stringclasses 69
values | question
stringlengths 24
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stringlengths 30
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movie_3 | List all the films with the word "Lacklusture" in their description. | films refers to title | SELECT title FROM film_text WHERE description LIKE '%Lacklusture%' | 100 | simple |
food_inspection_2 | Calculate the average inspections per year done by Jessica Anthony from 2010 to 2017. | from 2010 to 2017 refers to inspection_date > '2010-01-01' AND T2.inspection_id < '2017-12-31'; average inspections per year = divide(count(inspection_id where inspection_date > '2010-01-01' AND T2.inspection_id < '2017-12-31'), 8) | SELECT CAST(COUNT(CASE WHEN T1.first_name = 'Jessica' AND T1.last_name = 'Anthony' THEN T2.inspection_id ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) / 8 FROM employee AS T1 INNER JOIN inspection AS T2 ON T1.employee_id = T2.employee_id WHERE strftime('%Y', T2.inspection_date) BETWEEN '2010' AND '2017' | 101 | moderate |
synthea | Provide medications received by patients with an allergy to mould on 6th June 2016. | medications refers to DESCRIPTION from medications; allergy to mould refers to allergies where DESCRIPTION = 'Allergy to mould'; on 6th June 2016 refers to START = '6/6/16'; | SELECT T2.DESCRIPTION FROM allergies AS T1 INNER JOIN medications AS T2 ON T1.PATIENT = T2.PATIENT WHERE T1.START = '6/6/16' AND T1.DESCRIPTION = 'Allergy to mould' | 102 | simple |
language_corpus | How many biwords pairs are there whose second word is "grec"? | grec refers to word = 'grec'; wid where word = 'grec' AS w2nd | SELECT COUNT(T2.w1st) FROM words AS T1 INNER JOIN biwords AS T2 ON T1.wid = T2.w2nd WHERE T1.word = 'grec' | 103 | simple |
soccer_2016 | How many overs were there in the first innings of match ID "335996"? | the first innings refers to Innings_No = 1; match ID "335996" refers to Match_Id = 335996 | SELECT COUNT(Over_Id) FROM Ball_by_Ball WHERE Match_Id = 335996 AND Innings_No = 1 | 104 | simple |
retail_world | Among the supplied products from Australia, describe the discontinued products and the category. | from Australia refers to Country = 'Australia'; discontinued products refers to Discontinued = 1; | SELECT T2.ProductName, T3.CategoryName FROM Suppliers AS T1 INNER JOIN Products AS T2 ON T1.SupplierID = T2.SupplierID INNER JOIN Categories AS T3 ON T2.CategoryID = T3.CategoryID WHERE T1.Country = 'Australia' AND T2.Discontinued = 1 | 105 | simple |
restaurant | Which county is El Cerrito from? | El Cerrito refers to city = 'el cerrito' | SELECT county FROM geographic WHERE city = 'el cerrito' | 106 | simple |
world_development_indicators | From 1968 to 1970, what are indicator names whose license type is open and values are less than 100? | From 1968 to 1970 refers to Year between '1968' and '1970'; values are less than 100 imply Value<100; | SELECT DISTINCT T1.IndicatorName FROM Indicators AS T1 INNER JOIN Series AS T2 ON T1.IndicatorName = T2.IndicatorName WHERE T1.Year >= 1968 AND T1.Year < 1971 AND T2.LicenseType = 'Open' AND T1.Value < 100 | 107 | simple |
food_inspection_2 | What is the average number of inspections did risk level 3 taverns have? | risk level 3 refers to risk_level = '3'; tavern refers to facility_type = 'TAVERN'; average number = divide(count(inspection_id), sum(license_no)) where risk_level = '3' and facility_type = 'TAVERN' | SELECT CAST(COUNT(T2.inspection_id) AS REAL) / COUNT(DISTINCT T1.license_no) FROM establishment AS T1 INNER JOIN inspection AS T2 ON T1.license_no = T2.license_no WHERE T1.risk_level = 3 AND T1.facility_type = 'TAVERN' | 108 | simple |
retail_world | Describe Sales Representative names who were hired in 1992 and compare the number of orders among them. | Sales Representative refers to Title = 'Sales Representative';were hired in 1992 refers to HireDate = '1992' | SELECT T1.FirstName, T1.LastName, COUNT(T2.OrderID) FROM Employees AS T1 INNER JOIN Orders AS T2 ON T1.EmployeeID = T2.EmployeeID WHERE T1.Title = 'Sales Representative' AND STRFTIME('%Y', T1.HireDate) = '1992' GROUP BY T1.EmployeeID, T1.FirstName, T1.LastName | 109 | moderate |
authors | Who authored the paper titled "Testing timed automata
"? | 'Testing timed automata' is a title of a paper; Who authored refers to PaperAuthor.Name | SELECT T2.Name FROM Paper AS T1 INNER JOIN PaperAuthor AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.PaperId WHERE T1.Title = 'Testing timed automata' | 110 | simple |
codebase_comments | How many methods with solutions with path 'maravillas_linq-to-delicious\tasty.sln'? | solution refers to SolutionId; | SELECT COUNT(T2.SolutionId) FROM Solution AS T1 INNER JOIN Method AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.SolutionId WHERE T1.Path = 'maravillas_linq-to-delicious\tasty.sln' | 111 | simple |
donor | Please list the resource names of project that teacher "822b7b8768c17456fdce78b65abcc18e" created. | teacher "822b7b8768c17456fdce78b65abcc18e" refers to teacher_acctid = '822b7b8768c17456fdce78b65abcc18e'; | SELECT T1.item_name FROM resources AS T1 INNER JOIN projects AS T2 ON T1.projectid = T2.projectid WHERE T2.teacher_acctid = '822b7b8768c17456fdce78b65abcc18e' | 112 | simple |
