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In practice these TRQs have not been established because the MFN applied tariff rates for these products have been lower than the bound in-quota rates since the date of implementation. It is paid at all stages along the distribution chain - by manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retailers of taxable goods and services - with the final cost being passed on to end-users. Although it was levied on most imported and domestically produced goods and services, many products and services were exempt. | sdg2 |
The ecosystems services course provides students with basic environmental science foundations, as well as delving into aspects of monitoring and accounting for this natural wealth, thus helping to prepare them to participate in the green economy which is beginning to take shape in the country. However, there are parallel opportunities in other countries related to the biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by reefs and other natural areas. In urbanised areas, entry points for ESD into TVET may be quite different. | sdg13 |
Sweden also provides support to international non-governmental organizations such as the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN). In addition, Swedish experts on chemicals regulation are developing relationships with counterpart agencies in partner countries. Sweden is engaged in on-going collaborative efforts with Vietnam and Tanzania on chemicals legislation and institution building. | sdg12 |
In estimation (I) in table 4, we include those variables with only a complete set of observations in order to maximize the sample size and hence the robustness of our results. This estimation captures the relation between infant mortality and its determinants for children born between January 1971 and September 2007. In estimation (II) in table 4, we use the same set of variables, but include only the children that were born during the 10-year period prior to the survey, thereby reducing the sample size by about one half (from 41,153 to 19,146). | sdg3 |
On the other hand, the incubators operated by AFEM, the EBWA and the JFBPW are incubating as many women’s enterprises as 12 of the 18 mainstream business incubators combined. This suggests that when women’s enterprises are specifically targeted for incubation and the entrepreneurs are provided with preincubation preparation, women’s business incubators can be instrumental in producing a pipeline of viable, job-creating enterprises with potential for growth. Donors and international organisations have been vital in promoting the provision of BDS and incubation services to women entrepreneurs in the developing MENA economies. Donor-supported MSME projects often set targets for the inclusion of women among beneficiaries, such as the CIDA-funded EEDP project through El Mobadara. In addition, special BDS projects targeting women are largely donor-funded, such as the Business Development Center in the BWF-Palestine (Cherie Blair Foundation for Women), and the EntreElles in Regions Project in Morocco (GIZ). | sdg5 |
Policies to promote a “girl-friendly” school environment, such as hiring more female teachers has also proven to have a positive impact on girls’ attendance. The evaluation of a randomised programme in India found that hiring additional female teachers increased girls’ attendance by 50% (Glewwe and Kremer, 2006). This is true especially in rural areas and for married girls. | sdg5 |
It is a common defence tactic in rape trials to redefine the rape as sex and try to capitalize on the mistaken belief that rape is an act of passion that is primarily sexually motivated. It is important to draw the legal and common sense distinction between rape and sex. There is no situation in which an individual cannot control his sexual urges. Sexual excitement does not justify forced sex and a victim who engages in kissing, hugging or other sexual touching maintains the right to refuse sexual intercourse. | sdg5 |
The services sector, especially in the least developed countries, also faces the challenges created by the informal nature of many service activities, which could perpetuate poverty and increase the vulnerability of the poor. The country passed the thresholds for gross national income per capita and the human assets index at the 2018 review. If that country sustains its development gains and meets the criteria again in 2021, it will qualify for removal from the list in 2024. In the context of structural transformation, the Lao People's Democratic Republic may have to face more intense competition from other labour-surplus countries in low-end, assembly-type production than that confronted by the early industrializers, especially in a more globalized economy. | sdg1 |
To reduce migration to the city and to favour local income generation, the Government also introduced the One Tambon-One Product programme in 2001, which provides people with advice and technical assistance for the sale of their home-made products. Finally, in 2005, the Government implemented the Special Purpose Vehicle programme which focuses on the creation of a State enterprise for supporting agricultural activities through the provision of inputs. See Prabhu (2009) for details about the many schemes at the state level. Optimal capital income taxation with incomplete markets, borrowing constraints, and constant discounting. Journal of Political Economy, 103(6): 1158-1175. Social Protection Index for Committed Poverty Reduction. | sdg10 |
In Wilkinson v. Kitzinger, the petitioner (Susan Wilkinson) sought a declaration of her marital status, following her marriage to Celia Kitzinger in British Columbia, Canada in August 2003. The High Court refused the application, finding that their valid Canadian marriage is, in United Kingdom law, a civil partnership. In this note, I focus on Sir Mark Potter’s adjudication of the human rights issues under Articles 8, 12 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights (E.C.H.R.), highlighting his restatement of the ideology of the ‹traditional’ family as natural, normative and desirable. I argue that this case shows that the exclusion of same sex couples from marriage is a feminist issue, because denying same sex couples access to marriage works to sediment patriarchal ideas and re-inscribe gender roles within the family. | sdg16 |
Her educational attainment would be under 3 years compared to her husband’s average educational attainment of just under 4. As the benchmark for functional literacy is set in a range between 3 to 5 years of education (UNESCO has adopted the 5-year benchmark in its surveys on this issue), this means the average woman at this time would have limited literacy (Gray, 1969). Fifty years later the equivalent woman would have more than double the educational attainment of her 1950s sister, having spent on average almost 6.5 years in school. | sdg5 |
The leopard (Panthera pardus) used to be widespread until the 1950s but is now restricted in distribution and less numerous, with only 30-40 individuals reported in 1994. The Turkmen population of the Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus) was estimated at 6,000 in 1996 but at little more than 600 in 2001. Other important ungulate populations have reportedly also declined over the last 20 years, such as those of the urial (Ovis urial spp.), | sdg15 |
