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HTC's Vive Pro headset is available to pre-order for $799 We've seen plenty of Beats-focused KIRFs in our time, some better than others. Few, however, play quite so directly on the name as OrigAudio's Beets. For $25, adopters get a set of headphones that bear little direct resemblance to Dr. Dre's audio gear of choice, but are no doubt bound to impress friends -- at least, up until they see a root vegetable logo instead of a lower-case B. Thankfully, there's more to it than just amusing and confusing peers. Every purchase will lead to a donation of canned beets (what else?) to the Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County. For us, that's reason enough to hope that Beats doesn't put the kibosh on OrigAudio's effort. Besides, we could use some accompaniment for our BeetBox.
Syringocystadenoma papilliferum of the cervix presenting as vulvar growth in an adolescent girl. Syringocystadenoma papilliferum (SCP) is a rare, benign, adnexal tumour of apocrine or eccrine differentiation. It is commonly located on head and neck region. We report the case of an 18-year-old woman who presented with a vulvar lobulated growth that was found to arise from the posterior lip of cervix. Histopathological examination revealed the diagnosis of SCP. To our knowledge, SCP arising from the cervix has never been reported previously in the literature, thus we believe this to be the first case of SCP arising from the posterior lip of the cervix.
The basic goal of the effective altruism movement is to create efficient philanthropic change by backing programs and innovations that are cost-effective so that each dollar given impacts as many people as possible. The underlying tenet is that donor dollars are a limited resource, but dollars are just one of the limiting factors. There’s still another major resource that needs to be accounted for: research time. There’s a learning curve for calculation-driven cause groups (and donors) to figure out what world-plaguing problems really are the most pressing, what solutions seem the most promising or neglected, and what else might need to be done. The problem is there hasn’t been a single resource for accessing all this information in one place. To change that, Rethink Priorities, an initiative of the effective altruism awareness and engagement building nonprofit Rethink Charity, has launched Priority Wiki, a publicly editable Wikipedia-like online encyclopedia for cause prioritization wonks. It collects and categorizes vetted research around pressing charitable causes and potential interventions. “This is a big problem because thousands of hours are going into this kind of research, and you don’t want people to forget it exists, or maybe try to duplicate efforts, or just not even remember it,” says Peter Hurford, who codeveloped the wiki alongside colleague Marcus Davis. “We’re trying to capture all relevant research under a wide variety of global issues so that everyone can have a go-to spot to get up to speed.” To do that, Wiki is organized into six broad types of causes. That includes “Existential/Catastrophic Future Risks,” “Improving Research,” “Decisions and Values,” “Improving Policy,” “Developing World Health and Economic Development,” “Developed World Health and Economic Development,” and “Specific Scientific Research.” Each entry is then comprised of related topics. Under the catastrophe heading, for instance, there’s biosecurity, nuclear security, climate change, and geomagnetic storms. As the developers explain in an open letter about their efforts, the wiki is currently populated with a collection of research by effective altruism research organizations including Open Philanthropy, GiveWell, 80,000 Hours, and Animal Charity Evaluators. Many of these are formatted in what’s commonly referred to as a “shallow review,” or high-level overview of each issue, and various important statistics and findings. “That gives you a lot of opportunities to dive into the problem and make a more structured way than dumping someone a 60-item reading list,” says Hurford. Contributors are already revising the content and sharing data about things the originators hadn’t considered. Two recent additions include information about psychedelics and drug reform, and how to prevent or reduce aging-related diseases to extend our natural lifespan.
Getting the DID number from a CallCentric SIP trunk for FreePBX I’ve got a few DDI numbers from CallCentric all around the world (UK, US, Australia) and couldn’t figure our how to setup an ‘Inbound Route’ in FreePBX that used the number that had been dialled to route the call. It turns out that you need to extract the number from the ‘SIP header’ information and there’s no setting in FreePBX to do this so it means hacking at the Asterisk config files just a little. There are a few methods for doing this but these instructions should work for FreePBX/Asterisk – When setting up your ‘SIP trunk’ in FreePBX under ‘PEER DETAILS’ you want to put the line – “context=custom-get-did-from-sip” then you need to edit the file /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf and add the following lines –
Q: How can I Check the current value which is already passed or not in an array in nested foreach in php My array $key1=> Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 7 [3] => 11 [4] => 12 [5] => 17 [6] => 18 ) $_POST['name']=> Array ( [0] => General [1] => General [2] => Outdoors [3] => Dining [4] => Kitchen ) Here is my code, foreach ($key1 as $key => $value) { // echo $value; foreach ($_POST['name'] as $key => $value1) { //echo $value; $subQueryCond .=' AND '.$value1.' LIKE ' .$value ; } } While my Ajax calls this nested loop occurs.. Inside this I wrote a query.. If one value is passed. The query is in the format of AND 'General' LIKE 1. And if another value is passed in the $key1 it pass the query two times. It's like How many arrays are given that much time that query was passed.. So,here I would like to restrict the $value if it already came.. if two values were given,it pass the query in the following manner AND General LIKE 1 AND Outdoors LIKE 1 AND General LIKE 7 AND Outdoors LIKE 7 And my desired query must be in the form of AND General LIKE 1 AND General LIKE 7 AND Outdoors LIKE 7 can someone help me.. A: This will work for you... <?php $subQueryCond= ''; foreach ($key1 as $key => $value) { foreach ($_POST['name'] as $key => $value1) { $subQueryCond['AND '.$value1.' LIKE ' .$value] = ' AND '.$value1.' LIKE ' .$value ; } } echo "<pre>"; print_r($subQueryCond); $query = implode('',$subQueryCond) ; print_r($query); ?> just make an array with unique keys to value, then use implode() function to make query string...
Safety of union home care aides in Washington State. A rate-based understanding of home care aides' adverse occupational outcomes related to their work location and care tasks is lacking. Within a 30-month, dynamic cohort of 43 394 home care aides in Washington State, injury rates were calculated by aides' demographic and work characteristics. Injury narratives and focus groups provided contextual detail. Injury rates were higher for home care aides categorized as female, white, 50 to <65 years old, less experienced, with a primary language of English, and working through an agency (versus individual providers). In addition to direct occupational hazards, variability in workload, income, and supervisory/social support is of concern. Policies should address the roles and training of home care aides, consumers, and managers/supervisors. Home care aides' improved access to often-existing resources to identify, manage, and eliminate occupational hazards is called for to prevent injuries and address concerns related to the vulnerability of this needed workforce.
Predictors of neurobehavioral symptoms in a university population: a multivariate approach using a postconcussive symptom questionnaire. Several factors have been linked to severity of postconcussive-type (neurobehavioral) symptoms. In this study, predictors of neurobehavioral symptoms were examined using multivariate methods to determine the relative importance of each. Data regarding demographics, symptoms, current alcohol use, history of traumatic brain injury (TBI), orthopedic injuries, and psychiatric/developmental diagnoses were collected via questionnaire from 3027 university students. The most prominent predictors of symptoms were gender, history of depression or anxiety, history of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or learning disability diagnosis, and frequency of alcohol use. Prior mild TBI was significantly related to overall symptoms, but this effect was small in comparison to other predictors. These results provide further evidence that neurobehavioral symptoms are multi-determined phenomena, and highlight the importance of psychiatric comorbidity, demographic factors, and health behaviors to neurobehavioral symptom presentation after mild TBI.
The Difficult Crossing The Difficult Crossing (La traversée difficile) is the name given to two oil-on-canvas paintings by the Belgian surrealist René Magritte. The original version was completed in 1926 during Magritte's early prolific years of surrealism and is currently held in a private collection. A later version was completed in 1963 and is also held in a private collection. The 1926 version The 1926 version contains a number of curious elements, some of which are common to many of Magritte's works. The bilboquet or baluster (the object which looks like the bishop from a chess set) first appears in the painting The Lost Jockey (1926). In this and some other works—for example The Secret Player (1927) and The Art of Conversation (1961)—the bilboquet seems to play an inanimate role analogous to a tree or plant. In other instances, such as here with The Difficult Crossing, the bilboquet is given the anthropomorphic feature of a single eye. Another common feature of Magritte's works seen here is the ambiguity between windows and paintings. The back of the room shows a boat in a thunderstorm, but the viewer is left to wonder if the depiction is a painting or the view out a window. Magritte elevated the idea to another level in his series of works based on The Human Condition where "outdoor" paintings and windows both appear and even overlap. Near the bilboquet stands a table. On the top, a disembodied hand is holding a red bird, as if clutching it. The front right leg of the table resembles a human leg. The 1963 version In the 1963 version, a number of elements have changed or disappeared. Instead of taking place in a room, the action has moved outside. There is no table or hand clutching a bird and the scene of the rough sea in the ambiguous window/painting at the rear becomes the entire new background. Near the front a low brick wall is seen with a bilboquet behind and a suited figure with an eyeball for a head in front. There is ambiguity as to whether the suited figure is a man or another bilboquet. Some bilboquet figures, for example those in The Encounter (1929), have similar eyeball heads, however the suit covers the body and no clear identification can be made. If the suited figure is a man, it could be a self-portrait, which means that the eyeball is covering his face. Covering Magritte's face with an object was another common theme for himself, Son of Man being a good example. Relation to other paintings Both versions of The Difficult Crossing show a strong similarity to Magritte's painting The Birth of the Idol, also from 1926. The scene is outside and depicts a rough sea in the background (this time without ship). Objects which appear include a bilboquet (the non-anthropomorphic variety), a mannequin arm (similar to the hand which clutches the bird) and a wooden board with window-like holes cut out which is nearly identical to those flanking both sides of the room in earlier version. All three paintings may have been inspired by Giorgio de Chirico's Metaphysical Interior (1916) which features a room with a number of strange objects and an ambiguous window/painting showing a boat. Magritte was certainly aware of De Chirico's work and was emotionally moved by his first viewing of a reproduction of Song of Love (1913–14). References Category:Paintings by René Magritte Category:Surrealist paintings Category:1926 paintings Category:1963 paintings Category:Maritime paintings
God’s 4 Signs to Moses: The Staff That Turned into a Serpent The LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” And he said, “A staff.” Then He said, “Throw it on the ground.” So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it. But the LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand and grasp it by its tail”—so he stretched out his hand and caught it, and it became a staff in his hand… – Exodus 4:2-4 Oh Father, our heavenly Father, wash us in the blood of Your Son again today. Let us come to you with a clean conscious. Wash us in the Water of your Word. Open the eyes of our hearts to see Christ, receive Christ, and enjoy Christ. In Jesus’ Name, which is above all names, Amen! In Egypt, Moses had the highest education and was skilled in speech (Acts 7:22). When the Lord came to give Moses the revelation that He would free the Israelites, Moses tried to achieve the Lord’s will in his own strength and ended up killing an Egyptian. Trying in his own strength, just led to death. The Lord took Moses through 40 years of death in the wilderness. Moses was a broken man when the Lord appeared to him again. Moses could no longer speak well (Exodus 4:10) and he needed a staff for walking. We all have many staffs that we rely on. Every earthly thing that you rely on for your daily living is a staff. Your career is a staff. Your education is a staff. Your news is a staff. Your hobby is a staff. Your caffeine is a staff. Your sweets are a staff. Your family is a staff. Your car is a staff. Your intellect is a staff. Your emotions are a staff. Your television is a staff. Your video games are a staff. Your internet is a staff. There is no Life in these staffs. These staffs are dead wood. When Moses threw his staff down it became a serpent. Not only is your staff dead, but it is also a serpent. Whatever you rely on, other than the Lord, becomes a serpent. Your staffs must be thrown down and put to death. Only then, by the Lord’s command, can you grasp the serpent by the tail, and lift the staff up in resurrection. Don’t abandon your family. Don’t set up a law in your heart on what you may eat or drink. But turn to the Lord, beholding Him and giving Him your ear. Give everything that you rely on to Him and let Him give you back what you need in resurrection. In resurrection, you are no longer reliant upon the staff, you are reliant on God alone. Father, we cast our staffs down before you. Open our eyes to see the things that your enemy uses to usurp your rightful throne in our hearts. You provide everything we need as we seek Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness first. Let us grasp the enemy by the tail in Your Resurrection Life, that we may be overcomers in Your Victory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 1 If I’d know Christ’s risen power. I must ever love the Cross; Life from death alone arises; There’s no gain except by loss. Chorus If no death, no life, If no death, no life; Life from death alone arises; If no death, no life. 2 If I’d have Christ formed within me, I must breathe my final breath, Live within the Cross’s shadow, Put my soul-life e’er to death. 3 If God thru th’ Eternal Spirit Nail me ever with the Lord; Only then as death is working Will His life thru me be poured.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ... import OratorTestCase from orator import Model as BaseModel from orator.orm import ( morph_to, has_one, has_many, belongs_to_many, morph_many, belongs_to, ) from orator.orm.model import ModelRegister from orator.connections import SQLiteConnection from orator.connectors.sqlite_connector import SQLiteConnector class DecoratorsTestCase(OratorTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): Model.set_connection_resolver(DatabaseIntegrationConnectionResolver()) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): Model.unset_connection_resolver() def setUp(self): with self.schema().create("test_users") as table: table.increments("id") table.string("email").unique() table.timestamps() with self.schema().create("test_friends") as table: table.increments("id") table.integer("user_id") table.integer("friend_id") with self.schema().create("test_posts") as table: table.increments("id") table.integer("user_id") table.string("name") table.timestamps() table.soft_deletes() with self.schema().create("test_photos") as table: table.increments("id") table.morphs("imageable") table.string("name") table.timestamps() def tearDown(self): self.schema().drop("test_users") self.schema().drop("test_friends") self.schema().drop("test_posts") self.schema().drop("test_photos") def test_extra_queries_are_properly_set_on_relations(self): self.create() # With eager loading user = OratorTestUser.with_("friends", "posts", "post", "photos").find(1) post = OratorTestPost.with_("user", "photos").find(1) self.assertEqual(1, len(user.friends)) self.assertEqual(2, len(user.posts)) self.assertIsInstance(, OratorTestPost) self.assertEqual(3, len( self.assertIsInstance(post.user, OratorTestUser) self.assertEqual(2, len( self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_users" INNER JOIN "test_friends" ON "test_users"."id" = "test_friends"."friend_id" ' 'WHERE "test_friends"."user_id" = ? ORDER BY "friend_id" ASC', user.friends().to_sql(), ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_posts" WHERE "deleted_at" IS NULL AND "test_posts"."user_id" = ?', user.posts().to_sql(), ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_posts" WHERE "test_posts"."user_id" = ? ORDER BY "name" DESC',, ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_photos" WHERE "name" IS NOT NULL AND "test_photos"."imageable_id" = ? AND "test_photos"."imageable_type" = ?',, ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_users" WHERE "test_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "id" ASC', post.user().to_sql(), ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_photos" WHERE "test_photos"."imageable_id" = ? AND "test_photos"."imageable_type" = ?',, ) # Without eager loading user = OratorTestUser.find(1) post = OratorTestPost.find(1) self.assertEqual(1, len(user.friends)) self.assertEqual(2, len(user.posts)) self.assertIsInstance(, OratorTestPost) self.assertEqual(3, len( self.assertIsInstance(post.user, OratorTestUser) self.assertEqual(2, len( self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_users" INNER JOIN "test_friends" ON "test_users"."id" = "test_friends"."friend_id" ' 'WHERE "test_friends"."user_id" = ? ORDER BY "friend_id" ASC', user.friends().to_sql(), ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_posts" WHERE "deleted_at" IS NULL AND "test_posts"."user_id" = ?', user.posts().to_sql(), ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_posts" WHERE "test_posts"."user_id" = ? ORDER BY "name" DESC',, ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_photos" WHERE "name" IS NOT NULL AND "test_photos"."imageable_id" = ? AND "test_photos"."imageable_type" = ?',, ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_users" WHERE "test_users"."id" = ? ORDER BY "id" ASC', post.user().to_sql(), ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT * FROM "test_photos" WHERE "test_photos"."imageable_id" = ? AND "test_photos"."imageable_type" = ?',, ) self.assertEqual( 'SELECT DISTINCT * FROM "test_posts" WHERE "deleted_at" IS NULL AND "test_posts"."user_id" = ? ORDER BY "user_id" ASC', user.posts().order_by("user_id").distinct().to_sql(), ) def create(self): user = OratorTestUser.create(id=1, email="[email protected]") friend = OratorTestUser.create(id=2, email="[email protected]") user.friends().attach(friend) post1 = user.posts().create(name="First Post") post2 = user.posts().create(name="Second Post")"Avatar 1")"Avatar 2")"Avatar 3")"Hero 1")"Hero 2") def connection(self): return Model.get_connection_resolver().connection() def schema(self): return self.connection().get_schema_builder() class Model(BaseModel): _register = ModelRegister() class OratorTestUser(Model): __table__ = "test_users" __guarded__ = [] @belongs_to_many("test_friends", "user_id", "friend_id", with_pivot=["id"]) def friends(self): return OratorTestUser.order_by("friend_id") @has_many("user_id") def posts(self): return OratorTestPost.where_null("deleted_at") @has_one("user_id") def post(self): return OratorTestPost.order_by("name", "desc") @morph_many("imageable") def photos(self): return OratorTestPhoto.where_not_null("name") class OratorTestPost(Model): __table__ = "test_posts" __guarded__ = [] @belongs_to("user_id") def user(self): return OratorTestUser.order_by("id") @morph_many("imageable") def photos(self): return "test_photos" class OratorTestPhoto(Model): __table__ = "test_photos" __guarded__ = [] @morph_to def imageable(self): return class DatabaseIntegrationConnectionResolver(object): _connection = None def connection(self, name=None): if self._connection: return self._connection self._connection = SQLiteConnection( SQLiteConnector().connect({"database": ":memory:"}) ) return self._connection def get_default_connection(self): return "default" def set_default_connection(self, name): pass
Saturday, May 30, 2009 On solid grounds: Campground owners hope that spending on improvements pays off with more visitors in slumping economy From the Wisconsin State Journal By Marv Balousek While some businesses may be making cutbacks because of the recession, Wisconsin's private campground owners have been spending money to make their properties more attractive to prospective customers this year. They've invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to improve their facilities even without the benefit of federal stimulus dollars. The owners expect to cash in as families scale back their Disney World plans this summer in favor of less-expensive weekend camping trips. Reservations are up this year for the 16-week season that began on Memorial Day weekend, according to two Wisconsin campground owners. "Camping, even in stressful times, can be the outdoor activity of choice,"said Bud Styer, who operates five Wisconsin campgrounds. "People with families especially are still going to recreate and they're going to do something with their kids." Styer said he is spending $565,000 this year at his five campgrounds and expects to recoup that investment in three to five years through camping fees. He's spent money on things such as a Jumping Pillow for Baraboo Hills Campground north of Baraboo, blacktop for a circle around the pond at Merry Mac's Campground near Merrimac and a remodeled camp store at River Bend Campground, which he manages but doesn't own, west of Watertown. River Bend, which features a 300-foot water slide, was closed last summer because of extensive flooding when the Crawfish River overflowed its banks. It didn't reopen until August. Styer said the campground had to be cleaned before improvements were made. He also has upgraded Smokey Hollow Campground near Lodi and Tilleda Falls Campground west of Shawano. Water-related features such as Water Wars -- a competition with water balloons -- or floating water slides and climbing walls are popular improvements at many parks. "Years ago, we camped in a Coleman tent with a kerosene lantern," Styer said. "Nowadays, everybody's got to have electric, water, box fans and rope lights." Styer said he's a great believer in "stuff" and that the more stuff you have, the more you can charge for campsites. A private Wisconsin campground with amenities can charge $39 to $50 a night, he said, compared to $25 to $35 a night for a standard campground. "If you want to expand your business and generate additional revenues, then you have to have a better facility,"he said. "It has to have the bells and whistles. People are going to camp closer to home and look for the best value." Upgrading campground facilities this year is a national trend, said Linda Pfofaizer, president of the National Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds in Larkspur, Colo. The association represents 8,000 private campground owners. Although the investments could benefit them this summer, she said, most campground owners also are looking beyond the recession, "The recession is temporary," she said. "Most campground and RV park operators believe that it behooves them to move forward with their improvement plans to remain competitive with other travel and tourism options." "We try to keep adding what the customers are asking for," he said. "A few years ago, during a downturn, there were many people who didn't travel West or take a large vacation, and we're seeing that again." At Fox Hill RV Park south of Wisconsin Dells near Ho Chunk Casino, roads have been repaved with recycled asphalt, the pool was retiled, the bath house was remodeled and a disc golf course was added, said owner Jim Tracy. He said the overall construction slowdown helped him negotiate a good deal on the bath house remodeling. "I'm still pretty bullish on the summer," Tracy said. "I want to give (campers) reasons to come back and talk me up to their friends and families." Bud Styer Media Bud Styer, left, and Keith Stachurski, manager of Smokey Hollow Campground near Lodi, confer at a beach area of the campground. Styer has invested $565,000 this year in improvements at the five campgrounds he operates. Zachary Zirbel cuts the grass at Smokey Hollow Campground as he prepares the sites for another influx of weekend campers. Stachurski patrols Smokey Hollow on a Segway, a small electric vehicle. He also offers riding lessons to campers. The red structure behind him is used for Spaceball, a game that combines the skills of trampoline and basketball. Furnished conastoga wagons and beachfront yurts are among the camping options at Smokey Hollow Campground near Lodi. Children play on a Jumping Pillow at Chetek River Campground near Chetek, north of Eau Claire. A row of furnished yurts, or circular tents, is another camping option at Merry Mac's Campground in Merrimac.
