listlengths 5
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Put 10 cents in and dial a random number: 005-51-17-912."
"actor": "Payphone",
"dialogue": "Calling..."
"actor": "Payphone",
"dialogue": "Still calling..."
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "Again? Seriously?"
"actor": "Payphone",
"dialogue": "Someone with a masculine voice picks up:"
"actor": "Payphone",
"dialogue": "\"Hello, Girard speaking!\""
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Hello, Girard. Technically speaking, you're electricity."
"actor": "Payphone",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"coast.payphone_concept_electricity\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "What *you* are is a *surprise*, get his wife on the phone..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Hey, Girard, get your wife for me, will you?\""
"actor": "Payphone",
"dialogue": "\"Wh-who is this?\" The man does not understand."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"It's Pierre, now put her on. I don't like waiting.\""
"actor": "Payphone",
"dialogue": "\"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that?\" The voice on the phone is suddenly very agitated."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Hang up. [Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism",
"dialogue": "The book fits quite snugly into your palm. It would also fit comfortably into a jacket pocket."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Keep reading."
"actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism",
"dialogue": "You flip forward a few pages until you come upon a chapter titled 'Mental Projection and Transference'..."
"actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism",
"dialogue": "When a community has achieved a sufficiently high degree of revolutionary fervour, infra-materialists believe that second-level effects may be observed."
"actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism",
"dialogue": "At this second level, certain hyper-revolutionary individuals may even develop the ability to extend their thoughts into material space and vice versa."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Hey, Kim. You'd say that we share a pretty special connection, right?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I would say we share a perfectly average connection for two law officials working a case.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"It's way more than average. Haven't you noticed that we're always finishing each other's...\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "Your words hang in the air as the lieutenant scribbles something in his notebook. At some point he realizes you're waiting for him and looks up with a tightly knit brow."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"... sentences.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "The lieutenant looks at you evenly for a moment, then returns to his notebook without a word."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Forget it."
"actor": "A Brief Look at Infra-Materialism",
"dialogue": "As we were saying, it's generally believed that these effects are only exhibited by certain *hyper-revolutionary* individuals, generally less than .01% of the revolutionary population..."
] |
"actor": "Washerwoman",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsHourBetween(21, 2)) == false]"
"actor": "Washerwoman",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"village.has_shack\"]]"
"actor": "Washerwoman",
"dialogue": "\"Our tenant, the policeman. I hope the waves don't keep you up at night. What can I help you with?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Have you heard a radio on the coast in the last week or so?\""
"actor": "Washerwoman",
"dialogue": "\"A radio? Hah -- no, we play no radio here. There is one in the shack, but it's never used.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Are you *sure* you didn't hear any radio playing?\""
"actor": "Washerwoman",
"dialogue": "\"These ears know every sound that belongs to this coast. I would know if I heard anything different.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"We good, Kim?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Let's just get it out of the way as fast as we can. Contact dispatch from my Kineema and ask them to connect you to the station. Maybe they can shed some light on this.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Thank you, Kim.\""
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"René... I need to go back in time. Can you help me?\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"What?!\" The old soldier scowls at you, unamused."
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "He thinks you're playing a joke on him."
"actor": "Gaston Martin",
"dialogue": "\"Now, now...\" His partner raises both hands in a calming gesture. \"I'm sure the officer means it figuratively. Like a forensic technique or something, right?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"No, I literally need to go back in time. For Revachol.\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"*Bon sang*, son. You must have a loose screw up there or something.\" He taps on his temple. \"Sounds like you really mean it.\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"Alright, I will entertain this... *fantasy*, if you tell me, what interest does an RCM officer have in... 'time travel'?\""
"actor": "Gaston Martin",
"dialogue": "\"Oh, you're in for a treat, officer. Seeing the playful side of old René is about as rare as a red rainbow.\""
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "Not actually *that* rare. It's just that red, or monochrome, rainbows usually occur at sunrise or sunset, when blue and green wavelengths are scattered before reaching water droplets. Fewer eyes to see them then."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm not sure, to be honest. Just going with the flow.\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"Exactly what history needs.\" He spits on the ground between the two of you. \"More drifters, confused wanderers, weightless men...\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "There's so much bitterness in his voice it barely even registers as sarcasm."
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"I can't help you officer,\" he says coldly. \"There are no second chances in life. We don't deserve them. This is the world we shaped -- a reflection of what we are. Wasted, ugly, and numb.\""
] |
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Of course, let us dispatch with the formalities, you call me Evrart, I call you Harry!\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Is that my name?\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "For a fraction of a second the big man looks at you inquisitively. \"Experiencing partial amnesia, are we, Harry?\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "It might be a good idea to hide your confusion, see what his game is first."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Nah, my memory is fine -- I'm just testing you.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"I'm very glad to hear it. Some of my associates here in Martinaise told me you had trouble remembering things -- I am relieved they were mistaken.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"I'm sure you had some concerns you thought I might be able to address.\" He pauses to look at a brown folder on his desk. \"And you were probably right.\""
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "The huge block letters on the folder read \"HARRIER DU BOIS\". There's something in small writing just above that..."
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "\"Revachol Citizens Militia.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I see you have gotten hold of some of our old documents.\" The lieutenant turns to Evrart. \"They should have been destroyed some time ago.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Mr. Kitsuragi...\" He leaves the rest of this sentence hanging in the air and lets his smug smile deliver the rest of the message."
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "\"Don't you worry, I've got plenty on you too, my rigid friend.\""
] |
"actor": "Mountain of Board Games",
"dialogue": "A small mountain of colourful board game boxes. There are numerous types of games for all ages. A lot of shelf space seems to be taken up by Wirrâl-related merchandise."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I want to buy the *Wirrâl* game.\""
"actor": "Plaisance",
"dialogue": "\"If you say so.\" She gives you a curious glance. \"But you better stay away from those immoral occult rituals.\""
"actor": "Tutorial Agent",
"dialogue": "You've acquired an interactable item. Investigate this item further by going to the INTERACT tab in your INVENTORY."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Look through the pile of Wirrâl-related items."
"actor": "Mountain of Board Games",
"dialogue": "An endless variety of sourcebooks, lorebooks, and codices litter the table. The top-most book is titled \"Welkin Compendium, Second Edition.\""
"actor": "Mountain of Board Games",
"dialogue": "There's also a large hardbound tome with intricate cover art: \"The Hunters of Katuak: Boreal Creature Compendium,\" and a pick-your-path adventure gamebook titled \"Tales of Wirrâl: Cavern of Velkraag.\""
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Books in a *board game* section? Who wants to read books!?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Hm, maybe I'm not into all this binoclard stuff."
"actor": "Mountain of Board Games",
"dialogue": "A towering mountain of colourful board game boxes and Wirrâl codices."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"There's an old catatonic lady in the old fish market, on the other side of the bay. She needs help.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "The big man laughs, nearly spitting out his beer. \"What's that, copper? You want us to help little old ladies now?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"If you wanna be the local law enforcement, these kind of things fall on your shoulders.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, yeah. We'll send someone out. Who is -- wait... It's *The Pigs*, isn't it?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Yup. Her.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "He pushes up his cap. \"God, poor lady. Don't worry. We'll handle this. I think she's got some family in Couron or something... Bastards left her alone when she got sick, we've been getting complaints.\""
"actor": "Eugene",
"dialogue": "\"Hey,\" Eugene interjects. \"Wasn't Evrart's B Team looking for her the other day? They said something about her... I dunno, finding something?\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, I think you're right, Gene.\" Titus gives him a beer salute and turns to you. \"She have something of yours, pig?\""
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "Whatever you do, do not admit to these punks you lost your gun. You will suffer if you do."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"She had my gun.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardies_pigs_authority\"]]"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "You absolute fool."
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"You're fucking with me.\" The big man slams his beer onto the table. \"Your gun! She had your fucking gun!\""
"actor": "Shanky",
"dialogue": "\"Sure did, boss!\" The rat-man's face is twisted with a smile. \"Heard him loud and clear -- the pig's lost his gun to The Pigs!\""
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_full_story_hub_reached\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"I understand.\" She puts her coffee mug on the table."
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "Just like that. No resistance -- her shoulders are slouched, her feet long and straight."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Chill. I'm the cool cop, remember?\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "She cracks a weary smile. \"I'm sorry for wasting your time. I should have known you'd... that you'd find out.\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "This is good. Clear the air first -- between you two -- then move on to questions."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_rhet_penitent\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_time_for_questions_route\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Why *did* you waste our time then?\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"Because of the Hardies -- I couldn't just dispense with them, they were only trying to help me.\" She looks at her feet. \"Out of the shit I'd gotten into.\""
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "Is she implying the Hardie boys are THE LAW?!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Cool. I'm satisfied with this explanation.\""
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"My *style*? What about it?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"For starters, you're wearing *the exact same* outfit I first met you in...\" He holds his nose."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Have you even *smelled* that jacket? It's like some wretched night-wandering creature died in it.\""
"actor": "Perception (Smell)",
"dialogue": "You have developed a bit of a *rind* over the past few days."
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "The lieutenant's right. You're the acrid sweet smell of decay that makes people evacuate the room."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"It's disco, Kim.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"If by 'disco' you mean 'ungainly and sad,' then yes, it's *extremely* disco.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"You know the expression 'The clothes make the man'? The right outfit, in the right situation, can make all the difference in the world.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm not taking 'style' tips from someone who dresses like a mega-binoclard.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Yes. And this 'mega-binoclard' knows how to sew a lapel and center a back vent.\" The lieutenant raises one eyebrow at you."
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "That's why his clothes fit so well..."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"So if you want to wake up next to anyone other than *Commodore Red*, you might do well to take notes.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Anyway, we should probably get back to the case. Let's go.\""
] |
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"And now if you'll just connect that here...\""
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"It's done. I believe we're ready.\" The lieutenant wipes his brow."
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"We're ready to try, at least. Please, put on these headphones, there should be two extra sets. I've configured the channels so that only your microphone is set to broadcast, officer. We'll all be able to listen, but anyone we reach will only hear *your* voice.\""
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"You will need to transmit your connection request while I attempt to locate the warship's public frequency. You will likely encounter some interference, but it's important to keep transmitting your request until you're acknowledged. Ready?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Not yet.\""
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"Too late. I've begun transmitting...\""
"actor": "Horseback Antenna",
"dialogue": "..."
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"auto.is_snowing\"]]"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "A soft rustling. The snow seems to have gotten between your ears somehow..."
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.warship_shivers_snow\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Where's the sound coming from?"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "Every lightswitch, every motor carriage, every doorbell, tea kettle, and radio in Martinaise, all mingled with electrical interference caused by scattered thunderstorms over Ozonne."
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"Officer? Are you in order? We're waiting for you to start...\""
] |
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.doorbell_know_revachol_ice_city\"]]"
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "They don't want to talk to you."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"ARTEMITEP's Boxing for Young Athletes & Gym.\""
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.doorbell_punched_the_doorbell\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "All you hear is static, but no one answers the call."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"24h Window.\""
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "You ring the doorbell, but nothing happens."
"actor": "Interfacing",
"dialogue": "Try again, you didn't press it hard enough."
"actor": "Electronic Doorbell",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.doorbell_interfacing_press_again_24h_window\"]) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"ARTEMITEP's Boxing for Young Athletes & Gym.\""
] |
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.abandoned_cabin_accessed\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.abandoned_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "This green FALN A-Z 'Contemporain' is parked in the shadow of the ruins looming overhead. It's seen better days."
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.jammystery_ladydriver_cabin_located_tommy\"]]"
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "This is the one the man pointed to. His friend's lorry."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Try the door handle."
