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British Library Heritage Made Digital Newspapers | The Liverpool Standard, and General Advertiser. | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 1854-10-24T00:00:00 | ARTICLE | 168 | 0.9038 | 0.1424 | On THURSDAY next, the 26th instant, at Half-past Twelve
o'clock, in the Honduras and other Sheds, Birkenhead,
1419 Planks Bahia ROSEWOOD, ex Robin.
704 Ditto DITTO, ex Endymion.
193 Ditto Drrro, ex Oberon.
161 Ditto DITTO, ex Margaret Dean.
73 Ditto DITTO, ex Amelia.
Apply to Messrs. DEAN, YOULE, and Co., Merchants.
941 Planks Bahia ROSEWOOD, ex Hindoo.
Apply to C. LANE, Esq., Merchant.
124 Planks Bahia ROSEWOOD, ex Frances.
388 Planks Rio ZEBRAWOOD, ex Atalanta.
129 Ditto ROSEWOOD, ex Lusitania.
120 Ditto DITTO, ex Brazileira.
Apply to Messrs. E. JOHNSON and Co., Merchants.
118 Planks Bahia ROSEWOOD, ex Lusitania.
Apply to Messrs. Ton, NAYLOR,.and Co., Merchants.
85 Planks Rio ROSEWOOD, ex Lusitania.
137 Ditto DITTO, ex Cleopatra.
On account of the Importers.
60 Ditto ROSEWOOD, ex Thomas Mellor.
100 Planks Bahia DITTO, ex Fairy Queen.
119 Pieces TULIPWOOD.
3;5 Pieces Honduras ROSEWOOD, ex United.
180 Ditto Dirro, ex Ellen.
60 Ditto DITTO, ex. H. M.
Apply to JAMES CA.RMICHAEL, Es q., Merchant.
HOLME, SLATEIt, and CROOK, Brokers.
British Library Heritage Made Digital Newspapers | The Liverpool Standard, and General Advertiser. | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 1854-10-24T00:00:00 | ARTICLE | 51 | 0.9439 | 0.0937 | J. CARMICHAEL AND CO.
J. CARMICHAEL and CO. have now ready a large
display of New and Fashionable
SIBERIANS, and all the New and Fashionable
Materials for the ensuing Season.
British Library Heritage Made Digital Newspapers | The Liverpool Standard, and General Advertiser. | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 1854-10-24T00:00:00 | ARTICLE | 958 | 0.9107 | 0.1413 | SDAY, the Bth November next; at Two o'clock in
in, at the Clarendon-rooms, South John-street,
or such other Lots as may then be agreed
the After
In the follow
previously disposed of by private treaty,
ALL that well-accustomed Licensed PUB-
LIC-HOUSE, known as " Coker's Jamaica
Vaults," on the east side of Strand•street, Liverpool, and
running back to Sea-brow, with the WAREHOUSE above
the smite.
The Premises are Leasehold under the Corporation of Li-
verpool, for the residue of a term of 75 years, commencinz on
the 6th September, taw.
Lot 2.—A1l that DWELLI\G•HOUSE and old.esf ablished
SHOP. situate on the north side of and numbered 55. in
SHOP, adjoinim
hat DWELLING-HOUSE and old
Lot 2, also situate on th
ourobered 53, in Islington afore.'
Mr. Green, smallvvare dealer.
The Tenure is Freehold of Inheritance.
The Premises comprised in Lots 2 and 3 are in the best
business part of Islington, a few doors below St. Anne-street,
and would form a safe and eligible investment.
Lot 4.—A1l that commodious DWELLING-HOUSE, with
Fixtures complete, situate on the south side of and numbered
36, Springfield, Liverpool, late in the occupation of James
Harrison, Esq., deceased.
The Tenure is Freehold of Inheritance.
Lot 5. All that well-accustomed Licensed PUBLIC-
HOUSE, known as the " Washington Inn," situate on the
east side of Waterloo-road, and corner of Dundee-street,
Liverpool. The Tenure is Freehold of Inheritance.
Lot 6.—A1l that SHOP, situate on the east side of and num-
bered 34. Waterloo-road aforesaid, in the occupation of Mr.
Matthew Murphy. The Tenure is Freehold of Inheritance.
Lot 7.—A1l that SHOP, situate on the east side of and num-
bered 32, Waterloo-road aforesaid, in the occupation of Mr.
Cairns, optician. The Tenure is Freehold of Inheritance.
Lot B.—All those Two SHOPS, or EATING-HOUSES,
situate on the south side of Dundee-street aforesaid, (adjoin.
ing and to the eastward of Lot 6,) now or lately in the respec-
tive occupations of Mr. Michael Coniskey and Mr. Robert
Gibbs. The Tenure is Freehold of Inheritance.
Lot 9.—A1l those Two excellenti DWELLING-HOUSES,
situate on the west side of and numbered 32 and 34, St.
