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Women have organized throughout the course of modern history and in all parts of the world. Women's movements are broadly defined as “all organizing of women explicitly as women to make any sort of social change” (Ferree & Mueller 2007: 577). Mobilizations of women arise out of gendered structures of oppression and opportunity, and women's movements have been among the most enduring and consequential movements in modern history. Participants in women's movements frequently use gender to form a collective identity on the basis of their social position as women. While many women's movements embrace a feminist identity and seek to advance the social position of women, it is not always the case. Women also mobilize around claims that are unrelated to or in opposition to feminism. Keywords: gender and culture, sociology of sex, gender, and sexuality, women's history, women's studies, feminism, identity politics, lesbianism, social change, social justice, women | sdg16 |
Understanding of the relationship between constitutionalism and democracy among legal and political philosophers reflects an idealised account of the US constitution and the nature of judicial review. This view is normatively and empirically flawed. The US constitution is built on pre-democratic assumptions and its counter-majoritarian checks and balances are largely regressive, benefitting privileged minorities over the underprivileged. By contrast, ‘actually existing democracy’, involving competing parties and majority rule, is constitutional in its process and effects, treating all with equal concern and respect, upholding rights and maintaining the rule of law. Judicial review undermines these beneficial qualities. | sdg16 |
The great majority of countries also centrally regulate the total working time of teachers, which averages 39 hours a week. On average, teaching time constitutes 44% of a teacher’s total working time. In 18 education systems, teachers’ obligatory time of availability at school is contractually specified either in addition to or instead of teachers’ teaching time and/or working time. | sdg4 |
The PME must contain technical and pedagogical support and initiatives that specifically respond to priority student needs and implement pedagogical strategies for students with low academic achievement (see Chapter 2 for the role of the SEP in the funding system and Chapter 4 for the use of school improvement plans in schools). As a complement to the SEP and conditional on participating in the SEP, school providers can receive a Grant for Concentration of Priority Students (Subuencion por Concentration de Alumnos Prioritarios). This grant provides an extra amount per student which depends on the proportion of disadvantaged students in the school. School providers with schools enrolling students in extreme poverty can also benefit from a Grant for Retention (Subuencion Educacional Pro-retencion). The grant is provided for each disadvantaged student belonging to a family which participates in the programme Chile Solidario, a part of Chile’s social protection system designed to address the needs of vulnerable families, individuals and geographical areas (also see Chapter 2) (MINEDUC, ACE and ES, 2016). Teachers in difficult working conditions receive a Difficult Conditions of Work allowance (Asignacion por desempeno en condiciones dificiles). | sdg4 |
One lesson for all because teachers can only do so much in one time period. Use of Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Domains:322 Move from the simple and basic to the more complex, ensuring all feel comfortable and have their needs met, i.e. for knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and finally evaluation. Examples of how to adapt lessons for African classrooms are suggested in the video clip 'Differentiated Teaching' (DVD 2). Strategies to be used here fall into three groups. The first is developing peer support as a reasonable accommodation through buddy rotas, collaborative learning and co-operation on completing tasks. | sdg4 |
Most cannabis resin destined for Europe is smuggled from Morocco. According to the European Drug Report 2015, in 2013, the European Union countries reported 431,000 individual seizures of cannabis herb and 240,000 seizures of cannabis resin. The total amount of cannabis resin seized in the European Union in 2013 (460 tons) was much higher than that of cannabis herb (130 tons). Spain, a major point of entry for cannabis produced in Morocco, reported more than two thirds of the total quantity of cannabis resin seized in Europe that year. | sdg3 |
I realized that social media could give women in conservative countries a digital voice. Digitization can connect them with other parts of the world and change their world - allowing them to live beyond the borders they have always known. In addition to helping free women from restrictions in conservative societies, technology upgrades our operations and raises productivity. | sdg9 |
Portugal registered the third highest unemployment level in the European Union at 16.7% by the third quarter of 2012, a record for that economy. In that case, these countries may not continue to be accepted as members of the euro zone. If such a worst-case scenario of a disorderly debt default or countries exiting the euro zone were to play out, the impact on the global economy as well as on Asia and the Pacific may be severe. | sdg10 |
This contribution demonstrates that territoriality has lost its moorings. Formal reliance on territorial jurisdiction cannot hide that a person’s territorial presence may be used as nothing more than a useful nexus to influence that person’s global or foreign activity, or more incisively, and possibly invidiously, to limit third countries’ regulatory freedom. EU regulation of transnational economic operators and ECHR/EU conditional extradition practice are cases in point. In this scenario, territoriality serves as a mere trigger to effectively exercise quasi-universal jurisdiction. This begs the question as to whether territoriality, as the jurisdictional manifestation of the principle of non-intervention and the sovereign equality of States, can still be a legitimate principle of world public order. | sdg16 |
Their ability to consider multiple independent criteria in evaluating the acceptability of a given policy strategy does not require the heroic assumptions necessary for formulating an aggregated welfare function in policy optimization models. Because the algorithms applied by policy guidance models are similar to those of optimization models, they also require a highly simplified representation of dynamic system components. Optimizing models either apply global averages or distinguish a limited number of geopolitical regions. Most policy evaluation models, in contrast, determine climate impacts on a geographical grid (often 0.5° latitude by 0.5° latitude). | sdg13 |
This effectively puts limitations on the local freedom to change the tax rate (Lotz et al., Setting the grant level is important for the overall fiscal policy of the central government, while agreeing on changes in the local income tax rate is important for the budgeting process of the individual municipalities. Such a sanction system was institutionalised by a budget law from 2012 (Houlberg et al., Even though these sanctions are related to the overall economic performance and not the economic performance in individual municipalities, Lotz et al. ( | sdg4 |
Once the appropriate cost estimates have been established, governments would then need to internalise the value of such resources into the full costs of the economic activities that deplete them. Quite obviously, issues such as climate change or tropical rainforests, which constitute a vital link in the global oxygen cycle, transcend national boundaries and need to be internalised through cumbersome, but indispensable, international negotiations. A well-known study on the full costs of energy prepared for the European Commission by Ecofys consultants (2014) is a case in point. The study included in its calculations the social costs for non-internalised resource depletion at a level ranging between EUR 9 and EUR 14 for gas, coal, oil and nuclear per MWh produced (Ecofys, 2014: p. 37) - see Figure 7.3. Nuclear power fared actually rather well in this comparison, given its good performance in terms of climate change risks and air quality (particulate matter formation). Not only have proved reserves for all four resources been rising rather than decreasing. | sdg7 |
