import os |
import sys |
import json |
import pickle as pkl |
import logging |
import time |
import copy |
import random |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import re |
import pdb |
import string |
from collections import Counter |
from omegaconf import ListConfig |
import multiprocessing |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer |
try: |
from pyserini.search.lucene import LuceneSearcher |
except: |
logging.warning( |
"Failed to import pyserini! Please install it from https://github.com/castorini/pyserini/tree/master." |
) |
import contriever.src.index |
import contriever.src.contriever |
import contriever.src.utils |
import contriever.src.slurm |
from contriever.src.evaluation import calculate_matches |
import contriever.src.normalize_text |
from src.data import load_eval_data |
from src.index import ( |
Indexer, |
get_index_dir_and_passage_paths, |
get_index_passages_and_id_map, |
get_bm25_index_dir, |
) |
from src.decontamination import check_below_lexical_overlap_threshold |
try: |
from utils.deduplication import ( |
remove_duplicates_with_minhash, |
multiprocess_deduplication, |
) |
except: |
print("Cannot import from utils") |
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true" |
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" |
def embed_queries(args, queries, model, tokenizer, model_name_or_path): |
if "sentence-transformers" in model_name_or_path: |
all_question = [] |
for k, q in enumerate(queries): |
if args.lowercase: |
q = q.lower() |
if args.normalize_text: |
q = contriever.src.normalize_text.normalize(q) |
all_question.append(q) |
embeddings = model.encode( |
all_question, batch_size=min(128, args.per_gpu_batch_size) |
) |
else: |
model.eval() |
embeddings, batch_question = [], [] |
with torch.no_grad(): |
for k, q in tqdm(enumerate(queries)): |
if args.lowercase: |
q = q.lower() |
if args.normalize_text: |
q = contriever.src.normalize_text.normalize(q) |
batch_question.append(q) |
if ( |
len(batch_question) == args.per_gpu_batch_size |
or k == len(queries) - 1 |
): |
encoded_batch = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( |
batch_question, |
return_tensors="pt", |
max_length=args.question_maxlength, |
padding=True, |
truncation=True, |
) |
encoded_batch = {k: v.to(device) for k, v in encoded_batch.items()} |
output = model(**encoded_batch) |
if "contriever" not in model_name_or_path: |
output = output.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :] |
embeddings.append(output.cpu()) |
batch_question = [] |
embeddings = torch.cat(embeddings, dim=0).numpy() |
print(f"Questions embeddings shape: {embeddings.shape}") |
if args.get("cache_query_embedding", False): |
with open(args.query_embedding_save_path, "wb") as fout: |
pkl.dump(embeddings, fout) |
return embeddings |
def validate(data, workers_num): |
match_stats = calculate_matches(data, workers_num) |
top_k_hits = match_stats.top_k_hits |
print("Validation results: top k documents hits %s", top_k_hits) |
top_k_hits = [v / len(data) for v in top_k_hits] |
message = "" |
for k in [5, 10, 20, 100]: |
if k <= len(top_k_hits): |
message += f"R@{k}: {top_k_hits[k - 1]} " |
print(message) |
return match_stats.questions_doc_hits |
def add_passages(data, passages, top_passages_and_scores, valid_query_idx, domain=None): |
assert len(valid_query_idx) == len(top_passages_and_scores) |
idx = 0 |
for i, d in enumerate(data): |
if i in valid_query_idx: |
results_and_scores = top_passages_and_scores[idx] |
docs = [passages[doc_id] for doc_id in results_and_scores[0]] |
next_docs = [ |
passages[str(int(doc_id) + 1)] |
if int(doc_id) + 1 < len(passages) |
else passages[doc_id] |