Therefore, risk should be seen as a normal and inseparable part of economic activities and development, as something built into particular development pathways and practices, constructed through day-to-day decisions by those who have a stake in particular patterns of development. It needs to ensure that development is risk informed to improve the safety of people and critical facilities, to protect the natural and built environment, and to build resilient livelihoods and economic activity. Prospective measures to prevent or reduce risk creation can be combined with corrective DRM efforts that reduce the level of existing risk (e.g. through retrofitting of critical infrastructure such as schools or hospitals). Compensatory risk management activities also have a role in strengthening the social and economic resilience of individuals and societies in the face of residual risk (the remaining risk that cannot be effectively eliminated), for example through preparedness, response and recovery activities, contingent credit, insurance and safety net programmes that are designed to help affected populations mitigate disasters or recover from their impacts. | sdg11 |
Industry and urban residents are the largest consumers and have been benefiting for a long time. National energy efficiency efforts should be directed primarily to those who consume the most electricity and whose potential for savings are the greatest. In an attempt to maximise and accelerate the reduction of the housing backlog, energy efficiency has largely been overlooked in the design and construction process. Principles are now established to correct these errors and ensure that all houses, including the very small ones, comply with the best-practice energy efficiency standards. | sdg7 |
That said, they are a highly diverse group. In responding to the opportunities and concerns presented by the Paris outcomes, each country will need to assess for itself what makes sense, given its unique priorities and capacities. No one-size-fits-all recommendations are possible or appropriate. A number of Commonwealth countries are already manoeuvring to take advantage of the opportunities. | sdg13 |
As shown, the Icelandic population has experienced dramatic improvement in several key health indicators, such as the IMR and life-expectancy. Governmental polices shape and determine the context in which we are born, live and die. During the life-course, people are constantly exposed to both positive and negative factors that influence their life. | sdg3 |
Well-designed intergovernmental transfers can create incentives for improved financial sustainability and creditworthiness of local jurisdictions, eventually helping to decrease demands on central budgets. As with central authorities, the 3Ts (taxes, tariffs and transfers), including inter-governmental transfers, are the ultimate source of finance, since other forms must be repaid or provide compensation. These may include grants, funding programmes and specific agreements that can be included in contracts. | sdg6 |
It is possible, too, that increased deployment of broadband networks and more widespread availability of smartphones will accelerate these trends. This risk that the digital divide will widen between LDCs and other countries, including other developing countries, is consistent with evidence from the ICT Development Index (which includes some of the same metrics) in Chapter 2. Affordability will be a critical factor in overcoming this divide, and detailed attention should be paid to the ICT Price Basket and the Agenda's three affordability targets. There is growing awareness of the gender digital divide, but its roots in structural inequalities, particularly concerned with income and educational attainment, mean that it is most likely to be addressed through measures that address those wider societal problems. | sdg9 |
For the first lime, PISA 2012 also included an assessment of the financial literacy of young people, which was optional for countries. It emphasises the mastery of processes, the understanding of concepts, and the ability to function in various types of situations. In a range of countries and economies, an additional 40 minutes were devoted to the computer-based assessment of mathematics, reading and problem solving. The items were organised in groups based on a passage setting out a real-life situation. A total of about 390 minutes of test items were covered, with different students taking different combinations of test items. | sdg4 |
The policy concerns risks from natural disasters and from human-caused accidents. Colombia does not have a system for classifying chemical facilities based on the hazardous properties of the chemicals produced, processed or handled. For companies subject to licensing requirements, chemical accident prevention measures are included in licence conditions. | sdg12 |
This is the case in Israel, where every ministry or government agency involved in establishing water-related policies or tariffs acts within the constraints of the Water Law passed by the Knesset in 1959. This 50-year old comprehensive Law includes items such as the explicit identification of the mandate of the Israeli Water Authority (the national agency that sets policies, manages, monitors and plans the national water supplies), the identification of the organisations that are authorised to work in the water sector and their respective responsibilities, the identification of necessary restrictions in water and wastewater management, as well as regulation of the methods by which water tariffs are set in each sector (domestic, agriculture, and industry). This is the case of Belgium, Canada, Chile, France, Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States. | sdg6 |
The Contracting Parties, recognizing that patents and other intellectual property rights may have an influence on the implementation of this Convention, shall cooperate in this regard subject to national legislation and international law in order to ensure that such rights are supportive of and do not run counter to its objectives. Each Contracting Party shall take legislative, administrative or policy measures, as appropriate, to provide for the effective participation in biotechnological research activities by those Contracting Parties, especially developing countries, which provide the genetic resources for such research, and where feasible in such Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party shall take all practicable measures to promote and advance priority access on a fair and equitable basis by Contracting Parties, especially developing countries, to the results and benefits arising from biotechnologies based upon genetic resources provided by those Contracting Parties. Such access shall be on mutually agreed terms. | sdg2 |
The situation will be revisited as the evidence evolves, in line with the concept of “permanent adjustment” described above. The BMLFUW is to co-ordinate this process, and the first implementation report is due in 2014. The report is intended to provide a detailed analysis of the status of NAS implementation, based on an interview survey of relevant officials and predetermined monitoring criteria. Further reporting is to be carried out every two years (BMLFUW, 2012a, EC, 2012). | sdg13 |
Some of these regional collaborations are far more developed than others. Flowever, states themselves must take the lead in planning, funding and implementing the range of policy changes and initiatives outlined in this chapter. In 2003 free compulsory primary education was introduced and in 2008 all school fees were abolished. | sdg4 |
Women’s involvement in leadership roles within the legislature is also uneven, especially when it comes to chairing committees. It is worth evaluating how present norms and procedures of representative bodies -both at the national and sub-national level- could be improved so as to foster a gender-sensitive work environment conducive to the needs of both men and women. Women fill only two of the 18 ministerial positions in the Presidential Cabinet. | sdg5 |
