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0801.0370v2 | Funnelling related phase transitions in networks | Funnelling effect, in the context of searching on networks, precisely indicates that the search takes place through a few specific nodes. We define the funnelling capacity $f$ of a node as the fraction of successful dynamic paths through it with a fixed target. We claim that there is a funnelling effect if the distribution $D(f)$ of the fraction of nodes with funnelling capacity $f$ shows a power law behaviour. We find that a transition from a search with funnelling effect to that without any such effect can exist and is driven by the parameters defining the network. | Disordered Systems and Neural Networks (cond-mat.dis-nn) | 4 pages, revtex4, 6 figures
This paper is withdrawn as it required some correction | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 107 |
0801.0495v3 | Toric Ideals of Flow Polytopes | A referee found an error in the proof of the Main Theorem ("toric ideals of flow polytopes are generated in degree 3") that we could not fix.
More precisely, the proof of Lemma 4.2.(ii) is incorrect. The results on Gröbner bases are untouched by this. ----- We show that toric ideals of flow polytopes are generated in degree 3. This was conjectured by Diaconis and Eriksson for the special case of the Birkhoff polytope. Our proof uses a hyperplane subdivision method developed by Haase and Paffenholz. It is known that reduced revlex Gröbner bases of the toric ideal of the Birkhoff polytope $B_n$ have at most degree $n$. We show that this bound is sharp for some revlex term orders. For $(m\times n)$-transportation polytopes, a similar result holds: they have Gröbner bases of at most degree $\lfloor mn/2\rfloor$. We construct a family of examples, where this bound is sharp. | Combinatorics (math.CO) | Withdrawn due to an error in the proof of the [REDACTED-NAME] | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 108 |
0801.1513v2 | Symplectic 4-manifolds with a free circle action | The content of this unpublished paper is subsumed in successive work of the authors, in particular arXiv:1102.0820 , arXiv:1102.0821 and arXiv:1205.2434 . | Geometric Topology (math.GT) | This paper has been withdrawn | reason not specified | 109 |
0801.1658v3 | Computational approach to the emergence and evolution of language - evolutionary naming game model | Computational modelling with multi-agent systems is becoming an important technique of studying language evolution. We present a brief introduction into this rapidly developing field, as well as our own contributions that include an analysis of the evolutionary naming-game model. In this model communicating agents, that try to establish a common vocabulary, are equipped with an evolutionarily selected learning ability. Such a coupling of biological and linguistic ingredients results in an abrupt transition: upon a small change of the model control parameter a poorly communicating group of linguistically unskilled agents transforms into almost perfectly communicating group with large learning abilities. Genetic imprinting of the learning abilities proceeds via Baldwin effect: initially unskilled communicating agents learn a language and that creates a niche in which there is an evolutionary pressure for the increase of learning ability. Under the assumption that communication intensity increases continuously with finite speed, the transition is split into several transition-like changes. It shows that the speed of cultural changes, that sets an additional characteristic timescale, might be yet another factor affecting the evolution of language. In our opinion, this model shows that linguistic and biological processes have a strong influence on each other and this effect certainly has contributed to an explosive development of our species. | Physics and Society (physics.soc-ph) | paper withdrawn, much revised version is under preparation | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 110 |
0801.2026v2 | Quantum Mechanics from Focusing and Symmetry | A foundation of quantum mechanics based on the concepts of focusing and symmetry is proposed. Focusing is connected to c-variables - inaccessible conceptually derived variables; several examples of such variables are given. The focus is then on a maximal accessible parameter, a function of the common c-variable. Symmetry is introduced via a group acting on the c-variable. From this, the Hilbert space is constructed and state vectors and operators are given a clear interpretation. The Born formula is proved from weak assumptions, and from this the usual rules of quantum mechanics are derived. Several paradoxes and other issues of quantum theory are discussed. | Quantum Physics (quant-ph) | This article is outdated | not novel | 111 |
0801.2128v2 | Reconstructing the dark energy | This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due to numerical problems to get viable results. | Astrophysics (astro-ph) | This paper has been withdrawn | reason not specified | 112 |
0801.2550v3 | Moduli spaces of framed instanton sheaves on projective spaces | We introduce a generalization of the Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin linear algebraic data and a generalization of Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin equation, which are subsequently used to construct all framed instanton bundles on complex projective spaces. Using geometric invariant theory, we prove that the moduli spaces of framed instanton sheaves is a quasi-projective variety. We also provide a link between the generalized ADHM data introduced here and certain representations of quivers, and introduce the notion of perverse instanton sheaves. | Algebraic Geometry (math.AG) | This paper has been withdraw. Even though the mais results are correct, some of the secondary claims are false. A fully revised version, with a new co-author, will be submitted soon. | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 113 |
0801.2781v3 | Electric Fields in a Tokamak | With the establishment of vanishing net electrostatic fields in a toroidally symmetric tokamak at equilibrium [R. W. Johnson, to appear in Phys. Rev. D], one is left needing an explanation for the measurement of an apparent radial electric field in experiments. Two scenarios are proposed, depending on the type of measurement being considered. Indirect measurement via the radial equation of motion for an impurity species possibly measures that species' net radial viscous force, and direct measurement via the motional Stark effect might reveal electric fields generated by the shifting of the toroidal magnetic flux density. | Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author. Please see arXiv:0806.0780 | subsumed by another publication | 114 |
0801.3010v2 | A partial $A_\infty$-structure on the cohomology of $C_n\times C_m$ | Suppose $k$ is a field of characteristic 2, and $n,m\geq 4$ powers of 2. Then the $A_\infty$-structure of the group cohomology algebras $H^*(C_n,k)$ and $H^*(C_m,k)$ are well known. We give results characterizing an $A_\infty$-structure on $H^*(C_n\times C_m,k)$ including limits on non-vanishing low-arity operations and an infinite family of non-vanishing higher operations. | Algebraic Topology (math.AT) | This duplicate posting of the paper has been withdrawn in favour of the posting at arXiv:0707.1637. | subsumed by another publication | 115 |
0801.3487v2 | Rayleigh's Stretched String | We obtain rigorous a priori upper and lower bounds to the exact period of the celebrated Rayleigh stretched string differential equation. | Classical Analysis and ODEs (math.CA) | This paper has been withdrawn. There was an error in the proof of theorem 1 | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 116 |
0801.3537v2 | Uniforming n-place functions on ds(alpha) | In this paper the Erdos-Rado theorem is generalized to the class of well founded trees. | Logic (math.LO) | The paper was multiply submitted by mistake. Correct number arXiv:0906.3055 | administrative or legal issues | 117 |
0801.4644v2 | The relative roles of divergence and velocity slip in the stability of plane channel flow | Wall slip and wall divergence are known to have large and opposing effects on the stability of flow in a two-dimensional channel. While divergence hugely destabilises, slip dramatically stabilizes the linear mode. In a non-parallel stability analysis, we study a combination of these two effects, since both will coexist in small-scale flows with wall roughness. Our main results are (i) that the stabilising effect of slip is reversed at higher angles of divergence, (ii) transient growth of disturbances is unaffected by either wall-divergence, or by slip at any divergence. Moreover, at the Reynolds numbers relevant here, transient growth is too low to be a significant player in transition to turbulence, which is more likely to be driven by linear instability. | Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn) | This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. 6 pages, 7 figures, Euro. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 44(1), 101-107 | reason not specified | 118 |
0802.0099v2 | The Fundamental Constants in Physics and their Time Dependence | We discuss the fundamemtal constants in the Standard Model of particle physics, in particular possible changes of these constants on the cosmological time scale. The Grand Unification of the observed strong, electromagnetic and weak interactions implies relations between time variation of the finestructure constant alpha and the QCD scale $\Lambda_c$. The astrophysical observation of a variation implies a time variation of $10^{-15} / year$. Several experiments in Quantum Optics, which were designed to look for a time variation of $\Lambda_c$, are discussed. | High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) | 16 pages Paper withdrawn, since it should not be published | reason not specified | 119 |