Q: Drag and drop in jquery I didn't get the id of dropped div on dropping on another div i get the id_droppable i but didn't get the id_dropped div The alert id_dropped give undefined as result Please help me verify my code and correct my error. $(".full-circle").droppable({ accept: ".unseated_guest", drop: function(event, ui) { var id_droppable =; alert(id_droppable); var id_dropped =; alert(id_dropped); var name=document.getElementById("div_name_0").value; $(this).css("background-color","red"); $(this).append(ui.draggable); //$(this).draggable('disable'); } }); A: The ui parameter does not have an id attribute, as it is a reference to the element being drug. You need to get the id like ui.draggable.attr('id'), or whatever method you prefer to get the id of an element. $(".full-circle").droppable({ accept: ".unseated_guest", drop: function(event, ui) { //Stuff above var id_dropped = ui.draggable.attr('id'); alert(id_dropped); //Stuff below } });
Girmal Falls General This waterfall extends to a height of up to 100 feet, making it the highest waterfall of Gujarat. The picturesque beauty of this site makes it popular among visitors and people of the region alike. The water swiftly falls from a great height, creating a fog like condition that’s eye catching. The government of this state is working on many projects to make this place an ideal picnic spot and a tourist attraction. The fall comes to its best form at the time of monsoon and provides an immensely striking appearance. Some of the best natural features of Gujarat can be explored in this place. This place is a nice and refreshing retreat for any traveler.
Be afraid, England and Wales 2019. The Aussies are coming. Or rather, the Aussies are still coming, after an 86-run defeat of a New Zealand team who seemed consumed by the occasion at Lord’s. At times in the Black Caps’ attempts to chase 243 this felt a bit like a Sunday morning junior age group game. Steve Smith sent down some weird, wonky all-sorts. Wickets were greeted with jokey huddles. It took the return of Mitchell Starc to restore a sense of World Cup order, figures of five for 26 reflecting a spell of brutal, high-grade, white-ball fast-bowling that blew away the tail. Pakistan’s Imad Wasim holds nerve to see off Afghanistan in thriller Read more Victory leaves Australia on their own at the top of the group stage table with seven wins from eight, and with some of their own question marks finding an answer or two. They had some help along the way, not least from Kane Williamson’s diffident captaincy. On a sun-baked north London day New Zealand had first shown how to beat Australia; then almost immediately they showed how to fail to beat Australia. Exposing that thin-looking middle order had always looked a plan. Failing to punch through by taking off your best bowlers was where the game got away, captured by the sight of the skipper wheeling out seven overs of mid-innings part-time leg-spin. Trent Boult even had time at the end of Australia’s innings to conjure a largely pointless World Cup hat-trick. Instead it was a gutsy, occasionally streaky 107-run sixth-wicket partnership between Usman Khawaja and Alex Carey that decided this game. From the start Lord’s was a place of Trans-Tasman good cheer as the grey shroud of the last few weeks lifted. Australia had won the toss and elected to bat. In any list of David Warner’s top five career sledges, the line “You’re not f-ing facing Trent Boult’s 80mph half-volleys now, mate” – yelled at Joe Root as he took guard during the Cardiff Ashes Test of 2015 – might just make it on grounds of subtlety alone. This time it was Warner’s turn to face the Boult music, a tricky prospect at the start of a heat-hazed day. Boult’s third over saw Aaron Finch out lbw falling over an inswinger. Colin de Grandhomme shared the new ball, toiling in manfully from the nursery end like a man with a two-seat sofa strapped to his back. But it was Lockie Ferguson who made the most telling incision. Ferguson was a joy to watch, a thrillingly athletic fast bowler with an air of the old school adventurer about him, so much so you half expect to see him handing the umpire his fedora and bull-whip before every over. Here Ferguson took out Warner and Steve Smith for two runs in seven balls. First he bounced out Warner. Smith was booed on. And Ferguson soon did for him too, thanks to another moment of brilliance. Smith pulled another short one, middling it with a lovely, sweet clump. At short backward square leg Martin Guptill dived full length and stuck out a hand. Eventually he stood up, raised his hand and threw a ball – apparently the same one – into the sky. It was a catch that will look good in replay. In real time it was a moment to stop the days and spin it back on its axis. James Neesham entered the attack and 81 for three became 81 for four as Marcus Stoinis was caught behind, before Neesham held a one-handed caught and bowled just above the grass to get rid of Glenn Maxwell. New Zealand had Australia wobbling around the ring at five for 92 after 21 overs. But Khawaja found a partner in Carey, who clipped and carved at assorted short-pitch offerings as New Zealand struggled to adapt their length to his punchy style. The fifty partnership arrived off 51 balls, at the same time as Khawaja’s own half-century, an innings that will be doubly satisfying on a day when no one else in Australia’s top six got to 25. Carey inside-edged to the pavilion fence to reach a battling 51 off 41 balls. There is a jaunty fearlessness to his cricket. Best of all he averages 50 now at No 7 for Australia and has made that tricky slot a position of strength in the last month. There will be regrets for New Zealand. Not least in Boult’s disappearance from the attack until the 42nd over. Their chase never really got started. Jason Behrendorff dismissed both openers and a 20-over score of 61 for two deteriorated to 157 all out as only Williamson seemed to have the skill to score on a crabby pitch. Australia were talked down at the World Cup’s start as a team overly reliant on five star players. At Lord’s it was the underrated back-up cast who dug in to turn this game, maintaining the air of a team finding other gears as this tournament narrows towards its end point.
All data sets are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4). Per the CC BY 4 license it is understood that any use of the data set will properly acknowledge the individual(s) listed above using the suggested data citation. If you wish to use this data set, it is highly recommended that you contact the original principal investigator(s) (PI). Should the relevant PI be unavailable, please contact BCO-DMO ([email protected]) for additional guidance. For general guidance please see the BCO-DMO Terms of Use document. This dataset reports initial community conditions in Kane'ohe Bay including temperature, salinity, chlorophyll and naupliar abundance of two species of calanoid copepods, Parvocalanus crassirostris and Bestiolina similis as measured by microscopic counts and qPCR. These data are published in MEPS (2017) and are the result of M. Jungbluth's Ph.D. thesis work. Naupliar abundances of the 2 target species in situ were estimated using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)-based method (Jungbluth et al. 2013), as well as microscopic counts of calanoid and cyclopoid nauplii. The qPCR-based method allows application of individual species grazing rates to in situ abundances to estimate the total potential grazing impact of each species. Samples were collected by duplicate vertical microplankton net tows (0.5 m diameter ring net, 63 µm mesh) from near bottom (10 m depth) to the surface with a low speed flow meter (General Oceanics). The contents of each net were split quantitatively. One half was size-fractionated through a series of 5 Nitex sieves (63, 75, 80, 100, and 123 µm) to separate size groups of nauplii from later developmental stages, and each was preserved in 95% non-denatured ethyl alcohol (EtOH). The second half of the sample was preserved immediately in 95% EtOH for counts of total calanoid and total cyclopoid nauplii, which were used for comparison to the qPCR-based results of the abundance of each calanoid species. All samples were stored on ice in the field until being transferred to a -20°C freezer in the laboratory. EtOH in the sample bottles was replaced with fresh EtOH within 12 to 24 h of collection to ensure high-quality DNA for analysis (Bucklin 2000). The 3 smallest plankton size fractions from the net collection were analyzed with qPCR to enumerate P. crassirostris and B. similis nauplius abundances (Jungbluth et al. 2013). In brief, DNA was extracted from 3 plankton size fractions (63, 75, and 80 µm) using a modified QIAamp Mini Kit procedure (Qiagen). The total number of DNA copies in each sample was then measured using species-specific DNA primers and qPCR protocols (Jungbluth et al. 2013). On each qPCR plate, 4 to 5 standards spanning 4 to 5 orders of magnitude in DNA copy number were run along with the 2 biological replicates of a size fraction for each sampling date along with a no template control (NTC), all in triplicate. A range of 0.04 to 1 ng µl-1 of total DNA per sample was measured on each plate ensuring that the range of standards encompassed the amplification range of samples, with equal total DNA concentrations run in each well on individual plates. In all cases, amplification efficiencies ranged from 92 to 102%, and melt-curves indicated amplification of only the target species. The qPCR estimate of each species' mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit I (COI) DNA copy number was converted to an estimate of nauplius abundance using methods described in Jungbluth et al. (2013). Conditions Salinity and temperature in the field were measured using a YSI 6600V2 sonde prior to collecting water for bottle incubations. For chl a, triplicate 305 ml samples were filtered onto GF/Fs (Whatman), flash-frozen (LN2), and kept at -80°C freezer until measurements were made 4 mo later. Chl a (and phaeopigment) was measured using a Turner Designs (model 10AU) fluorometer, using the standard extraction and acidification technique (Yentsch & Menzel 1963, Strickland & Parsons 1972). General term for a sensor that quantifies the rate at which fluids (e.g. water or air) pass through sensor packages, instruments, or sampling devices. A flow meter may be mechanical, optical, electromagnetic, etc. Instruments that generate enlarged images of samples using the phenomena of reflection and absorption of visible light. Includes conventional and inverted instruments. Also called a "light microscope".
COMPASSIONATE RELEASEforStanley G. Rothenberg We, the undersigned, ask the Bureau of Prisons to request Compassionate Release on the following grounds: First, it is fundamentally unfair to sentence a 64-year-old man to a life sentence in federal prison for talking dirty on the Internet. Second, the egregious state of medical care provided in prisons leads to suffering far out of proportion to the sentence. Third, there is overwhelming evidence that Mr. Rothenberg is not a danger to society and that he never actually intended to engage in sexual conduct with a child. Background Mr. Rothenberg has been an openly-gay man his entire life. At age 64, he was disabled by chronic back problems and chronic life-long anxiety, as well as a long-term dependence on prescription benzodiazepine drugs. After losing his life partner to AIDS, Mr. Rothenberg turned to Internet sex chat rooms for entertainment. He engaged in a number of conversations with many people in the chat rooms, including some as “private messages.” It was in the AOL Family Luv chat room that he encountered a police officer who posed as a father who “shared” his handicapped eleven-year-old daughter with “friends.” There was no child. Mr. Rothenberg has never had — and has never been charged with — any actual sexual contact with a minor. However, Mr. Rothenberg was in possession of child pornography, which he disclosed to police officers after his arrest and, in fact, told them where to locate the thumb drive holding the pictures. He had that in his possession in order to prove his bona fides. While some might doubt that claim, the very nature of the material on the thumb drive proves it. The pictures were of a wide range of ages, and of both male and female children. Anyone experienced with true pedophiles knows that they normally gravitate to specific genders and ages. This was clearly a collection meant to impress others rather than for personal use. The law, however, does not make that distinction, and Mr. Rothenberg accepts that and acknowledges that under current law, possessing those pictures was unlawful. Mr. Rothenberg accepted complete responsibility for possession of the material and entered a guilty plea. He was subsequently sentenced to 25 years in prison. The sentence for possession of the pictures was 10 years. Sentencing Mr. Rothenberg to a life sentence for “talking dirty on the Internet” is fundamentally unfair. There is no evidence that he ever even spoke to a child in a lascivious manner, much less touched one inappropriately. Not once. However, the court found a pattern of conduct based on his participation in the chat rooms. Furthermore, the police officer specifically created the imaginary child’s biography to invoke enhancements to the sentencing guidelines. If the victim is under the age of 12 or the victim is handicapped, the sentence is increased. A life sentence for a non-contact offense against a child who does not exist is fundamentally unjust. Mr. Rothenberg was a 64-year-old man with no history of criminal conduct — in fact, with a lifetime of public service, charity fundraising, and a successful business career. When he signed the Change of Plea form, Mr. Rothenberg was undergoing serious withdrawal from a lifetime use of prescription benzodiazepines. Numerous psychiatric records document that fact. There is no question that these medications were obtained legally, were not abused, and that his use was always monitored by a physician. Mr. Rothenberg poses no danger to society and experts unanimously agree he is not a pedophile. His sole true offense was possessing child pornography, a fact that he immediately admitted and even told the officers where to find it. The sentence for possessing those images would be ten years. Mr. Rothenberg has been in prison since 2008 and will not be released until 2033. Psychiatric reports indicate that the probability that he will “reoffend” is minimal and that he is not a pedophile. We respectfully ask the Court to grant Mr. Rothenberg a Compassionate Release.
My desire is to grapple together here over how well off we are with God through Christ, and to live from His opinion of us. Tuesday, March 08, 2011 Catch The Whompers The obsolete arrangement between God and man (the Old Covenant) was never Christian—not even close. Not even. If now we make any attempt to wed it to the new and current arrangement by our efforts, our hopes or our expectations of God, we’re binding ourselves to frustration and confusion. If frustration and confusion are whomping on your life just now, consider your covenant. Trying to have them both means you’ll enjoy neither, let alone God. It would be like trying to mate a horse and a car and hoping to get somewhere with it (worse than the picture, though the exhaust system would be awful). There is no fit. It's crazy. If you're going to actually enjoy and truly like God, you've got to pay attention and catch the whompers. (I’m bothered by what this has done to the sons and daughters of God in relation to “hope in the Lord,” so I’ll write more soon. And if you weren't aware, I've got a lot to say about all this in my just-released book. Find out more at:
Q: How do I stop IntelliJ searching for Incoming SVN Changes? My IntelliJ IDE (12.1.4) periodically searches for incoming changes in my connected SVN repositories. When I first installed IntelliJ these incoming changes weren't searched for automatically - if I remember correctly I had to click on the refresh button in the Incoming sub-tab within the Changes tab and set some options. I can't seem to know switch this off. Collecting information on changes seems to cause performance issues for me - maybe due to the remote location of the repository. Can't see any options in the system preferences, and clicking refresh, refreshes! In summary - does anyone know how to stop Intellij collecting information on SVN changes? A: Sure, like this: Go to the same place as where you turned the automatic refresh feature on (the version control pane, marked by 9: Changes, and then the Repository tab) Hit the red X to Clear the VCS history cache (note: this won't delete anything important!) Hit the first icon with 2 circular blue arrows to Refresh the history, and now untick Refresh changes every checkbox and hit OK The VCS history cache will be now refreshed once, but not periodically - refresh manually as needed. And you're done!
Q: Second quantization, creation and annihilation operators I found two notions of states for second quantization. One representation uses occupation numbers here, for example Another one creates the n+1 th particle in a collection of n existent states. see for instance here. Now, the problem is that in the first case the creation operator does $a_k^{\dagger} |N_1,N_2,..\rangle = \sqrt{N_k+1 } |N_1,N_2,..,N_{k}+1,..\rangle$ and in the latter case $a_k^{\dagger} |n\rangle = \sqrt{n+1 } |n+1 \rangle.$ So the action of this operator is very different depending on whether you write down the states in terms of their occupation number or whether you write them in terms of the ensemble of all the existing states. Unfortunately, I just don't get how these two pictures are related to each other. If anything is unclear, please let me know. A: @Xin Wang's last comment: In the first case you are simply, formally, looking at collection of k_max different, uncoupled oscillators. But you're only doing anything with the k'th one. k is an index in this case, nothing else but giving this specific oscillator a name. In the second case you only have one oscillator in your notation, so actually you don't need to give the annihilation operator an index, as it is implicitly fixed. It is acutally even clumsy, since you're not giving the corresponding occupation number variable n the same index. Your question may be a semantic issue, but since you're not doing anything with all other but the k'th oscillator, their particle number will be fixed during the operation. It's just a definition to count the 'total particle number' by adding up all n_m.
