stringclasses 11
values | question
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debit_card_specializing | Which country was the card owner of No.667467 in? | SELECT T2.Country FROM transactions_1k AS T1 INNER JOIN gasstations AS T2 ON T1.GasStationID = T2.GasStationID WHERE T1.CardID = '667467' | 1,523 | simple |
superhero | Which group does superhero A-Bomb belong to? | group refers to race; A-Bomb refers to superhero_name = 'A-Bomb'; | SELECT T2.race FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN race AS T2 ON T1.race_id = T2.id WHERE T1.superhero_name = 'A-Bomb' | 774 | simple |
toxicology | Name the elements that comprise the atoms of bond TR001_2_4. | element = 'cl' means Chlorine; element = 'c' means Carbon; element = 'h' means Hydrogen; element = 'o' means Oxygen, element = 's' means Sulfur; element = 'n' means Nitrogen, element = 'p' means Phosphorus, element = 'na' means Sodium, element = 'br' means Bromine, element = 'f' means Fluorine; element = 'i' means Iodine; element = 'sn' means Tin; element = 'pb' means Lead; element = 'te' means Tellurium; element = 'ca' means Calcium | SELECT DISTINCT T1.element FROM atom AS T1 INNER JOIN connected AS T2 ON T1.atom_id = T2.atom_id WHERE T2.bond_id = 'TR001_2_4' | 302 | challenging |
california_schools | What is the complete address of the school with the lowest excellence rate? Indicate the Street, City, Zip and State. | Execellence Rate = NumGE1500 / NumTstTakr; complete address has Street, City, State, Zip code | SELECT T2.Street, T2.City, T2.Zip, T2.State FROM satscores AS T1 INNER JOIN schools AS T2 ON T1.cds = T2.CDSCode ORDER BY CAST(T1.NumGE1500 AS REAL) / T1.NumTstTakr ASC LIMIT 1 | 37 | moderate |
card_games | What kind of printing is on the card that Daren Bader created? | kind of printing refers to availability; Daren Bader created refers to artist = 'Daren Bader' | SELECT DISTINCT availability FROM cards WHERE artist = 'Daren Bader' | 418 | simple |
codebase_community | What is the detailed content of the comment of the post which was created on 7/19/2010 7:37:33 PM? | detailed content of the comment refers to Text; created on 7/19/2010 7:37:33 PM CreationDate = 2010-07-19 19:37:33.0' | SELECT T1.Text FROM comments AS T1 INNER JOIN posts AS T2 ON T1.PostId = T2.Id WHERE T1.CreationDate = '2010-07-19 19:37:33.0' | 617 | simple |
codebase_community | When did the user known as 'IrishStat' create his or her account? | DisplayName = 'IrishStat'; when create his or her account refers to CreationDate; | SELECT CreationDate FROM users WHERE DisplayName = 'IrishStat' | 699 | simple |
card_games | What languages are available in the set known as Archenemy on the magic card market and having the code ARC? | known as Archenemy refers to mcmName = 'Archenemy'; having the code ARC refers to setCode = 'ARC' | SELECT T2.language FROM sets AS T1 INNER JOIN set_translations AS T2 ON T1.code = T2.setCode WHERE T1.mcmName = 'Archenemy' AND T2.setCode = 'ARC' | 427 | moderate |
thrombosis_prediction | What is the anti Cardiolipin antibody concentration of the female patient with the highest uric acid level in the normal range? | anti Cardiolipin antibody concentration refers to `aCL IgG`, `aCL IgM`, `aCL IgA`; female patient refers to Sex = F'; highest uric acid level in the normal range refers to MAX(UA > 6.50); | SELECT T3.`aCL IgG`, T3.`aCL IgM`, T3.`aCL IgA` FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID INNER JOIN Examination AS T3 ON T3.ID = T2.ID WHERE T1.SEX = 'F' AND T2.UA > 6.5 ORDER BY T2.UA DESC LIMIT 1 | 1,292 | challenging |
thrombosis_prediction | List and group all patients by sex for total bilirubin (T-BIL) level not within the normal range. | total bilirubin (T-BIL) not within normal range refers to T-BIL > = 2.0 | SELECT DISTINCT CASE WHEN T1.SEX = 'F' THEN T1.ID END , CASE WHEN T1.SEX = 'M' THEN T1.ID END FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T2.`T-BIL` >= 2.0 | 1,225 | moderate |
thrombosis_prediction | What sex is the patient who in a medical examination was diagnosed with PSS and in a laboratory examination had a blood level of C-reactive protein de 2+, createnine 1 and LDH 123? | PSS' refers to diagnosis; blood level of C-reactive protein de 2+refers to CRP > 2; createnine 1 refers to CRE = 1; LDH 123 refers to LDH = 123 | SELECT T1.SEX FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Examination AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T3 ON T3.ID = T2.ID WHERE T2.Diagnosis = 'PSS' AND T3.CRP = '2+' AND T3.CRE = 1.0 AND T3.LDH = 123 | 1,194 | challenging |