At the other extreme, several countries have made progress of less than 30%, i.e., under half of what was expected at this stage. This low rate partly reflects the “subsidy” that assumes Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico, representing about 60% of the region’s population, have already met the target (see figures 1.10 and 1.11). Whereas per capita GDP in some cases would need to grow by over 4% per year, the rates needed in other countries are below 2%, while those that have already met the target have a margin enabling them to remain in the same category despite possible reductions in per capita income. | sdg1 |
Offices of command must be accessible to all. Rawls's second principle relates to Aristotelian distributive justice, which refers to the sharing among people with regard to proportionality considerations. The Human Rights Committee affirmed in its general comment No. In other words, development processes are to be designed to serve impartially and to be favourable to all the beneficiaries of development, and in particular to those who are vulnerable to the adverse effects of development projects or programmes. The Econom ic Journal, vol. The requirement of the distribution of wealth originating from development also has concrete consequences for the enjoyment of other protected human rights. | sdg1 |
Similarly, the Scottish Online Appraisal Resource (SOAR) is an online platform to support doctors working and training in Scotland in the appraisal and revalidation process. The Flying Start programme has been created to support newly qualified nurses, midwives and allied health professionals during their first year of practice in Scotland. This articulates a core vision for the workforce, developed in conjunction with NHS staff members, that emphasises improved ways of working, collaboration, and embracing technology. Supporting materials, including an Implementation Plan and a Communication Toolkit, have also been developed. | sdg3 |
While most of Denmark's forests were replaced by fields and pastures centuries ago, and land erosion is a significant problem in many coastal areas, much of the country is covered by rich and productive soils. Iceland, by contrast, has very little forest cover, and large parts of the country are sparsely vegetated. Nevertheless, research has shown that 28%-3i% (30-36 thousand square kilometres) of the country was covered by natural woodlands when the country was settled in the late 9th century A.D., but most of it disappeared within the first two centuries of human habitation (Government of Iceland / UNFCCC, 2014). Similarly, as much as 40% of the land is believed to have been degraded by wind erosion and soil and vegetation loss after settlement (Davi'6sdottir et al., | sdg15 |
With legal documents the threshold for data privacy is one of the highest possible. It would therefore not only be not advisable, yet simply not allowed, to upload legal documents onto the blockchain. This does not only hold for the documents, but any metadata that would allow drawing conclusions about the contract at hand. | sdg9 |
It then explores ways in which location, ethnidty, gender or age may have shaped disparities in well-being outcomes. While recent growth performance has been assodated with an increase in household consumption and a remarkable decline in consumption poverty, there are important questions about overall income inequality, distribution of income growth and the employment content of growth. The OECD defines inclusive growth in broad terms encompassing not only fair distribution of income growth, but also shared progress in other non-income dimensions of well-being. | sdg10 |
Second, it examines variations in the supply chain for different species present in the focus countries - and their corresponding impact on corruption risk. This variation owes to the fact that countries in the same region occupy - at times substantially - different positions in the broader IWT supply chain. Of course, some corruption risks are common to multiple countries, including at the source and transit stages. However, semi-structured interviews revealed a number of differences across the focus countries in the precise profile of corruption risks cited. However, a closer look at each country reveals key differences in the extent of their roles in sourcing and transit processes, as follows. | sdg15 |
Nevertheless, at 6% of GDP the OECD average public spending on health is twice as high as across Asia. Also, the share of public spending in total health spending is much lower in Asia compared to OECD countries: 48.1% vis-a-vis 72.7% respectively (OECD, 2014a). Public financial resources for health differ markedly across countries: they are highest in Japan and New Zealand at close to 8% of GDP and around 1% of GDP in Bangladesh, Lao PDR and Pakistan. | sdg1 |
India's coal-fired power plants are among the least efficient in the world and the construction of new thermal power stations would be a cost-effective way of improving efficiency. There have been some positive achievements in energy efficiency in the past few years, such as the enactment of the Energy Conservation Act in 2001 and the creation of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in 2002. In addition to the creation of the BEE in 2002, the National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency (2010-2015) introduced several government instruments to facilitate EE development. | sdg7 |
This information is best presented in map form. The main sources are hydrographical and hydrological monitoring and information systems that are usually managed by national geographical, hydrological institutions and water authorities. The data are usually produced for individual river basins or catchments, for use at national and subnational levels. | sdg6 |
Germany's government, for example, developed policies that promote grid integration and market access for solar energy. In addition to the technical capacity to enable trade across the network, policies need to provides incentives for homeowners to invest in the infrastructure - by giving them the opportunity, for example, to offset their initial investment by selling the excess electricity they produce. In addition to grid integration policies and technologies, governments must offer financial and tax incentives to develop the solar energy infrastructure and help counter the initial cost of these systems. | sdg7 |
ABSTRACTThis interpretive policy analysis of Australia’s response to human trafficking aimed to uncover the ways that human trafficking is currently represented as a problem within policy and to critically examine the actions proposed and services provided to address human trafficking. Through Bacchi’s method of interpretive policy analysis, values, beliefs, assumptions, and proposed actions that underwrite policy were examined. An analysis of the ways in which “problems” are defined and represented revealed that the problem of human trafficking is represented as a criminal-justice issue rather than a health or human-rights issue. In addition, five silences were identified as things left unproblematized and not discussed as part of Australia’s response to trafficking. There are serious limitations to a criminal-justice approach. A public-health approach would have a stronger focus on supporting all victims of human trafficking over the long term, rather than only those who are prepared to engage with the ... | sdg16 |
In the late 1990s, for example, an assessment of publicly financed ESPs in 152 countries found that delivery care and emergency obstetric care were often missing. Once the ACA is fully implemented, health insurance will be mandatory for all citizens and insurance plans will be required to include basic health services. It is expected, for example, that 47 million women will gain access to free preventative health care. | sdg5 |