for doc_id in results_and_scores[0] |
] |
scores = [str(score) for score in results_and_scores[1]] |
ctxs_num = len(docs) |
d["ctxs"] = [ |
{ |
"id": results_and_scores[0][c], |
"source": domain, |
"retrieval text": docs[c]["text"], |
"retrieval next text": next_docs[c]["text"], |
"retrieval score": scores[c], |
} |
for c in range(ctxs_num) |
] |
idx += 1 |
else: |
d["ctxs"] = [None] |
def add_hasanswer(data, hasanswer): |
for i, ex in enumerate(data): |
for k, d in enumerate(ex["ctxs"]): |
d["hasanswer"] = hasanswer[i][k] |
def get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids): |
eval_args = cfg.evaluation |
shards_postfix = "_".join([str(shard_id) for shard_id in index_shard_ids]) |
output_dir = os.path.join(eval_args.eval_output_dir, shards_postfix) |
output_path = os.path.join( |
output_dir, |
os.path.basename(eval_args.data.eval_data).replace( |
".jsonl", "_retrieved_results.jsonl" |
), |
) |
return output_path |
def get_merged_search_output_path(cfg): |
index_args = cfg.datastore.index |
eval_args = cfg.evaluation |
if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): |
print( |
f"Multi-index mode: building {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} index for {index_args.index_shard_ids} sequentially..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids |
else: |
print( |
f"Single-index mode: building a single index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = [index_args.index_shard_ids] |
merged_postfix = "" |
for index_shard_ids in sorted(index_shard_ids_list, key=lambda x: int(x[0])): |
shards_postfix = "_".join([str(shard_id) for shard_id in index_shard_ids]) |
merged_postfix += "-" + shards_postfix |
merged_postfix = merged_postfix.strip("-") |
output_dir = os.path.join(eval_args.eval_output_dir, merged_postfix) |
output_path = os.path.join( |
output_dir, |
os.path.basename(eval_args.data.eval_data).replace( |
".jsonl", "_retrieved_results.jsonl" |
), |
) |
return output_path |
def get_merged_subsampled_search_output_path(cfg): |
index_args = cfg.datastore.index |
eval_args = cfg.evaluation |
if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): |
print( |
f"Multi-index mode: building {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} index for {index_args.index_shard_ids} sequentially..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids |
else: |
print( |
f"Single-index mode: building a single index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = [index_args.index_shard_ids] |
merged_postfix = "" |
for index_shard_ids in sorted(index_shard_ids_list, key=lambda x: int(x[0])): |
shards_postfix = "_".join([str(shard_id) for shard_id in index_shard_ids]) |
merged_postfix += "-" + shards_postfix |
merged_postfix = merged_postfix.strip("-") |
if cfg.evaluation.search.get("topk_subsample_p", None): |
seed = cfg.evaluation.search.get("subsample_seed", 1000) |
output_dir = os.path.join( |
eval_args.eval_output_dir, |
os.path.join( |
f"subsampled_{cfg.evaluation.search.topk_subsample_p}_seed_{seed}", |
merged_postfix, |
), |
) |
else: |
output_dir = os.path.join(eval_args.eval_output_dir, merged_postfix) |
output_path = os.path.join( |
output_dir, |
os.path.basename(eval_args.data.eval_data).replace( |
".jsonl", "_retrieved_results.jsonl" |
), |
) |
return output_path |
def calculate_recall(pred_ids_and_scores, gt_ids_and_scores): |
recalls = [] |
for pred, gt in zip(pred_ids_and_scores, gt_ids_and_scores): |
pred_ids = set(pred[0]) |
gt_ids = set(gt[0]) |
correct = len(pred_ids.intersection(gt_ids)) |
recall = correct / len(gt_ids) |
recalls.append(recall) |
avg_recall = sum(recalls) / len(recalls) |
return avg_recall |