music_tracker | An American rapper '2Pac' released his first solo album in 1991, how many years have passed until his next album was released? | 2Pac is an artist; album refers to releaseType; groupYear = 1991; SUBTRACT(groupYear = 1991, groupYear where releaseType = 'album' LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1); | SELECT ( SELECT groupYear FROM torrents WHERE artist LIKE '2Pac' AND releaseType LIKE 'album' ORDER BY groupYear LIMIT 1, 1 ) - groupYear FROM torrents WHERE artist LIKE '2Pac' AND releaseType LIKE 'album' AND groupYear = 1991 | 113 | moderate |
hockey | How many people were in the Hall of Fame's Builder category? | SELECT COUNT(hofID) FROM HOF WHERE category = 'Builder' | 114 | simple |
mondial_geo | What kind of mountain is Ampato? Which province and nation does this mountain belong to? | Nation refers to country | SELECT T1.Type, T3.Name, T4.Name FROM mountain AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_mountain AS T2 ON T1.Name = T2.Mountain INNER JOIN province AS T3 ON T3.Name = T2.Province INNER JOIN country AS T4 ON T3.Country = T4.Code WHERE T1.Name = 'Ampato' | 115 | simple |
retail_complains | List date of the review of the Eagle Capital from Indianapolis, Indiana. | Eagle Capital refers to Product = 'Eagle Capital'; Indianapolis refers to city = 'Indianapolis'; Indiana refers to state_abbrev = 'IN' | SELECT T2.Date FROM district AS T1 INNER JOIN reviews AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id WHERE T2.Product = 'Eagle Capital' AND T1.city = 'Indianapolis' AND T1.state_abbrev = 'IN' | 116 | simple |
university | List the name of universities located in Spain. | name of universities refers to university_name; located in Spain refers to country_name = 'Spain'; | SELECT T1.university_name FROM university AS T1 INNER JOIN country AS T2 ON T1.country_id = T2.id WHERE T2.country_name = 'Spain' | 117 | simple |
chicago_crime | Please list all of the contact information for the police district Near West. | "Near West" is the district_name; all contact information refers to phone, fax, tty, twitter | SELECT phone, fax, tty, twitter FROM District WHERE district_name = 'Near West' | 118 | simple |
codebase_comments | Please list the path of the solution that contains files found within the repository most people like. | more stars mean more people like this repository; most people like refers to max(Stars); | SELECT DISTINCT T2.Path FROM Repo AS T1 INNER JOIN Solution AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.RepoId WHERE T1.Stars = ( SELECT MAX(Stars) FROM Repo ) | 119 | simple |
chicago_crime | What is the percentage of under $500 thefts among all cases that happened in West Englewood? | under $500 refers to secondary_description = '$500 AND UNDER'; theft refers to primary_description = 'THEFT'; West Englewood refers to community_area_name = 'West Englewood'; percentage = divide(count(case_number where secondary_description = '$500 AND UNDER'), count(case_number)) where primary_description = 'THEFT' and community_area_name = 'West Englewood' * 100% | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.secondary_description = '$500 AND UNDER' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.case_number) FROM Crime AS T1 INNER JOIN IUCR AS T2 ON T1.iucr_no = T2.iucr_no INNER JOIN Community_Area AS T3 ON T1.community_area_no = T3.community_area_no WHERE T2.primary_description = 'THEFT' AND T3.community_area_name = 'West Englewood' | 120 | challenging |
public_review_platform | In businesses with a category of mexican, how many of them has a star rating below 4? | category of mexican refers to category_name = 'Mexican'; star rating below 4 refers to stars < 4 | SELECT COUNT(T1.business_id) FROM Business AS T1 INNER JOIN Business_Categories ON T1.business_id = Business_Categories.business_id INNER JOIN Categories AS T3 ON Business_Categories.category_id = T3.category_id WHERE T1.stars < 4 AND T3.category_name LIKE 'Mexican' | 121 | moderate |
movie_3 | Who among the actors starred in a NC-17 rated film? Provide only the last name of the actors. | NC-17 rated refers to rating = 'NC-17' | SELECT T1.last_name FROM actor AS T1 INNER JOIN film_actor AS T2 ON T1.actor_id = T2.actor_id INNER JOIN film AS T3 ON T2.film_id = T3.film_id WHERE T3.rating = 'NC-17' | 122 | simple |
coinmarketcap | Name the coin that have higher than average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours for transaction on 2013/6/22. | average percentage price changed from the previous 24 hours refers to AVG(percent_change_24h); on 15/5/2013 refers to DATE = '2013-04-15' | SELECT T1.name FROM coins AS T1 INNER JOIN historical AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.coin_id WHERE T2.date = '2020-06-22' GROUP BY T1.name HAVING AVG(T2.percent_change_24h) > T2.PRICE | 123 | simple |
