Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| label
int64 0
| code
stringlengths 24
300 | 0 | private void debug(String msg) {
if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {
logger.debug(Logger.EVENT_SUCCESS, msg);
301 | 0 | private static DocumentBuilderFactory createDocumentBuilderFactory() throws ParserConfigurationException {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
dbf.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING , true);
// dbf.setCoalescing(true);
// dbf.setExpandEntityReferences(true);
return dbf;
* Read XML as DOM.
302 | 0 | public void changePassword_Resets_All_Sessions() throws Exception {
ScimUser user = createUser();
MockHttpSession session = new MockHttpSession();
MockHttpSession afterLoginSessionA = (MockHttpSession) getMockMvc().perform(post("/login.do")
.param("username", user.getUserName())
.param("password", "secr3T"))
session = new MockHttpSession();
MockHttpSession afterLoginSessionB = (MockHttpSession) getMockMvc().perform(post("/login.do")
.param("username", user.getUserName())
.param("password", "secr3T"))
Thread.sleep(1000 - (System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000) + 1);
MockHttpSession afterPasswordChange = (MockHttpSession) getMockMvc().perform(post("/change_password.do")
.param("current_password", "secr3T")
.param("new_password", "secr3T1")
.param("confirm_password", "secr3T1"))
assertNotSame(afterLoginSessionA, afterPasswordChange);
303 | 0 | public void setValueStackFactory(ValueStackFactory valueStackFactory) {
this.valueStackFactory = valueStackFactory;
304 | 0 | private List<AuthInfo> createAuthInfo(SolrZkClient zkClient) {
List<AuthInfo> ret = new LinkedList<AuthInfo>();
// In theory the credentials to add could change here if zookeeper hasn't been initialized
ZkCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider =
for (ZkCredentialsProvider.ZkCredentials zkCredentials : credentialsProvider.getCredentials()) {
ret.add(new AuthInfo(zkCredentials.getScheme(), zkCredentials.getAuth()));
return ret;
305 | 0 | public String changePassword(
Model model,
@RequestParam("current_password") String currentPassword,
@RequestParam("new_password") String newPassword,
@RequestParam("confirm_password") String confirmPassword,
HttpServletResponse response,
HttpServletRequest request) {
PasswordConfirmationValidation validation = new PasswordConfirmationValidation(newPassword, confirmPassword);
if (!validation.valid()) {
model.addAttribute("message_code", validation.getMessageCode());
return "change_password";
SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext();
Authentication authentication = securityContext.getAuthentication();
String username = authentication.getName();
try {
changePasswordService.changePassword(username, currentPassword, newPassword);
if (authentication instanceof UaaAuthentication) {
UaaAuthentication uaaAuthentication = (UaaAuthentication)authentication;
authentication = new UaaAuthentication(
new LinkedList<>(uaaAuthentication.getAuthorities()),
new UaaAuthenticationDetails(request)
return "redirect:profile";
} catch (BadCredentialsException e) {
model.addAttribute("message_code", "unauthorized");
} catch (InvalidPasswordException e) {
model.addAttribute("message", e.getMessagesAsOneString());
return "change_password";
306 | 0 | public void testSnapshotMoreThanOnce() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException {
Client client = client();
final File tempDir = randomRepoPath().getAbsoluteFile();
logger.info("--> creating repository");
.put("location", tempDir)
.put("compress", randomBoolean())
.put("chunk_size", randomIntBetween(100, 1000))));
// only one shard
logger.info("--> indexing");
final int numDocs = randomIntBetween(10, 100);
IndexRequestBuilder[] builders = new IndexRequestBuilder[numDocs];
for (int i = 0; i < builders.length; i++) {
builders[i] = client().prepareIndex("test", "doc", Integer.toString(i)).setSource("foo", "bar" + i);
indexRandom(true, builders);
CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponseFirst = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot("test-repo", "test").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices("test").get();
assertThat(createSnapshotResponseFirst.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0));
assertThat(createSnapshotResponseFirst.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponseFirst.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards()));
assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots("test-repo").setSnapshots("test").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS));
SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = client.admin().cluster().prepareSnapshotStatus("test-repo").setSnapshots("test").get().getSnapshots().get(0);
List<SnapshotIndexShardStatus> shards = snapshotStatus.getShards();
for (SnapshotIndexShardStatus status : shards) {
assertThat(status.getStats().getProcessedFiles(), greaterThan(1));
if (frequently()) {
logger.info("--> upgrade");
client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings("test").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(EnableAllocationDecider.INDEX_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_ENABLE, "none")).get();
boolean upgraded;
do {
CountResponse countResponse = client().prepareCount().get();
assertHitCount(countResponse, numDocs);
upgraded = backwardsCluster().upgradeOneNode();
countResponse = client().prepareCount().get();
assertHitCount(countResponse, numDocs);
} while (upgraded);
client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings("test").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(EnableAllocationDecider.INDEX_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_ENABLE, "all")).get();
if (cluster().numDataNodes() > 1 && randomBoolean()) { // only bump the replicas if we have enough nodes
logger.info("--> move from 0 to 1 replica");
client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings("test").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, 1)).get();
logger.debug("---> repo exists: " + new File(tempDir, "indices/test/0").exists() + " files: " + Arrays.toString(new File(tempDir, "indices/test/0").list())); // it's only one shard!
CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponseSecond = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot("test-repo", "test-1").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices("test").get();
assertThat(createSnapshotResponseSecond.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0));
assertThat(createSnapshotResponseSecond.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponseSecond.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards()));
assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots("test-repo").setSnapshots("test-1").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS));
SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = client.admin().cluster().prepareSnapshotStatus("test-repo").setSnapshots("test-1").get().getSnapshots().get(0);
List<SnapshotIndexShardStatus> shards = snapshotStatus.getShards();
for (SnapshotIndexShardStatus status : shards) {
assertThat(status.getStats().getProcessedFiles(), equalTo(1)); // we flush before the snapshot such that we have to process the segments_N files
client().prepareDelete("test", "doc", "1").get();
CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponseThird = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot("test-repo", "test-2").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices("test").get();
assertThat(createSnapshotResponseThird.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0));
assertThat(createSnapshotResponseThird.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponseThird.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards()));
assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots("test-repo").setSnapshots("test-2").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS));
SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = client.admin().cluster().prepareSnapshotStatus("test-repo").setSnapshots("test-2").get().getSnapshots().get(0);
List<SnapshotIndexShardStatus> shards = snapshotStatus.getShards();
for (SnapshotIndexShardStatus status : shards) {
assertThat(status.getStats().getProcessedFiles(), equalTo(2)); // we flush before the snapshot such that we have to process the segments_N files plus the .del file
307 | 0 | protected static void setupFeatures(DocumentBuilderFactory factory) {
Properties properties = System.getProperties();
List<String> features = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> prop : properties.entrySet()) {
String key = (String) prop.getKey();
String uri = key.split(DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORY_FEATURE + ":")[1];
Boolean value = Boolean.valueOf((String)prop.getValue());
try {
factory.setFeature(uri, value);
features.add("feature " + uri + " value " + value);
} catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
LOG.warn("DocumentBuilderFactory doesn't support the feature {} with value {}, due to {}.", new Object[]{uri, value, e});
if (features.size() > 0) {
StringBuffer featureString = new StringBuffer();
// just log the configured feature
for (String feature : features) {
if (featureString.length() != 0) {
featureString.append(", ");
308 | 0 | public void testSaveAndLoad() throws IOException {
ProjectWorkspace workspace =
TestDataHelper.createProjectWorkspaceForScenario(this, "parser_with_cell", tmp);
// Warm the parser cache.
TestContext context = new TestContext();
ProcessResult runBuckResult =
workspace.runBuckdCommand(context, "query", "deps(//Apps:TestAppsLibrary)");
+ "//Libraries/Dep1:Dep1_1\n"
+ "//Libraries/Dep1:Dep1_2\n"
+ "bar//Dep2:Dep2"));
// Save the parser cache to a file.
NamedTemporaryFile tempFile = new NamedTemporaryFile("parser_data", null);
runBuckResult =
workspace.runBuckdCommand(context, "parser-cache", "--save", tempFile.get().toString());
// Write an empty content to Apps/BUCK.
Path path = tmp.getRoot().resolve("Apps/BUCK");
byte[] data = {};
Files.write(path, data);
context = new TestContext();
// Load the parser cache to a new buckd context.
runBuckResult =
workspace.runBuckdCommand(context, "parser-cache", "--load", tempFile.get().toString());
// Perform the query again. If we didn't load the parser cache, this call would fail because
// Apps/BUCK is empty.
runBuckResult = workspace.runBuckdCommand(context, "query", "deps(//Apps:TestAppsLibrary)");
+ "//Libraries/Dep1:Dep1_1\n"
+ "//Libraries/Dep1:Dep1_2\n"
+ "bar//Dep2:Dep2"));
309 | 0 | public void setEnforceAssertionsSigned(boolean enforceAssertionsSigned) {
this.enforceAssertionsSigned = enforceAssertionsSigned;
* Enforce that the Issuer of the received Response/Assertion is known. The default is true.
310 | 0 | public void setUp() throws Exception {
scimUserProvisioning = mock(ScimUserProvisioning.class);
codeStore = mock(ExpiringCodeStore.class);
passwordValidator = mock(PasswordValidator.class);
clientDetailsService = mock(ClientDetailsService.class);
emailResetPasswordService = new UaaResetPasswordService(scimUserProvisioning, codeStore, passwordValidator, clientDetailsService);
311 | 0 | public static final void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("Supported pseudo-random functions for KDF (version: " + kdfVersion + ")");
System.out.println("Enum Name\tAlgorithm\t# bits");
for (PRF_ALGORITHMS prf : PRF_ALGORITHMS.values()) {
System.out.println(prf + "\t" + prf.getAlgName() + "\t" + prf.getBits());
312 | 0 | private void doTestExtensionSizeLimit(int len, boolean ok) throws Exception {
// Setup Tomcat instance
Tomcat tomcat = getTomcatInstance();
"maxExtensionSize", Integer.toString(EXT_SIZE_LIMIT));
// Must have a real docBase - just use temp
Context ctx =
tomcat.addContext("", System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
Tomcat.addServlet(ctx, "servlet", new EchoHeaderServlet());
ctx.addServletMapping("/", "servlet");
String extName = ";foo=";
StringBuilder extValue = new StringBuilder(len);
for (int i = 0; i < (len - extName.length()); i++) {
String[] request = new String[]{
"POST /echo-params.jsp HTTP/1.1" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
"Host: any" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
"Transfer-encoding: chunked" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" +
SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
"Connection: close" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
"3" + extName + extValue.toString() + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
"a=0" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
"4" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
"&b=1" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
"0" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF +
SimpleHttpClient.CRLF };
TrailerClient client =
new TrailerClient(tomcat.getConnector().getLocalPort());
if (ok) {
} else {
313 | 0 | void sendPluginResult(PluginResult pluginResult) {
synchronized (this) {
if (!aborted) {
* Adds an interface method to an InputStream to return the number of bytes
* read from the raw stream. This is used to track total progress against
* the HTTP Content-Length header value from the server.