Despite the centrality of harm to crime and criminalization and increasing interest in harm as a basis for crime-control policy, there has been little systematic reflection within criminology on criminal harms or their identification, evaluation, and comparison. In this paper, we review the literature on the harms of crime and related concepts, i.e., the perceived seriousness and cost of crime, impact of criminal victimization, and drug-related harm. Each of these related bodies of work suggests either a reason, by way of inadequacy, or a means, by way of insight or analytical method, to advance a harm-based approach. We then identify substantial challenges in assessing the harms of crime and conclude that, despite these challenges, a systematic empirically-based assessment of the harms of criminal activities can serve important roles in policy analysis. | sdg16 |
To arrive at detailed insights about cooperation decisions an in-depth analysis of the application cases was conducted12, by doing so the crucial decision criteria were investigated and highlighted. The relative importance of decision criteria varies with the field of cooperation that is evaluated, for example, for smart metering, different factors appear to be of importance, whereas for network operation other factors come into play. In addition, stakeholders have their own focus regarding the importance of specific criteria (e.g. for DSOs exerting control on an ICT network that is used for grid operation is of great importance13). | sdg7 |
Therefore, obtaining accurate demographic data is difficult. Among the Maasai community obtaining accurate data on maternal and infant deaths is a challenge, as they may never be reported. Further, among the Maasai it is difficult to know which woman has never had a child because the practice is for every married woman to be called the mother of a child. Therefore, in cases where a woman has no child, she is given one by a family member to raise as her own. | sdg3 |
The objective of SWITCH was to develop new solutions with regard to increasing the efficiency of urban water systems and their resilience to a range of future climate change scenarios. The project’s approach was one of strengthening the connections between experts and stakeholders, and decision makers, so as to facilitate knowledge-sharing. The directed spiral (with arrows), whose origin is the point of intersection of the x- and y-axes, represents an ideal policy path. | sdg13 |
For many years, I have begun my courses in comparative law by explaining to students that, because of its subject matter, comparative law is different from any other discipline taught in law schools. It does not deal with a body of law as, for example, civil procedure or labor law. Rather, it is a method, or a variety of methods, used to compare different bodies of law. In this perspective, it is not difficult to see the difference between comparative law and international law or between comparative law and foreign law. Indeed, international law itself can be studied comparatively such as in much of the work devoted to comparative private international law that has been produced in the U.S.-immigrant tradition of Comparative Law, from Ehrenzweig to Fritz Juenger. But can comparative law be studied comparatively? Is there such a thing as "comparative-comparative law"? | sdg16 |
The aim of this study to analyze enforcement of disciplinary rules and implementation of civil service disciplinary sanction in Dinas Pendidikan Kota Surakarta based on Government Regulation No. 53 Tahun 2010 about discipline of civil servants. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive. Technique of data collecting used direct observation to the main object, held interview with informant to get comprehensive information by asking some question about the main problem. Study of literature by reading books, magazine, newspaper, documents, legislation and other information that relevant with the object of research and supported by secondary data. The result of research showed that enforcement of disciplinary rules in Dinas Pendidikan Kota Surakarta is still not optimal whereas the application of disciplinary sanctions in accordance with the rules of discipline of civil servants is Government Regulation No. 53 Tahun 2010. | sdg16 |
See In the Matter of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania I977-as amended from time to time [Cap. The practice can be used in the proposed new law on CEFM. Inside Courtroom - EAC Courts can replicate a Protocol set up by the Bosnian Court with necessary modifications, see Anna Kithaka ‘Enforcement of the Sexual offences Act Kenya’ (Pambazuka News) www.pambazuka.org/ governance/enforcement accessed 1 July 2016. | sdg5 |
But changes in the ecological and institutional landscapes in Rajasthan marginalized the availability of grazing land, which largely affected their pastoral lifestyle and forced them to sell animals and take up low-paid labour in towns. Hence their knowledge is irrelevant and thus the changes in their livelihood led to the disappearance of valuable breeds and associated knowledge (Practical Action, 2009). For example, farmers in semi-arid parts of south Tamil Nadu use ploughs made of neem tree timber (Azadracta indica) as one of the integrated methods to control Cyperus, a notorious weed in cropped fields. Currently, ploughing is carried out using tractors and thus the traditional knowledge of using neem ploughs has become obsolete and its relevance is limited under the changing production practices. The cultural value placed on crop diversity and local selection techniques is also declining in many areas and the skills that contributed to evolution of landraces are slowly disappearing, as in the case of specific culture in the Philippines mentioned earlier. Changing socio-cultural practices make the knowledge irrelevant and reduce sharing and communication at the community level and into the next generation. | sdg2 |
A major wilderness area is identified as biodiverse if it has 75% of the original vegetation remaining in pristine condition and a low human population density (< 5 people/km2). Wilderness areas are based largely on the world’s terrestrial ecoregions (see Olson et al., It includes life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. | sdg15 |
Reforms to the Swedish Penal Code regarding violence against women, introduced by the “Kvinnofrid” package in 1998, emphasize the importance of collaboration between the police, social services and health-care providers. In many societies, women belonging to particular ethnic or racial groups experience gender-based violence as well as violence based on their ethnic or racial identity. It is important that legislation, or subsidiary legislation, where necessary, make specific provision for the appropriate and sensitive treatment of women complainants/survivors of violence who suffer from multiple forms of discrimination. Title VI of the United States of America Tribal Law and Order Bill (2008), if passed, would enact specific provisions regarding the prosecution and prevention of domestic violence and sexual assault against Native American women. | sdg5 |
Fragmented and complex nature of contemporary public policy problems require governments to change their traditional public administration approaches and force public administrators to provide involvement of all actors such as private firms, non-profit organizations, and citizens in policy making and implementation. In this diverse policy environment, using governance tools such as contracting out some public services, building networks, and establishing citizen participation mechanisms are considered as essential components of this new approach. Public administrators should not act as the only problem solver, but they should be facilitators in collaborative problem solving to mobilize the other actors. Along with the benefits of using these tools, there are some challenges for public administrators. Considering these difficulties, appropriate use of these tools provides public administrators to effectively address contemporary complex problems such as terrorism, drug abuse, emergency management, and healthcare crisis. | sdg16 |
