stationer at Staple Time Gate, or at Mr. Roberts' house at Hertford, they shall be rewarded for their pains. This is licensed and entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 218 |
WIntell223 | From Tuesday, March 14. to Tuesday, March 21. 1653 Something was taken into observation concerning the abuse of Farthing Tokens, and a Debate was, whether they should pass with some alloy or not; the further consideration was referred unto another time. General Desborough is returned from the Fleet, and made account thereof unto the honourable Council; The Fleet is gallantly manned, and will be ready to set forth on the first opportunity; the Sovereign is under sail with them. Several ships have been taken from the French, and Dutch who continue still roving on the Seas, but the Peace being concluded, which was never in fairer way than at this present. I made mention in my last, that the City of Gloucester had declared herself how happy she was under the protection of his Highness, those who subscribed to this Declaration, were, William Lenthal Esquire, Master of the Rolls. John Dorny Esquire. Thomas Pury the Elder Esq; Captain Godfrey. Thomas Pury the younger, Esq; Captain Philips Robert Wakeman Since which time several other places have made the like Declarations, which come in daily to his Highness. Leopoldus Guillelmus by the Grace of God, Archbishop of Austrick, Duke of Burgundy, and Stateholder, Governor, and Captain General of our Low Countries and of Burgundy &c. To all High Officers, Commanders, Masters of the Camps, Colonels and Soldiers bearing Arms under the Colours of the Lord Duke, Charles of Lorraign, Salute. Be it known that having this day taken into safe custody, for some time, the Person of the foresaid Duke of Lorraign, according to the Order and Command received for that effect from our Lord the King, for the own welfare of the House of Lorraign, and other high considerations, relating to the welfare of the State, and the public Peace. His Majesty's intent, and ours is, that the body of his Army should remain under the Command of the Earl of Lignevile, in the same service as it now is, till the Lord Duke Francis of Lorraign shall repair here, as it is like he will in few days, to be invested of the command of the said Army, for the preservation of the Rights of the said Lord Duke, and of the House of Lorraign under protection of his Majesty, declaring that none of that Army, nor any Officers, or soldiers of the same shall be liable to any questioning under what pretence soever, for the excesses that they may have committed under the Government of the aforesaid Lord Duke, as also we do by this present, forbid them to take service under and Potentate, or neighbour state, whether friends or foes, upon penalty of Corporal punishment, and loss of Estates, of the vassals and natural Subjects of his Majesty, and of those that have formerly enrolled, and listed themselves, and for all other strangers upon pain of being punished as Runaways, with provision nevertheless that those that have formerly Listed in the service of his Majesty, and are gone away from their colours without leave, shall have return to the same, without fear of being questioned for it. &c. His Highness the Lord Protector's Council sat in Debate of some things propounded by divers Godly Ministers, (though of several Judgments) and the said Council being sensible of the great necessity there is, that matters of Religion should be settled in the Church, as well as temporal Government in the Commonwealth, are advising of a way whereby the Godly, and able Ministry shall be encouraged, and that false and idle shepherds may be removed, and kept out for the future. There be some Copies of Letters intercepted from Scotland, sent to London, which in few days will be made public. From Amsterdam they write of a stately Fleet almost in a readiness, and say, that it far exceeds the number they have yet had forth to fight, and their Prospective out of England a Reciprocal, and say some of the Letters all Christendom stand amazed at the transaction of these two so mighty, and considerable Commonwealths, yet they seem not to doubt but their Ambassadors have before this time ratified the Peace with England, saying that they had but six weeks allotted them for their stay in England. The Orange party are indifferent quiet for the present, though they talk very high, but being they are put to play an after-game, the manner is so much the less considerable. We told you before of some Letters, and papers taken in Scotland, one was a Letter from Charles Stuart to the Lord General (as they call him) Glencarn, beginning thus. After our heavy commendations, &c. We cannot but give you thanks for your activeness in doing of us, and our Kingdom service and we do hereby give you further to understand, that we do highly value, and approve of your endeavours in a service which doth so much import us, and to the end you may receive some other encouragement from our self, we have given special order to Middleton to hasten unto you: He hath provided in Holland a considerable number of able Commanders, every way fit for our service. The arms which we sent from Nantes may happily be with you before this Letter. We wish that the late differences between Seafort and you, may not be prejudicial to our affairs; we bid you right heartily farewell. Signed, C. Rex. Upon the Intelligence that Middleton was landed in Scotland, Glencarn set forth this Proclamation. To all whom it may concern I do hereby strictly will, require, and command all Officers, and soldiers, Horse, and Foot: now under my command, that immediately after the publishing hereof, they and every of them do repair to their several Quarters, and be ready to perform their duties in their several places, and that they nor any of them do presume upon any pretence whatsoever, to depart from their Colours, without special Licence. And I do further Require, and Command all the chief Officers of the several Regiments of Horse and Foot to certify me from time to time the particular Names of such several Officers and Soldiers under them, who have been negligent in the prosecution of nay my former Warrants, for the speedy effecting, and bringing in of Levies, or who shall neglect, or wilfully contemn this command. Commanding all Officers and soldiers to be obedient hereunto, that they may be ready to appear upon summons, at what place shall be appointed for their Rendezvous, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost perils. Subscribiter Glencarn. The Privy Lodgings for his Highness the Lord Protector in Whitehall are now in a readiness, as also the Lodgings for his Lady Protectoress; and likewise the privy Kitchen, and other Kitchens, Butteries, and Offices, and it is conceived the whole family will be settled there before Easter. A Table for his Highness. A Table for the Gentlewomen. A Table for the Protectoress. A Table for Coachmen, Grooms, and other domestic Servants. A Table for Chaplains and Strangers. A Table for Inferiors or Subservants. A Table for the Steward and Gentlemen. At a Conference in the afternoon yesterday betwixt the Commissioners for the Ld: Protector and the Dutch Ambassadors, there was very large expressions of Love and Amity; and the Ld: Beverling expressed in a Speech, that they were clear and enwreathed in their intentions for making a firm League. After this both parts of the Articles were compared, and they are now Engrossing. Some of the chief of the Highlanders have made overtures or Propositions to allay the present distempers without shedding more blood (but they have not prosecuted them. 1. That Sequestration of men's Estates hath made many desperate, and put themselves in Arms. 2. That personal Arrests may cease, and Creditors contented to take all the Lands and Goods they find, for satisfaction. 3. That Soldiers merely of Fortune who have spent their best days and got nothing; might be considered, and transported. Some Dutch Men of War were discovered near Goodwyn Sands lately, they forced 12 English ships to run ashore between Falmouth, and Scarborough. The English Fleet is about 140 sail stately and brave: we have this week taken 15 ships great and small from the Enemy. The Prince of Conde is in Flanders with the Archduke, his Brother Conti is to command the French Army. 150 Sail of Eastland Merchants are newly come into Holland. By divers Letters from Scotland we had this day a confirmation of the unhappy accident at Lanker, some fifteen miles from Dumfries: Captain Mason understanding that the Enemy was near advanced towards them with 80 Horse, which the Enemy understanding retired to their Hills, whereupon Capt: Mason having taken a Cornet and some other prisoners returned to Lanker to quarter there that night: Captain Palmer understanding also that the Enemy was at Lanker, he advanced with his Troop to encounter them; and being mistaken by the voice of the Scout who was a Scotchman, he fell upon Captain Mason's men; whereupon Captain Palmer drew out a party of 30 men to fire the Guardhouse; At which Captain Mason not enduring the Indignity, did encounter him with a choice party of 40 Horse: in this skirmish by a most unhappy mistake divers were slain, and more wounded. The fight was very fierce in the long Lane at the Townsend, in which Capt: Mason himself was wounded. It was this day confirmed by Letters from Scotland, that Gen: Middleton having landed in Scotland his men and Arms, he did write to the Sheriff of Southerland, requiring him to act no more in the names of the Keepers of the Liberties of England; or in the Name of Oliver Cromwell Lord Protector: he did write to the high Sheriff that he would give him a Commission whereby to act. It is advertised, that upon the encouragement of Middleton's landing, the Lord Seafort hath gained together 600 men, and is gone to join with him. Glencarn, Kenmore, Glencarry, Huntly, Athol and Forbes do intend to have their Rendezvous in Murrayland, some 24 miles westward from Aberdeen. It is advertised that another vessel with Arms is come unto Middleton, and hath put in at Caithness, whither he hath wrote to endeavour, if he can, to draw the Gentlemen of that Country to an Engagement. He speaks of divers vessels with Arms to come to him, and that he shall have as much assistance as can be desired: but the Countries finding that neither the number of men, or Arms now landed, do any ways answer their expectation, and the great things that were promised, do make but thin appearances at the levies, and altogether disrelish the proceedings. It is advertised from Sweden, that the Lord Chancellor doth make excuses and delays, to see what the issue will be of our Treaty with the Dutch. Howsoever there is a fair correspondence betwixt him and our Lord Ambassador. It is said, that Discourses only for the present do pass betwixt them, and nothing is drawn up to a Head. Captain Beach that famous Pirate is brought into Plymouth, where he and about 200 of his Men are close Prisoners, when he came aboard the Warwick, he demanded of Captain Potter the manner of performing his Articles, and said it was his promise to see him ashore in France, at which Captain Potter being startled told him he never heard of any such Demand, and to satisfy him, he commanded Captain Beach to go aboard his own Vessel again, and fight it on, but Beach refused the same. It is advertised that the Dutch Freebooters have taken some of our Collier's ships as they were coming from Newcastle to this City; but a private Man of War of ours hath taken a Dutch ship of 400 Tons, laden with Eastland commodities, she is brought into Harwich. Upon the approach of Col: Morgan and some other additional Forces, Gen: Middleton immediately fled away with his hundred Reformadoes; and so did Glencarn, Huntley, Athol, Glencarrus, Kenmore, Forbes, and the rest, they are said to be in all 5000 effective, they retreated to their next Fastnesses. Our Forces are gone up to them, and have taken several stragglers. It is likely you will hear of action by the next. Middleton brought over in all about ten thousand Arms. The Act for settling the Excise will be extant tomorrow, I should here tell how long it is to continue, and what are the Names of the Commissioners; but till the Act be extant by Authority I am expressly commanded to be silent. There is a Fast on Friday next at the Church in Lumbardstreet to weep for our sins, that the Clouds may weep in abundance on us, and drop down fatness. The titular King of Scotland is yet in France, and so are his two Brothers, but all of them are upon their Departure. Their Mother hath declared that she cannot endure to stay in France, nor yet go to Subaudia, but is resolved to partake with her Children in all her travails wheresoever their sullen stars shall lead them. There are more taken who had a hand in the great Robbery at Shooters Hill. That which this week is most remarkable is: The Act for continuing the Excise. The great success in Scotland, several prisoners taken. Gen: Middleton flying away with his hundred Reformadoes, and with the chief Commanders of the Army. Glencarn, Glencarras, Athol, Huntley, Kenmore, Forbes, and the rest. The Debate of the Council concerning Farthing Tokens. The great Pirate Beach close prisoner in Plymouth with two hundred of his men. Several ships taken by the Dutch, and some considerable Dutch ships taken by the English. And the Declaration of the late Queen of England to live and die with her Children. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 223 |
PerfDiurn223 | From Monday March. 13. to Monday, March. 20. 1654. We had from Scotland this day by several Letters as followeth. Dalkeith 9 March, Since Middleton's landing, the Enemy go on to their Rendezvous, which will be about Straithspey the 10 or 11 instant; they give out (to encourage the Country) that Middleton hath 3500 foot, and 500 Horse, but the people know the contrary. There was besides Captain Johnson (who was killed before Blair Castle) one Cap. Scot shot in the back, not likely to recover and Lieut. Erwin's Horse killed under him. The enemy do rather diminish than increase; very many through dislike, either of their Quarters or Service; do run from them. An order is issued forth, if any go down to the Lowlands, without a party, they are to be brought back, and suffer for it. The Lowland men would fain be at home, the Highlanders are so barbarous towards them, that if they catch any Lowlandmen apart from the rest, they presently take all away from them Athol and Forbs are yet in Glenlyon, but they are forced to remove every night. A party of horse from St. Johnstons, on Tuesday last, took a Sergeant, and another of his men. The main body of their forces, is yet in Bagnoth; Middleton is gone towards the Lord Reay's Bounds. The unhappy disaster of the two Troops, you have the particulars of before. By Letters from Edinburgh, march 7. A party of the Earl of Athol's Forces Horse and Foot, came the last week and faced Blair Castle, the Governor Captain Witter sent out a party within protection to skirmish with them: whereupon one Cap: Johnston and two more with him, charged up to our men on horseback, but himself and one more were killed, then all came up, whereupon our men retreated, they fetched off their two dead men, and buried the said Captain with Col. Wogan at the Kirk of Kenmore. His death is much lamented amongst them, being very stout, but in this business he was too fool hardy: we had either one or two shot. There have of late been some private overtures made from some in the Hills of some proposals which would probably much allay the present distempers without any harsh corrosives, which though I have hinted before, yet since nothing is done tending to satisfaction in any of them, I shall again inculcate, 1. Te sequestration that was upon many (and of little or no advantage to the State) made many desperate, and so to be removed. 2. That personal Arrests might cease, and Creditors contented to take all their lands and goods, for satisfaction, or to cease prosecution till there be ability to pay: the want of this makes others desperate. 3. That such as were Soldiers of fortune had passed the prime of their time in Wars, and were void of Callings, or subsistence, might be considered to be transported to some Prince or State in amity with the Commonwealth for they are; born and they must be kept, or will have a subsistence as long as they can get it. If these things were put in Execution it would prevent many from going to them, and bring off many from them. A Narrative of the sad accident that befell the Troops at the Lanker, in Scotland, published to prevent the misreports that perhaps some evil spirits will be ready to make of it. On the Lord's day Feb. 19. 1653. Captain Mason being at Dumfries, upon which he forthwith marched with 80 of his Troop, whose approach the Enemy discovering left the Town, betaking them to the Hills; Captain Mason in pursuit took a Cornet and two more, the rest (their horses being fresh, and his almost weary with the march escaped) Capt. Mason quartered in the Town that night, and about four in the morning Captain Palmer came there with his party, having also had intelligence of the enemies being there, and knowing nothing what was done, took Captain Mason's Troop to be the Enemy, and a Scotchman one of the Dragoon's Scouts, being violently charged by Captain Palmer's men, who he thought to be the enemy, declared the spirit of a Scotchman by saying that he was for the King, to save his life, by which means he lost it. The whole party then endeavouring to enter the Town, but the Guard repulsed them, upon which Captain Palmer drew out a party of 20 to fire the Guard house, by which time Captain Mason had got 30 or 40 of his horse together, and with them beat out Captain Palmer's party, which they took to be the Enemy, they pursued in the evening, but at the Towns-end Captain Palmer met them with the whole party, and fell upon them, both sides still judging each other to be the enemy, in which unhappy engagement six were slain of both parties and eight wounded, of which Captain Palmer is one hurt. Amsterdam March. 14. Here is much discourse of the great Preparations made for Sea by you in England, which causeth the State to be very quick in theirs, yet here is all hope of Peace, and the affections of men seem ripe for it, expecting to hear of it very suddenly, especially the Merchants. Our neighbour States and Princes wonder much at the great number of ships that are to be equipped on either side, and therefore if a Peace be, must needs say, it was not Necessity but Reason that made it. The French Ambassador, Monsieur Chanas hath been labouring very hard at the Hague, to put on the Interest of his Master, so as that it may not be left to stand or fall by itself, when the Conjunction between both the Republics shall be completed. The Spaniard will (it is said) be put to play a new Game before he thought of it. This Peace, if it prove so, is a hinge upon which all the affairs of Christendom, must have a new Turn. The Popish party frown at it, and talk of a Conjunction too between the Emperor, Spaniard, and I know not who, it may be they may think on the Stuarts, if any good may be done against England, upon the score of that Family. It seems, by the working of Affairs, as if there would be a Confederacy against the Reformed Religion, though (perhaps) it shall be managed upon other pretences. An Eastland Fleet of about 150 Sail hath brought home the great necessaries of this Country. From Paris the 18 of March 1654. Stilo novo from Perpignon we hear that the Commander in chief Merinuille, who was left by the Marshal d' Hocquinon to command the French Army, having notice that the Enemy had some design upon Castillon, a place near Rosa, is marched with some Forces to prevent their design, it's reported in Catalonia, that the Count de Ognate late Vice-King of Naples, is to come thither to be their Vice-king. From Alsatia by the last Letters, that the Marshal de la Ferte, having received special Orders from the Court, to take in all the small places in Alsatia, and so march to Brisack and block it up, thereby to reduce the Earl of Harcourt, and compel him to accept those conditions, which are set down in those papers sent him from the Court, hath marched with his Forces thither, and taken in Ensisheion Guemer, Alkris, and Saint Creux, and having disposed all things for the besieging of Thanes, given the command of the Army to the Marques de Castelnan, and by permission from the Court is retired to Nancy, there to refresh himself of those great labours he hath suffered in the field this last Winter. This new Commander having set the siege in a forwardness, began to work cunningly with the besieged and having taken in one of the Suburbs, which was fortified with a Moat, and a good number of Soldiers to guard it, two days after the Trench being open, and he upon some action, was shot through the arm near the elbow, and the wound so dangerous, that he is forced to be carried into Nancy to the great grief of the Army, who nevertheless became Masters of the Town 8 days after, and the Castle being now open, a Treaty we hope will take effect. The 14 instant Dom Joseph Marguerit Governor of Catalona, Dom Francis de Montpalan Abbot of Bagnoles, and Dom Francisco de Calno, Field-Marshal Commissioners for Catalonia and Kussillon, had their first audience at Court, being very graciously received by the King, to whom the Abbot made a learned Speech, wherein he represented to the life the sad condition of those Countries, and what heavy and long pressures the people had been under these many years, humbly praying that some speedy and effectual relief may be sent into those parts which might give some ease to their present griefs, and prevent greater evils, which without that will necessarily ensue. The King hath made them many great promises, and the Cardinal likewise, whom they visited the next day, and had likewise a very long conference with him, now their whole attendance is to procure that relief and assistance in effect, which they have only in words, and do intend to spare no pains for the attaining of it. Upon Thursday next two of the Cardinal's Nieces are to be married, the one to the Duke of Candale, the other to the Marshal of le Milleray's Son. The Dutch Ambassador here hath spoken several times to the Cardinal, on the behalf of the Protestants, that they may be redressed in what they desire of his Majesty; and that some effectual Order may be speedily taken to prevent all further complaints. Furthermore, that his Majesty would be pleased to cause to be made good unto them, all that his Royal favour hath vouchsafed to allow unto them, and all what hath been granted them by the King and his Predecessor. Charles Stuart and His Brothers are still here, but are resolved not to stay long, having no encouragement given them at this Court, where they do much desire a peace with England. And our great expectation is to hear that Monsieur de Bourdeaux had very near finished the Treaty between France and England, with the Lord Protector; wherein we make no doubt but the said Monsieur de Bourdeaux will be able to give content to his Highness in anything that can in justice be demanded of this Crown. Fromfort on the Main the 8th of March 1654. We have by letters from Poland, that the Lord Bleganowsk who is sent as Ambassador to Constantinople, notwithstanding all the Ambuscades which the Tarlures had laid to entrap him, had happily gotten his way without meeting any opposition, being now near to his journey's end: yet the Country is in much fear, being like to see a very great invasion by the Musconite, who as the report goeth, hath near two hundred thousand men: with the which he intends to enter the Country by several places, his pretence for doing is, that he demands the City of Smolensk, and the Dukedom of Semery, which he sayeth, hath been by open violence taken from him, and the more to strengthen his side, he doth endeavour to draw the Cossacks to him. The Diet is newly begun, but as yet nothing can be said in any relation to it. From Regensburg. The time that the Emperor hath set for the closing up of the Diet, being near expired and they finding it to be impossible to end their business within so short a time, have thereupon made their humble addresses to his Majesty, that he will be pleased to give them yet an additional time for that purpose, to which the Emperor hath answered, that the affairs of Hungaria were of that consequence, and required such a speedy redress, that he could not tarry a longer time: therefore they should find out some speedy way to conclude the whole business. From Cullen: Since the coming of the French forces into the Country of Liege, the Spaniards and the Lorraigners have wholly left it; but having first plundered, and then fired divers small Towns, among whom is one belonging to the Countess of Schwartzenburgh. From Maastricht. Although the Lorrainers be quite gone from the Country of Liege, and are now quartered around Diest, yet the Elector of Cullen will not lay down his arms till such time he hath good security, that no such invasion shall be made for the future, and that the Authors of the mischief shall give satisfaction towards these losses sustained. This day the Commissioners from the Lord Protector and the Dutch Commissioner have had a conference Abraham Williams in order to the finish the Power. The business this day was to confer the Reports of the which were engrossed on both sides and , A final Close (it's believed) will be within a few days. From Plymouth March 11. About three day since the Portsmouth Frigate and the Constant Warwick being together with the Brest Man of War commanded by Captain Admiral of their Piratic crew which lurk in Brest. Others are with him two Prizes which he had newly taken, but perceiving them our Frigates intended to pursue him, he left the Prizes and was afterwards by night coming on. The same being of the Portsmouth Frigate, and the Constant Warwick Company; and it fell out about Midnight that moving about, lighted on the Constant Warwick all alone, which before he came near, he took to be a Merchant Man, and went on with an intent to board him, but the Warwick who he was, he replied he was the Portsmouth Frigate and for Whitehall, but the Warwick suspecting him, him stand off. The Beach perceiving his mistake and seeing the Warwick to be a Man of War, he presently made away; but the Warwick being a good Sailor made after him, and kept company with him all night. About 6 in the morning Beach began the fight firing three Guns, which were answered by the Warwick. The encounter lasted till 2 a clock in the Afternoon, at which time Beach and his Men called for quarter, and had it. He had 5 foot water in the hold when he yielded; he had 200 men, 20 whereof were killed, his Frigate is a gallant new Vessel, with 42 Guns whereof but 30 were mounted. There are taken aboard with him 9 Captains besides himself, & divers Gentlemen who are all Prisoners. This is that Beach, the ring leading Pirate, who hath done our Merchants so much mischief this Winter that he lived like a Prince at Brest; for which 'tis like he will receive his reward, being brought in hither with the rest of his Companions. From Dover. March 9. By a small Barque come this morning from France, we hear that a great Fleet of Dutch Merchantmen, consisting of about 140 Sail, are gone to the Westward, sailing close by the French coast. And having a fair wind, like they may pass without any interruption from our Fleet, who are (we hear) still near St Ellen's point: this Dutch fleet have a Convoy of about 60 Sail of Men of War, (as they say) but they are to be divided, the Merchantmen being bound to several Ports and Countries. From Naples, the 15. of February, 1654. Our Vice King made his Cavalcade upon the 12th instant, and was sworn after the accustomed manner, this being performed in the great Church of St. Laurence, in the presence of the Pope's Nuncio, of our Archbishops, and most of the Nobility and Gentry, and in his return to the palace he was saluted with all the Ordnance in the Castle of this City. From Rome the 23 ditto. There hath passed nothing more of late concerning the business of the Cardinal Pamphino, save only that some of his domestic servants are apprehended and sent to prison: There was likewise Order given to have apprehended his Secretary, but he having notice thereof, escaped out of this City, and fled to his Master. There hath been Proclamation made by the Governor of this City, that all manner of persons presume not to carry about them any pistols, or such like armour, by day, upon the forfeiture of all their Estate, and to be sent to the Galleys, nor by night, upon pain of death; none having the Privilege but only the Shires who are a certain number appointed for the Guard of the City: The Duke de Terra Nova is arrived in this City from Marino, and hath made his Entrance with a great number of Coaches; he is to be here as ordinary Ambassador for Spain. From Venice the 24. ditto: We hear this week by way of Smyria of the Affairs at Constantinople; which advises us, That the Bashaw of Buda being lately called home from his Command of those parts, was chosen Captain General of the Fleet, being better entertained than he of Rhodes, who was no sooner come but his person and all his Estate was secured, which his son hearing, laid hold of all those choice things which he could come at, and is fled in a Galley into Barbary. There are great Preparations to be made against Candia, and Dalmatia, both by Sea and Land, and out State on their part neglect nothing requisite for their defence. Paris, the 21. of March, stilo novo. The putting down of those Officers called the Elect, doth not in any way prove to the case of the people, although so pretended; for in lieu of them are to be created other Officers, which, though appearing under other shapes, do give notice of a worse evil than the first, and prove more burdensome to the people. The whole Body of this University, have again made some Addresses to the Cardinal, and showed their complaints concerning the laying of a new Tax upon all sorts of Paper, which they show will turn much to their prejudice, by a great loss to the Printers, and others, who have relation to that profession: The answer was, That the matter should be taken into consideration, and with all speed be taken off, though the common opinion is, that there will be only moderation used, in regard the Tax is very high. The Cardinal hath now well nigh finished part of his work, having consummated the matches between the Duke de Candale, and the Marshal de la Mesteray his Son with two of his Nieces, which was done this week. The Court doth now begin to stir for the recruiting and new ordering in a military posture their Armies; and to that end the Marshal de Turenna is gone into Picardie to set the work forward. Marshal de la Ferte is at Nancy, and is said to be sick, which is more caused, by reason be is now under the displeasure of the Cardinal, form having (as I am informed) gone beyond his Commission in his late Treaty with the Earl de Harcourt, which is distasted by the Cardinal: It was expected that the Court should go to Fontainebleau this week, but now the report goeth, that it is put off till after the Holydays. The Cardinal and his Creatures are much troubled to see that nothing can persuade the Duke of Orleans to come to the Court, they taking was a main hindrance to the carrying on of their great designs: The Prince of Condi we hear is come from Brussels to Louuain, and from thence to Rocroy having by the way taken a view of his Army into the several quarters, intending, if possible, to take the field by the beginning of the next month, and now the Earl de la Susa with divers Commanders and the Garrison in Beffort will much conduce to the furtherance of the Works. From Vpsal in Sweden, February 10. We are yet expecting the good hour of dismission, which will not be too suddenly: though I hope we shall be ready to go away by that time the weather will give us leave. The Chancellor is an old Statist, and he makes excuses and delays, till he see what the issue will be of our Treaty with the Dutch. Neither can I blame him, for according to that, it will be necessary to guide their answers unto our proposals. This afternoon my Lord Ambassador, and the Chancellor have had another meeting; there is a very fair correspondence between them: but, according to the policy of State, I suppose, as yet there passes only discourse between them, and nothing is drawn up unto a head, he being willing to see, whether there is likely to be a Peace, or a continuation of War with the Hollander. There is an Ambassador come from Russia, he that was here before is gone into Denmark; 'tis talked of that the Duke of Moscovia will make a War with the Pole, and therefore he Courts these neighbouring Princes. Inverness Feb. 27. These are from Inverness in Scotland of several dates came to my hand as followeth. About eight days since Middleton, with Sir George Monro, the Lord Napier, one called Major General Dial, and Lodowick Drummond in a small Hoy from Holland put into Garmouth, which is a the mouth of Spey, and is the place where Charles Stuart landed, but understanding we had Garrisons near that place put to Sea again, and about twelve of the Clock at night landed at the Ferry of Vnes in Sutherland with about fourscore Men, as we have notice; they sent about ten load of Arms to Auchness, and themselves are gone towards the shire Assine, they give out another Vessel is to meet them in Strathcavern, but they speak not of any men, he hath since summoned all the Gentlemen and Heritors of Caithness, Sutherland, and Ross, to come in unto him, and hath appointed a Rendezvous to be this day in the Brays of Sutherland. He hath forbidden the Sheriff of Sutherland to act any more in the names of the Keepers of the liberties of England, or in the name of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector, but sayeth he will give him a Commission to act by as Sheriff. Seaford hath raised 600 men, and is gone to join with him, but the loss Glencairn and the rest sustained by Col. Morgan, and that by Col. Daniel, I doubt not but allays their courage, and his landing with so inconsiderable a party both in number and demeanour will not a little dishearten their Comrades, who always made show of expecting great Matters by him. Inverness March 6. In my last I gave you an Account of Middleton's landing in Sutherland, there is since a Vessel come for him into Caithness whether he is gone to endeavour all he can to craw the Gentlemen of that Country into an engagement with him, which we hear they are backward in, notwithstanding he gives out great words, and talks of diverse Vessels with Arms to come to him: Seaford is endeavouring all he can to get some of his men together to meet him, the Country generally disrelishes their proceedings, by the next I may have an occasion of enlarging. From the Hague the 20th of March, stilo novo. Here is returned from England one of the Pilots who was commanded to wait upon the Ambassadors, who brought news of their gallant Reception by the Lord Protector. About four days since arrived here two Pilots who had gone over with General Middleton into Scotland, and brought word, That he was landed there with those men he had with him, most of them Reformadoes, One hundred and fifty Barrels of Powder, and arms for some Thousand men: We hear also by one lately come from Amsterdam, That their Freebooters have lately taken some Colliers homeward bound, who straying from their Convoy and the main Body of the Fleet, were soon taken, and carried away: The common Report here is, That the Peace is made between you and us, which is generally wished for among the people. Dalkieth, March 14. Upon Middleton's landing in Sutherland he sent summons to the Gentlemen of Caithness, Sutherland and Ross to give him a meeting at his Rendezvous, which was to be the last of February, (at the place where Montrose was formerly overthrown) upon the Brays of Southerland, and their to send in their Levies of men and Horse: When Middleton came ashore, he writ to the Sheriff of Sutherland, Requiring him not to keep any more Courts in the name of the Commonwealth of England: Seafort hath gotten 600 of his men together again, and is gone to join with Middleton. There was brought in the Vessel with Middleton 300 Barrels of powder, 1000 Snaphance-firelocks, and as many Pikes, Muskets, and Pistols, as made in all 5000. Arms, which, with two Brass Field-pieces, were lodged in the Castle of Skelbo, which is secured by Major General Dyell, and one Major Watson with Six or Sevenscore men; Glencairn, Kenmore, Glengary, Athol, and Forbes with their Rabble, intended their Rendezvous as on this day 24 Miles from Aberdeen, from Whence Col. Morgan is marched forth to Rendezvous with them. Scilly, March the 12th. A small Vessel of Topsam that came from S. Sebastians and commanded by Cap. Stafford, who had a Commission for a private Man of War, brought in hither a French Prize of 30 Ton, laden with Iron, Liquorice, &c. But the News which will be most acceptable to many, is the bold attempt, and good success of Captain Potter, Commander of the Constant Warwick, who on Saturday last in a single encounter, mastered, and took as prize, the Royal James, commanded by Captain Beach, chief Admiral of Charles Stuart's Picaroons, and hath brought him into this Port; the Fight continued Eight hours, and then Beach cried for Quarter: Beach had 39 Guns, and 200 men, the Constant Warwick had about 130 Men, and 32 Guns, which indeed was an Eminent service; The Captain commends both his Officers and Seamen for standing close by him, but especially his Lieutenant, for his Judgement and Valour in that day's service; Captain Potter lost but two men, and Beach about twenty men; Beach coming aboard the Warwick, demanded of Captain Potter, the way and manner of performing his Articles, claiming it his promise to set him ashore in France; at which Captain Potter being startled, told him, he never heard of such demand, and to satisfy Beach therein, commanded Beach aboard again his own Vessel, and to fight it out; but Beach refused the same: Such eminent services merit more than ordinary Encouragement. Beach and his Crew are since brought into Plymouth, and close Prisoners there, till further Order for their trial, which will be speedily. The Ordinance for appointing Commissioners for approving o Ministers throughout the Nation, is passed by the Council. Also an Ordinance for disposing forfeited Estates in Scotland; and tow other Ordinances for settling the Customers and Excise, which will be forthwith published. By Letters from Harwich we understand of a Dutch Ship of Four hundred Ton, laden with Pitch, Tar, Masts and Iron, to a great value, brought in thither, taken by a private man of war. There is newly published an excellent piece of Mr. Tho. Brooks Preacher of the Gospel at Margarets Fishstreet Hill, intituled, Heaven on Earth; or a serious discourse touching a well grounded Assurance of Men's everlasting Happiness and Blessedness. Discovering the Nature of Assurance, the possibility of attaining in the Causes, Springs, and degrees of it, with the resolution of several weighty Questions. Printed for John Hancock in Popes-head Alley. There is newly published a curious new plain and exact map of England, Wales, Ireland, and Scotland, the which is called the Traveller's guide and plain Man's Map because both it and all other Maps are made plain and easy by directions therein given, whereby anyone may know the way, situation, and distance of any place therein, with a description showing the temperature of the Airs, Nature of sails, and the Commodities thereof, as also a brief Chronology of all the remarkable passages and actions that have happened therein ever since the long Parliament began November the 3, 1640, to this present, both by Sea and Land, they are not only necessary for ornament of every mans house, but for all occasions and persons, and of small price, and are to be sold by Robert Walton at the Rose and Crown at the West end of St. Paul's. A black Mare with a blaze down her face, five years old, fourteen handful high at least, all, the near foot behind lately shaved, not quite cared of the scratchings, some white on her hind feet, but one hath more white than the other, with a black half checked Bridle, and sad coloured saddle, stolen out of a Stable at Bonce-bridge near Peterborough of March in the night. If any can give notice of her to Mr. Hall at the Fox in Watlin street London or to Mr King of Bottlebridge, they shall 20 shillings for their pains. Licensed and Entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 223 |
MPol185 | From Thursday, Decem 16. to Thursday, Decem 22. 1653. This day his Highness the Lord Protector was proclaimed by the Sheriffs at the high Cross of this City, the Mayor, Aldermen and Council attending in their Scarlet, with the best Sword and Cap, all their Officers attending a Sermon for this day of Inauguration, preached before them at Temple Church by Mr Knowles out of Esay 33. 21, 22, 23 after the Proclamation was read, the Waites of the City played before the Council, and the Bells rang, which they did also the Morning and the Night before, and the Guns from the Castle were fired also; the Governor Col. Scroope being at Sermon with the Mayor, stood also with him till the Proclamation was ended: And because the day should not pass here without some gratification; the Governor at the request of the Mayor and Aldermen, granted, that the Gallows standing in the High Street next the Cross, on which the condemned by Military Laws were executed, to be taken down, which was by them accepted as a favour. OLIVER LORD PROTECTOR of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, considering, That whereas the exercise of the chief Magistracy, and the Administration of Government within the said Commonwealth, is invested and established in his Highness, assisted with a Council; And left thereupon the veiled and ordinary course of Justice in the Commonwealth (if remedy were not provided) might receive interruption, his Highness in his care of the State, and public Justice thereof (reserving to future consideration the Reformation and Redress of any abuses by misgovernment, upon better knowledge taken thereof) is pleased, and doth hereby expressly signify, declare and ordain, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, who have power until the meeting of the next Parliament to make Laws and Ordinances for the Peace & welfare of these Nations, where it shall be necessary, which shall be binding and in force until Order shall be taken in Parliament concerning the same, That all persons who on the 10 day of this instant December were duly and lawfully possessed of any place of Judicature, or Office of Authority, Jurisdiction, or Government within this Commonwealth, shall be, and shall so hold themselves continued in the said Offices and places respectively, as formerly they held and enjoyed the fame, and not otherwise, until his Highness pleasure be further known; And all Commissions, Patents, and other Grants, which respect or relate unto the doing and executing of public Justice, and all Proceedings of what Nature soever in Courts of common Law or Equity, or in the Court of Admiralty, or by commissioners of Sewers, shall stand and be in the same and like force to all intents and purposes as the same were on the said Tenth day of this instant December, until further Order given by his Highness therein; And that in the mean time (or preservation of the public Peace, and necessary proceedings in matters of Justice, and for safety of the State) all the said Persons of whatsoever Place, Power, degree, or condition, may not fail, every one severally according to his respective Place, office or charge, to proceed in the performance and execution of all Duties thereunto belonging, as formerly appertained to them and every of them, whilst the former Government was in being. Given at Whitehall, December 21. 1653. Captain Lisle being in his Quarters at old Montrosse, in the County of Anguish, received intelligence upon Friday the ninth of this instant about 8 of the clock, that there was a Regiment of the enemy's horse quartered within 8 or 9 miles of him; of which Regiment the Lord Kinnoole is Colonel, and one David Ramsey Lieut. Col. Upon which intelligence he forthwith sent to Col. Rich his own Troop to meet him with all convenient speed that might be, at Brichin, being a place where part of Major Bramstone's Dragoons are quartered, and in the way to the enemy's quarters, and they meeting according to order, he and they, with part of Major Bramstone's Dragoons, and 12 foot soldiers, which he mounted out of his own quarters of old Montross; about 4 of the clock in the morning, marched out of Brichin, and in the break of the day, fell into the enemy's quarters, where by the providence of God, there was taken a Captain 1 Cornet, one Quartermaster, a Corporal, and 20 private soldiers, and about 40 horse, and some Arms; for the Captains before they would be taken, suffered the house to be fired about their ears so that there was divers arms lost in the fire; there was 3 killed, and thanks be to God this was done without any hurt on our side, save only there was one man wounded by a shot in the thigh : the Lord of Kinnoole, and Lieut. Col. Ramsey, with about 30 of their soldiers being quartered in a very strong stone house, by that means escaped us. And by that time Cap. Lisle was in his Quarters upon Saturday night, there came Orders from Col Morgan, that he with his Troop should meet him near Thornton the next morning early, which accordingly he did; where met likewise Col. Mich his Troop, Major Bramston's Troop of Dragoons and a commanded party of Foot of about 30. in number from Dunoter castle. And with this party we marched 6 or 7 miles into the Highlands, and again fell into the Lord of Kinnoole's quarters, where we took about 7 or 8 Prisoners, and about 12 horse, killed one and rescued the Lord of Egles Sheriff for that part of the Country, whom they had taken prisoner from his own house the day before. Kinnoole and Ramsey themselves very hardly escaping, the whole Regiment totally dispersed; but our horses were so spent, and the way so troublesome, because steep Rocks and dangerous Bogs, and night coming on, that we were constrained to leave off the pursuit. Cap. Michel Belford, Cap. Wil. Blare, Lieutenant I. Ramsey, Cornet William Grier, George Flike, I. Martin, Francis Sharp, David Ramsey, Gem. Bruse, I. Macklane, Will. Fife, D. Cuttinangus, David Lanson, Gem. Gardner, Robert Swan, I. Braud, G. Mat. Donald, Ar: Waile, I. Paperson, Will: Fumiston, Alex. Googley, H. Man. Those were taken upon Saturday Decemb. 10. with 40 horse by Capt. Edmond Lisle. I understand this day from Gothenburg, of the safe arrival of the English Lord Ambassador there with three men of Was, and two Merchant Ships for their baggage; they are said to be above 10 persons in company, and 30 horses, and are now shortly expected hither; they will be doubtless extraordinary well received one of the best Lodgings this place can afford being already provided for to attend his Lordships coming, which God grant may be to the welfare and establishment of both Nations; I shall not fail, God willing, to acquaint you with the Reception, Entrance, Propositions & Transactions of his Lordship with this Crown; forasmuch as I shall be able to penetrate thereof by every Post. It is believed here, That the great loss the Dutch sustained in the late storm will somewhat humble their Spirits, and cause them to think upon more reasonable conditions for an accommodation if they expect to have peace with England. Next Friday, being the 25 instant, is appointed by her Majesty a general day of Thanksgiving all over this Kingdom, for the great plenty of Corn and other earthly blessings wherewith God hath been pleased so graciously to provide this Nation this year, in so much that the like hath not been since any mans remembrance. God make us truly thankful. This Nation is much enraged, because of one of their Island's ships, which we hear is taken by the English, and some 5, or 6 more of the same Fleet, which are lost in the late storm; and that which aggravates their vexation, is, That some 6 English ships, having been lately in our Fleet's hands, were very friendly dismissed. The English Ambassador's arrival at Gothenburg is not well resented here, but makes them very jealous; the more, because we hear of her Majesty of Sweden's kind reception of him, having caused some of her chief Noblemen to conduct him to the Court at Upsala. The news of the Treaty being broken continueth , but the States have sent their Deputies order. to stay 14 days longer, and try what may be effected in that time. There is a Report that the Lord Gen. Cromwell had desired them to remain a little longer at London, but it is not believed. They prepare a pace for the War against Spring, it has some 2, or 3 days ago been said, That 30 English ships were seen on this coast coming from the East Countries, from whence they expect duly a hundred sail. The Negotiations of the Lord Whitlock in Sweden are much longed for; so these say, that the French Ambassador promiseth, if they will join with France, he will assure them of Sweden. Affairs here seem troublesome; the Highlanders have divided themselves into several parts; conceiving it to be more conducing to their Design than to keep in a Body. Kesmore hath taken up his Territories in the West, Glasgow & Marshes, Sir Arthur Forbes and Ramsey are at the Brayed in Angus and Mernes. The Earl of Athol in Athol, and those clans above St Fobestons. Glencarne and Glengarry towards the North parts about Innerness, and thus the new Royal Army have disposed their quarters; but a party of horse from hence with col. Morgan, somewhat disturbed their Levies in Angus; for, they have taken about 40 men, and 60 horses, and had unregimented Kinnonle, if the Hills had not been Friend to a few. The news from Dalkeith is, That the Enemies are departed from the hithermost parts of Athol and gone to Kirkmichell in order to their march Northward. We are informed, Kenmore and Glencarne are both there, and their Force reported 500 Foot, and 500 Horse; but some who saw them say they cannot be above half that number. They lie under many discouragements; and every place is so eaten up where they come, that they are forced upon frequent Removes; and now Provisions of Mutton and Beef begin to decay. It's said they intend for the North, that their Quarters upon the Lowlands may be the more allured and broader, where they expect the landing of Foreign Forces, Ammunitions and Money from their King and the States of Holland, as they talk. Athol doth nothing considerable; the People refuse him men according to command. One that saw him and his Soldiers sayeth, he hath not got above 40 Foot, and Major Mercer is there with about 60 Horse. Captain Elsmore of col. Riche's Regiment, sent out a party the other day from Drummond castle, & took one cap. Stuart, who had a commission to raise Forces, with 4 others, and killed 3 on the place. The Marquis of Huxtley died last week at his house at Bogy-geish. The King of France having been 2, or 3 days at St Germain, to recreate himself with hunting, is returned back to this city; where great preparations are making for a Ball to be danced by all the great Ladies of the court, wherewith his Majesty seems to be much taken, and hath spent some time himself in giving directions about it. The Commissioners appointed for the Trial of the Pr. of Conde, have had several Meetings, and have drawn up several Things in order to his Trial. The Pr: of Conde is coming to Paris, and is said, to accomplish his marriage with the Cardinal's Niece. Here is now not so much talk of the design against Naples as formerly; and it is verily thought that that design will come to nothing. In the mean time, those ships that were making ready at Toulon, are ordered to come for Rochel and the Isle of Rhe, and to guard the Norman coast. Charles Stuart and his party have had several consultations together at the Louvre, about his affairs in England and Scotland, and as to his removing from this Court, which is not now so much spoken of, his Motion depending solely upon the issue of the Treaty in England, which is said here to be ended, to the content of both Commonwealths; which is no pleasing news to the Cavalier party here, who love to fish in troubled Waters, though it be the more to their further ruin. Pr: Rupert is expected here within this day or two from Nantes. The Pr: of Conde is still at Rocroy, sick of his old disease. Here happened lately a quarrel between 4 Gentlemen at a Tavern; whereof the Dutch Ambassador's Son was one; who being all very much distempered in their cups, challenged one another upon the place; and after some Passes had passed between them, One of them was killed upon the place, and the Ambassador's Son wounded in two or three places of his Body. Here is a fresh rumour of a Tumult that should have happened lately at Nismes between the Papists and Protestants. There is lately arrived a ship at Ostend from Spain with Letters, intimating, That the King of Spain was gone from Madrid to Eseurial, to recreate himself with hunting; and had constituted the Lord Pigneranda President of the Council of the Indies before he went. We hear news here, that the Town of Rosa is still so close besieged by the Spaniards, that nothing can enter in or out; but this is contrary to the news we have from France; where it is said, that the Marshal of Hoquincourt hath defeated the Spanish Forces that lay before it, and relieved the place; which we do not believe here to be true, though we have no ground at all to contradict it. The Letters from Naples do mention, that the new Viceroy, the Earl of Castiglio was safely arrived at Naples, with the Countess his wife, and were nobly entertained at the Palace of Tractta; he hath been daily visited by the chieftain of the Town in great Solemnity. The Archduke hath been very much troubled of late with the Colic and gravel, but is now reasonable well in health again. The Duke of Lorain's Troops are quartered at present in the Land Country of Luxembourg, not far from St. Miel. In my last I begun to tell you what alterations had happened here among the Governors of this Country, whereof I will give you the names of a few more at present: The Prince of Chinay is admitted into the Government of the Dukedom of Luxembourg; The Earl of Iseghem into the Dukedom of Gueldre; The Earl of Nassaw is made Governor of Lille, Donay and Orchies; and the Earl of St. Amour is Governor of the Earldom, Town and Castle of Namur. The Lord Charles Honines, Lord of Gouvernies, is chosen Chief and President of the Privy Council of his Majesty. Many other promotions and changes are like to happen amongst the remainder of the Governors now in Office, whose names you may expect still as others are chosen in their places. The Dutch have Letters which speak the Treaty desperate in England, and that a new Change is not far off in England. We suppose your next change will be for a fair Settlement; which is but needful; for, your distempers at home are too well known to your enemies abroad; and it makes Foreigners to stand off from you in affection. By Letters hither from the Hague, it's written, that the French Ambassador there, said for certain of late; That if the Dutch would break off the Treaty with England, he would assure them of the Crown of Sweden; which may have somewhat more in it than a French Brag, since all men know how straitly that Queen is allied to France: But it's possible your English Embassy may move that Queen to mind her nearer Interest. However, I hear, the Dutch Merchants have their goods restored again at Stockholm, and those who were imprisoned are at liberty. States have many ways of working out their ends. The English Post is newly come, and our Letters tell us, that all hopes of an accommodation are laid aside, and that our Ambassadors had desired leave of the Council of State to return home re infecta. In the meantime the French Ambassador Chenn urgeth hard for a near Alliance with this State, and hath offered already very fairly if we will break with Spain. It is said that we shall have of the French six thousand men, three or four millions yearly towards the defraying of the charges of the War, and thirty good ships to join with out Fleet. If it be so that we do break with you, 'tis probable that France and we may strike up the bargain. Our Defensive League with the Prince of Liege, doth not hold (and happily the fault is not on our side) insomuch that all our Troops, both foot and horse, are retired to their old Garrisons again. The Lorainers being fairly retreated beforehand, who hereupon with some of the Condees and Spanish under that notion, have besieged a small City belonging to Liege which they press sore, but have been as yet but rudely entertained, it is to be feared that they will carry it with some others in that Country, and so put the whole country round under contribution. Our whole Country is full of discourses of the Treaty with England if it break, this State will doubtless endeavour to make a diversion in Scotland, by sending assistance to the Highlanders, and it is said that Prince Rupert is to go Generalissimo into that Country; but if both States do agree, as is much desired, not doubt but the Triumph will be greater than that for the Spanish accommodation. The Treaty betwixt the Count of Harcours and the Duke of Lorain, we hear is far advances, and 'tis not doubted but that Brisack will chance Master, and the whole Province of Elsan be lost as to the French. We have information that Kenmore will use all of his endeavours to raise and force men, horses and monies in the South, and intends to make some inroads into the Borders of English, unless prevented, which is the more probable by that information from Durham, that 20 horsemen well mounted and armed with Pistols and Holsters; went through a part of that Town on Tuesday last by break of day, and amongst them (as was given out there) the Lord Hopton; but the fame number and party (as is supposed) lay at Peblus n Saturday night last, and with them Col. Wogan, formerly a Captain of Dragoons in the Lord Gen. Fairfax's Army. The Commander in Chief as soon as he had notice of it on Sunday, ordered several parties from Linlithgow, Sterling and Glasgow, to scour the Country to prevent their going to the Hills; but the Country is so open, and the people so backward in giving intelligence, that (notwithstanding all diligence used, and the horse almost tired out with hard duty) we seldom meet with any of them, only on Thursday night last, Lt. Whitmore, going from the Garrison of Downe, with a party toward the Hills, took one Major Moorhead (a prisoner of War, yet out upon Parole and security) well mounted and armed, going to the Army, as he himself confesses They do hearten their party, and increase their Levies by a Report. That their King is come into Holland, and that Col. Drummond is shipped with 150 Volunteers, Arms and Ammunition, and that the Dutch have left off treating with the English: with all which they feign a Post came lately from their King. On Sunday morning last, a party of these Royal Pilferers met the Post-Boy go going from Leith, with Letters for London, near Haddington, took his Horse, and Letters, and Coat and Belt, with twenty pence in money from the poor Boy: So that now it will be uncertain sending Letters without a Convoy; and; and without further supplies of horse from England, it will be impossible to settle parties between this and Barwick, which must be, or else correspondence will be cut off. A considerable supply is the only means to prevent the growing of this yet inconsiderable party of Robbers in the Hills. Our Garrisons of Innerness and Blaire are well provided with all things necessary, and fear no attempt. A private man of War hath brought into Holy-Island, 2 Dutch vessels coming from the East country, both being about 150 Tonnes burden, laden with Pitch, Tar, and such like Commodities. The Dutch are very busy upon these coasts; so that it is very hard to pass by the Lands-End without a good Convoy: We hear they have taken a Londoner coming from New England, laden with Masts, Beaver-skins, and the like Commodities. We hear some of our Frigates have taken certain Beclanders belonging to Calais, who were bound for Caen and Roan in Normandy, laden with divers Commodities, and carried them into General Monk at Stokes-day. Towerhill, December 26. A Soldier was shot to death for killing a Seaman (presently after the late Mutiny) in cool blood. An Ordinance was passed for alteration of several Names and Forms used heretofore in Courts, Writs, Grants, Patents, Commissions, &c. And settling proceedings in Courts of Law, Justice and Equity, within the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, according to the present Government. The sum whereof in brief is this; That Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. Having the exercise of the chief Magistracy and the Administration of Government within the said Commonwealth, invested and established in his Highness, assisted with a Council, who have Power until the Meeting of next Parliament (which is to be on the third day of September now next ensuing) to make Laws and Ordinances for the Peace and welfare of these Nations, where it shall be binding and in force until Order shall be taken in Parliament concerning the same, doth with the Advice and consent of his said Council, Order and Ordain, in all proceedings whatsoever in Courts of Justice &c. Where the style and Title of the Keepers of the Liberty of England hath been used heretofore; That from and after the 26 day of December, 1653. instead thereof the Name, Style and Title of the Lord Protector, for the time being, of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging shall be used, and no other. The ordinance it says you may have in Print at large. William Earl of Glencarne, Lord of Kilmort, Commander in chief of all his Majesties Forces Within the Kingdom of Scotland. By virtue of a Commission granted to me by his Majesty, for Levying of Forces within the Kingdom of Scotland for opposing the common Enemy, I do by these Presents appoint Colonel Alexander Blackedor to Levy out of the Shire of Cleckmennen one sufficient Troop, Horse and Men well armed, out of every Thousand pound of Rent, with certification if they sail after sight of my Order they shall be esteemed Enemies to their King: and the said Colonel Alexander Blakedor, or any having his Power are hereby authorized to take the persons of the Deficients and bring them Prisoners to the Army, and to drive away all their Goods, while they do Duty. Given under my Hand at Glenertie the sixth of December, 1653. Loving Friend, I desire that ye will intimate this order to all the Gentlemen in Glackmennen-shire, and send me the just Rental of every mans Estate with this bearer; and if ye shall incur any danger by giving you this Order; I'll answer for it. No more, but expect your diligence and your answer, as you will have yourselves freed from trouble, and rest Comerie Decemb. 10. 1652. Your loving Friend JOHN BLAKEDOR For his loving Friend William Moris Clark in Alloway, these. The last gave you an account of the enemy's main body under Glencarne and Kenmores marching Northward what they have done we hear not; but if they have no better success in their Levies than Sir Arthur Forbes hath in the South, they are not like to bring their Hogs to any fair Market: For Capt. Hart being sent out by the Commander in chief, with a party of Col. Twisleton's Regiment, to scour the parts of Scotland about Dumfries, the Moors and Tividale; after 10. or 12. days searching up and down, and tiring almost all his horses, the 12. instant marching towards Hawick, by the way understood the Enemy had appointed a Rendezvous at 12 hours upon Bathwick Bray; whereupon he hastened thither all he could, but was much impeded by the foulness of the weather, and a violent drift of snow; for he could get no intelligence of them, although within a mile of their body, at last he got sight of them, they drew up into two bodies and faced our men, ours made what haste they could to charge them. After a sharp conflict it pleased the Lord to give ours the victory over them, we pursued them several miles as long as our horses would go; and although out horses were extremely wearied and theirs fresh, not above 15. horse escaped: their number about fourscore or more, their prisoners say a hundred, our party took 65. Horses, many of them good ones, 16 prisoners, two or three seem to be of note; though they conceal themselves; in the pursuit many were cut down and put off their horses and so left, concluding those that came afterwards would glean them up; but the Soldiers were busier in getting horses than in securing prisoners, and so many of them escaped away on foot, but will be known wherever they are met, having the States mark on them. There were four of them slain, Sir Arthur Forbes it is reported is dangerously wounded, and his Major Major Erwin, we took both their horses, they fought very resolutely a great while. Quartermaster Ward with 15 or 16 Soldiers of ours are wounded and one slain. The fight was at Phillip upon Bathwick water. Senlis the High Sheriff of Roxbrough is redeemed out of their hands; but one of our Soldiers ran him into the thigh, not knowing him, he is one very affectionate to our party. Those of the Enemy that escaped are gone by way of Bigger, towards the hills, parties are sent to interrupt them. The intent of Glencarne and Kenmore in their marching to the North, is (as they give out) to secure the landing of the Dutch Forces, Arms, and Ammunition, which it seems they expect. The late Revolutions are well resented here, and the Army very unanimous to assist my Lord Protector in the carrying on public Affairs. No News from Sea, save that one Fleet are about 60 Sail, and General Monk riding not far from St Hellens Point. | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 185 |
ModIntell171#2 | The Landing of more men and Arms in Scotland, the conjunction of the Highlanders, the advancing of Colonel Lilburn against them, and a great Victory obtained, with the particulars thereof. The proceedings of the French Parliament concerning the Prince of Conde, and propositions concerning the disposing of the Crown Lands to ease the people of their heavy Taxes and Oppressions. Also the last intelligence from the English and Dutch Fleets, a bloody Fight in the Straits between the French Picaroons and some English Merchant's ships, and the taking a Dutch man of War of 14 Guns. Together with a perfect Relation of the passages in the Treaty betwixt the English and Dutch Commissioners. From Wednesday March the 29, to Wednesday, April the 5th. 1654. We have received Intelligence from France, that the King of Scots is yet in Paris, and resolves to continue there till he hears what effect the Treaty will produce betwixt England and France; and some of the Protestant Nobility bestowed gifts upon him against Easter. Mons. de Servient hath made propositions to the French Parliament to enrich the State, to ease the people of their heavy Taxes and Oppressors, and concerning the buying again of the Crown Land, which his Majesty's predecessors sold. to his Highness the Lord Protector, professing much affection to his Highness, and the late change of Government. From Scotland our Post is informed, that Middleton hath summoned in all the Gentlemen of Sutherland and Ross, and prohibited the sheriffs to act any more in the name of the Lord Protector, saying he will give them a new commission to act by. He brought over above 60 Officers, the least of them a Captain; there is since another Vessel landed in Caithness with more arms and ammunition, and Seaforth hath raised 600 men and is upon his march to join with him. He expects more provisions daily from Holland, and gives out, that as soon as the prepared parties are ready, and the Emperor sent the 160000 Rixdollars for the raising of 30. Regiments, that then their King, or the Duke of York will come to be their General. The Earl of Athol and Sir. Arth. Forbs have placed a Garrison in the Isle of Lough Tay, where they intend to have a stock of Provisions. The Dutch Freebooters have lately taken some Barques near Scarborough coming from Sunderland, and caused another to run ashore near Hartlepool: and there are great store of Coal-ships ready laden at Newcastle, which had they but a good Wind, would quickly bring warm weather to London. From the Texel we received intelligence, The Freebooter Captain Oomke with another went to sea the 12 instant, and two other Freebooters also went to sea the next day. The said Captain Oomke, with Captain Hogtenbeen came home the 15 with a good prize of Flute laden with French Wines going for London, and from thence for Leith. It is here reported that 20 English ships have appeared before the wall, near the Texel, and that about 8 more are passed towards the North. And that they have taken about five fisher-boats within the sight of this land, two belonging unto this place, and three to Huysdayn. The Council are hasting the dispatch of an Ordinance for Highways for mending them where need is, and for prevention of breaking the ways by such great Wanes and Carts as have been by six seven or eight horses in a Team, not for the future to exceed such a number as shall be proportioned; and the Council were also about some other Ordinances which will shortly be dispatched. There came likewise intelligence from Upsalah in Sweden, which certifies; That the Lord Whitlock's Answer is delayed; till they hear how the Treaty with us proceeds, that being the Wheels with which they intend to move. The Queen is desirous to live a retired life, and surrender up the Government to her successor, and to that purpose summoned a Grand Council or Parliament to meet on the . At the landing of the French Ambassador, there was a difference between some of his Gentlemen, and the Portugal Amb. attendants about precedency, fell to drawing of swords, and some were hurt before the soldiers came in; who immediately parted the fray, and disarmed the contesters. The English Fleet is in a gallant equipage in the Narrow about St Ellens having sent forth several squadrons. 1. The Claus of Housdown, 50 tons burthen, Jacob Timison Skipper, taken by the Phnix Frigate, March 2. 2. The Plumpart of Mazeland sluice, 30 tons burthen, William Pumisson Skipper taken by the Phnix boat, March 14. 3. The Blue Pigeon of Pumerland, 200 tons burthen, Peter Johnson Skipper, taken by the Phnix, March 17. 4. The Fortune of Delphs, 200 tons burthen, James Jacobson Skipper, taken by the Phnix and Newcastle Frigate, March 17. 5. A Galliot Hoy, taken by the Newcastle Frigate, and burned, March 2. 6. The Hope of Housdown, 50 tons burthen, Adrian Jacobson Skipper taken by the Assurance Frigate, March 2. 7. The Shellfish of Mazeland sluice, 25 tons burthen, Jacob Johnson Skipper, taken by the Newcastle Frigate's boat, March 14. 8. The Providence of Mazeland sluice, 28 tons burthen, Aryan Yorreson Skipper, taken by the Mermaid Frigate, March 12. 9. The Fortune of Mazeland sluice, 32 tons burthen, Aryis Yaris Skipper, taken by the Mermaid's boat, March 14. 10. A Galliot hoy, 25 tons burthen, taken by the Mermaid Frigate, March 18. 11. A Scotch Vessel, taken by the Mermaid, March 19. 12. Another Scotch Vessel, taken by the Mermaid at the same time. 13. The Waking Boy of Anchusen, a private man of War, commanded by Capt. Tho. Johnson, taken by the Mermaid, March 20. 14. A private man of War taken by the Assurance Frigate. Besides those fourteen, there are Four more are taken, by private men of War. viz. 1. A small Merchant ship brought prize into Rye. 2. A Denmark ship taken and brought prize into Scarborough. 3. A rich prize, being a private man of War, with Sugar and Merchandizes, taken by a private man of War, worth 150000 l. 4. A private man of War belonging to Camfear in Zealand, commanded by Capt. John Poll a Flushinger, taken by the Paul Frigate, March 13. A Petition Congratulatory hath been presented from the of Newcastle From Scotland we have received intelligence, That the Commander in chief having issued forth a Proclamation requiring all Burgesses and others to secure all suspicious persons, or otherwise to give intelligence of them to the next adjacent Garrison or Quarters under pain of being deemed Enemies to the present government, and proceeded against accordingly: Several towns have been lately found guilty of the breach of that Proclamation, and have been fined by a Court-Marshal for the same. The last week the Parish of Liberton, two miles from Edinburgh, for harbouring 15 of the Enemy by the space of a night and a day, and neither securing them, nor giving intelligence of them, and the Tories at their going away stealing 15 horses, the Parish was for that offence fined 200 l. sterling, the person in whose house they were concealed, sentenced to imprisonment during pleasure, and the house where they were harboured to be razed to the ground, and a pair of Gallows to be built there. There are divers other Parishes who are summoned in to Court Marshals upon the very same account, who will suffer for it. It is hoped this course will in time compel the Scots not to give any Entertainment unto the Tories, but give notice of them where ever they shall come, otherwise they will suffer for it. The 21 instant Col. Cooper with a party of Horse and Dragoons from Glasgow; and another party at the same time falling into the Isle of Leven, where about 300 of the enemy quartered (about 4 in the morning) took McNaughton's Trumpet, and 35 other prisoners, and narrowly missed McNaughton and Newark, who were both there; they killed 12, whereof one of them (as the enemy confess) was a Lieutenant of Horse, and took about 60 Horse and some Arms, and totally scattered and routed the whole party, returning without any loss at. Captain Orton Commander of the Sun, and Captain Lilburn of the Union, came into Leith Road from Lewis and Orkney, and brought three Companies of Col. Cooper's Regiment, and herewith a particular relation of the late infall of the Earl of Seafort into Lewis Island. Take this in brief from foreign parts. They write from Leghorn that they heard by a ship which came from Barbary, that the Turkish Agent being come to Tunis, hath pressed or taken up all the Galleys and ships fit for service, and intends to do the same at Algier and Tripoli; in her voyage thither, she met with two Turkish Pirates, who being come up to him on both sides, supposing themselves not able to grapple with her, they tacked about and left her. There is likewise a flying report, that the French pirates have met with two English Merchants' ships homewards bound, and after a tedious fight had taken them; but by reason those that brought the news vary very much, therefore little credit is yet to be given to it till further confirmation. From Poland we hear, that the inhabitants are in great fear, hearing of the great preparations that are made in Muscovia, where they have levied above two hundred and fifty thousand men, with which they threaten to enter the Country three several ways at once. The general Diet is not yet concluded at Regensburg, although the Emperor doth press very much that they should speedily put a period to it, his presence being required in Hungaria, to provide against the invasion of the Turks, who are now busy about the borders. Monday the 3 of April, was published an Ordinance, Entitled; An Ordinance prohibiting Cock-Matches. A perfect Copy whereof take as followeth. Whereas the public Meetings and Assemblies of People together in divers parts of this Nation, under pretence of Matches for Cockfighting, are by experience found to tend many times to the disturbance of the public peace, and are commonly accompanied with Gambling, Drinking, Swearing, Quarrelling, and other dissolute practises, to the dishonour of God, and do often produce the ruin of persons and their families. For prevention thereof, Be it Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, that from henceforth there shall be no public or set Meetings or Assemblies of any persons within England or Wales upon Matches made for Cockfighting; And that every such meeting, and assembly of people for the end and purpose aforesaid, is hereby declared to be an Unlawful assembly, and shall be so adjudged, deemed, and taken to be, and punished; And all Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables and Headboroughs, within their several counties, cities, liberties and jurisdictions, are hereby required to suppress, hinder, and disperse all such meetings and Assemblies. Ordered by His Highness the Lord Protector and His Council, That his Ordinance be forthwith printed and published. Henry Scobel, Clerk of the Council. Since the Lord Henry Cromwell's return from Ireland, we have received little of News from thence; save only that about 1200 Tories were shipped from Limbrick, and 1700 more are ready for transportation, which will render that Nation more free from Robbers than in times of the greatest peace. We have also received farther intelligence from Sweden, that the Queen having visited her mother at Nicoping, is again returned to Upsal to be present at the great Assembly of the Senators. The Marques of Faber that commands the French Army quartered in Liege, is environed on all sides; first, by the E. of Fuenseldagne Commander of the Spanish forces near Ardennes, Don Parde General of the Duke of Luxembourg's forces, and lastly by the Prince of Conde's Army; so that it's conceived almost an impossibility for them to escape without fighting one of those parties, yet he being a subtle Monsieur, may perhaps lead the crafty Fexe a French Curranto rather than be made his prey. General Desborow, General Monk, and the Commissioners of the Admiralty, have been at Chattam, and dispatched all things for the completing of the Navy, which are now near ready; Seamen are already pressed, and Land soldiers drawn out of several Regiments, to be sent of Shipboard with all expedition, and a gallant Fleet will suddenly be equipped, to meet at a Rendezvous in the Downs, with those which ride near St. Helens point. On the other side, the Dutch are likewise preparing to put forth to sea, and are fitting of sixty new Frigates to add to their fleet. Yet 'tis hoped there will be a fair correspondence for all this, it being the surest way to treat with a drawn sword. SIR The last Thursday was brought here, in a Pink sent for that purpose Letters of the 20 instant from the Lord Ambassadors now in England, whereby we hear they give advice to the Lord's States, that the Treaty of Peace was not yet concluded, but that preparations for Sea were made there in all haste, the occasion whereof was unknown to them, which caused some suspicions and jealousies amongst the said Lord's States; Insomuch that the Vice-Admiral Ruyter, and the Scout by night Trump, with other Captains received orders to resort presently to Amsterdam, which they did accordingly Wednesday morning, as also several Messengers were dispatched to the Councils of the Admiralties. The Lieutenant Admiral, the Lord Van-Opdam was likewise commanded to come from Brabant where he was hither. And yet we cannot understand by the Letters come from London the night between the 20 and the 21 that any difficulties should have arisen wherefore the Treaty should not go on, so that it is believed the same may have a good success, and that those preparations made there may be made for some other design. We have very little certainty of the Scottish Affairs. It is presumed that Middleton is arrived in Scotland to gather what forces he can to restore the titular King his Master's fortune. Last night a Pink hath been by the Lords States dispatched from Sheveling into England. And Sir, After long expectation, we hear not yet of a conclusion of peace so much desired and expected by the Merchants of this City, who had great hope upon the going away of the Ambassadors for England that the business would have been fully and finally ended without any further delay, and it was given out over all these Lands, that they had full power and instruction for that purpose: so that men are much troubled here, that they cannot burn the triumphant Pitch-barrels which stand ready for the sacrifice. Where the obstruction is, we know not; but doubtless it is the true interest of these Provinces to maintain peace with England necessities call aloud for it. Here is news which affrights us, of an extraordinary Fleet a setting forth in England; besides, divers of your men of War have been upon our coasts, and taken vessels, which hath been given the States occasion of issuing out immediate Orders to all the Colleges of the Admiralty, to make all possible speed with the Fleet to sea; but it is hoped an Accommodation may be signed before the two Fleets do meet abroad, and that all these storms will at length end in a happy and honourable Calm, which would be a blessing to both Nations. Take this from your Servant, J. T. The business of the Treaty with the Dutch Ambassadors, lies thus. We are now in all things agreed with them, and they may sign that agreement when they please; they have power to do it, and may have peace for themselves, if they will leave Denmark to themselves; the Lords Ambassadors have sent over to the States to know their pleasure herein. It is confidently ascertained from the French Court, that the Protestant German Princes and the King of Denmark have of late given Charles Stuart to understand, that the desolation of the late wars hinders them from being able to entertain him, is he forsakes France to come unto them. By our last intelligence from Scotland, it is certified; That the devastations there are very great, and the Country people being sensible that those in the Hills seek to ruin the whole Nation, assisted our men, and they have made a great slaughter amongst the Lord Seafort's Levies; and they have found hidden in a wall, divers muskets, firelocks, swords, bandoliers, match and powder: Sir Arthur Forbs descended lately from the Hills, and stole some horses out of the Lowlands, whose incursions the wit of man cannot prevent. The last Month there was very much mischief done of the River of Thames by violent storms and gusts of wind, divers Lighters being sunk, and many boats split one against the other. On the last day of Humiliation, whilst we were at our devotions, the Portugal Ambassador was a Revelling, and divers of our English Gentry were present, whose absence would have been more to their honour. The last Letters from Scotland, speak that the Highlander's Army is joined into one Body, that since the landing of Middleton, there is likewise landed another Hoy with some few inconsiderable men and Arms, and that colonel Robert Lilburn is advancing toward them with a very considerable Army, resolving to fight them if they will keep together till his approach. The last Letters from Plymouth certify, that the Commander of the Sapphire Frigate sent in thither a Dutch prize, laden only with some few barrels of Pitch, Tar, &c. And that the Paul, a ship in the State's service, met with a man of War belonging to Flushing in St. George's channel, which carried 15 Guns, with whom she fought continually for five hours together, yet thanks be to God, lost not a man, but sustained loss in her Masts, sails, and rigging; the Enemy lost 13 or 14 men, and his ship was much torn; Yet our men made shift of Wines, and some silver, which our men easily pocketed up, and well they deserved it; Win Gold and Wear it. Though I had not the happiness to lead the Van, give me leave to bring up the Rear, and though I have been anticipated in this Intelligence, yet good news cannot be unpleasing in the Reiteration; the precedent Mercurians have all certified you that the Articles are fully concluded and firm peace agreed upon between England, Holland, and Denmark, which yet goes for current; but if it be heralded, and not speedily confirmed by the supreme Authority of both Commonwealths, I will never believe we shall have peace till I hear it proclaimed at the Crosse. The Spaniard seems again to favour the Duke of Lorrain, the Archduke having ordered, that the Count de Eussigni, and the Abbot of Mercy shall be removed from the Castle of Antwerp to the Castle of Gant, on purpose to gratify the Duke of Lorrain, who was very much offended that they should be imprisoned in the same prison with him. The Letters from Brussels do advertise, That many Irish daily arrive there out of Ireland, who are all to go to the Pr. Of Conde to be clothed & armed: many of them die by the way through want. The sentence of death is passed in the French Parl. against the Prince of Conde; they have also under consideration, some Propositions touching the disposing of the Crowns Lands for the easing of the people of their taxes and oppressions. The Newcastle Frigate hath taken a Dutch man of war, being one of the four Capers that did so much infest the Northern seas. Our Frigate attended her 3 or 4 days before he could snap her; she carries 14 Guns, and is brought to Burlington Bay. | The Moderate Intelligencer, Issue 171#2 |
EveryDayIntell$01 | The Answer of the States of Holland, to the late Treaty with England. The Proposals of the German Princes. The landing of fifteen hundred men, and two hundred Horse in Scotland, with Ammunition brought by a Dutch Fleet, consisting of seventeen sail. The Orders of the Sours of Admiralty for paying of Soldiers and Seamen. A Declaration of the Officers, and Soldiers touching the Lord Protector; the plots against him. And Hannah the Prophetess prayer, and advice to his Highness, after she hath lain fifteen days in a Trance. The sentence of condemnation pronounced against the Price of Conde. With the News at this Sessions in the Old Bailey. In the Parish of Giles Cripplegate a man hanged himself, he said a little before he did it, that nothing troubled him but that he did not wash his hands in the late King's blood. There is a Woman which calls herself a Prophetess at Whitehall, she speaks of strange things to come, and hath lain in a kind of trance many days together, she hath neither eat nor drunk three days together yet in the intervals she utters strange words, touching the revolution of the Government, and often makes mention of Charles Stuart. About this time was committed a great Robbery in the Strand over against the Savoy in a Victualling House, the manner thus. Three men came in, in the habit of Gentlewomen, and were directed up one pair of stairs to drink a cup of beer or ale, and finding the key in another door, they went into that room, where they found keys which directed them to a chest, wherein was 600 l. and paying their Reckoning, they carried the rest away, without question. From Holland we understand, that the Dutch Deputies that were in England, are safely landed, though as yet not come unto the Hague, yet are every hour expected. In the mean time the Orange Party leap for joy, and say, nothing will now be concluded on with England. The French Ambassador at the Hague is in great esteem; and it is said here, that the titular King of Scots intends suddenly to remove from Paris, but unto what place he goes next, is not yet known. Yet, Middleton, Massey, Bunce, and other English are yet here, though they have had many invitations by the Highlanders of Scotland. It is conceived they will not hazard themselves in person upon such a slender Engagement, as that is looked upon by the more solid sort of People to be. The late great loss that happened at Amsterdam by Thunder, and Lightning, with great Storms and Tempests, is some hindrance to the present Undertakings; and great haste is made to amend and repair the shipping, which received prejudice therein. Two small English Vessels were lately brought into Zealand, which were taken in the North. Their great Fleet is almost in a readiness, Men, and Provisions are shipping as fast as may be; yet many are desirous to have peace with England, saying, That they shall all be undone if the Wars continue; and if they seal not to the Articles with England, you may expect a Declaration shortly. But nothing doth more startle them, than the celerity, industry, and the resolution of the English. We have fifty lusty ships which have met already in one Rendezvous, the Sovereign will speedily be ready at Portsmouth. The Rainbow is going from Chattam. The Triumph is already set forth from thence, she was seen yesterday morning beyond the Castle. Four lusty ships more are going from Chattam. And there are ten ships more at the Hope complete under sail, amongst which are the Lyon, and the George. The Resolution which hath carried herself so stoutly during all these Wars with Holland, is now going to be equipped at Chattam. We shall have speedily abroad one hundred gallant ships, enough not only to daunt the Hollander, but per adventure the World. From Gottenburgh Novemb: 29. After Capt: Welsh had landed the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, he put to Sea again, and met with two Hollanders, riding at the Scah, the one of 400, the other of 350 Tons burthen, laden with Wheat, Rye, Wool, Planks, of both which he took the charge, and brought them away with him, and by storm was forced to come a little way within this Port for shelter, but remained without the command of the Forts. The Lord Ambassador was earnestly pressed to send for the Captain, and to discharge the Prizes, but answer was returned, That it was conceived a matter not appertaining either to himself, or to the Queen' Officers to meddle with, ere. Letters are received from Portugal, informing, that the Spaniards have driven from the Portugals 1200. head of Cattle, the Portugals who were in a gallant body of about one thousand Horse, fell upon the Spaniards who were 1500 and maintained the charge with so much resolution, that they utterly routed the Spaniards, and followed the pursuit so close, that many gallant Commanders fell of the Spanish party, 300 Spaniards were killed on the place, and 400 taken Prisoners, and about 800 Horse: It is said that on the Portugals' side, there was no Officer slain but one Major only. It is mentioned in some extraordinaries from beyond the Seas, that the great Tomb of Mahomet is fallen down at Mecca, from the roof of his Temple; the Iron chest which enclosed his Body, and hung in the air, was so extremely covered with rust that the loadstones could no longer exercise their virtue, and uphold the miracle betwixt Heaven, and Earth; the earth immediately opened to receive it, but not without a dismal fire and smoke, which continued for the space of half an hour, as horrid to the eye, as it was odious to the smell. A Paper or Declaration subscribed by the Officers, and Soldiers of the Army. To his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Our Lord General. The humble Address of the Officers, and Soldiers of the Army. Having for many years past been led under your Conduct, through many difficult Services, wherein through the blessing of God upon the vigilancy, and endeavours of your Highness, we have in some measure been Instrumental in our places to free the Commonwealth from enemies: So we cannot but above all worldly things, most earnestly desire to see these Nations, after all the shakings which have been in the midst of us, set up upon its true, and proper Basis and Foundation, and thereby brought into a harbour of rest and safety. The sense whereof having led us to the consideration of what further might be our duties towards Your Highness, and the whole Nation at this time, when it pleased God to give us hopes of establishment, by inclining you to accept of the Government, and Protection of this Commonwealth; whereby we are persuaded that the liberties of the People, both as men and Christians (the true end whereupon the great controversy hath been stated) will through the mercy of God be assured: We judge it highly incumbent upon us to make our humble address unto you, and to declare that we shall not only be obedient unto you, in the performance of your great Trust; but in other places most faithfully, and diligently to the hazard of our lives, and whatsoever is near and dear unto us, be serviceable to you in the station God hath placed you against all opposition: Not doubting but as God and Man hath so highly entrusted you; So you will to the utmost of your power and endeavours lay forth yourself for the glory of God, and the good of this People, amongst whom we have reason to think there are very many of the Household of Faith; over whom, we shall therefore further take this boldness most humbly to entreat Your Highness more especially to spread the wing of you protection, and to account of them as the apple of your eye, which you continuing to do. We are confident their Father which is in Heaven will be unto you a Buckler, and a Shield, and an exceeding great reward, which is and shall be the prayer of Your Highness' most humble, and faithful Servants. From our Fleet at Sea came news, that we have since the fourth of January these ships following. The Golden Fawken laden with Pitch Tan ere. The Katherine of Gottenburgh. The St John of Lueck laden with Deals. The Saint John of Dantzig richly laden. We made mention before of a Woman which lay in a Trance, or the like (which some call a Prophetess) at White Hall, unto which may be added; that in fifteen day's time she neither eat nor drunk, save only sometimes a cup of ale, and a , and for the most part she lay as if she were asleep, yet sometimes she was heard to pray, and at other times to flag, her name is Hannah a Maid, and now she's gone to Hackney of her own accord, where she dwells, but before she went from White Hall, she made a Prayer for the Lord Protector. The Prophetess Hannah's Prayer for the Lord Protector. I Beseech thee O Lord that thou wilt keep the Lord Protector close to thy self, as he hath hitherto, so still to have his heart set upon the things of the Lord, not to be vain, nor regard earthly pomp and pleasure and things below; but the things of God, and his People, that he may be delivered from carnal Counsels, and being seduced to please the men of the World, and those that seek Righteousness, that he may not leave the counsel of the Godly, to hearken to those who are Worldly wise and earthly politicians, but wise in the wisdom of God. That the Soldiery, whom God hath made Instrumental to overcome the enemy without, and in the World, may not be overcome of their inward spiritual enemies, to provoke God to lay them aside, and make use of others in the perfecting of that work, in which God hath so far employed them. That the Merchants of this Nation would not so far seek and mind their great profit by Trade at Sea, to fill their own Warehouses, and Bags, and be great in the World, as thereby to provoke an ungodly and wicked peace with the Dutch to the dishonour of God, and hindrance of the carrying on of God's work. That the People of God may not (as some of them have done) revile and scandalize the Lord protector behind his back, and speak reproachful words against him to others. From Bordeaux thus. Notwithstanding the Court flourisheth, yet this City is in a great distraction, and full of fears, our Governors set very great taxes upon us, and all is because his Majesty wants money to maintain his Pomp, and state, (with other things which are pretended) we hear the Prince of Conde was lately in danger of being surprised, and had it been so, he had soon been brought upon his trial, there being a Charge already drawn against him. Indeed the Court is very high, and for such as have means to spend there, they are feasted, and fare deliciously every day, but I find it quite contrary to the manner of our Saviour, for in his Court the hungry are filled with good things, and the poor are sent empty away, but here the rich are filled &c. and the poor are sent empty away. They talk here, as if the Peace betwixt England and Holland were agreed, yet at Paris it is resented other ways, we hear of a great change in England; and it is conceived that if Holland and England conclude a peace, they need not fear for all the world. There is Woman accused for a Witch, to be tried this Sessions at the OldBailey. An Order by the COMMISSIONERS of the Admiralty, and the Navy, concerning the payment of the Prize money due to Seamen, and Soldiers, and their Widows, that have served at Sea, in the last year's Expedition. 16 January; 1653. By the Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy. Upon consideration had of the Results of a Council of War, held aboard the Swiftfare, in the Fleet, the first of December, 1653. concerning the Prize money, due to Seamen and Soldiers that have served at Sea in this last year's Expedition. It is hereby declared and Ordered as followeth. 1. That all Seamen and Soldiers that have served in the Fleet in the three last Engagements against the Dutch, and shall list themselves aboard any of the State's ships, at or before the last of March next, shall have their respective shares of Prizes, twenty shillings. 2. That such as have been in two of the said Engagements shall have thirteen shillings four pence. 3. That those who served only in one of the said Engagements, shall have six shillings eight pence. 4. That all such Seamen and Soldiers as have been disabled by sickness, or wounds received in the service: As also the Widows of any such Seamen, or Soldiers slain in any of the said Engagements, shall have paid unto them their full shares of Prize money, viz: twenty shillings. 5. That such of the Soldiers as are now again entertained in the Army (having Tickets for their Prize money) do produce unto the said Commissioners, a Certificate under the hand of the Captain, under which they now serve. As also a Copy of the last Muster Roll of the Companies to which they respectively belong, Or in default thereof, a Certificate under the hand of the Muster master, testifying their being in the service; whereupon Order shall be given for payment of the shares of Prizes due unto them. John Disbrone, George Monck, Robert Blake, Vin: Gookin, John Stone, John Clerk. Three thousand Irish, under the command of the Spaniard, are brought up towards Galizia, who being all old Soldiers, do something trouble the Portugal, fearing they may put a stop to the progress of their success. The Irish in France boast that these in Spain will take an opportunity to come unto them, they do boast also, but no man believes them, of a great Victory which lately they have got in Ireland. The preparations at White Hall for the Lord Protector are great; and stately Lodgings making ready both for his Highness and the Protectoress. There be also thoughts of places for several persons of eminency. Mr. Lisburn Long is already made Mr. of Requests. The debates of the Council have also been upon diverse high matters this week, and a private consultation at the Cock-pit, some dangerous persons are found out to plot against his Highness there is one committed for beginning to act strange things, and suggesting a private way of a Parliament. But what shall we say to the affairs in Scotland, for the Enemy still increasing, the Lord Gourdon, young Montross, and others are gone to them. And another Lettersayeth, that a Fleet of 17 Sail of Dutch ships have landed 1500 Men, and 200 Horse in the North of Scotland. The last Letters we have from Holland say, That the States are preparing an Answer to the Treaty with England, but whether it will amount to War or Peace they cannot yet tell; and we fear it the more, because the French bid high for War, and the princes of Germany and other parts do the same, being envious to think that two such formidable Commonwealths should join together. The Articles against the Price of Conde have been proved, and sentence of death pronounced with consent of the Parliament at Paris. Charles Stuart is preparing to go from thence. This day the Sessions ended at the Old Bailey, and the Portugal Ambassador's Brother's trial is put off till another time: Many accused as great Malefactors, received sentence according to Law. One (that in zeal would have been admitted of a gathered Congregation for Witchcraft; another for Rape. A man for two Wives, and a Woman for two Husbands: and divers for Robberies. Two Dutch Prizes were brought into Dartmouth the beginning of this week. Role in Sir John Norwich at Brampton by Dingly in Northamptonshire | Every day's Intelligence, Issue $1 |
PerfOcc4 | A great and bloody fight obtained against the Highlanders in Scotland near Edinburgh; with a List of the names of the prisoners taken, and the loss on both sides: Also, an Ordinance for the relief of prisoners and creditors; and the names of the Judges that are to sit constantly concerning the same. Likewise, the erecting an High Court of Justice for the trying of all the plotters, and prisoners now in the Tower, James', Fleet, Gatehouse, and other places: With a List of the names of the names of the Commissioners that are appointed for the same, Together with the last Letters from the K. of Scots and divers other parts. From Friday June 9. to Friday June 16. 1654. A Letter came this day to my hands certifying that there hath been a great engagement between the two Armies in Scotland, and that we have totally routed their whole body. The full particulars whereof you shall have in the next: By Letters from Newcastle it is thus signified, that about 40 sail of Colliers are come from thence, for London, and other ports, and, that another fleet are almost ready to hoist sail. From Scotland we have received intelligence, that the General, for want of provisions for his horse, is returned again to Stirling and can by no means possible engage the enemy, who intends conjunction in our absence, and then to play their game on the Lowland. Divers other prisoners have made their escape out of Edinburgh Castle; as the Earl of Kinoule, the L. Lugton, Col. Hay, Lieut. Col. Montgomery, who broke his neck, by the breaking of a piece of sheet, in his escape. The rest got safe away, and a sentinel with them, Besides many others have made an escape out at a little hole; but one Capt. Ward, having a great head had not wit enough to get forth. As touching the business of the late Plot, many from beyond Sea should have come to have joined in this Bloody massacre throughout all England; and cap Foster commander of the Phoenix, coming from Callice affirms, That all Shallops belonging to that town were taken up for transportation of the Cavalry, in case this timely discovery had so happily taken effect. Sir Richard Willis, Sir Gilbert Gerhard, Col Gerhard. Charles Gerhard, Col, Ashburnham, Esq. mr. John Wiseman, Agent. Mr. John Finch, Mr. Peter Vowel, Tho. Sanders Silkman, Mr. Baggaly, Secretary to the late E. of Derby, Mr. Mason a Fencer at James', Col. Aldridge, formerly under the Earl of Essex. Col. Villers, Col. Honywood Dr. Naudin, Mr. Jones, Mr. Tho. Brown, Mr. John Brown. Mr. Gifford, Mr. Hanford, Robert Skerow Henry Taylor, John Wharton, Thomas Barns, Nich. Watson Wil. Dod, Francis Fox, Summerset Fox Thomas Fox, John Brooks, John Goodwin, Henry, Peirce, Francis Newbow, John Pearsel, Henry Barwieks, Robert Fickegot. John Andrews, Jeremy Ellis, Robert Wiseman, Thomas Vinet, Mr. Harlow, Fane Hake, This day passed an Ordinance for the erecting of a high Court of Justice, to try all the plotters prisoners in the Tower, St. James', Fleet, Gatehouse and other places. The Commissioners therein are 30. in number, and any 13. of them are to be a Court; the Commissioners therein named are, Judge Atkins, Mr. Barron Nicholas, Judge Asks, the Lord Commissioner Lile, Mr. Recorder Steel, Alderman Titchbourn, Mr. Alderman Allen, Mr. Alderman Underwood, Mr. Alderman Estwick, Mr. Alderman Phillips, Mr. Alderman Atkins, Mr. Edward Winslow, and these are to Proceed and try according to the late Ordinance for High Treason and suspicion of treason lately made by his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council. The Court will begin to sit the next week. We hear from Lisbon, that there hath been a conspiracy against the King of Portugal discovered, and divers of the Plotters taken. Four ships from Venice going for Candia were cast away by a storm. The Spaniards take the ships of Genoa they meet at Sea; they are sitting at Genoa 10 Galleys and 4000 men for their defence, and send to France for help, but have sent some Deputies to treat with the King of Spain for peace. This day was published an Ordinance for enabling the Judge or Judges of the Northern Circuits, to hold Assizes and Goods delivery at Durham. 1 Berks &c. Lord chief Justice St. Johns, and Sergeant Glyn. 2 Hertford &c. Baron Pepe 3 Bucks &c. Justice Atkins, and Justice Aske. 4 Northern Circuits, Justice Windham, and Justice Newdigate. 5 Western Circuits, Justice Roll, and Baron Thorpe. 6 Warwick &c. Justice Hales, and Baron Nicholas. 1 Berkshire Friday 14 July at Abbington. 2 Oxfordshire Monday 17 July at Oxford. 3 Gloucestershire Friday 21 July at Gloucester. 4 Monmouthshire Wednesday 26 July at Monmouth. 5 Herefordshire Friday 28 July at Hereford, 6 Worcestershire and the City, 2 August at Worcester. 7 Staffordshire Saturday 5 August at Stafford. 8 Salop Thursday 10 August at Bridgenorth. 1 Hartfordshire Monday 17 July at Hartford. 2 Essex Wednesday 19 July at Chelmsford. 3 Kent Monday 14 July at Maidstone. 4 Sussex Friday 28 July at Horsham. 5 Surrey Tuesday 1 August at Kingston. upon Thames. 1 Bucks Monday 17 July at Chipping Wicomb. 2 Bedford Thursday 20 July at Bedford. 3 Huntington Saturday 22 July at Huntington. 4 Cambridge Monday 24 July at Cambridge Castle, 5 Suffolk Wednesday 26 July at Bury St. Edmonds. 6 Norfolk and Norwich 1 August at Norwich. Yorkshire, and York City Monday 17 July at York. 2 Durham Wednesday 26 July at Durham. 3 Northumberland, and Newcastle Tuesday 1 August at Newcastle, 4 Cumberland Monday 7 August at Carlisle. 5 Westmoreland Thursday 10 August at Appleby, 6 Lancashire Monday 14 August at Lancaster. 1 Hampshire Thursday 20 July at Winchester. 2 Wilts Monday 24 July at New Sarum. 3 Dorset Thursday 27 at Dorchester. 4 Cornwall Wednesday 2 August at Launceston. 5 Devonshire, and Exeter City Monday 7 at Excester. 6 Somersetshire Monday 14 August at Wells. 1 Warwickshire Wednesday 23 August at Warwick. 2 Coventry City Friday five & twenty. August at Coventry. 6 Leicestershire and Leicester Burrough, eight & twenty August at Leicester. 4 Derbyshire Thursday 31 August at Derby. 5 Nottinghamshire & Nottingham Town 4 September at Nottingham. 6 Lincolnshire and Lincoln Town, 7 September at Lincoln. 7 Rutland Tuesday 12 September at Okeham. 8 Northampton Thursday fourteen Septem. at Northampton Castle. From Portsmouth we hear that a man in the swift-sure Frigate turning the biscuits, and drying the room with Rosin, was choked and died. This day an ordinance passed for the relief of Creditors and poor prisoners, wherein are made Judges Mr Nathaniel Bacon, Mr. Francis Bacon, Mr. John Wilsby, Mr Peter Brereton, Mr. Henry Pit Mr. Peter Elliston Mr. John Aldsworth, Mr. Edmand Giles, Mr. Clement Jreton, Mr. Arthur Barnardiston. Mr. John Parker, and Robert Warcup, but he is but Durant bene placito, I shall not need to repeat the particulars of the Ordinance, because it will be out speedily, but this in general the prisoners never had a better law, and very merciful and gracious to all prisoners in debt. From Paris we are thus certified, that K. Louis, and the whole Court, are gone to Rheims, to perform the grand ceremony of Coronation, the little Queen and the Dukes of York and Gloucester, are to be present; but the K. of Scots is otherwise designed, and divers Princes of the Royal blood, as the Dukes of Orleans, Beaufort, &c. are inclined to the contrary. Marshal Tureen has taken the field with ten thousand horse & foot, where the King's other General Marshal de la Forte Seneterre is joined with him; yet the Spaniard has got Him, by the forelock and the Prince of Conde draws up too; but what attempts they will make, is yet uncertain; for Conde is rather for an inroad, and a Field fight, than digging before Towns: if he become Master of the field, Towns will follow, and perhaps a party appear for him. To speak truth they have so many Irons in the fire, and the affections of the people so wavering, that if no peace be had with England, they will soon by in flames. By an express From Scotland thus: Gen. Monck hath set considerable Guards upon three most eminent parties near the Brayes, where our parties appearing early in the morning took six of the Enemies Scouts, and alarmed Glencairn's Brigade, Lieut. Goff commanding a party of ours, met with a party commanded by Cap. Forester (kinsman to the Lord Forester) who drew up into a body, which Lieut. Coff perceiving, commanded his (being about 40) to give the Enemy a thorough charge, and his frontiers not to give fire until they came within pistol shot of the enemy, who came galloping down a hill, and gave fire at 20 yards distance, which gave us such advantage that we immediately rode up, fell on with swords and pistol totally routed them, yet in the pursuit could take but six prisoners besides the Captain, which we have no great cause to brag of by reason that not long before they took as many more of ours, whom they used most inhumanely, not only by wracking but by hanging, yet had not the power to execute them: for it pleased God to dispose and determine by his especial providence, that the first five that were turned off the Ladder brake their ropes three times together, which did so astonish the enemy, that a pardon was granted, but the prisoners (as yet) detained. This day a Resident from the Republic of Genoa had Audience by his Highness the Lord Protector. A Gentlewoman was this day committed, who had been taken away from her father by one with whom she married. The Lord Whitlock is shortly expected with the Agreement. The Queen of Sweden summoned an Assembly in which she commanded the Lord Chancellor to declare her purpose to resign the Government, which after three times calling upon, though unwillingly, it being his place he did, The Speaker of the Nobility declared their wishing she would continue, but accepting of it, so did the Speaker of the Gentry; but the Speaker of the Bores begged of her that it might not be, lest they suffer by tyranny, or worse oppression by a change And when all the speakers came up to the Throne, and kissed her hand, the speaker of the Bores Begged of her that she should not so degenerate from the spirit of her Ancestors to lay down the Crown. Another Assembly is appointed, and the young Prince Charles to be there. From Hamburg we received Intelligence thus. Though the fortress of bederks was sufficiently provided of all necessaries for a long siege, yet it hath been surrendered by Capitulation to General Conismark of the Swedes, having made but little resistance. The soldiers of the Garrison have been shut up in a hole by order of the General until the Ammunition lately taken from the Swedes by the Magistrates of Bremen. A great treason hath lately been discovered in the place, the Authors whereof are apprehended, who were to set the Town on fire in two places, and thereby ray it to the Swedes. The Deputies of the states of the Lower Saxony, who were here assembled, are returned and kept their Resolutions very secret. From Naples we are advertised thus. Our Viceroy had seized all the barks of Genoa of Genoa in these parts, and obliged the General of our Galleys to disband the mariners and soldiers of that nation, and to take Neopolitans in their place; but upon advice that divers Vessels of Genoa are gone to fetch Corn for this City out of Apulia, to be revenged, might run away to Genoa with their Charge, he hath restored all the vessels he had seized on. and re-established their trade. yet two men of war of ours, with about two thousand foot aboard of them are gone that way, under pretence to be a Convoy for them against the French. Finis |
Perfect Occurrences, Issue 4
ModIntell176 | The Declaration of his Highness the Lord Protector, concerning the two great and potent Fleets of England, and the new Orders and Instructions sent to the Judges of the Admiralty, touching the Navy, with the strict charge and command concerning all ships and men of war, both at sea and in Port, and the Resolution of these men touching the famous Expedition to be determinated in the behalf of all Christendom. The proceedings of the Hollanders thereupon. The advancing of the English towards Brest, the Remonstrance of Mr. John Lilburn, and the proceedings of both Armies in Scotland. By an Express from Scotland it is advertised, That Gen. Midleton, who knows well enough how to manage the War, at the first News of the approach of the English Forces, drew off his men from all places of disadvantage, and marched into the lower parts of Southerland, having got the River of Forth to favour his Intentions, by seating himself where the River is most spacious; as also by taking all the Boats that made the River passable, and by fastening and mooring the Boats on his side. Our forces are all drawing to a Head, and many supplied are going from Ireland, to assist their Brethren in Scotland; for, indeed, some letters represent, that by reason of the access and recourse of many discontented parties, the enemy is much exasperated: Yes notwithstanding, many there are which have abandoned this desperate service, that to any Rational Eye seems to promise nothing but Death and Famine to the adverse party. By another Express, thus: we have received very remarkable intelligence, intimating, That the Royal party increase, and have taken some few prisoners from the Borders of Cumberland to the Hills, the Lord Forrester, and the Lord Dudhop are in Athol, and very active in attending the motion of General Middleton. The rest of their forces in Caithness have left no means unassayed for raising of the whole country; but the people being timorous of rising, fearing lest the Garrison of Sinclair, commanded by cap. Langrish of col. Fitch's Regiment should punish them for their Loyalty, after Middleton's march from thence: wherefore for their encouragement, Maj. Gen. Dyal with a strong party of foot, and 100 stout horse, is ordered to sit down before it for the reducing of it, which is conceived to be a work of great difficulty, the place being situated on a very high Rock, yet if they prove successful in this Achievement, they intend then to attempt Ruthin Garrison; but cap. Hill (the Governor) has reinforced it with provisions, and is well provided for a siege. From Scotland, the last Post bringeth intelligence, That the Royal party increaseth, and are very much exasperated; the which to confirm, we shall here present you with a Letter, wherein is comprised the full particulars, and exact Transactions on both sides. SIR, Having so convenient an opportunity, I could no ways possible omit writing to you by this Post; though notwithstanding it seems to be full Term here with us, since the adjourning of yours at London; for, to speak truth, it is high time now to look about us, since that the enemy dares presume to descend down upon the Lowlands, and (Lorain like) make great devastations, in plundering, pillaging, and unpeopling of the Countries; but some of them taking so long a leap, hopped shot back; amongst the rest, two Captains, and some few private soldiers, were lately trussed up, as the Falcon does Wild ducks: Since which time, Gen. Middleton has drawn his Army into Southerland, betwixt whom, and our forces, there is a Navigable River, not passable but by Boats all those the enemy has drawn to their banks, and many desperate persons go in any have recourse to them. They still continue in gathering up their new Levies, and have had a general Rendezvous, where a new Oath and Covenant was taken, to fight it out to the last man; and likewise Glencairn's Declaration was there published, stuffed up with many expressions that carry little consistency with their Course. I may possibly present you with a copy by the next: In the interim, we are drawn together our main strength to fight them: The great God of Hosts appear for us, and crown us with victory in the day of Battle. Dolkeith the 25. of April, 1654. By an Express from Newcastle it is certified, That Gen. Monk, after some congratulation from the Mayor and Aldermen, by three sorts of Wine, Loaf-sugar, Cakes, and Lemons, took his leave, and immediately journeyed for Scotland; upon whose departure a ship bound from Bordeaux was sunk near the Bar of Tinmouth, and another near the Holy Island, which was richly frught, and bound for Yarmouth. This day the Peace between England and the United Provinces, was by 12 Trumpets, and 4 Heralds at Arms solemnly proclaimed; first, in Whitehall in presence of his highness and the Council, and afterwards received at Temple-bar by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, and thence conducted to the Royal Exchange. The 27. His highness sent an Invitation to the Dutch Ambassadors Resident in London, and a stately and magnificent Feast was prepared, with delicate Entertainment in this Princely Palace. The Articles of Union between England and Sweden have been debated by the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, and Count Erick, who has delivered in certain Articles on behalf of that Crown, but his Excellency has delivered in his Exceptions to the Queen, and the Reasons of non-admittance. So that the accord as yet seems dubious; in the meantime, be pleased to take a view of her Majesty's Proposals to P. Charles, to wit; 1 She will retain the best part of the Kingdom and Customs to herself. 2 She will be no subject, but free of herself without control. 3 She will travel where she pleaseth. 4 She will not revoke those Gifts of hers, which are Prdia Corone and were by her given out of favour to Courtiers. The Prince's Answer. 1 He will not be a King without a Kingdom or at least without the better part of it. 2 he will have no Rival, more than she a Superior. 3 He will not hazard himself about her designs abroad. 4 He will not be without a sufficient Revenue both for peace and war. By the last Intelligence from the Navy we are advertised, That divers Prizes have been this week taken; amongst the rest, a Dutch ship bound for the East Indies; the rest, the Lord knows where, for I do not: Only thus much be assured of, that the English Assurance hath taken the non-Assurance belonging to France, laden with 25 Lastsof Tar and pitch, and likewise the Confidence of Amsterdam, gallantly fraught with Pitch, Linseed, and Deal, was constrained to yield, after a fair salute from the precious Pearl; withal, a French ship likewise; i which service, the captain, and one M. Spilman, deported themselves with singular courage: And after this honourable Achievement, as a testimony of their cordial affection and love to their country, bare up with the nimble Drake, and boarded two stately Flemings sweetly laden with Wines from Bordeaux: but alas! to these sweet comforts, we cannot on it, but present you with certain tart crudities, that is, the Fox frigate striking sail with the Royal James of Brest, an exchanging two broadsides, was so puissantly received, that after many dry blows on both sides, and coming to grappling, they sunk each other; but by the series of Providence many of the men were miraculously saved, by plunging through the raging Billows upon the top of empty hogsheads. From Portsmouth they write, That two Squadrons of the English are still riding in Stokes-Bay, but expect to weigh Anchor about the fifth of May: The rest are gone out, and upon the arrival of General Pen from London, expects to be employed upon some honourable design against the Enemies of Christendom, and to release those deplorable Captives at Argier, and elsewhere. We hear that the Knights of Malta, and Venetians, are also designed against the Turk, and to that end, 40 Galleys are preparing for the service. By an Express from Falmouth it is certified, That the English Greyhound chasing two Brest men of War, they proved so subtle in the pursuit, that bearing up amongst the Rocks, near their own Doors, she was forced to strike off, and durst not venture to attempt the Game any further. There are about 100 ships bound Southward to several parts, and stay only for a fair wind A prosperous Gale attend them. From France they write, That immediately upon the departure of Henrietta Maria late Queen of England) from Paris, there appeared a great Eclipse of the sun, which continued for the space of 7 hours; But so soon as its radiant Beams broke forth again in its glorious lustre, there was then seen strange Apparitions in the Air; as two great Armies in a Warlike posture, the black and bloody Ensigns, the beating of Drums, and sounding of Trumpets, the depolutations of Cities, and sacking of Towns, with sundry other dreadful Signs wonderful to behold: which certainly presageth some mighty Change and Catastrophe. But from the Devouring Sword, the Lord preserve Us, and grant that it may no longer be drunk in the blood of the Lord's chosen people. Cardinal de Rets is removed to the castle of Nantes, where he hath been complemented by the Duke of Brissac, and most of the Nobility and Gentry thereabouts; the Parisians are very much troubled at the monstrous Imposts and Taxes laid upon them; can ye blame them? and threaten to ease themselves, by Revenge upon Mazarine, who has unjustly usurped so vast a revenue, by degrading others, and setting up himself, An Epidemical Disease, I could wish we might cease from so great an incision: Therefore, to remove the Cause (in part) of their present Maladies, he has Ordered (by his Majesty's special Commandment) that the Impost upon all cattle shall be taken off, and has promised to redress all other grievances, so soon as the public Affairs of the Crown and Kingdom will admit, Better once than never, I wish it universal. His Majesty has sent two Councillors of the Parliament to Chantroi and Montmorencie, take possession of the Prince of Conde's Revenues and Castles, and to reunite them to the Crown of France, which accordingly they did, and there proclaimed him Traitor by Act of Parliament; that's no news. But his Highness is resolved to prosecute the Cause notwithstanding, and since the denouncing of that bloody Sentence against Him, he has made a vigorous progress in the same Colours, and hung up some of the Effigies of the Nobility at his headquarters. The King of Scots is upon his removal; but the Duke of York is very much solicited to continue his command in the Army, being in high esteem with the King and Court, and Achilles like striketh Terror where He comes. His Highness the Lord Protector has set forth a Proclamation concerning a cessation of all Acts of hostility between the Commonwealth of England, and that of the United Provinces, and their respective people, and the restitution of all things taken and seized upon by either party after the 4 of this instant May 1654. This is to be published by both parties throughout their respective Territories. From Leghorn the 2 of April, 1654. The last news we have in these parts, is, that by a Vessel come hither with silks from Messina we hear, that there hath been of late a great shipwreck upon that coast, where 16 sail have been cast away, and above 1300 men; besides, about 30 sail upon these seas, and 2500 men. By another Express from Alicant we hear, That a great Army is raising in the Kingdoms of Valencia and Aragon, which are to be sent for the Dukedom of Milan, and partly for Catalonia; The Vice-King of Naples playes Rex upon the coast of Apuglia, and has beaten most of the French towards Sicily. The Pestilence is again broken out at Malaga and Barcelona. Dover the 24 of April, 1654. This evening came into this Road a private man of War being a Marget Hoy of 6 guns, and about 50 men, who having found in the channel a Dutch ship coming from the West-Indies that have been long at Sea, and both ship and men much spent by the tediousness of the Voyage, did of a sudden clap Them aboard, and after a short (but sharp) dispute, became Masters of her, and brought her along with them: the ship is said to be of great value, for besides plate, whereof several Letters say there is a good quantity, the ship will be found full of other rich commodities, which will prove very beneficial to the Takers, when it comes to be judged prize. From Venice they write, That the Senate having received the news of the Defeat of some of their forces in Dalmatia, which was done by a part of 5000 Turks, who lying in an Ambuscado took them at an advantage, but with this moderation, that the Morlacks and the Venetians carried themselves so gallantly, that near upon 2000 of the Turks were slain on the place, and many wounded, but not without the loss of 250 mean. The Declaration and Petition of the Mayor and Inhabitants of the Town of Guilford being presented to his Highness, blessing god for taking upon his shoulders that great and ponderous burden of the Government of the three Nations, and withal desiring a godly and learned minister to supply the Benefice of Trinity and Maries-Parishes in the behalf of him lately deceased. &c. This being presented, his Highness standing uncovered, vouchsafed this gracious Answer, Gentlemen, I have read your paper, wherein, what you there express touching my taking of the Government upon me, you say what is truth, I did not desire it, nor have I (I am sure) told you so; I believe god put it into your hearts, I shall desire your prayers, that I may do as you have expressed, for God is my Bottom, and in him only do I trust: As for your desire of a Minister, I think I have not granted the Living away; and upon your making choice of such a one as your paper mentions, I shall take Order that you shall have your suit. this day there was the hurling of a great Ball, by 50 Cornish Gentlemen on the one side, and 50 on the other: one party played in red caps, and the other in white: there was present his Highness the Lord Protector, many of his privy Council, and divers eminent Gentlemen, to whose view was presented great agility of body,, & most neat and exquisite wrestling, at every meeting of one with the other, which was ordered with such dexterity, that it was to show more the strength, vigour and nimbleness of their bodies, than to endanger their persons. The Ball they played withal was silver, and designed for that party which did win the Goal. The Armies on both sides are preparing to receive each other, and Col. Morgan has drained Innerness to join with those forces which he brought from Aberdeen, so that he lies with about 1200 Horse and Dragoons, and 2000 Foot, betwixt the enemy and the passes they must needs march though, if they intend to move out of the North corner; so that they will be compelled to fight, and 'tis said, they are resolved, there being no way left them to avoid it, but through such inaccessible bounds, as 'tis impossible for their horse to march that way, and very difficult for their foot, it being exceeding mountainous, and scarcely inhabited, and the country they are in will not long be able to sustain them, it being very poor. I doubt not but a days will give us an account of some action betwixt him and Middleton; what the success will be, the Lord knows; for, to speak truth, we have a very stout and stubborn enemy to deal withal. We have entertained the Proclamation of Peace with the greatest solemnity that possibly can be; and Gen. Pen being once come aboard, I hope We shall then find what will be the Expedition which Christendom so much looks upon, whether we shall go to Leghorn, or the high Determinations of the council so shall order it, as they shall call the Turks to an account at Tunis, or Algier, for the wrongs they have done to our Nation. Indeed, we are so unanimous for Action and Enterprise, that each mans noble Spirit is ready to push him forward to achieve something that may add more honour to his country's Fame. From Southampton thus: Sir, Mr. John Lilburn (we hear) is committed to the Castle in Jersey, where he deports himself with abundance of patience and humility, and has also declared, that he aims at nothing more than the glory of God, the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the restoring of every free born man of England, to its ancient Rights and privileges, and the perfect purging of the Law from all abuses and corruptions | The Moderate Intelligencer, Issue 176 |