314 | 0 | public void setHttpClient(HttpClient httpClient) {
this.httpClient = httpClient;
315 | 0 | protected Log getLog() {
return log;
// ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructor
316 | 0 | public void doStart() throws Exception {
URI rootURI;
if (serverInfo != null) {
rootURI = serverInfo.resolveServer(configuredDir);
} else {
rootURI = configuredDir;
if (!rootURI.getScheme().equals("file")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("FileKeystoreManager must have a root that's a local directory (not " + rootURI + ")");
directory = new File(rootURI);
if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory() || !directory.canRead()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("FileKeystoreManager must have a root that's a valid readable directory (not " + directory.getAbsolutePath() + ")");
log.debug("Keystore directory is " + directory.getAbsolutePath());
317 | 0 | public void setMaxSize(String maxSize) {
this.maxSize = Long.parseLong(maxSize);
* Sets the buffer size to be used.
* @param bufferSize
@Inject(value = StrutsConstants.STRUTS_MULTIPART_BUFFERSIZE, required = false)
318 | 0 | public void execute(FunctionContext context) {
// Verify that the cache exists before continuing.
// When this function is executed by a remote membership listener, it is
// being invoked before the cache is started.
Cache cache = verifyCacheExists();
// Register as membership listener
// Register functions
// Return status
319 | 0 | public void setSocketBuffer(int socketBuffer) {
320 | 0 | public void waitForAllNodes(int timeout) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
waitForAllNodes(jettys.size(), timeout);
321 | 0 | static MatcherType fromElement(Element elt) {
if (StringUtils.hasText(elt.getAttribute(ATT_MATCHER_TYPE))) {
return valueOf(elt.getAttribute(ATT_MATCHER_TYPE));
return ant;
322 | 0 | public int realReadBytes(byte cbuf[], int off, int len)
throws IOException;
/** Same as java.nio.channel.WrittableByteChannel.
323 | 0 | public void complete() {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
logDebug("complete ");
request.getCoyoteRequest().action(ActionCode.ASYNC_COMPLETE, null);
324 | 0 | public void testContainsExpressionIsFalse() throws Exception {
// given
String anExpression = "foo";
// when
boolean actual = ComponentUtils.containsExpression(anExpression);
// then
class MockConfigurationProvider implements ConfigurationProvider {
public void destroy() {
public void init(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException {
public boolean needsReload() {
return false;
public void loadPackages() throws ConfigurationException {
public void register(ContainerBuilder builder, LocatableProperties props) throws ConfigurationException {
builder.constant(StrutsConstants.STRUTS_TAG_ALTSYNTAX, "false");
325 | 0 | @Test(timeout = 1000L) public void testCeilLongMonths() throws Exception {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.NOVEMBER);
new CronTab("0 0 31 * *").ceil(cal); // would infinite loop
326 | 0 | public static File unzip(File zip, File toDir, Predicate<ZipEntry> filter) throws IOException {
if (!toDir.exists()) {
Path targetDirNormalizedPath = toDir.toPath().normalize();
ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(zip);
try {
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
if (filter.test(entry)) {
File target = new File(toDir, entry.getName());
verifyInsideTargetDirectory(entry, target.toPath(), targetDirNormalizedPath);
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
} else {
File parent = target.getParentFile();
copy(zipFile, entry, target);
return toDir;
} finally {
327 | 0 | public Authentication authenticate(Authentication req) throws AuthenticationException {
logger.debug("Processing authentication request for " + req.getName());
if (req.getCredentials() == null) {
BadCredentialsException e = new BadCredentialsException("No password supplied");
publish(new AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent(req, e));
throw e;
UaaUser user;
boolean passwordMatches = false;
user = getUaaUser(req);
if (user!=null) {
passwordMatches =
((CharSequence) req.getCredentials()).length() != 0 && encoder.matches((CharSequence) req.getCredentials(), user.getPassword());
} else {
user = dummyUser;
if (!accountLoginPolicy.isAllowed(user, req)) {
logger.warn("Login policy rejected authentication for " + user.getUsername() + ", " + user.getId()
+ ". Ignoring login request.");
AuthenticationPolicyRejectionException e = new AuthenticationPolicyRejectionException("Login policy rejected authentication");
publish(new AuthenticationFailureLockedEvent(req, e));
throw e;
if (passwordMatches) {
logger.debug("Password successfully matched for userId["+user.getUsername()+"]:"+user.getId());
if (!allowUnverifiedUsers && !user.isVerified()) {
publish(new UnverifiedUserAuthenticationEvent(user, req));
logger.debug("Account not verified: " + user.getId());
throw new AccountNotVerifiedException("Account not verified");
int expiringPassword = getPasswordExpiresInMonths();
if (expiringPassword>0) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, expiringPassword);
if (cal.getTimeInMillis() < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
throw new PasswordExpiredException("Your current password has expired. Please reset your password.");
Authentication success = new UaaAuthentication(
new UaaPrincipal(user),
(UaaAuthenticationDetails) req.getDetails());
publish(new UserAuthenticationSuccessEvent(user, success));
return success;
if (user == dummyUser || user == null) {
logger.debug("No user named '" + req.getName() + "' was found for origin:"+ origin);
publish(new UserNotFoundEvent(req));
} else {
logger.debug("Password did not match for user " + req.getName());
publish(new UserAuthenticationFailureEvent(user, req));
BadCredentialsException e = new BadCredentialsException("Bad credentials");
publish(new AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent(req, e));
throw e;
328 | 0 | public void test_SignedWithoutSignature() throws Exception {
JWT inputJwt = new JWT()
String encodedJWT = JWT.getEncoder().encode(inputJwt, HMACSigner.newSHA256Signer("secret"));
String encodedJWTNoSignature = encodedJWT.substring(0, encodedJWT.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
expectException(InvalidJWTSignatureException.class, () -> JWT.getDecoder().decode(encodedJWTNoSignature, HMACVerifier.newVerifier("secret")));
// Also cannot be decoded even if the caller calls decode w/out a signature because the header still indicates a signature algorithm.