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "The door is locked. The handle looks shiny, like it's recently replaced."
"actor": "Interfacing",
"dialogue": "There's no picking this lock. The owner has put special care into it. It's a recessed design."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Try to peek in the window."
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "The glass on the side windows is tinted and covered with dust. You can barely make out the shape of a seat and two steering levers."
] |
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"If you'll please carry that amplifier and cables, officer. We have quite a lot to carry...\""
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Script: PassTime();\nPassTime();\nPassTime();\nPassTime()]"
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"And now if you'll just connect that here...\""
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"It's done. I believe we're ready.\" The lieutenant wipes his brow."
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"We're ready to try, at least. Please, put on these headphones, there should be two extra sets. I've configured the channels so that only your microphone is set to broadcast, officer. We'll all be able to listen, but anyone we reach will only hear *your* voice.\""
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"You will need to transmit your connection request while I attempt to locate the warship's public frequency. You will likely encounter some interference, but it's important to keep transmitting your request until you're acknowledged. Ready?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Yes.\""
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"Good. Beginning transmission.\""
"actor": "Horseback Antenna",
"dialogue": "..."
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"auto.is_snowing\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "A soft rustling. Between your ears, a winterscape with fast falling snow..."
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.warship_shivers_snow\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "\"Go ahead, officer.\""
] |
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Been waitin' for you to fucking man up.\" He nods at the building behind him. \"In there is Cuno's violent dad. On steroids. Cuno's dad does steroids *and* speed. If you can take him, you can have half the speed.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"How much material are we talking about?\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Like half.\" He says very confidently."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Half of what?\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"A baggie... but like in this vial.\""
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "That's half a *gram*, sir."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.cuno_yard_viscal_half_a_gram\"]) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I've made up my mind, Cuno. And this is what's going to happen...\" (Conclude.)"
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Okay, Cuno's listening?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm not going in there.\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Cuno sees you're too pussy to face Cuno's dad. It's okay. Come back when your balls are big-time.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
] |
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Shoot that shit at Cuno, piggonaut.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I want to buy the FALN pants after all.\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Here, pig. We FALN now. Performance buddies.\" Cuno unzips his jacket again and pulls the pants out of the plastic wrapping."
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Cuno can already see you soaring through the air like a fucking eagle.\" He looks at you with pride. \"Pig's in Cuno's debt now. Money-debt.\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Money-debt doesn't mean anything. He's just saying words. You're not in his debt."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Cuno, I need a fridge to stash the body.\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"For the fuck-gimp? Good thing you asked The Cunmeister.\" He nods, trying to look older. \"Cuno knows a fridge, perfect for freezing f****ts.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Really? I don't believe it.\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Cuno knows all kinds of shit. Cuno gets *around*.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Where can I find this perfect fridge, then?\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Baconman's in a rush. But what's in it for the Cuno?\" He crosses his arms. \"What's the return on Cuno's investment?\""
"actor": "Half Light",
"dialogue": "Don't fuck it up, you *need* a fridge."
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "Now is the time to be humble. Say the *sir* thing."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Fine, Cuno... *Don't* help me then.\" (Back off.)"
] |
"actor": "Working Class Woman",
"dialogue": "\"What with?\" She tries hard to focus on the book stand."
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "What *with*? A lot of things! For example, people tend to go *missing*."
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "This citizen thinks she can do without your assistance? Don't buy it. They all need help."
"actor": "Physical Instrument",
"dialogue": "Help her by... carrying things? Uhm... maybe she needs a weightlifter? Maybe she needs you to *fight* her husband? No, that's not it..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Protect and serve, madam! I found your husband.\""
"actor": "Working Class Woman",
"dialogue": "\"God damn it, I already told you -- my husband isn't missing!\" She crosses her arms."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Well, I found him nevertheless. I'm that good.\""
"actor": "Working Class Woman",
"dialogue": "\"Very well, then. Where is he?\" She's getting impatient, her hands now picking on a random book cover."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Our hammer toting comrade was at the bottom of those stairs.\""
"actor": "Working Class Woman",
"dialogue": "\"Excuse me?!\" She blinks. \"I don't follow.\""
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "There's something else hiding in her voice though -- a trace of worry."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I found a working class drunk and I thought he might be yours.\""
"actor": "Working Class Woman",
"dialogue": "\"Right, 'cause working class women come with alcoholic husbands.\" She glances over your shoulder towards the drunk. \"You know what?\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Remember, about that *what* -- never-ever say *what*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Something bad I guess? I'm sorry, I say stupid things sometimes, I didn't mean to annoy.\""
"actor": "Working Class Woman",
"dialogue": "\"You were right. I do have an alcoholic husband. Although not that one.\""
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "Hah! Blam! Knew it."
] |
"actor": "Rosemary",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"village.rosemary_made_it_to_main_hub\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Rosemary",
"dialogue": "\"Good to see you, friend! Do I have *deals* set up for you, buddy-boy!\" He spreads his arms as if wanting to embrace you."
"actor": "Rosemary",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"coast.idiot_teq_story_end_reach\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm a police officer, not your 'friend'.\""
"actor": "Rosemary",
"dialogue": "\"So whadda'ya want?\" He tilts his head. \"I got smokes. They're cheap. Very cheap. I got pilsner. Great deal. You won't get a better deal on that piss... Spirits I can let go for 300 reál. I also have speed. And by *speed* I mean amphetamine.\""
"actor": "Rosemary",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.necktie_personified\"] and CheckEquipped(\"neck_tie\") and Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"] == false) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Here's the money for a pilsner.\""
"actor": "Rosemary",
"dialogue": "\"Bottoms up, captain!\" He hands you an ugly brown bottle."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Sell me some speed.\""
"actor": "Rosemary",
"dialogue": "\"Here you go, friend.\" He hands you a tiny bottle with a straw. The powder looks clotted and quite mouldy."
"actor": "Rosemary",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.kimintro_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "A bespectacled man in an orange bomber jacket is tapping his foot on the floor. Looks like he's waiting for someone -- you."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "As you approach, he narrows his eyes and extends his hand in greeting."
"actor": "Esprit de Corps",
"dialogue": "If an assault were launched on this building right now -- if the windows came crashing down and the whole world descended upon you -- this man would hurl himself in death's way to save you. You are sure of this -- but why?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: CheckItem(\"jacket_suede\")]"
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "On the sleeve of his bomber jacket -- as well as on its back -- are the same enigmatic white rectangles as on your blazer."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Hold on, who is he to me?"
"actor": "Esprit de Corps",
"dialogue": "He is your half-brother."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Don't shake his hand."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Hello, I'm Kim Kitsuragi.\" He looks unfazed. \"Lieutenant, Precinct 57. You must be from the 41st...\""
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "It's barely noticeable, but he might be *a bit* annoyed at your rudeness. Then he lets it go -- more important matters need tending to."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "You realize he is waiting for your name."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "This is your chance to come up with a really good name for yourself. Get *creative* -- conceptualize!"
] |
"actor": "Knick-knacks Stand",
"dialogue": "You see rows of toy soldiers guarding the rest of the trinkets displayed on the table: some on horseback, others in rags, others yet in bright blue uniforms. All are stern and unyielding in their duty."
"actor": "Knick-knacks Stand",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"canal.roy_inland_buy_done\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Inspect the figurines in rags."
"actor": "Knick-knacks Stand",
"dialogue": "This set of soldiers isn't meant to look impressive. A few have rifles, but most of them carry pistols -- some even shovels and tall sticks."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(Point at the figurines in rags.) \"Are these even soldiers?\""
"actor": "Bird's Nest Roy",
"dialogue": "\"You're probably talking about the revolutionaries, yes?\" the man behind the glass answers. \"Yes -- they are soldiers. Revolutionary soldiers.\""
"actor": "Bird's Nest Roy",
"dialogue": "\"I think their poverty has been exaggerated for effect. When you place them next to the royalists, it doesn't seem like they could possibly win.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"The contrast is meant to be disheartening. As it ought to be.\""
"actor": "Bird's Nest Roy",
"dialogue": "\"I don't like either set very much, to be honest, but there are many parents among my customers.\""
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "He seems to have his own take on the conflict played out in perpetuity by these toys. Might be interesting to find out what it is..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Inspect the figurines in rags."
"actor": "Knick-knacks Stand",
"dialogue": "This set of soldiers isn't meant to look impressive. A few have rifles, but most of them carry pistols -- some even shovels and tall sticks."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(Point at the figurines in rags.) \"Are these even soldiers?\""
"actor": "Bird's Nest Roy",
"dialogue": "\"You're probably talking about the revolutionaries, yes?\" the man behind the glass answers. \"Yes -- they are soldiers. Revolutionary soldiers.\""
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"These men, they didn't do it!\""
"actor": "Kortenaer",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah? Who did then?\""
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "You should implicate *yourself*. Throw yourself onto the embrasure, chest first!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(Point to yourself) \"It was me.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"No, wait!\" The lieutenant winces and quickly turns to the mercenary leader. \"He didn't.\""
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "He is tense, like a steel spring under full load."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I did it because I'm a delusional washout cop who thinks he's a superstar. I just *do* shit.\""
"actor": "Kortenaer",
"dialogue": "\"You think this is *funny*?\" There's a dangerous gleam in his eye. \"What if I just shot one of your pals here for fun, huh?\""
"actor": "Kortenaer",
"dialogue": "\"How about the kipt?\" He points his gun at Elizabeth. \"That'd be fucking *funny*...\""
"actor": "Elizabeth",
"dialogue": "\"Listen, please!\" She raises both hands. \"This cop and this drumhead court martial won't decide who...\""
"actor": "Half Light",
"dialogue": "He's gonna do it, he's gonna shoot her!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Say nothing. Just stand there."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"plaza.tribunal_you_think_this_is_funny\"] == true]"
"actor": "Kortenaer",
"dialogue": "He pulls the trigger. A plume of smoke erupts from the muzzle."
"actor": "Perception (Hearing)",
"dialogue": "The shot rings in your ears -- a low tinny ring. Then the Hardie boys yell something..."
"actor": "The Gardener",
"dialogue": "\"I'm okay... I'm okay...\" The woman staggers backward, crouches, then grabs her left side. Her white shirt soaks a blood red around her abdomen and she gasps for air."
] |
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"For the fuck-gimp? Good thing you asked The Cunmeister.\" He nods, trying to look older. \"Cuno knows a fridge, perfect for freezing f****ts.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I thought you would! Where is it?\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Baconman's in a rush. But what's in it for the Cuno?\" He crosses his arms. \"What's the return on Cuno's investment?\""
"actor": "Half Light",
"dialogue": "Don't fuck it up, you *need* a fridge."
