import os import sys import json import pickle as pkl import logging import time import copy import random from tqdm import tqdm import re import pdb import string from collections import Counter from omegaconf import ListConfig import multiprocessing import numpy as np import torch from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer try: from import LuceneSearcher except: logging.warning( "Failed to import pyserini! Please install it from" ) import contriever.src.index import contriever.src.contriever import contriever.src.utils import contriever.src.slurm from contriever.src.evaluation import calculate_matches import contriever.src.normalize_text from import load_eval_data from src.index import ( Indexer, get_index_dir_and_passage_paths, get_index_passages_and_id_map, get_bm25_index_dir, ) from src.decontamination import check_below_lexical_overlap_threshold try: from utils.deduplication import ( remove_duplicates_with_minhash, multiprocess_deduplication, ) except: print("Cannot import from utils") os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true" device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" def embed_queries(args, queries, model, tokenizer, model_name_or_path): if "sentence-transformers" in model_name_or_path: all_question = [] for k, q in enumerate(queries): if args.lowercase: q = q.lower() if args.normalize_text: q = contriever.src.normalize_text.normalize(q) all_question.append(q) embeddings = model.encode( all_question, batch_size=min(128, args.per_gpu_batch_size) ) # sentence-transformer has extra memory overhead and can only support a smaller batch size else: model.eval() embeddings, batch_question = [], [] with torch.no_grad(): for k, q in tqdm(enumerate(queries)): if args.lowercase: q = q.lower() if args.normalize_text: q = contriever.src.normalize_text.normalize(q) batch_question.append(q) if ( len(batch_question) == args.per_gpu_batch_size or k == len(queries) - 1 ): encoded_batch = tokenizer.batch_encode_plus( batch_question, return_tensors="pt", max_length=args.question_maxlength, padding=True, truncation=True, ) encoded_batch = {k: for k, v in encoded_batch.items()} output = model(**encoded_batch) if "contriever" not in model_name_or_path: output = output.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :] embeddings.append(output.cpu()) batch_question = [] embeddings =, dim=0).numpy() print(f"Questions embeddings shape: {embeddings.shape}") if args.get("cache_query_embedding", False): with open(args.query_embedding_save_path, "wb") as fout: pkl.dump(embeddings, fout) return embeddings def validate(data, workers_num): match_stats = calculate_matches(data, workers_num) top_k_hits = match_stats.top_k_hits print("Validation results: top k documents hits %s", top_k_hits) top_k_hits = [v / len(data) for v in top_k_hits] message = "" for k in [5, 10, 20, 100]: if k <= len(top_k_hits): message += f"R@{k}: {top_k_hits[k - 1]} " print(message) return match_stats.questions_doc_hits def add_passages(data, passages, top_passages_and_scores, valid_query_idx, domain=None): # add passages to original data assert len(valid_query_idx) == len(top_passages_and_scores) idx = 0 for i, d in enumerate(data): if i in valid_query_idx: results_and_scores = top_passages_and_scores[idx] docs = [passages[doc_id] for doc_id in results_and_scores[0]] next_docs = [ passages[str(int(doc_id) + 1)] if int(doc_id) + 1 < len(passages) else passages[doc_id] for doc_id in results_and_scores[0] ] scores = [str(score) for score in results_and_scores[1]] ctxs_num = len(docs) d["ctxs"] = [ { "id": results_and_scores[0][c], "source": domain, # "retrieval title": docs[c]["title"], "retrieval text": docs[c]["text"], "retrieval next text": next_docs[c]["text"], "retrieval score": scores[c], } for c in range(ctxs_num) ] idx += 1 else: d["ctxs"] = [None] def add_hasanswer(data, hasanswer): # add hasanswer to data for i, ex in enumerate(data): for k, d in enumerate(ex["ctxs"]): d["hasanswer"] = hasanswer[i][k] def get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids): eval_args = cfg.evaluation shards_postfix = "_".join([str(shard_id) for shard_id in