Q: Multiplying row in NumPy array by specific values based on another row I have the following list: ls = [[1,2,3], [3,4] , [5] , [7,8], [23], [90, 81]] This is my numpy array: array([[ 1, 0, 4, 3], [ 10, 100, 1000, 10000]]) I need to multiply the values in the second row of my array by the length of the list in ls which is at the index of the corresponding number in the first row: 10 * len(ls[1]) & 100 * len(ls[0]) etc.. The objective output would be this array: array([[ 1, 0, 4, 3], [ 20, 300, 1000, 20000]]) Any efficient way doing this? A: Use list comprehesion to find lengths and multiply it with 2nd row of array as: ls = [[1,2,3], [3,4] , [5] , [7,8]] arr = np.array([[ 1, 0, 2, 3], [ 10, 100, 1000, 10000]]) arr[1,:] = arr[1,:]*([len(l) for l in ls]) arr array([[ 1, 0, 2, 3], [ 30, 200, 1000, 20000]]) EDIT : arr[1,:] = arr[1,:]*([len(ls[l]) for l in arr[0,:]]) arr array([[ 1, 0, 2, 3], [ 20, 300, 1000, 20000]])
Shortcuts Keyboard navigation in the search filter is done by using a combination of the TAB, ENTER, and ARROW keys. Start by pressing the TAB key to enter the filter module. Use the arrow keys to move between tabs. To select a desired tab, use the TAB key. Prime Minister's Office Ministry of Culture Ministry of Defence Ministry of Education and Research Ministry of Employment Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation Ministry of the Environment Ministry of Finance Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry of Health and Social Affairs Ministry of Justice Government Government Offices Select time period, enter the date using the format YYYY-MM-DD or select from the calendar that appears when you select the input field Reinstated border control at Sweden’s internal border The Government has decided to reinstate internal border control for three months. The decision is based on the Government’s assessment that there is still a threat to public policy and internal security. The Government today appointed 31 state secretaries at the Government Offices. Former state secretaries have been dismissed from their positions. Most of the state secretaries have previously held corresponding positions at the Government Offices. Government invests in space – Esrange to have testbed The Esrange Space Centre should remain a strategic resource for national and international research, and the Government and the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) are therefore investing SEK 80 million in a new test facility at the centre in Kiruna. Decision on application from Nord Stream 2 AG The Government today granted permission for the delineation of the course proposed by Nord Stream 2 AG for the laying of two pipelines on the continental shelf in the Swedish Exclusive Economic zone in the Baltic Sea. Sweden and India agree to deepen their innovation cooperation Sweden and India today signed a joint innovation partnership to deepen the collaboration between the two countries and contribute to sustainable growth and new job opportunities. The partnership was signed in connection with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Stockholm. The Prime Minister, together with the EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has invited to a social summit focusing on the promotion of Fair Jobs and growth, in Gothenburg on Friday 17 November. Heads of State and heads of Governments together with other EU-member ministers will be in place.
South Wayne Historic District South Wayne Historic District may refer to: South Wayne Historic District (Fort Wayne, Indiana), listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Allen County, Indiana South Wayne Historic District (Wayne, Pennsylvania), listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Delaware County, Pennsylvania
Managing hepatitis B coinfection in HIV-infected patients. Since viral hepatitis is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in HIV, it is critical to recognize and treat these patients appropriately. Hepatitis B infection is particularly difficult to manage as it changes with shifts in immune status. Inactive infection may flare up with restoration of CD4 cell count. In addition, many drugs used to treat HIV are also active against hepatitis B. Thus, patients may require therapy for both diseases or only for hepatitis B. The practicing physician must be aware of which drug to use with antiretrovirals and which can be used for hepatitis B alone. Current therapies for HIV that have hepatitis B activity include lamivudine, emtricitabine, and tenofovir. Therapies for hepatitis B without HIV activity are adefovir and entecavir. The major advances in the past year include emerging data on epidemiology, occult infection, genotypes, and newer therapies. Long-term management of hepatitis B includes monitoring for hepatocellular carcinoma. Two recent consensus conferences have provided excellent reviews of management of coinfection .
/* Generated by RuntimeBrowser Image: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleServiceToolkit.framework/AppleServiceToolkit */ @interface ASTMaterializedConnectionManager : NSObject <ASTConnectionManager, ASTConnectionStatusDelegate> { <ASTConnectionManagerDelegate> * _delegate; ASTIdentity * _identity; ASTNetworking * _networking; NSString * _sessionId; } @property (readonly, copy) NSString *debugDescription; @property (nonatomic) <ASTConnectionManagerDelegate> *delegate; @property (readonly, copy) NSString *description; @property (readonly) unsigned long long hash; @property (nonatomic, retain) ASTIdentity *identity; @property (nonatomic, retain) ASTNetworking *networking; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *sessionId; @property (readonly) Class superclass; - (void).cxx_destruct; - (void)cancelAllTestResults; - (void)connection:(id)arg1 connectionStateChanged:(long long)arg2; - (void)connection:(id)arg1 didSendBodyData:(long long)arg2 totalBytesSent:(long long)arg3 totalBytesExpected:(long long)arg4; - (void)dealloc; - (id)delegate; - (void)downloadAsset:(id)arg1 destinationFileHandle:(id)arg2 allowsCellularAccess:(bool)arg3 completion:(id /* block */)arg4; - (id)identity; - (id)init; - (id)initWithSOCKSProxyServer:(id)arg1 port:(id)arg2; - (id)networking; - (bool)postAuthInfo:(id)arg1 allowsCellularAccess:(bool)arg2; - (id)postEnrollAllowingCellularAccess:(bool)arg1; - (bool)postProfile:(id)arg1 allowsCellularAccess:(bool)arg2; - (id)postRequest:(id)arg1 allowsCellularAccess:(bool)arg2; - (void)postSealableFile:(id)arg1 fileSequence:(id)arg2 totalFiles:(id)arg3 testId:(id)arg4 dataId:(id)arg5 allowsCellularAccess:(bool)arg6 completion:(id /* block */)arg7; - (void)postSessionExistsForIdentities:(id)arg1 ticket:(id)arg2 timeout:(double)arg3 allowsCellularAccess:(bool)arg4 completion:(id /* block */)arg5; - (void)postTestResult:(id)arg1 allowsCellularAccess:(bool)arg2 completion:(id /* block */)arg3; - (id)sessionId; - (void)setDelegate:(id)arg1; - (void)setIdentity:(id)arg1; - (void)setNetworking:(id)arg1; - (void)setSessionId:(id)arg1; @end
In the UK, a charity that houses unwanted horses says it is being inundated with calls from equestrians who can no longer afford to keep their horses. The Horse Trust has received 640 requests to retire horses in the past month. Mark Worthington reports: Far from the city, an empty paddock and nothing but memories. After 15 years Shelagh Ball was forced to say goodbye to her beloved horse. This is what happens when the downturn starts to bite. SHELAGH BALL:The reason I've had to give up Fred is economics. Solely and purely economics. And the effect it's had on me is devastating. I mean I… just heartbreaking. I love that horse and if I could afford to keep him, I would for the rest of his life. But I can't. Shelagh isn't alone. Horse charities say record numbers are struggling to pay the bills. First came huge rises in costs - the price of feed doubled. Now there is less money around to pay for it all, and that's hitting businesses too. Garron Baines had already given up one horse through sickness. Now he's shutting down his horse-trekking company, meaning six more need new homes. GARRON BAINES:The horse business, or the horse leisure riding has fallen off the cliff in the last few weeks as people have looked at their household budgets and decided that it's too expensive to go horse-riding. And at the same time costs have been mounting significantly over the last year. It all means more work for those who care for unwanted animals. But charities fear this is only the beginning and that donations may begin to dry up just as huge numbers of horses need their help.
Apr 26, 2012; Eden Prairie, MN, USA; Minnesota Vikings general manager Rick Spielman talks with the media after the introduction of the 2013 1st round draft picks at Winter Park. Mandatory Credit: Bruce Kluckhohn-USA TODAY Sports Veteran scribes Sid Hartman and Peter King are on the same page on this one. When the Vikings’ turn comes to draft on the evening of May 8, the selection will be anything but a quarterback. Rick Spielman has spoken to both King and Hartman, and apparently convinced each man that the plan is to go BPA at 8 and take a quarterback later. “While there is much speculation that the Vikings will select a quarterback with the No. 8 overall pick in the NFL draft, General Manager Rick Spielman made it clear that he won’t draft a QB with the pick because he said they will take the best player on the board with their first selection, and there is no reason to believe that a quarterback will be the best player on the board,” Hartman said in a Sunday column. The estimable Mr. Hartman quoted Spielman explaining why the Vikings would do well to pass on a QB this year and address other needs. “There are some very good defensive players, some very good receivers in this draft, some good offensive linemen,” Spielman said. “There’s some significant linebackers that can play not only standing up but also help you rush the passer as well. I think we’re going to have a lot of options at 8, but we’re also going to potentially look to move out of that pick as well.” Peter King’s MMQB segment on Spielman included similar quotes. “That’s a big reason why we made it a high priority to sign Matt Cassel back. Every one of these quarterbacks … nothing is a sure thing,” Spielman told King. “There’s no Andrew Luck, no Peyton Manning. It is such a mixed bag with each player—every one of them has positives, every one of them has negatives. And if that’s the way you end up feeling, why don’t you just wait till later in the draft, and take someone with the first pick you’re sure will help you right now?” In the same piece, King pointed out that the Vikings will have a minicamp days before the draft, and indicated that Minnesota will use that minicamp to get a read on where Matt Cassel and Christian Ponder both are. The implication being that the Vikings could still elect to draft a quarterback at 8, if they become convinced that their present QBs aren’t good enough. Despite Spielman leaving the door open on taking a QB at 8 if their on-roster QBs stink enough, King told a Twin Cities media personality that he thinks he thinks he knows the Vikings will go away from QB at 8. In a tweet to Meatsauce responding to a question about what the Vikings will do at 8 King said, “Not a quarterback. They want a sure thing.” Straight from the keyboard of King and the quill pen of Sid Hartman. No quarterback for the Vikings at 8 this year. So Johnny Manziel, Blake Bortles, Teddy Bridgewater, any other quarterbacks who think they have a chance of being taken #8 overall? You can cancel that order for purple apparel, you can call off that Twin Cities area house search, you can delete all those sweet Minneapolis honies from your phone. Minnesota ain’t gonna happen for you. Memo to any teams expecting the Vikings to take a QB at 8? Listen to Sid Hartman and Peter King. It’s not going to happen. So submit your Ha Ha Clinton-Dix/Aaron Donald/C.J. Mosley/Jake Matthews/Odell Beckham-related trade proposals now. Like The Viking Age on Facebook. Follow TVA on Twitter. Subscribe to the Fansided Daily Newsletter. Sports news all up in your inbox.
Personal Statement Our team includes experienced and caring professionals who share the belief that our care should be comprehensive and courteous - responding fully to your individual needs and preferences....more Our team includes experienced and caring professionals who share the belief that our care should be comprehensive and courteous - responding fully to your individual needs and preferences. More about Dr. Krishnamurthy.C.V. Dr. Krishnamurthy.C.V. is a popular General Physician in Ganga Nagar, Bangalore. He studied and completed MBBS . You can consult Dr. Krishnamurthy.C.V. at Aryan Multispeciality Hospital in Ganga Nagar, Bangalore. You can book an instant appointment online with Dr. Krishnamurthy.C.V. on Find numerous General Physicians in India from the comfort of your home on You will find General Physicians with more than 30 years of experience on You can find General Physicians online in Bangalore and from across India. View the profile of medical specialists and their reviews from other patients to make an informed decision. You can take that. You can also take other products of your choice. You should try Homeopathy for the acid reflux as it can help heal you naturally. A detailed case history is essential to analyse your case and select a remedy which suits your constitution. A proper diet (a balanced diet) which is healthy is very important. Avoid all junk food and outside food. Have fruits and vegetables everyday. You should also start doing Yoga as it can enhance the healing process. You can contact me online for a private consultation. take good diet like fresh fruits dry fruits specially dates almonds anjeer be stress and anxiety free do yoga regularly do aerobics regularly communicat openly with you wife do kegel's and pause and squeeze technique do side by side entry or wife above entry take capsule tentex royal by himalya for two months as mentioned above the container take tablet confido by himalya as mentioned above the container consulting a good sexologist is always good before doing anything Hi headaches are caused due to sinusitis which may not be noticed as you must not be knowing its symptoms. Take following medicines nat suph 30 4pills to be sucked thrice a day for 15 days kali bich 200 4pills to be sucked thrice a day for 15 days take plain water steam once a day avoid eating curd, icecreams, pickles, papad, citrus fruits, watermelon, green skin bananas, pineapple, strawberries, custard apple, guavas. For fever take tablet paracetamol 650 mg and For cold take tablet cetrizine at night and For cough take syp ascoril-D 2.5 ml twice a day and Get your blood checked for cbc, mp , widal , sgpt and urine r/m and revert back to us with reports Baking soda is a good way to get rid of red marks on face. When it is made into a paste and applied onto the face, the baking soda exfoliates your skin to minimize annoying acne scars. Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons water and leave on skin for a while before rinsing off.
Foster + Partners revealed its initial design of The One, Mizrahi Developments’ 860,300-square-foot skyscraper project in Toronto, in 2015 and now the architectural firm’s final vision is about to take shape—literally. Mizrahi recently broke ground on the 85-story mixed-use tower, which, at approximately 1,004 feet (or 306 meters) tall, will take on the title of the tallest building in Canada. Sited at the high-profile intersection of Yonge and Bloor streets, The One will act as a link of sorts between downtown Toronto and the trendy Yorkville district. Foster has produced a cutting-edge design that fits right into the established neighborhood. “The project creates a new anchor for high-end retail along Bloor Street West, while respecting the urban scale of Yonge Street. The design is respectful of the legacy of the William Luke Buildings, and incorporates the historic 19th century brick structures within the larger development,” Giles Robinson, senior partner at Foster + Partners, said in a prepared statement. Rendering of The One in Toronto The One will feature several levels of retail and restaurant space topped by approximately 420 luxury condominium residences, with the building’s distinctive façade offering indication of where the commercial portion of the structure ends and the residential segment begins. Additionally, as noted in an article by The Globe and Mail, the final design also features a 175-key hotel. CORE Architects is the collaborating architect on The One. The development is scheduled to reach completion in 2022. In the meantime, Foster’s projects continue to change skylines across the globe. Sky-high endeavors The attention that will accompany The One’s soaring height will be familiar territory for Foster. The firm designed MOL Campus in Budapest, Hungary, an 893,000-square-foot, 400-foot-tall high-rise project that will serve as oil and gas company MOL Group’s new global office headquarters in Budapest and carry the distinction of being the tallest building in the city. And at the mixed-use development Varso Place in downtown Warsaw, Poland, Foster is the visionary behind the 1,018-foot-tall Verso Tower, which will be the tallest office building in Central and Eastern Europe. Tall buildings, those exceeding 200 meters (656 feet), are on the rise around the world. A total of 128 such structures delivered in 2016, marking a new annual record and bringing the total number of existing tall buildings to 1,168, a whopping 441 percent increase from the year 2000, according to a report by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Ten supertall buildings, which are 300 meters (984 feet) or greater in height, came online in 2016. And as for the title of the tallest, 18 finished buildings became the tallest in a city, country or region in 2016.
// Testing Authentication API Routes // 🐨 import the things you'll need // 💰 here, I'll just give them to you. You're welcome // import axios from 'axios' // import {resetDb} from 'utils/db-utils' // import * as generate from 'utils/generate' // import startServer from '../start' // 🐨 you'll need to start/stop the server using beforeAll and afterAll // 💰 This might be helpful: server = await startServer({port: 8000}) // 🐨 beforeEach test in this file we want to reset the database test('auth flow', async () => { // 🐨 get a username and password from generate.loginForm() // // register // 🐨 use to post the username and password to the registration endpoint // 💰 http://localhost:8000/api/auth/register // // 🐨 assert that the result you get back is correct // 💰 it'll have an id and a token that will be random every time. // You can either only check that `` is correct, or // for a little extra credit 💯 you can try using `expect.any(String)` // (an asymmetric matcher) with toEqual. // 📜 // 📜 // // login // 🐨 use to post the username and password again, but to the login endpoint // 💰 http://localhost:8000/api/auth/login // // 🐨 assert that the result you get back is correct // 💰 tip: the data you get back is exactly the same as the data you get back // from the registration call, so this can be done really easily by comparing // the data of those results with toEqual // // authenticated request // 🐨 use axios.get(url, config) to GET the user's information // 💰 http://localhost:8000/api/auth/me // 💰 This request must be authenticated via the Authorization header which // you can add to the config object: {headers: {Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`}} // Remember that you have the token from the registration and login requests. // // 🐨 assert that the result you get back is correct // 💰 (again, this should be the same data you get back in the other requests, // so you can compare it with that). })
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Open Source Robotics Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #include "gazebo/transport/CallbackHelper.hh" using namespace gazebo; using namespace transport; unsigned int CallbackHelper::idCounter = 0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////// CallbackHelper::CallbackHelper(bool _latching) : latching(_latching), id(idCounter++) { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// CallbackHelper::~CallbackHelper() { } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string CallbackHelper::GetMsgType() const { return std::string(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CallbackHelper::GetLatching() const { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->latchingMutex); return this->latching; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// void CallbackHelper::SetLatching(bool _latch) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(this->latchingMutex); this->latching = _latch; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int CallbackHelper::GetId() const { return this->id; }
Dr. Stranger” Park Hae Jin And Kang So Ra’s Hearts Do Not Align People who have loved realize how hard it is to have a mutual love. This is true for those in a one sided love and that which is mutual. He has the background and the looks but because he couldn’t love on his own, he made viewers cry. In the drama, Han Jae Joon plays the role of a person whose father dies in a medical malpractice incident and is determined to ruin Myungwoo University Hospital. Despite the fact that he has a fancy background of being the assistant professor of Harvard University, he becomes the head of Myungwoo University and commits to a love with Oh Soo Hyun. This was all a process to gain revenge and even from the very beginning of the drama, Han Jae Joon looked at Oh Soo Hyun in a cold way. He looked sincere when he was in front of her but Oh Soo Hyun couldn’t see his eyes, he was in a state where he would show his own ambitions. Nonetheless, his heart was lost to Oh Soo Hyun after a while. He said that it wasn’t love but in the end the princess was more than just a tool for the destruction of the castle. Jong Suk that was born in South Korea but raised in North Korea and his conflict against the most elite doctor of Korea, Park Hae Jin. The two of them face the greatest conspiracy in a medical drama and fusion drama. It is broadcast every Monday and Tuesday at 10PM.