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "Now is the time to be humble. Say the *sir* thing."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Convince *the Cuno* to spill the beans."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.cuno_fridge_red_check\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Cuno's a poor kid from a poor neighbourhood. Say your job is on the line. He'll sympathize."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Kid, this is *serious*. My job is on the line. If I don't get this sorted, I might actually get fired...\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"The fuck are you doing right now?\" He looks at you suspiciously. \"The fuck is this shit?!\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Don't pay attention to him. Just keep telling your sad story."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I've lost almost everything, Cuno. My memory, my money, even my name... I *can't* lose my job too! Please, PLEASE help me...\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Cuno's never seen anything so lame...\" he says mostly to himself. \"Listen, pig... If you were Cuno, the fuck would you care?\""
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I noticed your room is close to mine. I have a personal question.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_sunday_night_story_interupted\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"Yes, you're just one room away.\" She pours herself more coffee. \"Very personal.\""
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Good. Yes. This means she could have heard something. Like what you were doing before you blacked out."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"That's all. Just wanted to establish that.\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"Funky.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Nice room you've got here.\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, it's pretty *De Luxe*.\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.sense_klaasje_laundry_sad_inland\"]]"
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_suggestion_phrase_cleverly\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "No one likes to talk about their dirty laundry and their empty bottles. Maybe if you phrase it emotionally..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"That door there...\" (Point to it.) \"Did you know it leads to a downstairs *elevator*?\""
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"But my shit already *is* together!\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"No, it's not officer.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Say nothing -- just nod."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"We should go talk to the locals, find something else to do while the wind changes. It's pretty bad right now.\""
"actor": "The Hanged Man",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"tc.turn_off_tutorial_node\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Tutorial Agent",
"dialogue": "You've gained a Thought! When this dialogue is over, go to your THOUGHT CABINET and INTERNALIZE it for special bonuses and effects."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Give it half an hour, get yourself together, then come back and have another go.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Let go of your nose without throwing up."
"actor": "The Hanged Man",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"yard.hanged_endurance_didnt_vomit\"]]"
"actor": "The Hanged Man",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: CheckItem(\"ammonia_ampoule\")]"
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "You crack open the ammonia ampoule and breathe in. The odour of death is still stronger. It's a spell of the mind telling you to run -- and your stomach to wring itself empty. With your eyes squinting you stand in it."
] |
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.report_to_cryptozoologists_1\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"coast.morell_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"coast.morell_midgreet_leave\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "\"Here we go. Nice and easy. No way out, little guys, not out of this jam...\""
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "There's a cylinder on the ground in which the man is arranging some netting. It looks like some kind of trap. He notices you."
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "\"Who's there? Oh, the police. Hello, officer.\""
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "His self-conscious enthusiasm renders his movements ungainly. He looks like your understanding of a scientist."
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"coast.gary_hello\"]]"
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.locate_morell\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"You must be Morell, the cryptozoologist?\""
"actor": "Morell, the Cryptozoologist",
"dialogue": "\"To what do I owe the pleasure?\""
] |
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Why does art inspire you so much?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "It does, yes -- but what *is* art?"
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Excellent question. Art is a diverse range of visual, literary, auditory, and performative creativity! It's an expression of imagination and technical skill. Additionally, it's history, criticism and pure enjoyment..."
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "In short, art is the highest form of human communication -- representation, narrative, emotion and agency intertwined."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Would I fit into the art world? I mean..."
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Have you looked in the mirror lately? You have the exact features of a savage art critic, with that beard and those clothes! Dishevelled and *prophetic*. Perhaps you should try to critique architecture too!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Hold on, is architecture also art?"
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Of course not, it's autism. Box-drawing. Masturbation with a ruler and a sextant or whatever they use. You should demean and criticize the genteel institution of architecture. While extolling the virtues of the *pure* arts."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "I guess I *have* been feeling critical lately."
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Yes! You seek substance. No vapid representations and reproductions of social mores, as made manifest in stuffy biennials, we're talking real *living art* here. Become the Art Cop. Half art critic -- half cop."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Wait, but don't I have to be 100% cop -- to get the case finished and all that?"
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Quit being so indecisive. What are you going for here? Some kind of indecisive and *camp* aesthetic now? Strike a bold shape here. Go art or go home."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "No. I cannot risk another copo-diversion at this point. Go away! (Opt out.)"
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Bravo! Continue, then, in the mediocre and vulgar epigones of the world. So what if everything is incomprehensibly shit and you can see it. Take no responsibility."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "This was a good call. That guy probably thinks forensics is autism too."
] |
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "Is there something here that would indicate a sniper used this place as a nest for taking the shot? Just some urban detritus, a bottle and a dilapidated old comms tower."
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "The wind picks up. Fine sea foam lashes your face. It feels like needles. You can take it -- just raise your collar, detective."
"actor": "Perception",
"dialogue": "In the distance you can hear the breakers roar."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I don't see it, officer. I don't see a person take a shot here and hit something there...\" He looks east, over the coast. \"In the Whirling-in-Rags.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Look over the water -- to the Whirling-in-Rags."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "There, 1.2 kilometres over the cold water of the bay, blue from the distance and the air, you see the smallest rectangle, barely visible."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "The light is off on the third floor of the Whirling-in-Rags. The young woman is gone, in Precinct 57. Safe, closed off. Her form no longer moves behind the glass there..."
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I heard him and I'm on it. \""
"actor": "Jules Pidieu",
"dialogue": "\"10-4, affirmative. Officer is in pursuit of his firearm.\" There's static."
"actor": "Mack Torson",
"dialogue": "\"Oh god, I...\" The man is fighting back tears."
"actor": "Jules Pidieu",
"dialogue": "\"Officer, do you need further assistance? Over.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I am in dire need of financial assistance.\""
"actor": "Jules Pidieu",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.report_badge_done\"]]"
"actor": "Jules Pidieu",
"dialogue": "\"10-4, I hear you. I don't have the authority to grant your request, but....\""
"actor": "Jules Pidieu",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: DayCount() > 2]"
"actor": "Jules Pidieu",
"dialogue": "\"Do you need anything else? Over.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I have successfully located my 9mm Villiers pistol. It's on me now and I won't lose it again.\""
"actor": "Jules Pidieu",
"dialogue": "\"10-4, sir. Roger that. And very glad to hear it. I will make relevant changes to the report.\""
] |
"actor": "Pile of Clothes",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.siileng_clothes_hub_reached\"]]"
"actor": "Siileng",
"dialogue": "\"You keep coming back. That's good, officer! Keep browsing those clothes, keep saving that economy!\""
"actor": "Pile of Clothes",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.siileng_asked_pay_net_worth\"]]"
"actor": "Pile of Clothes",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.siileng_rhetoric_why_eco_needs_saving\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Save the economy? That sounds off."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I want to buy those itchy pants.\""
"actor": "Siileng",
"dialogue": "\"You won't regret it, officer!\" The street vendor smiles broadly."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Leave for now.]"
] |
"actor": "Ceiling Fan",
"dialogue": "The fan is spinning."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Grab the tie."
"actor": "Ceiling Fan",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.fan_caught_the_tie\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Ceiling Fan",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsHourBetween(0, 21) and DayCount() == 1]"
"actor": "Ceiling Fan",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.fan_heart_damage\"]]"
"actor": "Savoir Faire",
"dialogue": "Oh no, it's happening again. You didn't catch it and now there's numbness in your left arm, plus half your chest."
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "You can take this one too. Just breathe in slowly."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Grab your arm."
"actor": "Ceiling Fan",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.fan_pain_threshold_heart\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Ceiling Fan",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.ceiling_fan_heartattack_felt\"]]"
"actor": "Ceiling Fan",
"dialogue": "It's even worse this time. Maybe you should stop trying to catch the tie?"
"actor": "Ceiling Fan",
"dialogue": "Still happening. Definitely worse than the last time."
] |
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"church.ravers_inside_church\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"ice.andre_volition_exit_used\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"ice.andre_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "You see a youngish man bleaching the tips of his hair with a toothbrush. He puts the toothbrush down and extends his hand in greeting."
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "\"Hello, I'm Andre. It's a pleasure to meet you.\""
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "There is definitely something futuristic about his hair, aggressively so. You get the sense that *this* is what the future will look like..."
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"ice.andre_conceptualized_hair\"]]"
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Imbecilic. Yes, should the future ever come, it will look deeply imbecilic. Like this guy."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Don't shake it."
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "\"This is my posse: Noid...\" He pauses with his hand still hanging in the air."
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "The young man with earrings looks at you suspiciously."
"actor": "Andre",
"dialogue": "\"...and Egg Head.\""
"actor": "Egg Head",
"dialogue": "\"Egg!\" he yells. The tape player high above his head continues to blast strange music."
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.viquemare_esprit_wc_firefighters\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Esprit de Corps",
"dialogue": "There's something that binds you to him. Some kind of an outfit maybe...? A uniform!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "A firefighters uniform?"
"actor": "Esprit de Corps",
"dialogue": "Exactomundo!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm going to ask you straight: are you or have you ever been a firefighter?\""
"actor": "Man with Sunglasses",
"dialogue": "\"Well that depends,\" the man with sunglasses says tilting his head. \"Define *fire*.\""
"actor": "Horse-Faced Woman",
"dialogue": "\"Stop it, Jean...\" she says quietly and turns to you. \"No, he has never been a firefighter. No one here is a firefighter.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"*Now* will you answer some questions for me?\""
"actor": "Man with Sunglasses",
"dialogue": "\"No,\" he says calmly, then just keeps staring at you."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Why not?\""
"actor": "Man with Sunglasses",
"dialogue": "\"Cause it's not my job. Why don't you go and fucking do yours and solve this damn hanging?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Let's talk about something else then.\""
"actor": "Man with Sunglasses",
"dialogue": "\"Or...OR...\" The man with sunglasses raises his index finger. \"We could go back to doing our jobs. This was stupid...\""
] |
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.doomed_investigation\"] and Variable[\"TASK.doomed_investigation_done\"] == false]"
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "\"We're inside the chimney of an old central furnace. It's strange, I know.\" She looks at the ruddy bricks that make up the walls -- even though they've been repainted there are still signs of coal-black soot here and there."
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "\"But when I arrived here, all the other rooms were taken, so I had to build myself a makeshift home. Besides, I don't really have to pay any rent here, so that's a plus.\""
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.find_the_witch\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "Does it mean she's *unlawfully* occupying a part of the house? Shameful!"
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Creative.\" The lieutenant looks around the spacious room, its ceiling fading into shadows above."
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "When she arrived here, there was no room anywhere else... She must've known the other businesses."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Hey, where are we anyway? What is this place?\" (Look around the room.)"
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "\"We're inside the chimney of an old central furnace. It's strange, I know.\" She looks at the ruddy bricks that make up the walls -- even though they've been repainted there are still signs of coal-black soot here and there."
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "\"But when I arrived here, all the other rooms were taken, so I had to build myself a makeshift home. Besides, I don't really have to pay any rent here, so that's a plus.\""
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.find_the_witch\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "Does it mean she's *unlawfully* occupying a part of the house? Shameful!"
] |
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.abandoned_cabin_accessed\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.abandoned_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "This green FALN A-Z 'Contemporain' is parked in the shadow of the ruins looming overhead. It's seen better days."
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.jammystery_ladydriver_cabin_located_tommy\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "This is the one he pointed to. The green lorry..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Try the door handle."
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "The door is locked. The handle looks shiny, like it's recently replaced."
"actor": "Interfacing",
"dialogue": "There's no picking this lock. The owner has put special care into it. It's a recessed design."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "How am I going to get this open?"
] |
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"It will take just a moment, officer...\""
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "Her voices fades out into the familiar radio static."
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.call_station_lazareth_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"...\""
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "\"...\""
"actor": "Nix Gottlieb",
"dialogue": "You hear a man clearing his throat briskly, then an answer: \"Gottlieb. What'd ya want?\""
"actor": "Perception (Hearing)",
"dialogue": "He's carelessly chewing on a piece of hard candy."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Just a routine check-up.\""
"actor": "Nix Gottlieb",
"dialogue": "\"Oh,\" the man is unpleasantly surprised. \"It's you.\""
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "Was that a snarl or a suppressed groan? No love for you here."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I've been shot...\""
"actor": "Nix Gottlieb",
"dialogue": "\"Ah, it's you. Walking, talking, though?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Yes, but...\""
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.kineema_gottlieb_call_counter\"] >= 2 and Variable[\"plaza.kineema_gottlieb_drinking_2\"] == false) == false]"
"actor": "Nix Gottlieb",
"dialogue": "\"Great! Any other complaints?\""
] |
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "The Ledger of (Oblivion Induced) Mental Health is just as shabby as the Damaged Ledger was: a bunch of sodden papers sags from the clipboard in your hand."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Can I read the case files now?"
