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As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Паўднёвая Карэя хоча інвеставаць у беларускую эканоміку Postion Tokenization 1 Паўднёвая 2 Карэя 3 хоча 4 інвеставаць 5 у 6 беларускую 7 эканоміку
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Паўднёвая ADJ 2 amod 2 Карэя PROPN 3 nsubj 3 хоча VERB 0 root 4 інвеставаць VERB 3 xcomp 5 у ADP 7 case 6 беларускую ADJ 7 amod 7 эканоміку NOUN 4 obl
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Найбуйнейшая юрыдычная карпарацыя Паўднёвай Карэі Daeryook & Aju Internatonal Law Firm зацікавілася інвестыцыйнымі магчымасцямі эканомікі Беларусі. Postion Tokenization 1 Найбуйнейшая 2 юрыдычная 3 карпарацыя 4 Паўднёвай 5 Карэі 6 Daeryook 7 & 8 Aju 9 Internatonal 10 Law 11 Firm 12 зацікавілася 13 інвестыцыйнымі 14 магчымасцямі 15 эканомікі 16 Беларусі 17 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Найбуйнейшая ADJ 3 amod 2 юрыдычная ADJ 3 amod 3 карпарацыя NOUN 12 nsubj 4 Паўднёвай ADJ 5 amod 5 Карэі PROPN 3 nmod 6 Daeryook X 3 appos 7 & SYM 6 flat:foreign 8 Aju X 6 flat:foreign 9 Internatonal X 6 flat:foreign 10 Law X 6 flat:foreign 11 Firm X 6 flat:foreign 12 зацікавілася VERB 0 root 13 інвестыцыйнымі ADJ 14 amod 14 магчымасцямі NOUN 12 obj 15 эканомікі NOUN 14 nmod 16 Беларусі PROPN 15 nmod 17 . PUNCT 12 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: У ходзе візіту беларускай дэлегацыі ў Сеул 16 сакавіка кампанія падпісала мемарандум аб узаемаразуменні з Нацыянальным агенцтвам інвестыцый і прыватызацыі Беларусі. Postion Tokenization 1 У 2 ходзе 3 візіту 4 беларускай 5 дэлегацыі 6 ў 7 Сеул 8 16 9 сакавіка 10 кампанія 11 падпісала 12 мемарандум 13 аб 14 узаемаразуменні 15 з 16 Нацыянальным 17 агенцтвам 18 інвестыцый 19 і 20 прыватызацыі 21 Беларусі 22 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 У ADP 3 case 2 ходзе NOUN 1 fixed 3 візіту NOUN 11 obl 4 беларускай ADJ 5 amod 5 дэлегацыі NOUN 3 nmod 6 ў ADP 7 case 7 Сеул PROPN 3 nmod 8 16 ADJ 3 nmod 9 сакавіка NOUN 8 flat 10 кампанія NOUN 11 nsubj 11 падпісала VERB 0 root 12 мемарандум NOUN 11 obj 13 аб ADP 14 case 14 узаемаразуменні NOUN 12 nmod 15 з ADP 17 case 16 Нацыянальным ADJ 17 amod 17 агенцтвам NOUN 11 obl 18 інвестыцый NOUN 17 nmod 19 і CCONJ 20 cc 20 прыватызацыі NOUN 18 conj 21 Беларусі PROPN 20 nmod 22 . PUNCT 11 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Як растлумачылі Тэлеграфу ў міністэрстве эканомікі Беларусі, адным з прыярытэтных напрамкаў работы Daeryook & Aju Internatonal Law Firm з'яўляецца юрыдычнае суправаджэнне замежнай экспансіі карэйскага бізнэсу. Postion Tokenization 1 Як 2 растлумачылі 3 Тэлеграфу 4 ў 5 міністэрстве 6 эканомікі 7 Беларусі 8 , 9 адным 10 з 11 прыярытэтных 12 напрамкаў 13 работы 14 Daeryook 15 & 16 Aju 17 Internatonal 18 Law 19 Firm 20 з'яўляецца 21 юрыдычнае 22 суправаджэнне 23 замежнай 24 экспансіі 25 карэйскага 26 бізнэсу 27 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Як SCONJ 2 mark 2 растлумачылі VERB 20 advcl 3 Тэлеграфу PROPN 2 iobj 4 ў ADP 5 case 5 міністэрстве NOUN 2 obl 6 эканомікі NOUN 5 nmod 7 Беларусі PROPN 5 nmod 8 , PUNCT 2 punct 9 адным DET 20 xcomp 10 з ADP 12 case 11 прыярытэтных ADJ 12 amod 12 напрамкаў NOUN 9 nmod 13 работы NOUN 12 nmod 14 Daeryook X 13 nmod 15 & SYM 14 flat:foreign 16 Aju X 14 flat:foreign 17 Internatonal X 14 flat:foreign 18 Law X 14 flat:foreign 19 Firm X 14 flat:foreign 20 з'яўляецца VERB 0 root 21 юрыдычнае ADJ 22 amod 22 суправаджэнне NOUN 20 nsubj 23 замежнай ADJ 24 amod 24 экспансіі NOUN 22 nmod 25 карэйскага ADJ 26 amod 26 бізнэсу NOUN 24 nmod 27 . PUNCT 20 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: "Эксперты кампаніі валодаюць вялікім вопытам угодаў з удзелам карэйскага капіталу па стварэнні сумесных прадпрыемстваў, энергетычных праектау, праектнага фінансавання. Postion Tokenization 1 " 2 Эксперты 3 кампаніі 4 валодаюць 5 вялікім 6 вопытам 7 угодаў 8 з 9 удзелам 10 карэйскага 11 капіталу 12 па 13 стварэнні 14 сумесных 15 прадпрыемстваў 16 , 17 энергетычных 18 праектау 19 , 20 праектнага 21 фінансавання 22 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 " PUNCT 4 punct 2 Эксперты NOUN 4 nsubj 3 кампаніі NOUN 2 nmod 4 валодаюць VERB 0 root 5 вялікім ADJ 6 amod 6 вопытам NOUN 4 obj 7 угодаў NOUN 6 nmod 8 з ADP 9 case 9 удзелам NOUN 7 nmod 10 карэйскага ADJ 11 amod 11 капіталу NOUN 9 nmod 12 па ADP 13 case 13 стварэнні NOUN 7 nmod 14 сумесных ADJ 15 amod 15 прадпрыемстваў NOUN 13 nmod 16 , PUNCT 18 punct 17 энергетычных ADJ 18 amod 18 праектау NOUN 13 conj 19 , PUNCT 21 punct 20 праектнага ADJ 21 amod 21 фінансавання NOUN 13 conj 22 . PUNCT 4 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Акрамя цэнтральнага офіса ў Сеуле, Daeryook & Aju Internatonal Law Firm мае свае прадстаўніцтвы ў Еўрасаюзе, Кітаі, Расіі і ЗША", -- распавялі ў мінэканомікі. Postion Tokenization 1 Акрамя 2 цэнтральнага 3 офіса 4 ў 5 Сеуле 6 , 7 Daeryook 8 & 9 Aju 10 Internatonal 11 Law 12 Firm 13 мае 14 свае 15 прадстаўніцтвы 16 ў 17 Еўрасаюзе 18 , 19 Кітаі 20 , 21 Расіі 22 і 23 ЗША 24 " 25 , 26 -- 27 распавялі 28 ў 29 мінэканомікі 30 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Акрамя ADP 3 case 2 цэнтральнага ADJ 3 amod 3 офіса NOUN 13 obl 4 ў ADP 5 case 5 Сеуле PROPN 3 nmod 6 , PUNCT 3 punct 7 Daeryook X 13 nsubj 8 & SYM 7 flat:foreign 9 Aju X 7 flat:foreign 10 Internatonal X 7 flat:foreign 11 Law X 7 flat:foreign 12 Firm X 7 flat:foreign 13 мае VERB 0 root 14 свае DET 15 det 15 прадстаўніцтвы NOUN 13 obj 16 ў ADP 17 case 17 Еўрасаюзе PROPN 13 obl 18 , PUNCT 19 punct 19 Кітаі