In addition, less than 40 per cent of such plans, and in some cases less than 20 percent, address different sorts of constraints such as in the areas of skills, environmental impacts or sources of finance. However, if these plans do capture the level of governments’ commitment to infrastructure planning and development, then considerably more work is needed, for both more robust national infrastructure and development strategies, to ensure infrastructure development does play the fundamental role it can have in transforming developing economies. In part, that is because the mixture of creative and destructive forces accompanying such a transformation do not automatically translate into a virtuous growth circle while the rents that are inevitably created in the process can be captured by a privileged group in ways that clog the economic arteries and increase the dangers of a political stroke. | sdg9 |
In these countries, then, are not only are there more poor individuals, but the poor are deprived in more dimensions. In all the countries, a higher percentage of the population was poor in rural than in urban areas. The highest rural poverty levels were in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras and the Plurinational State of Bolivia. | sdg1 |
Considering the urgency of implementing EE technologies, as well as the projected weight of energy efficiency for a sustainable energy future, the next case study questions whether any of these findings are applied in current international mechanisms. The study focuses on the only UNFCCC recognised linked between the private sector and clean technology in emerging economies: the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). The Kyoto Protocol in 1998 confirmed the financial obligations of developed countries in that regard. | sdg7 |
Sweden will need to expand the coverage of MPAs to meet the Aichi target of protecting at least 10% of coastal and marine areas by 2020. It should also ensure that all MPAs have management plans and the means to implement them. It provides a good model for similar initiatives, based on the effective participation of local communities in decision making. | sdg14 |
The promotion of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) as a means to address driver compliance with speed limits could help to deliver a quick and substantial improvement. This could take the form of adoption of an injury reduction target. A set of safety performance indicators should be developed, including on speed compliance and drink-driving and a programme of monitoring and reporting on these indicators should be established. | sdg11 |
This paper details the responses made by social scientists as well as criminal justice practitioners during 1932 to a study focusing on the status of criminology by the Bureau of Social Hygiene. These responses ultimately led to the publication of the controversial Crime, Law and Social Science (1933), which gave much-needed direction to the development of criminology. Despite the importance of these responses to the creation of criminological thought, only one (by Edwin H. Sutherland) has previously been published. Examining the responses of all of the individual participants in the project gives a clearer picture of controversies and changes which ultimately occurred as the field of criminology gradually became institutionalized as an academic discipline. | sdg16 |
The variables under analysis are disaggregated by sex in order to permit an analysis of the differences in the ways that women and men react to deindustrialization. The results indicate that deindustrialization has led to a decline in quality employment and an upswing in self-employment, at the same time that the female labour force participation rate has risen and the male participation rate has fallen. This all occurred in parallel with the economic measures introduced in the 1990s and reflects the role that women have assumed in order to safeguard the well-being of their families. | sdg8 |
In Egypt, Jordan and Libya, where the husband can end financial maintenance of the wife on the grounds that he did not authorise her to leave the house or work, the insertion of a clause in the marriage contract enables the wife to continue her education, seek employment or travel abroad without having to ask permission. Discussions with focus groups highlighted that the future bride rarely demands clauses such as the right to work. Women are often not aware of their rights and, even when they are, strong social pressure dissuades future brides from mentioning this issue during prenuptial negotiations. | sdg5 |
The central government had been planning to capitalise on the good wind resource in the north of the country by increasing production of wind energy in these areas. It had selected several sites for locating wind farms. However, as the production of RE does not represent a concrete advantage for the hosting communities, and as there is a general perception that negative externalities are not being compensated for by the RE policy, they have tended to oppose them. | sdg7 |
Ireland is one of six countries where the continuous rise in unemployment rates has not yet ended. This recession actually began in the second quarter of 1979, but unemployment did not peak until mid-1983. [ The historical comparisons for the OECD area reported here refer to the 30 countries for which the necessary data are available since 1970. | sdg10 |
Thus, the population trends in the skylark do not necessarily indicate crop type, but rather other aspects of the agricultural scheme like the use of pesticides. Other factors may apply to varying extent, but the predominant factor remains the application of non-natural substances to the fields. In general, structural differences are small and may not have major effects on the biodiversity. As discussed elsewhere none single bird species indicator will in itself yield a clear and unique indication of the farming type as they are affected by a few or a number of factors of which the effect of non-natural substances like pesticides is just one. Plant species may demonstrate a clearer one-stringed relation with their environment and as such turn out as providing stronger indication of the ecological quality of their environment. | sdg15 |
To this end, a group of nine international financial institutions (IFIs)15 have been working towards a harmonised approach for accounting for GHG impacts of their project portfolios (World Bank, 2012). For example, the Carbon Footprint tool of the Agence Fran^aise de Developpement’s (AFD) can be used to conduct an ex-ante evaluation of the GHG impacts of proposed projects in a variety of sectors, measured in units of C02-eq(AFD, 2010). This enables AFD to track the climate impacts of AFD’s investments at the portfolio-level. It also allows potential climate impacts to be considered when making decisions on project design and ultimately funding for all projects and not just “climate” projects. ( For specific institution level guidelines, see e.g. IFC, 2013, EIB, 2012, GEF, 2011b, EBRD, 2010, OPIC, 2009.) These broader indicators include MW of renewable energy capacity installed, lifetime or annual GWh of energy saved, as well as hectares of deforestation and afforestation (e.g. SE4ALL, 2013, UK, 2013, IDB, 2012, CIF, 2012a, 2012c, 2011, GEF, 201 lb, AfDB, n.d.). | sdg13 |
This chapter presents a shift in the understating of terrorism threats from a criminological paradigm to a sociological one, introducing the public health and public resilience approach within a terrorism and security discourse, particularly focusing on the practices of mobbing, bossing, straining and bullying used as terrorism strategies and tactics. | sdg16 |