def search_dense_topk(cfg): |
index_args = cfg.datastore.index |
eval_args = cfg.evaluation |
ds_domain = cfg.datastore.domain |
if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): |
print( |
f"Multi-index mode: building {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} index for {index_args.index_shard_ids} sequentially..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids |
else: |
print( |
f"Single-index mode: building a single index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = [index_args.index_shard_ids] |
all_exist = True |
for index_shard_ids in index_shard_ids_list: |
output_path = get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids) |
all_exist = all_exist and os.path.exists(output_path) |
if all_exist and not eval_args.search.overwrite: |
logging.info( |
f"All search results for {index_args.index_shard_ids} exist, skipping searching." |
) |
else: |
logging.info(f"Loading model from: {cfg.model.datastore_encoder}") |
model_name_or_path = cfg.model.query_encoder |
tokenizer_name_or_path = cfg.model.query_tokenizer |
if "contriever" in model_name_or_path: |
query_encoder, query_tokenizer, _ = ( |
contriever.src.contriever.load_retriever(model_name_or_path) |
) |
elif "dragon" in model_name_or_path: |
query_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_name_or_path) |
query_encoder = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path) |
elif "sentence-transformers" in model_name_or_path: |
query_tokenizer = None |
query_encoder = SentenceTransformer(model_name_or_path) |
else: |
print(f"{model_name_or_path} is not supported!") |
raise AttributeError |
query_encoder.eval() |
query_encoder = query_encoder.to(device) |
if not index_args.no_fp16: |
query_encoder = query_encoder.half() |
data = load_eval_data(cfg) |
queries = [] |
valid_query_idx = [] |
for idx, ex in enumerate(data): |
raw_query = ex["raw_query"] |
if raw_query: |
queries.append(ex["raw_query"]) |
valid_query_idx.append(idx) |
logging.info( |
f"Searching for {len(queries)} queries from {len(data)} total evaluation samples..." |
) |
if eval_args.search.get("cache_query_embedding", False) and os.path.exists( |
eval_args.search.get("query_embedding_save_path", "") |
): |
logging.info( |
f"Loading query embeddings from {eval_args.search.query_embedding_save_path}" |
) |
with open(eval_args.search.query_embedding_save_path, "rb") as fin: |
questions_embedding = pkl.load(fin) |
else: |
questions_embedding = embed_queries( |
eval_args.search, |
queries, |
query_encoder, |
query_tokenizer, |
model_name_or_path, |
) |
if eval_args.search.get("cache_query_embedding_only", False): |
return |
for index_shard_ids in index_shard_ids_list: |
output_path = get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids) |
if os.path.exists(output_path) and not eval_args.search.overwrite: |
logging.info(f"{output_path} exists, skipping searching.") |
else: |
copied_data = copy.deepcopy(data) |
index_dir, _ = get_index_dir_and_passage_paths(cfg, index_shard_ids) |
index = Indexer( |
index_args.projection_size, |
index_args.n_subquantizers, |
index_args.n_bits, |
) |
index.deserialize_from(index_dir) |
passages, passage_id_map = get_index_passages_and_id_map( |
cfg, index_shard_ids |
) |
assert len(passages) == index.index.ntotal, ( |
f"number of documents {len(passages)} and number of embeddings {index.index.ntotal} mismatch" |
) |
start_time_retrieval = time.time() |
top_ids_and_scores = index.search_knn( |
questions_embedding, eval_args.search.n_docs |
) |
logging.info( |
f"Search time: {time.time() - start_time_retrieval:.1f} s." |
) |
logging.info(f"Adding documents to eval data...") |