Many of them are used in ceramic kilns or bathhouses as fuel, which causes a great deal of air pollution. Tyres are also incinerated in cement plants, and a certain quantity is imported for this puipose (100,000 tons in 2009). At present, there is no centralized or even organized waste collection for this type of waste. The quantity generated annually is insufficient to ensure the economic performance of a dismantling and recycling centre, the sale value of the recovered metals would not support the operating cost. For that reason, this waste is mainly disposed of with household waste, waste pickers collect and disassemble some discarded electrical and electronic equipment and recover the materials of value. An electronic waste recycling project at the Guemassa site involves separating and recovering the precious and non-ferrous metals in electronic boards in order to produce blister copper and gold and silver alloys. | sdg12 |
While the federal government began to incorporate housing quality and liveability concerns in its policies and programmes prior to 2013 - notably in terms of improved construction materials, the elaboration of a Certified Development initiative (Desarrollos Certificados, formerly Desarrolios Urbanos Integrates Sustentables [DUIS]), and incentives for green building - housing policy objectives meanwhile remained quantitative and focused on furnishing individual houses with basic equipment (e.g. piped water, drainage). As will be seen, programmes like DUIS (and now Desarrollos Certificados) in many cases paid insufficient attention to housing location and access to urban services and infrastructure (see Box 2.6). In a review of housing policies in Latin America focusing on the experiences of Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Mexico, Rojas (2014) finds that housing policies throughout the region have lacked a place-based approach and have been poorly co-ordinated with other policy domains affecting urban development (e.g. economic development, transport, etc.). | sdg11 |
The creation of non-contributory programmes alongside existing contributory programmes enhances social protection coverage, notably for health, but may discourage working formally. This is less likely to be the case if the non-contributory programme is designed in a way that allows a smooth transition towards the contributory programme. This can be done through means-tested fees with a subsidy component which decreases with income. | sdg10 |
Since its collateral registry came online in 2010, Ghana has registered 60,000 loans totaling approximately $14 billion. Moreover, it explicitly states that the elimination of gender discrimination in laws, customs and practices related to land and property is a guiding principle of land management. While considerable progress has been made, there is still, however, a significant gender gap when it comes to ownership and control of land. | sdg5 |
If vulnerability is defined as monthly income between 1.2 and 1.8 times the poverty line, then a very high percentage of the Latin American population —over 50% in many countries— lives in poverty or vulnerability (see figure 1.18). These individuals have limited capacity to ride out growth and employment cycles, since the majority do not have savings or access to social security and do not own their homes. They also exhibit high dependency rates and low levels of education, which impairs their ability to progress in the job market and get ahead during times of economic expansion, while heightening the risk that they will sink back into poverty when the economic cycle takes a turn for the worse. Accordingly, with growth forecast to slow in the years ahead, the fact that such a large portion of the population lives in vulnerable conditions should be cause for concern. | sdg10 |
The school was renamed in 2008 as the Danish Media and Journalism School. The Danish Union of Journalists has about 17,500 members and in 2013 women made up 45% of the journalists in the union (Andreassen 2016: 85). Three Danish media companies were surveyed in EIGE's report: two public companies and one private. | sdg5 |
So this section looks in turn at these different aspects of the ‘waste management industry’ as a public service, as a business delivering waste services and as a resource recovery business, while also examining the shadow business of waste crime. One rationale for this is the ‘public good’ nature of MSWM. It is difficult to control access to MSWM sen/ices,36 and if some citizens escape from their responsibilities for MSWM, they themselves may escape some costs but will cause harm to others and to society as a whole.37 Unlike other public or utility services that run on separate meters such as energy or water, waste management is a utility sen/ice that does not allow for disconnecting users who do not pay without impacting on others. | sdg12 |
This chapter offers a detailed analysis of the so-called ‘memory laws’ passed in Rwanda to punish the denial and the trivialization of the 1994 genocide. In particular it discusses the Rwandan law 47/2001 on discrimination and sectarianism, law 33 bis of 2003 punishing the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, and law 18/2008 on the crime of ‘genocide ideology’ in the light of international human rights standards. The nefarious impact on Rwandan society of these laws curbing freedom of expression and of the related jurisprudence is elaborated upon, with particular attention to the cases of Victoire Ingabire, one of the main opposition leaders, and of the Rwandan journalists Agnes Uwimana-Nkusi and Saidati Mukakibibi. The chapter concludes that post-genocide Rwanda emerges as another context where state authorities have recurred to ‘public use of history’, exploiting the memory of the past violence in order to strengthen their grip on power. | sdg16 |
All the preconditions for growth generated in the previous phase should already be in place. A disciplined labour force and sufficient levels of technical and managerial expertise should have been attained in the process of economic development in the previous phase before the manufacturing export phase can start to kick in. In both the commodity and manufacturing export phases, foreign trade can also play an important part in transfer of new technologies trom more advanced countries. | sdg1 |
The percentage of the population with some level of deprivation in work and social security was 84% in 2010, showing that this dimension requires special government attention and an increase in the coverage of the social security system. The indigenous population has the largest deprivation gap (see table 3). Lastly, the work deprivation gap for indigenous people decreased from 32.7% in 2006 to 15.6% in 2010. This reduction cannot be interpreted in the same way as a headcount ratio (i.e. a reduction in the number of poor people), but the important thing is that it shows that the level (severity) of multidimensional poverty in the country has fallen. | sdg1 |
The paper concerns contemporary trends and issues of transparency, participation and collaboration in governmental activities in Russia. Building an 'open government' is based on the institutionalisation of access for citizens to the sphere of governmental activities and transformation of government. Its implementation, however, has resulted in a certain gap between the three major clusters of the movement for open government: governmental, presidential and civil. The paper analyses the structural and ideological movement for open government in Russia. Using a network approach, the author describes the main clusters of the movement for open government, and particularly the structure of political opportunities they create for civic engagement in public policy but also for authoritative control over it. The paper is based on a study of 154 actors of open government using network analysis. | sdg16 |
The total generation of household, commercial and manufacturing waste in Ulaanbaatar exceeds 1 million t/y. Updated figures show practically the same waste generation from ger districts in summer and winter, because a lot of waste generated by ger residents in winter is used as fuel. In contrast, analysis of monthly data in 2013-2014 shows peaks of waste generation during the summer months, w'hich is attributed to commercial activities, mainly construction activities and services. | sdg12 |