0802.0314v5 | On the complexity of finding gapped motifs | This paper has been withdrawn by the corresponding author because the newest version is now published in Journal of Discrete Algorithms. | Computational Complexity (cs.CC) | Published in Journal of [REDACTED-NAME] | subsumed by another publication | 120 |
0802.0351v3 | Path Loss Exponent Estimation in a Large Field of Interferers | In wireless channels, the path loss exponent (PLE) has a strong impact on the quality of links, and hence, it needs to be accurately estimated for the efficient design and operation of wireless networks. In this paper, we address the problem of PLE estimation in large wireless networks, which is relevant to several important issues in networked communications such as localization, energy-efficient routing, and channel access. We consider a large ad hoc network where nodes are distributed as a homogeneous Poisson point process on the plane and the channels are subject to Nakagami-m fading. We propose and discuss three distributed algorithms for estimating the PLE under these settings which explicitly take into account the interference in the network. In addition, we provide simulation results to demonstrate the performance of the algorithms and quantify the estimation errors. We also describe how to estimate the PLE accurately even in networks with spatially varying PLEs and more general node distributions. | Information Theory (cs.IT) | Work underway | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 121 |
0802.0367v2 | Symmetry classification of third-order nonlinear evolution equations | We give a Lie-algebraic classification of third order quasilinear equations which admit non-trivial Lie point symmetries. | Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems (nlin.SI) | The authors withdraw this article due to substantial revisions to the content | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 122 |
0802.0828v4 | The Invisible Quantum Barrier | We construct the invisible quantum barrier which represents the phenomenon of quantum reflection using the available data. We use the Abel equation to invert the data. The resulting invisible quantum barrier is double-valued in both axes. We study this invisible barrier in the case of atom and Bose-Einstein Condensate reflection from a solid silicon surface. A time-dependent, one-spatial dimension Gross-Pitaevskii equation is solved for the BEC case. We found that the BEC behaves very similarly to the single atom except for size effects, which manifest themselves in a maximum in the reflectivity at small distances from the wall. The effect of the atom-atom interaction on the BEC reflection and correspondingly on the invisible barrier is found to be appreciable at low velocities and comparable to the finite size effect. The trapping of ultracold atoms or BEC between two walls is discussed. | Atomic Physics (physics.atom-ph) | 12 pages, 5 figures; This submission has been withdrawn by the authors. | reason not specified | 123 |
0802.1070v4 | Affine tangles and irreducible exotic sheaves | We construct a weak representation of the category of framed affine tangles on a disjoint union of triangulated categories ${\mathcal D}_{2n}$. The categories we use are that of coherent sheaves on Springer fibers over a nilpotent element of $sl_{2n}$ with two equal Jordan blocks. This representation allows us to enumerate the irreducible objects in the heart of the exotic $t$-structure on ${\mathcal D}_{2n}$ by crossingless matchings of $2n$ points on a circle. We also describe the algebra of endomorphisms of the direct sum of the irreducible objects. | Algebraic Geometry (math.AG) | The paper has been enhanced and replaced by arXiv:1602.00768 | subsumed by another publication | 124 |
0802.1195v2 | Numerical Solution of the Beltrami Equation | An effective algorithm is presented for solving the Beltrami equation fzbar = mu fz in a planar disk. The algorithm involves no evaluation of singular integrals. The strategy, working in concentric rings, is to construct a piecewise linear mu-conformal mapping and then correct the image using a known algorithm for conformal mappings. Numerical examples are provided and the computational complexity is analyzed. | Complex Variables (math.CV) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to many critical errors, including the fact that the algorithm converges to a wrong result | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 125 |
0802.1245v4 | Deformation quantization modules I:Finiteness and duality | We introduce the notion of being cohomologically complete for objects of the derived category of sheaves of $Z[\hbar]$-modules on a topological space. Then we consider a $Z[\hbar]$-algebra satisfying some suitable conditions and prove coherency results by using the property of being cohomologically complete. We apply these results to the study of modules over deformation quantization algebroids on complex Poisson manifolds. We prove in particular that under a natural properness condition, the convolution of two coherent kernels over such algebroids is coherent. We also construct the dualizing complexes in this framework and show that the convolution of kernels commutes with duality. | Quantum Algebra (math.QA) | The contents of this paper is now included in Deformation quantization modules (arXiv:1003.3304). | subsumed by another publication | 126 |
0802.2736v6 | On the approximability of the Maximum Agreement SubTree and Maximum Compatible Tree problems | This paper has been withdrawn by the corresponding author because the newest version is now published in Discrete Applied Mathematics. | Computational Complexity (cs.CC) | Published in [REDACTED-NAME] Mathematics | subsumed by another publication | 127 |
0802.2977v2 | Redetermination of the space weathering rate using spectra of Iannini asteroid family members | Rewriting a shorter abstract. | Astrophysics (astro-ph) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author to write a shorter abstract. | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 128 |
0802.3661v3 | On the geometry of ground states and quasicrystals for lattice systems | This paper has been withdrawn. It will be split into two separate
papers. New results will be added in both papers. | Mathematical Physics (math-ph) | This paper has been withdrawn | reason not specified | 129 |
0802.4141v2 | Good deal bounds induced by shortfall risk | We shall provide in this paper good deal pricing bounds for contingent claims induced by the shortfall risk with some loss function. Assumptions we impose on loss functions and contingent claims are very mild. We prove that the upper and lower bounds of good deal pricing bounds are expressed by convex risk measures on Orlicz hearts. In addition, we obtain its representation with the minimal penalty function. Moreover, we give a representation, for two simple cases, of good deal bounds and calculate the optimal strategies when a claim is traded at the upper or lower bounds of its good deal pricing bound. | Risk Management (q-fin.RM) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author. | reason not specified | 130 |
0802.4307v3 | A O(n^8) X O(n^7) Linear Programming Model of the Quadratic Assignment Problem | Theorem 21 and Corollary 22 are in error; The modeling needs 9-dimensional variables instead of the 8-dimensional variables defined in notations 6.9. Examples of the correct model (with 9-index variables) are: (1) Diaby, M., "Linear Programming Formulation of the Set Partitioning Problem," International Journal of Operational Research 8:4 (August 2010) pp. 399-427; (2) Diaby, M., "Linear Programming Formulation of the Vertex Coloring Problem," International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 2:3 (May 2010) pp. 259-289; (3) Diaby, M., "The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Linear Programming Formulation," WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 6:6 (June 2007) pp. 745-754. | Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) | 21 pages. [REDACTED-NAME] program that generates the MPS (LP) file for arbitrary QAP instances is available at: this http URL Changes to Theorems 26 and 27 and proofs; minor typos corrected | typos in manuscript | 131 |
0802.4391v3 | Evidence for a string-net matter | String-net theory by Xiao-Gang Wen and Michael Levin predicts a new type of matter - string-net matter - and puts forward an original guess regarding the structure of our universe. Here we provide experimental evidence for this matter. It is revealed in a familiar system - InAs-based asymmetric quantum well at tilted quantizing magnetic fields. By an original method we demonstrate the existence of peculiar charged particles those differ in principle from underlying electrons. In accordance with the theory, the particles are found to be strongly entangled on a macroscopic lengthscale but the entanglement differs fundamentally from the "classic" one in the sense that it is unrelated to particles' wavefunctions but is provided by a spesific mediating entity - a network of long-range strings. We argue that the peculiar charged particles are the string ends and, as an extreme of our argumentation, we provide strong evidence for "artificial" photons those are collective excitations of the strings. | Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author because further experiments have shown incorrectness of the proposed interpretation. | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 132 |
