hi everyone to the bone this is Brazilian girl today's video is on how to get rid of back acne this has been highly requested in comments I'm going to show you ways to prevent treat and upkeep your skin and to get rid of back acne so let's check it out one of my favorite DIY back acne treatments is an oatmeal bath this is super soothing to the skin oatmeal helps to soak excessive oil of the skin clearing away dirt and other toxins in the process how to do the oatmeal bath put a cup of oatmeal in a sock or muslin cloth bag and tie it place it into the tub and immerse in in the water while soaking you can keep on squeezing the cloth or sock to let the juice of oatmeal mix with the water soak it in for 20 to 30 minutes do this two to three times a week or even every day if you like DIY body acne spray you spray your back with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar apple cider vinegar is an effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent it's great for curing acne because it kills bacteria removes excess oil and dirt and balances the pH of your body which naturally eliminates the acne breakouts to make the spray mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar and one cup of distilled water add this mixture to a spray bottle and spray in your back ten minutes before you take a shower if you have sensitive skin make sure to double the water the spray is more convenient for easier application but if you don't have a spray bottle you can also use a cotton ball to apply in your back do this at least once or twice a week spray the rosewater on your back after the shower this will not only smell great but rosewater will calm redness helps remove oil from your back and stops the growth of bacteria is it easy practice to do every day after you take a shower just put some rose water on a spray bottle and spray in your back and let it air dry change bad sheets often build up dirt and oil from your body and also hair touching the sheets its transfer back to your skin this can clog pores and cause blemishes so I would suggest change your bed sheets once a week aloe vera overnight treatments aloe vera is a natural antibacterial and antifungal it heals the acne while moisturizing your skin apply aloe vera to your back before going to bed and massage it he gets absorbed to your skin you can use fresh aloe vera or store-bought gel if more convenient this would be very soothing and will help you heal your acne while you sleep you can check out my other video on aloe vera if you want more information I hope you liked the video today if you did you can support my channel by subscribing liking and leaving a comment below I love reading your comments and feedback also let me know what kinds of video you like to see next thank you so much for watching ciao you can support my girlfriend's channel by subscribing liking and leaving a comment below she loves reading your comments and all of your feedback so let her know what kind of videos you'd like to see next thank you so much for watching ciao
so as they say yeah I've just been attacked by loads of pollen layer that is Wednesday's video in the can for you please enjoy today's video and before I leave you don't forget to hit that subscribe own don't forget any notifications you'll owe this video give it a thumbs up and follow me on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook all the links are below okay and my check my check is is insisting on Oh yep it is okay right let's just catch up here so the 94th I sprayed the forks with a little dusting of black paint as a guide coat and now I am sending them down I just saw earlier on with 1200 grit sandpaper the bit that I pointed out earlier were - there are gonna be some high points on the forks that no matter what you do the primer will always great for a while the metal will always break through from the primer as you can see from this video not the open taste photo I'll get it right in it and it's the dairy go so taking pretty much a lot of care and although actually I do genuinely work at this speed this hasn't been sped up in any way shape or form this just that this also has been slowed down so you can understand it otherwise I sound like you're chipper once you've completed the sanding down task which I haven't quite done just yet I'm still at it but I'm making sure I get into all the nooks and crannies g-got get into all the nooks and crannies so anyway I'll leave you with this little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so now as you can see I sanded down the box with a nice light grey color now LMZ was in a very very damp cloth to residue go let the pork naturally air drunk and once they pair drive I am going to get a static duster in order to take any residue off before masking the Baron please inspect some acting in the moment all right the constant parenthetical magic so once that's all masked off I'm going to get some mold with newspaper and I'm going to shove through the bottom of the stanchion port where the actual stub axle goes so I don't get into painting there because I don't want to know now the first coat or this has two coats of paint I'm going to put on forks are a just a light dust but you don't want to go heavy because you'll end up with room so it's just a light dust thrown into actually Quito very much the same as what I do with the primer once this is dried and you leave it for out 15 minutes there definitely visit appearance don't rush it worst we can do now is rush because it would ruin it it will run and you will cry later [Music] okay so 50 minutes later we're going to come back now and we're going to start putting on the top layer again it's an interlacing overlapping present of going sideways and up and down this way you get a nice even coverage of the forks and all the surface of whatever it is you're painting and I think I'll do a little video under a closer can show you what I mean by interlacing overlapping pattern it gives you a nice finish a nice shine which you will see later on I'm going to leave you to the joys of this video and what's left of it and the music [Music] [Music] [Music] i text and wearing one dozen and unfortunately Eva's very precise moment in time the banker decided to die on the camera right in middle of painting thrown forward to the Yukons at the end but here in lovely photograph of the forks at the end thank you very much for watching this video if you did like this video don't forget give it a thumbs up hit the subscribe button and don't forget to turn on your notifications and I will catch you on Wednesday [Music]
hi there today we're gonna make raspberry crumble bars absolutely fantastic one of my favorite things wonderful breakfast lunch dinner great for the kids to take to lunge gluten free dairy free and refined sugar free let's get started here we go so step one we're gonna make our base you'll need 150 grams of walnuts and then 150 grams of cashews we're gonna use a hundred grams of chopped dates or even just pitted dates we're gonna add one and a half teaspoons of vanilla essence and then lastly we're having two tablespoons coconut oil paw prints the blender and just quizzer off and tell us a lovely and crumbly she's ready to go whoo there you are you see we'll bring her up until she's got a nice breadcrumb almost like a chunky breadcrumb really okay so now you're grabbing your baking tray see the size me up here just a flapjack tray yes laptop quacker all out and they get your pencils you grab your attention salt int them and then you go spread between power so here it might seem like you don't have enough but just spread it out you want a nice thin layer not too thick because we want the raspberry to come true in the crumbling of the top so just keep spreading it until you've covered every little area okay so you just want to spread it out nice and evenly like that Dada fresh aloe really nice pretty spread it nice and thin base there boom so now we're gonna make our raspberry layer so we're gonna get a blender grab your blender joke we have trainer grams of rice please just pour them in there we've got four tablespoons of chia seeds so chia seeds are gonna act like the coagulator they're gonna make this jammy lovely syrupy gooey magic nurse then we're adding four tablespoons of agave syrup and we're lastly I didn't four tablespoons of water pop it on the blender boys are up until it's lovely and smooth and just spread it out across that our lovely base layer Wow look at that just glorious class my radiant look I mean me me me me look at that goes really well and like the sweetness Nawroz we are as laughing anyway now on to the topping there we are something put this over we've done the base layer compacter real finally we've made a raspberry kind of jam if you will put that the top a next time for our last layer the crumbles to go on the top and we're gonna put this in the oven of Baker to the rise because all syrupy and ah okay so yeah it's topping time we've got 130 grams of rolled oats mine are gluten free where ours are gluten free yeah you don't have to use gluten free few days regular road work perfect we've got 50 grams of Grand Island or almond meal whatever you want to call us we've got four tablespoons of coconut oil and we've got four tablespoons of agave and the last bit there is just mixer up until it's kind of each little uh Lakers coated with a little bit of oil a little bit of sweetness then it's just gonna go all lovely bright and cheery in the oven okay so that's officially next week's over edition key I was good word isn't very clever and so now we're ready to pop it on on top the final layer so again just be delicate whether you don't want it to be too heavy in any areas just be nice and disperse it nicely making even say that over your hand isn't it crumbly magic miss there we are you see that beautiful looks great I'll take him downstairs to the other yeah just clean her up I'm gonna bake on so we've preheated our oven to 180 degrees we're gonna pop in the oven and bake it for 15 minutes Dave just heading downstairs to the kitchen okay so here we are downstairs I'm just gonna pack these in the oven out there you are we just took her out of the oven and let her cook it's important to leave it to cool before you cook because once it's cool I can just farm up and to be nice and either to cut him to nice little squares so here we go we want to cut these into parts here we go you ready oh my god I'm so excited Stevie look at that lovely little flapjack it's like a raspberry flapjack isn't it nice really nice good job Flynn er so you see they're lovely really nice you see the kind of definition of raspberry nice kind of nutty bags here we go great oh very nice to sweeten mmm a little bit of warm tonight gorgeous so taste like you got gorgeous you got another you kind of get coconut almond I'm getting raspberry coming true is just so much just like a hello gun on this is really really tasty so real easy to make you know there are a few steps in it but genuine is pretty easy to make bright one for kids right once maybe your kids are I can really good to make me your kids yeah greatest kind of a snack or healthy snack grow kind of bracket on the go anyway enough waffling thumbs up if you're into this kind of stuff thanks minion for watching subscribe if you haven't and cheerio bye
[Music] hi everyone I'm horse and welcome back to my channel machine shop so if you guys are suffering from acne problem on your chest shoulder and back there could be various of reasons why is it happening it could be a dandruff problem it could be a hormone problem it could be that you are allergic to something make some clothing stuff or some gold item or XYZ so I have already for all of you out there you're all you're acting all you need to do is add some usual big oil all you move forward taking a shower and rub on the areas where after you are popping up so here is taking half a camera on and adding into oil profits audrey has char gel in it give it a nice rub and apply it on your chest back and show them try this for at least a month important at the end there walks to the secure here one thing that I need do not apply the school and it all on your face time to water to the joint hope you guys like this and it will slide this at home and you will agree in the formal course that this will work to you or not not prepared to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe my channel if your or came twice with them do not severe cases also key I got Pacific Solution been spotted
hey guys Matt from crank engine series of videos on painting okay I've had this sold I think it's a Kawasaki tank for a lot of years and I found it on scrap heap so I promptly stripped all the paint off the top not the bottom and figured I'd use it as an exercise to teach myself how to be the paintwork so it now it's about a good time to do it so for the exercise and there's this series of videos we're going to take this tank do some repairs and give it a coat of paint and then once we figure out where it comes from maybe I'll give it away as a as a promo because I don't know what it's often I've got no real use for it so this tank has got a couple of decent dents in it that's a pretty big one and this one's a little bit smaller and other than that it's pretty straight so we'll use this as our test bed and I'll demonstrate all the techniques and tools and tips and stuff you're going to need to do a paint job on a tank or a fender or on your other motorcycle project parts okay so the first decision you need to make is what's the end finish going to look like on your project bike because that will dictate the process you need to be use for painting and then that will dictate how you prepare the tank or the fender or whatever it is for that paint job so if you're looking for just a straight simple single color finish then you could use something like an acrylic paint which these are just touch-up paint really for cars these particular colors are just generic colors but something like this works just fine so you need to use a matching preparation system for an acrylic paint in this particular case you need something like an acrylic primer and a putty I'll talk about that in a second so acrylic needs a matching primer system if you're looking for some maybe some pinstriping or some hand lettering all you wanted to do something like this into a metal flake on your tank then you're going to most likely use other enamel based paint system or two two-part systems our base coat in the clear coat so if you're using say our one shot sign enamels or lettering enamels for say some pinstriping or some hand lettering on your tank these are enamel so that's oil-based and you need to select the primers and everything that go with it so here's an enamel primer that would suit an enamel paint now those work great on steel surfaces like a tank or a fender if you're painting something like aluminium or some other metal then you might need an etch primer and that's designed specifically to provide a key onto the surface of the paint can stick to so all these products are designed to primer products are designed to give the paint something to stick to so you just need something specific if you're painting a product other than steel now I am going to assume for this exercise that we're painting a small surface like a tank or a fender and you don't have an air compressor and you don't have a spray gun which is a quite a bit more of an expense so all these products are obviously available in in tins as well so that you can using the spray gun and this is the sort of products I use both in Keene and in tins so that I can spray small part with the aerosol can or large surfaces with a Tim product so again we'll just work on a fact on the basis that everyone's just gonna be using aerosol cans okay so once you decide on the final finish or what the vision of the final finish will be select your paint system and I'll put some links in the articles so that you can go into a bit more research and then we start working our way back so in this case we've got a tank that's been script already if you haven't done the stripping you might want to use a paint stripper and just get some you know disposable cheap tool a packet of brushes use these to apply the paint stripper and then check them out in this case tanks already being stripped but it is rusty so I'm going to have to come back and use an angle grinder and I'm going to use a wire wheel and an angle grinder on a clean all that surface rust off and give you a bare metal surface to work on so but a video in an article about using angle grinders for that purpose which I will link to somewhere so the first step once you've clean off all the rust will be to fill the dents so to do that we're going to need a polyester filler it's a body filler so this is two parts so there's the filler and there's a hardener so we mix those together and we can use something like this applicator which is a buck or so in case any piece of plastic but this is pre curved and beveled on the edges front edge here so that you can use it to apply the the bill up so this goes straight on to the metal once we've done that we're going to need to sand it flush with the other surfaces around the dent so we need some sandpaper to do that this is sort of products I use for that this is designed to use dry this is an aluminium oxide sandpaper I bought in a role because way more economical and a roll and just tear off what you need and then we use this in various grits to sand that body filler back to the to the surface level of the tank so this is an 80 grit I've got some 180 early in a 240 as well and then I've got a 400 only in a paper format but that's what's available so so I'll use these to send the body filler back flush with the surface of the tank so once you've done that then we can use our primers and prime a tank if we need to fill any minor minor imperfections you'd use a spray putty which will demonstrate as well and then once that's done then we worry about a fire final finishing our top coat so other than that few other things you might need safety was first just keep the hands clean black nitrile gloves I find a really good solution so you just fight back my hardware store while you're singing you might need some dust masks that stuff is pretty fine it up really want to be breathing it in if you are spraying nasties with an air compressor and it's spray going like a two pack paint system you really need a respirator just to keep the gas vapors out of your lungs so something like that would do the job and if you put try and protect other surfaces like the fuel filler hole on the tank you'll need some tape so I use just a painters tape breehn famous tape something like these in different sizes and widths and everything and some masking paper which is stated at the painting section of the hardware store we can use newspaper does the same job sometimes the thin strips are a bit more convenient and if you were masking out lines for example say we put a stripe down the center of that tank you'd use a tape like this for masking out the straight and sharp edges of the of the line that you're trying to paint and once you've applied paint then we're probably gonna do a bit of a polish job on it as well so if you're doing sanding of the painted surfaces you'll generally be doing those wet so the sandpaper is wet you've got water on the surface and that helps the paper not clog or add any more scratches to your surface so I just want to keep file office file things and I put all my sandpaper in that so one of my different grades of wet and dry paper which is this black stuff and I've got that all set up in this container so that I can grab a sheet when I need it so I just generally buy it in sheet format and then just trim it down to one third sheet for using with a sanding block while I'm wet standing a painted surface so I've got these in grits thicker I think 80 so they're the course ones 80 and I've got them all up to 2000 so 2000 would be the finest sandpaper you might use before you turn to a liquid polish we'll try and demonstrate all of that this tank as well so let's hope enough for today to get us started so first it but just think about what the final finish is that you're looking for and then we'll have to work backwards to get to that that product so I'll put some links a bit above checklists in the article somewhere and that will give you an idea of what sort of gear you might need before you get started so thanks for watching so far plenty more videos in this series to come
hey guys so today I'm going to show you how to make this super easy end of course delicious apple crumble cake and we are going to start with the base of the cake for the base you need flour butter half a banana mashed and sugar for your cake base mix of all of your ingredients in a mixer make sure your body is cool because we want to achieve a really crumbly dough if your dough is mixed take about a quarter of it and set it aside for the grumbles later one take a greased and with baking paper line spring form and fill your dough into it spread the dough out evenly and don't forget to line the edges now we get to the filling for the filling you will need chopped up apples sugar cinnamon and a little bit of water add all the few ingredients in a pot and bring your apples to a slight simmer you can also boil them a little but just make sure they don't over boil don't forget to stir them in between the end you feeling shouldn't be too watery take your filling and fill it into your springform pan with a spoon you can spread it out easily evenly now take your dough that you have set aside and crumble it over you filling you you lastly pop your cake into the oven and finish is your apple crumble cake you can serve warm or you can serve it cold I hope you enjoyed and I hope I see you soon I haha
you know I've never thrown away a plastic bottle I've always found a way to art cyka them and I was thinking it would be pretty cool to turn this guy into a jellyfish let's try it make my bottle jellyfish I need to start off with an empty bottle so I'll take my empty bottle and I want to create the head for the head I'm just going to take a marker and draw out a line along the top of the bottle now once I have that I can turn it over and do the bottom now this is for the body so again just roll that bottle underneath the marker and then your lines connect and we're ready to cut to make this a lot easier I'm going to take a little push pin I'm going to stick the push pin in the line that I just drew so I make a few holes right here and then that way I can take my scissors and easily slide them in and I cut all the way around once I do that I have myself a head now I want to make the body so I cut all the way around then when I'm done I can take the bottom of the bottle set it aside and the body of the bottle is going to be the body of my jellyfish so now I want to make my jellyfish legs and to do that I'll take my scissors and I'll just start to cut out some typicals so I want to cut all the way up not quite to the top they've got another little strip right here and then you can see I have a little jellyfish tentacle once you've covered your whole body in these tentacles it'll look something like this you can see I have all these cool little tentacles going all the way around my bottle now this looks great but I can make these tentacles look even more realistic and I'll show you how I'm going to use a hairdryer now this could be a little bit hot so ask your parents to help you out with this one I'm gonna take my tentacles crunch them up into my hand turn it on high and warm up the plastic the heat from the hairdryer will cause the plastic to crinkle up and become more wavy you have to be patient though because this would take a few minutes my tentacles look like real tentacles so now what I want to do is attach them to my body so I squeeze it together let it go and when I put it inside it looks like a real jellyfish now I can make my jellyfish look even more interesting by adding an LED to light now I'm going to add the light to the head of my jellyfish all I need is an LED light and to twist eyes so I'll take the longer twist I feed it through the strap that's all my LED light so now it looks like my LED light has to twist I legs next thing I want to do is feed them through the top of the bottle grab ahold of them here and pull them through then I bend the twist eyes so that they face towards the table now I take my other twist tie and I tie those ones into place so I wrap it around the best part about twist ties is all you need to do is twist it to tie it there we go now I go back to my first twist tie and I bring these two strips all the way up and they meet at the top I'm making a loop so I can hang my jellyfish up when it's finished once they meet at the top I twist them I can reach inside the top of my jellyfish turn on the light and my jellyfish will glow in the dark so I'll bring my body back stick it inside now I have an LED jellyfish bottle I had so much fun making one of these I decide to make a whole bunch check this in and this is why I never throw out a bomb
[Music] I'm going to be sharing with you this amazing product that has really been helping me with my body acne as well as my acne scars so if you're interested they keep on watching if you're not already to subscribe to go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below still come you notified whenever I post a new video I post videos daily and I don't want you guys to miss them let's go ahead and get started so the product that I want to talk to you guys about today is this one by derma safe and this is their no breakout exfoliating cleansing gel and I've really really been loving this product it has helped my body acne tremendously see I've used quite a bit of this product already and this is supposed to be an exfoliating cleansing gel that helps to get rid of acne as well as wrinkles any type of discoloration on your skin and it doesn't know I have like really bad body acne like on my lower back as well as I had a lot on my shoulders and ever since using its product like I've seen no breakouts on my body and the discoloration on my shoulders and it was on my back has been fading and then one thing about body acne body acne takes forever to fade yeah and I've had this I've had a lot of my scars on my body since I was a teenager and I started like breaking out so like for a product to actually work and get rid of like some of the scars on my body is huge because I always thought that I would have to end up going to the dermatologist and spending like hundreds of dollars or whatever to get it like lasered off or whatever they do to get rid of acne scars and to find a product that actually works it's like huge and I have to share it with you guys aloe vera base and I think that one of the main reasons that it works so well for my skin my skin loves aloe vera and I'll bear is known to get rid of acne scars as well as dry up any type of acne that you may have and I have quite a few videos dedicated to aloe vera so I will link them down below in the description box so you can go ahead and check them out but this product also has key ingredients like glycolic acid vitamin C witch hazel lemon extract all these ingredients are great at fading discoloration getting rid of wrinkles stretch marks a lot of stuff like that ingredients in this product are amazing product is supposed to support collagen production and leave your skin feeling soft smooth and moisturized and that's another plus about this product I've used a lot of different products to trying to help with my body acne and a lot of the products really dried out my skin because I already have dry skin everywhere so it really really dried out my skin and will leave my skin feeling tight and as she and this product does not do that at all my skin feels really really soft smooth and moisturized and this is like been the only products that I've been using for the past month or two you can use this product day or night and you can use it on your face as well I've only used it on my face probably a couple of times but I mainly just use this as a body wash on my body and I focused on those areas that I know I break out so what I do is pour a little bit of this into my hands and rub my hands together and then put it onto my skin especially on the areas that I break out like my lower back and my arms and my chest and I will leave this on my skin for a good two to three minutes while I'm in the shower what that does does I feel that it kind of absorbs the product into my scann just leaving it on there for a little bit take this bad boy right here and this is just a body brush that I bought off of Amazon and basically it's just like a battery-operated body brush and it spins and basically it's amazing it's amazing okay so I would take this body brush and just scrub my body after a minute or so of the product just seeping into my pores and really get all over and it's just must cut my skin feels so smooth and so soft and I think that it's really really been helping called spin spa and it was like one of those products that is from the TV like as seen on tv products and it has like five attachments but my favorites let's have attachments are this one right here because it's really really rough and this one is you can see it's been used a lot you know let's just put a little bit of the body wash into the brush and then exfoliate just scan with it and it really really has been helping me a lot so this product is also cruelty free and paraben free made in the u.s. a FDA approved all that good stuff very necessary to check that out when you are buying products but yeah I love this product it is absolutely amazing definitely something that you guys should check out if you have any type of body acne discoloration wrinkles or facial stubborn facial acne or anything like that go ahead and keep using this product and maybe in a few months or so hopefully if all of my acne scars can be going on and I can just be 3d so just run around the beach' wherever I am and not have to worry about these the acne scars so yeah I really hope you guys enjoyed this video give me a huge thumbs up if you if you're not already subscribed go ahead and hit subscribe button down below sick of not fouling ever I'll post a new video hit the bail then other protections will go straight to your phone and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today I'm showing you how to make these Apple streusel muffins to start off you want to cream together your butter and sugar in a bowl and then you can add in your 1 egg and just mix everything together then add in your self-raising flour and cinnamon and just give everything a good mix before you add in your milk then use a spatula to make sure that everything is well combined and that there no chunks of flour or butter left anywhere and then you can fold in your shredded apples then use an ice cream scoop to place your batter into some lined muffin tins and then we can start making these streusel topping so you just want to add your butter flour brown sugar and white sugar into a bowl and just mix everything together I ended up using my hands to make sure everything was crumbly and mixed in and then I just placed this on top of the muffins I added around a tablespoon and a half of the crumb topping but you can add more or less depending on your preference then bake this in a preheated oven 350 degrees Fahrenheit for around 25 minutes and use a toothpick to check if they're done I decided to top my muffins with glaze which is basically some icing sugar mixed together with milk here are the finished apple streusel muffins these tasted really good and are perfect for the upcoming fall season I guess anyway is this about it for today's video I hope you guys enjoyed watching and I will see you all next week bye
hey guys nylon here with other minecraft tutorial this tutorial i'm gonna be showing you how to make cookies and minecraft so what you're going to need is to wheat and some cocoa beans so first you're going to right click your crafting table with the cocoa beans in the middle and the two wheat either side and that's going to give you ate cookies and you can eat these to replenish your hunger so that basically concludes this tutorial if this is for you helped you in any way please like and favorite this video put anyways guys thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time
[Music] hey what's up everybody Keith with the Tulsa Motor Club and today we're going to shoot the KZ 250 down to the bare bones we're going to prep that frame for painting as well as paint the wheels so let's go ahead and get started [Music] so stripping the bike down is actually a fairly easy process the only hard part I found was removing the wiring harness which I did prior to making this video [Music] you're going to want to have a camera handy to take photos everything as you take it off the bike so you know how to put it back together later down the road [Music] once you have the bike completely stripped and you're ready to start painting in you're going to describe first for that and a few things the main thing you'll need is aircraft remember simple who used your move the paint off of the track getting some sort of death Matt a couple different brushes and aircraft removers pretty messed up so you want to learn with overblow start by flying the aircraft remember the entirety of the track if you're in tomorrow let that sit for about fifteen to twenty minutes you know that it's taking effect by seeing the paint peel off the frame after that time limit go ahead start scraping off the loose paint [Music] keep in mind your manager pizza's process coupled at the time to get a completely clean [Music] before we get started on the wheels you'll need a few more things you're going to want to deck a card [Music] some degreaser spread and your choice of spray paint for the real masking tape to mount on cordon area you really should start by cleaning the surface first the degree to spray and then mask it edit it back to the shoe brush is fine once you get everything mapped and cleaned off you're going to take your deck of cards and place each card in between the tire and the rim of the wheel this act of a mask for when you spray paint the rim once you have all the cards put in go ahead and apply your pain I'm going to do that three coats on each side for each tire [Music]
see what you made me do I was actually at a customers house and I said when you don't happen to have any Jasmine climbing Jasmine around and easy like actually I put a couple of pot plants that you can have so they're a little bit straggly because he hadn't watered them and also if you have look there's a nice-looking I don't know what this is it's some sort of gum if it is I'm gonna have to move it because it can't stay there so if you know what that is please let me know um there's some zoo de tucker kalanchoe i think it's called around here what have we here this is the other plant now look at a nice little um flowers on can't seem to focus it's not going to get a lot of Sun they're probably know some of it was but that was dried out as well now I just need to work out what I'm going to put up against here so if you've got any suggestions because I want to get it to climb up like you said all over my tank it's pretty dark and gloomy here it might get some reflection off the light off the white but it's not going to get direct oh that may it may get a little bit of afternoon Sun maybe perhaps because if you have a look up there yeah maybe we'll see so that's my Jasmine climbing jasmine with the white flowers as I said it's pretty dried out and he didn't um you didn't water it for quite a while so um that's just going to fall down I'm gonna have to do something okay I've got a couple of these men koze which the chanter thrive especially considering the amount of rain we've been having so if you can don't forget to tell me what this is this little gal meeting gumtree ok
