float32 -7.38
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stringlengths 72
3.778646 | -3.143698 | -1 | The Iceman Cometh How a son of immigrants used an Army surplus
Jeep to change the face of skating The Iceman Cometh Feature
Article from Hemmings Motor News September, 2006 - David
LaChance In his book Open Net, about his time spent learning to
play goalie with the Boston Bruins, sports journalist George
Plimpton relates his attempts to get his girlfriend to attend a
hockey game by promising that they would watch the Zamboni
resurface the ice between periods. For her, the machine's
appearance was the highlight of the game. She's not alone in
her fascination. Go to any hockey game, and likely as not,
you'll see kids with their noses pressed up against the glass as
the Zamboni machine makes its way around the rink, laying down a
sheet of fresh ice like some giant, mechanized snail from the
South Pole. From Sasha Cohen to the local pee-wee hockey team,
anyone who's ever laced up skates and headed onto the rink owes
a debt to an immigrant's son named Frank J. Zamboni. Born in
Utah, where he learned to work |
-0.157294 | 5.298505 | -1 | Inventors list Assignees list Classification tree browser Top
100 Inventors Top 100 Assignees VECTOR CORPORATION Patent
applications Patent application numberTitlePublished
20100039880ROTOR PROCESSOR - A rotor processor includes a stator
chamber and a rotor mounted for rotation within the chamber. The
rotor has a perimeter edge spaced closely to the interior wall
of the chamber so as to define a slit or gap there between. The
rotor is slidably mounted upon a rotor shaft, for movement
between raised and lowered positions during operation of the
processor, so as to automatically adjust the dimension of the
slit, without operator intervention. As air flows from a plenum
beneath the rotor, through the slit, and into the chamber, a
pressure differential is created, which provides a lifting force
to raise the rotor. The pressure drop is maintained relatively
constant at a predetermined level after a lifting equilibrium
force is achieved, regardless of the air flow volume.02-18-2010
20100034968POLYMER COATING |
2.342891 | 6.054488 | -1 | How To Rearrange The Xbox One's Dashboard Pins The June 2014
update for the Xbox One lets you rearrange the square "pin"
icons that decorate the left pane of the system's dashboard and
serve as the console's game/app shortcuts. That's handy! So how
do you do it? And why might you need a mirror? We can explain
and make it easy for you. 1. Have SmartGlass (And update it)
Sorry, but you can't rearrange your pins on the Xbox One itself.
You might have had visions of waving your hands in front of a
Kinect, channeling your inner Tom Cruise as you moved each pin.
Nah. It might be nice to do it on the system via a controller or
Kinect, but it makes the most sense to do it with a touchable
interface. Hence, SmartGlass, which you can get for an Android,
iOS, or Windows Phone device. If you already have the app, make
sure it's updated. 2. Swipe over to your Pins in SmartGlass
And click the three-dot icon... How To Rearrange The Xbox One's
Dashboard Pins That takes you to the "my pins" view, where you
can do the r |
2.824381 | 1.55897 | 19 | A/N: This rather odd story is the result of a holiday challenge
at dw_straybunnies, as I thought it would be rather fun to see
how many of the 12 prompts I could shoehorn into one tale. This
included Ace with a girl (in this case, Rani), vampires, evil
giraffes, something about Welsh myths, Eleven being threatened
by Care Bears, Sarah Jane and the Doctor with an octopus in the
TARDIS bathtub, Two with Martha, Evelyn Smythe, Six meeting
Rani, the Meddling Monk, Frobisher and it being set in an
ancient Earth civilization, in this case Egypt. Oy. A couple of
these are mere cameos, but they're all in there. Really. The
Giraffe Convolution of Doom "Professor? Professor! Pro-
fesssss-orrrr!" Ace called. It was no use. She'd been looking
for the Doctor for some time now and had already gone through
panic and annoyance to simple resignation that he would only
show up when he was good and ready to. They hadn't been dealing
with anything hostile, in fact he had been giving her a chance
to just relax and look around |
-2.879309 | 2.244132 | -1 | A laborer transports milk by bicycle up a steep hillside. The
daily transport of milk by bicycle to and from the point of
production (cow shed) and to market for selling, is very common.
After a cow has brought in stable income for a Heifer
beneficiary, they can often use the extra income to hire help
for this sort of transportation service. In Rwanda, milk is to
be handled with the utmost respect. Drinking milk from a straw
is considered taboo. Tchaida Mukarabibi is a Heifer project
participant who received a dairy cow. "My cow from Heifer is a
high-producer...of the 12 liters of milk produced per day, I
sell off 8 of them. The 4 left are for personal consumption for
my family," It is customary to name your cow. Mukarabibi has
named hers "Inyubahiro", Kenyarwanda for, "the respected one".
Channel Cyuzuzo and her family's cow, "Superbness". Falguni
Vyas |
3.665871 | 3.010708 | -1 | Home > CR Reviews Maakies With The Wrinkled Knees posted
February 20, 2008 Creator: Tony Millionaire Publishing
Information: Fantagraphics, hardcover, 120 pages, February 2008,
$19.95 Ordering Numbers: 9781560978930 (ISBN13) imageThere are
few comics series whose new installments I anticipate to the
degree I look forward to Fantagraphics' publications of Tony
Millionaire's Maakies. I like just about everything it has to
offer. I enjoy the feel of the project, the landscape design
that's so ridiculous and ungainly it's almost an endorsement of
Millionaire's status all by itself. The books are attractively
produced, with playfully evocative design by Chip Kidd. The look
of the comic strip provides me with a great deal of pleasure;
it's one of the few strips in the alt-weekly world where you
occasionally stop in disbelief that it looks as nice and labor-
intensive from week to week as it does. The craft chops on
display provide much of the atmosphere with which the strip gets
over its jokes and serves as a |
-0.033096 | 0.644016 | -1 | WA mum 'not depressed' when boys died 2:35pm April 30, 2013
Miranda Hebble cuddles her youngest son Malachi Isaac Stevens.
Miranda Hebble cuddles her youngest son Malachi Isaac Stevens.
The father of two young boys, who died after their mother left
them in a shower for 10 hours, has told a coronial inquest his
former partner had bad sleeping habits but he never thought she
was depressed. The West Australian coroner is examining the
deaths of Lochlan James Stevens, aged two, and Malachi Isaac
Stevens, 10 months, who died in November 2008. Their exhausted
mother Miranda Hebble put them in the shower, after Lochlan had
made a mess with his faeces, and closed the bathroom door. She
fell asleep or passed out and woke up about 10 hours later to
find water overflowing from the shower and both boys dead. Ms
Hebble, then aged 22, was caring for her sons alone in Perth
while the boys' father Christopher Stevens, then aged 23, was
working on a fly-in fly-out basis. The couple has since split.
The little boys die |
-3.987114 | 3.472942 | -1 | Non-bile-salt cholephilic organic anions are efficiently taken
up by the liver. Recent work from our group has suggested the
possible importance of relative hydrophobicity among various
organic anions in hepatic uptake. To further validate and
clarify this, we studied hepatic extraction of five different
cholephilic dyes using the isolated perfused rat liver in
single-pass mode. Albumin binding affinities and capacities for
each of the ligands were measured in vitro to permit evaluation
of in vivo interactions for each of them over a spectrum of
unbound ligand concentrations. As expected, a strong positive
correlation was found between ligand hydrophobicity and the
relative degree of albumin binding affinity and capacity. Using
appropriate experimental conditions, we also found a strong
positive correlation between hepatic extraction efficiency for a
given ligand and both its hydrophobicity and its unbound
concentration. These data indicate that where the unbound ligand
concentration is significant, the great |
0.008617 | 10.435128 | -1 | id summary reporter owner description type status priority
milestone component version resolution keywords cc os
architecture failure difficulty testcase blockedby blocking
related 3628 exceptions reported to stderr when they propagate
past forkIO duncan "It's not entirely obvious what to do with
exceptions that do not get handled within a `forkIO` however
reporting them on stderr (or on Windows popping up a message
dialog) does not seem right. We do not have other cases where
errors are logged to stderr. The only such case is an exception
terminating Main.main (and that's special because it terminates
the whole process). If it is vital that someone do something
with exceptions in forkIO threads then they should be propagated
to another thread, in the worst case the main thread." bug new
normal ⊥ libraries/base 6.10.4 Unknown/Multiple Unknown/Multiple
Unknown |
1.342521 | 5.36172 | 82 | Previous abstract Next abstract Session 64 - Telescopes for the
Next Millennium. Oral session, Thursday, January 08 [64.09]
OMEGA: A Space Gravitational Wave MIDEX Mission B. Hiscock
(Montana State U.), R. W. Hellings (JPL) OMEGA is a future
gravitational wave astronomy project to be proposed as a MIDEX
mission. It consists of six miniprobes in high circular Earth
orbit that track each other with lasers. Each miniprobe also has
a sensitive drag-free system that eliminates external non-
gravitational perturbations on the probe. The spacecraft are
placed two-by-two at the vertices of an equilateral triangle
with million-kilometer sides. By combining signals from the six
miniprobes, a Michelson interferometer can be created to measure
the tiny distance perturbations produced by gravitational waves
in the band from 10 secs to 10^4 secs. A number of interesting
sources may be found in this wavelength band. Interacting white
dwarf binaries such as AM CVn will definitely be detectable, so
the actual detection of |
1.115693 | -1.067298 | -1 | • Sat • Dec 27, 2014 • Updated: 2:47am NewsHong Kong First
mainland mother to sneak in by plane is jailed PUBLISHED :
Wednesday, 19 September, 2012, 12:00am UPDATED : Wednesday, 19
September, 2012, 1:59pm The first pregnant mainland woman
arrested for sneaking into the city by plane and giving birth at
the last minute was jailed yesterday. The Immigration
Department said it would improve communications with airlines
after Ye Qianfeng, 26, was sentenced at Sha Tin Court to eight
months in prison for giving a false statement and presenting
false documents. She gave birth to a boy in a Hong Kong
hospital while she was under investigation. It means her son,
whose father is also a mainlander, is legally entitled to right
of abode. Fung Tai-kwong, assistant principal immigration
officer, said there was no indication that more women were
taking planes to the city to give birth. He said: "We believe
there is a chance the airline was deceived by her falsified
documents. We will have more communications wit |
0.851642 | 2.599575 | -1 | Bonjour à tous metrored's picture I'm staring down my 20th
birthday. I'll spend it in france, probably in class. It's been
so long since i've written here r anywhere and though i say that
just about every time I make a post here, I think it' especially
important now. I see myself writing long intimate journal
entries while I'm studying abroad but I haven't been able to
write anything recently when there has been so much happening. I
just finished what was probably (I'm hoping) my hardest semester
ever. As my grades come in 'm crossing my fingers, hoping I get
by by without shooting my GPA to shit. This semester changed me
a little, I think. I'd never worked myself ill before until now
and i don't know if I ever what to do that again. hopefully I
won't, but I have a good semester to be away from that, kind of.
so long |
1.017951 | 9.307809 | 16 | Take the 2-minute tour × I want to create a unique id for a
device, so I have decided to create SHA1(mac XOR timestamp XOR
user_password). Is there any security problem related with this?