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"inventory.ledger_logic_white_system_for_reading_case_files\"]]"
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Yes! You can piece them together using the alphanumeric code on the margin. It always begins with HDB41, then date of initialization and time of arrival on the scene. Followed by the title. For example: HDB41120117:00 (THE NEXT WORLD MURAL)."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "How long does it take to read a case?"
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "It takes about half an hour to piece one together, using the system you've devised. Where do you want to start?"
"actor": "You",
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "AKA LESLIE & BURKE, AKA THE PUBLIC INDECENCY DRUNK & THE PROPERTY DAMAGE DRUNK is a *cursed* case. It has been passed from unsuspecting officer to unsuspecting officer for ten years. On January 29, THE UNSOLVABLE CASE made its way to you. Why you accepted it is unclear. Every officer and indeed most civilians in Jamrock know it's UNSOLVABLE."
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "You were so drunk you didn't remember what it was when you signed on. That, or you were high."
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "Leslie will always take his pants off when he's drunk. Burke will always trash everything. It's just what they do. It is their nature -- you cannot change the nature of a man. And you can't lock them away, because public indecency and small-scale property damage are not punishable by incarceration."
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "The only way for Leslie to stop displaying his genitals, and for Burke to stop attacking things, would be for them to *stop drinking alcohol*. Which in their forties, or fifties -- it's hard to tell because of their distorted features -- is a medical improbability."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Couldn't we just keep them off the streets?"
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "You would think that, but you're wrong. Where's the fun in exposing your genitals, or breaking stuff in your own home? No, Leslie and Burke are on the corner of Main Street and Perdition, because that's where the *action* is."
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Can you keep *yourself* off the streets?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Proceed."
"actor": "Damaged Ledger",
"dialogue": "Threatening, fines, dragging them to the station, locking them up in the hell holes they live in, locking them up in the station, hypnotherapy -- even trying to get a local gang of *zemlyakis* to take them out (the zemlyakis gave them ethanol so Burke and Leslie would expose and rampage even harder) -- you tried it all. And still the complaints wouldn't stop. As they hadn't stopped for *ten years*."
] |
"actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories",
"dialogue": "The shelves are littered with romantic tales from across time and space."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Storekeep, what's on this shelf?\""
"actor": "Plaisance",
"dialogue": "\"Oh, such wonderful, beautiful stories. Stories of love!\" She sighs wistfully. \"You should definitely buy these.\""
"actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.book_wc_trigger_bad_romance\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"To be honest, I'm looking for something more *real*.\""
"actor": "Plaisance",
"dialogue": "\"No-no, sir, you don't want that. That's not proper romance... romance is about overcoming adversity and finding that *single millionaire* who wants to take care of you until the end of days.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Storekeep, what's on this shelf?\""
"actor": "Plaisance",
"dialogue": "\"Oh, such wonderful, beautiful stories. Stories of love!\" She sighs wistfully. \"You should definitely buy these.\""
"actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.book_wc_trigger_bad_romance\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"To be honest, I'm looking for something more *real*.\""
"actor": "Plaisance",
"dialogue": "\"No-no, sir, you don't want that. That's not proper romance... romance is about overcoming adversity and finding that *single millionaire* who wants to take care of you until the end of days.\""
] |
"actor": "Barbell",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.barbell_main_hub_reached\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Barbell",
"dialogue": "A barbell lies on the floor. The colour has worn off its weight plates."
"actor": "Physical Instrument",
"dialogue": "It's 60 kg. Your triceps hum at the sight of these weights. Show the world what kind of beast it's dealing with. Lift them."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "There are no collars on the barbell. This is a safety hazard."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Why does it feel so familiar?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Look, Kim, it's a trap. There are no collars on the barbell.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"You're right, the weights may fall off. Better not touch it then.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What kind of a bastard would just remove the collars? It should be a felony.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"It would be a violation of EPIS safety regulations if the gym was still operating. But it isn't. No one's supposed to come here anymore.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Is this familiar because I'm a weightlifter?"
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "No, it's not that... It's the stale smell of rubber, the squeaky sound of sneakers, your bruised knee against the mat. And a whistle... then the feeling is gone."
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "It's just a memory."
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "A memory from another life -- when you were young and fit."
] |
"actor": "Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity",
"dialogue": "In your hand, you hold four-fifths of \"Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Examine the cover."
"actor": "Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity",
"dialogue": "The cover features a pastiche of different scenes. In the foreground, a man in a dark overcoat clutches a pistol to his chest. Rising up behind him are two silhouettes wrapped in a passionate embrace."
"actor": "Dick Mullen and the Mistaken Identity",
"dialogue": "The tagline reads: \"Detective Dick Mullen must prove his innocence after an old friend is murdered -- by someone who looks just like Dick Mullen!\" That seems to sum up the premise nicely."
"actor": "Esprit de Corps",
"dialogue": "Needless to say, it violates nearly every RCM regulation for a detective to investigate a murder in which he is a suspect."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Are you really reading that, detective?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm just skimming it.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"That's probably for the best. Those books aren't exactly famed for their tight plotting.\""
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "It's much more about the dark and deadly atmossssphere."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Start reading."
] |
"actor": "Interfacing",
"dialogue": "The pockets of these new jeans are perfect for sticking your hand into. Makes you look cool, calm, and collected. As your hand enters the pocket, your fingers brush against something... soft, yet crinkly."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Take the item out."
"actor": "Interfacing",
"dialogue": "Hey! It's a chewing gum wrapper. It reminds you of the fruity juice of apricots. You should inspect it closer if you have time. Something about the wrapper's texture is familiar..."
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "*Not* familiar in a good way, you might say. There's pain in there somewhere..."
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "By the way, the raw materials were most likely exported from Siigay (the Apricot Suzerainty) and processed in Sur-La-Clef into the apricot-flavoured chewing gum loved by kids of today -- and yesterday. Hmm. Something about it *is* familiar... And not only to your fingers."
] |
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "\"Them fucking...\" He looks at the charred wood. \"I didn't like that.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Okay then.\""
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "*Splat*, a bloody spitball lands on the firewood."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Assess his body language."
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "What strikes you about this gaunt man is not the stomach pain, or the cough, or the malnutrition. For a man who's spent 44 years hidden in the urban wild..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "He is surprisingly okay."
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "Indeed. He speaks fluidly, his movements are rapid, if erratic. His voice, despite the cough, is there. It is capable of expressing complicated ideas. Above all, he seems *animated*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Animated? By what?"
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "It's a mystery. This animation comes at a cost too: erratic hand gestures, thought processes cut off like threads, as he just stares at the logs or the reeds. He also suffers mood swings, bubbling to the surface, unconstrained by his nervous system."
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "Great leaps of emotion: from anger to grief, despair..."
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "And also flashes of lust, simmering in there. Not too common in people his age."
] |
"actor": "Door, Apartment #12",
"dialogue": "A shabby door hangs oddly on its hinges, secured to the doorframe with a safety chain. An unpaid energy bill is attached, threatening to cut off the electricity. It's addressed to Mr. Uuno de Ruyter."
"actor": "Door, Apartment #12",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.get_drugs_from_cunos_apartment\"] == true and Variable[\"TASK.get_drugs_from_cunos_apartment_done\"] == false]"
"actor": "Door, Apartment #12",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"apt.cuno_door_main_hub_reached\"] == true]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Knock lightly."
"actor": "Door, Apartment #12",
"dialogue": "No response."
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "The apartment numbers have fallen off the door, leaving the panel with a sticky '1'-shaped shadow and a marker-drawn '2'."
"actor": "Door, Apartment #12",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.cuno_told_violent_dad_has_drugs_home_address\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Door, Apartment #12",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: CheckEquipped(\"chaincutters\")]"
"actor": "Interfacing",
"dialogue": "Good thing you already have the chaincutters in your hand! Nothing left to do now but *snip-snip*!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Knock lightly."
"actor": "Door, Apartment #12",
"dialogue": "No response."
] |
"actor": "From A to Zrieek! A Guide To a Well-Behaved Cockatoo",
"dialogue": "A cockatoo is a parrot with an erectile crest, found on the Semenine islands and in southern Face-à-la-Mer. Known for their intelligence and general precociousness, cockatoos are popular birds in aviculture; however, they often exhibit various behavioural issues."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Okay. What more?"
"actor": "From A to Zrieek! A Guide To a Well-Behaved Cockatoo",
"dialogue": "This book talks about the delicate nature of 'toos, as well as introducing some of the most popular species among the bird enthusiasts: the funeral cockatoo, the Major Majestic cockatoo, and the most common bang-bang cockatoo. It's colourfully illustrated."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Read about the most common bang-bang cockatoo."
"actor": "From A to Zrieek! A Guide To a Well-Behaved Cockatoo",
"dialogue": "Despite its *banging* name, the bang-bang cockatoo is actually the shyest of the species. Common in almost all Semenese forests, as well as zoos and homes all over the world, its plumage is mainly grey and white. The Semenese name *bang-bang* is thought to be of onomatopoeic origins."
"actor": "Half Light",
"dialogue": "The *bang* is for all the scary things in the world... that may happen at any time."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Put the book away.]"
] |
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "Bent metal, broken glass... your path lies strewn with the broken forms of everyday objects..."
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "You are *The Destroyer*, the bane of inanimate matter."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "No, I'm just a disempowered individual trying to take my disempowerment out on everyday objects."
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "Look! There's a discarded milk carton on the floor. Why don't you destroy that, too?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Good idea. Fuck you, milk carton, this is all *your* fault!"
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "Kudos."
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_full_story_hub_reached\"]]"
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"Okay.\" She puts her coffee mug on the table."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What happened here -- the night he died?\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"We were there.\" She points to the window -- the silhouette of the bed is visible. \"Together. In bed, I mean.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Tell me *exactly* what happened.\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"Okay...\" She takes a deep breath. \"He was in a kneeling position, he had just entered me. I was on my back, looking at him. I heard the window behind me shatter and I turned to look -- there was a hole in the glass...\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"I turned back to him.\" She breathes out. A moment's silence. \"His eyes were looking through me and his mouth was open, dumb... I could see... I could...\""
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "A great pain moves through her, a dark and indefinite wave. She continues in spite of it."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_painthresh_despite_pain\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "Her chest rises and falls with each word. She keeps herself together, and says it..."
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"I knew he was dead. Before he fell down on top of me.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.hanged_empathy_pleasure\"]) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Then what happened?\""
] |
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "Kim also tries *not* to look at the pile of tape viscera on the carpet. Or the weird suitcase on the hat rack. Or the potted plant dying in the corner. But it's all just too morbid to ignore."
"actor": "Savoir Faire",
"dialogue": "The man is finding it hard not to trip on the tape -- and not to send any of the bottles rolling across the floor..."
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "...where unidentifiable sludge makes it hard for him to breathe. Smells of vomit in here."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"This is where *the magic* happens.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"And by that you mean crimes against humanity?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I defied bourgeoisie morality in here. Defied it *hard*.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I have no idea what that means.\" He looks toward the exit, longingly."
] |
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Do you *feel* that?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Yes."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Of course you do. You don't even know *what* it is you're feeling, but you can feel it. That's the mark of a true *Remote Viewer*..."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "The time has come to *connect* to RVD HQ. By establishing a connection you'll have proved yourself worthy as a Remote Viewer..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Close your eyes."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Everything alright, detective?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, just resting my eyes.\" [Discard thought.]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"It is rather late.\" The lieutenant looks down at his wristwatch."
