I’ve had trouble with plantar fasciitis over the years, but last September it got worse than its ever been. I did everything my podiatrist told me to do. I bought expensive hiking sneakers for walking in the woods with Taffy. I bought croc flip-flops to wear all the time so I can’t be the barefoot girl anymore. I went to physical therapy three times a week. I bought the night splint to wear during sleep. I have a frozen water bottle I use when needed, and I bought the heel inserts he recommended.
The thing is, to me Facebook was something completely different to what it is now. I remember the first time I read somewhere 6-7 years ago about this awesome social networking site which blew everyone’s mind and how it spread like a wild fire. I expect more when it comes to Facebook and not imitations. They have been brilliant in past and this certainly isn’t the right way to go.
And then more driving into the Drakensberg Mountains. It was misty/cloudy in the afternoon when we arrived, but wow…air so clean…silence so deep…the place had a wonderful and spiritual feeling. This area used to be home to the Bushmen, aka San People. There are rock paintings done by them, some 5000 years old, some from 150 years ago.
You see I had a very good friend growing up, here in Ireland. We were 'besties' when I visited or stayed over with my granny, as she lived nearby with hers. We had great times for the few years that we were friends here; until such time as she and her family emigrated, that is. To a far-flung, distant land, far, far away - and waay more exotic than then any of the Spanish Isles could ever be.
What a lovely post, lovely that you both kept in touch, and fab that you saved up and got to travel all the way to Bermuda - that must have been such an exciting holiday, and so wonderful to see your friend again. Cor, 1980 seems a long time ago now (I was 9 years old!). X
@Older Mum: It was SO exciting and yes, a very long time ago! You were a child and I, a young adult (19 years old!)
Nine years ago, I published a book for a dear friend, a well-loved woman who was passionate about God and people. Not long after From Trash to Treasure was published, we started to work on a second book, Treasures of Success. We never released the planned sequel because Ronke Sanusi went to be with the Lord before she could finish writing.
But she did it anyway. It may seem scary, but remember that you are a good person who has lots to offer. I suspected as much years ago… from the first Faith Hill video I saw. Being in the closet is going to make it extremely difficult for you to find and maintain a love interest. When you think about hitting that proverbial glass ceiling, go outside, perhaps tonight and look at the stars and it is there, what you see, is your glass ceiling.
So when the swing band stops playing and Bill Clinton steps on stage to present his wife, Hillary, the sense that you have stepped back in time feels complete. Hillary has become a far more animated candidate since she lost to Obama here eight years ago. Heather Johnson, a precinct captain whose job is to rally support in her area, has been knocking on doors, calling supporters and galvanising the local faithful for months now. “After she lost last time, I decided, if she ran, I’d do everything I could to make sure she didn’t lose again,” she says. “Who else has her experience?”
While it is impossible at this point to identify an immediate motive for Monday’s violent outburst, Jeff Weise clearly faced a difficult personal situation. He was living with his grandfather because his father had committed suicide four years ago and his mother lives in a nursing home, having suffered brain injuries in a car accident. Weise’s relatives told reporters that he was teased a lot in school, and that they thought “he snapped.”
Afzal spoke to the Tribunal a few years ago on their approach regarding women seeking religious divorces. He suspected that the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal discouraged abused women from seeking help, which means they are perpetuating serious harm: “if a woman wants a divorce, they will say you will disgrace your family”. Earlier, Siddiqi had told me that “marriage is a commitment, you can’t sleep around like cats and dogs, you have to have reasons to finish the contract”.
After kindly been served lunch, the young Dutch woman who had welcomed me walked me out and we chatted a bit. I told her what a great job I saw the young man doing on fixing the pathway, making it an even more beautiful and serene place. She tells me that the work is necessary, as members of the new right-wing extremist movement, the English Defence League, keep blasting holes on their pathway, making sure the people of the Hijaz community don’t feel welcome. It is a striking fact which confronts us with the reality of the tensions that exist in a multicultural society.