WIntell205 | From Tuesday, February 14. to Tuesday, February: 21. 1653 This morning several letters were received intimating that the Peace was concluded with England, two of the Provinces, that of Gilderland, and the other of Groningen standing off for the present, and neither denying, nor admitting it; it is said that on the day following these two Provinces concurred with the other for the Ratification of the Peace, this is good news indeed, however I cannot yet hear of any Letters from the States General to confirm it. It is true that the Lord Beverling hath had Audience by his Highness, and it is said, that as a plenipotentiary, he hath received full power, and Instructions to conclude the Peace, but why is not the Peace then ratified, until the other Ambassadors are come, who indeed are daily expected, but for the present we can hear nothing of the arrival of them. In the mean time to please the people in Holland, who are now as loud for peace, as they were heretofore for War, there hath been printed this Extract at Amsterdam, concerning both the quality, and the number of the Articles of Peace between the Commonwealth of England, and the United Provinces of the Low Countries. 1 That there shall be a safe and sure Peace between both Nations. 2 That there from hence forth all hostility shall cease. 3 That all wrongs and offences suffered either by the one or other party shall be forgotten; and neither party shall pretend any thing thereupon. All actions past shall be nulled, except those that shall be done in the British Seas after the time of 12. days, and from that Sea to the Cape of Saint Vincent in the time of six weeks, and from thence in the Mediterranean Sea, as far as the line after the time of ten weeks; and at the other side of the line in the time of eight months to be reckoned from the time of publication of the Peace, and all Prizes taken after that time shall be restored. 4 That all the Prisoners on both sides be released without ransom. 5 That both Commonwealths shall be confederate friends to defend one the other against whomsoever. That neither of both shall act against the other, either by Land or by Sea. 7 That the States shall cause restitution to be made of all the ships and goods seized upon the English by the King of Denmark that are yet in being, as also a full compensation of the worth of those goods that may be sold already, and likewise that all the damages or spoil of goods shall be made good to the owners, by estimation, and when such satisfaction shall be done by the said King, then all hostility shall cease between England and Denmark. 8 That no inhabitants of either Commonwealth shall assist any Rebel of either with money, ships or victuals. 9 That both Commonwealths shall assist one the other at their proper charges against their Rebels. 10 That neither shall receive those that are, or shall be declared open enemies of either Commonwealth. 11 That either Commonwealth having notice by the other that some of the enemies are in its Dominions; they shall give them warning to depart in 28 days upon pain of death. 12 That the States shall not suffer any of the Inhabitants of their Dominions to assist the Enemies of England. 13 That the English shall not pay greater Impositions than other Nations. 14 That the States' ships shall strike their Flag before the English in the British Seas. 15 That neither of the Commonwealths shall give retreat to any Pirates in any of their Ports. 16 That in case the English or the Dutch make any Treaty with any Prince; they shall therein comprehend each other reciprocally, if they desire it. 17 That in case some hostility should happen between the Inhabitants of both Commonwealths, by one against the other, That the allowance shall nevertheless, hold and remain in full force, and the parties that shall be found guilty shall be punished. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 are not so much considerable. 25 That if one party shall cause some damages to the other, there shall be no Letters of Reprisal given, But if in three months time, no satisfaction is done, then the said Letters may be granted. 26 is not so much considerable. 27 That no more but eight ships of War shall be suffered to come or remain in the Ports of each other's Commonwealth at one time: And when there shall be occasion for a greater number, then the consent must be first asked. 28 That the States shall do Justice upon those that shall be found alive, that have murdered the English in Amb oyna 29 Lastly, That there shall be Commissioners established to examine the wrongs or injuries done, or pretended to be done or suffered by the Inhabitants of either Commonwealth in the East Indies, Greenland, Muscovey, Brazil or other places. And if the Commissioners cannot agree thereupon within the time of three months. Then the aforesaid differences to be referred to the Judgment of the Protestant Switzers. His Highness heretofore passed Orders for the receiving of Petitions on Wednesday and Friday from the hands of the Masters of Requests. He this day according to his custom received and perused several Petitions, & without any tediousness of delays gave orders for the relief of the oppressed. An Ordinance is come forth from his Highness, constituting Commissioners for the ordering and disposing of the Estates of all Delinquents now sequestered, or who shall be adjudged to be Delinquents upon cases now depending, and of all Estates now under Sequestration for Recusancie. The List of the Judges appointed for the several Circuits was this day extant. For the Western circuit, the Lord Chief Justice Roll, and Mr. Sergeant Glyn were appointed. For Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, &c. the lord Chief Justice St: John, and Mr: Justice Atkins were appointed. For Sussex, Kent, Essex, &c Mr. Justice Asks and Sergeant Neudigate were appointed. For Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, Leicestershire, &c Mr. Sergeant Thorp, and Mr. Sergeant Peapis were appointed. For Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Huntingdonshire, &c. Baron Nicholas, and Sergeant Coniers were appointed. For Lancashire, Yorkshire, the Bishopric of Durham, &c. Mr. Justice Hale, and Sergeant Windham were appointed. You may remember I made mention in my last of some ships sent from Holland with Arms from Scotland. It is since confirmed, that seven ships in which were embarked 200 Soldiers, and a very considerable quantity of Arms, are arrived in the North of Scotland. There was this day the Report of a great plot discovered at the Ship-tavern in the Old Bailey, in which are said to be Captain Smith, Mr. Dutton, and the Son of Alderman Bunch whose Father is in the Netherlands. It is certain that divers were this day apprehended, and some others the last night, at what time the Vintner himself, whose name is Mr. Amps, was secured. The business being yet under examination, I shall refer for your satisfaction to the last page of this Intelligence. We had Letters from Scotland, advertising the death of Col: Wogan, who died in the Castle of Weims on the 8th of this present month, he was buried at Kenmore, the Lord of Kenmore himself being present at his funeral. It is said that some of the Scots in the Western Clans have made overtures to Cap: Hill for Passes to come in unto the English to be protected by them; which Passes being sent to our Commander in chief it was held at a Council of Warvery convenient that they should be granted. There is a strange thing reported of an Assassinate in Selesia in Germany, who is said to have wilfully imbrued his hands in the blood of one hundred and eighty persons, besides those whose fortune it was to fall under his Sword in the time of the War, this he confessed himself before the Court of Justice, and seemed not to be ashamed at the Rubric of the Arithmetic, wherefore the Court of Justice commanded that his hands and feet should be cut off whiles he was yet alive, and his breasts pinched with burning irons, and that afterwards for a public terror, he should be brought in a cage upon the Scaffold, where he was broken upon the wheel, he endured the pain without the least crying out, or without altering his countenance at all, his dismembered body was set on poles to be an example to all from committing such like bloody cruelties. We have little as yet from Sweden, in relation to the proceedings of the Negotiation of our Ambassador for a stricter alliance with that Crown. It is said that there are great preparations for War, the like to which was never seen in that Nation, they are preparing to have in a readiness twenty thousand Foot, and ten thousand Horse, the design being concealed very closely. There is a Report that the Lorraigners with his adjunct the Prince of Conde have ruined all in the Bishopric of Leige, on the Borders where the Prince of Conde hath taken and plundered the Town of Binar; the Emperor, and the Elector of Collen have sent several Troops to oppose their potent plunderers. The young Princess of Holland is gone with her young Son from the Hague, to keep the Court at Breda, understanding that the Provinces are all assembled to conclude a peace with the Commonwealth of England. It is affirmed from Monmouthshire not far from Ragland Castle on the fixt of this month there hath been seen an Apple tree which hath had green leaves, buds and young apples, and this is accounted a great wonder in Wales. Why, since Christmas I have seen in London a Girl do as much, of not fifteen years of Age. It is advertised from Scotland, that several parties of the Enemies falling down into the Lowlands in several parties have been taken by our Forces; four of Glencarn's own Troop have been taken, and eight Horse, his Lieutenant, whose Name is Rutherford hardly escaped. But four of Colonel Twistleton's Regiment, and two of Colonel Okey's marching from Drummond Castle, to Saint Johnstone. were set upon by some of Sir Arthur Forbs, and Wogan's Horse, who although he himself is dead, yet some of his number do disperse themselves up and down the Country, and commit great Robberies. Our men seeing but eight of the Enemy at the first, did make gallant resistance, but the whole Troop appearing, they were overpowered by numbers, two of them were slain outright, and three taken Prisoners, being sorely wounded. There are a considerable party of the Highlanders not far from Saint Johnstone, who are very active since the drawing of our Horse Northwards, but upon the coming of two Regiments more from England, our Horse will be so disposed of, that the Highlanders will be met with in all places; it being impossible for them to move in the Lowlands, but we shall beat their heels to pursue them, or in the front to oppose them. It is advertised, that Coll: Drummond is for certain arrived with further Instructions from the titular King of the Scots, & to return advertisements unto him in what strength they are, and whether they mare able to make an Army fitting for himself to lead into the Field. But as the numbers of the Highlanders begin to decrease, so doth their courage, 10000 of the Arms, with other Ammunition and utensils of War, being sunk with the ship that brought them on the coasts of Scotland. The Tories who began to make a new bustling in Ireland, finding it impossible to subsist in their contumaciousness have submitted; and having laid down their Arms are to be transported into Flanders for the service of the King of Spain. I made mention before of several persons apprehended by Lieutenant Coll: Charles Worsley, and some other Officers upon a plot against the Lord Protector. It is said, that some of them being examined, have confessed that they had all taken an Oath of secrecy and fidelity amongst themselves. They had agreed upon a certain number of Commanders and Officers that should raise and lead an Army of thirty thousand men, which being distributed into several places of the Nation, should at one time seize-upon the person of his Highness, and his Life-guard, and the Council at Whitehall, and the Tower of London, and on all the Garrisons of this Nation; which being done, the titular King of the Scots who (it is said) was for that purpose to lie obscure in some place of this City, should suddenly appear and show himself, and be proclaimed King, offering pardon unto all. It is further said, that to give more credit to the plot, it should be noised abroad, that it was all carried on and managed by the Cavaliers, thinking under that notion that they should raise a greater number to join with them. Those that were apprehended were this day examined by the Council, and afterwards committed to close imprisonment as well they deserved: their names are, The Names of the chief conspirators. Thomas Bunch. Captain Smith. Thomas Durton. John Archer. William Jenkins Joseph Parker. Roger Leigh. Thomas Ross. Christopher Watkins. Peter Middleton. Joseph Sawyer. Roger Coates. More of the Conspirators were this Day apprehended, of whom, and of the furthest examination of them, and their confederates we shall give you a further account in our next. This day came forth an Act in explication of the former Act concerning Treason: I am informed that the titular Scotch King sent lately unto Holland, desiring the transportation of some thousands of Soldiers and Officers which he had got together: And that from thence a Dispatch immediately was made to the King of Denmark to see what Assistance he could get there. The Scots continue their plunderings in parties, and oftentimes fall short of home. It is advertised, that it is impossible for the Highlanders to have any considerable Body of Horse in the field until the middle of May. The expected Ambassadors from Holland are not yet arrived. Our fleet consisting of fourscore and eight gallant ships, are put forth to Sea; The Sovereign is making ready with all possible speed at Portsmouth; so are the Rainbow, the Resolution, and the Andrew at Chatham. Several prizes are brought in, some belonging to France, and some to Holland. Mr: Feake, and Mr: Powel have made Addresses for their liberty. The Brother to the Portugal Ambassador is this week to be tried at the Old Bailey. It is said that Major General Brown will be suddenly released from his captivity in Ludlow Castle. That which this week is most remarkable, is: The Examination and Confession of the Conspirators committed close prisoners to the Tower. Their Design to have surprised the person of his Highness, his Lifeguard, and his Council, and at once to have seized upon the Tower of London, the Garrison at St: James's and all the Garrisons in this Nation: as also to have raised an Army of thirty thousand Horse and Foot, and to have crowned the titular King of Scots The address of the titular King of the Scots to Holland and Denmark for their assistance, and the transportation of four thousand Officers and Soldiers into Scotland. The drowning of his Ship laden with Arms and Ammunition. Our Fleet of fourscore and eight Sail put forth to Sea Divers prizes sent in. More of the Confederates apprehended: And the hopes of the Enlargements of Major Gen: Brown from Ludlow Castle. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 205 |
MPol194 | About four days since, Col. Daniel with a party of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, together with the conjunction of another party from Dundee, in all about 1000. marched towards Dunkel, where the Enemy's most considerable Quarters was, and where they had newly established a Garrison in the Lord Athol's house near the Church. And upon Col. Daniel's approach (the Lord Athol, and Sir Arthur Forbs having intelligence retreated to the Hills, & left only the Garrison, and some few to defend the Church) those in the Church durst not stand, bustled to the House, which our men attempted likewise, and got under the Walls with Pickaxes and other Instruments that were in readiness, and in no short time gotten to a part of the House without the loss of one Man; and having slain only 3 of the Enemy, the rest cried Quarter and had it granted, yet notwithstanding unworthily began to resist a little, which quickened our men the more; and then they cried out Quarter again. In the House we took 2 Lieutenants, one Ensign with blue Colours, Sir Arthur Forbs' own Quartermaster, 2 Sergeants, 2 Cornets, and 119 private Rogues, together with 80 Muskets and Bandoleers, some Firelocks and Swords, about 16 pound of Powder, as also 25 Troop-horses, and 14, or 15 case of Pistols, with much Meal, Malt, Oats, which not having convenience to carry away, we set fire to a Barrel of powder, and those Provisions, and blew up them and the House together. About 5 days ago one of the late Col. Wogan's men, with 3 of his best horses, got his Landlord to help him water them, and run away with them to Blaire castle, one of our Garrisons; which makes the English less trusted by Athol and the Tories. Col. Morgan hath also removed the enemy's Garrison at Kildrummy; and many of those Horsemen he routed at his engagement with Glencairn (the great Patron, or rather spoiler of his Country) running to Athol near Dunkiel, them to foot. Col. Morgan at his late Engagement with the Enemy at Cromar, killed 120. and took 27 prisoners, with all their Ammunition, and most of their Arms, and about 80 horse, which we lost not one man. The 25 of the last Month the Duke of Lorain was here taken Prisoner by order of the Archduke Leopoldus, and the next day he was sent Prisoner with a strong Guard to the Castle of Antwerp, which is reinforced with 500 Spaniards, for his better Security, of the Regiment of Don Gaspar Bonifacy, Madam Beatrice his second Wife by promise, was also arrested at Allost, and conducted to Brussels, there to be examined, and to know of her where they may find his Papers & Money; whereof it is thought he has a good store in his bank, which is a commodity that is now in these parts very scarce, and much wanted for the speedy recruiting of the Army of his said Highness the Archduke. There are also warrants given out for the apprehending the Lieutenant of his Guard, and several other his Domestics. Thus the crafty Fox is taken and secured from devouring any more of the poor People's Poultry, who are glad at their hearts to hear this good news, which made them to make Bonfires for joy, as if they had been delivered out of the hand of a cruel Enemy: presently after he was taken Prisoner, the Earl of Fuensoldagne went immediately towards his Army, with good store of Money to content his Soldiers, and to take the command thereof 'till such time as his Brother Francis of Lorain can come to command the same in chief himself. And likewise since the Imprisonment of the said Duke, the Archduke Leopoldus has put forth a Declaration, giving to understand to all Head-Officers, Masters of the Camp, Colonels, & Men of war in the service of Charles Duke of Lorain, that he having secured for some time, the person of said Duke, by special Order and command of the King his Lord, for the proper good of the house of Lorain, and other high considerations, tending in order to the welfare of the State, and the public Tranquillity; the intention of his Majesty and mine is that the body of said Troops do remain under the command of the E. of Ligneville, in the same service they stand at present, till such time that his brother Francis Duke of Lorain do take the command thereof, to preserve the Rights of the Lord his Brother, and the house of Lorain. Whereas the late Parliament dissolving themselves, and resigning their Powers and Authorities, the Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland by a Lord Protector and successive Triennial Parliaments is now established; And whereas Oliver Cromwell Captain General of all the Forces of this Commonwealth, is declared Lord Protector of the said Nations, and hath accepted thereof: We have therefore thought it necessary (as we hereby do) to make publication of the Premises, and strictly to charge and command all, and every person and persons, of what quality and condition soever in any of the said three Nations, to take notice hereof, and to conform and submit themselves to the Government so established. And all Sheriffs, Mayors, Bailiffs, and other public Ministers and Officers, whom this may concern, are required to cause this Proclamation to be forthwith published in their respective counties, cities, corporations and Market Towns; to the end none may have cause to pretend ignorance in this behalf. Given at Whitehall this sixteenth day of December 1653. By the commissioners of the commonwealth of England for the Affairs of Ireland The Proclamation above mentioned lately coming to our knowledge, we held it our duty for prevention of public disturbances and interruptions in the administration of Justice, to publish the same: To the end that all Sheriffs, Mayors, Bailiff, and other public Officers and Ministers in this Nation, whom the same doth concern, may take notice thereof; Requiring all Officers and Soldiers of the Army, and all Sheriffs, Judges, Justices of the Peace, commissioners for Administration of Justice, and all others who are entrusted with the management of any public Affairs, to be vigilant in their respective charges and Trusts, That the public Service may be carried on, and that the common Enemy, upon this change of Government, may not take any advantage to contrive or act new disturbances against the public Peace. Dated at Dublin the thirtieth day of January, 1653. Signed by Order and command of the said commissioners, JO: HUGHES Sec'. Severe resolutions are taken against the Prince of Conde, and there seems to be a greater eagerness in the prosecution, since his brother the Prince of Conti hath been married to the Cardinal's Niece. It seems the Cardinal intends to crush the other brother, that a way that may be laid to put this into possession of his brother's honours and fortunes. Thus the Cardinal hath outwitted and overreached Conde. His place of Major Domo, or Master of the King's Household, is now disposed to Prince Thomas of Savoy. The Cardinal labours likewise to fortify himself by another match that he propounds for his Nephew, and it is to one of the Nieces of Cardinal de Retz, a man that he knows not how handsomely to ruin, nor much longer to detain in prison, and therefore he would fain oblige him (if possible) by an alliance. In the meantime the said Cardinal is kept close. Another match hath been propounded between the Duke of Nemours, and Mademoiselle,, daughter to the Duke of Longueville. But as yet little can be said of it. Beffort having been taken in by the Marshal de la Ferte, the said Marshal hath made very earnest application to Count Harcourt, that he would yield up Brisack, and other places under his Government in Alsatia, to be disposed of by his Majesty; for which purpose he hath renewed to him the former Tenders, according to such Propositions as were made heretofore, for his indemnity, in case of surrender. The resolution of sending a new person into England having been waved, it was agreed that Monsieur de Bordeaux Neufville (who hath for some time past resided at London) should be empowered as Ambassador. The news being arrived here, that two Ambassadors shipped from the United Provinces to England, it is taken as if the Peace were already concluded; and therefore this Crown will do nothing farther to disoblige the English Lord Protector. Charles Stuart, foreseeing what is like to follow, chooseth rather to depart of himself, 'tis talked everywhere that he will be gone out of hand; and (as the cry goes) for Germany. Upon Tuesday last Col. Daniel marched out of St. Johnstons with a party of foot and dragoons, and met with some other forces from Dundee, with which he fell the next morning with Dunkell (the chief quarter of the enemy) the enemy quit the Town, and betook themselves to the great House (and the Kirk) which they endeavoured to keep, but as soon as our foot came under the house, and with pickaxes made holes, and got into the house, and killed three men, thereupon the enemy betook themselves to one room and desired quarter, which was granted for their lives; we took two Captains, two Lieutenants, one Ensign, and Sir Arthur Forbes' Quartermaster and 9 prisoners; we only had one man hurt with a stone, but not much. Atholl and Forbes were gone from that place into the Hills not above two hours before. We took one blew Colours in the house, which we have since made untenable: we now have in several about 400 prisoners, and it were to be wished that some Instructions were given by his Highness for the disposal of them, most of them being idle rogues, which it would be a work of charity as well as policy to rid the Country of, by sending them to some foreign Plantations, where they might be in an incapacity if returning, and do some service in their generation, by being made to work for their livings; for here they will do nothing, but rob, burn, and murder, as oft as they get liberty, and while they are kept as prisoners, are a charge to the Commonwealth, and a weakening to our forces by putting them upon extraordinary duty for guards for them, and often attempt to make escapes. Some of them, one a notorious murderer, lately gagged the Marshal's man at Sterling, in order to their escape, but were discovered, and laid in irons. A party of four of Major General Harison's late Regiment (which we now hear is to be the Lord Henry Cromwell's going from Cardross towards Sterling to convoy a prisoner of ours that lately escaped from the enemy) were met with by one Captain Buhannan, and nine more, and taken. About 4 or 5 days since, one of Col Wogan's men with 3 of their best horses, got his Landlord to help him to water them, and ran with them to Blaire Castle, which makes the Earl of Athol not to trust Englishmen so much. Athol dismounted very many Soldiers that ran from Glencairn upon the defeat at Cromar, the particulars which Engagement we had this evening thus, Their number was about fourteen or fifteen hundred horse and foot, at a very strong Pass, which was a mile in length, and we could march but one man abreast the enemy had 30 foot at the top of the Glen, but Lieut. Symonds being commanded out with a party of foot, and Capt. Lisle with a party of horse to the top of the Hill, so amazed them, that their game was spoiled, for after a short dispute we routed them, and pursued them 7 miles over the Hills, such way as they did not expect we could follow them. We killed about 120, took 27 prisoners, with all their Ammunition, bag, baggage, and most of their Arms, and about 20 horse, Glencairn and Kenmore hardly escaping. These mercies were very seasonable, for the enemy were very high, threatening nothing but fire and sword, if all did not rise with them presently. Upon the 10 instant Col. Morgan marched to Kildrummy, where they had a Garrison of 40 foot, ad 30 horse, which being summoned, the Governor was denied; at last (the third day) he came to a Treaty, and surrendered the House upon Articles, to march away with Arms, Ammunition, bag, and baggage, which was not much; The House being strong, and not to be taken without great guns, which we had not, neither could our Forces have lain there above one night longer; and indeed, Glencairn and Kenmore had left that house as a bait, thinking we would besiege it before we fell upon them. Col. Morgan left a Garrison of foot and horse in it, and returned to Aberdeen. In all this business we lost not one man only one was lost accidentally by one of our own men, neither had we any man wounded, but two Horses shot. Sir you have here my piecemealed relations, which in regard of time and intelligence, coming many times after I have begun my Letters; I hope you will pick sense out of my lines. Since the writing of this, I have a more particular relation of the business at Dunkel, but have not time to acquaint you with the whole. The names of the Officers taken are. Captain Nicholson Governor, Capt. Fiffe, Lt. Charles Watson, Lieut. William Rosse, Ensi. Broughy, and Patrick Gray, quartermaster to Sir Arthur Forbes. Arms taken, 80 Muskets with Bandoleers, and Swords, some few firelocks 14 pound of powder, but what was in their Bandoleers. A great quantity of Meal, Malt and Oats provided for the Enemy's forces; which we not being provided to carry away, blew it up with the house. 25. Troop horses taken, with 15 [air of pistols. Athol and Forbes came into Dunkel the night after we were gone, with all the force they could make: According to the old proverb, when the Fryer is beaten then came James. On Wednesday last, the Lord Henry Cromwell took ship for Ireland, at the point of Aire; we hope he is well over, though there fell out very violent storms, immediately after his embarking. That you may understand the reasons and manner of the Arch-Duke Leopold's proceedings against that famous Thief the Duke of Lorraine, who hath filled a good part of Christendom with his rapines and cruelties. I have here enclosed two Translates of those two Declarations; which have been set out here by his Highness; the one directed to the Soldiery of the Lorain Army; the other to all men in general; where you will find, that Francis of Lorain, the younger brother, is set up by the Spaniard in the elders brother's place, as the younger brother of the house of Conde is by the Cardinal in France. Leopold William, by the grace of God Arch-Duke of Austria, Duke of Burgonie &c. Lieut. Governor, and Capt. General of the Low Countries, and of Burgonie, &c. To all high Officers, Masters de Camp, Colonels, Captains, and Soldiers bearing Arms under the Ensigns and Banners of the Lord Duke of Loraine, Charles: Health. We give you to understand, that having this day secured for some time, the person of the said Duke of Loraine Charles, in pursuance of a special order and command, which we have received from the King my Lord; for the good of the house of Loraine in particular, and other high and weighty considerations, relating to the welfare of the State and the public Peace: His Majesty's and our intention is that the whole body of his Troops do continue in the same service as they are now upon under the command of Count de Ligneville, until the L.Duke Francis of Loraine shall arrive here, (which will be in a few days) to undertake the command of this Army, to the preservation of the rights of the said Duke, and the house of Loraine, under the Protection of his Majesty, Declaring that no Officers, Soldiers, or others belonging to the said Army shall be brought to a trial, or questioned for any riots, or misdemeanours whatsoever, which they may have committed under the said Lord Duke. Hereby also strictly and expressly forbidding them to go to the service of any other neighbour Princes or States, either friends or enemies, upon pain of forfeiture of both body and goods, as well in respect to the vassals and natural subjects of his Majesty, as those heretofore lifted and entered in the Muster rolls of that Army; and as to other strangers, upon pain of being punished as deserters of their Colours. Provided notwithstanding that any formerly listed and entered in the Service of his Majesty, and that have gone from their Colours although without leave, may return and repair to them without danger of being questioned in any ways, or proceeded against for the same. As to the rest, We refer Our self to that which the Count of Guensaldagne Commander in Chief of his Majesty's Armies, shall more particularly acquaint them with, in relation to the advantages which shall be speedily procured and effected for them. Given at Brussels, the 25 of February, 1654. Leopold William, by the grace of God Arch-Duke of Austria, Duke of Burgonie &c. Lieutenant Governor, and Captain General of the Low Countries, and of Burgonie, &c. As no man can be ignorant what duty and respect our Cousin the Lord Duke of Lorain Charles, hath been obliged to bear to the King my Lord, and all his Allies, Friends, and good Subjects, since the time that he hath in these parts of his Dominions, been sheltered from the violences, oppressions, and usurpations that have been practised by France against his person and State; where he hath been received by his Majesty and his Lieutenant General with all friendship and good confidence, and under a special protection, not only to the espousing of all his interests in the Solemn Assembly for Treaty of Peace, but also furnishing him with Pay, and maintenance for his Troops, and admitting him to our Resolutions and Councils of War against the common enemy: So it's no less known to all the world how contrary to the said Lord Duke hath acted to what was due from a Prince of his birth so entertained, treated, and gratified, as is before mentioned, and so strictly bound to the Interest and Service of his Majesty, and the good of his Kingdom. For, besides the tears groanings, and general exclamations of the people that bore public testimony of the Thefts, Robberies, Sacrileges Rapes both of married women and maids, and other abominable and detestable Riots committed under the Conduct of his Army, the wracks of which destructions and devastations, he himself gathered up; His Majesty and his Lieutenant General have from time to time been well informed of the secret intelligences of the said Lord Duke, and of his several designs, as far different from the common good, and service to which the conjunction of Forces ought to tend, and also of his inconstancies, and pretended change of judgement in Resolves of matters of War, and the alterations and affected delays that he gave in things already debated, and that even at the very point of executing most important services, which might have been the overthrow of many and high enterprises, which in all likelihood, and according to humane reason, could not but have had a happy issue; These practices were at length grown so notorious, and to such a height, that not only the Lieutenant General, Commanders of Armies, Masters de Camp, and all other Officers were eye-witnesses of his tricks and artifices, and could point at them, but even the meanest soldier, and the whole people seemed astonished to see things thus pass on without any remedy provided against them. 'Tis true, the King my Lord, through his accustomed goodness, and singular affection which he doth and ever will bear to the House of Lorrain, hath as far as possibly he could, connived at, and passed it by, in hopes that the said Duke moved with the courteous usage and benignity his Majesty hath treated withal, might become sensible of his Interest, and in conclusion return to his duty; but on the contrary, his exorbitant proceedings arrive to such a height, that not only all his Majesty's Subjects and Vassals do abhor and detest him, that it was apparent that these Countries, for perfecting their misery, might have felt the effects of the vengeance which they designed to take of him, the King my Lord, lest he should provoke the anger of God against him and his people, could not defer any longer to stop the course of this evil, and therefore it is, upon consideration of these public and manifest truths, that his Majesty for a speedy and effectual remedy thereunto, hath Commanded us to secure the person of said Lord Duke, in which he hath acted according to the Law of Nature and Nations, which allows all Sovereign Princes to remove off their State and People, Oppressions and violence, be it who it will be that opposes them, and to do all Justice to themselves, their people, and neighbour Potentates, States, and Friends, when all other ways have been attempted in vain and without success, of which the ages past want not examples, in cases less fortified by circumstances, and justified than this. This proceeds not from any avetsation of his Majesty's to the house of Lorrain, but he protests ever to protect them, and to adhere to their Interests. In witness whereof his Majesty hath provided that the Command of the Armies and Troops of the said Lord Duke shall pass to, and remain sequestered in the hands of the Lord Prince Francis of Lorrain, his brother, from whose natural good inclinations, and sincere intention, his Majesty is assured he shall reap the fruits, and receive the true effects of a conjunction of Forces. And until the said Duke Francis shall arrive, his Majesty's and Our intention is, that the Count de Ligneville do continue in the execution of the Charge, and Office of General. We therefore in the Name, and on the behalf of the King my Lord, do Command all his Subjects and Vassals, and request all neighbour Princes and States to rest satisfied, and have a good opinion of this order and resolution of his Majesty's, expecting that another time and conjecture of public affairs may calm these motions and changes, and that God restoring quietness; by softening the obstinate Spirit of France to Peace, the People may be again established in Tranquillity and a general Repose, and every one readmitted to that which is his Right. Given at Brussels the 25 of Febr. 1654. LEOPOLD WILLIAM Signed by Order of his Highness VERREYKEN We have little here, only the Brest men of War play Rex on our coast. The little George of this Port, bound from Mevis, was taken on our coasts by one of them. After some hours fight, the Brest man putting out English Colours, and speaking in English, that they should be hanged for firing against the State's ship, and repeating it often between each broadside, the Passengers and some Seamen threw down their Arms, and would fight no longer; lest when they came home they should be hanged; so two of their men being killed, and many more of the Pirate, they delivered up; but the same ship is re-taken by the Ostenders; she had made a very good Voyage, being laden with Indigo, Sugar and Tobacco. The Samaritan of Bristol bound for Biscay, was taken lately by Cap. Beach of Brest; but is since retaken by the Sapphire Frigate, and brought into Plymouth; why should our poor Merchants pay Salvage in such cases after plunderings. The Ostender set the men of the George on shore at Lyme; but the ship is prize, because first taken by the French. Our Provinces have at length unanimously agreed to the Peace, and Ambassadors are very suddenly to be dispatched away with their joint assents. When the Ratification is once passed, then woe to the Pitch, Tons, and Faggots, and the Wine tuns not to be excluded. Doubtless the joy will be more than ordinary. They have here printed the Articles of the Treaty, but supposed not to be the true ones. We hear also that France is upon the point of joining with you, and that you intend to make peace with all your Neighbours, the better to cement at home. In the meantime, the Spaniards have made bold to take up quarters in our land of Overmase, thought they are now dislodged; 'tis said they are designed to join with the Lorainers, to hinder the French advancing. The German supplies are not yet come, though much talked of; and there are those that affirm 7 or 8000 Swedes to be upon their march to join with the Spanish; which is strange, though like enough to be true, Monsieur Interest, being the only mover of all affairs. We are very sorry to heat that the Lord Commissioner Beverning in England cannot prevail, for a cessation of Arms with the Lord Protector, in the meantime that the rest of the Provinces can approve and ratify the Articles of the Treaty, agreed on between the Commissioners of both States. We are also informed here, that the Spanish Ambassador is often in conference with the Lord Protector, and that he hath offered to make a League, offensive and defensive with his Highness: And likewise it doth cause much admiration amongst us here, not knowing what design the English have in hand, by setting forth such mighty Fleets to sea, when there is no doubt made here of an accommodation between both States; the incertitude whereof doth cause us to hasten out our Fleet, and to make greater preparations than was intended by this State. But all honest men hope that the arrival of our Ambassadors will clear up all doubts, and jealousies that may arise from hence. Our affairs here have had a little pause; the Lord Chancellor having been indisposed in his health, but now he is abroad again. The Treaty goes on, and this afternoon my Lord Ambassador, and he have a meeting concerning it; we cannot but believe, but we shall have a very desired issue; yet they are a little stumbled here at our detention of their ships, and at the dilatoriness of the proceedings of the Court of Admiralty concerning them. There are report here of an Extraordinary coming from France, and another from Russia; this Virgin Lady is much courted in this juncture. The only considerable here is; the intelligence being given of the Preparations that are forwarding in Flanders, that the Spanish forces may be ready to take the field with the first of the spring, the like order is taking here by Marshal Tureine, if possible, to prevent them. The Cardinal (it seems) intends to stock France with his Alliances; and for that end having sent for the remainders of his kindred out of Italy, two of his own sisters, and more of his Nieces (as they are called) are entered this Kingdom, and now not many Leagues from hence. The Cardinal's Secretary is gone with a little Regiment of Tailors, Milliners, and Perfumers, to set them forth in habit a la mode de Paris, before they come on any further; which being done, the King, Duke de Anjou, Cardinal, and the great ones of the Court, intend to meet them at Fontain-Bleau, and so conduct them hither. One of the girls is so handsome, that it is presumed the King (at least) will be enamoured of her. Really, this Cardinal is a gallant man, who can not only quell his opposites, but reduce both King, Princes, and Kingdom to be at his own devotion. The Earl of Atholl hath drawn all the Forces he can together from Weems and other places, and he with the Lord Bruce were the 14 instant at Glenshier, marching Northwards to join with Glencairn, Glengary, Kenmore, &c. upon their conjunction they will be between 3 and 4000. and then they intend to be revenged of Col. Morgan for their late rout; but (through divine assistance) he may make them amends with such another beating: yet Athol's foot are much discontented, and leave him daily out of a sense of their declining, dangerous, and desperate condition by their daily losses in all parts, and complain much of the cowardice of their horse: The English that came with Wogan, are much dejected at his death, and lament their leaving France, and being in so wretched and barbarous a place as the Highlands. We are daily sending what supply we can to Col. Morgan, but cannot much add to his strength 'till the two Regiments come out of England. The Scots at Edinburgh are very high, and have so great a spirit of Malignancy and unbelief, as to give out that the late defeat given by Col. Morgan to the enemy at Cromar, was only to some Country-men met there, though it is unquestionable that Glencairn, Kenmore, and most of their great fighters were there in person, and that the valiant Mac-alding Laird of Loughaber was one of the first that ran out of the field, and left his Commission from Charles Stuart, directed to Col. Hum. Cameran, dated Decemb. 10. 1652. Behind him, Lieut. Gen. Middleton's last Instructions, several Letters from Charles Stuart, &c. to the Earl of Glencairn, and other papers of consequence were taken, which it's not to be doubted that they would send with a company of Countrymen; but these kind of persuasions are so like the old English Cavalier's confident evasions, that I do but beat the fire to endeavour to drive these people out of them, who will not be convinced by anything but a good sword subduing and cutting down those broken reeds upon which they lean &c. February 26. The Lord Newport and Tongstall, Ambassadors extraordinary from the States General of the United Provinces, arrived at Dover, with full power (as is supposed) to conclude a Peace, being attended by a Retinue of about 80 persons. The Master of the Ceremonies is to receive them at Gravesend, and conduct them by water to London, Friday the third of March instant. March 1. Audience was given by his Highness the Lord Protector, to a public Minister sent from the Arch-Duke, out of Flanders. | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 194 |
PerfDiurn232 | From Monday, May. 15. to Monday, May. 22. 1654. This day from Dalkieth, May 9. thus. Twelve sail of our men of War are going from Leith. General Monk is going towards Stirling tomorrow, Middleton hath sent out several Commanders for Levies, Drummond to Lough Tay, and Glencairn to secure him with 100 horse, Col. Murray to Athol: Montrose to Branar, and others to other places; But we shall shortly be among them. Col. Morgan hath had hard Duties, but the Enemy will not come near him, but gives him the slip among the hills. The Commonwealth of England having used all means of tenderness and affection towards the People of this Nation, by receiving them (after a chargeable and bloody War) into Union with England, and investing them with all the Liberties and Privileges thereof (purchased at the expense of so much Blood and Treasure) and daily protecting them with their Army and Navy, at a great charge (of which this Nation undergoeth no more than their equal proportion with England) against their Enemies both abroad and at home, whereby all of them might enjoy the fruits and benefits of Peace; Yet divers lewd persons broke in their fortunes, and dissolute in their Lives, are run into Rebellion, and being assisted and connived at by their Parents, Brethren, Tutors, Masters, and People among whom they live, who secretly conceal them in their houses in the day time, and in the night suffer them to rob and plunder in the Country, whereby the peaceable people of this Nation are many of them ruined, and the rest disturbed, so that they cannot live in peace. And to the end that no peaceable means might be left unattempted, for the prevention thereof, I by virtue of the authority to me given by his Highness and his Council, do declare, That all such persons that are now in Rebellion, (except such as are expected in the Acts of Grace) who shall within 20 days after the publication hereof, come in, and submit him or themselves, to the Governor of the next English Garrison, and give good security for his or their future peaceable living, shall be, and is hereby in his and their persons freely pardoned, for any Offence, Spoil, or Plunder committed by him or them in this present rebellion (the killing of any person in cold blood only excepted.) And I do declare, that if any Parents, Brethren, or Tutors, who have assisted and connived at any their Sons, Brothers, or Pupils, now in Rebellion, as aforesaid, shall within twenty days after publication hereof, cause their said Sons, Brothers, or Pupils, to render themselves, and give security as aforesaid, That then the said Parents, Brethren, and Tutors, who have so offended, are hereby freely pardoned; But otherwise, then the said Parents, Brethren, and Tutors, who have so offended, shall be imprisoned during the time the said persons do remain in rebellion. And in regard divers persons who are now in Rebellion, and who have lived remote from their friends, but could not probably break out into Rebellion, without the knowledge or consent of some of the Inhabitants of that Parish or Presbytery where he or they last lived, before their breaking forth, I do therefore hereby declare, that the said parish or presbytery where he or they last lived, procure the said person or persons so broken forth, to render him or themselves within twenty days after publication hereof, and give security, as aforesaid, that then the said parish or presbytery so offending, is hereby pardoned; But if otherwise, I do hereby impose upon the said parish and presbytery, 2 shillings, 6 pence a day for each Horseman, and 10 pence a day for each Footman, so broken into Rebellion. And I doe likewise hereby empower all the good people of this Nation, to apprehend all such person, and persons as are, or hereafter shall break out into Rebellion, or attempt so to do, and safely to deliver him or them to the Governor of the next English Garrison; and in case of resistance to take such weapons as they can get, and to fight the said person or persons; and if they shall kill any of the said persons so resisting, they shall not be questioned for the same, but (on the contrary) shall receive a reward of their good service, all such Moneys, Goods, Horses, and Clothes, as the said Rebellious Persons are then possessed of, besides full satisfaction of their pains and travel therein. And in regard this present Rebellion hath been principally contrived, fomented, and is now obstinately maintained by Major General Middleton, the Earl of Athol, the Earl of Seaforth, Viscount Kenmore, Donald McDonald Laird of Glengarry, and Major General Dayel. I do hereby therefore Declare, That what such person or persons soever of this Nation, (except such as are before excepted) shall kill any of the said principal Contrivers, or shall deliver any of them prisoner, to any Governor of any English Garrison, the said person or persons, so killing, or bringing prisoner, as aforesaid, shall not only be pardoned for anything he or they have acted in this late Rebellion, but shall also receive as a Reward of his good service, the sum of Two hundred pounds sterling, for every person so killed or brought prisoner, as aforesaid. And lastly, for the encouragement of all peaceable and well affected people, both English and Scots, I do also hereby Declare, That what damage, or out of the Estates of such as have done the damage, or out of the Estates of the Friends and Harbourers of such Wrongdoers, or out of the Parish, Presbytery, or Shire where the wrong is done, in case they do not apprehend the said Offenders, or give the English Forces such timely notice thereof, that the said Offenders may be apprehended by them. And I do hereby require all Provosts, Bailiffs, and Chief Officers of Head Burghs, in their several Burghs, to cause these presents to be duly Published and Posted up, according to the usual form, and to certify their doings therein to me, in writing, under his or their hands. Given under my Hand at Dalkieth, this 4. day of May, 1654. George Monk Whereas the Justices of the Peace in the several Counties of North Wales having taken into their due Consideration the great and general discommodity accruing unto the Inhabitants of the said Counties, by reason of the great numbers of Licenses heretofore usually granted unto several the native Inhabitants to trade at Drovers and Hagglers, whereby the said Drovers and Hagglers have used sundry undue and crafty means and practises to divert and deter all other persons, having Commerce in that kind, from coming and resorting to the Fairs, and Markets of those parts; And whereas the said Justices, for Reformation of these late, and prevention of such like future great and public abuses, have not only discontinued and refused their Licenses unto such Drovers and Hagglers as formerly were enabled thereby to Trade in this way, but have also caused a just and severe prosecution according to Law, against all others (which were not a few) that presumed to deal, and have Commerce in those parts as Drovers and Stragglers, without Licenses. It is therefore hereby declared, and made known unto all persons whom it may concern, whether Grafters, Drovers, or Butchers, That they repairing to the Fairs and Markets aforesaid, especially those in Carnavonshire, and Anglesey, may buy what Cattle they please, without the forestalling, regretting, or Competition of the said native Drovers and Hagglers, which undoubtedly is no less to the advantage of the said Drovers strangers than of the said Inhabitants, many of whom have suffered in their estates, as well by adventuring themselves unadvisedly to deal as Drovers and Hagglers, as by being necessitated to trust and adventure their goods and cattle upon the credit of persons inexperienced, or weak estates, or dishonest. This day the Lord Mayor, with several Aldermen of the City of London, Dined with his Highness the Lord Protector. Paris the 20th of May. The preparation of the Enemy in Flanders, doth persuade many that they intend to do some great matter very speedily, in the besieging of some of our Frontier places, but as yet their intent is kept very close, the Garrison of la Bassee doth much disquiet the Lorrainers in their quarters, and thereupon they have removed their being at Lalou, and are now quartered near the River Lis. All things are now preparing for the Kings anointing, which is not done upon the 24 instant as was thought, but it's said it will be performed upon the 31 instant being Trinity Sunday, the Nobles, both Spiritual, and Temporal, are all preparing to be there present, only the Duke of Orleans, who will not by any means be persuaded to come to the Court, which will somewhat darken that solemnity, what is the reason of his long wilful denial is not certainly known, but by most men is imputed to the haughty spirit of Mademoiselle his daughter, who driveth on the interests of the Prince of Conde, and likewise to be revenged of the Cardinal Mazarini: The Duke de Beaufort who doth now lead a retired life is still blowing the Coals, fomenting that heart-burning which is in the Royal Family: The Catalans having received certain advice from hence, that the Prince of Conti was ready to march towards them, and that with such forces as he should bring with him, joined with those forces that are already in Roussillon, there will be a very considerable Army, which will soon free Rosa from blocking up, and so enter again into Catalonia, where the Spaniards keep a very strict hand over the people of the Country, and having laid very great contributions upon them, they punish severely those that do not bring in their assessments, insomuch that a small Town is assessed at five thousand Pistols, as many loads of Corn, and 250 loads of Oats, in default thereof they are to deliver fifty men fit for service who shall be employed where his Majesty shall think fit, which causes the Country throughout to be full of mourning, and heavy lamentations; the news concerning the Prince of Harcourt being fully agreed with the Court doth prove true but in part, he being not yet resolved to leave the Town of Brisack, but sayeth, he is resolved to keep it for his Majesty's service. For Prevention of making out Writs of Execution against Goods, and outing men of their possessions, and delivering men out of Execution unduly, by such who have not been of Ability or Estate to satisfy the party damnified. Forasmuch as of late years divers indigent persons, being or pretending themselves to be Clerks and Attorneys, have made and sued out in their own or other men's names many Writs (for which there hath been no lawful ground) returnable in superior Courts, for the levying, taking, and seizing of divers men's goods and chattels to very great value, and selling them, or delivering the same to the Plaintiffs or Demandants in such Writs; and for putting honest men out of their lawful possession of divers Lands and Tenements, upon which they have had great crops growing, and divers other goods and chattels upon the same of considerable worth; and for delivering several men out of Prison (who have been in prison for divers great sums of money justly due to the Plaintiff, at whose suit they have been in prison) and have caused such Writs to be sealed with the Common Seal of such Courts and afterward delivered the same to the Sheriff to whom they have been directed, or sent the same to them by Sharks of small or no estates. And such Sheriffs (finding such Writs sealed with the lawful seals, which would warrant them in the execution of the same) have by virtue of such Writs seized, taken, and levied divers of such goods and chattels, and sold some of the same, and delivered the money thereof made to such Sharks, being Plaintiffs, or showing authority from them in that behalf, and delivered other part of such goods and chattels to such Sharks, and have put such honest men out of possession, and such Sharks into possession of such Lands and Tenements, who have entered upon such crops, goods, and chattels, and carried away, and wasted and consumed the same, and such Sheriffs also, by virtue of others of such Writs have delivered divers men out of prison, who have been so imprisoned, who have absented and hid themselves, and could never be taken again, but in their skulking and rogueing about, have wasted their means and died beggars, and thereby such honest men lost just their debts and duties, And when such honest men have sought relief in such Courts for such extremity, they have found no means for any, but against such Sharks who have been of no ability to make any considerable satisfaction or restitution for such mischief, whereby divers honest people have utterly undone, and others have suffered great loss. For Remedy whereof, it is proposed to be desired that it may be Enacted, That hereafter several Clerks of experience and judgement, honesty, and ability in Estates, be and shall be collected, nominated, appointed, and authorized in every of the superior Courts, to make or sign Writs of Executions against Goods and Chattels, and for giving possession and seizing of Messages, Lands, and Tenements, and cutting anything from thence; and all manner of Writs of Supersedeas. And that if any Sheriff or Sheriffs, his or their Deputy or Deputies, do or shall receive any such Writ, not so made or signed, and execute the same, and the same after be, or shall be made appear to have erroneously, unrightly, or improvidently issued out of any such Courts; then no matter which he, she, or they, do or shall plead, or give in evidence, by virtue of such Writ, shall justify him or them in executing of any such Writs, or superseding anything thereby. And that every of such Clerks shall (for Writs to be directed to the Sheriffs of Counties distant under 50 miles from London,) keep, sign, and use a several, private, particular mark, or Character by him to be used about such Writs for every 14 days, and of Counties further distant from them, every month in every year. And that every such Clerk shall acquaint and notify to every of the such Sheriff, or his Common Attorney in such superior Court appointed, or to be appointed, (requiring the same) once or twice every Term, what every of such several and respective Signs, Marks, or Characters for every of such several and respective times, be or shall be. And that none of such Sheriff be, or shall be (against his will) compelled to do execution, or act anything by virtue of any such Writ, which shall not be so signed, or have such Mark or Character. This day was published an Ordinance for continuing an Ordinance, entitled, An Ordinance for further suspending the proceedings of the Judges named in an Act of Parliament, entitled, An Act for relief of Creditors and poor Prisoners, until the 31 of May instant. The last Letters from Poland advise us, that the misunderstanding that daily increaseth between the Muscovites and the Cossacks is such, that the first, upon fear of an ill usage for the future, have already forsaken some of those Towns which they possessed in the Province of Ukraine, the General Kimelniski being weary of his new Masters, and doth what lieth in him to free himself from his Engagement to the Muscovite, who have not yet done any considerable action, but remain close in their quarters, being much disheartened, since they hear that the Ambassador of Poland hath had a very favourable Reception at Constantinople, the great Turk and his Council, being resolved to maintain the old Treaties and Alliances with Poland; in the mean time our General Potoski, having a design to surprise some place upon the Cossacks before they knew of his approach, did thereupon march with his Forces to a Town called Flince, where was a Garrison of Cossacks, who upon the report of his approach with a part of the Army, did forsake the place, and fled to another Town at three leagues distance. This General of the Cossacks seeing himself disappointed of his ends by bringing in of the Muscovite Army, is now again entered into a new Treaty with the Tartars of Czrjin to come once more to his assistance. From Regensburg. There is now daily expected the conclusion of our Diet, the Members thereof having agreed before they dissolve that Assembly, to meet again that time two years, to determine such affairs which could not be agreed upon this Diet, and are of too great consequence to be done in an inferior Assembly. From Hamburg. This City, and that of Lubeck, have sent Commissioners to Bremen, to make some overtures for an accommodation between them and the Crown of Sweden, in the mean time the circle of lower Saxony endeavoureth that the Swedes may cease all acts of hostility in that County. From Cullen, Although by the Treaty of Munster it was agreed that upon the payment of certain sums of money to the Swedes they should then deliver up unto the Bishop of Munster the strong hold of Wecht, yet hitherto it could not be effected, the Swedish Commander in that place, having received those which were due to that Garrison, and the other sum agreed upon being sent to Oldenburght to be paid upon the surrender of the place, nevertheless new difficulties arise which puts the business in a doubtful condition: Our Elector is gone to Kerpen a Castle which he hath lately bought of the Spaniard, for a great sum of moneys. From Italy and parts adjacent. From Rome, The Duke de Terranova Ambassador of Spain in that Court, hath had a long audience of the Pope to whom he made great and high complaints in the behalf of the Master, that he could no longer hide the discontent he hath, by that which is acted here in the person of his Ministers; among other things, that his Majesty complains that the Card. Colonna was not suffered to make nomination in the Consistory of such Bishop's Sees as were void, & therefore from henceforth he declared, that no benefices within his Dominions should be charged to pay any pension or annuity without his said Majesty's pleasure. From Venice. There are two ships lately come, the one from Smyrna, and the other from Candia, whereby we learn that the Turks go on with great heat about their preparations at Constantinople, where the Ministers of State do so take to heart the carrying on of the war, and besieging the City of Candia, that to make their Army more terrible and dreadful, therefore each of them doth set out ships at their own Costs; we hear also that they are hard employed to repair the old Fort of Lazaretto, which we had demolished some years since, that so they may the better prevent the relieving of that City by Sea; That three of their Galleys have lately relieved the Town of Canea, General Vssairn, who is Commander in chief of the land forces, had with a party of his men sent a defiance to our Garrison in Candia, but although some of our Officers would have accepted it, yet it would not be granted, but found not to be safe for our men. From Naples. Those men of war which our Vice King had sent into Apuglia to clear that coast from divers Sea-rovers which did much infest it, are now returned, besides those men lately mustered in our Arsenal, there hath been 18 Companies more mustered, who have all received some pay, and so with the 22 mentioned formerly it maketh 40, which are all sent into divers places along the Seacoast to take their quarters, as also the several Troops of horse, so soon as they are mustered, and have received pay, after the soldiery of this Kingdom, so that it is esteemed that (besides the Spanish Foot soldiers ) it will consist of 45000 foot, and 15000 horse likewise quartered in divers parts of the Sea coast, where they enjoy the same privileges and immunities as is accustomed, and maintained in the same number as they were in the time of the Emperor Charles the fifth. This day in the forenoon Monsieur de Bourdeaux, Ambassador of France, had audience of his Highness the Lord Protector at Whitehall, being brought to it in the form and manner accustomed. Paris May 23: The Princess of Conde having presented a Petition to the Parliament, that she might have the sequestration taken of her Estate, she had no other answer but that it was taken in the hands of the Attorney General, who carried the same to the Court. The 15 instant the King being at Vincennes, the Queen met him there, and afterwards they were feasted by the Cardinal Mazarini, and so they returned hither. The 16 the Queen sent one of her Gentlemen to joy our Governor upon the birth of his young Son. The 17, the King, with his Brother, the Cardinal, and others of the Nobility went to the Arsenal, where the Marques de la Mesteray Master of the Artillery of France, entertained them with a gallant dinner. The 19 the Queen went to visit the late Queen of England, who with her Son the titular King came to visit their Majesties. The 20 the Italian Comedy of Peleus and Thetis was again acted before the Queen, where were present the little Queen, and her three Sons, the Cardinal, and many other persons of quality; The same day was sent from hence the rich hangings, and other house furniture to furnish the King and Queen's lodgings at Rheims, where the Master of the Ceremonies is also gone to see that all things be ready and well ordered against his Majesty's coming, Marshal de Turenne is now near his departing from this City, to go to Montcornet, which is the rendezvous appointed for the meeting of his army, all the Officers having received special command to repair thither with all speed: We hear from Nancy, that the Marshal la Ferte is likewise ready to march into the field, having also sent order to all his Officers, that forthwith they repair to the several employments. Our Fleet at Toulon goeth on, but yet there are things wanting before they can go to Sea, what the design is, is uncertain, some believe they will come to relieve Rosa which wants that very much, and that the same being done, they will proceed upon some other enterprise: We hear from Avignon, that the difference between the Gentry and the Citizens about their election of Consuls, insomuch that the 24 of June next, the day of the election, is like to be very troublesome, if so be that the Pope who hath had a full information of the matter doth not by his authority quell the matters by sending some of the Cardinal of credit among them to pacify all. The Parliament hath met several times about the meeting of their exiled Members: and there it was resolved that from time to time, they should meet at the house of the first President, about the regulating of several offices and places in this City and suppressing such as were found burthensome to the public. The Dukes of Vendosme and Beaufort his son have had a meeting at Surenne, where, after some conference together they parted, not well satisfied one of the other, the Duke of Vendosme is come to the Court to sign the contract of marriage between his eldest son the Duke of Mercoeur, with the Cardinal's Nieces, and so decide some controversies which are now fully ended, here is lately deceased the Councillor de Brouselles, a man who hath made himself famous during our late troubles. This day was published two Ordinances, the one an Ordinance for Explanation of a former Ordinance, Entitled, An Ordinance for better Amending and Keeping in Repair the Common Highways within this Nation. The other, An Ordinance for Relief of Debtors in Scotland in some Cases of Extremity. The former of these two being of most public concernment, here take as followeth. Whereas by an Ordinance, Entitled, An Ordinance for better amending and keeping in repair the Common Highways within this Nation, amongst other things, It is Ordained, That if any Wagons, Carts or Carriages wherein any burdens of dead commodities or wares shall at any time from and after the first day of next May, then next, be drawn upon any such Highways, Roads, or Streets, with above five Horses or Mares, or six Oxen or one Horse or Mare, in any one Cart or Wagon, That then it shall be lawful to or for any Constable or Surveyor of Highways, or other Inhabitant in any Parish where such Laden Wagon, Cart or Carriage shall pass and be drawn as aforesaid, to distain and seize all such supernumerary Horse, Mares or Oxen as he shall find in any such Wagon, Cart or Carriage over and above the number of five Horses or Mares, or six Oxen and one Horse or Mare respectively, and the same supernumerary Horses, Oxen and Mares respectively to detain and keep, until such Owner or Driver have paid and answered into the hands of the Surveyors of Highways within the Parish where such Distress and Seizure shall be made, or one of them, the sum of twenty shillings for every such supernumerary Horse, Mare, or Ox. Be it now Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. by and with the consent of his Council, That the said Ordinance or any Clause therein contained, shall not extend to any Carts or Carriages at any time used in the conveying, draught, or carriage of any Ordnance, Timber, or Artillery, of any sort or kind whatsoever, for the use of the Army or Navy, But that such Carts, Draughts or Carriages may be drawn with any number of Horse or Oxen necessary for the Drawing thereof, without incurring any of the Penalties in the said Ordinance mentioned, or without any stop, molestation or disturbance of any Constable, Officer, or other person whatsoever, anything in the said Ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided that such persons that attend the said Draughts, Carts or Carriages for the use of the said Army or Navy, have some Order or Pass under the hands of his Highness the Lord Protector, or the Lord President of his Council, or of the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy, or Generals of the Fleet, or other Field Officers of the Army, Commissioners of the Navy, or some Governor of a Garrison, or under the hands of some of them, signifying that such Carriages and Draughts are for the use of the said Army or Navy, as is aforesaid. From Gothenburg April 24, The Lord Ambassador Whitlock having happily concluded the Treaty between us and England, is on his way homewards, and all things are now in a readiness at Vpsal for the beginning of the Diet, which is to be upon the first of May, the Queen then it's fully resolved will surrender her Crown and Government unto her Cousin the Prince Paladin Charles, who is to be crowned King of Sweden, his Brother Prince Adolphus John, having laid down his Patent of Lord High Marshal of the Kingdom, and is gone to Stockholm, and from thence to Braburgh, and so the Isle of Oeland to confer with his Brother the future King, who will tarry their till the beginning of the Diet; We hear likewise that the Earl Erard Oxenstern is now appointed to go as an Ambassador extraordinary into England with a great retinue. Here is lately deceased the Lady Fleetwood, late wife of Sir George Fleetwood, the funeral is appointed in great pomp, the little Queen, and many of the nobility of Sweden are to be present. To give you an account of some late Letters from Ireland they mention thus: The Nation is settled in as peaceable a condition as ever it was before the late rebellion, an Englishman having as secure travelling in most parts thereof as in his own Nation, which makes the place more pleasant, and will soon invite many people of the neighbouring Nations to settle their residence in it, when the Taxes are abated, which we hope will be speedily. We hear that the civil affairs of this Nation are to be transacted by additional or other Commissioners, upon new instructions, but the former we are induced to believe, and the rather, for that affairs of this Nation are so well known to these present Commissioners, whose fidelities and ability for the work of that Nation is unquestionable. Dalkieth May 9. The General marches tomorrow from Dalkieth towards Stirling, and from thence to some of our Frontier Garrisons, and so to the fields. The Proclamation you had before, he sends out as a forerunner, which will probably effect something considerable; Middleton continues still in Caithness with some broken Regiments, which (as intelligence serves) rather decline than increase in number. Glencairn has made his way over the hills, through some obsolete path, with a small party of horse, who purposes, if he can, to join with Athol and Glengarry, and make a Body. Col. Morgan is about Tane, watching opportunities to engage them, if possible. Edinburgh May 11, we have as yet little of news, General Monk hath yesterday removed his headquarters from Dalkeith to Stirling, from whence he intends, after securing of some few passes, to take field: We beat the Enemy in all parties that engage, we have lately taken Middleton's Brother and 5 or 6 Officers more, and routed that party, General Monk hath hanged two of them already as spies, burnt an Inn in Muscleborough that harboured them, and is resolved to scour them as you may perceive by his Proclamation. Guernsey Island, May 12. 1654. The Hector Frigate attending without St. Mallo's divers days for conveying the English from thence, who are still detained under the arrest, a shallop was sent out of the Town to tell the Capt. that the English should have all freedom, but this was found to be merely a Decoy, to draw him in, and so not trusted. Further from Jersey we understand, that some ships of ours lying near St. Mallo's, about 60 of the men (greedy to get fresh victuals) went ashore into the Country, and endeavoured to drive away some cattle, but the Country rising, rescued them, and fell upon the Mariners, and killed several of them, and pursued them to two of our ships which were left ashore by the going out of the Tide. This gave an alarm to St. Mallo's, who thereupon brought down Ordnance to batter the ships, which they endeavoured to do, but did them little hurt; the Tide coming in, the ships got off, and the alarm ceased. The Governor of S. Mallo's apprehending this to be a design against the Town, took an occasion to turn out all the English Merchants and seize upon all their houses, wares and goods, and hath made himself Master of what was theirs. The truth of this business is now under Examination, and the French Ambassador hath this week had audience thereupon, the results upon the whole you shall have in my next. From Deal, May 18. General Penn being now come to the Fleet, it is expected daily Orders will be given for their going out upon some honourable enterprise; since the Fleet coming hither the small Picaroons dare not be so bold as formerly, by reason that some of our smaller Frigates are daily sent out as Scouts. These Easterly winds have brought into this river of Thames this week a great number of Hollanders and Zealanders who have brought in good store of their own native Commodities. Great store of Colliers are also expected, as the wind favours, whereof some are already come in. ☞ Grammatic Latin Institutiones Carminibus concinnat, Quibus subjiciuntur Commentarioli. Et per totam Syntaxin Regulatim, ipsa Liliana Constructio. Accesserunt Figur qu spius occurrunt Grammaticales. Isagoge Poetica de Carminum ratione. Tropi & Schemata Rhetorices usiatiora. Opera & Studio Jacobi Shirleii. Lonaini Excudebat F. I. sumptibus Richardi Lowndes, & apud eum prestant, sub signo Albi Leonis in Cmeterio S. Pauli, 1654. This is licensed and entered according to Order | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 232 |
ModIntell167 | The Demands of his Highness the Lord Protector, to their Excellencies the Lord Ambassadors from the States of Holland; the number of Town required to be delivered up to the English, and the further proceedings of the Treaty at Whitehall, in order to the signing, sealing and confirming of the Articles for Pease: With a List of those Princes, Dukes, Earls, Lords and Gentlemen, that are to be excluded from the Commonwealths of England and Holland. Together with strange and wonderful Visions from Whitehall, presented to Col. Bingham, Col. West, Col. Bennet, the Lady Dercy, the Lady Vermuden, and divers other honourable persons, touching the strange Revolutions, and various Contingencies of these times. The English Fleet rideth not far from the Isle of Wight: some Squadrons are at the Spits-head, and others at Saint Ellen's point: they are ready to put forth to Sea in the most gallant equipage that may be. For we have now in one body the bravest Fleet that ever was put forth since the Wars began, and the Seamen are very unanimous, Divers foot soldiers are gone down to their assistance, no less then 30 out of a company were drawn forth on Monday last, and divers others are to follow: a prosperous Gale attend them. The Ambassadors landed with their Attendants at Tower Wharf, where were Coaches provided for them, their Lordships were in one of the Lord Protector's Coaches, and the Master of the Ceremonies with them, drawn by six horses: Next followed the French and the Portugal Ambassadors' Coaches, with above 20 more all with 6 horses, besides above 40 Coaches most with 4 horses apiece; they rode in a stately equipage through the City from Aldgate by the Royal Exchange, and so to the Palace yard Westminster to Sir Abraham Williams's, where they are to be entertained, with their Retinue, at the State's charge for some days. And on Saturday in the afternoon they had audience given by his Highness the Lord Protector in the Banqueting house at Whitehall, the room was richly hung with hangings, and a rich chair of State set for the Lord Protector, and Chairs on the one side for the Ambassadors, the entertainment was stately, and gallant, and the subject of this Audience was partly congratulatory to his Highness, and to declare the business of their coming to make and settle a firm peace, and to renew their old friendship which hath been for many years between the two Nations. Our Post from Scotland advertiseth, that the English forces have fallen upon the Highlande4rs, and after an irresistible and furious Onset, took above 120 Officers and Soldiers, great store of Arms, Ammunition, Horses with plenty of provision, and afterwards blew up the strong Garrison of Dunkel. Col. Morgan hath also removed the Enemies Garrison at Kildrumay, and at Cromar put 120 to the sword, took 27 prisoners, 80 horse, & all their Bag and Baggage. The English Fleet remains still about St. Helen's point by the Isle of Wight, and the Merchant men are all gone from Dover road toward France, and other parts. Our men of War plays the Rex upon the Narrow seas; but the Hectors in Kent proceed on most inhumanely killing, robbing, and destroying all that comes near them. From Scotland we have received intelligence, that the enemy are divided into divers parties to raise their assigned Levies, and the Earl of Athol, having a considerable party of horse and Foot, hath sent forth the fiery Cresses, threatening fire and sword to all that shall comply with the English. Sir Arthur Forbs is marched toward Lennox with several Troops, and it's conceived in design for the South. Divers of Col. Daniel's Regiment are revolted to the enemy, but some of them were taken, and rewarded with a Rope. Others were tied up to the Gallows at Dunkel, and Martial Law is daily executed upon all those who incur the penalty thereof. The Tories are somewhat high in Ireland, and some distempers are brake forth; but the Lord Henry Cromwell is safely arrived to put a period to those Distractions. From Yarmouth our Post bringeth intelligence, that the Lord Williamson is landed, as Ambassador Extraordinary from the King of Denmark, whose Majesty hath sent a Message to his Highness, making application upon the success of the Dutch Treaty. And the Lord Ambassadors from Holland have presented their Credenti8akls, wherein they desire to include his Majesty. In order whereunto, the States of the 7 United Provinces do all of them agree and consent to the Agreement of Peace, and the said Ambassadors are empowered fully to confirm and ratify the same, desiring a speedy cessation of Arms, and that all Acts of Hostility may cease on both sides. Their Lordships are to have Audience again on Tuesday, being the 7 of this instant March, so that undoubtedly some few circumstances being considered on, all will be concluded, and a Peace fully settled. The King of Scots (we hear) is going for Germany, being invited by the Princes, and his brother James is designed for Flanders where the Archduke Leopold William (General for the King of Spain) is very potent. The Lord Digby is said to go along with him as Lieut. Gen. and Sir Lewis Dives as Maj. Gen. Marshal Thurene is preparing likewise to take the field. The Lord Inchiquin has received great command from the King, and divers Irish Gentlemen are to command under Cardinal Mazarine. The Lord Jermin is excluded from the Count, but the Lord Traff is taken in. Upon the 7 day of the 11 month called Janu., being the 6 day of the week, or Friday, Mr. Powel Minister of the Gospel in Wales, being brought before the Council at Whitehall, to give an account of some things by him delivered in his public Exercises: Among many other friend who came to see what would be done with him, there came a maid, Mrs. Anna Trapnel by name, who waiting in a little room near the Council door, where there was a fire; amongst many others she staid for Mr. Powel's coming forth, and then intending to return home, she was beyond her own thoughts or intentions, having much trouble in her thoughts; and being as it were seized by the Lord, she was carried forth in a Spirit of prayer and singing from noon till night, and went down into Mr. Robert's Lodging, who kept the Ordinary in Whitehall, and finding her natural strength going from her, she took her bed about eleven of the clock in the night, where she lay from that day being the 7 day of the month, to the 19 day of the same month, in all 12 days together: the first five days she neither eat nor drank: and the rest of the time, once in 24 ho: sometimes a very little toast in small beer; sometimes only chewed it, and took down the moisture; sometimes she drank of the small beer, and sometimes only washed her mouth therewith, and then cast it forth, lying in bed with her eyes shut, and her hands seldom seen to move: She delivered in that time many and various things, speaking every day 3 or 4 hours, and sometimes praying both night and day and singing spiritual songs; which many eminent persons hearing of, among the rest, came Col. Sydenham (a member of the Council) Col. West, Col. Bennet, with his wide, Col. Bingham, the Lady Dercy, the Lady Vermuden, and divers others; who heard her declare as followeth, to wit, That 7 years since she being sick of a Fever, and given over by all her friends as one not like to live, the Lord then gave her faith to believe from that Scripture, After two days I will revive thee, and the 30 day I will raise thee up, and thou shalt live in my sight; which two days I understood to be two weeks that I should lie in that Fever; and at that very time and hour that it took her, that very hour it left her, and accordingly from which time, the Lord made use of her for refreshing of afflicted ones, and such as were under temptation: and when that time was ended, she being in her chamber, desired of the Lord to know whether she had done that which was of, and from himself, Reply was made to her, That she should approve her heart to God, and for that she had been faithful in a little, she should be made an instrument of much more; so particular souls shall not only have benefit by her, but the Universality of Saints shall have discoveries of God through her: whereupon she prayed that he might be led by the still waters, and honour God secretly, being conscious to herself of the deceitfulness of her own heart, looking upon herself as the worst amongst God's flock: whereupon the Lord told her, that out of the mouths of babes and sucklings he would perfect his praise. After which she had many Visions, and Revelations touching the Government of the Nation, the Parl. Army, and Ministry, and having fasted nine days, nothing coming within her lips, she had a most strange Vision of horns; she saw fair Horns which were 4 Powers: the first was that of the Bishops, which first Horn she saw broken in two, and thrown aside: then appeared the second Horn, and joined to it an head, and although it seemed to be more white then the first, yet it endeavouring to get aloft it was suddenly pulled down, and broken to pieces. The third Horn had many splinters joined to it like to the scales of a fish, and this was presented to be a Parl. consisting of many men, having very fain and plausible pretences, but this was also broke. And as for her Vision touching the Lord Protector, we shall refer you to the general Relation itself, extent tomorrow. The Lord Mayor of the city of London, and the Recorder of the said city, on the party of the city of London; and divers Magistrates of the city of Westminster, according to an Order sent to them came to attend his Highness and the Council, at the Council chamber in Whitehall; and yesterday they were heard touching the business for a Corporation to be granted to the city of Westminster, and something therein, it is probable will shortly be done. Several new Orders are drawing up by sundry eminent persons within the city, for the regulating of abuses in Trades viz. Shoemakers, Silk-weavers, Tailors, Butchers, Carpenters, and Joiners, and for the suppressing of foreigners. From France we have received advertisements, that Card. Mazarine has reduced both King, Princes, and that Gen. Tureue and the Duke of York, are preparing to take the field against the Spanish forces. From Windsor we have received intelligence, that there is a notable Plot or Conspiracy discovered, against some that should have betrayed their Trust in the castle; and one of them being taken embezzling and carrying away the powder, was apprehended and tried before the Governor, who received sentence to ride upon a Saker when it is shot off with an half charge. Mr. Feak, and Mr. Simpson, are both there still, and in good health, blessed be God: But poor Judge Jenkins declines exceedingly. Yesterday an Ambassador Extraordinary from the Archduke Leopold in Flanders, had Audience by his Highness the Lord Protector, where he did congratulate his highness, showing him his Credentials, and presented him with a message from his master Leopold William, by the grace of God Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgonie, and Lieu. Gen. and Cap. Gen. of the Low countries. After which, he was conducted from thence by Sir Oliver Fleming, master of the Ceremonies. The said Archduke hath sent forth two Declarations against that famous old Thief Charles Duke of Lorain, who hath filled a great part of Christendom with his rapines and cruelties, and now like close prisoner at Antwerp; for the K. of Spain is resolved to set up Francis the younger brother in the elder brothers place, and that the said L. Duke Francis shall undertake the sole command of the Army, with all the Ensigns and Banners thereunto belonging. Presents us with an Abstract of Scotland, intimating, That the E. of Athol hath drawn most of his forces together from Weems, and other places, and he with the L. Bruce were the 14 at Glenshier, marching Northwards to join with Glencarn, Glengary, Kenmore, and the rest of the Royal party; upon their conjunction they will be at the least 4000. and then they intend to be revenged upon the English, if they can: but Athol's foot are much discontented at the cowardice of their horse, and the English that came with Col. Wogan out of France, are much dejected at the death of their valiant Colonel. Col. Lilburn is sending recruits to Col. Morgan, but somewhat inconsiderable, until such time that the new supplies are gone from England. The Scots are very high at Edinburgh, and breath forth Victories instead of Defeats, giving out, that the late blow given by Col;. Morgan was only to some few Countrymen, when it is evident, that G. Glencarn was there in person, and the valiant young Laird of Lochaber, who was one of the first that ran out of the field, and left his Commission from their King, signed C. R. behind him, together with the last Instructions of Lieu. Gen. Middleton, 5 Letters from C. the 2. to the Commander in chief of the Highlanders: All which Papers are to be sent up to his Highness the Lord Protector. There hath been lately some meetings of godly Ministers about London, to consider of a way of union and reconciliation of the differences that unhappily have crept in among the godly, and other excellent things in order to the progress of the Gospel. And this day Mr. Owen, Mr. Tho. Goodwin, M. Sydrack Simson, Mr. Nie and divers other reverend pious Ministers were with his Highness. From Ireland our Scout bringeth intelligence, that the L. Deputy Fleetwood, and the Officers of the Army, have caused to be printed at Dublin their Declaration, to live and die with his Highness in the present change of Government: but indeed at first many there were that scrupled it; yet upon consideration they unanimously assented thereunto. From Newcastle they write, that cap. Wetang hath scoured those coasts of the Picaroons, and that he hath sunk and taken some. But alas! this doth not equalize our loss in the West, for true it is that the Brest men of war have taken the George of Bristol, being richly laden with Indigo, Sugar, and Tobacco. Whitehall Jan. 7. His highness the Lord Protector was ushered in with a high and magnificent Train; and all things being prepared and in readiness, He is to keep his Court in that stately Palace. As touching the further proceedings of the Treaty, the Opinions of men are various, touching a conclusion; and 'tis said, that four of the chief Towns in Holland are demanded to be delivered up to the English for Security: which if true, then farewell The King of Scots, The Princess his Sister, James the second Son, Henry the third Son, The Prince of Orange, The Lord Craven, The Lord Digby, Maj. Gen. Massey, The Lord Wilmot, The Lord Culpepper, The Lord Wentworth, And all other Gentlemen whatsoever, that shall be found enemies against the two States, are to depart and be banished after certain days' warning. Well! few words are best at present; but of this more hereafter: in the interim I shall evade some particulars, by reason many things seem dubious, and I have often times been told, that truth must not be spake at all times; which certainly can prove no otherwise than a Paradox: But I must not centre too much upon the present Revolutions, various Contingencies, and wonderful Transmigrations, that have, and may happen in this little corner of the Earth, since that we have beheld the Fall of one of the mightiest monarchs in Europe, and in Him of Monarchy itself, with the several designs and transactions that were set on foot for the instating of his son in the Throne, and the fruitless events thereof. The Dissolution of the (commonly called) everlasting Parl. the calling of another, and the dissolution, the Lord Gen. made Lord Protector, &c. And seeing that I have drawn a conclusion from the end of one Monarchy, to the beginning of another, I desire (if it please the wise Disposer of all things, as well as persons, to grant us peace, both at home and abroad) that we may live to spin out the thread of our life in a mutual and happy conversation. | The Moderate Intelligencer, Issue 167 |
WPost171 | The Articles of Agreement between his Highness the Lord Protector and the States of the United Provinces: With the sole and absolute concluding of a firm Peace and Union betwixt the two Commonwealths of England and Holland, and the King of Denmark. And the Proclamation to be published throughout the Territories of Scotland. The Declaration of the Queen of Sweden, and the bloody Sentence and Charge of High-Treason exhibited & pronounced against the Prince of Conde for his Rebellion. A Remonstrance for the allowance of Brass Farthings, and a Declaration touching the City and Country Butchers. London, Printed for G. Horton, to prevent all false Copies. There will suddenly be extant a Remonstrance concerning the allowance of brass Farthings, wherein is comprised sundry excellent Reasons showing the lawfulness thereof, and the great profit that will redound to the State and Commonwealth thereby. From Scotland it is advertised, That Cap. Lilburn and Cap. Ortan have landed three Companies of Col. Cooper's Regiment at Leith, and that Col. Lilburn is preparing to interpose with the Enemy. They are nothing near so formidable, as reported. Neither will they fight us but upon great advantages. Monday, being the 27 of this instant month, there came a Post from Scotland, intimating, That the Royal party increaseth, and that Gen. Middleton endeavours to raise Southerland, Caithness, and the county of Ross, and so to drain the Country, even as a Sponge sucketh in Water, of all the able, stout, and resolute hearts, that are able to bear Arms from sixteen to sixty; with a Resolution to descend down into the Lowlands: for, indeed, they grow numerous, and swell up as a Snowball doth in its rolling; but may as soon dissolve again in the like Element. The Lord Seaforth hath raised his number to seven hundred, the Earl of Athol five hundred, Col. Forbs five hundred, and the last general Rendezvous, no less than seven thousand horse and foot they spake themselves to be completely armed, but have not obtained as yet the silver Instrument, which is the life of the Cause, and the very sinew of War: but their expectation is great from Germany, and for ought I know, long looked for may come at last: in the interim, they march towards our Borders, forcing their Levies throughout their march. From Scotland it is further advertised, That Col. Morgan hath sent a Letter to Gen. Middleton, declaring, That it was not unknown what amicable ways they has used, to avoid the effusion of Christian blood, since they came into those parts, which though hitherto had been ineffectual, yet they should endeavour the same; showing further, That their Arms were still stretched out ready to embrace them, whenever God should incline them to come in, and that they sought not domination over them, to enslave them, nor to depress them in any lawful way, but to carry on the Lord's Work: And that if they would still be blinded, and persist in the gainsaying and opposing, then what further misery befell their Nation by famine or sword, would lie heavy upon them. This Letter (though favouring so much of integrity and ingenuity) met with nothing of like nature from their Adversaries; for immediately thereupon, an Answer was returned; which being briefly contracted, the genuine sense take as followeth; That in case they were not in a capacity against the unjust proceedings of the English, yet were they in a capacity to suffer, and should submit to God's Will, either by doing or suffering, until the time of their deliverance come; and that if it were their happiness to perish in their Duty and Loyalty, it would be a sufficient mercy to them: and when the persecution had arrived to its height, their captivity should be returned. But doubtless, but that in time we shall be able to put a Hook into the Nostrils, and a Bridle into the mouths of these high and mighty Youngsters, who threaten nothing but fire and sword to all that shall oppose them. There has been a Summons sent to the castle of Lough by col. Morgan, in the name of the Lord Protector, demanding a rendition. But the Governor returned Answer, That as for the castle it stood upon a Rock, and as for the Lord Protector he knew no such man: in consideration whereof, he was resolved to dispute the Walls by Inches, and to fight it out to the last man. The 27 instant, the French Ambassador had Audience before his Highness the Lord Protector, at which time, upon the presenting of his Letters Credential from his Master the King, he made a very learned and excellent Oration, touching his Embassy, and the renewing of a more stricter League and Union between both Nations. Of which, more in our next. The 29. the Lord Ambassador Bordeaux from the King of France, had public Audience in the Banqueting house in Whitehall, which was richly hung with stately Hangings, and thousands of people present. Being carried in the L. Protector's chief Coach, and with him some of the Council, & Sir Oliver Fleming Master of the Ceremonies, attended by divers Noble persons, being in all above forty Coaches, more with six horses apiece. Where he was received by his Highness the Lord Protector, his Council being with his Highness at the upper end of the Banqueting house, where after several Congies each to other, the L. Ambassador made a speech to his Highness, and after his Highness's answer and salutings, he returned back again. The sum of the L. Ambassador's Speech was to declare that he came from the K. of France his Master to treat in order to a firm peace to be settled with England. Touching which he had a kind answer. Taken by the Newcastle Frigate, a Galliot Hoy, whose Mast being shot by the Board she was burnt. 2. Taken by the Assurance Frigate, the Hope of Hous-down, burden 50. Tons. 3. Taken by the Phoenix, the Claus of Housdown burden 50 Tons. 4. Taken by the Mermaid's Boat, the Fortune of Mazeland Sluys, burden 32 Tons; wherein were many barrels of Fish, and 6. of Salt, with about 40 empty Cask. 5. Taken by the same day by the Newcastle's Boat, the Skell-fish of Mazeland Sluys, with Fish, Salt, & empty Cask. 6. Taken by the Phoenix her Boat, the Plumpart of Mazeland Sluys, burden 30 Tons, with Fish, Salt, and empty Cask likewise. 7. Taken by the Mairmaid, the Providence of Mazeland Sluys, 28 Tons, with the like lading. 8. Taken likewise the Fortune of Delfs-haven, burden 200 Tons, laden with Branywine, French wine, Prunes &c. 9. Taken by the Mermaid one Gallio Hoy, burden 25 Tons. 10. Taken by the Mermaid, two Scotch vessels, laden with Beef, Flower, Train-oil, Deer-skins and Sugars. 11. Taken by the Mermaid, the Waking Boy of Enchuysen a private man of War, of 8. Guns, 150 pounds of powder, shot proportionable. 12 Pikes, 10. Muskets, eight Pistols, and a Boat with four Oars. 12. A Merchant ship brought in prize into Rye. 13. A Denmark ship brought into Scarborough. 14. A rich prize laden with Sugar, and other Merchandises, taken by a private man of War worth 150000 l. A private man of War belonging to Zealand, taken by the Paul Frigate with 15. piece of Ordinance and 60 men, after six hours dispute, she is brought into Plymouth. The Lord Henry Cromwell is returned from Ireland, and is (blessed be God) safely arrived at the Cock-pit. All is quiet and in a good condition in Ireland. From Leghorn our Post hath brought intelligence, that the French Pirates have taken two English Merchant ships bound for London, but purchased them with the lost of much blood. From Upsal in Sweden thus: All the actions of our great Queen are so many wonders, and continual effects of her virtues, and of the greatness of her incomparable courage; but some few days since in special she did give such proof thereof, that the same may be called the Crown of all her other actions, seeing it doth manifest to the World how this admirable Princess hath set herself above the Crowns, under which man commonly do seek their satisfaction and glory. The 23 of Feb she having summoned all the Senators of the Land, they all made their appearance except 9 who were out of the Land upon public employment: her Majesty declared unto them the design she had to leave the charge of the Kingdom, and to that end she was resolved to go to Nicoping to confer with the Prince Palatine of Sweden her Cousin, having sent him Letters to invite him thither, and withal to persuade him to accept the charge of the Kingdom, and the managing of the State Affairs: This Prince is the same who was heretofore Generalissimo of the Swedish Armies in Germany, concluded first a peace with the Duke Picolomini and the year 1650 at the Coronation of the Queen, was then declared apparent Heir to the Crown of Sweden, and by the States and Commonalty acknowledged so, having made their Oath of Allegiance to him, as unto their future King, after the Queen's death; we are expecting with great impatience the event of that generous and unthought of Resolution. The 26 of Feb. her Majesty had a mask danced in the behalf of the Earl de Montecuculli, Gen. of the horse to the Emperor, where were present the English and Spanish Ambassadors, with many of our Senators: the beginning of this Mask was of an exquisite harmony of voices and instruments, to sing some heroic Poems, composed first by an Italian called: Albertus Vemino, in honour of the Emperor: in the midst of it was made a splendid and Royal Collation of Sweetmeats, and other Rarities, and at the end of the Mask was brought by the Earl of Todta a rich Collar, and being laid near the Queen, there was a Cushion laid at her feet: then having called to her the Earl of Montecuculli, and with her own hands invested him of that Knighthood called of Amarantha, and first instituted who holding both his hands, did make him promise that he would truly and faithfully keep and observe all the of that Order. During all this Ceremony the music both , and among other rare pieces the sung, was one , whereof all the verses ended thus, Long may live . The English Fleet are divided into four Squadrons, the better to scour and secure the Narrow Seas, they are excellently well equipped and as bravely manned: Nothing wanting, but a resolute Enemy to fight them; which neither curled Waves, nor Weltick Ocean can bear, in case the Belgick Cannons be silenced. They have already forced some of the Pirates, Rovers, and Irish Picaroons, from Brest to Toulon in France where they have now time enough to sing the second part to the same tune, O lione, O lione. We have taken another of their men of War, and a Dutch Merchant laden with extraordinary good commodities. The Dutch fleet are also in a pretty formidable, and new Orders issued fort to Vice-Admiral Ruiter. The King of Spain looks with a notable sheep's eye upon the Belgick Lions, and 'tis conceived something may probably be attempted. Came to my hands the Copy of an Act for Reformation of sundry abuses practised by divers persons in the common markets and streets of the City of London: the genuine sense whereof runs thus: Whereas several good Laws and Ordinances have been heretofore made as well by the Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen, as by others for the well ordering of the Markets of the City of London, for redress of several abuses of Butchers, Victuallers, and others thereunto reporting, for sale of their flesh victuals, and other commodities in the several Markets of this City, and assigning places and times for the said Markets to be kept and held, Which said Laws and Ordinances by daily experience are found not effectual to prevent some present and growing inconveniences no; have wrought that good effect as was intended thereby. For redress whereof, be it enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Alderman and Commons in Common council assembled, that no Butcher or Country-Farmer, Victualler, or other person or persons whatsoever, either free of the City of London or not free of the said City, from and after the first day of Decemb. Next, after the publication of this Act, shall sell, offer, or put to open show or sale in the streets or white-markets in within this City; that is to say, Leaden hall street without the Hall, Cheapside and Newgate market, any Beef, upon pain that every person or persons that from and after the time aforesaid, shall sell, utter, put to sale, or show in any of the said Markets any Beef, shall forfeit and lose 20s. for every time so offending, and further be it enacted. That all and every Butcher, free or not free of the City of London who keepeth no Butcher shop or shops within the said City and Liberties thereof or within two miles distance of the liberties thereof shall, and may sell, utter, show, and put to sale, his, or their Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Pork & other Butchery ware at certain stalls and places in that behalf appointed in Leaden-hall & the Green-yard there, that only upon Wednesdays and Saturdays weekly and not in any other place or places within the said City of London and Liberties thereof, upon pain of 20s. forfeit. And whereas of late times many of the standings and stalls within Leaden-hall and the Greenyard there have, and yet are in the occupations of several persons who are not Butchers by trade, who let them out at dear rates to others; and likewise many of the said stalls are are in the possession of Butchers who live within the City of London and Liberties thereof who keep the said stalls add likewise their shops: By means whereof the Country Butchers, and other Butchers who keep no shops within the said City, or within two miles of the Liberties of the City of London, & would furnish the said Markets with Butchery ware, can get no convenient room there, and so are necessitated to sell and utter their Commodities in the White-markets, and other places, or to forbear the Markets whereby prices are enhanced; and the said Market disfurnished. For remedy whereof, be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all the ground where the standings and places for sale & uttering of flesh & Butchery ware within Leaden hall and the Greenyard there, be resumed and taken into the City's hands, and actual possession, before the said first day of Decemb. Next ensuing. And further, that no stall, standing, or place within Leadenhall or the Greenyard there, shall from henceforth be letted or farmed out unto any Butcher or Butchers, who doth or shall keep any Butcher shop or shops within the City of London or Liberties thereof, or within two miles of the Liberties of the said City for so long time as be, or they, shall keep any Butcher's shop within the Limits aforesaid. And that from thenceforth the Stalls, standings, and places in Leadenhal and the Greenyard there be let unto Country Butchers, or such freemen who are Butchers, and keep not any Butcher shop or shops within the City of London and Liberties thereof, or within two miles distance of the Liberties of the said City, and for so long time only as he or they shall furnish the said stalls, standings and places with wholesome Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb, Pork, or other Butchery ware upon Wednesdays and Saturdays, being the usual Market days and not as Servant or servants to others. And further, that no Butcher whatsoever shall have and enjoy more than one stall standing, or place within Leadenhal or the Greenyard there at one time. Provided always, That the Butchers freemen of the City of London, shall and may at all times convenient sell, utter, show and put to sale their flesh and Butchery wares in their Shops within the said City of London, and Liberties thereof as formerly; anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided that the Country Farmer, Lader, or Bidder as to all wholesome flesh victuals and other Commodities except Beef may have liberty to sell, show and utter the same in the Common and public White markets within the City of London and Liberties thereof in Market times: this Act or anything contained therein to the contrary. And forasmuch as of late the foreign Butchers Victuallers and other people resorting to the Markets of the City of London to dell their flesh victuals & other Commodities, do continue and keep their Markets all the day, & until night not observing the hours appointed for their departure by former Acts and Ordinances, To the end the streets may in due time be cleansed for the health of the Inhabitants of those places; which doing of theirs tendeth much to the disorder of the said Markets, enhancing the prices of Commodities, disturbance and hindrance of Passengers and Tradesmen dwelling near the said places and reason thereof the streets cannot be cleansed as they ought to be, to the scandal of the Government of the City of London, and is very necessary to be reformed. The great expectation of Peace and Union between the two Commonwealths of England and Holland is now arrived our Ears, insomuch, that we can certainly assure you, that the Articles both in relation to them and Denmark, are absolutely concluded on, and the Commissioners are even now ready to sign and seal on both sides. Paris April the first. All the discourse at present is concerning that which was acted in the Parliament on Saturday last, when all the Chambers being assembled, and every member in their scarlet gowns, the King then came, and being sat in his bed of Justice, they proceeded in the business of the Prince of Conde, and immediately read the sentence, which is, That for being found guilty of high Treason and Rebellion against the King his Lord and liege Sovereign, he was to be put to death, and that so soon as he should be apprehended, his Sentence to be executed, his lands and goods all forfeited to the Crown; in regard of his quality he is not to be executed in Effigy, & as touching the manner of his death the Parliament would not determine but left unto his Majesty's pleasure. The Prince of Conti is much troubled Court. From That the Commander in chief Boroughs and Parishes to to this Commonwealth: Several Towns have been of the breach hereof, the persons confined, and their with the ground, and a pair of Gallows erected in the same place. The 21 instant Col. Cooper with a party of Horse and Dragoons from Glasgow and another party at the same time falling into the Isle of Leven, where about 300 of the enemy quartered [about 4 in the morning) took Mac-Naughton's Trumpet, and 35 other prisoners, but Col. Newark escaped. In this Conflict many a stout Spirit saluted the ground and, the whole party was totally routed, with very little. There hath been a very sharp Dispute between the Paul frigate, and a Flushing man of War, the last Week; but after 5 hours Conflict, the Hollanders were forced to yield, and now lie at the mercy of out States in Plymouth. | The Weekly Post, Issue 171 |
EveryDayIntell$10 | The providing of one hundred and sixty thousand Dollars for the King of Scots; and the raising of thirty Regiments of Horse and Foot; with the Duke of; and the raising of thirty Regiments of Horse and Foot; with the Duke of York's going into Scotland. Major General Middleton's Message to the Lord Ree; the number of the Forces appeared at their Rendezvous, and their making a Garrison at Loch Tay; With their expecting the Lord Wilmot, and others with great Supplies out of Germany. Some late Conferences betwixt is Highness the Lord Protector, and the Dutch Ambassadors, and other proceedings touching the Treaty of Peace. Two and twenty of our ships lately taken, and cast away. And an Ordinance for continuing the payment of the Customs, &c. That necessary Ordinance for appointing faithful, and able Commissioners in every County throughout the Nation, for the allowance; and trial of able Ministers, this Day past his Highness, and his Council. As also an Ordinance for continuing the Excise for one year longer: the Reasons are declared in the Preface which here followeth; as also the Names of the Commissioners, and those unto whom any Person aggrieved is to make his appeal. The late Ordinance of the 24 of December 1653 for continuance of the Receipt of the Excise, and New Impost, extending no further than the 25 of this instant March, and the public Debts assigned upon the Receipts thereof, being not possibly to be discharged within that time, and it being necessary to provide a continual supply for the carrying on the weighty Affairs of this Commonwealth out of this Revenue, which is still found to be the most equal, and indifferent Levy that can be laid on the People. His highness the Lord Protector, with the advice and consent of his Council, doth Ordain, and be it Ordained, That from and after the said 25 day of this present March the several Rates and Charges set down, and every of them, and none other, in the right of Excise, shall be set, laid, and imposed, and are hereby laid, let, and imposed, to be had levied, demanded, and collected, recovered amp; paid in and through England, and Wales, and Town and Port of Barwick. And it is likewise Ordained, That from and after the 25 day of March instant, Thomas Allen Alderman of the City of London, Thomas Wood, Richard Bury, George Langham Esquires, and George Foxcroft Merchant, and none others, are and shall be, and are hereby declared, constituted, and appointed, Commissioners and Governors of the Excise, and put in execution all and every the powers and authorities given or granted by, or contained in all or any the said Acts, Ordinances, or Orders of Parliament touching the Excise and new Impost, as well for the collecting and receiving the several rates in this present Ordinance imposed and set, as the arrears upon any former Schedule, or Rates due, and concerning the Government, and Ordering of the Excise, and New Impost, as fully and amply as any Commissioners for the Excise at the first of March aforesaid, might or ought to have done, and shall observe such Orders and Directions as they shall from time to time receive from his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council touching the same; and the said Commissioners for their care, pains, and service therein shall have and pay themselves quarterly, in every twenty shillings raised and levied free and clear from all abatements, and allowances for exportations or otherwise, for one year after they shall be dismissed from this trust, and no longer. And it is further ordained by the Lord Protector, with the consent of his Council, That Sir William Roberts, Knight, John Stone, and Henry Elsing, Adam Bains, and John Becket Esqs; or any three of them, be and shall be hereby authorized to receive all appeals, and to hear, decide and determine the same, and to consider and examine by Oath or otherwise, what arrears of Excise are not yet paid, and what hereafter may accrue, either remaining in the hands of any Farmer, Commissioner, Sub commissioner, Collector, Importer, Seller, Buyer, Planter, Grower or Maker, or of any commodities Excisable whatsoever, or for which any person whatsoever, by bond, bill, entry, promise, or other engagement, hath been, may or shall become obliged, and to send for all persons, accounts, articles, receipts, bonds, or any writings concerning the Excise, or in any wise relating thereunto, and to hear all parties, and to determine all differences concerning the Premises. And if any Sub commissioner, Collector, Farmer, or any of their Deputies, or any Sureties for them, or any of them, or any Importer, Buyer, or Seller, Carrier or Conveyer of any the Excisable commodities, or any person engaged for them, or any of them, shall refuse to delay to pay into the Treasury of the Excise, any arrears, Fines, forfeitures, or other sums of money, which by the said last receipted Commissioners or any three of them, shall be adjudged due to the Commonwealth and ordered to be paid, upon such default certified under the hand of the Treasurer, and from the last recited Commissioners, or any three of them, unto the Commissioners for managing the Estates now under sequestration the said Commissioners for managing Estates under sequestration, shall, and hereby required to sequester the Estate of all such Persons, both personal and real, till such Arrears, Fines, Forfeitures, and sums of money be fully paid with damages. SIR: Since Middleton's landing the Enemy are very active in all parts, and will leave no stone unturned. There hath been a conjunction of Sir Arthur Forbs, Sir Mungo Murray, Mr: Gregor, and Mr: Naughton lately, and their general; Rendezvous was to be the 14 instant at Rethemacchos, or Abernathy. Glengary hath obtained a man out of every Plough in Stratbrick, and is to have Horse and money according to the former Levies, and requires the like from Strathspey, Straddowne, Glenrennos, Bellevine, Murreland, and of Frazers in Straglas, and if they fail to send in their proportions according to several Warrants, they must expect fire and sword. Glencarn with his men are in Baganoth, from whom a Servant of one Lieut: Col: Smith with his Master's horse ran into our Garrison at Ruthven Castle; they report that the Lord Wilmot is to come with a great supply from the Emperor. There came with Middleton sixty and odd Officers, the least a Captain, and amongst the rest 9besides those I formerly hinted to you) Col: Henderson Monroe, and others of them had very cold entertainment in Southerland. The Earl of Athol, and Sir Arthur Forbs had a Rendezvous on Wednesday last of about 300 horse, and 250 foot, they have placed a Garrison in a little house upon Lough Tay, where they intend to have a store of Provisions, of about 1500 Bolls of Victual and to send such of the Commissioners and Heritors thither, as refuse to send in their Levies. On Saturday last Major Holmes at Linlithgow having notice of a party of the Enemy in the Country sent out a Quartermaster of Col: Okey's Regiment with a party who took a Cornet, and some others of the enemy, and eleven Horse. Dalkeith 14 March, 1653. This morning the Lord Ambassadors of the seven United Provinces of Holland, &c. had audience by his Highness the Ld: Protector whether they were attended by Sir Oliver Fleming Master of the Ceremonies, Major Gen: Lambert waited on them betwixt his Highness person, and the Park gate. The said Lords Ambassadors being now removed from Sir Abraham Williams, to Sir John Trevers in Channil Roe, near the Palace yard. The Commissioners of the Council appointed to confer with them, that met at the Conference on Wednesday last at Sir Abraham Williams', were this day appointed to meet them at a Conference at Sir John Trevers' this night. There hath been much pairs on both sides since the former Conference, to make all things in as great forwardness as may be. This night accordingly (about five o'clock) the Commissioners with Mr: Thurloe Secretary of State, and Mr: Jesop Clerk to the Council, in the Lord Protector's Coaches, and Attendants, were carried to the Dutch Ambassadors; who when they came to the Gate, were met by the Ambassadors who came out and saluted them; and with great courtesy and respect entertained them: And they went presently to Conference in a Chamber, by the Ambassadors sitted in Sir John Tevers' House for that purpose, where they treated until it was late at night. Newcastle 16 March. Our Fleet is gone from hence, a great Fleet for London, and other parts that way; they had a good Convoy; there were a few small ship, more should have gone with them from Sunderland, but got not out soon enough, they lost a tide or two; and there was such a strong and seasonable wind, that the fleet thought it not discretion to stay, when they had so fair opportunity; yet there were 10 ships that got out on Monday last from Sunderland, and though they had no convoy with them, yet they thought they might venture between Newcastle, and the Fleet there so lately put out before, and accordingly they put out to follow the Fleet; but were presently set upon by the Capers and choosing rather than to be taken, they were forced to run their ten ships all aground; but the Capers pursued them, and after the men were got out, the Capers got off five of them, and the other five are lost; so that within about a fortnight's time we have lost 22 Coal ships Letters from the Downs March 19. advertise, That that day the Fleet from Newcastle, and the convoy are come safe, and are in the River of Thames, so that there are now good store of Coals in the River, and the price is like to be very reasonable. The common and notorious sins so boldly and impenitently practised amongst us, notwithstanding all our Deliverances and Mercies, together with the present Rod of an Exceeding and Unusual Drought, which hath layen upon us for some years, and still continues, and increasing upon us, threatening Famine and Mortality, are no less than the voice of God, calling aloud in our ears to Fasting, and mourning, and great Abasement of soul before him. And although the General End and Intendment of inviting to a Day of Fast, be, that all of every Condition and Quality whatever, do try and examine their heart and way more especially, according to their own Light, and in the use of such Helps and Means as the Lord in his Providence shall afford to each one, before and upon the said day of Meeting; yet finding some thoughts set seriously upon our heart, We judged it not amiss to recommend the same to Christian consideration, not to impose them upon any, or to confine any within the compass thereof; but leaving every man free to the Grace of God, and to the work of his Spirit, who worketh all things in the hearts of the Sons of Men, according to the Counsel, and Good pleasure of his own Will. It cannot be denied but that God hath vouchsafed to appear very much in working the deliverance of the Nation from their bondage and thraldom, both spiritual and Civil, and procuring for them a just Liberty by his own People. Do we now walk worthy of our high Calling in humbleness and lowliness of mind, holding forth the Virtues of Christ in time of Peace, which was our strength, by the efficacy of which all our great things were accomplished in time of War. Have we a heart prepared as willingly to communicate the said Just Freedom and Liberty to one another, as we were industrious to get it? Do we thankfully acknowledge our mercy in the Liberty of Worshipping God in Holiness and Righteousness without fear, being delivered out of the hands of our Enemies? Is Brotherly Love, and a Healing Spirit of that force and value amongst us that it ought? Do we own one another more for the grace of God, and for the spiritual Regeneration, and for the Image of Christ in each other, or for our agreement with each other in this or that form, or opinion? Do we first search for the Kingdom of Christ within us, before we seek one without us? Or do we listen to them that say concerning the coming of Christ, Lo here, and lo there? Do we not more contend for Saints having Rule in the world, than over their own hearts? Are there not too many amongst us that cry up the Spirit, with a neglect of Love, Joy, peace, Meekness, Patience, Goodness, Temperance, Long suffering, Forbearance, Brotherly kindness, Charity, which are the fruits of the Spirit? How do we carry ourselves not only to the Churches of God, and the Saints, but towards them that are without. Do not some of us affirm ourselves to be the only true Ministry, and true Churches of Christ, and only to have the Ordinances in purity, excluding our Brethren, though of equal gifts, and having as large a seal of their Ministry, &c. From Scotland they write that Middleton hath sent for the Ld: Ree to come and join with him, and hath given him express command to raise all the people within his territories to come and join with them; they have two or three Rendezvous lately in the Highlands, and talk of great numbers of Horse and Foot to come out of the Hills; and they are carried aloft with great expectations of store of aid coming from Holland: thus are the poor people ensnared, and drawn to destroy themselves, a little to trouble us. They talk of a certainty that the titular Duke of York will be there this Summer, and say that the Emperor hath raised one hundred and sixty thousand Dollars, to raise 30 Regiments for the Scotch King; nay they report further, that the titular King of Scots is to marry the daughter of the Duke of Lorrain, with whom he is to have 4 Millions; but the Letters from Flanders say that this Lady hath lately lost two Millions in Jewels, and that her Father is now looked upon as a lost Prince, and in the meantime the K: of Scots is tied by the leg at Paris for want of money to carry him thence for want of payment of the stipend promised. The last week the king of France was in person in Parliament at the pronouncing sentence of death against the Pr: of Conde. That State seems to cover very much a peace with England. Be it ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, with the advice and consent of his Council, That one Act of Parliament, entitled, An Act for Continuation of the Customs until the 26 of March, in the year 1653. and all Powers and Clauses therein contained, be, and are hereby continued, and shall, and do stand in full force, until the 26 day of March, in the year of our Lord, 1658. And be it further Ordained, that Commissioners of the Customs shall not hereafter make repayment of half Subsidy for any goods at any time exported, which have been, or hereafter shall be sold unto, or in the possession or any Shop keeper or retailer of the said Commodity, or any such goods where the property, form, or nature of the Commodity once imported, is any wise altered, mingled, amended or confounded. And it be hereby further Ordained, That the Commissioners for the Customs for the time being shall have and receive upon every 20 shillings coming clear unto the Commonwealth upon their account such salary of Poundage as us or shall be agreed upon by the Committee for Regulating the Customs, or any other thereunto authorized by his Highness and his Council. | Every Day's Intelligence, Issue $10 |