hey what's going on Scott here Maude sticks calm the other day I was trying to find my controller I looked everywhere it can find it finally found it under a pile of crap celina myself that is just no place to keep my controller so I went out found a nice little gun case as a sign cube phone you can kind of like you know draw the design you want and just pull the foam out fits ps3 xbox perfect so if you have like it you know real expensive controller you know and just throw it on the couch or toss it under pile of crap nice little hard case has a lock throw lock on it you can buy these like air blown air foam what I don't know whatever these cases are all right they just don't they don't have they don't fit the d-pad and they kind of feel like a purse and I kind of see the controller that's basically your weapon so what better place to keep within a gun case so check them out calm on sticks calm
hi I'm Peter Gordon I'm a chef and I'm a New Zealander and I'm going to show you a fantastic main course that's great for dinner party to lovely wreck of New Zealand lamb crumbed with a marmalade and mustard topping so for baby vegetables and in a beautiful watercress and pumpkin seed salad so what you have here are some racks of New Zealand lamb they've been trimmed of any excess fat and they generally come they have seven bones but a for bone one is what you really need for one person that you've only got seven so what do you do you go to the back of the rack and you count one two three four figure out these fourth closer to each other than these three you can just run the knife down aiming to get it into the center here so we end up with two similar sized pieces of lamb here so what you want to do with that is just lightly seasoned it just a little bit of salt and pepper we need a sauce pan which is just going to heat up gently and what we're going to put into this is some marmalade and you can also use apricot jam for this which is quite nice butter a good knob what we do is just warm it all up so melted marmalade in the butter then I've got the mustard to add and then it's just a matter of adding the breadcrumbs until it feels like a nice pasty consistency this just goes on to the land the ovens on at 180 to 190 degrees depending on how hot your oven is now just put this to one side and now we set up the veggies for that what you want to do is pick up a pan and then with a bit of olive oil or butter going to fry off some onion I want a bit of garlic and then we just cook these two lil caramel iced I'm going to be having some rosemary and chili so just remove the rosemary leaves from the stalk then use it be fine I'm going to put a bit of chilly in here to cut it to three quarters of the way along cut it down the middle we're not going to chop it up we're going to throw it in like this ok so the onions and garlic of caramelized and see the change color add the Chilean Rose Marie and then what I've got here are some baby vegetables baby fennel baby sweetcorn little carrots and little courgettes this onion mixture now gets tipped on top just spread them out nice and evenly sit your land on top so now it's time to put it in the oven on 180 on a fan 47 190 on a non fan-forced and it takes about 20 minutes depending on the thickness of the land and part of the garnish on this dish of these lovely toasted pumpkin seeds all the sometimes called pepitas get a little bit of oil in a pan add some pumpkin seeds just a handful or two so just stir it as it's heating up and eventually it'll start popping and then we can take it off okay these are nice and toasted and see the change color and also the oil has changed color a bit too it's gone a lovely green that you get from the pumpkin seeds so just took these into a bowl and leave them to go cold so the lands been cooking for 20 minutes I've turned the oven off and just lift the door ajar for five minutes and now it's ready to plate up see here the crust is lovely and kind of golden that hasn't learned take the lamb out the slosh little bit of balsamic vinegar in which works almost like a dressing because it's quite a rich tradition it adds a lovely kind of acidity to it stir your vegetables all together then proportion just divide up what you put in there of the piece of lamb and I'm just going to cut it down the middle through the bone to remember if you flip it over carefully you'll see the bones run down to make sure your knife runs between the bones we'll just put that over on our vegetables and then finish this dish here just a little bit of watercress and finally just sprinkle it with a bit of the toasted pumpkin seeds which provide texture and also the oil they were cooked in works as the salad dressing on the land so what you've got is this lovely herb and mustard and marmalade crusted lamb rack from New Zealand was roasted baby vegetables or decree sm pumpkin and if you're going to have a wine for this it's New Zealand lamb so I would recommend a new zealand Pinot Noir they're quite fruity but also quite light if you don't have those two hand and get yourself a lovely light burgundy and even though white Burgundy a Chardonnay it can also be a fantastic thing because the richness the butteriness of that works so well with the butter in the crust here so something with a bit of body but not too tannic not too overpowering fantastic if you want to get the recipes or any other information about New Zealand lamb the best lamb in the world then go to ww LOL lanco UK and you get lots of hints and tips good luck
hey guys and welcome to how to draw a cartoon edition with doodle cat 1 today I'm going to show you how to draw a cartoon owl which was originally drawn bike at age twelve whose YouTube user name is Savior Panda and she was the winner of our how to draw a cartoon towel contest which was featured on my website of those and then you just connect them with one somewhat curved line and then after that you draw two two little lines there like that and then you connect it again and then those you can just draw lines across and then after that you can just draw two circles that are connected in the middle like that and a B and then you can draw eyes in the middle and then after that you can draw feet which are just lines it's smaller lines coming out of them like that three of them and then for the middle you can just draw a stomach and for the ears you can draw smaller triangles in there like that and for the stomach to add some detail you can draw some feathers which are just sig zag lines and that is how you draw your cartoon l so thank you cap for submitting your drawing and you can check out my website for the second-place drawing to see and um check back for more contests and thank you for watching
while painting a helmet can be really fun but if you're going to start off you want to find maybe a cheap helmet or one that you don't use very much you're going to need blue painters tape you're going to need a hundred grit sponge a three hundred grit sponge and four hundred grit wet or dry sandpaper for a finishing work for cleaning you're going to want to use canned air and some rubbing alcohol and a fine sponge or cloth for final cleaning when a fast drying spray painted sets up quickly for plastics preferably first you're going to want to remove your face shield to get the helmet ready shiny surface is what you're trying to remove so step one you're going to want to start with your 100 grit sanding sponge to scuff the surface up step 2 you're going to want to use your 300 grit sanding sponge and start getting into the crevices and really start cleaning the helmet up make sure you're getting as much of the detail of the helmet as you possibly can this will make for a much better finishing job step 3 you're going to use your 400 grit smoothing for final surface preparation and step 4 you want to clean the helmet you can first start by removing all of the initial dust by blowing it all out with your air duster and then you want to take your rubbing alcohol and I find cloth to get any of the residual dust particles that are left over on the helmet step 6 is probably going to be the most difficult part of the job where you're going to have to take the painters tape and seal up all the cracks and crevices particularly the switches that open and close the vents anything you don't want to get paint on you want to be mindful of covering up in step seven you're going to inspect the helmet carefully just to make sure there's anything that you missed while taping the helmet up because you want to have it properly sealed when it's ready for painting I chose to cover up the d-o-t sticker so that in case it needs to be exposed for legal reasons it's probably proper to have that covered so that when you remove the tape it's still there when you're painting the helmet you want to hold the can approximately 18 inches from the helmets also obviously you'd want to use a well-ventilated area when you're painting use a gentle sweeping back-and-forth motion to give the helmet an even coat of paint this makes for a much better finished surface and it keeps the paint from running or sagging you enjoy this video be sure to LIKE share and subscribe you can also now find us on feed just type in hashtag head first sometimes in this rocky know some positive at some collagen media versus city table
hey guys it's your girl beautiful brown baby doll and I'm coming today to talk about clear skin I have battled with my skin and used to for years until I finally found things that work for me and you all always ask me about my skin regimen and I'm always updating it but I keep it simple so here are some of my quickest and best tips here lately first off I've been using the vanity planet ultimate skin spa system which is an all-inclusive skin brush which happens to include three brushes all of which are easy to use attach and detach they include a daily cleansing brush but also this cool exfoliating brush which gently gets rid of makeup residue acne scars dark spots and other things that keep our skin from being its best but then there's also this cool silicone brush which is easy to clean it's antibacterial and more hygienic and stronger than the brushes we see on a lot of other popular brushes and because it's high grade silicone it lasts longer and it also dries out quicker I'm going to use it today with my favorite purity face wash before ever starting to brush your face or even adding on face wash you want to make sure that your face is fairly damp I'm going to add the face wash directly to my skin brush then I'm going to rub it around in a circular motion I do this anywhere from a minute and a half to about two minutes tops rubbing in small circles and not scrubbing my face I make sure that I hit my t-zone meaning that nose line right there on the forehead as well I make sure I hit those cheeks real good but I'm very very careful around my eyes once you're done there is time to rinse now there is a special way to rinse your face some people rinse downward but that makes your face sag you want to rinse upward you want to make sure that those face lines stay tight so I always rinse upward just in case you missed it I had to do a slow motion for you and now I'm ready to dry my face off so I'm gonna grab a couple paper towels make sure that you blot dry don't pull your face down just blot dry and after my face feels so soft and smooth and y'all know I always take care of you so if you go to my link below in the info section of this video you will get 70% off of this skin brush if you go to that link you go ahead and click on purchase now and it'll automatically ring up with your discount be sure to let me know how you like it now back to why I choose to use a paper towel instead of a top so no matter how clean you are there's a possibility that your towels can get bacteria in them but I do know is that every time I rip off a paper towel I don't have any issues with it being a use to paper towel or one in which bacteria is deposited and you can get them as soft as you would like them especially when you already have a blemish on your face and you don't want it to keep getting bigger and bigger because you're storing bacteria in it so that's the reason why I use these acidity and now I choose to use the all natural astringent like all natural lemon juice which you can use the kind that's already juiced or you can use an actual lemon but I just use it on a cotton white and I just blot it onto my face now if you find that it's a little too strong you can cut it you know you need to cut it with some water you just take a plain cotton ball and block your face with some water now you're ready to apply some moisturizer I actually like Proactiv basic moisturizer I find it to be good for my face is not overly oily and he keeps it with just the right amount of moisture but I also love Eucerin which is great especially if you have like eczema or any other skin issues so you'll just want to make sure you're rubbing that upward as well watch out for pulling your face down now I always fill in my moisture I used a midget of shea butter and I just rub it between my fingers and simply apply it all over the skin in the same man and my skin always spills and looks soft and smooth well now that I've actually shown you all the process that I use we go through some other products I feel like will really help to clear up your skin I used to have really dark spots and they really would come around this area of my face and around here a lot of times I just wasn't cleaning around the perimeter of my face you got to make sure you clean everything your face shouldn't be the only part of your skin that you're working to clear and I use the purity made simple you don't have that many there's basic things here that you can pronounce like my swamp there sage there's Carol there's sandalwood oil I never feel like a residue was left on my face not just for your face you can use it all over your body so while we're talking about washes on my body I like doves sensitive skin it just doesn't add in all the extra stuff that makes me itch when I first started using dove I have been using some other body washes ain't on say no names and I was getting big skin patches dark skin patches and bumps on my skin that was like made me self-conscious this one doesn't add in all the junk I don't want for my body it rinses off easily but sensitive you don't have a whole lot of smells in it so I like that about it equate apricot scrub at least twice two three times a month going to want to do a deep exfoliation treatment on your face and body along with using the brush for my body I can use this as well to get any unwanted blackheads and blemishes and anything that happens to my body it has salicylic acid in it but I think I say that right and I like a lot of my moisturizers every now and again and even my face washes to have salicylic acid it really keeps you from getting those bumps and blemishes and dry them out pretty quickly if you're using something with salicylic acid in it you want to make sure that you're following it up with your favorite moisturizer or something to seal in the moisture on your face anytime you're exfoliating don't rub hard the idea is to just cleanse the top layer allowing that new skin to grow in and getting rid of anything that's like a dark blemish or pimple things like that you're not trying to tear your face off for workouts and things like that I like to keep some of these handkerchiefs they're like a dollar a Walmart or something it holds my hair back when I'm working out basically I just secure it in the back here of my head boom you don't have to worry about everything that's in your hair getting on your face it also soaks up a lot of the sweat dirt oil they could otherwise be on your face so that's why like what it is do watching your brushes I use the basic antibacterial hand soap and I just can't so put your dishes it brings up the oil and these brushes and I'm washing my brushes about one to two times a week you can be washing your face and put nasty dirt right on back on it well you don't know what's on your face from day to day and if you continue to deposit it on your face you're only gonna continue to have breakouts so think about this I don't know about y'all but I like cleaning even my makeup I might not go and do like a thorough clean but let's say for instance my blush I keep a little container of 91% isopropyl alcohol in a spray bottle every now and again maybe once a week whenever I remember but I kind of spray the top of the maker I probably should spray bit away from my face it just helps with cleansing making sure that it's not all contaminated so make sure at least once a week and take care to kind of send us how to makeup that you're using over and over and also sanitize those brushes your face will thank you the other thing I like is the skin stations insect repellent it reminds me of just some skin so soft you know when you was little and your model with spray this get so soft on you y'all probably thinking hot some insect repellants gonna keep my skin clear well let me tell you something basically it's going to keep you from getting mosquito bites and other bites on your body and keep you from tearing your body up let me get a little mosquito bite about the Beast Gretchen I think they love it are scratching - that causes blemishes just like when you was little when you had chickenpox and they left all those marks because you were scratching and scraping same thing happens when you get older and you're scratching mosquito bites like a crazy man or woman it's not good for your skin I hope today has been very very beneficial for you make sure you look below for the codes for your vanity planets in brush in the info section of the video you don't want to do this dude
all right this is going to be a custom camo motorcycle paint job this is my motorcycle before and this is what it's going to look like after we get done I'm just going to do a voiceover of everything I did and walk you through step-by-step so the first thing you're going to want to do is get some Builder board I got this at Home Depot you could probably get it Lowe's also you could use cardboard cutouts of a box anything like that I did prefer using the Builder board it seemed to create a smoother edge for the spray paint first thing you want to do is draw out your stencil or create your stencil draw out your shapes that you want I started with a pencil and then I went over it with a sharpie just create a darker line for cutting out so I can see it better when you do this you're going to want to give yourself some space in between each shape that's about as close as I would do it just so you don't get overspray on when you do spray that single shape also taking the consideration the size of the canvas or what your your painting because you don't want to have too big of shapes on a small area what I did that also helped was I created a square just like I am showing you here that way when you cut it out as you can see here you can cut it out and have the shape on one and then it still gives you space to hold it and spray without over spring here are all of the shapes I did you're going to want to do a ton of them just so you have a good variety and you don't have keep reusing the same one over and over now on to cutting make sure you have something underneath I used to build some more builder board there and just so I didn't cut into the carpet you're going to want to cut out your square as I am doing here and then you're going to be left with your shape then from there you can cut out your shapes also to take into consideration the more little angles and turns you have in your shape it is going to be harder to cut out and make smooth but it will look better and give a nice camo look so you can see in the back there there's a couple I've already cut out that's what it's going to look like you'll just spray a nice smooth coat through that and it'll take to that shape does take a little while but it is worth it to do a lot of different shapes I did do some smaller ones and then some bigger ones just because I'm gonna have my darker colors be the smaller lines and my big or my lighter colors be my bigger splotches here what some of my darker ones are going to look like for more of breaking up the camo pattern creating some shadow effects it's going to be more of these little lines like the ridge reaper camo as you can see in that hoodie on the right right there so this is kind of what you need to start I have I did a little practice run on that plastic there here's the camo line I used its rust-oleum is camouflaged line got that at Home Depot as well you want to use flat colors unless you use if you use gloss it's going to create more of a glare but I didn't want that here's the frog tape I use to tape off anything I didn't want paint to get on and then the gloves just to make sure to get any paint on my hands so here's this bad boy on the fat cat it is the best motorcycle I've ever had only one I've ever had but this is what it looks like to start you could see I had a lot of paint and stickers that were already chipping off of it it would take a long time to get all of that off and I'm not too picky so what I did is I just sand it off with a sandpaper or a wool or a little brush steel wool any flaky pieces that would cause my new paint not to not to stay and stick on there properly so I took off the side and it was time to add your base layer so the base layer you're going to want to put on the entire bike every little piece of it it could be any color of your choice I chose kind of that desert sand tan color I like that color it just looks good matches a lot of areas I go so I went through and with nice smooth um sprays I went through got every little edge got every little hole crevice just to make sure there wasn't any old paint showing and you're going to do this on the entire bike every piece then while I was drawing drying I went through and taped off all the areas I didn't want any any paint to get on so that would be lights registration stickers the rear light don't forget about that I almost did I didn't want some of the motor to get any any paint on that either I want to keep that black so I paint I taped that off as well that is just more of the tan well that was drawing or while I did all that I added another layer of the tan just to assure that it's on there nice and smooth and then put a few more areas of tape down so that's what it's going to look like now while that's drying I'm going to go through and take a spray down the rest of the bike in the tan the base layer it actually looks pretty dang good just like that and I wanted to leave it but I decided to keep going with the camo but yep make sure you get every little thing that exhaust pipe it's okay if you spray onto your tape as long as you got those edges down perfect because then it shouldn't leak if you have that down so there's the base layer everything is complete I did do that exhaust pipe I just hadn't done it in that part of the video and that's what it looks like now onto the other colors so I used a light green for my bigger splotches as you can see here I just laid down once the once of the paint from the beginning has dried it's okay to just light on there laid it on there flat and applied a nice smooth layer of the green down the bigger splotches is what I started with first you can see it looks pretty cool it is going to look a little empty at first when you just have a couple colors down but don't be don't worry it'll fill up quick also as you can see here I have some of the stencil hanging off so it's not even spraying the full stencil on there and that's just going to create a nice low and so it's not too mechanical looking and fake it's going to slow some of it's going to go off of the edge someone's going to cross over other colors then I added the brown two for my bigger splotches so green and brown were what I was going with for my bigger splotches let each one dry before you put move to new colors or overlap on one just to prevent smearing now while those were drying I hopped over onto the main bike and I put my green down for my big splotches and then I also did apply some Brown as you will see here soon but make sure you put it on every little bit you want to break it up break that tan up and put your colors down pretty much wherever you want again it's really key to use a lot of different shapes too because you don't want to see the same one repeating over now on to the darker colors and the skinnier more jagged looking lines and you can see here I use more of a forest green for that and then I applied it to the sides and then while that dried I went over and ply it into the bike you can see now it's starting to come to life really break it up more and give it that camo look I really like that for screen it drives real pretty nice and looks pretty dang pretty dank slick on there I didn't do all of the gas tank because that on the side of my bike will cover that now I'm the black the black is what really gives it that full camo look breaks it up a ton I'd use the smallest stencils I had sometimes I had three different holes together just to make it look like a real unique Here I am applying it I take down a little bit too much there but still it pretty good and just going around anywhere where there's open space putting it down and breaking that breaking that bike up so it looks just like the hoodie that I have right there on the left of the bike so you can see some of the black once it's all tied together it looks really good real similar to that hoodie I didn't want to exactly like that so I wanted it a little not quite as blurred as the hoodie is so I think it turned out pretty dang good to what I was shooting for and if there is any missed spots you could always go through now once it's dried and put that together for the final piece also you can go over it with a clear sealant it's just a clear spray that you will spray on there and it will hold your colors in place and prevent it from chipping and coming apart and there is the final product looks pretty dang good here are the steps that you can screenshot and go over do it if you want thanks for watching
so that's what we're looking at here it's ready to go I'm gonna make us stretch those for the top before I throw it into the oven half a cup of flour 1/2 a cup of sugar you could use brown sugar here if you wanted to lemon you use regular and three tablespoons of butter I'm gonna use my hands to make this streusel to combine the sugar and the flour all together so that you have little crumbs crumbles keep working it together until everything is combined thoroughly you want to use butter that's not melted you want to use butter that's room temperature or slightly cold because it makes nice little crumbles this is something like a breakfast cake or a coffee cake of sorts if you want to liken it to that now if you want to you can add a little bit of cinnamon in this um crumble but I'm not crazy about cinnamon and everything I think cinnamon is should be used in certain places but to me it doesn't go with blueberries it's not my favorite things way to eat it so we're not adding it but you may do so if you like also ginger is a nice addition to blueberries okay so now when you have these nice little creamy streusel and this is what they look like just little crumby streusel so everything all mixed together you know I don't have any loose flour or any loose sugar now I'm just going to sprinkle it all over the top of this cake the streusel is my favorite part you could also add lemon zest to the streusel if you really wanted to that looks beautiful this is a really cool spring cake okay this is going into my 375 degree fahrenheit oven it's going for about 30 minutes or until the top is nice and golden brown you really want to make sure that it crisps up okay 30 minutes it's been about 25 minutes it smells awesome it looks very nice but it's not quite done yet I want to see how done the cake is inside the cake is actually done okay well that's all right I want the top to be a little bit Brown with the streusel so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna turn on the oven bear with me on broil for a couple of minutes just to brown up that top like we want because everything else is done okay let's do that okay this is done now if you wanted to you can ice it if you want to but you have to you put the streusel on top and it's beautiful and it's fluffed up I have a little bit of burnt grits on the side I walked away for two seconds but the other side is fine and I don't care cuz I don't doesn't matter to me it's all tastes good to me so I'm gonna let this cool for a little while because it's way too hot to try and cut up and and serve up and then you'll see us try it okay so it's cool enough to cut now at this point and I'm gonna get one of these little bit charred bits because that's cut stuff I like it's almost like burnt marshmallow in the fire see if this looks like if you wanted to make a drizzle for the top you could mix equal parts water and icing sugar and Rosamond it we need it let's see what this looks like inside look at this this is moist and fluffy cake I don't really eat cake but this is a really good cake mmm mmm the streusel is all nice and caramelized on the top slightly so good crunchy mm-hmm the blueberries are in there make sure you make yourself one of these these are really really good this is a really good cake follow me under order cooking with Kim even the capital eve like the fan page slash cooking with kimberly my shows are on i fuji TV slash cooking with kimberly and slash cooking with kimberly and my site is cooking with kimberly calm that's it that's all be a champion in your kitchen in eat deliciously
I guess thanks for joining us on hobbykidstv today we're going to be opening up a spongebob surprise egg word watch till the end when we open up our play-doh surprise egg but we're gonna give you hobby fans an extra challenge we're gonna scramble these eggs up and see if you can guess the word the first letter is e and Oh a see how many words can you make out of these letters can you guess our surprise word for the real surprise word the first letter is o the next letter in the surprise word is C then e can you guess which letter comes next a the final letter is n ocean the surprise word is ocean hey that's where me and all my friends live we all live in the ocean now let's open up our play-doh spongebob surprise eh uh oh wait I have no eyes but I you could tell that he fell ooh cool it's Disney's Little Mermaid glitter putty let's open it up and see how it stretches and even bounces - hmm look at that slimy mess Wow it stretches far it bounces a little huh Wow what a lovely day ah I've been slimed ah - excuse me
Hey guys, it’s Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies! Today we are gonna be making something that I got a lot of requests for. Today we are gonna be making, from scratch, Wookie Cookies! Rrrrrrawwwwgggghhhhh! Let’s get started! The things you will need, will be: Oatmeal, cinnamon, salt, corn starch, vanilla extract, baking powder, salt, toffee bits, and the brand I used for toffee bits was the Heath, it’s crumbled, this stuff is amazing. Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum! Brown sugar, 2 eggs, cage free eggs, way to go! And, 2 sh-ticks of unsalted butter. You’ll also need a whisk, I have an electric mixer, 2 big bowls, and a blender Let’s put it all together! The first thing that we’re gonna do to make these oatmeal toffee crispy cookies, is we’re gonna take 1-1/2 cups of oatmeal and put it in the blender. Take out a fresh cup, oh, gotta open this. Forgot about that! Put it in here. That’s 1 cup… And here’s a 1/2 cup. And then we’re gonna use the rest of this oatmeal but we’re just gonna put it off to the side for later. Put the lid on, and chop it up! Now in your first big bowl, you’re gonna combine the ground oatmeal, salt, cinnamon, cornstarch and baking powder and whisk it all together. In your 2nd big bowl, we’re gonna add our butter, and our sugar, and we’re gonna mix it all together to get fluffy! So you’re gonna add 2 sh-ticks of unsalted butter, beep-beep-beep! Then you’re gonna take 1/2 a cup of light brown sugar, and then you’re gonna take 3/4 cup of regular white sugar. And now we’re gonna beat it all together until it’s really fluffy! Brrrrrrrrbbbbbbbb! Now that our mixture’s all fluffy, looks a little chewy… Ah get it? Chewy! Awww, OK, I’m corny! Alright, now we’re gonna add our 2 eggs, the whole egg. So you just crack it, put it in! Crack it, put it in! And our vanilla extract, you’re gonna add 2 tablespoons. Now we’re gonna beat this all together on a low speed, and we’re gonna gradually be adding our dry ingredients from our other bowl. Now that we’ve mixed everything together in our big bowl, we are gonna add the remaining oatmeal which is 3 cups, it was 4-1/2 cups total, but this is the 3 cups remaining that wasn’t blended together in the blender. So I’ll put a little bit, take a spatula and just fold it in! Oh…. Yum! Last but not least, you’re gonna add 3/4 cup of your toffee bits, and fold them in as well. We’re almost there, come on, come on, come on! AVALANCHE!!!! Mix ‘em in, mix ‘em in! Mix ‘em in, mix ‘em in! Now our yummy cookie dough is all ready, and what you’re gonna do is take a baking sheet and you’re gonna line it with 1 piece of parchment paper. And now I’m taking a tablespoon scoop, and just taking a tablespoon… Brrp! Like this, and then I’m just gonna take my finger, scoop it out, because it’s really sticky, and put it on top of the parchment paper. And you’re just gonna do a ton of these. Give them about an inch or 2 of space, so that when they spread out they don’t hit each other! After you got your cookies on the pan, heat your oven to 350 and bake for about 10 minutes, just keep your eye on it because, every oven is different. So as soon as they lay flat and they're starting to get golden brown, you know that they are done! And this recipe makes about 30 cookies, so there’s a ton of cookie batter left over! I’m just putting 8 on here because they do spread out and I don’t want to crowd ‘em! Once your cookies are done baking, take them out of the oven, make sure they’ve had plenty of time to cool, and now we are gonna decorate them a little bit. To make them look like ‘zha Wookie! So the things you’re gonna need are: Chocolate, the dark chocolate, I’m just using easy, Hershey Kisses! And, white chocolate melts. Oh, oh! To decorate these it is super easy, I just took the chocolates all these little guys, and I put them in a microwave safe bag with a little tip on it. And the first thing we’re gonna do is make Chewbacca’s ammo belt. And you’re just gonna draw a diagonal line across the cookie, and then make a little rectangle. Now you’re just gonna fill it in. Now you’re gonna take my little metal tool, and if you don’t have this tool you can just use a little toothpick, that’s fine too! And while the chocolate’s still warm, you can just brush it out to kind of make it a little bit more smooth. Now I’m gonna make Chewy’s little eyes, just make 2 little dots. And I’m gonna make his little nose! Now we are gonna make the details on his ammo belt using the white chocolate melts. These ones you’re just gonna use ‘em whole, like this. Or any white chocolate that you have. And I just cut off the corners to make it look like a square. Then you’re just gonna pick up these chocolates, and while the chocolate’s still warm just place it on his belt. Now that we got all the ammo belts made and their little faces. We are just gonna take some white chocolate. I put it in a microwave safe bag, again with a tip. And we’re just gonna make little smiles, little Wookie smiles! Ta-da! We did it! Here are our Oatmeal Toffee Crispy Wookie Cookies! They look so cute! I just love this recipe because the crispy oatmeal and toffee chunks make it look like its all, like, furry and bumpy and his coat’s all uneven. And so it was just perfect! They’re so cute! I guess I should say Oatmeal Toffee Chocolate Crispy Cookies, because it has chocolate on top. Mmmmmm! Thank you guys for suggesting this, if you have any other ideas for any other Nerdy Nummies, please let me know, leave me a comment down below and I will do my best to make it happen! OK, thanks you guys, bye-bye! 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon. No cinnamon challenges! Ugh, they’re horrible, don’t do it! I’m never using cinnamon ever again, in anything on Nerdy Nummies!