expectException(InvalidJWTSignatureException.class, () -> JWT.getDecoder().decode(encodedJWTNoSignature));
329 | 0 | public void initJdbcScimUserProvisioningTests() throws Exception {
db = new JdbcScimUserProvisioning(jdbcTemplate, new JdbcPagingListFactory(jdbcTemplate, limitSqlAdapter));
zoneDb = new JdbcIdentityZoneProvisioning(jdbcTemplate);
providerDb = new JdbcIdentityProviderProvisioning(jdbcTemplate);
ScimSearchQueryConverter filterConverter = new ScimSearchQueryConverter();
Map<String, String> replaceWith = new HashMap<String, String>();
replaceWith.put("emails\\.value", "email");
replaceWith.put("groups\\.display", "authorities");
replaceWith.put("phoneNumbers\\.value", "phoneNumber");
filterConverter.setAttributeNameMapper(new SimpleAttributeNameMapper(replaceWith));
BCryptPasswordEncoder pe = new BCryptPasswordEncoder(4);
existingUserCount = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt("select count(id) from users");
defaultIdentityProviderId = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("select id from identity_provider where origin_key = ? and identity_zone_id = ?", String.class, Origin.UAA, "uaa");
addUser(JOE_ID, "joe", pe.encode("joespassword"), "joe@joe.com", "Joe", "User", "+1-222-1234567", defaultIdentityProviderId, "uaa");
addUser(MABEL_ID, "mabel", pe.encode("mabelspassword"), "mabel@mabel.com", "Mabel", "User", "", defaultIdentityProviderId, "uaa");
330 | 0 | public void setUp() throws Exception {
lc = new LoggerContext();
logger = lc.getLogger(LoggerSerializationTest.class);
// create the byte output stream
bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
whitelist = LogbackClassicSerializationHelper.getWhilelist();
331 | 0 | public void withFieldsAndXpath() throws Exception {
File tmpdir = File.createTempFile("test", "tmp", TEMP_DIR);
createFile(tmpdir, "x.xsl", xsl.getBytes("UTF-8"), false);
Map entityAttrs = createMap("name", "e", "url", "cd.xml",
XPathEntityProcessor.FOR_EACH, "/catalog/cd");
List fields = new ArrayList();
fields.add(createMap("column", "title", "xpath", "/catalog/cd/title"));
fields.add(createMap("column", "artist", "xpath", "/catalog/cd/artist"));
fields.add(createMap("column", "year", "xpath", "/catalog/cd/year"));
Context c = getContext(null,
new VariableResolverImpl(), getDataSource(cdData), Context.FULL_DUMP, fields, entityAttrs);
XPathEntityProcessor xPathEntityProcessor = new XPathEntityProcessor();
List<Map<String, Object>> result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
while (true) {
Map<String, Object> row = xPathEntityProcessor.nextRow();
if (row == null)
assertEquals(3, result.size());
assertEquals("Empire Burlesque", result.get(0).get("title"));
assertEquals("Bonnie Tyler", result.get(1).get("artist"));
assertEquals("1982", result.get(2).get("year"));
332 | 0 | public void handle(Map<String, Object> record, String xpath);
333 | 0 | public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = super.hashCode();
result = prime * result + ( ( getLocation().getMember() == null ) ? 0 : getLocation().getMember().hashCode() );
return result;
334 | 0 | public int getTransportGuaranteeRedirectStatus() {
return transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus;
* Set the HTTP status code used when the container needs to issue an HTTP
* redirect to meet the requirements of a configured transport guarantee.
* @param transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus The status to use. This value is
* not validated
335 | 0 | public void setFireRequestListenersOnForwards(boolean enable) {
fireRequestListenersOnForwards = enable;
336 | 0 | public void cleanUp() {
if (multi != null) {
337 | 0 | public final int getDegree()
return mDegree;
* Returns the fieldpolynomial as a new Bitstring.