Would it be better to do SHA1(mac CONCATENATE timestamp
CONCATENATE user_password)? Thank you share|improve this
question add comment 1 Answer Use concatenation - then you'll
be basing your hash on all of the available source data. If you
use XOR then there's a risk that one piece of your source data
will "cancel out" some (or all) of the bits of the remaining
data before it's even passed to the hash function. And
concatenating rather than XORing won't affect the space required
for storage of your hash - the generated SHA1 hash will always
be 20 bytes regardless of the size of your source data.
share|improve this answer Thank you, ok, I assume that is "more"
risky, but just a very little more risk, cause even in case one
piece cancell out data of other pieces, the sha1 will apparently
generate a strong hash, am I wro |
0.677009 | 10.496301 | 116 | Beefy Boxes and Bandwidth Generously Provided by pair Networks
"be consistent" Who supports Perl? Who develops Perl? Why is it
free? by faq_monk (Initiate) on Oct 08, 1999 at 00:15 UTC
( #563=perlfaq nodetype: print w/ replies, xml ) Need Help??
Current Perl documentation can be found at While the GNU
project includes Perl in its distributions, there's no such
thing as ``GNU Perl''. Perl is not produced nor maintained by
the Free Software Foundation. Perl's licensing terms are also
more open than GNU software's tend to be. You can get
commercial support of Perl if you wish, although for most users
the informal support will more than suffice. See the answer to
``Where can I buy a commercial version of perl?'' for more
information. Log In? What's my password? Create A New User and
the web crawler heard nothing... How do I use this? | Other CB
clients Other Users? Others exploiting the Monastery: (8) As of
2014-12-26 09:41 GMT Find Nodes? Voting Booth? Is
guessing a good strategy for survivin |
4.282412 | 2.703345 | 5 | Skip to content 20 Modern Black And White Movies You Should See
19 September 2013 | Features, Film Lists | by David Zou modern
black and white movies Black and white is the new color in
cinemas this year, with Frances Ha, A Field in England and Much
Ado about Nothing all joining the trend. But black and white
films have never really gone away. Since the 1970s, fictional
feature films have been filmed almost exclusively in color.
Still, films from the last few decades are occasionally
presented in black-and-white, sometimes due to budget
constraints. This is a list of notable feature films whose
majority of running time is in black-and-white or
monochrome/sepia tone and made after the 1960s. 20. Much Ado
About Nothing The Movie: A modern retelling of Shakespeare’s
classic comedy about two pairs of lovers with different takes on
romance and a way with words. Why You Should See It: There will
always be movies that enchant us with their magic, but there
will hardly be a journey that goes beyond cinemati |
-0.019173 | 9.927327 | 16 | Re: Bidi in HTML From: Martin J Duerst ( Date: Mon May 13 1996
- 08:20:48 EDT Jonathan Rosenne wrote: >First, I would like to
apologize for joining the discussion so late. >Most of the
standards people in Israel were not aware of the draft >until
very recently, and it was a crash project to get the comments
The draft is the work of the ietf working group on html. Most
standards (in the ISO sense) people are not very aware of ietf
work anyway :-(. The ietf working groups, in contrast to other
institutions, are really pure volunteer groups, and so they
frequently have no time to advertize their work. However, both
Glenn Adams and Francois Yergeau have made presentations about
HTML and i18n on the web last September at the Unicode
conference in San Jose, and for anybody really interested in
Unicode not aware of that work after that conference, there is
not much of an excuse. Anyway, the ietf also has the principle
that any acutal or perceived issues should be resolved by
finding good technical solutions acc |
3.825982 | 5.027608 | 2 | Take the tour × I usually select all my workers and right-click
around my base, trying to run them away from the hellions. The
problem with this is that they tend to get clumped up,
occasionally getting pwned by hellion flames. What is the
optimal strategy for saving your workers? share|improve this
question add comment 4 Answers up vote 13 down vote accepted
A few days ago there was a topic on TeamLiquid about a new
technique. I'm not fully convinced on how good it is in
practice, but you might want to check it out. The topic is also
featured on the TL main page, which gives it some weight.
TeamLiquid - Saving Your Workers From Hellions Select all
workers, press Stop, hold F1 down and click in a circle around
your base, each worker will go into a different direction.
Just watched ROOT.Catz losing on his stream because his almost
all-in banelings couldn't kill anything due to a split that
looked a lot like this. share|improve this answer Wow,
seriously nice find! – Aardvark Dec 2 '10 at 21:22 I |
-0.037488 | 2.322898 | -1 | Is entry to independent school really like this? (120 Posts)
headfairy Thu 29-Nov-12 18:43:45 “Looking back, I am so
surprised. Elibean Tue 11-Dec-12 10:41:20 ps sorry ds got
turned down for that school - though am equally sure other,
probably more interesting, schools will snap him up! Elibean
Tue 11-Dec-12 10:40:01 castles oooh! I am excited now. Will you
pm/email/text me more? I know we're doomed not to meet till 2013
now, but not sure I can wait till then wink APMF Mon 10-Dec-12
16:34:40 lurking: I agree that for some kids tutoring can be
stressful. However, for some kids a lack of tutoring can be
stressful as well. In our case, our DCs had tackled past papers
from various selectives from around the country. Come exam day
there were questions they couldn't do but at least overall it
wasn't a shock for them. Copthallresident Mon 10-Dec-12
15:26:47 APMF It's a bit more than exaggerating to sell a few
more newspapers, it's a book too. As I said earlier between the
writers of these books and the t |
-1.840383 | 3.023354 | 54 | From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation,
search Goniopora closeup.jpg Scientific classification Kingdom:
Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria Class: Anthozoa Subclass: Hexacorallia
Order: Scleractinia Family: Poritidae Genus: Goniopora de
Blainville, 1830[1] A variety of Goniopora sp. Goniopora, often
called flowerpot coral, is a genus of colonial stony coral found
in lagoons and turbid water conditions. Goniopora have numerous
daisy-like polyps that extend outward from the base, each tipped
with 24 stinging tentacles which surrounds a mouth. Species of
Goniopora can be found in the Arabian Sea areas, the Indian
Ocean, and various tropical and subtropical areas of the Pacific
Ocean. Various species live as far north as Hong Kong (where
they are the dominant colonial non-reef-building coral) and
southern Japan. Goniopora is a sensitive coral that when
probed can sensitise and contract . Goniopora are a very
difficult coral to keep alive and are not recommended for a
novice reef aquarium hobbyist. T |
-0.006631 | 3.722979 | -1 | Information Technology Dark Side Struggles of a Self-Taught
Coder Information Technology Dark Side header image 2
Demonstrate Competence by Developing Your Project Fluency
January 30th, 2008 · No Comments A few days ago I blogged about
five ways we intuitively evaluate each other’s competency.
Fluency, the ability to use the vocabulary of the project
comfortably, is one of the most important. Without fluency, it’s
hard to move on to comprehension, expression, and nuance. If you
can’t speak the language of the project, you won’t be able to
understand the consequences of changes to the project easily.
Even if you manage to develop comprehension without fluency, it
won’t benefit you much. After a brief grace period, people will
begin to treat you as incompetent even if you are not, simply
because you don’t grasp the terminology of the situation. As an
example, I can overlook a new hire saying something really
stupid like “Java Real-time Engine” instead of “Java Run-time
Engine”, but I wouldn’t overlook tha |
0.84137 | 7.828021 | 77 | Original URL:
You won't find this in your phone: A 4GHz 12-core Power8 for
badass boxes Not all silicon boffinry is in mobile... And IBM
refuses to give in to Intel By Timothy Prickett Morgan Posted
in Servers, 27th August 2013 11:24 GMT Hot Chips Big iron sales
are still generating $6bn to $7bn a year for IBM - which is
enough to justify designing its own Power processors and
building its own wafer baker. At the Hot Chips conference at
Stanford University on Monday, some of the chief architects
behind the Power8 electronics were on hand to show off the feeds
and speeds of the next-generation motor for the company's Power
Systems lineup. Significantly, the Power8 chip is also the
foundation for Big Blue's OpenPower consortium - an effort to
make it easier to hook networking, accelerators and other
features into Power processors by allowing third parties to
license chunks of intellectual property in the style of ARM
Holdings and its RISC co |
-1.804555 | 0.787698 | -1 | Comment Print Mail ShareFacebookTwitterMore Emergency
Managers Are Bad, Bankruptcy Far Worse Ballot proposal would
end some cities' best option at fiscal survival Michigan’s
recently beefed-up "emergency manager" law gives broad powers to
a state appointee if a local government or school district fails
its citizens financially in one of 18 explicit ways. Assuming a
referendum passes a legal challenge and makes it to the ballot,
citizens will vote in November on whether to keep or overturn
this law. Before an emergency manager is appointed, a city or
school district must have created an astounding fiscal mess. For
all the controversy surrounding the law, only seven EMs have
been appointed. Without their EM's "house cleaning," most of
these cities and school districts would probably be headed for
bankruptcy court, where judges have vastly more power than any
emergency manager. Around the country there are a growing
number of painful examples when there is no effective law in
place to address a local gov |
1.035306 | 1.558673 | -1 | Member Login editation means “Dhyana” in Sanskrit which means
to contemplate.”Dhi” means the mind or mental faculties and
“ayan” means discipline. Meditation in literal sense means the
way/method/process to discipline the mind and its thoughts, to
harness its full potential. Why Meditate? In order to be free
from the shackles of daily tension, from physical diseases, from
the vicious circle of birth and death, we need to look for the
root cause of these problems. The root lies in our mind. Any
sorrow or happiness takes birth two times, first in the workshop
of our mind and second when we face it. So the best way to take
care of our bodies and mind is to take care of our thoughts, and
to take care of our thoughts we need to meditate. Dr. Indu
Arora has been teaching Meditation since 1999. She teaches
diverse meditation techniques inspired by Yoga, Buddhist
Tradition, Tattriye Upanishad, from acclaimed masters and from
her own experiences. Her practice includes the following
Meditation Techniques: For in |
0.039934 | 8.221749 | -1 | The Linux Experiment Illustration: Jeff Berlin I knew I'd had
it with Windows when I had a nightmare filled with those little
yellow balloons from the system tray, telling me that I had 3617
critical updates waiting to be installed. What's more, Trojan
horses were prancing across my desktop and worms were crawling
out of my in-box. I woke up and thought, "There must be a
better operating system." I wanted an OS that didn't need me to
constantly install fixes, that didn't crash at the worst times,
and that wasn't a target of every punk itching to prove his
hacker skills. I didn't want a Macintosh--for one thing, I
didn't want to move to a new hardware platform. That left me
just one other choice: Linux. But could I really get my work
done in an OS written by a self-organizing online collective? I
knew there were Linux counterparts to many Windows applications,
but given that many of them are free, would they work? Would my
hardware still function? And could I share my work with the more
than 90 percent of t |
-0.330457 | -1.837161 | 17 | U.S. Fears Attack Using Nuclear, Biological Weapon U.S.
