translation | laser_score
float32 1.05
| source_sentence_lid
float32 0.5
| target_sentence_lid
float32 0.95
"afr": "Oor die jare heen is daar soms verskillende groottes vir verskillende soorte of grade steenkool gebruik.",
"eng": "Over the years, various sizes for different kinds or grades of coal have sometimes been used."
} | 1.112205 | 0.99999 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Die Kommissie sal in noue samewerking met BEREC gedurende die volgende drie maande met AGCOM bespreek hoe sy voorstel gewysig kan word.",
"eng": "The Commission, in close cooperation with BEREC will, over the next three months, discuss with AGCOM how to amend its proposal."
} | 1.147767 | 0.99991 | 0.99941 |
"afr": "Nie alle geslagsverskille in gerapporteerde seksuele gedrag is te danke aan mans en vroue se selektiewe onder- en oorverslagdoening van seksuele dade nie.",
"eng": "Not all of the gender differences in reported sexual behaviors are due to men's and women's selective under- and over- reporting of sexual acts."
} | 1.112205 | 0.99857 | 0.99971 |
"afr": "In die meeste afdelings is die ouderdomsbeperking 24 of 25.",
"eng": "In most constituencies, the age limit is 24 or 25."
} | 1.112205 | 0.99947 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Hulle ondersteun en ondersteun 'n verhaal en die manier waarop ons met mekaar en die wêreld rondom ons verband hou.",
"eng": "They underpin and support a narrative and the way we relate to each other and the world around us."
} | 1.112205 | 0.99997 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Sofia die Eerste: Tic Tac Toe",
"eng": "Sofia the first tic tac toe"
} | 1.112205 | 0.82046 | 0.99457 |
"afr": "Dit gebeur in huishoudings, op werkplekke en op die reis wat mense doen.",
"eng": "This happens in households, and in workplaces, and on the journeys people make."
} | 1.112205 | 0.9998 | 0.99995 |
"afr": "\"Die doel van die regulasies is nie - soos polisieminister Bheki Cele trots aankondig, om meer as 7 000 mense met kriminele rekords te belas omdat hulle nie maskers dra nie - maar om die las op hospitale te verlig deur te verhoed dat die virus versprei.\"",
"eng": "\"The purpose of the regulations is not - as Bheki Cele, Police Minister, proudly announced, to burden 7 000 people with criminal records because they are not wearing masks - but to lighten the burden on hospitals by stopping the spread of the virus.\""
} | 1.112205 | 0.99999 | 0.99995 |
"afr": "Van die 1870's af het die idees dat geskiedenis en beskawing altyd inherent progressief was en dat vooruitgang altyd goed was al hoe meer onder skoot gekom.",
"eng": "From the 1870s onward, the ideas that history and civilization were inherently progressive and that progress was always good came under increasing attack."
} | 1.112205 | 0.99986 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "As kind was ek baie van hierdie impak beskerm, en voor hierdie oomblik het ek nooit met my oupa as 'n voorvader gekontak of op enige werklike manier die moontlike gevolge van sy dood op die familie oorweeg nie.",
"eng": "As a child I was shielded from much of this impact, and before this moment I had never sought contact with my grandfather as an ancestor nor considered in any real way the possible effects of his death on the family."
} | 1.112205 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Beurse soos Coinbase bied diepgaande platforms, soos hul Global Digital Asset Exchange (GDAX).",
"eng": "Exchanges such as Coinbase offer you in-depth platforms, such as their Global Digital Asset Exchange (GDAX)."
} | 1.112205 | 0.99273 | 0.99828 |
"afr": "Maar aangesien voëls hierdie reseptore ontbreek, en ook geen smaak het nie, is hulle onaangeraak.",
"eng": "But since birds lack these receptors, as well as having no sense of taste, they are unaffected."
} | 1.112205 | 1 | 0.99994 |
"afr": "Dit vorm ook 'n duidelike en huidige gevaar vir ons demokrasie.",
"eng": "It also poses a clear and present danger to our democracy."