* @return a copy of the fieldpolynomial as a new Bitstring
338 | 0 | public void setXWorkConverter(XWorkConverter conv) {
this.defaultConverter = new OgnlTypeConverterWrapper(conv);
339 | 0 | public void testJvmDecoder1() {
// This should trigger an error but currently passes. Once the JVM is
// fixed, s/false/true/ and s/20/13/
doJvmDecoder(SRC_BYTES_1, false, 20);
340 | 0 | protected void doStop() throws Exception {
// ensure client is closed when stopping
if (client != null && !client.isClosed()) {
client = null;
341 | 0 | public O transform(final Object input) {
if (input == null) {
return null;
try {
final Class<?> cls = input.getClass();
final Method method = cls.getMethod(iMethodName, iParamTypes);
return (O) method.invoke(input, iArgs);
} catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new FunctorException("InvokerTransformer: The method '" + iMethodName + "' on '" +
input.getClass() + "' does not exist");
} catch (final IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw new FunctorException("InvokerTransformer: The method '" + iMethodName + "' on '" +
input.getClass() + "' cannot be accessed");
} catch (final InvocationTargetException ex) {
throw new FunctorException("InvokerTransformer: The method '" + iMethodName + "' on '" +
input.getClass() + "' threw an exception", ex);
342 | 0 | public String getCompression() {
switch (compressionLevel) {
case 0:
return "off";
case 1:
return "on";
case 2:
return "force";
return "off";
* Set compression level.
343 | 0 | public Reader getData(String query) {
return new StringReader(xml);
344 | 0 | public String getInfo() {
return (info);
345 | 0 | public void setMethods(Set<String> methods) {
this.methods = new HashSet<>();
for (String method : methods) {
* @param authenticationEntryPoint the authenticationEntryPoint to set
346 | 0 | public void run() {
synchronized (context) {
File file = context.targetFile;
if (file != null) {
// Trigger the abort callback immediately to minimize latency between it and abort() being called.
JSONObject error = createFileTransferError(ABORTED_ERR, context.source, context.target, null, -1, null);
context.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR, error));
context.aborted = true;
if (context.connection != null) {
347 | 0 | public Iterator<Group> getGroups() {
synchronized (groups) {
return (groups.iterator());
* Return the set of {@link Role}s assigned specifically to this user.
348 | 0 | public static Encryptor getInstance() throws EncryptionException {
if ( singletonInstance == null ) {
synchronized ( JavaEncryptor.class ) {
if ( singletonInstance == null ) {
singletonInstance = new JavaEncryptor();
return singletonInstance;
349 | 0 | private ApplicationContext getContext() {
return getSharedObject(ApplicationContext.class);
* Allows configuring OpenID based authentication.
* <h2>Example Configurations</h2>
* A basic example accepting the defaults and not using attribute exchange:
* <pre>
* @Configuration
* @EnableWebSecurity
* public class OpenIDLoginConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
* @Override
* protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) {
* http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/**").hasRole("USER").and().openidLogin()
* .permitAll();
* }
* @Override
* protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
* auth.inMemoryAuthentication()
* // the username must match the OpenID of the user you are
* // logging in with
* .withUser(
* "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=lmkCn9xzPdsxVwG7pjYMuDgNNdASFmobNkcRPaWU")
* .password("password").roles("USER");
* }
* }
* </pre>
* A more advanced example demonstrating using attribute exchange and providing a
* custom AuthenticationUserDetailsService that will make any user that authenticates
* a valid user.
* <pre>
* @Configuration
* @EnableWebSecurity
* public class OpenIDLoginConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
* @Override
* protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) {
* http.authorizeRequests()
* .antMatchers("/**")
* .hasRole("USER")
* .and()
* .openidLogin()
* .loginPage("/login")
* .permitAll()
* .authenticationUserDetailsService(
* new AutoProvisioningUserDetailsService())
* .attributeExchange("https://www.google.com/.*").attribute("email")
* .type("http://axschema.org/contact/email").required(true).and()
* .attribute("firstname").type("http://axschema.org/namePerson/first")
* .required(true).and().attribute("lastname")
* .type("http://axschema.org/namePerson/last").required(true).and().and()
* .attributeExchange(".*yahoo.com.*").attribute("email")
* .type("http://schema.openid.net/contact/email").required(true).and()
* .attribute("fullname").type("http://axschema.org/namePerson")
* .required(true).and().and().attributeExchange(".*myopenid.com.*")
* .attribute("email").type("http://schema.openid.net/contact/email")
* .required(true).and().attribute("fullname")
* .type("http://schema.openid.net/namePerson").required(true);
* }
* }
* public class AutoProvisioningUserDetailsService implements
* AuthenticationUserDetailsService<OpenIDAuthenticationToken> {
* public UserDetails loadUserDetails(OpenIDAuthenticationToken token)
* throws UsernameNotFoundException {
* return new User(token.getName(), "NOTUSED",
* AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList("ROLE_USER"));
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @return the {@link OpenIDLoginConfigurer} for further customizations.
* @throws Exception
* @see OpenIDLoginConfigurer
350 | 0 | public URL getConfigFile() { return configFile; }
351 | 0 | void version(String version);
@LogMessage(level = INFO)
@Message(id = 2, value = "Ignoring XML configuration.")