government is quietly working to prevent something far worse --
a catastrophic weapon strike While most Americans focus on the
threat of another aviation attack like the Sept. 11 hijackings,
the U.S. government is quietly working to prevent something far
worse -- a catastrophic strike with a weapon of mass destruction
Five years after the Sept. 11 attacks killed nearly 3,000
people, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has once
again bolstered aviation security in high-profile fashion in
response to a failed plot in Britain to blow up U.S.-bound
planes But in a sign he fears other, more devastating attacks,
Chertoff has also made his department focus on worst-case
scenarios which could include nuclear or biological weapons
Some analysts say the government is still not spending enough
money to address such threats "An improvised nuclear device
would be devastating with potentially hundreds of thousands of
casualties and ... the damage would |
-4.558248 | 2.0116 | -1 | Cacao pods. Courtesy of National Confectioners Association.The
fruit of the cacao tree is a football-shaped pod that comes in
various colors depending on genetics and degree of
ripeness—green, yellow, orange, red, purple or maroon. The pod
ranges from eight to 14 inches long and grows directly from the
tree’s main branches and trunk, not from a stem like an apple
does. The pod’s outer covering can run the gamut from thin to
thick, soft to woody, smooth to leathery to warty to ridged.
Inside each pod is sweet white pulp and juice—which can be used
to make drinks with a sweet, mild flavor—covering 50 to 60
seeds. Open cacao pods. Before the pod can grow, however, the
tree’s flowers must be pollinated. These intricate pink or white
flowers appear on the tree’s trunk and main branches and are
tiny—only about half an inch across. They have no scent. Insects
such as a type of gnat called a midge pollinate them naturally,
or a farmer can do so by hand. Of the thousands of flowers on
each tree, only three to 10 |
4.440437 | -1.94538 | 67 | Create your own wall, sign in free! Cindy Baumann wwe wrestling
5,367 followers This page has no updates What else is
happening...? ON THIS DAY: @papilokanu recalls his stunning hat-
trick for @Arsenal at @chelseafc in 1999 - Retweeted by Sonakshi
Sinha #Repost from @jasonderulo --- Ya Boi co hosting
@106andpark tomorrow!! I'm taking notes from @keshiachante |
2.711962 | 1.56889 | 19 | So, I said I wasn’t going to do this, but here it is. Snow
Queen fanfic for SWATH. Spoiler alerts for the film, obviously.
I just can’t deny the chemistry between the two actresses, and
the conflict between the characters. Short one-shot thing.
Mostly for my own enjoyment. You find her staring at the wall
on which her mirror used to rest. You keep a respectable
distance, mostly out of habit, although your old roles have
fallen away and she stays hidden, alive, a ward under your
thumb. It doesn’t feel like that — she’s not under your
control, and that’s not why she’s alive. It feels like you’re
protecting her. The thing you remember the clearest, as her
fingers wrap around yours, is how she looked when they found you
after the fall of your fathers reign. She looked as she did now
— surprised, hurt, and a little relieved. When the huntsman
said that you had to drive the blade in, and wait for the
revealing of the soul that came with death, you didn’t think he
really meant it in such a way. Yet, as |
-0.884063 | 3.380707 | -1 | Environmental Ethics The written curriculum was developed by
the Goldman Environmental Prize and the Yale University
Department of Forestry and Environmental Studies. The video
profiles featuring Goldman Prize winners from around the world
are developed by the Goldman Prize and serve as a centerpiece of
each prize ceremony. The curriculum uses these grassroots
environmental heroes to illustrate why and how individuals
decide to act in their communities. The curriculum is organized
around these foundational topics in environmental studies:
wildlife, forests, water, air and minerals. Learn more about
the curriculum or purchase it for $29.95. User is: |
-1.928106 | 0.605362 | -1 | Written by Asheville Jack Print this Monday, 16 January 2012
image for North Carolina Sterilization Descendants to Receive
$50K Next up: Will North Carolina to banish Easter eggs forever?
The descendants of people who were forcibly sterilized as part
of the multi decade long eugenics program in North Carolina
should receive a one-time payment of $50,000, a state task force
recommended on Tuesday. The North Carolina Final Solution
sterilization program, referred to in state legal documents as
SNIP (Surgically Neutering Ignorant People) forcibly sterilized
an estimated 7,600 people between 1929 and 1974, many of them
against their will. The state apologized for the snafu in 2002,
and North Carolina created the compensation task force only a
decade later when many victims refused to die off. Various
states once had eugenics programs, with seven going so far to
express regret they were caught, but North Carolina is the first
to consider paying the sterilized victims non-existent
descendants. The five-membe |
-0.278435 | -1.917535 | 17 | Page last updated at 10:46 GMT, Friday, 10 July 2009 11:46 UK
Brown meets Libyan leader Gaddafi Gordon Brown and Muammar
Gaddafi The two leaders talked of a "strong partnership" Gordon
Brown has held one-to-one talks with Libyan leader Muammar
Gaddafi for the first time, discussing a range of political and
economic issues. The two met for 45 minutes on the sidelines of
the G8 summit in Italy. Issues discussed included the condition
of the man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing and the unsolved
murder of PC Yvonne Fletcher in London in 1984. No 10 said the
two stressed how much progress had been made recently in
relations between the two countries. Libya's announcement in
2003 that it had abandoned plans for a nuclear weapon resulted
in a dramatic improvement in relations with the international
community and led to then prime minister Tony Blair's historic
visit to Libya a year later. At Friday's meeting, Mr Brown
praised Libya's "brave decision" and said it hoped it would set
an example to other coun |
-7.294123 | 3.228642 | 49 | First: Mid: Last: City: State: Damian Althoff Get the
most current info on Damian Althoff when you use USA-People-
Search.com. Here, you'll have access billions of public records
data that is trustworthy and reliable. Our search results
include info such as age, recent addresses, phone numbers, and
more. Find out more about Damian Althoff right away! The
fastest way to find Damian Althoff is by including as much info
as possible, even an old address or nickname, into the search
fields. If you still don't see the Damian you want , don't
worry! You can also browse a complete list of everyone named
Damian Althoff registed in our database. Once you find Damian,
sign up to gain full access to their contact information and
public records. USA People Search arranges its search results
into specific data points, including name/aliases, age,
location, and possible relatives, making it more convenient to
find the exact Damian Althoff you're searching for. To explore
even further, click on the details link to a |
-1.095537 | 4.787743 | -1 | • Text size • Send this article to a friend • Print
this article Fife estate's street lights could illuminate new
way to save millions from household electricity bills A
glenrothes housing estate is being hailed as the site of a
breakthrough in the quest for a "smart grid" that will reduce
network losses of electricity, saving millions of pounds for
consumers. Network waste is estimated by the Department of
Energy and Climate Change (DECC) at £3 billion a year in the UK,
mainly through "copper losses" (heat in the cable), and theft.
As the cost is borne by consumers rather than suppliers, power
companies have so far lacked incentives to tackle the issue.
The Glenrothes pilot project, part of Fife Council's Light Fife
Green initiative to cut spending and carbon emissions on street
lighting, has been a test bed for power line carrier (PLC)
technology which transmits data along electricity lines. The
pilot uses two-way communications between pillars and
substations to measure the energy saved by d |
-0.820663 | 6.893575 | 8 | Australian Parliament issues summons to Apple, Microsoft, Adobe
IT Pricing inquiry bares its fangs, prepares to bite Apple over
price gouging, tiny tax bill Evaluating the cost of a DDoS
attack The IT Pricing Inquiry being conducted by Australia's
House Committee on Infrastructure and Communications has issued
summons to Apple, Microsoft and Adobe. The inquiry kicked off
in 2012 and is investigating why Australians pay more for
hardware and software than those overseas. At current exchange
rate one Australian dollar buys $US1.03. Yet Australians often
pay more in Australian dollars than Americans are charged in
their currency. An example of the discrepancy can be seen in
the price of a 16GB WiFi iPad with Retina Display. In the USA
the fondleslab costs $US499. In Australia it's $AUD539. A
year's worth of Office 365 Home Premium costs $AUD119 down
under, but $US99.99 in the land of the free. Multinational IT
outfits have said Australians pay more because of local costs,
but have never explained just wh |
-0.289736 | -0.73306 | 98 | To The Valiant That Served Let's take a moment out of our day
to salute the men and women that gave all in defense of our
homeland. Memorial Day's purpose is just that (although its
actual origins may surprise you). For me, the people that had
it the hardest were those who, after agonizing reflection,
realized that their war effiorts were best served by not serving
at all. Like:Read more » |
1.774412 | 8.70509 | -1 | The blocks world has two kinds of components: A legal move is to
transfer a block from one place or block onto another place or
block, with these restrictions: Here is a simple blocks world
problem: And here is its shortest solution: A two-dimensional
array may be appropriate (as in the 8-puzzle), however: Stacks
are a natural structure for piles of blocks. This section
discusses blocks world move representation and its effect on the
state space search space. It is straightforward to think of a
move in the blocks world as transferring from one place (the
source) to another place (the destination). So the name of the
block is not necessary to uniquely specify a move. The three
moves used in the example (see to the left) are: The doMove
method in the blocks world move class must return null if there
is no block on the source place. The number of move objects to
create is dependent on the number of places, but not on the
number of blocks. In general, if there are n places, there
should be n*(n-1) move obje |
-2.475059 | 5.071682 | -1 | Smart SpendingSmart Spending New program for 'underwater'
homeowners The government has launched a program that actually
reduces mortgage principal. By Stacy Johnson Sep 22, 2010
3:48PM We've all watched as program after program rolls out
of Washington, D.C., for those hapless homeowners who can't make
their mortgage payments. And we've all seen or heard stories
about people who simply stop paying their mortgage and walk away
from their obligations. Where's the help for the many
homeowners who continue making payments on a mortgage that
exceeds their home's value? It's finally here -- if you qualify.