index_shard_ids]) output_dir = os.path.join(eval_args.eval_output_dir, shards_postfix) output_path = os.path.join( output_dir, os.path.basename( ".jsonl", "_retrieved_results.jsonl" ), ) return output_path def get_merged_search_output_path(cfg): index_args = cfg.datastore.index eval_args = cfg.evaluation if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): print( f"Multi-index mode: building {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} index for {index_args.index_shard_ids} sequentially..." ) index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids else: print( f"Single-index mode: building a single index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." ) index_shard_ids_list = [index_args.index_shard_ids] merged_postfix = "" for index_shard_ids in sorted(index_shard_ids_list, key=lambda x: int(x[0])): shards_postfix = "_".join([str(shard_id) for shard_id in index_shard_ids]) merged_postfix += "-" + shards_postfix merged_postfix = merged_postfix.strip("-") output_dir = os.path.join(eval_args.eval_output_dir, merged_postfix) output_path = os.path.join( output_dir, os.path.basename( ".jsonl", "_retrieved_results.jsonl" ), ) return output_path def get_merged_subsampled_search_output_path(cfg): index_args = cfg.datastore.index eval_args = cfg.evaluation if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): print( f"Multi-index mode: building {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} index for {index_args.index_shard_ids} sequentially..." ) index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids else: print( f"Single-index mode: building a single index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." ) index_shard_ids_list = [index_args.index_shard_ids] merged_postfix = "" for index_shard_ids in sorted(index_shard_ids_list, key=lambda x: int(x[0])): shards_postfix = "_".join([str(shard_id) for shard_id in index_shard_ids]) merged_postfix += "-" + shards_postfix merged_postfix = merged_postfix.strip("-") if"topk_subsample_p", None): seed ="subsample_seed", 1000) output_dir = os.path.join( eval_args.eval_output_dir, os.path.join( f"subsampled_{}_seed_{seed}", merged_postfix, ), ) else: output_dir = os.path.join(eval_args.eval_output_dir, merged_postfix) output_path = os.path.join( output_dir, os.path.basename( ".jsonl", "_retrieved_results.jsonl" ), ) return output_path def calculate_recall(pred_ids_and_scores, gt_ids_and_scores): recalls = [] for pred, gt in zip(pred_ids_and_scores, gt_ids_and_scores): pred_ids = set(pred[0]) # ['717', '1288', '1283'] gt_ids = set(gt[0]) # ['3029', '3283', '2584'] # Calculate intersection correct = len(pred_ids.intersection(gt_ids)) # Recall = correct / total ground truth recall = correct / len(gt_ids) recalls.append(recall) # Average recall across all samples avg_recall = sum(recalls) / len(recalls) return avg_recall def search_dense_topk(cfg): index_args = cfg.datastore.index eval_args = cfg.evaluation ds_domain = cfg.datastore.domain if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): print( f"Multi-index mode: building {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} index for {index_args.index_shard_ids} sequentially..." ) index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids else: print( f"Single-index mode: building a single index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." ) index_shard_ids_list = [index_args.index_shard_ids] all_exist = True for index_shard_ids in index_shard_ids_list: # check if all search results exist output_path = get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids) all_exist = all_exist and os.path.exists(output_path) if all_exist and not f"All search results for {index_args.index_shard_ids} exist, skipping searching." ) else: # load model and evaluation data"Loading model from: {cfg.model.datastore_encoder}") model_name_or_path = cfg.model.query_encoder tokenizer_name_or_path = cfg.model.query_tokenizer if "contriever" in model_name_or_path: query_encoder, query_tokenizer, _ = ( contriever.src.contriever.load_retriever(model_name_or_path) ) elif "dragon" in model_name_or_path: query_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(tokenizer_name_or_path) query_encoder = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path) elif "sentence-transformers" in model_name_or_path: query_tokenizer = None query_encoder = SentenceTransformer(model_name_or_path) else: print(f"{model_name_or_path} is not supported!") raise AttributeError query_encoder.eval() query_encoder = if not index_args.no_fp16: query_encoder = query_encoder.half() # load eval data data = load_eval_data(cfg) # if is not None: # random.seed( # data = random.sample(data, int( queries = [] valid_query_idx = [] for idx, ex in enumerate(data): raw_query = ex["raw_query"] if raw_query: queries.append(ex["raw_query"]) valid_query_idx.append(idx) f"Searching for {len(queries)} queries from {len(data)} total evaluation samples..." ) if"cache_query_embedding", False) and os.path.exists("query_embedding_save_path", "") ): f"Loading query embeddings from {}" ) with open(, "rb") as fin: questions_embedding = pkl.load(fin) else: questions_embedding = embed_queries(, queries, query_encoder, query_tokenizer, model_name_or_path, ) if"cache_query_embedding_only", False): return # load index for index_shard_ids in index_shard_ids_list: output_path = get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids) if os.path.exists(output_path) and not"{output_path} exists, skipping searching.") else: copied_data = copy.deepcopy(data) index_dir, _ = get_index_dir_and_passage_paths(cfg, index_shard_ids) index = Indexer( index_args.projection_size, index_args.n_subquantizers, index_args.n_bits, ) index.deserialize_from(index_dir) # load passages and id mapping corresponding to the index passages, passage_id_map = get_index_passages_and_id_map( cfg, index_shard_ids ) assert len(passages) == index.index.ntotal, ( f"number of documents {len(passages)} and number of embeddings {index.index.ntotal} mismatch" ) # get top k results start_time_retrieval = time.time() top_ids_and_scores = index.search_knn( questions_embedding, ) f"Search time: {time.time() - start_time_retrieval:.1f} s." ) # todo: double check valid_query_idx"Adding documents to eval data...") add_passages( copied_data, passage_id_map, top_ids_and_scores, valid_query_idx, domain=ds_domain, ) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) safe_write_jsonl(copied_data, output_path) ## TODO: check here if cfg.datastore.index.index_type == "IVF_FLAT": # replace index_dir from scaling_out/embeddings/facebook/contriever-msmarco/fineweb_edu_1m/1-shards/index/0 to scaling_out/embeddings/facebook/contriever-msmarco/fineweb_edu_1m/1-shards/index_ivf_flat_0 index_dir_ = index_dir.replace("index", "index_ivf_flat") # remove the last /0 index_dir_ = index_dir[:-2] from src.indicies.ivf_flat import IVFFlatIndexer from api.build_ivf_index import build_ivf_flat_index index_ = build_ivf_flat_index("fineweb_edu_1m", 1, 0) searched_scores, searched_passages, db_ids = questions_embedding, ) copied_data2 = copy.deepcopy(data) top_ids_and_scores_ = index_.search_knn( questions_embedding, ) add_passages( copied_data2, passage_id_map, top_ids_and_scores_, valid_query_idx, domain=ds_domain, ) output_path_ivf = output_path.replace(".jsonl", "_ivf.jsonl") safe_write_jsonl(copied_data2, output_path_ivf) # calculate the recall of ivf by compareing top_ids_and_scores and top_ids_and_scores_ recall = calculate_recall(top_ids_and_scores_, top_ids_and_scores) print(f"recall of ivf is {recall}") if "merge_multi_source_results", False ) and"topk_subsample_p", None): post_hoc_merge_topk_multi_domain(cfg) elif"merge_multi_index_results", True): post_hoc_merge_topk(cfg) def post_hoc_merge_topk(cfg): """ Post hoc merge the searched results obtained by multiple indices. """ index_args = cfg.datastore.index output_path = get_merged_search_output_path(cfg) if os.path.exists(output_path) and not print(f"The merged path exists, skipping...