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.sense_viscal_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"No-no-no,\" Titus points at himself, \"Eyes here! You got business with my boys, you got business with me.\""
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "He understood what you were trying to do. Taking inventory of them."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardies_logic_understandig_taking_inventory\"]]"
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "Now watch the other guys fuck it up by falling out of line."
"actor": "Shanky",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, you fuck with the Hardie boys, you fuck with Titus Hardie!\" shouts the scrawny rat-faced man, two teeth missing in the front."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardies_suggestion_now_watch_others_fuck_it_up\"]]"
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "Yes, falling out of line to *please* him! This is the best kind. And now this guy is going to..."
"actor": "Eugene",
"dialogue": "\"Relax, Dennis, no one is fucking you yet,\" says the forty-something man from the corner, with a plectrum hanging from his neck."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.hardies_suggestion_now_watch_others_fuck_it_up\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Glen",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, Dennis, calm down,\" a blond man in his thirties agrees. \"No one's fucking you, you stupid fuck.\""
"actor": "Alain",
"dialogue": "\"Let Dennis enjoy his fucking, man. We don't mind.\" You notice gang tattoos; the man must be either Mesque or Saramirizian."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.hardies_suggestion_now_watch_others_fuck_it_up\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Fat Angus",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah.\" The fat guy in the middle lets out a little chuckle. \"You're not even being fucked, Dennis.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"Easy, fellas, we got company,\" Titus puts an end to it. \"Let's see what brings the cop around.\""
] |
"actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories",
"dialogue": "The shelves are littered with romantic tales from across time and space."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Does anything more real, more *you* stand out?"
"actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.book_whitech_pain_threshold_romance\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "You focus on the overwhelming mass of colourful novels to find anything of note, but it only ends up with your eyes aching from the strain."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Look through the display of books."
"actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories",
"dialogue": "You see a foamy mass of pinks and reds... colourful covers filled with risqué imagery. These books are most oft adorned by women in skimpy clothes, thighs revealed... a few roses and sometimes even some pistols."
"actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories",
"dialogue": "They also tend to feature chisel-jawed men in dark suits. It's all such... glitzy garbage."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Is there anything here that calls out to me?"
"actor": "Shelf of Romance Stories",
"dialogue": "Being a rough, *hard-boiled* detective, you can only be pleased by something more real, more *authentic*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"Just plug that in there, would you?\""
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Got it. Are we ready?\""
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, as ready as we're going to be.\" He cracks his neck before putting on a pair of headphones. \"Grab one of these can sets. I've got it rigged so that we can both listen, but only your cop-talk will broadcast...\""
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"No idea what we're gonna hear when I turn this thing on, so be prepared for *anything*. Trick is to keep transmitting your request until the Big Bad acknowledges you. You got that?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Wait, what if they *never* acknowledge me?\""
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"Honestly, that might be for the best. Like I said, the sines coming off this whole project are seriously uncharted...\""
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"Don't know how much juice we've got, so we better get to it. You ready?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Hold on, I need a minute.\""
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"No time. We're live in two... one...\""
"actor": "Horseback Antenna",
"dialogue": "..."
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"auto.is_snowing\"]]"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "A soft rustling. The snow seems to have gotten between your ears somehow..."
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.warship_shivers_snow\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"That's your cue, lawman.\""
] |
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"Unfortunately, I don't.\" He shrugs. \"Unlike most of the locals, I have no qualms about assisting law enforcement, but this affair has passed me by completely.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"And... most of the locals?\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"In Martinaise, the Union is the law, so can you really blame them?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"But you don't have a problem with cops?\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"*Cop* is a pejorative term. I don't have a problem with policemen. On the contrary, I admire the effort to bring order to our streets.\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "He doesn't know about the crime. Your time is better spent discussing *politics*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What about policewomen?\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"I'm confident they are indispensable in regard to all the paperwork and other administrative duties.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"You better not be implying that women are unfit for fieldwork...\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"I am merely stating that Nature, in her infinite wisdom, has made men more fit to perform certain... more challenging tasks than women.\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"Remaining headstrong, making tough decisions on the spot, or even tackling physical obstacles are a few examples of such *challenges*.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Tell me something you are really good at and I'll find a woman who's better.\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "\"I don't want to get into this argument with a police officer,\" he replies calmly. \"Let's just say that in the last eighty-two years I have repeatedly seen my beliefs confirmed in full.\""
"actor": "René Arnoux",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"XP.gaston_told_technically_jeanmarie_still_engaged_to_both_rene_and_hjim\"]]"
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "That woman, who couldn't choose between him and Gaston -- Jeanne-Marie -- *she* must be the reason René is so bitter. He holds her indecisiveness against all women."
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Convince Titus he is being manipulated."
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardie_rhetoric_wc\"]]"
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Convince *Titus?* he's being manipulated? You should know by now -- Titus Hardie will never falter."
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.hardie_drama_rc_success_they_lie\"]) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"That's it then. Case closed.\" (Look around.) \"I'm going home.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"Huh?\" He looks surprised."
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "You caught the leader off guard. Now strike."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Really. I'm gonna start typing up my report. It's gonna say: in Martinaise they just kill you because they don't *like* you...\""
"actor": "Shanky",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, let them know!\" The little guy slams his fist on the table. \"We'll kill you dead.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"...because they *like* killing.\""
"actor": "Shanky",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, we liked it. It was fun, wasn't it guys?\" He looks around. \"We had a great time.\""
"actor": "Eugene",
"dialogue": "\"It wasn't for your fucking entertainment, Dennis. She...\" He gets a hold of himself."
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"They just hang you, like in the dark ages -- make a display of your corpse.\""
] |
"actor": "Feld Ladder",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.ladder_hub_reached\"]]"
"actor": "Feld Ladder",
"dialogue": "The rusty ladder leads to the rooftop."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What if I don't climb? What if I just... *teleport*?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Teleportation is not a thing.\" The lieutenant stares at you, stone-faced."
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Even if it isn't -- no one told you."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"It won't hurt to try.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Oh yes. It could hurt. A lot.\""
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "He is restraining himself from using a parental tone with you right now."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Teleport to the roof."
"actor": "Feld Ladder",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"boardwalk.feld_ladder_savoir_wc\"]]"
"actor": "Savoir Faire",
"dialogue": "All you need to do is close your eyes and concentrate. Darkness *enfolds* you. You can *feel* the distance between the bench and the first rung of the ladder. All you need to is..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Do it."
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Now that Kim isn't here -- let's talk about Sunday night.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_sunday_night_story_interupted\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"Ah yes.\" She pours herself some more coffee. \"The night before I saw you in the hallway -- and reminded you you're a police officer.\""
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "The date of your re-entry into the fossil record."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Did you... hear something? Sunday night -- from my room?\" (Move on.)"
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"There was the usual ruckus,\" she nods. \"Loud disco music.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Did I have any visitors?\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"I can't say -- probably not. Sounded like you were flying solo.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"You mentioned loud disco music?\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"Oh yes, various artists. Ostentatious Orchestrations prime among them.\" She arches her eyebrow, waiting for it to connect with you."
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "Oh, *that*. Yeah, whooh... the less said about OO, the better."
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"OO were *huge* where I come from. I was very young then, of course. Like seven. 'Life gets haaard!'\" she says, half-singing. \"'But we go ooooooon!'\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Then, doesn't life get hard *because* we go on?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"It mostly just gets hard, doesn't it?\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"It would appear so. At around two o'clock the disco stopped and there was a change of pace.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What happened?\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"A slow, sad song started playing. Like organ music, on repeat. That went on for quite a while. Some of that time you were yelling along to it.\""
] |
"actor": "Stained Glass Window",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"church.stained_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Stained Glass Window",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"church.stained_midgreet_quick_exit\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Stained Glass Window",
"dialogue": "In white, silver, and apricot faïence, the young mother of humanism stands above you. A crack runs across her body. She is impossibly tall, oval-faced and sad -- a dark and radiant majesty."
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "This is Her Innocence Dolores Dei."
"actor": "Stained Glass Window",
"dialogue": "Cradled in her arms are a pair of glowing lungs, clearly visible from underneath her flowing dress. \n\nYou should kneel."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Leave me alone, woman. [Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "Cuno's Dad",
"dialogue": "The ageing alcoholic is still there, breathing... The air in the room is stale."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Kim, is this thing even *alive*?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I'm afraid it is. Look, it *moves*.\" He points to a fleshy lump sticking out from the other end of the blanket. The limb seems to be twitching from time to time."
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "And look, the other foot is camouflaged by a striped sock bearing the name MAXTOR on the sole. Three toes are poking out of a hole."
"actor": "Cuno's Dad",
"dialogue": "A groan rises from the man's throat, dry like a death rattle... He's trying to say something in his sleep."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Hey, are you really Cuno's father?\""
"actor": "Cuno's Dad",
"dialogue": "The light from the window is weak, but it seems like he is. His wild, unwashed mane bears a familiar ginger tone. Even the hair on his chest is coppery."
] |
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Wait -- take a longer look at yourself and how you're reflected in that slick chemical rainbow. What do you *see*?"
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "Metaphor. It's always metaphor."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Some nasty water?"
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Exactly! The *blood of industry*. The run off from Coal City, further down the coast."
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "The engines of fortune once roared here. Great wealth poured into Revachol, the Delta. As did smoke, waste, sickness, life..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What happened?"
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "The engines stopped. The West Revacholian industrial base was dismantled after the war. Now, extinguished coke furnaces dot the landscape. A landscape despoiled by industry."
"actor": "Physical Instrument",
"dialogue": "Filth! This needs environmental action -- now!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "There was a serious dereliction of duty in this clean up."
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Perhaps you could dedicate your life to cleaning it up. But you're a cop. You must concern yourself with different messes. Even so: it's pretty to think."
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Close the door.]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.search_through_the_locked_cabin_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.abandoned_seen_article\"] == true and Variable[\"jam.abandoned_seen_posters\"] == true and Variable[\"jam.abandoned_seen_radio\"] == true and Variable[\"jam.abandoned_seen_pedals\"] == true) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "You close the rusty old lorry door for now -- your job here isn't done yet."
] |
"actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (DayCount() == 1) == false]"
"actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.inspect_traps_2_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.restock_trap_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.lena_husband_back\"]]"
"actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife",
"dialogue": "\"Oh, hello, sweetie. So nice to see you again.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Tell me more about this *rare insect* your husband is looking for.\""
"actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife",
"dialogue": "\"Oh, sweetie, it's *fascinating*...\" She catches herself. \"But I shouldn't bore you with entomological minutiae.\""
"actor": "Lena, the Cryptozoologist's wife",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsKimHere()]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "The lieutenant gives you a sideways glance."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"No, I want to hear about the insect.\""
] |
"actor": "Physical Instrument",
"dialogue": "There's no way the perp is in here, officer. Look how scarred the boards are -- all attempts to pry them off have failed."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Kim, you think she's in there?\" (Point at the boarded up building.)"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"The suspect? God, I hope not -- I can't see a way in...\" He inspects the bars. \"Though many have tried.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Can *I* try to get in though?"
"actor": "Physical Instrument",
"dialogue": "Not this time. The opposition is insurmountable. But I like the spirit -- have some *points*! It's lonely and cold without points."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "And dangerous. Dangerous too."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Nothing more to do here then. [Finish thought.]"
