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How to Optimize a CUDA Matmul Kernel for cuBLAS-like Performance: a Worklog
December 2022
In this post, I’ll iteratively optimize an implementation of matrix multiplication written in CUDA.
My goal is not to build a cuBLAS replacement, but to deeply understand the most important performance characteristics of the GPUs that are used for modern deep learning.
This includes coalescing global memory accesses, shared memory caching and occupancy optimizations, among others.You can download the code for all kernels from Github. Also checkout wangzyon’s repo from which I copied the benchmarking setup. This post is less polished than my normal uploads, and includes many more sidenotes. I used it as notepad for ideas and scribbles while writing the kernels. That’s why I called it a worklog :)
Matrix multiplication on GPUs may currently be the most important algorithm that exists, considering it makes up almost all the FLOPs during the training and inference of large deep-learning models.
So how much work is it to write a performant CUDA SGEMMSGEMM performs C=αAB+βC at single (=32b) precision. from scratch?
I’ll start with a naive kernel and step-by-step apply optimizations until we get within 95% (on a good day) of the performance of cuBLAS (NVIDIA’s official matrix library):cuBLAS at FP32 that is. In my setting, doing the matmul using TF32 or BF16 precision allows cuBLAS to use the tensor cores, which increases FLOPS by 2.5x or 3.5x. I may look into tensor cores / warp matrix functions in a future post.
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Kernel 1: Naive Implementation
In the CUDA programming model, computation is ordered in a three-level hierarchy.
Each invocation of a CUDA kernel creates a new grid, which consists of multiple blocks.
Each block consists of up to 1024 individual threads.These constants can be looked-up in the CUDA Programming guide.
Threads that are in the same block have access to the same shared memory region (SMEM).
The number of threads in a block can be configured using a variable normally called blockDim, which is a vector consisting of three ints.
The entries of that vector specify the sizes of blockDim.x, blockDim.y and blockDim.z, as visualized below:
Similarly, the number of blocks in a grid is configurable using the gridDim variable.
When we launch a new kernel from the hostIn accelerator lingo, host refers to the CPU and device is the accelerator, here the GPU., it creates a single grid, containing the blocks and threads as specified.From here on I’ll only be talking about 2D grids and blocks, partly because the 3D-structure is seldom used and because drawing in 3D is too hard.
It’s important to keep in mind that the thread hierarchy we just talked about mostly concerns program correctness.
For program performance, as we’ll see later, it’s not a good idea to treat all threads in the same block as equals.
For our first kernel, we’ll use the grid, block and thread hierarchy to assign each thread a unique entry in the result matrix C.
Then that thread will compute the dot product of the corresponding row of A and column of B, and write the result to C.
Due to each location of C being written to by only one thread, we have to do no synchronization.
We’ll launch the kernel like so:
// create as many blocks as necessary to map all of C
dim3 gridDim(CEIL_DIV(M, 32), CEIL_DIV(N, 32), 1);
// 32 * 32 = 1024 thread per block
dim3 blockDim(32, 32, 1);
// launch the asynchronous execution of the kernel on the device
// The function call returns immediately on the host
sgemm_naive<<<gridDim, blockDim>>>(M, N, K, alpha, A, B, beta, C);
CUDA code is written from a single-thread perspective.
In the code of the kernel, we access the blockIdx and threadIdx built-in variables.
These will return different values based on the thread that’s accessing them.In our example, threadIdx.x and threadIdx.y will vary from 0 to 31 based on the position of the thread in the grid. Same for blockIdx.x and blockIdx.y, which will vary from 0 to CEIL_DIV(N, 32) or CEIL_DIV(M, 32) based on the position of the thread’s block in the grid. We’ll do a lot of indexing into strided in-memory representations of matrices. Edward Yang’s post on PyTorch Internals contains a good explanation of strided tensors.