add_passages( |
copied_data, |
passage_id_map, |
top_ids_and_scores, |
valid_query_idx, |
domain=ds_domain, |
) |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) |
safe_write_jsonl(copied_data, output_path) |
if cfg.datastore.index.index_type == "IVF_FLAT": |
index_dir_ = index_dir.replace("index", "index_ivf_flat") |
index_dir_ = index_dir[:-2] |
from src.indicies.ivf_flat import IVFFlatIndexer |
from api.build_ivf_index import build_ivf_flat_index |
index_ = build_ivf_flat_index("fineweb_edu_1m", 1, 0) |
searched_scores, searched_passages, db_ids = index_.search( |
questions_embedding, eval_args.search.n_docs |
) |
copied_data2 = copy.deepcopy(data) |
top_ids_and_scores_ = index_.search_knn( |
questions_embedding, eval_args.search.n_docs |
) |
add_passages( |
copied_data2, |
passage_id_map, |
top_ids_and_scores_, |
valid_query_idx, |
domain=ds_domain, |
) |
output_path_ivf = output_path.replace(".jsonl", "_ivf.jsonl") |
safe_write_jsonl(copied_data2, output_path_ivf) |
recall = calculate_recall(top_ids_and_scores_, top_ids_and_scores) |
print(f"recall of ivf is {recall}") |
if cfg.evaluation.search.get( |
"merge_multi_source_results", False |
) and cfg.evaluation.search.get("topk_subsample_p", None): |
post_hoc_merge_topk_multi_domain(cfg) |
elif cfg.evaluation.search.get("merge_multi_index_results", True): |
post_hoc_merge_topk(cfg) |
def post_hoc_merge_topk(cfg): |
""" |
Post hoc merge the searched results obtained by multiple indices. |
""" |
index_args = cfg.datastore.index |
output_path = get_merged_search_output_path(cfg) |
if os.path.exists(output_path) and not cfg.evaluation.search.overwrite: |
print(f"The merged path exists, skipping...\n{output_path}") |
return |
if ( |
isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig) |
and len(index_args.index_shard_ids) > 1 |
): |
print( |
f"Multi-index mode: building {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} index for {index_args.index_shard_ids} sequentially..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids |
else: |
print(f"Single-index mode: no need to merge") |
return |
merged_data = [] |
for i, index_shard_ids in enumerate(index_shard_ids_list): |
path_to_merge = get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids) |
print(f"Adding {path_to_merge}") |
data_to_merge = [] |
with open(path_to_merge, "r") as file: |
idx = 0 |
for line in file: |
try: |
_ex = json.loads(line) |
except: |
print(f"Line read error when reading {path_to_merge}") |
continue |
if not _ex["ctxs"] or _ex["ctxs"][0] is None: |
assert idx == 0 |
ctxs = [] |
else: |
ctxs = _ex["ctxs"] |
_ex["ctxs"] = ctxs |
data_to_merge.append(_ex) |
if i == 0: |
merged_data = data_to_merge |
else: |
for id_, (_, _ex) in enumerate(zip(merged_data, data_to_merge)): |
assert merged_data[id_]["raw_query"] == _ex["raw_query"] |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"].extend(_ex["ctxs"]) |
if merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] and merged_data[id_]["ctxs"][0] is not None: |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = sorted( |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], |
key=lambda x: float(x["retrieval score"]), |
reverse=True, |
) |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = merged_data[id_]["ctxs"][ |
: cfg.evaluation.search.n_docs |
] |
assert len(merged_data[id_]["ctxs"]) == cfg.evaluation.search.n_docs |
else: |
assert ( |
id_ == 0 or id_ == 983 |
) |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) |
safe_write_jsonl(merged_data, output_path) |
def subsample_by_coin_flip(items, probability): |
subsampled_list = [] |
for item in items: |
if random.random() < probability: |