hey guys how you going and it's Jess here and today I really want to talk about something which is actually highly requested and that is how to reduce the redness that you get on your face from active acne of course I am having a terrific breakout right now which is perfect so I thought that this will be a great time to show you 3 different ways that you can reduce redness - which are pretty much instant and one of which is long term so the first way is to use ice cubes the reason that ice works is because it's something that can help to slow down the blood circulation and therefore it can help to reduce the swelling all you need to do is put a single ice cube in either a thin piece of cloth like a tea towel or you can use some thick paper towel this will have to stay on your face for between 3 to 5 minutes I like to set timer so that I know what's going on and then you just wait pretty much personally I like to listen to some music so that's what I am doing also I like to check my Instagram hint-hint go follow me on insta anyway let's move on so um what do I do next oh yeah once you take this off your face you will see that your skin is a little bit red because it's had that cold ice right on it like that but it will be a little bit smoother and the actual inflammation of the pimple will be reduced this next tip is a little bit of a weird one it is using eye drops yes eyedrops well they are used to remove redness from your eyes and they do a similar thing for the spots on your face but please remember to use this tip sparingly put a little bit of the eye drops onto a q-tip or a cotton tip and then places gently on your face but only on the spot that you need to treat leave this on there for a couple of minutes I ended up treating a couple of spots on my face during this time after a few minutes take away the q-tip get rid of it you really don't want that anymore and you will see that your skin is a little bit less red around those angry spots now while those last two tips were something you can do in the morning this is something you need to do at night and that is applying aloe vera gel aloe vera is fantastic for taking away that inflammation and really calming the skin it also helps with acne scarring so that's also a concern for you then definitely check this tip out all you need to do is just gently massage it into your face and you can use this over your whole face and also down your neck it's also excellent for fine lines and wrinkles so you can use this around your eyes so they are my three main tips to reduce redness on the face caused by acne thank you so much for tuning in and liking this video it means a lot to me I'll catch y'all next Wednesday see you later now since I'm not planning on getting Botox anytime soon I've started to really look after my eyes as part of my nighttime routine
we will mix dry ingredients first starting with half cocky little health cut corn flour 1 cup almond flour half teaspoon baking soda half teaspoon baking powder whisk it well in a separate bowl mix wet ingredients starting from 1 cup natural soy yogurt 1 quarter cup rice milk or any other plant maize milk of your choice 1 tablespoon oil 1 teaspoon apple vinegar baking soda and apple cider replaces an egg in this recipe now add wet ingredients into dry ingredients and mix it well to make the crumble mix 2 tbsp almond flour 2 tbsp corn flour 50 grams chopped dark chocolate and add just enough oil to make it wet and sticky one then pour the batter into the silicone mold smooth out of the surface and add slices applicants and cover it with the crandall bake it in a preheated oven to 180 celsius degree for one and a half hour pull it down and refrigerate it overnight when it comes to taste you can eat it right away simply you will have crumbled cake instead of slice of all cake I liked it too but it depends on your preferences note the more apricots you and the longer baking time will be if you create only a thin layer of fruits the baking time will be cut to one hour if you like this recipe give me your thumbs up and subscribe to my youtube channel
this is jasminum poli anthem we call it pink Jasmine it's not listed in the book that way but you'll see pictures of the close-up of the flowers and the buds before they pop open our kind of a pink color so a lot of people will call this pink jasmine so very popular evergreen vine Hardy into the low 20s I would say and so like many vines and as you can see here the reason I'm using this as an example is I want people understand that when you use this vine as with many others they have control issues they want to grow to vertically upwards and so they're going to keep going wherever they can you can see how it's grown up into this gutter and and also over to the side here this is this gets trimmed once a year or so so is in bad need of a trim right now and you can see how it'll even tendril back on itself looking for something to grab on to here it's little tendrils so I use this a lot actually it's a good one for fencing if you've got something to support it on or we also use wire galvanized zinc coated wire on a wall and let me show you what that looks like if you see here we've used the I screw to connect it to the wall and then we just use this lightweight zinc coated wire and that's all they need to hold on to that avoids the need for any kind of built trellis and you just really don't need this fairly lightweight vine so you don't need any massive support structure now if you look at this you'll see that it's it's pretty bare down here at the bottom what I tell people is when this starts to happen one of the things you can do is you can come in and make a few cuts down at the bottom to encourage some lower growth because I've got a hydrangea over here I'm not that worried about it but I would like it if that spot right in there was filled in better instead of all this growth up on top so that's just a matter of how much work you want to do this needs a bad trim there's a video there's a little hummingbird checking it out hey there check him out Wow curious so the main reason people like this is they've got an evergreen vine that you can use as a cover on a wall or on a wood fencing or something like that and also obviously the bloom these bloom pretty early probably March April May depending on how early in the season it gets warm and the fragrance is very intense very sweet smelling different than the star Jasmine that a lot of people are used to and if you have a situation where you want to client have a client that wants fragrance this is certainly a great opportunity to use this plant and then in conjunction with star Jasmine because their bloom cycles follow one another this finishes blooming usually by May and then right after that in June star Jasmine starts to kick in so they're kind of nice together along with gardenias those three are a nice fragrance trio that I've used on a number of occasions so what I'd say about this is just know that it's gonna ramble I've seen it crawling all over the ground in certain applications and you really want to make sure it's got something to hold on to on a vertical surface otherwise this thing is going to just take over and the other thing that's good about this set this situation is there's a way to contain it it really doesn't have anywhere else it can go except the wire that I've provided for it and up here in the roof so yeah make sure that however you situate this thing you think about what what it could do and where it could go and whether you're providing you're creating too much maintenance for the person who you're your using this for so that's the pink Jasmine very nice vine especially for fragrance nice deep green evergreen color kind of an interesting leaf there but just make sure you understand what its potential is to spread because that can become a real headache if you put it in the wrong spot secondly on the maintenance you'll see that they're still still some dead flowers on there the thing is is you can usually take this plant off pretty good and most of those will fall off so the maintenance on it isn't too bad but one of the things I do to maintain it as I trim it after the blooms have finished and in that way I'm deadheading at the same time I'm containing the plant and that's what I would recommend is at the end of the bloom around June just come in and do a light trimming like you can see in that video and that's a good way to contain the plant and tighten it up at the same time you clean it up for the season you
Marshall there's a fire okay let's welcome fire let's put out the fire let's go let's go you welcome to ryan toysreview Stone Google what are you doing making fire no Marcos here I mean I'm gonna help you Stone Gruber you're not anyway from this I'm gonna get you this I'm the storm oh mighty let's go surprise toys in my backpack I wonder what's inside my backpack it's right here we will tell Marshall under where else is inside it's an X apprise egg surprise what I wonder what's inside it's a car flying bag Hot Wheels mystery model I wonder what's inside that green car it looks like a flatbed truck it also come with the sticker we're green sticker nice sticker Marshall I wonder what's inside my backpack it's rubble rubble lemme see he's so cute right he's working this way not that way yeah I don't forget this guy's a lair bye Oh
good morning today we're gonna make some cookies nice and good it's a different kind if you want to go on our program you can and this is kids and so we are going to do our little program right now so first we're gonna get a few marshmallows here and then the cord and just about three scoops of Marshburn and then we're gonna get some butter and so you get this better unwrapped try not to get home try not to get it on you kids now if you want to do this ask a grown-up first and so we're gonna get this thing in we're gonna stir now you see how it's making it all yellow and chocolatey this is what's supposed to look like so now we're gonna put all our dough and if there's still more we're gonna wait until it under my cookie too and it's okay if it slides just and gooey tell ya so kids I think thank you there's no one room I think ten scoops of it will go good so now we're gonna put these in the oven now these are what the cookies look like when they come out the oven now we're gonna try it you
all right I'm going to do a video on how I'm gonna wipe all the tires on my bike here now on my car I did the buffing of the white walls I showed you how to do the buffing on my trailer I did the spray paint I was watching another guy's video and he showed how to do the vinyl spray paint which has a better outcome and judging by my front tire it turns out really nice this is just a Yamaha v-star 650 but I want a real classic looks I put the white wall on it and turned out really nice you know I just got to get on using get on doing the back tire now before I started these tires were really really dirty so I took some some easy-off oven cleaner and sprayed it on there and let it sit for about 20 minutes and it took the grime right off cleaning the tires better than anything else I'd used and really prep the area well for putting the vinyl paint on there so right now I got a soaking as you can see there's just a bunch of crud on there I'm going to scrub it a little bit be far rinse it off now the other side didn't come out as well I didn't prep this side as well because the angle of the bike when I cleaned it this side I didn't get it as clean so it's got some bubbles in it and then down here when I pulled the masking tape off I kind of caught the edge so that's I didn't come on as well but going down the road it still looks fine so when I finish up this video it'll probably be dark but I'll get some good shots of it in the daytime all right like I said before you sum up and clear phone open cleaner to clean my wheels and this will get them prepped up nicely so I can paint you as you can see this stuff makes a mess you're just gross a grime coming up these wheels so let that sit ferment and rinse mop okay you know looks pretty clean to me so once that dries you'll be ready to mask off and paint that stuff it's pretty gross whatever you don't get wiped off the cleaner with the road grime in it like it stained my driveway a little bit able scrub it out but this brush here is just a good stiff and brass brush works really good I use on them all my wheels yeah real works good for scrape scrubbing out tires in that alright so far got the side of the tiger masked off the back tire wasn't as easy to wider the front tire have a little more of a lip along the edge of the rim there so I could just lay the tape under it and just fold it over but those had to take a little more time but I'm just using a two inch masking tape on the inside there I'm not too worried about spokes it should be alright pretty good with the spray can and the outside edge I use the liners tape for my smooth edge and I put it right at the edge of where the side wall meets the tread there's a line there it makes it easier and then beyond that I use the one-inch just blue painters tape but I'm out so I'm going to switch over to my good masking tape but so starting to get a little bit dark so I want to hurry up and shoot this before I go any further I go ahead and mask off the finish masking off the other side and then I'll shoot it I'm not too worried about the tread because a couple good turns will rub off any paint that I get up there on the treads so should be good to go all right got all my stuff time shoots McCullar what I'm shooting with is this vinyl paint I don't know if I showed it to you last time but final color this is white vinyl pane plastic coat so supposes supposed to stretch better I did my front tire that seems to be lasting really good the better prep you do the better the outcome is but like this came when I got it was so old the cap was all correct and everything so I don't know how long the store had this but it seemed to be working out so good so far so good so we'll see what see how it turns out it should be good that's good to me I'm going to apologize ahead of time for the noise but they're building the house across the street there it is all done put back together and went ahead and just waxed her let's go missed a couple spots well looks good nice classic look for low money on my Yamaha so don't have to have a Harley to have Wyatt walls
today on Rhys Dixon it's time to start this year's new Christmas tree and we're going to start with a pom pom Garland hey everybody its Teresa with re6 ENCOM so every year or so I create a new Christmas tree because I'm a little bit nutty like that and this year we're going to have eight Christmas trees up throughout my house and I've made all the ornaments you can find most of the ornaments here on my youtube channel but this year I really struggled to find a theme that I was really excited about I had all these ideas but nothing was just really motivating me so I went onto Pinterest and I just started researching everything that I liked and kind of used that to coalesce a whole theme that I was going to work with so this year's themed tree is a vintage 60s Christmas tree so if you think 60s you might think like peace signs and psychedelic you know that's not the direction we're going we are going a little closer to madmen a little closer to vintage traditional something that you know your grandparents had in their house so we're going to start with this pump pump Garland because if you've watched my video on how to decorate a tree you know you always start with the garland so this one is a little bit of a hassle because it keeps trying to tangle up but if you've ever done a popcorn garland then you can do this it's the same basic principle and I would recommend that you learn from I just you can just count on me to go to big every time you can just set your watch by me going too big so this is a lot because as you can probably see as I'm messing with that it loves twists on itself and get tangled up into a great big mess so if you keep your Garland's like arm's width and maybe just about yeah just about there's a really good width because it's big enough to go around the widest point of the tree um and then you can just put another one next to it nobody has to see where it stops and starts but you don't have to deal with a great big tangled mess so I just made mine big in part because like I said I can't help myself but also because I've done stuff like this a lot and so um I'm well practiced at but if you are not and especially if this is some of your first try tying these kind of knots do yourself a favor I'm going small so don't don't get distracted by all of the stuff I'm throwing around here aim smaller you will thank me okay so here's how we're going to start all you really need for supplies are a whole mess of pom-poms a needle and thread the thread you use is important because you need something that's thin enough to allow you to thread it on a needle but thick enough so that when you tie a couple knots in it it'll be the knot will be big enough to hold the pom-pom in place so you really want something that's like a yarn or like this crewel embroidery thread you can find this in the aisle in the embroidery aisle and they look like big Hank's of rope that typically are on display close to the embroidery thread but this is much thicker and a lot stronger you really want something that can hold up to the branches if it does get tangled something that's not gonna whoa it's not going to snap on you seems fine this is so you thread your needle on it and then you need to start by tying your first knot so this is just a square knot if you have ever been in the Girl Scouts you are all set you know exactly what to do but you're just gonna cross the loose end over onto itself okay so you're crossing and then you go over and through like so you've made this knot before you know you have you just didn't know what you were making okay so then you cross it again the other way and if you don't cross either the way it's really not the end of the world for this particular project and you want to have that second knot land directly on top of the first knot because that's what will make it big enough so that the pom-pom won't slide around so in order to do that I have my first knot like right where those threads cross that's where I want my first my first knot to be oh just defect am I getting my fingers involved okay so I'm going to use my fingernails to just kind of push that knot as I pull the threads so that I can direct it exactly where I want it to land right on top of that second knot and now that's big enough to hold that pom-pom in place so then you take your needle and we thread it through your pom-pom now if you squish the pom-pom you can feel a little bit of a firm Center that's where you want to aim for because if you just go through the fluff then the needle will pop right out so you want that firm Center so that will hold the thread in place and then you just thread it on your thread I already added a whole bunch a whole mess to this and I've been hard at work you can see with that first knot you tied you just bring this pom-pom all the way to the end and it rests on that knot and then to keep it from traveling up the thread the other direction you tie another knot right at the other side of it so that it's just kind of squished between those two knots so that that pom-pom isn't going anywhere so then you just do that over and over and over and over again now the first few knots you tie are pretty easy because you just got the short end of the thread but once you're like this it's a lot to keep track of so let me show you my secret you take your hands and wrap the thread around it like that and then cross and kind of spread your fingers out to create a big hole and then you'll pull all of your pom-poms through my son okay turns out this is kind of hard to do backwards so that you can see it so if I'm making it look complicated I promise it's really not it's just a little bit fiddly and like I said I'm trying to do it without looking at it so that you can see it so okay let me try one more time just to make sure that I'm really showing you correctly so I'm going to take all of my garland pom-poms here and hold them in one hand cross those two threads and then you just shove all the Garland's through that that great big hole you made with your hands and then make it so that they don't get hung up on that I just got to get one more through there there we go and then you pull that tight then you do that again and again and again and I promise you when you're actually looking at it and not trying to do a backwards it'll be super easy I just did a ton of these while I was watching television so after a while it just becomes rote so let me make that a little bigger I'll just pull all those through again there you go so if you're getting stuck just make your hole bigger and it can help to just like bunch up everything that's already done in one hand like just bunch it like that you'll make a tangled mess but you'll only have to untangle it once when you're done remember to get that second knot right on top of the first one like so and then you bring your pom-pom down and tie another one right there so like I said over and over and over again until you have the garland looking just the way you want now this color in particular is so bold on the tree I'm going to be doing Garland's that are white pom-poms as long as along with the red ones to try to make it like fun and interesting and not just like wow that's a lot of red so I'm gonna be mixing it up with all kinds of other things as well but I love that the tone of this sets for the tree as really fun and retro and traditional you can't get much more traditional than pom-poms I just love them and I think that this is going to look gorgeous on the tree I cannot wait to show you what else I have in store so be sure and subscribe so that you don't miss anything for this fantastic vintage 60s tree made with all modern ingredients subscribe to the channel I said that part already helped me out by sharing these videos that is such a huge help to me you guys don't even know and we'll see you next time bye bye
hi and welcome to how to draw it with doodle cat one today I'm going to show you how to draw a really simple cartoon flower and it's really simple so but it was a popular request so first you start out by drawing a circle well it's actually more of an oval and then you're gonna want to draw some dots inside of it that fill up the whole circle then you're going to want to draw some petals that look like that and you're gonna want to draw them halfway around the flower like that and then when you done with the petals you're going to want to draw the last petal which is just a curve to line there like that then you're going to want to draw the stem which is between these two petals here off to the side and then after that you're gonna want to draw a leaf which is just a line there and then the bottom line and this first line is a little longer than the second line and then you can just connect a second line there then you draw another line that's in line with this line so it's the same curve as that first line there then you just add two smaller lines on each side and that is how you draw a cartoon flower thanks for watching and be sure to check out my website which is tests in the doodle cat store and my blog so check it out and be sure to comment on the comments box giving me suggestions I want to draw an X because I'm always looking for suggestions so requests away and thank you for watching
Hi I'm Daphne Richards and this is Auggie. Our question this week is about cutting back unruly primrose jasmine. Several viewers contacted us about this recently and this is a question that I get every winter, when overgrown primrose jasmine really stands out in a landscape. And not in a good way. The sprawling shrub is very beautiful, but it does require regular maintenance pruning to keep it in shape. It grows very quickly, making it a popular choice for new landscapes. But with its mounding growth habit, the interior of the plant can very quickly become a gnarly mess, cutting off sunlight from the interior of the plant, almost completely. Without sunlight in the interior, the plant has no need for leaves there, so primrose jasmine often ends up a mass of twisted woody branches with just a facade of leaves and flowers. If primrose jasmine gets completely out of control give it a hard pruning, even back to the ground if necessary. With its aggressive growth habit, it should return fairly quickly and will be much healthier. But it will get very quickly out of control again if you don't put it on a regular maintenance schedule. Hard pruning is best done in late winter, but for a plant that's completely out of control you can cut it back at any time. Primrose jasmine shoots out very long draping stems similar to brambling plants like blackberries. After a hard pruning, allow the shrub to grow back to about the height you want it to stay, then stay on top of pruning those brambling new shoots before they become unmanageable. Our plant this week is purple hyacinth bean. This fast growing annual vine is a great addition to any garden spot where you need dramatic effect. The heart shaped leaves contrast nicely with the delicate lavender flowers. If supported by a trellis, purple hyacinth bean normally grows to about fifteen feet tall. You can also allow purple hyacinth bean to grow up and over other structures in the garden such as fences and pillars in a much less formal way. Purple hyacinth bean is in the same family as garden beans and its growth habit is very similar, but the gorgeous magenta bean pods formed on this plant are ornamental only, because the seeds are poisonous if ingested. The best way to plant purple hyacinth vine is from seed - directly in the garden in mid-spring. Plant seeds about a foot apart, or a little closer and water regularly. Once the seeds germinate, be sure to keep the soil moist until they can form enough root mass to be more water efficient. Flower buds will begin to form in early summer and will continue all the way through fall. The fragrant flowers are very attractive to bees and butterflies. Purple hyacinth bean should be watered regularly, but don't over water, especially if you have heavier clay soil. If left on the vine until maturity, the bean pods will dry and fall to the ground, so if you don't want purple hyacinth bean to self seed for next season, harvest those pods and save them to plant where you want them next spring. You'll also have plenty of seed to share with family and friends. Just one or two plants can cover a lot of area, so you don't need many seeds to re-establish. Our viewer picture this week is from Jennie Ostertag, who created this stunning branch trellis. The posts are large cedar branches and the cross pieces are alternating cedar and crepe myrtle. All taken from Jenny's own backyard. She loves to repurpose things and you can find her instructions on our blog. We'd love to hear from you, so please, head on over to to send us your projects, plants, and questions from your garden.
hey good morning good morning so my stem just woke up and like go ahead talk is your sim hmm your video hey you take it yeah okay I can't do deus wait now I'll get it I cannot you a cake how are you no do not give my face in it guess what what whatever I yeah my 1 i'm not gonna plays it Colton I want you to get on that you do a workout you are idiot aren't you you need a job don't let me have one I'll buy sell anymore I'm gonna rock with it Baker no well you're getting my face in it alone aren't you you're putting your face in it well get up here need yep I'm a criminal and I want to work at be very your criminal I don't give a crap I'm gonna head up here quit job I'm gonna quit no law jobs huh no like the second time he quitted you shop no its third for you to first time I was an NBA player then I quit the MBA that's like the steepest choice ever with a crime ow she's foolish she made me move my foot have dare please do not put that back on the tray so you're hey guys you want here this is going out to the world now no this is a pizza store a troll old video okay one day one day I said it was to what I pussy to roam on that one Oh see well I put back on the train do not eat that one she ate him almost all and t8 that one heels video and didam skidding video ended story time yay another story time please please no more storied I got your horrible story tower I'm gonna story time okay tell me an amazing story okay one day turn foster hall all-star hit a bed um twinkle twinkle little star hope I hit you with the tester you up a tree so hot I'll keep britain I can die Michael what is the star don't sing that song is annoying baby just like you are now this is a song made up in the first grade ABC was the third order first is third abcdefg barney is miami nice stick the shotgun at this but pull the trigger now he's done done that blow up I'll guy my parents Reverend no I don't want to keep my job I want to quit it I do not want to be a criminal Hannah that's disgusting I'm not eating that pizza roll monka I ate one that I'm learning the one that would you meet oh I would shove all over my mouth for had to I assure that's yours mm-hmm okay okay that's nothing for horny girls never mom yours is boring there's a boring video not like it's not like got simulator when you you got crown the devil go absolutely check that video out and subscribe yeah I'll do it please don't tell me you eat this one I don't okay good okay let's kick on by the way have met her gamertag is scrum far they already know oh I'm very sorry let's go back to goat simulator yay okay I mean like I'm gonna stop the video right your guys num1 dude never won on goat simulator part 2 of cookie so make sure you check that one out also I'm a part 1 i've dealt something order was cookie i'm sorry i don't know how to put links in the description yet but soon I'll be able two day by and see you later guys look to in a few minutes and by
hi I'm Kelly Geller today we're going to be making a sour cream coffee cake so we're going to start with a spray some nonstick cooking spray and this kind of gives us some glue that the parchment will stick to so we have two sheets that are cut to the size of the pan with a little extra for overhang so we're going to press this down and literally glue it in there okay and we're going to give this one more spray on the bottom so the next layer of parchment sticks we're going to press that in pull that over give it a little crease so it stays out of the way now the next thing we're going to do is spray it again and we're going to flour the parchment and that's going to allow the parchment to be easily removed from the cake so this is a traditional creaming method batter and that means we're going to start out with butter and sugar in the bowl of our standing mixer and we're fitted with the paddle attachment here the butter is softened but not warm and all that means is we're going to combine them mix them together for about three minutes okay our creaming stuff is complete so we have a nice smooth uniform mixture of butter and sugar in the bowl nice and light and fluffy the next step is going to be to add our eggs now today we're going to be using two whole eggs in two egg yolks so we're going to add these one at a time and letting them move coorporate before you add the next now we're going to add our flavoring to the mix so we're going to be using vanilla extract and orange zest we have the Lauren the zest of about two oranges here and then we're going to turn the speed up a little to make sure that those flavors are totally incorporated into the butter sugar and eggs okay we're going to take a minute to scrape down our Bowl here to make sure the batter stays completely uniform you end up with any strange chunks of butter or holes that have whole pieces of butter chunks of flavoring you're not going to get a favorable result we want it all incorporated okay so the next step in the creaming process is to alternately add our dry ingredients and our sour cream which is a key ingredient in this cake and what keeps it completely moist and it also lends us wonderful acidity to the flavor so for our dry ingredients we have all-purpose flour cake flour baking soda baking powder insult and what we're going to do is whisk our dry ingredients together and we're going to add them to our batter in three additions alternating with our sour cream will start and finish with the dry ingredients and add sour cream in between this will allow us to build the body of the cake without making it too tough or over mixing it now that our batter is complete we're going to work on our crumb topping this crumb topping is going to go on top and in the center and what we're going to use is a mixture of all-purpose flour brown sugar some spice cinnamon and nutmeg some kosher salt and actually a little bit of leavening too because we're using this in the center of the cake we wanted a little bit of leavening so it doesn't get too heavy and the cake still rises so all our dry ingredients are going to go into our food processor okay and we want to get all our dry ingredients combined before we add the butter so we're going to put the top on and just pulse to combine and now we're going to cut the butter it's cold butter that I've cubed we want to pulse it until it resembles coarse sand okay so we've got a mixture it resembles coarse wet sand or clumpy wet sand okay and what we're going to do now is we're going to layer this mixture with our batter in our pan so we have our prepared pan that we set aside and we want to start by putting half the batter in the pan so what I like to do is rather than try to figure that out from top to bottom I like to make it just a cut down the center of the bowl and scoop out one half to make this easier to spread I like to take kind of big clumps and place them at different places in the pan that way when it comes time to spread them out some of your work has already done for you and we're going to spread this into the pan a nice even layer now what we're going to do is add half of our crumble topping which is also a filling into the pan I love the visit that this mixture doubles as our topping and as our filling and we've got that little bit of leavening in there so as this mixture softens in the center of the cake it's going to stay real moist and become a nice cinnamon swirl next step we're going to do the rest of our batter right over the top so again using that technique where we add a little bit of batter all over the pan makes it easier to spread and then we're going to do our second spreading here okay and now for our topping so we're going to use what's left in the bowl here should be about half your mixture we're just going to crumble it up using our fingers great okay we're ready for the oven we're going to bake this at 350 degrees for about 50 to 60 minutes or until skewer inserted in the center comes out clean so our cake is out of the oven we've let it cool for 30 minutes and now we're going to slice into it we're going to grab the sling that we created in the parchment paper sling let's you lift it right up out of the pan with ease which is great makes it a little easier to cut okay we're just going to slide our knife under pull the slice out look at that beautiful cinnamon swirl setting right in the center so that little bit of leavening that we added in the recipe keeps it from sinking all the way to the bottom so we're just going to plate this up and if you want you can add just a little bit of powdered sugar to the top gorgeous is that alright and there you have it sour cream coffee cake with a nice cold glass of milk
denham painted harley-davidson motorcycles are a world apart from gloss finish white so cleaning their silky matte finishes requires a special approach with a product developed specifically for that purpose here it is hardly denim paint cleaner just spray it on and it goes right to work it's scientifically formulated to lift away dirt fingerprints and oils as it evaporates it's safe for all surfaces of your bike just wipe it off gently with a microfiber cloth and you're dumb what could be simpler and here's some advice heavily soiled surfaces should be washed with Harley Sun wash bike soap and water before application and never buff denim painted surfaces as this did Mario finished by giving it a polished look so be kind your denim finish and treat it gently with hardly Davidson denim paint cleaner you
let me show you a bit of the inside excuse me for me just I'm just going to go on solve the on of these guys pack I got someone cut my throat chillin chips cut my throat Oh hot hottie Tottie it really put too much thought into how I wanted these really to lay in here so guess where the chips fall flower they made because they can always lay a couple over the top if they're not laying how I want them to kind of want to get into that corner like maybe I'm more rounded one sort of into that corner I don't know here like that okay I'm not going to do any more because this movie is getting like super dating long I'm soon the coolest one end and I'll just come back for another part what the rest of this cats that glue is hot all right later tater so here's a shot with the inside finished kind of hard to tell when to stop because I didn't want you to be able to seat underneath them so I added a couple more so it looks a little more poufy on one side but cool effect has almost look like a quote work sort of thing and I made up my mind that the inner card was going to have this red paper on it to pull that red back in because once I put this on top the only red you're seeing is around the border and that little flower so I want to pull the red back in so I'm going to put that on the inside I'm just going to I'm going to glue that on yeah I'll glue it on the side and I'm not going to make you watch that boring part but I'm going to glue it on and then I'm going to cut around the outside just to remove the excess paper oh I forgot to shut off my computer well I'm not going to worry about that noise just wanted to show you that i had this cutout and then i'm going to edge will distress kind of the edges in that black to pull it all together make it look like the rest of that really like this paper i was i was going to do some stamping but i'm just doing with the paper speak on this one because it's just so pretty it all goes together so there i'm getting really close to being down whoo-whee hacks i really don't want it like a number four five six it's getting a bit ridiculous so yeah it's getting there that's going to be the top ok back to the drawing board get to finish how I figure out how I want to finish it i've decided that in the inside i'm going to do something at a quote and add in I've already started making it I just punched it on put some acetate in there it's going to be it's going to be I see I quite sure if i'm going to put something in this right away oh I decorated the inside to of paper and cool not sure I'm not sure what I'm going to put on the outside banner but something is going to be on a little banner alluding to what's inside and this is the face of a watch and I really want either the outsider the inside to say our love is timeless and so this is going to be the timepiece I'm not sure exactly how I'm going to make it yet but you know that's how I roll I really need a back into this because I want to make it what kind of 3d so I got another one that's about the same size I want to pop that up with pop pop dots of some sort i use a roll it's just really great place up north that I know that I can get this role of thick you know so I don't use the squares and stuff and I can cut this to any shape or size I want and it's in minocqua woodruff around there and you get it for a dollar at their ace hardware dollar store it's amazing stuff so I'm going to use this to pop that up I'm going to put a face on the back somehow i don't know hands maybe not sure if i want to draw numbers but that's where i'm at so I'm a film part of that I may not I have to work on it okie dokie artichokie pretty sure I'm going to run out of room on my camera so I just want to quickly so that I got this finished it fits it closes this part is nearly nearly finished the insights finished the outsides finished I got that the face of the watch the timepiece made and I just glued a couple of pieces of paper together to make the watch part and i took some leftover part from this and i just bent it around itself like this and glued it whoa to a close sorry okay around like that and end up like this and that's going to go around the watch on the flat side so that this part can come around and go into it like a watch catch usually has and I'll glue that down later and put a couple of holes in here and then this will sit on top and somehow I want to embellish this so it's not so bland but that's going to sit on the inside so I'm gonna load this up I'm gonna put this together in to the fourth video and then I'm gonna do one more and i'm done i'm gonna wrap it up okay thanks for sticking with me i think this is really gonna turn out cool i'm happy with it i hope you are too and yeah that's it so wrap it up and head to the fifth one thanks for sticking with me bye bye you
now one of the errors I made in the original painting of the wheel is I used the color green as embarrassing because I should know better I've done this already made the mistake of making it the same color as the bike the metallic color well when I put the whole bike together I really didn't like the look the metallic color doesn't show up as much as a color that's nonmetallic and if you look in the Sun at a metallic color and a non metallic I'll take a red and a metallic red they look totally different that the shape changes the contrast changes so what I did first I'll always admit you're wrong I went down look at his paint it's all on my glove already went down to Gavin's and bought a half a pint of the other color green that I had what I had done is taken a piece of the old wheel striping tape just to see if I liked it showed it to a bunch of people everybody liked it so now what I'm gonna do is paint that stripe on and when I change the back wheel next time we change your tire or maybe if it snows or whatever I'll just do it and that'll be the end of it but anyway we've got this primed and I just thought I'd share this because what this is going to allow me to do is just put a piece of eighth inch tape right along the edge and we'll have no tape it'll be all paint covered we're clear buffed out now I know what color like this is going to take at least three coats so there's no point no point pretending we're going to do it in one coat I see that and boy having this real balance in it let's get funky the credit for for donating that it has really served us well now what I'll do is I'll put one coat on wait about 15 minutes put another coat on but it'll ultimately get three coats because I want this real strength to be super bright and it really is a problem it's embarrassing because it's something from my years of design and paintwork I should know better to get that contrasting color but but it's more important that in the end we have this right now that black wheel to redo it a stripe on it and put a little more clear when I'm doing a tire change with me much at all and this may be the most expensive wheel stripe in the world because I had a blyat fine a pain Oh let me just if the deal with our antique tripod here having that wheel mount that is so so convenient the prime I sanded out the prime reprime dit we've done a really good job of cleaning this wheel up and all of this area inside there shows it's unbelievable now because it's a rainy day you really can't paint any clear or anything I thought I could get that done I want to show something because these are little things you make mistakes you think you learn from your mistakes and in my case sometimes you don't let me just turn a light on here now if you look at the Rd wheels that yellow contrasts nice with the black if you look at the r-1 wheels and you almost can't see it it's too dark of a color so when we do the r1 wheels which I was thinking of making them MV Agusta silver that's some future time here's the wheel what that's gonna replace no stripe at all button in the back and let me kind of wiggle back here and show this this the metallic color look at a metallic color anytime you have metallic it's bright here down here it's not so bright right well that's what happens with the wheel stripe when you put the bike out into some look you almost can't see it I mean it's the air and everything but I was disappointed anyway I will not be disappointed again and I was thinking next time we do a tire change on Rob's bike I'd put some kind of a wheel stripe I'll see what he likes on that anyway you would think I would know better confession is good for the soul but again some of the little projects we've had recently these mirrors Wow Kalon if you only see do well he's gonna see him tomorrow in real life they really look great I and they work boy that is so such a unique thing mirrors that work but sooner or later we're going to have that wheel in black with the real green stripe on it I think it's really gonna look outstanding and again with this wheel so you see in here and I never realized when I did that wheel I sanded all this and I did all this work on us but I never noticed you see in there it's it's like a mistake on my part and very soon we're gonna be starting on and this will be interesting to glens track bike which I'm sure he's going to be doing some kind of a tribute to Larry the Tori - and we've been saving up all our old wheels and tires and who knows what the cushions are drying everything is drying out here two Ferraris are drying but boy it's a gloomy day I really wish we could have painted some clear today just not happening and it's boat actually was supposed to rain all day today that's the other point of this see when you don't have us you don't have a spray booth you got to work around the weather well if you look at it from here you'll see that stripe I think will be just right it'll be bright enough actually that stripe might look that color stripe might look good on the r1 I don't know well we don't know anyway that thing about metallic and nonmetallic paints that's a significant thing and I paid the price for making that mistake
hi I'm Stacey Mahalo and today I'm going to show you how to make a Dutch apple pie topping first you're going to need your apple pie and if you want to learn how to do that just click here it's the first thing you're going to need is a half a cup of brown sugar and a half a cup of butter you are going to add that to your bowl just mix those together flour and then you're going to mix that together alright so once it's all incorporated like that you're just going to put this all over your apple pie to crumble so just crumble it all over its kind of place it anywhere you want just over the apples okay so I just spread my topping all over my apple pie but if you want you can wait until your mixture cools and you can crumble with your hands it's just a much messier approach but it tastes just as good so we're going to pop this in the oven and we set our oven to 425 we're going to leave it in there for 10 minutes and then we're going to reduce our heat to 350 and then we're going to bake it for 50 to 60 minutes and that's it that's all there is to it so if you want to learn more great recipes click on these links here and don't forget to subscribe to Mahalo bacon and also if there's a recipe you'd like to see send your request to request at Mahalo calm
[Music] hi everyone welcome back to my channel today I am going to show you how to make this really pretty yet very simple and easy to make a paper banner all you will need are very basic tools that you likely already have at home if you want to see how this is done please keep watching these are the materials that you will be needing for this project cardstock paper these cardstock paper I bought from Michaels they are from the recollections brand you don't need to use the same cardstock paper that I'm using just any paper that's a little stiffer or you can even use construction paper if you like and then I grabbed some tissue paper because I wanted to add a little bit more to the better than just having the plain colored paper I will be adding the tissue paper directly on top of the banner pieces and I will be showing you how to do that later on in this tutorial next I printed the letters for my banner from the computer because I did not want to write the letters by hand directly onto my banner my writing is not that neat and by printing them off from the computer I think there will be a lot more consistent in terms of size and shape and style I chose the font face called phosphate on Microsoft Word I chose this font because it is nice and bold plus with the hollowness of each letter I find that it will really stand out against the plain cardstock paper plus now they really match my tissue paper and of course you will need a pair of scissors to cut the letters out a ruler to measure the size of your banner pieces a hole puncher to punch holes at the top of your banner pieces so you can string them all together into your one big banner and lastly hemp cord or twine or yarn or even really skinny ribbon that you can use to string to your banner pieces I decided to go with him gorgeous because I have it at home and I love how the twine and hem cords look they really give a rustic feel to the entire project and sorry guys I forgot that you also need glue of some sort to glued the letters onto your banner background to start I am now cutting each individual letters out making sure I do not leave any white space around each letter [Music] and now we will take the colored cardstock paper I am going to divide this sheet into four sections and that is roughly the right size for each of these individual letters to stick on so here I just took my ruler and my pencil measured how big my sheet of cardstock paper is and pretty much just divided that sheet into four equal sections and now I'm just taking my ruler and going up the center of each of these sections I went up around five centimeters or so this is where I draw the center point drawing the triangle making the two points of each pennant taking my pair of scissors I am now going to cut that pennant out I am going to use this one as a guide to cut the rest of the pennant [Music] I now have six of these pennants for my banner for my word Cheers so depending on the number of characters you have for whatever banner you are making make sure that you have the same number of Penance as well I cut out four of the light green and two of the darker green because two of these I will be covering with the tissue paper I showed you earlier so it doesn't really matter what color I use as a base and here I'm just ordering them into the color order that I would like and here is the glue that I forgot to show you at the beginning of this video so you will need glue to glue down the letters duh and I like to use double-sided tape because tape is really thin it won't show underneath the letter and you don't have to wait for to dry I can remember where I got this but I'm sure can't find any double-sided tape dispensers at Michael staples or even Dollar Stores so taking the double-sided tape I will start to tape down the letters on to the pennants now for the next pennant I want to use the tissue paper so then I use the pennant to trace the same shape cutting a layer of tissue paper and just sticking that on top [Music] go ahead and continue to glue down the letters for the rest of the penis' for the second pennant that I want to use tissue paper I decided to mix things up a little bit and have the lines go horizontal rather than going vertical as in the first one now take your hole puncher and punch in two holes at the top of the pennant one at each corner and you will repeat this for all of the pieces that you have [Music] and we are almost done the last step is just to take your string and string it up remember to leave your string long enough so that you can allow for some space in between each of the pen and pieces go ahead and cut your string tying a loop on both ends of your string [Music] and there you have it this is the final look of the banner thank you for tuning in guys I will see you in the next video
Hey guys, it’s Ro! Welcome to another Nerdy Nummies! As you know, it’s the holiday season, and I’ve been playing League of Legends. So I thought it would be really fun to make the little League of Legends Ginger Bread Sight Wards. If you don’t play the game that’s fine, these are such cute cookies. Let’s get started! The things you will need, will be: 5 1/2 cups of regular flour, 2 sh-ticks of salted butter, 1 cup of molasses, 1/2 a cup of light brown sugar, 1/2 a cup of regular sugar, 1 egg, 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 1/2 tablespoon of ground ginger, 1/2 teaspoon of allspice, 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon of salt. And then for equipment we’re gonna be using a mixer, I’m using a hand mixer, but you can use whatever you’d like. 2 big mixing bowls, a cookie sheet with a pice of parchment paper on top. A sharp cutting knife, and then we’re gonna need 2 cookie cutters, the first 1 is a very small, it’s tear shaped, you don’t need this, just anything with a rounded edge will do and then a ginger bear cookie cutter! Then to decorate we’re gonna be needing red and green M&Ms and some white cookie icing. Now, let’s put it all together! Does this look familiar? I’m a ginger bread ward! This is kind of what they do in the game. The 1st thing that we’re gonna do is take 1 of your mixing bowls and we’re gonna mix together our flour, cinnamon, salt, baking soda, ginger, allspice and the clooooooves, and whisk them together. Now we’re gonna set this aside and mix together our other ingredients. Now in your 2nd big mixing bowl, we’re gonna cream together the butter and the sugar. We’ve got 2 of our butter sh-ticks and we’re gonna add both sugars, we’re gonna add the regular sugar, and the brown sugar. Then you’re gonna mix it up until it’s light and fluffy. Now that we’ve creamed together our butter and sugars, we are gonna add the egg and our molasses. Now get your blender again and we’re gonna mix until it’s well combined. Now that we have our 2 mixtures, we are gonna slowly add our dry ingredients into our wet mixture, I like to add it in 3 parts, so add some, mix it up, add some mix it up, add some, mix it up! Ohhhh it smells so good I can’t wait to eat these! Once you’ve got your dough ready, remember that this recipe… This is a lot of dough, this recipe serves about 2 dozen cookies so it’s really good for friends and family. And if you want to do less cookies, you can just cut the recipe in half, but… I like cookies!!!! So I’m gonna be making the whole thing! Alright, so what you’re gonna do is you’re gonna take a piece of cling wrap and, we’re gonna place our dough down, press it flat. And we’re gonna wrap it up tight and put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to chill. Now that the dough has chilled, we are gonna take a little bit of flour, sprinkle it on top of a flat surface so that your cookie dough doesn’t stick. I’ve divided the dough into 2 parts to make it a little bit easier to roll out. So I’m just gonna take the 1st ball of dough, put it in the middle, take your rolling pin and roll it out. This is how we roll-ohhh-ohhh! Now you’re gonna take the little bear cookie cutter, and we’re gonna cut out our shapes. Then you’re gonna remove the excess dough around the sides. Now you’re gonna take a spatula and we’re gonna move our cookies over to the cookie tray. Now we’re gonna shape these ginger bears to look like little wards! So the 1st thing I’m gonna do is take a little knife, and they have rounded ears, and I’m going to cut them to be pointed. Now we’ve got to shape the little arms, the little ward, his arms are a little bit up, so you’re just gonna re-shape them to be a little bit up. And if the cookie cracks a little bit in the armpit right here, that’s OK, because we’re gonna make a cut there next. So now, you’re gonna take your knife again and gonna cut… Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo! Now for the bottom you can leave it like this because this looks very similar to the video game, or if you want to get a little fancy, you can use that tear shaped cookie cutter, or anything with a rounded edge. And you go right here, right at the bottom, in between his 2 little legs, and then press the little feet, to round them. Now that our cookies are cut out, we are gonna put these in the freezer for 10 minutes to chill so that while they’re baking they will keep their shape. And we’re gonna put them in the oven for 350 degrees for 9 minutes. Once your cookies are done baking and they’ve had plenty of time to cool, now it’s time for my favorite part, time to decorate! The first thing that you’re gonna do is you’re gonna take a red and green M&M and we’re gonna cut them in half. Then take a little bit of your white cookie icing, I just put it in a plastic bag with a number 2 tip at the end to have a little bit more control. And, we’re just gonna put a little bit of frosting on the chocolate side of your M&M, and we’re gonna place it onto the cookie, right at the bottom. Then take 1 half of the green M&M, put a little frosting, and do the same. Now that we’ve got all of their little buttons on, now we’re gonna make their noses using same technique but you’re gonna use all red M&Ms, and then stick it right on his face. For the final step we’re gonna decorate with our white cookie icing, you’re gonna make an outline all around the Ginger Bread Ward, and add a little bit of details. Ta-da! Here are the homemade Ginger Bread Ward Cookies that we made today! I absolutely love this gingerbread recipe, I will be posting lots of pictures on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram, so you can check out pictures there! And if you guys end up making these, please send me photos, I just get a big kick out of seeing your baking creations. Or, if you make any other geeky ginger bread themed cookie, I would love to see it! If you guys have any other ideas for any other Nerdy Nummies, please let me know, leave me a comment down below and I will do my best to make it happen. Alright, thanks you guys! Bye-Bye! And Happy Holidays! I’m gonna go, take this milk and my cookies and curl up on the couch! See ya later! Heeeeeeeee! Ah, do I look like him at all? Molly whaddya fink?