Shader "Hidden/BrightPassFilter2" { Properties { _MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "" {} } CGINCLUDE #include "UnityCG.cginc" struct v2f { float4 pos : SV_POSITION; float2 uv : TEXCOORD0; }; sampler2D _MainTex; half4 _MainTex_ST; half4 _Threshhold; v2f vert( appdata_img v ) { v2f o; o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); o.uv = UnityStereoScreenSpaceUVAdjust(v.texcoord.xy, _MainTex_ST); return o; } half4 fragScalarThresh(v2f i) : SV_Target { half4 color = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv); color.rgb = color.rgb; color.rgb = max(half3(0,0,0),; return color; } half4 fragColorThresh(v2f i) : SV_Target { half4 color = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv); color.rgb = max(half3(0,0,0), color.rgb-_Threshhold.rgb); return color; } ENDCG Subshader { Pass { ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment fragScalarThresh ENDCG } Pass { ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off CGPROGRAM #pragma vertex vert #pragma fragment fragColorThresh ENDCG } } Fallback off }
We can’t wait for you to visit! Our Sales and Design Center as well as our eight model homes are open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. For a personalized visit and an opportunity to tour the future amenity site, schedule an appointment by contacting us at 512-539-3700 or by filling out the form at our Schedule your Visit page. We’ll see you real soon! The name Kissing Tree refers to Sam Houston’s gubernatorial speech in 1857 in front of a mighty oak tree in San Marcos. After the speech, he famously kissed several of the female attendees on the cheek, creating a bit of a local legend. Watch the video about the legend here. The lifestyle, homes and amenities at Kissing Tree are created with the active adult lifestyle in mind. Under 55 and looking for a place to call home in San Marcos? Blanco Vista is a vibrant community situated on 575 acres of prime riverfront land in Northern San Marcos. Brookfield Residential is the developer for this expansive master-planned community which caters to every stage of life. The community offers a wide array of first-class amenities – from a fully-stocked fishing pond to a network of interconnected hike and bike trails. Click here to discover the Blanco Vista community. Kissing Tree is a planned 3,200-home community. We currently offer 18 floor plans and five architecturally distinct exteriors which work together to create an eclectic and diverse community streetscape. The HOA fee will include all of the maintenance of the community common areas, access to the amenity buildings, 24/7 security and reduced green fees for residents at the Kissing Tree Golf Course. The HOA assessment is anticipated to be $210 per month. Kissing Tree provides options that allow you to live life the way you want. We offer several landscape options and allow you to design the best plan for your lifestyle including low maintenance designs. We look forward to providing products that fit your lifestyle. We are not currently offering Garden Homes in our first two neighborhoods, Fair Park and Driskill, however, there may be opportunities for additional products in future development. There’s an unlimited amount of fun activities to do both indoors and outdoors right around the corner from Kissing Tree. Head over to our locality map to find out more about where you can create, taste and thrive in San Marcos! There is not RV parking on the Kissing Tree property, however, RV parking can be found just outside the community across the street on Hunter Road. You’ll find ample space for your covered and climate-controlled items at several nearby storage facilities. The Mix is Kissing Tree’s one-of-a-kind collection of amenities that brings an active and fun approach to this unique 55-plus community. An upbeat social hub, The Mix will include a mix of amenities that allow you to thrive, create and taste! At Kissing Tree there is a unique focus on health and well-being, foods and flavors, and arts and cultures. 8 pickleball courts, 6 bocce ball courts, 2 horseshoe pits, 3 holes of the future 18-hole putting course, driving range, short game practice area and Lone Star Loop hiking trail are now open! The golf course construction is in full swing and scheduled to open for play in late summer 2018 with a temporary clubhouse until permanent construction is complete. The social building, Independence Hall, and Welcome Center will open this year as well. Be sure to follow us on social media to learn more about the timing of future amenities! We are having fun at Kissing Tree! You can get into all kinds of activities any day of the week including activities focused on health and well-being, the food revolution and arts and culture. Explore the fun of these themes on our site by following the icons for Thrive, Taste and Create! Join us even before moving in by signing up for one of our events here: Join us for some fun while we thrive, create and taste at our distinctly Texan community! Kevin Wilson, Kissing Tree’s Lifestyle Director, will get you jumping into the list of activities for 2017. To find out more, contact Kevin at [email protected] or 210-336-2227. Take a look at the great list of Kissing Tree and Hill Country events on our event page here: The Kissing Tree Golf Course will be semi-private with priority tee times and discounted rates provided to residents. The course will be open to the public with discounts given to San Marcos residents. Brookfield Residential is the sole developer and homebuilder for Kissing Tree. Through our expertise, passion and focus on outstanding customer service, we strive to create the best places to call home. At every stage of life, our thoughtfully designed communities make it easy for buyers to find their dream home. For more information, visit Kissing Tree homes are built with a Texas attitude, and each home can be made your own with a variety of architectural styles to choose from, as well, as an array of finishes, options, colors and features. Our homes are built with industry-leading green and sustainable practices and incorporate the latest in energy efficiency. With 18 floor plans available, the plans reflect Brookfield Residential’s focus on thoughtfully designing homes with the homebuyer in mind. View our plans here. The two home series allow you to choose what’s most important in your home. The most significant differences between the series include a higher ceiling plate height in the Regent series, along with 360 degree architecture around the exterior of the home. The Designer Contract allows you to build your home from the included 18 floor plans and five architecturally distinct exteriors. The Distinctive Contract provides the opportunity to make custom architectural changes to your floorplan. The Distinctive home buyer is invited to select home sites in future phases of the development. You can make the home uniquely yours by having the freedom to rearrange elements of the floor plan for a more customized design. The Distinctive Contract is a program which allows you to make selections and changes that are not included in the standard portfolio of offerings. We currently have seven Quick Move-in Homes under construction and ready for move-in March of 2017. Because of the high interest in the community, we have a simple reservation program that allows you to save your place in line to select your future home site. For more information on this program or to set an appointment, please reach out to a helpful team member at [email protected] or 512-539-3700. Brookfield Residential Texas, a division of Brookfield Residential, is a full-service homebuilder and developer in Central Texas. Through expertise, passion and focus on outstanding customer service, we’ve been helping homebuyers find the best places to call home in Central Texas for more than 10 years. At every stage of life, our thoughtfully designed communities and homes make it easy for buyers to fulfill their dreams. For more than 50 years, Brookfield Residential has been developing communities and crafting homes of distinction throughout North America. For the last decade, we've been setting down roots in Central Texas, right here in the Greater Austin area. So that Texas accent you hear – it comes naturally. We can’t wait to share our community with you! We’re excited to offer our Realtor friends exclusive access to our golf course, clubhouse and amenities. “The Grove” is our Realtor program, and we can’t wait to tell you more in the spring of 2017!
Casper Star Tribune: Warning bells are ringing across Wyoming’s Powder River Basin that the largest producing coal region of the country is in big trouble. One of the largest players, Cloud Peak Energy, is likely facing bankruptcy. A newcomer to coal country, Blackjewel LLC has struggled to pay its taxes despite increasing production, and the total volume of Wyoming’s black rock that miners are estimated to produce – a number that translates to jobs, state and county revenue — keeps going down. After the coal bust of 2015, when 1,000 Wyoming miners lost work and three coal companies went through bankruptcy, a period of stability settled over the coal sector in Wyoming. The idea that coal would slowly decline, partly buoyed up by the results of carbon research, and just maybe an export avenue to buyers in the Pacific Rim, took hold. Wyoming made its peace with the idea that coal’s best years were likely behind her, but that a more modest future for Wyoming coal, with manageable losses over time, was also likely. That may not be the case. Within 10 years, demand for Powder River Basin coal could fall to 176 million tons, said John Hanou, president of Hanou Energy Consulting and a long-time expert on the Powder River Basin. That figure includes Montana’s production and presumes that coal plants in the U.S. are taken offline as soon as they hit 60 years of age. If Wyoming is lucky and gas prices are high, that count could hold closer to 224 million. Or it could be even worse. Economics could push out existing demand even faster, while wind development going up in the Midwest could eat into Wyoming’s coal market in that region. Natural gas prices, high or low, could alter the rate of change in Wyoming’s coal sector. More: Wyoming coal is likely declining faster than expected
Heath® Made with a classic candy bar favorite, the Heath Bar! Delicious bits of milk chocolate covered English Toffee are mixed throughout and sprinkled on top of a delicious, hand-dipped vanilla Milkshake for plenty of craveable Heath Bar flavor.
Hollis Johnson/Business Insider Andrew Yang, the 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful, called out WeWork in a tweet on Wednesday. He called the company's $47 billion valuation "utterly ridiculous," agreeing with New York University professor Scott Galloway's piece on Business Insider. WeWork has come under fire for multiple bizarre points uncovered in its S-1 filing ahead of its initial public offering. Read more on Markets Insider. The WeWork backlash continues. Andrew Yang, the 2020 presidential hopeful most popular for proposing universal income of $1,000 per month, tweeted his support for NYU Professor Scott Galloway's piece on Business Insider calling WeWork "WeWTF" on Wednesday. "For what it's worth I agree with @profgalloway that WeWork's valuation is utterly ridiculous," Yang tweeted. "If they are a tech company so is UPS. UPS trades for 1.4x revenue not 26x." WeWork currently carries a valuation of $47 billion, and says it expects revenue to be $3 billion this year. Galloway poked holes in the valuation in his piece, calling it an illusion and saying "any equity analyst who endorses this stock above a $10 billion valuation is lying, stupid, or both." In his tweet, Yang pointed out that the United Parcel Service trades at about 1.4 times its revenue. If WeWork is considered a tech company, Yang wrote, then UPS should be as well. Even within the world of tech, Galloway points out that WeWork's valuation is extremely high and — in his view — unfounded. Amazon, another tech-adjacent e-commerce company, trades at about four times its revenue, he wrote. WeWork has been in the spotlight recently after filing its preliminary paperwork for an upcoming initial public offering. Analysts have called the company cultish, called out its extreme $1.6 billion in losses, and said that it operates more like a real estate company than a tech company. Markets Insider is looking for a panel of millennial investors. If you're active in the markets, CLICK HERE to sign up. NOW WATCH: Here's what airlines legally owe you if you're bumped off a flight
<?php namespace Guzzle\Plugin\Cache; use Guzzle\Common\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestInterface; /** * Determines a request's cache key using a callback */ class CallbackCacheKeyProvider implements CacheKeyProviderInterface { /** * @var \Closure|array|mixed Callable method */ protected $callback; /** * @param \Closure|array|mixed $callback Callable method to invoke * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function __construct($callback) { if (!is_callable($callback)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Method must be callable'); } $this->callback = $callback; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCacheKey(RequestInterface $request) { return call_user_func($this->callback, $request); } }
Social Mining using R 1. 200 tweets are extracted from hashtag “#california” and 200 from hashtag “#newyork”. 2. Then create 2 corpus from the 2 datasets. 3. Preprocess the corpus using {tm} package from R. 4. Compute and display the most frequent terms (words) in each corpus. 5. Create 2 word clouds from the most frequent terms. 6. Compute the sentiment scores, i.e. determine whether words used in the tweets are more positively or negatively charged (emotionally). ![sentimentscores.png](/site_media/media/7d5429b20e891.png) ###Sentiment scores summary:### In general, tweets from both states have positive sentiments. However, it seem like tweets from #california appear to have a more negative connotation than #newyork. ## Facebook API ## 1. Consume 100 most recent Facebook posts by user “joebiden” using getPage() from R’s {RFacebook} package. a. Find the most liked post and it’s popularity. b. Find the most commented post and the number of comments. c. Create a word cloud based on the most popular words used in the most commented post. 2. Consume 100 most recent Facebook posts containing the word “petaluma” using searchPages(). a. Rank the most frequent words and display a barplot of it.
2015 CEA Winner In Nonprofit: The Harrelson Center Standing on the corner of North Fourth and Princess streets are the remnants of the former New Hanover County Law Enforcement Center. In the past decade, it transformed into The Harrelson Center Inc., an independent nonprofit center focused on providing an affordable home for charitable organizations looking to aid locals in need. Some initially thought the old sheriff’s office building and jail needed to be torn down for fresher construction. But First Baptist Church members thought otherwise. “The idea was really a dream birthed out of the mission work already going on at First Baptist Church,” said Vicki Dull, executive director of The Harrelson Center. With the aid of First Baptist Church and donations by Bobby Harrelson, who asked that the center be named for his late wife, Jo Ann Carter Harrelson, the center opened its doors in 2005. “It’s a business model we sort of developed on our own,” Dull said. “What brought the current partners here is the desire by the board to address the issues of the community.” Each partner works in a collected effort to improve educational and employment opportunities, health care, support systems and affordable housing for both its nonprofits and the community. While The Harrelson Center’s primary aim is to provide for its locals, its staff works diligently to offer an inexpensive home to nonprofits at a time when finding cheap rent can be a difficult task. Currently the center’s nonprofits pay an all-inclusive rental cost, consisting of utilities, parking, and security, at below-market values. The model allows the organizations to better utilize funding for the benefit of those referred to the center, officials said. Grouping the nonprofits together also provides an avenue of marketing and volunteer opportunities for its nonprofit staffers and allows simpler means of group collaboration. In addition, it offers an array of support choices in close proximity for individuals in need. “We strive here to help those who are trying to help themselves,” Dull said. Since its creation, The Harrelson Center’s space has seen several renovations to provide the best environment for its affiliates. This year, The Harrelson Center is undergoing its Unlock Hope Campaign. For the campaign, the center made financial plans to renovate the fourth floor and former jail tower to expand for current groups and add more. By the end of spring, Phoenix Employment Ministry and A Safe Place will be able to serve more people, and three more nonprofits can join The Harrelson Center, officials said. “We look forward to having a shared community space in that new tower that is available to our partners for their fundraising events and support group meetings,” Dull said.
Q: macro for cmidline results in staircase I'm doing a table with booktabs: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{booktabs} \begin{document} \newcommand{\crI}[2]{\cmidrule(#1){#2}} \begin{tabular}{@{}lllll@{}} \toprule \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & a & b & c & d \\ %\cmidrule(lr){2-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-3} \cmidrule(lr){4-4} \cmidrule(l){5-5} % \crI{lr}{2-2} \crI{lr}{3-3} \crI{lr}{4-4} \crI{l}{5-5} q1 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ q2 & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{document} I made a shortcut \crI for the underrules \cmidrule, but they result in a staircase. With the upper line commented out, I get: With the lower line, however, I get: A: \cmidrule looks ahead to see a following \cmidrule to put them on the same line, the shortcut defeats that. You could duplicate the definition and make it look ahead for \cRI but unless you are doing lots of these, that will probably take more characters than you save using the shortcut
MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE LIVER AFTER 8 HOURS OF PRESERVATION BY MACHINE PERFUSION. Patients with refractory cardiac arrest, who have undergone Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS) for resuscitation, but have not achieved cardiac recovery, can be considered as potential donors (Cardiac Death Donors). In such cases, it takes time to notify and obtain the principle consent of the relatives and finalize the clinical and legal documents. During this time, prior to obtaining consent for the removal of organs, ECLS can be extended. In this case, the extracorporeal circulation implies organ preservation "in situ" until the ethical, religious and organizational problems should be decided. Correspondingly, the identification of safe time terms during which the donor organs do not suffer by the changes not compatible with transplantation is extremely important. We aimed to study the morphological changes in the liver after 8 hours of extracorporeal circulation in experiments. The investigation was performed on 6 sheep with simulated cardiac arrest and undergone 8-hours extracorporeal circulation with own blood by using of new portable perfusion apparatus, made on the basis of a universal volumetric blood pump of our own design. The device was connected to the body through the femoral artery and vein with special cannulas. The biopsy of the liver was performed before the starting of perfusion, and on 4 and 8 hours of the experiment. The histological slices were stained by H&E and were assessed by standard criteria: level of steatosis (large-droplet macrovesicular steatosis [ld-MaS] and/or small-droplet macrovesicular steatosis [sd-MaS]); mononuclear portal inflammatory cell infiltrates; bile ductular proliferation; cholestasis; venous congestion; hepatocellular necrosis. Before the perfusion, no venous congestion, hepatocellular necrosis or ld-MaS were observed; Less than 3% of cells were suffered by sd-MaS; mononuclear portal inflammatory cell infiltrates were found only in several areas. Mild mixed ld-MaS and sd-MaS was found in less than 5 % and 10% of the cells accordingly on the 4 and 8 hours after in vivo Machine perfusion. Similarly the mild venous congestion was present in 1 out of 6 livers after 4-hours perfusion and in 2 out of 6 livers after 8-hours Perfusion. The number of necrotic hepatocytes and portal triads infiltrated with mononuclear cells did not exceed 10% and 15% accordingly. However, there were no differences in the degree of biliary damage - cholestasis or ductular proliferation - correlating with the terms of the experiment. Taking into the consideration all internationally accepted criteria of donor liver histological assessment, 8-hour in vivo perfusion of the liver in Cardiac Death Donors by using of the machine of own design providing the pulsatile blood flow guarantees the satisfactory preservation of liver making it useful for successful transplantation.
Q: Django Rest Framework : Filtering against Table Field value I'm improving my Django Web App with Django Rest API part and I have a question according to filtering against table field value. I have my serializer class like this : class IndividuResearchSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer) : class Meta : model = Individu fields = [ 'id', 'NumeroIdentification', 'Nom', 'Prenom', 'VilleNaissance', ] My file with this class : class IndividuResearchAPIView(ListAPIView) : permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,) authentication_classes = (JSONWebTokenAuthentication,) serializer_class = IndividuResearchSerializer def get_queryset(self): queryset = Individu.objects.all() NIU = self.request.query_params.get('NumeroIdentification') queryset = queryset.filter(NumeroIdentification=NIU) return queryset And my pythonic file which let to simulate connexion from another software based to API Rest : import requests mytoken = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkFkbWluIiwiZXhwIjoxNTE5NzMxOTAxLCJlbWFpbCI6InZhbGVudGluQGRhdGFzeXN0ZW1zLmZyIiwib3JpZ19pYXQiOjE1MTk3MjgzMDF9.493NzJ4OUEzTKu5bZsZ9UafMwQZHz9pESMsYgfd0RLc" url = 'http://localhost:8000/Api/Identification/search/' NIU = "I-19312-00001-305563-2" response = requests.get(url, NIU = NIU, headers={'Authorization': 'JWT {}'.format(mytoken)}) print(response.text) I would like to enter a NIU value into my request in order to filter my table and return the object according to this NIU. For example, in my database I have this object : I would like to return this object thanks to my API but I don't know if my function get_queryset is well-writen and How I can write my API request. Into my file, I have : url(r'^search/$', IndividuResearchAPIView.as_view() , name="Research"), So I am not making a filtering by URL. I read these posts in order to get more element : Django REST framework - filtering against query param django rest framework filter and obviously DRF doc : A: You need to use this url to filter: http://localhost:8000/Api/Identification/search/?NumeroIdentification=NUA_value. With requests library try to pass it with params argument: response = requests.get(url, params={'NumeroIdentification': NIU}, headers={'Authorization': 'JWT {}'.format(mytoken)}).