debit_card_specializing | What is the percentage of the customers who used EUR in 2012/8/25? | '2012/8/25' can be represented by '2012-08-25' | SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(T2.Currency = 'EUR', 1, 0)) AS FLOAT) * 100 / COUNT(T1.CustomerID) FROM transactions_1k AS T1 INNER JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.CustomerID = T2.CustomerID WHERE T1.Date = '2012-08-25' | 1,525 | simple |
card_games | Which of the play formats has the highest number of banned status? Indicate the play format and the name of the card. | play format refers to format uuid; banned status refers to status = 'banned'; the highest number of banned status refers to MAX(status = 'banned') | SELECT T2.format, T1.name FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN legalities AS T2 ON T2.uuid = T1.uuid WHERE T2.status = 'Banned' GROUP BY T2.format ORDER BY COUNT(T2.status) DESC LIMIT 1 | 518 | moderate |
student_club | List the full name of the top five members who spend the most money in the descending order of spending. | full name refers to first_name, last_name; spend the most money refers to MAX(expense.cost) | SELECT T3.first_name, T3.last_name FROM expense AS T1 INNER JOIN budget AS T2 ON T1.link_to_budget = T2.budget_id INNER JOIN member AS T3 ON T1.link_to_member = T3.member_id ORDER BY T2.spent DESC LIMIT 5 | 1,456 | moderate |
formula_1 | How many points did Lewis Hamilton get in total in all the Formula_1 races he participated? | SELECT SUM(T2.points) FROM drivers AS T1 INNER JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.driverId = T2.driverId WHERE T1.forename = 'Lewis' AND T1.surname = 'Hamilton' | 941 | simple |
student_club | On average, how much did the Student_Club spend on food for the typical event in the past? | DIVIDE(SUM(spent), COUNT(spent)) where category = 'Food'; 'event in the past' means event_status = 'Closed' | SELECT SUM(spent) / COUNT(spent) FROM budget WHERE category = 'Food' AND event_status = 'Closed' | 1,397 | simple |
codebase_community | What is the title for the post which got the highest score comment? | highest score comment refers to Max(comments.Score) | SELECT Title FROM posts WHERE Id = ( SELECT PostId FROM comments ORDER BY Score DESC LIMIT 1 ) | 561 | simple |
card_games | Please list the Italian names of the cards in the set Coldsnap with the highest converted mana cost. | card set Coldsnap refers to name = 'Coldsnap'; Italian refers to language = 'Italian' | SELECT T2.name FROM foreign_data AS T1 INNER JOIN cards AS T2 ON T2.uuid = T1.uuid INNER JOIN sets AS T3 ON T3.code = T2.setCode WHERE T3.name = 'Coldsnap' AND T1.language = 'Italian' ORDER BY T2.convertedManaCost DESC LIMIT 1 | 484 | moderate |
student_club | Among the budgets for Advertising, list out top three which have the most budgeted amount? | MAX(amount) where category = 'Advertisement' | SELECT budget_id FROM budget WHERE category = 'Advertisement' ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 3 | 1,407 | simple |
debit_card_specializing | How much did customer 6 consume in total between August and November 2013? | Between August And November 2013 refers to Between 201308 And 201311; First 4 strings of Date represents the year. | SELECT SUM(Consumption) FROM yearmonth WHERE CustomerID = 6 AND Date BETWEEN '201308' AND '201311' | 1,483 | simple |
card_games | Which card costs more converted mana, "Serra Angel" or "Shrine Keeper"? | "Serra Angel" refers to name = 'Serra Angel'; "Shrine Keeper" refers to name = 'Shrine Keeper';
card costs more converted mana when the value of convertedManaCost is greater | SELECT name FROM cards WHERE name IN ('Serra Angel', 'Shrine Keeper') ORDER BY convertedManaCost DESC LIMIT 1 | 459 | moderate |
card_games | How many cards designed by UDON and available in mtgo print type has a starting maximum hand size of -1? | UDON refer to artist; availabe in mtgo refers to availability = 'mtgo'; starting maximum hand size of -1 refers to hand = -1 | SELECT COUNT(id) FROM cards WHERE hAND = '-1' AND artist = 'UDON' AND Availability = 'print' AND type = 'mtgo' | 395 | simple |
thrombosis_prediction | For in-patient age 50 and above, what is their average anti-cardiolipin antibody (IgG) concentration? | in-patient refers to Admission = '+'; age 50 and above refers to SUBTRACT(year(current_timestamp), year(Birthday)) >= '50'; average anti-cardiolipin antibody (IgG) concentration refers to AVG(aCL IgG) | SELECT AVG(T2.`aCL IgG`) FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Examination AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - STRFTIME('%Y', T1.Birthday) >= 50 AND T1.Admission = '+' | 1,161 | challenging |