0803.0105v3 | A note on the rank of Heegaard Floer homology | We show that if K is a non-trivial knot inside a homology sphere Y, then the rank of knot Floer homology associated with K is strictly bigger than the rank of Heegaard Floer homology of Y. | Geometric Topology (math.GT) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author. The surgery formulas are used incorrectly for proving the main result of the paper | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 133 |
0803.0170v3 | Application of Synchronization to Formation Flying Spacecraft: Lagrangian Approach | This article presents a unified synchronization framework with application to precision formation flying spacecraft. Central to the proposed innovation, in applying synchronization to both translational and rotational dynamics in the Lagrangian form, is the use of the distributed stability and performance analysis tool, called contraction analysis that yields exact nonlinear stability proofs. The proposed decentralized tracking control law synchronizes the attitude of an arbitrary number of spacecraft into a common time-varying trajectory with global exponential convergence. Moreover, a decentralized translational tracking control law based on phase synchronization is presented, thus enabling coupled translational and rotational maneuvers. While the translational dynamics can be adequately controlled by linear control laws, the proposed method permits highly nonlinear systems with nonlinearly coupled inertia matrices such as the attitude dynamics of spacecraft whose large and rapid slew maneuvers justify the nonlinear control approach. The proposed method integrates both the trajectory tracking and synchronization problems in a single control framework. | Optimization and Control (math.OC) | This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. updated version published. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 32, No. 2, March-April 2009, pp. 512-526 | subsumed by another publication | 134 |
0803.0959v5 | Cooperative long range protein-protein dynamics in Purple Membrane | We present experimental evidence for a long-range protein-protein interaction in purple membrane (PM). The interprotein dynamics were quantified by measuring the spectrum of the acoustic phonons in the 2D bacteriorhodopsin (BR) protein lattice using inelastic neutron scattering. Phonon energies of about 1 meV were determined. The data are compared to an analytical model, and the effective spring constant for the interaction between neighboring protein trimers are determined to be k=53 N/m. Additional, optical-like excitations at 0.45 meV were found and assigned to intraprotein dynamics between neighboring BR monomers. | Biological Physics ( | Please check journal reference for accepted version of the paper | subsumed by another publication | 135 |
0803.0973v3 | The Chabauty-Coleman bound at a prime of bad reduction | We extend the refined version of the Chabauty-Coleman bound on the number of rational points on a curve of genus g>1 to the case of bad reduction. | Number Theory (math.NT) | 10 pages; this paper has been withdrawn by the author due to an error in Lemma 3.4. | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 136 |
0803.1207v3 | Serious Flaws in Korf et al.'s Analysis on Time Complexity of A* | This paper has been withdrawn. | Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) | This paper has been withdrawn | reason not specified | 137 |
0803.2935v3 | Orbital Dynamics Of A Possible Second Planet In HD 17156 | In this letter we report the possible existence of a second planet in the transiting extrasolar planet system HD 17156 and its interactive dynamics with the previously known planet. The analysis is achieved through the \POFP\ optimization software which is based on a full integration of the system's multiple-body Newtonian equations of motion. The two-planet solution yields a significantly improved fit to the previously published radial velocities. The two planets are strongly interacting and exchange angular momentum in a 5:1 mean motion resonance, yet remain stable as they mutually excite orbital eccentricities and periastron advances. | Astrophysics (astro-ph) | Submitted to ApJ Letters, 4 pages, 5 figures OUTDATED, REJECTED AND CANNOT BE PUBLISHED. DOES NOT INCLUDE VARIOUS ADVANCEMENTS IN THE FIELD (REPORTED IN OTHER PUBLICATIONS). NEED MORE DATA OBTAINED, AT WHICH POINT A COMPLETELY NEW PAPER WILL BE WRITTEN. PLEASE SCRAP | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 138 |
0803.3112v10 | Unconditional Proof of the Boltzmann-Sinai Ergodic Hypothesis | We consider the system of $N$ ($\ge2$) elastically colliding hard balls of masses $m_1,...,m_N$ and radius $r$ on the flat unit torus $\Bbb T^\nu$, $\nu\ge2$. We prove the so called Boltzmann-Sinai Ergodic Hypothesis, i. e. the full hyperbolicity and ergodicity of such systems for every selection $(m_1,...,m_N;r)$ of the external geometric parameters. The present proof does not use the formerly developed, rather involved algebraic techniques, instead it employs exclusively dynamical methods and tools from geometric analysis. | Dynamical Systems (math.DS) | The paper is withdrawn due to an error | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 139 |
0803.3279v3 | Comment on "A neoclassical calculation of rotation profiles and comparison with DIII-D measurements" | The calculation presented in "A neoclassical calculation of rotation profiles and comparison with DIII-D measurements" by Stacey, Johnson, and Mandrekas, [Physics of Plasmas, 13, (2006)], contains several errors, including the neglect of the toroidal electric field, an unphysical expression for the electrostatic potential, and an unevaluated relation among its parameters. An alternative formulation is discussed. | Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author. Please see arXiv:0806.0780 | subsumed by another publication | 140 |
0803.3281v3 | On the electrostatic field of a tokamak in the limit of large aspect ratio and concentric circular flux surfaces | From a common expression for the poloidal electrostatic field of a tokamak, in the limit of large aspect ratio and concentric circular flux surfaces, one may determine the associated potential. This potential satisfies Poisson's equation, which reduces to Laplace's equation when the medium has vanishing charge density, in axial geometry but not toroidal geometry. A simple transformation takes the potential over to the correct harmonic form for tokamak coordinates, and the resulting electrostatic field is calculated. From the radial field one may estimate the supporting charge density on the boundary, and from the poloidal field one may determine a prediction for the radial dependence of the electron temperature, which does not compare well with a rough estimate of the profile often seen in a tokamak. | Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author. Please see arXiv:0806.0780 | subsumed by another publication | 141 |
0803.3333v2 | On a New Alternative Mathematical Model for Special Relativity | In this paper, it is shown why Lorentz Transformation implies the general case where observed events are not necessarily in the inertia frame of any observer but assumes a special scenario when determining the length contraction and time dilation factors. It is shown that this limitation has led to mathematical and physical inconsistencies. The paper explains the conditions for a successful theory of time dilation and length contraction, and provides a simple proof to a new generalized transformation of coordinate systems as the only possible solution that meets those conditions. It discusses inconsistencies of Lorentz Transformation, and shows how the new generalized transformation resolves those apparent inconsistencies. The new transformation agrees with Special Relativity on its conclusions of time dilation and space contraction, and yields the same law of addition of velocities as proposed in Lorentz Transformation. | General Physics (physics.gen-ph) | The paper has been withdrawn. It was replaced by a second paper titled 'Two faces of the coin of special relativity' | subsumed by another publication | 142 |
0803.3352v2 | Inexistence of Zeeman's fine topology | The family of topologies that induce the Euclidean metric space on every time axis and every space axis exhibits no maximal element when partially ordered by the relation ``finer than'', as demonstrated in this article. One conclusion and two reflections emerge and are addressed herein: Conclusion: a. Zeeman's fine topology [1] and Göbel's extension to arbitrary spacetimes [2] do not exist. Reflections: a. Both authors' attempts may be classified as type-2 strategies, within the taxonomy of [3]. b. How could these inexistent topologies be used for decades? | Mathematical Physics (math-ph) | Thia paper has been withdrawn by the author because it has been replaced by a new one titled: "[REDACTED-NAME]'s [REDACTED-NAME] Exist? | subsumed by another publication | 143 |
0803.3461v2 | To Explain Results of Position Measurement by Self-Induced Photon Emission and Absorption | It is proposed in this paper that without a measurement, the wave function of a system periodically transits to a bound energy eigenfunction or the complementary wave function that is orthogonal to all the bound energy eigenfunctions. Applying this assumption to analyze results of position measurement shows that when the wave function of the entangled incident object and a position detector is a linear combination of the bound energy eigenfunctions of the entangled system prior to collapses, the detection rate essentially equals the probability flux of the incident object entering the detector. When the wave function of the entangled incident object and a position detector is not a linear combination of the bound energy eigenfunctions of the entangled system, results of position measurement can also be explained by the proposed self-induced photon emission and absorption. | Quantum Physics (quant-ph) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to lack of quantitative description | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 144 |
