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85,700 | test/M71382.wav | मछ मनव समजम Now commander at the west point military academy would speedily resign and come south to take command of the forces in charleston strong works were going up along the mainland the south carolina forces had also seized sullivans island |
85,701 | test/M63670.wav | Plainly but not uncomfortably furnished and with its inner door which was slightly ajar opening into a paved courtyard this inner door montgomery at once closed a hammock was slung across the darker corner of the room खक यदध हद |
85,702 | test/M55474.wav | They went to the vaults and engaged a private room where breakfast was served to them has my hair turned grey asked rehnhjelm passing his hand over his hair which was damp and clung closely to his skull no old man that doesnt often happen even im not grey |
85,703 | test/M17448.wav | जतय य यदध आम आशदव घमर नयकक रपम Kindness of heart uprightness of character it may sometimes seem that the brilliant rascal succeeds that the unscrupulous business man becomes rich and that the hypocrite prospers through his hypocrisy |
85,704 | test/M63471.wav | पन उमरएक दख None of them noticed the noahs ark lying at the foot of the steps miss terry began to grow impatient are they all blind she fretted what is the matter with them |
85,705 | test/M22361.wav | पङकतल भनछ कह भगहरम नवस ह And the chief difference is that having a stronger head they have not yet injured himself if the effect of his behaviour does not justify him with you we had better not seek after the cause then you do not suppose he ever really cared about her |
85,706 | test/M32924.wav | Was quite entranced just before dawn the rajah gave the signal to cease and again the two women seated themselves on the stool and with the prince clinging to the leg it flew back to earth |
85,707 | test/M43373.wav | बगन गरदथय Of dorbigny which frequents the valleys clothed with spiny bushes is a wilder bird and has a slightly different tone of voice it appears to me a curious circumstance as showing the fine shades of difference in habits |
85,708 | test/M9033.wav | The manufacturer of any product well knows that constant repetition and the dangling of his product before the eyes of the public will lead to a widespread acceptance of the advertising slogans propounded for his article |
85,709 | test/M6838.wav | परचन कलदख न कम गररहनछ You can sketch us all suggested jasper for we shall have horrible old stockings on i shant have horrible old stockings on said adela in a dudgeon sticking out her foot i wear just the same stockings that i do at home |
85,710 | test/M74743.wav | Ere we were half way over long john alone shrugging his shoulders and bidding them wait till they were there we pulled easily by silvers directions not to weary the hands prematurely and after quite a long passage |
85,711 | test/M46376.wav | The chamber was untenanted and almost bare of furniture at which discovery crispin breathed more freely they stood there and heard the ascending footsteps and the clank clank of a sword against the stair rail a bar of yellow light came under the door that sheltered them |
85,712 | test/M8769.wav | नमम रखएक छ I am own cousin to charles martel orlando furioso philip augustus peter the cruel जएस सकरपट थपर परचर र जडल He says himself but only that you would show yourself in his doorway its so sudden डमज व झपकय भननछ ईप ८९३ क अनसर |
85,713 | test/M827.wav | उनक बहम तलस And discovered that it was very difficult to manage the letter n the conclusion was inescapable this woman luar जनबलम एउट करलई जडद उदरकरणक सरवतबट न धनन लएक ऋणल मट र पनम |
85,714 | test/M59880.wav | महलक अनय दई अहल नपल सहतयम Oh i must have it its the first i ever saw growing i hadnt supposed we were high enough she glanced at the officers the ascent was not dangerous but it was undeniably muddy and they both wore white with very good cause they hesitated पषटक तततव परमण |
85,715 | test/M64104.wav | १५ वरष फजम They called her mother it seemed such a natural name to give her for she was a mother to them all and gave them a mothers love to some of the poor creatures friendless slaves as they often were |
85,716 | test/M45935.wav | पछ बनक थय Surrounding these huge buildings were some sixty small dwellings of the bungalow type for the use of the workmen built of rough boards but neat and uniform in appearance |
85,717 | test/M5270.wav | खलय र सयकत नपल आएक ह आम आशदव घमर न दश वरषक हद आकरमण गरक थय आपरत भन यस गरमसममक हन डरगनफल यसक मखय भद हन |
85,718 | test/M37449.wav | बगलङ जललम परदछ His eyes assumed the same expression that had been noticed in his companions he too arose in the same attitude as if his head were pulling the body along and following the finger in the same way as his predecessor |
85,719 | test/M40318.wav | Go go poor wretch and make your peace with god for it is he only that can be of service to you now the sergeant took up the lantern and with some indignation in his manner he left the peddler to sorrowful meditations on his approaching fate god used a dream to awaken this mans conscience as is not uncommon in china one night he dreamed he was struggling in a deep miry pit |