card_games | How many translations are there for the set of cards with "Angel of Mercy" in it? | set of cards with "Angel of Mercy" in it refers to name = 'Angel of Mercy' | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT translation) FROM set_translations WHERE setCode IN ( SELECT setCode FROM cards WHERE name = 'Angel of Mercy' ) AND translation IS NOT NULL | 463 | simple |
student_club | Which budget category does the expense 'Posters' fall to? | 'Posters' refers to expense description | SELECT DISTINCT T2.category FROM expense AS T1 INNER JOIN budget AS T2 ON T1.link_to_budget = T2.budget_id WHERE T1.expense_description = 'Posters' | 1,465 | simple |
superhero | Among the superheroes with the super power of "Super Strength", how many of them have a height of over 200cm? | super power of "Super Strength" refers to power_name = 'Super Strength'; a height of over 200cm refers to height_cm > 200 | SELECT COUNT(T1.id) FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN hero_power AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.hero_id INNER JOIN superpower AS T3 ON T2.power_id = T3.id WHERE T3.power_name = 'Super Strength' AND T1.height_cm > 200 | 719 | moderate |
codebase_community | How old is the most influential user? | How old describes age; the most influential refers to user where MAX(Reputation); | SELECT Age FROM users WHERE Reputation = ( SELECT MAX(Reputation) FROM users ) | 661 | simple |
card_games | Tell the Japanese name of the set which card "Fellwar Stone" is in it. | Japanese name refers to language = 'Japanese'; card "Fellwar Stone" refers to name = 'Fellwar Stone' | SELECT T2.translation FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN set_translations AS T2 ON T2.setCode = T1.setCode WHERE T1.name = 'Fellwar Stone' AND T2.language = 'Japanese' AND T2.translation IS NOT NULL | 500 | moderate |
formula_1 | What are the average points of British constructors? | average points = AVG(points); British is a nationality | SELECT AVG(T1.points) FROM constructorStandings AS T1 INNER JOIN constructors AS T2 on T1.constructorId = T2.constructorId WHERE T2.nationality = 'British' | 948 | simple |
california_schools | Which exclusively virtual schools have the top 5 highest average reading scores? | Exclusively virtual refers to Virtual = 'F'. | SELECT T2.School FROM satscores AS T1 INNER JOIN schools AS T2 ON T1.cds = T2.CDSCode WHERE T2.Virtual = 'F' ORDER BY T1.AvgScrRead DESC LIMIT 5 | 41 | simple |
thrombosis_prediction | How many male patients have their glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase in the normal range? | male refers to Sex = 'M'; glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase in the normal range refers to GOT < 60; | SELECT COUNT(T1.ID) FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T2.GOT < 60 AND T1.SEX = 'M' | 1,280 | simple |
thrombosis_prediction | What is the percentage of female patient were born after 1930? | female refers to Sex = 'F'; patient who were born after 1930 refers to year(Birthday) > '1930'; calculation = DIVIDE(COUNT(ID) where year(Birthday) > '1930' and SEX = 'F'), (COUNT(ID) where SEX = 'F') | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN STRFTIME('%Y', Birthday) > '1930' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(*) FROM Patient WHERE SEX = 'F' | 1,150 | moderate |
debit_card_specializing | For the earliest customer, what segment did he/she have? | SELECT T2.Segment FROM transactions_1k AS T1 INNER JOIN customers AS T2 ON T1.CustomerID = T2.CustomerID ORDER BY Date ASC LIMIT 1 | 1,517 | simple |
formula_1 | What was Lewis Hamilton's final rank in the 2008 Australian Grand Prix? | final rank refers to positionOrder | SELECT T2.positionOrder FROM races AS T1 INNER JOIN results AS T2 ON T2.raceId = T1.raceId INNER JOIN drivers AS T3 ON T3.driverId = T2.driverId WHERE T3.forename = 'Lewis' AND T3.surname = 'Hamilton' AND T1.name = 'Australian Grand Prix' AND T1.year = 2008 | 933 | moderate |
thrombosis_prediction | What was the anti-nucleus antibody concentration level for the patient id 3605340 on 1996/12/2? | anti-nucleus antibody refers to ANA; 1996/12/2 refers to `Examination Date` = '1996-12-02' | SELECT ANA FROM Examination WHERE ID = 3605340 AND `Examination Date` = '1996-12-02' | 1,176 | simple |
student_club | What is the amount of the funds that the Vice President received? | 'Vice President' is a position of Student Club; funds received refers to amount; | SELECT T2.amount FROM member AS T1 INNER JOIN income AS T2 ON T1.member_id = T2.link_to_member WHERE T1.position = 'Vice President' | 1,331 | simple |