0803.4354v2 | A O(n^8) X O(n^7) Linear Programming Model of the Traveling Salesman Problem | Theorem 25 and Corollary 26 are incorrect. The modeling needs 9-dimensional variables instead of the 8-dimensional variables defined in notations 10.2. Examples of the correct model (with 9-index variables) are: (1) Diaby, M., "Linear Programming Formulation of the Set Partitioning Problem," International Journal of Operational Research 8:4 (August 2010) pp. 399-427; (2) Diaby, M., "Linear Programming Formulation of the Vertex Coloring Problem," International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 2:3 (May 2010) pp. 259-289; (3) Diaby, M., "The Traveling Salesman Problem: A Linear Programming Formulation," WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 6:6 (June 2007) pp. 745-754. | Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) | 21 pages; [REDACTED-NAME] VBA that generates the LP model (i.e., the MPS file) for arbitrary TSP instances is available at: this http URL | reason not specified | 145 |
0804.0101v8 | Grassmannians of classical buildings | This book is dedicated to Grassmannians associated with buildings of classical types: usual, polar, and half-spin Grassmannians. Grassmannians of vector spaces and Grassmannians consisting of totally isotropic subspaces of non-degenerate alternating, Hermitian, and symmetric forms are special cases of these "building" Grassmannians. | Combinatorics (math.CO) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author. 117+iii pages, 5 figures Full version(more than 200 pages) was published by [REDACTED-NAME] | subsumed by another publication | 146 |
0804.1513v2 | Geometry of whips and chains | We study the geometry of the inextensible string (the whip) and its discrete approximation (the chain). In the absence of gravity, both motions represent geodesic motions on certain manifolds. We show how the motion of the chain converges to that of a whip, and how the curvature of the chain's configuration space converges to that of the whip's configuration space. Finally we speculate on the analogous approximation of an incompressible fluid by a discrete system. | Differential Geometry (math.DG) | The paper was expanded and rewritten as two papers: "The motion of whips and chains" (to appear in JDE) and "The geometry of whips" (submitted to Ann. [REDACTED-NAME]. Geom.) | subsumed by another publication | 147 |
0804.1820v2 | Structure of Ann-Categories | This paper presents the structure conversion by which from an Ann-category $\A,$ we can obtain its reduced Ann-category of the type $(R,M)$ whose structure is a family of five functions $k=(\xi,\eta,\alpha,\lambda,\rho)$. Then we will show that each Ann-category is determined by three invariants: 1. The ring $\Pi_0(\A)$ of the isomorphic classes of objects of $\A$, 2. $\Pi_0(\A)$-bimodule $\Pi_1(\A) = \Aut_{\A}(0),$ 3. The element $ \bar{k}\in H^{3}_{M}(\Pi_0(\A), \Pi_1(\A))$ (the ring cohomology due to MacLane). | Category Theory (math.CT) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to has been replaced by the paper arXiv:1105.5187 | subsumed by another publication | 148 |
0804.1956v2 | The Hausdorff dimension of self-affine Sierpinski sponges | We compute the Hausdorff dimension of limit sets generated by 3-dimensional self-affine mappings with diagonal matrices of the form A_{ijk}=Diag(a_{ijk}, b_{ij}, c_{i}), where 0<a_{ijk}\le b_{ij}\le c_i<1. By doing so we show that the variational principle for the dimension holds for this class. | Dynamical Systems (math.DS) | Lemma 8 is wrong which invalidates the trueness of the main result of the paper | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 149 |
0804.2142v2 | A General Reciprocity Law on arbitrary Vector Spaces | The paper contained a preliminary version of a general theory of reciprocity laws on vector spaces. | Number Theory (math.NT) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a expanded version is concluded | subsumed by another publication | 150 |
0804.2685v3 | Properties of the hole and electron doped perovskites LnCoO3 | Two extreme members of the cobaltite series, LaCoO3 and DyCoO3, were investigated by the electrical resistivity and thermopower measurements up to 800-1000 K. Special attention was given to effects of extra holes or electrons, introduced by light doping of Co sites by Mg2+ or Ti4+ ions. The experiments on the La based compounds were complemented with magnetic measurements. The study shows that both kinds of charge carriers induce magnetic states on surrounding CoIII sites and form thus thermally stable polarons of large total spin. Their itinerancy is characterized by low temperature resistivity, which is of Arrhenius type r~exp(EA/kT) for the hole (CoIV) doped samples, while an unusual dependence r~1/Tn (n=8-10) is observed for the electron (CoII) doped samples. At higher temperatures, additional hole carriers are massively populated in the CoIII background, leading to a resistivity drop. This transition become evident at ~300 K and 450 K and culminates at TI-M=540 and 780 K for the La and Dy based samples, respectively. The electronic behaviours of the cobaltites are explained considering two excitation processes in parent compounds. The first one is related to a local excitation from the diamagnetic LS CoIII to close-lying paramagnetic HS CoIII state. Secondarily, a metallic phase of the IS CoIII character is formed through a charge transfer mechanism between LS/HS pairs. The magnetic polarons associated with doped carriers are interpreted as droplets of such IS phase. | Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci) | This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. Phys. Rev. B 78, 014432 (2008) | reason not specified | 151 |
0804.2938v2 | Superswapping | Supertask theory is used here to prove a contradictory result which involves the consistency of w-order and the Axiom of Infinity. | General Mathematics (math.GM) | Obsolete version | subsumed by another publication | 152 |
0804.2939v2 | A disturbing supertask | This paper examines the consistency of w-order by means of a supertask that functions as a supertrap for the assumed existence of w-ordered collections, which are simultaneously complete (as is required by the Actual infinity) and uncompletable (because no last element completes them). | General Mathematics (math.GM) | Obsolete version | subsumed by another publication | 153 |
0804.2985v3 | Splitting type, global sections and Chern classes for torsion free sheaves on P^N | In this paper we compare a torsion free sheaf $\FF$ on $\PP^N$ and the free vector bundle $\oplus_{i=1}^n\OPN(b_i)$ having same rank and splitting type. We show that the first one has always "less" global sections, while it has a higher second Chern class. In both cases bounds for the difference are found in terms of the maximal free subsheaves of $\FF$. As a consequence we obtain a direct, easy and more general proof of the "Horrocks' splitting criterion", also holding for torsion free sheaves, and lower bounds for the Chern classes $c_i(\FF(t))$ of twists of $\FF$, only depending on some numerical invariants of $\FF$. Especially, we prove for rank $n$ torsion free sheaves on $\PP^N$, whose splitting type has no gap (i.e. $b_i\geq b_{i+1}\geq b_i-1$ for every $i=1, ...,n-1$), the following formula for the discriminant: \[ \Delta(\FF):=2nc_2-(n-1)c_1^2\geq -{1/12}n^2(n^2-1)\] Finally in the case of rank $n$ reflexive sheaves we obtain polynomial upper bounds for the absolute value of the higher Chern classes $c_3(\FF(t)), ..., c_n(\FF(t))$, for the dimension of the cohomology modules $H^i\FF(t)$ and for the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of $\FF$; these polynomial bounds only depend only on $c_1(\FF)$, $c_2(\FF)$, the splitting type of $\FF$ and $t$. | Algebraic Geometry (math.AG) | This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. 15 pages, modified version with improved proofs concerning torsion free sheaves instead of vector bundles. Published on the Journal of the [REDACTED-NAME] Society | subsumed by another publication | 154 |
0804.3440v2 | Localization Study of a Non-Local Energetic Damage Model | The contribution presents an analysis of a rate-independent non-local damage model, recently proposed by (Mielke and Roubicek, 2006). An analytical as well as numerical solution of a simple one-dimensional bifurcation problem is performed, demonstrating that, for the elementary localization test, the model is free of pathological features. | Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci) | This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due incorrect form of the local-displacement diagram shown in Figure 3(b); the correct solution always exhibits snapback at the structural level. The corrected and significantly expanded version of the manuscript is available at arXiv:1412.5539. The authors would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 155 |
0804.4204v3 | Distance Distributions in Finite Uniformly Random Networks: Theory and Applications | In wireless networks, the knowledge of nodal distances is essential for several areas such as system configuration, performance analysis and protocol design. In order to evaluate distance distributions in random networks, the underlying nodal arrangement is almost universally taken to be an infinite Poisson point process. While this assumption is valid in some cases, there are also certain impracticalities to this model. For example, practical networks are non-stationary, and the number of nodes in disjoint areas are not independent. This paper considers a more realistic network model where a finite number of nodes are uniformly randomly distributed in a general d-dimensional ball of radius R and characterizes the distribution of Euclidean distances in the system. The key result is that the probability density function of the distance from the center of the network to its nth nearest neighbor follows a generalized beta distribution. This finding is applied to study network characteristics such as energy consumption, interference, outage and connectivity. | Information Theory (cs.IT) | Published in IEEE Transactions on [REDACTED-NAME] | subsumed by another publication | 156 |