Normand was an ex-inmate here as are all the other tour guides. He started learning English two years ago off the internet(!) and tv. It was literally amazing. He spoke like a Canadian news-broadcaster. We learned a lot about his long and colorful life for sure ya'know.
GOT TO. THIS AMERICA, MAN: Two years ago, a bunch of us made a New Years' resolution to watch The Wire already, all of it, and fourteen months later we had completed our epic journey through Baltimore's corners, police rooms, schools, and docks. (We're not talking about The Sun, ok?)
I read one book, years ago, by John Hagee (I"m not a fan), who claimed that the Jews will be saved through a divine revelation that Jesus is the Messiah–I’m paraphrasing and it’s been years since I read the book. My Jewish friends told me about Hagee’s support for Israel, but they were cautious about his true motives.
At the moment I’m re-writing the first book I ever published, called Into the Dragon’s Lair – A Supernatural History of Wales, which will hopefully come out later this year. The original came out in 2003. Recently I went back and read it again, and saw a lot of room for improvement. I’m a much better writer now than I was 11 or 12 years ago.
COLIN: Obviously people are simply going to mark time. I mentioned yesterday, one of the things that struck me a long time ago, is that if you look at writers, the ones who produced something interesting and significant have been, in fact, the writers who have been forced to struggle like mad from difficult beginnings. So there's no question of them suddenly saying, oh what the hell, and letting go. They have a very powerful sense of purpose.
On a positive note, I have been finding and rediscovering lots and lots of fun things along the way. For example, the project above is a simple stockinette stitch shawl I started many years ago. It is made with Blue Sky Alpacas sport weight. I should finish this up as it is really lovely and mindless knitting. I think I'll bring it along to a soccer game this afternoon. I have found unfinished mittens, sweaters, scarves, hats and socks. Yes, those are all plural. I just need a little more time in the day. That's all.
The sea turtle is the only indigenous reptile of Hawaii , evolving some 180 million years ago, and has become a significant symbol of the Islands . It represents longevity, safety and Mana (spiritual energy) and Native Hawaiians consider it the bearer of good luck and peace.
Ten years ago (June the 6th, 2001) the original Homewood stove was lit for the very first time. Years of planning, design and patterning work finally paid off as the Heritage came to life. Last night friends and family gathered at Homewood Farm to celebrate with us as we marked this gratifying ten year milestone … read more
I haven't taken self-portraits in a very long time. I can't even recall the last time I set up a tripod and hopped back and forth between 10 second timed photos (I lost my remote). It's been long overdue because waiting until Kevin could take photos for me wasn't ideal (I don't want to make him work for me on his days off). Before you know it, months have gone by and I've got hardly any photos to show for it—even though my mind has been busy, endlessly running through new ideas and perfecting old ones.
In the season premiere of SATISFACTION “The Wind Beneath My Wingman” (Monday, June 24 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CTV), after running into a college friend who has since dropped out of school, Jason (Macfarlane) begins to question his own life path. After looking at his vision board, the only plausible thing left to achieve is to perform live music. Never having heard him sing before, Maggie (Renee) signs him up for open mic night at the bar, but then quickly regrets her decision. Meanwhile, Mark (Belleville) is stuck in a dry spell, unable to pick up a girl to save his life. With Jason off the market, Maggie suggests Mark get a new wingman – like Simon (Thornton). But Mark quickly learns that Simon knows nothing about women.
I know it might not look like much, but Joe had been working all day on relocating the vanity lights. We want to have 2 separate light fixtures, instead of 1 long Hollywood style fixture. Now that's done, "I can just go in there any time for an hour at a time, and work on the walls" (Joe's exact words) Yippee. We might actually get the bathroom done after 2 years. Oh, by the way, we finished the floor in the breakfast nook a few weeks ago, so that project is almost done too!
Then I went to a baby shower. My first one in a long time, maybe more than 2 years ago. it was fun to talk to the ladies in my ward, and get out of the house.
Don’t drive the Wagoneer in winter. They are valuable collector cars now, and rust free ones are getting rare. My dad bought one new years ago and it only took 7 winters to destroy it.