retail_complains | Calculate the difference in the average age of elderly and middle-aged clients in the Northeast region. | difference in the average = SUBTRACT(AVG(age BETWEEN 35 AND 55), AVG( age > 65)); elderly refers to age > 65; middle-aged refers to age BETWEEN 35 AND 55; | SELECT (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.age BETWEEN 35 AND 55 THEN T1.age ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) / SUM(CASE WHEN T1.age BETWEEN 35 AND 55 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) - (CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T1.age > 65 THEN T1.age ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) / SUM(CASE WHEN T1.age > 65 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) AS difference FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN district AS T2 ON T1.district_id = T2.district_id INNER JOIN state AS T3 ON T2.state_abbrev = T3.StateCode WHERE T3.Region = 'Northeast' | 124 | challenging |
college_completion | What's the average number of graduates for Central Alabama Community College in the 3 consecutive years from 2011 to 2013? | graduates refers to grad_cohort; Central Alabama Community College refers to chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College'; average number of graduates for 3 consecutive years = DIVIDE(SUM(SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2011), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2012), SUM(grad_cohort WHERE year = 2013)), 3); | SELECT AVG(T2.grad_cohort) FROM institution_details AS T1 INNER JOIN institution_grads AS T2 ON T2.unitid = T1.unitid WHERE T1.chronname = 'Central Alabama Community College' AND T2.year IN (2011, 2012, 2013) AND T2.gender = 'B' AND T2.race = 'X' | 125 | moderate |
bike_share_1 | On 8/29/2013, who took the longest to arrive in California Ave Caltrain Station from University and Emerson? Indicate the bike id. | start_date = '8/29/2013'; end_date = '8/29/2013'; end_station_name = 'California Ave Caltrain Station'; start_station_name = 'University and Emerson'; who took the longest to arrive refers to MAX(duration); | SELECT bike_id FROM trip WHERE start_date LIKE '8/29/2013%' AND end_date LIKE '8/29/2013%' AND end_station_name = 'California Ave Caltrain Station' AND start_station_name = 'University and Emerson' AND duration = ( SELECT MAX(duration) FROM trip WHERE start_date LIKE '8/29/2013%' AND end_date LIKE '8/29/2013%' AND end_station_name = 'California Ave Caltrain Station' AND start_station_name = 'University and Emerson' ) | 126 | challenging |
trains | What is the percentage of all the trains with at least 4 cars? List the directions of the said trains. | at least 4 cars refers to trailPosi > = 4; calculation = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(count(trailPosi > = 4 then id), count(id)), 100) | SELECT CAST(COUNT(CASE WHEN T2.trailPosi >= 4 THEN T1.id ELSE NULL END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T1.id) FROM trains AS T1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT train_id, MAX(position) AS trailPosi FROM cars GROUP BY train_id ) AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.train_id UNION ALL SELECT T1.direction FROM trains AS T1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT train_id, MAX(position) AS trailPosi FROM cars t GROUP BY train_id ) AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.train_id AND T2.trailPosi >= 4 | 127 | challenging |
shipping | List the driver's name of the shipment shipped on February 22, 2016. | on February 22, 2016 refers to ship_date = '2016-02-22'; driver's name refers to first_name, last_name | SELECT T2.first_name, T2.last_name FROM shipment AS T1 INNER JOIN driver AS T2 ON T1.driver_id = T2.driver_id WHERE T1.ship_date = '2016-02-22' | 128 | simple |
world | Calculate the average population per city in Karnataka district. | average population = AVG(Population); | SELECT AVG(Population) FROM City WHERE District = 'Karnataka' GROUP BY ID | 129 | simple |
retails | What is the name of the customer whose order was delivered the longest? | name of the customer refers to c_name; delivered the longest refers to max(subtract(l_receiptdate, l_commitdate)) | SELECT T3.c_name FROM orders AS T1 INNER JOIN lineitem AS T2 ON T1.o_orderkey = T2.l_orderkey INNER JOIN customer AS T3 ON T1.o_custkey = T3.c_custkey ORDER BY (JULIANDAY(T2.l_receiptdate) - JULIANDAY(T2.l_commitdate)) DESC LIMIT 1 | 130 | moderate |
airline | What is the tail number of the flight with air carrier named Iscargo Hf: ICQ and arrival time of 1000 and below? | tail number refers to TAIL_NUM; Iscargo Hf: ICQ refers to Description = 'Iscargo Hf: ICQ'; arrival time of 1000 and below refers to ARR_TIME < = 1000; | SELECT T2.TAIL_NUM FROM `Air Carriers` AS T1 INNER JOIN Airlines AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.OP_CARRIER_AIRLINE_ID WHERE T2.ARR_TIME <= 1000 AND T1.Description = 'Iscargo Hf: ICQ' | 131 | simple |
codebase_comments | List all the path of solution from all the "it" lang code method. | path of the solution refers to Path; solution refers to Solution.Id; | SELECT DISTINCT T1.Path FROM Solution AS T1 INNER JOIN Method AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.SolutionId WHERE T2.Lang = 'it' | 132 | simple |
mondial_geo | Which country is home to the world's tiniest desert, and what are its longitude and latitude? | SELECT T2.Country, T1.Latitude, T1.Longitude FROM desert AS T1 INNER JOIN geo_desert AS T2 ON T1.Name = T2.Desert WHERE T1.Name = ( SELECT Name FROM desert ORDER BY Area ASC LIMIT 1 ) | 133 | simple |