According to a government news release, the Federal Housing
Administration's "short refinance" option is targeted to help
people who owe more on their mortgage than their home is worth
-- or are "underwater" -- because their local markets saw large
declines in home values. The program allows homeowners with
negative equity to refinance into a new FHA mortgage -- one that
would be less than the current va |
-0.470264 | 2.440006 | -1 | American Merchant Marine Page Hosted by Bruce Felknorphoto of
Bruce Felknor Bruce Felknor was a radioman in the merchant
marine in World War II. After ten years in public relations,
became an expert on election ethics as Executive Director of the
Fair Campaign Practices Committee, and published the classic
Dirty Politics. He spent many years as an Executive and Editor
with Encyclopedia Britannica. Bruce Felknor crossed the bar
09/27/08 Felknor edited the comprehensive The U.S. Merchant
Marine at War, 1775-1945 published by Naval Institute Press,
Annapolis, Maryland, 1998 Book Review The Forgotten Heroes of
World World War II By Bruce L. Felknor National Maritime Day
is celebrated every year on May 22. In its 72 years it has
become the nation's most ignored national day, memorializing its
most forgotten great accomplishment, and honoring the most
ignored vital element of its military capability, the U.S.
Merchant Marine. A joint resolution of Congress created it to
celebrate the beginning of transocean |
0.266746 | -0.720674 | -1 | David Calling The David Pryce-Jones blog. Another Day . . .
Another day, another Soviet spy revealed in the heart of the
British establishment. The spy this time is James MacGibbon, who
in the war worked in a special department of the War Office and
passed documents to his Soviet handler in London. A Russian
historian, Svetlana Chervonnaya, has been exploring the relevant
files. At the same time, MacGibbon’s son, Hamish, has published
an article in the London Review of Books, a left magazine that
rejoices in anything harmful to Britain. This article explains
how James MacGibbon had been a member of the Communist party
before the war but still passed the War Office vetting, like so
many other dubious figures. German intelligence had penetrated
parts of the Soviet secret service, and MacGibbbon could have
given away information that exposed Ultra, the code name for
British interception of German radio traffic unknown to the
Germans. In that case, as Ben Macintyre, a specialist in these
matters, points out |
2.890393 | 1.609871 | 19 | jolenebcm (jolenebcm) wrote in miracle______, The Sea and Sky
(Chapter 7) Title: The Sea and Sky (Chapter 7)
Pairings: EunHae, Kyumin, KangTeuk, Yewook Rating: G
Genre: Romance, Humour, Friendship Summary: EunHae don't realize
that they're meant for each other. Even if the other went far
away, their surroundings makes them together again without
noticing. They can't be separated. (sorry for the bad summary)
If you want to read the past chapters, below are the links. :D
Previous chapters: [After 15 minutes] "Hannie...this is..."
Heechul was left speechless. "Yes. I know darling. The park. The
place where everything had started." He sighed and continued
while looking at his surroundings. "I missed this place."
Hankyung spotted a bench and went towards it to sit. At the
moment he sat, he bowed his head and buried his face to his
hands and started crying. Heechul then walked slowly to his
direction and sat beside him to give him comfort. Many had
happened in the past. Now that they're back in Korea, it's t |
2.984556 | 1.703223 | 19 | Title: Orpheus Drowning Rating: NC-17 Characters: Dean/Sam
(Wincest) Genres: Angst, First Time, Hurt/Comfort Summary: Sam
has to come to grips with the deal Dean made. Dean has to deal
with a broken Sam. Secrets are kept, admissions are made, all in
the name of finding a way to break their pattern of each trying
to die for the other. (Spoilers for Seasons 1 & 2) Disclaimer:
So not mine, if they were I would have better things to do then
write about them. Author's Notes: A/N: First time writing in
this fandom. I just started watching the show and second season
finale, of course, did me in. So I had to write something. This
story is what came of it. Might be a chapter fic, if people like
it, cause I definitely have a plot bunny in here somewhere with
all the angsty porn. Thanks for reading, hope someone enjoys!
Sam is silent on the way to the motel. Every now and then he
turns to look back at the headlights of Bobby's car as he and
Ellen follow them. It's like a nervous twitch. He's waiting for
somethin |
-3.070817 | 3.028522 | -1 | Fasciolosis (Fasciola hepatica) Fasciolosis is the disease
caused by liver fluke – fasciola hepatica linnaeus. It spreads
all over the world and it occurs mostly in domestic animals like
cattle, pigs, rabbits, horses and in wild animals. In case of
humans the parasite settles in the liver and the bile ducts. It
is estimated that there are about 50 mln people infected with
liver fluke. Regions the most affected are South and Latin
America. This fluke lays in the bile ducts about 6000 eggs a
day, which are later removed with faeces. In water, in the
temperature of 22 – 25˚C the first larvas (miracidium) hatch.
The larvas are active for a couple of hours and during that time
they get into an indirect host, that is a snail. After 3 weeks
from the penetration into the indirect host, the larva
transforms into – a sporocyst, which subsequently changes into
the first generation of Redia. In the following week another
generation of rediae and cercariae comes into being. Cercariae
get out of the snail and into water w |
-1.78551 | 1.880925 | -1 | I think that what everybody or mostly everybody wants to say is
that we sometimes do things unethically, but dont put the video
on the websites where non hunters can get more ammo against
us.That unethical thing should be kept to yourself so that you
can live with it. Shoot Straight |
-2.195069 | 1.398489 | -1 | Matt Yglesias Went To a Walmart But He Didn't Buy Anything,
ThoughS Slate business and economics correspondent Matthew
Yglesias reports today that he successfully entered and explored
a Washington, DC Wal-Mart store. He didn't buy anything, though.
"Urban Walmarts Are Great," declares Slate, based upon Yglesias'
excursion to an urban Walmart store that has now been open for
two (2) days. Yglesias reports that the two-day-old Walmart
store is "pretty great," and that concludes that "cities that
have been fending off Walmart have been shooting themselves in
the foot." A pleasant time was had by Yglesias during his visit
to Walmart, to be sure. But the story does not end there. For
this O. Henry-esque tale comes with its own twist: Matt
Yglesias, you see, did not purchase any goods at Walmart. I
wasn't in the market for any fresh meat or produce, and the vast
majority of the store is dedicated to dry goods. But why would I
buy some socks or a no-stick frying pan or a coffee maker at
Walmart when Amazon P |
2.43463 | 3.101425 | 65 | Subscribe Feedback English look up any word, like mixie: 1.
Jappa'ai The mysterious group of gua'ould (The enemy in Stargate
SG1) that help the humans from time to time. "Jack, some
Jappa'ai came through the stargate to warn you about Ra's
mothership coming towards earth. No big deal." rss and gcal |
-0.326388 | 10.242131 | -1 | Take the 2-minute tour × Basically, I am designing a web search
engine, so I designed a crawler to get web pages. When read in,
the web pages are in html format, so all the tags are there. I
need to extract keywords from the body and title, so I'm trying
to remove all the tags (anything between '<' and '>') The code
below works well for small html pages, but when I try to use
this on a large scale (ie starting from http://www.google.com),
I run out of memory. 0 def remove_tags(self, s): 1 while
'<' in s: 2 start = s.index('<') 3 end =
s.index('>') 4 s = s[:start] + " " + s[end+1:] 5
return s.split() The memory error occurs at line 4. How do I
fix my code so that taking the substrings of s doesn't consume
excessive memory? share|improve this question Oh man that's
ugly. – Joel Cornett Jul 29 '12 at 9:14 add comment 1 Answer
up vote 8 down vote accepted Your general approach is wrong.
Firstly, use a real XML/HTML parser. Something like
BeautifulSoup, which is forgiving |
-2.292571 | -0.418062 | 36 | Americans handing out a million dollars a day in Iraq
Associated Press Published Tuesday, May 27, 2003 WASHINGTON
(AP) -- U.S. dollars are flown to Iraq by the planeload. An Army
clerk pays Baghdad electricians from a footlocker full of cash.
Soldiers string barbed wire at the site where Iraqi retirees get
their pensions. "It doesn't instill a lot of confidence," the
CATO Institute's Christopher Preble says of reconstruction
finances so far in postwar Iraq. American troops and officials
are handing out $1 million a day in Iraq, according to the
Pentagon-led Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian
Assistance. That spending is in addition to multimillion
contracts awarded by the State Department and the roughly $1
billion a week it takes to keep U.S. troops in Iraq. Officials
say they're developing an efficient and well-controlled system
for getting money back into the country's economy again. But
financing reconstruction in Iraq is a hugely complicated affair,
with money coming in from at least a half |
-1.994197 | -0.442537 | -1 | View Single Post Old 08-13-2009, 12:58 AM #10 Mr. Wrong
X-Terminator's Avatar Join Date: Jun 2006 Posts: 6,881 Gender:
Male Member Number: 2550 Thanks: 0 Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
Default Re: And now a word from Dutch... Originally Posted by
SteelTalons View Post Nationalization - the act of taking an
industry or assets into the public ownership of a national
government or state. And yet I dont support a single payer only
system. Im supporting a hybrid system with a government run and
private sector plans. You act like Im saying hijack the industry
completely, all Im saying is fix whats broke, provide more
options when it comes to healthcare, and to cover the 50million
uninsured AMERICANS. If Im a "socialist" for that. Then your
not a "conservative" your a "closet anarchist with a flag
fetish". What do I say we do, besides pay for the utilities for
cities to run and for the postal service to function, along with
education(which needs reform), healthcare, and the military.
Other than that we just need t |
-2.803126 | 4.708163 | -1 | Wednesday, September 22, 2010 Governor Stevens pwned! See Tim
Colebatch this morning. Governor Stevens this week argued that
there were not really two Australias: "While some events can
lead to a divergence in economic conditions across Australia,
overall these differences have not been especially large in
recent times . . . What is remarkable, in fact, is that the
differences are not, in the end, larger." But here's what
Stevens was saying back in February: "Yes, I think it is going
to be a two-speed economy . . . I think all those issues of
geographical differences and industry differences are likely to
re-emerge with a vengeance. The relative price of resources is
high, that of manufactures is low. There are structural
adjustment implications of this for our economy . . . they will,
I think, probably intensify in the years ahead." Some extracts
from Tim Colebatch: "In my next life, I want to be a central
bank governor. People fawn on you, whatever you say is taken as
gospel, and others rarely chall |
-1.210665 | 7.190269 | -1 | Learning with Librarians 1. Wordle - creating word clouds
2. Blogs - Global2 for Victorian school teachers in government
and Catholic schools 3. diigo for bookmarking 4. twitter for
searching and networking 5. Scoopit for curating 6. skype
for videoconferencing 7. bubbl.us and diagram.ly for
brainstorming 8. booktrailers 9. qr codes Further resources
3. The best lists on technology use by Larry Ferazzo 4. Long
live libraries for life long learning 5. Curation for Teenage
Librarians 7. Long live libraries for lifelong learners 8.
