"The Veil" and "Double Consciousness" In The Souls of Black Folk, arguably W.E.B. DuBois’ most famous work, he introduces and addresses two concepts that describe the quintessential Black experience in America— the concepts of “the veil” and “double-consciousness.” Though DuBois uses these terms separately, their meanings and usage in his works are deeply intertwined. These two concepts gave a name to what so many African-Americans felt but previously could not express due to a lack of words to accurately describe their pain. The implication and connotation of these words were far-reaching because not only did it succinctly describe the plight of being Black and American then, it rings true to the core and essence of what it means to still be Black and American today. For DuBois, the veil concept primarily refers to three things. First, the veil suggests to the literal darker skin of Blacks, which is a physical demarcation of difference from whiteness. Secondly, the veil suggests white people’s lack of clarit
the Jewish Indian Chief By Jerry Klinger "If my path to God and life is different than the majorities, does that make it wrong?" - William Rabinowitz Periodically, the story of Solomon Bibo is sent out via the internet. Each time, it astonishes the Jewish world. Bibo was a Jewish man from Poland. He was a Chief of the Acoma Indians of New Mexico in the 1880's. Recently, his story was revived yet again and sent out by My Jewish Learning, a web site that disseminates tantalizing vignettes of Jewish history, culture and religious thought. The vignettes are unfortunately short or perhaps planned so. They leave the reader wanting more or simply deleting the contact and skipping on. A friend forwarded me their recent article on Bibo asking if I knew the story. I did. I met members of the Bibo family at the Acoma Indian Pueblo south of Albuquerque, New Mexico more than ten years ago. I was involved with the New Mexico Jewish Historical Society. "Solomon Bibo was born in Prussia in 1853, the sixth of eleven children.
You are here: REHACARE Portal. Up-to-date. Archive. Research. Diabetes in Children: Convenient Blood Test Not Effective Enough for Diagnosis Doctors are increasingly using a convenient blood glucose test for diagnosing diabetes and pre-diabetes, but a study by the University of Michigan's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital shows it's not the best way to diagnose diabetes in children. The hemoglobin A1c test has become the preferred way to diagnose diabetes among the millions of Americans who have diabetes but show no symptoms. The simple test measures longer- term blood sugar levels – without requiring patients to fast overnight. But U-M researchers say more study is needed before doctors can safely rely on using hemoglobin A1c for children. "We found that hemoglobin A1c is not as reliable a test for identifying children with diabetes and pre-diabetes compared with adults," says study lead author Doctor Joyce M. Lee, a paediatric endocrinologist at Mott Children's Hospital. "Using this test in children may lead to
October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence thrives when we are silent; but if we take a stand and work together, we can end domestic violence. Throughout the month of October, help NNEDV to raise awareness about domestic violence and join in our efforts to end violence. Here is what you can do: - Like NNEDV on Facebook and share our 31n31 facts about domestic violence every day. - Replace your Facebook profile and cover images with NNEDV's images to show that you stand with NNEDV as we remember those who have lost their lives and celebrate those who have survived. - Read and share NNEDV's weekly blog series. A new blog will be posted every Monday morning throughout the month of October. - Make a donation to NNEDV in honor of the women in your life who have been impacted by domestic violence. Technology helps victims and their children successfully flee violent batterers, stalkers and rapists. But what millions don't realize is the dangerous and potentially lethal sides of various
|Product #: EMC3392013_TQ| Bats (Thinking Skills) (Resource Book Only) eBookGrade 2 Please Note: This ebook is a digital download, NOT a physical product. After purchase, you will be provided a one time link to download ebooks to your computer. Orders paid by PayPal require up to 8 business hours to verify payment and release electronic media. For immediate downloads, payment with credit card is required. This thinking skills unit for grade 2 presents a variety of activities about bats, including listing words that rhyme with 'bat,' solving word problems about how far a bat flies, writing about bat attributes, and more. (For similar units on animals, search the term 'Animals-Thinking Skills.') Submit a review
Suddenly everyone wants to talk about what it would take to get Beyond Oil in 20 Years. Today's contribution is from David Biello in the always-smart Yale environment360 with Green Energy's Big Challenge: The Daunting Task of Scaling Up. Like Mark Delucchi and Mark Jacobson, Biello is trying to tease out whether it is possible to wean the world from fossil fuels in the near future. He concludes that it is--but at the cost of the total transformation of the country and the globe. One thing is certain: If the global economy does succeed in making the transition to renewable energy, the face of the planet will be significantly changed, with solar energy farms and wind turbines a common feature of many landscapes and seascapes. Producing 10 percent of the energy the United States used in 2009 from wind farms, for example, would require turbines covering an area the size of New Hampshire. Meeting global energy demand from solar power would mean covering 1 percent of the earth's surface with solar panels. The probl
The 1-cent green National Parks stamp issued July 16, 1934 pictures the rock formation "El Capitan" in Yosemite National Park. The park, famous for its waterfalls plunging thousands of feet into Yosemite Valley, was established in California in 1890. - mint; perf 11 - July 16, 1934 - unwatermarked paper; ink (green); adhesive / engraving - Height x Width: 1 5/8 x 1 in. (4.13 x 2.54 cm)
John Wilkes Booth was born near Bel Air, Maryland on May 10, 1838, to a prominent acting family. He began his acting career when he was about seventeen years old and was involved in that career at the outbreak of the Civil War. Booth did not enlist in the Confederate Army, but he did harbor strong Southern sympathies. From the beginning of the war Booth hatched many schemes to kidnap President Lincoln and use him as a pawn for prisoner exchange, but his plans were usually spoiled for one reason or another. Finally, after the fall of Richmond and the surrender of General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia in April 1865, Booth changed his plans from kidnapping to assassination. On the night of April 14, 1865, while President Lincoln, his wife Mary, and Major Henry Rathbone were enjoying a play at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C., Booth slipped into their box and shot the President in the back of the head and stabbed Major Rathbone. In his escape, Booth jumped from the box onto the stage, breaking his a
DERMATOLOGY :: Benign Skin Growths and Pigmentation Skin Pigment Disorders What are skin pigment disorders? Skin color is determined by a pigment (melanin) made by specialized cells in the skin (melanocytes). The amount and type of melanin determines a person's skin color. What is the function of melanin? Melanin gives color to the skin, hair, and iris of the eyes. Levels of melanin depend on race and amount of sunlight exposure. Sun exposure increases melanin production - to protect the skin against harmful ultraviolet rays. In addition, hormonal changes can affect melanin production. What are the different types of skin pigment disorders? Click here to view the It is important to remember the health information found on this website is for reference only not intended to replace the advice and guidance of your healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your physician or 911 im
A king who lived in the beginning of this present age. The Páli Chronicles (Mhv.ii.1ff.; Dpv.iii.1ff.; MT. 122ff.; also J.ii.311; iii.454, etc.) mention him as the original ancestor of the Sákiyan family, to which the Buddha belonged, and gives a list of the dynasties from his day to the time of the Buddha, to prove that the line was "unbroken." Mahásammata belonged to the Solar Race and is identified with the Bodhisatta, who was born among men after sojourn in the Brahma worlds (MT. 121 f). He was called Mahásammata, because, on the arising of wickedness in the world, he was chosen by the people (sannipatitvá samaggajátehi mahájanchi sammannitvá kato Mahásammato; MT.122; cp. D.iii.92f.; Mtu.i.248; DhSA. 390, 392) to show indignation against and disapproval of those worthy of blame. In return for his services, he was given a portion of their harvest. It is said (J.iv.192) that in the dynasty of Mahásammata the idea of meting out punishments, such as torture, fining, expulsion, was unknown. These were invented
Bartelt-Hunt wins award to study environmental impact of prion diseases Released on 03/27/2012, at 2:00 AM Office of University Communications University of Nebraska–Lincoln Deadly prion diseases, such as chronic wasting disease and bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or BSE, survive in soil for years and can remain infectious in the environment. A University of Nebraska-Lincoln engineer's research could provide insights about how to control this soil-borne threat. Prion diseases are highly infectious and can spread to soil through blood, saliva, feces, urine and even antler velvet. Once in the soil, infectious prion proteins can persist and remain infectious for decades. Although environmental transmission is considered an important route for spreading of prion diseases, researchers have limited understanding of how prions behave in the environment. Shannon Bartelt-Hunt, assistant professor of civil engineering at UNL, is shedding light on the complex interaction between prions and soil. A five-year, $413,883
Windows Mail: Setting up an account from start to finish Setting up your e‑mail is a bit like setting up a new computer: You do it only once. After you configure your e‑mail accounts in Windows Mail, you never have to hassle with it again—unless, of course, you open a new e‑mail account. Windows Mail allows you to send and receive messages from multiple e‑mail accounts. You can set up Windows Mail to work with many types of providers, from the biggest, most popular e‑mail services all the way down to the smallest Internet service provider (ISP). Managing multiple e‑mail accounts is simplified because each account in Windows Mail is organized in its own folder. You can check for messages from all your e‑mail accounts at once by clicking a single button. But first, you'll need to set up each e‑mail account one at a time in Windows Mail. Don’t be confused Before you set up Windows Mail, start by collecting the following information for each e‑mail account. You will need to enter this information during the setup
Definition from Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, a reduction in the amount of a secured debt the debtor must repay to the replacement value of the collateral securing the debt. For example, if a debtor owes $5,000 on a car that's worth only $3,500, a cramdown would reduce the amount of the debt that had to be repaid in Chapter 13 to $3,500. Definition provided by Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. August 19, 2010, 5:13 pm
Native tribes used to catch monkeys by hollowing out a coconut and filling it with rice or other delicacies, then leaving it tethered to a tree for a monkey to find. A monkey would reach in and grab the desired delicacy and be trapped because the hole had been deliberately made just big enough for a flexible hand to enter but not for a closed fist to leave. In short order, the monkey went from getting his dinner to being someone else’s dinner. Clearly it was not the coconut that was the trapping the monkey. Rather the true trap was in the monkey’s own mind, the monkey’s greed, the monkey’s attachment to his physical possessions, the monkey’s unwillingness to “Let Go.” From that perspective, how are we trapping ourselves? Where are we creating our own boxes? Our own predicaments? Where would an outside perspective, one free of our emotional attachments, one unencumbered by our cultural norms, see a way out that we do not let ourselves see? How could we see the world differently? Monkey’s Fist is also a name fo
Your Complete Guide to Being Well and Staying Healthy Today's Interactive Tools and Multimedia Health Tip of the Day Communication Guidelines for Parents-to-Be Don't keep your concerns to yourself: Share your thoughts with each other. Talk about what it will be like to be a parent. Discuss your expectations, values and beliefs. Work on communicating clearly with each other; paraphrase your partner's statements back to him or her. You won't always arrive at agreement, but each of you will know your concerns have been heard. Talk about how each of you deals with anger and conflict, as learned in your family of origin. Learn to use the timeout technique. When giving either criticism or praise, try to be specific. Tell your spouse specifically what bothers you, and what pleases you.