Tonycspu: by "eventual backlash" I was thinking of something 20 or 30 years down the road. There's a lot of momentum on the gun fondler side right now, but polls show increasing support for gun control as the death toll rises. It'll be a long time coming, but if they don't start giving ground and coming up with laws they can tolerate but at the same time actually address the problem I am certain there will be a backlash and it will result in a much more draconian anti-gun situation than they want to live in.
A 200 watt laser might sound like a huge deal, but there will either be a solution to using a smaller laser, multiple cheapo small lasers, or something. A LOT of people and corporations are throwing money at this "3d print metal" thing. It's going to happen. In the same way that the gold rush on multitouch smartphones happened that took them from $800 luxury items to $10 sale rack units with 75% of the same functionality. Shit, remember how big of a deal high powered LEDs(and arrays) were even a few years ago?
We had a "Jew for Jesus" (as he described himself) in our work many years ago. An utter dipshit of a man who had never read any religious text so far as I could tell. He was very opinionated about things regardless but that does seem to fit the pattern of behaviour for fundamentalists. The less they know, the more willing they appear to be to hold forth on the subject.
This book will be your first friend in your new location! I leaned into every page of this book, wishing I had read it years ago! It’s an incredible guide that gives you tools to navigate your city – no matter how long you’ve been there.
While Australian's are automatically eligible for "tuition loans" which we don't pay back until we graduate and start earning a minimum salary, many of us are coming out with debts in excess of $30k - $50k. Not sure how this compares with the debts in the UK/US, but here that's vastly different to the time (only 20 years ago) where university education was FREE!
The final Spanish short story has many of the elements of a fairy tale. The story begins by telling the reader that these events took place many years ago in a far away land. Daniel Lyons gives us a world of magical words and mirrors, a captive princess, an evil witch, and a prince whose timing is perfect.
Two years ago, when Washington’s Supreme Court was reviewing the death sentence assigned to a black man accused of raping and murdering a 65-year-old woman, Justice Charles Wiggins found himself troubled by numbers.
As the day progressed things went down hill and by the time Rutherford got home from work I was a crying puddle on the floor of the living room. Complete with barf on my shirt (still not sure if it was mine or Boogies), in my hair (probably mine), and a baby with a dirty diaper (for sure not mine).
My brother brought with him a box of old photographs from my mother's house. This is one that I'd either never seen before or had forgotten (but I don't forget many pictures). Xander and me by Lake Michigan, getting on 20 years ago now (not quite). This is the kind of photograph that's getting more important to me as I get older. And it brings another way pictures can get away—we lose them! Or just never see them, or miss them on the way by.
A: Well I'm 25 years old and I am from a small town in upstate new York. I graduated from Marist College with a degree in Criminal Justice and I now work in the private sector for a health insurance company. Gaming has always been my main hobby throughout life, along with playing guitar and playing tennis.
When he son was sentenced about 30 years ago, Vickers said she was told to be happy he didn’t get the death penalty. It took her about 10 years to really understand what life in prison meant.
In his new book, "Dying to Win," Pape often refers to a 42-page document found on an al Qaeda computer two years ago. It lays out strategy for punishing the U.S. after the Iraq invasion. Hit allies like Spain, hard, to push them away from the coalition. The Madrid train bombing last year did just that.
According to what Feinsand's source told him, Jeter "is likely looking for a four-year contract that takes him through his 40th birthday - similar to the deals the Yankees came to with both Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera three years ago. "He's not trying to be unreasonable," the source said of Jeter. "He just doesn't want to go through this again in a few years."
Terrence Crutcher was a big black man .... aye the stuff that whitey's nightmares are made of. He had a rap sheet of concealing a weapon and resisting arrest for which he got a 6 month suspended sentence and some traffic violations too. Those crimes were 11 years old though and not serious enough for jail time.