James's-place. in the respective occupations of Mr. Harrison
and Mr. Grayson.
The Premises comprised in this Lot are desirably situated,
as the Land attached to each House runs through and possesses
a frontageto Mill-street. The Tenure is Freehold of inheritance.
For further particulars apply to Messrs. JOHN and HENRY
GREGORY, Solicitors, 3. York-buildings, Sweeting-street.
in th
By Alesars. LUCAS and CO.,
THIS DAY (Tuesday), the 24th instant, at Twelve o'clock pre-
cisely, at their Repository, Great Charlotte-street, Liverpool,
THE small but choice KENNEL of
HOUND. the Property of S. P. Hope, Esq., who is
declining Coursing altogether. It consists of Humming
Bird, Heroine, Hot:this% Hilarity, Habeas Corpus.
And Five PUPPIES, by Jardines Motley, out of Humming
Bird; also, an excellent DOGCART, and a quantity of DOG
The whole on view prior to Sale, and Catalogue's may be
By Messrs. LUCAS and CO.,
To-MORROW (Wednesday), the 25th instant, at Twelve o'clock,
at their Repository. Great Charlotte-street, Liverpool,
I Pony,
5 Lorrkee,
1 Spring Cart,
11 Sets of Gears,
The Property of a Cart Owner.
8 Horses,
2 Lorries,
Carts:Gears, &c
The Property of a Car
20 Cart and Van Horses, Lorries, Flo
Carts, Gears, &c
On view prior to the Sal,
By Messrs. LUCAS and CO..
On THURSDAY next, the 26th instant, at Twelve o'clock, at
their Repository, Great Charlotte-street, Liverpool,
FIFTY HORSES, principally the Property of
Gentlemen in the surrounding district, consisting of
Valuable Horses,
Gig, Phaeton, and Carriage Horses,
Park !lacks and Ladies' Pads,
Ten Valuable Hunters,
From the Fair of Ballinastoe.
Also, a splendid Harness Horse, light and elegant Patent
Drag, by Storey, of Nottingham.
On view THIS DAY (Tuesday), the Roth, and To-motatow
(Wednesday), the 25th instant, and on the Morning of Sale.
On TUESDAY, the 21st day of November next, at Two o'clock
in the Afternoon, at the Clarendon-rooms, South John-
ALL that Piece of Freehold LAND, with the
Fireproof WAREHOUSR thereon erected, situate on
the west side of Bedford-street and east side of Mann-street,
in Harrington, Liverpool, and numbered 12, having a frontage
to Bedford-street and Mann-street severally 11 yards, run-
ning in depth on the north and south aides severally 45 yards,
be the several dimensions thereof a little more or less.
For further particulars apply to GEoecE i011:171`, Esq.,
Leicester-buildings,. Kirip...street ; or to Mr. I'. S. SMITH,
Solicitor, qorfe's.builditigs, Preeson's.row.
THE REV. HENRY COOKE will, we understand, preach
a sermon to children to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon,
in St. Matthew's Church, Scotland-road.
THE ARABIA, British and North American Royal Mail
steam-ship, Commodore C. H. E. Judkins, sailed from the
Mersey on Saturday, at 10.15 a.m. for New York, with
the usual mails, 164 passengers, and a large cargo of mer-
chandise on freight.
ACCIDENT BY MACIIINEE.Y.—Yesterday morning, as
James Irving, a boy in the employ of Mr. Duckworth,
coree roaster, was oiling the machinery, his right hand
caught in the cog wheel, and broke the bone of his wrist.
Re was taken to the Infirmary, where his wound was
dvsEed, and he is now going on favourably.
• 3TELANCIIOLT ACCIDENT.---- On Saturday night last, an
old man named James Fitzpatrick, who was very deaf,
left his residence, 55, Addison-street, and proceeded t)
ine Mooney,-in Norimr
British Library Heritage Made Digital Newspapers | The Liverpool Standard, and General Advertiser. | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 1854-10-24T00:00:00 | ARTICLE | 687 | 0.9745 | 0.0676 | MANUFACTURES
MANCHESTER.—The market remains in a dull and
inanimate condition, and prices are hardly so firm. The
advices from abroad, for the most part, continue the com-
plaint of overstocked markets, whilst want of confidence
at home paralyzes, to a considerable extent, the operations
of both buyer and seller. Only a very limited business
has been done this week ; and, as regards goods especially,
it is only because the offer of lower rates would not induce
purchases, that reduced prices have not been submitted.
The absence of demand for India yarns still continues,
and prices are barely firm, although the absence of stocks
Prevents any material decline. There has been a good
demand all week by the Greek houses, and for the Medi-
terranean there is also a steady inquiry. The demand
for cloth is extremely limited. India goods are almost
entirely without inquiry, and though domestics are perhaps
as good as anything in the market, it is saying very little
thus to describe them. In consequence of the absence of
demand for India shirtings, these and some classes of
printers and other goods have become depressed in value
to such an extent as to, render their production far from
remunerative, and as there appears no immediate prospect
of any improvement, manufacturers have been compelled
to lessen the production by the adoption of short time.