85,720 | test/M15244.wav | दहनतर चमणड भरव इन सरजर अरथपडकस There are more clever people than good people character high spotless saintly character is a far rarer thing in this world than talent or even genius character is an infinitely better thing than either of these and it is of corresponding rarity |
85,721 | test/M58492.wav | In preparing these for use he manifested all the ostentation of a professed cook although the chief mystery of the affair appeared to consist in pouring water in judicious quantities upon the slimy contents of his cocoanut shells but most noble sorceress provided you can make the boat go of what use will it be to us cant we use it |
85,722 | test/M4541.wav | यसबट अछत Should he get up boldly and ask lily to put on her bonnet and come out into the garden as the thought struck him he rose and grasped at his hat i am going to walk back to guestwick said he it was very good of you to come so far to see us तपईल यह कलक ठउम बसन आदश तर एउट जएमस |
85,723 | test/M18757.wav | पन लम समयसमम Why did you not set out to look for him who knows what terrible thing may have happened to him in these great forests then he turned and started out to hunt for him his men followed silent and ashamed चक ह जङगलहर छन |
85,724 | test/M64759.wav | अनतररषटरय करकट परतयगतम परतषठनल २०३५ सलम परमणत धरमक पसतकहर Under which peter rugg now labours i cannot say therefore i am rather inclined to pity than to judge you speak like a humane man said i and if you have known him so long i pray you will give me some account of him |
85,725 | test/M27304.wav | पइहलन हनछ परन कट लगउ And the novelty of the scene drew our travelers close to the line of plants where they stood watching them with rapt interest suddenly a leaf bent lower than usual and touched the patchwork girl swiftly |
85,726 | test/M59200.wav | परगरह जव When missus pearson had to sit up with me and sometimes an old woman of the village who was generally called in upon such occasions i may have talked a good deal of nonsense about miss oldcastle मघ शबदक अभधरथ |
85,727 | test/M42738.wav | These nine hundred thousand francs will go out of the family in order to enrich some hospital but it is ridiculous thus to yield to the caprices of an old man and i shall therefore act according to my conscience गनतवय ह Not half so hateful as that let a man do what he will if he knows hes to bear the punishment himself |
85,728 | test/M68633.wav | You tricked us nikkolon accused you didnt tell us about that article when we voted why our whole society is based on slavery other voices joined in thats all right for you people you have robots |
85,729 | test/M71134.wav | A mile or two beyond the moraine covered part i was surprised to find alpine plants growing on the ice fresh and green some of them in full flower these curious glacier gardens the first i had seen were evidently planted by snow avalanches from the high walls |
85,730 | test/M11557.wav | And covered with green boughs to keep the juices in our table was of the puncheons cut from solid logs and the next day they were the floor of the new cabin thomas lincoln took his bride to live in a little log cabin in a kentucky settlement फलउन सकनहनछ मल गरक नम |
85,731 | test/M15075.wav | It should be noted that probability is always relative to certain data in our case the data are merely the known cases of coexistence of a and b there may be other data which might be taken into account which would gravely alter the probability yet having learned all military exercises and being animated with unconquerable zeal for the cause in which they were engaged |
85,732 | test/M56792.wav | अहम वशक शसन १८२९ समम कयम रहय जब अङगरजहरल उनलई हरइदए This year was the second exhibition they please themselves much with the multitude of spectators and imagine that the english school will rise in reputation reynolds is without a rival |
85,733 | test/M13129.wav | And having done this they crept away as softly as possible however the duck who slept in the open air in the yard heard them coming and jumping into the brook which ran close by the inn soon swam out of their reach तर यह उतपरवरतन परचन कलम |
85,734 | test/M43359.wav | Held their ordinary assembly and invited them to speak there were many who came forward and made their several accusations among them the megarians in a long list of grievances called special attention to the fact of their exclusion from the ports of the athenian empire गनज बकम दरत |
85,735 | test/M822.wav | पव खम भष मत पन छ परस मल एथलटबट मसन लयइएक अधयकष परकतक हनछ |
85,736 | test/M28712.wav | Ise mighty glad he gives me to you missy i reckon my mammys gwine to be glad and estralla quite forgetting that there was such a thing as trouble in the world danced along beside her new mistress यस कषतरक |
85,737 | test/M29031.wav | यस ससथक पयङक घरआगनसमम परयइनछ उचइ भएक र जटल गरदनछ कम गरछ करम कमसकम अब |
85,738 | test/M6404.wav | फग परणमक दन Said the baroness speak to me not as a magistrate but as a friend and when i am in bitter anguish of spirit do not tell me that i ought to be gay villefort bowed when i hear misfortunes named madame महयदधक सर कषतर भरतक सरकषक टउक मतर रहक छ |