hey what's up guys today I'm gonna show you guys a to a very very simple apple crumble but first I've been on this sort of yogurt kick lately and it's you know for a long time it's hard to find sort of a decent you know thick yogurt at your local grocery store and over the last few years you know yogurt brands have been competing and they you know Greek yogurt has sort of prevailed as the predominant yogurt brand or style of yogurt that most brands are sort of going to the reason being is because Greek yogurt the way they make the yogurt it's usually they strain most of the the liquid out which is the way that the water by-product from from all the curd from doing that you you yield a product that's really rich really creamy has a you know less of the liquid in it so it's like I said it's very thick and creamy sort of a dense yogurt it's higher in protein a slightly higher in fat but it really has a great flavor profile so anyways I'm going to be using that in conjunction with this apple crumble and it's just gonna be absolutely delicious enjoy and have fun making this apple crumble at home so the first thing I'm going to do is start peeling and dicing my apples but I do recommend using a Fuji apple for this recipe just because they don't break down as easily as other apples and they just don't turn to mush if you cook them so in this bowl of course I have my diced Fuji apples some brown sugar a little bit of corn starch some ground cloves ground cinnamon and ground nutmeg and I'm just gonna throw this into a pot start cooking so I'm going to cook this Apple mixture for about 20 to 25 minutes on medium heat and it will dry up occasionally from time to time so just throw a tablespoon of water in when it dries up the apple crumble that we're all used to is usually topped with a little bit of whipped cream or vanilla ice cream here I'm going to replace it with some Greek yogurt a little bit of vanilla bean and some sugar whip it up and it'll be a great topping for this apple crumble I you guys are wondering where I got this crumble topping and I'm sure you guys are just click on the link and I'll take you to a video that I posted a bite a while back where I use this same crumble topping on a cherry crumble hope you guys enjoyed this video and Happy Holidays oh my gosh okay you
if you've ever wanted a rusted motorcycle gas tank all you need to do now you need are these four things hydrogen peroxide distilled white vinegar a spray bottle optional and table salt so what I did is I took ten ounces of hydrogen peroxide four ounces of vinegar and about 1/2 ounce of salt and put it in a spray bottle shook it all up and so far I've applied in three or four coats on to the gas tank and I have been letting it air dry and so it's coming out really well it's giving the gas tank cap cool patina as well yeah it's very simple you just need clean metal and that's it really some clean metal and good to go so just making a little video and showing how to how to rust a gas tank that is looking for about an hour and couldn't really find much so I just went at it and did it and there you go he's watching
we're going to show you how to make some pretty crepe paper Garland's and you can make them for your little girl and you can make a matching one for their dog or toy now just making out of crepe paper you can use whatever crepe paper colors or designs you like and crepe paper is great because it has a bit of a stretching this to it all you really need is some aquatic tubing it's just plastic tubing it's quite fine and it's really nice and soft to wear on your head a little girl or a little boy you can probably make all different ones we just get a piece of crepe paper and we just cut about an inch off this has already fell looking no this is about this has been folded up and it's about two meters in length but just basically if you don't have enough you just fold some more and you can just cut some more as you go but that was a that worked about quite well for me and then you just take a pair of scissors and do some small cuts like this about halfway along because you want to leave a decent amount along here because that will be your sort of bit to wrap around on the headband so you just keep cutting like that I've already cut some all the way along so it's kind of fanned out and then you just find the beginning bit and just gently using the best to start from them stronger because you'll find that the fragile it's very fragile up there in bits and you just kind of undo it just keep holding it until you've got it unwrapped it's pretty easy and you can either unwrap it all or a little bit at a time now don't worry if you do get a couple of bits caught it might actually matter because they overlap a bit so you won't really notice you don't have to go oh my do I have to do that again you just have to just have to sit up over that a little bit more in this but so then you'll end up with something like this now I'm going to take this so that the fluffy end is towards the end of the tubing and that just means it's much easier for us to wind it on now I've deliberately left a little bit of blank tubing here so that we can come back and join it up later but then it's just really easy all you have to do is overlapping as you go just wind the tissue the tissue the crepe paper and as I say crepe paper is best to use for this because it has a bit of stretch tissue paper wood you could use it but it would break quite easily and you'd probably get very frustrated anyway but you can see I'm just twisting it around and around just pull it out a little bit more as we go just just had to stretch it up a bit there view of the camera but you can see what I'm doing let me just stretch it all the way along okay I've now gone all the way around and I've now left a little bit before I get to the end just go to the join ready it's just so easy just push the little delicate back there join it with a piece of sticky tape and you want to wrap it around a few times just to make sure it's secure so I sometimes do one to hold it in place do another one a little bit longer around the join just to secure it a little bit more make sure stucco huh and then know that it's easy to have joined it then I go that last little bit sticky tape and double-sided tape is really good for this too because you can sort of stick it underneath or otherwise you can roll your tape and just stick it on to the very end the other thing you can do is glue it and then that becomes your garland the next thing you need to do is decorate it now I just basically got some glue because I thought that with sharp go a little bit of crepe paper and I folded it into I wanted four flowers like this one folded it into four then I folded it again so it'll be eight pieces and then I cut the shape of the petals that I wanted out or rather these are our petals of leaves I should say peoples of the flower so then we have all of them so we've got a hold up a bunch like that but before I undo them all I just did a tiny little snip where our stamen will go through just a tiny little snip so you can see it's got a little tiny hole in there and we have for ready to go then I've got some red crepe paper and doing the same thing I did before just cutting a piece off and then feathering it but doing it almost to the end this time so it's not got as much of a band at the back just in its finer and just one piece just getting a little tiny piece and then just rolling it rolling it up and then you just get a few of those together and that becomes your statement and I just twist the bottom bit fluff it out a bit and then we just poke it through flour like so and then I use the bottom of this statement to take on to the garland and again you can use double-sided tape you can use glue whatever and I just find a spot on there that I want it and then open it out and then you just put them around I've prepared a few more here and it's good to do some opposite and then opposite then you'll get them pretty much right once you've got your flowers on you'd like a piece of normal string piece now all you need to do is do exactly the same thing as you did before just take a piece of crepe paper and just cut along and instead of having to feather at this time you just don't do it you do it a little bit do you know and these become your ribbons because they again they're really good because they're quite stretchy so I just undid mine quite long so it's about two meters in one but you can make them skinny thank you love any length you like and made sure my ribbons were ready and then I just stitched I looped them through to safely tying them on and you could have done it before put this on and then put a ribbon over flower over the top of it or wherever you like and then because you've got that stretching this you can just do that and then you have your garland with your ribbons blowing simple as that the good thing is you can make them with whatever you like so the same principle applies if you're using a lovely fabric ribbon and maybe you can use some pre-made fabric roses and some pretty ribbon whatever colors that you choose and that also works really beautifully so whatever design and colors you like go for it
was it designed the bird's egg the bird's egg has been called a miracle of packaging why consider while it appears solid the calcium rich shell of a chicken egg can have up to 8,000 microscopic pores these allow oxygen to enter in carbon dioxide to escape an important exchange if the embryo is to breathe yet the shell in several membranes prevent bacteria from infecting the embryo albumin a gelatin-like substance with a high water content gives the egg its ability to absorb shock researchers would like to imitate the structure of the egg to create products with better shock protection and a film coating that could protect fruit from bacteria and parasites however copying nature is not so easy rights Mariana bata dena in vivo magazine attempts thus far she notes have not been environmentally friendly what do you think did this miracle of packaging the bird's egg come about by chance or was it designed
hi there everyone this is Jennifer McGuire and I wanted to show you a fun project that I made for my son to celebrate his first day of kindergarten and it's a paper heart garland this is so easy to do for this I use some of my favorite papers from Bo bunny they're the double-dot paper but you can use any two-sided paper for this so I have some strips here you can pick any lengths you want I did two that are eight inches long and two that are 10 inches long you want to take the two longer pieces put the same patterns together so face to face then put one of the shorter ones face in on the outside and the other short one face in on the other side see the two long ones in the middle and the two short ones on the outside and they're all facing in it really it doesn't matter if they all face the same way but if you are particularly like I tend to be sometimes you know this is the way you can make them all face the same way then I'm using my tiny attacher which is a great stapler from Tim Holtz and I put two staples in the bottom now I'm going to start folding them back so I fold one side back and then the other and I'm lining them all up at the bottom and then the short one on this side and then the long one on this side fold them down and I'm going to meet them all up there at the bottom so I'm just going to tap it on the table so they're all straight against the edge there and I'm going to put staples on the bottom and I'm going to do two on each direction here just to make sure they don't come undone and you can see a great heart that you have formed I love the look of this super fun you could hang these from the ceiling there's all kinds of things you can do so I just wanted to create another to show you so I'm putting the two long pieces back to back or face to face I guess I should say then one short one on one side the other short one on the other side and I'm going to lie you can see that all the four pieces here I just wanted to show you some piano parts you can see but there's two on the outside are the shorter ones and the two on the inside of the longer ones and I put all the ends together even and I put two little staples in with my tiny attacher I like the tiny tetra because they're much smaller staples so you can make smaller hearts if you want to so i'll peel the outside down and then the next one and then on the opposite side also you could do more layers of paper so you can have more hearts within each other or just do one heart within each other lots you can do with this it's really easy to do great way to use up scraps so I'm going to put two more in here and again I'm doing staples in both directions just so I can be sure that the hearts don't come apart so now I'm going to show you how I put all these hearts together into garland to do this I'm just putting them together and let me put staples in the middle now if you're making a super long garland you don't want to do it this way because if you have the weight of a long garland the hearts will kind of get all stretched into these really wide hearts so if you wouldn't want a really long garland I I would suggest putting another strip of paper that just sticks out the top of the heart and connect those little strips together into a long garland but for me this worked out perfectly now I also wanted to add some letters so I cut some letters with my Silhouette and putting some glossy accents on these letters and just sticking them to the front of all of my hearts and so I did call on rocks and made this little garland that I'll put on the front door when he comes home from school now I'm also going to go ahead and squirt some glossy accents in between the insides of these hearts so that they don't get spread apart you could also just put a staple in the center to either works out great it just really depends on how long your garland is in here I've closed a few close-up pictures of my paper heart Garland I hope you give it a try and thanks for watching
hey kids system listen and fly here hope you're well another exciting day in the mission to man cave because today's the day I'm going to protect the paint on the 899 Panigale one of the problems with this bike is that Ducati sublight bizarrely without a top coat of lacquer on the paint and therefore it is very susceptible to scratching up on stone chips and so on lots of owners have complained about that so I've kept this looking very spangly and brand new straight from the factory steel and I've arranged for Tony of Tony James design to come down and apply some 3m protective tape over the bike so hopefully it'll keep it looking in pristine condition for the years to come Tony doesn't want to show his face or talk on camera but it's more than happy for me to film the process so stick around stay tuned and I'll show you how we go about protecting the motorcycle like this with the 3m protective tape so the first thing Tony had to do was remove the existing tank pad with a bit of heat and you've managed to save that and reapply it latest that was great and then clean down the paintwork with some decreasing chemicals just so you start with a super clean bike then their panels get wetted down with a mixture of water and alcohol to make a sort of slip solution and this helps neutralize the adhesive on the film and ensures you don't get fingerprints or other contaminants on it and also you can see that allows you to actually move their film around and reposition it as required the moistures squeegee down using a rubber pad and when tone is completely happy with the positioning and I have to say he's a stickler for accuracy which is great a dries off firm the section concern with a microfiber and that's actually is done my journeys worked as magic you can't easily see where the film has been applied actually it's a you know if you look and you know where it is then you can see it but just the you know the casual glance you wouldn't see it so basically that process then using the slipping agent and just and putting the pre-cut panels is repeated until the whole bike is done on the whole kit is blood it's actually quite fascinating watch Tony in action he's been at this now for four years so he's done one or two bikes and cars in his time he tells me much prefers boxed wines cars be horrid and the great news to me is he's done a lot of panigale as well so he knows what sections are problematic and which ones he needs to do on these bikes every special pieces tones got the ability to design and customize patches on his laptop and then it can precision cut them using a special plotting board armed with a special cut early fans and here's a couple of them special sections he did for the front mudguard I'll just have the lowers done here in Matt and again it just blends in you can't really see that is on there the toast tried all the leading make some protective films in his time the trade was settled on this one which I can't remember what he called it it's not the 3m one but this particular product he thinks ends up giving the bike a slightly deeper shine and more durable finish than the other products when he's done all that and the Box completed he applies various finishes to the to the bike to the black plastic something called G Technic c1 and that brings it up like new and the rest of the paintwork gets something called EXO from G technique which actually provides a sort of a a chemical hard covering okay so there we have it kids best part of a day later and the bikes all done got the protective film on it she looks absolutely fantastic I think Tony's done a top job of it if you're interested to look up Tony Tony James design look him up on Facebook and he'll do a top job is he's a lovely guy very professional and more OCD than I am so it's a really good job but I think it looks great when you look really closely you can see the film but just a casual glance you can't see the films on there and she looks she looks much deeper in shine as well so really pleased with the job is done okay so I hope that's been of interest look forward to speak to you next time until then this has been the mr. newm friar cheerio
hello desert junkies how you doing I hope you are well well last week I asked you to please into my giveaway you had to be a subscriber and you had to leave a comment and telling me where do you live and I found out so much about you guys I found out I have a subscriber in Israel in United Arab Emirates there's a few of you in the UK two in Utah one in I'm probably gonna pronounce this wrong Cockeysville and we had one that came from Tennessee Missouri so thank you guys so much for taking the time and kiting and let me know where you live that feels really good to know that there are so many differences that junkies that I have all around the world and of course we had a competition to win so how am I going to pick this well I'm going to use my laptop right here and I've gone to random dog I've put in that I had 68 comments on my video right now probably one of them's gotta be my own comment but I'm going to put it in get to random numbers out if they're your comments that's he's going to win so um hang-ups it okay hang on we're going to take up the tripod oh my god off the tripod we have random number 52 and 75 so if we go into my little uploads here we go on the video and I'm going to start talking himself I can get copyright on my own itself here we're looking for comment number 52 and 25 well let's go with number 25 first so we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and we'll count people 1 that's me 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 butcher 19 20 we have our winner Lucy B who is from I'm here gonna butcher this how shallow pool in the UK who loves my channel I have such a sweet tooth gratulations you're getting some cookie cutters and number 52 let's go down number 52 well we had like 60 so one two three what paying on one two three you can tell what mass is my strong point let's go with Oh God why don't have big names like this people maro Maria Villa gasps 94 who lives in Denver Colorado in the United States of America so um those people I'm going to comment to you directly please give me your detail so you can get the cooler colors and put this back and put you back on track on this you can make it live much easier this week's video oh not strength don't hit the record button when you try and put it back on the tripod this week's video is an American classic it is really popular in New York I even had it when I went to New York I dragged my friends to Carlo's Bakery from the show Cake Boss to try this bad boy this is my New York style crumb cake okay so first things first we want to will and flour out tray so this is a slice tray it's around 12 by 9 inches or 303 very 30 to 22 centimeters and I've got some oil that'll I've brushed on there and I'm going to flour the sides and then it's going to essentially get our crumb cake out yes I know I touched there oh that's just happens put that to the side now it's time to make the cake portion so we've got some of our plain flour all-purpose flour and make sure that you do see if this you don't get as many lumps because it's really hard to work then we've got our caster sugar and you don't have to super caster sugar mine just had big lumps in it then the baking powder and no that's not a typo there's a lot of baking powder in this because essentially it's going to puff up and hold the crumb coat on top good pinch of salt and pop that to the side then into another bowl we're going to make our eggy mixture or our wet ingredients we've got one egg happy chicken eggs of course then we've got some vanilla now I'm using a concentrated vanilla so it looks like I may not be adding a lot but I am adding the right amount there then we've got our milk and we've got some oil you can use I'm using rice brand oil but canola oil or vegetable essentially oil with no flavor that's what we're going to go for whisk this all together as much as you men can until it's well combined let me speak English good pour that into our flour mixture and then you're going to use a spatula to combine this by folding the mixture once it is all combined then it's time to put it in the tray now this is the fun part so try and get this as even as you can spread out your mixture I end up using a thing called a baker's helper it's like essentially a big piece of plastic or a really big like spatula and squish it out that's where the best way of doing it if much as you can but try makers even as possible and then we're gonna pop that to the side and make a crumb coat so flour and I put the separate measurements per the cake and the crumb brown sugar very well compacted guys so make sure you squish it down and make sure it gets the right amount cinnamon and then a lot of butter a lot of butter Weight Watchers don't approve of this video Sofia recipe let me just tell you that right now then we're going to use your spatula and you're going to make essentially a crumb for this now don't let your crumbs get too big once they sort of start compacting to the like that you are mixed ready to rock and roll so what do you do next you put on the crumbs so you lightly crumb this on top like used to doing a crumble make sure that you try and get this even as possible don't try and work it into one end because essentially the cakes got to puff up and take that crumb with it so there you go bake for 180 325 power and height 25 minutes enjoy thank you so much for watching and we'll see you all next week
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so my honey wants to trail us out here to hold her honeysuckle and we guess this old I guess it's actually a support for an old like an awning that you have in the yard so we're going to do is we are going to drive this into the ground and plant the honeysuckle right in front of okay so after trying a couple of these pledged hammer options this ground is just true a place I guess to count that in well and I couldn't really get a good swing on it so we decided instead just kind of dig a hole Park it in there kind of bury the bottom taste of it there so that it will stay in the ground okay and there's the trellis in the ground with the honeysuckle we kind of intertwined it around there a little bit the hope is that it's going to come all the way up here cover this thing and obviously be full of honeysuckle it's a red honeysuckle which is going to be interesting most honeysuckle we have is the white or yellow and so this would be be pretty in the yard she's going to like to see it and that's where we are so anyway just a little a how to trail of something and not have to spend a lot of money so please hit like hit subscribe we do appreciate it take care
hey ladies this is ecstasy to come to you within the video I went to target today and I found a few things I went to Sephora I got some things in the mail that I had order from coastal scent and I got something from craigslist and we're going to start with target I had got some really cute eyeshadows miss money was saying that they had some things on sale at target so I stopped through there and I got the babbling I maybelline new york I salil so I got this pretty green color no pretty green swirls and 18 sent their own clearance and I got khaki crazed it's a really pretty color and navy narcissist real pretty blue a burgundy color and is called sample cinnamon it's really pretty out like that that's what I have on my eyes and this one is lawless lavender that's a lot of some of the things that I got from Target at sephora they have these little palettes and it is called the island desert and it's a really pretty color with some beautiful colors in it really pretty colors add two pallets really reading holders those are all I got from support and I got soul candi a couple of them to and from coastal sent I got the creative me palette and then if you order 12 more paint of those pie things that go in the palette they gave you a free palette and this one doesn't have a mirror anybody to pick the colors that you want but I pick colors that was so dull I didn't realize it was so close to the credit of me but a few of more different so i got the palette for free and the free power doesn't come with a mirror so that's what i got from postal since i only got one thing from CBS and that was like a gray eyeshadow that was like twitter i was like way at the top and dark gray on the bottom then i got from craigslist yelling was selling her mac products she didn't want she said she did a lot of shopping at the pro store she doesn't wear as much makeup counselor and she doesn't wear as much makeup as she used to so she sold her mac products she gave me a mac khaled his empty of course I got that from her all under one hundred twenty dollars fall is next up I've got eight of the little um shadows that go in it 80 so this is Indian ink it's a real beautiful purple I got a Kelly it's really pretty green real pretty silvery blue is called tilt it's really pretty and I got this one is by old green it's really pretty his beautiful blues called blue plane com something like that I had soaked into go with me cuz you know I don't know what I'm doing so I just had her to go with me make sure I wasn't behind a fake stuff so these are the colors that i got and she gave me two empty pallets which is like this point for shadows and going to eat so this a chili got Philip she get into of those sick this mac pigment so really pretty purple Oh lovely let Lily it's really great purple she gave me this little mac eyeshadow sweet is called shallow the deep and this really prettiest got some really pretty color and and here so I got that and then she had this great color pandemonium on demonium some great colors really pretty and she had this purple mac pigment and one more excuse me and this little mac eyeshadow thing he still has an awesome tag on but a little palette I'll say we're pretty I shuttle colors and they're all these Mac products 129 was on parade since I had sold candy to go with me to make sure that her money wasn't buying something that wasn't for the money so that's my little hard that I got a few days ago some of them I guy today now i also had want to show you some things that i had got off ebay these little you know those little paint pots as you get off ebay and it has those little long eyeshadows in it I can never get these lids open or at half time when they can they would like just burst open half of them were being spilled and shipping so I had a moment of really an idea you know I'm kind of trapped in thrifty so this is what i did this container here was filled every section was filled with both I shadows I could I took them out of there and put them in these little vials so they want the spill proof waterproof and I just go to fill them up with all all the colors some of them has like two or three of them in there that's how much disagrees things hold look at this beautiful blue and these little containers I got off the ebay is filled with all kinds of little vials and this is full of eyes shadow and it's easy to get off you can get your eyeshadow out and pack it on the way you want without messing with those looking tennis those were containers on a kiss some of them the lids cracked open and all that it was just messy all over my makeups think oh god it was office like I bought these off of ebay and they were really really well to store your pigments that the list or not the best that it could be but this is XC 270 with my little haul thanks for watching ladies bye
hello and guru Scott today I'm going to show you side cover on a motorcycle this side cover on this is matte-black and i had a little accident I fell over on myself so fortunately almost nothing happened except I got some scratches right here in here in here and since it's a new bike I want to try to repair this and make it look nice and sort of like new I actually ordered a new cover but this is the magneto cover to replace it you have to take a bunch of parts in exchange them and realign stuff and I decided since it's only surface damage nothing's dented in or cracked I'm just going to go ahead and repair it so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to use painters tape and tape everywhere around this area to protect it except the area of interest oh and before I do that I'm actually going to clean this with 91% isopropyl alcohol to remove any waxes that might be here waxes or any oils so I'll have a good painting surface so I'm going to do that first I'll be right back alright I've taped off the area just leaving the two or three little places I want to clean up a little bit so I got some sandpaper here it's 400 grit wet or dry and I'm going to put some water on it and I'm just going to very lightly sand these areas I'm just trying to remove any kind of stuff sticking up any burrs or anything like that just going to sand them very very gently nothing nothing drastic here so I'm seeing these areas and wipe it with alcohol again and I'll be right back okay so at this point what we've done is we wet sanded this area right here just very lightly then I came back and cleaned it with some 91% IPA alcohol and then I'm put paper around everything that we don't want to get spray paint on and I did a little bit of test spray after I've shaken my can and this is pj1 fast black it's a high temperature engine and case paint I got it on Amazon so now I'm just going to let's put a light coat on only and I'm let that dry and I'll come back tomorrow and I'm going to wet sand it with a much finer sandpaper I'm going to use 1500 grit and I'll wet sand it very lightly spray it again wet sand it again and I may have to put like three coats on it to get it to coat up properly but the thing is you don't want it thick you want it just very very thin and you want to clean it up in between sanding so that it looks nice so we're going to do that and we'll see you tomorrow all right we're on day two and so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to remove all of this tape and some of the paper and I'm going to clean this with IPA really well so that there's no wax or any grease type residue left anywhere on this side cover and I'm going to tape around the round part and then I'm going to heat it up slightly with a heat gun and then not very hot just slightly warm and then I'm going to put a very light coat over the whole thing here so that we can blend it in and then once that coat has gotten tacky after about 45 minutes I will put on a real light second coat and hopefully that should be it and we'll come back tomorrow and do the finish up work all right so I've masked this area off here and I'm going to paint this whole cover so before I do that I don't cleaned it with some alcohol but I'm going to put some alcohol in here and take some 1500 grit sandpaper and just lightly wet sand the areas that I want to paint which is the whole thing and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to let it dry I'll wipe it with alcohol again I'll let it dry and then I will put a couple of coats of paint on it so we'll do that we'll be right back okay I'm ready to start painting here so I'm going to use my heat gun just to slightly warm up the area is it's about 70 degrees out right now and I want to slightly warm it up I'm not going to try to make it hot or anything just going to make it just a little warm to the touch so the paint will stick better so I'm going to do this for about a minute and then we'll put our first coat on so I'll be right back okay so I warm this up slightly now I'm going to start putting my first initial light coat and it's got to be just really light okay so we're gonna let that dry for a few minutes we'll come out and put on a second coat probably end up putting like three coats but if you put it on really light you can keep it from running that way so we'll be right back okay the first coat has gotten a little little dried so I'm going to try putting on a second coat now okay I think that's about as much as I'm going to get on without it running so I'll let that dry for a little while and I'll put one more coat on and that should probably do it so we'll be right back all right coat number three okay and hopefully that will let this dry and hopefully that should do it and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to let this dry and then after a day or so I'll pull all this off and since this is heat-resistant paint made for the engine I'll take the bike out for a ride and then I'll come home and we'll do some further preparation on this and we'll see how it comes out so we'll be right back okay I painted this two days ago and I've driven it around a few times and now I'm ready to do my final things to prepare it what I have here is a damp cloth and I'm going to put just a little bit of polishing compound on it and I'm going to polish this very lightly don't want to push very hard all I'm trying to do is just get rid of any dust that was there anything like that make it blend in a little better go in circular motions just like this you know how to do a whole lot of polishing and I'm going to try to get it to be the same Sheen as this other part here so I'm going to do that for a couple of minutes I'm going to clean it with water really well and then I'm going to wax it so I'll be right back and I'll show you the final waxing here in a minute okay so at this point we've rubbed it with polishing compound very lightly we've removed it all and right now I'm going to put a little bit of McGwire's wax on and I don't know if you don't polish your cases with wax that's okay because some people do some people don't I like to keep all my stuff waxed so what I'm going to do is wax it let it dry wipe it off and then we will look at the finished result and see what you think hopefully it'll be nearly perfect all right so I'll be right back all right so now I finished waxing it and this was the original paint this is the new paint in here and the blend from my angle looks just about perfect it looks like the same kind of mat looks like the same color everything looks good so I'm real happy with this job I did leave one minor flaw in there I had a piece of debris that when I painted it I should have sand it out but I didn't but overall I'm real pleased with the job and so thanks for watching
I just wanted to show you today a really easy party garland that you can make for an upcoming party celebration baby shower whatever so Reds trained for and his birthday parties on saturday so I party garland but you will need scissors hi red you got very treasure substring jus this is jute twine ribbon whatever you're going to string up the garland with some clothes pins i went to michaels and got smaller clothes pins i noticed how do your clothes and kind of makes the garland wobble and you'll see what I'm talking about and then different colors of paper that go along with your theme colors of your party so Reds party with a harvest so we're doing oranges yellows Browns greens that and what you need to do are cut out a bunch of triangles you could do different sizes different containers of the blue triangles you can cut out shapes leaves shapes of baby bottles if you're making something for a baby shower whatever you're going to do just short you know the items that you want to turn up I'm just going to do triangles and I'll show you you can stack all your if you want to have the same size my you do so I'm just going to put a whole bunch of them together yeah more chemicals the longer you can make your garland that you can space out the triangles oh so my to just snap here doesn't even need to get perfect although I mean it depends on how perfect a minute but you can't really tell 50 when the paper has a pattern to it but i kinda like my triangles a little bit not perfect it's cut it because they're going to be strung up on a clothesline it gives kind of a corking you got it and it kind of like that so I don't even really use a template so depending on how perfect you want these to look i'm going to show you a couple okay so I have some triangle out now I'm going to take really long time the cute back I'm gonna swing it up so I can if you just want to see what its gonna look like then all you is take the triangles and take your little clothes pins one senioritis do one in the center by fat this is what's gonna be for your birthday Bunney well we're going to have it strung up I love this Carlin it's so easy and quick and it just looked like just really cute and quirky and and then you can just use the triangles after for scrap her you know scrap paper for the kids so that you're not wasting the paper and just the little clothes pins work so much better than the regular size clothes pins the regular size clothes pins what will happen is they start making your triangle dip and mott stay straight and so then it kind of different you have to just position them just perfect oh yeah we'll go k boom and there you go there you have a simple Garland's for your next party occasion can you get down