The management system and tools used in a multispecies fishery can have large impacts on the cost of rebuilding. Using economic incentives such as those created by individual or group quota systems can reduce rebuilding costs by harnessing the knowledge and skills of fishermen to the task of reducing catch rates of a rebuilding stock. Most fish stocks are still managed as if their productivity is static and unaffected by the dynamic ecosystems of which they are a part. | sdg14 |
How robust is coordinated decentralization in socio-economic governance, especially in wage bargaining, when national economies are torn between internationalization on the one hand and decentralization or increased internal diversity on the other? How should the national state influence the behaviour of trade unions and employers’ organizations? What constitutes an effective public policy towards industrial relations? Are there any general design principles for such policies? These are the questions that we seek to answer in this article, mainly using the Dutch consultation economy as our example. | sdg16 |
Unfortunately, three ASEAN countries - Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar- are not explicitly modelled, but are nevertheless included in a regional aggregate with other countries which precludes calculations of caloric statistics for each of these but allow an estimation of the PoU, number of undernourished and the depth of undernourishment by applying the regional result to the countries. The evolution of the PoU is then projected to 2024 using results from the OECD-FAO AGLINK-COSIMO model (see Tallard, Liapis and Pilgrim, 2016, Annex 2.A1). For the region in total, the number of undernourished individuals is projected to fall by almost 13 million relative to 2015. | sdg2 |
A high population concentration in the low-elevation coastal zone (defined as less than 10 meters elevation) increases a country’s vulnerability to sea-level rise and other coastal hazards such as storm surges. Violation of bathing quality standards poses health risks for the population as well economic risks to the tourism sector. The indicator also provides information on the effectiveness of environmental regulation, especially with regard to wastewater and marine pollution caused by ships. Stocks that are “Overexploited”, “Depleted” and “Recovering” are outside their maximum biological productivity. | sdg15 |
There is a consensus that environmental law is complex and that integration is legitimate. But living in a small, highly developed and densely populated country leads to pressures on the environment and conflicting interests, which will not be solved by integration of legislation alone. In that framework, shifting tasks and responsibilities to other authorities requires specific mechanisms to ensure accountability. To that effect, the Environmental Planning Act aims at efficiency (fewer rules, more opportunities for economic development and “better regulation”), protection supporting the positive development of integrated water management, and integration in line with economic development keeping a balance between long-term environmental goals and short-term economic interests. | sdg6 |
This article argues that contending ideas about autonomy lie behind current discourses of human rights, claims to nation-state and cultural autonomy, and democracy promotion. Globalizing processes are bringing these contested understandings of autonomy, and their often silent framing within assumptions about sovereignty, into a new prominence. Locating itself within agonistic views of autonomy and politics, the article argues that it is necessary to pay closer attention to the perspectives that feminist and postcolonial analyses bring to understanding how autonomy, community, culture, and nation are co-constructed within imaginaries, such as liberal multiculturalism, that are no longer adequate to current demands for justice. To succeed, this renewed attention needs to locate itself within an effort to rethink academic community and the research protocols and collaborative practices this community permits and legitimizes. Este articulo sostiene que las ideas contendientes sobre la autonomia yacen detras d... | sdg16 |
Would they make teaching and learning more effective, more relevant, and more enjoyable? The Catalyst Initiative is an education grant programme initiated and supported by Hewlett Packard’s (HP) Sustainability and Social Innovation team. Many education systems increasingly recognise the importance of developing students’ skills and understanding for tomorrow’s innovation societies. Catalyst projects explore how innovative pedagogic models supported by technology might help develop student skills and understanding within science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Moreover, the HP Catalyst Initiative is an excellent example of how partners from the industry can help to foster innovation in education. This chapter will discuss some innovative examples of successful technology-supported teaching and learning interventions, based on the OECD/CERI work on the HP Catalyst Initiative. | sdg4 |
In rural areas, however, there appear to be three unique factors rather than two. Nutrition and health, both measured at the individual level, load together on the first factor (0.80 and 0.78, respectively). As in urban areas, water and sanitation are loaded together, but now in combination with information. | sdg1 |
Moreover, there is a poor record of civil society participation and partnership in the implementation of plans and strategies that exist to support cultural and heritage preservation. For cities, culture appears as an economic asset, a social good and a productive and dynamic process that undergoes continuous change.*" Many cities around the world contain a historical core with various forms of cultural and natural heritage that have resisted forces of urbanization and modernization. | sdg11 |
This is a step forward in transparency and steering. The new model can be expected to improve basic conditions for teaching and research, such as the ratio of professors to students. However, its impact on research excellence may be less than expected, as research funding is not linked to any indicator of research output. | sdg9 |
Political processes are frequently delayed when the attention of governments shifts towards a more pressing topic or if a government changes. That is, relying on fossil fuel capacity can be extremely profitable under one framework or they can be financially disastrous in another. Thinking in terms of real options, investors would wait until the policy framework is clarified, before committing to a make a final investment decision. But indefinitely delaying decisions carries the risk of tightening supply conditions and deterioration of security of supply. | sdg7 |
The challenge for countries in the South is to ensure equity in access to health and education services and basic quality standards to prevent a dual-track service industry that provides low-quality public services (or none at all) to the poor and higher quality private services to the rich. Poor people have no alternatives to a public system, while wealthier people can pay for private services. Such dynamics entrench inequalities, reduce social integration and undermine sustainable human development. | sdg1 |
Also, a special regulation forbids new commercial salmonid aquaculture sites within designated national salmon fjords. The aim is to stimulate the municipal authorities to draft and update local development plans. In addition, municipal authorities were given powers to levy a property tax on farming facilities in seawater from 2009. | sdg14 |