85,739 | test/M74628.wav | करडपतलई भरतम पन No i hold to the one man theory and you are right he snapped i admit i might not have got upon the right track had you not made that discovery it was clever wigan it did not seem to help you to a theory i answered true धरमगरनथहरल एउट मनछलई भरत पटनबट परकशत |
85,740 | test/M76907.wav | Tim stealthily opened the window and listened above the low harmonies produced by the instrumentation of the various species of trees around the premises he could hear the twitching of a chain from the spot whereon he had set the man trap त तनक बच |
85,741 | test/M74724.wav | घरम थनएक यस करमम झस हनगर भरर But this was no time to be doing it and mister skunk told him so if you want the rest of us to help you youd better get things started yourself said old mister skunk carefully combing out his big plumy tail thats right mister skunk thats right said mister rabbit १८ गत उहक |
85,742 | test/M43899.wav | उठन समभवन It is better to possess it living in a garret than to be the inhabitant of palaces without it the avonlea graveyard was as yet the grass grown solitude it had always been |
85,743 | test/M27173.wav | खजद हनहनछ भन अधययन गरक छन भमम गडन परलचन What could you be thinking of child forgive me william she softly pleaded but you looked so grave and were so silent mister yorke smiled |
85,744 | test/M72970.wav | The herds rushed together bewildered the men clambered to their feet weapons in hand what is it they asked in one voice see cried the watchman the sky is on fire गतक करण हनछ |
85,745 | test/M48389.wav | And only a little window here the princess was placed every day food was passed to her through the little window the king himself took charge of this so that he might be sure that there was no meat given her which had bones in it कषतरक रपम |
85,746 | test/M1576.wav | तथ आम सवतक कमय न थए नगरल लय That when he made the circuit oval his law of equable description of areas broke down that seemed to require the circular orbit and yet no circular orbit was quite accurate |
85,747 | test/M37586.wav | This suggestion being very smilingly assented to he proceeded to extinguish the fires and for that day the services were not indebted to artificial warmth to promote their effect नगरपलक बनक ह यस सगठनल अनतररषटरय पषठक इतहस हरर परव खस हलस अरक पकष |
85,748 | test/M34363.wav | Legs tail and toes long and profuse कल व गहर जडउ दन कलल ह ५४ शलकक वभनन |
85,749 | test/M36540.wav | तथ अनय करमचर Jimmie dale leaned forward from headquarters with a report he said in a low tone ah exclaimed the bank official sharply well its about time ive been waiting up for it पधम जमर बसय |
85,750 | test/M63703.wav | If she isnt i have only to keep her till the bills are posted fortified by this simple plan of action the captain returned to the charge and politely placed magdalen between the two inevitable alternatives |
85,751 | test/M53623.wav | दषरपण भय And on the finest linen club decanters of a lost mould contained his sherry his port and his cinnamon spiced claret while his beverages were |
85,752 | test/M82253.wav | Could the planter have read my thoughts just then he would perhaps have been angry with himself and pretty certainly he would have been angry with me that a yankee should accept his hospitality and then load him with curses and call him all manner of names |
85,753 | test/M89041.wav | His quickness and zeal caused him to be used as a messenger and he was continually passing back and forth among the confederate leaders in charleston he also came into contact with the union officers in fort sumter the relations of the town and the garrison were yet on a friendly basis |
85,754 | test/M7560.wav | कहलई जर रखद यह समज ह बकर गरन सर गर Its power exceeded that of the parting day and assisted to render objects at the same time more distinct and more hideous the whole scene formed a striking picture whose frame was composed of the dark and tall border of pines |
85,755 | test/M6324.wav | Though he made no reply to the kind questions addressed to him or only answered them with an inconsequence that might have provoked mirth but there were wild words upon his lips that forbade it suggesting only serious thoughts |
85,756 | test/M36077.wav | He has spent the night in bringing me a nurse whose presence alone is able to raise me from my couch the expression of the ladys countenance changed आखम टयमर र गह |
85,757 | test/M1820.wav | आदलई दन गरएक छ खनहर पइनछन तयह १ लख भरतम समत परसदध २३४६ रहक छ |
85,758 | test/M14964.wav | Whose friendship she valued beyond that of any other person elizabeth would wonder and probably would blame her and though her resolution was not to be shaken her feelings must be hurt यह रखनहस |
85,759 | test/M27903.wav | Yes thats right if it can be done but it would go hard with us all if the indians gave up the bait of the trap and turned upon those who set it उन फर भगन |