__global__ void sgemm_naive(int M, int N, int K, float alpha, const float *A,
const float *B, float beta, float *C) {
// compute position in C that this thread is responsible for
const uint x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const uint y = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
// `if` condition is necessary for when M or N aren't multiples of 32.
if (x < M && y < N) {
float tmp = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
tmp += A[x * K + i] * B[i * N + y];
// C = α*(A@B)+β*C
C[x * N + y] = alpha * tmp + beta * C[x * N + y];
To visualize this simple kernel:If the size of the matrix is not divisible by the size of the block, we’ll have to launch extra blocks to process the remainder. For example, in the picture below, we’ll create 9 blocks of equal threadsize, but only 4 of those fully utilize their 1024 threads. This artifact is called tile quantization, and appears whenever we try to map a fixed-sized volume across a variable-sized input.
This kernel takes about 0.5s to process three 4092² fp32 matrices on my A6000 GPU.
Let’s do some non-implementation-specific calculations:
Lower Bounding the Fastest Possible Runtime
For a matrix multiplication of two 4092² matrices, followed by an addition of a 4092² matrix (to make the GEMM):
So 268MB is the absolute minimum of memory that any implementation would have to transfer from/to global GPU memory,Global memory is the GPU’s main memory region. If Nvidia sells you a GPU advertised with 80GB of memory and 1TB/s of bandwidth, they’re talking about the capacity and bandwidth of global memory. Later we’ll talk about other memory regions on the GPU, like the shared memory, which is physically distinct and has very different performance characteristics. assuming it has a big enough cache.The cuBLAS kernel loads a total of 500MB of GMEM during the whole calculation. We’ll see later how increasing arithmetic intensity allows us to achieve an access volume that low.
Let’s calculate some upper bounds on kernel performance.
The GPU is advertised with 30TFLOPs/s of fp32 compute throughput and 768GB/s of global memory bandwidth.
If we achieved those numbers,Reminder that peak FLOPs is a reductionist metric, since it depends on the instruction mix. There’s no way you’d reach those 30TFLOPs/s if your FLOP of choice is DIV. However, since matmul uses mainly FMA instructions, which tends to be the fastest FLOPs, we have a good chance of actually getting close to that peak FLOP value. Similar story for the bandwidth: Peak bandwidth can only be reached if the access pattern suits the hardware. we’d need 4.5ms for the calculation and 0.34ms for the memory transfers.
So in our napkin math, the calculation takes ~10x more time than the memory accesses.
This means our final optimized kernel will be compute-bound, as long as we end up having to transfer <10x the absolute minimum memory volume of 278MB.The A6000 is advertised with 309TFLOPs/s of tensor core performance. If we could use tensor cores for our fp32 matmul, the calculation would only take 0.44ms, and an optimized kernel doing 4092^2 matrix mul would almost surely still be memory bound. This puts into perspective just how fast the tensor cores are.
Now that we’ve calculated some lower bounds for our fp32 GEMM calculation, let’s get back to the kernel on hand, to figure out why it’s so much slower than it could be.
Memory Access Pattern of the Naive Kernel
In our kernel, two threads in the same block with ThreadIds (0, 0) and (0, 1) will load the same column of B but different rows of A.
If we assume the worst case of zero caching, then each thread has to load 2*4092+1 floats from global memory.
As we have 4092² threads total, this would result in 548GB of memory traffic.
Below is a visualization of the memory access pattern of our naive kernel, taking two threads A (red) and B (green) as an example:
So to recap, when I run this kernel on an A6000 GPU it achieves ~300GFLOPs when multiplying two 4092x4092 float32 matrices.
Pretty bad, considering that the A6000 is advertised as being able to achieve almost 30 TFLOPs.Just for comparison, 300 GFLOPs is also roughly the performance achieved by the optimized BLAS library on the 2015 Haswell CPU that I used in my earlier post on CPU matmul.
So how can we start to make this faster?
One way is to optimize the memory access pattern of our kernel such that global memory accesses can be coalesced (=combined) into fewer accesses.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio
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