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for all its technical virtuosity , the film is so mired in juvenile and near-xenophobic pedagogy that it 's enough to make one pine for the day when godard can no longer handle the rigors of filmmaking . | 0negative
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in all , this is a watchable movie that 's not quite the memorable experience it might have been . | 0negative
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by candidly detailing the politics involved in the creation of an extraordinary piece of music , ( jones ) calls our attention to the inherent conflict between commerce and creativity . | 1positive
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harris commands the screen , using his frailty to suggest the ravages of a life of corruption and ruthlessness . | 1positive
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a densely constructed , highly referential film , and an audacious return to form that can comfortably sit among jean-luc godard 's finest work . | 1positive
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a difficult , absorbing film that manages to convey more substance despite its repetitions and inconsistencies than do most films than are far more pointed and clear . | 1positive
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the special effects and many scenes of weightlessness look as good or better than in the original , while the oscar-winning sound and james horner 's rousing score make good use of the hefty audio system . | 1positive
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it 's clear the filmmakers were n't sure where they wanted their story to go , and even more clear that they lack the skills to get us to this undetermined destination . | 0negative
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my wife is an actress is an utterly charming french comedy that feels so american in sensibility and style it 's virtually its own hollywood remake . | 1positive
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` de niro ... is a veritable source of sincere passion that this hollywood contrivance orbits around . ' | 1positive
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add yet another hat to a talented head , clooney 's a good director . | 1positive
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davis ... is so enamored of her own creation that she ca n't see how insufferable the character is . | 0negative
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the far future may be awesome to consider , but from period detail to matters of the heart , this film is most transporting when it stays put in the past . | 1positive
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deadeningly dull , mired in convoluted melodrama , nonsensical jargon and stiff-upper-lip laboriousness . | 0negative
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for this reason and this reason only -- the power of its own steadfast , hoity-toity convictions -- chelsea walls deserves a medal . | 1positive
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affleck and jackson are good sparring partners . | 1positive
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( a ) n utterly charming and hilarious film that reminded me of the best of the disney comedies from the 60s . | 1positive
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there are some wonderfully fresh moments that smooth the moral stiffness with human kindness and hopefulness . | 1positive
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it provides the grand , intelligent entertainment of a superior cast playing smart people amid a compelling plot . | 1positive
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a giggle a minute . | 1positive
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this riveting world war ii moral suspense story deals with the shadow side of american culture : racial prejudice in its ugly and diverse forms . | 0negative
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even the finest chef ca n't make a hotdog into anything more than a hotdog , and robert de niro ca n't make this movie anything more than a trashy cop buddy comedy . | 0negative
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the script is n't very good ; not even someone as gifted as hoffman ( the actor ) can make it work . | 0negative
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with tightly organized efficiency , numerous flashbacks and a constant edge of tension , miller 's film is one of 2002 's involvingly adult surprises . | 1positive
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whaley 's determination to immerse you in sheer , unrelenting wretchedness is exhausting . | 0negative
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has all the depth of a wading pool . | 0negative
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a wildly inconsistent emotional experience . | 0negative
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it is amusing , and that 's all it needs to be . | 1positive
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it made me want to wrench my eyes out of my head and toss them at the screen . | 0negative
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an effectively creepy , fear-inducing ( not fear-reducing ) film from japanese director hideo nakata , who takes the superstitious curse on chain letters and actually applies it . | 1positive
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an exhilarating futuristic thriller-noir , minority report twists the best of technology around a gripping story , delivering a riveting , pulse intensifying escapist adventure of the first order | 1positive
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the affectionate loopiness that once seemed congenital to demme 's perspective has a tough time emerging from between the badly dated cutesy-pie mystery scenario and the newfangled hollywood post-production effects . | 0negative
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it has all the excitement of eating oatmeal . | 0negative
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the film 's tone and pacing are off almost from the get-go . | 0negative
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it takes talent to make a lifeless movie about the most heinous man who ever lived . | 0negative
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i 'll bet the video game is a lot more fun than the film . | 0negative
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should have been someone else - | 0negative