85,760 | test/M8153.wav | तर अरक भलइ Well my lord if i have divined rightly your eminence has but to give all your money to the king and that immediately but for what said mazarin quite bewildered they filled in some document gave it to the scout and received from him some money then they approached the body which of you is luke gavrilov |
85,761 | test/M46279.wav | Miss magdalen says it soothes her feelings and clears her mind knowing by experience that interference would be hopeless under these circumstances miss garth turned sharply and left the room नज शकष ससथन There is an innocence in lying which is the sign of good faith in a cause तर परकरय सहज छन |
85,762 | test/M50450.wav | There the dark tall statures of the princes metzengerstein their muscular war coursers plunging over the carcasses of fallen foes startled the steadiest nerves with their vigorous expression चल पउन सकन |
85,763 | test/M66236.wav | And there came again from the black shadows the sound of a moving thing and a faint rustling as of dead leaves the shock to my already overstrained nervous system was terrible in the extreme and with a superhuman effort i strove to break my awful bonds |
85,764 | test/M61437.wav | जनतक भपर आउन Men in high executive positions are able to make or mar the fortunes of their followers sometimes a legislator from a country town goes to the state capital poor and returns rich such things becoming generally known |
85,765 | test/M19242.wav | पदरथहरल परन करम उननइसवट जवहरक हसक मतयवरण गरन भगबट बहरतर २ एउट जलल ह दवतहरक कह मनदरहरम |
85,766 | test/M42898.wav | Look here i continued seizing a bundle of proof illustrations that lay in front of me do you see this charming picture of an asbestos cooker guaranteed fireless odourless and purposeless दनदन उनक |
85,767 | test/M5976.wav | यह वभनन भष And they are both in the same handwriting your solicitors i believe up went his hand at the last word and he made a sort of grab at the letters stalked to the farthest window opened it and glanced over its contents sir he makes it too secure as it happens he is a little longer about this than usual his hands being numbed |
85,768 | test/M53096.wav | जह गएर हमहरक Oscillate on mysterious business between london and paris and be great where does he come from shares where is he going to shares what are his tastes shares has he any principles shares दय पउन मर |
85,769 | test/M4850.wav | नकलस जसत करयकरत य आफन उतपदन Or sciences to adorn and give life and vigour to their natural inspiration and yet even in this he may be wrong for according to a true belief a poet is born one that is to say |
85,770 | test/M8278.wav | अहल असटन हलउडक २३ पटक नमक Look with some degree of innocent envy on those who may be said to be born to friends and cannot see without wonder how rarely that native union is afterwards regarded तनशह चनदर शमशरक |
85,771 | test/M11262.wav | In that hour jesus rejoiced in spirit and said i thank thee o father lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so father for so it seemed good in thy sight |
85,772 | test/M36675.wav | Many of the people of my tribe have come from other tribes and if they go to the plains and are seen they will be killed by the friends of those with whom they have quarreled i was told that i was growing old and it was well that i should go बरमहणड म अवलकन गरन यस सङगरहलयम सङगरहत भरमण गरक थए |
85,773 | test/M69193.wav | आफम परयपत What i say is lets do something for the company tonight not blacking faces or sitting on hats if you dont like those but something of the sort why couldnt we have a proper old english pantomime |
85,774 | test/M67719.wav | Can you suggest any improvement eleven from a newspaper or a magazine clip a report of an address or a biographical eulogy mark the passage for emphasis and bring it with you to class |
85,775 | test/M84790.wav | A dream surely the fancy of a fantastic voluptuous writer he became interested curious the story developed with a flavour of strangely twisted sentimentality suddenly he did not like it he liked it less as it proceeded |
85,776 | test/M86466.wav | But it was too dark to see who she was and at daylight she shut the window next night it was broad moonlight and then he saw clearly the figure of a young girl weeping sore and knew that it was his beloved florina |
85,777 | test/M83743.wav | And i will pass the night with him and so he took his leave and went away the parents lost no time in sending to let the physician know that they had procured the foxs liver the next day the doctor came and compounded a medicine for the patient |
85,778 | test/M88726.wav | And yet not believe that friend shall embrace friend in the mansions prepared for them is to me astounding such a shadowy resumption of life i should count unworthy of the name of resurrection then indeed would the grave be victorious |
85,779 | test/M61712.wav | दई सनतन छन Why even i in all my years of residence here have never had a glimpse of the old lady i have sometimes thought it a pity that she should lead so solitary a life but its her own choice करपस हमरयजकम बनपछ |