352 | 0 | public void copyToRepository(InputStream source, int size, Artifact destination, FileWriteMonitor monitor) throws IOException {
if(!destination.isResolved()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Artifact "+destination+" is not fully resolved");
// is this a writable repository
if (!rootFile.canWrite()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This repository is not writable: " + rootFile.getAbsolutePath() + ")");
// where are we going to install the file
File location = getLocation(destination);
// assure that there isn't already a file installed at the specified location
if (location.exists()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination " + location.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists!");
ArtifactTypeHandler typeHandler = typeHandlers.get(destination.getType());
if (typeHandler == null) typeHandler = DEFAULT_TYPE_HANDLER;
typeHandler.install(source, size, destination, monitor, location);
if (destination.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("car")) {
log.debug("Installed module configuration; id={}; location={}", destination, location);
353 | 0 | public void testRead7ZipMultiVolumeArchiveForFile() throws IOException {
final File file = getFile("apache-maven-2.2.1.zip.001");
ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(file);
354 | 0 | public boolean getMapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled();
355 | 0 | public void testFloatInHeader() {
Response response = WebClient.create(endPoint + TIKA_PATH)
.header(TikaResource.X_TIKA_PDF_HEADER_PREFIX +
assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
356 | 0 | private void testKeyGenerationAll()
throws Exception
357 | 0 | public static String normalizeChildProjectValue(String actualValue){
actualValue = actualValue.replaceAll("(,[ ]*,)", ", ");
actualValue = actualValue.replaceAll("(^,|,$)", "");
return actualValue.trim();
358 | 0 | public void sendRequest(DiscoveryNode node, long requestId, String action, TransportRequest request, TransportRequestOptions options) throws IOException, TransportException {
if (recoveryActionToBlock.equals(action) || requestBlocked.getCount() == 0) {
logger.info("--> preventing {} request", action);
if (dropRequests) {
throw new ConnectTransportException(node, "DISCONNECT: prevented " + action + " request");
transport.sendRequest(node, requestId, action, request, options);
359 | 0 | protected void stopInternal() throws LifecycleException {
// Close any open DB connection
360 | 0 | public static String getPathWithinApplication(HttpServletRequest request) {
String contextPath = getContextPath(request);
String requestUri = getRequestUri(request);
if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(requestUri, contextPath)) {
// Normal case: URI contains context path.
String path = requestUri.substring(contextPath.length());
return (StringUtils.hasText(path) ? path : "/");
} else {
// Special case: rather unusual.
return requestUri;
* Return the request URI for the given request, detecting an include request
* URL if called within a RequestDispatcher include.
* <p>As the value returned by <code>request.getRequestURI()</code> is <i>not</i>
* decoded by the servlet container, this method will decode it.
* <p>The URI that the web container resolves <i>should</i> be correct, but some
* containers like JBoss/Jetty incorrectly include ";" strings like ";jsessionid"
* in the URI. This method cuts off such incorrect appendices.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @return the request URI
361 | 0 | public boolean getAllowCasualMultipartParsing();
* Set to <code>true</code> to allow requests mapped to servlets that
* do not explicitly declare @MultipartConfig or have
* <multipart-config> specified in web.xml to parse
* multipart/form-data requests.
* @param allowCasualMultipartParsing <code>true</code> to allow such
* casual parsing, <code>false</code> otherwise.
362 | 0 | public void setCharset(Charset charset) {
if( !byteC.isNull() ) {
// if the encoding changes we need to reset the conversion results
* Sets the content to be a char[]
* @param c the bytes
* @param off the start offset of the bytes
* @param len the length of the bytes
363 | 0 | public final GF2nElement convert(GF2nElement elem, GF2nField basis)
throws RuntimeException
if (basis == this)
return (GF2nElement)elem.clone();
if (fieldPolynomial.equals(basis.fieldPolynomial))
return (GF2nElement)elem.clone();
if (mDegree != basis.mDegree)
throw new RuntimeException("GF2nField.convert: B1 has a"
+ " different degree and thus cannot be coverted to!");
int i;
GF2Polynomial[] COBMatrix;
i = fields.indexOf(basis);
if (i == -1)
i = fields.indexOf(basis);
COBMatrix = (GF2Polynomial[])matrices.elementAt(i);
GF2nElement elemCopy = (GF2nElement)elem.clone();
if (elemCopy instanceof GF2nONBElement)
// remember: ONB treats its bits in reverse order
GF2Polynomial bs = new GF2Polynomial(mDegree, elemCopy.toFlexiBigInt());
GF2Polynomial result = new GF2Polynomial(mDegree);
for (i = 0; i < mDegree; i++)
if (bs.vectorMult(COBMatrix[i]))
result.setBit(mDegree - 1 - i);
if (basis instanceof GF2nPolynomialField)
return new GF2nPolynomialElement((GF2nPolynomialField)basis,
else if (basis instanceof GF2nONBField)
GF2nONBElement res = new GF2nONBElement((GF2nONBField)basis,
// TODO Remember: ONB treats its Bits in reverse order !!!
return res;
throw new RuntimeException(
"GF2nField.convert: B1 must be an instance of "
+ "GF2nPolynomialField or GF2nONBField!");
364 | 0 | public CsrfConfigurer<H> csrfTokenRepository(
CsrfTokenRepository csrfTokenRepository) {
Assert.notNull(csrfTokenRepository, "csrfTokenRepository cannot be null");
this.csrfTokenRepository = csrfTokenRepository;
return this;
* Specify the {@link RequestMatcher} to use for determining when CSRF should be
* applied. The default is to ignore GET, HEAD, TRACE, OPTIONS and process all other
* requests.