WIntell331 | From Tuesday, May 9. to Tuesday, May 16. 1654. The Qu: of Sweden having made an Alliance with the Commonwealth of England, did impute much therein, to the brave deportment of the Lord Ambassador, who, she said, did deal roundly, and freely with her, and not like a Merchant; she also gave many demonstrations of honour to the Lord Protector, to whose courage and wisdom he is said to manifest her affection. Much about the same time the Emperor of Muscovia, who, if you will believe the Letters, hath been pleased to make Wars against the Polander for the oversight of a Poet, the Letter thus. 2 reasons he mentioned; one because a certain Poland Poet writing a Narration of former Wars, when the Pole had the better, said, they had beaten the Muscovite, without adding his Title, plain Muscovite. The other, because in quoting something touching the Genealogy of the Muscovite's Ancestors, he named one as Father, which was the Son; and for these two grand offences, he demanded of the Pole the offender's head, which being denied, he makes War upon them, and hath taken one City, and besieged one of the most considerable in Poland. These were the contents of his Letters. In his long title he hath of late called himself Dominus parentum & avorum fuorum. The Queen being forced to answer something, because he asked her advice, returned, that she neither approved, nor disapproved his reasons, but thanking him for his civil communication, wished that he might receive good satisfaction from the Pole, being troubled that Christian Princes should disagree. I shall in this place give you the advertisement concerning Farthing Tokens, there being some stamped of several sorts, and every one presuming that their own will be allowed to pass. Therefore whereas several Persons have presented unto his Council divers patterns for the making of a common Farthing for the use of the Commonwealth; and have attended several times about the same, and at this Day the business is depending before his Honourable Council. And yet notwithstanding in the mean time several persons have presumed without any Authority, or Declaration of the State, to set the Commonwealth of England's Arms on pewter of the weight of about a quarter of an ounce, and have procured intimation in print to be made, that these pewter Farthings are allowed to pass current through the Commonwealth of England, &c. and in pursuance thereof, have, and do daily vent these unauthorized pewter Farthings in London, and other parts of this Commonwealth, to the great deceit and damage of this Nation. These are to give notice to all men, that if there be not a sudden stop of the making, and venting of those pewter Farthings, the Commonwealth will be greatly deceived, both by mixing the pewter with Lead, and also every Tinker, and other lewd persons will get moulds, and make the said pewter Farthings in every corner. Therefore all people ought to take notice that no Farthings are to pass but such only as shall be Authorized by his Highness, and his Council to pass through the Commonwealth. His Highness the Lord Protector did this Day sit with his Council upon some business of weighty importance. The Deputy from the King of Denmark had Audience this week, who with accustomed joy did congratulate the Peace established by his Highness. The Commissioners have treated also with the Ambassador of France, and all things move fairly for the present for an accommodation with that Nation. The titular King of Scotland is at this present at Chantilly, which is a house heretofore belonging to the Prince of Conde, but it is conceived he will not stay long there, nor in the Kingdom of France, as you will find by the Sequel. He was invited by the young King of France to act a part in the great Mask, but by reason of the many difficulties that oppressed him, he was pleased to excuse himself. This Day a Declaration is set forth by his Highness the Lord Protector for a Day of Thanksgiving for the Peace with Holland, and for the late seasonable Rain, it here follows. That this hath been a Nation of blessings, in the midst whereof so many wonders have been brought forth by the outstretched arm of the Almighty, even to astonishment and wonder, Who can deny? Ask we the Nations of this matter, and they will testify, and indeed the dispensations of the Lord have been as if he had said, England thou art my firstborn, my delight amongst the Nations, under the whole Heavens the Lord hath not dealt so with any of the people round about us. The Lord having added another link to this golden Chain of his loving kindness, by giving us a Peace with our Neighbours the United Provinces, (whereby he hath not only stopped a great issue of blood, but We trust also given us hearts to unite Our blood and strength for the mutual defence of each other) calls for great return of Thanks for the same. It is therefore thought fit to set apart Tuesday, being the 23 of this present May, as a day for Praise, & for the thankful Acknowledgment of this blessing of Peace, which we hope hath in the womb of it many other blessings. And let us not forget our other Mercies, was not the Earth lately so unusually parched up, that it threatened Famine, and did cause the Beast of the field to mourn for want of food, and water to sustain it? And hath not the Lord so watered the Earth that he hath turned those fears into the expectation of the greatest plenty that ever was seen by any now living in this Nation? Consider we also the way whereby the Lord impaired this mercy to us, did any amongst us foreknow it was coming, was it not stirring up our hearts to seek the same by prayer, and that immediately before the Lord vouchsafed us this mercy, &c? It was confirmed, that General Monk was marching to Stirling, and from thence to the Highlands Gen: Middleton hearing of it, hath sent a Messenger to those that keep the Passes to double their Guards. The same Messenger he hath also sent to the Islands in the West, and doth use all his endeavours to reconcile the discontented Grandees in his Army. He hath so well ordered his Camp, that though amongst the Hills and those inhospitable places, it is a wonder to see which way their provision should come in such measure to him. It is certified from Venice, that the Turks have received a great loss in the Isle of Crest, five hundred of them have been destroyed at one time, and three hundred at another, when the great loss was received by the Turks, they lost themselves in that encounter eighteen hundred of their best men. In the mean time the Emperor to help the Venetians what he can, hath given order to all those who are in power under him, not only for Volunteers, but to stand upon the Guards, and be ready upon all attempts in Hungary. There have been lately a great Tumult in Saint Mallows, the French having some ships taken by the English, did barbarously assault them there, & at Morleaix, they seized upon their Warehouses, plundered their Goods, and wounded some of their men, the French King hearing of it, sent Orders that the English should be protected. Major Skut, and some other of the Town of Pool presented a paper to the Council, which should have been inserted in this place, but room is wanting. They write from Doncaster, that a Regiment of about 12 hundred stout men are marched that way towards Scotland, they say they belong to Col: Okey. This Post brought Letters of great stirrings, and preparations in Scotland on both sides Middleton, and the rest of that Crew do all they can to increase their numbers, and the Gen: Monk is as active in drawing together his Forces towards the Mountains, and by keeping them there (till they have spent their provisions) they will afterwards be forced to fight, or lay down their Arms; In the mean while they keep their old trade of stealing down by parties, and doing what mischief they can, and some Country People run away with them to the Hills, and some Towns are so base unto us, that they have made stay of English Passengers that were but travelling through them. A party of ours met with about 30 Countrymen in a knot, going to the Enemy; After that they met with a party of the Enemy's horse, with whom they had a great fight, killed six, and took fifteen Prisoners; the like was also done by another party; The Enemy stands not long to it, except he be in a place of great advantage. The English Fleet are now at a Rendezvous in the Downs, both France and Spain are very jealous what will be the ensuing design, and strong Guards are kept upon the Frontiers of both Kingdoms. Whereas the Report is frequent that Count William of Nassau having called the Army together, they all declared to live and die with him, and they have since seized upon Horn, and Enchuysen, and some other considerable Towns in Holland, and are now sat down before Amsterdam, I do find after much inquiry, that there are no Letters to confirm it, and therefore do leave it a mere report as I found it, raised by some Malcontents, to set their tongues on working. I made mention before of the great complaints of the Merchants of Saint Mallows, by reason of some ships taken by the English, they have Petitioned to the King that Letters of Mart may be granted them to set out Men of War to have thereby what satisfaction they can find for their great losses. The Post from Scotland brought this Day advertisement in several Letters that General Middleton hath sent Major Gen: Drummond amongst the Loughabers, to raise all the Forces they can, and that Glencarn with about one hundred Horse is gone into Athol to expedite the Levies there. Their design is, (as they give forth) to surround Colonel Morgan, but that it is very improbable, for Gen: Monk with considerable Forces is advanced to his Relief. The young Lord of Montrose, who is said much to resemble the titular King of the Scots in complexion, stature, and image, is raising Levies at Branar, and to strengthen him in his design, some parties are come to him from Middleton. It is said that the titular King of Scotland is suddenly expected to join with he Highlanders. It is certain that the Highlanders have received provision from Dunkirk; two ships are arrived laden with Arms, Men, and Ammunition; this will further be examined. Great was the Joy at Edinburgh at the arrival of General Monk, where his Highness was Proclaimed Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. The next day the Ministers in the same City prayed openly in their Pulpits for the titular King of the Scots. By Letters from the West of England it is advertised, that the Indians in Virginia had assembled themselves into a great number, and had an intent to fall upon the English, who being forewarned of it by one of their Enemies, whose humanity made him forget that he was a salvage, care will be taken to prevent their bloody design. The Pirates of Brest are very busy, not only on the Southern, and Western Seas, but some of them have adventured as far as the Isle of Man, and so upwards towards the Scottish Seas, they took not far from Liverpool three Vessels that were coming from the North. The Pirates also of Ostend do much infest our Coasts, amongst the rest, a small Frigate hath done our Fishermen more mischief than all the others. A small Vessel well laden with English, and French Passengers, who were resolute men, were encountered by her, fought so gallantly, that in a short Dispute the Ostend Frigate lost seven men, and some wounded, but at last an unfortunate shot took place of the English Vessel, so that immediately she sunk, but the men were preserved. A Brest Man of War commanded by Captain Mildrom took lately a Vessel belonging to Tinmouth, there were some English in this ship, who not long before being taken by our Frigates, and released, did go to Brest again, these men having taken (as I have said) the Vessel belonging to Tinmouth, dismissed her again, and advised her to shift into Scilly with all the speed they could, for there were four or five Brest Men of War more coming down the North Channel, who would not deal so friendly with them, as they had done. This morning we received the welcome News of 300. sail of Coals which are come into the River from Newcastle, but the wind which hath blown this fortnight from the East, and Northeast, hath not been altogether so favourable to some ships of ours bound for the North of Scotland. It is certain that the last week a Woman in this City coming casually into a room where she found her Husband kissing another Woman, she immediately departed to her own house, and for all the declarations, and protestations of her Husband, she refused to be comforted, having her heart so much contracted with the suddenness of that most ungrateful sight, that the next day she died for grief. The Letters from Scotland do advertise, that Gen: Monk was lately in Stirling, and is now on his advance towards the Highlanders, to whom divers Renegades do still resort. Their access of new provision for the War doth much encourage them, so that their Levies of late do much increase. Middleton knowing what an Enemy he hath to deal with, doth manage the War with great dexterity. Some Letters do represent, that he will fight with Col: Morgan before the access of more Forces are added to him. There was lately a great dispute at the maintaining of a Pass, in which Sir Arthur Forbs was Routed, and divers killed, and taken. The titular King of Scotland hath sent a Letter to Middleton, in which he exhorteth and conjureth the Commanders to an union in this time of their greatest necessity. That which this week is most remarkable, is: The great Fight at a Pass in Scotland, Sir Arthur Forbes' party wholly routed, and divers taken, and slain. The barbarous, and bloody Plot of the Indians to Massacre the English in Virgina. The Report of Count William of Nassau taking Arms in Holland, the Declaration of the Soldiers to live, and die with him, and their seizing on Enchuysen, Horn, and other places. The Letter of the titular King of Scots to Gen: Middleton, encouraging the Commanders to Union: Three hundred sail of Coals arrived. And the true Relation of a Woman, who the last week died for grief, seeing her Husband to kiss another Woman. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 331 |
PerfDiurn214 | From Monday January. 9. to Monday, January. 15. 1653. From Dalkeith Jan 5. Glencarn, Erwin, and Athol were about ten days since in with about 2000 Foot, and 600. Horse, Kenmore and Glengary went North, having 400 Horse and betwixt 200 and 300 Foot. The Earl of Athol being acquainted with the enclosed Proclamation, told his people, that all the horses they have will be taken away by the English, and hath thereupon given orders that his men should take all the horses they can lay their hands upon. Forasmuch as it is apparent. That (notwithstanding my Proclamation of Septemb. 27. last) many serviceable Horses daily go to the Enemy, to the great disservice of the Peace of this Nation, which could not be without too much connivance of the Owners or Possessors; These are therefore strictly to require all manner of persons who now are, or hereafter shall be possessed of any serviceable Horses or Mares, exceeding the value of 5l. sterling, to bring in the same within 48 hours, next after publication hereof, unto the next adjacent Garrison or Quarters of our Army, under the penalty not only of forfeiting treble the value of such Horses and Mares as shall not be brought in; the one moiety thereof to the use of the State, and the other moiety to the party informing but also be deemed as an open enemy, and dealt withal accordingly; Which Horses and Mares so brought in, shall nevertheless be at the Owner's choice either to have meet satisfaction for them, as they shall be reasonably worth, or keep them within the said Garrisons or Quarters of our Army; and the respective Sheriffs and their Deputies within their Sheriffdoms, are hereby required to cause their presents solemnly to be proclaimed and published according to accustomed manner of publishing Proclamations. And afterwards (that none may pretend ignorance) to cause to be distributed to the several Presbyteries within their said Sheriffdoms a competent number hereof. Given under my hand and Seal at Dalkeith, 14 Decemb. 1653. R. LILBURNE. From Edinburgh the same date thus: The last Week the Enemy had a Rendezvous upon the Hough (a piece of plain ground near Weyme.) The parts about Weyme are miserably waned, and the Gentlemen of Atholl ill resenting their oppression. Kenmore and Glencarry marched Northward, with about Eight hundred Horse and Foot; intending to meet Seaforth at Lagon Morghamdrum, where their whole Body intends to Rendezvous. Before their going there was a falling out between Kenmore and Glencarry, and a Duel appointed, but prevented by the endeavours and wits of their Associates. Wogan with his Volunteers are at present with Athol near Logiret, well mounted, and armed, and several of them in rich apparel, which adds encouragement to the Highlander's fury, the Enemy have generally spoiled most of such horses as they have taken out of Gentlemen's stables, their bellies almost dried up with heats, too much corn, and ill dressing. On Friday last the Earl of Kinnoule about Eight in the morning appeared near Glans with a party of Horse, consisting of seventy or thereabouts, his design was to surprise the Horse belonging to Glans, as they came from watering, lying in a covert place for that purpose, thinking thereby to increase his number, and to procure exchange for his men taken at Eghill, and coming at first with a small party riding into Glans, took three of our men, which Major Ducker, who commanded Colonel Riche's Troop there, having notice of it sent out his Quarter-master with Twenty horse to discover his party, who advancing with two files of Foot that were to make good a bridge, gave them a charge, and routed and dispersed their whole party, took the Lord Kinnoule, and fourteen men, all much wounded, and about thirty five Horse, and at the coming away of the Letter had sent a party to gather up the rest, all quitting their Horses, and betaking to the Boggs: Major Ramsey was there, but escaped, we had one man killed, and seven wounded, all slightly, three of the Enemy were killed on the Plain. Glencairne lately made this following Proclamation. William Earl of Glencairn, Lord Kilmore, Commander in Chief of all his Majesty's Forces within the Kingdom of SCOTLAND. By virtue of a Commission from His Majesty granted to me for levying of Forces within the Kingdom of Scotland, for opposing the common Enemy, I do by these Presents Ordain Colonel Alexander Blacader to Levy out of the Presbytery of Dunfermline a sufficient Troop of Horse, with one well armed man out of every thousand pounds of Rent, with Fortifications. If they fail after the fight of this my Order, the said Colonel Alexander Blacader, or any having his power, is to seize on the Person of the Deficients, and carry them prisoners to the Army, drive their goods away until they do duty; and likewise they shall be esteemed Enemies to their King and Country. Given at our Quarters this 16th of December, 1653. Subscribed, GLENCAIRN. From Italy and parts adjacent. The late Vice-king of Naples before his departure from that City, hath sent rich presents to divers noble men, as to the Prince of Avellino, and others: The Earl de Castrigho his successor is come to Naples, and hath taken possession of the Royal Palace, where he remaineth incognate until he hath made a Cavalcato from the Palace to the High-Church, as the manner is for the new Vice-kings to do at their first coming to that Kingdom, in the mean time he hath sent to the D. Cirifalco to send him a List of all the Judges, and other inferior Officers of Justice; as also of all prisoners, and the causes of their imprisonment. From Venice thus. The last Letters come from Malamocco do advise us, that the Turkish Navy is to winter into the Archipelago, thereby hoping to surprise our Vessels who upon several pretexts come to buy provisions in the Islands that are in that Sea, which they afterwards carry to Candia to relieve that City; nevertheless many believe that their Galleys being so much out of repair, are not capable to do much service, and therefore it's thought they will be forced to go back to Constantinople, there to be repaired and newly fitted for the Sea: Our Senate being certainly informed of the great sickness fallen to the Generalissimo Fosculo, they have thereupon made choice of the Lord Moccenigo to succeed in his place, the Proveditor General being entrusted with all the Military affairs since the sickness of the said Generalissimo, who being landed with some forces in the Island of Zia to gather contribution, there came to him four of the chiefest in the Island, who represented him that they were wholly disabled from paying any moneys, by reason that not long since the Turkish Galleys had visited them lately, and had got from them both money and provisions great store; but this excuse would not prevail, but he detained them, and hath sent them with twenty more to a place called Castelrosso, where they remain as prisoners, our ships are safely arrived at Candia with moneys and ammunitions, Frankfort December 26. We hear from Stockholm that the Plague doth rage much in and about the City, but most without the Walls, thereupon most of the Persons of Quality are fled into the Country; the Queen and a great part of the Nobility are at Upsall where they expect daily the English Ambassador the Lord Whitlock. From Warsovia: We hear that the Tartars and Cosacks are not in good intelligence together, yet by some prisoners we heard, that there had passed a private Treaty between the Kam of the Tartars, and the General of the Cosacks, who doth promise him great matters in case he can obtain his ends, whereof the chief is, that he might make a peace at advantage with the King of Poland, whose Army is now very strong, and doth consist in two bodies, which make in all one hundred thousand fighting men: therefore the King finding his Army in a very good condition, intends without any further delay to fight with the Enemy who in all cannot make above 80 thousand men, the Tartars being 50 thousand, and the Cosacks but 30 thousand. From Regensburg: The Emperor had a mind to have spent some time near that City in hunting, but news being come from Hungaria, that the Palatine of that Kingdom was dead, therefore his Majesty is stayed here, and hath sent thither the Chancellor, and some other Ministers of State to quench a fire of division lately kindled among the Nobility and Gentry since the death of that Prince, and that without delay they cause the States of that Country to be summoned to meet the next month at Presburgh, and his Majesty intends to be there in person. The Swedish Commissioners being come to several places in the Circle of Westphalia, for to get contribution for the payment of the Garrison of Weekt have returned without money, which was like to have bred ill blood, but that the Bishop of Munster hath pacified the matter. We hear from Callen that the great difference between that City and their Elector is now even agreed, the Mediators having reconciled all differences, and the Barges and Boats that were stopped at Boone are all freed. The Dutch Deputies are returned home, but no news since from Holland, what the Issue of the Treaty will be, a very short time will discover. What we mentioned last Week of the loss the Dutch sustained by the great storm of fire, take a further account by the Extract of a Letter from Amsterdam Jan. 6 as followeth. I cannot omit to acquaint you with the great sadness that is here; to wit the hand of God manifesting itself by a very great and lamentable fire breaking forth in the night; it began at the South-end, in a Mill that beats hemp, called by the name of the Reyger, which could not be quenched in any wise by reason of the vehemence of the wind. So that the fire overrunning that in the first place, with over-violence consumed all to the very ground, as well in the South-end, and in all St. Jarvis Street, and the Meal-sacks neighbourhood, as also the Anabaptists Congregation House and a Church of ours, with the Church-house, and Town-house, leaving in the room much desolation. The number of houses destroyed as men compute, are between five and six hundred, besides the Busses, Boats, and fishing Vessels, whose number is not yet known. Thus the fire continued (being driven with the wind) as far as the , the bridge in the way also being fired. Some men give out that the fire flew over into the Bemster, to the damage of many there. Moreover it is affirmed that divers people, great and small, have been overtaken by the fire, and burnt; but whether so or no, time will produce it to us. The sadness is here greater than I can intimate or transcribe God in his mercy preserve all people from such sad disasters, and doleful visitations. Farewell, and rest commended in the Lord; more particularly with the next. From Gothenburg, November 29. After that Captain Welsh had landed the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, he put to Sea again, and met with two Hollanders riding at the Scab; the one 400, the other 350 Tons, laden with Wheat, Rye, Wool, and Planks, both which he took, and brought away with him, and by storm was forced to come a little way within this Port, but without the command of the Forts. The Lord Ambassador was earnestly pressed to send for the Captain, and to discharge the Prizes, but answer was given, That it was conceived a matter not appertaining either to himself, or to the Queen's Officers to meddle with; and believed, that the Queen's Ports would not be denied to any Englishman, who had Commission by Authority of Parliament, coming here to shelter himself against storms, That the Conflict had been upon the high Sea, betwixt the English and Dutch, who were enemies. For these Reasons, his Excellency the Lord Ambassador refused to do any thing n it. This day some of Captain Welsh his men coming to this Town, were stayed and brought before the Landisher, who examined them, and sent his Major to the Lord Ambassador, to know whether he would own the Captain; whereto the answer was given, that his Excellence did own him, as one who he did believe had had a Commission by Authority of Parliament; whereupon the men were dismissed. But our English people have the more trouble here, and the less favour, because the Queen's Admiral is a Hollander. By Letters from Madrid of the 16th of December, 1653. Their Majesties are here in perfect health: Two days hence they go again to the Escurial, to be present at some Church service performed yearly in commemoration of the deceased Princes belonging to the House of Austria. There is to be seen in this City a copy of a Letter in Print sent from the Jesuits in Armenia to those in this City, wherein they express a very strange thing happened in that Country, which is thus briefly; There being about five months since many Turks and Moors met together at a Town called Medinatvi, (but commonly known by the name of Mecca) in the Mosque, or Chapel, where the body of their false Prophet hath lain many years; On a sudden, about ten of the clock in the forenoon, this Iron Chest (which for many years hath been suspended in the roof of that house, by virtue of the Loadstone fastened there) did fall down to the ground, which immediately opened, and swallowed up both the Chest, and what was therein; the ground remaining open about one quarter of an hour, and in that space came forth of that Abyss a great flame, and smoke, which rendered a great stench, and so the ground closed up as formerly; that thereupon all the Spectators fell on the ground, being struck with deadly fear at so dreadful a spectacle, and some of them are since become Christians, leaving their superstitious service. The last news from Warsovia import that the King with all his Army, consisting of about eighty thousand men, Horse and Foot, was upon their march to encounter the Tartars and Cossacks, who are joined together, but remain a sunder, being in two distinct bodies: by some prisoners lately brought to his Majesty, we hear that the General of the Cossacks hath made a particular Treaty with the Kam of the Tartars (which if true) will exclude him from making any peace or accommodation with the Crown of Poland. From Regensburgh thus: The Diet is not yet concluded, there being new differences happened between the Prince Elector, and his Uncle the Duke of Simmereu, about the enjoying of some Land which each other pretended to be his: some Commissioners are appointed to examine the matter, and so to report it: as also some differences between the Landgraves William, and the Earnest of Hassia. From Dsseldorf: The Duke of Newburgh is still at Mulheim: being not well pleased with the Assembly met in this City, by reason that they have denied him the sums of money which he demanded of them. There is great fear in these parts, that the Lorrain forces will come to take their winter quarters in these parts, so much the rather, by reason that the Electors of Mentz, Triers, and Cullen intended with main force to oppose them and prevent the same in case they attempt it by force of Arms; we hear that some of them are marched already from Luxembourg to Limburg, and so along by Maestrick as if they purposed to come into the County of Gulick; some say also that part of the Prince of Condi his Forces are to join with them, they being more powerful and able to work his design. The difference between the City of Cullen, and their Elector is near agreed, he having set at liberty all the Barges and Boats which, by his Order had been stopped at Bonna. From Italy and parts adjacent thus: The Infanta Maria of Saucy is here at Rome, but yet as incognito; she intends to remain here for some time. The Pope hath also given several Abbeys and other good Benefices to some of the Domestic Servants, and appointed new Nuntios to go in to several places of those parts. From Genoa thus: We hear from Madrid that an express was come to the Court to inform His Majesty that there was landed at Coronnal in Galitia, three thousand Irish soldiers who were appointed to winter quarters, which doth something startle the Portuguese, who made a show as if they would have besieged Cindad Rodrigo. The Duke of Turfi is also expected at Barulona with four Galleys, who are to bring good store of Ammunition and Moneys for the payment of the Garrison: One of the Spanish Galleys hath lately taken a very rich prize upon the French, being a ship bound for Marscillis. From Milan thus: The Marquess of Caracena our Governor is gone from hence to Uereel, and from thence to Trin, as also all the high Officers who were all come to this City to pass the time of the Truce, and are all come to the Army, to observe the Enemy's march; the most part of whose Army is still posted near the River Po, it being yet unknown what Resolution they will take, and where, and when they will take their Winter Quarters: although many do assure that the French General hath received Orders from the Court of France, to cause all the Horse of his army to pass over the Alps, and quarter in Dauphina, and that the Foot shall be quartered in Piedmont, by reason that the time of year is so far gone, and so much snow fallen upon the Mountains, that being so poorly clothed they cannot undertake the journey. There hath been likewise some moneys gathered, and is to be for payment of our Army one month. Paris the 10 of Jan: 1654. stilo novo. We hear from Campagne, that the Country suffers much by that part of the Army which is quartered there, and although some small allowance is given to those where they are billeted, yet they suffer much thereby, the soldiery not receiving their constant pay, are not kept in so good a Discipline as it is requisite, notwithstanding the taking of St. Menebold, the blocking up of Clermont, yet the Garrison of Stenny doth make frequent inroads in this Country: there is nothing more from Cavalonia, only that the Marshal of Hoequincourt having well supplied Rosa with all necessaries for their defence, hath put his forces into winter quarters. The Prince of Conti is not yet arrived, but is expected here tomorrow: there is strong report that this Prince intends to match with one of the Cardinal's Nieces, but many are of a contrary opinion, which is truest, will be known very shortly. The Lord Chancellor hath been this week at the Parliament, to have a supersedeas to the passing the Declaration which is drawn up against the Prince of Conde, the same to continue for 6 weeks. The Cardinal de Retz doth still lie a close prisoner, there being little hopes as yet of any enlargement, his Antagonist the Cardinal Mazarini being very obstinate in the demand he hath made so many times, that he should resign his Coadjutership of Paris, and to entice him the more, there is offered him the two rich Abbeys of St. Denis and Cluni, which offer he will by no means accept. The Court is not well pleased with the Governors of Charleville and Mezieru, by reason that they hath passed Articles of Neutrality with the Prince of Condi. It is generally reported, that the Duke de la Pieuville shall go Ambassador in Ordinary to Rome, he that was there being now on his way homewards, and that the Earl de Anangour, shall have the same employment into Swethland. Three days since the Earl do Noville was sworn as one of the Captains of the King's Life-Guard. Claseo Jan: 5. We have little of new more than what you had by the last, only that part of the Army is here, and in good condition, I had intelligence of Sir Arthur Forbes, being sore of his wounds, at a Cot-house at Tushilaw, and sent a party of Horse to seize him, but he was gone two days before from that House, and the Country so true to him, that we could not find him. Scilly Jan: the 2d. The Elias Frigate is come safe into this Harbour, and brought us six months pay which we were in Arrears, other news, all being quiet, this place affords not. Paris Jan: 17. 1654. By Letters from Perpignan, we hear that the Spanish Army are quartered in and about Gironne, although the Plague doth rage much there still; One party is gone about Palamas, and the Field-Marshal de Serra hath an express Order from Don John d Austrin, to take care that the country be not oppressed by the quartering of the soldiery, but to keep them in a strict discipline. From Champagne, we hear that the Irish soldiers who were at saint Meneholds, are gone from hence to Chaalons there remaining no more but those companies of Switzers, who were there at the reduction with the Regiment of Dambrole, and the six companies more who upon agreement between the Governor and the Townsmen, are jointly to have the guard of the City, there being an equal number of the Town, with the Garrison, to watch day and night: Those of Clermont have not of late made any inroads, the reason we here is because many desert the place. From Alsatia, we hear that the Marshal de la Forte is come before Beffort, where the lines are near finished, and the Ordnance within a days journey of the place; but on the other side, the Governor of the Town intends to defend it gallantly; which to effect, and for his better subsistence he hath commanded all the Country adjacent to bring in their corn and other like provisions which are necessary for him. The 15 instant the Provost and Eschenins of this City, went to the Lawn, where they had an audience, the subject being about those monies due to the Citizens upon the Town-house. The next day Prince Rupert arrived here from Nantes, to this City. The same day returned here from Catalonia the Marquess du Plessis Belliere, who hath been for many late years an eminent Commander in the King's Army: there is little news at present, only great preparations are made here for the solemnizing his Majesty's consecration the next month. By Letters from Lime: we hear by a Barque come from Britannia, that one of our Frigates having met with a Dutch Picaroon near Ushant, gave him chase, and followed so close, that he forced him to run on ground on the hither side of the Bay of Camaret, and by reason of his shooting hard at him made the Country to come down to the water side; it happened that some shot did make execution on the shore, there being four killed and wounded; yet by reason of the night approaching, and the Country being all alarmed thereby could not fetch her off; but ours put to Sea again, to clear from the Rocks before it was dark. By several other Letters from Scotland, which contracted speak to this effect: The Highlanders continue their stealing and plundering of their own Countrymen that will not rise with them, or pay the contribution money that they lay upon them, though I am confident many have not wherewithal to subsist, paying likewise their Assessments for the maintenance of the English Army: but when Major General Lambert's, Commissary General Whalley's Regiments of Horse, with Sir William Constable's Regiment of Foot (which we hear are upon their march) are come in to us, we doubt not but to send this Heathenish and plundering Enemy so far back into the Highlands, as they shall not dare to approach the Lowlands, whereby to do the Inhabitants any considerable prejudice; And how the Highlanders are able to keep Horse and man, is easy to be imagined, all their dependence being upon Charles Stuart, and His endeavours with the Dutch for Money and Arms; but a Peace with Holland (which we hear is in a very probable way for a very speedy conclusion) disperses them to their several mountainous Habitations, without ever drawing the sword against them; and then the Lords and Chieftains amongst them may expect a liberal Reward of Justice for doing their Master such rebellious service, which hath been and is destructive to the generality of Scotland, that a few months continuance will bring them to the sad condition of the Irish, that have been forced to eat the Corpse of their deceased Friends after many days interment; yet are not the people of Scotland very much to be pitied, in regard they will seldom give notice to any of our Garrisons when any party of the Enemy marches through the Country, whereby they might be the better preserved from their violence and cruelty, choosing rather to be willingly destroyed by them, than be treacherous (as they call it) to their own Countrymen: Some Arms they pretend are lately landed for the Enemy in Scotland, but this is more to encourage their forced and naked party, than otherwise considerable. No News from Holland since the Dutch Commissioners set sail from Gravesend: by way of Calice we have a further confirmation of the great fire happened in Holland, which began at Waterland, about 500 Houses burned to the ground, and many persons perished in that fire, as also some Cattle. The contrary winds have withheld the Dutch Post this week, so that a more particular account cannot be given from thence for the present. Concerning our Fleet by letters from Portsmouth thus. Gen: Blake and General Monk being now at London, Gen: Penn rides as Admiral of the Fleet without St Helens point 3 Leagues from Portsmouth with forty sail of gallant ships ready upon any advice of the Dutch ships coming out to put to Sea: some part of them are already sent out to ply between this place and the Lands end, and over upon the Coast of France, to suppress the Brest and Dutch Picaroons, who of late begin to be strong, and have done much harm upon the western Coast. This is licensed and entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 214 |
WIntell208#2 | From Tuesday, March 7. to Tuesday, March 14. 1653 It was this Day advertised by Letters from Hamburg, that the Lord Wilmot who calls himself Ambassador for the titular King of the Scots, being necessitated for the want of monies, did with much importunity press upon the Treasurer of the English Company, who fearing his power, and loath to part with those monies which belonged to all the English Merchants who traffic in those parts, did acquaint the President of the English companies with it, and withal, showed the inconveniences that would arise, if he should deliver such monies to him, which against the Laws of Merchandise were not in his power to disburse, whereupon the President weighing the truth of the Reasons, made his complaint to the Senate, who enjoined the Lord Wentworth not to exact any sums of money of the Treasurer, unless he were able to put in good security for the re-disbursing of them. Some differences have been betwixt the Agent of the Duke of Brandenburg, and the Ambassador of the States General of the United Provinces, in the emulation for the precedence, which upon better consideration are reconciled. It is advertised from Sweden, that there have been a consultation betwixt the grand Chancellor, and the Lord Ambassador Whitlock there was a Demur about the Article of an Offensive, and defensive War, the English being at the present engaged in Wars, and the Crown of Sweden being at Peace with all Nations, but satisfaction was given by our Ambassador, that the Chancellor remained thoroughly satisfied. The Queen looks on England as much more settled under the Lord Protector, than before. She hath been five days in the Country to visit her Mother, who is not in the Court of Denmark, as some too boldly have represented, the weather being extremely cold, according to the season of the year in that Country, she was slid home on a carriage without wheels, which dispatched a long way with incredible speed, in that icy Country. Several Petitions were this Day read by his Highness, and Orders passed therein. Something is referred to a Committee of the Council to consider of touching Religion, in order to what hath been offered by the Ministers, for the suppressing of those who are scandalous, and profane, and providing for those who are able, and painful Preachers. A Minister in London lately summoned in part of his Parish before the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor for non payment of their Tithes, when the Case came to be heard, the Minister was opposed by one of the Parishioners, who (after the matter was waved in point of Law) began to dispute it out in Divinity, saying that a Bishop ought to be no striker, &c. that he ought to govern his own Household, but the Man's Wife governed him, &c. yet this would not serve turn, but according to the Act, he was Ordered to pay Tithes to the Minister. Letters from Newcastle say, that the French Picaroons, and Freebooters do very much infest that Coast, and lately took two small Vessels of ours within sight of Tinmouth Castle, which makes the Colliers fearful to come, especially hearing there is such great probability of Peace, to be concluded on shortly. The Dutch Ambassadors had a private conference with his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council at Whitehall, they press hard for a present cessation of Arms. Last Sabbath day Major Gen: Harrison taught at London house, after the exercise was ended, a Letter was read which was directed to that Congregation from Mr: Simpson, wherein he expressed a hearty desire, that the spirit of meekness, love and unity might increase amongst them, but he sayeth that he findeth not the sprinkling of Infants in the New-Testament, (which is a thing that M. Feak, and he have often argued upon since their confinement at Windsor) Mr. Cradock, and divers other Friends have been to visit them lately. The Letters this Post from Scotland make mention, that be reason of the coldness of the season, and the great store of snow lately fallen in the Northern parts, Colonel Morgan returned back (from pursuing the Enemy to Aberdeen, but another party of ours have had another encounter with a party of about 60 of Athol's Horse, they fought at the first very stoutly; but soon turned their backs, and fled to save themselves in this fight we took one Lieutenant, and about 20 more prisoners, their main design at the present is to Rob and spoil what they can, & therefore divide themselves into divers small parties. From Park thus. There have been some motions made of late by friends in behalf of Cardinal de Retz, yet hath he not his enlargement. This ensuing Letter is said to be written by the Cardinal to the Duke of Orleans. SIR: I can no longer live without writing, for I understand the Court hath done some kind of Justice wherewith you are reasonably well pleased, but if this content be not absolute, I am resolved not to rejoice; and truly it is a shame to see the bounties of Princes in the hands of such persons, who can neither be useful, nor pleasing unto them, and that honest men must still satisfy themselves with the only testimony of a good conscience, and in the content they receive in well doing, for my part I will not complain of fortune, if others must have the use of her. Now if the Ministers of State understood my secret, and that for satisfying of two, it were only necessary to oblige one, by acquitting themselves of what they owe another, they might easily spare what they have done unto me. From Deal they write, that our Fleet are to have a Rendezvous upon the Downs this week; The Hollanders have also a very great fleet in readiness; and if these two Armadas have the happiness to join as one in League and Amity, all the Enemies of these Nations may say as the Devil did when he was sheering of a Hog, There is a great cry for a little wool. The next Passage to give no discontent unto any here, except Officers belonging to the Prize Office, the Admiralty, and Captains of Private Men of War; and the thing is this. The Articles of Peace are ordered to be engrossed with all haste, and the Ratification is speedily to be Signed: and that morning may be wanting on our part His Highness the Lord Protector hath appointed Commissioners to expedite the whole matter with the Ambassadors of the seven united Provinces of Holland. By this the Lady Elizabeth and some others depart Holland, she goes to her eldest Son the Palsgrave. The Treaty goes on also very effectually with the French Resident: The late Queen of England is to depart France, and go to the Duke of Savoy. Her Son Charles Stuart, and the Dukes of York and Gloucester, are to go into Germany, they not finding the affairs in Scotland to suit with their desires. It is thought that Monsieur Bordeaux the French Ambassador, being a Person of a very large Revenue of his own, will come in State through the City tomorrow or next day; why may we not then expect shortly to drink a quart of Claret for eight pence ? Monsieur Williamson Ambassador for Denmark is also expected to make his Application to His Highness the Lord Protector very suddenly. General Desbrowe, and Gen: Monk, and the Commissioners of the Admiralty are at Chattam; The prest-men are put on board, and many Soldiers of the Army: the Dutch having added sixty new Frigates to their Fleet, so you see what readiness the Fleets are in on both sides; and if a Peace should not be concluded, it's likely that the greatest blow would be struck that hath been yet, but it is thought there is not any question now of a full agreement. Four Dutch ships were lately sunk by storm near Enchusen. An English Prize called, The Bee-hive is lately carried into the Texel, she is valued to be worth 3000 li. sterling. The Cantons of Switzerland have renewed their League with France. On Tuesday last one John Fearn stood in the Pillory near to the Exchange for Perjury, as he confessed himself at the Sessions House in the Old Bailey; for which he had five pound brought him by one John Bishop who told him that he brought him the said money from William Allot, who in the name of John Evans had commenced a Suit against one Francis Turner, and the said Fearn being produced as a Witness against him in the behalf of the Plaintiff, for the lucre of the money, did most wretchedly forswear himself: which he having confessed as above said, he was sentenced on Tuesday last to stand in the Pillory from nine of the clock in the morning till one in the afternoon, which accordingly was done. Several Complaints were this day made of the like forgeries, and Instructions passed to make Offenders in this Nature more exemplar for the time to come. Letters this day make mention of several Robberies committed, and 5 Highwaymen taken in one Inn on the borders of Northamptonshire. The Duke of Lorrain doth still continue a prisoner in Antwerp, where he is used very magnificently; it being the nobleness of the Spaniard to use their prisoners with more humanity than other Nations are accustomed to do. It is said that since the Imprisonment of the said Duke, several sums of his money have been discovered. The Jewels that were found about his daughter, which the young Lady did wear about her, though many of them were not laid open to public view are valued at one hundred thousand pound. Several complaints have been made, that some differing in judgement in points of Religion from others, have affronted them in their Pulpits to the scandal of Religion, whereupon there is something under consideration for a severe punishment to be inflicted impartially on all whatsoever who shall disturb the Congregation in their public worship of God. Another part of S: Paul's Church falling down this week, and increasing the ruins of the former, his Highness was informed of it, and by order from him the Council took it into consideration to take the Isles of the Church down, but nothing was concluded therein. It was this day advertised by Letters from the North, that the Dutch Freebooters have taken six or seven small Vessels which came from Sunderland, and caused another to run ashore near Hartlepool. A Freebooter of Enchuisen hath lately retaken the Merchants' ship called The Chestnut tree of Amsterdam, which had been taken by our ships not far from the Ulie. There is arrived at the Ulie a fleet of 140 sail, which came from the Eastlands, a great part whereof are come to Amsterdam, and the rest to several other Ports in that Country, their lading is chiefly Corn, and materials for setting forth of ships. By Letters from Deal it was advertised, that on Thursday last another Fleet of Merchants belonging to the Dutch, consisting of about one hundred and fifty sail did steer Westwards, they sailed close by the Coast of France, and had a fair wind, which was the reason that our Fleet lying at Saint Ellens point, could not so suddenly discover them, nor easily overtake them. This Dutch fleet had a fear they should be surprised in their passage, they had therefore a strong Convoy with them consisting of 60 Men of War, but having brought them beyond the danger which they feared, a great part of them returned the same way they came, the others did go along with the fleet, being bound to several Ports lying on the Western Seas. In the mean time we make great preparations for completing our summer's Fleet, 1000 private soldiers, besides seamen, were on Monday last drawn out of the 4 Regiments about London, and sent on ship board. It was yesterday also by Letters advertised, that Gen Middleton is come again to Scotland with two Men of War, the greatest part of their lading was Arms, and Ammunition, some Corn, and some say some quantity of money, he landed at Uny in Southerland, there came with him, Sir George Monro the younger. Major Gen: Dyel. Thomas Dyell. Colonel Gordon. The Lord Nappeir. Lodowick Drumland. The rest are said to be Soldiers of Fortune, and not any one man of Fortune amongst them, the Letters from Holland do confess them to be three hundred in number, but the Letters from Scotland do not acknowledge them to be so many, they were no sooner landed, but as if they were peradvertised of the necessities of their Countrymen, they immediately dispatched fifty picked men under the command of Major Gen: Dyel, with ten Horse load of Arms, the rest they carried along with them, intending to meet with Glencarn in the Brays of Murray, where they are to have their Rendezvous. The Lord Protector hath issued forth Orders that all Officers concerned therein, shall repair to their charges in Scotland. The Commissioners chosen out of the Council of the Ld: Protector, did this Day meet again on the Articles of Agreement with the Dutch Ambassadors, which it is hoped will suddenly come to a good conclusion. The Names of our Commissioners are, Philip Lord Lile. John Laurence Esquire. Major General Lambert. Col. George Montague. Sir Gilbert Pickering. Walter Strickland Esquire. It is advertised from Scotland, that since the arrival of Gen: Middleton the Highlanders do grow numerous; at the Rendezvous in Murrayland the Arms were distributed, some monies received, & Letters read from their titular King, promising his assistance to the uttermost of his power, at which some signs of great joy were made, which were suddenly cooled by the tidings of the approach of our Army, of which more in the next. The titular King of Scots of his own accord did choose to go into Germany, it being a Journey long time in his intention The Qu: of Bohemia is going to Frankendale which is her Dowry, a most wealthy place and of great frequentation, it being the middle way between Worms, and Spiers, where she will do the best she can to entertain him; I have heard of Letters which affirm that the titular King of Scots is no way discouraged at his removal out of France, so familiar are his misfortunes with him. Great was the joy the other day at Wollidg, at the launching forth of the new Frigate which carrieth 60 guns, and was then christened Merston moor. There is building another great ship for War, which is as broad, and longer than the Sovereign. That which this week is most remarkable is: ☞ The landing of Gen: Middleton in Scotland with two ships laden with Arms, some monies, 300 Soldiers and the Names of the Commanders, their Levies increasing, and their King's Letters read at the general Rendezvous. The approach of the English Army to encounter them. The Results of the Treaty with the Dutch, and the Names of our Commissioners chosen to conclude the Union. Some prizes taken by the Dutch. 140 of their Merchants come home from the East and 140 gone to the West with a Convoy of 60 Men of War. The English launched forth, and the Debates of the Council of State for the taking of Paul's. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 208#2 |
ProcState234 | The Ambassador from the Arch Duke Leopold, that had some weeks since had audience by the Lord Protector, to congratulate his Highness, being now to return back to his Master, hath taken his leave of his Highness, and is returning homeward. Upon the debate of the Commissioners with the Dutch Ambassadors, the Articles drawn upon both sides upon the Agreement have been examined, and the differences compared and debated, and some things reconciled, the rest as to be, considered of. Inverness 6 March. In my last I gave you an account of Middleton's landing in Scotland, there is since a Vessel come for him into Caithness, whether he is gone to endeavour if he can to draw the Gentlemen of that Country into an engagement with him, which we hear they are backward in, notwithstanding he gives out great words, and talks of divers Vessels with Arms to come to him: Seafort is endeavouring all he can to get some of his men together to meet him, the Country generally disrelishes their proceedings, by the next I may have an occasion of enlarging. Dalkeith 14 March. Upon Middleton's landing in Sutherland, he sent summons to the Gentlemen of Caithness Sutherland and Ross, to give him a meeting at his Rendezvous, which was to be the last of February (at the place where Montrosse was formerly overthrown) upon the Brays of Sutherland, and there to send in their Levies of men and horse. When Middleton came ashore, he writ to the Sheriff of Sutherland, requiring him not to keep any more Courts in the name of the Commonwealth of England. Seafort hath gotten six hundred of his men together again, and is gone to join with Middleton. There was brought in the Vessel with Middleton 300 barrels of Powder, 1000 Snaphance-firelocks, and as many Pikes, Muskets, and Pistols, as made in all 5000 Arms, which with two brass field pieces, were lodged in the Castle of Skelbo, which is secured by Major Gen. Dyel, and one Major Watson, with six or seven score men; Glencairn, Kenmore, Glengarry, Athol and Forbs, with their Rabble, intend their Rendezvous as on this day 24 miles from Aberdeen, from whence Col. Morgan is marched forth to Rendezvous with them. Scilly 12 March. A small Vessel of Topsam that came from St. Sebastian's, and commanded by Cap. Stafford, who had a Commission for a private man of War, brought in hither a French prize of 30 Ton, laden with Iron, Liquorice, &c. Beach, Charles Stuart's Pirate, and his crew are brought into Plymouth, and close Prisoners there till further Order for their trial, which will be speedily. The Ordinance for appointing Commissioners for approving of Ministers throughout the Nation, is in debate by the Council. Also an Ordinance for settling the Customs and Excise. By Letters from Harwich we understand of a Dutch ship of 400 Ton, laden with Pitch, Tar, Masts and Iron, to a great value, brought in thither, taken by a private man of War. A few days since the Earl Goldenlyon is arrived here from Brussels to make some levies of Soldiers, but it is not believed that he shall be able to obtain leave to do it. We hear from Denmark that the King is resolved to go into Holstein where all is in peace. We hear no more of the great preparations for setting His Majesty's Fleet to Sea, as it was formerly thought. Two Freebooters are gone to Sea from this Road. And three Swedish ships are arrived here, amongst whom is a great Pinnace coming from Sarrant laden with Strong-waters and Tobacco, which was carried away, and hath been kept in England about five months. The tenth instant two other Swedish ships sailed from hence to Bordeaux, and the same day came ten Merchants ships in here, one of them an East-India ship. The Pope hath sent to Cardinal Pamphilio to warn him to depart from this City within 27 hours with all his near Kindred, the which Order hath been executed so, that the said Cardinal is within the time limited gone in a shut Coach, with his Brother the Marquis Astaly to one of the said Marquis his houses called Sambucy not far from Tivoli, the which doth make everyone wonder at such an excess of jealousy from his Holiness; and it gives occasion to several discourses, with expectation that His Holiness shall in the next Consistory disclose to his Cardinals the grounds of such a high displeasure. It is further muttered that he shall be arraigned and deprived of all his Revenues, a sum of 15000 Crowns belonging to him having already been forfeited to the Pope and his crimes seem to be so high that none of his friends durst as yet speak in his behalf. The States of Languedoc have in their Assembly freely of themselves granted to the King a Subsidy of 150000 Crowns towards the War and Ordered the said sum to be forthwith levied and paid. The last Sunday very early came here an express from Brussels with Letters from his Highness Leopoldus intimating that as well the Spanish Forces, as those of the Prince of Conde, as of the Dukes of Wertembergh and Lorrain are commanded to retire from this Country, so that we hope by God's mercy to recover shortly our peace again. The Lords Ambassadors have received their Coach and other Treasure from Holland, the Coach is very rich, with the Prince of Orange's Arms in gold, and fair cullers at the end of the Coach. Letters came from the Fleet that some of the Soldiers are shipped and the rest that quartered at some distance from the Fleet, had Orders to march to the waterside. His Highness the Lord Protector was this day with the Council, and several Affairs were referred to Committees, and this day several Committees sat and made progress in divers businesses. This night His Highness the Lord Protector lay in Whitehall, who being not well by reason of a cold, lay in one of the Chambers formerly the Queen's privy lodgings. This day passed an Ordinance for continuance of the Excise for one year from March 1654. by which His Highness the Lord Protector, with the advice and consent of His Council, doth Ordain, That from and after the five and twentieth day of this present March, the several Rates and charges hereafter set down, and every of them and none other, in the right of the duty of Excise, shall be set, laid, and imposed, and are hereby laid, set, and imposed, to be had levied, demanded, collected, received, recovered and paid, in and through England and Wales, and Town and Port of Berwick, upon all and every the Commodities, Merchandises and Manufactures, Native and Foreign, in manner following, that is to say, For every Barrel of Beer of Ale of above six shillings the Barrel brewed by the common Brewer, or any who sell Beer or Ale, to pay 2s. For every Barrel of six shilling Beer or Ale, or above four the Barrel, brewed by the common Brewer or any other who sell Beer or ale, to pay 6d. And so proportionably for a greater or lesser quality of Beer or Ale above four shillings the Barrel. And no allowance to be made from henceforth for any Beer or Ale to be used in Fishing Vessels at Sea, which is bought of the Common Brewer, or Retailer of Beer or Ale. Allum English the hundred weight, containing one hundred and twelve pounds, to be paid by the Maker, 6d. Copper as English, the hundred weight, to be paid by the Maker 6d. Hops English, the hundred weight, to be paid by the Planter, 2s. Saffron English, for every twenty shillings value, to be paid by the Planter, 1s. Tin for every twenty shillings value, to be paid by the buyer, 1s. Iron English, for every hundred weight, to be paid by the Maker, 1s. 6d. For all Aqua vitae or Strong-water, made or distilled within the Commonwealth, whether of Foreign or Domestic Spirits or Materials, to be sold, upon every Gallon, to be paid by the first Maker or Seller thereof respectively, 2d. For every Barrel of Soap made within this Commonwealth of what sort soever, to be paid by the Maker, and so proportionably for hard Soap or soft Soap made within the Land, 4s. For every Ounce Troy of Silver or Gold, prepared, melted down, or disgrossed for Wire, to be paid at the Bar where the same shall be disgrossed, 2d. For every pound weight, of any Copper, or other Metal, that shall be prepared, made fit, or disgrossed, to be paid at the Bar where the same shall be disgrossed, 1s. For all Linseed Oil, Whale Oil, Blubber Oil, Rape Oil, Pilchard Oil, and all other Oils made within this Commonwealth, upon every Ton, to be paid by the Maker, 6s. per Tun. For every Fother of Lead, containing two thousand pound weight, at one hundred and twelve pounds to the hundred, to be paid by the Maker or Smelter, 6s. 8d. For all Salt, made, or to be made whom England, Wales, or Town of Berwick, which is or shall be shipped or conveyed by water, to be paid by the first buyer of such Salt at the place of Landing or unloading thereof, upon every Gallon a half penny. For all other Salt, made, or to be made within England, Wales, or Town of Berwick, and not shipped or conveyed by water, to be paid by the first buyer thereof upon the first delivering, upon every Gallon, a half penny. Upon all Salt upon Salt, that is made of Salt within England, Wales, or Town of Berwick to be paid by the Maker thereof, upon every Gallon a farthing. For all Cider and Perry, made, and sold by way of Retail, whether it be by the first Maker, or any Buyer or Receiver thereof, from the first Maker upon every Hogshead, and so for a greater and lesser measure proportionably, 2s. 6d. For all Metheglin or Mead, and such like Drinks sold out by Retail, to be paid by the Retailer, upon every Gallon and so pro rato, 1d. For all Starch, upon every twenty shillings value thereof, to be paid by the maker, 1s. For all sorts of Glass or Glasses, upon every twenty shillings value thereof, to be paid by the maker, 1s. For every pound of Tobacco, which is not of the English Plantation, as well already imported and remaining in the hands of the Merchant or Importer, as to be imported, to be paid by the first buyer. For every pound of Tobacco of the English Plantation, as well imported and remaining in the hands of the Importer, as to be imported, to be paid by the first buyer, 3d. For every Tun of Wine already imported or to be imported, to be paid by the first Buyer, whether Retailer or private Consumptioner, 6 l. For every Tun of Wine Vinegar, imported or to be imported, to be paid by the first buyer, 2 l. For all Spirits imported, or to be imported, made, either of French, Rhenish, or any other Wines upon every, Gallon, to be paid by the first buyer, 4 l. For all Spirits Foreign or Domestic, sold instead of Aqua-vitae or Strong-waters, upon every Gallon, to be paid by the utterer and seller thereof, 1 s. For all Strong-waters perfectly made, imported, or to be imported, upon every Gallon, to be paid by the first buyer, 1 s. For all Beer or Ale imported by Sea, or brought in by Land into England, Wales, or Town of Berwick, for every Barrel to be paid by the Importer, 5 s. For all Pepper, Sugars, Sugars refined, white and brown Muscavadoes, Candy white and brown, and all other Grocery and Mercery-wares, wrought Silks, Silks in Gum, and ready thrown, Linens fine and course, Upholstery, Haberdashery, Paper, Skins, and Leather, upon every twenty shillings value to be paid by the first buyer, . For all manner of Drugs, according as they are distinguished by the Book of Rates for the Customs, upon every twenty shillings value, to be paid by the first buyer, 2 s. For all Foreign Soap imported or to be imported, soft or hard, for every hundred weight thereof, to be paid by the first buyer, 5 s. For all Saltery Wares not particularly rated in this Schedule imported or to be imported, upon every twenty shillings value thereof, as they or any of them shall be sold at a price, to be paid by the first buyer, 1 s. For all Hops foreign, the hundred weight, to be paid by the first buyer, over and above Customs, 5 s. For all Hemp, Flax, Tow, Tar, Resin, Pitch, Wax, Tallow, Cable, Cable-yarn, and all manner of Cordage, upon every twenty shillings value, to be paid by the first buyer, 6 d. for all sort of Glass or Glasses; and all manner of Earthenware whatsoever, upon every twenty shillings value, to be paid by the first buyer, 2 s. For all manner of Wools Cloth, or Stuffs, or other woollen Manufactures imported, for every Yard measure over and above the Rates mentioned of Customs, to be paid by the Importer, 1 s. For all Raw Silk imported, or to be imported, for every twenty shillings value thereof, and so proportionably for a greater or lesser value, to be paid by the first buyer, 6 d. For all Foreign Salt imported, which hath not paid Excise, or to be imported, upon every Gallon, to be paid by the first buyer, three half pence. For all Bone-Lace imported, for every twenty shillings in value, to be paid by the first buyer, 3 s. For all dyed Silk imported, for every twenty shillings in value, to be paid by the first buyer, five shillings. For all silk Lace imported, for every twenty shillings in value, to be paid by the first buyer, three shillings. For all other Goods and Merchandises (except Bullion, Corn, Victual, Arms, Ammunition, Ordnance of Brass or Iron imported or to be imported) not specified or herein rated, to pay after the rate of five pound percent. according as the same are charged by the book of Rates for the Customs, to be paid by the first buyer, one shilling. For all other Goods and Merchandises imported, or to be imported; upon which no values are set, either in the said book of Rates for Customs, nor in these present Rates for Excise, upon every twenty shillings value thereof, as they or any of them shall be sold at a price, to be paid by the first buyer, one shilling. That for all Inland or Foreign Commodities in this Ordinance mentioned, whether rated by pound weight, hundred weight, fodder, pound value, gallon, Barrel, ton, or other greater or lesser measure of weight whatsoever, the Excise shall be daily paid for a greater or lesser quantity pro rato, according to the Rates therein appointed and prescribed respectively. And it is likewise ordained, That from and after the said 25 day of March instant, Thomas Allen Alderman of the City of London, Thomas Wood, Richard Bury, George Langham, Esqs; and George Foxcroft, Merchant, are constituted and appointed, Commissioners and Governors of the Excise and New Impost, or any three or more of them. And that Sir William Roberts, Knight, John Stone, Henry Elsing, Jervas Bennet, Adam Bains, and John Bocket Esqs; or any three of them, be authorised to receive all appeals, &c. This day His Highness the Lord Protector received petitions by the hands of the Masters of the Requests. The Council sat in several Committees, about some Ordinances and other State Affairs. This night His Highness lay again at the Cock pit. This day His Highness the Lord Protector being yet not well, rid out in his Coach with some of the Lords of the Council through James's Park. Some Committees of the Council and other Commissioners and Committees sat this day. The States of this Kingdom have begun their sitting of the 10th. of this instant February. On the 14. the King's Proposition was made by the great Lord Chancellor, and the same day the Prince Charles of this Kingdom of Poland made a very costly Banquet, where their Majesties were, and some other great Lords. We have received news that the Tartarians have plundered the Country as far as five miles from Lublyn, carrying away with them many Men, Cattle and other Goods. Those of Muscovy have made an Invasion in the land of Smolenskie, whereupon the Prince Radzelill is gone to Littoanen as the King's General, to oppose them. We hear from Candia that the that the Garrison of Canea hath made a sally out upon the Turks, who were advanced under their walls, and have after a hot fight been forced to retire to their old quarters. There are 4 ships, carrying 40000 Ducats, and some Soldiers newly raised, ready to set sail for Candia. Another Galley is gone into Dalinatia with 30000 Ducats to pay the Army. The Marquis Berry shall be General of the Horse there and Dam Camillo Gansagne shall command those in Candia. It is certainly reported that Mr. de Lionne hath been sent to Rome to fetch Cardinal Mazarine's Father, bringing him at the same time the King's Patent to make him a Duke and Peer of France, as also Knight of His Majesty's Order which they call the Order of the Holy Ghost, the said Cardinal his Son purchasing for him against his coming the Dukedom of Nevers. Charles Stuart the titular King of Scots is yet here, and it is reported that he shall go for Scotland as soon as he shall have dispatched some little businesses he hat to do here. But that I think is but a vapour, he rather inclining (if it may be) towards the Emperor's Country; but go somewhere he and his must. The last Monday his Majesty of France's only Brother, with the Marshals du Plessis, Prastling and Villeroy, and with the Lords Vertamont and Briensack Counsellors of State went to the Court of Accounts to acquaint them with some of his Majesty's Edicts or Ordinances. The Prince of Conti went also with the Marshal de Lospital, and the Lords Villemontee and la Fosse Counsellors of State, to the Court of Subsidies to acquaint them in the same manner of his Majesty's will. The Freebooter Captain Oomke with another went to sea the 12 instant, and two other Freebooters also went to sea the next day. The said Capt. Oomke, with Capt. Hogtenbeen came home the 15 with a good prize of a Flute laden with French Wines going for London, and from thence for Leith. It is here reported that 20 English ships have appeared before the wall, and that about 8 more are passed through towards the North. And that they have taken five fisher boats at the sight of this land, two belonging to this place, and three to Huysdayne. There can be nothing else gathered out of the Letters come lately from England, but that our Ambassadors have been received there with great magnificence, and that we are like to hear by the next post of a full conclusion of the Peace: Some do say that the Ratification thereof shall be delivered of both sides within few weeks. The news concerning the Affairs in Scotland are very various here amongst us. Be it Ordained by His Highness the Lord Protector, with the advice and consent of his Council, that one Act of Parliament, entitled, An Act for continuation of the Customs until the 16 of March in the year, 1652. and all Powers and Clauses therein contained, be, and are hereby continued, and shall and do stand in full force, until the six and twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand six hundred fifty eight. And be it further Ordained that the Commissioners of the Customs shall not hereafter make repayment of the half Subsidy for any goods at any time exported, which have been, or hereafter shall be sold unto, or in the possession of any Shop-keeper or Retailer of the same Commodity, or for any such goods where the property, form or nature of the Commodity once Imported, is in anywise altered, mingled, amended or confounded. And be it hereby further Ordained, That the Commissioners of the Customs for the time being shall have and receive upon every twenty shillings coming clear unto the Commonwealth upon their account such salary of poundage, as is or shall be agreed upon by the Committee for Regulating the Customs, or any other thereunto authorised by His Highness and his Council. A Petition from Col. Gill referred to a Committee was this day dispatched, who allow him a Fine, and is reported to His Highness the Lord Protector, divers other Petitioners also who have been oppressed find release. The Council hasted this day to the dispatch of an Ordinance for the Highways, for mending them where need is, and for prevention of breaking the ways by such great Wains and Carts as have been six, seven or eight Horses in a Team, not for the future to exceed such a number as shall be proportioned; and the Council were also about some other Ordinances which will shortly be dispatched. A Petition Congratulatory hath been presented from the Town of Newcastle to his Highness the Lord Protector, professing much affection to His Highness, and the late change of Government. By Letters from Newcastle is certified, March 13. That a great Fleet was coming from thence with Coals with a convoy for London and other parts: but that the ships mentioned in the last driven by the Pirates on shore were in number 12 which neither the Pirates then, nor we since could get any of them off again, only the men are all saved, and some small matter of the goods but the ships and the coals are all lost in the Sea, and none of them could by any means be gotten off. There was one more driven on shore which, after did get off again, By another of the same date from thence thus. Since the Caper we took mentioned in my last Letter with five guns and 35 men. Another of the six Capers (for so many there were that did lurk hereabouts) one of them standing among the Rocks at Readkaw by Hartlepool was torn in pieces, and the other four ply up and down about these coasts between this and Leith, and have taken a Yarmouth vessel before Leith, laden with wines come from Bordeaux. Maj. Gen. Brown is come home, being freely discharged, and is at his house in White-Friars, London. Letters from Paris in France say, that there are Instructions passed for an Ambassador extraordinary with plenipotentiary power to treat and conclude with the Lord Protector for a peace with England, which if effected there must be permission in France for the preaching of the Protestant Religion: It is very like that the cup is now filling out for the Scarlet Whore of Rome, that she that hath so loved to drink the blood of the Saints, may now drink the dregs of the Almighty's wrath, that she may fall and never rise again. SIR, Since Middleton's landing the Enemy are very active in all parts, and will leave no stone unturned. There hath been a conjunction of Sir Arthur Forbs, Sir Mungo Murray, Mr. Gregor, and Mr. Naughton lately, and their general Rendezvous was to be the 14 instant at Rothemacchos, or Abernathy. Glengarry hath obtained a man out of every Plough in Strathrick, and is to have horse and money according to former Levies, and requires the like from Strathspey, Straddowne, Glenrennos, Bellevine, Murreland, and of the Frasers in Straglas, and if they fail to send in their proportions according to the several Warrants, they must expect fire and sword. Glencairn with his men are in Baganoth, from whom a Servant of one Lieut. Col. Smith with his Master's horse ran into our Garrison at Ruthven Castle. They report that the Lord Wilmot is to come with a great supply from the Emperor. There came with Middleton sixty and odd Officers, the least a Captain and amongst the rest (besides those I formerly hinted to you) Col. Henderson, Monroe, and others of them had very cold entertainment in Sutherland. The Earl of Athol and Sir Arthur Forbs had a Rendezvous on Wednesday last of about 300 horse and 250 foot, they have place a Garrison in a little house upon Lough-Tay where they intend to have a store of provisions of about 1500 Bowls of victual, and to send such of the Commissioners and Heritors thither as refuse to send in their Levies. On Saturday last Mjor Holmes at Linlithgow having notice of a party of the Enemy in the Country, sent out a Quartermaster of Col. Okey's Regiment with a party, who took a Cornet and four others of the Enemy, and 11 Horse. Dalkeith 14. March, 1653. This morning the Lords Ambassadors of the seven United Provinces of Holland, &c. had audience by His Highness the Lord Protector whither they were attended by Sir Oliver Fleming Master of the Ceremonies, Major General Lambert waited on them betwixt His Highness's person and the Park gate. The said Lords Ambassadors being now removed from Sir Abraham Williams's, to Sir John Trever's in Channel Row, near the Palace-yard. The Commissioners of the Council appointed to confer with them, that met at the Conference on Wednesday last at Sir Abraham Williams's, were this day appointed to meet them at a Conference at Sir John Trever's this night. There hath been much pains on both sides since the former Conference, to make all things in as great forwardness as may be. This night accordingly (about five o'clock) the Commissioners with Master Thurloe, Secretary of State, and Master Jesop, Clerk to the Council, in the Lord Protector's Coaches, and Attendants, were carried to the Dutch Ambassadors; who when they came to the Gate, were met by the Ambassadors, who came out and saluted them; and with great courtesy and respect entertained them. and they went presently to Conference in a Chamber, by the Ambassadors fitted in Sir John Trever's house for that purpose, where they Treated until it was late at night. Some of those that robbed the last week about Suiters hill have been since taken; some of them are hurt, one of them in Newgate is sore wounded. There is one in the Gatehouse, suspected to be one that hath an hand in the new counterfeit Half-crowns. Letters out of Gloucestershire say, That some persons in that County, by reason of the cheapness of Corn, have in their Corn-fields planted Tobacco; but those that do, had best take heed, or they are like deeply to suffer upon the Act against Planting Tobacco in England. By Letters from the Fleet is advertised, That since the taking of Beach, there is another private Man of War of Brest taken, of Charles Stuart's Frigates, but much smaller than Beach's. The English Fleet are about 100 Sail together about Hellen's; besides the Squadrons that are abroad. Letters from Ireland say, That all is in a gallant equipage there; and that there is no discontent of difference, but all things go on wonderful sweetly. Newcastle, 16 March. Our Fleet is gone from hence, a great Fleet for London, and other parts that way; they had a good convoy. There were a few small ships more should have gone with them from Sunderland, but got not out soon enough, they lost a tide or two; and there was such a strong an seasonable wind, that the fleet thought it not discretion to stay, when they had so fair opportunity; yet there were 10 ships that got out on Monday last from Sunderland, and though they had no convoy with them, yet they thought they might venture between Newcastle and the Fleet there so lately put out before, and accordingly they put out to follow the Fleet; but were presently set upon by the Capers, and choosing rather than to be taken, they were forced to run their 20 ships aground; but the Capers pursued then, and after the men were got out, the Capers hot off five of them, and the other five are lost; so that within about a fortnight's time, we have lost 22 Coal-ships. Letters from the Downs, March 19. advertise, That that day the Fleet from Newcastle, and the Convoy are in the River of Thames; so that there are now good store of Coals in the River, and the price is like to be very reasonable. Letters from Upsal in Sweden say, The Treaty goes on still very hopefully, and that there is something in the Breast of the Queen, that makes her think of surrendering up the Government of that Crown into the hands of the States, for the Gentleman; she by their consent was agreed to be Successor. Some think she will marry: But these things are but in embryo, therefore much (at present) cannot be said of it. The Lord Protector this day published a Declaration, Declaring that his Highness and Council do purpose to set apart Friday next being the 24 of March instant, for a Day of Humiliation; And Ordered that timely notice be given to the Cities of London and Westminster, who no doubt will keep the same. And notice to be given through England and Wales, to have their meetings the same day Fortnight. The Causes are, first, The common notorious sins impenitently practised amongst us. Secondly, the present long drought, threatening famine & mortality. The sins taken notice of by his Highness are, Notwithstanding the just Liberty Spiritual and Civil, God hath procured by his own people, yet want of humble walking in the Virtues of Christ, or to communicate that liberty one to another. Or thankfully to acknowledge out liberty of worshipping God in holiness, Want of Brotherly Love. Not owning one another for the Grace of God more than form: Not seeking the Kingdom of Christ within us, before one without us. Listening to false Christs: Temporal rule for Saints. A crying up of the Spirit, with a neglect of Love, and the other Fruits of the Spirit: And an evil carriage towards them without: Crying down Ministers that have a large seal of their Ministry, want of old Puritan self-denial; Mercy to the poor, uprightness, Justice, and contending for the Faith once delivered to the Saints, as it ought to be Apostatisings of many running after notions and fancies against Magistracy, Ministry, Scriptures and Ordinances, like those 2 Pet. 2.1 to 16. and Jude 4 to 20. Contempt of the Gospel, and sincere professors of it, even for the Image of Christ in them. Oaths, Drunkenness, Revellings, and all manner of licentiousness. And the impunity of these things, through neglect of the Magistracy in the several parts of this Nation. The Lord Mayor of the City of London sent out precepts to all the Parishes in the City of London, to have the said Friday 24 March kept a public Fast. An Ordinance passed for approbation of Ministers. And by the said Ordinance is appointed about 30 Commissioners, Ministers and other able and godly Gentlemen, who are to sit where His Highness shall appoint for that purpose. And another Ordinance for ejection of Ministers ignorant and scandalous is under debate by the Council, which will suddenly be finished. The Conference between the Dutch Ambassadors and the English Commissioners hath almost finished the Articles to sign; the summing up the Accounts of Denmark business hath taken up some time. The King of France hath sent a Commission to the Lord Ambassador Bordeaux to treat and conclude Peace, who is shortly to be brought to Westminster in the equipage of an Ambassador, and have audience. The Soldiers are by this all shipped, Col. Ingolsby's which were the last, were to be shipped as Saturday last. The English Fleet is a gallant one, which seems to promise a relief for Christians from Turkish slavery. The halt then may not be long at Leghorn. An Exposition on the whole Book of Canticles, wherein the is explained and useful Observations raised thereupon; Sold by G. & H. Eversden at the Greyhound in Paul's Churchyard. From the Swan at Holborn-Bridge the Post-Coaches for the North do go to York in four days, and to Newcastle in two days more, which sets forth every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 234 |
EveryDayIntell$09 | The admirable speech of the Lord Beverling, one of the Dutch Ambassadors, to the Commissioners for the Lord Protector, at a conference about the Articles of Peace. The Dutch Men of War appearing upon the Downs, and forcing 12 English ships ashore. An Army of forty thousand Horse and Foot prepared by the Queen of Sweden. The Rendezvous of Gen: Glencarn, and Middleton in Scotland; the Proposals of the Highlanders, and the Scots King's Letter published in the head of the Army; With a sad fight accidentally there betwixt two parties of the English. Also several Orders of the Lord Protector, and his Council, touching Ministers, the Laws of England, and Farthing Tokens. A New Prophet is risen very lately; it's said he was once of Gray's Inn, he hath a Book in the Press, wherein he takes upon him to fore tell things to come, but for a subsistence at the present, he takes upon him the cure of desperate Diseases in Men, Women, and Children; If you have a mind to hear further of him, you may enquire about Goodman's close. The Prest masters for the Fleet sought diligently about the out-parts of the City of London for Seamen: It is good to prepare for War in time of Peace. Some part more of Saint Paul's Church fell down it; were good all the rest were laid flat, or rudified, to prevent future dangers. It was this day advertised by Letters from the North, that the Dutch Freebooters have taken six or seven small Vessels which came from Sunderland, and caused another to run ashore near Hartlepool. A Freebooter of Enchuisers hath lately retaken the Merchants' ship called The Chestnut tree of Amsterdam which had been taken by our ships not far from the . There is arrived at the a fleet of 140 sail, which came from the East lands, a great part whereof are come to Amsterdam, and the rest to several other Ports in that Country, their lading is chiefly Corn, and materials for setting forth of ships. By Letters from Deal it was advertised, that on Thursday last another Fleet of Merchants belonging to the Dutch, consisting of about one hundred and fifty sail did steer Westwards, they sailed close by the Coast of France, and had a fair wind, which was the reason that our Fleet lying at Saint Ellen's point, could not so suddenly discover them, nor easily overtake them. This Dutch fleet had a fear they should be surprised in their passage, they had therefore a strong Convoy with them consisting of 60 Men of War, but having brought them beyond the danger which they feared, a great part of them returned the same way they came, the others did go along with the fleet, being bound to several Ports lying on the Western Seas. In the meantime we make great preparation for completing our summer's Fleet, 1000 private soldiers, besides seamen, were on Monday last drawn out of the 4 Regiments about London, and sent on ship board. It was this day also by Letters advertised, that Gen Middleton is come again to Scotland with two Men of War, the greatest part of their lading was Arms, and Ammunition, some Corn, and some say some quantery of money, he landed at Uny in Southerland, there came with him, Sir George Monro the younger, Thomas Dyall, The Lord Nappeir, Major Gen: Dyel, Colonel Gordon, Lodowick Drumland. The rest are said to be Soldiers of Fortune, and not any one man of Fortune amongst them, the Letters from Holland do confess them to be three hundred in number, but the Letters from Scotland do not acknowledge them to be so many, they were no sooner landed, but as if they were per advertised of the necessities of their Countrymen, they immediately dispatched fifty picked men under the command of Major Gen: Dyel, with ten Horse load of Arms, the rest they carried along with them, intending to meet with Glencarn in the Brayes of Murray, where they are to have their Rendezvous. The Lord Protector hath issued forth Orders that all Officers concerned therein, shall repair to their charges in Scotland. The Commissioners chosen out of the Council of the Lord Protector, did this Day meet again on the Articles of Agreement with the Dutch Ambassadors, which it is hoped will suddenly come to a good conclusion. The Names of the Commissioners are, Philip Lord Lile, Major General Lambert, Sir Gilbert Pickering, John Laurence Esquire, Col: George Montague, Walter Strickland Esquire. It is advertised from Scotland, that since the arrival of Gen: Middleton the Highlanders do grow numerous; at the Rendezvous in Murray land the Arms were distributed, some monies received, & Letters read from their titular King, promising his assistance to the uttermost of his power, at which some signs of great joy were made, which were suddenly cooled by the tidings of the approach of our Army, of which more in the next. The titular King of Scots of his own accord did choose to go into Germany, it being a Journey a long time in his intention. The Qu: of Bohemia is going to Frankendale which is her Dowry, a most wealthy place, and of great frequentation, it being the middle way betwixt Worms, and Spiers, where she will do the best she can to entertain him; I have heard of Letters which affirm that the titular King of Scots is no way discouraged at his removal out of France, so familiar are his misfortunes with him. Great was the joy the other day at Wollidge, at the launching forth of the new Frigate which carrieth 60 guns, and was then christened Marston moor. There is building another great ship for War, which is as broad, and longer than the Sovereign. The Merchant Adventurers for Ireland are to meet at Grocer's Hall London on Thursday next, foe making a Lottery for the Narronies. The Committee for Obstructions sitting at Worcester house in the Strand, have adjourned till the 13. April next, at which time the Commissioners for the sale of the Lands, &c. belonging to the late King, Queen, and Prince sit there again. An Ordinance is preparing by a Committee, (whereof Justice Hayle hath the Chair) for Regulation of the Law. Something hath been under consideration concerning Farthing Tokens, and an Order made therein, but it is uncertain what will be done. My Cousin, As soon as I had Intelligence of the hostile usage of your Countries by some Neighbours of mine, I did present my present help to free your Subjects from that pressure which they felt: Had not the particular respect that I bear to your Neighbourship forced me to this, yet my sincerity of assisting you in order to the Treaties of Peace at Munster, make me not neglect it, by reason that the Princes, and States of the whole Empire ought to have security of that Peace granted by the former Treaty. Therefore I have sent you a relief out of my Army, commanded by the Marquis of Faber, to assist you against the hostile proceedings of the Troops of the Duke of Lorraign, and the Prince of Conde, in the Land of Leige. And I have further ordered him to keep his Army in good Discipline, having no other end, but only for the perfecting of the Treaty of Peace, and by my force to free the Prices of the Empire from all violence. So Cousin, I commend you to the protection of the Almighty. Paris 18 Jan: 1653. LOUIS. My Lord, By the Copy of the Letter which my Master sent to the Emperor, your highness will see what command I have received from his Majesty to march into the Leidge, which is only to free them from the violence that is offered to them by the Prince of Conde, and the Duke of Lorraign, to the prejudice of the Treaty at Munster. So that there is no doubt to be made, but that the intent of his Majesty is to secure the conditions of that Treaty, and to free the Subjects of your Highness from those unjust oppressions which they have suffered. So that his Majesty sends these Forces as relief for their conversation, to keep them from utter ruin. And in case there be such opposition, I am to use means to open the way by force, to make the Enemy leave the Country. My Master hath no other intention but only to expel them, and then for the Forces to return. This is all that I can assure your Highness from my Master, and that I am Your Highness' most obedient, most humble Servant. FABERT. Sidan 11 Febr. 1653. Leopoldus Guilleimus by the Grace of God, Arch Bishop of Austrick, Duke of Burgundy, and State holder, Governor, and Captain General of our Low Countries and of Burgundy, &c. To all High Officers, Commanders, Masters of the Camps, Colonels, and Soldiers, bearing Arms under the Colours of the Lord Duke, Charles of Lorraign. Salute. Be it known, that having this Day taken into safe custody, for some time, the Person of the foresaid Duke of Lorraign, according to the Order and Command received for that effect from our Lord the King, for the own welfare of the House of Lorraign, and other high considerations, relating to the welfare of the State, and the public Peace. His Majesty's intent, and ours is, that the body of his Army should remain under the command of the Earl of Lignevile, in the same service as it now is, till the Lord Duke Francis of Lorraign shall repair here, as it is like he will in few days, to be invested of the command of the said Army, for the preservation of the Rights of the said Lord Duke, and of the House of Lorraign under the protection of his Majesty, declaring that none of that Army, nor any Officers, or soldiers of the same shall be liable to any questioning under what pretence soever, for the excesses that they may have committed under the Government of the aforesaid Lord Duke, as also we do by this present, forbid them to take service under any Potentate, or neighbour State, whether friends or foes, upon penalty of Corporal punishment, and loss of Estates, of the vassals, and natural Subjects of his Majesty, and of those that have formerly enrolled, and lifted themselves, and for all other strangers upon pain of being punished as Runaways, with provision nevertheless that those that have formerly Lifted in the service of his Majesty, and are gone away from their colours without leave, shall have return to the same, without fear of being questioned for it, &.c. His Highness the Lord Protector's Council sat in Debate of some things propounded by divers Godly Ministers, (though of several Judgements) and the said Council being sensible of the great necessity there is, that matters of Religion should be settled in the Church, as well as temporal Government in the Commonwealth, are advising of a way whereby the Godly, and able Ministry shall be encouraged, and that false and idle shepherds may be removed, and kept out for the future. There be some Copies of Letters intercepted from Scotland, sent to London, which in few days will be made public. From Amsterdam they write of a stately Fleet almost in a readiness, and say, that far exceeds the number they have yet had forth to fight, and their Prospective out of England a Reciprocal, and say some of the Letters all Christendom at the transaction of these two so mighty, and considerable Commonwealths, yet they seem not to doubt but their Ambassadors have before this time ratified the Peace with England, saying that they had but six weeks allotted them for their stay in England. The Orange party are indifferent quiet for the present, though they talk very high, but being they are put to play an after game, the manner is so much the less considerable. We told you before of some Letters, and papers taken in Scotland, one was a Letter from Charles Stuart to the Lord General (as they call him) Glencarn, beginning thus. After our hearty commendations, &c. We cannot but give you thanks for your activeness in doing of us, and our Kingdom service, and we do hereby give you further to understand, that we do highly value, and approve of your endeavours in a service which doth so much import us, and to the end you may receive some other encouragements from ourself, we have given special order to Middleton to hasten unto you: He hath provided in Holland a considerable number of able Commanders, every way fit for our service. The arms which we sent from Nants may happily be with you before this Letter, we wish that the late differences between Seafort and you, may not be prejudicial to our affairs; we bid you right heartily farewell. Signed C. Rex. Upon the Intelligence that Middleton was landed in Scotland, Glencarn set forth this Proclamation. To all whom it may concern. I do hereby strictly will, require, and command all Officers, soldiers, Horse, and Foot: now under my command, that immediately after the publishing hereof, they and every of them do repair to their several Quarters, and be ready to perform their duties in their several places, and that they nor any of them do presume upon any pretence whatsoever, to depart from their Colours, without special Licence. And I do further Require, and Command all the chief Officers of the several Regiments of Horse and Foot to certify me from time to time the particular Names of such several Officers and Soldiers under them, who have been negligent in the prosecution of any my former Warrants, for the speedy effecting, and bring in of Levies, or who shall neglect, or wilfully contemn this command. Commanding all Officers and soldiers to be obedient hereunto, that they may be ready to appear upon summons, at what place shall be appointed for their Rendezvous, as they will answer the contrary at their utmost perils. Subscribiter Glencarn. The Privy Lodgings for his Highness the Lord Protector in White Hall are now in a readiness, as also the Lodgings for his Lady Protectoress; and likewise the privy Kitchen, and other Kitchens, Butteries, and Offices; and it is conceived the whole Family will be settled there before Easter. The Tables of Dress prepared are these. A Table for his Highness, A Table for the Protectoress, A Table for Chaplains and Strangers, A Table for the Steward and Gentlemen, A Table for the Gentlewomen, A Table for Coachmen, Grooms, and other domestic Servants, A Table for the Inferiors or Subservants. At a Conference in the afternoon yesterday betwixt the Commissioners for the Ld: Protector and the Dutch Ambassadors, there was very large expressions of Love and Amity; and the Ld: Beverling expressed in a Speech, that they were clear and unwreathed in their intentions for making a firm League. After this both parts of the Articles were compared, and they are now Engrossing. An unhappy business lately fell out in Scotland, at a place called Lanker, where Capt Mason beat out a party of the Enemy; and Capt: Palmer coming soon after (hearing that the Enemy was there) attempted the Town by force, and Capt: Mason not knowing but it might have been another party of the Enemy, defended the Town, and engaged with Capt: Palmer; in which Engagement 6 were slain, and 8 wounded before they knew one the other. Some of the chief of the Highlanders have made overtures or Propositions to allay the present distempers without shedding more blood, (but they have not prosecuted them). 1. That Sequestration of men's Estates hath made many desperate, and put themselves in Arms. 2. That personal Arrests may cease, and Creditors contented to take all the Lands and Goods they find, for satisfaction. 3. That Soldiers merely of Fortune who have spent their best days and got nothing, might be considered, and transported. Some Dutch Men of War were discovered near Goodwin's Sands lately, they forced 12 English Vessels to run ashore between Falmouth and Scarborough. The English Fleet is about 140 Sail stately and brave: we have this week taken 15 ships great and small from the Enemy. The Prince of Conde is in Flanders with the Archduke, his Bother Conti is to command the French Army. One hundred and fifty sail of Eastland Merchants are newly come into Holland. Major Bourn and other Gent: were robbed this week on Shooters Hill in Kent, and one man was killed. | Every Day's Intelligence, Issue $9 |
DutchDiurn13 | The full particulars of of a great fight in Scotland, A List of the names of the prisoners taken, with the number killed and taken, and the particular loss on both sides. The landing of a great store of Arms and Ammunition in Scotland and the joining of three thousand Loughaber men more to Gen. Middleton. Also, the great hurt and spoil done by the Scottish party in Cumberland, and other places upon the borders of England. The advancing of General Monk into Leith. The coming in of a rich ship laden with four chests of silver, besides other rich commodities of great value. With the last Letters from Ireland, and other parts. By Letters this day from Edinburgh, we are certified, that there is great store of Arms and Ammunition landed there for the enemy, who now boast that they are about four of 5 thousand Horse and Foot in sutherland, well armed This day the Proclamation for peace was Proclaimed by 12 Trumpets, and 4 Heralds at Arms, first at Whitehall before his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council (both Courts being full of people) His Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. Considering how necessary it is not only to preserve peace and Quiet at home, but as far as in him lies, to live in Amity and friendship with his neighbours, hath by the blessing of God, with the advice of his Council, made and concluded a peace, Union and Confederation to continue for ever, between this Commonwealth of the one part, and of the United provinces of the Low Countries of the other part; their Lands, Countries, Cities, Towns, Dominion, Territories, Places and people, by Sea, Land, fresh waters and elsewhere. By the which peace it is agreed, that all Enmity, Hostility, Discord and War between the said Commonwealths, their people and Subjects shall cease, and all injuries and wrongs whatsoever done since the 18 & 23. of May, One thousand six hundred fifty two, shall cease and be forgotten, except such Depredations as shall be committed by either side in these Seas after twelve days, from the date of these presents, &c. For want of room, I refer you to the printed copy for the rest. This day are come out new farthings, weighing a quarter of and ounce fine pewter, which is but the price of new pewter; that so the people may never hereafter fear to loose much by them; with the Harp of one side, and a Crosse on the other, with T.K. above it. This day passed an Ordinance of pardon and Grace to the people of Scotland after May 1654. except the persons following, and their estates. Henrietta Maria, late Queen. Charles Stuart her son. James Stuart her son. James late Duke Hamilton. William late Duke Hamilton. Earl Crawford Linsey. Earl Calender. Earl Marshal. Earl Kelly. Earl Lauderdale. Earl London. Earl Seaforth. Earl Athol, Viscount Kenmore, Lord Lorn, Lord Machlin, Lord Montgomery, Lord Spynie, Lord Crunston, Major Gen. Dalyel, Lieut. Gen Middleton, Viscount Newburgh, Lord Bargany, Sir Tho. Thomson, Laird of Womat, Laird Napier, Earl of Glencahn. Divers others are fined to pay certain sums of moneys, David Leshly 4000 li. Marquis Douglas, 100 l. and several other sums. A yearly allowance given to their wives and children out of their Husband's and father's estates 400 l. sterling to Anne Duke Hamilton's daughter, paying 20 pound a year to the Lord Protector, and his successors. Two hundred pound to her sister Susan, paying ten pound to his Highness Four hundred pound to Duchess Hamilton, paying twenty pound. Four hundred pound to Countess of Craford, paying twenty pound. Four hundred pound to Countess Lowdone, paying twenty pound. Countess of Callender her Jointure, conveyed from her former Husband Earl of Dunfermlin: 200 l. to Mary Earl Marshal's daughter, 150 l. on her three Sisters, paying 32 l. 10s. 300 l. to the countess of Louderdale paying 15 l. 200 l. to Lady cranston Paying 10 l. 250 l. to Lady Bargany, paying 12 l. 10 s. 120 l. to Lady Thomson, paying 6 l. From Upsal in Sweden, April 26. I begin now to believe, that we hall receive a dispatch; and though in respect of some things they offer, we seem to be at some distance; yet I have such a persuasion, that the noble Lady will find out such an expedient, that satisfaction will be amply given to both Nations. And this to be as the last act of her reign; which in my poor judgement is a great pity, for certainly she is as accomplished a Princess, as ever had the honour of swaying a Sceptre; and though the French, being rigged to their phallic laws, will not permit the distaff to intermeddle with a Crown; yet they had such a Virgin to rule amongst them, they would hereafter blot out such a law out of their records, as being mightily prejudicial to their advantage. on Thursday last, my Lord Ambassador and Count Erick had a meeting to debate upon the Articles of union. at which time Count Erick rendered several Article on the behalf of Sweden, most of which were the same my Lord First gave in; but some did differ exceedingly. 1. she will retain the best part of the Kingdom and the Customs to herself. 2. She will be no subject, but free of herself without Control. 3. She will Travel whither she pleaseth. 4. She will not revoke those Gifts of hers, which are Predia Corone, and were by her given, out of Favour, to Courtiers. 1. He will not be a King without a Kingdom, or at least without the better part of it. 2. He will have no Rival, more than she a Superior. 3. He will not hazard himself about her designs abroad. 4. He will not be without a Revenue sufficient both for war and peace. A French vessel with 25 lasts of pitch and Tar in her, taken by the Assurance Frigate. A ship of Amsterdam of 200 Tons, and 5 Guns, taken by the Assurance and Amity. Two more; one with Pitch, Linseed, and Deal-Boards belonging to Rotterdam; the other a French ship taken by the Pearl. Another vessel belonging to Flushing, with 26 Cases of Glass, taken by the Draee Frigate. Also a small Pinck of Flushing, laden with wines from Bordeaux taken by the Non Such Frigate. A Private man of War, taken by the Maremaid about Flamborough head. The taking of the east-Indy ship mentioned in our last to be taken from the Dutch, is confirmed. she was of 800 Tons, 4 Chests of silver, and well laden with other Commodities. By Letters from Edinburgh, we are advertised, that our small Garrisons near Sterling have fallen with success into the enemy's quarters, and brought away divers prisoners, and amongst the rest a party from Buchannon marched into the parish of Strablain, where Capt. Cunningham and Capt. Edmiston were levying of horse and foot, took Capt. Cunningham, and very narrowly missed cap. Edmiston. We received certain intelligence this day from Flanders that Elector of Cullen, and the Arch Duke Leopoldus, have had a meeting at Louvain, tarrying there about two days; the Arch Duke at his departure, presenting him with some rich Tapestry, and four of his best horses. We have by Letters from Sedan, that the Governor of Jamets having made a design with the Governor of Mouton to beat up the Enemy's quarters at Witton in the Province of Luxembourg, they carried their work on so gallantly, that the several Troops there quartered, were for the most part slain, and the rest taken prisoners with a Company of Spanish soldiers, who were left for the guard of that Town. This day by letters from Dalkeith we are advertised, that col. Morgan is marched from Dingwel to Tain, with all his brigade. Yesterday there marched 1000. foot over the hills above Brabas towards Sutherland, which its supposed are the Loughaber men, which will add to the enemy's strength, which was before 4000. horse and foot. There was a quarrel between Sir George Monroe and the E. of Glencarn, for plundering of, and abusing the Laird of Fowlis (Monroe's brother) who was extremely abused by them, which rose so high, that they appointed to Fight a combat, and accordingly on the last Lord's day in the morning they mounted and rid to the place appointed, and because Monroe would fight on Horseback, he took his pistols with him, but Glencairn bid him put away his pistols and they would Fight only on Horseback with their swords. in which Combat Monro had his right hand almost cut off and a cut in the forehead: Glencairn was likewise cut in the head. There was also a quarrel between Athol and Glengary about precedence of place, and a field appointed, but the business was taken up by the commanders. On the 21 of this instant Month arrived an express at the Hague, with Letters from our Lords Ambassadors in England to the States General, wherein they advise that the Peace was wholly finished and concluded, that the business of Denmark was determined, and the States General to be responsible for One hundred and forty thousand pounds sterling; That the ships detained in the Sound; should be restored within Fourteen days after that those should arrive there who were to receive them; and that the damage shall be appraised by the First of May, by Four persons. upon this good News the States of Holland adjourned yesterday; leaving their Order and consent with the States General to sign the Ratification, A few days after the Articles of the Treaty of peace signed on both sides, being sent over two several ways by two of the Gentlemen of the Lords Ambassadors, who arrived at the Hague, to the great contentment and joy of all the honest men in these parts. which were no sooner read, but presently Ratified by the States General, and the Ratification sent away for England immediately. So that now we no longer doubt of this blessed Peace, which hath kept us in suspense thus long together, however our Critics will not pardon the remissness of our Governors, for making such slow preparations. when their Neighbours arm so vigorously. The Lieut. Admiral Opdam is at present at the Hague, with the vice Admiral Witte Wittesen, Ruyter, and John Everrson, with several other Sea-Captains, who have received order from the States General to furnish the ships with all things necessary with all speed, The Rendezvous for the Merchants ships is to be at Goree; and no ship is to be suffered to go to Sea till the peace be published: and much variety of opinions here passeth upon the great preparations of the English and the designs they have in hand with their great Fleet. This day by Letters from Scotland, we received intelligence, that there hath been a great fight between the English and the Scottish Army, the particulars are thus. A party of the enemy commanded by Captain Irwin, got Westward, and came upon the borders of England in Cumberland, and plundered and spoiled all they could meet with, and carried away diverse prisoners. But as they were marching along to do some further mischief, a party of Colonel Morgan's met with them, who presently fell upon them, rescued the prisoners they had taken, and killed and wounded many, and at last forced them to fly back to the place where their whole body lay. In the meantime, Colonel Morgan with all his whole body had got as near as possibly he could to force them to fight: which the Enemy perceiving, and seeing no ways to escape, mustered up all their whole strength both horse and foot into several parties and at last the both engaged: the dispute was very hot for a long time, but at last ours had the better of them. They give out, that they have routed us, and took many of our men prisoners, and killed Colonel Morgan, but as yet we hear no such thing. The most easy, cheap, certain, and speedy way of curing the French Pox, and Running of the , without confining the patient, either to keeping of house, or extremity of fluxing physic; and without leaving the least symptom of the Disease behind, either inward by pains, or outward by pustules, is carefully performed, By the Physician at the tiled porched house in Maiden head Court in Aldergate street, over against Peterhouse He is to be spoken with constantly in the forenoon, between eight and twelve. | The true and Perfect Dutch-Diurnall, Issue 13 |
LIntell73 | The Declaration of the Dutch Admirals at sea, published by sound of Trumpet aboard the Navy, and the Resolution of the Zealanders to dispute the quarrel against England by force of Arms: the setting forth another great Fleet by the Hollanders; and the routing, dispersing, and taking of fourscore sail of Merchants. The Declaration of the Officers and seamen under the command of Gen. Blake, & their Protestation touching the Lord Protector, and the present Government. The Proposals of Mr. John Goodwin thereupon, to be published throughout all Counties in England and Wales. Together with terrible and bloody News from Scotland, and sad and lamentable News from Paul's. The Scots grow numerous in the Highlands, and play REX upon the Lowlands; we have lately sustained some loss by them, but colonel Morgan has again paid them in their own coin, and taken some eminent prisoners; yet few of them worth 20 s. sterling: valiant captain Wogan is said to be slain, who charged very desperately in the Van of the English. First, May it not be queried, whether such persons, whether Ministers of the Gospel, or others, who publicly undertake or pretend to know, and predict unto the people how long the present Government shall stand, and after how many months, or years, it shall presently be dissolved and fall, do not impose a kind of wretched necessity upon themselves, to turn every stone for the raising of Tumults and Insurrections in the Land, and to enrage the people against the present Government and Governors, thus to make a covering for their own shame, and to prevent the dishonour and reproach of false Prophets from lighting upon their heads? Or did not the Wizard in France, having engaged the reputation of his Art in foretelling the death of Duke Reren by a Burgundian on a certain day, & finding no likelihood, the day now approaching, of the event otherwise, resolved to make himself a true Prophet by doing the execution himself, and accordingly murdered him? 2 Again, are not these passages ensuing (published in print and subscribed by Mr. John Simpson Christopher Feak William Greenhill Thomas Brooks Honsord Knollys Thomas Harrison Henry Jesse Richard Wollaston. with several others about two years since) worthy to be engraven with the point of a Diamond, and engraven in letters of Gold: If Csar and Pagan Rulers under him Judea, and elsewhere, were to be honoured and submitted unto, as both Christ taught, and his Apostles; and yet they came in by the Sword, and kept God's Church in bondage, how much more should our Governors be honoured by all people in our Nation? The same Authors soon after express themselves thus: In our days, wherein persons truly fearing God are of divers forms, dissenting in Church-Government, &c. some that are termed Presbyterians, some Independents, some Anabaptists, and some that are not resolved with any of these; the power of choosing Rules, or of being chosen, should not be limited to any of these forms or persuasions, to the excluding of others, excepting such who deny propriety or Magistracy, or who assert carnal liberty, or Polygamy, whom we have witnessed against; or such as have opposed, or do not own this present Government. And with one consent we do declare, as in the presence of the Almighty, who is the Searcher of all hearts, before whom the wicked and deceitful shall be confounded at the day of Judgement, That all people in every Nation, as well members of Churches, as others, ought for conscience sake to honour such, as by the wise disposing providence of God, are their present Rulers, and are to submit to the civil commands, not only to such Rulers as are faithful but even to Infidels. If so, must not such men of necessity be false Prophets, casting snares upon the people, and leading them out of the ways of truth and peace who are so far from honouring their present Governors (though no Infidels, nor keepers of God's Church in bondage, but most zealous and faithful assertors of the entire liberties thereof) that with open mouth they pour contempt upon them day after day. Thirdly, Whether a man's conscience bearing him witness the Holy Ghost, that his heart is upright with God, and that he unfeignedly purposeth, and desires to do all the good upon earth, whilst he abideth upon men, which God shall any ways enable him unto; ought not such a person, even in conscience towards God, and out of love & geniusness of affection to his generation, embrace and accept of all such opportunities and advantages of standing, fro the promotion of his Work, which God shall by any providence of his offer unto him? Or when God called Moses up to the top of the Mount, had it been meet for him to have answered, Nay; but I will serve thee faithfully beneath in the Valley? Or is it not a grand detriment or loss unto the world, when Princes, as Solomon speaketh, walk as servants on the earth i.e. when men of noble principles, of public Spirits, whose hearts and souls are in travel with the wealth, peace, and prosperity of the world round about them, who are shaped and formed as it were on purpose by God himself for Rule and Government, shall want a stage whereon to act like Princes, or be persuaded to enjoy themselves in privacy and retirement? Or in case the Sun should be overruled to change places with the Moon, should not the world have cause in abundance to lament the change? Or had his Tabernacle been pitched in any inferior Orb beneath that, wherein it is now placed by God, could the earth have rejoiced in his light a that which now it doth? Or if a candle should creep under a bushel, when there is a candlestick provided and set on the table for it, should not they in the house have much more reason to be offended at it, than well pleased? From the North we have received intelligence, That a fleet of 80 sail of Dutch Merchants, with one man of war, coming from the Sound homeward, an English frigate weather gaged them, and gave them five broad sides; the Dutch answered her again; but after half an hour's dispute, they tacked about, leaving 5 or 6 as a sacrifice to the merciless waves; besides, seven of them were taken and carried to Gottenburgh. We have also taken 7 prizes in the West; so that the whole number, since the first riding of Vantrump paramount upon the Downs, amounts to 275. Yet not without some loss; for few days since the Hollander took 4 of ours, bound from Virginia and other parts. His Highness the Lord Protector and his honourable Council have set forth an Ordinance, declaring, that if any person or persons shall compass or imagine the death of the Lord Protector, it shall be treason. Secondly, that if any person or persons shall maliciously or advisedly either by writing, printing, openly declaring, preaching, teaching, or otherwise publish, that the Lord Protector and the people in Parliament assembled are not the supreme Authority of this Common-wealth; or that the Exercise of the chief Magistracy and administration of the Government over the said Countries and Dominions, and the people thereof, is not in the Lord Protector, assisted with a Council, it shall be treason. Thirdly, that if any person or persons shall say that the present Government is tyrannical, usurped, or unlawful; or that there is nay Parliament now in being, or that have any continuance, or any Law in force for continuing the Parliament, which is declared to have been absolutely dissolved and determined upon the 20 day of April 1653. and shall be adjudged and taken so to be; or shall plot, contrive, or endeavour to stir up or raise force against the Protector or the present Government, or for the subversion or alteration of the same, and shall declare any such endeavour or endeavours by any open Deed, then every such offence shall be taken and adjudged to be high treason. And whereas the Lord Protector and the Council, for the just & lawful defence of this Commonwealth are at present necessitated, by reason of the manifold distractions within the same, and invasions threatened from abroad, so to continue armies and forces in England, Scotland, and Ireland, which, under GOD, must be the instrumental means of preserving the good people of these Nations in peace and safety; Be it further ordained and established by the Authority aforesaid, That is any person, not being an Officer, Soldier, or Member of the Army or Forces, shall plot, contrive, or endeavour to stir up any mutiny in the said Armies, or among the said Forces, or any of them; or to withdraw any Soldiers or Officers from their obedience to their superior Officers, or from the present Government as aforesaid; or if any person or persons whatsoever shall procure, invite, aid or assist any Foreigners or strangers to invade England, Scotland, or Ireland, or any the Dominions thereunto belonging; or shall adhere unto any forces raised by the enemies of this Commonwealth; or if any person or person shall plot, contrive or endeavour the betraying, surrendering pr yielding up any City, Town, Fort, Magazine, ship, Vessel, or forces by Sea or Land belonging to this Commonwealth; or if any person or persons shall counterfeit the Great Seal of England, Scotland, or Ireland, for the time being, used and appointed by Authority of Parl. or by the Lord Protector with the consent of the Council; or the Sign Manual, privy Signet, or privy Seal of the Lord Protector for the time being; or if any person or persons whatsoever shall proclaim, declare, publish, or any way promote Charles Stuart eldest Son to the late King, or James Stuart another of his Sons, or any other the issue or posterity of the said late King; or any other person or person claiming by, from, or under him or them, or either or any of them, to be King or chief Magistrate of England, Scotland, or Ireland, or of either or any of them belonging; or if any person or persons shall give, keep, or hold any intelligence whatsoever by Letters, Messages, or otherwise, to or with the said Charles Stuart, James Stuart, the late Queen their mother, or any of them; or if any person or persons shall counterfeit the money of this Commonwealth, or shall bring any false money into this Land, either counterfeit or other, like to the money of this Commonwealth (knowing such money to be false) to the intent to Merchandize, or otherwise; or if any person or persons shall hereafter falsely forge or counterfeit any such kind of Coin, either of Gold or Silver, which is not the proper Coin of this Commonwealth, and yet is or shall be current within the same; or shall bring from the parts beyond the Seas into this Commonwealth, or into any the Dominions of the same, any such false or counterfeit Coin of money being current within this Commonwealth as is abovesaid; or if any person or persons shall impair, diminish, falsify, clip, wash round, file, scale, or lighten for wicked lucre or gain's sake, any the monies of this Commonwealth, or of the Dominions thereof; then all and every the Offences abovementioned shall be and are hereby deemed, ordained and adjudged High Treason; And the Offenders therein, and their Counsellors, Procurers, Aiders, and Abetters, being convicted according to the Laws of this Nation, shall be and are here by deemed and adjudged to be Traitors against this Commonwealth, and shall suffer such pains of death, and incur such forfeitures, as in case of high treason is used and ordained. Provided always, that neither this Ordinance, nor any thing therein contained as touching the moneys and coins aforesaid, nor any Attainder of any person or persons for the future, shall in any wise be adjudged to make any corruption of blood to any of the heirs of any such offender or offenders, &c. Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby declared to be the full intent of this Ordinance, that the Laws and Statutes made in the times of Q. Eliz. and K. James, against Jesuits, and popish Professors, should not be repealed, but stand in full force in every clause thereof. Friday the 27. a Carpenter stood in the Pillory in Smithfield, for beating and wounding his Mistress, and another for corrupt and wilful perjury, who had both his ears nailed. The same day a great part of the South end of Paul's took its fall, where about 40 children were playing, but not above 20 were seen to come forth at the door. Divers Gentlemen were walking there; but observing its sudden motion of rending about two yards asunder before it fell, escaped away timely without any harm. From Holland we have received intelligence, that the States sit very close at the Hague, in order to an Answer to the Lord Protector's message: but many conceive they will not condescend to a League Defensive, by reason they are so linked in Treaties with foreign Princes. The Zealanders are exceeding averse to a peace, and choose rather to die gallantly with their arms in their hands, than be reproached of having made an infamous peace with the English. And notwithstanding the fair Overtures for an agreement, yet they go on with all possible expedition in their Sea preparations, and intend to have a greater fleet out towards the latter end of Feb. than ever they had yet. The Dutch Admirals seem opposite to the Convention at the Hague, for concluding of a peace, and have published a declaration aboard the Navy, promising more in one hour to the Seamen than they can perform in ten. The Admiralty are making ready 20 new ships of war, of 150, and 136 foot long, and from 36 to 38 broad. They have taken 3 or 4 more prizes and carried them into the Uly, where 5 delicate East India ships are stranded: who left the whole fleet about Schagen, but are now said to be within the sight of the Land. Pure fish, if they were caught; but our silver hooks cannot yet take hold of them. Captain Cornelius Allard plays the Devil upon Don's back, and has taken two sweet and delicate prizes from us, laden with Sugar, Indigo, and Beaver-wool. But Gen. Pen has sent forth a Squadron to clear the Channel. The Seamen are unanimous, and have signed a Declaration to live and die in the present Government. | The Loyal Intelligencer, Issue 73 |
