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5,805 | 5,800 | TEXT: I'm being held hostage; The man in the hoodie has a little orange kitten on his shoulder.; This meme poster explains that he is surprised by the news he was told.; his shoulder: Meme poster, has: not related to the meme context | |
5,806 | 5,801 | TEXT: How to speak English crash course; An adult female wearing glasses points with her fist from an image sitting over an image of teen students sitting at desks wearing monster masks.; The meme poster mocks Marvel for the fact that alien antagonists speak English fluently after entering Earth.; teen students: Alien villains who speak English | |
5,807 | 5,802 | TEXT: A high IQ meme; A Maori man is inviting someone along.; Meme poster gets happy when they're losing an argument, but their opponent makes a typo.; A Maori man: Meme poster | |
5,808 | 5,803 | TEXT: Hail to the free thinkers; An elf is talking to a reindeer in the snow.; Meme poster is trying to convey that two outcasts realize they can be friends with each other.; An elf: unlikely outcast friends, a reindeer: unlikely outcast friends | |
5,809 | 5,804 | TEXT: Care for a short person meme?; A table is selected in a video game menu.; The meme poster mocks short guys and denies them to speak at inappropriate situations.; a video game menu: Response to the short guy. | |
5,810 | 5,805 | TEXT: Literal crybabies having a squabble over a word is so childish; The two pictures of the same man shows a happy expression in the one above and an unhappily confused look in the one below.; Meme poster is trying to convey that people jump all over you when you get soccer and football confused.; The two pictures: soccer/football fans, a happy expression: calling the game the right name, an unhappily confused look: calling game wrong name | |
5,811 | 5,806 | TEXT: just why?; The left man is quite lean, and the right side man is pretty fit and both of them work on computers.; Meme poster wants to quit Minecraft but cooler guy lets meme poster know Minecraft is cool as well.; The left man: Meme poster, the right side man: friend | |
5,812 | 5,807 | TEXT: The 4 horsemen; Rick Astley is across from a smiling man and a angry boy and amused girl.; Meme poster is trying to convey a collaged meme of the famous meme templates.; Rick Astley: One of the Famous template, a smiling man: One of the Famous template, a angry boy: One of the Famous template, amused girl: One of the Famous template | |
5,813 | 5,808 | TEXT: From my old meme folder; Drake is unimpressed on top and happy on the bottom.; The meme poster prefer FapNap over wet dreams.; Drake: Meme poster | |
5,814 | 5,809 | TEXT: They always spend nothing on a wrecked chassis; A person is holding up a screw.; Meme poster is trying to convey that car fanatics buy expensive cars for cheap then rebuild it.; A person: car fanatic, a screw: how they are going to rebuild a classic car | |
5,815 | 5,810 | TEXT: for real; A anime character looks sad above a star wars villain.; Meme poster tries to make a deal with a negotiator for both of them to have a pleasant experience. ; A anime character: negiator bargaining what they want to do , a star wars villain: Meme poster | |
5,816 | 5,811 | TEXT: Realistic and based; A character with a face like a ghost inside of a vehicle looking towards his left.; Meme poster is saying he feels like turning into a supervillain when being asked to do something that his mom can easily get done on her own.; A character: Meme poster, a face: Meme poster, a ghost: Meme poster | |
5,817 | 5,812 | TEXT: Nice to see; A group of video game characters are sitting by a fire above a dog and it's buff version.; Meme poster is trying to convey that how some entities see and describe games; | |
5,818 | 5,813 | TEXT: Posting memes until I get my master's degree day 740 meme 1031; The middle aged somewhat bolding man is at a snowy mountain on a sunny day.; Poster is low on funds towards end of the month.; somewhat bolding man: Meme poster | |
5,819 | 5,814 | TEXT: *pretends to think*; A woman is deep in thought throughout the day.; The poster is pretending to think when they are getting caught cheating on a test.; A woman: the poster | |
5,820 | 5,815 | TEXT: overreaction indeed; Captain America talks to a man in a elevator then gets into a fight.; The meme poster exposed that he could fight with a child for getting bitten and not have fights with dogs.; Captain America: Meme poster, talks: exposing | |
5,821 | 5,816 | TEXT: Anime watchers be like; two drawn faces face to face and right one is wearing a mask; Meme poster is trying to convey that Anime fans and detractors both agree it can be trash.; two drawn faces: anime fans and not fans | |
5,822 | 5,817 | TEXT: Gentlemen, is with great pleasure to inform you that....; A frog is wearing a fancy suit.; Meme poster tries to fancy up saying their pillow was cold.; A frog: Meme poster, a fancy suit: fancily saying the most basic fact |
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