} | 1.112205 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "Ek leer hulle hoe om te skryf en maak hulle om dan te skryf.",
"eng": "I teach them how to write and then I make them write."
} | 1.112205 | 1.00001 | 0.99991 |
"afr": "Later, met die aanbreek van die internet, verskyn Counter Strike, Quake 3 en Ultima aanlyn.",
"eng": "Later, with the advent of the Internet, appeared Counter Strike, Quake 3 and Ultima online."
} | 1.112204 | 0.99786 | 0.99928 |
"afr": "Ons hoop dat hy daarna 'n prentjie van sy vader en moeder aan die wêreld kan wys.",
"eng": "We hope he gets to show the world a picture of his father and mother subsequently."
} | 1.147766 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "Dit hang af van die manier van vervoer is FOB of CIF.",
"eng": "It depends on the way of transportation is FOB or CIF."
} | 1.112204 | 0.97836 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Selfs as siektes veroorsaak mikrobes kan oorleef in plekke soos OTM's, die goeie nuus is dat die meeste blootstelling maak ons nie siek nie.",
"eng": "Even if disease-causing microbes can survive in places like ATMs, the good news is that most exposures don't make us sick."
} | 1.112204 | 1.00001 | 0.99877 |
"afr": "My en Roxy is dating vir'n bietjie.",
"eng": "Me and Roxy have been dating for a bit."
} | 1.112204 | 0.99673 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Ons soek instant gratification.",
"eng": "We seek instant gratification."
} | 1.112204 | 0.6274 | 0.96016 |
"afr": "One word - savages.",
"eng": "In a word: savages."
} | 1.112204 | 0.90734 | 0.96098 |
"afr": "\"Auto racing begin 5 minute na die tweede motor is gebou.\"",
"eng": "\"Auto racing began five minutes after the second car was built.\""
} | 1.147766 | 0.91465 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Jodie skryf kortverhale en geniet dit ook om haar hand aan historiese fiksie en rubrieke te waag.",
"eng": "Jodie writes short stories and also enjoys it to try her hand at historical fiction and column writing."
} | 1.112204 | 0.99983 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "in 1948, die Fakulteit Wiskunde en Fisika insluitend Departement Fisika en Departement Wiskunde hervat sy werk na 16 jaar onderbreking.",
"eng": "v 1948, the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics including Department of Physics and Department of Mathematics resumed its work after 16-year interruption ."
} | 1.112204 | 0.99708 | 0.99462 |
"afr": "Hoe kan 'n God van heiligheid nie kwaad wees wanneer Hy sien wat ek gedoen het nie?\"",
"eng": "How could a God of holiness not be angry when he sees what I've done?'\""
} | 1.200265 | 1.00001 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Of jy nou godsdienstig is of nie, kom van moraliteit af van dieselfde plek.",
"eng": "Whether you're religious or not, morality comes from the same place."
} | 1.147766 | 0.99998 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Ek kan maar net hoop dat die persoon wat dalk my kind steel, sal wees soos die ma wat my grootgemaak het - dat die enigste ding wat sy wil hê, is om 'n kind lief te hê, om deur 'n kind liefgehê te word; geen ander bedoelings soos om kinders seer te maak, babas te verkoop of mensehandel nie.",
"eng": "I could only hope that the person who stole my child would be as the mom who raised me - that the only thing she wanted was to love a child, be loved by a child . . . no other intentions like hurting the child or human trafficking."
} | 1.112203 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "Wat is die prestasies van GOLDEN LASER in 'n veld wat is gekonsentreer vir tien jaar?",
"eng": "What are the achievements of GOLDEN LASER in a field that has been concentrated for ten years?"
} | 1.147766 | 0.99995 | 1 |
"afr": "Die VF Plus sê die kabinet moet verklein word en staatsdepartemente moet verminder.",
"eng": "The FF Plus says that the Cabinet must be made smaller and that the number of state departments must be reduced."