PerfAcc172 | The making stay of our English Merchants' ships by the Governor of St. Mallo's. And the taking of 300 Chests of money on Friday last. The heads of the Ordinance of Grace and Pardon to the people of Scotland, and the names of 30 Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Lords, and Knights, who are excepted of having any benefit of the said pardon. The late actions between Col. Morgan and Gen. Middleton. The proclaiming the Articles of Peace between England and Holland. The great joy at the Court in France, and the late Qs. going from thence. With several transactions of his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council. From Wednesday April 19. to Wednesday April 26. 1654. This Monsieur de Grave, who is the resident here in England, from the Duke of Guelders had Audience from the Lord Protector, there was then present divers Lords of his Highness's Council, the chief Secretary of State (his other attendants) at Whitehall, when the Resident first came up to speak to his Highness he congratulated him in the Place wherein he is, and after that imparted some matters of State, which is not yet fit to be communicated to the public. The chief part of our intelligence for many weeks together, hath been to satisfy the people of this Commonwealth concerning the Treaty betwixt England and Holland, which you will discern to be fully ended and brought to a period, if you read this ensuing Ordinance or Proclamation. Whereas a Peace is made, concluded, and ratified, between his Highness the Lord Protector, and the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries. And whereas it is agreed, That the publication thereof shall be made on both parts on Wednesday next being the six and twentieth of this instant April; from which time, restitution is to be made of all Ships that shall be taken on either side, after twelve days within these Seas, and in all other places on this side the Cape of St. Vincent, after six weeks; and from thence within the Mediterranean sea, and to the quinoctial, after the space of eight months: which several places were so limited, to the intent, convenient time might be allowed for notice to be given of the said Peace, in all places where it shall be necessary. The Council have therefore thought fit hereby to give notice thereof to the several Ports of this Commonwealth, and to all others whom it may concern, within the Dominions thereof; to the end they may have warning, to provide for their own safety, and not to expose their Ships to danger within the several and respective times aforesaid. Dalkeith, April 13. 1654. On Monday morning last a party of 40 of the Enemies' horse, or more, came in view of our Garrison of Kilcrooch, and passed by it. Lieutenant, Hunt that commanded there, drew out with a party, but could not overtake them, till they were got to Aberfaste, took 7 prisoners, 11 horse, 20 Cloaks, and many Cloak-bags full of plunder, which the Enemy scattered the better to make their escape: We rescued two prisoners which they had brought out of the borders of Cumberland to the hills; Lieut. Col. Irwin commanded, and brought up the Rear. The Lords Forrester and Dudhopp are in Athol, but bring no further advantage to their party, than their persons and attendants. Since the two defeats given to McNaughton's party, he is gone away, being much suspected by some of that party, that he hath betrayed his party to us, which makes many of their Officers begin to capitulate, and to desire terms to come in. The 9 instant Col. Morgan was at Dingwel in Ross, within a mile whereof the Enemy must march, or else engage, otherwise go such a way as never horse went, over Hills and Rocks. Their number is 4000 horse and foot, ours about 2200, our Soldiers are very hearty, and wish nothing more than an Engagement. Inverness, April 16. The Enemy in Caithness have endeavoured all they could to raise that Country; but the people are backward in joining with them, fearing lest the Garrison which is at Sinclair Castle, commanded by Cap. Langrish, of Col. Fitch's Regiment, should punish their forwardness after Middleton's march out of Caithness, wherefore for their encouragement, Maj. Gen. Dyal with a party of foot, and 100 horse is ordered to sit down before it for the taking it in, which is conceived will not easily be achieved by them, the place being naturally strong, and a vessel within these few days being sent from hence with 3 month's provision and ammunition; so that they are, with what they had in store, well provided for at least six months. The Country about Ruthen is at present free from the enemy; the Governor of Ruthen Castle, Capt. Hill of Fitch's Regiment, carried thirty horse load of necessaries for his Garrison. Col. Morgan marched from this place on Monday, he having drawn a party of foot out of this Garrison to join with those forces he brought from Aberdeen, so that he lies with about eleven or twelve hundred Horse and Dragoons, and a considerable party of Foot, betwixt the Enemy, and the Passes they must needs march through, if they intend to move out of this North corner; so that they will be compelled to fight, or otherwise break or disband those Forces they have gathered, there being no way left them to avoid meeting with Colonel Morgan, but through such inaccessible bounds, as it is impossible for their horse to march that way, and very difficult for their foot, it being exceeding Mountainous, and scarcely inhabited, and the Country they are in will not long be able to sustain them, it being very poor. I doubt not but a few days will give us an account of some Action betwixt him and Middleton; what the success will be the Lord Knows, in whose hands are all the corners of the earth. By another Express from Leith dated April 17, thus. We have little news here but what's in expectation. Morgan and Middleton have continued at an easy distance from each other for some days past, and 'tis conceived that the little Colonel hath some advantage of him in respect of ground and will endeavour by all means to engage him, though his number at present be much inferior to his. In the meanwhile, there is many dissolute persons from several parts run to the Enemy. One of our Frigates that convoyed ammunition and some Merchants' ships hither, in her return off from Dunbar was confronted with 7 Dutch ships, and after a hot skirmish boarded, and carried away; two light Vessels that went with her made their escape, and brought the news to Leith. Plymouth April 16. Wednesday last Captain Potter Commander of the Constant Warwick (who three weeks since brought in Beach) did bring in hither another of the Brest Pirates, viz. The Bridget Frigate, a small vessel of 4 guns, but one of the neatest things, and the best Sailor that hath been known. Beach and Jones say (who are now together lamenting their loss, and bemoaning their misfortune as they call it) that Captain Potter hath taken two of the principal Frigates that belong to Brest. Tuesday last the Portsmouth, Middleborough, and Falmouth Frigates met with 48 sail of Frenchmen upon their own Coast, 24 of them were ships of force, and the other great vessels all bound for the New found land; there was an hot fight for the space of five hours in which time there were three of the best ships sunk, but most of the men which were alive saved by our Frigates, there are four taken, one of which is brought in hither, the other three are brought in at Foy, they have nothing in them but provisions and some salt. I cannot learn of any men we have slain, but some wounded, neither have we sustained much damage in our shipping. Further from Paris April 25. In answer to yours concerning the little Queen, and her son the titulary King of Scots, thus much at present; Three days since she went from hence, having two days before taken her leave of the King and Court, there went with her, her two sons, Pr. Rupert, and some others, in all about 12 Coaches; some say she intends for Orleans, others to the Duke her brother at his house near Blois. Charles Stuart is only gone to convoy her on her way, and to return, but not yet quite to leave France as reported. Deal, April 21. This afternoon is arrived here the Express who doth return into Holland to carry to the States General the ratification of the peace, signed and sealed by his Highness the Lord Protector, which upon signification of their receiving, will be suddenly proclaimed both in England and Holland. There is brought into this Road three Dutch prizes, whereof one was a ship bound for the East Indies, and the other two of good value: there is also brought into Harwich two Dutch prizes, which came from Norway, and some Busses we hear are taken by a private man of war, and carried into Yarmouth, having some fish in them, but not fully laden. By an Express from the Fleet riding in Stokes-Bay, it is advertised, That 100 sail of lusty men of war, viz. 50 English, and as many Dutch, are designed for the Straits, the Indies, and Levant Seas; and that valiant General Penn is to be commissioned for this famous enterprise, on the English part; It is likewise said, that young Tromp is to go Admiral over the Dutch Fleet employed as aforesaid. In the meantime, and till further Order from his Highness and his Council, our Fleet ride at anchor in Stokes Bay. It is certified from Venice, that the General Delfino hath received a defeat by the Turks in Dalmatia, at the siege of Clim; but the loss not so great as was at first reported. Saturday his Highness the Lord Protector taking into consideration, how much it might conduce to the glory of God, and the Peace and welfare of the people of this whole Island, that after all those late and unhappy wars and differences, the people of Scotland should be united with the people of England, into one Commonwealth: For perfecting of which union, it is ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice of his Council, That all the people of Scotland, and the Isles of Orkney and Shetland, and of all the Dominions and Territories belonging unto Scotland, are and shall be, and are hereby incorporated into, constituted, established, declared and confirmed one Commonwealth with England, and in every Parliament to be held successively, thirty persons shall be called from, and serve for Scotland. And it is further Ordained, that all the people of Scotland, &c. be discharged of all Fealty, Homage, Service and Allegiance, which is or shall be pretended due unto any of the issue and posterity of Charles Stuart late King of England. And also Saint Andrew's Cross from henceforth is to be born in the Arms of this Commonwealth, as a badge of this Union. And it is further Ordained that all Forfeitures, Escheats, Simple, or of life, rent Bastardy, and last heir, which heretofore Escheated, Forfeited, and fell to the King, Lords of Regality, or other Superiors, shall from henceforth fall Escheat, and forfeit to the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth for the time being. From Paris they write, that there hath been great store of Masking and Plays at Court of late, which being now over, they begin to go forward with businesses more solid and in particular in that touching the grievances of the Protestant Princes, and to put some money (promised) into Charles Stuart's Pocket, then he sayeth he will be gone from them. The Queen of Sweden seems to hold her resolution to resign up her Crown, and the Treaty goeth on fairly touching the affairs with England. By Letters out of Flanders it is certified, that the Duke of Lorrain is still kept in custody by the Archduke. The Army which was under his command are yet in their quarters, Duke Francis of Lorrain the second Brother, is daily expected there, to take upon him the command of that Army which his Brother had, and then no doubt he will be courted very high by both the Spaniard and the French. From France thus. The Marques de St. Geniez, field Marshal in his Majesty's Armies is come to Phillipsburg where he is to be Governor, the former Commander having resigned him the place according to his Majesty's Orders thereupon. We hear from Flanders that the Elector of Cullen, and the Archduke Leopoldus, have had a meeting at Louvain, tarrying there about two days; the Archduke at his departure, presented him with some rich Tapestry, and four of the best horses. We have by Letters from Sedan, that the Governor of Jamers having made a design with the Governor of Mouson to beat up the enemy's quarters at Witton in the Province of Luxemburg, they carried their on so gallantly, that the several Troops there quartered, were for the most part slain, and the rest taken prisoners with a company of Spanish soldiers, who were left for the guard of that Town. An Ordinance of Pardon and free Grace to the people of Scotland, came this day out in print. It is something long, and therefore the Heads will be the more acceptable to such as cannot go to the price to purchase it at all. I. That all persons of the Scottish Nation, of what degree or quality soever they or any of them are, (except the persons in the said Ordinance excepted) shall be, from and after the first of May, 1654, freed, acquitted, and discharged of all Forfeitures, Pains, and Penalties whatsoever, for any matter or thing by them committed or done, by Sea or Land in relation to the late War. II. The Persons, and Estates excepted out of this Ordinance, are these, Charles Stuart eldest son of the late King, James Stuart, James Duke of Hamilton, William late Duke of Hamilton, John Earl of Crawford Lindsey, James Earl of Calendar, the Earl of Kelly, John Earl of Lawderdale, John Earl of Lowdon, the Earl of Seaforth, the Earl of Athol, Viscount Kenmore, the Lord Lorn eldest son of the Marques of Argyle, Lord Machlin, Lord Montgomery, George Lord Spynie, Lord Cranston, Lord Sinclair, Thomas Dalyel, John Middleton, James Viscount Newburgh, Lord Bargany, Sir Thomas Thomson, James Edmeston Laird of Womat, Lord Napier, William Earl of Glencarn, James Lord Mordington. III. All persons are excepted out of this Ordinance, that have been at any time since the first of May, 1652. or now is in Arms in Scotland, against this Commonwealth, saving the benefit to such persons, as can claim any by virtue of Articles of War. This day we had news from St Mallo in France, that the Governor hath made stay of all the English Merchants there. A man come from Rye yesterday, affirmed, that about Friday the last week a ship was brought prize in thither, laden with 300 Chests of Money, besides great quantity of Sugars, Nutmegs, and other Spices; so that Sugars were sold, some for 3 d. some 4d. the pound, and Nutmegs, some for 2 d. some for 3 d. the hundred, &c. | A Perfect Account, Issue 172 |
FScoutHorton169 | A Declaration of the proceedings of the Treaty between the English and the Dutch, and the Papers of Agreement between his most Excellent Highness, OLIVER Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the States General of the United Provinces With a Narrative of the exact particulars read and examined on Wednesday last at a Conference by Mr. Henry Scobel, Clerk of the Council and confirmed and approved by the Lord Commissioners constituted by his Highness for finishing of the Peace. The Queen of Sweden's Resolution for war, and her raising of forty thousand horse and foot. The setting forth of the Royal Sovereign and a bloody fight between the English and the K. of Scots Admiral: the number killed, wounded, and taken, and ten valiant Captains brought prisoners to Plymouth to be tried for their lives. The sad and lamentable engagement between the English Troops in Scotland, and the manner how they charged each other very desperately killing and wounding divers. The Council at Whitehall have taken into consideration the abuse of farthings, and have debated the allowance of tokens to be made by one that will make them of intrisical value. The Queen of Sweden is sending a message to the Lord Protector Cromwell, by way of congratulation; and withal has set down her Resolution for War against the Emperor, having in readiness 39000 horse and foot. Maj. Bourn & divers others were robbed at Shooters hill, and bound in a Wood: some in a Coach fought, but the thieves slew one of the Gentlemen: another Gentleman of them came to be dressed at M. Mollins in Shoe lane, where one of the thieves came to be dressed, but hearing he was dressing one hurt at Shooters hill, run away without his Cloak, which he had put off in expectation to be dressed. The last Intelligence from Col. Dan. Serl, Governor of the Barbados, advertiseth, That on the 13 of December last, was held a General Sessions for Gaol-Delivery, and Common-pleas, which continued for the space of five days; amongst others, who received corporal punishments, one John Barkley, a Scots man, was hanged for buggering an Asnegno Mare, which Mare was brought to the place of execution, and there tied to a Wooden stake, where she was burnt to Ashes, in presence of the said Barkley, who was afterwards immediately executed. After which, one Mr. Robert Richards was hanged for killing an Irishman, that was a servant in this island, and three Negro-men at the same time were hanged about a murder some nine months since committed in the night time by several Negroes, who beset the house of one Mr. Dobbs a Planter, killed him, his wife, and child: So just is the most heroic, honoured, and very much approved noble Colonel Serles, to administer equal justice upon all Offenders, that the very balance of the Scales are rightly terminated upon all Facts, Crimes, Designs, and Actions: Which, indeed, will remain as a Tropical Palm to eternize his Name throughout all Ages. And so tender is the said Governor likewise in managing of the weighty Affairs of that Island, that for the suppressing of runaway Negroes, and to prevent the increase of their great Numbers, He commanded some three hundred men to hunt and range the words, who the first day killed two of the Negroes, one whereof was conceived to be the chief of them afterward seven other Negro men were brought in, and upon Trial found guilty of the said Murder, four of them had first their right hands cut off and then hanged; the other three were also executed. About a fortnight since came in sight of the Island a small Dutch man of War, which stood near the shore, and put forth the English Colours, and a Parliament Jack, and made as if he intended to come in: Upon which four Shallops going from the Bridge to the Leeward, part of this Island with Commodities, thinking it had been an English ship, and standing towards her, were surprised and taken which was a considerable loss. The Articles of Agreement between the Dutch and Us (as before mentioned) are not yet engrossed the English Commissioners of the Council to the Lord Protector, viz. The Lord Lisle Sir Gilbert Pickering, Maj. Gen. Lambert, Col. Montague, Mr. Strickland, Mr Laurence. Appointed to finish the business of the Dutch Ambassadors, have had several meetings, and the Results of all (as fairly conjectured) tends to a speedy Union. The last Post from Holland advertiseth, that there is arrived at the Uly about 140 sail of Merchants' ships that came from the Eastland, whereof divers are going up to Amsterdam, the rest to other Ports. The Commander Ruittier is chosen Vice-Admiral for that City, and great are their preparations in most places. There is come to the Hague an Agent from the great Duke of Malta, who is called the Chevalier Palant; he hath had Audience of the States General, and after that delivered in certain papers, wherein are expressed at large the occasion of his coming, and his Demands. The two great ships (so long expected) are now safely arrived at the Uly from the Charibde Islands, and some few ships taken by the English are again re-taken by the Dutch. Nay, further, they have taken some of our ships on the Northern Coast, towards Bridlington Bay, Scarborough, and Newcastle, and stranded other near Hartlepool: there is a great Fleet coming from Newcastle, so soon as the Wind will permit, and a Convoy is ready to attend their motion. There is another great Fleet of Dutch Merchant-men (consisting of no less than one hundred and fifty sail ) gone to the Westward, sailing close by the Coast of France, and having a fair Wind, gave our Fleet the go-by: they have a Convoy of 60 men of war and well manned, and are to return speedily to the General Rendezvous. The Queen of Bohemia (sister to the late King of Great Britain ) is going to Frankendale, which is her Dowry, a most wealthy place, and of great frequentation, it being the midway betwixt Wormes and Spiers, where she will do the best she can to entertain young Charles, and to accommodate him in the present juncture of Affairs. His brother JAMES second Son to his late Majesty is as valiant as Hector in the King of France's Army; but the little Queen (his Mother) is of a sudden struck very solentary. The Lord Wilmot, and the Lord Wentworth do with much importunity press upon the loyal breasts of the English in several places to support the weak distressed Estate of their Prince; especially at the city of Hamborough, where the Lord Wentworth did extremely solicit and importune the Treasurer of the English company, who fearing his power, and loath to part with those monies which belonged to all the English Merchants who traffic in those parts, acquainted the President of the English Companies with it, and withal, showed the inconveniences that would arise, if he should deliver moneys to him. Whereupon the President weighing the truth of the Reasons made his complaint to the Senate, who enjoined the Lord Wentworth not to exact any sums of money of the Treasurer, unless he was able to put in good security for the re-disbursing of them. Ha! ha! 'tis good to be merry and wise. From Plymouth our Scout bringeth intelligence that the Constant Warwick, and the Portsmouth frigate being together, met with the great Pirate Cap. Beach, who had newly take two prizes; but perceiving that our frigates intended to pursue him, he left the Prizes, and was afterward secured by the night coming on. The same night the Portsmouth frigate and the constant Warwick chanced to part company, and it so fell out about midnight that Beach towing about, lighted on the Constant Warwick all alone, which before he came near, he took to be a Merchant man, and went on with an intent to board him; but the Warwick demanding who he was, he replied he was the Portsmouth Frigate and for Whitehall. But the Warwick suspecting him, bade him round off. Then Beach perceiving his mistake, and seeing the Warwick to be a man of War, he presently made away; but the Warwick being a good Sailor, made after him, and kept company with him all night. About 6 in the morning, Beach began the fight, firing 3. Guns, which were answered by the Warwick. The encounter lasted till two in the afternoon, at which time Beach and his men called for Quarter, and had it. He had five foot water in the hold when he yielded; he had 200 men, 20 whereof were killed; his Frigate is a gallant new Vessel, of 42 Guns, whereof but thirty eight were mounted. There are taken aboard with him nine Captains besides himself, and divers Gentlemen, who are all prisoners. This is that Beach, the Ringleader Pirate, who hath done our Merchants so much mischief this Winter, that he lived like a Prince at Brest; for which 'tis like he will receive his reward, being brought in hither, with the rest of his companions. The Cordial Declaration and humble Address of the ancient and renowned City of Gloucester, by the Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, Sheriffs and Common Council thereof, Signed and signified under the Common Seal of the said City, at a Common Council there holden. Desert and Praise should always go together as Twins, where the one precedes it is an injury to withhold the sequence of the other; So great hath been the desert of your most Excellent Highness (through the goodness of God) in the eyes of all these Nations for divers years past, that we humbly conceive we should make ourselves a scorn in the ears of Foreigners for our ingratitude, if we should not make our Praises in some measure commensurable to Your vast Achievements. We profess sincerely in what we Declare, and do hope that Adulation will not by any good men be interpreted to lie couchant in our Expressions, for we shall speak the words of Truth and Soberness. &c. The Royal Sovereign is now ready to spread her Canvass upon Neptune's curled Waves, and the two new Frigates lately christened the Naesby, and the Marston Moor, will suddenly be equipped and rigged: the first carries 64 Guns: the other 60, if We mistake not, which is very seldom. There is building another great ship for War, which is as broad, and longer than the Royal Sovereign, alias the Commonwealth of England, &c. So that the lines of a learned Gentleman may justly be inserted, to wit; But fith that Providence doth seem to promise Us a fair conclusion, after our late unparalleled Engagements on the British Ocean, we shall therefore draw to a conclusion with the final Results of the Treaty, viz. That the English Commissioners, and the Dutch Ambassadors have concluded upon the engrossing of the said Articles, which are to be transcribed fairly into Vellum; and the Dutch Prisoners are already set at liberty, and are to have moneys to transport them home. Another part of Paul's Church falling down the last week at the great South door, where a part fell before: it was under consideration by the Council for taking it down; but nothing yet done in it. Our last Post from Scotland bringeth certain intelligence, That there are divers great Commanders, and eminent persons landed at the Ferrey of Uney in Southerland a List of their Names We shall here present you with as followeth: Lieut. Gen. Middleton, Col. Stuart, The Lord Douglas, Col. Gibson, The Lord Murray, 24 Captains, Sir George Monroe, 27 Lieutenants, Sir Alexander Ennis, And about 60 other Officers and Gentlemen. Maj. Gen. Dyel Col. Dyel, Col. Lodowick Drawland, Great store of Arms, Ammunition, and other warlike Provisions; by way of Tradition 'tis said, that they have brought over three white Flags, with the cross bloody Daggers, and that they are already marched up to Achness with divers Horse load of Arms from whence, they intend to march up to Strath-fleet, terminating to have a conjunction with Gen. Glencarn in the Highlands, and then to proceed with fire and sword against all those that shall oppose them in the Lowlands. But let them beware, that Valour's great Elixir, who do's three Nations aw, doth not once more with his brandish Sword give the Redshanks a Law, for which end, his Highness hath ordered all Officers to repair to their several charges. But since their arrival, the Highlanders grow numerous; and at their late general Rendezvous the Arms were distributed, some monies received, and Letters read from their King, promising his assistance to the uttermost of his power at which some signs of great joy were made; but let them laugh that wins, May the justness of the Cause carry it. The King of Scots of his own accord did chose to go for Germany rather than for Scotland at present, and is no way discouraged at his Removal out of France: so familiar are his misfortunes with him. Yesterday the Commissioners from the Lord Protector went from his Highness in two Coaches with the Secretary of State and the Clerk of the Council and their attendants to the Dutch Ambassadors, at Sir Abraham Williams's from whence they are not yet removed to Sir John Trevers's: they were met at the gate by the Lords Ambassadors, where the Lord Beverling made a speech to them and they received them with great respect and love on both sides. Being come into the House and into a chamber appointed for their Conference; they spent much time in order to the finishing of the peace. The business this day, was to confer their Papers of the agreement, for though they have agreed, yet it is engrossed by each side, and on Wednesday last they compared their papers; which when both compared together, do in all particulars agree; then they are to sign on both sides. And what they sign, the Dutch Ambassadors do in the name of the States General. But more it is to be sent to the States, who are also to give their assent after the Ratification, and then they deliver the Articles on both sides, which its conceived will be done within the space of three weeks. The two Ordinances touching Ministers and touching the law is before a Committee, whereof Justice Hales in the Chair. The particulars expect in my next. The Highlanders increase in Scotland and Gen. Middleton begins to play Rex again: they had a Rendezvous upon the 11 instant, and are now marching towards the Lord Reaff's Bounds. There hath lately happened a great disaster between Cap. Palmer's troop and Cap Mason's, the manner thus: Cap. Palmer having pursued the enemy at last met with a party of horse, which he took to be the enemy whereupon he charged them desperately but were as gallantly repulsed by Cap. Mason, who charged them through and through, and for the space of half an hour the business was very disputable, in which unhappy engagement 6 were slain on both sides and 8 wounded, whereof Cap. Palmer is one. From Plymouth our Scout bringeth intelligence, that the Sapphire frigate hath sent in 9 ships which was taken upon the French Coast and the None -such frigate hath taken three delicate Vessels laden with Wine, Beans, and Salt. Nine more taken on the Coast of Scotland and Cap. Wilkins hath taken another, bravely fraught with rich Mere and The Royal Sovereign is now put forth to sea, and rides in Stoke bay. Two Merchants ships that were coming from Ipswich toward London, were taken by a Dutch man of war, they clapped the English of both under the Decks of one of them, on the 4 of March, and then left them, sending them homeward; but the next day the English at a seasonable time lifted up the decks, relieved themselves, took the Dutch, and clapped them under the deck where they were, and brought away both their ships to the Downs, which are now safe in the River, with the prisoners. Gentlemen, This is the ancient faithful SCOUT, composed by the same Head which formerly drew up the Original Copy, licensed and entered into the Hall-book of the Company of Stationers for G. HORTON, and appointed to be published throughout all Cities, Towns, and Corporations, for information of the People, and to prevent the abuse of all false Copies under this Title. | The Faithful Scovt, Issue 169 |
DutchDiurn04 | A great and bloody fight betwixt the English and the Dutch. The daily and great preparations for War in Holland. The great plunderings and robberies of the Highlanders in Scotland, because they refuse to pay Contribution Money. Also the landing of many Arms and much Ammunition in Scotland. Generals Monk's advancing towards Scotland. Divers Dutch prizes taken: The Declaration of the Commander in chief of the Highlanders in Scotland, The great defeat given them; and a Lift of the prisoners: Likewise the Proclamation of Glencairn for the levying and raising of Forces upon a Commission sent him from Charles Stuart. With divers other Letters and intelligence from foreign parts. This day some of Capt. Welsh his men coming to this Town, were stayed and brought before the Landisher, who examined them, and sent his Major to the Lord Ambassador, to know whether he would own the Captain, whereto answer was given, that his Excellence did own him, as one who he did believe had a Commission by Authority of Parliament; whereupon the men were dismissed. But our English people have the more trouble here, and the less favour; because the Queen's Admiral is a Hollander. The Dutch Deputies are now gone over to Holland, yet there is some hopes there may be a conclusion of peace, which will be within ten days, or else none likely. The English Fleet is still in the Channel and General Pen with them, Gen. Blake, Gen. Monk, and General Desborough are returned to Whitehall, and General Monk is ordered to go for Scotland. This day the Ambassador newly come over from the King of France, had audience by his Highness the Lord Protector, whom he congratulated in his new Government. Letters from France say, that Charles Stuart at the Palace Royal in Paris, feasted the French King, with some French Lords and Ladies, and there were his brothers the Duke of York and Gloucester, Prince Rupert is come hither, but it holds true, that the Prince Maurice is drowned. Forasmuch as it is apparent, That [notwithstanding my Proclamation of Septem. 27 last] many serviceable horses daily go to the Enemy, to the great disservice of the peace of this Nation, which could not be without too much connivance of the Owners or Possessors: These are therefore strictly to require all manner of persons, who now are, or hereafter shall be possessed of any serviceable horses or Mares, exceeding the value of 5l. sterling, to bring in the same within 48. hours next after publication hereof, unto the next adjacent Garrison or Quarters of our Army, under the penalty not only of forfeiting treble the value of such horses, and mares, as shall not be brought in, the one moiety thereof to the use of the State, and the other moiety to the party informing, but also be deemed as an open, and dealt with accordingly. Given under my hand and seal at Dalkeith, Decem.14.1653. R. Lilbrrn. The Lord Kinoule. Alexander Nipper Capt. John English, late Foot Soldier in Dundee, but reduced. James Bowter. Patrick Henry Fetchry. William Moward. Patrick Knock, John Hamilton, Rob Jackson. James Blayer, of Balgello his Brother, Laird Ross, late Captain at Worcester. This day the Council considered of the business touching his Highness's Household, and made some progress therein. By Letters from Captain Foster, Commander of the Phoenix Frigate, dated in Ously Bay the 5. of January, 1653. was this day advertised, that he had landed the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, with the safe arrival of the other ships and Vessels appointed to attend his Lordship, Decem: 17. Last at Gothenburg, where he was honourably received by the Governor and Magistrates of that City. And his Lordship went his voyage towards Stockholm with rainy blustering weather. The 21. of December, he came out with his ship when the wind blew hard with much snow, endeavouring the Yutish coast, anchored in ten fathom water, and discovered a Fleet of ships; and December 22. in the morning got the weatherage of them, endeavoured to discover what men of War were amongst them, and saw only one ship of countenance, and a private Man of War of eight Guns. The Fleet being Hollanders, ran from the sound; and 72. Sail, some with 6. some four, others two Guns, upon our Guns firing amongst them, cut their cables and run towards the Sound; but before they got clear we boarded and manned three of them, which prizes were kept to the windward of us, and about 8 o'clock we engaged them. After the passing of two broadsides, the private Man of war ran after their Fleet, we continued the Dispute until 4 o'clock at night (at which time we passed broadsides close board and board as fast as we could tack our ships.) The Enemy then ran towards his Fleet, we pursued him, and after several broadsides, intended to board him; and though our Bowsprit shot by the board, our Main and Fore-Mast shot through, scarce a shroud whole, our Hull much shot, four of our men slain, and eleven wounded; he firing as he retreated, yet we made him in such a sinking condition, that whilst he fired his Guns, he called to his Fleet to save his men, about 4 leagues off at Anchor under an Island. About 400 horse and foot were looking on us from the shore, we received shot from the Enemy of 36.l. weight. But night hindered our pursuit. About three in the afternoon next day three Holland men of war, (two of them very great ships, being come from Holland to convoy their Fleet, came right before the wind upon us, we then bore to our prizes, took our men out of them and would have fired them had we had time. The last news from Warsovia import, that the King with all his Army, consisting of about eighty thousand men Horse and Foot, was upon their March to encounter the Tartars, and Cossacks, who are joined together, but remain asunder, being in two distinct bodies: By some prisoners lately brought to his Majesty, we hear that the General of the Cossacks hath a particular Treaty with the Kahn of the Tartars, which if true will exclude him from making any peace or accommodation with the Crown of Poland. From Regensburgh thus: The Diet is not yet concluded there being new differences happened between the Prince Elector, and his Uncle the Duke of Simmeren, about the enjoying of some Land which each other pretended to be his. Some Commissioners are appointed to examine the matter, and so to report it: as also some differences between the Landgraves William, and the Earnest of Haffia. From Dusseldorf we are advertised thus: The duke of Newburgh is still at Malheim, being not well pleased with the Assembly met in this City, by reason that they have denied him the sums of money which he demanded of them. The difference between the City of Cullen and their Elector is near agreed, he having set at liberty all the Barges and Boats, which by his order had been stopped at Bonna. From Italy and parts adjacent came information thus: The Infanta Maria of Saucy is here at Rome, but yet as incognito; she intends to remain here for some time. The Pope hath also given several Abbeys, and other good Benefices to some of his domestic Servants, and appointed new Nuncios to go into several places of those parts. From Genoa thus: We hear from Madrid, that an Express was come to the Court to inform his Majesty that there was landed at Coronna in Galazia, three thousand Irish soldiers who were appointed to Winter Quarters, which doth something startle the Portugals, who made a show as if they would have besieged Cindad Rodrigo. The Duke of Tursie is also expected at Barulona with four Galleys, who are to bring good store of Ammunition and Moneys for the payment of the Garrison: One of the Spanish Galleys hath lately taken a very rich prize upon the French, being a ship bound for Marscillis. From Paris Jan.9 thus. The last News from our Army in Alsatia imply, That the Marshall de la Ferte hath invested Beffort, and is now making his lines of Communication, and other works belonging to a siege; there hath been several pieces of Ordinance drawn out of Nancy, which are on the way, and will come to the Leaguer as soon as any Batteries will be raised for to plant them upon: The Marquis de Uxelles is to be Lieutenant General, and is expected there with three thousand men. This Design hath much alarmed the Country, and so much the more since the yielding up of the strong Castle of Philipsburgh, which was taken by a surprisal without the loss of one man. The manner thus: The Deputy Governor being gone a hunting, with some of the high Officers of that Garrison, notice being given to one of the Cardinal's creatures, he embraced with alacrity that occasion, and being come into place, he so prevailed upon the Garrison, that he became Master of the place, and this Deputy Governor being come in the evening, knowing not what had passed, found the Bridge drawn up, and entrance denied him, whereupon he was forced to retire speedily. The Duke d'Amville being sent by the King to Blois to try once more if he could prevail with the Duke of Orleans, and so bring him again to the Court, returned back this week, and the report is at Court that he hath brought a very good Answer, and that he will be shortly in this City; but others are of a contrary opinion. From Milan thus: The Marquis of Caracina our Governor is gone from hence to Uercel, and from hence to Trin, as also all the high Officers who were all come to this City to pass the time of the Truce, and are all come to the Army to observe the enemy's march. James, Earl of Glencarn and Kenmore, &c. These are straightly to charge and command you, to levy and have in readiness out of your Shiredom one hundred horse well manned and armed, by the day of January; at which time you shall receive further Orders from me, to repair to such place of Rendezvous as shall be appointed: Whereof you are not to fail, &c. Our men are drawn forth of Edinburgh, and other garrisons, and are busy in chasing the enemy from place to place, and daily take many of these thieving Villains, and three Regiments are marched from hence towards Scotland, it is likely they would soon be quelled if they would stand to fight. From Portsmouth they write, that a Squadron of our Fleet have taken very lately six prizes from the Hollanders: The preparations for War in Holland are very great, and they talk of some great matters agreed upon betwixt them them and the French, but nothing openly declared, till they hear what becomes of their Treaty with England. From Gottenburgh, Novemb.30. After that Captain Welsh had landed the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, he put to Sea again, and met with two Hollanders riding at the Scah, the one 400. the other 350 Tons, laden with Wheat, Rye, Wool and Planks, both which he took, and brought away with him, and by storm was forced to come a little way within this port, but without the command of the Forts. The Lord Ambassador was earnestly pressed to send for the Captain, and to discharge the prizes, but answer was given, that it was conceived a matter not appertaining either to himself, or the Queen's Officers to meddle with; and believed, that the Queen's ports would not be denied to any English-man who had Commission by Authority of Parliament, coming here to shelter himself against storms: That the Conflict had been upon the high Seas, betwixt the English and Dutch, who were enemies. For these Reasons, his Excellency the Lord Ambassador refused to do anything in it. By Letters from Lime we are advertised by a Barque that came from Britannia that one of our Frigates having met with a Dutch Pickeroon near Ushant, gave him chase, and followed so close, that he forced him to run on ground on the hither side of the Bay of Camaret, and by reason of his shooting hard at him, made the Country to come down to the Water side; it happened that some shot did make execution on the shore, there being four killed and wounded; yet by reason of the night approaching, and the Country being all alarmed thereby, could not fetch her off; but ours put to Sea again, to clear from the Rocks before it was dark. By several other Letters from Scotland we received information to this effect. The Highlanders continue their stealing, and plundering of their own Countrymen that will not rise with them, or pay the Contribution-Money that they lay upon them, though I am confident many have not wherewithal to subsist, paying likewise their Assessments for the maintenance of the English Army; but when Major General Lambert's, Commissary General Whalley's Regiments of Horse, with Sir William Constable's Regiment of Foot, which we hear are upon their march, are come in to us, we doubt not but to send this Heathenish and plundering Enemy so far back into the Highlands, as that they shall not dare to approach the Lowlands, whereby to do the Inhabitants any considerable hurt: And how the Highlanders are able to keep horse foot, is easy to be imagined, all their dependence being upon Charles Stuart, and his endeavours with the Dutch for Money and Arms; but a peace with Holland, (which we hear is in a very probable way for a very speedy conclusion) disperses them to their several mountainous habitations, without ever drawing the sword against them; and then the Lords and Chieftains amongst them, may expect a liberal of Justice for doing their Master such rebellious service, which hath been, and is destructive to the generality of Scotland, that a few months continuance will bring them the sad condition of the Irish, that have been forced to eat the corpses of their deceased Friends after many days interment; yet are not the people of Scotland very much to be pitied, in regard they will seldom give notice to any of our Garrisons, when any party of the Enemy marches through the Country, whereby they might be the better preserved from their violences and cruelty, choosing rather to be willingly destroyed by them, then be treacherous, as they call it, to their own Countrymen: Some Arms they pretend are lately landed for the Enemy in Scotland, but this is more to encourage their forced and naked party, than otherwise considerable. We have received no News from Holland, since that the Dutch Commissioners set sail from Gravesend: By way of Calice we have further Intelligence of the great fire that happened in Holland, which began at Waterland, about five hundred houses burned to the ground, and many persons perished in that fire, as also some Cattle. The contrary winds have withheld the Dutch-Post this week, so that a more particular account cannot be given from thence for the present. Concerning our Fleet by Letters from Portsmouth thus, General Blake and General Monk being now at London, General Pen rides as Admiral of the Fleet without St. Helen's point, three Leagues from Portsmouth, forty sail of gallant ships ready upon any advice of the Dutch ships coming out to put to Sea: Some part of them are already sent out to ply between this place and the Land's end, and over upon the coast of France, to suppress the Brest and Dutch Pickeroons who of late begin to be strong, and have done much harm upon the Western Coast. The Prince of Conti is not yet arrived, but is expected here tomorrow; there is a strong report that this Prince intends to match with one of the Cardinal's Nieces, but many are of a contrary opinion, which is truest, will be known very shortly. The Lord Chancellor hath been this week at the Parliament, to have a Supersedes to the passing the Declaration which is drawn up against the Prince of Conde, the same to continue for six weeks. The Cardinal de Retz doth still lie a close prisoner, there being little hopes as yet of any enlargement, his Antagonist the Cardinal Mazarini being very obstinate in the demand he hath made so many times, that he should resign his Coadjutership of Paris, and to entice him the more, there is offered him the two rich Abbeys of S. Denis and Cluni, which offer he will by no means accept. This is Extracted out of the Original papers, and licensed according to the late Act for Printing. London, Printed by T. Lock, living in Seacole-Lane near the sign. | The true and Perfect Dutch-Diurnall, Issue 4 |
MPol204 | From Thursday, May 4. to Thursday, May 11. 1654. This Highland Enemy will not yet show itself as an Enemy should, but they harbour still in the Hills, and all that Coll. Morgan could do after his tedious march that way was only to get a sight of them on the other side of the River Tain, a broad dangerous River, and without Boats, so that there was no getting to them, and so he though fit to return back to his Quarter at Dingwel, having no Enemy to encounter. Middleton goes on still in his Levies, forcing men in, in the Counties of Caithness and Ross, but not with such success, as he expected. The Quarrel between Glencairn and Monro hath bred Factions among them, so that they are ready to devour one another, and if they linger a little longer in the hills, want of Provision and hunger, will make them. Therefore we expect that necessity will shortly force them out; but which way is uncertain, and therefore a strict eye is had upon all the Passes. XXII. That if any ship or ships of the People, or Inhabitants of either Commonwealth, or of a Neuter, shall be taken in the Havens of either, by any 3rd party, being none of the People or Inhabitants of either Commonwealth; They, in or from whose Havens and Liberties the said ships shall be taken, shall be bound together with the other party, to endeavour that the said taken ship or ships may be followed, brought back, and restored to the Owners, but all at the charges of the proprietors or interested. XXIII. That Searchers and other Officers of that nature; on both parts, shall in execution of their Offices, regulate themselves according to the Laws of each Commonwealth respectively, and shall not levy or take more than they are allowed by their Commission or Instructions. XXIV. That in case any wrong or injury be done by either Commonwealth, or by the People or Inhabitants thereof, against the people or Inhabitants of the other, either against any the Articles of this Treaty, or against common Right, there shall yet no Letters of Reprisals, Mark or Countermark, be granted by the one or the other Commonwealth, whose people or inhabitants have suffered wrong, or from such as the supreme Power shall depute, to that Commonwealth where justice is as aforesaid denied, or delayed, or to such Power as shall be by them appointed to receive such Demands, that all such differences may be composed amicably, or in the ordinary course of Law. But if there shall be yet delay, and that Justice be not done, nor satisfaction given within three months after such demand made, that then Letters of Reprisal, Mark or Countermark may be granted. XXV. That all persons on either side that shall go out to Sea upon particular Commissions shall be bound before they take out their Commissions to put in good and sufficient Security by responsible Men not of the ship's company, before the Judges of the Court whence the said Commission is issued, that they shall do no wrong or injury to the People or Inhabitants of either side. XXVI. That the People of either side shall have free access to each others Ports, and may there stay and thence depart not only with their Merchant ships, and such as are laden, but also with their ships of War, whether belonging to the State, or to such as have obtained particular Commissions, whither they shall arrive either by stress of weather, or to avoid the danger of the Sea, or for provision of Victuals, so be it they exceed not the number of eight ships of War when they come in of their own accord, not that they continue to make stay in the Havens or about the Ports, longer than for the reparation of their ships, buying in of Victuals or for provision of other necessaries. And whensoever any greater number of ships of War than is above specified, shall have occasion of access into those Ports, then shall it not be lawful for them to make any entrance, without first obtaining leave for this purpose from those to whom the said Ports belong, unless they be constrained by weather or any other force or necessity for avoiding the danger of the Sea. And when it shall make no longer stay there then the Governor or chief Magistrate shall permit, and during their stay in those Ports they shall commit no hostile Act, nor do anything to the prejudice o the said Ports. XXVII, That the Lords the States-General of the United Provinces shall take care that Justice be done upon those who were Authors or Abettors of the Murder committed upon the English in Amboyna, as the Commonwealth of England was pleased to qualify it, if any of them be yet alive. XXVIII Whereas certain English ships and goods have been seized and detained within the Dominions of the King of Denmark, since the 18 day of May, in the year 1652, it is on both sides concluded, accorded and agreed, and the Lords the States-General have obliged themselves, as they also do by these presents. That Restitution shall be made of all and singular the English ships & goods detained as aforesaid and remaining yet in specie together with the true and just price of such as are told, embezzled, or otherwise disposed of, within Fourteen days after the arrival of the Merchants and Masters interested therein, or their Affairs, for the receiving of them. And also that Damages be given for the losses sustained by the English by Reason of the said detention, according to what shall be arbitrated and awarded by Edward Winslo, James Russell, John Becx, William Vander Craysen, Arbitrators indifferently chosen, as well on the part of the Lord Protector, as the said States-General (the form or instrument of which Arbitration is already agreed upon) to examine and determine the demands of the Merchants, Masters and Owners, to whom the said ships, goods, and damages appertain. Which Arbitrators are to meet at Goldsmiths Hall here in London, the 27 of June next, old Style or sooner if may be; and shall the same day make solemn Oath before the Judges of the High Court of Admiralty of England, that they will proceed without respect or relation had to either State, or any particular Interest whatsoever. And moreover, the foresaid Arbitrators shall from the first day of August next, unless they agree upon sentence sooner, be shut up in a chamber by themselves, without Fire, Candle, Meat, Drink, or any other Refreshment, till such time as they come to an Agreement concerning the Matters referred to them; And the Sentence which they shall award shall be obligatory to both Parties. And the States-General of the United Provinces do firmly oblige themselves by these Presents, to execute and perform the same; as also, to pay such sums of money here at London, as the said Arbitrators shall adjudge to be paid, for the use of the said Owners, to such person or Persons as the Protector shall nominate, within 25 days after Adjudication made. And the said States-General shall, within two days after the Instruments of Ratification of the said Articles of Peace are mutually delivered, pay here at London the sum of 5000l. sterling, towards the Charges of the Merchants, Masters, or their Assigns, for their Journey to Denmark, and the sum of 20000. Rix Dollars, to such Persons as his said Highness shall appoint, within six days after the arrival of the said Persons there, for the use of the Merchants, Masters and Owners, towards repairing their ships and fitting them for Sea. Which said sums shall be accounted in part payment of such sum, as shall be awarded by the said Arbitrators. And that Caution and Security be given (the form of which Caution is already agreed upon) by sufficient and responsible Men, living here in London, and binding themselves in an Obligation of one hundred and forty thousand pounds sterling (which Obligation is to be delivered at the same time with the instrument of Ratification) that Restitution shall be made according to the premises; and that the submission and payment as well of the 20000 Rix Dollars, as of such sum, or other things, as shall be adjudged and determined, as aforesaid, shall on their part be duly performed. And if all and singular the Conditions be not really and effectually performed on the part of the Lords the States-General in manner and time aforesaid, then the said Obligation shall be forfeited, and the said sum of one hundred and forty thousand pounds sterling shall be paid to such person and persons as his Highness shall nominate, to the end the losses of the Merchants, Masters and interested may be satisfied. XXIX. Item, That whereas certain questions and differences have arisen between the Commonwealth of England and the King of Denmark, by reason of the detention of the ships and goods mentioned in the former Article, and the States General of the United Provinces have undertaken the restitution of the said ships and goods, and agreed to give security and caution for the damages in the manner expressed in the former Article; It is agreed and concluded that the same being done and performed, all questions, strifes, wrongs and acts of hostility between the said Commonwealth and King, by reason of the said detention, shall cease and be forever forgotten, in such manner, that the said King with his Kingdoms and Dominions shall as a friend, be comprehended and included in this Treaty and Confederation, so as to be restored to the same friendship and alliance with either Commonwealth, in which formerly he was, before the said detention, and as if it had never been. As also his Deputies and Ambassadors shall be admitted with like honour as the Deputies and Ambassadors of other States are being Friends and Allies. XXX. Item, agreed, that, at the time of the delivery of the Instruments of Ratification, four Commissioners shall be nominated on both sides to meet here in London, upon the eighteenth day of May next old style, who shall authorised and empowered, as also by these presents they are authorised and empowered to examine and determine all the losses and injuries which either side alleges to have sustained from the other since the year One thousand six hundred and eleven, unto the eighteenth day of May, 1652. Old style, as well in the East Indies, as in Greenland, Muscovy, Brazil or in any other place: the particulars of all which are to be delivered into the Commissioners nominated as above, before the said eighteenth day of May under this restriction, that after the said day prefixed no new allegations shall be admitted. And if the above said Commissioners shall not within three months space, to be accounted from the said eighteenth day of May, come to an agreement, concerning the differences aforesaid delivered in writing & expressed in particulars; that in such case the aforesaid differences shall be submitted, as by these presents they are submitted, to the judgement & arbitration of the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland, who by an Instrument for this purpose (the form of which is already agreed upon) shall be desired to take upon them that Arbitration, and appoint like Commissioners empowered & instructed to give final judgement thereupon, on within six months next following after the expiration of the three Months aforesaid. And whatsoever the said Commissioners or the major part of them, shall award and determine within the said six months, shall oblige both parties, and be performed accordingly. XXXI. It is also agreed, That both parties shall firmly and truly perform and observe this present Treaty, and every Article and thing contained and concluded therein; and shall cause the same to be performed and observed by their respective People, Subjects and Inhabitants. XXXII. For better Security that this Peace and confederation shall be truly and sincerely performed on the part of the Lords the States-General, their People and Subjects, it is agreed and concluded, and the Lords the States-General, do by these Presents agree and firmly oblige themselves, that all and singular, whom, either they the States-General, or the States Provincial, shall at any time elect, constitute, or appoint captain General, chief Governor, or Stadtholder, commander of their Army or Forced at Land, or Admiral of any of their Fleets, ships, or Forces at Sea, shall confirm by Oath this Treaty, and all the Matters and things therein contained and shall promise by Oath to observe, and as much as in him or them lies, inviolably to perform and keep the same: And as far as concerns them, command the same to be performed and put in execution, and take care that they be performed and executed by others accordingly. XXXIII. Lastly, it is agreed, That the present Treaty, and all and singular Matters and Things therein contained and agreed on, shall within fifteen days next ensuing, or sooner, if it may be, be confirmed and ratified in due and authentic form, by the said Lo: Protector, and the said States-General of the United Provinces by their Letters Patents under their great Seals, and that Instruments of Ratification shall be delivered interchangeably within the time aforesaid. And furthermore, that this Treaty and confederation shall immediately after delivery of the Instruments, be published according to the usual Solemnity, and in the places accustomed; and that all acts of hostility shall cease on both sides from that time. A Bark come hither out of France adviseth, That in her way homeward she met two of the State's Frigates, who had met about Ten sail of small French ships near Conquet, and had taken about five of them, and were in pursuit of the rest, being about 2 Leagues from them, and very likely to take them. The Brest Pirates are very rife abroad, and have taken an English ship of late bound from Morlaix for London, laden with Linen cloth. Take next the Copy of a Congratulation presented in the name of the County of Buckingham, as followeth. It should have been published a while since, but by accident, it lingered till now. It was presented to his Highness by Sir Richard Temple, and Sir Heneage Proby, and about 30 Gentlemen. We do desire to rejoin in the hand of Divine Providence over your Highness in all the dangers of War (which have been many and great) in which the Lord of Hosts hath protected your Highness, and hath made you nently Instrumental of the great good of Peace and Quiet, which for the present we enjoy. And whereas of late we were sinking, and should have stuck fast in the Quicksands of Trouble and Confusion (which fiery and furious spirits did desire to have seen) we with thankfulness and Admiration do acknowledge the late Turn of Providence, in that we, (which yet are upon the troubled Sea) do now see Land, and have a foundation of some settles Government held cut unto us. And as it is the people's duty to strengthen the hands of their Governors, so we (in this Address to your Highness) do engage ourselves to stand by and assist you to the uttermost in the discharge of the Trust which so remarkably is devolved upon you: in the promoting of the Cause and Interest of Jesus Christ, in the Countenancing of the public Congregations, the encouraging of the able, painful and pious Ministers of the Gospel, the remove all of those that are scandalous, negligent, and insufficient, and putting better in their places, the preservation of the fundamental Laws and Liberties of the Nation, and shall ever pray. &c. The Duke Francis of Loraign with his two sons is arrived here at last, he was met out of Town by the Archduke Leopald and all his whole train, who gave him with great civility, (the Complements being first passed between them) the upper hand which he did in manner when he arrived at Court, where he was received with open arms and other sufficient demonstrations of love and affection to each other: After some short stay here; he is to go to command his Army, and in the meantime of his abode here, he will get the acquaintance of the Officers of the Army, and so by degrees the love of the soldiers, who are said to be averse to serve under him. The Spanish troops are upon their march to begin the Campaign. They are marched towards Doway and Valenchienne, many suppose they are designed against Bethune or Bassee; whilst that the French are employed upon their Confines and Borders, through the apprehension of the English Fleet, which hath put the people of Normandy, Britain, and Guienne into a very great fright, that they do guard and watch their Coasts, and have also fortified and reinforces their Cities and strongholds with double guards; the better to prevent and hinder any surprise or landing that may be intended against them. The general discourse here, now the peace is concluded with Holland, is, of the Treaty between France and England. Some say, it will take the same effect as that of Holland, which would very much prejudice the affairs of the Spaniards, if it should fall out to be so. Others again say, that his Highness the Protector will take the present opportunity which is so favourable unto him to put in execution, the ancient pretences of England to the Kingdom of France, all things concurring to encourage him thereunto. And of late it is said, there hath been a Comet seen at Paris, with a long tail, which the wise Prognosticators do conjecture, to be the messenger or War, Sicknesses, and Miseries. Here happened lately a kind of tumult between the Lackeys and Footmen of the Lords of this Country, and those of Foreign parts, but they were presently parted by the Officers of the city, who apprehended some of the chiefest of them, and have had them since soundly whipped for their pains. Here is great expectation of the publication of the Peace, that the Merchants may safely venture to revive their Trade. Here are arrived a great number of our State-ships, and the rest of the Fleet are expected tomorrow. It is said that this is appointed for the of general Rendezvous. I may tell you that our business here is almost at an end: And I hope, it will not be long ere we set forwards towards our desired Country. The Queen hath now manifested, that she hath been real in all her demonstrations of respect to my Lord Ambassador; And though for some reasons of state, we could not hitherto prevail to get a particular Answer, only Promises, yet she hath now been as good as her word, and hath given my Lord a grand Dispatch before her retirement. The Queen Commissioned the Grand Chancellor, and his second Son, Count Erick, to Treat with my Lord and to conclude. And after some expedients found on both sides, they are come to their journey's end: and after the Articles are engrossed, they will be signed: So that now we shall have nothing to do, but to wait for an order to recall us home. The Queen is positive in her Resolves of quitting the Government: Her Successor the Prince Royal, is a person of large Wisdom, Martial Courage, and a sweet natural disposition. And it is believed withal, that this Nation will be happy under his Government. We now dream of nothing but returning to you. Whereas by an Ordinance of the seventeenth of March last, entitled, An Ordinance for continuing the Excise, it is next after the Rates therein specified, generally declared and provided, That all other goods and Merchandises (except Bullion, Corn, Victual, Arms, Ammunition, Ordnance of brass or iron, imported, or to be imported) not specified, or the rated, should pay after the rate of five pounds per centum, according as the same are charged by the book of Rates, for the Customs to be paid by the first buyer one shilling. Be it ordained, and it is ordained and declare by his Highness, with the advice and consent of his Council, That the said Clause be null and void, and instead thereof, be it hereby ordained and declared, That all other goods and merchandises mentioned in the Book of Rates for the Customs (except Bullion, Corn, Victual, Arms, Ammunition, Ordnance of Brass or Iron, and Wools of Sheep) imported, or to be imported which are not in the said Rates of Excise, before or otherwise Charged, shall hereafter pay Excise, after the rate of five pounds per centum, to be paid by the first Buyer from the Merchant or Importer, and the same is to be collected accordingly. And to the end the whole receipts of the Excise may be the better reduced into one cash, and the charge and number of Officers thereby retrenched, It is hereby ordained by authority aforesaid, That from and after the twenty-fifth day of March last, the Revenue of the Excise shall be but one Receipt, and so accounted for, and that all receipts and accounts heretofore taken or kept of any payments of Excise or new Impost, by virtue of any Addition Act, Ordinance, or order of Parliament, and designed to any separate use or uses whatsoever, shall from thenceforth cease and be void, and be brought and reduced to one general Cash, and public Revenue. Provided nevertheless, that the moiety or fines and forfeitures, imposed and received since the twenty fifth of March last or that hereafter shall be imposed and received shall be still kept in an Account apart, and be paid out towards the maintenance of widows and maimed Soldiers, according to Ordinance of Parliament of the thirteenth of July, one thousand six hundred and forty seven. And it is hereby for the further relief of the said Widows and maimed Soldiers, ordained, That from and after the said five and twentieth day of March last, there shall be, out of the general Cash and Revenue of the Excise, allowed the certain yearly sum of twenty six thousand two hundred sixty pounds, to be paid weekly by equal portions out of the said public Receipt unto such person or persons as is, are, or shall be appointed thereunto by his Highness and His Council, and be entrusted for employing and disposing thereof to the use aforesaid. Which yearly sum of twenty six thousand two hundred and sixty pounds is to be in lieu of all and every sum and sums of money assigned by any Act, Ordinance or Order of Parliament out of any the Receipts of the Excise, for the Relief of the said Widows and maimed Soldiers, other then the Moiety of Fines and Forfeitures before excepted; and the present Commissioners of the Excise, or any of them, shall have power from time to time to issue our , either delivered over unto them, by the Commissioners them, or which hath, or shall be directed by his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council, or by Authority thereof. And the said Commissioners for Excise, and their Subcommissioners, are hereby empowered to make repayment of the Excise to any persons whatsoever, for any Goods imported upon the Exportation thereof, in such sort as the late Commissioners might have done before the 25 day of May last, It appearing unto them that the duty of the said Goods have been fully paid; any former Clause, Article or Provision to the contrary notwithstanding. Henry Scobell Clerk of the Council. This day the Peace was proclaimed, and a day of Thanksgiving is to be appointed for this great blessing. Great shouts of joy were made at the publication thereof by the people, who are generally well pleased with this good news. The Secretary of the deceased Lord Le Brun, Ambassador of Spain, hath signified to the States-General, that he had order from the Archduke Leopold to take upon him the management of his Majesty's affairs, in the quality of a public person; till such time that the place of Ambassador should be supplied. He did also represent unto them, that his Majesty doth desire to be comprehended as an Ally and Friend in the Treaty made with the Commonwealth of England, as he hath written to his Ambassador in England. But he did also complain that the Hollanders do undertake to Trade in the East-Indies to the prejudice of the ancient Agreements; upon which he hath yet received no answer. In the meantime we are preparing all what we can our Pitch barrels and Fireworks against the Day of Thanksgiving, which it's said will far exceed those that were made for the Peace with Spain. This is all the news at present that these parts will afford. Our Merchants are preparing all what they are able, to have their ships in a readiness to go to Sea, as soon as ever the day limited for their safe passage is expired. The French Court is still as Fontainbleau; and great Preparations are making for his Coronation at Rheims, which will be within a Fortnight after his Return hither from the said Fontainbleau. All the Foreign Ministers are invited to the Coronation, and a day appointed for their meeting at Rheims. The Protestant Commissioners are gone after the Court, supposing the Cardinal will be better at leisure to hear their complaints, where he is, then when he is in Town. The Princess of Conde hath petitioned to the Parliament to have her Jointure secured, and settled upon her: And the Prince of Conti hath also petitioned to have his father's Will annulled, alleging there are many things contained therein which do tend very much to his prejudice, wherein he ought to have redress: Both their Petitions were referred back to his Majesty's Council. Here is news that the Prince of Harcourt hath in the end agreed with Spain; so that all Brisat and Alsatia, except Philipsbourg, will be delivered into the hands of the Spaniards, of whom he hath received a good sum of Money. Charles Stuart and his Brother are also in the Country taking the fresh air, curing the absence of the French Court, at whose return he thinks to remove out of France, if the money be ready when he expects from them. Whereas several persons have presented unto his Highness and his Council divers patterns for the making of a common Farthing for the use of the Common wealth; and have attended several times about the same, and at this day the business is depending before his honourable Council, and then pleasure as yet not signifies therein. And yet notwithstanding in the meantime several persons have presumed without any Authority or Declaration of the State to set the Commonwealth of England's Arms on a piece of pewter of the weight of about a quarter of an ounce, and have procured intimation in Print to be made, that these pewter farthings are allowed to pass current through the Commonwealth of England, &c. and in pursuance thereof, have and do daily vent these unauthorised pewter farthings in London and other parts of this Commonwealth, to the great deceit and damage of this Nation. These are to give notice to all men, that if there be not a sudden stop of the making and venting of those pewter farthings, the Commonwealth will be greatly deceived, both by mixing the Pewter with Lead, and also every Tinker and other lewd persons will get moulds and make said pewter farthings in every corner. Therefore all people ought to take notice that no farthings are to pass, but such only as shall be authorised, by his Highness and his Council to pass through the Commonwealth. The series of mercies (or rather miracles) the which the Father of Mercies hath of late years encompassed his people in these Nations, as it eminently commenced, and continued in raising up your Highness' spirit suitable to so great things as he hath brought to pass by your hand; namely, the enlargement of his people both in spiritual concernment, and temporal enjoyment, so we trust will still continue towards you and us, until our deliverance be completed, and your Highness' actions Crowned with perpetual praise: And seeing by Divine Providence your Highness hath been made in so large a measure, the happy repairer of our breaches, defender of truth, and procurer of Peace in these Nations, as we desire to bless the name of the most High as the efficient cause, so also to manifest our duty and thankfulness to your Highness, as the instrumental means of so great enjoyments, rejoicing in the Lord, who hath given us a Governor that seeks the good of Sion , under whose protection, as we have much confidence of living happily, so we also engage to live Loyally, dedicating our hearts and hands, lives and fortune to your Highness' Service, for accomplishment of the good work so far by you promoted in opposition to all the enemies of the truth, piety, and peace, which being the full purpose of our hearts, we hold it our duty to declare, the more to confirm your hand in the work of the Lord and his people, humbly subscribing our selves Your Highness' very faithful Servants. Presented by Major Skutt and some other Gentlemen of the Town of Pool, and his Highness returned hearty thanks both to the Gentlemen that delivered it, and also to the Town. We can now in some measure make you a requital of News, by telling you that his Excellency hath concluded the Treaty here to a full and large satisfaction on both sides, and that within Fourteen days after he began to Treat with those Noble persons that were Commissioned for that purpose by her Majesty. We must confess it was beyond our expectation, when we considered the difficulties, the greatness of the business, the designs to obstruct it, and the averseness of divers great ones towards it: But the grand Chancellor, and his son Count Erick, who were the Queen's Commissioners, came off with good respect to my Lord Protector, and to my Lord Ambassador also himself, who with great wisdom and dexterity hath managed this business. The Queen also hath manifested incomparable affection to his Highness, and favour to my Lord Ambassador, with whom she hath kept her Word very honourably. She told my Lord Ambassador, That she would have the honour to make the Alliance herself with my Lord Protector, and in respect to him, and she said, because my Lord Ambassador treated her like a Gentleman, avec franchise et rondeur, et ne pas comme un Marchand, she did consent to more than any other could have obtained from her. It hath pleased God to show much mercy to us in our voyage hither, and in our business here, and we hope to enjoy the like in our return, which will be now out of hand. The only news here is, that my Lord Ambassador Whitlock hath finished his affair at Upsal, and we expect his Lordship in this City within 20 days. There is a firm Alliance and friendship made, which is as much as either side could expect or desire, as things stand. You Tantalise our expectation about the issue of the Dutch Treaty, touching which our jealousy works stronger than our faith. The Duke of Muscovy wrote Letters of late to the Q. of Sweden, wherein he signified the cause of his War with the Pole. Two reasons he mentioned; one because a certain Poland Poet writing a Narration of former Wars, wherein the Pole had the better, said, they had beaten the Muscovite, without adding his Title, plain Muscovite. The other, because in quoting something touching the Genealogy of the Muscovites Ancestors, he named one as father which was the son; and for these two grand offences, he demanded of the Pole the offender's head; which being denied, he makes War upon them and hath taken one City; and hanged one of the most considerable in Poland. These were the contents of his Letters. In his long title he hath of late called himself Dominus parentum & avorum suorum. The Queen being forced to answer something, because he asked her advice, returned, That she neither approved nor disapproved, his reasons, but thanking him for his civil Communication, wished that he might receive good satisfaction from the Pole, being troubled that Christian Princes should disagree. There is little News since the last. All are yet quiet in these parts: Middleton and Colonel Morgan yet continue in the same posture; only the Enemy are often quarrelling among themselves: The last was between Glengary and Sir Arthur Forbes: Kenmore took Forbes his part, but Middleton parted them. The General intends next week to March towards Sterling, and so for the Hills. The Lord Craighall, one of the Judges at Edinburgh died this day. Returned and augmented; Containing some rare and rich unpublished Receipts of Cookery. Whereunto is added, A Compendious way for making, Preserves, Conserves, &c. By that Incomparable Master of these Arts, Mr. Jos Cooper, Chief Cook to the late King. And are to be sold by Richard Lownds, at the White Lion, near the West End of St. Paul's. | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 204 |
ProcState243 | This day about eleven a clock the Lord Ambassador from the King of France had audience by the Lord Protector in the Chamber where the Council of State sate, whither he was brought to his Highness's presence by Sir Oliver Fleming, Mr. of the Ceremonies, where after salutations, his Highness and the Lord Ambassador both put on their hats, (the Lords of the Council and all the rest being bare) and after the chief of his Gentlemen (desiring it) had kissed his Highness's hand, the Lord Ambassador treated with the Lord Protector; what the event will be as in order to Peace, time will show; But there was an English Master of a ship lately gave Cardinal Mazerine a witty answer about it: Thebusiness was thus: This Master had his ship with Merchandize taken by the French, he made addresses to the French Court (among others in the like condition) to see if he could recover it, or any consideration, but he (as well as the rest) sought in vain, for he and others are come into England without any satisfaction: But the Cardinal had himself some private discourse with him, and asked him why England was so unwilling to ratify amity with France, being France was so near a neighbour, and could be more useful than Spain to join with England; And for that also Protestants have such liberty for the exercise of their Religion as they have in France, but are so punished by the Inquisition in Spain; And that France did so desire Peace, and that there may be no breach between us. The English man answered the Cardinal, that if that he said were true, he would tell him a way how he might cousin England, the Cardinal asked him how? why quoth the English Master of the ship, by letting me and my Countrymen, whose ships you have taken, to have them restored to us again; For we do believe in England that you do taken them from us in a way of War and will not restore them, which if you do, you will indeed cousin us, and indeed the man and others are come without any satisfaction. There are many Stories of strange things about two ships of the English that plundered about St. Mallows, and a fight between them and some French, but it is all false, there was no such thing at all, but a mere rumour raised by some base people, I know not upon what design. Letters from Ireland say, that that Country is now very quiet, no enemy appearing but as Robbers, no Armies, or considerable strength to oppose any Party, and that upon peopling the Country there is like to be much peace, and good living. It is considerable to take notice of the wonderful increase of all things, both Cattle, Fruits, Corn, and all other Provisions in the several parts of England of late, ever since our new change of Government. There was never known (as is said) so many Ewes bringing forth two Lambs, apiece as now, and to particularise everything would be large. The business of the new Coin of Monies is still under debate by the Council. This afternoon about six a Clock the Lords Ambassadors from the States general of the united Provinces of the Netherlands had audience by the Lord Protector, being brought to his Highness's presence by Sir Oliver Fleming, Master of the Ceremonies, in the Presence Chamber (which is that where the Council of State was wont to sit) and (after a salute) his Highness and the Ambassadors were covered, and they did congratulate his Highness with much amity, and there were great expressions of joy for the Peace so happily (by God's blessing) concluded between both Commonwealths. This day the Proposals offered to the Lord Protector by the Lord Broghil, Col. Hewson, Col. Venables, Col. Ingolsby, Sir Robert King, and Master Hutchinson, Commissioners from Ireland, in order to the government of Ireland, being committed by his Highness to the Council, were referred to a Committee of the Council, and the Committee met this afternoon about the same, and intend what possible speed may be therein. This afternoon the Deputy from the King of Denmark had audience by his Highness the Lord Protector, in the old Council of State Chamber at Whitehall, the satisfaction from that State will be given according to the Articles of Peace with the Dutch. The two main causes of obstruction of Justice, and why there is so little reformation of the abuses by all the good Laws are made, I have observed to be want of information, and want of prosecution, men will not tell one against another, and trouble their Neighbours; and besides, it is somewhat troublesome and chargeable to go to Justices of Peace with complaints; and hence it is that not one of a thousand offences are complained of, then for many offences of the Offender cannot be convicted of it, and so punished for it but upon Indictment, which is tedious, troublesome, and somewhat chargeable to the Prosecutor. The informations that come in at the Sessions of Peace (for the most part) come in by the Presentment of the petty Constables who are never there, or by the presentment of the Grand Jury,or Petty Jury, the Party accused then appeareth, and is bound to Traverse, and in the Traverse no prosecution appeareth, and then he escapeth; and it is very common for the Prosecutor to be taken off, in case where the Prosecution is by Indictment, and not one of twenty Indicted, or Presented, is punished. And for this last cause I doubt little fruit will come of the new Law for Highways because the penalties (as I hear) are not recoverable but by way of Indictment. If some Laws were made to this effect as followeth, we are confident they would do much to the furtherance of Justice in the punishment of evildoers. I. That some part of the Forfeiture, in case of Swearing, Sabbath-breaking, Incontinency, Drunkenness, and the like, be given to the Informer, and Prosecutor, or that it be in the power of the Justice of Peace before whom the Conviction is, to give part of it to the said Informer, if he see cause. II. That he that shall hear another Swear, or see another Drunk, or the like, and shall not disclose it in such a time to a Justice of Peace, shall suffer the same punishment as the first offender should have done for his own offence. III. That the High Constables of every Hundred in case of Swearing, Sabbath-breaking, and such like common offences, shall have power within his Hundred to take Oath, and to convict the Offender, and certify it to a Justice of Peace, who shall then according to the Law proceed further against the Offender, as if he had been Convicted before himself. IV. That the Conviction of all Offences upon any of the Laws now in force touching the Poor, Rogues, Vagrants, Alehouses, Drunkenness, Tippling, Swearing, Sabbath-breaking, false Weights and Measures, Highways, may be before two or more Justices of Peace, by the Oath of two sufficient Witnesses, as well as by Indictment and Presentment, and a traverse of Trial thereupon. And that upon this Conviction the same Justices may proceed to inflict the punishment appointed to the offence. I. That if notwithstanding all this, the Highways shall be unamended, and dangerous to the Passengers, that any one Justice mayview it, and if he find anything amiss there, that he may order the same to be amended, and execute all the power of the Act committed to the Surveyors. II. That where a Justice of Peace shall Indict upon his own view there shall be no Traverse to it, but the Offender shall stand Convict hereby, and be liable to a Fine, which shall be employed to repair the same Highway by him Indicted. III. Of the Act be so penned that it will not be in force till the next year, if this be intended by the Lawmaker, if not, that they would please to help it by an additional branch. I. That no Alehouse keeper discharged shall sell again without License duly had, which if done that any two Justices upon proof of it upon Oath of two Witnesses, may send him to Prison or Bridewell for six Months without Bail, or till he gives Sureties never to sell again. That no Alehouse Keeper discharged by two Justices, shall be licensed again but in open Sessions. Some Laws to these purposes will go far in the work of Reformation in these things. By Letters from the Navy came as followeth from several parts. SIR, Vice Admiral John Lawson, commander of the Fairfax Frigate and of this Squadron, hath received Orders from General Monk (since his coming into Scotland, after advice and counsel with the Officers at Edinburgh, and from whence he is going toward, Stirling) to ply towards Hoosley Bay. On the eleventh day of this present May we discovered a Fleet of Dutch ships, which were about 70 sail (or more) of Merchants' vessels intended for Greenland, and their convoy were Rear Admiral de Witte of Amsterdam, and two other men of War. When we came up with them, they carried themselves very lovingly, and did very cheerful by submission acknowledge the Sovereignty of England in these Seas, yielding asmuch to us as could be expected from any Merchants' ships; and after a friendly salute passed by, much civility and affection being expressed on both sides. Dated, from the fleet off of Aberdeen 13 May, 1654. Plymouth 12 May, The Sapphire Frigate is come into this Harbour to take in some fresh water, which it seems she wanted, and intends after a day or two, in which she hopes to be supplied to return presently. SIR, About four days ago two ships belonging to the Dutch sailing from Holland towards France passed by us: at the first when they got sight of our ships, they put up the Holland Colours and sailed on towards us: And so soon as they came near one of our Frigates which was nearest towards them, they freely took in their Holland colours and put up a white Flag of Peace, which signal of theirs was answered from our ship. After which they took down their white Flag, and again spread their Holland colours, and lowered their Topsails on the Cape, and so sailed under our Stern. And as the Dutch passed by they did make expressions of great joy for the Peace between their Commonwealth and ours. The Lord in mercy give us all hearts to improve these great providences which his wisdom is pleased to dispense towards us poor worthless ones, and help us to seek after that Peace which hath eternity written in it. May 13. 1654. Plymouth Sound 16 May, 1654. Sir Captain John Seaman Commander of the Dragon Frigate with the Adventure Frigate plying off of Alderney, they met with a small Frenchman, which had been taken by an Ostender near Bell Island; Our Captains being informed that she was laden with English Merchants' goods, they sent her into Weymouth to have that business further examined. On the 10 instant, plying off to Dartmouth they met with three Barques which belong to Lyn, and upon the desire of the Masters thereof, they convoyed them safe over Murleux, whither theysaw them safe, and standing off again, met with 25 sail of French men which were bound for Rochel to take in Salt, and so on for the bank of Newfoundland, but before they got to Rochel they chased them half a day, but could take but three of them, because they steered so many several courses, while we were upon the chase of them our men descried another Fleet to the windward, which were found to be thirteen sale of Holland merchant ships with one Convoy in their company, he saluted ours with three guns, and some expressions of love, and so they passed on their voyage, and ours parted from them, and are now at this present come in here to Plymouth Sound. The 8 instant the Princess of Conde petitioned the Parliament to have the Sequestration off from her estate, but they would not hearken to it, but was referred to the King himself. The 15. the Cardinal Mazerin feasted very sumptuously at the Bois de Vicennes the King, the Queen, the King's brother and several other Grandees, The same day the Queen sent her Congratulation to the Marshal de l'Hospital our Governor, about the birth of his Son. The 20. the Italian Comedy was again represented before the Queen, where were present the little Queen, Charles Stuart and his two Brothers, the Cardinal, and all the Court. The same day all the Hangings and other necessary Household stuff for the King and the Queen's Lodgings at Rheims were sent from hence; Mr. de Salntot the Mr. of the Ceremonies being gone thither with the Orders for the King's Coronation. Marshal de Turenne is preparing to go from hence to Montcornet, where is the general Rendezvous of all the King's forces designed for that Army. All Officers are commanded to report thither speedily. The Cardinal Mazarine is re-establishing his great Library wherein are already above 30000 Volumes, among which are many excellent Manuscripts Greek, Hebrew and several other Languages. The 16 instant the Count de Navailles our Governor upon advice that some Horse & Foot of the Garrison of Castelet was plundering the Villages about him, sent Mr. de la Grange with part ofour Garrison to prevent their retreat which they did, and took forty Prisoners, and their Commander, with all their Plunder, which was presently restored to the Countrymen. There are daily some skirmishes between our Parties and the Enemies, which hath forced the Lorainers to remove from the Land of Lalea, and quarter themselves in an open Country upon the borders of the River of Lys. The Count of Grandpre our Governor, having hindered the great Convoy going for Stenay, and Elermont, and forced Marchin to retire himself into Luxemburg, and send his provisions into Montmedy, hath set a Corps de Guard at the very Gate of the said Stenay, and carried away all the Cattle there, on purpose to draw out the Garrison, but they would not stir, and keeps therein the Count of Meille, Governor of Clemount so close, that nothing can come in nor go out. Three of their Turk's Galleys have supplied Canea, the Turkish General hath challenged the Garrison of Candia to a Skirmish, but nothing was done thereupon. The eighteenth instant the Duke of Terranova, Ambassador of Spain had a long audience of the Pope, to whom he complained from his Master of the discontent he received in the person of his Ministers; and among others, that Cardinal Colonna was not suffered to propound in the Consistory the vacant Bishopric, of Catalonia; that he was resolved not to permit any longer the Benefices within his Dominions, to be charged with any other Pension but such as he should be pleased to allow of. The Ships belonging to the French, of company of the Continent of America are gone from hence, having taken in some Wines, being well pleased to hear by a ship coming from thence that the French Plantation at Cayenne is very well settled, since people come from the adjacent Islands to inhabit there, there being abundance of lading for ships. Our Magistrates and those of Lubeck, have sent some Deputiestowards Bremen, to mediate some accommodation between the Swedes and the said place, General Koningsmarck hath taken considerable quarter about the said City, which was surrendered to him at Mevas, by forty men that kept it. The States general of the united Provinces of the Netherlands, to all Persons whom these presents shall come greeting. Whereas is in the thirtieth Article of the Peace, Union, Confederation, and perpetual League, agreed between his Highness Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, and the Dominions thereto belonging, and us the States General of the united Provinces of the Netherlands, it was concluded amongst other things, that four Commissioners should be nominated on both sides to meet at London upon the eighteenth day of May next old stile, authorised and empowered to examine and determine all the losses and injuries alleged by either side, to have sustained from the other side, since the year 1611. unto the 18 day of May 1652. old stile, as well in the East-Indies, as in Greenland, Muscovy, Brazil, or in any other place where either party can pretend they have suffered. We do therefore hereby warn all persons whom it may concern to bring in their particulars to be delivered into the Commissioners nominated as above before the said 18 day of May, under this restriction that after the said day prefixed no new complaint is to be admitted. And to the end that those Provinces who do exercise commerce, and traffic at Sea, the East and West India Companies, the Muscovy and Brazil Merchants and all such is the Provinces that drive any trade may have full notice thereof, we do therefore free ourselves by this our Declaration, to signify the same, to the end all persons whom it may concern may bring in their Accounts from the year 1611. to the 18 May 1652. against the 18 of this month to London, and to deliver in their compliments to them on that day, it being the time prefixed for that business. Given at the meeting of the States General at the Hague 6. (alias 16.) May 1654. John van President pro tempare. N. Ruysch, Clerk to the States General. The States General of the united Provinces of the Netherlands, to all persons to whom these presents shall come greeting, Whereas (to the praise of Almighty God, the advancement of the general good of the United Provinces, and of every particular person therein) Articles of Peace, Union, and Confederation, are concluded and agreed between His Highness Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands in a Treaty at Westminster hearing date 5 April old stile 1654. and hath been published both in London and in these Provinces, and all acts of hostility are to cease. We therefore the Lords the States General do hereby warn all people of the United Provinces of the Netherlands that they do acknowledge and submit to the said Peace so ratified, and to obey the Ratification in all places without any breach thereof, upon pain of being punished as disturbers of the public Peace, without expectation of any favour or grace, but to be proceeded against according to Justice. Given at the meeting of the States General at the Hague 7. (alias 17.) May, 1654. Jacob Vetch President pro tempore. N. Ruysch, Clerk to the States General. Deal 18 May, there are come into the River of Thames this week, many Dutch Merchants ships from Holland and Zealand with several Dutch Wares. There are also many Coal ships come into the Thames, besides many more that are gone for Holland, where they were in great want of them. Edinburgh 11 May, Yesterday Gen. Monk with divers Officers went from Dalkieth to Stirling, where he hath given Orders for securing some passes to prevent the Scots from the Highlands from falling into the Lowlands thereabouts, as formerly they have done; he is very busy in consultation with the Officers about marching into the field, we have lately fallen upon the Enemy's new levies in several parts, and dispersed them, and beaten some plunderers, we have also taken the brother of Major. Gen. Middleton and five Officers more, and routed that party, who were privately harboured at an Inn in Muscleborough, two of themhave been tried by a Council of War since Gen. Monk came into Scotland, who have been hanged for Spies, and the Inn where they harboured is burnt down. This day Proclamation was made in St. Giles and Holburn and parts adjacent, to give notice of a cruel cutting and usage of a man's body, without Arms or Legs, or any of the Head but the Eyes, Nose, Chin, and other parts of the Face left, nor any bones but two Ribs and part of the Back, covered over by a sack, and cast into a ditch half buried near Totnam Court, not far from Pancras Church, some are apprehended about it upon suspicion. The Governor of Fernambove in Brazil for the Portuguese, whose name is Francisco Barreto, having obtained several advantages upon the Hollanders there, blocked up their strong Fort of Recif, in the said Brazil, with the small forces he had, notwithstanding the 28 Forts the Hollanders had round about, at length by the assistance of the Portugal fleet of 65 sail, who blocked up the place by Sea, and Landed some Forces there; on the fifth of January last he stormed and took the Fort of Salines. The sixth he came before the Fort of Buraco, which was presently abandoned and blown up by those within, he came after to the New fort, the next to the Recif, and very strong and well manned, which after a stout resistance was taken by the Portuguese, as were since some other of their Forts, which so amazed the Hollanders, that though they had above 1500 men, and provisions for above six months in the Recif, they agreed to surrender the same on the 26 of January 1654. Being 24 years after they had taken it from the Portuguese: The Articles were thus. 1. That Signor Francisco Bareto shall forget all Hostages made by the Hollanders against the Portuguese by Sea or Land. 2 All persons whatsoever, even the Jews in Recif and Maurice Town, though rebels against the King of Portugal, shall be pardoned. 3. All Hollanders shall be free to carry away their goods they actually possess. 4. They shall have sufficient number of ships able to pass the Equinoctial Line, with Iron guns for their transportation. 5 The Hollanders married with Portugal women, or native there, shall be dealtso withal as if they had married Dutch women, and shall, if the women consent, have power to carry them away with them. 6 Those that will stay and remain there, under the obedience of the Portuguese, shall be used as well as if they were native Portuguese, and as to their Religion, they shall live as other strangers do in Portugal. 7 All Forts about Recif and Maurice Town, viz. The Fort of 5 Bastions, Boa, Vista, St. Austine's Covent, the Castle of Maurice Town, that of the 3 bastions, the Brum with its Redout, the Castle of St. George, and all others shall be surrendered to the said Governor of Fernambove, with all the Ordnance and ammunitions, presently after the subscribing of the said Articles. 8. The Hollanders shall be free to remain in Recif and Maurice Town for three months, they surrendering their arms, which shall be restored to them, when they shall take shipping, and in the mean while they shall have power to buy them necessary provisions of the Portuguese, for their voyage. 9 All negotiations and alienations shall be made during the said three months, according to the present Articles. 10 The said Governor shall quarter his Forces where he please, shall protect the Hollanders from all molestation, and during these three months, shall suffer them to end their private differences before their own Judges. 11 They shall carry away all their papers whatsoever. 12 If they cannot sell their goods in the said three months time, they shall leave them with whom they please, under the obedience of the Portuguese, to be disposed of according to their own Order. 13 They shall have all victuals in the storehouses in Recif and other Forts for their Voyage. 14. As to their pretensions against the Portuguese, they may sue them at the King of Portugal's Court. 15 All their vessels shall be restored to them, which they may fit for their voyage. 16 They may advise all their ships upon the coasts to come to Recif where they might load them with their goods. And 17 Upon the demand of the Hollanders that this Treaty might not prejudice any former Treaty between the King of Portugal and the States General, the said Governor would not agree thereunto. As to the Military Forces they had the following Articles granted them. 1 All offences and hostages shall be forgotten. 2 All Soldiers shall go out of Recif and other Forts, with their Arms, Match lighted, Bullet in mouth, spread colours, but coming in at the Portugal Army they shall put out their march, and put theirarms in the Magazines appointed by the Governor, to be restored them at their departure, they going to Nantes, Rochel, or any other place of the United Provinces, and not to any belonging to the King of Portugal; for security whereof they shall give three Hostages, and all Officers and Soldiers shall be shipped together with Gen. Sigismond Schop after the delivery of the Forces of Riogrande, Paraiba, and Tantaries. 3 The said General shall have 20 pieces of brass Ordnance from four pounds bullet to 18, with all their furniture, besides all necessary iron guns for the defence of the ships that shall be afforded them for their transportation. 4. The said ships shall be afforded him ready with Ammunition and Artillery. 5. The Soldiers shall have victuals according to the Tenor of the thirteenth Article aforesaid, and if there be not enough the Governor to afford the overplus. 6 The General Sigismond shall either carry away or sell all his goods whatsoever in Recif, and his slaves also, which privilege shall extend to all his Officers of War. 7. All sick and wounded persons shall remain in the Hospital till they be recovered. 8. Whilst the said General's Soldiers shall remain there, they shall receive no offence from the Portuguese, and in case of any wrong they shall be righted by the Governor. 9. The said Governor cannot agree that the Soldiers might go with those now in Recif, who have surrendered or be made prisoners, 10. A general Pardon is granted to all Rebels, chiefly to Amboina, Mendez and all other Indians and Negroes, but they shall not have the honour to go out with their Arms. 11. Presently after the subscribing of the Articles, all the aforesaid places shall be surrendered with the Artillery and Ammunitions, and sufficient guard given for the safety of General Sigismond and his Officers. 12. The Governor cannot agree to the demand that this Treaty might not prejudice the former Treaties. 13. The Supreme Council at Recif oblige themselves to the surrendering of the Island of Farnam, Noroga, Viaca, Riogrande, Paraiba, and Tamarica upon the same conditions for the Inhabitants as are granted to those of Recif. These Articles were signed and delivered on both sides at the Camp of Taborda the 18 of January, 1654. These two or three days the Council have been busy about a Plot by God's Providence discovered. Some of the Actors were this day sent to the Tower of which more in due place. The business of St. Mallows was taken upon trust by the Diurnal; but it is utterly false, not anything of it. This day was kept a day of public Thanksgiving to Almighty God, according to the Declaration of His Highness the Lord Protector, lately mentioned, Mr. Lockier, and Mr. Thomas Goodwin, prayed and preached at Whitehall Chapel, where His Highness and Council were present. And after Sermon a woman made a disturbance by reproaching the present Authority. It was kept in many Parishes in London, and by divers Churches, yet some would not observe it, and some kept a day of Humiliation. Hague 6 (alias 16.) May. Here is arrived an Envoy from the City of Bremen to acquaint the States General of the condition they are in, and to desire counsel and help against the Invasion of the Swedes. Besides the first private Publication and Thanksgiving, the next Monday the Publication of the Peace concluded between England and this State, is to be made through all the United Provinces, and in the evening Bonfires, with shooting off the Ordnance, and there shall be eight days after a day of Thanksgiving shall be kept. The States of Holland are yet sitting. The Princess Royal went yesterday to Onstaerdiick with the young Prince her Son. There is a triumphal Arch built at Amsterdam upon the place called the Dam, where also all the Canons have been brought from the Arsenals to made use of for the expressing our joy upon the news of peace. The Magistrates of Hamburg and Lubeck have sent some Deputies to mediate an agreement between the Swedes and the City of Bremen, whereupon the quarters of the Low Saxony, have also Deputed to Hamburg, to join with them in that mediation. We hear from Sweadland that the Queen hath already discharged a great many of her Court Officers and Servants, and that the Lord Erick Oxenstern is named to be sent Extraordinary Ambassador into England. The Swedes have commanded upon great penalties the Inhabitants of this County to work about the fencing of the Suburbs of this City, lately taken by them. The Emperor hathin the mean time issued out a command, by which the General Koningsmark is forbidden to molest any more this City, and commanded to deliver us up again our Suburbs, Veghemsack, and all the other places he hath taken from us, forbidding also the Bores, or any other of these parts to assist the Swedes. From Hamburg 12 May. The Deputies of the Low Saxony have not only met here with our Commissioners about the relief of the City of Bremen but also to make a defensive league with us. Whereas the Enemies of the peace of this Nation (notwithstanding the many signal Providences of God in frustrating of their former counsels and malicious Designs) do appear still restless in their Attempts, to involve this Commonwealth in blood and confusion. In order whereunto divers of them have lately repaired to London, as well from beyond the Seas, as from several parts of the Commonwealth. His Highness with the advice of his Council, hath therefore thought fit, and doth hereby expressly charge and command, that for the better discovery of persons ill affected to the peace of this Commonwealth, the Constables of the respective Parishes within the Cities of London and Westm. Borough of Southwark and the Lines of Communication, do forthwith after the publication hereof, repair to the several houses within their respective Parishes, and require from the Householders a List of the names of all such persons as now do or did lodge in their respective houses on Friday night last being the 19. of this instant May, or at any time since, with their several qualities and conditions, and how long they have been lodged there. And all and every the said Householders are accordingly to deliver to the said Constables, or one of them, a true List of all such names upon peril of being reputed and dealt withal as Accomplices and Partakers in the said Designs. Which List so delivered, the respective Constables of the parishes within the Cities of London & Westminster, Borough of Southwark and Lines of Communication, are within 48 hours to deliver the Lord Mayor of London, & Bailiffs of Westminster & Southwark, respectively, whereof the said Constables are not to sail at their utmost peril. And the said Lord Mayor and Bailiffs are to return the Lists so to be by them received, to his Highness's Council at Whitehall,immediately after the receipt thereof. And his Highness doth likewise strictly command and require, that no person or persons whatsoever lodging, within the Lines of Communication, do change his or their several & respective lodgings, or depart out of the said Lines for the space of ten days after the date hereof, without a special License and Pass in that behalf obtained from the Lord Mayor of the said City of London; or Bailiff of Westminster or Southwark respectively, under their respective hands and seals; which Pass the said Lord Mayor and Bailiffs of Westminster and Southwark respectively, are hereby authorized to give all such persons concerning whom they shall be satisfied, that they have no ill intentions or designs against the Commonwealth, and to none else. And if any such person shall presume to depart out of the said Lines, within the said time, without License obtained as aforesaid, it shall be reputed a contempt of this his Highness's command and be punished according to its demerit. And the Lord Mayor of the City of London, and Bailiffs, of Westminster and Southwark respectively, are to cause this Proclamation forthwith, after publication thereof, to be sent to the several Constables as aforesaid, and to require and demand from them an account of their proceedings thereupon. Given at Whitehall 23 May. The Plot upon the best Intelligence I have, was to have Murdered the Lord Protector, the time to be Saturday or Sunday last, then to have seized on all our Ports, and to rise in several parts to a bloody massacre, and Charles Stuart to be brought over, and proclaimed King. A Vessel was taken with letters from France; And he whom they say should have murdered his Highness, leaped Overboard and drowned himself, whose name was Fitzjames, several of those taken, confess the Plot, and that it was near Execution, which had it taken would have probably been the bloodiest day that ever was in England; but blessed be God that hath prevented it. Gilbert Gerhard Esq; Knighted by the late King. John Gerhard a Kinsman of Gilbert Gerhard's. Mr. Tuedor Apothecary by Profession, that lodged in Westminster. M. James Apothecary in the Strand. Sidney a West countryman. M. Baggaly Secretary to the Ear. of Kingstone titular Marques of Dorchester, who did formerly belong to the Earl of Derby. Dr. Naudin a Physician, a member of the Rebaptised Church in White-Friars a Frenchman. Major Mason a Fencer in the New-market near Covent-Garden. Mr. Peter Brown. M. Hill besides others taken about Dover, and other places. Gen. Monk is gone to Glasgow, where he intends to take the field. Several of the Scots have been brought in prisoners by parties since he went from Dalkeith. Another French Prize with Wine is brought into Plymouth. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 243 |
PerfAcc163 | A List of the Dukes, Lords, Knights, and others which engaged in the Plot against his Highness the L. Protector and the present Government. The D. of York, P Rupert, Major Loughborough, L. Byron, Sir Tho. Sands, Sir Tho. Armstrong Sir Ioh. Watts and others, as appears by the examination of those that are committed to the Tower of London. The Last news from the Hollanders about the concluding of the peace between the 2 nations. The recruits of the Highlanders in Scotland. And letters from the fleets at Sea. This day came to our hands the substance of the Articles of Peace to be concluded between the Commonwealths of England and Holland, as they were Printed and published in the City of Amsterdam: And for that they have sent Letters hither, that their other Ambassadors are coming over with full power from all the seven Provinces to ratify and confirm the said ARTICLES, be pleased to take them as they came unto us, viz. 1. That there shall be a safe and sure Peace between both Nations. 2. That from henceforth all hostility shall cease. 3. That all wrongs and offences suffered either by the one or the other party, shall be forgotten; and neither party shall pretend any thing thereupon. All actions past shall be nulled, except those that shall be done in the British Seas after the time of 12 days, and from that Sea to the Cape of St. Vincent in the time of six weeks, and from thence in the Mediterranean Sea, as far as the line after the time of ten weeks; and at the other side of the line in the time of 8 months to be reckoned from the time of the publication of the Peace, and all prizes taken after that time shall be restored. 4. That all the prisoners of both sides be released without ransom. 5. That both Commonwealths, shall be confederate friends to defend one the other against whomsoever. 6. That neither of both shall act against the other, either by Land or by Sea. 7. That the States shall cease restitution to be made of all ships and goods seized upon the English by the King of Denmark, that are yet in being, as also a full compensation of the worth of those goods that may be sold already, and likewise that all the damages or spoil of goods shall be made good to the owners, by estimation, and when such satisfaction shall be done by the said King, then all hostility shall cease between England and Denmark. 8. That no Inhabitants of either Commonwealth shall assist any Rebel of either with monies, ships or victuals. 9. That both commonwealths shall assist one the other at their proper charges against their Rebels. 10. That neither shall receive those that are, or shall be declared enemies of either Commonwealth. 11. That either Commonwealth having notice by the other that some of their Enemies are in its Dominions, they shall give them warning to depart in 28 days upon pain of death. 12. That the States shall not suffer any of the inhabitants of their Dominions to assist the enemies of England. 13. That the English shall not pay greater impositions than other Nations. 14. That the States' ships shall strike their Flag before the English in the British Seas. 15. That neither of the commonwealths shall give retreat to any Pirates in any of their Ports. 16. That in case the English or the Dutch make any treaty with any Prince; they shall therein comprehend each other reciprocally, if they desire it. 17. That in case some hostility should happen between the inhabitants of both commonwealths, by one against the other; that the allowance shall nevertheless hold, and remain in full force; and the parties that shall be found guilty shall be punished. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24, are not so much considerable. 25. That if one party shall cause some damages to the other there shall be no Letters of Reprisal given; But if in three months time, no satisfaction is done, then the said Letters may be granted. 26. Is not so much considerable. 27. That no more but eight ships of War shall be suffered to come or remain in the Ports of each other's commonwealth at one time; and when there shall be occasion for a greater number, then the consent must be first asked. 28. That the States shall do Justice upon those that shall be found alive, that have murdered the English in Amboina. 29. Lastly, That there shall be commissioners established to examine the wrongs or injuries done, or pretended to be done or suffered by the inhabitants of either commonwealth in the East Indies, Greenland, Muscovy, Brazil, or other places. And if the Commissioners cannot agree thereon within the time of three months. Then the aforesaid differences to be referred to the judgement of the Protestant Switzers. This week was discovered a most bloody Plot against his Highness the Lord Protector, and this Government; and after deliberate examination of it, these twelve persons under named are sent to the Tower of London. Mr. Thomas Dutton, Mr. Roger Lee, Mr. Joseph Sawyer, Mr. Thomas Rosle, Mr. William Jenkins, Mr. Christopher Watkins. Mr. John Archer, Captain Smith, Mr. Thomas Bunce. Mr. Peter Middleton. Mr. Joseph Parker, Mr, Roger Cotes. If you desire further to be informed how this Plot was laid, I shall give you as much satisfaction as may be gathered out of the examinations of the persons aforenamed, which may briefly be comprised within these particulars. 1. That they had an Oath of Secrecy. 2. That none should be trusted in this design, but such as should be adjudged absolute Royalists, and true friends to their titular King. 3. That so many persons should be engaged for Officers to an Army as should undertake for the private listing of 30000 men to be ready to rise at a time appointed. 4. That this design should be acted in all the several Counties of England at once. 5. That one party at the time appointed should fall upon his Highness, and murder him and his Life-guard, and others about him, as also the Garrison at St. James. 6. Another party were to seize upon the Tower of London. 7. That when all this should be acted, their titular King, Charles Stuart, should be in a private place in the City of London, and be brought forth and presently crowned, and proclaimed King, and Proclamation sent forth into all parts, That Charles Stuart, eldest Son of the late King, was Crowned King, &c. offering pardon to soldiers and all others that would come in. 8. That this design might be carried on with the better Judgement, and according to the directions they received from time to time from their titular King, they made choice of 4 persons of eminency, to carry on this trust, but it pleased God to touch the heart of one of those four, who with a troubled spirit came and discovered this design to the Officers of the Army, and where some of them would be at such a time; upon which Lieutenant Colonel Worsley, and other Officers went and apprehended the parties before named, and many others have been since apprehended, and stand committed. Charles Stuart, Lord Loughborough The titular Duke of York, Lord Byron, Prince Rupert, Sir Thomas Sands, Major General Massey, Sir Thomas Armstrong, Major General Middleton, Sir John Watts, and many others. Alderman Bunce, Whereas by an Ordinance, Entitled, An Ordinance declaring that the Offences therein mentioned, and no other, shall be adjudged High Treason within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland, it is, amongst other things, Ordained and Established, That no Matter, Fact, Crime, or Offence whatsoever, other than such as are therein mentioned and expressed, should be deemed, taken, or adjudged High Treason; and whereas some doubts and question may arise, whether that Clause in the said Ordinance doth not extend to the Offences mentioned in the instrument, entitled, The Government of the Commonwealth of England, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, and which are thereby declared be High Treason; For clearing thereof, and removing all scruples thereupon, his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice of his Council, doth Declare and Ordain, That neither the said Ordinance, nor any Clause or thing therein contained, shall extend or be construed, adjudged or taken to extend unto all or any the Offences declared by the said Instrument to be high Treason, but that all and every the said Offences are hereby adjudged, and shall be adjudged, taken and deemed to be High Treason, and that all and every the said Offender and Offenders shall suffer the pains and penalties of High Treason, the said Ordinance, or any thing therein contained to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding. It is advertised from Scotland, that several parties of the enemies falling down into the Lowlands in several parties have been taken by our Forces; four of Glencarn's own Troop have been taken, and eight horse, his Lieutenant, whose name is Rutherford hardly escaped. There was a considerable party of the Highlanders not far from St. Johnstons, who are very active since the drawing of our horse Northwards, but upon the coming of two Regiments more from England, our horse will be so disposed of, that the Highlanders will be met with in all places; it being impossible for them to move in the Lowlands, but we shall be at their heels to pursue them, or in the front to oppose them. But as the numbers of the Highlanders begin to decrease, so doth their courage, 10000 of the Arms, with other Ammunition and utensils of War, being sunk with the ship that brought them on the coasts of Scotland. I am informed that the titular Scotch King sent lately unto Holland, desiring the transportation of some thousands of Soldiers and Officers which he had got together: and that from thence a Dispatch immediately was made to the King of Denmark, to see what assistance he could get there. The Scots continue their plunderings in parties, and oftentimes come short of home. It is advertised, that it is impossible for the Highlanders to have any considerable Body of Horse in the field until the middle of May. The expected Ambassadors from Holland are not yet arrived. Our fleet consisting of fourscore and eight gallant ships, are put forth to sea. The Sovereign is making ready with all possible speed at Portsmouth; so are the Rainbow, the Resolution, and the Andrew at Chattam. Several prizes are brought in, some belonging to France, and some to Holland. Mr. Peak and Mr. Powel have made Addresses for their liberty. The Brother to the Portugal Ambassador is this week to be tried in the Old Bailey. It is said, that Maj. Gen. Brown will be suddenly released from his captivity in Ludlow Castle. More of the Conspirators were this day apprehended, of whom I shall shortly give you a further Account. Several other persons besides those before named have been apprehended this week in and about the City of London, for being confederate in the plot or design, and other Warrants are issued forth against divers persons, who show themselves sufficiently guilty by their obscuring themselves. The Letters from Ludlow certify, that Major Gen. Brown is discharged of his long imprisonment there, and is coming up towards London, where doubtless he will not be wanting of returning thanks to his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council, for being more just and merciful unto him than those that committed him. From Dartmouth thus: Here are two ships laden and have hoisted sail this week for the Canaries, and from thence to the Barbados, I pray God send them a prosperous voyage; we hear of more mischief done by the Brest men of War on these coasts, they have taken two English ships very lately, and have driven another in a small harbour on the coast of Cornwall, which was in great danger of being taken. The Dutch Post is not yet come this week, yet it's likely he will be here tomorrow; yea some say their Ambassadors will be here by that time too, to ratify and confirm the Articles of Peace, which some Merchants and others, take to be as good as done already, and for my own part I wish it as much as any, I have observed so much of their ways, that until it be really done, I shall be apt to think with myself what a miserable nation they are like to be, if at last of all they should not close with England. The last Letters from our fleet, speak about 80 sail to be upon the Coast of France, and besides them there be about 15 sail sent abroad in squadrons, and as Scouts who have brought in 8 prizes. The main fleet of the Dutch is not yet heard of abroad, though we have intelligence they are very strong, part of our Fleet are going Northward; yet not so but they can join again in a few hours if occasion be, but we are now for Peace, and prepared for war. From Newcastle they write, that coals are likely to be plentiful at London, for they have little to do there, but dig and send them away as fast as shipping comes thither for them. Three English Regiments are newly marched into Scotland (besides others went before them) and shortly you will hear the Highlanders have made the most of their game this winter, and will be forced to keep the Rocks and Hills in the summer for all the brags of Middleton, and the aid they are promised from the other side of the water. | A Perfect Account, Issue 163 |
EveryDayIntell$18 | The Examination of twenty of the Conspirators against his Highness the Lord Protector, and the present Government; with the Names of the Knights, Gentlemen, and others that are committed for that Design; And a Proclamation that no person shall presume to go beyond the Line of Communication, or change the place or habitation for the space of ten days. A Declaration of the States of Holland touching the late troubles. Also a great fight in Scotland between the Forces commanded by Gen: Monck, and the Armies of the Highlanders, with the number killed, and taken. The Duke of York's coming into Scotland. The Resolution of Charles Stuart, and the Progress of Prince Rupert. Many of the Native Irish are reduced into Connaught, and a Declaration is issued forth touching such as came not thither by the first of May last. The News which was in the double Sheeted Diurnal this last week concerning the usage of the English, at Saint Mallows in France, is absolutely false, and fained. The Lord Whitlock is at Lubeck, it is uncertain whether he will take shipping there for England, or rather at Hamburg. Leith 12 May. General Monck having made good some passages beyond Dalkeith to prevent the inroads of the Enemy after he is marched further, hath now taken the field, and is gathering up, and driving together his heathenish Enemy as fast as he can, and we are now so active in the business, that there is not a day passeth, wherein we take not some of them. General Middleton's Brother, and divers others Officers were lately taken in a party within our Quarters, two of them are executed already as Spies, and more are like to go the same way, this is not a People to be dallied with, for the better they are used, the more insolent they grow. This Day was published two Ordinances, the one an Ordinance for Explanation of a former Ordinance, Entitled, An Ordinance for better Amending, and Keeping in Repair the Common Highways within this Nation. The other, An Ordinance for Relief of Debtors in Scotland in some cases of Extremity. The former of these two being of most public concernment, here take as followeth. Whereas by an Ordinance Entitled, An Ordinance for better Amending, and Keeping in Repair the Common Highways within this Nation, amongst other things, It is Ordained, That if any Wagons Carts, or Carriages wherein any burdens of dead commodities or wares shall at any time from and after the first day of May, then next, be drawn upon any such Highways Roads, or Streets, with above five Horses or mares, or six Oxen, and one Horse or mare, in any one Cart, or Wagon, That then it shall be lawful to or for any Constable or Surveyor of Highways, or other Inhabitant in any Parish where such loaden Wagon, Cart, or Carriage shall pass, and be drawn as aforesaid, to distrain, and seize all such supernumerary Horses, Mares, or Oxen, as he shall find in any such Wagon, Car, or Carriage, over or above the number of five Horses or Mares, or six Oxen, and one Horse or Mare respectively, and the same supernumerary Horses, Oxen, and mares respectively to detain and keep, until such Owner or Driver have paid and answered into the hands of the Surveyors of the Highways within the Parish where such Distress and seizure shall be made, or one of them, the sum of twenty shillings for every such supernumerary Horse, Mare, or Ox. Be it now Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. by and with the consent of his Council, That the said Ordinance or any Clause therein contained, shall not extend to any Carts or Carriages at any time used in the conveying, draught, or carriage of any Ordnance, Timber, or Artillery, of any sort or kind whatsoever, for the use of the Army or Navy. But that such such Carts, Draughts, or Carriages may be drawn with any number of Horses or Oxen, necessary for the drawing thereof, without incurring any of the said penalties in the said Ordinance mentioned, or without any stop, molestation or disturbance of any Constable, Officer, or other person whatsoever, anything in the said Ordinance notwithstanding, &c. Civil May 10. The concluding of Peace between England and Holland, we hope will produce such effects, that the English Merchants here shall not suffer so much for the future as they have done in times past &c. 1. The farmers use to value our goods, and force us to pay what Custom they please. 2. All the Canary Islands are rented by one Farmer, who forceth the English to pay two, three, and four times Custom for one and the same goods when they send them from one Island to another to sell them. 3. They usually keep ships in the Harbours, before they suffer them to discharge their goods after they arrive, and it is long before they will dispatch them when they would depart; and cause the Masters to pay twenty shillings each time for the boats that carry them aboard the ship, &c. What a horrible madness is it for men whose fortunes are low, to wander so fast astray as to make the Theatre of Honour the Subject of their malice and hatred; This Mother Vice hath her Palace in a Din, end hollow vault, and it an enemy to Peace and Concord, engendered by the ugly Megera of Hell, that crams her gorge with dragons, and foams forth deadly poison. This Day was discovered a horrid Plot; whereby many Persons confederated and conspired together, most basely and treacherously to take away the life of his Highness the Lord Protector, and turn the state into blood. Many of the Conspirators were apprehended, and after examination five were sent to the Tower. Gilbert Gerard Esquire, a Colonel for the late King, John Gerard his Brother, Humphrey Bayly Serv: to the Earl of Kingson, Signey Fotherby, Thomas Tinder an Apothecary, John James an Apothecary. Several other persons are in hold for this business, whereof more in the last page. Col: Cooper having occasion to send his Wife, and his Lieut: Col: to the Garrison of Ayr, sent a party of 22 Dragoons to convey them. As the Dragoons were returning back, they met with a party of the Enemy rambling about the Country, being 60 horse under command of the Laird of Cairdennis, and charged and routed them, killed the Laird Cairdennis himself, with two Cornets, and nine more upon the place, took divers horse and men, and the rest fled for it. This is all the action, and enemy that hath of late been in these parts, which was indeed very handsomely performed, not one of our me being lost, and but two wounded, which are upon recovery. His Highness the lord Protector, and his Council taking into consideration the Plots and Conspiracies of the Enemies of this Commonwealth, this Proclamation was set forth as followeth. Whereas the Enemies of the Peace of this Nation (notwithstanding the many signal providences of God in frustrating of their former Counsels and malicious Designs) do appear still restless in their attempts to involve this Commonwealth in blood and confusion. In order whereunto divers of them have lately repaired to London, as well from beyond the Seas, as from several parts of this Commonwealth. His Highness with the advice of his Council, hath therefore thought fit, and doth hereby express Charge and Command, That for the better discovery of Persons ill affected to the Peace of this Commonwealth, the Constables of the respective Parishes within the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark, and the Lines of Communication, do forthwith after the Publication hereof repair to the several Houses within their respective Parishes, and require from the House holders a List of the names of all such persons as now do, or did lodge in their respective Houses on Friday night last, being the 19 of this instant May, or at any time since, with their several qualities and conditions, and how long they have been lodged there. And all and every the said House holders are accordingly to deliver to the said Constables, or one of them, a true List of all such manes upon peril of being reputed and dealt withal, as Complices and Partakers in the said Designs, which Lists so delivered, the respective Constables of the Parishes within the Cities of London, and Westminster, Borough of Southwark and Lines of Communication, are within 48 hours to deliver to the Lord Mayor of London, and Bailiffs of Westminster, and Southwark, respectively, whereof the said Constables are not to fail at their utmost peril. And the Lord Mayor, and Bailiffs are to return the Lists so to be by them received, to his Highness' Council at Whitehall, immediately after the receipt thereof. And his Highness doth likewise strictly command and require, that no Person or Persons whatsoever, lodging within the lines of Communication, do change his or their several and respective lodgings, or depart out of the said Lines for the space of 10 days after the date hereof, without the special Licence and Pass in that behalf obtained from the Lord Mayor, and Bailiff of Westminster, or Southwark, &c. The French Ambassador had Audience by his Highness the Lord Protector, and had the usual Ceremonies; He seems to prosecute a real intention of concluding a Peace with his Highness, in behalf of his Master the most Christian King, and because he is not ignorant that England hath had many injuries, and late affronts from the French Nation, for which we do require satisfaction; this Ambassador Monsieur Bourdeux by way of extenuation of those injuries offered by the French, offers unto consideration the detaining of Revenue due to the Knights of Malta, (alias) Knights of Jerusalem, which doth little concern that King. He also sayeth, that the Spaniard got Dunkirk out of the hands of the French, by the help of the English. By Letters of a very late date cut of Germany thus. The long distressed City of Bremen have often expected aid and assistance from other free States, but every one having enough to do of his own, or rather studying how to strengthen himself then relieve the wants and necessities of his friends, and Neighbours, none have yet appeared to any purpose, only the City of Hamburg have sent Commissioners to treat, and step in if they can, as Moderators between the General of the Swedish Forces, (who have taken several Villages, and almost blocks up the City) and the Magistrates of that place, but it's feared words will avail but little, where the sword is so ripe of Action. The Diet is now ended at Regensburgh in some kind of discontent, for that there hath not been such dispatch of Affairs of State as was expected, wherefore many things of great concernment remain yet to be done; Nevertheless the Emperor hath adjourned, or dissolved the Diet not to meet again in two years after. The Swedes do yet keep the Bishopric of Munster, notwithstanding there was an Agreement made with the Commander in chief that they should surrender it. The Report is, that two of our Frigates are seized upon at Saint Mallows, that some of our Men of War lying near to Saint Mallows, threescore of our men being too bold to adventure for fresh Victuals, did go ashore, and endeavoured to drive away some Cattle, but the country receiving the Alarum, they rescued the Cattle, being assisted by some horse, and divers of our Mariners were killed, and the rest pursued to the ships, two of which the Tide going forth, were stranded, whereupon great Guns were brought from Saint Mallows to batter the ships, which they did begin to do, but the Tide coming in, the ships got off without any great hurt. The Governor of Saint Mallows apprehending this to be a design against the town, did take occasion to turn out all the English Merchants, and to seize upon all their Goods in the Warehouses, and hath got all for the present into his own custody. Complaints have been made hereof, and the business as yet under examination. The Duke of Lorraign a prisoner in Antwerp hath now the liberty of the walks of the Castle, and his Daughter hath her Diamonds and Jewels of great value restored to her. Those who are chief in attendance on him are now at liberty, and did go forth with those, who in a most gallant equipage did ride out of the City to congratulate the arrival of his brother Prince Francis, who hath the reputation to be virtuous, and courageous Gentleman. The Italian Comedy hath been often acted with much Ceremony in Paris, the next great solemnity will be the consecration of the King at Rheims, for which great preparations are made. At the last acting of the Comedy at Paris, the properties whereof are to be Translated to Rimes, and to be acted there also, there were present the late Queen of England, the titular King of Scotland, and the titular Duke of York, and Gloucester. The next day the Queen Regent came to give a Visit to the late Queen of England, the Civility was the next day returned by her, the next day saving one, who with her Son did give a Visit to their Majesties at the Louvre, and after supper, being entertained with a pleasure of a Mask, they returned to the Palace Royal. The Letters this Day from Holland advertise, that of the averse party there are pretty well stopped, and , and the States have set forth this ensuing Declaration. The States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, to all persons to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Whereas (to the praise of Almighty God, the advancement of the general good of the United Provinces, and of every portion or person, Articles of Peace Union, and Consideration are concluded and agreed between his Highness Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, that they do acknowledge and submit to the said Peace so Ratified, and to obey the Ratification in all places, without any breach thereof; upon pain of being punished as disturbers of the public Peace, without expectation of any favour or grace but to be proceeded against according to justice. Given at the meeting of the States General at the Hague 7 (alias) 17 May: 1654. Jacob Vetch President pro tempore. N: Ruysch, Clerk to the States General. There be other Persons besides those already named in hold, concerning the Plot newly discovered, and many more are likely to be found out; A List of such as have been already examined, and remain under commitment are these: Doctor Naudin, Anabaptist, Major Mason, Gilbert Gerard Knighted by the late King, Mr: Hill, Mr. Brown, Mr: Bayley Secretary to the Earl of Kingston, alias, the Marques of Dorchester, John Gerard Gent, Mr. Tuedor an Apothecary, Mr: Jones Apothecary, A Drapers Man in Paul's Churchyard, An Haberdashers man near the old Change, And some at Dover, and other Port Towns. Charles Stuart is still in France, but the Duke of York is said to be designed for Scotland if he could hear but of one Victory obtained by Middleton, and the rest of those he calls friends in Scotland, Prince Rupert is going for Germany. Gen. Monck is now in the Field, the next week's Intelligence is like to be of great concernment from thence. | Every Day's Intelligence, Issue $18 |