\n{output_path}") return if ( isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig) and len(index_args.index_shard_ids) > 1 ): print( f"Multi-index mode: building {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} index for {index_args.index_shard_ids} sequentially..." ) index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids else: print(f"Single-index mode: no need to merge") return merged_data = [] for i, index_shard_ids in enumerate(index_shard_ids_list): path_to_merge = get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids) print(f"Adding {path_to_merge}") data_to_merge = [] with open(path_to_merge, "r") as file: idx = 0 for line in file: try: _ex = json.loads(line) except: print(f"Line read error when reading {path_to_merge}") continue if not _ex["ctxs"] or _ex["ctxs"][0] is None: assert idx == 0 # the first example in ppl eval does not have query ctxs = [] else: ctxs = _ex["ctxs"] _ex["ctxs"] = ctxs data_to_merge.append(_ex) if i == 0: merged_data = data_to_merge else: for id_, (_, _ex) in enumerate(zip(merged_data, data_to_merge)): assert merged_data[id_]["raw_query"] == _ex["raw_query"] merged_data[id_]["ctxs"].extend(_ex["ctxs"]) # Rerank based on score and only keep the top n_docs to avoid memory explosion if merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] and merged_data[id_]["ctxs"][0] is not None: merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = sorted( merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], key=lambda x: float(x["retrieval score"]), reverse=True, ) merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = merged_data[id_]["ctxs"][ : ] # make sure we still have n_docs documents assert len(merged_data[id_]["ctxs"]) == else: assert ( id_ == 0 or id_ == 983 ) # the 983rd example in RPJ has an empty query # Write merged and reranked data to a new JSONL file os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) safe_write_jsonl(merged_data, output_path) def subsample_by_coin_flip(items, probability): subsampled_list = [] for item in items: # Perform a coin flip with probability p of being True (keep the item) if random.random() < probability: subsampled_list.append(item) return subsampled_list def post_hoc_merge_topk_multi_domain(cfg): """ Post hoc merge the searched results obtained by multiple domains/sources. Each source may have multiple indices. Required inputs: 1. A list of searched results to be merged defined by `` 2. A path to save merged results defined by `` """ txt_file_with_paths_to_merge = base_merged_path = merged_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(base_merged_path), os.path.basename(base_merged_path).strip("dedup_"), ) if ( not os.path.exists(base_merged_path) or not ): if"topk_subsample_p", 1) < 1: # Set a random seed for subsampling seed ="subsample_seed", 1000) random.seed(seed) if not os.path.exists(merged_path): # Read .txt file containing all files of searched results to merge paths_to_merge = [] with open(txt_file_with_paths_to_merge, "r") as file: for line in file: path = line.strip() paths_to_merge.append(path) assert os.path.exists(path), f"{path}" print(f"Merging files:\n{paths_to_merge}") datastore_domain_pattern = re.compile(r"/([^/]+)_datastore") merged_data = [] for domain_idx, path_to_merge in tqdm(enumerate(paths_to_merge)): print(f"Adding {path_to_merge}") data_to_merge = [] with open(path_to_merge, "r") as file: # annotate datastore domain for analysis matches = datastore_domain_pattern.findall(path_to_merge) ds_domain = matches[0] if matches else None idx = 0 for line in file: try: _ex = json.loads(line) except: print(f"Line read error when reading {path_to_merge}") raise AttributeError if not _ex["ctxs"] or _ex["ctxs"][0] is None: assert ( idx == 0 ) # the first example in ppl eval does not have query ctxs = [] else: if ( not "source" in _ex["ctxs"][0].keys() or not _ex["ctxs"][0]["source"] ): for ctx_idx in range(len(_ex["ctxs"])): _ex["ctxs"][ctx_idx]["source"] = ds_domain ctxs = _ex["ctxs"] _ex["ctxs"] = ctxs data_to_merge.append(_ex) if domain_idx == 0: merged_data = data_to_merge else: for id_, (_, _ex) in enumerate(zip(merged_data, data_to_merge)): assert merged_data[id_]["raw_query"] == _ex["raw_query"] merged_data[id_]["ctxs"].extend(_ex["ctxs"]) # Rerank based on score and only keep the top n_docs to avoid memory explosion if ( merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] and merged_data[id_]["ctxs"][0] is not None ): merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = sorted( merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], key=lambda x: x["retrieval score"], reverse=True, ) merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = merged_data[id_]["ctxs"][ : ] # make sure we still have n_docs documents assert ( len(merged_data[id_]["ctxs"]) == ) else: assert ( id_ == 0 or id_ == 983 ) # the 983rd example in RPJ has an empty query safe_write_jsonl(merged_data, merged_path) else: merged_data = [] with open(merged_path, "r") as fin: for line in fin: ex = json.loads(line) merged_data.append(ex) # Post-process to remove duplication using multithreading use_multi_process = True if use_multi_process: merged_data = multiprocess_deduplication(merged_data) else: for id_, ex in enumerate(merged_data): merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = remove_duplicates_with_minhash( merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], string_for_decontamination=merged_data[id_]["raw_query"], ) # merged_data[id_]['ctxs'] = remove_duplicates_with_minhash(merged_data[id_]['ctxs'], string_for_decontamination=None) # pass if os.path.exists(base_merged_path) and merged_data = [] with open(base_merged_path, "r") as fin: for line in fin: ex = json.loads(line) merged_data.append(ex) else: # Write merged and reranked data to a new JSONL file os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(base_merged_path), exist_ok=True) safe_write_jsonl(merged_data, base_merged_path) # Subsample document from B(n_docs, p) seed ="subsample_seed", 1000) if < 1: # Set a random seed for subsampling random.seed(seed) for id_, _ in enumerate(merged_data): subsampled_ctxs = subsample_by_coin_flip( merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], ) merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = subsampled_ctxs # Post-process to rerank if"rerank_method", None): rerank_n_docs ="rerank_n_docs", None) no_enough_rerank_data_cout = 0 for id_, ex in enumerate(merged_data): merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], no_enough_rerank_data = extract_rerank_docs( merged_data[id_]["ctxs"], rerank_n_docs ) no_enough_rerank_data_cout += no_enough_rerank_data if no_enough_rerank_data_cout: print( f"WARNING: there are {no_enough_rerank_data_cout} example having no enough data for reranking!" ) print(f"Reranking with method: {}") if in [ "lexical", "unigram_f1", "inclusion", ]: all_answers = get_answers(cfg) for id_, ex in tqdm(enumerate(merged_data)): query = ex["raw_query"] merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = post_rerank_ctxs( ex["ctxs"], all_answers[query], cfg ) # Additional decontamination for ablation study ablation_study = False if ablation_study: for id_, _ in enumerate(merged_data): merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = additional_decon(merged_data[id_]) # Additional short chunk removal for id_, _ in enumerate(merged_data): merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] = additional_remove_short_chunk( merged_data[id_]["ctxs"] ) # Check the number of remaining documents no_enough_data_count = 0 for id_, _ in enumerate(merged_data): if len(merged_data[id_]["ctxs"]) < 3: no_enough_data_count += 1 print( f"WARNING: the subsampled documents only have {len(merged_data[id_]['ctxs'])} left!" ) # Write merged and reranked data to a new JSONL file output_path = f"full_subsampled_{str(}_{seed}_{os.path.basename(base_merged_path)}" output_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base_merged_path), output_path) if"rerank_method", None): output_path = output_path.replace( ".jsonl", f"_rerank_{}.jsonl" ) elif ablation_study: output_path = output_path.replace(".jsonl", f"_standard_decon.jsonl") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) safe_write_jsonl(merged_data, output_path) print( f"Saved merged results to {output_path} with {no_enough_data_count} documents having less than 5 documents." ) def additional_decon(example): answer = example["raw_query"] num_doc_before = len(example["ctxs"]) clean_ctxs = [] for ctx in example["ctxs"]: # if check_below_lexical_overlap_threshold(ctx['retrieval text'], answer, 