These are a few of my favourite things 9. Parents-Partners in
Teaching and Learning 10. Latest Happenings at Sandy Beach
Public School Library What tools or resources would you suggest
for librarians to use? About these ads 8 Responses to Learning
with Librarians 1. Thanks Anne, that has been great. We
will be in touch again. 2. Maureen O'Loughlan Wow! So
much information…have had a valuable day at Hawkesdale with
Anne, Faye and Br |
0.761381 | -0.824961 | -1 | Menu JTA Search Edith Lehman Dead at 86 Funeral services will
be held here tomorrow for Mrs. Edith Altschul Lehman, a leading
philanthropist who died yesterday at the age of 86. Mrs. Lehman
was the widow of the late Herbert H. Lehman who served as
Governor of New York and later as United States Senator. Mrs.
Lehman, who was born in San Francisco and educated at private
schools, married Mr. Lehman in 1910. She joined her husband in
various philanthropic activities including the work of the
Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, the United Jewish Appeal
and the cause of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Following Mr.
Lehman’s death in 1963, she contributed $100,000 to the UJA in
his memory and made substantial gifts to other institutions,
Jewish and non-Jewish. At the time of her death. Mrs. Lehman was
an honorary trustee of the Mount Sinai Medical Center with which
she had been associated since 1921. |
-0.991443 | 3.504166 | 71 | What Caused the Biggest Kill of All? By Susan
Kruglinski|Wednesday, December 03, 2003 Two hundred and fifty
million years ago, the Permian extinction wiped out virtually
all marine species and most life on land, clearing the path for
the dinosaurs and setting back the rise of mammals by 50 million
years. Gregory Ryskin of Northwestern University thinks he has
tracked down the cause of this mysterious die-off, the worst in
history: an underwater explosion, 10,000 times as powerful as
the detonation of every nuclear weapon in the world today.
Ryskin proposes that huge deposits of methane and other gases,
which are naturally produced in deep-sea waters, became trapped
under the pressure of a then-stagnant global ocean. Any forceful
disturbance—an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, for
instance—could have disrupted the pressurized gas. Rising
methane could have churned the oceans, suffocating aquatic
organisms, and flooded into the atmosphere, triggering a
worldwide hot spell. A single lightning strike could e |
-1.318413 | 9.762664 | -1 | Take the 2-minute tour × I am using the official facebook ios
sdk in my app (https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk) It
was all working fine. I was able to log in, pull all my info
from Facebook, post things on my wall. Do all those regular
stuff that you do... But since last night, it appears to be
broken. When the login window appears and the user logs in,
instead of getting the authkey and getting a callback. The login
window directs users to facebook.com. Did anyone else notice
the problem? Is there any fix to it or we just assume that the
graph API is broken right now and wait? share|improve this
question Anyone else noticed this problem?..."What is going on
with the LoginDialog? It is now redirecting to facebook.com
instead of getting the authkey and getting a callback. " –
user348398 Nov 7 '10 at 17:52 I am having the same issue. How
did you remedy the situation. – Asad Khan Dec 13 '10 at 7:06
php-sdk same too. java-sdk will working fine at any time :) –
haha Dec 22 '10 at 21:10 add comme |
3.29243 | 4.39336 | 2 | "As if we really needed more proof of Square's failure since the
merger." When Final Fantasy 3 was first announced for the DS,
Final Fantasy fanatics everywhere rejoiced as it marked the
occasion where we would finally have all of the Final Fantasy
titles on American shores. And Final Fantasy 3 promised to be a
far cry from its archaic NES model in that it was not a port,
but a full remake. Unfortunately, this promise fast turns to
disappointment when the time comes to actually play the game.
The story --- what little of it exists, that is --- centers
around Luneth and friends saving the world from the power of
darkness. More specifically, the balance between light and dark
has become broken thanks to the evil forces of villainy, and the
power of darkness has overcome the world. The world is a flood
of dark energy, and the light crystals will be under siege from
the powers of darkness at every moment. In a plot event
strangely similar to the original Final Fantasy for NES, the
world's only hope are four see |
0.490324 | -1.580701 | -1 | ''Thanks be to God,'' Mr. Sharkawi said of the Nile River
water. He raised his hands to the sky, then gestured toward a
state functionary visiting his farm. ''Everything is from God,
and from the ministry.'' But perhaps not for much longer.
Upstream countries, looking to right what they say are historic
wrongs, have joined in an attempt to break Egypt and Sudan's
near-monopoly on the water, threatening a crisis that Egyptian
experts said could, at its most extreme, lead to war. ''Not
only is Egypt the gift of the Nile, this is a country that is
almost completely dependent on Nile water resources,'' said a
spokesman for the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Hossam Zaki. ''We
have a growing population and growing needs. There is no way we
can accept this kind of threat.'' Ever since civilization first
sprang forth here, Egyptians have clustered along the Nile's
silt-rich banks. Almost all of the country's 80 million people
live within a few miles of the river, and farmers like Mr.
Sharkawi have hardly changed the |
-1.211009 | 4.745793 | -1 | Green Revolution: Hydrogen Hydrogen bonds are an extremely
efficient way to store energy. Unlike other fuel sources,
hydrogen can’t be harvested easily so we have to make it. From
the importance of developing an effective catalyst to speed up
electrolysis, to the construction and operation of the fuel
cell, this episode demonstrates that sometimes it only takes a
little to do a lot. |
4.648258 | -3.20135 | 1 | Guardiola needs victory over Manchester City Pep Guardiola must
target victory at the Etihad stadium tonight Published by
Prokopios Stekas 02/10/2013 16:04 , read by 1,340 people Josep
Guardiola, who made his reputation as a very successful manager
at Barcelona, will be hoping for victory as his current side
Bayern Munich take on Manchester City tonight. After staying
away from the benches for a year, the former Catalans manager
decided to take over the German side. A difficult task if you
consider that Bayern were coming off a tremendous season winning
the title both in German Bundesliga and DFB Cup (the German Cup)
and at the same time winning the title in UEFA Champions League
with Jupp Heynckes as manager. Since then there have mixed
feeling about Guardiola. The majority of the fans was very
pleased from his arrival at the club and believed that their
team, with his guidance, will establish its domination in
European football for many years. On the other hand there were
a few that were worried and |
0.56623 | -0.741321 | -1 | All Hell Let Loose: The World at War 1939-1945. By Max Hastings.
HarperPress; 748 pages; £30. Buy from The Second World War. By
Antony Beevor. Little, Brown; 863 pages; $35. Weidenfeld &
Nicolson; £25. Buy from, HISTORY is full of wars that were
bloodier than the second world war. As a proportion of the
population, more people were killed during the An Lushan
rebellion in eighth-century China, for example, or by the Thirty
Years War in 17th-century central Europe. But the sheer
magnitude of the human tragedy of the second world war puts it
in a class of its own, and its relative closeness to the present
day makes claims on the collective memory that more remote
horrors cannot. The statistics of the war are almost mind-
numbing. Estimates differ, but up to 70m people died as a direct
consequence of the fighting between 1939 and 1945, about two-
thirds of them non-combatants, making it in absolute terms the
deadliest conflict ever. Nearly one in ten Germans died and 30%
of their army. About 15m Chinese perishe |
-3.734821 | 3.817934 | -1 | everydayfitness steroid articles Egg Whites International
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DVD's Making Test Enanthate from 'Powder' I�m mixing up a
batch of garden-variety test-e 250. I have 10 grams of powder so
I�ll need to the final volume to be 10,000 mg / 250 mg/ml = 40
ml. Then I check the math: 250 mg/ml of test * 40 ml = 10,000
mg. of test, which is 10 grams. (Note 1) Preheat the oven to 175
F. (Note 2) Now, locate a suitable bottle and make a �bottle
ruler�. (Note 3) Scrape the �powder� into the vial. Test
enanthate looks like a liquid at room temp Put a couple of ml
of oil in the container and pop it in the oven. When it�s
melted, pour it in the vial. Repeat 1 time. Add 0.4 |
-0.097569 | 3.204429 | -1 | Scoring Multiple Choice Tests Overview Our main answer sheet
for use in general-purpose classroom testing is the University
of Alberta General Purpose Answer Sheet which accommodates 200
five-choice questions, 50 twenty-choice questions and 2 fields
for entry of instructor-scored sections of a test used, for
example, to enter marks from essay questions. A significant
feature of our services is built on an Item Analysis program
that is still being enhanced after 40 years of use involving
migration through a series of hardware and operating-system
platforms. The description, Classical Test Theory, is clearly
appropriate for this program. Inspection of item analysis
reports can be very useful for identifying problems with a test
or its scoring including something as simple as miscoding the
answer sheet containing the keyed responses. The wealth of
detail included in the reports from this program becomes more
informative as the size of the class increases (as artifacts of
sampling decrease). Following the inspe |
4.347338 | 2.748093 | 5 | High Invisibility By Disappearing Into His Roles, 'Hollow Man'
Star Kevin Bacon Has Become A Man Of Substance August 04,
2000|by AMY LONGSDORF (A free-lance story for The Morning Call).
Kevin Bacon knows what it's like to feel invisible. Sitting in
a room at the Four Seasons Hotel discussing his new $90 million
sci-fi thriller `Hollow Man,` which opens today in area
theaters, the actor flashes back to a time a dozen years ago
when his once-rocketing career began to sputter and stall. He
had just turned 30 and Hollywood seemed to have no use for him
anymore. "It was a really rough time," Bacon recalls, sipping a
cup of steaming coffee. "My mother had just died. I had gotten
married and my wife was expecting our first child. And my career
was in the toilet. I'd been at the top with 'Diner' and
'Footloose' and here I was, starting to slip down the other
side." No sooner did he sign up for the B-movie `Tremors` than
Bacon had a full-scale meltdown. He was leaving his apartment on
New York's Upper West Side |
-2.168228 | 2.20776 | -1 | « Previous | Main | Next » October 01, 2012 (Thanks to Bill
Moore) Her son took the cat to school, and "the class was
very confused." Why? What's so hard to grasp about this?
Happens all the time. Now, if it had been this cat, that'd be
another story. In the dryer, should one use "time dry" or "yowl
dry"? The cat was playing Possum. i don't know, JSG, how
'bout purrmanent press? our evil black-and-white cat could use
a spin The washer? None. But the dryer, ah, that was another
story. Then we'd have to carry her upstairs on the warm clothes
like Cleopatra lording it over the peasants. And when Possum
was all washed she STILL had cat hair all over her. Can't win, I
tell ya'..... "Completely unaware, her 6-month-old kitten
Possum had climbed inside..." Well, duh! If the cat was aware
it never would have done it. Something similar happened to me.
Our 1-year-old tabby liked getting into things, including piles
of dirty laundry. One Saturday my wife and I couldn't find her.