PROPN 17 conj 20 , PUNCT 21 punct 21 Расіі PROPN 17 conj 22 і CCONJ 23 cc 23 ЗША PROPN 17 conj 24 " PUNCT 13 punct 25 , PUNCT 27 punct 26 -- PUNCT 27 punct 27 распавялі VERB 13 parataxis 28 ў ADP 29 case 29 мінэканомікі NOUN 27 obl 30 . PUNCT 13 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Паводле дасягнутых дамоўленасцяў, Нацыянальнае агенцтва інвестыцый і прыватызацыі Беларусі і Daeryook & Aju Internatonal Law Firm маюць намер праводзіць двухбаковыя кансультацыі і абмен інфармацыяй з мэтай вывучэння магчымасцяў прыцягнення прамых замежных інвестыцый у Беларусь. Postion Tokenization 1 Паводле 2 дасягнутых 3 дамоўленасцяў 4 , 5 Нацыянальнае 6 агенцтва 7 інвестыцый 8 і 9 прыватызацыі 10 Беларусі 11 і 12 Daeryook 13 & 14 Aju 15 Internatonal 16 Law 17 Firm 18 маюць 19 намер 20 праводзіць 21 двухбаковыя 22 кансультацыі 23 і 24 абмен 25 інфармацыяй 26 з 27 мэтай 28 вывучэння 29 магчымасцяў 30 прыцягнення 31 прамых 32 замежных 33 інвестыцый 34 у 35 Беларусь 36 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Паводле ADP 3 case 2 дасягнутых VERB 3 amod 3 дамоўленасцяў NOUN 18 obl 4 , PUNCT 3 punct 5 Нацыянальнае ADJ 6 amod 6 агенцтва NOUN 18 nsubj 7 інвестыцый NOUN 6 nmod 8 і CCONJ 9 cc 9 прыватызацыі NOUN 7 conj 10 Беларусі PROPN 6 nmod 11 і CCONJ 12 cc 12 Daeryook X 6 conj 13 & SYM 12 flat:foreign 14 Aju X 12 flat:foreign 15 Internatonal X 12 flat:foreign 16 Law X 12 flat:foreign 17 Firm X 12 flat:foreign 18 маюць VERB 0 root 19 намер NOUN 18 obj 20 праводзіць VERB 19 xcomp 21 двухбаковыя ADJ 22 amod 22 кансультацыі NOUN 20 obj 23 і CCONJ 24 cc 24 абмен NOUN 22 conj 25 інфармацыяй NOUN 24 nmod 26 з ADP 27 case 27 мэтай NOUN 20 obl 28 вывучэння NOUN 27 nmod 29 магчымасцяў NOUN 28 nmod 30 прыцягнення NOUN 29 nmod 31 прамых ADJ 33 amod 32 замежных ADJ 33 amod 33 інвестыцый NOUN 30 nmod 34 у ADP 35 case 35 Беларусь PROPN 33 nmod 36 . PUNCT 18 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Як распавялі ў міністэрстве эканомікі, у рамках цяперашняга візіту ў Сеул дырэктар Нацыянальнага агенцтва інвестыцый і прыватызацыі Дзмітры Клеўжыц прэзентаваў інвестыцыйныя магчымасці Беларусі і правёў перамовы з намеснікам міністра інтэлектуальнай эканомікі Рэспублікі Карэя Мун Чжэ До, віцэ-прэзідэнтам Карэйскага агенцтва па прасоўванні гандлю і інвестыцый (KOTRA) О Сон Гынам і радам мясцовых бізнэсоўцаў. Postion Tokenization 1 Як 2 распавялі 3 ў 4 міністэрстве 5 эканомікі 6 , 7 у 8 рамках 9 цяперашняга 10 візіту 11 ў 12 Сеул 13 дырэктар 14 Нацыянальнага 15 агенцтва 16 інвестыцый 17 і 18 прыватызацыі 19 Дзмітры 20 Клеўжыц 21 прэзентаваў 22 інвестыцыйныя 23 магчымасці 24 Беларусі 25 і 26 правёў 27 перамовы 28 з 29 намеснікам 30 міністра 31 інтэлектуальнай 32 эканомікі 33 Рэспублікі 34 Карэя 35 Мун 36 Чжэ 37 До 38 , 39 віцэ-прэзідэнтам 40 Карэйскага 41 агенцтва 42 па 43 прасоўванні 44 гандлю 45 і 46 інвестыцый 47 ( 48 KOTRA 49 ) 50 О 51 Сон 52 Гынам 53 і 54 радам 55 мясцовых 56 бізнэсоўцаў 57 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Як SCONJ 2 mark 2 распавялі VERB 21 advcl 3 ў ADP 4 case 4 міністэрстве NOUN 2 obl 5 эканомікі NOUN 4 nmod 6 , PUNCT 2 punct 7 у ADP 8 case 8 рамках NOUN 21 obl 9 цяперашняга ADJ 10 amod 10 візіту NOUN 8 nmod 11 ў ADP 12 case 12 Сеул PROPN 10 nmod 13 дырэктар NOUN 21 nsubj 14 Нацыянальнага ADJ 15 amod 15 агенцтва NOUN 13 nmod 16 інвестыцый NOUN 15 nmod 17 і CCONJ 18 cc 18 прыватызацыі NOUN 16 conj 19 Дзмітры PROPN 13 appos 20 Клеўжыц PROPN 19 flat:name 21 прэзентаваў VERB 0 root 22 інвестыцыйныя ADJ 23 amod 23 магчымасці NOUN 21 obj 24 Беларусі PROPN 23 nmod 25 і CCONJ 26 cc 26 правёў VERB 21 conj 27 перамовы NOUN 26 obj 28 з ADP 29 case 29 намеснікам NOUN 27 nmod 30 міністра NOUN 29 nmod 31 інтэлектуальнай ADJ 32 amod 32 эканомікі NOUN 30 nmod 33 Рэспублікі NOUN 30 nmod 34 Карэя PROPN 33 appos 35 Мун PROPN 29 appos 36 Чжэ PROPN 35 flat:name 37 До PROPN 35 flat:name 38 , PUNCT 39 punct 39 віцэ-прэзідэнтам NOUN 29 conj 40 Карэйскага ADJ 41 amod 41 агенцтва NOUN 39 nmod 42 па ADP 43 case 43 прасоўванні NOUN 41 nmod 44 гандлю NOUN 43 nmod 45 і CCONJ 46 cc 46 інвестыцый NOUN 44 conj 47 ( PUNCT 48 punct 48 KOTRA X 41 appos 49 ) PUNCT 48 punct 50 О PROPN 39 appos 51 Сон PROPN 50 flat:name 52 Гынам PROPN 50 flat:name 53 і CCONJ 54 cc 54 радам NOUN 29 conj 55 мясцовых ADJ 56 amod 56 бізнэсоўцаў NOUN 54 nmod 57 . PUNCT 21 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Бакі абмеркавалі перспектывы інвестсупрацоўніцтва Беларусі з карэйскімі кампаніямі ў сферах транспартнай інфраструктуры, нафтахіміі, машынабудавання, фармацэўтыкі і медыцыны. Postion Tokenization 1 Бакі 2 абмеркавалі 3 перспектывы 4 інвестсупрацоўніцтва 5 Беларусі 6 з 7 карэйскімі 8 кампаніямі 9 ў 10 сферах 11 транспартнай 12 інфраструктуры 13 , 14 нафтахіміі 15 , 16 машынабудавання 17 , 18 фармацэўтыкі 19 і 20 медыцыны 21 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Бакі NOUN 2 nsubj 2 абмеркавалі VERB 0 root 3 перспектывы NOUN 2 obj 4 інвестсупрацоўніцтва NOUN 3 nmod 5 Беларусі PROPN 4 nmod 6 з ADP 8 case 7 карэйскімі ADJ 8 amod 8 кампаніямі NOUN 4 nmod 9 ў ADP 10 case 10 сферах NOUN 4 nmod 11 транспартнай ADJ 12 amod 12 інфраструктуры NOUN 10 nmod 13 , PUNCT 14 punct 14 нафтахіміі NOUN 12 conj 15 , PUNCT 16 punct 16 машынабудавання NOUN 12 conj 17 , PUNCT 18 punct 18 фармацэўтыкі NOUN 12 conj 19 і CCONJ 20 cc 20 медыцыны NOUN 12 conj 21 . PUNCT 2 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: У Рэчыцы п'яны мужчына гуляў па лёдзе ў трусах і патануў Postion Tokenization 1 У 2 Рэчыцы 3 п'яны 4 мужчына 5 гуляў 6 па 7 лёдзе 8 ў 9 трусах 10 і 11 патануў