} | 1.112203 | 0.99987 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Die nuwe sexy",
"eng": "It's The New Sexy"
} | 1.112203 | 0.99941 | 0.97379 |
"afr": "Die grootste drake (dinosourusse) se eiers wat tot nog toe ontdek is, is die grootte van 'n voetbal.",
"eng": "The largest dragon (i.e. dinosaur) eggs that we've found to date are about the size of a football."
} | 1.112203 | 0.99896 | 0.99997 |
"afr": "Die ding is dat ons in sulke oomblikke van uiterste ergernis dikwels nie dink wat ons sê nie, en ons vind dat ons baie foute begaan, diegene wat die verhouding kan verbreek.",
"eng": "The thing is that in those moments of extreme annoyance we often do not think what we say and we find ourselves making many mistakes, those that can cause the relationship to break."
} | 1.112203 | 1.00001 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Daar het tot op datum nog geen boksgevegte tussen vroue in Iran plaasgevind nie.",
"eng": "To date, no bouts between female fighters have taken place in Iran."
} | 1.112203 | 0.99917 | 0.99821 |
"afr": "Ek het Cruel Intentions gesien.",
"eng": "I had cruel intentions."
} | 1.112202 | 0.99981 | 0.99572 |
"afr": "Die belangrikste, maak seker dat die hawe van die dorp geniet, wat bekend staan as die Vieux Bassin.",
"eng": "Most importantly, make sure to enjoy the harbor of the town, which is known as the Vieux Bassin."
} | 1.112202 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Maar ons stop nie by die Siegfried Line nie.",
"eng": "\"But we are not stopping at the Siegfried Line."
} | 1.112202 | 0.99936 | 0.99996 |
"afr": "Jou vriende kry 100 vry om te handel en ons betaal jou tot 100 per vriend wat jy verwys.",
"eng": "Your friends will get $100 free to trade and we will pay you up to $100 per friend you refer."
} | 1.112202 | 1.00001 | 0.99997 |
"afr": "\"Met ander woorde, Moore word verplig om in sy klein hoekie van die vertrek soos ʼn potplant te staan.\"",
"eng": "\"In other words, Pastor Moore is compelled to stand in his little corner of the room like a potted plant.\""
} | 1.112202 | 0.99999 | 1 |
"afr": "Volgens jou vaardighede kan jy dan 'n behoorlike begroting vorm wat nie te groot of te klein sal wees nie.",
"eng": "According to your skills you can then form a proper budget that will not be either too big, or too small."
} | 1.112202 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Moenie net oorweeg wat u wil aanbied nie, maar ook wat u wil of nodig het.",
"eng": "Think not only what you want to offer, but also what you want or need."
} | 1.112202 | 0.9962 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "A Moeders Liefde twee",
"eng": "A mother's love 2"
} | 1.112202 | 0.92293 | 0.99147 |
"afr": "IN Madden NFL 20jy is in die middel van alles.",
"eng": "Madden NFL 20 is in the forefront of everything."
} | 1.112202 | 0.83958 | 0.99888 |
"afr": "Om te weet hoe u kleintjie gaan wees, veral in sy volwasse lewe, moet u sy horoskoop ken.",
"eng": "To know how your little one will be, especially in his adult life, you must know his horoscope."
} | 1.112202 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Die Collins English Dictionary is 'n ryk bron van woorde vir almal wat die taal liefhet.",
"eng": "The collins english dictionary is a rich source of words for everyone who loves language."
} | 1.112202 | 1 | 0.99943 |
"afr": "App is heeltemal verenigbaar met die meerderheid van die bestaande op die mark stelsels.",
"eng": "App is totally compatible with the majority of systems existing on the market."
} | 1.112202 | 0.9969 | 1 |
"afr": "Die taal is deur sowat 5000 mense in die Aserbeidjans dorp Nij in Qabala rayon, in Oghuz rayon, sowel as in dele van die Noord-Kaukasus in Rusland gepraat.",
"eng": "The language is spoken by about 5,000 people in the Azerbaijani village of Nij in Qabala rayon, in Oghuz rayon, as well as in parts of the North Caucasus in Russia."