today we'll be making a delicious anglo-american cake with some Erfurt crumb cake it consists of a spongy cake layer topped with fresh seasonal fruit and a crisp layer of crumbs hence its name let's get to work ingredients for a rectangular baking pan 8 by 12 inches for the better one and a half sticks of softened butter less than 1 cup of white sugar 1 in 3/4 cups of cake flour 3 medium x + 1 egg yolk 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract or 1 vanilla pod or a pinch of vanilla powder 1/2 a tbsp of baking powder 1 pinch of salt for the crumb topping to the cup of cake flour 2/3 cup of almond meal 1/3 cup of raw sugar 2/3 stick of compacter - good pinches of salt the grater that's the one line for the fruit layer 7 ounces of peaches per pound of apricots 3/4 cup of blueberries half a cup of red currants first thing to do is put the softened butter in a bowl then add the sugar using a stand mixer or an electric beater beat the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy that's enough as you can see the mixture is pale and fluffy now add the vanilla extract you can use the seeds from a vanilla pod if desired a pinch of salt turn on the mixer and add one egg at a time at room temperature beating for another 2-3 minutes that's it now put add flour and baking powder set a seed over the mixing bowl and sift in the flour and the baking powder then stir with a spoon to combine the mixture should be muffin like once well blended our cake batter is ready you it's time to pour the batter into a baking pan that has been buttered and lined with parchment paper about 8 inches wide by 12 inches long the batter is thick as muffin batter as you can see after filling the pan with a batter spread it evenly with a Bakula spoon this will be the bottom layer of our cake well now we can add the fruit that has been washed cleaned and sliced in this case I'm using red currants and blueberries sprinkle half of them evenly over the better then add the peaches and the apricots that have been washed pat dry and cut into slices we can arrange the ingredients randomly or in need two rows alternating pitch and apricot slices until the pan is full if you prepare the fruit in advance drizzle with lemon juice prevent it from browning of course finish by sprinkling the remaining blueberries and red cards over the top and move on to the crumb topping remove the diced butter from the fridge place in a bowl add the sugar and using rock sugar add the flowers cake flour and almond meal mix well then add two good pinches of salt and mix with a tip of your fingers to fold crumbs hence the name crumb cake making sure not to melt the butter once the crumbs are fold add the grated lime zest now sprinkle the resulting comes over the top of the cake and bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for an hour until the crumb topping is nice and crispy once baked my mom could come cake from the oven and allow to pull a bit then cut into squares and serve to the scoop of vanilla ice cream fruit preserve or soft whipped cream on the side see you next to the rescue you
this is that he's stepping on his plant that Leslie sent to mom it's in a pot with a hoop and the plant is trained up around the hoop as you can see it has very deep green leaves and lots of lovely little white flowers that have a terrific aroma unfortunately this early 21st century camera does not have an aroma sensor so I can't send that to you see how well the camera focuses in on flowers flowers a rather star-shaped when they're fully open most of them are not open at the moment okay that's the tour of the stephanotis I have one too so I want to I have one too so eat your heart out March out
I hope you're not getting tired of rhubarb yet and I know you may be because I am coming out with so many rhubarb recipes. The Farm patch is just bursting and I love it! I hope you're not too tired of it yet because I have one last delicious rhubarb crumb bar recipe. It is so quick to put together and it really is so delicious. And I know I say that with every rhubarb recipe but I really do think they are all that good! I love rhubarb; this is a quick and simple way to use it and it is superb. To start, you're just gonna make a quick and simple rhubarb jam. I know in the past I've made some jams that I can. This one is a lot quicker and it just is really the filling to this bar. Just chop some rhubarb kind of finely because this one you do want to make sure is in good bite-size little pieces. Put it into a large three-quart kettle, add a little bit of water, and then some sugar, and then finish with a vanilla bean. I love using a vanilla bean in certain recipes. It is the best vanilla flavor and the most true and pure vanilla flavor you can get. Cut the bean in half, scrape out the seeds, add the seeds to the pot and then just throw in the bean 'cause it still have a lot of flavor in it. Place this on the stove over medium-high heat, bring it to a simmer and then stir it occasionally until it starts to break down. You don't want this to break down completely and just become a smooth puree. You still wanna be able to get the texture of the rhubarb. Once it's at the right consistency, you can just take it off the burner and let it cool as you prepare the crumb mixture. Before you prepare the crumbs, just make sure to have your pan ready. Just have an eight by eight pan ready and I just love to line them with an aluminum foil or parchment paper sling. You can just fold the foil to fit in the bottom of the pan and then just have it overhang the sides. This is the easiest and cleanest way to make bars and that way when you cut them, you get those beautiful clean cuts and you don't have to worry about trying to get one out of the pan and breaking the first one. Although that is the one I always eat, but this way you can have a beautiful one to eat too. Once you have your pan lined with the foil, just grease it generously with a good baking spray. In a large bowl, just combine your flour, oatmeal, brown sugar, a little bit of baking soda, and some cinnamon. Just stir that together and really, I think the best way is to use the natural hands that we were given because these are the best tools in the kitchen. I just stir it together, make sure it's all incorporated, and then add my softened butter. It's best to have room temperature butter Cold butter just does not work the best with this because you really wanna work it in. It's not like if you're making a pie dough or anything. Add the butter and then just mix it in with your hands until you get a nice, even consistent crumb. As you can see, this is why it works best with room temperature butter. It is so easy to push together with your fingers. Place some of the crumb mixture in the bottom of the pan and then just lightly press it down. This is just gonna ensure that you get a good bottom crust and it's really gonna bake up and hold that jam mixture so well. Once you have it pressed in there, you can just spoon over all that wonderful jam you just made. That jam was so simple to make and it really is the perfect filling for these bars. Just smooth it over and you have made now a homemade jam and a homemade bar. What could be better than that? To finish it off, just put the rest of the crumb mixture on top. Now, when I do this, I like to put on some of the crumbs as they are, but then also, I like to take a big handful of them, squeeze it tightly in my hand to make some larger crumbs and just break them over the top. That way when you eat these bars, you get some delicious larger pieces of that crumb mixture and some smaller pieces. It really is delicious and it's almost like a streusel topping. Place it into your preheated oven and bake it for about thirty minutes and you are gonna have amazing bars. Now, I do have to admit. You need to let these cool for at least two hours in the pan before you cut them and I think it's best really to do it about four hours. That way they cut a lot better and they are just so much more delicious to enjoy. Once they're cut, if you need to, you can dust the top with powdered sugar, but they are delicious on their own and they are one of my favorite bars. They go together so quickly and I know anyone that has them is gonna think that you spent hours in the kitchen but as you can see it really took no time. If you also love this recipe, make sure to click like below. And if you wanna see more great rhubarb and many other recipes - I promise we have other recipes - make sure to subscribe to The Gray Boxwood channel. We would love to have you become part of the family. Can't wait to hear from you in the comments. Thanks for watching.
Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. This appears blue. This appears yellow. And this appears green. Those of us with normal color vision can probably agree. But that doesn't change the fact that color is an illusion. Color, as we know it, does not exist in the outside world, beyond us, like gravity or protons do. Instead, color is created inside our heads. Our brains convert a certain range of the electromagnetic spectrum into color. I can measure the wavelength of radiation, but I can't measure or observe the experience of a color inside your mind. So, how do I know that when you and me look at a strawberry, and, in my brain, this perception occurs, which I call "red," that, in your brain, a perception like this doesn't occur, which you have, of course, also learned to call red. We both call it red. We communicate effectively and walk away, never knowing just how different each of our internal experiences really were. Of course, we already know that not everybody sees color in exactly the same way. One example would be color blindness. But we can diagnose and discuss these differences because people with the conditions fail to see things that most of us can. Conceivably though, there could be ways of seeing that we use that cause colors to look differently in different people's minds, without altering their performances on any tests we could come up with. Of course, if that were the case, wouldn't some people think other colors look better than others? Or that some colors were more complimentary of others? Well, yeah, but doesn't that already happen? This matters because it shows how fundamentally, in terms of our perceptions, we are all alone in our minds. Let's say I met an alien from a far away solar system who, lucky enough, could speak English, but had never, and could never, feel pain. I could explain to the alien that pain is sent through A delta and C fibers to the spinal chord. The alien could learn every single cell and pathway and process and chemical involved in the feeling of pain. The alien could pass a biology exam about pain and believe that pain, to us, generally is a bad thing. But no matter how much he learned, the alien would never actually feel pain. Philosophers call these ineffable, raw feelings "Qualia." And our inability to connect physical phenomenon to these raw feelings, our inability to explain and share our own internal qualia is known as the "Explanatory Gap." This gap is confronted when describing color to someone who's been blind their entire life. Tommy Edison has never been able to see. He has a YouTube channel where he describes what being blind is like. It's an amazing channel. In one video he talks about colors and how strange and foreign of a concept it seems to him. Sighted people try to explain, for instance, that red is "hot," and blue is "cold." But to someone who has never seen a single color, that just seems weird. And, as he explains, it has never caused him to finally see a color. Some philosophers, like Daniel Dennett, argue that qualia may be private and ineffable simply because of a failure of our own language, not because they are necessarily always going to be impossible to share. There may be an alien race that communicates in a language that causes colors to appear in your brain without your retina having to be involved at all. Or without you having to have ever needed to actually see the color yourself. Perhaps, even in English, he says, given millions and billions of words used in just the right way, it may be possible to adequately describe a color such that a blind person could see it for the first time. Or you could figure out that, once-and-for-all, yes or no, in fact, you and your friend do not see the same red. But for now it remains the case that we have no way of knowing if my red is the same as your red. Maybe one day our language will allow us to share and find out, or maybe it never will. I know it's frustrating to not have an answer, but the mere fact that you guys can ask me about my internal experiences, and the mere fact that I can ask my friends and we can all collectively wonder at the concept of qualia is quite incredible, and also quite human. Animals can do all sorts of clever things that we do. They can use tools, problem solve, communicate, cooperate, exhibit curiosity, plan for the future, and although we can't know for sure, many animals certainly act as if they feel emotions - loneliness, fear, joy. Apes have even been taught to use language to talk to us humans. It's a sort of sign language that they've used to do everything from answer questions, to express emotion, or even produce novel thoughts. Unlike any other animal, these apes are able to understand language and form responses at about the level of a 2.5 year old human child. But, there is something that no signing-ape has ever done. No ape has ever asked a question. Joseph Jordania's "Who Asked the First Question?" is a great read on this topic and it's available for free online. For as long as we've been able to use sign language to communicate with apes, they have never wondered out loud about anything that we might know that they don't. Of course, this does not mean that apes, and plenty of other animals, aren't curious. They obviously are. But, what is suggests is that they lack a "Theory of Mind." An understanding that other people have separate minds. That they have knowledge, access to information that you might not have. Even us humans aren't born with a "theory of mind," and there's a famous experiment to test when a human child first develops a "theory of mind." It is called the "Sally-Anne" test. During the test, researchers tell children a story about Sally and Anne. Sally and Anne have a box and a basket in their room. They also happen to have a delicious cookie. Now, Sally takes the cookie and puts it inside the box, and then Sally leaves the room. While Sally is gone, Anne comes over to the box, takes the cookie out and puts the cookie inside the basket. Now, when Sally comes back, the researchers ask the children "where will Sally look for the cookie?" Obviously, Sally will look in the box. That's where she left it. She has no way of knowing what Anne did while she was gone. But until the age of about 4, children will insist that Sally will check the basket because, after all, that's where the cookie is. The child saw Anne move the cookie, so why wouldn't Sally also know? Young children fail to realize that Sally's mental representation of the situation, her access to information, can be different than their own. And apes who know sign language, but never ask us questions, are doing the same thing. They're failing to recognize that other individuals have similar cognitive abilities and can be used as sources of information. So, we are all alone with our perceptions. We are alone in our own minds. We can both agree that chocolate tastes good. But I cannot climb into your consciousness and experience what chocolate tastes like to you. I can never know if my red looks the same as your red. But I can ask. So, stay human, stay curious and let the entire world know that you are. And as always, thanks for watching.
[Music] what's up guys today's the day we are finally walking out the engine on the Sportster you can use any black paint really to pay your engine it doesn't matter if it's a rat bike it's supposed to call trash upright what I'm gonna be using is a resto liam by heat this one was up to 2,000 degrees which obviously isn't necessary it does have a curing process and it is made for engines hopefully you'll stay on a little bit longer what I'm going to do is take off some of the parts that I don't want to spray and coat up some of the bolts because they're really rusty and I do like the way I look I think they're gonna look awesome in contrast with the black engine I'm gonna go ahead and take off the tank in the seat and then we'll get this thing started [Music] you got everything painted I think it looks fantastic it's been about an hour so the paint should be dry what I'm going to do now let's go ahead and put the tank seat air filter all that shit back on and start it up and start the curing process first thing we're going to do is for ten minutes let it cool down twenty minutes cool down and then I'll take it for a ride and let it completely cure and then we should be good to go [Music]
hi guys this is a fabric flower garland tutorial I printed this template from the martha stewart website it's five circles on a fourth of an inch strip first I folded a 36 inch strip of fabric and trace the template four times then I cut it out I also cut along the fold this creates two flowers next I made a knot you the end of a piece of thread and sew it along the middle of the strip I rolled the fabric and so the layers a few times then I nodded I folded pieces of green fabric and cut out leaves I cut full circles with two slits to weave leave through afterward I glue the circle to the back of the flower I tie my pieces to twine four inches apart I tied two leaks than a flower and here's the finished Garland
an ornamental plant like an ingredient in a recipe is only as good as its place in the general scheme of things in design terms a specimen has to relate appropriately with the other plants in this regard trick ellos / mum climbing up a wall combines excellently with low-growing shrubs of medium texture like pittosporum wheelers dwarf cope Rosemarie pans and green island ficus it also goes well with bushes like Carissa viburnum duranta and raviel bees for those who like the natural feel of a plant scrambling up a tree star jasmine is an infinitely wiser choice than rampant climbers such as ivy the latter though not a parasite in biological terms can virtually strangle a tree causing branches to collapse under its weight and seriously shortening the trees life tricky low sperm simply does not possess such belligerent qualities for climbing on tall walls star Jasmine needs tying and training with age the vines do become thicker and so the structure on which it is trained ought to be able to take some weight on short walls though it does not require support as it cascades over the top of the wall it is also used sometimes as a medium scale ground cover left to its own devices it tends to mound somewhat and in time can become bare and bald other than at the growing tips it is therefore worth pruning and clipping on a regular basis in order to induce lateral growth and ultimately a denser x' more compact appearance subscribe us to know more gardening tips you
hey guys find the gear in today's episode I'm going to show you how to make chocolate chip blueberry muffins the first thing you need to do is pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees the next thing you need to do is to measure out all of your ingredients into separate bowls this way you can make sure that you have all of yourself so before I get started make sure that you hit subscribe like this video and share with all of your friends so let's get started by preheating our oven like I handset and make sure that you have your muffin cups and if you want the liners for them to have those together and we're going to combine all the first part of the ingredients together since this is going to have a cinnamon crumb topping to add that later it's going to be done at the end so let's go over to the mixture and combine our ingredients okay so in my bowl I've got the one and a half cups of flour the three-quarter cup of sugar the salt and baking powder and then we're going to place the vegetable oil and choose a one cup measuring cup and add an egg and enough milk to fill the cup so that's going to end up being a third a cup of vegetable oil and third a cup of milk and then your egg will mix these all together and since I'm doing a double batch it's going to look a little bit more and after all these and grenades have been mixed we'll add in the blueberries by folding them in and not with the mixer okay now we're going to mix this on medium for about two minutes now this is all the ingredients minus the blueberries and the chocolate chips so again we're going to mix a medium for two minutes okay now all of that has been well combined so we're going to add in our chocolate chips I've got a 10 ounce bag of Jared le sixty percent cocoa bittersweet chocolate chips I'm going to add this in and then we're just going to mix this until they've all been mixed together maybe about ten seconds on medium now if you just wanted a chocolate chip muffin you'd stop here or if you wanted to have a blueberry muffin instead of the chocolate chip added you just wouldn't add the chocolate chips to the batter so now that these ingredients have been mixed we're going to go back to the table and we're going to gently fold in the fresh blueberries this is what your batter should look like it's going to be kind of glossy nice well mixed no clumps everything is going to look really good and it's going to be kind of thick which is okay on a regular recipe you would add in a single cup of blueberries or if you want you can double it up if you like your muffin to be more blueberry so we'll add in our blueberries and again i'm doing a double recipe so mine looks a lot more than yours that's normal and you want to definitely fold it in trying really hard not to crush any of your berries okay so when you're folding you know I just gonna do a gentle fold so you'll just mix it in and gentle and put some elbow grease into it going to mix them all up and then after this full mix our crumb topping to put on top of our muffins okay now we have our muffins all together we're going to mr. crumb topping our pump pumping is getting consists of a plane at the cup of white sugar third a cup of all-purpose flour quarter cup of butter that's been cute and by owning a half teaspoons of ground again I'm doing a double batch everything from can make more so I like to use a sonic boom when I'm mixing in my crumb topping so just put in the butter and then you're going to mix this together so we're going to mix in our butter it should be at room temperature but you don't want it melted it just mix it all together okay so this is what your crumb topping should look like I'm probably a little bit easier if you use a mixer but to do it by hand extra love into the batter's this is going to be your cinnamon crumb topping topping it should look kind of like this kind of like what a graham cracker crust would look right so all the butter has been mixed in everything is well combined and then we're going to sprinkle this on top of our movement so I'm already grease our pan with a spray that has flour mix into it and like to make sure it's good and free otherwise you can use the paper liners and you'll just spoon in your dough into each of the muffin cups about two-thirds of the white bowl when putting them into the tins you want to try to make sure that their level and you could probably even try to spread them from the center into the sides so that when it bakes you're not going to have a huge lump in the center but like i said before they need to be about two thirds of the way and you're going to do this for all the moments okay after you've gotten all of your muffins filled you're going to sprinkle on our cinnamon topping by using a fork or something else of your choosing okay after you've gotten all your muffins filled you're going to sprinkle on our cinnamon topping by using a fork or something else of your choosing okay after everything is put down and be completed we're going to bake these muffins for about 20 to 25 minutes or until they're done the best way to make sure that they are done is by inserting into spanking to the center of the muffin and if it comes out clean your muffin is linked up after they are completed we'll leave them in the pan for about do too I took five minutes and then after that we'll put them onto a cooling rack to cool the rest of the way okay after the muffins have cool for about five minutes this is generally what they should look like the best way to take them out of the pan is by using a tablespoon and you just go down underneath it and it comes right out and then you can place it on your going wack now you're going to do this for all of your must muffins okay after the muffins have cool for about five minutes this is generally what they should look like the best way to take them out of the pan is by using a tablespoon and just go down underneath it and it comes right out and then you can place it on your cooling rack now you're going to do this for all of your muscle muffins okay so after your muffins around the cooling rack they're cooling you're going to let them cool for I don't know 15 minutes I guess they taste awesome of them warm and if you don't want to have chocolate chips and just do a simple blueberry recipe you can do just that and you can play around through the matter of blueberries that you use depending on your liking and you know vice versa so if you want to have a chocolate chip muffin then you would do the same for that if you don't want the cinnamon crunch topping you don't have to do that either and if you didn't want muffins and I'm not sure why you look up this recipe so this can be about it for today's episode remember to hit subscribe like this video and share with your friends see you guys next time
hi with the kissters for celebrations calm and today we want to share with you a brilliant idea for a kids summer party we think this is so adorable it's an under the sea party you can throw so easily all the kids can get involved to help make all of the decorations they're so easy we're gonna tell you how I'll just show you first off these amazing little fishies all of these are made from paper plates and paper bowls this is a jellyfish and I am absolutely obsessed and get along with me I think that's really cute to hang from the ceiling or if you are outside hang it from like the porch this is there also be a fun activity to not only have them around the party but also to have the activity going on yeah it's gonna exactly yeah so how how we made these just really out of looser plates and shallow paper bowls the plates are gonna finish the bowls up for the jellyfish and you used acrylic paint yes yeah I use acrylic paint well this all of the instructions will be on celebrations comm so you can really know how we use regular primary paint on the fish and then neon paint on the jellyfish we even do the insides do enemy taped little ribbons it gives it so much like volume and just like it makes it so fun in 3d today's jellies oh so cute so we'll have all of the step-by-step instructions up on celebrations comm along with so many other summer crafts in kids crafts so check it out and I will see you next time you next time bye
this origami project is a little bit complicated than the other ones I've done a couple of things to note is I'm using cardstock paper for this because I find the heavier paper it stays together better this gives a lot of wrinkles when you don't here's the one with cardstock it's a little nicer looking I did this with index cards but this one's cardstock paper the other thing I would suggest is a bowline filer I can't find mine at the moment I'm gonna use the edge of this ruler I'll show you how I'll use it also a butter knife the backside of a butter knife will work or even the backside of scissors it can work just be careful you don't tear the paper so you're gonna make a series of these that you will strand together with a string get a nice long needle this is floss you can get in the store it's pretty cheap but if you don't if you want to use thread that's fine I would suggest quilting thread because it's a little bit heavier than your normal thread okay so here's your piece of paper this one is about 3.2 inches by 3.2 and I did that on purpose so I can fold it in thirds I'll show you in a minute so fold it in half so it makes a triangle and when you're using cardstock you want to try to be exact as possible the first time around because once you flatten it you it's you can't really unflattering a triangle okay now you're gonna keep this open this way and here's where the ruler comes in handy this is about four and a quarter I was going for four and a half I should have made it a little bigger so you might want to try three and a half inch square but four and a quarter so I want to divide that into thirds so it'll be approximately one just short of one and a half inches 1/2 I'm doing this exact because I tried just folding it myself into thirds but this way is actually kind of easier okay so at that point you can want to fold and this point should pretty much reach that point okay so what you want to do now is take this flap and tuck it in to the other flap so you took this I'm going to show that again because I think I went off into the corner so the next thing you want to do is take this flap and tuck it into this flap there you go now there's two pieces here you're gonna take one and fold it down to the center the point and reaches the center you can flatten it out if you want and then open it up and you want to tuck it inside with that fold all right so here comes a bit of a tricky part fold this what will help is if you fold this in half and you fold this in half that will help with the shape and poofing out you're going to open this up this will fold and this will fold you're going to open it up like a balloon or the waterbomb have it cheap and take this piece here and you're gonna wrap it nicely I like it this way for some reason right there it's gonna Bend as you can see it's gonna stay wrap by tucking this inside of it but I like to make the creases first then tuck I'll tuck this piece into there you might have to fold this first so it will stay down and you can see with my fingers manipulating it a lot if you're using origami paper it can damage the look damage the paper so it's more wrinkly whereas the card stock can take it a little bit better that does look nicer and there's your bead for your Garland so hold this bead so that you have three corners this way it took me a while to figure out but if you hold it like this it would look like a triangle okay okay you take the needle make sure you have a needle that fits all the way through there's one end that's kind of open I start on the end that isn't open because I'm less likely to make holes on the other end so push it through there we go feel around for the other end and try not to make holes into that whoopsie they're back and just thread it through I wish I had my rubber gripper there we go and then you can put another one on although you there you have your Kurland
[Music] what's up guys my name is firm X and today I'm going to be showing you guys how to use plants tip to paint your motorcycle we're going to be using white plastic today along with fertilizer so we're going to take a bike that looks like this and transform it into this so let's get started so a quick tip for you guys is that when you disassemble your bike always tape the bolts and screws to the pieces of they belong to along with this you want to take pictures of everything you disassemble this will make it a lot easier to put everything back together in terms of masking the only things I masked off were some of the components of the gas tank which included some of the wires along with where the hole was for the gas tank cap in terms of a paint station what you want to do is set down a tarp when you position the pieces you want to paint make sure you can walk around them easily things like the gas tank you want to elevate them to make sure that you can paint all the edges for the motorcycle fairings what I ended up using was a clothes rack i modified a clothes hanger so that I can easily move and paint the pieces so with all that done we're ready to paint the first thing you want to do is take your plastic cans and put it in a hot water bucket this will warm up the paint allowing it to better atomize so for the first coat of plastic that you applied to your park you're going to apply it lightly the reason we're doing this is to create a foundation for the remaining coats of plastic to properly adhere to the park as you can see I paint in one continuous motion my taste is pretty fast and I don't make more than one pass over the same area you're now going to use those same techniques to paint the motorcycle fairings a quick tip I have two guys that's find another place where you can dry your parts this way you can dry and paint multiple parts at the same time so once your lighter parts are completely dry we're ready for the second coat so this coats going to be heavier so as you can see again I paint in one continuous motion but this time my pace is a lot slower this will allow my coats to be thicker so for the second coat another thing I want you guys to notice is that I'll make more than one pass over the same area this is because I'm still creating that foundation for the remaining coats of plaster this again you're going to use the same techniques to paint the motorcycle fairings here's a comparison between our first coat and our second coat of Plattsmouth so once you've let everything dry we're ready for our third coat so from now on you're going to use this technique so the remaining coat as you can see again I paint in one continuous motion my pace is slow and this time the only thing that we're going to do different is we're going to make two passes over the same area so here's my sixth and final coat of just the white plastidip again I want you guys to pay attention to how slow I sprayed the Plasti Dip and how I make two passes over the same area one thing to keep in mind is that I never stop the can because if I do that will create a run so another tip I have for you guys is that when you're spraying for a long duration of time you have to shake the can the reason you do this is to mix the propellant and the paint inside the can which will give you a nice even spray so what I did was I sprayed half the motorcycle tank then I would spend some time shaking the can and then I would continue with the other half another thing you guys might notice is that I do a couple of test sprays before I actually spray the motorcycle tank this is to make sure that the spray is coming out evenly so here's what the gas tank look like after six coats of white so once you've allowed your final coat to completely dry you can add a coat of paralyzer the key to getting a great finish with this is to apply it in thick wet coat so using the same techniques as before you're going to apply it in a continuous motion slowly while making multiple passes over the same area the same applies for painting the motorcycle fairings so here are the final results the left image has just six coats of white black seeded and the right image has the six coats plus two coats of paralyzer so this whole process took me about five hours not including the disassembly and assembly of the bike and I use three cans of white and one can of pearl I hope you guys enjoy this video if you guys have any questions or want to see more videos like this just leave it in the comment section below and I'll be sure to answer this is bro vex thanks for watching
hi Susan sparkles here I'm going to show you how you can make some three-dimensional fish is in colored card in each apiece is a palette card the same size on one of them draw the outline of a fish then put the two pieces of card together you might like to secure them with paper clips and cut around so you'll end up with two fish the same size make sure you take out the one underneath and flip it over so these are going to be the two sides of your fish that you're going to put together you can decorate them anywhere you like you could use paint coloring in or collage I'll just use some textures and colored pencils to decorate mine now put the two opposite sides together and stable around the edges almost like you're sewing with the stapler then you've make sure you that you put something in the middle I've used some shredded paper to make it into a three-dimensional fish shape if you like you could punch a hole in the top and then you can hang it by stream I hope you enjoy matching a three-day fish goodbye
hi I'm Mary Katherine and I'm the gardener for the south I'm hanging out in my window today outside of my own home I'm cutting back this wisteria vine this was Syria wine is somewhat the bane of my existence I love it and it smells divine in the springtime but it can get out of hand in a hurry over here it grows up through my shutters and I'm constantly trimming it back and if you don't watch it it'll get up in your gutters to as you can see this is the same with styria plant that you saw in the front yard it's grown all the way down this trellis in the backyard it is a wonderful plant and nothing smells sweeter than sweet wisteria in the springtime I didn't have enough to contend with with this crazy vine let me show you what I got going on in the backyard in the south foxwoods make a great border for any garden you just have to get him in the ground and get him happy we have all different kinds of soil you got clay soils and sandy soils to what you need to do is a meander soil with a good garden soil like miracle-gro then once you get the boxwood in the ground and get it happy you just got to keep it trimmed back my garden I was faced with this plain blank white wall and I needed to make it a little bit more interesting I took a tip from the folks down in Palm Beach and I wanted to make one of those crisscross walls along my wall I simply had someone build me a frame around the wall and then I took wire and made it into a crisscross pattern after that I simply planet Confederate Jasmine along the bottom of the wall and as it grew out into long stalks I simply wrapped him around the trellis wire and it formed this frame within a year we were at the top of the wall what's the crisscross pattern was established then it's just a matter of maintenance it takes a little work but if you come in and cut these on a regular basis you can have this beautiful checkerboard in your own backyard just takes a little bit of time and a lot of clipping so remember when you're gardening and you win a garden vertically don't be afraid to use these aggressive vines they may be aggressive but don't let that scare you with a little bit of training you can have a lovely wall just like mine this is Mary Katherine and I'll see y'all in your yard