The centrality of SDG 12 and Goal 7 of Agenda 2063 cannot be overemphasized as their achievement is related to the realization of the entire agenda with pronounced connections to other social and environmental goals. For example, reducing food waste and post-harvest losses would contribute to the achievement of both Goals 2 and 12, while the sound management of chemicals and the reduction of pollution is critical for good health and well-being (Goal 3), as well as the preservation of the environment (Goals 13, 14 and 15). On the other hand, ensuring that industries make better use of energy and utilize clean technologies is also an imperative for Goals 7,9 and 12. | sdg12 |
In many countries, including in the EaP region, energy subsidy reforms are part and parcel of general energy sector reforms. The rest of this chapter discusses how the economic and policy environment condition the pace and breadth of energy subsidy reforms in the EaP region. Ukraine is by far the largest of the six economies, followed by Azerbaijan and Belarus, whose GDP is roughly equivalent, and then Georgia, Armenia and Moldova (Table 1.6). | sdg7 |
These circumstances push women to abandon employment after they marry and have children. One survey carried out in three capital cities (Amman, Cairo and Sana’a) estimated that married women in these urban areas were 13 to 24 per cent less likely to participate in the labour market than single women. Furthermore, marriage was found to be a more decisive criterion for women’s lack of participation in the labour force than was having children. The same study also interviewed men to ascertain their perspectives on female participation in the workforce, and found that over one third of the male respondents expressed their explicit objections to women seeking formal work.193 It should be noted, though, that such findings vary greatly depending on the country and the methodology used. | sdg5 |
In particular, between June 2013 and June 2014, the survey administered a Child Needs module, somewhat similar to that used for the EU-SILC surveys in the European Union and to the Expanded Household Budget Survey (EHBS) conducted in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2011 (see Chzhen and Ferrone 2016).The Child Needs module includes items specific to children aged 6-17, although the household reference person answers these questions on behalf of all children in this age group in the household. In other words, children do not fill out the Child Needs module themselves. The final sample for the study consists of 5,519 children 0 to 17 years old, in 3,461 households, interviewed over 2013 and 2014.This is a subsample of the general ILCS sample, but is still representative at national level. | sdg1 |
It provides information and discussion on policies for the successful adoption and use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) across the economy. These case studies are made available in the Annex of the report. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. | sdg9 |
Better infrastructure is expected to raise female labour force participation. One way to measure it is the “women most-say index” developed by Montag (Montag 2011). The index counts the number of cases in which the respondent identified herself as the one who has the most say in a household in response to the following 5 questions: What do you cook on a daily basis, whether to buy an expensive item such as a TV or fridge, how many children do you have, what do you do if a child falls sick, and who should your children marry? | sdg5 |
Clearly set criteria would also help to identify schools and regions that perform particularly well and that use innovative approaches to improve their performance. This would allow information about good practice to be shared. This approach is consistent with the broader principles of good governance in decentralised systems in other areas of public policy (see for example OECD, 2003). | sdg4 |
Next Generation of Individual Account Pension Reforms in Latin America." Social Security Bulletin, 71, no. Gender, Ageing and the ‘New Social Settlement’: The Importance of Developing a Holistic Approach to Care Policies." Current Sociology, 55, no. Retiring the State: The Politics of Pension Privatization in Latin America and Beyond. Stanford: Stanford University Press. | sdg5 |
This approach will also have to be considered in the new Austrian RTI Strategy. It also requires co-operation between research performing and funding organisations, business, government and stakeholders as w'ell as new funding and governance structures. This will help to harness Horizon Europe in ways that further develop Austria’s STI capacities. To achieve this, support long-term collaboration on societal challenges between universities, PRIs, businesses, public administration and other actors. | sdg9 |
Some countries further differentiate the minimum wage by sector/occupation (e.g. Japan and Mexico) and lower rates are sometimes set for workers on training/apprenticeships, and for disabled workers. By contrast, in a small countiy like Latvia, there are considerable practical difficulties of introducing geographic differentiation of minimum wages. These difficulties, combined with the large regional wage disparities in Latvia, underline the need to exercise great caution when deciding on across-the-board minimum-wage adjustments, in order to avoid negative employment effects especially in lagging regions. More widespread collective bargaining would ensure better representation of worker interests in the wage setting process and remuneration in line with productivity for a larger number of workers. | sdg8 |
This is especially true for girls. Similarly, a lack of productive assets, such as land, is another channel through which poverty' is transmitted from parents to children. In particular, die hunger trap contributes to maintaining poverty in later years for the victims, who are young and children. This causes poverty' and hunger to persist in adult life, as well. | sdg1 |
Indicators of deprivation in health are difficult to define, since most routine information in surveys refers to temporary illnesses during reference periods. This speaks of the need to include more suitable child health indicators in household surveys, measuring access to healthcare rather than temporary health status, which could be accomplished without increasing the length of the questionnaire by an excessive amount. More suitable indicators for health for example would be compliance with routine check-ups or vaccinations, and possibly access to health insurance, while for child development valuable information would be provided by asking about appropriate toys and parents' engagement with children up to three years old. | sdg1 |
In general, low-skilled workers and those who predominantly carry out repetitive tasks are more vulnerable in the face of automation and thus require special attention on the path towards inclusive economic development. However, an intersectoral perspective suggests that automation could in fact promote a path towards gender inclusive manufacturing development. The main reason is the declining importance of physical strength due to advanced automation. Moreover, many governments have placed the creation of gender-equal employment opportunities at the top of their agendas, thus promoting an inclusive environment for future expansion (Alibhai et al, 2017). | sdg9 |
These also P encourage the assessment and management of climate risk in relevant sectors. However, there is still a long way to go before the right instruments and institutions are in place to explicitly incorporate climate change risk into policies and projects, increase private-sector engagement in adaptation actions and integrate climate change adaptation into development co-operation. Ambitious mitigation action substantially lowers the risk of catastrophic climate change. The cost of reaching the 2 °C goal would slow global GDP growth from 3.5 to 3.3% per year (or by 0.2 percentage-points) on average, costing roughly 5.5% of global GDP in 2050. This cost should be compared with the potential cost of inaction, which could be as high as 14% of average world consumption per capita according to some estimates (Stem, 2006). Delayed or only moderate action up to 2020 (such as implementing the Copenhagen/Cancun pledges only, or waiting for better technologies to come on stream) would increase the pace and scale of efforts needed after 2020. | sdg13 |