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and hepatocellular carcinoma. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by an excessive accumulation of fatty acids and triglycerides within the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes of non-alcohol users. The natural history varies according to the initial histological diagnosis. A current consideration is that cryptogenic cirrhosis may be representative of a late stage of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which has lost its features of necroinflammatory activity and steatosis in up to 80% of patients. Since NASH is able to progress to cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development may be an end-stage of this disease. We report below two clinical cases of patients diagnosed with NASH who developed HCC. The relationship between NAFLD and HCC is reviewed.
HHRMA - Various Vacancies at Ibis Styles Bali Kuta Circle Ibis Styles Bali Kuta Circle is Four Stars Hotel centrally located in the Business area Simpang Siur, next to Bali Galleria Shopping Mall and 15 Min form the Ngurah Rai International Airport. The hotel offers 190 rooms and Family Suites with modern interior design and provides All Day Dinning Restaurant, Pool bar, Kids Club, Fitness Center, Internet Corner, Meeting Rooms as well as a Relaxing Lounge. We are urgently required candidates Staff to fill these positions as below: Duty Manager Assistant Excecutive Housekeeper Front Office Supervisor Hotel Revenue Manager Assitant Hotel Revenue Manager General Requirements: Experience at least 1-2 years In the same field Self-driven person in dynamic environment Active person, good personality, positive attitude, hard worker and team player
Q: Select the first array only I have a set of PHP arrays coming from an outside service. I only want the most recent however, how can I get this in PHP. The Array is like this: {"responseCode": 200, "message": "success"} I am splitting it apart like this: foreach ($submissions as $submissions) { print "<p><b>" . $submissions["message"] . "</b><br>"; } The problem is every time I do this, it returns the Message and Response Code from all of the arrays returned by my code. This is obviously due to the fact I am loping it, "for each" but how can I set this to only loop once? A: print "<p><b>" . $submissions[0]["message"] . "</b><br>"; without the foreach...
The present invention relates to dehydrated hydrogels which are useful in the treatment of wounds. A hydrogel is a cross-linked macromelecular network swollen with water or biological fluids. A dehydrated hydrogel is a cross-linked macro-molecular network that will swell to form a hydrogel upon contact with water or biological fluids. Due to their xe2x80x98dehydratedxe2x80x99 condition, dehydrated hydrogels are easy to store and transport. In addition, when applied in the dry state to a wound they behave as superabsorbent materials. According to a first aspect of the present invention there is provided a dehydrated hydrogel incorporating a plasticiser and fibres which have provided cations for cross-linking the dehydrated hydrogel. According to a second aspect of the present invention there is provided a method of producing a dehydrated hydrogel comprising dispersing fibres into an aqueous solution of a hydrogel precursor material incorporating a plasticiser, the fibres incorporating cations which are capable of cross-linking said precursor material to form a hydrogel, and evaporating water to produce a dehydrated hydrogel which incorporates said fibres, the dehydrated hydrogel being cross-linked by said cations. The dehydrated hydrogel may be in the form of a film having a thickness of, for example, 20 microns to 1 mm. The dehydrated hydrogels of the invention have a number of advantages. In particular, the presence of the fibres imparts strength and dimensional stability to the dehydrated hydrogel. Furthermore films of the dehydrated hydrogels have the property of swelling in only the thickness dimensions and not in the other two dimensions (as compared to films of conventional dehydrated hydrogels which swell in all three dimensions). Typically, dehydrated hydrogels in accordance with the invention will comprise (based on the total weight of the fibres, polymer forming the hydrogel, and plasticiser, i.e. excluding water and other components) 15 to 40% by weight of fibres, 10 to 35% by weight of polymer, and 5 to 75% plasticiser. More preferably the fibres and polymer together provide about 40-60% ideally about 50% by weight on the same weight basis so that correspondingly the plasticiser provides 60-40%, ideally about 50%. Generally the amount of fibres will exceed the amount of polymer. For example the weight ratio may be 1.5-3:1. Typically the dehydrated hydrogel will contain less than 50% by weight of water, ideally less than 20%, based on the total weight of the dehydrated hydrogel. Examples of hydrogel precursor material which may be used include sodium alginate, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, sodium pectinate, sodium O-carboxymethyl chitosan (OCC), sodium N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan (NOCC), sodium polyacrylate, and naturally occurring gums and synthetic polymers containing pendant carboxylic acid groups. The hydrogel precursor may consist wholly or partially of acemannan (or other component of Alloe Vera) which is a natural polymer known to accelerate healing of wounds. The acemannan may, for example, provide up to 80% of the matrix. The acemannan may be clinical grade material obtainable from Carrington Laboratories, Dallas, Tex., U.S.A. The fibres which are used contain a di- or higher valent cation which is effective for cross-linking the hydrogel. Examples of suitable cations include Ca2+, Zn2+, and cations which also act as enzyme cofactors. Particular preferred examples of fibres which may be used are calcium alginate fibres. The fibres will generally have a length of 1 to 80 mm and a thickness of 10 to 50 microns. The fibres may be such that they absorb water from the aqueous solution of the hydrogel precursor material during manufacture of the dehydrated hydrogel. Examples of suitable plasticisers include glycerol, polyethylene glycol, sorbitol and similar sugars, and PLURONIC(copyright) brand PEO/PPO polymers. In a typical method of preparing a dehydrated hydrogel in accordance with the invention, the fibres, polymer and plasticiser in their relative requisite amounts are admixed with water such that the fibres, polymer and plasticiser together provide less than 5% by weight (e.g. less than 3%, e.g. 2%) of the resultant mixture. After thorough mixing, the dispersion may be cast to an appropriate thickness and water evaporated to give a dehydrated hydrogel product containing less than 50% water, more usually 20% or less. Dehydrated hydrogels in accordance with the invention have a number of advantages. In particular when applied to the wounds (e.g. donor sites, abrasions, dermabrasions, surface wounds with high exudate or wide savings in exudate levels) they are capable of absorbing large amounts of exudate, e.g. up to 30 times their own weight, thereby rehydrating to form a hydrogel. If the dehydrated hydrogel is in the form of a film, it is found that the film swells in the thickness dimension without substantial swelling in the other two dimensions. Upon sufficient absorption of exudate, the film is capable of dissolving. The product of the invention is more absorbent than current commercial hydrogels, and is also light and easy to package. Dehydrated hydrogels in accordance with the invention may be laminated to hydrophilic films which have an increased breathability in the presence of liquid water as compared to moisture vapour alone. The use of such a film over the dehydrated hydrogel (i.e. on the side remote from the wound) ensures that water is vented from the dehydrated hydrogel through the film. Therefore the dissolution of the hydrogel may be controlled. Typically the breathable film will be of a material which, as a 50 micron film, has an Moisture Vapor Transfer Rate in the presence of moisture vapour alone of 6,000 to 10,000 g mxe2x88x922 24 hrxe2x88x921 as measured by ASTM E96B and an MVTR in the presence of liquid water (as measured by ASTM E96BW) of 6,000 to 10,000 g mxe2x88x922 24 hrxe2x88x921. Typically the breathable film will have a thickness of 30-70 microns, more preferably 40-60 microns, e.g. about 50 microns. The breathable film may for example be of polyurethane. Suitable films are available from Innovative Technologies Limited under the designations IT325, IT425 and IT625. If desired, the dehydrated hydrogel may incorporate an active agent (e.g. an antimicrobial material) for delivery to a wound.
Aldol-type compounds from water-soluble indole-3,4-diones: synthesis, kinetics, and antiviral properties. A straightforward transformation of indole-3,4-diones is reported. The reaction feasibility is evidenced by kinetic studies on a model substrate, revealing a double phase process with a first faster pseudo-first-order step (i.e., deprotonation of the dione and self-nucleophilic attack of the anion) and a subsequent slower dehydration of the intermediate. The overall process is faster at pH higher than the pK value of the investigated substrate. The biological relevance of new compounds has been assessed in vitro against herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1), showing a more promising biological profile with respect to their precursors.
-ase The suffix -ase is used in biochemistry to form names of enzymes. The most common way to name enzymes is to add this suffix onto the end of the substrate, e.g. an enzyme that breaks down peroxides may be called peroxidase; the enzyme that produces telomeres is called telomerase. Sometimes enzymes are named for the function they perform, rather than substrate, e.g. the enzyme that polymerizes (assembles) DNA into strands is called polymerase; see also reverse transcriptase. The commonly used -ase suffix for naming enzymes was derived from the name diastase. See also Amylase DNA polymerase Category:Chemistry suffixes Category:Biological nomenclature Category:Greek suffixes
Teen charged with DUI after livestreaming deadly car crash Obdula Sanchez was livestreaming herself singing while driving with her sister and another teen — then, after a horrific crash, she turned the video back on to record her sister's death This July 22, 2017, photo provided by the Merced County Sheriff, shows Obdulia Sanchez in Merced, Calif. Sanchez has been arrested in California on suspicion of causing a deadly crash that she recorded live on Instagram. She was booked into the Merced County Jail on suspicion of DUI and vehicular manslaughter after Friday's crash that killed her 14-year-old sister and badly injured another 14-year-old girl.Merced County Sheriff via AP Obdulia Sanchez aimed the camera phone at her face as she rapped along to the song blaring over the radio and tried to control the car she was driving on a road in California’s Central Valley. Then came tragedy, live-streamed in a horrifying Instagram video. The California Highway Patrol told Fox affiliate KTXL that 18-year-old Sanchez lost control of her 2003 Buick, drove off the edge of the road and then overcorrected. The car crashed into a barbed-wire fence and flipped over in a field, according to ABC affiliate KFSN. Sanchez’s 14-year-old sister, Jacqueline, and another teen girl — who were in the back seat and were not wearing seat belts — were ejected from the tumbling car. “Hey, everybody, if I go to %$^& jail for life, you already know why,” she began, adjusting the camera so that it showed her younger sister, motionless and bleeding from the head. My sister is %#@&^ dying. Look, I f&^% love my sister to death “My sister is %#@&^ dying. Look, I f&^% love my sister to death. I don’t give a *@#$. Man, we about to die. This is the last thing I wanted to happen to us, but it just did. Jacqueline, please wake up.”
Directory of leisure activities Activity is intense along the coast, rivers and lakes. Catamarans, sailing dinghies, surfboard, surfing, canoeing, rowing ... The directory of boating and leisure activities provided by Boating in Brittany is here to help you. Look up the sailing club’s details and savour the pleasures of navigation.
package io.github.privacystreams.utils; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.os.SystemClock; /** * A scheduler based on alarm manager. */ public abstract class AlarmScheduler { private PendingIntent mAlarmIntent; private AlarmManager am; private BroadcastReceiver mReceiver; private Context ctx; public AlarmScheduler(Context ctx, String actionToken) { this.ctx = ctx; am = (AlarmManager) ctx.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); mAlarmIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(ctx, 0, new Intent(actionToken), 0); mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { run(); } }; ctx.registerReceiver(mReceiver, new IntentFilter(actionToken)); } protected abstract void run(); public final void schedule(long delayMillis) { am.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + delayMillis, mAlarmIntent); } public final void destroy() { am.cancel(mAlarmIntent); ctx.unregisterReceiver(mReceiver); } }
Implications of radiotherapeutical techniques. Radiotherapy is implicated when reconstruction of the breast is to be made because sclerosis and skin atrophy with telangiectasies must be avoided. This can be achieved by the use of high energy radiation of 60Co and electrons of the linear accelerator, keeping in mind that the postoperative treatment of the disease needs the application of doses ranging from 4,000 to 5,000 rads delivered in 4 to 5 weeks.
// build-pass // compile-flags: --crate-type lib -C opt-level=0 // Regression test for LLVM crash affecting Emscripten targets pub fn foo() { (0..0).rev().next(); }
The present invention is directed generally to telephony devices, and more particular, to telephony devices having integrated messaging capabilities. As the telecommunications industry has grown, the number and different types of telephony devices has also dramatically increased. The use of telephony devices in mobile and cordless environments has also increased accordingly. There has also been an increased need and interest in providing reliable and easy to use peripheral devices such as answering machines, caller ID boxes, and the like. Digital answering machines have gained wide spread use by the telecommunications consumers. A typical digital answering machine is formed as a stand alone device which is coupled between a telephone and the subscriber line of the telephone in order to intercept and answer an incoming call under predefined conditions. The answering machine also provides the capability of storing messages from the calling party for later retrieval. Various approaches have been taken to integrate the functionality of an answering machine within a telephone. For example, the basic components of the digital answering machine have been incorporated into a telephone. Such systems typically include a digital voice memory for storing messages, including broadcast messages and received messages, and a digital signal processor (DSP) dedicated to answering machine functions such as compression of the messages, storage and retrieval. Another approach for integrating answering machine functions within an existing telephone is to provide an answering service remote from the telephone. This type of service routes unanswered calls to the remote answering service where messages are stored for access over the subscriber line. As the telecommunications industry continues to grow, there remains an interest in providing increased accessibility to the various telephony functions including answering functions. It is also desirable, however, to reduce the overall costs of the various telephony devices. Thus, there is generally a tension between a desire to provide added functionality while meeting the demands of lower costs. Generally, the present invention relates to communication devices having integrated messaging capabilities. In one particular embodiment, a communication device is provided which operates in a communication mode and a message mode. The communication device includes a speaker, a receiver provided to receive signals of a call received from a calling party and a memory arrangement for storing messages. A processor is coupled to the memory arrangement and is configured to code and decode signals in accordance with a cordless communication compression scheme used for cordless communication when in the communication mode. The processor is further configured to code signals received from the calling party, using the wireless communication compression scheme, for storage in the memory arrangement as a message when in the message mode. In accordance with another embodiment of the invention, a cordless telephone system having message recording capabilities is provided. The cordless phone includes a base station coupled to a switched telephone network. The base station includes a base station processing unit configured to receive signals from the switched telephone network and to code and decode the signals in accordance with a wireless transmission compression scheme. The base station further includes a transmitter/receiver coupled to the processing unit to transmit/receive coded signals. The cordless phone further includes a handset having a transmitter/receiver configured to transmit/receive coded signals for wireless communication with the base station, and a handset processing unit, coupled to the transmitter/receiver, configured to code and decode signals transmitted to and received from the base station. A memory arrangement is provided within the base station or the handset and is coupled respectively to either the base station processing unit or the handset processing unit. The memory arrangement is used to store messages which are coded by the respective one of the base station processing unit and the handset processing unit using the wireless transmission compression scheme. One embodiment of the invention provides messaging functions within a cordless phone system. In operation, the base station receives a call from a calling party. The cordless phone retrieves a broadcast message from a memory arrangement of the cordless phone in response to initiation of a message mode. The broadcast message is transmitted from the base station to the calling party. A message from the calling party is received at the base station and coded using a cordless transmission compression scheme used for cordless communication between the base station and the handset. The coded message from the calling party is stored in the memory arrangement of the cordless phone. In one particular embodiment, data transmitted between the base station and the handset are coded using adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM). In a further embodiment, the messages stored in the memory arrangement are also coded using ADPCM. The above summary of the present invention is not intended to describe each illustrated embodiment or every implementation of the present invention. The figures and the detailed description which follow more particularly exemplify these embodiments.
[A ruptured mycotic aneurysm of the femoral artery due to Salmonella typhimurium]. Mycotic aneurysms of the femoral artery is rare. We report a new case with a mycotic aneurysm of the femoral artery by "Salmonella typhimurium". The surgical operation was performed as surgical emergence for ruptured aneurysm. We did not know the aneurysm infection origin. The treatment of lesions was resection and femoro-femoral bypass with PTFE. The microbiological examination discovered infection material. A posterior bypass infection required a exeresis bypass and new revascularization with iliofemoral saphenous vein bypass by obturator foramen, and antibiotic treatment prolonged.
Police are appealing for people to name a man depicted in an efit image suspected of accosting a 13-year-old girl in Dunmow. The local girl was walking across the recreation ground in Church Street when she was grabbed on the wrist by a man. The girl punched the man to the chest and released his grip from her and ran away. She was not hurt. This happened at about 8am on May 21. The man is described as white, around 5ft 6ins to 5ft 8ins tall, of average build, with collar-length straight black hair, a black beard and moustache, big eyes, a flat-ended nose, wearing a black v-neck t-shirt, light green trousers with pockets on the side, black boots and was aged around 40. He smelt of cigarettes. Anyone who recognises the man pictured should contact Ds Pete McCormack at Braintree CID on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Medium Hoop Earrings This Mad Max style earrings is born to be bold, with a dash of badass. Made in an industrial age design, they are crafted out of sterling silver, brass, and 24 karat gold on brass. Secured with a hugging hoop (hidden into its other side) backing. Precision design hollowed-out in center for a lighter weight.
Q: get images from directory and ad to ul I'm using a responsive pattern from Brad Frost's library to create an image grid (beta version here: I want to have three folders of images for the three portfolio categories that my client can just drop images into. From there I think php is the right tool to get all the images from a folder, wrap in li and a tags and have them added to the ul. So on the homepage you see images from all three directories, and on the "lighting" page for example, you see only images from that directory, etc. Again I'm assuming this is fairly easy to do with php, but it's a bit beyond my grasp. Any help would be appreciated. Much thanks. A: Something like this will work, run it from within the folder you wish to list the files. <?php if ($handle = opendir('.')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $thelist .= '<li><a href="'.$file.'">'.$file.'</a>' . "<br>"; } } closedir($handle); } ?> <P>List of files:</p> <P><?=$thelist?></p> Or: <?php // if running from your root and wish to list files from 'images' sub-folder // use $dir = 'images'; $dir = '.'; // The directory containing the files. // *.* will list all files. You can use *.jpg to list just JPG files, etc. $ext = '*.*'; // will list ALL files ?> <ul> <?php foreach (glob($dir . '/*' . $ext) as $file) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $dir . "/" . $file ?>"><?php echo basename($file); ?></a></li> <?php } ?> </ul>
PARIS (Reuters) - German Peter Gojowczyk was fined 25,000 euros ($29,210.00) on Thursday after he retired from his French Open first-round match against Britain’s Cameron Norrie. The International Tennis Federation (ITF) introduced new measures to stop players turning up injured or ill, only to retire in the first round and yet still pick up a lucrative first-round loser’s cheque — 40,000 euros at Roland Garros. Gojowczyk, who played the final in Geneva last weekend and practised at Roland Garros on Sunday, retired from his match in Paris citing hip pain as he was trailing 6-1 2-0. Another German, Mischa Zverev, was handed a similar fine at the Australian Open earlier this year. Top seed Rafa Nadal, the 10-times French Open champion, said: “I think it’s a good rule, because there is a lot of money on the slams. For a lot of players, (the fact) that they are in... a Grand Slam, and have a physical problem in that week, just playing the tournament helps a lot to save the year.”