movie_platform | What are the URL to the list page on Mubi of the lists with followers between 1-2 and whose last update timestamp was on 2012? | URL to the list page on Mubi refers to list_url; list_followers = 1 OR list_followers = 2; last update timestamp was on 2012 refers to list_update_timestamp_utc BETWEEN '2012-1-1' AND '2012-12-31'; | SELECT list_url FROM lists WHERE list_update_timestamp_utc LIKE '2012%' AND list_followers BETWEEN 1 AND 2 ORDER BY list_update_timestamp_utc DESC LIMIT 1 | 134 | moderate |
books | What is the order price of the book "The Servant Leader" in 2003? | "The Servant Leader" is the title of the book; book in 2003 refers to SUBSTR(publication_date, 1, 4) = '2003' | SELECT T2.price FROM book AS T1 INNER JOIN order_line AS T2 ON T1.book_id = T2.book_id WHERE T1.title = 'The Servant Leader' AND STRFTIME('%Y', T1.publication_date) = '2003' | 135 | moderate |
retail_complains | What is the first name of clients who have the highest priority? | first name refers to first; highest priority refers to priority = 2 | SELECT T1.first FROM client AS T1 INNER JOIN callcenterlogs AS T2 ON T1.client_id = T2.`rand client` WHERE T2.priority = ( SELECT MAX(priority) FROM callcenterlogs ) | 136 | simple |
retail_world | Among the employees, give me the full names of those who have less than 4 territories. | less than 4 territories refers to EmployeeID where Count(TerritoryID) < 4 | SELECT T1.FirstName, T1.LastName FROM Employees AS T1 INNER JOIN EmployeeTerritories AS T2 ON T1.EmployeeID = T2.EmployeeID WHERE T2.EmployeeID < 4 | 137 | simple |
movies_4 | List the movies in the Somali language. | List the movies refers to title; Somali language refers to language_name = 'Somali' | SELECT T1.title FROM movie AS T1 INNER JOIN movie_languages AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id INNER JOIN language AS T3 ON T2.language_id = T3.language_id WHERE T3.language_name = 'Somali' | 138 | simple |
cs_semester | List the student's first and last name that got a C in the course named "Applied Deep Learning". | student's first name refers to f_name; student's last name refers to l_name; got a C refers to grade = 'C'; | SELECT T1.f_name, T1.l_name FROM student AS T1 INNER JOIN registration AS T2 ON T1.student_id = T2.student_id INNER JOIN course AS T3 ON T2.course_id = T3.course_id WHERE T3.name = 'Applied Deep Learning ' AND T2.grade = 'C' | 139 | moderate |
mondial_geo | Which island is city Balikpapan located on? How big is the island? | SELECT T3.Name, T3.Area FROM city AS T1 INNER JOIN locatedOn AS T2 ON T1.Name = T2.City INNER JOIN island AS T3 ON T3.Name = T2.Island WHERE T1.Name = 'Balikpapan' | 140 | simple |
books | How many orders in 2022 have Iran as their destinations? | Iran as their destination refers to country_name = 'Iran'; orders in 2022 refers to order_date LIKE '2022%' | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM country AS T1 INNER JOIN address AS T2 ON T1.country_id = T2.country_id INNER JOIN cust_order AS T3 ON T3.dest_address_id = T2.address_id WHERE T1.country_name = 'Iran' AND STRFTIME('%Y', T3.order_date) = '2022' | 141 | simple |
cs_semester | Describe the names and credits of the least difficult courses. | diff refers to difficulty; the least difficult courses refer to MIN(diff); | SELECT name, credit FROM course WHERE diff = ( SELECT MIN(diff) FROM course ) | 142 | simple |
world_development_indicators | What is the subject of the series SP.DYN.AMRT.MA and what does it pertain to? | subject refers to topic; pertain to refers to Description | SELECT DISTINCT T1.Topic, T2.Description FROM Series AS T1 INNER JOIN SeriesNotes AS T2 ON T1.SeriesCode = T2.Seriescode WHERE T1.SeriesCode = 'SP.DYN.AMRT.MA' | 143 | simple |
professional_basketball | What is the full name of the team that selected Mike Lynn? | full name refers to teams.name | SELECT T1.name FROM teams AS T1 INNER JOIN draft AS T2 ON T1.tmID = T2.tmID AND T1.year = T2.draftYear WHERE T2.firstName = 'Mike' AND T2.lastName = 'Lynn' | 144 | simple |
food_inspection_2 | What is the assumed name of the business located at 2903 W Irving Park Rd? | assumed name refers to dba_name; 2903 W Irving Park Rd refers to address = '2903 W IRVING PARK RD ' | SELECT DISTINCT dba_name FROM establishment WHERE address = '2903 W IRVING PARK RD ' | 145 | simple |
restaurant | Among all asian restaurants in N. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, how many of them have restaurant ID greater than 385? | asian restaurant refers to food_type = 'asian'; N. Milpitas Blvd. refers to street_name = 'n milpitas blvd'; Milpitas refers to city = 'milpitas'; restaurant ID greater than 385 refers to id_restaurant > 385 | SELECT COUNT(T1.id_restaurant) AS num FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN generalinfo AS T2 ON T1.id_restaurant = T2.id_restaurant WHERE T2.city = 'milpitas' AND T2.food_type = 'asian' AND T1.street_name = 'n milpitas blvd' AND T1.id_restaurant > 385 | 146 | moderate |
address | Name the bad alias of Geneva, AL. | "Geneva" is the city; 'AL' is the state | SELECT T1.bad_alias FROM avoid AS T1 INNER JOIN zip_data AS T2 ON T1.zip_code = T2.zip_code WHERE T2.city = 'Geneva' AND T2.state = 'AL' | 147 | simple |
works_cycles | When is the modified date of the phone number "1500 555-0143"? | SELECT ModifiedDate FROM PersonPhone WHERE PhoneNumber = '1 (11) 500 555-0143' | 148 | simple |