Inclusion of recycled fibres is perhaps most relevant for rapidly discarded fast fashion and least relevant for textiles whose active lifetime is determined by technical durability e.g. bed-linen, towels, basic underwear etc. Otherwise there is a risk that companies could produce pre-consumer waste on purpose just to be able to declare use of this in recycled content. A solution might be to include a separate ecodesign criterion for maximum waste level in production processes of textile products. There would also be a need for control of hazardous content in recycled content. | sdg12 |
This is particularly the case for ICT enterprises, where the need for technicians could be filled through these schools. Linking to government objectives and recognizing the role of technical and vocational education training (TVET) institutions in developing skills, ITC and the Gambia's National Accreditation and Quality Assurance Authority launched in February 2017 the Skills for Youth Employment (SKYE) Fund with two goals. The second is to provide entrepreneurship support for those that pursue self-employment opportunities. | sdg9 |
Relative poverty rates after taxes and transfers (threshold of 50% of the median income). In addition, buying a house is generally seen as a low risk investment compared to other types of assets (Koutsampelas and Tsakolglou, 2008). Home ownership may also be seen as buffer against social risks, addressing shortcomings in the Greek welfare system (Hoekstra, 2005). | sdg10 |
However, a culture of conservation is deeply rooted in Palau’s society, and the efficient use of the resources available is therefore of high importance. One of the actions taken to enhance the efficient use of resources was to increase collaboration between different projects through the opportunities provided by the creation of an informal partnership, Palau's Conservation Consortium, as detailed in (Case study 3, pg. Resource sharing (both human and financial) can facilitate reduction of project implementation costs while information sharing among members reduces duplication of work and ensures similar projects can be implemented coherently. | sdg15 |
However, information on the extent of the problem, its future projections, and the contribution of fanners to water challenges likely vary significantly from India to China and the United States. Large companies operating in the United States may also be more proactive than in the two other countries due to their capacity to provide flexible responses. Just like companies harvesting lettuce in California are able to change location three times a year to respond to climatic conditions, they may also be able to adapt to changing water supply and climatic conditions. In particular, governments should address exogenous risks by increasing the probability of response by farmers (0). This can be done, for instance, by providing more and better information on the cost of inaction and supporting effective response, but it may also involve regulatory instruments that will ensure that fanners take actions. | sdg6 |
However, public opinion, social forces and political pressures have ensured that policy attention and resources disproportionately favour the latter. Once the relevant subsets of full costs receive appropriate attention from the public, the media and policy makers, the different manners to proceed towards internalisation can be better understood. Price- and market-based measures such as taxes, prices, subsidies, the allocation of property rights and market creation. Norms, standards and regulations, which are the default measure of policy making. When the lives of millions of people are at stake, governments have an obligation to put into place incentive structures that reduce transaction costs and enable new allocations that allow for large welfare improvements so as to address key issues such as air pollution. | sdg7 |
Every immigrant group grapples with issues of separation, belonging, and identity. The diaspora can be for some a place of refuge, for others a hostile environment, and yet for others a welcome albeit temporary abode. Responses and coping strategies may be determined by the political culture and immigration policies of the host country, political and economic conditions in the homeland, and the social class and cultural values of the immigrant. The literature on immigration tends to distinguish among the French, German, and American models of immigration, integration, and citizenship.1 Democratic polities have different democratic arrangements, and the U.S. model is said to recognize ethnic, religious, cultural, and sexual communities as playing roles in political life—even though the downside of the model has been the existence of ghettoes, inner-city slums, de facto discrimination, and public debates about integration and bilingual education.2 | sdg16 |
Between 2000 and 2010, the total support of the RES Act amounted to EUR 61.7 billion, far exceeding prior government expectations and increasing sharply over the past few' years. In 2010, feed-in tariffs amounted to around EUR 13.2 billion (0.5% of GDP). This is notably due to the strong development of photovoltaics, boosted by generous feed-in tariffs and a sharp decline in costs. | sdg7 |
The comparison of GDP per capita elasticities across a allows for assessing the distributional effects of GDP per capita growth. Severe under-representation of top-income household in surveys could account in part the low elasticity even at the level of average household, if this group has benefited from a growing share of total income, as has been documented in several countries (Atkinson et al., In fact, it is now consensually established that household surveys tend to be representative of the 99% of the income distribution but fail to capture the top 1%. In addition, such underreporting pattern has been growing over time (Burkhauser et al., It is assumed that GDP per capita drives long-run levels of household incomes across the distribution. | sdg10 |
By comparing the relative importance in 2030 GHG emissions of these countries, the abatement share of this solution is higher for Poland (2.5%) and lower for Ukraine (0.6%). As there are no cost figures for the target countries of this study, this has been estimated as the closest proxy value for that. In addition, PPP adjustment was made by using IMF's data. | sdg7 |
In 1980, just before the debt crisis and in contrast with the experience of the rest of Latin America, almost all Costa Ricans had formal jobs and high-quality social services. To explain this double social and market incorporation, the present article calls into question the role of land distribution, high-quality public institutions and democracy. Instead of these, it focuses on the State-building process whereby a small emerging elite of business owners and urban professionals, drawing on and adapting international ideas, used public policy to deal with social conflict and expand their own economic opportunities. Looking beyond Costa Rica, this analysis is particularly germane at a time of growing emphasis on the political economy of public policy and the still inadequate attention paid to the elites involved in designing it. | sdg16 |
The SINP hosts a website devoted to Natura 2000 w'ith an interactive map and an explanation of the consultation process concerning the establishment of the national Natura 2000 ecological network (http ://www'.natura2000.hr/Home .aspx). Some species are currently monitored: large carnivores and some bird species. A regionally dispersed team is needed to be able to monitor all Natura 2000 species and habitats at national level. | sdg15 |