Q: jQuery - If previous element doesnt have specific class then remove that element I wrote this code, but it doesnt work. goal: If span that is previous to ".well-well" is NOT ".dont-remove" then remove that span However if span that is previous to ".well-well" IS ".dont-remove" then do nothing "example" here: if( $(".well-well").prev('span').not('.dont-remove') ){ $(".well-well").prev('span').remove(); } What im getting with this code is that it removes all spans that are previous to ".well-well" and i have no idea why. What am i doing wrong? A: you don't need the if: $(".well-well").prev('span').not('.dont-remove').remove() what your code is say is: if ($(".well-well").prev('span').not('.dont-remove') != null) { //remove them all } don't worry about the if. The remove() function will look after that.
import { assert } from ""; import { isString } from ""; import { illegalArgs } from ""; import type { Lit, Sym, Term } from "../api/nodes"; import type { SymOpts } from "../api/syms"; import type { ArrayTypeMap, Type } from "../api/types"; import { gensym } from "./idgen"; export function sym<T extends Type>(init: Term<T>): Sym<T>; export function sym<T extends Type>(type: T): Sym<T>; export function sym<T extends Type>(type: T, opts: SymOpts): Sym<T>; export function sym<T extends Type>(type: T, init: Term<T>): Sym<T>; export function sym<T extends Type>(type: T, id: string): Sym<T>; // prettier-ignore export function sym<T extends Type>(type: T, id: string, opts: SymOpts): Sym<T>; // prettier-ignore export function sym<T extends Type>(type: T, opts: SymOpts, init: Term<T>): Sym<T>; // prettier-ignore export function sym<T extends Type>(type: T, id: string, opts: SymOpts, init: Term<T>): Sym<T>; export function sym<T extends Type>(type: any, ...xs: any[]): Sym<any> { let id: string; let opts: SymOpts; let init: Term<T>; switch (xs.length) { case 0: if (!isString(type)) { init = type; type = init.type; } break; case 1: if (isString(xs[0])) { id = xs[0]; } else if (xs[0].tag) { init = xs[0]; } else { opts = xs[0]; } break; case 2: if (isString(xs[0])) { [id, opts] = xs; } else { [opts, init] = xs; } break; case 3: [id, opts, init] = xs; break; default: illegalArgs(); } return { tag: "sym", type, id: id! || gensym(), opts: opts! || {}, init: init!, }; } export const constSym = <T extends Type>( type: T, id?: string, opts?: SymOpts, init?: Term<T> ) => sym(type, id || gensym(), { const: true, ...opts }, init!); /** * Defines a new symbol with optional initial array values. * * Important: Array initializers are UNSUPPORTED in GLSL ES v1 (WebGL), * any code using such initializers will only work under WebGL2 or other * targets. */ export const arraySym = <T extends keyof ArrayTypeMap>( type: T, id?: string, opts: SymOpts = {}, init?: (Lit<T> | Sym<T>)[] ): Sym<ArrayTypeMap[T]> => { if (init && opts.num == null) { opts.num = init.length; } assert(opts.num != null, "missing array length"); init && assert( opts.num === init.length, `expected ${opts.num} items in array, but got ${init.length}` ); const atype = <Type>(type + "[]"); return <any>{ tag: "sym", type: atype, id: id || gensym(), opts, init: init ? { tag: "array_init", type: atype, init, } : undefined, }; }; export const input = <T extends Type>(type: T, id: string, opts?: SymOpts) => sym(type, id, { q: "in", type: "in", ...opts }); export const output = <T extends Type>(type: T, id: string, opts?: SymOpts) => sym(type, id, { q: "out", type: "out", ...opts }); export const uniform = <T extends Type>(type: T, id: string, opts?: SymOpts) => sym(type, id, { q: "in", type: "uni", ...opts });
Date: {{.Date}} From: MAILER-DAEMON@{{.Me}} To: {{.RcptTo}} Subject: failure notice Hi. This is the tmail deliverd program at {{.Me}} I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. <{{.RcptTo}}>: {{.ErrMsg}} --- Below this line is a copy of the message. {{.BouncedMail}}
AURORA — More than 20 years after the first segment of light rail opened in metro Denver, the Regional Transportation District is poised to launch its latest train line through the heart of Aurora with a critical new connection for transit riders headed to the airport. “It is a big day for Aurora,” said RTD general manager Dave Genova, standing aboard the new R-Line light-rail train as it rolled alongside Interstate 225 on Friday morning. “I think it’s going to open up a lot more commuting opportunities for people in the southeast portion of the metro area.” Genova joined reporters on a media ride of the new train, which is part of metro Denver’s still-growing 118-mile FasTracks transit network. The 22-mile R-Line, which runs from Lincoln Station in Lone Tree to Peoria Station in Aurora, opens to the public Feb. 24. But the real work was the construction of 10.5 miles of new track — totaling $687 million — that connects Nine Mile Station with Peoria, a stubborn gap in Denver’s transit system that kept the state’s third-largest city from fully linking to its neighbors. It also allows Aurora commuters to ride the new line to Peoria and easily transfer to the University of Colorado A-Line, which provides access to downtown Denver and to Denver International Airport. According to the RTD schedule for the R-Line, a trip from end to end should take just under an hour. “Connecting a city center with light rail opens up economic development and transit-oriented development that without that connection you don’t have,” Genova said. Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan said his city of 350,000 has been preparing for this day a long time, with various projects already sprouting up around the eight new light-rail stations that will go live in a week. That includes the burgeoning Anschutz medical complex at the north end of the line, the new Veterans Administration Hospital, a hotel at the 2nd Avenue stop, and new developments around Aurora Metro Center Station. “There are good things happening at several stations already and we would expect more,” the mayor said. “We look at northeast Aurora as the next 50 years of our city. Developers can open a map and say, ‘Aha!’ It’s just another tool that developers have to help us as a jurisdiction get quality development that brings us housing, retail and jobs.” The R-Line, which serves 16 stations and is expected to have daily ridership of 12,000 one year after it opens, jumped from concept to reality nearly five years ago, when RTD picked Kiewit Infrastructure Co. to complete the unbuilt portion of the line through Aurora. At the time, Kiewit said it expected to finish the line in November 2015 at a cost of $350 million. RTD spokesman Scott Reed said Kiewit’s costs were in line with its estimates, but with right-of-way acquisitions, environmental studies, the purchase of 19 light-rail vehicles and insurance, the total project cost was closer to $700 million. The project’s timeline was thrown off a bit in 2013 when CU president Bruce Benson asked RTD to move the new line’s alignment off East Montview Boulevard to protect sensitive equipment in medical and research facilities on the 578-acre Fitzsimons campus from vibrations and electromagnetic interference generated by the trains as they pass University Hospital, Children’s Hospital Colorado and the VA Hospital. Joe Amon, The Denver Post The R-Line train, RTD's latest rail line to open pulls into Peoria Station Feb. 17, 2017 in Aurora. Joe Amon, The Denver Post The R-Line, RTD's latest rail line to open at Peoria Station Feb. 17, 2017 in Aurora. Joe Amon, The Denver Post The R-Line, RTD's latest rail line to open at Peoria Station Feb. 17, 2017 in Aurora. Joe Amon, The Denver Post The R-Line train, RTD's latest rail line to open at Colfax Station Feb. 17, 2017 in Aurora. Joe Amon, The Denver Post The R-Line train at Peoria Station Feb. 17, 2017 in Aurora. RTD turned 50 on Monday. Joe Amon, The Denver Post The R-Line train , RTD's latest rail line to open pulling into the Florida station Feb. 17, 2017 in Aurora. Joe Amon, The Denver Post Dave Genova, RTD General Manager and CEO talks during a media ride on the R-Line, RTD's latest rail line to open, Feb. 17, 2017 in Aurora. Joe Amon, The Denver Post The R-Line train, RTD's latest rail line to open pulls into Peoria Station Feb. 17, 2017 in Aurora. Joe Amon, The Denver Post Train operator Thomas Houser in the drivers seat of the R-Line train, RTD's latest rail line to open at the Peoria Station Feb. 17, 2017 in Aurora. Genova said another big design challenge with the R-Line was running it through Aurora’s city center, complete with sharp curves, slower speeds and at-grade crossings. “I think we have every kind of safety device you can put on a crossing,” said Genova, who served as RTD’s safety chief before taking charge of the agency last year. But that jog through the heart of Aurora is a critical component of the new light-rail line, according to RTD director Bob Broom, who once served as a councilman for the city. He represents the area encompassing the northern half of the R-Line. “I think it’s going to rejuvenate that area that has laid fallow in the middle of the city for years,” Broom said. “I call this new line Aurora’s new Main Street.” For metro-area commuters who are accustomed to traveling by light rail, the R-Line will sound and feel familiar. It will provide more than 1,200 new parking spaces on its freshly constructed section through Aurora. But three of the new stations — Colfax, Fitzsimons and Florida — do not have parking. The Fitzsimons Station will provide free shuttle buses for workers to access the sprawling medical campus. RTD parking regulations — first 24 hours free for those who live in the RTD district — apply at all the new stations except for Iliff, which will charge $3 per day at the new city-owned, 600-space garage. For those using the R-Line and A-Line to access DIA, they can purchase a regional day pass for $9 at any of the stops on the R-Line and transfer to the A-Line at Peoria for free. RTD will also expand the H-Line two stops to the Florida Station starting Feb. 24 to give more Aurora residents another option to get to downtown Denver. The R-Line is the first light-rail line to open since the W-Line went operational between Golden and Denver Union Station in 2013. Two new commuter rail lines — the A-Line and the B-Line, connecting Denver to Westminster — opened in 2016. With the R-Line’s official opening next week, FasTracks will have about 75 miles of rail in operation. The N-Line, a commuter rail line serving residents of Commerce City, Northglenn and Thornton, is scheduled to open in 2018, while an extension of the southeast line deeper into Lone Tree will open the following year. The opening of the G-Line serving Wheat Ridge and Arvada is on an indefinite delay as RTD officials and its contractor, Denver Transit Partners, try to fix a software glitch with crossing-arm technology that impacts both the G-Line and A-Line. The R-Line experienced its own delay late last year when RTD said it wouldn’t meet its December opening deadline. But Hogan, Aurora’s mayor, said he would rather have a slight hiccup in the introduction of new rail service than have a line that opens before all issues are worked out. “I’d rather have a line that opens two months late that works than one that opens on time but still has problems,” he said.
Friday, June 6, 2014 From Memphis TN-USA There's not a day, hour or second that goes by when I don't think of you. The devastation of that day is something I'll never out live. Michael, I have so much love and respect for you and your contribution to this world. Your unselfish acts of love and humanitarianism will never be forgotten. I first love your heart because it's quite special. You are my inspiration and motivation. Your spirit of love has taught me to love better. Your acts of humanitarianism has taught me how to give more. I miss you are words that I never thought I would have to say about you. When those days become darker your voice enlightens my spirit and my heart. I will continue to honor your legacy each day I live. I will continue to be a giving person, as you've taught me throughout your works. I will continue to be a faithful fan who diligently teaches others about you. Michael, you are greatly loved and missed. I LOVE YOU! I hope that somehow and someway you know this. I love you always.
The next recession will be wrenching for some workers. It will intensify the adoption of new technology that makes some jobs obsolete. It will force many workers to become digitally proficient, or leave the labor force for good. It will also present opportunities for those ready to grab them. “When employers cut payrolls, they have a chance to reoptimize and rethink their whole workforce strategy,” says Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist at job site Glassdoor. “You’re likely to see big changes.” Recessions might seem like tidal-wave events that swamp everybody in their path. But there are a surprising number of things workers at all levels can do to raise the odds of staying employed and even getting ahead during a recession. And the time to do that isn’t when the recession hits—it’s before, when money and other resources are more freely available. If there’s any good news about the next downturn, it’s that it probably won’t be as severe as the last one, which ran from December 2007 through May 2009, featured twin housing and financial crashes, and sent the unemployment rate soaring to 10%. “The next recession will be a garden-variety downturn,” Ryan Sweet, director of real-time economics for Moody’s Analytics, told Yahoo Finance recently. “I don’t think the next recession is going to be a financial crisis.” That doesn’t mean it will be pleasant, however. Even now, with the unemployment rate at 3.7%, many workers struggle with lagging pay and outdated skills. In a recession unemployment could rise rapidly to around 7.5%, the historical norm for a downturn. That would push the number of unemployed from 6.1 million now to more than 12 million, with others getting their hours cut or giving up on work and dropping out of the labor force. What should you be doing to prepare? Here are seven pitfalls labor-market experts foresee, with tips for how to avoid them: A few industries could be devastated. Retail seems particularly vulnerable, since many chains have too many outlets and too much debt to compete effectively with behemoth Amazon and other online merchants. Other industries where jobs are endangered include transportation, logistics, warehousing, food service and hospitality, as many jobs can be transitioned to robots and other types of automation. Even finance jobs could disappear if they involve predictable trading that could be done by software. Safer industries include health care, technology and government. And construction, which was battered during the housing bust, might hold up, since there’s a shortage of residential housing in some areas. What to do now: If you work in a vulnerable industry, look for pathways into a safer one. “If you’re a retail worker, there are a number of paths you can take out of retail, and moving out of retail lowers your automation risk,” says Matt Sigelman, CEO of labor-market research firm Burning Glass Technologies. One example: If you work at a retailer that sells electronics, learn how to do installation and repair work, like Best Buy’s Geek Squad does. Then apply those skills to landing a help-desk or tech-support job in a different industry. “Those are golden gateway jobs that open up part of the technology spectrum,” Sigelman says. “And they don’t even require a college degree.” Display of Hewlett-Packard laptop computers in a Best Buy store in Pittsburgh. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar) Employers will demand more. This is now an established trend: When recessions hit and the labor-supply grows, many employers raise the requirements for a given job. So if a training certificate once got you in the door, it might now take an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. And if it used to require a bachelor’s degree, it might now require a master’s. This is one reason many companies are complaining now about a shortage of skilled workers: After the last recession, they grew accustomed to a large pool of overqualified applicants and abandoned their own training programs. What to do now: Get as much training as you can. That doesn’t mean taking out $50,000 in loans just to add another degree to your resume. Instead, cherry-pick cost-effective training programs you know employers value, especially if they might help you get promoted or qualify for a better job now. “We’re lucky to live in an era when education is moving in the Spotify direction,” says Sigelman. “You don’t need a whole degree. You can go to Coursera or EdEx and buy a course.” If you can do it on your company’s dime, even better. It’s also a good time to ask for more responsibility and any additional training your company can provide. Everybody will become a hybrid worker. Tech companies increasingly hire non-tech experts in marketing, sales, management and business support. And non-tech firms now need software engineers, data analysts, database programmers and all manner of technology specialists. When the next recession hits and employers must decide who stays and who goes, the workers with crossover skills in various fields will be the survivors. What to do now: Get out of your bubble, and more than anything, get technology training. “Digital skills are going to be part of 80% to 90% of jobs,” says Jane Oates, president of the nonprofit group Working Nation. “This is a time to do any self-improvement you can possibly do.” Robots could finally make their move. For all the talk of robots, they haven’t displaced many jobs yet. But that could change as employers jump on the chance to experiment with new systems based on virtual reality and artificial intelligence that are currently being developed in labs. “We can expect to see workers in faraway countries operating robots remotely in the service economy,” says Louis Hyman, director of the Institute for Workplace Studies at Cornell University. “They could do all kinds of stuff remotely. Pick crops. Serve drinks. Fold towels. Mop floors.” The robot revolution might be overhyped, and robots might start by doing the least desirable jobs when workers are hard to find. But the technology is advancing rapidly, putting more and more jobs at risk. What to do now: If your job involves repetitive tasks that don’t vary much, it’s a candidate for automation—and that includes white-collar work as well as blue-collar. Develop new skills that allow you to be more productive, especially if it means working with robots and advanced machines. Manufacturing workers who can operate CNC machines or CAD/CAM tools are in much higher demand than those who can simply assemble things. White-collar workers who can work with databases, develop strategy, and close deals are more valuable than those who simply compile reports month after month. It might also pay to explore remote work and become a robot operator. Flexibility will be crucial. One problem in the economy today is low labor mobility: some workers in depressed areas can’t or won’t move to where there are more jobs, consigning themselves to ever-falling living standards. Employers, meanwhile, are setting up shop in places where they can get the skilled workers they need, while abandoning economic backwaters. The economy will probably become even more bifurcated during the next recession, as employers consolidate in coastal cities, university towns, tech hubs and other areas that can supply needed workers. What to do now: Stay nimble. “Save money,” says Jane Oates. “Put off large purchases. Avoid carrying debt, if possible. The way to make yourself recession-proof is to get yourself as many options as possible.” Buying a home, for instance, is still a good way to build wealth—as long as it’s in a market with a healthy economy, and you’re relatively sure you’ll be in the house for at least five years. But committing to a mortgage can make it impossible to move if home values fall and you can’t afford to sell at a loss. The government will do less to help. After the 2008 financial crash, Washington provided trillions of dollars in monetary and fiscal stimulus, which probably prevented a recession from becoming a full-blown depression. The government won’t be as generous next time around. The Federal Reserve, which typically slashes interest rates by about 5 percentage points during a recession, to stimulate lending, has begun cutting rates from a ceiling of just 2.5%. And with the national debt soaring by nearly $1 trillion per year, Washington may not have the wallet to cut taxes (again), fund stimulus projects like road and bridge construction, enhance unemployment benefits and do other things typical in a recession. What to do now: Become self-sufficient and develop backup plans. Families may need to rely more on each other if the safety net frays. If you have health insurance through an employer, get needed checkups or other procedures now, since you may no longer have insurance if a recession hits and you lose your job. Another jobless recovery will follow the recession. Since 1990, we’ve had three recessions, and each has been followed by a “jobless recovery,” with employers very slow to staff back up and some jobs disappearing for good. “There’s no reason to think it will be different the next time,” says Hyman of Cornell. That’s because the economy has downshifted into a trend of slower growth that doesn’t require companies to hire rapidly after a recession. Instead, they can hire selectively and assess new technologies that might augment or replace workers. What to do now: Take the long view, and prepare for future jobs that might be considerably different than the one you have now. “Human capital depreciates around 1%-2% per year,” says Sigelman of Burning Glass. “So you should be investing 1%-2% of your time to replace what is depreciating. You should always be learning a new skill while staying on top of whatever field you’re in.” If that sounds like a lot of work, consider it the price of surviving the next recession.