The trainee pilot was quietly but firmly instructed to return to barracks. His place on the mission was replaced by an unsmiling man my father was instructed only to refer to as Rex, one of the officer's near-silent companions in mufti. The navigator was retained, although it turned out that his role was very limited, since they wouldn't be flying very far. Dad said that he was killed a few years later in a freak accident, one which was never satisfactorily explained.
In Sutherland Springs, Texas, 26 people were killed at a small church. The killer was reportedly neutralized by an armed citizen who shot the subject as he fled in his vehicle. Of course we also recall the recent tragedy in Las Vegas that left 59 dead and hundreds injured at an outdoor concert. After events like the slaughter of 20 children between six and seven years old in Newtown, Connecticut, an inevitable debate about guns in America ensues. In this podcast segment, Jim and Doug discuss mental illness, gun control, and other topics tied to recent active shooter incidents.
And I remember reading about this treatment, which had worked in a single case, two years ago, as our daughter was treated for glioblastoma. We tried to get access to the treatment, tried to get into a study or just be given a sample to administer, and were denied. Twice. They wouldn’t let us try it on a little girl with multiple tumors, when it had only been successfully tried on an adult with a single tumor. That door was closed to us.
Frida really hit the jackpot. She now lives in one of most beautiful places in Canada – on Salt Spring Island. She shares her home with Mom and Dad – Emily and Jesse; three children and a long time family friend who helps to look after Frida when everyone is at school and work.
I also took some time today to finally work on the storm windows I'd previously removed (and an extra I found in the basement). I set up a small shop operation in the garage and went to work with the scraping, sanding, and removal of deteriorated glazing compound. It's the latter which was truly the needed part in most cases, although the scraping didn't hurt at all.
I had thought about it a long time ago, but happened to see it come on sale in the Menards flyer a few weeks ago. TV wall mounts. This would be a good idea for our bedroom, and the price was also right. So, I went and got it, installed it, and life is good. It's definitely not going to come off the wall, though. Three 1/4" diameter, 2.5" lag screws imply no movement. This is a Good Thing.
As of February 2018, Barbara Stone is 65 years old, has been incarcerated since June 2017, and in the eyes of the guardianship predators, she is considered “dangerous.” She is taken to court hearings usually six or more hours prior to the hearing in shackles where she sits with other inmates who may be screaming, crying, yelling, etc. Jail itself is horrific – imagine yourself in a room with 40 or more other women all day and all night who are coming off drugs/alcohol addictions or mentally ill and screaming most of that time.
"One time, I had to go to the top in a hurricane to check on the transmitter," Mr. Taylor, who had no fear of heights, explained to a reporter several years ago. He added that he reached his lofty perch by way of a two-man, radio-equipped elevator.
According to the custom of Vermont, Sunday afternoon is salting-time on the farm, and, unless something very important happens, we attend to the salting ourselves. Dave and Pete, the red oxen, are treated first; they stay in the home meadow ready for work on Monday. Then come the cows, with Pan, the calf, who should have been turned into veal long ago, but survived on account of his manners; and lastly the horses, scattered through the seventy acres of the Back Pasture.
I did a couple of years ago when I dropped my iPhone. The glass broke and it was an expensive lesson. It was a lesson on carelessness. I was trying to carry too many things at one time. You know how that goes.
» EXPRESS: When you look back on your early work, do you still feel connected to it? Or do you feel somewhat removed since the comics are from 10, 12, 15, 17 years ago?
As you may have noticed, the Spiel des Jahres 2016 nominations have been revealed. It reminds me on my first day of work at Ludonaute, last year. I was just arriving in the living room where Cédric & Anne-C used to work. As I was taking place in front of my beautiful new computer, Cédric was showing a great deal of impatience signals, the most clear of them being regularly murdering his F5 key. Suddenly, there was a joy explosion! We were nominated! And I discovered that my new boss was able to jump quite high.
I wanted to like Cander’s Colleen McCullough-like ambition and sprawling historical backdrop. But she lost me when I recognized two early scenes she’d recycled. Young Alta’s first encounter with her glamorous new sister-in-law, and the dreams this inspires, recollect Fitzgerald’s classic “Bernice Bobs Her Hair.” And John’s argument with his father, “If the mine was good enough for me, it’s good enough for you,” is so wheezy, Monty Python mocked it over 45 years ago.