0804.4583v2 | Electronic structure of magnetically modulated graphene | We present a theoretical study of the electronic structure of magnetically modulated graphene. We consider monolayer graphene in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field and a unidirectional weak magnetic modulation. The density of states and the bandwidth of the Dirac electrons in this system are determined. We have found magnetic Weiss oscillations in the bandwidth and the density of states. These oscillations are out of phase and larger in amplitude than the ones in the electrically modulated graphene. In addition, these oscillations are in phase and smaller in amplitude to those of magnetically modulated standard electron gas system. | Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall) | withdrawn and will be submitted with revised version with different physics | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 157 |
0804.4876v3 | On Splitting Types, Discriminant Bounds, and Conclusive Tests for the Galois Group | Using the action of the Galois group of a normal extension of number fields, we generalize and symmetrize various fundamental statements in algebra and algebraic number theory concerning splitting types of prime ideals, factorization types of polynomials modulo primes, and cycle types of the Galois groups of polynomials. One remarkable example is the removal of all artificial constraints from the Kummer-Dedekind Theorem that relates splitting and factorization patterns. Finally, we present an elementary proof that the discriminant of the splitting field of a monic irreducible polynomial with integer coefficients has a computable upper bound in terms of the coefficients. This result, combined with one of Lagarias et al., shows that tests of polynomials for the cycle types of the Galois group are conclusive. In particular, the Galois groups of monic irreducible cubics, quartics, and quintics with integer coefficients can be completely determined in finitely many steps (though not necessarily in one's lifetime). | Number Theory (math.NT) | A counterexample to Theorem 1.2 has been pointed out to the author (x^2+3 reduced modulo 2). The mistake cannot be corrected at this time | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 158 |
0805.0284v2 | Convolution and Cross-Correlation of Ramanujan-Fourier Series | This paper uses the machinery of almost periodic functions to prove that even without uniform convergence the connection between a pair of almost periodic functions and the constants of the associated Fourier series exists for both the convolution and cross-correlation. The general results for two almost periodic functions are narrowed and applied to Ramanujan sums and finally applied to support the specific relation of the Wiener-Khinchin formula for arithemic functions with a Ramanujan-Fourier Series. | Number Theory (math.NT) | The paper fails to establish the continuity of the a.p. functions involved required to uniformly approximate the a.p. function with the Bochner-Fejer polynomials. Without this uniform convergence the key interchange of limits is not justified | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 159 |
0805.0618v3 | Risk Aversion and Portfolio Selection in a Continuous-Time Model | The comparative statics of the optimal portfolios across individuals is carried out for a continuous-time complete market model, where the risky assets price process follows a joint geometric Brownian motion with time-dependent and deterministic coefficients. It turns out that the indirect utility functions inherit the order of risk aversion (in the Arrow-Pratt sense) from the von Neumann-Morgenstern utility functions, and therefore, a more risk-averse agent would invest less wealth (in absolute value) in the risky assets. | Portfolio Management (q-fin.PM) | Published in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization after a major revision | subsumed by another publication | 160 |
0805.0682v2 | The decay of singlet scalar dark matter to unparticle and photon | We consider the unparticle physics introduced by Georgi and show that if the standard model is extended to include a singlet scalar as a dark matter candidate, there is a channel which leads to its decay to photon and unparticle. We calculate the decay rate for this new channel and find a lower bound on unparticle physics scale by demanding the stability of this candidate of the dark matter. | High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) | I want to withdraw it because it doesn't add worth | not novel | 161 |
0805.1505v5 | Structure of Ann-categories | Each Ann-category $\A$ is equivalent to an Ann-category of the type $(R,M),$ where $M$ is an $R$-bimodule. The family of constraints of $A$ induces a {\it structure} on $(R,M).$ The main result of the paper is: 1. {\it There exists a bijection between the set of structures on $(R,M)$ and the group of Mac Lane 3-cocycles $Z^{3}_{MaL}(R, M).$} 2. {\it There exists a bijection between $C(R,M)$ of congruence classes of Ann-categories whose pre-stick is of the type $(R,M)$ and the Mac Lane cohomology group $H^3_{\textrm{MaL}}(R,M).$} | Category Theory (math.CT) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to has been replaced by the paper arXiv1105.5187 | subsumed by another publication | 162 |
0805.1692v4 | A Functional Model of Development and Expression in an Artificial Organism | This paper is placed at the intersection-point between the study of theoretical computational models aimed at capturing the essence of genetic regulatory networks and the field of Artificial Embryology (or Computational Development). A model is proposed, with the objective of providing an effective way to generate arbitrary forms by using evolutionary-developmental techniques. Preliminary experiments have been performed. | Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems (nlin.AO) | 3 pages, corrected typos added. Paper withdrawn | typos in manuscript | 163 |
0805.1877v2 | Perfect tag identification protocol in RFID networks | Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) systems are becoming more and more popular in the field of ubiquitous computing, in particular for objects identification. An RFID system is composed by one or more readers and a number of tags. One of the main issues in an RFID network is the fast and reliable identification of all tags in the reader range. The reader issues some queries, and tags properly answer. Then, the reader must identify the tags from such answers. This is crucial for most applications. Since the transmission medium is shared, the typical problem to be faced is a MAC-like one, i.e. to avoid or limit the number of tags transmission collisions. We propose a protocol which, under some assumptions about transmission techniques, always achieves a 100% perfomance. It is based on a proper recursive splitting of the concurrent tags sets, until all tags have been identified. The other approaches present in literature have performances of about 42% in the average at most. The counterpart is a more sophisticated hardware to be deployed in the manufacture of low cost tags. | Networking and Internet Architecture (cs.NI) | There is a technical error | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 164 |
0805.2060v2 | Asymptotic Nets and Discrete Affine Surfaces with Indefinite Metric | Asymptotic net is an important concept in discrete differential geometry. In this paper, we show that we can associate affine discrete geometric concepts to an arbitrary non-degenerate asymptotic net. These concepts include discrete affine area, mean curvature, normal and co-normal vector fields and cubic form, and they are related by structural and compatibility equations. We consider also the particular cases of affine minimal surfaces and affine spheres. | Differential Geometry (math.DG) | The paper will be re-written in a different context | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 165 |
0805.2196v2 | The Donaldson-Thomas instantons on compact Kahler threefolds and a convergence | The contents of this article are now presented in the appendix of arXiv:0805.2195v2 . | Differential Geometry (math.DG) | withdrawn, absorbed into arXiv:0805.2195v2 | subsumed by another publication | 166 |
0805.3573v3 | Averages of ratios of characteristic polynomials in circular beta-ensembles and super-Jack polynomials | We study the averages of ratios of characteristic polynomials over circular $\beta$-ensembles, where $\beta$ is a positive real number. Using Jack polynomial theory, we obtain three expressions for ratio averages. Two of them are given as sums of super-Jack polynomials and another one is given by a hyperdeterminant. As applications, we give dual relations for ratio averages between $\beta$ and $4/\beta$. | Probability (math.PR) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial error | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 167 |
0805.3819v11 | Analogue gravity from a quantum spin liquid: I. Calculation of Newton's constant | The paper under this arXiv identifier has diverged from the original to the point that they now have next to nothing in common. The new material is therefore being posted with its own identifier, and this identifier is being withdrawn. | General Physics (physics.gen-ph) | The paper under this arXiv identifier has diverged from the original to the point that they have next to nothing in common. This identifier is therefore being withdrawn | arXiv policy violation | 168 |