Q: Starshapeness of polynomial tracts with respect to the (entire collection of) critical points contained in the tract I recently found out (Piranian, "The Shape of Level Curves") that a polynomial tract (ie a connected component of a set of the form $G=\{z:|p(z)|<\epsilon\}$ for some $\epsilon>0$) need not be starshaped with respect to the zeros of $p$ contained in $G$. This disappointed me bitterly, as that starshapeness was a pivotal step in a proposed "proof" I had of Smale's mean value conjecture. The places where $G$ is not starshaped with respect to the zeros of $p$ in $G$ are near critical points of $p$ in $G$ or in $\partial G$, so I still hold out a tiny bit of hope for the starshapeness of $G$ with respect to the critical points of $p$ contained in $G$: Conjecture: If $G$ is a tract of $p$ with smooth boundary containing more than one distinct zero of $p$, then $G$ is starshaped with respect to the critical points of $p$ contained in $G$. Intuitions/proofs/disproofs/references are all welcome. EDIT: Note that when I say that $G$ should be "starshaped with respect to the critical points", I mean that each point in $G$ can be seen by some one of the critical points of $p$ in $G$, not of course that some single critical point can see all points in $G$. Note also that I added the assumption that $G$ contains more than one distinct zero of $p$ (since otherwise $G$ will not contain any critical points of $p$. One reason I think this is plausible: If we consider the lemniscate of Bernoulli, and let $G$ be the interior of a level curve of $p$ which is a bit bigger, the critical point of $p$ is right in the center, so should be able to "see" both lobes. In the counter-example of Piranian to my desired conjecture (that tracts are star-shaped with respect to the zeros they contain), the points that killed the starshapeness were close to the boundary of $G$, so perhaps if we assume $\partial G$ is smooth, $G$ will contain enough critical points to see into all "corners". A: There is no hope: according to a theorem of Hilbert, every analytic Jordan curve $J$ can be approximated by a lemniscate $\{z:|P(z)|=\epsilon\}$. So the set does not have to be starlike with respect to any point. For this theorem of Hilbert, see, for example J. L. Walsh, ``Interpolation and Approximation by Rational Functions in the Complex Plane,'' 5th ed., Amer. Math. Society, Providence, RI, 1969.
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { partition, hierarchy } from 'd3-hierarchy'; import { flattenHierarchy } from '@potion/util'; import Layout from './Layout'; export default class Pack extends Layout { static displayName = 'Partition'; static propTypes = { separation: PropTypes.number, size: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number), round: PropTypes.number, data: PropTypes.object.isRequired, includeRoot: PropTypes.bool, sum: PropTypes.func, }; static defaultProps = { ...Layout.defaultProps, includeRoot: true, sum: d => d.value, }; getSchema() { return { layout: partition, layoutProps: ['round', 'size', 'separation'], selectStylesToTween: d => ({ x0: d.x0, y0: d.y0, x1: d.x1, y1: d.y1, }), }; } getData() { const { data, sum, includeRoot } = this.props; return flattenHierarchy( this.getLayout()( hierarchy(data).sum(sum) ) ) .slice(includeRoot ? 0 : 1); } }
function [im, scale] = readImage(imagePath) % READIMAGE Read and standardize image % [IM, SCALE] = READIMAGE(IMAGEPATH) reads the specified image file, % converts the result to SINGLE class, and rescales the image % to have a maximum height of 480 pixels, returing the corresponding % scaling factor SCALE. % % READIMAGE(IM) where IM is already an image applies only the % standardization to it. % Author: Andrea Vedaldi % Copyright (C) 2013 Andrea Vedaldi % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of the VLFeat library and is made available under % the terms of the BSD license (see the COPYING file). if ischar(imagePath) try im = imread(imagePath) ; catch error('Corrupted image %s', imagePath) ; end else im = imagePath ; end im = im2single(im) ; scale = 1 ; if (size(im,1) > 480) scale = 480 / size(im,1) ; im = imresize(im, scale) ; im = min(max(im,0),1) ; end
Glutathione localization by a novel o-phthalaldehyde histofluorescence method. Glutathione in tissues forms an intense fluorophore with a solution of o-phthalaldehyde at room temperature. We have studied the loss of glutathione from tissue sections and find that it is not measurable from thick sections. The fluorescence spectra of the induced fluorophore between glutathione and o-phthalaldehyde are identical in model and tissue sections, while depletion of hepatic glutathione by diethyl maleate produces a comparable fall in fluorescence measured biochemically or histochemically. This simple method is specific as interfering substances, such as spermine and spermidine, produce very weak fluorescence under the conditions employed.
Sudo for Windows (sudowin) allows authorized users to launch processes with elevated privileges using their own passphrase. Unlike the runas command, Sudo for Windows preserves the user's profile and ownership of created objects. SubtitleCreator allows you to create new subtitles for your DVD's. It has a Wizard interface, advanced synchronization features, DVD preview, and a simple WYSIWYG editor. The latest version even has support for Karaoke. SimMetrics is a Similarity Metric Library, e.g. from edit distance's (Levenshtein, Gotoh, Jaro etc) to other metrics, (e.g Soundex, Chapman). Work provided by UK Sheffield University funded by (AKT) an IRC sponsored by EPSRC, grant number GR/N15764/01. This is analog for NCover application, but have some advantages The project is not in work actually, so you may try the following projects instead: - original fork - another cover from blessed man who was able to keep PartCover live. Regarding license: all sources (here at SF) are open. You are free to copy/modify/distribute without any confirm from my side. I cannot garantee the same for files in other locations. Best regards! The FileHelpers are an easy to use .NET library written in C#. Is designed to read/write data from flat files with fixed length or delimited records (CSV). Also has support to import/export data from different data storages (Excel, Access, SqlServer) Code on GitHub: Bugs/Ideas:
/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2018 Kasun Vithanage * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package util import ( "errors" "strings" ) var ( // ErrUnbalancedQuotes raised when quotes are not balanced in a string ErrUnbalancedQuotes = errors.New("unbalanced quotes") ) // ToString Convert an interface to string func ToString(i interface{}) string { if s, ok := i.(string); ok { return s } return "" } // SplitSpacesWithQuotes will split the string by spaces and preserve texts inside " " marks // error is returned when an unbalanced quote was found in the string func SplitSpacesWithQuotes(s string) ([]string, error) { var ret []string var buf = new(strings.Builder) // not in quote string buffer var scanned string var err error for pos := 0; pos < len(s); pos++ { char := s[pos] switch char { case ' ': if buf.Len() > 0 { ret = append(ret, buf.String()) buf.Reset() } case '"': pos, scanned, err = scanForByte(s, pos, '"') if err != nil { return nil, err } ret = append(ret, scanned) default: buf.WriteByte(char) } } if buf.Len() > 0 { ret = append(ret, buf.String()) } return ret, nil } func scanForByte(s string, pos int, r byte) (int, string, error) { var ret = new(strings.Builder) for pos++; pos < len(s); pos++ { char := s[pos] switch char { case '\\': if pos >= len(s)-1 { return 0, "", ErrUnbalancedQuotes } pos++ ret.WriteByte(s[pos]) case r: return pos, ret.String(), nil default: ret.WriteByte(char) } } return 0, "", ErrUnbalancedQuotes }
Lindke and Barnaby lived together from January 2012 until they broke up in September. According to what the Buffalo News gleaned from the suit, Barnaby possesses the 2008 Escalade but he had signed the title over to Lindke last January, after his license was suspended for a DWI—an incident in which police say he drove nine miles without one of his Porsche's front wheels. No money changed hands in the vehicle transaction, but Barnaby maintains that he continued to pay the insurance. The engagement ring was given to Lindke when Barnaby proposed sometime over the summer, though the couple can't even agree on what month that happened. Lindke's lawyer said the SUV was "a gift," and that Lindke intends to keep both the Escalade and the ring. Oh, Lindke also intends to file a countersuit alleging that Barnaby owes her money for work she had done creating his website, which is a thing that actually exists. Barnaby may have standing to get the ring back under New York state law, according to the Buffalo News, which also said Barnaby now works as a youth hockey coach.
extern NSString * const SERVICE_RESPONSE_ID; extern NSString * const SERVICE_RESPONSE_UUID; extern NSString * const SERVICE_RESPONSE_DEVICE_ID; extern NSString * const SERVICE_RESPONSE_ID_PRIMARY;
It is generally known that a semiconductor having few crystal defects and good crystallinity is grown on a substrate by using a substrate lattice-matched with the semiconductor to be grown. There is, however, no substrate that is lattice-matched with a nitride semiconductor, has excellent crystallinity, and allows a nitride semiconductor crystal-to be stably grown. For this reason, there is no choice but to grow a nitride semiconductor on a substrate, e.g., a sapphire, spinnel, or silicon carbide substrate, that is not lattice-matched with nitride semiconductors. Various research institutes have made attempts to manufacture GaN bulk crystals that are lattice-matched with nitride semiconductors. However, it has only been reported that GaN bulk crystals having sizes of several millimeters are obtained. That is, any practical GaN bulk crystal like the one from which many wafers are cut to be actually used as substrates for the growth of nitride semiconductor layers has not been obtained. As a technique of manufacturing GaN substrates, for example, Jpn. Pat. Appln. KOKAI Publication Nos. 7-202265 and 7-165498 disclose a technique of forming a ZnO buffer layer on a sapphire substrate, growing a nitride semiconductor on the ZnO buffer layer, and dissolving and removing the ZnO buffer layer. However, since the ZnO buffer layer grown on the sapphire substrate has poor crystallinity, it is difficult to obtain a nitride semiconductor crystal having good quality by growing a nitride semiconductor on the buffer layer. In addition, it is difficult to continuously grow a nitride semiconductor thick enough to be used as a substrate on the thin ZnO buffer layer. When a nitride semiconductor electronic element used for various electronic devices such as a light-emitting diode (LED) device, a laser diode (LD) device, and a light-receiving device is to be manufactured, if a substrate made of a nitride semiconductor having few crystal defects can be manufactured, a new nitride semiconductor having few lattice defects and forming a device structure can be grown on the substrate. Therefore, the obtained device acquires greatly improved performance. That is, a high-performance device that has not been realized in the past can be realized. It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to provide a method of growing a nitride semiconductor crystal having excellent crystallinity. More specifically, it is an object of the present invention to provide a method of growing a nitride semiconductor crystal that can provide a nitride semiconductor substrate, a nitride semiconductor substrate, and a nitride semiconductor device formed on the nitride semiconductor substrate.
@fixture-OroCRMBundle:activities.yml Feature: Activity list feature In order to have ability manage contact activity As OroCRM sales rep I need to view, filter, paginate activities in activity list Scenario: Filter activities by type Given I login as administrator Given I go to Customers/Contacts And click view Charlie in grid And there are 10 records in activity list When I check "Task" in Activity Type filter Then there are 2 records in activity list When I check "Email" in Activity Type filter Then there are 4 records in activity list When I check "Call" in Activity Type filter Then there are 6 records in activity list When I check "Note" in Activity Type filter Then there are 8 records in activity list When I check "Calendar event" in Activity Type filter Then there are 10 records in activity list Scenario: Paginate activity list Given the following note: | activityTargets | createdAt | updatedAt | | [@contactCharlie] | <dateTimeBetween("now", "now")> | <dateTimeBetween("now", "now")> | And I reset Activity Type filter And I shouldn't see "Merry Christmas" email in activity list When go to older activities Then I should see "Merry Christmas" email in activity list Scenario: Filter activities by date range Given I go to newer activities And there are 10 records in activity list And I shouldn't see "Merry Christmas" email in activity list When I filter Date Range as between "2015-12-24" and "2015-12-26" Then I should see "Merry Christmas" email in activity list And there is one record in activity list
Establishment of a mass screening method of sand fly vectors for Leishmania infection by molecular biological methods. Surveillance of the prevalence of Leishmania and its vector, sand fly species, in endemic and surrounding areas is important for prediction of the risk and expansion of leishmaniasis. In this study, a method for the mass screening of sand flies for Leishmania infection was established. This method was applied to 319 field-captured specimens, and 5 positive sand flies were detected. Sand fly species were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the18S rRNA gene, and all the positive flies were Lu. hartmanni. Furthermore, cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene sequence analyses identified all the parasites as Endotrypanum species including a probable novel species. Because the method requires minimum effort and can process a large number of samples at once, it will be a powerful tool for studying the epidemiology of leishmaniasis.
Quick and Easy Pate Recipe Even people who say they don't like liver love this easy spread. It is always a hit at parties. It can be made a couple of days ahead, which is a big plus during the holiday season. Recipe from the good folks at Bacardi Rum.
You are currently viewing our forum as a guest, which gives you limited access to view most discussions and access our other features. By joining our free community, you will have access to additional post topics, communicate privately with other members (PM), view blogs, respond to polls, upload content, and access many other special features. Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free, so please join our community today! Just click here to register. You should turn your Ad Blocker off for this site or certain features may not work properly. If you have any problems with the registration process or your account login, please contact us by clicking here. Are you forgetting that I am a mother with a young son? I would no more go into the men's dressing room to help him pick out clothes than I would go into the men's locker room to help him get ready to swim. This is why I buy his clothing and try it on him at home and keep the receipt. If we ever have to buy him something that HAS to be tried on at the store, I'd either find a place with family dressing rooms or his dad would do it. Probably the former, since his dad hates shopping even more than I do. I've seen mothers do it was my point. In fact I even had one walk in on me once, which was somewhat embarrassing for both parties. Just because you are perfectly "courteous" doesn't mean everyone is. Are you arguing for my side now? You had a woman in the men's dressing room with you, it was embarrassing, you wish she hadn't come in? That is just about exactly what I have been saying! No, its that damn Fe! Bad Fe! No harmonizing with Ivy's postion! I don't even know what your argument is anymore. You think people should be more courteous when it comes to dressing rooms? Fine, but the only thing people have direct control over is themselves. If you want some people who shouldn't be in a dressing room to learn that it is "discourteous" then request that the management ask them to leave. Next time they will probably know better. Also, to Kiddo especially, but to a bunch of other people, please take a metaphorical step back before continuing to post, (since apparently some people have stronger opinions about this subject, that are rubbing up against each other kind of harshly. Remember, though, that others will have a different experience and opinions.) For the most part I've been enjoying the debate with Kiddo here. I get a pretty friendly vibe from it. I was on debate team in college and sometimes I appreciate a sparring partner. But yeah, this thread seems to be getting pretty volatile so I echo Zergling's urgings to try and remain civil. The one who buggers a fire burns his penis-anonymous graffiti in the basilica at Pompeii No, it is called common sense. If a women was in a man's clothing store and she wanted to try on clothes and there was only one dressing room, then I feel it wouldn't be tasteless for her to use it. It goes either way, and it isn't based on any value, just practicality. Okay, then... do you think other men feel this way, or is this just what you personally feel? What makes you believe it's common sense and not your opinion? Do common sense and practicality carry more weight than feelings, or do feelings carry more weight? We have to decide that before moving forward. It seems silly to me that somebody is suppose to go out of there way for what might not even be an issue. If you percieve it as discourteous, then fine, but it's a free country and people also have the right to politely request that a person leave the dressing room. It's an inconvenience either way. I'm just saying, there has to be a rule one way or the other for consistency's sake, because that would certainly constitute common sense, and resolve the issue (assuming that should be the standard). Also, it seems somewhat strange that you are demanding to be able to do something for practical reasons (thus disregarding other's feelings), yet turning around and using your feelings as a reason why you should be accommodated by these people enough to have a request made of you instead of you implicitly understanding it. Have you studied rhetoric or logic much, Kiddo? I believe you would do well to do so. You have the passion, just not enough of the skill. maybe it's different here, or I'm misunderstanding you, but I often see men in the dressing room area. Not in the actual stalls of course, but in the big room the stalls open into, sure. That room's usually fairly visible to the rest of the store, for that matter. it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. I don't usually (ever?) see women coming out of the stalls half-dressed. That's pretty much been my experience. I've only ever been in one store (a cheap department store) which has clearly defined changing rooms for men and women. Jeans shops catering to both men and women tend to have unisex change rooms here IIRC. The only places I feel uncomfortable with men hanging round dressing rooms are the lingerie sections of big department stores or lingerie shops - but maybe that's just my personal hang-up. I'm sorry. I did not realize that it was common knowledge that if you are a male trying on women's clothes in a store that only has one dressing room, that you are suppose to go find another store out of respect for all the women who might or might not care whether you use that dressing room. Forgive me for not getting that memo from the courtesy police. Kiddo did you even read the OP or did you just see me mention gay and transgender and you got all wild-eyed and foamy? Where did you get this from? 1. I was in a woman's clothing store. Not Old Navy, not Gap, not Express, no unisex changing rooms. I don't care about unisex changing rooms, but I assume in a woman's clothing store it's a single sex dressing room. That is not an unreasonable assumption. Nor do I think it's unreasonable or prudish to ask that in a woman's clothing store, I see women exclusively using the dressing rooms. You argument sounds idiotic. 2. There were several dressing rooms in both stores and one of the stores even had a lounge area for people to sit in. If the woman was so hellbent on having her boyfriend's (or whoever he was) she could have walked out to the waiting are and not had him sitting in the DRESSING ROOM PROPER.
Immunochromatography can be utilized to perform tests of various diseases simply and easily. Because an analyte in a specimen is usually a slightly-existing substance, such as an influenza virus, HBs antigen or the like, there are demands for enhancement of sensitivity of immunochromatographic tests. Also, there are demands for a test device that permits rapid detection of an analyte in a specimen. Conventional test devices, however, have a problem that a long time is required for the elution of a labeling substance from a label holding member and thus for obtaining test results.