The aim of the article is to analyze the processes of anti-democratization as a violation of the idea of the rule of law in the context of changes and directions of criminal policy and criminal justice system, on the example of Polish legislation. Activity of the legislator in the field of criminal law was confronted with the liberal-democratic philosophy of criminal law, which searches for the justification for punitive repression in a social consensus, fair procedures for reaching an agreement, and democratic mechanisms, while maintaining the ideals of social and axiological pluralism. These are the limits of the recognition of criminal law as just. Anti-democratization means that limits are exceeded, which constitutes a precedent and a challenge for the contemporary philosophy of criminal law. | sdg16 |
The results with respect to skill intensity suggest that firms with relatively high levels of average skill intensity tend to smooth employment more than other firms. This is likely to reflect the possibility that more skilled workers possess higher levels of firm-specific human capital. The role of export status was also considered but did not yield any conclusive results. | sdg8 |
To incentivise the construction of green buildings, building owners are provided Real Property tax (RPT) rebates, instalment payment of permit fees, Green Building Tax Credits and higher Floor Area Ration (FAR), all of which are dependent on the BERDE Certification of the buildings. In addition, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation adjudged Mandaue City in 2015 as a low carbon model town for its programmes promoting low-caibon technologies that were well aligned to reduce growing energy consumption as well as caibon emissions. Additionally, post occupancy evaluation of building is important as well since the feedback helps to design better infrastructure and behaviour solutions responsive to stakeholders’ needs and environmental sustainability. | sdg11 |
In Iceland, Ireland, Israel and Spain, young men are more likely than young women to be NEET, although the gap is small. Factors affecting NEET rates include high participation of youth in the informal sector, negative experiences at school as well as social and behavioural problems. In OECD countries, girls entering the labour market have comparable and often higher education levels than boys. | sdg5 |
It has more recently expanded to trade finance. Financial documents present within the blockchain are reviewed in real time and the contract execution is decentralized, decreasing the time it takes to initiate shipment and monitor the delivery of goods. The first blockchain technology introduced into trade finance, between Irish cooperative Ornua and Seychelles Trading Company, reduced the usual transaction time of seven to 10 days to less than four hours. | sdg9 |
This paper analyzes recent policy initiatives designed to stimulate innovative entrepreneurship in Hong Kong. I construct a conceptual framework informed by the theory of market failure and posit five key obstacles to innovative entrepreneurship in order to examine Hong Kong's efforts through public policy to strengthen innovative entrepreneurship and to offer broad policy prescriptions. Aligning the initiatives undertaken in Hong Kong with the barriers that inform the conceptual framework contributes to scholarship in the area of innovative entrepreneurship, lays the foundation for future research to match policy measures with outcomes in Hong Kong, and aids cross-cultural research to determine whether aspects of the framing are specific or generalizeable. Copyright © 2011 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | sdg16 |
Since then, this field has become an area of research excellence in Costa Rica. The creation of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) in 1940, the country's first public university, created new momentum for S&T-related capacity building promoted by the government through both increased public investment and institution building. Following the 1948 Civil War and the abolition of the army in 1949, the government increased budgetary resources for science, technology and innovation (STI) infrastructure, education, and the formation of human capital. These agencies were often funded through extra-budgetary sources such as trust funds or excise taxes. | sdg9 |
There has been some reported success in reducing global poverty levels. The number of people living on less than $ 1.25 a day in developing countries is said to have declined from 1.94 billion to 1.20 billion between 1981 and 2010 (figure 1.1). In addition, the proportion of people living in extreme poverty dropped from 52 to 21 per cent over the period 1981-2010. | sdg1 |
Part 1 Sources and influences: the Roman republic the Principate the Dominate the Dark Ages the rebirth of civil law humanism and the age of reason codification an historical overview of modern civil law. Part 2 Private law: the law of persons and the family family property and succession the law of property the law of obligations the law of actions. Part 3 Public law: the concept and functions of the state the law of civil procedure criminal justice administrative justice the legal profession. Conclusion - the future of civil law. | sdg16 |
Policy efforts to boost production are unlikely to succeed without adequate attention to improvements in these areas. This can bring substantial long-term gains to agricultural producers through the establishment of more favourable price formation conditions and, ultimately, higher agricultural incomes. The benefits would also accrue to other agents of the supply chain, including food consumers for whom more competitive food chains would provide higher quality products. Improvements in hard and soft infrastructure beyond the farm gate largely depend on the provision of adequate general services and properly functioning market institutions, areas where public support could be most appropriately directed. | sdg2 |
Furthermore, despite being threatened by climate change, agriculture also contributes to it. Without seeking to be exhaustive, it considers four broad sub-dimensions which are critical to an agricultural sector that facilitate economic growth and well-being across the population. Agricultural policy: Do agricultural policies and instruments provide incentives for farmers to meet market demand for agricultural products efficiently? | sdg2 |
As with the earlier industrialisation process, other circumstances w ere also supportive of growth in the mobile telephone business. The fragmented historical structure of Finnish telecommunications meant there was local strength in network interconnection issues, which are fundamental to mobile systems which initially functioned as access networks to the existing wired infrastructure. The state was part of the Nordic consortium that developed the second-generation Nordic Mobile Telephone standard, upon whose system architecture the third-generation GSM system was built. Nokia was therefore well placed to ride the wave of expansion as the technological shift to the third generation transformed the mobile phone into a mass-market product. | sdg9 |
Collision between vehicles driving straight in the opposite direction, 10. Collision between a vehicle driving straight and a vehicle making a U-turn, 11. Collision between a vehicle driving straight and a vehicle entering from non-public road ways (car park, pedestrian way), 12. Collision between vehicles during parking, 13. Collision between vehicles with other reasons, 14. | sdg11 |
But regions remain restricted by the loss of the “general competence clause” and the principle that no government can exert oversight over other governments where it lacks clear jurisdiction. Both France and Austria have established regular conferences that provide such structure, but at different scales and for different topics. France’s Territorial Conferences for Public Action focus on dialogue between regions and local authorities and are open to a range of thematic areas whereas the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning assembles representatives from all levels of government and is specifically targeted to address spatial planning issues. They were established (mandated) as part of the MAPTAM law (2014) and are intended to strengthen dialogue between local authorities (including EPCI) and the region and to co-ordinate responsibilities. | sdg11 |