Then we both realized |
4.010353 | 1.953814 | -1 | Season 4 Episode 9 Swan Song Aired Thursday 9:00 PM Dec 06,
2012 on FOX Episode Fan Reviews (9) out of 10 95 votes •
This was good i really liked this ep, glad kurt gts to go
to nyada and rachels song was awesome, i hate the dance teacher
though, thats al i gotta say • Terrible Bram sucks so bad
what happened to Brittana and also Samcedes?! • Didn't Hate It
I agree that sodapopgirl721 can get a bit harsh. However, I am
one of those "original" glee fans that is not thrilled with the
changes. I still watch the show because for the most part I
still enjoy it. Season 1 of Glee was very similar to how it is
now, except it's focus was on the comedy and the music and then
on throwing in some heartfelt storylines and lessons. I have
watched several episodes this and last season and felt like I
could be watching 7th Heaven. Originally Glee presented these
important topics and life lessons in an ironic, satirical, and
funny way. I didn't feel like the shows "agenda" was being
shoved in my way. |
-1.066 | 3.859165 | -1 | Speakers include Bob Rivard, Julian Castro, Steve Bartley, Craig
Severance, Patrick Moore, and Arjun Makhijani. Watch the video.
Arjun is the last speaker, near minute 50. Also listen to the
Q&A Session. There is also a brief interview with Arjun before
the event. Bonus videos: Watch nuclear experts explain the
flaws and risks of pursuing more nuclear reactors. Speakers are
Craig Severance and Arjun Makhijani, at the UTSA campus. Watch
Part 1 and Part 2. Both events took place on September 16,
2009. |
-1.185376 | 5.255569 | -1 | Buying CPO: Bridging the Gap Between New and Used Back to
Previous Page Sell Your Car Why wait? Creating an ad is easy.
Place your ad today for fast results. Enter your ZIP code to
learn about packages and prices in your area. * = Required
Model Information Vehicle History Report Check Vehicle Values
Checklist for Creating Your Ad Some of the items below depend
on the ad you select and any upgrades you may add to your
package. The car buying process is loaded with questions: Will
a particular car satisfy all your wants and needs? Is there a
warranty? And what's really going on under the hood? The
answers to these and many other important questions aren't
always easy to come by, yet they're directly linked to your
overall satisfaction. You can peek under the hood and go for an
exhaustive test drive, but you'll form your lasting impression
of a vehicle over a period of months, not hours. Of course, no
one has that luxury when shopping for a vehicle, but that fact
should illustrate the point that it' |
0.135905 | -1.886716 | -1 | A Missile Shield and Its Unthinkable Risks Published: May 01,
2001 To the Editor: Re ''Bush Team Vows to Speed Up Work on
Missile Shield'' (front page, April 30): Lucas Fischer, the
deputy assistant secretary of state for strategic affairs,
suggests that the standard of the Bush administration's missile
defense program is not perfect protection of the United States
population but enough to complicate ''a prospective opponent's
calculation of success.'' He also said the system should be
effective against launchings by rogue states and accidental or
unauthorized launchings, meaning Russian and Chinese missiles.
Together with the vast scale of the administration's program,
these statements suggest that the purpose of missile defense may
be to revive the doctrine that the United States should be able
to fight and ''prevail'' in a nuclear war. Yet the danger is
that an untested, flawed missile shield will tranquilize
American planners and the public to the catastrophic
consequences of using nuclear weapons. |
1.101509 | 0.476029 | -1 | Home Discussion Topics Dictionary Almanac
Signup Login Battle of Andalien Battle of Andalien Ask a
question about 'Battle of Andalien' Start a new discussion about
'Battle of Andalien' Answer questions from other users Full
Discussion Forum {{Campaignbox Arauco War}} The '''battle of
Andalien''', fought in early February 1550, was a night action
between 20,000 [[Mapuche]] under the command of their [[toqui]]
[[Ainavillo]] and [[Pedro de Valdivia]]'s 200 Spaniards on horse
and afoot with a large number of Yanacona including 300
[[Mapochoes]] auxiliaries under their leader [[Michimalonco]].
==History== After Pedro de Valdivia reached the [[Bio-Bio
River]] on January 24, 1550, he began explorations in the river
valleys and had clashes with increasing numbers of [[Mapuche]]
warriors. After about ten days he turned toward the sea marching
to a plain between the Bio-Bio and [[Andalién River]] with a
lake protecting his camp on one side. Here he stayed for two
days and nights. On the seco |
-2.143862 | -0.717553 | 10 | Fundraising is Not an Independent Variable This is reposted
from the GOP Tech Summit on Ning. The RNC will be collecting
ideas for online activism and its broader implications (my focus
here) through the end of the week -- and this is your chance to
get your two cents in. Traditional campaigns usually unfold
in this order: 1. Raise money and stockpile resources so that
you can afford to get your message out. 2. Spend the money to
get your message out and gather support, usually through
expensive mediums like TV, radio, or mail. Barack Obama flipped
this model in 2008. Yes, he was able to raise impressive sums
early on from bundlers like David Geffen and Penny Pritzker.
Considering how the campaign unfolded, this round of funding can
be likened to angel investors in a startup: they give enough to
buy the pencils and fund operations for a few months, but the
company is ultimately expected to sink or swim of its own weight
by selling direct to the consumer. In this case, selling direct
to the consumer |
-3.285382 | 1.430548 | -1 | THEY cost up to $20 a packet, carry stomach-churning health
warnings and have become so socially unpalatable, retailers are
forced to keep them under the counter. So, in a country with
some of the world's toughest tobacco laws, who still smokes
cigarettes? And with 40 years of quit campaigns highlighting the
catastrophic health risks, why do they continue to light up?
Australian adult smoking rates are at an all-time low of around
17 per cent, down from 34 per cent in 1980, making our success
in tobacco reform the envy of the world. But it has left some
public health experts wondering if they've achieved all they can
in the fight to stub out smoking. Those who still smoke, they
say, are predominantly either young experimenters or the
severely addicted. "There's a small percentage of people who
have decided, 'well bugger it, I enjoy it, I'm going to take the
risk and hope all those terrible things don't happen to me' but
they're a pretty small minority. Most people are pretty heavily
addicted. They are gen |
-3.341072 | 1.564458 | -1 | Tag Archives: Sex Smoking Kills The Sex Drive Smoking is a
habit that is enjoyed by millions around the world, despite
being generally known as a potentially serious health risk.
There are several negative effects of tobacco on the body, not
the least of which is the increased risk of lung cancer. Despite
all of the warnings coming from every possible angle, including
[...] Read more |
3.071696 | -3.886175 | 38 | Mike Tranghese Goes On Another Rant Mike Tranghese would like
you to think that realignment would never happen if Penn State
joined the Big East. (Rob Christy-US PRESSWIRE) Mike Tranghese
ranting about how he has all the answers and how he has amazing
powers of foresight is right up there in my book with Todd
Graham talking about honesty and loyalty - it makes for a great
laugh for all Pitt fans. So when Mark Blaudschun sat down with
the former Big East commissioner, you can bet that it will leave
you shaking your head and laughing at how ridiculous Tranghese
sounds. Q. In all the years you were involved with the Big
East, what was the biggest thing you reacted not doing? A. Penn
State is the only regret I have and I had nothing to do with it.
I know if we had gotten Penn State, the whole face of college
athletics would have changed. I’m not certain if the Big Ten
would have expanded. If the Big Ten hadn’t expanded, I’m not
sure if there would have been any other expansion. The thing I
don’t know is if y |
-1.912538 | -0.591165 | -1 | Library of Congress [Detail] Woody Guthrie Historical
Comprehension "Back in the early day," Guthrie wrote in his
autobiographical essay "when folks was a crowding into Oklahoma
from other states to get a piece of land and buy farms and stuff
like that, they had some hard times, and some tough people..."
Guthrie saw more tough people surviving hard times when he went
to California in 1936. Many families had come from the Dust Bowl
to find work in California. There were so many of them, however,
that competition was incredible and bosses got away with paying
them very low wages. Many families found no work at all.
Guthrie saw these families living out of their cars and camped
in makeshift shelters. He was outraged by the injustice and
found kindred spirits in members of the American Communist Party
who urged these migrants to organize and form unions to defend
themselves. Though Guthrie never joined the Party, he embraced
its ideals and mission to reform the country's political,
economic, and social syst |
-1.666487 | 9.17834 | -1 | Possible Duplicate: How do I read the history of my reputation?
I found something in my reputation history that I cannot
explain. Could someone please put some light on this? 25 + 10 =
26 According to this log, 25+10=36 share|improve this question
add comment marked as duplicate by animuson, jonsca, Toon
Krijthe, Martijn Pieters, ChrisF Oct 18 '12 at 9:18 1 Answer
up vote 9 down vote accepted Try checking the "show removed
posts" checkbox. That "invisible" +1 rep is almost certainly
the result of a post you downvoted being removed. share|improve
this answer yep, that was it. Thanks. – yms Apr 21 '12 at 17:02
Has this question not been granted FAQ status yet? Something
that explains generally how and why to use the "show removed
posts" checkbox? – Cody Gray Apr 21 '12 at 23:44
@TheEstablishment Iunno. Not that I'm aware of. Personally, I
don't get why the preference even exists in the first place.
Seems like a no-brainer to enable this as soon as you notice it.