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 У ADP 2 case 2 Рэчыцы PROPN 5 obl 3 п'яны ADJ 4 amod 4 мужчына NOUN 5 nsubj 5 гуляў VERB 0 root 6 па ADP 7 case 7 лёдзе NOUN 5 obl 8 ў ADP 9 case 9 трусах NOUN 5 obl 10 і CCONJ 11 cc 11 патануў VERB 5 conj
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Жыхар Рэчыцы, які адпачываў 18 сакавіка з кампаніяй на беразе Бярэзіны, праваліўся пад лёд і патануў. Postion Tokenization 1 Жыхар 2 Рэчыцы 3 , 4 які 5 адпачываў 6 18 7 сакавіка 8 з 9 кампаніяй 10 на 11 беразе 12 Бярэзіны 13 , 14 праваліўся 15 пад 16 лёд 17 і 18 патануў 19 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Жыхар NOUN 14 nsubj 2 Рэчыцы PROPN 1 nmod 3 , PUNCT 5 punct 4 які PRON 5 nsubj 5 адпачываў VERB 1 acl:relcl 6 18 ADJ 5 obl 7 сакавіка NOUN 6 flat 8 з ADP 9 case 9 кампаніяй NOUN 5 obl 10 на ADP 11 case 11 беразе NOUN 5 obl 12 Бярэзіны PROPN 11 nmod 13 , PUNCT 5 punct 14 праваліўся VERB 0 root 15 пад ADP 16 case 16 лёд NOUN 14 obl 17 і CCONJ 18 cc 18 патануў VERB 14 conj 19 . PUNCT 14 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Ён шмат выпіў, распрануўся да трусоў і пайшоў па тонкім лёдзе, не рэагуючы на просьбы сяброў вярнуцца. Postion Tokenization 1 Ён 2 шмат 3 выпіў 4 , 5 распрануўся 6 да 7 трусоў 8 і 9 пайшоў 10 па 11 тонкім 12 лёдзе 13 , 14 не 15 рэагуючы 16 на 17 просьбы 18 сяброў 19 вярнуцца 20 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Ён PRON 3 nsubj 2 шмат ADV 3 advmod 3 выпіў VERB 0 root 4 , PUNCT 5 punct 5 распрануўся VERB 3 conj 6 да ADP 7 case 7 трусоў NOUN 5 obl 8 і CCONJ 9 cc 9 пайшоў VERB 3 conj 10 па ADP 12 case 11 тонкім ADJ 12 amod 12 лёдзе NOUN 9 obl 13 , PUNCT 15 punct 14 не PART 15 advmod 15 рэагуючы VERB 9 advcl 16 на ADP 17 case 17 просьбы NOUN 15 obl 18 сяброў NOUN 17 nmod 19 вярнуцца VERB 17 nmod 20 . PUNCT 3 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Лёд пад мужчынам праламаўся, ён імгненна пайшоў пад ваду. Postion Tokenization 1 Лёд 2 пад 3 мужчынам 4 праламаўся 5 , 6 ён 7 імгненна 8 пайшоў 9 пад 10 ваду 11 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Лёд NOUN 4 nsubj 2 пад ADP 3 case 3 мужчынам NOUN 4 obl 4 праламаўся VERB 0 root 5 , PUNCT 8 punct 6 ён PRON 8 nsubj 7 імгненна ADV 8 advmod 8 пайшоў VERB 4 conj 9 пад ADP 10 case 10 ваду NOUN 8 obl 11 . PUNCT 4 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Чацвёра сяброў не змаглі яго выратаваць. Postion Tokenization 1 Чацвёра 2 сяброў 3 не 4 змаглі 5 яго 6 выратаваць 7 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Чацвёра NUM 2 nummod:gov 2 сяброў NOUN 4 nsubj 3 не PART 4 advmod 4 змаглі VERB 0 root 5 яго PRON 6 obj 6 выратаваць VERB 4 xcomp 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Як адзначыў прадстаўнік УУС Гомельскага аблвыканкама Анатоль Васільеў, аналіз няшчасных выпадкаў у рэк і вадаёмаў, якія адбыліся ў гэтым годзе, паказаў, што большасць патанулых былі ў стане алкагольнага ап'янення. Postion Tokenization 1 Як 2 адзначыў 3 прадстаўнік 4 УУС 5 Гомельскага 6 аблвыканкама 7 Анатоль 8 Васільеў 9 , 10 аналіз 11 няшчасных 12 выпадкаў 13 у 14 рэк 15 і 16 вадаёмаў 17 , 18 якія 19 адбыліся 20 ў 21 гэтым 22 годзе 23 , 24 паказаў 25 , 26 што 27 большасць 28 патанулых 29 былі 30 ў 31 стане 32 алкагольнага 33 ап'янення 34 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Як SCONJ 2 mark 2 адзначыў VERB 24 advcl 3 прадстаўнік NOUN 2 nsubj 4 УУС NOUN 3 nmod 5 Гомельскага ADJ 6 amod 6 аблвыканкама NOUN 4 nmod 7 Анатоль PROPN 3 appos 8 Васільеў PROPN 7 flat:name 9 , PUNCT 2 punct 10 аналіз NOUN 24 nsubj 11 няшчасных ADJ 12 amod 12 выпадкаў NOUN 10 nmod 13 у ADP 14 case 14 рэк NOUN 12 nmod 15 і CCONJ 16 cc 16 вадаёмаў NOUN 14 conj 17 , PUNCT 19 punct 18 якія PRON 19 nsubj 19 адбыліся VERB 12 acl:relcl 20 ў ADP 22 case 21 гэтым DET 22 det 22 годзе NOUN 19 obl 23 , PUNCT 19 punct 24 паказаў VERB 0 root 25 , PUNCT 31 punct 26 што SCONJ 31 mark 27 большасць NOUN 31 nsubj 28 патанулых VERB 27 nmod 29 былі AUX 31 cop 30 ў ADP 31 case 31 стане NOUN 24 ccomp 32 алкагольнага ADJ 33 amod 33 ап'янення NOUN 31 nmod 34 . PUNCT 24 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Таму яны не аддавалі справаздачы ў сваіх дзеяннях і не маглі рэальна ацаніць небяспеку і разлічыць свае сілы ў крытычнай сітуацыі, сказаў ён. Postion Tokenization 1 Таму 2 яны 3 не 4 аддавалі 5 справаздачы 6 ў 7 сваіх 8 дзеяннях 9 і 10 не 11 маглі 12 рэальна 13 ацаніць 14 небяспеку 15 і 16 разлічыць 17 свае 18 сілы 19 ў 20 крытычнай 21 сітуацыі 22 , 23 сказаў 24 ён 25 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Таму ADV 4 advmod 2 яны PRON 4 nsubj 3 не PART 4 advmod 4 аддавалі VERB 0 root 5 справаздачы NOUN 4 obj 6 ў ADP 8 case 7 сваіх DET 8 det 8 дзеяннях NOUN 5 nmod 9 і CCONJ 11 cc 10 не PART 11 advmod 11 маглі VERB 4 conj 12 рэальна ADV 13 advmod 13 ацаніць VERB 11 xcomp 14 небяспеку NOUN 13 obj 15 і CCONJ 16 cc 16 разлічыць VERB 13 conj 17 свае DET 18 det 18 сілы NOUN 16 obj 19 ў ADP 21 case 20 крытычнай ADJ 21 amod 21 сітуацыі NOUN 11 obl 22 , PUNCT 23 punct 23 сказаў VERB 4 parataxis 24 ён PRON 23 nsubj 25 . PUNCT 4 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: У сувязі з гэтым ва УУС Гомельскага аблвыканкама нагадалі, што распіванне алкаголю або з'яўленне ў грамадскім месцы ў п'яным выглядзе, у тым ліку і ў месцах адпачынку ля вадаёмаў, з'яўляецца адміністрацыйным правапарушэннем і цягне пакаранне штрафам да васьмі базавых велічынь. Postion Tokenization 1 У 2 сувязі 3 з 4 гэтым 5 ва 6 УУС 7 Гомельскага 8 аблвыканкама 9 нагадалі 10 , 11 што 12 распіванне 13 алкаголю 14 або 15 з'яўленне 16 ў 17 грамадскім 18 месцы 