} | 1.112201 | 0.99956 | 0.99972 |
"afr": "Die enigste uitdaging met hierdie converter is dat dit nie die gebruiker toelaat om 'n Internet url direk plak op die veld omskakeling.",
"eng": "The only challenge with this converter is that it does not allow the user to paste an Internet url directly on the conversion field."
} | 1.112201 | 0.99971 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "As dit kom by die keuse van 'n afgod om van te leer, was die Italianer se eerste keuse Ronaldinho gevolg deur die twee legendes van Romeinse onderskeidings; Francesco Totti en Daniele De Rossi.",
"eng": "When it comes to choosing an idol to learn from, the Italian's first choice was Ronaldinho followed by the two legends of Roman distinctions; Francesco Totti and Daniele De Rossi."
} | 1.112201 | 0.99888 | 0.99906 |
"afr": "Ons het in die verlede 'n studie gedoen en was verbaas om te sien dat 'n lys met webwerwe waardeer word vir meer as $ 100,000 verkoop.",
"eng": "We did a study in the past and was surprised to see a list of websites being valued and sold for over $100,000."
} | 1.112201 | 0.99998 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Vir die vernietiging van die muur om die bom te stel, en om weg te beweeg van dit op 'n veilige afstand sodat dit nie om te val onder die omvang van die ontploffing.",
"eng": "For the destruction of the wall to set the bomb, and move away from it at a safe distance so as not to fall under the range of the explosion."
} | 1.112201 | 0.99965 | 1 |
"afr": "2- SD video's kan ook gespeel word.",
"eng": "2- SD videos can also be played."
} | 1.147764 | 0.57213 | 1 |
"afr": "Toe ons Abraham se lewe bestudeer het, het ons gevind dat die Here dikwels gedurende die 20 jaar wat hy moes wag dat die belofte van 'n seun bewaarheid sou word, hom besoek en met hom gepraat het om sy geloof te versterk, veral wanneer hy begin het om te twyfel.",
"eng": "When we were studying the life of Abraham, we saw that the Lord had often, during the 20 years that he had to wait for God's promise of a son to be fulfilled, visited him and spoken to him to strengthen his faith, especially when he began to doubt."
} | 1.1122 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Hoewel dit goeie nuus vir Trump is, het slegs 'n relatief klein minderheid (17%) van kiesers die ekonomie as die belangrikste kwessie beskou.",
"eng": "Although this was good news for Trump, only a relatively small minority (17%) of voters gave the economy top billing as their most important issue."
} | 1.1122 | 0.99998 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Boeke is 'n fundamentele steunpilaar in hul ontwikkeling en opvoeding, waardeur hulle 'n reis deur nuwe en interessante wêrelde kan onderneem.",
"eng": "Books are a fundamental pillar in their development and education, allowing them to embark on a journey through new and interesting worlds."
} | 1.1122 | 0.99995 | 0.99976 |
"afr": "Maak seker dat jy met die verkoper praat oor wat jy vooraf doen om seker te maak hulle is gemaklik daarmee en om die implikasies vir opbrengste en uitruil duidelik te verstaan.",
"eng": "Just be sure to talk to the seller about what you're doing beforehand to make sure they're comfortable with it and to understand the implications for returns and exchanges clearly."
} | 1.1122 | 1.00001 | 0.9999 |
"afr": "Almal kan potensieel lief wees, maar ons moet kies om die potensiaal van ons verhouding te eis eerder as die grense wat ons daaroor geplaas het.",
"eng": "Everyone is potentially loveable, but we must choose to claim the potential of our relationship rather than the limits we have superimposed over it."
} | 1.1122 | 0.99997 | 0.99992 |
"afr": "Gratis toegang, beide kinders en volwassenes is welkom.",
"eng": "Free admission, both children and adults are welcome."
} | 1.1122 | 0.84372 | 0.99972 |
"afr": "Sy sit op'n show vir ons die ander dag by haar gimnasium.",
"eng": "She put on a show for us the other day at her gym."