soccer_2016 | How many players bat with their left hands? | bat with their left hands refers to Batting_hand = 'Left-hand bat' | SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T2.Batting_hand = 'Left-hand bat' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Player AS T1 INNER JOIN Batting_Style AS T2 ON T1.Batting_hand = T2.Batting_Id | 149 | simple |
chicago_crime | How many crimes were handled by Brendan Reilly on 7th October 2018? | 7th October 2018 refers to date like '10/7/2018%' | SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN T2.alderman_last_name = 'Reilly' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FROM Crime AS T1 INNER JOIN Ward AS T2 ON T1.ward_no = T2.ward_no WHERE T2.alderman_name_suffix IS NULL AND T2.alderman_first_name = 'Brendan' AND date LIKE '10/7/2018%' | 150 | moderate |
book_publishing_company | For all authors from CA who are not on contract, which title of his/hers has the most year to date sales. | year to date sales refers to ytd_sales; on contract refers to contract = 1 | SELECT T1.title FROM titles AS T1 INNER JOIN titleauthor AS T2 ON T1.title_id = T2.title_id INNER JOIN authors AS T3 ON T2.au_id = T3.au_id WHERE T3.contract = 0 AND T3.state = 'CA' ORDER BY T1.ytd_sales DESC LIMIT 1 | 151 | moderate |
donor | Which payment method is most comonly used by the schools in the state of Georgia for the payment of donations? | Georgia refer to school_state = 'GA'
| SELECT T1.payment_method FROM donations AS T1 INNER JOIN projects AS T2 ON T1.projectid = T2.projectid WHERE T2.school_state = 'GA' GROUP BY T2.school_state ORDER BY COUNT(T1.payment_method) DESC LIMIT 1 | 152 | simple |
student_loan | Which students that are in the marines have been absent for 6 months? | in the marines refers to organ = 'marines'; absent for 6 months refers to month = 6 | SELECT T1.name FROM longest_absense_from_school AS T1 INNER JOIN enlist AS T2 ON T1.`name` = T2.`name` WHERE T2.organ = 'marines' AND T1.`month` = 6 | 153 | simple |
regional_sales | What is the customer names of orders which have unit cost greater than 4000USD? | unit cost greater than 4000USD refers to Unit Cost > 4000; | SELECT T FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT CASE WHEN T2.`Unit Cost` > 4000 THEN T1.`Customer Names` END AS T FROM Customers T1 INNER JOIN `Sales Orders` T2 ON T2._CustomerID = T1.CustomerID ) WHERE T IS NOT NULL | 154 | simple |
regional_sales | In which regions are the stores that have shipped products through the WARE-UHY1004 warehouse? | "WARE-UHY1004" is the WarehouseCode | SELECT T FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT CASE WHEN T3.WarehouseCode = 'WARE-UHY1004' THEN T1.Region END AS T FROM Regions T1 INNER JOIN `Store Locations` T2 ON T2.StateCode = T1.StateCode INNER JOIN `Sales Orders` T3 ON T3._StoreID = T2.StoreID ) WHERE T IS NOT NULL | 155 | moderate |
works_cycles | What is the surname suffix of the employee who works as a store contact and has the longest sick leave hours? | store contact refers to PersonType = 'SC'; | SELECT T2.Suffix FROM Employee AS T1 INNER JOIN Person AS T2 ON T1.BusinessEntityID = T2.BusinessEntityID WHERE T2.PersonType = 'SP' ORDER BY T1.SickLeaveHours DESC LIMIT 1 | 156 | simple |
shakespeare | How many paragraphs are there in Act 5 Scene 1 of "Comedy of Errors"? | "Comedy of Errors" refers to Title = 'Comedy of Errors' | SELECT COUNT(T3.id) FROM works AS T1 INNER JOIN chapters AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.work_id INNER JOIN paragraphs AS T3 ON T2.id = T3.chapter_id WHERE T2.Act = 5 AND T2.Scene = 1 AND T1.Title = 'Comedy of Errors' | 157 | moderate |
video_games | Calculate the number of games in the fighting genre. | fighting genre refers to genre_name = 'Fighting'; | SELECT COUNT(T1.id) FROM game AS T1 INNER JOIN genre AS T2 ON T1.genre_id = T2.id WHERE T2.genre_name = 'Fighting' | 158 | simple |
synthea | Please list all the medication that are prescribed to Elly Koss. | medication that are prescribed refers to DESCRIPTION from medications; | SELECT DISTINCT T2.description FROM patients AS T1 INNER JOIN medications AS T2 ON T1.patient = T2.PATIENT WHERE T1.first = 'Elly' AND T1.last = 'Koss' | 159 | simple |
beer_factory | How many sweet bottled root beers that do not contain cane sugar were purchased in 2015 through the selling company located in Sac State American River Courtyard? | sweet refers to Honey = 'TRUE'; bottled refers to ContainerType = 'Bottle'; do not contain cane sugar refers to CaneSugar = 'FALSE'; in 2015 refers to PurchaseDate < = '2015-12-31'; Sac State American River Courtyard refers to LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard'; | SELECT COUNT(T1.BrandID) FROM rootbeer AS T1 INNER JOIN rootbeerbrand AS T2 ON T1.BrandID = T2.BrandID INNER JOIN location AS T3 ON T1.LocationID = T3.LocationID WHERE T3.LocationName = 'Sac State American River Courtyard' AND T1.PurchaseDate LIKE '2015%' AND T2.Honey = 'TRUE' AND T2.CaneSugar = 'FALSE' AND T1.ContainerType = 'Bottle' | 160 | challenging |