subsampled_list.append(item) |
return subsampled_list |
def post_hoc_merge_topk_multi_domain(cfg): |
""" |
Post hoc merge the searched results obtained by multiple domains/sources. Each source may have multiple indices. |
Required inputs: |
1. A list of searched results to be merged defined by `cfg.evaluation.search.paths_to_merge` |
2. A path to save merged results defined by `cfg.evaluation.search.merged_path` |
""" |
txt_file_with_paths_to_merge = cfg.evaluation.search.paths_to_merge |
base_merged_path = cfg.evaluation.search.merged_path |
merged_path = os.path.join( |
os.path.dirname(base_merged_path), |
os.path.basename(base_merged_path).strip("dedup_"), |
) |
if ( |
not os.path.exists(base_merged_path) |
or not cfg.evaluation.search.use_saved_dedup_data |
): |
if cfg.evaluation.search.get("topk_subsample_p", 1) < 1: |
seed = cfg.evaluation.search.get("subsample_seed", 1000) |
random.seed(seed) |
if not os.path.exists(merged_path): |
paths_to_merge = [] |
with open(txt_file_with_paths_to_merge, "r") as file: |
for line in file: |
path = line.strip() |
paths_to_merge.append(path) |
assert os.path.exists(path), f"{path}" |
print(f"Merging files:\n{paths_to_merge}") |
datastore_domain_pattern = re.compile(r"/([^/]+)_datastore") |
merged_data = [] |
for domain_idx, path_to_merge in tqdm(enumerate(paths_to_merge)): |
print(f"Adding {path_to_merge}") |
data_to_merge = [] |
with open(path_to_merge, "r") as file: |
matches = datastore_domain_pattern.findall(path_to_merge) |
ds_domain = matches[0] if matches else None |
idx = 0 |
for line in file: |
try: |
_ex = json.loads(line) |
except: |
print(f"Line read error when reading {path_to_merge}") |
raise AttributeError |
if not _ex["ctxs"] or _ex["ctxs"][0] is None: |
assert ( |
idx == 0 |
) |
ctxs = [] |
else: |
if ( |
not "source" in _ex["ctxs"][0].keys() |
or not _ex["ctxs"][0]["source"] |
): |
for ctx_idx in range(len(_ex["ctxs"])): |
_ex["ctxs"][ctx_idx]["source"] = ds_domain |
ctxs = _ex["ctxs"] |
_ex["ctxs"] = ctxs |
data_to_merge.append(_ex) |
if domain_idx == 0: |
merged_data = data_to_merge |
else: |
for id_, (_, _ex) in enumerate(zip(merged_data, data_to_merge)): |
assert merged_data[id_]["raw_query"] == _ex["raw_query"] |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"].extend(_ex["ctxs"]) |
if ( |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] |
and merged_data[id_]["ctxs"][0] is not None |
): |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = sorted( |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], |
key=lambda x: x["retrieval score"], |
reverse=True, |
) |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = merged_data[id_]["ctxs"][ |
: cfg.evaluation.search.n_docs |
] |
assert ( |
len(merged_data[id_]["ctxs"]) |
== cfg.evaluation.search.n_docs |
) |
else: |
assert ( |
id_ == 0 or id_ == 983 |
) |
safe_write_jsonl(merged_data, merged_path) |
else: |
merged_data = [] |
with open(merged_path, "r") as fin: |
for line in fin: |
ex = json.loads(line) |
merged_data.append(ex) |
use_multi_process = True |
if use_multi_process: |
merged_data = multiprocess_deduplication(merged_data) |
else: |
for id_, ex in enumerate(merged_data): |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = remove_duplicates_with_minhash( |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], |
string_for_decontamination=merged_data[id_]["raw_query"], |
) |
if os.path.exists(base_merged_path) and cfg.evaluation.search.use_saved_dedup_data: |
merged_data = [] |
with open(base_merged_path, "r") as fin: |
for line in fin: |
ex = json.loads(line) |
merged_data.append(ex) |
else: |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(base_merged_path), exist_ok=True) |