Understanding Individuals: Motivation, Creativity and Innovation This section covers: We look here in some detail at the people who actually work in or for organisations, the individuals who together comprise organisations - be those organisations clubs, charities, companies, local councils or government departments. We will look in particular at the development and motivation of people, also at their creativity and their capacity for innovation, all of these primarily in the context of the organisations that people work for or in. All the organisations mentioned above depend on people, on their many and varied individual blends of skills, energies, experience, attitudes and motivation - by this we mean their inclination or motivation to 'do their jobs', earn wages or salaries and, importantly, to 'add value' to whatever it is that the organisation does. Motivation is, as we shall see later, a key factor in the employment and the management of people. So too is development - development of individuals in the
Fact of the day: The ability to move electricity from power plants to end users will also be threatened by climate change, since electrical transmission lines lose 7 to 8 percent of their transmitting capacity in high temperatures--just when demand for power rises.This from a study on the effects of climate change on California's grid. Another little bit of knowledge to stew over: The warmer climate will decrease hydropower generation in the summer months when it is needed most, the report said. High- elevation hydropower plants, which supply about 75 percent of the state's hydropower, are especially at risk, since the small size of their reservoirs allows little flexibility to cope with reduced snowpack.This is apropos of the crisis this week in India, where a massive blackout left 670 million people in the dark. That's roughly ten percent of the population of the world. Most of the power is back on today, but rolling blackouts and "power holidays" will continue to be a fact of life. (Revkin's roundups here a
Bulldogs, sometimes known as English or British Bulldogs, have funny characteristics that make it a favorite of small children all around the world. Saggy, multi-layered, flap-like skin, a permanent frown, and a rolling walk or rolling gait, are some elements of this profoundly sweet, if serious-looking, dog. The Bulldog has a height of between 12 and 14 inches, a weight of 53 to 55 pounds for males and approximately 40 pounds for females, and a median lifespan of 12 years. Dense folds of skin fall over the face, the cheeks border the eyes, and the face is broad, flat, and funnily poignant. Strong teeth, round eyes, a short coat, and rose ears are staple physical characteristics. The Bulldog is a breed that loves its home and owners with a passion. Sometimes, attachment to the property ensures owners that the dog won’t journey out without a human companion with him. They’re friendly, amiable, and obedient in general. Unfortunately, some aggression is a factor that is being worked on and bred out by breeders.
Summary: our previous article was on the balance sheet, and after our review below of the income statement, a subsequent installment will cover internal controls and cash management. Our vision for this series is to present a basic financial review and best practices for co-ops. Accounting best practices are derived from GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), and many involve tax laws and requirements. Our review here is primarily concerned with presenting consistent, accurate information for interpretation and not with the interpretation of those amounts. A qualified accountant is an important resource in ensuring that the numbers you have on your financial statements are accurate and follow tax and legal requirements. If you are not certain what a specific financial statement entry item is, how to calculate it, or where to include it, please don’t guess. For many people, the income statement (also called profit and loss statement) is the only financial statement that they ever see or review. While
For centuries, modern violin makers have tried in vain to recreate musical instruments that sound as good as the ones the Italian masters made in the 17th century. Researchers now think that the wonderful music from a Stradivarius is due to the density of the wood it was made from and that, in turn, has to do with how COLD the weather was at that time. Trees in the early seventeenth century, when these great violins were made, was affected by the mini-Ice Age that was going on at that time. In BBC News, Matt McGrath quotes violinist Berend Stoel as saying, "If you look at any piece of wood, as long as it's not tropical, you have these year rings. The differences between these rings are the density - the wood is more dense during the winter than it is during the faster growing period of the summer. That pattern is influencing the resonating quality of the wood." If we have a COLDER future (rather than a hotter one), will violins sing beautifully again? Art credit: freeimages.co.uk Regular listeners only have a
Gottlieb Daimler - First Gas Engined MotorcycleGerman, Gottlieb Daimler invented the first gas-engined motorcycle in 1885, which was an engine attached to a wooden bike. That marked the moment in history when the dual development of a viable gas-powered engine and the modern bicycle collided. Gottlieb Daimler used a new engine invented by engineer, Nicolaus Otto. Otto invented the first "Four-Stroke Internal-Combustion Engine" in 1876. He called it the "Otto Cycle Engine" As soon as he completed his engine, Daimler (a former Otto employee) built it into a motorcycle. The Harley Davidson MotorcycleMany of the nineteenth century inventors who worked on early motorcycles often moved on to other inventions. Daimler and Roper, for example, both went on to develop automobiles. However, inventors such as William Harley and the Davidsons brothers continued to develop motorcycles and their business competitors were other new start- up companies such as Excelsior, Indian, Pierce, Merkel, Schickel and Thor. In 1903, Will
WASHINGTON — The Natural Resources Conservation Service has ensured Prairie Creek will be around for another 60 years thanks to a project on the channel. Throughout the month of October, NRCS, along with the Prairie Creek Conservancy District and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources created a series of bendway weirs along a small portion of the creek near CR 225W. “We believe this project is a unique application for the project area,” NRCS District Conservationist Randy Van Matre said. A bendway weir is a series of berms created by rock and in set at an angle along the natural curve of the river. The weirs act as barriers that stop the eroision of the river bank, but allow the flow of water through the creek. It looks like a series of ripples made of rock along the top of the water. The creek was damaged in the floods of 2011, and parts of the creek were damaged by further erosion. To limit the damage, NRCS engineers and contractors created a key way and used rock to create a new shoreline where the da
The history of maple sugaring in the North Country is extensive but did you know, one of the most common pieces of equipment to make maple syrup was created in the Adirondacks? Our Brian Dwyer has more from Tupper Lake. To view our videos, you need to install Adobe Flash 9 or above. Install now. Then come back here and refresh the page. FRANKLIN COUNTY, N.Y. -- "Down at the turn of the 19th century, a gentleman named A.A. Low came to the Adirondacks, Hitchins Pond and he started a forestry operation. He started maple sugaring,” said Wild Center Facilities Manager David St. Onge. St. Onge, said, “He was a pretty innovative kind of guy and two of the gentlemen that were working for him actually created a new type of evaporator for making maple syrup. It's a continuous flow where sap comes in one end and on the other end maple syrup comes out. That was the first time it was done. It's the way we do it now here at the Wild Center." A.A. Low created the Horse Shoe Forestry company and as part of it produced 20,000
Monday, May 31, 2010 You know how your teachers always said you would use math a lot in life? Wasn't that so true! Math is all around us--whether we realize (or like) it or not ;). Math is much more than simply adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. It is about shapes, patterns, relationships, and more. The good news for those who don't love math is that means you can have a lot of fun with math. To teach your child math skills, you don't have to just sit down and count and do addition worksheets. Here are some fun ideas that teach math skills. Friday, May 28, 2010 So let's make it a learning and burning time, shall we? Materials: Heaps of laundry. Munchkin that needs to run around. Have your toddler or preschooler locate one piece of his/her clothing. A sock, shirt, pants, bib, whatever. The idea is for them to grab one piece of laundry as fast as they can and run it to the desired spot. For me, that was off my bed and into her room. Our conversation went something like this: Me: Whoa! Look at all t
Diamond Says Sleep With Your Kids, Spare Parents: Books Human beings and apes went their separate ways 6 million years ago, Jared Diamond notes near the beginning of “The World Until Yesterday.” Yet agriculture has been around for just 11,000 years, and the first state government arose only 5,400 years ago. In other words, life as we know it accounts for a small fraction of human history. By looking closely at the world’s last few “traditional” (i.e., tribal) societies -- especially in New Guinea, where he’s spent much of the past half-century -- Diamond shows what it must have been like before that. He deftly explodes a few myths, beginning with Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “speculative and ungrounded theory” that “humans were naturally compassionate in a state of nature, and that wars began only with the rise of states.” The reality was the opposite -- maniacal xenophobia and perennial war. If you encountered a stranger on your path, you had essentially two options: run or fight. The percentage of people that tr
Side effects include redness, tenderness, or swelling at the injection site. Fever is also a risk. There have also been reports of drowsiness and loss of appetite. Generally, all vaccines can have a very small risk of serious problems. (eg, Tylenol) is sometimes given to reduce pain and fever that may occur after getting a vaccine. In infants, the medicine may weaken the vaccine's effectiveness. Discuss the risks and benefits of taking acetaminophen with the doctor. Half of the people who get the vaccine have mild side effects. These may include redness or pain at the injection site. Less than 1% will develop a fever, muscle aches, or more severe local reactions. In rare cases, severe allergic reactions and other serious problems occur. However, developing the disease is much more likely to cause serious problems than getting the vaccine.