public_review_platform | How many photos type compliment given from users with high cool votes? | photos type compliment refers to compliment_type = 'photos'; high cool votes refers to review_votes_cool = 'High' | SELECT COUNT(T1.user_id) FROM Users AS T1 INNER JOIN Users_Compliments AS T2 ON T1.user_id = T2.user_id INNER JOIN Compliments AS T3 ON T2.compliment_id = T3.compliment_id INNER JOIN Reviews AS T4 ON T1.user_id = T4.user_id WHERE T3.compliment_type = 'photos' AND T4.review_votes_cool = 'High' | 161 | moderate |
retail_world | Who is the sales representative of the customer who has made the highest payment? Include the full name of employee and his/her supervisor. | highest payment refers to Max(Multiply(Quantity, UnitPrice, Subtract(1, Discount))); full name refers to FirstName, LastName; his/her supervisor refers to 'ReportsTo' | SELECT T4.LastName, T4.FirstName, T4.ReportsTo , T1.Quantity * T1.UnitPrice * (1 - T1.Discount) AS payment FROM `Order Details` AS T1 INNER JOIN Orders AS T2 ON T1.OrderID = T2.OrderID INNER JOIN Customers AS T3 ON T2.CustomerID = T3.CustomerID INNER JOIN Employees AS T4 ON T2.EmployeeID = T4.EmployeeID ORDER BY payment DESC LIMIT 1 | 162 | moderate |
ice_hockey_draft | What is the average weight in pounds of all the players with the highest prospects for the draft? | average = AVG(weight_in_lbs); weight in pounds refers to weight_in_lbs; players refers to PlayerName; highest prospects for the draft refers to MAX(CSS_rank); | SELECT CAST(SUM(T2.weight_in_lbs) AS REAL) / COUNT(T1.ELITEID) FROM PlayerInfo AS T1 INNER JOIN weight_info AS T2 ON T1.weight = T2.weight_id WHERE T1.CSS_rank = ( SELECT MAX(CSS_rank) FROM PlayerInfo ) | 163 | moderate |
professional_basketball | What is the nickname of the NBA player whose team competed in the Western Conference in the season 2006 and who had a total of two blocks? | completed in the Western conference refers to conference = 'West'; in season 2006 refers to season_id = 2006; total of two blocks refers to blocks = 2; nickname refers to nameNick | SELECT T2.nameNick FROM player_allstar AS T1 INNER JOIN players AS T2 ON T1.playerID = T2.playerID WHERE T1.blocks = 2 AND T1.conference = 'West' AND T1.season_id = 2006 | 164 | moderate |
student_loan | Which organization does student 313 belong to? | organization refers to organ | SELECT organ FROM enlist WHERE name = 'studenT113' | 165 | simple |
menu | Please list the IDs of the menus that are DIYs of the restaurant and have the dish "Clear green turtle". | IDs of the menus refers to menu_id; menus that are DIYs of the restaurant refers to sponsor is null; Clear green turtle is a name of dish; | SELECT T2.menu_id FROM MenuItem AS T1 INNER JOIN MenuPage AS T2 ON T1.menu_page_id = T2.id INNER JOIN Menu AS T3 ON T2.menu_id = T3.id INNER JOIN Dish AS T4 ON T1.dish_id = T4.id WHERE T4.name = 'Clear green turtle' AND T3.sponsor IS NULL | 166 | moderate |
synthea | Provide the number of encounters for Major D'Amore. | SELECT COUNT(T2.ID) FROM patients AS T1 INNER JOIN encounters AS T2 ON T1.patient = T2.PATIENT WHERE T1.first = 'Major' AND T1.last = 'D''Amore' | 167 | simple |
simpson_episodes | Please give the name of the director who achieved the Outstanding Animated Program (For Programming Less Than One Hour) award whose episode title is "No Loan Again, Naturally". | the director refers to role = 'director' | SELECT T1.person FROM Award AS T1 INNER JOIN Episode AS T2 ON T1.episode_id = T2.episode_id WHERE T1.role = 'director' AND T1.award = 'Outstanding Animated Program (For Programming Less Than One Hour)' AND T2.title = 'No Loan Again, Naturally'; | 168 | moderate |
public_review_platform | Is the payment in mastercard possible for the Yelp business No."12476"? | Yelp business No."12476" refers to business_id = '12476'; payment in mastercard refers to attribute_value = 'payment_types_mastercard' | SELECT T1.attribute_value FROM Business_Attributes AS T1 INNER JOIN Attributes AS T2 ON T1.attribute_id = T2.attribute_id WHERE T1.business_id = 12476 AND T2.attribute_name = 'payment_types_mastercard' | 169 | simple |
retail_world | Who are the top 8 suppliers supplying the products with the highest user satisfaction? | highest user satisfaction refers to max(ReorderLevel); | SELECT T2.CompanyName FROM Products AS T1 INNER JOIN Suppliers AS T2 ON T1.SupplierID = T2.SupplierID ORDER BY T1.ReorderLevel DESC LIMIT 8 | 170 | simple |
restaurant | Which county and region does the street E. El Camino Real belong to? | street E. El Camino Real refers to street_name = 'E. El Camino Real' | SELECT DISTINCT T2.county, T2.region FROM location AS T1 INNER JOIN geographic AS T2 ON T1.city = T2.city WHERE T1.street_name = 'E. El Camino Real' | 171 | simple |
synthea | Identify the allergy period for Isadora Moen and what triggered it. | allergy period = SUBTRACT(allergies.START, allergies.STOP); what triggered the allergy refers to allergies.DESCRIPTION; | SELECT T2.START, T2.STOP, T2.DESCRIPTION FROM patients AS T1 INNER JOIN allergies AS T2 ON T1.patient = T2.PATIENT WHERE T1.first = 'Isadora' AND T1.last = 'Moen' | 172 | simple |
retail_world | What is the full name of the employee who is in charge of the territory of Denver? | full name refers to FirstName, LastName; Denver is a TerritoryDescription | SELECT T1.FirstName, T1.LastName FROM Employees AS T1 INNER JOIN EmployeeTerritories AS T2 ON T1.EmployeeID = T2.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Territories AS T3 ON T2.TerritoryID = T3.TerritoryID WHERE T3.TerritoryDescription = 'Denver' | 173 | moderate |