* @param requireCsrfProtectionMatcher the {@link RequestMatcher} to use
* @return the {@link CsrfConfigurer} for further customizations
365 | 0 | private BigInteger[] derDecode(
byte[] encoding)
throws IOException
ASN1Sequence s = (ASN1Sequence)ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(encoding);
if (s.size() != 2)
throw new IOException("malformed signature");
if (!Arrays.areEqual(encoding, s.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER)))
throw new IOException("malformed signature");
return new BigInteger[]{
366 | 0 | protected UserDetailsContextMapper getUserDetailsContextMapper() {
return userDetailsContextMapper;
367 | 0 | public abstract void perform() throws IOException;
368 | 0 | public long getFailureCount() {
return failureCounter.get();
369 | 0 | public long getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
370 | 0 | public int getTransportGuaranteeRedirectStatus() {
return transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus;
* Set the HTTP status code used when the container needs to issue an HTTP
* redirect to meet the requirements of a configured transport guarantee.
* @param transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus The status to use. This value is
* not validated
371 | 0 | public void setRedirectUri(String redirectUri) {
this.redirectUri = redirectUri;
372 | 0 | public boolean isDoLoop() {
return iDoLoop;
373 | 0 | public void testCompatibilityWith_v1_0_12() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(SERIALIZATION_PREFIX + "logger_v1.0.12.ser");
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
Logger a = (Logger) ois.readObject();
assertEquals("a", a.getName());
374 | 0 | public Tomcat getTomcatInstance() {
return tomcat;
* Make the Tomcat instance preconfigured with test/webapp available to
* sub-classes.
* @param addJstl Should JSTL support be added to the test webapp
* @param start Should the Tomcat instance be started
* @return A Tomcat instance pre-configured with the web application located
* at test/webapp
* @throws LifecycleException If a problem occurs while starting the
* instance
375 | 0 | @CheckForNull public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
if (this.specTimezone == null) {
return null;
return TimeZone.getTimeZone(this.specTimezone);
376 | 0 | public int getCacheSize() {
return cacheSize;
* @param cacheSize The cacheSize to set.
377 | 0 | protected Log getLog() {
return log;
378 | 0 | public X509Certificate generateCert(PublicKey publicKey,
PrivateKey privateKey, String sigalg, int validity, String cn,
String ou, String o, String l, String st, String c)
throws java.security.SignatureException,
java.security.InvalidKeyException {
X509V1CertificateGenerator certgen = new X509V1CertificateGenerator();
// issuer dn
Vector order = new Vector();
Hashtable attrmap = new Hashtable();
if (cn != null) {
attrmap.put(X509Principal.CN, cn);
if (ou != null) {
attrmap.put(X509Principal.OU, ou);
if (o != null) {
attrmap.put(X509Principal.O, o);
if (l != null) {
attrmap.put(X509Principal.L, l);
if (st != null) {
attrmap.put(X509Principal.ST, st);
if (c != null) {
attrmap.put(X509Principal.C, c);
X509Principal issuerDN = new X509Principal(order, attrmap);
// validity
long curr = System.currentTimeMillis();
long untill = curr + (long) validity * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
certgen.setNotBefore(new Date(curr));
certgen.setNotAfter(new Date(untill));
// subject dn
// public key
// signature alg
// serial number
certgen.setSerialNumber(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(curr)));
// make certificate
return certgen.generateX509Certificate(privateKey);
379 | 0 | public String getRmiBindAddress() {
return rmiBindAddress;
* Set the inet address on which the Platform RMI server is exported.
* @param theRmiBindAddress The textual representation of inet address
380 | 0 | public ClientLockoutPolicyRetriever setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
isEnabled = enabled;
return this;
381 | 0 | private Page createPage()
if (pageCreator == null)
return null;
return pageCreator.createPage();
* @see org.apache.wicket.Component#onBeforeRender()
382 | 0 | public Object getTarget() {
return this;
383 | 0 | public void testSpecifiedIndexUnavailable_multipleIndices() throws Exception {
// Verify defaults
verify(search("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(msearch(null, "test1", "test2"), true);
verify(count("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(clearCache("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(_flush("test1", "test2"),true);
verify(segments("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(stats("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(status("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(optimize("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(refresh("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(validateQuery("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(aliasExists("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(typesExists("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(deleteByQuery("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(percolate("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(mpercolate(null, "test1", "test2"), false);
verify(suggest("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(getAliases("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(getFieldMapping("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(getMapping("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(getWarmer("test1", "test2"), true);
verify(getSettings("test1", "test2"), true);
IndicesOptions options = IndicesOptions.strictExpandOpen();
verify(search("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(msearch(options, "test1", "test2"), true);
verify(count("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(clearCache("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(_flush("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options),true);
verify(segments("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(stats("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(status("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(optimize("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(refresh("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(validateQuery("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(aliasExists("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(typesExists("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(deleteByQuery("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(percolate("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(mpercolate(options, "test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(suggest("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(getAliases("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(getFieldMapping("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(getMapping("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(getWarmer("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
verify(getSettings("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), true);
options = IndicesOptions.lenientExpandOpen();