Appendix G-6: Summary of Recommendations From Written Public Comments The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) accepted public comments in written form throughout its charter; a total of 435 submissions were received. Many submissions contained information for consideration, but not specific recommendations. A total of 377 submissions with recommendations for the Committee were received. Although only those submissions with recommendations received before May 12, 2004, are summarized here, the Committee members were provided with copies of all public comments through August 10, 2004. Written public comments were received from individuals, interest groups, industry, academia, and state and Federal Government agencies. Of these 377 submissions, 172 were copies of a form letter (or slight variations on the form letter language) from the Dr. Joseph Mercola's No-Grain Diet Web site. Some individuals presented public comments as oral testimony during the January 28–29, 2004, meeting of the Committee. These
Marvin Miller, the legendary leader of the Major League Baseball Player’s Association, passed away today at the age of 95. Mr. Miller never played the game, but he may have had more influence on baseball than anyone else in this half of the century. As executive director of the Players Association from 1966-1982, he brought a world of experience garnered in the tough steelworkers’ union to bear on baseball labor relations, and his knowledge, organizational ability, and resolve completely overmatched the owners and their representatives. During his tenure the average players salary increased from $19,000 to over $240,000. Today the Baseball Players Union is acknowledged as one of the strongest labor organizations in the United States. Below is my 2004 interview with Mr. Miller and at 87, you will see that he still had the fire. Dave Zirin: Who or what shaped your thinking as a young man? Marvin Miller: Well, I guess a big part of what shaped me was that I entered high school in February of 1929. Several months
This article was originally distributed via PRWeb. PRWeb, WorldNow and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith. SOURCE: Bound-by Marketing Without proper equipment sanitization a CPAP device can house MRSA and cause infection Uxbridge, MA (PRWEB) January 11, 2013 Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) has become a serious health issue. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) MRSA is a type of staph bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics called betalactams. The resistance to treatment is where the danger of MRSA infections lies. Most MRSA infections start as skin infections but can quickly cause more severe and potentially life-threatening infections, such as bloodstream infections, surgical site infections, or pneumonia. With over 12 million Americans diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and an estimate of millions more whom have not yet been diagnosed, the use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy is growi
As early as 2,500 years ago, about the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), China had determined the point of Winter Solstice by observing movements of the sun with a sundial. It is the earliest of the 24 seasonal division points. The time will be each December 21 or 22 according to the Gregorian calendar. The Northern hemisphere on this day experiences the shortest daytime and longest nighttime. After the Winter Solstice, days will become longer and longer. As ancient Chinese thought, the yang, or muscular, positive things will become stronger and stronger after this day, so it should be celebrated. The Winter Solstice became a festival during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) and thrived in the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279). The Han people regarded Winter Solstice as a "Winter Festival", so officials would organize celebrating activities. On this day, both officials and common people would have a rest. The army was stationed in, frontier fortresses closed and business and traveling stopped. Relatives a
Laryngitis (infection of the voice box or larynx) Click on the name of the infection in the image above to find out more about the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of these respiratory tract infections. What is laryngitis? Laryngitis is an infection of your larynx, which results in a hoarse voice and difficulty speaking. Your larynx is at the top of your trachea (windpipe) at the front of your throat, and contains your vocal cords. The vocal cords vibrate and make sound when air passes through them. This is how you speak. An infection of your larynx causes your vocal cords to become inflamed so that they cannot vibrate properly, which in turn affects your voice. The larynx also has two other important functions: it helps air move into your trachea when you breathe, and together with the epiglottis (which sits at the top of the larynx), helps to prevent anything other than air from going down your trachea when you swallow.
(Redirected from George C. Marshall George Catlett Marshall (December 31, 1880–October 16, 1959), was an American military leader and statesman best remembered for his leadership in the Allied victory in World War II and for his work establishing the post-war reconstruction effort for Europe, which became known as the Marshall Plan. Marshall was born into a middle-class family in Uniontown, Pennsylvania. While attending Virginia Military Institute he was initiated into the now dormant Beta('01) chapter of Kappa Alpha Order . In 1948, he was awarded the Distiguished Achievement Award for his role and contributions during and after WWII. Marshall was instrumental in getting the U.S. Army and Army Air Corps reorganized and ready for war. Marshall wrote the document that would become the central strategy for all Allied operations in Europe, selected Dwight Eisenhower as Supreme Commander in Europe, and designed Operation Overlord, the invasion of Normandy. Throughout the remainder of the World War II, Marshall co
|Table of Contents | Words: Alphabetical - Frequency - Inverse - Length - Statistics | Help | IntraText Library| IntraText CT - Text Adverse criticism of an argument on its own merits, and of it when presented in the form of questions, are two different things. For often the failure to carry through the argument correctly in discussion is due to the person questioned, because he will not grant the steps of which a correct argument might have been made against his position: for it is not in the power of the one side only to effect properly a result that depends on both alike. Accordingly it sometimes becomes necessary to attack the speaker and not his position, when the answerer lies in wait for the points that are contrary to the questioner and becomes abusive as well: when people lose their tempers in this way, their argument becomes a contest, not a discussion. Moreover, since arguments of this kind are held not for the sake of instruction but for purposes of practice and examination, clearly one has to rea
Level probing radars at 6, 26, and 80 GHz would have adequate power for a wide variety of industrial applications. The FCC has proposed new rules for “level probing radars” (LPRs) in three bands: 5.925-7.250 GHz, 24.05-29 GHz, and 75-85 GHz. LPRs are downward-aiming radars used to determine levels of materials at industrial installations. Some are mounted inside those enormous tanks that dot the industrial landscape, to tell the operators how much liquid is inside. Other LPRs are used outdoors – at quarries, for example, to measure piles of gravel, or at nuclear power plants, to monitor the water level in the ponds used to store highly radioactive fuel rods. There are thousands of potential applications. The new rules would apply equally to in- tank and outdoor radars. The FCC is easing its way into this area very gradually. More than two years ago, it proposed rules to allow in-tank radars in the 77-81 GHz band, and granted a waiver pending the rulemaking. Without having reached a decision on the original que
Guest Post by Shelisa of Think Magnet Kids It’s never too early to use the Scientific Method with your kids, well debatable with your 6 month old. ;) I’ve seen a variety of “scientific method” terms and lists through Googling. Use what feels right to you and remember, this isn’t NASA, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Snow Days are a very playful day and valuable teachable moment! Keep a collection of snow books handy in the winter. Measure the snow. Make snow ice cream. Get the child involved in watching the weather map online or on your phone. They may be inspired to give their own forecast (get your video cameras ready) or write their own snow story. They may ask a question about snow that you can research or experiment with or they may want to build a replica of Antarctica! While the kids love to go outside to play in the snow, I also like to bring some in for a closer look. The snow didn’t last long in our toasty house. Thank you fireplace. It led to a logical question, “Mom, how do we make the snow stay lo
Progress Toward Interruption of Wild Poliovirus Transmission --- Worldwide, 2008 Since 1988, when the Global Polio Eradication Initiative was established, the incidence of polio has decreased from an estimated 350,000 cases annually to 1,655 reported in 2008.* Cases of wild poliovirus (WPV) type 2 were last reported in October 1999, and indigenous WPV types 1 and 3 (WPV1 and WPV3) have been eliminated from all but four countries worldwide (Afghanistan, India, Nigeria, and Pakistan). This report updates previous reports (1,2) and describes overall progress toward global eradication in 2008. Despite accelerated efforts, polio cases increased 26%, from 1,315 cases in 2007 to 1,655 in 2008. This increase primarily resulted from an increase in Nigeria from 285 cases in 2007 to 801 cases in 2008. Resurgent WPV1 transmission in northern states of Nigeria spread to polio-free southern states and eight neighboring countries in 2008. In India, repeated use of monovalent oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) type 1 (mOPV1) duri
Remove All Display Ads Definition of analcimesplural of analcime 1 The word "analcimes" uses 9 letters: A A C E I L M N S. Direct anagrams of analcimes: calamines Words formed by adding one letter before or after analcimes (in bold), or to aaceilmns in any order:b - imbalances misbalance p - campaniles t - semantical List all words starting with analcimes, words containing analcimes or words ending with analcimes All words formed from analcimes by changing one letter Other words with the same letter pairs: an na al lc ci im me es Browse words starting with analcimes by next letter Previous word in list: analcime Next word in list: analcite Some random words: plea This is not a dictionary, it's a word game wordfinder. - Help and FAQ - Examples - Home MoreWords.com - Z - words - 8.360mS
Screening can prevent killer from taking toll When many people think about cancer, they think about lung cancer and breast cancer. And many can explain that not smoking generally prevents lung cancer and that regular exams can help catch breast cancer early when it can be treated with a high rate of survival. However, they tend to forget that the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in the United States is colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer is cancer of the colon or rectum. Estimates by the U.S. Center for Disease Control suggest that over 56,000 Americans will die from colorectal cancer this year, and that 147,000 Americans will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer. The CDC suggests regular screenings to help reduce that number. In a 2002 survey of adults more than 50 years old, less than 50 percent of respondents in Utah had been screened over a 10-year period. There are four tests available which can increase early detection and treatment. The first is the fecal occult blood test or FOBT, which samples t