Communicate with those who like your appearance. We will take care of you and we have the right system to help you in your search, namely our Elite Status program Download e-catalog Our experienced and personal caring started 14 years ago in the very quest you are undertaking to find your Ukrainian lady or Russian Bride as your soul mate and lasting happiness.
Truly I cannot believe that was 2 years ago! Where has the time gone?? I’ll write more about our official 2 year Family day when we celebrate later this week. Today’s post is all about the reunion we shared today with some from our China travel group!
I had joined this ite, had and good experience meeting people from this site 2 years ago. However now I have someone special and very close in my life, a very nice Belgium guy that I found from another dating site, hope to be my husband in future. I stil hold the account exist here, maybe looking for more good friends here either male or female. Good luck for everyone here who trying to find their soulmate :)
“Repair of a damaged section of a textured ceiling. We were afraid that it would be impossible to match since it was approx. 30 years old. Job was completed in a timely and neat fashion and even knowing where to look I have a very hard time to fine the edges of the repair.”
I may be preaching to the converted but if you like Rage you should check out a band that's sadly broke up a good few years ago (although I heard a rumour they may record a new album) called "Sensor". They had tracks like "Born into an age of Panic" and everyone from Rage to Limp Bizkit came up behind the groove they created!
and i can only pine for the same person for so fucking long. and its fruitless anyways. i know that. its just fun to think about what could be. i love michael-but im not ruining that one again. its taken a very long time and very hard work (at least on my part, maybe some moderate on his) over the last five years. i cannot rock this boat. no matter how much i want to when he gets home.
When Porush retired at 89 years old, his son Ted ran the practice for several years before retiring himself. Speaking of both his and his father’s experience working with Koenig in 2012, Ted said, “Koenig was quite devoted and always had something in mind all the time without being unreasonable or obstinate, really an artist perhaps,” and added that he and his father “welcomed Koenig’s engineering challenges—whether related to innovations, materials, or budget constraints.”
I saw the Black Christmas remake once a couple of years ago and thought about revisiting it now that I've FINALLY seen the original and really, really liked it. Sounds like I should stay away, huh?
I did some work a couple of years ago on a disk caching application for virtual machines, at the time inspired by some Open Source released by Facebook called FlashCache. As I saw
After lunch, I walk along silent old streets to the Musée Fenaille—one of the few other places open on Sunday. The collection is astounding, starting with fossils more than 300,000 years old, continuing through the Gallo-Roman heyday, then into the tumultuous Middle Ages, when Aveyron (then called Rouergue) was successively invaded by Visigoths, the counts of Toulouse, and, of course, the English, during the Hundred Years' War. My favorite objects are the statue-menhirs, anthropomorphic standing stones several feet high, carved 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. The Lady of St. Sernin, the most famous piece here, is so well preserved you can see every marking—the hands, the feet, the strange tattoos or scars on her cheeks, the dots for eyes and small circles for breasts, though she has no mouth. What might she say, if she had one?"Hello to you, from 50 centuries ago..."?Or maybe just, "I'm thirsty."
Before they set forth on the journey that would ensure the forgiveness of all their sins, pilgrims took a vow of poverty and gave their fortunes to Conques's abbey. This must have seemed like quite a good deal, based on the tympanum's jaws of hell. Nobles, too, made sure that gold and jewels accumulated in the abbey, a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture with its amazingly high dome and its famous "flying tribunes"—galleries on either side that seem suspended just below the ceiling. It can be visited top to bottom. In the evening, at around nine, without warning, the monks begin their chanting by candlelight, an unforgettable spectacle, as it must have been a thousand years ago.