[Music] hey guys its least a year and today I have another recipe for you guys another easy simple stress-free recipe that will make your craving for cheesecake a lot healthier today we're making or we're baking an apple crumble cheesecake yes you heard right it's like they fare apples united with cheesecake and making an amazing flavor combination in your mind and the good part is that this recipe has about three stages it has a bit more steps than our usual recipe but each single stage of the recipe can be used as a recipe by itself so you can see this video as three recipes in one let's continue with our recipe we need equal parts of almond and oat flour and a tablespoon of coconut oil this is state number one of the recipe which is across and it can be consumed by itself as a single recipe or use that across not only for cheesecake but for other type of ties or like any type of desserts that require a crust let's compute the stage number two other recipe which gives the feeling or the Cheesecake schedule killing we mix 8 ounces of fat-free cream cheese two thirds cup of Greek yogurt one scoop of protein powder 1 tablespoon of stevia and 1 tablespoon of almond butter it is very important that your mixture is very creamy and has no lumps so I recommend using a hand mixer or placing your cheesecake batter into a food processor we chop half an apple and we add one tablespoon of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of sugar free syrup we mix and we place in the microwave for about one minute until the apples are softening now we do our oatmeal crumbles have a cup of oats have a cup of oats flour 1 teaspoon of cinnamon 2 tablespoon of coconut sugar coconut oil and women until every single grain of both is covered with the coconut oil and sugar mixture I have a 4.5 diameter springform pan and we flatten out the crust until it is very compact we want it to be very even then we add our cheesecake mixture or our cream cheese yogurt mixture then we add our southern apples on top of our cream cheese mixture we're about two tablespoons of almond butter to create a creamier consistency and finery we add our both crumble on top and we test this step is optional but i drizzled a bit of sugar free caramel on top to give it a crunchy texture when it goes inside be honest and guys this is a super important part of the recipe the baking process the cheese cake mix to bake for a long period of time at low heat so that the cheesecake does not turn out Katie and it turns out like very creamy and soft so we want to leave it for about 1 hour don't be impatient and your queue for knowing that the cheesecake is ready it went like outer side of the cheesecake is a bit harder and as you go like stopping into the center the center is a bit soft to the touch you still can violate a bit jiggly that is how you know that your cheesecake is ready to you take it out of the oven and you it cool for about five hours or over 94 slightly because if you slice it right away you'll get a disaster and you don't want that so remember to let it cool and for about five hours or overnight I believe that overnight on the fridge is the best way to let it chill and to have the perfect consistency of the cheesecakes so what did you think I rebuke like the recipes I love this recipe I mean I am addicted to free me texture desserts and this recipe has about my 20 grams of protein per slide because of the Greek yogurt and the whey protein that we added and it's an amazing for example I supposed to work out I mean it's an amazing both workouts or dessert or just if you want something like a cheap queen dessert if you're creating something to escape time so you believe me you're not going to be feeling like you're eating a healthy treats case because Clemente a lot and hook up with and we go you need to be able to eat this cheesecake and not feel that you're eating something that has one course of the calories and sugar than the original recipe so remember to like subscribe comment below what is the next recipe you'd like to see in my channel and if you have any questions regarding this or any other of my videos and Bon Appetit I think this is my favorite part of the entire video the fact that i can't eat my dessert and my kids test it out on camera I mean it's a text York for me texture is everything when you lied into this taste cake it's like it sticks to your palate up the real deal I just want it so good you don't even need condensed milk or sugar or or anything else this just is try it out and let me know how it goes might
please take a piece of paper and make good lunch balance or wherever they can't let this will be long and skinny this is for your physics professor aquatica speakers which is a know how to use hidden switch some video on safety with scissors now system fold it once for the flight and what should wait Myka can make snowman with the fashion sense they can make little stars so they have to be a little bit wider than the paper then they going to hold the hint how about making some one right it's going to be a bunny going to be a bunny with the tail and little by a and little yes looks great looks like bunny bunny bunny fit little bunny Bailey and Nichols outfit now by his face and again let's hit very well and let's unfold our bodies and see what they got doesn't have to be like mine you can do your own thing you can even draw bunnies when I paid for before you cut them there you go bunnies should we draw some eyes and tell somebody how about I making I when y 1 y 1 1 our tails maybe some attention marks on ears come in little toenails there we go lets your bunnies and you can fold them and put them in your wallet and if you need to pay for something you would say all right all these to pay for the sneakers to accept bunnies because it's easter is coming and here's your bonus have a nice day
welcome to Hort tube where we talk all things gardening my name is Jim Putnam and this is a Nandina doméstica this is Nandina domestica or some people call it heavenly bamboo it's an extremely low maintenance evergreen shrub Nandina doméstica can actually reach six to eight feet in height and probably three to four feet in width but it'd be very easy to keep this plant under six foot probably between four and six feet Nandina domestica is best in horticultural zone six to nine probably in 6a i would keep this thing out of the Northwind Nandina doméstica is much faster growing than the dwarf nan Dana's we might get a foot of growth out of these in a single season these Medina's will actually grow in the Sun or the shade but in the shade they're definitely on the thin side you won't get a lot of the winter color probably won't even get as many berries so I put at least a half a day Sun on these and this is a plant that could absolutely sit in the parking lot and cook and just wouldn't mind it I just wouldn't do that up at the top of zone six where the winter winds could burn it I've covered a lot of other Nandini's on this channel that all grow smaller than the regular Nandita domestica that I'm holding right now all of those the appropriators foundation plants this really looks best mass planted it works great as a screening plant if you want to just allow it to get eight feet tall it's best with lots of them planted together because the foliage in the winter is absolutely fantastic that way the main attributes of heavenly bamboo is it actually has some nice lighter green foliage in the early spring I'm shooting this in the late winter so it's lost its red color it's actually turned red in the fall as it gets colder and it's quite beautiful mass planted with all that red foliage throughout the winter in a few weeks it'll get some off-white flowers and then develop a red berry and those red berries will typically hold on through most of the winter I've included videos in the description of this video for planting shrubs really there's nothing special for planting Nandina as they go in the clay or the sand or wherever you want to put them just don't put them in too deep and don't over mulch them but I've told people before if you start killing Nandina domésticos you probably need to change hobbies man Dinah's are extremely drought tolerant the first year it's in the ground you're definitely going to want to keep close eye on it dig down a little bit near it if it's dry to round the space around it and then let it dry out they will get yellow leaves and this one actually has a few now because it's I've let this container get a little too dry they'll get some yellow leaves in the center when you see that that's the time to drag a water hose to it other than that if you live in an area with normal rainfall you're just not going to have to do any ongoing watering on these typically I would fertilize nan Dena's in late winter or early spring any kind of slow release fertilizer the new growth on them fantastic don't do any fertilizing on these after midsummer because if you put any new growth on them late it will get burned badly you can prune heavenly bamboo any time you want to prune it we are growing in Dena doméstica the regular one for also having the flowers and the berries so if it were me and I was pruning it I would prune it in late winter early spring before it has a chance to put out the new growth and the flowers if you need to get it under control though this is a plant that can absolutely be cut to the ground you can saw it off six inches above the soil line and it'll come back from that there are virtually no pests on nan Dena's we don't really see anything chewing on them occasionally we'll get some foliar spotting if the foliage stays wet too long typically that's more of a nursery problem than it is in the landscape and deer pretty much avoid these altogether the only thing you could really do to hurt this would be to put it in extremely wet space and then you may get root rot on so what are you waiting for even you can grow the industrial red winter foliage low maintenance easy Nandina domestica thank you for watching my video and if it was helpful please hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for future videos also comment below with any questions you have about nan Danis thanks again [Music] you [Music] [Applause]
in this episode of the motor Fugazi build I'm going to finish tearing down the motor and begin painting so let's get started and cue some free music here we go I want to get the motor as torn down as possible so the last few things I'm removing are the shifter rod and the starter in a quick inspection I don't notice any major leaks except for some coolant which is no big deal brother wise mother is in pretty good shape so I started off with simple green which is a degreaser that can be purchased at any auto parts store I also keep a box of extra white t-shirts laying around that are used up for purposes just like this so my go-to for most areas was the stainless steel brush with the simple green it did a good job of breaking loose all the grease and working in large surface areas I made sure to plug any opening that would allow cleaner to get into the engine however it's debatable whether just a little bit of simple green would actually harm the engine it doesn't hurt to be too safe so I didn't think about this earlier but it made sense to remove the oil filter housing in order to paint it separately from the engine so I went ahead and drained the oil before I got too far ahead of myself in the cleaning process and not the housings out I'm going to go ahead and soak it in some simple green and pick it up later so I used a little carb cleaner to ensure that no residue was remaining on the engine which ensured a nice clean surface for painting I picked up a few different options for cleaning off the engine the wire wheel and the drill worked okay and I also tried some coarse stainless steel which really didn't do any and the dremel well for small little areas was good but to complete big areas forget about it 120 grit sandpaper however worked great coincidentally was the cheapest option and did the best job I'm sweeping the engine with force dare to not loose any debris from sanding and also to ensure that it's completely dry for the primer stage I started to realize that having the engine in the car would make it just a little bit too difficult to paint so I picked it up and put it on this stool instead what I'm doing here is taping off the valve covers because I'd like to take them off in the future and repolish them and in the meantime I don't want to cover them in paint in this is a VHT engine primer the stuff went on really thick I think it did great job and gave incredibly good coverage for coming from a can and this is the finished product on day one I'm pretty happy with it at this point the primers been drive for over 24 hours while overall coverage of this primer was really good there are a few areas that need just a little attention from steel wool the point here is to just knock the surface loose on the primer so the paint sticks properly I've decided to go with the cast-iron look from VHT and I think it's gonna look really awesome with the look I'm going for for the whole bike for paint coming out of a can this paint laid on really thick so definitely follow the instructions and do the two light coats first before you do one final heavy coat I may have learned the hard way and for the final coat of paint I'm using the studio light to find any areas where coverage might be a little thin the goal here is to make sure that the entire motor has an even coat of paint so clear goes on perfectly and after two coats of clear the engine's done I think it looks great and I can't wait to get it back in the bike you
- [April] Hi friends. - [Justin] Hey everyone. - [April] Thank you so much for tuning in to Cook With April on Tasty Tuesday. Today we're going to show you how to make a coffee cake similar to Starbucks', so stay tuned. I saw that. (laughter) Let's begin with a crumb cake topping. In a large bowl, you're going to place flour as well as brown sugar, and you're going to mix the flour and brown sugar together and now you're ready to add cinnamon. Again, you're just going to mix those ingredients together. Add some softened butter. Not melted, but softened. And you're going to fold in the butter. You can use a hand mixer, but I don't really care to use one. I'm just going to just use the fork, because I'm going to use the hand mixer for something else. And then you're also going to add the pecans and you're going to just use your fingers to crumble it together, and you kind of want it to feel like sand. And now to the batter. You're going to add softened butter, brown sugar, white sugar, and you're going to mix that with a hand mixer this time around. Then you're going to add two eggs, and all the precise measurements, I'll have the link below. I got this ingredient or recipe from And you're just going to go ahead and mix those ingredients, and I added a vanilla extract last. So the consistency is looking nice and smooth, and now you're going to go ahead and sift flour, and baking soda and baking powder, and salt. And then you're gonna mix the dry and wet ingredients together. I like to gradually add it, and I like using the hand mixer to mix it together. And the batter should look really thick in consistency. You can put it in like a pan, like a muffin pan, but I like to make crumb cake cupcakes, so I put it in cupcake liners and then on top, I put the crumbs on top of that. And it's okay to get messy. You want to put as much crumbs on top, because it is crumb cake. You're going to bake at 325 degrees for about 20 minutes and enjoy. Okay, so it's nice and hot. I kind of was telling Justin to wait a little bit, but he just won't wait. He just doesn't want to wait. - [Justin] I don't like to. - [April] Be careful, don't burn yourself. He's got his coffee. - [Justin] Mmm. Right, I got my coffee ready, here we go. - Careful, I'm worried that it's too hot. (Justin hums in appreciation) - Dang. Eyes closed, you guys, that means it's epic. (laughing) Dang. - Okay, so, this? Is about 25 times better than the Starbucks kind. - Oh, only because it's hot out of the oven. - [Justin] No, no, that's not why. It tastes, I don't think that the Starbucks one has pecans on it, does it? - [April] I don't know. - [Justin] I don't think so, but. - [April] I know they have the crumbs, but I kind of wanted to make it different. - Honestly, it's just, it's the freshness, the flavor, the sweetness to go with the coffee. - Dang, someone's excited. - This is amazing, thank you. - (laughing) Anyhow, thank you friends so much for watching, you guys gotta try this and give it a thumbs-up if you enjoyed the video and you learned something new, and subscribe if you haven't, and also we do daily vlogs on apriljustintv, so subscribe to our daily vlog channel too. Bye. (upbeat music) - [April] Hey friends! - [Justin] Hey everyone. - [April] Thank you so much for tuning in to Cook With April on Tasty Tuesday.
hey everybody Jamie here and today is another DIY craft merger that's right I'm going to take three previous crafts and turn them into something brand spankin new I was inspired by Britt who's the original host of do a girl she had an episode where she got rid of pretty gnarly smells so I got inspired and today I'm going to be merging my DIY ornament for feeder my DIY soap and my DIY perfume in order to create a homemade gel air freshener whoops that is way too many pop-up videos where was I oh right let's do it girl in order to make your homemade air freshener you're going to need an essential oil which is basically a liquid that's been derived from plants you can research different types of essential oils online and even buy them online which might be easiest but you can also find them at food markets and craft stores I went to an organic food market and I got this sweet orange thyme for under $6 you're also going to mean a pass and potholders one box unflavored gelatin a wooden spoon food coloring salt and a heat-resistant container i boiled the wax remanence out of this empty tea light candle so that'll be perfect for my gel air freshener all right let's hop to it the first step is to preset your food coloring and essential oil into your heat-resistant container a little goes a long way with the food coloring so drip about two to three drops to start you can always add more later as far as essential oil goes you'll want to add about 40 drops or so you don't have to count out each and every drop here just know that the more essential oil you put in the stronger your sense is going to be Wynn finished place your container off to the side but in close reach of the stove step 2 the next step is to create your gel mixture boil up one cup of water and then mix in your entire box of gelatin which should be about four pouches stir with your wooden spoon until the gelatin is fully dissolved then toss in one more cup of cold water as well as a couple pinches of salt in order to prevent the gel from molding stir again until everything is dissolved step three very carefully pour your mixture into your containers now your liquid is literally boiling so I would pour quickly and confidently into your containers so as not to spill anywhere but if you don't feel comfortable with such hot temperatures definitely make sure to ask somebody for help check out how easily your gel changes color from pre setting your food coloring hmm and it already smells good too can you see now how I'm mixing all of my previous craft I'm taking the gel approach from my DIY bird feeder I'm adding in the scent from my DIY perfume and then I'm melting it all together from my DIY sub tutorial all hail the DIY mixer wood hmm anyway step four the final step is to let the gelatin set overnight and you'll awaken to a wondrous aroma that's something not coffee it's like a morning miracle a container this size should last about a month and just for kicks I made some tiny heart-shaped air fresheners from my DIY so containers these are perfect for the bathroom at smelly sack shore or any other small space and bonus once your smell fades away you can easily remake another air freshener by just scooping out the gel cleaning out your container and starting over and you can just change out the essential oil every season like cedar wood for the fall or nutmeg and cinnamon for the winter you'll have a great smelling place year-round oh this smells so good and it's super affordable and really easy to make you might say it's the perfect mix cuz I mixed a lot of ingredients together but it was also a mix of crafts Jamie you're so funny what I know stop it okay what type of air freshener did you make tweet me at Jamie potato Instagram me at hey Jamie or just tell me all about it the comments below we did it girl I'm Jamie and you're on girl calm don't forget to subscribe to our Channel okay here's the portion of do a girl where I try to answer all of your questions preemptively can you put the gelatin in the fridge in order that it solidifies faster yes but it is an air freshener so then your fridge is going to smell like air freshener so I wouldn't recommend it can you eat it ah no don't eat your air freshener some essential oils are actually a little bit toxic in huge doses so you know just go away from us can you use extracts like vanilla or fragrances like perfume yes you can do that but it's not as strong of a smell it's essential oil so you just really are going to want to use that for a smaller space like a drawer a little cupboard or something like that sure hope that helps good luck oh Strauss I feel that we're gonna have a lot of bloopers today both of us I'm not strong oh okay
good morning guys today we're going to have some fun with a hole punch and an old children's book I'm going to take those pages and turn them into something absolutely amazing that you can either use hanging as a garland from your your ceiling or even something pretty to wrap a birthday gift with so let's head on over to the Machine and check it out so once you have all your holes punched out and you're ready to go I like to start by taking a square piece of scrap folding it in half and having this be the beginning I'm going to stitch it right underneath my foot and it's going to start my little banner stitch right through and then I pull right through stitching to the end to give me a tail I would rather do the stitching so that it doesn't get caught in the end and it's nice and even give yourself a guide stop your machine and then take your two circles line them up and stitch straight down the middle you want to hold onto your tail as you're stitching just to help guide it stitch right through and then continue stitching to your guide I like to use the back end of my machine as my guide right to their sig see this way it's even stitching for each one take your next set put them on your machine and begin stitching again right down the center and since that was my last little dot I'm going to give myself a tail and then take my last piece fold it in half and something this will now be something that if I want to tape it to the rule add it to my packaging I'll have a piece of tape to actually do that trim away the end and you've got the beginning of your little banner of Garland after you have it stitched I like to fold them in half to give it a little bit of dimension and then it kind of stands up how cute is this add it to your package hang it from the ceiling or even on a mantel I think it's really really cute so now that you've got your garland all made you can hang it from a ceiling to be a decorative touch in a nursery or possibly even add it to a package mine's going my brother we have a new little one on the way and I just can't wait to meet him i'm heather from so i love and i think it's cool to sell see you next time you
now this is a very very small pink Jasmine vine obviously but I just wanted to show you what the foliage looks like hi it's Nell and you just saw that fine specimen of a plant I just showed you well that is a very small pink Jasmine vine and I was looking for one to do the video next to so I could show you the plant but I couldn't find one here in Tucson so you will see pictures taken by me and by Lucy throughout this video of that plant because this video is all about pink jasmine vine care and what makes this twining vine so popular is the masses of starry white blooms it just gets covered with in late winter or early spring depending on where you are it is as I said extremely fragrant it's easy to find easy to care for and easy to grow so those are some of its some of its pluses now as usual there is a blog post to go along with this video you can find it in the description box down below or on our website which is joyous garden calm in terms of size this plant gets to about 25 feet and as I said it's a planing vine so it's not like a English ivy or something that clings it twine so it needs some method of support like an arbor or a trellis or a chain-link fence and you have to train it to get it going but after then it just grabs on to whatever it can grab onto and it's very fast growing and very dense and in terms of hardiness it is Hardy to about ten to fifteen degrees Fahrenheit if you were on the lower end of the scale around ten to fifteen degrees and it will lose some of its leaves and it is in that case semi deciduous otherwise if you don't get that cold it'll stay evergreen and in terms of light and exposure it needs a good 5 hours of Sun a day if you are on the coast say I'm on the coast of California it can take all day Sun if you're inland like where I am here in Tucson it would definitely need protection from the hot afternoon Sun it will grow in shade but it will get really leggy really thin and it won't flower now in terms of watering it does best with regular water and that depends on where you are I'm in a very hot climate so regular water for me would mean more if you're in a coastal more foggy climate that might mean a good watering every two weeks but it can go it kendall with extended dry periods after it gets established but when it's getting established it needs regular water and it looks best with regular watering now in terms of fertilizing I never fertilized any of the pink Jasmine's that I took care of I was a professional gardener in the San Francisco Bay Area I maintained a lot of them but I never fertilized any of them I would compost them I occasionally and that was fine for it but if you feel that yours needs fertilizing you might want to give it a balanced fertilizer like 10 10 10 or 15 15 15 now I'm to pass keep your eyes open for a fit they tend to appear in this spring you can just hose those off spray those off with the garden hose and that's a good way to get rid of those also this plant could be subject to either spider mites or mealy bugs both of which you can get rid of with horticultural oil or an insecticidal soap no soil not too fussy to soil it just like sit low me and well-drained if you can a compost also it will appreciate a good dose of organic compost - oh and if you have it in containers a good organic potting soil is just fine for it with a nice dose again of some organic compost work in there on to flowering oh yes it does and this is the big draw of this plant when people see it in flower they wanted and they flocked to the garden centers to buy it but unfortunately it only blooms once and it blooms for about four to five weeks is about all it tends to do and it zooms as I said in late winter or into spring depending on Ino the climate zone and the divine will get covered in flowers so you can't even see the foliage is just a mass of those starry white blooms and what I love about the flower is is the buds the pink buds and that is why it's called pink Jasmine but I think they're just as sweet as can be oh and you might get a little bit of intermittent flowering off and on during the summer too now this plant really benefits from pruning so we're going to move on to pruning it is a very as I said a very fast growing and very dense plant and if it has something to cling to it clings but then if it doesn't all of a sudden it will fall back on itself and it just covers covers itself and what happens is that new growth will smother out the old grows and it all gets looking ratty and horrible so it's best to keep up on the pruning and the pruning is best done after flowering you can give it a good pruning and then you might have to do a little pruning at the end of the end of the summer - just to keep it in shape now as I said it makes a fine container plant as long as the container is big enough to hold the root ball and it's you know beautiful on arches and arbors and if you can get it to climb up a wall that's fine too with some training that that's another use for it and I've also seen it in hanging baskets and growing on hoops and globes it's sold in the floral trade a lot for parties events and weddings and it's beautiful when in bloom on a hoop and makes a lovely centerpiece now as a houseplant I've never grown it for the long haul I brought it home from an event a couple times and I had it for in my home for like two months and then I brought it back to the greenhouse but I imagine it would be a tricky house plant to care for but for short term it works just fine so I hope you have found this video to be helpful about the pink jasmine vine don't forget to check the blog post on this plant there will be more information in there for you and now let's get out the garden and make the world a more beautiful place I thank you for all your likes and your subscribes I really appreciate them and I have a lot more videos coming your way as always I thank you so much for watching bye
if you're lucky enough to have an apple tree or know someone who does it's the time of year where you might find yourself in undated with apples these are cooking apples and today I'm gonna show you how to make these really cool individual Apple crumbles we're going to start by making some stewed apple so take an apple corer it and peel it then cut it into pieces and put them into a pan do this with a few apples depending on how much you want to make [Music] then put the pan on the stove add a little water put the lid on and leave it to skew whilst they're cooking we're going to make the crumble topping take some butter and cut it into pieces it depends how much you want to make but I used about 200 grams next we need to add some porridge oats this helps to give it a nice wholesome crispy topping add a little flour and some white granulated sugar then start mixing it together with your fingers you need to really work it into the butter the quantities don't really matter all that much but we're looking to get a nice consistency like this so you can squeeze it together in your hand then easily crumble it into pieces again and we'll be using this in a minute the apples should be nicely cooked by now but because these are cooking apples I'm sweetening them up with a bit of sugar and I'm also adding some mixed spice next we're gonna put the filling inside one of these larger apples so using a sharp knife carefully cut the top off and I'm using a large spoon to hollow it out try to leave the wall thickness about two centimeter thick so it's nice and strong when you're done take your stewed a pool and spoon it into the hollow cooking apple leave a bit of space at the top then spoon in some of the crumble topping and there's our apple crumble in an apple ready to bake pretty cool huh put it on an oven tray ready then if you want to make some more you might find it easier just to chop the top straight off the Apple and hollow it out that way spoon in the stewed a pool and by chopping the top clean off there's probably a bit more room to add extra crumble topping when you've made enough put them in the oven and leave them to bake I put them in at 180 degrees centigrade which is 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 20 minutes or until they start turning golden when they're ready take them out and they're ready to serve you can see this one has started to split a little so do be careful I'm using tongs but you could use a big serving spoon to put it into a bowl I [Music] like to serve mine with a nice scoop of ice cream but you could use custard they look really good and they're nice and easy to make it's a nice variation of the classic apple crumble and it's fun serving it inside an apple and they taste great I did make far too much crumble topping but you can always keep this in the fridge or the freezer and use it to gain at a later date same as if I stood up hold filling we made I hope you've enjoyed watching this video if you want to see more you can click on the links or take a look at my youtube channel page stay safe have fun and as always thanks for watching [Music]
so let's say I wanted to make a stuffed fish out of the bookbinders cloth that's been painted we have all colors painted cloth lots of these are painted with patterns that can be used just as a flat collage where they can be folded and stuff and you should consider the color to go with the background critters in your background really so I just because I was looking at HC and thinking about those crazy creatures that are so iridescent and I folded this to pieces and drew a simple fish because there's one fish that almost looks like a Blowfish and my thought was what do you think ool if kids can make these and then we could just put a line of blue or in the outside edge and then that gets tough on my makeup up a little bit and then they could be suspended in front of not glued to but spin it in front of the little habitat and that would be equally as cool so I'm playing obviously I don't have a great design but the kids could draw a design on here and we've figured these with with different kinds of colors but that doesn't mean you can't go back on top of them and add more embellishments and surface decoration it's totally fine this is really heavy stuff so you probably want to so that would give the shape here and then once it's cut out you would just run on line of hot glue or just Elmer's right on the outside of it and leave an area to stuff and then do the final gluing empty its stuffing in a newspaper work spray make some fins here save all these scraps they'll be good for something so there's that then we get glued and then once it's stuffed it could be puffed out here in the center and that could go in an environment but it can also be just a one you know a single panel
hey what's up everybody so I just took my earrings off my Daytona 675 of course they were wrapped so what I'm going to show you is how simple it is to get some of the wrap first of all as you can see it's completely preserved now if the wrap was done correctly like mine was because I did it you're going to have spots on there where you put the sealant on now for whatever reason I put sealant here probably because it was a good curve and that was covered up that is not a problem get you a little bit of goo gone a lot of people what they want to do is they want to put it on and instantly start messing with it leave it let it sit for a minute two minutes let's let it sit for a second not a big deal so while that's sitting we're going to come over here and check out this when I haven't touched this one I haven't wiped it off I haven't done anything as you can see it is completely preserved in fact if you look right here there's even factory wax that's in there that white stuff right there is wax from the factory so people who say that oh well that's wax to people who say oh whoa if you wrap your bike you're ruining it because that wrap is going to ruin the paint it's going to mess it up I'm telling you it is not I don't know why they say it I've heard it and heard it and heard it I don't know why they do it I don't know if they're just angry I don't know why they do it but I'm telling you I can speak from experience this is what I do is I wrap things and I can tell you that it's not ruined there's nothing about it that's going to ruin it and as you can see this goo is starting to come off I'm barely touching it I'm using one finger I mean it's just sloths right off and it's it's there's nothing to it so I'm going to take this off real quick there it's gone it's seriously that easy and it just takes a couple of seconds it's not a big deal please if you are taking your vinyl wrap off your your bike if you're cleaning your bike whatever never ever ever ever ever use paper towels there's wood in there they're made from trees and trees scratch your stuff so don't that's why you get those little swirlies in there of using paper towels you see those little yeah don't do that don't use paper towels anyway so I'm gonna let this dry and I'm just going to wipe off the red one and it's going to be good to go and I'll show you what it looks like back on the bike it's going to be amazing this is a 2013 Daytona 675 and it is now 2016 as you can see it's it's completely preserved all right so to give you an idea of how easy it is to get this wrap off I went ahead and pulled up the edges here and I went ahead and started pulling up here if a wrap was done correctly the parts would have been taken off to wrap which is what I did so you have to unscrew everything to get all the wrap out of there that's not a bad thing that's a good thing then you just want to pull at it gently like so and yeah it's just that easy all it takes hours to apply and it just takes a couple of seconds to come off so I'm going to get in here and I'm going to loosen this up a little bit at least loosen this fairing up a little bit and so I can get this out of here cleanly but that's that's it you see it just pulls right off and then you have is finish you just wipe that off it's got a little bit of residue on it totally normal I did a dry application and so I'm not going to have all those like water spots and soapy spots or whatever none of that stuff on there when you do a dry application this is all you're going to see a little bit of residue and that's just from the tack of the film it's not sticky it's not it's nothing I mean you just wipe it off you literally wipe it off and it comes out just as shiny as this so yeah all right so I'm going to finish doing this and I'll show you what the end result looks like when I get back yeah when we're done this is what we have your nice shiny brand-new looking Daytona it's perfect perfect perfect perfect see that total perfect and I had some dunk on a tank from when I sealed it gone totally gone so people if somebody says to you that if you're going to wrap a bike you're going to ruin it please send them my way I'd love to talk to them all right you guys if you have any questions about this just let me know in the comments below if you liked it let me know and if it helped at all in your decision-making let me know and I'll talk to you guys in the next one see ya