19 ў 20 п'яным 21 выглядзе 22 , 23 у 24 тым 25 ліку 26 і 27 ў 28 месцах 29 адпачынку 30 ля 31 вадаёмаў 32 , 33 з'яўляецца 34 адміністрацыйным 35 правапарушэннем 36 і 37 цягне 38 пакаранне 39 штрафам 40 да 41 васьмі 42 базавых 43 велічынь 44 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 У ADP 4 case 2 сувязі NOUN 1 fixed 3 з ADP 1 fixed 4 гэтым PRON 9 obl 5 ва ADP 6 case 6 УУС NOUN 9 obl 7 Гомельскага ADJ 8 amod 8 аблвыканкама NOUN 6 nmod 9 нагадалі VERB 0 root 10 , PUNCT 33 punct 11 што SCONJ 33 mark 12 распіванне NOUN 33 nsubj 13 алкаголю NOUN 12 nmod 14 або CCONJ 15 cc 15 з'яўленне NOUN 12 conj 16 ў ADP 18 case 17 грамадскім ADJ 18 amod 18 месцы NOUN 15 nmod 19 ў ADP 21 case 20 п'яным ADJ 21 amod 21 выглядзе NOUN 15 nmod 22 , PUNCT 28 punct 23 у ADP 28 cc 24 тым DET 23 fixed 25 ліку NOUN 23 fixed 26 і PART 28 advmod 27 ў ADP 28 case 28 месцах NOUN 18 conj 29 адпачынку NOUN 28 nmod 30 ля ADP 31 case 31 вадаёмаў NOUN 28 nmod 32 , PUNCT 28 punct 33 з'яўляецца VERB 9 ccomp 34 адміністрацыйным ADJ 35 amod 35 правапарушэннем NOUN 33 xcomp 36 і CCONJ 37 cc 37 цягне VERB 33 conj 38 пакаранне NOUN 37 obj 39 штрафам NOUN 38 nmod 40 да ADP 43 case 41 васьмі NUM 43 nummod 42 базавых ADJ 43 amod 43 велічынь NOUN 39 nmod 44 . PUNCT 9 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Акрамя таго, купанне дазволена толькі ў спецыяльна адведзеных і абсталяваных месцах. Postion Tokenization 1 Акрамя 2 таго 3 , 4 купанне 5 дазволена 6 толькі 7 ў 8 спецыяльна 9 адведзеных 10 і 11 абсталяваных 12 месцах 13 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Акрамя ADP 2 case 2 таго PRON 5 obl 3 , PUNCT 2 punct 4 купанне NOUN 5 nsubj 5 дазволена VERB 0 root 6 толькі PART 12 advmod 7 ў ADP 12 case 8 спецыяльна ADV 9 advmod 9 адведзеных VERB 12 acl 10 і CCONJ 11 cc 11 абсталяваных VERB 9 conj 12 месцах NOUN 5 obl 13 . PUNCT 5 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Як перадаваў Тэлеграф, у Лепельскім раёне ў рацэ 6 сакавіка патанула шасцігадовая дзяўчынка, якая пайшла да вадаёма гуляць разам з сяброўкай. Postion Tokenization 1 Як 2 перадаваў 3 Тэлеграф 4 , 5 у 6 Лепельскім 7 раёне 8 ў 9 рацэ 10 6 11 сакавіка 12 патанула 13 шасцігадовая 14 дзяўчынка 15 , 16 якая 17 пайшла 18 да 19 вадаёма 20 гуляць 21 разам 22 з 23 сяброўкай 24 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Як SCONJ 2 mark 2 перадаваў VERB 12 advcl 3 Тэлеграф PROPN 2 nsubj 4 , PUNCT 2 punct 5 у ADP 7 case 6 Лепельскім ADJ 7 amod 7 раёне NOUN 12 obl 8 ў ADP 9 case 9 рацэ NOUN 12 obl 10 6 ADJ 12 obl 11 сакавіка NOUN 10 flat 12 патанула VERB 0 root 13 шасцігадовая ADJ 14 amod 14 дзяўчынка NOUN 12 nsubj 15 , PUNCT 17 punct 16 якая PRON 17 nsubj 17 пайшла VERB 14 acl:relcl 18 да ADP 19 case 19 вадаёма NOUN 17 obl 20 гуляць VERB 17 xcomp 21 разам ADV 20 advmod 22 з ADP 23 case 23 сяброўкай NOUN 21 obl 24 . PUNCT 12 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Чэшская перакладчыца: я не веру ў патрыятызм без роднай мовы Postion Tokenization 1 Чэшская 2 перакладчыца 3 : 4 я 5 не 6 веру 7 ў 8 патрыятызм 9 без 10 роднай 11 мовы
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Чэшская ADJ 2 amod 2 перакладчыца NOUN 0 root 3 : PUNCT 6 punct 4 я PRON 6 nsubj 5 не PART 6 advmod 6 веру VERB 2 parataxis 7 ў ADP 8 case 8 патрыятызм NOUN 6 obl 9 без ADP 11 case 10 роднай ADJ 11 amod 11 мовы NOUN 8 nmod
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Ужо месяц, як на Тэлеграфе існуе рубрыка, прымеркаваная да Міжнароднага дня роднай мовы, удзельнікамі якога з'яўляюцца грамадзяне іншых краін, якія адмыслова і самастойна вывучылі беларускую мову. Postion Tokenization 1 Ужо 2 месяц 3 , 4 як 5 на 6 Тэлеграфе 7 існуе 8 рубрыка 9 , 10 прымеркаваная 11 да 12 Міжнароднага 13 дня 14 роднай 15 мовы 16 , 17 удзельнікамі 18 якога 19 з'яўляюцца 20 грамадзяне 21 іншых 22 краін 23 , 24 якія 25 адмыслова 26 і 27 самастойна 28 вывучылі 29 беларускую 30 мову 31 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Ужо ADV 2 advmod 2 месяц NOUN 0 root 3 , PUNCT 7 punct 4 як SCONJ 7 mark 5 на ADP 6 case 6 Тэлеграфе PROPN 7 obl 7 існуе VERB 2 advcl 8 рубрыка NOUN 7 nsubj 9 , PUNCT 10 punct 10 прымеркаваная VERB 8 acl 11 да ADP 13 case 12 Міжнароднага ADJ 13 amod 13 дня NOUN 10 obl 14 роднай ADJ 15 amod 15 мовы NOUN 13 nmod 16 , PUNCT 19 punct 17 удзельнікамі NOUN 19 xcomp 18 якога PRON 17 acl:relcl 19 з'яўляюцца VERB 13 acl:relcl 20 грамадзяне NOUN 19 nsubj 21 іншых ADJ 22 amod 22 краін NOUN 20 nmod 23 , PUNCT 28 punct 24 якія PRON 28 nsubj 25 адмыслова ADV 28 advmod 26 і CCONJ 27 cc 27 самастойна ADV 25 conj 28 вывучылі VERB 20 acl:relcl 29 беларускую ADJ 30 amod 30 мову NOUN 28 obj 31 . PUNCT 2 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Сёння вашай увазе мы прапануем інтэрв'ю чэшскай перакладчыцы, арнітолага Святланы Уранавай (Světlana Vránová). Postion Tokenization 1 Сёння 2 вашай 3 увазе 4 мы 5 прапануем 6 інтэрв'ю 7 чэшскай 8 перакладчыцы 9 , 10 арнітолага 11 Святланы 12 Уранавай 13 ( 14 Světlana 15 Vránová 16 ) 17 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Сёння ADV 5 advmod 2 вашай DET 3 det 3 увазе NOUN 5 iobj 4 мы PRON 5 nsubj 5 прапануем VERB 0 root 6 інтэрв'ю NOUN 5 obj 7 чэшскай ADJ 8 amod 8 перакладчыцы NOUN 6 nmod 9 , PUNCT 10 punct 10 арнітолага NOUN 8 conj 11 Святланы PROPN 8 appos 12 Уранавай PROPN 11 flat:name 13 ( PUNCT 14 punct 14 Světlana X 11 appos 15 Vránová X 14 flat:name 16 ) PUNCT 14 punct 17 . PUNCT 5 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Чым вас зацікавіла беларуская мова? Postion Tokenization 1 2 : 3 Чым 4 вас 5 зацікавіла 6 беларуская 7 мова 8 ?