Lately I have heard a lot of hype about the whole “juicing” thing. Like many other people I know, I wonder: “What is the big difference between a juicer and a blender?” Don't they do the same thing? Isn't grinding veggies down to their liquified state the same with rotating blades? Apparently not, but both are great ways to keep your body healthy. Juicing involves putting the whole fruit or vegetable into a juicer. Juicers work by dividing liquid from the vegetable or fruit. This quickly gets absorbed by the body due to its lack of fiber. The reason juicing is so healthy for you is because it provides you with a great boost of nutrients to keep you energized all day. You can combine lots of different vegetables and fruits for a tasty treat, this is a great way to mask the flavor of an undesirable vegetable. Simply blend it with some of your favorite veggies and fruits to reap its benefits without the horrible taste you dislike! If you are diabetic, be careful when you juice. Don't use a lot of fruit due to it
Mystery of Lost Roman City Solved: Ancients Greened the Desert? Posted by Xeno on July 20, 2012 Today it’s a mirage-like expanse of monumental ruins. But under the Roman Empire, Palmyra was a trading metropolis, according to historical and archaeological evidence. Despite nearly a century of research, though, a key question remains unanswered: How did this city of 200,000 thrive in the middle of an infertile Syrian desert? Once a required stop on caravan routes that brought Asian goods west to eager Romans, Palmyra (map) has “always been conceived as an oasis in the middle of the desert, but it’s never been quite clear what it was living from,” said Michal Gawlikowski, the retired head of the University of Warsaw’s Polish Mission at Palmyra. And what an oasis: Among the ruins are grand avenues lined with columns, triumphal arches, and the remains of an ancient market where traders once haggled over silk, silver, spices, and dyes from India and China. (Download Palmyra wallpaper.) To find out what made it all
“Negroes Driven South By The Rebel Officers,” Harper’s Weekly, November 8, 1862 If slaves were intent on gaining their freedom in the American Civil War, southern slaveholders were just as intent on keeping their human property. In late Fall 1862, now that the Emancipation Proclamation had turned the Union Army into effectively an army of liberation, it posed a mortal threat to slavery, much more so than earlier in the war when many federal commanders had pledged non-interference with the peculiar institution. An obvious tactic that slaveholders used when possible to counter the threat posed by the Union Army was to move slaves away from federal forces’ advance, which became known as “refugeeing.” The practice began even before the war’s outbreak as some slaveholders relocated to remote places they believed would be safer from northern invasion. Over the course of the war, refugeeing became more and more common, especially with Union Army’s move into the slave-dense Mississippi Valley. Many planters there mov
Separating fact from fiction on energy drinks can be a challenge Canadians deserve the facts TORONTO, Oct. 30, 2012 /CNW/ – Canadian consumers need the true facts about energy drinks and the Canadian Beverage Association wants to set the record straight. “There is a lot of confusion and misinformation about energy drinks,” says Jim Goetz, President, Canadian Beverage Association. “Our goal is to help educate Canadians on the role energy drinks play and how to consume them appropriately. We believe that Canadian consumers deserve a science-based approach to ingredient, labelling and regulation.” Caffeine in Canada When looking at caffeine it is important for Canadians to recognize all sources of caffeine, the levels of caffeine in these products and the suggested daily consumption levels as set out by Health Canada. Health Canada states that 90 per cent of our caffeine comes from coffee and tea, leaving 10 per cent from other sources1. If you look at a typical 8 oz/ 237 mL serving, Canadians get2: - 30 mg of c
- By Jeffries & Bea - Published 21/03/2007 - ISBN 9780131990272 - Format Book Advanced Reading Power is a student-centered reading skills textbook based on a cognitive skills approach. Its four key sections, designed to be used concurrently, help advanced students master reading skills needed for academic success: Extensive Reading helps students to build reading flue...
Online Lindy Hop Dance Lesson Video: Intro To Lindy Hop: Six Count Routine (15 17) This lesson is part 15 of 17 in the Intro to Lindy Hop lesson pack. In this lesson you will combine all the six count movements you've learned so far into a single repeatable routine that allows for some improvisational choices while giving you solid practice choreography to prepare you for social dancing. Get the Whole Pack and Save Instead of just the "Intro to Lindy Hop: Six Count Routine (15_17)" lesson, grab a whole Lesson Pack that it's part of at a 15% discount:
The Trivers Willard Hypothesis predicts that under certain conditions, individuals will bias their investment in offspring differently depending on the sex of the offspring. It is believed that this can be as extreme as infanticide or as subtle as providing different amounts of breast milk. A new study by Katherine HInde finds that macaques may do this. However, I think this may be counterintuitive. Hinde uses data from 106 rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to show that first time mothers produce richer milk when they have sons compared to when they have daughters. She suggests that “[t]his difference seems to reflect the tradeoffs between the benefits derived from additional investment in sons and the costs of diverting energy from maternal growth and development.” The reason that I say that this is counterintuitive is this: Previous studies on female bonded primates have shown relatively little bias in investment … Boyd and Silk showed this to be, essentially, a random relationship so while some studies show
Thursday is the 77th anniversary of one of the most momentous nights not just in baseball history, but in the cultural life of the United States, and eventually the rest of the world. On this night in 1935, the first Major League night game took place at Cincinnati's Crosley Field, as the Reds beat the Phillies, 2-1. The game had been scheduled for May 23, but it was postponed because of rain and cold. The official attendance was 20,442 but the crowd was estimated to be around 25,000, the third-largest crowd of the season in Cincy (the game on May 22 was played in front of 2,000 fans), including National League president Ford Frick and American League president Will Harridge. All were watching a game lit by 632 light bulbs. The contest also featured President Franklin Delano Roosevelt switching on the flood lights from Washington, D.C.. Much significance was made of the fact that the game was errorless, and Phillies manager Jimmie Wilson told the AP that the low hit total (10 combined) had nothing to do with
A cash register (US English) or till (British English) is a mechanical or electronic device for calculating and recording sales transactions, and an attached cash drawer for storing cash. The cash register also usually prints a receipt for the customer. In most cases the drawer can be opened only after a sale, except when using a special keys, which only senior employees and the owner have. This reduces the risk of employees stealing from the shop owner by not recording a sale and pocketing the money, when a customer does not need a receipt but has to be given change (cash is more easily checked against recorded sales than inventory). In fact, cash registers were first invented for the purpose of eliminating employee theft or embezzlement, and their original name was the Incorruptible Cashier. It has also been suggested that odd pricing came about because by charging odd amounts like 49 or 99 cents, the cashier very probably had to open the till for the penny change and thus announce the sale. In the form of
Born Harlem, New York, January 23, 1935 Founder of the Algebra Project and civil rights leader; helped to form the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and organize the “Freedom Summer” Mississippi black voter education and registration drives In the 1960s, Mr. Moses was a pivotal organizer for the Student Non- Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), directing its Mississippi Project. He was a driving force behind the 1964 Summer Project and in organizing the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP), which challenged the Mississippi regulars at the 1964 Democratic Convention. Moses with C.C. Bryant From 1969-76, he worked for the Ministry of Education in Tanzania, where he chaired Samé school math dept. In 1976 he returned to continue doctoral studies in Philosophy at Harvard. A MacArthur Fellow from 1982-87, Mr. Moses used his fellowship to develop the Algebra Project (AP), believing that mathematics literacy in today's information age is as important to educational access and citizenship for inner city and
Your car's transmission, whether automatic or manual, needs lubrication to reduce friction and disperse heat. For an automatic, there are three types of transmission fluid: type F, type H, and dextron two. The shifting characteristics can be affected by the type of transmission fluid you use. The correct type for your car can be found in the owner's manual or written on the transmission fluid dipstick. To check the automatic transmission fluid, make sure the engine is running and warmed up. With the transmission in park, remove the dipstick and wipe it off. Reinsert it, remove it and check the level. If it's low, add fluid through the dipstick tube. Manual transmissions use a variety of oils. American Petroleum Institute or API has established oil ranges from GL-1 to GL-5. Using a higher grade than necessary can harm transmission parts. Some manual transmissions use automatic transmission fluid while still others operate on engine oil. Make sure you're using the correct transmission fluid for your car. ©2006
There are really two decisions that must be made regarding the hidden layers: how many hidden layers to actually have in the neural network and how many neurons will be in each of these layers. We will first examine how to determine the number of hidden layers to use with the neural network. Problems that require two hidden layers are rarely encountered. However, neural networks with two hidden layers can represent functions with any kind of shape. There is currently no theoretical reason to use neural networks with any more than two hidden layers. In fact, for many practical problems, there is no reason to use any more than one hidden layer. Table 5.1 summarizes the capabilities of neural network architectures with various hidden layers. Table 5.1: Determining the Number of Hidden Layers |Number of Hidden Layers||Result| |none||Only capable of representing linear separable functions or decisions.| |1||Can approximate any function that contains a continuous mapping from one finite space to another.| |2||Can r
In this section, you will implement the commands introduced in Chapter 17, and add those commands that will be useful and/or necessary. The commands from Chapter 17 are used without further explanation because they were covered earlier. These commands make up the six basic commands for initial PIX Firewall The nameif command The interface command The ip address command The nat command The global command The route command These commands are approached as if they were a series of steps to be followed each time a firewall needs configuration. This method ensures that you won’t overlook a basic step and have trouble implementing an advanced feature because of it. When I first started with routers, I developed a similar list that has since become a habit. And I have a similar list for switches and servers. The key is to identify those basic commands and to have an efficient order that’s required to get up and running (period). Once operating, you can take the time to add additional features. I learned this from my
Think humans are good at navigation? Think again. Compared to some of the mesmerizing navigational abilities of birds and other species, human navigation is actually quite primitive. Here is our third and final part of our facts series about animal navigation from Nature’s Compass: The Mystery of Animal Navigation by James L. Gould and Carol Grant Gould. Click here to read part 1 and click here to read part 2 of our fun facts series. Honeybee fact: The sun is a very important navigational tool for bees both in communicating the direction of a food resource and in finding the way home. As vital as the sun is, bees have trouble seeing it. It is hard for them to actually identify the sun in the sky because their visual resolution does not allow them to identify the sun as a unique shape. As a rule of thumb for bees, if a bright spot contains no more than 20% ultraviolet light and is no larger than 15° across, then it is the sun. Bird fact: In unfamiliar territory, birds must be able to estimate the amount of dis