] |
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"]]"
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"village.netpicker_wounds_talked_about\"]]"
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"village.netpicker_asked_skiff_from_her\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: DayCount() > 3]"
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (DayCount() > 4) == false]"
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "\"The waves are beginning to die down... look at those little bastards. Simmer down. Simmer down, bastards.\""
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"village.netpicker_fisherwoman_first\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Why does she care about the waves so much?"
"actor": "Lilienne, the Net Picker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"village.netpicker_rhet_whats_with_waves\"]) == false]"
] |
"actor": "Cindy the SKULL",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"auto.on_cindy_balcony\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Cindy the SKULL",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.cindy_main_hub_reached\"]]"
"actor": "Cindy the SKULL",
"dialogue": "\"Hello again, officers. Have you come to admire my mural?\""
"actor": "Cindy the SKULL",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"pier.cindy_concept_rc_succeeded_failed\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Cindy the SKULL",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.cindy_percept_fuel\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(Attempt to establish contact.) \"Hey, sister. Let's talk *politics* for a minute.\""
"actor": "Cindy the SKULL",
"dialogue": "\"And what do *you* know about politics?\" She squints at you suspiciously."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm searching for a bunch of *mole people*.\""
"actor": "Cindy the SKULL",
"dialogue": "\"Pigs and moles, eh? Sounds like something out of a children's fairy story.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I guess it does sound a little childish when you say it like that.\""
"actor": "Cindy the SKULL",
"dialogue": "\"Yes, it really does...\""
"actor": "Cindy the SKULL",
"dialogue": "\"Whatever. I know someone who's into some pretty underground stuff. You're looking for Steban.\""
] |
"actor": "Kortenaer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.tribunal_made_it_to_pre_hub\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Kortenaer",
"dialogue": "\"I'm all out of shits to give, loincloth.\" There's a feverish gleam in his eyes. \"Welcome to the fucking reckoning.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"Put your damn gun down.\" Titus remains calm. \"People are gonna get hurt. We need to talk this through, alright?\""
"actor": "Kortenaer",
"dialogue": "\"SHUT UP!!! You're not gonna talk yourself out of this, loincloth-shit fuck!\""
"actor": "Kortenaer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"tc.scab_leader_is_a_merc\"]]"
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "This is the mercenary at the gates! His chest rises and falls under the ceramic breastplate. His fingers reach for the butt of his sidearm."
"actor": "Kortenaer",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"plaza.tribunal_perc_reaction\"]]"
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "There's something very wrong with him."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Say nothing."
"actor": "Elizabeth",
"dialogue": "\"This is a misunderstanding. Nothing irreversible has happened yet. You can just return to your unit and forget all about this.\""
"actor": "De Paule",
"dialogue": "\"The kipt is merciful. Willing to spare us if we just forget about our murdered and humiliated commander.\" Her tone is frighteningly emotionless. \"I think we should just kill everyone, Korty.\""
"actor": "Elizabeth",
"dialogue": "\"You're all drunk, come to your senses!\" She sounds very sure of herself. \"You won't gun down seven people in the middle of the street. This isn't a frontier town or a jungle outpost.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"Easy, Lizzie...\" His voice is almost gentle. \"Let me handle it. I know guys like this. I'm sure we can come to a peaceful agreement. Ain't that right, fellas?\""
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "He is facing overwhelmingly superior firepower -- and he knows it."
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "A moment passes. The lieutenant glances at the sports watch on his wrist."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Uhm. I want to talk about *you*.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.kim_main_about_hub_reached\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"*Me*?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Yes, you.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I don't see how *my* life is pertinent to the investigation.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"You're right. What's there to know about a lame binoclard?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Binoclard? Is that how they do things over at the 41st? No wonder your clearance rate is so low.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I found out what the *pale* is while you were gone.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Wonderful.\" He does not seem surprised. \"What is your takeaway?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"It seems unreal.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"It *all* seems unreal, detective. In actuality, the pale is no more unreal than, say, water. Or death. Or that we're stuck behind our eyes, between our own ears, talking...\" He looks around, pensive suddenly."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Excuse me. Large topics are not my forte. You seem stable enough. Keep it that way. Now -- was there anything else or should we get to it?\""
] |
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Is that the phasmid? It looks like the phasmid, leaning against the wall..."
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "Wait, what if this is the fishing rod situation all over again?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Leap toward the phasmid and clasp it in your hands!"
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "It's not the phasmid... It's not even organic -- it's a fire iron. How disappointing!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Of course that wasn't the phasmid. It's way too big."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Don't be too hard on yourself. You couldn't have known that for sure. And, besides, finding this phasmid is your special destiny -- you can feel it!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Give the dream of discovering the Insulindian phasmid a rest... for now. [Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "ROO A72 Motor Skiff",
"dialogue": "The skiff floats on the calm mirror of the sea -- its two seats are empty."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Once you get in, that's it -- one pull of the starter handle and you're off into the bay. A strange trepidation comes over you: are you sure you want to go *now*?"
"actor": "Savoir Faire",
"dialogue": "Have you made all the necessary preparations? Closed all your accounts?"
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Remember what the Net Picker said: It's a small tank. You won't be going back and forth on this."
"actor": "Esprit de Corps",
"dialogue": "Nothing to do here without the lieutenant... You must return here with him."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"This banged up old thing... it's a ROO A72.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"It'll float.\""
"actor": "Endurance",
"dialogue": "He's too banged up himself -- to talk torque with you."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(I'm not ready yet.) [Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "Gaston's Sandwich",
"dialogue": "The ham-sandwich looks fresh and nutritious in you hand, begging to be eaten."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I cannot be bought!\" (Throw the sandwich on the ground.)"
"actor": "Gaston's Sandwich",
"dialogue": "The sandwich falls to the ground with a splat, tomatoes and lettuce flying everywhere, mayo spilling out like blood on a crime scene."
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "You mean semen, right?"
"actor": "Half Light",
"dialogue": "So worth it -- can you feel how liberating that was? De-compression completed."
] |
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"This... *reality*?\" She pulls her hood closer around her neck."
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "Yes, reality is your side-case."
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.joyce_drama_realityinvestigation\"]]"
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "An *experimental* side-case."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "The aim is to gain a deeper understanding."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I am conducting a personal investigation into the world I find myself in.\""
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"How *truly* curious -- a sort of philosopher-detective!\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Aren't all..."
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"pier.joyce_rhet_philosodetective\"]) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I hope my inquiry into the nature of reality will ultimately converge with our murder investigation. They are two halves of the same case.\""
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"A deep synthesis,\" she nods. \"I'll assist you however I can then. Go ahead. Ask.\""
] |
"actor": "Mirror",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"auto.inside_shack\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Mirror",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.mirror_secondgreeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Mirror",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.mirror_first_greeting_done\"]]"
"actor": "Mirror",
"dialogue": "A mirror hangs on the wall, covered in steam. You cannot see yourself, just the outlines of a man. You have no memory of the face that awaits you there, underneath the soft vapour."
"actor": "Mirror",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsTaskActive(\"TASK.face_yourself\")--[[ Variable[ ]]]"
"actor": "Mirror",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"TASK.face_yourself_done\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Wipe the mirror."
"actor": "Mirror",
"dialogue": "As you slowly reach your hand toward the surface of the mirror..."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Abort! You clearly have not thought this through. You won't like what you will see there -- and you will never *un-become* it."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Better not to know -- Leave.]"
] |
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"church.ravers_inside_church\"]]"
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"ice.noid_church_greeting_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"You got us in, cop. I can't believe you got us in...\" He looks around the hall, examining the carpentry."
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "With wonder in his sharp eyes."
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"Between you and me -- I don't know if you've noticed this about me... I'm a little *suspicious* of authority. But you -- you really came through for the hard core underground.\""
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"My dedication to the hard core underground is tenuous at best. I have questions, however.\""
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"What's on your mind?\" He looks up into the darkness under the roof."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I wanted to talk some more about this place.\""
"actor": "Noid",
"dialogue": "\"Dead body, spirit entered. What is there to talk of?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Let's talk about something else, Noid.\""
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Klaasje told me some pretty *interesting* things about Ruby.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah? Like what?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Let's not get into it, it's needless sensationalism.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"No-no,\" he squints at you. \"Let's get *into* it -- what did she say?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Really, nothing.\""
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"She didn't tell you shit.\" He shakes his head. \"If she did, it was lies.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Maybe she killed him because she thought it would curry favour with you?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "\"Whack someone in my district? That doesn't curry much *favour* with Titus Hardie. She *has* to know that...\" He rubs his chin and looks out the window."
"actor": "Half Light",
"dialogue": "It's the kind of chin-rubbing men -- often leaders -- do when they think of *punishment*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Titus, you have to see it. Things don't add up -- we need to talk to her.\" (Move on.)"
"actor": "Titus Hardie",
"dialogue": "Silence. He looks around the room."
"actor": "Theo",
"dialogue": "The old man in the corner nods."
] |
"actor": "Loose Floorboard",
"dialogue": "As you look at the floorboards in this corner of the shack, it's clear one of them isn't quite level with the others."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "The edge of a floorboard next to it looks scratched."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Move the board aside."
"actor": "Loose Floorboard",
"dialogue": "The hollow space underneath the floorboards is dark and damp. You can barely make out the mixture of sand and sawdust below."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Oh, I don't want to stick my hand in there. [Leave.]"
"actor": "Loose Floorboard",
"dialogue": "You return the board to its original position."
] |
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "There! Working class drunk! You know what this means, right?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Case solved!"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "Cracked it. All in a good day's work."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Wait, what did I crack exactly?"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "What do you mean *what did I crack*? Look at how working class that drunk is!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "It's... uhm... some third option?"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "No. Stop goofing around, recruit!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "It's... uhm... some third option?"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "No. Stop goofing around, recruit!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "It's... uhm... some third option?"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "No. Stop goofing around, recruit!"
] |
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.abandoned_cabin_accessed\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.abandoned_greeting_done\"]]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "This green FALN A-Z 'Contemporain' is parked in the shadow of the ruins looming overhead. It's seen better days."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Try to peek in the window."
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "The glass on the side windows is tinted and covered with dust. You can barely make out the shape of a seat and two steering levers."
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "Posters cover the small windows in the back -- you can't make out what's on them."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "It feels like you're peeking into someone's home residence. Inside it's private, cozy, warm. Dusty, too."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "How am I going to get this open?"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (IsKimHere()) == false]"
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "With a key -- or a tool. Like, say, a prybar."
"actor": "Abandoned Lorry",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: CheckItem(\"prybar\") or CheckItem(\"kvalsund_multitool\")]"
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I ran the serial number on his boots. I know his name.\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "She blows a long column of smoke and watches it disperse overhead. After a moment, she says: \"Good for you.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"His name was Ellis. Ellis Kortenaer.\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"Hmh...\" She doesn't smile. She taps the ash from her cigarette and shrugs. \"Sounds oddly feminine...\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Where is Lelystad? The place, I mean.\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"In Oranje, officer. It's a... I think *municipality* is the term? A nowhere-town there.\""
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "The Lelystad municipality has few boroughs and even fewer cities -- it's made of agricultural plots near the border of Gottwald. Executive summary: cows, silos, and wheat."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.ask_about_tattoo_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_kim_changed_victims_ethnicity\"] or Variable[\"XP.determine_victims_ethnicity\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"yard.hanged_racial_prof_not_messinian\"]]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"You were right, officer.\" The lieutenant nods, sportsmanlike. \"He *was* Occidental.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(Look at Klaasje.) \"You were both from Oranje?\""
] |
"actor": "Horrific Necktie",
"dialogue": "*Bratan*, now is the time!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Go away necktie. You're just a figment of my imagination."