WPost179 | The great and bloody Plot discovered against his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council; the taking of divers of the Conspirators and chief Actors, their Examination and Confession before the Lords of the Council on Monday last; the passing of an Order for committing them to the Tower of London; and the manner how they should have killed the Lord Protector, murdered the Council, and put all to the sword that should have stood in opposition against them, The rising of the Royal party in Holland, the rendezvousing of the Dutch Army, against the States, by Count William of Nassaw, and Gen Oxenstern to land in England. A great Victory obtained in Scotland; the particulars of that lamentable Engagement, the number killed, Col. Middleton taken, and divers executed. London, Printed for G, Horton, for information of the People. The Messenger which was employed to carry the Habeas Corpus to Mr. John Lilburn (prisoner in the Isle of Jersey) is returned, and sayeth, That he is well, and in health, blessed be God; but the Governor (Col. Haynes) refused (as by Law he might) to return him back to the Upper Bench, upon sight of the first Habeas Corpus; but it's probable, that upon the second or third, it will be granted, by reason that it is the undeniable right of every Englishman. Mr. Feak and Mr. Simpson are also well and in health: The Lord work a deliverance for all poor Captives. The Commonwealth of England having used all means of tenderness & affection towards the people of this Nation, by receiving them (after a chargeable and bloody war) into union with England, and investing them with all the liberties and privileges thereof (purchased at the expense of so much blood and treasure) and by daily protecting them with their Army and Navy, at a great charge against their enemies both abroad and at home, that so they might enjoy the fruits and benefits of peace; yet divers lewd persons broken in their fortunes, and dissolute in their lives, are run into Rebellion; for prevention whereof, I, by virtue of the Authority given unto me by his Highness and his Council, do declare, That all such persons that are now in rebellion (except such as are excepted in the Acts of Grace) who shall within 20 days after the publication hereof, come in, and submit him, or themselves, to the Governor of the next English Garrison, and give good security for his or their future peaceable living, shall be, and is hereby in his and their persons, freely pardoned for any offence, spoil, or plunders, committed by him or them in this present Rebellion (the killing of any person in cold blood only excepted.) And in regard this present Rebellion hath been principally contrived, fomented, and is now obstinately maintained by Maj. Gen. Middleton, the E. of Seaforth, Viscount Kenmore, Maj. Gen. Dayel, Laird Glengary, Laird MacDonald; I do hereby therefore declare, that what person or persons soever of this Nation (except such as are before excepted) shall kill any of the said principal contrivers, or shall deliver any of them prisoner to any Governor of any English Garrison, the said person or persons so killing, or bringing prisoner shall not only be pardoned for anything he or they have acted in this late rebellion, but also shall receive as a reward of his good service, the sum of 200 li. sterling, for every person so killed or brought prisoner, as aforesaid. Given under my hand at Dalkieth this 4 day of May, 1654. GEORGE MONK Came lamentable news from the West; signifying, That the Brest men of war have taken three ships coming from Dublin to Liverpool and Chester, as also a Bristol ship; And a Bark coming from Diep to Rye, in which was many passengers, was set upon by an Ostend man of war and after a bloody conflict, she was sunk, only most of the passengers were saved, but 7 of the Ostend men were slain. They have taken two more in the Western channel; and we have taken 7 near the Lands-end; Ha, ha, let them laugh that wins; For I can assure you, there is nothing yet concluded in the Treaty with the French Ambassador; so tender is his Excellency of the honour and preservation of England's Interest, that we may expect Tribute, and satisfaction for the horrid massacre of the Protestants, and the Isle of Ree business. On the last Lord's day there preached before the Protector in Whitehall learned Dr Horton, where his Highness writ down the Sermon, and desires it may be a general practice throughout the Nations. Excellent graces, in so pious a Prince, and not to be paralleled throughout all Europe. Gen. Blake being come from the fleet to Whitehall, dined this day with his Highness, and the lord Mayor, and divers members of the Council, were present. At which time, col. Venables, and col. Ingoldsby, presented their Addresses from the Council in Ireland, by way of congratulation, and owning the present Government. The Committee met about the Law, but find it a hard work to alter the old channel; but it is believed something will be dispatched about a fortnight hence for the Committee at Salters Hall to act by. In the interim, an Ordinance is passed for relief of the poor creditors in Scotland. Mr. John Lilburn has received his Habeas Corpus from the Upper Bench, and desires to be brought thither; which we hope will be granted. The Writs of his Highness the Lord Protector are preparing against the time they are to issue forth, for the calling of a Parliament, according to the Instrument of the Government of the Commonwealth of England; so that 'tis hoped we shall then receive the full fruition of our long promised liberty. His Highness hath passed an Ordinance for the Courts that use to be kept in Chester city, to be kept at Northwich, during the time of the Sickness being in Chester city. The Emperor of Germany has sent Propositions to the States of Bohemia, conjuring them, 1 That they use their utmost endeavour for propagating of the Romish Catholic Religion. 2 That they celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph as the rest of the Patrons of the Kingdom use to do. 3 That they pay a considerable sum to the Emperor. It is confirmed from, Brazil, that the Hollanders are almost totally banished from those parts; and are extremely threatened in other places. The last news from Scotland sayeth, That the Royal party grow numerous, and that they spake themselves to be above 11000 at the last Rendezvous, being resolved to fight us; which is extremely desired by the merry Redcoats: so that by our next, no doubt but you will hear of action. From Guernsey they write, That the Hector frigate attending without St. Mallows divers days for conveying the English from thence who are still detained under the arrest, a Shallop was sent out of the Town to tell the Captain that the English should have all freedom; but this was found to be merely a Decoy, to draw him in, and so not trusted. For, we hear, that two of our frigates are seized upon, and that upon the going of 60 of our men ashore for fresh victuals, endeavoured to drive away some cattle; but the country receiving the alarm, rescued the cattle, fell upon our men, and killed, wounded, and took above 30, pursuing the rest to the ships, two of which were stranded upon going forth of the Tide: whereupon the great Guns were brought from St. Mallows, to batter the ships, which they did begin to do; but the Tide coming in, the ships got off without any great hurt. The Governor apprehending this to be a design against the Town, took an occasion to turn out all the English Merchants, and to seize upon all their Goods in the Warehouses, and hath got all for the present in his own custody. Complaints hath been made hereof, and the French Ambassador hath had audience, so that the business is under examination. The Lord Ambassador Whitlock is arrived at Lubeck: The Queen of Sweden will certainly resign the Crown to her kinsman Carolus Adolphus; his brother Prince John Adolphus having laid down his Patent of the Lord High Marshal of Sweden, is gone to Stockholm, to confer with his elder brother, who will be shortly invested with the Royal Dignity. Gen. Oxenstern is appointed to go as an Ambassador into England with a great Retinue, and a gallant Train both by Sea and Land are expediting forth. The Hollanders do already begin to find the benefit of the peace with England; and about 20 sail are come into the River of Thames with great store of cheese and Linen. Divers Colliers are likewise safely arrived, and the great fleet is suddenly expected. The Picaroons in the Western seas are as bold, and as busy, as ever but dare not adventure Easterly, where Gen. Pen lies with the Fleet in the Downs, in a gallant Equipage. And the next main design 'tis though will be to help the Venetians against the great Turk, for that he is the common enemy of all Christendom; and as he is making of himself stronger than ever, so doth he show himself more insolent than ever, and hath clapped the Venetian Ambassador in close prison, not so much as rendering a reason for it, or intending to have any further Treaty or capitulation with the Duke of Venice. This week the Packet Boat coming for England from beyond sea, was taken by the outlying Pirates abroad: some of the English passengers were drowned, and those that were saved were stripped to the skin; but the next morning the Master, one woman, and two more, had pieces of broken sails given them to cover their nakedness, and put in an old Cock-Boat to shift for themselves. ☞ There was a man most barbarously murdered in the last week, and being cut to pieces, was put into a bag, and thrown into a Ditch not far from Paddingtom, (the ready Road to Tyburn) he was so mortified and dismembered, that none can make a discovery what he is; for not only his head and nose were separated from his body, but his hands arms, legs, and thighs, were also cut off: This was done by one man and a woman, who falling out in Turnball street on Saturday night last, she discovered him, and immediately he was apprehended and carried before a Justice, who asked him, how he could find in his heart to commit so unmerciless and bloody an act, he made answer, Pish, Justice Ass, that's a thing of nothing, I could serve you so, if I had you in place where. ☞ On Saturday last there was a great Plot discovered against his Highness the Lord protector and his Council, and many of the Conspirators being examined on the Monday following, before the council, and Order passed for their restraint, & accordingly they were committed to the Tower, as intending to be Actors, the Plot being contrived in France, and so to have taken away the life of his Highness the Lord Protector, and to have murdered the council, and to have massacred all those that should have stood in opposition against them: Nay, this was not all; but their Design was wholly to subdue, extirpate, and break asunder, those Chains of Mercies, and Links of Liberties, so long contended for, and at last happily effected, though with the loss and expense of the blood of many thousand Saints. From Holland they write, That since the concluding of a peace there hath been great discontents; and that the Princess Dowager, the Princess Royal, and the rest of the family of Nassaw, have presented a Declaration to the States General, bemoaning and applying their condition as sad by the late Articles of peace with England; and the very women have addressed themselves in the Prince's behalf, wringing their hands, and crying out, Ah! poor Prince, what hast thou done that thou shouldst be thus used? Ah poor Child! What a sad condition art thou in? and the like penetrate expressions; whereupon, it's conceived, the States will have compassion on them, and permit them to live peaceably, if they please. The great Duke of Muscovy has sent as Ambassador to the Hague, demanding Officers and warlike Ammunition: from thence he goes to France, where the whole Country have received special commandment from their Sovereign Lord the King to be all in arms. There are sundry Frigates making ready at Rochel, and at several other places in France, where abundance of provisions are making for War, and most of the Garrisons are reinforced and filled with soldiers, and their Castles and Magazines supplied with plenty of Ammunition. Cardinal Mazarine hath issued forth Orders for drawing sown the Army towards the sea coast, where they have not only entrenched themselves, and raised great Batteries, but also planted above one hundred pieces of Cannon; and expect nothing more than a sudden war. His Majesty hath sent new Propositions to the Prince of Conde, & desires an Agreement. Notwithstanding great Levies are raising in all his Majesty's Dominions, and Marshal Thurene, and the Duke of York, are to command a potent Army in Flanders. The D. of Joycuse is to be Lieu. Gen. of the Horse, and Duke Bellieure Lieu. Gen. of the Foot. The Duke of Guise goes General of the fleet, and the L. Pimontelly Vice Admiral, they are to rendezvous near Rochel, and so to strike sail (as one entire body) for clearing of the coast of Campaigne, Brittany and other places, if they can. From Paris further thus: Here is arrived a Messenger from Scotland, which speaks of a great Victory obtained against the English, and glorying very much at G. Middleton's success since his going thither. Whereupon 'tis said, that the K. of Scots, and his brother James, intends suddenly to leave France. By the last Express from Scotland, thus: We conceive the Enemy is drawing to their great Rendezvous in the Highlands, we have lately been grievously plagued with their inroads upon the Lowlands, where they burnt and destroyed all that stood before them near Dumfries, and other places; the reason of their mischiefs and our loss is want of intelligence from amongst them; for if we should hang up a hundred of them that we take, we should scarce squeeze ten true words out of them. Gen. Middleton we hear hath made his way out of Southerland, where col. Morgan thought to have engaged his horse, but it proved not feasible; for indeed we have an enemy as subtle as resolute, and they play fast and loose with us in places of advantage; they expect the Duke of York's coming to them, and their thoughts extend so far, that there will then be a general Rising of the people. From Paris it is certified, That the Portugal Ambassador has received audience of his Majesty, to whom he imparted the joyful Tidings of a Victory obtained by the Portugal fleet against the Hollanders in Brazil; and of the taking of Reclif, and about 40 other Towns and Castles from them. Which doth not a little rejoice the Royal Family: Win gold, and wear it; 'tis fit everyone should have their own. Upon a delicate Banquet between the King and Queen, on the 3 of May, the K of Scots, and his afflicted Mother were both invited, in whose presence, his Maj. danced the great Ballet; but young Charles exceeds him far in the Italian Comedy. Propositions are preparing to be sent to the K of Spain for a ten years Truce. There hath been a great plot discovered against the English in Virginia, by an Indian, who being privy to the design of the Natives, repaired to the Governor, unfolded the business, and told him that upon the 4 of this instant May, there was a conspiracy to fall upon the English, and stab and cut the throats of all in general, both men, women, and children. Whereupon the Governor immediately called a council; and forthwith secured the chief Actors, hanging up divers in several places. A just Reward for so detestable Miscreants; and nothing but a halter can reclaim them. Gen. Monk hath sent a Letter to his Highness the Lord Protector, whereby he signified, That he was advanced beyond Stirling toward the Highlanders, from whence he intends, after securing of some few passes, to take the field. In the interim, col. Lilburn hath performed a singular piece of service, by engaging col. Middleton (brother to Gen. Middleton) and after a sharp Dispute, took prisoner this valiant Hero and divers other Commanders, routed the whole party (but they were not many) and pursued them towards Caithness, making good their Retreat, with little loss. Col. Morgan is about Tane, watching opportunities to engage them, and the Highlanders are preparing to receive them; having fortified several passes, and made them inaccessible. Gen. Monk hath caused two Gentlemen to be hanged as Spies, burnt the Inn at Muscleborough that harboured them, and erected a Gibbet in the same place. SIR, Great are the discontents in these parts by the house of William of Nassaw, and all that are that way allied or affected, declare, that they knew not but of one or two of the Articles of peace till they were concluded and published; and therefore determinate, to set the Royal Bellows at work, to blew new Embers, and kindle a consummating fire within the bowels of both Commonwealths; in order whereunto, Count William is calling his Army to a general Rendezvous, and declares very high for the Royal Interest: so that we are constrained to keep very strong Guards, both here and at other places, and do expect new Commotions to be had very suddenly; very high words they give forth, in behalf of the young Prince of Orange, yet they seem rather to proceed from abundance of affection, than judgement, valour, or anything that may add life, nerves, and sinews to a new war. Upon the beating up of Drums both here, and in France, the discontented persons come in, and list themselves voluntarily, and, if Report speaks truth, many are sent from thence into Scotland. We hear that the foreign Ambassadors have had audience with Cardinal Mazarine, in order to the carrying on of a general peace. The Prince of Conde hath had new Propositions sent to him for an agreement since his effigies were hanged up in Paris; and his brother Conti, who is now in great favour, endeavours to be an effectual Mediator between his brother and the Court, who have a sum of money for the King of Scots, but the pittance was so small, that he is like to have occasion (poor Gentlemen) to make new addresses for more before he can get of that Country. Amsterdam, May 19, 1654. | The Weekly Post, Issue 179 |
ProcState225 | This day the Council had several things of great concernment under consideration, as about one that is in custody for forging the Lord Protector's name in Buckinghamshire, and suggestions about pretence of a private way of a Parliament, and other abuses; and other considerable affairs. Scilly January 2. The Elias Frigate is come safe into this harbour, and brought us six months pay which we were in arrears, other news, all being quiet, this place affords not any. Major Gen. Lambert's and Commissary General Whaley's Regiments of Horse, are to go for Scotland, and Sir William Constable's Regiment of foot are to march into the County of York. Whereas I am entrusted by his Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, with the manage of the Posts of this Nation: These are to Declare to all Gentlemen, Merchants and others, whom it may concern, That I have established the places under named to be for the receipts of Letters, as well those that go to Oxford, Cambridge, Southampton, Winchester, Lyn, Yarmouth, Norwich, and the places upon those Roads, as to any of the other Roads of England, Scotland, and Ireland; and to that end have contracted with such as are to receive them, as also with all Letter carriers in and about the City of London and Westminster, employed by me for the purposes aforesaid; so that no man within the City or Suburbs, will be necessitated to give them more than what his Letters shall be justly taxed at, according to the Rates established by the State, hereunder written. And because I have determined upon no pretence whatsoever to countenance any of my Agents in their miscarriages; I do hereby promise upon reasonable notice of any abuse or exaction in that particular, to do all persons that equal right which the nature of their complaints may justly challenge from me, who shall make it my endeavour to be in all things serviceable to the Interests of those persons whose concernments pass through my hands. To any place within 80 miles distance, 2d. a single Letter, 4 d. a double Letter. To a farther distance 3d. a single Letter, 6d. a double Letter. To Scotland 4d. a single Letter, 8d. a double Letter. To Ireland 6. A single Letter, 12d. a double Letter. And so proportionably for treble or greater packets of Letters, to any of the former places. Mr. Genn at Westminster Gate, Mr. Adams at the Savoy Gate, Mr. Tyser at the three Daggers in Fleet Street. Mr. Humphreys at the two Sugar loaves in Fenchurch Street, Mr. Hall at the Bookseller's shop at Russel street end in Covent Garden: Mr. Netherwood Pewterer at the 3 Foxes in Long-Lane: Mr. Gregson next door to the White Lion in Wapping: Mr. Hutchins at the White Hart at Charring cross: Mr. Best at Gray's Inn Gate, Mr. Taylor in Temple Lane, Mr is. Smith next door to the Cock in Ratcliffe. It is declared that for the better conveyance, all persons will be pleased to give their Letters full directions to the places and Counties as shall be needful, to prevent mistakes. London 12 Janua. 1653. John Manley. By Letters from Holland came as followeth, viz. SIR Here hath again been a great loss to this Country, both by fire and water, and all occasioned by a great storm of wind last Tuesday, all day and all night. But the first cause is doubtless the wrath of God against this Country, which is so evident that truly everybody feels it, and few that have any grace, but will confess it also: But are still as ignorant, how to pacify this anger of the Lord, as if they never had had God's Word amongst them. It is true, the common sins of Pride, Whoredom, Drunkenness, and Excess, are generally cried out against, as the cause of all out Miseries, and doubtless these sins do much provoke the Lord, being come to so great a height in this Country: But these sins are too common to all Nations, especially in prosperity; and therefore the wiser sort do find fault with one another, Adam and Eve like, but very few that lay these things to heart, so as to say, this sin of mine is a cause, and so forsake the same. The Ministers (though too carnal God knows) as the most seeing part of the Country, and by their Office, and interest thereunto instigated, cry out not only against these common sins, but also against the too much sufferance of Popery, and their Idolatry, and indeed the Popish Mass, and that Idolatry is so public and frequent, that certainly it much provokes God to wrath, yea, some think about half the Country are Papists, and that there are more Priests and Jesuits, than Preachers of the Gospel; that turn many daily from the true Religion, and yet no course taken by the Protestant Magistrates, to increase and encourage the Preachers and Defenders of true Religion: and divers other miscarriages of the Magistrates; but no complaints against themselves, as if they had no share in these sins that hath so provoked God's wrath against this Country. The Magistrates also, they see no sins of their own, but what is ordinary to all states, and they talk of the sins of the people in general, and exhort the people to a better life, to remove God's wrath, as you may see in their Proclamation for a Fast day, soon after the last fight with the English fleet before the Texell and the Mase; but not a word will the confess of their miscarriages and Government; though in private, every Magistrate complains of other, as they are divided into several factions; but where find we one complainer under the guilt of their own sins? The People also they complain, both of Magistrates and Ministers, every several Religion complaining of other, and that for their miscarriage and Errors, God's wrath is thus hot against them: And the people of each several faction against their own Preachers, as cold, carnal, and seeking the things of this life in good earnest, both for themselves and their choice (whilst they persuade others to deny themselves and forsake them) being divers of them both gluttons and drunkards, and daily at feasts and weddings; bestowing their time with great men, and at Recreations; when it is hard for poor men with entreaty to get a little of their company, even when they lie a dying. Of the Magistrates also the people complain, as Gluttons and Drunkards, being daily at one feast or other, and oft going drunk home, many of them neglecting the public service, and misspending and wasting the public stock, and still exacting more and more upon the people, enriching in the meantime their own families, so vastly, that many are accused for Thefts of the public Treasury, and the one conniving at the other therein, so as no justice can be had against them, that the whole Country is so full of complaints every one of his Neighbour, (and scarce anybody of themselves) as is incredible. But not a word from any shall you hear of their great sins against their brethren of England spoken of. Yea they are so far from repenting thereof; That on the contrary the English are so daily railed upon, as the veriest Rogues, Thieves, and Devils that ever were in the world, by almost all sorts of people; That go you into France, Spain, or Rome itself, you shall not hear so wild language against the English in any Nation and yet I believe in the end they will find that their malignity against their Brethren of England hath been a chief sin that hath brought this great wrath of God upon this Country, which I pray God they may see and repent of, before it be too late. For when they saw the Government of England divided, the King, his Popish Queen, all the Papists, Bishops and wickedest Rout of England on the one party; and the Parliament, with almost all of the Professors of true Religion, both in England and Scotland on the other party: it was not hard for any that feared God to know which side they should choose; For though the King, as a King ought to have been honoured and obeyed, and for my part I should never have opposed him as such, but have taken his side, and opposed the Parliament, if they had done as he did: Yet to see the Popish ceremonies so daily increasing, Popery and Papists favoured and advanced, the Pope's Nuncio residing in England, and all professors of true Religion so persecuted, and discountenanced. I say it was no hard thing for any that feared God to know which side to cleave unto; and as you see the eyes of all, both in England, Scotland, and Ireland, were so clearly opened, that they refused to be governed any longer by the King, but joined together against him as a public enemy to true Religion, and the true good of these Nations; Against whom joined with the K. all the Papists in all Countries, either in word or deed, no otherwise than if it had been a war for Popery. When behold our good Neighbours of the united Provinces, from whom we expected more assistance than from any Nation (and had good reason so to do, they having been much beholding to England and the chief Rulers, being of the Protestant Religion.) Behold I say how they sided with the King and Popish party, against all the Professors of England and Scotland, and did them more hurt than all the Nations of Europe, as I believe. I know this will be thought very strange to some, for say they, the Prince and the States were Neutral, and held themselves indifferent, and would offend neither &c. But if they had not so much fear of God, as to have joined with the Parliament, to advance true Religion, but would needs have been Neutral; they should have kept themselves Neutrals as Holland at first had resolved, and neither have let King nor Parliament had any Arms, &c. for that had been greatly to the advantage of the Parliament, the King having no Arms almost, and the Parliament having all the Magazines in their own hands; but no, this Order might not hold, but a new Order made, that both should be suffered to have what Swords, and Spears, (Guns, Shot and Powder) they pleased, to kill and slay one another, and to foment a War, and it was done accordingly. Whereas otherwise the war had soon been at an end. So besides, ships of Ammunition privately sent away to foment the War: The Queen was publicly sent over in the States' ships, and three sips of Ammunition with her, which were landed at Burlington, and there by Admiral Tromp defended in landing, against the ships of the Parliament, so as all came safe to Land; where with a whole Army was raised in the North, and divers Towns and Forts taken from the Parliament, to the great strengthening of the King's Party, and endangering of the Parliaments. Also the States sending over Ambassadors under pretence of mediating a peace between the King and Parliament; What did they, but upon all occasions advance the King's Party, and understanding from both, all the secrets, and how things stood? Joined still with the weaker side to foment the War, and at last publicly before they went away, Printed at London a Declaration in English, in favour of the King against the Parliament, declaring to all the world, and especially to the City of London. That the fault of the War lay on the Parliament's side, and that the King, as it were, was a good man, and would fain make peace; which was done at such a time, when the City of London would fain have had peace, that it put all in such danger, and London's discontent being hereby increased, had like to have risen against the Parliament, and endangered all; and the Parliament at present forced to put up this, and many other injuries for want of power, &c. And now though the Dutch could perhaps be content again to overreach England by policy or power, or to have their end, if they could attain it, to carry on their own interest in the ruins of England; yet the Lord from Heaven hath so shaken them, not only by three times being beaten at Sea by the English in one year, and their whole Fleets routed; but the Lord from Heaven by storms and tempest, hath this last Winter twice miserably shattered them, besides the Lord's hand in the first storm by Water, and in this latter fire, hath so troubled them, that there is a probability they will seek peace, which will be welcome to many poor distressed souls: And believe it, the loss in the last storm was great, both by loss of above 30 ships in the Texel, and as many more in several other places, and many a brave ship pitifully shattered and broken; and some Merchant ships cast away coming home from Denmark. We look for the return of our Deputies from England, and then I shall have occasion to give you further advertisements of some things now under debate, by the States General, in order to an Agreement with England, accordingly as they shall like the Message they bring home with them. This day the Officers of the Army held a Council of War at Whitehall, for the punishing of Drunkenness, and other misdemeanours in the Soldiery. Saturday, 14 January. This day the Lord Protector had private Consultations with his Council at the Cockpit; and a Committee of the Council sat at Whitehall. Dover, 13 Jan. 1653. W have several ships out in several parts, for securing the English Merchants in and out, which makes us now to hear little of the Brest men: And our Fleet with General Pen in the Channel, is ready for action, if the Dutch do not agree. The French are not a little troubled to hear there is such probability: But there was a sad accident befell the Protestants in France, the last Sunday; for so soon as the Exercises were done at Charington, the place where the Protestants meet about two Leagues from Paris, many of them were cast away in a Boat coming home towards Paris. It seems there useth to go a Passage-Boat between Paris and that Church, to carry those that cannot well go on foot so far, and return with them when the Ordinances are over: and this Boat returning home with them on the last Sunday, there being in it about a hundred persons, and of them divers were whole Families; so soon as they were in the Boat almost, it being but newly put off, near a Mill, which was then going, they were by the stream forced under the Mill; which coming too near it, did suck them in, and about sixty of them are drowned; and amongst them two Lords, sons of that pious Protestant Marquis, the Marquis of Mirambo, and others of quality; which doth very much trouble the Protestants, and is no small sorrow to them, not only for the loss of those Godly and Religious Protestants with their Children, that were then drowned, but also because of the ill use the Papists make of it; both which is a great affliction to them. Yet this is observable, That some of them hath lately had too much tampering with Charles Stuart, and showed him some kindness and countenance the last Christmas. By Letters from Wales, and also from several parts of England, is certified, the Magistrates freeness, and cheerfulness in proclaiming the Lord Protector; as also from Yorkshire, and the Northern Counties, York, Hull, Durham, Berwick, and the rest. We hear by Letters from several parts of the free Subscriptions of the Officers of the several Regiments and Garrisons, generally in all parts, declaring to stand by His Highness, and that they are preparing Addresses to His Highness to that purpose, and are signing the same. Upon consideration had of the Results of a Council or War, held aboard the Swift sure, in the Fleet, the first of December 1653. concerning the Prize-money due to Seamen and Soldiers that have served at Sea in this last years Expedition, It is hereby Declared and Ordered as followeth. 1 That all Seamen and Soldiers that have served in the Fleet in the three last Engagements against the Dutch, and shall list themselves aboard any of the State's Ships, at or before the last of March next, shall have for their respective shares of Prizes, twenty shillings, 2 That such as have been in two of the said Engagements shall have thirteen shillings four pence. 3 That those who served only in one of the said Engagements, shall have six shillings eight pence. 4 That all such Seamen and Soldiers as have been disabled by sickness, or wounds received in the Service: As also the widows of any such Seamen or Soldiers, slain in any of the said Engagements, shall have paid unto them their full shares of Prize money, viz. twenty shillings. 5 That such of the Soldiers as are now again entertained in the Army (having Tickets for their Prize-money) do produce unto the said Commissioners, a Certificate under the hand of the Captain, under which they now serve: As also a copy of the last Muster-Roll of the Companies to which they respectively belong, or default thereof, a Certificate under the hand of the Muster-master, testifying their being in the Service; whereupon Order shall be given for payment of the shares of Prizes due unto them. John Disbrow, George Monk, Rob. Blake. Vin: Gookin, John Stone, John Clerk. Robert Blackborne Secret: By Letters from General Pen dated aboard the Swift-sure in the Road of St. Helens the 9. Instant was certified the good condition of the English Fleet. By Letters from on board the Swift-sure dated the 11 of January 1653. was certified the examinations of some foreign ships that came in to find Market for Deals, Pitch, Tar, Iron, Steel and other Commodities, an extract of which follows. 1 The Golden Mawken of Gothenburg, a ship laden with large Deals, Masts, Iron, Pitch, and Tar, of which Hans Benson is Master, which said ship is gone into Portsmouth to find market, she came in voluntarily into the Road. 2 The Katherine of Gothenburg having 18 tons of Tar, 1200 great Deals, 11 tons of Iron, 100 great Spars, going into Portsmouth to find Market, she came into the Road voluntarily, commanded by John Jorgorson the Master. 3 The ship called the St. John of Lubeck, having 6500 Deals, and some Pipe staves, of which Joachim Niemeger is Master, she is sent into Portsmouth to find Market, she came into the Road voluntarily. 4 The St. John of Danzig, a ship having in her 800 Pipe staves, about 1000 li. weight of Hemp, 12 tons of Pitch, and 12 tons of Tar, 6000 li. weight of Lead, 6000 l. weight of Iron, 5000 l: weight of Steel, which ship was bound for Nantes in France (as was pretended, George Vosse is Master of her) which ship is at present in the Road of Portsmouth, desirous of demission rather than sail, she was met with at Sea, and there taken and sent in by the Adventure Frigate. There is one Hannah a Maid that lives at Hackney near the City of London, the same that was formerly at Dunbar, a Member of Mr. John Simpson's Church (as is said) who lives at one Mr. Robert's an Ordinary in Whitehall; to whom many hundreds do daily come to see and hear, who hath now been there about a fortnight: Those that look to her, and use to be with her, says she neither eateth nor drinketh, save only sometimes a Toast and drink, and that she is in a Trance, and some say that what she doth is by a mighty inspiration, others say they suppose her to be of a troubled, and people flocking to her so as they do, causeth her to continue this way, and some say worse, so everyone gives their opinions as they please. But this is visible to those that see and hear her. 1 That she is well in flesh in her hands and face, and seemingly lusty and strong; she hath Rings upon her fingers, and lies in a bed continually in a Room where she is looked to. 2 She speaks to nobody, but they that are about her, call it lying in Trance; she lies as if she was continually asleep, save only when she prays, sings, or drinks and eats the Toast, only she breaths, and sometimes she turns herself in her bed, and sometimes cover herself, but most often others, some say, doth it. 3 In the afternoon (most commonly) every day she prays and sings, beginning about that usual time that folk have dined, and continues sometimes two or three hours, sometimes four or five hours never ceasing, but praying or singing until she hath finished for that time, and then ceaseth, not speaking to anybody, nor praying, nor singing until the next day again. 4 Her custom is to pray sometimes an hour, and sometimes two hours, and then sings two Hymns in two several Tunes, and then prays again, and sometimes sings again; sometimes oftener and sometimes fewer times; she is heard and understood very plainly by all when she prays, but when she sings, very little is to be understood what she sayeth. 5 Her prayers are in exceeding good method and order, good language, and such as indeed all that come do much admire what they hear from her, excellent words, and well placed; such as are not ordinary. 6 Her matter is various, full of variety; for the Lord Protector, that God would keep him close to himself, as he hath hitherto, so still to have his heart set upon the things of the Lord, not to be vain, nor regard earthly pomp and pleasure, and things below; but the things of God and his People, that he may be delivered from carnal Counsels, and being seduced to please the men of the world, and those that seek unrighteousness, that he may not leave the counsel of the Godly, to hearken to those who are worldly wise, and earthly Politicians, but wise in the Wisdom of God. That the Soldiery, whom God hath made Instrumental to overcome the enemy without, and in the world, may not be overcome of their inward spiritual enemies, to provoke God to lay them aside, and make use of others in the perfecting of that work, in which God hath so far employed them. That the Merchants of this Nation would not so far seek and mind their great profit by Trade at Sea, to fill their own Warehouses and Bags and be great in the world, as thereby to provoke an ungodly and wicked peace with the Dutch, to the dishonour of God, and hindrance of the carrying on of God's work. That the people of God may not (as some of them have done) revile and scandalise the Lord Protector behind his back, and speak reproachful words against him to others; (for, that she pleaded before the Lord, was not the way of God;) but to deal faithfully and plainly with him, and go to him privately, to speak of those things to himself only, according to the Rule of God's Word, wherein they are offended in anything with him, or anything that he doth; and that there may be love among the Saints and people of God. That the Lord would cause the people of this Nation to leave their sins and profaneness, As Gentlewomen's black Spots and Patches, Powderings of Hair, Gold and Silver-Lace, and other wickedness; and that she did believe God hath some of his Elect even among such, and prayed to God for their conversion. That the Lord will cause witches, and such as by false delusions seek to delude the people, to be discovered and suppressed; that troubled spirits may be comforted, and believe; and consider, that the Lord doth call such to come and reason with him; and that he will make their Scarlet and Crimson sins as Snow, and as Wool; and that the Saints and people of God would rejoice in the Lord's goodness to them. Consider, over what a Red-Sea and Jordan, he hath led them, and brought them into his Heavenly Canaan, where is no defilement, but all glorious, and peace. By Letters from Dublin in Ireland, was this day certified, That Lieut. Gen. Fleetwood and the Commissioners, are at Dublin. All is quiet there, and content at the New Government in England, and satisfied in it. That the Lord Musgrave is to be tried the beginning or the next month; that all is very quiet in Ireland, save some small parties of Tories, which are chiefly about the County of Carlow, where they lately fell upon and wounded some of the Surveyors; and do sometimes rob and steal where they dare venture, and fly away again with their prey presently. An Ambassador from Hamburg was this day to congratulate His Excellency, the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. His Highness, and also the Council, were this day upon matters of great concernment. A Committee of the Council also sat about the business of the Merchants. Mr. Lislebone Long is made Master of Requests for Petitions that are to His Highness. Harwich, 12 Jan. 1653. Capt. Serland came hither Convoy with 12 Merchant ships, and having stayed a few days to Tallow, is now going towards the North. Having for many years past been led under your Conduct, through many difficult Services wherein through the blessing of God upon the vigilance and endeavours of your Highness, we have in some measure been Instrumental in our places to free the Commonwealth from its enemies. So we now cannot but above all worldly things, most earnestly desire to see these Nations after all the shakings which have been in the midst of us, set up upon its true and proper Basis and Foundation, and thereby brought into a harbour of rest and safety. The sense whereof having led us to the consideration of what further might be our duties towards Your Highness, and the whole Nation at this time when it pleased God to give us hopes of establishment by inclining you to accept of the Government and Protection of this Commonwealth; whereby we are persuaded that the liberties of the people, both as men and Christians (the true end whereupon the great controversy hath been stated) will through the mercy of God be assured: We judge it highly incumbent upon us to make our humble address unto you, and to declare that we shall not only be obedient unto you in the performance of your great Trust; but in our places most faithfully and diligently to the hazard of our lives, and whatsoever is near and dear unto us be serviceable unto you in the Station God hath placed you against all opposition: Not doubting but as God and Man hath so highly entrusted you; So you will to the utmost of your power and endeavours lay forth your Self for the Glory of God, and the Good of this People amongst whom we have reason to think there are very many of the Household of Faith; over whom, we shall therefore further take this boldness most humbly to entreat Your Highness more especially to spread the wing of your Protection, and to account of them as the apple of your eye, which you continuing to do. We are confident their Father which is in Heaven, will be unto you a Buckler and a Shield and an exceeding great reward, which is and shall be the prayer of Your Highness's most humble and faithful Servants. The Officers from the several Garrisons and Regiments, are very unanimous in signing the said Address, which is from most parts of England already sent up to His Highness, and the rest near finished, as is expressed by Letters from their several quarters. By Letters from Scotland came this day thus. Sir, Kenmore and Glengarry, with their force, marched by the way of Strathspey, and Glencairn Lane, Mac Aldny, and some of Mac Griggers men, with the rest of the gang (Athol being left behind) marched by the head of Badgnoth, and joined their forces within three miles of Ruthuen Garrison. Upon their approach Glencairn sent a Letter to the Governor of the Castle, inviting him to come into His Majesty's Forces, and telling him, That all Scotland was up in Arms, and many had marched through England to join with them: To which, he received a very resolute and ingenuous Answer from the Governor, Cap. Hill; and it was not probable his Lordship had so great an Army, when he could provide no better Quarters for them. After they had been a while in Lorne, there fell a discontent between Glencairn and Lorne, about the men of the Country, Lorne saying, That they being his men, he ought to have the ordering and disposal of them, as the Earl of Athol had of his; but Glencairn told him, That he took up the Rents of the Country, the men were the Marquis of Huntley's. After many high words, Glencairn offered to draw his Sword, and Lorne went away in a great rage swearing, That rather than he would see his own people abused by Glencairn, he would loose his life; and thereupon drew to the other side of the water with some of Mac Grigger's men, and about sixty horse with him: This difference hath put that Country to a stand, who otherwise would have joined with Lorne; so that some of them are fled to Inverness, and other parts, to secure themselves. Parties of Horse, and Posts are directed, every way, for the apprehending of Lorne. The enemy take up all the horses they can find in the Country. There is a report that the Earl of Mane is gone in unto them. The Portugal Ambassador's Brother is by an Order of the Council, removed back from the Tower to Newgate. The Sessions being now there, but he hath not as yet been brought before the Bench. There are many for Robberies and Stealing, now upon trial at the Sessions. There is also one for Ravishing of two Girls of about ten or eleven years of age, though the mother of one of them whipped her child to have made her deny it. A Polterer woman that married a Knight, for having another Husband. A man that hath two Wives. A Witch that upon malice bewitched a Woman and her Children, the Children blind and lame by it; and the Mother pained in her side, and back, and bound in her body: She went to several Doctors, but could have no help, until at last one Doctor told her she was bewitched, but he would give her Physic, which if it did work, he would endeavour to help her: She took his Physic, it wrought, and she returned to him, who appointed her to make a Cake, and knead it with her own water, and eat it, using a form of words, which he gave her in writing, which she did; and when she had eaten it, was distracted, scarce knowing what she did, but went to the Witch's house, and said she had her Picture; which making search in her house, she found, also of some of her Children, with divers Pictures more, which she carried home and burnt, and they did stink for two or three days like Sulphur, very strongly; she thrust an hot Iron into the breech of her own Picture, and presently went orderly to stool: And in those places of her body where she was pained, the Picture had holes pierced in it; which she brought and showed to the Bench. But that which is most remarkable, is, That she would have received the Sacrament with a Gathered Church; where she was told, That she was not to be admitted, because she was reputed to be a Witch, which bewitched such a Woman and her Children: She denied it, appealing to her god. She was asked, who was her God? she said, the god of the world; and wished that she might never speak, if it was true; and that her god would show her some eminent judgement upon her, if it was true. Whereupon she was presently struck lame and dumb, and ever since sayeth nothing, but I and No. These are to give notice, That if any persons, concerned in Probate of Wills or Administrations, send for Commissions, they must return the same with speed from time to time, to the Office at Star-Chamber in Westminster; for that the power of the Court expires the first of April next. There are come in divers Merchant ships to several ports. There are yet come no Letters from Holland since the Dutch Deputies were come back there; but private Letters from thence dated Friday was sevennight last, the day the Deputies set out from hence say, that the States were very busy preparing a sudden Dispatch for their Answer, which report tends probably to peace (in their judgement) their Deputy Monsieur Borrel in France gives out report there, that the States have agreed to the English offers for Peace. Hannah the Maid that prayed at Whitehall, of whom you have the particulars before, this day rise and went from Whitehall home, speedily and lustily. Dartmouth 12 Janu. The Hector hath sent in a ship hither, which hat in her 3000 Cheeses. The ship is of Amsterdam, and took in her lading at the Elve. There is a private man of war hath brought in a ship of Rotterdam laden with Herrings, and Holland Cheeses, and about 10 Ton of Pepper, and some Cloves. Brampton 14 January 1653. We have this Saturday a Robbery committed at Brampton. Sir John Norwich sold a grey Gelding for about 30 li. and was to deliver him at Kettering, and there his servant was to have the money, who received it, but as he was going home was robbed in Brampton Woods, and the horse he rode, on worth 30 li. also taken from him, an Iron grey stone horse, between 14 & 15 hands high, 7 years old. On his near buttock is a white Lion in an Escutcheon, a strong made horse, and hath all his paces. Whosoever can discover either horse or man, shall have forty shillings of Mr. King at the Rose in Smithfield, or of Sir John Norwich at Brampton by Dingly in Northamptonshire. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 225 |
FScout163 | ☞ A Declaration of the States of Holland, prohibiting their Merchants from going out with their Ships, till the Cessation with England be confirmed and proclaimed. The proceedings of His Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, concerning the regulating of the Laws of this Nation, and the propagation of the Gospel. The Queen of Sweden's Answer to the Lord Whitlock's Embassy, with her Majesty's desires to renew the former Alliance, and conclude a firmer Union between England and Sweden. Also a Declaration of the two Generals of the Navy concerning the New Government, with the Resolution of the Officers and Seamen thereupon, and the dissenting of some of Col. Harison's Regiment. The K. of Scots' consultation with Prince Rupert, and two prizes taken out of the Harbour of Brest. Glencairn's beleaguering Burgy with 1500 men, and the routing of Atholl. With the committing of M. Feak and M. Simpson to Windsor, and some notable passages concerning Mr. Vavasor Powel. From Friday January 27, to Friday February the 3. 1654. The Regiments in Scotland (except some few of Major General Harison's late Regiment, and those chiefly of the Welsh Troop) do well approve of the New Government, and the Officers generally send in their Addresses, to be sent to his Highness to that purpose. There was a Shallop lately built up, and four Guns put in her to secure Trade in the River Clyde, and to prevent the Highlanders falling into Renfrewshire, but one Col. Harriot came with some Boats from the Loughs and secured her. Also a Lieutenant and 7 or 8 Officers were taken and carried to the Hills. The last Letters from Scotland certify, that there hath lately been some knocks given on both sides, and divers Officers of quality slain; The Scots having with extraordinary odds routed a small party of ours, were so flesht, that they came down to Dumbarton Town, but for all their bravado durst not stay above two hours, at their departure they left a Proclamation pasted on the Market-cross, prohibiting all persons in the Shires of Ayr, Dunbarton, Renfrew and the places adjacent, not to presume to sell, give, or deliver up, to any belonging to the Common Enemy (as they term us) any serviceable horse or Arms, or levy horse or Arms to the prejudice of His Majesty's Service, upon pain of being sequestered, and their goods and chattels to be employed for the use of any that shall first apprehend them. This was subscribed by that notable Strong-water sucker, GLENCAIRN. The last Week I gave the Reader notice in the Scout [if he was not deceived with the mock-Scout printed with G.H his name to it] that there was an Ambassador from Holland landed at Harwich, and that he was expected on Thursday to come to London; this Ambassador was Mons. Beverlin one of the Dutch Deputies that lately went from hence with the Lord Protector's Message to the States of Holland, who according to expectation arrived here on Thursday, and had Audience that day by His Excellency and Council; he Declareth, that the States of the Province of Holland have consented to the Articles agreed upon with his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council, and that there will speedily be Deputies from the rest of the Provinces, as also from Holland, to see it ratified on our part; but there is some suspect the Zealanders will not be very forward in promoting it. There are divers Ships Windbound in Falmouth Harbour, who intend for London with the first opportunity: But there are many Dutch Picaroons riding between the Lands end and the Isle of Scilly, which makes them fearful to pass without a Convoy. Our Fleet rides still near St. Helen's point, ready upon the least appearance of the Dutch to set sail and fight them, if a peace ensue not. The Town of Argier was not more famous for educating of the Turkish Pirates, than Brest is for nursing up of the French Picaroons: Our Post hath received Intelligence, that they have 20 sail of Men of War out, whereof one hath 36 Guns, and 200 men, and others about 24 and 20 Guns, but most of 12 and under. They have lately taken two Barks belonging to Falmouth, and sent them into France. And in retaliation thereof, we have taken a French ship laden with Linen cloth, Paper, and other French goods. This day came to my hand a Pamphlet, Entitled Strena Vavasoriensis, A New Year's guilt for the Welsh Itinerants; Or, A Hue-and-Cry after Mr. Vavasor Powel. Wherein the Author, after he had touched upon those places of Scripture (which with infinite others Powel wrested and misapplied) then he proceeded upon his Seditions and Invective Accusations. And showed, that first Powel abused the honourable Council, and called their Proclamation, A Libel. Secondly, That He basely traduced the Commanders, Officers, and Soldiers of the Army; nay, (their Wives and families escaped not the last [sayeth my Author] of his Tongue; and told the Swordmen in General, That the Spirit of God was departed from them, that heretofore had been precious and Excellent men, and that their Parks, new Houses, and gallant Wives (that which indeed all men are subject to dote upon (perhaps he spoke experimentally) had choked them. Thirdly, That they had all revolted from the Lord, and left his people Fatherless. Fourthly, that Powel also abused His Highness's Chaplains, whom he said had thousands a Year to set up this New Government; All which, the Author ingenuously and learnedly confuted, and wished, that if the Chaplains had their thousands, it might be multiplied to ten thousands; which with I second, and am confident that no honest Commonwealth's man but will do the like, That not only they, but all other deserving men may be rewarded according to their deserts. After this he printed his Hymn at Christchurch, with the Antiphona thereunto, a true Copy of which I have verbatim inserted. His Highness the Lord Protector hath consulted with his Honourable Council, about the regulating of the Laws of this Nation, and particularly of the Chancery, for the general good of the Nation. Also an Order is appointed to be drawn up by his Highness's Council, for propagating of the Gospel in the Northern Counties of England. Mr. Feak, and Mr. Simpson were this day committed prisoners to Windsor Castle. And one was likewise set upon a wooden horse at Tower-hill, and had his cut, for forging of an Order in the name of the Commissioners of the Navy, to cozen the State of nine pounds. From Copenhagen it is certified, That the Dutch Fleet which were beaten in there again by some English Frigates from Gothenburg, are resolved to Winter there. The City had suffered much by a late fire, had not the King and Court bestirred themselves to quench it, which only consumed two or three houses. They hear every day of the Queen of Sweden's great respect to the English Ambassador, which increaseth their fears and jealousies; and now they seem more afraid than ever, that the Dutch will leave them in the briars. But they may comfort themselves in this, That they have not much wool to lose. The Commissioners of the Council of the Admiralty residing at Amsterdam, To all those before whom these presents shall come, Greeting. Let it be known, that it being conceived, though, and apparent, that upon the coming of the Lords Deputies of this State from England, to make report how far the Treaty there is by God's grace and favour effected, some Merchants and Masters of Merchants ships, upon presumption of a Cessation of hostility, have been so forward as to have brought out their ships and goods, and have beyond their hope suffered losses; We have found good, and resolved to give warning to all and everyone whom it concerneth, as also anyone is warned by these presents; That the former hostility doth yet continue, and that it is not fit nor convenient that anyone should in regard of the Treaty, think himself secure, before upon the continuation of the Negotiation, there shall be a Cessation of the aforesaid hostility proclaimed. Acted in the Assembly of the said Council the 26 of January, 1653.4. V. HERBERTS. DAVID WILDT. It is further certified from Scotland, that the Enemy being in Dunkel, the Governor of St. Johnstons sent out 100 horse, and 100 dragoons, who beat them from the Turnpike, and forced them out of the Town; there were 7 killed, but many wounded, and most Atholl's troopers made footmen, himself very narrowly escaped our men; we took 50 horse and 7 troopers, their foot escaped to the Hills. Glencairn hath beleaguered Burgy, with 1200 foot and 300 horse. Kenmore keeps his Guards upon the River Findern. From Beaand our Scout brings Intelligence, that the States are gone to the Hague to join with them in confirmation of the Treaty with England. That the Assembly at the Hague is dissolved till the 20 of Febr. next, and that they desire a Cessation with England, till the rest of the provinces have ratified the Articles of peace. The French Ambassador hath audience, but his propositions are kept secret. Conde refuseth to come to the King of France, and his Brother Conti inclines to the marriage with Mazarine's Niece. The titular King of Scots hath with prince Rupert and others of his council, been several times deliberating about weighty affairs, and his friends report, that Gen. O'Brian hath got a body in Ireland of 4000 foot and 1000 horse, and doth fence the Castle of Dingle by the seaside. Some Aldermen of the City of London, have this Week made several Addresses to his Highness the Lord protector. In Whitechapel below the Church over against the Stile that goes to Stepney, in Trumpet yard, dwells L.M. Student in Mathematical Physic, who cureth the Tysick and Cough of the Lungs, the swelling of the Spleen, and deafness of the ears, pestilent Fevers, all sorts of Agues [of which cure he never failed; and hath cured many that have been thought incurable. If you enquire at the white Lyon in Whitechapel; or at the Angel in Cornhil near the Royal Exchange, they will direct you to him. The History of New England, from the English planting in the year 1628. until the year, 1652. In my last, I gave you a brief account of the Lord Whitlock's journey from Gothenburg to the Swedish Court at Uppsala, and certified you of his honourable entertainment; since which, her sacred Majesty hath been pleased to vouchsafe him audience; where his Lordship made an Excellent Oration in Latin, and it being translated into English I have inserted a copy of it, as it came to my hands. Madam, By command from my Superiors, the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, I do with all respect salute your Majesty, which had been sooner done, if by extraordinary accidents and engagements in the settling of three Nations with no few foreign Diversions it had not been retarded. And although the Commonwealth of England are not encouraged to send abroad, when they reflect upon the Barbarous usage of their Messengers in some places; yet your Majesty perceives that from your Government, neither our Masters nor their Servants have the least suspicion of any such entertainment: but we who are here present, do gratefully acknowledge our experience of the contrary, and of much Civility to our Nation. My business is to communicate with your Majesty in matters relating to the common good, which is of so great weight that it admits of no hopes of success without his special blessing, who by small means can bring great things to pass; the confidence whereof, with my submiss to the judgement and Commands of my Superiors hath given me this Honour of being in your Majesty's presence. Whom, I shall not weary with many words or expressions beyond meaning; I am not sent hither for that cause, and it is different from my own spirit, as contrary to the practise and commands of my Superiors, from whom, and from their servant, according to the English reality, your Majesty will find all manner of plainness and truth in our transactions, Our deliverances and preservations, whereof we have been eyewitnesses, have been so near to miracles, and such monuments of infinite rich mercy and love from Heaven, that we should sin against them, if the least guile, or unfaithfulness should infect our conversation. It is not my work to paint out my own Country, or to draw black lines upon any, though our adversaries; neither shall I take upon me to mention the excellencies of your Majesty's Person and Government, or of your people, and Countries, lest I should injure any merit; and because I speak to those whom God hath favoured with the enjoyment of great mercies, the increase and continuances whereof is heartily desired by my Superiors, and by me their servant. The present happy Government under your Majesty remembers unto us those blessed days of our Virgin Queen Elizabeth, under whom above 40 years the people enjoyed all protection and justice from their Prince, and she all obedience and affection from her people. May this and more be the portion of your Majesty's and your Successors, nor had it been left in those who followed Queen Elizabeth, though foreigners, but through the extremity of their own Government. When attempts were made to ravish from us our highest interest, the Orthodox Religion and just liberty, the defence whereof undertaken by King Gustavus Adolphus, your Majesty's Royal Father of blessed memory, in his German Expedition, for the Protestants' relief was in him most honourable and successful, and surely for us was most just and necessary, and alike crowned with gracious success by the Almighty. For the extirpation of both which had long been endeavoured otherwise; the fire brake out, first in Scotland, afterward in Ireland, and lastly in all parts of England, and not a Family Free from the rage of our decennial, more than civil War, and yet after so much blood powered forth, we bless God we live, who was pleased still to determine for the Parliament, and after these, and eight tenders and Treaties of peace, wherein we received the denial from our adversaries, it pleased the gracious and all disposing hand of God for the good of England, to change the Government thereof. We cannot find that in any age there hath been a declared War between these two Nations, but a constant intercourse of friendship and Amity, with mutual Offices of kindness out of which great profit and happiness hath redounded unto both. And your Majesty having by your late public Ministers to England signified your Royal inclination and willingness by all good means to conserve and increase the ancient good understanding between these States, upon these and other weighty considerations, and to show how acceptable the former overtures of your Majesty have been, the Parliament have thought fit by me to make tender unto your Majesty of the friendship of the Commonwealth of England, and to let you know that they are not only ready to renew and preserve inviolably that amity and good correspondence which hath hitherto been between the two Nations, but are farther willing to enter into a more strict Alliance and Union (then hath as yet been) for the good of both. And in such a way as shall he held requisite, I shall be ready more particularly to communicate what I have in charge for this purpose. Thus far the speech. The Queen's most Excellent Majesty having seriously and attentively audited his Lordship's Embassy, returned a gracious answer, to the great rejoicing of all that heard her. This ensuing Letter will further inform you. SIR, We are now at Uppsala, where the Queen resides by reason the Plague at Stockholm. My Lord was entertained with very much respect, and on the 23 of December my Lord had Audience; and the Queen heard him with as much Gravity and Majesty, as to any apprehension might be composed in a Woman, if not in a man; and my Lord Ambassador having had twice private Audience since, commendeth her to be the acute Woman that ever he met withal, and to be admired for her knowledge in public affairs, knowing the transactions of State far beyond his expectation. Here are several Ambassadors come to reside from Spain, France, Holland, Denmark and Russia: And though they endeavour to obstruct my Lord's proceedings, there is very great hopes of effecting the business his Excellence came hither about, the Queen having declared such readiness and freedom to treat with my Lord about it. For the Queen told my Lord, that she esteemed it a great honour, that the Parliament had been pleased to send an Ambassador to her, especially of his Excellency's condition, and that she herself would take care, during his abode there, that not the least injury should be offered to him nor his company. And further said, that in the transaction she would manifest the affection she bore to the Commonwealth, and that she not only desired to renew former alliance between them, but to enter into a nearer Union than heretofore. Uppsala. Jan. 1654. The last Letters from the Navy specify, that a great Flemish ship put on shore at Dartmouth, having only one dead man aboard her. Some Canary ships are safely arrived at Falmouth, and 4 ships from Malago are come into Plymouth. The Wetwang and the Newcastle Frigate, brought two Dutch Capers of 6 Guns apiece and 100 prisoners, into Newcastle And some of our Frigates have taken two ships within the Haven of Brest. The Seamen with an unanimous consent, have presented a Declaration to his Highness, with an Address subscribed by the Generals, and the several Commanders present in the fleet. Wherein they acknowledge their thankfulness, that the Lord hath preserved his highness from many eminent dangers, and understanding he hath accepted of the protection of this Commonwealth, declare they will be faithful and obedient to his highness, in performance of their trust, and also that in the utmost hazard of their lives they will be serviceable unto his highness in the station that the Lord hath placed him. This day was published an Ordinance, Entitled, An Ordinance appointing a Committee for the Army, and Treasures at War. Licensed and entered according to the late Act for Printing. LONDON, Printed by R. WOOD, 1654. |
The Faithful Scout, Issue 163
PerfDiurn221 | From Monday Feb. 27. to Monday, March. 6. 1654. This day by Letters from Dover we understood that the Lord Newport, and Yongstall Ambassadors Extraordinary from the States General of the untied Provinces arrived there, the day before with full power (as they say) to Conclude the Peace between England and Holland, some heads of the Articles of the Treaty to satisfy the people have been printed in Holland, and a translate Reprinted here, but are so short of the full of the business, we shall not mention them. The Ambassadors (they say) are come attended by a retinue of about 80 persons, And the Master of the Ceremonies here is appointed to receive them at Gravesend, and Conduct them by water to London: at their landing Friday next, Coaches are appointed to bring them, and their attendants through the City to Sir Abraham Williams his house, in the New-Palace yard Westminster, prepared on purpose for them. From Frankfort the 18. of February, 1654. We have from Cullen: That the Elector and the City are not yet agreed, that thereupon the Magistrates are underhand making of Levy, that so in cast the differences are not composed in an amiable way, they may be in some posture of defence. The late misunderstanding between the Elector of Brandenburg, and the Duke of Newburgh doth increase daily, which makes many to fear that it will break out into an open war, thereupon the Duke doth stand upon his Guard, having already in constant pay some Regiments of horse, and some of Foot. From Liege the Lorrainers continue their old trade of plundering and wasting the country, having of late plundered the Abbey of Herkenood: they have done the like at Bilsen, and so in many other places, even to those that had the protection of the Emperor, the King of Spain, and the Archduke Leopoldus, the Earle of Merode, being sent out with a party, beat up the Earle of Ligneuille his Quarters, and had done greater execution had he had more Horse with him: another party of ours hath also lately taken a Convoy of the Enemy, where having slain 17 common soldiers, and a greater number which were taken Prisoners, the Wagons and Carts with the Ammunition, and Provision which have been carried to Huy. The Baron of Butzdarn, who commanded one of their Brigades is lately deceased, which proveth to be a great loss to them, and Colonel Schmidt hath likewise deserted them and many others with him. From Regensburg thus, The Emperor continueth to be much discontented by reason of the long sitting of the Diet, who have no sooner ended one business, but there ariseth immediately a new one, not formerly thought on; and although the Emperor would gladly be gone to Vienna, yet knowing that his presence is much necessary for the hastening of businesses, therefore will not yet leave the Assembly: From Warsonia, there hath been a strong report here about six days since, that a Colonel of the Cossacks being discontented with the General Kmielmisk, had killed him with a pistol shot, but this thing being of so great concernment, therefore little credit given to Messengers sent to the Army, have been lost at their return in the great snow, therefore cannot tell any particulars of our Army, but that they are quartered in Ukrania, with the Cossacks, and that the Tartars contrary to their agreement have plundered in several places at their marching out of the Country. From Venice 14. of February, There hath been launched three days since three new Galleys, which with the 9. others are to be forthwith fitted to be sent to Candia about Easter: The new Generalissimo Moccenigo, is to go in them, he carrieth with him good store of Provisions, Ammunitions, and a good sum of money; there are also many Officers, who go along with him, the great ship called the Saltana is to go likewise, and now that the Turks have drawn their forces at a farther distance from the City of Candia, there will be care taken that the place may be provided with all necessaries, and put in a posture of defence, in case the Turks will again attempt to besiege it the next summer, as it is probable they will: we hear from Dalmatia that the Morlacks, being allured by the good success they had it their late in-road into Bosnia, are again entered a second time, and again returned with the like success, having brought with them great store of Cattle and other rich booty, which they have divided among themselves, From Milan all our Officers are busy in the completing their Companies and Troops, that so if possible the Army may be sooner in the field this Summer ensuing, than it was last year, and by reason that our Governor seeth well he is not like to receive any Forces from the Kingdom of Naples, therefore he useth all means possible to have some from Germany, and from the Switzer's Country, and hath lately provided all out Fortier places in case the Enemy at this Spring should make any attempt against them. From Genon, we hear that the D. of Mantua is gone from his chief City to Casell, there to give such orders as are fit for the well ordering and preserving of that place. The Duke of Tursie is with a part of his Galleys at Porto-Mabone: and there is expecting the Admiral Galley which is to come from Allicant, and another from Cartagena; we hear also from Cagliari in Sardinia, that the General Doria was there with his Squadron of Galleys, expecting fair weather, that so he may proceed on his intended voyage to Scicila: From Turin: The French Ambassador and the General of the French Forces are both returned hither from Pigneroll, where they have been about the quartering of the French Army. The Abbot Amoresti is again gone from hence, and taketh his journey for Paris about some affairs which are of a great concernment. From Paris, We hear from Beffort, that according to the late Capitulation made with the Governor, to deliver up the place he did it accordingly, and marched out with his Garrison the 23 last past, they consisted of about 300 men, horse and foot, they have taken their march towards Luxembourg. The Marshall la Forte having given order in the Towns and Castle as it's thought necessary for its preservation is gone to Dele, a Castle not far from thence, where having likewise settled all things, he intends to return to Navoy in Lorraine. From Nantes, the Company adventurers for the firm Landing America, which is by some called France Equinoxiall, are making ships ready to go this month of April, having sent one before, who carrieth great store of passengers, and some of the adventurers being gone to Guyana, from whence we hear that since the late murder committed by the Salvages upon some Frenchmen in the Island called Mario Galand; the Governor having sent about 140 persons to make new Plantations, and inhabiting of that Island, where he hath built a strong Fort for its own preservation: which these Salvages perceiving, they are come to an agreement, and live in a peaceable way. From the Bassee. The Governor having notice that some of the enemy was come as far as the Counterscarp, and carried away some horse, did thereupon command a party to follow them: which could overtake them, but having notice by a Countryman, that about 100 of the enemy who were Firelocks were about Eunrnes, they rid thither, and having found them in a Trench, where they thought to lye in ambuscade, the Commander of that party charged them with so much valour, that after a hot dispute, there was 15 slain on the place, and 62 taken prisoners, among which are two chief Commanders: the rest having saved themselves with great difficulty: on our side, there was only one man lost, and two wounded: The Cardinal Mazarini is now getting possession of all such Benefices and Church livings , as did belong formerly to the Prince of Conti; among others, he hath not forgot the rich Abby of Glugni which is of a great revenue. The Cardinal de Retz doth still remain a close prisoner, and the Duke of Orleans doth still remain at his house near Blois being still in the same resolution as formerly, which is not come to the Court. This day his Highness the Lord Protector with advice of his Council, passed an Ordinance for reviving the Jurisdiction of the County Palatine of Lancaster, and for holding an Assizes there to this effect. That all Privileges and Jurisdictions belonging to the County Palatine of Lancaster and the Inhabitants thereof, be, and are hereby Revived and Continued, as fully and amply to all intents and purposes, as the same were at any time before the tenth day of October last. And that all actions as well real as personal, and all other Actions mixed or otherwise. Pleas, Precepts, Writs, Processes, Demurrers, Recognisances, Fines, Recoveries, and all other Proceedings; Matters and things, of what nature or quality soever, now depending in any Court within the said County Palatine, or there commenced or prosecuted since the said tenth day of October shall be and stand revived, continued, and of full force and effect in the Law, to all intents, constructions and purposes. And that all Processes, Pleas, Demurrers and Proceedings and every such Action, Actions, Suits, Bills or Plaints, which were there depending the said tenth day of October last, or commenced or prosecuted there at any time since, shall stand good and effectual, and be proceeded in according to the Laws of the Nation, and the proceedings used within the said County Palatine of Lancaster. And it is further Ordained, that Matthew Hales one of the Justices of the Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster, & Hugh Wyndham Sergeant at Law, shall be Justices of Assizes and Gaol-delivery within this said County Palatine, and that the said Justices or either of them, shall and may act, do and perform all matters and things, as well concerning Criminal as Common-Pleas, and all other Pleas and Processes whatsoever, in such manner and form as any other Justice or Justices of Assizes at Lancaster have usually acted, done and performed at any other time heretofore, And the Commissioner for keeping the Seal of the said County Palatine of Lancaster hereafter named is hereby Authorised and appointed to issue forth to the said Justices, for the execution of the said premises, such Commission or Commissions as in such cases have been heretofore in the said County Palatine, used and accustomed. And that Thomas Fell Esq; be, and is hereby made and appointed Commissioner for keeping of the Seal of the said County Palatine of Lancaster, & shall have all such powers as any Chancellor or Commissioner for keeping the Seal of the said County Palatine hath formerly lawfully used and exercised concerning the same, till further Order. From Dalkeith, Feb. 21. The Earl of Athol hath drawn all the Forces he can together from Weems and other places, and he with the Lord Bruce were the 14 instant at Glenshire, marching Northwards to join with Glencairn, Glengarry, Kenmore, &c. upon their conjunction they will be between 3. and 4000. and then they intend to be revenged of Colonel Morgan for their late rout; but (through divine assistance) he make them amends with such another beating: yet Athol's Foot are much discontented, & leave him daily out of a sense of their declining, dangerous, and desperate condition by their daily losses in all parts, and complain much of the cowardice of their Horse: The English that came with Wogan, are much dejected at his death, and lament their leaving France, and being in so wretched and barbarous a place as the Highlands. We are daily sending what supply we can to Colonel Morgan, but cannot much add to his strength till two Regiments come out of England. From Leith the same date. The Lord Athol, The Lord Bruce and others have joined what Forces they can get together, and are marching Northwards to join with Glencairn, Kenmore, Glengarry and then the rest upon whose conjunction they threaten to be revenged of Col. Morgan for the last rout, and perhaps he may make them amends with such another. Yet Athol's foot are much discontented and have him daily, complaining much of the cowardice of their Horse, so that now they have few Foot but only Renegades from the Lowlands, They have taken off the Roof from the Garrison of Weems, and intend now to keep no Garrisons, but run the same courses that Montrose did, and keep their Ammunition in woods, or little villages in the Hills. From Saint Johnstone Feb. 19. 1653. I being now released, and by the providence of God come safe to this Town, have taken the first opportunity to write to you at my coming hither, I chance to see a Printed Book, wherein the writer makes mention of our business at Drummond, and afterwards makes a Relation of a defeat by a party of ours, given to Athol's forces at Dunkell, and he Comments upon it, saying it was a seasonable Mercy to Balance their height upon the business of Drummond. I bless God for any victory he bestows upon us. But I desire the writer may understand that through the goodness of God our business did balance itself, and the enemy did not grow high upon it, but repented that days work many times to my knowledge, wishing they had not seen our Forces, for their Black Swan Col. Wogan in whom they had such hopes, whose coming so much heightened the enemy; at that time (being the first service he was upon) received a shot from my hand, of which he dyed 17. days after; and now lies interred in the Kirk of Lough Key, whose death with his Captain Lieut. (who was counted a man almost as gallant as himself) and Cap. Kerr, and the rest of the loss they received there, they accounted greater than both their defeats at Dunkell, though the last was greater than that the writer mentioned. I should have writ more large concerning our own business, and the enemy's discouragements upon their late defeats, but being in much pain, I shall only insert one thing more and take leave, which concerns a Gentleman of the South of Scotland, who in a vision was warned in the name of God to go to the General, and chief Officers of their Army, and declare to them, that for their wicked living, and cruel oppression, the Judgements of God were nigh unto them, and would shortly destroy them, the gentlemen went not; the appearance was the second time, giving him charge as before, and told him, that for his disobedience he should be struck Dumb; and if he now went not, further Judgements should fall upon him, and immediately he was Dumb: this man came the Sabbath day was seven days before I was released to the Kirk, near the place where I was Prisoner, and declared this in writing, being then on his way to their Quarters in the North, resolving to declare it to him: this I had from the Lord of the Parish, the Minister, and many others; so with my Prayers to God for his providence to go along (as heretofore with our General, which he hath pleased to set over us, in whom we have so great hopes, I remain, Your ever loving friend, G.H. This Day a public Minister out of Flanders from the Archduke Leopoldus, had Audience given by his Highness the Lord Protector. The Lord Mayor of the City of London with some of the Aldermen and Recorder, on behalf of the City, and the Magistrates of the City of Westminster, this Day (according to Order) attended his Highness the Lord Protector and Council at Whitehall, upon the business of a Corporation to be granted to the City of Westminster. From Chester, Febr. 26. On Wednesday last, the Lord Henry Cromwell took ship for Ireland, at the point of Ayr; we hope he is well over, though there fell out very violent storms immediately after his embarking. From Upsal in Sweden, January 27. Our affairs here have had a little pause; the Lord Chancellor having been indisposed in his health, but now is abroad again. The Treaty goes on, and this afternoon my Lord Ambassador and he have had a meeting concerning it; we cannot but believe, but we shall have a very desired issue; yet they are a little stumbled here at our detention of their ships, and at the dilatoriness of the proceedings of the Court of admiralty concerning them. There are reports here of an Extraordinary coming from France, and another from Russia; this Virgin Lady is much courted in this juncture. Paris the 7th of March 1654. The 27 last past the King and the Cardinal went a hunting to Versailles. The 28. the Duchess of Mercoeur with the other kindred of the Cardinal Mazarine, arrived in this City, and were extraordinary well received of their Majesties at the Louvre. There is a strong Report that the Cardinal Mazarin will have his Father to come from Rome and live at Court, to that end that he hath procured him from the King the Title of Duke and Peer of France, and that he doth purpose to buy him, as soon as may be some Lands for him and his heirs, and Mons. de Lyoine is to carry to Rome upon that business. The 2. of this instant the King went to to hunt wild Boar which had been brought into the Park by order of the Governor, after which he exercised himself in shooting of birds flying, where he showed a great dexterity and experience, and having spent most part of the day upon such exercise as is fit for his quality and young years, he returned hither in the Evening on Horseback. Our late Ambassador at Rome is returned, and came to this City to give his Majesty an Account of his Embassy, there is another to go thither very shortly, who will be ready to go about the middle of April, but some say not so soon: The Military affairs begin now to be taken in hand after all the mirth and pastime we have had this late shroving time, and I hear that the Marshal Tureque is to go to the Army in Picardy, and give his orders for the speedy putting it in a warlike posture, that so we may be in the field before our Enemy, and we hear that the Archduke Leopoldus on the other side doth all his uttermost power to be first with his Army into the Field. From Brussels the 7th of March: The 27th last past the Earl de Fuensaldagne being gone from thence came the next day to Diest and the two days following, the Officers of the Duke of Lorrain's army came to meet him, what by his care and wisdom, joined with the authority of the Arch Duke Leopoldus, and the good disposition in the Officers and Soldiers, he hath wrought so much upon them, as to persuade them to obey the Earl of Ligneville as they did formerly, whilst the arrival of the Duke Francis Brother to him that is now imprisoned, and having settled all things as well for that particular, as for those public affairs which concern his Majesty's service, and came back upon Wednesday last to this City. The fifth instant we heard that those of French forces under the command of the Governor of Sedan had appeared within two leagues of the City of Liege, and according to their motion seemed to intend to go over the Mawsri, and so into the County of Filsbury, but care is taken to prevent them. That you may understand the reasons and of the Archduke Leopold's proceedings against that famous Thief the Duke of Lorrain, who hath filled a good part of Christendom with his rapines and cruelties. I have here enclosed two Translates of those two Declarations which have been sent out here by his Highness; the one directed to the Soldiery of the Lorain Army, and the other to all men in general. To all high Officers, Matters de Camp. Colonels, Captains and Soldiers bearing Arms under the Ensigns and Banners of the Lord Duke of Lorrain, Charles: Healch. We give you to understand, that having this day secured for some time, the person of the said Duke of Lorain, Charles, in pursuance of a special order and command, which we have received from the King my Lord; for the good of the house of Lorain in particular, and other high and weighty considerations, relating to the welfare of the State and the public peace: His Majesties and our intention is that the whole body of his Troops do continue in the same service as they are now upon under the command of the Count de Ligneville, until the Lord Duke Francis of Lorain shall arrive here, (which will be in few days) to undertake the command of this Army, to the preservation of rights of the said Duke, and the house of Lorain, under the protection of his Majesty, Declaring that to Officers, Soldiers, or others belonging to the said Army, shall be brought to a trial, or questioned for any Riots, or misdemeanours whatsoever, which they may have committed under the said Lord Duke. Hereby also strictly and expressly forbidding them to go to the service of any other neighbour, Princes, or States, either Friends or Enemies, upon pain of forfeiture of body and goods, as well as in respects to the Vassals and natural Subjects of his Majesty, as those heretofore listed and entered in the Musterroles of that Army; and as to other strangers, upon pain of being punished as deserters of their Colours. Provided notwithstanding that any formerly listed and entered in the service of his Majesty, and have gone from their Colours although without leave, may return again, and repair to them without danger of being questioned anyways, or proceeded against for the same. As to the rest we refer our self to that which the Count Fuersaldagne Commander in chief of his Majesty's Armies shall more particularly acquaint them with lation to the advantages which shall be speedily procured and effected for them. Given at Bruxes, the 25. of February, 1654. Leopold William by the grace of God Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgonie, &c. Lieutenant, Governor, and Captain General of the Low-Countries, and Burgoni, &c. As no man can be ignorant what duty and respect our Cousin the Lord Duke of Lorrain Charles, hath been obliged to bear to the King my Lord, and all his Allies, Friends and good Subjects, since the time that he hath in these parts of his Dominions, been sheltered from the violences oppressions, and usurpations that have been practised by France against his Person and Since: where he hath been received by his Majesty and his Lieutenant General with all friendship and good confidence, and under a special protection, not only to the espousing of all his Interests in the Solemn Assembly for Treaty of Peace, but also furnishing him with Pay, and maintenance for his Troops, and admitting him to our Resolutions and Councils of War against the common enemy: So it's no less known to all the world how contrary the said Lord Duke hath acted, to what was due from a Prince of his birth so entertained, treated, and gratified, as is before mentioned, and so strictly bound to the Interest and Service of his Majesty, & the good of his Kingdom. For, besides the tears, groanings, and general exclamations of the people that bore public testimony of the Thieves, Robberies, Sacrileges, Rapes both of married women and maids, and other abominable and detestable Riots committed under the conduct of his Army, the wracks of which destructions and devastations, he himself gathered up; His Majesty and his Lieut. General have from time to time been well informed of the secret intelligences of the said Lord Duke, and of his several designs as far different from the common good, and service to which the conjunction of Forces ought to tend, and also of his inconstancies, and pretended change of judgement in Resolves of Matters of War, and the alterations and affected delays that he gave in things already debated, and that even at the very point of executing most important services, which might have been the overthrow of many and high enterprises, which in all likelihood, and according to humane reason, could not but have had a happy issue; These practises were at length grown so notorious, and to such a height, that not only the Lieutenant's General, Commanders of Armies, Masters de Camp, and all other Officers were eyewitnesses of his tricks and artifices, and could point at them, but even the meanest soldier, and the whole people seemed astonished to see things thus pass on without any remedy provided against them. 'Tis true, the King my Lord, through his accustomed goodness and singular affection which he doth and ever will bear to the House of Lorrain, hath as far as possibly he could, connived at, and passed it by, in hopes that the said Duke moved with the courteous usage and benignity his Majesty hath treated him withal, might become sensible of his Interest, and in conclusion return to his duty; but on the contrary, his exorbitant proceedings arrive to such a height, that not only all his Majesty's Subjects and Vassals do abhor and detest him, but also all the neighbour Princes and States were so set against him, that it was apparent that these Countries, for perfecting their misery, might have felt the effects of the vengeance which they designed to take of him; The King my Lord, lest he should provoke the anger of God against him and his people, could not defer any longer to stop the course of this evil, and therefore it is, upon consideration of these public and manifest truths, that his Majesty for a speedy and effectual remedy thereunto, hath commanded us to secure the person of the said Lord Duke, in which he hath acted according to Law of Nature and Nations, which allows all Sovereign Princes to remove from of their State and People, Oppressions and Violence, be it who it will be that opposes them and to do Justice to themselves, their people, and neighbour Potentates, States, and Friends, when all other ways have been attempted in vain and without success, of which the ages past want not examples, in cases less fortified by circumstances, and justified than this. This proceeds not from any aversation of his Majesty's to the House of Lorrain, but he protests ever to protect them, and adhere to their Interests: In witness whereof, his Majesty hath provided that the Command of the Armies and Troops of the said Lord Duke, shall pass to, and remain sequestered in the hands of the Lord Prince Francis of Lorrain, his Brother, from whose natural good inclinations, and sincere intention, his Majesty is assured he shall reap the fruits, and receive the true effect of a conjunction of Forces. And until the said Duke Francis shall arrive, his Majesty's and Our intention is, that the Count de Ligneville do continue in the execution of the Charge and Office of General. We therefore in the Name, and on the behalf of the King my Lord, do command all his Subjects and Vassals, and request all neighbour Princes and States to rest satisfied, and have a good opinion of this order and resolution of his Majesty's, expecting that another time and conjuncture of public affairs may calm these motions and changes, and that God restoring quietness, by softening the obstinate Spirit of France to Peace, the People may be again established in Tranquillity and a general Repose, and every one readmitted to that which is his Right. Given at Brussels the 25 of Feb. 1654. LEOPOLD WILLIAM. Signed by Order of his Highness VERREYKEN. From Innernesse Feb. 20. The enemy are divided into divers parties to raise their assigned levies, keeping themselves on parts near to the Brays for their security, and from thence summon in the Country for horse and foot, whom they threaten with ruin if not accomplishing their unjust demands: Glencairne is to command all the forces levied in these Shires of Murray, and so Northward, he, with 80 Horse and 200 Foot keeps near the Hills, that upon notice of the approach of any of our Forces they may secure themselves in the inaccessible bounds; Our Horse Scouts now and then glean up some of them, having lately taken amongst others a notorious Rogue who threatened to burn divers of the Inhabitants' house who are serviceable to the Garrison. Leith Feb. 25. Athol's levies are most certainly spoiled, and the people wearied in their respects to them, despairing of help from Holland, and a report amongst them, that a Gentleman (their friend) in Fife had lately a vision, in which he was commanded by one in form of a Man to speed to Glencairn and tell him, that he must decline his course which will be destructive to him, and all under him, and then vanished. The Gentleman neglected it, and then had a second vision in which he was sentenced to be dumb for his neglect, which he now is, and certifies the same under his hand as they report; this latter prevails much on the vulgar soldier, and the two former hath influence on all their Army, that they are much dejected and sad. Athol is about Glenlyn and hath with him about 300 Horse and Foot, he hath sent forth the fiery Crosses but it's little observed, some of his Men are gone to Badgenoth where it's informed Glencairn is. The old Laird of Glengary's at Balloch hath sent for and accepted of a protection from the Governor of St. Johnstone, and hath engaged to keep all quiet in his Bounds for doing any prejudice to the Commonwealth; Athol was there to demand his House to be demolished (as Weym's is) but the old Gentleman (of 80 years of age) absolutely resisted. On Tuesday last Sir Arthur Forbs with what Horse Athol could make marched Tuesday last towards Montieth or Lenox it's conceived in design for the South. The 12 instant there was one of Col. Daniels's Regiment hanged at St. Johnstone for running to Athol, who was taken at Dunkell the last week and another was tied up to the Gallows, who was intercepted in his running to Athol. There are some others that ran from the same Regiment to Athol who were taken at Dunkel, but preserved by Articles: Major Gen. Lambert's and Commissary General Whalley's Regiment of Horse are come up hither, and will be a very seasonable supply. This Friday the Lords & Yongistal with their attendants landed at where coaches provided for them, their Lordships were in one of the Lord Protector's, and the Master of Ceremonies with them, driven by 6 horses, next followed the French and the Portugal Ambassador's Coaches, with above 20 more all with 6 horses, besides above forty Coaches most with horse apiece & stay in in stately equipage through the City, from Aldgate by the Royal Exchange, and so to the Palace yard Westminster, to Sir Abraham Williams, where they are to be entertained with their Retinue at the Seats charge for some days. From Milford Haven the 28 February. Here are some lately come from Ireland, who tell us no more as for news, but that according to the late Treaty made with Mac O Monague there are great members of Irish ready to take shipping for Flanders to serve the King of Spain, but yet there are still small parties of Tories, who lie lurking in the woods and bogs and do much disquiet the peace of the Country, which is still in great want of people to inhabit those parts. The Lord Henry Cromwell is safe arrived in Ireland. From Deal the 2. of March two days since all the Merchants ships as were here, and in Dyver Road set sail, having a fair wind to go for France, and other parts to the Southward; also several convoys to bring them to their distinct places, there hath been likewise some of our Frigates here, but are gone all again Westward where we hear our Fleet rideth still near St. Helens-point by the Isle of Wight. This afternoon the Dutch Ambassadors had audience given by his Highness the Lord Protector in the Banqueting house at Whitehall, the Room was richly hung with hangings, & a rich chair of State set for the Lord Protector, and Chairs on the one side for the Ambassadors, the Entertainment was stately, and gallant, and the subject of this Audience was partly Congratulatory to his Highness, and to declare the business of their coming to make and settle a firm peace, and to rescue the old friendship which hath been for many years between the two Nations: And that to this purpose their Superiors the 7 United provinces do all of them agree and consent to the agreement of peace between us and them, which they, their Ambassadors Extraordinary, are empowered fully to confirm, and ratify; desiring a speedy Cessation of arms, and that all acts of hostility may cease on both sides, so that undoubtedly, some few circumstances being considered on, all will be concluded, and a Peace fully settled, as we shall be able to give you further the particulars by the next. There is also and Ambassador (we hear) landed from Denmark, to make application to his Highness upon the success of the Dutch Treaty, his name is Williamson. There is newly published, Select Thoughts, or Choice Helps for a pious Spirit. A Century of Divine breathings for a Ravished Soul beholding the Excellency of her Lord Jesus; By Jos. Hall. B.N. Art of Memory, or a sovereign and certain Cure for a weak memory, easy to be apprehended by the meanest capacity, and useful for all persons, from the Gown to the Clown. Printed for Nath: Brooks at the in Cornhill. A Brief Exposition of the Prophecies of Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah: By Mr George Hutcheson Minister at Edinburgh, Recommended unto the Reader by Mr. Edmund Calamy, ad Mr: David Dickson. Printed for Ralph Smith at the Bible in Cornhill. Britannia Triuphalis, A brief History of the Wars and other State-affairs of Great Britain, from the death of the late King, to the dissolution of the last Government. Printed for Sam: Hayes, and are to be sold at his shop in Dobes-head Alley. The Life and Death of Mr. Ignatius Jurdain one of the Aldermen of the City of Exeter: By P. Nicholls Minister at Mary Arches Exon, and printed for Tho: Newberry at the 3 Golden Lions in Cornhill. This is licensed and entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 221 |
PerfOcc2 | The Trial, Examination, and Confession, of Mistress Francis Beard, at the Session's house in the Old Bailey, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday last, who was arraigned, convicted and cast, for bewitching of a little Girl in Thames street: with the manner how it lay both lame and dumb, raving and foaming at the mouth; and the searching of her, and finding three long, black, and Devilish Dugs near her privy parts. With the rising of the Royal Party in Holland against the States of the United Provinces, for concluding of a Peace with England, and a lamentable Engagement thereupon. From Monday Feb.20. to Monday Feb. 27. 1654. Imprinted at London, for G. Horton, 1654. Major Gen. Brown is returned from his Captivity in Wales, to his house in London, and divers others are restored to their liberty by his Highness. The Highlanders have received a great Defeat in Scotland; but Gen. Glencarn hath set forth a Proclamation to promote his titular Majesty's service against England, with this inscription. God save King CHARLES the Second. His Highness the Lord Protector and his honourable Council have set forth an Ordinance of explanation touching Treasons; a Copy whereof followeth: Whereas by an Ordinance, entitled, An Ordinance declaring that the offences therein mentioned, and no other, shall be adjudged high treason within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland,, it is amongst other things ordained and established, that no matter, fact, crime, or offence whatsoever, other than such as are therein mentioned and expressed, should be deemed, taken or adjudged to be high-treason; And whereas some doubts and question may arise, whether that clause in the said Ordinance doth not extend to the offences mentioned in the Instrument, entitled, The Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and which are thereby declared to be high Treason; For clearing thereof, and removing all scruples thereupon, his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice of his Council, doth declare and ordain, that neither the said Ordinance, nor any clause or thing therein contained, shall extend or be construed, adjudged or taken to extend unto all or any the offences declared by the said Instrument to be high treason, but that all and every the said Offences are hereby adjudged to be high treason, and that all and every the Offenders shall suffer the penalties of High treason, the said Ordinance, or anything therein contained to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding. Major Gen. Harrison is going for Staffordshire, and intends to betake himself to a private course of life. Alas poor Gentleman! I wish all men would rather expose themselves to the Countrey Air, than to be restrained (by their contempt of magistracy) either in a Prison or tower though notwithstanding Mr. Feak, and Mr. Simpson remains still at Windsor Castle; and not long since declared, that they never found more inward comforts, and spiritual solacings, in the time of their freedom, than they now do in their tribulation. And Mr. Rogers declares it a part of his duty, as touching his Ministry, to speak concerning the Revolutions and present Occurrences of the times. From France our Occurrences advertiseth, That the Prince of Conde has taken the strong Garrison of Dinan, and ransacked the famous town for their loyalty to the King and Crown. From Windsor we have received intelligence, that Mr. Feak and Mr. Simpson have sent up a Declaration and Letter to his Highness, (by way of Address) wherein they implore their liberty. This, to me, seems something strange: therefore, by my next, I shall make a further enquiry into the truth thereof. This day came piping-hot News from Tower-hill, that the King of Scots was landed in the North of Scotland; which to me seems as true as his Residence in London, at the time when the aforesaid Conspirators were apprehended in the Old Bailey. The English fleet rides still, about St. Helens Point; but the Dutch are not yet forth. There has been a great shipwreck upon the Coast of France, and divers men drowned. The English fleet from the Straits, Spain, Portugal, and Biscain, are come safe into the River of Thames, and several Dutch Prizes also. Ten more are expected every Tide. The last Post from France advertiseth, that King Lewis, and his Council have agreed to send an Ambassador Extraordinary unto his Highness the Lord Protector. Whereas the great point of Sovereignty and concernment to the safety and benefit of a Commonwealth, is the Electing and disposing of its own Magistrates, or the great Officers of State. And as for the present Council, and the election of them in the way it hath been: It must be remembered, that we were in the beginning of a new Government, necessitated to create a little World out of Chaos, and bring Form out of Confusion; so that there was an absolute necessity; that some who are known to be persons of integrity, and firm for the present Settlement, should at the same instant be taken in, to carry on the work: which can be no ground of just exception, especially seeing for the future, Elections shall run in the appointed channel, where their streams are to flow from the People, as their original-Fountain. Yea, the high Office of Protectorship itself is to be derived also from hence: and as in time it will appear, that the People in Parliament have the main choice of the Council, so they will likewise be Choosers of the Lord Protector: For, it being left to the Council to choose Him, and they hereafter coming to be chosen and trusted by the Parliament, it cannot otherwise be conceived, but that the Choice of Him takes its rise mediately from the People in Parliament: because as whatsoever a Parliament doth is said and taken in a political sense to be the peoples' act, because they are chosen and trusted by the people: so in like manner, and upon the same political account, when the Council comes to be chosen by Parliaments, as is before expressed, then the Act of the Council in choosing the Lord Protector, must be a parity of Reason be reputed the Act of the people in Parliament: And so you see, in effect, mediately or immediately, the election of all Magistrates (both high and low) are, or will at length, by this Constitution of Government, be in the hands of the People. Lastly, as to what concerns the Office of Lord Protector, it is to be observed, that no man is to be admitted to that dignity upon the Interest of Himself or Family, but merely upon the account of his fitness for Government: it must pass, not by Inheritance, but Election. And certainly, it is a great advantage to a Nation that the coming in and continuance of their Governor depends only upon his own goodness; and the good will of the People, as it is in an Elective Prince, who standing upon terms of good behaviour, will be continually employed for the benefit and defence of the Community. And therefore if it shall please the Lord to bless this Commonwealth (as we trust he will) successively, with a choice of godly persons into that high Office, it is easily foreseen, what an advantage it will be to these 3. Nations, to have their whole strength and force combined thus under one head, for the safety of all: this Form being (without question) the fittest and most convenient for the Magistrate to put things on, and in quick execution (as his proper work) for the public good: as also what a comfort it will be to all the godly ie the Protestant Churches abroad, who may have some more sure audjcertain protection from England than heretofore; which as it is the greatest Body, being united with Scotland, so it will prove (we hope) the grand Bulwark of the Reformed Religion. Moreover, as touching the Person, whom the Lord hath now advanced and set over us to be our Supreme Magistrate, We shall not say much, because he seeks not the praise of men: only we believe even the enemies will confess, that he is every way worthy to Rule, whom God hath been pleased to use as his Instrument in that glorious Work of Redeeming the Liberties of his people: For, we are bold to say (weighing all circumstances together) that this Nation was never really Free - nor in a way of enjoying its Freedom so fully as now: so that there wants nothing but a cordial Close with the Government, to destroy all hopes of the common Enemy, and complete our happiness. But if men shall yet proceed to lengthen their own burdens, by hankering after the Family which God hath cast out before us, or by an unnatural seeking to embroil their Country again in blood and misery, for the sake of that unfortunate Interest, as we are loath to suspect such a thing, and can hardly imagine that any should be so forlorn and desperate after so fair a Composure. Having a fair and noble way of Administration provided, under which men may live in a plenary enjoyment of their Liberty as Christians, and their Rights as Men; we do not, neither can we in any measure doubt but that we shall find a ready and cheerful concurrence from all sober persons; and have ground chiefly to expect it from all the people of God, though of different judgments, seeing equal Liberty is given to them all (without just offence to any) and the principal care is for preventing true Religion, and the countenance of its Professors. We for our parts have done our duty, in declaring the grounds of our judgment. For, when we look back upon what is done, we find nothing that stares in our faces; and if there could have been imagined any better way of Settlement, we should have embraced it with the same spirit of submission. But here we see, our Friends have taken in the good of all the three sorts of Government, and bound them all in one. If War be, here is the Unitive virtue (but nothing else) of Monarchy to encounter it; and here is the admirable Counsel of Aristocracy to manage it: If Peace be, here is the industry and courage of Democracy to improve it. And whereas in the present Constitution, the Legislative and Executive Powers are separated: the former being vested in a constant succession of Parliaments elective by the people; the latter in an elective Lord Protector, and his Successors, assisted by a Council; we conceive the State of this Commonwealth is thereby reduced to so just a temper, that the Ills either of successive Parliaments, furnished with power both of executing and making Laws, or of a perpetual Parliament, (which are Division, Faction, and Confusion) being avoided on the one side, and the inconveniences of absolute Lordly power on the other; the frame of Government appears so well bounded on both sides against Anarchy and Tyranny, that we hope it may now (through the blessing of God) prove a seasonable Mean (as for the better defending of these Dominions against Enemies abroad, and promoting our interest in foreign parts, so also) of peace and settlement to this distracted Nation; and be of a durable continuance to succeeding Ages, for the glory of the most high GOD, the advancement of his Gospel, the protection of his people, and the benefit of Posterity. Our Occurrences from Holland intimate, that the Prince of Orange and the Royal Party, have declared against the States of the Netherlands, for the Emperor of Germany, has promised them assistance, and is much averse to the present proceedings of the States for a compliance with England. The Lord Beverling has signed the Articles, and Ambassadors are appointed to ratify and confirm the whole. At the Sessions in the Old Bailey on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday last was tried one Mistress Beard, who upon Evidence, was cast, for bewitching a child: the manner thus: About fifteen Weeks ago, the child was struck lame on the left leg, then in the right Arm, and afterwards struck in a most lamentable and fearful manner, sometimes lying raging and speechless, and at other times foaming at the mouth, with her hand closed up: And having continued thus for many weeks together, at last the said Beard came by, which the child perceiving, immediately fell a raving, by making of signs, and the like: Whereupon the Parents suspecting her to be the Woman that had bewitched their child, fetched a Warrant, and had her before a Justice; and after examination, she was committed to Newgate, & from thence, brought down to the Sessions in the Old Bailey, where she was arraigned for her life; and upon the Examining of Witnesses, and searching of her, it appeared that she had three long Teats near to her privy Parts, which she said was only the Piles: But upon the giving in of Evidence, she was cast, and divers others, who are like to suffer Death, &c. Our Occurrences from Holland intimates, that the Difference grows great between the Royal Party, and the Netherlanders, and that they have already disputed the Quarrel touching England. It is thought meet that these Occurrences be forthwith printed and published and dispersed in all Cities, Towns, and Corporations, throughout England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. | Perfect Occurrences, issue 2 |
ModIntell174 | The Proclamation for Peace, agreed upon by the States of England & Holland the Prophecy of Mr. William Lillie concerning the great and wonderful Changes, and Revolutions of the Times; his observations touching the Government, and his Predictions to all Europe, denoting and setting forth the time and manner of the Turn of Times, and the great things that shall happen thereupon, worthy of diligent perusal. The new Design of the English and Dutch fleets, the rising of the French, and standing upon their own Guard all along the Coast of Brittany, the taking of the field by the King; the Proclamation of the Hollanders; and a TRAGEDY performed in the presence of Charles, James, and Henry, first, second and third sons, to the late King of Great Britain. Great and Wonderful Apparitions have been lately seen in the Firmament in many places; and such strange and unusual Objects, that they have even caused as much admiration, as affluence of people; for certain it is, that there has appeared obvious, not only Warlike Horse, but armed men also, with presageth a Turn of times, and sundry Mutations and Revolutions, amongst Christian Princes: Alas! Innumerable of these dreadful Signs have be discerned here in England; as the raining of blood in the year 1653 &c. But of these Revolutions, more anon. From Ireland we have received intelligence, that there is scarce any thing wanting in that country but people to manure the ground, and a good conference to hold forth their infallible practices, which indeed has been too much eclipsed in these our days. The plague is well appeased in many parts; yet notwithstanding the pestilence rageth too too much amongst many: From which, Good Lord deliver us. From Minhead it is advertised, That the Brest men of war do much harm in that channel, having of late taken several Vessels, whereof some of considerable value which belonged to Bristol: others, of no great esteem, yet too good to be lost. Nay, they are grown to such a height, that they dare presume to come even into the very mouth of Severn where they beat us with our own Weapons, by employing our own Vessels against Us. The last Post from Rochel in France advertiseth, That the Report of the conclusion of the Treaty between England, and the United Provinces, and that nevertheless there was a mighty Fleet ready to go to Sea, riding near Portsmouth, the same hath given a strong alarm along the Coast of Brittany, in these parts, as far as the River of Bordeaux each Governor and Commander of Castles standing much upon their guards, and not only so, but they have likewise sent letters to the Court, not only to demand assistance, but also to know his Majesty's pleasure therein. The Governor of the castle of Falkenstein having in a most cruel manner plundered a Minister's house, turned him and his Family out of doors; but it so moved the Countries adjacent, that watching their opportunity when one half of the Garrison was absent, resolved to make a retaliation thereof and most unanimously as one man) marched up to the Walls, assaulted the Defendants, and as many as were found in opposition were all put to the sword, and the Governor (for his cruelty) let blood in the Neck vein, and so he departed this life. The States of Holland have sent an express to the King of Denmark to certify him that agreement they have made with England concerning that Kingdom and begin to cease their warlike preparations all generally being very willing to embrace Peace. The last Letters from Germany advertise, That the new Levies are almost finished, and that great is the expectation of the Emperor's playing a new Game with certain Christian Princes. They have reinforced the strong Garrison of Casal, and the Dukes of Florence, Parma and Modena are also raising of divers Military forces. But what their Design is, we cannot as yet give you an Account of; only thus much, that there is a bloody war to be carried on vigorously this Summer. Indeed, all Europe seems to be in a Chaos of confusion; and nothing but war and Rumours of war throughout most of the Christian Territories: The Vice-King of Naples threatens destruction to Catalonia, and the King of Spain is determined to take field suddenly. The Prince of Conde begins to move, and has received new Instructions from the Council of Spain, which has given so great an alarm to the King of France, that no less than fifty thousand horse and foot are designed to impede their march, and Gen. Thurone is to advance forthwith into Picardy, and take a view of the Army, and to set it in a posture fit for a march: he has received Commission from his Master King Lewis as chief Generalissimo, and his Majesty and the great Court Favourite Cardinal Mazarine, are both resolved to honour him with their own persons in the field, and to take a view of all the frontier Towns and Castles. The French Letters specify, that the King's Majesty hath sent to the little Queen, the K. of Scots, and the rest of her children, to desire them to remove out of his Territories, for that the English were resolved to send an Ambassador reciprocally into France, and that their pensions should be paid to them where they should please to point to have it paid; whereupon they are making preparations for their departure out of Paris, the Queen goes to dwell at Angers, and Charles Stuart with his brothers and Prince Rupert, are bound for Chantilly, and they have had serious consultations whether they should bend their course from thence to Scotland, or rather to Germany; the latter being supposed to be the safest way to keep their heads on their shoulders. There are some Merchants have received Letters from Holland, that the States of the United Provinces have signed and ratified the Instrument of Peace, and the Messengers are upon their return with it, for his Highness the Lord Protector to do the like. And it is supposed that on Thursday next being the 20 of this instant, Peace will be generally proclaimed throughout England and Holland. As the Genius of England soars high, so great will the Changes and Mutations be. The Scottish Nation naturally unquiet; and about the year 1657, or 1658 the Hollander is extremely threatened, not only in relation to that He hath in the East Indies, but more properly to the West Indies, or Sea voyages to both places; and indeed some miraculous Changes will be about the Years 1660 1661, and will manifest themselves in the West Indies, but especially in the Barbados, where the Pole is not more elevated than 24, and no less than 12 or 14. Zealand and Holland, and the rest of the United Provinces, especially near he Brul, and the Texel, or that part of the Province which lieth North East from Yarmouth; part of Flanders, much of France bordering on the South or South-East of England, is lamentably to suffer. The Hollanders by decay of Trade, Divisions, Tumults, mortality of people, eruptions of Sea Banks, and without a present amendment, a Foreigner shall enter into the Hague, Amsterdam, and other places before 1672. France shall suffer by Famine, Pestilence, and the Sword: the Southern and South-East parts of Spain will be many Sea-fights near the Gulf of Venice, and near to the Isle of Candia, or the Mediterranean sea; and wonderful Seditions and Risings in that part of Greece near the Archipelago: as also, some very high Rebellion against the Ottoman Family, in the lesser Asia, or Anatolia. The Lily will again blossom to the Northern Counties, if they do not destroy it with the Sectarian Contentions of the Times; for it will grow to be a very flourishing or great Tree among you: but if you choose to contend, dispute, and , rather than to know the true God, and the glorious Prince of Peace, the and influence will pass over you, and touch but some few; and then afterwards you will be forced to stretch water from strangers for the thirst of your souls. Yes through civil Wars, devastations of Countries, levelling of Cities, Mutations of the Laws and Customs of Nations and Commonwealths shall intervene; as also Rebellions, Famine and Plagues, deposing Kings, and murdering or poisoning of Popes, and overthrowing many in great places of Authority: yet all these put together, shall but make way for the glorious Lamps of the Son, who within these 20 years next succeeding shall either wholly, or in part, show themselves in Europe: so that after many sad years, a Chair of rest is promised unto Us: yea, a firm peace, and all earthly tranquillity, according to the appearing of a Comet with the South Latitude: from whence I infer, that a man, a Prince, or men appear in Europe under the notion of or born of a mean Progeny, or Progenies: or with small or no forces, or with much Humility at first cloud his or their Designs, or begin to show himself, or themselves, at first with much humanity and Religion: but afterwards when mounted to the top of the pinnacle of Greatness and preferment, then like a furious Jehu he shall march through the most parts of Europe with an invincible Army; and in every Nation where he comes, with the assistance of Clubs, viz. Common-people; and if his Army pervert, destroy or change the King, Prince, Magistrate, or Authority then ruling, or having then dominion, then shall He level Mountains, and settle Europe in peace; and be an occasion likewise to settle an Uniformity in Religion, and shall cut off the Hydra heads of Heresies and strange Opinions amongst the Clergy and others, and withal he shall restore the loss or forfeited privileges of Nations and people; and in his Banners these words shall be engraven, The Kingdom of France shall be subdued, and wholly conquered by this man, though Italy will endeavour to support the French wheat they can, we in England shall most certainly know when these things are near at hand, by observing when France is subdued; for then again we English shall enter upon the Stage of Providence, our being next; and our danger then approaching, and till then we shall have a position of inland peace and tranquillity. Take here the copy of a Letter from Scotland. SIR, The enclosed will inform you what kind of task the Horse are put upon in these parts, to suppress the Revels and Mossers, who daily gather and are as often . Besides what was done by Major General Harrison's late Regiment, commanded by Cornet Kennet, coming from Dumfries, with some which they had collected, were set upon by 40 of the Enemy, received their charge, and then charged through the Rebels, routed them, killed 4 on the place, took 6 whereof 3 mortally wounded, and had only 4 of his party wounded. Lieu. Hickman with another party fell upon 60 of the Enemy under the command of Captain Camphel, took 6 above 20 horse: Captain Camphel was shot in the back, his horse taken, but he himself escaped amongst the Walaas and bogs. Three English Merchants' ships returning very richly laden from Smyrna, were set upon by three French men of War near Cape Spartiverto, and after a cruel and bloody Fight between them, they took one of the English, stranded another, and the third being nimble in sailing, escaped away by Messina. Also on the 25 of the last Month, a Mountain called Vesure in Naples, began to cast forth fire and ashes, to the great astonishment of thousands of people, who ran into the Churches, and caused the Bells to be runs, to give warning thereof to all the Country about. Since the Prince of Conti's coming in to the King, and taking the Oath of Allegiance, his Majesty hath created him Vice King of Naples; and a very sumptuous and admirable Equipage is making ready for solemnizing the Journey. The 14 instant, was acted at the Louvre the stately Italian Comedy, called, the Nuptials of Peleus and Theiss, being a thing of incomparable invention, and no less costly. There was a mighty affluence of people, amongst the rest, came the disconsolate Queen, her three Sons, Charles, James, and Henry, and the Princess her Daughter. The Duke of Lorain doth still remain at Antwerp close prisoner, and there is a strong Report that he is to be carried prisoner into Spain, which is malum omen, for the obtaining that liberty which he was promised, when he was apprehended. Ha! ha! This is as like to prove as bad to him, as is already the disposing of all his estate that hath already been found in that estate. The 14 instant, his highness came to Whitehall, where He dined with many of the Lords of his Council; their Reception was performed magnificently; and a great affluence of People; but many returned unsatisfied, be reason that a guard of soldiers were put upon duty, upon the solemnizing of the Feast. It is advertised, that Mr. John Lilburn is to have the privilege of a Habeas Corpus at the Return of the next Term; and 'tis hoped his enlargement will suddenly follow. The same measure I could wish might be meted to everyone under restraint. By Letters further from Holland it is certified, That the States have fully ratified the Agreement for Peace with great rejoicing and alacrity of Spirit, and that they have sent a Return of the Instrument to his highness the Lord Protector; insomuch, that 'tis given out, that the Articles are to be proclaimed on Thursday next. All which particulars, appears to be evident; for that the English Fleet hath weighed anchor from S. Helen's Point, and now rides with their white Flags and Streamers in Stokes Bay. A great part of the Fleet are designed for a new Expedition, and some are ready to hoist sail for the Straits, and other places. From Scotland we have received intelligence, that on the first instant General Middleton had a general Rendezvous near Skiibo in Southerland; and after the receipt of Orders from this experienced Generalissimo, part of the Army marched for the South Highlands, the rest were to continue in the North, and both to prosecute their Levies, and then to join in the South. Commissions are gone forth in the Name of their Master Charles, to complete the Army. And so proportionably in every county where they have command. The Lord Seaford, and Mackoldwie are suddenly expected with their Levies also, which are not a few; and this Son of Mars Lieut. Gen. Middleton gives out, that he hath brought great store of Spanish Gold, lent by his Master the Emperor, from whom is expected a great Loan & many men, with plenty of the Lord knows what, which is negotiated by the Lord Wilmot, and to be brought by his Brother-in-law, which he had stayed for, but for the appeasing of the discontent he heard was amongst his friends, for his often failing in his promised coming amongst them. Sometimes they make desperate incursions, but pay often for their bold attempts. Nay, this is not all, but 'tis said they have more Arms and Ammunition landed. Of which more in due time. In the interim, true it is, that many horse and foot are expediting down, and Lieu. Col. Mitchil is marched with 9 Companies of Foot, six Troops of Horse, and a gallant party of resolute Dragoons, which are to march tomorrow to Braben; to which are added 4 Troops of horse and 3 companies of foot, all which, are to keep a pass at Dinghil, and to engage the enemy, if possible. The next thing that we shall present, is, the motion of the grand Wheels in Sweden, between her Royal Majesty Queen Christiana, and his Excellency the Lord Ambassador Whitlock; whose industrious Negotiation has received a candid occupation; for indeed the Queen has so great an affection for England, and in particular to His Highness the Lord Protector, that she is very inclinable to make up this alliance before she acquits the Government, which will be a very fair and specious conclusion of her Reign, that she has gained to Sweden so considerable an Ally as the State of England. The German Princes are more and more astonished at the immediate Transactions between the two Republics of England and Holland, and threaten an incursion upon the United Provinces with fire and sword. But the States General have set forth a Placact, or Proclamation, commanding all Soldiers whatsoever to repair to their respective colours, upon pain of death; and that every Colonel do repair forthwith to their respective Duties. The Lord Brederode's, Lieut. General. Count William of Nassaw, The Lord Craven, The Lord Goring, Col. Legg, Col. Welch, And about 18 other Regiments of Horse and foot. From Scotland we have received intelligence, That Gen. Monk is arrived, and hath dispatched an Express to the Commander in chief colonel Robert Lilburn, and tot he rest of the Officers, for a general Council, whereby they may debate and terminate on such things as may prove most feasible for carrying on so great a Work, wherein the safety and welfare of the three Nations doth chiefly depend. We expect sudden action, for the English are now embodied, and there is daily skirmishing betwixt the flying parties in the remote parts. Indeed, we have a sturdy enemy to deal withal, and men of desperate fortunes, choosing rather to expose themselves to the hazard of the field, than to purchase captivity by a timorous Spirit. Nevertheless, we hear, that there is an Act of Oblivion to come forth (sure I am, 'tis not yet out) by his Highness, and he council, acquitting all person whatsoever now in Arms of their several Acts and crimes, in case they shall come in and submit. The 5 sail of new Dutch ships, never yet at sea, will now soon be ready to spread their canvass upon Neptune's Dominion, and the English are most excellent well equipped for some gallant Design, daily expecting when they shall attempt the same. Beware the Turk and Pope! The Proclamation for peace is now in the Press, and will suddenly be proclaimed. | The Moderate Intelligencer, Issue 174 |