Jerome Pohlen, a former elementary school science teacher, has given kids and parents an excellent educational opportunity with his new book, "Albert Einstein and Relativity for Kids: His Life and Ideas with 21 Activities and Thought Experiments" (Chicago Review Press). The book is largely a biography of Einstein (1879-1955), presenting his life to a young audience — it's aimed at readers 9 and older — who might know his name but not a lot about him. "Albert Einstein and Relativity for Kids" is one of a series of books from Chicago Review Press aimed at young readers. Also in the series are "Isaac Newton and Physics for Kids" by Kerri Logan Hollihan, and "Darwin and Evolution for Kids" by Kristan Lawson. "I've always been interested in science," explains Pohlen, who is an editor at Chicago Review Press and has edited children's activity books, quirky nonfiction and popular science books and has written a dozen award-winning science kits. "My father was an engineer, and my undergraduate training was in enginee
The following events happened in the 1750's. - 1750: The Department of Magical Games and Sports is established. The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy is changed, adding Clause 73 to the code: "Each nation is responsible for keeping the Magical Creatures within their nation secret from Muggles. - 1750: Gladrags Wizardwear is founded. - 1753: J. Pippin's Potions is established. - 1753: Chudley Cannons is founded. - 1754: A race between Aberdeen and Rome is held between rival broom fliers Torquil McTavish and Silvio Astolfi. The finish of the race ends in disaster, as a spontaneous fight between supporters of both racers leads to the destruction of the Coliseum. Orabella Nuttley manages to repair the damage before any Muggles can arrive on the scene, thus first publicly displaying the Mending Charm she had invented. - 1750: Gulliver Pokeby - 1750: Xavier Rastrick - 1754: Artemisia Lufkin Notes and referencesEdit - ↑ Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - ↑ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (
Antarctica is the last untouched continent, making it a desirable destination for the intrepid traveler. It has no indigenous people, no politics and no economy, yet it covers almost one-tenth of the earth's surface -- making it 1.5 times the size of the United States. More than 30,000 tourists travel there each year -- a small number compared to Alaska's 1 million cruise visitors. The history of Antarctica's exploration includes Robert Scott and Roald Amundsen's famous race for the South Pole, as well as one of the greatest survival stories of all time. In 1914, Sir Ernest Shackleton and his crew set sail aboard Endurance on a quest to be the first to cross the southernmost continent over land. They abandoned their attempt when the ship was trapped in sea ice, but incredibly, thanks to Shackleton's courage and determination, all crewmembers survived. Today, cruise ships visit just the tip of the iceberg compared to the great explorers, traveling to the South Shetland Islands and the 1,000-mile-long Antarctic
The following HTML text is provided to enhance online readability. Many aspects of typography translate only awkwardly to HTML. Please use the page image as the authoritative form to ensure accuracy. Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems: Science, Technology, and Public Policy Another way in which the character of rivers is drastically altered is by cutting off interactions with the riparian zone and floodplains. This may be done directly, by channelization and leveeing (Kissimmee, Illinois, and Mississippi rivers), and indirectly, by regulating the flood regime (navigation dams on the Mississippi). According to the American Rivers Conservation Council (Echeverria et al., 1989), of approximately 3.2 million miles of rivers in the United States, 2.9 million miles remain undammed, while 600,000 miles of river are dammed. The committee could not find a recent national assessment of the number of stream and river miles affected by channelization or leveeing, but the total is probably much greater than the number of m
Contrast baths are used for ankle, foot, or hand problems to help decrease inflammation and pain. They involve dipping the injured limb alternately into cold and warm (not hot) water. It is important to end a contrast bath with a soak in cold water to help reduce swelling. These baths can be continued at least daily for up to 2 weeks. But if swelling and bruising last this long, a doctor should be consulted. There is not much evidence that contrast baths work better than ice, but the theory is that changing the temperature back and forth between cold and warm creates a kind of pump. Heat causes blood vessels to get bigger and cold causes them to get smaller. Alternating between heat and cold means the blood vessels alternate between bigger and smaller. This change in blood movement could help reduce inflammation and swelling, and that could improve range of motion in the joint. November 15, 2011 Adam Husney, MD - Family Medicine & William H. Blahd, Jr., MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine How this information was
Today’s youth are busier than ever before. Think about your child, grandchild or other child you know and their activities over the last month – chances are they were involved in Y Ball, band, dance or a number of other activities. There’s no way around it, many kids today are involved in more clubs and activities outside of school than ever before. While these activities may provide benefits for youth, 4-H is unique in that the entire family is involved in the process of youth development. 4-H works to build character, confidence and skills not just for the youth, but for the entire family. 4-H accomplishes these things in many ways. 4-H youth improve their self-confidence, learn subject matter, and develop important skills including leadership, citizenship, communication and decision making – all of which they’ll need to compete today and in the future. Families are encouraged to be involved in projects and instruction together, parents become the resource. This creates a framework for youth development wit
MINNEAPOLIS - Sinkholes can swallow up earth in an instant and cause damage or even worse. A sinkhole in Florida claimed the life of a 36-year-old man on Thursday. "They can be unpredictable," said Greg Brick, author of the book "Subterranean Twin Cities." "It's why we have an entire profession, geotechnical engineering." Sinkholes happen in Minnesota, too. Some occur naturally like the massive indention in the Longfellow neighborhood of Minneapolis; a sinkhole 30 feet deep which occurred 3,000 years ago. Others can be caused by broken water mains. But most in Minnesota are found in the southeast corner where there have been hundreds. "They tend to be found in what are known as karst areas where you have the limestone bedrock that can be easily dissolved by water," says Brick. In the Twin Cities, you have what geologists call the "classic layer cake" of limestone then St. Peter sandstone. To learn more about the bedrock in Minnesota, visit mngs.umn.edu. (Copyright 2013 KARE. All rights reserved. This material
SLAVERY BY ANOTHER NAME This program challenges one of America's most cherished assumptions: the belief that slavery in this country ended with Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of 1863. This documentary tells a harrowing story of how in the South, even as chattel slavery came to an end, new forms of involuntary servitude, including convict leasing, debt slavery and peonage, took its place with shocking force -- brutalizing and ultimately circumscribing the lives of hundreds of thousands of African Americans well into the 20th century. It was a system in which men, often guilty of no crime at all, were arrested, compelled to work without pay, repeatedly bought and sold and coerced to do the bidding of masters. The program spans eight decades, from 1865 to 1945, revealing the interlocking forces in both the South and the North that enabled this "neoslavery" to begin and persist. Using archival photographs and dramatic re- enactments, filmed on location in Alabama and Georgia, it tells the forgotten st
Hot, dry growing seasons and warm summer nights aren't just devastating for the development of corn; they can also lead to the development of Aspergillus ear rot, and the potential for aflatoxin contamination. Aflatoxin, a mycotoxin produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus, shows itself as a yellow-green or gray-green mold on corn kernels. Prolonged hot and dry conditions post-pollination increase the possibility of aflatoxin production. Alison Robertson, plant pathologist at Iowa State University, says aflatoxin requires nights with temperatures greater than 70 degrees and days with temperatures greater than 86 degrees to effectively develop. Often confused for aflatoxin, vomitoxin is produced during cool, wet growing seasons. It likely poses no threat for this growing season. Aflatxoin, however, is a known carcinogen, and the Food and Drug Administration lists the highest possible aflatoxin content as 20 ppb for the human food supply. For finishing cattle, that content may go no higher than 300 ppb. Univer
By Curt Yeomans Michael Green, dressed in an oversized white laboratory coat, green hair and size 26 black shoes, likes to play with pyrotechnics. He walks out in front of a group of students, lays down the rules for the next hour, and then throws fire into the air. The fire is actually a piece of flash paper that has been lit with a cigarette lighter that Green keeps hidden in his hand. Michael Green, and his older brother, Jefferson, tour elementary schools to teach children about the value of science, and how it impacts everyday life. The flying fire is just their way of catching the attention of the students. "We like to start with something that makes them go [gaping his mouth], and just build on it from there," said Michael Green The Green brothers are the co-founders of the Ellenwood-based Science For Every1. They produce science experiments using everyday items to get the very young excited about science. They were at Hawthorne Elementary School on Friday. Overall, the brothers visit about 25 Clayton
Electricity, Magnetism, and LightBy - Wayne Saslow, Texas A&M University, U.S.A. A very comprehensive introduction to electricity, magnetism and optics ranging from the interesting and useful history of the science, to connections with current real-world phenomena in science, engineering and biology, to common sense advice and insight on the intuitive understanding of electrical and magnetic phenomena. This is a fun book to read, heavy on relevance, with practical examples, such as sections on motors and generators, as well as `take-home experiments' to bring home the key concepts. Slightly more advanced than standard freshman texts for calculus-based engineering physics courses with the mathematics worked out clearly and concisely. Helpful diagrams accompany the discussion. The emphasis is on intuitive physics, graphical visualization, and mathematical implementation. Solutions are available via website to qualified users. Hardbound, 800 Pages Published: February 2002 Imprint: Academic Press "The topics that
Date of this Version Previous research has shown that seasonal factors provide one of the most important ways to improve forecast accuracy. For example, in forecasts over an 18-month horizon for 68 monthly economic series from the M-Competition, Makridakis et al. (1984, Table 14) found that seasonal adjustments reduced the MAPE from 23.0 to 17.7 percent, an error reduction of 23%. On the other hand, research has also shown that seasonal factors sometimes increase forecast errors (e.g., Nelson, 1972). So, when forecasting with a data series measured in intervals that represent part of a year, should one use seasonal factors or not? Statistical tests have been devised to answer this question, and they have been quite useful. However, some people might say that the question is not fair. Why does it have to be either/or? Shouldn’t the question be "to what extent should seasonal factors be used for a given series?" Date Posted: 14 June 2007 This document has been peer reviewed.