In addition, 53% of poor children have a father employed full time full year in 2014, compared to 66% in 2007. Household income is equivalised using the square root scale. The term ‘standard of living’ refers to the equivalised disposable income. Each bar reflects the contribution of changes in family and work characteristics to the evolution of income, and the last white bar shows the percentage change of the income quantile that is not explained by changes in any of the observed household characteristics. The contribution is positive (resp. For instance, market income of ‘poor’ children in two-parent families increased by 3% in two-parent families from 2007 to 2014, change in educational attainment of parents in these families tended to raise the family income threshold of the poorest 25% children by almost 4%, but this effect was offset by the negative effects mainly related to changes in housing status (-3%) and fathers' employment status (-1.1%). | sdg1 |
The initiatives of ESCAP for the Asian Highway and the Trans-Asian Railway networks can be traced back to the late 1950s and early 1960s. With regard to the Asian Highway, to date, only 32.8 per cent of the network, which spans 142,781 km of roads passing through 32 member States, reaches the two highest categories of road class. A total of 9,176 km, or 7.3 per cent, still needs to be upgraded to meet minimum standards, and the poor quality of several segments is affecting usability. | sdg9 |
This chapter focuses on the nature of social policy with reference to mental health policy and planning of services. The contribution of the discipline of clinical psychology in the formulation of policies has been discussed. Epidemiological data pertaining to the prevalence of mental disorders in India have been presented to highlight the enormity and magnitude of the problem. A critique of current policies has been presented. The final section deals with critical issues which have important implications for policy planning. These include a discussion on human rights, stigma, and family caregiving and cultural factors. | sdg16 |
As a point of departure, no foreign-flagged vessel can be interfered with without a legal basis. The fundaments of this are vested in three principles: The freedom of the high seas, exclusive jurisdiction of flag States over vessels and the principle of non-intervention. These principles also lead to the conclusion that, as a point of departure, in international law interfering with a foreign-flagged vessel is considered an exception to the rule. Current focus on enhancing maritime security has put pressure on these principles as political engagement in maritime security starts from an opposite idea: everything and everyone at sea should be under a certain level of control. | sdg16 |
While concessional financing and grants are needed to pilot and demonstrate the business case for green growth, as well as replicate these business models to lower transaction costs, these will only lead to scale up of approaches if they are defined with clear and time-bound exit strategies. Development finance institutions - specialised agencies set up to engage with the private sector for development - have the skills and knowhow to effectively engage the private sector, however, in order for them to play a major role in climate action, their efforts need to move beyond renewable energy to energy efficiency, adaptation, sustainable forestry and agriculture etc. While these organisations and programmes are subject to strong environment and social safeguards systems it is important that private sector engagement goes beyond ‘do no harm’ to ‘do more good’. | sdg13 |
This paper presents a study of how companies in New Zealand's electricity and gas retail sector communicate their Corporate Environmental Citizenship (CEC) on the World Wide Web. The natural environment is the focal issue for analyzing the way these companies present their commitment to the community and society in general, for two reasons. First, concern for and management of the natural environment is one of the most important social issues facing corporations. Second, prior empirical studies of corporate communication of social responsibility initiatives have investigated the extent and content of these messages without focusing on a particular issue. A content analysis of the web pages of 18 companies in an environmentally sensitive industry was chosen to investigate which environmental issues and stakeholder groups are given priority and how companies' attitudes to stakeholders and relationships with them are described. The results demonstrate an instrumental reformist moral position underlying their... | sdg16 |
An increase in the participation of women in the labour market: Change or reproduction of inequality?], World Bank Social Protection Discussion Paper Series, No. Experimental evidence from India”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol 127/2, pp. Jobs for Youth, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264096127-en. | sdg8 |
The New Urban Agenda, adopted at Habitat III, supports the implementation of SDG 11 and outlines a new paradigm. Fundamental to this paradigm is a shared vision where cities and human settlements fulfill their social function, engender a sense of belonging and ownership amongst all inhabitants, practise civic engagement, empower women and girls, meet the challenges and opportunities of future growth enhancing urban economies and value-added activities, and link people, places, services and economic activities. This includes cities and human settlements that strengthen sustainable urban transport and mobility, ICT communication networks, e-government strategies, as well as citizen-centric digital governance tools, tapping into technological innovations. Digital technologies have impacted urban development and management over recent years. | sdg11 |
Abstract E-government is increasingly being used to improve transparency in the government sector and to combat corruption. Using institutional theory as an analytical perspective, this study documents and evaluates the development of an anti-corruption system called OPEN (Online Procedures ENhancement for civil application) in the Seoul Metropolitan Government. Incorporating three distinctive (yet interrelated) dimensions of institutionalization (regulatory/coercive, cognitive/mimetic, and normative), and four anti-corruption strategies embedded in the system, this study investigates how an e-government system for anti-corruption in a local government has evolved and become a prototype of a national system to be used for the same purpose. The findings show that in implementing OPEN, a system for anti-corruption, the regulatory dimension was most effective, and (as in many IS implementations) strong leadership was crucial to its success. | sdg16 |
Men smoke relatively heavily, and among older Arab women obesity is a concern. And, at least according to a self-reporting survey, both Arab men and women do considerably less physical exercise compared with the rest of the population (Figure 2.14). For example, the OECD’s report on the quality of health care draws attention to low uptake of cancer screening among Arab and Ultra-orthodox Jewish women (OECD, 2012). | sdg3 |
The results also suggest that the timing of acquiring cognitive skills is a less significant factor. Unlike the Danish study comparing PISA and PIAAC results, this comparison for England is not based on longitudinal data. But it does show a worrying trend for England as it shifts from an average ranking on the PISA tests to a bottom ranking position on the PIAAC assessments for those in their late teens, and only a slightly better outcome for those in their early 20’s. This finding poses a stark question for British policy makers: why did young people in other OECD countries make greater progress in literacy and numeracy skills between the ages of 15 and the early 20s than their English peers? | sdg4 |
Due to this project, however, the medical services now respond when symptoms occur, medical accessibility has improved and treatment is prescribed to patients when there are changes in their condition, thereby contributing to their overall health improvement (see figure 8). Based on the end of project survey, 87.9 per cent of the participants were satisfied with the service overall. And 90.0 per cent said the service helped improve their health. Quality care was provided and emergency response was possible, with the part-time doctors responding from afar through the telemedicine devices and the monitoring of their patients. The pilot project was expanded nationwide in late 2016 to nursing homes with more than 70 beds (Hyun and Yang, 2004). The project investigated the effects of health-promoting lifestyles of older persons on their health condition, feelings of depression and quality of life. | sdg3 |