85,780 | test/M45619.wav | Ned nodded it consists of a lot of shavings sawdust and whats more a lot of soot and lampblack that we used in mixing some paint well sweep the whole pile down on their heads and make them wish theyd stayed away from this place दई वरषक उमरम |
85,781 | test/M20721.wav | I will follow you my husband although greatly pleased at this proof of his wifes affection soongoora said firmly no no you have friends to go to go back so he persuaded her and she went back |
85,782 | test/M57353.wav | The unfolded clothes horse displayed a choice collection of halfpenny ballads and became a screen and the stool planted within it became his post for the rest of the day all weathers saw the man at the post |
85,783 | test/M25501.wav | Who can contemplate a masterpiece without being awed by the immense vista of thought presented to our consideration how familiar and sympathetic are they all how cold in contrast the modern commonplaces परक छन |
85,784 | test/M5573.wav | भएकम धनयवद आधर मनर भएर भनद महततवपरण कर The maze of passages and alcoves with secret and bewildering doors checked and retarded his progress he strove to run he was obliged to wander he thought that he had but one door to thrust open while he had a skein of doors to unravel पहल रजनतक |
85,785 | test/M32580.wav | And it is thus that you respect the wishes of a dying man of a criminal tortured by remorse and who has charge you to repair as much as he could the evil which he had done २०५० सलदख वदयरथ गरन थर समदयल |
85,786 | test/M77450.wav | उनलई वनम One could already see the soldiers shaggy caps distinguish the officers from the men and see the standard flapping against its staff they march splendidly remarked someone in bagrations suite यरप अमरक असटरलय अधवशनल मदन भणडरक |
85,787 | test/M54135.wav | This is an intellectual or spiritual state to explain which you are obliged to have recourse to sensible figures another example you say such an individual made great progress परस खडक नपल |
85,788 | test/M10032.wav | You might like to have my books oh and theres just one other thing you know before the end people often lose control over themselves and make absurd requests dont pay any attention to them eustace good by and he held out his hand कमपनहर दरत गरन |
85,789 | test/M34335.wav | मवइलम नपल टकसट ककषल तनलई आफन I am certain that this physician whom you suspect to be a villain and a traitor is one of the best and most virtuous of men you know by what medicine or rather by what miracle he cured me of my leprosy जसत गररहछ |
85,790 | test/M38365.wav | Obscurity and instability but in the practical sphere it is just when the common understanding excludes all sensible springs from practical laws that its power of judgement begins to show itself to advantage and i dont see any sense in fighting and fighting and fighting yet always losing through some derned old lunkhead of a general |
85,791 | test/M42677.wav | आपस समझतक आधरम यहक कम सकनछ So we tried to overawe them by informing them who we were and whither we were going the robbers however only laughed and declared that was none of their business and without more words attacked us brutally मलई समझन छ |
85,792 | test/M29331.wav | And tell the second man to drive away three or four of his cattle every day and their number will decrease so the youth returned and met the man who had too many cattle and told him what chando had said and the man thought गल करटज |
85,793 | test/M16072.wav | एक पतर पठउद मरकसवद लननवदलई सरवततम Vancouver who was not used to repulses such as these and was too old a soldier to give up a situation so easily stood a moment playing with his coat tails a sudden thought passed through joes mind it struck her that उधमपर भरतक सहरहर |
85,794 | test/M66958.wav | It is his habit in after life to combat every little costiveness every digestive derangement every incipient disease by means of his cathartic mixture पख लगएर रगमल |
85,795 | test/M82575.wav | To get the present democratic administration to pass the federal suffrage amendment but the present policy of the administration in permitting splendid american women to be sent to jail in washington not for carrying offensive banners not for picketing i bent my steps immediately to the mountains and about ten entered a gorge which was entirely new to me |
85,796 | test/M20349.wav | आतम छ नमर अवधम गहक एक He looked bigger and more overtopping than of old and in those days he certainly reached high enough she noticed that the people whom he passed looked back after him but he went straight forward पयरटन धरमक सथपन |
85,797 | test/M71009.wav | Interior of a pothouse a poem eight the glass town a song nine the silver cup a tale ten the table and vase in the desert a song eleven |
85,798 | test/M35355.wav | The rough riders routed them out of it and drove them back from three different barricades until they made their last stand in the ruined distillery whence they finally drove them by assault मनम लगक |
85,799 | test/M40499.wav | But concealed her aversion so well that i knew nothing of it till it was too late mean time my son grew up and was ten years old when i was obliged to undertake a long journey नततवम रहक |
Subsets and Splits