8, 'longest'): if check_below_lexical_overlap_threshold( ctx["retrieval text"], answer, 0.8, "jaccard" ): clean_ctxs.append(ctx) num_doc_after = len(clean_ctxs) print(f"Additional decon: {num_doc_before - num_doc_after} documents are removed") return clean_ctxs def additional_remove_short_chunk(ctxs): new_ctxs = [] for ctx in ctxs: if len(ctx["retrieval text"].split(" ")) > 12: new_ctxs.append(ctx) return new_ctxs def extract_rerank_docs(ctxs, rerank_n_docs): filtered_ctxs = [ctx for ctx in ctxs if ctx["quality score"]] if rerank_n_docs is None or len(filtered_ctxs) >= rerank_n_docs: return filtered_ctxs[:rerank_n_docs], 0 else: return filtered_ctxs, 1 def post_process_ctxs(ctxs): # + remove ctx that is shorter than 5 words # + deduplicate ctx with >80% 13-gram overlap if ctxs[0] is None: return ctxs def remove_short_ctx(ctxs): new_ctxs = [] for ctx in ctxs: # remove chunks that have less than 5 words if len(ctx["retrieval text"].split(" ")) > 5: new_ctxs.append(ctx) if len(new_ctxs) < 5: new_ctxs = ctxs[:5] return new_ctxs def remove_duplication(ctxs, first_k=5): new_ctxs = [] num_passed = 0 ctx_idx = 0 while ctx_idx < len(ctxs) and num_passed < first_k: ctx = ctxs[ctx_idx] ctx_idx += 1 can_add = True for added_ctx in new_ctxs: can_add = check_below_lexical_overlap_threshold( ctx["retrieval text"], added_ctx["retrieval text"], threshold=0.8, mode="jaccard", ) if not can_add: # with open('count_intra_and_inter.txt', 'a') as fout: # if ctx['source'] == added_ctx['source']: # fout.write('intra\n') # else: # fout.write('inter\n') break if can_add: new_ctxs.append(ctx) num_passed += 1 new_ctxs = new_ctxs + ctxs[ctx_idx:] # if len(new_ctxs) < 5: # pdb.set_trace() return new_ctxs return remove_duplication(remove_short_ctx(ctxs)) def post_rerank_ctxs(ctxs, answers, cfg): rerank_method = good_ctxs = [ctx for ctx in ctxs if ctx["quality score"]] bad_ctxs = [ctx for ctx in ctxs if not ctx["quality score"]] assert len(good_ctxs) + len(bad_ctxs) == len(ctxs) if rerank_method == "lexical": good_ctxs = lexical_rerank(good_ctxs, answers) elif rerank_method == "inclusion": good_ctxs = inclusion_rerank(good_ctxs, answers) elif rerank_method == "unigram_f1": good_ctxs = unigram_f1_rerank(good_ctxs, answers) return good_ctxs + bad_ctxs def get_answers(cfg): if cfg.tasks.eval.task_name == "perplexity": eval_data = load_eval_data(cfg) all_answers = [] for ex in eval_data: answer = extract_ppl_answer(ex["raw_inputs"], ex["raw_query"]) all_answers.append([answer]) elif cfg.tasks.eval.task_name == "lm-eval": answer_path = all_answers = {} with open(answer_path, "r") as fin: for line in fin: ex = json.loads(line) if "triviaqa" in answer_path: answer = {ex["query"]: ex["answer"]["normalized_aliases"]} elif "nq_open" in answer_path: answer = {ex["query"]: ex["answer"]} else: answer = {ex["query"]: ex["answer"]} all_answers.update(answer) return all_answers def extract_ppl_answer(raw_input, raw_query): inputs = raw_input.replace("<|endoftext|>", "") query = raw_query.replace("<|endoftext|>", "") try: answer = inputs.replace(query, "") except: try: answer = inputs.replace(query[:-1], "") except: answer = inputs[-len(inputs) // 2 :] return answer def inclusion_rerank(ctxs, answers): inclusion_scores = [ inclusion_metric(ctx["retrieval text"], answers) for ctx in ctxs ] ctxs = sort_ctxs_with_1_scores(ctxs, inclusion_scores) return ctxs def unigram_f1_rerank(ctxs, answers): unigram_f1_scores = [ unigram_f1_metric(ctx["retrieval text"], answers) for ctx in ctxs ] ctxs = sort_ctxs_with_1_scores(ctxs, unigram_f1_scores) return ctxs def lexical_rerank(ctxs, answers): if not ctxs or ctxs[0] is None: return ctxs inclusion_scores = [ inclusion_metric(ctx["retrieval text"], answers) for ctx in ctxs ] unigram_f1_scores = [ unigram_f1_metric(ctx["retrieval text"], answers) for ctx in ctxs ] retrieval_scores = [ctx["retrieval score"] for ctx in ctxs] ctxs = sort_ctxs_with_3_scores( ctxs, inclusion_scores, unigram_f1_scores, retrieval_scores ) return ctxs def inclusion_metric(ctx, answers): if not ctx or not answers: return 0 score_list = [] for answer in answers: score = 1 if normalize_text(answer) in