you've all been in this position before what you've got is two things you have a trellis and you have rose and lastly you have no clue what to do next because what you want is a wall of flowers you want flowers from the bottom of the trellis up to the top of the trellis what's probably happened in the past is you basically have just trained the climber onto the trellis and after two or three years all the flowers are up at the top in order to stop and smell the roses you got to start like trying to jump up at it or get a buddy to hoist you up or get a stepladder and that's just too much trouble so if you just understand a couple of basic concepts of how a climbing rose produces its flowers then the rest is easy so let me explain that concept to you and I think then you'll understand what you're going to need to do the key to the whole thing lies here in the way you train the cane by training the cane more horizontally or at least at 45 degree angles you can go back and forth that way across the trellis you get all these little bud ice to break if you only turn it straight up that's when you want to get flowers at the top so I see these eyes that are breaking and they're throwing off these little laterals this is my main khane those are my laterals there's two videos you might want to look at by the way one on pruning climbing roses the other one on how to pillow a rose they'll explain some of these concepts as well but you can see here I've already got bugs on every single one of these little lateral space no more than two inches apart that's going to be completely covered in blue so again there's my main khane there's my little laterals and I want to train it between 45 degrees and horizontally as much as I possibly can that's going to give me the flowering that I'm looking for now that you understand that concept we can start training the rose on to the trellis so remember this is no good vertical is no good like this you want to think horizontal to 45 degrees so on the action town and blue bar amá meter this is okay this is okay this is going to get your flood so what I'm going to do is take these canes and gummy this to go in either direction I'm gonna start going back and forth at 45 degree angles across the trellis sneaking them across each other I'll get going and then I'll come back in and let you see what I've done in just a little bit that just about gets everything trained the way I want it to go I'll bring you in closer and just a little bit you can see exactly what I've done but I want to talk about a couple of things first of all you want to make sure that your trellis is either already there or you put it at the same time as your rose is that way when these canes begin to grow and their young a pliable that's the easiest way to train this in this case this is a three year old plan I'm in the middle of a bed and this is just a temporary trellis and tacked onto some two by four by fours and a couple of bricks holding it down and don't try this at home because I am a professional the second thing you want to think about is this in this case I've had some older canes at the tops were kind of blue doubting and sort of overdone they've pretty much done so I want to freshen them up a little bit but rather than take it out completely I'm actually just going to go ahead and tie them in down here below I've got one over here and I've got one over here because these are going to completely sprout out and give me flowers down in here so if you've got some of these canes that are shorter work with them if they're obviously no good then go ahead and haul them out but don't be afraid to tie those in as well to give you bloom lower down so let me tie that in and then I'll show you what I've done there that should pretty much take care of it now you can see here a little bit more detail what I've done I got a piece of cardboard back here so give us a solid background I've got Keynes coming this way from the other side I've got canes coming this way the same thing up here and as this cane for example it goes all the way to the edge of the trails I'll turn it back around and train it right back up the other way a nice little curve and off we go now let me give you a couple little tips if you've got an older rose that you do need to train and the canes aren't flexible then them as far as you can tie them in wait about four to five weeks and then you'll be able to bend them a little bit more by doing it over stages you'll eventually get it to go to where you want it to go now a couple of other things that you can do if you want you could take some of the canes from the rows straight up then at the top half of the trellis begin to wind them take the ones other ones and wind them on the bottom half so using half the rose for the top of the trellis half the rose for the bottom of the trellis that will certainly work another great way to do this is to plant two roses on this trellis much like the concept that we did in layering ann arbor with roses it's the same kind of thing now I know the cynic and you was saying wait a minute he just wants to sell more roses and well you'd be right how do you think I pay for this stuff but it does work you can put one down below like over perhaps over on this part of the trellis use it to cover the bottom but another one over here take it more straight up and then begin to use it to cover the top that's going to really give you that wall of flowers in a hurry so there's a couple little sequence unique you can maybe pick up on to go with but here's the only thing you've really got to remember when you're working with the climbing rose don't think vertical think or is own you
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hi guys so it's Christmas oh my god best time of year ever I'm so super excited because um this is probably the first time I've actually made a big deal of it being Christmas on YouTube because I'm trying to get more videos out for my channel so for the first time ever I'm going to be doing a miniseries if I can even call it that with a few videos Christmas because I want to put some stuff out there for you guys um and I'm gonna call it pin spidered because I've been on Pinterest a hell of a lot recently and I've been seeing those really cute like Christmas DIYs and Christmas crafts and I thought that I could do some videos inspired by pins from other pins I thought were really cute so that's what I'm gonna be doing so the first video i've got for you guys is this rustic looking style garland and i thought I'd do decorations first in this series because obviously you need to decorate the house because it's Christmas and and this is really really super easy this is the original pin it was from and these were actually star ornaments you could do those as well I thought I could make a garland out of it that should be really cute like all you're gonna need is some brown paper which is super super cheap a printer and a computer to print out the like the text looking paper or you could do some pages up a book that's fine as well and hole-punch twine or ribbon or string or anything like that and a pair of scissors so it's super easy and it just came to the video so first of all I went on to this blog which I'll link below where I actually downloaded a image of the story to us a night before Christmas which I printed our unused ass paper for part of my garland and this is the website again a link below which I actually found the step by steps to make the origami stars I'm not gonna be going into how I'm not gonna be basically showing you how I made my star I'm not going to be talking through the points or anything like that because I'm really not very good explaining things but this website is actually really really self explanatory is really useful so I folded my paper the printed sheets of paper with the story the Christmas story on like I said you can use book pages and I folded it to make a square and cut off the excess as you've just seen that and then I just went on too far the instructions that were on the blog was really not that hard at all um it's just been one it's really easy to make the rest are they made the same with pieces of brown paper and then started to punch holes in the top of the stars and string them together with twine so I was going to do a staff made out of like the book page kind of paper and then a star made out of brown paper and then alternate air like that so it looks kind of rustic and I did this is all the stars I need about eight for this little garland but you can do as many as you want it doesn't actually take that long to be fast so this is the finished product so I hope you enjoyed the video and it's probably quite quick but this video is pretty much self-explanatory and all the links obviously to the proper easy to read stop boy steps are in the downbar but yeah i'll be posting another one up another pin spied video up within the next week so keep doing that and then i should be producing a lot more that will be up in the room up to christmas so stay tuned and comment rate and subscribe and i'll see you in next video
hi and welcome to how to draw cartoon addition by doodle cat 1 today we are going to learn how to draw a cartoon mouse we're going to start with a shape that looks like this now it may take a couple of times to get that shape right then you're going to add a small teardrop to the end to make it look like a nose for the eyes you're going to want one of them to be over the line right there and the other one is going to be in side the shape then you're going to want to add a smile and with a couple of whiskers then add an ear and an outline another ear and another outline after that you're going to want to add a body with a foot and some toes and another flight and some more toes after that you're going to want to add two lines in order that for his arms he's going to be holding some cheese and so you draw that by adding a triangle there and then connecting the lines like that now you can also draw some holes to make it look like Swiss cheese after that you add the tail you can draw some lines on that and there you have it your mouse now be sure to visit w-w-w my tutorials thanks for checking out my videos
hi guys I have been doing some shopping because everything in stores is amazing right now and a fall is definitely my favorite time of year to go shopping for clothes I just love fall fashion the boots and the sweaters and the coats and the scarves and all the colors it's just my favorite and I thought that I would do just a big collective fall fashion haul for you guys today I'm going to start with what I got from made well because I have had a made well wish list a mile long for a while now and recently they just had a big sale that was 30% off your entire purchase so I was like okay this is the time I'm going to get all the stuff I've been wanting first up is a pair of heels that I'm so excited about oh I'm just like giddy opening these because I haven't even worn them yet but they are just so beautiful I saw them in the store and I tried them on and I was like these will be mine they are a pair of black suede strappy heels with a nice chunky blocky heel I'm so into the chunky heels these days I'm kind of totally over the whole like skinny stiletto heel right now I really like the chunkiness of it especially because it makes it way easier to walk in but they are just oh my gosh like so amazing like I can't even come up with words to describe how much I'm in love with these I'll get the other one out they're super comfy to walk and even though they're a higher heel because it is a chunky heel they aren't wobbly at all and I think that the black suede is just so festive for this time of year they also have these in a cranberry color and a gray color the cranberry color is really pretty but I just didn't know how many things it would go with in my closet so I went with the classic black but I love them also from made while I got a pair of their skinny skinny sateen legging jegging type pants in this awesome red color I've been really wanting a red pair of pants for fall because I don't know like I was saying in my recent favorites video like this type of color is just my power color for this season I love anything kind of plummy or red or purple II anything like that and so I really wanted a pair of skinnies in this color and these are really comfortable what I like about these is they're more of like an actual almost more of like a twill material than a denim they're not a denim material so they look you can dress them up a little bit easier because they aren't that kind of rough denim texture they're more like a smooth pant texture they just have plenty pockets on the back they're skinny all the way down to the ankles and they're just super comfy and perfect for fall now the last thing that I got from Madewell is this slim leather wallet I love made wels leather goods they do such a good job on their handbags I have a crossbody bag from them that I've had for a few years that has just worn it so nicely like the leather just softens and looks better the more that I wear it and so I got this little wallet because the only other like full-size wallet that I have is like a big zip around one and actually when I stuff a bunch of stuff in it it doesn't fit in all of my bags so I wanted something that was a little bit slimmer so this just has like a little hook or like not a hook like a button almost closure no not a button what would I call this like a peg closure I don't even know it has a closure right here this just has lots of room for cards inside some catch and then it also does have a sip compartment on the back for coins or anything else that I would want to zip up next up I have this silky tank from ever Lane I just really fell in love with the color of this it's just like a basic silky camisole just has like a scoop neckline and it's straight across in the back and it does have adjustable straps which is really nice you can kind of fit it to how you like to wear it but I just really like the color it's kind of like almost like a eggshell gray like it just has a little bit of a cool tone to it it is double lined in the top half of the chest it has this extra piece of material so it isn't sheer at all which is really nice for it being like a lighter colored top and the next step I have another pair of boots and if you watched my September favorites video I showed a pair of boots in that video and I was raving about them and I said like I could totally have these in more colors well I went back and I got them in the gray taupe color because I love them so much these are the BP trolley booties from Nordstrom I already have them in black and I wear them all the time they really are one of the best booties that I've ever had because they're simplistic they go with everything they just have a zipper on the outer side of each shoe and they have about a three inch on them but because the heel is quite chunky and think they aren't wobbly at all they're so comfortable to walk in so because I wear the black ones so much I thought it would be kind of a good investment for my wardrobe to get a lighter color as well and I saw these kind of topi light leather ones and I thought those are just perfect especially because I feel like I could transition these to warmer weather outfits as well like they would look nice with a dress or a skirt and like a long cardigan or something like that yeah these are great I'll have a link to them down below because they have like a gazillion colors of these and if you're looking for a great staple booty for your wardrobe you should check these out and then also from Nordstrom I got a cardigan from brandy melville I didn't realize that Nordstrom was now carrying the brandy melville line but this is just a really oversized comfy stretchy knit Dolman sleeve tan cardigan that I just thought looked super comfy it's like a very much like a like a Saturday or Sunday brunch cardigan that's what I thought of when I saw it is like just throw this over something and wear it out to brunch just super comfy I really love the color as well I'm liking these like liars hands that are just a little bit more on the gray side rather than on like the yellowy golden side and that's it for my fall haul I am so excited about these pieces especially because over the last year I put so much effort into like downsizing my closet and getting rid of things that I feel just don't fit me anymore don't fit my style and just aren't things I love and I feel like everything that I got are really things that like fit my current style and are very like valued additions to my wardrobe in there pieces that I'm really going to love and wear a lot so that's a very exciting feeling when your wardrobe starts to get curated into something that is actually very fitting of you and your style and everything that you're loving right now so I'm very excited about these pieces I will have everything that I talked about linked down below if you want to check anything out and let me know what your favorite trends for this fall are are there any new styles out there that you're just really loving let me know down in a comment below and I guess that's it I hope you guys are having a wonderful day and I'll see you in my next video bye [Music]
hey guys has a gun welcome to my first tutorial I've had a few requests people wanting to know how I actually do my motorcycle photos so I've decided to chuck up a full tutorial in the process I go through now this is a simplified processor obviously I do it a little bit more detailed but this is just the basics to get you started alright the tools you're going to need you're going to need a DSLR you're going to need an LED light I use a softbox with 100 for 124 LED light inside it you'll see that on the video soon wireless remote or a remote and a tripod now the remote in the tripod to keep the camera as still as possible because you don't want the camera moving at all yes it's possible to align the images in Photoshop later but we'd rather not do that alright now for the camera settings when taking these photos you want to set it in manual mode set the ISO to 100 I use roughly f-16 because it's the right just the right f-stop to kind of let the right amount alot in for me at least I'm and exposure I have at 10 seconds now these are all kind of you can fiddle and change these settings up a bit but these are just kind of the base that I use and I'm using a 50 millimetres get for this image I've got six shots so with these sorts of images when you're light painting because we're going to actually take it into post and take it into Photoshop and you're going to merge them together you want to start off with a base image this is my base image so no lights nothing just 10 second exposure your first image we're going to do is the top shot so grab your light and just run it across the top of the bike you should get something like this second image I'm going to do the front going to do exactly the same thing just run the blight up and down the bike and then let it this thing the third image going to do the same thing but for the back so once you've actually gone up and down once just take the image out take the light out of the image so that's the back now second last one we're going to the top so here I'm standing in front of the light box so just make sure you cover that light and then just run it back and forward that's what we get for the last image we're going to do exactly the same thing but just down the bottom now the softbox gives these nice reflections off it and you'll see there we go last image all right now let's take all our images into Photoshop all right here we are in Photoshop now I've got six images as you saw so just select them and then drag them into Photoshop if you've got raw you'll come up with the Camera Raw panel and then just hit OK for all images I've already brought them all in so I've got my six images up here one two three four five six all right now we've got our base image so the first image you wanna lay over is the front of the bike so go to them image hit ctrl a press ctrl C and hit control B over here now change the layer mode to lighten now with the land mode enlightened create a new mask over here select your brush tool make sure it's on black and then just start brushing that out there we go now we're going to do the same thing over here grab the back next control C while control a control C and then control B and then for this one just hit lighten because we don't have actually anything to brush out in this one we're not going to create a layer mask on it so that's the first two images done pretty simple alright third image we are going to use the top side so select it control C control V on there and just hit lighten now we don't actually have to rub anything out on this one so I raise anything so we can actually leave this one as is obviously if you're taking more photos or kind of highlighting different areas you might have more shots and a highlight different bits you know the way you also kind of run your light across the bike will highlight it differently right for the last one down here we are actually going to set that to lighten and create a layer mask on it and then we're going to have a hit alt backspace and what that'll do is that'll set the layer mask black so that'll make it invisible now we want to change our brush tool to white and I've just shrunk it down a little bit and then just slowly brush over the bits you kind of want to bring in see I don't want to bring this in down here so brush that over the top I'll bring some up there you know you can kind of bring some down here add extra detail and depth all the way down here and then down in the wheels that's where we actually added a lot more light down in the wheels you can see that's just bringing that back just giving us that effect now if you've gone to much like I think I have they're just put it on the black again and then just go down see that's nothing too much that way so just going to bring it back some more like that but not too much so that's those two images finished and for our last image what we want to do is we want to bring this one in so control let's select control C and then control me now we want to create a layer mask I want to set that to lighten and we want to hit ctrl backspace this time to get rid of the laughs I'll hide it now take your brush tool again now we want to shrink it this time and we just kind of want to bring in the tops of the bikes just these highlights up the top now you don't want to go too far because we've got lights up the top there so this will just give it a nice kind of effect up the top and bring the handlebars in and the front of the bike and the mirror now what I normally do is I normally actually select around this how to block it out so I can just take a larger brush tool and go down under it but if you're careful you can kind of do it without it there we are our final image that's pretty much how you do it now if you want to get rid of the background sorry what I did to mine is I create got the brush tool got a black on and pretty much just rub that all the bright spots with a brush that just gives it a nice black background after this you can add a few curves adjustments just give it that little bit extra maybe just bring up the black get down a bit change the color on it yeah that's your final image so if you've learnt a few things you can apply this pretty much to any motorbike and I'll give you a kind of a nicer result now if you use a light with no softbox you might have troubles kind of with really harsh light it does give a different effect if you want that it is pretty good but I find using a softbox just gives you those nice highlights thanks guys enjoy
one of my favorite hardy evergreen flowering vines is the Carolina Jessamine like we've got right here now this plant is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Carolina jasmine but it's not Jasmine it's a Jessamine these vines will grow to about 20 feet if they have a nice structure to climb on but as you can see here if they're just planted in the ground they sort of make a large mound this one's roughly six or seven foot wide and about three feet tall these are native to the southeastern United States as you might think with a name like Carolina Jessamine I've seen these growing in the woods over in East Texas as I've gone to my grandmother's down there the plant is evergreen it is Hardy here in Oklahoma they prefer a soil that is enriched with organic matter and they prefer to receive a lot of moisture but as you can see this one here in our Arboretum doesn't have an improved soil and it doesn't get watered regularly throughout the year and it does fine now sometimes out in the western part of Oklahoma they may turn yellow the leaves may yellow a little bit because of the alkaline soil but you can't improve some of that soil with some organic matter or add some elemental sulphur to lower that pH and you should do quite fine now these will grow best out in full Sun but they will handle a little bit of shade in fact it's one of the only vines flowering vines I know that will bloom readily if it has a little bit of shade on the plant the Carolina Jessamine a beautiful plant but one word of caution all parts of the plant are poisonous so keep that in mind when you plant it and it will make a nice flowering vine for Oklahoma
eclectic designs by Catherine and offer e beaded jewelry com presents how to make these super simple Ottoman earrings to make these earrings you will need to what in half inch head pins I'm using 2 inch silver plated headbands in this video because that is all I had at the time two ear wires to 16 millimeter of pearl glass beads to bead caps to small beads the same color as the findings optional Chong's with jump rings attached and alternatively you can use smaller beads for light awake earrings you will also need wire cutters round nose pliers and long nose pliers you the first step is to string a 16 millimeter bead bead cap and a small bead on ahead Pam form a simple loop at the top and then trim the excess wire close the loop repeat for the other earring open an ear wire loop and attach a beaded head pin the key to opening loops is that you need to open them sideways in order not to weaken the wire or miss shapen the loop to close the loop just move it sideways until the wire end is touching the loop you can hear clicking sound when this happens repeat this step for the other earring you you can leave your earrings as is or you can add a charm since I found out that I had more of these little golden dub Jones from last year I decided to add them to this project alternatively instead of goat findings and launched red beans you can use silver findings with the deep blue beads these beads happen to be eight millimeter wonder beads the special thing about Wonder pedes is that they glow this video was brought to you by eclectic designed by Catherine and WWF three beaded jewelry com you
Hello There! My name is Chipp Marshal and today I am going to show you how to get rid of mice. If you find this information to be helpful, please do me a big favor and subscribe to my channel. As soon as someone discovers that they have a mouse problem they immediately turn to poisons or traps. Poison is dangerous, especially if you have pets or children.. and in my opinion, most mouse traps are inhumane. They are very messy and very unnecessary. However, There is a fantastic repellent for getting rid of mice that no one ever talks about. I'm not sure if there is a lack of good information out there or people are just skeptical about trying something new. Whatever the case may be, peppermint oil is a proven and effective deterrent for getting rid of mice. It has a strong scent that is very pleasing to humans but highly offensive to rodents. Mice depend on their sense of smell to communicate, find food and survive. And they can't tolerate the scent of peppermint oil so they will have no choice but to pack up and leave. Ok, so here is what you need to know. Although it is inexpensive, not many regular stores carry peppermint oil. So you'll need to know where to get it. I just posted a great page on my blog about the best ways to get rid of mice. So if you have time, go check that out and I'll show which kind of peppermint oil works the best and where you can buy it. And don't worry I'm frugal so I'll show you where to get the cheapest price. On that page, there are also a bunch of other quick and fantastic tips for getting rid of mice and keeping them out for good. So if you want to be a pest control rockstar, head over to And remember, that is chip with 2 p's. For more great tips like this one and to learn the best ways to use your peppermint oil, come visit my rodent page at
in my last video I showed you how to paint a car or part of a car with rust-oleum and a roller and the number one question I got from you guys is can you do the entire thing with spray paint yes you can so I've got spray paint and I'm going to paint this this is a body panel off of my scooter and I'm gonna show you guys how to do this I've already sanded this down with 320 so we're just going to start with that start from there now before we get to actually painting let's talk about the paint that you're going to use in this now I've done quite a bit of painting with spray cans on all kinds of stuff from computers to cars and motorcycles and all that stuff and I've tried everything all the different brands and this is the best brand out there stick with rust-oleum rust-oleum enamel alright stay stay with that and you will have the exact same results that you're gonna see at the end of this video stay away from dupli-color stay away from Krylon they all all of those other paints really suck I've tried them they are horrible don't even don't even waste your time okay at this point you need to let this sit and dry even though it looks nice and shiny now it's gonna get very ugly as time goes by and when it dries it shrinks and that's when all the orange peel shows up so this is sort of like a preview of what it's going to look like when it is when I actually do finish it but for now it's very wet this needs to sit somewhere for a couple of days and dry all right it's been a few days and as you can see the paint looks good out here in the Sun but when I take it into the shade you can really start to see if you look yeah you can see all the orange peel on there yeah there you go yeah you can see all that orange peel that needs to come off so what we're going to do is click clear coat on top of it and then we're going to stand and buff the clear to get rid of that and this is also still kind of wet so even after 2 days so yeah all right after the clear is on it's gonna look much worse all that orange peel is going to come to the surface and you're gonna see all of it and it's gonna look really really bad but what you need to do is let this dry for a while maybe about two days you might be able to get away with leaving it out overnight but this is what we're going to sand and polish on top of to get the perfect finish okay last night I finished this up got it nice and shiny and I have to say after doing this this is a lot easier than painting with the roller you definitely don't have to wet sand nearly as much you just have to sand on the clear to get it nice and shiny like this the Maguire's did an excellent job of getting rid of the scratches and making it nice and shiny and now this part definitely looks a lot better than the paint on the rest of my bike so that kind of sucks but aside from that I am very very happy with the shine and the quality that I get on this now if you're looking at doing a car with this type of paint by spraying on rust-oleum a couple of pros and cons of this paint first off using a spray can to do a large panel is hard it's going to take some time you need to practice a lot to get that right if you're doing a smaller panel like this it's a lot easier wet sanding is a lot easier and it's easier to protect it afterwards because right now this paint is not fully dry it looks good it's nice and shiny I can touch it I can wash it but it's not dry it's gonna take about two months to fully dry on a car that's hard because you know some people have to park out outside in the rain and in the weather and in the Sun and all that but this little bike here I can just stick it in a storage room and you know it'll be fine in there I want have to worry about chips or anything like that rocks hitting it or anything so yeah that's the only real problem with doing this with painting like this
- Hey guys, so this is the season for stone fruit. And one of my favorite ways to bake with all of those peaches, nectarines, and plums that you are seeing at the market right now is with a crumble. A crumble is essentially just baked fruit topped with a cinnamon, butter, sugar combination that can't be beat. It is also one of the quickest dessert ideas if you're entertaining in the summer, and you need something in a hurry. This would also be the perfect dessert idea to go with my last-minute dinner idea from yesterday. If you missed that recipe, you can click the annotation and get caught up, and see how to make a last-minute dinner party come together in less than an hour. So the first thing we're gonna do is prep our fruit. So, the other reason why I like this recipe, and why it comes together so quickly, is we're going to leave the skin on the fruit. I know it can be controversial to some, but here' my philosophy on the matter. A, it's going to save you a ton of time leaving the skin on, but also there is pectin in that skin. So as they bake, it's going to release and create a really nice syrupy, delicious mixture. So leave the skins on. So, we're looking for eight cups of peaches and nectarines. And really it can be any ratio you like. I usually just use whatever I have on hand until I get eight cups. But you could do half and half. You could do a third and two thirds. Whatever you have will be fine. And to that, we're going to add a cup of blackberries. And then we're gonna add half a cup of sugar, a cup of flour, two tablespoons for fresh lemon juice, and then we're also gonna add a third of a cup of water, and if your peaches or nectarines are not that ripe, I would say go a whole half a cup. Because what that's gonna do is really allow that sauce to really develop and make it even more syrupy. If your fruit is not ripe, they're not going to be very juicy. But you can actually help the juiciness by adding a little bit more water. Then you're just gonna mix that all up until everything is combined. And then you're going to transfer it into a shallow baking dish. Now I said shallow because that's gonna do two things. One, it's gonna help everything bake a lot quicker. So when you need something last minute, you wanna go shallow. And the other thing that it does is when we go to put the crumble on, it's going to ensure that everybody gets a little bit of crumble. If you use something that's wide and shallow, you're gonna distribute that a lot better. If you use something that's short and deep, only a few people are going to get the crumble, and you're gonna and up with a lot of fruit. So, low and shallow is the way to go. So then we're gonna set this aside, and we're gonna prepare the crumble. So, in a small bowl, you're gonna add a cup of flour, a teaspoon of baking powder, four tablespoons of brown sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, three-quarters teaspoon of cinnamon, half a cup of chopped pecans, and a half a cup of old-fashioned oatmeal. Now, if you don't eat nuts, or you have somebody that's allergic, you could actually just do a full cup of oatmeal. And then we're also gonna add half a cup of melted butter, two tablespoons of heavy cream, and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. And you can go ahead and whisk that up with a fork and as you are doing that you will see this beautiful crumble will develop. And then you're just going to go in there with your hands and sprinkle the crumble all over your fruit mixture. Then we are going to place this in 375 degree oven for just 25 minutes. You'll know that it's done when it starts to sort of bubble, and all of those juices you can see are rising to the top. Now, if you get to like the 15 minute mark, and you don't see any juices, one of the things that you can do is just go in with a little bit more water and kind of pour it all around the crumble. And that'll get all of that fruit sort of activating, and get those juices going. Then, when your crumble is done, you can go ahead and take it out of the oven and crumble is really best served piping hot just like this. And the way that I like to serve it is to spoon out a nice healthy portion of it in a shallow bowl and serve it with two scoops of vanilla ice cream. Because crumble really needs a scoop of ice cream in every little bite. And you will have one delicious dessert on your hands that is so summery. You've got that sweetness from the peaches, and the tartness of the blackberries, mixed with the crunch of the crumble coming from the nuts and the oatmeal. It's really such a great summer dessert that took hardly any time to put together. I hope you guys give this one a try, and let me know what you think. And I will see you back here next week for another delicious summer recipe. Until then, bye. (shoo-bop music)
hi this is rose from Big Horn library this summer the program seemed all across the country is splash we've been having lots of good times with splash the theme really lends itself to all sorts of activities the one I'm going to show you today is octopus they're mysterious animal that kids enjoy reading about and looking at they don't know much about them especially not here in landlocked Alberta this book is called animals nobody loves Seymour Simon and you can see tarantula on the front creepy little bat on the back one of the animals inside is the octopus what a fabulous photograph and this whole book is full of short articles and great photographs of these creepy animals that nobody loves how sad i also have another pic to show you for more junior readers and kids who are just coming into reading octopus island these this series of graphic novels very simple takes the critter kids the children are familiar with in there easy books and moves them up to another whole level of reading so they have a comfort with the characters and it helps them make that step up to harder books plus which everybody loves a comic book fun story to read and i'm going to show you now a nonfiction book 1 2 3 collage we've used several of the projects in here for our summer reading program this summer and the one I'm going to share with you is called the awesome octopus and it is a very awesome crafts to do you it's great because you can take it down a level if you're working with your young children and raise it up if you're working with children here a little bit older the one I'm going to show you right here is a fairly simple one this is the one we did with the preschoolers they had a great time with it you can see it simple as can be we're caper scroungers here at this library because that's what our budget can afford for the most part and some are donated this fabulous framed paper to us and preschoolers like using this because they end up with a more finished look product very nice and deep so you take this you just ordinary construction paper here's an octopus head and you take another little piece of paper and start tearing it and you begin to get octopus tentacles tear off eight of them so it's accounting project as well as tearing very simple for kids gluing and then drawing on the details like little suckers on the tentacles and for our kids because they were preschoolers we just drew on a face but if you were working with older children they actually took playing pieces of paper painted on them and let them dry so they had texture and then they tore out little bits blue and red for dogs a smile little teeth a far more complicated crap and a nice outcome really well thank you for joining us today and I hope you're enjoying the summer reading program as much as we are