} | 1.147763 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Alhoewel hierdie kaartleser baie bekostigbaar is, word elke masjien aangewys vir meer as 1.000.000 kaart swipes, so jy hoef nie bekommerd te wees oor die vervanging daarvan vir 'n lang tyd nie.",
"eng": "Even though this card reader is very affordable, each machine is rated for over 1,000,000 card swipes, so you won't have to worry about replacing it for a long time."
} | 1.1122 | 1.00001 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Ek weet dat Rose 'n uitsonderlike ouer is, en ek ondersteun haar ten volle dat sy volle toesig oor haar dogters het.",
"eng": "I know Rose to be an exceptional parent, and I fully support her having full custody of her daughters."
} | 1.1122 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "die Queen Mary.",
"eng": "The Queen Mary."
} | 1.1122 | 0.82333 | 0.995 |
"afr": "Na alles, dit was 'n vervelige, kleurloos, en slegs 'n ware kunstenaar met 'n baie kreatiewe idees kan hierdie betreurenswaardige situasie verander.",
"eng": "After all, it was a boring, colorless, and only a true artist with a lot of creative ideas will be able to change this deplorable situation."
} | 1.1122 | 0.99895 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "\"Ons het gevind dat die koers van kanker voorkoms met meer as 6 persentasie in lande met Superfund-webwerwe toegeneem het.\"",
"eng": "\"We found the rate of cancer incidence increased by more than 6 percent in counties with Superfund sites.\""
} | 1.112199 | 0.99876 | 0.99999 |
"afr": "Die woord respek word algemeen gebruik omdat dit betrekking het op respek vir ander.",
"eng": "The word respect is commonly used as it relates to respecting others."
} | 1.112199 | 0.99976 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Buiten as geografiese aanduiding bestaan Afrika nie.\"",
"eng": "In reality, except as a geographical appellation, Africa does not exist.\""
} | 1.112199 | 0.99644 | 0.99713 |
"afr": "\"Openbare kuns kan trek uit die identiteit van 'n ruimte, die begrip van die historiese of kulturele betekenis van 'n woonbuurt en sy inwoners. \"",
"eng": "\"Public art can draw out the identity of a space, aid the understanding of the historical or cultural significance of a neighborhood and its residents.\""
} | 1.112199 | 0.99911 | 0.99997 |
"afr": "maar dit s ook op soek te stand te hou 'n lei deur expanding sy werk te ander notable blockchain en cryptocurrency projekte",
"eng": "But, it's also seeking to maintain a lead by expanding its work to other notable blockchain and cryptocurrency projects."
} | 1.112199 | 0.99723 | 1 |
"afr": "Die morele aspek van die verhaal is: dit maak nie saak nie.",
"eng": "The moral of the story is: it doesn't matter."
} | 1.112198 | 1.00001 | 0.99976 |
"afr": "\"Die projek sal studente help om behoorlike huisvesting op kampus te hê, wat aan hulle 'n goeie geleentheid sal gee om in hulle studies uit te blink.",
"eng": "\"The project will assist students to have decent accommodation on campus, which will give them a good opportunity to do well in their studies."
} | 1.112198 | 1.00001 | 0.99994 |
"afr": "Sodra jy in, jy kan speel mikro-verbintenis games - die ekwivalent van speel vir sente en dimes - totdat jy voel dat jy die spel is goed genoeg vir meer.",
"eng": "Once you're in, you can play micro-stakes games - the equivalent of playing for pennies och dimes - until you feel that your game is good enough for more."
} | 1.112198 | 1.00001 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Meeste Chrisene vandag is nie bewus van wat die Nuwe Testament leer nie, omdat hulle dit nie sorgvuldig bestudeer nie; en daarom volg hulle die leringe van hul leiers en nie die leringe van die Nuwe Testament nie.",
"eng": "Most Christians today are not aware of what the New Testament teaches, because they have not studied it carefully; and so they follow the teachings of their leaders and not the teachings of the New Testament."
} | 1.112198 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Is dit nie ten volle versoenbaar met Socket AM3 938 / Socket AM3 + 938",
"eng": "Is not fully compatible with Socket AM3 938/Socket AM3 + 938"
} | 1.147763 | 0.97326 | 0.99888 |
"afr": "(dat ik) blootstelle (dat ik) blootstelde",
"eng": "I am he who makes light (the sun)."