normalize_text(ctx) else 0 score_list.append(score) return max(score_list) def unigram_f1_metric(ctx, answers): if not ctx or not answers: return 0 norm_answers = [normalize_text(ans) for ans in answers] norm_ctx = normalize_text(ctx) common_tokens = [ Counter(norm_ctx.split()) & Counter(norm_ans.split()) for norm_ans in norm_answers ] num_same = [sum(common.values()) for common in common_tokens] score_list = [] for i, num in enumerate(num_same): if num == 0: score_list.append(0.0) else: p = 1.0 * num / len(norm_ctx.split()) r = 1.0 * num / len(norm_answers[i].split()) f1 = 2 * p * r / (p + r) score_list.append(f1) return max(score_list) def sort_ctxs_with_1_scores(ctxs, scores_1): combined_list = list(zip(scores_1, ctxs)) combined_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) sorted_ctxs = [ctx for _, ctx in combined_list] return sorted_ctxs def sort_ctxs_with_3_scores(ctxs, scores_1, scores_2, scores_3): combined_list = list(zip(scores_1, scores_2, scores_3, ctxs)) combined_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) combined_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) combined_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) sorted_ctxs = [ctx for _, _, _, ctx in combined_list] return sorted_ctxs def normalize_text(text): def remove_articles(text): return re.sub(r"\b(a|an|the)\b", " ", text) def white_space_fix(text): return " ".join(text.split()) def lower(text): return text.lower() return white_space_fix(remove_articles(lower(text))) def search_sparse_topk(cfg): index_args = cfg.datastore.index eval_args = cfg.evaluation if isinstance(index_args.index_shard_ids[0], ListConfig): print( f"Multi-index mode: building a BM25 index over {len(index_args.index_shard_ids)} shards..." ) index_shard_ids_list = [ i for index_shards in index_args.index_shard_ids for i in index_shards ] else: print( f"Single-index mode: building a BM25 index over {index_args.index_shard_ids} shards..." ) index_shard_ids_list = index_args.index_shard_ids # check if all search results exist output_path = get_search_output_path(cfg, index_shard_ids_list) all_exist = os.path.exists(output_path) if all_exist and not f"All search results for {index_args.index_shard_ids} exist, skipping searching." ) else: # load eval data data = load_eval_data(cfg)"Searching for {len(data)} total evaluation samples...") # load index bm25_index_path = os.path.join( get_bm25_index_dir(cfg, index_shard_ids_list), "index" ) assert os.path.exists(bm25_index_path), ( f"The index path does not exist, please build the index first\nMissing: {bm25_index_path}" )"Loading BM25 index from {bm25_index_path}") searcher = LuceneSearcher(bm25_index_path) for ex in tqdm(data): query = ex["raw_query"] if query: hits =, # ctxs = [] # for i in range(len(hits)): # raw = searcher.doc(hits[i].docid).raw() # ex = json.loads(raw) # ctxs.append( # { # "id": int(ex["id"]), # "retrieval text": ex["contents"], # "retrieval score": hits[i].score, # } for i in range(len(hits)) # ) # if len(hits) < # will there be any case where len(hits) < n_docs? # dummy_ctx = {"id": None, "retrieval text": '', "retrieval score": float('-inf')} # ctxs += [dummy_ctx] * ( - len(hits)) # print(f"The number of retrieved documents is less than n_docs: {len(hits)} < {}") ex["ctxs"] = [ { # "id": int(ex["id"]), "retrieval text": json.loads(searcher.doc(hits[i].docid).raw())[ "contents" ], "retrieval score": hits[i].score, } for i in range(len(hits)) ] else: ex["ctxs"] = [None] os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True) safe_write_jsonl(data, output_path) def safe_write_jsonl(data, output_file): success = False try: with open(output_file, "w") as fout: for ex in data: fout.write(json.dumps(ex) + "\n") success = True"Saved results to {output_file}") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") finally: # If an error was raised, and success is still False, delete the file if not success and os.path.exists(output_file): os.remove(output_file) print(f"File '{output_file}' has been deleted due to an error.") def search_topk(cfg): if cfg.model.get("sparse_retriever", None): search_sparse_topk(cfg) else: search_dense_topk(cfg)