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more romantic , more emotional and ultimately more satisfying than the teary-eyed original . | 1positive
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it confirms fincher 's status as a film maker who artfully bends technical know-how to the service of psychological insight . | 1positive
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burns never really harnesses to full effect the energetic cast . | 0negative
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it 's like watching a nightmare made flesh . | 0negative
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... with `` the bourne identity '' we return to the more traditional action genre . | 1positive
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neither parker nor donovan is a typical romantic lead , but they bring a fresh , quirky charm to the formula . | 1positive
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majidi is an unconventional storyteller , capable of finding beauty in the most depressing places . | 1positive
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the inspirational screenplay by mike rich covers a lot of ground , perhaps too much , but ties things together , neatly , by the end . | 1positive
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the overall effect is less like a children 's movie than a recruitment film for future hollywood sellouts . | 0negative
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comes ... uncomfortably close to coasting in the treads of the bicycle thief . | 0negative
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a poignant and compelling story about relationships , food of love takes us on a bumpy but satisfying journey of the heart . | 1positive
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falls neatly into the category of good stupid fun . | 1positive
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if the first men in black was money , the second is small change . | 0negative
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tries to add some spice to its quirky sentiments but the taste is all too familiar . | 0negative
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sustains its dreamlike glide through a succession of cheesy coincidences and voluptuous cheap effects , not the least of which is rebecca romijn-stamos . | 0negative
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visually rather stunning , but ultimately a handsome-looking bore , the true creativity would have been to hide treasure planet entirely and completely reimagine it . | 0negative
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director of photography benoit delhomme shot the movie in delicious colors , and the costumes and sets are grand . | 1positive
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portentous and pretentious , the weight of water is appropriately titled , given the heavy-handedness of it drama . | 0negative
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it feels like an after-school special gussied up with some fancy special effects , and watching its rote plot points connect is about as exciting as gazing at an egg timer for 93 minutes . | 0negative
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the socio-histo-political treatise is told in earnest strides ... ( and ) personal illusion is deconstructed with poignancy . | 1positive
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sometimes seems less like storytelling than something the otherwise compelling director needed to get off his chest . | 0negative
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exquisitely nuanced in mood tics and dialogue , this chamber drama is superbly acted by the deeply appealing veteran bouquet and the chilling but quite human berling . | 1positive
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a science-fiction pastiche so lacking in originality that if you stripped away its inspirations there would be precious little left . | 0negative
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byler reveals his characters in a way that intrigues and even fascinates us , and he never reduces the situation to simple melodrama . | 1positive
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some of their jokes work , but most fail miserably and in the end , pumpkin is far more offensive than it is funny . | 0negative
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nine queens is not only than a frighteningly capable debut and genre piece , but also a snapshot of a dangerous political situation on the verge of coming to a head . | 1positive
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in exactly 89 minutes , most of which passed as slowly as if i 'd been sitting naked on an igloo , formula 51 sank from quirky to jerky to utter turkey . | 0negative
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the reality of the new live-action pinocchio he directed , cowrote and starred in borders on the grotesque . | 0negative
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the so-inept - it 's - surreal dubbing ( featuring the voices of glenn close , regis philbin and breckin meyer ) brings back memories of cheesy old godzilla flicks . | 0negative
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despite all evidence to the contrary , this clunker has somehow managed to pose as an actual feature movie , the kind that charges full admission and gets hyped on tv and purports to amuse small children and ostensible adults . | 0negative
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the movie is dawn of the dead crossed with john carpenter 's ghosts of mars , with zombies not as ghoulish as the first and trains not as big as the second . | 0negative
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yakusho and shimizu ... create engaging characterizations in imamura 's lively and enjoyable cultural mix . | 1positive
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... a story we have n't seen on the big screen before , and it 's a story that we as americans , and human beings , should know . | 1positive
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as the latest bid in the tv-to-movie franchise game , i spy makes its big-screen entry with little of the nervy originality of its groundbreaking small-screen progenitor . | 0negative
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the volatile dynamics of female friendship is the subject of this unhurried , low-key film that is so off-hollywood that it seems positively french in its rhythms and resonance . | 1positive
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Subsets and Splits