student_club | Among all the closed events, which event has the highest spend-to-budget ratio? | closed events refers to event_name where status = 'Closed'; highest spend-to budget ratio refers to MAX(DIVIDE(spent, amount)) | SELECT T2.event_name FROM budget AS T1 INNER JOIN event AS T2 ON T1.link_to_event = T2.event_id WHERE T2.status = 'Closed' ORDER BY T1.spent / T1.amount DESC LIMIT 1 | 1,376 | moderate |
thrombosis_prediction | For the patients who are diagnosed with SJS, how many of them have a normal level of total protein? | diagnosed with SJS refers to Diagnosis = 'SJS'; normal level of total protein refers to TP > 6.0 and TP < 8.5; | SELECT COUNT(T1.ID) FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T1.Diagnosis = 'SJS' AND T2.TP > 6.0 AND T2.TP < 8.5 | 1,289 | moderate |
card_games | What is card number 4 in the set Coldsnap? | card set Coldsnap refers to name = 'Coldsnap'; card number 4 refers to number = 4 | SELECT T1.name FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN sets AS T2 ON T2.code = T1.setCode WHERE T2.name = 'Coldsnap' AND T1.number = 4 | 478 | simple |
thrombosis_prediction | Provide the ID, sex, birthday of all patients diagnosed with 'RA' that are within the UN normal index. | within the UN normal index refers to UN < 30; Diagnosis = 'RA' | SELECT DISTINCT T1.ID, T1.SEX, T1.Birthday FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T2.UN < 30 AND T1.Diagnosis = 'RA' | 1,221 | simple |
european_football_2 | What percentage is Landon Donovan's overall rating higher than Jordan Bowery on 2013/7/12? | Landon Donovan's refers to player_name = 'Landon Donovan'; Jordan Bowery refers to player_name = 'Jordan Bowery'; percentage refers to DIVIDE(SUBTRACT(player_name = 'Landon Donovan' overall_rating; player_name = 'Jordan Bowery' overall_rating), player_name = 'Landon Donovan' overall_rating)*100 | SELECT (SUM(CASE WHEN t1.player_name = 'Landon Donovan' THEN t2.overall_rating ELSE 0 END) * 1.0 - SUM(CASE WHEN t1.player_name = 'Jordan Bowery' THEN t2.overall_rating ELSE 0 END)) * 100 / SUM(CASE WHEN t1.player_name = 'Landon Donovan' THEN t2.overall_rating ELSE 0 END) LvsJ_percent FROM Player AS t1 INNER JOIN Player_Attributes AS t2 ON t1.player_fifa_api_id = t2.player_fifa_api_id WHERE SUBSTR(t2.`date`, 1, 10) = '2013-07-12' | 1,115 | challenging |
formula_1 | How many driver participated in race ID number 18? | SELECT COUNT(driverId) FROM driverStandings WHERE raceId = 18 | 966 | simple |
european_football_2 | How many matches were held in the Belgium Jupiler League in April, 2009? | Belgium Jupiler League refers to League.name = 'Belgium Jupiler League'; in April, 2009 refers to strftime('%Y', date) = '2009' AND strftime('%m', date) = '04'; | SELECT COUNT(t2.id) FROM League AS t1 INNER JOIN Match AS t2 ON t1.id = t2.league_id WHERE t1.name = 'Belgium Jupiler League' AND SUBSTR(t2.`date`, 1, 4) = '2009' | 1,091 | moderate |
student_club | How many members attended the "Women's Soccer" event? | 'Women's Soccer' is the event name; | SELECT COUNT(T2.link_to_member) FROM event AS T1 INNER JOIN attendance AS T2 ON T1.event_id = T2.link_to_event WHERE T1.event_name = 'Women''s Soccer' | 1,371 | simple |
codebase_community | Give the user's reputation and up vote number of the user that commented "fine, you win :)". | Text = 'fine, you win :)'; | SELECT T2.Reputation, T2.UpVotes FROM comments AS T1 INNER JOIN users AS T2 ON T1.UserId = T2.Id WHERE T1.Text = 'fine, you win :)' | 705 | simple |
toxicology | What are the bond type and the atoms of the bond ID of TR001_6_9? | double bond refers to bond_type = ' = '; single bond refers to bond_type = '-'; triple bond refers to bond_type = '#'; atoms refer to atom_id or atom_id2 | SELECT T1.bond_type, T2.atom_id, T2.atom_id2 FROM bond AS T1 INNER JOIN connected AS T2 ON T1.bond_id = T2.bond_id WHERE T2.bond_id = 'TR001_6_9' | 236 | moderate |
financial | What is the average number of crimes committed in 1995 in regions where the number exceeds 4000 and the region has accounts that are opened starting from the year 1997? | A3 refers to region names; A15 stands for the average number of crimes commited in 1995. | SELECT AVG(T1.A15) FROM district AS T1 INNER JOIN account AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', T2.date) >= '1997' AND T1.A15 > 4000 | 152 | moderate |
student_club | Which college is the vice president of the Student_Club from? | Vice President is a position of the Student Club | SELECT T2.college FROM member AS T1 INNER JOIN major AS T2 ON T1.link_to_major = T2.major_id WHERE T1.position LIKE 'vice president' | 1,319 | simple |
codebase_community | Under the vote type of 8, provide the display names and websites URLs of the user who got the highest bounty amount. | vote type of 8 refers to VoteTypeId = 8; the highest bounty amount refers to MAX(BountyAmount); | SELECT DisplayName, WebsiteUrl FROM users WHERE Id = ( SELECT UserId FROM votes WHERE VoteTypeId = 8 ORDER BY BountyAmount DESC LIMIT 1 ) | 657 | moderate |