safe_write_jsonl(merged_data, base_merged_path) |
seed = cfg.evaluation.search.get("subsample_seed", 1000) |
if cfg.evaluation.search.topk_subsample_p < 1: |
random.seed(seed) |
for id_, _ in enumerate(merged_data): |
subsampled_ctxs = subsample_by_coin_flip( |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], cfg.evaluation.search.topk_subsample_p |
) |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = subsampled_ctxs |
if cfg.evaluation.search.get("rerank_method", None): |
rerank_n_docs = cfg.evaluation.search.get("rerank_n_docs", None) |
no_enough_rerank_data_cout = 0 |
for id_, ex in enumerate(merged_data): |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], no_enough_rerank_data = extract_rerank_docs( |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], rerank_n_docs |
) |
no_enough_rerank_data_cout += no_enough_rerank_data |
if no_enough_rerank_data_cout: |
print( |
f"WARNING: there are {no_enough_rerank_data_cout} example having no enough data for reranking!" |
) |
print(f"Reranking with method: {cfg.evaluation.search.rerank_method}") |
if cfg.evaluation.search.rerank_method in [ |
"lexical", |
"unigram_f1", |
"inclusion", |
]: |
all_answers = get_answers(cfg) |
for id_, ex in tqdm(enumerate(merged_data)): |
query = ex["raw_query"] |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = post_rerank_ctxs( |
ex["ctxs"], all_answers[query], cfg |
) |
ablation_study = False |
if ablation_study: |
for id_, _ in enumerate(merged_data): |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = additional_decon(merged_data[id_]) |
for id_, _ in enumerate(merged_data): |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = additional_remove_short_chunk( |
merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] |
) |
no_enough_data_count = 0 |
for id_, _ in enumerate(merged_data): |
if len(merged_data[id_]["ctxs"]) < 3: |
no_enough_data_count += 1 |
print( |
f"WARNING: the subsampled documents only have {len(merged_data[id_]['ctxs'])} left!" |
) |
output_path = f"full_subsampled_{str(cfg.evaluation.search.topk_subsample_p)}_{seed}_{os.path.basename(base_merged_path)}" |
output_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base_merged_path), output_path) |
if cfg.evaluation.search.get("rerank_method", None): |
output_path = output_path.replace( |
".jsonl", f"_rerank_{cfg.evaluation.search.rerank_method}.jsonl" |
) |
elif ablation_study: |
output_path = output_path.replace(".jsonl", f"_standard_decon.jsonl") |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) |
safe_write_jsonl(merged_data, output_path) |
print( |
f"Saved merged results to {output_path} with {no_enough_data_count} documents having less than 5 documents." |
) |
def additional_decon(example): |
answer = example["raw_query"] |
num_doc_before = len(example["ctxs"]) |
clean_ctxs = [] |
for ctx in example["ctxs"]: |
if check_below_lexical_overlap_threshold( |
ctx["retrieval text"], answer, 0.8, "jaccard" |
): |
clean_ctxs.append(ctx) |
num_doc_after = len(clean_ctxs) |
print(f"Additional decon: {num_doc_before - num_doc_after} documents are removed") |
return clean_ctxs |
def additional_remove_short_chunk(ctxs): |
new_ctxs = [] |
for ctx in ctxs: |
if len(ctx["retrieval text"].split(" ")) > 12: |
new_ctxs.append(ctx) |
return new_ctxs |
def extract_rerank_docs(ctxs, rerank_n_docs): |
filtered_ctxs = [ctx for ctx in ctxs if ctx["quality score"]] |
if rerank_n_docs is None or len(filtered_ctxs) >= rerank_n_docs: |
return filtered_ctxs[:rerank_n_docs], 0 |
else: |
return filtered_ctxs, 1 |
def post_process_ctxs(ctxs): |
if ctxs[0] is None: |
return ctxs |