Overall, I was so thrilled with everything in the care package. I've known the friend who sent it since I was 5 years old, so she's clearly had plenty of time to learn what to send me when I'm in need of a smile. You really can't help but smile when you look at any of these! Thanks, Sheri! :)
As I sit here at my desk on this cold and grey January afternoon, with the first light snow of winter gently falling outside the window, I find my mind being drawn back to another snowfall, thirty years ago this month. However, this was no thin covering like today, but the most severe blizzard I can remember in my sixty-five years of life.
Now the purists among you might wonder why I didn’t opt for the first possibility and make bread from scratch. I can forgive the question, because you couldn’t possibly know of the struggles I went through 30 years ago, as I attempted to make consistently edible bread by hand. I tried different recipes, different flours, even different methods, but more often than not my loaves still came out of the oven resembling slightly flexible house-bricks, but bricks we couldn’t afford to throw out.
MS: Hmmmm. If you had asked me that 10 years ago, I would have said get rid of the screened-on numbers. But now they’re tackle twill, which is so much better — it gives a sense of dimension, and they don’t crack or peel. It’s a much more professional look. Aside from that, I can’t think of anything.
"Well, I doubt the cast will really bond together like we did for Man of La Mancha, but watching all of the older actors work will be a lot of fun. A couple of them were around when the Guild was founded, and that was fifty years ago!"
Of course, I had to notify my friends right away. The ones who weren't home would have some rather garbled but very ecstatic messages on their answering machines when they returned. Then when I got off the phone it was time to plug in the modem so I could inform my friends who were only reachable by e-mail -- all of them were probably very amused by the number of exclamation points in the very capitalized subject line. And I posted a message at the DWG Tea Room, just for good measure -- a few people there had wished me good luck for the auditions.
Chuck has gone back to singing solo, but mostly at small engagements like community fairs and festivals. In fact, the inspiration for this blog came about, because last night, while I was playing around on You tube, I came upon clip of Chuck Negron preforming here in Olathe for our annual Labor Day festival, Bull Whacker Days. Only 6 months ago, in September 2008, He was singing less that 3 miles from my house, and I had no idea. I remember that my kids really tried to get me to go to the festival, but I refused. Thirty years ago, I would have traded my soul just to be that close to him.
Aubrie ended up skiing her way to college and by 19 years old Aubrie was a serious competitor who very few people could beat. She was the girl to beat on the mountain but another accident at Winter Park in Colorado actually killed her. Aubrie took a fall during a race, fractured her skull, neck, arm, and leg and her head injury was so massive that she actually died.
Until a few years ago, keratin was where the majority of commercial amino acid supplements started as - essentially a by-product left over from slaughterhouses (sorry). Now that the fermentation process has gotten cheaper, manufacturers have begun to switch over. Unfortunately, while cheap, fermented corn doesn't build much muscle. In fact, the FDA doesn't actually consider amino acids made from these sources to be food (neither do we, and we suspect you don't, either). That's why, if you look at the facts panel on the majority of amino acid products, you'll notice that they have zero calories. How can you train, much less recover, without any calories?
"I think there's a good chance we'll all look back at this volatility as the market correction that was due," he told dozens of high net worth clients and would-be clients of Evercore, the New York financial advisory firm Altman founded 19 years ago.
Once we arrived, the now taped up and broken Selfie Stick (well, it didn’t come with ‘tested by Michelle’ written on it) was summoned into action and for those of you that saw my Statue of Liberty photographs a few years ago will know I went into full steam fashion photographer mode taking shots of the Opera House, Harbour Bridge AND the Cunard ocean liner Queen Elizabeth which was docked for two days! What an impressive girl she is, all sleek lines and 21st Century Technology.
Work has been crazy lately. I’ll be able to blog more openly about it very shortly, and there is TONS to tell, so stay tuned. As for tonight – I’m tired and mildly stressed tonight, so when I got home I ordered pizza from Papa John’s and turned on G4 TV because… Well… They play COPS all the time, and I like me some COPS. I’ve always said that if you want to feel better about yourself and about your life, watch ONE episode of COPS.