codebase_community | How many votes did the user No.58 take on 2010/7/19? | user no. 58 refers to UserId = 58; on 2010/7/19 refers to CreationDate = '2010-07-19' | SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM votes WHERE UserId = 58 AND CreationDate = '2010-07-19' | 558 | simple |
card_games | Among black card borders, which card has full artwork? | white card borders refers to borderColor = 'white'; has full artwork refers to isFullArt = 1 | SELECT id FROM cards WHERE borderColor = 'black' AND isFullArt = 1 | 437 | simple |
card_games | How many cards are oversized, reprinted, and printed for promotions? | are oversized refers to isOversized = 1; reprinted refers to isReprint = 1; printed for promotions refers to isPromo = 1 | SELECT COUNT(id) FROM cards WHERE isOversized = 1 AND isReprint = 1 AND isPromo = 1 | 420 | simple |
financial | What is the sum that client number 4's account has following transaction 851? Who owns this account, a man or a woman? | SELECT T3.balance, T1.gender FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN account AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id INNER JOIN trans AS T3 ON T2.account_id = T3.account_id WHERE T1.client_id = 4 AND T3.trans_id = 851 | 177 | simple |
card_games | Calculate the percentage of the cards availabe in Chinese Simplified. | Chinese Simplified' is the language; percentage = Divide(Sum(id where language = 'Chinese Simplified'), Count(id)) *100 | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.language = 'Chinese Simplified' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.id) FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN foreign_data AS T2 ON T1.uuid = T2.uuid | 352 | moderate |
financial | State different accounts who have account opening date before 1997 and own an amount of money greater than 3000USD | SELECT DISTINCT T2.account_id FROM trans AS T1 INNER JOIN account AS T2 ON T1.account_id = T2.account_id WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', T2.date) < '1997' AND T1.amount > 3000 | 102 | simple |
debit_card_specializing | Please list the disparate time of the transactions taken place in the gas stations from chain no. 11. | SELECT DISTINCT T1.Time FROM transactions_1k AS T1 INNER JOIN gasstations AS T2 ON T1.GasStationID = T2.GasStationID WHERE T2.ChainID = 11 | 1,507 | simple |
formula_1 | What time did the the 2010's Formula_1 race took place on the Abu Dhabi Circuit? | SELECT T2.date, T2.time FROM circuits AS T1 INNER JOIN races AS T2 ON T2.circuitID = T1.circuitId WHERE T2.year = 2010 AND T2.name = 'Abu Dhabi Grand Prix' | 922 | simple |
formula_1 | List the driver's ID of the top five driver, by descending order, the fastest time during the first lap of the race. | fastest time refers to Min(time); | SELECT driverId FROM lapTimes WHERE lap = 1 ORDER BY time LIMIT 5 | 976 | simple |
financial | How many 'classic' cards are eligible for loan? | when the account type = 'OWNER', it's eligible for loan | SELECT COUNT(T1.card_id) FROM card AS T1 INNER JOIN disp AS T2 ON T1.disp_id = T2.disp_id WHERE T1.type = 'classic' AND T2.type = 'Owner' | 153 | simple |
california_schools | How many schools in Contra Costa (directly funded) have number of test takers not more than 250? | SELECT COUNT(T1.CDSCode) FROM frpm AS T1 INNER JOIN satscores AS T2 ON T1.CDSCode = T2.cds WHERE T1.`Charter Funding Type` = 'Directly funded' AND T1.`County Name` = 'Contra Costa' AND T2.NumTstTakr <= 250 | 18 | simple |
thrombosis_prediction | Please list the top three patients' birthdays with the highest glutamic pylvic transaminase in the normal range. | highest glutamic pylvic transaminase in the normal range refers to MAX(GPT < 60); | SELECT T1.Birthday FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T2.GPT < 60 ORDER BY T2.GPT DESC LIMIT 3 | 1,282 | simple |
student_club | Which department was the President of the club in? | 'President' is a position of Student Club | SELECT T2.department FROM member AS T1 INNER JOIN major AS T2 ON T1.link_to_major = T2.major_id WHERE T1.position = 'President' | 1,356 | simple |
codebase_community | Calculate the ratio of votes in 2010 and 2011. | DIVIDE(COUNT(Id where YEAR(CreationDate) = 2010), COUNT(Id where YEAR(CreationDate) = 2011)) FROM votes; | SELECT CAST(SUM(IIF(STRFTIME('%Y', CreationDate) = '2010', 1, 0)) AS REAL) / SUM(IIF(STRFTIME('%Y', CreationDate) = '2011', 1, 0)) FROM votes | 629 | simple |