EveryDayIntell12 | The Deputies from Holland having taken their leave, and going down to Gravesend, in order to their return home, without giving that satisfaction as was expected touching the Treaty, the chief Council of this Nation sent a Letter after them, by way of explanation of some things in the Articles which had been Treated on, wherein the Dutch Deputies seemed not to be satisfied at the time of their going away; and General Desbrow having some further conference with them at Gravesend, they made some further application to to the Council, whereof more hereafter; Now it is observable, that about the time they broke off the Treaty there was the fearfullest Tempest at Amsterdam that we have read of, the manner thus: This day the great calamity in Holland was certified thus, That the Lightning leaping from the clouds, whom the Thunder chid, the Houses began to take fire, and that 500. of them suddenly were devoured by it. At the same time the wind arising, the Billows in vast tumults began to move towards the Town, as if they made haste to put out the fire. By the high workings of the Sea the Mariners did presage the danger 10. and therefore used all their art and care to keep their Ships at a distance, lest in the foulness of the weather, they should fall foul on one another, but their diligence could not make that quick dispatch, before a most violent gust clapped them together, and being involved in one danger, about 40. of them did suffer in one ruin. But other (to whom rather I incline) do affirm that the fire was four miles from Amsterdam, at their Rope Mills, where were their stores both of Hemp and Oil, which served to increase the flame, 400. houses are said to be there burned, and about 30. ships sunk by the Tempest. By this Post from Scotland it was certified, that by virtue of a pretended Commission from Charles Stuart, Glencarn, whom the Highlanders call their General, issueth forth Warrants for the levying of men, horse, and Arms in a high nature, beginning thus: James Earl of Glencarn and Kenmore, . The care straightly to charge and command you, to levy and have in readiness out of your Shiredom, 100. horse well manned and , by the day of January; at which time you shall receive further Orders from me, to repair to such place of Rendezvous as shall be appointed: Whereof you are not to fail. Our men are drawn forth of Edinburgh, and other Garrisons, and are busy chasing the Enemy from place to place, and daily take many of these Thieving Villains, and their Regiments are marched from hence towards Scotland. It is likely they would soon be quelled if they would stand to fight. From Portsmouth they write, That a Squadron of our Fleet have taken very lately six Prizes from the Hollanders. The preparations in Holland for war is very great, and they talk of some great matters agreed upon betwixt them and the French, but nothing openly declared, till they hear what becomes of their Treaty with England. We daily expect 150 ships from the Sound, several men of War are gone for their Convoy. The Ordnance brought from Sweden have been tried at Amsterdam, there are 500 Pieces, most part half Garrows. Captain Nicholas Pater hath taken an English Ketch before Hull, another at Flamborough head, a Flute of 12 Guns, and 4 of Wood, of about 130 Lasts, with Hemp, Flax, Coals, and some Salt-peter. Also near Whitebay Pinnace of six Guns, with refined Salt, and one by the Hover, Laden with Salmon, Sheep skins, and Herrings; but the loss of Captain Hans Maigaren's ship, a man of War with 18 Guns, which we hear the English have taken near Newcastle, is worth almost all these; and we hear of eight ships taken from the Caribes, with Sugar, Tobacco, and other Merchandize, with their Convoy of 30. Guns. Eight of the Newfoundland Fleet we took, are made men of War. We have taken a Turkish ship, and another in Smyrna. One Goldshalk hath rowed an English prize 12 Guns into Brest. An English Frigate met with 5 French ships of St. Malla took one called the Year of Grace, the Three Kings hardly escaped, not yet heard of, the other three are at Calice. Cornelius Joast, with Thymen Theaneste, with the Ammunition are safely arrived from hence into Muscovia. There came Letters of the Lord Whitlock, Ambassador to the Queen of Sweden, from Gothenburg, Novem. 18. of his Voyage and reception there, as followeth. We began to set sail from Gravesend, Novemb. 8. wind coming too much into the North, and being not able to get clear of the sands that day, we were enforced to cast Anchor near Luinborow, The next day the Wind standing fair, we set sail again, and made a very large course, until about noon the day after, at which time the wind turned full against us, so that we were afraid that we should have been necessitated to put into Yarmouth Road. But the Wind favoured us again for a little time, and we made forwards, yet it was not long ere we were very much becalmed; and so we were exercised with uncertainties of Winds, until the 12instant, when there came a very fair Wind, which carried us on with full Sail, so that on the 14 instant at Night, we cast Anchor on this side the Seagen, and we came on the 15th betimes into the River. As we came along our Ship met with some Holland Fishermen, and boarded one of them, but my Lord Ambassador willing to pass peaceably over the Sea, released it again, which did exceedingly overjoy them, who had been undone in his own thoughts before; yet the Elizabeth, being one of the Frigates that carried some of our Company, staying behind to bring up one of the Baggage ships, met with a final Dutch Caper, and boarded it and brought it along with them. The next day we landed at Gothenburg, where we were very nobly received by the chief Magistrates of the town, and had much civility showed us. The Queen is now at Uppsala, and we shall repair towards her Court with all convenient speed, but it is many miles and we are constrained to travel all the way by sand. The 23. of December, the Enemy had a Rendezvous upon the Hangh (a place of plain ground near Weyme.) The parts about Weyme are miserably wasted, and the Gentlemen of Athol III resenting their oppression, Kenmore and Glengary marched North with about 200. Horse and Foot, intending to meet Seafors at Lagennongham Drum where their whole body intends to Rendezvous: Before going there was a falling out between Kenmore and Glengary and a Duel appointed, but prevented by the endeavours and wits of their Associates. Wogan with his 20. Cavaliers, are at present with Athol near Logiret, well mounted, Armed, and several of them in rich Apparel, which adds encouragement to the Highland fury. The Enemy have severally spoiled most of such horses as they have taken from Gentlemen's' stables, their bellies almost dived up with , too much Corn, ill drillings: Their Levies in Perthshire are at a stand; they get no men but some poor Rogues; and the penalty they impose upon the Country is, if they can take a rich man, they keep him till he can himself; and take several able bodied men out of their beds, and force them into forms, or make them hire others; but what addition they will have in the North is very uncertain. On Friday last, the Earl of Kinole, about 8. in the morning, appeared near Glamis with a party of Horse, consisting of 70. or thereabouts: his Design was to surprise the Horse belonging to Glamis, as they came from watering, lying in a covert place for that purpose, thinking thereby to increase his numbers, and to exchange for his men taken at Edgill, and coming at most with a small party riding into Glamis, took three of our men, which Major Dufket (who commanded Col. Riches' Troop then) having notice, sent out his Quartermaster with 20. horse, to discover his party, who advancing with two files of Foot that were to make a good bridge, gave them a charge, and routed and dispersed their whole party, took the Lord Kinole and 14. more, all much wounded; about 35. horse; And at the coming away of the Letter, has sent out a party to gather up the rest, all quitting their Horses and betaking to the Bogs; Major Ramsay was there, but escaped. We had one man killed, and seven wounded all rightly; three of the Enemy were killed on the place, and our men that were taken; rescued. A Declaration by the Commander in Chief of the Forces in Scotland. Forasmuch as it is apparent, That not withstanding my Proclamation of Septemb. 27. last) many serviceable horses daily go to the Enemy, to the great of the Peace of this Nation, which could not be without too much of the or Possessors: These are therefore to require all manner of persons who are, in hereafter shall be possessed of any serviceable Horses or shares, exceeding the value of 5. l. sterling, to being the same within 48. hours next after the publication hereof, unto the next adjacent Garrison, or Quarters of our Army under the penalty not only of forfeiting treble the value of such horses and shares not be brought or; the one thereof to two of the State, and the other to the party informing, but also be deemed an open Enemy, and dealt withal accordingly: Which Horses and shares in, shall nevertheless be at the Droners , either to here meet satisfaction for them, as they shall be reasonably worth, or keep them within the said Garrisons or Quarters of our Army; And the respective Sheriffs and their Deputies within their Sheriffdoms, are hereby required, to cause these presents solemnly to be proclaimed and published, according to the accustomed manner of publishing Proclamations. And afterwards, (that none may pretend ignorance) to cause to be distributed to the several Press by or within their said Sheriffdoms a competent number hereof. Given under my hand and seal G. LILBURN. At Dalkeith, 14. Decem. 1653. The Portugal Ambassadors' Brother being removed from, Newgate to the Tower, is to receive his Trial at the Upper Bench Bar. There is a Gentleman of quality who hath applied much of his industry in keeping in Memory those things which have happened of late years, and especially those things which Presage a Change or Alteration amongst the great Ones, and his Observation is this, That at the beginning of the Wars betwixt England and Holland, they had a great Inundation by Water, which proved very prejudicial to the whole Nation, and that in the time of a kind of Treaty; So now about the time of breaking off the late Treaty with England, the before mentioned Thunder, Lightning and Tempest did them more hurt than the first, yea more than in the former Relations hath been declared, for that is fell with such violence on the Capital Church at Amsterdam, that many living then did not only lose their Lives, but some of the dead were tumbled out of their Graves White sail this may be to that Country, we cannot of in my conclude, only looking back, we have observed, that before the late Wars in England much hurt was done in the streets, fields and High Highways both in and about the City of London and elsewhere, and when the Bishops were upon the brink of their downfall, we found such a storm and Tempest in the West upon the Lords' Day, that many were killed in the Church very strangely, and other the like Example in other Places. From Newbottle it is certified, That Major had Intelligence. Sir Arthur Forbs being at the Kirk of Asterisk very fore bounded, he had taken him had not an old K. near Peebles sent him notice of our Parties coming thither, whereupon he and one Capt. Steward fled towards the Hills, our party pursuing as far as they could and a Moss-Trooper. The enemy have now a garrison in Kolden about to from Dunbarton, from whence they came come aided by Galgrave, with about 80 foot last week to Dunbarton, and in the dead of the night took two of the Bailiff, and other principal men of the Town, to the number of thirty six, whom they threaten to keep till they send them in four horsemen, and 37 footmen for their levies. The Commissioners for Creditors and poor prisoners, sit constantly in Salters Hall, all done much good during the time of their sitting. From France the Letters say, that there be twenty six Articles of High Treason drawn up against the Prince of Conde, and though he was once so exceeding popular that he was for a time able to maintain a war against the King; yet now be is fallen from the top of that slippery Pinnacle on which he climbed, there be but few that can afford him a good word. From Paris, Janua. 10. 1654. stilo novo. The last news from our Army in Alsatia imply, That the Marshal de la Fevte hath invited Defort, and is now making his Lines of Communication, and other marks belonging to a Siege; there hath been several pieces of Ordnance drawn but of Nancy, which are on the way, and will come to the Leaguer as soon as any Batteries will be raised to plant them upon; the Marques do Uxelles is to be Lieutenant General, and is expected to be there with 3000 men. This design hath much alarmed the Country, and so much the more, since the yielding up of the strong Castle of Philipsburgh, which was taken by a surprisal without the loss of one: the manner thus, The Deputy Governor being gone a hunting with some of the high Officers of that Garrison, notice being given to of the Cardinals creatures, be with alacrity that occasion, and being come into the place, be so prevailed upon the garrison, that be became of the place, and this Deputy Governor being come in the evening, knowing not what had passed, found the bridge drawn up, and denied him, whereupon he was forced to retire speedily. The Duke d' Amville being sent by the King to Blois, to try once more whether he could prevail with the Duke of Orleans, and so bring him again to the Court, returned back this week, and the report is at Court, that he hath brought a very good answer, and that he will be shortly in this City, but others are of a contrary opinion. The Duke de Guise is still going on in his preparations for his intended design for Naples against the next Spring. The States assembled in Provence are now sitting at Bagnole, where the Duke of Mercoeun the Governor, and the other Procurators are also gone: they sit daily, and hope to rectify many abuses, and redress grievances which much burthen the people there. The Charge of High Treason against the Prince of Conde is finished, only it wants to be engrossed. The Prince hath surprised a little Town and a Castle in Champagne, and plundered the Country pitifully. A List hath been brought to his Majesty of the Regiment of the Guard, which is found to consist of about 6000 men sit for service. We had other Letters from Scotland, which certify, that the Earl of Athol being acquainted with the foregoing Declaration of Col. Lilburn's, he hath given order that his men shall seize upon all the horse they can fight on, saying that that the English do the like. There is certainly landed in the North of Scotland a ship laden with Arms from France, and John A-Gaunt a renowned Highlander who lives by the Seaside on the utmost part of Scotland within 5 or 6 Leagues of Ireland, is very active in wasting over in small Hoys, such fugitive Irish as will come unto them, Some of the Prisoners we have also lately taken, say that many of the Irish which went over into Spain are gotten away, and do render their service to the Duke of York, and indeed there is just cause to believe that there is some great design carrying on to France; for that those of the warlike race of the late King of England are all met together at Paris; viz. The titular King of Scots, the Duke of York, the Duke of Gloucester and Prince Rupert, and the K. of Scots made a great Feast at the Palace Royal, at which, was present also, the King of France and many Lords and Ladies of the Court. A List of the Prisoners taken at the late fight in Scotland. The Lord Kinole, Captain Jo. English, Patrick Rosse of Dunder, William Meward, John Hamilton, Cap. James Blayer of Dalth, Capt. William Menis, Capt. Robert Linsey, Mr. David Grimes, Capt. Nipper, Capt. James Bowter, Henry Fetchery, Patrick Knock, Robert Jackson, Patrick Lane, John Stuart, Theodoe Barbow, Thomas Matins. This day Gen. Blake, Gen. Desbrow and Gen. Monck sat in Council and Whitehall, and Gen. Pen is with the fleet at Sea. The French Ambassador newly come over hath had Audience, and the Dutch Ambassadors may be at home by this time. Thus have you Passages concerning, The bringing of men and Arms into Scotland by John A-Gaunt. The Highlanders setting up of their Standard at Lough Tay, and the Orders they have given for seizing all the Horses in the Country. A great and mighty Feast and Masking made by the K. of Scots at which there was the King of France, the Duke of York, the Duke of Gloucester, Prince Rupert and many Lords and Ladies. The daily Proceedings of the Lord Protector, and Gen. Blake, Gen. Monck, and Gen. Desbrow. A List of Prisoners taken, and the Declaration of Colonel Lilburn. FINIS. | Every Day's Intelligence, Issue 12 |
WIntell203 | From Tuesday, January: 31. to Tuesday, February: 7. 1653 Peace is now the main business which after so many Wars the Nations in Europe do pant after; It is that which we desire; it is that which the Commonwealth of Holland doth solicit; it is that which the Commonwealth of Venice do expect from the Turks, and would in some measure be accountable for it; it is that which the Pope, who is called the Father of the Church endeavours to procure, that in his days he may see (as he himself writes) an union betwixt his two great Sons, the most Catholic King, and the most Christian King, but we look for our Peace at the latter end of the next March, and the others (for ought I can yet see) especially if some care help it, may look for theirs at latter Lammas. The Commissioners of the Council at Amsterdam have put forth this following Declaration. The Commissioners of the Council of the Admiralty residing at Amsterdam, To all those to whom these presents shall come, Greeting. Let it be known, that it being conceived, thought, and apparent, that upon the coming of the Lord's Deputies of this State from England, to make Report how far the Treaty is by God's grace and favour effected: Some Merchants, and Masters of Merchant's ships, upon presumption of a cessation of hostility, have been so forward as to have brought out their ships, and goods, and have beyond their hope suffered loss. We have therefore found good, and resolved to give warning unto all it concerneth; That the former hostility doth yet continue, and that it is not fit, nor convenient, that one should in regard of the Treaty think himself secure, before upon the continuation of the Negotiation, there shall be a cessation of the aforesaid hostility Proclaimed. Acted in the Assembly of the said Council, the 16 alias 26 of Jan: 1653. 4 F: Herberts. And by Order of the same. David Wildt. Whiles they are busy in Holland, our Commanders, and Officers at Sea are as diligent for the Engaging of themselves to this present Government, under his Highness the Lord Protector: it follows thus. The DECLARATION, with the humble Address of the Generals, and the several Commanders present in the Fleet, by them severally subscribed. That these Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland, having been for some years like the bush which burned, but is not consumed: And though the Nations round about us stand gazing on to see us made a desolation, as well as a hissing unto them; yet we are hitherto by the mighty power of the Lord, and his wonderful outgoings amongst us, made rather an astonishment in our preservation, than a reproach, by our ruin and devastation. In which great work of the Lord, we acknowledge with thankfulness Your Highness hath been a glorious Instrument; and hath undergone many hardships, and hazard of all that was near and dear unto you, even to life itself, and understanding by providence Your Highness is entrusted with, and hath accepted of the protection of this Commonwealth in the Government thereof. We are in hopes that the Lord intends a settlement of Peace to these poor distracted Nations; and that our selves with all the People of the Lord shall enjoy, and partake of the same under your protection, according to the Rule of the Lord Jesus. And therefore we have thought it necessary as a duty incumbent on us to declare, that we shall willingly be obedient, and faithful to your Highness, in performance of Your great Trust, and also in the utmost venture our lives, (with what else is near and dear unto us) be serviceable unto you in the station the Lord hath placed You, against Yours, and the Commonwealth's Enemies in our several places, and capacities, during our employments. And having good testimony of Your great affection, and earning bowels after the Weal of God's People, we are emboldened and encouraged to make this following Address. That Your Highness will be pleased to have a more special eye of favour unto them above all others, in regard they are near and dear unto him, who is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, even our Lord Jesus. For which cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren; And do humbly apprehend that their Privileges will be Your Privilege. And to account of them as of your greatest Jewels, which will doubtless turn to you great advantage. And hereby You will for time to come not only engage their hearts unto You, who in times past have not stood at a distance from You, But Your Highness will also engage the great Jehovah, Your and their Father to be a refuge, Shield and defence unto You as well as an everlasting rest for You, when all the storms of this Commonwealth shall cease, which shall be the unfeigned prayers of, Your Highness's most humble, and faithful Servants, I made mention in my last of the Speech made by the Ld: Ambassador Whitlock to the Queen of Sweden, on the next day he had his Audience at Upsall, the University for the Crown of Sweden, he was gallantly conducted, and his own Retinue made as gallant a show, been all very richly apparelled, which seemed the more glittering, because it being in the evening, the Torches did more reverberate the lustre of the gold and silver upon their clothes: My Lord Ambassador himself was apparelled in a black suit very plain, and found the Queen in as plain a habit as himself, for she was in a plain grey stuff gown, and over that a coat of the same made close unto her body, fastened with great Buttons, it reached not lower than her knees, much like unto that garment which every day we see our Women ordinarily to wear, who follow their affairs abroad in the Markets; she had on her head a black hood, and on her neck a black scarf, which was tied by a small black Ribbon. Having read this Letter, my Neighbour's Wives who carry Herbs, and flowers to the Market, did perk it up, and did look very high upon one another, gratulating their fortune, that without any contrivement of pride, they were all of the same fashion with the Queen of Sweden. But when will they be like her in understanding, which indeed is above the capacity of her Sex, and though illustrious personages are for the most part attended with illustrious gifts, yet for the present our most deliberate reflections cannot find a Queen that is like unto her. A rare thing it was to see a young Lady of not above three and twenty years of age, in the simplicity of her habit, to overcome her sex, and in the excellence of knowledge, and discourse, to amaze the gravest understandings, and to conquer as well by language, and by her countenance, as her Father did by arms. The Queen of Sweden finding that our Ambassador was not to be daunted either by countenance, or gestures, did by voice pronounce, that both himself, and his business was most acceptable to him, that her desire was to continue the old union, and enter into a nearer. She thanked our Ambassador for his acceptance of such entertainment in his tedious travels by Land, as that place would afford, she excused her habit by the indisposition of her body, and did commend it, that it inferred her love to our Commonwealth, for she chose rather publicly to be seen, than to disappoint the Ambassador of Audience. On that day which in our English Calendar, is dedicated to the memory of the first Martyr Saint Stephen's, our Ambassador had private audience for above two hours, and on the Thursday following he was admitted again to her Majesty's presence, with whom he was alone three hours together. It is believed our Ambassador will have a dispatch very suddenly, to the high contentment of this Commonwealth. He hath been invited by the Spanish, and French Agents, and by the Ambassador of Denmark, as also by the Marshal of Sweden, and divers others of the Counsel of the Crown of Sweden. I might here tell you what was the gallantry of the Queen's Guard, and how rich in their several degrees were the Retinue of our Ambassador, and how many Torches there were to conduct him the first night to the Court, but I leave it to those who to fill up two sheets, do give you rather words, than Intelligence. The News from Scotland which this week is most remarkable is, that the Governor of Saint Johnstone understanding that the Highlanders were come down the Hills, commanded forth one hundred Horse, and one hundred Dragoons, who came to the Town where they Quartered, and unexpectedly falling on them, they entered the Town, having killed the Scouts, and those who made resistance at the Barricade; seven of the Highlanders were killed, but the Town being alarmed, the Enemy fled out at the further end of it, which our Scouts suspecting were there ready with a party of Horse to receive them, but they made through them, as well as they could, being a great part of them beaten off from their Horse, and fled into the next Woods, and Fens for their protections. These were all Athol's men, and did belong unto the Blair, our men took fifty Horses, and seven Prisoners, they took also many carbines, coats and cloaks (such as they were) and pistols; it is said that the Earl of Athol was there himself, in his own person, and as some Letters affirm, did hardly escape the danger; our Horse pursued them two miles beyond the Town, but the Woods, and Mountains being so near they could not accomplish their victory so perfectly, as otherwise they would have done, if they had met their Enemies in the champion. Howsoever, it is a reasonable mercy, for the Highlanders began to vaunt much, concerning what they had done at Drummond, and Athol's men which were defeated, were accounted the ablest men for courage, and the best armed of the Highlanders. There is little News this week from France, the King is much taken with riding the great Horse, and the rather, because he is so much applauded by the Spectators, who say he rides as if the Horse and man were both of one piece, they compare him to Chiron, and Erictheus, or if there were any more famous than they. From the acclamations in the Court of the little Burbon, builded by his Grandfather, he hath removed himself to Saint Germain, to divert himself a little from the noise of the Court, with the recreation of hunting, and the chasing of the wild Boar; he shot one himself from a Blanch with a cross-bow; the Boar finding himself wounded, made towards the stand in a foaming fury, but he was encountered in the way by the young Lord of Montmorency, and some others, who with spears in their hands, gave a speedy and full vent to the remainder of his discontented life, which in several wounds came pouring forth with his Blood. Some of Major General Harrison's Regiment in Scotland, amongst which are the Quartermaster, and the Chaplain of the Regiment, refusing to subscribe to the present Government, are returned from the service of the War, some of them to Wales, and some to England. The last Post from the North doth advertise us, that the Quakers not far from Newcastle attempting to interrupt the Minister in his Sunday Sermon, the Parishioners fell upon them, and almost killed two of them, but the Quakers never owning their Name more seriously than at this present, trembling down upon their knees, some of the Parishioners were struck with such a Remorse, that they did begin to accuse one another for beating those who had done them no harm. Sermon being ended, the Minister being desired to discourse with the Quakers, some other of the Parish opposed, and said that they deserved rather a Beadle to correct them, hereupon the People being divided, they fell from words to blows, and did so soundly beat one another, that the scene being altered, those who did quake before, did now shake with laughter, there were but two of them hurt, but of the whole Parish, there was scarce anyone came home without his head, or his face broken. It was this Day advertised, that our Fleet is put forth to Sea, General Penn set forth first with about fifty stout Men of War, he was seconded by General Blake, with twenty gallant ships, the whole Fleet met not far from Portland, where about this time twelve month was that dreadful Fight betwixt the English, and the Dutch. It was there ordered that our fleet should be divided into three Squadrons, the better to secure the Channel, and to scour the Seas; It is likely enough that they may meet with the Dutch Merchants, who bound for Spain, and Portugal, and the Straits are numerous, and not adventuring through the Channel, have thought it their safer course to steer round about on the backside of Ireland. It is advertised from Scotland, that the Colonel Hume with sixteen more well mounted, is gone out of Berwickshire to join with the Highlanders. The Earl of Athol since his Defeat at Dunkel, hath endeavoured to raise the Countries, but hath yet but a very slender appearance. Those who were slain, and taken in the Defeat, given to the Scots were. The Laird Ballichan Major Mercer wounded. Captain Hunter Captain Sibbel taken. Captain Robertson Cornet Graham taken. Captain Mackland Six more taken, and seven killed. On our side there were two killed, and some wounded. Col: Morgan hath made a hard march into the Highlands, to find out the Enemy in this Winter season, but they fly back as he advanceth, the Winter will not yet permit to prosecute what was intended, and the Country yields no provision but what we carry with us; several stragglers have been taken. It is confirmed from Holland that the Dutch Merchants about 200 in number, young Van Trump with eight men of War, being their conduct, are sailed Southwards, it is possible that our fleet may meet with them. The titular King of Scots had like to have been stabbed with a poynado by one (as it is said) of his own Court, but it pleased God that the Male content was amazed, and disappointed. We have no more News from Sweden, only that our affairs there do move very fairly. Great are the preparations to entertain his Highness in London on Wednesday next. That which this week is most remarkable, is: Two hundred Dutch Merchants gone off to Spain, Lisbon, and the Straits, under the Conduct of young Van Trump. And the English Fleet consisting of about 80 gallant Men of War, set forth to Sea, and divided into three Squadrons, under the command of Gen: Blake, Gen: Penn and Gen: Lawson. A great Defeat given to the Scots, and a List of the Officers, and others taken, and killed. The titular King of the Scots in great danger to have been stabbed with a poynado. The acts and achievements of his Highness greatly extolled by the Queen of Sweden. The bloody fight on Sunday was sevennight in the Church-yard of Hasington, where hardly one of the whole Parish escaped without a broken pate, or a bleeding Nose, occasioned by the Quakers. And the great preparations in the City of London to entertain his Highness on Wednesday next. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 202#2 |
PerfAcc169 | The titular King of Scots', and the Duke of York's Letters to the Highlanders in Scotland; with several Engagements there between party and party, and what success the English have had in many Fights. The last News of the Treaty of Peace between the English and the Dutch, and their Agreement upon the Articles. The taking of several ships at Sea. The selling of above Thirty Prizes. The last news out of Sweden, touching the proceedings of that renowned Queen. And three new Ordinances of His Highness the Lord Protector and his Council. From Wednesday, March 29. to Wednesday, April 5. 1654. From Sea we hear, that many foot soldiers are put on shipboard lately from Portsmouth and other places, which maketh the inhabitants conceive, that there is little expectation of a peace with Holland (which hath been so much spoken of) but the Merchants and others of quality, and better understanding, are of a contrary opinion, and say, that a peace will be concluded of suddenly between the States of England and Holland, France, and Denmark; the truth whereof we earnestly desire to know. We have had a List of divers ships taken this week, which hath been published already, and therefore shall spare the recital thereof. This day several persons were apprehended in London (at least) upon suspicion that they had a hand in the late Robbery on Blackheath near Greenwich. Am Ordinance is passed for suspending the proceedings of the Judges named in the Act, intituled, An Act for the Relief of Creditors and poor Prisoners; which being of so general concernment, take as followeth. Whereas upon perusal and serious consideration had of one Act of Parliament intituled, An Act for the Relief of Creditors and poor Prisoners, many doubts and difficulties do appear, which must necessarily occasion an Explanation of the said Act, for the better enabling the Judges in the said Act named and authorized for sale of such Estates, as are to be sold by the said Act, for satisfaction of Creditors, which cannot in short time be effected; and without such Explanation and further direction to be given to the several and respective Judges, authorized in and by the said Act, several inconveniences and mischiefs would grow, not only to the said Creditors and prisoners, but to divers other persons, not meant or intended to be included within the said Act, and will occasion many troubles and suits in Law, and Equity; For the prevention whereof, due care is likewise to be had: And whereas many of the said Prisoners have offered really to endeavour the satisfaction of the said Creditors, if some further time may be given for that purpose: Be it therefore Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice and consent of his Council, that the said several and respective Judges mentioned in the Act, or any of them, shall not proceed to the sale or disposition of any the Estates real or personal, of any of the said prisoners, or of any other person or persons, whatsoever mentioned or intended in or by the said Act; nor shall otherwise intermeddle in the execution of the said Act; or any of the powers or authorities given by the same, until the 20 day of April next. And be it further Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That all Acts or things to be done by the said several and respective Judges, or any of them, by virtue, colour, or pretence of the said Act, from henceforth, and before the said 20 day of April, shall be utterly void, null, and of none effect; saving only that it shall and may be lawful for the said several and respective Judges that have bailed or let out any Prisoners upon Sureties or otherwise, out of Prison (which Prisoners are to appear again at a certain day before the said Judges) and are not absolutely discharged by any Order of the said Judges, as see further by the Act. Paris April 1, 1654. All the discourse at present is concerning that which was acted in the Parliament on Saturday last, when all the Chambers being assembled, and every Member in their Scarlet Gowns, the King then came, and being sate in his bed of Justice, they proceeded in the business of the Prince of Conde, his Sentence being read, which containeth, That for being found guilty of high Treason and Rebellion, against the King his Lord and Liege, he was to be put to death, and that so soon as he should be apprehended, his Sentence to be executed, his lands and goods all forfeited to the Crown; in regard of his quality he is not to be executed in Effigy, and as touching the manner and how to put him to death the Parliament would not determine but left it to the Majesty's pleasure The Prince of Conti was not then in Town, but had taken an occasion to go to Chantilly, as some believe, because he would not be present at the condemnation of his Brother, which he could not have excused if he had been in the City. The Treaty of the Earl of Harcourt goeth on apace, and it's thought will be finished within ten days. The Cardinal Mazarini is not a little troubled because he cannot finish the marriage of his two Nieces; for when it was thought quite done, it was found further off, and very little hopes of the Treaty with the Cardinal de Retz, who doth still remain a close prisoner in the Castle of Vicennes. The Governor of Rochel hath charged the Reformed Churches with some designs prejudicial to his Majesty; which they formerly deny. Edinburgh, March 25. The Commander in Chief having issued forth a Proclamation, requiring all Burroughs and other Parishes to secure all suspicious persons, or otherwise to give intelligence of them to the next adjacent Garrison or Quarters, under pain of being deemed Enemies to the present Government, and proceeded against accordingly: Several Towns have been found guilty of the breach of that Proclamation, and have been fined by a Court Marshal for the same. The last week the Parish of Liberton, two miles from Edinburgh, for harbouring 15 of the enemy by the space of a night and a day, and neither securing them, nor giving intelligence of them, and the Tories at their going away stealing 15 horses, the Parish was for that offence fined 200 l. sterling the person in whose house they were concealed sentenced to imprisonment during pleasure, and the house where they were harboured to be razed to the ground, and a pair of Gallows to be built there. There are divers other Parishes who are summoned in to the Court Martials upon the very same account, who will suffer for it. It is hoped this course will in time compel the Scots not to give any entertainment unto the Tories, but give notice of them wherever they shall come; otherwise they will suffer for it. The 21 instant Col. Cooper with a party of Horse and Dragoons from Glasgow, and another party at the same time falling into the Isle of Leven, where about 300 of the Enemy quartered (about 4 in the morning) took McNaughton's Trumpet, and 35 other prisoners, and narrowly missed McNaughton and Newark, who were both there. They killed 12, whereof one of the, (as the enemy confess) was a Lieutenant of Horse, and took about 60 Horse, and some Arms, totally scattered the whole party, and returned without any loss. This week Capt. Orton, Commander of the Sun, and Capt. Lilburn of the Union, came into Leith road, from Lewis and Orkney, and brought 3 Companies of Col. Cooper's Regiment, and therewith a particular relation of the late infall of the Lord Seafort into Lewis Island, much to the same purpose formerly related. Dublin, March 18. Since the Lord Henry Cromwell's departure for England we have nothing further of news, but that about 1200 Tories are shipped away from Limbrick, and 1700 more are ready for transportation; which renders the whole Nation more free, than in times of the greatest peace this Land hath enjoyed. Plymouth Fort, March 24. The news this place affords is, The Commander of the Sapphire Frigate sent in hither a Dutch prize, which hath no lading, only some few barrels of pitch, &c. This week the Paul, a ship in the State's service, met with a Flushen man of War in the Channel of 15 Guns, who after 5 hours' fight took her, and this day brought her in hither; we lost not any man in the fight, but sustained some damage in Masts, Sails, and Rigging; the Enemy lost 13 or 14 men, and the ship much torn, she hath some silver in her, and some small quantity of Wines. Great have been the expectations and hopes of a Peace and Union between the two Commonwealths of England and Holland upon this last Treaty, which we have several weeks mentioned, and we can now safely assure you, that the Articles of Peace both in relation to them and Denmark are absolutely concluded on, and for a full confirmation (undoubtedly) will be signed and sealed by Commissioners on both sides, before the publication of our next. By Letters from Regensburg in Germany, it is certified, that the Emperor is wearied with the long sitting of the Diet, and presseth earnestly, that they should adjourn or dissolve themselves; but as yet they continue to their sitting. The Turks begin to be something busy about the borders of Hungaria, so that his presence is there required to provide against their invasions. We understand from Poland, that the Inhabitants are possessed with great fear, hearing of the mighty preparations that are made in Muscovia, where they have levied above two hundred and fifty thousand men, wherewith they threaten to enter and destroy that Country three several ways at once. Meanwhile the Turk and Tartar laugh, hoping to thrive by the ruins of them both. From Upsal the 27 of Febr. 1654. S.N. All the actions of our great Queen are as so many wonders, and continual effects of her royal virtues, and of the greatness of her incomparable courage, but some few days in special she did give such proof thereof, that the same may be called the Crown of all her other actions, seeing it doth manifest to world how this admirable Princess hath set herself above the Crowns, under which men commonly do seek their satisfaction and glory. The 23 of this instant she having summoned all the Senators of the Land, they all made their appearance except 9. who were out of the Land upon public employment; there this Princess did declare unto them the design she had to leave the charge of the Kingdom, and to that end that she was resolved to go to Nicoping to confer with the Prince Palatine of Sweden her Cousin, having sent him Letters to invite him thither, and withal to persuade him to accept the charge of the Kingdom, and the managing of the State affairs; this Prince is the same who was heretofore Generalissimo of the Swedish Armies in Germany, concluded first a peace with the Duke Picolomini, and in the year 1650, at the Coronation of the Queen, was then declared heir apparent to the Crown of Sweden, and by the States and Commonalty acknowledged so, having made their Oath of Allegiance to him, as unto their future King, after the Queen's death. It is advertised, that the titular King of Scotland is yet in France, where (say the Letters) he will stay a little, and see what effects the Treaty will produce betwixt England and France. He had a Present given him a little before Easter by some of the Protestant Nobility of that Kingdom. In the Holy days his Mother came to see him in the Palace Royal, and the King her Nephew in the Louvre and on the next day returned to her devotions in the Nunnery. There is a report of two English ships brought into Tholoon, which it is said, were taken by the French not far from Messina. The Letters from Scotland speak of the Highlanders' Army joined all into one body, which no doubt will be dispersed again into several parties for the Countries where they are, are so wasted, that they cannot maintain them, and it is probable they will not draw together with an intent to give Battle until the middle of May, before which time the Peace with Holland, and Denmark will so startle them, that they will have but little Resolution to fight. The Newcastle Frigate hath taken a Dutch Man of war of fourteen Guns, and sent her into Burlington Bay; This was one of the four Capers that did much annoy us on the Northern Seas. The Newcastle Frigate lay cruising three or four days before he handsomely could snap her. Take this in brief from foreign parts. They write from Leghorn that they heard by a ship which came from Barbary, that the Turkish Agent being come to Tunis, hath pressed or taken up all the Galleys or ships fit for service, and intends to do the same at Algier and Tripoli; in her voyage thither; she met with two Turkish Pirates, who being come up to him on both sides, supposing themselves not able to grapple with her, they tacked about and left her. There is likewise a flying report, that the French Pirates have met with two English Merchants' ships homeward bound, and after a tedious fight had taken them; but by reason those that brought the news vary very much, therefore little credit is to be given, till further confirmation. The Letters further this Post from Scotland advertise us, that parties which have been sent out by Colonel Morgan have dispersed two other parties, which were sent out by the enemy to plunder and steal away cattle out of the Lowlands. But their main body doth not yet appear, for that they are not in an equipage to take the field; therefore they wait and earnestly expect the further supplies that were promised from beyond Sea, by the late Letters they had from the titular King of Scots, and the Duke of York. His Highness the Lord Protector and his Council taking into consideration the great abuses which have been practised in the public Cockpits by reason of Matches of Cockfighting: An Ordinance is issued forth, straitly forbidding all such set meetings at Cockfightings; and all Justices of Peace, and other Officers are required to take notice hereof, and to punish all such persons as shall be found to offend contrary to the said Ordinance. There is another Ordinance for continuing the Act of the late Parliament, touching the Probate of Wills, and granting Letters of Administration. Also a third Ordinance for settling the Manors of Farmlingham and Sexstead in the County of Suffolk, (given by Will by Sir Robert Hitcham late Sergeant at Law) to charitable uses. On Thursday next there is to be sold at the Sale Office in Beer Lane, above thirty several parcels of good commodities, as Wines, Sugars, Silks, Stuffs, and other Merchandize, which were taken prizes. From Plymouth they write, That a private man of War hath brought into that port a prize laden with Tobacco, and divers other commodities. The Brest men of War are often seen about the Land's end and near the Isle of Scilly; we hear that they took the last week an English Vessel belonging to Bristol, but what her lading was we cannot yet learn. Our Fleet yet floats upon the Narrow Seas; they have lately sent in some prizes to Portsmouth, and others are come about into the River of Thames. The Dutch Fleet is not yet put out to Sea, they need not make any great haste, if their Ambassadors would but make haste to sign the Articles of Peace, which they have been so long about: but weighty Affairs commonly move slowly; and the Proverb is, That which is once well done, is twice done. London, Printed by E. Alsop 1654. | A Perfect Account, issue 169 |
ModIntell165 | The Declaration and Message of Mr. Feak, and Mr. Simpson, sent to his Highness the Lord Protector, and the Remonstrance of Mr. Rogers touching the present proceedings and Occurrences of the times; together with a Declaration of the People touching the relieving of the oppressed and delivering the Captive. With a Narrative touching the further proceedings between England and Holland, the putting forth of Gen. Blake to sea with fourscore and eight gallant man of war, and the going of the Royal Sovereign, the Resolution, the James, and the George with above 500 pieces of Cannon, Arms and Ammunition after them. Likewise the King of Scots' Letter to the states of Holland And their Answer thereunto. With his Message to the K. of Denmark, And his Majesty's Resolution thereupon. Having a fair and noble way of Administration provided, under which men may live in a plenary enjoyment of their Liberty as Christians, and their Rights as Men; we do not, neither can we in any measure doubt but that we shall find a ready and cheerful concurrence from all sober persons; and have ground chiefly to expect it from all the people of God, though of different judgments, seeing equal Liberty is given to them all (without just offence to any) and the principal care is for preventing true Religion, and the countenance of its Professors. We, for our parts, have done our duty, in declaring the grounds of our judgment. For, when we look back upon what is done, we find nothing that stares in our faces; and if there could have been imagined any better way of Settlement, we should have embraced it with the same spirit of submission. But here we see, our Friends have taken in the good of all the three sorts of Government, and bound them all in one. If War be, here is the Unitive virtue (but nothing else) of Monarchy to encounter it; and here is the admirable Counsel of Aristocracy to manage it: If Peace be, here is the industry and courage of Democracy to improve it. And whereas in the present Constitution, the Legislative and Executive Powers are separated: the former being vested in a constant succession of Parliaments elective by the people; the latter in an elective Lord Protector, and his Successors, assisted by a Council; we conceive the State of this Commonwealth is thereby reduced to so just a ten the Ills either of successive Parliaments furnished power both of executing and making Laws, or of a perpetual Parliament (which are Division, Faction and Confusion) being avoided on the one side, and the inconveniences of absolute Lordly power on the other; the frame of government appears so well bounded on both sides against Anarchy and Tyranny, that we hope it may now (through the blessing of God) prove a seasonable Mean (as for the better defending of these Dominions against Enemies abroad, and promoting our interest in foreign parts, so also) of peace and settlement to this distracted Nation; and be of a durable continuance to succeeding Ages, for the glory of the most high GOD, the advancement of his gospel, the protection of this people, and the benefit of Posterity. From Holland it is further certified, that the United Provinces have brought in their Ratification onto the Articles for Peace, and that they have both signed and sealed ingeneral; and are preparing of an Ambassador to be sent unto his Highness the Lord Protector, for the confirming thereof: It is said the Lord Updam is the man elected: But of this, more in my next. 1. For the Western Circuit, The Lord Chief Justice Roll, and Mr. Serjeant Glyn. 2 For Berks, Oxford, &c. Lord Chief Justice St. John, and Mr. Justice Atkins 3 For Sussex, Kent, &c. Mr Justice Ask, and Mr. Sergeant Peapis. 5 For Bucks, &c. Mr Baron Nicholas, and Mr. Sergeant Conyers. 6 For the Northern Circuit, Mr. Justice Hayle, and Mr. Sergeant Windham. 1 For Hampshire: Monday 27 Febr. at the Castle at Winchester. 2 Wiltshire, Wednesday 1 March at New Sarum, 3 Dorsetshire Monday 6 March at Dorchester. 4 Somersetshire, Wednes. 8 March at Chard. City of Exeter, 13 March. Devonshire the same day, at the Goal Garden near the City of Exeter. Cornwall, 20 March at Launceston. For Berkshire, 28 Febr. at Reading. Oxfordsh. 3 March at Oxford. Gloucestershire, 8 March at Gloucester, &c. Staffordshire 24 March at Stafford, 25 at Lichfield. Worcestersh. 29 March at Worcester, &c. The King of Scots is now going for Germany: from whence our Scout bringeth intelligence, that the Emperor is coming down by land against the Hollander, requiring restitution for several injuries by them committed. Ma. Gen. Middleton is gone for the North of Scotland with about two hundred Cavaliers, he was transported by 7 ships from Holland, and carried some Arms and Ammunition. Ha, ha, ha! I smell a Rat: pick Dutch spregne out of that. His highness the Lord Protector and his honourable Council have set forth an Ordinance of explanation touching Treason; a Copy whereof followeth: Whereas by an Ordinance, entitled, An Ordinance declaring that the offences therein mentioned, and no other, shall be adjudged high treason within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, it is amongst other things ordained and established, that no matter, fact, crime, or offence whatsoever, other than such as are therein mentioned and expressed, should be deemed, taken or adjudged to be high treason; And whereas some doubts and questions may arise, whether that clause in the said Ordinance doth not extend to the offences mentioned in the Instrument, entitled, The Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and which are thereby declared to be high Treason; For clearing thereof, and removing all scruples thereupon, his Highness the Lord Protector, by and with the advice of his Council, doth declare and ordain, that neither the said Ordinance, nor any clause or thing therein contained, shall extend or be construed, adjudged or taken to extend unto all or any f the offences declared by the said Instrument to be high treason, but that all and every the said Offences are hereby adjudged to be high treason, and that all and every the Offenders shall suffer the penalties of High treason, the said Ordinance, or any thing therein contained to the contrary, in any wise notwithstanding. Hen. Scobel, Clerk of the Council. His Highness the Lord Protector has appointed certain days every week to receive Reports from the Masters of Requests of Petitions presented to them, and to give Answers. the Highlanders grow numerous in Scotland; and the Tories are too potent in Ireland. they have had several Rendezvouses; and sundry times made incursions upon the Lowlanders. But care is taken to prevent the like for the future, if we can. The King of Scots has sent Letters to them, promising aid and assistance. But alas! fair words butter no Parsnips. Since which time, we have received intelligence, that young Charles hath sent a message unto the States of Holland, desiring the transportation of some horse and foot raised for this service; but the States returned Answer, that in this juncture of time with England, they neither could nor durst expose their shipping to any other service, but what might redound to the public good of the United Provinces: Whereupon a Dispatch was made to the King of Denmark, imploring Aid and Assistance from thence: but alas! the emergent and weighty Affairs of that Kingdom being so great, his Majesty can no ways possible answer his expectation. For we have not only taken certain Prizes from the Dane, but some likewise from France & Holland, notwithstanding the present Overtures for peace from the Netherlands; which cannot be (as yet) avoided, until the expected Ambassadors are come over, to ratify their Articles, and to confirm and establish a perfect peace, and a firm League and Union; Which Ambassadors are expected within few days, if they do no (as formerly they have one) derogate from anything that hath been formerly agreed on. But if they prove so apostate, then let England judge things rightly, and take heed how they make Leagues and Union with such a people: how they forbear to mind what the voice of Providence sayeth to them, or neglect to take the opportunities that such a signal hand of God (as hath lately appeared) hath put before them, to secure themselves, do justice to their people, and maintain the Reputation of that Cause amongst them, which God hath written his name upon both at Sea and Land, in such unparalleled and glorious Characters. And let every man take heed how he seeks to bind the Hand of God, when he is shaking his Rod over a people, especially when they have upon them the symptoms of Displeasure; and how they stand in the way of Gods Design in the World, and how they express more tenderness to such a people, then to the security, Blood, and Right of their Countrymen, and the Will of God, which We ought to pray is done in earth as it is in Heaven. For when the Lord is moved from his Throne, to do his great work in the world, in routing Antichrist, making of his name glorious, in relieving the oppressed, delivering the Captive, and throwing down the unrighteous powers on Earth. On Tuesday last, being the 13 of this instant Feb. a company of Gentlemen met at Mr. Amps at the Ship-Tavern in the Old Bailey, and being drinking two pair of stairs high, and having called for as much Sack as came to eight shillings and six pence, before they had put a period to their quaffing Glasses, in came Lieu. colonel Woosley, and divers other Officers and Soldiers (having notice of their Design and Meeting by one of the four appointed to receive instructions from the King of Scots) with their Swords and Pistols cocked, and went immediately upstairs, where they demanded the Names of the Person, their Residence, and their present business; which they answered: But it being not satisfactory: the Officers told them, they has an Order form his Highness to apprehend them, and commit them to custody, during the pleasure of his Highness: Whereupon the Drawers were all called up, and examined, Whether or no, they knew those Gentlemen, they answered, They knew not one face there, except M. Dutton's. Whereupon they secured them all, and conducted them to James's, upon the Ordinance for Treason, for contriving and conspiring against his Highness the Lord Protector. And withal, took away Mr. Amps the Master of the house; but upon examination, he was acquitted. And upon Thursday last they were all brought to their Trial before the Council at Whitehall, where some of them confessed, and laid open the whole Design: the manner whereof was as followeth: 1 That an Oath of Secrecy should be given to all to whom it should be revealed, which accordingly was done; and none was made privy to any thing of it, before he first took the Oath. 2 That the design should be carried on in the management thereof, by such as should be faithful friends to their King. 3 That so many persons should be engaged for Officers to an Army, as should undertake for the private lifting of 30000 men to be ready to rise at a time appointed. 4. That at the said time wherein they should so rise, that they should fall on to act what was designed in all the several Counties, and parts of England at once. 5 That one party should fall at that time the Lord Protector, to murder him and his Life-guard, and those Officers and others that should be about him: And they had two days debate, whether they should fall upon his Highness at that time when he dined in the city of London, and murder him, and those him with then; but it was resolved in the Negative, because Ch. Stuart was not in England, nor their forces ready in other parts of England. 6 That at the same time another party should have seized on the Council at Whitehall, and have murdered them and their Attendants. 7 That the Garrison at James's should be also at the same time seized on, and the soldiers surprised in their quarters there, and at Whitehall, and all put to the sword that opposed. 8 That a strong party should at the same time seize upon the Lieutenant of the Tower, the soldiers, take possession, and let out the prisoners. 9 That at this time their King should be ready private in a place of the city of London, and be brought forth, and presently crowned, and proclaimed King, and have the Government put into their hands by them, and all that should oppose, to die without mercy. 10 That at the same time parties should seize upon all the several Guards and Garrisons in England. 11 That Proclamations should have been sent out to all parts of England, that Ch. Stuart was crowned King, and received into the city, offering pardon unto all that would come in, and comply with them. M. Dutton, Captain Smith, M. Jenkins, M. Sawyer, M. Archer, M. Parker, M. Bunch, M. Lee, M. Ross, M. Cotes, M. Middleton, M. Watkins, Since which time, divers are apprehended by Warrant form the Lord Mayor, and committed to Newgate. The English fleet rides still about St. Helen's Point; but the Dutch are not yet forth. There has been a great shipwreck upon the Coast of France, and divers men drowned. The English fleet from the Straits, Spain, Portugal, and Biscain, are come safe into the River of Thames, and several Dutch Prizes also. Ten more are expected every Tide. the last Post from France advertiseth, that King Lewis and his Council have agreed to send an Ambassador Extraordinary unto his Highness the Lord Protector. The last intelligence from Portsmouth advertizeth, that Gen. Blake is put forth too sea with fourscore and eight gallant ships; a List of the rest that are suddenly to launch forth, take as followeth: The Sovereign, The Resolution, The Rainbow, The Andrew, The George, The James, The Nonesuch, The Ruby, The Sapphire, The Triumph, The Victory, The Golden Cock, The Mary, The Fairfax, The Assurance, The Frederick, From Windsor we have received intelligence, that Mr. Feak, and Mr. Simpson have sent up a Declaration and Letter to his Highness, (by way of Address) wherein they implore their liberty. This, to me, seems something strange: therefore, by my next, I shall make a further enquiry into the truth thereof. This day came piping hot News from tower hill, that the King of Scots was landed in the North of Scotland; which to me seems as true as his Residence in London, at the time when the aforesaid Conspirators were apprehended in the Old Bailey. Major Gen. Harrison is going for Stafford-shire, and intends to betake himself to a private course of life. Alas poor Gentleman! I wish all men would rather expose themselves to the Country Air, than to be restrained (by their contempt of magistracy) either in a prison or tower: though notwithstanding Mr. Feak, and Mr. Simpson remains still at Windsor Castle; and not long since declared, that they never found more inward comforts, and spiritual solacings, in the time of their freedom, than now do in their tribulation. And Mr. Rogers declares it a part of his duty, as touching his Ministry, to speak concerning the Revolutions and present Occurrences of the times. From France our Occurrences advertiseth, That the Prince of Conde has taken the strong Garrison of Dinan, and ransacked the famous town for their loyalty to the King and Crown. | The Moderate Intelligencer, Issue 165 |
PerfDiurn230 | From Monday, May. 1. to Monday, May. 8. 1654. This day from Dalkieth, April 27. 1654. Here is yet no News from Col. Morgan. These parts are now more quiet than formerly, and certainly exemplary Justice upon some, and sending others of the Rebels to Barbados, will something tame these wild people. Yesterday Captain Malcolm Rogers, who was Agent between Charles Stuart and Glencarne, was executed at Edinburgh, being tried, found guilty, and condemned by a Court Marshal for a Spy. He confessed that he killed one of our Soldiers (pretending himself to be a Merchant) between Christorphin and Edinburgh. Leith 25 April 1654. There hath been little happened since General Monk's arrival here, Col. Morgan with his Brigade, lieth still at Dingwall, and the Enemy under Middleton in Sutherland most of their forces being lately drawn from all parts towards the North; so that there are not so many straggling parties in the Lowlands as formerly, only some few in Dumfries and Galloway. A party of about thirty (which are under the English Capt. Lieut. to Kenmore, came about four days since so Provost Marburnie's house near Dumfries, which they burnt, and many goods. The Provost got to a little old Tower, which himself with half a dozen more held out against them. The Tories endeavouring to storm it, they killed two English, and two more, and so secured themselves. From Dublin, April 15. The General Council hath proceeded so far, as to resolve to cast lots who shall be in each province. The General Officers are fallen in Munster. A Letter owning the Government of the Lord Protector is also signed unanimously, and to be sent by Officers of quality. It's feared the Lands will fall short of satisfying the whole Arrears, and therefore the standing Army who have Arrears due since June, 1649. are content to take but two thirds at present, leaving the other as a pawn for their Brethren who have Arrears due before 1649 until either more can be found upon an exact survey (for as yet we compute only by the gross) or that more be got from England, and then take in their pawn again. Whereas a good Law was made in the time of the reign of James late King of England, for the avoiding of divers frivolous Suits without specialty (which above six years after the debt or demand hath accrued, have been brought and prosecuted for debts and demands satisfied before the commencing of the same, and sundry persons thereby compelled to make further satisfaction, or composition of such debt or demand: And whereas also of late various opinions have been about the interpretation or exposition of that Statute, or Law; some holding opinion, that an action ought to be commenced by an original Writ, bill or plaint only, and that original proceeding by Writs original issuing out of the Chancery, or bills, or plaints in Courts of records and none other, and that the saving of any Action, Debt, or Demand from losing, for not proceeding according to that Statute, ought, only to be upon such original proceeding: And others have been of opinion that Writs of Latitat, Bills of Midds. and such other Writs have been sufficient for so saving such Actions and demands; but with this, that the prosecution for the same must be upon these Writs and none other. And many other (whose advice hath been adjudged, not consonant or agreeable to the Letter of that Statute) have been of opinion, that commencing of any Action, or Suit in the Chancery or any other Court, or demand of the same within six years next after the debt or demand hath accrued, or arrived hath been of sufficiency for the preservation of such debt, or demand; upon which last opinion very many have depended, and many others (who have had multitudes of just and due debts and demands owing and due to them without specialty, have not been of ability to commence Suits (by reason of the great charge thereof) within those six years for most part of the same, by which means many just debts and demands have been totally lost by honest Creditors, and they thereby utterly undone: And their unreasonable Debtors (after those six years expired) becoming of ability to satisfy the same, or being so before, and concealing the same (till the expiration of those six years) have met such their Creditors in their poverties, and laughed at, and jeered them to their faces, and have not paid, or satisfied to them anything for the same, or made them any promise in that behalf, but have utterly refused so to do: And many others have commenced and prosecuted very many Suits (within the years mentioned in that Statute) against multitudes to the Outlawry, and some to further proceedings, and been at great change thereabouts, some to their further undoing, most of those so prosecuted against continuing and dying insolvent; whereby much good money hath been thrown away after bad, and many Courts of this Nation perplexed and troubled with multitudes of Suits in vain. For Remedy whereof, and saving to the People the Debts and Demands which so have been, or may be lost, It is proposed, to be desired, that it may be Ordained, or a Law be made. That any person or persons, Creditor or Creditors, may at any time (within 12 months next ensuing, or within 6 years after the cause of any Action or Suit shall accrue, arise or happen to, or for him, her, or them,) cause an action, bill, plaint, or Declaration (as much cause do, or shall require) to be drawn for any Debt or Demand, (which hath been, is, or, shall be due, or owing to him, her, or them, without specialty) and deliver, or cause a true Copy in writing of the same to be delivered to him, her, or them, which do or shall owe such Debt, or be liable to, or for such Demand; or leave such Copy at his, her, or their Dwelling, or Habitation, or last place of abode, with some there, (if any be) with a Note, or Writing, requiring him, her, or them, to give an Answer, Confession or Denial, at some Place certain, within 5 miles next to the place, where such Copy be, or shall be so delivered or left. And that if such person, or persons, to, or for whom such Copy, Note, or Writing be, or shall be delivered, or left, do not, or shall not at such place before-mentioned deliver to, or leave for such person or persons, by whom, or by whole direction, such Copy be, or shall be delivered, or left a Confession, Answer, or Denial to the same in writing (signifying whether or not the matter in such Copy, or any part thereof, and how much were, be, or shall be true) within 8 days after such Copy be, or shall be so delivered, or left, then may he, she, or they, (by, or by whole direction such Copy be, or shall be so delivered, or left) bring, or commerise and prosecute, his, her, or their Action, or Suit, for, or concerning the same Matter in, or to be in such Action, Bill, Plaint, Declaration or Copy, and proceed upon the same at any time, and in any Court, and the same be good and available in Law, to all intents and purposes, for the recovery and obtaining of the Debts or Demands as be, or shall be in such Action, Bill, Plaint, or Declaration. The residue of this is to come out with the electoral part at the next, there being not place sufficient for it here. This day came forth this following Proclamation. A Proclamation by his Highness, concerning a Cessation of all acts of hostility between the Commonwealth of England, and that of the United Provinces, and their respective People, and the restitution of all things taken and seized upon by either party, after the 4th of this instant May. Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging: Whereas the Commissioners appointed by us to Treat with the Ambassadors Extraordinary of the United Provinces, and the said Ambassadors, by way of Explanation of the third of those Articles of Peace, lately concluded between this Commonwealth, and that of the United Netherlands, and for removing all questions and differences which may arise thence from, have agreed and concluded the following article, viz. [That whereas in the third of those Articles of Peace, Union and confederation made, established, and promulged between the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Lords the States General of the United provinces, it is agreed, That all Injuries, Charges and Damages, which either party hath sustained by the other since the 18 & 28 of May, in the year 1652. shall be taken away and forgotten, in such manner as that hereafter neither party shall pretend any matter against the other, for, or upon occasion of any the aforesaid Injuries, Charges, and Damages, but that there shall be a present abolition of all and every of them until this present day. And all actions for the same shall be held and reputed void and null, excepting such depredations as shall be committed by either side in these Seas after the space of 12 days, and in all other places on this side the Cape St. Vincent, after 6 weeks, and from thence within the Mediterranean Sea, and to the Equinoctial Line after 10 weeks, and beyond the Equinoctial Line, after the space of 8 Months, or immediately after sufficient notice of the said Peace given in those places.] And whereas certain questions may possibly arise about the fore rehearsed words, which may occasion of debates and disputes, the said Lord Protector and the said States General, to the end all manner of controversy and difference may be removed, which might arise by reason of anything in the aforesaid Article contained, Have unanimously accorded and agreed, and do by these presents publish an declare to all and singular their People and Subjects respectively. That immediately after publication of the Treaty of Peace, which is already done, all Acts of hostility shall immediately cease in all places expressed in the said Article, and in all others wheresoever. And that all depredations, damages, and injuries which shall be done or committed by one party against the other, after the fourth day of this instant May, in all places whatever, mentioned in the foresaid Article, or elsewhere, as well on this side the Line as beyond, shall be accounted for. And all things taken or seized after the abovesaid fourth of May, shall be restored without any form of Process, as also damages growing by occasion thereof. And to the end this Agreement and Article may be better known, both parties shall publish the same within their respective Territories and Dominions, and straitly charge and command as well their ships of War, as others, whether in Port, or at Sea to observe the same. Wherefore we having considered what is agreed as aforesaid, have confirmed and ratified, as we do confirm and ratify the same by these presents, which we have caused to be published, that all persons concerned therein may take notice thereof. And we do hereby straitly charge and require all ships of War, and others, either belonging to the State, or to any particular persons set forth upon private Commissions, or otherwise to observe the said agreement. And to the end none may pretend ignorance herein. The Commissioners of the admiralty are hereby required to give effectual notice hereof to all the ships of this State, either at Sea or in Port, within these Dominions or elsewhere. And the Judges of the High Court of Admiralty are also by virtue of these Presents, forthwith to call in upon their several securities given in that Court, all such ships as have been set forth upon private Commissions against the united Provinces, or the People thereof. Given at Whitehall this first of May in the year 1654: In witness whereof as well the Lords Council of his Highness, as the Ambassadors extraordinary of the States General have signed these Presents with their own hands. Done At Westminster the 28 of April, old style, in the year 1654. H. Lawrence Pres. H. Beverning Kt. Gilb. Pickering. Wil. Nieupoort. E. Montague. Alan P. Tongestall. Walt. Strickland. The Articles of Peace between Holland and us, being now published at large, we will refer you to the original printed by order of his Highness. There is also another Copy of the Articles published, translated out of a Dutch copy, wherein there is one grand Omission in the 12th Article, which is the Reader is desired to take notice of, viz. After the words, That they may trade in any Goods or Commodities that they please, and to Import and Export the same as they please, These words are left out, And saving always all and singular the Laws and Ordinances of either Commonwealth respectively. To his Highness Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging. The humble Representation of the Justices of the Peace, chief Officers of Corporations, Ministers of the Gospel of the County of Salop, and of the Grand Jury at the Assizes held at Salop the 20 of March, in the year 1653. Humbly showing That we cannot but with all thankfulness of heart call to remembrance the late eminent actings of the Providence of God among us, in his Ordering our Wars, and Ordaining our Peace for us; And that after such variety of changes, which have passed over us, and with them so many fears, which have so deeply sate upon the hearts of many of God's people. We have such assured hopes of a settlement of these Nations in Truth and Righteousness, by the exercise of the declared Government; wherein consisting the present support of our Religion, and Laws. We cannot but acknowledge it as a great Mercy of God, that so suitable a Remedy should be so suddenly applied to our growing Maladies; and that our hopes after many years patient attendance upon other Instruments (when almost swallowed up in the multitude of our too just fears) are now revived, and recovered from so doubtful a condition, by the raising up of your Highness in this juncture of time, and affairs, so seasonably to be our Ruler, who have been so successfully our Leader, God having already put upon you as much of the Honour of our Peace, as men of the hazard of our wars, and we trust farther about to honour you (and you Him) with doing as much at the Helm of our Government, as in the Head of our Armies; In bringing to effect those great things, for which the Faithful in these Nations have from the beginning of our troubles continually contended with God by earnest prayer, and long with their Enemy's vast expense of blood, and treasure; Your Self being made the Steward for laying out a far greater part thereof than any other, that best knowing the price, you might best value the purchase, and be most tender of any new entrenchments upon those precious concernments, the Redemption whereof has cost so dear. We have very strong persuasions, Your Highness hath already under consideration from our common good, more than probably we know well how to request: We shall therefore in general commend only to your best of care those two comprehensive Interests, Religion, and Justice; The two great Ordinances of God, for the due exercise of the one, and execution of the other, Magistracy and Ministry, together with the fruitful Nurseries of both these (as well as special Ornaments to the Nations) our Universities, and Inns of Court. In your faithful pursuance of which so public concernments, the faithful in these Nations will follow you with their prayers, the Lord here them for you, and follow you with good: And we among the thousands of our Israel who make the like Addresses to your Highness, faithfully serve you, and with you our Generation in our respective stations, who have subscribed our Names. Paris the 6 of May, 1654. By the last Letters from Bordeaux we hear, that two small Biscaya Frigates which used to haunt about our River, and had taken divers Barks going and coming to us, fearing a storm, ventured to come too far in, and having sent some men on shore to steal Sheep, the Country took the alarm, thereupon they gathered in a competent number, and forced the Thieves to leave their prize; and being close pursued, forced them to swim aboard to save their lives, and word being sent to Bordeaux, there came down two small vessels well manned and armed, who having secured the Bar all the night to prevent the Enemy's escape, set upon them early in the morning, and after some little dispute they were taken, the men being all sent prisoners to the Castle de Buch, and the vessels carried up to the City, although the Prince of Conde, his Arms have been defaced from his house in this City, although the Pr. Of Conti his brother did use all means possible to prevent the same, but could no way prevail; there is a great falling out between Charles Stuart and his Cousin Rupert, upon the selling of the Guns belonging to the Swallow, and they are come to very high words about it, and though some have endeavoured to make them friends, it cannot yet be brought about. The new Italian Comedy doth so much take the Courtiers' minds, that they can hardly be satisfied thereof, so greedy they are of it, insomuch that they make it a good part of their employment, here is a great want of moneys, insomuch that the chief work at Court is to find out some moneys, by reason that the field expedition goeth on but slowly, and the Spaniard is like to be out with his forces long before us. Their Majesties with the King's Brother, and the Cardinal, went upon Tuesday the 5th instant with many Nobles to Fontainebleau, where they are to remain for a time: we hear that the King is to go to Rheims by the latter end of this month to his consecration, and that from thence he will go into Picardy, and take a view of his Armies, others believe he will return from thence to this City. The Cardinal de Retz hath been visited by the Duke his brother in the Castle of Nantes, where he still remaineth a close prisoner, and little hopes of any enlargement. The Duke of Orleans is still at his house near Blois, and intends to come to Court notwithstanding all their solicitations: The Commissioners for the Protestants have had at last an answer to their demands, which is very plausible, and full of gallant language, but when it cometh to the execution, as to that point which concerneth their privileges, there will the reality of it appear. From Italy and parts adjacent. From Naples, There hath been a general muster here of all the new Levies, which are far short of what was expected, there being not above twenty two Companies, the Duke del Sesto was there as their General, there hath been lately cast a great number of brass pieces of Ordnance, whereof one part is to be sent into Catalonia, and the rest to be put into some of our Castles. Our old Archbishop Cardinal Filomarini hath again received a command not only to depart the City, but likewise to go out of the Kingdom, which is found so much the more strange, that our Vice King at his coming, that he ought not to fear anything during his Government. From Rome, The Lady Lucretia Barbarina, contracted to the Duke of Modena, being come to take her leave of the Pope, who presented her with a Cross of Diamonds, worth 15 hundred pounds sterling, went out of the City with a very great number of followers among others were the Cardinals Barberini her Kinsmen, with the Cardinals Collona and de Este, who having brought her on her way about three miles left the Cardinal her Brother to bring her to her intended Husband, who is to meet her at Lorretto, and there the Nuptials are to be consummated by the Cardinal Facchinet. From Venice, There is no further news from Dalmatia but the confirmation of that sad disaster happened to the General Delfino in that design he had against Clim, which hath proved so fatal to those of our side. The Bashaw is now on his way to Constantinople, and doth carry with him all the prisoners, which are near one thousand, and intends to present them to the great Turk as a great Trophy, and a badge of his great victory upon the Christians. From Milan, News being come to our Vice King of the arrival of some of the new Levies, thereupon he hath sent some Officers, who are to bring them to their quarters, and provide them with necessaries for their subsistence, there are likewise more forces arrived from Germany and the Grison's Country. Moreover the last Letters from Naples assure us, That the men lately raised there for us will soon be here, the Vice King having given order that forthwith they be shipped and sent hither, in the mean time our Governor with his Lady is going upon some certain journey of Devotion to Montecarlo. From Genoa, Besides the ships cast away by storm mentioned the last week, there are yet more we hear are cast away about Scicilia, who were laden with rich goods, whereof we hear one to be English, and the other Dutch, which losses are fallen very heavily upon some of our Merchants, the loss being valued to above one million of gold: The Waters likewise have done much harm in the plain Country, many Rivers have overflown their Banks, and done very much harm. From Turin, The Marshal de Grancey having used all care possible to put his Army in a good condition, which according to the List which we have seen is to be of 330 Companies, and 120 Troops of Horse, besides the 3 thousand Irish Soldiers who are quartered in the Province of Daufine, with the like number of French which are appointed for the recruiting of divers Regiments; whereof the Officers have lately received moneys at Lyons, for the putting of the same in execution, besides the Duke of Savoy his forces, and the thousand men more which are to be levied for the recruiting of them; all these joined together will make an Army considerable, and so strong, that we shall not fear much the high threats of the Enemy: There hath been a Proclamation made through all the quarters, enjoining all Officers, and then are to march in the field as soon as the train of Artillery is ready. Texel April 25. Five men of War are ready to fall towards Brazil, and three others to cross towards our Freebooters to call them in, Here is a gallant Fleet of Merchant ships of about Spain and other places. The 22 instant those Galliots that went to Sea from hence the day before, were driven in again by three English Freebooters, who took one of them. The 23 in the morning a fleet of our Merchant ships and men of War went to Sea. From Vpsal, March 31. My Lord Ambassador presses very earnestly to have conclusion of his long attendance, and he had audience both today and yesterday. The Queen seems now to be in good earnest to lay down her Crown. She did discharge last week most of all her Servants and Retinue, and hath reserved to herself a very thin Court. This is a mystery we yet understand not. She professes here desires of Solitude and Retirement; and some others say, The Debts grew so high, that she was, as it were, forced hereunto. But whether any other secret thing is couched under it, Time will discover. Paris the 9th of May. The fourth instant Dom Francisco Cotinbo Portugal Ambassador, had audience of the King, to whom he made a relation of a great victory which the Portugal forces had obtained in Brazil against the Hollanders, how they had taken the Recif, and other places yet held by the Hollanders; the same day the Marques Palavicini, who is come hither as a public Minister from the State of Genoa, being brought into the Court by the Earl Bruston, had likewise audience of his Majesty. The last news from Flanders advise us, that la Bassee is well provided with men, and other warlike materials fit for their defence, and do not fear much the Lorrain forces, although they quarter but 3 miles from that Town. The discontents are still very great in this City, there being daily private meetings, notwithstanding they are so strictly forbidden; this week were found several papers affixed to the corners of streets, with this Title, To the good Subjects, and true servants of his Majesty, the subsistence being thus, That they were not to hope for any peace, whilst that Mazarin, le Tellier, and Servient did bear much sway, and some four days since there was an assembly of about 400. who in the night went through the streets, crying, No Mazarin, no Tellier, nor Servient, and the Provost with his guard come to suppress them, they immediately fell to blows, there being divers slain and wounded on both sides: the last week was seen over this City a Comet, the tail been turned towards the North, which by many is taken as a portender of greater miseries than any we have yet seen; in the meantime Dom Joseph de Marguerit, chief Commander for Roussillon, hath received Order to depart speedily, and to return into that Province, and it's credibly reported, that the Marshal d' Hocquincourt shall again command those forces in Roussillon, as Lieut. Gen. under the Pr. Of Conti. We hear also that the Duke de Guise is to depart from hence to Toulon, and so to prosecute his design, which hath been driven by him these many months, and the Marq; du Plessis Bellieure is to be his Lieut. Gen. It is not long since that the Duke d' Espernon making suit for the recovering of one hundred and fifty thousand livers, which he sayeth he hath disbursed for his Majesty's service, it was answered him, that the Cardinal Mazarin being out of purse many millions disbursed for his Majesty's use, he was to be satisfied in the first place; and thereupon the Cardinal having made a motion about the marriage of the Duke of Candale with one of his Nieces, the said Duke d' Espernon replied, He desired some time to be advised therein, to whom the Cardinal replied, That he would likewise take time never to speak to him any more, that he kept his Kinswoman for a greater match, and the like lofty language, whereupon the business was quite broken off, but since I hear it is renewed again: We are here still led along with vain hopes of peace, which is of no other use than to make the people part with their money more freely. We hear from Barcelona, that Dom John d' Austria, who was gone from thence to go to Madrid, had been countermanded, and returned to that City, having had express order to seize all the moneys that are in the Treasury of Montserrat, and to bring it to Barcelona; from whence he hath lately sent a circular press command to all the soldiery to live peaceably, and after an exact discipline, and to such as shall be disorderly the Officers to punish them, and moreover giveth leave to the people in case they receive any wrong, to stand upon their own defence, and seek to preserve their lives and estates, and of their families, to their uttermost power. From Allicant April 10 stilo nova. As for news in these parts, The Pope's Nuncio who intended to have gone to Madrid, being forbidden by an order from the King to advance further, is now expecting a fair wind to return home, as also (we hear) he at Madrid is to go home likewise, there are extraordinary preparations in hand for Sea and Land service in Catalonia, as it is thought, and in the Duchy of Milan: Dom Juan de Austria is now on his way back for Catalonia, and hath with him 300 pieces of Eight Rialls plate, with bills of exchange for a greater sum, the Count de Ognate, late Vice King of Naples is made President of the Council for Italy; and a small Frigate come from West-Indies with the two Plate Fleets adviseth, That he had left them on their way sailing both in Company, and that they make account to be at Cadis about the middle of June, and were very rich. The Plague being now quite ceased at Barcelona, there will be Proclamation made thereof, that so the neighbouring Countries may no more forbear from coming thither. From Brussels May 9, The 4th instant about 4 in the afternoon the Archduke Leopoldus went out of this City in his Coach, and some 40 more followed him, most with 6 horses, to meet the Duke Francis of Lorrain three miles from hence upon the way to Louuain, and so both their Highnesses entered this City together about eight of the Clock, and the said Duke with his two Sons were brought into the Palace where they have the chief lodgings, and are tended and served with all the honours and the state that can be. The 6th died here the Lord Francis Verrelien, Baron de Genes, who for the space of above forty years had served his Catholic Maj. in divers honourable employments both Politick and Military, wherefore the Country is very much grieved for his death. We had from Scotland by several Letters, as followeth. Inverness April 19. The Enemy remains still in Southerland and Caithness, there is great clashing among their Grandees; Glencairn and Sir George Monro fought a duel, and Sir George his right hand was almost cut off, the other was wounded in the head: Two days after the Lord Athol and Glengarry appointed field, but it was taken up by the rest of the Officers, the quarrel begun about precedence in place: There was also a falling out betwixt Forbes, Kenmore, and Glengarry: Middleton hath sent Glengarry with 500 foot into the West, its supposed to force the people there and in the Western Islands to rise, for the Loughabrians refuse to rise until they receive command from Argyle, or his Son Lorn; Col. Morgan marched to Tain, and saw the Enemy but could not come at them for want of Boats, the water being broad and very impetuous, he is now come back to Dingwell to quarter. Middleton was very angry with Glencairn and the rest for marching into Southerland without orders, for he would have had them stayed in Ross to have kept open the pass, which they durst not do, for fear of the Horse and Foot (from this Garrison) falling into their quarters. Edinburgh April 25. Intelligence was brought from the North on Saturday last, and met General Monk at Dalkeith, that Middleton had tired out Caithness and Sutherland and himself too, and was making his way through the Hills, places supposed impassable, to avoid engaging us, Wherefore Colonel Morgan that has fought out opportunities for that purpose; is like to be disappointed. The quarrel between Glencairn and Monroe (which you had particulars of in the last) has occasioned further difference amongst them, so that many of them are at Daggers drawing daily. The name of General Monk is very formidable to them, who is now making all possible preparations to visit them. Dalkeith April 25. Things are very quiet in these parts, Middleton and Morgan are yet in the same posture in the North, Middleton's numbers do rather decrease than increase, many daily go from him as others are flocking to him, and amongst the rest the Loughabrians. The Lord Craighall one of the Judges died at Edinburgh this day. From Cowes in the Isle of Wight May 4. A Bark being come hither out of France, advises, That in her way homewards she met two of the State's Frigates, who near the Conquet had met about 10 sail of small French ships, and had taken 5 of them, and were in pursuit of the rest, being about 2 leagues from them, and very likely to take them. The Brest Pirates are very rife abroad, and have of late taken an English ship bound home from Morlack, laden with linen cloth going for London. Yesterday our Fleet was under sail in Stoaks Bay and put forth to Sea, we conceive they are gone for the Downs, there are yet some remaining in Portsmouth, which will soon be ready to follow the main Fleet. From Deal the same day. Here are arrived a great number of our State's ships, and the rest is expected tomorrow, this being the place ('tis said) for the general Rendezvous. Here are yet many Merchant's ships, who will not venture to Sea without a strong convoy, until the Letters of Mart be called in, General Penn is expected here on Tuesday next, or sooner. To close up this week we had further the welcome news of the agreement between the Queen of Swedland and our Ambassador the L. Whitlock, as by Letters from Vpsal April 8. whereof one in the words following, Sir, I sent unto you about a for night since, but having very little news in that letter, I was resolved to make you amends in this, (though in a few words) by acquainting you that our Treaty with the Qu. of Swedland is concluded, and the next week to be signed I hope as well to the advantage of the Nation, as the particular satisfaction of my L. Ambassador, who (by the time you can receive this Letter) will be advancing homewards, I hope that after our attendance here in a very hard winter, our tedious journeys and voyages backwards and forwards, and bringing home with us the Alliance of so considerable a people as Swethland may be to England, we shall find a general welcome, at least by our friends. There is by way reprinted with Additions, that Excellent piece of Cases of Conscience practically resolved, containing a Decision of all the prime pal Cases of Conscience, being of daily concernment, and continual use: Written by Dr. Hall, Bishop of Norwich, and are to be sold by Francis Egglesfield, at the Marigold in St. Paul's Churchyard. Also a book of much use to all practitioners in Music, entitled, An new and Brief Introduction to Music, both for Song and Viol; never before printed: and are to be sold by John Playford at his shop in the Inner Temple. Animal Corantum Secundi inm. On, The Second Horned Beast, Containing an Answer to Mr. Tho: Gataker's Envy, produced in the Postscript of his Discourse Apologetical. Printed for William Larnar at the Blackmore's head near Fleet-Bridge. This is licensed and entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 230 |
MPol192 | The Enemy at their late being Badgenoth, got three men from every four Ploughs in that Country, (except one near the water) but many of them returned back; the Lauhabec men, did plunder much when the Enemy was in Murriland, and then left them: the greatest part of Lelentarne's forces are at Strathspey near the Land of Giants, who will (as is said) keep out his house against them, having taken in men and provisions to that end. The 28. Instant, about 36 Horse came into the Coast of Gowry, to Sir Peter Haye's House called Meginch, they did break his outer Court, and demanded his Horses, threatening to burn his Corn otherwise; but he firing at them, they ran away, but two days after a great party came and burnt about 6001: sterling in Corn: also the Earl of Lnihtgowe's Corn for not delivering his Horses. There hath passed through this Road several ships this week, which came from the Southward, and are all bound for London: there hath been high winds lately, which have made some wrack upon the Coast of France about Calais, Boulogne and those parts, among others a Dutchman of War, of good strength, who rid in Calais Road, was beaten upon the shore, broken in pieces, many of the men drowned, only a few saved: there are very few ships at present in this Road, this North and Easterly winds having carried them away. These ships aforementioned are all safely arrived in the River of Thames. Also several prize ships, whereof five Dutch prizes with French wines, one ship with Currants and about ten other Dutch prizes are expected every Tide. Here are still many ships here, who are bound for London and other parts to the Eastward of this place; all those that were here, being gone some for Ireland, and others for Portugal, Spain and West Indies, we have not heard lately any news from Ireland, only by way of Barnstable, we hear that the Irish Rebels would again be stirring, and to that end are gathered into small bodies: with the which they have lately done us some mischief, this winter season being very advantageous to them, and is a means that those Rogues cannot be suppressed so soon as it is to be wished. Our Fleet doth still ride near St. Helen's point. Upon Monday last, there passed by this island near 30 sail ships, which come all from the Straits, Spain and Portugal, and are for the most part bound for London, as we are informed by a small Vessel, who came along the Channel in their Company, that a private man of War hath brought in two prizes, the one a Dutch ship, of considerable bigness, and the other a French Vessel, which rides between this place and Yarmouth. Last week you had a brief account of some passages touching the late entertainment of his Highness in the City. Among which we omitted this that the Lord Mayor was Knighted by his Highness. This following Speech was delivered also by the Recorder. May it please your Highness, my Lord Protector, it hath been observed by some, That when Samuel offered Sacrifice, he therefore reserved the Shoulders for Saul, that he might know what was the weight of Government: The consideration of which made Maximilian affirm, that none who knew how heavy Diadems were, would stoop to take them up. Governors are like the heavenly bodies, much in veneration, but never in rest; and how can it be otherwise expected, when they are not made for themselves, or their own glory, but for the safety and good of mankind? so in the civil world, great things being ordained to serve the less: We see the Sun by its Beams, serving the eye of the meanest Fly, as well as of the greatest Potentate. The supremacy of Salus Populi, was the conclusion of the Twelve Tables, and will be a Prevalent Maxim until the end of the world. By thus much, My Lord, you may perceive the dark side of this Leading Cloud of Government; but if God vouchsafe assistance from those Shoulders, upon which the Government is laid, and put under his everlasting Arms, you will see the bright side also, and thence Encouragement. This Support he is pleased to give, by letting Rulers know he is the Author of their Power, and that from him they are to expect their Rule. The Designation of government, as to forms and persons, is an humane institution, and mutable, as things that are made; but Government itself, abstractively considered in its pure Original is of a Divine Off-spring, and can with no less difficulty be shaken, than those Vestiges which being as Relations tell us, upon the tops of some Mountains, above the Clouds, can be disordered by wind and Tempest. And for the rule, the word, or reason of God in the Divine understanding, is the Eternal law of all things. But this being too deep a well for man's Bucket to draw out of, it pleased his infinite goodness to let fall a Rivulet from this Source into the Creature; which leaving an impression in man's understanding, we call the law of nature: But man having this honour, presently became of no understanding; his mind being clouded with passions and sins, had soon need of superadded helps, which God gave him, by those other laws fit for Government, and still gives a Spirit for the framing of such Municipal Laws, as are according to his Will, and suitable to the good of the people. But when this was done, the best Laws without a Government, were no other than as the Sword behind the Ephod; and therefore Moses in his time, and other Governors in their time, must be as walking Laws and administrators of Justice. We may conclude, My Lord, Your Highness hath experimented both these encouragements, as being the Spectator of some, and the subject of other great revolutions which have happened in this Age, and Land of Wonders: And not only know, that the Most High rules in the Kingdom of men, disposing them to whom he pleaseth; but also, that its not sufficient with the Princes of the Nations, to exercise dominion which is the common Image of God, except there be so a share in the peculiar Image of his righteousness and holiness; they being God's indeed and after a peculiar manner, to whom the reason, or Word of God so comes. My Lord, There is one help more in Government, which God is pleased often to add to the rest, which is the giving in of the Affections of the People. The solemnity of this day, wherein the Citizens of this great City appear in their several Companies, as so many Cities within the City, speaks much to this; they leave it to other Nations to salute their Rulers and victorious Commanders with the names of Caesares and Imperatores; and after triumphs, to erect for them their Arcus Triumphales: but if I mistake not, their end, this day, is not any such outward Pomp or Glory, but that those who have been delivered together, might rejoice together; and to express their Desires, That the Civil Sword might be as prosperous for Public Ends, in the Hand where it is placed, as the Military Sword hath been in the same hand. This City seldom goes alone in Public Actions: it was anciently called by Stephanides, The Heart of the Nation; and if the Heart be in a Politic consideration, as it is in the Natural, it will communicate Life and Spirits into the other Members, by which means the whole Body may unanimously contribute their desires and endeavours to oppose the common Enemy, and after all our Distractions, see the Nation established upon the firm Basis of Peace and Righteousness, which is the end of Government and shall be the end of my further troubling your Highness. Our Negotiation hath not as yet made any progress, by reason of the absence of most of the Senate. But now that the Grand Chancellor is come to Town, I suppose we shall in a short time see what their intentions are as to an intimate Alliance with us. The Chancellor speaks very much love and affection to the Commonwealth of England, and since his coming hither he hath performed a visit unto my Lord Ambassador, demonstrating much civility and respect to him. I hope there will be a good account of this affair. Her Majesty intends to take a Progress for about a Fortnight, to see the Copper mines. The Estates of the Empire are hitherto come no farther concerning the Capitulation, viz. whether or no the same should be taken in hand in pleno, or per Deputatos; and that in the meantime the point of Justice should be taken in hand. The Introduction of the new Princes is now (on certain conditions) permitted, and will shortly go forward. A Keeper in Silesia who by his own concession has committed 182 Murders among others; two little Children, whom he affirms to have gotten by his own Sister, whose hearts having cut out, he had devoured, is imprisoned, and will shortly receive his reward. From hence there is little, we being shut up with Ice. The peace in Poland holds, if the ensuing Parliament approves thereof. The King demanded Eighteen Subsides for the defraying of charges, and disbanding of the Army; but 'tis supposed the Parliament will not be persuaded to grant any before they have an account of what hath been raised these two years, which is near 50 Subsides, and yet the Soldiery has wanted their pay, which has caused them much to ruin and destroy the Country by plundering and taking Free quarter; so that upon the examination of these things, there is likely to be great Troubles, the Gentry venting themselves with much eagerness against some public Ministers, and likewise against the Queen herself, charging her with the Transportation of his Treasure, whereby she hath provided a Bank for herself and Favourites. There is a flying Report in Town, that the English Frigate which went to carry Monsieur Beverning back to England, should be cast away and Beverning drowned; but there is no certainty of it; I hope the contrary. This day I saw a Copy of a very sharp Letter from the Emperor to the States, concerning the Restoration of all Goods and Privileges belonging to the Order of St Jean, which doth import very much, it may perchance bring a War between Them and the Emperor, which would prove very prejudicial to these Counties. I presume this is the work of the Brandenburgher, and the House of Nassaw. We have little here since my last. A Brest man of War of Twenty two Guns lies in our Channels; whereby the residue of our Cadiz-ships that lie in Ireland, are in some danger: This day I am informed of a Truth that now in Monmouthshire, near Ragland, in an Orchard, an Apple tree hath had green Leaves, Buds and young Apples. These are strange variations of the Seasons. In Augustalia Serenissimi Domini & Principis, OLIVARII D. Protectoris Reipub. Angli, Scoti, & Hiberni, &c. Summ acum magnificentis celebrata Londini; Auspiciis Dom. Prtoris, Senatus, & totius Civitatis Londinensis, Februarii 8 1654. Since the last, some of our Cadiz ships are arrived, and bring notice that the rest are in Ireland, having made our land a month since, but by contrary winds forced and kept there, which is very good news to our Merchants, who had almost given them up for lost, it being 8 weeks since they set sail from Cadiz. Some of them have brought a Dutch man of about 300 Tons, laden with Salt which they took a little off that part as they put homeward. The Brest men of war have since taken two Vessels of Milford, of which we had notice this day; and about the time of the taking of the former, took 3 ships one of 18 guns, another of 12 laden with lead and red herrings, who pretended themselves of Amsterdam and Sweden, being Dutch-men, but had Cockets from North-Yarmouth, the Seamen being Dutch, and indeed the commodities English. It is a shame, that those Rogues should be permitted thus to rob upon our Seas, and that such Cow-ships are employed Westward, which way all ships make that are bound for England. One of our Bristol-ships was taken half a league from Scilly. We expect shortly in Court the Duchess de Mercoeur, coming from Provence to see one of the Cardinals sisters married to Mr. Harpaion. The Receiver of the University of Paris, has obtained from the King last Monday, that no impositions shall be paid for Papers, having showed many good reasons for it; that Young men could not prevail in their studies, nor the Printers live by their Trade. Last Saturday, arrived here Deputies from the Town of Melun, complaining of their Lieutenant to the Parliament; that he made them pay so much moneys, without any order from the King; upon which the Parliament sent Mr. Baron a Counsellor of the great Chamber, to bring them the information of such business. The marriage of the Duke de Nemours, with Mademoiselle de Longueville is renewed, she being hitherto in love with the Duke of York; but the Queen of France hindered that; and told her the Duke of York was too high a person for her, being son to a King, and a King's brother, so she is now contented to marry de Nemours. Last week the King sent for Mr. Marshal de Shambert to come to Court, to which he obeyed; but when he was to depart, the Inhabitants of that Town, and those of Metz, told him plainly, if he left them out, that they would lock the Gates after him, and never admit him again, and that they would show him and the Cardinal, that they were able to defend themselves: upon which he stayed and sent his excuse to the King, he being Governor of both those places. The Prince Francis de Loraine, Cousin to the Duke of Loraine, and Bishop of Verdun, parted hence yesterday to Verdun; his Majesty having given him that Bishopric to be his. We hear of a great plot discovered in Flanders; that some People were to murder the Arch-Duke, and Prince de Conde, and that twelve men were committed for it, and that the Arch-Duke, have sent their informations and sentence of death to the King of Spain, to be confirmed and sent to the Parliament of Malines back, to be put in execution, we expect the confirmation of it by the next. Its reported Prince Conde his forces have taken Dinan, a place in Payes de Liege, and pillaged it for having received Cardinal Mazarin, when he was banished hence; others say, the Inhabitants gave them 60. In livers, not to ruin them wholly. We hear the Emperor sent several Troops of Horse to the Elector of Collen, and Duke De Loraine to oppose Conde his violence there. Its written hither from Holland, that the Princess Royal with her son, goes to keep their Court in Breda; by reason she sees the Provinces of Holland, Zealand, and Friesland, assembling, and joining together, for to conclude the peace with the Commonwealth of England. By the late Letters from Dublin we hear, that things thereabout at present are very quiet. The Irish of late have had a general Fast; the occasion is not known, but to themselves. Some few desperate Tories are yet doing mischief in Munster; and some skulking in Wicklow, snapped about a dozen of our Surveyors. the Newcastle Frigate brought into Bridlington bay a small Dutch Pirate of 6 Guns, and 50 Men, which had taken some Colliers upon this Coast, about 12 days since. The Captain and Men are sent to York Gaol. His Highness the Lord Protector hath appointed certain days every week, to receive Reports from the Master of Requests, concerning such Petitions as are presented to them, and to give Answers. Col. Mackworth Governor of Shrewsbury, is by his Highness added to the Council. Mr Recorder Steel, Mr Nudigate, Mr Twisden, Mr Maynard, and Mr Hugh Windham, are made Sergeants at Law. Sergeant Hales is made a Judge of the Common-pleas; and its conceived other new Judges will be made. After the Enemies departure out of Bagenoth, we had this Account of their proceedings there, That they got 3 men from every 4 Ploughs in the Country, except those near the Garrison of Ruthuen, but many of them are since come back, the People going according to the Minister's Exhortation given them To give the Devil a Bone in his mouth, and put him to the Dove: however many of them have suffered much by the Enemy, especially such as fled the Country at their approach. Things have of late been pretty quiet, and some of the Enemies seem to desire Passes to live quietly at home. Col. Wogan is for certain dead of those wounds he got near Drummond, and buried in the Highlands. His Capt. Lieutenant also is irrecoverable, which discourages the whole party of English, and I am told they are upon dissolving. Their cruel Acts of burning their Countrymen's houses and Corn, makes them stink in their Nostrils, and I am apt to believe they are not so much of one party, as was supposed, nor their design so universal. The absence of the great Chancellor of Sweden was one cause why my Lord Ambassador has for some few days been at a stand. Now things will be put to an issue; and so much the rather, because of the late change that hath fallen out in England, which we hope will prove for the honour of God, and the good of our Native country. It is extraordinary well resented here by the Queen and her Servants, who were much pleased, that the Credentials came so soon from his Highness the Lord Protector, to my Lord Ambassador; and the Queen hath received them with all satisfaction Last week we had three Frigates here, the Falmouth-Frigate, which brought a prize into Lea; the Warwick, which brought another into Foy; and the Portsmouth-Frigate, which (as I hear) fought 4 French Merchant-men, two of 24 guns apiece, a third of 16. and the fourth of 14 guns. She suffered much from the two great ones, but at length, they stood away, and left the other two to her, which now are in Plymouth. We have had here several ships from Alicante; Malaga, and the Canaries, which came in without any Convoy. The Duke of Longueville, though lately lifted at, is by the King's good grace, gone back to his Government of Normandy, having first taken his leave if his Majesty, the Queen, Duke d'Anjou, and the Cardinal, who for honour's sake, and to lay a farther obligation upon him, conducted him in person, to the gate of Richelieu. Beffort in Alsatia is at length taken by the Marshall de la Ferte Seneterre, in which service was the Duke of York's Regiment. Here hath lately been an Assembly of the Clergy, intended to oppose a Bull of the Pope's obtained by the Jesuits, whereby they had gotten power, the first Sunday in every month, by public prayers, to fetch souls out of Purgatory, and so were in a fairway to have carried away the main Trade from the rest of the Clergy, The other occasion of their meeting was, to oppose the Impositions and Taxes laid upon them by the King and his Council; to the payment whereof our Parisian Clergymen are very averse, because of the hard usage and continued imprisonment of their Patron, the Cardinal de Retz, who hath been solicited by divers messengers from his Majesty, to make a surrender of the Coadjutorship of this City; and upon condition he do it; he hath been promised his Liberty. But it will not be; the said Cardinal returns nothing but excuses, and modest denials, yet sufficiently resolute. On Friday, an arrest was verified in Parliament; that all Strangers shall be obliged to pay two Sols out of every pound of Merchandise that they import into this Kingdom. The fifteenth instant his Majesty, the Queen the Duke d'Anjou and the Cardinal were at the Fair of St Germain. This Court is much taken up with Joviality, Balls Ballets, and Masques, and Weddings. Here was married lately the Marquis of Baden, a German, to Prince Thomas his daughter, called the Princess of Caignan. But the great marriage now to be celebrated is between the Prince of Conti, brother to the Prince of Conde, and one of the Cardinal's Nieces. He arrived here on Monday in the afternoon, having been met first by the Cardinal at Fontaine-belleaure, fourteen leagues from this City. They entered here both in one Coach; the Prince in the hinder-part, and the Cardinal in the fore-part, a Troop of Horse of the Cardinal's guard on each side of them, with about 30 Coaches, and 6 Horses in their company. It is said the marriage will be completed tomorrow. The Prince sent his brother Conde a Letter touching his resolution of marriage, which its said he would not vouchsafe to read, but threw it in the fire; such is the height of his Spirit. Nevertheless, such is the King's indulgence toward him, that the process of confiscation against his Estate, is forborne to be put in execution. This marriage will salve that. Reports are made here by the Messenger that lately was in England, how nobly he had been received there by his Highness the Lord Protector, which hath been so resented here, that it is conceived they will suddenly send away an extraordinary Ambassador for England. Hereupon it is given out, that Charles Stuart is for a sudden remove out of this Kingdom, and that he resolves for Germany. This Court will be glad to be rid of him, a special regard being had of English friendship, upon the Dutch pacification; and upon condition he depart, they will be inclinable enough to continue his Pension. Many Arguings here have been to and fro, about the business of Peace; yet the Interest of our Country is like at length to prevail against the corruption of the adverse party; and our necessities & losses have taken off the high humour of the common sort; so that Peace will be very welcome, and its generally believed that it will be concluded. Zealand, on whom the brunt of the War hath chiefly fallen, stands very much inclined if not more than Holland, though at first they were most eager and forward to the Breach. It is foreseen, what difficulties would befall all sorts of people, should we venture the Inconveniences of another Summer's conflict; for, another Years loss of Free Trade and Fishing were a thing not to be endure, the multitude here not being so easily kept in order, under hardships, as in other Countries. It is said that 4, or 5 of the Provinces are willing to end the War, and those that are most considerable; which will draw on the rest in a little time. By the next we hope that we may give some more full Account. This is certain, the English Royalists in this Country do not like the present Transactions, and many of them are upon removing. The whole Family of Orange is much discontented, and all their Party. The Princess Royal and her son the young Prince, are removing to the Town of Breda, there to manifest a dislike by keeping at a distance. Middleton is departed with about 120 Cavaliers, for the Highlands, having 5 or 6 small Vessels to transport his followers and Necessaries. This State is sending an Extraordinary to his Majesty of France. The thought of Peace makes our Merchants very pleasant, it being a manner taken for granted. Dublin Jan. 31. We are now going to Proclaim the Lord Protector Mortagh O Brian hath laid down Arms upon Terms too good for him; 'tis thought out of design to correspond with some foreign aid, as they say themselves. Several Rogues go out daily. The natives sell all they to get money, supposing they shall get again the Commodities they sell at easier Rates. But an eye will be had upon them. Febr. 12. There arrived in the Evening a Servant of the Heer Beverning from the Hague, who brought news of the inclination of the Provinces to a Peace; that 5 of the 7 Provinces had signed the Articles, and that the other 2 would suddenly accord. The next day it was said, that the 2 Provinces had also signed, and that Ambassadors would shortly be here to make a final Confirmation. Since that, it is given out here likewise, by some of the Dutch themselves, That the Heer Beverning, who resides at present in the Strand, hath as Plenipotentiary, received full Power and Instructions to conclude; with Advertisement, that 3 Extraordinary Ambassadors will be here in few days, to join in a confirmation of the whole; and that this Power hath been sent him in the meantime, to testify the reality of Intentions of his Superiors to a complete Agreement. Thus much out of the mouths of some of the Dutch. Wednesday night the 15. February, the Heer Beverning had Audience given by his Highness the Lord Protector. What the Issue of these things may be, a few days time will show. That Excellent new Romance; Written by that famous Wit of France Monsieur de Studery, Governor of Notre-Dame; and now Englished by Fl G:Esq; To be sold by Humphrey Moseley at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Churchyard, and Thomas Dring at the George in Fleet Street. Of interpreting the Mind of Moses according to a threefold Cabbala: viz. Literal, Philosophical, Mystical, or Divinely Moral. By Henry More F: of C:C: Cambridge. To be sold by Samuel Thompson at Paul's Churchyard. | Mercurius Politicus, Issue 192 |
FScout178 | The great Rising of the Frenchmen against the English; the furious charging and assaulting them at St. Mallows; the bloody event and success thereof; the number killed and wounded; the plundering of all the English Merchants and Factors; and his Majesty's Proclamation thereupon. The advancing of part of the English fleet towards the Coast of France, the setting up of the triumphant Standard; the clearing of the British Ocean, the number of ships taken, & the sinking of the stately Pelican with 15 Tonnes of Gold. A great Victory obtained by the Portugals against the Dutch, the taking of about 40 Towns and Castles; and a Declaration of his Highness the Lord Protector touching the Netherlands. The Royal Mandate of the Queen of Sweden touching England, the setting forth of 40 men of war, and 30 000 men; A true Relation of the present state and condition of Mr. John Lilburne; And lamentable news from Scotland. From Friday May the 5. to Friday May the 12. 1654. London, printed by Robert Wood, for G. Horton, 1654. It is the interest of a wise Prince to own the Authority of the Officers of a Commonwealth, and it is more profitable and consistent with a National Freedom, for the people to seek after perfection and excellency of Government, to advance the Arts, Sciences, and Professions of Artificers, than it is for others to thirst after the Titles of high and mighty, magnificent and excellent, &c. Pish, they are but vain things that flatterets through upon poor dust and ashes, in expectation of favours: Colours by Painters are used to beautify rotten Posts; mark that Gentlemen: For, had not Nero the wicked as great Titles as ever the best Emperor in the world deserved: Yet for virute, none could compare with pious Canute, K. of England, who lived in the year of God, 1015.