Etheridge lowers the volume, retrieves her visitor’s jaw from the floor, then laughs the way you do when you fear you may have revealed too much. “This CD is where my personal and professional lives have truly collided,” reveals the singer, reclining on the sofa in the living room of the Brentwood, CA home she moved into in November. “All my work is autobiographical but this is right out the headlines. It’s so clear and so…ouch!”
Democrats will now dominate the Watauga County Board of Education, first time in a long time. Republican Ron Henries, who got thrown under the party bus back in May because he voted not to ban books, is now being celebrated on the local conservative blog as one of their wins on Tuesday, as though we all don't remember how he was treated months ago. Bottomline: Wataugans have only one book-banner left on the school board, and that took a good deal of "single-shotting" by the conservatives.
Federer's aggressive court positioning is also, I think, the reason it appears Nadal's defensive skills are not quite what they were ten or even five years ago. I say appears because, having watched Nadal dominate Roland Garros and the entire clay season like never before, not to mention win the U.S. Open in such an authoritative fashion, I'm not convinced that Rafa has lost a step at all. But when, as any amateur can tell you, you stand in on the baseline, you take away your opponent's time and make him look and feel slower.
Adam Matta: Yeah, I love being experimental. Beatboxing is blowing up worldwide, and there’s a lot of guys coming out with really interesting sounds. Really unique sounds. And taking this to new levels of versatility and virtuosity. There’s all kinds of technical abilities that probably nobody ever thought possible five years ago. So that’s pretty good.
Lot of our students work there as sales associates while they going to school so they taking interior design classes, Morgan says. You getting some student interior design advice from http://www.officialcardinalsjerseysshop.com/ someone who passionate about where they going to be in the next few years and where they are right now. Between jobs, he had set aside $1,000 for a consultant who could help him tackle the 1,100 square foot apartment that he shares part time with his 7 year old daughter, Mia..
hi fristlly thanks alot for this great and full of information artilce but i think it should be updated ..it has more than 12 years old and there is a huge change happened in the sudan like the south sudan has been seperated and being another independante country and now days we have more than 30 university and women has the right to work and travel and marrige what they want even if Foreigner .. in addition to the economic development and so many change...
Years ago, when I was a lot younger and less informed on the use of cloches, a friend sent me a beautiful, hand-blown one. . . .I had no idea what to do with it. . . .Not sure what happened to it, but I can tell you this, I could kick myself for not keeping it. . . .I think about that gift every time I see so many beautiful ones on the net. . . .We live and learn, don't we?
In 1993, Hosanna! Music did a song by Dave Bankhead and Ray Goudie called ‘Great Awakening’. 22 years ago, this Great Awakening was longed for by most Christians in my circles, but it simply didn’t happen. But it is happening now, beginning with God speaking to the hearts of His people about His true nature and His love for the broken, hurting and outcasts. People like me and others I know are being changed by God to be able to see and accommodate this new wave of His Spirit.
Shouldn't Anne Hufnagel know better then to tell me that she had scabies one time years ago and they were a gift from Bird? They're called BOUNDARIES, Anne, learn about them.
Unfortunately, do not have the accordion anymore, and I feel sad about it, also now I am to old to get a new one. Plus, I am not sure if my old fingers would function as they used to. Today I sit and think about my father, who dished out a lot of money for that instrument, only so I (13 years old) could say “I am not playing any more”.
I agree with you all the way. Unfortunately art which does not mean any thing is being pushed today, and it started sometime in the 1700’s it was called expressionism (just a bunch of colour dots on the canvas if you ask me”. Today it’s even worse, I do not know what to call it. BTW, I was looking at “art” of one young sculptor, and when I made a comment that this looks like something primitive made 9000 years ago, I got yelled at.
The work which appears at this moment (illegible word) the public is not an entirely new work. It is the second and last part of a book that I published five years ago on democracy in the United States.
I haven’t worked out the details, but I need to move faster and communicate more when new people find me. This is tough for me because I don’t want to bother people—I want to help them. I realize this sounds cheesy, but it’s true: If I were just trying to make money, I never would’ve quit my day job two years ago.