hi this is Cindy from the paper studio today we're going to show you how to use leftover strips to make a couple really fun little ornaments this is a great project that kids can do you can do with friends and family simple fun and fast make some really fun retro ornaments that you can have around your house to decorate if you're like me you end up having a lot of scraps leftover from various projects so this is a great way to recycle the first one we're going to make is this fun retro ornament you've probably seen this it's been around on a bazillion blogs this season so I thought I would give you a quick demo so it starts out with some different strips I cut these about an inch long and then I'm using seven strips so I've got them cut in graduated lengths so the first one's 12 inches then 10 then 8 and then I repeat those on the other side so again it's graduated strips get that out of the way so 12 inches 10 8 and then we're going to parallel that on the other side 12 inches 10 I'm going to do these 8 and then we have a center strip that's actually shorter than all of them in the middle these all so I'm going to have a using double-sided cardstock so your outer strips are the same length and they could go in so they you have pairs of strips so these are the 12 inches 10 inches 8 inches middle one is 7 so you can do it any length just remember your two outer two then the next to the next to the middle one is just a little bit shorter so I've done it with 11 inches 9 inches 7 inches 6 inches you can vary them all over the place so I just picked 12 since I had a bunch of 12 inch cardstock strips so I'm going to start pairing these up I'm going to use this is again double-sided cardstock it'll look different if you pair them up I'm going to pair them up just having the different sides match so you can see what the pattern looks like so these I have the plain sides going together and this I have the decorative sides going together and pair all of it up then you're going to make it go flush I just tap the whole thing down you want the whole entire baileywick to go flush really high tech staple it so it holds it all together and then you're going to get the other side to go flush so you're going to start pairing that up so this is where you get your curve in your shape so again depending on the size of your strips is going to change the shape of your ornament we used to make these as kids a lot I've made a lot across when I was a kid I was in 4h so we were they they're always thinking of things for us to make to get us out of their hair probably but we made it with gross construction paper back in like the 60s oh they were hideous looking now they're all really fun because paper is gorgeous nowadays so you have these really fun little ornaments you can you know hang I used two straight monofilament wire wire thread that you can just hang and suspend they're so lightweight so you know the more pronounced you make the the strip sizes like this one's probably got a two inch differentiation between this one and then the middle so and this is stripes and you know patterns so they can be all different dots and stripes and then this one's got like three different patterns so that's a really fun way to do something really kind of quick fun with that one and then I love these little balls these are just super fun these ones you need a little bit narrower of a strip about quarter inch to half inch is good if you do thicker they're too fat and they just don't spread really well so I've got a whole bunch of little strips and again you end up having these if you make cards and such or you can just cut down paper this is a crop-a-dile it's like an ugly tool but it works great this punches to book board like butter so love the crop-a-dile so I mean I just got a whole pile of strips again I've alternated inside and out this double-sided card star double-sided cardstock is your friend during the holidays because you can do so much with it I'm going to punch through this whole bailiwick at one time this would be impossible to do with a regular punch but the crop-a-dile they've made it very Ergo dynamically friendly so it's really easy peasy to do that at one time like I said it can go through book board it's unbelievable so I just put a brad through there so a little this is a little jewel Brad but you can get these Brad's pretty much anywhere they were originally an office supply item and then all of the crafters took over and we like almost decorative things so again punching everything at once so I punched through the whole bailiwick and you're going to put the brad through the whole thing at one time open the Brad so the Brad goes on the side that you're going to see so just keep that in mind and then you're just going to start to spread the circle out the ball out and you'll just go around now I like to use these as balls for a bowl to have on a table but you can certainly add a little bit of string to them and make them a hanging ornament last year in the studio we had them hanging from the ceiling so they're little balls hanging everywhere they're so lightweight and you know we just use like little command strips and such and just tap them up to the ceiling so they just kind of were bobbing about they're really fun so there's just such fun little things you can do then to add a little bit of splash of color again you can do them kind of plain you can do them with double-sided cardstock you know this one now has a kind of a stripy effect going on you know just depending on how you lay it out I did this one plane it kind of coordinates with this other blue and brown paper if you do all the same color facing up then this one has all the same color facing up and then you can see all the brown and the inside so that's kind of fun this little guy you can make them little to go kind of cute little ones using different color Brad's just a silver Brad there this one used a copper one this is just straight up cardstock so it's kind of endless you know you can make them kind of really pretty and contemporary so just some fun things to do with strips fun to do with kids fun to do with your family so great things for the holidays
for those who like the natural feel of a plant scrambling up a tree star jasmine is an infinitely wiser choice than rampant climbers such as ivy the latter though not a parasite in biological terms can virtually strangle a tree causing branches to collapse under its weight and seriously shortening the trees life trachelospermum simply does not possess such belligerent qualities for climbing on tall walls star Jasmine needs tying and training with age the vines do become thicker and so the structure on which it is trained ought to be able to take some weight on short walls though it does not require support as it cascades over the top of the wall it is also used sometimes as a medium scale ground cover left to its own devices it tends to mount somewhat and in time can become bare and bald other than at the growing tips it is therefore worth pruning and clipping on a regular basis in order to induce lateral growth and ultimately a denser x' more compact appearance subscribe us to know more gardening tips
hey you guys jordan Brazil from Jambo airbrush and I just wanted to discuss with you the problems that I ran into in painting a visor for a motorcycle helmet as you can see here this visor has been painted solid so you can't see through it it's all fashion no function on top of that I painted perforated vinyl to then be put on another visor and that one heel the see through this is what caused me problems so what I did was as I painted this one I also painted perforated climb on that I had set up right beside so I would do a step on here I'd do step one here paint it essentially identical once it was completed being painted I then got someone to help me put it on visors an extra visor that I had worked but at that point still just raw basically I decided not to clear it yet because in my head I thought I could put it on the visor clear it it'll all be protected and see-through and it would all be great so that's what I did but that was the problem put the vinyl on and that went well and then I cleared it what happens is the clear fills every little hole but not filled all the way so it creates a little scoop in each hole creating looks like a tiny little fisheye lens in each one you go to look through it it's clear but it's like looking through smoked glass can't see it anymore so my next thought then was to okay we'll watch and scuff it and I can clear it again and build up layers and then sand it suzana clear again and sand it smooth till all those little divots have been completely filled up with clear and made smooth again and I did do that and it does get to a point where you can see through it but it's definitely not good and it's definitely not safe so then what I decided to do since I only have the two and this one is already now just completely caked in this clear is take the original one this this visor that is Pia to solve it and I took pictures of it from every angle and then I photoshopped it all together and on Photoshop I also went in and I painted past the edges just with digital painting painted past all the edges so I had like a nice border and then I got a vinyl printing place to print it on perforated vinyl I made several of them so if I made a mistake I would be able to repair it or have another try with the people at the vinyl place told me is that it's still not good enough these ones that they make for buses and they're only supposed to last a couple of weeks another airbrusher online he had done is clear the perforated vinyl on the backing and he let it dry and then taking it off the backing and with compressed air blowing all the little holes out that I didn't seem like that was a really great idea to me I don't know how you could blow all a little holes out and not have the little circle sticking to the back of the vinyl and I feel felt like it would just make real large mess what I ended up coming up with and doing is clearing it on the vinyl backing then while it was still wet just clearing it one coat with airbrush and then we'll still wet taking it off the backing and putting it on to a brand new vinyl backing so there's no longer any clear and the holes and it's safe to dry on there once it was then dry I then was able to now ordering a third visor be able to put it on and it went on really well I didn't use help this time but I learned enough by working with and watching the guy who helped me and I was able to put it on using the heat gun sorta helped soften it and got it on wrinkle free and now this one you can see through it almost looks like you're looking through tinted glass it's not really that bad so now learning the hard way what I feel I would do if I do want to be and is to still I would still paint one of these for display purposes because I just like to add it looks best it looks better than the ones the holes and then I would they paint another one onto perforated vinyl but I just know now to clear it well it's on the backing just with a one nice coat with an airbrush it's thin and still pliable and then while still wet transfer to new vinyl backing and allowing it to dry there thanks so much guys for watching I hope that this is helpful bring with math to try and feed perforated vinyl for a motorcycle visor I don't cause me all problems but now I learned and hopefully you can learn from my mistakes instead of making them yourself thanks guys so much you
[Music] today we'll be making banana combo we will need five cups of life cooking banana one and a half cup sugar 2 cups water 1 half cups water 1 cup light brown sugar one and a half cups all-purpose flour boil the water and sugar and sugar equally beautiful as a sliced bananas and cook covered into the therapist completely absorb and bananas good Darryl once in a while prevent bananas from sticking to the pan cook bananas will look translucent without any big spot transfer cook bananas into a buttered oven proof station [Music] the pyramids are together the water flower rub with him to make sure resembles from the other couple bananas from place the dish over a bigger trade before putting it in the organ didn't catch any ribbon to pay scale over Cavalli this is we have a 75 degrees Fahrenheit preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes against the temperature to 400 degrees and bake until golden brown this is best served warm with a dollop of vanilla ice cream [Music] you [Music]
hello everyone and welcome to another episode of California Gardening Today we're gonna see how to use Neem Oil to control pests on corn silks as well as some other vegetables so it's a nice organic way to control pests and insects in your garden in your vegetable garden, flower garden any where you'd like it So hope you enjoy this video So all you need is some Neem oil concentrate that you can find at any home improvement stores or your local garden store and you'd also need A gallon sprayer to mix water as well as the Neem Oil that you can spray on your plants so when you start spraying the oil, make sure you spray and get all the the (corn) silk area wet the corn silks are very susceptible to pests of all sorts, so make sure you spray it well so that it just starts dripping around the leaves as well that should give you a nice even layer of Neem around your plants and make sure you get the entire plan wet just look for all the corn silks that have formed the small ones, the big ones and you'll also notice that while you're spraying everything that drips around the plant is gonna keep the the edges as well as the the insides of the plant very free from pests. And take your time in spraying properly you don't want to hurry up in this Step. Make sure you get the entire plant wet as well as I even try to spray the stems and the roots a little bit so just make sure you go or the entire plants and spray it pretty well you know once again Neem is a really good organically to control pests its I think one of the most amazing inventions ever so for me Neem works most of the time - it works really well but if you'll feel you need something else in addition I would suggest Spray with Neem Oil for about once in about 15 days and if you still feel you need some more if you still see insects, you can use another organic pesticide called Spino-sad which I will probably cover in another video you can also use Neem Oil to spray all your other veggies I'm spraying eggplants here. I planted these 3 eggplants in 1 whiskey barrel And it's great to grow them in whiskey barrels. Eggplants grow really well You can plant up to three and the Neem Oil does a good job of keeping all the critters away. So hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you next time!
[Music] hi you will create a channel and we post videos every day and in this video tutorial I am going to teach you how to make a small decorative ball hope you will enjoy it all we need is a piece of Steve forensic paper any type of glue and of course scissors we need to draw and cut 20 circles so let's get started take any round object to trace circles and then cut them out now we need to make a triangle which all three sides are equal the diameter of my circles is 5 centimeters so I mark 5 centimeters and Mark the center 2.5 centimeters then I draw the central line and measure five centimeters from the bottom mark to the central line [Music] now take any soft fabric and trace the triangle it will help to make neat holes [Music] and the last step is to glue all pieces together as shown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hope you like the result thanks for watching and see you tomorrow [Music]
good afternoon we're joined by James oki head of horticulture at and winds and James going to tell us about a very special plant we have on offer good afternoon James good afternoon welcome the plant we've got for you today is a tractor spare them Jasmine oi DS variegated quite a mouthful but commonly known as star jasmine the plant it comes like this with a tripod and it will naturally grows without five meters high eventually or five minutes long if you want to try that along the fence you can easily trim it back trim it back in early spring tour around now January because it flowers inmate and it fails on new wood and the really the best thing about this plant is in the summer the fragrance emits and its clusters of pure white flowers which feita cream as I get older that would appear live with you forever James I see that it's currently in a pot is that the pot that you get free with the plant that's right this this plant comes to as a 3-liter potted plant with three canes in it and we also company comes free with this decorative planter and if I wanted James if I just wanted to put it in a border or put put it in my garden in a different part can I just use anything I've got what would I do okay what you think what I recommend you do is plant it in some good sturdy compost it's quite a tall and the pop and what it needs is something to hold to pot down so something like that John in his compost if you're going in another container or if you're going to plant it in the garden just take a good big hole with some good fertilizer doesn't like its roots to get too waterlogged but other than that it's completely evergreen it's completely hardy and year after year good afternoon today we've got this fury Optus Tecton artists the golden Daisy bush so there's an hour or so it's much easier to say the common name the beauty about this product is it's got an award of garden merit a beautiful evergreen silver courage really soft and Bernie what's really amazing about this part is it's January and it's flower birds have already started to form this plan and keep Clarence about November you will need to bring it in over the winter because isn't totally hard in the UK but give it a little bit of protection grow it in a pot so you can move it around the garden eel an absolute stomach you can buy both these amazing parts of Europe TSA's and the trachelospermum for a super value price get flowers for months of the year and then get a super evergreen fragrance in the summer followed by deliciously red tinge leaves in the autumn
I'm using wire wheels from cobalt wire cup brush to inch this one has worked the best so far because I feel like it's stiffer it just has that end on it I got a larger one that's probably three or four inch I'm sure I have the packaging somewhere but this is the progress I've made so far as you can see it's done a good job getting down into the cracks and all that good stuff this is a ninja 250 um pre gen but yeah it's not a really good job I've done some extra cleaning up with just coarse sandpaper I think it's 80 80 grit I got this kit from Harbor Freight for an angle grinder um but it fucking sucks and all this shit just spins as soon as it makes contact I've tried really tightening it down doesn't make any difference so I'm just using a cheap drill with that handle from Harbor Freight it was like 20 bucks but this handle makes a world of difference because otherwise you would never be able to keep this thing still in one spot it just likes to throw itself all over the place my workshop is so clean yeah 80 grit sandpaper has worked really well for stripping this paint this paint has been extremely difficult to shave off this KZ 305 was a totally different story I just took some sandpaper and got the whole tank stripped in like two hours but this is probably three and a half hours of work I tried this citrus strip stripping gel does absolutely nothing I left it on for many hours in the perfect conditions and it literally did not even dull the gloss finish on the tank um but yeah that's the setup these little wire brushes and the drill one thing I will say to be aware of is if you can see this lip right here you can kind of see a little bit of a lip those brushes if you keep them on the same spot long enough will um grind through the metal a little bit but it takes some work to do it but yeah this is the rough cut obviously have a lot more left to do hopefully I can find something to strip this so I don't have to go through that with the brush because it's going to be really obnoxious but yeah after this I'll just hit it with some really fine sandpaper and I had this taped off and where the petcock is taped off to um keep any paint dust and stuff getting inside which I'll tape it off again before I go back to it I won't know what the fumes breathe out um hopefully that's it yeah
hi I'm Sophie and welcome to my world after Halloween do you end up with a lot of pumpkins leftover I know I do and one of the things that I've learned how to do is repurpose those pumpkins into a great Thanksgiving centerpiece well not only is the centerpiece good for making the table look pretty but it's also a great conversation starter and a great activity for the whole family on Thanksgiving Day now you don't need too many things just pumpkin a hammer a nail some toothpicks some construction paper a little puffball some googly eyes some scissors and some magic markers first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm going to move my pumpkin over here the first thing I'm going to do is I'm gonna create some turkey feathers turkey feathers are very important for this turkey so all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take some paper and you can download our free template on how to make your very own feathers but I'm going to show you how to do it really really quick right here what I've done is I've taken my paper and I folded it over about an inch and what I'm now gonna do is make a sort of teardrop shape just by cutting up and around so that when I open it up I have a turkey feather just like that and as I said we've got a template for you all you have to do is go to our website it's Sophie dash and download it now I've cut a bunch of these feathers ahead of time just so we can move along swiftly here what you want to do is set up a table at your Thanksgiving Day event and have some pens and all these feathers lined up people are then going to write what they're thankful for on these feathers so I'm going to write down here I'm thankful for my fabulous crew and now that I'm done I'm going to flip my feather over I'm going to take toothpick just like this and I'm gonna place it on the back and with a little bit of tape I'm just gonna tape this toothpick to the back of the feather so that about two inches sticks down just like that so you can see that now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create my turkey from my pumpkin I've chosen a little pumpkin that has a little stem what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna stick the little head on just like this now one thing that I have learned with my use of pumpkins during Halloween time is that when you decorate the body of the pumpkin you really can't use hot glue or any other kind of glue because the waxy surface of the pumpkin actually pushes away the glue and it just peels right off so what I've learned the best substance to use our glue dots so I'm gonna take a little glue dot here and I'm gonna stick it right on the top and then I'm gonna take my puff ball and put it right on the top and that's gonna be my little turkey head no turkeys have very little heads compared to their bodies so it's perfect just to have one little puff ball for the head I'm going to give it some eyes and I could use my glue dots for this but for sake of being quick and easy I'm going to use my hot glue I'm just gonna glue on my little eyes for my turkey now my turkey needs his tail now remember I told you you have your whole family fill out these I'm thankful for feathers this is where you're going to display them all across the back side of your turkey now here's my turkeys head so I'm going to fold down just like this and I'm going to take a hammer and a nail and this is very important because toothpicks are not strong enough to go through the skin of the pumpkin without a little help now this is something you definitely want to have an adult help out with because kids and hammers shouldn't shouldn't happen alone all right I'm gonna take my nail I'm just gonna hammer it in about an inch and pull it right out hammer it in pull it out hammer it in pull it out hammer it in pull it out now you get the idea I'm going to create an entire line right there and now I can just take my feathers and stick them right into my pumpkin now what's really fun about this is you get to see what people are thankful for and when it's on display people will start talking about all the different things that they're thankful for and it it makes a great conversation starter and there is your centerpiece for your next Thanksgiving meal for more great centerpiece ideas come on over to Sophie dash
Chemotherapy in general can affect your skin in several different ways. It can dry your skin out, or you can get a rash. Some medications that we give to treat cancer cause a rash that looks like acne which can develop on your face and your chest and on your back. Other medications cause what we call hand and foot syndrome where the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet become red, calloused, cracked and can even become painful. So there are many different skin care methods that we can use to help prevent this from happening. Some patients say that they felt like their skin was burning from the inside out after chemotherapy. By limiting your showers to five to 10 minutes and using warm water instead of hot water might alleviate some of that. Use a mild soap to bathe in and also use an anti-dandruff shampoo to help relieve any scalp discomfort. Some people will even use the anti dandruff shampoo as a body wash to help alleviate dry itchy skin. When you get out your shower, pat your skin dry instead of rubbing it and apply a moisturizing cream that does not contain any alcohol or fragrance. Fragrances and alcohol can be very irritating to your skin. Chemotherapy in general also makes your skin a lot more sensitive to sunlight. So you want to make sure that you're avoiding direct sunlight and if you must go out in direct sunlight, make sure you wearing a hat and sunscreen with at least an SPF of 30. When your skin is sensitive, wear loose comfortable clothing. I know bras in particular can be very bothersome to a woman. So buying a sports bra that might be a few sizes larger than what you normally wear might be more comfortable for you. Also when you're around the house, make sure that you're wearing thick socks with nice comfortable slippers or shoes. Getting a good night's sleep is also very important, by turning off the TV, promoting a relaxing environment before you go to bed, avoiding alcohol and caffeine before you go to sleep. Also when you're in bed want to think about what you're wearing to bed also. You might not have hair and so your head is cold. Many patients like to wear a cap made of jersey knit to keep their head warm while they're sleeping. If you have a rash that becomes very bothersome, you need to call your doctor. Also if the palms of your hands are sore and tender to where you cannot perform your daily activities or if the soles of your feet keep you from walking or make it painful to walk, make sure you call your doctor.
good afternoon we're joined by James oki head of horticulture at an wins James are going to tell us about a very special plant we have on offer good afternoon James good afternoon welcome the plant we've got for you today is a tractor spare them Jasmine oi DS very Gator quite a mouthful but commonly known as star jasmine the plant it comes like this with a tripod and it will naturally grows without five meters high eventually or five minutes long if you want to try that along the fence you can easily trim it back trim it back in early spring tour around now January because it flowers inmate and it fails on new wood and the really the best thing about this plant is in the summer the fragrance emits and its clusters of pure white flowers which faded cream as I get older they live with you forever James I see that it's currently in a pot is that the pot that you get free with the plant that's right this this plant comes to as a 3-liter potted plant with three canes in it and we also cut it comes free with this decorative planter and if I wanted James if I just wanted to put it in a border or put put it in my garden in it in a different part can I just use anything I've got what would I do okay what you tend to what I'd recommend you do is plant it in some good sturdy compost it's quite a tall and the cop and what it needs is something to hold pot down so something like that John in this compost if you're going in another container or if you're going to plant it in the garden just take a good big hole there's some good fertilizer doesn't like its roots to get too waterlogged but other than that it's completely evergreen it's completely Hardy and comes back year after year
so first thing I'm going to do roll up my sleeves so to use gloves so I got these uh nitrile gloves a little bit more expensive than regular latex or vinyl nitrile is what they use in hospitals doctors use them when doing surgery and I want to feel like a doctor actually they're just tougher part of the brake harder to tear I hope I don't care as I'm saying this right now but you can even reuse them honestly this thing says to shake it for about 2 minutes room temperature sorry this is a shaking the camera too much I did shake this a little bit beforehand I feel like I should cover that up actually smells pretty good now it says to make it like completely orange so we're going to make it completely orange well I heard a tip that when using spray cans you put it upside down empty out whatever's inside there actually works ain't nothing coming up look at that do that keep that nozzle playing case we got to use it again there you go pretty much orange let it sit for at least it says at least 30 minutes 24 hours up to 24 hours fine and we'll come back we'll see how it looks [Music] excited to see how now I kind of think I can get off but did say a minimum of half an hour I had it there for maybe an hour I want to have before wiping it but I'm going to try some wet sanding the grips Tong and doesn't come off what just happened here oh there we go see how this is looking and if I still feel like I'm having a hard time taking off this pain I might just do another layer and leave it 24 hours so I decided to spray the tank once again with the citrus strip overnight for at least 12 hours it was covered in it and it worked out very well you can see the paint actually peeling off and it was very easy to scrape off like huge chunks of paint it was a little bit harder to get some of the corners and I had to like really scrape it I would recommend using something like a steel wool and everything pretty much came off very easily I think the first time around I just got a little bit impatient and really didn't do much I just sprayed it immediately with the citrus strip so and then I only waited for about an hour and I think that's the reason why only the decals kind of came off and some of the paint was like coming off a little bit I would recommend like roughing up your tank whether you use like sandpaper or a scuff pad or something just really rough it up and then leave it covered in the citrus strip overnight and it's great I mean there's no harsh fumes it actually smells pretty good to me and small like oranges so it's fine and after leaving it overnight it works great takes off all the paint for the most part and it's really just a manager scraping it off after that and cleaning it up the next step will be removing the rust on the inside and the outside
hi everyone this is MA and today I'm going to show you how to make this this glittered sectioned smus ball that's glitter I don't think you can see it first you're going to make a pattern okay like that so I'm just going to here at the top I'm just going to make just a little like a little top hat little cap and at the bottom I'm just going to bring this down to a point turn it along evenly so there we have our pattern break pattern on your pattern otherwise you might to use it as one of your shapes fold each one of these in half you probably get a much better fold if you score them first so if you just take a ruler and a table knife you can score them I have all 12 of my ships folded and now we're going to start putting them together in sets of three okay so I'm going to stack them together with the folds all together and sets get them to all lined up and sets up three we're going to start gluing these together and place the fold in the direction that you're going to work with your toothpick take a dot of glue and place one dot here one down at the tip oK we've got all of our four groups glued together at the top and at the bottom we're going to let that dry take your pattern and fold it in half if you bring the rounded shape from the beginning to the rounded shape that will be exactly in the center so we're going to play screw the talk the bottom and we're going to layer a second group and place our paper clips just to hold those while they dry you do that with both sections then we're going to let those dry it's the fold so now we're going to glue the two pieces that are not together on the fold so every alternate one will be glued in the center so you're going to take your pattern base it on top of the stack and every second one is going to be glued together not this one because the other side of the folded one so what we're going to be doing is attaching two separate ones so we're going to lift the first one and also the second one and at the same spot we're going to put one little spot of glue so we're going to skip this one and we're going to glue the second one it will help if you won't keep moving your pattern because they won't be tempted to glue the wrong one so you put your spot of glue right where that mark is then you're going to move those aside place the pattern down in between it's possible to glue the wrong ones together if you don't do this move those aside plus your pattern on click the next one place a dot of glue and just keep doing that until you have your stack finished alright so now we can put a clip on these and let those set up while we do the next stack so now that these two sections have set up we're ready to remove that the clips in each one of these will open up to be half of our ornament I put a paperclip on this side just to hold the pattern in place and so these two are not attached so that's going to be the first one that gets clue so you place this a dot of glue there and you're going to open and there was it going to be together just place a paperclip until you're totally done because then you'll be able to see which one's need to be done so again this one wasn't attached so every second one will be attached to each other so place some glue and then a clip so you're going to do that all the way across and you're going to do it on this side as well now set those aside to dry if you open it up this is the kind of look you're going to get just give them a little stretch first before we put it together okay so now we're ready to join the two sections so the first part is going to be glued together is right here in the center and it's going to coincide with the others that are already glued and place a paper clip to hold it now we're going to go around to the opposite side and slowly bring those together line up the bottom and the top and right along the same center line we're going to place some glue and a paper clip and we're going to allow that to dry then bring these two sections together and glue those and place clips you can remove your clips and I'm going to glitter mine up so I'm going to show you how to do that you can't find this at the craft store you could always use a pearl glittery nail polish I'm just going to do just inside of each of these little cubicles I'm going to do the entire top and just on the inside of all of these sections you
hey this is doodle cat one and I'm here to show you how to draw a small cartoon car now this isn't a very realistic car but it's just a small fun one first you start out with a shape that looks like that and then you're gonna want to add two lines on the side two semi circles another semicircle up here and another line so so far it's just semi circles and lines today you're gonna want that one pipe in the back of the car in some smoke and there you have it that's how to draw a small cartoon car thanks for watching
hello my crafty friends welcome to origami tree my name is Jenny and today I'm going to show you how to make this paper ornament but before we get started be sure to leave a comment letting me know what you like to see next and let's jump right in [Music] to make an ornament you're going to need some scrapbook paper a pair of scissors a writing utensil a compass a ruler glue and a piece of string to hang your ornament so the first thing you want to do is you want to draw an equilateral triangle inside a circle so I'm going to take the scrapbook paper and place it facing down and I'm going to mark off a center point right there and then I'm going to use my compass and draw a circle so this would be you know the main circle that we'll be using to create a template and I'm going to mark this as point a and then I'm going to take my ruler and place it right across point a and Mark off the two intersections and this will be point B and Point C and then I'm going to draw a second circle next to the first one and I'm going to use point C as the center point and after that I'm going to mark off this intersection at the top and this one at the bottom and this is going to be point D and this one's going to be point e and now to draw the triangle inside the first circle I'm going to connect B D and E and next I'm going to take my pair of scissors and cut out the first circle and now that I have my circle all cut out I'm going to fold along the lines and I'm going to make sure that this part is facing down so the white part is facing down and the color side is going to be facing up or towards you so now you have this nice template that you can use to create the other pieces and you can very easily do this by placing the circle template on top of a scrapbook paper and then trace around the circle and to create the triangle you just fold down the flaps like this to draw on the triangle so you want to create 20 of these so I decided to make 10 in the music pattern and 10 in the polkadot pattern and to assemble it you kind of want to alternate them and do one row of ten so you take your first piece and your second piece and you want to reverse the second piece like this so that this triangle is facing up and this one's facing down and you're going to dab a little bit of glue at the tab and glue it on and for this next one I'm going to use the music pattern with the triangle facing down dab a little bit of glue and stick it on you're going to continue this until you have one row of ten pieces and so now that you have your row of ten you're going to curve it around and then put these two tabs at the end together and here's how it should look like from the top and the sides and the bottom so now I want to put this aside while it dries and I'm going to work at the top and the bottoms so to make the top you're going to need five pieces so I'm going to grab one two three four and five we're going to make a little floral type pattern at the top so it's going to be glued like this and now the top should look like this and we're another one that is identical to this one and before I assemble the last piece I'm just going to take my piece of string and fold it in half and tie a knot at the end and stick it at the center like this before gluing on the final piece and so finally you're going to place the bottom at the bottom of this structure here just like that and next we want to flip it around and repeat the same thing on the side so you're just going to place that right on top and you're done thank you so much for watching be sure to hit the subscribe button right over there I pose new crafty fun all year round don't want you to miss them also leave a comment letting me know what you like to see next and I'll see you soon bye