Develop a strategy to raise education quality in small primary schools. Steps should be taken to consolidate or close small schools when others nearby can provide better quality'. The MEP should ensure that the remaining small remote schools receive adequate, appropriate educational materials as well as support in establishing links with other schools to share resources, break isolation, and exchange good practices. | sdg4 |
Monitoring will be important, and it is encouraging that the CRGE will be building up a national data centre: this will need to cover the breadth of inclusive green growth criteria above. While a monitoring and statistical system that assesses linked human and ecosystem wellbeing may be missing and is far-off, Ethiopia’s separate environment and development/poverty monitoring systems could now be encouraged to find areas of convergence. The CRGE’s international strategy is aimed at attracting international climate finance and support from development partners. | sdg13 |
The authors would like to thank the Swedish authorities, as well as OECD colleagues, Christophe Andr6 and Vincent Koen (Economics Department), William Thorn (Education Directorate), Emily Farchy, Kristoffer Lundberg and Guillermo Montt (Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate) for helpful comments and suggestions. Thomas Chalaux provided statistical research, and Mercedes Burgos and Nadine Dufour secretarial assistance. When controlling for a set of socio-demographic variables, a one-standard-deviation increase in literacy proficiency is associated with 85% higher odds of being employed. | sdg4 |
Finnish Ministry of the Environment (2009), Towards a Recycling Society - the National Waste Plan for 2016, p. 31. Based on email exchange with Cesar Rafael Chavez, Secretary of Development and Environmental Regulations, SEMARNAT Mexico, September 2009. The review involved identifying a broad list of challenges and these were then narrowed down by a combination of their importance to Nippon’s business strategies and the level of stakeholder interest. This effort reduced the key priority issues from 28 to 7 and a final effort consolidated them into 3 key material issues: establishing a recycling-oriented society, development of environment-friendly technologies, and implementation of initiatives regarding climate change problems. | sdg12 |
For example, in Slovenia the net targeted and minimum pension benefits were worth around 40% and 93% of the poverty threshold in 2008, respectively. In Belgium, in contrast they were both above 100% of the poverty threshold (see Whitehouse et al., Through stigma, ignorance of eligibility, and the cost and complexity of claiming, less than 100% of those entitled to such benefits take them up. In the United Kingdom, for example, figures for 2009-10 show that only between 62% and 68% of people eligible for the means-tested pension credit took it up. | sdg1 |
ABSTRACTWhile evidence-based policy-making is increasingly in demand, as new policies are required to bring effective results to targeted groups in South Korea and China, few studies have investigated the progress of quantitative impact evaluation that focuses on causality. This paper studies the trends of quantitative impact evaluation of public policy in South Korea and China by surveying major public administration and public policy journals in these two countries from 2000 to 2015. Among published articles in the major journals, our study pool includes research articles directly related to quantitative impact evaluation. Our study found that there has been considerable progress in impact evaluation research in South Korea and China in both data quality and empirical methods. However, empirical impact evaluation still comprises a small fraction (only one to two percent) of all research in public administration and public policy in both countries. We also found limited discussion on the selection mechan... | sdg16 |
The information to be produced for this topic should be mainly descriptive, but may also include monetary statistics on budgets. It is usually compiled at the national level but should also cover subnational levels and natural resources (e.g., rivers, forests). This topic refers to policy responses to regulate and establish acceptable limits for protecting the environment and human health. It entails both direct regulatory and economic instruments. | sdg6 |
Critical scholarship in Political Science and International Relations (IR) theory is turning increasingly to Michel Foucault's writings on governmentality and biopolitics to explore the complex discursive interdependencies between transnational governance and the War on Terror. Marxist critics have assailed this effort recently, however, for its premature assumption that the practices of governmental power can simply be “scaled” without the interventions of specific state-imperial powers. Yet both sides in this “debate about biopolitics” seem to rest their arguments on readings of Foucault which ignore his views on the importance of developments in the discourses of political economy for the emergence of modern governmental relations. Inspired by Foucault's recently published lectures on importance of the concept of “economic man” for neoliberal governmentality in particular, this article suggests that Foucault attributed to governmentality an explicit impulse toward economic globalization. Moreover, base... | sdg16 |
In the case of unemployment insurance savings accounts, mobility between formal and informal jobs limits coverage. Even in Chile, where informality is the lowest in Latin America, unemployed workers are, on average, much less likely to have been in formal jobs with written contracts - around one-third report having had an atypical contract in their last job, and around 30% no contract at all. While it is the individualisation of risk management that helps keep costs down in these schemes, it is the unbundling that enables them to capture the latent demand for unemployment or health insurance (including when it emanates from some informal workers). In fact, one of the ways in which social protection can contribute not only to social cohesion but to growth is by allowing households to overcome the market failures that prevent them from insuring against both life risks and certain covariant risks (Dercon, 2011). | sdg10 |
In this context, Mexico’s challenge is to use the growing water reform momentum to create inclusive, integrated and coherent water policy. Moving forward under a business-as-usual scenario is not an option. Addressing this means, in part, improving the quality of rivers, lakes and aquifers in Mexico. This task has been a major challenge throughout the country because surface and groundwater quality is threatened by pollution loads from point and diffuse sources, and insufficient attention to wastewater discharges. Currently, 91.3% of the population has access to drinking water services, and 89.9% has sanitation coverage. In 2010 alone, hurricanes affected 118 municipalities in Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas, 138 municipalities in the states of Campeche, Puebla, Veracruz, and 56 in the states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. | sdg6 |
For each spotlight, pressing data gaps and measurement challenges are also highlighted. These supplemental indicators were selected based on an open consultation with civil society organizations and inputs from other international experts (see Box 3.1). Respondents, including international agencies and civil society organizations, submitted suggestions for additional indicators, along with information on their relevance and, where possible, data sources and how often the data are produced. The recommendations included, for instance, monitoring the "average weekly time spent by women and girls on water collection" for Goal 6 and the "share of women aged 15-49 whose BMI [body mass index] is less than 18.5 (underweight)" for Goal 2. | sdg5 |
Statistics on land cover and its changes also provide information on the extent of different ecosystems (see also Topic 1.2.2: Ecosystems and biodiversity). Changes in forest area in the different categories result from economic activities (afforestation or deforestation), reclassifications among the categories, or natural processes (expansion or regression). Not all forest land is used primarily to produce wood. | sdg6 |