One hundred years ago, the Brest-Litovsk Treaty was signed. A horrible war receded from this land but left conflict, grief and debris in its wake. And unfortunately the peace that ensued did not last long. World War I left an indelible mark on mankind. Together with embassies of other countries, which fought in “the Great ...
Camp Iredell Adventures: All staff must be at least 21 years old. Staff are also First Aid and CPR certified, go through a 15+ hour staff training, van driver training, and must pass a drug test and background check prior to employment. We look for staff to have experience in adventure-based activities, education, child care, recreation, or similar fields.
Many years ago I was also totally hooked on drinking Diet Coke. It helped me with my boredom at work. Looking back on it now I realized that I should have changed profession a little earlier instead of depending on diet soda to give me an energy boost.
About 7 years ago I went to the Eden Hot Air Balloon Festival. I loved it! So, for the past 7 years I have tried to go and it usually corresponds with hunting season and does not work out.
I went to the diabetes clinic last week for what I thought would be the first step in a hellish process of getting an insulin pump. I had been to this clinic once before (four years ago) at the suggestion of my then new family doctor. I remember that during that visit, I felt a little out of place. Most t of the people in the waiting room were over 60 and looked very unhealthy. I imagined they were newly diagnosed type 2’s or that they just hadn’t taken care of themselves.
A couple of years ago, before one of my dearest friends moved south to DC, I promised her I would make Key-Lime Pie for her, since it is one of her favorite desserts. Well, time slipped away from me and before I ever made it she moved away.
The first was the loss of our little old lady cat "Maggie". My husband and I rescued her from a shelter about 17 years ago when we were still in college. As a kitten she had been hit by a car and had some brain damage, but it was minor. I remember the first time I saw her sitting on a little shelf at the back of the cage looking so dainty. I knew instantly that she was for us.
“The Other Shoe“ – As Storybrooke continues to welcome the new arrivals from the Land of Untold Stories, families, friends and even long-lost enemies are reunited once again. When Ashley (Cinderella) searches for her step-family, intent on settling their unfinished business, Emma, Hook and Henry scramble to help her before it’s too late. Meanwhile, Regina attempts to bribe Mr. Hyde for information about how to defeat the Evil Queen and Snow helps Dr. Jekyll find a suitable laboratory for his work. David makes a deal with Gold and delivers a message to Belle in exchange for new information about his father. In flashback, Cinderella attends a ball and meets her prince on “Once Upon a Time,” SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 (8:00–9:00 p.m. EDT), on the ABC Television Network.
Two and a half years ago, when he was officially appointed as Commissioner General, Magalhães had already drafted a plans for a grand exposition based on ancient maps. It would open in Lisbon during Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s special visit to Portugal, precisely scheduled for the day of the fifth hundred anniversary of Pedro Álvares Cabral’s departure from Lisbon. However, Magalhães himself had some doubts about the general concept he had then established and feared not to have time to work alone on an alternative. So, before moving on, he decided to invite me to help him redefine his original idea. And I dared to accept.
I started work on this game in 2012. That’s four years ago! I’ve been on it full-time since then. In 2014 I released the game on Kongregate, iOS and Android. Tens of thousands of people played it and liked it. The next step was to build the Steam version, in between cool updates for everyone playing it already.
QL: Summer camp when I first kissed that boy. I didn't know life could be like that (jokingly). I guess when I was young doing things with my grandfather in Maryland, horseback riding, making home made ice cream, camping, also getting outside of Newark, (NJ). It was fun in Newark but to come to NYC, was definitely an eye opener as a kid. I just loved NY growing up and I still do today. It was all these people, the pace, and the energy. Eventually, I came to New York and became who I wanted to be and created my identity because I was from Jersey.
My brother was sentenced to 22 yrs. for being a felon in possession of firearms. He had an increased sentence (enhancement) for crimes he had committed years ago and for which he had already served his time. How many times does one have to pay for his crimes? Judge Young gave him the sentence and now he calls the guidelines unconstitutional!!!! What's up with that? I would like your opinion.