talkingdata | Please list any three devices that are owned by female users. | female refers to gender = 'F'; | SELECT device_id FROM gender_age WHERE gender = 'F' LIMIT 3 | 174 | simple |
olympics | What were the cities in which John Aalberg competed? | cities refer to city_name; | SELECT T4.city_name FROM person AS T1 INNER JOIN games_competitor AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.person_id INNER JOIN games_city AS T3 ON T2.games_id = T3.games_id INNER JOIN city AS T4 ON T3.city_id = T4.id WHERE T1.full_name = 'John Aalberg' | 175 | simple |
legislator | Among the female legislators, what is the percentage of the senators in Maine? | female refers to gender_bio = 'F'; percentage = MULTIPLY(DIVIDE(SUM(type = 'sen'), COUNT(type)), 100.0); senators refers to type = 'sen'; Maine refers to state = 'ME'; | SELECT CAST(SUM(CASE WHEN T2.type = 'sen' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS REAL) * 100 / COUNT(T2.type) FROM current AS T1 INNER JOIN `current-terms` AS T2 ON T1.bioguide_id = T2.bioguide WHERE T2.state = 'ME' AND T1.gender_bio = 'F' | 176 | moderate |
movies_4 | List 10 movie titles that were produced in France. | France refers to country_name = 'France' | SELECT T1.title FROM movie AS T1 INNER JOIN production_COUNTry AS T2 ON T1.movie_id = T2.movie_id INNER JOIN COUNTry AS T3 ON T2.COUNTry_id = T3.COUNTry_id WHERE T3.COUNTry_name = 'France' LIMIT 10 | 177 | simple |
shipping | What is the brand and model of truck used in shipment id 1055? | shipment id 1055 refers to ship_id = 1055; brand refers to make; model refers to model_year | SELECT T1.make, T1.model_year FROM truck AS T1 INNER JOIN shipment AS T2 ON T1.truck_id = T2.truck_id WHERE T2.ship_id = '1055' | 178 | simple |
soccer_2016 | Give the name of the youngest player. | name of player refers to Player_Name; the youngest refers to max(DOB) | SELECT Player_Name FROM Player ORDER BY DOB DESC LIMIT 1 | 179 | simple |
cs_semester | For the 3-credit course with the easiest difficulty, how many students get an "A" in that course? | diff refers to difficulty; diff is higher means the course is more difficult in which easiest difficulty refers to diff = 1; 3-credit course refers to credit = '3'; get an "A" refers to grade = 'A' for the course; | SELECT COUNT(T1.student_id) FROM registration AS T1 INNER JOIN course AS T2 ON T1.course_id = T2.course_id WHERE T1.grade = 'A' AND T2.credit = '3' AND T2.diff = 1 | 180 | simple |
sales_in_weather | On how many days with the max temperature over 90 did the sale of item no.5 in store no.3 exceed 100? | max temperature over 90 refers to tmax > 90; item no. 5 refers to item_nbr = 5; store no.3 refers to store_nbr = 3; sale exceed 100 refers to units > 100; number of days refers to count (date) | SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN units > 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count FROM sales_in_weather AS T1 INNER JOIN relation AS T2 ON T1.store_nbr = T2.store_nbr INNER JOIN weather AS T3 ON T2.station_nbr = T3.station_nbr WHERE T2.store_nbr = 3 AND SUBSTR(T1.`date`, 1, 4) = '2012' AND T1.item_nbr = 5 AND tmax > 90 | 181 | challenging |
software_company | Of the first 60,000 customers who sent a true response to the incentive mailing sent by the marketing department, how many of them are divorced males? | RESPONSE = 'true'; SEX = 'Male'; MARITAL_STATUS = 'Divorced'; | SELECT COUNT(T1.ID) FROM Customers AS T1 INNER JOIN Mailings1_2 AS T2 ON T1.ID = T2.REFID WHERE T1.SEX = 'Male' AND T1.MARITAL_STATUS = 'Divorced' AND T2.RESPONSE = 'true' | 182 | moderate |
movielens | What's different average revenue status for director who directed the movie that got the most 1 ratings? | SELECT DISTINCT T1.avg_revenue FROM directors AS T1 INNER JOIN movies2directors AS T2 ON T1.directorid = T2.directorid WHERE T1.d_quality = 5 | 183 | simple |
public_review_platform | List the categories of inactive businesses in AZ. | inactive business refers to active = 'FALSE'; 'AZ' is the state; category refers to category_name | SELECT T3.category_name FROM Business AS T1 INNER JOIN Business_Categories ON T1.business_id = Business_Categories.business_id INNER JOIN Categories AS T3 ON Business_Categories.category_id = T3.category_id WHERE T1.active LIKE 'FALSE' AND T1.state LIKE 'AZ' | 184 | moderate |
professional_basketball | From 1950 to 1970, how many coaches who received more than 1 award? | from 1950 to 1970 refers to year between 1950 and 1970; more than 3 awards refers to count(award) > 3 | SELECT COUNT(coachID) FROM awards_coaches WHERE year BETWEEN 1950 AND 1970 GROUP BY coachID HAVING COUNT(coachID) > 1 | 185 | simple |
public_review_platform | Among the users whose fan is medium, how many users received high compliments from other users. | is medium refers to user_fans = 'Medium'; high compliments refers to number_of_compliments = 'High' | SELECT COUNT(T1.user_id) FROM Users AS T1 INNER JOIN Users_Compliments AS T2 ON T1.user_id = T2.user_id WHERE T2.number_of_compliments = 'High' AND T1.user_fans = 'Medium' | 186 | moderate |