for, observe, being by one of his Courtiers told & flattered how all things went according to his Will, and that all his Undertakings prospered, and not an Enemy ever stood before him, but be brought always Victories out of the field; thereupon he put him in mind of his Greatness, and that he was like unto a God amongst men: But this good Prince being mindful of the inconstant estate of worldly Affairs, that he might let his flatterers see their Error, commanded his Chair of Estate to be placed upon the Seashore, at the beginning of the Flood; and as the Tide came in, he said thus: This Land wherein I sit belongeth to me, none ever crossed my commandment without punishment; I forbid thee to rise or enter upon my Dominion, therefore take heed that thou wet not any Limbs of thy Lords Body. But the Sea coming on, as it was wont, without respect of wetting the King's feet, His Majesty thereupon removed back, and rising, said, Let all the Inhabitants of the Earth know, that the power of Kings is frivolous and vain, and that no man is worthy of so great a Name, but only He, whom the Heaven, the Fire, the Earth, do obey, by a continual and unchangeable decree. After that day, Canute wore not the Crown on his head; but did the duty of a Governor to the people, as their faithful Servant. O God increase the number of such Governors in England, that the people may have cause to rejoice, and say, The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. But to the subsequent matter. His Highness the Lord Protector, and her Highness Protectress, are gone to Hampton Court. The Yeomen of his Highness Guard wait by turns Monthly, and Mr. Ingoldsby (brother to col. Ingoldsby) is made captain of the Guard. Their coats are grey cloth with black Velvet collars, and black Velvet and silver lace and trimming. col. Nathaniel Fiennes is added a member to the council. The French Ambassador makes many applications to his Highness, by way of negotiating a peace between England and his Majesty (who is now of years to be crowned very suddenly) if he propound terms safe and honourable, he need not doubt of his Errand, For it is a sign of godliness to be at peace with all men; yet peace cannot triumph, except Reason ruleth. The Ambassador from the King of Denmark has presented his Letters credential from the King his Master, and on Friday last he had audience before his Highness, where he congratulated him in his place of Government, and seemed to acknowledge it a happiness that so much of the differences were taken up by the Treaty with the Dutch, and hoped all would conduce to a happy peace, to the advancement of the Protestant Religion, and stopping the affusion of There is to be a general Rendezvous upon the Downs by the English fleet very suddenly; and Rear-Admiral Lawson is already gone towards the Northern parts with 20 men of war; the Fairfax is Admiral; and 'tis said he hath landed 6 or 7000 men near the Isles of Orkney, who intend to make up suddenly towards Gen. Middleton, who has sent the Lord Glengarry into the West with 500 resolute men of fortune to raise the people in general. Col. Morgan is marched to Tain, where he saw the enemy, but could not come at them, for want of Boats, the water being broad and very impetuous, which constrained him to return back to Dingwel. From Ireland they write, That the Lord Deputy Fleetwood, and his council of Officers, have ordered that 5000 horse and foot be sent to the North of Scotland, and col. Venables is taking care to transport 'em, good shipping attend them. The General council hath cast Lots for the Provinces, for satisfying the Arrears of the Soldiery, and the Lot of the General Officers is taken in Munster. The standing Army from June 1649. are content to take two Thirds at present. The Officers of the Army have jointly subscribed a Letter to his Highness, owning the Government which is invested in Him. Strange and various are the reports from the Isle of Jersey, touching Mr. John Lilburne; so that I shall endeavour to reduce my Pen from inserting anything that may prove obnoxious, or disconsonant from the Rules of Verity; only thus much, that by Tradition of Circumstances, 'tis made out, that he is mortuus est; But whether it be under the notion of feeling the pulses of the people, or alienating the minds of their affections from the present Government, I cannot administer any Antidote; though preventing Physic be ever held more safe than removing. But from all sudden and untimely Deaths, Good Lord, deliver us. By the last Express from Scotland, thus: We conceive the Enemy is drawing to their great Rendezvous in the Highlands, we have lately been grievously plagued with their inroads upon the Lowlands, where they burnt and destroyed all the stood before them near Dumfries, and other places; the reason of their mischiefs and our loss is want of intelligence from amongst them; for if we should hang up a hundred of them that we take, we should scarce squeeze ten true words out of them. Gen. Middleton we hear hath made his way out of Sutherland, where col. Morgan thought to have engaged his horse,
but it proved not feasible; for indeed we have an enemy as subtle as resolute, and they play fast and loose with us in places of advantage; they expect the Duke of York coming to them, and their thoughts extend so far, that there will then be a general Rising of the people: But alas (poor Gentlemen) 'tis dubious whether he will engage in the Holy War, as the Scots calls it; or draw his Sword against those which are sanctified, as the Saints term it. Upon the advance of the English men of war towards France and seizing of 40 of their ships, the Frenchmen rose at St Mallows, assaulted the English Merchants in their houses, charged them with pistol and sword, plundered their houses, wounded many, whereof 7 are said to be dead; but the King hearing of it, set forth a Proclamation to protect the English. The Dutch Pelican, and a Genoa ship, are cast away by storm in the Sicilian Sea, with 15 Tonnes of Gold. His Highness the Lord Protector agreed upon a Declaration to be published, setting apart Tuesday the 23 of this present May, for a public day of Thanksgiving, for the Peace concluded between this Commonwealth, and that of the United Provinces, and for the late seasonable Rain; a true copy whereof is here inserted. That this hath been a Nation of blessings, in the midst whereof so many wonders have been brought forth by the outstretched arm of the Almighty, even to astonishment and wonder, Who can deny? Ask we the Nations of this matter, and they will testify; and indeed the dispensations of the Lord have been, as if he had said, England, thou art my firstborn, my delight among the Nations: Under the whole Heavens the Lord hath not dealt so with any of the people round about us. The Lord having added another Link to this golden Chain of his loving kindness, by giving us a peace with Our Neighbours the United Provinces (whereby he hath not only stopped a great issue of blood; but we trust also given us hearts to unite our blood and strength for the mutual defence of each other) calls for great Return of Thanks for the same. It is hereby thought fit to set apart Tuesday, being the 23 of this present May, as a day for Praise, & for the thankful acknowledgement of this blessing of peace, which we hope hath in the womb of it many other blessings. And let us not forget our other Mercies; was not the Earth so unusually prent up, that it threatened Famine, and did cause the Beast of the field to mourn for want of food, and water to sustain it? And hath not the Lord so watered the Earth, that he hath turned those fears into the expectation of the greatest plenty that ever was seen by any now living in this Nation? Consider we also the way whereby the Lord imparted this mercy to us: Did any amongst us foreknow it was coming? Was it not by stirring up our hearts to seek the same by prayer, and that immediately before the Lord vouchsafed us this mercy? And doth not this bespeak? 1. That the manner of conveying this mercy is the best part of the mercy. 2. That the Lord has not cast us off, that his Spirit yet strives with us, that he hath a people of his love amongst us, and loves the Nation so far as to provoke it to be in love with calling upon the Name of the Lord for better things than Corn and Wine. 3. That he knows best how, and when to answer the expectation of the Husbandman, and when to hear, even the mourning of the brute Beast, who will yet much more hear the desires of him that fear him, and that in the fittest season. 4. That the Heavens having thus declared the glory of God, and the Earth answering thereunto in its fruitfulness, why should not we be melted and softened, humbling ourselves under these marvellous kindnesses, and abounding unto all fruitfulness in a very good word and work of love; And if every place hath been made partaker of his showers, why should not we (laying aside our differences) be enlarged also each to other? 5. That seeing the Lord hath been thus universal in this mercy, why should we not universally turn from the National evils, and vain prejudice, which are yet too superstitiously and customarily exercised amongst us, which we need not repeat here, because they are too well-known, and We trust will be remembered by the godly Ministers who shall be called to preach unto the people upon this occasion? The Lord Protector, and his Council, hath passed An Ordinance for further doubling upon and finishing the sale of Deans, Deans and Chapters hands; and of Manors of Rectories, Gleab-lands, &c. Wherein is ordained, That over and above the sum of 300 000 l. appointed to be borrowed upon the security held forth by the first recited Act of Parl. and over and above the sum of 120 000 li. more, borrowed upon the Security held forth in the two last recited Acts, or either of them, the sum of 20 000 l. shall be further borrowed upon the security of such of the premises respectively exposed to sale by the said Acts, &c. As touching the Report of Mr. Lilburne's being tried and executed at Jersey, where indeed (poor Gentleman) he is a prisoner, 'tis false: God forbid it should be so: And this may only serve for a confutation, that there was no such thing in agitation, but only a settling of the Government, and adding 7 Jurats to the Judge of the Land. The Lord Protector and his Council have set forth an additional Ordinance for the Excise; a copy whereof take as followeth: Whereas by an Ordinance of the 17 of March last, entitled, An Ordinance for continuing the Excise, it is next after the Rates therein specified, generally declared and provided, That all other goods and merchandises (except Bullion, Coin, Victual, Arms, Ammunition, Ordnance of Brass or Iron, imported, or to be imported) not specified, or therein rated, should pay after the rate of 5.1 per centum, according as the same are charged by the book of Rates, for the custom to be paid by the first buyer one shilling. Be it ordained, and it is hereby ordained and declared by his Highness, with the advice and consent of his Council, That the said clause be null and void; and instead thereof, Be it hereby ordained and declared, That all other goods and merchandises, mentioned in the said book of Rates for the Customs, (except Bullion Corn, Victual, arms, Ammunition, Ordnance of Brass or Iron, and Wools of sheep) imported, or to be imported, which are not in the said Rates of Excise, before or otherwise charged, shall hereafter pay Excise, after the rate of five pounds per centum, to be paid by the first buyer from the Merchant or Importer, and the same is to be collected accordingly. And to the end, the whole Receipts of the Excise may be the better reduced into one Cash, and the charge and number of Officers thereby retrenched, It is hereby ordained by Authority aforesaid, That from and after the 25 day of March last, the Revenue of the Excise shall be Excise shall be but one Receipt, and so accounted for; and that all Receipts and Accounts heretofore taken or kept of any payment of Excise or new Import, by virtue of any additional Act, Ordinance, or Order of Parliament, and designed to any separate use or uses whatsoever, shall from thenceforth cease and be void, and be brought and reduced to one general Cash and public Revenue. Provided nevertheless, that the moiety of all fines and forfeitures, imported and received since the 25 of March last, or that hereafter shall be imposed and received, shall be still kept in an Accompt apart, and be paid out towards the maintenance of widows and maimed soldiers, according to Ordinance of Parliament of the 13 of July, 1647. And it is hereby for the further Relief of the said Widows and maimed soldiers, ordained, That from and after the said 25 day of March last, there shall be, out of the general Cash and Revenue of the Excise, allowed the certain yearly sum of 26 260 pounds, to be paid weekly by equal portions out of the said public Receipt, unto such person or persons, as is, are, or shall be appointed thereunto by his Highness and his Council, and be entrusted for employing and disposing thereof to the use aforesaid. Which said yearly sum of 26 260 pounds is to be in lieu of all and every sum and sums of money assigned by any Act, Ordinance, or Order of Parliament, out of any the Receipts of the Excise, for the relief of the said Widows and maimed soldiers, other than the moiety of fines and forfeitures before excepted; And the present Commissioners of the Excise, or any three of them, shall have power from time to time to issue out all moneys, either delivered over unto them, by the commissioners preceding them, or which hath, or shall be received by them since the 25 of March last, according as they are, or shall be directed by his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council, or by Authority thereof. And the said Commissioners for Excise, and their Sub commissioners, are hereby empowered to make repayment of the Excise to any person whatsoever, for any goods imported upon the Exportation thereof, in such sort as the late commissioners might have done before the 25 day of March last, It appearing unto them that the duty of the said Goods have been fully paid; any former Clause, Article, or provision to the contrary notwithstanding. Hen. Scobel, Clerk of the Council. The Committee have spent some time in order to the regulating of the Law, and many gallant things are in agitation for ease of the people, and the due administration of Equity and Justice: in pursuance whereof, these particulars are said before them, viz. 1. That Justice is the Mother of Virtues, the right Spouse of Fortitude, for which Governors are created; and by whose virtue they rule. 2. Justice allots not pardon to the Wicked, which might bring the hazard of the Country. 3. Justice requireth Equity, Equity judgeth with Lenity, Lenity produceth Laws, which sometimes must extend to extremity. There is great hopes of a universal Redemption from slavery, and the enjoyment of true Liberty and Freedom is now arriving at the Haven of England, where 'tis housed the freeborn people in general, This day afforded memorable intelligence from several parts; as the concluding of a firm alliance and friendship between England and Sweden, with ample satisfaction on both sides. Yet before it could be brought to a period, great were the obstructions against it, especially by the Nobility: But the grand Chancellor, and his son Count Erick (by the Queen's Commissioners) did manage this great Work with so great wisdom and dexterity, that her Majesty was pleased to vouchsafe her Royal Condescensions, to a final Agreement, and to manifest incomparable affection to his Highness, declaring unto the Lord Ambassador Whitlock, That she would have the honour to make the Alliance herself with the Lord Protector, and in respect to him, and she said, because my Lord Ambassador treated with her like a Gentleman, Avec tout la franchise & rondeur, & non pas comme un. Marchand, she did consent to more than any other could have obtained from her. Nevertheless, 40 men of war, and 30 000 Swedes are in a readiness to achieve something: Mum for that! From Paris it is certified, That the Portugal Ambassador has received audience of his Majesty, to whom he imparted the joyful Tidings of a Victory obtained by the Portugal fleet against the Hollanders in Brazil; and of the taking of Reclif and about 40 other Towns and Castles from them. Which doth not a little rejoice the Royal Family: Win gold, and wear it; 'tis fit everyone should have their own. Upon a delicate Banquet between the King and Queen, on the 3 of May, the K of Scots, and his afflicted Mother were both invited, in whose presence, his Maj. Danced the great Ballet; but young Charles exceeds him far in the Italian Comedy. Propositions are preparing to be sent to the K. of Spain for a ten years Truce. From Scotland it is certified, That Gen. Monk is advancing towards Stirling, and intends to cut his passage through the Hills, where politick Middleton hath found a way to get through provisions, which causeth no little admiration; for indeed we thought ourselves too sure to have starved him out there; but the wisest sometimes may be deceived. He hath sent Orders to the Highlands to double their guards, and has placed his Army in battle array: yet no considerable action, but 7 sharp Disputes; Let them laugh that wins; there's brave Heroes on both sides. |
The Faithful Scout, Issue 178
WPost151 | The Remonstrance of the Members of the late Parliament, concerning their sudden Dissolution on the 12 of Decemb. 1653. with the Cause and manner thereof. And the Speech of Mr. Rous the Speaker, to his Highness the Lord Protector Cromwell, upon the resigning of the Commission, Powers, and Authorities; with the proceedings of the great Council of the Nation thereupon; and divers Parliament men refusing to subscribe unto the General's Commission. With variety of choice Intelligence, from Denmark, France, Sweden, Holland, and Germany, of, and in relation to the Government of this Commonwealth, and the King of Scots. London, Printed for G. HORTON. In the midst of this great Change and Revolution, give me leave (I beseech you) once more to usher in, and act the Tragicomedy of this unexpected Catastrophe. Oh admirable constitutions! from whose rare Architecture, proceeds so excellent a Basis, essentially necessary to the very Being of these Nations; unto whose protecting Sanctions, we owe the Beauty, and Order of our present Enjoyments. I shall not be copious in my first Centre; but descend to the Effects of this Revolution, to wit; The Parl. having upon their Dissolution delivered up the power which they received from his Excellency at their first sitting, by a Writing under their hands and seal, his Excellency thereupon called a Councel of Officers, & advised how this great Burden of governing England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the Armies therein, and Navy at sea should be born, and by whom; who after several days seeking of God and advising therein, It was resolved that a Council of godly able and discreet persons should be named, consisting of 21. And that his Excellency should be chosen Lord Protector of the three Nations, which was accordingly solemnised on Friday last, in manner and form as followeth: His Excellency about one of the clock in the afternoon went from Whitehall to Westminster, to the Chancery court, attended by the Lords commissioners of the great Seal of England, Barons of the Exchequer, and Judges in their Robes; after them, the council of the commonwealth, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Recorder of the city of London in their scarlet Gowns: then came his Excellency attended with many of the chief Officers of the Army, and a chair of State being set in the said court of chancery, his Excellency stood on the left hand thereof uncovered, till a large Writing in parchment, in the nature of an Oath, was read; there being the power with which his Excellency was invested, and how his Excellency id to govern the three Nations; which his Excellency accepted of, and subscribed in the face of the court; and immediately hereupon sat down covered in the said chair the Lord commissioners and every one standing b. After which they presented Him with the great Seal, the city Sword, and cap of Maintenance, which were returned to them again. The court then rose, and his Excellency returned to Whitehall, the Lord Mayor uncovered, carrying the Sword before the Protector all the way. Being come to Whitehall a Sermon was made by one of M. Lockier (Chaplain to the protector. Thus, after a stately solemnisation, the same thereof soon echoed forth with great acclamations of joy both from the soldiery, and others; the Bells ringing, the Muskets rattling, and the Cannons roaring. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen being returned from this great solemnisation, in pursuance thereof, on Monday; went in their scarlet Gowns, to meet the Herald of Arms, and to proclaim the Lord Protector, which was accordingly done by 12 Trumpets both in Cheapside, and at the Royal Exchange, where the ensuing Proclamation was publicly read, to the end, that all men may conform and submit themselves to this present Government. Whereas the late Parliament dissolving themselves, and resigning their powers and Authorities, The Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, Ireland, by a Lord Protector, and successive Triennial Parliaments, is now established; And whereas O. Cromwell Captain General of all the forces of this Commonwealth is declared Lord Protector of the said Nations, and hath accepted thereof: We have therefore thought it necessary (as we hereby do) to make publication of the premises, and strictly to charge and command all, and every person or persons, of what quality and condition soever, in any of the said three Nations, to take notice hereof, and to conform and submit themselves to the Government so established. And all Sheriffs, Majors, Bailiffs, and other public Ministers and Officers, whom this may concern, are required to cause this Proclamation to be forthwith published in their respective counties, cities, corporations, and Market towns; to the end none may have cause to pretend ignorance in this behalf. As touching the cause and manner of the dissolution of the late Parliament, I hold it needful, by reason of various Reports, to give you a brief account of the business; the sum whereof take as followeth: The House being sundry times divided; the prevalent party at last began to oppose the Anabaptists, and to interwove their speeches with some bitter Invectives, saying, That they endeavoured to destroy the Ministry, as appeared by their Vote upon Saturday. In consideration whereof the Presbyterian party declared, That they could not satisfy themselves to sit any longer, and so be guilty of bringing confusion and desolation upon the Nation. 2 The Church party urged, that the Dissenters had dealt disingenuously with the Army, in moving that the Officers should be treated with to lay down their pay, & likewise to endeavour the casting out the Bill of Assessment. To which, they answer, That as to what was urged as disingenuity to them, in endeavouring to retrench some of the Officer's pay. It was moved indeed to order to the abatement of the Tax; That in respect of their great estates already gotten, and the little pains and hazard they were now at in this time of peace, and the sore and heavy burden that was upon the people, That the chief Officers would for one year in this time of strait, serve the commonwealth freely, as they had called the Parl. to do. And concerning the motion of casting out the Bill of Assessment was upon this ground, That it was an unequal and oppressive way of Levy, which yet, least than the emergent affairs of the Nation should suffer it was waived, hoping ere another Assessment should be laid, it might be done by a pound rate, or some other more equal way of Assess, instance being given of some Towns and Counties in the Commonwealth, paying 12 and 13 s. in the pound, and others but two and three. So that the Debate growing high, divers members entered their Protest in dissatisfaction to the thing moved, and without putting it to the Question, or adjourning to any other place, the Speaker left the chair, and with divers members went hastily out of the House with them: some 30 and odd stayed within, who mutually declaring, that they had professed in the presence of the Lord, that they were called of God to that place, which was the principal motive that drew them thither; and that they apprehended their said call was chiefly for promoting the interest of Jesus Christ. Beginning therefore to consider what to do, col. Goff, and Lieu. Col. White came in and entreated them earnestly to go out, pressing it often. It was earnestly replied to them, that at their personal Request they could not; but desired them to withdraw, unless they had command to put them forth; which when they perceived, they commanded in some Musketeers; upon which they withdrew: soon after, several were sent for to come to Whitehall, where an Instrument was drawn up for resigning the power to the General, which was subscribed by many, but refused by others. This the late Speaker M. Rous, with a short preamble delivered to the General, saying, That whereas they did foresee clearly that their waitings and expectations of ever coming on to things of public good, were more and more disappointed in obedience unto the call given them by his Excellency, they freely resigned up the powers and authorities invested on them. &c. From Scotland thus. The Highlanders give out that the Duke of York is to come from France to be their Commander in chief for his brother the Scots King. They have lifted 6 or 7000 horse and foot; they have by plunder gotten horse, and most of the horse and foot have Arms, but not armour, save only the chief Officers. They break open houses in the night, where contribution is refused to them, and are resolved to force it with much violence. And last week were so bold, in the night, as to come within half a mile if this place, with a Troop of horse, and plundered some houses, and then rid away again. They have had 150 horse from Holland transported to them; which are to be charging horses for their Leaders. They press the Scot to rise, but divers run away. They had thoughts to storm Aberdeen and Inverness, but they go not on upon that design. They seduce many to run away with their Master's horses to them, upon promises of share of their plunder, which is their great design: So that they are the most cruel, Runnagado Rabble that hath gathered all these wars; and those few Gentry that are with them, are such as are so greatly in debt, that they cannot subsist without some such desperate way any longer. The enemy doth still increase, so that the Southern parts of Scotland are fearful of being plundered by them. They will endeavour to enlarge quarters upon the Lowlands. Their first attempts will be to regain the Northern garrisons from us; but those that so plunder upon our borders will hardly join with Highlanders yet, for fear they carry their plunder away from them into the Highlands, for that trade is the chief design they drive. The Ring-leaders are eminent with them. Another Express from Scotland assure us, That the insolence of the Highlanders, forced our Commander in chief (though the weather was unseasonable) to march from Stirling against them; but as soon as he appeared, they quitted their station, and ran afrightedly towards the Hills, not daring to stand a shot, or strike one stroke, They increase their numbers daily in the Highlands, all men of desperate fortunes flocking to them. They continue their excursions still, and expect the rising of a Party with them in the Lowlands. They have attempted to fortify a Pass betwixt Stirling and St. Johnstons, but they will be forced to give over the work. Middleton is not yet amongst them, but they expect him, and great matters to be done by him. The Guards here saw a great fire: after a while it took it's course toward the South, and so vanished, which gives occasion to several Prognostics. General Monk is gone for the Downs, where the residue of the ships appointed for the Winter Guard, are to meet him. The Portugal Ambassador's brother (some Ladies coming to visit it him on Tuesday night last was a seven-night) made an escape out of Newgate in women's apparel, by the assistance of the Lady Moon, but by the industry of the Keepers was re-taken on Wednesday night, and ordered to be put into the Dungeon of the aforesaid prison, for future security till his Trial. But the Quarter in the Old Bailey are adjourned till after Christmas. A general Redemption is suddenly expected for all prisoners, by a Gaol-delivery from his Highness the Lord Protector, both in City and Country, except for Murder. Amsterdam, Decem. 13. Our loss in the late storm is confirmed to have been 23 ships, and 1000 men, under which, two of the best in the country not heard of, apparently sunk in the sea. The States have drawn in their whole Fleet, not intending to set forth another this Winter; so much is their confidence of having peace with England. From Scotland further thus: The Highlanders play Rex upon the Lowlanders, and descend down in several place, like so many billows into the Ocean sea, where they swallow justice, as an Ox doth water, taking no remorse nor pity upon poor souls; but committing sundry and unparalleled outrages. The last Post from Dover bringeth Intelligence, That the Royal party in the Netherlands are very high in their consultations, and with resolutions upon our Commonwealth; and forsooth, in a bird witted way, would fain usher over a flight into these three Nations, saying, that the Du. Of Lorain shall exchange his country for Ireland; the Prince of Conde to be made King of Scotland; and young Charles to be content with England alone. In the meantime, Middleton is making all the haste he can to transport from hence great store of Arms and Ammunition to the assistance of the Highlanders, who have declared for Charles Stuart; and (as they say) want nothing but arms to beat the English out of Scotland. The Earl of Athol & Glencarn are raising divers Regiments of horse and foot, and great assistance is expected from the German Princes; but to this there is little probability; nor need we in the least fear them, since the Queen of Sweden has declared for the interest of this Commonwealth; and withal has sent propositions to the States of Holland adjuring them once more upon pain of her Royal Revenge not to infringe her Majesty's Liberties, by violating her trade and traffic. the King of Denmark has likewise declared a great inability to a war with England; but looks with a notable sheep's eye upon the North of Scotland. His Highness the Lord protector has spent some time with the great Council of the Nation, about the settling of the Government, both in Church and State, the satisfying of the people, and taking off Oppressions. In Him therefore let Us confide, and render that honour, worship, and fear, which is due unto his Highness under God. | The Weekly Post, Issue 151 |
PerfDiurn212 | From Monday, Decemb. 26. to Monday, January 2. 1653 This day from Scotland by Letters Decemb. 22. came as followeth. Capt. Hart being sent out by the Commander in chief, with a party of Colonel Twistleton's Regiment, to scour the parts of Scotland about Dumfrieze, the Meres, and Tividale; after 10 or 12 days searching up and down, and tiring almost all his horses, the 12 instant marching towards Harwick, by the way understood the Enemy had appointed a Rendezvous at 12 hours on Bathwick Bray; whereupon he hastened thither all he could, but was much impeded by the foulness of the weather, and a violent drift of snow, so that before he came, the Rendezvous was broken up, he pursued them by the track in the snow, for he could get no intelligence of them, although within a mile of their body, at last he got sight of them, they drew up into two bodies and faced our men, ours made what haste they could to charge them. After a sharp conflict, it pleased the Lord to the victory over them, we pursued them several miles as long as horses would go; and although our horses were extremely wearied and theirs fresh, not above 15 horse escaped: their number about fourscore or more, their prisoners say a hundred, our party took 65 horses, many of them good ones, 16 prisoners, two or three seem to be of note, though they conceal themselves; in the pursuit many were cut down, and put off their horses, and so left, concluding those that came afterwards would glean them up; but the Soldiers were busier in getting horses than in securing prisoners, and so many of them escaped away on foot, but will be known wherever they are met, having the States mark on them. There were four of them slain, Sir Arthur Forbes it is reported, is dangerously wounded, and his Major, Major Erwin, we took both their horses, they fought very resolutely a great while. Quartermaster Ward with 15 or 16 soldiers of ours are wounded, and one slain. The fight was at Phillip upon Bathwick water. Sealis the High sheriff of Roxborough is redeemed out of their hands, but one of our soldiers ran him into the thigh, not knowing him, he is one very affectionate to our party. Those of the Enemy that escaped, are gone by the way of Bigger, towards the Hills, parties are sent to interrupt them. The intent of Glencarn and Kenmore in their marching to the North, is (as they give out) to secure the landing of the Dutch forces, arms, and ammunition, which it seems they expect. The late Revolutions are well resented here, and the Army very unanimous to assist my Lord Protector in the carrying on public Affairs Take herewith a Copy of Capt. Hill's excellent Letter, Governor of Ruthen Castle, to the Gentlemen of Bagdenoth in Scotland. Gentlemen, The next day after I had meeting with some of you, the Guideman of Nede (I suppose directed from the rest) came to me, with that which seemed a very strange Overture, how be it, I believe it to be the result of that your Convent, viz. to inquire of me, whether or not (in case the Enemy should approach these parts) you might have liberty to give them some men and provisions to put them by the Country, to which I have taken this occasion (by the hands of the same agent) to give you the ensuing answer, (the effect whereof I gave Nede, at such time as he made that needless offer,) That you may take it for granted, that whosoever shall either directly or indirectly, assist those Thievish Rebels, either with men, money or provisions, shall be deemed by us as one of them, and shall forfeit whatsoever he hath both real and personal; And whereas it hath been said that some of our chief Officers have granted such Liberty, or (as you call it) Favour, to other parts of the Country, I must assure you (as I first told Nede) that report was, and is, as false in itself, as it hath been weakly seconded by your belief; neither will those who first spoke it, be able to hold up their faces when called to account for it. Gentlemen, You may be confident that if you suffer anything by submission to the present power, the State is better able to make you some kind of satisfaction, (as on the contrary they are to give you the reward of your doings, in case you submit, or give assistance to their (and indeed your own) Enemies) than any other now in Scotland, who may seek such things from you. And (that I may reason with you a little) what may you expect from a inconsiderable party (yea, though they were more numerous) of desperate men, of broken fortunes, or none at all; who dare not keep their homes, for fear the just Laws of the Country should be executed upon them; but that they should bring you the same headlong and vagabond condition with themselves. Whereas on the contrary (yourselves may in great part witness) the care of this State to settle your peace, and endeavour your prosperity (and, if you will but cast your eye upon things most profitable) is not this State more likely to protect and make you prosperous, than those who not only seek to destroy your peace, and devour that little morsel which they (and others like them) have left you, (& which this state endeavours to preserve to you) but even like Vipers, gnaw out the bowels of their Mother Countries? Again is not the State of England immediately about to incorporate, and make you one free Commonwealth with them? and what greater favour could they cast upon you? & are you not tenderly dealt with (your condition considered?) what burden do you undergo, which England is free from? And (if friendly and civil dealing may gain anything upon you) I am sure there was never any people (under the lash of the sword) more friendly entreated & civilly used, by those in whose power it is, to exact and sweep their all from them, than you are? So indeed I could almost afford to ask you what was become of your Reason, while you assaulted me with this unreasonable overture? Again, consider that God hath delivered into our hands the most potent and best appointed Armies, that Scotland hath been able to raise; and is it likely that this handful of Thieves and Robbers should stand before us? Gentlemen, What I have spoken is out of a desire to your welfare, & I hope you will consider it accordingly, as also that you will give me some testimony of the reality of your intentions towards this State (to whom you stand engaged ) and so take off that doubt which (by your late offer) you have given me occasion to harbour, at least by hasting in such firing, and other things as are by you deficient for the use of this Garrison, and the speedy payment of your Assess. To conclude, this is to require you, neither to aid, abet, or any ways assist the Enemy with Men, Money, Arms, Provisions, or ought else, either directly or indirectly, as you will answer the contrary with the loss of your estates, and hazard of your persons; and such as your carriage is herein, you may expect the like from Ruthen Castle, Decemb. 1653. Gentlemen, Your humble servant, Jo: Hills. For the Gentlemen of Badgenoth. Letters from Swedeland give to understand the safe arrival of the Lord Ambassador Whitlock from England, and of his gallant Reception there. From Frankfort the 6 of Dember, 1653. The last news came from the Arms in Poland import, that two parties being sent by the King to discover the Tariarian and Cossacks Army; their report was to the King, that the Kam (or King) of the Tartars was there in person, with an Army of 50 thousand men, that the Cossacks were not yet joined with them, but in a distinct Army consisting of 25 thousand men, but as yet no likelihood to any Marital action, by reason that the last Orders come from Constantinople give direction to the said Kam of the Tartars, how far he must proceed in his expedition, and thereupon things lay in a balance. From Regensborough: This last week the differences between the Prince Elector, and the Duke de Simmeren were agreed upon by the mediation of the Elector of Mentz: The Bishop of Spire is likewise upon agreement with the Bishop of Munster: The whole body of the Diet hath not met for three weeks together, but only private conferences, where businesses have been debated and some concluded; others are put off for a longer time. From Cullen: The difference between our Magistrate and us is not yet reconciled, and the owners of those Barges and goods that were stopped at Bonne are daily soliciting for the releasing of them, but as yet can do little good; yet there is some hopes by reason that the Electors of Mentz and Triers do take the business upon them, and have promised to see all things reconciled. From Strasbourg: We hear that there are great preparations making at Hamburg and Birch for the reception of the Duke of Lorrain, whose coming doth affright very much the whole Country, being assured that all the benefit they can expect by his coming is only to have those forces which he bringeth with him take winter quarters in those parts: The business of the Switzers is totally agreed, being well united amongst themselves. Several Ordinances of public benefit (this week) have been passed by the Lord Protector and his Council, which in Order briefly we shall give you this account of, viz. An Ordinance for continuing the Excise and new impost until the 25 day of March next coming in the hands of Luke Hodges, Thomas Bullrode, and William Parker appointed Commissioners of Excise for that time: Also an Ordinance for continuing the Act for redemption of Captives until the 3 of October 1654. Whitehall December 26. An Ordinance was passed for alteration of several Names and Forms used heretofore in Courts, Writs, Grants, Patents, Commissions, &c. and settling proceedings in Courts of Law, Justice and Equity, within the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, according to the present Government. The sum whereof in brief is this, That Oliver Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. having the exercise of the chief Magistracy, and the Administration of Government within the said Commonwealth, invested and established in his Highness, assisted with a Council, who have power until the meeting of next Parliament, (which is to be on the 3 day of September now next ensuing) to make Laws and Ordinances for the Peace and welfare of these Nations, where it shall be necessary, which shall be binding and in force until order shall be taken in Parliament concerning the same, doth with the advice and consent of his said Council order and ordain, That in all Courts of Law, Justice or Equity, and in all Writs, Grants, Patents, Commissions, Indictments, Informations, Suits, return of Writs, and in all Fines, Recoveries, Exemplifications, Recognizances, Process, & other proceedings of Law within England, Scotland, and Ireland, instead of the Name, Style, Title, and Test (of the Keepers of the Liberties, &c.) heretofore used, that from and after the six and twentieth day of December, 1653. the Name, Stile, Title, and Test of the Lord Protector for the time being, of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging shall be used, and no other; and the date shall be in the year of our Lord, and no other. Downes 22 Decemb. Capt. Richard Newbury Commander of the Lawrell, is come in hither, who hath been out by order from the Generals, with his ship and the Ruby, the Kent, and the Industry, to ply between the Isle of Wight and the French Coasts, where he took some prizes: when they were towards the French Coasts, they made discovery of 4 sail of ships, to whom they gave chase, and followed them so close that they took 2 of them. Men were taken out of the Kent to man one of the prizes, which is come hither into the Downes. The other prize was manned by men out of the Lawrell, which is also coming hither. Their lading is French Wines, which they had taken in at Bordeaux. The Lawrell and the Kent Frigates are again preparing to go out to ply to the Westward. Capt. Martin, Commander of the Bristol Frigate, who hath the Command of the Western squadron, meeting with Captain Crispin, Commander of the Assistance, he appointed him to convoy some Hamburgers, and Swedish ships, which he carried safe to Plymouth, and his Order being then to go out upon a design with the Nonesuch from Plymouth to seek out if they could meet with any of the ships from Brest. Paris December 27. The last news we have from Catalonia import, that upon our late Victory with the Enemy, we have forced them to retire, and take their quarters in and about Gironne, leaving us the opportunity to take our winter quarters, where they intended to have been during this Winter season. From Aix in Provence: We hear that the States of that Country are now gathering to be there the 18 of this instant December: We hear that in Languedoc there hath happened some great differences between the Protestants and Papists chiefly of Nismes, where there was some blood spilt, yet by the care and discretion of the Magistrate all was prevented. The great design concerning the war at Naples is not prosecuted so violently as formerly, and therefore many are of opinion that it will not go on but fall off itself others who count themselves clear sighted, say that it is only a wile of the Cardinal, who doth seem to wave it for a while until his business will grow to a greater perfection: the Commissioners appointed for the Trial of the Prince of Conde have met already twice, they are, the Lord Chancellor, the first President, and two Counsellors of the great Chamber: The Prince of Conti is not as yet come to this City, but expected here daily, there being no other talk but that he will be here within three of four days. The report concerning the King's Coronation is renewed again, and it is said for certain it will be done at Rheims about the middle of March next. The King hath been with the Cardinal at Saint Germaines, to spend some days in the sport of Hunting: We have nothing this week from Bordeaux, only that the Plague doth continue there, and that they are thereby deprived of Trade from the High Country, which bringeth Wines and other commodities to them, besides the Spanish Frigates from St. Sebastians do much annoy their trade, lying still about the mouth of the River. From Brittany we hear, That the States of that Province and Parliament are not yet agreed, each of them standing upon high terms, and resolving to maintain their anticut Privileges. An Ordinance appointing Commissioners for the better ordering and bringing in the duty of Excise, and the arrears thereof, whereof this is the sum. For the more speedy and effectual getting in of all Arrears of Excise, it is Ordained by his Highness, the Lord Protector, with the consent of his Council, That Sir Will: Roberts Knight, John Stone, Gervas Bennett, John Hildesley, Rich: Lucy, Ed: Clud, Tho: Wood, Ant: Rous, James Phillips, and Nath: Barton, Esqs; of any three of them, be authorized and required, to consider and examine, by Oath or otherwise, what Arrears of the Excise are not yet paid into the Treasury for the same, and what remaineth in the hands of any Farmer, Commissioner, Sub-Commissioner, or other person whatsoever, or for which any person or persons stand engaged with any Farmer or Sub-commissioner, and to send for person's Accounts, Articles, Receipts, Bonds, or any Writings concerning Excise, or relating thereunto; and to hear all parties, and to determine all differences concerning the same, according to the power formerly given to the Commissioners in the like case, That the said Commissioners or any three of them, be authorized to give Order to the Commissioners of Excise, to Farm out the Excise of such Counties, places, and commodities, in England, Wales, and Town of Warwick upon Tweed, as to the said Commissioners shall appear to be most advantageous to the Commonwealth, and the ease of the people; to commence from the 23 of Decemb. 1653. and to continue till the 25 of March 1654. so as the same be not at a less rate than the Excise of such County, place, or commodity, was farmed at the last year. An Ordinance for the reviving of an Act of Parliament, Entitled, An Act for the probate of Wills, and granting Administrations to this effect. That whereas the late Act entitled, An Act for the probate of Wills, and granting Administrations, had continuance only until the first day of October, one thousand six hundred fifty and three, It is Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector, with the consent of His Council, That the said Act, and the Authorities, Matters and Things therein contained, shall stand and be revived to continue in full power and force until the first day of April next, to all intents and purposes. And it is further Ordained, That Rich: Lucy, John Hildesley, Nath: Barton, Jervas Bennett, Anthony Rous, Joachim Mathews, Ed: Clud, Thomas Wood, Esqs; and Robert Tichburn, Alderman of London, be added to the Judges mentioned in the said Act, to execute all and every the powers given by the said Act, as fully as any of the Judges therein named may do. By Letters from Holland, Decemb 26. We are at a great stand, what to expect concerning the Treaty with England, most are of opinion upon receipt of the last Letters from England, that our Ambassadors will return home re infecta. In the time the French Ambassador Chonn urgeth hard for a near Alliance with this State, and hath offered already very tamely if we break with Spain. In is said that we shall have of the French six thousand men, three or four millions yearly towards the defraying of the charges of the war, and thirty good ships to join with our Fleet. If it be so that we break with you, 'tis probable that France and we may strike up the bargain. Our defensive League with the Prince of Liege, doth not hold (and happily the fault is not on our side) insomuch that all our Troops, both Foot and Horse, are retired to their old Garrison again. The Lorainers being fairly retreated beforehand, who hereupon with some of the Condees and Spanish under that notion, have besieged a small City belonging to Liege, which they press sore, but have been as yet but rudely entertained, it is to be feared that they will carry it with some others in that Country, and so put the whole Country round under contribution. Our whole Country is now full of discourses of the Treaty with England, if it break, this State will doubtless endeavour to make a diversion in Scotland, by sending assistance to the Highlanders, and it is said that Prince Rupert is to go Generalissimo into that Country; but if both States do agree, as is much desired, no doubt but the triumph will be greater than that for the Spanish accommodation. The Treaty betwixt the Count of Harcourt and the Duke of Lorain, we hear is far advanced, and it is not doubted but that Brisack will change Master, and the whole Province of Elsas be lost as to the French. Plymouth 25 Decemb. Cap Crispin with the Assistance Frigate is come in hither, he was in a storm near Scilly four days since, but afterwards sailed Eastward of Tor Bay, and is come safe hither, he hath been with Cap. Hatsel, and is to go to Portsmouth to be new fitted and supplied, and out again. He went from hence twelve days since, and hath been a great check to the Brest Men of War: After which he sent with the Nonesuch that went out with him, on the 16 instant anchored in Conquet Road, where the Boats were sent to fetch off two Vessels, one laden with wine from Nantes, the other light, and there were then in the same place near 30 sail more, two of which were supposed to be men of war, whop with the rest hauled close under the Houses, which were lined with what Musketeers that Country could afford, with which (it being half ebb) they bear of our boats, but Gods providence without loss to us; the Nonesuch Boat going in with a small Gun, ours also returned with them, and attempted to set the said Vessels on fire, but could not make way for our Boats, so that Captain Crispin was constrained to fire out of his Frigate into the Town, and upon the Vessels, against whom he made about two hundred and thirty great shot, which in sight of our men, did the enemy very much spoil: the Enemy made use of only one Gun, which they kept playing all the time in at Frigate, until we beat them from it. That afternoon we discovered a ship of the Enemies plying in towards Brest, and the Non-such sailed after her, and that evening took her, she being a great Holland Fly-boat of eight Guns, laden with wine from Nantes. This day the Portugal Ambassador's Brother was received from his close imprisonment in Newgate to the Tower. PARIS 31 Decemb. 1653. There is a strong report here, that the coming of the Prince of Conti to the City, is for several ends: first, that he is to marry one of the Cardinal's Nieces, and that thereupon he will have the confiscation of his Brother's Estate: the match between the Duke of Nemours, and the Duchess of Longueville goeth on, and many believe that it will be accomplished in a short time. By letters from Marseilles we hear, that the great Pirate the Knight Paul, hath brought into Tulon a great ship laden with Corn, which he pretends was going from Leghorn to Spain: We have from St. Menehaud, that they have near finished those breaches which were made the late fledge in their fortifications, that nothing more hath passed there of novelty, but that the Garrison hath been new modelled: the Switzers being appointed for the guard of the Castle, and the French being commanded to secure several passes over the River Aisne. The Court returned the last night from St. Germains where they have remained 4 days, and now do spend much time partly in their superstitious devotion, and the major part in feasting, dancing, and the like frolics. The Earl de Amanze is made Lieut. Gen. in Burgundy, as also the Marshall de Turenne is made Governor of the County of Limosin. Yesterday was published an Ordinance from our Magistrate, forbidding all manner of persons to meet together in multitudes, and chiefly not to fight each against the other with stones, staves, swords, or any other offensive weapon, upon pain of death, which hath been much practised of late among our Citizens. Two days since his Majesty with his Brother, the Cardinal Mazarini, and many Noble men went to Chailot to visit the late Queen of England, who is very much employed for the advancing of her new Convent there: being she can do little good elsewhere, Prince Rupert is expected here from Nantes, having made an end of selling these ships; and goods, which he had sent before, or brought along with him thither, and according to the French Relation, the Cardinal Mazarini compelled him to make full restitution of the last Ship and Goods taken upon the English. By the last letters from Naples thus. The Earl de Ognate our late Vice King being embarked with all his followers upon 4 Gallies of this squadron, is gone from hence taking his way for Genoa. The next day after the Duke de Terranova went likewise from hence for Perlamain Seiritia. One ship coming from Sardinia to this City was cast away near Terracini, where many men were drowned, and among them Don Francisco Poderico, Mr. Drampo, with many Reformadoes. From Venice thus: There are come two ships lately from Candia, that bring news how the Generalissimo Foseole continuing to be dangerous sick, the Proveditor Morisini hath taken upon him the sole or absolute command, and hath brought one part thereof into the Arch Spelago: partly to keep his men in exercise, as also to take the contributions which this State doth raise yearly up on those Islands: we hear also that the ships lately gone from hence, were safely arrived in Candia, the Commissary Francisco Barbaro being gone hence with a considerable sum of money for the pay of the Soldiery. The Thunder-bolt is lately fallen at Tina, where it hath consumed a Magazine, wherein were besides other Ammunition, two hundred and fifty Barrels of Powder, and the Church that was near it. That some of our forces being landed at Spina Longa, had got a good booty upon our enemy, and besides, had destroyed all the salt Pans, which yield the Turk a very considerable sum yearly. From Milan: By the often meeting of the Officers of our Army, with the French Officers, there hath been a continuation of the Truce between both Armies, and so both remain in good correspondence: during this interval, our Governor having received some monies from this city, hath caused it to be distributed among the Soldiery. Here are now met of the Officers of the Army, but they are to return to the Army within a few days: there are several commissions that are issued out for the raising of more Horse and Foot in this State. It is the Lord Protector with his Council and Officers of the Army Friday kept a solemn Humiliation at Whitehall, where they prayed & preached before them Mr. Leckier, and Thomas Goodwin, and Mr. Sterrey. The agreement with the Dutch upon the Treaty with their Commissioners is not concluded (as is reported) the Commissioners are returning home within a departure. Plymouth Decemb. 26. Friday last about 12 of the Clock my Lord Gen. Cromwell was proclaimed Lord Protector of the 3 Nations afore the Guild-Hall, where were present the Mayor and Aldermen in their scarlet Robes, the common Council in their Gowns, the Officers of the Fort and Island, the Commissioners of the Navy, with many other of all sorts: the Proclamation was made by one of the Sergeants of the Tower, who stood on a place higher than the rest, with the Tower Mace on his shoulder, who when he had with a loud voice read the Proclamation, he cried, God save the Lord Protector; at which there was a very great shout made by all the people: the Guns at the Fort and Island, and Mount Battin discharged, the Bells ringing, and Trumpets sounding, with very great acclamation of joy. This place affords little else of news, only the sad news of two ships coming from New England, laden with Masts, &c. taken about 40 leagues to the Westward of Scilly, by 3 Dutch men of War, and carried into Brest: there is at present but one of the State's ships in this Harbour, all the rest of this Western squadron are at Sea. Weymouth Decemb. 28. Yesterday the Lord Protector was solemnly proclaimed in the Tower, the Mayor and Aldermen being all present in their Gowns, with a great concourse of people, which being ended, was seconded by discharge of the great Ordnance, and other tokens of joy. Letters also from several other places, as Bristol, Shrewsbury, Exeter, Yarmouth, &c. speak the same of proclaiming the Lord Protector, with the like solemnity and rejoicing. Paris Jan. 3. stilo novo. We have here a strong report that Pr: Rupert is come to this City, and about twenty men with him: Others affirm he will be here tomorrow. We hear also that the prince was yesterday at Orleans, and within two days will be in this City; thereupon his servants make all things ready for his reception: there is certain advice come from Brest, that there was arrived there, from the Straits nine ships of the Kings, which were part of the Navy which is kept at Toulon, to what end or upon what design is not know. The first instant, being New Year's day, the King, his brother with the Cardinal Mazarini, went into one of the Jesuits', Convents, where they assisted at evening prayer; there was at present also the Titular King of Scots, with his two brothers the Dukes of York and Gloucester; after all was done, a collation was prepared for them, and then departed, the King, his brother, and the Cardinal returned to the Louvre, and the others to the Royal Palace. Deale the 29 Decemb. There hath come into this Road, several Merchants ships, who are most of them bound for London, among them are the two Morlex ships, besides others that are come from other places from the Southward; there are also many ships bound for Malaga, the Canaries, and the West-Indies, who expect a fair wind and a good convoy. Dalkeith Decemb. 26. The broken people under Glencarn and Kenmore, are now gone towards the North, by the Bray of Marre, report speaks them 5000 Horse and Foot, and by a joint concurrence of Intelligence they cannot be less than 3000. As soon as the Marq. of Huntley was dead, divers of his Followers went to the Hills, and being met by 8 Troopers of col. Tomlinson's Regiment, who questioned them for riding with Arms, they pleaded that they were allowed them by the capitulation, but at last fell to blows, in which one of them and two of ours were slain, and at last a party of the enemy came up and over-powered our men, took four more, and the other two narrowly escaping. Whether they intend for Aberdeen, or to lie in Murrayland for enlargement of Quarters is not certain, but our Forces are ready to oppose them with what strength we have in those parts. They have lately taken and imprisoned some Heritors near Blackford in Perthshire, for denying their Levies, and give out they will proceed in like manner with others. This is licensed and entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 212 |
PerfDiOcc5 | From Monday, May. 29. to Monday, June 5. 1654. His Highness the Lord Protector signed his Warrant for issuing forth of Writs of Summons for another Parliament, to begin the third of September next, none are to be chosen, or presume to be Electors, that aided, assisted or abetted in any war against the Parliament, since Jan. 1641. With this proviso that they have not since given sufficient satisfaction of their integrity by their service for the Parliament, neither are any such to be chosen or Electors, who had any hand in the late Rebellion in Ireland. A motion hath been made already this Term for another Habeas Corpus for Lieutenant Col. John Lilburn in the upper Bench, but not granted for the present. A great debate was had by his Highness's Council about the reviving of the Ordinance for continuing the Commissioners of the Admiralty, and navy, according to the most exact and serviceable way for the Commonwealth that hath been known. There is another Ordinance under consideration for the casting out of scandalous Ministers, many are already under that notion put by. Something is offered against a Minister in Essex, which chargeth him in matter of Doctrine, and other things scandalous. Also that he instigated another which he admitted into the pulpit to call the Parishioners (in his way of Preaching) Rogues and Rascals, &c. And being complained of to himself, he said that he would preach them all out of the Church, since which reviling Speeches few have come to hear him, and being marrying of a couple, he uttered many very lascivious words. From Ireland thus; There hath been a great noise about the setting out of the Lands here which are allotted to the English, as if we got great profit by it, but who knows whether we shall live to receive any; although we need not fear but if the taxes were mitigated, there would soon be Planters to improve the earth, all which we hope will be accomplished in a short time, for we are told his Highness the Lord Protector will take such a course, that we shall not much longer pay the full fourth part of our Estates both real and personal, which hath for some time been exacted in this Country. His Highness the Lord Protector and his Council set forth an Ordinance for the preservation of the works and drains of the great Level of the Fens in Lincolnshire, &c. Giving power to the participants to levy the taxes usual for repairing the same, and such as wilfully destroy the works in any place are to be accounted and adjudged felons. This day the Commissioners appointed by the Articles of peace between England and Holland to treat and determine about the business of Amboina (and other thing mentioned in the said Articles) meet at the place appointed, which is Guildhall London; unto which place they were accommodated by the Lord Strickland and others of his Highness's Council, and after their Commission was read, the Commissioners desired to know whether it might not be enlarged to the giving of them power to treat and debate the business in some other place, if they should see cause; and it was answered that his Highness and his Council should be moved to grant them liberty to adjourn to some other place for a time, if it were thought convenient. Letters this day confirmed a report we had before that the Covent and part of Gravelin was burnt. The Matron and three Nuns are said to extinguish in the fire. Whereas in the 28 Article of agreement betwixt his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, and the Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands; it is ordered and agreed, that restitution shall be made of all and singular the English ships and goods seized and detained within the Dominions of the King of Denmark, since the 18 of May, 1652. And whereas in the same Article Edward Winslow, James Russell, John Becks, and William Vandererussni, are appointed to arbitrate, Judge, and determine indifferently as well on the part of his Highness, as the said States General, the losses and damages sustained by the English; Let all men take notice that are concerned, that the said Arbitrators by their respective Commissions under the broad Seal of either Commonwealth respectively met this at Goldsmiths Hall, where the said Commissions were read, and the Judges of the High Court of Admiralty, being there present (according to the true intent and meaning of his Highness, and the Lords the States general of the united Provinces, by the express words of their Commissions) did administer an oath unto the Commissioners aforesaid; which done, the Commissioners did enter upon the work, and do hereby give notice thereof to all that are concerned therein, that so they may make their several and respective applications to them sitting at Goldsmiths Hall. ROBERT DAVIE, Register to the said Commissioners. Several days have been spent upon examination and finding out the depth of the plot; Tudore the quondam Apothecary (who was at the first apprehended) being brought again from the Tower to Whitehall to be examined, pretended occasion to go to the house of office in the garden, and having the advantage of a low water made an escape: but some others have confessed much of the design, and that one Wharton on Blackfriars should have proclaimed Charles Stuart, and that a party of horse did waylay his Highness as he was top return from Hampton Court, but by providence coming back by water, their intentions were frustrate. Since our last divers persons of eminency have been apprehended amongst whom the Lord Mountegle (a letter to whose predecessor was a means to discover the great Gunpowder plot) as also one Ashburnham, Savage, and Cranborn. Ashburnham is sent to the Tower, others are released, and some still upon examination. From Amsterdam thus. Some of your Newcastle Coals and some ships of provisions which we wanted are come hither out of England to a good market, and all things are quiet, except the tongues of some discontented persons which can hardly be tamed. We hear there is a Messenger dispatched from the States General with a message to his Highness the Lord Protector of England, &c. The business is not known, but it is conceived that it is to intercede for some little qualification of the Article touching the extirpation of the family of Aurange. A Summary of the desires of all honest prisoners that are desirous to pay their just debts, as the same was presented by Captain Roger Prichard to his Highness's Council, on the prisoners behalf, and also to Judge Atkins, and Baron Thorp, and Mr. Attorney Prideaux to whom it was referred by the Council, who desire that as many of them as shall be thought fit, may be inserted in the new Ordinance. 1. That the late Act for the relief of Creditors and poor prisoners, be absolutely nulled and repealed, or set aside for the incompetence of the Judges, and sundry inconveniences thereof, and that care be taken to elect fitter men in the new, and that no inroad be made therein, contrary to the ancient and known laws of the land, the benefit whereof the prisoner claims as his birthright, as well as others. 2. That the badge and brand of Bankrupt be omitted in the new Ordinance unless it be upon such as were adjudged Bankrupts, by former Statutes, and that there be a course to make all men pay their debts as well as prisoners. 3. That 6 month's time be also therein allowed prisoners at least, to seek out their own chapmen with liberty in the mean time, especially to all such as shall find sufficient security to the Gaoler, or some Judges of record to pay their debts, for which they stand charged in execution, or to return to prison at six month's end. 4. That prisoners for contempt have the same liberty, giving security, to answering, or refusing to be examined then upon security, to answer or to be examined with time, or to return at six month's end to prison, there to remain till they shall answer or be examined or perform the decree, this is desired because many are surprised and brought into prison unjustly upon this account. 5. That poor prisoners be forthwith discharged upon their Oaths, especially such as shall find security to return again at 6 month's end, during which time the Creditor may inquire of their estates, and secure the same, if any be found and have the same among them, and then to be quite discharged, unless they forswear themselves, till they shall get estates. 6. That Outlawries be not pleaded against prisoners for debt, and that they may be discharged of course putting in Bail to answer the suit. 7. That where a prisoner's whole estate is to be sold, a 4 or 5. part be preserved for wife and children (it being Haberdasher's Hall's mercy) and that none be sold under 20. year's purchase. One Colonel Cromwell (of alliance to his Highness the Lord Protector, whose command is in Holland, and came lately over) was entertained by the Dutch Ambassadors at their house in Channel Row. Plymouth 19. May. Above 20. empty vessels of the French are sent in hither by some of our Frigates, which came hither to scour these seas of Pirates. From Sweden thus. We can now assure you that the Articles of Peace are signed and sealed between the Commonwealth of England and her Majesty, and the L. Whitlock is on his way home. The Diet begins forthwith, and then her Majesty resigns government, and according to the best intelligence, intends to go to the Spaw, and being delivered of the burthen of government, may happily have leisure to communicate her affection to foreign Princes: some think she is inclined to marry with some person of eminent birth, though his fortunes be low, in regard she hath a very large maintenance, and yet refused to hearken to the overtures made in that kind in behalf of the King of the Romans, eldest son to the Emperor of Germany. There hath been a report of some differences lately about Northampton and elsewhere, but upon examination it amounts only to private duels. Paris 28. May. His Majesty of France was crowned at Rheimes, in was solemnized in great state and more ceremony, there was a great appearance of Dukes, Marquises, Earls and Lords both spiritual and temporal; the chief ceremony did of right belong to the Archbishop of Rheimes, but in regard of his indisposition the anointing was performed by the Bishop of Soissons, assisted with three more Bishops, the whole particulars you will have by the next. The Prince of Conti is gone to take upon him the command in Catalonia, and his brother Conde intends to take the field very suddenly. The Duke of Orleans was not at the Coronation, being overswayed by his daughter, who is now under restraint for holding correspondence with the Enemy. The Duke of Vendosme is also out of favour, and discharged of his office, so that it is not yet known who will be high Admiral. There is a kind of grudge that some English and some of other Nations do get into the highest places at Court. The little Queen and others of that family were at this coronation, but P. Rupert is gone into Germany to his Brother. S. Johnstons in Scotland 27. May. Sir, I know that fame hath large wings, and as it flies swift, so doth it make a great noise, and oftentimes vanisheth; and thus we look upon what you may have from some reports, and what the Enemy will at last make of all their great undertakings here, when once we can but get them upon an equal engagement. For though we find many of them well mounted and armed with swords, Pistols, Back, Breast, and headpieces, yet but twenty of ours routed a party of sixty of theirs the other day near Douglas, and took and killed six of them, therefore let them boast of their numbers as much as they please, it nothing frighteth us; Indeed whilst they keep in parties we must of necessity undergo the harder duty, but in a short time I believe you will hear that they are driven nearer together. The General is advanced to Kilsey, and intends to march towards Abersoyle, where we understand most of Glencarn's forces are, he lately made an attempt upon the County of Argyle, but was repulsed with some loss by the inhabitants, and the Marques himself is come to General Monke to give an account thereof. Twenty Gentlemen in Galloway that were in arms are come in to us. By another Letter dated at Edinburgh 26 May. Gen Monk hath set considerable guards upon 3. most eminent passes near the Brays, where our parties appearing early in the morning, took six of the enemy's Scouts, and alarmed Glencarn's Brigade, Lieut. Goffe commanding a party of ours met with a party commanded by Capt. William Forrester, kinsman to the Lord James Forester, with a greater party, resolved to charge the enemy: the enemy drew up into a body which Lieut. Goffe perceiving, commanded his men (being about 50.) to give the enemy a thorough charge, and his Frontiers not to give fire till they came within pistol shot of the enemy, who came galloping down a hill, and gave fire at 20. yard's distance, which gave us such advantage, that we took the Captain, six prisoners more, and put the rest to flight. They talk of a large appearance of their new levies. Middleton, who carries the name amongst them, and takes on him to be (as it were) a forerunner of their great Diana's, Charles Stuart, and the Duke of York. 'Twas thought that the Marques of Argile would have stayed in our quarters, but it's thought he goes within few days to his own country, where possibly he may do better service than he can elsewhere. We shall in due time give you better satisfaction than hath been yet, touching the late plot against his Highness the Lord Protector and the present Government, as also of the substance of a Letter found in Mr Ashburnham's pocket, wherein Charles Stuart was mentioned, with a list of those now in custody at Whitehall, S. James, and other places besides the Tower: but in regard it may prove injurious to some that are innocent, if they should be but of the same name, we forbear till a perfect distinction be made of the several parties. Debate was had upon certain Propositions made by the French Ambassador, as also upon some papers from the Ambassador of the King of Denmark. From Deale they write, that the Bear's Paw, and divers other Merchant ships are outbound for Nantes, and thence to the Barbados, and that a great part pf our Fleet is yet on the Downs. We had this day news of consequence from several other parts, of which we have room only to give you the heads, viz. The Squadron in the North have taken a Barque with provisions & some ammunition going to the Enemy. The Letters also say, that in the West we have taken two small Pirates and a Brest man of war. Some of the English which went out of Ireland are landed in the North of Scotland. | A Perfect Diurnall or Occurrences, Issue 5 |
PerfDiurn229 | From Monday, April. 24. to Monday, May. 1. 1654. This day was published the Ordinance (formerly mentioned) for uniting Scotland into one Commonwealth, and under one Government with England, and runs thus, That in every Parliament to be held successively for the said Commonwealth, thirty persons shall be called from, and serve for Scotland. And for the more effectual preservation of this union, and the freedom and safety of this Commonwealth so united, it is ordained that the people of Scotland and Shetland, and of all the dominions and territories thereto belonging to be discharged of all fealty, homage, service and allegiance, pretended to be due unto any of the family of the Stuarts, who are by this Ordinance disabled to hold or enjoy the Crown of Scotland, or to have the name, style, title, or dignity of King, or Queen of Scotland, &c. Ordained also, that the said office, style, dignity, power and authority of King of Scotland, and all right of the three Estates of Scotland, to assemble in any general Convocation or Parliament, and all Conventional and Parliamentary authority in Scotland, as formerly established, be abolished, made null and void. And that the arms of Scotland, viz. St. Andrew's Cross, be received into, & born henceforth in the arms of this Commonwealth, as a badge of this Union, and that all the public seals, seals of office, and seals of bodies civil or corporate, in Scotland, which heretofore carried the arms of the Kings of Scotland, shall henceforth, instead thereof, carry the Arms of this Commonwealth. No greater rate for Excise and Custom are to be imposed upon any goods transported between England and Scotland, but they are to pass with the same privileges, as goods passing from port to port, or place to place in England, Also all goods which by any law are prohibited to be transported out of England, are by the same law prohibited to be transported out of Scotland to any foreign parts. The like rule also for importation, and upon the same penalties. Ordained likewise, that all Cesses, public Impositions, and Taxations whatsoever, be levied henceforth proportionally from the whole people of this Commonwealth so united. All dominion of Tenures and Superiorities importing servitude and Vassalage, are also abolished in Scotland. Concerning which more at large, and the other particulars before abbreviated, you are referred to the printed Ordinances themselves. A second Ordinance, intituled An Ordinance of Pardon and Grace to the people of Scotland, the sum whereof is to this effect, That from and after the first day of May 1654. all persons shall be acquitted, for anything done by Sea or Land, in relation to the late war, or any preceding wars between the two Nations, but the same shall be put in perpetual oblivion, and their estates be discharged from sequestration. From the benefit of this Ordinance these following persons are Excepted, viz. Henrieta Maria late Queen with her two Sons Charles and James Stuart, James and William late Dukes of Hamilton deceased, John Earl of Crawford Lindsey, James E. of Calender, E. Marshal, E. of Kelly, John E. of Lawderdail, John E. of Lowdoun, E. of Seaforth, E. of Athol, Visc. of Kenmore, L. Lorne, eldest Son of the Marq. Of Argile, L. Macklin, eldest Son of the E. of Lowdpun, L. Montgomery eldest Son of the E. Eglingroun, George L. Spynie, L. Cramston, L. Sinclecre, Thomas Daliel late Major Gen. of the Foot in the Scottish, John Middletoune late Lieut. Gen. of the Army, James Viscount Newburgh, L. Bargany, Sir. Tho. Thomson, James Edmerton Laird of Womar, L. Napier, William, E. of Glencairn. These persons are excepted, and estates confiscated wholly; save that some part is settled upon the wives and children of some of them, out of their respective estates. A third Ordnance, for settling the Estates of the several Excepted persons in Scotland, in the real and actual possession and seizing of Sir John Hope of Graighall, William Lockard the younger, Esq; Rich: Sabonstal and Edw: Siler Commissioners at Leith, Lieu. Col. Wilks, deputy governor of Leith, David Barkley Esq; Jo: Harpar Advocate, and the survivors and survivor of them, their heirs and assigns, for certain uses and purposes in the said Ordinance expressed, until the sale, disposition and conveyance thereof, or of such part thereof as shall be requisite for the purposes aforesaid, as is therein directed, and the remainder to he use of his Highness the Lord Protector and his successors, for the benefit of the Commonwealth. Also an Ordinance for erecting Court Barons in Scotland, but of these further by the Ordinances themselves printed at large. Also there is published an Order concerning the peace with Holland, as followeth. Whereas a Peace is made, concluded, and ratified, between his Highness the Lord Protector, and the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries. And whereas it is agreed, That publication thereof shall be made on both parts on Wednesday next, being the 26. day of this instant April; From which time, restitution is to be made of all ships that shall be taken on either side, after twelve days, within these Seas; and in all other places on this side the Cape of St. Vincent, after 6 weeks; and from thence, within the Mediterranean sea, and to the quinoctial line, after 10 weeks; and beyond the quinoctial, after the space of 8 months: Which several spaces were so limited, to the intent convenient time might be allowed for notice to be given of the said Peace, in all places where it shall be necessary. The Council have therefore thought fit hereby to give notice thereof to the several Ports of this Commonwealth, and to all others, whom it may concern, within the Dominions thereof; To the end, they may have Warning to provide for their own safety, and not expose their ships to danger, within the several and respective times aforesaid. By Letters from Dalkeith April 20 thus. Col Morgan is marched from Dingwel towards Tain with all his Brigade: On Thursday last there marched one thousand Foot over the hills above Braban towards Sutherland, which it's supposed are the Loughaber men which will add to the Enemy's strength, which was before 4000 Horse and Foot. There was a quarrel between Sir George Monroe, and the Earl of Glencairn, for plundering of and abusing the Laird of Fowlis (Monroe's Brother) who was extremely abused by them, which rise so high, that they appointed to fight a combat, and accordingly on the Lord's day was eight days, in the morning they mounted and rid to the place appointed, and because Monroe would fight on Horseback, he took his Pistols with him, But Glenclairn bid him put away his Pistols, and they would fight only on Horseback with their swords. In which combat Monroe had his right hand almost cut off, and a cut in the Forehead, Glencairn was likewise cut in the head. There was also a quarrel between Athol and Glengarry about presidency of place, and a field appointed, but the business was taken up by the Commanders. Our small Garrisons near Stirling have this week fallen with success into the Enemy's quarters, and brought away prisoners, and amongst the rest a party from Bubannon marched into the Parish of Strablain, where Capt. Cunningham, and Capt. Edmiston were levying of horse and foot, took Capt. Cunningham, and narrowly missed Capt. Edmiston. General Monk intended to be at Berwick this night, and is expected here on Saturday. Whereas (amongst other things) by Proclamation of the 27 Sept. 1653. All Magistrates and Officers of Burghs and Parishes, and all other persons whatsoever, are required to secure, or give intelligence of all suspected persons, travelling through or abiding within their bounds or jurisdictions, as in and by the said Proclamation more particularly is expressed: Notwithstanding nothing to this time hath been effectually done, but on the contrary, divers Rebels, as well considerable numbers as Spies, have been, and still are frequently permitted, & suffered to march through, & abide in any Burgh or Parish within the quarters of our Army unquestioned, as if no rebellion were, who thereby take opportunity not only to get intelligence, but also to entice many loose persons to join with them in rebellion, and commit frequent robberies and barbarous murders, and other outrages upon the persons, goods, and gear, as well of Scots as English. These are therefore strictly to charge and command, that no person or persons, of what degree or quality soever (not being a member of the English Army) do presume after publication hereof, to pass above five miles from his and their respective abodes and habitations, unless he or they have first obtained a pass from myself, or the Commander in chief of the Forces in Scotland for the time being, or from the next chief Officer of the English Army, or the Judge Advocate of the Army (of whose circumspection and care in parting with the said passes to persons well affected, or upon good caution, I nothing doubt) which said pass is to be signed and sealed with my hand and seal, conform to the hand and seal hereunto subscribed and affixed, or the hand and seal of the Commander in chief for the time being, and subscribed by the said Officer from whom it shall be obtained, with his name, together with the time and place of his subscription (except he or they make it appear he or they are upon their ready way to the next chief Officer for obtaining the said pass) under the pain of being adjudged, deemed, and taken as Enemies in Rebellion against the peace of the Commonwealth, and dealt withal accordingly. And all Magistrates and Officers, and all other persons whatsoever within Burghs or Parishes, are hereby strictly required, that if any person or persons (except as before is excepted) and not being Members of the English Army, shall contrary hereunto presume to march, travel, pass through, or abide in any Burgh or Parish without a Pass as aforesaid, the said Magistrates, Officers and parishioners of such Burgh and Parish are hereby required to secure them, if they shall be of strength sufficient, and them safely keep, until notice be given to myself, the Commander in chief for the time being, or the next adjacent Officer in chief of the English Forces (any of whose Orders theranent is duly to be observed) under the penalty of 20 pounds sterling, & such further punishment, according to the quality of the offence, as to a Court Marshal to be held for the headquarters, or any other inferior Court Marshal, before whom the matter shall be tried, shall be thought just; And whensoever any party of the Rebels which now are, or hereafter shall break forth into Rebellion, or any other person not having a pass, as aforesaid, shall march or travel, into or through any Burgh or Parish; and if the Burgh, Parish and Inhabitants of the said Burgh, and parishioners of the said parish, and every individual person thereof, are hereby strictly charged and required, to take care that such expedient be found out amongst themselves, that upon the first entrance of such Rebels, or persons not having a pass, as aforesaid, whether they make stay or not, immediately to take care that with all possible speed, one or more persons, mounted on as good a horse as at present may be had, or otherwise a nimble Footman, to post away with all possible speed to the next and nearest forces of the English Army, wheresoever they shall happen to be, and give true Intelligence to the Officer or Officers thereof, of their number, and who commands them, so near as may be, under the like penalty of twenty pounds sterling, and such farther punishment, according to the quality of the Offence, as to a Court Marshal, to be held for the headquarters, or any other inferior Court Marshal of the Army, before whom the matter shall be tried, shall be in like manner thought just. Given under my hand and seal at Dalkieth, the 7 if April, 1654. R. LILBURNE. From Rotterdam, April 24 stilo novo. On the 14 of this Month arrived an Express at the Hague, with Letters from our Lord's Ambassadors in England to the States General, wherein they advise that the Peace was wholly finished and concluded, That the business of Denmark was determined, and the States General to be responsible for One hundred and forty thousand pounds sterling, That the ships detained in the Sound, should be restored within Fourteen days after that those should arrive there who were to receive them, and that the Damages shall be appraised by the first of May, by four Persons. Upon this good News the States of Holland adjourned yesterday; leaving their Order and consent with the States General to sign the Ratification. A few days after the Articles of the Treaty of Peace were signed on both sides, being sent over two several ways, by two of the Gentlemen of the Lords Ambassadors, who arrived at the Hague to the great contentment and joy of all the honest men in these parts, which were no sooner read, but presently Ratified by the States General, and the Ratification sent away for England immediately. So that now we no longer doubt of this blessed Peace, which hath kept us in suspense thus long together; however our Critics will not pardon the remissness of our Governors, for making such slow preparations, when their Neighbours arm so vigorously. The Lord Lieut. Admiral Opdam is at present at the Hague, with the Vice Admiral Witte Wittesen, Ruyter, and John Evertson, with several other Sea Captains, who have received order from the States General to furnish their ships with all things necessary with all speed. The Rendezvous for the Merchant's ships to be at Goree, and no ship is to be suffered to go to Sea, till the peace be published: and much variety of Opinions here passeth upon the great Preparations of the English, and the designs they have in hand with their great Fleet. Paris April 29, stilo novo. The last letters from Perpignan certify, That the Earl of Merinville Commander in chief of the French forces in the County of Roussillon hath of late relieved Rosa, by the way of Lampourdan, which hath somewhat amazed the Spaniards, who did not expect any such thing, and thereupon are drawn back into Catalonia, which doth so much incense the Catalans, and chiefly along the coast near Blanes, and Palamos, who are daily at odds with the Spanish soldiers, and often from words they fall to blows, many being slain on both sides in those quarrels. From Aras we hear, that the Lorrain forces are quartered in the villages along the River Deulle between the rivers of Lis and Lile, yet this doth in no wise affright the Earl of Broglio, Governor of Bassee, who finding himself in a good condition, hath therefore sent back the Regiment which had been sent to reinforce his Garrison. The Governor of Sedan with those forces under this command, having passed the Mawse the 20 instant upon the bridge of Mouzon, and so are gone to quarter in Champagne, where they were before to march. The 24 instant the King, with his Brother, and many other Lords saw the Regiment of guards drawn out in the field, where they were trained in the Plain near the Wood called the Wood of Bollen. The same day the Counsellor Bouchet one of our Parliament being dead in this City, was buried in the Abbey of St. Victor, to whom he hath bequeathed his library which doth consist of above 7 thousand Volumes, upon this condition, That they shall suffer thrice in the week all persons to come and have the use of those books. The Court is still busy in the acting of their Comedies, and other like play games, the new Italian Comedy being played some 5, or 6 times over. The Commissioners for the protestant Churches are very importunate with the Cardinal to get an answer unto their demands, but as yet no real satisfaction. Marshal Turenne is not yet gone, moneys being short doth put back all Martial affairs. The Cardinal de Retz is still a close Prisoner in the Castle of Nantes. From Brussels we have, that the Archduke hath received special orders from Madrid to go on speedily in the trial of the Earl of Bassigni and the Baron Mercy: And we hear from Dunkirk that Mortagh O' Brian with some Irish was arrived there, according to the agreement made with the English in Ireland, and are marched up towards the headquarters, that so they may serve in this field expedition. This day the Peace between England and the united Provinces, was by sound of Trumpet solemnly proclaimed; first, in Whitehall Court, in presence of his Highness and the Council, Afterwards the Sergeants at Arms, Heralds, and other Officers appointed, were received at Temple Barr by the Lord Mayor, and there proclaimed from thence to the Old Exchange, where it was proclaimed in these words following. His Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, considering how necessary it is, not only to preserve Peace and quiet at home, but as far as in him lies, to live in amity and Friendship with his Neighbours; Hath by the blessing of God, with the advice of his Council, made and concluded a Peace, Union, and confederation to continue forever, between this Commonwealth of the one part, and that of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, of the other part, their Lands, Countries, Cities, Towns, Dominions, Territories, Places, and People by Sea, Land, Fresh waters, or elsewhere, by which the peace is agreed, That all Enmity, Hostility, Discord and War between the said Commonwealths, their People, and Subjects, shall cease, and all injuries and wrongs, whatsoever done since the 18 and 28 of May 1652, shall cease and be forgotten, except such Depredations as shall be committed on either side, in these Seas, after twelve days, from the date of these presents; and in all other places on this side the Cape of St. Vincent, after six weeks; and from thence within the Mediterranean Sea, and to the quinoctial Line, after ten weeks; and beyond the quinoctial Line, after the space of 8 months, or immediately after sufficient notice of the said Peace given in those places, and that the People and inhabitants of each party respectively, of what condition or quality soever they be, shall treat each other with love and friendship, and may freely and securely come into, and pass through each others Countries, Towns, Villages, and Precincts, and there stay and abide, and from thence depart again at their pleasure, without any hindrance or molestation, and likewise trade and have commerce, and generally do use and exercise all other things (observing the Laws and Customs of each place respectively) as freely, fully, and securely, as they might have done in time of Peace. Whereof all Persons whatsoever, in these Nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland, are to take notice, and conform themselves accordingly. Given at Whitehall this 26 of April, 1654. O. P. From Vpsal the 24 of March, 1653. On Tuesday last my Lord Ambassador and Count Erick had a meeting, to the debate of the Articles of Union: at which time Count Erick did exhibit several Articles on the behalf of Sweden, some whereof were such, that his Lordship can by no means consent unto. Yesterday, his Excellency went unto the Queen to deliver his exceptions, and the reasons why he cannot admit of some of these Articles proposed to him, and the Queen seemed to be satisfied therein. But this day Count Erick came again unto my Lord, and was very earnest that those might be admitted, but his Lordship is as earnest to exclude them. Yet I have persuasion, that the Queen will find some expedient to reconcile all, and will sum up things into a harmony and agreement. The great talks here are made of the Coronation of the new King; and preparations are made thereunto; so resolved is the Queen to resign up the Government. Piemontelli the Spanish Resident suddenly takes his leave to return home. Count Monte Cuculli went away last week. The ancient proceeding in the Law vindicated to be just, before abuses and corruptions crept in, And the removal of the Abuses, &c. Proposed, and intended Weekly, or more often, to be published in several parts. Whereas divers troublesome persons, being Rectors or Incumbents of some Rectories or Vicarages, have of late years brought divers things in one Libel in the Court Christian, and have there complained of divers things of several natures, some proper for such Courts to hear and determine, and some not; whereby such persons have greatly vexed their Neighbours, and put them to great charges in suing for prohibitions, and yet no cost by Law can be given, either for the Plaintiff or Defendant in such prohibition, for whomsoever any Verdict passeth in the same, or if any be non-suit in the same. For Remedy whereof, it is desired that it may be Enacted, That if either party, Plaintiff or Defendant, in prohibition shall be either non-suited, or have a Verdict given against him in the same, that then costs shall be given against him for the other party, Plaintiff or Defendant therein, in like manner as costs use to be given in actions of debt, trespass, and upon the case, and other actions. Paris May 2. 1654. stilo novo. The 25 instant two Councillors of the Parliament went from hence to Chantilli, and Montmorencie, two places formerly belonging to the Prince of Conde, and according to the Sentence lately given against him, did there declare those Houses and Castles to be reunited to the Crown, and accordingly did take possession of them. The Cardinal de Retz was no sooner come to the Castle of Nantes, but that within two days after, and for several days following he was complimented, by the Dean and Chapter, and by all the Courts of Judicature in that City, he was also visited by the D. of Brissac, and others of the Nobility & Gentry of the Province; nevertheless the Marshal de la Mesteray doth narrowly look over all his actions, and of those that visit him. There are great complaints made against the Parliament at Rennes by most of the Gentry of that Province; this being occasioned by one Marbeuf, who sitting there upon the reversion of a President's place, hath lately offered some great abuses to a Gentleman of quality, who was soliciting a business in that Court for some Pupils, whereof he is the guardian. The Governors of Jametz and Mouzon having a design to rifle the small Town of Verron, came thither in the night, and having plundered it, carried away the chief men prisoners to make them pay a ransom. The Chancellor hath this week sent for the Parson of St. Paul, to declare unto him some Order from the Court about a business which had lately happened in his Church: The Parson answering he could not obey it, an Officer was sent to him with an Order from the Council whereby he is enjoined to depart the City within 24 hours, which he did accordingly. There hath been of late great troubles in this City among the people, by reason of the great imposts laid upon them, and although that imposts upon all Cattle which was so much cried against be taken of; yet there are many other new ones which are little better, some fortifications are to be made at the Castle of Vicennes, and the King's Guards have received order to be in a readiness for a march about the 10th. of this instant; it is variously spoken that whether the King shall go to the Army or else to be crowned, as it was intended. The Prince of Conti is now near ready his departure for Catalonia, and the Duke of Vendosine is going to the water of Bourbon to recover his health, and by reason that money is very scarce at Court, and therefore the new intended Levies cannot go forward as it was expected, thereupon a great many vagrants and idle persons about this City are taken up and made fit to go to the Army, besides a great number of men which is to be furnished by divers Towns and Villages near to this City, that so, if it be possible our Army may be able to take the field by the end of this month. Two Counsellors of the Parliament being exiled last week the occasion as yet not being known, the Parliament sat in extraordinary for to readmit them again, but the first president being ill, the business was differed till another day. This week we have also received Letters from Frankfort, who advise that the Ambassador at the Diet at Regensburg was deceased lately. The Duke Francis of Lorrain, and his two Sons are this day expected to be at Brussels. Dover the 25 of April 1654. Yesterday in the evening came this Road a private man of war being a Morget hoy of 6 Guns, and about fifty men, who having found in the Channel a Dutch ship coming from the West-Indies that had been long at Sea, and both ship and men much spent by the tediousness of the voyage, did of a sudden clap them aboard, and after little dispute became Masters of her, and brought her along with them, the ship is said to be of great value, for besides plate, whereof several Letters say there is a good quantity, the Ship will be found full of other rich commodities, which will prove very beneficial to the takers when it comes to be judged prise. From Italy and parts adjacent. From Naples, our Vice King seeing that the new Levies in Germany will not much increase his Army, after he hath sent those which he doth intend to Catalonia, and Milan, hath given out a Commission for the raising of a new Regiment of Foot, which is to be commanded by the Duke of Tremoli, who is declared Mastre de Campo, he is in the mean time employed to provide all our Maritime places whereof all the Governors have been removed, to prevent any intelligence which they might have with strangers. The Princess of Gallicano seeing that no accommodation could be made between her Husband & she, hath therefore resolved with herself to enter into a Cloister. The Duke d' Andria and his Brother, who have been for some months close prisoners are now set at liberty. The Lady Lucretia Barberina having taken her leave of the Pope and all the great ones at Rome, is to go from thence with the Prince of Palestrina, and some other Nobles to Modena, where she is to be solemnly married to the young Duke. The Pope having received Letters from the Lord Massina, that the King of Spain refused to receive him as his Nuncio, hath therefore sent him Letters with Orders to return again. From Venice: The Senate having received the news of the defeat of some of our Forces in Dalmatia which was done by a party of 5 thousand Turks, who lying in an Ambuscade took ours at advantage, but with this moderation, that the Morlacks and our Men did carry themselves so gallantly that above 18 hundred of the Turks were slain on the place, and many wounded, the loss on our side being little more than two thousand, and to repair this loss new orders are issued out for the raising of more forces who are speedily to be sent thither. From Milan: Our Governor seeing that those forces which are promised him by the Vice King of Naples do not yet appear, hath therefore made a new Contract with the Commander Precivallo of Luca, for the raising of a thousand soldiers, which are to be brought unto him about the middle of May next, and seeing that he is in jealousy of the Duke of Modena, who hath now lately put a small Army in the field, therefore he hath sent the Duke de Sesto to Cremona, and Trin, that he may seen all the Fortifications to be in good order, and the places well furnished with all necessaries, for fear of a surprisal by the said Duke. From Genoa: Two Galleys of Malta are arrived in this Port, to victual, and furnish themselves with all necessaries for the service in the Levant, being appointed to serve the Venetian, and another likewise which being at Leghorn is to be ready also to go along with them. From Hamburg. The K. of Denmark hath been to visit the new Church of Alvenaux, and the next day went back to Gluckstadt. The Gen. Koningsmarck hath at last surprised the town of Bremerburgh, and likewise the Fort which is near it. From Munster, The Swedish Commissioner Hofslater is come to this City to receive from our Bishop, 135000 Rix-dollars, being so much left unpaid to this day by the upper Circle of the Rhine, which being effected, they are to convene of a certain sum for the Evacuation of the strong hold of Weckt. This Day the Dutch Ambassadors Resident in London, were feasted by his Highness the Lord Protector at Whitehall, and very great Entertainment was made for them. From Leghorn the 2. April 1654. The last news we have in these parts is, that by a Vessel come hither with silks from Messina we hear, that there hath been of late a great Shipwreck upon that coast, where about 16 sails have been cast away, all being lost except a few men saved, besides many others cast away in these Seas: By a vessel come from Alicante we hear, that they are raising of men in the Kingdoms of Valentia and Arragon, which are to be sent part for Dukedom of Milan, and partly for Catalonia, and by reason that we hear the Plague hath began again at Barcelona, as also at Malaga, therefore, by the command of such Officers as are appointed to look to that business, those ships that come from those parts are to tarry 40 days at some distance from this Port. The Vice King of Naples having sent some men of war upon the coast of Apuglia to clear the same from the French, whereof it was much infested, have done according to their Order, and so have forced them towards Sicily. Edinburgh April 20. There is yet no considerable News from the North, that I can understand; for Middleton with his forces is drawn into Sutherland, betwixt whom, and our Forces, there is a Navigable River, not passable but by Boats, and those the Enemy has drawn to their own Banks. In many parts of the Country there is all possible Endeavours used to carry on their Levies, and not a few desperate persons continue their recourse to them. There has been several Officers and others of them gathered up lately, and committed to safe Custody. In some of their pockets has been found a paper, called Glencairn's Declaration, stuffed with many expressions that carry little consistency with their Course. I may possibly help you with a Copy by the next. Inverness, April 14. I can add nothing to my last, yet would not omit writing to you by this Post. Colonel Morgan is at Dingwell with his Forces. The Enemy still North of him, and past getting out of that Country without either engaging or dispersing their own force, Badgenoth, and other parts of the Hills are quiet. From Milford Haven April 24. As for news in these parts, it doth afford little. The last vessels come from Ireland, brought with them several passengers, which tell us no further, save only that the Tories who remain hid in corners, are as ready as ever to do mischief, but that they want strength, and so narrowly looked after, that they are presently suppressed, and driven into their dens: as for other matters all things are quiet over the Country, as they are likewise in these parts. From Falmouth the same day, All the news at present is, that we are expecting to hear the peace proclaimed between us and the Dutch, that so some course may be taken to clear this coast of so many Pirating Rogues, who have for a long time much annoyed us, and do the same now, though not so bad as formerly, they do no less about Bristol, and so along that Channel. One of our Frigates lately chased two Brest Pirates even to their own doors, but being got among the Rocks, our Frigates durst not venture after them, and so gave them over; here are several Ships bound to several parts to the Southward, who are only expecting a fair wind to proceed on their voyage. Portsmouth April 27. Our Fleet is still riding in Stoakes Bay, and most of those ships which are come in to victual, and be new fitted for the Sea are gone out, and the rest will be ready by the week. We are in a daily of expectation of General Pen from London, and then upon his arrival we doubt not but this Fleet will be employed upon some honourable design, which I hope will prove for the good of this Nation. ☞ HEPTAMERON, or, The History of the Fortunate Lovers; Written in French by the most virtuous Princess Margaret de Valoys Queen of Navarr; Now Englished by R. C. Master of Arts, Printed by F. L. for Nath. Ekins, at the sign of the Gun, by the West-End of St. Paul's. ☜ We are once more desired to mention Mr. Isaac Playford, Student and Practitioner in Physics and Surgery, resident in King Street in Covent Garden near the sign of the Golden Fox, at Mr. Wells his house, to let the Nation understand that he can make the Antidote called Orivetan, so much renowned all over Europe, which is a remedy for most diseases incident to Men, Women, and Children, viz. For prevention of Poison, the Plague, the Small Pox, Palsies, or Convulsions, and divers other diseases not here mentioned. If you please to repair to him, you may have Printed Bills for Directions how to use them, he having it always ready by him. There was stolen from Good Eastone in Essex the 21 of April 1654 being Friday, A Bay stone horse about 6 years old, four white feet, a white star in his forehead, grizzled in the face, a white slip upon his Nose, with hair standing up right upon the top of his Buttock, where he hath formerly been towelled. Also a short Horse about 14 hand high. And a black brown Gelding about 14 hand high, 5 year old and lean, with a white star in his forehead, and a white foot behind. Whosoever shall send or give notice of such Horses to one Mr. Bagley next door to the White Hart in St. Gyles the Fields London, or to the Bell at Chelmsford in Essex they shall have forty shillings for their pains. This is licensed and entered according to Order. | The Perfect Diurnall of Passages, Issue 229 |