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 X 0 root 2 : PUNCT 5 punct 3 Чым PRON 5 iobj 4 вас PRON 5 obj 5 зацікавіла VERB 1 parataxis 6 беларуская ADJ 7 amod 7 мова NOUN 5 nsubj 8 ? PUNCT 1 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Уранава: Першае, што мяне зацікавіла, было тое, што я яе нідзе не чула. Postion Tokenization 1 Уранава 2 : 3 Першае 4 , 5 што 6 мяне 7 зацікавіла 8 , 9 было 10 тое 11 , 12 што 13 я 14 яе 15 нідзе 16 не 17 чула 18 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Уранава PROPN 0 root 2 : PUNCT 10 punct 3 Першае ADJ 10 nsubj 4 , PUNCT 7 punct 5 што PRON 7 nsubj 6 мяне PRON 7 obj 7 зацікавіла VERB 3 acl 8 , PUNCT 7 punct 9 было AUX 10 cop 10 тое PRON 1 parataxis 11 , PUNCT 17 punct 12 што SCONJ 17 mark 13 я PRON 17 nsubj 14 яе PRON 17 obj 15 нідзе ADV 17 advmod 16 не PART 17 advmod 17 чула VERB 10 ccomp 18 . PUNCT 1 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Я прыехала ўпершыню ў Беларусь і паўсюль чула толькі расейскую. Postion Tokenization 1 Я 2 прыехала 3 ўпершыню 4 ў 5 Беларусь 6 і 7 паўсюль 8 чула 9 толькі 10 расейскую 11 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Я PRON 2 nsubj 2 прыехала VERB 0 root 3 ўпершыню ADV 2 advmod 4 ў ADP 5 case 5 Беларусь PROPN 2 obl 6 і CCONJ 8 cc 7 паўсюль ADV 8 advmod 8 чула VERB 2 conj 9 толькі PART 10 advmod 10 расейскую ADJ 8 obj 11 . PUNCT 2 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Гэта было вельмі дзіўна, і мне гэта не падабалася. Postion Tokenization 1 Гэта 2 было 3 вельмі 4 дзіўна 5 , 6 і 7 мне 8 гэта 9 не 10 падабалася 11 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Гэта PRON 4 nsubj 2 было AUX 4 cop 3 вельмі ADV 4 advmod 4 дзіўна ADJ 0 root 5 , PUNCT 10 punct 6 і CCONJ 10 cc 7 мне PRON 10 iobj 8 гэта PRON 10 nsubj 9 не PART 10 advmod 10 падабалася VERB 4 conj 11 . PUNCT 4 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Другое, чым яна мяне зацікавіла, было тое, што я магла адразу ўсё разумець. Postion Tokenization 1 Другое 2 , 3 чым 4 яна 5 мяне 6 зацікавіла 7 , 8 было 9 тое 10 , 11 што 12 я 13 магла 14 адразу 15 ўсё 16 разумець 17 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Другое ADJ 9 nsubj 2 , PUNCT 6 punct 3 чым PRON 6 iobj 4 яна PRON 6 nsubj 5 мяне PRON 6 obj 6 зацікавіла VERB 1 acl 7 , PUNCT 6 punct 8 было AUX 9 cop 9 тое PRON 0 root 10 , PUNCT 13 punct 11 што SCONJ 13 mark 12 я PRON 13 nsubj 13 магла VERB 9 acl 14 адразу ADV 16 advmod 15 ўсё PRON 16 obj 16 разумець VERB 13 xcomp 17 . PUNCT 9 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Калі я ўрэшце сустрэла беларускамоўных людзей, у мяне не было ніякіх праблемаў іх разумець. Postion Tokenization 1 Калі 2 я 3 ўрэшце 4 сустрэла 5 беларускамоўных 6 людзей 7 , 8 у 9 мяне 10 не 11 было 12 ніякіх 13 праблемаў 14 іх 15 разумець 16 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Калі SCONJ 4 mark 2 я PRON 4 nsubj 3 ўрэшце ADV 4 advmod 4 сустрэла VERB 9 advcl 5 беларускамоўных ADJ 6 amod 6 людзей NOUN 4 obj 7 , PUNCT 4 punct 8 у ADP 9 case 9 мяне PRON 0 root 10 не PART 9 advmod 11 было AUX 9 cop 12 ніякіх DET 13 det 13 праблемаў NOUN 9 nsubj 14 іх PRON 15 obj 15 разумець VERB 13 nmod 16 . PUNCT 9 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: І трэцяе, што я заўважыла з вялікім здзіўленнем, было тое, як шмат у чым беларуская мова падобная да польскай! Postion Tokenization 1 І 2 трэцяе 3 , 4 што 5 я 6 заўважыла 7 з 8 вялікім 9 здзіўленнем 10 , 11 было 12 тое 13 , 14 як 15 шмат 16 у 17 чым 18 беларуская 19 мова 20 падобная 21 да 22 польскай 23 !