Stronger efforts are needed to improve the productivity and innovation in traditional industry and services to create new businesses and better jobs that will benefit all population groups. This could be achieved through encouraging the colleges to build their R&D and innovation capacity, strengthening human capital development and vocational education, building up entrepreneurial skills among students and enhancing links between higher education institutions and industry. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. The national policy frameworks for innovation largely operate on an aspatial basis and have a high-tech focus. | sdg4 |
This reduction resulted in a decrease in the average annual exposure level of urban residents to outdoor PM from 46 to 36 pg/m3 over 2000-11 (World Bank, 2015).11 Annual average concentrations remain above this level in several metropolitan areas, however, and peak concentrations still regularly exceed national air quality standards in many cities. Rio de Janeiro, among the cities with the greatest traffic congestion problems, registered the highest levels of PM10 exposure in 2010: both the highest annual mean concentration (67 pg/m3) and highest peak concentration (574 pg/m3) among monitored cities. In Sao Paulo, PM10 concentrations decreased over the 2000s, but the city faces high 03: concentration levels exceeded the national eight-hour average quality standard 257 times in 2010, or more than 70% of the year (IBGE, 2013). Estimates suggest that in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro alone, 135 000 people died from diseases caused by air pollution over 2006-11 (ISS, 2014). | sdg15 |
Trust between the lay public and scientific experts is a key element to ensuring the efficient implementation of emergency public health measures. In modern risk societies, the management and elimination of risk have become preeminent drivers of public policy. In this context, the protection of public trust is a complex task. Those actors involved in public health decision-making and implementation (e.g., mass vaccination for influenza A virus) are confronted with growing pressures and responsibility to act. However, they also need to accept the limits of their own expertise and recognize the ability of lay publics to understand and be responsible for public health. Such a shared responsibility for risk management, if grounded in participative public debates, can arguably strengthen public trust in public health authorities and interventions. | sdg16 |
Successful environmental policy making relies on robust environmental information systems. The provision of such systems can be expensive, and the relevant costs need to be taken into account in the consideration of policies in different areas. In complex areas of policy making, where the stakes are high, it is to be expected that much of the evidence itself will be contested by stakeholders for whom it is inconvenient, and considerable efforts will be made to generate “evidence” which is more convenient for the interests concerned. | sdg6 |
The United States Supreme Court has recently ruled in the Janus Case that the agency shop (mandatory dues check-off) imposed by Illinois law on state employees violates the freedom of expression and association guaranteed by the US Constitution. This decision underscores the profoundly different status enjoyed by the Rand Formula in Canada, where it is considered an essential element of the nation-wide Wagner-type collective bargaining system. Not only is it permitted everywhere, legislation has made it mandatory, in one way or another, in a majority of Canadian jurisdictions, including Quebec. Furthermore, almost 30 years ago, the Supreme Court of Canada recognized that mandatory dues check-off did not interfere with the freedom of association or expression protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. | sdg16 |
There is a different distribution across specialisations, one with the highest level of satisfaction among employers (for both technical and basic skills) recorded in the medical sector (Table 5.1). In no specialty in Egypt were graduates’ basic skills assessed as “strong” by employers according to the survey presented in the background report (SPU-MoHE, 2012). Adapted from Strategic Planning Unit-Ministry of Higher Education of Egypt (SPU-MoHE) (2012), Post-secondary Vocational Education and Training in Egypt. Two factors emerging from international evidence argue for systematic screening of literacy and numeracy difficulties among VET students: many people are unaware of their problems, and some of those who are aware of them may be reluctant to admit them. | sdg4 |
This article first provides a background note on international human rights law in general and health as a human right in particular, as well as on the interpretation of human rights conventions. Access to medication is closely connected to the notion of economic, social and cultural rights. Some authors argue that this category of human rights is of doubtful legal relevance at best, an objection that will be treated under the heading of “justiciability”. Finally the article discusses the right to access to medication in detail, proceeding in the order of the sources recognized by international law as stated in Article 38 of the Statute of the ICJ, international conventions, customary international law and general principles of law. The scope of the obligations imposed by each of the legal sources is dealt with separately. Equally relevant is the question whether access to medication is guaranteed under general international law. | sdg16 |
First and foremost, the depleted state of many fisheries means that rebuilding these stocks can lead to higher future harvests. The value to the consumer of fisheries products will also continue to increase as new products and new markets emerge notably through innovation. Processors and other value-chain participants will find new' uses for what is currently wasted. Fishers will continue to reduce their costs, improve their efficiency and productivity and earn a greater return from their efforts. | sdg14 |
The fiscal stance remains viable, with a manageable overall balance deficit equal to 2.9% of GDP (3.7% in 2014). By the end of 2015, official foreign-exchange reserves had remained comfortable at an estimated US dollar (USD) 809 million, or 6.8% of non-extractive imports (5.5 months of imports), against USD 639.1 million in 2014, or 4.7 months of imports. The tertiary sector’s share of GDP continued growing to reach 44.8%, its highest ever. | sdg11 |
This paper analyzes the relationship between the violence against journalists in Mexico and the structural context of the state order that allows this violence and the impunity of crimes. We explain how in the Mexican state system, beyond institutional reforms that aim to improve processes of democratization with mechanisms of accountability, another set of extralegal mechanisms operate, which function as containment of reforms and preserve power relations based on concentration, opacity, hoarding of opportunities and freedoms. In this context, the practice of vigilant journalism, as a social accountability of governmental actions, constitutes a dangerous practice insofar as it threatens the established de facto order, being the object of persecution and violence. | sdg16 |
Subsets and Splits