Developing countries, by taking foreign expertise into account, may considerably elevate the level of ordinary skill in the relevant prior art, thereby increasing the likelihood of a negative finding on the inventive step/non-obviousness requirement. Members are free to set up certain criteria for determining cases of (non-)obviousness in specific product areas. In the pharmaceutical context, for example, it is often assessed in terms of the predictability of the claimed invention, based on prior art teachings. Moreover, under United States Federal Circuit case law, structural similarities between a prior art chemical compound and a claimed substance may under certain circumstances establish a prima facie case of obviousness of the claimed invention.189 Also, the presence of a reasonable expectation of success to come up with the new product may be considered an indication of obviousness, especially when multiple prior art references must be combined. | sdg3 |
Arellano and Bond (1991) show that, in particular, consistent estimates require the absence of serial correlation in the error term. Accordingly, they provide a test of autocorrelation in the residuals, i.e. a test that the differenced error terms are not second-order serially correlated. Hence, taking first differences eliminates most of the variation in the data, and implies that the lagged levels of the explanatory variables are weak instruments for the variables in differences giving rise to large biases and imprecision (see e.g. Blundell and Bond, 1998, Bond et al., | sdg10 |
However, since Jan Mayen is populated only in the summer, when wind speeds are lowest, wind may not be the best solution for Jan Mayen. Solar radiation is close to 700 W/m2 in the summer, which means that PV production is feasible, and it would align better with the seasonal demand. Subjects of a more general nature with relevance to all regions have been dealt with in section 6. | sdg7 |
Implementation of transport projects in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan is especially complicated because most of the roads are mountainous, which means tunnels will be required and construction and maintenance will take place in adverse conditions. In terms of railway transport, the planned implementation of 13 development and electrification projects includes the Angren-Pap, Maroqand-Qarshi, Qarshi-Termez and Maroqand-Bukhara rail lines. The plan envisages measures to build and rehabilitate roads and railways, logistic centres and communications. The country also plans to develop a 920-km route going from Uzbekistan through Kyrgyzstan to China (Andijan-Osh-lrkeshtam-Kashgar). | sdg9 |
Book synopsis: The Cambridge Companion to Public Law examines key themes, debates and issues in contemporary public law. The book identifies and draws out five key themes: the notions of government and the state, the place of the state and public law in the world at large, relationships between institutions and officials within the state, the legitimacy of institutions, and the identity and value of public law in relation to politics. The book also presents a contemporary examination, taking account of the substantial changes witnessed in this area in recent decades and of the resulting need to reassess orthodox accounts of the subject. Written by leading authorities drawn from across the common law world, their approach is rigorous, engaging and highly accessible. This Companion acts as both a thoughtful introduction and a collection that consciously moves the discipline forward. | sdg16 |
The role of stabilisation policies, including the use of stocks and trade policies, is discussed in the study by Abbott (Abbott, 2012) in the OECD study Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction (OECD, 2012b). The world output of individual food commodities is much less variable than output in individual countries, so greater trade integration holds considerable potential for stabilising food prices. This stabilising role relies on the fact that commodity output shocks across countries are weakly correlated. | sdg2 |
Mosaic restoration may be easier to undertake as it allows a greater range of land uses, whilst restoring areas to closed-canopy forest is likely to remove more C02 per unit of area. Depending on ecosystem type, and whether the result is a natural forest or a plantation, areas converted to forest are estimated to remove between about 1 and 35 tCO, per ha per year in above- and below-ground biomass (from default data in IPCC (2006)7). The IPCC states with high confidence that increased atmospheric CO, will lead to increased terrestrial carbon uptake (Ciais et at, 2013), and a recent review suggests that the largest increase has been in woody biomass within savanna (included in some national forest definitions) and non-forest ecosystems (Liu et at, 2015). Carbon sink figures for existing forests are not included in the technical potential for reduced deforestation given here, as a result of the uncertainty surrounding how carbon sinks and their capacity to absorb C02 will change in the changing climate (Bellassen and Luyssaert, 2014). | sdg15 |
This paper’s objective is to provide a better understanding of the politics underpinning core public sector reforms (PSR) in Rwanda. It analyses five core public sector functions: government coordination, public finance management (focusing on budgeting and public procurement), civil service management, external audit, and anti-corruption policies. For each, it identifies the origins of reforms and analyses to what extent they led to change in both rules and practice. Overall, the paper argues that PSR has been successful and so strongly embraced because rulers considered an effective public sector as a crucial tool for their legitimation strategy, which was based on achieving rapid socio-economic progress and projecting an image of impartiality. | sdg16 |
The average time for decision in labour cases in local courts was 234 days. In cases where the court of second instance was involved it was 586 days (in 2011). In 2011, 24 704 labour cases were brought before the local court and 3 633 before the court of second instance. The number of labour cases per 1000 workers was 6.0 in 2011. | sdg10 |
Brazil is an exception, as the percentage is similar for men and women in quintile I, around 41 % (see figure 1.9). Transfers account for 16.8% of women's total income but less than 10% of men's income (see figure 1.11). Equality and women's autonomy in the sustainable topment ggemfe(LC/G.2686/Rev.11. | sdg10 |
The initiative calls on national, regional and local government agencies to increase procurement trom women vendors. The ITC guide was developed after a series ot wide consultations, and lays out a detailed framework to help policymakers design inclusive public procurement policies and create a more business-friendly environment for women-owned businesses (Box 10). A procurement map was released to showcase examples of how various governments are addressing the issue. | sdg5 |
The authors would like to thank Romain Duval, Jqrgen Elmeskov, Michael Forster, Jean-Marc Fournier, Kaja Fredriksen, Isabell Koske, Stephen Matthews and Jean-Luc Schneider for their useful comments and suggestions, Chantal Nicq for meticulous statistical work and Susan Gascard for excellent editorial support. These allow comparing 24 inequality dimensions for each country with the OECD average and identifying how these inequality dimensions map into inequality of household disposable income. The country profiles reveal that inequality of household disposable income does not have the same origins. In some countries, wage dispersion among those working is an important factor (e.g. the United States) while in others, the non-employment rate and/or inequality in capital income are driving inequality in HDI (e.g. Italy). | sdg10 |
As the replacement of old polluting technology has largely been completed, marginal abatement costs are likely to increase (OECD, 2010). Power production, where emissions were reduced less than in other sectors, became the major source of SOx emissions. Emissions were reduced by 55% from power stations and 28% from industrial combustion through denitrification processes and a decline in solid fuel consumption. However, this achievement was partly offset by an increase of around 40% in road transport emissions as petroleum consumption rose despite fleet renewal. | sdg6 |