def remove_short_ctx(ctxs): |
new_ctxs = [] |
for ctx in ctxs: |
if len(ctx["retrieval text"].split(" ")) > 5: |
new_ctxs.append(ctx) |
if len(new_ctxs) < 5: |
new_ctxs = ctxs[:5] |
return new_ctxs |
def remove_duplication(ctxs, first_k=5): |
new_ctxs = [] |
num_passed = 0 |
ctx_idx = 0 |
while ctx_idx < len(ctxs) and num_passed < first_k: |
ctx = ctxs[ctx_idx] |
ctx_idx += 1 |
can_add = True |
for added_ctx in new_ctxs: |
can_add = check_below_lexical_overlap_threshold( |
ctx["retrieval text"], |
added_ctx["retrieval text"], |
threshold=0.8, |
mode="jaccard", |
) |
if not can_add: |
break |
if can_add: |
new_ctxs.append(ctx) |
num_passed += 1 |
new_ctxs = new_ctxs + ctxs[ctx_idx:] |
return new_ctxs |
return remove_duplication(remove_short_ctx(ctxs)) |
def post_rerank_ctxs(ctxs, answers, cfg): |
rerank_method = cfg.evaluation.search.rerank_method |
good_ctxs = [ctx for ctx in ctxs if ctx["quality score"]] |
bad_ctxs = [ctx for ctx in ctxs if not ctx["quality score"]] |
assert len(good_ctxs) + len(bad_ctxs) == len(ctxs) |
if rerank_method == "lexical": |
good_ctxs = lexical_rerank(good_ctxs, answers) |
elif rerank_method == "inclusion": |
good_ctxs = inclusion_rerank(good_ctxs, answers) |
elif rerank_method == "unigram_f1": |
good_ctxs = unigram_f1_rerank(good_ctxs, answers) |
return good_ctxs + bad_ctxs |
def get_answers(cfg): |
if cfg.tasks.eval.task_name == "perplexity": |
eval_data = load_eval_data(cfg) |
all_answers = [] |
for ex in eval_data: |
answer = extract_ppl_answer(ex["raw_inputs"], ex["raw_query"]) |
all_answers.append([answer]) |
elif cfg.tasks.eval.task_name == "lm-eval": |
answer_path = cfg.evaluation.search.answer_path |
all_answers = {} |
with open(answer_path, "r") as fin: |
for line in fin: |
ex = json.loads(line) |
if "triviaqa" in answer_path: |
answer = {ex["query"]: ex["answer"]["normalized_aliases"]} |
elif "nq_open" in answer_path: |
answer = {ex["query"]: ex["answer"]} |
else: |
answer = {ex["query"]: ex["answer"]} |
all_answers.update(answer) |
return all_answers |
def extract_ppl_answer(raw_input, raw_query): |
inputs = raw_input.replace("<|endoftext|>", "") |
query = raw_query.replace("<|endoftext|>", "") |
try: |
answer = inputs.replace(query, "") |
except: |
try: |
answer = inputs.replace(query[:-1], "") |
except: |
answer = inputs[-len(inputs) // 2 :] |
return answer |
def inclusion_rerank(ctxs, answers): |
inclusion_scores = [ |
inclusion_metric(ctx["retrieval text"], answers) for ctx in ctxs |
] |
ctxs = sort_ctxs_with_1_scores(ctxs, inclusion_scores) |
return ctxs |
def unigram_f1_rerank(ctxs, answers): |
unigram_f1_scores = [ |
unigram_f1_metric(ctx["retrieval text"], answers) for ctx in ctxs |
] |
ctxs = sort_ctxs_with_1_scores(ctxs, unigram_f1_scores) |
return ctxs |
def lexical_rerank(ctxs, answers): |
if not ctxs or ctxs[0] is None: |
return ctxs |
inclusion_scores = [ |
inclusion_metric(ctx["retrieval text"], answers) for ctx in ctxs |
] |
unigram_f1_scores = [ |
unigram_f1_metric(ctx["retrieval text"], answers) for ctx in ctxs |
] |
retrieval_scores = [ctx["retrieval score"] for ctx in ctxs] |
ctxs = sort_ctxs_with_3_scores( |
ctxs, inclusion_scores, unigram_f1_scores, retrieval_scores |
) |
return ctxs |
def inclusion_metric(ctx, answers): |
if not ctx or not answers: |
return 0 |
score_list = [] |
for answer in answers: |
score = 1 if normalize_text(answer) in normalize_text(ctx) else 0 |
score_list.append(score) |
return max(score_list) |
def unigram_f1_metric(ctx, answers): |
if not ctx or not answers: |
return 0 |
norm_answers = [normalize_text(ans) for ans in answers] |
norm_ctx = normalize_text(ctx) |
common_tokens = [ |
Counter(norm_ctx.split()) & Counter(norm_ans.split()) |