0805.3847v4 | Stability of the Periodic Toda Lattice: Higher Order Asymptotics | In a recent paper we have considered the long time asymptotics of the periodic Toda lattice under a short range perturbation and we have proved that the perturbed lattice asymptotically approaches a modulated lattice. In the present paper we capture the higher order asymptotics, at least away from some resonance regions. In particular we prove that the decay rate is $O(t^{-1/2})$. Our proof relies on the asymptotic analysis of the associated Riemann-Hilbert factorization problem, which is here set on a hyperelliptic curve. As in previous studies of the free Toda lattice, the higher order asymptotics arise from "local" Riemann-Hilbert factorization problems on small crosses centered on the stationary phase points. We discover that the analysis of such a local problem can be done in a chart around each stationary phase point and reduces to a Riemann--Hilbert factorization problem on the complex plane. This result can then be pulled back to the hyperelliptic curve. | Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems (nlin.SI) | This preprint has been combined with arXiv:0705.0346. It is now obsolete | subsumed by another publication | 169 |
0805.3943v2 | Colossal dielectric constant and Maxwell-Wagner relaxation in $Pb(Fe_{1/2}Nb_{1/2})O_{3-x}PbTiO_3$ single crystals | Recently, materials exhibiting colossal dielectric constant ($CDC$) have attracted significant attention because of their high dielectric constant and potential applications in electronic devices, such as high dielectric capacitors, capacitor sensors, random access memories and so on. | Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci) | This paper is replaced by arXiv:0810.1346, which includes a more detailed study of Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)1-xTixO3 single crystals | subsumed by another publication | 170 |
0805.4008v3 | First Order Phase Transition in Quantum Paraelectrics | We discuss the nature of pressure induced phase transitions in standard Quantum Paraelectrics near quantum critical point. From a microscopic theory we first show that near the critical point the transition temperature $T_c(p)$ varies as $ (1-p/p_c)^\xi$ with $\xi={1/2}$. Within the Landau scheme, it is shown that for $\xi \leq 1$, a condition satisfied by most quantum paraelectrics the transition is inevitably first order in nature. The present analysis is valid for non-polar impurity induced transitions in these materials and is supported by some recent experiment. | Strongly Correlated Electrons (cond-mat.str-el) | The paper has been withdrawn | reason not specified | 171 |
0805.4477v3 | Problem-based learning and teacher training in mathematics | Problem-based learning (PBL) is a constructivist learner-centered instructional approach based on the analysis, resolution and discussion of a given problem. It can be applied to any subject, indeed it is especially useful for the teaching of mathematics. When compared to "traditional" teaching, the PBL approach requires increased responsibility for the teachers (in addition to the presentation of mathematical knowledge, they need to engage students in gathering information and using their knowledge to solve given problems). It thus become crucial that the future teachers become aware of its effectiveness. One of the main obstacle to this awareness lies usually on the fact that future teachers did not find this methodology in their own pre-service training. In this paper we will describe the attempt to introduce PBL in University courses so to have future maths teacher "experience mathematics" themselves. | History and Overview (math.HO) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author as it needs substantial revision | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 172 |
0805.4679v2 | Minimizing the Number of Tiles in a Tiled Rectangle | In this paper, we prove that if a finite number of rectangles, every of which has at least one integer side, perfectly tile a big rectangle then there exists a strategy which reduces the number of these tiles (rectangles) without violating the condition on the borders of the tiles. Consequently this strategy leads to yet another solution to the famous rectangle tiling theorem. | History and Overview (math.HO) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author because it is very old version and contains some errors. Its new version is accepted in a journal for publication | subsumed by another publication | 173 |
0806.0369v6 | Radiative corrections to the mass of the Kink: a small modification due to the different renormalization procedure | We compute of the lowest order quantum radiative correction to the mass of the kink in $\phi^4$ theory in 1+1 dimensions using an alternative renormalization procedure which has been introduced earlier. We use the standard mode number cutoff in conjunction with the above program. Our results show a small correction to the previously reported values.[The paper has been withdraw by the authors because a new version is been written to better emphasize on renormalization in problems with nontrivial background. The new version has been submitted by our new co-author ( arXiv:1205.2775 ).] | High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) | The paper has been withdraw by the authors because a new version is been written to better emphasize on renormalization in problems with nontrivial background. The new version has been submitted by our new co-author (arXiv:1205.2775) | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 174 |
0806.0557v4 | An efficient and provably secure arbitrated quantum signature scheme | In this paper, an efficient arbitrated quantum signature scheme is proposed by combining quantum cryptographic techniques and some ideas in classical cryptography. In the presented scheme, the signatory and the receiver can share a long-term secret key with the arbitrator by utilizing the key together with a random number. While in previous quantum signature schemes, the key shared between the signatory and the arbitrator or between the receiver and the arbitrator could be used only once, and thus each time when a signatory needs to sign, the signatory and the receiver have to obtain a new key shared with the arbitrator through a quantum key distribution protocol. Detailed theoretical analysis shows that the proposed scheme is efficient and provably secure. | Quantum Physics (quant-ph) | some contents are wrong | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 175 |
0806.0646v3 | Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph Working Without Lyot Stop | In the context of high contrast imaging, we propose to evaluate the performance of the Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph (APLC) working without Lyot Stop, namely Stop-less Lyot Coronagraph (SLLC). This coronagraph is a combination of an entrance pupil apodizer and an opaque mask in the following focal plane. However, contrary to APLC, SLLC is amputated by the traditional pupil stop. Our goal is to stress the interest of using this coronagraphic solution, in particular for instruments for which the introduction of a stellar coronagraph with Lyot stop is made impossible. We estimate the intensity attenuation achieved with SLLC and carry out our study with a focus on the case of Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC). In a first step, numerical simulations are made assuming the absence of any aberration, thereafter SLLC performance is evaluated considering AO corrected wavefronts in our approach for ground-based instruments. SLLC performance proves to be equivalent to that obtained with APLC in presence of AO compensated atmospheric turbulence images, which Strehl ratio is S=0.552 at the wavelength lambda=1.57 mu m. This coronagraph allows to remove the peak intensity of a star image and therefore, avoid detector saturation. Moreover, it helps increasing the image dynamic range. A mean contrast gain in stellar magnitudes Delta m=0.23 is obtained with SLLC whereas APLC reaches a value Delta m=0.38. | Astrophysics (astro-ph) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author and is expected to be replaced by a new version in the future. | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 176 |
0806.0731v4 | Chow Stability of Curves of Genus 4 in P^3 | In the paper, we study the GIT construction of the moduli space of Chow semistable curves of genus 4 in P^3. By using the GIT method developed by Mumford and a deformation theoretic argument, we give a modular description of this moduli space. We classify Chow stable or Chow semistable curves when they are irreducible or nonreduced. Then we work out the case when a curve has two components. Our classification provides some clues to understand the birational map from the moduli space of stable curves of genus 4 to the moduli space of Chow semistable curves of genus 4 in P^3. | Algebraic Geometry (math.AG) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial error | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 177 |
0806.0792v2 | Comment on ``Rotation Velocities and Radial Electric Field in the Plasma Edge'' | The calculation presented in "Rotation Velocities and Radial Electric Field in the Plasma Edge" by W. M. Stacey [Contrib. Plasma Phys. 46, (2006)] contains an inconsistent treatment of the electrostatic potential. Comparing the expressions for the potential associated with the radial electrostatic field with that associated with the poloidal electrostatic field reveals the inconsistency. A field-theoretic perspective implies that the electrostatic field must vanish in a model based upon the physics of a neutral, conducting fluid. | Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author. Please see arXiv:0806.0780 | subsumed by another publication | 178 |