"actor": "Horrific Necktie",
"dialogue": "*Bratan*, don't push me away. I want to be there for you. Also -- how can you be sure *you* are not just a figment of *my* imagination?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Okay, then tell me -- it is time for what?"
"actor": "Horrific Necktie",
"dialogue": "Oh... you will see. (It feels like the tie is rubbing itself against your chest like a cat in heat.)"
"actor": "Horrific Necktie",
"dialogue": "First, the spirits -- the blue medicinal spirits. Grab the bottle and uncork it! It is time to unleash the Other-World."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "You know what, I'm done with this crazy talking necktie bullshit!"
"actor": "Horrific Necktie",
"dialogue": "But, *bratan*... no. Please uncork it. I can make it good again."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Slowly uncork the blue medicinal spirit."
"actor": "Horrific Necktie",
"dialogue": "The bottle opens with a silent, mysterious hiss. The fumes rising from its mouth are as crisp as the northern winds."
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "Howling somewhere, lashing the boardwalk with brine and rain -- an ancient warmth crawls under your skin."
"actor": "Horrific Necktie",
"dialogue": "Now, *bratan*, take me off."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Take the necktie off."
"actor": "Horrific Necktie",
"dialogue": "Your fingers manage to undo the oily knot and the necktie slides off. It looks so frail sitting there in your hand, weighing almost nothing."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Now what?"
"actor": "Horrific Necktie",
"dialogue": "Now put me in the bottle."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Put the necktie tie in the bottle."
] |
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"plaza.kineema_intro_done\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Coupris Kineema",
"dialogue": "Before you stands a motor carriage. The bodywork is covered in blue and white livery bearing the number 57."
"actor": "Alice",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: IsTaskActive(\"TASK.help_kim_with_money_plan\") and IsKimHere()--[[ Variable[ ]]]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I have something in the back we could sell so you can pay for your room. Open the suspect transport enclosure.\""
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "Those are some fancy words. Most people would just call it *the cage*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"You mean the cage, right?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Yes.\" He frowns. \"I've never liked that crude name. It doesn't do much to improve the RCM's reputation.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Open the door."
"actor": "Coupris Kineema",
"dialogue": "The cage at the back of the motor carriage looks rather uncomfortable. Four shiny hubcaps are stacked against the seat. Their silver edges sparkle in the dark."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I confiscated these four a little while back. We can take them to the pawnshop down by the Martinaise Canal.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Sorry, I can't take them. It wouldn't be right.\" (Don't take the spinners.)"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"All right, let's *not* take them now, then come back once we realize we have to -- have this conversation *again* and then take them.\""
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Sounds likely."
] |
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"Ah, yes -- back to the *low-down*.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What is this?\" (Spread your hands.)"
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"A bird?\" She tilts her head. \"A *sphenicid* -- a flightless bird of the polar regions?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Keep guessing.\""
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"Some sort of... krill hunter? No, wait...\" Joyce raises her eyebrows. \"You're an ancient ruin, a symbol of hubris and decay, half-submerged in some salty sea.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What -- really?\""
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"Of course you're not, my dear. I'm just terrible at guessing games.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Let me ask you something else.\""
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"Of course,\" she tosses her permanent-waved hair. \"Ask me anything.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Ask for Kim to step away while you discuss the pale."
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"pier.joyce_volition_white_to_get_kim_to_step_away_pale_succeeded\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"pier.joyce_volition_white_kim_failed_once\"]]"
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "Yeah, you still aren't over the fear that something bad might happen. He expressly said you've had enough excitement for today."
"actor": "Joyce Messier",
"dialogue": "\"Yes?\" She's waiting for another term."
] |
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "A strange feeling... looking at the water. Maybe you should just wander off into the sea? Leave it all and walk in..."
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "With a bottle in your hand."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Raise your sight."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "In the still mirror of the bay you see Martinaise, reflected. Tall edifices of ruins reach into the water, like shimmering towers. And the shacks too. Pine trees and motor lorries, upside down..."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Islets and posts like stepping stones lead into the water in front of you. Go. Step in... it's been too long."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "But it's cold..."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Yes -- cold and still. But love is warm, like the inside of her mouth."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "No-no-no-no..."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Yes, yes, yes, yes."
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "No-no, we're not starting with that. Not now. Not this time. This thought is over."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "But it's cold..."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Yes -- cold and still. But love is warm, like the inside of her mouth."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Yes, please..."
] |
"actor": "Water Bowls",
"dialogue": "It's awfully silent again, as if someone turned off the entire world outside those walls. Water inside the bowls stands still."
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "Measurements have been marked down around the bowls, each chalk-drawn line representing a centimetre on the floor."
"actor": "Interfacing",
"dialogue": "Oh boy, this is going to be good."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Move the fourth bowl from the left five centimetres to the right."
"actor": "Water Bowls",
"dialogue": "Some water spills out of the bowl, wetting the floor."
"actor": "Soona, the Programmer",
"dialogue": "The lead programmer sends you an encouraging thumbs up from across the hall."
"actor": "Physical Instrument",
"dialogue": "Time to run back! Or maybe walk, this *is* a sacred place after all..."
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "*And* your leg still hurts from the tribunal."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Move the third bowl from the left two centimetres away."
"actor": "Water Bowls",
"dialogue": "It moves like a ghost without creating a single trace of sound."
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "You see the lieutenant's familiar shape in the orange jacket. It turns double -- then triple -- from the pain."
"actor": "Pain Threshold",
"dialogue": "It's nothing. You're alive, that's what matters."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I'm alive...\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"*Sunrise, parabellum*,\" the lieutenant says. He's in the middle of a freshly cleaned room, with the fan above his head like a halo. His face is covered in bruises."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What did you say... sunrise...\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Sunrise, Parabellum. Sunrise, Prepare-for-War. It's an old revolutionary saying.\""
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "Isn't that written on your..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Is it... war today?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"The gates of the harbour are boarded up. The streets are a little more empty. Apocalyptic violence is yet to erupt, I am relieved to say.\" He looks out the window."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"I think we may have held it off -- for now.\" He unzips his bomber jacket. \"Barely.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Ouch.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"That's right.\" He nods in agreement. \"Ouch, indeed.\""
] |
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Look her in the eye."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_volition_white_check\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_volition_white_failed_once\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "She looks back, time moves slowly. The triangles of her face rearranging into a weary smile..."
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "Don't worry. We will protect you from her beauty. We will *consult* you through the reefs and sounds of her persona."
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "We will see through deceits. You are shielded. You are wise."
"actor": "Electrochemistry",
"dialogue": "You are advised. There are muscles on long white bones that line her limbs, just below the silver jumpsuit..."
"actor": "Savoir Faire",
"dialogue": "Miss Oranje Disco Dancer... You want to put your hand on her back and feel it arch."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Avert your eyes."
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "The strange moment ends. It was brief, no longer than 2.2 seconds."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Ruby is definitely not at her old crash pad anymore.\""
"actor": "Klaasje (Miss Oranje Disco Dancer)",
"dialogue": "\"That doesn't surprise me... She's careful. But -- before you ask -- I really have no clue where she could've gone.\""
] |
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"doomed.dicemaker_main_hub_reached\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.dicemaker_greeting_done\"]]"
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"doomed.dicemaker_said_did_not_knock_on_her_window\"]]"
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "\"You're back,\" the bird-like woman says, looking up from her table. \"Did you decide what kind of die you want?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"You must have me confused with someone else -- I haven't knocked on your window.\""
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "\"Then how did you get inside? By the south entrance?\" She blinks. \"You know what, it doesn't even matter. What matters is that you're finally here. Let's talk dice -- did you have something specific in mind?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Hold on, what do you mean by *milieus*?\""
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "\"Yes, a milieu is like a call-in station. You need a two-way radio to access one. That's why I have these.\" She pats the headphones on the table."
"actor": "Novelty Dicemaker",
"dialogue": "\"Mostly they just teach you to swear in different languages, but some of the stations can be quite interesting. I was so absorbed, I must have missed you knocking.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Hold on, what do you mean by *milieus*?\""
] |
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Snow is quietly covering the numerous wine bottles and cigarette butts on the ground. Someone *partied* really, really hard here."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Did I do this?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Well...\" The lieutenant looks at you, then the bottles. \"Yes. I think we can say with relative confidence that it was you.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"This is really sad. I must have been miserable.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Yes,\" the lieutenant agrees. \"This scene isn't exactly ripping with joy. Let's just move on.\" He turns to leave."
] |
"actor": "Bust of Kras Mazov",
"dialogue": "A plaster cast bust depicts a middle-aged man with impressive sideburns. The name on the plinth reads 'Kras Mazov'."
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "Kras Mazov (nom de guerre), was an economist and theoretical historian. He was a leading figure on the Graad side of the Turn-of-the-Century Revolution, where he headed the Eleven Day Government. Mazov is considered the father of scientific communism (Mazovian thought or Mazovianism)."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Whoever lives here needs to learn how the economy *actually* works.\" (Stare at the bust.)"
"actor": "Bust of Kras Mazov",
"dialogue": "The bust doesn't reply. The hallway behind the door is empty; no one heard your words."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Kras Mazov was a filthy homo-sexual.\" (Stare at the bust.)"
"actor": "Bust of Kras Mazov",
"dialogue": "The bust doesn't reply. The hallway behind the door is empty; no one heard your words."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Father Mazov, the hero of the working class!\" (Salute the statue.)"
"actor": "Bust of Kras Mazov",
"dialogue": "A warm feeling fills you as you look into Mazov's marble eyes. The hallway behind the door is empty; no one else heard your courageous salute."
] |
"actor": "Limbic System",
"dialogue": "It's easier, this time, drifting off. Your head has found a comfortable indent in the pillow. Your legs and your torso feel like lead weights sinking to the bottom of the sea, until they're suddenly light..."
"actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain",
"dialogue": "This respite -- you've earned it, brother. Bask in the darkness. Let it swallow you up and swivel you around while you forget everything you've managed to remember..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Is this the last dream?"
"actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain",
"dialogue": "No. This is the one before that. We'll just keep cycling it for you, if you don't mind. As long as we can. Spin it like black yarn."
"actor": "Limbic System",
"dialogue": "Enjoy it while it lasts."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Thank you, darkness. Thank you."
"actor": "Ancient Reptilian Brain",
"dialogue": "You're welcome, Harry-boy. You earned it."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "(Fall into a deep, uninterrupted sleep.)"
"actor": "Limbic System",
"dialogue": "After centuries of darkness, the alarm rings -- but what's this? You *actually* feel rested. There's no time to cuddle with your pillow, however, or as much as shiver from the cold. The world awaits."
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "Go."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "[Open your eyes.]"
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.minot_whirling_mainhub_reached\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Horse-Faced Woman",
"dialogue": "The woman in an RCM patrol officer's uniform winces as she notices you."
"actor": "Horse-Faced Woman",
"dialogue": "\"I would really prefer not to talk to you right now...\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"tc.decomptage\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "A patrol officer is the lowest rank in the RCM, below lieutenant and sergeant."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Is everything alright? Why don't you want to talk to me?\" (Proceed.)"
"actor": "Horse-Faced Woman",
"dialogue": "\"I don't know...\" She's still avoiding your gaze. \"I mean, why would I want to talk to you?\""
"actor": "Suggestion",
"dialogue": "...after all you've done -- is what her tone implies."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Why?! I bring word of *the End to come*.\""
"actor": "Man with Sunglasses",
"dialogue": "\"Of course he does...\" The man at the table says to himself."
"actor": "Horse-Faced Woman",
"dialogue": "\"Word of the End to come...\" She shakes her head, tired."
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "Then something changes in her. It's pity. Pity comes over her."