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 І CCONJ 12 cc 2 трэцяе ADJ 12 nsubj 3 , PUNCT 6 punct 4 што SCONJ 6 mark 5 я PRON 6 nsubj 6 заўважыла VERB 2 acl 7 з ADP 9 case 8 вялікім ADJ 9 amod 9 здзіўленнем NOUN 6 obl 10 , PUNCT 6 punct 11 было AUX 12 cop 12 тое PRON 0 root 13 , PUNCT 20 punct 14 як ADV 15 advmod 15 шмат ADV 17 advmod 16 у ADP 17 case 17 чым PRON 20 obl 18 беларуская ADJ 19 amod 19 мова NOUN 20 nsubj 20 падобная ADJ 12 acl 21 да ADP 22 case 22 польскай ADJ 20 obl 23 ! PUNCT 12 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Я вельмі добра ведаю расейскую, але таксама і польскую мову. Postion Tokenization 1 Я 2 вельмі 3 добра 4 ведаю 5 расейскую 6 , 7 але 8 таксама 9 і 10 польскую 11 мову 12 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Я PRON 4 nsubj 2 вельмі ADV 3 advmod 3 добра ADV 4 advmod 4 ведаю VERB 0 root 5 расейскую ADJ 11 amod 6 , PUNCT 5 punct 7 але CCONJ 10 cc 8 таксама PART 7 fixed 9 і PART 7 fixed 10 польскую ADJ 5 conj 11 мову NOUN 4 obj 12 . PUNCT 4 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Раней я чула (а на самой справе, сустракаюся з гэтым меркаваннем пастаянна), што беларуская мова -- гэта такая “дзіўная” расейская. Postion Tokenization 1 Раней 2 я 3 чула 4 ( 5 а 6 на 7 самой 8 справе 9 , 10 сустракаюся 11 з 12 гэтым 13 меркаваннем 14 пастаянна 15 ) 16 , 17 што 18 беларуская 19 мова 20 -- 21 гэта 22 такая 23 “ 24 дзіўная 25 ” 26 расейская 27 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Раней ADV 3 advmod 2 я PRON 3 nsubj 3 чула VERB 0 root 4 ( PUNCT 10 punct 5 а CCONJ 10 cc 6 на ADP 8 case 7 самой ADJ 8 amod 8 справе NOUN 10 obl 9 , PUNCT 8 punct 10 сустракаюся VERB 3 parataxis 11 з ADP 13 case 12 гэтым DET 13 det 13 меркаваннем NOUN 10 obl 14 пастаянна ADV 10 advmod 15 ) PUNCT 10 punct 16 , PUNCT 26 punct 17 што SCONJ 26 mark 18 беларуская ADJ 19 amod 19 мова NOUN 26 nsubj 20 -- PUNCT 26 punct 21 гэта PART 26 expl 22 такая DET 26 det 23 “ PUNCT 24 punct 24 дзіўная ADJ 26 amod 25 ” PUNCT 24 punct 26 расейская ADJ 3 ccomp 27 . PUNCT 3 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Але, на мой погляд, калі ўжо казаць, што яна “дзіўная” (але я яе дзіўнай зусім не лічу!), то яна хутчэй “дзіўная польская”. Postion Tokenization 1 Але 2 , 3 на 4 мой 5 погляд 6 , 7 калі 8 ўжо 9 казаць 10 , 11 што 12 яна 13 “ 14 дзіўная 15 ” 16 ( 17 але 18 я 19 яе 20 дзіўнай 21 зусім 22 не 23 лічу 24 ! 25 ) 26 , 27 то 28 яна 29 хутчэй 30 “ 31 дзіўная 32 польская 33 ” 34 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Але CCONJ 32 cc 2 , PUNCT 5 punct 3 на ADP 5 case 4 мой DET 5 det 5 погляд NOUN 32 parataxis 6 , PUNCT 5 punct 7 калі SCONJ 9 mark 8 ўжо PART 9 advmod 9 казаць VERB 32 advcl 10 , PUNCT 14 punct 11 што SCONJ 14 mark 12 яна PRON 14 nsubj 13 “ PUNCT 14 punct 14 дзіўная ADJ 9 ccomp 15 ” PUNCT 14 punct 16 ( PUNCT 23 punct 17 але CCONJ 18 cc 18 я PRON 23 nsubj 19 яе PRON 23 obj 20 дзіўнай ADJ 23 xcomp 21 зусім ADV 23 advmod 22 не PART 23 advmod 23 лічу VERB 14 parataxis 24 ! PUNCT 23 punct 25 ) PUNCT 23 punct 26 , PUNCT 9 punct 27 то SCONJ 32 mark 28 яна PRON 32 nsubj 29 хутчэй ADV 32 advmod 30 “ PUNCT 32 punct 31 дзіўная ADJ 32 amod 32 польская ADJ 0 root 33 ” PUNCT 32 punct 34 . PUNCT 32 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Чаму вы вырашылі вывучаць беларускую мову? Postion Tokenization 1 2 : 3 Чаму 4 вы 5 вырашылі 6 вывучаць 7 беларускую 8 мову 9 ?
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 X 0 root 2 : PUNCT 5 punct 3 Чаму ADV 5 advmod 4 вы PRON 5 nsubj 5 вырашылі VERB 1 parataxis 6 вывучаць VERB 5 xcomp 7 беларускую ADJ 8 amod 8 мову NOUN 6 obj 9 ? PUNCT 1 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Вранава: Беларусы мне расказвалі аб сваёй слаўнай гісторыі. Postion Tokenization 1 Вранава 2 : 3 Беларусы 4 мне 5 расказвалі 6 аб 7 сваёй 8 слаўнай 9 гісторыі 10 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Вранава PROPN 0 root 2 : PUNCT 5 punct 3 Беларусы NOUN 5 nsubj 4 мне PRON 5 iobj 5 расказвалі VERB 1 parataxis 6 аб ADP 9 case 7 сваёй DET 9 det 8 слаўнай ADJ 9 amod 9 гісторыі NOUN 5 obl 10 . PUNCT 1 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Расказвалі таксама пра крыўды, выкліканыя рускімі. Postion Tokenization 1 Расказвалі 2 таксама 3 пра 4 крыўды 5 , 6 выкліканыя 7 рускімі 8 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Расказвалі VERB 0 root 2 таксама ADV 1 advmod 3 пра ADP 4 case 4 крыўды NOUN 1 obl 5 , PUNCT 6 punct 6 выкліканыя VERB 4 acl 7 рускімі NOUN 6 obl:agent 8 . PUNCT 1 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Гаварылі, што рускія скралі ў беларусаў гісторыю, культуру, рэлігію, мову, частку краіны... Postion Tokenization 1 Гаварылі 2 , 3 што 4 рускія 5 скралі 6 ў 7 беларусаў 8 гісторыю 9 , 10 культуру 11 , 12 рэлігію 13 , 14 мову 15 , 16 частку 17 краіны 18 ...
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Гаварылі VERB 0 root 2 , PUNCT 5 punct 3 што SCONJ 5 mark 4 рускія NOUN 5 nsubj 5 скралі VERB 1 ccomp 6 ў ADP 7 case 7 беларусаў NOUN 5 obl 8 гісторыю NOUN 5 obj 9 , PUNCT 10 punct 10 культуру NOUN 8 conj 11 , PUNCT 12 punct 12 рэлігію NOUN 8 conj 13 , PUNCT 14 punct 14 мову NOUN 8 conj 15 , PUNCT 16 punct 16 частку NOUN 8 conj 17 краіны NOUN 16 nmod 18 ... PUNCT 1 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Гаварылі, што яны вельмі добра разумеюць, як сябе адчувалі чэхі пасля 1968 году, таму што Беларусь знаходзіцца пад пастаяннай акупацыяй. Postion Tokenization 1 Гаварылі 2 , 3 што 4 яны 5 вельмі 6 добра 7 разумеюць 8 , 9 як 10 сябе 11 адчувалі 12 чэхі 13 пасля 14 1968 15 году 16 , 17 таму 18 што 19 Беларусь 20 знаходзіцца 21 пад 22 пастаяннай 23 акупацыяй 24 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Гаварылі VERB 0 root 2 , PUNCT 7 punct 3 што SCONJ 7 mark 4 яны PRON 7 nsubj 5 вельмі ADV 6 advmod 6 добра ADV 7 advmod 7 разумеюць VERB 1 ccomp 8 , PUNCT 11 punct 9 як ADV 11 advmod 10 сябе PRON 11 obj 11 адчувалі VERB 7 ccomp 12 чэхі NOUN 11 nsubj 13 пасля ADP 15 case 14 1968 ADJ 15 amod 15 году NOUN 11 obl 16 , PUNCT 20 punct 17 таму ADV 20 mark 18 што SCONJ 17 fixed 19 Беларусь PROPN 20 nsubj 20 знаходзіцца VERB 7 advcl 21 пад ADP 23 case 22 пастаяннай ADJ 23 amod 23 акупацыяй NOUN 20 obl 24 . PUNCT 1 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Для мяне гэта ўсё было вельмі цікава, але я не магла зразумець, чаму яны мне пра ўсё гэта кажуць на мове сваіх, як яны гавораць, ворагаў? Postion Tokenization 1 Для 2 мяне 3 гэта 4 ўсё 5 было 6 вельмі 7 цікава 8 , 9 але 10 я 11 не 12 магла 13 зразумець 14 , 15 чаму 16 яны 17 мне 18 пра 19 ўсё 20 гэта 21 кажуць 22 на 23 мове 24 сваіх 25 , 26 як 27 яны 28 гавораць 29 , 30 ворагаў 31 ?