toxicology | Which carcinogenic molecule have the highest number of atoms consisted in it? | label = '+' mean molecules are carcinogenic; molecule that have the highest number of atoms consisted in in refers to MAX(COUNT(atom.molecule_id)) | SELECT T.molecule_id FROM ( SELECT T2.molecule_id, COUNT(T1.atom_id) FROM atom AS T1 INNER JOIN molecule AS T2 ON T1.molecule_id = T2.molecule_id WHERE T2.label = '+' GROUP BY T2.molecule_id ORDER BY COUNT(T1.atom_id) DESC LIMIT 1 ) t | 329 | moderate |
formula_1 | How old is the youngest Japanese driver? What is his name? | youngest Japanese driver refers to max(dob); Japanese refers to nationality = 'Japanese'; age = 2022-year(dob)+1
| SELECT STRFTIME('%Y', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - STRFTIME('%Y', dob), forename , surname FROM drivers WHERE nationality = 'Japanese' ORDER BY dob DESC LIMIT 1 | 898 | simple |
debit_card_specializing | Who among KAM's customers consumed the most? How much did it consume? | SELECT T2.CustomerID, SUM(T2.Consumption) FROM customers AS T1 INNER JOIN yearmonth AS T2 ON T1.CustomerID = T2.CustomerID WHERE T1.Segment = 'KAM' GROUP BY T2.CustomerID ORDER BY SUM(T2.Consumption) DESC LIMIT 1 | 1,488 | simple |
toxicology | How many elements are contained in bond_id TR001_3_4? | element = 'cl' means Chlorine; element = 'c' means Carbon; element = 'h' means Hydrogen; element = 'o' means Oxygen, element = 's' means Sulfur; element = 'n' means Nitrogen, element = 'p' means Phosphorus, element = 'na' means Sodium, element = 'br' means Bromine, element = 'f' means Fluorine; element = 'i' means Iodine; element = 'sn' means Tin; element = 'pb' means Lead; element = 'te' means Tellurium; element = 'ca' means Calcium | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T1.element) FROM atom AS T1 INNER JOIN connected AS T2 ON T1.atom_id = T2.atom_id WHERE T2.bond_id = 'TR001_3_4' | 319 | challenging |
card_games | Indicates the name of all the languages into which the set whose number of cards is 309 is translated. | set refer to setCode; number of cards refers to baseSetSize; baseSetsize = 309
| SELECT T2.language FROM sets AS T1 INNER JOIN set_translations AS T2 ON T1.code = T2.setCode WHERE T1.baseSetSize = 309 | 404 | simple |
formula_1 | In which location does the Hungaroring circuit located? Also, find the country and coordinates of this circuit? | coordinates expressed in latitude and longitude refers to (lat, lng) | SELECT country, lat, lng FROM circuits WHERE name = 'Hungaroring' | 993 | simple |
student_club | Was each expense in October Meeting on October 8, 2019 approved? | event_name = 'October Meeting' where event_date = '2019-10-08'; approved = True means expenses was approved; approved = False means expenses was not approved | SELECT T3.approved FROM event AS T1 INNER JOIN budget AS T2 ON T1.event_id = T2.link_to_event INNER JOIN expense AS T3 ON T2.budget_id = T3.link_to_budget WHERE T1.event_name = 'October Meeting' AND T1.event_date LIKE '2019-10-08%' | 1,338 | moderate |
financial | Who are the female account holders who own credit cards and also have loans? | Female refers to gender = 'F' | SELECT T1.client_id FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN disp AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.client_id INNER JOIN loan AS T3 ON T2.account_id = T3.account_id INNER JOIN card AS T4 ON T2.disp_id = T4.disp_id WHERE T1.gender = 'F' | 146 | simple |
student_club | How many members have education major in the College of Education & Human Services? | 'education' is the major name; 'Member' is a position of club; | SELECT COUNT(T1.member_id) FROM member AS T1 INNER JOIN major AS T2 ON T2.major_id = T1.link_to_major WHERE T1.position = 'Member' AND T2.major_name LIKE '%Education%' AND T2.college = 'College of Education & Human Services' | 1,441 | moderate |
formula_1 | What is the average fastest lap time in seconds for Lewis Hamilton in all the Formula_1 races? | average fastest lap time = avg(fastestLapTime); The time is recorded on 'MM:SS.mmm' | SELECT AVG(CAST(SUBSTR(T2.fastestLapTime, 1, INSTR(T2.fastestLapTime, ':') - 1) AS INTEGER) * 60 + CAST(SUBSTR(T2.fastestLapTime, INSTR(T2.fastestLapTime, ':') + 1) AS REAL)) FROM drivers AS T1 INNER JOIN results AS T2 ON T1.driverId = T2.driverId WHERE T1.surname = 'Hamilton' AND T1.forename = 'Lewis' | 942 | moderate |
superhero | List down Ajax's superpowers. | Ajax refers to superhero_name = 'Ajax'; superpowers refers to power_name; | SELECT T3.power_name FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN hero_power AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.hero_id INNER JOIN superpower AS T3 ON T2.power_id = T3.id WHERE T1.superhero_name = 'Ajax' | 821 | simple |
formula_1 | List out the code for drivers who have nationality in America. | nationality = 'America' | SELECT code FROM drivers WHERE Nationality = 'American' | 964 | simple |
