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license: mit
  - text-classification
license_link: https://mit-license.org/
  - en
  - monolingual
  - expert-generated
  - found
  - extended
dataset_modality: text
viewer: true
  - config_name: main_data
      - split: base
        path: steam_reviews_constructiveness_1.5k.csv
  - config_name: additional_data
      - split: train
        path: train-dev-test_split_csvs/train.csv
      - split: dev
        path: train-dev-test_split_csvs/dev.csv
      - split: test
        path: train-dev-test_split_csvs/test.csv
  - gaming
  - annotations
  - binary
  - classification
  - labels
  - steam
  - reviews
  - steam-reviews
  - BERT
  - constructiveness
  - constructivity
  - sentiment-analysis
  - nlp
pretty_name: 1.5K Steam Reviews Binary Labeled for Constructiveness
  - 1K<n<10K
thumbnail: >-
dataset_size: 332 KB
    - name: id
      dtype: int32
    - name: game
      dtype: string
    - name: review
      dtype: string
    - name: author_playtime_at_review
      dtype: int32
    - name: voted_up
      dtype: bool
    - name: votes_up
      dtype: int32
    - name: votes_funny
      dtype: int32
    - name: constructive
      dtype: int32

1.5K Steam Reviews Binary Labeled for Constructiveness

Dataset Summary

This dataset contains 1,461 Steam reviews from 10 of the most reviewed games. Each game has about the same amount of reviews. Each review is annotated with a binary label indicating whether the review is constructive or not. The dataset is designed to support tasks related to text classification, particularly constructiveness detection tasks in the gaming domain.

Also available as additional data, are train/dev/test split csv's. These contain the features of the base dataset, concatenated into strings, next to the binary constructiveness labels. These csv's were used to train the albert-v2-steam-review-constructiveness-classifier model.

The dataset is particularly useful for training models like BERT, and its' derivatives or any other NLP models aimed at classifying text for constructiveness.

Dataset Structure

The dataset contains the following columns:

  • id: A unique identifier for each review.
  • game: The name of the game being reviewed.
  • review: The text of the Steam review.
  • author_playtime_at_review: The number of hours the author had played the game at the time of writing the review.
  • voted_up: Whether the user marked the review/the game as positive (True) or negative (False).
  • votes_up: The number of upvotes the review received from other users.
  • votes_funny: The number of "funny" votes the review received from other users.
  • constructive: A binary label indicating whether the review was constructive (1) or not (0).

Example Data

id game review author_playtime_at_review voted_up votes_up votes_funny constructive
1024 Team Fortress 2 shoot enemy 639 True 1 0 0
652 Grand Theft Auto V 6 damn years and it's still rocking like its g... 145 True 0 0 0
1244 Terraria Great game highly recommend for people who like... 569 True 0 0 1
15 Among Us So good. Amazing game of teamwork and betrayal... 5 True 0 0 1
584 Garry's Mod Jbmod is trash!!! 65 True 0 0 0

Labeling Criteria

  • Constructive (1): Reviews that provide helpful feedback, suggestions for improvement, constructive criticism, or detailed insights into the game.
  • Non-constructive (0): Reviews that do not offer useful feedback, do not offer substance, are vague, off-topic, irrelevant, or trolling.

Of course, constructiveness is subjective, when testing the dataset on a finetuned ROBERTA model though, we managed to reach ~80% accuracy in predicting constructiveness labels on unseen data.


Please note, that the dataset is unbalanced. 63.04% of the reviews were labeled as being non-constructive while 36.96% were labeled as being constructive. Please take this into account when utilizing the dataset.


This dataset is licensed under the MIT License, allowing open and flexible use of the dataset for both academic and commercial purposes.