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Для ADP 2 case 2 мяне PRON 7 obl 3 гэта PRON 7 nsubj 4 ўсё DET 3 det 5 было AUX 7 cop 6 вельмі ADV 7 advmod 7 цікава ADJ 0 root 8 , PUNCT 12 punct 9 але CCONJ 12 cc 10 я PRON 12 nsubj 11 не PART 12 advmod 12 магла VERB 7 conj 13 зразумець VERB 12 xcomp 14 , PUNCT 21 punct 15 чаму ADV 21 advmod 16 яны PRON 21 nsubj 17 мне PRON 21 iobj 18 пра ADP 20 case 19 ўсё DET 20 det 20 гэта PRON 21 obl 21 кажуць VERB 13 ccomp 22 на ADP 23 case 23 мове NOUN 21 obl 24 сваіх DET 30 det 25 , PUNCT 28 punct 26 як SCONJ 28 mark 27 яны PRON 28 nsubj 28 гавораць VERB 30 parataxis 29 , PUNCT 28 punct 30 ворагаў NOUN 23 nmod 31 ? PUNCT 7 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Калі я іх запытвала, чаму яны гавораць, што любяць сваю краіну, шануюць гісторыю, не любяць рускіх -- але размаўляюць па-расейску, а не па-беларуску, я чула вельмі дзіўныя адказы: гэта ўжо немагчыма... Postion Tokenization 1 Калі 2 я 3 іх 4 запытвала 5 , 6 чаму 7 яны 8 гавораць 9 , 10 што 11 любяць 12 сваю 13 краіну 14 , 15 шануюць 16 гісторыю 17 , 18 не 19 любяць 20 рускіх 21 -- 22 але 23 размаўляюць 24 па-расейску 25 , 26 а 27 не 28 па-беларуску 29 , 30 я 31 чула 32 вельмі 33 дзіўныя 34 адказы 35 : 36 гэта 37 ўжо 38 немагчыма 39 ...
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Калі SCONJ 4 mark 2 я PRON 4 nsubj 3 іх PRON 4 obj 4 запытвала VERB 31 advcl 5 , PUNCT 8 punct 6 чаму ADV 8 advmod 7 яны PRON 8 nsubj 8 гавораць VERB 4 ccomp 9 , PUNCT 11 punct 10 што SCONJ 11 mark 11 любяць VERB 8 ccomp 12 сваю DET 13 det 13 краіну NOUN 11 obj 14 , PUNCT 15 punct 15 шануюць VERB 11 conj 16 гісторыю NOUN 15 obj 17 , PUNCT 19 punct 18 не PART 19 advmod 19 любяць VERB 11 conj 20 рускіх ADJ 19 obj 21 -- PUNCT 23 punct 22 але CCONJ 23 cc 23 размаўляюць VERB 11 conj 24 па-расейску ADV 23 advmod 25 , PUNCT 28 punct 26 а CCONJ 28 cc 27 не PART 28 advmod 28 па-беларуску ADV 24 conj 29 , PUNCT 4 punct 30 я PRON 31 nsubj 31 чула VERB 0 root 32 вельмі ADV 33 advmod 33 дзіўныя ADJ 34 amod 34 адказы NOUN 31 obj 35 : PUNCT 38 punct 36 гэта PRON 38 nsubj 37 ўжо ADV 38 advmod 38 немагчыма ADJ 34 parataxis 39 ... PUNCT 31 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Задоўга працягваецца русіфікацыя... Postion Tokenization 1 Задоўга 2 працягваецца 3 русіфікацыя 4 ...
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Задоўга ADV 2 advmod 2 працягваецца VERB 0 root 3 русіфікацыя NOUN 2 nsubj 4 ... PUNCT 2 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Сёння ніхто ўжо не размаўляе на беларускай мове, трэба з гэтым прымірыцца... Postion Tokenization 1 Сёння 2 ніхто 3 ўжо 4 не 5 размаўляе 6 на 7 беларускай 8 мове 9 , 10 трэба 11 з 12 гэтым 13 прымірыцца 14 ...
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Сёння ADV 5 advmod 2 ніхто PRON 5 nsubj 3 ўжо ADV 5 advmod 4 не PART 5 advmod 5 размаўляе VERB 0 root 6 на ADP 8 case 7 беларускай ADJ 8 amod 8 мове NOUN 5 obl 9 , PUNCT 10 punct 10 трэба VERB 5 conj 11 з ADP 12 case 12 гэтым PRON 13 obl 13 прымірыцца VERB 10 csubj 14 ... PUNCT 5 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Мова не важная, важна адчуваць сабе беларусам... Postion Tokenization 1 Мова 2 не 3 важная 4 , 5 важна 6 адчуваць 7 сабе 8 беларусам 9 ...
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Мова NOUN 3 nsubj 2 не PART 3 advmod 3 важная ADJ 0 root 4 , PUNCT 5 punct 5 важна ADJ 3 conj 6 адчуваць VERB 5 csubj 7 сабе PRON 6 obj 8 беларусам NOUN 6 xcomp 9 ... PUNCT 3 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: У школе нас беларускай вучаць замала... Postion Tokenization 1 У 2 школе 3 нас 4 беларускай 5 вучаць 6 замала 7 ...