student_club | Calculate the difference in the percentage of members in Maine and Vermont. | SUBTRACT( DIVIDE( SUM(state = 'Maine'), COUNT(position = 'Member')), DIVIDE( SUM(state = 'Vermont'), COUNT(position = 'Member')) ) | SELECT CAST((SUM(CASE WHEN T2.state = 'Maine' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) - SUM(CASE WHEN T2.state = 'Vermont' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.member_id) AS diff FROM member AS T1 INNER JOIN zip_code AS T2 ON T2.zip_code = T1.zip | 1,458 | moderate |
thrombosis_prediction | Please list the patient's ID if he or she has an abnormal level of red blood cell and is followed at the outpatient clinic. | RBC < = 3.5 or RBC > = 6.0 means the patient has an abnormal level of red blood cell; 3.5 < RBC < 6.0 means the patient has a normal level of red blood cell; followed at the outpatient clinic refers to Admission = '-'; | SELECT DISTINCT T1.ID FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE (T2.RBC <= 3.5 OR T2.RBC >= 6) AND T1.Admission = '-' | 1,307 | challenging |
codebase_community | Write all the comments left by users who edited the post titled 'Why square the difference instead of taking the absolute value in standard deviation?' | "Why square the difference instead of taking the absolute value in standard deviation?" is the Title of post; | SELECT T2.Comment FROM posts AS T1 INNER JOIN postHistory AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.PostId WHERE T1.Title = 'Why square the difference instead of taking the absolute value in standard deviation?' | 584 | moderate |
thrombosis_prediction | What is the anti-nucleus antibody concentration of the patient whose total bilirubin is the highest in the normal range? | anti-nucleus antibody concentration refers to ANA; total bilirubin is the highest in the normal range refers to MAX(`T-BIL` < 2.0); | SELECT T3.ANA FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID INNER JOIN Examination AS T3 ON T1.ID = T3.ID WHERE T2.`T-BIL` < 2.0 ORDER BY T2.`T-BIL` DESC LIMIT 1 | 1,296 | moderate |
formula_1 | Please list the constructor names with 0 points at race 291. | race at 18 refers to raceID = 18; | SELECT T2.name FROM constructorStandings AS T1 INNER JOIN constructors AS T2 on T1.constructorId = T2.constructorId WHERE T1.points = 0 AND T1.raceId = 291 | 950 | simple |
codebase_community | How many users were from New York? | New York refers to Location; | SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM users WHERE Location = 'New York' | 625 | simple |
formula_1 | Name the races in year 2017 that are not hosted in year 2000. | not hosted means not in; | SELECT name FROM races WHERE year = 2017 AND name NOT IN ( SELECT name FROM races WHERE year = 2000 ) | 887 | simple |
codebase_community | What is the score and the link type ID for post ID 395? | SELECT T1.Score, T2.LinkTypeId FROM posts AS T1 INNER JOIN postLinks AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.PostId WHERE T2.PostId = 395 | 601 | simple |
codebase_community | How long did it take the user, known by his or her display name 'Zolomon' to get the badge? Count from the date the user's account was created. | SUBTRACT(Date from stats_badges, CreationDate) where DisplayName = 'Zolomon'; | SELECT T1.Date - T2.CreationDate FROM badges AS T1 INNER JOIN users AS T2 ON T1.UserId = T2.Id WHERE T2.DisplayName = 'Zolomon' | 692 | moderate |
toxicology | Indicate which atoms are connected in non-carcinogenic type molecules. | label = '-' means molecules are non-carcinogenic | SELECT DISTINCT T1.atom_id FROM atom AS T1 INNER JOIN molecule AS T2 ON T1.molecule_id = T2.molecule_id INNER JOIN connected AS T3 ON T1.atom_id = T3.atom_id WHERE T2.label = '-' | 211 | simple |
thrombosis_prediction | List all patients who were followed up at the outpatient clinic who underwent a laboratory test in October 1991 and had a total blood bilirubin level within the normal range. | followed up at the outpatient clinic refers to Admission = '-'; laboratory test in April 1981 refers to Date like '1991-10%'; blood bilirubin level within the normal range refers to T-BIL < 2.0 | SELECT DISTINCT T1.ID FROM Patient AS T1 INNER JOIN Laboratory AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.ID WHERE T1.Admission = '-' AND T2.`T-BIL` < 2.0 AND STRFTIME('%Y', T2.Date) = '1991' AND STRFTIME('%m', T2.Date) = '10' | 1,192 | challenging |
codebase_community | What is the display name of the user who is the owner of the most valuable post? | most valuable post refers to Max(FavoriteCount) | SELECT T2.DisplayName FROM posts AS T1 INNER JOIN users AS T2 ON T1.OwnerUserId = T2.Id ORDER BY T1.FavoriteCount DESC LIMIT 1 | 541 | simple |