0806.0879v2 | Characterization of Vibrating Plates by Bi-Laplacian Eigenvalue Problems | In this paper we derive boundary integral identities for the bi-Laplacian eigenvalue problems under Dirichlet, Navier and simply-supported boundary conditions. By using these identities, we first obtain the uniqueness criteria for the solutions of the bi-Laplacian eigenvalue problems, and then prove that each eigenvalue of the problem with simply-supported boundary condition increases strictly with Poisson's ratio, thereby showing that each natural frequency of a simply-supported vibrating plate increases strictly with Poisson's ratio. In addition, we obtain boundary integral representations for the strain energies of the vibrating plates under the three boundary conditions. | Analysis of PDEs (math.AP) | The paper has been withdrawn by the author due to the improper submission | administrative or legal issues | 179 |
0806.1438v2 | On Mean Distance and Girth | We bound the mean distance in a connected graph which is not a tree in function of its order $n$ and its girth $g$. On one hand, we show that mean distance is at most $\frac{n+1}{3}-\frac{g(g^2-4)}{12n(n-1)}$ if $g$ is even and at most $\frac{n+1}{3}-\frac{g(g^2-1)}{12n(n-1)}$ if $g$ is odd. On the other hand, we prove that mean distance is at least $\frac{ng}{4(n-1)}$ unless $G$ is an odd cycle. | Discrete Mathematics (cs.DM) | this paper has been withdrawn because it has been published | subsumed by another publication | 180 |
0806.1571v4 | On a certain asymptotic relationship involving $\vartheta(t) - \lfloor t \rfloor$ and $t^{1/2}$ | Let $\lfloor t \rfloor$ denote the greatest positive integer less than or equal to a given positive real number $t$ and $\vartheta(t)$ the Chebyshev $\vartheta$-function. In this paper, we prove a certain asymptotic relationship involving $\vartheta(t) - \lfloor t \rfloor $ and $t^{1/2}$. | General Mathematics (math.GM) | Withdrawn; this work is completely nonsense | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 181 |
0806.2350v3 | A sharp uniform bound for the distribution of sums of Bernoullis | In this paper we establish a uniform bound for the distribution of a sum $S_n=X_1+...+X_n$ of independent non-homogeneous Bernoulli trials. Specifically, we prove that $\sigma_n P(S_n=j)\leq \eta$ where $\sigma_n$ denotes the standard deviation of $S_n$ and $\eta$ is a universal constant. We compute the best possible constant \eta~0.4688 and we show that the bound also holds for limits of sums and differences of Bernoullis. An application to estimate the rate of convergence of Mann's fixed point iterations is also presented. | Probability (math.PR) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial sign error in $h"(u)$ in Proposition 7 | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 182 |
0806.3556v2 | Complex variable function Gaussian beam in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media | We introduce a novel class of spatial complex variable function Gaussian (CVF-Gaussian) beam, which is the product of an arbitrary analytic complex variable function and a Gaussian function, in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media (SNNM). The CVF-Gaussian beam rotates generally during propagation. By choosing the input power of the beam, we can obtain the CVF-Gaussian breather or the CVF-Gaussian soliton. We reveal that stable CVF-Gaussian beam can exist in SNNM with different forms, including rotating dipole, and rotating elliptic donut. A distribution factor which is the parameter for the description of the transverse distribution of the CVF-Gaussian beam is discussed. | Optics (physics.optics) | This paper has been withdrawn by the authors. 10 pages, 2 figures | reason not specified | 183 |
0806.3587v3 | A Maximum Principle for Elliptic Pseudo-differential Operators on Closed, Riemannian Manifolds | In this note we establish the positivity of Green's functions for a class of elliptic differential operators on closed, Riemannian manifolds. | Analysis of PDEs (math.AP) | This paper has been withdrawn due to an error in a reference. | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 184 |
0806.3790v3 | Prescription of Q-curvature on closed Riemannian manifolds | In this paper it is hown that given any smooth, positive function f on a closed, smooth manifold of dimension greater than four and with positive Paneitz invariant, there exists a metric on M such that $Q_g$ = f. | Differential Geometry (math.DG) | This paper has been withdrawn due to an error in a reference. | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 185 |
0806.4085v2 | A review of redshift and its interpretation in cosmology and astrophysics | This article has been withdrawn by arXiv administrators due to excessive unattributed and verbatim text overlap with the pre-existing Wikipedia article on redshift | General Physics (physics.gen-ph) | withdrawn by arXiv administrators due to excessive unattributed and verbatim text overlap with the pre-existing Wikipedia article on redshift | plagiarism | 186 |
0806.4291v2 | Chaos Pass Filter: Linear Response of Synchronized Chaotic Systems | The linear response of synchronized chaotic units with delayed couplings and feedback to small external perturbations is investigated in the context of communication with chaos synchronization. For iterated chaotic maps, the distribution of distances is calculated numerically and, for some special cases, analytically as well. Depending on model parameters, this distribution has power law tails leading to diverging moments of distances in the region of synchronization. The corresponding linear equations have multiplicative and additive noise due to perturbations and chaos. The response to small harmonic perturbations shows resonances related to coupling and feedback delay times. For perturbation from a binary message the bit error rate is calculated. The bit error rate is not related to the transverse Lyapunov exponents, and it can be reduced when additional noise is added to the transmitted signal. For some special cases, the bit error rate as a function of coupling strength has the structure of a devil's staircase, related to an iterated function system. Finally, the security of communication is discussed by comparing uni- and bi-directional couplings. | Chaotic Dynamics (nlin.CD) | Outdated by | subsumed by another publication | 187 |
0806.4511v5 | The model of quantum evolution | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to extremely unscientific errors. | Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) | This paper has been withdrawn | reason not specified | 188 |
0806.4588v3 | Generating Simplicial Complexes | In the spirit of topological entropy we introduce new complexity functions for general dynamical systems (namely groups and semigroups acting on closed manifolds) but with an emphasis on the dynamics induced on simplicial complexes. For expansive systems remarkable properties are observed. Known examples are revisited and new examples are presented. | Differential Geometry (math.DG) | This paper has been withdrawn due to some mistakes in the text | typos in manuscript | 189 |
0806.4696v2 | Effect of magnetization and magnetic field variation on stationary axisymmetric equilibrium | The inclusion of plasma magnetization in the equations of stationary equilibrium is derived, and its effect on the determination of axisymmetric equilibrium calculated. A factor of 2 on the pressure gradient arises in the equilibrium equation from the force felt by the dipole moment density. The algebraic and differential equation formulations are compared both with and without consideration of magnetization, revealing the effects of both magnetization and magnetic field variation on the equilibrium, which become more pronounced for high pressures in a weak external field. The equivalence of the magnetized equilibrium equation with the standard equilibrium equation in the limit of vanishing magnetization is demonstrated. | Plasma Physics (physics.plasm-ph) | Superseded by arXiv:0806.4698 | subsumed by another publication | 190 |
0806.4757v2 | A Computational Study of the Dynamics of the Critical Points in a Simple Fluid Flow | We carry out a computational experiment inspired by a physical experiment by Ouellette and Gollub (PRL 99, 194502 (2007)) where a topological transition of the velocity field in a fluid flow is generated by a grid of magnets. At a well-defined Reynolds number Re the motion of the stagnation points becomes so strong that they may merge and annihilate. Replacing the magnets by a grid of stirrers we obtain the same essential features of the transition, but the resolution allows us to identify two different stages of the process: A range of Re where the annihilation rate of the stagnation points is low but non-zero is followed by a narrow interval where the rate jumps to a high level. | Fluid Dynamics (physics.flu-dyn) | This paper has been withdrawn by the authors, as it has not been accepted for publication | reason not specified | 191 |
0806.4829v3 | Selberg's zeta functions for congruence subgroups of modular groups in SL(2,R) and SL(2,C) | It is known that the Selberg zeta function for the modular group has an expression in terms of the class numbers and the fundamental units of the indefinite binary quadratic forms. In the present paper, we generalize such a expression to any congruence subgroup of the modular groups in SL(2,R) and SL(2,C). | Number Theory (math.NT) | 12 pages. This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to several wrong descriptions | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 192 |