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 У ADP 2 case 2 школе NOUN 5 obl 3 нас PRON 5 obj 4 беларускай ADJ 5 iobj 5 вучаць VERB 0 root 6 замала ADV 5 advmod 7 ... PUNCT 5 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Я не магла з гэтым пагадзіцца. Postion Tokenization 1 Я 2 не 3 магла 4 з 5 гэтым 6 пагадзіцца 7 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Я PRON 3 nsubj 2 не PART 3 advmod 3 магла VERB 0 root 4 з ADP 5 case 5 гэтым PRON 6 obl 6 пагадзіцца VERB 3 xcomp 7 . PUNCT 3 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Я не веру ў патрыятызм без роднай мовы, не веру ў адраджэнне нацыі з замежнай мовай і не веру ў тое, што чалавек, які атрымаў хоць нейкія асновы беларускай мовы ў школе, не можа размаўляць па-беларуску, калі хоча. Postion Tokenization 1 Я 2 не 3 веру 4 ў 5 патрыятызм 6 без 7 роднай 8 мовы 9 , 10 не 11 веру 12 ў 13 адраджэнне 14 нацыі 15 з 16 замежнай 17 мовай 18 і 19 не 20 веру 21 ў 22 тое 23 , 24 што 25 чалавек 26 , 27 які 28 атрымаў 29 хоць 30 нейкія 31 асновы 32 беларускай 33 мовы 34 ў 35 школе 36 , 37 не 38 можа 39 размаўляць 40 па-беларуску 41 , 42 калі 43 хоча 44 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Я PRON 3 nsubj 2 не PART 3 advmod 3 веру VERB 0 root 4 ў ADP 5 case 5 патрыятызм NOUN 3 obl 6 без ADP 8 case 7 роднай ADJ 8 amod 8 мовы NOUN 5 nmod 9 , PUNCT 11 punct 10 не PART 11 advmod 11 веру VERB 3 conj 12 ў ADP 13 case 13 адраджэнне NOUN 11 obl 14 нацыі NOUN 13 nmod 15 з ADP 17 case 16 замежнай ADJ 17 amod 17 мовай NOUN 13 nmod 18 і CCONJ 20 cc 19 не PART 20 advmod 20 веру VERB 11 conj 21 ў ADP 22 case 22 тое PRON 20 obl 23 , PUNCT 38 punct 24 што SCONJ 38 mark 25 чалавек NOUN 38 nsubj 26 , PUNCT 28 punct 27 які PRON 28 nsubj 28 атрымаў VERB 25 acl:relcl 29 хоць PART 30 advmod 30 нейкія DET 31 det 31 асновы NOUN 28 obj 32 беларускай ADJ 33 amod 33 мовы NOUN 31 nmod 34 ў ADP 35 case 35 школе NOUN 28 obl 36 , PUNCT 28 punct 37 не PART 38 advmod 38 можа VERB 22 acl 39 размаўляць VERB 38 xcomp 40 па-беларуску ADV 39 advmod 41 , PUNCT 43 punct 42 калі SCONJ 43 mark 43 хоча VERB 38 advcl 44 . PUNCT 3 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Я перакананая, што кожны беларус можа ў любы момант прыняць рашэнне і пачаць размаўляць па-беларуску. Postion Tokenization 1 Я 2 перакананая 3 , 4 што 5 кожны 6 беларус 7 можа 8 ў 9 любы 10 момант 11 прыняць 12 рашэнне 13 і 14 пачаць 15 размаўляць 16 па-беларуску 17 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Я PRON 2 nsubj 2 перакананая ADJ 0 root 3 , PUNCT 7 punct 4 што SCONJ 7 mark 5 кожны DET 6 det 6 беларус NOUN 7 nsubj 7 можа VERB 2 ccomp 8 ў ADP 10 case 9 любы DET 10 det 10 момант NOUN 7 obl 11 прыняць VERB 7 xcomp 12 рашэнне NOUN 11 obj 13 і CCONJ 14 cc 14 пачаць VERB 11 conj 15 размаўляць VERB 14 xcomp 16 па-беларуску ADV 15 advmod 17 . PUNCT 2 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Думаю, што правільны адказ тут не “гэта немагчыма”, але “нам не хочаца”. Postion Tokenization 1 Думаю 2 , 3 што 4 правільны 5 адказ 6 тут 7 не 8 “ 9 гэта 10 немагчыма 11 ” 12 , 13 але 14 “ 15 нам 16 не 17 хочаца 18 ” 19 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Думаю VERB 0 root 2 , PUNCT 10 punct 3 што SCONJ 10 mark 4 правільны ADJ 5 amod 5 адказ NOUN 10 nsubj 6 тут ADV 10 advmod 7 не PART 10 advmod 8 “ PUNCT 9 punct 9 гэта PRON 10 nsubj 10 немагчыма ADJ 1 ccomp 11 ” PUNCT 10 punct 12 , PUNCT 17 punct 13 але CCONJ 17 cc 14 “ PUNCT 17 punct 15 нам PRON 17 obj 16 не PART 17 advmod 17 хочаца VERB 10 conj 18 ” PUNCT 17 punct 19 . PUNCT 1 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Ну, і таму я вырашыла вывучыць вашую мову. Postion Tokenization 1 Ну 2 , 3 і 4 таму 5 я 6 вырашыла 7 вывучыць 8 вашую 9 мову 10 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Ну PART 6 discourse 2 , PUNCT 1 punct 3 і CCONJ 6 cc 4 таму ADV 6 advmod 5 я PRON 6 nsubj 6 вырашыла VERB 0 root 7 вывучыць VERB 6 xcomp 8 вашую DET 9 det 9 мову NOUN 7 obj 10 . PUNCT 6 punct
As a helpful and smart assistant, your task is to parse a given text in any language to Universal Dependency (UD) format including POS tags and dependency relations (HEAD and DEPREL). Key Components of UD Annotation: 1. Tokens: The fundamental units within UD are tokens. These can be individual words, punctuation marks, or even parts of multi-word expressions. Each token has several associated attributes. 2. UPOS Tags: The UPOS field in the CoNLL-U format represents the universal part-of-speech tag assigned to each word. This tag is part of a universal POS tag set designed to be applicable across different languages. The UPOS tags include categories such as NOUN, VERB, ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), PRON (pronoun), DET (determiner), and more. 3. Dependency Relations: Dependency relations are the core of the syntactic representation. They form a tree structure over the tokens in a sentence. Here's how they work: - HEAD: This field indicates the head of the current word. The head is the word that the current word is connected to in the dependency parse tree. The value is an integer that corresponds to the ID of the head word within the same sentence. A value of zero (0) indicates that the word is the root of the sentence. - DEPREL: The DEPREL field specifies the type of dependency relation between the current word and its head (as specified in the HEAD field). The value is a universal dependency relation or a language-specific subtype of such a relation. Note: Blank lines are used to mark the boundaries between sentences. Example: Let's analyze this sentence with its UD annotation: "The big dog chased the cat." 1. Tokenization: - The - big - dog - chased - the - cat - . 2. UPOS Tags: - The: DET - big: ADJ - dog: NOUN - chased: VERB - the: DET - cat: NOUN - .: PUNCT 3. Head node (parent): - The: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - big: the parent of this word is "dog" at position 3 - dog: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - chased: this is the root node, therefore its head is 0 - the: the parent of this word is "cat" at position 6 - cat: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 - .: the parent of this word is "chased" at position 4 3. Dependency Relations: - root(ROOT, chased) - det(dog, The) - amod(dog, big) - nsubj(chased, dog) - det(cat, the) - obj(chased, cat) Combining the above annotations, the final output in UD format is: Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 The DET 3 det 2 big ADJ 3 amod 3 dog NOUN 4 nsubj 4 chased VERB 0 ROOT 5 the DET 6 det 6 cat NOUN 4 obj 7 . PUNCT 4 punct
Generate UD annotations for the following tokenized text: Каб паказаць, што нават за мяжой, нават іншаземец, які не мае ніякіх асноваў са школы, можа навучыцца. Postion Tokenization 1 Каб 2 паказаць 3 , 4 што 5 нават 6 за 7 мяжой 8 , 9 нават 10 іншаземец 11 , 12 які 13 не 14 мае 15 ніякіх 16 асноваў 17 са 18 школы 19 , 20 можа 21 навучыцца 22 .
Position Tokenization UPOS Head Deprel 1 Каб SCONJ 2 mark 2 паказаць VERB 0 root 3 , PUNCT 20 punct 4 што SCONJ 20 mark 5 нават PART 7 advmod 6 за ADP 7 case 7 мяжой NOUN 20 obl 8 , PUNCT 7 punct 9 нават SCONJ 10 mark 10 іншаземец NOUN 20 nsubj 11 , PUNCT 14 punct 12 які PRON 14 nsubj 13 не PART 14 advmod 14 мае VERB 10 acl 15 ніякіх DET 16 det 16 асноваў NOUN 14 obj 17 са ADP 18 case 18 школы NOUN 14 obl 19 , PUNCT 14 punct 20 можа VERB 2 ccomp 21 навучыцца VERB 20 xcomp 22 . PUNCT 2 punct
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