Expanding Muni's Kids Ride Free program to include 18-year-old low- and middle-income youths would cost an additional $1.1 million a year, while eliminating income limits altogether would nearly double the $3 million annual cost, according to a new city report being released as the transit agency considers whether to continue the pilot program at all. City officials could cover the increased costs by raising the sales tax, imposing a special tax on private shuttle buses that use city property, or establishing a local vehicle license fee, according to the report by the Board of Supervisors Budget and Legislative Analyst. Related Stories The report was requested by Supervisor David Campos, who pushed for the pilot program established in March. It allows San Francisco kids between the ages of 5 and 17 whose parents make less than the Bay Area median - $103,000 for a household of four - to ride Muni for free through June of this year. About 78 percent of the estimated 40,000 eligible young people have registered for the program, the report said. The pilot project for what's also known as Free Muni for Youth has not been nearly as expensive as Muni officials estimated when they were debating the program two years ago. The program itself costs about half of what Muni officials initially projected, he said, and it has not led to an expensive increase in service, the report found. The Municipal Transportation Agency should make the program permanent and consider including 18-year-olds who meet the existing income requirements, Campos said, since many young people turn 18 while they are still in high school. "I think this report confirms what we have been hearing - the program has been a resounding success," Campos said. "I think the report gives a lot of policy reasons for continuing the program and, if anything, we need to consider expanding it to include 18-year olds." Continue or change Over the next two months, the MTA's Board of Directors will decide whether to continue or change the $2.9 million program next fiscal year as part of its larger budget debate. The board is holding its first public hearing on the proposed MTA budget Tuesday at 1 p.m.; it will approve a budget by the end of April and send it to the supervisors, who can accept or reject but not alter the proposal. Paul Rose, an MTA spokesman, said the agency appreciates the analysis of the free Muni program and will consider its findings as the board works to adopt a budget. In the report, the analyst considered a number of alternatives to the current setup, including a $1.3 million price tag to expand the program to include 18-year-olds who meet the current income requirement. If Muni was to offer free rides to all youths ages 5 to 17, regardless of income, it would cost the city an additional $2.3 million annually. If the income requirement was scrapped and the age was expanded to include 18-year-olds, the annual price tag would increase by another $1.4 million. All told, expanding the program to include all city residents between ages 5 and 18 would cost the city $6.7 million a year. 40,000 kids helped Bob Allen, transportation justice director at Urban Habitat - an advocacy group for low-income communities - said the report shows how wildly successful the first year of the program has been. He cited the high level of participation and low cost as reasons the free ride program should be made permanent and expanded to include all youths. "We are talking about (almost) 40,000 kids, and this is beyond school, this is helping them get to after-school programs, to jobs - it's not just replacing the old school bus service," Allen said. "The impact of this investment is huge. You will hear from some people, 'We can't afford this,' but how can we afford not to invest this small amount?" As families in San Francisco are squeezed by increasing housing prices and other rising costs, he said, this is an easy, inexpensive way to make the city more affordable. The budget being considered by the MTA is $915.4 million for the year that starts July 1. "You can't build housing in a day, but this is an instant benefit," he said. "We are creating the next generation of transit riders - I can't think of a better way to do that than by making this permanent and hopefully expanding it."
Latest News Looking back at Demon's Souls; is it better than Dark Souls?... yes PlayStation 3 exclusive, Demon’s Souls, finally made its way to the PlayStation Network for download recently. Given that the sequel, Dark Souls, was the game that really launched the series popularity, the PSN release gave players the opportunity to play the lesser-known sibling for the first time and do a compare and contrast. If you haven’t picked up Demon’s Souls yet, you should take the opportunity now because it is a vastly superior game to Dark Souls. That’s not to suggest that Dark Souls is a poor game, of course, it’s just that Demon’s Souls has a greater purity of vision. In other words, Demon’s Souls is darker (ironic, given the names of both games), crueler, and ultimately more rewarding. Perhaps the most stand-out feature for me that elevates Demon’s Souls above its sequel is that Demon’s Souls actively discourages grinding. Dark Souls places convenient campfires throughout its world – often in places with plenty of respawnable enemies to kill over and over to power up for the tougher fights further on. Demon’s Souls forces players to backtrack significantly to the game’s “Nexus” to do the same thing, creating a lot of dull downtime every time a player wants to preserve the work they have done and recover from the enemies they have faced. For those who haven’t played the game, the Nexus is a central “safe zone” that players can warp to from each of Demon’s Souls’ hostile environments from a few specific teleport points. The Nexus is the only place players can spend the souls (the in-game currency obtained by defeating enemies) to level-up their character. Just like with Dark Souls, dying in one of the game’s levels will make a player lose all of his or her souls, but because the teleport points are spaced so far apart at times, it’s not always an easy matter to jump out, level up and jump back in again. This backtracking would be seen by some as a game design weakness compared to Dark Soul’s campfire system that keeps players in the heat of the action at all times. I disagree. Demon’s Souls subtly drives players forward (after all, who wants to dully backtrack?), and the tension of the game is higher because it encourages risky behaviour. Backtrack for ten minutes to cash in the souls you have collected, or risk taking on a boss under-levelled because you know if you beat him a portal to the game’s Nexus will be sitting there ready to be activated with no backtracking necessary? There’s a risk/ reward dynamic to Demon’s Souls that is far more prevalent than the relative safety of the campfire system of the Dark Souls games. Less tangible is the comparatively thick atmosphere of Demon’s Souls. Dark Souls is, by comparison to the Demon’s Souls aesthetic, a happy Disney cartoon. The claustrophobia and heavy darkness that pervades every environment within Demon’s Souls is uncompromisingly bleak. It’s relentless, it’s stifling. It’s also not necessarily fun. To me, Dark Souls is a far more ‘casual play’ game – not because it is not as challenging (the actual combat side of things is balanced about the same in both games), but because I need to be in a far more committed mood to feel like playing Demon’s Souls, and it is harder to play for long sessions. Again, that is not because I am not enjoying it, but because after a few hours the atmosphere of Demon’s Souls makes a funeral seem comparatively entertaining. In Dark Souls there are moments of relief; a ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds over a breathtaking vista – free of enemies and other such threats. All that awaits around the corner in Demon’s Souls is an even darker corridor or an even more fetid swamp. But Demon’s Souls is the more “pure” vision. It’s a game that makes no compromises and no apologies for what it is. As such, it’s a rare kind of game in the modern industry that even its successor has to defer to. Demon’s Souls might just be the greatest example of a visionary work to come from this generation of consoles. Title : Looking back at Demon's Souls; is it better than Dark Souls?... yes Pre-order Game Art! Game Art is a book that takes a look at the art and artistry in gaming, writen by DDNet editor-in-chief, Matt Sainsbury. Pre-order at No Starch's website (click on the cover above) and enter the code "DDNET" for 30% off!
Virginia Department of Elections The Virginia Department of Elections is an agency that administers elections in Virginia. Its duties include maintaining a voter registration system. The Department is led by a three-member body, the State Board of Elections. State law provides, "The State Board, through the Department of Elections, shall supervise and coordinate the work of the county and city electoral boards and of the registrars to obtain uniformity in their practices and proceedings and legality and purity in all elections." The Department's current commissioner is Christopher E. "Chris" Piper. References External link Official site Category:Virginia elections Category:Election commissions in the United States
To build: If your python binary is in a non-standard location or has a non-standard name, run the following instead: export PYTHON=/path/to/python $PYTHON ./configure make make install Prerequisites (Windows only): * Python 2.6 or 2.7 * Visual Studio 2010 or 2012 Windows: vcbuild nosign You can download pre-built binaries for various operating systems from The Windows and OS X installers will prompt you for the location in which to install. The tarballs are self-contained; you can extract them to a local directory with:
using System; namespace Zio { /// <summary> /// The <see cref="EventArgs"/> base class for file and directory events. Used for /// <see cref="WatcherChangeTypes.Created"/>, <see cref="WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted"/>, /// and <see cref="WatcherChangeTypes.Changed"/>. /// </summary> /// <inheritdoc /> public class FileChangedEventArgs : EventArgs { /// <summary> /// The type of change that occurred. /// </summary> public WatcherChangeTypes ChangeType { get; } /// <summary> /// The filesystem originating this change. /// </summary> public IFileSystem FileSystem { get; } /// <summary> /// Absolute path to the file or directory. /// </summary> public UPath FullPath { get; } /// <summary> /// Name of the file or directory. /// </summary> public string Name { get; } public FileChangedEventArgs(IFileSystem fileSystem, WatcherChangeTypes changeType, UPath fullPath) { if (fileSystem == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fileSystem)); fullPath.AssertNotNull(nameof(fullPath)); fullPath.AssertAbsolute(nameof(fullPath)); FileSystem = fileSystem; ChangeType = changeType; FullPath = fullPath; Name = fullPath.GetName(); } } }
Q: How to use other application.conf in tests than in prod code? im trying to test PersistentActor with scalatest but I dont know how to point test code to use something like application-test.conf instead application.conf ( I want to change leveldb store for events to in memory store ). Is there any convenient way to do this? A: You could define another application.conf in your test resources: src/test/resources/application.conf This way, you can have test related configuration that will be used by default in your tests. If you still require multiple configuration settings among your tests, you can always have more than one configuration file in the test resources and explicitly use the one you need: class PersistentActorSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem("test-system", ConfigFactory.load("application-test")))
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 One thing is for sure: the weather predictors around here have only a tiny advantage over the rest of us. They are really only sure whether it will snow or rain or be sunny about five minutes before it happens. This winter, looking out the window is about as helpful as checking the weather forecast. That said, there are quite a few members of my family who were overjoyed to wake to the weatherman's miscalculation of the rain/snow line. And although that meant some shovelling, we've had so little snow this winter that even on the eve of March they were happy to welcome it. I have to say that this mild Minnesota winter has been a real blessing to me. Last winter and its 144 days of snow cover wore me down to say the least. This winter it hasn't been really cold (I have lived here nearly 13 years, mind you) for very many days in a row. We've had a few below zero mornings, but we have had so many days in the 30's it's hard to believe. And there has been hardly. any. snow. Amazing! It's a drought that started in the summer and has continued through the winter, which is certainly unusual in our, albeit limited, Minnesota experience. And I couldn't be more thankful. Just a little rest from the pain that winter is, and I can wake up and be happy to see a big pile of snow. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 ESV) Friday, February 24, 2012 Status updates are about all the writing I have had time for lately! One day I will take some time to write a real blog post, but for now, here's what has been going on in our lives from the Facebook point of view! 1/28: Made it to the State Lego Tournament with everything but the camera! Go Cavemen! 1/28: Cavemen win! 1/28: Hooray for the Cavemen! First Lego League Minnesota state champions! 1/30: I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being. May my meditation be pleasing to him, for I rejoice in the LORD. (Psalm 104:33-34 ESV) 1/30: Have you heard that Edwin will be taking the PolarBear Plunge on March 3? If you would like to sponsor him, message me! Support the Special Olympics! Or come to Lake Calhoun and watch! 1/31: So thankful for the gift of a mild January in Minnesota! I really needed that after last winter! 1/31: I'm looking for some upbeat praise & worship music with theologically-sound lyrics, especially with lyrics straight from the Bible...Any suggestions? Search This Blog About Me I am a Christian southern girl living in Minnesota, a wife of 22-plus years, and a homeschooling mom of 5 kiddos, ages 10 to 17. I started running nearly three years ago, and began to like it just before getting injured. I'm starting again, which seems to be what you do in life. Life Is Different Here in many, many ways, and I'd like to tell you how...
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a semiconductor device, and more particularly to a transistor using an SOI (Semiconductor On Insulator) substrate. 2. Description of the Background Art An ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) is desired to operate at high speed with low power consumption, like a logic LSI such as a microprocessor, and so is a gate array which is a form of the ASIC. FIG. 36 is a cross section showing a structure of a bulk NMOS transistor. A junction capacitance C1 caused by a depletion layer 104 existing between an Si substrate 101 and a source region 102 (or a drain region 103) is large and a wiring capacitance C2 between a metal wire 105 disposed on an NMOS transistor and the Si substrate 101 through a LOCOS oxide film 108 is also large. In this situation, proposed is a use of an SOI layer in a gate array. FIG. 37 is a cross section showing a structure of an SOI NMOS transistor. Since a transistor on an SOI layer 106 has a thick buried oxide film 107 thereunder, both the junction capacitance C1 and the wiring capacitance C2 thereof are smaller than those of the bulk NMOS transistor. That allows higher-speed operation and lower power consumption. Moreover, a transistor of which the source and drain are formed in the SOI layer 106 (referred to as "SOI transistor" hereinafter) has a semiconductor (body) 110 which is in an electrically-floating state between a source region 102 and a drain region 103. A "body effect", which refers to an action that a threshold value Vth of the transistor rises due to a potential difference between the Si substrate 101 and the source region 102 when a source potential rises (in case of an NMOS transistor), is not caused in the SOI transistor unlike the bulk transistor. Therefore, the SOI transistor may be always used with a small threshold value and operate with low voltage. Thus, the SOI transistor needs only low power consumption. In the SOI transistor, however, when the source-to-drain voltage reaches a certain level or more, impact-ionized charges near the drain region 103, e.g., positive holes in the NMOS transistor, do not escape into the Si substrate 101 to raise a potential at the body 110 which acts as a base of an NPN type parasitic bipolar transistor consisting of the body 101, the source region 102 and the drain region 103 since the body 101 where a channel is formed is in the floating state. Then, a current driven by the bipolar transistor is superposed on an original current of the SOI transistor. FIG. 38 is a graph showing a rise in current due to a parasitic bipolar effect. To avoid the parasitic bipolar effect, it is needed to fix the potential at the body 110 of the SOI transistor. FIG. 39 is a plan view of a structure of field-shield isolation (referred to as "FS isolation" or "FS-isolated structure" hereinafter). FIGS. 40 and 41 are cross sections of FIG. 39 taken along the lines XXXX--XXXX, and XXXXI--XXXXI, respectively. An active region 111 having a width Lf is formed to become the source region 102 or the drain region 103. The active region 111 is provided with a source-drain contact 96 to establish an electrical connection with a wire (not shown). For simple illustration, a gate contact 97 of a gate electrode 109 is not shown in FIG. 39. Similarly to a gate isolation by fixing a potential of the gate electrode 109 (e.g., by connecting the gate electrode 109 to the around GND through the gate contact 97 in a case of NMOS transistor) made in a direction of arrangement of the active region 111 (in vertical direction of FIG. 39), the FS isolation is a device isolation with an FS gate 91 achieved in a direction perpendicular to the vertical direction (in a horizontal direction of FIG. 39). Specifically, the FS gate 91, like the gate electrode 109, is opposed to the SOI layer 106 with an insulative interlayer film interposed therebetween on both sides of the NMOS transistor, and when it is connected to the around GND, the NMOS transistor is isolated in the horizontal direction. FIG. 42 is a cross section showing an isolation using a LOCOS oxide film (referred to as "LOCOS isolation" hereinafter) in the horizontal direction. When the LOCOS isolation is used, the SOI layer 106 is separated in the horizontal direction by the LOCOS oxide film 108 and hence it is impossible to provide a contact for supplying the SOI layer 106 with a predetermined potential. In contrast, when the FS isolation is used, the SOI layer 106 can extend also in the horizontal direction and hence it is possible to supply the SOI layer 106 with the predetermined fixed potential in the extension of the SOI layer 106. In this case, it is necessary to provide an FS gate contact 92 for supplying the FS gate 91 with the predetermined potential and a contact plug 93 for FS isolation as shown in FIG. 41, and on the other hand, it is necessary to provide a body contact 94 for supplying the body with the predetermined potential and the contact plug 93 (a region indicated by hatching can have higher impurity concentration in the SOI layer 106 with which the contact plug 93 comes into contact). Therefore, there is a need for a chipped portion 95 at a position to provide the body contact 94 in the FS gate 91, as shown in FIGS. 39 and 40. This gate array, which supplies the body 110 with the predetermined potential, allows reduction in wiring capacitance, ensures high-speed operation and low power consumption and further prevents the parasitic bipolar effect. For example, the SOI transistor with FS-isolated structure may be used in an inverter. FIG. 43A shows a symbol of an inverter and FIG. 43B shows a specific configuration thereof. The inverter consists of a PMOS transistor P1 and an NMOS transistor N1 connected in series between a potential point supplying a potential Vcc and the ground GND. Specifically, the source of PMOS transistor P1 is fixed to the potential Vcc and the source of NMOS transistor N1 is fixed to the ground potential GND. In this configuration, even if the SOI transistors with FS-isolated structure are used as the transistors P1 and N1 and the bodies of the transistors P1 and N1 are fixed to the potential Vcc and the ground potential GND, respectively, no potential difference exists between the respective bodies and sources and hence no body effect works ill on the inverter. However, there may be a case where it is preferable not to fix the potential at the body 110 so as not to lose the advantage of no body effect. FIG. 44A shows a symbol of an NAND circuit and FIG. 44B shows a specific configuration thereof. The NAND circuit consists of PMOS transistors P1 and P2 connected in parallel and NMOS transistors N1 and N2 connected in series between the potential point supplying the potential Vcc and the ground GND. Since the sources of transistors P1, P2 and N2 are supplied with the potential Vcc, Vcc and the ground potential GND respectively, if the bodies of the transistors P1, P2 and N2 are supplied with the potential Vcc. Vcc and the ground potential GND respectively, no body effect is produced on the transistors. However, there may be a case where a potential higher than the ground potential GND is applied to the source of the transistor N1 which is not supplied with a fixed potential, and when the ground potential GND is applied to the body of the transistor N1, a threshold voltage rises due to the body effect. In this situation, the NAND circuit can not operate with low voltage and hardly avoids slow operation. FIG. 45 shows a layout where vertical alignments of the active regions (referred to as "fields" hereinafter) are arranged in the horizontal direction (this layout is referred to as "master layout" hereinafter). As illustrated in disregard of the gate electrodes, the fields 10a to 10i are seen rectangular. The characters "P" and "N" in rectangles indicate fields to be provided with the PMOS transistor and the NMOS transistor, respectively. The fields provided with the PMOS transistor and the NMOS transistor are herein termed "p-type field" and "n-type field", respectively. In the background art, when the FS isolation is used to supply the body 110 with the predetermined potential, all of the fields are FS-isolated (the fields 10a to 10i of FIG. 45 are each FS-isolated, and the field with FS-isolated structure is referred to as "FS-isolated field" hereinafter). Since the SOI layers 106 in a field are supplied with the predetermined potential in common (e.g., the ground potential GND in the NMOS transistor), the potentials at the bodies 110 of the transistors in the same field are all fixed. Then, there arises a problem of degradation in high-speed operation of the SOI transistor in a circuit including a transistor having the source which is not supplied with the fixed potential, such as an NAND circuit. Furthermore, by supplying the gate electrode and the body with the same potential, it may become possible to positively utilize the parasitic bipolar effect to earn a driving current of the SOI transistor.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio


MiniPile-2048 is the pruned version of JeanKaddour/minipile. Prunining performed with Llama-3 tokenizer and everything longer than 2048 tokens are filtered out.

This dataset is for the GPU poor.

Dataset Curators

MiniPile-2048 is a subset of MiniPile, curated by Berat Çimen. MiniPile is a subset of the Pile, curated by Jean Kaddour. The Pile was created by Leo Gao, Stella Biderman, Sid Black, Laurence Golding, Travis Hoppe, Charles Foster, Jason Phang, Horace He, Anish Thite, Noa Nabeshima, Shawn Presser, Connor Leahy.

Licensing Information

Since MiniPile-2048 and MiniPile is a subset of the Pile, the same MIT License holds.

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