In her book, The Well-Tended Perennial Garden (Timber Press, 2006, $34.95), Tracy DiSabato-Aust emphasizes the importance of regularly pruning perennials in order for them to have the best possible growth, flowering, and appearance. The aspects of pruning perennials include deadheading, cutting back, pinching, disbudding, thinning, and deadleafing. Each different perennial varies in its requirements, so it's best to learn what your particular ones need in order to give them that "perfect" care. Plant, Harvest, Plant, Harvest The vegetable garden is in full swing now, so check it daily for those items that need harvesting as well as weeding, watering, and pest control. There's plenty of time to start second plantings of fast-growing crops like summer squash and bush green beans. Plant potatoes for fall harvest, and begin determining where and what you want for fall crops like turnips, kale, and spinach. Start cabbage and broccoli seed indoors for transplanting. Make Dilly Beans There's certainly great delight
Bullet points are used to draw attention to important information within a document so that a reader can identify the key issues and facts quickly. There are no fixed rules about how to use them, but here are some guidelines. - The text introducing the list of bullet points should end with a colon. - If the text that follows the bullet point is not a proper sentence, it doesn’t need to begin with a capital letter and it shouldn’t end with a full stop, for example: Tonight's agenda includes: - annual review of capital gains issues - outstanding inheritance tax issues - If the text following the bullet point IS a complete sentence, it should begin with a capital letter. A full stop at the end is technically required but is not absolutely essential: The agenda for tonight is as follows: - We will conduct an annual review of capital gains issues. - The senior tax manager will talk about outstanding inheritance tax issues. - Lists of bullet points will have more impact if each one begins with the same word class (
Air ResistanceTrick brain teasers appear difficult at first, but they have a trick that makes them really easy. It is a well- known fact that if you drop a feather and a bowling ball at the same time, the bowling ball will hit the ground first. But this is only because it has less air resistance than the feather. So, if you are in a rocket that is in outer space (where there is no air), and you drop a bowling ball and a feather at the same time, which would hit the ground first? AnswerNeither. Both of them will just float. See another brain teaser just like this one... Or, just get a random brain teaser If you become a registered user you can vote on this brain teaser, keep track of which ones you have seen, and even make your own. Back to Top
Species loss tied to ecosystem collapse and recovery The world's oceans are under siege. Conservation biologists regularly note the precipitous decline of key species, such as cod, bluefin tuna, swordfish and sharks. Lose enough of these top-line predators (among other species), and the fear is that the oceanic web of life may collapse. In a new paper in Geology, researchers at Brown University and the University of Washington used a group of marine creatures similar to today's nautilus to examine the collapse of marine ecosystems that coincided with two of the greatest mass extinctions in the Earth's history. They attribute the ecosystems' collapse to a loss of enough species occupying the same space in the oceans, called "ecological redundancy." While the term is not new, the paper marks the first time that a loss of ecological redundancy is directly blamed for a marine ecosystem's collapse in the fossil record. Just as ominously, the authors write that it took up to 10 million years after the mass extincti
What are congenital hand differences? Babies born with hands that are different than the normal hand have a congenital hand difference. What causes congenital hand differences? The upper limb is formed between four and eight weeks after the sperm and egg unite to form an embryo. The embryo develops an arm bud at four weeks. The tip of the arm bud sends messages to each cell as the upper limb forms. Millions of steps are followed to form a normal arm. Failure of any of these steps to occur can result in a congenital hand difference. Research continues into further understanding of this embryonic process. Some congenital hand differences may occur due to a genetic cause. Many congenital hand differences just occur without an apparent cause. What are different types of congenital hand differences? One in twenty children is born with some difference from normal, either major or minor. The different groups of congenital hand differences include missing parts of the arm (failure of formation), webbed or fused parts
World Aquatic Babies & Children Network Tips for Parents & Caregivers in Selecting a Program for a Baby or Young Child Best Program For Your Child Most parents investigate a two or three program options available in their local area. To find these options you might: * check the listings in the yellow pages of your phone book under ‘Swimming Instruction’ * look in your local newspapers’ (dailys and weeklies) in the classified section under ‘Instruction’ * check local monthly and quarterly magazines aimed at parents and families * speak with friends & teachers who share a common parenting style to yours about aquatic programs they recommend What to Expect The best programs focus on helping students become water competent. This includes instruction in three areas: 1) swimming skills 2) safety behaviors for the student to use around water and 3) education of parents about the learn to swim process as well as about drowning prevention and other safety strategies they can employ. Swimming skill is attainable for yo
Catholic Encyclopedia (1913)/Christian Gaul |←Franz Christian Gau||Catholic Encyclopedia (1913), Volume 6 |Giovanni Battista Gaulli→| The Church of Gaul first appeared in history in connexion with the persecution at Lyons under Marcus Aurelius (177). The pagan inhabitants rose up against the Christians, and forty-eight martyrs suffered death under various tortures. Among them there were children like the slave Blandina and Ponticus, a youth of fifteen. Every rank of life had members among the first martyrs of the Church of Gaul: the aristocracy were represented by Vettius Epagathus; the professional class by Attalus of Pergamus, a physician; a neophyte Maturus, died beside Pothinus, Bishop of Lyons, and Sanctus, deacon of Vienne. The Christians of Lyons and Vienne in a letter to their brethren of Smyrna give an account of this persecution, and the letter preserved by Eusebius (Hist. Eccl., V, i-iv), is one the gems of Christian literature. In this document the Church of Lyons seems to be the only church organ
By adding the right amount of heat, researchers have developed a method that improves the electrical capacity and recharging lifetime of sodium-ion rechargeable batteries, which could be a cheaper alternative for large-scale uses, such as storing energy on the electrical grid. To connect solar- and wind-energy sources to the electrical grid, batteries that can store large amounts of energy are necessary at the source. Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries—common in consumer electronics and electric vehicles—perform well but are too expensive for widespread use on the grid because it would require many large batteries. Sodium is the next best choice, but the sodium-sulfur batteries currently in use run at temperatures above 300°C, which is three times water’s boiling point, making them more dangerous and less energy-efficient than batteries that run at ambient temperatures. The idea was to use the best of both processes, but the conflict the researchers had to overcome was that sodium ions are 70 percent bigger t
Pixley Isaka Ka Seme Born in 1881, Pixley Isaka Ka Seme was one of South Africa's most important historical figures. He is considered to be father of black attorneys. Seme was one of the earliest black South African to study overseas and paved the way for many others in the dedication to excellence and political awareness. Named Isaac Seme after his Zulu father, Pixley Seme grew up in Natal and attended a local American missionary school. He showed exceptional promise and eagerness to study overseas, so much so that at the age of 17, Reverend Pixley helped him gain entrance to Mount Hermon School in the US. Here he took on the name Pixley. This passion for education saw Seme go on to complete his Bachelor Of Arts degree at Columbia University and his law degree at Oxford before returning to South Africa in 1911. Back in South Africa, he opened up a law practice in partnership with Alfred Mangena. A year later Seme, Mangena and a few others called for the meeting of black communities throughout South Africa in
RESEARCH »SOINN artificial brain can now use the internet to learn new things May 1, 2013 A group at Tokyo Institute of Technology, led by Dr. Osamu Hasegawa, has succeeded in making further advances with SOINN, their machine learning algorithm, which can now use the internet to learn how to perform new tasks. The system, which is under development as an artificial brain for autonomous mental development robots, is currently being used to learn about objects in photos using image searches on the internet. It can also take aspects of other known objects and combine them to make guesses about objects it doesn't yet recognize.