} | 1.112198 | 0.53303 | 0.99997 |
"afr": "Dit beteken dat jy Adeona kan installeer op jou laptop en gaan nie - daar is geen behoefte om te vertrou op 'n enkele derde party.",
"eng": "This means that you can install adeona on your laptop and go theres no need to rely on a single third party."
} | 1.112198 | 0.99724 | 1 |
"afr": "Dit toon die belangrikheid van sosiale beloning en lof aan honde.",
"eng": "\"It shows the importance of social reward and praise to dogs."
} | 1.147762 | 0.99997 | 0.99996 |
"afr": "\"Toe ek begin skiet aan Fast 8 het ek geweet dit sou 'n donkerder pad wees,\" sê hy in die video terwyl hy alleen in 'n gim sit.",
"eng": "\"Coming into shooting Fast 8 I knew it was going to be a darker road,\" he said in the video while he was sitting alone in a gym."
} | 1.112197 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "In Mexiko is dit nie!",
"eng": "Rebecca: That's not in Mexico!"
} | 1.112197 | 0.99542 | 0.99877 |
"afr": "Iets wat lank, beweeg na jou, is dit beter om dit nie toe te laat om myself dat dit was nie, in elk geval.",
"eng": "Something long, moving to you, it is better not to allow it to myself that it was not, in any case."
} | 1.112197 | 0.99934 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "terwyl sy voorsitter en president jamie dimon is notoriously skeptical van bitcoin sy maatskappy is actively voor te berei vir 'n toekoms waar blockchain is 'n sleutel deel van finansiële infrastructure en notably aan die lig gebring sy eie in huis cryptocurrency in februarie",
"eng": "While its chairman and president, Jamie Dimon, is notoriously skeptical of bitcoin, his company is actively preparing for a future where blockchain is a key part of financial infrastructure and notably revealed its own in-house cryptocurrency in February."
} | 1.112197 | 0.99937 | 0.99995 |
"afr": "In die vroeë dae van blogging (agterna) het ek agtergekom dat kommentaar op ander blogs baie suksesvol was.",
"eng": "Way back (snicker) in the early days of blogging, I figured out that commenting on other blogs was hugely successful."
} | 1.112197 | 1.00001 | 0.99988 |
"afr": "Wanneer jy jouself vind in 'n situasie waarin jy geen beheer het nie, wys jou gedagtes na vrede, en die heelal reageer.",
"eng": "When you find yourself in a situation in which you seem to have no control, point your thoughts toward peace, and the universe responds."
} | 1.112197 | 1 | 1 |
"afr": "Die werklikheid is dat kinders nie altyd alles reg doen nie, en as hulle 'n fout of 'n slegte keuse maak, moet dit reggestel word.",
"eng": "The reality is, kids don't do everything right all of the time and when they make a mistake or a poor choice, they need to be corrected."
} | 1.112197 | 1.00001 | 0.99986 |
"afr": "Sommige state het beperkings en addisionele beperkings op artikel 179 aftrekkings.",
"eng": "Some states have restrictions and additional limits on section 179 deductions."
} | 1.112197 | 0.99445 | 0.99945 |
"afr": "Ons moet nóú beslissend optree om die integriteit van die DA-administrasie in George te herstel.\"",
"eng": "Therefore, we have decided to take decisive action to restore the integrity of the DA administration in George.\""
} | 1.112197 | 0.99877 | 0.99981 |
"afr": "Die Komitee voorgelÃa sy gevolgtrekkings en assesserings 1 Junie met die verslag: NOU 2010:7 \"Diversiteit en coping.\"",
"eng": "The Committee submitted its conclusions and assessments 1 June with the report: NOU 2010:7 \"Diversity and Coping.\""
} | 1.147762 | 0.99783 | 0.9975 |
"afr": "Ek is verslaaf aan Alamo se kerk.",
"eng": "I am addicted to the Alamo Church."