Many mills in Blackburn have already adopted this course,
and by working only during daylight they have reduced
their production about one-third, and work about four
days per week. This is not confined to Blackburn, but is
also common to that district, including Burnley ; and in
those concerns in which short time has not been adopted it
will shortly be commenced. In some instances the time
of working is reduced to three days per week.
ROCHDALE.—The flannel market has not been quite
so brisk as for the last weeks ; but yet a fair amount of
business has been transacted. The wool dealers are more
willing to sell at former prices than they have been, and
the manufacturers buy very sparingly.
HUDDERSFIELD.—There have been more buyers in
the town, and goods suitable for the season have conse-
quently been in rather increased demand.
LEEDS.—DuII markets at the cloth halls, and business
has also been dull with the commission houses, out of the
markets, the merchants having bought very freely at the
commencement of the season ; and the weather continuing
fine, there has been less consumption of winter goods
than usual, which seems to be the principal cause of the
dulness. The stocks, however, are not large; and, in
consequence, the mills continue in active employment,
and prices are well maintained. Business has, from the
same cause, been dull in the warehouses this week.
BRADFORD.—WooI : The purchases of combing wool
continue to be made in the most sparing manner, but
there is no accumulation of stock in the staplers' hands.
The farmers cling to their clips for prices that cannot be
given for the worsted trade, and this withholding of stock
in the country keeps prices firm here.—Yarns : It is re-
ported that several very extensive works are about to be
closed; while the stoppage of machinery and short time
working of other establishments has reached an extent
never known before. The machinery in actual operation
will, ere long, not be one-third of that running at this
period in 1862. This course is adopted from the business
position of the trade ; for at the present price of wool,
yarns are making a loss so considerable, that there is no
alternative but the course now so generally adopted.--
Pieces : There is no improvement in the demand for
goods, and every day the number of looms idle is on the
increase, for there is no disposition to make goods for
stock, and the prices now current suggest the necessity of
curtailing the supply till a better state of things is apparent.
NOTTINGITAM.—No greater animation in either lace
or hosiery goods than lately reported, and prospects for
the winter are very gloomy. No alteration in the price
of yarn.
British Library Heritage Made Digital Newspapers | The Liverpool Standard, and General Advertiser. | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 1854-10-24T00:00:00 | ARTICLE | 146 | 0.9145 | 0.1404 | On TILIIRSDAY next, the 26th instant, at Twelve o'clock, on
the Quays of the Great Float, Birkenhead,
878 Quebec Yellow Pine DEALS and ENDS, just landed, ex
Sophia.—Apply to Messrs. J. S. DitLv & Co.,
40 Logs Quebec OAK.
98S Quebec Yellow Pine DEALS.
13 9-12 Fathoms 4-Feet H ein lock LATHWOOD, just landed,
ex Napoleon 111.
762 Yellow Pine DEALS.
5-Fathoms 4-Feet Hemlock LATH WOOD, now landing,
ex Pembroke. On account of the Importers.
0-Fathoms 4-Feet,Henalock LATHWOOD, ex Lord Maid-
3-Fatboms- 4-Feet Hemlock LATEIW 00D, ex Elizabeth.
About 30 Fathoms 3 to 6-Feet Danzic and Memel LATH-
WOOD,. ex sundry vessels.
1,299 Red Danzic DEALS.
4,000 Red Memel DEALS.
3,000 Red 3lemel BOARDS.
Apply to Messrs. CAR and ROBINSON, Merchants.
3,313 Red and White BATTENS and ENDS, just landed, ex
Iris, from Petea. On account of the Importers.
HOLME, SLATER, and CROOK, Brokers.
British Library Heritage Made Digital Newspapers | The Liverpool Standard, and General Advertiser. | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 1854-10-24T00:00:00 | ARTICLE | 46 | 0.8807 | 0.1613 | MANTLES
VELVET CIRCULARS, from 375. Gd. to Seven Guineas
CLOTH CIRCULARS, from 9s. Bd. to Five Guineas.
WATERPROOPrVihibRCULARS,7B. 6d. to 428
A large Assortment of
at 17s. 6d. each.
British Library Heritage Made Digital Newspapers | The Liverpool Standard, and General Advertiser. | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 1854-10-24T00:00:00 | ARTICLE | 7 | 0.9943 | 0.009 | THE LIVERPOOL STANDARD, AND GENERAL COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.
British Library Heritage Made Digital Newspapers | The Liverpool Standard, and General Advertiser. | Liverpool, Merseyside, England | 1854-10-24T00:00:00 | ARTICLE | 4 | 0.725 | 0.1823 | xtends,
iy covering of
Subsets and Splits