Weight loss and diets arn’t really about not eating and starving yourself to burn fat. You could eat the same quantity and lose weight. Not eating is unhealthy for our body as it effects the immune system and the body’s power to fight infections and slows down the metabolic rate. Would you rather eat healthy and lose weight or not eat and get unfit. There are certain foods that are low calorie and some foods provide no calories at all. Our bodies require a certain number of calories per day and eating beyond it would store the calories. Usually when we are eating we give less importance to the calorie intake but rather eat till we feel full. So here are food options that will fill you up and keep the calorie intake balanced and low. Fresh foods: If you want to eat choose natural food options like fruits, vegetables, cereals and pulses etc. The cheese burgers, pizzas, patties, fried foods, heavy snacks, empty calorie food provide less nutrition and are fattening. 1gm of fat provides a lot more calories than wh
Half a century ago, a monumental book was published that created a holistic and balanced view of the environment. The book, Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, was directly influenced by the work of a Michigan State professor and his students, so the MSU Museum chose to honor their work with an exhibit. Published in 1962, Silent Spring exposed the dangers of over-using chemicals in the environment. “In all truth, there were two periods of environmental awareness: the period before Silent Spring and the period after silent spring,” says MSU Museum director Gary Morgan. “They are two completely different worlds.” A pesticide called DDT was once used excessively around the world to control mosquito populations, Morgan says. DDT also remedies Dutch elm disease, he says, which was a big problem on MSU’s campus and across America. “The elms were dying en masse,” he says. “One of the most beautiful trees in America was disappearing.” Morgan says DDT was applied in huge quantities from the ground in sprays and from the a
- Seigniorage derived from specie—metal coins—is a tax, added to the total price of a coin (metal content and production costs), that a customer of the mint had to pay to the mint, and that was sent to the sovereign of the political area. - Seigniorage derived from notes is more indirect, being the difference between interest earned on securities acquired in exchange for bank notes and the costs of producing and distributing those notes. Seigniorage is a convenient source of revenue for some governments. Scenario A A person has one ounce of gold, trades it for a government-issued gold certificate (providing for redemption in one ounce of gold), keeps that certificate for a year, and then redeems it in gold. That person ends up with exactly one ounce of gold again. No seigniorage occurs. Scenario B Instead of issuing gold certificates, a government converts gold into currency at the market rate by printing paper notes. A person exchanges one ounce of gold for its value in currency. She keeps the currency for
Free Search (10906 images) Titan's mottled surface Rating: 0.00/5 (0 votes cast) - Title Titan's mottled surface - Released 03/07/2004 10:23 am - Copyright NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute This is a mosaic of images of Titan's south polar region from Cassini-Huygens, taken at a distance of 339 000 kilometres on 2 July 2004. These images were acquired through special filters designed to see through the thick haze and atmosphere. The surface features become more blurry toward the limb, where the light reflected off the surface must pass through more atmosphere before reaching the camera. The bright spots near the bottom represent a field of clouds near the south pole. There are many strange dark and bright patterns on Titan's surface - linear, sinuous and circular - whose origins are not yet understood. The smallest features detected on the surface are about 10 kilometres wide.
Earth Talk: The cost of losing tropical rainforests From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: Do you have current facts and figures about how much rainforest is being destroyed each day around the world, and for what purpose(s)? —Teri, via e-mail Pinning down exact numbers is nearly impossible, but most experts agree that we are losing upward of 80,000 acres of tropical rainforest daily, and significantly degrading another 80,000 acres every day on top of that. Along with this loss and degradation, we are losing some 135 plant, animal and insect species every day—or some 50,000 species a year—as the forests fall. According to researcher and writer Rhett Butler, who runs the critically-acclaimed Web site, Mongabay.com, tropical rainforests are incredibly rich ecosystems that play a key role in the basic functioning of the planet. They help maintain the climate by regulating atmospheric gases and stabilizing rainfall, and provide many other important ecological functions. Rainforests are
History of High Tea "There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea." Henry James Anna, the 7th Duchess of Bedford, created the formal "Afternoon Tea" in 1840. Meals were served very late in England during this time and Anna became very hungry around 3 or 4 o'clock each afternoon. She plucked up courage and asked for a tray of tea, bread and butter, and cake. Soon her friends were joining her, and then the tea's became fancier with more rules for what was considered proper. Once the Duchess of Bedford told Queen Mary, the whole county went wild for tea. In America we call a formal tea "High Tea". But in Britiain "High Tea" is another name for supper and is an informal affair that includes tea. They refer to their fancy formal tea as "Afternoon Tea". In Northern California very few High Tea events are available, so we are very proud to invite you to join us for our holiday Victorian Christmas Tea and our spring Mother's Day Tea. Above all, we want to a
|Can stroking whiskers prevent stroke? Serendipitous finding provokes new line of study. It may sound more like science fiction than a carefully controlled scientific protocol, but research indicates that stimulating just one facial whisker of a lab rodent for less than 5 minutes, promptly after blockage of a critical brain artery, can prevent impending stroke. If these findings, reported by scientists supported by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, can be replicated in humans using similar means, it could offer an easy-to-deliver treatment for thwarting cerebrovascular disease, the third leading cause of death in the U.S. and the number one cause of long-term disability. Researchers and other medical experts have long sought ways to prevent or limit brain damage due to stroke, since its effects can be so life-shattering. Stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is suddenly interrupted or when a cerebral blood vessel bursts, causing critical brain cells to die. More than 780,000 ce
Posted by yaman on Wednesday, August 29, 2007 at 6:41am. Take notes in class and whenever you're reading an assignment: Manage time well; participate in class; learn how to make the most of your reading and class notes: Find out what the problem is. Is it reading skills? Here is the best system of improving your study skills ever made, it works, and it will change your life. Ask your mom to help you on this site. And don't forget this one -- right here on the Jiskha home page! Homework tips: http://www.jiskha.com/features/homework_tips/ Social Studies - Why is it important for us to learn Social Studies? Social Studies - what are some ways in which we learn Social Studies? Social Studies - Who was able to find work more easily during the Great ... social studies - Why might enslaved Africans be able to join in rebellion more ... social studies - the most significant thing to learn about the differences ... lansing stem academy - math is learn more about science and social studies Social Studies - How social s
by Rainiel Guzmán Today’s school reformers are collectivists with a common enemy: Teachers and their unions. Fascists, communists, monarchists and technocrats have always followed collectivist models. Teachers, particularly public school teachers, have been targeted by all of the above as obstacles in their road to domination. Their disdain toward public school teachers and their efforts to eliminate teachers’ unions are a matter of public record. Why group these apparently ideological enemies into one cohort? The answer should be equally apparent. Irrespective of their ideological rhetoric, all of these aberrations are forms of collectivism. Their ultimate goal is to gather all resources into one line of control and management. In order to obtain this goal they need individuals to conform to their collectivist plans. Conversely, a teacher is essentially an individual that strives to bring out the unique potential of his or her students. Here is where the battle line is drawn. Let’s revisit history to see the
DLTK's Crafts for Kids Rainbow Paper Craft This is a great craft for reinforcing a lesson on circles or on the fraction "half". A big thanks to one of our viewers for contributing this idea! - Construction paper: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple (or pink if there is no purple in your construction paper pack) - OPTIONAL: String and thin cardboard - Draw a 9" circle on the red paper, 8" circle on the orange, 7" circle on the yellow and so on. - To measure your circles, you can make a template for the kids to trace around on thin cardboard. - Just take a string and make it 1/2 the length of the - Anchor it in the middle of the thin cardboard and tie a pencil on the other end. - Stretch it taught and draw all the way around. - Cut out the template and let the kids use it to trace with. - Cut out the circles. - Glue them one on top of the other from biggest to smallest. - Fold or cut in half to make a rainbow. ADDITIONAL OPTION - MOBILE: Cut out two identical cloud shapes as large as possible from white pa
The court first found that Johnson's actions were protected under the free speech clause under the First Amendment. The court also found that since the action was not violent in nature and did not create a disturbance that it was not criminally sanctioned flag desecration. The case then went the U.S. Supreme Court to be argued on March 21, 1989. The Supreme Court had to find if Johnson's conviction of burning of the flag and breaking a Texas law was consistent with the First Amendment. In a 5-4 decision, the court found that it was not consistent with the First Amendment and that Johnson's conviction under Texas law was unconstitutional. Justice Brennan delivered the opinion of the court. In order to convict Johnson, the state asserted two interests: preserving the flag as a symbol of national unity and preventing the breaches of the peace. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals first found that Johnson alone was the one that was convicted and that his actions were symbolic in nature and under the circumstances
A weekly updated section with stories and links about being a coach. What can Playing Football do for me? Teaches Physical Education According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) more than a third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese. The main cause of childhood obesity is the food selection. Eating fast food for dinner is a lot more convenient that cooking at home. Overeating is another major problem since portion size and portion control are not monitored properly. Increased use of technology, such as video games, internet, and TV, complicates the matter further because it leads to physical inactivity. Playing youth football helps keep the children physically active so that they are better able to maintain a healthy body weight, and it will give your children something else to do besides video games and surfing the web. Deters Juvenile Delinquency When playing youth football, children are in a safe and controlled environment with other children and away from otherwise bad influences. Acco