– lunboks Apr 21 '12 at 23:50 @lunb |
2.48825 | 1.340694 | 19 | Forgot your password? Resources for students & teachers This
eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately
109 pages of information about Mae Madden. Then they began that
wonderful ride along the coast. The horrors of the day before
rolled away like a mist as the donkey jogged along that
miraculous drive. Lisetta and Gaetano chattered together, and
Mae sat very still, with her face to the sea, drinking in all
the glory, as she had longed and planned. Hope revived in her
breast, pride had stood by her all the while, and here was
glorious nature coming to her aid. She was going swiftly to the
orange groves and the children of the sun. She should see
Talila and brown babies and dancing, and at night a great,
yellow moon would light up the whole scene. So on and on they
went, the travelling carriages dashing by them now and then,
with their three donkeys abreast, and the driver cracking his
whip, and the travellers oh-ing and ah-ing. “That is the most
picturesque peasant I have yet seen,” |
-1.995523 | 1.10305 | 101 | Wave a few dollars in savings and it's often easy to understand
why opposition to proposed legislation falls away. That is the
possibility with a mid-April proposal to make broad changes to
the state's no-fault insurance system. The legislation also
would deter medical costs from being elevated for injuries
suffered in motor vehicle accidents and place measures to
prevent insurance fraud. The funny thing is that shouldn't be
the end of the discussion. There needs to be more open dialogue,
listing the pros and cons of such a move. We can all use a
little savings when it comes to car insurance, much as we may
wish milk, gasoline and cable service were less costly. The
repercussions for not getting groceries, fuel and television are
clear. Not having no-fault insurance? Less so. The most
obvious argument is the proposal's limitation of $1 million in
coverage -- removing the unlimited designation -- could leave
those who suffer significant injuries in accidents left to waste
away physically and financially. |
0.131651 | -1.438823 | 17 | Rachel Marsden Because of Merah, an election fought on
economic grounds has become dominated almost exclusively by
national security. The extreme nationalist National Front party
has used the incident to leverage its support of stricter
immigration policy. Center-right French President Nicolas
Sarkozy wants to crack down on those who visit Internet "hate
sites" and who spend ample French holiday time training for
jihad overseas. The Socialist candidate has parlayed the
situation into an opportunity to regale the electorate with
homicide statistics. Let's back up a bit. According to those
who knew him and have been interviewed thus far, Mohammed Merah
was a really nice guy -- smart, polite and well-spoken. His
pastimes included making various trips to Afghanistan and to the
Afghan-Pakistani border for some one-on-one time with jihadists,
and stocking up on an international array of heavy artillery in
the same way my grandmother collected miniature spoons -- all
under the lightly watchful eye of French intel |
4.356981 | -4.414485 | 0 | Matt Harvey and Mariano Rivera Have to Start MLB All-Star Game,
for New York Use your ← → (arrow) keys to browse more stories
Mike Stobe/Getty Images The 2013 MLB All-Star Game will be held
at Citi Field in New York this season, and while David Wright
has been given the keys to the game as honorary ambassador for
the Mets, it's one of his teammates, Matt Harvey, who should be
the first guy with the ball. Across town, Mariano Rivera is
halfway through his year-long retirement tour to end an
illustrious Hall of Fame career, and despite coming out and
stating he doesn't want to start the All-Star Game, well…tough.
It makes too much sense for him not to. "What I do is close
the games, I don't start the games. It's a privilege and honor,
but I'm not contemplating it," he told's Michael Mazzeo. The
quote is both magnanimous and entirely expected from the Yankee
great, but it's still the wrong decision. Rivera should start
the game for the American League. Sure, he says he's a closer
and would probably feel m |
3.192938 | 4.634609 | 2 | Points: 5 Cover Story: It Came From Outer Space! Total
Points: Great Bambino Last Visit: What I'm Playing Ninja
Gaiden 2 Braid Super Street Fighter 4 My Friends shaunhinklein
KittyChan My Clubs Meteos Maniacs Meteos Maniacs 142 members
Zelda Lovers Zelda Lovers 122 members This is my Zelda Club.
Nintendo DS!!! Nintendo DS!!! 445 members Yummo Yummo 46
members Metroid Bounty Hunters Metroid Bounty Hunters 22
members Rundown Ico for PS2 Rundown Ico for PS2 Oct 23, 2008
7:52PM PST Rundown Review: I am thinking of that song by the
Verve, Bittersweet Symphony. The narrative and visual aspects
of Ico are nothing less than amazing, but at the end of the day,
there really isn't anything in this title to keep me playing.
OK, OK, Ico looks great. The art style is stupendous. It's
congruent, vast, desolate, lonely, and it works smashingly to
tell a sad narrative about a boy and a girl, running around some
gigantic ruins while being chased by sinister shadow monsters
from another dimension or |
4.612973 | -3.232411 | 1 | Falcao 'satisfied' with recovery progress Monaco striker
Radamel Falcao is "satisfied" with his progress as he continues
to recover from a serious knee injury. The Colombian damaged
the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee in January,
ruling him out of the remainder of the season and leading to
fears that he could miss his country's FIFA World Cup campaign.
Falcao had made a promising start to life at Monaco, scoring 11
goals in 19 appearances following prolific spells at Porto and
Atletico Madrid, but the injury came as a huge blow to him, as
well as his club and country. However, the striker was in
positive frame of mind when asked for an update on the state of
his rehabilitation. "I am satisfied because I get back well
with my knee's wound, everything evolves positively," he told
the club's official website. "It allows me to work well so that
I can keep my physical level. I hope I'm going to continue like
that." |
0.972616 | 6.479315 | 14 | The real story here for me is just how 'last chance' photography
is becoming... reminds me of shopping in the USSR: if you see it
buy it, even if you don't need it, because you may never see it
again and at least can sell it. I myself in the US am now
trying to shoot as much Ektar as I can, around my E6 and B/W,
since I assume it'll be a few months or maybe a year or so when
we find /that/ discontinued too (As I did with Kodachrome 10
years ago, and E6 a few years ago, and finally MP 100D last year
- but the lead time seems to be shortening). At the very least
I'd guess it'll get more expensive soon. It's sad and a little
frightening to be on this sinking ship of color photography, but
I'm going down with the ship (so to speak). |
0.61046 | 9.631357 | 16 | [COPY] --- ROCK-COPYRIGHT-NOTE-BEGIN --- [COPY] [COPY] This
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Public [COPY] License can be found at Documentation/COPYING.
[COPY] [COPY] Many people helped and are helping developing ROCK
Linux. Please [COPY] have a look at http://www.rocklinux.org/
and the Documentation/TEAM [COPY] file for |
0.74863 | 3.115881 | -1 | 21st Century Skills 10 Posts authored by: tessedel Open
Colleges Presents Your Brain Map: 84 Strategies for Accelerated
Learning An interactive infographic by Open Colleges
Successful Classroom Action #4 Define Class Rules (15
minutes) Action #15 Start a
reference collection area (1 hour) Action #19 Enlist
parent help (30 minutes) Action #20 Use a learning styles
assessment (1 hour) Source: Open Colleges Read more:
success/#ixzz2O8Sz6tjL An Infographic by Open Colleges The
student’s eyes drift to the classroom window and the teacher’s
voice fades from consciousness. The daydream begins. It’s a
familiar scene, one we have likely both experienced as students
and struggled against in our students as teachers. But
daydreaming is not what it might seem. Recent research in both
psychology and neuroscience makes clear that daydreaming |
1.283844 | -1.074022 | 122 | A tutorial for the government THE Buddhist monk, staring
intently at the smoke rising from an incense stick, said the
government was destroying state-provided education because it
was “easier to control uneducated fools”. Maduluwawe Sobitha is
an influential figure among Sri Lanka’s majority Sinhala
population. He is also a loud critic of the government of
President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The monk’s new National Movement
Against Social Injustice is, with other groups and unions,
backing a university lecturers’ strike for more state spending
on education. Almost 5,000 academics stopped work on July 4th.
Like them, he is angry that the government spends a mere 1.9% of
GDP on schools and universities. On August 23rd the higher
education minister, S.B. Dissanayake, responded by closing down
indefinitely the country’s state universities and institutes. He
accused lecturers of dragging students into their campaign. Yet
students, among them young Buddhist monks, still protest,
demanding that the universities be reopen |
-5.287194 | 1.759085 | 79 | Sign in BBC navigation Victorian mincemeat pies For the
mincemeat For the shortcrust pastry • 225g/8oz flour, plus
extra for dusting • 115g/4oz butter or margarine, cut into
cubes • Water, as necessary • 4-6 tsp milk • 1 tsp
sugar Preparation method 2. For the mincemeat, mix all of
the mincemeat ingredients together in a large bowl, using your
hands, until well combined. 3. Transfer the mixture to a
saucepan and heat over a very low heat for 3-5 hours, stirring
occasionally, or until it has reduced to a thick, dark paste.
4. Meanwhile, for the shortcrust pastry, sift the flour into a
large mixing bowl. Add the butter or margarine cubes, then rub
them into the flour using your fingertips until the mixture
resembles fine breadcrumbs. 5. Gradually add the water, a
tablespoon at a time, stirring well until the mixture comes
together as a stiff dough. 6. Turn out the pastry onto a
lightly floured work surface and knead well until smooth and
elastic. 7. Roll out the pastry ont |
1.074718 | 0.990979 | -1 | Subscribe Now! Subscribe Now! Imagine that you were walking
through a Swedish town on a normal day and everybody you met was
wearing a folk costume - the men in yellow breeches and bright
white linen shirts, and the women in long, colourful skirts with
aprons, bodices and a little bonnet covering their hair. Unless
you were visiting Skansen or attending a folk music festival, a
scene like that would floor you. Yet just one hundred and fifty
years ago this was what it looked like in Swedish towns and
villages. At this time Sweden was still an agrarian society and
90 percent of the population earned its living from agriculture.
But just like in the rest of Europe, there were big regional
differences in the country. Each region had strong
characteristics, the peasants built their houses in the same
fashion, they furnished their homes in the same way, ate the
same food and, above all, dressed in the same way. Every
province had its own style of clothing, and every village
displays its history and culture thr |
-0.654595 | 9.050819 | -1 | To: NetBSD Userlevel Technical Discussion List <> From:
Greywolf <> List: tech-userlevel Date: 01/05/2004 10:23:16 Thus
spake Greg A. Woods ("GAW> ") sometime Yesterday... GAW> I
think the right solution for interactive applications would be
for GAW> them to use the kernel's "domainname" setting as the
default domain and GAW> for them to qualify un-qualified
hostnames themselves (and yes I know GAW> some people seem to
think this is a NIS thing, but it's not -- it's just GAW> a
string setting maintained in the kernel and it even has a very
GAW> convenient and meaningful name for this very purpose!).
The thing is that domainname was intended as a NIS thing. I
have been in several shops which have had separate DNS and NIS
domains (mine is now one of them). Why? I'm not sure; I'm
currently doing it because my NIS does not need to defer to DNS
for its host lookup. To link the two might cause some
consternation; honestly, I'm rather surprised that you are the
person to suggest this. Regarding searchlist an |
0.321536 | 3.935374 | -1 | 70 Master Bedroom Decorating Ideas His and Hers Your
nightstands don't have to match. If you prefer a feminine style
and your partner likes a more masculine look, choose different
ones. Why should only one person love the master bedroom?