"actor": "Horse-Faced Woman",
"dialogue": "\"Okay, fine. Let's talk. What did you want?\""
"actor": "Rhetoric",
"dialogue": "Hmm... what does one talk about with a fellow officer?"
] |
"actor": "Reaction Speed",
"dialogue": "Is that an Insulindian phasmid? It looks like an Insulindian phasmid. Quick -- catch it before it scuttles away!"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Stop right there!\""
"actor": "Fishing Rod",
"dialogue": "You shout at what you thought to be a phasmid, but turns out to be a fishing rod."
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"What are you trying to accomplish, Harry?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I was just trying to surprise you. To throw you off, you know.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Well, you certainly succeeded, Harry.\" He adjust himself in the chair. \"You are a very surprising police officer indeed.\""
] |
"actor": "Dried Wildflower",
"dialogue": "Six crumbling petals rest on your palm. They're white, a bell-shaped crown."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What is this, Kim?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"This is the Insulindian Lily.\" The lieutenant corrects his glasses. \"Called 'May bells' or 'Lucille's tears' during the Revolution. Girls used to pin these on soldiers before sending them off to battle.\""
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "This flower is a spring flower, but it's a bit early for that, isn't it?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Very well.\" (Put the flower back in your pocket.)"
"actor": "Dried Wildflower",
"dialogue": "The petals feel dry and fragile in your hand."
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "Water flows under the channel bridge -- dark water. You rub your sides for warmth but there is none."
] |
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardies_inland_black_tree_taps\"] == true]"
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "Again you find yourself looking at that big old window..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Squint."
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "There's a little slide panel up there, to let some air in. No need to open it in spring. It's still too cold outside."
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.hardies_inland_black_tree_taps\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"whirling.hardies_viscalc_hedge_to_form\"]) == false]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Look out the window."
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.unionbox_key_second_whiote_succeeded\"]]"
"actor": "Perception (Sight)",
"dialogue": "There's a yellow ribbon tied to one of the branches -- light yellow, faded with time. A tiny splash of colour in the blackness of the thicket. Hanging from it -- a bronze key."
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Someone hid the key in the bush and attached a yellow ribbon to make it easier to find."
"actor": "Visual Calculus",
"dialogue": "It's close enough to the latch up there -- one can slide it open and just take it. Surely not a coincidence."
] |
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Do you *feel* that?"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Feel what?"
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Close your eyes. Reach out with your *feelings*. There's something *para-natural* at play here."
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "NONSENSE."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "You're right. I feel it now."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "Of course you do. You don't even know *what* it is you're feeling, but you can feel it. That's the mark of a true *Remote Viewer*..."
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "The time has come to *connect* to RVD HQ. By establishing a connection you'll have proved yourself worthy as a Remote Viewer..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "I'm good where I am. [Discard thought.]"
] |
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Shoot that shit at Cuno, piggonaut.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I talked to the gardener. She said not to listen to you.\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Pig...\" Cuno slaps his forehead. \"Do you have any idea how fucking stupid that sounds.\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"yard.cuno_reported_back_on_manana\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Cuno's cruising his bitch on the town and the bitch comes back griefin' to the Cuno? What is up with that?\""
"actor": "Cunoesse",
"dialogue": "\"Get the fuck out of here, fatass! Those pants are too small for you!\""
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "The pants are totally okay, don't listen to her, she's trying to give you body image problems."
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: HasVolitionDamage() and Variable[\"yard.cuno_gardener_composure\"]]"
"actor": "Savoir Faire",
"dialogue": "It's totally okay for a man your age to wear pants like that. And you're not fat."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"I know you took the locusts from the traps the cryptozoologists set up.\""
"actor": "Cuno",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah,\" he says slowly, meeting your gaze with sullen defiance. \"Cuno took the bugs. So what?\""
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "So it wasn't the phasmid... a wave of disappointment washes over you."
] |
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardies_inland_black_tree_taps\"] == true]"
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "Again you find yourself looking at that big old window..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Squint."
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "There's a little slide panel up there, to let some air in. No need to open it in spring. It's still too cold outside."
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.hardies_inland_black_tree_taps\"]]"
"actor": "Inland Empire",
"dialogue": "You're not so sure about that. Somehow you just *know* -- there's something out there, behind the glass."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"There's something out there.\""
"actor": "Shanky",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah -- your mother.\""
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "It's not a very good mother-joke, but the room still laughs. Something about those mother-jokes just *works*."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Squint."
"actor": "Cafeteria Window",
"dialogue": "There's a little slide panel up there, to let some air in. No need to open it in spring. It's still too cold outside."
] |
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "This phrase is meant to be looked at from above."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What the hell is that?\" (Point to the rooftop message.)"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "The lieutenant cranes his head and mutters: \"GO HOME.\" He pauses. \"It's an *aerograffito*. It's meant for the Coalition aerostatics that keep a lookout on the city from the low troposphere.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What is an aerostatic?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"An aerostatic is an airship. A hybrid airship, semi-rigid.\" He points up to a small dot in the cloudline. \"*That* is an aerostatic.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"But why are they here?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Look,\" the lieutenant says impatiently. \"It's not something that can be explained on the go in couple of sentences. We have more important things to focus on right now, so let's get back to them, alright?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Silently nod."
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "The sky is indifferent to your silent nod, but the lieutenant seems to appreciate it. He gives you a fleeting smile."
] |
"actor": "Door",
"dialogue": "Two rusty metal plates that slide apart form a crude door. It's been here under the boardwalk for a while."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Push the doors open."
"actor": "Door",
"dialogue": "The doors seem to be on rails, but they've gotten jammed. You grab a side and put some strength into prying it open. With the help of your partner the two metal panels slide open with a *creak*."
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Huh, I hope no one *dangerous* heard that.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"How did you even get there?\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"After you *climbed* up to the roof, you mean? There's a maintenance entrance under the boardwalk. It's next to a drain pipe, possibly a storm drain -- it was easy to miss before.\""
"actor": "Empathy",
"dialogue": "He's quite proud of himself."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Maintenance entrance? So pedestrian.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Yes, yes, it's *cool* to risk your life climbing rickety ladders. Anyway, let's investigate these passages...\""
] |
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"I'm always happy to educate and entertain you, my friend.\" He takes a sip from his coffee. \"So, what's on your mind?\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"How are you going to fund your new independent harbour?\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Oh, you mean what sort of *goods* are gonna be flowing through? How am I gonna replace all the contacts we'll lose once the poo-poo hits the fan? The clients who'll ditch us? Harry, we've thought of everything.\""
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Clients would take a well-known multinational conglomerate over a local mobster any day."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"You can't possibly hope to continue like you have. Clients will leave en masse.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Sure, some will go, but mark my words: the company will be *unpleasantly* surprised to see how many of them stay loyal to Martinaise. And to the new, competitive contracts we can offer.\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"With renewed zeal sparked by communal ownership, the men will be shipping those containers double time. You'll be surprised to see how fast things go without parasites latching on. We'll have our hands free to pursue bold, exotic new revenue streams.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"What kinds of bold, new exotic revenue streams are we talking about?\""
"actor": "Evrart Claire",
"dialogue": "\"Haven't you seen the crates outside, Harry? There's all sorts of fun stuff inside them!\" He pushes up his glasses as he laughs. \"I mean, heck -- this one has you, me, and my novelty swordfish clock!\""
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "Did he just deflate slightly? Was there something he wanted you to ask about? Maybe you should come back if you learn something relevant and ask again."
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "You should definitely come back here and ask again if you learn more about the Union's dealings. There's something he's not telling you."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"The signatures I got -- I know you plan to force them out with the construction noise.\""
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_volition_white_check\"]]"
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "Soft, light brown eyes look back at you, directly into the space behind your eye sockets. You see the smoke rise from between her painted red lips. She's beautiful..."
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "I have bad news for you."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What?"
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "You know these guys?"
"actor": "Logic",
"dialogue": "Who, me?"
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"whirling.klaasje_volrapids_first_succeeded\"]]"
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "Yes, you. He's talking about you, you boring stiff."
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "You too."
"actor": "Drama",
"dialogue": "Me? What did I do? I'm merely a master thespian..."
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "These guys are compromised. She's got them singing along to her tune. The little bleeps and bloops you trust for info -- you can't trust them anymore."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What?"
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "Believe it."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "I've been talking to myself long enough. Let's get back to it."
"actor": "Volition",
"dialogue": "Don't worry, it's only been four or five seconds. You've got this."
] |
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "All around you, rain falls on the great city of Revachol. Rain drips from the eaves and floods the gutters, washing the filth away."
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "The spring thaw must be here. The snow is melting..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "What am I doing?"
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "Looking up at the sky, cold water dripping from your hair."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Shake the shivers off. [Discard thought.]"
] |
"actor": "Horseback Monument",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"TASK.report_to_the_tribunal_done\"] and Variable[\"TASK.check_back_on_renovation_later\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Horseback Monument",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.horseback_monument_scaffolding\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Horseback Monument",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"apt.student_posters_okay\"]]"
"actor": "Horseback Monument",
"dialogue": "An old monument stands in the middle of the traffic island, pointing toward the sea. It's been covered in posters with radical slogans like 'NO KINGS, NO BOSSES' and 'AGAIN, AND ONCE MORE AFTER THAT!'"
"actor": "Horseback Monument",
"dialogue": "At the bottom of the posters, in smaller lettering, are details about meeting at a local coffeehouse."
"actor": "Horseback Monument",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: Variable[\"jam.monument_posters_kim_comment\"]]"
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Reflect on the re-conceptualization."
"actor": "Horseback Monument",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"jam.horseback_monument_reflection_done\"]) == false]"
] |
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "\"A tragicomedy...\" He shakes to life. \"Druggies, prostitutes and rentiers.\""
"actor": "Composure",
"dialogue": "A strange little engine seems to fire up in him again. It straightens his back."
"actor": "Conceptualization",
"dialogue": "The familiar *put put put* of hatred."
"actor": "Half Light",
"dialogue": "Detest pushes the cobwebs out of his eyes, pushes the melancholy aside. He relishes it."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Yeah, wait. We have more serious things to discuss.\""
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "\"Imbeciles...\" The old man in the dirty tracksuit trousers stares at you, panting from hatred. A gust of wind blows in from the sea, bending the reeds behind him..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"Those words: 'the future teaches you...'\""
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"village.skiff_said_boombox_to_kim\"]) == false]"
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "\"Real music. It's La Revacholière, you shit-licking boujee dog. *Chanson de soldat* of the black-and-whites.\""
"actor": "Encyclopedia",
"dialogue": "Marching song..."
"actor": "The Deserter",
"dialogue": "[Action/Check: Condition: (Variable[\"seafort.deserter_ency_marching_song\"]) == false]"
"actor": "Authority",
"dialogue": "You need to address that remark."
] |
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Big surprise.\" The lieutenant grins mirthlessly. \"Anyway -- one down, three to go.\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "\"It'll be in the next one. *Surely*.\""
"actor": "Kim Kitsuragi",
"dialogue": "\"Surely,\" he repeats and looks at the sea, then at you putting the trap back on the ground. \"Anyway, the air is nice and fresh here...\""
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Look around."
"actor": "Trap: Boathouses",
"dialogue": "Behind you, the ruins of a residential building rise over the reeds, shielding them from the wind. The reeds rustle confidentially."
"actor": "Shivers",
"dialogue": "When this district was booming, the reeds were kept at bay. Nothing obscured the freshly painted façades, nowhere for drunks and adventurous teenagers to hide. Now only the wind blows..."
"actor": "You",
"dialogue": "Reach for the trap."
] |
Subsets and Splits