verify(search("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(msearch(options, "test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(count("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(clearCache("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(_flush("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(segments("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(stats("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(status("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(optimize("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(refresh("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(validateQuery("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(aliasExists("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(typesExists("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(deleteByQuery("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(percolate("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(mpercolate(options, "test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(suggest("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getAliases("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getFieldMapping("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getMapping("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getWarmer("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getSettings("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
options = IndicesOptions.strictExpandOpen();
verify(search("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(msearch(options, "test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(count("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(clearCache("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(_flush("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options),false);
verify(segments("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(stats("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(status("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(optimize("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(refresh("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(validateQuery("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(aliasExists("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(typesExists("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(deleteByQuery("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(percolate("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(mpercolate(options, "test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(suggest("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getAliases("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getFieldMapping("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getMapping("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getWarmer("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
verify(getSettings("test1", "test2").setIndicesOptions(options), false);
384 | 0 | public boolean isEraseCredentialsAfterAuthentication() {
return false;
385 | 0 | public void copyToRepository(InputStream source, int size, Artifact destination, FileWriteMonitor monitor) throws IOException {
if(!destination.isResolved()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Artifact "+destination+" is not fully resolved");
// is this a writable repository
if (!rootFile.canWrite()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("This repository is not writable: " + rootFile.getAbsolutePath() + ")");
// where are we going to install the file
File location = getLocation(destination);
// assure that there isn't already a file installed at the specified location
if (location.exists()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Destination " + location.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists!");
ArtifactTypeHandler typeHandler = typeHandlers.get(destination.getType());
if (typeHandler == null) typeHandler = DEFAULT_TYPE_HANDLER;
typeHandler.install(source, size, destination, monitor, location);
if (destination.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("car")) {
log.debug("Installed module configuration; id=" + destination + "; location=" + location);
386 | 0 | public void setAllowJavaSerializedObject(boolean allowJavaSerializedObject) {
// need to override and call super for component docs
387 | 0 | public void testChunkHeaderCRLF() throws Exception {
doTestChunkingCRLF(true, true, true, true, true, true);
388 | 0 | protected Log getLog() {
return log;
// ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors
389 | 0 | void readRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMessage message);
* Parses the body from a {@link org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpMessage}
* @param httpMessage the http message
* @return the parsed body returned as either a {@link java.io.InputStream} or a {@link java.io.Reader}
* depending on the {@link #setUseReaderForPayload(boolean)} property.
* @throws java.io.IOException can be thrown
390 | 0 | public void setUp() throws Exception {
provider = new ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider("mydomain.eu", "ldap://");
391 | 0 | public Collection<ResourcePermission> getRequiredPermissions(String regionName) {
return Collections.singletonList(new ResourcePermission(ResourcePermission.Resource.DATA,
ResourcePermission.Operation.READ, regionName));
392 | 0 | public void testConstructor1()
throws Exception
SimpleBindRequest bindRequest = new SimpleBindRequest();
bindRequest = bindRequest.duplicate();
assertEquals(bindRequest.getBindDN(), "");
assertEquals(bindRequest.getPassword().stringValue(), "");
assertEquals(bindRequest.getControls().length, 0);
assertEquals(bindRequest.getBindType(), "SIMPLE");
SimpleBindRequest rebindRequest =
bindRequest.getRebindRequest(getTestHost(), getTestPort());
final ArrayList<String> toCodeLines = new ArrayList<String>(10);
bindRequest.toCode(toCodeLines, "foo", 0, false);
bindRequest.toCode(toCodeLines, "bar", 4, true);
* Tests the second constructor, which takes a bind DN and password, using
* non-null, non-empty values.
* @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs.
393 | 0 | public PackageConfig getPackageConfig(String name) {
return packageContexts.get(name);
394 | 0 | public String[] getRoles(Principal principal) {
if (principal instanceof GenericPrincipal) {
return ((GenericPrincipal) principal).getRoles();
String className = principal.getClass().getSimpleName();
throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString("realmBase.cannotGetRoles", className));
395 | 0 | public void destroy() {
normalView = null;
viewViews = null;
viewServers = null;
viewGraphs = null;
pageView = null;
editView = null;
addView = null;
addGraph = null;
editGraph = null;
viewServer = null;
editServer = null;
addServer = null;
helpView = null;
editNormalView = null;
396 | 0 | public ParameterMetaData build() {
return new ParameterMetaData(
adaptOriginsAndImplicitGroups( getConstraints() ),
397 | 0 | public String createDB(String dbName) {
// ensure there are no illegal chars in DB name
String result = DB_CREATED_MSG + ": " + dbName;
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = DerbyConnectionUtil.getDerbyConnection(dbName,
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e instanceof SQLException) {
result = getSQLError((SQLException) e);
} else {
result = e.getMessage();
} finally {
// close DB connection
try {
if (conn != null) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
result = "Problem closing DB connection";
return result;
398 | 0 | protected void onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationException failed) throws IOException {
super.onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(request, response, failed);
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Login attempt failed", failed);
399 | 0 | public static File resolve(File[] roots, String path) {
for (File root : roots) {
File file = new File(path);
final File normalizedPath;
try {
if (file.isAbsolute()) {
normalizedPath = file.getCanonicalFile();
} else {
normalizedPath = new File(root, path).getCanonicalFile();
} catch (IOException ex) {
if(normalizedPath.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(root.getAbsolutePath())) {
return normalizedPath;
return null;
Subsets and Splits