} | 1.112197 | 1.00001 | 0.99954 |
"afr": "As jy mense sleg behandel, kan jy verwag dat hulle in natura reageer.",
"eng": "If you treat people badly, you can expect them to respond in kind."
} | 1.112197 | 1.00001 | 0.99997 |
"afr": "Vertrek op 'n reis van epiese proporsies van die makers van Flight Control en Real Racing - meer as twee jaar in wording!",
"eng": "Embark on a journey of epic proportions from the makers of Flight Control and Real Racing - over two years in the making!"
} | 1.112196 | 0.98691 | 0.99962 |
"afr": "Maak 'n minimum deposito om te handel met \"regte\" geld; 6.",
"eng": "Make a minimum deposit in order to trade with \"real\" money;6."
} | 1.147762 | 0.98748 | 0.99855 |
"afr": "Produksie van groente en aartappels in die Verre Ooste.",
"eng": "Production of vegetables and potatoes in the Far East."
} | 1.112196 | 0.99534 | 0.99889 |
"afr": "Haar uitstekende kommunikasievaardighede (beide skriftelik en mondelings) stel haar in staat om met allerhande mense in verbinding te tree en hulle te inspireer om hul beste te lewer.",
"eng": "Her excellent communication skills (both written and verbal) allow her to connect with all kinds of people and to inspire them to put for their best effort."
} | 1.112196 | 0.99996 | 0.99998 |
"afr": "Net soos sy geen lewensvryheid gehad het nie, word haar bevryding van die dood van haar man vertel as 'n vreugde wat haar doodgemaak het.",
"eng": "Just as she had no freedom in life, her liberation from the death of her husband is told as a joy that killed her."
} | 1.112196 | 1.00001 | 1 |
"afr": "luister tog, God van Jakob!",
"eng": "listen to me, God of Jacob."
} | 1.112196 | 0.96672 | 0.98038 |
"afr": "azoospermie - Azoospermia beteken dat die man se sperma (die wit vloeistof) geen sperm bevat nie",
"eng": "Azoospermia - Azoospermia means that the man's semen (the white fluid) contains no sperm"
} | 1.112196 | 0.99536 | 0.99633 |
"afr": "As u meer as 75kg weeg, kan dit klein wees.",
"eng": "If you weigh more than 75kg, it may be small."
} | 1.112196 | 0.99966 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "Sibanye het ook reeds ingestem om Lonmin se huidige en toekomstige maatskaplike en arbeidsplanne te erken soos ooreengekom met die departement van minerale hulpbronne, asook die ooreenkomste wat tans met die Bapo ba Mogale-gemeenskap van toepassing is.",
"eng": "Sibanye also already agreed to honour Lonmin's current and future social and labour plans as agreed with the department of mineral resources, as well as the agreements currently in place with the Bapo ba Mogale community."
} | 1.112195 | 0.99979 | 0.99984 |
"afr": "Goeie nuus, Vastap-plakkers vir Android het in die nuwe opdatering beskikbaar geword; hulle is aan die begin net op iOS geïmplementeer, maar op versoek van baie gebruikers wat hulle op Android bygevoeg het.",
"eng": "Good news, Vastap stickers for Android became available in the new update, at the beginning they were implemented only on iOS, but at the request of many users they added on Android."
} | 1.112195 | 1 | 0.9999 |
"afr": "Na die breek ons sal fokus op dit wat NFC in staat is om, en waarom ons wil dit op ons selfone so gou as gister.",
"eng": "After the break we'll focus on what NFC is capable of, and why we want it on our phones as soon as yesterday."
} | 1.147761 | 0.99998 | 1 |
"afr": "Ek het die voorreg gehad om een van hulle vertonings te sien.",
"eng": "I had the honor of seeing one of your rehearsals."
} | 1.112195 | 1.00001 | 1.00001 |
"afr": "dr seuss books en espanol",
"eng": "Dr. Seuss books in Spanish"
} | 1.112195 | 0.65454 | 0.99999 |
Subsets and Splits