0807.0056v2 | Asymptotic formulas for partial sums of class numbers of indefinite binary quadratic forms | Sarnak obtained the asymptotic formula of the sum of the class numbers of indefinite binary quadratic forms from the prime geodesic theorem for the modular group. In the present paper, we show several asymptotic formulas of partial sums of the class numbers by using the prime geodesic theorems for the congruence subgroups of the modular group. | Number Theory (math.NT) | 14 pages. This paper has been withdrawn by the author since the main results are included in arXiv:1003.3716 | subsumed by another publication | 193 |
0807.0400v2 | Fully adaptive multiresolution schemes for strongly degenerate parabolic equations in one space dimension | We present a fully adaptive multiresolution scheme for spatially one-dimensional quasilinear strongly degenerate parabolic equations with zero-flux and periodic boundary conditions. The numerical scheme is based on a finite volume discretization using the Engquist-Osher numerical flux and explicit time stepping. An adaptive multiresolution scheme based on cell averages is then used to speed up the CPU time and the memory requirements of the underlying finite volume scheme, whose first-order version is known to converge to an entropy solution of the problem. A particular feature of the method is the storage of the multiresolution representation of the solution in a graded tree, whose leaves are the non-uniform finite volumes on which the numerical divergence is eventually evaluated. Moreover using the $L^1$ contraction of the discrete time evolution operator we derive the optimal choice of the threshold in the adaptive multiresolution method. Numerical examples illustrate the computational efficiency together with the convergence properties. | Numerical Analysis (math.NA) | withdrawn. Full text available from the publisher | subsumed by another publication | 194 |
0807.0816v2 | Confinement effects from massive photons | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to an error in equations 39 and 41. | High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) | 4 pages | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 195 |
0807.1464v2 | Extended Optical Model Analyses of Elastic Scattering and Fusion Cross Section Data for the 9Be+28Si, 144Sm, and 208Pb Systems at Near-Coulomb-Barrier Energies using Double Folding Potential | Based on the extended optical model with the double folding potential, in which the polarization potential is decomposed into direct reaction (DR) and fusion parts, simultaneous $\chi^{2}$ analyses are performed of elastic scattering and fusion cross section data for the $^{9}$Be+$^{28}$Si, $^{144}$Sm, and $^{208}$Pb systems at near-Coulomb-barrier energies. We find that the real part of the resultant DR part of the polarization potential is systematically repulsive for all the targets considered, which is consistent with the results deduced from the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel (CDCC) calculations taking into account the polarization effects due to breakup. Further, it is found that both DR and fusion parts of the extracted polarization potentials satisfy the dispersion relation. | Nuclear Theory (nucl-th) | 28 pages, 6 figures, submitted to [REDACTED-NAME] C | reason not specified | 196 |
0807.1606v4 | Homogeneity of proper complex equifocal submanifolds | In this paper, we show that an irreducible proper complex equifocal submanifold of codimension greater than one in a symmetric space of non-compact type. The proof is performed by showing the homogeneity of the lift of the complexification of the original submanifold to some infinite dimensional anti-Kahelerian space. | Differential Geometry (math.DG) | I found many misses in this paper | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 197 |
0807.1607v4 | On equifocal submanifolds with non-flat section in symmetric spaces of rank two | In this paper, we show that there exists no equifocal submanifold with non-flat section in four irreducible simply connected symmetric spaces of compact type and rank two. Also, we show a fact for the sections of equifocal submanifolds with non-flat section in other irreducible simply connected symmetric spaces of compact type and rank two. | Differential Geometry (math.DG) | In this paper, we found important misses | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 198 |
0807.1662v2 | A note on two-positive Ricci curvature and positive Einstein curvature | In this short note we discuss some recent results about two-positive Ricci curvature and their applications to positive Einstein curvature. | Differential Geometry (math.DG) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to an error in Theorem 2.2 | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 199 |
0807.2326v2 | Floer homology and existence of incompressible tori in homology spheres | We show that if a prime homology sphere has the same Floer homology as the standard three-sphere, it does not contain any incompressible tori. | Geometric Topology (math.GT) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author. The results are based on the (incorrect) splicing formula of the initial version of arXiv:0802.2874. The correct splicing formula gives partial results instead, which will appear in a revision | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 200 |
0807.2534v2 | First principles studies of SnTiO3 perovskite as a potential ferroelectric material | In the context of the search for environment-respectful, lead- and bismuth- free chemical compounds for devices such as actuators, SnTiO3 (ST) is investigated from first principles within DFT. Full geometry optimization provides a stable tetragonal structure relative to cubic one. From the equation of state the equilibrium volume of SnTiO3 is found smaller than ferroelectric PbTiO3 (PT) in agreement with a smaller Sn2+ radius. While ionic displacements exhibit similar trends between ST and PT a larger tetragonality (c/a ratio) for ST results in a larger polarization, PST = 1.1 C.m2. The analysis of the electronic band structure detailing the Sn-O and Ti-O interactions points to a differentiated chemical bonding and a reinforcement of the covalent bonding with respect to Pb homologue. | Materials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci) | publishes in [REDACTED-NAME] 355 (2009) 43-49 | subsumed by another publication | 201 |
0807.2554v2 | Statistical tools used to identify scientific misconduct in mobile phone research (REFLEX program) | A severe case of scientific misconduct was discovered in a paper from 2005 allegedly showing harmful effects (DNA breakage) of non-thermal mobile phone electromagnetic field exposure on human and rat cells. Here we describe the way how the fraudulent data were identified. The low variations of the reported biological data are shown to be below theoretical lower limits (multinomial distributions). Another reason for doubts was highly significant non-equal distributions of last digits, a known hint towards data fabrication. The Medical University Vienna, where the research was conducted, was informed about these findings and came to the conclusion that the data in this and another, related paper by the same group were fabricated, and that both papers should be retracted. | Applications (stat.AP) | This paper has been withdrawn by the authors due to concerns with referenced data sets. No further revisions. | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 202 |
0807.2812v2 | Play Ground for Victor's Magic Squares | This article presents a new development of magic squares with a simple set up. | General Mathematics (math.GM) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial sign error in one of the proof of this paper | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 203 |
0807.3059v2 | Agent-based model of competition in a social structure | Indirect competition emerged from the complex organization of human societies, and knowledge of the existing network topology may aid in developing effective strategies for success. Here, we propose an agent-based model of competition with systems co-existing in a `small-world' social network. We show that within the range of parameter values obtained from the model and empirical data, the network evolution is highly dependent on $k$, the local parameter describing the density of neighbors in the network. The model applied to language death and competition of telecommunication companies show strong correspondence with empirical data. | General Finance (q-fin.GN) | 7 pages, 3 figures This paper has been withdrawn due to claims that have been proven to be false | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 204 |
0807.3152v5 | Super-rigidity and finiteness of embedded $J$-holomorphic curves on Calabi-Yau threefolds | The paper contains a fundamental defect in its framework of
using the gauge action to study the rigidity problem.
As a result, the calculations leading to the main formula
is also incorrect. | Symplectic Geometry (math.SG) | This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to a crucial defect in the framework | factual/methodological/other critical errors in manuscript | 205 |
0807.3154v2 | A topological pinching for the injectivity radius of a compact surface in S^3 and in H^3 | It is given a topological pinching for the injectivity radius of a compact embedded surface either in the sphere or in the hyperbolic space | Differential Geometry (math.DG) | The article in its present form does not go deep enough in the results. The research should be continued further | incomplete exposition or more work in progress | 206 |
Subsets and Splits