FScout170 | ☞ A Declaration of his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council, concerning the continuation of the Customs and Excise, within this Commonwealth, and a perfect copy of the Rates set upon all Foreign and Domestic commodities Excisable. Also another Declaration of his Highness, inciting all people religiously to humble themselves before the Lord on Friday next, the 24 of this instant. Together with an Ordinance for the Approbation and Trial of Ministers, and a List of the Commissioners names. The Landing of more Arms and Ammunition in Scotland for the Rebels, their intentions to raise 30 Regiments, and expectation of the King of Scots or Duke of York's coming to be their General. The general proceedings in the Treaty betwixt the English and Dutch Commissioners, and the advance of part of our Fleet to the Texel, and seizing on the Dutch Fishermen thereabouts, in sight of their Ships of War; With the coming of a great Fleet of Coal Ships into the River of Thames on the 19 instant. From Friday March 17, to Friday March the 24. 1654. The last Letters from Newcastle certify us, that on the 16 instant there went from thence a great Fleet for London, with a good Convoy; and some small Ships lying in Sunderland neglecting that opportunity, were forced to adventure out without a Convoy, who were presently chased by six Capers that lay lurking thereabouts; the Colliers chose rather to run their Ships aground than to be taken; yet notwithstanding the Capers pursued them, and fetched off five of them, the other five perished by the merciless fury of the tempestuous Waves, but the men were all saved. We have lost in a fortnight's time two and twenty Coal Ships. We are advertised from Dover, that on the 19 instant the foresaid Fleet of Colliers arrived in the Downs, and are come into the River, so that the price of Coals is like to be very reasonable, if the Woodmongers dare be honest. This day was ordered to be published by his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council, an Ordinance; That from after the 25 of this present March, the several Rates and charges hereafter set down, and every of them, and none other, in the right duty of Excise, shall be set, laid and imposed, and are hereby to be levied, demanded, collected, received, recovered and paid, in and through England and Wales, and Town and Port of Berwick, upon all and every the Commodities, Merchandizes and Manufactures Native and Foreign, viz. For every barrel of Beer or Ale above six shillings, 2.s. for 6 shilling beer 6.d. English Alum and Copper, the hundred containing 112 l. the maker to pay sixpence. English Hops, the planter to pay two shilling the hundred. English Saffron, for every 20.s. to be paid one, by the planter. Tin, the buyer to pay one shilling for every 20.s. value. English Iron, the maker to pay for every hundred containing 112 l. one shil. 6d. All manner of Strong Waters distilled here to be sold, the first maker is to pay 2.d. a gal. For every barrel of Soap made in this land, hard or soft proportionably, 4.s. For every Ounce Troy of prepared Silver or Gold, to be paid where it is disgrossed, 2.d. For every pound weight of Copper or other metal, to be paid where it is disgrossed, 1.s. For all Linseed Oil, Whale Oil, &c. made here, to be paid upon every tonne, 6.s. For every fother of Lead containing a 2000 l. weight, 6.s.8.d. For all Salt made or sold here, to be paid by the first buyer, a half penny the Gallon. All Salt made of Salt, to be paid by the maker thereof, one farthing upon the gallon. For all Cider and Perry, made and sold by way of Retail, 2.s.6.d. the Hogshead. Metheglin, Mead, and such like drinks, a penny upon every gallon. For Stareh, upon every 20.s. value, to be paid by the first maker, 1.s. For Glasses, upon every 20.s. the maker is to pay one. For every pound of Tobacco which is not of the English plantation, as well already imported and remaining in the hands of the Merchant, to be paid by the first buyer, 1.s. Every pound of Tobacco of the English plantation, 3.d. For every Tonne of Wine already imported or to be imported, the first buyer to pay 6.l. Every Tonne of Wine-Vinegar, imported or to be imported, to be paid by the first buyer, 2 l. All Spirits of French, Rhenish, or other Wines, upon every gallon, 4.d. Foreign or domestic Spirits sold for strong Waters, the Utterer to pay 1.s. on the gal. Strong Waters perfectly made, imported &c. the first buyer to pay for every gal, 1.s. For all Beer or Ale imported by Sea, or brought in by Land, the Importer to pay 5.s. For Pepper, Sugars, and other Grocery and Mercery Wares, wrought and gummed Silks, Linens, Upholstery, Haberdashery, Paper, and Leather, the first buyer to pay upon every pound, 1.s. For all manner of Drugs two shillings in the pound. For every 112 pound of foreign Soap imported, &c. 5.s. For all Saltery Wares, the first buyer is to pay, upon every twenty shillings, 1.s. The first buyer is to pay for every 112. l. of foreign Hops, over & above Customs, 5.s. For Hemp, Flax, Tow, Tar, Resin, Wax, Tulle, Cable, &c. on every 20 shil. 6.d. For Glasses, and Earthenware, on every 20.s. the first buyer is to pay 2.s. For Woollen Cloth or Sufi &:. the Importer is to pay on every 1s. For every 20.s. value of raw Silk imported. the first buyer is to pay, 6.d. All foreign Salt imported, having not paid Excise, the buyer is to pay 3 half pence a gal. For every 2.s. value of bone-lace imported, the first buyer is to pay 3. shil For every 20.s. value of dyed Silk imported, the first buyer is to pay 5.s. For every 20.s. value of Silk Lace imported, to be paid by the first buyer, 3.s. For all other goods or Merchandize whatsoever, imported or to be imported, upon which no Rates are set neither here or in the book of Rates for Customs (except Bullion, Corn, Victual, Arms, Ammunition, or Ordinance of Brass or Iron) upon every 20.s. value, to be paid by the first buyer, 1.s. It is likewise Ordained, That from and after the 29 of March instant, Thom. Allen Alderman of the City of London, Thomas Wood, Rich. Bury, Geo. Langham Esquires, and George Fonecraft Merchant, and none others, are and shall be, and are hereby declared, constituted and appointed, Commissioners and Governors of the Excise and new Import; who, or any three or more of them, are hereby empowered and authorized to exercise and put in execution all and every the powers and authorities given or granted by, or contained in all or any the said Acts, Ordinances, or Orders of Parliament touching the Excise and New Import, as well for the collecting and receiving the several rates in this present Ordinances imposed and set, as the arrears upon any former Schedule or Rates due, and concerning the Government and ordering of the Excise and New Import, as fully and amply as any Commissioners for Excise at the first of March aforesaid, might or ought to have done, and shall observe such Orders and directions as they shall from time to time receive from his Highness the L. Protector and his Council touching the same; And the Commissioners for their care, pains and service therein, shall have and pay themselves quarterly, in every twenty shillings raised and levied free and clear from all abatements and allowances for exportations or otherwise, two pence, and shall be liable according to the same rate, for all such exportations or otherwise, for one year after they shall be dismissed from this trust, and no longer. And it is further Ordained by the Lord Protector, with the consent of His Council, That Sir William Roberts Knight, John Stone, Henry Eising, Adam Bains, and John Bocket Esquires, or any three of them, be and shall be hereby authorized to receive all appeals, and to hear, decide and determine the same, and to consider and Examine by each or otherwise, what arrears of Excise are not yet paid, and what hereafter may , either remaining in the hands of any Farmer, Commissioner, Sub-Commissioner, Collector, Importer, Seller, Buyer, Planter, Grower or Maker, or of any Commodities Excisable whatsoever, or in the hands of any person whatsoever, or for which any person whatsoever, by Bond, Bill, Entry, Promise or other engagement, hath been, may or shall become obliged, and to for all persons, accounts, articles, receipts, bonds, or any writings concerning the Excise, or in any wise relating thereunto determine all differences concerning the Premises. And if any Sub-Commissioner, Collector, Farmer, or any their Deputies, or any Sureties for them or any of them, or any Importer, Buyer, Seller, Carrier or conveyer of the excisable commodities, or any person engaged for them, or any of them, shall refuse or delay to pay into the Treasury of the Excise, any arrears, fines, forfeitures, or other sums of money, which by the said last recited Commissioners or any three of them, shall be adjudged due to the Commonwealth, and ordered to be paid; upon such default certified under the hand of the Treasurer, and from the last recited Commissioners or any three of them, unto the Commissioners for managing Estates now under sequestration, the said Commissioners for managing the Estates under sequestration, shall, and are hereby required to sequester the estates of all such persons, both personal and real; till such arrears, fines, forfeitures, and sums of money be fully paid with damages. This Ordinance to commence from the five and twentieth day of March, one thousand six hundred fifty four, and to continue to the five and twentieth day of March which shall be in the year of our Lord, one thousand six hundred fifty five. Hen: Scobel, Clerk of the Council. This day produced An Ordinance for Continuation of an Act of Parliament, entitled, An Act for the Continuation of the Customs until the 26th day of March in the year 1653 Be it Ordained by his Highness the Lord Protector with the advice and consent of his Council, That one Act of Parliament, entitled, An Act for continuation of the Customs, until the 26 of March, 1653. and all powers and clauses therein contained, be, and are hereby continued, and shall and do stand in full force, until the six and twentieth day of March, in the year of the Lord, one thousand and six hundred fifty eight. And be if further Ordained that the Commissioners of the Customs shall not hereafter, make payment of the Subsidy for any goods at any time exported, which have been, or hereafter shall be sold unto, or in the possession of any Shopkeeper or retailer of the same commodity, or for any such goods where the property, form or nature of the commodity once imported, is in any wise altered, mingled, amended, or conscirnded. And be it hereby further Ordained, That the Commissioners of the Customs for the time being, shall have and receive upon every twenty shillings coming clear unto the Commonwealth upon their account such salary of Poundage as is or shall be agreed upon by the Committee for Regulating the Customs, or any other thereunto authorized by his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council. Hen: Scobel, Clerk of the Council. This day produced intelligence from Uppsala in Sweden, which certifies; That the Lord Whitlock's Answer is delayed till they hear how the Treaty with us proceeds, that being the Wheels with which they intend to move. The Queen is desirous to live a retired life, and surrender up the Government to her successor, and to that purpose summoned a Grand Council or Parliament to meet on the 12 of March, 1653. From the Texel we received intelligence, The Freebooter Captain Oomke with another went to sea the 12 instant, and two other Freebooters also went to sea the next day. The said Captain Oomke, with Captain Hogtenbeen came home the 15 with such a good prize of a Flute laden with French Wines going for London, and from thence for Leith. It is here reported that 20 English ships have appeared before the wall, near the Texel, and that about 8 more are passed towards the North. And that they have taken about five fisher-boats within the sight of this land, two belonging unto this place, and three to Huysdayn. The Council are hasting the dispatch of an Ordinance for Highways for mending them where need is, and for prevention of breaking the ways by such great Wanes and Carts have been by six seven rein Horses on a Team, not for the future to exceed such a number as shall be proportioned; and the Council were also about some other Ordinances which will shortly be dispatched. A Petition Congratulatory hath been presented from the Town of Newcastle to his Highness the Lord Protector, professing much affection to his Highness, and the late changes of Government. Also this day in the morning, the Lords Ambassadors of the seven United Provinces of Holland, &c. had audience by his Highness the Lord Protector, whither they were attended by Sir Oliver Flemming Master of the Ceremonies, Major Gen. Lambert betwixt his Highness's person and the Park gate. The Lords Ambassadors being now removed from Sir Abraham Williams's, to Sir John Trever's at Ghannil Roe near the . The Commissioners of the Council appointed to confer with them, that met at the conference on Wednesday last at Sir Abraham Williams's, were this day appointed to meet them at a Conference at Sir John Trever's this night. There hath been much pains on both sides since the former conference to make forwardness as . In the evening according the Commissioners with Mr Thurloe Secretary of State, and Mr Jesop Clerk to the Council, in the L. Protector's coaches, and attendants, were carried to the Dutch Ambassadors; who when they came to the gate, were met by the Ambassadors who came and them and with great entertained them and went presently to conference in a chamber, fitted by the Ambassadors in Sir John Trever's house where they treated at night, and they have almost fitted the Articles read to sign, which had been ready before this time, had not the summoning up of the Danish accounts took up much time. A Declaration of his Highness the Lord Protector, inviting the people of England and Wales, to a Day of Solemn Fasting and Humiliation. The common and notorious sins so boldly and impenitently practised amongst us, notwithstanding all our Deliverances and Mercies, together with the present Rod of an Exceeding and Unusual Drought, which hath lain upon us for some years, and still continues and increaseth upon us, threatening Famine and Mortality, are no less than the Voice of God, calling aloud in our Ears to Fasting, and Mourning, and great Abasement of Soul before him. And although the General end and Intendment of inviting to a day of Fast be, that all of every condition and quality whatever, do try and examine their heart and way more especially, according to their own Light, and in the use of such helps and means as the Lord in his Providence shall afford to each one, before and upon the said day of Meeting; yet finding some thoughts set seriously upon our heart, we judged it not amiss to recommend the same to Christian consideration, not to impose them upon any, or to confine any within the compass thereof; but leaving every man free to the grace of God, and to the work of his spirit, who works all things in the hearts of the son's men, according to the Counsel and Good Pleasure of His own Will. It cannot be denied but that God hath vouchsafed to appear very much in working the Deliverance of the Nation from their bondage and thraldom, both Spiritual and Civil, and procuring for them a just Liberty by his own People. Do we now walk worthy of our high calling in humbleness and lowliness of mind, holding forth the virtues of Christ in time of Peace, which was our strength, by the efficacy of which all our great things were accomplished in time of War? Have we a heart prepared as willingly to communicate the said Just Freedom and Liberty to one another, as we were industrious to get it? Do we thankfully acknowledge our mercy in the liberty of Worshipping God in Holiness and Righteousness without fear, being delivered but of the hands of our Enemies? Is brotherly love, and a healing spirit of that force and value amongst us that it ought? Do we own one another more for the grace of God and for the Spiritual Regeneration, and for the image of Christ in each other, or for our agreement with each other in this or that form, or opinion? Do we first search for the Kingdom of Christ within us, before we seek one without us? Or do we listen to them that say concerning the coming of Christ, lo here, and lo there? Do we not more contend for Saints having rule in the world, than over their own hearts? Are there not too many amongst us that cry up the spirit, with a neglect of love, joy, peace, meekness, patience, goodness, temperance, long-suffering, forbearance, brotherly kindness, charity, which are the fruits of the Spirit? How do we carry ourselves, not only to the Churches of God, and the Saints, but towards them that are without? Do not some of us affirm ourselves to be the only true Ministry, and true Churches of Christ, and only to have the Ordinances in purity, excluding our brethren, though of equal gifts, and having as large a seal of their Ministry, and desiring with as much fervour and zeal to enjoy the Ordinances in their utmost purity? Do we remember old Puritan, or rather primitive simplicity, self-denial, mercy to the poor, uprighteousness, and Justice? or are we not herein put to shame by those we easily call Antichristian or Carnal? Hath one that we judge to be without, equal justice with one we will call a brother? Do we contend for the Faith once delivered unto the Saints, as the things of faith ought to be contended for, with love, patience, tenderness, zeal, by persuasion? Or rather imposingly, proudly, carnally, provokingly, sensually, thereby prejudicing the truth, and whilst we are calling aloud for the propagating of the Gospel, do we not put stumbling blocks in the way of the same, and too much endanger to make good the slander of the world in charging Profession with Faction? For want of circumspection and care herein, and a due regard to sincerity and uprightness, have not many apostatised, running after Fancies and Notions, listening to filthy Dreams, worshipping of Angels, and been carried by their Impulsions; and instead of contending for the faith, and holding forth the form of sound words, contended against Magistracy, against Ministry, against Scriptures, and against Ordinances, too much verifying the Prophesies of Peter and Jude, in these following words. 2 Pet 2. 1 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 15. Jude ver. 4 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19. And not withstanding all these evils, and worse, are upon, and in the midst of us, like grey hair, here and there, and we know it not, our pride testifying to our face, Hos 7.9, 10. and we not return to the Lord our God, nor seek him for all this, but these things are contended for and justified under the notion of liberty, it being commonly said, that the Magistrate hath nothing to do either in repressing or remedying these things. We do hereby appeal to the hearts and consciences of all fearing the Lord, whether there be not as great cause as ever to lay our Mouths in the dust, and to abhor ourselves before the Lord for these abominations whereby the eye of his jealousy are provoked, and to seek pardon and remedy from himself of these things. Add we to these, the resistance, hatred and neglect of the Gospel by the generality of men, the contempt and despite done to the sincere professors of it, even for the image of Christ in them (although they have been instruments of many mercies, and of the obtaining a just freedom for the nation) The wickednesses, oaths, drunkennesses, revellings, and all manner of licentiousness, for which things the Scriptures have said, that the wrath of God undoubtedly overtake the children of disobedience. And lastly the impunity of these things, through the neglect of the Magistracy, throughout the Nation, and then judge whether there be not cause that we be called upon, and do call upon each other seriously, to lay all these things to heart being greatly abased before the Lord for them. Upon the serious consideration of these things, we judge it not only warrantable, but a duty, to call upon you, and ourselves, to set apart time to humble our souls before the Lord to cry unto him for broken and penitent hearts, and that he would turn away his wrath and be reconciled to us; for the Lord he is merciful, gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, and will by no means clear the guilty, who are only such as go on in their hardened and impenitent hearts, refusing the grace offered by Jesus Christ. It is therefore hereby declared, That We, and our Council, do purpose (by the Grace of God) to set apart Friday next, being the 24 of this present March, for a day of Humiliation. And it is hereby Ordered that timely notice be given to the Cities of London and Westminster who (together with the out-Parishes) we doubt not, will willingly keep the same day. And that like notice be given throughout England and Wales, to have their several meetings upon the same day fortnight; And that copies hereof be printed and published to be sent to the several parts of the Nations, to invite them unto the performance of this duty. Given at Whitehall this 20 of March, 1653. From Scotland our Scout is informed, that Middleton hath summoned in all the Gentlemen of Sutherland and Ross, and prohibited the sheriffs to act anymore in the name of the Lord Protector, saying he will give them a new commission to act by. He brought over above 60 Officers, the least of them a Captain; there is since another Vessel landed in Caithness with more arms and ammunition, and Seaforth hath raised 600 men and is upon his march to join with him. He expects more provisions daily from Holland, and gives out, that as soon as the prepared parties are ready, and the Emperor sent the 160000 Rix-dollars for the raising of 30 Regiments, that then their King, or the Duke of York will come to be their General. The Earl of Atholl and Sir Arthur Forbes have placed a Garrison in the Isle of Lough Tay, where they intend to have a stock of Provisions. This day was published the Ordinance for approbation of public Ministers of Gods Word, by which Ordinance is appointed 30 Commissioners, viz. Dr. Arrowsmith, M Joseph Caryl, M. Obadiah Sedgwick, M. Owen, M. Greenhil, Col. Goff, M. Stephen Marshal, M. Hugh Peters, M. Strong, M. Goodwin, M. Nye, M. Campfield, M. Sydrach Sympson, M Nicholas Lockier, M. Manton, M. Tombs, Thomas St. Nicholas Esq. And other able and godly Ministers and Gentlemen. Readers, this Pamphlet entitled the Faithful Scout printed by Robert Wood, is entered in the Register Book of the Company of Stationers to him, peculiarly |
The Faithful Scout, Issue 170
EveryDayIntell$07 | The Proclaiming of Peace with the necessity, and benefits thereof redounding to both Nations (and additional Articles) published in England, and in Holland; the terms of laying down Arms. The hopes os the taking away of Taxes. The Proclamation of the Lord Deputy Fleetwood and the Commissioners in Ireland. The Declaration of the Arch Duke Leopold, and his Ambassadors' Addresses to his Highness the Lord Protector. Several Letters, Papers, and Commissions of the titular King of Scots taken; with his instructions and directions to Lieut: Gen: Middleton, how he should carry on the War against England. With other things of great concernment. Sir John Lenthal having cleared himself of the Murders, and other heinous crimes laid to his charge (and there having been many escapes made, as well since he was out of his place, as before, notwithstanding all the care and diligence of that deserving Gentleman, who officiated the place) the said Sir John is to enjoy the said place of the Upper Bench Prison as formerly. At this Sessions in the Old Bailey were many eminent Trials, viz: One Mary Peak, otherwise Mary Moggs, otherwise Mary Norton, was Indicted for having two Husbands, and it appeared by the Evidence that she and one Moggs lived many years together, as Man and Wife, a little within Newgate, and that since (that is to say about three years since) she married with one Sir Edward Norton Baronet, the said Moggs being then, and yet living, to make out the first Marriage unto Moggs, the Church Book of Saint Hellin's was produced, wherein it appeared that a Man and Woman of their Names were married about 15 years since, but none could prove this to be the very same Woman that was married to Moggs; The Marriage to Sir Edward Norton was laid in little Saint Batholomew's, several Witnesses produced tp prove the same; when the Woman's terms came to make her defence, she acknowledged the Knight to be her Husband, but absolutely denied that ever she was married to Mr: Moggs, and pleaded that some of the Witnesses spake out of ill will, and the like, and after the whole matter was heard on both sides, the Jury acquitted her. There was also a Man Indicted for having two Wives, but there was nothing too remarkable in that so remarkable, as in the former. One Fern was Indicted for perjury, and he very ingeniously confessed himself guilty, and said that he was drawn thereunto by one Bishop, and that he had five pounds to forswear himself in a trial of Houses and Land, which he said that he took, in regard he was in great necessity, having been about three quarters of a year in Prison, and almost ready to famish with want: he showed himself very penitent. The Wife of one Beard in Thames street London, was Indicted for Witchcraft; the thing particularly charged against her was, that about four months since she by her Witchcraft strook a Child lame, first on the left leg, and afterwards in the right arm, nay the torture of the poor Child stayed not here, but in a fortnight's time she sometimes raged as one stark mad, and at another time was speechless and foamed at the mouth, and her hands closed up or fast clinched, and thus she continued many weeks together, at last this Goody Beard came by that way, which the child perceiving, immediately fell a raving and squeaking, and made signs at her, whereupon the Parents of the child fetched a Warrant for this Woman, and the Justice found cause to commit her to Newgate, and now upon the examination of Witnesses, she was found guilty, she had three Tears more than ordinary about her. Three Men, and one Woman were found guilty of the Robbery lately committed at the Greyhound Tavern in Fleet Street, and wounding Mr: Hancock the Master of the House; the Woman was one that had long served the House with Meal, and too much confidence was reposed in her, for she knew what money was in the House, and where the Plate lay, which made her (being evil minded) lay her Plot the deeper. The crime being very notorious and wicked, it was the pleasure of the Bench that these four Persons should be hanged near the door of the House where they committed the Robbery. A Woman that took a Lodging at the Horseshoe in Carter lane London, finding the People of the House diligent in reading and hearing, and in the performance of other orders becoming Christians, this Lodger took upon her a cloak of Religion, till she found a fit opportunity to rob the House, which she did when all the rest were at Church: she was upon trial found guilty. The Portugal Ambassador's Brother was not tried this Sessions (as was expected) but there is an Order that the matter shall be examined a new before four Justices of the Peace in order to his trial the next Sessions. By Letters from Scotland it was this Day advertised, that the Earl of Athol, Sir Arthur Forbs, Glencarn, and Kenmore, are joined together in one Body, but their Forces are so broken, and discouraged, that they are unable to make any present opposition, there were taken in the Earl of Athol's House, Two Lieutenants, One Ensign with blew, One Quartermaster, Two Sergeants, Two Cornets, 120 Soldiers, Fourscore Muskets, One hundred Pikes, Fifteen case of Pistols, Store of swords, and other Arms, Sixteen barrels of Powder, Five and twenty Troop horses, Great store of Meal, Malt, and Oats. I have this morning seen a Letter which informs that the Dutch Ambassadors are landed at Harwich; it is believed that this Day they will come to London; Sir Abraham Williams' House in the Palace yard is prepared for them. There came certain Intelligence that Mineheir Newport, and Mineheir Youngstall two Lords Ambassadors from the Netherlands were arrived at Dover, they are it's said empowered to confirm and ratify Peace. The Lord Protector's Council gave Order that the Master of the Ceremonies, and others with the State's Barge should hasten down to receive them. The substance of some of the Articles have been formerly printed, but because some were not then mentioned, here followeth an Abstract of the whole. 1. That from hence forward there shall be a more sure, and inviolable Peace, sincere friendship, and a closer Alliance, and Confederacy between the Commonwealth of England, and the States of the United Provinces than hath been ever heretofore, and of their respective Lands, Cities, and Countries, and of all under their obedience wheresoever, and of what condition soever. 2. That all wrongs and offences suffered either by the one or the other party shall be forgotten; and neither party shall pretend anything thereupon. All actions past shall be nulled, except those that shall be done in the British Seas, after the time of twelve days, and from that Sea to the Cape of S Vincent in the Mediterranean Sea, as far as the line after the time of ten weeks, and at the other side of the line in the time of eight months to be reckoned from the time of the publication of the Peace, and all prizes taken after that time, shall be restored. 3. That the States shall cause restitution to be made of all the Ships and Goods seized upon the English by the King of Denmark, that are yet in being, as also a full compensation of the worth of those Goods that may be sold already, and likewise that all the damages or spoil of goods shall be made good to the Owners, by estimation, and when such satisfaction shall be done by the said King, then all hostility shall cease between England and Denmark. 4. That both Commonwealths shall be confederate friends to defend one the other against whomsoever. 5.That if it so fall out that any Ships of either State shall by storm or Pirates be driven into any of the Havens of the one or the other State, they shall have liberty to got to Sea again at their pleasure with their ships and goods without paying any custom, or Impost, provided that they break not the bulk, behaving themselves according to the laws and customs of the place where they shall take harbour. 6. That Men of War of both Commonwealths, or Merchants' ships meeting together at Sea, they shall defend each other against all whomsoever that shall offer to make any attempt upon either of them, so long as they sail on course. 7. That all persons of either Commonwealth going to Sea with particular Commission (before their Commissions be granted) they shall be obliged by sufficient sureties, before the Judges of the Court where they receive their Commissions (that have no part nor portion in the said ships (that they shall do no damage to any Subjects of either Commonwealth. 8. Lastly, That there shall be Commissioners established to examine the wrongs or injuries done, or pretended to be done or suffered by the Inhabitants of either Commonwealth in the East Indies, Greenland, Muscovy, Brazil, or other places. And if the Commissioners cannot agree thereupon within the time of 3 months. Then the aforesaid differences to be referred to the Judgement of the Protestant Switzers. In our last we told you that the Duke of Lorraign was imprisoned by the Arch Duke, we should therefore in this place have given you the Arch Duke's Declaration touching the same, but room is wanting. The Citizens of Westminster have made several applications to his Highness the Lord Protector, and his Council, about establishing upon them a corporation, and a Committee of the City of London were with his Highness' Council upon the same account, and it is very probable that something will shortly be settled in this business, wherein his Highness and his Council will also have a special care and regard that nothing therein shall prove prejudicial to any that have approved themselves faithful, and are industrious to live in honest vocations. From Paris by Letters of the 20th. of February, it was certified, that the titular King of Scots intended to go from thence the Monday following with all his train, there being to attend upon him seven Lords, four Knights, besides many Esqs, and Gentlemen, and the report goes, that he intends for Brandenburg, where there lately appeared a Star in the day time in the sky, as there did over London this day sevenight, of very great bigness, and having many shining streams round about it. The last Thursday the Scots King, and his Brother were feasted at the King's Court, and there was great Masquing at night. Prince Rupert is returned again to Nants. The great probability of making a firm League and Amity betwixt England and Holland is much laid to heart by the English Royalists. The Duke of Lorraign remains close Prisoner in the Castle of Antwerp, under the Arrest of the Arch duke, who chargeth him with many violations of Treaties, and for spoils and ruins that he hath made, by making inroads into his Country. It was also this Day advertised, that the Sapphire, and the constant Warwick, had rescued the Samaritan of Bristol, and a Pink belonging to Plymouth, which were both taken by Captain Beach, who was enforced to leave them and had much to do to escape himself, but a companion of his, an old Picaro was taken in the Samaritane, and is now in the hold in the Sapphire. By Letters from the North it is advertised, that Captain Pack hath taken a Dutch Man of War, who for 7 hours together fought very stoutly, but was at the last enforced to submit; we flew 7 of his men, and wounded 15. At the first beginning of the fight her Top mast was shot, by the board, and in her fall, her tackling being unable to hold her up, she was fain to submit. The Dutch Ambassador's so long expected to confirm the Peace between both Nations, are now come, we shall in its proper place say more hereof, and in this place give you the Copy of a paper, in commendations of Peace, and Amity. Place is a virtue that purchaseth the security, and quietness of Nations, suppresseth all tumults, uproars, and factions, planting quietness, and tranquillity of life, and (as Cicero sayeth, Peace is the end of War, dignity and renown the joy of Peace, and in all well established Government an Anchor to both, without which no life is quiet, no estate well stayed, nor no affairs rightly managed, therefore they that with the want hereof, and refuse honourable conditions, may rightly be said to deserve the sword of War; which no man except he be void of reason, and senseless would willingly desire, for there is nothing so much to be wished for as Peace, by which not only those things which have sense in them by nature, but also the very walls, and Houses do seem to glory, and rejoice thereat, for when there is no trouble of War, the spirit is quiet, and fit for every kind of honest rest, Justice flourisheth, Virtue showeth her effects, Vice languisheth, the zeal of pity increaseth, the Discipline of the Church is Authorized, both the Noble, and mean man preserveth, and governeth his wealth, trade, and traffic is free, briefly everyone receiveth good, and so consequently the whole body of the Commonwealth. This Day was sold at the Prize Office by candle, a ship called the white Cat, and a parcel of Bordeaux Wine. We hear of an Ambassador coming from France to the Commonwealth of England. It is our happiness that it is now so falls out that the time of the coming forth of this Intelligence makes him in effect a Harbinger of Peace, and a forerunner of Proclaiming the same; yea this day the very streets do sound of Peace, and the taking off heavy burdens, and letting the oppressed go free: and when this shall be read, others may behold the sweet harmony of the two great and potent new united Commonwealths, their freedom in entertainment, brotherly embracements, with Congratulations of the sense of each other's happiness. For, 1. Peace triumpheth where Reason ruleth; and Security reigneth, where wisdom directeth. 2ly, It is a sign of godliness to be at peace with men, and at war with vices. 3ly, Peace from the mouth of a Tyrant is often promised, but seldom performed. There hath been much talk of late of some divisions in Ireland, but the present Letters from thence, wherein was enclosed (which here followeth) advertise thus, that Lieut: Gen: Fleetwood is very well, and all things there reconciled, in such a manner that both Officers, and Soldiers, do solemnly engage to live and die true and faithful to his Highness the Lord Protector, and the Government now established. The Lord Protector being proclaimed at Dublin, the Commissioners issued forth these Warrants following. The Proclamation above mentioned lately coming to our knowledge, we held it our duty for prevention of public disturbances and interruptions in the administration of Justice, to publish the same: To the end that all Sheriffs, Mayors, Bailiffs, and other public Officers and Ministers in this Nation, whom the same doth concern, may take notice thereof; Requiring all Officers and Soldiers of the Army, and all Sheriffs, Judges, Justices of the Peace, Commissioners for Administration of Justice, and all others who are entrusted with the management of any public Affairs, to be vigilant in their respective charges and Trusts, That the public service may be carried on, and that the common Enemy, upon this change of Government, may not take any advantage to contrive or act new disturbances against the public Peace. Dated at Dublin the thirtieth day of January, 1653. Signed by Order and command of the said Commissioners. JO HUGHES Sec: | Every Day's Intelligence, Issue $7 |
WPost168 | The landing of Lieu. Gen. Middleton in Scotland on the fourth of this instant March; and a List of the Names and Number of the Lords, Knights, Colonels, Gentlemen, and soldiers, that have engaged with him for their King; with the Orders of his Highness the Lord Protector thereupon. The further proceedings of the Treaty between the English and Dutch; the putting forth of the Belgick Fleets, and a List of the English Navy that are ready to attend their motion. The proceedings of the Council at Whitehall touching the ancient Cathedral of Paul's, the last news from col. Serles in the Barbadoes, the Rebellion of the Negers against the English, the cutting off of men's hands, and the Number of those burnt and executed. London, Printed for G. Horton, to prevent all false Copies.. The last Intelligence from Col. Dan. Serl, Governor of the Barbadoes, advertiseth, That on the 13 of December last, was held a General Sessions for Gaol-Delivery, and Common-pleas, which continued for the space of five days; amongst others, who received corporal punishments, one John Barkley; a Scots man was hanged for buggering and Afrego Mare, which Mare was brought to the place of execution, there tied to a stake and burnt to Ashes, in defence of the said Barkley, who was afterwards immediately executed. After which, one Mr. Robert Richards was hanged for killing an Irish-man, that was a servant in this Island, and three Negro-men at the same time hanged about a murder some nine months since committed in the night time by several Negroes, who beset the house of one Mr. Dobs a Planter, killed him, his wife, and child: So just is the most heroic, honoured, and very much approved noble Colonel Serles, to administer equal justice upon all Offenders, that the very balance of the Scales are rightly terminated upon all Facts, Crimes, Designs, and Actions: Which, indeed, will remain as a Tropical Palm to eternise his Name throughout all Ages. And so tender is the said Governor likewise in managing of the weighty Affairs of that Island, that for the suppressing of runaway Negroes, and to prevent the increase of their great Numbers, He commanded some three hundred men to hunt and range the words, who the first day killed two of the Negroes, one whereof was conceived to be the chief of them, afterward seven other Negro-men were brought in, and upon Trial found guilty of the said Murder, four of them had first their right hands cut off, and then hanged; the other three were also executed. About a fortnight since came in sight of the Island a small Dutch man of War, which stood near the shore, and put forth the English Colours, and a Parliament Jack, and made as if he intended to come in: Upon which four Shallops going from the Bridge to the Leeward, part of this Island, with Commodities, thinking it had been an English ship, and standing towards her, were surprised and taken, which was a considerable loss. The English Fleet rideth not far from the Isle of Wight: some Squadrons are at the Spit's head, and others at Saint Ellen's point: they are ready to put forth to Sea in the most gallant equipage that may be. For we have now in one Body the bravest Fleet that ever was put forth since the Wars began, and the Seamen are very unanimous. Divers foot-soldiers are gone down to their assistance, no less than 30 out of a company were drawn forth on Monday last, and divers others are to follow: A prosperous Gale attend them. The Royal Sovereign is now ready to spread her upon Neptune's curled Waves, and the Resolution (formerly called in the days of our late King Charles, the Prince Royal) is launched forth into the Ocean seas. Men Guns The Resolution 550 88 Worcester frig. 220 50 Advice frigate 180 42 Diamond 180 42 James 360 66 Triumph 350 62 George 350 58 Laurel 300 40 Sapphire 140 38 Pelican 180 40 Mermaid 100 34 Loyalty 100 40 Society 140 40 Adventure 160 40 Providence 140 33 Bear 300 45 Heart's-ease 140 36 London 300 40 Speaker 300 56 Sussex 180 46 Tiger 150 40 Violet 170 40 Falmouth 100 38 Phenix 130 34 Lion 300 50 Ruby 180 41 Men Guns Men Guns Assistance 280 40 Essex frigate 250 44 Foresight 180 42 Hampshire frigate 130 44 Portsmouth 170 38 Fairfax 1204 44 Exchange 120 30 Samuel 300 30 Richard and Martha 100 46 Benjamin 110 30 Sarah 90 34 King Ferdinando 120 36 Lixa Merchant 180 38 Roebuck 140 30 Victory 300 60 Rainbow 300 58 Centurion 200 41 Convertine 210 44 Expedition 140 32 Amity frigate 150 36 Middleborough 120 32 Dolphin 120 30 Raven 140 32 Arms of Holland 120 34 Exchange 120 38 Tulip 120 32 Globe 110 32 Jonathan 110 30 Mary 200 30 Dragonere 110 32 Thomas and Lucie 125 28 William and John 110 36 Andrew 360 56 Nicodemus 40 12 Assurance 160 36 Grayhound Princess Maria 90 38 Duchess Water-Hound 170 30 Crown Pearle 100 26 Ann Piercy Reformation 160 40 Peter Industry 100 30 Merlin Kentish frigate 180 50 Falcon Great president 180 40 Hannibal Nonesuch frigate 170 40 Ann and Joyce Success 150 38 Mary Welcome 200 40 Hound Oak 120 32 Brazil frigate 120 30 Total of the whole fleet 130 Eastland Merchant 110 32 Total of men 17246 Adventure 160 38 Total of Guns 4824 Samaritan 120 30 Vanguard 390 56 Besides the Naseby frigate is preparing for the Cerulian Waves, and divers other stately ships. Entrance 200 43 Dragon 160 38 Convert 120 33 Paul 120 38 Guise 133 34 President frigate 115 30 The last Post from Holland advertiseth, that there is arrived at the Uly about 140 sail of Merchant's ships that came from the Eastland, whereof divers are going up to Amsterdam, the rest to other Ports. The Commander Ruittier is chosen Vice-Admiral for that City, and great are their preparations in most places. There is come to the Hague an Agent from the great Duke of Maltha, who is called the Chevalier Palant; he hath had Audience of the States General, and after that delivered in certain papers, wherein are expressed at large the occasion of his coming, and his Demands. The two great ships (so long expected) are now safely arrived at the Uly from the Charibde Islands, and some few ships taken by the English are again re-taken by the Dutch. Nay, further, they have taken some of our ships on the Northern Coast, towards Bridlington Bay, Scarborough, and Newcastle, and stranded others near Hartlepool: there is a great Fleet coming from Newcastle, so soon as the Wind will permit, and a Convoy is ready to attend their motion. There is another great Fleet of Dutch Merchant men (consisting of no less than one hundred and fifty sail) gone to the Westward, sailing close by the Coast of France, and having a fair Wind, gave our Fleet the go-by: they have a Convoy of 60 men of war, and well manned, and are to return speedily to the General Rendezvous. Our Fleet rides triumphantly in the Western Channel, and mighty preparations there are for completing of it: no less than 1000 Redcoats were drawn out of four Regiments the last week, and sent on ship board. The next thing that presents itself to public view is, the high and magnificent entertainment of the Dutch Ambassadors, upon their receiving audience by his Highness the Lord Protector. They were attended from the Palace-yard to the Banqueting-house at Whitehall, by Sir Oliver Fleming (Master of the Ceremonies) the L. Strickland, and the L. Jones, (two of the Council) who were all brought in the L. Protector's chief Coach, and his Highness's footmen, besides the Ambassadors, to run by the Coach; and after the said Coach followed divers others belonging to several Peers of the Nation, in which rode several persons of honour, and the Gentlemen belonging to the Ambassadors. There were set at the upper-end of the Banqueting house a mighty rich Chair of State for his Highness, and by it on the right hand, three rich stools for the Ambassadors, and a place railed in covered with Carpets, and the ground spread with Carpets wherein the chair and stools were set. The L. Protector came into the Banqueting house with the Lords of the Council, M. Thurloe, Secretary of State, and M. Claypool Gent. of the Horse; at whose coming in, all the people put off their hats & stood bare, & his Highness put off his hat to the people, & went up to the Chair, but did not sit down in it at all, neither before, at, nor after the Audience. His Highness stood on the left side of the Chair, with his hat on, and the Lords of the Council, M. Thurlo, & M. Claypool were within the Rails, all bare during Audience. In this equipage his Highness waited a short time, for the reception of the Ambassadors, and a lane was made for them to come up to his Highness from the one end of the room to the other. So soon as the Ambassadors were come into the Room they put off their hats to salute his Highness; and his Highness did the like to them again; and so a second, and a third time, as they came nearer to the L. Protector; and when they came up to the place where the chair, stools, & carpets were, where his Highness was, with the Lords of the Council; and after a low salute of his Highness & the Ambassadors each to other; the L. Protector put on his hat, and the Ambassadors also: but the Lords of the Council, & all others being bare, his Highness and the Ambassadors standing up, the L. Youngstal made a Speech to His Highness, declaring the desire of his Masters the States of the United Provinces, to renew Amity, and to settle a more firm Peace than heretofore. To which his Highness made an excellent Speech in answer thereunto, declaring, That he desired nothing more than a firm Peace and happy Union and to renew the ancient friendship between both Commonwealths, &c. Afterwards his Highness & the Ambassadors saluted each other; and the Ambassadors returned back three times to salute his Highness; and his Highness also staying for that purpose saluted them; but they being gone down, his Highness with the Lords of the Council, returned also by the Privy door. The Lord Ambassadors from the States of Holland, have again addressed themselves to his Highness, intimating That if the Articles can be engrossed in a day, they were willing to sign the Ratification of the Peace: whereupon his Highness appointed the Lord Strickland, and five Commissioners more of the Lords of the Council, to meet with the Dutch Ambassadors, and to explain and clear some scruples in the Articles: so that its supposed Subscriptions will be made on either side, in order to a firm Peace and Amity. Upon the effecting whereof, divers honourable persons are to be excluded the two Commonwealths viz. The Queen of Bohemia going from Holland, to her Son Prince Charles the Palsgrave. The Prince of Orange The Princess The King of Scot, going for Germany, Likewise The Duke of York The Duke of Gloucester Prince Rupert Prince Philip The late Queen of England is to depart France: she goes to the Duke of Savoy, the Duchess being her sister And all other Lords and Gentlemen that shall be found enemies against the two States. There is like to be a sudden conclusion between the Kings of France, Denmark, and the Q. of Sweden; and then beware poor Germany. Her Majesty, and his Excellency the Lord Ambassador Whitlock have treated of every Article, and there is great probability of a very good issue: but the Queen demurs about the Article of an offensive and defensive war by reason that the English are at present in wars, and her subjects in peace. Her Resident hath had audience in Holland and likewise the French Ambassador: since which time, the States are preparing to send forth their great Armada, and have added 60 new Frigates to the Navy, notwithstanding the present Treaty: whereupon Gen. Desborow, and Gen. Monk are gone down to Chattam, to hasten out the rest of the English Fleet. On the 10 instant, the Highlanders had a great Rendezvous about Badgenoth, and the truth is they are very strong, though many times we take some of them. An Ordinance is preparing for the trial and approbation of Ministers, and thirty Commissioners (Ministers and others) will be appointed to put them in execution; The Articles of Agreement between the Dutch and Us (as before mentioned) are not yet engrossed; but the English Commissioners of the Council to the Lord Protector, viz. The Lord Lisle, Maj. Gen. Lambert, Mr. Strickland, Sir Gilbert Pickering, Col. Montague, Mr. Lawrence. Appointed to finish the business of the Dutch Ambassadors, have had several meetings, and the Results of all (as fairly conjectured) tends to a speedy Union. Another part of Paul's Church falling down the last week at the great South door, where a part fell before: it was under consideration by the Council for taking it down; but nothing yet done in it. Our last Post from Scotland bringeth certain intelligence, That there are divers great Commanders, and eminent persons landed at the Ferry of Uney in Southerland a List of their Names We shall here present you with as followeth: Lieut. Gen. Middleton, The Lord Douglas, The Lord Murrey, Sir George Munroe, Sir Alexander Ennis, Maj. Gen. Dyel, Col. Dyel, Col. Lodowick Drumland Col. Stuart, Col. Gibson, 24 Captains, 27 Lieutenants, And about 60 other Officers and Gentlemen Great store of Arms, Ammunition, and other warlike Provisions; by way of Tradition 'tis said, that they have brought over three white Flags, with the cross bloody Daggers, and that they are already marched up to Achness with divers Horse load of Arms: from whence, they intend to march up to Strath-Heer, terminating to have a conjunction with Gen. Glencarn in the Highlands, and then to proceed with fire and sword against all those that shall oppose them in the Lowlands. But let them beware, that Valour's great Elixir, who do's three Nations awe, doth not once more with his brandish Sword give the Redshanks a Law; for which end, his Highness hath ordered all Officers to repair to their several charges. | The Weekly Post, Issue 168 |
ProcState232 | This day his Highness the Lord Protector consulted again with Mr. Owen, Mr. Lockier, Mr. Sydrach Simpson, Mr. Nye, and divers other Ministers of the word of God; and many things were under consideration, for suppressing of all profane, scandalous and ignorant Ministers, and provision to be made for those that are godly; though in things indifferent, they differ in form. The Dutch Ambassadors being shortly to have their audience, and other Ambassadors also coming from several Princes; the great room at the Banqueting house at Whitehall was Ordered to be made ready, and is to be hung with rich hangings. And What shall one answer the (Ambassadors and) Messengers of the Nations. Surely the Lord Protector hath a sweet word from God; That the Lord hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in him, Isa. 14.32. This day was published an Ordinance by His Highness the Lord Protector with advice of his Council, for reviving the jurisdiction of the County Palatine of Lancaster, and for holding an Assizes there to this effect. That all Privileges and Jurisdictions belonging to the County Palatine of Lancaster and the Inhabitants thereof, be, and are hereby revived and continued, as fully and amply to all intents and purposes, as the same were at any time before the tenth day of October last. And that all actions as well real as personal, and all other Actions mixed or otherwise, Pleas, Precepts, Writs, Process, Demurrers, Recognisances, Fines, Recoveries, and all other Proceedings, matters and things, of what nature or quality soever, now depending in any Court, within the said County Palatine, or there commenced or prosecuted since the said tenth day of October shall be and stand revived, continued, and of full force and effect in the Law, to all intents, construction and purposes. And that all Process, Pleas, Demurrers and Proceedings in every such Action, Actions, Suits, Bills or Plaints, which were there depending the said tenth day of October last, or commenced or prosecuted there at any time since, shall stand good and effectual and be proceeded in according to the Laws of the Nation, and the proceedings used within the said Country Palatine of Lancaster. And it is further Ordained that Matthew Hales, one of the Justices of the Court of Common-Pleas at Westminster, and Hugh Windam Sergeant at Law, shall be Justices of Assizes and Gaol delivery within the said County Palatine, and that the said Justices, or either of them, shall and may act, do and perform all matters and things, as well concerning criminal as Common-Pleas, and all other Pleas and Process whatsoever, in such manner and form as any other Justice or Justices of Assizes at Lancaster have usually acted, done and performed at any time heretofore, And the Commissioner for keeping the Seal of the said County Palatine of Lancaster hereafter named is hereby Authorised and appointed to issue forth to the said Justices, for the execution of the premises, such Commission or Commissions as in such cases have been heretofore in the said County Palatine, used and accustomed. And that Tomas Fell Esq.; be, and is hereby made and appointed Commissioner for keeping of the Seal of the said County Palatine of Lancaster, and shall have all such powers as any Chancellor of Commissioner for keeping the Seal of the said County Palatine hath formerly lawfully used and exercised concerning the same, till further order. The seventh instant; the Town of Beffort hath agreed, that if in a fortnight they were not relieved, the Garrison should issue out with Bag and Baggage, and that the Comte de Lasuse should with his forces be employed in the King of France's service and should be Lieut. Gen. in the Army of Champagne, and the Comte de Charlo the Cardinal's Cousin is to be Governor in the said Town of Beffort. The Treaty of Brissac which the Marshal de la Ferte, the Baron de la Melon, the Lord Intendent de Morun, and Captain the Besman have concluded and subscribed of the King's side, hath also been ratified by Prince Harcourt, the Maj. Gen. Charlevois and the Soldiery, upon condition to bring it to effect when the promised sums of monies shall be paid. The French are 5 or 6000 strong towards Sedan and did intend upon intelligence of the Garrison of the Castle of Stenay, which is since discovered, to have made themselves Masters of that place. The Inhabitants of Elsatia and Switzerland are very much displeased at the French in those parts who live at discretion and do plunder all the Towns and Villages they can come into, those of Montbeliard and of Brisack doing also the like. So that it seemeth that they do intend to ruin and desolate the whole Country. Some days ago is passed through this City an Ambassador of the King of Denmark to go for England and congratulate the Lord Protector. From Antwerp 25. Feb. We have here certain advice from Spain that the Fleet coming from the Indies is safely arrived at Cadiz. Captain Oomke is come in here bringing along with him a prize being a Flute laden with goods esteemed worth 30000 Guilders. A Freebooter of Enchusen hath also recovered before the Ulie a prize taken by the English coming from Norvege. This week are arrived here many ships from France with two ships coming from the Caribe Islands. There are also three ships in this road making ready to go for Brazil. This day the three Lords Ambassadors from the States General of the United Provinces, viz. the Lord Beverling, the Lord Newport, and the Lord Yongstal, passed through the Cities of London & Westminster to Sir Abraham Williams's house in the Palace yard at Westminster, in His Highness's Coach, with Sir Oliver Fleming Mr. of the Ceremonies, and Mr. Claypole Gentlemen of the Horse, and divers other Gentlemen, and His Highness's Footmen attending on both sides the Coach, and also the Coaches and Gentlemen of the Lord Ambassador of the King of Portugal, and the Resident of the King of France, and above 50 Coaches more, of divers of the English Nobility and Gentry, whereof above 20 of the said Coaches were with six horses, and near 20 of them with four horses apiece, and the rest with two good Horses and Furniture; and as soon as they alighted in the Palace yard they were saluted with a noise of Trumpets. The letters from Holland say, that their judgement there is, that the Treaty of Peace between the two Nations is so far advanced, that there is very few do make any doubt of it, since all the Provinces sent their consent thereunto to the Lords the States General, amongst whom those of Groning were the last, and so the Ratification by the States was then sent to the Lord Beverling to England. And upon his answer to the States Ambassadors were chosen to go to England to ratify the Peace. And accordingly the Lords Newport and Yongstal were commissionated, there were two others chosen, but they excused, and after them one Yong, who because of much business and other reasons, had leave to stay (at least for a time) and power was given to the Lords Beverling, Newport, and Yongstal to conclude and ratify the Peace with England. Hague 26 Febr. Mr. Stocker the 22 Instant had audience of the Lords States, in the name of the Protestant Cantons of Switzerland, offering (as is reported) his best endeavours to reconcile the differences between them and England, if there remain yet any they shall differ upon. This day divers Orders passed in several Petitions presented to His Highness the Lord Protector, and the Council referred Mr. Smith's Petition and several others to be examined by Committees. His Highness appointed that the Lords Ambassadors from the States General of the United Provinces should have public audience on the morrow, and Sir Oliver Fleming Mr. of the Ceremonies had orders to attend their Lordships to the Banqueting house at Whitehall accordingly. And the Banqueting house was Ordered to be made ready against the morrow morning for that purpose. By Letters from Whitby in the North of England is certified, that the Phenix Frigate hath sent thither a prize which she took at Sea, a small man of War, which hath in her only three guns and 30 prisoners. Another small prize also was taken further Northward. From Inverness February 20. The Enemy are divided into divers parties to raise their assigned Levies, keeping themselves on parts near to the Brays for their security; and from thence summon in the Country for Horse and Foot, whom they threaten with ruin for not accomplishing their unjust Demands. Glencairn is to command all the Forces levied in these Shires of Murray, and so Northward, he with 80 Horse and 200 Foot keeps near the Hills, that upon notice of the approach of any of our Forces they may secure themselves in the inaccessible bounds. Our Horse Scouts now and then glean up some of them, having lately taken among others a notorious Rogue who threatened to burn divers of the Inhabitants houses who are serviceable to the Garrison. Leith Febru. 25. Athol's levies are most certainly spoiled and the people wearied in their respects to them, despairing of help from Holland, and a report amongst them, that a Gentleman (their friend) in Fife had lately a Vision, in which he was commanded by one in form of a Man to speed to Glencairn and tell him, that he must decline his course which will be destructive to him, and all under him, and then vanished. The Gentleman neglected it, and then had a second vision in which he was sentenced to be dumb for his neglect, which he now is, and certifies the same under his hand, as they report: This latter prevails much on the vulgar Soldiers, and the two former hath influence on all their Army, that they are much dejected and sad. Athol is about Glenlyar, and hath with him about 300 Horse and Foot, he hath sent forth the fiery Crosses, but it's little observed, some of his men are gone to Badgenoth, where it's informed Glencairn is. The old Laird of Glenusq; at Balloch hath sent for, and accepted of a protection from the Governor of St. Johnstons, and hath engaged to keep all quiet in his Bounds for doing any prejudice to the Commonwealth: Athol was there to demand his House to be demolished (as Weems is) but the old Gentleman (of eighty years of Age) absolutely refused. On Tuesday last Sir Arthur Forbs with what Horse Athol could make, marched towards Monteith of Lenox, it's conceived in a design for the South. The 22 instant there was one of Col. Daniel's Regiment hanged at St. Johnstons for running to Athol, who was taken at Dunkel the last week, and another was tied up to the Gallows, who was intercepted in his running to Athol. There are some others that ran from the same Regiment to Athol, who were taken at Dunkel, but preserved by Articles. Major General Lambert's, and Commissary General Whaley's Regiments of Horse are come up hither, and will be a very seasonable supply. From Milford Haven the 28 February. Here are some lately come from Ireland, who tell us no more as for news, but that according to the late Treaty made with Mac O Mortague, there are great numbers of Irish ready to take shipping for Flanders, to serve the King of Spain, but there are still small parties of Tories, who lie lurking in the Woods and Bogs, and do much disquiet the peace of the Country, but so small, that there are scarce twenty together of them in three parts of Ireland, which is still in great want of people to inhabit those parts. The Lord Henry Cromwell is safe arrived in Ireland. From Deal, 2 March. Two days since all the Merchants ships as were here, and in Dover Road, set sail, having a fair wind to go for the southward; also several convoys to bring them to their distinct places. There hath been likewise some of our Frigates here, but are all gone again Westward, where we hear our Fleet rideth still near St. Hellen's point, by the Isle of Wight. By Letters came from beyond the Seas as followeth. The disorders and excesses which the French forces do commit daily at Orbazano, as well as in other places thereabouts, are so great, that the Country people have been forced in many places to take up Arms against them, whereby some have been killed of both sides, and great complaints have been made thereupon, being observed, That the French do very slightly their word and engagements; in the meantime the Marshal of Grancey hath according to his last order received from the Court of France, a supply of 26 Troops of Horse, and 14 Companies of Foot, and maketh 40 other Companies march towards the Dolphin, and as many to Pignerol, the rest remaining in their Winter quarters, staying for the next news from France. The Pope hat sent his Letters through all Italy, to command Prayers to be made for the good success of the Peace between France and Spain. His Holiness hath banished his Nephew the Cardinal Pamphilio, and will confiscate his Revenue, and Goods, because as it is reported he hath revealed his secrets concerning Spain and Portugal. The marriage of the Princess of Loves of Carigan, Daughter of Prince Thomas of Savoy, with the Marquis of Boden, hath been celebrated this week in the Palace if Soissons, the Prince Eugene her Brother having married her in the name of the said Marquis. The Prince of Conti who is at last returned here the 16 instant, hath been received in the Louvre by their Majesties, with a great demonstration of joy: The next day he hath been most nobly feasted by the Cardinal, and at night had the sport of the Ballet, called, of Proverbs, which was danced before him. It is certainly believed, that he is fully agreed to marry with the Niece of the said Cardinal, one of the Martinezzi, and that the eldest sister is to be married afterward to the Duke of Candale. The said Prince of Conti as is reported, shall command this year the King's Army in the Roussillon, upon condition, that he shall resign all his Church Livings to the said Cardinal. The great Royal Ballet of Thesis, her Weddings, a very costly piece, all sorts of persons having been sent for out of Italy, as Singers, Dancers, and the like, is deferred till Easter. This day the Lords Ambassadors from the States of the seven United Provinces of Holland, Zealand, &c. had audience by his Highness the Lord Protector, in the Banqueting house at Whitehall, which was hung with extraordinary rich hangings, and divers Lords, Knights and Gentlemen, Officers of the Army, and thousands of people in the said room present, and all the Galleries round the room, full of people; besides many in the Courts and other places about that could not get in. They were fetched from their lodging in the Palace yard at Sir Abraham Willams's, by Sir Oliver Flemming, Mr. of the Ceremonies; and with him two of the Lords of the Council, Strickland and Jones, who were all three with the three Ambassadors, brought in the Lord Protector's chief Coach, and his Highness's Footmen, besides the Ambassador's Footmen to run by the Coach; and after the said Coach followed a great many Coaches belonging to several Lords and others, most with six horses, in which rid several persons of Honour, and the Gentlemen belonging to the Ambassadors. There were set at the upper-end of the Banqueting house at Whitehall, a chair of State, very rich, for his Highness the Lord Protector, and by it on the right hand, three rich high stools for the Ambassadors, and a place railed in covered with Carpets, and the ground spread with carpets, wherein the chair and stools were set. First his Highness the Lord Protector came into the Banqueting House with the Lords of the Council, and Mr. Thurlow Secretary of State, and Mr. Claypole Gentleman of the Horse, at whose coming in, all the people put off their Hats and stood bare, and His Highness put off his Hat to the people, and went up to the Chair, but did not sit down in it at all, all the while, neither before, at, nor after the Audience. His Highness stood on the left side of the Chair with his Hat on, and the Lords of the Council, and Mr. Secretary, and Mr. Claypole were within the Rails, some on the one side and some on the other, all of them bare all the while, in this Equipage His Highness waited a short time, for the reception of the Ambassadors, and a lane was made for the Ambassadors to come up to His Highness from the one end of the Room to the other. So soon as the Ambassadors were come into the Room they put off their Hats to salute His Highness the Lord Protector, and His Highness did the like to them, and so again a second and a third time as they came nearer to His Highness, and when they came up to the place where the Chair, Stools, and Carpets were, where His Highness the Lord Protector was, with the Lords of the Council and after a low salute of His Highness and the Lords Ambassadors each to other; the Lord Protector put on his Hat, and the Ambassadors put on their Hats also, the Lords of the Council and all others being bare, His Highness and the Ambassadors all standing up. Then the Lord Yongstal made a Speech to His Highness, and His Highness made presently another Speech to the Ambassadors. His Highness and the Ambassadors often in both the Speeches putting off their hats to salute each other, upon some words of Protestation of Affection of the one Commonwealth to the other, and desire of firm Union. The substance of the Ambassador's speech was, To declare the business of their coming, to renew the old friendship which hath been for many years, and to make and settle a more firm Peace and Alliance than ever before heretofore. And that to this purpose their Superiors, the Lords the States of the United Provinces of the Netherlands do all of them agree and consent to the agreement of peace between us and them, which they their Ambassadors Extraordinary are empowered fully to confirm and ratify, desiring a speedy cessation of Arms, and that all acts of hostility may cease on both sides; So that the chiefest thing that is yet behind is only to explain some things in some of the Articles. Afterwards His Highness and the Ambassadors saluted each other, and the Ambassadors returned, three times turning back to salute His Highness, and His Highness then also staying for that purpose, saluted them; and they being gone down, His Highness with the Lords of the Council, returned also by the Privy door, through which he had come thither. Edinburgh 24 Feb. We have taken Kildrummy the Earl of Mar's house, who after he had made it a Garrison pretended to be surprised by the Enemy to deceive us. One Capt. Thompson, and Lieut. Col. Ramsey's Lieutenant came down with five of six more into the Lowlands to plunder Horses, and Lieut. Hellin Lieut. to Major Bramston having intelligence thereof marched forth with seven more Dragoons with him, out of the Garrison of Thornston, pursued them ten miles through the Hills, killed one of them, and brought the rest Prisoners to Dunotter Castle. SIR, The command of the Forces in the North of Scotland being committed to my conduct, I thought good to signify that yesterday meeting the Forces commanded by the Lord Glencairn, it pleased God that we dispersed and totally routed them, and understanding that you had possessed the house of Kildrummy, to the great disturbance of the peace of this Nation, I marched hither, and do strictly summon you upon sight hereof to deliver unto me the said house of Kildrummy, with all the Arms and Ammunition therein for the use of His Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and in case you yield obedience thereunto, I shall give you liberty to go to your own homes, and live at peace, you engaging that you will act nothing prejudicial to the English Army, but on the contrary, if there happen the least effusion of blood unto any under my command, then expect no mercy. Your answer I expect within half and hour, and remain Yours as I find you, Tho. Morgan. For M. J. Wil. Drummond Officer in chief within the house of Kildrummy. Feb. 22. 1653. Sir, I received yours, and find your Propositions very hard without order from my Lord General, always Sir, if you will be pleased to suffer me to send one to my Lord General, and upon his return we shall render the house if they come not again on Monday at night for our relief, we shall march with our Horse and Arms to any part of the King's Army in Scotland, and withal the place be made useless for any Garrison, and for the effusion of blood, we take God to witness, yours shall be the fault: No further but Yours as time shall produce, Wil. Drummond. For Col. Morgan, Commander of the English forces. Kildrummy, 22 Feb. 1653. Sir, I have considered your Answer, and cannot grant your desires, yet so tender am I of shedding blood, in case you be not satisfied with the terms I offered, if you please to send one or two Officers fully authorised to Treat in order to your sudden surrender, I shall rather deal honourably, then use cruelty, I expect your Answer by this Bearer, and am Yours as occasion shall serve, Tho. Morgan. For Major Drummond, Officer in chief in the house of Kildrummy. Sir, I have received yours, and am as loath to shed blood at this time as any shall be. Sir, I thought you would have suffered me to have sent to my Lord General, because I being put here by him, and on such a sudden to surrender, I believe no man of honour, but might esteem me the basest of men; but however for the matter of Treaty, if you please to send down to the gate one or two, I shall wait on them there to hear your will. No more but that I am Yours to meeting W. Drummond. For Col. Morgan, Commander in chief of the English Forces in the North of Scotland. Sir, according to your intimation I have sent Lieut. Colonel Simmons, and Major Knight to Treat, in order to your sudden surrender of the house of Kildrummy, and whatever they conclude, shall be made good by me. Tho. Morgan. For Major Wil. Drummond, Officer in chief within the house of Kildrummy. The Commissioners could not agree, so that the Treaty broke, but the next morning Drummond sent his Drum with this following Letter. Sir, I though good to show you that it is but a short time betwixt Monday and Thursday, and because we have bedding, and some other things which we brought from the Country people, and did engage to give them back at out leaving the place, before which time we can hardly get done; if you Sir, think this fit, let us meet, and condescend on Articles, and to such time I rest Yours as occasion offers, Wil. Drummond. Kildrummy, 23 Feb. 1653. For Col. Morgan, Commander in chief of the English forces in the North. These. Sir, I perceive that you still persist in your delays, but this may suffice you, that I shall not afford you any longer tome to march than tomorrow at ten o'clock, and because your redelivery of the Country's Goods, shall not cause you to Dispute. In case those whom I send to Treat, and conclude, and you agree, I shall give you liberty to leave one behind, to see the Goods disposed on according to your engagement, who shall have free liberty to act accordingly. I expect your immediate Answer, and remain Yours, if you be your own, Tho. Morgan. For Major Drummond, Commander in chief within the house of Kildrummy. Sir, I received yours, and if we agree on Articles, I shall march tomorrow by ten o'clock; so expecting those whom you send to Treat at the place where we met last night, where I shall attend them. I rest Sir, Yours as before. Kildrummy, 22 Febr. 1653. For col. Morgan, Commander in chief of the English forces in the North. These. Upon which, these ensuing Articles were agreed upon, and Cornet Burbom was sent into the house as Hostage on our part, and Cornet Gordon, Kenmore's Cornet was delivered as Hostage for the house. I. That the said Governor is to march with all the forces in the said House, Arms, Ammunition, Bag, and Baggage, tomorrow morning by ten o'clock, to the nearest place where any of the Scotch Forces are, without molestation, and to have a Pass to that purpose from Colonel Morgan, unto whom he is to surrender the said House without any demolition, for the use of His Highness, the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. II. That the said Governor shall have liberty to leave an Officer to dispose of the Country Goods which are in the said House, either belonging to the Earl of Marr, or any other. III. That the said Governor shall march tem miles a day, with the party under his command, except the first day, till they come at the forces, and are not to molest or trouble any of the forces belonging to His Highness, the Lord Protector, upon their march, upon any account whatsoever: For the performance whereof, each subscribed. In case the Castle had not been delivered that day, neither our Horse nor Foot had been able to have continued there one night longer, the season of the year not permitting it: Neither were we able to do any good upon the House without battering Guns, which could not have come to us in a weeks time. This day General Desborow, General Monk, and the Commissioners of the Admiralty, went towards Chattam, for dispatch of the completing of the Navy now near ready. Seamen were pressed, and Soldiers drawn out of the Regiments, to be put on board, and a gallant Fleet will presently be at a Rendezvous. The Dutch have also 60 new Frigates to add to their Fleet, which will shortly be ready. Both sides strengthen themselves as well as they can, least there should not be a conclusion at last: But it is not much doubted. Dalkeith, 28 Febr. the last week Lieutenant Hollin, Lieut. to Major Bampston's Troop of Dragoons, having notice, That one Cap. Thomson, and Lieut. Col. Ramsey's Lieutenant, with five more of the enemy, were come down into the Mearns, presently mounted with seven more of the Troop, pursued them about ten miles into the Hills, and at last took them, their Horses and Arms; one of them being an Englishman, refused to take quarter, and was killed. A party of the Enemy's Horse and Foot being before Down Castle, five miles from Sterling, Major Bridges went from Sterling with a party of 60 Horse; upon which the enemy fled, our men pursued, and about 4 miles from Down, came in sight of them. We took only six prisoners, and about 19 or 20 Horse, Sir Mungo Murray was there, and escaped very narrowly, as did Cap. Hamilton whose Horse was taken but he escaped over a Bog. The 10 of March is appointed for the Enemies great Rendezvous about Badgenoth. Montross and Sir Mungo Murray came with orders to Athol when he flighted Weems, to prepare all the force he could against that time. There was a late falling out among them, and one Graham shot Athol's Groom through the head, and young Montross had like to have killed Lorn. Brussels 28 Feb. The Earl of Garzia Field Marshal General of the King's Army pretended to the Duke of Loraine, that the Arch D. Leopold would speak with him to treat about the Country of Liege, and having persuaded him the 25 instant, so soon as he came into the Palace the doors were shut, and the Duke apprehended by order from the King of Spain, his house and places where his goods and treasures were kept, were seized, his chief Steward, his Secretary, and one of his Counsellors apprehended, and one Boule his Favourite a Jeweller hiding himself, was by a Citizen discovered the next day and apprehended. The Duke of Loraine was kept prisoner all night in the Palace, desiring to speak with the Archduke, it was refused him; then he writ to him, desiring a speedy Answer, which he had by word of mouth, that he should be brought to Prince Thomato's quarters. And the next day about 10 o'clock he was sent towards Antwerp, with 100 armed Horsemen before, and the Count Garzia with his own men immediately before the Coach wherein he was with six Cavaliers with him, and 200 Horse more followed, and between this and Mechelen 1200 horse to secure the way, and as many more between Mechelen and Antwerp, where he was put into the Castle that night. The cause of his imprisonment is by the Archduke's Manifesto pretended to be for ungratefulness, and unfaithfulness to his Majesty of Spain, and his great excesses of plundering and devastations, the Archduke hath sent a Commission to his younger Brother Prince Francis of Lorain to command the Army, and an express is sent to the Emperor. Hague 11 March. It is hoped that within a few days after our Ambassadors are arrived in England there will be a publication of peace made. We are told here, that the Negotiation between France and England is much advanced, and that both Treaties are like to be ended at the same time. We have news here that Charles Stuart must be packed out of France suddenly. If the Scots had been considerable he would have gone to head them. Four of our ships have suffered shipwreck and are sunk by storm before Enchusen, but most of the men saved, we have news that the Cantons of Switzerland have (contrary to all opinions) renewed their alliance with the Crown of France. Letters from Ireland confirm again that all is quiet there, and there is little want of anything but people to inhabit, to complete a settlement of that Nation. There is a great Robber that fled from England is taken there, that robbed the Carriers from Sturbridge Fair and others, taken and imprisoned in Dublin Castle, who is to be sent over into England to be tried. By Letters from Upsal of the Treaty of the Lord Ambassador Whitlock with the Queen of Sweden is certified, that the Queen hath only five days in the Country to visit her Mother, during which time the grand Chancellor, who had full commission was treated with, and progress is made in the business. The Chancellor made some queries at the first meeting, but at the second had much satisfaction by the Lord Ambassador's Commission, giving him power to conclude and ratify whatsoever shall be determined by the Treaty. They have treated of every Article, There is great probability of a short and good issue, only there was some demurs about the Article of an offensive and defensive War; the English being at present in wars and the Swedes not. Things go well on here: The Queen and her Majesty's Council look on England as much more settled under the Lord Protector than before. His Highness being one whom she much honours, and also approves of the change of the Government, she hath been in the Country, but is newly returned, and in half a day and a night (after five days absence making speed to us) is come back through very hard Frosts in a Sledge of this Country, in which she rid as long a way as contains above fifty English miles. Several Petitions were this day received by His Highness, and orders passed therein. The Committee have finished Sir Wil. Dicks business, and others to be reported to the Council. Several Complaints from divers places in England, are made of some that disturb the meetings of godly people; when these things are examined, some will be called to account. The Lords Ambassadors of the United Provinces of Holland, &c. say, That if the Articles can be engrossed in a day, they are ready to sign the Ratification of the Peace; and Commissioners are appointed by His Highness, the Lord Protector, for speedy dispatch with them. There is a near conclusion also with the French Resident, Monsieur Bordeaux; who it is thought will have suddenly a Plenipotentiary power. The late Queen of England is to depart France; she goes to the Duke of Savoy, the Duchess being her sister. Charles Stuart, and the Dukes of York, and Gloucester, are also to depart, they intend for Germany to the Palsgrave. The Lady Elizabeth also is to depart Holland, she returns to Her Son the Palsgrave. Sweden and Switzerland will rejoice to join in it, and Denmark not a little glad when they shall be taken in. Something is referred by His Highness, the Lord Protector, to a Committee of the Council, to consider of, touching Religion, in order to what hath been offered by the Ministers that have so often met before His Highness. ☞ A Discourse Apologetical, wherein Lilies lewd and loud lies in his Merlin for the year, 1654. are clearly laid open; his shameful decision of his own cause is further discovered; his shameless slanders fully refuted; and his malicious and murderous mind inciting to a general Massacre of God's Ministers from his own Pen, evidently evinced, By Tho. Gataker, B.D. and Minister of God's Word at Rotherhith. The Life and Death of (that eminent Christian) Mr. Ignatius Jurdain, one of the Aldermen of the City of Exeter, drawn up Mr. F. Nichols, and published by Mr. Tho. Manton, Minister of Newington. Both to be sold by Tho. Newberry at his Shop at the Three Lions in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange. | Severall Proceedings of State Affaires, Issue 232 |
DutchDiurn11 | The great preparations made by the Spaniard in the Duchy of Milan for War, and the great fortifications of the Towns of Verua and Cresccntino for that purpose. The return of the Answer of the States of Holland to his Highness the Lord Protector concerning the signing and sealing of the Agreement. Also the great spoil and hurt done by the Brest Pirates in the Channel, and how they have taken several vessels of considerable value, which belonged to Bristol, The passing of an Ordinance for the keeping of the last Return of Easter Term. With divers other Letters from foreign parts. There are Letters come this day from the Isle of Wight, which certifies that our Fleet hath weighed Anchor from Hellen's Point, being in a very good condition, and is now riding in Stoke Bay; those ships that were gone into Portsmouth to take in their provisions, are now ready, and fit to put forth. From Edinburgh April 8, thus. Notwithstanding all the several beatings those which raise levies meet with, yet so inveterate is the malice of these people against us, that they will be barking: several Parties of them that have been up in Galloway have been met withal, and within these 4 or 5 days Maj. Bridges with, a party of Col. Okie's took 8 of the Rebels, and 12. Horse in one place, in another place killed 3. took 8 and 25. Horse. Cornet Kennet with a party of 20 horse of Maj. Gen. Harrison's late Regiment, coming from Dumfries, a party of 40 of the Enemy made an attempt upon them, they received the onset, and them charged through them, routed the Rebels, killed 4 on the place, took 9 (whereof 3 mortally wounded) and divers horse. The next day Lieut. Hickman of that same Regiment joining with him engaged a party of 80 of the Rebels, took 11 prisoners, and about 20 horse, Cap. Campbel who commanded them was shot in the back, his horse taken, but himself escaped. Glencairn, Glengary, &c. are gone over Tayne into Sutherland to join with Middleton, they give themselves out to be 4000. but I doubt not but Col. Morgan will engage them with his party. Montrosse and the Lord Dudhop are raising their Levies upon the Brays of Angus, they two will be met withal in time. Glasgow April, 3, thus. Lieutenant Hickman whom Col, Cooper sent out with a party of Horse towards Galloway, met with the Enemy about 80 Horse, who routed them and took 23 horse, wounded the Capt. that commanded the party, killed 5 men, and wounded divers, took 11 prisoners- This day was published this following Ordinance. An Ordinance for Adjourning part of Easter Term, 1654. And Repealing the former Ordinance of the sixth of this present April. Whereas many abuses and corruptions are crept into the ordinary course and administration of Justice, both in Law and equity, the Reformation whereof hath not yet been attained; Out of a tender care and desire that so necessary and good a work may at length be brought to effect, it is held convenient and necessary part of the next Term of Easter: be it therefore Ordained by his highness the Lord Protector by and with the consent of his Council that part of the said Term of Easter now next coming be adjourned, that is to say from and after the First Return called Quindena Pasche, unto the last Return of the said Easter Term, called the Crastino Assensionis; and all and every Person or persons, which have cause or commandment to appear in any of the Courts at Westminster, in or at any day or time from and after the said Return called Quindena Pasche, may tarry at their dwellings, or where their Business shall lie without resorting to any of the said Courts for that cause, until the said last Return called Crastino Assensionis, without danger or forfeiture, penalty or contempt to be in that behalf. And be it also Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that Writs of adjournment shall be directed to the Justices of the said Courts, and Barons of the Exchequer, giving them authority to adjourn the said part of the Term of Easter, as aforesaid, that is to say from & after the said First Return, called Quindena pasche, until the said last Return of the said Term, called Crastino Assensionis, as before is said, and the said Adjournment shall be made, as aforesaid. And be it further Ordained, that all matters, causes and Suits depending in any of the said Courts, shall have continuance, and the parties shall have day, from the day of the said Adjournment, until the said Return of Crastino Assensionis, as is aforesaid; And the Lords Commissioners of the Great Seal are required to issue forth Writs accordingly. And be it further Ordained, That a former Ordinance of the sixth day of this instant April, for the Adjourning of part of the said Term, until the First Return of Trinity Term next, called Crastino Trinitatis be from henceforth repealed and void, And it is lastly Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, and all other Sheriffs both in England and Wales, do forthwith proclaim and publish this Ordinance in the chief Market Towns and usual places within their several and respective Counties. It is advertised That the Peace is welcome news to the States of Holland, &c., and that they will suddenly send a Messenger with Thanks to their Ambassadors, and their approbation; and then it is to be published by both, one the same day. The substance of the Peace agreed upon between England and Holland, &c. is to this effect viz. That there shall be a closer Alliance and Confederacy between the Commonwealth of England, and the States of the United provinces than was ever heretofore, that the Peace be published by both Commonwealths, upon the same day; after which, all acts of Hostility to cease after 10 days in the British Seas; from thence to the Cape of St. Vincent after six weeks, and to the Mediterranean Sea after ten weeks, and the furthest parts before eight month; after which, all prizes to be restored. That all acts past be forgotten, and all prisoners on both sides released; both to defend each other against all enemies, neither to act anything against the other. That all Hostility cease between England and Denmark; none to assist the Rebels of either Nation with any supply, but assist each other against them, and the one not to receive those the other declares to be enemies, but cause them upon notice to depart within 18 days, upon pain of death. That no private persons be suffered to assist the enemies of either, not to pay to either greater Impositions than other the States ships to strike their flags to the English in the British Seas; no retreat to be given to pirates in any of the Ports of either; each comprehended the other in any Treaty with any Nation, if desired. That if any particular person break the peace, it shall not break the national Confederacy, but those that do it to be punished, the Subjects of each to travel through all quarters of each, by water of Land, not exceeding forty in a company, and submitting to the Laws where they are. That in storms each may have Harbour under other, if they break not Bulk, without paying of Custom. The Merchants or Mariners of either Commonwealth not to be pressed to serve under the other, inevitable necessity, and then to have satisfaction, That in each others Country, they pass between their Ships and Inns with lawful weapons, Offensive and Defensive. That all ships of both Commonwealths defend each other against all whosoever, sailing their course together. If any other take any ships out of either of their Dominions, both parties to engage against them, until restitution be made. The Searchers of both to take no more of any of either, than their Instructions. Letters of Reprisal not to be given for damage caused, if in 3 months, satisfaction may be had. That such as have Private Commissions, put in good security not to damage the Subjects of either Commonwealth, That not above 8 ships of War remain in any Port of the others Commonwealth, without consent. That Justice be done by the States on those that are alive, that murdered the English in Amboyna. That there be Commissioners on both sides to examine the differences of the Inhabitants of both Nations in the East Indies, Greenland, Muscovia, Brazil, or other places and if they cannot agree within three months to refer it to be determined by the Protestant Switzers Security is already given for payment of the monies to the Eastland Companies, upon the business of Denmark, and the sum agreed upon. Some Merchants have received Letters that the Messenger is coming from the States, and that the Peace will be proclaimed tomorrow sevennight, and that an Agent is coming from Denmark. This day was sent from the King of France a Messenger to the French Ambassador here. Also Ambassadors are coming from several other Princes. The Scots rise in several parties in the Lowlands, and four or five hundred hath been lately dispersed in several parties, and divers of them killed and taken: General Monk is gone to take the command of the Forces in Scotland, An Ordinance is passed tendering pardon, only with some Exceptions, one hundred of the Scots have gotten leave to be transported to serve the Queen of Sweden, or the grand Duke of Muscovy, which they please. The Commissioners for approbation of public Preachers sit at Whitehall near the great gate: Tomorrow his Highness intends to come to Whitehall, and is to dine there: This day several Letters came from the Hague intimating , That there is a Messenger coming for England with a Return of the Instrument of peace, and a Ratification of signing and sealing under the Hand of the States General; so that now there is nothing wanting for completing of this great work, but the signing O. Cromwell, whose Highness intends to come to Whitehall on Friday next, being lately returned from Hampton Court, a place for a Prince. Monsieur Rosenwing the Danish Agent is safely arrived; and a Messenger is also come from the King of France to the French Ambassador with further Instructions to conclude a peace. His Majesty has sent to the little Queen desiring Her, and the Princely Issue, to retire our of his Estates, and that their pension should be sent them where they pleased. Whereupon the Queen is preparing to go and dwell at Angers, the K. of Scots and his brother James are bound with Rupert for Chantilly, and from thence either for Germany or Scotland, where Montross and the L. Dudhop are levying of forces, and many of the Lairds sent out their first and second sons for promoting of the service. Gen. Glengarn hath ferried over Tayn to join with Middleton in Southerland, who hath garrisoned certain places to hinder the passage of the English, so that they have made the Ferries unfeasible in many places. They have intercepted the English Letters going to Lewis Island, which doth somewhat impede our work at present, and are descended as far as Norwood Plain. They speak themselves to be above ten thousand horse, foot, bowmen, and Cuirassiers; but Colonel Monk and Major Bridges hath repelled and dissipated some of them; they begin to burn and kindle new coals, but valiant Gen. Monk is gone down to allay the flame. Three English Ships richly laden coming from Smyrna were set upon by three Frenchmen of War, and after a lamentable Fight, one of them was taken by the French, another stranded, but the third fled by Mesina. We received intelligence this day from Inverness, that the Enemy had a general Rendezvous in Sutherland near Skilbo, they were about 1200 Foot, and 800 Horse, (500 little better than baggage Horses, and many wanting pistols) and after the receipt of Orders from Lieut: Generalissimo Middleton, most were to march for the South Highlands, and the rest to continue in the North, and both to prosecute their Levies, and then to join in the South. Middleton added to their number at the Rendezvous about 200 Horse and foot, and hath ordered to be levied out of Ross250, Sutherland 300, Caithness600, and Stranarvar 300. He expects hourly Seaford with 500. and Mackoldwy to be ready with his Levies; He gives out that he hath brought a great store of Spanish gold lent his Master by the Emperor, from whom is expected a great Loan, and many men, which is negotiated by the Lord Wilmot and to be brought by his brother-in-law, which he had stayed for, but for the appeasing of the discontent he heard was amongst his friends for his often failing in his promised coming to them. this day Lieut. Col. Mirchel marched hither with 9 Companies of Foot, 6 Troops of Horse, and a Commanded party 180, with 5 troops of Dragoons, which are to march tomorrow to Braham, to which are added 4 troops of Horse, and 3 companies of Foot. the use of the march is to keep a Pass at Dinghill which by a numerous concurrence of knowing men of the Country, will force them to Fight us, stay where they are, or Hazard the loss of their Horse, by length, badness of way and want of provisions, if they march to the South by the Northwest Hills, they having no other way to march otherwise. | The true and Perfect Dutch-Diurnall, Issue 11 |
WIntell328 | From Tuesday, April 18. to Tuesday, April 25. 1654. Whiles some are striving for honour, and pre-eminence, and others to confirm their kingdoms to them, the young Queen of Sweden hath given an excellent Example of a most invincible virtue; She doth overcome her Sex in the Constancy of her Temper, and in the election of a single life. She doth overcome most Kings in Knowledge, Power, and magnificence, but in Resigning her Sovereign Authority at so young a Age, she doth overcome the condition of Mortality, and shows herself most worthy of that incomprehensible Crown, to which only she aspires. The excellence of her Spirit may be easily discovered in her Letter to Monsieur Chanute, in which, though ill enough translated, you may read many admirable marks of the innocence, and height of her confidence; And this Letter no doubt was penned by her own hand, as by the stile, and flourish of it all along, may easily appear to any knowing Spirit. It is said that Carolus Ludovieus Aldolphus, to whom the Qu: of Sweden doth resign the Crown, is to marry with the Princess Royal, Widow of the late Prince of Orange, but you may look upon this as a mere Report, as also that the Queen of Sweden hath a resolution to go herself to the Hague, to advance the Marriage, which is another story of the same Complexion, with the former. For the last Letters from thence do advertise, that she intends to reside in the Castle of Stetin, which is making ready for her, and that the Lands which her Father did win by the Sword in Pomerania shall be some part of her maintenance, and that she hath made choice of Upsal, Stetin, and Stockholm, for the chief places of her Residence, as the seasons of the year shall invite her to them. Some are of opinion that she will Marry Ludovicus Adolphus when that is done, but there appears no great probability for it, in regard she so often hath refused that marriage, by reason of the proximity of their blood. The Intelligence from Holland, as well as the Letters from Sweden do confirm this; That the Lord Whitlock hath done this Commonwealth most remarkable service, and hath been of greater influence for making the Dutch to understand their own happiness by a well grounded Peace, than if we had landed an Army of twelve thousand men in Holland. The Qu: of Sweden doth seem everyday to be more retired than other, and the old Chancellor of Sweden being much indisposed in his health, Orders are given to Count Henry, his second Son, to treat with our Ambassador. Two of our Frigates, the Portsmouth Frigate, and the Middleborough being abroad to scour the Seas, and seeing all things clear, they wished for an Enemy on whom to exercise their valour, when behold towards the South, they immediately discovered a Fleet of about 36 sail, and making up unto them, they found by their Lilies that they were French Merchants; The Fleet perceiving the resolution of our Frigates, did begin to stand of to Sea with all the sail they could make, but their diligence could not make that quick dispatch, but our Frigates overtook them, and assaulted them, and in less than an hour's fight their Admiral sinking, we took five of their ships, and might have given a far better account of the service, but that a sudden storm arose, and severed our Frigates, which having received some prejudice in their tackling, it gave some advantage to the remainder of the French Fleet to shift for themselves as well as they could. The Articles of the Peace betwixt the Commonwealths of England and Holland being sent over enclosed in a large Silver Box, were this day perused by the Council, and approved; and his Highness the Lord Protector for a full confirmation of all things will sign to the said Articles; which Counterpane so signed is suddenly to be sent over to Holland, to which purpose a silver Box is making answerable to the former, and the Arms of his Highness and the Commonwealth of England to be engraven, so that now you will suddenly hear when the Peace will be proclaimed. In the mean time it is reported, that some of our Frigates have taken on the Coast of Holland a Dutch Merchants ship of 800 Tons newly builded, she was going to the East Indies, and had in her some Moneys, and such Merchandise as usually is transported into those places. I have seen Letters which make mention of some ships of ours which the Freebooters have met with, and sent them for the present into Ulie. It is observable that for all the Peace doth so hopefully advance itself, that now there wanteth nothing to it but the last Complement which is the Proclamation of it; yet both the Dutch and English Fleets are making as great preparations as in the time of their most violent Wars. The English fleet was never in a better equipage than at this present, and are dancing attendance not far from Portsmouth, being in an hourly expectation when order shall be given to put forth to Sea. In the like manner it is certified from the Hague, that orders have been issued to all the Admiralties to hasten forth their Fleet to Sea, which the Letters say is more strong and numerous than ever any Fleet which yet they had. It is very remarkable, that the States General have written to all the Provinces and considerable Cities of their Commonwealth to feel their pulses, and understand what their opinions are concerning the Family of the Prince of Orange, and the Children of the late King of England. In the mean time the young Princess Dowager doth keep at Breda, and both Families being in a great declension, the Ladies when they meet have not such animosities as heretofore they exercised. The Letters yesterday from Scotland do advertise, that there is a general alienation in Scotland from the English, and the Design to rise is every day more universal. Colonel Pride is ordered with his Regiment to go into Scotland; some of the Clerks belonging to the Courts of Justice at Edinburgh are stolen away to their old Associates on the Hills, and it is said that divers Soldiers out of Leith are gone the same way, and some also out of Stirling. Any little discontent affords subject enough to fly unto the Enemy. And certainly whatsoever the business is, there is something extraordinary in it, that the Rhetoric is so prevalent to persuade men to abandon their own Nation, and those Swords to which their hearts did cleave as fast as their hands, to join with an Enemy, who the Peace being Proclaimed, cannot (in the broadest eye of probability) find the least advantage at what Ports, or from what places relief may come unto them, and whose Native Country is so extremely harassed with the ruinous War that they are not able to maintain themselves; they must either be surprised with a strong Despair of themselves, or a violent hatred against the Flourish of our present Government, or transported with extraordinary, and incredible hopes of an impossible relief to arrive unto them. In the mean time our Commissioners are busy in making choice of public Preachers. In all the Transactions there is no respect had to anything so much as grace in men's hearts, some University men, for defect thereof, have been laid by, and some who never were University men, yet furnished with Gifts and Graces, have been received and welcomed. No difference at all among the Commissioners themselves, thought they be of divers judgments about Church matters, all minding the advancement of the Gospel. They being 38 in number are severed into three divisions, each division sitting their month, so that the work will go constantly on. Nor partiality used in their trials. Testimonies, and Certificates are narrowly looked into, because much depends upon them. If Patrons would present good men, it would much help on this work. Some of the men who have been already tried, have preached at Whitehall, and James's Chapel, and its probable others will hereafter be put upon this way of exercising their Gifts. If the carriage of this business were in the view of the Nation, the Censures of men would be forborne; and whereas some are of opinion, that these Triers ought to have been sent from Churches, men are to know, that the Magistrate only looks to the sending forth Preachers, and takes not upon him to set down Church Officers; but out of the number of public Preachers, Church Officers may afterwards be chosen, if Congregations see cause. An extraordinary number of Preachers are continually attending upon these Commissioners to receive their Trial; and yet there will be want of thousands. They usually sit upon the days before mentioned, from 8 till 12 in the morning; and sometimes every day, because of the abundance of business pressing upon them. No Certificates are approved but such as come subscribed under the hands of such persons as are known to the Commissioners or some of them. Mrs. Hannah Trapnel, she that lately acted her part in a Trance so many days at Whitehall, hath for some time been in these parts. There seem to be two convincing Reasons against her Spirit; the one is, that it withdraws from Ordinances, and the other is, that it is nonsensical. There are in her Company one Mr: Langdon, and Mr: Bauden, two members of the late short-lived Parliament. The Justices of this County have taken notice of her ways, and practises; and Mr: Lobb giving the charge here this last Sessions, willed the Jury to enquire, 1. concerning Vagrants, 2 such as occasioned unlawful meetings. 3 Such as speak against the present Government. There were two Indictments drawn against her, Langdon and Baudon her Compeers, and abettors, endeavoured to make a learned Defence for her, but it was not suffered, only they entered into Bonds of three hundred pounds for her good behaviour, and appearance at the next Assizes. If you had inquired better into her business, when she tranced it at Whitehall, it might have prevented the staggering of many a spirit in Cornwall. The design intended to be made use of by means of this Woman, is (it seems) to compass England, and pass from one good Town to another to vent her Prophesies, and thereby disaffect the People to the present Authority. It calls to mind the old story of Elizabeth Barton, the holy maid of Kent (as she was called) in the days of Henry the 8. who was made use of by certain fanatic Popish Priests, by feigned Miracles, and Trances, to raise admiration in the multitude, and foment seditious humours against the Government; for which she had in the end her reward. The Ordinance was this Day extant for suspending the proceeding of the Judges for the Relief of Creditors, and poor Prisoners until the 15 day of May next ensuing. The Resident in England for the Duke of Guelders, who is also Count of Egmant, was yesterday in gallant Equipage attended to Whitehall, where he had Audience with great respect from his Highness. By Letters by the Post from Scotland, it was this Day advertised, that Major Gen: Dyal who lately came over with Gen: Middleton hath besieged Senclair Castle, with a party of 400 Foot, and 800 horse, but the place being made strong both by Art, and Nature, and well victualled, they do not much fear the assaults of their Enemies. It was certified that one of our Frigates who Convoyed some Ammunition, and divers Merchants ships to Leith, was set upon by the Dutch, and after a furious Fight boarded, and carried away. There is a Report also, that they took some other ships that were with her. In the mean time Colonel Morgan with about 2000 Foot, and 1200 Horse, and Dragoons, doth press close upon Middleton, who is said not to exceed 4000, Colonel Morgan hath some advantage of him in respect of the ground, and will undoubtedly either force him to fight, or to fly through such a Purgatory of Rocks, and Boggs, and Mountains, that the Pilgrimage of Death is a pleasure to them. It was this Day certified that the Constant Warwick had no sooner put off from Plymouth where she was new tallowed, but she met with a Picaroon belonging to Brest, and immediately surprised, she carried but four guns, but was an excellent sailor. The Ratification of the Peace Signed by his Highness the Lord Protector, was yesterday sent into Holland. The Mother of the titular King of the Scots is removed from Paris, and some say she was sent by the King her Nephew, to see what she could prevail upon her Brother the Duke of Orleans to bring him to the Court. Other Letters affirm that the Duke hath solemnly invited her to his House near Blois, she was attended by Prince Rupert, and her three Sons, and about sixteen Coaches; the titular King of Scotland having brought her one day's Journey, did return with his Brother the titular Duke of York to Paris, where the King of France made one Darcy an Irish Man Lieutenant of his Regiment, and to second the favour conferred upon him, the next day the titular King of Scots made him a Knight. The publication of the Peace is to be both in England and Holland on Wednesday next, as may appear by this ensuing Order of the Council. Whereas a Peace is made, concluded, and ratified, between his Highness the Lord Protector, & the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries. And whereas it is agreed, That publication thereof shall be made on both parts on Wednesday next, being the six and twentieth day of this instant April; From which time, restitution is to be made of all ships that shall be taken on either side, after 12 days, within these Seas; And all in all other places on this side of the Cape of St. Vincent, after six weeks; And from thence, within the Mediterranean Sea, and to the quinoctial Line, after ten weeks; And beyond the quinoctial, after the space of eight Months: Which several spaces were so limited, to the intent, convenient time might be allowed for notice to be given of the said Peace, in all places where it shall be necessary. The Council have therefore thought fit hereby to give notice thereof to the several Ports of this Commonwealth, and to all others, whom it may concern, within the Dominions thereof; To the end, they may have warning, to provide for their own safety, and not expose their Ships to danger within the several, and respective times aforesaid. The good service this Day was advertised by our Parties in the North of Scotland, against the Forces of Gen: Middleton, where some parties of ours have met with several parties of theirs, and routed them, killed some, and took some eminent Persons prisoners, by whom it is confessed that Middleton hath called several Councils of War, and was not at that time resolved whether to Fight, or to retire to the protection of the inhospitable Mountains; one of the two by this time he hath done. One of our Frigates called the Paul hath taken two French ships, and sent them to Falmouth. A Poet belonging to the Court of France hath been taken, and soundly punished for making some Verses against the titular King of Scots, and his Brother the Duke of York, of which more in my next. It is reported in France, that on the Peace with England, the Emperor will have a Design on some part of Holland, but what need they fear. That which this week is most remarkable is: ☞ The Peace to be publicly Proclaimed on Wednesday next both in England and Holland, and what ships taken to be restored. The brave service performed by the English Frigates against the French, and the number of the ships that were fired, taken, and drowned. The late Queen of England gone from Paris, with her Sons, and Prince Rupert; and the punishment inflicted on a Poet for abusing the titular King of Scots, and his Brother the Duke of York. The Emperor threatening Holland with War. The Raven Frigate, and some other ships taken by the Dutch, going to Scotland. Some good success in Scotland and the near Engagement of the Armies in the North. And a great overthrow given to the Christians by the Turks. | The Weekly Intelligencer, Issue 328 |