System dynamics is one approach to model and simulate the dynamics of complex operational systems such as population, ecological and economic systems, which usually interact strongly with each other. In the system dynamical approach, the purpose is to build model that imitates the real feedback structure of the system and captures the characteristic behavior of a system, such as, oscillation, information delays, and stability. The basic building blocks, stocks and flows, are used to describe the system feedback loops which create the nonlinearity found so frequently in every day problems. Operational systems containing both high hierarchy entities, such as, budget cuts or company culture and lower hierarchy entities, such as, production inventories and supply lines are difficult to analyze and design – the scope, dynamics, nonlinearities, time dependencies and complexity limit the available theoretical tools. In many cases modeling and simulation are the only viable tools that can be used to analyze the behav
The act of grouping or uniting; chemic union. C.-back, in the microscope, the lens-system of an objective farthest from the object, composed of a plano-concave of flint glass and a bi- concave of crown glass, or a bi-concave and two bi-convex glasses. C.-front, in the microscope, the lens-system nearest the objective. Did you find this definition of COMBINATION helpful? You can share it by copying the code below and adding it to your blog or web page. Definition of COMBINATION
The Pearl of Great PriceReading: Matthew Ch. 13 Jesus often used parables during his ministry, as he went about teaching and preaching and something like a third of Jesus’ teachings can be found in the form of parables and they are certainly the most remembered of his sayings. The kingdom of heaven is the general theme of parables, as Matt 13:10-11 would suggest. Much of the Sermon on the Mount related to the kingdom of heaven and there is a whole series of parables in this chapter that draw comparison with the kingdom of heaven. There are eight parables recorded for us in this chapter which are designed to represent the kingdom of heaven, the method of planting the gospel in the world and of its growth and success. There is one parable to show the great hindrances of the world that will prevent the gospel of the kingdom of heaven being heard and absorbed; in the parable of the sower. There are two parables which are intended to show that there will be a mixture of bad a good in the world and that they will d
What is the Best Use of the International Community’s Resources; Responding to Disasters or Trying to Strengthen Fragile States? by Richard Burchill The recent earthquake in Haiti is, beyond doubt, a truly tragic event. The impact of the quake in terms of the physical destruction of buildings and infrastructure, the massive loss of life, and the inability of the government to respond all demonstrated how fragile the Haitian state is. While Haiti is probably at the extreme end of fragility, it is not alone in terms of states struggling to survive in difficult conditions. And when something unexpected hits a fragile state, the response of the international community is crucial, because the impact is so much greater and the state's own ability to respond so severely limited. In Haiti the current emphasis is, quite rightly, on response. But it is also appropriate for the international community to consider what can be done to support fragile states with regard to preventative measures so that, when emergencies do
Originally written by Paul Vixie in 1986 and distributed through mod.sources, "display" is a program which will repeatedly execute a command and display the output through curses. The purpose of this project is to maintain and extend display. display continuously runs one or more programs and displays their output in a console or terminal window. Originally written by Paul Vixie , it has been updated to include update-on-demand, "q" to quit, and screen cleaning. To output (results or data) in a visible manner on the screen of a monitor, CRT, or other device. An electronic device on which the output signal of another electronic device may be presented in a visual form; -- also called display device. Typically the display device it is the screen of a cathode-ray tube, as in a computer monitor, but other forms of visual display such as LED or liquid crystal devices are also used. The printed output from a computer or other device is not considered as a display. The output signal from a computer program, displaye
HISTORY OF THE COLDSTREAM GUARDS The Coldstream Guards is the oldest serving regular Regiment in the British Army. These pages describe the highlights of the Regiments history and offer you an insight into some of the Customs and traditions formed in the past that exist to this day. HISTORY OF THE REGIMENT "The town of Coldstream, because the General did it the honour to make it the piece of his residence for some time hath given title to a small company of men whom God hath made instruments of Great Things; and though poor, yet honest as ever corrupt Nature produced into the world, by the no dishonourable name of Coldstreamers." Thomas Gumble 1671 The First 50 Years Oliver Cromwell, after raising the New Model Army in 1645 to fight against the Royalists, finally defeated them in 1649. This paved the way for the execution of Charles I on 30th January 1649. With the Civil War over, Cromwell held unprecedented power in England. Ireland, however, was still in a state of revolt and Cromwell led a force across the
Friday, December 26, 2008 [Julius Wellhausen 1844 - 1918 an architect of modern Biblical Criticism] The Documentary Hypothesis proposes that the Torah was written by several different authors between about 950 BCE through 450 BCE, at which point it was assembled into the present single document, probably by Ezra. This hypothesis is pretty much universally accepted by secularists. There are several problems with this theory, in my humble opinion. The first problem is the Samaritan Pentateuch. The Samaritans have not shared a common tradition with Jews since the division of the United Monarchy following the death of King Solomon. According to Ezra 4, the Samaritans were bitter enemies of the Jews in the time of Ezra. Clearly they would not have accepted a book composed by Ezra. In addition to that, the Torah does not mention the city of Jerusalem, which was the center of Judaism from the time of King David up until the present. Based upon this, it would appear that the latest the Torah could have been written w
48°07' / 28°32' Translation of Lyublin chapter from Pinkas Hakehillot Romania Published by Yad Vashem Published in Jerusalem, 1980 This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities, Romania, Volume II, pages 361-362, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1980 JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions. Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited. Translated by Ala Gamulka Romanian and Russian Lublin Up to the Beginning of World War One The settlement was founded by the Russian government in 1842. The Jewish residents came from Kiev and Yekaterinoslav. The total area of the settlement was 234 Disiatins (1 Disiatin = 11 Dunams). Each settler had 3.77
A medium or large deciduous tree. Leaves alternate, bifoliolate; stipules small, caducous; leaflet sessile, entire, 2.5-6.5 cm long, 1.2-3 cms broad, obliquely ovate, obtuse, coriaceous, glabrous with 3-6 arched veins; petioles slender, 1.2-2.5 cm long. Inflorescence long, slender racemes in terminal panicles, bracts minute, caducous. Calyx 5 mm long, sepals distinct, membranous, sometimes dotted, ovate or orbicular petaloid, yellowish-green. Petals absent. Stamens 10, filaments slender, mostly with fertile anthers. Ovary oblong, stigma large, peltate. Pods strap-shaped, narrowed at both the ends, 5-11 cm long, 1.3-2.5 cm wide, dehiscing at the apex, compressed, glabrous, veined. Seed 1, near the tip of the pod. Fl. Per.: October -January. Distribution: It is a native of India introduced at Hyderabad, Miani Forest and elsewhere in the plains. An ornamental tree. The leaves are used in India to feed the cattle. The wood is also reputed to be durable.
Roberts Memorial United Methodist Church is the oldest black Methodist Church in Alexandria. Prior to 1830, the Black Methodist in Alexandria, Virginia was members of the white Trinity Methodist Church. By 1830, the Black Methodist established their own Church called Davis Chapel after their white Minister. After 1844, Davis Chapel Church renamed their Church to Roberts Chapel due to a split within the Methodist Church on the issue of slavery. The Church was located between two Black neighborhoods called the “Bottoms” and “Hayti.” Prior to the civil war, Roberts Chapel organized a Sabbath school and a secular school, that met at the church until Alexandria retrocedes to Virginia in 1847. After the civil war, the school reopened. Roberts Chapel members were freed and enslaved people. This section will talk about some of their members and the impact they had on the history of Alexandria.
Blocked Tear Ducts Directory A blocked tear duct is the obstruction or closure of one or both the small tubes that run from the eye to the nose and allow tears to drain from the eyes. The condition is most common in newborns: The thin tissue at the end of the tear duct doesn't open normally. In adults, a blocked tear duct is usually the result of an injury, nasal or sinus problems, or thickening of the tear duct lining. Symptoms include excessive tearing, and if there's an infection, redness and swelling around the eye or nose, and mucus in the corners of the eyes. Treatment may include antibiotics. If a baby's tear duct remains blocked for more than 6 months, a probing procedure may be done to open the duct. Follow the links below to find WebMD's comprehensive coverage about Blocked Tear Ducts, how they are diagnosed, treated, and much more. What makes you cry, and why does crying come easily to some people but others rarely shed a tear? Experts explain. Read Full Article Slideshows & Images
Less educated people experience lower life expectancy Washington, August 7 (ANI): Education and socioeconomic status can affect life expectancy of people, according to a new study. Despite advances in health care and increases in life expectancy overall, Americans with less than a high school education have life expectancies similar to adults in the 1950s and 1960s, the study found. "The most highly educated white men live about 14 years longer than the least educated black men. The least educated black women live about 10 years less than the most educated white women," said S. Jay Olshansky, professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and lead author of the study. The research, funded by The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on an Aging Society, examined life expectancy by race, sex and education and examined trends in disparities from 1990 through 2008. "Over the last couple of decades, almost all longevity boats have risen," said Olshansky, but there have
A team of researchers has developed a method to successfully predict the structures of artificial proteins, a breakthrough that could yield valuable methods for making pharmaceuticals and other chemicals that require precise assembly of complex structures. The work, which appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), was conducted by researchers at NYU, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Stony Brook University, and Temple University. The structures of natural proteins define their complex functions. Based on interactions between their amino acids, proteins can fold and twist into distinct, chemically directed shapes. The resulting structure dictates the proteins’ actions in the body, so accurate modeling of structure is vital to understanding their functions. Peptoids, or synthetic proteins, follow similar design rules. Because peptoids are less vulnerable to chemical or metabolic breakdown than are proteins, they hold promise for pha
Smoke Inhalation in Dogs At the outset, stabilization of the respiratory function and establishment of an effective airway will be the most important. Severe upper airway swelling or obstruction may require intubation or an operation to make an opening in the trachea. Oxygen should be administered immediately after rescue from the fire to displace carbon monoxide from hemoglobin (the oxygen carrying pigment of the blood). It will be delivered by mask, hood, oxygen cage, or nasal line. After elimination of carbon monoxide, oxygen supplementation will be continued at 40 to 60 percent as needed. Fluid administration may be required in patients with shock to support cardiovascular function but should be conservative, if possible, to minimize a buildup of fluid in the chest. Blood or plasma transfusions may be necessary to add fresh red and white blood cells to the blood stream. Nutritional support may be needed to maintain body condition and immune status. Living and Managment Your veterinarian will want to caref