Restart Slideshow More Bedroom Decorating Ideas: |
-2.216975 | -0.523963 | -1 | Andrea Mitchell has NBC’s gas tax fever What the heck is in the
water at NBC anyway? First it’s Tom Brokaw, now it’s Andrea
Mitchell. Both now out of the closet as pro higher gas taxes to
,,, you know … make us energy independent. My guess is they
won’t be driving less, just you. This afternoon Andrea Mitchell
is discussing Paul Ryan’s proposal that would cut the budget by
$6.2 trillion over 10 years, with Republican Vin Webber &
Democrat Martin Frost. The clip begins withFrost’s silly
statement that Ryan punted on taxes and concentrated on
spending. Ridiculous! Ryan is the first politician to take on
reform of the budget busters Medicare and Medicaid. And his guy,
Obama has punted on the entire fiscal mess, that, by the way, he
and Washington Democrats blew up in two years, turning a
bleeding open wound into a gaping gash. But what really makes
this worth watching is Andrea Mitchell’s out of the blue
suggestion to make us energy independant. Clearly NBC is paying
these folks too much. Higher gas taxes w |
2.953847 | 1.981784 | 142 | (WE) Hardland/Heartland Walk No Further Walk No Further Walk
No Further Walk No Further | Media List A live
performance/installation/exhibition that took back at the Soap
Factory in August 2006. The Gamut, a wayfaring group of mutated
minstrels, are traveling the lush hyper toxified plains
surrounding what we used to know as the Twin Cities. They
stumble upon an altar, filled with reliquaries that contain the
power and essence of the old warrior Lazerbeak. Lazerbeak was a
virtuous hero who performed many valiant deeds. The Gamut,
using the reliquaries found at the altar, invoke the magnitude
of the old warrior's power. They do this to save the world or at
least to become some bastion of light. But the immense power
corrupts them and transforms them into the The Black Gamut. The
Black Gamut becomes one of the greatest scourges to wander the
Hardland/Heartland, a long black cut marring the face of the
plains. |
3.101171 | 2.371567 | 25 | #Ferguson & Chemical War Agents: Wrong Editors note: To donate
money, food, or supplies to the efforts in Ferguson, please see
the following link: http://breed7910.wordpress.com/2014/08/16/ca
mpaigns-for-mikebrown-ferguson/ Credit: AP Credit: AP •
excessive tearing • blurred vision • runny nose •
salivation (drooling) • exposed tissue may develop a rash and
a chemical burn • coughing and difficulty breathing, including
a feeling of choking • disorientation and confusion, which may
lead to panic This needs to stop. I stand in solidarity
with Ferguson. Orion and the Seven Sisters (#Extant E4) I
livetweet CBS' sci-fi show Extant every Wed night on Twitter at
8pm - check out the storify at the end of the article or click
here! On the last episode of CBS's new sci fi show Extant,
Molly lies in bed with her son Ethan and discusses a very
popular set of stars known as the Pleiades Star Cluster. This
cluster of stars has been very prominent in the sky over human
history, and many culture |
4.260863 | 3.347026 | 5 | "TRON" DVD Conspiracy is a Travesty for "TRON: Legacy" Potential
by Christopher Campbell November 17, 2010 5:55 AM • | Imagine
if it was currently impossible to watch the first six "Harry
Potter" movies in preparation for the first part of "Deathly
Hallows." That's how I feel regarding the recently discovered
difficulty in seeing "TRON" before next month's release of
"TRON: Legacy." I haven't seen "TRON" since I was a kid, at
least 25 years ago, and if I don't have the chance of revisiting
it I likely won't end up seeing the sequel. Fortunately I have a
friend who is a diehard fan of the 1982 original and will likely
get to borrow his copy of the apparently rare and out-of-print
20th anniversary DVD (which is being sold new on Amazon for
nearly $100). What about the others who desire a refresher? And
all those young people who've never seen it at all? I have a
feeling that Disney's "highly anticipated" return to Flynn's
Arcade is not going to be so highly successful without a number
of newbies getting a p |
-0.824711 | 3.527251 | -1 | Pin it! Google Plus How Tall? • Lesson MeasurementData
Analysis and Probability Terry Johanson Langham, SK, Canada We
often hear that there are measurements in the body that can be
used to predict a person’s height. By graphing different body
measurements versus height and comparing their correlation
coefficient, students decide which body measurement is the best
predictor. Students will probably have heard about some ratios
that are said to exist in the body. For examples, it is often
said that if you open your arms wide and measure the length from
the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the other and
compare this to your height, the two measurements are equal.
Another example is the claim that if you measure your height and
compare it to the distance from the floor to your navel, then
the resulting ratio is approximately 1.618:1, which is also
known as the golden ratio. If students measure these ratios on
their own bodies, they may notice that the ratios are not
exactly what the students pred |
-2.132602 | 3.33235 | -1 | Genuine Marathon Sod spacerLike us Like us on Facebook
Introduction to Lawn Care — Irrigation Properly watering a lawn
is key to maintaining it in a healthy condition. Most lawn
problems are either directly or indirectly related to poor
irrigation practices. Failing to apply sufficient water will
result in dry areas which will turn brown and ultimately die if
left too long. On the other hand, excess water can lead to
disease and lawn damage. As you can see, it is important to
irrigate your lawn correctly. The first step to proper
irrigation is the installion of a sprinkler system and applying
a concept called "irrigation efficiency." Irrigation efficiency
is the measure of how evenly a system applies water, i.e., a
highly efficient system distributes water evenly, whereas a less
efficient system applies water unevenly. No system is 100%
perfect, so some area of any lawn is bound to receive less or
more water than the rest. The area of lawn which tends to dry
out first ultimately dictates the watering sch |
-1.674083 | 5.714896 | -1 | Startups Are Everywhere By Brad Feld In 2012, there was a
cambrian explosion of new startup activity all over the world.
The seeds for this had been planted during the preceding years,
but as 2012 comes to an end, a true Startup Revolution has
begun. I’ve been involved in starting companies, either as an
entrepreneur, angel investor, or venture capitalist since I
started my first company in Boston in 1987. When I moved to
Boulder in 1995, I didn’t have any expectation of doing business
there; rather I was spending all my time traveling from Boston
to NY to San Francisco to Seattle where I was investing my own
money as an angel investor. At the time, there was a belief that
there were only a few places in the world where entrepreneurial
ecosystems could - and had - developed, with the bay area and
Silicon Valley the defining one. I’ve always rejected the idea
that startups were destined to only exist in certain cities.
Instead, I believed that startups could flourish anywhere. When
you step back and think |
0.785774 | 2.800028 | -1 | View Single Post Old 12-11-2005, 12:35 PM #33 NiKo's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2001 Location: Israel Posts: 4,477 Originally
Posted by Lefty9fingers Think about it; You wake up when the
alarm goes off to an annoying buzz, or perhaps the radio playing
some song that should never have been written, much less played
at five in the morning. You only got five or six hours of sleep
last night, so you have yourself some coffee or an energy drink,
perhaps a smoke. Something to help jar you awake. Hop in the
shower, get dressed, snag an unhealthy breakfast and start the
morning commute. You listen to the morning show, the one with
the out-spoken, racist personality and the sidekicks who never
tell him he's an idiot. The show goes to five minute commercials
ever three minutes, and most of your drive to work is spent
listening to people trying to sell you crappy diamonds with
irritating jingles that are way too loud. You get to work, clock
in, and spend the next many hours doing something that, should
you be given a choi |
-0.719614 | 9.702464 | 15 | Take the 2-minute tour × For things like images or html
documents, cache headers make sure that the data is deleted when
the browser is closed. However as PDFs are opened in a plugin,
the cache headers do not seem to have the intended purpose. PDFs
are often left behind in the temp folder on windows machines.
Are there any cross-browser ways of making sure they are removed
from the computer? The scenario is that I have some files on a
server accessible via the Internet, and expect that users may
read them on shared and/or publicly-accessible computers. I
don't want copies of these files left behind on such systems,
and can't trust/expect the end-user to clean up after
themselves. share|improve this question Perhaps I'm the only
one seeing this, but it seems sort of vague-ish as to whether
you're trying to address this from a client-side or server-side
position. I think you want it addressed in the website itself
(server-side) - am I correct? – Iszi Apr 27 '11 at 7:35 Oh,
sorry. My question is, is there a |
-0.620146 | 9.364284 | -1 | Take the tour × I would want to have read access to the central
administration of our sharepoint environment. Now my
administrator refused this, because he would have to give me too
much rights. I do respect his reasons, but still just want to
read access and nog write anything. Preferrable a no code and
not a third party solution. Greetz, Ron share|improve this
question add comment 1 Answer Central Administration is only
for Administrators not for normal users. Your administrator
can't give you just read access. However I find this article on
TechNet that explains adding users to Central Admin site and I
guess it might be possible to give them read permission only as
I never tried it myself. Designate visitors, members, and
owners for the Central Administration site May I know why you
want access to central administration as we might find a way
out. share|improve this answer add comment Your Answer |
3.621836 | -3.021719 | -1 | Cheetah Von Teese is ready to break bones and hearts. courtesy
of Rosie Moyer Derby rolls full speed ahead Publication
YearIssue Date "It's not about if it will happen. It's about
when," said Cheetah Von Teese. Cheetah, with both arms covered
in tattoos, is talking about injuries. And she means business.
In a diner booth from the '70s covered in pop stains at Lloyd's
Recreation, Melissa Kruskowski, who goes by Cheetah Von Teese,
explained that four years ago she found a sport she could call
her own. That sport is roller derby. Originating from Illinois
in the '30s, derby has gained popularity across the world. In
2007, a women's roller derby league was formed in Calgary. The
sport took off in the city and has surged in popularity since
its inauguration. Two teams of five players-- three blockers, a
pivot and a jammer-- compete in two 30-minute periods that
consist of 'jams' that are about two minutes each. During a jam,
players skate around a track and try to block the other team's
jammer from gettin |
-3.403563 | 3.306473 | 39 | egyption phlebotomy Phlebotomy is defined as an incision into a
vein and is one of the oldest medical procedures dating back to
the early Egyptians. It was initially used for removing blood or
“blood letting” as it was commonly known and was done for
therapeutic purposes. It is primarily performed now for the
collection of blood specimens for laboratory analysis and is
used to diagnose and monitor medical conditions. Phlebotomy
plays a key role in laboratory testing and patient care. It is
widely accepted that the quality of a laboratory test is only as
good as the specimen that was obtained. To achieve this level of
quality requires as highly trained professional. Due to the
increase and complexity of laboratory testing and the need to
increase the efficiency and cost effectiveness of health care,
phlebotomy had become a very highly specialized area of clinical
laboratory practice. The term Phlebotomist is now used to
describe this specialized position and his course is designed to
prepare the student for t |
3.342915 | 4.868627 | 2 | Monday, December 12, 2011 Hydaspes replay and comparison with 4
fast play rules I replayed the Battle of Hydaspes on a 2'x2'
board using four different rulesets and compared how they went.
The rulesets used: • Rally Round the King • Justified
Ancients • Fast Ancient Battles - my miniatures version of
Bill Bank's Ancients board game • "Ancient Warrior Battles" -
my homebrew solo friendly ruleset based on concepts in the above
three. WARNING: This post is the Hydaspes troop definition and
deployment plus the rules discussion and DOES NOT contain battle
reports. It is longish - half is troop types, deployment and
strategy and the other half comparing the mechanisms of the
rules in the context of the replays. I am writing up the
battles and will post links to them here when done. As part of
Solo appreciation month - November 2011 - I thought I would
quickly run through a historical replay with a few of my current
favourite fast play ancient rules on a 2'x2' board. The first
historical battle I ever |
Subsets and Splits