for norm_ans in norm_answers |
] |
num_same = [sum(common.values()) for common in common_tokens] |
score_list = [] |
for i, num in enumerate(num_same): |
if num == 0: |
score_list.append(0.0) |
else: |
p = 1.0 * num / len(norm_ctx.split()) |
r = 1.0 * num / len(norm_answers[i].split()) |
f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) |
score_list.append(f1) |
return max(score_list) |
def sort_ctxs_with_1_scores(ctxs, scores_1): |
combined_list = list(zip(scores_1, ctxs)) |
combined_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) |
sorted_ctxs = [ctx for _, ctx in combined_list] |
return sorted_ctxs |
def sort_ctxs_with_3_scores(ctxs, scores_1, scores_2, scores_3): |
combined_list = list(zip(scores_1, scores_2, scores_3, ctxs)) |
combined_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) |
combined_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) |
combined_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) |
sorted_ctxs = [ctx for _, _, _, ctx in combined_list] |
return sorted_ctxs |
def normalize_text(text): |
def remove_articles(text): |
return re.sub(r"\b(a|an|the)\b", " ", text) |
def white_space_fix(text): |
return " ".join(text.split()) |
def lower(text): |
return text.lower() |
return white_space_fix(remove_articles(lower(text))) |
def search_sparse_topk(cfg): |
index_args = cfg.datastore.index |
eval_args = cfg.evaluation |
if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): |
print( |
f"Multi-index mode: building a BM25 index over {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} shards..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = [ |
i for index_shards in index_args.index_shard_ids for i in index_shards |
] |
else: |
print( |
f"Single-index mode: building a BM25 index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." |
) |
index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids |
output_path = get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids_list) |
all_exist = os.path.exists(output_path) |
if all_exist and not eval_args.search.overwrite: |
logging.info( |
f"All search results for {index_args.index_shard_ids} exist, skipping searching." |
) |
else: |
data = load_eval_data(cfg) |
logging.info(f"Searching for {len(data)} total evaluation samples...") |
bm25_index_path = os.path.join( |
get_bm25_index_dir(cfg, index_shard_ids_list), "index" |
) |
assert os.path.exists(bm25_index_path), ( |
f"The index path does not exist, please build the index first\nMissing: {bm25_index_path}" |
) |
logging.info(f"Loading BM25 index from {bm25_index_path}") |
searcher = LuceneSearcher(bm25_index_path) |
for ex in tqdm(data): |
query = ex["raw_query"] |
if query: |
hits = searcher.search(query, cfg.evaluation.search.n_docs) |
ex["ctxs"] = [ |
{ |
"retrieval text": json.loads(searcher.doc(hits[i].docid).raw())[ |
"contents" |
], |
"retrieval score": hits[i].score, |
} |
for i in range(len(hits)) |
] |
else: |
ex["ctxs"] = [None] |
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) |
safe_write_jsonl(data, output_path) |
def safe_write_jsonl(data, output_file): |
success = False |
try: |
with open(output_file, "w") as fout: |
for ex in data: |
fout.write(json.dumps(ex) + "\n") |
success = True |
logging.info(f"Saved results to {output_file}") |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"An error occurred: {e}") |
finally: |
if not success and os.path.exists(output_file): |
os.remove(output_file) |
print(f"File '{output_file}' has been deleted due to an error.") |
def search_topk(cfg): |
if cfg.model.get("sparse_retriever", None): |
search_sparse_topk(cfg) |
else: |
search_dense_topk(cfg) |