Or should domestic consumption be assigned a greater role (as currently envisaged in China and as practiced to a considerable extent in India)? Should domestic savings and investments have increased roles, as opposed to foreign savings (see also section below on macroeconomic policies and FDI)? To answer these questions, each country must ask if the benefits of economies of scale linked to specialization, technology transfer through imports and FDI, and access to world savings outweigh the risk of contagion, import instability, de-industrializa-tion and a return to colonial patterns of growth (if at more favorable terms of trade). The answers will obviously depend on a number of factors: the size of the country, the establishment of future global safety nets to offset global contagion, the need to find external outlets for domestic production surplus, and the impact of international trade (compared to production for domestic consumption) on carbon emissions and on the environmental footprint in general. | sdg1 |
Borko et Putnam 1995) Concerning the impact of teacher education on student outcomes, it is possible to subdivide this issue into three sub-questions. What is the impact of teacher education on student outcomes? This empirical study is based on data from 50 State-surveys of policies, taken from the 1990-1993 Schools and Staffing survey and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). It shows evidence that the policies used in the different American States to promote teacher quality (especially those regarding teacher education requirement and certification, as well as continuing training) can be positively related to better student achievements. | sdg4 |
However, there is increasing recognition that many important features of the development, functioning and impact of education systems can only be assessed through an understanding of learning outcomes and their relationships to inputs and processes at the level of individuals and institutions. These can be either children or young adults undergoing initial schooling and training or adults pursuing lifelong learning programmes. Outcome indicators examine the direct effect of the output of education systems, such as the employment and earning benefits of pursuing higher education. Impact indicators analyse the long-term indirect effect of the outcomes, such as knowledge and skills acquired, contributions to economic growth and societal well-being, and social cohesion and equity. Such policy levers relate to the resources invested in education, including financial, human (such as teachers and other school staff), or physical resources (such as buildings and infrastructure). | sdg4 |
Finally, New Zealand witnessed rising MPS, but from a very low level and almost entirely due to falling poultry world prices in combination with an appreciation of the currency relative to the US dollar. Per cent changes of nominal values expressed in national currency. The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. | sdg2 |
The Department is responsible for all State Reserves and all other PAs of international or national importance, as well as the Red Data Book of Turkmenistan. It fulfils a function in terms of Government control related to natural resources management and PAs. The relevant unit consists of seven persons at the Ministry in Ashgabat and around 70 staff in MoNP provincial representations. | sdg15 |
These circumstances lead to limited training and preparation on pedagogical evaluation and human resource management for the role of the school principal in school self-evaluation, school improvement, teacher appraisal and teacher career development. This is a rather technical area requiring very specific expertise in domains such as educational measurement, test development, validation of test items or scaling methods, which happens to be scarce in the Czech Republic mostly as the result of the limited availability of higher education offerings in these areas in the country. This is a rather problematic challenge as a current priority is the development of standardised testing in grades 5 and 9. | sdg4 |
By the end of 2017, the share of active mobile telephone subscriptions in Rwanda was 75.5% while internet users were only around 30% of the population, according to Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority. Nonetheless, atfordable internet is important. More than 90% of surveyed firms considered their internet connection to be very costly. | sdg9 |
Centre leaders were defined as persons with most responsibility for the administrative, managerial and pedagogical leadership in their ECEC centre. In smaller centres, the centre leaders might also have spent part of their time working with children. These reports offer an international perspective of ECEC systems, discuss different policy approaches, and provide policy orientations that can help promote equitable and affordable access to high-quality early childhood education and care. | sdg4 |
Outside of Malacca, MIGHT has also engaged with other federal agencies in formulating smart city frameworks for different cities. In doing so, it integrates components that are designed specifically for each city, which facilitates the development of sustainable, competitive and green city models for cities across Malaysia. Government service delivery” and "information communications” are two key focuses of the blueprint. | sdg11 |
The Martens Clause was a last-minute compromise that saved the 1899 Hague Convention with Respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land. In its original formulation, the clause shielded individuals under “the protection and empire” of international law, principles of humanity, and the dictates of the public conscience. F. F. Martens, its author, was Russia’s greatest international law scholar and occasional diplomat. He saw no application for his work in the nineteenth-century internal affairs of his sovereign, notwithstanding the transnational terrorism that plagued (and ultimately destroyed) the Russian Empire. As the relationship between individual rights and state sovereignty dramatically changed in the twentieth century, the reach and importance of the Martens Clause grew. Its value continues to this day. Its history helps refute the claim that international humanitarian law is ill-suited for twenty-first century transnational terrorism. But the Clause is not, and never was, a panacea. | sdg16 |
With regard to China, Cevik and Correa-Caro (2015) show the contrasting effects between taxes and government expenditures on inequality. Government spending shows some worsening impact, whereas government taxes improve inequality. The ability of fiscal policies to counter other drivers of poverty and inequality also matters. | sdg10 |
There are also goods placed under the highly sensitive lists that are subject to a different reduction schedule. An exclusion list is also provided although these are subject to an annual review with a view towards improving market access. India, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Viet Nam, Brunei and Indonesia have implemented this agreement on 1 October 2010. | sdg2 |
And yet tax settings on company-car use can influence distances travelled, favour certain modes of (more polluting) transport and influence decisions on both housing location and vehicle choice, as well as contribute to traffic congestion, accidents, noise and other social costs. Most OECD countries do not tie their taxable benefits to the distance driven - which is one of the main factors of the discrepancy between actual and neutral tax settings (Roy, 2014). The countries that do so apply fixed per kilometre rates that fail to capture the benefit of additional fuel consumed by less-efficient vehicles. | sdg7 |
The aim of the agreements is to prevent and reduce absence due to illness, to help bring employees back to work, to improve the working environment, and to prevent exit from working life. About 60% of employees work in firms with an inclusive workplace agreement (OECD, 2013b). The employment gap between those with a severe mental disorder and those without mental health issues is 25-30 percentage points and jobless rates for people with severe disorders are, in many countries, four or five times higher than for those with no mental health issues (OECD, 2012b). | sdg8 |
Subsets and Splits