formula_1 | Where can I find the information about the races held on Sepang International Circuit? | information about races refers to url; | SELECT DISTINCT T1.url FROM circuits AS T1 INNER JOIN races AS T2 ON T2.circuitID = T1.circuitId WHERE T1.name = 'Sepang International Circuit' | 855 | simple |
thrombosis_prediction | When was the medical information on patient number 48473 first documented, and what disease did she have? | medical information first documented refers to Description; disease refers to diagnosis; patient number refers to id | SELECT `First Date`, Diagnosis FROM Patient WHERE ID = 48473 | 1,197 | simple |
superhero | List down at least five full names of superheroes with blue eyes. | blue eyes refers to colour.colour = 'Blue' WHERE eye_colour_id = colour.id; | SELECT T1.superhero_name FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN colour AS T2 ON T1.eye_colour_id = T2.id WHERE T2.colour = 'Blue' LIMIT 5 | 812 | simple |
california_schools | What is the charter number of the school that the average score in Writing is 499? | SELECT T1.CharterNum FROM schools AS T1 INNER JOIN satscores AS T2 ON T1.CDSCode = T2.cds WHERE T2.AvgScrWrite = 499 | 17 | simple |
california_schools | For the school with the highest average score in Reading in the SAT test, what is its FRPM count for students aged 5-17? | SELECT T2.`FRPM Count (Ages 5-17)` FROM satscores AS T1 INNER JOIN frpm AS T2 ON T1.cds = T2.CDSCode ORDER BY T1.AvgScrRead DESC LIMIT 1 | 10 | simple |
superhero | Please list all the superpowers of 3-D Man. | 3-D Man refers to superhero_name = '3-D Man'; superpowers refers to power_name | SELECT T3.power_name FROM superhero AS T1 INNER JOIN hero_power AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.hero_id INNER JOIN superpower AS T3 ON T2.power_id = T3.id WHERE T1.superhero_name = '3-D Man' | 717 | simple |
card_games | How many cards of legalities whose status is restricted are found in a starter deck? | restricted refers to status = 'restricted'; found in the starter deck refers to isStarter = 1; | SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT T1.id) FROM cards AS T1 INNER JOIN legalities AS T2 ON T1.uuid = T2.uuid WHERE T2.status = 'Restricted' AND T1.isStarter = 1 | 363 | simple |
card_games | What type of promotion is of card 'Duress'? | card Duress refers to name = 'Duress'; type of promotion refers to promoTypes; | SELECT promoTypes FROM cards WHERE name = 'Duress' AND promoTypes IS NOT NULL | 357 | simple |
european_football_2 | Does the KSV Cercle Brugge team have a slow, balanced or fast speed class? | KSV Cercle Brugge refers to team_long_name = 'KSV Cercle Brugge'; speed class refers to buildUpPlaySpeedClass | SELECT DISTINCT t1.buildUpPlaySpeedClass FROM Team_Attributes AS t1 INNER JOIN Team AS t2 ON t1.team_api_id = t2.team_api_id WHERE t2.team_long_name = 'KSV Cercle Brugge' | 1,141 | moderate |
financial | How many accounts were opened in Litomerice in 1996? | A2 refers to district name; Litomerice is one of district names. | SELECT COUNT(T2.account_id) FROM district AS T1 INNER JOIN account AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE STRFTIME('%Y', T2.date) = '1996' AND T1.A2 = 'Litomerice' | 111 | simple |
european_football_2 | Which country's players have the heaviest average weights? | heaviest average weights refers to MAX(AVG(weight)) | SELECT t1.name FROM Country AS t1 INNER JOIN Match AS t2 ON t1.id = t2.country_id INNER JOIN Player AS t3 ON t2.home_player_1 = t3.player_api_id GROUP BY t1.name ORDER BY AVG(t3.weight) DESC LIMIT 1 | 1,128 | simple |
toxicology | Calculate the percentage of carcinogenic molecules with triple bonded Hidrogen atoms. | hydrogen refers to element = 'h'; label = '+' mean molecules are carcinogenic; triple bond refers to bond_type = '#'; percentage = DIVIDE(SUM(label = '+'), COUNT(molecule_id)) * 100.0 where element = 'h' AND bond_type = '#'; | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.label = '+' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(DISTINCT T1.molecule_id) FROM molecule AS T1 INNER JOIN atom AS T2 ON T1.molecule_id = T2.molecule_id INNER JOIN bond AS T3 ON T1.molecule_id = T3.molecule_id WHERE T3.bond_type = '#' AND T2.element = 'h' | 330 | challenging |
codebase_community | What is the average score of Stephen Turner's posts? | DisplayName = 'Stephen Turner'; average score refers to AVG(Score); | SELECT AVG(T2.Score) FROM users AS T1 INNER JOIN posts AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.OwnerUserId WHERE T1.DisplayName = 'Stephen Turner' | 680 | simple |
Subsets and Splits