talkingdata | How many users are there in the Home Decoration category? | SELECT COUNT(T1.app_id) FROM app_labels AS T1 INNER JOIN label_categories AS T2 ON T2.label_id = T1.label_id WHERE T2.category = 'Home Decoration' | 187 | simple |
retail_world | Give the reorder level for the products from the supplier "Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH". | supplier "Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH" refers to CompanyName = 'Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH' | SELECT T1.ReorderLevel FROM Products AS T1 INNER JOIN Suppliers AS T2 ON T1.SupplierID = T2.SupplierID WHERE T2.CompanyName = 'Nord-Ost-Fisch Handelsgesellschaft mbH' | 188 | simple |
shakespeare | What is the description of chapter 18704, where there is a character called Orsino? | chapter 18704 refers to chapters.id = 18704; character called Orsino refers to CharName = 'Orsino' | SELECT DISTINCT T3.Description FROM characters AS T1 INNER JOIN paragraphs AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.character_id INNER JOIN chapters AS T3 ON T2.chapter_id = T3.id WHERE T1.CharName = 'Orsino' AND T3.ID = 18704 | 189 | simple |
law_episode | Which episode number has the second highest positive viewer comments and has been awarded "Best Television Episode"? | episode number refers to episode_id; awarded "Best Television Episode" refers to award = 'Best Television Episode' and result = 'Winner'; the second highest positive viewer comments refers to rating = 8.5 | SELECT T2.episode_id FROM Award AS T1 INNER JOIN Episode AS T2 ON T1.episode_id = T2.episode_id WHERE T1.award = 'Best Television Episode' AND T1.result = 'Winner' ORDER BY T2.rating DESC LIMIT 2 | 190 | moderate |
olympics | How many male competitors were there who participated in 1948 Summer? | male competitors refers to id where gender = 'M'; in 1948 Summer refers to games_name = '1948 Summer'; | SELECT COUNT(T2.person_id) FROM games AS T1 INNER JOIN games_competitor AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.games_id INNER JOIN person AS T3 ON T2.person_id = T3.id WHERE T1.games_name = '1948 Summer' AND T3.gender = 'M' | 191 | simple |
student_loan | What is the total number of students in the school? | SELECT COUNT(name) FROM person | 192 | simple |
university | List the names of universities with a score less than 28% of the average score of all universities in 2015. | in 2015 refers to year = 2015; score less than 28% refers to score < MULTIPLY(avg(score), 0.28) where year = 2015; names of universities refers to university_name | SELECT T2.university_name FROM university_ranking_year AS T1 INNER JOIN university AS T2 ON T1.university_id = T2.id WHERE T1.year = 2015 AND T1.score * 100 < ( SELECT AVG(score) * 28 FROM university_ranking_year WHERE year = 2015 ) | 193 | simple |
car_retails | When was the product with the highest unit price shipped? | The highest unit price refers to MAX(priceEach); when shipped refers to shippedDate; | SELECT t1.shippedDate FROM orders AS t1 INNER JOIN orderdetails AS t2 ON t1.orderNumber = t2.orderNumber ORDER BY t2.priceEach DESC LIMIT 1 | 194 | simple |
shakespeare | Provide the character name, paragraph number, and plain text of "cousin to the king" description. | character name refers to CharName; paragraph number refers to ParagraphNum | SELECT T1.CharName, T2.ParagraphNum, T2.PlainText FROM characters AS T1 INNER JOIN paragraphs AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.character_id WHERE T1.Description = 'cousin to the king' | 195 | simple |
shakespeare | In "Florence. Without the walls. A tucket afar off", what is the id of the character that was mentioned in "His name, I pray you."? | "Florence. Without the walls. A tucket afar off" refers to chapters.Description = 'Florence. Without the walls. A tucket afar off.'; "His name, I pray you." refers to PlainText = 'His name, I pray you.' | SELECT T1.character_id FROM paragraphs AS T1 INNER JOIN chapters AS T2 ON T1.chapter_id = T2.id WHERE T1.PlainText = 'His name, I pray you.' AND T2.Description = 'Florence. Without the walls. A tucket afar off.' | 196 | moderate |
codebase_comments | For the repository with '8094' watchers , how many solutions does it contain? | repository refers to Repo.Id and RepoId; solutions a repository contains refers to Solution.Id; | SELECT COUNT(T2.RepoId) FROM Repo AS T1 INNER JOIN Solution AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.RepoId WHERE T1.Watchers = 8094 | 197 | simple |
public_review_platform | What is the total number of active business in AZ with a high review count? | active business refers to active = 'true'; 'AZ' is the state; high review count refers to review_count = 'High' | SELECT COUNT(business_id) FROM Business WHERE state LIKE 'AZ' AND review_count LIKE 'High' AND active LIKE 'True' | 198 | simple |
video_games | Which is the publisher for the game "Prism: Light the Way"? | publisher refers to publisher_name; game "Prism: Light the Way" refers to game_name = 'Prism: Light the Way' | SELECT T1.publisher_name FROM publisher AS T1 INNER JOIN game_publisher AS T2 ON T1.id = T2.publisher_id INNER JOIN game AS T3 ON T2.game_id = T3.id WHERE T3.game_name = 'Prism: Light the Way' | 199 | moderate |
Subsets and Splits